[ { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"church.ravers_inside_church\"]]" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"ice.noid_church_greeting_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "\"You got us in, cop. I can't believe you got us in...\" He looks around the hall, examining the carpentry." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "With wonder in his sharp eyes." }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "\"Between you and me -- I don't know if you've noticed this about me... I'm a little *suspicious* of authority. But you -- you really came through for the hard core underground.\"" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"That's me. A friend and an ally to the hard core underground. Have a moment to talk?\"" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "He nods: \"What's on your mind?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Now that our sines are synced, can you help me contact the Coalition?\"" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "\"You sure that's a good idea? Those are some serious frequencies you want to mess with...\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Come on, Noid. I think we owe him.\"" }, { "actor": "Andre", "dialogue": "\"Acele's right. He's one of us now.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "A police badge on which you see the photo of a man -- you. Some seaweed is stuck to the back." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Precinct: 41?\"" }, { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "The number shows that this badge belongs to an officer of the 41st precinct." }, { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "The badge in your hands shines as you rotate it, catching light. You see lines of information on it. And a shining watermark." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Precinct: 41?\"" }, { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "The number shows that this badge belongs to an officer of the 41st precinct." }, { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "The badge in your hands shines as you rotate it, catching light. You see lines of information on it. And a shining watermark." } ]
[ { "actor": "Footprints in the Dust", "dialogue": "You *clearly* see footprints in the downy carpet of dust covering the workshop floor." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Jackpot.\" The lieutenant takes out his notebook. \"These, unlike everything else here, are *new*.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Crouch, study the footprints." }, { "actor": "Footprints in the Dust", "dialogue": "Large prints, most likely made by boots. The size is hard to determine (sole could be bigger than vamp). The soles have left a pattern -- uniform, horizontal lines." }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "One person has been here. They've gone back and forth. The tips point both ways." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "This print is unlike one left by a regular worker boot. It is not a *brand* sole, with logos on it. It seems custom made or old fashioned." }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Shoe size is 41-42, maybe 43. It could be a large-footed woman or a small-to-average-footed man. This is, unfortunately, the worst, most vague shoe size there is." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This doesn't look like the workers boots from the hanging, does it?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"No. These little... horizontal lines are different. They look custom made to me. Or some kind of foreign print? Hard to say. Still a *boot* though.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I talked to Joyce. The merc you hanged -- his friends are coming for you.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Yeah?\" He doesn't seem worried. \"By friends you mean his squadmates from Krenel?\"" }, { "actor": "Eugene", "dialogue": "\"Wouldn't wanna beat up his grandma.\" There's snickering in the room. Some of the men put their beers down." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "*Nervous* snickering. There's a rush of adrenaline present." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Titus did his best, but his men are a bit unsettled." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Forget I mentioned it, it was probably nothing.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Goddamn right it's nothing. The fuck are they gonna do? We got ten thousand men in the Union.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"cargo.evrart_2372_union_members\"]]" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Evrart said there were two thousand three hundred and seventy two Union members. But whatever keeps their spirits up." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Convince Titus he is being manipulated." }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardie_rhetoric_wc\"]]" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Convince *Titus?* he's being manipulated? You should know by now -- Titus Hardie will never falter." } ]
[ { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "Nothing comes up -- yet the old man watches you stimulate thoughts by hitting yourself." }, { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "You need to punch yourself again!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"May bells -- behind the victim's window! I saw them growing *here*.\" (Point to them.)" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"Damn May bells...\" He looks at the blossoming field: \"The whole island is turning white with them...\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "He seems tender suddenly, nostalgic even. A strange mood swing." }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"So many this year too. The spring is coming, no... it's already here. Wash the filth away...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I haven't seen these flowers anywhere else in Martinaise. Only here.\"" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"They blossom on the islets before. We fertilized them with our blood.\" He looks to the water. \"Rèsurrection was snow white in May, before they ruined it.\"" }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "South, the Bay of Martinaise is dotted with little freckles of islets, turning green, with white flowers in white snow..." }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"The coast too -- before they piled their containers on top of it. Filled with broken, useless trash for fat fingered bourgeois children to play with...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.alaineugene_bad_greet\"]]" }, { "actor": "Alain", "dialogue": "The man stares at you with spite in his eyes." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Any idea what happened to Klaasje?\"" }, { "actor": "Eugene", "dialogue": "\"Damn songbird of misery that one...\" The man shakes his head." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"And do you have any information on her whereabouts?\"" }, { "actor": "Eugene", "dialogue": "\"Nah. Garte said she took off some time before the firefight, that's all. Trying to remember if there was anything... oh, yeah, he said she seemed to be in real hurry.\"" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "She's gone. Face it." }, { "actor": "Volition", "dialogue": "Move on. There's no catching her this time around." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What's gonna happen to the Hardie boys now that Titus is dead?\"" }, { "actor": "Alain", "dialogue": "\"T... Ti... Tit...\" The spit flying out of his mouth is accompanied by a painful grimace. \"Tit... Titus's fuckin' dead...\"" }, { "actor": "Eugene", "dialogue": "\"What's gonna happen to the Hardie boys? Look around you, man. This shit is done. There are no more Hardie boys!\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"I'm listening.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Would you say that Lely was... a *likeable* person?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"I didn't like him. Hardened mercenaries aren't particularly likeable types.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Did you feel... protective of the Union?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Yeah, sure, and I didn't like Wild Pines sending in those foreign hirelings -- me and a fuck-ton of other people around here.\"" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I don't think she's perjuring herself." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "She didn't hate him, okay?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I have other questions.\" (Conclude.)" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"I'm listening.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you like to... hang out on rooftops?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Who doesn't? Oh, you probably mean Klaasje's rooftop. Sure, I've hung out there. She's got this great antenna...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Is that the only reason you... hung out on the roof?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"The view's pretty bomb too, but you might say the antenna was the main attraction there, yeah. Along with Klaasje.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.joyce_village_intro_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsNight()]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.joyce_special_greeting_done_night\"]]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"auto.is_raining\"] and IsDayFrom(2)]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.joyce_special_greeting_done_rain\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"You're back. Good.\" She looks at the ripples on the water's surface. \"What can I help you with -- not an umbrella, I hope. I don't need one myself, you see...\" She pats her wet raincoat." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "All around you, rain keeps falling down. On the wooden boards she's standing on, and on the water around you..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No need. Tell me something.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Of course.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What can you tell me about this strike?\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Right, pig, this is where Cuno plays with his little wooden choo-choo. Fuck do you want with it?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"There was also a mug in the trash.\" (Show him the mug.)" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"The fuck? A *mug* in the trash? Is this about the fucking clothes again?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Actually, talking about this makes me uncomfortable. Let's back up a notch.\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Yeah, back out of this shit with Cuno.\"" }, { "actor": "Cunoesse", "dialogue": "\"Back out and take your fat ass with you.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I was wondering about that trash container.\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Don't be wondering about Cuno's shit, pig!\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.open_trash_container\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.trash_inland_something_in_there\"] and CheckItem(\"ledger_damaged\") == false and CheckItem(\"ledger_of_failure_and_hatred\") == false and CheckItem(\"ledger_oblivion\") == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay, enough about this, Cuno. I've got other matters to address.\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Of course you do, fuckface.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "Points are good. Have one, you old dog! Before we all die..." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_kim_sports\"] and Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_saw_sports_branch_in_race\"] == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Better not to mention it..." }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "The young woman looks at you, then the lieutenant, then you." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "She's clearly sensing something. A spike in testosterone levels, perhaps." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Where is Lelystad? The place, I mean.\"" }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "\"In Oranje, officer. It's a... I think *municipality* is the term? A nowhere-town there.\"" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "The Lelystad municipality has few boroughs and even fewer cities -- it's made of agricultural plots near the border of Gottwald. Executive summary: cows, silos, and wheat." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.ask_about_tattoo_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_kim_changed_victims_ethnicity\"] or Variable[\"XP.determine_victims_ethnicity\"]]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"This means his race was Occidental, which fits the statements of another witness,\" the lieutenant says, pleased." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Look at the autopsy paper.) \"Moving on...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Take the speed. Take that glorious stuff. You have it now. You've got it! TAKE IT!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "No. Not right now, anyway. [Discard thought.]" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Come on. Come on! A little! Just a little bit! Whaddya say, huh?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Maybe just a little..." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Just a little. Then a lot. Come on, party boy! Let's get FUCKED!" } ]
[ { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "Just as you look at the flowers, a gust of wind raises them from the roof, picking them up in the air..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Move your hand, fast!" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_flower_red_check_grab\"] == true]" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "You catch a single white flower between your fingers. The rest fly off into the wind. It's a may bell!" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.arrest_klaasje_done\"] or Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "The young woman looks at the may bell in your hand -- just a glance -- then takes a drag of her cigarette." }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Oh, that's very nice. I haven't gotten around to her yet -- I'm very, very busy, you see.\" He adjusts a button on his sleeve. \"I hope you're getting along.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"One thing I wanna make very clear, Harry, is that this is not some kind of Union *versus* Corporation situation. Everyone is just pals here.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Just pals?\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"We're all trying to do what's best for Martinaise.\" His smile widens. \"Don't feel like you can't cooperate with her, because you and I are such good friends and I'm helping you find your lost gun. I'm not a jealous guy.\"" }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "Whoa... that's so nice of him. Suspiciously nice." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Why haven't you let her in to see you?\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Now! Now you will *finally* get to know who you are!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Wait. I have a *few* questions before we go. About who I am.\"" }, { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "The man looks westward, impatiently." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "Jingling his car keys in his pocket." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"The phasmid -- I need to tell Lena about this ASAP.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.return_to_mainland_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "\"Well, you can do that in all the spare time you're going to have.\"" }, { "actor": "Judit Minot", "dialogue": "\"Jean...\" She stops." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"She's a cryptozoologist. She told me about this phasmid...\"" }, { "actor": "Judit Minot", "dialogue": "She listens to you sadly. The wind blows." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Who *am* I?\"" }, { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "\"Who *are* you? You're a gym teacher, Harry.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.return_to_mainland_done\"]]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Drainage Pipe", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"boardwalk.drainage_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Drainage Pipe", "dialogue": "An old pipe peeks out from beneath the rotting boards of the boardwalk. Could this be an alternative path into the Feld building?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "A building like this must have multiple doors serving various functions. Perhaps a basement access?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Come closer and look in." }, { "actor": "Drainage Pipe", "dialogue": "Your eyes slowly begin to adjust to the darkness inside the drainage pipe." }, { "actor": "Drainage Pipe", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant looks over your shoulder." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Try to pull the door apart." }, { "actor": "Drainage Pipe", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.drainage_wc\"]]" }, { "actor": "Physical Instrument", "dialogue": "The metal doors are heavy, and very awkward to open on your own, but you just manage to slide them open wide enough for you to slide yourself between them..." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Good work.\" The lieutenant nods toward the impenetrable darkness inside. \"Shall we?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Go in.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Feld Ladder", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.ladder_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Feld Ladder", "dialogue": "The rusty ladder leads to the rooftop." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Teleport to the roof." }, { "actor": "Feld Ladder", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.feld_ladder_savoir_wc\"]]" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "All you need to do is close your eyes and concentrate. Darkness *enfolds* you. You can *feel* the distance between the bench and the first rung of the ladder. All you need to is..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Do it." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "*ZOOT*! *ZAP*! *POW*! *CRINKLE*! It's like magic, you feel yourself disappear, your atoms fading out of existence..." }, { "actor": "Feld Ladder", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Okay, well. That's impressive, but...\"" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "*BAM*! You find yourself on the roof... having mastered the art of physical displacement." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I did it, Kim! I teleported!\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I just *saw* you climb the ladder,\" the lieutenant shouts from below. \"You just climbed it, like a regular person.\"" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "No -- not like a regular person. Like a phase spider." } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"A fantastic change of heart, Harry!\" He rubs his nose. \"Go talk to Mañana down by the gates. He'll brief you and give you the key.\"" }, { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "And just like that, it's happening -- the roller coaster is moving. Too late to take it back now." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Just open *one little door*. You don't need to go in or anything. I just want that weasel to come home and see the unlocked door. That's it. Anything else we should discuss?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you know there's a mega rich light-bending guy inside one of the containers outside?\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Mega rich light-bending guy? Oh my god! How did that get in there?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"He's so rich he could get in anywhere.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Damn it to hell, Harry!\" He slams his fist on the table. \"I specifically told my guys to check all the containers for mega rich light-bending guys.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You know, some of him *may* have been a figment of my imagination.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Honestly, Harry, we might be moving a spot of drugs through this harbour, but I won't be caught transporting the light-bending mega-rich.\" He shakes his head. \"I have a reputation to protect.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Yes, the transportation of the mega rich should be more tightly regulated. Didn't seem like he was safe.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"You're a fucking idiot, Harry. I love it! Thank you for sharing this deep, idiotic part of yourself with me. A hallucinating market liberal. I love it. So poetic.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "He bursts out laughing. \"I shudder to think what you're going to tell me next, Harry.\"" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Not for one second did he believe there's an actual mega rich person somewhere in his containertown." } ]
[ { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Okay, the man with the sunglasses and his *hypothetical Station 41*. Weird, right?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I guess it was kind of weird, yes." }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "There's something we're missing here... something you can't put our finger on. You know what -- just ask him. I know it sounds crazy (and you'll probably get laughed at). But still..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I was thinking the same thing. I should just ask him if we're from the same station." }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Yes. Just cross it off the list. It's probably not true though." } ]
[ { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "Paintbrush -- check, heavy fuel oil -- check... Now the only thing left to do is paint the wall." }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "The paintbrush in your hand is like a loaded revolver. What will it be, desperado? Quite a few things come to mind..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"WHAT SHADOW LIES THERE, BENEATH THE BRIGHT GLEAM\"" }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "You've spoken. The wall will now silently repeat the message. For a decade or so, until the sea air degrades the paint, adding another layer of *detritus* to the city." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Very poetic.\" The lieutenant nods in appreciation -- it doesn't sound sincere. \"Real poetry. Should we return to our murder investigation? I hear there's a really *bad* one we're supposed to solve.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Samaran Butter", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.samaran_vis_calc_wc_success\"]]" }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "The crumpled SAMARAN BUTTER billboard still soaks in the canal, marked by tyre tracks." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Yup -- *I* did this.\"" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Clearly. The motor carriage in question was a Coupris 40 -- mere minutes before it took a final voyage into the ocean." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Why the Coupris 40?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "It's about the right size, and the tyre marks look like they came from the skinny tyres frequently found on that motor carriage." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "The Coupris 40 is a very popular model with bank clerks, topping-pie delivery drivers, secondary school teachers, cops, strippers dressed as cops, undressed strippers..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What now?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Now? You'd have to follow the tracks to be sure." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Yup -- *I* did this.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Establish authority in their eyes." }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardie_authority_wc_to_get_klaasje\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardie_failed_wc_once\"]]" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardie_failed_the_wc_second_time\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "This time it's going to work. You already ruled out the first, *bad* option that didn't." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Let's try this again -- Kim, gimme your gun.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"No,\" he whispers, not even looking at you. \"Not going to happen.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I need Kim and his gun here for my *demonstration*.\"" }, { "actor": "Shanky", "dialogue": "\"The fuck are you talkin' about -- gun?\" He asks angrily. \"No one's gonna let you wave a gun around here.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "That's it? That's all I got?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Great! You wanna bounce something off your old friend, Mr. Claire, right?\" He seems genuinely pleased. \"Well, let's hear it, Harry!\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What happened to the previous negotiator, Mr. Gaumont?\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"What do you mean, Harry?\" The big man sounds annoyed. \"Nothing. I let him go.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"He made concessions for the company in previous negotiations. Why would you let an ally like that go?\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"He's an old man, Harry. I wanted him to spend more time with his family.\" He looks down and sighs. \"God knows how long he's got left.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You called him a midget.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Harry!\" he exclaims, indignant. \"I have *little people* in my organization. I would never call someone a midget. What is this?\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Honestly, I'm beginning to think *you're* a midget, Harry.\" Abruptly, he smiles and changes his tone. \"I'm only kidding, Harry. You're not a midget. No one is. We're pals.\"" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "It's hard to say if he really lost his temper or if this is another one of his tricks. This man... almost never angers visibly." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Evrart, Joyce seems to think the Union is low-balling her.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "A police badge on which you see the photo of a man -- you. Some seaweed is stuck to the back." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I found my badge!\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"At least *something* good came out of all this.\" The lieutenant glances at the badge in your hands." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Study the badge." }, { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "Encased between two durable plastic sheets is a bluish card with lines of information -- and a watermark in the shape of the street grid of Revachol West." }, { "actor": "BADGE: LTN-2JFR DU BOIS", "dialogue": "You see: a photo, a name, a rank, a document number, the date of issue, and -- in the lower right corner -- your precinct." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Put the badge away. [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Door (Unopenable)", "dialogue": "An old door, worn by elements, guards the depot. The wind has blown a sand dune in front of it. The door hasn't been opened in a long while. You see a handle." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Could this structure have been used to take the shot?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"From here to the Whirling? I can't see how...\" He looks southeast and blows on his fingers: \"The church is in the way.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Could this structure have been used to take the shot?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"From here to the Whirling? I can't see how...\" He looks southeast and blows on his fingers: \"The church is in the way.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Could this structure have been used to take the shot?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"From here to the Whirling? I can't see how...\" He looks southeast and blows on his fingers: \"The church is in the way.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Open the door." }, { "actor": "Door (Unopenable)", "dialogue": "You rattle the handle a bit, then push on the door with all your weight -- it does not budge. Not only is it locked, it's also *jammed* shut." } ]
[ { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Stop. Just up ahead: danger." }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "You are prepared. Don't put away your friend. Your weapon." }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "Raindrops slip from the barrels of your Villiers 9mm pistol." }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "For God's sake -- find some bullets before you go any further. An unloaded gun won't do you any good!" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Wait -- your old friend has prepared you for this -- at great cost to himself. Make sure you have the spirit bomb in your hand when *shit goes south*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I'm ready to do this." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Good. Be ready to take damage." } ]
[ { "actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker", "dialogue": "The woman gazes steadily at the waves. A sudden gust picks up her dark hair and lets it fall again, tussled, wild. She brushes a few stray locks from her eyes, and only then spots you approaching." }, { "actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker", "dialogue": "\"Aye, so here you are. The sun is up and the rain is...\" she puts her hand in the rain, \"...cold. Ice cold. I don't mind. At least it keeps the drunks and teenagers at bay.\"" }, { "actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker", "dialogue": "\"Know that you're not the first guy to bring a girl to Land's End. This is what locals call a *make-out spot*. That is not going to happen here today -- I just want to make that clear, dimples.\" She turns to face the sea once more." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Her thoughts are still elsewhere -- with distances across the water, and with the water itself." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Across the rusty water -- that's La Delta, the financial district. In the mist-covered distance, towers rise as a rebuke to the poverty of this coast." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Look at her) \"You seem surprised that I made it.\"" }, { "actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker", "dialogue": "She chuckles. \"Drinking men aren't known for keeping their appointments.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm just trying to be a responsible grown-up.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Ruination has come. The broken arches betray the once grand history of this building. It towered over the harbour, until *it* happened." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Form a guess about what happened." }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "A great force from the northeast fired into the city. Heavy artillery shelled the coastline, fired from the water -- a straight shot into Revachol." }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "The tenement acted as a defensive wall against the worst of the shelling. Until it was destroyed, and they had a direct firing line." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "The wind blows through your hair. The sea breeze cuts around you, high on the balcony, as you stare over the edge at the sea." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Time to go. [Finish thought.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.kimnotes_entered_wo_kim\"]]" }, { "actor": "Half-Finished Paperwork", "dialogue": "These are fragments of the lieutenant's paperwork, left unfinished. Notes on this and other recent cases." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Look, Cuno, Lieutenant Kitsuragi's notes.\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "The boy picks up the notes and shuffles through some of the case names: \"'The Child', 'Dom's Unfinished', 'Dom's Unfinished 2', 'The Man With the Hole in His Head'... Boring ass shit,\" he concludes." }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Oh... 'Motorcycle Emptiness' -- that's a cool case. Cuno can solve that shit for the bino.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Don't call him a *bino*.\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "The boy hesitates for a moment, then nods. \"No one tells Cuno what to call something, but the bino was alright in Cuno's book.\" He taps his chest solemnly. \"Cuno's pig.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What has he written -- on *this* case?" }, { "actor": "Half-Finished Paperwork", "dialogue": "Very little. This is a daily write-up. He's just started copying notes from his notebook, preparing them for filing. The case appears to be named, however." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What is the name?" }, { "actor": "Half-Finished Paperwork", "dialogue": "HDB41-0803.1300 (THE HANGED MAN)" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Twenty-eight kilometres to the northeast, in the infirmary of Precinct 57, Lieutenant Kim 'Pinball' Kitsuragi rests under a heart monitor. A triage sign coloured yellow hangs from his injury record -- safe, it means. He coughs, propped up against the pillow." }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.kimnotes_esprit\"]) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I'm more interested in *why* you're so fixated on this idea in the first place.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I think I just need a break from our main case for a bit.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I certainly understand the impulse, but this is our job, detective. Our whole *raison d'être*. At some point, we'll need to return to it.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This has *got* to be better than your DynaWave.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"An Esterhaz is certainly nothing to sniff at.\" The lieutenant nods. \"But if you compare the feature sets, I would say they're more-or-less equivalent.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Fine, it appears we've reached a draw.\"" }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"inventory.suzerainty_trade_war_counter\"] > 2]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Yes, another draw. It appears we are quite equally matched.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Put the transceiver away. (Conclude.)" }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "The movie stars are still smiling from the walls. There's a radio transmitter in the front and a pull-out toolbox tucked under the driver's seat. Some tools lie scattered near the pedals." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Remove the radio transceiver." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "It takes a few moments, but eventually the transceiver slides from its greased socket mount with an eminently satisfying *chhhnk*." }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "Nearly the same sound produced by the action on a good breechloader, you can't fail to notice." } ]
[ { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "You hold in your hand the colourful primer. The title reads: \"A Primer for Small Kids.\" There's a bear involved." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Kim, I know the alphabet now.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Good. I also know the alphabet.\"" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "It is a very useful skill to have, he thinks. For all sorts of life-activities. Like reading, and..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Exactly what I need!" }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "Mhm. This book will show you the score; get you oriented with those basic concepts you appear to be hazy on. The anthropomorphic bear will give you the *low-down* of your life..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "On what?" }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "The alphabet." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Exactly what I need!" }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "Mhm. This book will show you the score; get you oriented with those basic concepts you appear to be hazy on. The anthropomorphic bear will give you the *low-down* of your life..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "On what?" }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "The alphabet." } ]
[ { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Kim also tries *not* to look at the pile of tape viscera on the carpet. Or the weird suitcase on the hat rack. Or the potted plant dying in the corner. But it's all just too morbid to ignore." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "The man is finding it hard not to trip on the tape -- and not to send any of the bottles rolling across the floor..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This is where *the magic* happens.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"And by that you mean crimes against humanity?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Well, crimes against myself anyway.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I have no idea what that means.\" He looks toward the exit, longingly." } ]
[ { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Tremble. THE TIME IS NOW. τὰ ὅλα." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "This is because of the insane world-ending I've been saying isn't it? (Proceed.)" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Yes. You spoke the words of the παλίντροπος, and the houses of Perikarnassis. Items, people, even WORDS will tumble, all will lose its meaning in the coming years. That is why you marked yourself." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Am I sure it's not just a joke, or some kind of coping mechanism?" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "It's *totally* also a coping mechanism." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I *do* think the world might end soon. (Opt in.)" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "The face of the woman fractures. There will be herd killing. We all become vapour." } ]
[ { "actor": "A Folded Library Card", "dialogue": "The library card is folded into two and still slightly wet to the touch. The front side reads: \"Central Jamrock Public Library Card. Issued to Billie Méjean, expires July '53.\"" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Billie is a unisex name. Could be the deceased *or* his family member?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look at the backside." }, { "actor": "A Folded Library Card", "dialogue": "\"If lost, please return the card to the library. Dial 005-02-55-211 or visit us at Meroe Street 78, Jamrock. Business hours: 09.00 to 18.00.\"" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "You should first decide what to do with the corpse, before taking any further actions. Talk to the lieutenant about it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Put it away.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Hey, money-mouth. Eendracht. The impeccable hustler-provider of the seventh generation. It's showtime with Savvy!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Do I know you?" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "You will. I'm here to make your life better. They call me the Man-About-Town. Gilded Heart-Throb. Master of Money." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I know all about money." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "No, you don't! You just keep muttering about your 'economic self-interest' and not doing anything about it. Yeah, I heard you back there. What the hell was that?!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "It is but a symptom of the rapacious catastrophe that will devour us all." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Brilliant, catastrophes are *prime time* for money-makers. But you're not really reaping any benefits yet, are you? No shorting, no shameless speculation..." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Just take my money and leave me alone!" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Listen, if you really want to make it in the big leagues, you need to *re-conceptualize* your entire portfolio. Collecting tare and moaning about taxes is not going to cut it." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "You need to become a MILLIONAIRE. Now, how do you become a MILLIONAIRE?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I could sell Kim's motorcar, like I sold his spinners?" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "And then what? Join the ranks of blue-collar criminals?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Alright, I give up -- I have no idea how to make millions." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Of course you don't. You've never even been *close* to a sum with more than three zeros. Let's face it, you've been on a years-long losing streak..." } ]
[ { "actor": "Writing Desk", "dialogue": "A phone book lies open on the table, covering a stack of utility bills. Right next to it, in plain sight, sits a small bottle of amphetamine, conveniently equipped with a straw." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Score! It's right there, baby. Today's your lucky day." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Take the speed from the table." }, { "actor": "Writing Desk", "dialogue": "You pocket the bottle as if it were the most natural thing in the world." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Don't wait, celebrate! Blast that shit right here! Take inventory of it once this boring table shit is done!" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Blast it before you face the beast, de Ruyter. You're going to need the encouragement." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Yes, *of course*. Now we're on the right track..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Inhale." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "It smells like..." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "We're getting crates and pallets calling to mind vast stands of winter pines, a swirl of ancient odours absorbed by heavy carpet fibres, but also a pervasive, treacly *sweetness* that somehow reminds you of kola nuts..." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "... an office? Something officious? Is that a word? There's a bit of dust in the air that may be triggering your allergies." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "Meanwhile, the man behind the desk clatters away on his typewriter, wilfully indifferent to your presence." } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Of course, let us dispatch with the formalities, you call me Evrart, I call you Harry!\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Fine by me.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"So Harry, what can I help you with today?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I wanted to go over a couple of things about me.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Let's hear it, Harry.\" He sinks deeper into his chair." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Let's talk of other matters for a moment.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Of course, Harry, of course! Let's not linger on personal details and amnesia. You wanted something from me?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you know there's a mega rich light-bending guy inside one of the containers outside?\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Mega rich light-bending guy? Oh my god! How did that get in there?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Slime like him? Must've oozed in through the cracks.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Damn it to hell, Harry!\" He slams his fist on the table. \"I specifically told my guys to check all the containers for mega rich light-bending guys.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You know, some of him *may* have been a figment of my imagination.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Barbell", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.barbell_main_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Barbell", "dialogue": "The barbell waits patiently on the floor, like a dog for its master." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Is this familiar because I'm a weightlifter?" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "No, it's not that... It's the stale smell of rubber, the squeaky sound of sneakers, your bruised knee against the mat. And a whistle... then the feeling is gone." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "It's just a memory." }, { "actor": "Endurance", "dialogue": "A memory from another life -- when you were young and fit." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I thought we decided to leave it to Processing.\" The lieutenant shakes his head. \"Let's not turn this into some kind of circus.\"" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "Damn it, this is turning into some sort of mega-puzzle." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Okay, so you can *sneak* out of your room maybe, after he's gone asleep..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Try to remove the dead man's boots." }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "Before you can grab hold of the boot, you hear a voice coming out of the dead man's mouth. It's the voice of Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi, telling you to stop whatever you're doing." }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "You're sabotaging the crime scene, and yet you haven't even finished the field autopsy. Come back later when you're done with the investigation." } ]
[ { "actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism", "dialogue": "You spend a moment contemplating the cover's slightly unnerving swirl of orange, yellow, and green." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Read the introduction on Ignus Nilsen." }, { "actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism", "dialogue": "Known to his numerous admirers as the 'Evangelist of the Revolution' and to his even-more-numerous enemies as the 'Apocalyptic Shrike', Ignus Nilsen remains one of the most controversial and fascinating figures to emerge in the years of the Antecentennial Revolution, second only to Kras Mazov himself." }, { "actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism", "dialogue": "During his unparalleled life, he helped guide a revolution in one country and found a new state in another. Along the way, he committed some of the most notorious war crimes in an era famed for its atrocities." }, { "actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism", "dialogue": "And yet, his most *fascinating* contribution to history may be the most overlooked: His theory of ideological plasm, from which his followers and successors developed the school of communism known as *infra-materialism*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Start reading the first chapter." }, { "actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism", "dialogue": "If you're like most people, you probably believe that your thoughts reside in your brain, right?" }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "Yes, you have a little cabinet for organizing and storing them away." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "That's not right at all. Thoughts don't exist in the brain, they float through the *air*! Your brain is but a fish swimming through them..." } ]
[ { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.goracy_main_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsNight()]" }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "The man nods at you, checks his watch and sighs, \"Ai-ai-ai...\"" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "It's late. He's working." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I don't think I need anything else. Stay masculine!\" [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "You should totally sing karaoke here, the first chance you get. Your emotions need to be expressed. People need to know of your vast, oceanic soul." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "My soul is modest. It's normal sized." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Exactly. It's measured, level-headed, and it needs to be heard." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Through a PA system." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "By other people." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Whether they like it or not. Ram it up their ears, says your adrenaline gland. Violently express yourself." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "This goes well with a theory I'm developing: that I'm a down-on-my-luck superstar person." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Who is mistakenly identified as a cop for his prominent jaw line? Yes, sounds likely. You should probably go on stage and pose for a moment when you're done with this thought. See if it works." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Finish thought.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "You can hear animated voices coming from the other side of the grille." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hey, it's me again!\" (Knock on the grille.)" }, { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "You hear the voices conferring once again." }, { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "\"He came back?\" There's a note of surprise in the voice. \"Do you have the passphrase this time?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"It's 'Blessed are the sausage grinders'.\"" }, { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "\"Did he say something about sausages?\" The voice appears completely confused by your response" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"It's 'We await the silent mole empire'.\"" }, { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "\"He said something about moles. Perhaps he's just a night-wandering lunatic.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "You see the lieutenant's familiar shape in the orange jacket. It turns double -- then triple -- from the pain." }, { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "It's nothing. You're alive, that's what matters." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Kim....\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"*Sunrise, parabellum*,\" the lieutenant says. He's in the middle of a freshly cleaned room, with the fan above his head like a halo. His face is covered in bruises." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What... happened?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"What happened? You shot the major in the face. A firefight ensued.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Is he dead?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Yes.\"" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "You're a real killer, Harry." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "A bloodstained killer." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I warned them I am a killer of killers...\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"That you did.\" The lieutenant looks at you with a peculiar expression. He then continues..." }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "A man of his word, this killer of killers." } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Yes. Your lost gun.\" His face turns serious. \"My best men are on it. They're turning every stone, searching every playground, asking kids, grandmas, everyone.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Your gun *will* be found, Harry. Let me assure you of that.\" He winks at you. \"It's just a matter of time and... *effort*.\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "The only way to find it seems to be working with him. He might even be holding your gun hostage..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Hold on, could he really hold my gun hostage?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Who knows? Only one thing is certain: If you work with him, you're going to get it back, and working with him might be the only way to do it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I will not be blackmailed with this gun business.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Harry, Harry -- I was only trying to be tactful. A lost gun is a dangerous thing. I can't have it around in my neighbourhood.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "His tone is suddenly very serious. \"Kids could be playing gun-roulette with it as we speak. Teenage gangs could be arming themselves. Get a hold of yourself, Harry!\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Lie.) \"I opened the door to your weasel's den.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Are you shitting me, Harry? Did you not really open the door and are now just telling me you did?\" His lively eyes are mapping your face. \"You're a wild one, Harry!\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No, no, Evrart. I really did open the door.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Wait, stop -- that man, bloated beyond all recognition, was 42?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "It's what she said, yes." }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Below the damage, the weeks of decomposition, all the swollen indignity of mortality -- he was 42 years old?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Where is this going?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "How old are *you*? That's where this is going. Forty-five thousand litres of raw alcohol has left its disfigurements. What lies beneath, you wonder." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Turn around.) \"Miss, how old do you think I am?\"" }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "\"Huh?\" She leans in closer. \"How old do I think you are?\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "She's buying time to formulate the best answer." } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.light_paid_shares\"]]" }, { "actor": "Sawed-off Street Light", "dialogue": "It's the 700 reál modified street light you traded for shares." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "See you later, sunshine. [Leave.]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"canal.light_roy_asked_how_get_shares\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Uh,\" comes a voice from behind the glass. \"One quick question. How do I get hold of my shares?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'll get my Personal Brand Strategist to sort the legal work out with you.\" (Mumble.) \"Once I have one...\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Oh, right. Perfect. Thank you.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Footprints in the Dust", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.sense_viscal_greeting_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Footprints in the Dust", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.viscal_greeting_pre_stage\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "There are several footprints in the mud, left by work boots: anywhere from 6 to 12 pairs have walked here." }, { "actor": "Footprints in the Dust", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "There! Do you smell that?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I don't smell anything." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Can you not detect that inimitable whiff of dissatisfaction and restlessness, that sense that the world is in need of dramatic, even violent re-ordering?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Are you saying there's a communist nearby?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Without a doubt. Your politico-olfactory cortex doesn't deceive you. The smell is coming... from that balcony over there!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "You mean from that scary-looking girl in the old lady coat?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Certainement! A precocious communist youth, a symbol of a kinder, more hopeful future. Now's your chance to *establish contact* with your revolutionary brothers and sisters." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "A chance to establish contact with the future! What a beautiful, *terrible* thought..." } ]
[ { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "The Headless FALN Rider -- he could appear at any minute!" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Please tell me we're not here to look for a headless man in a tracksuit riding a horse... because there's no such thing.\"" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Don't listen to the lieutenant! He doesn't know *anything*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"We'll just wait and see.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"There's nothing to wait for. We should get some rest, it's been a long day.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You're right, what was I thinking? Let's go.\" [Leave.]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant nods." } ]
[ { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Sorry, but you just don't have it in you right now." }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "\"What were you even trying to do, man? I believe you can overcome your problems eventually, if you purge yourself of your wilfulness and seek the Mother's guidance. But *this*, right now, would be some suicidal shit.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Some ravers want to turn this place into a nightclub.\"" }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "\"The ones in the tent outside, right? I seen 'em. Think they're scared of me.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"So, what do you think? About the nightclub, that is.\"" }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "\"Why not? They wouldn't bother me none. I'm usually way up there, imbibing. Ain't no music on Earth that can reach where I go.\"" }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "\"Might even be nice to have some company...\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "He said that in spite of himself. He's more attached to the human than he'd like to think." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Did you just climb down from the church tower?\"" }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "\"Sure did, homes.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Touch it with your finger, gently. (Proceed.)" }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "A black trickle of liquid runs into his throat from the wound..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Put your finger in." }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "Your index fits right in there. A tight tunnel of flesh opens up -- tissue damage -- wide enough for two fingers. As you push both in, you reach through his mouth, right into his brain stem." }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge\"]]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Brain stem?" }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "Yes. That's what this part is called." }, { "actor": "Physical Instrument", "dialogue": "You've seen the drawings. You've studied them." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Push deeper." }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "Your fingers slide into the remains of his limbic system. There is no resistance. It's gelatinous. The slug-like structures are damaged too, the tearing extends deep into both hemispheres." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "This is what he used to regulate his emotions with..." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "The ululations of the limbic system have ended. All is quiet." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"There's a cavity... cut right between the hemispheres.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant answers with the sound of his pen on paper." }, { "actor": "The Hanged Man", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Fuckin' *CAVITY* C...\" Cuno's voice is hushed." } ]
[ { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "Points are good. Have one, you old dog! Before we all die..." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_kim_sports\"] and Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_saw_sports_branch_in_race\"] == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Better not to mention it..." }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "The young woman looks at you, then the lieutenant, then you." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "She's clearly sensing something. A spike in testosterone levels, perhaps." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"How old was he, miss?\"" }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "\"He was forty-two.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Forty-two? Are you sure? I would have had him above fifty...\"" }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "\"He had many scars that made him appear older. But no.\" The memory makes her smile." }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "\"We even celebrated his birthday, like, some weeks ago... It was a funny two days. He had little reason to lie to me.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"tc.exact_date\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.hanged_age_fourty\"]]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "The light vanishes inside the concrete slit. The structure goes deep under the earth." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What's in there?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Maybe it's just a storm drain for the sewer?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What's in there?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Maybe it's just a storm drain for the sewer?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What's in there?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Maybe it's just a storm drain for the sewer?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Finish thought.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "\"Look what the tide brought in,\" the man says in a measured tone. Suddenly, his expression changes and he tilts his head..." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckEquipped(\"shirt_t500\") and (CheckEquipped(\"shoes_t500\") or CheckEquipped(\"gloves_t500\") or CheckEquipped(\"hat_t500\"))]" }, { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "\"I wanna call you a teapot, but I'm honestly kind of impressed... no idea where you got all that gear -- but there's no doubt in my mind that some bad, bad people are looking for it...\"" }, { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "\"Also, you look like a fucking idiot.\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Whatever this is, it is completely unimportant compared to what you've just *seen*." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.vicquemare_main_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Forget about all this, there's a giant...\"" }, { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "\"We're not forgetting about anything -- look at you!\" He points at you with both hands." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Wait... you're the Man with Sunglasses.\"" }, { "actor": "Jean Vicquemare", "dialogue": "\"That's right, and you're some kind of a... urban scarecrow thing.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No one else seems bothered by my FALN gear.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Titus, you have to see it. Things don't add up -- we need to talk to her.\" (Move on.)" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "Silence. He looks around the room." }, { "actor": "Theo", "dialogue": "The old man in the corner nods." }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "A very small nod -- and a trickle of tobacco spit on his lip." }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "This is the only opinion he cares for." }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Yeah -- I see it.\" He puts his beer down. \"There's one more thing I've been *wondering* about. Ever since you asked me where she is. Add it to your list of suspicions, if you want.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"I don't *know*.\" He smiles a peculiar smile. \"I don't know where she went. She just up and left. Got real scared too. Wouldn't tell me where -- however *hard* I asked. Wanna know why?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Why?\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"She was afraid I would tell you.\" He looks you straight in the eye. \"Maybe she was right. By now I probably would.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"She knew there's evidence on her -- and she knew we'd find it. This is typical suspect behaviour. Why fleeing is always incriminatory.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Perhaps.\" He looks out of the window again. \"Ask her if you find her. It won't be easy though. She made sure of that.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you have any clues on where Ruby went?\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"She's not far. We know that much -- she didn't take her lorry. So she's on foot.\"" }, { "actor": "Alain", "dialogue": "\"Good fucking luck, man... She knows this place like the back of her hand. You'll never find her.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Yeah, Al.\" He gives a sharp look. \"And we won't either.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.ruby_third_merc\"] == true]" }, { "actor": "De Paule", "dialogue": "\"Oh yeah, that's Ruud.\" The armoured woman smiles a vicious smile. \"Ruud 'The Killer' Hoenkloewen -- he doesn't talk much.\"" }, { "actor": "Ruud Hoenkloewen", "dialogue": "\"... all of you fucking cunts inside out...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay. Let's just keep talking -- no one needs to die today.\" (Back off.)" }, { "actor": "Kortenaer", "dialogue": "\"This... talking-shit won't help you.\" The man shakes his head and staggers forward." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (CheckItem(\"gun_villiers\") or CheckItem(\"gun_ruby\") or CheckItem(\"spirit_bomb\")) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"... Fuck me, I forgot the bullets.\" (Just stand there.)" }, { "actor": "Kortenaer", "dialogue": "\"What's that, loincloth? I can't hear you. Sounds like you got your mouth full of dick. Ruud...\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Shit, this is it. Tell him anything, tell him you have more information!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Go ahead then. Kill me then. I *want* to die.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Uh, what?\" The lieutenant quickly glances at you." }, { "actor": "Kortenaer", "dialogue": "\"Let me help you then...\" The man looks to his left. \"Kill him.\"" }, { "actor": "Ruud Hoenkloewen", "dialogue": "To your right, the killer raises his rifle and takes aim at you. His moves are steady, but the long barrel of the rifle sways slowly..." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "An Ister AR-FA7, built for taking out light armoured vehicles. It will devastate you." } ]
[ { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Yes, *of course*. Now we're on the right track..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Where am I?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "An important place. One of the last bastions of the left in Martinaise. Perhaps here you'll find the man who'll help you get organised?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "But you can't just come out and *ask* him. You should make your introduction first. Pay homage. This is a man of *stature*." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "Meanwhile, the man of stature clatters away on his typewriter, wilfully indifferent to your presence." } ]
[ { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "He suddenly jerks to life: \"You know who he was -- a Coalition trained murderer, armoured and armed. He wasn't human, the blunt end of a hammer, *dripping with blood*...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"He was a killer. But he was still under the protection of the law.\"" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"...beating us to the ground. Moaning with joy...\" He breathes in with strange animation: \"You hounds get so thorough when a company-trained killer dies. I haven't seen you on this coast for *forty years*. You know... maybe I should have killed one sooner?\"" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"Got your attention...\" He looks you dead in the eye, pupils shaking. \"*Now* you stop beating druggies and prostitutes in your basement. *Now* you come to investigate. Not when they die by the hundreds...\" He breathes through flared nostrils..." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "This is it. Shot him, shot him, say shot him not killed him..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"So you shot him?\"" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"Oh the inhumanity...\" He closes his black eyes. \"One paramilitary less in Revachol.\" You can almost see him squeeze a tear out of his eye. His fists begin to tremble from the anger." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Hold your breath." }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"I *had* them in my sights, both of them -- him and the whore. I was breathing with them, in phase, and I pulled the trigger and flew on the air until I landed in his mouth...\" He begins to smile." }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"I didn't think I had a shot like that in me anymore. I did. I saw him kneel there with his mouth full of death and that stupid look on his face.\" The smile quivers. \"And his dick still in her...\"" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "There. A hot flash of rage almost carries the smile away. Some dark piece..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Then what?\"" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"Nothing. I went to sleep. Next morning there were May bells everywhere. The world was white -- or what's left of it anyway. My last spring here... I knew the fascists would come to avenge their own...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Awful lonely here. No ruckus. No old men playing their little ball game." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Yeah, where did the old guys go?" }, { "actor": "Gaston Martin", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"You mean the guys who were playing pétanque?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Yeah, where did they go?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Have you noticed people sometimes appear and disappear in places? It's called *doing things*.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"But what if I wanted to talk to them?\"" }, { "actor": "Gaston Martin", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "You'll get them next time. But let's be honest, they weren't even in the suspects list." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "You would have wasted *so* much time talking to these two pensioners. Precious case-time." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"But what if I wanted to talk to them?\"" }, { "actor": "Gaston Martin", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "There! On that balcony. Do you see it?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "See *what*? (Squint your eyes.)" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "The *artisto*. Now hold up, you can't go into a bullring without a prep talk. It's baby's first sales negotiation after all! Savvy's gotta give you the do-s and don't-s." }, { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "That's a pathetic-looking *bull*. Where are the sharpened horns ready to puncture your gristle? There's no real danger here." }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Rehearsal helps fine tune a performance. Learn your lines so they can flow out of you like Herc Zeitung's legendary soliloquy in 'Hoppla, jetzt komm ich!'!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Alright, I'm listening." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Artistos are known to *repel* wealth. It bounces off their skin like rubber. The moment a reasonable business proposal enters their periphery, they go and get 'political'." }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "Nonsense, no one 'repels wealth', the businessmen just don't know how to entice them." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "What you need to do is lure them in with a strong one-liner -- get them on your side before you've even finished a sentence. Show us what you've got -- pretend you're facing the girl!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Excuse me, could I please take a look at your art?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Honestly, I didn't want to bring it up, Harry -- I heard you have become Measurehead's race pupil...?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"It was a tactic, I needed to get in somehow. It's not like I'm a racist now.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Of course, Harry, of course! You're not some kind of a fantastic racist now. And rest assured, no one's gonna hear about it.\" He winks at you." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"No one's gonna know what you did with race there, Harry. Your race-bonanza is safe with me. Word of how *racy* it got will never leave Martinaise.\"" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "You can see the map of Revachol in your head. Dozens of red arrows are pointing outwards from Martinaise. Moving all across the city." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Anyway, I assure you, I am a very well-informed man. Information reaches me before I even get the chance to request it.\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Yes, but it's because his word usually sets things in motion." } ]
[ { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Whoa! In your hand: *pyrholidon* -- the double rainbow of synthetic hallucinogens. Rare and gritty, a product of the age of atomic power." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look at the little puck of liquid." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "What a funny little cap! Don't let the *scary* medical warnings throw you off. It's an inadequate antidote to radiation poisoning, but a *potent* antidote to *boredom*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Hmm... open the cap." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "The container is warm to the touch -- or is that just the anticipation? You screw the lid open and look. A little slit on the side lets you just *slurp* it up, like an oyster! C'mon! Slurp it!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Slurp it, but only a little." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "You suck a minuscule drop of extremely chemical-smelling liquid into your mouth. There it seeps into your tongue. When you swallow it's already almost all gone." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Tastes like a kiss." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "It tastes like *many* things, all melting into one conflagration in the back of your throat. As you look around, the world slowly *exists*. As it did before. Only now gentle flames lick at its edges, as though it were a photo burning." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Oh god, on *fire*?" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Not *really*. It's just a metaphor. The effect of that otherworldly drop of liquid is slower, more subtle than that of real flames -- yet just as warm." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_took_rcm_cap\"] and Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_took_narcotics\"] and Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_altgreet_items_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_greeting_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "The Pigs", "dialogue": "The woman stands, slumped. She looks catatonic under her mountain of RCM paraphernalia." }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "Is one of those things a... police cap?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_blackc_perc_saw_drugs\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Leave her be. [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"seafort.books_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "Books and magazines lie scattered on the floor and on a makeshift cupboard. They are not particularly well organized." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Sift through them." }, { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "Most are softcovers: serialized *fantastique* and detective stories from the Twenties and Thirties. This disparate digest includes the classic 'Animal Adventures'." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Popular depictions of man-versus-nature by amateur naturalists T. and T. Harpin (husband and wife). Widely read by people from all walks of life. Who doesn't like nature? Who doesn't want to *survive*?" }, { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "Among what is mostly commercial fiction and serialized stories, you find a 'Magazine Cathodique' for electrical engineering. Then it's back to pulp: light erotica, an international thriller about circuit benders..." }, { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsCunoInParty()]" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Been readin' shit here,\" Cuno notes, thoughtfully. \"Hooked on the book.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Does anything stand out as unusual?" }, { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"seafort.books_concept_white_succeeded\"]]" }, { "actor": "Reading Materials", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"seafort.deserter_prehub_reached\"]) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.minot_whirling_mainhub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Horse-Faced Woman", "dialogue": "\"Yes,\" she looks at you. \"What is it?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Look, something is really bugging me. Are we or are we not from the same police station?\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"Goddamnit, you leave her alone!\" The man with sunglasses snaps at you. \"Keep your weird bullshit to yourself and be professional for once, for fucks sake...\"" }, { "actor": "Horse-Faced Woman", "dialogue": "\"Can I actually help you with something?\" She looks at you apologetically." }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Yes, of course -- preposterous. I mean, you would *remember* if they were, right? Who forgets their squadmates? That's not possible." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Did you just call me *Harry*?\"" }, { "actor": "Horse-Faced Woman", "dialogue": "\"Yes, I called you by your name, what about it?\" She sounds slightly agitated and... sad." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Nothing, ma'am.\"" }, { "actor": "Horse-Faced Woman", "dialogue": "She doesn't reply, but her eyes are still sad." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I know this might sound weird, but are you... a firefighter?\"" }, { "actor": "Horse-Faced Woman", "dialogue": "Her brown eyes linger on you for a moment." } ]
[ { "actor": "Soona, the Programmer", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"church.soona_pregreeting_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Soona, the Programmer", "dialogue": "\"What is it?\" The woman is still hunched over the keyboard, gently illuminated by the purring machine." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I didn't break anything, did I?\"" }, { "actor": "Soona, the Programmer", "dialogue": "\"No, you just printed out my personal log and wasted some paper.\" It does not look like a big loss to her." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Sorry, but... who *are* you? What are you doing here?\"" }, { "actor": "Soona, the Programmer", "dialogue": "\"I am Soona Luukanen-Kilde, the former lead programmer of Fortress Accident and RSA Radios. I have over 16 years of programming experience and I'm proficient in both Vox and Orbis languages...\"" }, { "actor": "Soona, the Programmer", "dialogue": "\"If you're not here to hire me, I don't really know how can I help you.\" She turns back to the terminal." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Did she say *over 16 years of experience*? She must have started programming when she was still a teenager." }, { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "That still doesn't answer what she's doing in an abandoned church." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What if you *didn't* have to leave? I talked to Andre, he wants to make it work.\"" }, { "actor": "Soona, the Programmer", "dialogue": "\"I don't want to make anything work,\" she replies, her expression unchanged." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hold on, you don't want to make *anything* work?\"" }, { "actor": "Soona, the Programmer", "dialogue": "\"Yes, *anything*. I don't want to make anything work.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Wow, you work *hard*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Discard thought.)" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "I know you're in a hurry, sir -- off to work really hard, as always -- I just need *one* moment of your time to discuss how hard you hustle." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Oh, yes. You hustle. You're a provider. It's tough out there, but you keep it real and provide..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What hard work do I do exactly?" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Look at yourself, you're a human pedometer! You must have walked 200,000 steps down cracked asphalt, mosaic, sand, and linoleum after you re-emerged." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "That is the sign of a hustler who never gives up. The world is harsh and people are evil -- you didn't make it that way. And you won't let it break you. You *ride*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I'm not sure I *ride*..." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Oh, you do. You *make* money. You got gills, baby, meaning those black papers with the faces of the innocences on them. You bring in the Franconegros and the Solas." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "It ain't easy, but you *do* it. Day in and day out. You didn't make the rules but you won't lose! You're a cop and a sprinter and a money printer." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Sure, and I got that giant novelty cheque from Evrart..." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Wasn't *easy* getting that giant novelty cheque from Evrart. Took some ingenuity to get into the harbour, but you got in -- and you *took* that bribe as hard as any cop's taken it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Yeah, and Evrart gave me that fiver.\"" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "He did, yes he did. And you took it. Took it and put in in your pocket. Ka-ching, baby doll. Officer Hustle riding shotgun." } ]
[ { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "The chain trails off into the ocean, connecting the island to the supply depot on the coast." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Lock it from whom?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"From enemies.\" He looks up ahead. \"Enemies of the Commune of Revachol. This seafort was a revolutionary fortification, I believe...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This means I *sorta* got into the depot door.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Technically -- no. It doesn't.\"" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "He's right." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Lock it from whom?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"From enemies.\" He looks up ahead. \"Enemies of the Commune of Revachol. This seafort was a revolutionary fortification, I believe...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Lock it from whom?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.inspect_traps_2_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.restock_trap_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Hello, dear. It's good to see a familiar face.\" The elderly woman smiles up at you hopefully." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"That's all for now, ma'am.\" [Leave.]" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.lena_refused_to_restock_trap\"] and Variable[\"whirling.lena_refused_to_restock_trap_leave\"] == false) == false]" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"coast.morell_before_lena_day_2\"] or Variable[\"coast.morell_before_lena_day_2_wokim\"]) and Variable[\"whirling.lena_worried_special_goodbye_done\"] == false]" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Just a moment, officer...\" She smiles up at you nervously. \"If you run into my husband again... do tell him I'm worried, and to hurry back.\"" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Do it. Who knows what cryptozoological mysteries will be uncovered?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm sorry, I don't want to get involved in your affairs.\" (Refuse the task)" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Of course, sweetie. Good luck with your investigation.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Nope, not happening." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Did you just climb down from the church tower?\"" }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "\"Sure did, homes.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay, I have other questions.\"" }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "The sinewy figure lingers on the wooden beams, blending into the shadows." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay then, thanks.\" [Leave.]" }, { "actor": "Tiago", "dialogue": "\"I think we're done here, ese.\" The figure crawls off into the darkness above." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"That was... an interesting conversation.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_to_cryptozoologists_1\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"coast.morell_refused_to_restock_trap\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.morell_white_check_succeeded\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Hello, officer! I think I almost have it! A new trap design, that is! I know you're sceptical, but I have a good feeling about this.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No but really -- I *did* check all the traps.\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Yes-yes -- *and*?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"And one of them was *empty*.\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"*Completely* empty?\" The cryptozoologist's eyes grow wide." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Surprise -- tempered with fear and trepidation. He doesn't know what to think yet. Maybe you're joking?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Yes, there was nothing in the trap. No locusts, no phasmid.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"No locusts... but no phasmid either...\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"That's not *ideal*, but...\" He rubs his chin." } ]
[ { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "She's tying a complicated nautical knot around the post." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hello, ma'am.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Hello, detective.\" She fastens the end of the line around the post and straightens her back." }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"It's good to see you here. I only just arrived myself.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What brings you here?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Nothing, really... I've had my eye on this jetty for weeks now. So I decided to investigate it personally. This cluster of buildings isn't on any of the official maps, as far as I can tell.\"" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "That -- and she's also keeping an eye on *you*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Have you been spying on me?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"'Spying' has such a negative connotation. I did track your progress along the coast, however, and decided I would be better able to assist you from here...\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Then there's the matter of that little scamp in old-lady clothes. She threatened to paint the Cor-de-Leite red. Like blood, you see. Well, I like it the way it is -- white.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.cindy_first_greeting_balcony_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "What is this? Destruction of property? Hooliganism? Elder abuse?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.smoker_main_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "\"Hi, gendarme. Another rendezvous.\" There he is again -- the smoker on the balcony! Right here in the Whirling-in-Rags." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hello.\" (Adjust your tie.)" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckEquipped(\"hat_samaran\")]" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "\"I see you've found yourself a little something from my wardrobe.\" He scans you. \"Not bad, not bad at all. What brings you here?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I met your Sunday friend.\"" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "\"You did?\" A small smile adorns his face. \"And how did you like him?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You were right, he was magical. Magically bureaucratic.\"" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "\"I told you, he can be very useful. I guess that's the charm of powerful people.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What are you, you two?\"" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "\"Friends, I told you. Sunday friends. Friends who like to get together from time to time.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Yeah? What?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"If you didn't kill him... why hide?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"I saw *you* roll into town. I wasn't about to stick around for questioning by a goddamn La Puta Madre agent.\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.titus_ruby_scared_thiscopthiscop\"]]" }, { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "So this is what she was scared to tell Titus. *This cop, this cop...*" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.titus_half_light_thiscopthiscop\"]]" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "That strange distant fear is getting close now. It's a fear -- of *yourself.*" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What do you mean... La Puta Madre agent?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Yes -- you.\" She looks at you quizzically. \"Everyone says you're his peone. His 'Human Can Opener.'\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "Through the sudden sharp pain in your head, you hear the lieutenant mumble something to himself." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "\"Fucking hell\" and \"Why me?\" you hear through the white noise." }, { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "It's especially bad suddenly. Felt like a vein exploded." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Who's 'everyone'? How do you know this?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Everyone in Jamrock. The cops, the criminals... Why do you think I'm holed up in here with a goddamn death ray, waiting for you?\"" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "If she knows *that* about you, she must know your real name too." } ]
[ { "actor": "Bathtub", "dialogue": "This is not the cleanest bathtub in the world, but it's cleaner than you are right now." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "Ah, that soap scum smell. It smells like life. At least compared to you." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Run yourself a bath." }, { "actor": "Bathtub", "dialogue": "The bathtub slowly fills with water. The water beckons." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Undress, close your eyes, and submerge." }, { "actor": "Bathtub", "dialogue": "The water doesn't feel particularly clean. A few beer cans are bobbing up and down along your flanks like sad duckies. You pause to think before letting your head go under." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Hold it right there! Keep your head above water, or you'll lose all those pheromones Morell sprayed on you." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Keep your head above water, just in case." }, { "actor": "Bathtub", "dialogue": "The lukewarm water is comforting, like amniotic fluid." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "You feel nice and lonely. And so, so tired." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Leave the beer cans in." }, { "actor": "Bathtub", "dialogue": "The cans continue to bob, as do your thoughts, aimlessly splashing up against the sides of the tub." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "They're not even really thoughts. Just assorted sensations, none of them acute enough to focus on." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What exactly is your goal here?\"" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "\"We were promised work.\" He points to the gates. \"We'd be in there -- WORKING -- if the bastards hadn't shut the gates.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"And you are unable to breach the entrance?\"" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "\"Main gate's locked -- would take *heavy ordnance* to bust it open. Could try to get in through the secretary's office.\" He points up the stairs. \"Door's locked. The guard's blocking the way to the access panel.\"" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "\"And I don't mean the scrawny Mesque punk either.\" He points at the dockworker idling on the staircase. \"I mean Head-Measurer -- or whatever he is.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Have you considered storming in? Like, all of you?\"" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "\"Why don't *you* go arrest them instead? I'm sure they've done plenty of criminal shit, they have *that look*.\"" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"So what are you going to do now?\"" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "\"Wait. They might go home eventually. Or get drunk. Leave the access panel unguarded. Or the company sends someone to reason with them...\"" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "\"Unexpected situation. But we hold the pressure on, until someone makes a mistake. Then it's our time, we strike.\" The man rubs his jaw -- a lightly bearded square wedge." }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"tc.scab_leader_is_a_merc\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Scab Leader", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"gates.scableader_reaction_introduced_personal_question\"]) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Lieutenant, what is your opinion of this task we're undertaking?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"cargo.evrart_kim_expresses_understanding_worknig_with_evrart_is_necessarry\"]]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"As I already said,\" the lieutenant replies, adjusting his glasses. \"I understand this can't be avoided.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Got it!\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana\"]]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"But we do need to get the key from this 'Mañana' Evrart mentioned.\" The lieutenant glances at the door. \"Cause we are *not* gonna break the lock.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Carefully knock." }, { "actor": "Door, Basement Apartment", "dialogue": "You knock silently. The upholstery muffles the sound. No response comes from the apartment." } ]
[ { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Now that you've acquired some stimulants, it's time for a little pick-me-up. Time to *detect*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What... but right *here*? Now?" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "See, that's your problem -- a lack of confidence. Speed can help you with that. It can help you with EVERYTHING." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What... but right *here*? Now?" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "See, that's your problem -- a lack of confidence. Speed can help you with that. It can help you with EVERYTHING." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What... but right *here*? Now?" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "See, that's your problem -- a lack of confidence. Speed can help you with that. It can help you with EVERYTHING." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What... but right *here*? Now?" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "See, that's your problem -- a lack of confidence. Speed can help you with that. It can help you with EVERYTHING." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay, let's take a... step back.\" (Conclude.)" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Yeah? Where?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Did you shoot Lely?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.ruby_didnt_do_it_arguments\"]]" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"I'm listening.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you have an... alibi? For when Lely was shot?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Man, I was with the boys the whole night. I hope they at least bothered to impress *that* upon you.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"They did say you left to take a... really long leak. Fifteen minutes.\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Yeah, and I'm sure they also made some FUNNY remarks about it -- they always do. I've driven a lot of long haul and chugged a lot of beer, man.\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "She scoffs. \"Can't do either without some power of mind over bladder. And, anyway, that wouldn't have been enough time.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Now that you've acquired some stimulants, it's time for a little pick-me-up. Time to *detect*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Okay, my body is ready. Let's do this. (Try some speed.)" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "You raise the Preptide bottle, press one nostril closed, and inhale *furiously* with the other. The rush is almost immediate. It tastes bitter and caustic, and stings a bit inside your nose." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Mamma mia!" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Now the taste is slowly receding into your throat... The rush is growing in intensity, your little heart pounding like a bird in a cage. A sweat breaks out across your brow, your jaw clenches..." }, { "actor": "Endurance", "dialogue": "And, let's be honest, there's a little chest pain -- the *good* kind, of course. You may wanna blast a Nosaphed or something." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Hmmm, you could work with this high... Like, literally *work*: Solve the case, file some papers. Maybe clean up your hostel room, then solve *another* case, then start a side investigation into the para-natural, then build a radiocomputer..." }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "Whooh, this shit is strong. This shit is disco." }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "Time for a little truth. Tell the lieutenant you did some, clear the air." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Cool, cool, let's boogie. [Finish thought and spring to action.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "There! Do you smell that?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I don't smell anything." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Can you not detect that inimitable *whiff* of dissatisfaction and restlessness, that sense that the world is in need of dramatic, even *violent* re-ordering?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Does that mean there's a communist nearby?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Undoubtedly. And the scent is coming... from that railing over there!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "You mean from Mañana?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Yes. Now's your chance to *establish contact*." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "But be easy about it. Communists have been known to charge when startled." } ]
[ { "actor": "Punch Clock/Payphone", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"cargo.momoffice_made_it_to_payphone_hub\"]]" }, { "actor": "Punch Clock/Payphone", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"cargo.payphone_wc_succ\"]]" }, { "actor": "Punch Clock/Payphone", "dialogue": "The payphone hangs mutely on the wall. There isn't much more to do here." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Insert 10 cents." }, { "actor": "Punch Clock/Payphone", "dialogue": "The machine swallows your coin and seems to be waiting for your next move." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "You can hear animated voices coming from the other side of the grille." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Try to listen." }, { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "You can make out at least two separate voices." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "Two voices, both male. Approximately early 20s." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "The voices are male, you think. Beyond that, you can't tell..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Try to listen." }, { "actor": "Metal Grille Door", "dialogue": "You can make out at least two separate voices." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "Two voices, both male. Approximately early 20s." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No, I think I'm good. I think I'm good without my badge, thanks.\"" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "\"I'm going to report that you are in pursuit of your missing items. Over.\"" }, { "actor": "Mack Torson", "dialogue": "\"In pursuit of his...\" The man is fighting back tears." }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "\"Officer, do you need further assistance? Over.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This might sound odd, but there's *personal details* I'd like to discuss.\"" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (DayCount() > 2) == false]" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.report_badge_done\"] == true) == false]" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "\"10-4. Your badge should have most of your personal details? Look over that. Over.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Of course. My badge. I can look at my badge that I have.\" (Lie.)" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "\"10-4. Anything else for you, sir? Over.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"That's all for now.\" (End call with the 41st.)" } ]
[ { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.kineema_firewalker_out\"] or Variable[\"plaza.kineema_i_am_firewalker\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Alice", "dialogue": "\"Just a moment, officer...\"" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.kineema_firewalker_out\"] or Variable[\"plaza.kineema_i_am_firewalker\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "\"10-4, come in, officer! Over.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Listen, I've actually lost my gun, too.\"" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "\"10-4, I know, I already wrote it in a report, but...\" He hesitates. \"It will stay on my desk for a few days. Over.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"That's all for now.\" (End call with the 41st.)" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.kineema_story_cancel\"] == true) == false]" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: DayCount() > 2]" }, { "actor": "Jules Pidieu", "dialogue": "\"Roger that. 10-10. Over and out.\" With those words the cabin becomes silent again, the radio-microphone resting on its hook." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"How much pale is there compared to the world?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"The pale outweighs reality two to one -- there is more pale than there is matter. And the ratio is slipping.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Slipping how? To our detriment or...\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"What do you think, detective?\" She looks you in the eye." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"It's growing. There is more and more of the pale.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Precisely. One of the few measurable effects of the pale is that it is expanding at an unknown rate.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"An intuitive conclusion of that development is that one day the pale will cover everything -- but this sort of talk is mostly left to extremists.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Cover *everything*? That can't be. Where would we go...\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Most people -- and indeed most private and government sector organizations; entire civilizations and religions even -- find handy ways to ignore, or downplay that knowledge.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"I suggest you do the same.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.hanged_talk_wild_pale_yonder\"]]" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "*Off we go...* you see the hanged man's mouth open." }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.joyce_inalnd_yonder\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Gulp." }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"It doesn't look like you're *doing* the same. The suggestion was meant in earnest, detective. Live life.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo", "dialogue": "A cockatoo is a parrot with an erectile crest, found on the Semenine islands and in southern Face-à-la-Mer. Known for their intelligence and general precociousness, cockatoos are popular birds in aviculture; however, they often exhibit various behavioural issues." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Okay. What more?" }, { "actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo", "dialogue": "This book talks about the delicate nature of 'toos, as well as introducing some of the most popular species among the bird enthusiasts: the funeral cockatoo, the Major Majestic cockatoo, and the most common bang-bang cockatoo. It's colourfully illustrated." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Alright, what problems do these birds have?" }, { "actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo", "dialogue": "Where to even begin? All cockatoos are known for their needy natures, requiring attention for at least two full hours a day. They love to talk, and have been described as 'loveable clowns who just don't know how to wrap up'." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Who would ever want a chatty companion?! I want someone who knows how to *listen*." }, { "actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo", "dialogue": "Pet owners also report moodiness, loudness and hostility as reoccurring issues. If left unsatisfied cockatoos may scream non-stop, pluck their feathers or become aggressive." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Right. That's pretty bad. Anything else?" }, { "actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo", "dialogue": "It is not recommended to get a cockatoo if you're not able to cook them food every day. And give them the full care that they need. These birds will never understand that you have a life of your own." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Read about the most common bang-bang cockatoo." }, { "actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo", "dialogue": "Despite its *banging* name, the bang-bang cockatoo is actually the shyest of the species. Common in almost all Semenese forests, as well as zoos and homes all over the world, its plumage is mainly grey and white. The Semenese name *bang-bang* is thought to be of onomatopoeic origins." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "The *bang* is for all the scary things in the world... that may happen at any time." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Alright, what problems do these birds have?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.titus_posttribunal_explained_your_betrayal_of_titus\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.titus_posttrib_bad_greet\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.titus_posttrib_gud_greet\"]]" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Hey, it's you again!\" He smiles, more than a bit drunk now. \"I've been thinking about it and you know what... we're both cops. This city is big enough for two cops.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"So long, fellows. Be good so I don't have to come back here again.\" [Leave.]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.titus_tribunal_exit_seen\"]]" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "He gives you a quick two-finger salute." } ]
[ { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.return_lenas_pin\"]]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I got 3.20 for it. Here's the money.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Oh, that's very thoughtful of you. Are you sure you don't need the money? Okay, then. Thank you.\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "She really would have rather had the pin back, but she doesn't want to make you feel bad." }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.lena_pin_task_from_main\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You seem to be in a chair.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Yes, dear, I am a paraplegic.\"" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "A paraplegic is someone with limited or no ability to use the lower half of their body. Paraplegia is caused by spinal cord injuries -- like falling from a great height, or a grenade explosion!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Thanks for clearing that up for me. Let's move on.\" (Proceed.)" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"No problem.\" She nods, smiling up at you from behind her glasses." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "There is no bitterness in her voice. She accepted the curiosity her condition inspires a long time ago." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I've gotta get going now.\" [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Looks like a gym to me.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Yes, but no one's been here in ages.\" He draws a stripe on the dusty floor with his foot..." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I doubt the electricity still works... We should find a flashlight if we want to go on. There should be one in my Kineema.\"" }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "Some specks of dust shimmer in a ray of streetlight falling from the window. Other than that, the room is dark." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "An eerie feeling rises in your chest..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Let's just keep going, I'm sure it's just a regular abandoned house, nothing mysterious here.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Sounds good.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"That's not why I've come here. I *really* need to turn back time now.\" (Continue.)" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"CLEARLY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO SHED YOUR NEUROTIC OBSESSION. THIS WAILING FOR THE PAST IS A TASK UNFIT FOR MEN. IT IS BETTER LEFT FOR WIDOWS, MOURNING THEIR HUSBANDS -- AND FOR MENTALLY ILL COMMUNISTS MOURNING THEIR COMMUNE.\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"IF YOU WANT ADVICE ON BABES -- OR THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE -- OR EVEN ON REVACHOL -- LOOK FORWARD. TO ESCAPE YOUR DEFEATED STATE YOU NEED TO MOVE FORWARD. ONTO FUTURE VICTORIES.\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "But isn't he a traditionalist?! Why does he keep talking about future..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I’m still convicned the babes were more *faithful* in the past. They stuck with their men.\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"IT SEEMS TO ME YOU ARE IN NEED OF A WARNING. HERE IT IS: IT IS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE TO RETURN TO THE PAST. YOU JUST NEED TO TAKE A TICKET TO SEREGLEE ISLAND, THE SOUTHERNMOST OF THE SEMENINE ARCHIPELAGO, ALSO KNOWN AS ILE DU FANTÔME. AND WALK INTO PALE.\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"LET IT DITHER AND ROT YOUR MIND. THEN YOU CAN MARINATE FOREVER IN YOUR IRREVERSABLE DEFEAT. WHILE RACE ENEMIES LAUGH AT YOUR MOTIONLESS, GAP-MOUTHED CORPSE.\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"tc.pale\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.what_is_pale\"] and Variable[\"TASK.ask_paledriver_how_to_turn_back_time_done\"] == false) == false]" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Pale? What is pale... it does *not* sound inviting." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Where would you even get a ticket? You can't just pack your bags and leave." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Finally -- a chance to connect with the *divine*." }, { "actor": "Perception", "dialogue": "It gets very cold in the office, like in a desert after the nightfall..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Why do I have the feeling there's a catch...\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"THERE IS NO CATCH. YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT. THE GHOUL IS A CRUEL MASTER, BUT IT IS NOT PALE. PALE TAKES YOUR MIND AND REJECTS THE FLESH. IT IS CAPRICIOUS AND TERRIFYING, LIKE A VIRGIN. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR COURAGE BEFORE HER FACE.\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"GO HAVE A LOOK,\" he gestures toward the intersection. \"THE WHITE-HAIRED PROTEIN MASS AT THE INTERSECTION. A LORRY DRIVER. IMPOSSIBLE TO MISS HER IF YOU'RE EVEN A HALF-DECENT COP.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "A Pile of Clothes", "dialogue": "A bundle of clothes heaped on the bed. A stained parka, some towels and a duvet. Some socks even." }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "In the dark it looks like a nest." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Slowly reach out your hand." }, { "actor": "A Pile of Clothes", "dialogue": "Something underneath there is breathing." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "It doesn't give a shit that you're a cop! Stop your hand now or you're gonna die!" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "It's not too late, no one's going to blame you for backing out. You don't have to do this. Just get out." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Fuck this, I'm out. [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "A brisk coastal wind still howls against the window of the shack. Occasionally the waves crawl in under the foundation, producing a low hum..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Listen." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "The room feels muffled, like you pulled your hat over your ears. Outside, it is cold and windy, but you're inside, and it feels safe and warm." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "WHAT IS THIS PLACE TO YOU?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Looks like this is my new home -- wonder where the old one went?" }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "Westward, across the canal, towers the Whirling-in-Rags. Door #1 on the second floor is locked, behind it lies a trashed room. One floor below, behind a counter, stands an irritable man." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "In a small shack in the fishing village, a baroque heater hums quietly, emanating a sense of comforting warmth. A washbasin lies on the table, the water inside reflecting the sombre face of the world." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "Far away, on the corner of Perdition and Main, a nondescript building, obscured in a haze. It's vacant and lost, just like its tenant." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This feels like a cozy hideout.\"" }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "Who are you talking to? There is no one here. Not even cold." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "No, wait, I changed my mind, I want to choose again." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "There is no going back." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "Outside, the howl of the wind has picked up. The waves crash against the stilts again. It's as if you think the thought, but in someone else's voice..." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "LOOK UNDER THE FLOORBOARDS" } ]
[ { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.roy_intro_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.roy_pilehub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Hello hello! Let me know if I can help you with anything.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'd like to buy back the commemorative pin I sold.\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Yes! Fortunately, I still have it. 3.30 and it's yours.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Actually, no -- I don't have the money.\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Your choice, officer. I can't promise I can hold on to it for much longer, however.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm looking for something that plays a tape. For police business.\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"canal.boombox_mainhub_reached\"] == false and Variable[\"TASK.listen_to_merc_tape_done\"] == false) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "There is nothing. Only warm, primordial blackness. Your conscience ferments in it -- no larger than a single grain of malt. You don't have to do anything anymore." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "Ever." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "Never ever." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Never ever ever?" }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "Never ever ever ever, baby!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Simply keep on non-existing.)" }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "An inordinate amount of time passes. It is utterly void of struggle. No ex-wives are contained within it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "This is great!" }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "Yes. It. Is." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What was that about the *ex-* something?" }, { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "An awareness creeps up on you. A mass lies hidden in your dead angle, soaking in some lurid, acidic sauce. It's bloated and shameful, a ball of meat surrounding you... This is a terrible line of questioning, and it will only lead to more awareness of the meat-thing." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "No, I wanted to know about the ex-something." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "Ex-love, ex-tenderness. It is foolish of you to resurface to the loss. Not after all the damage you suffered to get here, some of it irreversible... Stay, sail with me through the Abyssopelagic Zone!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Allons-y! Never let me go!" }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "All right. Nothingtown to Fuck-All-Borough!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Let's visit the ancient Zero-Holm!" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm coming.\" (Climb down.)" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"church.soona_archer_working_soona\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "\"About time. You grab that amp. Forget the cables. Need to leave some evidence of our antenna to inspire future generations...\"" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.warship_turned_down_archer\"]]" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Script: SetVariableValue(\"character.committee_of_la_responsabilite\", true) --[[ Variable[ ]]]" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.make_the_music_harder_core_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "\"Well, cop-man, we've re-paid the favour. Guess this cements the cop-hardcore alliance.\"" }, { "actor": "Egg Head", "dialogue": "\"YEEEAGH. WE ARE COPS NOW.\"" }, { "actor": "Andre", "dialogue": "\"Easy, Egg. We're still hardcore music venue organisers, first and foremost. But maybe this *does* make us pillars of the local community...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I've got my own case to worry about, but if I have time, I'll be back.\"" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "\"Sure, I've heard that before...\"" }, { "actor": "Noid", "dialogue": "\"I'll put this tech away later. Think there's an extra can set, in case you want to grab a *souvenir* or something. Don't think anyone will miss it.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.doomed_investigation\"] and Variable[\"TASK.doomed_investigation_done\"] == false) == false]" }, { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "\"We're inside the chimney of an old central furnace. It's strange, I know.\" She looks at the ruddy bricks that make up the walls -- even though they've been repainted there are still signs of coal-black soot here and there." }, { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "\"But when I arrived here, all the other rooms were taken, so I had to build myself a makeshift home. Besides, I don't really have to pay any rent here, so that's a plus.\"" }, { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.find_the_witch\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "Does it mean she's *unlawfully* occupying a part of the house? Shameful!" }, { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "When she arrived here, there was no room anywhere else... She must've known the other businesses." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"How did you become a dicemaker?\"" }, { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "\"How did I *become* one? It was a business decision. I was a regular jeweller at first, but that's an unfocused field -- with too much competition.\"" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "She doesn't let it show, but there's anger in there -- she doesn't like jewellers. Thinks they're a mob." }, { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "\"Some of my friends were role-players. They asked me to make some polyhedral dice out of cobalt. That was my first order. I grew it from there.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you like role-playing games yourself?\"" }, { "actor": "Novelty Dicemaker", "dialogue": "\"Not especially. I like working with rare materials and a steady pay. And role-players as customers -- they're nice people.\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Some of those nice people have big bucks to spend on novelty items." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "She's thankful for the security they provide her." } ]
[ { "actor": "Southwest Entrance to the Tenements", "dialogue": "A sturdy metal door guards the southwest entrance to the apartment building. It's locked." }, { "actor": "Southwest Entrance to the Tenements", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsTaskActive(\"TASK.find_a_way_inside_apt_building\")--[[ Variable[ ]]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Ma'am, we're looking for Billie Méjean's apartment. We have important news to deliver.\"" }, { "actor": "Southwest Entrance to the Tenements", "dialogue": "No reply. You can hear faint sweeping inside; a gust of wind blows through your clothes." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Knock again." }, { "actor": "Southwest Entrance to the Tenements", "dialogue": "The door rattles again, but this time you hear an elderly woman's voice calling out from inside..." }, { "actor": "Cleaning Lady", "dialogue": "\"Stop banging on the door! I'm not letting any more strangers inside.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This is the police -- open the door.\"" }, { "actor": "Cleaning Lady", "dialogue": "\"The police?! Everyone knows the police don't come around *here*.“ The hallways echoes with her cackle." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"But I'm not joking.\"" }, { "actor": "Cleaning Lady", "dialogue": "\"No, I already told you, I won't be responsible for any more strangers getting into the building...\"" }, { "actor": "Cleaning Lady", "dialogue": "\"Go check the backyard door, maybe someone there will...\" She trails off, leaving the sentence unfinished." }, { "actor": "Southwest Entrance to the Tenements", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.find_a_way_inside_apt_building\"] and Variable[\"TASK.find_a_way_inside_apt_building_done\"] == false) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.hjelmdall_mainhub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Rack of Second-Hand Uniforms", "dialogue": "What a shirt. All other shirts pale in comparison to the muscular man with antlers and immense zweihänders." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"tc.hjelmdall\"]]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What's the deal with the man on this t-shirt?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"It's the Man from Hjelmdall.\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Walking away from his burning village, yes.\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Their matter-of-fact tone belies their surprise at the fact that you didn't recognize the figure in the print." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.hjelmdall_empathy_surprise\"]]" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Lie, sire. For no reason." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"He's a music-based superstar, right?\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Hmm, I think you might be thinking about someone else I... dislike music,\" he frowns. \"So I couldn't tell you who.\"" } ]