exclusively LCFTs where the energy momentum tensor acquire s a logarithmic partner. (vii) is
required since the 2- and 3-point correlators of a LCFT are fix ed by conformal Ward identities to
taketheform(7), (8). Ifanyoftheitemsonthewish-listabo veisnotfulfilleditisimpossiblethat
the gravitational theory under consideration is a gravity d ual to a LCFT of the type discussedin section 2.2On the other hand, if all the wishes are granted by a given grav itational theory
there are excellent chances that this theory is dual to a LCFT . Until recently no good gravity
duals for LCFTs were known [8–12].
Before addressing candidate theories that may comply with a ll wishes we review briefly how
to calculate correlators on the gravity side [6], since we sh all need such calculations for checking
several items on the wish-list. The basic identity of the AdS /CFT dictionary is
The left hand side is the CFT correlator between noperators Oi, whereOiin our case comprise
theleft-andright-moving fluxcomponentsoftheenergymome ntumtensor andtheirlogarithmic
partners. The right hand side contains the gravitational ac tionSdifferentiated with respect to
appropriate sources jifor the corresponding operators. According to the AdS/CFT d ictionary
“appropriate sources” refers to non-normalizable solutio ns of the linearized equations of motion.
We shall be more concrete about the operators, actions, sour ces and non-normalizable solutions
to the linearized equations of motion in the next section. Fo r now we address possible candidate
theories of gravity duals to LCFTs.
The simplest candidate, pure 3-dimensional Einstein gravi ty with a cosmological constant
described by the action
does not comply with the whole wish list. Only the first four wi shes are granted: The 3-
dimensional action (12) depends on the metric. The equation s of motion are solved by AdS 3.
The Brown–York stress tensor (9) is finite, conserved and tra celess. The 2- and 3-point
correlators on the gravity side match precisely with (1). Ho wever, the central charges are given
by [7]
and therefore allow no tuning to cL= 0 without taking a singular limit. Moreover, there is no
candidate for a logarithmic partner to the Brown–York stres s tensor. Thus, pure 3-dimensional
Einstein gravity cannot be dual to a LCFT.
Adding matter fields to Einstein gravity does not help neithe r. While this may lead to other
kinds of LCFTs, it cannot produce a logarithmic partner for t he energy momentum tensor. This
is so, because the energy momentum tensor corresponds to gra viton (spin-2) excitations in the
bulk, and the only field producing such excitations is the met ric.
Therefore, what we need is a way to provide additional degree s of freedom in the gravity
sector. The most natural way to do this is by considering high er derivative interactions of the
metric. Thefirstgravity modelofthistypewas constructedb yDeser, Jackiw andTempleton [13]
who introduced a Chern–Simons term for the Christoffel connec tion.
2Other types of LCFTs exist, e.g. with non-vanishing central charge or with logarithmic partners to operators
other than the energy momentum tensor. The gravity duals for such LCFTs need not comply with all the items
on our wish list.Hereµis a real coupling constant. Adding this action to the Einste in–Hilbert action (11)
generates massive graviton excitations in the bulk, which i s encouraging for our wish list since
we need these extra degrees of freedom. The model that arises when summing the actions (11)
and (14),
is known as “cosmological topologically massive gravity” ( CTMG) [14]. It was demonstrated by
KrausandLarsen[15]that thecentral charges inCTMG areshi ftedfromtheir Brown–Henneaux
This is again good news concerning our wish list, since cLcan be made vanishing by a (non-
singular) tuning of parameters in the action.
µℓ= 1 (17)
CTMG (15) with the tuning above (17) is known as “cosmologica l topologically massive gravity
at the chiral point” (CCTMG). It complies with the first five it ems on our wish list, but we still
have to prove that also the last two wishes are granted. To thi s end we need to find a suitable
partner for the graviton.
4. Keeping logs in massive gravity
4.1. Login
In this section we discuss the evidence for the existence of s pecific gravity duals to LCFTs that
has accumulated over the past two years. We start with the the ory introduced above, CCTMG,
and we end with a relatively new theory, new massive gravity [ 16].
4.2. Seeds of logs
Given that we want a partner for the graviton we consider now g raviton excitations ψaround
the AdS background (12) in CCTMG.
gµν=gAdS3µν+ψµν (18)
Li,SongandStrominger[17]foundanicewaytoconstructthe m,andwefollowtheirconstruction
here. Imposing transverse gauge ∇µψµν= 0 and defining the mutually commuting first order