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int64 |
No Dynegy outs other than the previously discussed general MAC clause and the $3.5Bn legal liability clause.
| 17 |
Chris Gaskill for Gas Fundys
| 5 |
| 4 |
which is really the core of their operations. Feygin told the Houston Chr=
| 13 |
e for Enron's financial shenanigans won't be paid only by its shareholders,=
| 12 |
>the fact that A&M will actually let people with sub-par grades enroll if
| 13 |
> location nor organized as you requested it. In fact during our review of
| 14 |
>increase in alcohol consumption, particularly around New Years. Law
| 9 |
Hydro spokeswoman Elisha Odowichuk said that under the offer, the Crown=20
| 11 |
heavily regulated. We have tried to figure out what we can in the time
| 14 |
te notice and information to facilitate its planning for any net short posi=
| 13 |
wer trading business could prove to be a good strategic move for the Swiss =
| 15 |
and I will be contacting Mr. Paul Roberts to arrange for the Reliant Energy
| 14 |
We are funding this internally and are starting to develop outside investor
| 12 |
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 02/14/2001 10:40 AM -----
| 10 |
Cynthia Harkness/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Michelle
| 5 |
Could you please confirm the following for me:
| 8 |
I let her know that our option agreement precluded their selling the house
| 13 |
Derrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, PEGGY
| 5 |
Compression Services Agreement dated October 18, 1999
| 7 |
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld ( | 7 |
already summarized by the newsletter) has helped me focus on better
| 11 |
taxpayers and alleges violations of the state's business and open-
| 10 |
its cultural background; and,
| 4 |
if you are going for sure and I will call back and reserve spots for us.
| 16 |
March 25-26, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia
| 5 |
Moody's said it cut the senior unsecured long-term debt to Baa2 from Baa1, =
| 14 |
6/1/2000 0:00 0 Oil
| 4 |
Amended and Restated LLC Agreement of Bora Bora (254978)
| 9 |
Enron's Stock, Bonds Drop on Concern for Dynegy Bid (Update8)
| 10 |
Please feel free to contact Jonathan Stefansky or Jim Flanigon if you wish
| 13 |
Enron Energy Services, Inc.
| 4 |
Mike Perun - VP of small bank; Ted brought him in with my group in mind; two
| 17 |
Haas School of Business
| 4 |
fees and capital increases as general partner of the LJM2, the larger of th=
| 14 |
The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietar=
| 10 |
(See attached file: ATT78897.htm)
| 4 |
Oscar Wyatt and Tom Bachtell have agreed with our recommendation to hold off doing anything pending the results of the MCN/MCNIC arbitration scheduled July 23 - August 10.
| 28 |
ail, arrangements will be made for you to turn in your old parking card and=
| 15 |
Bilberry.) With that move, they needed someone else to run the trading de=
| 13 |
O:\Bridgeline\BRMS\Risk\P & L for p & l
| 7 |
Variances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.
| 6 |
> We hope that you will agree with our conclusions that based on the
| 14 |
advice about the procedures and I shall send you the bill for reimbursement
| 13 |
Holland's 7-Night Caribbean Escape for $565! <
| 7 |
Here is an overview of the new and changed features since Version 1.6.
| 13 |
ded in the new ruling.=20
| 5 |
getting Jana Morse as an approved signer for ESA.
| 9 |
customer's risk exposue to this volitility and the associated high prices.
| 11 |
> recommending a bottom's-up approach. Is that right Sue?
| 9 |
binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of
| 10 |
Confirm Desk: You no longer have to add this representation to every
| 12 |
Will keep you posted.
| 4 |
authored, co-authored or supervised over one-hundred fifty cases at Harvard
| 10 |
for $7 million, and May 18 the Kinsey Family Foundation
| 10 |
- Vegas - 2 Nights from $30 per Person!
| 9 |
This message box will be presented at the end of the upgrade process and provides important information for the larger updates.
| 21 |
> ordered the association to hold a new election in two weeks.
| 12 |
Bay Wellington Tower - BCE Place
| 6 |
allows. How long are you in the state? I or have a wierd work schedule in
| 16 |
ISS Injections NOT Available
| 4 |
to me, I must have tossed it by mistake.
| 9 |
the bullet, the headlights again<BR>>> began to
| 7 |
(C) Reuters Limited 2002.
| 4 |
ttee lawyers on Friday. Mr Odom, who was one of the employees disciplined l=
| 14 |
>* Check to ensure that you REMOVE ANY AUTOMATIC SIGNATURE at the end of
| 14 |
EnronOnline Percentage of Total Corporate Transactions
| 6 |
1. By 6:00PM on the Day Ahead, the Load Aggregators will submit to the ISO,=
| 15 |
> >(which is similar to American football, but does not involve
| 11 |
at a slight premium to Friday's goods, from 22 to 22.5$/MWh, and Into
| 13 |
- 2000 International Collective Wisdom Portfolio.htm
| 6 |
RE: New York City
| 4 |
essentially a tolling transaction with exposure to the LNG - nat gas spread
| 13 |
Received: (from kbl@localhost) by (980427.SGI.8.8.8/8.8.7) id RAA52811; Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:38:57 -0500 (EST)
| 15 |
tract. David - what happens if we don't serve the load - do we get nothing=
| 16 |
Additionally, the following information regarding the 2001 Special Stock Option Grant can be found on the HR website
| 19 |
adege; Barlow, Merrill; Bellamy, Akida; Bernard, Korynne E.; Beylin, Anne;=
| 10 |
Natural Gas and Power
| 4 |
(SACRAMENTO) - Attorney General Bill Lockyer today filed suit to have the
| 12 |
Sponsorship Bar You are receiving these e-reports because you have signed =
| 12 |
capacity they owned. Can you give me the details on this capacity--what term
| 13 |
make sure that texas and ou were undefeated to buy it.
| 11 |
> > > GT,
| 4 |
> Propane Futures 9:20 AM to 1:10 PM
| 8 |
first document that is about budget, but with the redeployment information
| 11 |
Enron's shareholders and the investment partnership at the same time.=20
| 10 |
We have a new Enpower Position Manager ready for DEMO. The new Position Manager has the capability to build a custom volumetric real-time position based on the data in Enpower. I think it could replace the Forward Obligations Report, current Real Time Position manager, and the Day Ahead Hourly Position Manager if you guys like it. I will be conducting the demonstration tomorrow, Thursday, August 9th, in Mount Hood starting at 11:00am. Please stop by if you can and let me know your thoughts.
| 84 |
> named above. If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized
| 13 |
If anyone disagrees with this idea, please call Cheryl at 713-853-6250.
| 11 |
You have received this email because you are listed as a data approver. Please click to review and act upon this request.
| 23 |
Please call or send me your number when you have a moment.
| 12 |
tel 303-321-8100, ext. 106
| 4 |
The valuation ranges for EcoElectrica and Corrinto, as revised, are as
| 11 |
UD Silv All-Rook #AR3 J.J. Stokes $5.00 $2.50
| 8 |
Also I have some reading for you tonight - The Skiliing Story is all over the
| 16 |
YPF gas contract negotiations.
| 4 |
on their new roles.
| 4 |
Evite <> on 11/27/2000 03:29:47 AM
| 6 |
Can I release a preliminary draft to Alan?
| 8 |
his options. If you are interested, feel free to give him a call at work.
| 15 |