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Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: On Monday, scientists from the Stanford University School of Medicine announced the invention of a new diagnostic tool that can sort cells by type: a tiny printable chip that can be manufactured using standard inkjet printers for possibly about one U.S. cent each.
Basque: astelehenean, stanford unibertsitateko medikuntza eskolako ikerlariek iragarri zuten tresna diagnostiko berri bat asmatu zutela zelulak motaren arabera sailkatzeko: txip inprimagarri txiki bat da, tinta inprimagailu estandarrak erabiliz sor daitekeena, dolar amerikar baten zentimo baten truke.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: astelehenean, stanford unibertsitateko medikuntza eskolako ikerlariek iragarri zuten tresna diagnostiko berri bat asmatu zutela zelulak motaren arabera sailkatzeko: txip inprimagarri txiki bat da, tinta inprimagailu estandarrak erabiliz sor daitekeena, dolar amerikar baten zentimo baten truke.
English: On Monday, scientists from the Stanford University School of Medicine announced the invention of a new diagnostic tool that can sort cells by type: a tiny printable chip that can be manufactured using standard inkjet printers for possibly about one U.S. cent each.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Lead researchers say this may bring early detection of cancer, tuberculosis, HIV and malaria to patients in low-income countries, where the survival rates for illnesses such as breast cancer can be half those of richer countries.
Basque: ikertzaile nagusiek diotenez, minbizia, tuberkulosia, gib birusa eta malaria goiz detektatzeko aukera emango du herrialde txiroetan, bularreko minbiziaren eta beste zenbait gaixotasunen biziraupen-tasa herrialde aberatsagoetan denaren erdia izan baitaiteke.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: ikertzaile nagusiek diotenez, minbizia, tuberkulosia, gib birusa eta malaria goiz detektatzeko aukera emango du herrialde txiroetan, bularreko minbiziaren eta beste zenbait gaixotasunen biziraupen-tasa herrialde aberatsagoetan denaren erdia izan baitaiteke.
English: Lead researchers say this may bring early detection of cancer, tuberculosis, HIV and malaria to patients in low-income countries, where the survival rates for illnesses such as breast cancer can be half those of richer countries.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The JAS 39C Gripen crashed onto a runway at around 9:30 am local time (0230 UTC) and exploded, closing the airport to commercial flights.
Basque: jas 39c hegazkinak aireportuko pista baten kontra talka egin eta eztanda egin zuen 9:30ak (am) inguruan (02:30 uct), eta aireportua itxi egin behar izan zuten hegaldi komertzialetarako.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: jas 39c hegazkinak aireportuko pista baten kontra talka egin eta eztanda egin zuen 9:30ak (am) inguruan (02:30 uct), eta aireportua itxi egin behar izan zuten hegaldi komertzialetarako.
English: The JAS 39C Gripen crashed onto a runway at around 9:30 am local time (0230 UTC) and exploded, closing the airport to commercial flights.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The pilot was identified as Squadron Leader Dilokrit Pattavee.
Basque: pilotua dilokrit pattavee zen, eskuadroi burua.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: pilotua dilokrit pattavee zen, eskuadroi burua.
English: The pilot was identified as Squadron Leader Dilokrit Pattavee.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Local media reports an airport fire vehicle rolled over while responding.
Basque: tokiko komunikabideek jakinarazi dutenez, aireportuko suhiltzaileen ibilgailu bat irauli egin zen larrialdiari erantzuten ari zela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: tokiko komunikabideek jakinarazi dutenez, aireportuko suhiltzaileen ibilgailu bat irauli egin zen larrialdiari erantzuten ari zela.
English: Local media reports an airport fire vehicle rolled over while responding.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: 28-year-old Vidal had joined Barça three seasons ago, from Sevilla.
Basque: vidal 28 urteko jokalaria duela hiru denboraldi hasi zen barça-rekin jokatzen, sevillatik joanda.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: vidal 28 urteko jokalaria duela hiru denboraldi hasi zen barça-rekin jokatzen, sevillatik joanda.
English: 28-year-old Vidal had joined Barça three seasons ago, from Sevilla.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Since moving to the Catalan-capital, Vidal had played 49 games for the club.
Basque: kataluniako hiriburura joan denetik, vidal-ek 49 partida jokatu ditu klubarekin.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: kataluniako hiriburura joan denetik, vidal-ek 49 partida jokatu ditu klubarekin.
English: Since moving to the Catalan-capital, Vidal had played 49 games for the club.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The protest started around 11:00 local time (UTC+1) on Whitehall opposite the police-guarded entrance to Downing Street, the Prime Minister's official residence.
Basque: protesta 11:00 inguruan hasi zen (tokiko ordua, utc+1) whitehall-en, lehen ministroaren egoitza ofizialaren aurrean, downing street-eko sarrera poliziak zainduta zegoelarik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: protesta 11:00 inguruan hasi zen (tokiko ordua, utc+1) whitehall-en, lehen ministroaren egoitza ofizialaren aurrean, downing street-eko sarrera poliziak zainduta zegoelarik.
English: The protest started around 11:00 local time (UTC+1) on Whitehall opposite the police-guarded entrance to Downing Street, the Prime Minister's official residence.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Just after 11:00, protesters blocked traffic on the northbound carriage in Whitehall.
Basque: 11:00ak jo ondoren, manifestatzaileek trafikoa eten zuten whitehall-en iparralderanzko bidean.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 11:00ak jo ondoren, manifestatzaileek trafikoa eten zuten whitehall-en iparralderanzko bidean.
English: Just after 11:00, protesters blocked traffic on the northbound carriage in Whitehall.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: At 11:20, the police asked the protesters to move back on to the pavement, stating that they needed to balance the right to protest with the traffic building up.
Basque: 11:20an poliziak espaloira joateko eskatu zien manifestatzaileei, protesta egiteko eskubidea eta pilatzen ari zen trafikoa orekatu beharra zegoela argudiatuta.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 11:20an poliziak espaloira joateko eskatu zien manifestatzaileei, protesta egiteko eskubidea eta pilatzen ari zen trafikoa orekatu beharra zegoela argudiatuta.
English: At 11:20, the police asked the protesters to move back on to the pavement, stating that they needed to balance the right to protest with the traffic building up.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Around 11:29, the protest moved up Whitehall, past Trafalgar Square, along the Strand, passing by Aldwych and up Kingsway towards Holborn where the Conservative Party were holding their Spring Forum in the Grand Connaught Rooms hotel.
Basque: 11:29 inguruan, protesta whitehall-etik gora joan zen, trafalgar plaza igaro eta strand-ean zehar. manifestatzaileek aldwych igaro zuten, eta kingsway-tik gora egin, holborn-erantz, alderdi kontserbadorea udaberriko foruma ospatzen ari baitzen grand connaught rooms hotelean.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 11:29 inguruan, protesta whitehall-etik gora joan zen, trafalgar plaza igaro eta strand-ean zehar. manifestatzaileek aldwych igaro zuten, eta kingsway-tik gora egin, holborn-erantz, alderdi kontserbadorea udaberriko foruma ospatzen ari baitzen grand connaught rooms hotelean.
English: Around 11:29, the protest moved up Whitehall, past Trafalgar Square, along the Strand, passing by Aldwych and up Kingsway towards Holborn where the Conservative Party were holding their Spring Forum in the Grand Connaught Rooms hotel.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Nadal's head to head record against the Canadian is 7–2.
Basque: nadal-ek kanadiarraren aurka duen errekorra 7 eta 2-koa da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: nadal-ek kanadiarraren aurka duen errekorra 7 eta 2-koa da.
English: Nadal's head to head record against the Canadian is 7–2.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: He recently lost against Raonic in the Brisbane Open.
Basque: duela gutxi galdu du raonic-en kontra brisbane-ko openean.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: duela gutxi galdu du raonic-en kontra brisbane-ko openean.
English: He recently lost against Raonic in the Brisbane Open.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Nadal bagged 88% net points in the match winning 76 points in the first serve.
Basque: nadal-ek sareko puntuen % 88 bereganatu zituen partidan, eta 76 puntu irabazi zituen lehen sakearekin.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: nadal-ek sareko puntuen % 88 bereganatu zituen partidan, eta 76 puntu irabazi zituen lehen sakearekin.
English: Nadal bagged 88% net points in the match winning 76 points in the first serve.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: After the match, King of Clay said, "I am just excited about being back in the final rounds of the most important events. I am here to try to win this."
Basque: lur zanpatuaren erregeak honela esan zuen partida amaitzean: “pozik nago finalerako bidean nagoelako berriro lehiaketa garrantzitsuenetako batean. lehiaketa hau irabaztera etorri naiz.”
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: lur zanpatuaren erregeak honela esan zuen partida amaitzean: “pozik nago finalerako bidean nagoelako berriro lehiaketa garrantzitsuenetako batean. lehiaketa hau irabaztera etorri naiz.”
English: After the match, King of Clay said, "I am just excited about being back in the final rounds of the most important events. I am here to try to win this."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "Panama Papers" is an umbrella term for roughly ten million documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, leaked to the press in spring 2016.
Basque: “panamako paperak” izen orokorra erabiltzen da 2016ko udaberrian panamako mossack fonseca abokatuen bulegotik prentsara filtratu ziren hamar milioi dokumentu ingururen multzoa izendatzeko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: “panamako paperak” izen orokorra erabiltzen da 2016ko udaberrian panamako mossack fonseca abokatuen bulegotik prentsara filtratu ziren hamar milioi dokumentu ingururen multzoa izendatzeko.
English: "Panama Papers" is an umbrella term for roughly ten million documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, leaked to the press in spring 2016.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The documents showed fourteen banks helped wealthy clients hide billions of US dollars of wealth to avoid taxes and other regulations.
Basque: dokumentuek erakutsi zuten hamalau bankuk mila milioika dolar estatubatuar ezkutatzen lagundu zietela bezero aberatsei, zergak ordaintzea eta bestelako legedia betetzea saihesteko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: dokumentuek erakutsi zuten hamalau bankuk mila milioika dolar estatubatuar ezkutatzen lagundu zietela bezero aberatsei, zergak ordaintzea eta bestelako legedia betetzea saihesteko.
English: The documents showed fourteen banks helped wealthy clients hide billions of US dollars of wealth to avoid taxes and other regulations.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: British newspaper The Guardian suggested Deutsche Bank controlled roughly a third of the 1200 shell companies used to accomplish this.
Basque: the guardian egunkari britainiarraren esanean, deutsche bank bankuak kontrolatzen zituen helburu hori lortzeko erabiltzen ziren 1.200 sasienpresen heren bat.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: the guardian egunkari britainiarraren esanean, deutsche bank bankuak kontrolatzen zituen helburu hori lortzeko erabiltzen ziren 1.200 sasienpresen heren bat.
English: British newspaper The Guardian suggested Deutsche Bank controlled roughly a third of the 1200 shell companies used to accomplish this.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: There were protests worldwide, several criminal prosecutions, and the leaders of the governments of Iceland and Pakistan both resigned.
Basque: mundu osoan egin ziren protestak, hainbat salaketa kriminal jarri ziren eta islandiako eta pakistango gobernuburuek dimititu egin zuten.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: mundu osoan egin ziren protestak, hainbat salaketa kriminal jarri ziren eta islandiako eta pakistango gobernuburuek dimititu egin zuten.
English: There were protests worldwide, several criminal prosecutions, and the leaders of the governments of Iceland and Pakistan both resigned.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Born in Hong Kong, Ma studied at New York University and Harvard Law School and once held an American permanent resident "green card".
Basque: ma hong kongen jaio zen, eta new york-eko unibertsitatean eta harvard-eko zuzenbide eskolan ikasi zuen. garai batean, estatu batuetan bizitzeko “txartel berdea”, baimen iraunkorra, izan zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: ma hong kongen jaio zen, eta new york-eko unibertsitatean eta harvard-eko zuzenbide eskolan ikasi zuen. garai batean, estatu batuetan bizitzeko “txartel berdea”, baimen iraunkorra, izan zuen.
English: Born in Hong Kong, Ma studied at New York University and Harvard Law School and once held an American permanent resident "green card".
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Hsieh implied during the election that Ma might flee the country during a time of crisis.
Basque: hauteskundeetan, hsieh-k iradoki zuen ma-k herrialdetik ihes egin lezakeela krisi-garaian.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: hauteskundeetan, hsieh-k iradoki zuen ma-k herrialdetik ihes egin lezakeela krisi-garaian.
English: Hsieh implied during the election that Ma might flee the country during a time of crisis.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Hsieh also argued that the photogenic Ma was more style than substance.
Basque: halaber, hsieh-k esan zuen ma fotogenikoak estilo gehiago duela substantzia baino.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: halaber, hsieh-k esan zuen ma fotogenikoak estilo gehiago duela substantzia baino.
English: Hsieh also argued that the photogenic Ma was more style than substance.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Despite these accusations, Ma won handily on a platform advocating closer ties with the Chinese mainland.
Basque: salaketa horiek jaso arren, ma-k erraz irabazi zuen, kontinenteko txinarekin harremanak estutzearen aldeko plataformari esker.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: salaketa horiek jaso arren, ma-k erraz irabazi zuen, kontinenteko txinarekin harremanak estutzearen aldeko plataformari esker.
English: Despite these accusations, Ma won handily on a platform advocating closer ties with the Chinese mainland.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Today's Player of the Day is Alex Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals.
Basque: washington capitals taldeko alex ovechkin da gaurko jokalaria.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: washington capitals taldeko alex ovechkin da gaurko jokalaria.
English: Today's Player of the Day is Alex Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: He had 2 goals and 2 assists in Washington's 5-3 win over the Atlanta Thrashers.
Basque: bi gol eta bi asistentzia egin zituen washington-ek atlanta thrashers-en aurka jokatutako partidan, eta 5-3 irabazi zuten.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: bi gol eta bi asistentzia egin zituen washington-ek atlanta thrashers-en aurka jokatutako partidan, eta 5-3 irabazi zuten.
English: He had 2 goals and 2 assists in Washington's 5-3 win over the Atlanta Thrashers.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Ovechkin's first assist of the night was on the game-winning goal by rookie Nicklas Backstrom;
Basque: ovechkin-en gaueko lehen asistentzia erabakigarria izan zen partida irabazteko, hari esker egin baitzuen gola nicklas backstrom hasiberriak;
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: ovechkin-en gaueko lehen asistentzia erabakigarria izan zen partida irabazteko, hari esker egin baitzuen gola nicklas backstrom hasiberriak;
English: Ovechkin's first assist of the night was on the game-winning goal by rookie Nicklas Backstrom;
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: his second goal of the night was his 60th of the season, becoming the first player to score 60 or more goals in a season since 1995-96, when Jaromir Jagr and Mario Lemieux each reached that milestone.
Basque: egindako bigarren gola, berriz, bere denboraldiko 60. gola izan da. hala, denboraldi batean 60 gol edo gehiago egin dituen lehen jokalaria da 1995-96 denboraldiaz geroztik. denboraldi hartan jaromir jagr eta mario lemieux jokalariek lortu zuten marka hori.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: egindako bigarren gola, berriz, bere denboraldiko 60. gola izan da. hala, denboraldi batean 60 gol edo gehiago egin dituen lehen jokalaria da 1995-96 denboraldiaz geroztik. denboraldi hartan jaromir jagr eta mario lemieux jokalariek lortu zuten marka hori.
English: his second goal of the night was his 60th of the season, becoming the first player to score 60 or more goals in a season since 1995-96, when Jaromir Jagr and Mario Lemieux each reached that milestone.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Batten was ranked 190th on the 2008 400 Richest Americans list with an estimated fortune of $2.3 billion.
Basque: estatu batuetako 400 pertsona aberatsenen 2008ko zerrendan, 190. postuan zegoen batten, eta $2,3 mila milioi inguru zituela zenbatesten da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: estatu batuetako 400 pertsona aberatsenen 2008ko zerrendan, 190. postuan zegoen batten, eta $2,3 mila milioi inguru zituela zenbatesten da.
English: Batten was ranked 190th on the 2008 400 Richest Americans list with an estimated fortune of $2.3 billion.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: He graduated from the College of Arts & Sciences of the University of Virginia in 1950 and was a significant donor to that institution.
Basque: virginia-ko unibertsitatean graduatu zen 1950ean, arte eta zientzien fakultatean, eta erakundearen dohaintza-emaile nabarmena izan zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: virginia-ko unibertsitatean graduatu zen 1950ean, arte eta zientzien fakultatean, eta erakundearen dohaintza-emaile nabarmena izan zen.
English: He graduated from the College of Arts & Sciences of the University of Virginia in 1950 and was a significant donor to that institution.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison has been set alight during a riot.
Basque: irakeko abu gharib kartzelan sua piztu da istilu baten ondorioz.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: irakeko abu gharib kartzelan sua piztu da istilu baten ondorioz.
English: Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison has been set alight during a riot.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The jail became notorious after prisoner abuse was discovered there after US forces took over.
Basque: kartzela ezaguna egin zen, aebetako militarrek haren agintea hartu zutenean presoek jasandako abusuak ezagun egin zirenean.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: kartzela ezaguna egin zen, aebetako militarrek haren agintea hartu zutenean presoek jasandako abusuak ezagun egin zirenean.
English: The jail became notorious after prisoner abuse was discovered there after US forces took over.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Piquet Jr. crashed in the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix just after an early pit stop for Fernando Alonso, bringing out the safety car.
Basque: piquet jr.-ek istripua izan zuen singapurreko 2008ko sari nagusian, fernando alonso-k geldialdi tekniko goiztiar eta erraza egin ondoren, eta segurtasun-autoa atera behar izan zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: piquet jr.-ek istripua izan zuen singapurreko 2008ko sari nagusian, fernando alonso-k geldialdi tekniko goiztiar eta erraza egin ondoren, eta segurtasun-autoa atera behar izan zen.
English: Piquet Jr. crashed in the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix just after an early pit stop for Fernando Alonso, bringing out the safety car.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: As the cars ahead of Alonso went in for fuel under the safety car, he moved up the pack to take victory.
Basque: alonso-ren aurretik zeuden autoak segurtasun-autoaren atzean erregai bila zihoazela, alonsok multzoan aurrera egin eta saria irabaztea lortu zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: alonso-ren aurretik zeuden autoak segurtasun-autoaren atzean erregai bila zihoazela, alonsok multzoan aurrera egin eta saria irabaztea lortu zuen.
English: As the cars ahead of Alonso went in for fuel under the safety car, he moved up the pack to take victory.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Piquet Jr. was sacked after the 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix.
Basque: piquet jr. kaleratu egin zuten hungariako 2009ko sari nagusiaren ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: piquet jr. kaleratu egin zuten hungariako 2009ko sari nagusiaren ondoren.
English: Piquet Jr. was sacked after the 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: At exactly 8:46 a.m. a hush fell across the city, marking the exact moment the first jet struck its target.
Basque: 8:46an (am), puntu-puntuan, isiltasuna nagusitu zen hirian, lehen hegazkinak itua jo zuen une zehatza markatuta.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 8:46an (am), puntu-puntuan, isiltasuna nagusitu zen hirian, lehen hegazkinak itua jo zuen une zehatza markatuta.
English: At exactly 8:46 a.m. a hush fell across the city, marking the exact moment the first jet struck its target.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Two beams of light have been rigged up to point skywards overnight.
Basque: bi argi-izpi ezarri dira zerura begira gauez.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: bi argi-izpi ezarri dira zerura begira gauez.
English: Two beams of light have been rigged up to point skywards overnight.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Construction is ongoing for five new skyscrapers at the site, with a transportation center and memorial park in the middle.
Basque: gunean bost etxe orratz berri eraikitzen ari dira, eta erdian garraio-zentro bat eta oroitzapen-parke bat egongo dira.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: gunean bost etxe orratz berri eraikitzen ari dira, eta erdian garraio-zentro bat eta oroitzapen-parke bat egongo dira.
English: Construction is ongoing for five new skyscrapers at the site, with a transportation center and memorial park in the middle.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The PBS show has more than two-dozen Emmy awards, and its run is shorter only than Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
Basque: sesamo auzoa eta rogers jaunaren auzoa baino denbora gutxiagoz jardun duen arren, bi dozena emmy sari baino gehiago ditu pbs saio honek.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: sesamo auzoa eta rogers jaunaren auzoa baino denbora gutxiagoz jardun duen arren, bi dozena emmy sari baino gehiago ditu pbs saio honek.
English: The PBS show has more than two-dozen Emmy awards, and its run is shorter only than Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Each episode of the show would focus on a theme in a specific book and then explore that theme through multiple stories.
Basque: saioko atal bakoitzak liburu baten gaian jartzen du arreta eta, ondoren, gai hori lantzen da hainbat istorioren bidez.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: saioko atal bakoitzak liburu baten gaian jartzen du arreta eta, ondoren, gai hori lantzen da hainbat istorioren bidez.
English: Each episode of the show would focus on a theme in a specific book and then explore that theme through multiple stories.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Each show would also provide recommendations for books that children should look for when they went to their library.
Basque: halaber, haurrek liburutegian bila ditzaketen liburuen gomendioak ere ematen ditu saio bakoitzak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: halaber, haurrek liburutegian bila ditzaketen liburuen gomendioak ere ematen ditu saio bakoitzak.
English: Each show would also provide recommendations for books that children should look for when they went to their library.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: John Grant, from WNED Buffalo (Reading Rainbow's home station) said "Reading Rainbow taught kids why to read,... the love of reading — [the show] encouraged kids to pick up a book and to read."
Basque: honako hau esan zuen wned buffalo-ko (reading rainbow-en irrati-etxea) john grant-ek: «reading rainbow ikuskizunak irakurtzearen arrazoia azaldu die haurrei, irakurtzeko zaletasuna; halaber, [saioak] haurrak liburu bat hartu eta irakurtzera animatu ditu».
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: honako hau esan zuen wned buffalo-ko (reading rainbow-en irrati-etxea) john grant-ek: «reading rainbow ikuskizunak irakurtzearen arrazoia azaldu die haurrei, irakurtzeko zaletasuna; halaber, [saioak] haurrak liburu bat hartu eta irakurtzera animatu ditu».
English: John Grant, from WNED Buffalo (Reading Rainbow's home station) said "Reading Rainbow taught kids why to read,... the love of reading — [the show] encouraged kids to pick up a book and to read."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: It is believed by some, including John Grant, that both the funding crunch and a shift in the philosophy of educational television programming contributed to ending the series.
Basque: batzuek diote, besteak beste, john grant-ek, finantzaketa faltak eta telebista pedagogikoaren programazioaren inguruko filosofiak bultzatu dutela telesailen amaiera.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: batzuek diote, besteak beste, john grant-ek, finantzaketa faltak eta telebista pedagogikoaren programazioaren inguruko filosofiak bultzatu dutela telesailen amaiera.
English: It is believed by some, including John Grant, that both the funding crunch and a shift in the philosophy of educational television programming contributed to ending the series.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The storm, situated about 645 miles (1040 km) west of the Cape Verde islands, is likely to dissipate before threatening any land areas, forecasters say.
Basque: iragarleek diotenez, cabo verde-tik 645 milia (1.040 kilometro) mendebaldera kokatuta dagoen ekaitza saretu egingo da, ziurrenez, lur-eremuak mehatxatu aurretik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: iragarleek diotenez, cabo verde-tik 645 milia (1.040 kilometro) mendebaldera kokatuta dagoen ekaitza saretu egingo da, ziurrenez, lur-eremuak mehatxatu aurretik.
English: The storm, situated about 645 miles (1040 km) west of the Cape Verde islands, is likely to dissipate before threatening any land areas, forecasters say.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Fred currently has winds of 105 miles per hour (165 km/h) and is moving towards the northwest.
Basque: fred-ek mugitzen duen haizeak 105 milia orduko (165 km/h) abiadura du une honetan, eta ipar-mendebalderantz ari da mugitzen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: fred-ek mugitzen duen haizeak 105 milia orduko (165 km/h) abiadura du une honetan, eta ipar-mendebalderantz ari da mugitzen.
English: Fred currently has winds of 105 miles per hour (165 km/h) and is moving towards the northwest.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Fred is the strongest tropical cyclone ever recorded so far south and east in the Atlantic since the advent of satellite imagery, and only the third major hurricane on record east of 35°W.
Basque: sateliteko irudiak lortzen hasi zirenetik atlantikoaren hain hegoaldean eta ekialdean inoiz erregistratu den zikloi tropikal indartsuena da fred, eta 35°w-etik ekialdera erregistratu den hirugarren urakan handiena da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: sateliteko irudiak lortzen hasi zirenetik atlantikoaren hain hegoaldean eta ekialdean inoiz erregistratu den zikloi tropikal indartsuena da fred, eta 35°w-etik ekialdera erregistratu den hirugarren urakan handiena da.
English: Fred is the strongest tropical cyclone ever recorded so far south and east in the Atlantic since the advent of satellite imagery, and only the third major hurricane on record east of 35°W.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: On September 24, 1759, Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000 year lease for the St James' Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland.
Basque: 1759ko irailaren 24an, arthur guinness-ek 9.000 urteko alokairua sinatu zuen dublineko (irlanda) st. james’ gate garagardotegia eskuratzeko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 1759ko irailaren 24an, arthur guinness-ek 9.000 urteko alokairua sinatu zuen dublineko (irlanda) st. james’ gate garagardotegia eskuratzeko.
English: On September 24, 1759, Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000 year lease for the St James' Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: 250 years later, Guinness has grown to a global business that turns over 10 billion euros (US$14.7 billion) every year.
Basque: 250 urte geroago, guinness enpresa mundu osora hedatu da, eta urtero 10 mila milioi euro (us$14,7 mila milioi) baino gehiago irabazten ditu.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 250 urte geroago, guinness enpresa mundu osora hedatu da, eta urtero 10 mila milioi euro (us$14,7 mila milioi) baino gehiago irabazten ditu.
English: 250 years later, Guinness has grown to a global business that turns over 10 billion euros (US$14.7 billion) every year.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Jonny Reid, co-driver for the A1GP New Zealand team, today made history by driving the fastest over the 48-year-old Auckland Harbour Bridge, New Zealand, legally.
Basque: jonny reid, zeelanda berriko a1gp taldeko kopilotua, historiako zerrendetan sartu da, legea betez, auckland-eko 48 urteko harbour bridge zubitik (zeelanda berria) inor baino azkarrago igaro ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: jonny reid, zeelanda berriko a1gp taldeko kopilotua, historiako zerrendetan sartu da, legea betez, auckland-eko 48 urteko harbour bridge zubitik (zeelanda berria) inor baino azkarrago igaro ondoren.
English: Jonny Reid, co-driver for the A1GP New Zealand team, today made history by driving the fastest over the 48-year-old Auckland Harbour Bridge, New Zealand, legally.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Mr Reid managed to drive the New Zealand's A1GP car, Black Beauty at speeds over 160km/h seven times over the bridge.
Basque: reid-ek zeelanda berriko a1gp autoa, black beauty, gidatu zuen eta zazpi aldiz igaro zen zubiaren gainetik 160 km/h-ra.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: reid-ek zeelanda berriko a1gp autoa, black beauty, gidatu zuen eta zazpi aldiz igaro zen zubiaren gainetik 160 km/h-ra.
English: Mr Reid managed to drive the New Zealand's A1GP car, Black Beauty at speeds over 160km/h seven times over the bridge.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The New Zealand police had trouble using their speed radar guns to see how fast Mr Reid was going because of how low Black Beauty is, and the only time the police managed to clock Mr Reid was when he slowed down to 160km/h.
Basque: zeelanda berriko poliziak arazoak izan zituen abiadura neurtzeko radar-pistola erabiltzeko eta reid zein abiaduran zihoan neurtzeko, black beauty oso baxua delako. 160 km/h-ko abiadurara jaitsi zenean soilik lortu zuen poliziak reid harrapatzea.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: zeelanda berriko poliziak arazoak izan zituen abiadura neurtzeko radar-pistola erabiltzeko eta reid zein abiaduran zihoan neurtzeko, black beauty oso baxua delako. 160 km/h-ko abiadurara jaitsi zenean soilik lortu zuen poliziak reid harrapatzea.
English: The New Zealand police had trouble using their speed radar guns to see how fast Mr Reid was going because of how low Black Beauty is, and the only time the police managed to clock Mr Reid was when he slowed down to 160km/h.
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