# encoding: UTF-8 # This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. # # Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your # database schema. If you need to create the application database on another # system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations # from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations # you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues). # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160808001835) do create_table "songs", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "title" t.string "key" t.text "chords" t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end end
require 'administrate/base_dashboard' class UserDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard # ATTRIBUTE_TYPES # a hash that describes the type of each of the model's fields. # # Each different type represents an Administrate::Field object, # which determines how the attribute is displayed # on pages throughout the dashboard. ATTRIBUTE_TYPES = { account_users: Field::HasMany, id: Field::Number, avatar_url: AvatarField, provider: Field::String, uid: Field::String, password: Field::Password, sign_in_count: Field::Number, current_sign_in_at: Field::DateTime, last_sign_in_at: Field::DateTime, current_sign_in_ip: Field::String, last_sign_in_ip: Field::String, confirmation_token: Field::String, confirmed_at: Field::DateTime, confirmation_sent_at: Field::DateTime, unconfirmed_email: Field::String, name: Field::String, display_name: Field::String, email: Field::String, tokens: Field::String.with_options(searchable: false), created_at: Field::DateTime, updated_at: Field::DateTime, pubsub_token: Field::String, type: Field::Select.with_options(collection: [nil, 'SuperAdmin']), accounts: CountField }.freeze # COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES # an array of attributes that will be displayed on the model's index page. # # By default, it's limited to four items to reduce clutter on index pages. # Feel free to add, remove, or rearrange items. COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES = %i[ id avatar_url name email accounts type ].freeze # SHOW_PAGE_ATTRIBUTES # an array of attributes that will be displayed on the model's show page. SHOW_PAGE_ATTRIBUTES = %i[ id avatar_url unconfirmed_email name type display_name email created_at updated_at confirmed_at account_users ].freeze # FORM_ATTRIBUTES # an array of attributes that will be displayed # on the model's form (`new` and `edit`) pages. FORM_ATTRIBUTES = %i[ name display_name email password confirmed_at type ].freeze # COLLECTION_FILTERS # a hash that defines filters that can be used while searching via the search # field of the dashboard. # # For example to add an option to search for open resources by typing "open:" # in the search field: # # COLLECTION_FILTERS = { # open: ->(resources) { resources.where(open: true) } # }.freeze COLLECTION_FILTERS = {}.freeze # Overwrite this method to customize how users are displayed # across all pages of the admin dashboard. # def display_resource(user) "##{user.id} #{user.name}" end end
maximum_cost = nil minimum_cost = nil @annual_cost_before_and_after.each do |year, before_after| yearly_maximum = before_after[:before] > before_after[:after] ? before_after[:before] : before_after[:after] yearly_minimum = before_after[:before] < before_after[:after] ? before_after[:before] : before_after[:after] unless maximum_cost.blank? maximum_cost = yearly_maximum > maximum_cost ? yearly_maximum : maximum_cost else maximum_cost = yearly_maximum end unless minimum_cost.blank? minimum_cost = yearly_minimum < minimum_cost ? yearly_minimum : minimum_cost else minimum_cost = yearly_minimum end end xml.chart(:caption => 'Annual Cost', :xAxisName => 'Year', :yAxisName => 'Annual cost', :showValues => '0', :decimals => '0', :numberPrefix => '$', :showAlternateHGridColor => '0', :divLineColor => 'cccccc', :showBorder => '0', :borderThickness => '0', :adjustDiv => '0', :yAxisMinValue => minimum_cost, :yAxisMaxValue => maximum_cost, :canvasBorderThickness => '1', :canvasBorderColor => 'cccccc', :bgColor => 'ffffff', :bgAlpha => '100') do xml.categories do @annual_cost_before_and_after.keys.sort.each do |year| show_label = year > 1 && year % 5 > 0 ? '0' : '1' xml.category(:label => year, :showLabel => show_label) end end xml.dataset(:seriesName => 'Before installation', :lineThickness => '1', :color => '6a4600') do @annual_cost_before_and_after.keys.sort.each do |year| cost = @annual_cost_before_and_after[year][:before] xml.set(:value => cost, :toolText => "#{number_to_currency(cost, :precision => 0)} at year #{year}") end end xml.dataset(:seriesName => 'After installation', :lineThickness => '1', :color => '00a021') do @annual_cost_before_and_after.keys.sort.each do |year| cost = @annual_cost_before_and_after[year][:after] xml.set(:value => cost, :toolText => "#{number_to_currency(cost, :precision => 0)} at year #{year}") end end end
module Coupler::API class ComparatorController < Controller def initialize(index, create, update, show, delete, create_params, update_params, show_params) @index = index @create = create @update = update @show = show @delete = delete @create_params = create_params @update_params = update_params @show_params = show_params end def self.dependencies [ 'Comparators::Index', 'Comparators::Create', 'Comparators::Update', 'Comparators::Show', 'Comparators::Delete', 'ComparatorParams::Create', 'ComparatorParams::Update', 'ComparatorParams::Show' ] end def index(req, res) @index.run end def create(req, res) data = JSON.parse(req.body.read) params = @create_params.process(data) @create.run(params) end def update(req, res) data = JSON.parse(req.body.read) data['id'] = req['comparator_id'] params = @update_params.process(data) @update.run(params) end def show(req, res) params = @show_params.process({ 'id' => req['comparator_id'] }) @show.run(params) end def delete(req, res) params = @show_params.process({ 'id' => req['comparator_id'] }) @delete.run(params) end end end
class DemoRequestSystemMailer < Struct.new(:demo_request_id) def perform() demo_request = DemoRequest.find(demo_request_id) # send email to support SupportMailer.demo_request(demo_request).deliver end end
module ProfileHelper def countries Country.pluck(:name, :id) end def dial_codes Country.dial_codes end def user_org_admin? return false if @context.guest? current_user.id == current_user.org.admin_id end # Checks if current user has created organization leave (or leave on dissolve) request. # @return [true, false] Returns true if user has created organization leave request, # false otherwise. def active_leave_org_request_present? return false if @context.guest? current_user.active_leave_org_request.present? end def leave_org_label leave = current_user.active_leave_org_request if leave.nil? "Leave organization" elsif leave.new? "Pending approval for organization leaving" elsif leave.approved? "Leaving is approved" end end # @return [String] Returns dissolve button text def dissolve_org_btn_text dissolve_request = current_user.org.dissolve_org_action_request if dissolve_request.nil? "Dissolve organization" elsif dissolve_request.new? "Pending approval for organization dissolving" elsif dissolve_request.approved? "Dissolving is approved" end end # @return [true, false] Returns true if dissolve button should be shown, # false otherwise. def dissolve_button_shown? [ OrgActionRequest::State::APPROVED, OrgActionRequest::State::NEW, nil ].include?(current_user.org.dissolve_org_action_request&.state) end def active_remove_member_request_present?(member) OrgActionRequest.exists?( member: member, action_type: OrgActionRequest::Type::REMOVE_MEMBER, ) end def remove_member_label(member) remove_request = OrgActionRequest.find_by( member: member, action_type: OrgActionRequest::Type::REMOVE_MEMBER ) if remove_request.new? "Pending approval for member removing" elsif remove_request.approved? "Removing is approved" end end def user_exists_attribute(invitation, attribute) if invitation.user User.user_helper_attribute(invitation.user_id, attribute) else invitation[attribute] end end end
require "spec_helper" describe GW2::Recipe do describe ".all" do before :each do @recipes = [1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279] end it "exists" do expect(GW2::Recipe.respond_to?(:all)).to eq(true) end it "returns all recipes", :vcr do expect(GW2::Recipe.all).to include(*@recipes) end end describe ".details" do before :each do @recipe_details = { "type" => "Coat", "output_item_id" => 11541, "output_item_count" => 1, "min_rating" => 25, "time_to_craft_ms" => 1000, "chat_link" => "[&CfsEAAA=]", "disciplines" => ["Leatherworker"], "flags" => [], "ingredients" => [ {"item_id" => 19797, "count" => 1}, {"item_id" => 13094, "count" => 1}, {"item_id" => 13093, "count" => 1} ], "id" => 1275 } end it "exists" do expect(GW2::Recipe.respond_to?(:details)).to eq(true) end it "returns the details of a recipe by id", :vcr do expect(GW2::Recipe.details(1275)).to eq(@recipe_details) end end end
class UserDetail < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user, foreign_key: "user_id" end
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'rubygems/version' require 'rubygems/requirement' require 'rubygems/platform' require 'rubygems/deprecate' require 'rubygems/basic_specification' require 'rubygems/stub_specification' require 'rubygems/util/stringio' ## # The Specification class contains the information for a Gem. Typically # defined in a .gemspec file or a Rakefile, and looks like this: # # Gem::Specification.new do |s| # s.name = 'example' # s.version = '0.1.0' # s.licenses = ['MIT'] # s.summary = "This is an example!" # s.description = "Much longer explanation of the example!" # s.authors = ["Ruby Coder"] # s.email = 'rubycoder@example.com' # s.files = ["lib/example.rb"] # s.homepage = 'https://rubygems.org/gems/example' # end # # Starting in RubyGems 2.0, a Specification can hold arbitrary # metadata. See #metadata for restrictions on the format and size of metadata # items you may add to a specification. class Gem::Specification < Gem::BasicSpecification # REFACTOR: Consider breaking out this version stuff into a separate # module. There's enough special stuff around it that it may justify # a separate class. ## # The version number of a specification that does not specify one # (i.e. RubyGems 0.7 or earlier). NONEXISTENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = -1 ## # The specification version applied to any new Specification instances # created. This should be bumped whenever something in the spec format # changes. # # Specification Version History: # # spec ruby # ver ver yyyy-mm-dd description # -1 <0.8.0 pre-spec-version-history # 1 0.8.0 2004-08-01 Deprecated "test_suite_file" for "test_files" # "test_file=x" is a shortcut for "test_files=[x]" # 2 0.9.5 2007-10-01 Added "required_rubygems_version" # Now forward-compatible with future versions # 3 1.3.2 2009-01-03 Added Fixnum validation to specification_version # 4 1.9.0 2011-06-07 Added metadata #-- # When updating this number, be sure to also update #to_ruby. # # NOTE RubyGems < 1.2 cannot load specification versions > 2. CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = 4 # :nodoc: ## # An informal list of changes to the specification. The highest-valued # key should be equal to the CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION. SPECIFICATION_VERSION_HISTORY = { # :nodoc: -1 => ['(RubyGems versions up to and including 0.7 did not have versioned specifications)'], 1 => [ 'Deprecated "test_suite_file" in favor of the new, but equivalent, "test_files"', '"test_file=x" is a shortcut for "test_files=[x]"' ], 2 => [ 'Added "required_rubygems_version"', 'Now forward-compatible with future versions', ], 3 => [ 'Added Fixnum validation to the specification_version' ], 4 => [ 'Added sandboxed freeform metadata to the specification version.' ] } MARSHAL_FIELDS = { # :nodoc: -1 => 16, 1 => 16, 2 => 16, 3 => 17, 4 => 18, } today = Time.now.utc TODAY = Time.utc(today.year, today.month, today.day) # :nodoc: LOAD_CACHE = {} # :nodoc: private_constant :LOAD_CACHE if defined? private_constant # :startdoc: ## # List of attribute names: [:name, :version, ...] @@required_attributes = [:rubygems_version, :specification_version, :name, :version, :date, :summary, :require_paths] ## # Map of attribute names to default values. @@default_value = { :authors => [], :autorequire => nil, :bindir => 'bin', :cert_chain => [], :date => TODAY, :dependencies => [], :description => nil, :email => nil, :executables => [], :extensions => [], :extra_rdoc_files => [], :files => [], :homepage => nil, :licenses => [], :metadata => {}, :name => nil, :platform => Gem::Platform::RUBY, :post_install_message => nil, :rdoc_options => [], :require_paths => ['lib'], :required_ruby_version => Gem::Requirement.default, :required_rubygems_version => Gem::Requirement.default, :requirements => [], :rubyforge_project => nil, :rubygems_version => Gem::VERSION, :signing_key => nil, :specification_version => CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION, :summary => nil, :test_files => [], :version => nil, } Dupable = { } # :nodoc: @@default_value.each do |k,v| case v when Time, Numeric, Symbol, true, false, nil Dupable[k] = false else Dupable[k] = true end end @@attributes = @@default_value.keys.sort_by { |s| s.to_s } @@array_attributes = @@default_value.reject { |k,v| v != [] }.keys @@nil_attributes, @@non_nil_attributes = @@default_value.keys.partition { |k| @@default_value[k].nil? } ###################################################################### # :section: Required gemspec attributes ## # This gem's name. # # Usage: # # spec.name = 'rake' attr_accessor :name ## # This gem's version. # # The version string can contain numbers and periods, such as +1.0.0+. # A gem is a 'prerelease' gem if the version has a letter in it, such as # +1.0.0.pre+. # # Usage: # # spec.version = '0.4.1' attr_reader :version ## # Paths in the gem to add to <code>$LOAD_PATH</code> when this gem is # activated. # # See also #require_paths # # If you have an extension you do not need to add <code>"ext"</code> to the # require path, the extension build process will copy the extension files # into "lib" for you. # # The default value is <code>"lib"</code> # # Usage: # # # If all library files are in the root directory... # spec.require_paths = ['.'] def require_paths=(val) @require_paths = Array(val) end ## # The version of RubyGems used to create this gem. # # Do not set this, it is set automatically when the gem is packaged. attr_accessor :rubygems_version ## # A short summary of this gem's description. Displayed in `gem list -d`. # # The #description should be more detailed than the summary. # # Usage: # # spec.summary = "This is a small summary of my gem" attr_reader :summary ## # Singular writer for #authors # # Usage: # # spec.author = 'John Jones' def author= o self.authors = [o] end ## # Sets the list of authors, ensuring it is an array. # # Usage: # # spec.authors = ['John Jones', 'Mary Smith'] def authors= value @authors = Array(value).flatten.grep(String) end ## # The platform this gem runs on. # # This is usually Gem::Platform::RUBY or Gem::Platform::CURRENT. # # Most gems contain pure Ruby code; they should simply leave the default # value in place. Some gems contain C (or other) code to be compiled into a # Ruby "extension". The gem should leave the default value in place unless # the code will only compile on a certain type of system. Some gems consist # of pre-compiled code ("binary gems"). It's especially important that they # set the platform attribute appropriately. A shortcut is to set the # platform to Gem::Platform::CURRENT, which will cause the gem builder to set # the platform to the appropriate value for the system on which the build is # being performed. # # If this attribute is set to a non-default value, it will be included in # the filename of the gem when it is built such as: # nokogiri-1.6.0-x86-mingw32.gem # # Usage: # # spec.platform = Gem::Platform.local def platform= platform if @original_platform.nil? or @original_platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY then @original_platform = platform end case platform when Gem::Platform::CURRENT then @new_platform = Gem::Platform.local @original_platform = @new_platform.to_s when Gem::Platform then @new_platform = platform # legacy constants when nil, Gem::Platform::RUBY then @new_platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY when 'mswin32' then # was Gem::Platform::WIN32 @new_platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-mswin32' when 'i586-linux' then # was Gem::Platform::LINUX_586 @new_platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-linux' when 'powerpc-darwin' then # was Gem::Platform::DARWIN @new_platform = Gem::Platform.new 'ppc-darwin' else @new_platform = Gem::Platform.new platform end @platform = @new_platform.to_s invalidate_memoized_attributes @new_platform end ## # Files included in this gem. You cannot append to this accessor, you must # assign to it. # # Only add files you can require to this list, not directories, etc. # # Directories are automatically stripped from this list when building a gem, # other non-files cause an error. # # Usage: # # require 'rake' # spec.files = FileList['lib/**/*.rb', # 'bin/*', # '[A-Z]*', # 'test/**/*'].to_a # # # or without Rake... # spec.files = Dir['lib/**/*.rb'] + Dir['bin/*'] # spec.files += Dir['[A-Z]*'] + Dir['test/**/*'] # spec.files.reject! { |fn| fn.include? "CVS" } def files # DO NOT CHANGE TO ||= ! This is not a normal accessor. (yes, it sucks) # DOC: Why isn't it normal? Why does it suck? How can we fix this? @files = [@files, @test_files, add_bindir(@executables), @extra_rdoc_files, @extensions, ].flatten.uniq.compact.sort end ###################################################################### # :section: Optional gemspec attributes ## # The path in the gem for executable scripts. Usually 'bin' # # Usage: # # spec.bindir = 'bin' attr_accessor :bindir ## # The certificate chain used to sign this gem. See Gem::Security for # details. attr_accessor :cert_chain ## # A long description of this gem # # The description should be more detailed than the summary but not # excessively long. A few paragraphs is a recommended length with no # examples or formatting. # # Usage: # # spec.description = <<-EOF # Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and # dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax. # EOF attr_reader :description ## # A contact email address (or addresses) for this gem # # Usage: # # spec.email = 'john.jones@example.com' # spec.email = ['jack@example.com', 'jill@example.com'] attr_accessor :email ## # The URL of this gem's home page # # Usage: # # spec.homepage = 'http://rake.rubyforge.org' attr_accessor :homepage ## # A message that gets displayed after the gem is installed. # # Usage: # # spec.post_install_message = "Thanks for installing!" attr_accessor :post_install_message ## # The version of Ruby required by this gem attr_reader :required_ruby_version ## # The RubyGems version required by this gem attr_reader :required_rubygems_version ## # The key used to sign this gem. See Gem::Security for details. attr_accessor :signing_key ## # :attr_accessor: metadata # # The metadata holds extra data for this gem that may be useful to other # consumers and is settable by gem authors without requiring an update to # the rubygems software. # # Metadata items have the following restrictions: # # * The metadata must be a Hash object # * All keys and values must be Strings # * Keys can be a maximum of 128 bytes and values can be a maximum of 1024 # bytes # * All strings must be UTF-8, no binary data is allowed # # To add metadata for the location of a issue tracker: # # s.metadata = { "issue_tracker" => "https://example/issues" } attr_accessor :metadata ## # Adds a development dependency named +gem+ with +requirements+ to this # gem. # # Usage: # # spec.add_development_dependency 'example', '~> 1.1', '>= 1.1.4' # # Development dependencies aren't installed by default and aren't # activated when a gem is required. def add_development_dependency(gem, *requirements) add_dependency_with_type(gem, :development, *requirements) end ## # Adds a runtime dependency named +gem+ with +requirements+ to this gem. # # Usage: # # spec.add_runtime_dependency 'example', '~> 1.1', '>= 1.1.4' def add_runtime_dependency(gem, *requirements) add_dependency_with_type(gem, :runtime, *requirements) end ## # Executables included in the gem. # # For example, the rake gem has rake as an executable. You don’t specify the # full path (as in bin/rake); all application-style files are expected to be # found in bindir. These files must be executable Ruby files. Files that # use bash or other interpreters will not work. # # Executables included may only be ruby scripts, not scripts for other # languages or compiled binaries. # # Usage: # # spec.executables << 'rake' def executables @executables ||= [] end ## # Extensions to build when installing the gem, specifically the paths to # extconf.rb-style files used to compile extensions. # # These files will be run when the gem is installed, causing the C (or # whatever) code to be compiled on the user’s machine. # # Usage: # # spec.extensions << 'ext/rmagic/extconf.rb' # # See Gem::Ext::Builder for information about writing extensions for gems. def extensions @extensions ||= [] end ## # Extra files to add to RDoc such as README or doc/examples.txt # # When the user elects to generate the RDoc documentation for a gem (typically # at install time), all the library files are sent to RDoc for processing. # This option allows you to have some non-code files included for a more # complete set of documentation. # # Usage: # # spec.extra_rdoc_files = ['README', 'doc/user-guide.txt'] def extra_rdoc_files @extra_rdoc_files ||= [] end ## # The version of RubyGems that installed this gem. Returns # <code>Gem::Version.new(0)</code> for gems installed by versions earlier # than RubyGems 2.2.0. def installed_by_version # :nodoc: @installed_by_version ||= Gem::Version.new(0) end ## # Sets the version of RubyGems that installed this gem. See also # #installed_by_version. def installed_by_version= version # :nodoc: @installed_by_version = Gem::Version.new version end ## # :category: Recommended gemspec attributes # # The license for this gem. # # The license must be no more than 64 characters. # # This should just be the name of your license. The full text of the license # should be inside of the gem (at the top level) when you build it. # # The simplest way, is to specify the standard SPDX ID # https://spdx.org/licenses/ for the license. # Ideally you should pick one that is OSI (Open Source Initiative) # http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical approved. # # The most commonly used OSI approved licenses are BSD-3-Clause and MIT. # GitHub also provides a license picker at http://choosealicense.com/. # # You should specify a license for your gem so that people know how they are # permitted to use it, and any restrictions you're placing on it. Not # specifying a license means all rights are reserved; others have no rights # to use the code for any purpose. # # You can set multiple licenses with #licenses= # # Usage: # spec.license = 'MIT' def license=o self.licenses = [o] end ## # :category: Recommended gemspec attributes # The license(s) for the library. # # Each license must be a short name, no more than 64 characters. # # This should just be the name of your license. The full # text of the license should be inside of the gem when you build it. # # See #license= for more discussion # # Usage: # spec.licenses = ['MIT', 'GPL-2'] def licenses= licenses @licenses = Array licenses end ## # Specifies the rdoc options to be used when generating API documentation. # # Usage: # # spec.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'Rake -- Ruby Make' << # '--main' << 'README' << # '--line-numbers' def rdoc_options @rdoc_options ||= [] end ## # The version of Ruby required by this gem. The ruby version can be # specified to the patch-level: # # $ ruby -v -e 'p Gem.ruby_version' # ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-darwin12.4.0] # #<Gem::Version ""> # # Usage: # # # This gem will work with 1.8.6 or greater... # spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.8.6' # # # Only with ruby 2.0.x # spec.required_ruby_version = '~> 2.0' def required_ruby_version= req @required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.create req end ## # The RubyGems version required by this gem def required_rubygems_version= req @required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.create req end ## # Lists the external (to RubyGems) requirements that must be met for this gem # to work. It's simply information for the user. # # Usage: # # spec.requirements << 'libmagick, v6.0' # spec.requirements << 'A good graphics card' def requirements @requirements ||= [] end ## # A collection of unit test files. They will be loaded as unit tests when # the user requests a gem to be unit tested. # # Usage: # spec.test_files = Dir.glob('test/tc_*.rb') # spec.test_files = ['tests/test-suite.rb'] def test_files= files # :nodoc: @test_files = Array files end ###################################################################### # :section: Specification internals ## # True when this gemspec has been activated. This attribute is not persisted. attr_accessor :activated alias :activated? :activated ## # Autorequire was used by old RubyGems to automatically require a file. # # Deprecated: It is neither supported nor functional. attr_accessor :autorequire # :nodoc: ## # Sets the default executable for this gem. # # Deprecated: You must now specify the executable name to Gem.bin_path. attr_writer :default_executable ## # Allows deinstallation of gems with legacy platforms. attr_writer :original_platform # :nodoc: ## # The rubyforge project this gem lives under. i.e. RubyGems' # rubyforge_project is "rubygems". # # This option is deprecated. attr_accessor :rubyforge_project ## # The Gem::Specification version of this gemspec. # # Do not set this, it is set automatically when the gem is packaged. attr_accessor :specification_version def self._all # :nodoc: unless defined?(@@all) && @@all then @@all = stubs.map(&:to_spec) # After a reset, make sure already loaded specs # are still marked as activated. specs = {} Gem.loaded_specs.each_value{|s| specs[s] = true} @@all.each{|s| s.activated = true if specs[s]} _resort!(@@all) end @@all end def self._clear_load_cache # :nodoc: LOAD_CACHE.clear end def self.each_gemspec(dirs) # :nodoc: dirs.each do |dir| Dir[File.join(dir, "*.gemspec")].each do |path| yield path.untaint end end end def self.each_stub(dirs) # :nodoc: each_gemspec(dirs) do |path| stub = Gem::StubSpecification.new(path) yield stub if stub.valid? end end def self.each_spec(dirs) # :nodoc: each_gemspec(dirs) do |path| spec = self.load path yield spec if spec end end ## # Returns a Gem::StubSpecification for every installed gem def self.stubs @@stubs ||= begin stubs = {} each_stub([default_specifications_dir] + dirs) do |stub| stubs[stub.full_name] ||= stub end stubs = stubs.values _resort!(stubs) stubs end end def self._resort!(specs) # :nodoc: specs.sort! { |a, b| names = a.name <=> b.name next names if names.nonzero? b.version <=> a.version } end ## # Loads the default specifications. It should be called only once. def self.load_defaults each_spec([default_specifications_dir]) do |spec| # #load returns nil if the spec is bad, so we just ignore # it at this stage Gem.register_default_spec(spec) end end ## # Adds +spec+ to the known specifications, keeping the collection # properly sorted. def self.add_spec spec # TODO: find all extraneous adds # puts # p :add_spec => [spec.full_name, caller.reject { |s| s =~ /minitest/ }] # TODO: flush the rest of the crap from the tests # raise "no dupes #{spec.full_name} in #{all_names.inspect}" if # _all.include? spec raise "nil spec!" unless spec # TODO: remove once we're happy with tests return if _all.include? spec _all << spec stubs << spec _resort!(_all) _resort!(stubs) end ## # Adds multiple specs to the known specifications. def self.add_specs *specs raise "nil spec!" if specs.any?(&:nil?) # TODO: remove once we're happy # TODO: this is much more efficient, but we need the extra checks for now # _all.concat specs # _resort! specs.each do |spec| # TODO: slow add_spec spec end end ## # Returns all specifications. This method is discouraged from use. # You probably want to use one of the Enumerable methods instead. def self.all warn "NOTE: Specification.all called from #{caller.first}" unless Gem::Deprecate.skip _all end ## # Sets the known specs to +specs+. Not guaranteed to work for you in # the future. Use at your own risk. Caveat emptor. Doomy doom doom. # Etc etc. # #-- # Makes +specs+ the known specs # Listen, time is a river # Winter comes, code breaks # # -- wilsonb def self.all= specs @@all = @@stubs = specs end ## # Return full names of all specs in sorted order. def self.all_names self._all.map(&:full_name) end ## # Return the list of all array-oriented instance variables. #-- # Not sure why we need to use so much stupid reflection in here... def self.array_attributes @@array_attributes.dup end ## # Return the list of all instance variables. #-- # Not sure why we need to use so much stupid reflection in here... def self.attribute_names @@attributes.dup end ## # Return the directories that Specification uses to find specs. def self.dirs @@dirs ||= Gem.path.collect { |dir| File.join dir.dup.untaint, "specifications" } end ## # Set the directories that Specification uses to find specs. Setting # this resets the list of known specs. def self.dirs= dirs self.reset @@dirs = Array(dirs).map { |dir| File.join dir, "specifications" } end extend Enumerable ## # Enumerate every known spec. See ::dirs= and ::add_spec to set the list of # specs. def self.each return enum_for(:each) unless block_given? self._all.each do |x| yield x end end ## # Returns every spec that matches +name+ and optional +requirements+. def self.find_all_by_name name, *requirements requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? # TODO: maybe try: find_all { |s| spec === dep } Gem::Dependency.new(name, *requirements).matching_specs end ## # Find the best specification matching a +name+ and +requirements+. Raises # if the dependency doesn't resolve to a valid specification. def self.find_by_name name, *requirements requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? # TODO: maybe try: find { |s| spec === dep } Gem::Dependency.new(name, *requirements).to_spec end ## # Return the best specification that contains the file matching +path+. def self.find_by_path path self.find { |spec| spec.contains_requirable_file? path } end ## # Return the best specification that contains the file matching +path+ # amongst the specs that are not activated. def self.find_inactive_by_path path stub = stubs.find { |s| s.contains_requirable_file? path unless s.activated? } stub && stub.to_spec end ## # Return currently unresolved specs that contain the file matching +path+. def self.find_in_unresolved path # TODO: do we need these?? Kill it specs = unresolved_deps.values.map { |dep| dep.to_specs }.flatten specs.find_all { |spec| spec.contains_requirable_file? path } end ## # Search through all unresolved deps and sub-dependencies and return # specs that contain the file matching +path+. def self.find_in_unresolved_tree path specs = unresolved_deps.values.map { |dep| dep.to_specs }.flatten specs.reverse_each do |spec| trails = [] spec.traverse do |from_spec, dep, to_spec, trail| next unless to_spec.conflicts.empty? trails << trail if to_spec.contains_requirable_file? path end next if trails.empty? return trails.map(&:reverse).sort.first.reverse end [] end ## # Special loader for YAML files. When a Specification object is loaded # from a YAML file, it bypasses the normal Ruby object initialization # routine (#initialize). This method makes up for that and deals with # gems of different ages. # # +input+ can be anything that YAML.load() accepts: String or IO. def self.from_yaml(input) Gem.load_yaml input = normalize_yaml_input input spec = YAML.load input if spec && spec.class == FalseClass then raise Gem::EndOfYAMLException end unless Gem::Specification === spec then raise Gem::Exception, "YAML data doesn't evaluate to gem specification" end spec.specification_version ||= NONEXISTENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION spec.reset_nil_attributes_to_default spec end ## # Return the latest specs, optionally including prerelease specs if # +prerelease+ is true. def self.latest_specs prerelease = false result = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} } native = {} Gem::Specification.reverse_each do |spec| next if spec.version.prerelease? unless prerelease native[spec.name] = spec.version if spec.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY result[spec.name][spec.platform] = spec end result.map(&:last).map(&:values).flatten.reject { |spec| minimum = native[spec.name] minimum && spec.version < minimum }.sort_by{ |tup| tup.name } end ## # Loads Ruby format gemspec from +file+. def self.load file return unless file file = file.dup.untaint return unless File.file?(file) spec = LOAD_CACHE[file] return spec if spec code = if defined? Encoding File.read file, :mode => 'r:UTF-8:-' else File.read file end code.untaint begin spec = eval code, binding, file if Gem::Specification === spec spec.loaded_from = File.expand_path file.to_s LOAD_CACHE[file] = spec return spec end warn "[#{file}] isn't a Gem::Specification (#{spec.class} instead)." rescue SignalException, SystemExit raise rescue SyntaxError, Exception => e warn "Invalid gemspec in [#{file}]: #{e}" end nil end ## # Specification attributes that must be non-nil def self.non_nil_attributes @@non_nil_attributes.dup end ## # Make sure the YAML specification is properly formatted with dashes def self.normalize_yaml_input(input) result = input.respond_to?(:read) ? input.read : input result = "--- " + result unless result =~ /\A--- / result.gsub!(/ !!null \n/, " \n") # date: 2011-04-26 00:00:00.000000000Z # date: 2011-04-26 00:00:00.000000000 Z result.gsub!(/^(date: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+?)Z/, '\1 Z') result end ## # Return a list of all outdated local gem names. This method is HEAVY # as it must go fetch specifications from the server. # # Use outdated_and_latest_version if you wish to retrieve the latest remote # version as well. def self.outdated outdated_and_latest_version.map { |local, _| local.name } end ## # Enumerates the outdated local gems yielding the local specification and # the latest remote version. # # This method may take some time to return as it must check each local gem # against the server's index. def self.outdated_and_latest_version return enum_for __method__ unless block_given? # TODO: maybe we should switch to rubygems' version service? fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher latest_specs(true).each do |local_spec| dependency = Gem::Dependency.new local_spec.name, ">= #{local_spec.version}" remotes, = fetcher.search_for_dependency dependency remotes = remotes.map { |n, _| n.version } latest_remote = remotes.sort.last yield [local_spec, latest_remote] if latest_remote and local_spec.version < latest_remote end nil end ## # Removes +spec+ from the known specs. def self.remove_spec spec _all.delete spec stubs.delete_if { |s| s.full_name == spec.full_name } end ## # Is +name+ a required attribute? def self.required_attribute?(name) @@required_attributes.include? name.to_sym end ## # Required specification attributes def self.required_attributes @@required_attributes.dup end ## # Reset the list of known specs, running pre and post reset hooks # registered in Gem. def self.reset @@dirs = nil Gem.pre_reset_hooks.each { |hook| hook.call } @@all = nil @@stubs = nil _clear_load_cache unresolved = unresolved_deps unless unresolved.empty? then w = "W" + "ARN" warn "#{w}: Unresolved specs during Gem::Specification.reset:" unresolved.values.each do |dep| warn " #{dep}" end warn "#{w}: Clearing out unresolved specs." warn "Please report a bug if this causes problems." unresolved.clear end Gem.post_reset_hooks.each { |hook| hook.call } end # DOC: This method needs documented or nodoc'd def self.unresolved_deps @unresolved_deps ||= Hash.new { |h, n| h[n] = Gem::Dependency.new n } end ## # Load custom marshal format, re-initializing defaults as needed def self._load(str) array = Marshal.load str spec = Gem::Specification.new spec.instance_variable_set :@specification_version, array[1] current_version = CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION field_count = if spec.specification_version > current_version then spec.instance_variable_set :@specification_version, current_version MARSHAL_FIELDS[current_version] else MARSHAL_FIELDS[spec.specification_version] end if array.size < field_count then raise TypeError, "invalid Gem::Specification format #{array.inspect}" end # Cleanup any YAML::PrivateType. They only show up for an old bug # where nil => null, so just convert them to nil based on the type. array.map! { |e| e.kind_of?(YAML::PrivateType) ? nil : e } spec.instance_variable_set :@rubygems_version, array[0] # spec version spec.instance_variable_set :@name, array[2] spec.instance_variable_set :@version, array[3] spec.date = array[4] spec.instance_variable_set :@summary, array[5] spec.instance_variable_set :@required_ruby_version, array[6] spec.instance_variable_set :@required_rubygems_version, array[7] spec.instance_variable_set :@original_platform, array[8] spec.instance_variable_set :@dependencies, array[9] spec.instance_variable_set :@rubyforge_project, array[10] spec.instance_variable_set :@email, array[11] spec.instance_variable_set :@authors, array[12] spec.instance_variable_set :@description, array[13] spec.instance_variable_set :@homepage, array[14] spec.instance_variable_set :@has_rdoc, array[15] spec.instance_variable_set :@new_platform, array[16] spec.instance_variable_set :@platform, array[16].to_s spec.instance_variable_set :@license, array[17] spec.instance_variable_set :@metadata, array[18] spec.instance_variable_set :@loaded, false spec.instance_variable_set :@activated, false spec end def <=>(other) # :nodoc: sort_obj <=> other.sort_obj end def == other # :nodoc: self.class === other && name == other.name && version == other.version && platform == other.platform end ## # Dump only crucial instance variables. #-- # MAINTAIN ORDER! # (down with the man) def _dump(limit) Marshal.dump [ @rubygems_version, @specification_version, @name, @version, date, @summary, @required_ruby_version, @required_rubygems_version, @original_platform, @dependencies, @rubyforge_project, @email, @authors, @description, @homepage, true, # has_rdoc @new_platform, @licenses, @metadata ] end ## # Activate this spec, registering it as a loaded spec and adding # it's lib paths to $LOAD_PATH. Returns true if the spec was # activated, false if it was previously activated. Freaks out if # there are conflicts upon activation. def activate other = Gem.loaded_specs[self.name] if other then check_version_conflict other return false end raise_if_conflicts activate_dependencies add_self_to_load_path Gem.loaded_specs[self.name] = self @activated = true @loaded = true return true end ## # Activate all unambiguously resolved runtime dependencies of this # spec. Add any ambiguous dependencies to the unresolved list to be # resolved later, as needed. def activate_dependencies unresolved = Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps self.runtime_dependencies.each do |spec_dep| if loaded = Gem.loaded_specs[spec_dep.name] next if spec_dep.matches_spec? loaded msg = "can't satisfy '#{spec_dep}', already activated '#{loaded.full_name}'" e = Gem::LoadError.new msg e.name = spec_dep.name raise e end specs = spec_dep.to_specs if specs.size == 1 then specs.first.activate else name = spec_dep.name unresolved[name] = unresolved[name].merge spec_dep end end unresolved.delete self.name end ## # Returns an array with bindir attached to each executable in the # +executables+ list def add_bindir(executables) return nil if executables.nil? if @bindir then Array(executables).map { |e| File.join(@bindir, e) } else executables end rescue return nil end ## # Adds a dependency on gem +dependency+ with type +type+ that requires # +requirements+. Valid types are currently <tt>:runtime</tt> and # <tt>:development</tt>. def add_dependency_with_type(dependency, type, *requirements) requirements = if requirements.empty? then Gem::Requirement.default else requirements.flatten end unless dependency.respond_to?(:name) && dependency.respond_to?(:version_requirements) dependency = Gem::Dependency.new(dependency.to_s, requirements, type) end dependencies << dependency end private :add_dependency_with_type alias add_dependency add_runtime_dependency ## # Adds this spec's require paths to LOAD_PATH, in the proper location. def add_self_to_load_path return if default_gem? paths = full_require_paths # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] insert_index = Gem.load_path_insert_index if insert_index then # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] $LOAD_PATH.insert(insert_index, *paths) else # we are probably testing in core, -I and RUBYLIB don't apply $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*paths) end end ## # Singular reader for #authors. Returns the first author in the list def author val = authors and val.first end ## # The list of author names who wrote this gem. # # spec.authors = ['Chad Fowler', 'Jim Weirich', 'Rich Kilmer'] def authors @authors ||= [] end ## # Returns the full path to installed gem's bin directory. # # NOTE: do not confuse this with +bindir+, which is just 'bin', not # a full path. def bin_dir @bin_dir ||= File.join gem_dir, bindir # TODO: this is unfortunate end ## # Returns the full path to an executable named +name+ in this gem. def bin_file name File.join bin_dir, name end ## # Returns the build_args used to install the gem def build_args if File.exist? build_info_file build_info = File.readlines build_info_file build_info = build_info.map { |x| x.strip } build_info.delete "" build_info else [] end end ## # Builds extensions for this platform if the gem has extensions listed and # the gem.build_complete file is missing. def build_extensions # :nodoc: return if default_gem? return if extensions.empty? return if installed_by_version < Gem::Version.new('2.2.0.preview.2') return if File.exist? gem_build_complete_path return if !File.writable?(base_dir) return if !File.exist?(File.join(base_dir, 'extensions')) begin # We need to require things in $LOAD_PATH without looking for the # extension we are about to build. unresolved_deps = Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps.dup Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps.clear require 'rubygems/config_file' require 'rubygems/ext' require 'rubygems/user_interaction' ui = Gem::SilentUI.new Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.use_ui ui do builder = Gem::Ext::Builder.new self builder.build_extensions end ensure ui.close if ui Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps.replace unresolved_deps end end ## # Returns the full path to the build info directory def build_info_dir File.join base_dir, "build_info" end ## # Returns the full path to the file containing the build # information generated when the gem was installed def build_info_file File.join build_info_dir, "#{full_name}.info" end ## # Returns the full path to the cache directory containing this # spec's cached gem. def cache_dir @cache_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "cache" end ## # Returns the full path to the cached gem for this spec. def cache_file @cache_file ||= File.join cache_dir, "#{full_name}.gem" end ## # Return any possible conflicts against the currently loaded specs. def conflicts conflicts = {} self.runtime_dependencies.each { |dep| spec = Gem.loaded_specs[dep.name] if spec and not spec.satisfies_requirement? dep (conflicts[spec] ||= []) << dep end } conflicts end ## # The date this gem was created. Lazily defaults to the current UTC date. # # There is no need to set this in your gem specification. def date @date ||= TODAY end DateLike = Object.new # :nodoc: def DateLike.===(obj) # :nodoc: defined?(::Date) and Date === obj end DateTimeFormat = # :nodoc: /\A (\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\s+ \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+ \s* (Z | [-+]\d\d:\d\d) )? \Z/x ## # The date this gem was created # # DO NOT set this, it is set automatically when the gem is packaged. def date= date # We want to end up with a Time object with one-day resolution. # This is the cleanest, most-readable, faster-than-using-Date # way to do it. @date = case date when String then if DateTimeFormat =~ date then Time.utc($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i) # Workaround for where the date format output from psych isn't # parsed as a Time object by syck and thus comes through as a # string. elsif /\A(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+?Z\z/ =~ date then Time.utc($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i) else raise(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "invalid date format in specification: #{date.inspect}") end when Time, DateLike then Time.utc(date.year, date.month, date.day) else TODAY end end ## # The default executable for this gem. # # Deprecated: The name of the gem is assumed to be the name of the # executable now. See Gem.bin_path. def default_executable # :nodoc: if defined?(@default_executable) and @default_executable result = @default_executable elsif @executables and @executables.size == 1 result = Array(@executables).first else result = nil end result end ## # The default value for specification attribute +name+ def default_value name @@default_value[name] end ## # A list of Gem::Dependency objects this gem depends on. # # Use #add_dependency or #add_development_dependency to add dependencies to # a gem. def dependencies @dependencies ||= [] end ## # Return a list of all gems that have a dependency on this gemspec. The # list is structured with entries that conform to: # # [depending_gem, dependency, [list_of_gems_that_satisfy_dependency]] def dependent_gems out = [] Gem::Specification.each do |spec| spec.dependencies.each do |dep| if self.satisfies_requirement?(dep) then sats = [] find_all_satisfiers(dep) do |sat| sats << sat end out << [spec, dep, sats] end end end out end ## # Returns all specs that matches this spec's runtime dependencies. def dependent_specs runtime_dependencies.map { |dep| dep.to_specs }.flatten end ## # A detailed description of this gem. See also #summary def description= str @description = str.to_s end ## # List of dependencies that are used for development def development_dependencies dependencies.select { |d| d.type == :development } end ## # Returns the full path to this spec's documentation directory. If +type+ # is given it will be appended to the end. For example: # # spec.doc_dir # => "/path/to/gem_repo/doc/a-1" # # spec.doc_dir 'ri' # => "/path/to/gem_repo/doc/a-1/ri" def doc_dir type = nil @doc_dir ||= File.join base_dir, 'doc', full_name if type then File.join @doc_dir, type else @doc_dir end end def encode_with coder # :nodoc: mark_version coder.add 'name', @name coder.add 'version', @version platform = case @original_platform when nil, '' then 'ruby' when String then @original_platform else @original_platform.to_s end coder.add 'platform', platform attributes = @@attributes.map(&:to_s) - %w[name version platform] attributes.each do |name| coder.add name, instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end end def eql? other # :nodoc: self.class === other && same_attributes?(other) end ## # Singular accessor for #executables def executable val = executables and val.first end ## # Singular accessor for #executables def executable=o self.executables = [o] end ## # Sets executables to +value+, ensuring it is an array. Don't # use this, push onto the array instead. def executables= value # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing @executables = Array(value) end ## # Sets extensions to +extensions+, ensuring it is an array. Don't # use this, push onto the array instead. def extensions= extensions # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing @extensions = Array extensions end ## # Sets extra_rdoc_files to +files+, ensuring it is an array. Don't # use this, push onto the array instead. def extra_rdoc_files= files # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing @extra_rdoc_files = Array files end ## # The default (generated) file name of the gem. See also #spec_name. # # spec.file_name # => "example-1.0.gem" def file_name "#{full_name}.gem" end ## # Sets files to +files+, ensuring it is an array. def files= files @files = Array files end ## # Finds all gems that satisfy +dep+ def find_all_satisfiers dep Gem::Specification.each do |spec| yield spec if spec.satisfies_requirement? dep end end private :find_all_satisfiers ## # Creates a duplicate spec without large blobs that aren't used at runtime. def for_cache spec = dup spec.files = nil spec.test_files = nil spec end def find_full_gem_path # :nodoc: super || File.expand_path(File.join(gems_dir, original_name)) end private :find_full_gem_path def full_name @full_name ||= super end ## # The path to the gem.build_complete file within the extension install # directory. def gem_build_complete_path # :nodoc: File.join extension_dir, 'gem.build_complete' end ## # Work around bundler removing my methods def gem_dir # :nodoc: super end ## # Deprecated and ignored, defaults to true. # # Formerly used to indicate this gem was RDoc-capable. def has_rdoc # :nodoc: true end ## # Deprecated and ignored. # # Formerly used to indicate this gem was RDoc-capable. def has_rdoc= ignored # :nodoc: @has_rdoc = true end alias :has_rdoc? :has_rdoc # :nodoc: ## # True if this gem has files in test_files def has_unit_tests? # :nodoc: not test_files.empty? end # :stopdoc: alias has_test_suite? has_unit_tests? # :startdoc: def hash # :nodoc: name.hash ^ version.hash end def init_with coder # :nodoc: @installed_by_version ||= nil yaml_initialize coder.tag, coder.map end ## # Specification constructor. Assigns the default values to the attributes # and yields itself for further initialization. Optionally takes +name+ and # +version+. def initialize name = nil, version = nil @loaded = false @activated = false self.loaded_from = nil @original_platform = nil @installed_by_version = nil @@nil_attributes.each do |key| instance_variable_set "@#{key}", nil end @@non_nil_attributes.each do |key| default = default_value(key) value = Dupable[key] ? default.dup : default instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value end @new_platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY self.name = name if name self.version = version if version yield self if block_given? end ## # Duplicates array_attributes from +other_spec+ so state isn't shared. def initialize_copy other_spec self.class.array_attributes.each do |name| name = :"@#{name}" next unless other_spec.instance_variable_defined? name begin val = other_spec.instance_variable_get(name) if val then instance_variable_set name, val.dup elsif Gem.configuration.really_verbose warn "WARNING: #{full_name} has an invalid nil value for #{name}" end rescue TypeError e = Gem::FormatException.new \ "#{full_name} has an invalid value for #{name}" e.file_path = loaded_from raise e end end end ## # Expire memoized instance variables that can incorrectly generate, replace # or miss files due changes in certain attributes used to compute them. def invalidate_memoized_attributes @full_name = nil @cache_file = nil end private :invalidate_memoized_attributes def inspect # :nodoc: if $DEBUG super else "#<#{self.class}:0x#{__id__.to_s(16)} #{full_name}>" end end ## # Returns a string usable in Dir.glob to match all requirable paths # for this spec. def lib_dirs_glob dirs = if self.require_paths.size > 1 then "{#{self.require_paths.join(',')}}" else self.require_paths.first end "#{self.full_gem_path}/#{dirs}" end ## # Files in the Gem under one of the require_paths def lib_files @files.select do |file| require_paths.any? do |path| file.start_with? path end end end ## # Singular accessor for #licenses def license val = licenses and val.first end ## # Plural accessor for setting licenses # # See #license= for details def licenses @licenses ||= [] end def loaded_from= path # :nodoc: super @bin_dir = nil @cache_dir = nil @cache_file = nil @doc_dir = nil @ri_dir = nil @spec_dir = nil @spec_file = nil end ## # Sets the rubygems_version to the current RubyGems version. def mark_version @rubygems_version = Gem::VERSION end ## # Return all files in this gem that match for +glob+. def matches_for_glob glob # TODO: rename? # TODO: do we need these?? Kill it glob = File.join(self.lib_dirs_glob, glob) Dir[glob].map { |f| f.untaint } # FIX our tests are broken, run w/ SAFE=1 end ## # Warn about unknown attributes while loading a spec. def method_missing(sym, *a, &b) # :nodoc: if @specification_version > CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION and sym.to_s =~ /=$/ then warn "ignoring #{sym} loading #{full_name}" if $DEBUG else super end end ## # Is this specification missing its extensions? When this returns true you # probably want to build_extensions def missing_extensions? return false if default_gem? return false if extensions.empty? return false if installed_by_version < Gem::Version.new('2.2.0.preview.2') return false if File.exist? gem_build_complete_path true end ## # Normalize the list of files so that: # * All file lists have redundancies removed. # * Files referenced in the extra_rdoc_files are included in the package # file list. def normalize if defined?(@extra_rdoc_files) and @extra_rdoc_files then @extra_rdoc_files.uniq! @files ||= [] @files.concat(@extra_rdoc_files) end @files = @files.uniq if @files @extensions = @extensions.uniq if @extensions @test_files = @test_files.uniq if @test_files @executables = @executables.uniq if @executables @extra_rdoc_files = @extra_rdoc_files.uniq if @extra_rdoc_files end ## # Return a NameTuple that represents this Specification def name_tuple Gem::NameTuple.new name, version, original_platform end ## # Returns the full name (name-version) of this gemspec using the original # platform. For use with legacy gems. def original_name # :nodoc: if platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY or platform.nil? then "#{@name}-#{@version}" else "#{@name}-#{@version}-#{@original_platform}" end end ## # Cruft. Use +platform+. def original_platform # :nodoc: @original_platform ||= platform end ## # The platform this gem runs on. See Gem::Platform for details. def platform @new_platform ||= Gem::Platform::RUBY end def pretty_print(q) # :nodoc: q.group 2, 'Gem::Specification.new do |s|', 'end' do q.breakable attributes = @@attributes - [:name, :version] attributes.unshift :installed_by_version attributes.unshift :version attributes.unshift :name attributes.each do |attr_name| current_value = self.send attr_name if current_value != default_value(attr_name) or self.class.required_attribute? attr_name then q.text "s.#{attr_name} = " if attr_name == :date then current_value = current_value.utc q.text "Time.utc(#{current_value.year}, #{current_value.month}, #{current_value.day})" else q.pp current_value end q.breakable end end end end ## # Raise an exception if the version of this spec conflicts with the one # that is already loaded (+other+) def check_version_conflict other # :nodoc: return if self.version == other.version # This gem is already loaded. If the currently loaded gem is not in the # list of candidate gems, then we have a version conflict. msg = "can't activate #{full_name}, already activated #{other.full_name}" e = Gem::LoadError.new msg e.name = self.name # TODO: e.requirement = dep.requirement raise e end private :check_version_conflict ## # Check the spec for possible conflicts and freak out if there are any. def raise_if_conflicts # :nodoc: conf = self.conflicts unless conf.empty? then raise Gem::ConflictError.new self, conf end end ## # Sets rdoc_options to +value+, ensuring it is an array. Don't # use this, push onto the array instead. def rdoc_options= options # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing @rdoc_options = Array options end ## # Singular accessor for #require_paths def require_path val = require_paths and val.first end ## # Singular accessor for #require_paths def require_path= path self.require_paths = Array(path) end ## # Set requirements to +req+, ensuring it is an array. Don't # use this, push onto the array instead. def requirements= req # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing @requirements = Array req end def respond_to_missing? m, include_private = false # :nodoc: false end ## # Returns the full path to this spec's ri directory. def ri_dir @ri_dir ||= File.join base_dir, 'ri', full_name end ## # Return a string containing a Ruby code representation of the given # object. def ruby_code(obj) case obj when String then obj.dump when Array then '[' + obj.map { |x| ruby_code x }.join(", ") + ']' when Hash then seg = obj.keys.sort.map { |k| "#{k.to_s.dump} => #{obj[k].to_s.dump}" } "{ #{seg.join(', ')} }" when Gem::Version then obj.to_s.dump when DateLike then obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').dump when Time then obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').dump when Numeric then obj.inspect when true, false, nil then obj.inspect when Gem::Platform then "Gem::Platform.new(#{obj.to_a.inspect})" when Gem::Requirement then list = obj.as_list "Gem::Requirement.new(#{ruby_code(list.size == 1 ? obj.to_s : list)})" else raise Gem::Exception, "ruby_code case not handled: #{obj.class}" end end private :ruby_code ## # List of dependencies that will automatically be activated at runtime. def runtime_dependencies dependencies.select { |d| d.type == :runtime } end ## # True if this gem has the same attributes as +other+. def same_attributes? spec @@attributes.all? { |name, default| self.send(name) == spec.send(name) } end private :same_attributes? ## # Checks if this specification meets the requirement of +dependency+. def satisfies_requirement? dependency return @name == dependency.name && dependency.requirement.satisfied_by?(@version) end ## # Returns an object you can use to sort specifications in #sort_by. def sort_obj [@name, @version, @new_platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY ? -1 : 1] end ## # Used by Gem::Resolver to order Gem::Specification objects def source # :nodoc: Gem::Source::Installed.new end ## # Returns the full path to the directory containing this spec's # gemspec file. eg: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications def spec_dir @spec_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "specifications" end ## # Returns the full path to this spec's gemspec file. # eg: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications/mygem-1.0.gemspec def spec_file @spec_file ||= File.join spec_dir, "#{full_name}.gemspec" end ## # The default name of the gemspec. See also #file_name # # spec.spec_name # => "example-1.0.gemspec" def spec_name "#{full_name}.gemspec" end ## # A short summary of this gem's description. def summary= str @summary = str.to_s.strip. gsub(/(\w-)\n[ \t]*(\w)/, '\1\2').gsub(/\n[ \t]*/, " ") # so. weird. end ## # Singular accessor for #test_files def test_file # :nodoc: val = test_files and val.first end ## # Singular mutator for #test_files def test_file= file # :nodoc: self.test_files = [file] end ## # Test files included in this gem. You cannot append to this accessor, you # must assign to it. def test_files # :nodoc: # Handle the possibility that we have @test_suite_file but not # @test_files. This will happen when an old gem is loaded via # YAML. if defined? @test_suite_file then @test_files = [@test_suite_file].flatten @test_suite_file = nil end if defined?(@test_files) and @test_files then @test_files else @test_files = [] end end ## # Returns a Ruby code representation of this specification, such that it can # be eval'ed and reconstruct the same specification later. Attributes that # still have their default values are omitted. def to_ruby mark_version result = [] result << "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-" result << "#{Gem::StubSpecification::PREFIX}#{name} #{version} #{platform} #{raw_require_paths.join("\0")}" result << "#{Gem::StubSpecification::PREFIX}#{extensions.join "\0"}" unless extensions.empty? result << nil result << "Gem::Specification.new do |s|" result << " s.name = #{ruby_code name}" result << " s.version = #{ruby_code version}" unless platform.nil? or platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY then result << " s.platform = #{ruby_code original_platform}" end result << "" result << " s.required_rubygems_version = #{ruby_code required_rubygems_version} if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=" if metadata and !metadata.empty? result << " s.metadata = #{ruby_code metadata} if s.respond_to? :metadata=" end result << " s.require_paths = #{ruby_code raw_require_paths}" handled = [ :dependencies, :name, :platform, :require_paths, :required_rubygems_version, :specification_version, :version, :has_rdoc, :default_executable, :metadata ] @@attributes.each do |attr_name| next if handled.include? attr_name current_value = self.send(attr_name) if current_value != default_value(attr_name) or self.class.required_attribute? attr_name then result << " s.#{attr_name} = #{ruby_code current_value}" end end if @installed_by_version then result << nil result << " s.installed_by_version = \"#{Gem::VERSION}\" if s.respond_to? :installed_by_version" end unless dependencies.empty? then result << nil result << " if s.respond_to? :specification_version then" result << " s.specification_version = #{specification_version}" result << nil result << " if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then" dependencies.each do |dep| req = dep.requirements_list.inspect dep.instance_variable_set :@type, :runtime if dep.type.nil? # HACK result << " s.add_#{dep.type}_dependency(%q<#{dep.name}>, #{req})" end result << " else" dependencies.each do |dep| version_reqs_param = dep.requirements_list.inspect result << " s.add_dependency(%q<#{dep.name}>, #{version_reqs_param})" end result << ' end' result << " else" dependencies.each do |dep| version_reqs_param = dep.requirements_list.inspect result << " s.add_dependency(%q<#{dep.name}>, #{version_reqs_param})" end result << " end" end result << "end" result << nil result.join "\n" end ## # Returns a Ruby lighter-weight code representation of this specification, # used for indexing only. # # See #to_ruby. def to_ruby_for_cache for_cache.to_ruby end def to_s # :nodoc: "#<Gem::Specification name=#{@name} version=#{@version}>" end ## # Returns self def to_spec self end def to_yaml(opts = {}) # :nodoc: if (YAML.const_defined?(:ENGINE) && !YAML::ENGINE.syck?) || (defined?(Psych) && YAML == Psych) then # Because the user can switch the YAML engine behind our # back, we have to check again here to make sure that our # psych code was properly loaded, and load it if not. unless Gem.const_defined?(:NoAliasYAMLTree) require 'rubygems/psych_tree' end builder = Gem::NoAliasYAMLTree.create builder << self ast = builder.tree io = Gem::StringSink.new io.set_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 if Object.const_defined? :Encoding Psych::Visitors::Emitter.new(io).accept(ast) io.string.gsub(/ !!null \n/, " \n") else YAML.quick_emit object_id, opts do |out| out.map taguri, to_yaml_style do |map| encode_with map end end end end ## # Recursively walk dependencies of this spec, executing the +block+ for each # hop. def traverse trail = [], &block trail = trail + [self] runtime_dependencies.each do |dep| dep.to_specs.each do |dep_spec| block[self, dep, dep_spec, trail + [dep_spec]] dep_spec.traverse(trail, &block) unless trail.map(&:name).include? dep_spec.name end end end ## # Checks that the specification contains all required fields, and does a # very basic sanity check. # # Raises InvalidSpecificationException if the spec does not pass the # checks.. def validate packaging = true @warnings = 0 require 'rubygems/user_interaction' extend Gem::UserInteraction normalize nil_attributes = self.class.non_nil_attributes.find_all do |name| instance_variable_get("@#{name}").nil? end unless nil_attributes.empty? then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{nil_attributes.join ', '} must not be nil" end if packaging and rubygems_version != Gem::VERSION then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "expected RubyGems version #{Gem::VERSION}, was #{rubygems_version}" end @@required_attributes.each do |symbol| unless self.send symbol then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "missing value for attribute #{symbol}" end end unless String === name then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "invalid value for attribute name: \"#{name.inspect}\"" end if raw_require_paths.empty? then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, 'specification must have at least one require_path' end @files.delete_if { |x| File.directory?(x) } @test_files.delete_if { |x| File.directory?(x) } @executables.delete_if { |x| File.directory?(File.join(@bindir, x)) } @extra_rdoc_files.delete_if { |x| File.directory?(x) } @extensions.delete_if { |x| File.directory?(x) } non_files = files.reject { |x| File.file?(x) } unless not packaging or non_files.empty? then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "[\"#{non_files.join "\", \""}\"] are not files" end if files.include? file_name then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{full_name} contains itself (#{file_name}), check your files list" end unless specification_version.is_a?(Fixnum) raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, 'specification_version must be a Fixnum (did you mean version?)' end case platform when Gem::Platform, Gem::Platform::RUBY then # ok else raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "invalid platform #{platform.inspect}, see Gem::Platform" end self.class.array_attributes.each do |field| val = self.send field klass = case field when :dependencies Gem::Dependency else String end unless Array === val and val.all? { |x| x.kind_of?(klass) } then raise(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{field} must be an Array of #{klass}") end end [:authors].each do |field| val = self.send field raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{field} may not be empty" if val.empty? end unless Hash === metadata raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, 'metadata must be a hash' end metadata.keys.each do |k| if !k.kind_of?(String) raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, 'metadata keys must be a String' end if k.size > 128 raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "metadata key too large (#{k.size} > 128)" end end metadata.values.each do |k| if !k.kind_of?(String) raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, 'metadata values must be a String' end if k.size > 1024 raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "metadata value too large (#{k.size} > 1024)" end end licenses.each { |license| if license.length > 64 raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "each license must be 64 characters or less" end } warning <<-warning if licenses.empty? licenses is empty, but is recommended. Use a license abbreviation from: http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical warning validate_permissions # reject lazy developers: lazy = '"FIxxxXME" or "TOxxxDO"'.gsub(/xxx/, '') unless authors.grep(/FI XME|TO DO/x).empty? then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not an author" end unless Array(email).grep(/FI XME|TO DO/x).empty? then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not an email" end if description =~ /FI XME|TO DO/x then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not a description" end if summary =~ /FI XME|TO DO/x then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not a summary" end if homepage and not homepage.empty? and homepage !~ /\A[a-z][a-z\d+.-]*:/i then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "\"#{homepage}\" is not a URI" end # Warnings %w[author description email homepage summary].each do |attribute| value = self.send attribute warning "no #{attribute} specified" if value.nil? or value.empty? end if description == summary then warning 'description and summary are identical' end # TODO: raise at some given date warning "deprecated autorequire specified" if autorequire executables.each do |executable| executable_path = File.join(bindir, executable) shebang = File.read(executable_path, 2) == '#!' warning "#{executable_path} is missing #! line" unless shebang end validate_dependencies true ensure if $! or @warnings > 0 then alert_warning "See http://guides.rubygems.org/specification-reference/ for help" end end ## # Checks that dependencies use requirements as we recommend. Warnings are # issued when dependencies are open-ended or overly strict for semantic # versioning. def validate_dependencies # :nodoc: seen = {} dependencies.each do |dep| if prev = seen[dep.name] then raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, <<-MESSAGE duplicate dependency on #{dep}, (#{prev.requirement}) use: add_runtime_dependency '#{dep.name}', '#{dep.requirement}', '#{prev.requirement}' MESSAGE end seen[dep.name] = dep prerelease_dep = dep.requirements_list.any? do |req| Gem::Requirement.new(req).prerelease? end warning "prerelease dependency on #{dep} is not recommended" if prerelease_dep overly_strict = dep.requirement.requirements.length == 1 && dep.requirement.requirements.any? do |op, version| op == '~>' and not version.prerelease? and version.segments.length > 2 and version.segments.first != 0 end if overly_strict then _, dep_version = dep.requirement.requirements.first base = dep_version.segments.first 2 warning <<-WARNING pessimistic dependency on #{dep} may be overly strict if #{dep.name} is semantically versioned, use: add_#{dep.type}_dependency '#{dep.name}', '~> #{base.join '.'}', '>= #{dep_version}' WARNING end open_ended = dep.requirement.requirements.all? do |op, version| not version.prerelease? and (op == '>' or op == '>=') end if open_ended then op, dep_version = dep.requirement.requirements.first base = dep_version.segments.first 2 bugfix = if op == '>' then ", '> #{dep_version}'" elsif op == '>=' and base != dep_version.segments then ", '>= #{dep_version}'" end warning <<-WARNING open-ended dependency on #{dep} is not recommended if #{dep.name} is semantically versioned, use: add_#{dep.type}_dependency '#{dep.name}', '~> #{base.join '.'}'#{bugfix} WARNING end end end ## # Checks to see if the files to be packaged are world-readable. def validate_permissions return if Gem.win_platform? files.each do |file| next if File.stat(file).mode & 0444 == 0444 warning "#{file} is not world-readable" end executables.each do |name| exec = File.join @bindir, name next if File.stat(exec).executable? warning "#{exec} is not executable" end end ## # Set the version to +version+, potentially also setting # required_rubygems_version if +version+ indicates it is a # prerelease. def version= version @version = Gem::Version.create(version) self.required_rubygems_version = '> 1.3.1' if @version.prerelease? invalidate_memoized_attributes return @version end def stubbed? false end def yaml_initialize(tag, vals) # :nodoc: vals.each do |ivar, val| case ivar when "date" # Force Date to go through the extra coerce logic in date= self.date = val.untaint else instance_variable_set "@#{ivar}", val.untaint end end @original_platform = @platform # for backwards compatibility self.platform = Gem::Platform.new @platform end ## # Reset nil attributes to their default values to make the spec valid def reset_nil_attributes_to_default nil_attributes = self.class.non_nil_attributes.find_all do |name| !instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}") || instance_variable_get("@#{name}").nil? end nil_attributes.each do |attribute| default = self.default_value attribute value = case default when Time, Numeric, Symbol, true, false, nil then default else default.dup end instance_variable_set "@#{attribute}", value end @installed_by_version ||= nil end def warning statement # :nodoc: @warnings += 1 alert_warning statement end extend Gem::Deprecate # TODO: # deprecate :has_rdoc, :none, 2011, 10 # deprecate :has_rdoc?, :none, 2011, 10 # deprecate :has_rdoc=, :none, 2011, 10 # deprecate :default_executable, :none, 2011, 10 # deprecate :default_executable=, :none, 2011, 10 # deprecate :file_name, :cache_file, 2011, 10 # deprecate :full_gem_path, :cache_file, 2011, 10 end # DOC: What is this and why is it here, randomly, at the end of this file? Gem.clear_paths
class UserChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel def subscribed stream_for current_user.id # or # stream_from "room_#{params[:room]}" end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'packetfu' require 'packetfu/protos/arp' require 'packetfu/protos/eth' require 'packetfu/protos/hsrp' require 'packetfu/protos/icmp' require 'packetfu/protos/ip' require 'packetfu/protos/ipv6' require 'packetfu/protos/lldp' require 'packetfu/protos/tcp' require 'packetfu/protos/udp' require 'socket' module PWN module Plugins # This plugin is used for interacting with PCAP files to map out and visualize in an # automated fashion what comprises a infrastructure, network, and/or application module Packet # Supported Method Parameters:: # pcap = PWN::Plugins::Packet.open_pcap_file( # path: 'required - path to packet capture file' # ) public_class_method def self.open_pcap_file(opts = {}) path = opts[:path].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp if File.exist?(opts[:path].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp) PacketFu::PcapFile.read_packets(path) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_arp( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_arp(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x0806 # ARP end # ARP Header if opts[:arp_hw] arp_hw = opts[:arp_hw].to_i else arp_hw = 1 end if opts[:arp_proto] arp_proto = opts[:arp_proto] else arp_proto = 0x0800 # IPv4 end if opts[:arp_hw_len] arp_hw_len = opts[:arp_hw_len].to_i else arp_hw_len = 6 end if opts[:arp_proto_len] arp_proto_len = opts[:arp_proto_len].to_i else arp_proto_len = 4 end if opts[:arp_opcode] arp_opcode = opts[:arp_opcode].to_i else arp_opcode = 1 end arp_src_mac = opts[:arp_src_mac] arp_ip_saddr = opts[:ip_saddr].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp arp_dst_mac = opts[:arp_dst_mac] arp_ip_daddr = opts[:ip_daddr].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::ARPPacket.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # ARP Header pkt.arp_hw = arp_hw pkt.arp_proto = arp_proto pkt.arp_hw_len = arp_hw_len pkt.arp_proto_len = arp_proto_len pkt.arp_opcode = arp_opcode pkt.arp_saddr_mac = arp_src_mac pkt.arp_saddr_ip = arp_ip_saddr pkt.arp_daddr_mac = arp_dst_mac pkt.arp_daddr_ip = arp_ip_daddr # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_eth( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_eth(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x0800 # IPv4 end # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::EthPacket.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_hsrp( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_hsrp(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x0800 # IPv4 end # IP Header if opts[:ip_v] ip_v = opts[:ip_v] else ip_v = 4 end if opts[:ip_hl] ip_hl = opts[:ip_hl] else ip_hl = 5 end if opts[:ip_tos] ip_tos = opts[:ip_tos] else ip_tos = 0 end if opts[:ip_len] ip_len = opts[:ip_len] else ip_len = 20 end if opts[:ip_id] ip_id = opts[:ip_id] else ip_id = 0xfeed end if opts[:ip_frag] ip_frag = opts[:ip_frag] else ip_frag = 0 end if opts[:ip_ttl] ip_ttl = opts[:ip_ttl] else ip_ttl = 32 end if opts[:ip_proto] ip_proto = opts[:ip_proto] else ip_proto = 17 # UDP end if opts[:ip_sum] ip_sum = opts[:ip_sum] else ip_sum = 0xffff end ip_saddr = opts[:ip_saddr] ip_daddr = opts[:ip_daddr] # UDP Header udp_src_port = opts[:udp_src_port] udp_dst_port = opts[:udp_dst_port] if opts[:udp_len] udp_len = opts[:udp_len] else udp_len = 8 end if opts[:udp_sum] udp_sum = opts[:udp_sum] else udp_sum = 0x0000 end # HSRP Header if opts[:hsrp_version] hsrp_version = opts[:hsrp_version] else hsrp_version = 0 end if opts[:hsrp_opcode] hsrp_opcode = opts[:hsrp_opcode] else hsrp_opcode = 0 end if opts[:hsrp_state] hsrp_state = opts[:hsrp_state] else hsrp_state = 0 end if opts[:hsrp_hellotime] hsrp_state = opts[:hsrp_hellotime] else hsrp_state = 3 end if opts[:hsrp_holdtime] hsrp_holdtime = opts[:hsrp_holdtime] else hsrp_holdtime = 10 end if opts[:hsrp_priority] hsrp_priority = opts[:hsrp_priority] else hsrp_priority = 0 end if opts[:hsrp_group] hsrp_group = opts[:hsrp_group] else hsrp_group = 0 end if opts[:hsrp_reserved] hsrp_reserved = opts[:hsrp_reserved] else hsrp_reserved = 0 end if opts[:hsrp_password] hsrp_password = opts[:hsrp_password] else hsrp_password = "cicso\x00\x00\x00" end if opts[:hsrp_addr] hsrp_addr = opts[:hsrp_addr] else hsrp_addr = '' end # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::HSRPPacket.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # IP Header pkt.ip_v = ip_v pkt.ip_hl = ip_hl pkt.ip_tos = ip_tos pkt.ip_len = ip_len pkt.ip_id = ip_id pkt.ip_frag = ip_frag pkt.ip_ttl = ip_ttl pkt.ip_proto = ip_proto pkt.ip_sum = ip_sum pkt.ip_saddr = ip_saddr pkt.ip_daddr = ip_daddr # UDP Header pkt.udp_src = udp_src_port if udp_src_port pkt.udp_dst = udp_dst_port if udp_dst_port pkt.udp_len = udp_len pkt.udp_sum = udp_sum # HSRP Header pkt.hsrp_version = hsrp_version pkt.hsrp_opcode = hsrp_opcode pkt.hsrp_state = hsrp_state pkt.hsrp_hellotime = hsrp_hellotime pkt.hsrp_holdtime = hsrp_holdtime pkt.hsrp_priority = hsrp_priority pkt.hsrp_group = hsrp_group pkt.hsrp_reserved = hsrp_reserved pkt.hsrp_password = hsrp_password pkt.hsrp_addr = hsrp_addr # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_icmp( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to "*ping*"', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_icmp(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x0800 # IPv4 end # IP Header if opts[:ip_v] ip_v = opts[:ip_v] else ip_v = 4 end if opts[:ip_hl] ip_hl = opts[:ip_hl] else ip_hl = 5 end if opts[:ip_tos] ip_tos = opts[:ip_tos] else ip_tos = 0 end if opts[:ip_len] ip_len = opts[:ip_len] else ip_len = 20 end if opts[:ip_id] ip_id = opts[:ip_id] else ip_id = 0xfeed end if opts[:ip_frag] ip_frag = opts[:ip_frag] else ip_frag = 0 end if opts[:ip_ttl] ip_ttl = opts[:ip_ttl] else ip_ttl = 32 end if opts[:ip_proto] ip_proto = opts[:ip_proto] else ip_proto = 1 # ICMP end if opts[:ip_sum] ip_sum = opts[:ip_sum] else ip_sum = 0xffff end ip_saddr = opts[:ip_saddr] ip_daddr = opts[:ip_daddr] # ICMP Header if opts[:icmp_type] icmp_type = opts[:icmp_type] else icmp_type = 8 end if opts[:icmp_code] icmp_code = opts[:icmp_code] else icmp_code = 0 end if opts[:icmp_sum] icmp_sum = opts[:icmp_sum] else icmp_sum = 0xffff end # Payload opts[:payload] ? payload = opts[:payload] : payload = '*ping*' pkt = PacketFu::ICMPPacket.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # IP Header pkt.ip_v = ip_v pkt.ip_hl = ip_hl pkt.ip_tos = ip_tos pkt.ip_len = ip_len pkt.ip_id = ip_id pkt.ip_frag = ip_frag pkt.ip_ttl = ip_ttl pkt.ip_proto = ip_proto pkt.ip_sum = ip_sum pkt.ip_saddr = ip_saddr pkt.ip_daddr = ip_daddr # ICMP Header pkt.icmp_type = icmp_type pkt.icmp_code = icmp_code pkt.icmp_sum = icmp_sum # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_icmpv6( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_icmpv6(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x86dd # IPv6 end # IPv6 Header if opts[:ipv6_v] ipv6_v = opts[:ipv6_v] else ipv6_v = 6 end if opts[:ipv6_class] ipv6_class = opts[:ipv6_class] else ipv6_class = 0 end if opts[:ipv6_label] ipv6_label = opts[:ipv6_label] else ipv6_label = 0 end if opts[:ipv6_len] ipv6_len = opts[:ipv6_len] else ipv6_len = 0 end if opts[:ipv6_next] ipv6_next = opts[:ipv6_next] else ipv6_next = 58 end if opts[:ipv6_hop] ipv6_hop = opts[:ipv6_hop] else ipv6_hop = 255 end ipv6_saddr = opts[:ipv6_saddr] ipv6_daddr = opts[:ipv6_daddr] # ICMPv6 Header if opts[:icmpv6_type] icmpv6_type = opts[:icmpv6_type] else icmp_type = 8 end if opts[:icmpv6_code] icmpv6_code = opts[:icmpv6_code] else icmpv6_code = 0 end if opts[:icmpv6_sum] icmp_sum = opts[:icmpv6_sum] else icmpv6_sum = 0x0000 end # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::IPv6Packet.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # IPv6 Header pkt.ipv6_v = ipv6_v pkt.ipv6_hl = ipv6_hl pkt.ipv6_tos = ipv6_tos pkt.ipv6_len = ipv6_len pkt.ipv6_id = ipv6_id pkt.ipv6_frag = ipv6_frag pkt.ipv6_saddr = ipv6_saddr pkt.ipv6_daddr = ipv6_daddr # ICMPv6 Header pkt.icmpv6_type = icmpv6_type pkt.icmpv6_code = icmpv6_code pkt.icmpv6_sum = icmpv6_sum # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_ip( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_ip(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x0800 # IPv4 end # IP Header if opts[:ip_v] ip_v = opts[:ip_v] else ip_v = 4 end if opts[:ip_hl] ip_hl = opts[:ip_hl] else ip_hl = 5 end if opts[:ip_tos] ip_tos = opts[:ip_tos] else ip_tos = 0 end if opts[:ip_len] ip_len = opts[:ip_len] else ip_len = 20 end if opts[:ip_id] ip_id = opts[:ip_id] else ip_id = 0xfeed end if opts[:ip_frag] ip_frag = opts[:ip_frag] else ip_frag = 0 end if opts[:ip_ttl] ip_ttl = opts[:ip_ttl] else ip_ttl = 32 end if opts[:ip_proto] ip_proto = opts[:ip_proto] else ip_proto = -1 end if opts[:ip_sum] ip_sum = opts[:ip_sum] else ip_sum = 0xffff end ip_saddr = opts[:ip_saddr] ip_daddr = opts[:ip_daddr] # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::IPPacket.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # IP Header pkt.ip_v = ip_v pkt.ip_hl = ip_hl pkt.ip_tos = ip_tos pkt.ip_len = ip_len pkt.ip_id = ip_id pkt.ip_frag = ip_frag pkt.ip_ttl = ip_ttl pkt.ip_proto = ip_proto pkt.ip_sum = ip_sum pkt.ip_saddr = ip_saddr pkt.ip_daddr = ip_daddr # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_ipv6( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_ipv6(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x86dd # IPv6 end # IPv6 Header if opts[:ipv6_v] ipv6_v = opts[:ipv6_v] else ipv6_v = 6 end if opts[:ipv6_class] ipv6_class = opts[:ipv6_class] else ipv6_class = 0 end if opts[:ipv6_label] ipv6_label = opts[:ipv6_label] else ipv6_label = 0 end if opts[:ipv6_len] ipv6_len = opts[:ipv6_len] else ipv6_len = 0 end if opts[:ipv6_next] ipv6_next = opts[:ipv6_next] else ipv6_next = 0 end if opts[:ipv6_hop] ipv6_hop = opts[:ipv6_hop] else ipv6_hop = 255 end ipv6_saddr = opts[:ipv6_saddr] ipv6_daddr = opts[:ipv6_daddr] # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::IPv6Packet.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # IPv6 Header pkt.ipv6_v = ipv6_v pkt.ipv6_hl = ipv6_hl pkt.ipv6_tos = ipv6_tos pkt.ipv6_len = ipv6_len pkt.ipv6_id = ipv6_id pkt.ipv6_frag = ipv6_frag pkt.ipv6_saddr = ipv6_saddr pkt.ipv6_daddr = ipv6_daddr # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_tcp( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_tcp(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x0800 # IPv4 end # IP Header if opts[:ip_v] ip_v = opts[:ip_v] else ip_v = 4 end if opts[:ip_hl] ip_hl = opts[:ip_hl] else ip_hl = 5 end if opts[:ip_tos] ip_tos = opts[:ip_tos] else ip_tos = 0 end if opts[:ip_len] ip_len = opts[:ip_len] else ip_len = 20 end if opts[:ip_id] ip_id = opts[:ip_id] else ip_id = 0xfeed end if opts[:ip_frag] ip_frag = opts[:ip_frag] else ip_frag = 0 end if opts[:ip_ttl] ip_ttl = opts[:ip_ttl] else ip_ttl = 32 end if opts[:ip_proto] ip_proto = opts[:ip_proto] else ip_proto = 6 # TCP end if opts[:ip_sum] ip_sum = opts[:ip_sum] else ip_sum = 0xffff end ip_saddr = opts[:ip_saddr] ip_daddr = opts[:ip_daddr] # TCP Header tcp_src_port = opts[:tcp_src_port] tcp_dst_port = opts[:tcp_dst_port] if opts[:tcp_seq] tcp_seq = opts[:tcp_seq] else tcp_seq = 0x5fcea416 end if opts[:tcp_ack] tcp_ack = opts[:tcp_ack] else tcp_ack = 0x00000000 end if opts[:tcp_hlen] tcp_hlen = opts[:tcp_hlen] else tcp_hlen = 5 end if opts[:tcp_reserved] tcp_reserved = opts[:tcp_reserved] else tcp_reserved = 0 end if opts[:tcp_ecn] tcp_ecn = opts[:tcp_ecn] else tcp_ecn = 0 end tcp_flags = opts[:tcp_flags] if opts[:tcp_win] tcp_win = opts[:tcp_win] else tcp_win = 16_384 end if opts[:tcp_sum] tcp_sum = opts[:tcp_sum] else tcp_sum = 0x1ab2 end if opts[:tcp_urg] tcp_urg = opts[:tcp_urg] else tcp_urg = 0 end tcp_opts = opts[:tcp_opts] # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::TCPPacket.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # IP Header pkt.ip_v = ip_v pkt.ip_hl = ip_hl pkt.ip_tos = ip_tos pkt.ip_len = ip_len pkt.ip_id = ip_id pkt.ip_frag = ip_frag pkt.ip_ttl = ip_ttl pkt.ip_proto = ip_proto pkt.ip_sum = ip_sum pkt.ip_saddr = ip_saddr pkt.ip_daddr = ip_daddr # TCP Header pkt.tcp_src = tcp_src_port if tcp_src_port pkt.tcp_dst = tcp_dst_port if tcp_dst_port pkt.tcp_seq = tcp_seq pkt.tcp_ack = tcp_ack pkt.tcp_hlen = tcp_hlen pkt.tcp_reserved = tcp_reserved pkt.tcp_ecn = tcp_ecn pkt.tcp_flags = PacketFu::TcpFlags.new pkt.tcp_win = tcp_win pkt.tcp_sum = tcp_sum pkt.tcp_urg = tcp_urg pkt.tcp_opts = PacketFu::TcpOptions.new # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # pkt = PWN::Plugins::Packet.construct_udp( # ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', # ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', # payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', # ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.construct_udp(opts = {}) # Ethernet Header eth_src = opts[:eth_src] eth_dst = opts[:eth_dst] if opts[:eth_proto] eth_proto = opts[:eth_proto] else eth_proto = 0x0800 # IPv4 end # IP Header if opts[:ip_v] ip_v = opts[:ip_v] else ip_v = 4 end if opts[:ip_hl] ip_hl = opts[:ip_hl] else ip_hl = 5 end if opts[:ip_tos] ip_tos = opts[:ip_tos] else ip_tos = 0 end if opts[:ip_len] ip_len = opts[:ip_len] else ip_len = 20 end if opts[:ip_id] ip_id = opts[:ip_id] else ip_id = 0xfeed end if opts[:ip_frag] ip_frag = opts[:ip_frag] else ip_frag = 0 end if opts[:ip_ttl] ip_ttl = opts[:ip_ttl] else ip_ttl = 32 end if opts[:ip_proto] ip_proto = opts[:ip_proto] else ip_proto = 17 # UDP end if opts[:ip_sum] ip_sum = opts[:ip_sum] else ip_sum = 0xffff end ip_saddr = opts[:ip_saddr] ip_daddr = opts[:ip_daddr] # UDP Header udp_src_port = opts[:udp_src_port] udp_dst_port = opts[:udp_dst_port] if opts[:udp_len] udp_len = opts[:udp_len] else udp_len = 8 end if opts[:udp_sum] udp_sum = opts[:udp_sum] else udp_sum = 0xffde end # Payload payload = opts[:payload] pkt = PacketFu::UDPPacket.new(config: PacketFu::Utils.whoami?) # Ethernet Header pkt.eth_saddr = eth_src unless eth_src.nil? pkt.eth_daddr = eth_dst unless eth_dst.nil? pkt.eth_proto = eth_proto # IP Header pkt.ip_v = ip_v pkt.ip_hl = ip_hl pkt.ip_tos = ip_tos pkt.ip_len = ip_len pkt.ip_id = ip_id pkt.ip_frag = ip_frag pkt.ip_ttl = ip_ttl pkt.ip_proto = ip_proto pkt.ip_sum = ip_sum pkt.ip_saddr = ip_saddr pkt.ip_daddr = ip_daddr # UDP Header pkt.udp_src = udp_src_port if udp_src_port pkt.udp_dst = udp_dst_port if udp_dst_port pkt.udp_len = udp_len pkt.udp_sum = udp_sum # Payload pkt.payload = payload if payload pkt rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Packet.send( # pkt: 'required - pkt returned from other #construct_<type> methods', # iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', # ) public_class_method def self.send(opts = {}) pkt = opts[:pkt] if opts[:iface] iface = opts[:iface].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp else iface = 'eth0' end if pkt.instance_of?(PacketFu::TCPPacket) this_ip = Socket.ip_address_list.detect(&:ipv4_private?).ip_address # If we're not passing a RST packet, prevent kernel from sending its own if this_ip == pkt.ip_saddr && pkt.tcp_flags.rst.zero? # We have to prevent the kernel space from sending a RST # because it won't have a socket open on the respective # port number before we have a chance to do anything. # In other words, the kernel will receive a SYN-ACK first, # know it didn't send a SYN & send a RST as a result. my_os = PWN::Plugins::DetectOS.type case my_os when :linux ipfilter = 'sudo iptables' chain_action = '-C' ipfilter_rule = "OUTPUT --protocol tcp --source #{pkt.ip_saddr} --destination #{pkt.ip_daddr} --destination-port #{pkt.tcp_dst} --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP" ipfilter_cmd = "#{ipfilter} #{chain_action} #{ipfilter_rule}" unless system(ipfilter_cmd, out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) chain_action = '-A' ipfilter_cmd = "#{ipfilter} #{chain_action} #{ipfilter_rule}" puts 'Preventing kernel from misbehaving when manipulating packets.' puts 'Creating the following iptables rule:' puts ipfilter_cmd system(ipfilter_cmd) puts "Be sure to delete iptables rule, once completed. Here's how:" chain_action = '-D' ipfilter_cmd = "#{ipfilter} #{chain_action} #{ipfilter_rule}" puts ipfilter_cmd end pkt.recalc pkt.to_w(iface) system(ipfilter, "-D #{ipfilter_rule}") # when :osx # ipfilter = 'pfctl' # ipfilter_rule = "block out proto tcp from #{pkt.ip_saddr} to #{pkt.ip_daddr} port #{pkt.tcp_dst} flags R" # system(ipfilter, "pfctl_add_flag #{ipfilter_rule}") # pkt.recalc # pkt.to_w(iface) # system(ipfilter, "pfctl_del_flag #{ipfilter_rule}") else raise "ERROR: #{self} Does not Support #{my_os}" end end else pkt.recalc pkt.to_w(iface) end rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Author(s):: 0day Inc. <request.pentest@0dayinc.com> public_class_method def self.authors "AUTHOR(S): 0day Inc. <request.pentest@0dayinc.com> " end # Display Usage for this Module public_class_method def self.help puts "USAGE: pcap = #{self}.open_pcap_file( path: 'required - path to packet capture file' ) pcap[0].public_methods pcap.each do |p| print \"IP ID: \#{p.ip_id_readable} \" print \"IP Sum: \#{p.ip_sum_readable} \" print \"SRC IP: \#{p.ip_src_readable} \" print \"SRC MAC: (\#{p.eth_src_readable}) \" print \"TCP SRC PORT: \#{p.tcp_sport} => \" print \"DST IP: \#{p.ip_dst_readable} \" print \"DST MAC: (\#{p.eth_dst_readable}) \" print \"TCP DST PORT: \#{p.tcp_dport} \" print \"ETH PROTO: \#{p.eth_proto_readable} \" print \"TCP FLAGS: \#{p.tcp_flags_readable} \" print \"TCP ACK: \#{p.tcp_ack_readable} \" print \"TCP SEQ: \#{p.tcp_seq_readable} \" print \"TCP SUM: \#{p.tcp_sum_readable} \" print \"TCP OPTS: \#{p.tcp_opts_readable} \" puts \"BODY: \#{p.hexify(p.payload)}\" puts \"\\n\\n\\n\" end pkt = #{self}.construct_arp( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_eth( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_hsrp( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_icmp( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to \"*ping*\"', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_icmpv6( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_ip( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_ipv6( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_tcp( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) pkt = #{self}.construct_udp( ip_saddr: 'required - source ip of packet', ip_daddr: 'required - destination ip to send packet', payload: 'optional - packet payload defaults to empty string', ip_id: 'optional - defaults to 0xfeed', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) #{self}.send( pkt: 'required - pkt returned from other #construct_<type> methods', iface: 'optional - interface to send packet (defaults to eth0)', ) #{self}.authors " end end end end
class FeatureFlagsController < ApiJsonController skip_authorization_check only: :index # GET /feature_flags def index render json: FeatureFlagService.all end # PUT /feature_flags/:flag def update_flag authorize! :update, :feature_flags state = params.require(:feature_flag).require(:state) FeatureFlagService.create_or_update params[:flag], state index end end
require 'matrix' require_relative 'size_one' require_relative 'size_zero' module Geometry =begin An object representing the size of something. Supports all of the familiar {Vector} methods as well as a few convenience methods (width, height and depth). == Usage === Constructor size = Geometry::Size[x,y,z] =end class Size < Vector # Allow vector-style initialization, but override to support copy-init # from Vector, Point or another Size # # @overload [](x,y,z,...) # @overload [](Point) # @overload [](Size) # @overload [](Vector) # @return [Size] A new {Size} object def self.[](*array) array.map! { |a| a.respond_to?(:to_a) ? a.to_a : a } array.flatten! super(*array) end # Creates and returns a new {SizeOne} instance. Or, a {Size} full of ones if the size argument is given. # @param size [Number] the size of the new {Size} full of ones # @return [SizeOne] A new {SizeOne} instance def self.one(size = nil) size ? Size[Array.new(size, 1)] : SizeOne.new end # Creates and returns a new {SizeOne} instance. Or, a {Size} full of zeros if the size argument is given. # @param size [Number] the size of the new {Size} full of zeros # @return [SizeOne] A new {SizeOne} instance def self.zero(size = nil) size ? Size[Array.new(size, 0)] : SizeOne.new end # Allow comparison with an Array, otherwise do the normal thing def ==(other) return @elements == other if other.is_a?(Array) super other end # Override Vector#[] to allow for regular array slicing def [](*args) @elements[*args] end def coerce(other) case other when Array then [Size[*other], self] when Numeric then [Size[Array.new(self.size, other)], self] when Vector then [Size[*other], self] else raise TypeError, "#{self.class} can't be coerced into #{other.class}" end end def inspect 'Size' + @elements.inspect end def to_s 'Size' + @elements.to_s end # @return [Number] The size along the Z axis def depth z end # @return [Number] The size along the Y axis def height y end # @return [Number] The size along the X axis def width x end # @return [Number] X-component (width) def x @elements[0] end # @return [Number] Y-component (height) def y @elements[1] end # @return [Number] Z-component (depth) def z @elements[2] end # Create a new {Size} that is smaller than the receiver by the specified amounts # @overload inset(x,y) # @param x [Number] the horizontal inset # @param y [Number] the vertical inset # @overload inset(options) # @option options [Number] :left the left inset # @option options [Number] :right the right inset # @option options [Number] :top the top inset # @option options [Number] :bottom the bottom inset def inset(*args) options, args = args.partition { |a| a.is_a? Hash } options = options.reduce({}, :merge) left = right = top = bottom = 0 if 1 == args.size left = top = -args.shift right = bottom = 0 elsif 2 == args.size left = right = -args.shift top = bottom = -args.shift end left = right = -options[:x] if options[:x] top = bottom = -options[:y] if options[:y] top = -options[:top] if options[:top] left = -options[:left] if options[:left] bottom = -options[:bottom] if options[:bottom] right = -options[:right] if options[:right] self.class[left + width + right, top + height + bottom] end # Create a new {Size} that is larger than the receiver by the specified amounts # @overload outset(x,y) # @param x [Number] the horizontal inset # @param y [Number] the vertical inset # @overload outset(options) # @option options [Number] :left the left inset # @option options [Number] :right the right inset # @option options [Number] :top the top inset # @option options [Number] :bottom the bottom inset def outset(*args) options, args = args.partition { |a| a.is_a? Hash } options = options.reduce({}, :merge) left = right = top = bottom = 0 if 1 == args.size left = top = args.shift right = bottom = 0 elsif 2 == args.size left = right = args.shift top = bottom = args.shift end left = right = options[:x] if options[:x] top = bottom = options[:y] if options[:y] top = options[:top] if options[:top] left = options[:left] if options[:left] bottom = options[:bottom] if options[:bottom] right = options[:right] if options[:right] self.class[left + width + right, top + height + bottom] end end end
json.array!(@categoria) do |categorium| json.extract! categorium, :id, :codigo, :descripcion json.url categorium_url(categorium, format: :json) end
# Something about this spec can cause havoc on specs following. # somehow in the following specs AR objects are getting created in two different classes # so when you compare for example User.first.todos.first == Todos.first they are NOT equal huh! # I suspect that its to with the fact that we remove and reload the classes # but I got as far as proving that you have to actually create a todoitem and an associated comment # once you do that the tests after will fail on stmts like this expect(user.todo_items.to_a).to match_array([TodoItem.first]) # because the class of user.todo_items.class != TodoItems.first even though they look exactly the same!!! require 'spec_helper' require 'test_components' describe "relationship permissions" do#, dont_override_default_scope_permissions: true do before(:all) do require 'pusher' require 'pusher-fake' Pusher.app_id = "MY_TEST_ID" Pusher.key = "MY_TEST_KEY" Pusher.secret = "MY_TEST_SECRET" require "pusher-fake/support/base" Hyperstack.configuration do |config| config.transport = :pusher config.channel_prefix = "synchromesh" config.opts = {app_id: Pusher.app_id, key: Pusher.key, secret: Pusher.secret}.merge(PusherFake.configuration.web_options) end end before(:each) do # spec_helper resets the policy system after each test so we have to setup # before each test stub_const 'TestApplicationPolicy', Class.new TestApplicationPolicy.class_eval do regulate_class_connection { self } end ApplicationController.acting_user = nil size_window(:small, :portrait) @dummy_cache_item = double("Dummy Cache Item", vector: nil, acting_user: nil) end before(:each) do ActiveRecord::Base.regulate_scope unscoped: nil ActiveRecord::Base.regulate_default_scope nil end after(:each) do ['ApplicationRecord', 'TodoItem', 'Comment'].each do |klass| Object.send(:remove_const, klass.to_sym) && load("#{klass.underscore}.rb") rescue nil end ApplicationController.acting_user = nil end context 'on the server side' do it 'ActiveRecord::Base with by default leave unscoped and all scopes in a dont care state' do expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it 'will allow access to scopes' do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_scope :all end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error end it 'will allow access to chained scopes' do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_scope :all end r1 = TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem,nil) expect { r1.__secure_remote_access_to_important(r1, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error end it 'will deny access to scopes' do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_scope(:all) { denied! } end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, nil) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it "will leave any scope in a don't care state" do TodoItem.class_eval do scope :test, -> () { all } end test_scope = TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_test(TodoItem, nil) expect { test_scope.__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it 'will allow access to has_many relationships' do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_relationship :comments end new_todo = TodoItem.new expect { new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error end it 'will deny access to has_many relationships' do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_relationship(:comments) { denied! } end new_todo = TodoItem.new expect { new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, nil) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it "will leave the has_many relationship in a don't care state" do new_todo = TodoItem.new comments = new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, nil) expect { comments.__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it "will not implicitly override a super classes scope access permission" do ApplicationRecord.class_eval do regulate_scope :test end TodoItem.class_eval do scope :test, -> () { all } end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_test(TodoItem, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error end it "will pass any parameters along to the permission proc" do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_scope(:find_string) { |s| denied! if s == 'doa'} end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_find_string(TodoItem, nil, 'doa') } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it "finder methods have access to the acting_user methods" do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_scope(:all) { acting_user } end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, true).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error end it "finder methods have access to the denied! methods" do TodoItem.class_eval do finder_method(:pow) { denied! } end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to__pow(TodoItem, nil) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it "server methods have access to the acting_user" do TodoItem.class_eval do server_method(:pow) { acting_user } end expect(TodoItem.new.__secure_remote_access_to_pow(TodoItem, 'Omar')) .to eq('Omar') end it "server methods have access to the denied! method" do TodoItem.class_eval do server_method(:pow) { denied! } end expect { TodoItem.new.__secure_remote_access_to_pow(TodoItem, 'Omar') } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it "can set the policy directly on the scope with a proc" do TodoItem.class_eval do scope :test, -> () { all }, regulate: -> () { acting_user } end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_test(TodoItem, true).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_test(TodoItem, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it 'can set the policy directly on the default scope method' do TodoItem.class_eval do default_scope -> () { all }, regulate: -> () { denied! if acting_user } end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, true) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, nil) } .not_to raise_error end it 'can set the policy for the default scope (all) using regulate_default_scope' do TodoItem.class_eval do regulate_default_scope { denied! if acting_user } end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, true) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_all(TodoItem, nil) } .not_to raise_error end it "can use 'regulate: truthy-value' to allow access directly on the scope" do TodoItem.class_eval do scope :test, -> () { all }, regulate: :always_allow end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_test(TodoItem, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error end it "can treat 'regulate: falsy-value' as don't care if directly on the scope" do TodoItem.class_eval do scope :test, -> () { all }, regulate: nil end test_scope = TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_test(TodoItem, nil) expect { test_scope.__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end %i[denied! denied deny].each do |value| it "can use 'regulate: #{value}' to allow access directly on the scope" do TodoItem.class_eval do scope :test, -> () { all }, regulate: value end expect { TodoItem.__secure_remote_access_to_test(TodoItem, nil) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end end it "can set the policy directly on the scope with a proc" do stub_const 'TodoItem', Class.new(ApplicationRecord) TodoItem.has_many :comments, regulate: -> () { acting_user } new_todo = TodoItem.new expect { new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, true).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error new_todo = TodoItem.new expect { new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end it "can use 'regulate: truthy-value' to allow access directly on the scope" do stub_const 'TodoItem', Class.new(ApplicationRecord) TodoItem.has_many :comments, regulate: :always_allow new_todo = TodoItem.new expect { new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, nil).__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .not_to raise_error end it "can treat 'regulate: falsy-value' as don't care if directly on the scope" do stub_const 'TodoItem', Class.new(ApplicationRecord) TodoItem.has_many :comments, regulate: nil new_todo = TodoItem.new comments = new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, nil) expect { comments.__secure_collection_check(@dummy_cache_item) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end %i[denied! denied deny].each do |value| it "can use 'regulate: #{value}' to allow access directly on the scope" do stub_const 'TodoItem', Class.new(ApplicationRecord) TodoItem.has_many :comments, regulate: value new_todo = TodoItem.new expect { new_todo.__secure_remote_access_to_comments(new_todo, nil) } .to raise_error(Hyperstack::AccessViolation) end end end context 'integration test', js: true do before(:each) do client_option raise_on_js_errors: :off ApplicationController.acting_user = User.new(first_name: 'fred') end context 'with synchromesh running' do before(:each) do TestApplicationPolicy.class_eval do regulate_all_broadcasts { |policy| policy.send_all } end end it 'will allow access via scopes' do isomorphic do TodoItem.scope :annuder_scope, ->() { all } TodoItem.scope :test_scope, ->() { all }, regulate: :always_allow end TodoItem.create mount 'TestComponentZ' do class TestComponentZ < HyperComponent render do DIV { "There is #{TodoItem.annuder_scope.test_scope.count} TodoItem" } end end end expect(page).to have_content("There is 1 TodoItem") TodoItem.create expect(page).to have_content("There is 2 TodoItem") end it 'will fail if direct access to relationships is attempted' do # scopes and permissions are chained, and so you cannot fail until the # entire chain has been evaluated. The permission mechanism needs to # have a final *all or *count operation to trigger the permission # evaluation. A hacker could present a vector without final *all or # *count, and thus get the entire scope result returned. To pervent this # an explicit check insures vectors never return raw relationships. # Here we hack the Fetch Operation (like a Hacker might) but we should # get an error back instead of data. mount 'TestComponentZ' do module ReactiveRecord class Base class << self attr_accessor :last_log_message def log(*args) Base.last_log_message = args end end end class Operations::Fetch < Operations::Base class << self alias unmodified_serialize_params serialize_params def serialize_params(hash) hash['pending_fetches'][0].pop unmodified_serialize_params hash end end end end class TestComponentZ < HyperComponent render do DIV { "There is #{TodoItem.count} TodoItem" } end end end expect_evaluate_ruby('ReactiveRecord::Base.last_log_message').to eq(['Fetch failed', 'error']) end it 'will allow access via relationships' do isomorphic do TodoItem.regulate_relationship comments: true end todo_item = TodoItem.create Comment.create(todo_item: todo_item) mount 'TestComponentZ' do class TestComponentZ < HyperComponent render do DIV { "There is #{TodoItem.find(1).comments.count} comments on the first TodoItem" } end end end expect(page).to have_content("There is 1 comments on the first TodoItem") Comment.create(todo_item: todo_item) expect(page).to have_content("There is 2 comments on the first TodoItem") end it 'will protect access via scopes' do isomorphic do TodoItem.scope :test_scope, -> () { all } # no regulation implies "don't know" end 2.times { TodoItem.create } mount 'TestComponentZ' do class TestComponentZ < HyperComponent render do DIV { "There is #{TodoItem.test_scope.count} TodoItem" } end end end expect(page).to have_content("There is 1 TodoItem") # should be 2 but will never update TodoItem.create wait_for_ajax expect(page).to have_content("There is 1 TodoItem") # it will never change because scope is not allowed end it 'will allow access via relationships' do isomorphic do TodoItem.regulate_relationship comments: true end todo_item = TodoItem.create 2.times { Comment.create(todo_item: todo_item) } mount 'TestComponentZ' do class TestComponentZ < HyperComponent render do DIV { "There are #{TodoItem.find(1).comments.count} comments on the first TodoItem" } end end end wait_for_ajax expect(page).to have_content("There are 2 comments on the first TodoItem") end it 'relationships will inherit the all regulation' do isomorphic do ActiveRecord::Base.regulate_scope all: true end todo_item = TodoItem.create 2.times { Comment.create(todo_item: todo_item) } mount 'TestComponentZ' do class TestComponentZ < HyperComponent render do DIV { "There are #{TodoItem.find(1).comments.all.count} comments on the first TodoItem" } end end end expect(page).to have_content("There are 2 comments on the first TodoItem") end end context 'without synchromesh running' do before(:each) do isomorphic do TodoItem.class_eval do scope :test_scope1, -> () { all }, regulate: -> () { acting_user } scope :test_scope2, -> () { all }, regulate: -> () { !acting_user } server_method(:pow) { denied! unless user == acting_user; acting_user.first_name } TodoItem.regulate_relationship(:comments) { acting_user == user } end end mount 'DummyComponent' do class DummyComponent < HyperComponent render(DIV) { 'hello' } end module ReactiveRecord class Base class << self attr_accessor :last_log_message def log(*args) Base.last_log_message = args end end end end end end it 'will control access via relationships' do class TodoItem < ApplicationRecord def view_permitted?(attribute) true end end todo_item1 = TodoItem.create(user: ApplicationController.acting_user) todo_item2 = TodoItem.create(user: nil) Comment.create(todo_item: todo_item1) Comment.create(todo_item: todo_item1) expect_promise("ReactiveRecord.load { TodoItem.find(#{todo_item1.id}).comments.count }").to eq(2) expect_promise("ReactiveRecord.load { TodoItem.find(#{todo_item2.id}).comments.count }").not_to eq(0) expect_evaluate_ruby('ReactiveRecord::Base.last_log_message').to eq(['Fetch failed', 'error']) end it 'will control access via scope' do 2.times { TodoItem.create } expect_promise("ReactiveRecord.load { TodoItem.test_scope1.count }").to eq(2) expect_promise("ReactiveRecord.load { TodoItem.test_scope2.count }").not_to eq(2) expect_evaluate_ruby('ReactiveRecord::Base.last_log_message').to eq(['Fetch failed', 'error']) end it 'will allow server_methods to control access' do class TodoItem < ApplicationRecord def view_permitted?(attribute) true end end todo_item1 = TodoItem.create(user: ApplicationController.acting_user) todo_item2 = TodoItem.create(user: User.create(first_name: 'fred')) expect_promise("ReactiveRecord.load { TodoItem.find(#{todo_item1.id}).pow }").to eq('fred') expect_promise("ReactiveRecord.load { TodoItem.find(#{todo_item2.id}).pow }").not_to eq('fred') expect_evaluate_ruby('ReactiveRecord::Base.last_log_message').to eq(['Fetch failed', 'error']) end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Solargraph module CoreFills Override = Pin::Reference::Override KEYWORDS = [ '__ENCODING__', '__LINE__', '__FILE__', 'BEGIN', 'END', 'alias', 'and', 'begin', 'break', 'case', 'class', 'def', 'defined?', 'do', 'else', 'elsif', 'end', 'ensure', 'false', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'module', 'next', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'redo', 'rescue', 'retry', 'return', 'self', 'super', 'then', 'true', 'undef', 'unless', 'until', 'when', 'while', 'yield' ].freeze methods_with_yieldparam_subtypes = %w[ Array#each Array#map Array#any? Array#all? Array#index Array#keep_if Array#delete_if Enumerable#each_entry Enumerable#map Enumerable#any? Enumerable#all? Enumerable#select Enumerable#reject Set#each ] OVERRIDES = [ Override.method_return('Array#keep_if', 'self'), Override.method_return('Array#delete_if', 'self'), Override.from_comment('Array#reject', %( @overload reject(&block) @return [self] @overload reject() @return [Enumerator] )), Override.method_return('Array#reverse', 'self', delete: ['overload']), Override.from_comment('Array#select', %( @overload select(&block) @return [self] @overload select() @return [Enumerator] )), Override.from_comment('Array#[]', %( @overload [](range) @param range [Range] @return [self] @overload [](num1, num2) @param num1 [Integer] @param num2 [Integer] @return [self] @overload [](num) @param num [Integer] @return_single_parameter @return_single_parameter )), Override.from_comment('Array#first', %( @overload first(num) @param num [Integer] @return [self] @return_single_parameter )), Override.from_comment('Array#last', %( @overload last(num) @param num [Integer] @return [self] @return_single_parameter )), Override.from_comment('BasicObject#==', %( @param other [BasicObject] @return [Boolean] )), Override.method_return('Class#new', 'self'), Override.method_return('Class.new', 'Class<Object>'), Override.method_return('Class#allocate', 'self'), Override.method_return('Class.allocate', 'Class<Object>'), Override.method_return('Enumerable#select', 'self'), Override.method_return('File.dirname', 'String'), Override.from_comment('Hash#[]', %( @return_value_parameter )), # @todo This override isn't robust enough. It needs to allow for # parameterized Hash types, e.g., [Hash{Symbol => String}]. Override.from_comment('Hash#[]=', %( @param_tuple )), Override.method_return('Object#!', 'Boolean'), Override.method_return('Object#clone', 'self', delete: [:overload]), Override.method_return('Object#dup', 'self'), Override.method_return('Object#freeze', 'self', delete: [:overload]), Override.method_return('Object#taint', 'self'), Override.method_return('Object#to_s', 'String'), Override.method_return('Object#untaint', 'self'), Override.from_comment('Object#tap', %( @return [self] @yieldparam [self] )), Override.method_return('String#freeze', 'self'), Override.method_return('String#split', 'Array<String>'), Override.method_return('String#lines', 'Array<String>') ].concat( methods_with_yieldparam_subtypes.map do |path| Override.from_comment(path, %( @yieldparam_single_parameter )) end ) end end
class Helmfile < Formula desc "Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts" homepage "https://github.com/roboll/helmfile" url "https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/archive/v0.81.0.tar.gz" sha256 "6aba51fed66930fe7445570116daa9cdd7fb3a0fa73b4758f490efc6561e8e07" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "c07835bf5c7f685366c36416a10fae8b1925bc981baf106ef68d5eceb9d7df3d" => :mojave sha256 "17505b135bbc1b03d2f0920a1769360560791cdbb546f96ae74928c0da628c49" => :high_sierra sha256 "3abf9039c9660f44f6ff89c007ecaa3841444434284903819681f2262b57d248" => :sierra end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "kubernetes-helm" def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["GO111MODULE"] = "on" (buildpath/"src/github.com/roboll/helmfile").install buildpath.children cd "src/github.com/roboll/helmfile" do system "go", "build", "-ldflags", "-X main.Version=v#{version}", "-o", bin/"helmfile", "-v", "github.com/roboll/helmfile" prefix.install_metafiles end end test do (testpath/"helmfile.yaml").write <<-EOS repositories: - name: stable url: https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/ releases: - name: test EOS system Formula["kubernetes-helm"].opt_bin/"helm", "init", "--client-only" output = "Adding repo stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com" assert_match output, shell_output("#{bin}/helmfile -f helmfile.yaml repos 2>&1") assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/helmfile -v") end end
object @user => nil node(:user) { partial 'users/show', object: @user } if @user node(:token) { partial 'tokens/show', object: @token } if @token
class CreateTickets < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :tickets do |t| t.belongs_to :event t.integer :total t.decimal :price t.timestamps end end end
package 'the_silver_searcher'
module RewardsDoc extend Apipie::DSL::Concern extend BeachApiCore::Concerns::V1::ApipieResponseConcern api :POST, '/rewards', 'Create new reward' header 'Authorization', 'Bearer access_token', required: true param :reward, Hash, required: true do param :achievement_id, Integer, required: true param :giftbit_brand_id, Integer, required: false, desc: "Required only for achievement with Giftbit mode" end example ' { "reward": { "id": 59, "achievement_id": 18, "confirmed": true, "status": "Pending", "created_at": "2019-01-22T12:59:14.621Z", "giftbit_brand": { "id": 7, "giftbit_config_id": 4, "gift_name": "$12 playstation Gift Card", "amount": 500, "brand_code": "walmart", "giftbit_email_template": "Playstation_template_id", "email_subject": "", "email_body": "" } } }' def create; end api :GET, '/rewards', 'Return all user\'s rewards' header 'Authorization', 'Bearer access_token', required: true example ' { "rewards": [ { "id": 54, "achievement_id": 12, "confirmed": true, "status": "Pending", "created_at": "2019-01-17T10:18:44.310Z" }, { "id": 55, "achievement_id": 13, "confirmed": true, "status": "Pending", "created_at": "2019-01-17T10:19:43.220Z", "giftbit_brand": { "id": 7, "giftbit_config_id": 4, "gift_name": "$5 Walmart Gift Card", "amount": 500, "brand_code": "walmart", "giftbit_email_template": "Walmart_template_id", "email_subject": "", "email_body": "" } } ] }' def index; end api :GET, '/rewards/:id', 'Return reward data' header 'Authorization', 'Bearer access_token', required: true example ' { "reward": { "id": 45, "achievement_id": 9, "confirmed": true, "status": "Spent", "created_at": "2019-01-14T11:38:38.127Z" } }' def show; end api :PUT, '/rewards/:id/confirm_reward', 'Confirm reward' header 'Authorization', 'Bearer access_token', required: true example ' { "message": "Confirmed", "reward": { "id": 59, "achievement_id": 18, "confirmed": true, "status": "Pending", "created_at": "2019-01-22T12:59:14.621Z", "giftbit_brand": { "id": 7, "giftbit_config_id": 4, "gift_name": "$12 playstation Gift Card", "amount": 500, "brand_code": "walmart", "giftbit_email_template": "Playstation_template_id", "email_subject": "", "email_body": "" } } }' def confirm_reward; end api :PUT, '/rewards/resend_gift/:uuid', 'Resend Gift' header 'Authorization', 'Bearer access_token', required: true example '{ "message": "The gift has been resent.", "status": 200 }' def resend_gift; end api :DELETE, '/rewards/cancel_gift/:uuid', 'Cancel Gift' header 'Authorization', 'Bearer access_token', required: true example ' { "message": "The gift has been canceled.", "reward": { "id": 59, "achievement_id": 18, "confirmed": true, "status": "Closed", "created_at": "2019-01-22T12:59:14.621Z", "gift_uuid": "f0c9b59a3f944a839937718b315899e6", "shortlink": "http://gtbt.co/7zXFzDdWYWN", "giftbit_brand": { "id": 7, "giftbit_config_id": 4, "gift_name": "$12 playstation Gift Card", "amount": 500, "brand_code": "walmart", "giftbit_email_template": "Playstation_template_id", "email_subject": "", "email_body": "" } }, "status": 200 }' def cancel_gift; end api :DELETE, '/rewards/:id', "Remove reward" header 'Authorization', 'Bearer access_token', required: true example '{ fail: "Could not remove reward" }' def destroy; end end
# Neil created this, designed around http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10088619/how-to-clear-rails-sessions-table # hint: config/initializers/devise.rb sets "remember_for" namespace :sessions do desc 'Clear expired sessions from the database' task cleanup: :environment do ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.delete_all(['updated_at < ?', Devise.remember_for.ago]) end end
module Salesfly class MailAPI SCHEMA = { "type" => "object", "properties" => { "date" => { "type" => "string", "format" => "date-time" }, "from" => { "type" => "string", "maxLength" => 50 }, "from_name" => { "type" => "string", "maxLength" => 50 }, "to" => { "type" => "array", "minLength" => 1, "maxLength" => 50, "items" => { "type" => "string", } }, "cc" => { "type" => "array", "minLength" => 1, "maxLength" => 50, "items" => { "type" => "string" } }, "bcc" => { "type" => "array", "minLength" => 1, "maxLength" => 50, "items" => { "type" => "string" } }, "reply_to" => { "type" => "string", "maxLength" => 50 }, "subject" => { "type" => "string", "maxLength" => 100 }, "text" => { "type" => "string" }, "html" => { "type" => "string" }, "attachments" => { "type" => "array", "maxLength" => 10, "items" => { "type" => "string" } }, "tags" => { "type" => "array", "maxLength" => 3, "items" => { "type" => "string", "maxLength" => 20, } }, "charset" => { "type" => "string", "maxLength" => 20 }, "encoding" => { "type" => "string", "maxLength" => 20 }, "require_tls" => { "type" => "boolean" }, "verify_cert" => { "type" => "boolean" }, "open_tracking" => { "type" => "boolean" }, "click_tracking" => { "type" => "boolean" }, "text_click_tracking" => { "type" => "boolean" }, "unsubscribe_tracking" => { "type" => "boolean" }, "test_mode" => { "type" => "boolean" } }, "required" => ["from", "to", "subject", "text"], "additionalProperties" => false } def initialize(rest_client) @rest_client = rest_client end def send(message) # Validate message begin JSON::Validator.validate!(SCHEMA, message, :strict => false) rescue JSON::Schema::ValidationError => e raise ArgumentError.new("Message has missing or invalid attributes") end # Extract files files = [] if message.key?("attachments") files = message["attachments"] message = message.reject { |k,v| k == "attachments" } end multipart = Multipart.new content, headers = multipart.encode(message, files) return @rest_client.post("/v1/mail/send", content, headers) end end end
require 'spec_helper' describe Bosh::AwsCloud::Cloud do before { @tmp_dir = Dir.mktmpdir } after { FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmp_dir) } describe 'EBS-volume based flow' do let(:creator) { double(Bosh::AwsCloud::StemcellCreator) } let(:volume_manager) { instance_double(Bosh::AwsCloud::VolumeManager) } let(:az_selector) do instance_double(Bosh::AwsCloud::AvailabilityZoneSelector, select_availability_zone: 'us-east-1a') end let(:disk_config) do { size: 2, availability_zone: 'us-east-1a', volume_type: 'gp2', encrypted: false } end context 'light stemcell' do let(:ami_id) { 'ami-xxxxxxxx' } let(:encrypted_ami) { instance_double(Aws::EC2::Image, state: 'available') } let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'root_device_name' => '/dev/sda1', 'architecture' => 'x86_64', 'name' => 'stemcell-name', 'version' => '1.2.3', 'ami' => { 'us-east-1' => ami_id } } end it 'should return a light stemcell' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2| expect(ec2).to receive(:images).with( filters: [{ name: 'image-id', values: [ami_id], }], ).and_return([double('image', id: ami_id)]) end expect(cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties)).to eq("#{ami_id} light") end context 'when encrypted flag is true' do let(:kms_key_arn) { nil } let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'encrypted' => true, 'ami' => { 'us-east-1' => ami_id } } end it 'should copy ami' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2| expect(ec2).to receive(:images).with( filters: [{ name: 'image-id', values: [ami_id], }], ).and_return([double('image', id: ami_id)]) expect(ec2.client).to receive(:copy_image).with( source_region: 'us-east-1', source_image_id: ami_id, name: "Copied from SourceAMI #{ami_id}", encrypted: true, kms_key_id: kms_key_arn ).and_return(double('copy_image_result', image_id: 'ami-newami')) expect(ec2).to receive(:image).with('ami-newami').and_return(encrypted_ami) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::ResourceWait).to receive(:for_image).with( image: encrypted_ami, state: 'available' ) end cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties) end it 'should return stemcell id (not light stemcell id)' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2, client| expect(ec2).to receive(:images).with( filters: [{ name: 'image-id', values: [ami_id], }], ).and_return([double('image', id: ami_id)]) expect(ec2.client).to receive(:copy_image).with( source_region: 'us-east-1', source_image_id: ami_id, name: "Copied from SourceAMI #{ami_id}", encrypted: true, kms_key_id: kms_key_arn ).and_return(double('copy_image_result', image_id: 'ami-newami')) expect(ec2).to receive(:image).with('ami-newami').and_return(encrypted_ami) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::ResourceWait).to receive(:for_image).with( image: encrypted_ami, state: 'available' ) end expect(cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties)).to eq('ami-newami') end end context 'and kms_key_arn is given' do let(:kms_key_arn) { 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:12345678:key/guid' } let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'encrypted' => true, 'kms_key_arn' => kms_key_arn, 'ami' => { 'us-east-1' => ami_id } } end it 'should encrypt ami with given kms_key_arn' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2, client| expect(ec2).to receive(:images).with( filters: [{ name: 'image-id', values: [ami_id], }], ).and_return([double('image', id: ami_id)]) expect(ec2.client).to receive(:copy_image).with( source_region: 'us-east-1', source_image_id: ami_id, name: "Copied from SourceAMI #{ami_id}", encrypted: true, kms_key_id: kms_key_arn ).and_return(double('copy_image_result', image_id: 'ami-newami')) expect(ec2).to receive(:image).with('ami-newami').and_return(encrypted_ami) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::ResourceWait).to receive(:for_image).with( image: encrypted_ami, state: 'available' ) end cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties) end end context 'when ami does NOT exist' do it 'should return error' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2| allow(ec2).to receive(:images).with( filters: [{ name: 'image-id', values: ['ami-xxxxxxxx'] }] ).and_return([]) end expect{ cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties) }.to raise_error(/Stemcell does not contain an AMI in region/) end end end context 'heavy stemcell' do let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'root_device_name' => '/dev/sda1', 'architecture' => 'x86_64', 'name' => 'stemcell-name', 'version' => '1.2.3', 'virtualization_type' => 'paravirtual' } end let(:volume) { instance_double(Aws::EC2::Volume, :id => 'vol-xxxxxxxx') } let(:stemcell) { instance_double(Bosh::AwsCloud::Stemcell, :id => 'ami-xxxxxxxx') } let(:instance) { instance_double(Aws::EC2::Instance) } let(:aws_config) do instance_double(Bosh::AwsCloud::AwsConfig, stemcell: {}, encrypted: false, kms_key_arn: nil) end let(:global_config) { instance_double(Bosh::AwsCloud::Config, aws: aws_config) } let(:stemcell_cloud_props) { Bosh::AwsCloud::StemcellCloudProps.new(stemcell_properties, global_config) } let(:props_factory) { instance_double(Bosh::AwsCloud::PropsFactory) } before do allow(Bosh::AwsCloud::PropsFactory).to receive(:new) .and_return(props_factory) allow(props_factory).to receive(:stemcell_props) .with(stemcell_properties) .and_return(stemcell_cloud_props) end it 'should create a stemcell' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2| allow(ec2).to receive(:volume).with('vol-xxxxxxxx').and_return(volume) allow(ec2).to receive(:instance).with('i-xxxxxxxx').and_return(instance) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::StemcellCreator).to receive(:new) .with(ec2, stemcell_cloud_props) .and_return(creator) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::VolumeManager).to receive(:new).and_return(volume_manager) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::AvailabilityZoneSelector).to receive(:new).and_return(az_selector) end allow(instance).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(instance).to receive(:reload).and_return(instance) allow(cloud).to receive(:current_vm_id).and_return('i-xxxxxxxx') expect(volume_manager).to receive(:create_ebs_volume).with(disk_config).and_return(volume) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:attach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume).and_return('/dev/sdh') expect(cloud).to receive(:find_device_path_by_name).with('/dev/sdh').and_return('ebs') expect(creator).to receive(:create).with(volume, 'ebs', '/tmp/foo').and_return(stemcell) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:detach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume, true) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:delete_ebs_volume).with(volume) expect(cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties)).to eq('ami-xxxxxxxx') end context 'when the CPI configuration includes a kernel_id for stemcell' do it 'creates a stemcell' do options = mock_cloud_options['properties'] options['aws']['stemcell'] = {'kernel_id' => 'fake-kernel-id'} cloud = mock_cloud(options) do |ec2| allow(ec2).to receive(:volume).with('vol-xxxxxxxx').and_return(volume) allow(ec2).to receive(:instance).with('i-xxxxxxxx').and_return(instance) stemcell_properties.merge('kernel_id' => 'fake-kernel-id') expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::StemcellCreator).to receive(:new) .with(ec2, stemcell_cloud_props) .and_return(creator) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::VolumeManager).to receive(:new).and_return(volume_manager) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::AvailabilityZoneSelector).to receive(:new).and_return(az_selector) end allow(instance).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(instance).to receive(:reload).and_return(instance) allow(cloud).to receive(:current_vm_id).and_return('i-xxxxxxxx') expect(volume_manager).to receive(:create_ebs_volume).with(disk_config).and_return(volume) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:attach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume).and_return('/dev/sdh') expect(cloud).to receive(:find_device_path_by_name).with('/dev/sdh').and_return('ebs') allow(creator).to receive(:create) expect(creator).to receive(:create).with(volume, 'ebs', '/tmp/foo').and_return(stemcell) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:detach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume, true) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:delete_ebs_volume).with(volume) expect(cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties)).to eq('ami-xxxxxxxx') end end context 'when encrypted flag is set to true' do context 'and kms_key_arn is provided' do let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'root_device_name' => '/dev/sda1', 'architecture' => 'x86_64', 'name' => 'stemcell-name', 'version' => '1.2.3', 'virtualization_type' => 'paravirtual', 'encrypted' => true, 'kms_key_arn' => 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:ID:key/GUID' } end let(:disk_config) do { size: 2, availability_zone: 'us-east-1a', volume_type: 'gp2', encrypted: true, kms_key_id: 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:ID:key/GUID' } end it 'should create stemcell with encrypted disk with the given kms key' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2| allow(ec2).to receive(:volume).with('vol-xxxxxxxx').and_return(volume) allow(ec2).to receive(:instance).with('i-xxxxxxxx').and_return(instance) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::StemcellCreator).to receive(:new) .with(ec2, stemcell_cloud_props) .and_return(creator) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::VolumeManager).to receive(:new).and_return(volume_manager) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::AvailabilityZoneSelector).to receive(:new).and_return(az_selector) end allow(instance).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(instance).to receive(:reload).and_return(instance) allow(cloud).to receive(:current_vm_id).and_return('i-xxxxxxxx') expect(volume_manager).to receive(:create_ebs_volume).with(disk_config).and_return(volume) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:attach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume).and_return('/dev/sdh') expect(cloud).to receive(:find_device_path_by_name).with('/dev/sdh').and_return('ebs') expect(creator).to receive(:create).with(volume, 'ebs', '/tmp/foo').and_return(stemcell) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:detach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume, true) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:delete_ebs_volume).with(volume) expect(cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties)).to eq('ami-xxxxxxxx') end end context 'and kms_key_arn is NOT provided' do let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'root_device_name' => '/dev/sda1', 'architecture' => 'x86_64', 'name' => 'stemcell-name', 'version' => '1.2.3', 'virtualization_type' => 'paravirtual', 'encrypted' => true } end let(:disk_config) do { size: 2, availability_zone: 'us-east-1a', volume_type: 'gp2', encrypted: true } end it 'should create stemcell with encrypted disk' do cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2| allow(ec2).to receive(:volume).with('vol-xxxxxxxx').and_return(volume) allow(ec2).to receive(:instance).with('i-xxxxxxxx').and_return(instance) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::StemcellCreator).to receive(:new) .with(ec2, stemcell_cloud_props) .and_return(creator) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::VolumeManager).to receive(:new).and_return(volume_manager) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::AvailabilityZoneSelector).to receive(:new).and_return(az_selector) end allow(instance).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(instance).to receive(:reload).and_return(instance) allow(cloud).to receive(:current_vm_id).and_return('i-xxxxxxxx') expect(volume_manager).to receive(:create_ebs_volume).with(disk_config).and_return(volume) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:attach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume).and_return('/dev/sdh') expect(cloud).to receive(:find_device_path_by_name).with('/dev/sdh').and_return('ebs') expect(creator).to receive(:create).with(volume, 'ebs', '/tmp/foo').and_return(stemcell) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:detach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume, true) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:delete_ebs_volume).with(volume) expect(cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties)).to eq('ami-xxxxxxxx') end end end context 'when encryption information is incomplete' do def test_for_unencrypted_root_disk() cloud = mock_cloud do |ec2| allow(ec2).to receive(:volume).with('vol-xxxxxxxx').and_return(volume) allow(ec2).to receive(:instance).with('i-xxxxxxxx').and_return(instance) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::StemcellCreator).to receive(:new) .with(ec2, stemcell_cloud_props) .and_return(creator) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::VolumeManager).to receive(:new).and_return(volume_manager) expect(Bosh::AwsCloud::AvailabilityZoneSelector).to receive(:new).and_return(az_selector) end allow(instance).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(instance).to receive(:reload).and_return(instance) allow(cloud).to receive(:current_vm_id).and_return('i-xxxxxxxx') expect(volume_manager).to receive(:create_ebs_volume).with(disk_config).and_return(volume) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:attach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume).and_return('/dev/sdh') expect(cloud).to receive(:find_device_path_by_name).with('/dev/sdh').and_return('ebs') expect(creator).to receive(:create).with(volume, 'ebs', '/tmp/foo').and_return(stemcell) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:detach_ebs_volume).with(instance, volume, true) expect(volume_manager).to receive(:delete_ebs_volume).with(volume) expect(cloud.create_stemcell('/tmp/foo', stemcell_properties)).to eq('ami-xxxxxxxx') end let(:disk_config) do { size: 2, availability_zone: 'us-east-1a', volume_type: 'gp2', encrypted: false, kms_key_id: 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:ID:key/GUID' } end context 'when `encrypted` is false and kms_key_arn is provided' do let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'root_device_name' => '/dev/sda1', 'architecture' => 'x86_64', 'name' => 'stemcell-name', 'version' => '1.2.3', 'virtualization_type' => 'paravirtual', 'encrypted' => false, 'kms_key_arn' => 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:ID:key/GUID' } end it 'should create an unencrypted stemcell' do test_for_unencrypted_root_disk end end context 'when `encrypted` is missing and kms_key_arn is provided' do let(:stemcell_properties) do { 'root_device_name' => '/dev/sda1', 'architecture' => 'x86_64', 'name' => 'stemcell-name', 'version' => '1.2.3', 'virtualization_type' => 'paravirtual', 'kms_key_arn' => 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:ID:key/GUID' } end it 'should create an unencrypted stemcell' do test_for_unencrypted_root_disk end end end describe '#find_device_path_by_name' do it 'should locate ebs volume on the current instance and return the device name' do cloud = mock_cloud allow(File).to receive(:blockdev?).with('/dev/sdf').and_return(true) expect(cloud.send(:find_device_path_by_name, '/dev/sdf')).to eq('/dev/sdf') end it 'should locate ebs volume on the current instance and return the virtual device name' do cloud = mock_cloud allow(File).to receive(:blockdev?).with('/dev/sdf').and_return(false) allow(File).to receive(:blockdev?).with('/dev/xvdf').and_return(true) expect(cloud.send(:find_device_path_by_name, '/dev/sdf')).to eq('/dev/xvdf') end end end end end
module Intrigue module Ident module Check class DanneoCMS < Intrigue::Ident::Check::Base def generate_checks(url) [ { :type => "fingerprint", :category => "application", :tags => ["CMS"], :vendor => "Danneo", :product => "Danneo", :references => ["http://danneo.ru/"], :match_details => "Danneo - generator page reference", :version => nil, :match_type => :content_body, :match_content => /<meta name="generator" content="CMS Danneo/i, :dynamic_version => lambda { |x| _first_body_capture(x, /<meta name="generator" content="CMS Danneo (\d+(\.\d+)*)/i) }, :hide => false, :paths => [ { :path => "#{url}", :follow_redirects => true } ], :inference => true } ] end end end end end
require 'java' module RedStorm module Loggable def self.included(clazz) clazz.send(:extend, ClassMethods) clazz.send(:include, InstanceMethods) end module ClassMethods def log @log ||= Java::OrgSlf4j::LoggerFactory.get_logger(self.name.gsub(/::/, '.')) end end module InstanceMethods def log self.class.log end end end end
# Copyright (c) 2021 Target Brands, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by the LICENSE file in this repository. require 'formula' class VelaAT03 < Formula # repository information head "https://github.com/go-vela/cli.git" homepage 'https://github.com/go-vela/cli' # utility information version 'v0.3.0' url "#{homepage}/releases/download/#{version}/vela_darwin_amd64.tar.gz" sha256 '7065cda415b2cdd9b28252cd48723b42b8efa52ca2e052176aa9ddfbeb5af01b' # install information def install bin.install 'vela' end # test information test do system "#{bin}/vela", "--version" end end
# == Schema Information # # Table name: dogs # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # tracking_id :integer # primary_breed_id :integer # secondary_breed_id :integer # status :string(255) # age :string(75) # size :string(75) # is_altered :boolean # gender :string(6) # is_special_needs :boolean # no_dogs :boolean # no_cats :boolean # no_kids :boolean # description :text # foster_id :integer # adoption_date :date # is_uptodateonshots :boolean default(TRUE) # intake_dt :date # available_on_dt :date # has_medical_need :boolean default(FALSE) # is_high_priority :boolean default(FALSE) # needs_photos :boolean default(FALSE) # has_behavior_problem :boolean default(FALSE) # needs_foster :boolean default(FALSE) # petfinder_ad_url :string(255) # craigslist_ad_url :string(255) # youtube_video_url :string(255) # first_shots :string(255) # second_shots :string(255) # third_shots :string(255) # rabies :string(255) # vac_4dx :string(255) # bordetella :string(255) # microchip :string(255) # original_name :string(255) # fee :integer # coordinator_id :integer # sponsored_by :string(255) # shelter_id :integer # medical_summary :text # heartworm_preventative :string # flea_tick_preventative :string # medical_review_complete :boolean default(FALSE) # behavior_summary :text # require 'rails_helper' describe Dog do describe '.update_adoption_date' do # tests for the update_adoption_date callback simply document the behaviour found in the code # without understanding the intent or validating correctness let(:dog) { create(:dog, :adoptable) } context 'status did not change' do it 'does not update the date if none is provided' do old_date = dog.adoption_date dog.update_attribute(:name, "new_#{dog.name}") expect(dog.adoption_date).to eq(old_date) end it 'updates the date to the value provided ' do dog.update_attribute(:adoption_date, '2024-8-19') expect(dog.adoption_date).to eq(Date.new(2024,8,19)) end end context 'status changed to completed' do it 'does not update the date' do old_date = dog.adoption_date dog.update_attribute(:status, 'completed') expect(dog.adoption_date).to eq(old_date) end it 'updates the adoption date if one is provided by the user' do dog.update_attributes(status: 'completed', adoption_date: Date.new(2000,1,1)) expect(dog.adoption_date).to eq(Date.new(2000,1,1)) end end context 'status changed to adopted' do it 'updates the date' do dog.update_attribute(:status, 'adopted') expect(dog.adoption_date).to eq(Date.today()) end end context 'status changed to value that is not complete or adopted' do it 'updates the date to nil' do dog.update_attribute(:status, 'adopted') expect(dog.adoption_date).to eq(Date.today) dog.update_attribute(:status, 'adoptable') expect(dog.adoption_date).to be_nil end end end describe 'matching_tracking_id scope' do let!(:good_dog){ create(:dog, tracking_id: 55) } let!(:bad_dog){ create(:dog, tracking_id: 77) } it 'result includes only matching tracking_id' do dogs = Dog.search(['55','tracking_id']) expect(dogs.length).to eq 1 expect(dogs).to include(good_dog) expect(dogs).not_to include(bad_dog) end end describe 'matches_microchip scope' do let!(:good_dog){ create(:dog, microchip: 55) } let!(:bad_dog){ create(:dog, microchip: 77) } it 'result includes only matching tracking_id' do dogs = Dog.search(['55','microchip']) expect(dogs.length).to eq 1 expect(dogs).to include(good_dog) expect(dogs).not_to include(bad_dog) end end end
# The first thing you need to configure is which modules you need in your app. # The default is nothing which will include only core features (password encryption, login/logout). # Available submodules are: :user_activation, :http_basic_auth, :remember_me, # :reset_password, :session_timeout, :brute_force_protection, :activity_logging, :external # NOTE: Taken out external, remember_me Rails.application.config.sorcery.submodules = [:core, :http_basic_auth, :reset_password, :activity_logging, :brute_force_protection, :user_activation, :session_timeout] # Here you can configure each submodule's features. Rails.application.config.sorcery.configure do |config| # -- core -- # What controller action to call for non-authenticated users. You can also # override the 'not_authenticated' method of course. # Default: `:not_authenticated` # # config.not_authenticated_action = # When a non logged in user tries to enter a page that requires login, save # the URL he wanted to reach, and send him there after login, using 'redirect_back_or_to'. # Default: `true` # # config.save_return_to_url = # Set domain option for cookies; Useful for remember_me submodule. # Default: `nil` # # config.cookie_domain = # -- session timeout -- # How long in seconds to keep the session alive. # Default: `3600` # # config.session_timeout = # Use the last action as the beginning of session timeout. # Default: `false` # # config.session_timeout_from_last_action = # -- http_basic_auth -- # What realm to display for which controller name. For example {"My App" => "Application"} # Default: `{"application" => "Application"}` # # config.controller_to_realm_map = # -- activity logging -- # will register the time of last user login, every login. # Default: `true` # # config.register_login_time = # will register the time of last user logout, every logout. # Default: `true` # # config.register_logout_time = # will register the time of last user action, every action. # Default: `true` # # config.register_last_activity_time = # -- external -- # What providers are supported by this app, i.e. [:twitter, :facebook, :github, :linkedin, :xing, :google, :liveid] . # Default: `[]` # # config.external_providers = # You can change it by your local ca_file. i.e. '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt' # Path to ca_file. By default use a internal ca-bundle.crt. # Default: `'path/to/ca_file'` # # config.ca_file = # For information about LinkedIn API: # - user info fields go to https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/profile-fields # - access permissions go to https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication#granting # # config.linkedin.key = "" # config.linkedin.secret = "" # config.linkedin.callback_url = "" # config.linkedin.user_info_fields = ['first-name', 'last-name'] # config.linkedin.user_info_mapping = {first_name: "firstName", last_name: "lastName"} # config.linkedin.access_permissions = ['r_basicprofile'] # # # For information about XING API: # - user info fields go to https://dev.xing.com/docs/get/users/me # # config.xing.key = "" # config.xing.secret = "" # config.xing.callback_url = "" # config.xing.user_info_mapping = {first_name: "first_name", last_name: "last_name"} # # # Twitter wil not accept any requests nor redirect uri containing localhost, # make sure you use to access your app in development # # config.twitter.key = "" # config.twitter.secret = "" # config.twitter.callback_url = "" # config.twitter.user_info_mapping = {:email => "screen_name"} # # config.facebook.key = "" # config.facebook.secret = "" # config.facebook.callback_url = "" # config.facebook.user_info_mapping = {:email => "name"} # config.facebook.access_permissions = ["email", "publish_stream"] # # config.github.key = "" # config.github.secret = "" # config.github.callback_url = "" # config.github.user_info_mapping = {:email => "name"} # # config.google.key = "" # config.google.secret = "" # config.google.callback_url = "" # config.google.user_info_mapping = {:email => "email", :username => "name"} # # config.vk.key = "" # config.vk.secret = "" # config.vk.callback_url = "" # config.vk.user_info_mapping = {:login => "domain", :name => "full_name"} # # To use liveid in development mode you have to replace mydomain.com with # a valid domain even in development. To use a valid domain in development # simply add your domain in your /etc/hosts file in front of # # config.liveid.key = "" # config.liveid.secret = "" # config.liveid.callback_url = "http://mydomain.com:3000/oauth/callback?provider=liveid" # config.liveid.user_info_mapping = {:username => "name"} # --- user config --- config.user_config do |user| # -- core -- # specify username attributes, for example: [:username, :email]. # Default: `[:username]` # user.username_attribute_names = [:email] # change *virtual* password attribute, the one which is used until an encrypted one is generated. # Default: `:password` # # user.password_attribute_name = # downcase the username before trying to authenticate, default is false # Default: `false` # user.downcase_username_before_authenticating = true # change default email attribute. # Default: `:email` # # user.email_attribute_name = # change default crypted_password attribute. # Default: `:crypted_password` # # user.crypted_password_attribute_name = # what pattern to use to join the password with the salt # Default: `""` # # user.salt_join_token = # change default salt attribute. # Default: `:salt` # # user.salt_attribute_name = # how many times to apply encryption to the password. # Default: `nil` # # user.stretches = # encryption key used to encrypt reversible encryptions such as AES256. # WARNING: If used for users' passwords, changing this key will leave passwords undecryptable! # Default: `nil` # # user.encryption_key = # use an external encryption class. # Default: `nil` # # user.custom_encryption_provider = # encryption algorithm name. See 'encryption_algorithm=' for available options. # Default: `:bcrypt` # # user.encryption_algorithm = # make this configuration inheritable for subclasses. Useful for ActiveRecord's STI. # Default: `false` # # user.subclasses_inherit_config = # -- remember_me -- # allow the remember_me cookie to settable through AJAX # Default: `true` # # user.remember_me_httponly = # How long in seconds the session length will be # Default: `604800` # # user.remember_me_for = # -- user_activation -- # the attribute name to hold activation state (active/pending). # Default: `:activation_state` # # user.activation_state_attribute_name = # the attribute name to hold activation code (sent by email). # Default: `:activation_token` # # user.activation_token_attribute_name = # the attribute name to hold activation code expiration date. # Default: `:activation_token_expires_at` # # user.activation_token_expires_at_attribute_name = # how many seconds before the activation code expires. nil for never expires. # Default: `nil` # # user.activation_token_expiration_period = # your mailer class. Required. # Default: `nil` # user.user_activation_mailer = UserMailer # when true sorcery will not automatically # email activation details and allow you to # manually handle how and when email is sent. # Default: `false` # # user.activation_mailer_disabled = true # activation needed email method on your mailer class. # Default: `:activation_needed_email` # # user.activation_needed_email_method_name = # activation success email method on your mailer class. # Default: `:activation_success_email` # user.activation_success_email_method_name = nil # do you want to prevent or allow users that did not activate by email to login? # Default: `true` # # user.prevent_non_active_users_to_login = # -- reset_password -- # reset password code attribute name. # Default: `:reset_password_token` # # user.reset_password_token_attribute_name = # expires at attribute name. # Default: `:reset_password_token_expires_at` # # user.reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name = # when was email sent, used for hammering protection. # Default: `:reset_password_email_sent_at` # # user.reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name = # mailer class. Needed. # Default: `nil` # user.reset_password_mailer = UserMailer # reset password email method on your mailer class. # Default: `:reset_password_email` # # user.reset_password_email_method_name = # when true sorcery will not automatically # email password reset details and allow you to # manually handle how and when email is sent # Default: `false` # # user.reset_password_mailer_disabled = # how many seconds before the reset request expires. nil for never expires. # Default: `nil` # # user.reset_password_expiration_period = # hammering protection, how long to wait before allowing another email to be sent. # Default: `5 * 60` # # user.reset_password_time_between_emails = # -- brute_force_protection -- # Failed logins attribute name. # Default: `:failed_logins_count` # # user.failed_logins_count_attribute_name = # This field indicates whether user is banned and when it will be active again. # Default: `:lock_expires_at` # # user.lock_expires_at_attribute_name = # How many failed logins allowed. # Default: `50` # # user.consecutive_login_retries_amount_limit = # How long the user should be banned. in seconds. 0 for permanent. # Default: `60 * 60` # # user.login_lock_time_period = # Unlock token attribute name # Default: `:unlock_token` # # user.unlock_token_attribute_name = # Unlock token mailer method # Default: `:send_unlock_token_email` # # user.unlock_token_email_method_name = # when true sorcery will not automatically # send email with unlock token # Default: `false` # # user.unlock_token_mailer_disabled = true # Unlock token mailer class # Default: `nil` # user.unlock_token_mailer = UserMailer # -- activity logging -- # Last login attribute name. # Default: `:last_login_at` # # user.last_login_at_attribute_name = # Last logout attribute name. # Default: `:last_logout_at` # # user.last_logout_at_attribute_name = # Last activity attribute name. # Default: `:last_activity_at` # # user.last_activity_at_attribute_name = # How long since last activity is he user defined logged out? # Default: `10 * 60` # user.activity_timeout = 7200 # -- external -- # Class which holds the various external provider data for this user. # Default: `nil` # # user.authentications_class = # User's identifier in authentications class. # Default: `:user_id` # # user.authentications_user_id_attribute_name = # Provider's identifier in authentications class. # Default: `:provider` # # user.provider_attribute_name = # User's external unique identifier in authentications class. # Default: `:uid` # # user.provider_uid_attribute_name = end # This line must come after the 'user config' block. # Define which model authenticates with sorcery. config.user_class = "User" end
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) require 'rails/all' # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) module NightOwl class Application < Rails::Application # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. # Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone. # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC. # config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)' # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded. # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] # config.i18n.default_locale = :de end end
project 'pe-bolt-server-runtime-2019.0.x' do |proj| proj.setting(:pe_version, '2019.0') instance_eval File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '_shared-pe-bolt-server.rb')) end
# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview # # The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs # that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. # The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, # servers, and other entities. # class ServerVulnerabilityAssessments include MsRestAzure # # Creates and initializes a new instance of the ServerVulnerabilityAssessments class. # @param client service class for accessing basic functionality. # def initialize(client) @client = client end # @return [SqlManagementClient] reference to the SqlManagementClient attr_reader :client # # Gets the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ServerVulnerabilityAssessment] operation results. # def get(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) response = get_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Gets the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def get_with_http_info(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) get_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Gets the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def get_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'server_name is nil' if server_name.nil? vulnerability_assessment_name = 'default' fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'serverName' => server_name,'vulnerabilityAssessmentName' => vulnerability_assessment_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview::Models::ServerVulnerabilityAssessment.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Creates or updates the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param parameters [ServerVulnerabilityAssessment] The requested resource. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ServerVulnerabilityAssessment] operation results. # def create_or_update(resource_group_name, server_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil) response = create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, server_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Creates or updates the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param parameters [ServerVulnerabilityAssessment] The requested resource. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def create_or_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, server_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil) create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, server_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Creates or updates the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param parameters [ServerVulnerabilityAssessment] The requested resource. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, server_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'server_name is nil' if server_name.nil? vulnerability_assessment_name = 'default' fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? # Serialize Request request_mapper = Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview::Models::ServerVulnerabilityAssessment.mapper() request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters) request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'serverName' => server_name,'vulnerabilityAssessmentName' => vulnerability_assessment_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, body: request_content, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 201 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview::Models::ServerVulnerabilityAssessment.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end # Deserialize Response if status_code == 201 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview::Models::ServerVulnerabilityAssessment.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Removes the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # def delete(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) response = delete_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! nil end # # Removes the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def delete_with_http_info(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) delete_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Removes the server's vulnerability assessment. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server for which the # vulnerability assessment is defined. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def delete_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'server_name is nil' if server_name.nil? vulnerability_assessment_name = 'default' fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'serverName' => server_name,'vulnerabilityAssessmentName' => vulnerability_assessment_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? result end promise.execute end # # Lists the vulnerability assessment policies associated with a server. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [Array<ServerVulnerabilityAssessment>] operation results. # def list_by_server(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) first_page = list_by_server_as_lazy(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:custom_headers) first_page.get_all_items end # # Lists the vulnerability assessment policies associated with a server. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def list_by_server_with_http_info(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) list_by_server_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Lists the vulnerability assessment policies associated with a server. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def list_by_server_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'server_name is nil' if server_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/vulnerabilityAssessments' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'serverName' => server_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id}, query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview::Models::ServerVulnerabilityAssessmentListResult.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Lists the vulnerability assessment policies associated with a server. # # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call # to List operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ServerVulnerabilityAssessmentListResult] operation results. # def list_by_server_next(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil) response = list_by_server_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! response.body unless response.nil? end # # Lists the vulnerability assessment policies associated with a server. # # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call # to List operation. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information. # def list_by_server_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil) list_by_server_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! end # # Lists the vulnerability assessment policies associated with a server. # # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call # to List operation. # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added # to the HTTP request. # # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def list_by_server_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil) fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil? request_headers = {} request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Set Headers request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil? path_template = '{nextLink}' request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url options = { middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]], skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link}, headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}), base_url: request_url } promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options) promise = promise.then do |result| http_response = result.response status_code = http_response.status response_content = http_response.body unless status_code == 200 error_model = JSON.load(response_content) fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model) end result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil? # Deserialize Response if status_code == 200 begin parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content) result_mapper = Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2018_06_01_preview::Models::ServerVulnerabilityAssessmentListResult.mapper() result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response) rescue Exception => e fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result) end end result end promise.execute end # # Lists the vulnerability assessment policies associated with a server. # # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that # contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource # Manager API or the portal. # @param server_name [String] The name of the server. # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that # will be added to the HTTP request. # # @return [ServerVulnerabilityAssessmentListResult] which provide lazy access # to pages of the response. # def list_by_server_as_lazy(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:nil) response = list_by_server_async(resource_group_name, server_name, custom_headers:custom_headers).value! unless response.nil? page = response.body page.next_method = Proc.new do |next_page_link| list_by_server_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers) end page end end end end
Pod::Spec.new do |spec| spec.name = 'SimplogBase' spec.version = '0.1.0' spec.license = { :type => 'MIT' } spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/nholloh/Simplog' spec.authors = { 'Niklas Holloh' => 'github@niklasholloh.de' } spec.summary = 'A simplistic, yet extensible iOS logging framework.' spec.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/nholloh/Simplog.git', :tag => 'v0.1.0' } spec.source_files = 'Sources/SimplogBase/**/*.swift' spec.swift_versions = '5.0', '5.1', '5.2', '5.3', '5.4' spec.platform = :ios, '9.0' end
module EasyMailPreview module ApplicationHelper end end
class TeamsController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user! before_action :authorize!, except: [:new, :create] def show if project = @team.projects.first redirect_to team_project_path(@team, project) end end def new @team = current_user.teams.build if user_signed_in? end def edit end def create @team = current_user.teams.build(team_params) @team.user_id = current_user.id if @team.save @team.authorized!(current_user) else render json: format_error_message(@team), status: :unprocessable_entity end end def update unless @team.update(team_params) render json: format_error_message(@team), status: :unprocessable_entity end end def destroy @team.destroy redirect_to dashboard_path, notice: t("teams.messages.destroy") end def settings end private def set_team @team = Team.find_by(name: params[:name]) routing_error if @team.nil? end def authorize! @team || set_team forbidden_error unless @team.authorized?(current_user) end def team_params params.require(:team).permit(:name) end end
class Canu < Formula desc "Single molecule sequence assembler" homepage "http://canu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/" url "https://github.com/marbl/canu/archive/v1.3.tar.gz" sha256 "7a85e4999baf75553f738b9fb263c17772d7630368d3b7321b8d90f3dc584457" head "https://github.com/marbl/canu.git" # doi "10.1038/nbt.3238" # tag "bioinformatics" bottle do sha256 "f37d258084205d89ec0aecaa3c04500a394d10b6f357f790ca75bbc40b6f2af3" => :el_capitan sha256 "564612c7a5b5de07e7dbd46586df47380f0149c78a21c25abcd215a41727bd98" => :yosemite sha256 "496e8b42bdcca4612cede42d3676345a14bfb234937cfb314d4d65a9cea7ae26" => :mavericks sha256 "cf424d48cdd5a6a427b77de3dc4ea55fa6a9b299e6c2d0e84baf8e231ee3de94" => :x86_64_linux end # Fix fatal error: 'omp.h' file not found needs :openmp def install system "make", "-C", "src" arch = Pathname.new(Dir["*/bin"][0]).dirname rm_r arch/"obj" prefix.install arch bin.install_symlink prefix/arch/"bin/canu" doc.install Dir["README.*"] end test do system "#{bin}/canu", "--version" end end
class Geoserver < Formula desc "Java server to share and edit geospatial data" homepage "http://geoserver.org/" url "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/geoserver/GeoServer/2.13.0/geoserver-2.13.0-bin.zip" sha256 "0248645869d042f835da0c69b0554ae9379623ecaf7970cab2782cbfa03f6b76" bottle :unneeded def install libexec.install Dir["*"] (bin/"geoserver").write <<~EOS #!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $ geoserver path/to/data/dir" else cd "#{libexec}" && java -DGEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=$1 -jar start.jar fi EOS end def caveats; <<~EOS To start geoserver: geoserver path/to/data/dir EOS end test do assert_match "geoserver path", shell_output("#{bin}/geoserver") end end
require 'json' package = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(__dir__, 'package.json'))) Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'CodePush' s.version = package['version'].gsub(/v|-beta/, '') s.summary = package['description'] s.author = package['author'] s.license = package['license'] s.homepage = package['homepage'] s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-code-push.git', :tag => "v#{s.version}"} s.ios.deployment_target = '7.0' s.tvos.deployment_target = '9.0' s.preserve_paths = '*.js' s.library = 'z' s.source_files = 'ios/CodePush/*.{h,m}' s.public_header_files = ['ios/CodePush/CodePush.h'] # Note: Even though there are copy/pasted versions of some of these dependencies in the repo, # we explicitly let CocoaPods pull in the versions below so all dependencies are resolved and # linked properly at a parent workspace level. s.dependency 'React' s.dependency 'SSZipArchive', '~> 2.2.2' s.dependency 'JWT', '~> 3.0.0-beta.12' s.dependency 'Base64', '~> 1.1' end
# The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2018 Mike DeAngelo Looker Data Sciences, Inc. # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of # the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'gzr/commands/group/member_users' RSpec.describe Gzr::Commands::Group::MemberUsers do it "executes `member_users` command successfully" do require 'sawyer' mock_response_doc = { :id=>1, :last_name=>"foo", :first_name=>"bar", :email=>"fbar@my.company.com" } mock_response = double(Sawyer::Resource, mock_response_doc) allow(mock_response).to receive(:to_attrs).and_return(mock_response_doc) mock_sdk = Object.new mock_sdk.define_singleton_method(:logout) { } mock_sdk.define_singleton_method(:all_group_users) do |group_id,body| return body[:page] == 1 ? [mock_response] : [] end output = StringIO.new options = { :fields=>'id,last_name,first_name,email' } command = Gzr::Commands::Group::MemberUsers.new(1,options) command.instance_variable_set(:@sdk, mock_sdk) command.execute(output: output) expect(output.string).to eq <<-OUT +--+---------+----------+-------------------+ |id|last_name|first_name|email | +--+---------+----------+-------------------+ | 1|foo |bar |fbar@my.company.com| +--+---------+----------+-------------------+ OUT end end
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__) require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:' #ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) load File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema.rb' require 'dynamic_record' require 'database_cleaner' require 'rspec-sqlimit' I18n.available_locales = [:en, :fr] Globalize.fallbacks = {:en => [:en, :fr], :fr => [:fr, :en]} RSpec.configure do |config| config.color = true config.formatter = :documentation config.before(:suite) do DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncation) end config.around(:each) do |example| DatabaseCleaner.cleaning do example.run end end end
class CreateTestResources < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change create_table :test_resources do |t| t.string :name t.integer :age t.string :kind t.timestamps end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Ez module Status class ApplicationCell < Cell::ViewModel self.view_paths = ["#{Ez::Status::Engine.root}/app/cells"] CSS_SCOPE = 'ez-status' def div_for(item, &block) content_tag :div, class: css_for(item), &block end def css_for(item) scoped_item = "#{CSS_SCOPE}-#{item}" custom_css_map[scoped_item] || scoped_item end def custom_css_map @custom_css_map ||= Ez::Status.config.ui_custom_css_map || {} end end end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "PagerTabStripView" s.version = "3.1.1" s.summary = "PagerTabStripView allows navigating through pages using a custom navigation bar in SwiftUI." s.homepage = "https://github.com/xmartlabs/PagerTabStripView" s.license = { type: 'MIT', file: 'LICENSE' } s.authors = { "Xmartlabs SRL" => "swift@xmartlabs.com" } s.source = { git: "https://github.com/xmartlabs/PagerTabStripView.git", tag: s.version.to_s } s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/xmartlabs' s.ios.deployment_target = '14.0' s.swift_version = '5.0' s.requires_arc = true s.ios.source_files = 'Sources/**/*.{swift}' s.ios.frameworks = 'SwiftUI' end
class AddTokenTypeToUserTokens < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change add_column :user_tokens, :token_type, :string, default: :web end end
class Library < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user has_one :podcast has_one :music end
class Libplctag < Formula desc "Portable and simple API for accessing AB PLC data over Ethernet" homepage "https://github.com/libplctag/libplctag" url "https://github.com/libplctag/libplctag/archive/v2.2.1.tar.gz" sha256 "7fa17a9bc82548daea5bc14e6d0e2aac45e684d96f866aa83bdfa7e0285174f6" license any_of: ["LGPL-2.0-or-later", "MPL-2.0"] livecheck do url :stable strategy :github_latest end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "4056e0e3bb70d7ae73466b3cd4ebfa1263686488c02093d9971b3167fdc0fb2f" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "5b0524a3cbd9bb18363e1542575bb15d606d76af01c1951af31a1487281f9bb7" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "5b4e7eb99c7e819414830fa910e6bdac55bf99bf5c9cb185e6d47ab058f8dfbb" sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "3a6adae63e7af57d0908e8a22420afb5dfb4288acc9806fa6d6d1573b64c25e3" end depends_on "cmake" => :build def install system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include <stdlib.h> #include <libplctag.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { int32_t tag = plc_tag_create("protocol=ab_eip&gateway=,0&cpu=LGX&elem_size=4&elem_count=10&name=myDINTArray", 1); if (!tag) abort(); plc_tag_destroy(tag); return 0; } EOS system ENV.cc, "test.c", "-L#{lib}", "-lplctag", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end
class SongsWorker include Sidekiq::Worker require 'csv' def perform(songs_file) CSV.foreach(song_file, headers: true) do |song| Song.create(title: song[0], artist_name: song[1]) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Esse class IndexMapping FILENAMES = %w[mapping mappings].freeze def initialize(body: {}, paths: [], filenames: FILENAMES) @paths = Array(paths) @filenames = Array(filenames) @mappings = body end # This method will be overwrited when passing a block during the # mapping defination def to_h return @mappings unless @mappings.empty? from_template || @mappings end def body to_h end def empty? body.empty? end protected def from_template return if @paths.empty? loader = Esse::TemplateLoader.new(@paths) loader.read(*@filenames) end end end
#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module Cron class CronJob < ApplicationJob class_attribute :cron_expression # List of registered jobs, requires eager load in dev(!) class_attribute :registered_jobs, default: [] class << self ## # Register new job class(es) def register!(*job_classes) Array(job_classes).each do |clz| raise ArgumentError, "Needs to be subclass of ::Cron::CronJob" unless clz.ancestors.include?(self) registered_jobs << clz end end ## # Ensure the job is scheduled unless it is already def ensure_scheduled! # Ensure scheduled only onced return if scheduled? Rails.logger.info { "Scheduling #{name} recurrent background job." } set(cron: cron_expression).perform_later end ## # Remove the scheduled job, if any def remove delayed_job&.destroy end ## # Is there a job scheduled? def scheduled? delayed_job.present? end def delayed_job Delayed::Job .where('handler LIKE ?', "%job_class: #{name}%") .first end end end end
# HTTPClient - HTTP client library. # Copyright (C) 2000-2015 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <nahi@ruby-lang.org>. # # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'java' require 'httpclient/ssl_config' class HTTPClient unless defined?(SSLSocket) class JavaSocketWrap java_import 'java.net.InetSocketAddress' java_import 'java.io.BufferedInputStream' BUF_SIZE = 1024 * 16 def self.normalize_timeout(timeout) [Java::JavaLang::Integer::MAX_VALUE, timeout].min end def self.connect(socket, site, opts = {}) socket_addr = InetSocketAddress.new(site.host, site.port) if opts[:connect_timeout] socket.connect(socket_addr, normalize_timeout(opts[:connect_timeout])) else socket.connect(socket_addr) end socket.setSoTimeout(normalize_timeout(opts[:so_timeout])) if opts[:so_timeout] socket.setKeepAlive(true) if opts[:tcp_keepalive] socket end def initialize(socket, debug_dev = nil) @socket = socket @debug_dev = debug_dev @outstr = @socket.getOutputStream @instr = BufferedInputStream.new(@socket.getInputStream) @buf = (' ' * BUF_SIZE).to_java_bytes @bufstr = '' end def close @socket.close end def closed? @socket.isClosed end def eof? @socket.isClosed end def gets(rs) while (size = @bufstr.index(rs)).nil? if fill() == -1 size = @bufstr.size break end end str = @bufstr.slice!(0, size + rs.size) debug(str) str end def read(size, buf = nil) while @bufstr.size < size if fill() == -1 break end end str = @bufstr.slice!(0, size) debug(str) if buf buf.replace(str) else str end end def readpartial(size, buf = nil) while @bufstr.size == 0 if fill() == -1 raise EOFError.new('end of file reached') end end str = @bufstr.slice!(0, size) debug(str) if buf buf.replace(str) else str end end def <<(str) rv = @outstr.write(str.to_java_bytes) debug(str) rv end def flush @socket.flush end def sync true end def sync=(sync) unless sync raise "sync = false is not supported. This option was introduced for backward compatibility just in case." end end private def fill begin size = @instr.read(@buf) if size > 0 @bufstr << String.from_java_bytes(@buf, Encoding::BINARY)[0, size] end size rescue java.io.IOException => e raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new("#{e.class}: #{e.getMessage}") end end def debug(str) @debug_dev << str if @debug_dev && str end end class JRubySSLSocket < JavaSocketWrap java_import 'java.io.ByteArrayInputStream' java_import 'java.io.InputStreamReader' java_import 'java.net.Socket' java_import 'java.security.KeyStore' java_import 'java.security.cert.Certificate' java_import 'java.security.cert.CertificateFactory' java_import 'javax.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory' java_import 'javax.net.ssl.SSLContext' java_import 'javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory' java_import 'javax.net.ssl.TrustManager' java_import 'javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory' java_import 'javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager' java_import 'org.jruby.ext.openssl.x509store.PEMInputOutput' class JavaCertificate attr_reader :cert def initialize(cert) @cert = cert end def subject @cert.getSubjectDN end def to_text @cert.toString end def to_pem '(not in PEM format)' end end class SSLStoreContext attr_reader :current_cert, :chain, :error_depth, :error, :error_string def initialize(current_cert, chain, error_depth, error, error_string) @current_cert, @chain, @error_depth, @error, @error_string = current_cert, chain, error_depth, error, error_string end end class JSSEVerifyCallback def initialize(verify_callback) @verify_callback = verify_callback end def call(is_ok, chain, error_depth = -1, error = -1, error_string = '(unknown)') if @verify_callback ruby_chain = chain.map { |cert| JavaCertificate.new(cert) }.reverse # NOTE: The order depends on provider implementation ruby_chain.each do |cert| is_ok = @verify_callback.call( is_ok, SSLStoreContext.new(cert, ruby_chain, error_depth, error, error_string) ) end end is_ok end end class VerifyNoneTrustManagerFactory class VerifyNoneTrustManager include X509TrustManager def initialize(verify_callback) @verify_callback = JSSEVerifyCallback.new(verify_callback) end def checkServerTrusted(chain, authType) @verify_callback.call(true, chain) end def checkClientTrusted(chain, authType); end def getAcceptedIssuers; end end def initialize(verify_callback = nil) @verify_callback = verify_callback end def init(trustStore) @managers = [VerifyNoneTrustManager.new(@verify_callback)].to_java(X509TrustManager) end def getTrustManagers @managers end end class SystemTrustManagerFactory class SystemTrustManager include X509TrustManager def initialize(original, verify_callback) @original = original @verify_callback = JSSEVerifyCallback.new(verify_callback) end def checkServerTrusted(chain, authType) is_ok = false excn = nil # TODO can we detect the depth from excn? error_depth = -1 error = nil error_message = nil begin @original.checkServerTrusted(chain, authType) is_ok = true rescue java.security.cert.CertificateException => excn is_ok = false error = excn.class.name error_message = excn.getMessage end is_ok = @verify_callback.call(is_ok, chain, error_depth, error, error_message) unless is_ok excn ||= OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new('verifycallback failed') raise excn end end def checkClientTrusted(chain, authType); end def getAcceptedIssuers; end end def initialize(verify_callback = nil) @verify_callback = verify_callback end def init(trust_store) tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm) tmf.java_method(:init, [KeyStore]).call(trust_store) @original = tmf.getTrustManagers.find { |tm| tm.is_a?(X509TrustManager) } @managers = [SystemTrustManager.new(@original, @verify_callback)].to_java(X509TrustManager) end def getTrustManagers @managers end end module PEMUtils def self.read_certificate(pem) cert = pem.sub(/.*?-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/m, '').sub(/-----END CERTIFICATE-----.*?/m, '') der = cert.unpack('m*').first cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance('X.509') cf.generateCertificate(ByteArrayInputStream.new(der.to_java_bytes)) end def self.read_private_key(pem, password) if password password = password.unpack('C*').to_java(:char) end PEMInputOutput.read_private_key(InputStreamReader.new(ByteArrayInputStream.new(pem.to_java_bytes)), password) end end class KeyStoreLoader PASSWORD = 16.times.map { rand(256) }.to_java(:char) def initialize @keystore = KeyStore.getInstance('JKS') @keystore.load(nil) end def add(cert_source, key_source, password) cert_str = cert_source.respond_to?(:to_pem) ? cert_source.to_pem : File.read(cert_source.to_s) cert = PEMUtils.read_certificate(cert_str) @keystore.setCertificateEntry('client_cert', cert) key_str = key_source.respond_to?(:to_pem) ? key_source.to_pem : File.read(key_source.to_s) key_pair = PEMUtils.read_private_key(key_str, password) @keystore.setKeyEntry('client_key', key_pair.getPrivate, PASSWORD, [cert].to_java(Certificate)) end def keystore @keystore end end class TrustStoreLoader attr_reader :size def initialize @trust_store = KeyStore.getInstance('JKS') @trust_store.load(nil) @size = 0 end def add(cert_source) return if cert_source == :default if cert_source.respond_to?(:to_pem) pem = cert_source.to_pem load_pem(pem) elsif File.directory?(cert_source) warn("#{cert_source}: directory not yet supported") return else pem = nil File.read(cert_source).each_line do |line| case line when /-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/ pem = '' when /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/ load_pem(pem) # keep parsing in case where multiple certificates in a file else if pem pem << line end end end end end def trust_store if @size == 0 nil else @trust_store end end private def load_pem(pem) cert = PEMUtils.read_certificate(pem) @size += 1 @trust_store.setCertificateEntry("cert_#{@size}", cert) end end # Ported from commons-httpclient 'BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier' class BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier BAD_COUNTRY_2LDS = %w(ac co com ed edu go gouv gov info lg ne net or org).sort require 'ipaddr' def extract_sans(cert, subject_type) sans = cert.getSubjectAlternativeNames rescue nil if sans.nil? return nil end sans.find_all { |san| san.first.to_i == subject_type }.map { |san| san[1] } end def extract_cn(cert) subject = cert.getSubjectX500Principal() if subject subject_dn = javax.naming.ldap.LdapName.new(subject.toString) subject_dn.getRdns.to_a.reverse.each do |rdn| attributes = rdn.toAttributes cn = attributes.get('cn') if cn if value = cn.get return value.to_s end end end end end def ipaddr?(addr) !(IPAddr.new(addr) rescue nil).nil? end def verify(hostname, cert) is_ipaddr = ipaddr?(hostname) sans = extract_sans(cert, is_ipaddr ? 7 : 2) cn = extract_cn(cert) if sans sans.each do |san| return true if match_identify(hostname, san) end raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new("Certificate for <#{hostname}> doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: #{sans}") elsif cn return true if match_identify(hostname, cn) raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new("Certificate for <#{hostname}> doesn't match common name of the certificate subject: #{cn}") end raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new("Certificate subject for for <#{hostname}> doesn't contain a common name and does not have alternative names") end def match_identify(hostname, identity) if hostname.nil? return false end hostname = hostname.downcase identity = identity.downcase parts = identity.split('.') if parts.length >= 3 && parts.first.end_with?('*') && valid_country_wildcard(parts) create_wildcard_regexp(identity) =~ hostname else hostname == identity end end def create_wildcard_regexp(value) # Escape first then search '\*' for meta-char interpolation labels = value.split('.').map { |e| Regexp.escape(e) } # Handle '*'s only at the left-most label, exclude A-label and U-label labels[0].gsub!(/\\\*/, '[^.]+') if !labels[0].start_with?('xn\-\-') and labels[0].ascii_only? /\A#{labels.join('\.')}\z/i end def valid_country_wildcard(parts) if parts.length != 3 || parts[2].length != 2 true else !BAD_COUNTRY_2LDS.include?(parts[1]) end end end def self.create_socket(session) opts = { :connect_timeout => session.connect_timeout * 1000, # send_timeout is ignored in JRuby :so_timeout => session.receive_timeout * 1000, :tcp_keepalive => session.tcp_keepalive, :debug_dev => session.debug_dev } socket = nil begin if session.proxy site = session.proxy || session.dest socket = JavaSocketWrap.connect(Socket.new, site, opts) session.connect_ssl_proxy(JavaSocketWrap.new(socket), Util.urify(session.dest.to_s)) end new(socket, session.dest, session.ssl_config, opts) rescue socket.close if socket raise end end DEFAULT_SSL_PROTOCOL = (java.lang.System.getProperty('java.specification.version') == '1.7') ? 'TLSv1.2' : 'TLS' def initialize(socket, dest, config, opts = {}) @config = config begin @ssl_socket = create_ssl_socket(socket, dest, config, opts) ssl_version = java_ssl_version(config) @ssl_socket.setEnabledProtocols([ssl_version].to_java(java.lang.String)) if ssl_version != DEFAULT_SSL_PROTOCOL if config.ciphers != SSLConfig::CIPHERS_DEFAULT @ssl_socket.setEnabledCipherSuites(config.ciphers.to_java(java.lang.String)) end ssl_connect(dest.host) rescue java.security.GeneralSecurityException => e raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new(e.getMessage) rescue java.net.SocketTimeoutException => e raise HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError.new(e.getMessage) rescue java.io.IOException => e raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new("#{e.class}: #{e.getMessage}") end super(@ssl_socket, opts[:debug_dev]) end def java_ssl_version(config) if config.ssl_version == :auto DEFAULT_SSL_PROTOCOL else config.ssl_version.to_s.tr('_', '.') end end def create_ssl_context(config) unless config.cert_store_crl_items.empty? raise NotImplementedError.new('Manual CRL configuration is not yet supported') end km = nil if config.client_cert && config.client_key loader = KeyStoreLoader.new loader.add(config.client_cert, config.client_key, config.client_key_pass) kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm) kmf.init(loader.keystore, KeyStoreLoader::PASSWORD) km = kmf.getKeyManagers end trust_store = nil verify_callback = config.verify_callback || config.method(:default_verify_callback) if !config.verify? tmf = VerifyNoneTrustManagerFactory.new(verify_callback) else tmf = SystemTrustManagerFactory.new(verify_callback) loader = TrustStoreLoader.new config.cert_store_items.each do |item| loader.add(item) end trust_store = loader.trust_store end tmf.init(trust_store) tm = tmf.getTrustManagers ctx = SSLContext.getInstance(java_ssl_version(config)) ctx.init(km, tm, nil) if config.timeout ctx.getClientSessionContext.setSessionTimeout(config.timeout) end ctx end def create_ssl_socket(socket, dest, config, opts) ctx = create_ssl_context(config) factory = ctx.getSocketFactory unless socket # Create a plain socket first to set connection timeouts on, # then wrap it in a SSL socket so that SNI gets setup on it. socket = javax.net.SocketFactory.getDefault.createSocket JavaSocketWrap.connect(socket, dest, opts) end factory.createSocket(socket, dest.host, dest.port, true) end def peer_cert @peer_cert end private def ssl_connect(hostname) @ssl_socket.startHandshake ssl_session = @ssl_socket.getSession @peer_cert = JavaCertificate.new(ssl_session.getPeerCertificates.first) if $DEBUG warn("Protocol version: #{ssl_session.getProtocol}") warn("Cipher: #{@ssl_socket.getSession.getCipherSuite}") end post_connection_check(hostname) end def post_connection_check(hostname) if !@config.verify? return else BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier.new.verify(hostname, @peer_cert.cert) end end end SSLSocket = JRubySSLSocket end end
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'date' require 'google/apis/core/base_service' require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' require 'google/apis/core/hashable' require 'google/apis/errors' module Google module Apis module ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1 class AttachTrustRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Binding class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class CancelOperationRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class DailyCycle class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Date class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class DenyMaintenancePeriod class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class DetachTrustRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Domain class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Empty class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Expr class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudManagedidentitiesV1OpMetadata class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudManagedidentitiesV1alpha1OpMetadata class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudManagedidentitiesV1beta1OpMetadata class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1Instance class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSchedule class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSettings class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1NodeSloMetadata class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1ProvisionedResource class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloEligibility class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloExclusion class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloMetadata class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ListDomainsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ListLocationsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ListOperationsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ListSqlIntegrationsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Location class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class MaintenancePolicy class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class MaintenanceWindow class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Operation class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class OperationMetadata class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Policy class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ReconfigureTrustRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ResetAdminPasswordRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ResetAdminPasswordResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class SqlIntegration class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Schedule class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class SetIamPolicyRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class Status class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class TestIamPermissionsRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class TestIamPermissionsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class TimeOfDay class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class TrustProp class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class UpdatePolicy class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class ValidateTrustRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class WeeklyCycle class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end class AttachTrustRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :trust_prop, as: 'trust', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp::Representation end end class Binding # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :condition, as: 'condition', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Expr, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Expr::Representation collection :members, as: 'members' property :role, as: 'role' end end class CancelOperationRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation end end class DailyCycle # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :duration, as: 'duration' property :start_time, as: 'startTime', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TimeOfDay, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TimeOfDay::Representation end end class Date # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :day, as: 'day' property :month, as: 'month' property :year, as: 'year' end end class DenyMaintenancePeriod # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :end_date, as: 'endDate', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Date::Representation property :start_date, as: 'startDate', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Date::Representation property :time, as: 'time', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TimeOfDay, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TimeOfDay::Representation end end class DetachTrustRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :trust_prop, as: 'trust', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp::Representation end end class Domain # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :audit_logs_enabled, as: 'auditLogsEnabled' collection :authorized_networks, as: 'authorizedNetworks' property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :fqdn, as: 'fqdn' hash :labels, as: 'labels' collection :locations, as: 'locations' property :managed_identities_admin_name, as: 'managedIdentitiesAdminName' property :name, as: 'name' property :reserved_ip_range, as: 'reservedIpRange' property :state, as: 'state' property :status_message, as: 'statusMessage' collection :trusts, as: 'trusts', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp::Representation property :update_time, as: 'updateTime' end end class Empty # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation end end class Expr # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :description, as: 'description' property :expression, as: 'expression' property :location, as: 'location' property :title, as: 'title' end end class GoogleCloudManagedidentitiesV1OpMetadata # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :api_version, as: 'apiVersion' property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :end_time, as: 'endTime' property :requested_cancellation, as: 'requestedCancellation' property :target, as: 'target' property :verb, as: 'verb' end end class GoogleCloudManagedidentitiesV1alpha1OpMetadata # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :api_version, as: 'apiVersion' property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :end_time, as: 'endTime' property :requested_cancellation, as: 'requestedCancellation' property :target, as: 'target' property :verb, as: 'verb' end end class GoogleCloudManagedidentitiesV1beta1OpMetadata # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :api_version, as: 'apiVersion' property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :end_time, as: 'endTime' property :requested_cancellation, as: 'requestedCancellation' property :target, as: 'target' property :verb, as: 'verb' end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1Instance # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :consumer_defined_name, as: 'consumerDefinedName' property :create_time, as: 'createTime' hash :labels, as: 'labels' hash :maintenance_policy_names, as: 'maintenancePolicyNames' hash :maintenance_schedules, as: 'maintenanceSchedules', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSchedule, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSchedule::Representation property :maintenance_settings, as: 'maintenanceSettings', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSettings, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSettings::Representation property :name, as: 'name' hash :producer_metadata, as: 'producerMetadata' collection :provisioned_resources, as: 'provisionedResources', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1ProvisionedResource, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1ProvisionedResource::Representation property :slm_instance_template, as: 'slmInstanceTemplate' property :slo_metadata, as: 'sloMetadata', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloMetadata, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloMetadata::Representation hash :software_versions, as: 'softwareVersions' property :state, as: 'state' property :tenant_project_id, as: 'tenantProjectId' property :update_time, as: 'updateTime' end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSchedule # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :can_reschedule, as: 'canReschedule' property :end_time, as: 'endTime' property :rollout_management_policy, as: 'rolloutManagementPolicy' property :schedule_deadline_time, as: 'scheduleDeadlineTime' property :start_time, as: 'startTime' end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSettings # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :exclude, as: 'exclude' hash :maintenance_policies, as: 'maintenancePolicies', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::MaintenancePolicy, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::MaintenancePolicy::Representation end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1NodeSloMetadata # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :exclusions, as: 'exclusions', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloExclusion, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloExclusion::Representation property :location, as: 'location' property :node_id, as: 'nodeId' end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1ProvisionedResource # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :resource_type, as: 'resourceType' property :resource_url, as: 'resourceUrl' end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloEligibility # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :eligible, as: 'eligible' property :reason, as: 'reason' end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloExclusion # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :duration, as: 'duration' property :reason, as: 'reason' property :sli_name, as: 'sliName' property :start_time, as: 'startTime' end end class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloMetadata # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :eligibility, as: 'eligibility', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloEligibility, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloEligibility::Representation collection :exclusions, as: 'exclusions', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloExclusion, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloExclusion::Representation collection :nodes, as: 'nodes', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1NodeSloMetadata, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1NodeSloMetadata::Representation property :tier, as: 'tier' end end class ListDomainsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :domains, as: 'domains', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Domain, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Domain::Representation property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' collection :unreachable, as: 'unreachable' end end class ListLocationsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :locations, as: 'locations', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Location, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Location::Representation property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' end end class ListOperationsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' collection :operations, as: 'operations', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Operation, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Operation::Representation end end class ListSqlIntegrationsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' collection :sql_integrations, as: 'sqlIntegrations', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::SqlIntegration, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::SqlIntegration::Representation collection :unreachable, as: 'unreachable' end end class Location # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :display_name, as: 'displayName' hash :labels, as: 'labels' property :location_id, as: 'locationId' hash :metadata, as: 'metadata' property :name, as: 'name' end end class MaintenancePolicy # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :description, as: 'description' hash :labels, as: 'labels' property :name, as: 'name' property :state, as: 'state' property :update_policy, as: 'updatePolicy', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::UpdatePolicy, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::UpdatePolicy::Representation property :update_time, as: 'updateTime' end end class MaintenanceWindow # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :daily_cycle, as: 'dailyCycle', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::DailyCycle, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::DailyCycle::Representation property :weekly_cycle, as: 'weeklyCycle', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::WeeklyCycle, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::WeeklyCycle::Representation end end class Operation # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :done, as: 'done' property :error, as: 'error', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Status, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Status::Representation hash :metadata, as: 'metadata' property :name, as: 'name' hash :response, as: 'response' end end class OperationMetadata # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :api_version, as: 'apiVersion' property :cancel_requested, as: 'cancelRequested' property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :end_time, as: 'endTime' property :status_detail, as: 'statusDetail' property :target, as: 'target' property :verb, as: 'verb' end end class Policy # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :bindings, as: 'bindings', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Binding, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Binding::Representation property :etag, :base64 => true, as: 'etag' property :version, as: 'version' end end class ReconfigureTrustRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :trust_prop, as: 'trust', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp::Representation end end class ResetAdminPasswordRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation end end class ResetAdminPasswordResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :password, as: 'password' end end class SqlIntegration # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :name, as: 'name' property :sql_instance, as: 'sqlInstance' property :state, as: 'state' property :update_time, as: 'updateTime' end end class Schedule # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :day, as: 'day' property :duration, as: 'duration' property :start_time, as: 'startTime', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TimeOfDay, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TimeOfDay::Representation end end class SetIamPolicyRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :policy, as: 'policy', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Policy, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Policy::Representation end end class Status # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :code, as: 'code' collection :details, as: 'details' property :message, as: 'message' end end class TestIamPermissionsRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :permissions, as: 'permissions' end end class TestIamPermissionsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :permissions, as: 'permissions' end end class TimeOfDay # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :hours, as: 'hours' property :minutes, as: 'minutes' property :nanos, as: 'nanos' property :seconds, as: 'seconds' end end class TrustProp # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :create_time, as: 'createTime' property :last_known_trust_connected_heartbeat_time, as: 'lastKnownTrustConnectedHeartbeatTime' property :selective_authentication, as: 'selectiveAuthentication' property :state, as: 'state' property :state_description, as: 'stateDescription' collection :target_dns_ip_addresses, as: 'targetDnsIpAddresses' property :target_domain_name, as: 'targetDomainName' property :trust_direction, as: 'trustDirection' property :trust_handshake_secret, as: 'trustHandshakeSecret' property :trust_type, as: 'trustType' property :update_time, as: 'updateTime' end end class UpdatePolicy # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :channel, as: 'channel' collection :deny_maintenance_periods, as: 'denyMaintenancePeriods', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::DenyMaintenancePeriod, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::DenyMaintenancePeriod::Representation property :window, as: 'window', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::MaintenanceWindow, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::MaintenanceWindow::Representation end end class ValidateTrustRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :trust_prop, as: 'trust', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::TrustProp::Representation end end class WeeklyCycle # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :schedule, as: 'schedule', class: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Schedule, decorator: Google::Apis::ManagedidentitiesV1alpha1::Schedule::Representation end end end end end
after "development:sites" do site1 = Site.find_by!(name: "site1") site1.participants.create!( name: "name11", summary: "summary11", description: <<~EOS # Hello description11 EOS ) site1.participants.create!( name: "name12", summary: "summary12", description: <<~EOS # Hello description12 EOS ) end
class BrewCask < Formula homepage "https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/" url "https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask.git", tag: "v0.60.1" depends_on ruby: "2.0" UNINSTALL_MSG = <<-EOS.undent You must uninstall this formula. It is no longer needed to stay up to date, as Homebrew now takes care of that automatically. EOS def install (buildpath / "UPGRADE").write UNINSTALL_MSG prefix.install "UPGRADE" end def caveats UNINSTALL_MSG end test do system "brew", "cask", "info", "google-chrome" end end
require 'spec_helper' describe UserUploader do include CarrierWave::Test::Matchers let(:user){ FactoryGirl.create(:user) } before do UserUploader.enable_processing = true @uploader = UserUploader.new(user, :uploaded_image) @uploader.store!(File.open("#{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures/image.png")) end after do UserUploader.enable_processing = false @uploader.remove! end describe '#thumb_avatar' do subject{ @uploader.thumb_avatar } it{ should have_dimensions(119, 121) } end end
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.feature 'Public Recipes #Index', type: :feature do background do visit new_user_session_path @first_user = User.create(name: 'Mark', email: 'mark@gmail.com', password: '0123456', confirmed_at: Time.now) @second_user = User.create(name: 'Griifin', email: 'punk@gmail.com', password: '0123456', confirmed_at: Time.now) @mark_recipe = Recipe.create(name: 'mark special', prep_time: 2, cook_time: 2, description: 'Mark Mark Mark', user: @first_user, public: false) @griifin_recipe = Recipe.create(name: 'Griifin special', prep_time: 3, cook_time: 3, description: 'Griifin Griifin Griifin', user: @second_user, public: true) fill_in 'user_email', with: @second_user.email fill_in 'user_password', with: @second_user.password click_button 'Log in' visit public_recipes_path end it 'sees recipe name' do expect(page).to have_content('Griifin special') end it 'sees recipe destription' do expect(page).to have_content('Griifin Griifin Griifin') end it 'sees recipe owner' do expect(page).to have_content('Griifin') end it 'redirects correctly to the recipes detail link' do click_link @griifin_recipe.name expect(page).to have_current_path(recipe_path(@griifin_recipe.id)) end end
class CreateAttachments < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] def change create_table :attachments do |t| t.references :advent_calendar_item, index: true t.string :image t.timestamps end end end
module LearningSystem module UserSamples def good_users [ User.new("tom", "b4dp4ss"), User.new('Tomm', 'NotS3cure'), ] end def bad_users [ User.new('Pete', ''), User.new('', ''), User.new('', 'b43'), User.new('Timothy', 'Withwaytolooooooooooongpassword'), ] end end end
class UpdateCustomerItem < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change add_column :customer_items, :room_number, :string add_column :customer_items, :quantity_bed, :decimal end end
# This tests the Hyrax::WorksControllerBehavior module # which is included into .internal_test_app/app/controllers/hyrax/generic_works_controller.rb RSpec.describe Hyrax::GenericWorksController do routes { Rails.application.routes } let(:main_app) { Rails.application.routes.url_helpers } let(:hyrax) { Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers } let(:user) { create(:user) } before { sign_in user } describe 'integration test for suppressed documents' do let(:work) do create(:work, :public, state: Vocab::FedoraResourceStatus.inactive) end before do create(:sipity_entity, proxy_for_global_id: work.to_global_id.to_s) end it 'renders the unavailable message because it is in workflow' do get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unavailable) expect(assigns[:presenter]).to be_instance_of Hyrax::GenericWorkPresenter expect(flash[:notice]).to eq 'The work is not currently available because it has not yet completed the approval process' end end describe 'integration test for depositor of a suppressed documents without a workflow role' do let(:work) do create(:work, :public, state: Vocab::FedoraResourceStatus.inactive, user: user) end before do create(:sipity_entity, proxy_for_global_id: work.to_global_id.to_s) end it 'renders without the unauthorized message' do get :show, params: { id: work.id } expect(response.code).to eq '200' expect(response).to render_template(:show) expect(assigns[:presenter]).to be_instance_of Hyrax::GenericWorkPresenter expect(flash[:notice]).to be_nil end end describe '#show' do before do create(:sipity_entity, proxy_for_global_id: work.to_global_id.to_s) end context 'while logged out' do let(:work) { create(:public_generic_work, user: user, title: ['public thing']) } before { sign_out user } context "without a referer" do it "sets the default breadcrumbs" do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.root_path(locale: 'en')) get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_successful end end context "with a referer" do before do request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'http://test.host/foo' end it "sets breadcrumbs to authorized pages" do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', main_app.root_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).not_to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Dashboard', hyrax.dashboard_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).not_to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Your Works', hyrax.my_works_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('public thing', main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work.id, locale: 'en')) get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_successful expect(response).to render_template("layouts/hyrax/1_column") end end end context 'my own private work' do let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work, user: user, title: ['test title']) } it 'shows me the page' do get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns(:presenter)).to be_kind_of Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter end context "without a referer" do it "sets breadcrumbs" do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.root_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("Dashboard", hyrax.dashboard_path(locale: 'en')) get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_successful end end context "with a referer" do before do request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'http://test.host/foo' end it "sets breadcrumbs" do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.root_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Dashboard', hyrax.dashboard_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Works', hyrax.my_works_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('test title', main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work.id, locale: 'en')) get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_successful expect(response).to render_template("layouts/hyrax/1_column") end end context "with a parent work" do let(:parent) { create(:generic_work, title: ['Parent Work'], user: user, ordered_members: [work]) } before do create(:sipity_entity, proxy_for_global_id: parent.to_global_id.to_s) end it "sets the parent presenter" do get :show, params: { id: work, parent_id: parent } expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:parent_presenter]).to be_instance_of Hyrax::GenericWorkPresenter end end context "with an endnote file" do let(:disposition) { response.header.fetch("Content-Disposition") } let(:content_type) { response.header.fetch("Content-Type") } render_views it 'downloads the file' do get :show, params: { id: work, format: 'endnote' } expect(response).to be_successful expect(disposition).to include("attachment") expect(content_type).to eq("application/x-endnote-refer") expect(response.body).to include("%T test title") end end end context 'someone elses private work' do let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work) } it 'shows unauthorized message' do get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end end context 'someone else\'s public work' do let(:work) { create(:public_generic_work) } context "html" do it 'shows me the page' do expect(controller). to receive(:additional_response_formats).with(ActionController::MimeResponds::Collector) get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_success end end context "ttl" do let(:presenter) { double } before do allow(controller).to receive(:presenter).and_return(presenter) allow(presenter).to receive(:export_as_ttl).and_return("ttl graph") allow(presenter).to receive(:editor?).and_return(true) end it 'renders a turtle file' do get :show, params: { id: '99999999', format: :ttl } expect(response).to be_successful expect(response.body).to eq "ttl graph" expect(response.content_type).to eq 'text/turtle' end end end context 'when I am a repository manager' do before { allow(::User.group_service).to receive(:byname).and_return(user.user_key => ['admin']) } let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work) } it 'someone elses private work should show me the page' do get :show, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_success end end context 'with work still in workflow' do before do allow(controller).to receive(:search_results).and_return([nil, document_list]) end let(:work) { instance_double(GenericWork, id: '99999', to_global_id: '99999') } context 'with a user lacking both workflow permission and read access' do before do allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).and_return(document) allow(controller.current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, document).and_return(false) end let(:document_list) { [] } let(:document) { instance_double(SolrDocument, suppressed?: true) } it 'shows the unauthorized message' do get :show, params: { id: work.id } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end context 'with a user who lacks workflow permission but has read access' do before do allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).and_return(document) allow(controller.current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, document).and_return(true) end let(:document_list) { [] } let(:document) { instance_double(SolrDocument, suppressed?: true) } it 'shows the unavailable message' do get :show, params: { id: work.id } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unavailable) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq 'The work is not currently available because it has not yet completed the approval process' end end end context 'with a user granted workflow permission' do let(:document_list) { [document] } let(:document) { instance_double(SolrDocument) } it 'renders without the unauthorized message' do get :show, params: { id: work.id } expect(response.code).to eq '200' expect(response).to render_template(:show) expect(flash[:notice]).to be_nil end end end end describe '#new' do context 'my work' do it 'shows me the page' do get :new expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:form]).to be_kind_of Hyrax::GenericWorkForm expect(assigns[:form].depositor).to eq user.user_key expect(assigns[:curation_concern]).to be_kind_of GenericWork expect(assigns[:curation_concern].depositor).to eq user.user_key expect(response).to render_template("layouts/hyrax/dashboard") end end end describe '#create' do let(:actor) { double(create: create_status) } let(:create_status) { true } before do allow(Hyrax::CurationConcern).to receive(:actor).and_return(actor) end context 'when create is successful' do let(:work) { stub_model(GenericWork) } it 'creates a work' do allow(controller).to receive(:curation_concern).and_return(work) post :create, params: { generic_work: { title: ['a title'] } } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work, locale: 'en') end end context 'when create fails' do let(:work) { create(:work) } let(:create_status) { false } it 'draws the form again' do post :create, params: { generic_work: { title: ['a title'] } } expect(response.status).to eq 422 expect(assigns[:form]).to be_kind_of Hyrax::GenericWorkForm expect(response).to render_template 'new' end end context 'when not authorized' do before { allow(controller.current_ability).to receive(:can?).and_return(false) } it 'shows the unauthorized message' do post :create, params: { generic_work: { title: ['a title'] } } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end end context "with files" do let(:actor) { double('An actor') } let(:work) { create(:work) } before do allow(controller).to receive(:actor).and_return(actor) # Stub out the creation of the work so we can redirect somewhere allow(controller).to receive(:curation_concern).and_return(work) end it "attaches files" do expect(actor).to receive(:create) .with(Hyrax::Actors::Environment) do |env| expect(env.attributes.keys).to include('uploaded_files') end .and_return(true) post :create, params: { generic_work: { title: ["First title"], visibility: 'open' }, uploaded_files: ['777', '888'] } expect(flash[:notice]).to be_html_safe expect(flash[:notice]).to eq "Your files are being processed by Hyrax in the background. " \ "The metadata and access controls you specified are being applied. " \ "You may need to refresh this page to see these updates." expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work, locale: 'en') end context "from browse everything" do let(:url1) { "https://dl.dropbox.com/fake/blah-blah.filepicker-demo.txt.txt" } let(:url2) { "https://dl.dropbox.com/fake/blah-blah.Getting%20Started.pdf" } let(:browse_everything_params) do { "0" => { "url" => url1, "expires" => "2014-03-31T20:37:36.214Z", "file_name" => "filepicker-demo.txt.txt" }, "1" => { "url" => url2, "expires" => "2014-03-31T20:37:36.731Z", "file_name" => "Getting+Started.pdf" } }.with_indifferent_access end let(:uploaded_files) do browse_everything_params.values.map { |v| v['url'] } end context "For a batch upload" do # TODO: move this to batch_uploads controller it "ingests files from provide URLs" do skip "Creating a FileSet without a parent work is not yet supported" expect(ImportUrlJob).to receive(:perform_later).twice expect do post :create, params: { selected_files: browse_everything_params, file_set: {} } end.to change(FileSet, :count).by(2) created_files = FileSet.all expect(created_files.map(&:import_url)).to include(url1, url2) expect(created_files.map(&:label)).to include("filepicker-demo.txt.txt", "Getting+Started.pdf") end end context "when a work id is passed" do let(:work) do create(:work, user: user, title: ['test title']) end it "records the work" do # TODO: ensure the actor stack, called with these params # makes one work, two file sets and calls ImportUrlJob twice. expect(actor).to receive(:create).with(Hyrax::Actors::Environment) do |env| expect(env.attributes['uploaded_files']).to eq [] expect(env.attributes['remote_files']).to eq browse_everything_params.values end post :create, params: { selected_files: browse_everything_params, uploaded_files: uploaded_files, parent_id: work.id, generic_work: { title: ['First title'] } } expect(flash[:notice]).to eq "Your files are being processed by Hyrax in the background. " \ "The metadata and access controls you specified are being applied. " \ "You may need to refresh this page to see these updates." expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work, locale: 'en') end end end end end describe '#edit' do context 'my own private work' do let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work, user: user) } it 'shows me the page and sets breadcrumbs' do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("Home", root_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("Dashboard", hyrax.dashboard_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("Works", hyrax.my_works_path(locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with(work.title.first, main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work.id, locale: 'en')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Edit', main_app.edit_hyrax_generic_work_path(work.id)) get :edit, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:form]).to be_kind_of Hyrax::GenericWorkForm expect(response).to render_template("layouts/hyrax/dashboard") end end context 'someone elses private work' do routes { Rails.application.class.routes } let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work) } it 'shows the unauthorized message' do get :edit, params: { id: work } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end end context 'someone elses public work' do let(:work) { create(:public_generic_work) } it 'shows the unauthorized message' do get :edit, params: { id: work } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end end context 'when I am a repository manager' do before { allow(::User.group_service).to receive(:byname).and_return(user.user_key => ['admin']) } let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work) } it 'someone elses private work should show me the page' do get :edit, params: { id: work } expect(response).to be_success end end end describe '#update' do let(:work) { stub_model(GenericWork) } let(:visibility_changed) { false } let(:actor) { double(update: true) } before do allow(Hyrax::CurationConcern).to receive(:actor).and_return(actor) allow(GenericWork).to receive(:find).and_return(work) allow(work).to receive(:visibility_changed?).and_return(visibility_changed) end context "when the user has write access to the file" do before do allow(controller).to receive(:authorize!).with(:update, work).and_return(true) end context "when the work has no file sets" do it 'updates the work' do patch :update, params: { id: work, generic_work: {} } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work, locale: 'en') end end context "when the work has file sets attached" do before do allow(work).to receive(:file_sets).and_return(double(present?: true)) end it 'updates the work' do patch :update, params: { id: work, generic_work: {} } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work, locale: 'en') end end it "can update file membership" do patch :update, params: { id: work, generic_work: { ordered_member_ids: ['foo_123'] } } expect(actor).to have_received(:update).with(Hyrax::Actors::Environment) do |env| expect(env.attributes).to eq("ordered_member_ids" => ['foo_123'], "remote_files" => [], "uploaded_files" => []) end end describe 'changing rights' do let(:visibility_changed) { true } let(:actor) { double(update: true) } context 'when the work has file sets attached' do before do allow(work).to receive(:file_sets).and_return(double(present?: true)) end it 'prompts to change the files access' do patch :update, params: { id: work, generic_work: {} } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.confirm_hyrax_permission_path(controller.curation_concern, locale: 'en') end end context 'when the work has no file sets' do it "doesn't prompt to change the files access" do patch :update, params: { id: work, generic_work: {} } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work, locale: 'en') end end end describe 'update failed' do let(:actor) { double(update: false) } it 'renders the form' do patch :update, params: { id: work, generic_work: {} } expect(assigns[:form]).to be_kind_of Hyrax::GenericWorkForm expect(response).to render_template('edit') end end end context 'someone elses public work' do let(:work) { create(:public_generic_work) } it 'shows the unauthorized message' do get :update, params: { id: work } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end end context 'when I am a repository manager' do before { allow(::User.group_service).to receive(:byname).and_return(user.user_key => ['admin']) } let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work) } it 'someone elses private work should update the work' do patch :update, params: { id: work, generic_work: {} } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.hyrax_generic_work_path(work, locale: 'en') end end end describe '#destroy' do let(:work_to_be_deleted) { create(:private_generic_work, user: user) } let(:parent_collection) { create(:collection) } it 'deletes the work' do delete :destroy, params: { id: work_to_be_deleted } expect(response).to redirect_to Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.my_works_path(locale: 'en') expect(GenericWork).not_to exist(work_to_be_deleted.id) end context "when work is a member of a collection" do before do parent_collection.members = [work_to_be_deleted] parent_collection.save! end it 'deletes the work and updates the parent collection' do delete :destroy, params: { id: work_to_be_deleted } expect(GenericWork).not_to exist(work_to_be_deleted.id) expect(response).to redirect_to Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.my_works_path(locale: 'en') expect(parent_collection.reload.members).to eq [] end end it "invokes the after_destroy callback" do expect(Hyrax.config.callback).to receive(:run) .with(:after_destroy, work_to_be_deleted.id, user) delete :destroy, params: { id: work_to_be_deleted } end context 'someone elses public work' do let(:work_to_be_deleted) { create(:private_generic_work) } it 'shows unauthorized message' do delete :destroy, params: { id: work_to_be_deleted } expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end end context 'when I am a repository manager' do let(:work_to_be_deleted) { create(:private_generic_work) } before { allow(::User.group_service).to receive(:byname).and_return(user.user_key => ['admin']) } it 'someone elses private work should delete the work' do delete :destroy, params: { id: work_to_be_deleted } expect(GenericWork).not_to exist(work_to_be_deleted.id) end end end describe '#file_manager' do let(:work) { create(:private_generic_work, user: user) } before do create(:sipity_entity, proxy_for_global_id: work.to_global_id.to_s) end it "is successful" do get :file_manager, params: { id: work.id } expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns(:form)).not_to be_blank end end describe '#manifest' do let(:work) { create(:work_with_one_file, user: user) } let(:file_set) { work.ordered_members.to_a.first } let(:manifest_factory) { double(to_h: { test: 'manifest' }) } before do Hydra::Works::AddFileToFileSet.call(file_set, File.open(fixture_path + '/world.png'), :original_file) allow(IIIFManifest::ManifestFactory).to receive(:new) .with(Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter) .and_return(manifest_factory) end it "produces a manifest for a json request" do get :manifest, params: { id: work, format: :json } expect(response.body).to eq "{\"test\":\"manifest\"}" end it "produces a manifest for a html request" do get :manifest, params: { id: work, format: :html } expect(response.body).to eq "{\"test\":\"manifest\"}" end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module API class ProjectExport < ::API::Base helpers Helpers::RateLimiter before do not_found! unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.project_export_enabled? authorize_admin_project end params do requires :id, type: String, desc: 'The ID of a project' end resource :projects, requirements: { id: %r{[^/]+} } do desc 'Get export status' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 10.6.' success Entities::ProjectExportStatus end get ':id/export' do present user_project, with: Entities::ProjectExportStatus end desc 'Download export' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 10.6.' end get ':id/export/download' do check_rate_limit! :project_download_export, [current_user, user_project] if user_project.export_file_exists? present_carrierwave_file!(user_project.export_file) else render_api_error!('404 Not found or has expired', 404) end end desc 'Start export' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 10.6.' end params do optional :description, type: String, desc: 'Override the project description' optional :upload, type: Hash do optional :url, type: String, desc: 'The URL to upload the project' optional :http_method, type: String, default: 'PUT', desc: 'HTTP method to upload the exported project' end end post ':id/export' do check_rate_limit! :project_export, [current_user] user_project.remove_exports project_export_params = declared_params(include_missing: false) after_export_params = project_export_params.delete(:upload) || {} export_strategy = if after_export_params[:url].present? params = after_export_params.slice(:url, :http_method).symbolize_keys Gitlab::ImportExport::AfterExportStrategies::WebUploadStrategy.new(**params) end if export_strategy&.invalid? render_validation_error!(export_strategy) else user_project.add_export_job(current_user: current_user, after_export_strategy: export_strategy, params: project_export_params) end accepted! end end end end
require_relative "spec_helper" require 'pry' describe "User" do describe 'User basics' do it "cannot be saved without password" do @user = User.new @user.username = "Bob" expect(@user.save).to eq(false) end it "has many tools" do @user = User.create(username: "John", password: "abc123") @drill = Tool.create @hammer = Tool.create @hammer.user_id = @user.id @hammer.save expect(@user.tools).to include(@hammer) end it "does not allow two Users to have the same username" do @user = User.create(username: "John", email: "jj1990@gmail.com", password: "abc123") params = { :username => "John", :email => "skittles@aol.com", :password => "rainbows" } post '/signup', params expect(last_response.location).to include("/") end end describe 'User/Contract associations' do before :each do %w(peter ben brian).each do |x| eval "@#{x} = User.new; @#{x}.username = '#{x}'; @#{x}.password = '123'; @#{x}.save" end @contract = Contract.create @drill = Tool.create(name: "drill", description: "cordless dewalt") end it "can be added to Contract as loaner" do @contract.loaner = @peter expect(@contract.loaner).to eq(@peter) end it "can be added to Contract as borrower" do @contract.borrower = @ben expect(@contract.borrower).to eq(@ben) end it "a User's loaners array is updated when User has been added to a Contract as a Borrower" do @contract.borrower = @brian @contract.loaner = @peter @contract.save expect(@brian.loaners).to include(@peter) end it "a User's borrowers array is updated when User has been added to a Contract as a Loaner" do @contract.borrower = @ben @contract.loaner = @peter @contract.save binding.pry expect(@peter.borrowers).to include(@ben) end end end describe 'Contract' do it "Defaults to 'active' status upon creation" do @contract = Contract.create expect(@contract.active).to eq(true) end it "Can change from active to inactive" do @contract = Contract.create @contract.terminate expect(@contract.active).to eq(false) end end
class UserController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_user, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy] def index end def dashboard @user = User.find(current_user) end def favorites @user = User.find(current_user) end def friends @user = User.find(current_user) end def managegroups @user = User.find(current_user) end def manageprojects @user = User.find(current_user) end def manageevents @user = User.find(current_user) end def user @users = User.all @videos = Video.all end def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) @friend = User.find_by_id(params[:name]) end def create @user = User.new(user_params) respond_to do |format| if @user.save # Sends email to user when user is created. ExampleMailer.registration_confirmation(@user).deliver format.html { redirect_to @user, notice: 'User was successfully created.' } format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @user } else format.html { render :new } format.json { render json: @user.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def update if @user.update(user_params) redirect_to @user, notice: "Update positive" else render 'edit' end end private def require_user @user = User.find_by_id(params[:id]) redirect_to(request.referrer || root_path) unless current_user == @user end def user_params params.require(:user).permit(:avatar, :description, :friendships, :name) end end
class GitFtp < Formula desc "Git-powered FTP client" homepage "https://git-ftp.github.io/" url "https://github.com/git-ftp/git-ftp/archive/1.6.0.tar.gz" sha256 "088b58d66c420e5eddc51327caec8dcbe8bddae557c308aa739231ed0490db01" license "GPL-3.0" head "https://github.com/git-ftp/git-ftp.git", branch: "develop" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "22f0e6b0a0c16aa110711333e1a44b77d65fe851049db51fb200f33a2e2be534" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "2e3d8573c71ae26fdac0d0d8952e625b5a14d90118a6a413604eac8c3a6f6eb6" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "0a61ca11e69370dfecfd3c82d6d03aeec377bf9db660658403556ea71b84bae0" sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "f878c4015697794bb8b2c3f034a167b750d3871c0d320d903536128f01880ca2" sha256 cellar: :any, high_sierra: "63c8b94fd89eb635d8c2056efdf933de45dca7fdb04793b620750f8b338fbb88" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "fb75d2375209ab69ec41dec62ec6715ebc0ba21f442313a2a6173df976c418ab" end depends_on "pandoc" => :build depends_on "libssh2" uses_from_macos "zlib" resource "curl" do url "https://curl.se/download/curl-7.69.0.tar.bz2" mirror "https://curl.askapache.com/curl-7.69.0.tar.bz2" sha256 "668d451108a7316cff040b23c79bc766e7ed84122074e44f662b8982f2e76739" end def install resource("curl").stage do system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{libexec}", "--disable-ares", "--with-darwinssl", "--with-libssh2", "--without-brotli", "--without-ca-bundle", "--without-ca-path", "--without-gssapi", "--without-libmetalink", "--without-librtmp" system "make", "install" end system "make", "prefix=#{prefix}", "install" system "make", "-C", "man", "man" man1.install "man/git-ftp.1" (libexec/"bin").install bin/"git-ftp" (bin/"git-ftp").write_env_script(libexec/"bin/git-ftp", PATH: "#{libexec}/bin:$PATH") end test do system bin/"git-ftp", "--help" end end
class Questdb < Formula desc "Time Series Database" homepage "https://www.questdb.org" url "https://www.questdb.org/download/questdb-1.0.4-bin.tar.gz" sha256 "a8d907d88c5bf67aeb465540c7e16ad45eccd13d152b34cdcf4e5056ad908739" bottle :unneeded depends_on :java => "1.7+" def install rm_rf "questdb.exe" libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink "#{libexec}/questdb.sh" => "questdb" end plist_options :manual => "questdb start" def plist; <<-EOS.undent <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>KeepAlive</key> <dict> <key>SuccessfulExit</key> <false/> </dict> <key>Label</key> <string>#{plist_name}</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>#{opt_bin}/questdb</string> <string>start</string> <string>-d</string> <string>var/"questdb"</string> <string>-n</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>WorkingDirectory</key> <string>#{var}/questdb</string> <key>StandardErrorPath</key> <string>#{var}/log/questdb.log</string> <key>StandardOutPath</key> <string>#{var}/log/questdb.log</string> <key>SoftResourceLimits</key> <dict> <key>NumberOfFiles</key> <integer>1024</integer> </dict> </dict> </plist> EOS end test do mkdir_p testpath/"data" begin fork do exec "#{bin}/questdb start -d #{testpath}/data" end sleep 2 output = shell_output("curl -Is localhost:9000/js?q=x") sleep 1 assert_match /questDB/, output ensure system "#{bin}/questdb", "stop" end end end
User.create( email: "example@example.com", password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password', first_name: 'Developer', last_name: "Admin", organization: "My Organization", city: "My City", state: "My State", zip: "12345", role: :admin ) puts "Default admin user created with email 'example@example.com' and password 'password'."
class Document < ApplicationRecord include Seek::Rdf::RdfGeneration include Seek::BioSchema::Support acts_as_asset validates :projects, presence: true, projects: { self: true } acts_as_doi_parent(child_accessor: :versions) #don't add a dependent=>:destroy, as the content_blob needs to remain to detect future duplicates has_one :content_blob, -> (r) { where('content_blobs.asset_version = ?', r.version) }, :as => :asset, :foreign_key => :asset_id if Seek::Config.events_enabled has_and_belongs_to_many :events before_destroy {events.clear} enforce_authorization_on_association :events, :view else def events [] end def event_ids [] end def event_ids= events_ids end end explicit_versioning(version_column: 'version', sync_ignore_columns: ['doi']) do acts_as_doi_mintable(proxy: :parent, general_type: 'Text') acts_as_versioned_resource acts_as_favouritable has_one :content_blob, -> (r) { where('content_blobs.asset_version = ? AND content_blobs.asset_type = ?', r.version, r.parent.class.name) }, primary_key: :document_id, foreign_key: :asset_id end # Returns the columns to be shown on the table view for the resource def columns_default super + ['version'] end def columns_allowed columns_default + ['doi','license','last_used_at','other_creators'] end def use_mime_type_for_avatar? true end end
module StalkeesHelper end
module Roar module JSON module JSONAPI # Instance method API for JSON API Documents representing a single Resource # # @api private module SingleResource # @see Document#to_hash def to_hash(options = {}) document = super(Options::Include.(options, mappings)) unwrapped = options[:wrap] == false resource = unwrapped ? document : document['data'] resource['type'] = JSONAPI::MemberName.(self.class.type) links = Renderer::Links.new.(resource, options) meta = render_meta(options) resource.reject! do |_, v| v && v.empty? end unless unwrapped included = resource.delete('included') HashUtils.store_if_any(document, 'included', Fragment::Included.(included, options)) end HashUtils.store_if_any(resource, 'links', links) HashUtils.store_if_any(document, 'meta', meta) document end private def mappings @mappings ||= begin mappings = {} mappings[:id] = find_id_mappings mappings[:relationships] = find_relationship_mappings mappings[:relationships]['_self'] = self.class.type mappings end end def find_id_mapping(klass) self_id = klass.definitions.detect { |definition| definition[:as] && definition[:as].(:value) == 'id' }.name end def find_id_mappings included_definitions = self.class.definitions['included'].representer_module.definitions id_mappings = included_definitions.each_with_object({}) do |definition, hash| hash[definition.name] = find_id_mapping(definition[:decorator]) end id_mappings['_self'] = find_id_mapping(self.class) id_mappings end def find_relationship_mappings included_definitions = self.class.definitions['included'].representer_module.definitions included_definitions.each_with_object({}) do |definition, hash| hash[definition.name] = definition.representer_module.type end end end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleLineBlockParams, :config do let(:cop_config) do { 'Methods' => [{ 'reduce' => %w[a e] }, { 'test' => %w[x y] }] } end it 'finds wrong argument names in calls with different syntax' do expect_offense(<<~RUBY) def m [0, 1].reduce { |c, d| c + d } ^^^^^^ Name `reduce` block params `|a, e|`. [0, 1].reduce{ |c, d| c + d } ^^^^^^ Name `reduce` block params `|a, e|`. [0, 1].reduce(5) { |c, d| c + d } ^^^^^^ Name `reduce` block params `|a, e|`. [0, 1].reduce(5){ |c, d| c + d } ^^^^^^ Name `reduce` block params `|a, e|`. [0, 1].reduce (5) { |c, d| c + d } ^^^^^^ Name `reduce` block params `|a, e|`. [0, 1].reduce(5) { |c, d| c + d } ^^^^^^ Name `reduce` block params `|a, e|`. ala.test { |x, z| bala } ^^^^^^ Name `test` block params `|x, y|`. end RUBY expect_correction(<<~RUBY) def m [0, 1].reduce { |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce{ |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce(5) { |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce(5){ |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce (5) { |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce(5) { |a, e| a + e } ala.test { |x, y| bala } end RUBY end it 'allows calls with proper argument names' do expect_no_offenses(<<~RUBY) def m [0, 1].reduce { |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce{ |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce(5) { |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce(5){ |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce (5) { |a, e| a + e } [0, 1].reduce(5) { |a, e| a + e } ala.test { |x, y| bala } end RUBY end it 'allows an unused parameter to have a leading underscore' do expect_no_offenses('File.foreach(filename).reduce(0) { |a, _e| a + 1 }') end it 'finds incorrectly named parameters with leading underscores' do expect_offense(<<~RUBY) File.foreach(filename).reduce(0) { |_x, _y| } ^^^^^^^^ Name `reduce` block params `|_a, _e|`. RUBY expect_correction(<<~RUBY) File.foreach(filename).reduce(0) { |_a, _e| } RUBY end it 'ignores do..end blocks' do expect_no_offenses(<<~RUBY) def m [0, 1].reduce do |c, d| c + d end end RUBY end it 'ignores :reduce symbols' do expect_no_offenses(<<~RUBY) def m call_method(:reduce) { |a, b| a + b} end RUBY end it 'does not report when destructuring is used' do expect_no_offenses(<<~RUBY) def m test.reduce { |a, (id, _)| a + id} end RUBY end it 'does not report if no block arguments are present' do expect_no_offenses(<<~RUBY) def m test.reduce { true } end RUBY end end
# coding: utf-8 lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'local-subdomain/version' Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = 'local-subdomain' spec.version = LocalSubdomain::VERSION spec.authors = ['Manuel van Rijn'] spec.email = ['manuel@manuelvanrijn.nl'] spec.summary = 'subdomain support in your development environment' spec.description = "This gem helps out when your application depends on subdomain support and you don't want to modify you /etc/hosts file all the time for your development environment." spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/manuelvanrijn/local-subdomain' spec.license = 'MIT' spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject { |f| f.match(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) } spec.bindir = 'exe' spec.executables = spec.files.grep(%r{^exe/}) { |f| File.basename(f) } spec.require_paths = ['lib'] spec.add_development_dependency 'bundler', '~> 2.0' spec.add_development_dependency 'rake', '~> 13.0' end
require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) module Pod describe Command::Package do after do Dir.glob("Pods").each { |dir| Pathname.new(dir).rmtree } end it "uses additional spec repos passed on the command line" do Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager.stubs(:search).returns(nil) nil::NilClass.any_instance.stubs(:install!) Installer.expects(:new).with { |sandbox, podfile| podfile.sources == ['foo', 'bar'] } command = Command.parse(%w{ package spec/fixtures/KFData.podspec --spec-sources=foo,bar}) command.send(:install_pod, :osx, nil) end it "uses only the master repo if no spec repos were passed" do Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager.stubs(:search).returns(nil) nil::NilClass.any_instance.stubs(:install!) Installer.expects(:new).with { |sandbox, podfile| podfile.sources == ['https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'] } command = Command.parse(%w{ package spec/fixtures/KFData.podspec }) command.send(:install_pod, :osx, nil) end it "creates separate static and dynamic target if dynamic is passed" do source_dir = Dir.pwd Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager.stubs(:search).returns(nil) command = Command.parse(%w{ package spec/fixtures/NikeKit.podspec -dynamic}) t, w = command.send(:create_working_directory) command.config.installation_root = Pathname.new(w) command.config.sandbox_root = 'Pods' static_sandbox = command.send(:build_static_sandbox, true) static_installer = command.send(:install_pod, :ios, static_sandbox) dynamic_sandbox = command.send(:build_dynamic_sandbox, static_sandbox, static_installer) command.send(:install_dynamic_pod, dynamic_sandbox, static_sandbox, static_installer, Platform.ios) static_sandbox_dir = Dir.new(Dir.pwd << "/Pods/Static") dynamic_sandbox_dir = Dir.new(Dir.pwd << "/Pods/Dynamic") static_sandbox_dir.to_s.should.not.be.empty dynamic_sandbox_dir.to_s.should.not.be.empty Dir.chdir(source_dir) end end end
root = "/home/deploy/apps/octomaps/current" working_directory root pid"#{root}/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid" stderr_path"#{root}/log/unicorn.log" stdout_path"#{root}/log/unicorn.log" listen"/tmp/unicorn.octomaps.sock" worker_processes 2 timeout 75 # Force the bundler gemfile environment variable to # reference the capistrano "current" symlink before_exec do |_| ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = File.join(root, 'Gemfile') end
require "grit" require 'cgi' require "securerandom" module Flowdock class Git class Commit def initialize(external_thread_id, thread, tags, commit) @commit = commit @external_thread_id = external_thread_id @thread = thread @tags = tags end def to_hash hash = { external_thread_id: @external_thread_id, event: "activity", author: { name: @commit[:author][:name], email: @commit[:author][:email] }, title: title, thread: @thread, body: body } hash[:tags] = @tags if @tags encode(hash) end private def encode(hash) return hash unless "".respond_to? :encode encode_as_utf8(hash) end # This only works on Ruby 1.9 def encode_as_utf8(obj) if obj.is_a? Hash obj.each_pair do |key, val| encode_as_utf8(val) end elsif obj.is_a?(Array) obj.each do |val| encode_as_utf8(val) end elsif obj.is_a?(String) && obj.encoding != Encoding::UTF_8 if !obj.force_encoding("UTF-8").valid_encoding? obj.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace) end end end def body content = @commit[:message][first_line.size..-1] content.strip! if content "<pre>#{content}</pre>" unless content.empty? end def first_line @first_line ||= (@commit[:message].split("\n")[0] || @commit[:message]) end def title commit_id = @commit[:id][0, 7] if @commit[:url] "<a href=\"#{@commit[:url]}\">#{commit_id}</a> #{message_title}" else "#{commit_id} #{message_title}" end end def message_title CGI.escape_html(first_line.strip) end end # Class used to build Git payload class Builder def initialize(opts) @repo = opts[:repo] @ref = opts[:ref] @before = opts[:before] @after = opts[:after] @opts = opts end def commits @repo.commits_between(@before, @after).map do |commit| { url: if @opts[:commit_url] then @opts[:commit_url] % [commit.sha] end, id: commit.sha, message: commit.message, author: { name: commit.author.name, email: commit.author.email } } end end def ref_name @ref.to_s.sub(/\Arefs\/(heads|tags)\//, '') end def to_hashes commits.map do |commit| Commit.new(external_thread_id, thread, @opts[:tags], commit).to_hash end end private def thread @thread ||= { title: thread_title, external_url: @opts[:repo_url] } end def permanent? @permanent ||= @opts[:permanent_refs].select do |regex| regex.match(@ref) end.size > 0 end def thread_title action = if permanent? "updated" end type = if @ref.match(%r(^refs/heads/)) "branch" else "tag" end [@opts[:repo_name], type, ref_name, action].compact.join(" ") end def external_thread_id @external_thread_id ||= if permanent? SecureRandom.hex else @ref end end end end end
module SessionsHelper def log_in(user) session[:user_id] = user.id cookies.permanent.signed[:user_id] = user.id end def current_user if (user_id = session[:user_id]) @current_user ||= User.find_by(id: user_id) elsif (user_id = cookies.signed[:user_id]) user = User.find_by(id: user_id) if user && user.authenticated?(cookies[:remember_token]) log_in user @current_user = user end end end def remember(user) user.remember cookies.permanent.signed[:user_id] = user.id cookies.permanent[:remember_token] = user.remember_token end def logged_in? !current_user.nil? end def current_user?(user) user == current_user end def forget(user) user.forget cookies.delete(:user_id) cookies.delete(:remember_token) end def log_out forget(current_user) session.delete(:user_id) @current_user = nil end def redirect_back_or(default) redirect_to(session[:forwarding_url] || default) session.delete(:forwarding_url) end def store_location session[:forwarding_url] = request.original_url if request.get? end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Falcon VERSION = '1.0.0' end
# This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. # # Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your # database schema. If you need to create the application database on another # system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations # from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations # you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues). # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20180122190513) do create_table "categories", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name" end create_table "task_categories", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "task_id" t.integer "category_id" end create_table "tasks", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name" t.string "summary" t.integer "user_id" t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_tasks_on_user_id" end create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "username" t.string "password_digest" end end
class Cabocha < Formula desc "Yet Another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer" homepage "https://taku910.github.io/cabocha/" # Files are listed in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4y35FiV1wh7cGRCUUJHVTNJRnM url "https://dl.bintray.com/homebrew/mirror/cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2" mirror "https://mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/distfiles/cabocha-20160909/cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2" sha256 "9db896d7f9d83fc3ae34908b788ae514ae19531eb89052e25f061232f6165992" bottle do sha256 "beafa5ccf84633bed67d405f22ac8e570d2dc2fe0e10fccf8c11076639c672ae" => :high_sierra sha256 "27bd41bab80ab64fb32e5bc8b568864b874f0dec16817d38c37abd3c7582c694" => :sierra sha256 "bf3ed6bc9333b43919264913c40a86997a7601a83abf6dcfa1dfe14745b3fc7c" => :el_capitan sha256 "fe97decdca655899faffd6356bb8ddbb52d4949222690835374c3aeb9a65cdb2" => :yosemite sha256 "794df46e362f3146b2bab17ba132978609954b0ba0a51ffa4d6d4e8845548764" => :mavericks sha256 "b1aaf6623ac7332459c795ebd992ed92224b0d0b9e20fb57dd0313fbeea7647c" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "crf++" depends_on "mecab" depends_on "mecab-ipadic" def install ENV["LIBS"] = "-liconv" inreplace "Makefile.in" do |s| s.change_make_var! "CFLAGS", ENV.cflags s.change_make_var! "CXXFLAGS", ENV.cflags end args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --with-charset=UTF8 --with-posset=IPA ] system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" end test do result = `echo "CaboCha はフリーソフトウェアです。" | cabocha | md5`.chomp assert_equal "a5b8293e6ebcb3246c54ecd66d6e18ee", result end end
describe GraylogAPI::System::Inputs, vcr: true do include_context 'graylogapi' context 'create input' do subject(:response) do options = { title: 'Test_create_input', type: 'org.graylog.plugins.beats.BeatsInput', global: true, configuration: { bind_address: '', port: 5044, recv_buffer_size: 1_048_576, tls_client_auth: 'disabled' } } req = graylogapi.system.inputs.create(options) graylogapi.system.inputs.delete(req['id']) req end it 'code 201' do expect(response.code).to eq 201 end it 'return id' do expect(response.keys).to contain_exactly 'id' end end context 'create input with type name insted of type' do subject(:response) do options = { title: 'Test_create_input', type_name: 'Syslog UDP', global: true, configuration: { bind_address: '', port: 5014 } } res = graylogapi.system.inputs.create(options) graylogapi.system.inputs.delete(res['id']) res end it 'code 201' do expect(response.code).to eq 201 end it 'return id' do expect(response.keys).to contain_exactly 'id' end end context 'update input' do subject(:response) do options = { title: 'Input by gem123', type: 'org.graylog.plugins.beats.BeatsInput', global: true, configuration: { bind_address: '', port: 5044 } } input = graylogapi.system.inputs.create(options) req = graylogapi.system.inputs.update(input['id'], options) graylogapi.system.inputs.delete(input['id']) req end it 'code 201' do expect(response.code).to eq 201 end it 'return id' do expect(response.keys).to contain_exactly 'id' end end context 'update input with type name instead of type' do subject(:response) do options = { title: 'Update_input', type_name: 'Beats', global: true, configuration: { bind_address: '', port: 5044 } } input = graylogapi.system.inputs.create(options) res = graylogapi.system.inputs.update(input['id'], options) graylogapi.system.inputs.delete(input['id']) res end it 'code 201' do expect(response.code).to eq 201 end it 'return id' do expect(response.keys).to contain_exactly 'id' end end context 'get all inputs' do subject(:response) { graylogapi.system.inputs.all } it 'code 200' do expect(response.code).to eq 200 end it 'contain count of inputs' do expect(response.keys).to include 'total' end it 'contain array of inputs' do expect(response.keys).to include 'inputs' end end context 'get by id' do subject(:response) do options = { title: 'Input by gem123', type: 'org.graylog.plugins.beats.BeatsInput', global: true, configuration: { bind_address: '', port: 5044 } } input = graylogapi.system.inputs.create(options) req = graylogapi.system.inputs.by_id(input['id']) graylogapi.system.inputs.delete(input['id']) req end it 'code 200' do expect(response.code).to eq 200 end it 'contain id' do expect(response.keys).to include 'id' end it 'contain title' do expect(response.keys).to include 'title' end end end
class Prime::Eth2Staking::BaseController < Prime::ApplicationController before_action :set_metadata before_action :require_eth_staking private def set_metadata @page_title = 'Ethereum Staking Management' end def anjin_client Prime::Anjin::Client.current end def require_eth_staking # Primary feature flag check on customer level unless current_user.prime_eth_staking_enabled flash[:error] = 'Sorry, Ethereum staking management is not available on your account.' return redirect_to prime_root_path end # In case if customer ID gets deleted if current_user.prime_eth_staking_customer_id.blank? flash[:error] = 'Sorry, Ethereum staking management is temporarily unavailable on your account.' redirect_to prime_root_path end end end
require 'action_view/helpers/javascript_helper' ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper.module_eval do include ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper # Returns a button with the given +name+ text that'll trigger a JavaScript +function+ using the # onclick handler. # # The first argument +name+ is used as the button's value or display text. # # The next arguments are optional and may include the javascript function definition and a hash of html_options. # # The +function+ argument can be omitted in favor of an +update_page+ # block, which evaluates to a string when the template is rendered # (instead of making an Ajax request first). # # The +html_options+ will accept a hash of html attributes for the link tag. Some examples are :class => "nav_button", :id => "articles_nav_button" # # Note: if you choose to specify the javascript function in a block, but would like to pass html_options, set the +function+ parameter to nil # # Examples: # button_to_function "Greeting", "alert('Hello world!')" # button_to_function "Delete", "if (confirm('Really?')) do_delete()" # button_to_function "Details" do |page| # page[:details].visual_effect :toggle_slide # end # button_to_function "Details", :class => "details_button" do |page| # page[:details].visual_effect :toggle_slide # end def button_to_function(name, *args, &block) html_options = args.extract_options!.symbolize_keys function = block_given? ? update_page(&block) : args[0] || '' onclick = "#{"#{html_options[:onclick]}; " if html_options[:onclick]}#{function};" tag(:input, html_options.merge(:type => 'button', :value => name, :onclick => escape_once(onclick)), false, false) end # link_to_function("Show me more", nil, :id => "more_link") do |page| # page[:details].visual_effect :toggle_blind # page[:more_link].replace_html "Show me less" # end # Produces: # <a href="#" id="more_link" onclick="try { # $(&quot;details&quot;).visualEffect(&quot;toggle_blind&quot;); # $(&quot;more_link&quot;).update(&quot;Show me less&quot;); # } # catch (e) { # alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); # alert('$(\&quot;details\&quot;).visualEffect(\&quot;toggle_blind\&quot;); # \n$(\&quot;more_link\&quot;).update(\&quot;Show me less\&quot;);'); # throw e # }; # return false;">Show me more</a> # def link_to_function(name, *args, &block) html_options = args.extract_options!.symbolize_keys function = block_given? ? update_page(&block) : args[0] || '' onclick = "#{"#{html_options[:onclick]}; " if html_options[:onclick]}#{function}; return false;" href = html_options[:href] || '#' content_tag(:a, name, html_options.merge(:href => href, :onclick => escape_once(onclick)), false) end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require 'spree/testing_support/factories/store_factory' RSpec.describe 'store factory' do let(:factory_class) { Spree::Store } describe 'store' do let(:factory) { :store } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' end end
require "cheffish" require "chef/version" require "chef_zero/server" require "chef/chef_fs/chef_fs_data_store" require "chef/chef_fs/config" require "cheffish/chef_run_data" require "cheffish/chef_run_listener" require "chef/client" require "chef/config" require "chef_zero/version" require "cheffish/merged_config" require "chef/resource/chef_acl" require "chef/resource/chef_client" require "chef/resource/chef_container" require "chef/resource/chef_data_bag" require "chef/resource/chef_data_bag_item" require "chef/resource/chef_environment" require "chef/resource/chef_group" require "chef/resource/chef_mirror" require "chef/resource/chef_node" require "chef/resource/chef_organization" require "chef/resource/chef_role" require "chef/resource/chef_user" require "chef/resource/private_key" require "chef/resource/public_key" class Chef module DSL module Recipe def with_chef_data_bag(name) run_context.cheffish.with_data_bag(name, &block) end def with_chef_environment(name, &block) run_context.cheffish.with_environment(name, &block) end def with_chef_data_bag_item_encryption(encryption_options, &block) run_context.cheffish.with_data_bag_item_encryption(encryption_options, &block) end def with_chef_server(server_url, options = {}, &block) run_context.cheffish.with_chef_server({ :chef_server_url => server_url, :options => options }, &block) end def with_chef_local_server(options, &block) options[:host] ||= "" options[:log_level] ||= Chef::Log.level options[:port] ||= ChefZero::VERSION.to_f >= 2.2 ? 8901.upto(9900) : 8901 # Create the data store chef-zero will use options[:data_store] ||= begin if !options[:chef_repo_path] raise "chef_repo_path must be specified to with_chef_local_server" end # Ensure all paths are given %w{acl client cookbook container data_bag environment group node role}.each do |type| # Set the options as symbol keys and then copy to string keys string_key = "#{type}_path" symbol_key = "#{type}_path".to_sym options[symbol_key] ||= begin if options[:chef_repo_path].kind_of?(String) Chef::Util::PathHelper.join(options[:chef_repo_path], "#{type}s") else options[:chef_repo_path].map { |path| Chef::Util::PathHelper.join(path, "#{type}s") } end end # Copy over to string keys for things that use string keys (ChefFS)... # TODO: Fix ChefFS to take symbols or use something that is insensitive to the difference options[string_key] = options[symbol_key] end chef_fs = Chef::ChefFS::Config.new(options).local_fs chef_fs.write_pretty_json = true Chef::ChefFS::ChefFSDataStore.new(chef_fs) end # Start the chef-zero server Chef::Log.info("Starting chef-zero on port #{options[:port]} with repository at #{options[:data_store].chef_fs.fs_description}") chef_zero_server = ChefZero::Server.new(options) chef_zero_server.start_background run_context.cheffish.local_servers << chef_zero_server with_chef_server(chef_zero_server.url, &block) end def get_private_key(name) Cheffish.get_private_key(name, run_context.config) end end end class Config default(:profile) { ENV["CHEF_PROFILE"] || "default" } configurable(:private_keys) default(:private_key_paths) { [ Chef::Util::PathHelper.join(config_dir, "keys"), Chef::Util::PathHelper.join(user_home, ".ssh") ] } default(:private_key_write_path) { private_key_paths.first } end class RunContext def cheffish node.run_state[:cheffish] ||= begin run_data = Cheffish::ChefRunData.new(config) events.register(Cheffish::ChefRunListener.new(node)) run_data end end def config node.run_state[:chef_config] ||= Cheffish.profiled_config(Chef::Config) end end Chef::Client.when_run_starts do |run_status| # Pulling on cheffish_run_data makes it initialize right now run_status.node.run_state[:chef_config] = config = Cheffish.profiled_config(Chef::Config) run_status.node.run_state[:cheffish] = run_data = Cheffish::ChefRunData.new(config) run_status.events.register(Cheffish::ChefRunListener.new(run_status.node)) end end # Chef 12 moved Chef::Config.path_join to PathHelper.join if Chef::VERSION.to_i >= 12 require "chef/util/path_helper" else require "chef/config" class Chef class Util class PathHelper def self.join(*args) Chef::Config.path_join(*args) end end end end end
node.default['nginx']['port'] = 8080
# frozen_string_literal: true require "cases/helper" require "active_support/core_ext/numeric/time" require "models/topic" require "models/person" class ExclusionValidationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase def teardown Topic.clear_validators! end def test_validates_exclusion_of Topic.validates_exclusion_of(:title, in: %w( abe monkey )) assert_predicate Topic.new("title" => "something", "content" => "abc"), :valid? assert_predicate Topic.new("title" => "monkey", "content" => "abc"), :invalid? end def test_validates_exclusion_of_with_formatted_message Topic.validates_exclusion_of(:title, in: %w( abe monkey ), message: "option %{value} is restricted") assert Topic.new("title" => "something", "content" => "abc") t = Topic.new("title" => "monkey") assert_predicate t, :invalid? assert_predicate t.errors[:title], :any? assert_equal ["option monkey is restricted"], t.errors[:title] end def test_validates_exclusion_of_with_within_option Topic.validates_exclusion_of(:title, within: %w( abe monkey )) assert Topic.new("title" => "something", "content" => "abc") t = Topic.new("title" => "monkey") assert_predicate t, :invalid? assert_predicate t.errors[:title], :any? end def test_validates_exclusion_of_for_ruby_class Person.validates_exclusion_of :karma, in: %w( abe monkey ) p = Person.new p.karma = "abe" assert_predicate p, :invalid? assert_equal ["is reserved"], p.errors[:karma] p.karma = "Lifo" assert_predicate p, :valid? ensure Person.clear_validators! end def test_validates_exclusion_of_with_lambda Topic.validates_exclusion_of :title, in: lambda { |topic| topic.author_name == "sikachu" ? %w( monkey elephant ) : %w( abe wasabi ) } t = Topic.new t.title = "elephant" t.author_name = "sikachu" assert_predicate t, :invalid? t.title = "wasabi" assert_predicate t, :valid? end def test_validates_exclusion_of_with_lambda_without_arguments Topic.validates_exclusion_of :title, in: lambda { %w( monkey elephant ) } t = Topic.new t.title = "monkey" assert_predicate t, :invalid? t.title = "wasabi" assert_predicate t, :valid? end def test_validates_exclusion_of_with_range Topic.validates_exclusion_of :content, in: ("a".."g") assert_predicate Topic.new(content: "g"), :invalid? assert_predicate Topic.new(content: "h"), :valid? end def test_validates_exclusion_of_with_time_range Topic.validates_exclusion_of :created_at, in: 6.days.ago..2.days.ago assert_predicate Topic.new(created_at: 5.days.ago), :invalid? assert_predicate Topic.new(created_at: 3.days.ago), :invalid? assert_predicate Topic.new(created_at: 7.days.ago), :valid? assert_predicate Topic.new(created_at: 1.day.ago), :valid? end def test_validates_inclusion_of_with_symbol Person.validates_exclusion_of :karma, in: :reserved_karmas p = Person.new p.karma = "abe" def p.reserved_karmas %w(abe) end assert_predicate p, :invalid? assert_equal ["is reserved"], p.errors[:karma] p = Person.new p.karma = "abe" def p.reserved_karmas %w() end assert_predicate p, :valid? ensure Person.clear_validators! end end
require 'facets/matchdata/matchset' require 'test/unit' class Test_MatchData_Matchset < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_matchtree_01 md = /(bb)(cc(dd))(ee)/.match "XXaabbccddeeffXX" assert_equal( [["bb"], ["cc", ["dd"]], ["ee"]] , md.matchtree ) end def test_matchtree_02 md = /(bb)c(c(dd))(ee)/.match "XXaabbccddeeffXX" assert_equal( [["bb"], "c", ["c", ["dd"]], ["ee"]] , md.matchtree ) end def test_matchset md = /(bb)(cc(dd))(ee)/.match "XXaabbccddeeffXX" assert_equal( ["XXaa", [["bb"], ["cc", ["dd"]], ["ee"]], "ffXX"] , md.matchset ) end end
# Copyright (c) 2018 Corey Bonnell # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. require 'digest' module SctCheck class Utils def self.log_cert_info message, log_level, cert cert_fingerprint = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(cert.to_der).upcase.scan(/../).join(':') serial = cert.serial.to_s(16).scan(/../).join(':') $logger.add log_level, "#{message}, " + "subject: \"#{cert.subject.to_s}\", " + "serial: #{serial}, " + "fingerprint: #{cert_fingerprint}" end end end
class Offdays < ActiveRecord::Base unloadable end
require 'rspec/rails' RSpec.configure do |config| config.before do Rails.cache.clear end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets. Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.1' # Activeadmin assets Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(active_admin/active_admin_globalize.css) Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(active_admin/active_admin_globalize.js) # Mapbox assets Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(icons-*.png) # Email / Newsletter / Maintenance assets Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(email.css newsletter.css maintenance.css noscript.css) # ActiveAdmin Addons (paperclip attachment) Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(fileicons/*.png) # DelayedJob (web interface) Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(delayed/web/application.css)
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Types::Dast::SiteProfileAuthInputType do specify { expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('DastSiteProfileAuthInput') } it 'has the correct arguments' do expect(described_class.arguments.keys).to match_array(%w[enabled url usernameField passwordField username password]) end end
## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex/proto/ipmi' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Auxiliary::Report include Msf::Auxiliary::UDPScanner def initialize super( 'Name' => 'IPMI 2.0 RAKP Cipher Zero Authentication Bypass Scanner', 'Description' => %q| This module identifies IPMI 2.0 compatible systems that are vulnerable to an authentication bypass vulnerability through the use of cipher zero. |, 'Author' => [ 'Dan Farmer <zen[at]fish2.com>', 'hdm' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ ['URL', 'http://fish2.com/ipmi/cipherzero.html'], ['OSVDB', '93038'], ['OSVDB', '93039'], ['OSVDB', '93040'], ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Jun 20 2013' ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(623) ], self.class) end def scanner_prescan(batch) print_status("Sending IPMI requests to #{batch[0]}->#{batch[-1]} (#{batch.length} hosts)") @res = {} end def scan_host(ip) console_session_id = Rex::Text.rand_text(4) scanner_send( Rex::Proto::IPMI::Utils.create_ipmi_session_open_cipher_zero_request(console_session_id), ip, datastore['RPORT'] ) end def scanner_process(data, shost, sport) info = Rex::Proto::IPMI::Open_Session_Reply.new(data) rescue nil return if not info return if not info.session_payload_type == Rex::Proto::IPMI::PAYLOAD_RMCPPLUSOPEN_REP # Ignore duplicate replies return if @res[shost] @res[shost] ||= info if info.error_code == 0 print_good("#{shost}:#{sport} - IPMI - VULNERABLE: Accepted a session open request for cipher zero") report_vuln( :host => shost, :port => datastore['RPORT'].to_i, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'ipmi', :name => 'IPMI 2.0 RAKP Cipher Zero Authentication Bypass', :info => "Accepted a session open request for cipher zero", :refs => self.references ) else vprint_status("#{shost}:#{sport} - IPMI - NOT VULNERABLE: Rejected cipher zero with error code #{info.error_code}") end end end
require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe MeasurePresenter do describe '#geo_class' do context 'when geographical area is a country group' do subject { MeasurePresenter.new(measure) } let(:children_ga) { [attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys, attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys] } let(:geographical_area) { attributes_for(:geographical_area, geographical_area_id: nil, children_geographical_areas: children_ga).stringify_keys } let(:measure) { Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, geographical_area: geographical_area).stringify_keys) } it 'returns list of contained children geographical area ids' do expect(subject.geo_class).to match(/#{children_ga.first[:geographical_area_id]}/) expect(subject.geo_class).to match(/#{children_ga.last[:geographical_area_id]}/) end end context 'when geographical area is a country' do subject { MeasurePresenter.new(measure) } let(:geographical_area) { attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys } let(:measure) { Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, geographical_area: geographical_area).stringify_keys) } it 'returns geographical area id of geographical area' do expect(subject.geo_class).to match(/#{geographical_area[:geographical_area_id]}/) end end end describe '#has_children_geographical_areas?' do let(:children_ga) { [attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys, attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys] } let(:geographical_area) { attributes_for(:geographical_area, geographical_area_id: nil, children_geographical_areas: children_ga).stringify_keys } let(:measure1) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, geographical_area: geographical_area).stringify_keys)) } let(:measure2) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, geographical_area: attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys).stringify_keys)) } it 'returns true if measures geographical area contains any children geographical area' do expect(measure1.has_children_geographical_areas?).to be true end it 'returns false if measures geographical area has no children geographical area' do expect(measure2.has_children_geographical_areas?).to be false end end describe '#children_geographical_areas' do let(:children_ga) { [attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys, attributes_for(:geographical_area).stringify_keys] } let(:geographical_area) { attributes_for(:geographical_area, geographical_area_id: nil, children_geographical_areas: children_ga).stringify_keys } let(:measure1) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, geographical_area: geographical_area))) } it 'returns measure geographical area children geographical areas' do expect(measure1.children_geographical_areas).to have_attribute_superset_of children_ga.first expect(measure1.children_geographical_areas).to have_attribute_superset_of children_ga.last end end describe '#has_measure_conditions?' do let(:measure1) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, :with_conditions).stringify_keys)) } let(:measure2) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure).stringify_keys)) } it 'returns true if measure has measure conditions' do expect(measure1.has_measure_conditions?).to be true end it 'returns false if measure has no measure conditions' do expect(measure2.has_measure_conditions?).to be false end end describe '#has_additional_code?' do let(:measure1) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, :with_additional_code).stringify_keys)) } let(:measure2) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure).stringify_keys)) } it 'returns true if measure has additional code' do expect(measure1.has_additional_code?).to be true end it 'returns false if measure has no additional code' do expect(measure2.has_additional_code?).to be false end end describe '#has_references?' do let(:measure1) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, :with_conditions).stringify_keys)) } let(:measure2) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure, :with_footnotes).stringify_keys)) } let(:measure3) { MeasurePresenter.new(Measure.new(attributes_for(:measure).stringify_keys)) } it 'returns true if measure has conditions' do expect(measure1.has_references?).to be true end it 'returns true if measure has footnotes' do expect(measure2.has_references?).to be true end it 'returns false if measure has no footnotes or conditions' do expect(measure3.has_references?).to be false end end end
# == Schema Information # # Table name: services # # id :integer not null, primary key # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # type :string not null # uuid :string not null # name :string not null # health :integer default(0), not null # status :integer # status_msg :string # # Indexes # # index_services_on_type (type) # index_services_on_uuid (uuid) # FactoryGirl.define do factory :service do type 'Service' sequence :name do |n| "Service #{n}" end uuid SecureRandom.uuid health :ok status :pending end end
require 'equalizer' require 'adamantium' require_relative 'iban/extended_data' require_relative 'iban/country_codes' require_relative 'iban/validator' class Ibanizator class Iban attr_reader :iban_string alias_method :to_s, :iban_string include Equalizer.new(:iban_string) include Adamantium def initialize(an_iban) @iban_string = sanitize(an_iban) end def self.from_string(a_string) new(a_string) end def country_code cc = iban_string[0..1].to_sym COUNTRY_CODES.keys.include?(cc) ? cc : :unknown end memoize :country_code def extended_data ExtendedData::DE.new(self) if country_code == :DE end memoize :extended_data def valid? Validator.new(self).validate end private def sanitize(input) input.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '').upcase end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe "clients/new", type: :view do before(:each) do assign(:client, build(:client)) end it "renders new client form" do render assert_select "form[action=?][method=?]", clients_path, "post" do assert_select "input[name=?]", "client[first_name]" assert_select "input[name=?]", "client[last_name]" end end end
class AddColumnsToItems < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :items, :image_url, :string add_column :items, :staff_message, :text end end
require "myfinance/request" require "myfinance/response" module Myfinance class Client attr_reader :http def initialize(token, account_id = nil) @http = Http.new(token, account_id) end def authenticated? http.get("/accounts") { |response| response.code == 200 } rescue RequestError => e raise e unless [401, 403].include?(e.code) false end def entities Myfinance::Resources::Entity.new(http) end def financial_transactions Myfinance::Resources::FinancialTransaction.new(http) end def payable_accounts Myfinance::Resources::PayableAccount.new(http) end def receivable_accounts Myfinance::Resources::ReceivableAccount.new(http) end def attachments Myfinance::Resources::Attachment.new(http) end def classification_centers Myfinance::Resources::ClassificationCenter.new(http) end def categories Myfinance::Resources::Category.new(http) end def accounts Myfinance::Resources::Account.new(http) end def deposit_accounts Myfinance::Resources::DepositAccount.new(http) end def people Myfinance::Resources::Person.new(http) end def webhooks Myfinance::Resources::Webhook.new(http) end def taxes Myfinance::Resources::Tax.new(http) end def credit_cards Myfinance::Resources::CreditCard.new(http) end def credit_card_transactions Myfinance::Resources::CreditCardTransaction.new(http) end def reconciles Myfinance::Resources::Reconcile.new(http) end def bank_statements Myfinance::Resources::BankStatement.new(http) end def sales Myfinance::Resources::Sale.new(http) end def sale_accounts Myfinance::Resources::SaleAccount.new(http) end def sale_rules Myfinance::Resources::SaleRule.new(http) end def custom_classifiers Myfinance::Resources::CustomClassifier.new(http) end def custom_classifier_values Myfinance::Resources::CustomClassifierValue.new(http) end end end
module Helpers TEST_DIR = Pathname.new(__FILE__).parent + '..' TYPES = { :ec2 => :ec2 } def self.included(obj) obj.instance_eval { attr_accessor :valid_params } end # self is available at the describe level def restricted_params(key, params, opts={}, invalid='invalid') params.each do |param| #let(:param) {param} #let(:key) {key} with(valid_params_with({key => param}))[key].should == param end lambda {with(valid_params_with({key => invalid}))}.should raise_error end # test that a list of attributes are required def should_require(*keys) keys.each do |k| lambda { with(valid_params_without(k)) }.should raise_error Puppet::Error end end # tests that an attribute should accept a value def should_accept(attr, value) k=attr.to_sym with(valid_params_with({k => value}))[k].should == value end # tests that an attribute should not accept a value def should_not_accept(attr, value) k=attr.to_sym lambda {with(valid_params_with({k => value}))}.should raise_error Puppet::Error end # tests that an attribute accepts an array # - single element array, multiple element array # - string is converted into an array def should_accept_array(attr, value=['one', 'two']) should_accept(attr, value) should_accept(attr, value.first.to_a ) with(valid_params_with({attr => value.first}))[attr].should == value.first.to_a end # test that an attribute defaults to a value def should_default_to(attr, defaultto) with(valid_params_without(attr.to_sym))[:comment].should == defaultto end # Creates a new resource of +type+ def with(opts = {}, &block) resource = @type.new(opts) block ? (yield resource) : resource end # what is the difference? # Returns a lambda creating a resource (ready for use with +should+) def specifying(opts = {}, &block) specification = lambda { with(opts) } block ? (yield specification) : specification end # Sets up an expection that a resource for +type+ is not created def should_not_create(type) raise "Invalid type #{type}" unless TYPES[type] Puppet::Type.type(TYPES[type]).expects(:new).never end # Sets up an expection that a resource for +type+ is created def should_create(type) raise "Invalid type #{type}" unless TYPES[type] Puppet::Type.type(TYPES[type]).expects(:new).with { |args| yield(args) } end # Return the +@valid_params+ without one or more keys # Note: Useful since resource types don't like it when +nil+ is # passed as a parameter value def valid_params_without(*keys) valid_params.reject { |k, v| keys.include?(k) } end # yeah! I added this one! def valid_params_with(opts = {}) opts.each { |k, v| valid_params[k] = v} valid_params end # Stub the default provider to get around confines for testing def stub_default_provider!(name) unless defined?(@type) raise ArgumentError, "@type must be set" end provider = @type.provider(name.to_sym) @type.stubs(:defaultprovider => provider) end def fixture(name, ext = '.txt') (TEST_DIR + 'fixtures' + "#{name}#{ext}").read end end #Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:provider, ProviderExampleGroup) # # Outside wrapper to lookup a provider and start the spec using ProviderExampleGroup #def describe_provider(type_name, provider_name, options = {}, &block) # provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(type_name).provider(provider_name) # describe(provider_class, options.merge(:type => :provider), &block) #end
require 'spec_helper' # Tests use of the Generator when used like so: # # @gen = IniParse::Generator.new # @gen.comment('My very own comment') # @gen.section('my_section') # @gen.option('my_option', 'my value') # ... # # Or # # IniParse::Generator.gen do |doc| # doc.comment('My very own comment') # doc.section('my_section') # doc.option('my_option', 'my value') # end # describe 'When generating a document using Generator without section blocks,' do before(:each) { @gen = IniParse::Generator.new } # -- # ========================================================================== # SECTION LINES # ========================================================================== # ++ describe 'adding a section' do it 'should add a Section to the document' do @gen.section("a section") expect(@gen.document).to have_section("a section") end it 'should change the Generator context to the section' do @gen.section("a section") expect(@gen.context).to eq(@gen.document['a section']) end it 'should pass extra options to the Section instance' do @gen.section("a section", :indent => ' ') expect(@gen.document["a section"].to_ini).to match(/\A /) end end # -- # ========================================================================== # OPTION LINES # ========================================================================== # ++ describe 'adding a option' do it 'should pass extra options to the Option instance' do @gen.section("a section") @gen.option("my option", "a value", :indent => ' ') expect(@gen.document["a section"].option("my option").to_ini).to match(/^ /) end describe 'when the context is a Document' do it "should add the option to an __anonymous__ section" do @gen.option("key", "value") expect(@gen.document['__anonymous__']['key']).to eql('value') end end describe 'when the context is a Section' do it 'should add the option to the section' do @gen.section("a section") @gen.option("my option", "a value") expect(@gen.document["a section"]).to have_option("my option") expect(@gen.document["a section"]["my option"]).to eq("a value") end end end # -- # ========================================================================== # COMMENT LINES # ========================================================================== # ++ describe 'adding a comment' do it 'should pass extra options to the Option instance' do @gen.comment("My comment", :indent => ' ') expect(@gen.document.lines.to_a.first.to_ini).to match(/^ /) end it 'should ignore any extra :comment option' do @gen.comment("My comment", :comment => 'Ignored') comment_ini = @gen.document.lines.to_a.first.to_ini expect(comment_ini).to match(/My comment/) expect(comment_ini).not_to match(/Ignored/) end describe 'when the context is a Document' do it 'should add a comment to the document' do @gen.comment('My comment') comment = @gen.document.lines.to_a.first expect(comment).to be_kind_of(IniParse::Lines::Comment) expect(comment.to_ini).to match(/; My comment/) end end describe 'when the context is a Section' do it 'should add a comment to the section' do @gen.section('a section') @gen.comment('My comment') comment = @gen.document['a section'].lines.to_a.first expect(comment).to be_kind_of(IniParse::Lines::Comment) expect(comment.to_ini).to match(/My comment/) end end end # -- # ========================================================================== # BLANK LINES # ========================================================================== # ++ describe 'adding a blank line' do it 'should add a blank line to the document when it is the context' do @gen.blank comment = @gen.document.lines.to_a.first expect(comment).to be_kind_of(IniParse::Lines::Blank) end it 'should add a blank line to the section when it is the context' do @gen.section('a section') @gen.blank comment = @gen.document['a section'].lines.to_a.first expect(comment).to be_kind_of(IniParse::Lines::Blank) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module LanguageConcepts class ConceptSerializer < ::ApplicationSerializer type 'concepts' attributes( :name, :type ) #has_one :representation do # data do # @object.representation # end #end end end