1 value
15 values
import hashlib from import InlineAnalytics from core.observables import Hash HASH_TYPES_DICT = { "md5": hashlib.md5, "sha1": hashlib.sha1, "sha256": hashlib.sha256, "sha512": hashlib.sha512, } class HashFile(InlineAnalytics): default_values = { "name": "HashFile", "description": "Extracts MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 hashes from file", } ACTS_ON = ["File", "Certificate"] @staticmethod def each(f): if f.body: f.hashes = [] for hash_type, h in HashFile.extract_hashes(f.body.contents): hash_object = Hash.get_or_create(value=h.hexdigest()) hash_object.add_source("analytics") f.active_link_to( hash_object, "{} hash".format(hash_type.upper()), "HashFile", clean_old=False, ) f.hashes.append({"hash": hash_type, "value": h.hexdigest()}) @staticmethod def extract_hashes(body_contents): hashers = {k: HASH_TYPES_DICT[k]() for k in HASH_TYPES_DICT} while True: chunk = * 16) if not chunk: break for h in hashers.values(): h.update(chunk) return hashers.items()
import zerorpc import gevent.queue import logging import sys logging.basicConfig() # root logger logger = logging.getLogger() # set the mimimum level for root logger so it will be possible for a client # to subscribe and receive logs for any log level logger.setLevel(0) class QueueingLogHandler(logging.Handler): """ A simple logging handler which puts all emitted logs into a gevent queue. """ def __init__(self, queue, level, formatter): super(QueueingLogHandler, self).__init__() self._queue = queue self.setLevel(level) self.setFormatter(formatter) def emit(self, record): msg = self.format(record) self._queue.put_nowait(msg) def close(self): super(QueueingLogHandler, self).close() self._queue.put_nowait(None) @property def emitted(self): return self._queue class TestService(object): _HANDLER_CLASS = QueueingLogHandler _DEFAULT_FORMAT = '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(asctime)s - %(message)s' logger = logging.getLogger("service") def __init__(self): self._logging_handlers = set() def test(self, logger_name, logger_level, message): logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) getattr(logger, logger_level.lower())(message) def available_loggers(self): """ List of initalized loggers """ return logging.getLogger().manager.loggerDict.keys() def close_log_streams(self): """ Closes all log_stream streams. """ while self._logging_handlers: self._logging_handlers.pop().close() def log_stream(self, logger_name, level_name, format_str): """ Attaches a log handler to the specified logger and sends emitted logs back as stream. """ if logger_name != "" and logger_name not in self.available_loggers(): raise ValueError("logger {0} is not available".format(logger_name)) level_name_upper = level_name.upper() if level_name else "NOTSET" try: level = getattr(logging, level_name_upper) except AttributeError, e: raise AttributeError("log level {0} is not available".format(level_name_upper)) q = gevent.queue.Queue() fmt = format_str if format_str.strip() else self._DEFAULT_FORMAT logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) handler = self._HANDLER_CLASS(q, level, formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) self._logging_handlers.add(handler) self.logger.debug("new subscriber for {0}/{1}".format(logger_name or "root", level_name_upper)) try: for msg in handler.emitted: if msg is None: return yield msg finally: self._logging_handlers.discard(handler) handler.close() self.logger.debug("subscription finished for {0}/{1}".format(logger_name or "root", level_name_upper)) if __name__ == "__main__": service = TestService() server = zerorpc.Server(service) server.bind(sys.argv[1]) logger.warning("starting service") try: except BaseException, e: logger.error(str(e)) finally: logger.warning("shutting down")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import proto # type: ignore from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore __protobuf__ = proto.module( package="", manifest={ "OperationMetadata", "OperationStatus", "LabelSelector", "RealmSelector", "Schedule", "SpecSource", "TargetDetails", "TargetState", "DeployedFleetDetails", }, ) class OperationMetadata(proto.Message): r"""Represents the metadata of the long-running operation. Attributes: create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): Output only. The time the operation was created. end_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): Output only. The time the operation finished running. target (str): Output only. Server-defined resource path for the target of the operation. verb (str): Output only. Name of the verb executed by the operation. status_message (str): Output only. Human-readable status of the operation, if any. requested_cancellation (bool): Output only. Identifies whether the user has requested cancellation of the operation. Operations that have successfully been cancelled have [Operation.error][] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1, corresponding to ``Code.CANCELLED``. api_version (str): Output only. API version used to start the operation. unreachable (Sequence[str]): Output only. List of Locations that could not be reached. operation_status (Sequence[]): Output only. Operation status for Game Services API operations. Operation status is in the form of key-value pairs where keys are resource IDs and the values show the status of the operation. In case of failures, the value includes an error code and error message. """ create_time = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp,) end_time = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp,) target = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=3,) verb = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=4,) status_message = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=5,) requested_cancellation = proto.Field(proto.BOOL, number=6,) api_version = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=7,) unreachable = proto.RepeatedField(proto.STRING, number=8,) operation_status = proto.MapField( proto.STRING, proto.MESSAGE, number=9, message="OperationStatus", ) class OperationStatus(proto.Message): r""" Attributes: done (bool): Output only. Whether the operation is done or still in progress. error_code ( The error code in case of failures. error_message (str): The human-readable error message. """ class ErrorCode(proto.Enum): r"""""" ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 INTERNAL_ERROR = 1 PERMISSION_DENIED = 2 CLUSTER_CONNECTION = 3 done = proto.Field(proto.BOOL, number=1,) error_code = proto.Field(proto.ENUM, number=2, enum=ErrorCode,) error_message = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=3,) class LabelSelector(proto.Message): r"""The label selector, used to group labels on the resources. Attributes: labels (Sequence[]): Resource labels for this selector. """ labels = proto.MapField(proto.STRING, proto.STRING, number=1,) class RealmSelector(proto.Message): r"""The realm selector, used to match realm resources. Attributes: realms (Sequence[str]): List of realms to match. """ realms = proto.RepeatedField(proto.STRING, number=1,) class Schedule(proto.Message): r"""The schedule of a recurring or one time event. The event's time span is specified by start_time and end_time. If the scheduled event's timespan is larger than the cron_spec + cron_job_duration, the event will be recurring. If only cron_spec + cron_job_duration are specified, the event is effective starting at the local time specified by cron_spec, and is recurring. :: start_time|-------[cron job]-------[cron job]-------[cron job]---|end_time cron job: cron spec start time + duration Attributes: start_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): The start time of the event. end_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): The end time of the event. cron_job_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): The duration for the cron job event. The duration of the event is effective after the cron job's start time. cron_spec (str): The cron definition of the scheduled event. See Cron spec specifies the local time as defined by the realm. """ start_time = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp,) end_time = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp,) cron_job_duration = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=duration_pb2.Duration, ) cron_spec = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=4,) class SpecSource(proto.Message): r"""Encapsulates Agones fleet spec and Agones autoscaler spec sources. Attributes: game_server_config_name (str): The game server config resource. Uses the form: ``projects/{project}/locations/{location}/gameServerDeployments/{deployment_id}/configs/{config_id}``. name (str): The name of the Agones leet config or Agones scaling config used to derive the Agones fleet or Agones autoscaler spec. """ game_server_config_name = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=1,) name = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=2,) class TargetDetails(proto.Message): r"""Details about the Agones resources. Attributes: game_server_cluster_name (str): The game server cluster name. Uses the form: ``projects/{project}/locations/{location}/realms/{realm}/gameServerClusters/{cluster}``. game_server_deployment_name (str): The game server deployment name. Uses the form: ``projects/{project}/locations/{location}/gameServerDeployments/{deployment_id}``. fleet_details (Sequence[]): Agones fleet details for game server clusters and game server deployments. """ class TargetFleetDetails(proto.Message): r"""Details of the target Agones fleet. Attributes: fleet ( Reference to target Agones fleet. autoscaler ( Reference to target Agones fleet autoscaling policy. """ class TargetFleet(proto.Message): r"""Target Agones fleet specification. Attributes: name (str): The name of the Agones fleet. spec_source ( Encapsulates the source of the Agones fleet spec. The Agones fleet spec source. """ name = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=1,) spec_source = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="SpecSource",) class TargetFleetAutoscaler(proto.Message): r"""Target Agones autoscaler policy reference. Attributes: name (str): The name of the Agones autoscaler. spec_source ( Encapsulates the source of the Agones fleet spec. Details about the Agones autoscaler spec. """ name = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=1,) spec_source = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="SpecSource",) fleet = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="TargetDetails.TargetFleetDetails.TargetFleet", ) autoscaler = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="TargetDetails.TargetFleetDetails.TargetFleetAutoscaler", ) game_server_cluster_name = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=1,) game_server_deployment_name = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=2,) fleet_details = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=TargetFleetDetails, ) class TargetState(proto.Message): r"""Encapsulates the Target state. Attributes: details (Sequence[]): Details about Agones fleets. """ details = proto.RepeatedField(proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="TargetDetails",) class DeployedFleetDetails(proto.Message): r"""Details of the deployed Agones fleet. Attributes: deployed_fleet ( Information about the Agones fleet. deployed_autoscaler ( Information about the Agones autoscaler for that fleet. """ class DeployedFleet(proto.Message): r"""Agones fleet specification and details. Attributes: fleet (str): The name of the Agones fleet. fleet_spec (str): The fleet spec retrieved from the Agones fleet. spec_source ( The source spec that is used to create the Agones fleet. The GameServerConfig resource may no longer exist in the system. status ( The current status of the Agones fleet. Includes count of game servers in various states. """ class DeployedFleetStatus(proto.Message): r"""DeployedFleetStatus has details about the Agones fleets such as how many are running, how many allocated, and so on. Attributes: ready_replicas (int): The number of GameServer replicas in the READY state in this fleet. allocated_replicas (int): The number of GameServer replicas in the ALLOCATED state in this fleet. reserved_replicas (int): The number of GameServer replicas in the RESERVED state in this fleet. Reserved instances won't be deleted on scale down, but won't cause an autoscaler to scale up. replicas (int): The total number of current GameServer replicas in this fleet. """ ready_replicas = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1,) allocated_replicas = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=2,) reserved_replicas = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=3,) replicas = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=4,) fleet = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=1,) fleet_spec = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=2,) spec_source = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message="SpecSource",) status = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=5, message="DeployedFleetDetails.DeployedFleet.DeployedFleetStatus", ) class DeployedFleetAutoscaler(proto.Message): r"""Details about the Agones autoscaler. Attributes: autoscaler (str): The name of the Agones autoscaler. spec_source ( The source spec that is used to create the autoscaler. The GameServerConfig resource may no longer exist in the system. fleet_autoscaler_spec (str): The autoscaler spec retrieved from Agones. """ autoscaler = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=1,) spec_source = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message="SpecSource",) fleet_autoscaler_spec = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=3,) deployed_fleet = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message=DeployedFleet,) deployed_autoscaler = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=DeployedFleetAutoscaler, ) __all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest))
from changes.api.serializer import Crumbler, register from changes.models.node import Cluster @register(Cluster) class ClusterCrumbler(Crumbler): def crumble(self, instance, attrs): return { 'id':, 'name': instance.label, 'dateCreated': instance.date_created, }
"""Tests for the CSRF helper.""" import unittest import mock import webapp2 import webtest from ctc.helpers import csrf from ctc.testing import testutil MOCKED_TIME = 123 # Tests don't need docstrings, so pylint: disable=C0111 # Tests can test protected members, so pylint: disable=W0212 class CsrfTests(testutil.CtcTestCase): # Helpers class TestHandler(csrf.CsrfHandler): """A handler for testing whether or not requests are CSRF protected.""" def get(self): self.response.write('CSRF Token:%s' % self.csrf_token) def post(self): pass def put(self): pass def delete(self): pass def setUp(self): super(CsrfTests, self).setUp() # The CSRF library uses the time, so we mock it out. self.time_mock = mock.Mock() csrf.time = self.time_mock self.time_mock.time = mock.Mock(return_value=MOCKED_TIME) # The handler tests need a WSGIApplication. app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', self.TestHandler)]) self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(app) def test_get_secret_key(self): first_key = csrf._get_secret_key() self.assertEqual(len(first_key), 32) second_key = csrf._get_secret_key() self.assertEqual(first_key, second_key) def test_tokens_are_equal(self): # It should fail if the tokens aren't equal length. self.assertFalse(csrf._tokens_are_equal('a', 'ab')) # It should fail if the tokens are different. self.assertFalse(csrf._tokens_are_equal('abcde', 'abcdf')) # It should succeed if the tokens are the same. self.assertTrue(csrf._tokens_are_equal('abcde', 'abcde')) # Make Token def test_make_token_includes_time(self): self.login() # It should get the current time. token1 = csrf.make_token() self.assertEqual(token1.split()[-1], str(MOCKED_TIME)) # It should use the provided time. token2 = csrf.make_token(token_time='456') self.assertEqual(token2.split()[-1], '456') # Different time should cause the digest to be different. self.assertNotEqual(token1.split()[0], token2.split()[0]) token3 = csrf.make_token(token_time='456') self.assertEqual(token2, token3) def test_make_token_requires_login(self): token1 = csrf.make_token() self.assertIsNone(token1) self.login() token2 = csrf.make_token() self.assertIsNotNone(token2) def test_make_token_includes_path(self): self.login() # It should get the current path. self.testbed.setup_env(PATH_INFO='/action/1', overwrite=True) token1 = csrf.make_token(token_time='123') self.testbed.setup_env(PATH_INFO='/action/23', overwrite=True) token2 = csrf.make_token(token_time='123') token3 = csrf.make_token(token_time='123') self.assertNotEqual(token1, token2) self.assertEqual(token2, token3) # It should let the client pass in a path. token4 = csrf.make_token(path='/action/4', token_time='123') token5 = csrf.make_token(path='/action/56', token_time='123') token6 = csrf.make_token(path='/action/56', token_time='123') self.assertNotEqual(token4, token5) self.assertEqual(token5, token6) # Token Is Valid def test_token_is_valid(self): self.login() # Token is required. self.assertFalse(csrf.token_is_valid(None)) # Token needs to have a timestamp on it. self.assertFalse(csrf.token_is_valid('hello')) # The timestamp needs to be within the current date range. self.time_mock.time = mock.Mock(return_value=9999999999999) self.assertFalse(csrf.token_is_valid('hello 123')) # The user needs to be logged in. token = csrf.make_token() self.logout() self.assertFalse(csrf.token_is_valid(token)) self.login() # Modifying the token should break everything. modified_token = '0' + token[1:] if token == modified_token: modified_token = '1' + token[1:] self.assertFalse(csrf.token_is_valid(modified_token)) # The original token that we got should work. self.assertTrue(csrf.token_is_valid(token)) def test_get_has_csrf_token(self): self.login() response = self.testapp.get('/', status=200).body self.assertIn('CSRF Token:', response) self.assertEqual(response.split(':')[-1], csrf.make_token()) def test_mutators_require_csrf_token(self): self.login() self.testapp.put('/', status=403)'/', status=403) self.testapp.delete('/', status=403) csrf_param = 'csrf_token=' + csrf.make_token(path='/') self.testapp.put('/', params=csrf_param, status=200)'/', params=csrf_param, status=200) # Though the spec allows DELETE to have a body, it tends to be ignored # by servers (, and webapp2 # ignores it as well, so we have to put the params in the URL. self.testapp.delete('/?' + csrf_param, status=200) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# encoding: utf-8 u'''MCL — Publication Folder''' from ._base import IIngestableFolder, Ingestor, IngestableFolderView from .interfaces import IPublication from five import grok class IPublicationFolder(IIngestableFolder): u'''Folder containing publications.''' class PublicationIngestor(Ingestor): u'''RDF ingestor for publication.''' grok.context(IPublicationFolder) def getContainedObjectInterface(self): return IPublication class View(IngestableFolderView): u'''View for an publication folder''' grok.context(IPublicationFolder)
import os import tempfile import unittest import logging from pyidf import ValidationLevel import pyidf from pyidf.idf import IDF from pyidf.exterior_equipment import ExteriorFuelEquipment log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestExteriorFuelEquipment(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp() def tearDown(self): os.remove(self.path) def test_create_exteriorfuelequipment(self): pyidf.validation_level = ValidationLevel.error obj = ExteriorFuelEquipment() # alpha var_name = "Name" = var_name # alpha var_fuel_use_type = "Electricity" obj.fuel_use_type = var_fuel_use_type # object-list var_schedule_name = "object-list|Schedule Name" obj.schedule_name = var_schedule_name # real var_design_level = 0.0 obj.design_level = var_design_level # alpha var_enduse_subcategory = "End-Use Subcategory" obj.enduse_subcategory = var_enduse_subcategory idf = IDF() idf.add(obj), check=False) with open(self.path, mode='r') as f: for line in f: log.debug(line.strip()) idf2 = IDF(self.path) self.assertEqual(idf2.exteriorfuelequipments[0].name, var_name) self.assertEqual(idf2.exteriorfuelequipments[0].fuel_use_type, var_fuel_use_type) self.assertEqual(idf2.exteriorfuelequipments[0].schedule_name, var_schedule_name) self.assertAlmostEqual(idf2.exteriorfuelequipments[0].design_level, var_design_level) self.assertEqual(idf2.exteriorfuelequipments[0].enduse_subcategory, var_enduse_subcategory)
from collections import defaultdict import codecs def count(corpus, output_file): debug = False dic = defaultdict(int) other = set() fout =, 'w', 'utf8') for line in open(corpus, 'r'): words = line.split() for word in words: if len(word) % 3 == 0: for i in xrange(len(word) / 3): dic[word[i:i+3]] += 1 else: other.add(word) fout.write('%i %i\n' % (len(dic), len(other))) record_list = [(y, x) for x, y in dic.items()] record_list.sort() record_list.reverse() i = 0 for x, y in record_list: #print y.decode('utf8'), x try: yy = y.decode('GBK') except: print y yy = 'N/A' fout.write('%s %i\n' % (yy, x)) i += 1 if i > 10 and debug: break other_list = list(other) other_list.sort() for item in other_list: #print item.decode('utf8') item2 = item.decode('utf8') fout.write(item2) fout.write('\n') i += 1 if i > 20 and debug: break fout.close() if __name__ =='__main__': count('data/train.zh_parsed', 'output/count.zh') count('data/train.ja_parsed', 'output/count.ja')
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import io import json import time try: import fastavro except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER fastavro = None import google.api_core.exceptions import google.rpc.error_details_pb2 try: import pandas except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER pandas = None try: import pyarrow except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER pyarrow = None try: import pyarrow except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER pyarrow = None _STREAM_RESUMPTION_EXCEPTIONS = ( google.api_core.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, # Caused by transport-level error. No status code was received. # google.api_core.exceptions.Unknown, ) # The Google API endpoint can unexpectedly close long-running HTTP/2 streams. # Unfortunately, this condition is surfaced to the caller as an internal error # by gRPC. We don't want to resume on all internal errors, so instead we look # for error message that we know are caused by problems that are safe to # reconnect. _STREAM_RESUMPTION_INTERNAL_ERROR_MESSAGES = ( # See: "RST_STREAM", ) _FASTAVRO_REQUIRED = ( "fastavro is required to parse ReadRowResponse messages with Avro bytes." ) _PANDAS_REQUIRED = "pandas is required to create a DataFrame" _PYARROW_REQUIRED = ( "pyarrow is required to parse ReadRowResponse messages with Arrow bytes." ) class ReadRowsStream(object): """A stream of results from a read rows request. This stream is an iterable of :class:``. Iterate over it to fetch all row messages. If the fastavro library is installed, use the :func:`` method to parse all messages into a stream of row dictionaries. If the pandas and fastavro libraries are installed, use the :func:`` method to parse all messages into a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. This object should not be created directly, but is returned by other methods in this library. """ def __init__( self, client, name, offset, read_rows_kwargs, retry_delay_callback=None ): """Construct a ReadRowsStream. Args: client ( \ \ big_query_read.BigQueryReadClient \ ): A GAPIC client used to reconnect to a ReadRows stream. This must be the GAPIC client to avoid a circular dependency on this class. name (str): Required. Stream ID from which rows are being read. offset (int): Required. Position in the stream to start reading from. The offset requested must be less than the last row read from ReadRows. Requesting a larger offset is undefined. read_rows_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to use when reconnecting to a ReadRows stream. retry_delay_callback (Optional[Callable[[float], None]]): If the client receives a retryable error that asks the client to delay its next attempt and retry_delay_callback is not None, ReadRowsStream will call retry_delay_callback with the delay duration (in seconds) before it starts sleeping until the next attempt. Returns: Iterable[ \ \ ]: A sequence of row messages. """ # Make a copy of the read position so that we can update it without # mutating the original input. self._client = client self._name = name self._offset = offset self._read_rows_kwargs = read_rows_kwargs self._retry_delay_callback = retry_delay_callback self._wrapped = None def __iter__(self): """An iterable of messages. Returns: Iterable[ \ \ ]: A sequence of row messages. """ # Infinite loop to reconnect on reconnectable errors while processing # the row stream. if self._wrapped is None: self._reconnect() while True: try: for message in self._wrapped: rowcount = message.row_count self._offset += rowcount yield message return # Made it through the whole stream. except google.api_core.exceptions.InternalServerError as exc: resumable_error = any( resumable_message in exc.message for resumable_message in _STREAM_RESUMPTION_INTERNAL_ERROR_MESSAGES ) if not resumable_error: raise except _STREAM_RESUMPTION_EXCEPTIONS: # Transient error, so reconnect to the stream. pass except Exception as exc: if not self._resource_exhausted_exception_is_retryable(exc): raise self._reconnect() def _reconnect(self): """Reconnect to the ReadRows stream using the most recent offset.""" while True: try: self._wrapped = self._client.read_rows( read_stream=self._name, offset=self._offset, **self._read_rows_kwargs ) break except Exception as exc: if not self._resource_exhausted_exception_is_retryable(exc): raise def _resource_exhausted_exception_is_retryable(self, exc): if isinstance(exc, google.api_core.exceptions.ResourceExhausted): # ResourceExhausted errors are only retried if a valid # RetryInfo is provided with the error. # # TODO: Remove hasattr logic when we require google-api-core >= 2.2.0. # ResourceExhausted added details/_details in google-api-core 2.2.0. details = None if hasattr(exc, "details"): details = exc.details elif hasattr(exc, "_details"): details = exc._details if details is not None: for detail in details: if isinstance(detail, google.rpc.error_details_pb2.RetryInfo): retry_delay = detail.retry_delay if retry_delay is not None: delay = max( 0, float(retry_delay.seconds) + (float(retry_delay.nanos) / 1e9), ) if self._retry_delay_callback: self._retry_delay_callback(delay) time.sleep(delay) return True return False def rows(self, read_session=None): """Iterate over all rows in the stream. This method requires the fastavro library in order to parse row messages in avro format. For arrow format messages, the pyarrow library is required. .. warning:: DATETIME columns are not supported. They are currently parsed as strings in the fastavro library. Args: read_session ( \ Optional[] \ ): DEPRECATED. This argument was used to specify the schema of the rows in the stream, but now the first message in a read stream contains this information. Returns: Iterable[Mapping]: A sequence of rows, represented as dictionaries. """ return ReadRowsIterable(self, read_session=read_session) def to_arrow(self, read_session=None): """Create a :class:`pyarrow.Table` of all rows in the stream. This method requires the pyarrow library and a stream using the Arrow format. Args: read_session ( \ \ ): DEPRECATED. This argument was used to specify the schema of the rows in the stream, but now the first message in a read stream contains this information. Returns: pyarrow.Table: A table of all rows in the stream. """ return self.rows(read_session=read_session).to_arrow() def to_dataframe(self, read_session=None, dtypes=None): """Create a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of all rows in the stream. This method requires the pandas libary to create a data frame and the fastavro library to parse row messages. .. warning:: DATETIME columns are not supported. They are currently parsed as strings. Args: read_session ( \ \ ): DEPRECATED. This argument was used to specify the schema of the rows in the stream, but now the first message in a read stream contains this information. dtypes ( \ Map[str, Union[str, pandas.Series.dtype]] \ ): Optional. A dictionary of column names pandas ``dtype``s. The provided ``dtype`` is used when constructing the series for the column specified. Otherwise, the default pandas behavior is used. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A data frame of all rows in the stream. """ if pandas is None: raise ImportError(_PANDAS_REQUIRED) return self.rows(read_session=read_session).to_dataframe(dtypes=dtypes) class ReadRowsIterable(object): """An iterable of rows from a read session. Args: reader ( A read rows stream. read_session ( \ Optional[] \ ): DEPRECATED. This argument was used to specify the schema of the rows in the stream, but now the first message in a read stream contains this information. """ # This class is modelled after the # and aims to be API compatible where possible. def __init__(self, reader, read_session=None): self._reader = reader if read_session is not None: self._stream_parser = _StreamParser.from_read_session(read_session) else: self._stream_parser = None @property def pages(self): """A generator of all pages in the stream. Returns: types.GeneratorType[]: A generator of pages. """ # Each page is an iterator of rows. But also has num_items, remaining, # and to_dataframe. for message in self._reader: # Only the first message contains the schema, which is needed to # decode the messages. if not self._stream_parser: self._stream_parser = _StreamParser.from_read_rows_response(message) yield ReadRowsPage(self._stream_parser, message) def __iter__(self): """Iterator for each row in all pages.""" for page in self.pages: for row in page: yield row def to_arrow(self): """Create a :class:`pyarrow.Table` of all rows in the stream. This method requires the pyarrow library and a stream using the Arrow format. Returns: pyarrow.Table: A table of all rows in the stream. """ record_batches = [] for page in self.pages: record_batches.append(page.to_arrow()) if record_batches: return pyarrow.Table.from_batches(record_batches) # No data, return an empty Table. self._stream_parser._parse_arrow_schema() return pyarrow.Table.from_batches([], schema=self._stream_parser._schema) def to_dataframe(self, dtypes=None): """Create a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of all rows in the stream. This method requires the pandas libary to create a data frame and the fastavro library to parse row messages. .. warning:: DATETIME columns are not supported. They are currently parsed as strings in the fastavro library. Args: dtypes ( \ Map[str, Union[str, pandas.Series.dtype]] \ ): Optional. A dictionary of column names pandas ``dtype``s. The provided ``dtype`` is used when constructing the series for the column specified. Otherwise, the default pandas behavior is used. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A data frame of all rows in the stream. """ if pandas is None: raise ImportError(_PANDAS_REQUIRED) if dtypes is None: dtypes = {} # If it's an Arrow stream, calling to_arrow, then converting to a # pandas dataframe is about 2x faster. This is because pandas.concat is # rarely no-copy, whereas pyarrow.Table.from_batches + to_pandas is # usually no-copy. try: record_batch = self.to_arrow() except NotImplementedError: pass else: df = record_batch.to_pandas() for column in dtypes: df[column] = pandas.Series(df[column], dtype=dtypes[column]) return df frames = [page.to_dataframe(dtypes=dtypes) for page in self.pages] if frames: return pandas.concat(frames) # No data, construct an empty dataframe with columns matching the schema. # The result should be consistent with what an empty ARROW stream would produce. self._stream_parser._parse_avro_schema() schema = self._stream_parser._avro_schema_json column_dtypes = self._dtypes_from_avro(schema["fields"]) column_dtypes.update(dtypes) df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=column_dtypes.keys()) for column in df: df[column] = pandas.Series([], dtype=column_dtypes[column]) return df def _dtypes_from_avro(self, avro_fields): """Determine Pandas dtypes for columns in Avro schema. Args: avro_fields (Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]): Avro fields' metadata. Returns: colelctions.OrderedDict[str, str]: Column names with their corresponding Pandas dtypes. """ result = collections.OrderedDict() type_map = {"long": "int64", "double": "float64", "boolean": "bool"} for field_info in avro_fields: # If a type is an union of multiple types, pick the first type # that is not "null". if isinstance(field_info["type"], list): type_info = next(item for item in field_info["type"] if item != "null") if isinstance(type_info, str): field_dtype = type_map.get(type_info, "object") else: logical_type = type_info.get("logicalType") if logical_type == "timestamp-micros": field_dtype = "datetime64[ns, UTC]" else: field_dtype = "object" result[field_info["name"]] = field_dtype return result class ReadRowsPage(object): """An iterator of rows from a read session message. Args: stream_parser ( A helper for parsing messages into rows. message ( A message of data from a read rows stream. """ # This class is modeled after google.api_core.page_iterator.Page and aims # to provide API compatibility where possible. def __init__(self, stream_parser, message): self._stream_parser = stream_parser self._message = message self._iter_rows = None self._num_items = self._message.row_count self._remaining = self._message.row_count def _parse_rows(self): """Parse rows from the message only once.""" if self._iter_rows is not None: return rows = self._stream_parser.to_rows(self._message) self._iter_rows = iter(rows) @property def num_items(self): """int: Total items in the page.""" return self._num_items @property def remaining(self): """int: Remaining items in the page.""" return self._remaining def __iter__(self): """A ``ReadRowsPage`` is an iterator.""" return self def next(self): """Get the next row in the page.""" self._parse_rows() if self._remaining > 0: self._remaining -= 1 return next(self._iter_rows) # Alias needed for Python 2/3 support. __next__ = next def to_arrow(self): """Create an :class:`pyarrow.RecordBatch` of rows in the page. Returns: pyarrow.RecordBatch: Rows from the message, as an Arrow record batch. """ return self._stream_parser.to_arrow(self._message) def to_dataframe(self, dtypes=None): """Create a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of rows in the page. This method requires the pandas libary to create a data frame and the fastavro library to parse row messages. .. warning:: DATETIME columns are not supported. They are currently parsed as strings in the fastavro library. Args: dtypes ( \ Map[str, Union[str, pandas.Series.dtype]] \ ): Optional. A dictionary of column names pandas ``dtype``s. The provided ``dtype`` is used when constructing the series for the column specified. Otherwise, the default pandas behavior is used. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A data frame of all rows in the stream. """ if pandas is None: raise ImportError(_PANDAS_REQUIRED) return self._stream_parser.to_dataframe(self._message, dtypes=dtypes) class _StreamParser(object): def to_arrow(self, message): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.") def to_dataframe(self, message, dtypes=None): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.") def to_rows(self, message): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.") def _parse_avro_schema(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.") def _parse_arrow_schema(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.") @staticmethod def from_read_session(read_session): schema_type = read_session._pb.WhichOneof("schema") if schema_type == "avro_schema": return _AvroStreamParser(read_session) elif schema_type == "arrow_schema": return _ArrowStreamParser(read_session) else: raise TypeError( "Unsupported schema type in read_session: {0}".format(schema_type) ) @staticmethod def from_read_rows_response(message): schema_type = message._pb.WhichOneof("schema") if schema_type == "avro_schema": return _AvroStreamParser(message) elif schema_type == "arrow_schema": return _ArrowStreamParser(message) else: raise TypeError( "Unsupported schema type in message: {0}".format(schema_type) ) class _AvroStreamParser(_StreamParser): """Helper to parse Avro messages into useful representations.""" def __init__(self, message): """Construct an _AvroStreamParser. Args: message (Union[, \, \ ]): Either the first message of data from a read rows stream or a read session. Both types contain a oneof "schema" field, which can be used to determine how to deserialize rows. """ if fastavro is None: raise ImportError(_FASTAVRO_REQUIRED) self._first_message = message self._avro_schema_json = None self._fastavro_schema = None self._column_names = None def to_arrow(self, message): """Create an :class:`pyarrow.RecordBatch` of rows in the page. Args: message ( Protocol buffer from the read rows stream, to convert into an Arrow record batch. Returns: pyarrow.RecordBatch: Rows from the message, as an Arrow record batch. """ raise NotImplementedError("to_arrow not implemented for Avro streams.") def to_dataframe(self, message, dtypes=None): """Create a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of rows in the page. This method requires the pandas libary to create a data frame and the fastavro library to parse row messages. .. warning:: DATETIME columns are not supported. They are currently parsed as strings in the fastavro library. Args: message ( \ \ ): A message containing Avro bytes to parse into a pandas DataFrame. dtypes ( \ Map[str, Union[str, pandas.Series.dtype]] \ ): Optional. A dictionary of column names pandas ``dtype``s. The provided ``dtype`` is used when constructing the series for the column specified. Otherwise, the default pandas behavior is used. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A data frame of all rows in the stream. """ self._parse_avro_schema() if dtypes is None: dtypes = {} columns = collections.defaultdict(list) for row in self.to_rows(message): for column in row: columns[column].append(row[column]) for column in dtypes: columns[column] = pandas.Series(columns[column], dtype=dtypes[column]) return pandas.DataFrame(columns, columns=self._column_names) def _parse_avro_schema(self): """Extract and parse Avro schema from a read session.""" if self._avro_schema_json: return self._avro_schema_json = json.loads(self._first_message.avro_schema.schema) self._column_names = tuple( (field["name"] for field in self._avro_schema_json["fields"]) ) self._first_message = None def _parse_fastavro(self): """Convert parsed Avro schema to fastavro format.""" self._parse_avro_schema() self._fastavro_schema = fastavro.parse_schema(self._avro_schema_json) def to_rows(self, message): """Parse all rows in a stream message. Args: message ( \ \ ): A message containing Avro bytes to parse into rows. Returns: Iterable[Mapping]: A sequence of rows, represented as dictionaries. """ self._parse_fastavro() messageio = io.BytesIO(message.avro_rows.serialized_binary_rows) while True: # Loop in a while loop because schemaless_reader can only read # a single record. try: # TODO: Parse DATETIME into datetime.datetime (no timezone), # instead of as a string. yield fastavro.schemaless_reader(messageio, self._fastavro_schema) except StopIteration: break # Finished with message class _ArrowStreamParser(_StreamParser): def __init__(self, message): """Construct an _ArrowStreamParser. Args: message (Union[, \, \ ]): Either the first message of data from a read rows stream or a read session. Both types contain a oneof "schema" field, which can be used to determine how to deserialize rows. """ if pyarrow is None: raise ImportError(_PYARROW_REQUIRED) self._first_message = message self._schema = None def to_arrow(self, message): return self._parse_arrow_message(message) def to_rows(self, message): record_batch = self._parse_arrow_message(message) # Iterate through each column simultaneously, and make a dict from the # row values for row in zip(*record_batch.columns): yield dict(zip(self._column_names, row)) def to_dataframe(self, message, dtypes=None): record_batch = self._parse_arrow_message(message) if dtypes is None: dtypes = {} df = record_batch.to_pandas() for column in dtypes: df[column] = pandas.Series(df[column], dtype=dtypes[column]) return df def _parse_arrow_message(self, message): self._parse_arrow_schema() return pyarrow.ipc.read_record_batch( pyarrow.py_buffer(message.arrow_record_batch.serialized_record_batch), self._schema, ) def _parse_arrow_schema(self): if self._schema: return self._schema = pyarrow.ipc.read_schema( pyarrow.py_buffer(self._first_message.arrow_schema.serialized_schema) ) self._column_names = [ for field in self._schema] self._first_message = None
from capstone import * from .architecture import Architecture from avatar2.installer.config import GDB_X86, OPENOCD class X86(Architecture): get_gdb_executable = Architecture.resolve(GDB_X86) get_oocd_executable = Architecture.resolve(OPENOCD) qemu_name = 'i386' gdb_name = 'i386' registers = {'eax': 0, 'ecx': 1, 'edx': 2, 'ebx': 3, 'esp': 4, 'ebp': 5, 'esi': 6, 'edi': 7, 'eip': 8, 'pc': 8, 'eflags': 9, 'cs': 10, 'ss': 11, 'ds': 12, 'es': 13, 'fs': 14, 'gs': 15, } special_registers = { #SSE 'xmm0': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm0.v4_int32', }, 'xmm1': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm1.v4_int32', }, 'xmm2': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm2.v4_int32', }, 'xmm3': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm3.v4_int32', }, 'xmm4': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm4.v4_int32', }, 'xmm5': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm5.v4_int32', }, 'xmm6': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm6.v4_int32', }, 'xmm7': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm7.v4_int32', }, 'xmm8': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm8.v4_int32', }, 'xmm9': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm9.v4_int32', }, 'xmm10': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm10.v4_int32', }, 'xmm11': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm11.v4_int32', }, 'xmm12': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm12.v4_int32', }, 'xmm13': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm13.v4_int32', }, 'xmm14': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm14.v4_int32', }, 'xmm15': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$xmm15.v4_int32', }, #AVX 'ymm0': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm0.v8_int32', }, 'ymm1': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm1.v8_int32', }, 'ymm2': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm2.v8_int32', }, 'ymm3': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm3.v8_int32', }, 'ymm4': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm4.v8_int32', }, 'ymm5': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm5.v8_int32', }, 'ymm6': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm6.v8_int32', }, 'ymm7': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm7.v8_int32', }, 'ymm8': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm8.v8_int32', }, 'ymm9': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm9.v8_int32', }, 'ymm10': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm10.v8_int32', }, 'ymm11': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm11.v8_int32', }, 'ymm12': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm12.v8_int32', }, 'ymm13': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm13.v8_int32', }, 'ymm14': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm14.v8_int32', }, 'ymm15': {'format': '{{{:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d}}}', 'gdb_expression': '$ymm15.v8_int32', }, } sr_name = 'eflags' unemulated_instructions = [] capstone_arch = CS_ARCH_X86 capstone_mode = CS_MODE_32 word_size = 32 class X86_64(X86): qemu_name = 'x86_64' gdb_name = 'i386:x86-64' registers = {'rax': 0, 'rbx': 1, 'rcx': 2, 'rdx': 3, 'rsi': 4, 'rdi': 5, 'rbp': 6, 'rsp': 7, 'r8': 8, 'r9': 9, 'r10': 10, 'r11': 11, 'r12': 12, 'r13': 13, 'r14': 14, 'r15': 15, 'rip': 16, 'pc': 16, 'eflags': 17, 'cs': 18, 'ss': 19, 'ds': 20, 'es': 21, 'fs': 22, 'gs': 23, } capstone_mode = CS_MODE_64 unemulated_instructions = [] capstone_mode = CS_MODE_64 word_size = 64
# Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Research and Development Ireland Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import instantiation_validation_benchmark as base from experimental_framework import common NUM_OF_NEIGHBORS = 'num_of_neighbours' AMOUNT_OF_RAM = 'amount_of_ram' NUMBER_OF_CORES = 'number_of_cores' NETWORK_NAME = 'network' SUBNET_NAME = 'subnet' class InstantiationValidationNoisyNeighborsBenchmark( base.InstantiationValidationBenchmark): def __init__(self, name, params): base.InstantiationValidationBenchmark.__init__(self, name, params) if common.RELEASE == 'liberty': temp_name = 'stress_workload_liberty.yaml' else: temp_name = 'stress_workload.yaml' self.template_file = common.get_template_dir() + \ temp_name self.stack_name = 'neighbour' self.neighbor_stack_names = list() def get_features(self): features = super(InstantiationValidationNoisyNeighborsBenchmark, self).get_features() features['description'] = 'Instantiation Validation Benchmark ' \ 'with noisy neghbors' features['parameters'].append(NUM_OF_NEIGHBORS) features['parameters'].append(AMOUNT_OF_RAM) features['parameters'].append(NUMBER_OF_CORES) features['parameters'].append(NETWORK_NAME) features['parameters'].append(SUBNET_NAME) features['allowed_values'][NUM_OF_NEIGHBORS] = \ ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'] features['allowed_values'][NUMBER_OF_CORES] = \ ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'] features['allowed_values'][AMOUNT_OF_RAM] = \ ['256M', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', '6G', '7G', '8G', '9G', '10G'] features['default_values'][NUM_OF_NEIGHBORS] = '1' features['default_values'][NUMBER_OF_CORES] = '1' features['default_values'][AMOUNT_OF_RAM] = '256M' features['default_values'][NETWORK_NAME] = '' features['default_values'][SUBNET_NAME] = '' return features def init(self): super(InstantiationValidationNoisyNeighborsBenchmark, self).init() common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local out_file = ""', 'local out_file = "' + self.results_file + '"') heat_param = dict() heat_param['network'] = self.params[NETWORK_NAME] heat_param['subnet'] = self.params[SUBNET_NAME] heat_param['cores'] = self.params['number_of_cores'] heat_param['memory'] = self.params['amount_of_ram'] for i in range(0, int(self.params['num_of_neighbours'])): stack_name = self.stack_name + str(i) common.DEPLOYMENT_UNIT.deploy_heat_template(self.template_file, stack_name, heat_param) self.neighbor_stack_names.append(stack_name) def finalize(self): common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local out_file = "' + self.results_file + '"', 'local out_file = ""') # destroy neighbor stacks for stack_name in self.neighbor_stack_names: common.DEPLOYMENT_UNIT.destroy_heat_template(stack_name) self.neighbor_stack_names = list()
## Copyright 2022 Google LLC ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. """Sends a text mesage to the user with a suggestion action to dial a phone number. Read more: This code is based on the Python Business Messages client library. """ import uuid from businessmessages import businessmessages_v1_client as bm_client from businessmessages.businessmessages_v1_messages import BusinessmessagesConversationsMessagesCreateRequest from businessmessages.businessmessages_v1_messages import BusinessMessagesDialAction from businessmessages.businessmessages_v1_messages import BusinessMessagesMessage from businessmessages.businessmessages_v1_messages import BusinessMessagesRepresentative from businessmessages.businessmessages_v1_messages import BusinessMessagesSuggestedAction from businessmessages.businessmessages_v1_messages import BusinessMessagesSuggestion from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials # Edit the values below: path_to_service_account_key = './service_account_key.json' conversation_id = 'EDIT_HERE' credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( path_to_service_account_key, scopes=['']) client = bm_client.BusinessmessagesV1(credentials=credentials) representative_type_as_string = 'BOT' if representative_type_as_string == 'BOT': representative_type = BusinessMessagesRepresentative.RepresentativeTypeValueValuesEnum.BOT else: representative_type = BusinessMessagesRepresentative.RepresentativeTypeValueValuesEnum.HUMAN # Create a text message with a dial action and fallback text message = BusinessMessagesMessage( messageId=str(uuid.uuid4().int), representative=BusinessMessagesRepresentative( representativeType=representative_type ), text='Contact support for help with this issue.', fallback='Give us a call at +12223334444.', suggestions=[ BusinessMessagesSuggestion( action=BusinessMessagesSuggestedAction( text='Call support', postbackData='call-support', dialAction=BusinessMessagesDialAction( phoneNumber='+12223334444')) ), ]) # Create the message request create_request = BusinessmessagesConversationsMessagesCreateRequest( businessMessagesMessage=message, parent='conversations/' + conversation_id) # Send the message bm_client.BusinessmessagesV1.ConversationsMessagesService( client=client).Create(request=create_request)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2014 BigML # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from world import world from bigml.api import HTTP_OK def i_get_the_project(step, resource): resource = world.api.get_project(resource) world.status = resource['code'] assert world.status == HTTP_OK world.project = resource['object']
# automate/server/user/ ################# #### imports #### ################# #from flask import render_template, Blueprint, url_for, \ # redirect, flash, request #from flask_login import login_user, logout_user, login_required #from automate.server import bcrypt, db #from automate.server import db #from automate.server.models import User #from automate.server.user.forms import LoginForm, RegisterForm ################ #### config #### ################ #user_blueprint = Blueprint('user', __name__,) ################ #### routes #### ################ #@user_blueprint.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) #def register(): # form = RegisterForm(request.form) # if form.validate_on_submit(): # user = User( #, # # ) # db.session.add(user) # db.session.commit() # # login_user(user) # # flash('Thank you for registering.', 'success') # return redirect(url_for("user.members")) # # return render_template('user/register.html', form=form) # # #@user_blueprint.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) #def login(): # form = LoginForm(request.form) # if form.validate_on_submit(): # user = User.query.filter_by( # if user: # #if user and bcrypt.check_password_hash( # # user.password, request.form['password']): # # login_user(user) # flash('You are logged in. Welcome!', 'success') # return redirect(url_for('user.members')) # else: # flash('Invalid email and/or password.', 'danger') # return render_template('user/login.html', form=form) # return render_template('user/login.html', title='Please Login', form=form) # # #@user_blueprint.route('/logout') #@login_required #def logout(): # logout_user() # flash('You were logged out. Bye!', 'success') # return redirect(url_for('main.home')) # # #@user_blueprint.route('/members') #@login_required #def members(): # return render_template('user/members.html') #
# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import uuidutils from sqlalchemy.orm import exc from sqlalchemy.sql import expression as expr from neutron.db import models_v2 from neutron.extensions import l3 from neutron_lib import constants as l3_constants from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc from networking_cisco._i18n import _, _LW from networking_cisco import backwards_compatibility as bc from import cisco_constants from import ha_db from import l3_models from import ( L3RouterApplianceDBMixin) from import routerhostingdevice from import routerrole from import routertype from import routertypeawarescheduler from import drivers LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW = cisco_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR = routerhostingdevice.HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL = cisco_constants.ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL ROUTER_ROLE_LOGICAL_GLOBAL = cisco_constants.ROUTER_ROLE_LOGICAL_GLOBAL ROUTER_ROLE_HA_REDUNDANCY = cisco_constants.ROUTER_ROLE_HA_REDUNDANCY TENANT_HSRP_GRP_RANGE = 1 TENANT_HSRP_GRP_OFFSET = 1064 EXT_HSRP_GRP_RANGE = 1 EXT_HSRP_GRP_OFFSET = 1064 N_ROUTER_PREFIX = 'nrouter-' DEV_NAME_LEN = 14 class TopologyNotSupportedByRouterError(n_exc.Conflict): message = _("Requested topology cannot be supported by router.") class ASR1kL3RouterDriver(drivers.L3RouterBaseDriver): def create_router_precommit(self, context, router_context): pass def create_router_postcommit(self, context, router_context): pass def update_router_precommit(self, context, router_context): pass def update_router_postcommit(self, context, router_context): # Whenever a gateway is added to, or removed from, a router hosted on # a hosting device, we must ensure that a global router is running # (for add operation) or not running (for remove operation) on that # hosting device. current = router_context.current if current[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR] is None: return e_context = context.elevated() if current['gw_port_id']: self._conditionally_add_global_router(e_context, current) else: self._conditionally_remove_global_router( e_context, router_context.original, True) def delete_router_precommit(self, context, router_context): pass def delete_router_postcommit(self, context, router_context): pass def schedule_router_precommit(self, context, router_context): pass def schedule_router_postcommit(self, context, router_context): # When the hosting device hosts a Neutron router with external # connectivity, a "global" router (modeled as a Neutron router) must # also run on the hosting device (outside of any VRF) to enable the # connectivity. current = router_context.current if current['gw_port_id'] and current[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR] is not None: self._conditionally_add_global_router(context.elevated(), current) def unschedule_router_precommit(self, context, router_context): pass def unschedule_router_postcommit(self, context, router_context): # When there is no longer any router with external gateway hosted on # a hosting device, the global router on that hosting device can also # be removed. current = router_context.current hd_id = current[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR] if current['gw_port_id'] and hd_id is not None: self._conditionally_remove_global_router(context.elevated(), current) def add_router_interface_precommit(self, context, r_port_context): # Inside an ASR1k, VLAN sub-interfaces are used to connect to internal # neutron networks. Only one such sub-interface can be created for each # VLAN. As the VLAN sub-interface is added to the VRF representing the # Neutron router, we must only allow one Neutron router to attach to a # particular Neutron subnet/network. if (r_port_context.router_context.current[routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR] == ROUTER_ROLE_HA_REDUNDANCY): # redundancy routers can be exempt as we check the user visible # routers and the request will be rejected there. return e_context = context.elevated() if r_port_context.current is None: sn = self._core_plugin.get_subnet(e_context, r_port_context.current_subnet_id) net_id = sn['network_id'] else: net_id = r_port_context.current['network_id'] filters = {'network_id': [net_id], 'device_owner': [bc.constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF]} for port in self._core_plugin.get_ports(e_context, filters=filters): router_id = port['device_id'] if router_id is None: continue router = self._l3_plugin.get_router(e_context, router_id) if router[routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR] is None: raise TopologyNotSupportedByRouterError() def add_router_interface_postcommit(self, context, r_port_context): pass def remove_router_interface_precommit(self, context, r_port_context): pass def remove_router_interface_postcommit(self, context, r_port_context): pass def create_floatingip_precommit(self, context, fip_context): pass def create_floatingip_postcommit(self, context, fip_context): pass def update_floatingip_precommit(self, context, fip_context): pass def update_floatingip_postcommit(self, context, fip_context): pass def delete_floatingip_precommit(self, context, fip_context): pass def delete_floatingip_postcommit(self, context, fip_context): pass def ha_interface_ip_address_needed(self, context, router, port, ha_settings_db, ha_group_uuid): if port['device_owner'] == bc.constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW: return False else: return True def generate_ha_group_id(self, context, router, port, ha_settings_db, ha_group_uuid): if port['device_owner'] in {bc.constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW, DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW}: ri_name = self._router_name(router['id'])[8:DEV_NAME_LEN] group_id = int(ri_name, 16) % TENANT_HSRP_GRP_RANGE group_id += TENANT_HSRP_GRP_OFFSET return group_id else: net_id_digits = port['network_id'][:6] group_id = int(net_id_digits, 16) % EXT_HSRP_GRP_RANGE group_id += EXT_HSRP_GRP_OFFSET return group_id def pre_backlog_processing(self, context): filters = {routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR: [ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL]} global_routers = self._l3_plugin.get_routers(context, filters=filters) if not global_routers: LOG.debug("There are no global routers") return for gr in global_routers: filters = { HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR: [gr[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR]], routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR: [ROUTER_ROLE_HA_REDUNDANCY, None] } invert_filters = {'gw_port_id': [None]} num_rtrs = self._l3_plugin.get_routers_count_extended( context, filters=filters, invert_filters=invert_filters) LOG.debug("Global router %(name)s[%(id)s] with hosting_device " "%(hd)s has %(num)d routers with gw_port set on that " "device", {'name': gr['name'], 'id': gr['id'], 'hd': gr[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR], 'num': num_rtrs, }) if num_rtrs == 0: LOG.warning( _LW("Global router:%(name)s[id:%(id)s] is present for " "hosting device:%(hd)s but there are no tenant or " "redundancy routers with gateway set on that hosting " "device. Proceeding to delete global router."), {'name': gr['name'], 'id': gr['id'], 'hd': gr[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR]}) self._delete_global_router(context, gr['id']) filters = { #TODO(bmelande): Filter on routertype of global router #routertype.TYPE_ATTR: [routertype_id], routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR: [ROUTER_ROLE_LOGICAL_GLOBAL]} log_global_routers = self._l3_plugin.get_routers( context, filters=filters) if log_global_routers: log_global_router_id = log_global_routers[0]['id'] self._delete_global_router(context, log_global_router_id, logical=True) def post_backlog_processing(self, context): pass # ---------------- Create workflow functions ----------------- def _conditionally_add_global_router(self, context, tenant_router): # We could filter on hosting device id but we don't so we get all # global routers for this router type. We can then use that count to # determine which ha priority a new global router should get. filters = { routertype.TYPE_ATTR: [tenant_router[routertype.TYPE_ATTR]], routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR: [ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL]} global_routers = self._l3_plugin.get_routers( context, filters=filters) hd_to_gr_dict = {r[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR]: r for r in global_routers} hosting_device_id = tenant_router[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR] ext_nw_id = tenant_router[l3.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO]['network_id'] global_router = hd_to_gr_dict.get(hosting_device_id) logical_global_router = self._get_logical_global_router(context, tenant_router) self._conditionally_add_auxiliary_external_gateway_port( context, logical_global_router, ext_nw_id, tenant_router, True) if global_router is None: # must create global router on hosting device global_router = self._create_global_router( context, hosting_device_id, hd_to_gr_dict, tenant_router, logical_global_router) self._conditionally_add_auxiliary_external_gateway_port( context, global_router, ext_nw_id, tenant_router) self._l3_plugin.add_type_and_hosting_device_info(context, global_router) for ni in self._l3_plugin.get_notifiers(context, [global_router]): if ni['notifier']: ni['notifier'].routers_updated(context, ni['routers']) def _conditionally_add_auxiliary_external_gateway_port( self, context, global_router, ext_net_id, tenant_router, provision_ha=False, port_type=DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW): # tbe global router may or may not have an interface on the # external network that the tenant router uses filters = { 'device_id': [global_router['id']], 'device_owner': [port_type]} connected_nets = { p['network_id']: p['fixed_ips'] for p in self._core_plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filters)} if ext_net_id in connected_nets: # already connected to the external network so we're done return else: # not connected to the external network, so let's fix that aux_gw_port = self._create_auxiliary_external_gateway_port( context, global_router, ext_net_id, tenant_router, port_type) if provision_ha: self._provision_port_ha(context, aux_gw_port, global_router) def _create_auxiliary_external_gateway_port( self, context, global_router, ext_net_id, tenant_router, port_type=DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW): # When a global router is connected to an external network then a # special type of gateway port is created on that network. Such a # port is called auxiliary gateway ports. It has an ip address on # each subnet of the external network. A (logical) global router # never has a traditional Neutron gateway port. filters = { 'device_id': [tenant_router['id']], 'device_owner': [l3_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW]} # fetch the gateway port of the *tenant* router so we can determine # the CIDR of that port's subnet gw_port = self._core_plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filters)[0] fixed_ips = self._get_fixed_ips_subnets(context, gw_port) global_router_id = global_router['id'] with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): aux_gw_port = self._core_plugin.create_port(context, { 'port': { 'tenant_id': '', # intentionally not set 'network_id': ext_net_id, 'mac_address': bc.constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED, 'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'device_id': global_router_id, 'device_owner': port_type, 'admin_state_up': True, 'name': ''}}) router_port = bc.RouterPort( port_id=aux_gw_port['id'], router_id=global_router_id, port_type=port_type) context.session.add(router_port) return aux_gw_port def _create_global_router( self, context, hosting_device_id, hd_to_gr_dict, tenant_router, logical_global_router): r_spec = {'router': { # global routers are not tied to any tenant 'tenant_id': '', 'name': self._global_router_name(hosting_device_id), 'admin_state_up': True}} global_router, r_hd_b_db = self._l3_plugin.do_create_router( context, r_spec, tenant_router[routertype.TYPE_ATTR], False, True, hosting_device_id, ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL) # make the global router a redundancy router for the logical # global router (which we treat as a hidden "user visible # router" (how's that for a contradiction of terms! :-) ) with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): ha_priority = ( ha_db.DEFAULT_MASTER_PRIORITY - len(hd_to_gr_dict) * ha_db.PRIORITY_INCREASE_STEP) r_b_b = ha_db.RouterRedundancyBinding( redundancy_router_id=global_router['id'], priority=ha_priority, user_router_id=logical_global_router['id']) context.session.add(r_b_b) return global_router def _get_logical_global_router(self, context, tenant_router): # Since HA is also enabled on the global routers on each hosting device # those global routers need HA settings and VIPs. We represent that # using a Neutron router that is never instantiated/hosted. That # Neutron router is referred to as the "logical global" router. filters = {routertype.TYPE_ATTR: [tenant_router[routertype.TYPE_ATTR]], routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR: [ROUTER_ROLE_LOGICAL_GLOBAL]} logical_global_routers = self._l3_plugin.get_routers( context, filters=filters) if not logical_global_routers: # must create logical global router logical_global_router = self._create_logical_global_router( context, tenant_router) else: logical_global_router = logical_global_routers[0] self._update_ha_redundancy_level(context, logical_global_router, 1) return logical_global_router def _create_logical_global_router(self, context, tenant_router): r_spec = {'router': { # global routers are not tied to any tenant 'tenant_id': '', 'name': self._global_router_name('', logical=True), 'admin_state_up': True, # set auto-schedule to false to keep this router un-hosted routertypeawarescheduler.AUTO_SCHEDULE_ATTR: False}} # notifications should never be sent for this logical router! logical_global_router, r_hd_b_db = ( self._l3_plugin.do_create_router( context, r_spec, tenant_router[routertype.TYPE_ATTR], False, True, None, ROUTER_ROLE_LOGICAL_GLOBAL)) with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): r_ha_s_db = ha_db.RouterHASetting( router_id=logical_global_router['id'], ha_type=cfg.CONF.ha.default_ha_mechanism, redundancy_level=1, priority=ha_db.DEFAULT_MASTER_PRIORITY, probe_connectivity=False, probe_target=None, probe_interval=None) context.session.add(r_ha_s_db) return logical_global_router def _get_fixed_ips_subnets(self, context, gw_port): nw = self._core_plugin.get_network(context, gw_port['network_id']) subnets = [{'subnet_id': s} for s in nw['subnets']] return subnets def _provision_port_ha(self, context, ha_port, router, ha_binding_db=None): ha_group_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() router_id = router['id'] with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): if ha_binding_db is None: ha_binding_db = self._get_ha_binding(context, router_id) group_id = self.generate_ha_group_id( context, router, {'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW}, ha_binding_db, ha_group_uuid) r_ha_g = ha_db.RouterHAGroup( id=ha_group_uuid, tenant_id='', ha_type=ha_binding_db.ha_type, group_identity=group_id, ha_port_id=ha_port['id'], extra_port_id=None, subnet_id=ha_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'], user_router_id=router_id, timers_config='', tracking_config='', other_config='') context.session.add(r_ha_g) def _get_ha_binding(self, context, router_id): with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): query = context.session.query(ha_db.RouterHASetting) query = query.filter( ha_db.RouterHASetting.router_id == router_id) return query.first() # ---------------- Remove workflow functions ----------------- def _conditionally_remove_global_router(self, context, tenant_router, update_operation=False): filters = {routertype.TYPE_ATTR: [tenant_router[routertype.TYPE_ATTR]], routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR: [ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL], HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR: [tenant_router[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR]]} global_routers = self._l3_plugin.get_routers(context, filters=filters) hd_to_gr_dict = {r[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR]: r for r in global_routers} if global_routers: global_router_id = global_routers[0]['id'] if not tenant_router or not tenant_router[l3.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO]: # let l3 plugin's periodic backlog processing take care of the # clean up of the global router return ext_net_id = tenant_router[l3.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO]['network_id'] routertype_id = tenant_router[routertype.TYPE_ATTR] hd_id = tenant_router[HOSTING_DEVICE_ATTR] global_router = hd_to_gr_dict.get(hd_id) port_deleted = self._conditionally_remove_auxiliary_gateway_port( context, global_router_id, ext_net_id, routertype_id, hd_id, update_operation) if port_deleted is False: # since no auxiliary gateway port was deleted we can # abort no since auxiliary gateway port count cannot # have reached zero return filters = { 'device_id': [global_router_id], 'device_owner': [DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW]} num_aux_gw_ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports_count( context, filters=filters) if num_aux_gw_ports == 0: # global router not needed any more so we delete it self._delete_global_router(context, global_router_id) do_notify = False else: do_notify = True # process logical global router to remove its port self._conditionally_remove_auxiliary_gateway_vip_port( context, ext_net_id, routertype_id) self._l3_plugin.add_type_and_hosting_device_info(context, global_router) if do_notify is True: for ni in self._l3_plugin.get_notifiers(context, [global_router]): if ni['notifier']: ni['notifier'].routers_updated(context, ni['routers']) def _conditionally_remove_auxiliary_gateway_port( self, context, router_id, ext_net_id, routertype_id, hosting_device_id, update_operation=False): num_rtrs = self._get_gateway_routers_count( context, ext_net_id, routertype_id, None, hosting_device_id) if ((num_rtrs <= 1 and update_operation is False) or (num_rtrs == 0 and update_operation is True)): # there are no tenant routers *on ext_net_id* that are serviced by # this global router so it's aux gw port can be deleted self._delete_auxiliary_gateway_ports(context, router_id, ext_net_id) return True return False def _conditionally_remove_auxiliary_gateway_vip_port( self, context, ext_net_id, routertype_id): filters = {routertype.TYPE_ATTR: [routertype_id], routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR: [ROUTER_ROLE_LOGICAL_GLOBAL]} log_global_routers = self._l3_plugin.get_routers(context, filters=filters) if not log_global_routers: return self._update_ha_redundancy_level(context, log_global_routers[0], -1) log_global_router_id = log_global_routers[0]['id'] num_global_rtrs = self._get_gateway_routers_count( context, ext_net_id, routertype_id, ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL) if num_global_rtrs == 0: # there are no global routers *on ext_net_id* that are serviced by # this logical global router so it's aux gw VIP port can be deleted self._delete_auxiliary_gateway_ports(context, log_global_router_id, ext_net_id) filters[routerrole.ROUTER_ROLE_ATTR] = [ROUTER_ROLE_GLOBAL] total_num_global_rtrs = self._l3_plugin.get_routers_count( context, filters=filters) if total_num_global_rtrs == 0: # there are no global routers left that are serviced by this # logical global router so it can be deleted self._delete_global_router(context, log_global_router_id, True) return False def _delete_auxiliary_gateway_ports( self, context, router_id, net_id=None, port_type=DEVICE_OWNER_GLOBAL_ROUTER_GW): filters = { 'device_id': [router_id], 'device_owner': [port_type]} if net_id is not None: filters['network_id'] = [net_id] for port in self._core_plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filters): try: self._core_plugin.delete_port(context, port['id'], l3_port_check=False) except (exc.ObjectDeletedError, n_exc.PortNotFound) as e: LOG.warning(e) def _delete_global_router(self, context, global_router_id, logical=False): # ensure we clean up any stale auxiliary gateway ports self._delete_auxiliary_gateway_ports(context, global_router_id) try: if logical is True: # We use parent class method as no special operations beyond # what the base implemenation does are needed for logical # global router super(L3RouterApplianceDBMixin, self._l3_plugin).delete_router( context, global_router_id) else: self._l3_plugin.delete_router( context, global_router_id, unschedule=False) except (exc.ObjectDeletedError, l3.RouterNotFound) as e: LOG.warning(e) def _get_gateway_routers_count(self, context, ext_net_id, routertype_id, router_role, hosting_device_id=None): # Determine number of routers (with routertype_id and router_role) # that act as gateway to ext_net_id and that are hosted on # hosting_device_id (if specified). query = context.session.query(bc.Router) if router_role in [None, ROUTER_ROLE_HA_REDUNDANCY]: # tenant router roles query = query.join(models_v2.Port, == bc.Router.gw_port_id) role_filter = expr.or_( l3_models.RouterHostingDeviceBinding.role == expr.null(), l3_models.RouterHostingDeviceBinding.role == ROUTER_ROLE_HA_REDUNDANCY) else: # global and logical global routers query = query.join(models_v2.Port, models_v2.Port.device_owner == role_filter = ( l3_models.RouterHostingDeviceBinding.role == router_role) query = query.join( l3_models.RouterHostingDeviceBinding, l3_models.RouterHostingDeviceBinding.router_id == query = query.filter( role_filter, models_v2.Port.network_id == ext_net_id, l3_models.RouterHostingDeviceBinding.router_type_id == routertype_id) if hosting_device_id is not None: query = query.filter( l3_models.RouterHostingDeviceBinding.hosting_device_id == hosting_device_id) return query.count() # ---------------- General support functions ----------------- def _update_ha_redundancy_level(self, context, logical_global_router, delta): with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): log_g_router_db = self._l3_plugin._get_router( context, logical_global_router['id']) log_g_router_db.ha_settings.redundancy_level += delta context.session.add(log_g_router_db.ha_settings) def _router_name(self, router_id): return N_ROUTER_PREFIX + router_id def _global_router_name(self, hosting_device_id, logical=False): if logical is True: return cisco_constants.LOGICAL_ROUTER_ROLE_NAME else: return '%s-%s' % (cisco_constants.ROUTER_ROLE_NAME_PREFIX, hosting_device_id[-cisco_constants.ROLE_ID_LEN:]) @property def _core_plugin(self): return bc.get_plugin() @property def _l3_plugin(self): return bc.get_plugin(bc.constants.L3)
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import unittest from unittest import mock import pytest from import enums from import ProductSearchClient from import ( AnnotateImageResponse, EntityAnnotation, SafeSearchAnnotation, ) from import Product, ProductSet, ReferenceImage from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict from parameterized import parameterized from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException from import ERR_DIFF_NAMES, ERR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE, CloudVisionHook from import mock_base_gcp_hook_default_project_id PROJECT_ID_TEST = 'project-id' PROJECT_ID_TEST_2 = 'project-id-2' LOC_ID_TEST = 'loc-id' LOC_ID_TEST_2 = 'loc-id-2' PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST = 'ps-id' PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST_2 = 'ps-id-2' PRODUCTSET_NAME_TEST = f'projects/{PROJECT_ID_TEST}/locations/{LOC_ID_TEST}/productSets/{PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST}' PRODUCT_ID_TEST = 'p-id' PRODUCT_ID_TEST_2 = 'p-id-2' PRODUCT_NAME_TEST = f"projects/{PROJECT_ID_TEST}/locations/{LOC_ID_TEST}/products/{PRODUCT_ID_TEST}" PRODUCT_NAME = f"projects/{PROJECT_ID_TEST}/locations/{LOC_ID_TEST}/products/{PRODUCT_ID_TEST}" REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST = 'ri-id' REFERENCE_IMAGE_GEN_ID_TEST = 'ri-id' ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST = { 'image': {'source': {'image_uri': "gs://bucket-name/object-name"}}, 'features': [{'type': enums.Feature.Type.LOGO_DETECTION}], } BATCH_ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST = [ { 'image': {'source': {'image_uri': "gs://bucket-name/object-name"}}, 'features': [{'type': enums.Feature.Type.LOGO_DETECTION}], }, { 'image': {'source': {'image_uri': "gs://bucket-name/object-name"}}, 'features': [{'type': enums.Feature.Type.LOGO_DETECTION}], }, ] REFERENCE_IMAGE_NAME_TEST = ( f"projects/{PROJECT_ID_TEST}/locations/{LOC_ID_TEST}/products/" f"{PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST}/referenceImages/{REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST}" ) REFERENCE_IMAGE_TEST = ReferenceImage(name=REFERENCE_IMAGE_GEN_ID_TEST) REFERENCE_IMAGE_WITHOUT_ID_NAME = ReferenceImage() DETECT_TEST_IMAGE = {"source": {"image_uri": ""}} DETECT_TEST_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES = {"test-property-1": "test-value-1", "test-property-2": "test-value-2"} class TestGcpVisionHook(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): with mock.patch( '', new=mock_base_gcp_hook_default_project_id, ): self.hook = CloudVisionHook(gcp_conn_id='test') @mock.patch( "", new_callable=mock.PropertyMock, ) @mock.patch("") @mock.patch("") def test_product_search_client_creation(self, mock_client, mock_get_creds, mock_client_info): result = self.hook.get_conn() mock_client.assert_called_once_with( credentials=mock_get_creds.return_value, client_info=mock_client_info.return_value ) assert mock_client.return_value == result assert self.hook._client == result @mock.patch('') def test_create_productset_explicit_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product_set create_product_set_method.return_value = None parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product_set = ProductSet() # When result = self.hook.create_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_set=product_set, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then # ProductSet ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST create_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product_set=product_set, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) @mock.patch('') def test_create_productset_autogenerated_id(self, get_conn): # Given autogenerated_id = 'autogen-id' response_product_set = ProductSet( name=ProductSearchClient.product_set_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, autogenerated_id) ) create_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product_set create_product_set_method.return_value = response_product_set parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product_set = ProductSet() # When result = self.hook.create_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=None, product_set=product_set, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # ProductSet ID was not provided in the method call above. Should be extracted from the API response # and returned. assert result == autogenerated_id create_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product_set=product_set, product_set_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) @mock.patch('') def test_create_productset_autogenerated_id_wrong_api_response(self, get_conn): # Given response_product_set = None create_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product_set create_product_set_method.return_value = response_product_set parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product_set = ProductSet() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.create_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=None, product_set=product_set, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then # API response was wrong (None) and thus ProductSet ID extraction should fail. err = ctx.value assert 'Unable to get name from response...' in str(err) create_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product_set=product_set, product_set_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) @mock.patch('') def test_get_productset(self, get_conn): # Given name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST) response_product_set = ProductSet(name=name) get_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.get_product_set get_product_set_method.return_value = response_product_set # When response = self.hook.get_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then assert response assert response == MessageToDict(response_product_set) get_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with(name=name, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None) @mock.patch('') def test_update_productset_no_explicit_name(self, get_conn): # Given product_set = ProductSet() update_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product_set update_product_set_method.return_value = product_set productset_name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST ) # When result = self.hook.update_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_set=product_set, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then assert result == MessageToDict(product_set) update_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( product_set=ProductSet(name=productset_name), metadata=None, retry=None, timeout=None, update_mask=None, ) @parameterized.expand([(None, None), (None, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST), (LOC_ID_TEST, None)]) @mock.patch('') def test_update_productset_no_explicit_name_and_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_set_id, get_conn ): # Given update_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product_set update_product_set_method.return_value = None product_set = ProductSet() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.update_product_set( location=location, product_set_id=product_set_id, product_set=product_set, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) err = ctx.value assert err assert ERR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE.format(label='ProductSet', id_label='productset_id') in str(err) update_product_set_method.assert_not_called() @parameterized.expand([(None, None), (None, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST), (LOC_ID_TEST, None)]) @mock.patch('') def test_update_productset_explicit_name_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_set_id, get_conn ): # Given explicit_ps_name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST_2, LOC_ID_TEST_2, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST_2 ) product_set = ProductSet(name=explicit_ps_name) update_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product_set update_product_set_method.return_value = product_set # When result = self.hook.update_product_set( location=location, product_set_id=product_set_id, product_set=product_set, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then assert result == MessageToDict(product_set) update_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( product_set=ProductSet(name=explicit_ps_name), metadata=None, retry=None, timeout=None, update_mask=None, ) @mock.patch('') def test_update_productset_explicit_name_different_from_constructed(self, get_conn): # Given update_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product_set update_product_set_method.return_value = None explicit_ps_name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST_2, LOC_ID_TEST_2, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST_2 ) product_set = ProductSet(name=explicit_ps_name) template_ps_name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST ) # When # Location and product_set_id are passed in addition to a ProductSet with an explicit name, # but both names differ (constructed != explicit). # Should throw AirflowException in this case. with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.update_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_set=product_set, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) err = ctx.value # self.assertIn("The required parameter 'project_id' is missing", str(err)) assert err assert ( ERR_DIFF_NAMES.format( explicit_name=explicit_ps_name, constructed_name=template_ps_name, label="ProductSet", id_label="productset_id", ) in str(err) ) update_product_set_method.assert_not_called() @mock.patch('') def test_delete_productset(self, get_conn): # Given delete_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.delete_product_set delete_product_set_method.return_value = None name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST) # When response = self.hook.delete_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then assert response is None delete_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with(name=name, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None) @mock.patch( '', **{'return_value.create_reference_image.return_value': REFERENCE_IMAGE_TEST}, ) def test_create_reference_image_explicit_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_reference_image_method = get_conn.return_value.create_reference_image # When result = self.hook.create_reference_image( project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_WITHOUT_ID_NAME, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST create_reference_image_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=PRODUCT_NAME, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_WITHOUT_ID_NAME, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) @mock.patch( '', **{'return_value.create_reference_image.return_value': REFERENCE_IMAGE_TEST}, ) def test_create_reference_image_autogenerated_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_reference_image_method = get_conn.return_value.create_reference_image # When result = self.hook.create_reference_image( project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_TEST, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == REFERENCE_IMAGE_GEN_ID_TEST create_reference_image_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=PRODUCT_NAME, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_TEST, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) @mock.patch('') def test_add_product_to_product_set(self, get_conn): # Given add_product_to_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.add_product_to_product_set # When self.hook.add_product_to_product_set( product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method add_product_to_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( name=PRODUCTSET_NAME_TEST, product=PRODUCT_NAME_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None ) # remove_product_from_product_set @mock.patch('') def test_remove_product_from_product_set(self, get_conn): # Given remove_product_from_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.remove_product_from_product_set # When self.hook.remove_product_from_product_set( product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method remove_product_from_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( name=PRODUCTSET_NAME_TEST, product=PRODUCT_NAME_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None ) @mock.patch('') def test_annotate_image(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given annotate_image_method = annotator_client_mock.annotate_image # When self.hook.annotate_image(request=ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method annotate_image_method.assert_called_once_with( request=ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST, retry=None, timeout=None ) @mock.patch('') def test_batch_annotate_images(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given batch_annotate_images_method = annotator_client_mock.batch_annotate_images # When self.hook.batch_annotate_images(requests=BATCH_ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method batch_annotate_images_method.assert_called_once_with( requests=BATCH_ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST, retry=None, timeout=None ) @mock.patch('') def test_create_product_explicit_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = None parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When result = self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == PRODUCT_ID_TEST create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) @mock.patch('') def test_create_product_autogenerated_id(self, get_conn): # Given autogenerated_id = 'autogen-p-id' response_product = Product( name=ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, autogenerated_id) ) create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = response_product parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When result = self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=None, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # Product ID was not provided in the method call above. Should be extracted from the API response # and returned. assert result == autogenerated_id create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None ) @mock.patch('') def test_create_product_autogenerated_id_wrong_name_in_response(self, get_conn): # Given wrong_name = 'wrong_name_not_a_correct_path' response_product = Product(name=wrong_name) create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = response_product parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=None, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # API response was wrong (wrong name format) and thus ProductSet ID extraction should fail. err = ctx.value assert 'Unable to get id from name' in str(err) create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None ) @mock.patch('') def test_create_product_autogenerated_id_wrong_api_response(self, get_conn): # Given response_product = None create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = response_product parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=None, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # API response was wrong (None) and thus ProductSet ID extraction should fail. err = ctx.value assert 'Unable to get name from response...' in str(err) create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None ) @mock.patch('') def test_update_product_no_explicit_name(self, get_conn): # Given product = Product() update_product_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product update_product_method.return_value = product product_name = ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCT_ID_TEST) # When result = self.hook.update_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, product=product, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then assert result == MessageToDict(product) update_product_method.assert_called_once_with( product=Product(name=product_name), metadata=None, retry=None, timeout=None, update_mask=None ) @parameterized.expand([(None, None), (None, PRODUCT_ID_TEST), (LOC_ID_TEST, None)]) @mock.patch('') def test_update_product_no_explicit_name_and_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_id, get_conn ): # Given update_product_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product update_product_method.return_value = None product = Product() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.update_product( location=location, product_id=product_id, product=product, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) err = ctx.value assert err assert ERR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE.format(label='Product', id_label='product_id') in str(err) update_product_method.assert_not_called() @parameterized.expand([(None, None), (None, PRODUCT_ID_TEST), (LOC_ID_TEST, None)]) @mock.patch('') def test_update_product_explicit_name_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_id, get_conn ): # Given explicit_p_name = ProductSearchClient.product_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST_2, LOC_ID_TEST_2, PRODUCT_ID_TEST_2 ) product = Product(name=explicit_p_name) update_product_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product update_product_method.return_value = product # When result = self.hook.update_product( location=location, product_id=product_id, product=product, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then assert result == MessageToDict(product) update_product_method.assert_called_once_with( product=Product(name=explicit_p_name), metadata=None, retry=None, timeout=None, update_mask=None ) @mock.patch('') def test_update_product_explicit_name_different_from_constructed(self, get_conn): # Given update_product_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product update_product_method.return_value = None explicit_p_name = ProductSearchClient.product_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST_2, LOC_ID_TEST_2, PRODUCT_ID_TEST_2 ) product = Product(name=explicit_p_name) template_p_name = ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCT_ID_TEST) # When # Location and product_id are passed in addition to a Product with an explicit name, # but both names differ (constructed != explicit). # Should throw AirflowException in this case. with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.update_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, product=product, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) err = ctx.value assert err assert ( ERR_DIFF_NAMES.format( explicit_name=explicit_p_name, constructed_name=template_p_name, label="Product", id_label="product_id", ) in str(err) ) update_product_method.assert_not_called() @mock.patch('') def test_delete_product(self, get_conn): # Given delete_product_method = get_conn.return_value.delete_product delete_product_method.return_value = None name = ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCT_ID_TEST) # When response = self.hook.delete_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then assert response is None delete_product_method.assert_called_once_with(name=name, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None) @mock.patch("") def test_detect_text(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) # Then detect_text_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None ) @mock.patch("") def test_detect_text_with_additional_properties(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.text_detection( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, additional_properties={"prop1": "test1", "prop2": "test2"} ) # Then detect_text_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None, prop1="test1", prop2="test2" ) @mock.patch("") def test_detect_text_with_error_response(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( error={"code": 3, "message": "test error message"} ) # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) err = ctx.value assert "test error message" in str(err) @mock.patch("") def test_document_text_detection(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given document_text_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.document_text_detection document_text_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.document_text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) # Then document_text_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None ) @mock.patch("") def test_document_text_detection_with_additional_properties(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given document_text_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.document_text_detection document_text_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.document_text_detection( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, additional_properties={"prop1": "test1", "prop2": "test2"} ) # Then document_text_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None, prop1="test1", prop2="test2" ) @mock.patch("") def test_detect_document_text_with_error_response(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.document_text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( error={"code": 3, "message": "test error message"} ) # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.document_text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) err = ctx.value assert "test error message" in str(err) @mock.patch("") def test_label_detection(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given label_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.label_detection label_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( label_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.label_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) # Then label_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None ) @mock.patch("") def test_label_detection_with_additional_properties(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given label_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.label_detection label_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( label_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.label_detection( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, additional_properties={"prop1": "test1", "prop2": "test2"} ) # Then label_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None, prop1="test1", prop2="test2" ) @mock.patch("") def test_label_detection_with_error_response(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.label_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( error={"code": 3, "message": "test error message"} ) # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.label_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) err = ctx.value assert "test error message" in str(err) @mock.patch("") def test_safe_search_detection(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given safe_search_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.safe_search_detection safe_search_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( safe_search_annotation=SafeSearchAnnotation( adult="VERY_UNLIKELY", spoof="VERY_UNLIKELY", medical="VERY_UNLIKELY", violence="VERY_UNLIKELY", racy="VERY_UNLIKELY", ) ) # When self.hook.safe_search_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) # Then safe_search_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None ) @mock.patch("") def test_safe_search_detection_with_additional_properties(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given safe_search_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.safe_search_detection safe_search_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( safe_search_annotation=SafeSearchAnnotation( adult="VERY_UNLIKELY", spoof="VERY_UNLIKELY", medical="VERY_UNLIKELY", violence="VERY_UNLIKELY", racy="VERY_UNLIKELY", ) ) # When self.hook.safe_search_detection( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, additional_properties={"prop1": "test1", "prop2": "test2"} ) # Then safe_search_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None, prop1="test1", prop2="test2" ) @mock.patch("") def test_safe_search_detection_with_error_response(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.safe_search_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( error={"code": 3, "message": "test error message"} ) # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.safe_search_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) err = ctx.value assert "test error message" in str(err)
from django.db import models from django.utils.html import format_html from sorl.thumbnail import get_thumbnail from sorl.thumbnail.fields import ImageField from sno.models import Sno class SnoGalleries(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = 'Фотография в галереи СНО' verbose_name_plural = 'Фотографии в галереи СНО' name = models.CharField('Название фото', max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) photo = ImageField(verbose_name='Фото', max_length=255) description = models.TextField('Описание', blank=True, null=True) sno = models.ForeignKey(Sno, verbose_name='СНО', on_delete=models.CASCADE) date_created = models.DateField('Дата', auto_now_add=True) def photo_preview(self): img = get_thumbnail(, '75x75', crop='center') return format_html('<a href="{}" target="_blank"><img style="width:75px; height:75px;" src="{}"></a>',, img.url) photo_preview.short_description = 'Фото' def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (, self.sno.short_name)
# Copyright 2018 Flight Lab authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Library for network related helpers.""" import socket def get_ip(): """Get primary IP (the one with a default route) of local machine. This works on both Linux and Windows platforms, and doesn't require working internet connection. """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: # doesn't even have to be reachable s.connect(('', 1)) return s.getsockname()[0] except: return '' finally: s.close()
import functools import warnings from collections import Mapping, Sequence from numbers import Number import numpy as np import pandas as pd from . import ops from . import utils from . import common from . import groupby from . import indexing from . import alignment from . import formatting from .. import conventions from .alignment import align, partial_align from .coordinates import DatasetCoordinates, Indexes from .common import ImplementsDatasetReduce, BaseDataObject from .utils import (Frozen, SortedKeysDict, ChainMap, maybe_wrap_array) from .variable import as_variable, Variable, Coordinate, broadcast_variables from .pycompat import (iteritems, itervalues, basestring, OrderedDict, dask_array_type) from .combine import concat # list of attributes of pd.DatetimeIndex that are ndarrays of time info _DATETIMEINDEX_COMPONENTS = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond', 'nanosecond', 'date', 'time', 'dayofyear', 'weekofyear', 'dayofweek', 'quarter'] def _get_virtual_variable(variables, key): """Get a virtual variable (e.g., 'time.year') from a dict of xray.Variable objects (if possible) """ if not isinstance(key, basestring): raise KeyError(key) split_key = key.split('.', 1) if len(split_key) != 2: raise KeyError(key) ref_name, var_name = split_key ref_var = variables[ref_name] if ref_var.ndim == 1: date = ref_var.to_index() elif ref_var.ndim == 0: date = pd.Timestamp(ref_var.values) else: raise KeyError(key) if var_name == 'season': # TODO: move 'season' into pandas itself seasons = np.array(['DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON']) month = date.month data = seasons[(month // 3) % 4] else: data = getattr(date, var_name) return ref_name, var_name, Variable(ref_var.dims, data) def _as_dataset_variable(name, var): """Prepare a variable for adding it to a Dataset """ try: var = as_variable(var, key=name) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Dataset variables must be an array or a tuple of ' 'the form (dims, data[, attrs, encoding])') if name in var.dims: # convert the into an Index if var.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('an index variable must be defined with ' '1-dimensional data') var = var.to_coord() return var def _align_variables(variables, join='outer'): """Align all DataArrays in the provided dict, leaving other values alone. """ alignable = [k for k, v in variables.items() if hasattr(v, 'indexes')] aligned = align(*[variables[a] for a in alignable], join=join, copy=False) new_variables = OrderedDict(variables) new_variables.update(zip(alignable, aligned)) return new_variables def _expand_variables(raw_variables, old_variables={}, compat='identical'): """Expand a dictionary of variables. Returns a dictionary of Variable objects suitable for inserting into a Dataset._variables dictionary. This includes converting tuples (dims, data) into Variable objects, converting coordinate variables into Coordinate objects and expanding DataArray objects into Variables plus coordinates. Raises ValueError if any conflicting values are found, between any of the new or old variables. """ new_variables = OrderedDict() new_coord_names = set() variables = ChainMap(new_variables, old_variables) def maybe_promote_or_replace(name, var): existing_var = variables[name] if name not in existing_var.dims: if name in var.dims: variables[name] = var else: common_dims = OrderedDict(zip(existing_var.dims, existing_var.shape)) common_dims.update(zip(var.dims, var.shape)) variables[name] = existing_var.expand_dims(common_dims) new_coord_names.update(var.dims) def add_variable(name, var): var = _as_dataset_variable(name, var) if name not in variables: variables[name] = var new_coord_names.update(variables[name].dims) else: if not getattr(variables[name], compat)(var): raise ValueError('conflicting value for variable %s:\n' 'first value: %r\nsecond value: %r' % (name, variables[name], var)) if compat == 'broadcast_equals': maybe_promote_or_replace(name, var) for name, var in iteritems(raw_variables): if hasattr(var, 'coords'): # it's a DataArray new_coord_names.update(var.coords) for dim, coord in iteritems(var.coords): if dim != name: add_variable(dim, coord.variable) var = var.variable add_variable(name, var) return new_variables, new_coord_names def _calculate_dims(variables): """Calculate the dimensions corresponding to a set of variables. Returns dictionary mapping from dimension names to sizes. Raises ValueError if any of the dimension sizes conflict. """ dims = {} last_used = {} scalar_vars = set(k for k, v in iteritems(variables) if not v.dims) for k, var in iteritems(variables): for dim, size in zip(var.dims, var.shape): if dim in scalar_vars: raise ValueError('dimension %s already exists as a scalar ' 'variable' % dim) if dim not in dims: dims[dim] = size last_used[dim] = k elif dims[dim] != size: raise ValueError('conflicting sizes for dimension %r: ' 'length %s on %r and length %s on %r' % (dim, size, k, dims[dim], last_used[dim])) return dims def _merge_expand(aligned_self, other, overwrite_vars, compat): possible_conflicts = dict((k, v) for k, v in aligned_self._variables.items() if k not in overwrite_vars) new_vars, new_coord_names = _expand_variables(other, possible_conflicts, compat) replace_vars = aligned_self._variables.copy() replace_vars.update(new_vars) return replace_vars, new_vars, new_coord_names def _merge_dataset(self, other, overwrite_vars, compat, join): aligned_self, other = partial_align(self, other, join=join, copy=False) replace_vars, new_vars, new_coord_names = _merge_expand( aligned_self, other._variables, overwrite_vars, compat) new_coord_names.update(other._coord_names) return replace_vars, new_vars, new_coord_names def _merge_dict(self, other, overwrite_vars, compat, join): other = _align_variables(other, join='outer') alignable = [k for k, v in other.items() if hasattr(v, 'indexes')] aligned = partial_align(self, *[other[a] for a in alignable], join=join, copy=False, exclude=overwrite_vars) aligned_self = aligned[0] other = OrderedDict(other) other.update(zip(alignable, aligned[1:])) return _merge_expand(aligned_self, other, overwrite_vars, compat) def _assert_empty(args, msg='%s'): if args: raise ValueError(msg % args) def as_dataset(obj): """Cast the given object to a Dataset. Handles DataArrays, Datasets and dictionaries of variables. A new Dataset object is only created in the last case. """ obj = getattr(obj, '_dataset', obj) if not isinstance(obj, Dataset): obj = Dataset(obj) return obj class Variables(Mapping): def __init__(self, dataset): self._dataset = dataset def __iter__(self): return (key for key in self._dataset._variables if key not in self._dataset._coord_names) def __len__(self): return len(self._dataset._variables) - len(self._dataset._coord_names) def __contains__(self, key): return (key in self._dataset._variables and key not in self._dataset._coord_names) def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self._dataset._coord_names: return self._dataset[key] else: raise KeyError(key) def __repr__(self): return formatting.vars_repr(self) class _LocIndexer(object): def __init__(self, dataset): self.dataset = dataset def __getitem__(self, key): if not utils.is_dict_like(key): raise TypeError('can only lookup dictionaries from Dataset.loc') return self.dataset.sel(**key) class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, BaseDataObject): """A multi-dimensional, in memory, array database. A dataset resembles an in-memory representation of a NetCDF file, and consists of variables, coordinates and attributes which together form a self describing dataset. Dataset implements the mapping interface with keys given by variable names and values given by DataArray objects for each variable name. One dimensional variables with name equal to their dimension are index coordinates used for label based indexing. """ # class properties defined for the benefit of __setstate__, which otherwise # runs into trouble because we overrode __getattr__ _attrs = None _variables = Frozen({}) groupby_cls = groupby.DatasetGroupBy def __init__(self, variables=None, coords=None, attrs=None, compat='broadcast_equals'): """To load data from a file or file-like object, use the `open_dataset` function. Parameters ---------- variables : dict-like, optional A mapping from variable names to :py:class:`~xray.DataArray` objects, :py:class:`~xray.Variable` objects or tuples of the form ``(dims, data[, attrs])`` which can be used as arguments to create a new ``Variable``. Each dimension must have the same length in all variables in which it appears. coords : dict-like, optional Another mapping in the same form as the `variables` argument, except the each item is saved on the dataset as a "coordinate". These variables have an associated meaning: they describe constant/fixed/independent quantities, unlike the varying/measured/dependent quantities that belong in `variables`. Coordinates values may be given by 1-dimensional arrays or scalars, in which case `dims` do not need to be supplied: 1D arrays will be assumed to give index values along the dimension with the same name. attrs : dict-like, optional Global attributes to save on this dataset. compat : {'broadcast_equals', 'equals', 'identical'}, optional String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for potential conflicts: - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions. - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same. - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the same. """ self._variables = OrderedDict() self._coord_names = set() self._dims = {} self._attrs = None self._file_obj = None if variables is None: variables = {} if coords is None: coords = set() if variables or coords: self._set_init_vars_and_dims(variables, coords, compat) if attrs is not None: self.attrs = attrs def _add_missing_coords_inplace(self): """Add missing coordinates to self._variables """ for dim, size in iteritems(self.dims): if dim not in self._variables: # This is equivalent to np.arange(size), but # waits to create the array until its actually accessed. data = indexing.LazyIntegerRange(size) coord = Coordinate(dim, data) self._variables[dim] = coord def _update_vars_and_coords(self, new_variables, new_coord_names={}, needs_copy=True, check_coord_names=True): """Add a dictionary of new variables to this dataset. Raises a ValueError if any dimensions have conflicting lengths in the new dataset. Otherwise will update this dataset's _variables and _dims attributes in-place. Set `needs_copy=False` only if this dataset is brand-new and hence can be thrown away if this method fails. """ # default to creating another copy of variables so can unroll if we end # up with inconsistent dimensions variables = self._variables.copy() if needs_copy else self._variables if check_coord_names: _assert_empty([k for k in self.data_vars if k in new_coord_names], 'coordinates with these names already exist as ' 'variables: %s') variables.update(new_variables) dims = _calculate_dims(variables) # all checks are complete: it's safe to update self._variables = variables self._dims = dims self._add_missing_coords_inplace() self._coord_names.update(new_coord_names) def _set_init_vars_and_dims(self, vars, coords, compat): """Set the initial value of Dataset variables and dimensions """ _assert_empty([k for k in vars if k in coords], 'redundant variables and coordinates: %s') variables = ChainMap(vars, coords) aligned = _align_variables(variables) new_variables, new_coord_names = _expand_variables(aligned, compat=compat) new_coord_names.update(coords) self._update_vars_and_coords(new_variables, new_coord_names, needs_copy=False, check_coord_names=False) @classmethod def load_store(cls, store, decoder=None): """Create a new dataset from the contents of a backends.*DataStore object """ variables, attributes = store.load() if decoder: variables, attributes = decoder(variables, attributes) obj = cls(variables, attrs=attributes) obj._file_obj = store return obj def close(self): """Close any files linked to this dataset """ if self._file_obj is not None: self._file_obj.close() self._file_obj = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def __getstate__(self): """Always load data in-memory before pickling""" self.load() # self.__dict__ is the default pickle object, we don't need to # implement our own __setstate__ method to make pickle work state = self.__dict__.copy() # throw away any references to datastores in the pickle state['_file_obj'] = None return state @property def variables(self): """Frozen dictionary of xray.Variable objects constituting this dataset's data """ return Frozen(self._variables) def _attrs_copy(self): return None if self._attrs is None else OrderedDict(self._attrs) @property def attrs(self): """Dictionary of global attributes on this dataset """ if self._attrs is None: self._attrs = OrderedDict() return self._attrs @attrs.setter def attrs(self, value): self._attrs = OrderedDict(value) @property def dims(self): """Mapping from dimension names to lengths. This dictionary cannot be modified directly, but is updated when adding new variables. """ return Frozen(SortedKeysDict(self._dims)) def load(self): """Manually trigger loading of this dataset's data from disk or a remote source into memory and return this dataset. Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code, because all xray functions should either work on deferred data or load data automatically. However, this method can be necessary when working with many file objects on disk. """ # access .data to coerce everything to numpy or dask arrays all_data = dict((k, for k, v in self.variables.items()) lazy_data = dict((k, v) for k, v in all_data.items() if isinstance(v, dask_array_type)) if lazy_data: import dask.array as da # evaluate all the dask arrays simultaneously evaluated_data = da.compute(*lazy_data.values()) evaluated_variables = {} for k, data in zip(lazy_data, evaluated_data): self.variables[k].data = data return self def load_data(self): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn('the Dataset method `load_data` has been deprecated; ' 'use `load` instead', FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.load() @classmethod def _construct_direct(cls, variables, coord_names, dims, attrs, file_obj=None): """Shortcut around __init__ for internal use when we want to skip costly validation """ obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._variables = variables obj._coord_names = coord_names obj._dims = dims obj._attrs = attrs obj._file_obj = file_obj return obj __default_attrs = object() def _replace_vars_and_dims(self, variables, coord_names=None, attrs=__default_attrs, inplace=False): """Fastpath constructor for internal use. Preserves coord names and attributes; dimensions are recalculated from the supplied variables. The arguments are *not* copied when placed on the new dataset. It is up to the caller to ensure that they have the right type and are not used elsewhere. Parameters ---------- variables : OrderedDict coord_names : set or None, optional attrs : OrderedDict or None, optional Returns ------- new : Dataset """ dims = _calculate_dims(variables) if inplace: self._dims = dims self._variables = variables if coord_names is not None: self._coord_names = coord_names if attrs is not self.__default_attrs: self._attrs = attrs obj = self else: if coord_names is None: coord_names = self._coord_names.copy() if attrs is self.__default_attrs: attrs = self._attrs_copy() obj = self._construct_direct(variables, coord_names, dims, attrs) return obj def copy(self, deep=False): """Returns a copy of this dataset. If `deep=True`, a deep copy is made of each of the component variables. Otherwise, a shallow copy is made, so each variable in the new dataset is also a variable in the original dataset. """ if deep: variables = OrderedDict((k, v.copy(deep=True)) for k, v in iteritems(self._variables)) else: variables = self._variables.copy() # skip __init__ to avoid costly validation return self._construct_direct(variables, self._coord_names.copy(), self._dims.copy(), self._attrs_copy()) def _copy_listed(self, names, keep_attrs=True): """Create a new Dataset with the listed variables from this dataset and the all relevant coordinates. Skips all validation. """ variables = OrderedDict() coord_names = set() for name in names: try: variables[name] = self._variables[name] except KeyError: ref_name, var_name, var = _get_virtual_variable( self._variables, name) variables[var_name] = var if ref_name in self._coord_names: coord_names.add(var_name) needed_dims = set() for v in variables.values(): needed_dims.update(v._dims) for k in self._coord_names: if set(self._variables[k]._dims) <= needed_dims: variables[k] = self._variables[k] coord_names.add(k) dims = dict((k, self._dims[k]) for k in needed_dims) attrs = self.attrs.copy() if keep_attrs else None return self._construct_direct(variables, coord_names, dims, attrs) def __copy__(self): return self.copy(deep=False) def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): # memo does nothing but is required for compatibility with # copy.deepcopy return self.copy(deep=True) def __contains__(self, key): """The 'in' operator will return true or false depending on whether 'key' is an array in the dataset or not. """ return key in self._variables def __len__(self): return len(self._variables) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._variables) @property def nbytes(self): return sum(v.nbytes for v in self.variables.values()) @property def loc(self): """Attribute for location based indexing. Only supports __getitem__, and only when the key is a dict of the form {dim: labels}. """ return _LocIndexer(self) def __getitem__(self, key): """Access variables or coordinates this dataset as a :py:class:`~xray.DataArray`. Indexing with a list of names will return a new ``Dataset`` object. """ from .dataarray import DataArray if utils.is_dict_like(key): return self.isel(**key) key = np.asarray(key) if key.ndim == 0: return DataArray._new_from_dataset(self, key.item()) else: return self._copy_listed(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Add an array to this dataset. If value is a `DataArray`, call its `select_vars()` method, rename it to `key` and merge the contents of the resulting dataset into this dataset. If value is an `Variable` object (or tuple of form ``(dims, data[, attrs])``), add it to this dataset as a new variable. """ if utils.is_dict_like(key): raise NotImplementedError('cannot yet use a dictionary as a key ' 'to set Dataset values') self.update({key: value}) def __delitem__(self, key): """Remove a variable from this dataset. If this variable is a dimension, all variables containing this dimension are also removed. """ def remove(k): del self._variables[k] self._coord_names.discard(k) remove(key) if key in self._dims: del self._dims[key] also_delete = [k for k, v in iteritems(self._variables) if key in v.dims] for key in also_delete: remove(key) # mutable objects should not be hashable __hash__ = None def _all_compat(self, other, compat_str): """Helper function for equals and identical""" # some stores (e.g., scipy) do not seem to preserve order, so don't # require matching order for equality compat = lambda x, y: getattr(x, compat_str)(y) return (self._coord_names == other._coord_names and utils.dict_equiv(self._variables, other._variables, compat=compat)) def broadcast_equals(self, other): """Two Datasets are broadcast equal if they are equal after broadcasting all variables against each other. For example, variables that are scalar in one dataset but non-scalar in the other dataset can still be broadcast equal if the the non-scalar variable is a constant. See Also -------- Dataset.equals Dataset.identical """ try: return self._all_compat(other, 'broadcast_equals') except (TypeError, AttributeError): return False def equals(self, other): """Two Datasets are equal if they have matching variables and coordinates, all of which are equal. Datasets can still be equal (like pandas objects) if they have NaN values in the same locations. This method is necessary because `v1 == v2` for ``Dataset`` does element-wise comparisions (like numpy.ndarrays). See Also -------- Dataset.broadcast_equals Dataset.identical """ try: return self._all_compat(other, 'equals') except (TypeError, AttributeError): return False def identical(self, other): """Like equals, but also checks all dataset attributes and the attributes on all variables and coordinates. See Also -------- Dataset.broadcast_equals Dataset.equals """ try: return (utils.dict_equiv(self.attrs, other.attrs) and self._all_compat(other, 'identical')) except (TypeError, AttributeError): return False @property def indexes(self): """OrderedDict of pandas.Index objects used for label based indexing """ return Indexes(self) @property def coords(self): """Dictionary of xray.DataArray objects corresponding to coordinate variables """ return DatasetCoordinates(self) @property def data_vars(self): """Dictionary of xray.DataArray objects corresponding to data variables """ return Variables(self) @property def vars(self): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn('the Dataset property `vars` has been deprecated; ' 'use `data_vars` instead', FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.data_vars def set_coords(self, names, inplace=False): """Given names of one or more variables, set them as coordinates Parameters ---------- names : str or list of str Name(s) of variables in this dataset to convert into coordinates. inplace : bool, optional If True, modify this dataset inplace. Otherwise, create a new object. Returns ------- Dataset """ # TODO: allow inserting new coordinates with this method, like # DataFrame.set_index? # nb. check in self._variables, not self.data_vars to insure that the # operation is idempotent if isinstance(names, basestring): names = [names] self._assert_all_in_dataset(names) obj = self if inplace else self.copy() obj._coord_names.update(names) return obj def reset_coords(self, names=None, drop=False, inplace=False): """Given names of coordinates, reset them to become variables Parameters ---------- names : str or list of str, optional Name(s) of non-index coordinates in this dataset to reset into variables. By default, all non-index coordinates are reset. drop : bool, optional If True, remove coordinates instead of converting them into variables. inplace : bool, optional If True, modify this dataset inplace. Otherwise, create a new object. Returns ------- Dataset """ if names is None: names = self._coord_names - set(self.dims) else: if isinstance(names, basestring): names = [names] self._assert_all_in_dataset(names) _assert_empty( set(names) & set(self.dims), 'cannot remove index coordinates with reset_coords: %s') obj = self if inplace else self.copy() obj._coord_names.difference_update(names) if drop: for name in names: del obj._variables[name] return obj def dump_to_store(self, store, encoder=None, sync=True): """Store dataset contents to a backends.*DataStore object.""" variables, attrs = conventions.encode_dataset_coordinates(self) if encoder: variables, attrs = encoder(variables, attrs), attrs) if sync: store.sync() def to_netcdf(self, path=None, mode='w', format=None, group=None, engine=None): """Write dataset contents to a netCDF file. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to which to save this dataset. If no path is provided, this function returns the resulting netCDF file as a bytes object; in this case, we need to use, which does not support netCDF version 4 (the default format becomes NETCDF3_64BIT). mode : {'w', 'a'}, optional Write ('w') or append ('a') mode. If mode='w', any existing file at this location will be overwritten. format : {'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'}, optional File format for the resulting netCDF file: * NETCDF4: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using netCDF4 API features. * NETCDF4_CLASSIC: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using only netCDF 3 compatibile API features. * NETCDF3_64BIT: 64-bit offset version of the netCDF 3 file format, which fully supports 2+ GB files, but is only compatible with clients linked against netCDF version 3.6.0 or later. * NETCDF3_CLASSIC: The classic netCDF 3 file format. It does not handle 2+ GB files very well. All formats are supported by the netCDF4-python library. only supports the last two formats. The default format is NETCDF4 if you are saving a file to disk and have the netCDF4-python library available. Otherwise, xray falls back to using scipy to write netCDF files and defaults to the NETCDF3_64BIT format (scipy does not support netCDF4). group : str, optional Path to the netCDF4 group in the given file to open (only works for format='NETCDF4'). The group(s) will be created if necessary. engine : {'netcdf4', 'scipy', 'h5netcdf'}, optional Engine to use when writing netCDF files. If not provided, the default engine is chosen based on available dependencies, with a preference for 'netcdf4' if writing to a file on disk. """ from ..backends.api import to_netcdf return to_netcdf(self, path, mode, format, group, engine) dump = utils.function_alias(to_netcdf, 'dumps') dumps = utils.function_alias(to_netcdf, 'dumps') def __repr__(self): return formatting.dataset_repr(self) @property def chunks(self): """Block dimensions for this dataset's data or None if it's not a dask array. """ chunks = {} for v in self.variables.values(): if v.chunks is not None: new_chunks = list(zip(v.dims, v.chunks)) if any(chunk != chunks[d] for d, chunk in new_chunks if d in chunks): raise ValueError('inconsistent chunks') chunks.update(new_chunks) return Frozen(SortedKeysDict(chunks)) def chunk(self, chunks=None, lock=False): """Coerce all arrays in this dataset into dask arrays with the given chunks. Non-dask arrays in this dataset will be converted to dask arrays. Dask arrays will be rechunked to the given chunk sizes. If neither chunks is not provided for one or more dimensions, chunk sizes along that dimension will not be updated; non-dask arrays will be converted into dask arrays with a single block. Parameters ---------- chunks : int or dict, optional Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5`` or ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``. lock : optional Passed on to :py:func:`dask.array.from_array`, if the array is not already as dask array. Returns ------- chunked : xray.Dataset """ if isinstance(chunks, Number): chunks = dict.fromkeys(self.dims, chunks) if chunks is not None: bad_dims = [d for d in chunks if d not in self.dims] if bad_dims: raise ValueError('some chunks keys are not dimensions on this ' 'object: %s' % bad_dims) def selkeys(dict_, keys): if dict_ is None: return None return dict((d, dict_[d]) for d in keys if d in dict_) def maybe_chunk(name, var, chunks): chunks = selkeys(chunks, var.dims) if not chunks: chunks = None if var.ndim > 0: return var.chunk(chunks, name=name, lock=lock) else: return var variables = OrderedDict([(k, maybe_chunk(k, v, chunks)) for k, v in self.variables.items()]) return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables) def isel(self, **indexers): """Returns a new dataset with each array indexed along the specified dimension(s). This method selects values from each array using its `__getitem__` method, except this method does not require knowing the order of each array's dimensions. Parameters ---------- **indexers : {dim: indexer, ...} Keyword arguments with names matching dimensions and values given by integers, slice objects or arrays. Returns ------- obj : Dataset A new Dataset with the same contents as this dataset, except each array and dimension is indexed by the appropriate indexers. In general, each array's data will be a view of the array's data in this dataset, unless numpy fancy indexing was triggered by using an array indexer, in which case the data will be a copy. See Also -------- Dataset.sel DataArray.isel DataArray.sel """ invalid = [k for k in indexers if not k in self.dims] if invalid: raise ValueError("dimensions %r do not exist" % invalid) # all indexers should be int, slice or np.ndarrays indexers = [(k, (np.asarray(v) if not isinstance(v, (int, np.integer, slice)) else v)) for k, v in iteritems(indexers)] variables = OrderedDict() for name, var in iteritems(self._variables): var_indexers = dict((k, v) for k, v in indexers if k in var.dims) variables[name] = var.isel(**var_indexers) return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables) def sel(self, method=None, **indexers): """Returns a new dataset with each array indexed by tick labels along the specified dimension(s). In contrast to `Dataset.isel`, indexers for this method should use labels instead of integers. Under the hood, this method is powered by using Panda's powerful Index objects. This makes label based indexing essentially just as fast as using integer indexing. It also means this method uses pandas's (well documented) logic for indexing. This means you can use string shortcuts for datetime indexes (e.g., '2000-01' to select all values in January 2000). It also means that slices are treated as inclusive of both the start and stop values, unlike normal Python indexing. Parameters ---------- method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional Method to use for inexact matches (requires pandas>=0.16): * default: only exact matches * pad / ffill: propgate last valid index value forward * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward * nearest: use nearest valid index value **indexers : {dim: indexer, ...} Keyword arguments with names matching dimensions and values given by scalars, slices or arrays of tick labels. Returns ------- obj : Dataset A new Dataset with the same contents as this dataset, except each variable and dimension is indexed by the appropriate indexers. In general, each variable's data will be a view of the variable's data in this dataset, unless numpy fancy indexing was triggered by using an array indexer, in which case the data will be a copy. See Also -------- Dataset.isel DataArray.isel DataArray.sel """ return self.isel(**indexing.remap_label_indexers(self, indexers, method=method)) def isel_points(self, dim='points', **indexers): """Returns a new dataset with each array indexed pointwise along the specified dimension(s). This method selects pointwise values from each array and is akin to the NumPy indexing behavior of `arr[[0, 1], [0, 1]]`, except this method does not require knowing the order of each array's dimensions. Parameters ---------- dim : str or DataArray or pandas.Index or other list-like object, optional Name of the dimension to concatenate along. If dim is provided as a string, it must be a new dimension name, in which case it is added along axis=0. If dim is provided as a DataArray or Index or list-like object, its name, which must not be present in the dataset, is used as the dimension to concatenate along and the values are added as a coordinate. **indexers : {dim: indexer, ...} Keyword arguments with names matching dimensions and values given by array-like objects. All indexers must be the same length and 1 dimensional. Returns ------- obj : Dataset A new Dataset with the same contents as this dataset, except each array and dimension is indexed by the appropriate indexers. With pointwise indexing, the new Dataset will always be a copy of the original. See Also -------- Dataset.sel DataArray.isel DataArray.sel DataArray.isel_points """ indexer_dims = set(indexers) def relevant_keys(mapping): return [k for k, v in mapping.items() if any(d in indexer_dims for d in v.dims)] data_vars = relevant_keys(self.data_vars) coords = relevant_keys(self.coords) # all the indexers should be iterables keys = indexers.keys() indexers = [(k, np.asarray(v)) for k, v in iteritems(indexers)] # Check that indexers are valid dims, integers, and 1D for k, v in indexers: if k not in self.dims: raise ValueError("dimension %s does not exist" % k) if v.dtype.kind != 'i': raise TypeError('Indexers must be integers') if v.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Indexers must be 1 dimensional') # all the indexers should have the same length lengths = set(len(v) for k, v in indexers) if len(lengths) > 1: raise ValueError('All indexers must be the same length') # Existing dimensions are not valid choices for the dim argument if isinstance(dim, basestring): if dim in self.dims: # dim is an invalid string raise ValueError('Existing dimension names are not valid ' 'choices for the dim argument in sel_points') elif hasattr(dim, 'dims'): # dim is a DataArray or Coordinate if in self.dims: # dim already exists raise ValueError('Existing dimensions are not valid choices ' 'for the dim argument in sel_points') else: # try to cast dim to DataArray with name = points from .dataarray import DataArray dim = DataArray(dim, dims='points', name='points') # TODO: This would be sped up with vectorized indexing. This will # require dask to support pointwise indexing as well. return concat([self.isel(**d) for d in [dict(zip(keys, inds)) for inds in zip(*[v for k, v in indexers])]], dim=dim, coords=coords, data_vars=data_vars) def reindex_like(self, other, method=None, copy=True): """Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, filling in missing values with NaN. Parameters ---------- other : Dataset or DataArray Object with an 'indexes' attribute giving a mapping from dimension names to pandas.Index objects, which provides coordinates upon which to index the variables in this dataset. The indexes on this other object need not be the same as the indexes on this dataset. Any mis-matched index values will be filled in with NaN, and any mis-matched dimension names will simply be ignored. method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional Method to use for filling index values from other not found in this dataset: * default: don't fill gaps * pad / ffill: propgate last valid index value forward * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward * nearest: use nearest valid index value (requires pandas>=0.16) copy : bool, optional If `copy=True`, the returned dataset contains only copied variables. If `copy=False` and no reindexing is required then original variables from this dataset are returned. Returns ------- reindexed : Dataset Another dataset, with this dataset's data but coordinates from the other object. See Also -------- Dataset.reindex align """ return self.reindex(method=method, copy=copy, **other.indexes) def reindex(self, indexers=None, method=None, copy=True, **kw_indexers): """Conform this object onto a new set of indexes, filling in missing values with NaN. Parameters ---------- indexers : dict. optional Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by arrays of coordinates tick labels. Any mis-matched coordinate values will be filled in with NaN, and any mis-matched dimension names will simply be ignored. method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional Method to use for filling index values in ``indexers`` not found in this dataset: * default: don't fill gaps * pad / ffill: propgate last valid index value forward * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward * nearest: use nearest valid index value (requires pandas>=0.16) copy : bool, optional If `copy=True`, the returned dataset contains only copied variables. If `copy=False` and no reindexing is required then original variables from this dataset are returned. **kw_indexers : optional Keyword arguments in the same form as ``indexers``. Returns ------- reindexed : Dataset Another dataset, with this dataset's data but replaced coordinates. See Also -------- Dataset.reindex_like align pandas.Index.get_indexer """ indexers = utils.combine_pos_and_kw_args(indexers, kw_indexers, 'reindex') if not indexers: # shortcut return self.copy(deep=True) if copy else self variables = alignment.reindex_variables( self.variables, self.indexes, indexers, method, copy=copy) return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables) def rename(self, name_dict, inplace=False): """Returns a new object with renamed variables and dimensions. Parameters ---------- name_dict : dict-like Dictionary whose keys are current variable or dimension names and whose values are new names. inplace : bool, optional If True, rename variables and dimensions in-place. Otherwise, return a new dataset object. Returns ------- renamed : Dataset Dataset with renamed variables and dimensions. See Also -------- Dataset.swap_dims DataArray.rename """ for k in name_dict: if k not in self: raise ValueError("cannot rename %r because it is not a " "variable in this dataset" % k) variables = OrderedDict() coord_names = set() for k, v in iteritems(self._variables): name = name_dict.get(k, k) dims = tuple(name_dict.get(dim, dim) for dim in v.dims) var = v.copy(deep=False) var.dims = dims variables[name] = var if k in self._coord_names: coord_names.add(name) return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables, coord_names, inplace=inplace) def swap_dims(self, dims_dict, inplace=False): """Returns a new object with swapped dimensions. Parameters ---------- dims_dict : dict-like Dictionary whose keys are current dimension names and whose values are new names. Each value must already be a variable in the dataset. inplace : bool, optional If True, swap dimensions in-place. Otherwise, return a new dataset object. Returns ------- renamed : Dataset Dataset with swapped dimensions. See Also -------- Dataset.rename DataArray.swap_dims """ for k, v in dims_dict.items(): if k not in self.dims: raise ValueError('cannot swap from dimension %r because it is ' 'not an existing dimension' % k) if self.variables[v].dims != (k,): raise ValueError('replacement dimension %r is not a 1D ' 'variable along the old dimension %r' % (v, k)) result_dims = set(dims_dict.get(dim, dim) for dim in self.dims) variables = OrderedDict() coord_names = self._coord_names.copy() coord_names.update(dims_dict.values()) for k, v in iteritems(self.variables): dims = tuple(dims_dict.get(dim, dim) for dim in v.dims) var = v.to_coord() if k in result_dims else v.to_variable() var.dims = dims variables[k] = var return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables, coord_names, inplace=inplace) def update(self, other, inplace=True): """Update this dataset's variables with those from another dataset. Parameters ---------- other : Dataset or castable to Dataset Dataset or variables with which to update this dataset. inplace : bool, optional If True, merge the other dataset into this dataset in-place. Otherwise, return a new dataset object. Returns ------- updated : Dataset Updated dataset. Raises ------ ValueError If any dimensions would have inconsistent sizes in the updated dataset. """ return self.merge( other, inplace=inplace, overwrite_vars=list(other), join='left') def merge(self, other, inplace=False, overwrite_vars=set(), compat='broadcast_equals', join='outer'): """Merge the arrays of two datasets into a single dataset. This method generally not allow for overriding data, with the exception of attributes, which are ignored on the second dataset. Variables with the same name are checked for conflicts via the equals or identical methods. Parameters ---------- other : Dataset or castable to Dataset Dataset or variables to merge with this dataset. inplace : bool, optional If True, merge the other dataset into this dataset in-place. Otherwise, return a new dataset object. overwrite_vars : str or sequence, optional If provided, update variables of these name(s) without checking for conflicts in this dataset. compat : {'broadcast_equals', 'equals', 'identical'}, optional String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for potential conflicts: - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions. - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same. - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the same. join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right'}, optional Method for joining ``self`` and ``other`` along shared dimensions: - 'outer': use the union of the indexes - 'inner': use the intersection of the indexes - 'left': use indexes from ``self`` - 'right': use indexes from ``other`` Returns ------- merged : Dataset Merged dataset. Raises ------ ValueError If any variables conflict (see ``compat``). """ if compat not in ['broadcast_equals', 'equals', 'identical']: raise ValueError("compat=%r invalid: must be 'broadcast_equals', " "'equals' or 'identical'" % compat) if isinstance(overwrite_vars, basestring): overwrite_vars = [overwrite_vars] overwrite_vars = set(overwrite_vars) merge = _merge_dataset if isinstance(other, Dataset) else _merge_dict replace_vars, new_vars, new_coord_names = merge( self, other, overwrite_vars, compat=compat, join=join) newly_coords = new_coord_names & (set(self) - set(self.coords)) no_longer_coords = set(self.coords) & (set(new_vars) - new_coord_names) ambiguous_coords = (newly_coords | no_longer_coords) - overwrite_vars if ambiguous_coords: raise ValueError('cannot merge: the following variables are ' 'coordinates on one dataset but not the other: %s' % list(ambiguous_coords)) obj = self if inplace else self.copy() obj._update_vars_and_coords(replace_vars, new_coord_names) return obj def _assert_all_in_dataset(self, names, virtual_okay=False): bad_names = set(names) - set(self._variables) if virtual_okay: bad_names -= self.virtual_variables if bad_names: raise ValueError('One or more of the specified variables ' 'cannot be found in this dataset') def drop(self, labels, dim=None): """Drop variables or index labels from this dataset. If a variable corresponding to a dimension is dropped, all variables that use that dimension are also dropped. Parameters ---------- labels : str Names of variables or index labels to drop. dim : None or str, optional Dimension along which to drop index labels. By default (if ``dim is None``), drops variables rather than index labels. Returns ------- dropped : Dataset """ if utils.is_scalar(labels): labels = [labels] if dim is None: return self._drop_vars(labels) else: new_index = self.indexes[dim].drop(labels) return self.loc[{dim: new_index}] def _drop_vars(self, names): self._assert_all_in_dataset(names) drop = set(names) drop |= set(k for k, v in iteritems(self._variables) if any(name in v.dims for name in names)) variables = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in iteritems(self._variables) if k not in drop) coord_names = set(k for k in self._coord_names if k in variables) return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables, coord_names) def drop_vars(self, *names): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn('the Dataset method `drop_vars` has been deprecated; ' 'use `drop` instead', FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.drop(names) def transpose(self, *dims): """Return a new Dataset object with all array dimensions transposed. Although the order of dimensions on each array will change, the dataset dimensions themselves will remain in fixed (sorted) order. Parameters ---------- *dims : str, optional By default, reverse the dimensions on each array. Otherwise, reorder the dimensions to this order. Returns ------- transposed : Dataset Each array in the dataset (including) coordinates will be transposed to the given order. Notes ----- Although this operation returns a view of each array's data, it is not lazy -- the data will be fully loaded into memory. See Also -------- numpy.transpose DataArray.transpose """ if dims: if set(dims) ^ set(self.dims): raise ValueError('arguments to transpose (%s) must be ' 'permuted dataset dimensions (%s)' % (dims, tuple(self.dims))) ds = self.copy() for name, var in iteritems(self._variables): var_dims = tuple(dim for dim in dims if dim in var.dims) ds._variables[name] = var.transpose(*var_dims) return ds @property def T(self): return self.transpose() def squeeze(self, dim=None): """Returns a new dataset with squeezed data. Parameters ---------- dim : None or str or tuple of str, optional Selects a subset of the length one dimensions. If a dimension is selected with length greater than one, an error is raised. If None, all length one dimensions are squeezed. Returns ------- squeezed : Dataset This dataset, but with with all or a subset of the dimensions of length 1 removed. Notes ----- Although this operation returns a view of each variable's data, it is not lazy -- all variable data will be fully loaded. See Also -------- numpy.squeeze """ return common.squeeze(self, self.dims, dim) def dropna(self, dim, how='any', thresh=None, subset=None): """Returns a new dataset with dropped labels for missing values along the provided dimension. Parameters ---------- dim : str Dimension along which to drop missing values. Dropping along multiple dimensions simultaneously is not yet supported. how : {'any', 'all'}, optional * any : if any NA values are present, drop that label * all : if all values are NA, drop that label thresh : int, default None If supplied, require this many non-NA values. subset : sequence, optional Subset of variables to check for missing values. By default, all variables in the dataset are checked. Returns ------- Dataset """ # TODO: consider supporting multiple dimensions? Or not, given that # there are some ugly edge cases, e.g., pandas's dropna differs # depending on the order of the supplied axes. if dim not in self.dims: raise ValueError('%s must be a single dataset dimension' % dim) if subset is None: subset = list(self.data_vars) count = np.zeros(self.dims[dim], dtype=np.int64) size = 0 for k in subset: array = self._variables[k] if dim in array.dims: dims = [d for d in array.dims if d != dim] count += array.count(dims) size +=[self.dims[d] for d in dims]) if thresh is not None: mask = count >= thresh elif how == 'any': mask = count == size elif how == 'all': mask = count > 0 elif how is not None: raise ValueError('invalid how option: %s' % how) else: raise TypeError('must specify how or thresh') return self.isel(**{dim: mask}) def fillna(self, value): """Fill missing values in this object. This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules that xray uses for binary arithmetic, except the result is aligned to this object (``join='left'``) instead of aligned to the intersection of index coordinates (``join='inner'``). Parameters ---------- value : scalar, ndarray, DataArray, dict or Dataset Used to fill all matching missing values in this dataset's data variables. Scalars, ndarrays or DataArrays arguments are used to fill all data with aligned coordinates (for DataArrays). Dictionaries or datasets match data variables and then align coordinates if necessary. Returns ------- Dataset """ return self._fillna(value) def reduce(self, func, dim=None, keep_attrs=False, numeric_only=False, allow_lazy=False, **kwargs): """Reduce this dataset by applying `func` along some dimension(s). Parameters ---------- func : function Function which can be called in the form `f(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of reducing an np.ndarray over an integer valued axis. dim : str or sequence of str, optional Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`. By default `func` is applied over all dimensions. keep_attrs : bool, optional If True, the datasets's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new object will be returned without attributes. numeric_only : bool, optional If True, only apply ``func`` to variables with a numeric dtype. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``func``. Returns ------- reduced : Dataset Dataset with this object's DataArrays replaced with new DataArrays of summarized data and the indicated dimension(s) removed. """ if isinstance(dim, basestring): dims = set([dim]) elif dim is None: dims = set(self.dims) else: dims = set(dim) _assert_empty([dim for dim in dims if dim not in self.dims], 'Dataset does not contain the dimensions: %s') variables = OrderedDict() for name, var in iteritems(self._variables): reduce_dims = [dim for dim in var.dims if dim in dims] if reduce_dims or not var.dims: if name not in self.coords: if (not numeric_only or np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.number) or var.dtype == np.bool_): if len(reduce_dims) == 1: # unpack dimensions for the benefit of functions # like np.argmin which can't handle tuple arguments reduce_dims, = reduce_dims elif len(reduce_dims) == var.ndim: # prefer to aggregate over axis=None rather than # axis=(0, 1) if they will be equivalent, because # the former is often more efficient reduce_dims = None variables[name] = var.reduce(func, dim=reduce_dims, keep_attrs=keep_attrs, allow_lazy=allow_lazy, **kwargs) else: variables[name] = var coord_names = set(k for k in self.coords if k in variables) attrs = self.attrs if keep_attrs else None return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables, coord_names, attrs) def apply(self, func, keep_attrs=False, args=(), **kwargs): """Apply a function over the data variables in this dataset. Parameters ---------- func : function Function which can be called in the form `f(x, **kwargs)` to transform each DataArray `x` in this dataset into another DataArray. keep_attrs : bool, optional If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from the original object to the new one. If False, the new object will be returned without attributes. args : tuple, optional Positional arguments passed on to `func`. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed on to `func`. Returns ------- applied : Dataset Resulting dataset from applying ``func`` over each data variable. """ variables = OrderedDict( (k, maybe_wrap_array(v, func(v, *args, **kwargs))) for k, v in iteritems(self.data_vars)) attrs = self.attrs if keep_attrs else None return type(self)(variables, attrs=attrs) def assign(self, **kwargs): """Assign new data variables to a Dataset, returning a new object with all the original variables in addition to the new ones. Parameters ---------- kwargs : keyword, value pairs keywords are the variables names. If the values are callable, they are computed on the Dataset and assigned to new data variables. If the values are not callable, (e.g. a DataArray, scalar, or array), they are simply assigned. Returns ------- ds : Dataset A new Dataset with the new variables in addition to all the existing variables. Notes ----- Since ``kwargs`` is a dictionary, the order of your arguments may not be preserved, and so the order of the new variables is not well defined. Assigning multiple variables within the same ``assign`` is possible, but you cannot reference other variables created within the same ``assign`` call. See Also -------- pandas.DataFrame.assign """ data = self.copy() # do all calculations first... results = data._calc_assign_results(kwargs) # ... and then assign data.update(results) return data def to_array(self, dim='variable', name=None): """Convert this dataset into an xray.DataArray The data variables of this dataset will be broadcast against each other and stacked along the first axis of the new array. All coordinates of this dataset will remain coordinates. Parameters ---------- dim : str, optional Name of the new dimension. name : str, optional Name of the new data array. Returns ------- array : xray.DataArray """ from .dataarray import DataArray data_vars = [self.variables[k] for k in self.data_vars] broadcast_vars = broadcast_variables(*data_vars) data = ops.stack([ for b in broadcast_vars], axis=0) coords = dict(self.coords) coords[dim] = list(self.data_vars) dims = (dim,) + broadcast_vars[0].dims return DataArray(data, coords, dims, attrs=self.attrs, name=name) def _to_dataframe(self, ordered_dims): columns = [k for k in self if k not in self.dims] data = [self._variables[k].expand_dims(ordered_dims).values.reshape(-1) for k in columns] index = self.coords.to_index(ordered_dims) return pd.DataFrame(OrderedDict(zip(columns, data)), index=index) def to_dataframe(self): """Convert this dataset into a pandas.DataFrame. Non-index variables in this dataset form the columns of the DataFrame. The DataFrame is be indexed by the Cartesian product of this dataset's indices. """ return self._to_dataframe(self.dims) @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, dataframe): """Convert a pandas.DataFrame into an xray.Dataset Each column will be converted into an independent variable in the Dataset. If the dataframe's index is a MultiIndex, it will be expanded into a tensor product of one-dimensional indices (filling in missing values with NaN). This method will produce a Dataset very similar to that on which the 'to_dataframe' method was called, except with possibly redundant dimensions (since all dataset variables will have the same dimensionality). """ # TODO: Add an option to remove dimensions along which the variables # are constant, to enable consistent serialization to/from a dataframe, # even if some variables have different dimensionality. idx = dataframe.index obj = cls() if hasattr(idx, 'levels'): # it's a multi-index # expand the DataFrame to include the product of all levels full_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(idx.levels, names=idx.names) dataframe = dataframe.reindex(full_idx) dims = [name if name is not None else 'level_%i' % n for n, name in enumerate(idx.names)] for dim, lev in zip(dims, idx.levels): obj[dim] = (dim, lev) shape = [lev.size for lev in idx.levels] else: if idx.size: dims = ( if is not None else 'index',) obj[dims[0]] = (dims, idx) else: dims = [] shape = -1 for name, series in iteritems(dataframe): data = series.values.reshape(shape) obj[name] = (dims, data) return obj @staticmethod def _unary_op(f): @functools.wraps(f) def func(self, *args, **kwargs): ds = self.coords.to_dataset() for k in self.data_vars: ds._variables[k] = f(self._variables[k], *args, **kwargs) return ds return func @staticmethod def _binary_op(f, reflexive=False, join='inner', drop_na_vars=True): @functools.wraps(f) def func(self, other): if isinstance(other, groupby.GroupBy): return NotImplemented if hasattr(other, 'indexes'): self, other = align(self, other, join=join, copy=False) empty_indexes = [d for d, s in self.dims.items() if s == 0] if empty_indexes: raise ValueError('no overlapping labels for some ' 'dimensions: %s' % empty_indexes) g = f if not reflexive else lambda x, y: f(y, x) ds = self._calculate_binary_op(g, other, drop_na_vars=drop_na_vars) return ds return func @staticmethod def _inplace_binary_op(f): @functools.wraps(f) def func(self, other): if isinstance(other, groupby.GroupBy): raise TypeError('in-place operations between a Dataset and ' 'a grouped object are not permitted') if hasattr(other, 'indexes'): other = other.reindex_like(self, copy=False) # we don't want to actually modify arrays in-place g = ops.inplace_to_noninplace_op(f) ds = self._calculate_binary_op(g, other, inplace=True) self._replace_vars_and_dims(ds._variables, ds._coord_names, ds._attrs, inplace=True) return self return func def _calculate_binary_op(self, f, other, inplace=False, drop_na_vars=True): def apply_over_both(lhs_data_vars, rhs_data_vars, lhs_vars, rhs_vars): dest_vars = OrderedDict() performed_op = False for k in lhs_data_vars: if k in rhs_data_vars: dest_vars[k] = f(lhs_vars[k], rhs_vars[k]) performed_op = True elif inplace: raise ValueError( 'datasets must have the same data variables ' 'for in-place arithmetic operations: %s, %s' % (list(lhs_data_vars), list(rhs_data_vars))) elif not drop_na_vars: # this shortcuts left alignment of variables for fillna dest_vars[k] = lhs_vars[k] if not performed_op: raise ValueError( 'datasets have no overlapping data variables: %s, %s' % (list(lhs_data_vars), list(rhs_data_vars))) return dest_vars if utils.is_dict_like(other) and not isinstance(other, Dataset): # can't use our shortcut of doing the binary operation with # Variable objects, so apply over our data vars instead. new_data_vars = apply_over_both(self.data_vars, other, self.data_vars, other) return Dataset(new_data_vars) other_coords = getattr(other, 'coords', None) ds = self.coords.merge(other_coords) if isinstance(other, Dataset): new_vars = apply_over_both(self.data_vars, other.data_vars, self.variables, other.variables) else: other_variable = getattr(other, 'variable', other) new_vars = OrderedDict((k, f(self.variables[k], other_variable)) for k in self.data_vars) ds._variables.update(new_vars) return ds ops.inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods(Dataset, array_only=False)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # File: # Author: Yuxin Wu <> import random import time import threading import multiprocessing import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from six.moves import queue from tensorpack import * from tensorpack.utils.concurrency import * from tensorpack.utils.stats import * def play_one_episode(player, func, verbose=False): def f(s): spc = player.get_action_space() act = func([[s]])[0][0].argmax() if random.random() < 0.001: act = spc.sample() if verbose: print(act) return act return np.mean(player.play_one_episode(f)) def play_model(cfg, player): predfunc = OfflinePredictor(cfg) while True: score = play_one_episode(player, predfunc) print("Total:", score) def eval_with_funcs(predictors, nr_eval, get_player_fn): class Worker(StoppableThread, ShareSessionThread): def __init__(self, func, queue): super(Worker, self).__init__() self._func = func self.q = queue def func(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.stopped(): raise RuntimeError("stopped!") return self._func(*args, **kwargs) def run(self): with self.default_sess(): player = get_player_fn(train=False) while not self.stopped(): try: score = play_one_episode(player, self.func) # print("Score, ", score) except RuntimeError: return self.queue_put_stoppable(self.q, score) q = queue.Queue() threads = [Worker(f, q) for f in predictors] for k in threads: k.start() time.sleep(0.1) # avoid simulator bugs stat = StatCounter() try: for _ in tqdm(range(nr_eval), **get_tqdm_kwargs()): r = q.get() stat.feed(r)"Waiting for all the workers to finish the last run...") for k in threads: k.stop() for k in threads: k.join() while q.qsize(): r = q.get() stat.feed(r) except: logger.exception("Eval") finally: if stat.count > 0: return (stat.average, stat.max) return (0, 0) def eval_model_multithread(cfg, nr_eval, get_player_fn): func = OfflinePredictor(cfg) NR_PROC = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2, 8) mean, max = eval_with_funcs([func] * NR_PROC, nr_eval, get_player_fn)"Average Score: {}; Max Score: {}".format(mean, max)) class Evaluator(Triggerable): def __init__(self, nr_eval, input_names, output_names, get_player_fn): self.eval_episode = nr_eval self.input_names = input_names self.output_names = output_names self.get_player_fn = get_player_fn def _setup_graph(self): NR_PROC = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2, 20) self.pred_funcs = [self.trainer.get_predictor( self.input_names, self.output_names)] * NR_PROC def _trigger(self): t = time.time() mean, max = eval_with_funcs( self.pred_funcs, self.eval_episode, self.get_player_fn) t = time.time() - t if t > 10 * 60: # eval takes too long self.eval_episode = int(self.eval_episode * 0.94) self.trainer.monitors.put_scalar('mean_score', mean) self.trainer.monitors.put_scalar('max_score', max) def play_n_episodes(player, predfunc, nr):"Start evaluation: ") for k in range(nr): if k != 0: player.restart_episode() score = play_one_episode(player, predfunc) print("{}/{}, score={}".format(k, nr, score))
import optparse import pickle #converts urls to wiki_id parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-i','--input', dest = 'input_file', help = 'input_file') parser.add_option('-o','--output', dest = 'output_file', help = 'output_file') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.input_file is None: options.input_file = raw_input('Enter input file:') if options.output_file is None: options.output_file = raw_input('Enter output file:') input_file = options.input_file output_file = options.output_file #define the dictionary url:wiki_id wiki_from_url_dict = {} with open('../../datasets/dbpedia/page_ids_en_2016.ttl','r') as f: for line in f: line = line.split(' ') if line[0] == '#': continue url = line[0] wiki_id_list = line[2].split('\"') wiki_id = wiki_id_list[1] print(url, wiki_id) wiki_from_url_dict[url] = int(wiki_id) output_file_write = open(output_file,'w') #iterate through the page links and turn urls into wiki_ids max_wiki_id = max(wiki_from_url_dict.values()) + 1 local_id = {} count = 0 with open(input_file) as page_links: for line in page_links: line = line.split(' ') if line[0] == '#': continue url_1 = line[0] url_2 = line[2] #if wiki_id not found, assign an id = max_wiki_id and increment max_wiki_id try: wiki_id1 = wiki_from_url_dict[url_1] #first entity has wiki_id try: wiki_id2 = wiki_from_url_dict[url_2] #first and second entities have wiki_ids except (KeyError, IndexError): #first entity has wiki_id, second entity doesn't try: #check if a local id has already been assigned wiki_id2 = local_id[url_2] except (KeyError, IndexError): wiki_id2 = max_wiki_id local_id[url_2] = wiki_id2 max_wiki_id +=1 except (KeyError, IndexError): #first entity doesn't have wiki_id try: wiki_id1 = local_id[url_1] except (KeyError, IndexError): wiki_id1 = max_wiki_id local_id[url_1] = wiki_id1 max_wiki_id += 1 try: #first entity doesn't have wiki_id, second entity has it wiki_id2 = wiki_from_url_dict[url_2] except (KeyError, IndexError): #neither first nor second entity have wiki_ids try: #check if a local id has already been assigned wiki_id2 = local_id[url_2] except (KeyError, IndexError): wiki_id2 = max_wiki_id local_id[url_2] = wiki_id2 max_wiki_id +=1 output_file_write.write('%d %d\n' %(wiki_id1,wiki_id2)) print count count += 1 output_file_write.close() pickle.dump(local_id,open('../../datasets/dbpedia/local_id_to_url_full_mapping_based.p','wb'))
import errno import os import pwd import shutil import sys from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader class TutorialEnv: LOCAL_MACHINE = ("Local Machine Condor Pool", "submit-host") USC_HPCC_CLUSTER = ("USC HPCC Cluster", "usc-hpcc") OSG_FROM_ISI = ("OSG from ISI submit node", "osg") XSEDE_BOSCO = ("XSEDE, with Bosco", "xsede-bosco") BLUEWATERS_GLITE = ("Bluewaters, with Glite", "bw-glite") TACC_WRANGLER = ("TACC Wrangler with Glite", "wrangler-glite") OLCF_TITAN = ("OLCF TITAN with Glite", "titan-glite") OLCF_SUMMIT_KUBERNETES_BOSCO = ( "OLCF Summit from Kubernetes using BOSCO", "summit-kub-bosco", ) class TutorialExample: PROCESS = ("Process", "process") PIPELINE = ("Pipeline", "pipeline") SPLIT = ("Split", "split") MERGE = ("Merge", "merge") EPA = ("EPA (requires R)", "r-epa") DIAMOND = ("Diamond", "diamond") CONTAINER = ("Population Modeling using Containers", "population") MPI = ("MPI Hello World", "mpi-hw") def choice(question, options, default): "Ask the user to choose from a short list of named options" while True: sys.stdout.write("{} ({}) [{}]: ".format(question, "/".join(options), default)) answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if len(answer) == 0: return default for opt in options: if answer == opt: return answer def yesno(question, default="y"): "Ask the user a yes/no question" while True: sys.stdout.write("{} (y/n) [{}]: ".format(question, default)) answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower() if len(answer) == 0: answer = default if answer == "y": return True elif answer == "n": return False def query(question, default=None): "Ask the user a question and return the response" while True: if default: sys.stdout.write("{} [{}]: ".format(question, default)) else: sys.stdout.write("%s: " % question) answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip().replace(" ", "_") if answer == "": if default: return default else: return answer def optionlist(question, options, default=0): "Ask the user to choose from a list of options" for i, option in enumerate(options): print("%d: %s" % (i + 1, option[0])) while True: sys.stdout.write("%s (1-%d) [%d]: " % (question, len(options), default + 1)) answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if len(answer) == 0: return options[default][1] try: optno = int(answer) if optno > 0 and optno <= len(options): return options[optno - 1][1] except Exception: pass class Workflow: def __init__(self, workflowdir, sharedir): self.jinja = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(sharedir), trim_blocks=True) = os.path.basename(workflowdir) self.workflowdir = workflowdir self.sharedir = sharedir = {} self.home = os.environ["HOME"] self.user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] self.tutorial = None self.generate_tutorial = False self.tutorial_setup = None self.compute_queue = "default" self.project = "MYPROJ123" sysname, _, _, _, machine = os.uname() if sysname == "Darwin": self.os = "MACOSX" else: # Probably Linux self.os = sysname.upper() self.arch = machine def copy_template(self, template, dest, mode=0o644): "Copy template to dest in workflowdir with mode" path = os.path.join(self.workflowdir, dest) t = self.jinja.get_template(template)**self.__dict__).dump(path) os.chmod(path, mode) def copy_dir(self, src, dest): # self.mkdir(dest) if not src.startswith("/"): src = os.path.join(self.sharedir, src) try: dest = os.path.join(self.workflowdir, dest) shutil.copytree(src, dest) except OSError as exc: # python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: shutil.copy(src, dest) else: raise def mkdir(self, path): "Make relative directory in workflowdir" path = os.path.join(self.workflowdir, path) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def configure(self): # The tutorial is a special case if yesno("Do you want to generate a tutorial workflow?", "n"): self.config = "tutorial" self.daxgen = "tutorial" self.generate_tutorial = True # determine the environment to setup tutorial for self.tutorial_setup = optionlist( "What environment is tutorial to be setup for?", [ TutorialEnv.LOCAL_MACHINE, TutorialEnv.USC_HPCC_CLUSTER, TutorialEnv.OSG_FROM_ISI, TutorialEnv.XSEDE_BOSCO, TutorialEnv.BLUEWATERS_GLITE, TutorialEnv.TACC_WRANGLER, TutorialEnv.OLCF_TITAN, TutorialEnv.OLCF_SUMMIT_KUBERNETES_BOSCO, ], ) # figure out what example options to provide examples = [ TutorialExample.PROCESS, TutorialExample.PIPELINE, TutorialExample.SPLIT, TutorialExample.MERGE, TutorialExample.EPA, TutorialExample.CONTAINER, ] if self.tutorial_setup != "osg": examples.append(TutorialExample.DIAMOND) if self.tutorial_setup in [ "bw-glite", "wrangler-glite", "titan-glite", "summit-kub-bosco", ]: examples.append(TutorialExample.MPI) self.project = query( "What project your jobs should run under. For example on TACC there are like : TG-DDM160003 ?" ) self.tutorial = optionlist("What tutorial workflow do you want?", examples) self.setup_tutorial() return # Determine which DAX generator API to use self.daxgen = choice( "What DAX generator API do you want to use?", ["python", "perl", "java", "r"], "python", ) # Determine what kind of site catalog we need to generate self.config = optionlist( "What does your computing infrastructure look like?", [ ("Local Machine Condor Pool", "condorpool"), ("Remote Cluster using Globus GRAM", "globus"), ("Remote Cluster using CREAMCE", "creamce"), ("Local PBS Cluster with Glite", "glite"), ("Remote PBS Cluster with BOSCO and SSH", "bosco"), ], ) # Find out some information about the site self.sitename = query("What do you want to call your compute site?", "compute") self.os = choice( "What OS does your compute site have?", ["LINUX", "MACOSX"], self.os ) self.arch = choice( "What architecture does your compute site have?", ["x86_64", "x86"], self.arch, ) def setup_tutorial(self): """ Set up tutorial for pre-defined computing environments :return: """ if self.tutorial_setup is None: self.tutorial_setup = "submit-host" if self.tutorial_setup == "submit-host": self.sitename = "condorpool" elif self.tutorial_setup == "usc-hpcc": self.sitename = "usc-hpcc" self.config = "glite" self.compute_queue = "quick" # for running the whole workflow as mpi job["pegasus.job.aggregator"] = "mpiexec" elif self.tutorial_setup == "osg": self.sitename = "osg" self.os = "linux" if not yesno("Do you want to use Condor file transfers", "y"): self.staging_site = "isi_workflow" elif self.tutorial_setup == "xsede-bosco": self.sitename = "condorpool" elif self.tutorial_setup == "bw-glite": self.sitename = "bluewaters" self.config = "glite" self.compute_queue = "normal" elif self.tutorial_setup == "wrangler-glite": self.sitename = "wrangler" self.config = "glite" self.compute_queue = "normal" elif self.tutorial_setup == "titan-glite": self.sitename = "titan" self.config = "glite" self.compute_queue = "titan" elif self.tutorial_setup == "summit-kub-bosco": self.sitename = "summit" self.config = "bosco" self.compute_queue = "batch" return def generate(self): os.makedirs(self.workflowdir) if self.tutorial != "population": self.mkdir("input") self.mkdir("output") if self.generate_tutorial: self.copy_template("%s/tc.txt" % self.tutorial, "tc.txt") if self.tutorial == "r-epa": self.copy_template("%s/daxgen.R" % self.tutorial, "daxgen.R") elif self.tutorial != "mpi-hw": self.copy_template("%s/" % self.tutorial, "") if self.tutorial == "diamond": # Executables used by the diamond workflow self.mkdir("bin") self.copy_template( "diamond/", "bin/preprocess", mode=0o755 ) self.copy_template( "diamond/", "bin/findrange", mode=0o755 ) self.copy_template( "diamond/", "bin/analyze", mode=0o755 ) # Diamond input file self.copy_template("diamond/f.a", "input/f.a") elif self.tutorial == "split": # Split workflow input file self.mkdir("bin") self.copy_template("split/pegasus.html", "input/pegasus.html") elif self.tutorial == "r-epa": # Executables used by the R-EPA workflow self.mkdir("bin") self.copy_template( "r-epa/", "bin/", mode=0o755 ) self.copy_template("r-epa/setupvar.R", "bin/setupvar.R", mode=0o755) self.copy_template( "r-epa/weighted.average.R", "bin/weighted.average.R", mode=0o755 ) self.copy_template( "r-epa/cumulative.percentiles.R", "bin/cumulative.percentiles.R", mode=0o755, ) elif self.tutorial == "population": self.copy_template("%s/Dockerfile" % self.tutorial, "Dockerfile") self.copy_template("%s/Singularity" % self.tutorial, "Singularity") self.copy_template( "%s/tc.txt.containers" % self.tutorial, "tc.txt.containers" ) self.copy_dir("%s/scripts" % self.tutorial, "scripts") self.copy_dir("%s/data" % self.tutorial, "input") # copy the mpi wrapper, c code and mpi elif self.tutorial == "mpi-hw": # copy the mpi wrapper, c code and mpi example # Executables used by the mpi-hw workflow self.mkdir("bin") self.copy_template( "%s/pegasus-mpi-hw.c" % self.tutorial, "pegasus-mpi-hw.c" ) self.copy_template("%s/Makefile" % self.tutorial, "Makefile") self.copy_template("%s/" % self.tutorial, "") self.copy_template( "%s/mpi-hello-world-wrapper" % self.tutorial, "bin/mpi-hello-world-wrapper", mode=0o755, ) self.copy_template("split/pegasus.html", "input/") else: self.copy_template("tc.txt", "tc.txt") if self.daxgen == "python": self.copy_template("daxgen/", "") elif self.daxgen == "perl": self.copy_template("daxgen/", "") elif self.daxgen == "java": self.copy_template("daxgen/", "") elif self.daxgen == "r": self.copy_template("daxgen/daxgen.R", "daxgen.R") else: assert False self.copy_template("sites.xml", "sites.xml") self.copy_template("", "", mode=0o755) self.copy_template("", "", mode=0o755) self.copy_template("", "", mode=0o755) self.copy_template("", "") self.copy_template("rc.txt", "rc.txt") self.copy_template("", "") if self.tutorial == "diamond": if self.tutorial_setup == "wrangler-glite": self.copy_template( "pmc-wrapper.wrangler", "bin/pmc-wrapper", mode=0o755 ) elif self.tutorial_setup == "titan-glite": self.copy_template("pmc-wrapper.titan", "bin/pmc-wrapper", mode=0o755) elif self.tutorial_setup == "wrangler-glite": self.copy_template( "pmc-wrapper.wrangler", "bin/pmc-wrapper", mode=0o755 ) elif self.tutorial_setup == "summit-kub-bosco": self.copy_template("pmc-wrapper.summit", "bin/pmc-wrapper", mode=0o755) if self.generate_tutorial: sys.stdout.write( "Pegasus Tutorial setup for example workflow - %s for execution on %s in directory %s\n" % (self.tutorial, self.tutorial_setup, self.workflowdir) ) def usage(): print("Usage: %s WORKFLOW_DIR" % sys.argv[0]) def main(pegasus_share_dir): if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() exit(1) if "-h" in sys.argv: usage() exit(1) workflowdir = sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(workflowdir): print("ERROR: WORKFLOW_DIR '%s' already exists" % workflowdir) exit(1) workflowdir = os.path.abspath(workflowdir) sharedir = os.path.join(pegasus_share_dir, "init") w = Workflow(workflowdir, sharedir) w.configure() w.generate()
""" Django settings for sparta project. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = ')mg$xo^v*2mmwidr0ak6%9&!@e18v8t#7@+vd+wqg8kydb48k7' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'blog', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'sparta.urls' WSGI_APPLICATION = 'sparta.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'USER':'root', 'NAME':'fordjango', 'PASSWORD':'123456', 'HOST':'localhost', 'PORT':'' } } # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join('/home/dexter/weaponx/Django/sparta/sparta/static') STATIC_URL = '/assets/' STATICFILES_DIRS = ( '/home/dexter/weaponx/Django/sparta/sparta/assets', ) TEMPLATE_DIRS=('/home/dexter/weaponx/Django/sparta/sparta/template',)
# coding=utf8 from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView, CreateView from django.db.models import Q from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.shortcuts import render from pure_pagination.mixins import PaginationMixin from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin from django.conf import settings from books.models import Publish, Author, Book from books.forms import PublishForm import json import logging logger = logging.getLogger('opsweb') class PublishListView(LoginRequiredMixin, PaginationMixin, ListView): ''' 动作:getlist, create ''' model = Publish template_name = "books/publish_list.html" context_object_name = "publish_list" paginate_by = 5 keyword = '' def get_queryset(self): queryset = super(PublishListView, self).get_queryset() self.keyword = self.request.GET.get('keyword', '').strip() if self.keyword: queryset = queryset.filter(Q(name__icontains=self.keyword) | Q(address__icontains=self.keyword) | Q(city__icontains=self.keyword)) return queryset def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(PublishListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['keyword'] = self.keyword return context def post(self, request): form = PublishForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): res = {'code': 0, 'result': '添加出版商成功'} else: # form.errors会把验证不通过的信息以对象的形式传到前端,前端直接渲染即可 res = {'code': 1, 'errmsg': form.errors} print form.errors return JsonResponse(res, safe=True) class PublishDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView): ''' 动作:getone, update, delete ''' model = Publish template_name = "books/publish_detail.html" context_object_name = 'publish' next_url = '/books/publishlist/' def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): pk = kwargs.get('pk') p = self.model.objects.get(pk=pk) form = PublishForm(request.POST, instance=p) if form.is_valid(): res = {"code": 0, "result": "更新出版商成功", 'next_url': self.next_url} else: res = {"code": 1, "errmsg": form.errors, 'next_url': self.next_url} return render(request, settings.JUMP_PAGE, res) # return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('books:publish_detail',args=[pk])) def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): pk = kwargs.get('pk') # 通过出版社对象查所在该出版社的书籍,如果有关联书籍不可以删除,没有关联书籍可以删除 try: obj = self.model.objects.get(pk=pk) if not obj.book_set.all(): self.model.objects.filter(pk=pk).delete() res = {"code": 0, "result": "删除出版商成功"} else: res = {"code": 1, "errmsg": "该出版社有关联书籍,请联系管理员"} except: res = {"code": 1, "errmsg": "删除错误请联系管理员"} return JsonResponse(res, safe=True)
#!/bin/env python import itertools import collections def read_table(filename): with open(filename) as fp: header = next(fp).split() rows = [line.split()[1:] for line in fp if line.strip()] columns = zip(*rows) data = dict(zip(header, columns)) return data table = read_table("../../data/colldata.txt") pots = sorted(table) alphabet = "+-?" for num in range(2, len(table) + 1): for group in itertools.combinations(pots, num): patterns = zip(*[table[p] for p in group]) counts = collections.Counter(patterns) for poss in itertools.product(alphabet, repeat=num): print ', '.join(group) + ':', print ''.join(poss), counts[poss]
# This file is part of the MapProxy project. # Copyright (C) 2010 Omniscale <> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import with_statement import operator import threading from mapproxy.grid import bbox_intersects, bbox_contains from import cached_property from mapproxy.util.geom import ( require_geom_support, load_polygon_lines, transform_geometry, bbox_polygon, ) from mapproxy.srs import SRS import logging log_config = logging.getLogger('mapproxy.config.coverage') try: import shapely.geometry import shapely.prepared except ImportError: # missing Shapely is handled by require_geom_support pass def coverage(geom, srs): if isinstance(geom, (list, tuple)): return BBOXCoverage(geom, srs) else: return GeomCoverage(geom, srs) def load_limited_to(limited_to): require_geom_support() srs = SRS(limited_to['srs']) geom = limited_to['geometry'] if not hasattr(geom, 'type'): # not a Shapely geometry if isinstance(geom, (list, tuple)): geom = bbox_polygon(geom) else: polygons = load_polygon_lines(geom.split('\n')) if len(polygons) == 1: geom = polygons[0] else: geom = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(polygons) return GeomCoverage(geom, srs, clip=True) class MultiCoverage(object): clip = False """Aggregates multiple coverages""" def __init__(self, coverages): self.coverages = coverages self.bbox = self.extent.bbox @cached_property def extent(self): return reduce(operator.add, [c.extent for c in self.coverages]) def intersects(self, bbox, srs): return any(c.intersects(bbox, srs) for c in self.coverages) def contains(self, bbox, srs): return any(c.contains(bbox, srs) for c in self.coverages) def transform_to(self, srs): return MultiCoverage([c.transform_to(srs) for c in self.coverages]) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, MultiCoverage): return NotImplemented if self.bbox != other.bbox: return False if len(self.coverages) != len(other.coverages): return False for a, b in zip(self.coverages, other.coverages): if a != b: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, MultiCoverage): return NotImplemented return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return '<MultiCoverage %r: %r>' % (self.extent.llbbox, self.coverages) class BBOXCoverage(object): clip = False def __init__(self, bbox, srs): self.bbox = bbox self.srs = srs self.geom = None @property def extent(self): from mapproxy.layer import MapExtent return MapExtent(self.bbox, self.srs) def _bbox_in_coverage_srs(self, bbox, srs): if srs != self.srs: bbox = srs.transform_bbox_to(self.srs, bbox) return bbox def intersects(self, bbox, srs): bbox = self._bbox_in_coverage_srs(bbox, srs) return bbox_intersects(self.bbox, bbox) def intersection(self, bbox, srs): bbox = self._bbox_in_coverage_srs(bbox, srs) intersection = ( max(self.bbox[0], bbox[0]), max(self.bbox[1], bbox[1]), min(self.bbox[2], bbox[2]), min(self.bbox[3], bbox[3]), ) if intersection[0] >= intersection[2] or intersection[1] >= intersection[3]: return None return BBOXCoverage(intersection, self.srs) def contains(self, bbox, srs): bbox = self._bbox_in_coverage_srs(bbox, srs) return bbox_contains(self.bbox, bbox) def transform_to(self, srs): if srs == self.srs: return self bbox = self.srs.transform_bbox_to(srs, self.bbox) return BBOXCoverage(bbox, srs) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BBOXCoverage): return NotImplemented if self.srs != other.srs: return False if self.bbox != other.bbox: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BBOXCoverage): return NotImplemented return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return '<BBOXCoverage %r/%r>' % (self.extent.llbbox, self.bbox) class GeomCoverage(object): def __init__(self, geom, srs, clip=False): self.geom = geom self.bbox = geom.bounds self.srs = srs self.clip = clip self._prep_lock = threading.Lock() self._prepared_geom = None self._prepared_counter = 0 self._prepared_max = 10000 @property def extent(self): from mapproxy.layer import MapExtent return MapExtent(self.bbox, self.srs) @property def prepared_geom(self): # GEOS internal data structure for prepared geometries grows over time, # recreate to limit memory consumption if not self._prepared_geom or self._prepared_counter > self._prepared_max: self._prepared_geom = shapely.prepared.prep(self.geom) self._prepared_counter = 0 self._prepared_counter += 1 return self._prepared_geom def _geom_in_coverage_srs(self, geom, srs): if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): if srs != self.srs: geom = transform_geometry(srs, self.srs, geom) elif len(geom) == 2: if srs != self.srs: geom = srs.transform_to(self.srs, geom) geom = shapely.geometry.Point(geom) else: if srs != self.srs: geom = srs.transform_bbox_to(self.srs, geom) geom = bbox_polygon(geom) return geom def transform_to(self, srs): if srs == self.srs: return self geom = transform_geometry(self.srs, srs, self.geom) return GeomCoverage(geom, srs) def intersects(self, bbox, srs): bbox = self._geom_in_coverage_srs(bbox, srs) with self._prep_lock: return self.prepared_geom.intersects(bbox) def intersection(self, bbox, srs): bbox = self._geom_in_coverage_srs(bbox, srs) return GeomCoverage(self.geom.intersection(bbox), self.srs) def contains(self, bbox, srs): bbox = self._geom_in_coverage_srs(bbox, srs) with self._prep_lock: return self.prepared_geom.contains(bbox) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, GeomCoverage): return NotImplemented if self.srs != other.srs: return False if self.bbox != other.bbox: return False if not self.geom.equals(other.geom): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, GeomCoverage): return NotImplemented return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return '<GeomCoverage %r: %r>' % (self.extent.llbbox, self.geom)
# Copyright (c) 2019 Infortrend Technology, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. class InfortrendNASTestData(object): fake_share_id = ['5a0aa06e-1c57-4996-be46-b81e360e8866', # NFS 'aac4fe64-7a9c-472a-b156-9adbb50b4d29'] # CIFS fake_share_name = [fake_share_id[0].replace('-', ''), fake_share_id[1].replace('-', '')] fake_channel_ip = ['', ''] fake_service_status_data = ('(64175, 1234, 272, 0)\n\n' '{"cliCode": ' '[{"Return": "0x0000", "CLI": "Successful"}], ' '"returnCode": [], ' '"data": ' '[{"A": ' '{"NFS": ' '{"displayName": "NFS", ' '"state_time": "2017-05-04 14:19:53", ' '"enabled": true, ' '"cpu_rate": "0.0", ' '"mem_rate": "0.0", ' '"state": "exited", ' '"type": "share"}}}]}\n\n') fake_folder_status_data = ('(64175, 1234, 1017, 0)\n\n' '{"cliCode": ' '[{"Return": "0x0000", "CLI": "Successful"}], ' '"returnCode": [], ' '"data": ' '[{"utility": "1.00", ' '"used": "33886208", ' '"subshare": true, ' '"share": false, ' '"worm": "", ' '"free": "321931374592", ' '"fsType": "xfs", ' '"owner": "A", ' '"readOnly": false, ' '"modifyTime": "2017-04-27 16:16", ' '"directory": "/share-pool-01/LV-1", ' '"volumeId": "6541BAFB2E6C57B6", ' '"mounted": true, ' '"size": "321965260800"}, ' '{"utility": "1.00", ' '"used": "33779712", ' '"subshare": false, ' '"share": false, ' '"worm": "", ' '"free": "107287973888", ' '"fsType": "xfs", ' '"owner": "A", ' '"readOnly": false, ' '"modifyTime": "2017-04-27 15:45", ' '"directory": "/share-pool-02/LV-1", ' '"volumeId": "147A8FB67DA39914", ' '"mounted": true, ' '"size": "107321753600"}]}\n\n') fake_nfs_status_off = [{ 'A': { 'NFS': { 'displayName': 'NFS', 'state_time': '2017-05-04 14:19:53', 'enabled': False, 'cpu_rate': '0.0', 'mem_rate': '0.0', 'state': 'exited', 'type': 'share', } } }] fake_folder_status = [{ 'utility': '1.00', 'used': '33886208', 'subshare': True, 'share': False, 'worm': '', 'free': '321931374592', 'fsType': 'xfs', 'owner': 'A', 'readOnly': False, 'modifyTime': '2017-04-27 16:16', 'directory': '/share-pool-01/LV-1', 'volumeId': '6541BAFB2E6C57B6', 'mounted': True, 'size': '321965260800'}, { 'utility': '1.00', 'used': '33779712', 'subshare': False, 'share': False, 'worm': '', 'free': '107287973888', 'fsType': 'xfs', 'owner': 'A', 'readOnly': False, 'modifyTime': '2017-04-27 15:45', 'directory': '/share-pool-02/LV-1', 'volumeId': '147A8FB67DA39914', 'mounted': True, 'size': '107321753600', }] def fake_get_channel_status(self, ch1_status='UP'): return [{ 'datalink': 'mgmt0', 'status': 'UP', 'typeConfig': 'DHCP', 'IP': '', 'MAC': '00:d0:23:00:15:a6', 'netmask': '', 'type': 'dhcp', 'gateway': ''}, { 'datalink': 'CH0', 'status': 'UP', 'typeConfig': 'DHCP', 'IP': self.fake_channel_ip[0], 'MAC': '00:d0:23:80:15:a6', 'netmask': '', 'type': 'dhcp', 'gateway': ''}, { 'datalink': 'CH1', 'status': ch1_status, 'typeConfig': 'DHCP', 'IP': self.fake_channel_ip[1], 'MAC': '00:d0:23:40:15:a6', 'netmask': '', 'type': 'dhcp', 'gateway': ''}, { 'datalink': 'CH2', 'status': 'DOWN', 'typeConfig': 'DHCP', 'IP': '', 'MAC': '00:d0:23:c0:15:a6', 'netmask': '', 'type': '', 'gateway': ''}, { 'datalink': 'CH3', 'status': 'DOWN', 'typeConfig': 'DHCP', 'IP': '', 'MAC': '00:d0:23:20:15:a6', 'netmask': '', 'type': '', 'gateway': '', }] fake_fquota_status = [{ 'quota': '21474836480', 'used': '0', 'name': 'test-folder', 'type': 'subfolder', 'id': '537178178'}, { 'quota': '32212254720', 'used': '0', 'name': fake_share_name[0], 'type': 'subfolder', 'id': '805306752'}, { 'quota': '53687091200', 'used': '21474836480', 'name': fake_share_name[1], 'type': 'subfolder', 'id': '69'}, { 'quota': '94091997184', 'used': '0', 'type': 'subfolder', 'id': '70', "name": 'test-folder-02' }] fake_fquota_status_with_no_settings = [] def fake_get_share_status_nfs(self, status=False): fake_share_status_nfs = [{ 'ftp': False, 'cifs': False, 'oss': False, 'sftp': False, 'nfs': status, 'directory': '/LV-1/share-pool-01/' + self.fake_share_name[0], 'exist': True, 'afp': False, 'webdav': False }] if status: fake_share_status_nfs[0]['nfs_detail'] = { 'hostList': [{ 'uid': '65534', 'insecure': 'insecure', 'squash': 'all', 'access': 'ro', 'host': '*', 'gid': '65534', 'mode': 'async', 'no_subtree_check': 'no_subtree_check', }] } return fake_share_status_nfs def fake_get_share_status_cifs(self, status=False): fake_share_status_cifs = [{ 'ftp': False, 'cifs': status, 'oss': False, 'sftp': False, 'nfs': False, 'directory': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/' + self.fake_share_name[1], 'exist': True, 'afp': False, 'webdav': False }] if status: fake_share_status_cifs[0]['cifs_detail'] = { 'available': True, 'encrypt': False, 'description': '', 'sharename': 'cifs-01', 'failover': '', 'AIO': True, 'priv': 'None', 'recycle_bin': False, 'ABE': True, } return fake_share_status_cifs fake_subfolder_data = [{ 'size': '6', 'index': '34', 'description': '', 'encryption': '', 'isEnd': False, 'share': False, 'volumeId': '6541BAFB2E6C57B6', 'quota': '', 'modifyTime': '2017-04-06 11:35', 'owner': 'A', 'path': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/UserHome', 'subshare': True, 'type': 'subfolder', 'empty': False, 'name': 'UserHome'}, { 'size': '6', 'index': '39', 'description': '', 'encryption': '', 'isEnd': False, 'share': False, 'volumeId': '6541BAFB2E6C57B6', 'quota': '21474836480', 'modifyTime': '2017-04-27 15:44', 'owner': 'A', 'path': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/test-folder', 'subshare': False, 'type': 'subfolder', 'empty': True, 'name': 'test-folder'}, { 'size': '6', 'index': '45', 'description': '', 'encryption': '', 'isEnd': False, 'share': True, 'volumeId': '6541BAFB2E6C57B6', 'quota': '32212254720', 'modifyTime': '2017-04-27 16:15', 'owner': 'A', 'path': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/' + fake_share_name[0], 'subshare': False, 'type': 'subfolder', 'empty': True, 'name': fake_share_name[0]}, { 'size': '6', 'index': '512', 'description': '', 'encryption': '', 'isEnd': True, 'share': True, 'volumeId': '6541BAFB2E6C57B6', 'quota': '53687091200', 'modifyTime': '2017-04-27 16:16', 'owner': 'A', 'path': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/' + fake_share_name[1], 'subshare': False, 'type': 'subfolder', 'empty': True, 'name': fake_share_name[1]}, { 'size': '6', 'index': '777', 'description': '', 'encryption': '', 'isEnd': False, 'share': False, 'volumeId': '6541BAFB2E6C57B6', 'quota': '94091997184', 'modifyTime': '2017-04-28 15:44', 'owner': 'A', 'path': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/test-folder-02', 'subshare': False, 'type': 'subfolder', 'empty': True, 'name': 'test-folder-02' }] fake_cifs_user_list = [{ 'Superuser': 'No', 'Group': 'users', 'Description': '', 'Quota': 'none', 'PWD Expiry Date': '2291-01-19', 'Home Directory': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/UserHome/user01', 'UID': '100001', 'Type': 'Local', 'Name': 'user01'}, { 'Superuser': 'No', 'Group': 'users', 'Description': '', 'Quota': 'none', 'PWD Expiry Date': '2017-08-07', 'Home Directory': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/UserHome/user02', 'UID': '100002', 'Type': 'Local', 'Name': 'user02' }] fake_share_status_nfs_with_rules = [{ 'ftp': False, 'cifs': False, 'oss': False, 'sftp': False, 'nfs': True, 'directory': '/share-pool-01/LV-1/' + fake_share_name[0], 'exist': True, 'nfs_detail': { 'hostList': [{ 'uid': '65534', 'insecure': 'insecure', 'squash': 'all', 'access': 'ro', 'host': '*', 'gid': '65534', 'mode': 'async', 'no_subtree_check': 'no_subtree_check'}, { 'uid': '65534', 'insecure': 'insecure', 'squash': 'all', 'access': 'rw', 'host': '', 'gid': '65534', 'mode': 'async', 'no_subtree_check': 'no_subtree_check'}, { 'uid': '65534', 'insecure': 'insecure', 'squash': 'all', 'access': 'rw', 'host': '', 'gid': '65534', 'mode': 'async', 'no_subtree_check': 'no_subtree_check'}] }, 'afp': False, 'webdav': False, }] fake_share_status_cifs_with_rules = [ { 'permission': { 'Read': True, 'Write': True, 'Execute': True}, 'type': 'user', 'id': '100001', 'name': 'user01' }, { 'permission': { 'Read': True, 'Write': False, 'Execute': True}, 'type': 'user', 'id': '100002', 'name': 'user02' }, { 'permission': { 'Read': True, 'Write': False, 'Execute': True}, 'type': 'group@', 'id': '100', 'name': 'users' }, { 'permission': { 'Read': True, 'Write': False, 'Execute': True}, 'type': 'other@', 'id': '', 'name': '' } ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! # # Snippet for GetTagKey # NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. # It may require modifications to work in your environment. # To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: # python3 -m pip install google-cloud-resourcemanager # [START cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_GetTagKey_async] from import resourcemanager_v3 async def sample_get_tag_key(): # Create a client client = resourcemanager_v3.TagKeysAsyncClient() # Initialize request argument(s) request = resourcemanager_v3.GetTagKeyRequest( name="name_value", ) # Make the request response = await client.get_tag_key(request=request) # Handle the response print(response) # [END cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_GetTagKey_async]
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Python utilities required by Keras.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import binascii import codecs import marshal import os import re import sys import time import types as python_types import numpy as np import six from tensorflow.python.util import nest from tensorflow.python.util import tf_decorator from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS = {} @keras_export('keras.utils.CustomObjectScope') class CustomObjectScope(object): """Provides a scope that changes to `_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS` cannot escape. Code within a `with` statement will be able to access custom objects by name. Changes to global custom objects persist within the enclosing `with` statement. At end of the `with` statement, global custom objects are reverted to state at beginning of the `with` statement. Example: Consider a custom object `MyObject` (e.g. a class): ```python with CustomObjectScope({'MyObject':MyObject}): layer = Dense(..., kernel_regularizer='MyObject') # save, load, etc. will recognize custom object by name ``` """ def __init__(self, *args): self.custom_objects = args self.backup = None def __enter__(self): self.backup = _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.copy() for objects in self.custom_objects: _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.update(objects) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.clear() _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.update(self.backup) @keras_export('keras.utils.custom_object_scope') def custom_object_scope(*args): """Provides a scope that changes to `_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS` cannot escape. Convenience wrapper for `CustomObjectScope`. Code within a `with` statement will be able to access custom objects by name. Changes to global custom objects persist within the enclosing `with` statement. At end of the `with` statement, global custom objects are reverted to state at beginning of the `with` statement. Example: Consider a custom object `MyObject` ```python with custom_object_scope({'MyObject':MyObject}): layer = Dense(..., kernel_regularizer='MyObject') # save, load, etc. will recognize custom object by name ``` Arguments: *args: Variable length list of dictionaries of name, class pairs to add to custom objects. Returns: Object of type `CustomObjectScope`. """ return CustomObjectScope(*args) @keras_export('keras.utils.get_custom_objects') def get_custom_objects(): """Retrieves a live reference to the global dictionary of custom objects. Updating and clearing custom objects using `custom_object_scope` is preferred, but `get_custom_objects` can be used to directly access `_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS`. Example: ```python get_custom_objects().clear() get_custom_objects()['MyObject'] = MyObject ``` Returns: Global dictionary of names to classes (`_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS`). """ return _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS def serialize_keras_class_and_config(cls_name, cls_config): """Returns the serialization of the class with the given config.""" return {'class_name': cls_name, 'config': cls_config} @keras_export('keras.utils.serialize_keras_object') def serialize_keras_object(instance): _, instance = tf_decorator.unwrap(instance) if instance is None: return None if hasattr(instance, 'get_config'): return serialize_keras_class_and_config(instance.__class__.__name__, instance.get_config()) if hasattr(instance, '__name__'): return instance.__name__ raise ValueError('Cannot serialize', instance) def class_and_config_for_serialized_keras_object( config, module_objects=None, custom_objects=None, printable_module_name='object'): """Returns the class name and config for a serialized keras object.""" if (not isinstance(config, dict) or 'class_name' not in config or 'config' not in config): raise ValueError('Improper config format: ' + str(config)) class_name = config['class_name'] if custom_objects and class_name in custom_objects: cls = custom_objects[class_name] elif class_name in _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS: cls = _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS[class_name] else: module_objects = module_objects or {} cls = module_objects.get(class_name) if cls is None: raise ValueError('Unknown ' + printable_module_name + ': ' + class_name) return (cls, config['config']) @keras_export('keras.utils.deserialize_keras_object') def deserialize_keras_object(identifier, module_objects=None, custom_objects=None, printable_module_name='object'): if identifier is None: return None if isinstance(identifier, dict): # In this case we are dealing with a Keras config dictionary. config = identifier (cls, cls_config) = class_and_config_for_serialized_keras_object( config, module_objects, custom_objects, printable_module_name) if hasattr(cls, 'from_config'): arg_spec = tf_inspect.getfullargspec(cls.from_config) custom_objects = custom_objects or {} if 'custom_objects' in arg_spec.args: return cls.from_config( cls_config, custom_objects=dict( list(_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.items()) + list(custom_objects.items()))) with CustomObjectScope(custom_objects): return cls.from_config(cls_config) else: # Then `cls` may be a function returning a class. # in this case by convention `config` holds # the kwargs of the function. custom_objects = custom_objects or {} with CustomObjectScope(custom_objects): return cls(**cls_config) elif isinstance(identifier, six.string_types): object_name = identifier if custom_objects and object_name in custom_objects: obj = custom_objects.get(object_name) elif object_name in _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS: obj = _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS[object_name] else: obj = module_objects.get(object_name) if obj is None: raise ValueError('Unknown ' + printable_module_name + ':' + object_name) # Classes passed by name are instantiated with no args, functions are # returned as-is. if tf_inspect.isclass(obj): return obj() return obj else: raise ValueError('Could not interpret serialized ' + printable_module_name + ': ' + identifier) def func_dump(func): """Serializes a user defined function. Arguments: func: the function to serialize. Returns: A tuple `(code, defaults, closure)`. """ if == 'nt': raw_code = marshal.dumps(func.__code__).replace(b'\\', b'/') code = codecs.encode(raw_code, 'base64').decode('ascii') else: raw_code = marshal.dumps(func.__code__) code = codecs.encode(raw_code, 'base64').decode('ascii') defaults = func.__defaults__ if func.__closure__: closure = tuple(c.cell_contents for c in func.__closure__) else: closure = None return code, defaults, closure def func_load(code, defaults=None, closure=None, globs=None): """Deserializes a user defined function. Arguments: code: bytecode of the function. defaults: defaults of the function. closure: closure of the function. globs: dictionary of global objects. Returns: A function object. """ if isinstance(code, (tuple, list)): # unpack previous dump code, defaults, closure = code if isinstance(defaults, list): defaults = tuple(defaults) def ensure_value_to_cell(value): """Ensures that a value is converted to a python cell object. Arguments: value: Any value that needs to be casted to the cell type Returns: A value wrapped as a cell object (see function "func_load") """ def dummy_fn(): # pylint: disable=pointless-statement value # just access it so it gets captured in .__closure__ cell_value = dummy_fn.__closure__[0] if not isinstance(value, type(cell_value)): return cell_value return value if closure is not None: closure = tuple(ensure_value_to_cell(_) for _ in closure) try: raw_code = codecs.decode(code.encode('ascii'), 'base64') except (UnicodeEncodeError, binascii.Error): raw_code = code.encode('raw_unicode_escape') code = marshal.loads(raw_code) if globs is None: globs = globals() return python_types.FunctionType( code, globs, name=code.co_name, argdefs=defaults, closure=closure) def has_arg(fn, name, accept_all=False): """Checks if a callable accepts a given keyword argument. Arguments: fn: Callable to inspect. name: Check if `fn` can be called with `name` as a keyword argument. accept_all: What to return if there is no parameter called `name` but the function accepts a `**kwargs` argument. Returns: bool, whether `fn` accepts a `name` keyword argument. """ arg_spec = tf_inspect.getfullargspec(fn) if accept_all and arg_spec.varkw is not None: return True return name in arg_spec.args @keras_export('keras.utils.Progbar') class Progbar(object): """Displays a progress bar. Arguments: target: Total number of steps expected, None if unknown. width: Progress bar width on screen. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose), 2 (semi-verbose) stateful_metrics: Iterable of string names of metrics that should *not* be averaged over time. Metrics in this list will be displayed as-is. All others will be averaged by the progbar before display. interval: Minimum visual progress update interval (in seconds). unit_name: Display name for step counts (usually "step" or "sample"). """ def __init__(self, target, width=30, verbose=1, interval=0.05, stateful_metrics=None, unit_name='step'): = target self.width = width self.verbose = verbose self.interval = interval self.unit_name = unit_name if stateful_metrics: self.stateful_metrics = set(stateful_metrics) else: self.stateful_metrics = set() self._dynamic_display = ((hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()) or 'ipykernel' in sys.modules or 'posix' in sys.modules) self._total_width = 0 self._seen_so_far = 0 # We use a dict + list to avoid garbage collection # issues found in OrderedDict self._values = {} self._values_order = [] self._start = time.time() self._last_update = 0 def update(self, current, values=None): """Updates the progress bar. Arguments: current: Index of current step. values: List of tuples: `(name, value_for_last_step)`. If `name` is in `stateful_metrics`, `value_for_last_step` will be displayed as-is. Else, an average of the metric over time will be displayed. """ values = values or [] for k, v in values: if k not in self._values_order: self._values_order.append(k) if k not in self.stateful_metrics: if k not in self._values: self._values[k] = [v * (current - self._seen_so_far), current - self._seen_so_far] else: self._values[k][0] += v * (current - self._seen_so_far) self._values[k][1] += (current - self._seen_so_far) else: # Stateful metrics output a numeric value. This representation # means "take an average from a single value" but keeps the # numeric formatting. self._values[k] = [v, 1] self._seen_so_far = current now = time.time() info = ' - %.0fs' % (now - self._start) if self.verbose == 1: if (now - self._last_update < self.interval and is not None and current < return prev_total_width = self._total_width if self._dynamic_display: sys.stdout.write('\b' * prev_total_width) sys.stdout.write('\r') else: sys.stdout.write('\n') if is not None: numdigits = int(np.log10( + 1 bar = ('%' + str(numdigits) + 'd/%d [') % (current, prog = float(current) / prog_width = int(self.width * prog) if prog_width > 0: bar += ('=' * (prog_width - 1)) if current < bar += '>' else: bar += '=' bar += ('.' * (self.width - prog_width)) bar += ']' else: bar = '%7d/Unknown' % current self._total_width = len(bar) sys.stdout.write(bar) if current: time_per_unit = (now - self._start) / current else: time_per_unit = 0 if is not None and current < eta = time_per_unit * ( - current) if eta > 3600: eta_format = '%d:%02d:%02d' % (eta // 3600, (eta % 3600) // 60, eta % 60) elif eta > 60: eta_format = '%d:%02d' % (eta // 60, eta % 60) else: eta_format = '%ds' % eta info = ' - ETA: %s' % eta_format else: if time_per_unit >= 1 or time_per_unit == 0: info += ' %.0fs/%s' % (time_per_unit, self.unit_name) elif time_per_unit >= 1e-3: info += ' %.0fms/%s' % (time_per_unit * 1e3, self.unit_name) else: info += ' %.0fus/%s' % (time_per_unit * 1e6, self.unit_name) for k in self._values_order: info += ' - %s:' % k if isinstance(self._values[k], list): avg = np.mean(self._values[k][0] / max(1, self._values[k][1])) if abs(avg) > 1e-3: info += ' %.4f' % avg else: info += ' %.4e' % avg else: info += ' %s' % self._values[k] self._total_width += len(info) if prev_total_width > self._total_width: info += (' ' * (prev_total_width - self._total_width)) if is not None and current >= info += '\n' sys.stdout.write(info) sys.stdout.flush() elif self.verbose == 2: if is not None and current >= numdigits = int(np.log10( + 1 count = ('%' + str(numdigits) + 'd/%d') % (current, info = count + info for k in self._values_order: info += ' - %s:' % k avg = np.mean(self._values[k][0] / max(1, self._values[k][1])) if avg > 1e-3: info += ' %.4f' % avg else: info += ' %.4e' % avg info += '\n' sys.stdout.write(info) sys.stdout.flush() self._last_update = now def add(self, n, values=None): self.update(self._seen_so_far + n, values) def make_batches(size, batch_size): """Returns a list of batch indices (tuples of indices). Arguments: size: Integer, total size of the data to slice into batches. batch_size: Integer, batch size. Returns: A list of tuples of array indices. """ num_batches = int(np.ceil(size / float(batch_size))) return [(i * batch_size, min(size, (i + 1) * batch_size)) for i in range(0, num_batches)] def slice_arrays(arrays, start=None, stop=None): """Slice an array or list of arrays. This takes an array-like, or a list of array-likes, and outputs: - arrays[start:stop] if `arrays` is an array-like - [x[start:stop] for x in arrays] if `arrays` is a list Can also work on list/array of indices: `slice_arrays(x, indices)` Arguments: arrays: Single array or list of arrays. start: can be an integer index (start index) or a list/array of indices stop: integer (stop index); should be None if `start` was a list. Returns: A slice of the array(s). Raises: ValueError: If the value of start is a list and stop is not None. """ if arrays is None: return [None] if isinstance(start, list) and stop is not None: raise ValueError('The stop argument has to be None if the value of start ' 'is a list.') elif isinstance(arrays, list): if hasattr(start, '__len__'): # hdf5 datasets only support list objects as indices if hasattr(start, 'shape'): start = start.tolist() return [None if x is None else x[start] for x in arrays] return [ None if x is None else None if not hasattr(x, '__getitem__') else x[start:stop] for x in arrays ] else: if hasattr(start, '__len__'): if hasattr(start, 'shape'): start = start.tolist() return arrays[start] if hasattr(start, '__getitem__'): return arrays[start:stop] return [None] def to_list(x): """Normalizes a list/tensor into a list. If a tensor is passed, we return a list of size 1 containing the tensor. Arguments: x: target object to be normalized. Returns: A list. """ if isinstance(x, list): return x return [x] def object_list_uid(object_list): """Creates a single string from object ids.""" object_list = nest.flatten(object_list) return ', '.join([str(abs(id(x))) for x in object_list]) def to_snake_case(name): intermediate = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)', r'\1_\2', name) insecure = re.sub('([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', intermediate).lower() # If the class is private the name starts with "_" which is not secure # for creating scopes. We prefix the name with "private" in this case. if insecure[0] != '_': return insecure return 'private' + insecure def is_all_none(structure): iterable = nest.flatten(structure) # We cannot use Python's `any` because the iterable may return Tensors. for element in iterable: if element is not None: return False return True def check_for_unexpected_keys(name, input_dict, expected_values): unknown = set(input_dict.keys()).difference(expected_values) if unknown: raise ValueError('Unknown entries in {} dictionary: {}. Only expected ' 'following keys: {}'.format(name, list(unknown), expected_values)) def validate_kwargs(kwargs, allowed_kwargs, error_message='Keyword argument not understood:'): """Checks that all keyword arguments are in the set of allowed keys.""" for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg not in allowed_kwargs: raise TypeError(error_message, kwarg)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import pytest import allure_commons from allure_pytest.utils import ALLURE_LABEL_PREFIX, ALLURE_LINK_PREFIX class AllureTestHelper(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config @allure_commons.hookimpl def decorate_as_label(self, label_type, labels): allure_label_marker = '{prefix}.{label_type}'.format(prefix=ALLURE_LABEL_PREFIX, label_type=label_type) allure_label = getattr(pytest.mark, allure_label_marker) return allure_label(*labels, label_type=label_type) @allure_commons.hookimpl def decorate_as_link(self, url, link_type, name): allure_link_marker = '{prefix}.{link_type}'.format(prefix=ALLURE_LINK_PREFIX, link_type=link_type) pattern = dict(self.config.option.allure_link_pattern).get(link_type, u'{}') url = pattern.format(url) allure_link = getattr(pytest.mark, allure_link_marker) return allure_link(url, name=name, link_type=link_type)
# # farmwork/ # from django import forms from django.utils.text import slugify from .models import Farmwork # ======================================================== # FARMWORK FORM # ======================================================== class FarmworkForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FarmworkForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: model = Farmwork fields = [ 'job_role', 'job_fruit', 'job_pay', 'job_pay_type', 'job_start_date', 'job_duration', 'job_duration_type', 'job_description', 'con_first_name', 'con_surname', 'con_number', 'con_email', 'con_description', 'acc_variety', 'acc_price', 'acc_price_type', 'acc_description', 'loc_street_address', 'loc_city', 'loc_state', 'loc_post_code', ] # -- # AUTO GENERATE SLUG ON SAVE # Credit: # -- def save(self): if return super(FarmworkForm, self).save() instance = super(FarmworkForm, self).save(commit=False) instance.slug = slugify(instance.get_job_fruit_display() + '-' + instance.get_job_role_display() + '-in-' + instance.loc_city) return instance
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from core.models import Identity from import AccountSerializer from api.v2.views.base import AdminAuthViewSet class AccountViewSet(AdminAuthViewSet): """ API endpoint that allows providers to be viewed or edited. """ lookup_fields = ("id", "uuid") queryset = Identity.objects.all() serializer_class = AccountSerializer http_method_names = ['post', 'head', 'options', 'trace'] def get_queryset(self): """ Filter providers by current user """ user = self.request.user if (type(user) == AnonymousUser): return Identity.objects.none() identities = user.current_identities() return identities
# Copyright 2017 Priscilla Boyd. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """ The DT_Utils module provides helper functions for Decision Tree algorithms implementation, model creation and analysis. """ import pickle from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from tools.Utils import create_folder_if_not_exists # noinspection PyTypeChecker def score_dt(model_name, model, X, y, y_actual, output_folder): """ Score a decision tree model. :param string model_name: title for the model used on the output filename :param dataframe model: model reference :param dataframe X: examples :param dataframe y: targets :param dataframe y_actual: target results :param string output_folder: location of the output / results """ print("Scoring model...") model_score = model.score(X, y) mse = mean_squared_error(y, y_actual) mse_score = model_name, "- Mean Squared Error:", mse accuracy = model_name, "- Accuracy score (%):", "{:.2%}".format(model_score) # write to file path = output_folder + '/models' create_folder_if_not_exists(path) filename = path + '/score_' + model_name + '.txt' with open(filename, 'w') as scores: print(mse_score, file=scores) print(accuracy, file=scores) scores.close() print("Scores saved location:", filename) def plot_dt(model_name, y_actual, y_test, output_folder): """ Plot decision tree, y (training) vs y (test/actual). :param string model_name: title for the model used on the output filename :param dataframe y_actual: target results :param dataframe y_test: test targets :param string output_folder: location of the output / results """ # initialise plot path path = output_folder + '/models' print("Plotting results...") plt.scatter(y_actual, y_test, label='Duration') plt.title('Decision Tree') plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], '--k', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.xlabel('y (actual)') plt.ylabel('y (test)') plt.legend() plot_path = path + '/plot_' + model_name + '.png' plt.savefig(plot_path) print("Plot saved location:", plot_path) def save_dt_model(model_name, model, folder): """ Save model using Pickle binary format. :param dataframe model: model reference :param string model_name: title for the model used on the output filename :param string folder: location of model output """ print("Saving model...") model_file = folder + '/models/' + model_name + '.pkl' path = open(model_file, 'wb') pickle.dump(model, path) print("Model saved location:", model_file) def load_dt_model(pickle_model): """ Retrieve model using Pickle binary format. :param string pickle_model: location of Pickle model :return: Pickle model for re-use :rtype: object """ return pickle.loads(pickle_model)
from artnet import * import SocketServer import time, os, random, datetime, sys import argparse import socket import struct from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import glob DEBUG = False UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 6454
import sys from drone.actions.emr_launcher import launch_emr_task from drone.actions.ssh_launcher import launch_ssh_task from drone.job_runner.dependency_manager import dependencies_are_met from drone.job_runner.job_progress_checker import check_running_job_progress from drone.metadata.metadata import get_job_info, job_status, set_ready, set_running, set_failed task_launcher = {'ssh': launch_ssh_task, 'emr': launch_emr_task} def process(job_config, settings): for job_id, schedule_time, execution_time, status, runs, uid in get_job_info(job_config.get('id'), db_name=settings.metadata): if status == job_status.get('failed'): if (int(job_config.get('retry')) if job_config.get('retry') else 0) > int(runs): settings.logger.debug( '%s runs %s. set retries %s.' % (job_config.get('id'), runs, job_config.get('retry'))) if dependencies_are_met(job_config, schedule_time, settings): set_ready(job_config.get('id'), schedule_time, db_name=settings.metadata)'Job "%s" "%s" set as ready' % (job_config.get('id'), schedule_time)) run(job_config, schedule_time, settings) continue else: continue else: continue elif status == job_status.get('running'): check_running_job_progress(job_config, schedule_time, uid, settings) continue elif status == job_status.get('ready'): run(job_config, schedule_time, settings) elif status == job_status.get('succeeded'): continue elif status == job_status.get('not_ready'): if dependencies_are_met(job_config, schedule_time, settings): set_ready(job_config.get('id'), schedule_time, db_name=settings.metadata)'Job "%s" "%s" set as ready' % (job_config.get('id'), schedule_time)) run(job_config, schedule_time, settings) else: continue else: settings.logger.error('Unknown job status "%s"' % status) sys.exit(1) def run(job_config, schedule_time, settings):'Starting job "%s" "%s"' % (job_config.get('id'), schedule_time)) job_type = job_config.get('type') try: assert job_type in settings.supported_job_types except: settings.logger.warning( 'Unsupported job type %s. Valid types are %s' % (job_type, str(settings.supported_job_types))) task_lauched_successfully, uid = task_launcher.get(job_type)(job_config, schedule_time, settings) if task_lauched_successfully: set_running(job_config.get('id'), schedule_time, uid, db_name=settings.metadata)'Started job "%s" "%s"' % (job_config.get('id'), schedule_time)) else: set_failed(job_config.get('id'), schedule_time, db_name=settings.metadata) settings.logger.warning('Failed to start job "%s" "%s"' % (job_config.get('id'), schedule_time))
import scrapy from scrapy import log from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor from rcbi.items import Part import copy import json import re VARIANT_JSON_REGEX = re.compile("product: ({.*}),") class ShendronesSpider(CrawlSpider): name = "shendrones" allowed_domains = [""] start_urls = [""] rules = ( Rule(LinkExtractor(restrict_css=[".grid-item"]), callback='parse_item'), ) def parse_item(self, response): item = Part() item["site"] = variant = {} item["variants"] = [variant] base_url = response.url item["manufacturer"] = "Shendrones" # Find the json info for variants. body = response.body_as_unicode() m = if m: shopify_info = json.loads( global_title = shopify_info["title"] preorder = False if global_title.endswith("Pre Order"): global_title = global_title[:-len("Pre Order")].strip() variant["stock_state"] = "backordered" preorder = True for v in shopify_info["variants"]: if v["title"] != "Default Title": item["name"] = global_title + " " + v["title"] variant["url"] = base_url + "?variant=" + str(v["id"]) else: item["name"] = global_title variant["url"] = base_url variant["price"] = "${:.2f}".format(v["price"] / 100) if not preorder: if v["inventory_quantity"] <= 0: if v["inventory_policy"] == "deny": variant["stock_state"] = "out_of_stock" else: variant["stock_state"] = "backordered" elif v["inventory_quantity"] < 3: variant["stock_state"] = "low_stock" variant["stock_text"] = "Only " + str(v["inventory_quantity"]) + " left!" else: variant["stock_state"] = "in_stock" yield item item = copy.deepcopy(item) variant = item["variants"][0]
from karld.loadump import dump_dicts_to_json_file from karld.loadump import ensure_dir from karld.loadump import ensure_file_path_dir from karld.loadump import i_get_csv_data from karld.loadump import is_file_csv from karld.loadump import i_get_json_data from karld.loadump import is_file_json from karld.loadump import raw_line_reader from karld.loadump import split_csv_file from karld.loadump import split_file from karld.loadump import split_file_output from karld.loadump import split_file_output_csv from karld.loadump import split_file_output_json from karld.loadump import write_as_csv from karld.loadump import write_as_json
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace Hosting # Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import uuid from mock import Mock, patch from trove.backup import models as backup_models from trove.common import cfg from trove.common import exception from trove.common.instance import ServiceStatuses from trove.datastore import models as datastore_models from trove.instance import models from trove.instance.models import DBInstance from trove.instance.models import filter_ips from trove.instance.models import Instance from trove.instance.models import InstanceServiceStatus from trove.instance.models import SimpleInstance from trove.instance.tasks import InstanceTasks from trove.taskmanager import api as task_api from trove.tests.fakes import nova from trove.tests.unittests import trove_testtools from trove.tests.unittests.util import util CONF = cfg.CONF class SimpleInstanceTest(trove_testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(SimpleInstanceTest, self).setUp() db_info = DBInstance( InstanceTasks.BUILDING, name="TestInstance") self.instance = SimpleInstance( None, db_info, InstanceServiceStatus( ServiceStatuses.BUILDING), ds_version=Mock(), ds=Mock()) db_info.addresses = {"private": [{"addr": ""}], "internal": [{"addr": ""}], "public": [{"addr": ""}]} self.orig_conf = CONF.network_label_regex self.orig_ip_regex = CONF.ip_regex self.orig_black_list_regex = CONF.black_list_regex def tearDown(self): super(SimpleInstanceTest, self).tearDown() CONF.network_label_regex = self.orig_conf CONF.ip_start = None def test_get_root_on_create(self): root_on_create_val = Instance.get_root_on_create( 'redis') self.assertFalse(root_on_create_val) def test_filter_ips_white_list(self): CONF.network_label_regex = '.*' CONF.ip_regex = '^(15.|123.)' CONF.black_list_regex = '^10.123.123.*' ip = self.instance.get_visible_ip_addresses() ip = filter_ips( ip, CONF.ip_regex, CONF.black_list_regex) self.assertEqual(2, len(ip)) self.assertTrue('' in ip) self.assertTrue('' in ip) def test_filter_ips_black_list(self): CONF.network_label_regex = '.*' CONF.ip_regex = '.*' CONF.black_list_regex = '^10.123.123.*' ip = self.instance.get_visible_ip_addresses() ip = filter_ips( ip, CONF.ip_regex, CONF.black_list_regex) self.assertEqual(2, len(ip)) self.assertTrue('' not in ip) def test_one_network_label(self): CONF.network_label_regex = 'public' ip = self.instance.get_visible_ip_addresses() self.assertEqual([''], ip) def test_two_network_labels(self): CONF.network_label_regex = '^(private|public)$' ip = self.instance.get_visible_ip_addresses() self.assertEqual(2, len(ip)) self.assertTrue('' in ip) self.assertTrue('' in ip) def test_all_network_labels(self): CONF.network_label_regex = '.*' ip = self.instance.get_visible_ip_addresses() self.assertEqual(3, len(ip)) self.assertTrue('' in ip) self.assertTrue('' in ip) self.assertTrue('' in ip) class CreateInstanceTest(trove_testtools.TestCase): @patch.object(task_api.API, 'get_client', Mock(return_value=Mock())) def setUp(self): util.init_db() self.context = trove_testtools.TroveTestContext(self, is_admin=True) = "name" self.flavor_id = 5 self.image_id = "UUID" self.databases = [] self.users = [] self.datastore = datastore_models.DBDatastore.create( id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name='mysql' + str(uuid.uuid4()), ) self.datastore_version = ( datastore_models.DBDatastoreVersion.create( id=str(uuid.uuid4()),, name="5.5" + str(uuid.uuid4()), manager="mysql", image_id="image_id", packages="", active=True)) self.volume_size = 1 = "az" self.nics = None self.configuration = None self.tenant_id = "UUID" self.datastore_version_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.db_info = DBInstance.create(, flavor_id=self.flavor_id, tenant_id=self.tenant_id, volume_size=self.volume_size,, task_status=InstanceTasks.BUILDING, configuration_id=self.configuration ) self.backup_name = "name" self.descr = None self.backup_state = backup_models.BackupState.COMPLETED self.instance_id = self.parent_id = None self.deleted = False self.backup = backup_models.DBBackup.create( name=self.backup_name, description=self.descr, tenant_id=self.tenant_id, state=self.backup_state, instance_id=self.instance_id, parent_id=self.parent_id,, deleted=False ) self.backup.size = 1.1 self.backup_id = self.orig_client = models.create_nova_client models.create_nova_client = nova.fake_create_nova_client self.orig_api = task_api.API(self.context).create_instance task_api.API(self.context).create_instance = Mock() self.run_with_quotas = models.run_with_quotas models.run_with_quotas = Mock() self.check = backup_models.DBBackup.check_swift_object_exist backup_models.DBBackup.check_swift_object_exist = Mock( return_value=True) super(CreateInstanceTest, self).setUp() @patch.object(task_api.API, 'get_client', Mock(return_value=Mock())) def tearDown(self): self.db_info.delete() self.backup.delete() self.datastore.delete() self.datastore_version.delete() models.create_nova_client = self.orig_client task_api.API(self.context).create_instance = self.orig_api models.run_with_quotas = self.run_with_quotas backup_models.DBBackup.check_swift_object_exist = self.check self.backup.delete() self.db_info.delete() super(CreateInstanceTest, self).tearDown() def test_exception_on_invalid_backup_size(self): self.assertEqual(, self.backup_id) exc = self.assertRaises( exception.BackupTooLarge, models.Instance.create, self.context,, self.flavor_id, self.image_id, self.databases, self.users, self.datastore, self.datastore_version, self.volume_size, self.backup_id,, self.nics, self.configuration ) self.assertIn("Backup is too large for " "given flavor or volume.", str(exc)) def test_can_restore_from_backup_with_almost_equal_size(self): # target size equals to "1Gb" self.backup.size = 0.99 instance = models.Instance.create( self.context,, self.flavor_id, self.image_id, self.databases, self.users, self.datastore, self.datastore_version, self.volume_size, self.backup_id,, self.nics, self.configuration) self.assertIsNotNone(instance) class TestReplication(trove_testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): util.init_db() self.datastore = datastore_models.DBDatastore.create( id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name='name' + str(uuid.uuid4()), default_version_id=str(uuid.uuid4())) self.datastore_version = datastore_models.DBDatastoreVersion.create( id=self.datastore.default_version_id, name='name' + str(uuid.uuid4()), image_id=str(uuid.uuid4()), packages=str(uuid.uuid4()),, manager='mysql', active=1) self.master = DBInstance( InstanceTasks.NONE, id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name="TestMasterInstance", self.master.set_task_status(InstanceTasks.NONE) self.master_status = InstanceServiceStatus( ServiceStatuses.RUNNING, id=str(uuid.uuid4()), self.safe_nova_client = models.create_nova_client models.create_nova_client = nova.fake_create_nova_client super(TestReplication, self).setUp() def tearDown(self): self.master.delete() self.master_status.delete() self.datastore.delete() self.datastore_version.delete() models.create_nova_client = self.safe_nova_client super(TestReplication, self).tearDown() @patch('trove.instance.models.LOG') def test_replica_of_not_active_master(self, mock_logging): self.master.set_task_status(InstanceTasks.BUILDING) self.master_status.set_status(ServiceStatuses.BUILDING) self.assertRaises(exception.UnprocessableEntity, Instance.create, None, 'name', 1, "UUID", [], [], None, self.datastore_version, 1, None, @patch('trove.instance.models.LOG') def test_replica_with_invalid_slave_of_id(self, mock_logging): self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, Instance.create, None, 'name', 1, "UUID", [], [], None, self.datastore_version, 1, None, slave_of_id=str(uuid.uuid4())) def test_create_replica_from_replica(self): self.replica_datastore_version = Mock( spec=datastore_models.DBDatastoreVersion) = "UUID" self.replica_datastore_version.manager = 'mysql' self.replica_info = DBInstance( InstanceTasks.NONE, id="UUID", name="TestInstance",, self.assertRaises(exception.Forbidden, Instance.create, None, 'name', 2, "UUID", [], [], None, self.datastore_version, 1, None,
# Copyright 2016 Nuage Netowrks USA Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import copy import os import oslo_messaging import six from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc from neutron import context from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib.plugins import directory from import device_drivers from import fedora_strongswan_ipsec from import ipsec from import strongswan_ipsec from nuage_neutron.vpnaas.common import topics from nuage_neutron.vpnaas.nuage_interface import NuageInterfaceDriver from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import loopingcall LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) IPSEC_CONNS = 'ipsec_site_connections' class NuageIPsecVpnDriverApi(object): """IPSecVpnDriver RPC api.""" def __init__(self, topic): target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0') self.client = n_rpc.get_client(target) def get_vpn_services_on_host(self, context, host): """Get list of vpnservices. The vpnservices including related ipsec_site_connection, ikepolicy and ipsecpolicy on this host """ cctxt = self.client.prepare() return, 'get_vpn_services_on_host', host=host) def update_status(self, context, status): """Update local status. This method call updates status attribute of VPNServices. """ cctxt = self.client.prepare() return, 'update_status', status=status) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class NuageIPsecDriver(device_drivers.DeviceDriver): def __init__(self, vpn_service, host): self.conf = vpn_service.conf = host self.conn = n_rpc.create_connection(new=True) self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session() self.topic = topics.NUAGE_IPSEC_AGENT_TOPIC self.processes = {} self.routers = {} self.process_status_cache = {} self.endpoints = [self] self.conn.create_consumer(self.topic, self.endpoints) self.conn.consume_in_threads() self.agent_rpc = NuageIPsecVpnDriverApi( topics.NUAGE_IPSEC_DRIVER_TOPIC) self.process_status_cache_check = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( self.report_status, self.context) self.process_status_cache_check.start( interval=20) self.nuage_if_driver = NuageInterfaceDriver(cfg.CONF) def _get_l3_plugin(self): return directory.get_plugin(constants.L3) def get_namespace(self, router_id): """Get namespace of router. :router_id: router_id :returns: namespace string. """ return 'vpn-' + router_id def vpnservice_updated(self, context, **kwargs): """Vpnservice updated rpc handler VPN Service Driver will call this method when vpnservices updated. Then this method start sync with server. """ router = kwargs.get('router', None) self.sync(context, [router] if router else []) def tracking(self, context, **kwargs): """Handling create router event. Agent calls this method, when the process namespace is ready. Note: process_id == router_id == vpnservice_id """ router = kwargs.get('router', None) process_id = router['id'] self.routers[process_id] = process_id if process_id in self.processes: # In case of vpnservice is created # before vpn service namespace process = self.processes[process_id] process.enable() def non_tracking(self, context, **kwargs): router = kwargs.get('router', None) process_id = router['id'] self.destroy_process(process_id) if process_id in self.routers: del self.routers[process_id] def ensure_process(self, process_id, vpnservice=None): """Ensuring process. If the process doesn't exist, it will create process and store it in self.processs """ process = self.processes.get(process_id) if not process or not process.namespace: namespace = self.get_namespace(process_id) process = self.create_process( process_id, vpnservice, namespace) self.processes[process_id] = process elif vpnservice: process.update_vpnservice(vpnservice) return process @lockutils.synchronized('vpn-agent', 'neutron-') def sync(self, context, routers): """Sync status with server side. :param context: context object for RPC call :param routers: Router objects which is created in this sync event There could be many failure cases should be considered including the followings. 1) Agent class restarted 2) Failure on process creation 3) VpnService is deleted during agent down 4) RPC failure In order to handle, these failure cases, the driver needs to take sync strategies. """ vpnservices = self.agent_rpc.get_vpn_services_on_host( context, router_ids = [vpnservice['router_id'] for vpnservice in vpnservices] sync_router_ids = [router['id'] for router in routers] self._sync_vpn_processes(vpnservices, sync_router_ids) self._delete_vpn_processes(sync_router_ids, router_ids) self._cleanup_stale_vpn_processes(router_ids) self.report_status(context) def get_process_status_cache(self, process): if not self.process_status_cache.get( self.process_status_cache[] = { 'status': None, 'id': process.vpnservice['id'], 'updated_pending_status': False, 'ipsec_site_connections': {}} return self.process_status_cache[] def report_status(self, context): status_changed_vpn_services = [] for process in self.processes.values(): previous_status = self.get_process_status_cache(process) if self.is_status_updated(process, previous_status): new_status = self.copy_process_status(process) self.update_downed_connections(, new_status) status_changed_vpn_services.append(new_status) self.process_status_cache[] = ( self.copy_process_status(process)) # We need unset updated_pending status after it # is reported to the server side self.unset_updated_pending_status(process) if status_changed_vpn_services: self.agent_rpc.update_status(context, status_changed_vpn_services) def _sync_vpn_processes(self, vpnservices, sync_router_ids): for vpnservice in vpnservices: if vpnservice['router_id'] not in self.processes or ( vpnservice['router_id'] in sync_router_ids): process = self.ensure_process(vpnservice['router_id'], vpnservice=vpnservice) router = self.routers.get(vpnservice['router_id']) if not router: continue process.update() def _delete_vpn_processes(self, sync_router_ids, vpn_router_ids): for process_id in sync_router_ids: if process_id not in vpn_router_ids: self.destroy_process(process_id) def _cleanup_stale_vpn_processes(self, vpn_router_ids): process_ids = [pid for pid in self.processes if pid not in vpn_router_ids] for process_id in process_ids: self.destroy_process(process_id) def is_status_updated(self, process, previous_status): if process.updated_pending_status: return True if process.status != previous_status['status']: return True if (process.connection_status != previous_status['ipsec_site_connections']): return True def unset_updated_pending_status(self, process): process.updated_pending_status = False for connection_status in process.connection_status.values(): connection_status['updated_pending_status'] = False def copy_process_status(self, process): return { 'id': process.vpnservice['id'], 'status': process.status, 'updated_pending_status': process.updated_pending_status, 'ipsec_site_connections': copy.deepcopy(process.connection_status) } def update_downed_connections(self, process_id, new_status): """Update info to be reported, if connections just went down. If there is no longer any information for a connection, because it has been removed (e.g. due to an admin down of VPN service or IPSec connection), but there was previous status information for the connection, mark the connection as down for reporting purposes. """ if process_id in self.process_status_cache: for conn in self.process_status_cache[process_id][IPSEC_CONNS]: if conn not in new_status[IPSEC_CONNS]: new_status[IPSEC_CONNS][conn] = { 'status': constants.DOWN, 'updated_pending_status': True } def create_router(self, router): """Handling create router event.""" pass def destroy_router(self, process_id): pass def destroy_process(self, process_id): """Destroy process. Disable the process and remove the process manager for the processes that no longer are running vpn service. """ if process_id in self.processes: process = self.processes[process_id] process.disable() if process_id in self.processes: del self.processes[process_id] def plug_to_ovs(self, context, **kwargs): self.nuage_if_driver.plug(kwargs['network_id'], kwargs['port_id'], kwargs['device_name'], kwargs['mac'], 'alubr0', kwargs['ns_name']) self.nuage_if_driver.init_l3(kwargs['device_name'], kwargs['cidr'], kwargs['ns_name']) device = ip_lib.IPDevice(kwargs['device_name'], namespace=kwargs['ns_name']) for gateway_ip in kwargs['gw_ip']: device.route.add_gateway(gateway_ip) def unplug_from_ovs(self, context, **kwargs): self.nuage_if_driver.unplug(kwargs['device_name'], 'alubr0', kwargs['ns_name']) ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper(kwargs['ns_name']) ip.garbage_collect_namespace() # On Redhat deployments an additional directory is created named # 'ip_vti0' in the namespace which prevents the cleanup # of namespace by the neutron agent in '' which we clean. if kwargs['ns_name'] in ip.get_namespaces(): ip.netns.delete(kwargs['ns_name']) class NuageOpenSwanDriver(NuageIPsecDriver): def create_process(self, process_id, vpnservice, namespace): return ipsec.OpenSwanProcess( self.conf, process_id, vpnservice, namespace) class NuageStrongSwanDriver(NuageIPsecDriver): def create_process(self, process_id, vpnservice, namespace): return strongswan_ipsec.StrongSwanProcess( self.conf, process_id, vpnservice, namespace) class NuageStrongSwanDriverFedora(NuageIPsecDriver): def create_process(self, process_id, vpnservice, namespace): return fedora_strongswan_ipsec.FedoraStrongSwanProcess( self.conf, process_id, vpnservice, namespace)
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from django.contrib import admin from api import views admin.autodiscover() from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter router = DefaultRouter() router.register(r'headings', views.HeadingViewSet) router.register(r'users', views.UserViewSet) urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^', include(router.urls)), url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')) )
# # Copyright 2013 Quantopian, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import functools import logbook import math import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la from six import iteritems from import trading import pandas as pd from . import risk from . risk import ( alpha, check_entry, information_ratio, sharpe_ratio, sortino_ratio, ) log = logbook.Logger('Risk Period') choose_treasury = functools.partial(risk.choose_treasury, risk.select_treasury_duration) class RiskMetricsPeriod(object): def __init__(self, start_date, end_date, returns, benchmark_returns=None): treasury_curves = trading.environment.treasury_curves if treasury_curves.index[-1] >= start_date: mask = ((treasury_curves.index >= start_date) & (treasury_curves.index <= end_date)) self.treasury_curves = treasury_curves[mask] else: # our test is beyond the treasury curve history # so we'll use the last available treasury curve self.treasury_curves = treasury_curves[-1:] self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date if benchmark_returns is None: br = trading.environment.benchmark_returns benchmark_returns = br[(br.index >= returns.index[0]) & (br.index <= returns.index[-1])] self.algorithm_returns = self.mask_returns_to_period(returns) self.benchmark_returns = self.mask_returns_to_period(benchmark_returns) self.calculate_metrics() def calculate_metrics(self): self.benchmark_period_returns = \ self.calculate_period_returns(self.benchmark_returns) self.algorithm_period_returns = \ self.calculate_period_returns(self.algorithm_returns) if not self.algorithm_returns.index.equals( self.benchmark_returns.index ): message = "Mismatch between benchmark_returns ({bm_count}) and \ algorithm_returns ({algo_count}) in range {start} : {end}" message = message.format( bm_count=len(self.benchmark_returns), algo_count=len(self.algorithm_returns), start=self.start_date, end=self.end_date ) raise Exception(message) self.num_trading_days = len(self.benchmark_returns) self.benchmark_volatility = self.calculate_volatility( self.benchmark_returns) self.algorithm_volatility = self.calculate_volatility( self.algorithm_returns) self.treasury_period_return = choose_treasury( self.treasury_curves, self.start_date, self.end_date ) self.sharpe = self.calculate_sharpe() self.sortino = self.calculate_sortino() self.information = self.calculate_information() self.beta, self.algorithm_covariance, self.benchmark_variance, \ self.condition_number, self.eigen_values = self.calculate_beta() self.alpha = self.calculate_alpha() self.excess_return = self.algorithm_period_returns - \ self.treasury_period_return self.max_drawdown = self.calculate_max_drawdown() def to_dict(self): """ Creates a dictionary representing the state of the risk report. Returns a dict object of the form: """ period_label = self.end_date.strftime("%Y-%m") rval = { 'trading_days': self.num_trading_days, 'benchmark_volatility': self.benchmark_volatility, 'algo_volatility': self.algorithm_volatility, 'treasury_period_return': self.treasury_period_return, 'algorithm_period_return': self.algorithm_period_returns, 'benchmark_period_return': self.benchmark_period_returns, 'sharpe': self.sharpe, 'sortino': self.sortino, 'information': self.information, 'beta': self.beta, 'alpha': self.alpha, 'excess_return': self.excess_return, 'max_drawdown': self.max_drawdown, 'period_label': period_label } return {k: None if check_entry(k, v) else v for k, v in iteritems(rval)} def __repr__(self): statements = [] metrics = [ "algorithm_period_returns", "benchmark_period_returns", "excess_return", "num_trading_days", "benchmark_volatility", "algorithm_volatility", "sharpe", "sortino", "information", "algorithm_covariance", "benchmark_variance", "beta", "alpha", "max_drawdown", "algorithm_returns", "benchmark_returns", "condition_number", "eigen_values" ] for metric in metrics: value = getattr(self, metric) statements.append("{m}:{v}".format(m=metric, v=value)) return '\n'.join(statements) def mask_returns_to_period(self, daily_returns): if isinstance(daily_returns, list): returns = pd.Series([x.returns for x in daily_returns], index=[ for x in daily_returns]) else: # otherwise we're receiving an index already returns = daily_returns trade_days = trading.environment.trading_days trade_day_mask = returns.index.normalize().isin(trade_days) mask = ((returns.index >= self.start_date) & (returns.index <= self.end_date) & trade_day_mask) returns = returns[mask] return returns def calculate_period_returns(self, returns): period_returns = (1. + returns).prod() - 1 return period_returns def calculate_volatility(self, daily_returns): return np.std(daily_returns, ddof=1) * math.sqrt(self.num_trading_days) def calculate_sharpe(self): """ """ return sharpe_ratio(self.algorithm_volatility, self.algorithm_period_returns, self.treasury_period_return) def calculate_sortino(self, mar=None): """ """ if mar is None: mar = self.treasury_period_return return sortino_ratio(self.algorithm_returns, self.algorithm_period_returns, mar) def calculate_information(self): """ """ return information_ratio(self.algorithm_returns, self.benchmark_returns) def calculate_beta(self): """ .. math:: \\beta_a = \\frac{\mathrm{Cov}(r_a,r_p)}{\mathrm{Var}(r_p)} """ # it doesn't make much sense to calculate beta for less than two days, # so return none. if len(self.algorithm_returns) < 2: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, [] returns_matrix = np.vstack([self.algorithm_returns, self.benchmark_returns]) C = np.cov(returns_matrix, ddof=1) eigen_values = la.eigvals(C) condition_number = max(eigen_values) / min(eigen_values) algorithm_covariance = C[0][1] benchmark_variance = C[1][1] beta = algorithm_covariance / benchmark_variance return ( beta, algorithm_covariance, benchmark_variance, condition_number, eigen_values ) def calculate_alpha(self): """ """ return alpha(self.algorithm_period_returns, self.treasury_period_return, self.benchmark_period_returns, self.beta) def calculate_max_drawdown(self): compounded_returns = [] cur_return = 0.0 for r in self.algorithm_returns: try: cur_return += math.log(1.0 + r) # this is a guard for a single day returning -100% except ValueError: log.debug("{cur} return, zeroing the returns".format( cur=cur_return)) cur_return = 0.0 # BUG? Shouldn't this be set to log(1.0 + 0) ? compounded_returns.append(cur_return) cur_max = None max_drawdown = None for cur in compounded_returns: if cur_max is None or cur > cur_max: cur_max = cur drawdown = (cur - cur_max) if max_drawdown is None or drawdown < max_drawdown: max_drawdown = drawdown if max_drawdown is None: return 0.0 return 1.0 - math.exp(max_drawdown)
#!/usr/bin/python #-*-coding:utf8-*- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup #import pandas as pd import glob import sys import re """ Version xml de cfdi 3.3 """ class CFDI(object): def __init__(self, f): """ Constructor que requiere en el parámetro una cadena con el nombre del cfdi. """ fxml = open(f,'r').read() soup = Soup(fxml,'lxml') #============componentes del cfdi============ emisor = soup.find('cfdi:emisor') receptor = soup.find('cfdi:receptor') comprobante = soup.find('cfdi:comprobante') tfd = soup.find('tfd:timbrefiscaldigital') self.__version = comprobante['version'] self.__folio = comprobante['folio'] self.__uuid = tfd['uuid'] self.__fechatimbrado = tfd['fechatimbrado'] self.__traslados = soup.find_all(lambda e:'cfdi:traslado' and sorted(e.attrs.keys())==['importe','impuesto','tasaocuota','tipofactor']) self.__retenciones = soup.find_all(lambda e:'cfdi:retencion' and sorted(e.attrs.keys())==['importe','impuesto']) #============emisor========================== self.__emisorrfc = emisor['rfc'] try: self.__emisornombre = emisor['nombre'] except: self.__emisornombre = emisor['rfc'] #============receptor======================== self.__receptorrfc = receptor['rfc'] try: self.__receptornombre = receptor['nombre'] except: self.__receptornombre = receptor['rfc'] #============comprobante===================== self.__certificado = comprobante['certificado'] self.__sello = comprobante['sello'] self.__total = round(float(comprobante['total']),2) self.__subtotal = round(float(comprobante['subtotal']),2) self.__fecha_cfdi = comprobante['fecha'] self.__conceptos = soup.find_all(lambda e:'cfdi:concepto') self.__n_conceptos = len(self.__conceptos) try: self.__moneda = comprobante['moneda'] except KeyError as k: self.__moneda = 'MXN' try: self.__lugar = comprobante['lugarexpedicion'] except KeyError as k: self.__lugar = u'México' tipo = comprobante['tipodecomprobante'] if(float(self.__version)==3.2): self.__tipo = tipo else: tcomprobantes = {'I':'Ingreso', 'E':'Egreso', 'N':'Nomina', 'P':'Pagado'} self.__tipo = tcomprobantes[tipo] try: self.__tcambio = float(comprobante['tipocambio']) except: self.__tcambio = 1. triva, trieps, trisr = self.__calcula_traslados() self.__triva = round(triva,2) self.__trieps = round(trieps,2) self.__trisr = round(trisr,2) retiva, retisr = self.__calcula_retenciones() self.__retiva = round(retiva,2) self.__retisr = round(retisr,2) def __str__(self): """ Imprime el cfdi en el siguiente orden emisor, fecha de timbrado, tipo de comprobante, rfc emisor, uuid,_ receptor, rfc receptor, subtotal, ieps, iva, retiva, retisr, tc, total """ respuesta = '\t'.join( map(str, self.lista_valores)) return respuesta def __calcula_traslados(self): triva, trieps, trisr = 0., 0., 0 for t in self.__traslados: impuesto = t['impuesto'] importe = float(t['importe']) if(self.__version=='3.2'): if impuesto=='IVA': triva += importe elif impuesto=='ISR': trisr += importe elif impuesto=='IEPS': trieps += importe elif(self.__version=='3.3'): if impuesto=='002': triva += importe elif impuesto=='001': trisr += importe elif impuesto=='003': trieps += importe return triva, trieps, trisr def __calcula_retenciones(self): retiva, retisr = 0., 0. for t in self.__retenciones: impuesto = t['impuesto'] importe = float(t['importe']) if(self.__version=='3.2'): if(impuesto=='ISR'): retisr += importe elif(impuesto=='IVA'): retiva += importe elif(self.__version=='3.3'): if(impuesto=='002'): retiva += importe elif(impuesto=='001'): retisr += importe return retiva, retisr @property def lista_valores(self): v = [self.__emisornombre,self.__fechatimbrado, self.__tipo, self.__emisorrfc ] v += [self.__uuid, self.__folio, self.__receptornombre, self.__receptorrfc ] v += [self.__subtotal, self.__trieps, self.__triva] v += [self.__retiva, self.__retisr, self.__tcambio, self.__total] return v @property def dic_cfdi(self): d = {} d["Emisor"] = self.__emisornombre d["Fecha_CFDI"] = self.__fechatimbrado d["Tipo"] = self.__tipo d["RFC_Emisor"] = self.__emisorrfc d["Folio_fiscal"] = self.__uuid d["Folio"] = self.__folio d["Receptor"] = self.__receptornombre d["RFC_Receptor"] = self.__receptorrfc d["Subtotal"] = self.__subtotal d["IEPS"] = self.__trieps d["IVA"] = self.__triva d["Ret IVA"] = self.__retiva d["Ret ISR"] = self.__retisr d["TC"] = self.__tcambio d["Total"] = self.__total return d @property def certificado(self): return self.__certificado @property def sello(self): return self.__sello @property def total(self): return self.__total @property def subtotal(self): return self.__subtotal @property def fechatimbrado(self): return self.__fechatimbrado @property def tipodecambio(self): return self.__tcambio @property def lugar(self): return self.__lugar @property def moneda(self): return self.__moneda @property def traslado_iva(self): return self.__triva @property def traslado_isr(self): return self.__trisr @property def traslado_ieps(self): return self.__trieps @property def n_conceptos(self): return self.__n_conceptos @property def conceptos(self): return self.__conceptos @property def folio(self): return self.__folio @staticmethod def columnas(): return ["Emisor","Fecha_CFDI","Tipo","RFC_Emisor","Folio_fiscal","Folio","Receptor", "RFC_Receptor", "Subtotal","IEPS","IVA","Ret IVA","Ret ISR","TC","Total"] @staticmethod def imprime_reporte(nf, nr): reporte = "Número de archivos procesados:\t {}\n".format(nf) reporte += "Número de filas en tsv:\t {}\n".format(nr) if(nf!=nr): reporte += "\n\n**** Atención ****\n" return reporte L = glob.glob('./*.xml') #R = [ patt[1:].strip().lower() for patt in re.findall('(<cfdi:[A-z]*\s|<tfd:[A-z]*\s)',fxml)] if __name__=='__main__': salida = sys.argv[1] fout = open(salida,'w') columnas = CFDI.columnas() titulo = '\t'.join(columnas)+'\n' fout.write(titulo) nl = 0 for f in L: try: #print("abriendo {0}".format(f)) rcfdi = CFDI(f) dic = rcfdi.dic_cfdi vals = [dic[c] for c in columnas] strvals = ' \t '.join(map(str, vals))+'\n' fout.write(strvals) nl += 1 except: assert "Error en archivo {0}".format(f) fout.close() nr = len(L) rep = CFDI.imprime_reporte(nr, nl) print(rep)
#!/usr/bin/python3 from colorama import Fore, Back class frets: tuning = list() max_string_name_len = 0; frets_count = 0; strings = dict() NOTES = ('E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B', 'C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#') def __init__(self, tuning=('E', 'A', 'D', 'G'), frets_count=24): self.tuning = tuning self.frets_count = frets_count for string in tuning: if len(string) > self.max_string_name_len: self.max_string_name_len = len(string) padding_count = 0; padding = '' self.strings[string] = list() starting_note = self.NOTES.index(string) + 1 for i in range(frets_count): padding = '^' * int(((starting_note + i) / len(self.NOTES))) self.strings[string].append(self.NOTES[(starting_note + i) % len(self.NOTES)] + padding) #print('{}{} ({}) = {}'.format(string, # i, # int(((starting_note + i) / len(self.NOTES))), # self.NOTES[(starting_note + i) % len(self.NOTES)] + padding)) def debug_strings(self): print(self.strings) def show_me_plz(self, seek_note=None, seek_string=None): if (seek_string): seek_note = self.strings[seek_string[0]][int(seek_string[1]) - 1] upper_seek_note = None lower_seek_note = None if seek_note and seek_note.endswith('^'): lower_seek_note = seek_note[0:-1] if seek_note: upper_seek_note = seek_note + '^' upper_found_position = list() found_position = list() lower_found_position = list() print(Fore.WHITE + \ ' ' * (self.max_string_name_len + 2), end='') for fret_nr in range(1, self.frets_count + 1): print(Fore.WHITE + \ (' ' * (4 - len(str(fret_nr)))) + str(fret_nr), end='') print(Fore.YELLOW + '|', end='') print('') for string in reversed(self.tuning): color = Fore.WHITE + Back.BLACK if string == seek_note: color = Fore.WHITE + Back.RED found_position.append(string + "0") elif string == upper_seek_note: color = Fore.WHITE + Back.CYAN upper_found_position.append(string + "0") elif string == lower_seek_note: color = Fore.WHITE + Back.MAGENTA lower_found_position.append(string + "0") print(color + \ (' ' * (self.max_string_name_len - len(string))) + \ string, end='') print(Fore.YELLOW + '||', end='') fret_nr = 1 for note in self.strings[string]: color = Fore.WHITE + Back.BLACK if note == seek_note: color = Fore.WHITE + Back.RED found_position.append(string + str(fret_nr)) elif note == upper_seek_note: color = Fore.WHITE + Back.CYAN upper_found_position.append(string + str(fret_nr)) elif note == lower_seek_note: color = Fore.WHITE + Back.MAGENTA lower_found_position.append(string + str(fret_nr)) print(color + \ note[0:4] + \ '-' * (4 - len(note)), end='') print(Fore.YELLOW + Back.BLACK + '|', end='') fret_nr += 1 print(Fore.WHITE + Back.BLACK + '') print(Fore.WHITE + '\n') print(Back.CYAN + ' ' + Back.BLACK + \ ' Found octave-higher note {} on: {}'.format(upper_seek_note, upper_found_position)) print(Back.RED + ' ' + Back.BLACK + \ ' Found note {} on: {}'.format(seek_note, found_position)) print(Fore.WHITE + \ Back.MAGENTA + ' ' + Back.BLACK + \ ' Found octave-lower note {} on: {}'.format(lower_seek_note, lower_found_position))
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os_resource_classes as orc import os_traits import six from nova import context as nova_context from nova import exception from nova import objects from nova.tests.functional.api import client as api_client from nova.tests.functional import integrated_helpers from nova import utils class TestServicesAPI(integrated_helpers.ProviderUsageBaseTestCase): compute_driver = 'fake.SmallFakeDriver' def test_compute_service_delete_ensure_related_cleanup(self): """Tests deleting a compute service and the related cleanup associated with that like the compute_nodes table entry, removing the host from any aggregates, the host mapping in the API DB and the associated resource provider in Placement. """ compute = self._start_compute('host1') # Make sure our compute host is represented as expected. services = self.admin_api.get_services(binary='nova-compute') self.assertEqual(1, len(services)) service = services[0] # Now create a host aggregate and add our host to it. aggregate = self.admin_api.post_aggregate( {'aggregate': {'name': 'agg1'}}) self.admin_api.add_host_to_aggregate(aggregate['id'], service['host']) # Make sure the host is in the aggregate. aggregate = self.admin_api.api_get( '/os-aggregates/%s' % aggregate['id']).body['aggregate'] self.assertEqual([service['host']], aggregate['hosts']) rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host(service['host']) # We'll know there is a host mapping implicitly if os-hypervisors # returned something in _get_provider_uuid_by_host, but let's also # make sure the host mapping is there like we expect. ctxt = nova_context.get_admin_context() objects.HostMapping.get_by_host(ctxt, service['host']) # Make sure there is a resource provider for that compute node based # on the uuid. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status) # Make sure the resource provider has inventory. inventories = self._get_provider_inventory(rp_uuid) # Expect a minimal set of inventory for the fake virt driver. for resource_class in [orc.VCPU, orc.MEMORY_MB, orc.DISK_GB]: self.assertIn(resource_class, inventories) # Now create a server so that the resource provider has some allocation # records. flavor = self.api.get_flavors()[0] server = self._boot_and_check_allocations(flavor, service['host']) # Now the fun part, delete the compute service and make sure related # resources are cleaned up, like the compute node, host mapping, and # resource provider. We have to first stop the compute service so # it doesn't recreate the compute node during the # update_available_resource periodic task. self.admin_api.put_service(service['id'], {'forced_down': True}) compute.stop() # The first attempt should fail since there is an instance on the # compute host. ex = self.assertRaises(api_client.OpenStackApiException, self.admin_api.api_delete, '/os-services/%s' % service['id']) self.assertIn('Unable to delete compute service that is hosting ' 'instances.', six.text_type(ex)) self.assertEqual(409, ex.response.status_code) # Now delete the instance and wait for it to be gone. self._delete_and_check_allocations(server) # Now we can delete the service. self.admin_api.api_delete('/os-services/%s' % service['id']) # Make sure the service is deleted. services = self.admin_api.get_services(binary='nova-compute') self.assertEqual(0, len(services)) # Make sure the host was removed from the aggregate. aggregate = self.admin_api.api_get( '/os-aggregates/%s' % aggregate['id']).body['aggregate'] self.assertEqual([], aggregate['hosts']) # Trying to get the hypervisor should result in a 404. self.admin_api.api_get( 'os-hypervisors?hypervisor_hostname_pattern=%s' % service['host'], check_response_status=[404]) # The host mapping should also be gone. self.assertRaises(exception.HostMappingNotFound, objects.HostMapping.get_by_host, ctxt, service['host']) # And finally, the resource provider should also be gone. The API # will perform a cascading delete of the resource provider inventory # and allocation information. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(404, resp.status) def test_evacuate_then_delete_compute_service(self): """Tests a scenario where a server is created on a host, the host goes down, the server is evacuated to another host, and then the source host compute service is deleted. After that the deleted compute service is restarted. Related placement resources are checked throughout. """ # Create our source host that we will evacuate *from* later. host1 = self._start_compute('host1') # Create a server which will go on host1 since it is the only host. flavor = self.api.get_flavors()[0] server = self._boot_and_check_allocations(flavor, 'host1') # Get the compute service record for host1 so we can manage it. service = self.admin_api.get_services( binary='nova-compute', host='host1')[0] # Get the corresponding resource provider uuid for host1. rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host(service['host']) # Make sure there is a resource provider for that compute node based # on the uuid. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status) # Down the compute service for host1 so we can evacuate from it. self.admin_api.put_service(service['id'], {'forced_down': True}) host1.stop() # Start another host and trigger the server evacuate to that host. self._start_compute('host2') self.admin_api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'evacuate': {}}) # The host does not change until after the status is changed to ACTIVE # so wait for both parameters. self._wait_for_server_parameter(server, { 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host': 'host2'}) # Delete the compute service for host1 and check the related # placement resources for that host. self.admin_api.api_delete('/os-services/%s' % service['id']) # Make sure the service is gone. services = self.admin_api.get_services( binary='nova-compute', host='host1') self.assertEqual(0, len(services), services) # FIXME(mriedem): This is bug 1829479 where the compute service is # deleted but the resource provider is not because there are still # allocations against the provider from the evacuated server. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status) self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(rp_uuid, flavor) # Try to restart the host1 compute service to create a new resource # provider. self.restart_compute_service(host1) # FIXME(mriedem): This is bug 1817833 where restarting the now-deleted # compute service attempts to create a new resource provider with a # new uuid but the same name which results in a conflict. The service # does not die, however, because _update_available_resource_for_node # catches and logs but does not re-raise the error. log_output = self.stdlog.logger.output self.assertIn('Error updating resources for node host1.', log_output) self.assertIn('Failed to create resource provider host1', log_output) def test_migrate_confirm_after_deleted_source_compute(self): """Tests a scenario where a server is cold migrated and while in VERIFY_RESIZE status the admin attempts to delete the source compute and then the user tries to confirm the resize. """ # Start a compute service and create a server there. self._start_compute('host1') host1_rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') flavor = self.api.get_flavors()[0] server = self._boot_and_check_allocations(flavor, 'host1') # Start a second compute service so we can cold migrate there. self._start_compute('host2') host2_rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') # Cold migrate the server to host2. self._migrate_and_check_allocations( server, flavor, host1_rp_uuid, host2_rp_uuid) # Delete the source compute service. service = self.admin_api.get_services( binary='nova-compute', host='host1')[0] # We expect the delete request to fail with a 409 error because of the # instance in VERIFY_RESIZE status even though that instance is marked # as being on host2 now. ex = self.assertRaises(api_client.OpenStackApiException, self.admin_api.api_delete, '/os-services/%s' % service['id']) self.assertEqual(409, ex.response.status_code) self.assertIn('Unable to delete compute service that has in-progress ' 'migrations', six.text_type(ex)) self.assertIn('There are 1 in-progress migrations involving the host', self.stdlog.logger.output) # The provider is still around because we did not delete the service. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % host1_rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status) self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(host1_rp_uuid, flavor) # Now try to confirm the migration. self._confirm_resize(server) # Delete the host1 service since the migration is confirmed and the # server is on host2. self.admin_api.api_delete('/os-services/%s' % service['id']) # The host1 resource provider should be gone. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % host1_rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(404, resp.status) def test_resize_revert_after_deleted_source_compute(self): """Tests a scenario where a server is resized and while in VERIFY_RESIZE status the admin attempts to delete the source compute and then the user tries to revert the resize. """ # Start a compute service and create a server there. self._start_compute('host1') host1_rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') flavors = self.api.get_flavors() flavor1 = flavors[0] flavor2 = flavors[1] server = self._boot_and_check_allocations(flavor1, 'host1') # Start a second compute service so we can resize there. self._start_compute('host2') host2_rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') # Resize the server to host2. self._resize_and_check_allocations( server, flavor1, flavor2, host1_rp_uuid, host2_rp_uuid) # Delete the source compute service. service = self.admin_api.get_services( binary='nova-compute', host='host1')[0] # We expect the delete request to fail with a 409 error because of the # instance in VERIFY_RESIZE status even though that instance is marked # as being on host2 now. ex = self.assertRaises(api_client.OpenStackApiException, self.admin_api.api_delete, '/os-services/%s' % service['id']) self.assertEqual(409, ex.response.status_code) self.assertIn('Unable to delete compute service that has in-progress ' 'migrations', six.text_type(ex)) self.assertIn('There are 1 in-progress migrations involving the host', self.stdlog.logger.output) # The provider is still around because we did not delete the service. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % host1_rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status) self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(host1_rp_uuid, flavor1) # Now revert the resize. self._revert_resize(server) self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(host1_rp_uuid, flavor1) zero_flavor = {'vcpus': 0, 'ram': 0, 'disk': 0, 'extra_specs': {}} self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(host2_rp_uuid, zero_flavor) # Delete the host2 service since the migration is reverted and the # server is on host1 again. service2 = self.admin_api.get_services( binary='nova-compute', host='host2')[0] self.admin_api.api_delete('/os-services/%s' % service2['id']) # The host2 resource provider should be gone. resp = self.placement_api.get('/resource_providers/%s' % host2_rp_uuid) self.assertEqual(404, resp.status) class ComputeStatusFilterTest(integrated_helpers.ProviderUsageBaseTestCase): """Tests the API, compute service and Placement interaction with the COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED trait when a compute service is enable/disabled. This version of the test uses the 2.latest microversion for testing the 2.53+ behavior of the PUT /os-services/{service_id} API. """ compute_driver = 'fake.SmallFakeDriver' def _update_service(self, service, disabled, forced_down=None): """Update the service using the 2.53 request schema. :param service: dict representing the service resource in the API :param disabled: True if the service should be disabled, False if the service should be enabled :param forced_down: Optionally change the forced_down value. """ status = 'disabled' if disabled else 'enabled' req = {'status': status} if forced_down is not None: req['forced_down'] = forced_down self.admin_api.put_service(service['id'], req) def test_compute_status_filter(self): """Tests the compute_status_filter placement request filter""" # Start a compute service so a compute node and resource provider is # created. compute = self._start_compute('host1') # Get the UUID of the resource provider that was created. rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') # Get the service from the compute API. services = self.admin_api.get_services(binary='nova-compute', host='host1') self.assertEqual(1, len(services)) service = services[0] # At this point, the service should be enabled and the # COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED trait should not be set on the # resource provider in placement. self.assertEqual('enabled', service['status']) rp_traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) trait = os_traits.COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED self.assertNotIn(trait, rp_traits) # Now disable the compute service via the API. self._update_service(service, disabled=True) # The update to placement should be synchronous so check the provider # traits and COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED should be set. rp_traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) self.assertIn(trait, rp_traits) # Try creating a server which should fail because nothing is available. networks = [{'port': self.neutron.port_1['id']}] server_req = self._build_server(networks=networks) server = self.api.post_server({'server': server_req}) server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ERROR') # There should be a NoValidHost fault recorded. self.assertIn('fault', server) self.assertIn('No valid host', server['fault']['message']) # Now enable the service and the trait should be gone. self._update_service(service, disabled=False) rp_traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) self.assertNotIn(trait, rp_traits) # Try creating another server and it should be OK. server = self.api.post_server({'server': server_req}) self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ACTIVE') # Stop, force-down and disable the service so the API cannot call # the compute service to sync the trait. compute.stop() self._update_service(service, disabled=True, forced_down=True) # The API should have logged a message about the service being down. self.assertIn('Compute service on host host1 is down. The ' 'COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED trait will be synchronized ' 'when the service is restarted.', self.stdlog.logger.output) # The trait should not be on the provider even though the node is # disabled. rp_traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) self.assertNotIn(trait, rp_traits) # Restart the compute service which should sync and set the trait on # the provider in placement. self.restart_compute_service(compute) rp_traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) self.assertIn(trait, rp_traits) class ComputeStatusFilterTest211(ComputeStatusFilterTest): """Extends ComputeStatusFilterTest and uses the 2.11 API for the legacy os-services disable/enable/force-down API behavior """ microversion = '2.11' def _update_service(self, service, disabled, forced_down=None): """Update the service using the 2.11 request schema. :param service: dict representing the service resource in the API :param disabled: True if the service should be disabled, False if the service should be enabled :param forced_down: Optionally change the forced_down value. """ # Before 2.53 the service is uniquely identified by host and binary. body = { 'host': service['host'], 'binary': service['binary'] } # Handle forced_down first if provided since the enable/disable # behavior in the API depends on it. if forced_down is not None: body['forced_down'] = forced_down self.admin_api.api_put('/os-services/force-down', body) if disabled: self.admin_api.api_put('/os-services/disable', body) else: self.admin_api.api_put('/os-services/enable', body) def _get_provider_uuid_by_host(self, host): # We have to temporarily mutate to 2.53 to get the hypervisor UUID. with utils.temporary_mutation(self.admin_api, microversion='2.53'): return super(ComputeStatusFilterTest211, self)._get_provider_uuid_by_host(host)
#!/usr/bin/env python # SIM-CITY client # # Copyright 2015 Netherlands eScience Center <> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import tarfile class load_data: ''' class to load txt data ''' def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename tfile, members = self.get_archive_object_tar() self.read_files(tfile, members) def get_archive_object_tar(self): ''' return tarfile object and its members ''' tfile = members = tfile.getnames() return tfile, members def read_files(self, tfile, members): ''' array with txt data from tarfile object ''' = [tfile.extractfile(member).read() for member in members if tfile.extractfile(member) is not None] def main(): load_data('enron_mail_clean.tar.gz') import pdb pdb.set_trace() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from .fetch import FetchParser from .json_ld import JsonLdParser from .lom import LomParser from .lrmi import LrmiParser from .nsdl_dc import NsdlDcParser __all__ = [ 'FetchParser', 'JsonLdParser', 'LomParser', 'LrmiParser', 'NsdlDcParser', ]
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """Python front-end supports for functions. NOTE: functions are currently experimental and subject to change! """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import collections import hashlib from tensorflow.core.framework import attr_value_pb2 from tensorflow.core.framework import function_pb2 from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow as c_api from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import c_api_util from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_to_function_def from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope as vs from tensorflow.python.util import compat from tensorflow.python.util import function_utils from tensorflow.python.util import tf_contextlib from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect class Defun(object): """Decorator used to define TensorFlow functions. Use this decorator to make a Python function usable directly as a TensorFlow function. The decorated function must add ops to the default graph and return zero or more `Tensor` objects. Call the decorator with named arguments, one for each argument of the function to decorate, with the expected type of the argument as value. For example if the function to decorate accepts two `tf.float32` arguments named `x` and `y`, call the decorator with: @Defun(tf.float32, tf.float32) def foo(x, y): ... When you call the decorated function it will add `call` ops to the default graph and adds the definition of the function into the default graph. Because the addition of the function into the graph is deferred, the decorator can be used anywhere in the program. Any variables created inside of the function are hoisted into the outer graph. Note that the variables are created in the variable scope that was active during the first call to the function. Subsequent function calls will refer to the same set of variables. Definitions of functions in a graph are frozen as soon as the graph is used to create a session. However, new functions and new calls to existing functions may be added to the graph, with the new functions themselves becoming immediately frozen. Example, but also see the [How To on functions](link_needed). ```python # Defining the function. @tf.Defun(tf.float32, tf.float32) def MyFunc(x, y): return x + y, x - y # Building the graph. a = tf.constant([1.0]) b = tf.constant([2.0]) c, d = MyFunc(a, b, name='mycall') ``` """ def __init__(self, *input_types, **kwargs): """Create a `Defun` decorator. Args: *input_types: A list of `tf.DType` **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments, including func_name - (optional). A python string, the name to use to declare this `Function` in the graph. grad_func - (optional). A function implementing the gradient of the function-to-register. This is must be a `_DefinedFunction` object. The gradient function must satisfy the criterion defined in function.proto:GradientDef. python_grad_func - (optional). A function implementing the gradient of the function python-side. This function must take the current op and the gradients w.r.t. its outputs, and return the gradients w.r.t. the inputs. That is it must implement the interface expected by `tf.RegisterGradient`). This will be called by tf.gradients to add the gradient ops to the graph. At most one of grad_func and python_grad_func can be specified. out_names = (optional). A list of strings, one per output tensor. shape_func - (optional). A function taking the op and returning a list of static shapes to set for the function's outputs. """ self._input_types = input_types self._func_name = kwargs.pop("func_name", None) self._grad_func = kwargs.pop("grad_func", None) self._python_grad_func = kwargs.pop("python_grad_func", None) self._out_names = kwargs.pop("out_names", None) self._extra_kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, func): # Various sanity checks on the callable func. if not callable(func): raise ValueError("func %s must be callable" % func) # Func should not use kwargs and defaults. argspec = tf_inspect.getargspec(func) if argspec.keywords or argspec.defaults: raise ValueError("Functions with argument defaults or keyword " "arguments are not supported.") # Computes how many arguments 'func' has. min_args = len(argspec.args) max_args = min_args if argspec.varargs: max_args = 1000000 argnames = argspec.args if tf_inspect.ismethod(func): # 1st argument is the "class" type. min_args -= 1 argnames = argnames[1:] if self._input_types: # If Defun is given a list of types for the inputs, the number # of input types should be compatible with 'func'. num = len(self._input_types) if num < min_args or num > max_args: raise ValueError( "The function has fewer arguments than the number of specified " "input types.") return _DefinedFunction( func, argnames, self._input_types, self._func_name, self._grad_func, self._python_grad_func, out_names=self._out_names, **self._extra_kwargs) # 'func' expects no arguments and input types is an empty list. if min_args == 0 and max_args == 0: return _DefinedFunction( func, [], [], self._func_name, self._grad_func, self._python_grad_func, out_names=self._out_names, **self._extra_kwargs) # Input types are unknown. It's an overloaded function and hence # its definition needs to be deferred until it's called. return _OverloadedFunction( func, argnames, self._func_name, self._grad_func, self._python_grad_func, out_names=self._out_names, **self._extra_kwargs) class _DefinedFunction(object): """_DefinedFunction encapsulates a function definition and its properties. Attributes: name: The function name. definition: The definition of this function. A FunctionDef proto. grad_func_name: If not None, the name of this function's gradient function. python_grad_func: A python callable implementing the gradient of the function python-side. """ def __init__(self, func, argnames, input_types, func_name=None, grad_func=None, python_grad_func=None, out_names=None, shape_func=None, capture_by_value=False, **kwargs): """Creates _DefinedFunction. Args: func: A python callable which constructs a tf function body. argnames: A list of strings for function argument names. input_types: The function's argument types. Can be a tuple, list of tf data types. func_name: The function name. Defaults to None, in which derives from 'func'. grad_func: This function's gradient function, if not None. Defaults to None. python_grad_func: A python callable implementing the gradient of the function python-side. out_names: An optional list of strings for the function return value names. shape_func: An optional function mapping an op to a list of static output shapes. capture_by_value: Boolean (defaults to False). If True, captured values will be copied into the function body. **kwargs: The keyword arguments. **kwargs is passed to every call site of this function. Raises: ValueError: The function definition is invalid. """ self._func = func self._input_types = input_types self._func_name = func_name self._grad_func = grad_func self._python_grad_func = python_grad_func self._out_names = out_names self._shape_func = shape_func self._capture_by_value = capture_by_value self._extra_kwargs = kwargs # Constructed only when C API is disabled, lazily self._definition = None # Constructed only when C API is enabled, lazily self._c_func = None self._sub_functions = dict() # Constructed with _definition or _c_func # pylint: disable=protected-access device_funcs = ops.get_default_graph()._device_functions_outer_to_inner # pylint: enable=protected-access # Get the innermost device if possbile. self._caller_device = device_funcs[-1] if device_funcs else None # Cached OpDef for this function. When C API is enabled, this is # the only part of FunctionDef that we cache in Python. When C API # is disabled the whole _definition is available and this is simply # another reference to _definition.signature self._op_def = None assert isinstance(input_types, (list, tuple)) self._arg_types = input_types self._arg_names = [argnames[i] if i < len(argnames) else ("arg%d" % i) for i in range(len(input_types))] @property def name(self): """Function name.""" self._create_definition_if_needed() return self._func_name @property def definition(self): """Function definition proto.""" self._create_definition_if_needed() if self._c_func: with c_api_util.tf_buffer() as buf: c_api.TF_FunctionToFunctionDef(self._c_func.func, buf) fdef = function_pb2.FunctionDef() proto_data = c_api.TF_GetBuffer(buf) fdef.ParseFromString(compat.as_bytes(proto_data)) return fdef return self._definition @property def _signature(self): self._create_definition_if_needed() return self._op_def def set_grad_func(self, grad_func): """Specifies the gradient function of this function.""" assert not self._grad_func assert isinstance(grad_func, _DefinedFunction) self._grad_func = grad_func @property def grad_func_name(self): """Its gradient function's name.""" return if self._grad_func else None @property def python_grad_func(self): """Python gradient function callable.""" return self._python_grad_func @property def declared_input_types(self): """Returns the list of data types of explicit declared inputs.""" return self._input_types @property def captured_inputs(self): """Returns the list of implicitly captured inputs.""" self._create_definition_if_needed() return self._extra_inputs @property def stateful_ops(self): """Returns the list of stateful ops in function definition. Returns: A list of (, op.type) pairs. """ self._create_definition_if_needed() return self._stateful_ops def _create_definition_if_needed(self): """Creates the function definition if it's not created yet.""" with context.graph_mode(): self._create_definition_if_needed_impl() def _create_definition_if_needed_impl(self): """This is not what you want, see _create_definition_if_needed.""" if self._definition is not None or self._c_func is not None: return temp_graph = func_graph_from_py_func( self._func, self._arg_names, self._arg_types, self._func_name, self._capture_by_value, self._caller_device) self._extra_inputs = temp_graph.extra_inputs # pylint: disable=protected-access self._sub_functions = temp_graph._functions # pylint: enable=protected-access # Extra kwargs are treated as attrs on the function def. if self._func_name: base_func_name = self._func_name else: base_func_name = function_utils.get_func_name(self._func) if self._grad_func: base_func_name += ("_%s" % kwargs_attr = _parse_kwargs_as_attrs(base_func_name, **self._extra_kwargs) if not temp_graph._c_graph: # pylint: disable=protected-access # Build the FunctionDef self._definition = graph_to_function_def.graph_to_function_def( temp_graph, temp_graph.get_operations(), temp_graph.inputs, temp_graph.outputs, out_names=self._out_names) for k in kwargs_attr: self._definition.attr[k].CopyFrom(kwargs_attr[k]) # Hash the definition and its dependencies. self._hash_str = self._create_hash_str( self._definition.signature.input_arg, self._definition.signature.output_arg, self._definition.node_def) # Finally, we decide the function name to use. If not specified, # make up something which is almost certainly unique (but deterministic). if not self._func_name: self._func_name = "_".join([base_func_name, self._hash_str]) = self._func_name if self._func.__doc__: self._definition.signature.description = self._func.__doc__ self._op_def = self._definition.signature else: # C API is enabled output_names = ([compat.as_bytes(x) for x in self._out_names] if self._out_names else []) description = self._func.__doc__ or None # pylint: disable=protected-access c_func = c_api.TF_GraphToFunction_wrapper( temp_graph._c_graph, base_func_name, self._func_name is None, # append_hash_to_fn_name None, # opers [t._as_tf_output() for t in temp_graph.inputs], [t._as_tf_output() for t in temp_graph.outputs], output_names, None, # opts description) self._c_func = c_api_util.ScopedTFFunction(c_func) # pylint: enable=protected-access self._set_c_attrs(kwargs_attr) # Set cached fields: _op_def and _func_name (if not already set) self._op_def = self.definition.signature if self._func_name: assert self._func_name == else: self._func_name = compat.as_str( self._stateful_ops = [(, op.type) for op in temp_graph.get_operations() if op.op_def.is_stateful] def _set_c_attrs(self, attrs): """Sets `attrs` as attributes of self._c_func. Requires that self._c_func is not None. Args: attrs: a dictionary from attribute name to attribute proto value """ for name, attr_value in attrs.items(): serialized = attr_value.SerializeToString() # TODO(skyewm): this creates and deletes a new TF_Status for every attr. # It might be worth creating a convenient way to re-use the same status. c_api.TF_FunctionSetAttrValueProto(self._c_func.func, compat.as_str(name), serialized) def _create_hash_str(self, input_arg, output_arg, node_def): """Creates an 8-character string unique to this input. Args: input_arg: the input_arg field of an OpDef (e.g. self._definition.signature.input_arg) output_arg: the output_arg field of an OpDef (e.g. self._definition.signature.output_arg) node_def: the node_def field of a FunctionDef (e.g. self._definition.node_def) Returns: The unique string for this input """ hasher = hashlib.sha1() def update_num(n): hasher.update(compat.as_bytes("%x" % n)) def update_str(s): update_num(len(s)) hasher.update(compat.as_bytes(s)) def update_strs(slist): update_num(len(slist)) for s in slist: update_str(s) for adef in input_arg: update_str(adef.SerializeToString()) for adef in output_arg: update_str(adef.SerializeToString()) for n in sorted(node_def, key=lambda n: update_str( update_str(n.op) update_strs(n.input) update_num(len(n.attr)) # NOTE: protobuf map serialization does not guarantee ordering. for k in sorted(n.attr): update_str(k) update_str(n.attr[k].SerializeToString()) return hasher.hexdigest()[:8] def add_to_graph(self, g): """Adds this function into the graph g.""" self._create_definition_if_needed() # Adds this function into 'g'. # pylint: disable=protected-access if context.executing_eagerly(): context.context().add_function_def(self.definition) else: g._add_function(self) # pylint: enable=protected-access # Ensures related sub-routines are defined in 'g', too. for f in self._sub_functions.values(): f.add_to_graph(g) # Adds its gradient function, too. if self._grad_func: self._grad_func.add_to_graph(g) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.add_to_graph(ops.get_default_graph()) args = [ops.convert_to_tensor(_) for _ in args] + self._extra_inputs ret, op = _call(self._signature, *args, **kwargs) # Set a hidden attr in 'op' so that gradients_impl can refer back # to this _DefinedFunction instance to access python_grad_func. assert isinstance(op, ops.Operation) setattr(op, "__defun", self) if self._shape_func is not None: shapes = self._shape_func(op) if len(shapes) != len(op.outputs): raise ValueError("shape_func produced %d shapes for %d outputs" % (len(shapes), len(op.outputs))) for (t, shape) in zip(op.outputs, shapes): t.set_shape(shape) return ret class _OverloadedFunction(object): """_OverloadedFunction encapsulates an overloaded function. _OverloadedFunction maintains a mapping from input types to instantiated _DefinedFunction in self._overload. """ def __init__(self, func, argnames, func_name=None, grad_func=None, python_grad_func=None, out_names=None, **kwargs): """Creates _DefinedFunction. Args: func: A python callable which constructs a tf function body. argnames: A list of strings for function argument names. func_name: The function name. Defaults to None, in which derives from 'func'. grad_func: This function's gradient function, if not None. Defaults to None. python_grad_func: A python callable implementing the gradient of the function python-side. out_names: A list of strings for the function return value names. **kwargs: The keyword arguments. **kwargs is passed to every call site of this function. Raises: ValueError: The function definition is invalid. """ self._func = func self._argnames = argnames self._func_name = func_name assert grad_func is None or isinstance(grad_func, _OverloadedFunction) self._grad_func = grad_func self._python_grad_func = python_grad_func self._out_names = out_names self._extra_kwargs = kwargs self._overload = {} def instantiate(self, input_types): """Instantiate this function given input argument types. Args: input_types: A list of data types for the inputs. Returns: _DefinedFunction for the given input types. """ # Stringify the type list. key = _type_list_to_str(input_types) defined = self._overload.get(key) if not defined: # If not defined yet, define the function given the input types. name = self._func_name if name is not None: name = "_".join([name, key]) defined = _DefinedFunction( self._func, self._argnames, input_types, name, None, self._python_grad_func, out_names=self._out_names, **self._extra_kwargs) _ = # Fully instantiate the function definition. if self._grad_func: # If _grad_func is given, it is another # _OverloadedFunction. We need to instantiate it with the # right input types. output_types = [ dtypes.DType(_.type) for _ in defined._signature.output_arg # pylint: disable=protected-access ] # pylint: disable=protected-access defined._grad_func = self._grad_func.instantiate(input_types + output_types) # pylint: enable=protected-access self._overload[key] = defined return defined def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): input_types = [] args = list(args) for (i, x) in enumerate(args): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x) if not isinstance(x, ops.Tensor): raise ValueError("Expect a Tensor but get ", x) input_types.append(x.dtype) args[i] = x return self.instantiate(input_types)(*args, **kwargs) class _FuncGraph(ops.Graph): """A helper for constructing a function. _FuncGraph overrides ops.Graph's create_op() so that we can keep track of all inputs into every op created inside the function. If any input is from other graphs, we keep track of it in self.capture and substitute the input with a place holder. Each captured input's corresponding place holder is converted into a function argument and the caller passes in the captured tensor. """ def __init__(self, name, capture_by_value, *args, **kwargs): super(_FuncGraph, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._capture_by_value = capture_by_value self._building_function = True self._outer_graph = ops.get_default_graph() self._vscope = vs.get_variable_scope() self._old_custom_getter = self._vscope.custom_getter # The name of the function. = name # Placeholder tensors representing the inputs to this function. The tensors # are in this _FuncGraph. self.inputs = [] # Tensors that will be returned this function. The tensors are in this # _FuncGraph. self.outputs = [] # Maps external tensor -> internal tensor (e.g. input placeholder). self._captured = {} # The external tensors that have been captured as inputs and must be passed # to this function (empty if capturing by value, otherwise these are the # keys of _captured). self.extra_inputs = [] # Input placeholders that been added for captured values (empty if capturing # by value). self.extra_args = [] # Captured variables. # TODO(skyewm): is this needed? self.extra_vars = [] # pylint: disable=g-doc-return-or-yield @tf_contextlib.contextmanager def container(self, container_name): """Returns a context manager that specifies the resource container to use. Overridden from `tf.Graph` to update both the init_scope container and the present inner container. This is necessary to make sure setting containers applies correctly both to created variables and to stateful ops. Args: container_name: container name string. Returns: A context manager for defining resource containers for stateful ops, yields the container name. """ original_container = self._container # pylint: disable=protected-access with ops.init_scope(): original_init_container = ops.get_default_graph()._container try: self._container = container_name with ops.init_scope(): ops.get_default_graph()._container = container_name yield self._container finally: self._container = original_container with ops.init_scope(): ops.get_default_graph()._container = original_init_container # pylint: enable=protected-access # pylint: enable=g-doc-return-or-yield def getvar( self, getter, name, shape=None, dtype=None, initializer=None, reuse=None, trainable=True, collections=None, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name use_resource=None, **kwargs): """A custom variable getter.""" # Here, we switch the default graph to the outer graph and ask the # variable scope in which the function is defined to give us the # variable. The variable is stashed in extra_vars and returned to # the caller. # # We capture these variables so that the variable definition is # hoisted upward to the outer most graph. with self._outer_graph.as_default(): # pylint: disable=protected-access var = self._vscope.get_variable( vs._get_default_variable_store(), name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, initializer=initializer, reuse=reuse, trainable=trainable, collections=collections, use_resource=use_resource) self.extra_vars.append(var) if isinstance(var, resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable): # For resource-based variables read the variable outside the function # and pass in the value. This ensures that the function is pure and # differentiable. TODO(apassos) this may have performance problems if # the function will only do embedding lookups on the variable. return var.value() return var def create_op(self, op_type, inputs, data_types, **kwargs): for i, x in enumerate(inputs): if isinstance(x, ops.EagerTensor) or x.graph is not self: inputs[i] = self.capture(x) return super(_FuncGraph, self).create_op(op_type, inputs, data_types, **kwargs) def capture(self, tensor, name=None): """Adds the given tensor to this graph and returns the captured tensor.""" if tensor in self._captured: # Captured already. return self._captured[tensor] elif self._capture_by_value: return self._add_tensor_and_parents(tensor) else: return self._capture_tensor_as_extra_input(tensor, name) def _capture_tensor_as_extra_input(self, tensor, name=None): # Substitute with a placeholder. self.extra_inputs.append(tensor) # Hoist the new input placeholder out of any control flow context # we're currently in. with ops.control_dependencies(None): ph = array_ops.placeholder( tensor.dtype, shape=tensor.get_shape(), name=name) # pylint: disable=protected-access if ops._USE_C_SHAPES: if isinstance(tensor, ops.EagerTensor): handle_data = tensor._handle_data if handle_data: handle_data = handle_data.SerializeToString() else: handle_data = c_api.GetHandleShapeAndType(tensor.graph._c_graph, tensor._as_tf_output()) if handle_data: c_api.SetHandleShapeAndType(ph.graph._c_graph, ph._as_tf_output(), compat.as_bytes(handle_data)) else: ph._handle_data = tensor._handle_data # pylint: enable=protected-access self.inputs.append(ph) self._captured[tensor] = ph self.extra_args.append(ph) if _is_guaranteed_const(tensor): with ops.control_dependencies(None): return array_ops.guarantee_const(ph) else: return ph def _add_tensor_and_parents(self, tensor): op = self._add_op_and_parents(tensor.op) return op.outputs[tensor.value_index] def _add_op_and_parents(self, op): # pylint: disable=protected-access op_def = graph_to_function_def._get_op_def(op) # pylint: enable=protected-access if op_def.is_stateful: raise ValueError("Cannot capture a stateful node (name:%s, type:%s) " "by value." % (, op.type)) elif op.type in ("Placeholder", "PlaceholderV2"): raise ValueError("Cannot capture a placeholder (name:%s, type:%s) " "by value." % (, op.type)) captured_inputs = [self._add_tensor_and_parents(x) for x in op.inputs] captured_op = self.create_op( op.type, captured_inputs, [o.dtype for o in op.outputs],, attrs=op.node_def.attr, op_def=op_def) for t, captured_t in zip(op.outputs, captured_op.outputs): self._captured[t] = captured_t return captured_op def func_graph_from_py_func(func, arg_names, arg_types, name=None, capture_by_value=False, device=None, colocation_stack=None, container=None, collections_ref=None, arg_shapes=None): """Returns a _FuncGraph generated from `func`. Args: func: A Python callable which constructs a TF function body. The arguments must correspond to `arg_types`. Returns a value or list/tuple of values. No returned value can be None. arg_names: A sequence of strings for the function argument names. arg_types: A sequence of the function's argument types. name: The function name. If None, the name is derived from `func`. capture_by_value: boolean. If True, captured values will be copied into the function body. device: device name or function. colocation_stack: A colocation stack (list) the _FuncGraph should use. container: A container name the _FuncGraph should start with. collections_ref: A reference to a collections dict the _FuncGraph should use internally. arg_shapes: A sequence of the function's argument shapes. Returns: A _FuncGraph. Raises: ValueError: if func returns None. """ if not name: name = function_utils.get_func_name(func) func_graph = _FuncGraph(name, capture_by_value) with func_graph.as_default(), ops.device(device): # pylint: disable=protected-access if collections_ref is not None: func_graph._collections = collections_ref if container is not None: func_graph._container = container if colocation_stack is not None: func_graph._colocation_stack = colocation_stack # pylint: enable=protected-access if arg_shapes is None: arg_shapes = [None] * len(arg_types) # Create placeholders for the function arguments. for (argname, argtype, argshape) in zip(arg_names, arg_types, arg_shapes): argholder = array_ops.placeholder(argtype, shape=argshape, name=argname) func_graph.inputs.append(argholder) # Call func and gather the output tensors. with vs.variable_scope("", custom_getter=func_graph.getvar): outputs = func(*func_graph.inputs) # There is no way of distinguishing between a function not returning # anything and a function returning None in Python. # We need to allow the former and ideally want to forbid the latter as # it is most likely user error. # TODO(iga): Consider adding a @NoOutput decorator on top of @Defun to # allow users to explicitly mark the function as not returning anything. # For now, we allow a single None return and interpret it as a function # with no output. if outputs is None: outputs = [] else: # If func only returned one value, make it a tuple. if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = (outputs,) if any([_ is None for _ in outputs]): raise ValueError("Function can not return None.") # Ensures each output is a Tensor in the function graph. outputs = [ops.convert_to_tensor(t) for t in outputs] outputs = [func_graph.capture(t) if t.graph is not func_graph else t for t in outputs] func_graph.outputs = outputs return func_graph def _is_guaranteed_const(tensor): """Determines whether `tensor` is guaranteed to be a constant. A tensor is guaranteed to be a constant if either it was produced by a `GuaranteeConst` op or if all of its children are guaranteed to be constants. Args: tensor: The tensor for which to determine const-ness. Returns: True if `tensor` is guaranteed to be a constant, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(tensor, ops.EagerTensor): return False class Work(object): def __init__(self, op, leaving): self.op = op self.leaving = leaving is_guaranteed_const = lambda op: op.node_def.op == "GuaranteeConst" constants = set([]) def all_inputs_const(op): # If all inputs of an op are guaranteed constants, then we can infer that # the op produces a constant as well. return op.inputs and all(inp.op in constants for inp in op.inputs) visited = set([]) stack = [Work(tensor.op, leaving=False)] while stack: work = stack.pop() if work.leaving: if all_inputs_const(work.op): constants.add(work.op) continue visited.add(work.op) if is_guaranteed_const(work.op): constants.add(work.op) continue # This op will be revisited after all its inputs are checked for const-ness. stack.append(Work(work.op, leaving=True)) for inp in work.op.inputs: if inp.op not in visited: stack.append(Work(inp.op, leaving=False)) return tensor.op in constants def _call(sig, *inputs, **kwargs): """Adds a node calling a function. This adds a `call` op to the default graph that calls the function of signature `sig`, passing the tensors in `inputs` as arguments. It returns the outputs of the call, which are one or more tensors. `sig` is OpDefArg.a `_DefinedFunction` object. You can pass an optional keyword parameter `name=string` to name the added operation. You can pass an optional keyword parameter `noinline=True|False` to instruct the runtime not to inline the function body into the call site. Args: sig: OpDefArg. The signature of the function. *inputs: arguments to the function. **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments. Can only contain 'name' or 'noinline'. Returns: A 2-element tuple. First element: a Tensor if the function returns a single value; a list of Tensors if the function returns multiple value; the Operation if the function returns no values. Second element: the Operation. Raises: ValueError: if the arguments are invalid. """ if len(inputs) != len(sig.input_arg): raise ValueError("Expected number of arguments: %d, received: %d" % (len( sig.input_arg), len(inputs))) name = kwargs.pop("name", None) g = ops.get_default_graph() func_name = attrs = _parse_kwargs_as_attrs(func_name, **kwargs) output_types = [dtypes.DType(x.type) for x in sig.output_arg] with ops.name_scope(name, func_name, inputs) as name: op = g.create_op( func_name, list(inputs), output_types, name=name, attrs=attrs, op_def=sig, compute_shapes=False) if op.outputs: if len(op.outputs) == 1: ret = op.outputs[0] else: ret = tuple(op.outputs) else: ret = op return ret, op def _from_definition(fdef, grad_func=None): """Creates a _DefinedFunction initialized from a FunctionDef proto. Args: fdef: a FunctionDef grad_func: a _DefinedFunction or None Returns: A _DefinedFunction representing fdef """ # TODO(iga): This method does major surgery on _DefinedFunction. # Make it a named constructor using @classmethod of _DefinedFunction. # The Python callable is only needed to create a FunctionDef. Since we have # the FunctionDef here, we don't need to set _DefinedFunction._func (nor do we # have access to such a callable here). func = None argnames = [ for arg in fdef.signature.input_arg] input_types = tuple( dtypes.as_dtype(arg.type) for arg in fdef.signature.input_arg) func_name = # Note: FunctionDefs do not include python gradient functions, so if the # original _DefinedFunction included one it will not be reflected here. python_grad_func = None out_names = [ for arg in fdef.signature.output_arg] result = _DefinedFunction(func, argnames, input_types, func_name, grad_func, python_grad_func, out_names) # pylint: disable=protected-access serialized = fdef.SerializeToString() c_func = c_api.TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef(serialized) result._c_func = c_api_util.ScopedTFFunction(c_func) result._extra_inputs = [] # pylint: enable=protected-access return result def _from_library(lib): """Creates _DefinedFunctions initialized from a FunctionDefLibrary proto. This method handles assigning the correct gradient functions to each function. Args: lib: a FunctionDefLibrary Returns: A list of _DefinedFunctions Raises: ValueError: `lib` is invalid """ if not lib.function and not lib.gradient: return [] # function name -> FunctionDef proto funcs = { fdef for fdef in lib.function} # Validate that all references function names have function defs for g in lib.gradient: if g.function_name not in funcs: raise ValueError("FunctionDefLibrary missing '%s' FunctionDef\n%s" % (g.function_name, str(lib))) if g.gradient_func not in funcs: raise ValueError("FunctionDefLibrary missing '%s' FunctionDef\n%s" % (g.gradient_func, str(lib))) # function name -> gradient function name func_to_grad = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None) # gradient function name -> names of functions having that grad function grad_to_funcs = collections.defaultdict(list) for gdef in lib.gradient: func_to_grad[gdef.function_name] = gdef.gradient_func grad_to_funcs[gdef.gradient_func].append(gdef.function_name) # Start with functions without gradients ready = [ fdef for fdef in lib.function if func_to_grad[] is None ] if not ready: raise ValueError( "FunctionDefLibrary contains cyclic gradient functions!\n" + str(lib)) # function name -> _DefinedFunction initialized = {} while ready: fdef = ready.pop() name = grad = initialized.get(func_to_grad[name]) if func_to_grad[name]: assert grad defined_func = _from_definition(fdef, grad_func=grad) initialized[name] = defined_func ready.extend(funcs[f] for f in grad_to_funcs[name]) return initialized.values() def _get_experimental_kwarg_as_attr(attr_name, value): """Creates an AttrValue for a python object.""" if isinstance(value, bool): return attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(b=value) elif isinstance(value, int): return attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(i=value) elif isinstance(value, float): return attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(f=value) elif isinstance(value, str): return attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(s=compat.as_bytes(value)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported attribute type for %s with type %s" % (attr_name, type(value))) def _parse_kwargs_as_attrs(func_name, **kwargs): """Parses **kwargs into a node's attributes.""" attrs = {} noinline = kwargs.pop("noinline", None) if noinline is not None: attrs["_noinline"] = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(b=bool(noinline)) compiled = kwargs.pop("compiled", None) separate_compiled_gradients = kwargs.pop("separate_compiled_gradients", None) if compiled is not None: attrs["_XlaCompile"] = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(b=bool(compiled)) attrs["_XlaSeparateCompiledGradients"] = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue( b=bool(separate_compiled_gradients)) # Forward _XlaScope from enclosing context (if set), otherwise create new. # pylint: disable=protected-access if "_XlaScope" in ops.get_default_graph()._attr_scope_map: attrs["_XlaScope"] = ops.get_default_graph()._attr_scope_map["_XlaScope"] else: attrs["_XlaScope"] = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue( s=("function_%s" % func_name).encode()) # pylint: enable=protected-access kwargs_keys = list(kwargs.keys()) for key in kwargs_keys: if key.startswith("experimental_"): attrs[key] = _get_experimental_kwarg_as_attr(key, kwargs[key]) del kwargs[key] if kwargs: raise ValueError("Unknown keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs.keys()) return attrs def get_extra_vars(): """Returns the captured variables by the function. Returns: If the default graph is being used to define a function, the returned list of variables are those created inside the function body so far. Otherwise, returns an empty list. """ g = ops.get_default_graph() if isinstance(g, _FuncGraph): return g.extra_vars else: return [] def get_extra_inputs(): """Returns the captured input tensors by the function. Returns: If the default graph is being used to define a function, the returned list of tensors are those accessed inside the function body but defined outside the function body so far. Otherwise, returns an empty list. """ g = ops.get_default_graph() if isinstance(g, _FuncGraph): return g.extra_inputs else: return [] def get_extra_args(): """Returns the corresponding function arguments for the captured inputs. Returns: If the default graph is being used to define a function, the returned list of place holders are those used inside the function body corresponding those returned by get_extra_inputs(). Otherwise, returns an empty list. """ g = ops.get_default_graph() if isinstance(g, _FuncGraph): return g.extra_args else: return [] def _type_list_to_str(types): if any([_ not in _DTYPE_TO_STR for _ in types]): raise ValueError("Unsupported dtypes: %s" % types) return "".join([_DTYPE_TO_STR[_] for _ in types]) # NOTE: The list needs to be extended when more data types are added. _DTYPE_TO_STR = { dtypes.float16: "f16", dtypes.float32: "f32", dtypes.float64: "f64", dtypes.int32: "i32", dtypes.uint8: "i8", dtypes.uint16: "u16", dtypes.uint32: "u32", dtypes.uint64: "u64", dtypes.int16: "i16", dtypes.int8: "i8", dtypes.string: "s", dtypes.complex64: "c64", dtypes.complex128: "c128", dtypes.int64: "i64", dtypes.bool: "b", dtypes.qint8: "qi8", dtypes.quint8: "qu8", dtypes.qint16: "qi16", dtypes.quint16: "qu16", dtypes.qint32: "qi32", dtypes.bfloat16: "b16" } def function_def_from_tf_function(c_func): """Converts a SWIG-wrapped TF_Function* to a FunctionDef proto.""" with c_api_util.tf_buffer() as buf: c_api.TF_FunctionToFunctionDef(c_func, buf) data = c_api.TF_GetBuffer(buf) fdef = function_pb2.FunctionDef() fdef.ParseFromString(compat.as_bytes(data)) return fdef
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This can be a ISBN number # or the project homepage. #epub_identifier = '' # A unique identification for the text. #epub_uid = '' # HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. #epub_pre_files = [] # HTML files shat should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. #epub_post_files = [] # A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. #epub_exclude_files = [] # The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx. #epub_tocdepth = 3 # Allow duplicate toc entries. #epub_tocdup = True # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. intersphinx_mapping = {'': None}
# ormbad.version # Helper module for ORMBad version information # # Author: Benjamin Bengfort <> # Created: Thu Aug 13 12:38:42 2015 -0400 # # Copyright (C) 2015 Tipsy Bear Studios # For license information, see LICENSE.txt # # ID: [] $ """ Helper module for ORMBad version information. """ ########################################################################## ## Versioning ########################################################################## __version_info__ = { 'major': 0, 'minor': 1, 'micro': 0, 'releaselevel': 'final', 'serial': 0, } def get_version(short=False): """ Returns the version from the version info. """ assert __version_info__['releaselevel'] in ('alpha', 'beta', 'final') vers = ["%(major)i.%(minor)i" % __version_info__, ] if __version_info__['micro']: vers.append(".%(micro)i" % __version_info__) if __version_info__['releaselevel'] != 'final' and not short: vers.append('%s%i' % (__version_info__['releaselevel'][0], __version_info__['serial'])) return ''.join(vers)
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This example creates a bidder-level filter set. A bidder-level filter set can be used to retrieve aggregated data for all Authorized Buyers accounts under the given bidder account, including the bidder account itself. """ import argparse from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import os import pprint import sys import uuid sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError import samples_util _DATE_FORMAT = '%Y%m%d' _FILTER_SET_NAME_TEMPLATE = ('bidders/{bidders_resource_id}/' 'filterSets/{filtersets_resource_id}') _OWNER_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'bidders/{bidders_resource_id}' _TODAY = _VALID_ENVIRONMENTS = ('WEB', 'APP') _VALID_FORMATS = ('DISPLAY', 'VIDEO') _VALID_PLATFORMS = ('DESKTOP', 'TABLET', 'MOBILE') _VALID_TIME_SERIES_GRANULARITIES = ('HOURLY', 'DAILY') DEFAULT_BIDDER_RESOURCE_ID = 'ENTER_BIDDER_RESOURCE_ID_HERE' DEFAULT_FILTER_SET_RESOURCE_ID = f'FilterSet_{uuid.uuid4()}' DEFAULT_END_DATE = _TODAY.strftime(_DATE_FORMAT) DEFAULT_START_DATE = (_TODAY - timedelta(days=7)).strftime( _DATE_FORMAT) def main(ad_exchange_buyer, owner_name, body, is_transient): try: # Construct and execute the request. filter_set = ad_exchange_buyer.bidders().filterSets().create( ownerName=owner_name, isTransient=is_transient, body=body).execute() print(f'FilterSet created for bidder: "{owner_name}".') pprint.pprint(filter_set) except HttpError as e: print(e) if __name__ == '__main__': def time_series_granularity_type(s): if s not in _VALID_TIME_SERIES_GRANULARITIES: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid TimeSeriesGranularity ' f'specified: "{s}".') return s def environment_type(s): if s not in _VALID_ENVIRONMENTS: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( f'Invalid Environment specified: "{s}".') return s def format_type(s): if s not in _VALID_FORMATS: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Invalid Format specified: "{s}".') return s def platform_type(s): if s not in _VALID_PLATFORMS: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Invalid Platform specified: "{s}".') return s def valid_date(s): try: return datetime.strptime(s, _DATE_FORMAT).date() except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Invalid date specified: "{s}".') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('Creates a bidder-level filter set with the specified ' 'options.')) # Required fields. parser.add_argument( '-b', '--bidder_resource_id', default=DEFAULT_BIDDER_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the bidders resource for which the filter set ' 'is being created. This will be used to construct the ownerName ' 'used as a path parameter for filter set requests. For additional ' 'information on how to configure the ownerName path parameter, ' 'see:' 'reference/rest/v2beta1/bidders.filterSets/create' '#body.PATH_PARAMETERS.owner_name')) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--resource_id', default=DEFAULT_FILTER_SET_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the filter set. Note that this must be ' 'unique. This will be used to construct the filter set\'s name. ' 'For additional information on how to configure a filter set\'s ' 'name, see:' 'reference/rest/v2beta1/')) parser.add_argument( '--end_date', default=DEFAULT_END_DATE, type=valid_date, help=('The end date for the filter set\'s absoluteDateRange field, which ' 'will be accepted in this example in YYYYMMDD format.')) parser.add_argument( '--start_date', default=DEFAULT_START_DATE, type=valid_date, help=('The start date for the filter set\'s time_range field, which ' 'will be accepted in this example in YYYYMMDD format.')) # Optional fields. parser.add_argument( '-e', '--environment', required=False, type=environment_type, help=('The environment on which to filter.')) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--format', required=False, type=format_type, help=('The format on which to filter.')) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--platforms', required=False, nargs='*', type=platform_type, help=('The platforms on which to filter. The filters represented by ' 'multiple platforms are ORed together. Note that you may specify ' 'more than one using a space as a delimiter.')) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--seller_network_ids', required=False, nargs='*', type=int, help=('The list of IDs for seller networks on which to filter. The ' 'filters represented by multiple seller network IDs are ORed ' 'together. Note that you may specify more than one using a space ' 'as a delimiter.')) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--time_series_granularity', required=False, type=time_series_granularity_type, help=('The granularity of time intervals if a time series breakdown is ' 'desired.')) parser.add_argument( '--is_transient', required=False, default=True, type=bool, help=('Whether the filter set is transient, or should be persisted ' 'indefinitely. In this example, this will default to True.')) args = parser.parse_args() # Build the time_range as an AbsoluteDateRange. time_range = { 'startDate': { 'year': args.start_date.year, 'month': args.start_date.month, 'day': }, 'endDate': { 'year': args.end_date.year, 'month': args.end_date.month, 'day': } } # Create a body containing the required fields. BODY = { 'name': _FILTER_SET_NAME_TEMPLATE.format( bidders_resource_id=args.bidder_resource_id, filtersets_resource_id=args.resource_id), # Note: You may alternatively specify relativeDateRange or # realtimeTimeRange. 'absoluteDateRange': time_range } # Add optional fields to body if specified. if args.environment: BODY['environment'] = args.environment if args.format: BODY['format'] = args.format if args.platforms: BODY['platforms'] = args.platforms if args.seller_network_ids: BODY['sellerNetworkIds'] = args.seller_network_ids if args.time_series_granularity: BODY['timeSeriesGranularity'] = args.time_series_granularity try: service = samples_util.GetService('v2beta1') except IOError as ex: print(f'Unable to create adexchangebuyer service - {ex}') print('Did you specify the key file in') sys.exit(1) main(service, _OWNER_NAME_TEMPLATE.format( bidders_resource_id=args.bidder_resource_id), BODY, args.is_transient)
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for Keras core layers.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.python import keras from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.keras import keras_parameterized from tensorflow.python.keras import testing_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision.experimental import policy from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes class DropoutLayersTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): def test_dropout(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Dropout, kwargs={'rate': 0.5}, input_shape=(3, 2)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Dropout, kwargs={'rate': 0.5, 'noise_shape': [3, 1]}, input_shape=(3, 2)) def test_dropout_supports_masking(self): dropout = keras.layers.Dropout(0.5) self.assertEqual(True, dropout.supports_masking) def test_spatial_dropout_1d(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.SpatialDropout1D, kwargs={'rate': 0.5}, input_shape=(2, 3, 4)) def test_spatial_dropout_2d(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.SpatialDropout2D, kwargs={'rate': 0.5}, input_shape=(2, 3, 4, 5)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.SpatialDropout2D, kwargs={'rate': 0.5, 'data_format': 'channels_first'}, input_shape=(2, 3, 4, 5)) def test_spatial_dropout_3d(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.SpatialDropout3D, kwargs={'rate': 0.5}, input_shape=(2, 3, 4, 4, 5)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.SpatialDropout3D, kwargs={'rate': 0.5, 'data_format': 'channels_first'}, input_shape=(2, 3, 4, 4, 5)) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes class LambdaLayerTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): def test_lambda(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Lambda, kwargs={'function': lambda x: x + 1}, input_shape=(3, 2)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Lambda, kwargs={ 'function': lambda x, a, b: x * a + b, 'arguments': { 'a': 0.6, 'b': 0.4 } }, input_shape=(3, 2)) # test serialization with function def f(x): return x + 1 ld = keras.layers.Lambda(f) config = ld.get_config() ld = keras.layers.deserialize({ 'class_name': 'Lambda', 'config': config }) # test with lambda ld = keras.layers.Lambda( lambda x: keras.backend.concatenate([math_ops.square(x), x])) config = ld.get_config() ld = keras.layers.Lambda.from_config(config) def test_lambda_multiple_inputs(self): ld = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[0], output_shape=lambda x: x[0]) x1 = np.ones([3, 2], np.float32) x2 = np.ones([3, 5], np.float32) out = ld([x1, x2]) self.assertAllEqual(out.shape, [3, 2]) def test_lambda_output_shape(self): l = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x + 1, output_shape=(1, 1)) l(keras.backend.variable(np.ones((1, 1)))) self.assertEqual((1, 1), l.get_config()['output_shape']) def test_lambda_output_shape_function(self): def get_output_shape(input_shape): return 1 * input_shape l = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x + 1, output_shape=get_output_shape) l(keras.backend.variable(np.ones((1, 1)))) self.assertEqual('lambda', l.get_config()['output_shape_type']) def test_lambda_output_shape_autocalculate_multiple_inputs(self): def lambda_fn(x): return math_ops.matmul(x[0], x[1]) l = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda_fn) output_shape = l.compute_output_shape([(10, 10), (10, 20)]) self.assertAllEqual((10, 20), output_shape) def test_lambda_output_shape_list_multiple_outputs(self): def lambda_fn(x): return x l = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda_fn, output_shape=[(10,), (20,)]) output_shape = l.compute_output_shape([(10, 10), (10, 20)]) self.assertAllEqual([(10, 10), (10, 20)], output_shape) def test_lambda_output_shape_tuple_with_none(self): def lambda_fn(x): return x l = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda_fn, output_shape=(None, 10)) output_shape = l.compute_output_shape((5, 10, 20)) self.assertAllEqual([5, None, 10], output_shape.as_list()) def test_lambda_output_shape_function_multiple_outputs(self): def lambda_fn(x): return x def output_shape_fn(input_shape): return input_shape l = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda_fn, output_shape=output_shape_fn) output_shape = l.compute_output_shape([(10, 10), (10, 20)]) self.assertAllEqual([(10, 10), (10, 20)], output_shape) def test_lambda_config_serialization(self): # Test serialization with output_shape and output_shape_type layer = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x + 1, output_shape=(1, 1)) layer(keras.backend.variable(np.ones((1, 1)))) config = layer.get_config() layer = keras.layers.deserialize({ 'class_name': 'Lambda', 'config': config }) layer = keras.layers.Lambda.from_config(config) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes class CoreLayersTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): def test_masking(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Masking, kwargs={}, input_shape=(3, 2, 3)) def test_keras_mask(self): x = np.ones((10, 10)) y = keras.layers.Masking(1.)(x) self.assertTrue(hasattr(y, '_keras_mask')) self.assertTrue(y._keras_mask is not None) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(y._keras_mask), np.zeros((10,))) def test_activation(self): # with string argument testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Activation, kwargs={'activation': 'relu'}, input_shape=(3, 2)) # with function argument testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Activation, kwargs={'activation': keras.backend.relu}, input_shape=(3, 2)) def test_reshape(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Reshape, kwargs={'target_shape': (8, 1)}, input_shape=(3, 2, 4)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Reshape, kwargs={'target_shape': (-1, 1)}, input_shape=(3, 2, 4)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Reshape, kwargs={'target_shape': (1, -1)}, input_shape=(3, 2, 4)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Reshape, kwargs={'target_shape': (-1, 1)}, input_shape=(None, None, 2)) def test_permute(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Permute, kwargs={'dims': (2, 1)}, input_shape=(3, 2, 4)) def test_permute_errors_on_invalid_starting_dims_index(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, r'Invalid permutation .*dims.*'): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Permute, kwargs={'dims': (0, 1, 2)}, input_shape=(3, 2, 4)) def test_permute_errors_on_invalid_set_of_dims_indices(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, r'Invalid permutation .*dims.*'): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Permute, kwargs={'dims': (1, 4, 2)}, input_shape=(3, 2, 4)) def test_flatten(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Flatten, kwargs={}, input_shape=(3, 2, 4)) # Test channels_first inputs = np.random.random((10, 3, 5, 5)).astype('float32') outputs = testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Flatten, kwargs={'data_format': 'channels_first'}, input_data=inputs) target_outputs = np.reshape( np.transpose(inputs, (0, 2, 3, 1)), (-1, 5 * 5 * 3)) self.assertAllClose(outputs, target_outputs) def test_flatten_scalar_channels(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Flatten, kwargs={}, input_shape=(3,)) # Test channels_first inputs = np.random.random((10,)).astype('float32') outputs = testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Flatten, kwargs={'data_format': 'channels_first'}, input_data=inputs) target_outputs = np.expand_dims(inputs, -1) self.assertAllClose(outputs, target_outputs) def test_repeat_vector(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.RepeatVector, kwargs={'n': 3}, input_shape=(3, 2)) def test_dense(self): testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Dense, kwargs={'units': 3}, input_shape=(3, 2)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Dense, kwargs={'units': 3}, input_shape=(3, 4, 2)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Dense, kwargs={'units': 3}, input_shape=(None, None, 2)) testing_utils.layer_test( keras.layers.Dense, kwargs={'units': 3}, input_shape=(3, 4, 5, 2)) def test_dense_dtype(self): inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor( np.random.randint(low=0, high=7, size=(2, 2))) layer = keras.layers.Dense(5, dtype='float32') outputs = layer(inputs) self.assertEqual(outputs.dtype, 'float32') def test_dense_with_policy(self): inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor( np.random.randint(low=0, high=7, size=(2, 2)), dtype='float16') layer = keras.layers.Dense(5, dtype=policy.Policy('infer_float32_vars')) outputs = layer(inputs) self.assertEqual(outputs.dtype, 'float16') self.assertEqual(layer.kernel.dtype, 'float32') def test_dense_regularization(self): layer = keras.layers.Dense( 3, kernel_regularizer=keras.regularizers.l1(0.01), bias_regularizer='l1', activity_regularizer='l2', name='dense_reg') layer(keras.backend.variable(np.ones((2, 4)))) self.assertEqual(3, len(layer.losses)) def test_dense_constraints(self): k_constraint = keras.constraints.max_norm(0.01) b_constraint = keras.constraints.max_norm(0.01) layer = keras.layers.Dense( 3, kernel_constraint=k_constraint, bias_constraint=b_constraint) layer(keras.backend.variable(np.ones((2, 4)))) self.assertEqual(layer.kernel.constraint, k_constraint) self.assertEqual(layer.bias.constraint, b_constraint) def test_activity_regularization(self): layer = keras.layers.ActivityRegularization(l1=0.1) layer(keras.backend.variable(np.ones((2, 4)))) self.assertEqual(1, len(layer.losses)) config = layer.get_config() self.assertEqual(config.pop('l1'), 0.1) def test_numpy_inputs(self): if context.executing_eagerly(): layer = keras.layers.RepeatVector(2) x = np.ones((10, 10)) self.assertAllEqual(np.ones((10, 2, 10)), layer(x)) layer = keras.layers.Concatenate() x, y = np.ones((10, 10)), np.ones((10, 10)) self.assertAllEqual(np.ones((10, 20)), layer([x, y])) if __name__ == '__main__': test.main()
# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 fileencoding=utf-8: # # Python header conversion # Copyright (c) 2013,2014 Dave Hughes <> # # Original headers # Copyright (c) 2012, Broadcom Europe Ltd # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import ( unicode_literals, print_function, division, absolute_import, ) # Make Py2's str equivalent to Py3's str = type('') import ctypes as ct import warnings _lib = ct.CDLL('') # bcm_host.h ################################################################# bcm_host_init = _lib.bcm_host_init bcm_host_init.argtypes = [] bcm_host_init.restype = None bcm_host_deinit = _lib.bcm_host_deinit bcm_host_deinit.argtypes = [] bcm_host_deinit.restype = None graphics_get_display_size = _lib.graphics_get_display_size graphics_get_display_size.argtypes = [ct.c_uint16, ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint32), ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint32)] graphics_get_display_size.restype = ct.c_int32
# quick demo of some python image filters # using raspberry pi camera import Tkinter as tk from picamera import PiCamera from time import sleep from PIL import Image,ImageFilter,ImageChops,ImageTk imagefile = "image.jpg" w = 320 h = 240 lastfilter = "none" camera = PiCamera() def takephoto(): camera.capture(imagefile) image1 = return image1 def photoloop(): count = 0 while (count < 9): sleep(0.5) image1 = newphoto() if lastfilter is not "none": dofilter(lastfilter,image1) count = count + 1 def newphoto(): global image1 image1 = takephoto() tkimage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1) panel1.configure(image=tkimage1) panel1.image = tkimage1 def invert(): global image1 image1= ImageChops.invert(image1) tkimage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1) panel1.configure(image=tkimage1) panel1.image = tkimage1 def grayscale(): global image1 r, g, b = image1.split() image1 = Image.merge("RGB", (g,g,g)) tkimage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1) panel1.configure(image=tkimage1) panel1.image = tkimage1 def dofilter (theimage,thefilter): lastfilter = thefilter global image1 image1 = image1.filter(thefilter) tkimage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1) panel1.configure(image=tkimage1) panel1.image = tkimage1 # Setup a window root = tk.Tk() root.title('Image') image1 = takephoto() tkimage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1) w = tkimage1.width() h = tkimage1.height() root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w, h, 0, 0)) # root has no image argument, so use a label as a panel panel1 = tk.Label(root, image=tkimage1) panel1.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes') # save the panel's image from 'garbage collection' panel1.image = tkimage1 # Add some buttons buttonrow = tk.Frame(root),x=0) button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='CAMERA',command = lambda: newphoto()) button.pack(side='left',) button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='LOOP',command = lambda: photoloop()) button.pack(side='left',) button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='INVERT',command = lambda: invert()) button.pack(side='left',) button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='GRAY',command = lambda: grayscale()) button.pack(side='left',) # add some filter buttons button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='BLUR',command = lambda: dofilter(image1,ImageFilter.BLUR)) button.pack(side='left') button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='CONTOUR',command = lambda: dofilter(image1,ImageFilter.CONTOUR)) button.pack(side='left') button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='FIND_EDGES',command = lambda: dofilter(image1,ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)) button.pack(side='left') button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='EMBOSS',command = lambda: dofilter(image1,ImageFilter.EMBOSS)) button.pack(side='left') button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='EDGE_ENHANCE',command = lambda: dofilter(image1,ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE)) button.pack(side='left') button = tk.Button(buttonrow, text='CLOSE',command = lambda: root.destroy()) button.pack(side='left') root.mainloop()
"""Support for switches which integrates with other components.""" import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.switch import ( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SwitchEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, CONF_ENTITY_PICTURE_TEMPLATE, CONF_ICON_TEMPLATE, CONF_SWITCHES, CONF_UNIQUE_ID, CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import async_generate_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers.reload import async_setup_reload_service from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import RestoreEntity from homeassistant.helpers.script import Script from .const import CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS from .template_entity import TemplateEntity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _VALID_STATES = [STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, "true", "false"] ON_ACTION = "turn_on" OFF_ACTION = "turn_off" SWITCH_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_ICON_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITY_PICTURE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Required(ON_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Required(OFF_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(CONF_UNIQUE_ID): cv.string, } ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(CONF_SWITCHES): cv.schema_with_slug_keys(SWITCH_SCHEMA)} ) async def _async_create_entities(hass, config): """Create the Template switches.""" switches = [] for device, device_config in config[CONF_SWITCHES].items(): friendly_name = device_config.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, device) state_template = device_config.get(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE) icon_template = device_config.get(CONF_ICON_TEMPLATE) entity_picture_template = device_config.get(CONF_ENTITY_PICTURE_TEMPLATE) availability_template = device_config.get(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE) on_action = device_config[ON_ACTION] off_action = device_config[OFF_ACTION] unique_id = device_config.get(CONF_UNIQUE_ID) switches.append( SwitchTemplate( hass, device, friendly_name, state_template, icon_template, entity_picture_template, availability_template, on_action, off_action, unique_id, ) ) return switches async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the template switches.""" await async_setup_reload_service(hass, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS) async_add_entities(await _async_create_entities(hass, config)) class SwitchTemplate(TemplateEntity, SwitchEntity, RestoreEntity): """Representation of a Template switch.""" def __init__( self, hass, device_id, friendly_name, state_template, icon_template, entity_picture_template, availability_template, on_action, off_action, unique_id, ): """Initialize the Template switch.""" super().__init__( availability_template=availability_template, icon_template=icon_template, entity_picture_template=entity_picture_template, ) self.entity_id = async_generate_entity_id( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, device_id, hass=hass ) self._name = friendly_name self._template = state_template domain = __name__.split(".")[-2] self._on_script = Script(hass, on_action, friendly_name, domain) self._off_script = Script(hass, off_action, friendly_name, domain) self._state = False self._unique_id = unique_id @callback def _update_state(self, result): super()._update_state(result) if isinstance(result, TemplateError): self._state = None return self._state = result.lower() in ("true", STATE_ON) async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register callbacks.""" if self._template is None: # restore state after startup await super().async_added_to_hass() state = await self.async_get_last_state() if state: self._state = state.state == STATE_ON # no need to listen for events else: self.add_template_attribute( "_state", self._template, None, self._update_state ) await super().async_added_to_hass() @property def name(self): """Return the name of the switch.""" return self._name @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique id of this switch.""" return self._unique_id @property def is_on(self): """Return true if device is on.""" return self._state @property def should_poll(self): """Return the polling state.""" return False async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Fire the on action.""" await self._on_script.async_run(context=self._context) if self._template is None: self._state = True self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Fire the off action.""" await self._off_script.async_run(context=self._context) if self._template is None: self._state = False self.async_write_ha_state() @property def assumed_state(self): """State is assumed, if no template given.""" return self._template is None
# Copyright 2021, Google LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Federated CIFAR-10 classification library using TFF.""" import functools from typing import Callable, Optional from absl import logging import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_federated as tff from fedopt_guide import training_loop from utils.datasets import cifar10_dataset from utils.models import resnet_models CIFAR_SHAPE = (32, 32, 3) NUM_CLASSES = 100 def run_federated( iterative_process_builder: Callable[..., tff.templates.IterativeProcess], client_epochs_per_round: int, client_batch_size: int, clients_per_round: int, client_datasets_random_seed: Optional[int] = None, crop_size: Optional[int] = 24, total_rounds: Optional[int] = 1500, experiment_name: Optional[str] = 'federated_cifar10', root_output_dir: Optional[str] = '/tmp/fed_opt', uniform_weighting: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs): """Runs an iterative process on the CIFAR-10 classification task. This method will load and pre-process dataset and construct a model used for the task. It then uses `iterative_process_builder` to create an iterative process that it applies to the task, using `federated_research.utils.training_loop`. We assume that the iterative process has the following functional type signatures: * `initialize`: `( -> S@SERVER)` where `S` represents the server state. * `next`: `<S@SERVER, {B*}@CLIENTS> -> <S@SERVER, T@SERVER>` where `S` represents the server state, `{B*}` represents the client datasets, and `T` represents a python `Mapping` object. The iterative process must also have a callable attribute `get_model_weights` that takes as input the state of the iterative process, and returns a `tff.learning.ModelWeights` object. Args: iterative_process_builder: A function that accepts a no-arg `model_fn`, and returns a `tff.templates.IterativeProcess`. The `model_fn` must return a `tff.learning.Model`. client_epochs_per_round: An integer representing the number of epochs of training performed per client in each training round. client_batch_size: An integer representing the batch size used on clients. clients_per_round: An integer representing the number of clients participating in each round. client_datasets_random_seed: An optional int used to seed which clients are sampled at each round. If `None`, no seed is used. crop_size: An optional integer representing the resulting size of input images after preprocessing. total_rounds: The number of federated training rounds. experiment_name: The name of the experiment being run. This will be appended to the `root_output_dir` for purposes of writing outputs. root_output_dir: The name of the root output directory for writing experiment outputs. uniform_weighting: Whether to weigh clients uniformly. If false, clients are weighted by the number of samples. **kwargs: Additional arguments configuring the training loop. For details on supported arguments, see `federated_research/utils/`. """ crop_shape = (crop_size, crop_size, 3) cifar_train, _ = cifar10_dataset.get_federated_datasets( train_client_epochs_per_round=client_epochs_per_round, train_client_batch_size=client_batch_size, crop_shape=crop_shape) _, cifar_test = cifar10_dataset.get_centralized_datasets( crop_shape=crop_shape) input_spec = cifar_train.create_tf_dataset_for_client( cifar_train.client_ids[0]).element_spec model_builder = functools.partial( resnet_models.create_resnet18, input_shape=crop_shape, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES) loss_builder = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy metrics_builder = lambda: [tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy()] def tff_model_fn() -> tff.learning.Model: return tff.learning.from_keras_model( keras_model=model_builder(), input_spec=input_spec, loss=loss_builder(), metrics=metrics_builder()) if uniform_weighting: client_weight_fn = tff.learning.ClientWeighting.UNIFORM else: client_weight_fn = tff.learning.ClientWeighting.NUM_EXAMPLES training_process = iterative_process_builder(tff_model_fn, client_weight_fn) client_datasets_fn = functools.partial( tff.simulation.build_uniform_sampling_fn( dataset=cifar_train.client_ids, random_seed=client_datasets_random_seed), # pytype: disable=wrong-keyword-args # gen-stub-imports size=clients_per_round) evaluate_fn = tff.learning.build_federated_evaluation( tff_model_fn, use_experimental_simulation_loop=True) def validation_fn(model_weights, round_num): del round_num return evaluate_fn(model_weights, [cifar_test]) def test_fn(model_weights): return evaluate_fn(model_weights, [cifar_test])'Training model:') iterative_process=training_process, train_client_datasets_fn=client_datasets_fn, evaluation_fn=validation_fn, test_fn=test_fn, total_rounds=total_rounds, experiment_name=experiment_name, root_output_dir=root_output_dir, **kwargs)
#coding=utf-8 from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User class Activity(models.Model): owner = models.ForeignKey(User, null=False) text = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True) class Dessert(models.Model): activity = models.ForeignKey(Activity, null=False) description = models.TextField() photo = models.ImageField()
import time from import exception import requests import json from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter KANGROUTER_WEBSERVICE_APPLICATION_ROOT="/kangrouter/srv/v1" class KangRouterClient: pathbase = "" def __init__(self,apiKey,licenseId): self.headers = {"content-type": "application/json", "Authorization": apiKey} self.params = {"licenseId" : licenseId } retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=0.75) self.session = requests.Session() self.session.mount(KANGROUTER_WEBSERVICE_APPLICATION_ROOT, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) def validateReply(self,req): if req.status_code >= 400 and req.status_code <= 500: try: j = req.json() except ValueError: raise exception.InternalError(req.text,req.status_code) raise exception.jsonToException(req.json()) def create(self,problem,**kwargs): path = self.pathbase payload=json.dumps(problem) params = self.params.copy() params.update(kwargs) req =, params=params, headers=self.headers, data=payload) self.validateReply(req) return req.text def delete(self,solverId): path = "{base}/{solverId}".format(base=self.pathbase, solverId=str(solverId)) req = self.session.delete(path, params=self.params, headers=self.headers) self.validateReply(req) return True def stop(self,solverId): path = "{base}/{solverId}/stop".format(base=self.pathbase, solverId=str(solverId)) req = self.session.put(path, params=self.params, headers=self.headers) self.validateReply(req) return True def getStatus(self,solverId): path = "{base}/{solverId}/status".format(base=self.pathbase, solverId=str(solverId)) req = self.session.get(path, params=self.params, headers=self.headers) self.validateReply(req) return req.json() def getSolution(self,solverId): path = "{base}/{solverId}/solution".format(base=self.pathbase, solverId=str(solverId)) req = self.session.get(path, params=self.params, headers=self.headers) self.validateReply(req) return req.json() # polling def createAndWait(self,problem,cancel,**kwargs): solverId = self.create(problem,**kwargs) timeout = 300 while not cancel() and timeout>0: status = self.getStatus(solverId) if status["execStatus"] =="invalid": raise exception.solverError(json.dumps(status["errors"])) if status["execStatus"] =="completed": return self.getSolution(solverId) time.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 if timeout == 0: raise exception.InternalError("Timed out waiting for solver") raise exception.UserCancelled()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ This pretty much just tests creating a user, a universe, a planet, a building type name, a building type, and a building. """ import os import sys import sqlalchemy sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) import legendary_waffle # Database setup db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite://") legendary_waffle.models.MODELBASE.metadata.create_all(db_engine) legendary_waffle.models.MODELBASE.metadata.bind = db_engine db_session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=db_engine) db = db_session() # Create the user legendary_waffle.model_create(db, legendary_waffle.models.User, name='sk4ly') print "Users: {}".format(legendary_waffle.model_read(db, legendary_waffle.models.User)) # Create the universe universe_config = { "name": 'poopiverse', "map_size": 1000, "max_planets": 1000, "max_players": 10 } legendary_waffle.model_create(db, legendary_waffle.models.Universe, **universe_config) print "Universe: {}".format(legendary_waffle.model_read(db, legendary_waffle.models.Universe)) # Create the planet planet_config = { "universe": 1, # The pkid of the universe 'poopiverse' "coordinate_x": 1, "coordinate_y": 1, "name": 'bloth', "habitable": True, "player_control": 1, # The pkid of user 'sk4ly' "default_condition": 1000, "default_resources": 1000, "current_condition": 1000, "current_resources": 1000 } legendary_waffle.model_create(db, legendary_waffle.models.Planet, **planet_config) print "Planet: {}".format(legendary_waffle.model_read(db, legendary_waffle.models.Planet)) # Create building type name legendary_waffle.model_create(db, legendary_waffle.models.BuildingTypeName, name="Control Center") print "Building Type Name: {}".format(legendary_waffle.model_read(db, legendary_waffle.models.BuildingTypeName)) # Create building type building_type_config = { "typename": 1, # The pkid of the building type name 'Control Center' "description": "This is the control center", "default_condition": 100, "default_firepower": 0, "default_storage": 100, "rhr_passive": 0, "rhr_active": 0, "rhr_destructive": 0, "build_resource_reqs": 500, } legendary_waffle.model_create(db, legendary_waffle.models.BuildingType, **building_type_config) print "Building Type: {}".format(legendary_waffle.model_read(db, legendary_waffle.models.BuildingType)) # Now create our new building building_config = { "building_type": 1, # The pkid of the building type with the name 'Control Center' "universe": 1, # The pkid of the universe 'poopiverse' "planet": 1, # The pkid of the planet 'bloth' "player_control": 1, # The pkid of the user 'sk4ly' } legendary_waffle.model_create(db, legendary_waffle.models.Building, **building_config) print "Building: {}".format(legendary_waffle.model_read(db, legendary_waffle.models.Building))
"""heroku_blog URL Configuration The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see: Examples: Function views 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', views.home, name='home') Class-based views 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', Home.as_view(), name='home') Including another URLconf 1. Import the include() function: from django.conf.urls import url, include 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')) """ from django.conf.urls import include, url from django.contrib import admin from blog.views import index, signup, login, logout urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', index, name='index'), url(r'^signup', signup, name='signup'), url(r'^login', login, name='login'), url(r'^logout', logout, name='logout'), url(r'^admin/', include(, ]
# All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Tests for nova websocketproxy.""" import mock from nova.console import websocketproxy from nova import exception from nova import test class NovaProxyRequestHandlerBaseTestCase(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(NovaProxyRequestHandlerBaseTestCase, self).setUp() self.wh = websocketproxy.NovaProxyRequestHandlerBase() self.wh.socket = mock.MagicMock() self.wh.msg = mock.MagicMock() self.wh.do_proxy = mock.MagicMock() self.wh.headers = mock.MagicMock() @mock.patch('nova.consoleauth.rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI.check_token') def test_new_websocket_client(self, check_token): check_token.return_value = { 'host': 'node1', 'port': '10000' } self.wh.socket.return_value = '<socket>' self.wh.path = "ws://" self.wh.new_websocket_client() check_token.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, token="123-456-789") self.wh.socket.assert_called_with('node1', 10000, connect=True) self.wh.do_proxy.assert_called_with('<socket>') @mock.patch('nova.consoleauth.rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI.check_token') def test_new_websocket_client_token_invalid(self, check_token): check_token.return_value = False self.wh.path = "ws://" self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidToken, self.wh.new_websocket_client) check_token.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, token="XXX") @mock.patch('nova.consoleauth.rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI.check_token') def test_new_websocket_client_novnc(self, check_token): check_token.return_value = { 'host': 'node1', 'port': '10000' } self.wh.socket.return_value = '<socket>' self.wh.path = "" self.wh.headers.getheader.return_value = "token=123-456-789" self.wh.new_websocket_client() check_token.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, token="123-456-789") self.wh.socket.assert_called_with('node1', 10000, connect=True) self.wh.do_proxy.assert_called_with('<socket>') @mock.patch('nova.consoleauth.rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI.check_token') def test_new_websocket_client_novnc_token_invalid(self, check_token): check_token.return_value = False self.wh.path = "" self.wh.headers.getheader.return_value = "token=XXX" self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidToken, self.wh.new_websocket_client) check_token.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, token="XXX") @mock.patch('nova.consoleauth.rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI.check_token') def test_new_websocket_client_internal_access_path(self, check_token): check_token.return_value = { 'host': 'node1', 'port': '10000', 'internal_access_path': 'vmid' } tsock = mock.MagicMock() tsock.recv.return_value = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n" self.wh.socket.return_value = tsock self.wh.path = "ws://" self.wh.new_websocket_client() check_token.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, token="123-456-789") self.wh.socket.assert_called_with('node1', 10000, connect=True) self.wh.do_proxy.assert_called_with(tsock) @mock.patch('nova.consoleauth.rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI.check_token') def test_new_websocket_client_internal_access_path_err(self, check_token): check_token.return_value = { 'host': 'node1', 'port': '10000', 'internal_access_path': 'xxx' } tsock = mock.MagicMock() tsock.recv.return_value = "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\n\r\n" self.wh.socket.return_value = tsock self.wh.path = "ws://" self.assertRaises(Exception, self.wh.new_websocket_client) # noqa check_token.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, token="123-456-789")
# -*- cpy-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ex: set expandtab softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # # Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2018 Contributor # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Contains the logic for `aq add rack --bunker`.""" from import BrokerCommand # pylint: disable=W0611 from aquilon.worker.commands.add_rack import CommandAddRack class CommandAddRackBunker(CommandAddRack): required_parameters = ["bunker", "row", "column"]
# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import netaddr from rally.common import logging from rally.common.utils import RandomNameGeneratorMixin from rally_ovs.plugins.ovs import ovsclients from rally_ovs.plugins.ovs import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OvnClientMixin(ovsclients.ClientsMixin, RandomNameGeneratorMixin): def _get_ovn_controller(self, install_method="sandbox"): ovn_nbctl = self.controller_client("ovn-nbctl") ovn_nbctl.set_sandbox("controller-sandbox", install_method, self.context['controller']['host_container']) ovn_nbctl.set_daemon_socket(self.context.get("daemon_socket", None)) return ovn_nbctl def _start_daemon(self): ovn_nbctl = self._get_ovn_controller(self.install_method) return ovn_nbctl.start_daemon() def _stop_daemon(self): ovn_nbctl = self._get_ovn_controller(self.install_method) ovn_nbctl.stop_daemon() def _restart_daemon(self): self._stop_daemon() return self._start_daemon() def _create_lswitches(self, lswitch_create_args, num_switches=-1): self.RESOURCE_NAME_FORMAT = "lswitch_XXXXXX_XXXXXX" if (num_switches == -1): num_switches = lswitch_create_args.get("amount", 1) batch = lswitch_create_args.get("batch", num_switches) start_cidr = lswitch_create_args.get("start_cidr", "") if start_cidr: start_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(start_cidr) mcast_snoop = lswitch_create_args.get("mcast_snoop", "true") mcast_idle = lswitch_create_args.get("mcast_idle_timeout", 300) mcast_table_size = lswitch_create_args.get("mcast_table_size", 2048)"Create lswitches method: %s" % self.install_method) ovn_nbctl = self._get_ovn_controller(self.install_method) ovn_nbctl.enable_batch_mode() flush_count = batch lswitches = [] for i in range(num_switches): name = self.generate_random_name() if start_cidr: cidr = name = "lswitch_%s" % cidr else: name = self.generate_random_name() other_cfg = { 'mcast_snoop': mcast_snoop, 'mcast_idle_timeout': mcast_idle, 'mcast_table_size': mcast_table_size } lswitch = ovn_nbctl.lswitch_add(name, other_cfg) if start_cidr: lswitch["cidr"] = cidr"create %(name)s %(cidr)s" % \ {"name": name, "cidr": lswitch.get("cidr", "")}) lswitches.append(lswitch) flush_count -= 1 if flush_count < 1: ovn_nbctl.flush() flush_count = batch ovn_nbctl.flush() # ensure all commands be run ovn_nbctl.enable_batch_mode(False) return lswitches def _create_routers(self, router_create_args): self.RESOURCE_NAME_FORMAT = "lrouter_XXXXXX_XXXXXX" amount = router_create_args.get("amount", 1) batch = router_create_args.get("batch", 1) ovn_nbctl = self._get_ovn_controller(self.install_method) ovn_nbctl.enable_batch_mode() flush_count = batch lrouters = [] for i in range(amount): name = self.generate_random_name() lrouter = ovn_nbctl.lrouter_add(name) lrouters.append(lrouter) flush_count -= 1 if flush_count < 1: ovn_nbctl.flush() flush_count = batch ovn_nbctl.flush() # ensure all commands be run ovn_nbctl.enable_batch_mode(False) return lrouters def _connect_network_to_router(self, router, network):"Connect network %s to router %s" % (network["name"], router["name"])) ovn_nbctl = self.controller_client("ovn-nbctl") ovn_nbctl.set_sandbox("controller-sandbox", self.install_method, self.context['controller']['host_container']) ovn_nbctl.enable_batch_mode(False) base_mac = [i[:2] for i in self.task["uuid"].split('-')] base_mac[0] = str(hex(int(base_mac[0], 16) & 254)) base_mac[3:] = ['00']*3 mac = utils.get_random_mac(base_mac) lrouter_port = ovn_nbctl.lrouter_port_add(router["name"], network["name"], mac, str(network["cidr"])) ovn_nbctl.flush() switch_router_port = "rp-" + network["name"] lport = ovn_nbctl.lswitch_port_add(network["name"], switch_router_port) ovn_nbctl.db_set('Logical_Switch_Port', switch_router_port, ('options', {"router-port":network["name"]}), ('type', 'router'), ('address', 'router')) ovn_nbctl.flush() def _connect_networks_to_routers(self, lnetworks, lrouters, networks_per_router): for lrouter in lrouters:"Connect %s networks to router %s" % (networks_per_router, lrouter["name"])) for lnetwork in lnetworks[:networks_per_router]:"connect networks %s cidr %s" % (lnetwork["name"], lnetwork["cidr"])) self._connect_network_to_router(lrouter, lnetwork) lnetworks = lnetworks[networks_per_router:]
# Generated by the gRPC Python protocol compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT! import grpc from import ( result_set_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2, ) from import ( spanner_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2, ) from import ( transaction_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_transaction__pb2, ) from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2 class SpannerStub(object): """Cloud Spanner API The Cloud Spanner API can be used to manage sessions and execute transactions on data stored in Cloud Spanner databases. """ def __init__(self, channel): """Constructor. Args: channel: A grpc.Channel. """ self.CreateSession = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/CreateSession", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.CreateSessionRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.Session.FromString, ) self.BatchCreateSessions = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/BatchCreateSessions", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.BatchCreateSessionsRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.BatchCreateSessionsResponse.FromString, ) self.GetSession = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/GetSession", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.GetSessionRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.Session.FromString, ) self.ListSessions = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/ListSessions", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ListSessionsRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ListSessionsResponse.FromString, ) self.DeleteSession = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/DeleteSession", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.DeleteSessionRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2.Empty.FromString, ) self.ExecuteSql = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/ExecuteSql", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteSqlRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.ResultSet.FromString, ) self.ExecuteStreamingSql = channel.unary_stream( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/ExecuteStreamingSql", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteSqlRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.PartialResultSet.FromString, ) self.ExecuteBatchDml = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/ExecuteBatchDml", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteBatchDmlRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteBatchDmlResponse.FromString, ) self.Read = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/Read", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ReadRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.ResultSet.FromString, ) self.StreamingRead = channel.unary_stream( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/StreamingRead", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ReadRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.PartialResultSet.FromString, ) self.BeginTransaction = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/BeginTransaction", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.BeginTransactionRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_transaction__pb2.Transaction.FromString, ) self.Commit = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/Commit", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.CommitRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.CommitResponse.FromString, ) self.Rollback = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/Rollback", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.RollbackRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2.Empty.FromString, ) self.PartitionQuery = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/PartitionQuery", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionQueryRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionResponse.FromString, ) self.PartitionRead = channel.unary_unary( "/google.spanner.v1.Spanner/PartitionRead", request_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionReadRequest.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionResponse.FromString, ) class SpannerServicer(object): """Cloud Spanner API The Cloud Spanner API can be used to manage sessions and execute transactions on data stored in Cloud Spanner databases. """ def CreateSession(self, request, context): """Creates a new session. A session can be used to perform transactions that read and/or modify data in a Cloud Spanner database. Sessions are meant to be reused for many consecutive transactions. Sessions can only execute one transaction at a time. To execute multiple concurrent read-write/write-only transactions, create multiple sessions. Note that standalone reads and queries use a transaction internally, and count toward the one transaction limit. Active sessions use additional server resources, so it is a good idea to delete idle and unneeded sessions. Aside from explicit deletes, Cloud Spanner can delete sessions for which no operations are sent for more than an hour. If a session is deleted, requests to it return `NOT_FOUND`. Idle sessions can be kept alive by sending a trivial SQL query periodically, e.g., `"SELECT 1"`. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def BatchCreateSessions(self, request, context): """Creates multiple new sessions. This API can be used to initialize a session cache on the clients. See for best practices on session cache management. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def GetSession(self, request, context): """Gets a session. Returns `NOT_FOUND` if the session does not exist. This is mainly useful for determining whether a session is still alive. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def ListSessions(self, request, context): """Lists all sessions in a given database. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def DeleteSession(self, request, context): """Ends a session, releasing server resources associated with it. This will asynchronously trigger cancellation of any operations that are running with this session. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def ExecuteSql(self, request, context): """Executes an SQL statement, returning all results in a single reply. This method cannot be used to return a result set larger than 10 MiB; if the query yields more data than that, the query fails with a `FAILED_PRECONDITION` error. Operations inside read-write transactions might return `ABORTED`. If this occurs, the application should restart the transaction from the beginning. See [Transaction][google.spanner.v1.Transaction] for more details. Larger result sets can be fetched in streaming fashion by calling [ExecuteStreamingSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteStreamingSql] instead. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def ExecuteStreamingSql(self, request, context): """Like [ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql], except returns the result set as a stream. Unlike [ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql], there is no limit on the size of the returned result set. However, no individual row in the result set can exceed 100 MiB, and no column value can exceed 10 MiB. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def ExecuteBatchDml(self, request, context): """Executes a batch of SQL DML statements. This method allows many statements to be run with lower latency than submitting them sequentially with [ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql]. Statements are executed in sequential order. A request can succeed even if a statement fails. The [ExecuteBatchDmlResponse.status][google.spanner.v1.ExecuteBatchDmlResponse.status] field in the response provides information about the statement that failed. Clients must inspect this field to determine whether an error occurred. Execution stops after the first failed statement; the remaining statements are not executed. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def Read(self, request, context): """Reads rows from the database using key lookups and scans, as a simple key/value style alternative to [ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql]. This method cannot be used to return a result set larger than 10 MiB; if the read matches more data than that, the read fails with a `FAILED_PRECONDITION` error. Reads inside read-write transactions might return `ABORTED`. If this occurs, the application should restart the transaction from the beginning. See [Transaction][google.spanner.v1.Transaction] for more details. Larger result sets can be yielded in streaming fashion by calling [StreamingRead][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.StreamingRead] instead. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def StreamingRead(self, request, context): """Like [Read][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.Read], except returns the result set as a stream. Unlike [Read][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.Read], there is no limit on the size of the returned result set. However, no individual row in the result set can exceed 100 MiB, and no column value can exceed 10 MiB. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def BeginTransaction(self, request, context): """Begins a new transaction. This step can often be skipped: [Read][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.Read], [ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql] and [Commit][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.Commit] can begin a new transaction as a side-effect. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def Commit(self, request, context): """Commits a transaction. The request includes the mutations to be applied to rows in the database. `Commit` might return an `ABORTED` error. This can occur at any time; commonly, the cause is conflicts with concurrent transactions. However, it can also happen for a variety of other reasons. If `Commit` returns `ABORTED`, the caller should re-attempt the transaction from the beginning, re-using the same session. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def Rollback(self, request, context): """Rolls back a transaction, releasing any locks it holds. It is a good idea to call this for any transaction that includes one or more [Read][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.Read] or [ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql] requests and ultimately decides not to commit. `Rollback` returns `OK` if it successfully aborts the transaction, the transaction was already aborted, or the transaction is not found. `Rollback` never returns `ABORTED`. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def PartitionQuery(self, request, context): """Creates a set of partition tokens that can be used to execute a query operation in parallel. Each of the returned partition tokens can be used by [ExecuteStreamingSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteStreamingSql] to specify a subset of the query result to read. The same session and read-only transaction must be used by the PartitionQueryRequest used to create the partition tokens and the ExecuteSqlRequests that use the partition tokens. Partition tokens become invalid when the session used to create them is deleted, is idle for too long, begins a new transaction, or becomes too old. When any of these happen, it is not possible to resume the query, and the whole operation must be restarted from the beginning. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def PartitionRead(self, request, context): """Creates a set of partition tokens that can be used to execute a read operation in parallel. Each of the returned partition tokens can be used by [StreamingRead][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.StreamingRead] to specify a subset of the read result to read. The same session and read-only transaction must be used by the PartitionReadRequest used to create the partition tokens and the ReadRequests that use the partition tokens. There are no ordering guarantees on rows returned among the returned partition tokens, or even within each individual StreamingRead call issued with a partition_token. Partition tokens become invalid when the session used to create them is deleted, is idle for too long, begins a new transaction, or becomes too old. When any of these happen, it is not possible to resume the read, and the whole operation must be restarted from the beginning. """ context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details("Method not implemented!") raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") def add_SpannerServicer_to_server(servicer, server): rpc_method_handlers = { "CreateSession": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.CreateSession, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.CreateSessionRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.Session.SerializeToString, ), "BatchCreateSessions": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.BatchCreateSessions, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.BatchCreateSessionsRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.BatchCreateSessionsResponse.SerializeToString, ), "GetSession": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.GetSession, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.GetSessionRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.Session.SerializeToString, ), "ListSessions": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.ListSessions, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ListSessionsRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ListSessionsResponse.SerializeToString, ), "DeleteSession": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.DeleteSession, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.DeleteSessionRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2.Empty.SerializeToString, ), "ExecuteSql": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.ExecuteSql, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteSqlRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.ResultSet.SerializeToString, ), "ExecuteStreamingSql": grpc.unary_stream_rpc_method_handler( servicer.ExecuteStreamingSql, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteSqlRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.PartialResultSet.SerializeToString, ), "ExecuteBatchDml": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.ExecuteBatchDml, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteBatchDmlRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ExecuteBatchDmlResponse.SerializeToString, ), "Read": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.Read, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ReadRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.ResultSet.SerializeToString, ), "StreamingRead": grpc.unary_stream_rpc_method_handler( servicer.StreamingRead, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.ReadRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_result__set__pb2.PartialResultSet.SerializeToString, ), "BeginTransaction": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.BeginTransaction, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.BeginTransactionRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_transaction__pb2.Transaction.SerializeToString, ), "Commit": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.Commit, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.CommitRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.CommitResponse.SerializeToString, ), "Rollback": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.Rollback, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.RollbackRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2.Empty.SerializeToString, ), "PartitionQuery": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.PartitionQuery, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionQueryRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionResponse.SerializeToString, ), "PartitionRead": grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler( servicer.PartitionRead, request_deserializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionReadRequest.FromString, response_serializer=google_dot_cloud_dot_spanner__v1_dot_proto_dot_spanner__pb2.PartitionResponse.SerializeToString, ), } generic_handler = grpc.method_handlers_generic_handler( "google.spanner.v1.Spanner", rpc_method_handlers ) server.add_generic_rpc_handlers((generic_handler,))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import allure from import By from .base import BasePage from .elements import SimpleInput, SimpleText from .blocks.nav import NavBlock class BrowseMoviePageLocators(object): """Локаторы страницы просмотра информации о фильме""" TITLE_LOCATOR = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#movie h2') COUNTRY_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'country') DIRECTOR_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'director') WRITER_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'writer') PRODUCER_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'producer') EDIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'img[title="Edit"]') REMOVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'img[title="Remove"]') class BrowseMoviePage(BasePage): """Страница просмотра информации о фильме""" def __init__(self, driver): super(BrowseMoviePage, self).__init__(driver) self.nav = NavBlock(driver) title = SimpleText(BrowseMoviePageLocators.TITLE_LOCATOR) director = SimpleText(BrowseMoviePageLocators.DIRECTOR_LOCATOR) writer = SimpleText(BrowseMoviePageLocators.WRITER_LOCATOR) producer = SimpleText(BrowseMoviePageLocators.PRODUCER_LOCATOR) @allure.step('Нажмем на кноку "Edit"') def click_edit_button(self): """ :rtype: EditMoviePage """ self._click(BrowseMoviePageLocators.EDIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR) return EditMoviePage(self._driver) @allure.step('Нажмем на кноку "Remove"') def click_remove_button(self): """ :rtype: HomePage """ self._click(BrowseMoviePageLocators.REMOVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR) self.alert_accept() from .home import HomePage return HomePage(self._driver) class AddMoviePageLocators(object): """Локаторы страницы создания описания фильма""" TITLE_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'name') TITLE_INPUT_ERROR_LOCATOR = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[name="name"].error') ALSO_KNOWN_AS_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'aka') YEAR_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'year') YEAR_INPUT_ERROR_LOCATOR = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[name="year"].error') DURATION_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'duration') TRAILER_URL_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'trailer') FORMAT_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'format') COUNTRY_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'country') DIRECTOR_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'director') WRITER_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'writer') PRODUCER_INPUT_LOCATOR = (By.NAME, 'producer') SAVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'img[title="Save"]') class AddMoviePage(BasePage): """Страница создания описания фильма""" def __init__(self, driver): super(AddMoviePage, self).__init__(driver) self.nav = NavBlock(driver) title = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.TITLE_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'название фильма') also_know_as = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.ALSO_KNOWN_AS_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'оригинальное название фильма') year = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.YEAR_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'год') duration = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.DURATION_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'продолжительность') trailer_url = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.TRAILER_URL_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'адрес трейлера') format = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.FORMAT_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'формат') country = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.COUNTRY_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'страну') director = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.DIRECTOR_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'директора') writer = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.WRITER_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'сценариста') producer = SimpleInput(AddMoviePageLocators.PRODUCER_INPUT_LOCATOR, 'продюсера') @allure.step('Нажмем на кноку "Save"') def click_save_button(self): """ :rtype: BrowseMoviePage """ self._click(AddMoviePageLocators.SAVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR) return BrowseMoviePage(self._driver) def title_field_is_required_present(self): """ :rtype: bool """ return self._is_element_present(AddMoviePageLocators.TITLE_INPUT_ERROR_LOCATOR) def year_field_is_required_present(self): """ :rtype: bool """ return self._is_element_present(AddMoviePageLocators.YEAR_INPUT_ERROR_LOCATOR) class EditMoviePageLocators(object): """Локаторы для страницы редактирования описания фильма""" REMOVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'img[title="Remove"]') class EditMoviePage(AddMoviePage): """Страница редактирования описания фильма""" @allure.step('Нажмем на кноку "Remove"') def click_remove_button(self): """ :rtype: HomePage """ self._click(EditMoviePageLocators.REMOVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR) self.alert_accept() from .home import HomePage return HomePage(self._driver)
""" Copyright 2015-2018 IBM Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. 2015-2018 """ import asyncio from confluent_kafka import Producer class ProducerTask(object): def __init__(self, conf, topic_name): self.topic_name = topic_name self.producer = Producer(conf) self.counter = 0 self.running = True def stop(self): self.running = False def on_delivery(self, err, msg): if err: print('Delivery report: Failed sending message {0}'.format(msg.value())) print(err) # We could retry sending the message else: print('Message produced, offset: {0}'.format(msg.offset())) @asyncio.coroutine def run(self): print('The producer has started') while self.running: message = 'This is a test message #{0}'.format(self.counter) key = 'key' sleep = 2 # Short sleep for flow control try: self.producer.produce(self.topic_name, message, key, -1, self.on_delivery) self.producer.poll(0) self.counter += 1 except Exception as err: print('Failed sending message {0}'.format(message)) print(err) sleep = 5 # Longer sleep before retrying yield from asyncio.sleep(sleep) self.producer.flush()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest import pykintone from pykintone.model import kintoneModel import tests.envs as envs class TestAppModelSimple(kintoneModel): def __init__(self): super(TestAppModelSimple, self).__init__() self.my_key = "" self.stringField = "" class TestComment(unittest.TestCase): def test_comment(self): app = pykintone.load(envs.FILE_PATH).app() model = TestAppModelSimple() model.my_key = "comment_test" model.stringField = "comment_test_now" result = app.create(model) self.assertTrue(result.ok) # confirm create the record to test comment _record_id = result.record_id # create comment r_created = app.comment(_record_id).create("コメントのテスト") self.assertTrue(r_created.ok) # it requires Administrator user is registered in kintone r_created_m = app.comment(_record_id).create("メンションのテスト", [("Administrator", "USER")]) self.assertTrue(r_created_m.ok) # select comment r_selected = app.comment(_record_id).select(True, 0, 10) self.assertTrue(r_selected.ok) self.assertTrue(2, len(r_selected.raw_comments)) comments = r_selected.comments() self.assertTrue(1, len(comments[-1].mentions)) # delete comment for c in comments: r_deleted = app.comment(_record_id).delete(c.comment_id) self.assertTrue(r_deleted.ok) r_selected = app.comment(_record_id).select() self.assertEqual(0, len(r_selected.raw_comments)) # done test app.delete(_record_id)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' The Salt Key backend API and interface used by the CLI. The Key class can be used to manage salt keys directly without interfacing with the CLI. ''' # Import python libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import copy import json import stat import shutil import fnmatch import hashlib import logging # Import salt libs import salt.crypt import salt.utils import salt.exceptions import salt.utils.event import salt.daemons.masterapi from salt.utils import kinds from salt.utils.event import tagify # Import third party libs # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin import salt.ext.six as six from salt.ext.six.moves import input # pylint: enable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin try: import msgpack except ImportError: pass log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_key(opts): if opts['transport'] in ('zeromq', 'tcp'): return Key(opts) else: return RaetKey(opts) class KeyCLI(object): ''' Manage key CLI operations ''' def __init__(self, opts): self.opts = opts if self.opts['transport'] in ('zeromq', 'tcp'): self.key = Key(opts) else: self.key = RaetKey(opts) def list_status(self, status): ''' Print out the keys under a named status :param str status: A string indicating which set of keys to return ''' keys = self.key.list_keys() if status.startswith('acc'): salt.output.display_output( {self.key.ACC: keys[self.key.ACC]}, 'key', self.opts ) elif status.startswith(('pre', 'un')): salt.output.display_output( {self.key.PEND: keys[self.key.PEND]}, 'key', self.opts ) elif status.startswith('rej'): salt.output.display_output( {self.key.REJ: keys[self.key.REJ]}, 'key', self.opts ) elif status.startswith('den'): if self.key.DEN: salt.output.display_output( {self.key.DEN: keys[self.key.DEN]}, 'key', self.opts ) elif status.startswith('all'): self.list_all() def list_all(self): ''' Print out all keys ''' salt.output.display_output( self.key.list_keys(), 'key', self.opts) def accept(self, match, include_rejected=False): ''' Accept the keys matched :param str match: A string to match against. i.e. 'web*' :param bool include_rejected: Whether or not to accept a matched key that was formerly rejected ''' def _print_accepted(matches, after_match): if self.key.ACC in after_match: accepted = sorted( set(after_match[self.key.ACC]).difference( set(matches.get(self.key.ACC, [])) ) ) for key in accepted: print('Key for minion {0} accepted.'.format(key)) matches = self.key.name_match(match) keys = {} if self.key.PEND in matches: keys[self.key.PEND] = matches[self.key.PEND] if include_rejected and bool(matches.get(self.key.REJ)): keys[self.key.REJ] = matches[self.key.REJ] if not keys: msg = ( 'The key glob {0!r} does not match any unaccepted {1}keys.' .format(match, 'or rejected ' if include_rejected else '') ) print(msg) raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(code=1) if not self.opts.get('yes', False): print('The following keys are going to be accepted:') salt.output.display_output( keys, 'key', self.opts) try: veri = input('Proceed? [n/Y] ') except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit("\nExiting on CTRL-c") if not veri or veri.lower().startswith('y'): _print_accepted( matches, self.key.accept( match_dict=keys, include_rejected=include_rejected ) ) else: print('The following keys are going to be accepted:') salt.output.display_output( keys, 'key', self.opts) _print_accepted( matches, self.key.accept( match_dict=keys, include_rejected=include_rejected ) ) def accept_all(self, include_rejected=False): ''' Accept all keys :param bool include_rejected: Whether or not to accept a matched key that was formerly rejected ''' self.accept('*', include_rejected=include_rejected) def delete(self, match): ''' Delete the matched keys :param str match: A string to match against. i.e. 'web*' ''' def _print_deleted(matches, after_match): deleted = [] for keydir in (self.key.ACC, self.key.PEND, self.key.REJ): deleted.extend(list( set(matches.get(keydir, [])).difference( set(after_match.get(keydir, [])) ) )) for key in sorted(deleted): print('Key for minion {0} deleted.'.format(key)) matches = self.key.name_match(match) if not matches: print( 'The key glob {0!r} does not match any accepted, unaccepted ' 'or rejected keys.'.format(match) ) raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(code=1) if not self.opts.get('yes', False): print('The following keys are going to be deleted:') salt.output.display_output( matches, 'key', self.opts) try: veri = input('Proceed? [N/y] ') except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit("\nExiting on CTRL-c") if veri.lower().startswith('y'): _print_deleted( matches, self.key.delete_key(match_dict=matches) ) else: print('Deleting the following keys:') salt.output.display_output( matches, 'key', self.opts) _print_deleted( matches, self.key.delete_key(match_dict=matches) ) def delete_all(self): ''' Delete all keys ''' self.delete('*') def reject(self, match, include_accepted=False): ''' Reject the matched keys :param str match: A string to match against. i.e. 'web*' :param bool include_accepted: Whether or not to accept a matched key that was formerly accepted ''' def _print_rejected(matches, after_match): if self.key.REJ in after_match: rejected = sorted( set(after_match[self.key.REJ]).difference( set(matches.get(self.key.REJ, [])) ) ) for key in rejected: print('Key for minion {0} rejected.'.format(key)) matches = self.key.name_match(match) keys = {} if self.key.PEND in matches: keys[self.key.PEND] = matches[self.key.PEND] if include_accepted and bool(matches.get(self.key.ACC)): keys[self.key.ACC] = matches[self.key.ACC] if not keys: msg = 'The key glob {0!r} does not match any {1} keys.'.format( match, 'accepted or unaccepted' if include_accepted else 'unaccepted' ) print(msg) return if not self.opts.get('yes', False): print('The following keys are going to be rejected:') salt.output.display_output( keys, 'key', self.opts) veri = input('Proceed? [n/Y] ') if veri.lower().startswith('n'): return _print_rejected( matches, self.key.reject( match_dict=matches, include_accepted=include_accepted ) ) def reject_all(self, include_accepted=False): ''' Reject all keys :param bool include_accepted: Whether or not to accept a matched key that was formerly accepted ''' self.reject('*', include_accepted=include_accepted) def print_key(self, match): ''' Print out a single key :param str match: A string to match against. i.e. 'web*' ''' matches = self.key.key_str(match) salt.output.display_output( matches, 'key', self.opts) def print_all(self): ''' Print out all managed keys ''' self.print_key('*') def finger(self, match): ''' Print out the fingerprints for the matched keys :param str match: A string to match against. i.e. 'web*' ''' matches = self.key.finger(match) salt.output.display_output( matches, 'key', self.opts) def finger_all(self): ''' Print out all fingerprints ''' matches = self.key.finger('*') salt.output.display_output( matches, 'key', self.opts) def prep_signature(self): ''' Searches for usable keys to create the master public-key signature ''' self.privkey = None self.pubkey = None # check given pub-key if self.opts['pub']: if not os.path.isfile(self.opts['pub']): print('Public-key {0} does not exist'.format(self.opts['pub'])) return self.pubkey = self.opts['pub'] # default to else: mpub = self.opts['pki_dir'] + '/' + '' if os.path.isfile(mpub): self.pubkey = mpub # check given priv-key if self.opts['priv']: if not os.path.isfile(self.opts['priv']): print('Private-key {0} does not exist'.format(self.opts['priv'])) return self.privkey = self.opts['priv'] # default to master_sign.pem else: mpriv = self.opts['pki_dir'] + '/' + 'master_sign.pem' if os.path.isfile(mpriv): self.privkey = mpriv if not self.privkey: if self.opts['auto_create']: print('Generating new signing key-pair {0}.* in {1}' ''.format(self.opts['master_sign_key_name'], self.opts['pki_dir'])) salt.crypt.gen_keys(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.opts['master_sign_key_name'], self.opts['keysize'], self.opts.get('user')) self.privkey = self.opts['pki_dir'] + '/' + self.opts['master_sign_key_name'] + '.pem' else: print('No usable private-key found') return if not self.pubkey: print('No usable public-key found') return print('Using public-key {0}'.format(self.pubkey)) print('Using private-key {0}'.format(self.privkey)) if self.opts['signature_path']: if not os.path.isdir(self.opts['signature_path']): print('target directory {0} does not exist' ''.format(self.opts['signature_path'])) else: self.opts['signature_path'] = self.opts['pki_dir'] sign_path = self.opts['signature_path'] + '/' + self.opts['master_pubkey_signature'] self.key.gen_signature(self.privkey, self.pubkey, sign_path) def run(self): ''' Run the logic for saltkey ''' if self.opts['gen_keys']: self.key.gen_keys() return elif self.opts['gen_signature']: self.prep_signature() return if self.opts['list']: self.list_status(self.opts['list']) elif self.opts['list_all']: self.list_all() elif self.opts['print']: self.print_key(self.opts['print']) elif self.opts['print_all']: self.print_all() elif self.opts['accept']: self.accept( self.opts['accept'], include_rejected=self.opts['include_all'] ) elif self.opts['accept_all']: self.accept_all(include_rejected=self.opts['include_all']) elif self.opts['reject']: self.reject( self.opts['reject'], include_accepted=self.opts['include_all'] ) elif self.opts['reject_all']: self.reject_all(include_accepted=self.opts['include_all']) elif self.opts['delete']: self.delete(self.opts['delete']) elif self.opts['delete_all']: self.delete_all() elif self.opts['finger']: self.finger(self.opts['finger']) elif self.opts['finger_all']: self.finger_all() else: self.list_all() class MultiKeyCLI(KeyCLI): ''' Manage multiple key backends from the CLI ''' def __init__(self, opts): opts['__multi_key'] = True super(MultiKeyCLI, self).__init__(opts) # Remove the key attribute set in KeyCLI.__init__ delattr(self, 'key') zopts = copy.copy(opts) ropts = copy.copy(opts) self.keys = {} zopts['transport'] = 'zeromq' self.keys['ZMQ Keys'] = KeyCLI(zopts) ropts['transport'] = 'raet' self.keys['RAET Keys'] = KeyCLI(ropts) def _call_all(self, fun, *args): ''' Call the given function on all backend keys ''' for kback in self.keys: print(kback) getattr(self.keys[kback], fun)(*args) def list_status(self, status): self._call_all('list_status', status) def list_all(self): self._call_all('list_all') def accept(self, match, include_rejected=False): self._call_all('accept', match, include_rejected) def accept_all(self, include_rejected=False): self._call_all('accept_all', include_rejected) def delete(self, match): self._call_all('delete', match) def delete_all(self): self._call_all('delete_all') def reject(self, match, include_accepted=False): self._call_all('reject', match, include_accepted) def reject_all(self, include_accepted=False): self._call_all('reject_all', include_accepted) def print_key(self, match): self._call_all('print_key', match) def print_all(self): self._call_all('print_all') def finger(self, match): self._call_all('finger', match) def finger_all(self): self._call_all('finger_all') def prep_signature(self): self._call_all('prep_signature') class Key(object): ''' The object that encapsulates saltkey actions ''' ACC = 'minions' PEND = 'minions_pre' REJ = 'minions_rejected' DEN = 'minions_denied' def __init__(self, opts): self.opts = opts kind = self.opts.get('__role', '') # application kind if kind not in kinds.APPL_KINDS: emsg = ("Invalid application kind = '{0}'.".format(kind)) log.error(emsg + '\n') raise ValueError(emsg) self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event( kind, opts['sock_dir'], opts['transport'], opts=opts, listen=False) def _check_minions_directories(self): ''' Return the minion keys directory paths ''' minions_accepted = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.ACC) minions_pre = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.PEND) minions_rejected = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.REJ) minions_denied = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.DEN) return minions_accepted, minions_pre, minions_rejected, minions_denied def gen_keys(self): ''' Generate minion RSA public keypair ''' salt.crypt.gen_keys( self.opts['gen_keys_dir'], self.opts['gen_keys'], self.opts['keysize']) return def gen_signature(self, privkey, pubkey, sig_path): ''' Generate master public-key-signature ''' return salt.crypt.gen_signature(privkey, pubkey, sig_path) def check_minion_cache(self, preserve_minions=None): ''' Check the minion cache to make sure that old minion data is cleared Optionally, pass in a list of minions which should have their caches preserved. To preserve all caches, set __opts__['preserve_minion_cache'] ''' if preserve_minions is None: preserve_minions = [] m_cache = os.path.join(self.opts['cachedir'], self.ACC) if not os.path.isdir(m_cache): return keys = self.list_keys() minions = [] for key, val in six.iteritems(keys): minions.extend(val) if not self.opts.get('preserve_minion_cache', False) or not preserve_minions: for minion in os.listdir(m_cache): if minion not in minions and minion not in preserve_minions: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(m_cache, minion)) def check_master(self): ''' Log if the master is not running :rtype: bool :return: Whether or not the master is running ''' if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.opts['sock_dir'], 'publish_pull.ipc' ) ): return False return True def name_match(self, match, full=False): ''' Accept a glob which to match the of a key and return the key's location ''' if full: matches = self.all_keys() else: matches = self.list_keys() ret = {} if ',' in match and isinstance(match, str): match = match.split(',') for status, keys in six.iteritems(matches): for key in salt.utils.isorted(keys): if isinstance(match, list): for match_item in match: if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, match_item): if status not in ret: ret[status] = [] ret[status].append(key) else: if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, match): if status not in ret: ret[status] = [] ret[status].append(key) return ret def dict_match(self, match_dict): ''' Accept a dictionary of keys and return the current state of the specified keys ''' ret = {} cur_keys = self.list_keys() for status, keys in six.iteritems(match_dict): for key in salt.utils.isorted(keys): for keydir in (self.ACC, self.PEND, self.REJ, self.DEN): if keydir and fnmatch.filter(cur_keys.get(keydir, []), key): ret.setdefault(keydir, []).append(key) return ret def local_keys(self): ''' Return a dict of local keys ''' ret = {'local': []} for fn_ in salt.utils.isorted(os.listdir(self.opts['pki_dir'])): if fn_.endswith('.pub') or fn_.endswith('.pem'): path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], fn_) if os.path.isfile(path): ret['local'].append(fn_) return ret def list_keys(self): ''' Return a dict of managed keys and what the key status are ''' key_dirs = [] # We have to differentiate between RaetKey._check_minions_directories # and Zeromq-Keys. Raet-Keys only have three states while ZeroMQ-keys # havd an additional 'denied' state. if self.opts['transport'] in ('zeromq', 'tcp'): key_dirs = self._check_minions_directories() else: key_dirs = self._check_minions_directories() ret = {} for dir_ in key_dirs: ret[os.path.basename(dir_)] = [] try: for fn_ in salt.utils.isorted(os.listdir(dir_)): if not fn_.startswith('.'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_, fn_)): ret[os.path.basename(dir_)].append(fn_) except (OSError, IOError): # key dir kind is not created yet, just skip continue return ret def all_keys(self): ''' Merge managed keys with local keys ''' keys = self.list_keys() keys.update(self.local_keys()) return keys def list_status(self, match): ''' Return a dict of managed keys under a named status ''' acc, pre, rej, den = self._check_minions_directories() ret = {} if match.startswith('acc'): ret[os.path.basename(acc)] = [] for fn_ in salt.utils.isorted(os.listdir(acc)): if not fn_.startswith('.'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(acc, fn_)): ret[os.path.basename(acc)].append(fn_) elif match.startswith('pre') or match.startswith('un'): ret[os.path.basename(pre)] = [] for fn_ in salt.utils.isorted(os.listdir(pre)): if not fn_.startswith('.'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pre, fn_)): ret[os.path.basename(pre)].append(fn_) elif match.startswith('rej'): ret[os.path.basename(rej)] = [] for fn_ in salt.utils.isorted(os.listdir(rej)): if not fn_.startswith('.'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rej, fn_)): ret[os.path.basename(rej)].append(fn_) elif match.startswith('den'): ret[os.path.basename(den)] = [] for fn_ in salt.utils.isorted(os.listdir(den)): if not fn_.startswith('.'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(den, fn_)): ret[os.path.basename(den)].append(fn_) elif match.startswith('all'): return self.all_keys() return ret def key_str(self, match): ''' Return the specified public key or keys based on a glob ''' ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.name_match(match)): ret[status] = {} for key in salt.utils.isorted(keys): path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'r') as fp_: ret[status][key] = return ret def key_str_all(self): ''' Return all managed key strings ''' ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.list_keys()): ret[status] = {} for key in salt.utils.isorted(keys): path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'r') as fp_: ret[status][key] = return ret def accept(self, match=None, match_dict=None, include_rejected=False): ''' Accept public keys. If "match" is passed, it is evaluated as a glob. Pre-gathered matches can also be passed via "match_dict". ''' if match is not None: matches = self.name_match(match) elif match_dict is not None and isinstance(match_dict, dict): matches = match_dict else: matches = {} keydirs = [self.PEND] if include_rejected: keydirs.append(self.REJ) for keydir in keydirs: for key in matches.get(keydir, []): try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], keydir, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.ACC, key) ) eload = {'result': True, 'act': 'accept', 'id': key} self.event.fire_event(eload, tagify(prefix='key')) except (IOError, OSError): pass return ( self.name_match(match) if match is not None else self.dict_match(matches) ) def accept_all(self): ''' Accept all keys in pre ''' keys = self.list_keys() for key in keys[self.PEND]: try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.PEND, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.ACC, key) ) eload = {'result': True, 'act': 'accept', 'id': key} self.event.fire_event(eload, tagify(prefix='key')) except (IOError, OSError): pass return self.list_keys() def delete_key(self, match=None, match_dict=None, preserve_minions=False): ''' Delete public keys. If "match" is passed, it is evaluated as a glob. Pre-gathered matches can also be passed via "match_dict". To preserve the master caches of minions who are matched, set preserve_minions ''' if match is not None: matches = self.name_match(match) elif match_dict is not None and isinstance(match_dict, dict): matches = match_dict else: matches = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(matches): for key in keys: try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key)) eload = {'result': True, 'act': 'delete', 'id': key} self.event.fire_event(eload, tagify(prefix='key')) except (OSError, IOError): pass self.check_minion_cache(preserve_minions=matches.get('minions', [])) if self.opts.get('rotate_aes_key'): salt.crypt.dropfile(self.opts['cachedir'], self.opts['user']) return ( self.name_match(match) if match is not None else self.dict_match(matches) ) def delete_all(self): ''' Delete all keys ''' for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.list_keys()): for key in keys: try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key)) eload = {'result': True, 'act': 'delete', 'id': key} self.event.fire_event(eload, tagify(prefix='key')) except (OSError, IOError): pass self.check_minion_cache() if self.opts.get('rotate_aes_key'): salt.crypt.dropfile(self.opts['cachedir'], self.opts['user']) return self.list_keys() def reject(self, match=None, match_dict=None, include_accepted=False): ''' Reject public keys. If "match" is passed, it is evaluated as a glob. Pre-gathered matches can also be passed via "match_dict". ''' if match is not None: matches = self.name_match(match) elif match_dict is not None and isinstance(match_dict, dict): matches = match_dict else: matches = {} keydirs = [self.PEND] if include_accepted: keydirs.append(self.ACC) for keydir in keydirs: for key in matches.get(keydir, []): try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], keydir, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.REJ, key) ) eload = {'result': True, 'act': 'reject', 'id': key} self.event.fire_event(eload, tagify(prefix='key')) except (IOError, OSError): pass self.check_minion_cache() if self.opts.get('rotate_aes_key'): salt.crypt.dropfile(self.opts['cachedir'], self.opts['user']) return ( self.name_match(match) if match is not None else self.dict_match(matches) ) def reject_all(self): ''' Reject all keys in pre ''' keys = self.list_keys() for key in keys[self.PEND]: try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.PEND, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.REJ, key) ) eload = {'result': True, 'act': 'reject', 'id': key} self.event.fire_event(eload, tagify(prefix='key')) except (IOError, OSError): pass self.check_minion_cache() if self.opts.get('rotate_aes_key'): salt.crypt.dropfile(self.opts['cachedir'], self.opts['user']) return self.list_keys() def finger(self, match): ''' Return the fingerprint for a specified key ''' matches = self.name_match(match, True) ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(matches): ret[status] = {} for key in keys: if status == 'local': path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], key) else: path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) ret[status][key] = salt.utils.pem_finger(path, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) return ret def finger_all(self): ''' Return fingerprins for all keys ''' ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.list_keys()): ret[status] = {} for key in keys: if status == 'local': path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], key) else: path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) ret[status][key] = salt.utils.pem_finger(path, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) return ret class RaetKey(Key): ''' Manage keys from the raet backend ''' ACC = 'accepted' PEND = 'pending' REJ = 'rejected' DEN = None def __init__(self, opts): Key.__init__(self, opts) self.auto_key = salt.daemons.masterapi.AutoKey(self.opts) self.serial = salt.payload.Serial(self.opts) def _check_minions_directories(self): ''' Return the minion keys directory paths ''' accepted = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.ACC) pre = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.PEND) rejected = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.REJ) return accepted, pre, rejected def check_minion_cache(self, preserve_minions=False): ''' Check the minion cache to make sure that old minion data is cleared ''' keys = self.list_keys() minions = [] for key, val in six.iteritems(keys): minions.extend(val) m_cache = os.path.join(self.opts['cachedir'], 'minions') if os.path.isdir(m_cache): for minion in os.listdir(m_cache): if minion not in minions: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(m_cache, minion)) kind = self.opts.get('__role', '') # application kind if kind not in kinds.APPL_KINDS: emsg = ("Invalid application kind = '{0}'.".format(kind)) log.error(emsg + '\n') raise ValueError(emsg) role = self.opts.get('id', '') if not role: emsg = ("Invalid id.") log.error(emsg + "\n") raise ValueError(emsg) name = "{0}_{1}".format(role, kind) road_cache = os.path.join(self.opts['cachedir'], 'raet', name, 'remote') if os.path.isdir(road_cache): for road in os.listdir(road_cache): root, ext = os.path.splitext(road) if ext not in ['.json', '.msgpack']: continue prefix, sep, name = root.partition('.') if not name or prefix != 'estate': continue path = os.path.join(road_cache, road) with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'rb') as fp_: if ext == '.json': data = json.load(fp_) elif ext == '.msgpack': data = msgpack.load(fp_) if data['role'] not in minions: os.remove(path) def gen_keys(self): ''' Use libnacl to generate and safely save a private key ''' import libnacl.public d_key = libnacl.dual.DualSecret() path = '{0}.key'.format(os.path.join( self.opts['gen_keys_dir'], self.opts['gen_keys'])), 'msgpack') def check_master(self): ''' Log if the master is not running NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ''' return True def local_keys(self): ''' Return a dict of local keys ''' ret = {'local': []} fn_ = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'local.key') if os.path.isfile(fn_): ret['local'].append(fn_) return ret def status(self, minion_id, pub, verify): ''' Accepts the minion id, device id, curve public and verify keys. If the key is not present, put it in pending and return "pending", If the key has been accepted return "accepted" if the key should be rejected, return "rejected" ''' acc, pre, rej = self._check_minions_directories() # pylint: disable=W0632 acc_path = os.path.join(acc, minion_id) pre_path = os.path.join(pre, minion_id) rej_path = os.path.join(rej, minion_id) # open mode is turned on, force accept the key keydata = { 'minion_id': minion_id, 'pub': pub, 'verify': verify} if self.opts['open_mode']: # always accept and overwrite with salt.utils.fopen(acc_path, 'w+b') as fp_: fp_.write(self.serial.dumps(keydata)) return self.ACC if os.path.isfile(rej_path): log.debug("Rejection Reason: Keys already rejected.\n") return self.REJ elif os.path.isfile(acc_path): # The minion id has been accepted, verify the key strings with salt.utils.fopen(acc_path, 'rb') as fp_: keydata = self.serial.loads( if keydata['pub'] == pub and keydata['verify'] == verify: return self.ACC else: log.debug("Rejection Reason: Keys not match prior accepted.\n") return self.REJ elif os.path.isfile(pre_path): auto_reject = self.auto_key.check_autoreject(minion_id) auto_sign = self.auto_key.check_autosign(minion_id) with salt.utils.fopen(pre_path, 'rb') as fp_: keydata = self.serial.loads( if keydata['pub'] == pub and keydata['verify'] == verify: if auto_reject: self.reject(minion_id) log.debug("Rejection Reason: Auto reject pended.\n") return self.REJ elif auto_sign: self.accept(minion_id) return self.ACC return self.PEND else: log.debug("Rejection Reason: Keys not match prior pended.\n") return self.REJ # This is a new key, evaluate auto accept/reject files and place # accordingly auto_reject = self.auto_key.check_autoreject(minion_id) auto_sign = self.auto_key.check_autosign(minion_id) if self.opts['auto_accept']: w_path = acc_path ret = self.ACC elif auto_sign: w_path = acc_path ret = self.ACC elif auto_reject: w_path = rej_path log.debug("Rejection Reason: Auto reject new.\n") ret = self.REJ else: w_path = pre_path ret = self.PEND with salt.utils.fopen(w_path, 'w+b') as fp_: fp_.write(self.serial.dumps(keydata)) return ret def _get_key_str(self, minion_id, status): ''' Return the key string in the form of: pub: <pub> verify: <verify> ''' path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, minion_id) with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'r') as fp_: keydata = self.serial.loads( return 'pub: {0}\nverify: {1}'.format( keydata['pub'], keydata['verify']) def _get_key_finger(self, path): ''' Return a sha256 kingerprint for the key ''' with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'r') as fp_: keydata = self.serial.loads( key = 'pub: {0}\nverify: {1}'.format( keydata['pub'], keydata['verify']) return hashlib.sha256(key).hexdigest() def key_str(self, match): ''' Return the specified public key or keys based on a glob ''' ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.name_match(match)): ret[status] = {} for key in salt.utils.isorted(keys): ret[status][key] = self._get_key_str(key, status) return ret def key_str_all(self): ''' Return all managed key strings ''' ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.list_keys()): ret[status] = {} for key in salt.utils.isorted(keys): ret[status][key] = self._get_key_str(key, status) return ret def accept(self, match=None, match_dict=None, include_rejected=False): ''' Accept public keys. If "match" is passed, it is evaluated as a glob. Pre-gathered matches can also be passed via "match_dict". ''' if match is not None: matches = self.name_match(match) elif match_dict is not None and isinstance(match_dict, dict): matches = match_dict else: matches = {} keydirs = [self.PEND] if include_rejected: keydirs.append(self.REJ) for keydir in keydirs: for key in matches.get(keydir, []): try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], keydir, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.ACC, key) ) except (IOError, OSError): pass return ( self.name_match(match) if match is not None else self.dict_match(matches) ) def accept_all(self): ''' Accept all keys in pre ''' keys = self.list_keys() for key in keys[self.PEND]: try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.PEND, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.ACC, key) ) except (IOError, OSError): pass return self.list_keys() def delete_key(self, match=None, match_dict=None, preserve_minions=False): ''' Delete public keys. If "match" is passed, it is evaluated as a glob. Pre-gathered matches can also be passed via "match_dict". ''' if match is not None: matches = self.name_match(match) elif match_dict is not None and isinstance(match_dict, dict): matches = match_dict else: matches = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(matches): for key in keys: try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key)) except (OSError, IOError): pass self.check_minion_cache(preserve_minions=matches.get('minions', [])) return ( self.name_match(match) if match is not None else self.dict_match(matches) ) def delete_all(self): ''' Delete all keys ''' for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.list_keys()): for key in keys: try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key)) except (OSError, IOError): pass self.check_minion_cache() return self.list_keys() def reject(self, match=None, match_dict=None, include_accepted=False): ''' Reject public keys. If "match" is passed, it is evaluated as a glob. Pre-gathered matches can also be passed via "match_dict". ''' if match is not None: matches = self.name_match(match) elif match_dict is not None and isinstance(match_dict, dict): matches = match_dict else: matches = {} keydirs = [self.PEND] if include_accepted: keydirs.append(self.ACC) for keydir in keydirs: for key in matches.get(keydir, []): try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], keydir, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.REJ, key) ) except (IOError, OSError): pass self.check_minion_cache() return ( self.name_match(match) if match is not None else self.dict_match(matches) ) def reject_all(self): ''' Reject all keys in pre ''' keys = self.list_keys() for key in keys[self.PEND]: try: shutil.move( os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.PEND, key), os.path.join( self.opts['pki_dir'], self.REJ, key) ) except (IOError, OSError): pass self.check_minion_cache() return self.list_keys() def finger(self, match): ''' Return the fingerprint for a specified key ''' matches = self.name_match(match, True) ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(matches): ret[status] = {} for key in keys: if status == 'local': path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], key) else: path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) ret[status][key] = self._get_key_finger(path) return ret def finger_all(self): ''' Return fingerprints for all keys ''' ret = {} for status, keys in six.iteritems(self.list_keys()): ret[status] = {} for key in keys: if status == 'local': path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], key) else: path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) ret[status][key] = self._get_key_finger(path) return ret def read_all_remote(self): ''' Return a dict of all remote key data ''' data = {} for status, mids in six.iteritems(self.list_keys()): for mid in mids: keydata = self.read_remote(mid, status) if keydata: keydata['acceptance'] = status data[mid] = keydata return data def read_remote(self, minion_id, status=ACC): ''' Read in a remote key of status ''' path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, minion_id) if not os.path.isfile(path): return {} with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'rb') as fp_: return self.serial.loads( def read_local(self): ''' Read in the local private keys, return an empy dict if the keys do not exist ''' path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'local.key') if not os.path.isfile(path): return {} with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'rb') as fp_: return self.serial.loads( def write_local(self, priv, sign): ''' Write the private key and the signing key to a file on disk ''' keydata = {'priv': priv, 'sign': sign} path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'local.key') c_umask = os.umask(191) if os.path.exists(path): #mode = os.stat(path).st_mode os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR) with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'w+') as fp_: fp_.write(self.serial.dumps(keydata)) os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRUSR) os.umask(c_umask) def delete_local(self): ''' Delete the local private key file ''' path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'local.key') if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) def delete_pki_dir(self): ''' Delete the private key directory ''' path = self.opts['pki_dir'] if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
""" WSGI config for brp project. It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``. For more information on this file, see """ import os from dj_static import Cling from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "brp.settings") os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_CONFIGURATION', 'Dev') application = Cling(get_wsgi_application())
""" recursely """ __version__ = "0.1" __description__ = "Recursive importer for Python submodules" __author__ = "Karol Kuczmarski" __license__ = "Simplified BSD" import sys from recursely._compat import IS_PY3 from recursely.importer import RecursiveImporter from recursely.utils import SentinelList __all__ = ['install'] def install(retroactive=True): """Install the recursive import hook in ``sys.meta_path``, enabling the use of ``__recursive__`` directive. :param retroactive: Whether the hook should be retroactively applied to module's that have been imported before it was installed. """ if RecursiveImporter.is_installed(): return importer = RecursiveImporter() # because the hook is a catch-all one, we ensure that it's always # at the very end of ``sys.meta_path``, so that it's tried only if # no other (more specific) hook has been chosen by Python if IS_PY3: for i in reversed(range(len(sys.meta_path))): ih_module = getattr(sys.meta_path[i], '__module__', '') is_builtin = ih_module == '_frozen_importlib' if not is_builtin: break sys.meta_path = SentinelList( sys.meta_path[:i], sentinels=[importer] + sys.meta_path[i:]) else: sys.meta_path = SentinelList(sys.meta_path, sentinel=importer) # look through already imported packages and recursively import # their submodules, if they contain the ``__recursive__`` directive if retroactive: for module in list(sys.modules.values()): importer.recurse(module)
# coding: utf-8 import sys from setuptools import setup, find_packages NAME = "pollster" VERSION = "2.0.2" # To install the library, run the following # # python install # # prerequisite: setuptools # REQUIRES = ["urllib3 >= 1.15", "six >= 1.10", "certifi", "python-dateutil", "pandas >= 0.19.1"] setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, description="Pollster API", author_email="Adam Hooper <>", url="", keywords=["Pollster API"], install_requires=REQUIRES, packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, long_description="""Download election-related polling data from Pollster.""" )
import requests import logging import redis from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import ConnectionError from core.serialisers import json from dss import localsettings # TODO( refactor these out to # classes to avoid duplicating constants below HEADERS = { 'content-type': 'application/json' } logger = logging.getLogger('spa') def post_notification(session_id, image, message): try: payload = { 'sessionid': session_id, 'image': image, 'message': message } data = json.dumps(payload) r = localsettings.REALTIME_HOST + 'notification', data=data, headers=HEADERS ) if r.status_code == 200: return "" else: return r.text except ConnectionError: #should probably implement some sort of retry in here pass
# Copyright (c) 2021, DjaoDjin Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. __version__ = '0.6.4-dev'
# Copyright 2014 Dev in Cachu authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import include, patterns, url from django.views.decorators import csrf from django.views.generic import base from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() from devincachu.destaques import views as dviews from devincachu.inscricao import views as iviews from devincachu.palestras import views as pviews p = patterns urlpatterns = p("", url(r"^admin/", include(, url(r"^palestrantes/$", pviews.PalestrantesView.as_view(), name="palestrantes"), url(r"^programacao/$", pviews.ProgramacaoView.as_view(), name="programacao"), url(r"^programacao/(?P<palestrantes>.*)/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$", pviews.PalestraView.as_view(), name="palestra"), url(r"^inscricao/$", iviews.Inscricao.as_view(), name="inscricao"), url(r"^notificacao/$", csrf.csrf_exempt(iviews.Notificacao.as_view()), name="notificacao"), url(r"^certificado/validar/$", iviews.ValidacaoCertificado.as_view(), name="validacao_certificado"), url(r"^certificado/$", iviews.BuscarCertificado.as_view(), name="busca_certificado"), url(r"^certificado/(?P<slug>[0-9a-f]+)/$", iviews.Certificado.as_view(), name="certificado"), url(r"^sobre/$", base.TemplateView.as_view( template_name="sobre.html", ), name="sobre-o-evento"), url(r"^quando-e-onde/$", base.TemplateView.as_view( template_name="quando-e-onde.html", ), name="quando-e-onde"), url(r"^$", dviews.IndexView.as_view(), name="index"), ) if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += patterns("", url(r"^media/(?P<path>.*)$", "django.views.static.serve", {"document_root": settings.MEDIA_ROOT}), )
#!/usr/bin/env python #********************************************************************* # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2011 andrewtron3000 # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the Willow Garage nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #********************************************************************/ import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('face_detection') import rospy import sys import cv from cv_bridge import CvBridge from sensor_msgs.msg import Image from geometry_msgs.msg import Point from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped # # Instantiate a new opencv to ROS bridge adaptor # cv_bridge = CvBridge() # # Define the callback that will be called when a new image is received. # def callback(publisher, coord_publisher, cascade, imagemsg): # # Convert the ROS imagemsg to an opencv image. # image = cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(imagemsg, 'mono8') # # Blur the image. # cv.Smooth(image, image, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN) # # Allocate some storage for the haar detect operation. # storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) # # Call the face detector function. # faces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(image, cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, (100,100)) # # If faces are detected, compute the centroid of all the faces # combined. # face_centroid_x = 0.0 face_centroid_y = 0.0 if len(faces) > 0: # # For each face, draw a rectangle around it in the image, # and also add the position of the face to the centroid # of all faces combined. # for (i, n) in faces: x = int(i[0]) y = int(i[1]) width = int(i[2]) height = int(i[3]) cv.Rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + width, y + height), cv.CV_RGB(0,255,0), 3, 8, 0) face_centroid_x += float(x) + (float(width) / 2.0) face_centroid_y += float(y) + (float(height) / 2.0) # # Finish computing the face_centroid by dividing by the # number of faces found above. # face_centroid_x /= float(len(faces)) face_centroid_y /= float(len(faces)) # # Lastly, if faces were detected, publish a PointStamped # message that contains the centroid values. # pt = Point(x = face_centroid_x, y = face_centroid_y, z = 0.0) pt_stamped = PointStamped(point = pt) coord_publisher.publish(pt_stamped) # # Convert the opencv image back to a ROS image using the # cv_bridge. # newmsg = cv_bridge.cv_to_imgmsg(image, 'mono8') # # Republish the image. Note this image has boxes around # faces if faces were found. # publisher.publish(newmsg) def listener(publisher, coord_publisher): rospy.init_node('face_detector', anonymous=True) # # Load the haar cascade. Note we get the # filename from the "classifier" parameter # that is configured in the launch script. # cascadeFileName = rospy.get_param("~classifier") cascade = cv.Load(cascadeFileName) rospy.Subscriber("/stereo/left/image_rect", Image, lambda image: callback(publisher, coord_publisher, cascade, image)) rospy.spin() # This is called first. if __name__ == '__main__': publisher = rospy.Publisher('face_view', Image) coord_publisher = rospy.Publisher('face_coords', PointStamped) listener(publisher, coord_publisher)
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import urllib from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * from OpenGL.GLUT import * from import OpenGLModel from import * from import OpenGLTriangle from import OpenGLPolygon TRACE = True DEBUG = False class DragonModel(OpenGLModel): """ドラゴンのモデル。""" def __init__(self): """ドラゴンのモデルのコンストラクタ。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.__init__.__doc__ super(DragonModel, self).__init__() self._eye_point = [-5.5852450791872 , 3.07847342734 , 15.794105252496] self._sight_point = [0.27455347776413 , 0.20096999406815 , -0.11261999607086] self._up_vector = [0.1018574904194 , 0.98480906061847 , -0.14062775604137] self._fovy = self._default_fovy = 12.642721790235 filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'dragon.txt') if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename): pass else: url = '' urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename) with open(filename, "rU") as a_file: while True: a_string = a_file.readline() if len(a_string) == 0: break a_list = a_string.split() if len(a_list) == 0: continue first_string = a_list[0] if first_string == "number_of_vertexes": number_of_vertexes = int(a_list[1]) if first_string == "number_of_triangles": number_of_triangles = int(a_list[1]) if first_string == "end_header": get_tokens = (lambda file: file.readline().split()) collection_of_vertexes = [] for n_th in range(number_of_vertexes): a_list = get_tokens(a_file) a_vertex = map(float, a_list[0:3]) collection_of_vertexes.append(a_vertex) index_to_vertex = (lambda index: collection_of_vertexes[index-1]) for n_th in range(number_of_triangles): a_list = get_tokens(a_file) indexes = map(int, a_list[0:3]) vertexes = map(index_to_vertex, indexes) a_tringle = OpenGLTriangle(*vertexes) self._display_object.append(a_tringle) return def default_window_title(self): """ドラゴンのウィンドウのタイトル(ラベル)を応答する。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.default_window_title.__doc__ return "Dragon" class WaspModel(OpenGLModel): """スズメバチのモデル。""" def __init__(self): """スズメバチのモデルのコンストラクタ。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.__init__.__doc__ super(WaspModel, self).__init__() self._eye_point = [-5.5852450791872 , 3.07847342734 , 15.794105252496] self._sight_point = [0.19825005531311 , 1.8530999422073 , -0.63795006275177] self._up_vector = [0.070077999093727 , 0.99630606032682 , -0.049631725731267] self._fovy = self._default_fovy = 41.480099231656 filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wasp.txt') if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename): pass else: url = '' urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename) with open(filename, "rU") as a_file: while True: a_string = a_file.readline() if len(a_string) == 0: break a_list = a_string.split() if len(a_list) == 0: continue first_string = a_list[0] if first_string == "number_of_vertexes": number_of_vertexes = int(a_list[1]) if first_string == "number_of_polygons": number_of_polygons = int(a_list[1]) if first_string == "end_header": get_tokens = (lambda file: file.readline().split()) collection_of_vertexes = [] for n_th in range(number_of_vertexes): a_list = get_tokens(a_file) a_vertex = map(float, a_list[0:3]) collection_of_vertexes.append(a_vertex) index_to_vertex = (lambda index: collection_of_vertexes[index-1]) for n_th in range(number_of_polygons): a_list = get_tokens(a_file) number_of_indexes = int(a_list[0]) index = number_of_indexes + 1 indexes = map(int, a_list[1:index]) vertexes = map(index_to_vertex, indexes) rgb_color = map(float, a_list[index:index+3]) a_polygon = OpenGLPolygon(vertexes, rgb_color) self._display_object.append(a_polygon) return def default_view_class(self): """スズメバチのモデルを表示するデフォルトのビューのクラスを応答する。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.default_view_class.__doc__ return WaspView def default_window_title(self): """スズメバチのウィンドウのタイトル(ラベル)を応答する。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.default_window_title.__doc__ return "Wasp" class BunnyModel(OpenGLModel): """うさぎのモデル。""" def __init__(self): """うさぎのモデルのコンストラクタ。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.__init__.__doc__ super(BunnyModel, self).__init__() filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bunny.ply') if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename): pass else: url = '' urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename) with open(filename, "rU") as a_file: while True: a_string = a_file.readline() if len(a_string) == 0: break a_list = a_string.split() if len(a_list) == 0: continue first_string = a_list[0] if first_string == "element": second_string = a_list[1] if second_string == "vertex": number_of_vertexes = int(a_list[2]) if second_string == "face": number_of_faces = int(a_list[2]) if first_string == "end_header": get_tokens = (lambda file: file.readline().split()) collection_of_vertexes = [] for n_th in range(number_of_vertexes): a_list = get_tokens(a_file) a_vertex = map(float, a_list[0:3]) collection_of_vertexes.append(a_vertex) index_to_vertex = (lambda index: collection_of_vertexes[index]) for n_th in range(number_of_faces): a_list = get_tokens(a_file) indexes = map(int, a_list[1:4]) vertexes = map(index_to_vertex, indexes) a_tringle = OpenGLTriangle(*vertexes) self._display_object.append(a_tringle) if first_string == "comment": second_string = a_list[1] if second_string == "eye_point_xyz": self._eye_point = map(float, a_list[2:5]) if second_string == "sight_point_xyz": self._sight_point = map(float, a_list[2:5]) if second_string == "up_vector_xyz": self._up_vector = map(float, a_list[2:5]) if second_string == "zoom_height" and a_list[3] == "fovy": self._fovy = self._default_fovy = float(a_list[4]) return def default_view_class(self): """うさぎのモデルを表示するデフォルトのビューのクラスを応答する。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.default_view_class.__doc__ return BunnyView def default_window_title(self): """うさぎのウィンドウのタイトル(ラベル)を応答する。""" if TRACE: print(__name__), self.default_window_title.__doc__ return "Stanford Bunny" # end of file
# Copyright 2015-2017 Rumma & Ko Ltd # License: BSD (see file COPYING for details) from lino.core.roles import UserRole class SimpleContactsUser(UserRole): pass class ContactsUser(SimpleContactsUser): pass class ContactsStaff(ContactsUser): pass
from django.db.models import Transform from django.db.models import DateTimeField, TimeField from django.utils.functional import cached_property class TimeValue(Transform): lookup_name = 'time' function = 'time' def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): lhs, params = compiler.compile(self.lhs) return 'TIME({})'.format(lhs), params @cached_property def output_field(self): return TimeField() DateTimeField.register_lookup(TimeValue)
#!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = 'Adam R. Smith, Michael Meisinger, Dave Foster <>' import threading import traceback import gevent from gevent import greenlet, Timeout from gevent.event import Event, AsyncResult from gevent.queue import Queue from pyon.core import MSG_HEADER_ACTOR from pyon.core.bootstrap import CFG from pyon.core.exception import IonException, ContainerError from pyon.core.exception import Timeout as IonTimeout from pyon.core.thread import PyonThreadManager, PyonThread, ThreadManager, PyonThreadTraceback, PyonHeartbeatError from pyon.datastore.postgresql.pg_util import init_db_stats, get_db_stats, clear_db_stats from pyon.ion.service import BaseService from pyon.util.containers import get_ion_ts, get_ion_ts_millis from pyon.util.log import log STAT_INTERVAL_LENGTH = 60000 # Interval time for process saturation stats collection stats_callback = None class OperationInterruptedException(BaseException): """ Interrupted exception. Used by external items timing out execution in the IonProcessThread's control thread. Derived from BaseException to specifically avoid try/except Exception blocks, such as in Publisher's publish_event. """ pass class IonProcessError(StandardError): pass class IonProcessThread(PyonThread): """ The control part of an ION process. """ def __init__(self, target=None, listeners=None, name=None, service=None, cleanup_method=None, heartbeat_secs=10, **kwargs): """ Constructs the control part of an ION process. Used by the container's IonProcessThreadManager, as part of spawn_process. @param target A callable to run in the PyonThread. If None (typical), will use the target method defined in this class. @param listeners A list of listening endpoints attached to this thread. @param name The name of this ION process. @param service An instance of the BaseService derived class which contains the business logic for the ION process. @param cleanup_method An optional callable to run when the process is stopping. Runs after all other notify_stop calls have run. Should take one param, this instance. @param heartbeat_secs Number of seconds to wait in between heartbeats. """ self._startup_listeners = listeners or [] self.listeners = [] self._listener_map = {} = name self.service = service self._cleanup_method = cleanup_method self.thread_manager = ThreadManager(failure_notify_callback=self._child_failed) # bubbles up to main thread manager self._dead_children = [] # save any dead children for forensics self._ctrl_thread = None self._ctrl_queue = Queue() self._ready_control = Event() self._errors = [] self._ctrl_current = None # set to the AR generated by _routing_call when in the context of a call # processing vs idle time (ms) self._start_time = None self._proc_time = 0 # busy time since start self._proc_time_prior = 0 # busy time at the beginning of the prior interval self._proc_time_prior2 = 0 # busy time at the beginning of 2 interval's ago self._proc_interval_num = 0 # interval num of last record # for heartbeats, used to detect stuck processes self._heartbeat_secs = heartbeat_secs # amount of time to wait between heartbeats self._heartbeat_stack = None # stacktrace of last heartbeat self._heartbeat_time = None # timestamp of heart beat last matching the current op self._heartbeat_op = None # last operation (by AR) self._heartbeat_count = 0 # number of times this operation has been seen consecutively self._log_call_exception = CFG.get_safe("container.process.log_exceptions", False) self._log_call_dbstats = CFG.get_safe("container.process.log_dbstats", False) self._warn_call_dbstmt_threshold = CFG.get_safe("container.process.warn_dbstmt_threshold", 0) PyonThread.__init__(self, target=target, **kwargs) def heartbeat(self): """ Returns a 3-tuple indicating everything is ok. Should only be called after the process has been started. Checks the following: - All attached endpoints are alive + listening (this means ready) - The control flow greenlet is alive + listening or processing @return 3-tuple indicating (listeners ok, ctrl thread ok, heartbeat status). Use all on it for a boolean indication of success. """ listeners_ok = True for l in self.listeners: if not (l in self._listener_map and not self._listener_map[l].proc.dead and l.get_ready_event().is_set()): listeners_ok = False ctrl_thread_ok = self._ctrl_thread.running # are we currently processing something? heartbeat_ok = True if self._ctrl_current is not None: st = traceback.extract_stack(self._ctrl_thread.proc.gr_frame) if self._ctrl_current == self._heartbeat_op: if st == self._heartbeat_stack: self._heartbeat_count += 1 # we've seen this before! increment count # we've been in this for the last X ticks, or it's been X seconds, fail this part of the heartbeat if self._heartbeat_count > CFG.get_safe('container.timeout.heartbeat_proc_count_threshold', 30) or \ get_ion_ts_millis() - int(self._heartbeat_time) >= CFG.get_safe('container.timeout.heartbeat_proc_time_threshold', 30) * 1000: heartbeat_ok = False else: # it's made some progress self._heartbeat_count = 1 self._heartbeat_stack = st self._heartbeat_time = get_ion_ts() else: self._heartbeat_op = self._ctrl_current self._heartbeat_count = 1 self._heartbeat_time = get_ion_ts() self._heartbeat_stack = st else: self._heartbeat_op = None self._heartbeat_count = 0 #log.debug("%s %s %s", listeners_ok, ctrl_thread_ok, heartbeat_ok) return (listeners_ok, ctrl_thread_ok, heartbeat_ok) @property def time_stats(self): """ Returns a 5-tuple of (total time, idle time, processing time, time since prior interval start, busy since prior interval start), all in ms (int). """ now = get_ion_ts_millis() running_time = now - self._start_time idle_time = running_time - self._proc_time cur_interval = now / STAT_INTERVAL_LENGTH now_since_prior = now - (cur_interval - 1) * STAT_INTERVAL_LENGTH if cur_interval == self._proc_interval_num: proc_time_since_prior = self._proc_time-self._proc_time_prior2 elif cur_interval-1 == self._proc_interval_num: proc_time_since_prior = self._proc_time-self._proc_time_prior else: proc_time_since_prior = 0 return (running_time, idle_time, self._proc_time, now_since_prior, proc_time_since_prior) def _child_failed(self, child): """ Callback from gevent as set in the TheadManager, when a child greenlet fails. Kills the ION process main greenlet. This propagates the error up to the process supervisor. """ # remove the child from the list of children (so we can shut down cleanly) for x in self.thread_manager.children: if x.proc == child: self.thread_manager.children.remove(x) break self._dead_children.append(child) # kill this process's main greenlet. This should be noticed by the container's proc manager self.proc.kill(child.exception) def add_endpoint(self, listener, activate=True): """ Adds a listening endpoint to be managed by this ION process. Spawns the listen loop and sets the routing call to synchronize incoming messages here. If this process hasn't been started yet, adds it to the list of listeners to start on startup. @param activate If True (default), start consuming from listener """ if self.proc: listener.routing_call = self._routing_call if svc_name = "unnamed-service" if self.service is not None and hasattr(self.service, 'name'): svc_name = listen_thread_name = "%s-%s-listen-%s" % (svc_name,, len(self.listeners)+1) else: listen_thread_name = "unknown-listener-%s" % (len(self.listeners)+1) listen_thread = self.thread_manager.spawn(listener.listen, thread_name=listen_thread_name, activate=activate) listen_thread.proc._glname = "ION Proc listener %s" % listen_thread_name self._listener_map[listener] = listen_thread self.listeners.append(listener) else: self._startup_listeners.append(listener) def remove_endpoint(self, listener): """ Removes a listening endpoint from management by this ION process. If the endpoint is unknown to this ION process, raises an error. @return The PyonThread running the listen loop, if it exists. You are responsible for closing it when appropriate. """ if listener in self.listeners: self.listeners.remove(listener) return self._listener_map.pop(listener) elif listener in self._startup_listeners: self._startup_listeners.remove(listener) return None else: raise IonProcessError("Cannot remove unrecognized listener: %s" % listener) def target(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Entry point for the main process greenlet. Setup the base properties for this process (mainly the control thread). """ if threading.current_thread().name = "%s-target" % # start time self._start_time = get_ion_ts_millis() self._proc_interval_num = self._start_time / STAT_INTERVAL_LENGTH # spawn control flow loop self._ctrl_thread = self.thread_manager.spawn(self._control_flow) self._ctrl_thread.proc._glname = "ION Proc CL %s" % # wait on control flow loop, heartbeating as appropriate while not self._ctrl_thread.ev_exit.wait(timeout=self._heartbeat_secs): hbst = self.heartbeat() if not all(hbst): log.warn("Heartbeat status for process %s returned %s", self, hbst) if self._heartbeat_stack is not None: stack_out = "".join(traceback.format_list(self._heartbeat_stack)) else: stack_out = "N/A" #raise PyonHeartbeatError("Heartbeat failed: %s, stacktrace:\n%s" % (hbst, stack_out)) log.warn("Heartbeat failed: %s, stacktrace:\n%s", hbst, stack_out) # this is almost a no-op as we don't fall out of the above loop without # exiting the ctrl_thread, but having this line here makes testing much easier. self._ctrl_thread.join() def _routing_call(self, call, context, *callargs, **callkwargs): """ Endpoints call into here to synchronize across the entire IonProcess. Returns immediately with an AsyncResult that can be waited on. Calls are made by the loop in _control_flow. We pass in the calling greenlet so exceptions are raised in the correct context. @param call The call to be made within this ION processes' calling greenlet. @param callargs The keyword args to pass to the call. @param context Optional process-context (usually the headers of the incoming call) to be set. Process-context is greenlet-local, and since we're crossing greenlet boundaries, we must set it again in the ION process' calling greenlet. """ ar = AsyncResult() if len(callargs) == 0 and len(callkwargs) == 0: log.trace("_routing_call got no arguments for the call %s, check your call's parameters", call) self._ctrl_queue.put((greenlet.getcurrent(), ar, call, callargs, callkwargs, context)) return ar def has_pending_call(self, ar): """ Returns true if the call (keyed by the AsyncResult returned by _routing_call) is still pending. """ for _, qar, _, _, _, _ in self._ctrl_queue.queue: if qar == ar: return True return False def _cancel_pending_call(self, ar): """ Cancels a pending call (keyed by the AsyncResult returend by _routing_call). @return True if the call was truly pending. """ if self.has_pending_call(ar): ar.set(False) return True return False def _interrupt_control_thread(self): """ Signal the control flow thread that it needs to abort processing, likely due to a timeout. """ self._ctrl_thread.proc.kill(exception=OperationInterruptedException, block=False) def cancel_or_abort_call(self, ar): """ Either cancels a future pending call, or aborts the current processing if the given AR is unset. The pending call is keyed by the AsyncResult returned by _routing_call. """ if not self._cancel_pending_call(ar) and not ar.ready(): self._interrupt_control_thread() def _control_flow(self): """ Entry point for process control thread of execution. This method is run by the control greenlet for each ION process. Listeners attached to the process, either RPC Servers or Subscribers, synchronize calls to the process by placing call requests into the queue by calling _routing_call. This method blocks until there are calls to be made in the synchronized queue, and then calls from within this greenlet. Any exception raised is caught and re-raised in the greenlet that originally scheduled the call. If successful, the AsyncResult created at scheduling time is set with the result of the call. """ svc_name = getattr(self.service, "name", "unnamed-service") if self.service else "unnamed-service" proc_id = getattr(self.service, "id", "unknown-pid") if self.service else "unknown-pid" if threading.current_thread().name = "%s-%s" % (svc_name, thread_base_name = threading.current_thread().name self._ready_control.set() for calltuple in self._ctrl_queue: calling_gl, ar, call, callargs, callkwargs, context = calltuple request_id = (context or {}).get("request-id", None) if request_id: threading.current_thread().name = thread_base_name + "-" + str(request_id) #log.debug("control_flow making call: %s %s %s (has context: %s)", call, callargs, callkwargs, context is not None) res = None start_proc_time = get_ion_ts_millis() self._record_proc_time(start_proc_time) # check context for expiration if context is not None and 'reply-by' in context: if start_proc_time >= int(context['reply-by']):"control_flow: attempting to process message already exceeding reply-by, ignore") # raise a timeout in the calling thread to allow endpoints to continue processing e = IonTimeout("Reply-by time has already occurred (reply-by: %s, op start time: %s)" % (context['reply-by'], start_proc_time)) calling_gl.kill(exception=e, block=False) continue # If ar is set, means it is cancelled if ar.ready():"control_flow: attempting to process message that has been cancelled, ignore") continue init_db_stats() try: # ****************************************************************** # ****** THIS IS WHERE THE RPC OPERATION/SERVICE CALL IS MADE ****** with self.service.push_context(context), \ self.service.container.context.push_context(context): self._ctrl_current = ar res = call(*callargs, **callkwargs) # ****** END CALL, EXCEPTION HANDLING FOLLOWS ****** # ****************************************************************** except OperationInterruptedException: # endpoint layer takes care of response as it's the one that caused this log.debug("Operation interrupted") pass except Exception as e: if self._log_call_exception: log.exception("PROCESS exception: %s" % e.message) # Raise the exception in the calling greenlet. # Try decorating the args of the exception with the true traceback - # this should be reported by ThreadManager._child_failed exc = PyonThreadTraceback("IonProcessThread _control_flow caught an exception " "(call: %s, *args %s, **kwargs %s, context %s)\n" "True traceback captured by IonProcessThread' _control_flow:\n\n%s" % ( call, callargs, callkwargs, context, traceback.format_exc())) e.args = e.args + (exc,) if isinstance(e, (TypeError, IonException)): # Pass through known process exceptions, in particular IonException calling_gl.kill(exception=e, block=False) else: # Otherwise, wrap unknown, forward and hopefully we can continue on our way self._errors.append((call, callargs, callkwargs, context, e, exc)) log.warn(exc) log.warn("Attempting to continue...") # Note: Too large exception string will crash the container (when passed on as msg header). exception_str = str(exc) if len(exception_str) > 10000: exception_str = ( "Exception string representation too large. " "Begin and end of the exception:\n" + exception_str[:2000] + "\n...\n" + exception_str[-2000:] ) calling_gl.kill(exception=ContainerError(exception_str), block=False) finally: try: # Compute statistics self._compute_proc_stats(start_proc_time) db_stats = get_db_stats() if db_stats: if self._warn_call_dbstmt_threshold > 0 and db_stats.get("count.all", 0) >= self._warn_call_dbstmt_threshold: stats_str = ", ".join("{}={}".format(k, db_stats[k]) for k in sorted(db_stats.keys())) log.warn("PROC_OP '%s.%s' EXCEEDED DB THRESHOLD. stats=%s", svc_name, call.__name__, stats_str) elif self._log_call_dbstats: stats_str = ", ".join("{}={}".format(k, db_stats[k]) for k in sorted(db_stats.keys()))"PROC_OP '%s.%s' DB STATS: %s", svc_name, call.__name__, stats_str) clear_db_stats() if stats_callback: stats_callback(proc_id=proc_id,, svc=svc_name, op=call.__name__, request_id=request_id, context=context, db_stats=db_stats, proc_stats=self.time_stats, result=res, exc=None) except Exception: log.exception("Error computing process call stats") self._ctrl_current = None threading.current_thread().name = thread_base_name # Set response in AsyncEvent of caller (endpoint greenlet) ar.set(res) def _record_proc_time(self, cur_time): """ Keep the _proc_time of the prior and prior-prior intervals for stats computation """ cur_interval = cur_time / STAT_INTERVAL_LENGTH if cur_interval == self._proc_interval_num: # We're still in the same interval - no update pass elif cur_interval-1 == self._proc_interval_num: # Record the stats from the prior interval self._proc_interval_num = cur_interval self._proc_time_prior2 = self._proc_time_prior self._proc_time_prior = self._proc_time elif cur_interval-1 > self._proc_interval_num: # We skipped an entire interval - everything is prior2 self._proc_interval_num = cur_interval self._proc_time_prior2 = self._proc_time self._proc_time_prior = self._proc_time def _compute_proc_stats(self, start_proc_time): cur_time = get_ion_ts_millis() self._record_proc_time(cur_time) proc_time = cur_time - start_proc_time self._proc_time += proc_time def start_listeners(self): """ Starts all listeners in managed greenlets. Usually called by the ProcManager, unless using IonProcess manually. """ try: # disable normal error reporting, this method should only be called from startup self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = None # spawn all listeners in startup listeners (from initializer, or added later) for listener in self._startup_listeners: self.add_endpoint(listener) with Timeout(seconds=CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.timeout.start_listener', 30)): gevent.wait([x.get_ready_event() for x in self.listeners]) except Timeout: # remove failed endpoints before reporting failure above for listener, proc in self._listener_map.iteritems(): if proc.proc.dead:"removed dead listener: %s", listener) self.listeners.remove(listener) self.thread_manager.children.remove(proc) raise IonProcessError("start_listeners did not complete in expected time") finally: self.thread_manager._failure_notify_callback = self._child_failed def _notify_stop(self): """ Called when the process is about to be shut down. Instructs all listeners to close, puts a StopIteration into the synchronized queue, and waits for the listeners to close and for the control queue to exit. """ for listener in self.listeners: try: listener.close() except Exception as ex: tb = traceback.format_exc() log.warn("Could not close listener, attempting to ignore: %s\nTraceback:\n%s", ex, tb) self._ctrl_queue.put(StopIteration) # wait_children will join them and then get() them, which may raise an exception if any of them # died with an exception. self.thread_manager.wait_children(30) PyonThread._notify_stop(self) # run the cleanup method if we have one if self._cleanup_method is not None: try: self._cleanup_method(self) except Exception as ex: log.warn("Cleanup method error, attempting to ignore: %s\nTraceback: %s", ex, traceback.format_exc()) def get_ready_event(self): """ Returns an Event that is set when the control greenlet is up and running. """ return self._ready_control class IonProcessThreadManager(PyonThreadManager): def _create_thread(self, target=None, **kwargs): return IonProcessThread(target=target, heartbeat_secs=self.heartbeat_secs, **kwargs) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process type variants class StandaloneProcess(BaseService): """ A process is an ION process of type "standalone" that has an incoming messaging attachment for the process and operations as defined in a service YML. """ process_type = "standalone" class SimpleProcess(BaseService): """ A simple process is an ION process of type "simple" that has no incoming messaging attachment. """ process_type = "simple" class ImmediateProcess(BaseService): """ An immediate process is an ION process of type "immediate" that does its action in the on_init and on_start hooks, and that it terminated immediately after completion. Has no messaging attachment. """ process_type = "immediate" class StreamProcess(BaseService): """ Base class for a stream process. Such a process handles a sequence of otherwise unconstrained messages, resulting from a subscription. There are no operations. """ process_type = "stream_process" def call_process(self, message, stream_route, stream_id): """ Handles pre-processing of packet and process work """ self.process(message) def process(self, message): """ Process a message as arriving based on a subscription. """ pass # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process helpers def get_ion_actor_id(process): """Given an ION process, return the ion-actor-id from the context, if set and present""" ion_actor_id = None if process: ctx = process.get_context() ion_actor_id = ctx.get(MSG_HEADER_ACTOR, None) if ctx else None return ion_actor_id def set_process_stats_callback(stats_cb): """ Sets a callback function (hook) to push stats after a process operation call. """ global stats_callback if stats_cb is None: pass elif stats_callback: log.warn("Stats callback already defined") stats_callback = stats_cb
# Author: Nick Raptis <> """ Module for listing commands and help. """ from basemodule import BaseModule, BaseCommandContext from alternatives import _ class HelpContext(BaseCommandContext): def cmd_list(self, argument): """List commands""" arg = argument.lower() index = public = "public commands -- %s" % " ".join(index['public']) private = "private commands -- %s" % " ".join(index['private']) if 'all' in arg or 'both' in arg: output = "\n".join((public, private)) elif 'pub' in arg or'#'): output = public elif 'priv' in arg or not'#'): output = private else: # we shouldn't be here self.logger.error("cmd_list") return self.send(, output) def cmd_modules(self, argument): """List active modules""" index = output = "active modules -- %s" % " ".join(index['modules'].keys()) self.send(, output) def cmd_help(self, argument): """Get help on a command or module""" arg = argument.lower() index = target = args = arg.split() if not args: s = "usage: help <command> [public|private] / help module <module>" self.send(target, s) elif args[0] == 'module': args.pop(0) if not args: self.send(target, "usage: help module <module>") else: help_item = index['modules'].get(args[0]) if help_item: self.send(target, help_item['summary']) else: self.send(target, _("No help for %s"), args[0]) else: args.append("") cmd = args.pop(0) cmd_type = args.pop(0) if 'pu' in cmd_type or'#'): cmd_type = 'public' elif 'pr' in cmd_type or not'#'): cmd_type = 'private' else: # we shouldn't be here self.logger.error("cmd_list") return help_item = index[cmd_type].get(cmd) if help_item: self.send(target, index[cmd_type][cmd]['summary']) else: self.send(target, _("No help for %s"), cmd) class HelpModule(BaseModule): context_class = HelpContext module = HelpModule
#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright (c) <2015>, <Jaakko Leppakangas> #All rights reserved. # #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without #modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # #1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. #2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND #ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE #DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR #ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES #(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND #ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT #(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS #SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # #The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those #of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, #either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. ''' Created on Dec 16, 2014 @author: Jaakko Leppakangas ''' import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui from ui.preprocessDialog import PreprocessDialog def main(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) window=PreprocessDialog() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Pygments HTML formatter tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2009 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import os import re import unittest import StringIO import tempfile from os.path import join, dirname, isfile, abspath from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter, NullFormatter from pygments.formatters.html import escape_html import support TESTFILE, TESTDIR = support.location(__file__) tokensource = list(PythonLexer(encoding='utf-8').get_tokens(open(TESTFILE).read())) class HtmlFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_correct_output(self): hfmt = HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True) houtfile = StringIO.StringIO() hfmt.format(tokensource, houtfile) nfmt = NullFormatter() noutfile = StringIO.StringIO() nfmt.format(tokensource, noutfile) stripped_html = re.sub('<.*?>', '', houtfile.getvalue()) escaped_text = escape_html(noutfile.getvalue()) self.assertEquals(stripped_html, escaped_text) def test_external_css(self): # test correct behavior # CSS should be in /tmp directory fmt1 = HtmlFormatter(full=True, cssfile='fmt1.css', outencoding='utf-8') # CSS should be in TESTDIR (TESTDIR is absolute) fmt2 = HtmlFormatter(full=True, cssfile=join(TESTDIR, 'fmt2.css'), outencoding='utf-8') tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html') fmt1.format(tokensource, tfile) try: fmt2.format(tokensource, tfile) self.assert_(isfile(join(TESTDIR, 'fmt2.css'))) except IOError: # test directory not writable pass tfile.close() self.assert_(isfile(join(dirname(, 'fmt1.css'))) os.unlink(join(dirname(, 'fmt1.css')) try: os.unlink(join(TESTDIR, 'fmt2.css')) except OSError: pass def test_all_options(self): for optdict in [dict(nowrap=True), dict(linenos=True), dict(linenos=True, full=True), dict(linenos=True, full=True, noclasses=True)]: outfile = StringIO.StringIO() fmt = HtmlFormatter(**optdict) fmt.format(tokensource, outfile) def test_valid_output(self): # test all available wrappers fmt = HtmlFormatter(full=True, linenos=True, noclasses=True, outencoding='utf-8') handle, pathname = tempfile.mkstemp('.html') tfile = os.fdopen(handle, 'w+b') fmt.format(tokensource, tfile) tfile.close() catname = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'dtds', 'HTML4.soc') try: try: import subprocess ret = subprocess.Popen(['nsgmls', '-s', '-c', catname, pathname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).wait() except ImportError: # Python 2.3 - no subprocess module ret = os.popen('nsgmls -s -c "%s" "%s"' % (catname, pathname)).close() if ret == 32512: raise OSError # not found except OSError: # nsgmls not available pass else: self.failIf(ret, 'nsgmls run reported errors') os.unlink(pathname) def test_get_style_defs(self): fmt = HtmlFormatter() sd = fmt.get_style_defs() self.assert_(sd.startswith('.')) fmt = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='foo') sd = fmt.get_style_defs() self.assert_(sd.startswith('.foo')) sd = fmt.get_style_defs('.bar') self.assert_(sd.startswith('.bar')) sd = fmt.get_style_defs(['.bar', '.baz']) fl = sd.splitlines()[0] self.assert_('.bar' in fl and '.baz' in fl) def test_unicode_options(self): fmt = HtmlFormatter(title=u'Föö', cssclass=u'bär', cssstyles=u'div:before { content: \'bäz\' }', encoding='utf-8') handle, pathname = tempfile.mkstemp('.html') tfile = os.fdopen(handle, 'w+b') fmt.format(tokensource, tfile) tfile.close()
# ***************************************************************************** # Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ***************************************************************************** import itertools import numba import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import pyarrow.parquet as pq import random import string import unittest from numba import types import sdc from sdc import hiframes from sdc.str_arr_ext import StringArray from sdc.tests.test_base import TestCase from sdc.tests.test_utils import (count_array_OneDs, count_array_REPs, count_parfor_OneDs, count_parfor_REPs, dist_IR_contains, get_start_end, skip_numba_jit, skip_sdc_jit) class TestHiFrames(TestCase): @skip_numba_jit def test_column_list_select2(self): # make sure SDC copies the columns like Pandas does def test_impl(df): df2 = df[['A']] df2['A'] += 10 return df2.A, df.A hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 df = pd.DataFrame( {'A': np.arange(n), 'B': np.ones(n), 'C': np.random.ranf(n)}) np.testing.assert_array_equal(hpat_func(df.copy())[1], test_impl(df)[1]) @skip_numba_jit def test_pd_DataFrame_from_series_par(self): def test_impl(n): S1 = pd.Series(np.ones(n)) S2 = pd.Series(np.random.ranf(n)) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': S1, 'B': S2}) return df.A.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_OneDs(), 1) @skip_numba_jit def test_getitem_bool_series(self): def test_impl(df): return df['A'][df['B']].values hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [True, False, True]}) np.testing.assert_array_equal(test_impl(df), hpat_func(df)) @skip_numba_jit def test_fillna(self): def test_impl(): A = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) A[0] = np.nan df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) B = df.A.fillna(5.0) return B.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) @skip_numba_jit def test_fillna_inplace(self): def test_impl(): A = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) A[0] = np.nan df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) df.A.fillna(5.0, inplace=True) return df.A.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) @skip_numba_jit def test_column_mean(self): def test_impl(): A = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) A[0] = np.nan df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) return df.A.mean() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) @skip_numba_jit def test_column_var(self): def test_impl(): A = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) A[0] = 4.0 df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) return df.A.var() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(), test_impl()) @skip_numba_jit def test_column_std(self): def test_impl(): A = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) A[0] = 4.0 df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) return df.A.std() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(), test_impl()) @skip_numba_jit def test_column_map(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n)}) df['B'] = a: 2 * a) return df.B.sum() n = 121 hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) @skip_numba_jit def test_column_map_arg(self): def test_impl(df): df['B'] = a: 2 * a) return n = 121 df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n)}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n)}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) hpat_func(df1) self.assertTrue(hasattr(df1, 'B')) test_impl(df2) np.testing.assert_equal(df1.B.values, df2.B.values) @skip_numba_jit @skip_sdc_jit('Not implemented in sequential transport layer') def test_cumsum(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.ones(n), 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) Ac = df.A.cumsum() return Ac.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_array_OneDs(), 2) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_OneDs(), 2) self.assertTrue(dist_IR_contains('dist_cumsum')) @skip_numba_jit @skip_sdc_jit('Not implemented in sequential transport layer') def test_column_distribution(self): # make sure all column calls are distributed def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.ones(n), 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) df.A.fillna(5.0, inplace=True) DF = df.A.fillna(5.0) s = DF.sum() m = df.A.mean() v = df.A.var() t = df.A.std() Ac = df.A.cumsum() return Ac.sum() + s + m + v + t hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) self.assertTrue(dist_IR_contains('dist_cumsum')) @skip_numba_jit @skip_sdc_jit('Not implemented in sequential transport layer') def test_quantile_parallel(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(0, n, 1, np.float64)}) return df.A.quantile(.25) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 1001 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @unittest.skip('Error - fix needed\n' 'NUMA_PES=3 build') def test_quantile_parallel_float_nan(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(0, n, 1, np.float32)}) df.A[0:100] = np.nan df.A[200:331] = np.nan return df.A.quantile(.25) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 1001 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @unittest.skip('Error - fix needed\n' 'NUMA_PES=3 build') def test_quantile_parallel_int(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(0, n, 1, np.int32)}) return df.A.quantile(.25) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 1001 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @unittest.skip('Error - fix needed\n' 'NUMA_PES=3 build') def test_quantile_sequential(self): def test_impl(A): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) return df.A.quantile(.25) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 1001 A = np.arange(0, n, 1, np.float64) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(A), test_impl(A)) @skip_numba_jit def test_nunique(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n)}) df.A[2] = 0 return df.A.nunique() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 1001 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) # test compile again for overload related issues hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) @skip_numba_jit def test_nunique_parallel(self): # TODO: test without file def test_impl(): df = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() return df.four.nunique() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) # test compile again for overload related issues hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_nunique_str(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['aa', 'bb', 'aa', 'cc', 'cc']}) return df.A.nunique() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 1001 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) # test compile again for overload related issues hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) @unittest.skip('AssertionError - fix needed\n' '5 != 3\n') def test_nunique_str_parallel(self): # TODO: test without file def test_impl(): df = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() return df.two.nunique() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) # test compile again for overload related issues hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_unique_parallel(self): # TODO: test without file def test_impl(): df = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() return (df.four.unique() == 3.0).sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) @unittest.skip('AssertionError - fix needed\n' '2 != 1\n') def test_unique_str_parallel(self): # TODO: test without file def test_impl(): df = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() return (df.two.unique() == 'foo').sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit @skip_sdc_jit('Not implemented in sequential transport layer') def test_describe(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(0, n, 1, np.float64)}) return df.A.describe() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 1001 hpat_func(n) # XXX: test actual output self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_contains_regex(self): def test_impl(): A = StringArray(['ABC', 'BB', 'ADEF']) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) B = df.A.str.contains('AB*', regex=True) return B.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), 2) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_contains_noregex(self): def test_impl(): A = StringArray(['ABC', 'BB', 'ADEF']) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}) B = df.A.str.contains('BB', regex=False) return B.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), 1) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_replace_regex(self): def test_impl(df): return df.A.str.replace('AB*', 'EE', regex=True) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['ABCC', 'CABBD']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_replace_noregex(self): def test_impl(df): return df.A.str.replace('AB', 'EE', regex=False) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['ABCC', 'CABBD']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_replace_regex_parallel(self): def test_impl(df): B = df.A.str.replace('AB*', 'EE', regex=True) return B n = 5 A = ['ABCC', 'CABBD', 'CCD', 'CCDAABB', 'ED'] start, end = get_start_end(n) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A[start:end]}) hpat_func = self.jit(distributed={'df', 'B'})(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 3) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_split(self): def test_impl(df): return df.A.str.split(',') df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D', 'G', '', 'g,f']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_split_default(self): def test_impl(df): return df.A.str.split() df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB CC', 'C ABB D', 'G ', ' ', 'g\t f']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_split_filter(self): def test_impl(df): B = df.A.str.split(',') df2 = pd.DataFrame({'B': B}) return df2[df2.B.str.len() > 1] df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D', 'G', '', 'g,f']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df).reset_index(drop=True)) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_split_box_df(self): def test_impl(df): return pd.DataFrame({'B': df.A.str.split(',')}) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df).B, test_impl(df).B, check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_split_unbox_df(self): def test_impl(df): return df.A.iloc[0] df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D']}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': df.A.str.split(',')}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(df2), test_impl(df2)) @unittest.skip('Getitem Series with list values not implement') def test_str_split_bool_index(self): def test_impl(df): C = df.A.str.split(',') return C[df.B == 'aa'] df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D'], 'B': ['aa', 'bb']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_split_parallel(self): def test_impl(df): B = df.A.str.split(',') return B n = 5 start, end = get_start_end(n) A = ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D', 'CAD', 'CA,D', 'AA,,D'] df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A[start:end]}) hpat_func = self.jit(distributed={'df', 'B'})(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 3) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_get(self): def test_impl(df): B = df.A.str.split(',') return B.str.get(1) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_split(self): def test_impl(df): return df.A.str.split(',') df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_get_parallel(self): def test_impl(df): A = df.A.str.split(',') B = A.str.get(1) return B n = 5 start, end = get_start_end(n) A = ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D', 'CAD,F', 'CA,D', 'AA,,D'] df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A[start:end]}) hpat_func = self.jit(distributed={'df', 'B'})(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 3) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_get_to_numeric(self): def test_impl(df): B = df.A.str.split(',') C = pd.to_numeric(B.str.get(1), errors='coerce') return C df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,12', 'C,321,D']}) hpat_func = self.jit(locals={'C': types.int64[:]})(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_flatten(self): def test_impl(df): A = df.A.str.split(',') return pd.Series(list(itertools.chain(*A))) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D']}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_str_flatten_parallel(self): def test_impl(df): A = df.A.str.split(',') B = pd.Series(list(itertools.chain(*A))) return B n = 5 start, end = get_start_end(n) A = ['AB,CC', 'C,ABB,D', 'CAD', 'CA,D', 'AA,,D'] df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A[start:end]}) hpat_func = self.jit(distributed={'df', 'B'})(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 3) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_to_numeric(self): def test_impl(df): B = pd.to_numeric(df.A, errors='coerce') return B df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['123.1', '331.2']}) hpat_func = self.jit(locals={'B': types.float64[:]})(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( hpat_func(df), test_impl(df), check_names=False) @skip_numba_jit def test_1D_Var_len(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n), 'B': np.arange(n) + 1.0}) df1 = df[df.A > 5] return len(df1.B) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_rolling1(self): # size 3 without unroll def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n), 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) Ac = df.A.rolling(3).sum() return Ac.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 121 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) # size 7 with unroll def test_impl_2(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n) + 1.0, 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) Ac = df.A.rolling(7).sum() return Ac.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 121 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_rolling2(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.ones(n), 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) df['moving average'] = df.A.rolling(window=5, center=True).mean() return df['moving average'].sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 121 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_rolling3(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.ones(n), 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) Ac = df.A.rolling(3, center=True).apply(lambda a: a[0] + 2 * a[1] + a[2]) return Ac.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 121 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @unittest.skip('Error - fix needed\n' 'NUMA_PES=3 build') def test_shift1(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n) + 1.0, 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) Ac = df.A.shift(1) return Ac.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @unittest.skip('Error - fix needed\n' 'NUMA_PES=3 build') def test_shift2(self): def test_impl(n): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.arange(n) + 1.0, 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) Ac = df.A.pct_change(1) return Ac.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_df_input(self): def test_impl(df): return df.B.sum() n = 121 df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.ones(n), 'B': np.random.ranf(n)}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(df), test_impl(df)) @skip_numba_jit def test_df_input2(self): def test_impl(df): C = df.B == 'two' return C.sum() n = 11 df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.ranf(3 * n), 'B': ['one', 'two', 'three'] * n}) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(df), test_impl(df)) @skip_numba_jit def test_df_input_dist1(self): def test_impl(df): return df.B.sum() n = 121 A = [3, 4, 5, 6, 1] B = [5, 6, 2, 1, 3] n = 5 start, end = get_start_end(n) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A, 'B': B}) df_h = pd.DataFrame({'A': A[start:end], 'B': B[start:end]}) hpat_func = self.jit(distributed={'df'})(test_impl) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(df_h), test_impl(df)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_concat(self): def test_impl(n): df1 = pd.DataFrame({'key1': np.arange(n), 'A': np.arange(n) + 1.0}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'key2': n - np.arange(n), 'A': n + np.arange(n) + 1.0}) df3 = pd.concat([df1, df2]) return df3.A.sum() + df3.key2.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) n = 11111 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) @skip_numba_jit def test_concat_str(self): def test_impl(): df1 = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() df2 = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() A3 = pd.concat([df1, df2]) return (A3.two == 'foo').sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_concat_series(self): def test_impl(n): df1 = pd.DataFrame({'key1': np.arange(n), 'A': np.arange(n) + 1.0}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'key2': n - np.arange(n), 'A': n + np.arange(n) + 1.0}) A3 = pd.concat([df1.A, df2.A]) return A3.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) n = 11111 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) @skip_numba_jit def test_concat_series_str(self): def test_impl(): df1 = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() df2 = pq.read_table('example.parquet').to_pandas() A3 = pd.concat([df1.two, df2.two]) return (A3 == 'foo').sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) self.assertEqual(hpat_func(), test_impl()) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit @unittest.skipIf(int(os.getenv('SDC_NP_MPI', '0')) > 1, 'Test hangs on NP=2 and NP=3 on all platforms') def test_intraday(self): def test_impl(nsyms): max_num_days = 100 all_res = 0.0 for i in sdc.prange(nsyms): s_open = 20 * np.ones(max_num_days) s_low = 28 * np.ones(max_num_days) s_close = 19 * np.ones(max_num_days) df = pd.DataFrame({'Open': s_open, 'Low': s_low, 'Close': s_close}) df['Stdev'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=90).std() df['Moving Average'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean() df['Criteria1'] = (df['Open'] - df['Low'].shift(1)) < -df['Stdev'] df['Criteria2'] = df['Open'] > df['Moving Average'] df['BUY'] = df['Criteria1'] & df['Criteria2'] df['Pct Change'] = (df['Close'] - df['Open']) / df['Open'] df['Rets'] = df['Pct Change'][df['BUY']] all_res += df['Rets'].mean() return all_res hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) n = 11 self.assertEqual(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_OneDs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_OneDs(), 1) @skip_numba_jit def test_var_dist1(self): def test_impl(A, B): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A, 'B': B}) df2 = df.groupby('A', as_index=False)['B'].sum() # TODO: fix handling of df setitem to force match of array dists # probably with a new node that is appended to the end of basic block # df2['C'] = np.full(len(df2.B), 3, np.int8) # TODO: full_like for Series df2['C'] = np.full_like(df2.B.values, 3, np.int8) return df2 A = np.array([1, 1, 2, 3]) B = np.array([3, 4, 5, 6]) hpat_func = self.jit(locals={'A:input': 'distributed', 'B:input': 'distributed', 'df2:return': 'distributed'})(test_impl) start, end = get_start_end(len(A)) df2 = hpat_func(A[start:end], B[start:end]) # TODO: # pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( # hpat_func(A[start:end], B[start:end]), test_impl(A, B)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
import pytest import urllib.error from urlpathlib import UrlPath def test_scheme(): # does not raise NotImplementedError UrlPath('/dev/null').touch() def test_scheme_not_supported(): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): UrlPath('http:///tmp/test').touch() def test_scheme_not_listed(): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): UrlPath('test:///tmp/test').touch() def test_file_additional(): assert UrlPath('.').resolve() == UrlPath.cwd() def test_scheme_alias(): # does not raise NotImplementedError with pytest.raises(urllib.error.URLError): UrlPath('https://localhost/test').exists()
# coding: utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from flask import abort, make_response, request from flask_api.decorators import set_renderers from flask_api import exceptions, renderers, status, FlaskAPI import json import unittest app = FlaskAPI(__name__) app.config['TESTING'] = True class JSONVersion1(renderers.JSONRenderer): media_type = 'application/json; api-version="1.0"' class JSONVersion2(renderers.JSONRenderer): media_type = 'application/json; api-version="2.0"' @app.route('/set_status_and_headers/') def set_status_and_headers(): headers = {'Location': ''} return {'example': 'content'}, status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers @app.route('/set_headers/') def set_headers(): headers = {'Location': ''} return {'example': 'content'}, headers @app.route('/make_response_view/') def make_response_view(): response = make_response({'example': 'content'}) response.headers['Location'] = '' return response @app.route('/api_exception/') def api_exception(): raise exceptions.PermissionDenied() @app.route('/abort_view/') def abort_view(): abort(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) @app.route('/options/') def options_view(): return {} @app.route('/accepted_media_type/') @set_renderers([JSONVersion2, JSONVersion1]) def accepted_media_type(): return {'accepted_media_type': str(request.accepted_media_type)} class AppTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_set_status_and_headers(self): with app.test_client() as client: response = client.get('/set_status_and_headers/') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) self.assertEqual(response.headers['Location'], '') self.assertEqual(response.content_type, 'application/json') expected = '{"example": "content"}' self.assertEqual(response.get_data().decode('utf8'), expected) def test_set_headers(self): with app.test_client() as client: response = client.get('/set_headers/') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(response.headers['Location'], '') self.assertEqual(response.content_type, 'application/json') expected = '{"example": "content"}' self.assertEqual(response.get_data().decode('utf8'), expected) def test_make_response(self): with app.test_client() as client: response = client.get('/make_response_view/') self.assertEqual(response.content_type, 'application/json') self.assertEqual(response.headers['Location'], '') self.assertEqual(response.content_type, 'application/json') expected = '{"example": "content"}' self.assertEqual(response.get_data().decode('utf8'), expected) def test_api_exception(self): with app.test_client() as client: response = client.get('/api_exception/') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) self.assertEqual(response.content_type, 'application/json') expected = '{"message": "You do not have permission to perform this action."}' self.assertEqual(response.get_data().decode('utf8'), expected) def test_abort_view(self): with app.test_client() as client: response = client.get('/abort_view/') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) def test_options_view(self): with app.test_client() as client: response = client.options('/options/') # Errors if `response.response` is `None` response.get_data() def test_accepted_media_type_property(self): with app.test_client() as client: # Explicitly request the "api-version 1.0" renderer. headers = {'Accept': 'application/json; api-version="1.0"'} response = client.get('/accepted_media_type/', headers=headers) data = json.loads(response.get_data().decode('utf8')) expected = {'accepted_media_type': 'application/json; api-version="1.0"'} self.assertEqual(data, expected) # Request the default renderer, which is "api-version 2.0". headers = {'Accept': '*/*'} response = client.get('/accepted_media_type/', headers=headers) data = json.loads(response.get_data().decode('utf8')) expected = {'accepted_media_type': 'application/json; api-version="2.0"'} self.assertEqual(data, expected)
from celery.task import Task import requests class StracksFlushTask(Task): def run(self, url, data): + "/", data=data)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('freebasics', '0006_change_site_url_field_type'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='freebasicscontroller', name='postgres_db_url', field=models.TextField(null=True, blank=True), ), ]
def excise(conn, qrelname, tid): with conn.cursor() as cur: # Assume 'id' column exists and print that for bookkeeping. # # TODO: Instead should find unique constraints and print # those, or try to print all attributes that are not corrupt. sql = 'DELETE FROM {0} WHERE ctid = %s RETURNING id'.format(qrelname) params = (tid,) cur.execute(sql, params) row = cur.fetchone() if row: return row[0] return None
import datetime from django.utils import timezone from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse from .models import Question class QuestionMethodTests(TestCase): def test_was_published_recently_with_future_question(self): """ was_published_recently() should return False for questions whose pub_date is in the future. """ time = + datetime.timedelta(days=30) future_question = Question(pub_date=time) self.assertIs(future_question.was_published_recently(), False) def test_was_published_recently_with_old_question(self): """ was_published_recently() should return False for questions whose pub_date is older than 1 day. """ time = - datetime.timedelta(days=30) old_question = Question(pub_date=time) self.assertIs(old_question.was_published_recently(), False) def test_was_published_recently_with_recent_question(self): """ was_published_recently() should return True for questions whose pub_date is within the last day. """ time = - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) recent_question = Question(pub_date=time) self.assertIs(recent_question.was_published_recently(), True) def create_question(question_text, days): """ Creates a question with the given `question_text` and published the given number of `days` offset to now (negative for questions published in the past, positive for questions that have yet to be published). """ time = + datetime.timedelta(days=days) return Question.objects.create(question_text=question_text, pub_date=time) class QuestionViewTests(TestCase): def test_index_view_with_no_questions(self): """ If no questions exist, an appropriate message should be displayed. """ response = self.client.get(reverse('polls:index')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertContains(response, "No polls are available.") self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context['latest_question_list'], []) def test_index_view_with_a_past_question(self): """ Questions with a pub_date in the past should be displayed on the index page. """ create_question(question_text="Past question.", days=-30) response = self.client.get(reverse('polls:index')) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['latest_question_list'], ['<Question: Past question.>'] ) def test_index_view_with_a_future_question(self): """ Questions with a pub_date in the future should not be displayed on the index page. """ create_question(question_text="Future question.", days=30) response = self.client.get(reverse('polls:index')) self.assertContains(response, "No polls are available.") self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context['latest_question_list'], []) def test_index_view_with_future_question_and_past_question(self): """ Even if both past and future questions exist, only past questions should be displayed. """ create_question(question_text="Past question.", days=-30) create_question(question_text="Future question.", days=30) response = self.client.get(reverse('polls:index')) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['latest_question_list'], ['<Question: Past question.>'] ) def test_index_view_with_two_past_questions(self): """ The questions index page may display multiple questions. """ create_question(question_text="Past question 1.", days=-30) create_question(question_text="Past question 2.", days=-5) response = self.client.get(reverse('polls:index')) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['latest_question_list'], ['<Question: Past question 2.>', '<Question: Past question 1.>'] ) class QuestionIndexDetailTests(TestCase): def test_detail_view_with_a_future_question(self): """ The detail view of a question with a pub_date in the future should return a 404 not found. """ future_question = create_question(question_text='Future question.', days=5) url = reverse('polls:detail', args=(,)) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) def test_detail_view_with_a_past_question(self): """ The detail view of a question with a pub_date in the past should display the question's text. """ past_question = create_question(question_text='Past Question.', days=-5) url = reverse('polls:detail', args=(,)) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertContains(response, past_question.question_text)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """--- Day 3: Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum --- Santa is delivering presents to an infinite two-dimensional grid of houses. He begins by delivering a present to the house at his starting location, and then an elf at the North Pole calls him via radio and tells him where to move next. Moves are always exactly one house to the north (^), south (v), east (>), or west (<). After each move, he delivers another present to the house at his new location. However, the elf back at the north pole has had a little too much eggnog, and so his directions are a little off, and Santa ends up visiting some houses more than once. How many houses receive at least one present? For example: - > delivers presents to 2 houses: one at the starting location, and one to the east. - ^>v< delivers presents to 4 houses in a square, including twice to the house at his starting/ending location. - ^v^v^v^v^v delivers a bunch of presents to some very lucky children at only 2 houses. --- Part Two --- The next year, to speed up the process, Santa creates a robot version of himself, Robo-Santa, to deliver presents with him. Santa and Robo-Santa start at the same location (delivering two presents to the same starting house), then take turns moving based on instructions from the elf, who is eggnoggedly reading from the same script as the previous year. This year, how many houses receive at least one present? For example: - ^v delivers presents to 3 houses, because Santa goes north, and then Robo-Santa goes south. - ^>v< now delivers presents to 3 houses, and Santa and Robo-Santa end up back where they started. - ^v^v^v^v^v now delivers presents to 11 houses, with Santa going one direction and Robo-Santa going the other. """ import sys import click def update_point(move, point): """Returns new point representing position after move""" moves = { '^': (0, -1), '<': (-1, 0), 'v': (0, 1), '>': (1, 0), } return (point[0]+moves.get(move, (0, 0))[0], point[1]+moves.get(move, (0, 0))[1]) def map_single_delivery(text): point = (0, 0) points = set({point}) for move in text: point = update_point(move, point) points.add(point) return points def number_of_houses_covered(text, robo_santa=False): return len(map_single_delivery(text)) if not robo_santa else \ len(map_multiple_deliveries(text)) def split_directions(directions): lists = ('', '') try: lists = directions[0::2], directions[1::2] except IndexError: pass return lists def map_multiple_deliveries(text): directions = split_directions(text) points = map_single_delivery(directions[0]) return points.union(map_single_delivery(directions[1])) def calculate_solution_1(text): return number_of_houses_covered(text) def calculate_solution_2(text): return number_of_houses_covered(text, robo_santa=True) @click.command() @click.option('--source_file', default='data/03.txt', help='source data file for problem') def main(source_file): """Simple solution to adventofcode problem 3.""" data = '' with open(source_file) as source: data = print('Santa gave at least one present to {} houses.'.format( number_of_houses_covered(data))) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
# pylint:disable=line-too-long import logging from ...sim_type import SimTypeFunction, SimTypeShort, SimTypeInt, SimTypeLong, SimTypeLongLong, SimTypeDouble, SimTypeFloat, SimTypePointer, SimTypeChar, SimStruct, SimTypeFixedSizeArray, SimTypeBottom, SimUnion, SimTypeBool from ...calling_conventions import SimCCStdcall, SimCCMicrosoftAMD64 from .. import SIM_PROCEDURES as P from . import SimLibrary _l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__) lib = SimLibrary() lib.set_default_cc('X86', SimCCStdcall) lib.set_default_cc('AMD64', SimCCMicrosoftAMD64) lib.set_library_names("aclui.dll") prototypes = \ { # 'CreateSecurityPage': SimTypeFunction([SimTypeBottom(label="ISecurityInformation")], SimTypePointer(SimTypeInt(signed=True, label="Int"), label="IntPtr", offset=0), arg_names=["psi"]), # 'EditSecurity': SimTypeFunction([SimTypePointer(SimTypeInt(signed=True, label="Int"), label="IntPtr", offset=0), SimTypeBottom(label="ISecurityInformation")], SimTypeInt(signed=True, label="Int32"), arg_names=["hwndOwner", "psi"]), # 'EditSecurityAdvanced': SimTypeFunction([SimTypePointer(SimTypeInt(signed=True, label="Int"), label="IntPtr", offset=0), SimTypeBottom(label="ISecurityInformation"), SimTypeInt(signed=False, label="SI_PAGE_TYPE")], SimTypeInt(signed=True, label="Int32"), arg_names=["hwndOwner", "psi", "uSIPage"]), } lib.set_prototypes(prototypes)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ femagtools.plot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creating plots """ import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate as ip import logging try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D matplotlibversion = matplotlib.__version__ except ImportError: # ModuleNotFoundError: matplotlibversion = 0 logger = logging.getLogger("femagtools.plot") def _create_3d_axis(): """creates a subplot with 3d projection if one does not already exist""" from matplotlib.projections import get_projection_class from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers create_axis = True if _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active() is not None: if isinstance(plt.gca(), get_projection_class('3d')): create_axis = False if create_axis: plt.figure() plt.subplot(111, projection='3d') def _plot_surface(ax, x, y, z, labels, azim=None): """helper function for surface plots""" # ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=-3) assert np.size(x) > 1 and np.size(y) > 1 and np.size(z) > 1 if azim is not None: ax.azim = azim X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.viridis, alpha=0.85, vmin=np.nanmin(z), vmax=np.nanmax(z), linewidth=0, antialiased=True) # edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0)) # ax.set_xticks(xticks) # ax.set_yticks(yticks) # ax.set_zticks(zticks) ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(labels[1]) ax.set_title(labels[2]) # plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0) def __phasor_plot(ax, up, idq, uxdq): uref = max(up, uxdq[0]) uxd = uxdq[0]/uref uxq = uxdq[1]/uref u1d, u1q = (uxd, 1+uxq) u1 = np.sqrt(u1d**2 + u1q**2)*uref i1 = np.linalg.norm(idq) i1d, i1q = (idq[0]/i1, idq[1]/i1) qhw = 6 # width arrow head qhl = 15 # length arrow head qlw = 2 # line width qts = 10 # textsize # Length of the Current adjust to Ud: Initally 0.9, Maier(Oswald) = 0.5 curfac = max(0.9, 1.5*i1q/up) def label_line(ax, X, Y, U, V, label, color='k', size=8): """Add a label to a line, at the proper angle. Arguments --------- line : matplotlib.lines.Line2D object, label : str x : float x-position to place center of text (in data coordinated y : float y-position to place center of text (in data coordinates) color : str size : float """ x1, x2 = X, X + U y1, y2 = Y, Y + V if y2 == 0: y2 = y1 if x2 == 0: x2 = x1 x = (x1 + x2) / 2 y = (y1 + y2) / 2 slope_degrees = np.rad2deg(np.angle(U + V * 1j)) if slope_degrees < 0: slope_degrees += 180 if 90 < slope_degrees <= 270: slope_degrees += 180 x_offset = np.sin(np.deg2rad(slope_degrees)) y_offset = np.cos(np.deg2rad(slope_degrees)) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="Round4, pad=0.1", fc="white", lw=0) text = ax.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(x_offset * 10, y_offset * 8), textcoords='offset points', size=size, color=color, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontfamily='monospace', fontweight='bold', bbox=bbox_props) text.set_rotation(slope_degrees) return text if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) # ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_title( r'$U_1$={0} V, $I_1$={1} A, $U_p$={2} V'.format( round(u1, 1), round(i1, 1), round(up, 1)), fontsize=14) up /= uref ax.quiver(0, 0, 0, up, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, units='dots', headwidth=qhw/2, headlength=qhl/2, headaxislength=qhl/2, width=qlw*2, color='k') label_line(ax, 0, 0, 0, up, '$U_p$', 'k', qts) ax.quiver(0, 0, u1d, u1q, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, units='dots', headwidth=qhw, headlength=qhl, headaxislength=qhl, width=qlw, color='r') label_line(ax, 0, 0, u1d, u1q, '$U_1$', 'r', qts) ax.quiver(0, 1, uxd, 0, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, units='dots', headwidth=qhw, headlength=qhl, headaxislength=qhl, width=qlw, color='g') label_line(ax, 0, 1, uxd, 0, '$U_d$', 'g', qts) ax.quiver(uxd, 1, 0, uxq, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, units='dots', headwidth=qhw, headlength=qhl, headaxislength=qhl, width=qlw, color='g') label_line(ax, uxd, 1, 0, uxq, '$U_q$', 'g', qts) ax.quiver(0, 0, curfac*i1d, curfac*i1q, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, units='dots', headwidth=qhw, headlength=qhl, headaxislength=qhl, width=qlw, color='b') label_line(ax, 0, 0, curfac*i1d, curfac*i1q, '$I_1$', 'b', qts) xmin, xmax = (min(0, uxd, i1d), max(0, i1d, uxd)) ymin, ymax = (min(0, i1q, 1-uxq), max(1, i1q, 1+uxq)) ax.set_xlim([xmin-0.1, xmax+0.1]) ax.set_ylim([ymin-0.1, ymax+0.1]) ax.grid(True) def i1beta_phasor(up, i1, beta, r1, xd, xq, ax=0): """creates a phasor plot up: internal voltage i1: current beta: angle i1 vs up [deg] r1: resistance xd: reactance in direct axis xq: reactance in quadrature axis""" i1d, i1q = (i1*np.sin(beta/180*np.pi), i1*np.cos(beta/180*np.pi)) uxdq = ((r1*i1d - xq*i1q), (r1*i1q + xd*i1d)) __phasor_plot(ax, up, (i1d, i1q), uxdq) def iqd_phasor(up, iqd, uqd, ax=0): """creates a phasor plot up: internal voltage iqd: current uqd: terminal voltage""" uxdq = (uqd[1]/np.sqrt(2), (uqd[0]/np.sqrt(2)-up)) __phasor_plot(ax, up, (iqd[1]/np.sqrt(2), iqd[0]/np.sqrt(2)), uxdq) def phasor(bch, ax=0): """create phasor plot from bch""" f1 = bch.machine['p']*bch.dqPar['speed'] w1 = 2*np.pi*f1 xd = w1*bch.dqPar['ld'][-1] xq = w1*bch.dqPar['lq'][-1] r1 = bch.machine['r1'] i1beta_phasor(bch.dqPar['up'][-1], bch.dqPar['i1'][-1], bch.dqPar['beta'][-1], r1, xd, xq, ax) def airgap(airgap, ax=0): """creates plot of flux density in airgap""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Airgap Flux Density [T]') ax.plot(airgap['pos'], airgap['B'], label='Max {:4.2f} T'.format(max(airgap['B']))) ax.plot(airgap['pos'], airgap['B_fft'], label='Base Ampl {:4.2f} T'.format(airgap['Bamp'])) ax.set_xlabel('Position/°') ax.legend() ax.grid(True) def airgap_fft(airgap, bmin=1e-2, ax=0): """plot airgap harmonics""" unit = 'T' if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Airgap Flux Density Harmonics / {}'.format(unit)) ax.grid(True) order, fluxdens = np.array([(n, b) for n, b in zip(airgap['nue'], airgap['B_nue']) if b > bmin]).T try: markerline1, stemlines1, _ = ax.stem(order, fluxdens, '-.', basefmt=" ", use_line_collection=True) ax.set_xticks(order) except ValueError: # empty sequence pass def torque(pos, torque, ax=0): """creates plot from torque vs position""" k = 20 alpha = np.linspace(pos[0], pos[-1], k*len(torque)) f = ip.interp1d(pos, torque, kind='quadratic') unit = 'Nm' scale = 1 if np.min(torque) < -9.9e3 or np.max(torque) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kNm' if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Torque / {}'.format(unit)) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(pos, [scale*t for t in torque], 'go') ax.plot(alpha, scale*f(alpha)) if np.min(torque) > 0 and np.max(torque) > 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) elif np.min(torque) < 0 and np.max(torque) < 0: ax.set_ylim(top=0) def torque_fft(order, torque, ax=0): """plot torque harmonics""" unit = 'Nm' scale = 1 if np.min(torque) < -9.9e3 or np.max(torque) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kNm' if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Torque Harmonics / {}'.format(unit)) ax.grid(True) try: bw = 2.5E-2*max(order), [scale*t for t in torque], width=bw, align='center') ax.set_xlim(left=-bw/2) except ValueError: # empty sequence pass def force(title, pos, force, xlabel='', ax=0): """plot force vs position""" unit = 'N' scale = 1 if min(force) < -9.9e3 or max(force) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kN' if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('{} / {}'.format(title, unit)) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(pos, [scale*f for f in force]) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if min(force) > 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) def force_fft(order, force, ax=0): """plot force harmonics""" unit = 'N' scale = 1 if min(force) < -9.9e3 or max(force) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kN' if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Force Harmonics / {}'.format(unit)) ax.grid(True) try: bw = 2.5E-2*max(order), [scale*t for t in force], width=bw, align='center') ax.set_xlim(left=-bw/2) except ValueError: # empty sequence pass def forcedens(title, pos, fdens, ax=0): """plot force densities""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(title) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(pos, [1e-3*ft for ft in fdens[0]], label='F tang') ax.plot(pos, [1e-3*fn for fn in fdens[1]], label='F norm') ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Pos / deg') ax.set_ylabel('Force Density / kN/m²') def forcedens_surface(fdens, ax=0): if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() xpos = [p for p in fdens.positions[0]['X']] ypos = [p['position'] for p in fdens.positions] z = 1e-3*np.array([p['FN'] for p in fdens.positions]) _plot_surface(ax, xpos, ypos, z, (u'Rotor pos/°', u'Pos/°', u'F N / kN/m²')) def forcedens_fft(title, fdens, ax=0): """plot force densities FFT Args: title: plot title fdens: force density object """ if ax == 0: ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") F = 1e-3*fdens.fft() fmin = 0.2 num_bars = F.shape[0] + 1 _xx, _yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, num_bars), np.arange(1, num_bars)) z_size = F[F > fmin] x_pos, y_pos = _xx[F > fmin], _yy[F > fmin] z_pos = np.zeros_like(z_size) x_size = 2 y_size = 2 ax.bar3d(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, x_size, y_size, z_size) ax.view_init(azim=120) ax.set_xlim(0, num_bars+1) ax.set_ylim(0, num_bars+1) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel('M') ax.set_ylabel('N') ax.set_zlabel('kN/m²') def winding_flux(pos, flux, ax=0): """plot flux vs position""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Winding Flux / Vs') ax.grid(True) for p, f in zip(pos, flux): ax.plot(p, f) def winding_current(pos, current, ax=0): """plot winding currents""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Winding Currents / A') ax.grid(True) for p, i in zip(pos, current): ax.plot(p, i) def voltage(title, pos, voltage, ax=0): """plot voltage vs. position""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('{} / V'.format(title)) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(pos, voltage) def voltage_fft(title, order, voltage, ax=0): """plot FFT harmonics of voltage""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('{} / V'.format(title)) ax.grid(True) if max(order) < 5: order += [5] voltage += [0] try: bw = 2.5E-2*max(order), voltage, width=bw, align='center') except ValueError: # empty sequence pass def mcv_hbj(mcv, log=True, ax=0): """plot H, B, J of mcv dict""" import femagtools.mcv MUE0 = 4e-7*np.pi ji = [] csiz = len(mcv['curve']) if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(mcv['name']) for k, c in enumerate(mcv['curve']): bh = [(bi, hi*1e-3) for bi, hi in zip(c['bi'], c['hi'])] try: if csiz == 1 and mcv['ctype'] in (femagtools.mcv.MAGCRV, femagtools.mcv.ORIENT_CRV): ji = [b-MUE0*h*1e3 for b, h in bh] except Exception: pass bi, hi = zip(*bh) label = 'Flux Density' if csiz > 1: label = 'Flux Density ({0}°)'.format(mcv.mc1_angle[k]) if log: ax.semilogx(hi, bi, label=label) if ji: ax.semilogx(hi, ji, label='Polarisation') else: ax.plot(hi, bi, label=label) if ji: ax.plot(hi, ji, label='Polarisation') ax.set_xlabel('H / kA/m') ax.set_ylabel('T') if ji or csiz > 1: ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.grid() def mcv_muer(mcv, ax=0): """plot rel. permeability vs. B of mcv dict""" MUE0 = 4e-7*np.pi bi, ur = zip(*[(bx, bx/hx/MUE0) for bx, hx in zip(mcv['curve'][0]['bi'], mcv['curve'][0]['hi']) if not hx == 0]) if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(bi, ur) ax.set_xlabel('B / T') ax.set_title('rel. Permeability') ax.grid() def mtpa(pmrel, i1max, title='', projection='', ax=0): """create a line or surface plot with torque and mtpa curve""" nsamples = 10 i1 = np.linspace(0, i1max, nsamples) iopt = np.array([pmrel.mtpa(x) for x in i1]).T iqmax, idmax = pmrel.iqdmax(i1max) iqmin, idmin = pmrel.iqdmin(i1max) if projection == '3d': nsamples = 50 else: if iqmin == 0: iqmin = 0.1*iqmax id = np.linspace(idmin, idmax, nsamples) iq = np.linspace(iqmin, iqmax, nsamples) torque_iqd = np.array( [[pmrel.torque_iqd(x, y) for y in id] for x in iq]) if projection == '3d': ax = idq_torque(id, iq, torque_iqd, ax) ax.plot(iopt[1], iopt[0], iopt[2], color='red', linewidth=2, label='MTPA: {0:5.0f} Nm'.format( np.max(iopt[2][-1]))) else: if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') x, y = np.meshgrid(id, iq) CS = ax.contour(x, y, torque_iqd, 6, colors='k') ax.clabel(CS, fmt='%d', inline=1) ax.set_xlabel('Id/A') ax.set_ylabel('Iq/A') ax.plot(iopt[1], iopt[0], color='red', linewidth=2, label='MTPA: {0:5.0f} Nm'.format( np.max(iopt[2][-1]))) ax.grid() if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.legend() def mtpv(pmrel, u1max, i1max, title='', projection='', ax=0): """create a line or surface plot with voltage and mtpv curve""" w1 = pmrel.w2_imax_umax(i1max, u1max) nsamples = 20 if projection == '3d': nsamples = 50 iqmax, idmax = pmrel.iqdmax(i1max) iqmin, idmin = pmrel.iqdmin(i1max) id = np.linspace(idmin, idmax, nsamples) iq = np.linspace(iqmin, iqmax, nsamples) u1_iqd = np.array( [[np.linalg.norm(pmrel.uqd(w1, iqx, idx))/np.sqrt(2) for idx in id] for iqx in iq]) u1 = np.mean(u1_iqd) imtpv = np.array([pmrel.mtpv(wx, u1, i1max) for wx in np.linspace(w1, 20*w1, nsamples)]).T if projection == '3d': torque_iqd = np.array( [[pmrel.torque_iqd(x, y) for y in id] for x in iq]) ax = idq_torque(id, iq, torque_iqd, ax) ax.plot(imtpv[1], imtpv[0], imtpv[2], color='red', linewidth=2) else: if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') x, y = np.meshgrid(id, iq) CS = ax.contour(x, y, u1_iqd, 4, colors='b') # linestyles='dashed') ax.clabel(CS, fmt='%d', inline=1) ax.plot(imtpv[1], imtpv[0], color='red', linewidth=2, label='MTPV: {0:5.0f} Nm'.format(np.max(imtpv[2]))) # beta = np.arctan2(imtpv[1][0], imtpv[0][0]) # b = np.linspace(beta, 0) # ax.plot(np.sqrt(2)*i1max*np.sin(b), np.sqrt(2)*i1max*np.cos(b), 'r-') ax.grid() ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Id/A') ax.set_ylabel('Iq/A') if title: ax.set_title(title) def __get_linearForce_title_keys(lf): if 'force_r' in lf: return ['Force r', 'Force z'], ['force_r', 'force_z'] return ['Force x', 'Force y'], ['force_x', 'force_y'] def pmrelsim(bch, title=''): """creates a plot of a PM/Rel motor simulation""" cols = 2 rows = 4 if len(bch.flux['1']) > 1: rows += 1 htitle = 1.5 if title else 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 3*rows + htitle)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) row = 1 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row) if bch.torque: torque(bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['torque']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) tq = list(bch.torque_fft[-1]['torque']) order = list(bch.torque_fft[-1]['order']) if order and max(order) < 5: order += [15] tq += [0] torque_fft(order, tq) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force('Force Fx', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_x']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force('Force Fy', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_y']) row += 3 elif bch.linearForce: title, keys = __get_linearForce_title_keys(bch.linearForce[-1]) force(title[0], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[0]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['force']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force(title[1], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[1]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['force']) row += 3 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) flux = [bch.flux[k][-1] for k in bch.flux] pos = [f['displ'] for f in flux] winding_flux(pos, [f['flux_k'] for f in flux]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) winding_current(pos, [f['current_k'] for f in flux]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) voltage('Internal Voltage', bch.flux['1'][-1]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][-1]['voltage_dpsi']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+4) try: voltage_fft('Internal Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['voltage']) except: pass if len(bch.flux['1']) > 1: plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+5) voltage('No Load Voltage', bch.flux['1'][0]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][0]['voltage_dpsi']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+6) try: voltage_fft('No Load Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['voltage']) except: pass fig.tight_layout(h_pad=3.5) if title: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) def multcal(bch, title=''): """creates a plot of a MULT CAL simulation""" cols = 2 rows = 4 htitle = 1.5 if title else 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 3*rows + htitle)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) row = 1 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row) if bch.torque: torque(bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['torque']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) tq = list(bch.torque_fft[-1]['torque']) order = list(bch.torque_fft[-1]['order']) if order and max(order) < 5: order += [15] tq += [0] torque_fft(order, tq) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force('Force Fx', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_x']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force('Force Fy', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_y']) row += 3 elif bch.linearForce: title, keys = __get_linearForce_title_keys(bch.linearForce[-1]) force(title[0], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[0]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['force']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force(title[1], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[1]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['force']) row += 3 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) flux = [bch.flux[k][-1] for k in bch.flux] pos = [f['displ'] for f in flux] winding_flux(pos, [f['flux_k'] for f in flux]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) winding_current(pos, [f['current_k'] for f in flux]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) voltage('Internal Voltage', bch.flux['1'][-1]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][-1]['voltage_dpsi']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+4) try: voltage_fft('Internal Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['voltage']) except: pass if len(bch.flux['1']) > 1: plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+5) voltage('No Load Voltage', bch.flux['1'][0]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][0]['voltage_dpsi']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+6) try: voltage_fft('No Load Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['voltage']) except: pass fig.tight_layout(h_pad=3.5) if title: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) def fasttorque(bch, title=''): """creates a plot of a Fast Torque simulation""" cols = 2 rows = 4 if len(bch.flux['1']) > 1: rows += 1 htitle = 1.5 if title else 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 3*rows + htitle)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) row = 1 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row) if bch.torque: torque(bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['torque']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) torque_fft(bch.torque_fft[-1]['order'], bch.torque_fft[-1]['torque']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force('Force Fx', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_x']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force('Force Fy', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_y']) row += 3 elif bch.linearForce: title, keys = __get_linearForce_title_keys(bch.linearForce[-1]) force(title[0], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[0]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['force']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force(title[1], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[1]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['force']) row += 3 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) flux = [bch.flux[k][-1] for k in bch.flux] pos = [f['displ'] for f in flux] winding_flux(pos, [f['flux_k'] for f in flux]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) winding_current(pos, [f['current_k'] for f in flux]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) voltage('Internal Voltage', bch.flux['1'][-1]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][-1]['voltage_dpsi']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+4) try: voltage_fft('Internal Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['voltage']) except: pass if len(bch.flux['1']) > 1: plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+5) voltage('No Load Voltage', bch.flux['1'][0]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][0]['voltage_dpsi']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+6) try: voltage_fft('No Load Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['voltage']) except: pass fig.tight_layout(h_pad=3.5) if title: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) def cogging(bch, title=''): """creates a cogging plot""" cols = 2 rows = 3 htitle = 1.5 if title else 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 3*rows + htitle)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) row = 1 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row) if bch.torque: torque(bch.torque[0]['angle'], bch.torque[0]['torque']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) if bch.torque_fft: torque_fft(bch.torque_fft[0]['order'], bch.torque_fft[0]['torque']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force('Force Fx', bch.torque[0]['angle'], bch.torque[0]['force_x']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force('Force Fy', bch.torque[0]['angle'], bch.torque[0]['force_y']) row += 3 elif bch.linearForce: title, keys = __get_linearForce_title_keys(bch.linearForce[-1]) force(title[0], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[0]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-2]['force']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) force(title[1], bch.linearForce[-1]['displ'], bch.linearForce[-1][keys[1]], 'Displt. / mm') plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+3) force_fft(bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['order'], bch.linearForce_fft[-1]['force']) row += 3 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+1) voltage('Voltage', bch.flux['1'][0]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][0]['voltage_dpsi']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, row+2) voltage_fft('Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['voltage']) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=2) if title: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) def transientsc(bch, title=''): """creates a transient short circuit plot""" cols = 1 rows = 2 htitle = 1.5 if title else 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 3*rows + htitle)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) row = 1 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Currents / A') ax.grid(True) for i in ('ia', 'ib', 'ic'): ax.plot(bch.scData['time'], bch.scData[i], label=i) ax.set_xlabel('Time / s') ax.legend() row = 2 plt.subplot(rows, cols, row) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('Torque / Nm') ax.grid(True) ax.plot(bch.scData['time'], bch.scData['torque']) ax.set_xlabel('Time / s') fig.tight_layout(h_pad=2) if title: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) def i1beta_torque(i1, beta, torque, title='', ax=0): """creates a surface plot of torque vs i1, beta""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() azim = 210 if 0 < np.mean(beta) or -90 > np.mean(beta): azim = -60 unit = 'Nm' scale = 1 if np.min(torque) < -9.9e3 or np.max(torque) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kNm' if title: _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, scale*np.asarray(torque), (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', title), azim=azim) else: _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, scale*np.asarray(torque), (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Torque/{}'.format(unit)), azim=azim) def i1beta_ld(i1, beta, ld, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of ld vs i1, beta""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, np.asarray(ld)*1e3, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Ld/mH'), azim=60) def i1beta_lq(i1, beta, lq, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of ld vs i1, beta""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() azim = 60 if 0 < np.mean(beta) or -90 > np.mean(beta): azim = -120 _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, np.asarray(lq)*1e3, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Lq/mH'), azim=azim) def i1beta_psim(i1, beta, psim, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of psim vs i1, beta""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, psim, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Psi m/Vs'), azim=60) def i1beta_up(i1, beta, up, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of up vs i1, beta""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, up, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Up/V'), azim=60) def i1beta_psid(i1, beta, psid, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of psid vs i1, beta""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() azim = -60 if 0 < np.mean(beta) or -90 > np.mean(beta): azim = 60 _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, psid, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Psi d/Vs'), azim=azim) def i1beta_psiq(i1, beta, psiq, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of psiq vs i1, beta""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() azim = 210 if 0 < np.mean(beta) or -90 > np.mean(beta): azim = -60 _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, psiq, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Psi q/Vs'), azim=azim) def idq_torque(id, iq, torque, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of torque vs id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() unit = 'Nm' scale = 1 if np.min(torque) < -9.9e3 or np.max(torque) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kNm' _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, scale*np.asarray(torque), (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Torque/{}'.format(unit)), azim=-60) return ax def idq_psid(id, iq, psid, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of psid vs id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, psid, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Psi d/Vs'), azim=210) def idq_psiq(id, iq, psiq, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of psiq vs id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, psiq, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Psi q/Vs'), azim=210) def idq_psim(id, iq, psim, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of psim vs. id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, psim, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Psi m [Vs]'), azim=120) def idq_ld(id, iq, ld, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of ld vs. id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, np.asarray(ld)*1e3, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'L d/mH'), azim=120) def idq_lq(id, iq, lq, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of lq vs. id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, np.asarray(lq)*1e3, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'L q/mH'), azim=120) def ldlq(bch): """creates the surface plots of a BCH reader object with a ld-lq identification""" beta = bch.ldq['beta'] i1 = bch.ldq['i1'] torque = bch.ldq['torque'] ld = np.array(bch.ldq['ld']) lq = np.array(bch.ldq['lq']) psid = bch.ldq['psid'] psiq = bch.ldq['psiq'] rows = 3 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4*rows)) fig.suptitle('Ld-Lq Identification {}'.format(bch.filename), fontsize=16) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 1, projection='3d') i1beta_torque(i1, beta, torque) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 2, projection='3d') i1beta_psid(i1, beta, psid) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 3, projection='3d') i1beta_psiq(i1, beta, psiq) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 4, projection='3d') try: i1beta_psim(i1, beta, bch.ldq['psim']) except: i1beta_up(i1, beta, bch.ldq['up']) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 5, projection='3d') i1beta_ld(i1, beta, ld) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 6, projection='3d') i1beta_lq(i1, beta, lq) def psidq(bch): """creates the surface plots of a BCH reader object with a psid-psiq identification""" id = bch.psidq['id'] iq = bch.psidq['iq'] torque = bch.psidq['torque'] ld = np.array(bch.psidq_ldq['ld']) lq = np.array(bch.psidq_ldq['lq']) psim = bch.psidq_ldq['psim'] psid = bch.psidq['psid'] psiq = bch.psidq['psiq'] rows = 3 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4*rows)) fig.suptitle('Psid-Psiq Identification {}'.format( bch.filename), fontsize=16) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 1, projection='3d') idq_torque(id, iq, torque) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 2, projection='3d') idq_psid(id, iq, psid) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 3, projection='3d') idq_psiq(id, iq, psiq) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 4, projection='3d') idq_psim(id, iq, psim) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 5, projection='3d') idq_ld(id, iq, ld) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 6, projection='3d') idq_lq(id, iq, lq) def felosses(losses, coeffs, title='', log=True, ax=0): """plot iron losses with steinmetz or jordan approximation Args: losses: dict with f, B, pfe values coeffs: list with steinmetz (cw, alpha, beta) or jordan (cw, alpha, ch, beta, gamma) coeffs title: title string log: log scale for x and y axes if True """ import femagtools.losscoeffs as lc if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() fo = losses['fo'] Bo = losses['Bo'] B =*np.min(losses['B']), 1.1*0.9*np.max(losses['B'])) for i, f in enumerate(losses['f']): pfe = [p for p in np.array(losses['pfe'])[i] if p] if f > 0: if len(coeffs) == 5: ax.plot(B, lc.pfe_jordan(f, B, *coeffs, fo=fo, Bo=Bo)) elif len(coeffs) == 3: ax.plot(B, lc.pfe_steinmetz(f, B, *coeffs, fo=fo, Bo=Bo)) plt.plot(losses['B'][:len(pfe)], pfe, marker='o', label="{} Hz".format(f)) ax.set_title("Fe Losses/(W/kg) " + title) if log: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel("Flux Density [T]") # plt.ylabel("Pfe [W/kg]") ax.legend() ax.grid(True) def spel(isa, with_axis=False, ax=0): """plot super elements of I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7 object """ from matplotlib.patches import Polygon if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') for se in isa.superelements: ax.add_patch(Polygon([n.xy for nc in se.nodechains for n in nc.nodes], color=isa.color[se.color], lw=0)) ax.autoscale(enable=True) if not with_axis: ax.axis('off') def mesh(isa, with_axis=False, ax=0): """plot mesh of I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7 object """ from matplotlib.lines import Line2D if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') for el in isa.elements: pts = [list(i) for i in zip(*[v.xy for v in el.vertices])] ax.add_line(Line2D(pts[0], pts[1], color='b', ls='-', lw=0.25)) # for nc in isa.nodechains: # pts = [list(i) for i in zip(*[(n.x, n.y) for n in nc.nodes])] # ax.add_line(Line2D(pts[0], pts[1], color="b", ls="-", lw=0.25, # marker=".", ms="2", mec="None")) # for nc in isa.nodechains: # if nc.nodemid is not None: # plt.plot(*nc.nodemid.xy, "rx") ax.autoscale(enable=True) if not with_axis: ax.axis('off') def _contour(ax, title, elements, values, label='', isa=None): from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_title(title, fontsize=18) if isa: for se in isa.superelements: ax.add_patch(Polygon([n.xy for nc in se.nodechains for n in nc.nodes], color='gray', alpha=0.1, lw=0)) valid_values = np.logical_not(np.isnan(values)) patches = np.array([Polygon([v.xy for v in e.vertices]) for e in elements])[valid_values] # ,, alpha=0.4) p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=1.0, match_original=False) p.set_array(np.asarray(values)[valid_values]) ax.add_collection(p) cb = plt.colorbar(p) for patch in np.array([Polygon([v.xy for v in e.vertices], fc='white', alpha=1.0) for e in elements])[np.isnan(values)]: ax.add_patch(patch) if label: cb.set_label(label=label, fontsize=18) ax.autoscale(enable=True) ax.axis('off') def demag(isa, ax=0): """plot demag of NC/I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7/NC object """ emag = [e for e in isa.elements if e.is_magnet()] demag = np.array([e.demagnetization(isa.MAGN_TEMPERATURE) for e in emag]) _contour(ax, f'Demagnetization at {isa.MAGN_TEMPERATURE} °C', emag, demag, '-H / kA/m', isa)"Max demagnetization %f", np.max(demag)) def demag_pos(isa, pos, icur=-1, ibeta=-1, ax=0): """plot demag of NC/I7/ISA7 model at rotor position Args: isa: Isa7/NC object pos: rotor position in degree icur: cur amplitude index or last index if -1 ibeta: beta angle index or last index if -1 """ emag = [e for e in isa.elements if e.is_magnet()] demag = np.array([isa.demagnetization(e, icur, ibeta)[1] for e in emag]) for i, x in enumerate(isa.pos_el_fe_induction): if x >= pos/180*np.pi: break hpol = demag[:, i] hpol[hpol == 0] = np.nan _contour(ax, f'Demagnetization at Pos. {round(x/np.pi*180)}° ({isa.MAGN_TEMPERATURE} °C)', emag, hpol, '-H / kA/m', isa)"Max demagnetization %f kA/m", np.nanmax(hpol)) def flux_density(isa, subreg=[], ax=0): """plot flux density of NC/I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7/NC object """ if subreg: if isinstance(subreg, list): sr = subreg else: sr = [subreg] elements = [e for s in sr for se in isa.get_subregion(s).elements() for e in se] else: elements = [e for e in isa.elements] fluxd = np.array([np.linalg.norm(e.flux_density()) for e in elements]) _contour(ax, f'Flux Density T', elements, fluxd)"Max flux dens %f", np.max(fluxd)) def loss_density(isa, subreg=[], ax=0): """plot loss density of NC/I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7/NC object """ if subreg: if isinstance(subreg, list): sr = subreg else: sr = [subreg] elements = [e for s in sr for sre in isa.get_subregion(s).elements() for e in sre] else: elements = [e for e in isa.elements] lossd = np.array([e.loss_density*1e-3 for e in elements]) _contour(ax, 'Loss Density kW/m³', elements, lossd) def mmf(f, title='', ax=0): """plot magnetomotive force (mmf) of winding""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.plot(np.array(f['pos'])/np.pi*180, f['mmf']) ax.plot(np.array(f['pos_fft'])/np.pi*180, f['mmf_fft']) ax.set_xlabel('Position / Deg') phi = [f['alfa0']/np.pi*180, f['alfa0']/np.pi*180] y = [min(f['mmf_fft']), 1.1*max(f['mmf_fft'])] ax.plot(phi, y, '--') alfa0 = round(f['alfa0']/np.pi*180, 3) ax.text(phi[0]/2, y[0]+0.05, f"{alfa0}°", ha="center", va="bottom") ax.annotate(f"", xy=(phi[0], y[0]), xytext=(0, y[0]), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) ax.grid() def mmf_fft(f, title='', mmfmin=1e-2, ax=0): """plot winding mmf harmonics""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() if title: ax.set_title(title) else: ax.set_title('MMF Harmonics') ax.grid(True) order, mmf = np.array([(n, m) for n, m in zip(f['nue'], f['mmf_nue']) if m > mmfmin]).T try: markerline1, stemlines1, _ = ax.stem(order, mmf, '-.', basefmt=" ", use_line_collection=True) ax.set_xticks(order) except ValueError: # empty sequence pass def zoneplan(wdg, ax=0): """plot zone plan of winding wdg""" from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle upper, lower = wdg.zoneplan() Qb = len([n for l in upper for n in l]) from femagtools.windings import coil_color rh = 0.5 if lower: yl = rh ymax = 2*rh + 0.2 else: yl = 0 ymax = rh + 0.2 if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.axis('off') ax.set_xlim([-0.5, Qb-0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0, ymax]) ax.set_aspect(Qb/6+0.3) for i, p in enumerate(upper): for x in p: ax.add_patch(Rectangle((abs(x)-1.5, yl), 1, rh, facecolor=coil_color[i], edgecolor='white', fill=True)) s = f'+{i+1}' if x > 0 else f'-{i+1}' ax.text(abs(x)-1, yl+rh/2, s, color='black', ha="center", va="center") for i, p in enumerate(lower): for x in p: ax.add_patch(Rectangle((abs(x)-1.5, yl-rh), 1, rh, facecolor=coil_color[i], edgecolor='white', fill=True)) s = f'+{i+1}' if x > 0 else f'-{i+1}' ax.text(abs(x)-1, yl-rh/2, s, color='black', ha="center", va="center") yu = yl+rh step = 1 if Qb < 25 else 2 if lower: yl -= rh margin = 0.05 ax.text(-0.5, yu+margin, f'Q={wdg.Q}, p={wdg.p}, q={round(wdg.q,4)}', ha='left', va='bottom', size=15) for i in range(0, Qb, step): ax.text(i, yl-margin, f'{i+1}', ha="center", va="top") def winding_factors(wdg, n=8, ax=0): """plot winding factors""" ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(f'Winding factors Q={wdg.Q}, p={wdg.p}, q={round(wdg.q,4)}') ax.grid(True) order, kwp, kwd, kw = np.array([(n, k1, k2, k3) for n, k1, k2, k3 in zip(wdg.kw_order(n), wdg.kwp(n), wdg.kwd(n),]).T try: markerline1, stemlines1, _ = ax.stem(order-1, kwp, 'C1:', basefmt=" ", markerfmt='C1.', use_line_collection=True, label='Pitch') markerline2, stemlines2, _ = ax.stem(order+1, kwd, 'C2:', basefmt=" ", markerfmt='C2.', use_line_collection=True, label='Distribution') markerline3, stemlines3, _ = ax.stem(order, kw, 'C0-', basefmt=" ", markerfmt='C0o', use_line_collection=True, label='Total') ax.set_xticks(order) ax.legend() except ValueError: # empty sequence pass def winding(wdg, ax=0): """plot coils of windings wdg""" from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from femagtools.windings import coil_color coil_len = 25 coil_height = 4 dslot = 8 arrow_head_length = 2 arrow_head_width = 2 if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() z = wdg.zoneplan() xoff = 0 if z[-1]: xoff = 0.75 yd = dslot*wdg.yd mh = 2*coil_height/yd slots = sorted([abs(n) for m in z[0] for n in m]) smax = slots[-1]*dslot for n in slots: x = n*dslot ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x + dslot/4, 1), dslot / 2, coil_len - 2, fc="lightblue")) ax.text(x, coil_len / 2, str(n), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", backgroundcolor="white", bbox=dict(boxstyle='circle,pad=0', fc="white", lw=0)) line_thickness = [0.6, 1.2] for i, layer in enumerate(z): b = -xoff if i else xoff lw = line_thickness[i] for m, mslots in enumerate(layer): for k in mslots: x = abs(k) * dslot + b xpoints = [] ypoints = [] if (i == 0 and (k > 0 or (k < 0 and wdg.l > 1))): # first layer, positive dir or neg. dir and 2-layers: # from right bottom if x + yd > smax+b: dx = dslot if yd > dslot else yd/4 xpoints = [x + yd//2 + dx - xoff] ypoints = [-coil_height + mh*dx] xpoints += [x + yd//2 - xoff, x, x, x + yd//2-xoff] ypoints += [-coil_height, 0, coil_len, coil_len+coil_height] if x + yd > smax+b: xpoints += [x + yd//2 + dx - xoff] ypoints += [coil_len+coil_height - mh*dx] else: # from left bottom if x - yd < 0: # and x - yd/2 > -3*dslot: dx = dslot if yd > dslot else yd/4 xpoints = [x - yd//2 - dx + xoff] ypoints = [- coil_height + mh*dx] xpoints += [x - yd//2+xoff, x, x, x - yd/2+xoff] ypoints += [-coil_height, 0, coil_len, coil_len+coil_height] if x - yd < 0: # and x - yd > -3*dslot: xpoints += [x - yd//2 - dx + xoff] ypoints += [coil_len + coil_height - mh*dx] ax.add_line(Line2D(xpoints, ypoints, color=coil_color[m], lw=lw)) if k > 0: h = arrow_head_length y = coil_len * 0.8 else: h = -arrow_head_length y = coil_len * 0.2 ax.arrow(x, y, 0, h, length_includes_head=True, head_starts_at_zero=False, head_length=arrow_head_length, head_width=arrow_head_width, fc=coil_color[m], lw=0) if False: # TODO show winding connections m = 0 for k in [n*wdg.Q/wdg.p/wdg.m + 1 for n in range(wdg.m)]: if k < len(slots): x = k * dslot + b + yd/2 - xoff ax.add_line(Line2D([x, x], [-2*coil_height, -coil_height], color=coil_color[m], lw=lw)) ax.text(x, -2*coil_height+0.5, str(m+1), color=coil_color[m]) m += 1 ax.autoscale(enable=True) ax.set_axis_off() def main(): import io import sys import argparse from .__init__ import __version__ from femagtools.bch import Reader argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Read BCH/BATCH/PLT file and create a plot') argparser.add_argument('filename', help='name of BCH/BATCH/PLT file') argparser.add_argument( "--version", "-v", action="version", version="%(prog)s {}, Python {}".format(__version__, sys.version), help="display version information", ) args = argparser.parse_args() if not matplotlibversion: sys.exit(0) if not args.filename: sys.exit(0) ext = args.filename.split('.')[-1].upper() if ext.startswith('MC'): import femagtools.mcv mcv =[1]) if mcv['mc1_type'] in (femagtools.mcv.MAGCRV, femagtools.mcv.ORIENT_CRV): ncols = 2 else: # Permanent Magnet ncols = 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(10, 6)) if ncols > 1: plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) mcv_hbj(mcv) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) mcv_muer(mcv) else: mcv_hbj(mcv, log=False) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.94) return if ext.startswith('PLT'): import femagtools.forcedens fdens = cols = 1 rows = 2 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 10*rows)) title = '{}, Rotor position {}'.format( fdens.title, fdens.positions[0]['position']) pos = fdens.positions[0]['X'] FT_FN = (fdens.positions[0]['FT'], fdens.positions[0]['FN']) plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1) forcedens(title, pos, FT_FN) title = 'Force Density Harmonics' plt.subplot(rows, cols, 2) forcedens_fft(title, fdens) # fig.tight_layout(h_pad=3.5) # if title: # fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) return bchresults = Reader() with, encoding='latin1', errors='ignore') as f: if (bchresults.type.lower().find( 'pm-synchronous-motor simulation') >= 0 or bchresults.type.lower().find( 'permanet-magnet-synchronous-motor') >= 0 or bchresults.type.lower().find( 'simulation pm/universal-motor') >= 0): pmrelsim(bchresults, bchresults.filename) elif bchresults.type.lower().find( 'multiple calculation of forces and flux') >= 0: multcal(bchresults, bchresults.filename) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('cogging calculation') >= 0: cogging(bchresults, bchresults.filename) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('ld-lq-identification') >= 0: ldlq(bchresults) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('psid-psiq-identification') >= 0: psidq(bchresults) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('fast_torque calculation') >= 0: fasttorque(bchresults) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('transient sc') >= 0: transientsc(bchresults, bchresults.filename) else: raise ValueError("BCH type {} not yet supported".format( bchresults.type)) def characteristics(char, title=''): fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True) if title: fig.suptitle(title) n = np.array(char['n'])*60 pmech = np.array(char['pmech'])*1e-3 axs[0, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['T']), 'C0-', label='Torque') axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("Torque / Nm") axs[0, 0].grid() axs[0, 0].legend(loc='center left') ax1 = axs[0, 0].twinx() ax1.plot(n, pmech, 'C1-', label='P mech') ax1.set_ylabel("Power / kW") ax1.legend(loc='lower center') axs[0, 1].plot(n[1:], np.array(char['u1'][1:]), 'C0-', label='Voltage') axs[0, 1].set_ylabel("Voltage / V",) axs[0, 1].grid() axs[0, 1].legend(loc='center left') ax2 = axs[0, 1].twinx() ax2.plot(n[1:], char['cosphi'][1:], 'C1-', label='Cos Phi') ax2.set_ylabel("Cos Phi") ax2.legend(loc='lower right') if 'id' in char: axs[1, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['id']), label='Id') if 'iq' in char: axs[1, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['iq']), label='Iq') axs[1, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['i1']), label='I1') axs[1, 0].set_xlabel("Speed / rpm") axs[1, 0].set_ylabel("Current / A") axs[1, 0].legend(loc='center left') if 'beta' in char: ax3 = axs[1, 0].twinx() ax3.plot(n, char['beta'], 'C3-', label='Beta') ax3.set_ylabel("Beta / °") ax3.legend(loc='center right') axs[1, 0].grid() plfe = np.array(char['plfe'])*1e-3 plcu = np.array(char['plcu'])*1e-3 pl = np.array(char['losses'])*1e-3 axs[1, 1].plot(n, plcu, 'C0-', label='Cu Losses') axs[1, 1].plot(n, plfe, 'C1-', label='Fe Losses') axs[1, 1].set_ylabel("Losses / kW") axs[1, 1].legend(loc='center left') axs[1, 1].grid() axs[1, 1].set_xlabel("Speed / rpm") ax4 = axs[1, 1].twinx() ax4.plot(n[1:-1], char['eta'][1:-1], 'C3-', label="Eta") ax4.legend(loc='upper center') ax4.set_ylabel("Efficiency") fig.tight_layout() if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) from . import _wrap_numbers, Symbol, Number, Matrix def symbols(s): """ mimics sympy.symbols """ tup = tuple(map(Symbol, s.replace(',', ' ').split())) if len(tup) == 1: return tup[0] else: return tup def symarray(prefix, shape): import numpy as np arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=object) for index in np.ndindex(shape): arr[index] = Symbol('%s_%s' % ( prefix, '_'.join(map(str, index)))) return arr def lambdify(args, exprs): """ lambdify mimics sympy.lambdify """ try: nargs = len(args) except TypeError: args = (args,) nargs = 1 try: nexprs = len(exprs) except TypeError: exprs = (exprs,) nexprs = 1 @_wrap_numbers def f(*inp): if len(inp) != nargs: raise TypeError("Incorrect number of arguments") try: len(inp) except TypeError: inp = (inp,) subsd = dict(zip(args, inp)) return [expr.subs(subsd).evalf() for expr in exprs][ 0 if nexprs == 1 else slice(None)] return f class Lambdify(object): """ Lambdify mimics symengine.Lambdify """ def __init__(self, syms, exprs): self.syms = syms self.exprs = exprs def __call__(self, inp, out=None): inp = tuple(map(Number.make, inp)) subsd = dict(zip(self.syms, inp)) def _eval(expr_iter): return [expr.subs(subsd).evalf() for expr in expr_iter] exprs = self.exprs if out is not None: try: out.flat = _eval(exprs.flatten()) except AttributeError: out.flat = _eval(exprs) elif isinstance(exprs, Matrix): import numpy as np nr, nc = exprs.nrows, exprs.ncols out = np.empty((nr, nc)) for ri in range(nr): for ci in range(nc): out[ri, ci] = exprs._get_element( ri*nc + ci).subs(subsd).evalf() return out # return Matrix(nr, nc, _eval(exprs._get_element(i) for # i in range(nr*nc))) elif hasattr(exprs, 'reshape'): # NumPy like container: container = exprs.__class__(exprs.shape, dtype=float, order='C') container.flat = _eval(exprs.flatten()) return container else: return _eval(exprs)
# Add your own choices here! fruit = ["apples", "oranges", "pears", "grapes", "blueberries"] lunch = ["pho", "timmies", "thai", "burgers", "buffet!", "indian", "montanas"] situations = {"fruit":fruit, "lunch":lunch}
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 by the parties listed in the AUTHORS file. # All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by # a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. """ implements the noise simulation operator, OpSimNoise. """ import numpy as np from ..op import Operator from ..ctoast import sim_noise_sim_noise_timestream as sim_noise_timestream from .. import timing as timing class OpSimNoise(Operator): """ Operator which generates noise timestreams. This passes through each observation and every process generates data for its assigned samples. The dictionary for each observation should include a unique 'ID' used in the random number generation. The observation dictionary can optionally include a 'global_offset' member that might be useful if you are splitting observations and want to enforce reproducibility of a given sample, even when using different-sized observations. Args: out (str): accumulate data to the cache with name <out>_<detector>. If the named cache objects do not exist, then they are created. realization (int): if simulating multiple realizations, the realization index. component (int): the component index to use for this noise simulation. noise (str): PSD key in the observation dictionary. """ def __init__(self, out='noise', realization=0, component=0, noise='noise', rate=None, altFFT=False): # We call the parent class constructor, which currently does nothing super().__init__() self._out = out self._oversample = 2 self._realization = realization self._component = component self._noisekey = noise self._rate = rate self._altfft = altFFT def exec(self, data): """ Generate noise timestreams. This iterates over all observations and detectors and generates the noise timestreams based on the noise object for the current observation. Args: data (toast.Data): The distributed data. Raises: KeyError: If an observation in data does not have noise object defined under given key. RuntimeError: If observations are not split into chunks. """ autotimer = timing.auto_timer(type(self).__name__) for obs in data.obs: obsindx = 0 if 'id' in obs: obsindx = obs['id'] else: print("Warning: observation ID is not set, using zero!") telescope = 0 if 'telescope' in obs: telescope = obs['telescope_id'] global_offset = 0 if 'global_offset' in obs: global_offset = obs['global_offset'] tod = obs['tod'] if self._noisekey in obs: nse = obs[self._noisekey] else: raise KeyError('Observation does not contain noise under ' '"{}"'.format(self._noisekey)) if tod.local_chunks is None: raise RuntimeError('noise simulation for uniform distributed ' 'samples not implemented') # eventually we'll redistribute, to allow long correlations... if self._rate is None: times = tod.local_times() else: times = None # Iterate over each chunk. chunk_first = tod.local_samples[0] for curchunk in range(tod.local_chunks[1]): chunk_first += self.simulate_chunk( tod=tod, nse=nse, curchunk=curchunk, chunk_first=chunk_first, obsindx=obsindx, times=times, telescope=telescope, global_offset=global_offset) return def simulate_chunk(self, *, tod, nse, curchunk, chunk_first, obsindx, times, telescope, global_offset): """ Simulate one chunk of noise for all detectors. Args: tod (toast.tod.TOD): TOD object for the observation. nse (toast.tod.Noise): Noise object for the observation. curchunk (int): The local index of the chunk to simulate. chunk_first (int): First global sample index of the chunk. obsindx (int): Observation index for random number stream. times (int): Timestamps for effective sample rate. telescope (int): Telescope index for random number stream. global_offset (int): Global offset for random number stream. Returns: chunk_samp (int): Number of simulated samples """ autotimer = timing.auto_timer(type(self).__name__) chunk_samp = tod.total_chunks[tod.local_chunks[0] + curchunk] local_offset = chunk_first - tod.local_samples[0] if self._rate is None: # compute effective sample rate rate = 1 / np.median(np.diff( times[local_offset : local_offset+chunk_samp])) else: rate = self._rate for key in nse.keys: # Check if noise matching this PSD key is needed weight = 0. for det in tod.local_dets: weight += np.abs(nse.weight(det, key)) if weight == 0: continue # Simulate the noise matching this key #nsedata = sim_noise_timestream( # self._realization, telescope, self._component, obsindx, # nse.index(key), rate, chunk_first+global_offset, chunk_samp, # self._oversample, nse.freq(key), nse.psd(key), # self._altfft)[0] nsedata = sim_noise_timestream( self._realization, telescope, self._component, obsindx, nse.index(key), rate, chunk_first+global_offset, chunk_samp, self._oversample, nse.freq(key), nse.psd(key)) # Add the noise to all detectors that have nonzero weights for det in tod.local_dets: weight = nse.weight(det, key) if weight == 0: continue cachename = '{}_{}'.format(self._out, det) if tod.cache.exists(cachename): ref = tod.cache.reference(cachename) else: ref = tod.cache.create(cachename, np.float64, (tod.local_samples[1], )) ref[local_offset : local_offset+chunk_samp] += weight*nsedata del ref return chunk_samp
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2013 ASMlover. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list ofconditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materialsprovided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import zmq import time if __name__ == '__main__': ctx = zmq.Context() worker = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL) worker.connect('tcp://localhost:5555') sinker = ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH) sinker.connect('tcp://localhost:6666') print 'all workers are ready ...' while True: try: msg = worker.recv() print 'begin to work on task use `%s ms`' % msg time.sleep(int(msg) * 0.001) print '\tfinished this task' sinker.send('finished task which used `%s ms`' % msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: break sinker.close() worker.close()
from unittest import TestCase import pkg_resources from mock import patch from click import UsageError from click.testing import CliRunner class TestCli(TestCase): @patch('molo.core.cookiecutter.cookiecutter') def test_scaffold(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'foo', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': (), 'include': (), } }) @patch('molo.core.cookiecutter.cookiecutter') def test_scaffold_with_custom_dir(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo', 'bar']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'bar', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': (), 'include': (), } }) @patch('molo.core.cookiecutter.cookiecutter') def test_scaffold_with_requirements(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo', '--require', 'bar']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'foo', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': ('bar',), 'include': (), } }) @patch('molo.core.cookiecutter.cookiecutter') def test_scaffold_with_includes(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo', '--include', 'bar', 'baz']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'foo', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': (), 'include': (('bar', 'baz'),), } }) @patch('molo.core.scripts.cli.get_package') @patch('molo.core.scripts.cli.get_template_dirs') @patch('shutil.copytree') def test_unpack(self, mock_copytree, mock_get_template_dirs, mock_get_package): package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') mock_get_package.return_value = package mock_get_template_dirs.return_value = ['foo'] mock_copytree.return_value = True from molo.core.scripts import cli runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.unpack_templates, ['app1', 'app2']) mock_copytree.assert_called_with( pkg_resources.resource_filename('molo.core', 'templates/foo'), pkg_resources.resource_filename('molo.core', 'templates/foo')) def test_get_package(self): from molo.core.scripts.cli import get_package self.assertRaisesRegexp( UsageError, ' is not installed.', get_package, '')
import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix class AliasArray(np.ndarray): """An ndarray with a mapping of values to user-friendly names -- see example This ndarray subclass enables comparing sub_id and hop_id arrays directly with their friendly string identifiers. The mapping parameter translates sublattice or hopping names into their number IDs. Only the `==` and `!=` operators are overloaded to handle the aliases. Examples -------- >>> a = AliasArray([0, 1, 0], mapping={"A": 0, "B": 1}) >>> list(a == 0) [True, False, True] >>> list(a == "A") [True, False, True] >>> list(a != "A") [False, True, False] >>> a = AliasArray([0, 1, 0, 2], mapping={"A|1": 0, "B": 1, "A|2": 2}) >>> list(a == "A") [True, False, True, True] >>> list(a != "A") [False, True, False, False] """ def __new__(cls, array, mapping): obj = np.asarray(array).view(cls) obj.mapping = {SplitName(k): v for k, v in mapping.items()} return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return self.mapping = getattr(obj, "mapping", None) def _mapped_eq(self, other): if other in self.mapping: return super().__eq__(self.mapping[other]) else: result = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=np.bool) for k, v in self.mapping.items(): if k == other: result = np.logical_or(result, super().__eq__(v)) return result def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): return self._mapped_eq(other) else: return super().__eq__(other) def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): return np.logical_not(self._mapped_eq(other)) else: return super().__ne__(other) # noinspection PyAbstractClass class AliasCSRMatrix(csr_matrix): """Same as :class:`AliasArray` but for a CSR matrix Examples -------- >>> from scipy.sparse import spdiags >>> m = AliasCSRMatrix(spdiags([1, 2, 1], [0], 3, 3), mapping={'A': 1, 'B': 2}) >>> list( == 'A') [True, False, True] >>> list(m.tocoo().data == 'A') [True, False, True] >>> list(m[:2].data == 'A') [True, False] """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): mapping = kwargs.pop('mapping', {}) if not mapping: mapping = getattr(args[0], 'mapping', {}) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = AliasArray(, mapping) @property def format(self): return 'csr' @format.setter def format(self, _): pass @property def mapping(self): return def tocoo(self, *args, **kwargs): coo = super().tocoo(*args, **kwargs) = AliasArray(, mapping=self.mapping) return coo def __getitem__(self, item): result = super().__getitem__(item) if getattr(result, 'format', '') == 'csr': return AliasCSRMatrix(result, mapping=self.mapping) else: return result class AliasIndex: """An all-or-nothing array index based on equality with a specific value The `==` and `!=` operators are overloaded to return a lazy array which is either all `True` or all `False`. See the examples below. This is useful for modifiers where the each call gets arrays with the same sub_id/hop_id for all elements. Instead of passing an `AliasArray` with `.size` identical element, `AliasIndex` does the same all-or-nothing indexing. Examples -------- >>> l = np.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> ai = AliasIndex("A", len(l)) >>> list(l[ai == "A"]) [1, 2, 3] >>> list(l[ai == "B"]) [] >>> list(l[ai != "A"]) [] >>> list(l[ai != "B"]) [1, 2, 3] >>> np.logical_and([True, False, True], ai == "A") array([ True, False, True], dtype=bool) >>> np.logical_and([True, False, True], ai != "A") array([False, False, False], dtype=bool) >>> bool(ai == "A") True >>> bool(ai != "A") False >>> str(ai) 'A' >>> hash(ai) == hash("A") True >>> int(ai.eye) 1 >>> np.allclose(AliasIndex("A", 1, (2, 2)).eye, np.eye(2)) True """ class LazyArray: def __init__(self, value, shape): self.value = value self.shape = shape def __bool__(self): return bool(self.value) def __array__(self): return np.full(self.shape, self.value) def __init__(self, name, shape, orbs=(1, 1)): = name self.shape = shape self.orbs = orbs def __str__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): return self.LazyArray( == other, self.shape) def __ne__(self, other): return self.LazyArray( != other, self.shape) def __hash__(self): return hash( @property def eye(self): return np.eye(*self.orbs) class SplitName(str): """String subclass with special support for strings of the form "first|second" Operators `==` and `!=` are overloaded to return `True` even if only the first part matches. Examples -------- >>> s = SplitName("first|second") >>> s == "first|second" True >>> s != "first|second" False >>> s == "first" True >>> s != "first" False >>> s == "second" False >>> s != "second" True """ @property def first(self): return self.split("|")[0] def __eq__(self, other): return super().__eq__(other) or self.first == other def __ne__(self, other): return super().__ne__(other) and self.first != other def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__()
# The purpose of these tests are to ensure that calling ufuncs with quantities # returns quantities with the right units, or raises exceptions. import warnings import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing.utils import assert_allclose from ... import units as u from ...tests.helper import raises from ...extern.six.moves import zip from ...utils.compat import NUMPY_LT_1_13 class TestUfuncCoverage(object): """Test that we cover all ufunc's""" def test_coverage(self): all_np_ufuncs = set([ufunc for ufunc in np.core.umath.__dict__.values() if type(ufunc) == np.ufunc]) from .. import quantity_helper as qh all_q_ufuncs = (qh.UNSUPPORTED_UFUNCS | set(qh.UFUNC_HELPERS.keys())) assert all_np_ufuncs - all_q_ufuncs == set([]) assert all_q_ufuncs - all_np_ufuncs == set([]) class TestQuantityTrigonometricFuncs(object): """ Test trigonometric functions """ def test_sin_scalar(self): q = np.sin(30. * assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q.value, 0.5) def test_sin_array(self): q = np.sin(np.array([0., np.pi / 4., np.pi / 2.]) * u.radian) assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q.value, np.array([0., 1. / np.sqrt(2.), 1.]), atol=1.e-15) def test_arcsin_scalar(self): q1 = 30. * q2 = np.arcsin(np.sin(q1)).to(q1.unit) assert_allclose(q1.value, q2.value) def test_arcsin_array(self): q1 = np.array([0., np.pi / 4., np.pi / 2.]) * u.radian q2 = np.arcsin(np.sin(q1)).to(q1.unit) assert_allclose(q1.value, q2.value) def test_sin_invalid_units(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.sin(3. * u.m) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'sin' function " "to quantities with angle units") def test_arcsin_invalid_units(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.arcsin(3. * u.m) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'arcsin' function to " "dimensionless quantities") def test_arcsin_no_warning_on_unscaled_quantity(self): a = 15 * u.kpc b = 27 * u.pc with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('error') np.arcsin(b/a) def test_cos_scalar(self): q = np.cos(np.pi / 3. * u.radian) assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q.value, 0.5) def test_cos_array(self): q = np.cos(np.array([0., np.pi / 4., np.pi / 2.]) * u.radian) assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q.value, np.array([1., 1. / np.sqrt(2.), 0.]), atol=1.e-15) def test_arccos_scalar(self): q1 = np.pi / 3. * u.radian q2 = np.arccos(np.cos(q1)).to(q1.unit) assert_allclose(q1.value, q2.value) def test_arccos_array(self): q1 = np.array([0., np.pi / 4., np.pi / 2.]) * u.radian q2 = np.arccos(np.cos(q1)).to(q1.unit) assert_allclose(q1.value, q2.value) def test_cos_invalid_units(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.cos(3. * u.s) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'cos' function " "to quantities with angle units") def test_arccos_invalid_units(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.arccos(3. * u.s) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'arccos' function to " "dimensionless quantities") def test_tan_scalar(self): q = np.tan(np.pi / 3. * u.radian) assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q.value, np.sqrt(3.)) def test_tan_array(self): q = np.tan(np.array([0., 45., 135., 180.]) * assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q.value, np.array([0., 1., -1., 0.]), atol=1.e-15) def test_arctan_scalar(self): q = np.pi / 3. * u.radian assert np.arctan(np.tan(q)) def test_arctan_array(self): q = np.array([10., 30., 70., 80.]) * assert_allclose(np.arctan(np.tan(q)).to_value(q.unit), q.value) def test_tan_invalid_units(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.tan(np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.N) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'tan' function " "to quantities with angle units") def test_arctan_invalid_units(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.arctan(np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.N) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'arctan' function to " "dimensionless quantities") def test_arctan2_valid(self): q1 = np.array([10., 30., 70., 80.]) * u.m q2 = 2.0 * assert np.arctan2(q1, q2).unit == u.radian assert_allclose(np.arctan2(q1, q2).value, np.arctan2(q1.value, q2.to_value(q1.unit))) q3 = q1 / q2 q4 = 1. at2 = np.arctan2(q3, q4) assert_allclose(at2.value, np.arctan2(q3.to_value(1), q4)) def test_arctan2_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc: np.arctan2(np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.N, 1. * u.s) assert "compatible dimensions" in exc.value.args[0] with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc: np.arctan2(np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.N, 1.) assert "dimensionless quantities when other arg" in exc.value.args[0] def test_radians(self): q1 = np.deg2rad(180. * assert_allclose(q1.value, np.pi) assert q1.unit == u.radian q2 = np.radians(180. * assert_allclose(q2.value, np.pi) assert q2.unit == u.radian # the following doesn't make much sense in terms of the name of the # routine, but we check it gives the correct result. q3 = np.deg2rad(3. * u.radian) assert_allclose(q3.value, 3.) assert q3.unit == u.radian q4 = np.radians(3. * u.radian) assert_allclose(q4.value, 3.) assert q4.unit == u.radian with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.deg2rad(3. * u.m) with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.radians(3. * u.m) def test_degrees(self): # the following doesn't make much sense in terms of the name of the # routine, but we check it gives the correct result. q1 = np.rad2deg(60. * assert_allclose(q1.value, 60.) assert q1.unit == q2 = np.degrees(60. * assert_allclose(q2.value, 60.) assert q2.unit == q3 = np.rad2deg(np.pi * u.radian) assert_allclose(q3.value, 180.) assert q3.unit == q4 = np.degrees(np.pi * u.radian) assert_allclose(q4.value, 180.) assert q4.unit == with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.rad2deg(3. * u.m) with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.degrees(3. * u.m) class TestQuantityMathFuncs(object): """ Test other mathematical functions """ def test_multiply_scalar(self): assert np.multiply(4. * u.m, 2. / u.s) == 8. * u.m / u.s assert np.multiply(4. * u.m, 2.) == 8. * u.m assert np.multiply(4., 2. / u.s) == 8. / u.s def test_multiply_array(self): assert np.all(np.multiply(np.arange(3.) * u.m, 2. / u.s) == np.arange(0, 6., 2.) * u.m / u.s) @pytest.mark.parametrize('function', (np.divide, np.true_divide)) def test_divide_scalar(self, function): assert function(4. * u.m, 2. * u.s) == function(4., 2.) * u.m / u.s assert function(4. * u.m, 2.) == function(4., 2.) * u.m assert function(4., 2. * u.s) == function(4., 2.) / u.s @pytest.mark.parametrize('function', (np.divide, np.true_divide)) def test_divide_array(self, function): assert np.all(function(np.arange(3.) * u.m, 2. * u.s) == function(np.arange(3.), 2.) * u.m / u.s) def test_floor_divide_remainder_and_divmod(self): inch = u.Unit(0.0254 * u.m) dividend = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.m divisor = np.array([3., 4., 5.]) * inch quotient = dividend // divisor remainder = dividend % divisor assert_allclose(quotient.value, [13., 19., 23.]) assert quotient.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(remainder.value, [0.0094, 0.0696, 0.079]) assert remainder.unit == dividend.unit quotient2 = np.floor_divide(dividend, divisor) remainder2 = np.remainder(dividend, divisor) assert np.all(quotient2 == quotient) assert np.all(remainder2 == remainder) quotient3, remainder3 = divmod(dividend, divisor) assert np.all(quotient3 == quotient) assert np.all(remainder3 == remainder) with pytest.raises(TypeError): divmod(dividend, with pytest.raises(TypeError): dividend // with pytest.raises(TypeError): dividend % if hasattr(np, 'divmod'): # not NUMPY_LT_1_13 quotient4, remainder4 = np.divmod(dividend, divisor) assert np.all(quotient4 == quotient) assert np.all(remainder4 == remainder) with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.divmod(dividend, def test_sqrt_scalar(self): assert np.sqrt(4. * u.m) == 2. * u.m ** 0.5 def test_sqrt_array(self): assert np.all(np.sqrt(np.array([1., 4., 9.]) * u.m) == np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.m ** 0.5) def test_square_scalar(self): assert np.square(4. * u.m) == 16. * u.m ** 2 def test_square_array(self): assert np.all(np.square(np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.m) == np.array([1., 4., 9.]) * u.m ** 2) def test_reciprocal_scalar(self): assert np.reciprocal(4. * u.m) == 0.25 / u.m def test_reciprocal_array(self): assert np.all(np.reciprocal(np.array([1., 2., 4.]) * u.m) == np.array([1., 0.5, 0.25]) / u.m) # cbrt only introduced in numpy 1.10 # heaviside only introduced in numpy 1.13 @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(np, 'heaviside')") def test_heaviside_scalar(self): assert np.heaviside(0. * u.m, 0.5) == 0.5 * u.dimensionless_unscaled assert np.heaviside(0. * u.s, 25 * u.percent) == 0.25 * u.dimensionless_unscaled assert np.heaviside(2. * u.J, 0.25) == 1. * u.dimensionless_unscaled @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(np, 'heaviside')") def test_heaviside_array(self): values = np.array([-1., 0., 0., +1.]) halfway = np.array([0.75, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25]) * u.dimensionless_unscaled assert np.all(np.heaviside(values * u.m, halfway * u.dimensionless_unscaled) == [0, 0.25, 0.75, +1.] * u.dimensionless_unscaled) @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(np, 'cbrt')") def test_cbrt_scalar(self): assert np.cbrt(8. * u.m**3) == 2. * u.m @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(np, 'cbrt')") def test_cbrt_array(self): # Calculate cbrt on both sides since on Windows the cube root of 64 # does not exactly equal 4. See 4388. values = np.array([1., 8., 64.]) assert np.all(np.cbrt(values * u.m**3) == np.cbrt(values) * u.m) def test_power_scalar(self): assert np.power(4. * u.m, 2.) == 16. * u.m ** 2 assert np.power(4., 200. * / u.m) == \ u.Quantity(16., u.dimensionless_unscaled) # regression check on #1696 assert np.power(4. * u.m, 0.) == 1. * u.dimensionless_unscaled def test_power_array(self): assert np.all(np.power(np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.m, 3.) == np.array([1., 8., 27.]) * u.m ** 3) # regression check on #1696 assert np.all(np.power(np.arange(4.) * u.m, 0.) == 1. * u.dimensionless_unscaled) # float_power only introduced in numpy 1.12 @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(np, 'float_power')") def test_float_power_array(self): assert np.all(np.float_power(np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.m, 3.) == np.array([1., 8., 27.]) * u.m ** 3) # regression check on #1696 assert np.all(np.float_power(np.arange(4.) * u.m, 0.) == 1. * u.dimensionless_unscaled) @raises(ValueError) def test_power_array_array(self): np.power(4. * u.m, [2., 4.]) @raises(ValueError) def test_power_array_array2(self): np.power([2., 4.] * u.m, [2., 4.]) def test_power_array_array3(self): # Identical unit fractions are converted automatically to dimensionless # and should be allowed as base for np.power: #4764 q = [2., 4.] * u.m / u.m powers = [2., 4.] res = np.power(q, powers) assert np.all(res.value == q.value ** powers) assert res.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled # The same holds for unit fractions that are scaled dimensionless. q2 = [2., 4.] * u.m / # Test also against different types of exponent for cls in (list, tuple, np.array,, u.Quantity): res2 = np.power(q2, cls(powers)) assert np.all(res2.value == q2.to_value(1) ** powers) assert res2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled # Though for single powers, we keep the composite unit. res3 = q2 ** 2 assert np.all(res3.value == q2.value ** 2) assert res3.unit == q2.unit ** 2 assert np.all(res3 == q2 ** [2, 2]) def test_power_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.power(3., 4. * u.m) assert "raise something to a dimensionless" in exc.value.args[0] def test_copysign_scalar(self): assert np.copysign(3 * u.m, 1.) == 3. * u.m assert np.copysign(3 * u.m, 1. * u.s) == 3. * u.m assert np.copysign(3 * u.m, -1.) == -3. * u.m assert np.copysign(3 * u.m, -1. * u.s) == -3. * u.m def test_copysign_array(self): assert np.all(np.copysign(np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.s, -1.) == -np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.s) assert np.all(np.copysign(np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.s, -1. * u.m) == -np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.s) assert np.all(np.copysign(np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.s, np.array([-2., 2., -4.]) * u.m) == np.array([-1., 2., -3.]) * u.s) q = np.copysign(np.array([1., 2., 3.]), -3 * u.m) assert np.all(q == np.array([-1., -2., -3.])) assert not isinstance(q, u.Quantity) def test_ldexp_scalar(self): assert np.ldexp(4. * u.m, 2) == 16. * u.m def test_ldexp_array(self): assert np.all(np.ldexp(np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.m, [3, 2, 1]) == np.array([8., 8., 6.]) * u.m) def test_ldexp_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.ldexp(3. * u.m, 4.) with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.ldexp(3., u.Quantity(4, u.m, dtype=int)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('function', (np.exp, np.expm1, np.exp2, np.log, np.log2, np.log10, np.log1p)) def test_exp_scalar(self, function): q = function(3. * u.m / (6. * u.m)) assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert q.value == function(0.5) @pytest.mark.parametrize('function', (np.exp, np.expm1, np.exp2, np.log, np.log2, np.log10, np.log1p)) def test_exp_array(self, function): q = function(np.array([2., 3., 6.]) * u.m / (6. * u.m)) assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert np.all(q.value == function(np.array([1. / 3., 1. / 2., 1.]))) # should also work on quantities that can be made dimensionless q2 = function(np.array([2., 3., 6.]) * u.m / (6. * assert q2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q2.value, function(np.array([100. / 3., 100. / 2., 100.]))) @pytest.mark.parametrize('function', (np.exp, np.expm1, np.exp2, np.log, np.log2, np.log10, np.log1p)) def test_exp_invalid_units(self, function): # Can't use exp() with non-dimensionless quantities with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: function(3. * u.m / u.s) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply '{0}' function to " "dimensionless quantities" .format(function.__name__)) def test_modf_scalar(self): q = np.modf(9. * u.m / (600. * assert q == (0.5 * u.dimensionless_unscaled, 1. * u.dimensionless_unscaled) def test_modf_array(self): v = np.arange(10.) * u.m / (500. * q = np.modf(v) n = np.modf(v.to_value(u.dimensionless_unscaled)) assert q[0].unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert q[1].unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert all(q[0].value == n[0]) assert all(q[1].value == n[1]) def test_frexp_scalar(self): q = np.frexp(3. * u.m / (6. * u.m)) assert q == (np.array(0.5), np.array(0.0)) def test_frexp_array(self): q = np.frexp(np.array([2., 3., 6.]) * u.m / (6. * u.m)) assert all((_q0, _q1) == np.frexp(_d) for _q0, _q1, _d in zip(q[0], q[1], [1. / 3., 1. / 2., 1.])) def test_frexp_invalid_units(self): # Can't use prod() with non-dimensionless quantities with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.frexp(3. * u.m / u.s) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'frexp' function to " "unscaled dimensionless quantities") # also does not work on quantities that can be made dimensionless with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: np.frexp(np.array([2., 3., 6.]) * u.m / (6. * assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply 'frexp' function to " "unscaled dimensionless quantities") @pytest.mark.parametrize('function', (np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2)) def test_dimensionless_twoarg_array(self, function): q = function(np.array([2., 3., 6.]) * u.m / (6. *, 1.) assert q.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(q.value, function(np.array([100. / 3., 100. / 2., 100.]), 1.)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('function', (np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2)) def test_dimensionless_twoarg_invalid_units(self, function): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: function(1. * / u.s, 3. * u.m / u.s) assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Can only apply '{0}' function to " "dimensionless quantities" .format(function.__name__)) class TestInvariantUfuncs(object): # np.positive was only added in numpy 1.13. @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.absolute, np.fabs, np.conj, np.conjugate, np.negative, np.spacing, np.rint, np.floor, np.ceil] + [np.positive] if hasattr(np, 'positive') else []) def test_invariant_scalar(self, ufunc): q_i = 4.7 * u.m q_o = ufunc(q_i) assert isinstance(q_o, u.Quantity) assert q_o.unit == q_i.unit assert q_o.value == ufunc(q_i.value) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.absolute, np.conjugate, np.negative, np.rint, np.floor, np.ceil]) def test_invariant_array(self, ufunc): q_i = np.array([-3.3, 2.1, 10.2]) * / u.s q_o = ufunc(q_i) assert isinstance(q_o, u.Quantity) assert q_o.unit == q_i.unit assert np.all(q_o.value == ufunc(q_i.value)) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.add, np.subtract, np.hypot, np.maximum, np.minimum, np.nextafter, np.remainder, np.mod, np.fmod]) def test_invariant_twoarg_scalar(self, ufunc): q_i1 = 4.7 * u.m q_i2 = 9.4 * q_o = ufunc(q_i1, q_i2) assert isinstance(q_o, u.Quantity) assert q_o.unit == q_i1.unit assert_allclose(q_o.value, ufunc(q_i1.value, q_i2.to_value(q_i1.unit))) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.add, np.subtract, np.hypot, np.maximum, np.minimum, np.nextafter, np.remainder, np.mod, np.fmod]) def test_invariant_twoarg_array(self, ufunc): q_i1 = np.array([-3.3, 2.1, 10.2]) * / u.s q_i2 = np.array([10., -5., 1.e6]) * u.g / q_o = ufunc(q_i1, q_i2) assert isinstance(q_o, u.Quantity) assert q_o.unit == q_i1.unit assert_allclose(q_o.value, ufunc(q_i1.value, q_i2.to_value(q_i1.unit))) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.add, np.subtract, np.hypot, np.maximum, np.minimum, np.nextafter, np.remainder, np.mod, np.fmod]) def test_invariant_twoarg_one_arbitrary(self, ufunc): q_i1 = np.array([-3.3, 2.1, 10.2]) * / u.s arbitrary_unit_value = np.array([0.]) q_o = ufunc(q_i1, arbitrary_unit_value) assert isinstance(q_o, u.Quantity) assert q_o.unit == q_i1.unit assert_allclose(q_o.value, ufunc(q_i1.value, arbitrary_unit_value)) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.add, np.subtract, np.hypot, np.maximum, np.minimum, np.nextafter, np.remainder, np.mod, np.fmod]) def test_invariant_twoarg_invalid_units(self, ufunc): q_i1 = 4.7 * u.m q_i2 = 9.4 * u.s with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc: ufunc(q_i1, q_i2) assert "compatible dimensions" in exc.value.args[0] class TestComparisonUfuncs(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.not_equal, np.equal]) def test_comparison_valid_units(self, ufunc): q_i1 = np.array([-3.3, 2.1, 10.2]) * / u.s q_i2 = np.array([10., -5., 1.e6]) * u.g / u.Ms q_o = ufunc(q_i1, q_i2) assert not isinstance(q_o, u.Quantity) assert q_o.dtype == np.bool assert np.all(q_o == ufunc(q_i1.value, q_i2.to_value(q_i1.unit))) q_o2 = ufunc(q_i1 / q_i2, 2.) assert not isinstance(q_o2, u.Quantity) assert q_o2.dtype == np.bool assert np.all(q_o2 == ufunc((q_i1 / q_i2) .to_value(u.dimensionless_unscaled), 2.)) # comparison with 0., inf, nan is OK even for dimensional quantities for arbitrary_unit_value in (0., np.inf, np.nan): ufunc(q_i1, arbitrary_unit_value) ufunc(q_i1, arbitrary_unit_value*np.ones(len(q_i1))) # and just for completeness ufunc(q_i1, np.array([0., np.inf, np.nan])) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('ufunc'), [np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.not_equal, np.equal]) def test_comparison_invalid_units(self, ufunc): q_i1 = 4.7 * u.m q_i2 = 9.4 * u.s with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc: ufunc(q_i1, q_i2) assert "compatible dimensions" in exc.value.args[0] class TestInplaceUfuncs(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value'), [1., np.arange(10.)]) def test_one_argument_ufunc_inplace(self, value): # without scaling s = value * u.rad check = s np.sin(s, out=s) assert check is s assert check.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled # with scaling s2 = (value * u.rad).to(u.deg) check2 = s2 np.sin(s2, out=s2) assert check2 is s2 assert check2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert_allclose(s.value, s2.value) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value'), [1., np.arange(10.)]) def test_one_argument_ufunc_inplace_2(self, value): """Check inplace works with non-quantity input and quantity output""" s = value * u.m check = s np.absolute(value, out=s) assert check is s assert np.all(check.value == np.absolute(value)) assert check.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled np.sqrt(value, out=s) assert check is s assert np.all(check.value == np.sqrt(value)) assert check.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled np.exp(value, out=s) assert check is s assert np.all(check.value == np.exp(value)) assert check.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled np.arcsin(value/10., out=s) assert check is s assert np.all(check.value == np.arcsin(value/10.)) assert check.unit is u.radian @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value'), [1., np.arange(10.)]) def test_one_argument_two_output_ufunc_inplace(self, value): v = 100. * value * / u.m v_copy = v.copy() tmp = v.copy() check = v np.modf(v, tmp, v) # cannot use out1,out2 keywords with numpy 1.7 assert check is v assert check.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled v2 = check2 = v2 np.modf(v2, tmp, v2) assert check2 is v2 assert check2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled # can also replace in last position if no scaling is needed v3 = check3 = v3 np.modf(v3, v3, tmp) assert check3 is v3 assert check3.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled # in np<1.13, without __array_ufunc__, one cannot replace input with # first output when scaling v4 = v_copy.copy() if NUMPY_LT_1_13: with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.modf(v4, v4, tmp) else: check4 = v4 np.modf(v4, v4, tmp) assert check4 is v4 assert check4.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value'), [1., np.arange(10.)]) def test_two_argument_ufunc_inplace_1(self, value): s = value * u.cycle check = s s /= 2. assert check is s assert np.all(check.value == value / 2.) s /= u.s assert check is s assert check.unit == u.cycle / u.s s *= 2. * u.s assert check is s assert np.all(check == value * u.cycle) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value'), [1., np.arange(10.)]) def test_two_argument_ufunc_inplace_2(self, value): s = value * u.cycle check = s np.arctan2(s, s, out=s) assert check is s assert check.unit == u.radian with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): s += 1. * u.m assert check is s assert check.unit == u.radian np.arctan2(1. * u.deg, s, out=s) assert check is s assert check.unit == u.radian np.add(1. * u.deg, s, out=s) assert check is s assert check.unit == u.deg np.multiply(2. / u.s, s, out=s) assert check is s assert check.unit == u.deg / u.s def test_two_argument_ufunc_inplace_3(self): s = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.dimensionless_unscaled np.add(np.array([1., 2., 3.]), np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * 2., out=s) assert np.all(s.value == np.array([3., 6., 9.])) assert s.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled np.arctan2(np.array([1., 2., 3.]), np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * 2., out=s) assert_allclose(s.value, np.arctan2(1., 2.)) assert s.unit is u.radian @pytest.mark.skipif(NUMPY_LT_1_13, reason="numpy >=1.13 required.") @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value'), [1., np.arange(10.)]) def test_two_argument_two_output_ufunc_inplace(self, value): v = value * u.m divisor = 70.* v1 = v.copy() tmp = v.copy() check = np.divmod(v1, divisor, out=(tmp, v1)) assert check[0] is tmp and check[1] is v1 assert tmp.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert v1.unit == v.unit v2 = v.copy() check2 = np.divmod(v2, divisor, out=(v2, tmp)) assert check2[0] is v2 and check2[1] is tmp assert v2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert tmp.unit == v.unit v3a = v.copy() v3b = v.copy() check3 = np.divmod(v3a, divisor, out=(v3a, v3b)) assert check3[0] is v3a and check3[1] is v3b assert v3a.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert v3b.unit == v.unit def test_ufunc_inplace_non_contiguous_data(self): # ensure inplace works also for non-contiguous data (closes #1834) s = np.arange(10.) * u.m s_copy = s.copy() s2 = s[::2] s2 += 1. * assert np.all(s[::2] > s_copy[::2]) assert np.all(s[1::2] == s_copy[1::2]) def test_ufunc_inplace_non_standard_dtype(self): """Check that inplace operations check properly for casting. First two tests that check that float32 is kept close #3976. """ a1 = u.Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], u.m, dtype=np.float32) a1 *= np.float32(10) assert a1.unit is u.m assert a1.dtype == np.float32 a2 = u.Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], u.m, dtype=np.float32) a2 += (20.* assert a2.unit is u.m assert a2.dtype == np.float32 # For integer, in-place only works if no conversion is done. a3 = u.Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], u.m, dtype=np.int32) a3 += u.Quantity(10, u.m, dtype=np.int64) assert a3.unit is u.m assert a3.dtype == np.int32 a4 = u.Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], u.m, dtype=np.int32) with pytest.raises(TypeError): a4 += u.Quantity(10,, dtype=np.int64) @pytest.mark.xfail("NUMPY_LT_1_13") class TestUfuncAt(object): """Test that 'at' method for ufuncs (calculates in-place at given indices) For Quantities, since calculations are in-place, it makes sense only if the result is still a quantity, and if the unit does not have to change """ def test_one_argument_ufunc_at(self): q = np.arange(10.) * u.m i = np.array([1, 2]) qv = q.value.copy(), i), i) assert np.all(q.value == qv) assert q.unit is u.m # cannot change from quantity to bool array with pytest.raises(TypeError):, i) # for selective in-place, cannot change the unit with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):, i) # except if the unit does not change (i.e., dimensionless) d = np.arange(10.) * u.dimensionless_unscaled dv = d.value.copy(), i), i) assert np.all(d.value == dv) assert d.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled d = np.arange(10.) * u.dimensionless_unscaled dv = d.value.copy(), i), i) assert np.all(d.value == dv) assert d.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled # also for sine it doesn't work, even if given an angle a = np.arange(10.) * u.radian with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):, i) # except, for consistency, if we have made radian equivalent to # dimensionless (though hopefully it will never be needed) av = a.value.copy() with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()):, i), i) assert_allclose(a.value, av) # but we won't do double conversion ad = np.arange(10.) * with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):, i) def test_two_argument_ufunc_at(self): s = np.arange(10.) * u.m i = np.array([1, 2]) check = s.value.copy(), i, 1.*, i, 1000.) assert np.all(s.value == check) assert s.unit is u.m with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):, i, 1.*u.s) # also raise UnitsError if unit would have to be changed with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):, i, 1*u.s) # but be fine if it does not s = np.arange(10.) * u.m check = s.value.copy(), i, 2.*u.dimensionless_unscaled), i, 2) assert np.all(s.value == check) s = np.arange(10.) * u.m, i, 2.) assert np.all(s.value == check) # of course cannot change class of data either with pytest.raises(TypeError):, i, 1.* @pytest.mark.xfail("NUMPY_LT_1_13") class TestUfuncReduceReduceatAccumulate(object): """Test 'reduce', 'reduceat' and 'accumulate' methods for ufuncs For Quantities, it makes sense only if the unit does not have to change """ def test_one_argument_ufunc_reduce_accumulate(self): # one argument cannot be used s = np.arange(10.) * u.radian i = np.array([0, 5, 1, 6]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): np.sin.reduce(s) with pytest.raises(ValueError): np.sin.accumulate(s) with pytest.raises(ValueError): np.sin.reduceat(s, i) def test_two_argument_ufunc_reduce_accumulate(self): s = np.arange(10.) * u.m i = np.array([0, 5, 1, 6]) check = s.value.copy() s_add_reduce = np.add.reduce(s) check_add_reduce = np.add.reduce(check) assert s_add_reduce.value == check_add_reduce assert s_add_reduce.unit is u.m s_add_accumulate = np.add.accumulate(s) check_add_accumulate = np.add.accumulate(check) assert np.all(s_add_accumulate.value == check_add_accumulate) assert s_add_accumulate.unit is u.m s_add_reduceat = np.add.reduceat(s, i) check_add_reduceat = np.add.reduceat(check, i) assert np.all(s_add_reduceat.value == check_add_reduceat) assert s_add_reduceat.unit is u.m # reduce(at) or accumulate on comparisons makes no sense, # as intermediate result is not even a Quantity with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.greater.reduce(s) with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.greater.accumulate(s) with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.greater.reduceat(s, i) # raise UnitsError if unit would have to be changed with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): np.multiply.reduce(s) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): np.multiply.accumulate(s) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): np.multiply.reduceat(s, i) # but be fine if it does not s = np.arange(10.) * u.dimensionless_unscaled check = s.value.copy() s_multiply_reduce = np.multiply.reduce(s) check_multiply_reduce = np.multiply.reduce(check) assert s_multiply_reduce.value == check_multiply_reduce assert s_multiply_reduce.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled s_multiply_accumulate = np.multiply.accumulate(s) check_multiply_accumulate = np.multiply.accumulate(check) assert np.all(s_multiply_accumulate.value == check_multiply_accumulate) assert s_multiply_accumulate.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled s_multiply_reduceat = np.multiply.reduceat(s, i) check_multiply_reduceat = np.multiply.reduceat(check, i) assert np.all(s_multiply_reduceat.value == check_multiply_reduceat) assert s_multiply_reduceat.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled @pytest.mark.xfail("NUMPY_LT_1_13") class TestUfuncOuter(object): """Test 'outer' methods for ufuncs Just a few spot checks, since it uses the same code as the regular ufunc call """ def test_one_argument_ufunc_outer(self): # one argument cannot be used s = np.arange(10.) * u.radian with pytest.raises(ValueError): np.sin.outer(s) def test_two_argument_ufunc_outer(self): s1 = np.arange(10.) * u.m s2 = np.arange(2.) * u.s check1 = s1.value check2 = s2.value s12_multiply_outer = np.multiply.outer(s1, s2) check12_multiply_outer = np.multiply.outer(check1, check2) assert np.all(s12_multiply_outer.value == check12_multiply_outer) assert s12_multiply_outer.unit == s1.unit * s2.unit # raise UnitsError if appropriate with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): np.add.outer(s1, s2) # but be fine if it does not s3 = np.arange(2.) * s1.unit check3 = s3.value s13_add_outer = np.add.outer(s1, s3) check13_add_outer = np.add.outer(check1, check3) assert np.all(s13_add_outer.value == check13_add_outer) assert s13_add_outer.unit is s1.unit s13_greater_outer = np.greater.outer(s1, s3) check13_greater_outer = np.greater.outer(check1, check3) assert type(s13_greater_outer) is np.ndarray assert np.all(s13_greater_outer == check13_greater_outer)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2012, University of California, Berkeley # All rights reserved. # Authors: Cameron Lee ( and Dmitry Berenson ( # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of University of California, Berkeley nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ """ This node advertises an action which is used by the main lightning node (see to run the Retrieve and Repair portion of LightningROS. This node relies on a planner_stoppable type node to repair the paths, the PathTools library to retrieve paths from the library (this is not a separate node; just a python library that it calls), and the PathTools python library which calls the collision_checker service and advertises a topic for displaying stuff in RViz. """ import roslib import rospy import actionlib import threading from tools.PathTools import PlanTrajectoryWrapper, InvalidSectionWrapper, DrawPointsWrapper from pathlib.PathLibrary import * from lightning.msg import Float64Array, RRAction, RRResult from lightning.msg import StopPlanning, RRStats from lightning.srv import ManagePathLibrary, ManagePathLibraryResponse import sys import pickle import time # Name of this node. RR_NODE_NAME = "rr_node" # Name to use for stopping the repair planner. Published from this node. STOP_PLANNER_NAME = "stop_rr_planning" # Topic to subscribe to for stopping the whole node in the middle of processing. STOP_RR_NAME = "stop_all_rr" # Name of library managing service run from this node. MANAGE_LIBRARY = "manage_path_library" STATE_RETRIEVE, STATE_REPAIR, STATE_RETURN_PATH, STATE_FINISHED, STATE_FINISHED = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) class RRNode: def __init__(self): # Retrieve ROS parameters and configuration and cosntruct various objects. self.robot_name = rospy.get_param("robot_name") self.planner_config_name = rospy.get_param("planner_config_name") self.current_joint_names = [] self.current_group_name = "" self.plan_trajectory_wrapper = PlanTrajectoryWrapper("rr", int(rospy.get_param("~num_rr_planners"))) self.invalid_section_wrapper = InvalidSectionWrapper() self.path_library = PathLibrary(rospy.get_param("~path_library_dir"), rospy.get_param("step_size"), node_size=int(rospy.get_param("~path_library_path_node_size")), sg_node_size=int(rospy.get_param("~path_library_sg_node_size")), dtw_dist=float(rospy.get_param("~dtw_distance"))) self.num_paths_checked = int(rospy.get_param("~num_paths_to_collision_check")) self.stop_lock = threading.Lock() self.stop = True self.rr_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(RR_NODE_NAME, RRAction, execute_cb=self._retrieve_repair, auto_start=False) self.rr_server.start() self.stop_rr_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(STOP_RR_NAME, StopPlanning, self._stop_rr_planner) self.stop_rr_planner_publisher = rospy.Publisher(STOP_PLANNER_NAME, StopPlanning, queue_size=10) self.manage_library_service = rospy.Service(MANAGE_LIBRARY, ManagePathLibrary, self._do_manage_action) self.stats_pub = rospy.Publisher("rr_stats", RRStats, queue_size=10) self.repaired_sections_lock = threading.Lock() self.repaired_sections = [] self.working_lock = threading.Lock() #to ensure that node is not doing RR and doing a library management action at the same time #if draw_points is True, then display points in rviz self.draw_points = rospy.get_param("draw_points") if self.draw_points: self.draw_points_wrapper = DrawPointsWrapper() def _set_repaired_section(self, index, section): """ After you have done the path planning to repair a section, store the repaired path section. Args: index (int): the index corresponding to the section being repaired. section (path, list of list of float): A path to store. """ self.repaired_sections_lock.acquire() self.repaired_sections[index] = section self.repaired_sections_lock.release() def _call_planner(self, start, goal, planning_time): """ Calls a standard planner to plan between two points with an allowed planning time. Args: start (list of float): A joint configuration corresponding to the start position of the path. goal (list of float): The jount configuration corresponding to the goal position for the path. Returns: path: A list of joint configurations corresponding to the planned path. """ ret = None planner_number = self.plan_trajectory_wrapper.acquire_planner() if not self._need_to_stop(): ret = self.plan_trajectory_wrapper.plan_trajectory(start, goal, planner_number, self.current_joint_names, self.current_group_name, planning_time, self.planner_config_name) self.plan_trajectory_wrapper.release_planner(planner_number) return ret def _repair_thread(self, index, start, goal, start_index, goal_index, planning_time): """ Handles repairing a portion of the path. All that this function really does is to plan from scratch between the start and goal configurations and then store the planned path in the appropriate places and draws either the repaired path or, if the repair fails, the start and goal. Args: index (int): The index to pass to _set_repaired_section(), corresponding to which of the invalid sections of the path we are repairing. start (list of float): The start joint configuration to use. goal (list of float): The goal joint configuration to use. start_index (int): The index in the overall path corresponding to start. Only used for debugging info. goal_index (int): The index in the overall path corresponding to goal. Only used for debugging info. planning_time (float): Maximum allowed time to spend planning, in seconds. """ repaired_path = self._call_planner(start, goal, planning_time) if self.draw_points: if repaired_path is not None and len(repaired_path) > 0: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: got repaired section with start = %s, goal = %s" % (repaired_path[0], repaired_path[-1])) self.draw_points_wrapper.draw_points(repaired_path, self.current_group_name, "repaired"+str(start_index)+"_"+str(goal_index), DrawPointsWrapper.ANGLES, DrawPointsWrapper.GREENBLUE, 1.0, 0.01) else: if self.draw_points: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: path repair for section (%i, %i) failed, start = %s, goal = %s" % (start_index, goal_index, start, goal)) self.draw_points_wrapper.draw_points([start, goal], self.current_group_name, "failed_repair"+str(start_index)+"_"+str(goal_index), DrawPointsWrapper.ANGLES, DrawPointsWrapper.GREENBLUE, 1.0) if self._need_to_stop(): self._set_repaired_section(index, None) else: self._set_repaired_section(index, repaired_path) def _need_to_stop(self): self.stop_lock.acquire(); ret = self.stop; self.stop_lock.release(); return ret; def _set_stop_value(self, val): self.stop_lock.acquire(); self.stop = val; self.stop_lock.release(); def do_retrieved_path_drawing(self, projected, retrieved, invalid): """ Draws the points from the various paths involved in the planning in different colors in different namespaces. All of the arguments are lists of joint configurations, where each joint configuration is a list of joint angles. The only distinction between the different arguments being passed in are which color the points in question are being drawn in. Uses the DrawPointsWrapper to draw the points. Args: projected (list of list of float): List of points to draw as projected between the library path and the actual start/goal position. Will be drawn in blue. retrieved (list of list of float): The path retrieved straight from the path library. Will be drawn in white. invalid (list of list of float): List of points which were invalid. Will be drawn in red. """ if len(projected) > 0: if self.draw_points: self.draw_points_wrapper.draw_points(retrieved, self.current_group_name, "retrieved", DrawPointsWrapper.ANGLES, DrawPointsWrapper.WHITE, 0.1) projectionDisplay = projected[:projected.index(retrieved[0])]+projected[projected.index(retrieved[-1])+1:] self.draw_points_wrapper.draw_points(projectionDisplay, self.current_group_name, "projection", DrawPointsWrapper.ANGLES, DrawPointsWrapper.BLUE, 0.2) invalidDisplay = [] for invSec in invalid: invalidDisplay += projected[invSec[0]+1:invSec[-1]] self.draw_points_wrapper.draw_points(invalidDisplay, self.current_group_name, "invalid", DrawPointsWrapper.ANGLES, DrawPointsWrapper.RED, 0.2) def _retrieve_repair(self, action_goal): """ Callback which performs the full Retrieve and Repair for the path. """ self.working_lock.acquire() self.start_time = time.time() self.stats_msg = RRStats() self._set_stop_value(False) if self.draw_points: self.draw_points_wrapper.clear_points() rospy.loginfo("RR action server: RR got an action goal") s, g = action_goal.start, action_goal.goal res = RRResult() res.status.status = res.status.FAILURE self.current_joint_names = action_goal.joint_names self.current_group_name = action_goal.group_name projected, retrieved, invalid = [], [], [] repair_state = STATE_RETRIEVE self.stats_msg.init_time = time.time() - self.start_time # Go through the retrieve, repair, and return stages of the planning. # The while loop should only ever go through 3 iterations, one for each # stage. while not self._need_to_stop() and repair_state != STATE_FINISHED: if repair_state == STATE_RETRIEVE: start_retrieve = time.time() projected, retrieved, invalid = self.path_library.retrieve_path(s, g, self.num_paths_checked, self.robot_name, self.current_group_name, self.current_joint_names) self.stats_msg.retrieve_time.append(time.time() - start_retrieve) if len(projected) == 0: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: got an empty path for retrieve state") repair_state = STATE_FINISHED else: start_draw = time.time() if self.draw_points: self.do_retrieved_path_drawing(projected, retrieved, invalid) self.stats_msg.draw_time.append(time.time() - start_draw) repair_state = STATE_REPAIR elif repair_state == STATE_REPAIR: start_repair = time.time() repaired = self._path_repair(projected, action_goal.allowed_planning_time.to_sec(), invalid_sections=invalid) self.stats_msg.repair_time.append(time.time() - start_repair) if repaired is None: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: path repair didn't finish") repair_state = STATE_FINISHED else: repair_state = STATE_RETURN_PATH elif repair_state == STATE_RETURN_PATH: start_return = time.time() res.status.status = res.status.SUCCESS res.retrieved_path = [Float64Array(p) for p in retrieved] res.repaired_path = [Float64Array(p) for p in repaired] rospy.loginfo("RR action server: returning a path") repair_state = STATE_FINISHED self.stats_msg.return_time = time.time() - start_return if repair_state == STATE_RETRIEVE: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: stopped before it retrieved a path") elif repair_state == STATE_REPAIR: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: stopped before it could repair a retrieved path") elif repair_state == STATE_RETURN_PATH: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: stopped before it could return a repaired path") self.rr_server.set_succeeded(res) self.stats_msg.total_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.stats_pub.publish(self.stats_msg) self.working_lock.release() def _path_repair(self, original_path, planning_time, invalid_sections=None, use_parallel_repairing=True): """ Goes through each invalid section in a path and calls a planner to repair it, with the potential for multi-threading. Returns the repaired path. Args: original_path (path): The original path which needs repairing. planning_time (float): The maximum allowed planning time for each repair, in seconds. invalid_sections (list of pairs of indicies): The pairs of indicies describing the invalid sections. If None, then the invalid sections will be computed by this function. use_parallel_repairing (bool): Whether or not to use multi-threading. Returns: path: The repaired path. """ zeros_tuple = tuple([0 for i in xrange(len(self.current_joint_names))]) rospy.loginfo("RR action server: got path with %d points" % len(original_path)) if invalid_sections is None: invalid_sections = self.invalid_section_wrapper.getInvalidSectionsForPath(original_path, self.current_group_name) rospy.loginfo("RR action server: invalid sections: %s" % (str(invalid_sections))) if len(invalid_sections) > 0: if invalid_sections[0][0] == -1: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: Start is not a valid state...nothing can be done") return None if invalid_sections[-1][1] == len(original_path): rospy.loginfo("RR action server: Goal is not a valid state...nothing can be done") return None if use_parallel_repairing: #multi-threaded repairing self.repaired_sections = [None for i in xrange(len(invalid_sections))] #each thread replans an invalid section threadList = [] for i, sec in enumerate(invalid_sections): th = threading.Thread(target=self._repair_thread, args=(i, original_path[sec[0]], original_path[sec[-1]], sec[0], sec[-1], planning_time)) threadList.append(th) th.start() for th in threadList: th.join() #once all threads return, then the repaired sections can be combined for item in self.repaired_sections: if item is None: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: RR node was stopped during repair or repair failed") return None #replace invalid sections with replanned sections new_path = original_path[0:invalid_sections[0][0]] for i in xrange(len(invalid_sections)): new_path += self.repaired_sections[i] if i+1 < len(invalid_sections): new_path += original_path[invalid_sections[i][1]+1:invalid_sections[i+1][0]] new_path += original_path[invalid_sections[-1][1]+1:] self.repaired_sections = [] #reset repaired_sections else: #single-threaded repairing rospy.loginfo("RR action server: Got invalid sections: %s" % str(invalid_sections)) new_path = original_path[0:invalid_sections[0][0]] for i in xrange(len(invalid_sections)): if not self._need_to_stop(): #start_invalid and end_invalid must correspond to valid states when passed to the planner start_invalid, end_invalid = invalid_sections[i] rospy.loginfo("RR action server: Requesting path to replace from %d to %d" % (start_invalid, end_invalid)) repairedSection = self._call_planner(original_path[start_invalid], original_path[end_invalid]) if repairedSection is None: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: RR section repair was stopped or failed") return None rospy.loginfo("RR action server: Planner returned a trajectory of %d points for %d to %d" % (len(repairedSection), start_invalid, end_invalid)) new_path += repairedSection if i+1 < len(invalid_sections): new_path += original_path[end_invalid+1:invalid_sections[i+1][0]] else: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: RR was stopped while it was repairing the retrieved path") return None new_path += original_path[invalid_sections[-1][1]+1:] rospy.loginfo("RR action server: Trajectory after replan has %d points" % len(new_path)) else: new_path = original_path rospy.loginfo("RR action server: new trajectory has %i points" % (len(new_path))) return new_path def _stop_rr_planner(self, msg): self._set_stop_value(True) rospy.loginfo("RR action server: RR node got a stop message") self.stop_rr_planner_publisher.publish(msg) def _do_manage_action(self, request): """ Processes a ManagePathLibraryRequest as part of the ManagePathLibrary service. Basically, either stores a path in the library or deletes it. """ response = ManagePathLibraryResponse() response.result = response.FAILURE if request.robot_name == "" or len(request.joint_names) == 0: rospy.logerr("RR action server: robot name or joint names were not provided") return response self.working_lock.acquire() if request.action == request.ACTION_STORE: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: got a path to store in path library") if len(request.path_to_store) > 0: new_path = [p.positions for p in request.path_to_store] if len(request.retrieved_path) == 0: #PFS won so just store the path store_path_result = self.path_library.store_path(new_path, request.robot_name, request.joint_names) else: store_path_result = self.path_library.store_path(new_path, request.robot_name, request.joint_names, [p.positions for p in request.retrieved_path]) response.result = response.SUCCESS response.path_stored, response.num_library_paths = store_path_result else: response.message = "Path to store had no points" elif request.action == request.ACTION_DELETE_PATH: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: got a request to delete path %i in the path library" % (request.delete_id)) if self.path_library.delete_path_by_id(request.delete_id, request.robot_name, request.joint_names): response.result = response.SUCCESS else: response.message = "No path in the library had id %i" % (request.delete_id) elif request.action == request.ACTION_DELETE_LIBRARY: rospy.loginfo("RR action server: got a request to delete library corresponding to robot %s and joints %s" % (request.robot_name, request.joint_names)) if self.path_library.delete_library(request.robot_name, request.joint_names): response.result = response.SUCCESS else: response.message = "No library corresponding to robot %s and joint names %s exists" else: rospy.logerr("RR action server: manage path library request did not have a valid action set") self.working_lock.release() return response if __name__ == "__main__": try: rospy.init_node("rr_node") RRNode() rospy.loginfo("Retrieve-repair: ready") rospy.spin() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass