arXiv:physics/9910004v1 [physics.comp-ph] 4 Oct 1999UTHEP-99-10-01 Foam: Multi-dimensional General Purpose Monte Carlo Generator With Self-adapting Symplectic Grid† S. Jadach Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1 200, DESY, Theory Group, Notkestrasse 85, D-22603 Hamburg, Germ any and Institute of Nuclear Physics, ul. Kawiory 26a, Krak´ ow, Pol and Abstract A new general purpose Monte Carlo event generator with self- adapting grid con- sisting of simplices is described. In the process of initial ization, the simplex-shaped cells divide into daughter subcells in such a way that: (a) ce ll density is biggest in areas where integrand is peaked, (b) cells elongate thems elves along hyperspaces where integrand is enhanced/singular. The grid is anisotro pic, i.e. memory of the axes directions of the primary reference frame is lost. In pa rticular, the algorithm is capable of dealing with distributions featuring strong c orrelation among variables (like ridge along diagonal). The presented algorithm is com plementary to others known and commonly used in the Monte Carlo event generators. It is, in principle, more effective then any other one for distributions with very complicated patterns of singularities – the price to pay is that it is memory-hungr y. It is therefore aimed at a small number of integration dimensions ( <10). It should be combined with other methods for higher dimension. The source code in Fortr an77 is available from http://home.cern.ch/ ∼jadach. To be submitted to Comput. Phys. Commun. †Work supported in part by Polish Government grants KBN 2P03B 08414, KBN 2P03B14715, the US DoE contracts DE-FG05-91ER40627 and DE-AC03-76SF00515 , the Maria Sk/suppress lodowska-Curie Joint Fund II PAA/DOE-97-316, and the Polish-French Collab oration within IN2P3 through LAPP Annecy. UTHEP-99-10-01 October 19991 Introduction Generation of artificial random events within multidimensi onal (phase) space according to a positive probability distribution defined by a theoreti cal model is a standard exercise in the particle physics, and in may areas of research. The abo ve is usually called “Monte Carlo simulation” or generation of unweighted (weight equa l one) events, while more modest task of calculating the integral only, using weighte d events is usually termed “Monte Carlo integration”. In this work, primary interest i s in the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, which is a more difficult problem than MC integrat ion. A computer MC program doing this is usually called a “MC event generator”. With the advent of ever faster computers, one is able to perfo rm Monte Carlo simula- tion or integration in more dimensions and for more and more c omplicated distributions. All MC methods/algorithms for the efficient, i.e. fast, MC sim ulation/integration can be reduced to a surprisingly small number of the basic methods, see e.g. ref. [1,2], that is to mapping variables into more natural ones, weighting/rej ecting and splitting the prob- ability distribution into sum of simpler ones (branching). For MC event generators which are used widely it is worth the effort to develop very efficient a lgorithm of MC genera- tion, custom-made for the individual problem. There is no be tter guide for constructing an efficient custom-made MC generation algorithm than insigh t into the physics of the process to be simulated. There are many examples of very effici ent MC event generators of the custom-made type. On the other hand, it is often necessary to perform quickly “b rute force” MC integra- tion or generate events according to a probability density w ith strong peaks (singularities) spanned along complicated hyperspaces of not very well know n shape, or in the case when the change of input data induces not very well controlled var iations in the structure of the singularities. In all such cases it would be highly desir able to have at our disposal a numerical tool (program) with a MC generation algorithm fea turing built-in capability of adjusting automatically the generation procedure to an arb itrary pattern of singularities in the probability distribution. Such a general-purpose to ol was always a dream of people using MC methods. This is an utopian dream in the sense that we shall never get an ideal tool of this kind, i.e. working for an arbitrary distri bution. Nevertheless, we may hope to develop a MC tool with an algorithm which is fairly effic ient for a relatively wide range of multidimensional probability distributions. In r eality, for each such method it is possible to find a distribution for which the particular gene ral-purpose MC method (tool) fails badly. A similar situation exists for the problem of fin ding the absolute minimum of a multi-parameter function or in many other numerical probl ems. The best known and widely used general-purpose algorithm fo r the Monte Carlo in- tegration of an arbitrary density function in n-dimensions is probably that of Lepage described in ref. [3], and embodied in the widely used Fortra n code VEGAS. In this classical algorithm, the integrand function in ndimensions is assumed to be fairly well approximated by a product of functions, each one depending j ust on one variable. The in- tegration range of each variable is divided into kbins of unequal width, with binning (bin sizes) different for each variable. The entire integration d omain, that is an n-dimensional 1rectangle, is divided into knsub-rectangles. The whole structure is explored by means of the MC generation of random points within each sub-rectangl e, with a uniform distribu- tion. The result of repeated MC exploration runs is used to im prove the binning. The binning is adjusted iteratively, such that the minimum valu e of the ratio of the dispersion to the average weight is achieved. In this way VEGAS is able to do MC integration quite efficiently. The original VEGAS was not really aimed for MC generation , but with a little bit off effort, it can be adapted to MC generation, as seen below . As we see, the generation technique of VEGAS is essentially a n example of a multi- branching method with each branch corresponding to one of knrectangles. In many practical applications (maybe even a majority) the assumpt ion of factorizability of the integrand function is not violated too strongly and the VEGA S algorithm works fine. As expected, it fails when singularities tend to follow diagon al of the rectangle, i.e. variables are strongly correlated, also on the case of big voids, singu larities on thin hyperspaces etc. In such cases VEGAS algorithm fails badly, and increasi ng the number of bins k, or number of iterations, does not help to reduce weight dispers ionσat all. The only method to improve the integration precision is the brute force meth od of increasing the number of MC points N, leading to a slow decrease of statistical error ∼σ/√ N, or changing analytically integration variables (mapping). As already stressed, our primarily interest is in MC simulat ion. The VEGAS algorithm with almost no modification can produce MC weighted events. A little bit more effort is required to produce constant weight events, by means of ad ditional rejection, knowing the maximum weight. This can be done by recording during the l ast iteration, for each integration variable, a maximum weight in each of the nbins. The multichannel generation of the sub-rectangles is then done using not the probability related to the average weight or its dispersion but instead using the maximum weight (prod uct of them). This simple recipe works fairly well for an almost factorizable distrib ution. It fails really very badly for an integrand departing from the factorizability assump tion, much worse then for the task of the MC integration only. Essentially, the VEGAS algo rithm has no means to reduce the ratio of the maximum weight to average weight belo w a certain value, for a given integrand. The only way out is then to apply mapping fro m the actual variables to new ones, in which the integrand hopefully factorizes much b etter. This requires detailed knowledge of the integrand distribution – it means going bac k to a labor-hungry custom- made MC. There were several efforts to improve on the shortcomings of t he VEGAS method, still assuming no detailed knowledge about the structure of singu larities in the integrand. For example, in ref. [4], several improvements are done. The mos t important one is adding the possibility of treating a subgroup of variables (wild) w hich cause strong variation in the integrand, while the other ones (mild) are “averaged ove r”. This is particularly useful for problems with many variables ∼100, of which only some are “trouble-makers” and require special treatment. Another improvement is described in ref. [5], where the VEGA S algorithm is up- graded with the possibility of approximating the wild integ rand not with one product of nfunctions, each for one dimension, but with a sum of such prod ucts, with automatic 2adjustments of the relative importance of the component pro ducts. It is essentially an application of the ideas of ref. [6] to the VEGAS algorithm. T he modified algorithm should be efficient for a wider class of probability distribut ions. In this note, I describe an independent effort which is not roo ted in VEGAS algorithm, but rather in the algorithm used in subprogram VESKO2 of MC ge nerator LESKOF for deep inelastic scattering published in ref. [7] (in fact it w as already used in the much older LESKOC MC). In VESKO2 the 2-dimensional integration area is divided into rectangular cells which gradually were subdivided by half along xorydirection (the choice of the division direction was random). The division was always per formed for the cell which contained the biggest value of the integrand. Note that this algorithm does not require factorizability of the integrand – it is not very efficient, bu t numerically rather stable. Obviously, the rule of division by half is rather primitive, one could do it better. The random (or arbitrary) choice of division line (along xory) could be replaced by a better rule of dividing along the maximum gradient of the function. However, from inspection of the way the grid of cells evolves, it was obvious that this a lgorithm has the following intrinsic problem, even if such improvements were implemen ted: the edges of the cells are always parallel to the axes. Consider, for instance, a na rrow diagonal “ridge” along x=yline. Of course, the algorithm of VESKO2 is obviously superi or to VEGAS, because cells multiply and concentrate along the diagonal. However , the adjustment of the cells would be much faster if cells could turn themselves to be para llel to the “ridge”. The self-suggesting solution is the replacement of rectangula r cells with the triangular ones. Then, hopefully in the process of subdivision, the cells cou ld align along singular lines, if the division rule was defined in an intelligent way. In n-dimensions the generalization of triangular plaquette is simplex-shaped cell. In the foll owing, I shall present certain variant of such a method to which we refer as a “Foam” algorith m. After completing the essential part of this work, I have foun d in ref. [8] a description of a similar algorithm1; see last section for more comments. The outline of the paper is the following: Section 1 describe s the Foam algorithm, Section 2 its implementation, Section 4 the usage of the prog ram, and Section 5 presents results of numerical tests. 2 The Foam algorithm Let me define the aims which I have in mind with the new Foam algo rithm: •The algorithm is thought to be in the future a part of a bigger a lgorithm and it is supposed to take care of several ( <10) “wildest variables”, i.e. variables with the strongest singularities, while the other variables I im agine are dealt with the VEGAS method, or are “averaged over” like in BASES of ref. [4] •I assume that the integrand is completely arbitrary, in part icular singularities may lie on arbitrarily shaped hyperspaces. (For extremely narr ow peaks, it always make 1I would like to thank Viacheslav Ilyin for bringing my attent ion to this work. 3sense to map variables.) In particular the algorithm should be able to deal with sin- gularity along diagonals, with big voids and along “thin” hy persurfaces like surfaces of the cube, sphere etc. •I imagine that in the algorithm a grid of vertices forming a “f oam of cells” is built, which adapts automatically to the integrand in such a way tha t the resulting ratio of average weight to maximum weight, i.e. efficiency, is arbitrarily good. In the subsequent MC generation the foam of cells is used to generat e one cell and a point within this cell. •For strong peaks the foam of cells may develop into a wrong dir ection, not knowing at the early stage of the development the positions of the sha rp peaks containing most of the integral. I therefore require that the algorithm has a built-in capacity to “collapse” (recess) i.e. possibility of removing a part o f the foam (returning to a coarser granularity in some region). The iterative succ ession of “grow” and “collapse” should be available as an option, in order to stab ilize the final optimal foam of cells. •The integrand should be positive and integrable. Weak integ rable singularities of the type√xor ln(1 /x) are allowed. Such singularities are typically on the edges of the integration domain – so there should be an option to inclu de or not the vertices at the corners of the simplex cell in the evaluation of the int egral over the cell. 2.1 Data structures The basic data structure is the foambeing a linked list of cells. A simplex cell is defined by its vertices . Each cell has also many other attributes such as pointers to parent and daughter cells, its volume, an estimate of the integral over the cell which I call the proper integral , average weight, maximum weight etc. Cells actually contai n only pointers to vertices, while n-component vectors defining vertices are in a separate list o f all vertices. This organization is well justified, because one vertex may e nter into several cells. The foam is in fact a hierarchical list of cells organized into on e big tree. There are two kinds of of cells, inactive cells which underwent division and got split into daughter cells a nd active cells (with no daughter). Active cells actually cover the entire i ntegration area. In the MC simulation one active cell is chosen randomly accor ding to its crude integral which is usually bigger then its proper integral. For the rel ation between crude and proper integral see below. Each inactive cell knows the sum of crude integrals of all active cells it contains (all its daughter and granddaughter cells). It i s done in such a way in order to make generation of the active cell as natural and simple as po ssible. In fact, generation starts with inactive rootcell at the top of the tree – one of the daughter cells is chosen randomly according to its crude integral. This process cont inues down the tree until an active cell (with no daughters) is randomly chosen. The root cell is the entire integration region, being a cube of unit size. In present algorithm, the r oot cell is the only one which 4has more than 2 daughters. It splits into n! simplices2. 2.2 Initialization: growth and collapse of the foam The foam structure described in previous section is constru cted during the initialization phase. It consists of subsequent growths andcollapses of the foam. Let me first describe the phase of the growth. The initial cube is divided into n! equal simplices, daughter cells, and each daughter cell immediately subjected to an MC exploration procedure, eg. a certain number of MC events is generated within the cell in o rder to calculate the average weight, dispersion, maximum weight, minimum weight, prope r integral (MC estimator) and more. In the rest of the growth phase each cell has a chance to get divided into 2 daughters. In present version of the program two options of c hoosing cell for division are implemented: In the first method, the active cell picked u p for division is always this one which actually contains the biggest crude integral . In the second method, the choice of the (active) cell for division is done randomly, wi th probability proportional to its crude integral. The user may check empirically which opt ion fits better his integrand. This division process continues until the memory buffer rese rved for the foam fills up3. The active cell chosen for division, is tagged as inactive an d divided into 2 daughter cells (active) and each daughter cell undergoes MC exploration. T he recipe for the cell division is the most important part of the algorithm; see below for its detailed description. The division of a cell into two daughter cells involves a creatin g new vertex. The new vertex is added to the list of vertices. The sum of crude integrals ca lculated for the new two daughters is not necessarily equal to the crude of the parent – in order to maintain our algorithm of picking randomly the active cell following the tree, the crude integral of the divided cell and of all parent cells is corrected up to the roo t cell, in such a way that the crude integral of parent is always equal to sum of crude integ rals of the daughters. In particular the root cell contains always the crude integral s of all active cells, i.e. the total crude integral. As already indicated, in the case of a strongly peaked distri bution, growth may go into a “wrong area”, so one is interested in a possibility of t rimming/downsizing the foam, which is termed the collapse of the foam. The algorithm of the collapse is very simple and intuitively understandable. When growth is stop ped by the buffer limits, the maximum value IC maxof the crude in all active cells is determined. Next, all inactive cells are checked, starting from the top cell, looking for cells wh ich have crude integral smaller thanIC maxtimes some adjustable factor close to one (default is one, th e user may reset it easily). Every such inactive cell is reset as active and all its daughters, down to the bottom of the tree, are tagged for removal. Finally, the remo val of the tagged cells is done, releasing free space in the buffer. All vertices are als o checked, to see if they are 2This already shows why we are limited to n <10. N.B. I do not favour the other possible solution in which the unit cube is mapped into single simplex, because su ch a transformation is “singular” at certain vertices. 3In fact, the user may only request for a maximum number of cell s in the foam smaller than the total length of the entire buffer. For the moment, there is no dynami cal memory allocation in the program. 5members of any cell, and the orphan vertices are also removed . In this way, the entire “un-successful” branches are eliminated from the tree of ce lls, or, in other words, several cells which are product of the division get replaced by the si ngle (parent) cell, just like in the real foam! Typically, about half of the cells are elimina ted in this way, and one may start another phase of the growth. Note that after reviving a n inactive cell, one needs to attribute to it the original (uncorrected) crude integral. This original crude integral from first exploration is memorized as one of attributes of the cel l, and is therefore available. In tests I have found out that the collapse and subsequent growt h usually leads to the same or very similar foam. The above option is useful only for very sh arply peaked distributions. It is switched on only on explicit request of the user. 2.3 Division of the cell Each newly created cell undergoes exploration, just after i ts creation, in order to determine its proper crude integral and the other weight parameters. T he division of the symplectic cell is the essence of the algorithm. Let me therefore descri be it in a more detail. The division procedure is defined in a maximally simple way. A sim plex of n+ 1 vertices x1, x2, ..., x n, xn+1hasn(n+ 1)/2 edge lines joining every possible pair of vertices of a given cell. In our division algorithm, one such edge between xiandxjis chosen and a new vertex Yis put somewhere on the line Y=λxi+ (1−λ)xj where 0 < λ < 1. The two daughter simplices are defined with two new list of v ertices: (x1, x2, ..., x i−1, Y, x i+1, ..., x j−1, xj, xj+1, ..., x n, xn+1), (x1, x2, ..., x i−1, xi, xi+1, ..., x j−1, Y, x j+1, ..., x n, xn+1). At this stage, it has do be determined which ( i, j) pair and which value of λto choose. The aim is generally to make this choice in such a way that the f unction varies the most strongly in the direction of the edge defined by the ( i, j) pair of vertices. How to find it out? To this end, the information from the relatively shor t sample of the MC events (100-1000) generated inside the cell, during its MC explora tion is exploited. First of all, from geometrical considerations which I omit, one is able to “project” each MC point X into a point Yon a given edge ( i, j), i/negationslash=j: Y=λijxi+ (1−λij)xj where λij(X) =|Deti| |Deti|+|Detj|, Deti= Det( r1, ..., r i−1, ri+1, ...r n, rn+1), Detj= Det( r1, ..., r j−1, rj+1, ...r n, rn+1), rk=xk−X, 6and Det( x1, x2, ..., x n) is the standard determinant. The condition 0 < λ i,j(X)<1 is obviously fulfilled. With help of the MC series of vectors X(from MC exploration of the cell) we determine for each edge ( i, j) the MC distribution of the variable < λ i,j>, the average < λ i,j>, its variance σ(λi,j) etc. For the division procedure I am looking for an edge ( i, j) along which the integrand is varying most rapidly. How do I q uantify the the “rapidness” of the distribution of λi,jwithin its domain (0,1)? For instance, I could use the ratio of the dispersion to the average σ/ < w > ofλi,j. This would work if the distribution of λi,jhad a single maximum, in the middle of the (0,1) interval, or a t one of its ends λi,j= 0,1. This criterium of the “rapidness” of the distribution of λi,jwould fail, however, if the distribution of λi,jhad two or more maxima within (0,1) interval. It would be an annoying failure in many practical cases like a double r idge or closed hyperspaces (like sphere). A more sophisticated measure of the “rapidne ss” of the distribution of λi,j is therefore used in the algorithm. For each ( i, j) the full distribution dN/dλ is recorded (histogrammed) and the value of the integral Ri,j=/integraldisplay/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledN dλi,j−N/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledλi,j is calculated. The edge ( i, j) with the biggest Ri,jis chosen for the cell division. As easily seen, the Ri,jis close to zero for flat (uniform) dN/dλ i,jand has high value, ∼N, if dN/dλ i,jhas one or multiple narrow peaks. As a value λfor the division λ=< λi,j>is taken. In this way one makes attempt to divide the cell in such a way that two daughters cells contain roughly half of the parent integral (as in VESK O2). In the MC exploration of the new cell, the index of the (optimal) edge ( i, j) and its < λi,j>are readily determined and memorized for future use – when later on, an active cell is picked up for division, the division direction ( i, j) and its ratio < λi,j>is already predetermined. Let me finally comment on the weight normalization, and the re lated question of reduction of the variance and/or maximum weight. Before I en ter details it is very im- portant to remember that my final aim and highest priority is t o generate events with the weight equal one i.e. unweighted events. This is a much harde r task than generate the variable weight events. As usual, one may produce variable w eight events and turn them into unweighted events by means of rejection. However, one c annot do it efficiently if one does not control very strictly the maximum weight for weight ed events. Weighted events (without strict control of maximum weight) are good enough f or evaluating the value of the integral. In this less interesting case, the appropriat e choice of the foam of cells, can minimize the variance of the weight. Our primary aim is, howe ver, to construct the foam of cells which will allow us to control the maximum of the weig ht, while decent variance of the weight is of secondary importance. In the initialization phase, the basic weight is defined w=f(x)VCartwhere fis integrand function, and VCartis Cartesian volume of the cell. The above weight is therefor e normalized such that the proper integral is equal the averag e weight, i.e., for infinite number of MC events < w > is just equal to the integral over the cell. In order to gain good control over the maximum of the weight (a nd/or its variance) I introduce the crude integral of the cell, which is typically an overestimated integral ov er 7the cell. In the subsequent MC generation, the MC weight wMCwill compensate for the fact that crude integral is not equal the true value of the integral over the cell. Sinc e the control of the maximum weight is our main priority, in the default case, the crude integral of the cell is chosen Icrude=wmax=VCartMax Xf(X), i.e. it is equal the maximum value of the integrand function t imes the volume of the cell. Of course, the true maximum of the integrand function i s not know, and instead, one employs its estimate obtained in the course of the MC expl oration of the cell. This above choice ensures that the condition wMC≤1, essential for turning weighted events intowMC= 1 events by means of the rejection, will not be violated too o ften. Note that if one is interested only in the variable weight eve nts, for instance for calcu- lating the integral, then a more economical choice of the cru de integral of the cell would be Icrude=√ < w >2+σ2=√ < w2>, i.e. this quantity is either the average weight < w > or its variance σ, depending which one is bigger, see also discussion in refs. [3,6]. This would pro vide a reasonable reduction of the variance by populating more densely cells which have bigger ratio of the proper variance to proper average weight σ(w)/ < w > , and therefore reducing the overall σ(w)/ < w > . The above choice of the crude integral is also optionally ava ilable in the program. In any case, the compensating weight for the MC generation is always the same: wMC=f(x)VCart/Icrude. 3 Program structure The program consists of one source file and one header file. It i s written in Fortran77 with the popular extensions like long variable names, long s ource lines, etc., which are available on all platforms. In the makefile there is a collections of f77 compilation flags, for Linux, AIX HPUX and ALPHA compilers which should be used t o activate these extensions. The program is written in such a way that its tran slation to c++ or Java should be not too difficult. In fact the program has structure o f the c++ class as much as it is possible to do it within f77. Below I characterize the rules according to which program was written. Variables obey the following rules: •There is only one common block /cFoamA/ which contains all class member vari- ables, which is placed in the header file FoamA.h . Each subroutine in FoamA.f source file includes an INCLUDE ’FoamA.h’ statement. The outside programs should never include directly /cFoamA/ . All input/output communication is done with the help of dedicated, easy to use, subroutines. 8•Variables in /cFoamA/ areclass members and all have special prefix “ m” in their name, for example mIterat is number of iterations. •User has access to some class members through “getters” and “ setters”; see below. •Strong typing is imposed with help of IMPLICIT NONE . Subprograms in the class are loosely organized in several ca tegories: •Constructor with name FoamAPreInitialize which pre-sets default values of many variables, including input variables. It is invoked automa tically. •Initializator with name FoamAInitialize , which performs initialization of the foam grid. •Finalizator with name FoamAFinalize , which summarizes the whole run, sets out- put values in /cFoamA/ , prints output etc. •Maker with the name FoamAMakeSomething or similar a one, which does the essen- tial part of job, in our case a maker FoamAMakeEvent generates single MC event. •Setter with the name FoamASetVariable , is called from the outside world to set mVariable in/cFoamA/ . For example CALL FoamA SetIterat( 5) sets variable mIterat=5 . Only certain privileged variables have a right to be served by their own setter, the other ones are in principle “private”. Most of se tters should be called before initialization. •Getter with the name FoamASetVariable , is called from the outside world to get mVariable from/cFoamA/ . It is a preferred way of sending output information to outside world. For example, with CALL FoamA GetMCwt(MCwt) one gets MC weight MCwtin the user program. The full list of class member variables in /cFoamA/ is shown in the Appendix A. Addi- tional information on all subprograms of the Foam package ca n be found in Tables 1 and 2, where I list all subprograms with short descriptions of th eir role. 9Subprogram description Initialization of the foam grid FoamA PreInitialize Pre-initialization, set all default values (constructor) FoamA Initialize(FunW) Initialization of the grid etc. FoamA InitVertices Initializes first vertices of the basic cube FoamA InitCells Initializes first n-factorial cells inside original cube FoamA DefCell Creates new (daughter) cell and append at end of the buffer FoamA SetVertex(iVe,k1,k2,k3) Helps to define vertex FoamA Explore(iCell,funW) Short MC sampling in iCell, determine < wt > ,wtmax etc. FoamA RanDiscr(Crud,nTot,Pow,iRnd) Random choice of cell division direction FoamA MakeLambda(Lambda) Auxiliary procedure for FoamA Explore FoamA Determinant(R,Det) Determinant of matrix R FoamA Det2Lapl(R,i1,i2) Laplace formula for 2-dim. determinant FoamA Det3Lapl(R,i1,i2,i3) Laplace formula for 3-dim. determinant FoamA Det4Lapl(R,i1,i2,i3,i4) Laplace formula for 4-dim. determinant FoamA Det5Lapl(R,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) Laplace formula for 5-dim. determinant FoamA Grow(funW) Grow cells until buffer is full FoamA PeekMax(iCell) Choose randomly one cell, used also in MC generation FoamA Peek(iCell) Generates randomly pointer iCell of (active) cell FoamA Divide(iCell,funW,RC) Divide iCell into two daughters; iCell tagged as inac- tive FoamA Collapse Finds and removes some cells, revives some nonactive cells Generation FoamA MakeEvent(funW) Generates point/vector Xrand with the weight MCwt FoamA GetMCvector(MCvector) Provides point/vector MCvector generated by Ma- keEvent FoamA GetMCwt(MCwt) Provides MC weight MCwt calculated by MakeEvent FoamA MCgenerate(funW,X,MCwt) Alternative entry, Generates point X with the weight MCwt Finalization FoamA Finalize(MCresult,MCerror) Calculates integral and its error after MC run FoamA GetIntegral(MCresult,MCerror) Integral estimate from MC generation Table 1: List of all subprograms with short description. 10Subprogram description Other Getters and Setters FoamA GetCrude(Crude) Provides Crude used in MC generation FoamA SetNdim(Ndim) Sets Ndim= no. of dimensions (called before Initialize) FoamA GetNdim(Ndim) Provides Ndim, miscellaneous, for tests FoamA SetnBuf(nBuf) Sets nBuf, length of working area in the buffer FoamA SetIterat(Iterat) Sets Iterat= no. of iterations (called before Initialize) FoamA SetOut(Out) Sets output unit number FoamA SetChat(Chat) Sets chat level Chat=0,1,2 in the output, Chat=1 normal FoamA SetnSampl(nSampl) Sets nSampl; No of MC sampling before dividing cell FoamA SetOptCrude(OptCrude) Sets OptCrude; type of Crude =0,1,2. FoamA SetOptBeta(OptBeta) Sets type of method in cell division FoamA SetOptPeek Sets type of method in cell division FoamA SetOptEdge(OptEdge) Sets OptEdge; (inclusion of vertices in the cell exploratio n) FoamA SetKillFac(KillFac) Sets KillFac; threshold factor for collapse procedure Debugging and miscellaneous FoamA Check(mout,level) Checks all pointers (after compression) debugging! FoamA ActUpda Miscellaneous, Creates list of active cells (pointers) FoamA BufPrint(mout) Prints all cells, debugging FoamA BufActPrint(mout) Prints all active cells, debugging FoamA VertPrint(mout) Prints all vertices, debugging FoamA PltBegin Plotting 2-dim. cells and vertices FoamA PltVert(mout) Plotting 2-dim. cells and vertices FoamA PltCell(mout) Plotting 2-dim. cells and vertices FoamA PltEnd Plotting 2-dim. cells and vertices Table 2: List of all subprograms with short description, continuati on. 11Parameter Meaning mnDim Number of dimensions. mnBuf Actual dynamic length of the buffer m nBuf<mnBufMax. Larger mnBuf has to be used for higher dimensions and for strongly sin gu- lar integrand. For larger m nBuf the CPU time of the initialisation will increase but the total CPU time of the event generation will b e shorter because the acceptance rate < w > /w maxwill improve. Default is mnBuf=1000. mnSampl Number of MC sampling per cell in the MC exploration of the new cell daughter cell. The MC efficiency < w > /w maxseems to depend weakly on m nSampl. However, if one cannot increase m nBuf any more then enlarging m nSampl may still help a little bit. Default is m nSampl=200. mIterat No of iterations in the initialization of the grid, m Iterat=0 is the lowest possible value. In most cases it is enough. Each iteration co nsists of the grow and collapse of the grid. Several iterations are recomm ended for very strongly peaked distributions. mKillFac threshold factor for reviving inactive cells in the “collap se” procedure of the iteration. Its change seems to be without much effect. M ay be in some rare cases the user will find profitable to readjust it. Default is mKillFac=1. mOptCrude Type of the crude integral used for the MC generation of the ac tive cell. For OptCrude=0 estimator of the “true” integral in the cell i s take as crude, for OptCrude=1 the value of√ < w2>and for OptCrude=2 the maximum weight wmax. Default is m OptCrude=2. mOptEdge Option parameter deciding whether vertices are included in the MC ex- ploration of the cell. For m OptEdge=0 they are not included and for mOptEdge=1 they are included. Generally it is good to include ver- tices, but if there are some weak singularities or numerical instabilities of the integrand close to boundary of the integration domain , then it better to set m OptEdge=0. Default is m OptEdge=1. mOptPeek Option parameter deciding method of selecting the cell for d ivision. Opt- Peek=0 cell with maximum crude (default), OptPeek=1 random ly. mOptBeta Type of choice of the edge in the division of the cell, Default OptBeta=0 described in the text, OptBeta=1, OptBeta=2 for tests. mOut Output unit number. For redirecting output from Foam to sepa rate disk file. Default is m Out=6. mChat Chat=0,1,2 increasing chat level in the output unit, Chat=1 is the de- fault normal level Table 3: Important input parameters of the Foam. They are listed in th e order of their importance. 124 Program usage, input parameters Basic input variables are listed in in Table (3) together wit h their explanation. Typical user program using Foam package may look as follows: *-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- DOUBLE PRECISION Density EXTERNAL Density CALL FoamA_SetNdim( 3) ! number of dimensions CALL FoamA_SetnBuf( 2000) ! length of buffer CALL FoamA_SetIterat( 1) ! number of iterations CALL FoamA_SetnSampl( 500) ! no. of MC events/cell (initial ization) CALL FoamA_SetOptCrude( 2) ! type of crude, =2 is default any way CALL FoamA_SetOptEdge( 1) ! edge point are included, (=0 exc luded) CALL FoamA_SetChat( 1) ! printout level CALL FoamA_Initialize(Density) ! initialize foam grid DO loop = 1, 200000 CALL FoamA_MakeEvent(Density) ! generate MC event CALL FoamA_GetMCvector(MCvector) ! get MC event, vector CALL FoamA_GetMCwt(MCwt) ! get MC weight CALL GLK_Fil1(1000, MCwt,1d0) ! users histogramming ENDDO CALL FoamA_Finalize(MCresult,MCerror) ! printouts, get i ntegral & error CALL FindWtLimit(1000) ! users routine, check on MC efficie ncy *-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- In fact user has to set only the number of dimensions Ndim. The other input variables nBuf, Iterat, nSampl, OptCrude, OptEdge, Chat are already preset for the user thus calling setters for them is optional. User needs to provide h is own integrand function which in the example is Density . Below is an example of a simple integrand function (3-dim. sphere). *-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION Density(X) *////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// *// 3-dimensional testing function, Thin sphere centred at (A1,A2,A3) // *// with Radius and Thickness defined below // *////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION X(*) DOUBLE PRECISION Radius,Thickness,A1,A2,A3,R DATA A1,A2,A3 / 0.25, 0.40, 0.50 / ! centre of sphere DATA Radius / 0.35 / ! radius of sphere DATA Thickness / 0.020 / ! thickness of sphere *-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- R = SQRT( (x(1)-A1)**2 +(x(2)-A2)**2 +(x(3)-A3)**2 ) Density = Thickness/( (R-Radius)**2 + Thickness**2) END *-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- 135 Numerical tests A minimum of testing was done. It is even more important that t he program was already tested in areal practical application . The present version of Foam is implemented as a part of KK Monte Carlo event generator [9] for the up to 3-dimensional p roblem of the simulation of the initial state photon radiation (ISR) and beamstrahlung for future Linear Colliders4. In the following I present the comparisons of the Foam progra m with VEGAS [3] for n= 2,3. Forn= 2 I use three testing functions: fa(x1,x2) = 1−Θ(0.5− |x1−0.5| −γ) Θ(0.5− |x1−0.5−γ|), γ= 0.05, fb(x1,x2) = 1/4πR2 γ π[(R−/radicalbig (x1−0.25)2+ (x2−0.40)2)2+γ2)], γ= 0.02,R= 0.35 fc(x1,x2) =γ π[(x1+x2)2+γ2)], γ= 0.02.(1) All above functions are defined within unit square 0 ≤xi≤1. The first density function is peaked along one of diagonals of the square, the second one is peaked along a 2% wide ring centered at (0.25,0.40) of radius 0.25, and the last one repr esents 5% wide band along four edges of the square. In Fig. 1 the resulting 2-dimensional foam of cells is plotte d. In each case, the foam consists of about 75 active cells and the exploration of the single cel l in the initialization was based on 1000 MC events per cell. Only active cells are plotted. As exp ected, cells of the foam concentrate in the areas of the enhancement of the integrand functions. T hey clearly try tend to elongate along the lines of the “ridges” in the integrand functions. Functions Foam VEGAS fa(x1,x2) (diagonal ridge) 0.94 0.05 fb(x1,x2) (circular ridge) 0.83 0.15 fc(x1,x2) (edge of square) 0.57 0.53 Table 4: Efficiency wε max, forε= 10−4, of Foam and VEGAS for 3 examples of the 2- dimensional integrand function defined in eq. (1). After ini tialization, efficiency was determined from sample of 106MC events. Results from Foam are for 5000 cells (about 2500 ac tive cells) and cell exploration was based on 200 MC events per cell. The three test functions of eq. (1) are intended to be of the “n on-factorizable” type, such that Foam should be more efficient than VEGAS. I definitely want to adjusted the concept of “efficiency” of the MC to the task of MC generation of weight one events. (It should not be confused with the statistical error of the integral.) Gener ally, I define efficiency as the ratio of the average weight to maximum weight < w > /w max, such that it is equal to the rejection rate in the process of turning variable-weight events into w= 1 events. In practice, however, wmaxhas to be defined unambiguously and in a numerically stable wa y. The straightforward definition of wmaxas a maximum weight determined empirically in the MC test run , or during the initialization of the grid, can be prone to large fluctuat ion. For practical reasons I do not want to exclude from our considerations the case of the weak i ntegrable singularities in the 4It this practical application Foam is more efficient than VEGA S by factor of order 100. 14(a) (b) (c)✉1⋆2⋆3✉4 ⋆5 ⋆6⋆7 ⋆8 ⋆9⋆10⋆11 ⋆12⋆13 ⋆14 ⋆15 ⋆16⋆17 ⋆18⋆19 ⋆20⋆21 ⋆22⋆23⋆24 ⋆25⋆26 ⋆27 ⋆28 ⋆29⋆30 ⋆31 ⋆32⋆33 ⋆34⋆35⋆36⋆37 ⋆38⋆39✉40 ✉41⋆42 ⋆43⋆44⋆45 ✉46 ⋆47✉48✉49 ✉50 ✉51✉52 ✉53✉54 ✉55 ✉56✉57 ✉58 ✉59✉60 ✉61✉62 ✉63 ✉64✉65 ✉66 ✉67✉68✉69 ✉70✉71 ✉72✉73 ✉74✉75 ✉76 ✉77❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅
POSSIBLE MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION OF LIQUIDITY PREFERENCE THEORY ALEXANDER MOROZOVSKY Bridge, 57/58 Floors, 2 World Trade Center, New York, NY 10048 ABSTRACT New mathematical formulation of liquidity preference theory is suggested. On the base of comparison between suggested model and real prices paradoxical conclusion could be derived. The whole yield curve could be described only on the base of liquidity preference theory without any consideration of risk-neutral models. Keywords: Liquidity preference; Portfolio theory; Yield curve. One of the existing problems in the theory of mathematical finance is the calculation of term structure of interest rates. The term structure of interest rates is determined by the dependence of the yield of the discount instruments from maturity. There are many different models explaining the relationship between long- and short-term interest rates [1]. One of the most popular is the liquidity preference theory. This theory states that forward ratesshould be higher than future spot rates. This means that long-term buyers of bonds require additional return. Let’s rephrase our statements in such a way so that it would be similar to concepts from portfolio theory (return connected with risk). So, we could assume that holders of long-term securities receiveadditional return compared with holders of short-term securities because of the additional risk associated with long-term securities. Because of the resemblance of this statement to the portfolio theory, we could try to apply powerful mechanisms of portfolio analysis in order to calculate the yield curve. We could formulate again that the purpose of this paper is the mathematical formulation of liquidity preference theory on the base of similarity of concepts, underlying this theory with portfolio analysis. In order to write an equation for yield calculation we will apply the following important theoretical concepts: 1. Markowitz portfolio theory for connection between risk and return [2]. 2. Value-at-risk concept for measuring risk [3]. 3. Creation of riskless portfolio as a tool for obtaining riskless return [1]. The simplest reformulation of liquidity preference theory is: additional risk requires additional return, or Additional Return = α * Additional Risk (1) Now we will try to elaborate our statement on the base of concepts from the modern theory of finance, mentioned above. The remaining part article consists of the following parts:1. How we are going to calculate additional return. 2. What is the reason for additional risk and how are we going to calculate it. 3. Final form of the basic equation and its solution. 4. Comparison of empirical prices with obtained equation. 5. Correspondence between suggested approach and portfolio theory. 6. Conclusion. 1. How we are going to calculate additional return. We will define additional return as the difference between the market price of bond(P r) and the price of the bond, calculated from riskless approach(E): Additional return = E - rP, (2) (E - rP , not rP- E). The following order becomes clearer if we write down an additional return as difference between the return for a real bond and return in the risk-neutral world: Additional return = Return for bond - Return for bond in risk-neutral world. (3) Consider I as the value of all cash flows, connected with the bond at the time of maturity, we could define the terms in (3) as: Return for bond = I – P r, (4) Return for bond in risk-neutral world = I - E, Because of (3) and (4) additional return could be written as: Additional return = ( I - P r) – (I - E), (5) and we could immediately see that (2) and (5) are the same equations. The calculation of additional risk, however, is much more difficult.2. What is the reason for additional risk and how we are going to calculate it. It’s possible to suggest many reasons for risks, existing even if we use the usual risk - neutral framework. First of all, it could be transaction costs (or more general - market could be incomplete). Then,it could be imprecision of used risk-neutral models or the existence of many of them. And, of course, itcould be the usual arguments for liquidity preference theory. In this explanation, additional risk depends not only on volatility σ, but also on time to maturity. We need some additional quantitative concept for measuring this additional risk. All of the following reasons could lead to deviation from the risk-neutral approach and to the existence of additional risk. In order to estimate an additional risk we will use Value-at-Risk concept developed at J. P. Morgan ([3]). According to this concept, Value-at-Risk (VaR) is equal to the difference between average expected price at time T (time of maturity) and price of instrument that differentiate probability space in aspecial way(such that, the integral probability to be below the average expected price of this instrumentwould be n%, where n=1,2,3). Now, we will specify equation for interest-rate security Fdz Fdt dFF Fσµ+= (6) where F - the value of security, z - Wiener’s process, and Fµ, Fσ are generally speaking - functions from F and T. Now, we will apply usual formula for VaR for security, described by (6) and measure additional risk as quantity proportional to VaR: ) 1( *t t re ee eP Risk Additional∆− ∆− ≈βσ µ,( 7 ) Whereeµ, eσ - some functional from Fµ and Fσ correspondingly. It's possible to consider different approaches for eµ and eσcalculating. We will consider formula (7) when instead of eµ and eσ we will use averages in time: dttFe ∆= µ µ1(7-1), anddttFe ∆=2 2 1σ σ (7-2) where (7-1) and (7-2) are the simplest average characteristics for Fµ and Fσ . We should outline that instead of using VaR ideas for Additional Risk (7) it is possible to suggest different definitions for Additional Risk. The simplest forms of dependence of eσfrom t∆ would be: 0σσ≈e(8) and te∆≈1σσ (9) when the volatility Fσ(8) or its derivative (9) is constant. 3. Final form of basic equation (connection between additional risk and additional return and its solution). There is, however, one small problem, that needs to be solved in order to write final version of equation (1) (connection between additional risk and additional return). The problem is the following:payoff for additional risk happened immediately at time t = 0(additional return), but this risk is calculated at time of maturity( at t = T, Fig.1): Fig.1 Time diagram for additional risk and additional return. Additional Risk at t=TAdditional Return at t=0We need to find way to determine additional risk and additional return at the same time. In order to do this we need to find way to discount additional risk from time t= T to time t=0. Because the value of additionalrisk is money, we could suggest two discount procedures: 1. Additional Risk(t=0) = −rdte Additional Risk(t = T) (10) 2. Additional Risk ( t = 0) = IPr Additional Risk(t = T) The first statement from (10) corresponds to usual risk-neutral approach and the second to the self- agreeable discount procedure( if the value of I (at time at present time costs Pr, then the value of additional risk at present time costs (Pr/ I)*Additional Risk ( t = T) ). From this point on we will consider only the second approach. Finally, equation (1) could be rewritten as: ) 1(2 t t r re ee eIPPE∆− ∆− =−βσ µα (11) Equation (11) is the simplest square equation and because of this we could immediately write down its solution: ) 1( ) 1( 2 ) 1( 22 2,1 t t t t t tr e e e e e ee eEI e eI e eIP∆− ∆ ∆− ∆ ∆− ∆−+/Gf6 /Ge7/Ge7 /Ge8/Ge6 −± −−=βσ µ βσ µ βσ µα α α (12) Because Pr supposed to be positive, we will consider only (+) in (12). We could simplify (12) for 2 different cases: big and small t: 1. small ∆t a>>b, where (13) ) 1(, ) 1( 22 t t t te e e ee eEIb e eIa ∆− ∆ ∆− ∆−=/Gf6 /Ge7/Ge7 /Ge8/Ge6 −= βσ µ βσ µα α(14) 2. and for big t- opposite inequality: a << b (15) To simplify discussion for P let's write down dependence of from t (8, 9) in general form: ()γσσ te∆= (16) Where γ=0, if eσ= constant, and γ= 1, if ∆≈eσ t. On the base of this equation we could get simplified expression for price of security Pr in the case of (13) and (14):Small ∆t: ) 1(21 2 + ∆−∆ − −=γ βσµαtt r eIeEE Pe (17) or : 21 2+∆ −=γβσαt IEEPr(18) Now we could write equation for y (yield) using the yield definitions: ty rIeP∆−= (19) and tyIeE∆−=0, (20) where y 0 – yield for risk – neutral valuation. From (18), (19) and (20) we immediately could obtain: 21 0+∆+∆=∆γαβσ t tyty , (21) where we left only two first powers of t∆ in (18). For forward rate we could obtain from (21) dependence on t∆, similar to formulas suggested in articles [4,5]. In particularly, we could obtain forward rate proportional to t∆. In the case of big t∆ (15) we could rewrite (12) as: ) 1(t tr e ee eEIP∆− ∆−=βσ µα(22) or 21 21 2 ) 1(0−−∆−∆+−∆−− = αβσµ tty tyee e e e (23) Finally, y t∆: 2ln 2 20 α µβσ + −∆+=∆∆− t eeetyty (24) ( because we consider tee∆−βσ as small term). Equations (12), (18), (22), and derived from them equations (21) and (24) allow us to compare this model with existing financial data. We will use data from Federal Reserve Statistical Release [6] from 04/12/99for U.S. treasury constant maturities. The data (yields) in percents per annum are presented in table 1.Table 1. Dependence of yields from maturity Time to maturity Yields in percent per annum 3m 4.326m 4.51y 4.66 2y 4.93 3y 4.955y 4.987y 5.17 10y 5.06 20y 5.7230y 5.45 4. Possible strong hypothesis about relationship between observed and risk-neutral interest rates and comparison with existing financial data. In order to compare obtained result with financial data we need model for calculating y (t) and another parameters from (12). One of the most extreme hypothesis could suggest that y 0(t) = constant = y 0 (25) Because of it we will be able to try to compare obtained time dependencies (21) and (24) with yields,obtaining from bond prices. To do this, we compare data from table (1) and suggested dependencies (21) – for small times and (24) – for big times.Let’s first of all discuss comparison between suggested financial data and formula (21): If we choose γ in (21) equal to 1, than formula (21) could be rewritten as: t yy ∆+=αβσ0(26) In order to compare suggested function with financial data we will build chart of dependence y from t∆ (Fig.2). It’s clear from this dependence that there is a reasonably good agreement between suggested formula (26) and actual dependence y(t). From this graphic (Fig.2) we could determine coefficients in formula (26): y 0 and αβσ : y0 = 0.004, and αβσ = 0.66*10-2 (27) Now we could try to compare (24) with data from table 1. In order to do it we will introduce some additional assumptions: conste=µ , and 0ye=µ - there is only one rate of return and this rate is equal to y 0.Fig.2 Dependence of yield from time to maturity 0123 Square root of t(t - time to maturity in years)YieldNow, assuming that tee∆−βσ is small enough for last 2 existing values( 20 years and 30 years) we could simplify (24) and write it as: 2ln 0α+∆=∆ tyty (28) Using values of y for these two times to maturity (20 and 30 years), and knowing that y 0 = 0.004, we could determine(Fig.3) : α = 1.18 (29) Then, from (24) we could receive the following formula: t tytye∆−=++∆+∆− βσα2ln)2lnln(0(30) Now, because we know α ( 1.18 ) and αβσ ( 0.66*10-2 ), it's possible to compare coefficients βσ from (28) with coefficients βσ, obtained from (27) and (29) (eβσ = t∆βσ ) : ααβσβσe e= ( 31 ) Here, also we present data, calculated using equation (12) for different parameters α (α = 1.18 and α=2.05 - tables 2 and figures 4, 5 correspondingly):Fig.3 Simple parameter determination 0.050.0550.06 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 1/time to maturityYieldIt’s clear from these data that difference between existing price and price, calculated on the base of suggested model is no more than 5%. Even additional precision in parameters’ estimation could decrease this difference. In addition, for better correspondence between observed data and suggested model, it’s possible to relax the following assumptions: .1, , ,0 0 = == = γ µ µ const yy conste e Table2. Prices of treasury securities and calculated prices ( for α = 1.18 and α=2.05). Time to maturity Price of treasury Calculated price Calculated price (years) security of treasury security 1 of treasury security 2 0.25 0.9893 0.9892 0.9892 0.5 0.9778 0.9779 0.9779 1 0.9545 0.9545 0.9545 2 0.9061 0.9066 0.9066 3 0.8620 0.8588 0.85865 0.7796 0.7673 0.76677 0.6964 0.6839 0.6826 10 0.6029 0.5757 0.5731 20 0.3185 0.3340 0.327230 0.1950 0.2036 0.1949 Fig.4 Dependence of treasuries prices from time 00.51 01 0 2 0 3 0 Time to maturity, yearsPrice of securityPrice of treasuries Calculated Price of treasuriesCalculated price of treasury security 1 corresponds to α = 1.18 and calculated price of treasury security 2 corresponds to α = 2.05. 5. Portfolio theory, risk - neutral model and interest - rate models. Here we will show relationship between existing financial models and suggested way for mathematical formulation of liquidity preference theory. Let's point out again, that choosing of VaR as risk measure, allow us to evaluate risk for differentmaturities. Additional return could be calculated as difference between risk - neutral price ( price, calculated on the base of risk - neutral model and market price). To connect return and risk for different maturities we will use relationship between risk and return, similar to portfolio theory. Finally, we will express suggestedformalism, using graphical view:Fig.5 Dependence of treasuries prices from time 00.51 01 0 2 0 3 0 Time to maturity, yearsPrice of securityPrice of treasuries Calculated Price of treasuries, Formula connected with portfolio theory = (Formula, connected with risk - neutral valuation) / (Formula, connected with VaR); 6. Conclusion. New mathematical formulation of liquidity preference theory is suggested. On the base of comparison between suggested model and real prices paradoxical conclusion could be derived. All yield curve could be described only on the base of liquidity preference theory without any consideration of risk-neutral models.References. 1. J. C. Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall, NJ (1997). 2. E. J. Elton and M. J. Gruber, Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1981). 3. Risk Metrics, J. P. Morgan, New York (1996). 4. Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Nicolas Sagna, Rama Cont, Nicole El-Karoui and Marc Potters, Phenomenology of the interest rate curve, cond-mat/9712164. 5. Andrew Matacz and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, An Empirical Investigation of the Forward Interest Rate Term Structure, cond-mat/9907297. 6. Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15 Historical Data ( http://www.bog.frb.fed.us/releases/H15/data.htm).
arXiv:physics/9910007v1 [physics.atom-ph] 6 Oct 1999Three-photon detachment of electrons from the fluorine negative ion G F Gribakin †, V K Ivanov ‡, A V Korol §and M Yu Kuchiev † /bardbl †School of Physics, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia ‡Department of Experimental Physics, St Petersburg State Te chnical University, Polytekhnicheskaya 29, St Petersburg 195251, Russia §Physics Department, Russian Maritime Technical Universit y, Leninskii prospect 101, St Petersburg 198262, Russia Abstract. Absolute three-photon detachment cross sections are calcu lated for the fluorine negative ion within the lowest-order perturbation theory. The Dyson equation of the atomic many-body theory is used to obtain the ground-s tate 2 pwavefunction with correct asymptotic behaviour, corresponding to the tr ue (experimental) binding energy. We show that in accordance with the adiabatic theory (Gribakin and Kuchiev 1997Phys. Rev. A 553760) this is crucial for obtaining absolute values of the multiphoton cross sections. Comparisons with other calcul ations and experimental data are presented. PACS numbers: 32.80.Gc, 32.80.Rm Short title: Three-photon detachment from F− February 2, 2008 /bardblE-mails: gribakin@newt.phys.unsw.edu.au, ivanov@tuexp h.stu.neva.ru, Korol@rpro.ioffe.rssi.ru, kmy@newt.phys.unsw.edu.au2 1. Introduction Starting from the pioneering works of Hall et al (1965) and Robinson and Geltman (1967) the behaviour of negative ions in laser fields has been the subject of numerous studies for over thirty years. Nevertheless, up to now there are very few firmly established results on the absolute values of the cross sect ions and photoelectron angular distributions in multiphoton processes. This is true even for the simplest two-photon detachment pro cesses. For example, the results of a number of experimental and theoretical work s on the cross sections and photoelectron angular distributions in the negative halog en ions (see, e.g., van der Hart 1996, Gribakin et al1999 and references therein) differ significantly each from o ther. A number of experimental works reported the cross sections a nd angular asymmetry parameters of the two-photon detachment from the halogen ne gative ions at selected photon energies (Trainham et al 1987, Blondel et al 1989a, 1992, Kwon et al 1989, Davidson et al1992, Sturrus et al1992, Blondel and Delsart 1993). These measurements were performed at the end of 80’s – beginning of 90’s, and to th e best of our knowledge no new experimental data on multiphoton detachment from the negative halogens have been published since. On the theoretical side, a recent development in the study of multiphoton detachment from negative ions has been done within the adiab atic approach (Gribakin and Kuchiev 1997a,b). It has established that the electron e scape from an atomic system in a low-frequency laser field takes place at large electron- atom separations, r∼1/√ω∼√ 2n/κ≫1, (1) where ωis the photon frequency, κis related to the initial bound-state energy, E0= −κ2/2, and nis the number of quanta absorbed (atomic units are used throu ghout). Therefore, the asymptotic behaviour of the bound-state wav efunction R(r)≃Ar−1e−κr is crucial for obtaining correct absolute values of the prob abilities of multiphoton processes. Direct calculations of two-photon detachment f rom halogen negative ions within the lowest-order perturbation theory (Gribakin et al1998, 1999) with both the Hartree-Fock (HF) and the asymptotically correct valence npwavefunctions confirm this understanding. The point is that the HF wave functions a re characterised by κvalues generally exceeding the true experimental ones. As a result, when we use asymptotically correct wave functions the cross sections a re significantly higher than those obtained within other methods which rely on the HF or si milar ground-state wavefunctions (Crance 1987, 1988, Jiang and Starace 1988, P anet al1990, van der Hart 1996). Moreover, the use of the ground-state wavefunctions with correct asymptotic behaviour in multiphoton detachment calculations is often more important than other effects of electron correlations. Note that the analytic adi abatic theory (Gribakin and Kuchiev 1997a,b) which is valid for n≫1 gives reasonable estimates of the cross sections3 even for n= 2 when correct asymptotic parameters are used. As far as three-photon detachment from negative ions is conc erned, the experimental and theoretical results are more scarce than those on the two -photon detachment. Thus, there have been only two experimental measurements of the cross section for F−at a single photon energy performed by Blondel et al (1989b) and Kwon et al (1989), and a few theoretical values obtained in the early ca lculations by Crance (1987, 1988). Recently van der Hart (1996) applied an R-matrix Floquet approach to study the photodetachment from F−and Cl−forn= 1, 2 and 3. The aim of this work is to perform direct numerical calculati ons of the three-photon detachment cross section for the negative fluorine ion using an asymptotically correct ground-state wavefunction and compare the results with the available theoretical and experimental data. As in our previous two-photon calculati ons (Gribakin et al1999) the correct 2 pwavefunction is obtained within the many-body Dyson equati on method. Section 2 outlines briefly the method of calculation. A discu ssion of our results and comparisons with other calculations and experimental data are presented in Section 3. 2. Three-photon detachment cross section The total cross section of three-photon detachment of the n0l0electron from an atomic system by a linearly polarized light of frequency ωcan be written as σ(ω) =/summationdisplay lf,LσlfL=32π4ω3 c3/summationdisplay lf,L/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleB(L) l0,lf(ω)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2. (2) In this sum above the partial cross sections σlfLare characterised by the orbital momentum lfof the final-state photoelectron coupled with the atomic res idue into the total orbital momentum L. The second equality assumes that the continuous-spectrum wavefunction of the photoelectron in the matrix element B(L) l0lf(ω) is normalized to the δ-function of energy. After absorption of three dipole photo ns by an outer npelectron in a halogen negative ion np6 1S, the final state photoelectron can leave the system in thes-,d- org-waves. So, the possible final states are: lf= 0 (1P),lf= 2 (1Pand1F) andlf= 4 (1F). In the lowest perturbation-theory order the three-photon a mplitude B(L) l0lf(ω) is characterised by the following sequence of electronic stat es,n0l0(L0)→n1l1(L1)→ n2l2(L2)→Eflf(L), produced by successive absorption of three photons. This amplitude may be presented as B(L) l0lf=/summationdisplay L2l2/radicalBig (2L2+ 1)(2 L+ 1)/parenleftBigg 1L L 2 0 0 0/parenrightBigg/braceleftBigg 1L L 2 l0l2lf/bracerightBigg ×/summationdisplay E2/angbracketleftBig εflf/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleˆd/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoublen2l2/angbracketrightBig AL2 l0l2(ω, E 0, E2) 2ω−E2+E0+iδ, (3)4 where n2l2is the intermediate electron state after the absorption of t he second photon, l2is the electron’s orbital momentum and L2is the total orbital momentum of the system in the intermediate state. For a halogen negative ion l2= 1 with L2= 0,2 and l2= 3 with L2= 2. In equation (3) and below E0,E1,E2, and Efare energies of the corresponding electron states. The amplitude AL2 l0l2(ω, E 0, E2) in equation (3) is the two-photon amplitude (cf. Pan et al1990, Gribakin et al1999), AL2 l0l2(ω, E 0, E2) =/radicalBig 2L2+ 1/parenleftBigg 1L21 0 0 0/parenrightBigg/summationdisplay l1(−1)l1/braceleftBigg 1 1 L2 l2l0l1/bracerightBigg ML2 l0l1l2(ω, E 0, E2),(4) where the two-photon radial matrix element ML2 l0l1l2(ω, E 0, E2) is given by ML2 l0l1l2(ω, E 0, E2) =/summationdisplay E1/an}bracketle{tn2l2/bardblˆd/bardbln1l1/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tn1l1/bardblˆd/bardbln0l0/an}bracketri}ht ω+E0−E1+ iδ. (5) The sums in equations (4) and (5) run over the intermediate el ectron states n1l1 populated after the absorption of the first photon ( l1= 0,2 with L1= 1 for the halogen negative ions). The reduced dipole matrix elements are defin ed in the usual way, e.g., in the length form, /an}bracketle{tnl/bardblˆd/bardbln0l0/an}bracketri}ht= (−1)l>/radicalBig l>/integraldisplay Pnl(r)Pn0l0(r)rdr, (6) where l>= max {l, l0}andP’s are the radial wave functions. If one describes the initial state n0l0in the HF approximation, the asymptotic behaviour of the corresponding radial wavefunction is inco rrect. Namely, it is characterized by κcorresponding to the HF binding energy, rather than the exac t (experimental) one. Thus, in F−the HF value is κ= 0.6, whereas the true one is κ= 0.5. As we showed for the two-photon detachment (Gribakin et al 1998, 1999), it is very important to use asymptotically correct bound-st ate wavefunctions. In the present work we refine the bound-state wavefunction using th e Dyson equation method in the same way as it was done in our two-photon calculations ( Gribakin et al1999). This enables us to obtain the 2 pwavefunction of F−with the correct binding energy |E2p|= 0.250 Ryd, equal to the electron affinity of fluorine (Hotop and Li neberger 1985). The wavefunctions of the intermediate ( n1l1, n2l2) and final ( Eflf) states of the photoelectron are calculated in the HF field of the frozen neu tral F-atom residue 2 p5. The photoelectron is coupled to the atomic residue to form th e total spin S= 0 and the angular momenta L1= 1 for the first intermediate sanddstates ( l1= 0,2),L2= 0,2 for the second intermediate p-wave state ( l2= 1), and L2= 2 for the second intermediate f-wave state ( lf= 3). In the final state the photoelectron is coupled to the cor e with Lf= 1 for the s- andd-wave, and Lf= 3 for the d- andg-wave. The intermediate state continua are discretized and represented by a 70-state phot oelectron momentum mesh with constant spacing ∆ k.5 Note that the importance of large distances in multiphoton p roblems speaks in favour of the length form of the photon dipole operator (Grib akin and Kuchiev 1997a,b). This is in agreement with the results of Pan et al (1990) who showed that the two- photon detachment cross sections obtained with the dipole o perator in the velocity form are much more sensitive to the shift of the photodetachment t hreshold and correlation corrections. On the other hand, electron correlations have a much weaker effect on the calculations with the length form, and the corresponding re sults are more robust, and hence, more reliable. The two-photon AL2 l0l2(ω, E 0, E2) (4) and three-photon B(L) l0lf(ω) (3) amplitudes are calculated by direct summation over the intermediate state s. This method involves accurate evaluation of the free-free dipole matrix element s, and special attention is paid to pole- and δ-type singularities of the integrand (Korol 1994, 1997). 3. Results In the present work we demonstrate the effect of the asymptoti c behaviour of the bound- state wavefunction by presenting the results obtained with the HF 2 pwavefunction (EHF 2p=−0.362 Ryd), and with the 2 pwavefunction which possesses a correct experimental energy Eexp 2p=−0.250 Ryd. The latter is obtained within the Dyson equation approach (Gribakin et al1999). It is quite close to the HF wavefunction inside the atom, whereas for r >2 au it has larger values than the HF solution, due to a smaller binding energy and κ. The asymptotic behaviour of the Dyson 2 porbital is characterized by κ= 0.5 and A= 0.64. For comparison we also calculate the cross sections within the plane-wave approximation and using the analytic adiabatic theory formula (Gribakin and Kuchiev 1997a,b). In figure 1 we present three-photon detachment cross section s calculated for F−using various approaches for the whole energy range studied. Figu re 2 shows a comparison between our results and other theoretical and experimental results. In general, all calculations reveal the small near-threshold maximum due t o the contribution of the final photoelectron s-wave, and a broad maximum at larger energies due to the d-wave contribution. When we use the experimental threshold energy together with the HF 2 p wavefunction (double-dot-dash curve in figure 1), the overa ll magnitude of the cross section remains close to that obtained with the HF threshold and wave function. On the other hand, when we use the 2 pDyson orbital (solid line) the cross section becomes substantially higher. This clearly demonstrates the effect of the asymptotic behaviour of the bound-state wavefunction. Moreover, the difference b etween the three-photon cross sections obtained with the HF and Dyson 2 pwavefunctions is greater than that between the corresponding two-photon cross sections (Grib akinet al. 1999). This can6 be related to the fact that with the increase of nthe range of important distances (1) increases, and the difference between the two bound-state wa vefunctions becomes more significant. The cross section obtained using the HF 2 porbital together with the experimental 2 p energy (double-dot-dash line in figures) shows a maximum of σ= 12.5 au at ω= 0.125 Ryd, near the two-photon detachment threshold. The HF resul ts of Crance (1987) below the two-photon detachment threshold (solid squares in figur e 2) are close to ours. The cross section of van der Hart (1996) obtained within the R-matrix Floquet approach is 20–30% higher (dashed line in figure 2) with a maximum of σ= 14.5 au at ω= 0.111 Ryd. Note that a similar difference between the HF calculatio ns with the experimental energy and the R-matrix Floquet approach was found for the two-photon detac hment cross sections of F−and Cl−(Gribakin et al 1999). It may be due to the fact that some correlations are included in the R-matrix Floquet ground-state wavefunction (see discussion at the end of this section). The experimental res ults are shown in figure 2 by open symbols. Blondel et al(1989b) and Kwon et al(1989) have obtained the cross section values of σ= 4.75(+2.02 −1.40) au and σ= 6.15(+5.14 −2.80) au, respectively, at ω= 0.0856 Ryd. Taken with the error bars, the latter value is consisten t with the HF and R-matrix Floquet calculation. However, the best results of the present paper, shown by a sol id curve in figure 2, indicate that the cross section is substantially larger. Le t us repeat once more that this increase of the cross section is due to the events which h appen at large separations, where all correlation corrections are controlled very well . Henceforth we believe that our calculations (solid curve) give the most accurate values fo r the cross section. Our cross section substantially, by a factor of 2, exceeds the HF resul ts as well as the R-matrix Floquet result. It has a maximum of σ= 27 au at ω≈0.114 Ryd. As is seen from figure 1, the difference between the cross sections obtained with th e Dyson and HF orbitals decreases towards the one-photon detachment threshold ( ω= 0.25 Ryd). Indeed, with the increase of ωand the energy of the photoelectron, smaller distances beco me more important, see (1), and at these distances the two bound-sta te wavefunctions are quite close. As noted above, the strong enhancement of the three-photon c ross section due to a changed asymptotic behaviour of the wavefunction is in a agr eement with the two-photon calculations (Gribakin et al 1998, 1999) and with the conclusions of the analytical adiabatic theory (Gribakin and Kuchiev 1997a,b). To make a d irect comparison with this theory we calculate the cross section given by equation (5) of Gribakin and Kuchiev (1997b). The short-dash curve (figure 1) is obtained using Aandκvalues of the HF 2porbital. The corresponding cross section is rather close to the HF result (dashed curve) shifted to the HF threshold. When we use Aandκfrom the Dyson orbital, dot- dash curves in figures 1 and 2, the cross section becomes much h igher. It is about 30%7 greater than our direct perturbation-theory calculation w ith the Dyson orbital, which is a good accuracy for a simple analytical formula. If we desc ribe the photoelectron in the intermediate and final states using plane waves use pla ne-waves instead of the HF wavefunctions the direct calculation (dotted line in figu re1) is very close to the adiabatic theory result. Therefore, we can attribute the di screpancy between the adiabatic theory and numerical calculations to the use of fr ee-electron Volkov states in the theory. However, this discrepancy is not large, and it gets smaller with the increase of n. We see that the use of the asymptotically correct 2 pwavefunction changes the three-photon detachment cross section by a factor of two or m ore. This is similar to the two-photon detachment process, where the effect describ ed above is greater than other correlation effects (Pan et al 1990, Gribakin et al 1999). There is no reason to expect that the role of such correlations in three-photon detachment is stronger than in two-photon detachment. Thus, we conclude that in multiphoton processes the error introduced by using a bound-state wavefunction wi th incorrect asymptotic behaviour could be much greater then the effects of electron c orrelations. For the sake of pure terminology we should mention that the correct descr iption of the asymptotic behaviour of a ground-state wave function needs inclusion o f many-electron correlations, see the Dyson equation discussed above. However, these corr elations are very particular, their manifestation can be described as a simple shift of the single-electron energy. In contrast, conventionally the term ’many-electron correla tions’ includes also processes which cannot be described in the single-electron picture. The later ones areless important in the problem considered. 4. Concluding remarks In the present paper we have performed direct numerical calc ulations of the three- photon detachment from the fluorine negative ion, and paid sp ecial attention to a proper description of the initial ground-state wavefunction. We e nsured that it has correct asymptotic behaviour by calculating the outer 2 porbital of the negative ion from the many-body theory Dyson equation with the non-local correla tion potential adjusted to reproduce experimental binding energies. Our calculation s demonstrate explicitly that the use of asymptotically correct initial state wavefuncti ons is very important for finding absolute values of multiphoton detachment cross sections. This confirms the conclusion of the adiabatic theory (Gribakin and Kuchiev 1997a,b, Grib akinet al1999) about the significance of large electron-atom separations in multiph oton processes.8 5. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Australian Research Council. One of us (VKI) would like to acknowledge the hospitality extended to him at the Sc hool of Physics at the University of New South Wales where this work was fulfilled. References Blondel C, Cacciani P, Delsart C and Trainham R 1989a Phys. Rev. A 403698 Blondel C, Champeau M J, Crance M, Grubellier A, Delsart C and Marinescu D 1989b J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 221335 Blondel C, Crance M, Delsart C and Giraud A 1992 J. Physique II 2839 Blondel C and Delsart C 1993 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 79156 Crance M 1987 J. Phys. B: At. 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Vertical line shows the position of the two-photon detachment threshold.10 0,0850,0900,0950,1000,1050,1100,1150,1200,1250,13005101520253035Cross section, a.u. Photon energy, Ryd Figure 2. Three-photon detachment cross sections of F−from different calculations and experiment. Present calculations: — ·—, analytical adiabatic theory (Gribakin and Kuchiev 1997a,b) with parameters corresponding to the c orrected 2 pwavefunction; —· ·—, direct calculation using the HF wavefunctions of the 2 p, intermediate and final states and experimental 2 p-energy; ——, same with the 2 pwavefunction from the Dyson equation. Other results: , HF calculation of Crance (1987); - - - -, R-matrix Floquet approach (van der Hart 1996); 2, and △experiment Blondel et al(1989b) and Kwon et al(1989), respectively. Vertical line shows the position of t he two-photon detachment threshold.
arXiv:physics/9910008v1 [physics.bio-ph] 8 Oct 1999Metastability of life V.I. Marchenko P.L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, RAS, 117334, Kosygin str. 2, Moscow, Russia Permanent address. e-mail: mar@kapitza.ras.ru Institut f¨ ur Festk¨ orperforschung, Forschungszentrum J ¨ ulich, D-52425 J¨ ulich, Germany The physical idea of the natural origin of diseases and death s has been presented. The fundamental microscopical reason is the destruction of any metastable s tate by thermal activation of a nucleus of a nonreversable change. On the basis of this idea the quant itative theory of age dependence of death probability has been constructed. The obtained sim ple Death Laws are very accurately fulfilled almost for all known diseases. PACS numbers:87.90.+y, 89.90.+n All of us will die, as well as all other living organisms and plants. Each and every machine or construction will breaks. Mountains will fall down or earthquakes will hap- pen. Why? Physics gives the general answer - all of these systems are not in a full equilibrium. All the systems are metastable, it means: 1) they are stable against small external influences, but 2) each of them, as the worst ones, as well as the best ones, has a finite probability to be spontaneously destroyed without any external in- fluence even in the ideal environment and at the perfect conditions. According to Gibbs [1] the fundamental rea- son of the destruction is the thermal activation of critical nucleus of nonreversable change in the system. Let us consider a simple example - a stretched ideal monocrystal string. If we wait sufficiently long time the temperature fluctuations will produce a critical Griffith’s crack [2] at some place and the string will break. It is possible that the critical crack will appear earlier if ther e are some defects in the crystal. Such a nucleation pro- cess occurs in different ways for different cases (activation of point defects in the crystals, condensation in a super saturated solution, nucleation of a new phase in a first or- der phase transition) and it is well studied in condensed matter physics. Any living organism is a much more complicated sys- tem, but the described phenomena should occur in it also. The thermal activation of critical nucleus is the last and unremovable killer. Last - if we exclude all other origins of diseases and deaths. Unremovable, but, one can hope - not untreatable. I want to stress here that the known qualitative and quantitative facts about majority of diseases can be un- derstood from the point of view of theoretical physics in terms of metastability and activation of critical nucleus. So, I do think that the thermodynamic killer works, and it is the main killer. Gompertz [3] discovered that a probability D(x) to die at the age xin the time interval dtexponentially increases with age D∝exp/parenleftBigx a/parenrightBig . (1)According to modern mortal statistics Gompertz law is valid at the age range 30 ÷70 years, and even more strong increase appears at older ages. Exponential age depen- dence of D, from my point of view, is the most crucial sign on the nature of micro origin of diseases leading to death. I have no answer for many questions one can ask about details of the relationship between a given disease and the proposed idea of their natural micro origin. Only I can do for the moment is to present a theory of age dependence of probability of arising of the nucleus. On a molecular (and macromolecular) level there are few reasons of arising of almost non removable point defects, for example, due to the process of oxidation [4]. Thermal fluctuations should produce configurational transformations of individual molecules [5]. The same effect can be caused also by some external agents (pho- tons, impurity atoms or molecules, elementary particles). If a concentration of those point defects is small, then the probability of arising of new defects does not depend upon the interaction between them. It means that the concentration of point defects should be simply propor- tional to the age x. This linear law is known in an abso- lutely analogies situation, Zeldovich stage of nucleation in I order phase transition [6]. It is quite natural to assume, that at any age the dimensionless molecular concentra- tion of the point defects remains small, so at any age this law is valid. Growing concentration of the point defects gives rise to small changes of physical parameters of body structures on a macroscopic scale (membranes, cells, as well as on a higher levels). One can imagine that some functionally significant defects are thermally activated on this scale (example, arising of Griffith-like critical crack in a micro cappilary, periodically stressed by oscillating blood pre s- sure) or point defects tend to precipitate into a condensed state (as it is in supersaturated solutions), or even some type of a structural phase transition occurs at some criti- cal value of the defect concentration. Some of such types of spontaneous changing in the body can have serious functional consequences leading to diseases, and death. The probability Wof arising of such micro damages is 1governed by Gibbs law W∝exp/parenleftbigg −U T/parenrightbigg , (2) where Uis the minimum energetic barrier of the unre- versible change (critical nucleus), and Tis the tempera- ture. Usually it is possible to expand energy of critical nucleus in the small concentration, or equivalently in age: U=U0+U′x, and if U′is negative, the barrier dimin- ishes with the age, we obtain the exponential law, Eq.(1). IfU′is positive, one has the growth of the barrier, and the stability of the body increases. It is possible that the age decreasing of the infant mortality is partly related to this circumstance. The expansion of Uin concentration is impossible in the case of condensation in a supersaturated gas with small concentration (as well as in the vicinity of I order phase transition). In a two-dimensional condensation of supersaturated gas the energy of the critical nucleus is in- versely proportional to the concentration, or in our case U∼x−1, corresponding to the second exponential law W∝exp/parenleftbigg −b x/parenrightbigg . (3) In a three-dimensional condensation there should be U∼ x−2, and the third exponential law is W∝exp/parenleftBig −c x2/parenrightBig . (4) Let us consider the US-97 death statistics specified by selected causes [7]. If one plots ln(Di) v.s. x, or, v.s. 1/x, and 1 /x2it is easy to find that almost all cases have a clearly distinguishable age behaviors: 20 cases of Gompertz exponential law, Eq.(1); 14 cases of second ex- ponential law (3); 4 cases with more complicated behav- ior, but the laws (1) or (3) are valid there in a wide age range, and some strange crossover occurs to some other behavior; 24 cases are not related with aging. Only in 3 cases statistics does not permit to make a definite con- clusion on the type of the age dependence. Examples of the clearly detactable exponential age behavior of death rate presented in Fig.1-4. Death rate here is the number of 1997 year deaths per 100.000 population of specified age groups 0-5, 5-14, ... 75-84, 85 years and over. There are a lot of intriguing coincidences of parameters ( a, b) for different diseases. It possibly means, that a number of discussed different micro origins is substantially smaller than a number of diseases. Some of diseases arise presumably as a com- bined effect of two different micro origins. This analysis is in progress.50100150 20406080(038) exp(-3.9+x/10) FIG. 1. Septicemia (038). Death rate 150300450 20406080(150-159) exp(9.7-310/x) FIG. 2. Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and peri- tonium (150-159). Death rate. 306090 20406080(188-189) exp(8.5-350/x) FIG. 3. Malignant neoplasms of urinary organs (188-189). Death rate. 250010001500 20406080(410) exp(-0.51+x/11.7) FIG. 4. Acute myocardial infarction (410). Death rate. The characteristic magnitude of function D in cases with Gompertz law (1) at x= 0 is exp(−13÷ −22) per year, or exp(−30÷ −39) per second. Let us compare this value with Eq.(2). One should introduce some pre- exponent value. Its most simple estimate is the charac- teristic frequency of oscillations of atoms in condensed matter ω∼kθ/¯h, where θ∼102Kis a Debye tem- perature, k- Boltzmann’s constant, ¯ h- Planck’s con- stant. One should introduce an additional factor, an ef- fective number N of possible places where the given crit- ical nucleus can arise. The temperature of the body is T= 273+ 36 .6≈310K. The comparison gives a reason- able estimation of barriers U∼(1.2÷1.4)∗104K+TlnN , orU∼1.1÷1.3eVifN∼1, and only U∼3eVeven if N is equals to total amount of molecules in a body, this effective number is of course unrealistic, and I want just to note here that in any case the barrier estimation gives value usual in condensed matter physics. In order to estimate the age change of barriers one does need not to know the pre-exponent factor in the expression (2). Typical 90 years increasing factor ofDiisexp(8). It corresponds to diminishing of barriers δU∼8T, this value is also reasonable δU∼0.2eV≪U. Two parameters, the small one δU/U≪1, and the big oneU/T≫1, are the main parameters of the theory. In the framework of presented picture the small dif- ference in barriers of the order of 0 .02eVfor male and female corresponds to known ratio Dm/Df∼2, and can be directly related to the difference 1/23 in chro- mosome compositions. The variation of parameters on time, and specific groups of population, countries, races, etc., should be of the same order of magnitude. The sit- uation is similar to the usual one in condensed matter physics, where experimental data are observably depen- dent on sample preparation conditions. Note, that there is no real contradiction between pre- sented idea and the fact that there is a lot of diseases cased by viruses and bacteria. The age dependence of those diseases should be related to some micro origin of the destruction of the immune system. I think also, that discussed thermal activations should play not the last role in a generation of congenital anoma- lies. [1] L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics, Perga - mon, New York (1980) [2] A.A. Grifith, Phylos.Trans.R.Soc. London A 221, 163 (1920) [3] B. Gompertz, Phil.Trans.R.Soc. London A 115, 513 (1825) [4] T. Lindahl, Nature 362, 709-715 (1993) [5] E. Shredinger, What is Life? Piper. Munchen (1989) [6] E.M. Lifshitz, L.P. Pitaevskii, Physical Kinetics, Per ga- mon, New York (1981) [7] D.H. Hoyert, et al., NVSR 47, 19 (1999). Web site: www.cdc.gov/nchswww 3
arXiv:physics/9910009v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 8 Oct 1999Variational Density Matrix Method for Warm Condensed Matte r and Application to Dense Hydrogen Burkhard Militzera)and E. L. Pollockb) a)Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illin ois 61801 b)Physics Department, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California 94550 (January 19, 2014) A new variational principle for optimizing thermal density matrices is intro- duced. As a first application, the variational many body dens ity matrix is written as a determinant of one body density matrices, which are appr oximated by Gaus- sians with the mean, width and amplitude as variational para meters. The method is illustrated for the particle in an external field problem, the hydrogen molecule and dense hydrogen where the molecular, the dissociated and the plasma regime are described. Structural and thermodynamic properties (e nergy, equation of state and shock Hugoniot) are presented. I. INTRODUCTION Considerable effort has been devoted to systems where finite t emperature ions (treated either classically or quantum mechanically by path integral metho ds) are coupled to degenerate electrons on the Born-Oppenheimer surface. In contrast, the theory fo r similar systems with non-degenerate electrons (Ta significant fraction of TFermi) is relatively underdeveloped except at the extreme high Tlimit where Thomas-Fermi and similar theories apply. In thi s paper we present a computational approach for systems with non-degenerate electrons analog ous to the methods used for ground state many body computations. Although an oversimplification, we may usefully view the gro und state computations as consisting of three levels of increasing accuracy [1]. At th e first level, the ground state wave function consists of determinants, for both spin species, o f single particle orbitals often taken from local density functional theory ΨGS(R) =/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleΦ1(r1)...ΦN(r1) ... ... ... Φ1(rN)...ΦN(rN)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle. (1) The majority of ground state condensed matter calculations stop at this level. If desired, additional correlations may be included by mult iplying the above wave function by a Jastrow factor,/producttext i,jf(rij), where the fwill also depend on the type of pair (electron-electron, electron-ion). Computing expectations exactly (within st atistical uncertainty), with this type of wave function now requires Monte Carlo methods. Finally diffusion Monte Carlo [2,3] methods using the nodes o f this wave function to avoid the Fermion problem may be used to calculate the exact correl ations consistent with the nodal structure. The finite temperature theory proceeds similarly. Rather th an the ground state wave function a thermal density matrix ρ(R,R′;β) =/angbracketleftbig R|e−βH|R′/angbracketrightbig =/summationdisplay se−βEsΨs(R)Ψs(R′) (2) is needed to compute the thermal averages of operators 1/an}b∇acketle{tO/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=Tr[Oρ] Tr[ρ]. (3) At the first level, this many body density matrix may be approx imated by determinants of one-body density matrices, for both spin types, as well as th e ions ρ(R,R′;β) =/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleρ1(r1,r′ 1;β)... ρ 1(rN,r′ 1;β) ... ... ... ρ1(r1,r′ N;β)... ρ 1(rN,r′ N;β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle(4) The Jastrow factor can be extended to finite temperature and t he above density matrix multiplied by/producttext i,jf(rij,r′ ij;β). In particular, the high temperature density matrix used i n path integral computations has this form. Finally, the nodal structure from this variational density matrix (VDM) may be used in restricted path integral Monte Carlo (RPIMC) [4–8]. This me thod has been extensively applied using the free particle nodes. One aim of the present work is t o provide more realistic nodal structures as input to RPIMC. This paper considers the first level in this approach. The nex t section is devoted to a general variational principle which will be used to determine the ma ny body density matrix. The principle is then applied to the problem of a single particle in an exter nal potential and compared to exact results for the hydrogen atom density matrix. After a discus sion of some general properties, many body applications are considered starting with a hydro gen molecule and then proceeding to warm, dense hydrogen. It is shown that the method and the ansa tz considered can describe dense hydrogen in the molecular, the dissociated and the plasma re gime. Structural and thermodynamic properties for this system over a range of temperatures (T= 5 000 to 250 000 K) and densities (electron sphere radius rs= 1.75 to 4.0) are presented. II. VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE FOR THE MANY BODY DENSITY MATRIX The Gibbs-Delbruck variational principle for the free ener gy based on a trial density matrix F≤Tr[˜ρH] +kTTr[˜ρln ˜ρ] (5) where ˜ρ=ρ/Tr[ρ] (6) is well known and convenient for discrete systems (e.g. Hubb ard models) but the logarithmic entropy term makes it difficult to apply to continuous systems . Here, we propose a simpler variational principle patterned after the Dirac-Frenkel- McLachlan variational principle used in the time dependent quantum problem [9]. Consider the quanti ty I/parenleftbigg∂ρ ∂β/parenrightbigg = Tr/parenleftbigg∂ρ ∂β+Hρ/parenrightbigg2 (7) as a functional of Θ≡∂ρ ∂β(8) I(Θ) = Tr(Θ + Hρ)2(9) withρfixed.I(Θ) = 0 when Θ satisfies the Bloch equation, Θ = −Hρ, and is otherwise positive. VaryingIwith Θ gives the minimum condition 2Tr [δΘ (Θ + Hρ)] = 0. (10) This may be written in a real space basis as /integraldisplay /integraldisplay δΘ(R′,R;β)[Θ(R,R′;β) +Hρ(R,R′;β)]dRdR′= 0 (11) or, using the symmetry of the density matrix in RandR′, /integraldisplay /integraldisplay δΘ(R,R′;β)[Θ(R,R′;β) +Hρ(R,R′;β)]dRdR′= 0. (12) Finally, we may consider a variation at some arbitrary, fixed R′to get /integraldisplay δΘ(R,R′;β)[Θ(R,R′;β) +Hρ(R,R′;β)]dR= 0∀R′. (13) It should be noted that in going from Eq. 11 to Eq. 12 a density m atrix symmetric in Rand R′is assumed, which is a property of the exact density matrix. I f the variational ansatz does not manifestly have this invariance Eq. 13 minimizes the quanti ty, /integraldisplay [Θ(R,R′;β) +Hρ(R,R′;β)]2dR= 0. (14) We propose solving this equation by parameterizing the dens ity matrix with a set of parameters qidepending on imaginary time βandR′, ρ(R,R′;β) =ρ(R,q1,...,q m) whereqi(R′;β) (15) so Θ(R,R′;β) =m/summationdisplay i=1∂qi(R′;β) ∂β∂ρ(R,q) ∂qi=m/summationdisplay i=1˙qi∂ρ ∂qi. (16) In the imaginary time derivative Θ only variations in ˙ qand notqare considered since ρis fixed so, δΘ(R,R′;β) =m/summationdisplay i=1δ˙qi(R′;β)∂ρ(R,q) ∂qi. (17) Using this in equation 13 gives for each variational paramet er, since these are independent, /integraldisplay∂ρ ∂qj(Θ +Hρ)dR= 0. (18) This reveals the imaginary-time equivalent to the approach of Singer and Smith [10] for an approximate solution of the time dependent Sch¨ odinger e quation using wave packets (see section III). Introducing the notation pi≡∂(lnρ) ∂qi(19) and using Eq. 16, the fundamental set of first order differenti al equations for the dynamics of the variation parameters in imaginary time follows from Eq.. 18 as, /integraldisplay pjρHρdR+m/summationdisplay i=1˙qi/integraldisplay pjpiρ2dR= 0 (20) 3or in matrix form 1 2∂H ∂/vector q+↔ N˙/vector q= 0 (21) where H≡/integraldisplay ρHρdR (22) and the norm matrix Nij≡/integraldisplay pipjρ2dR= lim q′→q∂2N ∂qi∂q′ j(23) with N≡/integraldisplay ρ(R,/vector q;β)ρ(R,/vector q′;β)dR. (24) The initial conditions follow from the free particle limit o f the density matrix at high temperature, β→0, ρ(R,R′;β)→exp/bracketleftbig −(R−R′)2/4λβ/bracketrightbig /(4πλβ)3N/2whereλ= ¯h2/2m . (25) Various ansatz forms for ρmay now be used with this approach. After considering the ana logy to real time wave packet molecular dynamics, the principle is fi rst applied to the problem of a particle in an external field. III. ANALOGY TO REAL-TIME WAVE PACKET MOLECULAR DYNAMICS Wave packet molecular dynamics (WPMD) was first used by Helle r [11] and later applied to scattering processes in nuclear physics [12] and plasma phy sics [13,14]. An ansatz for the wave functionψ(qν) is made and the equation of motions for the parameters qνin real time can be derived from the principle of stationary action [12], δ/integraldisplay dtL= 0, L(qν(t),˙qν(t)) =/an}b∇acketle{tψ|i∂t− H|ψ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht (26) This leads to a set of first order equations, which provides an approximate solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation. However, this principle cannot be d irectly applied to the Bloch equation because there is no imaginary part in the density matrix. For this reason, we followed in our derivation in section II the principle of Dirac, Frenkel and McLachlan [9], which minimizes the quantity /integraldisplay |Hψ−i¯hθ|2dt, θ =∂ψ ∂t. (27) This method was employed in [10] to obtain the dynamical equa tions in real time. The VDM approach and WPMD method share the zero temperate lim it, which is given by the Rayleigh-Ritz principle (see section VA). At high tempe rature, the width of wave packets in WPMD grows without limits, which is a known problem of this method [15,16]. In the VDM approach, the correct high temperature limit of free partic les is included. The average width shown in Fig. 10 can be used to verify the attempts to correct the dyn amics of the real time wave packets in [16]. 4IV. EXAMPLE: PARTICLE IN AN EXTERNAL FIELD As a first example, we apply this method to the problem of one pa rticle in an external potential H=−λ∇2+V(r). (28) The one-particle density matrix will be approximated as a Ga ussian with the mean m, widthw and amplitude factor D, ρ1(r,r′,β) = (πw)−3/2exp/braceleftbigg −1 w(r−m)2+D/bracerightbigg (29) as variational parameters. The initial conditions at β−→0 arew= 4λβ,m=r′andD= 0 in order to regain the correct free particle limit, Eq. 25. For t his ansatzH, defined in Eq. 22 as H≡/integraldisplay ρHρdr=/parenleftbigg3λ w+V[0]/parenrightbigge2D (2πw)3/2(30) where V[n]≡(2 πw)3/2/integraldisplay (r−m)nV(r)e−2(r−m)2/wdr (31) and N≡/integraldisplay ρρ′dr= [π(w+w′)]−3/2exp/braceleftbig −(m−m′)2/(w+w′)/bracerightbig exp(D+D′). (32) From Eq. 21, the equations for the variational parameters ar e, ˙w= 4λ+ 2wV[0]−8 3V[2](33) ˙m=−2V[1](34) ˙D=1 2V[0]−2 wV[2]. (35) In absence of a potential, the exact free particle density ma trix is recovered. The harmonic oscillator case is also correct since the Gaussian approximation is exa ct there. For a hydrogen atom, λ= 1/2, V(r) =−1/rand V[0]=−1 merf/parenleftBig m/radicalbig 2/w/parenrightBig (36) V[1]=m m3w 4/bracketleftBigg erf/parenleftBig m/radicalbig 2/w/parenrightBig −/radicalbigg 8 πwe−2m2/w/bracketrightBigg (37) V[2]=/radicalbiggw 2πe−2m2/w+3w 4V[0]. (38) At low temperature, the density matrix as a function of rgoes to the ground state wave function as discussed in more detail in the next section. One expects thi s to be a fixed point of the dynamics of the parameters mandwdetermined by ˙m= 0 and ˙w= 0 while ˙D=−E0. Theβ→ ∞ fixed point: m= 0,w= 9π/8,˙D= 4/3π(atomic units) corresponds to the well known Rayleigh-Ritz variational result for a Gaussian trial wave function Ψ0(r) =/parenleftbigg4 3π/parenrightbigg3/2 exp(−8r2/9π). (39) 5In ground state variational studies, addition of two more Ga ussians brings the ground state energy to within 0.6% of exact and similar improvement would be obtained here. Results at finite βrequire a numerical solution, which is illustrated in the fig ure below comparing the Gaussian variational density matrix with the exact [17] and the free particle density matrix at several temperatures for the initial condition r′= 1. At high temperatures ( β=.05 and β=.25) the Gaussian approximation correctly reproduces the li miting free particle density matrix. At lower temperatures, the cusp in the exact density matrix d ue to the Coulombic singularity at the proton becomes evident and the peak shifts to the origin s omewhat faster than the Gaussian variational approximation. As βincreases the exact result grows faster than the variationa l since the correct energy, -0.5, is lower than −4/3πbut the Gaussian variational approximation remains rather accurate for r>1. The free particle density matrix remains centered at r= 1 and beyond β= 0.5 (T= 54.4 eV) bears little resemblance to the correct result. −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 r/a000.20.40.600.20.40.60246 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 r/a000.20.40.600.20.40.600.20.40.6 β=0.05 β=0.25 β=0.5β=1.0 β=2.0 β=3.0 FIG. 1. Comparison of the Gaussian variational approximati on (circles) with the exact density matrix ρ(r,r′;β) (solid line) for a hydrogen atom. The free particle density matrix (dashed line) is also shown. The plotted ris along the line from the proton at the origin (marked by the v ertical bar) through the initial electron position r′= 1. V. VARIATIONAL DENSITY MATRIX PROPERTIES A. Zero Temperature Limit In the preceding section, it was shown that for the hydrogen a tom the Gaussian variational density matrix, as a function of Rconverges at low temperature to the Gaussian ground state wa ve function given by the Rayleigh-Ritz variational principle . It is generally true that the Rayleigh-Ritz ground state corresponds to a β→ ∞ of the variational density matrix as we now show. 6The Rayleigh-Ritz principle states that for any real parame terized wave function Ψ(R,q1,...,q m) the variational energy E({q}) =/integraltext ψ(R)Hψ(R)dR/integraltextψ(R)2dR(40) is greater than or equal to the true ground state energy even a t the minimum determined by ∂ ∂qkE({q}) = 0 ∀k. (41) For the VDM ansatz, an amplitude parameter Dis assumed such that ρ(R,R′;β) =eD(R′;β)˜ρ(R,{q(R′;β)}). (42) As in the one particle example, it is expected that at low temp erature,β→ ∞, the other ˙ qk→0 while ˙D→constant. From this assumption, Eq. 21 implies that as β→ ∞ ∂H ∂qk+˙D∂N ∂qk= 0 (43) for all variational parameters, where we have defined H≡/integraltext ρHρ dRandN≡/integraltext ρ2dR. Since ∂H/∂D = 2Hand∂N/∂D = 2N, Eq. 43 for qk=Dimplies ˙D=−H/N≡ −E0so Eq. 43 may be rewritten as ∂ ∂qk/parenleftbiggH N/parenrightbigg = 0 (44) at theβ→ ∞ fixed point. With the correspondence ρ(R,{q(R′,β)})→eD(R′;β)ψ(R,{q}), (45) this is equivalent to Eq. 41 and thus the Rayleigh-Ritz groun d state corresponds to a zero temperature fixed point in the dynamics of the parameters. Dis a function of R′andβ, which is calculated by integrating from β= 0 with Eq. 25 as initial conditions. The zero temperature limit of ˙Dis a constant, −E0, which means in the low temperature limit Dcan written as D(R′;β) =−βE0+f(R′). (46) The function f(R′) can be rewritten as, f(R′) = ln {ψ0(R′)[ 1 +δ(R′)]}, (47) where the function δ(R′) is introduced to describe the variational error in the solu tion of the Bloch equation. It is identical to zero if the variational ansatz i ncludes the exact solution. It leads to loss of symmetry in RandR′, which will discussed in the next section. Eq. 45 now reads, ρ(R,R′,β→ ∞) =e−βE0ψ0(R)ψ0(R′)[1 +δ(R′)] (48) For certain potentials, several fixed points of the dynamics can exist. From Eq. 48, it follows that only the lowest energy state contributes to physical ob servables calculated from Eq. 3. This completes the argument that the zero temperature limit of th e VDM correspond to the Rayleigh- Ritz ground state. In case of an anti-symmetrized ansatz for the density matrix , one can show that the fixed point of the dynamics in imaginary time corresponds to the Ra yleigh-Ritz ground state for an anti-symmetrized wave function. 7B. Loss of Symmetry The exact density matrix is symmetric under R↔R′. Since we have singled out R′as the initial point for the imaginary time dynamics, it is not clea r that the approximation given in Eq. 29 automatically satisfies this condition. For the free partic le limit and the harmonic oscillator, where the Gaussian is the exact solution, it obviously does but in g eneral it does not. As a specific example, consider again the ground state limit o f the hydrogen atom where the Gaussian VDM approximation. Eq. 29 then reads, lim β→∞ρ(r,r′;β) =eD(r′;β)(8/9π2)3/2e−8r2/9π. (49) For this to be symmetric under r↔r′, we must have lim β→∞D(r′;β) =−8r′2/9π+c(β) (50) and from the result for ˙D, lim β→∞c(β) = 4β/3π+c1. Figure 2 compares the D(r,β) from the Gaussian VDM with Eq. 50 using c(β) = 4β/3π+ 3/2 ln2. 0 5 10 1514151617181920 r2d(r,β)β=40.0 FIG. 2. D(r, β) from the Gaussian approximation in the ground state limit ( solid line) of the hydrogen atom. Deviations of this function from linearity indicate a breakdown of symmetry in the Gaussian approximation for ρ(r,r′;β). The dashed line is −8r2/9π+4β/3π+3/2 ln2 expected from the Rayleigh-Ritz ground state Eq. 39. There are several consequences of this small violation of R↔R′symmetry. As shown generally in the section above, in the β→ ∞ limit−˙Dis the Rayleigh-Ritz variational ground state energy for a Gaussian wave function, which for the hydrogen atom is E0=−4/3π=−0.4244. Because of the loss of symmetry this is not the same as the energy given by the estimator /an}b∇acketle{tE/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{tH/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡Tr[Hρ] Tr[ρ](51) in theβ→ ∞ limit, which for the hydrogen atom gives the more accurate re sult/an}b∇acketle{tE/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−0.4709. This will be seen again below for the hydrogen molecule where Eq. 51 also gives more accurate 8ground state energies. Other consequences are less pleasan t. Although the energy is more accurate the virial theorem, /an}b∇acketle{tK/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=− /an}b∇acketle{tU/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/2, between the kinetic and potential energy is violated by ab out 3% (while both are more accurate than the usual ground state v ariational Gaussian result). This has consequences for calculating the equation of state part icularly at low density. Slightly more complicated, explicitly symmetric forms for the VDM could b e used but in this paper we will continue to explore the basic Gaussian approximation. C. Thermodynamic Estimators Since the VDM, except in the simplest cases, is not exact vari ous estimators for the same quantity will differ. For example the variational principle introduced in section II consists essentially in globally minimizing the squared difference b etween∂ρ/∂β andHρ, either of which can be used in estimating the energy. As mentioned above the e nergy estimator Eq. 51 and its kinetic and potential energy pieces do not automatically sa tisfy the virial theorem for Coulomb systems at low density. As an alternative to Eq. 51, one can us e the thermodynamic estimators, /an}b∇acketle{tE/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−/angbracketleftbigg∂ ∂βlnρ/angbracketrightbigg , (52) /an}b∇acketle{tT/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−λ β/angbracketleftbigg∂ ∂λlnρ/angbracketrightbigg , (53) /an}b∇acketle{tV/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−e2 β/angbracketleftbigg∂ ∂e2lnρ/angbracketrightbigg (54) for the total, kinetic and potential energy. These estimato rs satisfy /an}b∇acketle{tE/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{tT/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{tV/an}b∇acket∇i}ht (55) by the following argument. Any function f=f(βλ,βe2) satisfies β∂f ∂β=λ∂f ∂λ+e2∂f ∂e2. (56) From Eq. 21 it follows that all parameters qi=qi(R′;β,λ,e2) have this property and therefore so does the variational density matrix. In the zero temperature limit, the thermodynamic estimator s satisfy the virial theorem, which is also satisfied by any exact and any variational Rayleigh-R itz ground state. From the zero temperature limit of the VDM given by Eq. 48 and the 1 /βfactor in Eqs. 53 and 54, it is seen that the symmetry error δ(R′) is unimportant in this limit. It should be noted that calcul ating the derivatives for /an}b∇acketle{tT/an}b∇acket∇i}htand/an}b∇acketle{tV/an}b∇acket∇i}htincreases the numerical work. The pressure is estimated fro m 3/an}b∇acketle{tP/an}b∇acket∇i}htv= 2/an}b∇acketle{tK/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{tV/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (57) VI. MANY PARTICLE DENSITY MATRIX We represent the many particle density matrix by a determina nt of one-particle density matrices (Eq. 4). It can written as, ρ(R,R′,β) =/summationdisplay PǫP/productdisplay kρ1(rk,r′ Pk,β) =/summationdisplay PǫPeD/productdisplay k(πwPk)−3/2exp/braceleftbigg −1 wPk(rk−mPk)2/bracerightbigg . (58) 9The permutation sum is over all permutations of identical pa rticles (e.g. same spin electrons) and the permutation signature ǫP=±1. The initial conditions for Eq. 21 are wk= 0,mk=r′ k, and D= 0. For this ansatz the generator of the norm matrix, Eq. 24, N= exp(D+D′)/summationdisplay PǫP/productdisplay k[π(wk+w′ Pk)]−3/2exp/braceleftbig −(mk−m′ Pk)2/(wk+w′ Pk)/bracerightbig . (59) For a periodic system the above equation is also summed over a ll periodic simulation cell vectors, L, with mk−mPk→mk−mPk+L. If only the identity permutation is considered the norm matrix is easily inverted so that Eq. 21 gives ˙wk=−2wkHD−8 3w2 kHwk (60) ˙mk=−wkHmk (61) ˙D=−/parenleftbigg3 2n+ 1/parenrightbigg HD−2n/summationdisplay i=1wiHwi, (62) whereHqk=1 2∂H ∂qk. (63) For systems of electrons and ions the full expression for Hqkand the norm matrix are derived in Appendix A. 0 2 4 6 R/a01234w/a02−4−2024m/a0 0 2 4 6 R/a0−4−2024E/eV FIG. 3. Gaussian approximation for the ground state of a hydr ogen molecule for bond length R. The top left panel shows the Gaussian mean parameter mfor the two electrons. These stay in the center of the bond ( m= 0) until about R= 2a0and then attach themselves to the separating protons ( ±R/2). The width parameter, displayed in the lower left panel, make s the transition from the optimal value for a helium atom, R= 0, to the hydrogen atom result w= 9π/8a2 0at large R. The right panel shows the dissociation energy for the singlet state computed from Eq. 51 (open circles with error bars) and the thermodynamic estimator ( −dD/dβ ) (dashed line) compared to the results of Kolos and Roothan ( solid line). Application to an isolated hydrogen molecule at low tempera ture is shown in Figure 3. This is for the singlet state (anti-parallel electron spins). Th e triplet state is considered later after a discussion of how to treat permutation terms in the paramet er equations. The bond length at minimum energy is 1.47 a 0, compared with the experimental value of 1.40 a 0. The direct 10energy estimator Eq. 51 gives a dissociation energy of 4.50 e V at the minimum compared to the experimental value of 4.75 eV. Beyond R= 2, the energy rises quickly toward the value given by the Rayleigh-Ritz estimator −dD/dβ . VII. ANTISYMMETRY IN THE PARAMETER EQUATIONS The determinantal form for the VDM, Eq. 58, is correctly anti symmetric under exchange of identical particles. Since ion exchange effects are negligi ble at the temperatures considered here these are ignored. The determinantal form leads to N! terms in the equations of motion for the variational parameters presented in appendix A. It was originally hoped that exchange effects could be ignored in these equations while retaining the full determinantal f orm for the VDM but this leads to an instability in fermionic systems, e.g. it results in an unph ysical strong attraction between two hydrogen molecules. A practical means of treating all exchange terms, in particu lar terms involving the potential energy, in the variational parameter equations was not foun d. Instead it was necessary to use an approximation similar to that used in the real time comput ations [13,16]: only pair exchanges in the kinetic energy terms were retained. This will be illus trated for the hydrogen molecule after first giving the explicit form for this correction. It i s stressed that, unlike the real time computations, once the variational parameters are determi ned the full determinantal form is then used in calculating the various averages. For two particles with parallel spin, the correction term to the kinetic energy is given by, ∆T=NI NAS/integraldisplay dRρASˆT ρAS−/integraldisplay dRρIˆT ρI (64) ρAS=ρ1(r1)ρ2(r2)−ρ2(r1)ρ1(r2), ρ I=ρ1(r1)ρ2(r2) (65) NAS=/integraldisplay dRρ2 AS, N I=/integraldisplay dRρ2 I (66) For the Gaussian ansatz in Eq. 58 it becomes, ∆T=−4λNI wNQ/bracketleftbig 3/parenleftbig 1−˜w2/parenrightbig −Q2/bracketrightbig , (67) w=w1+w2,˜w=w 2√w1w2, Q2=2 w(m1−m2)2, N Q= ˜w3eQ2−1.(68) The corrections to the norm matrix Nare neglected in order to keep its analytically invertible form. The corrections to Hqkin Eq. 63 are given by ∆Tqk=1 2NI∂ ∂qk∆T (69) The correction to dynamics of the parameters follow from Eq. 60 to 62, ∆ ˙w1=−2w1/parenleftbigg ∆TD+4 3w1∆Tw1/parenrightbigg (70) ∆˙m1=−w1∆Tm1 (71) ∆˙D=−2 (∆TD+w1∆Tw1+w2∆Tw2). (72) These equations lead to an effective repulsion between the Ga ussians for two electrons with parallel spin if there is significant overlap. As a example of this effec t the variational parameters for the singlet and triplet states of the hydrogen molecule are comp ared in Fig. 4. For the triplet state parameters the solution including full exchange effects (lo ng dashed line) are compared with those 11obtained in the kinetic pair exchange approximation (dot-d ashed line). The approximation now prevents the Gaussian means for the same spin electrons from collapsing to the bond center at lower temperature and is numerically close to the solution f or full exchange. 0 1 2 3 410−210−1100101102103 triplet singlet −1 0 1 2 w mβ FIG. 4. Effect of antisymmetry on the density matrix paramete rs, width and mean, for a hydrogen molecule. The protons (large black dots along x axis) are sep arated by 1 .8a0and the initial electron positions re(β= 0) = ±1.5a0along the molecular axis. The solid line for the singlet stat e (electron spins anti-parallel) shows both electrons centered in the molecu lar bond at low temperatures (large β). For the triplet state (parallel electron spins), long dashed li ne the electrons are centered close to the protons. The approximation of including only kinetic pair exchanges (dot-dashed line) gives a similar result for the mean, with the electrons centered slightly inside the proto ns but overestimates the Gaussian width (left panel). At high temperature ( β≤4) exchange is unimportant and the parameters are nearly the same for all cases. Even at the lowest temperature considered here in the dense h ydrogen simulations (5000 K) exchange effects between same spin electrons are negligible beyond a few angstroms, i.e. one or perhaps two nearest neighbors. Fig. 4 for the triplet state t hus overestimates the effect likely in dense hydrogen. The main effect of including exchange in the p arameter equations is probably to prevent the instability mentioned above. Fig. 5 shows an energy comparison for the triplet ground stat e of the hydrogen molecule. First, we compare the Gaussian approximation using only the kinetic exchange term in the parameter equations. For the direct estimator, Eq. 51, one fi nds fairly good agreement with the quantum chemistry result [18]. The thermodynamic estimato r gives a somewhat more repulsive triplet interaction for R >2a0. Considering also the Coulomb exchange terms in the Gaussia n approximation leads to the dot-dashed line for the thermody namic estimator. We conclude that leaving out the Coulomb exchange terms in the parameter equa tions for efficiency reasons is a reasonable approximation in many particle simulations. 120 2 4 6 R/a0−1012345E/eV FIG. 5. Energy of repulsion for the triplet ground state of th e hydrogen molecule for bond length R. The thermodynamic (dashed line) and the direct estimator, Eq. 51, (circles with error bars) for the Gaussian approximation using the kinetic exchange term in t he parameter equations are compared with the Kolos and Roothan results (solid line). The thermodynam ic estimator for the Gaussian approximation with all exchange terms is shown by the dot-dashed line. VIII. RESULTS FROM MANY PARTICLE SIMULATIONS In this section, we report results from VDM Monte Carlo simul ation with 32 pairs of protons and electrons in the temperature and density range of 5 000 K ≤T≤250 000 K and 1 .75≤rs≤4.0. Although the Gaussian ansatz VDM will be seen to provide a rea sonable model for hydrogen over the full density and temperature regime, a large purpose in p resenting these results is to serve as a base for documenting future improvements from better VDMs and the application of RPIMC. 130 2 4 r/a00510155000K024610000K012315625K012331250K012362500K0123125000K0123250000Krs=4.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=3.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=2.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=1.86 0 2 4 r/a0rs=1.75 FIG. 6. Proton-proton pair correlation function from VDM (s olid line) and RPIMC (dashed lines at rs=1.75, 2.0, and 4.0 for T≤125 000 K). The proton-proton pair correlation functions are shown in F ig. 6. For temperatures below 20 000 K, a peak emerges near 1 .4a0that demonstrates clearly the formation of molecules. The comparison with RPIMC simulations [8,19] at low density sho ws that the peak positions agree well but RPIMC predicts a significantly bigger height indicating a larger number of molecules. This could be explained by the missing correlations in the VDM ans atz. At a density of rs= 2.0, proton-proton pair correlation functions from RPIMC and VDM are almost identical. The area under the peak multiplied by the d ensity gives an estimate for the molecular fraction. By comparing the estimate for different densities one finds that the molecular fraction is diminished when the density is lowered below rs= 2.0. This effect is well-known and is a result of the increased entropy of dissociated molecules. 14Considerable differences between the proton-proton pair co rrelation functions are found at rs= 1.75 belowT= 20 000Kwhere VDM shows still a fair number of molecules while RPIMC predicts a metallic fluid where all bonds are broken as a resul t of pressure dissociation [8,20]. This effect has to be verified by RPIMC simulations with VDM nodes be cause free particle nodes could enhance the transition to a metallic state. The peak positions shifts from 1 .45a0at a low density of rs= 4.0 to 1.3a0atrs= 1.75. The same trend has been found in the RPIMC simulations [8] but the opposite was reported in [21,22]. 0 2 4 r/a0024685000K0246810000K0246815625K0246831250K0246862500K02468125000K02468250000Krs=4.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=3.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=2.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=1.86 0 2 4 6 r/a0rs=1.75 FIG. 7. Proton-electron pair correlation functions from VD M (solid line) and RPIMC (dashed lines at rs=1.75, 2.0, and 4.0 for T≤125 000 K). In the proton-electron pair correlation functions shown in Fig. 7, one finds a strong attraction 15present even at high temperatures such as 250 000 K. At low tem peratures, the electrons are bound in atoms and molecules. This pair correlation function does not show a clear distinction between the two cases. From studying the height of the peak at the orig in multiplied by the density, one can estimate the number of bound states at low temperature. S imilar to the molecular fraction one finds a reduction of bound electrons with decreasing dens ity belowrs= 2.0. The comparison with PIMC shows that VDM underestimates the height of the pea k. This is probably a result of the Gaussian ansatz, which does not satisfy the cusp conditi on at the proton. 0 2 4 r/a0015000K0110000K0115625K0131250K0162500K01125000K01250000Krs=4.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=3.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=2.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=1.86 0 2 4 6 r/a0rs=1.75 FIG. 8. Electron-electron pair correlation function for el ectron with parallel spin from VDM (solid line) and RPIMC (dashed lines at rs=1.75, 2.0, and 4.0 for T≤125 000 K). 160 2 4 r/a005105000K012310000K012315625K012331250K012362500K0123125000K0123250000Krs=4.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=3.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=2.0 0 2 4 r/a0rs=1.86 0 2 4 r/a0rs=1.75 FIG. 9. Electron-electron pair correlation function for el ectron with anti-parallel spin from VDM (solid line) and RPIMC (dashed lines at rs=1.75, 2.0, and 4.0 for T≤125 000 K). Note the change in scale in the last row. Fig. 8 shows the effect of the Pauli exclusion principle leadi ng the a strong repulsion for electrons in the same spin state. This effect is not present in the interaction of electrons with anti-parallel spin (Fig. 9). At high temperature, one obser ves the effect of the Coulomb repulsion. At low temperature, one finds a peak at the origin that is a resu lt of the formation of molecule, in which two electrons of opposite spin are localized along t he bond. The differences to the PIMC graphs can be interpreted as a consequence of different molec ular fractions, which has also been observed in Fig. 6. 170 100000 200000 300000 T/K234567w/a02free particle width 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.86 1.75 FIG. 10. Average width of the Gaussian single particle densi ty matrices as a function of temperature for different densities The average width wof the Gaussian is shown in Fig. 10 as a function temperature a nd density. At high temperature and low density, one finds only s mall deviations from the free particle limit. These become more significant with increasing densit y and decreasing temperature. At low temperature, the attraction to the protons dominates, whic h leads to a decreasing average width. Finally bound states form and the width approaches a finite li mit. At low densities, this is close to the ground state width of the isolated molecule 3 .138a2 0. 180 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 T/K−0.5−0.4−0.3−0.2−0.10.0E/Ha0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 T/K−0.500.511.522.5E/Hars=2.0 thermod. est. rs=2.0 direct est. rs=4.0 thermod. est. rs=4.0 direct est. PIMC rs=2.0 PIMC rs=4.0 FIG. 11. Internal energy per atom versus temperature In Fig. 11, we compare the internal energy from the thermodyn amic estimator in Eq. 52 and the direct estimator 51. Both agree fairly well at low densit y. Differences build up with increasing density and decreasing temperature. Comparing with RPIMC s imulations, one finds that the VDM energies are generally too high. The magnitude of this discr epancy shows the same dependence on density and temperature like the difference between the two V DM estimators. The difference to the RPIMC results could be explained by the missing correlat ion effects in the VDM method. At high temperature, the thermodynamic estimator always gi ves lower energies than the direct estimator. Below T= 25 000 K, the ordering is reversed. This is consistent with t he results from the isolated atom and molecule. The consequence is that the d irect estimator is actually closer to the value expected from RPIMC simulations. However, it shou ld be noted that this estimator is not thermodynamically consistent (see section VB). 190 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 T/K05101520P/Mbarrs=1.75 direct est. rs=1.75 thermod. est. rs=2.0 direct est. rs=2.0 thermod. est. rs=4.0 direct est. rs=4.0 thermod. est. PIMC rs=2.0 PIMC rs=4.0 0 10000 20000 30000 T/K00.511.52P/Mbar FIG. 12. Pressure versus temperature in high and low tempera ture range. VDM pressure is calculated from virial relation using both the direct and thermodynami c estimators for kinetic and potential energy. In Fig. 12, we compare pressure as a function of temperature a nd density from the two VDM estimators with RPIMC results. At low density, the agree ment is remarkably good. With increasing density and decreasing temperature, the differe nce grows. For densities over rs= 2.0 below 10 000 K, one finds a significant drop in the direct estima tor for the pressure. We interpret this effect as a result of the thermodynamic inconsistency. 200.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 ρ/gcm−301234P/MbarExperiment ’97 Experiment ’98 Linear mixing Tight binding MD PACH Sesame limit ρ=4ρ0 RPIMC VDM thermod. est. VDM direct est. FIG. 13. Comparison of experimental and several theoretica l Hugoniot functions Fig. 13, compares the Hugoniot from Laser shock wave experim ents [23,24] with results from several theoretical approaches (Sesame data base by Ke rley [25] (thin solid line), linear mixing model by Ross (dashed line) [26], tight-binding mole cular dynamics by Lenosky et.al. [27] (dash-dotted line), Pad´ e approximation in the chemic al picture by Ebeling et.al. [28] (dotted line), RPIMC simulations [29] (triangles), VDM direct esti mator (full diamonds) and VDM thermodynamic estimator (full circles)). The long dashed l ine indicates the theoretical high pressure limit ρ= 4ρ0of the fully dissociated non-interacting plasma. In the exp eriments, a shock wave propagates through a sample of precompressed liq uid deuterium characterized by its initial state, ( E0,V0,p0). Assuming an ideal shock front, the variables of the shocke d material (E,V,p) satisfy the Hugoniot relation [30], H=E−E0+1 2(V−V0)(p+p0) = 0. (73) The initial conditions in the experiment were T= 19.6 K andρ= 0.171 g/cm3. We setV0= 39.1˚A3 andp0≈0. We show two VDM curves based on the thermodynamic and direc t estimators. ForE0, we use the corresponding value of the ground state of the iso lated hydrogen molecule, Eth 0=−0.955 Ha and Edir 0=−1.124 Ha. We expect the difference of the two estimators to give a rough e stimate of the accuracy of the VDM approach. At high temperature, the difference is relativ ely small and agreement with RPIMC simulations is reasonable. Both VDM estimators indicate th at there is maximal compressibility around 1.5 Mbar. However, in this regime of high density and r elatively low temperature a more careful study seems unavoidable. We suggest RPIMC simulati ons using the VDM nodal surface to restrict the paths. 21IX. CONCLUSIONS The VDM approach provides a way to systematically improve th e many particle density matrix. Already the simplest ansatz using one Gaussian to describe t he single particle density matrices gives a good description of hydrogen in the discussed range of temp erature and density. The method includes the correct high temperature behavior and shows th e expected formation of atoms and molecules. The thermodynamic variables are in reasonable a greement with RPIMC simulations. The presented Gaussian ansatz can be improved in several way s. One could use a sum of Gaussians, add underestimated correlation effects by including a Jastr ow factor in the ansatz or use a two-step path integral. Further one can use this essentially analyti c density matrix to furnish the nodal surface in RPIMC simulations, replacing the free particle n odes by a density matrix that already includes the principle physical effects. This level of accur acy seems to be required to determine a Hugoniot function that is very sensitive to the different lev el of approximations made by various theories. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank David Ceperley for useful dis cussions. This work was partially supported by the CSAR program and performed under the auspic es of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under con tract No. W-7405-Eng-48. APPENDIX A: GAUSSIAN APPROXIMATION INTERACTION TERMS The general equations for the variational parameters qin a parameterized density matrix, from Eq. 21, are 1 2∂H ∂/vector q+↔ N˙/vector q= 0 (A1) where H≡/integraldisplay ρHρdR=/integraldisplay ρHρIdR (A2) and the norm matrix Nji≡/integraldisplay pjpiρ2dR= lim q′→q∂2N ∂qj∂q′ i(A3) with N≡/integraldisplay ρ(R,/vector q;β)ρ(R,/vector q′;β)dR. (A4) The subscript Iin Eq. A2 indicates that only one ρneeds to be antisymmetric and the identity permutation can be used in the other. (We are also dropping 1 /N! prefactors which are the same for the norm matrix and thus cancel out.) This appendix conta ins the detailed formulae for these equations for a parameterized Gaussian density matrix appl ied to a Coulomb system. Repeating Eq. 58 the parameterized variational density mat rix is an anti-symmetrized product of one-particle density matrices, ρ(R,R′,β) =/summationdisplay PǫP/productdisplay kρ1(rk,r′ Pk,β) =/summationdisplay PǫPeD/productdisplay k(πwPk)−3/2exp/braceleftbigg −1 wPk(rk−mPk)2/bracerightbigg (A5) 22where the amplitude Dand the widths wkand means mkare the variational parameters. The permutation sum is over all permutations of identical parti cles (e.g. same spin electrons) and ǫP=±1is the permutation signature. The initial conditions are wk= 0,mk=r′ k, andD= 0. For this ansatz the generator of the norm matrix, N=/summationdisplay PǫP/productdisplay k[π(wk+w′ Pk)]−3/2exp/braceleftbig −(mk−m′ Pk)2/(wk+w′ Pk)/bracerightbig exp(D+D′). (A6) For a periodic system the above equation also is summed over a ll periodic simulation cell vectors, L, with mk−m′ Pk→mk−m′ Pk+L. Using this the components of the norm matrix are then: NDD=/summationdisplay PǫPNP (A7) NmiD=/summationdisplay PǫP/bracketleftbigg−2(mi−mPi) wi+wPi/bracketrightbigg NP (A8) NwiD=/summationdisplay PǫP/parenleftbigg−1 wi+wPi/parenrightbigg/bracketleftbigg3 2−(mi−mPi)2 wi+wPi/bracketrightbigg NP (A9) Nmimj=/summationdisplay PǫP 2δj,Pi↔ I wi+wj+ 4(mi−mPi) (wi+wPi)(mj−mP−1 j) (wj+wP−1 j) NP (A10) Nmiwj=/summationdisplay PǫP/bracketleftBigg δj,Pi wi+wj+1 (wj+wP−1 j)/parenleftBigg 3 2−(mj−mP−1 j)2 (wj+wP−1 j)/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg/bracketleftbigg2(mi−mPi) wi+wPi/bracketrightbigg NP(A11) Nwiwj=/summationdisplay PǫP/braceleftbiggδj,Pi (wi+wPi)2/bracketleftbigg3 2−2(mi−mPi)2 wj+wPj/bracketrightbigg +1 (wi+wPi)(wj+wP−1 j) /bracketleftbigg3 2−(mi−mPi)2 wi+wPi/bracketrightbigg/bracketleftBigg 3 2−(mj−mP−1 j)2 wj+wP−1 j/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg NP (A12) where NP=e2D/productdisplay jexp/braceleftbigg −(mj−mPj)2 (wj+wPj)/bracerightbigg (π(wj+wPj))3/2=NP−1. (A13) The Hamiltonian for a periodic system of electrons and ions H=−1 2Ne/summationdisplay i=1∇2 i+/summationdisplay/summationdisplay i<jψ(rij)−/summationdisplay i/summationdisplay IZIψ(riI) +/summationdisplay iUMad+Uions (A14) where the purely ionic terms Uions=/summationdisplay/summationdisplay I<I′ZIZI′ψ(rII′) +/summationdisplay IZ2 IUMad. (A15) The Ewald potential, ψ(r), which includes interactions with periodic images and inc orporates charge neutrality, ψ(r) =/summationdisplay Lerfc(G|r+L|) |r+L|+/summationdisplay k/negationslash=04π Ωk2exp(−k2/4G2)−π G2Ω=/summationdisplay k/negationslash=04π Ωk2exp(ik·r) (A16) where Ω is the periodic cell volume and Gan arbitrary constant. The Madelung term in His the interaction energy of an electron with it’s periodic ima ges and neutralizing background (e.g. 23UMad=−1.41865/Lfor a simple cubic simulation cell, the usual case). To do the integrals we represent the Gaussians by their Fourier series (2 πw)3/2/summationdisplay Le−2 w(r−m−L)2=/summationdisplay k1 Ωe−k2w/8eik·(r−m)(A17) and in the interaction terms use the Fourier representation forψ(r). This finally gives H=/summationdisplay PǫP{KP+UP}NP (A18) with KP=/summationdisplay i/bracketleftbigg3 wi+wPi−2(mi−mPi)2 (wi+wPi)2/bracketrightbigg (A19) UP=/summationdisplay/summationdisplay i<jW(˜mi−˜mj,˜wi+ ˜wj)−/summationdisplay i/summationdisplay IZIW(˜mi−RI,˜wi) +/summationdisplay iUMad+Uions (A20) where ˜wi≡wiwPi/(wi+wPi) and ˜mi≡(miwPi+mPiwi)/(wi+wPi) . The interaction integral W(r,w)≡/summationdisplay k/negationslash=04π Ωk2e−k2w 4eik·r(A21) Wis symmetric in rwhen the periodic cell has inversion symmetry. Continuing, the left hand side of Eq. A1 is HD≡1 2∂H ∂D=H (A22) Hwi≡1 2∂H ∂wi=1 2/summationdisplay PǫP/braceleftbigg (∂KP ∂wi+∂UP ∂wi)NP+ (KP+UP)∂NP ∂wi/bracerightbigg (A23) Hmi≡1 2∂H ∂mi=1 2/summationdisplay PǫP/braceleftbigg (∂KP ∂mi+∂UP ∂mi)NP+ (KP+UP)∂NP ∂mi/bracerightbigg (A24) with ∂NP ∂wi=/bracketleftbigg −3 wi+wPi+ 2(mi−mPi)2 (wi+wPi)2/bracketrightbigg NP (A25) ∂NP ∂mi=/bracketleftbigg −4(mi−mPi) wi+wPi/bracketrightbigg NP (A26) ∂KP ∂wi=/bracketleftbigg −6 (wi+wPi)2+ 8(mi−mPi)2 (wi+wPi)3/bracketrightbigg (A27) ∂KP ∂mi=/bracketleftbigg −8(mi−mPi) (wi+wPi)2/bracketrightbigg . (A28) where we have used the fact that terms in PiandP−1igive the same contribution under the permutation sum and so combined them. The derivatives of the interaction integral are, ∂UP ∂mi=2wPi wi+wPi /summationdisplay j/negationslash=iW[1]( ˜mi−˜mj,˜wi+ ˜wj)−/summationdisplay IZIW[1]( ˜mi−RI,˜wi)  (A29) ∂UP ∂wi=2wPi (wi+wPi)2 wPi /summationdisplay j/negationslash=iW[2]( ˜mi−˜mj,˜wi+ ˜wj)−/summationdisplay IZIW[2]( ˜mi−RI,˜wi)  + (mPi−mi)· /summationdisplay j/negationslash=iW[1]( ˜mi−˜mj,˜wi+ ˜wj)−/summationdisplay IZIW[1]( ˜mi−RI,˜wi)  (A30) 24whereW[1]andW[2]denote the derivatives of Wwith the first and second argument. Comparing equation A21 and Eq. A16 the interaction integral may be writ ten as W(r,w) =ψ(r)−/summationdisplay Lerfc/bracketleftBig |r+L|√w/bracketrightBig |r+L|+πw Ω(A31) and its derivatives as: W[1](r,w) =∇ψ(r) +/summationdisplay Lr+L |r+L|3/parenleftbigg erfc/bracketleftbigg|r+L|√w/bracketrightbigg +2|r+L|√πwexp(−|r+L|2/w)/parenrightbigg (A32) W[2](r,w) =−/summationdisplay Lexp(−|r+L|2/w) w3/2√π+π Ω(A33) For an isolated system ( L→ ∞) and these would simplify to, W(r,w) =erf [r/√w] r(A34) W[1](r,w) =−r r3/parenleftbigg erf [r/√w]−2r√πwe−r2/w/parenrightbigg (A35) W[2](r,w) =−1 w√πwe−r2/w(A36) Atβ= 0 the initial derivatives for the variational parameters r educe to ˙wi= 2 (A37) ˙mi= 0 (A38) ˙D=−UI (A39) For large numbers of electrons it is not possible to treat all permutations. Here the approximation discussed in section VII is used where the kin etic pair exchange corrections given there are added to the identity permutation term derived her e. [1] B.L. Hammond, W. A. Lester, and P. J. Reynolds. 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arXiv:physics/9910010v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 8 Oct 1999Contrib. Plasma Phys. 39(1999) , 151-154 Characterization of the State of Hydrogen at High Temperature and Density Burkhard Militzer(a), William Magro(b), David Ceperley(a ) (a) National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Depa rtment of Physics, Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 (b) William Magro, Kuck & Associates, Inc., Champaign, IL 61 820 Abstract Fermionic path integral Monte Carlo simulations have been a pplied to study the equilibrium properties of the hydrogen and deuterium in the density and temperature range of 1.6< rs<14.0 and 5000 K < T < 167000 K. We use this technique to determine the phase diagram by ident ifying the plasma, the molecular, atomic and metallic regime. We explain how one can identify the phases i n the path integral formalism and discuss the state of hydrogen for 5 points in the temperature-density pl ane. Further we will provide arguments for the nature of the transitions between the regimes. 1 Introduction The phase diagram of hydrogen has been studied intensively w ith different theoretical ap- proaches [1],[2], simulation techniques [3],[4] and exper iments [5],[6]. From theory, the prin- cipal effects at low densities are well-known. On the other ha nd, the properties at inter- mediate density are not yet well understood, and the phase di agram is not yet accurately determined. In particular, the nature of the transition to a metallic state is still an open question. In this article, we would like to show how these questions can be addressed by path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations. Using this approa ch, we derived the phase dia- gram in Fig.1 where we distinguish between molecular, atomi c, metallic and plasma regimes. We will demonstrate how these different states can be identifi ed from PIMC simulations. The imaginary-time path integral formalism [7] is based on t he position-space density ma- trixρ(R,R′,β), which can be used to determine the equilibrium expectatio n value of any operator ˆO, /angbracketleftˆO/angbracketright=TrˆOρ Trρ=/integraltext dRdR′ρ(R,R′,β)/angbracketleftR|ˆO|R′/angbracketright/integraltext dRρ(R,R,β)(1) where Rrepresents the coordinates of all particles. The low temper ature density matrix ρ(R,R′,β) =/angbracketleftR|e−βH|R′/angbracketrightcan be expressed as product of high temperature density matr ices ρ(R,R,τ) with the time step τ=β/M. In position space, this is a convolution, ρ(R0,RM;β) =/integraldisplay · · ·/integraldisplay dR1dR2· · ·dRM−1ρ(R0,R1;τ)ρ(R1,R2;τ)· · ·ρ(RM−1,RM;τ). (2) This high dimensional integral can be integrated using Mont e Carlo methods. Each particle is represented by a closed path in imaginary time. Fermi stat istics is taken into account by considering the fermion density matrix, which can be expres sed by considering all permu-102 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 39(1999) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 ρ/gcm−350001000020000500001000002000001.6 1.75 2.0 2.6 4.0rs Metallic FluidPlasma Molecular Fluid2 Mbar1 Mbar0.1Mbar 0.5 Mbar T/K Atomic Fluid Figure 1: The computed phase diagram of deuterium is shown in the temperature-density plane. ( ×,⋄,△) indicate our PIMC simulations and distinguish between diff erent degrees of degeneracy of the electrons ( ×less than 10% exchanges, ⋄more 10% and △over 80%). The four main regimes, molecular, atomic and metallic fluid as we ll as the plasma are shown. The thick solid line specifies the plasma phase transition pr edicted in [9]. The thin solid lines specify the approximate location of isobars. tations Pof identical particles, ρF(R,R′;β) =Aρ(R,R′;β) =1 N!/summationdisplay P(−1)Pρ(R,PR′;β), (3) where Ais the antisymmetrization projection operator. Cancellat ion of positive and neg- ative contributions leads to the fermion sign problem , which is solved approximately by restricting the paths within a nodal surface derived from th e free-particle density matrix [8]. 2 Phase diagram of hydrogen and deuterium We used PIMC simulation with 32 protons and 32 electrons and a time step τ= 1/106K to generate the phase diagram shown in Fig. 1. In the low densi ty and low temperature regime, we find a molecular fluid. In the proton-proton correl ation function shown in Fig. 2, one finds a clear peak at the bond length of 0 .75˚A. We determine the number of molecules as well as other compound particles by a cluster analysis bas ed on the distances. Using this approach we can estimate the number of bound states (see [10]). We can also estimateB. Militzer, W. Magro, D. Ceperley, Characterization of the State of Hydrogen 103 0 0.5 1ν01020Pe(ν)dν0 1 2 3 4 r/A04812gee,|| \ (r),||(r)−0.008−0.0040.0000.0040.008[gpe(r)−1]r20.00.40.8gpp(r)T=125000K rs=4.0 0 0.5 1ν0 1 2 3 4 r/AT=20000K rs=4.0 0 0.5 1ν0 1 2 3 4 r/AT=5000K rs=4.0 0 0.5 1ν0 1 2 3 4 r/AT=5000K rs=1.86 0 0.5 1ν0 1 2 3 4 r/AT=5000K rs=1.6 Figure 2: Distribution functions for a selection of 5 simula tion of hydrogen at different tem- peratures and densities, one in each column: 1) a plasma, 2) a atomic fluid, 3) a molecular fluid, 4) a molecular fluid with metallic properties, and 5) a m etallic fluid. The rows show the following: (1) proton-proton correlation function gpp(r) multiplied by the density, which means the area under the peak at the bond length of r= 0.75˚A indicates the number of molecules, (2) [ gpe(r)−1]r2, where the first peak hints to the existence of bound electron s in the ground state, (3) pair correlation function for electro ns with parallel spins demonstrat- ing the Pauli exclusion principle, (4) pair correlation fun ction for electrons with anti-parallel spins, where the peak is caused by a localization of wave func tion along the molecular bond, and (5) distribution of the fraction νof electrons involved in a permutation. A peak near ν= 0 represent a small degree of degeneracy of the electrons, w hile one near ν= 1 implies a highly degenerate electron gas.104 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 39(1999) the fraction of molecules and atoms to determine the regime b oundaries. However at high density, a clear definition of those species is difficult to giv e. Starting in the molecular regime, one finds that increasing t emperature at constant density leads to gradual dissociation of molecules followe d by a regime, with a majority of atoms. The atoms are then gradually ionized at even higher te mperatures. Lowering the density at constant temperature leads to a decrease in the nu mber of molecules, or atoms respectively, due to entropy effects. If the density is increased at constant temperature, pressu re dissociation diminishes the molecular fraction. This transition was described by Ma gro et. al. [9]. Its precise nature is still a topic of our current research. Using PIMC si mulations, one finds it occurs within a small density interval and we predict that it is conn ected with both the molecular- atomic and insulator-metal transition. We determine the fr action of electrons involved in a permutation as an indication of electronic delocalization . Permuting electron are required to form a Fermi surface, which means that a high number of perm utations indicate a high degree of degeneracy of the electrons. Permuting electrons form long chains of paths and therefore occupy delocalized states. This delocalization destabilizes the hydrogen molecules. Before all bonds are broken, one finds a molecular fluid with so me permuting electrons, which could indicate the existence of a molecular fluid with metall ic properties. The boundaries of the metallic regime are determined by two e ffects. With increasing temperature, the degree of degeneracy of the electrons is si mply reduced. If the temperature is lowered, the attraction to the protons becomes more relev ant, which localizes the electron wave function and decreases the degree of degeneracy also (s ee Fig. 1). Acknowledgements Support from CSAR program and computer facilities at NCSA an d Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. References [1] W. Ebeling, W. D. Kraeft and D. 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Rev. Lett. 76(1996)1240 [10] B. Militzer, W. Magro, and D. Ceperley, “Restricted Pat h Integral Monte Carlo Calculations of Hot, Dense Hydrogen”, inProceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Co upled Coulomb Sys- tems, Boston (1997). Received October 1, 1998
arXiv:physics/9910011v1 [physics.ins-det] 8 Oct 1999A Compact3H(p,γ)4He 19.8-MeV Gamma-Ray Source for Energy Calibration at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory A.W.P. Poon,1,2R.J. Komar, C.E. Waltham Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Brit ish Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1 M.C. Browne,3,4R.G.H. Robertson Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Sea ttle, WA 98195, USA N.P. Kherani Ontario Hydro Technologies, 800 Kipling Avenue, Toronto, O N, Canada M8Z 5S4 H.B. Mak Department of Physics, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, C anada K7L 3N6 Abstract The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a new 1000-tonne D 2OˇCerenkov solar neutrino detector. A high energy gamma-ray source is n eeded to calibrate SNO beyond the8B solar neutrino endpoint of 15 MeV. This paper describes the design and construction of a source that generates 19.8-MeV gamma rays using the3H(p,γ)4He reaction (“ pT”), and demonstrates that the source meets all the physical, operational and lifetime requirements for calib rating SNO. An ion source was built into this unit to generate and to accelerate proton s up to 30 keV, and a high purity scandium tritide target with a scandium-tritium ato mic ratio of 1:2.0 ±0.2 was included. This pTsource is the first self-contained, compact, and portable hi gh energy gamma-ray source ( Eγ>10 MeV). Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint 21 April 20111 Introduction The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) [1] is a new heavy wat er (D 2O) ˇCerenkov solar neutrino detector. The detector is unique in its use of 1000 tonnes of D 2O as target, which allows the detection of electron neutrino s and neutrinos of all active flavours through the following chann els: νe+d→p+p+e−−1.44 MeV (1) νx+d→p+n+νx−2.22 MeV (2) νx+e−→νx+e−(3) This ability to measure the total flux of all active flavours of neutrinos origi- nating from the Sun will allow SNO to make a model-independen t test of the neutrino oscillation hypothesis. The SNO collaboration needs a high energy calibration point beyond the8B solar neutrino energy endpoint of ∼15 MeV. This calibration point is very important in understanding the detector’s energy response because ˇCerenkov light production is not exactly linear in energy (e.g. energ y loss to low energy electrons below the Cˇ erenkov threshold). As the energy inc reases, the proba- bility that a photomultiplier tube would get hit by more than oneˇCerenkov photon increases. Therefore, a calibration point beyond th e solar neutrino energy endpoint will provide vital information on this mult iple hit effect at energies beyond the solar neutrino endpoint. In the arsenal of calibration sources at SNO, the “ pT” source, which employs the3H(p, γ)4He reaction to generate 19.8-MeV gamma rays, has the highest energy. This pTsource is the first self-contained, compact, and portable hi gh energy gamma-ray source ( Eγ>10 MeV). In this paper various aspects of the construction and operat ion of the pTsource are described. In Section 2 the design criteria for a high ene rgy gamma-ray calibration source at SNO are outlined. Attributes of the3H(p, γ)4He reaction 1Also affiliated with Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seat- tle, WA 98195, USA 2Present and Corresponding address: Institute for Nuclear a nd Particle Astro- physics, Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley Nati onal Laboratory, Mail Stop 50-208, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. Tel.: (510) 495-2467; Fax: (510) 486-4738; E-mail: AWPoon@lbl.gov. 3Also affiliated with Department of Physics, North Carolina St ate University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA 4Present address: NIS-5, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lo s Alamos, NM 87545, USA 2are discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, the design of the pTsource is de- scribed. Details involving the fabrication of the scandium tritide target and the assembly of the pTsource are summarized in Section 5. The experimental setups used in measuring the neutron and the gamma-ray outpu t of the pT source are described in Section 6. The results of these measu rements can be found in Section 7, followed by the conclusions in Section 8. 2 Design Criteria for a High Energy Gamma-Ray Source One way to calibrate the high-energy response (10 < E < 20 MeV) of a large water ˇCerenkov detector like SNO is to use high-energy gamma rays g enerated from radiative-capture reactions in an ion source. The devi ces that provide these high-energy gamma rays must be compact enough to be man euvered to different regions in the D 2O volume using the SNO calibration source manip- ulator system. The largest insertion port for calibration d evices at SNO can accommodate devices up to about 30 cm in diameter and 75 cm in l ength. This physical constraint limits the actual size of such cali bration devices. Because the SNO detector is essentially a 100% efficient, 4 πdetector to gamma rays, one does not need to design a high-energy source with a h igh gamma-ray production rate. The centroid of the photopeak can be measur ed to better than 1% in less than an hour with a gamma-ray yield of 0.2 s−1. SNO is designed to run with MgCl 2loaded in the heavy water to detect the free neutron in Reaction (2). The high energy gamma-ray sour ce is required to have a low neutron production rate. This will minimize the si gnal interference of the gamma rays resulting from thermal neutron capture by35Cl in D 2O in the “salt” running scenario and the dead time in the data acqu isition system. A neutron production of less than 104s−1is needed for the design goal of >0.2γs−1. ThepTsource must be available to calibrate the SNO detector whene ver there is a change to the detector configuration, or when a high energ y calibration is called for. An operational lifetime of >60 hours for the pTsource will be more than enough to calibrate the SNO detector during its anticip ated life span. Electromagnetic interference between this high energy cal ibration source and the photomultiplier tube array must be minimal. For this rea son, accelerator sources like the pTsource have to be run in direct current mode, instead of pulsed mode, to eliminate possible electromagnetic pickup by the photomul- tiplier tube array. 33 Attributes of a3H(p,γ)4He Source The3H(p,γ)4He reaction has a Q-value of 19.8 MeV. Since4He does not have a bound excited state, the gamma ray emitted in this reaction i s monoenergetic. Building a compact gamma-ray calibration source using this reaction is an attractive proposal for several reasons. First of all, the projectile and the target have unit charge. Therefore, the effect of Coulomb suppression on the cross section for this re action is less than reactions with other combinations of incoming charged projectiles and targets. Hence, the beam energy and power can be minimised. T his allows the beam to be run in a d.c. mode without incorporating a complica ted cooling system for the target. As the Q-value of3H(p,n)3He is -0.763 MeV, the pTsource is essentially neutron-free if the proton energy is below this threshold. H owever, isotopic impurities and the isotopic exchange between the beam and th e target will give rise to undesirable neutrons through the2H(t,n)4He,3H(d,n)4He, and 3H(t,nn)4He reactions. In principle, one can eliminate this neutron p roduction problem by mass analyzing the beam. However, this option is n ot possible in thepTsource given the physical size constraint mentioned in the l ast section. A monoenergetic calibration source like the pTsource is better than sources with multiple energy lines in calibrating water ˇCerenkov detectors which gen- erally have poor energy resolution. 4 Design of the pTSource In order to keep the system as clean as possible, the pTsource was built with ultra-high vacuum (UHV) hardware. A cross sectional dr awing of the pT source can be found in Figures 1. The source can essentially b e divided into three sections: the gas-discharge line, the ion accelerati on line and the target chamber. In the following, the design of these three section s is discussed. The gas-discharge line is a cold-cathode Penning ion source , which runs in d.c. mode with a very modest power consumption. The outer housing of the gas- discharge line consists of two glass-to-stainless-steel a dapters5. Each of these adapters is 7.62 cm in length with a piece of 1.27-cm long Pyre x glass to isolate the two ends. The electrodes E1, E2 and E3 are welded to these a dapters. The use of these glass-to-stainless-steel adapters provides c onvenient high voltage isolation between the anode and the cathodes. The placement of the various 5Manufactured by Larson Electronic Glass, Redwood City, CA, USA 4electrodes in the gas-discharge line was designed using the simulation program MacSimion [3]. In the design, efforts were made to minimise io n loss to the electrode walls; hence, a higher beam current can be attaine d for a given discharge current. The beam was spread over the target; this reduces the areal power density and improves the target’s longevity. Under th e normal running scenario, the cathodes (E1 and E3) are kept at ground, whilst the anode (E2) is maintained at +2 kV d.c. A SAES St-172 getter (model LHI/4-7/200) is used as the hydro gen dis- charge gas reservoir for the ion source. The getter has 360 mg of a zirconium- vanadium-iron alloy active material, and is mounted to the B NC connector next to E1 in Figure 1. The axial magnetic field required in the discharge is provide d by a cylindrical magnet composed of seven 13.34 cm (outer diameter) by 5.88 cm (inner diam- eter) by 1.91 cm (thick) barium ferrite feroxdur ceramic rin gs. The maximum magnetic field inside the central bore of the magnet is about 0 .06 T. The ion acceleration line is a double-ended glass adapter6, with one end at- tached to the gas-discharge line and the other connected to t he target chamber which is biased at a negative high voltage. In this scheme, th e construction of complicated accelerating and focusing electrodes is avo ided, and the length can also be kept to a minimum. When the ions exit this accelera tion line and enter the target chamber, they have acquired an energy equiv alent to the tar- get bias voltage, in addition to their ejection energy from t he ion discharge region. At the end of the ion acceleration line in the pTsource is the target mount flange. The target is secured to a copper heat sink, as shown pr otruding from the flange in Figure 1, by a stainless steel screw-on cap. This mounting mech- anism is designed to allow efficient target mounting in the tri tium glovebox in which this operation is to be performed. The total length of the pTsource is only 50 cm. For deployment in SNO, it will be housed inside a 25.4-cm diameter by 60-cm long stainl ess steel cylin- drical deployment capsule. The dimensions of this capsule a re well within the physical limits imposed by the SNO calibration-source-dep loyment hardware. The expected yield of the pTsource was calculated. Because the cross section of the3H(p, γ)4He reaction below 50 keV is not well known, the cross section at the operating voltage of the pTsource had to be extrapolated from existing data. Details of this extrapolation can be found in [4]. The s topping power required in the yield calculation was calculated using the p rogram SRIM [5]. 6Manufactured by MDC Vacuum Products Corp., Hayward, CA, USA . (part num- ber DEG-150). 5Figure 2 shows the estimated gamma-ray yield as a function of the the mass-1 content in a 50- µA, 27-keV beam in the constructed pTsource. This calcula- tion assumed a total mixing of hydrogen isotopes between the beam and the target. The ion beam current was measured in situ by a calorimetric method and by a Faraday cup fitted with a secondary electron suppression scheme. These measurements were made with extra hardware installed in the target chamber of an untritiated model pTsource. Beam current measured by both methods agreed with each other. The pTsource is capable of generating at least 50 µA of total (atomic and molecular) beam current at a beam energy of 20 keV. The mass composition of the beam was also measured in situ by lengthen- ing the target chamber and installing a home-built mass spec trometer in the model source. The mass-1 composition was determined to be (0 .63±0.09) in the H 2partial pressure range of 0.3 ×10−3to 0.6×10−3mbar, which is a factor of∼5 lower than the normal operating pressure of the pTsource. The normal operating pressure of the source was chosen by considering t he beam stability and longevity running in a continuous mode. The mass composi tion measure- ment could not be made at the normal operating H 2pressure of the source due to increased beam scattering in the lengthened target ch amber and the inadequate resolution of the spectrometer. 5 Construction of the pTSource 5.1 Fabrication of the Scandium Tritide Target Molybdenum was chosen as the substrate for the scandium film b ecause of the strong adhesion between the two materials [6]. To ensure high adhesion strength of the scandium film to the molybdenum substrate, it was prepared by going through a series of mechanical and chemical treatme nts prior to film deposition. A substrate disc of diameter 2.86 cm was first cut out from a 1-m m thick sheet of 99.95% pure molybdenum using the electro-discharge mach ining (EDM) technique. This was to minimise the use of machining oil on th e substrate. The substrate was then sandblasted by fine glass beads in orde r to increase its effective surface area and enhance the film adhesion strength . The scandium film would peel off much more easily from a non-roughened subst rate surface. The substrate was then treated chemically in a multi-stage p rocess. It was first cleansed in acetone in an ultrasonic bath for half an hou r. The substrate was subsequently ultrasonically cleansed in ethanol, then deionised water, for 6half an hour in each solvent. This sequence of chemical clean sing ensured that hydrocarbons that might have deposited on the substrate dur ing the EDM process to be removed. The substrate surface was then etched in a 3 M nitric acid bath for 30 seconds. The whole chemical cleansing proce ss was completed by a 30-minute deionised water wash in an ultrasonic bath. Once the substrate had gone through this series of preparati on processes, it was mounted to a copper holder in which a 110-W coil heater was embedded and placed inside the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) evaporation s ystem which is described below. This heater block was outfitted with ther mocouples for monitoring its temperature. The substrate was baked at 400◦C in the evapo- ration system for about four days, then at 250◦C for about a week to reduce outgassing from its surface. Fabrication of the scandium tritide target, and the subsequ ent assembly of the pTsource were performed at the tritium laboratory at Ontario H ydro Tech- nologies (OHT) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The schematic o f the vacuum system is shown in Figure 3. To ensure that a high vacuum could be achieved in this tritium run, oil-free vacuum pumps and UHV hardware w ere used in this system. The evaporation chamber is a UHV six-way cross w ith an outer flange diameter of 15.24 cm. The tritium-compatible glovebo x is continuously purged with dry nitrogen. The moisture level in the glovebox is typically 30 to 50 ppm by volume. The nitrogen purge gas is routed through a Zr 2Fe tritium trap in order to remove its tritium content before venting [7 ]. The exhaust of the vacuum system is also routed through a Zr 2Fe trap before venting. Two high-current feedthroughs were connected to the evapor ation chamber. A 5-coil conical tungsten evaporation basket7was mounted between these feedthroughs. A (26 ±1)-mg lump of 99.99% pure, sublimed dendritic scan- dium was placed inside this basket, and positioned directly above the molyb- denum substrate in the heater block. The separation between the bottom of the tungsten basket and the molybdenum substrate was (14 ±2) mm. A stain- less steel shroud was positioned around the feedthrough-ba sket assembly to prevent deposition on the viewport in the evaporation chamb er and to reflect radiation back to the coil to enhance heating efficiency. This arrangement is shown in Figure 4. A quartz oscillator is installed at the end of an evaporator b ellows as shown in the setup in Figure 3. When the deposition assembly is inse rted into the evaporation chamber, the oscillator can be lowered to the ba ck side of the assembly through an aperture in the main shroud and used to mo nitor the deposition rate of scandium. The distance between the scand ium source (in the tungsten evaporation basket) and the oscillator was 27 c m. 7R.D. Mathis Company, Part Number B12B-3x.025W 7As shown in Figure 3, there are two main gas lines connected to the evapo- ration chamber in the vacuum system of the setup. One of these branches is connected to a 5-g depleted uranium bed. This uranium bed is u sed to store tritium which can be readily desorbed by raising it to sufficie ntly high tem- perature [8,9]. In Table 1, the isotopic purity of the tritiu m gas in this bed is shown. Prior to film evaporation, the whole apparatus was baked for o ver a week at∼150-200◦C to reduce the outgassing rate of the evaporation system. Th e tungsten evaporation coil was also baked by running a 10 A cur rent through it. The base pressure of the system was ∼6×10−7mbar during the bakeout. After the baking, the evaporation system reached a base pressure o f 5.8×10−8mbar. After bakeout, the deposition assembly (i.e. the high curre nt feedthrough- evaporation basket assembly) was delivered into the evapor ation chamber by winding in the linear translation stage to which the deposit ion assembly flange was connected. The tungsten evaporation basket was positio ned directly above the centre of the molybdenum substrate. The current fed to the tungsten basket was raised at a rate of a bout 1 A min−1 during the first thirty minutes of the experiment. This rate w as then decreased to 0.2 A min−1to lower the outgassing rate of the evaporation hardware. Th e basket current was raised up to 46 A, at which point the coil te mperature was ∼1900◦C. This was to ensure that all the scandium, whose melting poi nt is 1539◦C, was evaporated. The evaporated scandium film has a thickne ss of (1.1±0.3) mg cm−2. Immediately after the scandium deposition, the deposition assembly was re- moved from the evaporation chamber by winding out the linear translation stage and closing a gate valve (V2 in Figure 3). Before tritiu m was let into the evaporation chamber, the evaporation chamber was isola ted by closing the remaining gate valves (V1 and V3 in Figure 3) connected to it. The molyb- denum substrate temperature was subsequently raised to 400◦C to enhance tritium sorption by the scandium film later on. The uranium tritide bed was first heated to 135◦C to drive out the3He from tritium decay in the bed. At this temperature, tritium is sti ll “locked” inside the bed. The released3He was first pumped out of the system before the uranium bed temperature was raised to 220-240◦C at which temperature the tritium is desorbed. In order to measure the amount of tritiu m sorbed by the scandium film, the tritium gas released from the uranium bed w as first trapped in the small volume between valves V6 and V10 (see Figure 3) be fore releasing to the isolated evaporation chamber. This trap has a volume o f (31.9 ±2.2) cm3. With the tritium pressure measured by the pressure transduc er connected to this volume, the amount of tritium used could then be determi ned. A total of 8(8.19±0.57) Ci of tritium was injected in 13 different doses into the chamber. In Figure 5 the pressure inside the evaporation chamber is pl otted against the time after Doses 1, 7, 9 and 13 were injected. It is clear fr om the figure that the sorbing capacity of the scandium film decreased as th e tritium con- centration in the film increased. By integrating the tritium absorption curves for all the doses and correcting for the solid angle subtende d by the target in the evaporation system, the tritium activity on the targe t was found to be (3.3±0.8) Ci. The3H/Sc atomic ratio of the target is (2.0 ±0.2). 5.2 Assembly of the pTSource The ion source must be cleansed before it could accept the tri tiated target. If the outgassing rate of the ion source is too high, the getter w ould lose most of its capacity on pumping the residual gas in the source, rat her than serving its purpose as the hydrogen discharge gas reservoir. The ion source was cleansed chemically and mounted to a triti um-free bakeout system whose schematic is shown in Figure 6. The ion source wa s baked at 150◦C for about two weeks. The bakeout vacuum system was flushed wi th argon for approximately 5 to 10 minutes daily during this bak eout period. This flushing procedure did improve the overall cleanliness of th e vacuum system. After the target fabrication, the ion source was removed fro m the bakeout system and wrapped in layers of ParafilmTMwhich is a flexible, thermoplastic material. It was used to minimise tritiated particles depos iting on the outer surface of the ion source once it was taken into the glovebox w here the target evaporation system was set up. The tritiated target was remo ved from the evaporation system and mounted to the pTsource. The ion source was then connected to the vacuum system as indicated in Figure 3. After the system had reached its base pressure, H 2was let into the system, and an ion beam was allowed to strike and to bombard the target for 5 minutes. During this time, the beam energy was gradually increased fr om 0 to 25 keV. This procedure was necessary to cleanse the Penning electro des by electro- discharge. Contamination on the target, which might have de posited on the target surface during the target mounting process, would al so be removed by this brief beam bombardment. It was found that if this step we re not carried out, the getter in the source would not be able to handle the re sidual gas load in the source once sealed. The St-172 getter had to be activated before loading hydroge n to it. To activate the getter, it was heated for 10 minutes at 800◦C by passing a 4.5 A current through it. Once activated, the getter current was lowered t o about 1.6 A in 9order to maintain a temperature of 200◦C. The getter was then loaded with hydrogen by allowing an ambient H 2pressure of 3.3 ×10−4mbar into the ion source. After 30 minutes, ∼200 cm3mbar of H 2would have been absorbed by the 360 mg of active material in the getter. The getter loadin g procedure was completed by turning off the getter current, and by pumping ou t the residual H2gas in the ion source. After the base pressure was reached, th e source was isolated and detached from the rest of the vacuum system b y closing the metal-seal valve on the source. The source was subsequently removed from the glove box, and its outer surface was de-contaminated. 6 Experimental Setup for Measuring the Neutron and Gamma- Ray Yields of the pTSource 6.1 Gamma-Ray Detection Systems After the pTsource was constructed at OHT, a quality assurance test was fi rst performed at Queen’s University at Kingston, ON, Canada. Th e source was subsequently transported to the University of Washington f or a measurement of the gamma-ray angular distribution in the3H(p, γ)4He reaction [4]. In the quality assurance test, a 12.7-cm diameter by 7.6-cm long bi smuth germanate (Bi4Ge3O12, or BGO) crystal was used as the gamma-ray detector [10]. In t he angular distribution measurement, three 14.5-diameter by 17.5 cm cylindrical barium fluoride (BaF 2) crystals were used. In Figures 7 and 8 the orientations of the pTsource with respect to the detectors in the two different test systems are shown. In Figure 9 the energy spectrum from the quality assurance te st at Queen’s is shown with the cosmic ray background subtracted. 6.2 Neutron Detection System Because of beam-target mixing, fast neutrons are generated through the2H(t,n)4He, 3H(d,n)4He, and3H(t,nn)4He reactions. The neutron output of the pTsource during its lifetime was monitored by neutron-proton elasti c scattering in or- ganic scintillators. The neutron detector was a 12.7-cm dia meter by 5.1-cm thick Bicron BC 501 liquid scintillator, which was opticall y coupled to a Hama- matsu R1250 photomultiplier tube (PMT). A Piel 112 pulse shape discriminator (PSD) [11] was used to pe rform pulse shape discrimination on gammas and fast neutrons generated by the pTsource. 10The neutron-gamma separation ability in the neutron detect ion system is demonstrated in Figure 10. 7 Gamma-Ray and Neutron Yields of the Source The gamma-ray and neutron production rates by the pTsource are sum- marised in this section. The pTsource was operated in the quality assurance test as described in the last section. It was also used in a mea surement to determine the gamma-ray angular distribution in the pTreaction. During the 98.8 hours of operational lifetime of the pTsource, we took data at beam energies of 22, 27 and 29 keV. 7.1 Gamma-Ray Yields The gamma-ray detectors were energy calibrated by a variety of sealed sources: 137Cs(0.662 MeV),207Bi(1.063 MeV),12C∗(4.44 MeV), and16O∗(6.13 MeV). Without a readily available energy source with an energy clo se to 19.8 MeV, Monte Carlo simulation using GEANT [12] was relied upon to ca lculate the response of the detectors. The simulation program was check ed against the data taken with a strength calibrated13C(α,n)16O∗source. Energy spectra were taken with this source placed at the cent re of the de- tector system. At the time of this experiment, this source ha d a strength of (4.1±0.1)×103γs−1. Because of its high neutron output, energy spectra were taken with a 2.5-cm thick slab of lead placed between the sour ce and the detec- tors to extract the neutron induced spectra. By comparing th ese two types of spectra, the gamma-ray line shape could then be extracted fo r each detector. In Figure 11, the GEANT generated line shape is compared to an ex perimentally determined spectrum. After correcting for the effects of lea d absorption, neu- tron induced background and dead-time, the number of detect ed gamma rays and efficiency ( εexp) were extracted. The average ratio between εexpand the GEANT calculated efficiency ( εMC),εexp/εMC, was found to be (1.01 ±0.04). The gamma-ray penetration function ηγ(θ) was measured for the 6.13-MeV gamma-ray line in the three BaF 2detectors. This source was positioned inside an untritiated model pTsource, the mechanical construction of which was identical to the real pTsource, at the location where the tritiated target would be mounted. The gamma-ray detection rate was then measured e xperimentally in a procedure similar to the efficiency measurement above. By comparing this detection rate and the one without the presence of the mo del source, the average penetration factor over the solid angle subtended b y the detectors 11/angbracketleftηγ(θ)/angbracketrightΩdetwas then extracted. The average percentage difference betwe en the measured values and the simulated ones is ∼ ±3%. To extract the gamma-ray yield of the pTsource, the calibrated “beam-on” data were fitted to a composition of a cosmic-ray background a nd the 19.8- MeV line shape for an isotropic source located at the target s urface in the pTsource as generated by GEANT simulation. Because the emitte d gamma rays in the3H(p, γ)4He reaction have a predominant sin2θangular distribu- tion [4,13,14], the extracted gamma-ray amplitude from the fit was corrected for this distribution. The average gamma-ray production rate at Ep=27 keV during the quality assurance run in the first 20.9 hours of the source’s lifetime was found to be (0.67 ±0.11) s−1. The rate at Ep=29 keV during the gamma-ray angu- lar distribution measurement in the last 47.2 hours of the so urce’s lifetime was (0.36 ±0.03) s−1. In Figure 12, the gamma-ray production rate was renor- malised to that for a 29-keV atomic beam. It is clear that the g amma-ray yield decreased over time and is due to beam-target mixing and targ et sputtering in the source. This point will be discussed after evaluating the neutron yields in the next section. 7.2 Neutron Yields In the pTsource most of the neutrons are generated through the3H+3H in- teraction. Although the discharge gas stored into the hydro gen reservoir in thepTsource was initially free of any tritium, tritium would get i nto the discharge gas through beam-target exchange after a period o f beam bombard- ment. Moreover, deuterium present in the discharge gas (at a 1.5×10−4level) and in the target (at a 1.2 ×10−3level) would also enhance neutron production by the source through the3H(d,n)4He reaction. In the following the results of this neutron production measurement are presented. The fast neutron detection efficiency of the liquid scintilla tor was calibrated using an241Am-9Be source which generates neutrons through9Be(α,n)12C. This source has a calibrated neutron strength of (7.1 ±0.7)×103n s−1and was placed on the axis of the detector with a separation of 20. 6 cm, the same distance between the tritiated target and the neutron d etector in the gamma-ray angular distribution runs. Gamma rays and neutro ns generated by the source could be cleanly separated by pulse shape discr imination. The net neutron count rate was extracted after the correction of a (7.1 ±0.1)% dead time and the subtraction of a background rate of 0.7 s−1. The detection efficiency ( ε∆Ω/4π) was found to be (3 .6±0.4)×10−3. Neutrons generated by the pTsource would inevitably be scattered or ab- 12sorbed by its construction material. Hence the detected neu tron rate ( Rdet) would be less than the actual pT-source generated rate ( Rgen) by a reduction factor ηn. To measure this reduction coefficient, the241Am-9Be source was placed on the target mount inside the untritiated model sour ce. This model source was then placed in the same orientation to the liquid s cintillator as in the gamma-ray angular distribution runs. After correcting for the dead time and background, and comparing the neutron detection rate to that in the cal- ibration runs without the presence of this model source, it w as found that the pTsource hardware absorbed or scattered (38 ±6) % of the neutrons that are generated inside the source. Because there was a variation in beam intensity on target fro m run to run, the neutron production rate was normalised to the current dr awn from the target bias supply in order to provide a fair comparison. Thi s current was a combination of the actual ion current on target and the contr ibution from sec- ondary electron emission. The pTsource does not have any internal secondary electron suppression scheme because of physical constrain ts imposed by the SNO calibration hardware. Two assumptions were made in extracting this neutron genera tion rate by the pTsource: (1) the neutrons generated by the pTsource have the same energy spectrum as fast neutron spectrum from the241Am-9Be calibration source; (2) the angular distribution of neutrons generated by the pTsource is isotropic as in the241Am-9Be case. Neutrons are produced predominantly by the3H+3H interaction in the pT source. The reactions that are energetically possible in th is system are: 3H(t, nn)4He (4) 3H(t, n1)5He∗(n)4He (5) 3H(t, n0)5He(n)4He. (6) In a measurement at a triton energy Et=500 keV, the branching ratio for these reactions was found to be 70%:20%:10% (in the same orde r as they appear above) [15]. The neutron energy spectrum for each of t hese reactions is somewhat different. Without any final-state effect, the dir ect three-body breakup reaction in reaction (4) would yield neutrons at an a verage energy of∼1 2·5 6Q. With a Q-value of 11.3 MeV, the neutron energy spectrum from reaction (4) would be a broad peak centered at about 4.7 MeV. T his shape is indeed very similar to the neutron spectrum from9Be(α,n) sources [16]. The ground state transition (6) yields a 10.4-MeV neutron n0, followed by 13a 0.9-MeV secondary neutron. The neutron detection efficienc y for the liq- uid scintillator is almost null at 0.9 MeV. Reaction (5) is a s equential decay proceeding through a broad5He excited state at about 2 MeV. Because of the small branching ratio for this excited state transition , it would not con- tribute much to the uncertainty in the extracted neutron gen eration rate by thepTsource. The uncertainty in the extracted pT-source neutron rate due to the secondary neutrons is at most 15% if one assumes none of th e secondary neutrons from (5) and (6) were detected. The uncertainty in t he extracted pT- source neutron rate due to n0and the 14 MeV monoenergetic neutron from 3H(d,n)4He was estimated to be 9% at Ep=29 keV. Although the neutron detector was placed in different orient ations to the pT source in the quality assurance runs and in the gamma-ray ang ular distribu- tion measurement, continuous beam-target exchange render ed it impossible to extract the neutron angular distribution without the pre sence of a second neutron detector for normalisation purposes. Wong et al. [15] measured the angular distribution for the3H+3H system at Et=500 keV. They found that the ground state transition neutron group is isotropic to wi thin an accuracy of±10%. They also found that in the neutron energy range of 2 to 7. 5 MeV, the continuum neutron group is also isotropic to within an ac curacy of ±20% in the laboratory angle range of 4 to 100◦. For the3H(d,n)4He reaction, the angular distribution is isotropic at and below the resonanc e [17]. Given these facts, the assumption that the neutrons emitted by the pTsource are isotropic was made in the yield evaluation. In order to look at the time variation of the neutron producti on rate by the pTsource more closely, the neutron production rates for all th e runs were renormalised to the same atomic beam energy at 29 keV. In othe r words, the rate in all of the Ep=22 keV and 27 keV runs were scaled up by a factor corresponding to the difference in cross section at that atom ic beam energy to that at 29 keV. The resulting plot is shown in Figure 12. In Figure 12, it is clear how the neutron production rate in th epTsource varied over time. The neutron production rate was gradually increa sing initially. This is a clear indication of beam-target exchange, as tritium in the target gets into the discharge gas stream. The neutron production rate then b egan to decrease. This can be explained by the fact that the rate of hydrogen iso tope exchange was reaching an equilibrium, and sputtering of the target be came the dominant process. The target sputtering effect had caused the build-u p of a thin film on the high voltage insulator in the acceleration section of th e source. Under the normal operating condition, one end of this insulator is gro unded whilst the other end is biased at ∼-30 kV. With a thin conductive film build-up, a leakage current flowed across the insulator and caused a high voltage breakdown. This build-up limited the lifetime of the pTsource to 98.8 hours. 14The neutron production rate of the pTsource during calibration in the SNO detector was estimated. Using the highest data point in Figu re 12, the maxi- mum neutron generation rate was estimated to be less than (2. 5±0.4)×103n s−1. The uncertainty here does not include the monoenergetic neu tron and the sec- ondary neutron contributions discussed above. However, th e estimated rate quoted above should be seen as the upper limit of neutron prod uction as it was estimated using the highest data point in the data. In Fig ure 13, the re- sults of a Monte Carlo simulation of the SNO detector respons e to neutrons and gamma rays generated by the pTsource are shown. This simulation was performed using the SNO Monte Carlo and analysis program SNO MAN [18]. In this simulation, fast neutrons generated by the pTsource were assumed to be monoenergetic at 4.7 MeV. Full pTsource and deployment capsule ge- ometries were employed in this simulation, but neutron abso rbers inside the source’s stainless steel deployment housing were not. This is equivalent to as- suming the worst possible neutron leakage into the heavy wat er. A neutron production rate of 2,500 s−1and a gamma-ray production rate of 0.6 s−1were assumed. The spectra in the figure represent about 3 hours of r un time in the SNO detector. From these figures, it is clear that the neutron production rate of the pTsource is low enough for an accurate measurement of the 19.8- MeV photopeak. 8 Conclusions A functional 19.8-MeV gamma-ray source using the3H(p, γ)4He reaction was built. This pTsource met all the physical and operational requirements fo r calibrating the SNO detector. This is the first self-contain ed, compact and portable high energy ( Eγ>10 MeV) gamma-ray source of this type. Techniques to fabricate high-quality scandium deuteride a nd tritide targets were developed. The tritiated target had a Sc:3H atomic ratio of 1:2.0 ±0.2. In the testing of the pTsource, 19.8-MeV gamma rays from the pTreaction were observed and found to be sufficient for calibrating the SN O detector. The neutron production rate by the pTsource is also low enough that the neutron background would not mask the gamma-ray signal during calib ration. The operational lifetime of the pTsource was 98.8 hours. Operation was ter- minated by a thin conducting layer deposited on the high volt age insulator in the ion acceleration line, which caused a high voltage break down across the insulator. The origin of this layer was scandium sputtering off the target sur- face. A second pTsource has been constructed with minor engineering changes to reduce this deposition effect. 15Calibration of large water ˇCerenkov detectors at energies near the solar neu- trino endpoint has been a difficult problem. This proof-of-pr inciple experiment of the pTsource opens a window for more convenient calibration stand ards in the future. One area in which the pTsource can be improved is to imple- ment a beam analyser to reduce the beam power on the target, an d to reduce the neutron output of the pTsource. This feature was not instrumented in this project because of stringent constraints on the physic al size of calibration sources that can be deployed in the SNO detector. Acknowledgements We thank Mel Anaya, Tom Burritt, Mark Hooper, Clive Morton, H ank Simons, and Doug Will for their technical support at various stage of this project. We thank David Sinclair for his careful reading of the manuscip t and his valuable comments. One of us (AWPP) would like to thank the University of British Columbia for a University Graduate Fellowship. This work wa s supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Ca nada, and by the US Department of Energy under Grant Number DE-FG06-90ER 40537. References [1] The SNO Collaboration, “The Sudbury Neutrino Observato ry”, to be submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth. (1999). [2] The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration, Nucl. Instr. Meth . A421 (1999) 113. [3] Donald C. McGilvery and Richard J.S. Morrison, Departme nt of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia (1988). [4] A.W.P. 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Isotope Composition 1H (0.79±0.04)% 2H (0.12±0.01)% 3H (99.09 ±0.05)% 18/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZrElectrode E1 Electrode E2 Electrode E3 Target Mount Getter Shroud Getter Current Feedthrough Discharge Magnet Pyrex-Stainless Steel Coupling 2-3/4" CF Pyrex-Stainless Steel Glass Couping Mini-CF UHV Valve 50cm0 5 cm Fig. 1. Cross sectional drawing of the pTsource. 190.010.1110Estimated γ yield [s-1] 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Fraction of mass-1 in beam (f1)pT Fig. 2. Estimated gamma-ray yield from the pTsource. The yield is plotted against the mass-1 fraction f1in a 50 µA, 27-keV beam. Hydrogen isotopes in the beam and the target were assumed to be completely mixed. The yield sho wn here should be treated as the upper limit because target degradation was no t taken into account in the calculation. The dotted lines are the calculated unce rtainties based on the uncertainties in the physical parameters of the constructe dpTsource and the cross section ([4]). 20Substrate Heater ThermocouplesSubstrate HolderViewing WindowAProbe Bayard-Alpert Gauge Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Turbomolecular pump 0 to 1000 torr Pressure Transducer Tritium Trap System Isolation Valve Molecular Drag Pump Diaphragm Pump Low Level Tritium Monitor StackH Ar25g Uranium BedFilm Thickness Monitor 0 to 1000 torr Pressure TransducerHigh Pressure Ionisation GaugeEvaporator High Voltage Standoff SNO pT Source Legend Six Way Cross Manual Gate Valve Pneumatic Gate Valve Manual Metal Bellows Valve Pneumatic Metal Bellows Valve Metering Valve Bellows Manipulator AssemblyAINERT ENVIRONMENT GLOVEBOX V3V4 V2 V1 V7V6 V10 V11 V8 V9 V12 V13V18 V14V15 V16 V17 Fig. 3. Schematic of the scandium tritide target evaporatio n vacuum system. Most of the setup is enclosed in a dry nitrogen environment inside a glovebox (from [7]). 21High current feedthroughShroud Scandium lump Heater BlockMolybdenum substrate Evaporation support platformTungsten coil Support pins Fig. 4. End-view of the evaporation basket and substrate con figuration. The scan- dium lump was evaporated by heating up the tungsten basket. T he heater block rested on the evaporation support platform through the supp ort pins. Support pins were used to reduce heat transfer between the heater block an d the support plat- form. 2210-410-310-210-1Chamber Pressure (corrected for H2) [mbar] 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Time [sec]Dose 1Dose 5 Dose 9 Dose 13 Fig. 5. Tritium pumping by the scandium film. The pumping curv e for Doses 1, 5, 9 and 13 are shown here. 23pT sourceAr bottle 0 to 1000 Torr transducerRegulator Leak valve NuPro Valve Bayard Alpert gauge LN2 trapTurbomolecular pump Rotary backing pump Fig. 6. Schematic of the vacuum system that was used to pump do wn the pTsource. The ion source was baked in this system prior to target mounti ng. This vacuum system was purged with argon for approximately 5 to 10 minute s daily during this bakeout period of approximately two weeks. 24/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZrplastic scintillator /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr aluminium /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZrlight pipe /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr lead PMTBGO/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr PMT LS 20cm 010/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr pT SourceNeutron Detector Gamma-Ray Detector/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZrsteel19.05 cm 6.35 cm target Fig. 7. Top view of the BGO detector setup for the quality assu rance testing of the pTsource. The separation between the liquid scintillator (LS ) and the target of the pTsource is about 36 cm. 25BaF crystal Plastic scintillator Lead shielding2 /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr /BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr Liquid scintillator45Neutron detectorpT sourcetarget beam 45 deg 45 deg45 deg D 90D135D Fig. 8. Schematic of the BaF 2detector system. The three BaF 2detectors were oriented at 45◦(D45), 90◦(D90), and 135◦(D135) to the beam direction, whilst the neutron detector was oriented at 2◦to the beam direction. The separation between the centre of the target and the front face of the BaF 2crystals was 35.6 cm for D 90, and 25.4 cm for D 45and D 135. The neutron detector was located at 20.6 cm from the centre of the target. 2650 40 30 20 10 0 -10Counts/200 keV bin 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 Energy (MeV)Quality Assurance Run ∆ t=14.4 hours, Ep=27 keV Fig. 9. Background-subtracted BGO energy spectrum in the qu ality assurance run at Queen’s University. The data points constitute the backgro und-subtracted energy spectrum. The histogram shown is a fit using a response functi on for the BGO spectrometer generated by GEANT. The measured yield of the pTsource during this run is (0.67 ±0.11) s−1. 271400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0Counts 1200 800 400 TAC output (channel)241Am-Be Source γ n Fig. 10. Timing distribution of liquid scintillator pulses generated by neutrons and gamma rays in a9Be(α,n)12C∗source. Neutrons are cleanly separated from the gamma-rays using the pulse shape discrimination scheme out lined in the text. 280.6 0.4 0.2 0.0Counts (arbitrary scale) 8 7 6 5 4 Energy (MeV) Fig. 11. Comparing GEANT generated gamma-ray line shape to m easurement. The data points correspond to the 6.13-MeV line from a calibrate d16O∗de-excitation source. The solid histogram is the GEANT generated line shap e. 292000 1500 1000 500 0Scaled number of generated neutrons/mA/s 100 80 60 40 20 0 Accumulated beam time (hour)1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0Scaled number of generated gamma rays/sNeutron & Gamma-Ray Generation (Rate scaled to E p=29 keV equivalent) Neutron data: Gamma-ray data: Ep=22 keV Ep=27 keV Ep=27 keV Ep=29 keV Ep=29 keV Fig. 12. Scaled neutron and gamma-ray production by the pTsource at Ep=29 keV. The rates were normalised to the current drawn from the targe t power supply during the runs. Also, the production rates for the Ep=22 keV and 27 keV runs have been scaled to the Ep=29 keV level. The scaling was done by assuming a pure atomic beam of protons or tritons since the contribution to the sign als from molecular ions are much smaller. The “error bars” on the accumulated be am time for the gamma-ray results represent the time intervals in which the mean production rates were calculated. 30Fig. 13. Monte Carlo simulated SNO photomultiplier tube arr ay response to neu- trons and gamma rays that are generated by the pTsource. The abscissa value, Nhits, is the number of photomultiplier tube hits in the SNO detect or. The Nhits-to-energy calibration in this Monte Carlo represents our b est estimate, but not the calibrated response of the SNO detector. In the pure D 2O running sce- nario (top panel), the peak centering at Nhits∼50 is the 6.25 MeV photopeak from 2H(n,γ)3H. In the salt running scenario, neutron capture on35Cl generates a gamma cascade with a total energy of 8.6 MeV. This is the reason for t he broader neutron capture peak in the bottom panel. In these figures, a neutron p roduction rate of 2,500 s−1and a gamma-ray production rate of 0.6 s−1were assumed. The sharp “peak” in the bottom panel arises from scaling of the Monte Ca rlo spectrum to cor- respond to the neutron production rate above. The spectra re present about 3 hours of run time in the SNO detector. 31
arXiv:physics/9910012v1 [physics.atom-ph] 11 Oct 1999Coordinate-space Faddeev-Hahn-type approach to three-bo dy charge transfer reactions involving exotic particles Renat A. Sultanov and Sadhan K. Adhikari Instituto de F´ ısica Te´ orica, Universidade Estadual Paul ista, 01405-900 S˜ ao Paulo, S˜ ao Paulo, Brazil Abstract Low-energy muon-transfer cross sections and rates in colli sions of muonic atoms with hydrogen isotopes are calculated using a six-sta te close-coupling approximation to coordinate-space Faddeev-Hahn-type equ ations. In the muonic case satisfactory results are obtained for all hydro gen isotopes and the experimentaly observed strong isotopic dependence of t ransfer rates is also reproduced. A comparison with results of other theoret ical and available experimental works is presented. The present model also lea ds to good trans- fer cross sections in the well-understood problem of antihy drogen formation in antiproton-positronium collision. PACS number(s): 34.70.+e, 36.10.Dr Typeset using REVT EX 1I. INTRODUCTION Charge-transfer reactions involving few particles in atom ic physics are very challenging and interesting from both theoretical and experimental poi nts of view and we study here the problem of charge transfer in some atomic reactions involvi ng exotic particles. Specifically, we study muon transfer in D −Hµ, T−Hµ, and T −Dµsystems where the suffix µdenotes a muonic atom with the electron replaced by a muon ( µ−). We also study the problem of antihydrohen ( ¯H) formation in antiproton-positronium collision with the positronium (Ps) in an initial 1s state. On the theoretical side, in these transfer reactions one nee ds to consider rearrangement of a charged particle. Because of the Coulomb interaction on e needs a careful treatment of the dynamics for a correct description. If one can identif y the basic dynamical ingredi- ents necessary for a satisfactory description of these proc esses involving a small number of particles, such a study will help us to formulate models in mo re complex situations. On the experimental side, the present study involving muon and positron transfer is of current interest in the muon-catalyzed fusion cycle [1–6] and in the formation and study of the antihydrogen atom [7,8]. Although there are some experimental measurements and seve ral theoretical investiga- tions on these processes, there still remain discrepancies among various studies. Here we use a different theoretical approach based on a detailed few-bod y dynamical consideration for a careful reinvestigation of these three-body charge-trans fer reactions. Traditionaly, such prob- lems are investigated by a tractable approximation scheme i n the Schr¨ odinger framework, without explicitly considering a few-body dynamical equat ion. In addition to variational calculations, these schemes include close-coupling, hype rspherical, and adiabatic approxi- mations. Here we would like to point out that the processes of muonic transfer reactions and antihydrogen formation are three-body Coulombic rearr angement collisions. Conse- quently, it seems reasonable that in addition to approximat ions based on the Schr¨ odinger equation, a detailed few-body consideration is useful. In w hat follows we develop a method, 2which is based on detailed few-body equations rather than th e effective potential treatment employed in alternative investigations. For the three-charged particle system, say TD µ, only two asymptotic configurations are possible, i.e. (D µ) T and (T µ) D. This suggests to write down a set of two coupled equations for components Ψ 1and Ψ 2of the wave function Ψ = Ψ 1+ Ψ2[9,10] with each component carrying the asymptotic boundary condition for a specific co nfiguration. One such equation with two components for the three-particle system was first w ritten by Hahn [9] following the most general decomposition of the three-body wave funct ion into three components suggested by Faddeev [11] and is usually referred to as the Fa ddeev-Hahn equation [12]. We solve the integro-differential form of this equation by a six -state close-coupling approximation scheme which consists in expanding the wave function compon ents Ψ 1and Ψ 2in terms of eigenfunctions of subsystem Hamiltonians in initial and fin al channels, respectively. The resultant coupled equation is then projected on the expansi on functions. After a partial- wave projection this leads to a set of one-dimensional coupl ed equations for the expansion coefficients, which is solved numerically. Recently, there have been considerable theoretical and exp erimental interests in the study of the muon-transfer reactions between hydrogen isotopes i n the muon catalyzed fusion cycle D + H µ→Dµ+ H, T + H µ→Tµ+ H, T + D µ→Tµ+ D.(1) The measurements for the transfer rates λtr=σtrvN0, (2) withσtrbeing the transfer cross section, vthe relative velocity of the incident particles and N0= 4.25×1022cm−3the liquid hydrogen density, are listed in Table I together w ith recent theoretical calculations. One can see differences between d ifferent experimental data [13–19] and theoretical results [20–25]. 3One of the most attractive reactions for ¯H formation is the three-body positron-transfer process ¯ p + Ps →¯H + e−. (3) Although no experimental cross sections are available, thi s process is being used at CERN for the production and study of antihydrogen. A number of cal culations have recently been carried out to calculate the cross section of reaction (3) as a function of the incident Ps energy. The calculations were performed by different method s, for instance, with hyper- spherical coupled-channel expansions [26] and close coupl ing approximations (CCA) [27]. As an additional test of the present method, calculations fo r the S −wave antihydrogen formation (3) at low energies are also performed. In Sec. II we develop the formalism. The results obtained for reactions (1) and (3) are given in Sec. III. Finally, we present some concluding remar ks in Sec. IV. II. THEORETICAL FORMULATION Let us take the system of units to be e= ¯h=mµ= 1 and denote, say T by 1, D by 2 and muon by 3. Below the three-body breakup threshold, following two-cl uster asymptotic configurations are possible in the system ( 123): (23)−1and (13)−2. These configurations, denoted simply by 1 and 2, respectively, are determined by th e Jacobi coordinates ( /vector rj3, /vector ρk) /vector rj3=/vector r3−/vector rj, /vector ρ k= (/vector r3+mj/vector rj)/(1 +mj)−/vector rk, j/ne}ationslash=k= 1,2, (4) /vector rj,mjare coordinates and masses of the particles j= 1,2,3,respectively. Let us introduce the total three-body wave function as a sum o f two components Ψ(/vector r1,/vector r2,/vector r3) = Ψ 1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1) + Ψ 2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2), (5) where Ψ 1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1) is quadratically integrable over the variable /vector r23, and Ψ 2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2) over the variable /vector r13. To define Ψ l(l= 1,2) a set of two coupled equations can be written down 4(E−H0−V23)Ψ1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1) = (V23+V12)Ψ2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2) (E−H0−V13)Ψ2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2) = (V13+V12)Ψ1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1),(6) where Eis the center-of-mass energy, H0is the total kinetic energy operator, and Vij(rij) are pair-interaction potentials ( i/ne}ationslash=j= 1,2,3). Equations (6) satisfy the Schr¨ odinger equation exactly and for energies below the three-body brea kup threshold they possess the same advantages as the Faddeev equations, since they are for mulated for the wave function components with correct physical asymptotes. In the general case a component of the three-body wave functi on has the asymptotic form which includes all open channels: elastic/inelastic, tran sfer and breakup. In this case each component of the total wave function carries a specific asymt otic behavior. The component Ψ1carries the asymptotic behavior in elastic and inelastic ch annels: Ψ1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1)∼ ρ1→+∞eik(1) 1zϕ1(/vector r23) +/summationdisplay nAel/in n(Ωρ1)eik(1) nρ1/ρ1ϕn(/vector r23). (7) The component Ψ 2carries the asymptotic behavior in the transfer channels: Ψ2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2)∼ ρ2→+∞/summationdisplay mAtr m(Ωρ2)eik(2) mρ2/ρ2ϕm(/vector r13), (8) where eik(1) 1zϕ1(/vector r23) is the incident wave, ϕn(/vector rj3) then-th excited bound-state wave function of pair ( j3),k(i) n=/radicalBig 2Mi(E−E(j) n) with M−1 i=m−1 i+(1+ mj)−1. Here E(j) nis the binding energy of ( j3),i/ne}ationslash=j= 1,2,Ael/in(Ωρ1) and Atr(Ωρ2) are the scattering amplitudes in the elastic/inelastic and transfer channels. This approach si mplifies the solution procedure and simultaneously provide a correct asymptotic behaviour of t he solution below the 3-body breakup threshold. Let us write down Eqs. (6) in terms of the adopted notations /bracketleftBigg E+∇2 /vector ρk 2Mk+∇2 /vector rj3 2µj−Vj3/bracketrightBigg Ψk(/vector rj3, /vector ρk) = ( Vj3+Vjk)Ψj(/vector rk3, /vector ρj), (9) herej/ne}ationslash=k= 1,2 and M−1 k=m−1 k+ (1 + mj)−1, µ−1 j= 1 + m−1 j. 5For solving Eq. (9) we expand the wave function components in terms of bound states in initial and final channels, and project this equation on thes e bound states. This prescription is similar to that adopted in the close-coupling approximat ion. Specifically, we use the following partial-wave expansion Ψk(/vector rj3, /vector ρk) =/summationdisplay LMλlΦ(k) LMλl(ρk, rj3){Yλ(ˆρk)⊗Yl(ˆrj3)}LM, (10) {Yλ(ˆρk)⊗Yl(ˆrj3)}LM=/summationdisplay m′mCLM λm′lmYλm′(ˆρk)Ylm(ˆrj3), (11) where C’s are the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients, and Y’s are the usual spherical harmonics, andL, λ, l andM, m′, mare the appropriate angular momenta variables and their pro jec- tions. Next we make the following close-coupling-type appr oximation for the radial part in terms of the bound-state wave functions in the initial and fin al channels: Φ(k) LMλl(ρk, rj3)≈1 ρk/summationdisplay nf(k)LM nlλ(ρk)R(k) nl(rj3), (12) where radial components of the bound-state wave functions R(k) nl(rj3) satisfy /braceleftBigg E(k) n+1 2µjr2 j3/bracketleftBigg∂ ∂rj3(r2 j3∂ ∂rj3)−l(l+ 1)/bracketrightBigg −Vj3/bracerightBigg R(k) nl(rj3) = 0. (13) Then we substitute Eqs. (10)-(12) into Eq. (9), multiply the resultant equation by the appropriate biharmonic functions and the correspondin g radial functions R(k) nl(rj3), and integrate over the corresponding angular coordinates of th e vectors /vector rj3and/vector ρk. Then we obtain a set of integral differential equations for the unkno wn functions f(k) nlλ(ρk) 2Mk(E−E(j) n)f(k) α(ρk) +/braceleftBigg∂2 ∂ρ2 k−λ(λ+ 1) ρ2 k/bracerightBigg f(k) α(ρk) = 2 Mk/summationdisplay α′/integraldisplay∞ 0drj3r2 j3 /integraldisplay dˆrj3/integraldisplay dˆρkρk ρjR(k) nl(rj3){Yλ(ˆρk)⊗Yl(ˆrj3)}∗ LM(Vj3+Vjk){Yλ′(ˆρj)⊗Yl′(ˆrk3)}LM R(j) n′l′(rk3)f(j) α′(ρj).(14) For brevity we have defined α≡nlλandα′≡n′l′λ′, and omit the conserved total angular momentum label LM. The functions f(k) α(ρk) depend on the scalar argument, but Eq. (14) is not yet one-dimensional. We are using the Jacobi coordina tes 6/vector ρj=/vector rj3−βk/vector rk3, /vector r j3=1 γ(βk/vector ρk+/vector ρj), /vector r jk=1 γ(σj/vector ρj−σk/vector ρk), (15) with βk=mk 1 +mk, σ k= 1−βk, γ= 1−βkβj, j/ne}ationslash=k= 1,2. (16) This shows that modulus of /vector ρjdepend on two vectors: /vector ρj=γ/vector rj3−βk/vector ρk. The integration in the right-hand side of Eq. (14) is done over these two vectors . To obtain one-dimensional integral differential equations , corresponding to Eq. (14), we proceed with the integration over variables {/vector ρj, /vector ρk}, rather than {/vector rj3, /vector ρk}. The Jacobian of this transformation is γ−3. Thus, we come to a set of one-dimensional integral different ial equations 2Mk(E−E(j) n)f(k) α(ρk) +/braceleftBigg∂2 ∂ρ2 k−λ(λ+ 1) ρ2 k/bracerightBigg f(k) α(ρk) = Mk γ3/summationdisplay α′/integraldisplay∞ 0dρjS(kj) αα′(ρk, ρj)f(j) α′(ρj), (17) where functions S(kj) αα′(ρk, ρj) are defined as follows S(kj) αα′(ρk, ρj) = 2ρkρj/integraldisplay dˆρj/integraldisplay dˆρkR(k) nl(rj3){Yλ(ˆρk)⊗Yl(ˆrj3)}∗ LM(Vj3+Vjk) ×{Yλ′(ˆρj)⊗Yl′(ˆrk3)}LMR(j) n′l′(rk3). (18) The fourfold multiple integration in equations (18) leads t o a singlefold integral and the expression (18) for any value orbital momentum Lbecomes S(kj) αα′(ρk, ρj) =4π 2L+ 1[(2λ+ 1)(2 λ′+ 1)]1 2ρkρj/integraldisplayπ 0dωsinωR(k) nl(rj3)(Vj3(rj3) +Vjk(rjk)) R(j) n′l′(rk3)/summationdisplay mm′DL mm′(0, ω,0)CLm λ0lmCLm′ λ′0l′m′Ylm(νj, π)Y∗ l′m′(νk, π),(19) where DL mm′(0, ω,0) are Wigner functions, ωis angle between /vector ρjand/vector ρk,νjbetween /vector rk3and /vector ρj,νkbetween /vector rj3and/vector ρk. Finally, the set of integro-differential equations for the u nknown functions f(k) nlλ(ρk) can be written as 7/bracketleftBigg (k(i) n)2+∂2 ∂ρ2 i−λ(λ+ 1) ρ2 i/bracketrightBigg f(i) α(ρi) =gi/summationdisplay α′/radicalBig (2λ+ 1)(2 λ′+ 1) 2L+ 1 /integraldisplay∞ 0dρi′f(i′) α′(ρi′)/integraldisplayπ 0dωsinωR(i) nl(|/vector ri′3|)/bracketleftBigg −1 |/vector ri′3|+1 |/vector rii′|/bracketrightBigg R(i′) n′l′(|/vector ri3|) ρiρi′/summationdisplay mm′DL mm′(0, ω,0)CLm λ0lmCLm′ λ′0l′m′Y∗ lm(νi, π)Yl′m′(νi′, π). (20) Herei/ne}ationslash=i′= 1,2,gi= 4πMi/γ3,k(i) n=/radicalBig 2Mi(E−E(i′) n),ωis angle between the Jacobi coordinates /vector ρiand/vector ρi′,νiis the angle between /vector ri′3and/vector ρi,νi′is angle between /vector ri3and/vector ρi′ with sinνi=ρi′ γri′3sinω and cos νi=1 γri′3(βiρi+ρi′cosω). (21) To find unique solution to system (20), appropriate boundary conditions are to be con- sidered. First we impose f(i) nl(0) = 0. For the present scattering problem with 1 + (23) as the initial state, in the asymptotic region two solutions to Eq.(20) satisfy the following boundary conditions   f(1) 1s(ρ1)∼ ρ1→+∞sin(k(1) 1ρ1) +K11cos(k(1) 1ρ1), f(2) 1s(ρ2)∼ ρ2→+∞/radicalBig v1/v2K12cos(k(2) 1ρ2),(22) where 1 refer to channel 1+ (23), 2 to channel 2+ (13) and Kdenotes the corresponding on-shell K-matrix [28]. For scattering with 2+(13) as the initial state, we have the following conditions   f(1) 1s(ρ1)∼ ρ1→+∞/radicalBig v2/v1K21cos(k(1) 1ρ1), f(2) 1s(ρ2)∼ ρ2→+∞sin(k(2) 1ρ2) +K22cos(k(2) 1ρ2).(23) where vi,i= 1,2 are velocities in channel i. With the following change of variables in Eqs.(20) f(1) 1s(ρ1) =f(1) 1s(ρ1)−sin(k(1) 1ρ1) and f(2) 1s(ρ2) =f(2) 1s(ρ2)−sin(k(2) 1ρ2), (24) we can obtain two sets of inhomogeneous equations which are s olved numerically. The cross sections are given by 8σij=4π k(i)2 1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleK 1−iK/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 =4π k(i)2 1δijD2+K2 ij (D−1)2+ (K11+K22)2, (25) where i=j= 1,2 refer to the two channels and D= detK=K11K22−K12K21. (26) When k(1) 1→0:K12=K21∼k(1) 1,K11∼k(1) 1, in this case σtr≡σ12∼1/k(1) 1,and σel=σ11∼const. For comparison with experimental low-energy data it is very useful to calculate the transfer rates (2) because λtr(k(1) 1→0)∼const. III. NUMERICAL RESULTS To solve the integro-differential equation, one has to calcu late the angle integrals in Eq. (20) which are independent of the energy E. One needs to calculate them only once and store on hard disk for the calculation of other observables, for instance, the cross sections at different energies. Subintegrals in Eq. (20) have strong d ependence on ρiandρi′(i/ne}ationslash= i′= 1,2). To calculate S(ii′) αα′(ρi, ρi′) at different coordinates an adaptable algorithm has been used. In this case using the relation cosω=x2−β2 iρ2 i−ρ2 i′ 2βiρiρi′(27) the angle dependent part of Eq. (20) can be written as the foll owing integral S(ii′) αα′(ρi, ρi′) =4π βi[(2λ+ 1)(2 λ′+ 1)]1 2 2L+ 1/integraldisplayβiρi+ρi′ |βiρi−ρi′|dxR(i) nl(x)/bracketleftBigg −1 +x rii′(x)/bracketrightBigg R(i′) n′l′(ri3(x))/summationdisplay mm′DL mm′(0, ω(x),0)CLm λ0lmCLm′ λ′0l′m′Y∗ lm(νi(x), π)Yl′m′(νi′(x), π). (28) Note that the expression (28) differs from zero only in a narro w strip when ρi≈ρi′. We employ muonic atomic unit: distances are measured in unit s ofaµ, where aµis the radius of muonic hydrogen atom. The integro-differentia l equations were solved by usual numerical procedure by discretizing them into a linea r system of equations, which are subsequently solved by Gauss elimination method. In solvin g these equations distances upto 950aµwere considered and 400 −600 points were used in the discretization. The following mass values are used in the unit of electron mass: mH= 1836.152, mD= 3670.481, mT= 5496.918 and the muon mass is mµ= 206.769. Tables II, III, and IV include our results for the muonic tran sfer cross sections and rates for all hydrogen isotopes (1) using different approximation schemes. We present results for two-, four-, and six-state approximation where we include 1 s, 1s+2s and 1s+2s+2p states of the muonic atoms in the initial and final channels, respect ively. In solving the equations we employed only the lowest partial wave, e.g., L= 0. As we shall mainly be concerned with the experimental muon transfer rates at very low energi es, the higher partial waves are expected to have negligible contribution. The 2p states are found to contribute significantly in T-D µ, moderately in D-H µ, and little in T-H µsystems. This is in agreement with similar conclusion of Ref. [24] in the T-D µsystem. This could be understood qualitatively from the following consideration. At zero incident energy the relat ive velocity in the final state after muon transfer is the highest in the case of T-H µ, lowest in the case of T-D µand intermediate in the case of D-H µ. It is expected that the polarization potential arising out of a 1s+2s+2p calculation will have the largest effect on convergence when the final-state velocity is the lowest. Hence the necessity of the higher-order states is mo re pronounced in the case of T-D µand less pronounced in the case of T-H µ. We also find that as energy decreases the transfer cross sections increase and the transfer rates att ain a constant value. These transfer rates are essentially constant below 0.1 eV and are also meas ured experimentally, so that we can compare our rates with other experimental and theoret ical results. For the D-H µsystem the present low-energy muon transfer rate of 133 ×108s−1is in agreement with both experiments [13,14]. The present rate i s slightly smaller than the theoretical studies of Refs. [20], [21] and this makes the ag reement with experiment better. For the T-H µsystem again the present result 61 ×108s−1is in better agreement with the experiment [16] than the other theoretical studies. In case of T-D µ, the present result 2.3×108s−1is also in very good agreement with experiment. Within the six-state approximation our cross sections for l ow energy elastic scattering 10in case T-D µsystem are presented in Table V together with other theoreti cal results. The present cross sections attain a constant value at low energi es and is in fairly good agreement with results of other studies. As a futher test of the present few-body approach, we have als o calculated S-wave cross sections of antihydrogen formation in antiproton-positro nium low energy collisions (3). In Table VI our results within the six state approximation (Ps[ 1s+2s+2p], ¯H[1s+2s+2p]) are compared with calculations based on hyperspherical couple d-channel method [26]. Consid- ering that the present calculation is limited to only the low est partial wave ( L= 0) and to a truncated basis set (1s+2s+2p), the agreement is reason able for energies below 1 eV. However, at 2 eV the agreement is not so good. The reason for th is is not clear at present. Further theoretical investigation including higher parti al waves with an extended basis set could reveal the trend of the converged cross sections. IV. CONCLUSION The study of three-body Coulombic systems have been the subj ect of this work. We have formulated a method for a few-body description of the rearra ngement scattering problem by solving the Faddeev-Hahn-type equations in coordinate spa ce. It is shown that within this formalism, the application of a close-coupling-type ansat z leads to satisfactory results al- ready in low-order approximations for (i) muon-transfer re actions between hydrogen isotopes and (ii) antihydrogen formation in antiproton-positroniu m collision. Because of computa- tion difficulties, in this preliminary application we have co nsidered up to six states in the expansion scheme (1s+2s+2p on each center), which may not al ways be adequate. Further calculations with larger basis sets are needed to obtain the converged results. The present model leads to a reduction of the usual technical effort and is definitely worth using for investigations of larger systems. It seems r easonable to suppose that the method should be an effective tool for the description of othe r muonic and atomic few- body collisions. For instance, one could study using the pre sent approach the following 11muon-transfer reactions to elements with Z≥2 (Hµ)1s+ XZ→XZ µ+ H, (29) where the cross section depends in a complicated manner on th e charge Z[5]. Theoretically, the reaction (29) is of much interest as an ex ample of low-energy rear- rangement scattering in a system of three charged particles with Coulomb repulsion in the final state. Evidently it makes additional difficulties for co rrect theoretical description of Eq. (29) [12]. The Faddeev-Hahn-type approach seems to be su itable for the study of such reactions and would be a topic of future investigation. We ar e presently in the process of studying reaction (29) with the present method for Z= 2 and 3. We also plan to employ an extended basis set with more basis functions in the future . Also, the excited state muon- transfer reactions of recent experimantal and theoretical interest [29,30] could be studied with the present model. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the support from FAPESP (Funda¸ c˜ ao de Ampar o ˜ a Pesquisa do Estado de S˜ ao Paulo) of Brazil. The numerical calculations have be en performed on the IBM SP2 Supercomputer of the Departamento de F´ ısica - IBILCE - UNES P, S˜ ao Jos´ e do Rio Preto, Brazil. 12REFERENCES [1] S. Tresch, F. Mulhauser, C. Piller, L. A. Schaller, L. Sch ellenberg, H. Schneuwly, Y. A. Thalmann, A. Werthmuller, P. Ackerbauer, W. H. Breunlich, M . Cargnelli, B. Gartner, R. King, B. Lauss, J. Marton, W. Prymas, J. Zmeskal, C. Petitj ean, M. Augsburger, D. Chatellard, J. P. Egger, E. Jeannet, T. von Egidy, F. J. Hartm ann, M. Muhlbauer, and W. Schott, Phys. Rev. A 58, 3528 (1998). [2] S. Tresch, R. Jacot-Guillarmod, F. Mulhauser, C. Piller , L. A. Schaller, L. Schellenberg, H. Schneuwly, Y. A. Thalmann, A. Werthmuller, P. Ackerbauer , W. H. Breunlich, M. Cargnelli, B. Gartner, R. King, B. Lauss, J. Marton, W. Pry mas, J. Zmeskal, C. Petitjean, D. Chatellard, J. P. Egger, E. 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Cross sections σ(D-H µ) =σtr/10−20cm2and rates λ(D-H µ) =λtr/1010s−1for µ-transfer reaction D + H µ→Dµ+ H, at different energies. E(eV) σ(D-H µ)λ(D-H µ) σ(D-H µ)λ(D-H µ) σ(D-H µ)λ(D-H µ) 1s 1s+2s 1s+2s+2p 0.001 292.6 0.64 412.8 0.91 604.8 1.33 0.01 92.3 0.64 130.0 0.90 190.0 1.32 0.04 46.0 0.64 64.7 0.90 94.3 1.31 0.1 29.0 0.64 40.8 0.90 59.4 1.31 1.0 9.0 0.63 12.8 0.90 19.4 1.30 16TABLE III. Cross sections σ(T-H µ) =σtr/10−20cm2and rates λ(T-H µ) =λtr/1010s−1for µ-transfer reaction T + H µ→Tµ+ H, at different energies. E(eV) σ(T-H µ)λ(T-H µ) σ(T-H µ)λ(T-H µ) σ(T-H µ)λ(T-H µ) 1s 1s+2s 1s+2s+2p 0.001 204.2 0.42 249.4 0.52 294.4 0.61 0.01 64.3 0.42 78.5 0.51 92.6 0.60 0.04 31.9 0.42 38.9 0.51 45.8 0.60 0.1 19.9 0.41 24.3 0.50 28.6 0.60 1.0 5.50 0.36 6.70 0.44 8.0 0.52 TABLE IV. Cross sections σ(T-D µ) =σtr/10−20cm2and rates λ(T-D µ) =λtr/108s−1for µ-transfer reaction T + D µ→Tµ+ D, at different energies. E(eV) σ(T-D µ)λ(T-D µ) σ(T-D µ)λ(T-D µ) σ(T-D µ)λ(T-D µ) 1s 1s+2s 1s+2s+2p 0.001 4.58 0.77 5.05 0.84 13.7 2.3 0.01 1.44 0.76 1.60 0.84 4.3 2.3 0.04 0.71 0.75 0.78 0.83 2.14 2.26 0.1 0.44 0.73 0.48 0.81 1.32 2.21 1.0 0.1 0.44 0.1 0.5 0.3 1.5 17TABLE V. Elastic cross sections for T-D µcollision in units of 10−20cm2at different energies. E(eV) Present results [22] [24] [25] 1s+2s+2p 0.001 1.2 1.7 1.63 2.014 0.01 1.3 2.3 2.15 3.605 TABLE VI. Cross sections in unit πa2 0for positron transfer reaction ¯ p + Ps →¯H + e−;†− the cross sections estimated from Figure 1 of Ref. [26]. E(eV) Present results [26] E(eV) Present results [26] 1s+2s+2p 1s+2s+2p 0.1 1.5 2.3†1.0 3.2 3.5† 0.5 2.0 2.6†2.0 1.7 3.7† 18
arXiv:physics/9910013v1 [physics.atom-ph] 11 Oct 1999Low-energy three-body charge transfer reactions with Coul omb interaction in the final state∗ Renat A. Sultanov and Sadhan K. Adhikari Instituto de F´ ısica Te´ orica, Universidade Estadual Paul ista, 01405-900 S˜ ao Paulo, S˜ ao Paulo, Brazil Abstract Three-body charge transfer reactions with Coulomb interac tion in the final state are considered in the framework of coordinate-space i ntegro-differential Faddeev-Hahn-type equations within two- and six-state clo se coupling approx- imations. The method is employed to study direct muon transf er in low-energy collisions of the muonic hydrogen H µby helium (He++) and lithium (Li+++) nuclei. The experimentally observed isotopic dependence i s reproduced. PACS number(s): 36.10.Dr Typeset using REVT EX ∗To appear in Journal of Physics B 1I. INTRODUCTION Experimental investigations of the low-energy muon-trans fer reactions in collisions of muonic hydrogen H µ(bound state of a hydrogen isotope and muon µ−) with nuclei of charge Z1>1 are of importance for muon catalyzed fusion cycle [1]. The s tudy of such collisions involving three charged particles is also very i nteresting from a theoretical point of view as an example of rearrangement scattering with Coulomb interaction in the final state. Such reactions with post-collision Coulomb interaction be tween clusters appear frequently in atomic and molecular physics [2]. In the following we develo p a general formalism for dealing with such reactions and as an example apply it to study some mu on-transfer processes. Recently, there has been considerable experimental intere st in the study of the muon- transfer reaction in collision of the muonic atoms with He++[3,4] and also with charges Z1>3 [5–9], e.g. oxygen (O8), neon (Ne10), argon (Ar18) etc. It was found that contrary to the smooth Z-dependence expected from the semiclassical Landau-Zener formula [10] the experimental muon transfer rates for reactions like (Hµ)1s+ XZ→XZ µ+ H (1) depend in a complicated manner on the charge Z[9]. Here H stands for the hydrogen isotopes 1H or2H and XZstands for the target nuclei. Another phenomenon which has n ot yet found a satisfactory theoretical explanation is the measured iso tope effect, e.g. the trend of the direct transition rates of reactions (1) for XZ= O8[8], Ne10[9], Ar18[6], and Xe54[11]. In cases of O8, Ar18and Xe54the direct transfer rate decreases with increasing the mass of the H isotope. Theoretical analyses [12] also support this trend . The experimental results for Ne10 [9] and sulphur dioxide [8] differ considerably from the theo retical predictions. Moreover, several experiments performed in recent years have put into evidence the complex structure of the time distributions of the X-rays following transfer f rom muonic hydrogen isotopes to heavier elements [13]. The proper theoretical analysis of charge transfer reactio n (1) becomes extremely compli- cated numerically as the charge Zincreases because of the presence of the strong Coulomb 2interaction in the final state. Traditionally, in theoretic al studies, such Coulombic systems with two heavy (nuclei) and one light (muon) particles are co nsidered within the framework of the two-state molecular Born-Oppenheimer approximatio n [14,15]. In another study, a semiclassical model based on Faddeev-type scattering equa tions has been used [16]. It would be of interest to perform a full quantum mechanical consider ation in view of the fact that the muon is not so light compared to the nucleon and compare with t he approximate calculations mentioned above. Here we develop a quantum mechanical approach based on Fadde ev-Hahn-type equations for a careful reinvestigation of these three-body direct ch arge-transfer reactions with strong Coulomb repulsion in the final state. As a first step towards a m odel solution of this complicated problem, we apply this detailed few-body metho d to the study of direct muon- transfer reaction (1) for XZ=3He++,4He++,6Li+++and7Li+++. This study with lighter nuclei is expected to lead to faster numerical convergence t han the heavier targets. However, our approach is equally applicable for heavier targets with higher charges, although the convergence could be slow in these cases. These studies with heavier targets would be interesting future works. For the three-charged-particle system, say (7Li2Hµ), only two asymptotic two-cluster configurations are possible, i.e. (2Hµ)−7Li and (7Liµ)−2H. For the theoretical treatment of such a three-body rearrangement process, Faddeev-type e quations [17], especially the modified version proposed by Hahn [18], appear to be very suit able. The two possible asymptotic configurations of the above rearrangement probl em are conveniently tackled by a set of two coupled Faddeev-Hahn-type equations for compon ents Ψ 1and Ψ 2of the wave function Ψ = Ψ 1+ Ψ 2, where each component carrys the asymptotic boundary condi tion for a specific configuration [19,20]. These equations are ver y useful to incorporate distortion potentials for specific initial and final asymptotic states [ 21]. It is possible to include the final- state Coulomb interaction explicitly in these equations, s o that a low-order approximation to these equations produces the correct asymptotic behavio r [21]. We solve the integro-differential form of the Faddeev-Hahn e quation by the close-coupling approximation scheme involving up to six states. This proce dure consists in expanding the 3wave function components Ψ 1and Ψ 2in terms of eigenfunctions of subsystem Hamiltoni- ans in initial and final channels, respectively. Although, t hese subsystem eigenfunctions are not orthogonal to each other, the components Ψ 1and Ψ 2satisfy a coupled set of equa- tions incorporating the correct asymptotic behavior of the wave function. Consequently, there is no problem of overcompleteness as encountered in si milar expansion approaches for rearrangement reactions based on the Schr¨ odinger equatio n. The resultant coupled Faddeev- Hahn-type equations are then projected on the expansion fun ctions. After a partial-wave projection this leads to a set of one-dimensional coupled in tegro-differential equations for the expansion coefficients, which is solved numerically. In Sec. II we develop the formalism. We have calculated trans fer rates for reaction (1) for H =1H or2H and XZ=3He++,4He++,6Li+++or7Li+++using a two-state close- coupling approximation, and for H =2H and XZ=3He++,6Li+++or7Li+++using six-state close-coupling approximations. Our results obtained for m uon-transfer rates from hydrogen to helium and lithium are given in Sec. III and compared with t hose of other investigations. We also present a summary and outlook in the concluding part o f this section. II. THEORETICAL FORMULATION Let us take the system of units to be e= ¯h=mµ= 1, where mµ(e) is the muonic mass (charge), and denote, the heavy nuclei (3He,4He,6Li, etc.) by 1, the hydrogen isotopes (1H,2H or3H) by 2and muon by 3. Below the three-body breakup threshold, following two-cluster asymptotic configurations are possible in the s ystem 123: (23)−1and (13)−2. These two configurations correspond to two distinct physica l channels, also denoted by 1 and 2. These configurations are determined by the Jacobi coor dinates ( /vector rj3, /vector ρk) /vector rj3=/vector r3−/vector rj, /vector ρ k= (/vector r3+mj/vector rj)/(1 +mj)−/vector rk, j/ne}ationslash=k= 1,2, (2) /vector ri,miare coordinates and masses of the particles i= 1,2,3,respectively. Let us introduce the total three-body wave function as a sum o f two components Ψ(/vector r1,/vector r2,/vector r3) = Ψ 1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1) + Ψ 2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2), (3) 4where Ψ 1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1) is quadratically integrable over the variable /vector r23, and Ψ 2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2) over the variable /vector r13. The components Ψ 1and Ψ 2carry the asymptotic boundary condition for channels 1 and 2, respectively. The second component is resp onsible for pure Coulomb interaction in the final state. These components satisfy the following set of two coupled equations (E−H0−V23)Ψ1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1) = (V23+V12−UC)Ψ2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2) (E−H0−V13−UC)Ψ2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2) = (V13+V12)Ψ1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1),(4) where Eis the center-of-mass energy, H0is the total kinetic energy operator, and Vij(rij) are pair-interaction potentials ( i/ne}ationslash=j= 1,2,3), and UCis a distortion interaction, e.g. Coulomb repulsion in the final state between clusters (3He, µ) and2H in the case of3He2Hµsystem UC=(Z1−1)Z2 ρ2. (5) HereZ1is the charge of3He and Z2(= 1) is the charge of the hydrogen isotope. By adding the two equations (4) we find that they are equivalent to the Sc hr¨ odinger equation. For energies below the three-body breakup threshold they posse ss the same advantages as the Faddeev equations, since they are formulated for the wave fu nction components with correct physical asymptotic behavior. The component Ψ 1carries the asymptotic behavior in elastic and inelastic ch annels: Ψ1(/vector r23, /vector ρ1)∼ ρ1→+∞eik(1) 1zϕ1(/vector r23) +/summationdisplay nAel/in n(Ωρ1)eik(1) nρ1ϕn(/vector r23)/ρ1. (6) The component Ψ 2carries the Coulomb asymptotic behavior in the transfer cha nnels: Ψ2(/vector r13, /vector ρ2)∼ ρ2→+∞/summationdisplay mlAtr ml(Ωρ2)ei(k(2) mρ2−πl/2+τl−η/2k(2) mln 2k(2) mρ2)ϕm(/vector r13)/ρ2, (7) where eik(1) 1zϕ1(/vector r23) is the incident wave, ϕn(/vector rj3) then-th excited bound-state wave function of pair ( j3),k(i) n=/radicalBig 2Mi(E−E(j) n), with M−1 i=m−1 i+(1+ mj)−1. Here E(j) nis the binding energy of ( j3),i/ne}ationslash=j= 1,2,Ael/in(Ωρ1) and Atr(Ωρ2) are the scattering amplitudes in the elastic/inelastic and transfer channels. The Coulomb para meters in the second transfer channel are [22] 5τl= argΓ( l+ 1 + iη/2k(2) m) and η= 2M2(Z1−1)/k(2) n. (8) This approach simplifies the solution procedure and provide s the correct asymptotic behavior of the solution below the 3-body breakup threshold. Let us write down (4) in terms of the adopted notations /bracketleftBigg E+∇2 /vector ρk 2Mk+∇2 /vector rj3 2µj−Vj3−UCδk2/bracketrightBigg Ψk(/vector rj3, /vector ρk) = ( Vj3+Vjk−UCδj2)Ψj(/vector rk3, /vector ρj),(9) herej/ne}ationslash=k= 1,2,M−1 k=m−1 k+ (1 + mj)−1andµ−1 j= 1 + m−1 j.We are using the Jacobi coordinates /vector ρj=/vector rj3−βk/vector rk3, /vector r j3=1 γ(βk/vector ρk+/vector ρj) and /vector rjk=1 γ(σj/vector ρj−σk/vector ρk), (10) with βk=mk 1 +mk, σ k= 1−βkand γ= 1−βkβj. (11) For solving (9) we expand the wave function components in ter ms of bound states in initial and final channels, and project this equation on these bound s tates. The expansion of the wave function is given by Ψk(/vector rj3, /vector ρk)≈/summationdisplay LMλl/summationdisplay n1 ρkf(k)LM nlλ(ρk)R(k) nl(rj3){Yλ(ˆρk)⊗Yl(ˆrj3)}LM, (12) where ( nlλ)≡αare quantum numbers of a three-body state and Lis the total angular momentum of the three-body system obtained by coupling landλ,Ylm’s are the spher- ical harmonics, R(k) nl(rj3) the radial part of the hydrogen-like bound-state wave func tion, f(k)LM nlλ(ρk) are the unknown expansion coefficients. This prescription i s similar to that adopted in the close-coupling approximation. After a prope r angular momentum projec- tion, the set of integro-differential equations for the unkn own expansion functions f(k) α(ρk) can be written as /bracketleftBigg (k(1) n)2+∂2 ∂ρ2 1−λ(λ+ 1) ρ2 1/bracketrightBigg f(1) α(ρ1) =g1/summationdisplay α′/radicalBig (2λ+ 1)(2 λ′+ 1) 2L+ 1 /integraldisplay∞ 0dρ2f(2) α′(ρ2)/integraldisplayπ 0dωsinωR(1) nl(|/vector r23|)/bracketleftBigg −1 |/vector r23|+Z1 |/vector r12|−UC/bracketrightBigg R(2) n′l′(|/vector r13|) ρ1ρ2/summationdisplay mm′DL mm′(0, ω,0)CLm λ0lmCLm′ λ′0l′m′Y∗ lm(ν1, π)Yl′m′(ν2, π), (13) 6/bracketleftBigg (k(2) n)2+∂2 ∂ρ2 2−λ(λ+ 1) ρ2 2−UC/bracketrightBigg f(2) α(ρ2) =g2/summationdisplay α′/radicalBig (2λ+ 1)(2 λ′+ 1) 2L+ 1 /integraldisplay∞ 0dρ1f(1) α′(ρ1)/integraldisplayπ 0dωsinωR(2) nl(|/vector r13|)/bracketleftBigg −Z1 |/vector r13|+Z1 |/vector r12|/bracketrightBigg R(1) n′l′(|/vector r23|) ρ2ρ1/summationdisplay mm′DL mm′(0, ω,0)CLm λ0lmCLm′ λ′0l′m′Y∗ lm(ν2, π)Yl′m′(ν1, π). (14) Heregk= 4πMk/γ3,γ= 1−mkmj/((1 + mk)(1 + mj)),α′≡(n′l′λ′),DL mm′(0, ω,0) the Wigner function, CLm λ0lmthe Clebsh-Gordon coefficient, ωis the angle between the Jacobi coordinates /vector ρiand/vector ρi′,νiis the angle between /vector ri′3and/vector ρi,νi′is the angle between /vector ri3and /vector ρi′. The following relations are useful for numerical treatmen t sinνi=ρi′ γri′3sinωand cos νi=1 γri′3(βiρi+ρi′cosω) (i/ne}ationslash=i′= 1,2). (15) To find unique solution to (13) −(14), appropriate boundary conditions are to be con- sidered. First we impose f(i) nl(0)=0. For the present scattering problem with 1 + (23) as the initial state, in the asymptotic region, two solutions t o (13)−(14) satisfy the following boundary conditions   f(1) 1s(ρ1)∼ ρ1→+∞sin(k(1) 1ρ1) +K11cos(k(1) 1ρ1), f(2) 1s(ρ2)∼ ρ2→+∞/radicalBig v1/v2K12cos(k(2) 1ρ2−η/2k(2) 1ln2k(2) 1ρ2),(16) where Kijare the appropriate coefficients. For scattering with 2+ (13) as the initial state, we have the following conditions   f(1) 1s(ρ1)∼ ρ1→+∞/radicalBig v2/v1K21cos(k(1) 1ρ1), f(2) 1s(ρ2)∼ρ2→+∞sin(k(2) 1ρ2−η/2k(2) 1ln 2k(2) 1ρ2) +K22cos(k(2) 1ρ2− η/2k(2) 1ln 2k(2) 1ρ2), where vi(i= 1,2) are velocities in channel i. In the absence of Coulomb interaction UCin the final channel, Kijare the components of the on-shell K-matrix [22]. With the following change of variables in (13) −(14) f(1) 1s(ρ1) =f(1) 1s(ρ1)−sin(k(1) 1ρ1), f(2) 1s(ρ2) =f(2) 1s(ρ2)−sin(k(2) 1ρ2−η/2k(2) 1ln 2k(2) 1ρ2),(17) 7we obtain two sets of inhomogeneous equations which are solv ed numerically. The coefficients Kijare obtained from the numerical solution of the Faddeev-Hah n-type equations. The cross sections are given by σij=4π k(i)2 1δijD2+K2 ij (D−1)2+ (K11+K22)2, (18) where i, j= 1,2 refer to the two channels and D=K11K22−K12K21. When k(1) 1→0: σtr≡σ12∼1/k(1) 1. For comparison with experimental low-energy data it is ver y useful to calculate the transfer rates λtr=σtrvN0, (19) withvbeing the relative velocity of the incident fragments and N0the liquid-hydrogen density chosen here as 4 .25×1022cm−3, because λtr(k(1) 1→0)∼const. III. NUMERICAL RESULTS We employ muonic atomic unit: distances are measured in unit s ofaµ, where aµis the radius of muonic hydrogen atom. The integro-differentia l equations were solved by discretizing them into a linear system of equations. The int egrals in Eqs. (13) and (14) are discretized using the trapezoidal rule and the partial d erivatives are discretized using a three-point rule [23]. The discretized equation is subsequ ently solved by Gauss elimination method. As we are concerned with the low-energy limit only th e total angular momentum L= 0 is taken into account. Even at zero incident energy, the tr ansfer channels are open and their wave functions are rapidly oscillating Coulomb wa ves. In order to get a converged solution we needed a large number of discretization points ( up to 900) adequately distributed between 0 to 40 aµ. More points are taken near the origin where the interaction potentials are large; a smaller number of points are needed at large distanc es. For example, near the origin we took up to 40 equally spaced points per an unit length inter valaµ, in the intermediate region ( ρ= 10−20aµ) we took up to 25 equally spaced points per unit length interv alaµ, and in the asymptotic region ( ρ= 20−40aµ) we took up to 15 equally spaced points per 8unit length interval aµ. The following mass values are used in the unit of electron ma ss: m(1H) = 1836.152, m(2H) = 3670.481, m(3He) = 5495.882, m(4He) = 7294.295, m(6Li) = 10961.892, m(7Li) = 12786.385 and the muon mass is mµ= 206.769. We present muon-transfer rates λtrcalculated using the formulation of last section for processes (1). First, we restrict ourselves to a two-level a pproximation by choosing in the relevant close-coupling expansion the hydrogen-like grou nd states (H µ)1sand (XZ µ)1s, where H =1H and2H, and XZ=3He++,4He++,6Li+++and7Li+++. Numerically stable and converged results were obtained in these cases. The rates λtr/106sec−1at low energies are presented in table 1 together with the results of [14–16]. Th e results in this case converged to the precision shown in this table, except in the case of2Hµ+4He++, where it was difficult to get converged result. The present results are consistent with the experimentally observed isotope effect [6,9,11], e.g., the rate decreases from1H to2H. In table 2 we present our results for transition rate of react ion (1) to (3He++ µ)1s, (6Li++ µ)1s and (7Li++ µ)1sfrom (2Hµ)1susing the six-state close-coupling model. The six states ar e Hµ(1s,2s,2p) and XZ µ(1s,2s,2p). The results so obtained are consistent with the measured isotope effect. The effect of including the (2s,2p) states in t he calculational scheme is also explicit there. The results reported in table 1 and 2 demonstrate the efficienc y of the present few- body model in describing muon transfer from H isotopes to nuc lei of charge Z1= 2. Its application to nuclei involving higher charges, therefore , is also expected to be justified. The present calculation with6Li+++or7Li+++represents the first examples for such a full quantum-mechanical extension within the six-state close- coupling model. The study of three-body charge transfer reactions with Coul omb repulsion in the final state has been the subject of this work. We have studied such r eactions employing a detailed few-body description of the rearrangement scattering prob lem by solving the Faddeev-Hahn- type equations in coordinate space. To provide correct asym ptotic form in the final state the pure Coulomb interaction has been incorporated directl y into the equations. It is shown that within this formalism, the application of a close-coup ling-type ansatz leads to satisfac- tory results already in low-order approximations for direc t muon-transfer reactions between 9hydrogen isotopes and light nuclei He++and Li+++. Because of computational difficulties, in this preliminary application we have considered up to six states in the expansion scheme (1s,2s,2p on each center −(Hµ) and XZ µ), which may not always be adequate. Further calcu- lations with larger basis sets are needed to obtain accurate converged results. However, the inclusion of three basis states on each center is expected to build in a satisfactory account of the polarization potential in the model. It has been observe d [24] in studies of positron and positronium scattering using close-coupling type approac h that once the 1s,2s,2p states of positronium and target states are included, a good account o f scattering including transfer reaction is obtained (estimated error of 10 −20%). However, the inclusion of only the 1s basis functions do not lead to the converged results. A simil ar conclusion can be obtained from tables 1 and 2. In view of the results of ref. [24] we do not believe the results of table 2 to be very different from the converged ones, although we can not provide a quantitative measure of convergence. If the above conclusion based on the works of ref. [24] hold in this case we expect a maximum error of 20% in table 2. Because of the present promising results for the muon-trans fer rates of (1) for Z1<4, it seems useful to make future applications of the present form ulation for larger targets with Z1≥4. Such calculations involving nuclei of higher charge are i n progress. The present approach should also be useful in rearrangement collision i nvolving electron, e.g., such as in H(1s) + He++→H++ He+(1s), considered in [25]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the support from FAPESP (Funda¸ c˜ ao de Ampar o ˜ a Pesquisa do Estado de S˜ ao Paulo) of Brazil. The numerical calculations have be en performed on the IBM SP2 Supercomputer of the Departamento de F´ ısica - IBILCE - UNES P, S˜ ao Jos´ e do Rio Preto, Brazil. 10REFERENCES [1] Rafelski H E, Harley D, Shin G R and Rafelski J 1991 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 241469 [2] Hayaishi T, Tanaka T, Yoshii H, Murakami E, Shigemasa E, Y agishita A, Koike F and Morioka Y 1999 J.Phys.B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 321507 [3] Tresch S, Jacot-Guillarmod R, Mulhauser F, Schaller L A, Schellenberg L, Schneuwly H, Thalmann Y -A and Werthm¨ uller A 1998 Euro. Phys. J. 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Low energy muon transfer rates λtr/106sec−1from proton (1Hµ)1sand deuteron (2Hµ)1sto hydrogen-like ground state (3He+ µ)1s, (4He+ µ)1s, (6Li++ µ)1sand (7Li++ µ)1swithin two-state close-coupling model. System Energy Present Results [16] [15] [14] (eV) H µ(1s),XZ µ(1s) 1Hµ+3He++≤0.04 8.4 7.25 10.9 6.3 0.1 8.3 1.0 8.1 1Hµ+4He++≤0.04 6.8 6.65 10.7 5.5 2Hµ+3He++≤0.04 5.2 4.77 9.6 1.3 0.1 5.1 1.0 4.7 2Hµ+4He++≤0.04 5 .0±0.3 4.17 9.6 1.0 2Hµ+6Li+++≤0.04 1.2 1.01 0.1 1.2 1.0 1.1 2Hµ+7Li+++≤0.04 1.12 0.96 0.1 1.12 1.0 1.06 13Table 2. Low energy muon transfer rates λtr/106sec−1from (2Hµ)1sto hydrogen-like ground state (3He+ µ)1s, (6Li++ µ)1sand (7Li++ µ)1swithin six-state close-coupling model. System Energy Present Results (eV) H µ(1s,2s,2p) ,XZ µ(1s,2s,2p) 2Hµ+3He++≤0.04 9.0 ±0.2 0.1 8.8 ±0.2 1.0 5.0 ±0.2 2Hµ+6Li+++≤0.04 1.9 ±0.1 0.1 1.9 ±0.1 1.0 1.2 ±0.1 2Hµ+7Li+++≤0.04 1.6 ±0.1 0.1 1.6 ±0.1 1.0 1.2 ±0.1 14
arXiv:physics/9910014v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 12 Oct 1999Kinetic model of three component, weakly ionized, collisio nal plasma with a beam of neutral particles David Tsiklauri Physics Department, Tbilisi State University, 3 Chavchava dze Ave., Tbilisi 380028, Georgia; email: dtsiklau@usa.ne t Kinetic model of three component, weakly ionized, collisio nal plasma with a beam of neutral particles is developed. New dispersion relations for linea r perturbations are derived and analyzed in various limiting cases. 52.25.D, 52.35, 52.40.M, 52.35.Q, 52.50.G I. INTRODUCTION It is well-known that neutral beam injection is one of the fun damental fusion plasma heating methods. In general, a particle accelerator is used to create fast ion beams (the p article energies are on the order of 100 keV); the ion beam is then passed through a neutral gas region, where the ions ne utralize via charge-exchange reactions with the neutral gas. The neutralized beam is then injected into a magnetical ly confined plasma. Of course, the neutral atoms are unaffected (not confined) by the magnetic field, but ionize as t hey penetrate into the plasma. Then the high-energy ions transfer fraction of their energy to the plasma particl es in repeated collisions, and heat the plasma [1–6]. In this paper we develop a kinetic model of three component, w eakly ionized, collisional plasma with a beam of neutral particles. We employ a kinetic equation for the char ged particles of αsort in the weakly ionized plasma with the Batnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model collisional term. Si milar model has been developed previously by others [7]. In this book authors do not take into account possibility of e xistence of regular velocity of the neutral particles [7]. I n the light of the possible relevance of our model for the heati ng of plasma by neutral beam injection, we set out with the aim to generalize results of Ref. [7] by allowing neutral particles to have regular velocity and seek for possible novelties brought about by this effect. Indeed, the dispersi on relations for linear perturbations obtained in this pape r differ substantially from those of Ref. [7]. In section II we formulate our model and obtain general dispe rsion relation. In section III we analyze various limiting cases of the dispersion relation and discuss the re sults. II. THE MODEL We start analysis of the dielectric permittivity (DP) of a co llosional plasma with weakly ionzed, non-degenerate plasma when the integral of elastic collisions in the kineti c equation for the charged particles can be apporximated by the BGK term, while it is possible to neglect the collision s between the chaged particles themselvs. Analysis of this relatively simple model will be useful for further more complicated case of fully ionized plasma (which, in fact, is more relevant for the fusion plasma). The latter is beyond th e scope of present paper and the separate analysis needs to be done. The kinetic equation for the charged particles of αsort in the weakly ionized plasma with the BGK model collisio nal term can be written as following [7]: ∂fα ∂t+/vector v·∂fα ∂/vector r+eα{/vectorE+/vector v×/vectorB}∂fα ∂/vector p=−ναn(fα−NαΦαn). (1) Here, ναndenotes collision frequency of charged particles with the n eutrals, which in this model is assumed being constant, whereas Nα≡/integraldisplay d/vector pfα, and Φαn≡1 (2πmαTαn)3/2exp/bracketleftBig −mα(/vector v−/vectorV0)2/(2Tαn)/bracketrightBig , T αn≡mαTn+MnTα mα+Mn. (2) 1Index α(α=e, i) refers to charged particles (electrons and ions), whereas n— to neutrals. /vectorV0denotes regular, uniform velocity of the neutral particles. Finally, Tαis defined by following expression: Tα=mα 2Nα/integraldisplay d/vector p(/vector v−/vectorVα)2fα The specific form of the BGK integral used here is derived from its more general form [7] /parenleftbigg∂fα ∂t/parenrightbiggαβ BGK=−ναβ(fα−NαΦαβ), (3) where ναβis some constant which has meaning of effective collision fre quency between particles of αandβsort, i.e. it characterizes time of momentum relaxation of αsort particles as a result of their collision with particles ofβsort. Function Φ αβis determined by following expression: Φαβ≡1 (2πmαTαβ)3/2exp/bracketleftBig −mα(/vector v−/vectorVβ)2/(2Tαβ)/bracketrightBig , (4) hereVβ= (1/Nβ)/integraltext d/vector p/vector vf β. It should be emphasized that the BGK collisonal integral des cribes accurately collisions only particles of different sort. Therefore, it can be used to describe collisions of cha rged paricles with the neutrals in weakly ionized plasma, when the scatteing of charged particles on the neutrals is a d ominant process. In the case of fully ionized plasma, in spite of its relative simplicity, use of BGK integral is not j ustified [7]. In what follows, we consider isothermal models of the BGK int egral, i.e. we neglect change in temperature of charged particles with chage in their corresponding distri bution functions. We ought to mention that the results obtained here will be qualitatively the same for the non-iso thermal model of BGK integral. We further assume that the masses and the temperatures of the ions and neutrals do co incide, i.e. mi=Mn≡MandTi=Tn. In this case to the order of ∼me/Mterms we have Ten=Te. Thus, in the Eq.(2), under these simplifying assumptions w e can setTαn=Tαand Φαn=1 (2πmαTα)3/2exp/bracketleftBig −mα(/vector v−/vectorV0)2/(2Tα)/bracketrightBig (5) which, in fact, coincides with the Maxwellian distribution function (with the beam having velocity /vectorV0) normalized to unity. In the static equilibrium state, with the external fields abs ent, Eq.(1) allows for the only solution f0α=N0αΦ0n. In what follows subscript 0 will denote unperturbed and δperturbation of the physical quantities. Let us consider small perturbation of the distribution func tionδfαwhich is caused by appearance of small fields /vectorE and/vectorB. After usual linearization of the Eq.(1) we obtain ∂δfα ∂t+/vector v·∂δfα ∂/vector r+eα/vectorE·∂f0α ∂/vector p=−ναn(δfα−/integraldisplay d/vector pδf αΦαn). (6) The solution of the latter equation for the plane monochroma tic waves (i.e. /vectorE, δf α∼exp/bracketleftBig −iωt+i/vectork·/vector r/bracketrightBig ) can be written as δfα=ieα Tαf0α/bracketleftBig /vector v·/vectorE−/vectorV0·/vectorE/bracketrightBig ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v+iναnηαf0α ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v, (7) where ηα= (1/N0α)/integraltext d/vector pδf α, which is perturbation of the particle number density norma lized to equilibrium value of the number dinsity. ηαcan be calculated either by integration of the Eq.(7) over mo mentum or by using the continuity equation for the particles of αsort: ηα=/vectork·/vectorjα eαN0αω, /vectorjα=eα/integraldisplay d/vector p/vector vδf α, (8) 2here,/vectorjαdenotes charge current of particles of αsort. It is known that the complex tensor of DP can be written as εij(ω,/vectork) =δij+i ε0ωσij(ω,/vectork) (9) where δijis usual Kroneker tensor and σij(ω,/vectork) is the conductivity tensor defined by ji=/summationdisplay αjiα=σij(ω,/vectork)Ej. (10) In general when εijtensor is of the type εij=δij+AiAj−AiBj, then defining quantities εlandεtras εl=kikj k2εij= 1 +(/vectork·/vectorA)2 k2−(/vectork·/vectorA)(/vectork·/vectorB) k2(11) and εtr=1 2/parenleftbigg δij−kikj k2/parenrightbigg εij= 1 +(/vectork×/vectorA)2 2k2−(/vectork×/vectorA)(/vectork×/vectorB) 2k2(12) respectively, we can split tensor from Eq.(9) in the longitu dinal and transverse (with respect to wave-vector /vectork) parts as following: εij(ω,/vectork) =/parenleftbigg δij−kikj k2/parenrightbigg εtr(ω, k) +kikj k2εl(ω, k) (13) Now, inserting expression for δfαfrom the Eq.(7) into Eq.(8) and using Eqs.(10)-(12) we obtai n following expessions forεlandεtr: εl= 1−/summationdisplay αω2 Lα k2ω1 (2π)3/21 V5 Tα/bracketleftBigg/integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork·/vector v)2e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v−/integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork·/vector v)(/vectork·/vectorV0)e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v/bracketrightBigg × /bracketleftBigg 1−iναnki ω1 (2π)3/2V3 Tα/integraldisplay d/vector vvie−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v/bracketrightBigg−1 , (14) εtr= 1−/summationdisplay αω2 Lα 2k2ω1 (2π)3/21 V5 Tα/bracketleftBigg/integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork×/vector v)2e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v−/integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork×/vector v)(/vectork×/vectorV0)e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v/bracketrightBigg . (15) Here, ωLα=/radicalbig (e2Nα)/(ε0mα) and VTα=/radicalbig Tα/mα. The integrals in the Eqs.(14) and (15) may be evaluated by choosing the z-axis along /vectork. The integration over vxandvyis elementary. Whereas, vzintegral may be expressed in terms of a single transcendental function, which called t he plasma dispersion function. There are several different definitions of this function used in the literature. We use th e one given by Melrose [8]: ¯φ(z) =−z√π/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dte−t2 t−z. (16) Using Eq.(16) and following intermediate results of integr ation /integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork·/vector v)2e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v=−√πz[¯φ(z)−1], (17) /integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork·/vector v)(/vectork·/vectorV0)e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v= (2π)3/2V3 Tα(/vectork·/vectorV0)[¯φ(z)−1], (18) 3iναnki ω1 (2π)3/2V3 Tα/integraldisplay d/vector vvie−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v=iναn ω[¯φ(z)−1], (19) /integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork×/vector v)2e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v=√π zk¯φ(z), (20) /integraldisplay d/vector v(/vectork×/vector v)(/vectork×/vectorV0)e−v2/(2V2 T α) ω+iναn−/vectork·/vector v= 0, (21) where, z= (ω+iναn)/(√ 2kVTα), we obtain εl= 1 +/summationdisplay αω2 Lα k2V2 Tα[1−¯φ(z)][1−(/vectork·/vectorV0)/(ω+iναn)] 1−[(iναn)/(ω+iναn)]¯φ(z), (22) εtr= 1−/summationdisplay αω2 Lα ω(ω+iναn)¯φ(z). (23) Note, that conventinal kinetic model of three component, we akly ionized, collisional plasma [7] is significantly modifi ed by taking into account possible existence of a beam of neutra l particles. Namely, the expression for the εlis modified by additional factor [1 −(/vectork·/vectorV0)/(ω+iναn)]. While the form of the εtris not changed by the presence of the beem. III. DISCUSSION Let us start analysis of the obtained results from longitudi nal waves as we have seen that transverse waves do not incur any modification by the presence of the beem of neutral p articles. The dispersion relation for the longitudinal waves reads as following: εl= 1 +/summationdisplay αω2 Lα k2V2 Tα[1−¯φ(z)][1−(/vectork·/vectorV0)/(ω+iναn)] 1−[(iναn)/(ω+iναn)]¯φ(z)= 0 (24) The latter equation is a transcendental one, thus, in genera l case, it has many complex solutions ω(k). Let us consider the most interesting ones which correspond to weakly damped oscillations. Let us consider, first, high frequency waves, i.e. when ω≫kvTα, ναn. Using asymptotic expansion for ¯φ(z) [8] ¯φ(z) = 1 +1 2z2+3 4z4+...−i√πze−z2,when |z| ≫1 (25) we obtain following dispersion relation for the weakly damp ed waves (Re ω≫Imω) εl= 1−/bracketleftbiggω2 Le ω2/parenleftbigg 1 +3k2V2 Te ω2/parenrightbigg −i/braceleftbigg/radicalbiggπ 2ωω2 Le k3V3 Teexp/bracketleftbigg −ω2 2k2V2 Te/bracketrightbigg +ω2 Leνen ω3/bracerightbigg/bracketrightbigg/bracketleftBigg 1−/vectork·/vectorV0 ω/bracketrightBigg = 0. (26) Here, we neglect the contribution from ions, because it is si gnificant when Ti≥Te(M/m e)2, i.e. when the temperature of ions is greater than the temperature of electrons by more t han six orders of magnitude. It is unlikely that such differences in the temperatures actually do realize in the na ture [7]. Therefore, in the frequency domain concerned, the plasma can be considered as a purely electronic, i.e. the role of the ions is reduced only to neutralize the charge of electrons. The dispersion relation (26) has to imaginary terms. The first one describes collisionless Cherenkov absorption of the plasma waves. Whereas, the second one has p urely collisional nature and describes dissipation of the fields energy in via collisions (electronic friction) [7 ]. The difference induced by the presence of the beam of neutra l particles is presented by a factor (see, Ref. [7] for compari son) /bracketleftBigg 1−/vectork·/vectorV0 ω/bracketrightBigg . (27) 4In addition to the high frequency longitudinal oscillation s in isotropic collsionless plasma there also exist low frequency oscillations, so called, Ion-acoustic waves. Th ey exist in highly non-isotermal plasma, where Te≫Ti. Phase velocity of these waves lies in the VTi≪ω/k≪VTedomain. It is obvious, that such waves should also exist in collisional plasma if the collisions are sufficientl y rare. Thus, when ω≪νinand|ω+iνen| ≪kVTein the VTi≪ω/k≪VTephase velocity domain we obtain following dispersion relat ion εl= 1 +/bracketleftbiggω2 Le k2V2 Te/parenleftbigg 1 +i/radicalbiggπ 2ω kVTe/parenrightbigg − ω2 Li ω2/parenleftbigg 1 +3k2V2 Ti ω2/parenrightbigg +i/braceleftbigg/radicalbiggπ 2ωω2 Li k3V3 Tiexp/bracketleftbigg −ω2 2k2V2 Ti/bracketrightbigg +ω2 Liνin ω3/bracerightbigg/bracketrightbigg/bracketleftBigg 1−/vectork·/vectorV0 ω/bracketrightBigg = 0. (28) In the latter equation we have used also following asymptoti c expansion ¯φ(z) = 2z2−4 3z4+...−i√πze−z2,when |z| ≪1 (29) to the first order. Again, we note that the difference induced by the presence of t he beam of neutral particles is presented by a factor given by factor Eq.(27) (see, Ref. [7] for comparison). This concludes presentaion of the kinetic model of three com ponent, weakly ionized, collisional plasma with a beam of neutral particles. We have generalized the results of Ref . [7] by allowing neutral particles to have regular velocity (i.e. by allowing for the existence of a beam of neutrals). We have shown that the novel, generalized dispersion relations for linear perturbations obtained in this paper d iffer substantially from those of Ref. [7]. Finally, we would like to conclude outlining, once again, the possible releva nce of our model for the better understanding of the plasma heating process by a neutral beam injection. [1] M. Murakami, R. C. Isler, J. F. Lyon et al., Phys. Rev. Lett .39, 615 (1977). [2] H. Eubank, R. Goldston, V. Arunasalam et al., Phys. Rev. L ett.43, 270 (1979). [3] J.D. Callen and J.A.Rome, Nuclear Fusion 20, 501 (1980). [4] M. Olsson, P. Vanbelle, S. Conroy, T. Elevant, and G. Sadl er, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 35, 179 (1993). [5] G. Taylor, B. Leblanc, M. Murakami et al., Plasma Phys. Co ntrol. Fusion 38, 723 (1996). [6] P. G. Carolan, N. J. Conway, M. R. Tournianski, M. P. S. Nig htingale, and M.J. Walsh, Plasma Phys. Rep. 24, 206, (1998). [7] A.F. Alexandrov, L.S. Bogdankevich, A.A. Rukhadze (198 8),Foundations of Plasma Electrodynamics , Vis’shaya Shkola Press, Moscow (in Russian, English translation exists). [8] D.B. Melrose (1986), Instabilities in Space and Laboratory Plasmas , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 5
arXiv:physics/9910015v1 [physics.pop-ph] 12 Oct 1999Physics World vol. 12 (October 1999) 21-22 Los Alamos electronic archives: physics/99100nn fc 1999 H.C. Rosu BLIND SPOT MAY REVEAL VACUUM RADIATION from HARET ROSU in the Instituto de F´ ısica at the Universidad de Guanajuato , Apdo Postal E-143, 37150 Le´ on, Gto, Mexico Back in the 1970s Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University in the UK made the theoretical discovery that small black holes are not “compl etely black”. Instead, a black hole emits radiation with a well-defined temperature that is proportional to the gravitational force at its surface. The finding uncove red a deep connection between gravity, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. An d later, Bill Unruh of the University of British Columbia in Canada proposed tha t quantum particles should emit thermal radiation in a similar way when they are a ccelerated. Accord- ing to Unruh, a particle undergoing a constant acceleration would be embedded in a “heat bath” at temperature T=¯h 2πck·a ,where ¯ his the Planck constant divided by 2π,ais the acceleration, cis the speed of light and kis the Boltzmann con- stant. But is it really possible to detect such radiation? Re cently, Pisin Chen of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Toshi Tajima of the U niversity of Texas at Austin in the US have suggested that it should be possible to d etect the Unruh radi- ation emitted by electrons that are accelerated by high inte nsity lasers (1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 256). The difficulty with detecting Unruh radiat ion is that enormous accelerations are required to produce a measurable effect. F or instance, we would have to accelerate a particle to over 1020m/s2to generate a temperature of 1 K. Recent advances in laser research mean that lasers can now de liver subpicosecond pulses with petawatts of power. These could produce acceler ations that are 1025 times greater than the acceleration due to gravity at the Ear th’s surface, and two orders of magnitude larger than previous experimental prop osals. At the quantum level, the vacuum is full of particles and antiparticles tha t constantly appear and disappear. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle allows th ese “virtual” particles to exist for a very brief moment of time before they recombine an d disappear into the vacuum again. According to Hawking if a particle and anti particle are created close to the surface of a black hole, the strong gravitationa l force will pull one of the particles into the hole while the other escapes. Thus the black hole can pro- duce “radiation from nothing”. Similarly, Unruh radiation comes from the quantum vacuum. The curious feature about Hawking radiation is that the temperature is inversely proportional to the mass of the emitting source. T he only black holes that may be detectable are “miniholes” that may have been formed s hortly after the Big Bang. Such black holes would have a mass of 1015grammes and would be smaller than a single atom. The Unruh effect is considered slightly le ss esoteric, and in the1980s several groups proposed experiments to detect the rad iation. Unruh himself suggested that sound waves would propagate in a supersonic fl uid flow in the same way that quantum fields propagate in the vicinity of a black ho le. And shortly afterwards the late John Bell and Jon Leinaas of the Universi ty of Oslo in Norway suggested that the Unruh effect would alter the motion of part icles at high-energy accelerators. A more realistic experiment was suggested by Joseph Rogers, now at Cornell University in the US, in which an electron confined by electric and magnetic fields in a so-called Penning trap would give a signal. Meanwh ile Eli Yablonovitch, now at the University of California at Los Angeles proposed t hat Unruh radiation would be produced when a gas is suddenly ionized and turns int o a plasma. And Simon Darbinyan of the Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia and co-workers sug- gested that Unruh radiation could be produced by a beam of par ticles propagating through channels in a crystal lattice. In all of these experi ments, however, the Un- ruh signal would be buried beneath a much larger background s ignal, a problem that Chen and Tajima have managed to circumvent. Moreover, i n their scheme an electron can be instantly accelerated and decelerated in every laser cycle. Chen and Tajima present simple calculations for the acceleratio n produced by a standing wave produced by two counter-propagating, ultra-intense l aser pulses. They pro- pose to detect the Unruh radiation from a minute change to the classical Larmor radiation emitted when an electron is accelerated. Despite the high acceleration produced in a petawatt laser, the power of the emitted Unruh r adiation is several orders of magnitude smaller than the power of the Larmor radi ation. However, Chen and Tajima calculated the angular distribution of both types of radiation and found a “blind spot” where the Unruh signal would dominate ov er the Larmor ra- diation (see figure). Although appealing, the proposal of Ch en and Tajima is based on several assumptions that may not actually be true. For exa mple, they assume that the electron has a well-defined acceleration, velocity and trajectory. Moreover, in 1988 Alexander Nikishov and Vladimir Ritus of the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow suggested that the Unruh heat-bath concept could n ot be tested using charged particles in an electric field. They argued that the p article and antiparticle pairs created from the vacuum would encounter a varying acce leration field over a short timescale, whereas Unruh radiation is related to cons tant accelerations only. And at a recent workshop on the quantum aspects of beam physic s, John Jackson from the University of California at Berkeley warned agains t trying to interpret conventional phenomena in terms of Unruh radiation. Nevert heless it is challenging to look for new ways to test quantum field theory that may give a n insight into the physical origin of Hawking radiation. 2Figure: The angular distributions of the Larmor (top) and Un ruh radiation (bottom) emitted by an accelerated electron. In general the power of the background Larmor radiation is much greater than the Unruh signal, but t here is a small “blind spot” where the Unruh radiation dominates. 3
arXiv:physics/9910016v1 [physics.atom-ph] 12 Oct 1999Binding Energies and Scattering Observables in the4He3Atomic System A. K. Motovilov∗, W. Sandhas Physikalisches Institut der Universit¨ at Bonn, Endeniche r Allee 11-13, D-53115 Bonn, Germany S. A. Sofianos Physics Department, University of South Africa, P.O.Box 39 2, Pretoria 0003, South Africa E. A. Kolganova Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980, Russi a (September 30, 1999) The4He3bound states and the scattering of a4He atom off a4He dimer at ultra-low energies are investigated using a hard-core version of the Faddeev di fferential equations. Various realistic 4He–4He interactions were employed, amomg them the LM2M2 potenti al by Aziz and Slaman and the recent TTY potential by Tang, Toennies and Yiu. The groun d state and the excited (Efimov) state obtained are compared with other results. The scatter ing lengths and the atom-diatom phase shifts were calculated for center of mass energies up to 2 .45 mK. It was found that the LM2M2 and TTY potentials, although of quite different structure, give practically the same bound-state and scattering results. PACS numbers: 02.60.Nm, 21.45.+v, 34.40.-m, 36.40.+d I. INTRODUCTION Small4He clusters (in particular dimers and trimers) are of fundam ental interest in various fields of physical chemistry and molecular physics. Studies of the se clusters represent an important step towards understanding the properties of helium liquid drop s, super-fluidity in4He films, the Bose- Einstein condensation etc.(see, for instance, Refs. [1–4]). Besides, the helium trime r is probably a unique molecular system where a direct manifestation of the Efimov effect [5] can be observed since the binding energy ǫdof the4He dimer is extremely small. The4He trimer belongs to the three–body systems whose theoretic al treatment is quite difficult, first, due to its Efimov nature and, second, because of the hard -core properties of the inter-atomic He–He interaction [6–9]. At the same time the problem of thre e helium atoms can be considered as an example of an ideal three–body quantum problem since4He atoms are identical neutral bosons and, thus, their handling is not complicated by spin, isospi n, or Coulomb considerations. There is a great number of experimental and theoretical stud ies of4He clusters. However, most of the theoretical investigations consist merely in comput ing the ground-state energy and are based on variational methods [10–15], on Hyperspherical Harmoni cs expansion methods in configuration space [16,17], and on integral equations in momentum space [ 18,19]. We further note that the results of Ref. [20] were based on a direct solution of the two-dimens ional Faddeev differential equations in configuration space, while recent binding-energy result s of [21] were obtained using the three- dimensional Faddeev differential equations in the total-an gular-momentum representation. In Refs. [15,16,19,22] it was pointed out that the excited st ate of the4He trimer is an Efimov state [5]. In these works the HFDHE2 [6], HFD-B [7], and LM2M2 [8] ve rsions of the4He–4He potentials by Aziz and co-workers were employed. The essential propert y of this state is that it disappears when the inter-atomic potential is increased by a factor λ∼1.2. And vice versa, when λslightly decreases (no more than 2%), a second excited state appears i n the trimer [16,19]. It is just such ∗On leave of absence from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Rese arch, Dubna, 141980, Russia 1a non-standard behavior of the excited-state energies whic h points at their Efimov nature. The resonance mechanism of formation and disappearance of the E fimov levels in the4He trimer has been studied in Refs. [23,24]. The general atom-diatom collision problem has been address ed by various authors, and we refer the interested reader to the review articles [25] and [26]. T he collision dynamics at thermal energies of the H+H 2system and the existence of resonances were discussed in [27 ] using the Faddeev integral equations in momentum space. Finally, the problem of existe nce of4Hen-mers and their relation to the Bose-Einstein condensation in He IIwas discussed in Refs. [28,29]. From the experimental studi es we mention those of Refs. [30–35] where molecular clusters, consisting of a small number of noble gas atoms, were investigated. In contrast to the bulk of theoretical investigations devot ed to the binding energies of the4He trimer, scattering processes found comparatively little a ttention. In Ref. [18] the characteristics of the He–He 2scattering at zero energy were studied, while the recombina tion rate of the reaction (1+1+1 →2+1) was estimated in [36]. Recently, the phase shifts of the He–He 2elastic scattering and breakup amplitudes at ultra-low energies have also been calculated [22,37,38]. The difficulty in computing excited states and scattering obs ervables in the4He3system is mainly due to two reasons. First, the low energy ǫdof the dimer makes it necessary to consider very large domains in configuration space with a characteristic s ize of hundreds of ˚Angstroems. Second, the strong repulsion of the He–He interaction at short dista nces produces large numerical errors. In the present paper, which is an extension of our studies for4He3[22–24,37,38], we employed the mathematically rigorous three-body Boundary Conditio n Model (BCM) of Refs. [39,40] to the above-mentioned problems. As compared to [22–24,37,38] we employ, in the present work, the refined He–He interatomic potentials LM2M2 by Aziz and Slaman [8], and TTY by Tang, Toen nies and Yiu [9]. Our numerical methods have been substantially improved, and this allowed us to use considerably larger grids achieving, thus, a better accuracy. Furthermore, due to muc h better computing facilities more partial waves could be taken into account. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we review the th ree-body bound and scattering state formalism for hard-core interactions. In Sec. III we descri be its application to the system of three 4He atoms and present our numerical results. Our conclusions are summarized in Sec. IV. Finally in the Appendix we give details of the potentials used. II. FORMALISM A detailed analysis of the general boundary-value problem, the derivation of the asymptotic bound- ary conditions for scattering states and other boundary-va lue formulations, can be found in Refs. [41,42]. In this work we employ a hard-core version of the BCM [40,43] developed in [39,44] (for details see Ref. [22]). Therefore, in what follows we shall o nly outline the formalism and present its main characteristics. In describing the three-body system we use the standard Jaco bi coordinates xα,yα,α= 1,2,3, expressed in terms of the position vectors of the particles riand their masses m i, xα=/bracketleftbigg2mβmγ mβ+ m γ/bracketrightbigg1/2 (rβ−rγ) yα=/bracketleftbigg2mα(mβ+ m γ) mα+ m β+ m γ/bracketrightbigg1/2/parenleftbigg rα−mβrβ+ m γrγ mβ+ m γ/parenrightbigg 2where (α,β,γ ) stands for a cyclic permutation of the indices (1 ,2,3). In the so-called hard-core potential model one requires tha t the wave function vanishes when the particles approach each other at a certain distance r=c. This requirement is equivalent to the introduction of an infinitely strong repulsion between t he particles at distances r≤c. Such a replacement of the repulsive short-range part of the potent ial by a hard-core interaction turns out to be a very efficient way to suppress inaccuracies at short dis tances. One can then show that the Faddeev components satisfy the following system of differen tial equations   (−∆X+Vα−E)Φα(X) =−Vα/summationdisplay β/negationslash=αΦβ(X),|xα|>cα, (−∆X−E)Φα(X) = 0, |xα|<cα.(1) whereX≡(xα,yα),α= 1,2,3 andcαis the hard-core radius in the channel α. Outside the core the components Φ αstill provide the total wave function Ψ, Ψ(X) =3/summationdisplay β=1Φβ(X), while in the interior region we have 3/summationdisplay β=1Φβ(X)≡0. In practice, one can replace the latter strong condition by a more weak one [39,44], 3/summationdisplay β=1Φβ(X)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle |xα|=cα= 0, α = 1,2,3, (2) which requires the sum of Φ α(X) to be zero only at the radius cα. The numerical advantage of our approach is already obvious f rom the structure of Eqs. (1). When a potential with a strong repulsive core is replaced by the ha rd-core model, one approximates inside the core domains only the Laplacian ∆ Xinstead of the sum of the Laplacian and the huge repulsive term. In this way a much better numerical approximation can b e achieved. In the present investigation we apply the formalism to the4He three-atomic system with total angular momentum L= 0. The partial-wave version of the equations (1) for a syste m of three identical bosons with L= 0 reads [45,46] /bracketleftbigg −∂2 ∂x2−∂2 ∂y2+l(l+ 1)/parenleftbigg1 x2+1 y2/parenrightbigg −E/bracketrightbigg Φl(x,y) =/braceleftbigg −V(x)Ψl(x,y), x>c 0, x<c.(3) Here,x,yare the absolute values of the Jacobi variables and cis the core size which is the same for all three two-body subsystems. The angular momentum lcorresponds to a dimer subsystem and a complementary atom. For a three-boson system in an S-statelcan only be even, l= 0,2,4,... . The potentialV(x) is assumed to be central and the same for all partial waves l. The function Ψ l(x,y) is related to the partial-wave Faddeev components Φ l(x,y) by Ψl(x,y) = Φ l(x,y) +/summationdisplay l′/integraldisplay+1 −1dηhll′(x,y,η ) Φl′(x′,y′) (4) 3where x′=/radicalBigg 1 4x2+3 4y2−√ 3 2xyη, y′=/radicalBigg 3 4x2+1 4y2+√ 3 2xyη, withη=ˆx·ˆy. Expressions for the kernels hll′can be found in [22,45,46]. It should be noted that these kernels depend only on the hyperangles θ= arctany xandθ′= arctany′ x′ and not on the hyperradius ρ=/radicalbig x2+y2=/radicalbig x′2+y′2. The functions Φ l(x,y) satisfy the boundary conditions Φl(x,y)|x=0= Φ l(x,y)|y=0= 0. (5) The partial-wave version of the hard-core boundary conditi on (2) reads Φl(c,y) +/summationdisplay l′/integraldisplay+1 −1dηhll′(c,y,η) Φl′(x′,y′) = 0 (6) requiring the wave function Ψ l(x,y) to be zero at the core boundary x=c. Furthermore, one can show that, in general, the condition (6), like the condition (2), causes also the wave functions (4) to vanish inside the core domains. For the bound-state problem one requires that the functions Φ l(x,y) are square integrable in the quadrant x≥0,y≥0. The asymptotic condition for the helium trimer scattering s tates reads Φl(x,y) =δl0ψd(x) exp(i√Et−ǫdy)/bracketleftbig a0+o/parenleftbig y−1/2/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig +exp(i√Etρ)√ρ/bracketleftbig Al(θ) +o/parenleftbig ρ−1/2/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig (7) asρ→ ∞ and/ory→ ∞. Here we use the fact that the helium dimer bound state exists only for l= 0.ǫdstands for the dimer energy while ψd(x) denotes the dimer wave function which is assumed to be zero within the core, i.e., ψd(x)≡0 forx≤c. The coefficients a 0andAl(θ) describe the contributions of the (2 + 1) and (1 + 1 + 1) channe ls to Φl, respectively. Both the trimer binding energy Etand the difference Et−ǫdin (7) are negative which means that for any θthe function Φ l(x,y) decreases exponentially as ρ→ ∞ . The asymptotic boundary condition for the partial-wave Fad deev components of the (2 + 1 → 2 + 1 ; 1 + 1 + 1) scattering wave function reads, as ρ→ ∞ and/ory→ ∞, Φl(x,y;p) =δl0ψd(x)/braceleftbig sin(py) + exp(ipy)/bracketleftbig a0(p) +o/parenleftbig y−1/2/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig/bracerightbig +exp(i√ Eρ)√ρ/bracketleftbig Al(E,θ) +o/parenleftbig ρ−1/2/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig (8) wherepis the relative momentum conjugate to the variable y,Eis the scattering energy given by E=ǫd+p2, and a 0(p) is the elastic scattering amplitude. The functions Al(E,θ) provide us for E >0 with the corresponding partial-wave breakup amplitudes. 4The helium-atom helium-dimer scattering length ℓscis given by ℓsc=−√ 3 2lim p→0a0(p) p while theS-state elastic scattering phase shifts δ0(p) are given by δ0(p) =1 2Im ln S 0(p) (9) where S 0(p) = 1 + 2ia0(p) is the (2 + 1 →2 + 1) partial-wave component of the scattering matrix. III. RESULTS We employed the Faddeev equations (3) and the hard-core boun dary condition (6) to calculate the binding energies of the helium trimer and the ultra-low e nergy phase shifts of the helium atom scattered off the helium diatomic molecule. As He-He interac tion we used three versions of the semi-empirical potentials of Aziz and collaborators, name ly HFDHE2 [6], HFD-B [7], and the newer version LM2M2 [8]. Further, we employed the latest theoreti cal He–He potential TTY of Tang et al. [9]. These potentials are given in the Appendix. In our calculations we used the value /planckover2pi12/m = 12.12K˚A2. All the potentials considered produce a weakly bound dimer state. The energy ǫdof this state together with the He–He atomic scattering leng thℓ(2) scare given in Table I. It is interesting to note that the latest potentials LM2M2 and TTY give practically the same scattering lengthℓscand dimer energy ǫd. A detailed description of our numerical method has been give n in Ref. [22]. Therefore, we outline here only the main steps of the computational scheme employe d to solve the boundary-value problems (3), (5), (6) and (7) or (8). First, we note that the grid for th e finite-difference approximation of the polar coordinates ρandθis chosen such that the points of intersection of the arcs ρ=ρi, i= 1,2,...,N ρand the rays θ=θj,j= 1,2,...,N θwith the core boundary x=cconstitute the knots. The value of cwas fixed to be such that any further decrease of it did not appr eciably influence the dimer binding energy ǫdand the energy of the trimer ground state E(0) t. In our previous work [22,37,38] cwas chosen as 0.7 ˚A. In the present work, however, we choose c= 1.0˚A. This value ofcprovides a dimer bound state ǫdwhich is stable within six figures and a trimer ground-state energyE(0) tstable within three figures. The ρiare chosen according to the formulas ρi=i N(ρ) c+ 1c, i = 1,2,...,N(ρ) c, ρi+N(ρ) c=/radicalBig c2+y2 i, i = 1,2,...,N ρ−N(ρ) c, whereN(ρ) cstands for the number of arcs inside the domain ρ<c and yi=f(τi)/radicalBig ρ2 Nρ−c2, τ i=i Nρ−N(ρ) c. The nonlinear monotonously increasing function f(τ), 0≤τ≤1, satisfying the conditions f(0) = 0 andf(1) = 1, is chosen according to f(τ) =/braceleftbigg α0τ , τ ∈[0,τ0] α1τ+τν, τ∈(τ0,1]. 5The values of α0,α0≥0,andα1,α1≥0,are determined via τ0andνfrom the continuity condition forf(τ) and its derivative at the point τ0. In the present investigation we took values of τ0within 0.15 and 0.2. The value of the power νdepends on the cutoff radius ρmax=ρNρ= 200–1000 ˚A, its range being within 3.4 and 4 in the present calculations. The knotsθjatj= 1,2,...,N ρ−N(ρ) care taken according to θj= arctg(yj/c) with the remaining knotsθj,j=Nρ−N(ρ) c+1,...,N θ,being chosen equidistantly. Such a choice is tequired by the need of having a higher density of points in the domain where the fu nctions Φ l(x,y;z) change most rapidly, i.e. for small values of ρand/orx. In this work, we used grids of the dimension Nθ=Nρ=500–800 while the above number N(ρ) cand the number Nθ−(Nρ−N(ρ) c) of knots in θlying in the last arc inside the core domain was chosen equal to 2–5. Since we consider identical bosons only the components Φ lcorresponding to even ldiffer from zero. Thus, the number of equations to be solved is Ne=lmax/2 + 1 where lmaxis the maximal even partial wave. The finite-difference approximation of the Neequations (3) reduces the problem to a system ofNeNθNρlinear algebraic equations. The finite-difference equation s corresponding to the arci=Nρinclude initially the values of the unknown functions Φ l(x,y;z) from the arc i=Nρ+ 1. To eliminate them, we express these values through the value s of Φ l(x,y;z) on the arcs i=Nρand i=Nρ−1 by using the asymptotic formulas (7) or (8) in the manner des cribed in the final part of Appendix A of Ref. [22]. In [22], however, this approach wa s used for computing the binding energies only while in the present work this method is extend ed also to the scattering problem. The matrix of the resulting system of equations has a block three -diagonal form. Every block has the dimensionNeNθ×NeNθand consists of the coefficients standing at unknown values of the Faddeev components in the grid knots belonging to a certain arc ρ=ρi. The main diagonal of the matrix consists ofNρsuch blocks. In this work we solve the block three-diagonal algebraic sys tem on the basis of the matrix sweep method [47]. The use of this method makes it possible to avoid writing the matrix on the hard drive of the computer. Besides, the matrix sweep method reduces th e computer time required by almost one order of magnitude as compared to [22,37,38]. Our results for the trimer ground-state energy E(0) tas well as the results obtained by other authors are presented in Table II. It should be noted that most of the c ontribution to the ground-state energy stems from the l= 0 andl= 2 partial components, the latter being slightly more than 3 0%, and is approximately the same for all potentials used. The contrib ution from the l= 4 partial wave is of the order of 3-4% (cf. [20]). It is well known that the excited state of the4He trimer is an Efimov state [16,19,22–24]. The results obtained for this trimer excited-state energy E(1) t, as well as the results found in the literature, are presented in Table III. To illustrate the convergence of our results we show in Table IV the dependence of the energy E(1) ton the grid parameters using the TTY potential. It is seen tha t the l= 0 partial component contributes about 71% to the excited-s tate binding energy. The contribution toE(1) tfrom thel= 2 component is about 25–26% and from l= 4 within 3–4%. These values are similar to the ones for the ground state. Apart from the binding energy calculations, we also perform ed calculations for a helium atom scattered off a helium dimer for L= 0. For this we used the asymptotic boundary conditions (8). The results of the scattering length of the collision of the H e atom on the He dimer obtained for the HFD-B, LM2M2 and TTY potentials are presented in Table V. As c ompared to [22] the present calcualtion is essentially improved (the result ℓsc= 145±5˚A for HFD-B with lmax= 2 was obtained in [22] with a much smaller grid). Within the accuracy of our c alculations, the scattering lengths provided by the LM2M2 and TTY potentials, like the energies o f the excited state, are exactly the 6same. This comes as no surprise as the two potentials produce practically the same two-body binding energies and scattering lengths. The phase shifts results obtained for the HFD-B, LM2M2 and TT Y potentials are given in Tables VI, VII, and VIII. For the HFD-B and TTY potentials they are pl otted in Fig. 1. Note that for the phase shifts we use the normalization required by the Levins on theorem [48], δL(0)−δL(∞) =nπ, wherenis the number of the trimer bound states. The incident energies considered were below as well as above the breakup threshold, i.e., for the (2+1−→2+1) and the (2+1 −→1+1+1) processes. It was found that after transformation to the laboratory system the phases δ(lmax) 0for the potentials HFD-B, LM2M2 and TTY for different values oflmaxare practically the same, especially those for LM2M2 and TTY . The difference between the phase shifts δ(2) 0andδ(4) 0is only about 0.5%. It is interesting to compare the values obtained for the He–H e2scattering lengths ℓscwith the corresponding inverse wave numbers κ−1for the trimer excited-state energies. The values of κ, κ= 2/radicalBig (ǫd−E(1) t)/3,where both the E(1) tandǫdare given in ˚A−2, are also presented in Table V. It is seen that the values of κare about 1.3–1.7 times smaller than the respective4He-atom 4He-dimer scattering lengths. The situation differs complet ely from the4He two-atomic scattering problem where the inverse wave numbers ( κ(2))−1=|ǫd|−1/2are in a rather good agreement with the4He–4He scattering lengths (see Table I). Such significant differe nces between ℓscandκ−1in the case of the4He three-atomic system can be attributed to the Efimov nature of the excited state of the trimer which implies that the effective range r0for the interaction between the4He atom and the4He dimer is very large as compared to the4He diatomic problem. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this work we employed a formalism which is suitable for thr ee–body calculations with hard–core potentials. The approach is a hard-core variant of the BCM an d, unlike some competing methods, is exact and ideally suited for three-body calculations wit h two–body interactions with a highly repulsive core. Furthermore, the method is feasible not onl y for bound–states but also for scattering processes. There is, however, a price to be paied for the exac t treatment of the system. The inclusion of higher partial waves, beyond lmax= 4, is hard to be implemented within the computing facilitie s we have at our disposal. The results of the ground-state energy of the4He trimer obtained for all four realistic4He–4He potentials compare favorably with alternative results in t he literature. Furthermore, the successful location of the excited state, interpreted as an Efimov state , clearly demonstrates the reliability of our method in three-body bound state calculations with hard -core potentials. In addition to binding energy calculations, the formalism has been successfully u sed to calculate scattering lengths and ultra-low-energy phase shifts of the4He atom scattered off the4He dimer. In general the hard-core inter-atomic potential together w ith other characteristics of the system, makes calculations extremely tedious and numerically unst able. This is not the case in our formalism where the hard core is taken into account from the very beginn ing in a mathematically rigorous way. Thus, the formalism paves the way to study various ultra–col d three-atomic systems, and to calculate important quantities such as the cross-sections, recombin ation rates, etc. 7ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Prof. V.B.Belyaev and Prof. H.To ki for help and assistance in per- forming the calculations at the supercomputer of the Resear ch Center for Nuclear Physics of the Osaka University, Japan. The authors also would like to than k J.P.Toennies for very interesting dis- cussions stimulating this investigation. Financial suppo rt by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and the National Research Foundation of South Africa, is gratefully acknowledged. APPENDIX: THE POTENTIALS USED The general structure of the realistic semi-empirical pote ntials HFDHE2 [6] and HFD-B [7] devel- oped by Aziz and co-workers is V(x) =εVb(ζ) (A1) whereζ=x/rmand the term Vb(ζ) reads Vb(ζ) =Aexp(−αζ+βζ2)−/bracketleftbiggC6 ζ6+C8 ζ8+C10 ζ10/bracketrightbigg F(ζ), xis expressed in the same length units as rm(˚A in the present case). The function F(ζ) is given by F(ζ) =/braceleftbigg exp [−(D/ζ−1)]2,ifζ≤D 1, ifζ >D . In addition to the term Vb(ζ) the LM2M2 potential [8] includes the “add on” term Va(ζ), V(r) =ε{Vb(ζ) +Va(ζ)}, (A2) having the following form: Va(ζ) =  Aa/braceleftbigg sin/bracketleftbigg2π(ζ−ζ1) ζ2−ζ1−π 2/bracketrightbigg + 1/bracerightbigg , ζ 1≤ζ≤ζ2 0, ζ /ne}ationslash∈[ζ1,ζ2]. The parameters for the HFDHE2, HFD-B and LM2M2 potentials ar e given in Table IX. The form of the theoretical He–He potential TTY is taken from [9]. This potential reads V(x) =A[Vex(x) +Vdisp(x)] wherexstands for the distance between4He atoms given in atomic length units. (Following [9] in converting the length units we used the factor 1a.u.= 0 .52917 ˚A.) The function Vexhas the form Vex(x) =Dxpexp(−2βx) withp=7 2β−1 , while the function Vdispreads Vdisp(x) =−N/summationdisplay n=3C2nf2n(x)x−2n. 8The coefficients C2nare calculated via the recurrency relation C2n=/parenleftbiggC2n−2 C2n−4/parenrightbigg3 C2n−6. At the same time the functions f2nare given by f2n(x) = 1−exp(−bx)2n/summationdisplay k=0(bx)k k! where b(x) = 2β−/bracketleftbigg7 2β−1/bracketrightbigg1 x. The parameters of the TTY potential are given in Table X. [1] J. P. Toennies and K. Winkelmann, J. Chem. Phys. 66, 3965 (1977). [2] M. V. Rama Krishna and K. B. Whaley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1126 (1990). [3] K. K. Lehman and G. Scoles, Science 279, 2065 (1998). [4] S. Grebenev, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, Science 279, 2083 (1998). [5] V. Efimov, Nucl. Phys. 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Potential Ed(mK) 1 /κ(2)(˚A) ℓ(2) sc(˚A) Potential Ed(mK) 1 /κ(2)(˚A) ℓ(2) sc(˚A) HFDHE2 −0.83012 120.83 124 .65 LM2M2 1.30348 96.43 100.23 HFD-B −1.68541 84.80 88 .50 TTY 1.30962 96.20 100.01 TABLE II. Ground state energy E(0) tresults for the helium trimer. The (absolute) values of E(0) tare given in K. The grid parameters used were: Nθ=Nρ= 555, τ0= 0.2,ν= 3.6, and ρmax= 250 ˚A. Faddeev Variational Adiabatic equations methods approaches Potential lmax This work [20] [19] [18] [21] [11] [10] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] 0 0 .084a)0.0823 0 .082 0 .092 0.098 HFDHE2 2 0 .114a)0.1124 0 .107 0 .11 4 0 .1167 0.1171 0.1173 0 0 .096a)0.0942 0 .096 HFD-B 2 0 .131a)0.1277 0 .130 4 0 .1325 0.1330 0.1193 0 .133 0 .131 0.129 0 0 .0891 0.106 LM2M2 2 0 .1213 4 0 .1259 0.126 0.1252 0 0 .0890 TTY 2 0 .1212 4 0 .1258 0.126 a)Results from [22] for a grid with Nθ=Nρ= 275 and ρmax= 60˚A. TABLE III. Excited state energy E(1) tresults for the helium trimer. The (absolute) values of E(1) tare given in mK. The grid parameters used were: Nθ=Nρ= 805, τ0= 0.2,ν0= 3.6, and ρmax= 300 ˚A. Potential lmax This work [19] [18] [21] [16] [17] 0 1 .5a)1.46 1 .46 1 .04 1 .517 HFDHE2 2 1 .7a)1.65 1 .6 4 1 .67 1.67 0 2 .5a)2.45 HFD-B 2 2 .8a)2.71 4 2 .74 2.75 0 2 .02 2.118 LM2M2 2 2 .25 4 2 .28 2.27 2.269 0 2 .02 TTY 2 2 .25 4 2 .28 a)Results from [22] for a grid with Nθ=Nρ= 252 and ρmax= 250 ˚A. 11TABLE IV. Trimer excited-state energy E(1) t(mK) obtained with the TTY potential for various grids. Nθ=Nρ= 252 Nθ=Nρ= 502 Nθ=Nρ= 652 Nθ=Nρ= 805 Nθ=Nρ= 1005 lmax ρmax= 250˙ ˚A ρmax= 300 ˚A ρmax= 300 ˚A ρmax= 300 ˚A ρmax= 300 ˚A 0 −2.108 −2.039 −2.029 −2.024 −2.021 2 −2.348 −2.273 −2.258 −2.253 −2.248 TABLE V. Estimations for4He atom –4He dimer scattering lengths ℓscand inverse wave numbers κ−1corresponding to the excited-state energy E(1) tfor the HFD-B, LM2M2 and TTY potentials. The accuracy for the scattering lengths is within ±5˚A. The grid parameters used for the calculation of ℓscare:Nθ=Nρ= 502, τ0= 0.18,ν= 3.45 and ρmax= 460 ˚A. Potential lmax ℓsc(˚A) κ−1(˚A) Potential lmax ℓsc(˚A) κ−1(˚A) 0 170a)168 109 0 168 113 HFD-B 2 145a)138 94 LM2M2/TTY 2 134 98 4 135 93 4 131 96 a)Results from [22] for a grid with Nθ=Nρ= 320 and ρmax= 400 ˚A. TABLE VI. Phase shift δ(lmax) 0 results (in degrees) for the HFD-B potential for various c.m . energies E(in mK). The grid parameters used are: Nθ=Nρ= 502, τ0= 0.18,ν= 3.45, and ρmax=460˚A. E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 δ(4) 0 E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 δ(4) 0 E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 δ(4) 0 −1.68541 359.9 359.9 359.9 −1.05 299.1 308.2 309.2 0.95 262.4 272.1 273.7 −1.68 352.6 353.9 354.1 −0.8 290.8 300.4 301.5 1.2 260.0 269.6 270.7 −1.65 341.7 345.0 345.4 −0.55 284.4 294.2 295.4 1.45 257.8 267.3 268.4 −1.60 330.8 337.7 338.2 −0.3 279.3 289.3 290.4 1.7 255.9 265.2 266.3 −1.55 326.9 332.8 333.5 −0.05 275.1 285.2 286.3 1.95 254.1 263.4 264.5 −1.50 322.4 329.0 329.8 0.2 271.4 281.3 282.5 2.2 252.5 261.7 262.7 −1.40 315.4 323.0 323.9 0.45 268.1 277.9 279.0 2.45 251.0 260.1 261.1 −1.30 309.9 318.1 319.1 0.7 265.1 274.8 276.0 TABLE VII. Phase shift δ(lmax) 0 results for the LM2M2 potential. The units and grid paramete rs used are the same as in Table VI. E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 −1.30348 359.8 359.9 −0.8 304.6 313.8 0.95 267.0 276.2 −1.3 354.1 355.3 −0.55 295.2 304.8 1.2 264.1 273.2 −1.25 337.9 342.3 −0.3 287.9 297.7 1.45 261.5 270.6 −1.20 330.5 336.3 −0.05 282.3 292.2 1.7 259.2 268.1 −1.15 325.2 332.0 0.2 277.7 287.4 1.95 257.1 266.0 −1.10 321.1 328.5 0.45 273.7 283.2 2.2 255.3 264.0 −1.05 317.6 325.5 0.7 270.1 279.5 2.45 253.6 262.3 12TABLE VIII. Phase shift δ(lmax) 0 results for the TTY potential. The units and grid parameters used are the same as in Table VI. E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 δ(4) 0 E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 δ(4) 0 E δ(0) 0 δ(2) 0 δ(4) 0 −1.30961 359.7 359.8 359.8 −0.8 304.3 313.5 314.6 0.95 266.8 276.1 277.2 −1.308 355.9 356.8 356.9 −0.55 295.0 304.6 305.7 1.2 264.0 273.1 274.2 −1.3 350.2 352.1 352.4 −0.3 287.7 297.5 298.7 1.45 261.4 270.5 271.5 −1.25 336.8 341.4 341.9 −0.05 282.0 292.0 293.2 1.7 259.1 268.1 269.1 −1.2 329.7 335.7 336.4 0.2 277.5 287.3 288.4 1.95 257.0 265.9 266.9 −1.10 320.5 328.1 329.0 0.45 273.5 283.1 284.2 2.2 255.0 263.9 265.0 −1.05 317.1 325.1 326.1 0.7 270.0 279.4 280.5 2.45 253.5 262.2 263.2 TABLE IX. The parameters for the4He−4He Aziz and co-workers potentials used. Parameter HFDHE2 [6] HFD-B [7] LM2M2 [8] ε(K) 10.8 10.948 10.97 rm(˚A) 2.9673 2.963 2.9695 A 544850.4 184431.01 189635.353 α 13.353384 10.43329537 10.70203539 β 0 −2.27965105 -1.90740649 C6 1.3732412 1.36745214 1.34687065 C8 0.4253785 0.42123807 0.41308398 C10 0.178100 0.17473318 0.17060159 D 1.241314 1.4826 1.4088 Aa − − 0.0026 ζ1 − − 1.003535949 ζ2 − − 1.454790369 TABLE X. The parameters for the4He−4He TTY potential used. A(K) 315766 .2067a)C6 1.461 β/parenleftBig (a.u.)−1/parenrightBig 1.3443 C8 14.11 D 7.449 C10 183.5 N 12 a)The value of Awas obtained from the data presented in [9] using, for conver ting the energy units, the factor 1K= 3 .1669 ×10−6a.u. 13260280300320340360 0 1 2 3 4 5TTY HFD-B //0 /, degreesElab /, mK FIG. 1. S-wave helium atom – helium dimer scattering phase sh iftsδ0(Elab),Elab=3 2(E+|ǫd|), for the HFD-B and TTY 4He–4He potentials. The lower curve corresponds to the case where lmax= 0 while for the upper lmax= 2. 14
arXiv:physics/9910017v1 [physics.atom-ph] 13 Oct 1999Ground states of the atoms H, He,. . ., Ne and their singly posi tive ions in strong magnetic fields: The high field regime M. V. Ivanov †and P. Schmelcher Theoretische Chemie, Physikalisch–Chemisches Institut, Universit¨ at Heidelberg, INF 229, D-69120 Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany †Permanent address: Institute of Precambrian Geology and Ge ochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nab. Makarova 2, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia (February 2, 2008) The electronic structure of the ground and some excited stat es of neutral atoms with the nuclear charge numbers 1 ≤Z≤10 and their single positive ions are investigated by means of our 2D mesh Hartree-Fock method for strong magnetic fields 0 .5≤γ≤10000. Forγ= 10000 the ground state configurations of all the atoms and io ns considered are given by fully spin-polarized configurations of single- electron orbitals with magnetic quantum numbers ranging from m= 0 to m=−N+ 1 where Nis the number of the electrons. Focusing on the fully spin polarized situation w e provide critical values of the magnetic field strength for which crossovers with respect to the spatial symmetries of the ground state take place. It is found that the neutral atoms an d singly charged positive ions with 2 ≤Z≤5 have one fully spin-polarized ground state configuration w hereas for 6 ≤Z≤10 one intermediate fully spin-polarized configuration wit h an orbital of 2 p0 type occurs. I. INTRODUCTION The behavior and properties of atoms in strong magnetic field s is a subject which has attracted the interest of many researchers. Partially this interest is mo tivated by the astrophysical discovery of strong fields on white dwarfs and neutron stars [1–3]. On the other ha nd, the competition of the diamagnetic and Coulomb interaction, characteristic for atoms in strong ma gnetic fields, causes a rich variety of complex properties which are of interest on their own. Investigations on the electronic structure in the presence of a magnetic field appear to be quite com- plicated due to the intricate geometry of these quantum prob lems. Most of the investigations in the literature focus on the hydrogen atom (for a list of referenc es see, for example, [4–7]). These studies provided us with a detailed understanding of the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom in magnetic fields of arbitrary strengths. As a result the absorption fea tures of certain magnetic white dwarfs could be explained and this allowed for a modeling of their atmosph eres (see ref. [8] for a comprehensive review of atoms in strong magnetic fields and their astrophysical ap plications up to 1994 and ref. [9] for a more recent review on atoms and molecules in external fields). On t he other hand there are a number of mag- netic white dwarfs whose spectra remain unexplained and can not be interpreted in terms of magnetized atomic hydrogen. Furthermore new magnetic objects are disc overed (see, for example, Reimers et al [10] in the course of the Hamburg ESO survey) whose spectra await t o be explained. Very recently significant progress has been achieved with respect to the interpretati on of the observed spectrum of the prominent white dwarf GD229 which shows a rich spectrum ranging from th e UV to the near IR. Extensive and precise calculations on the helium atom provided data for ma ny excited states in a broad range of field strengths [11]. The comparison of the stationary transitio ns of the atom with the positions of the absorp- 1tion edges of the observed spectrum yielded strong evidence for the existence of helium in the atmosphere of GD229 [12]. For atoms with several electrons there are two decisive fact ors which enrich the possible changes in the electronic structure with varying field strength compar ed to the one-electron system. First we have a third competing interaction which is the electron-electro n repulsion and second the different electrons feel very different Coulomb forces, i.e. possess different one par ticle energies, and consequently the regime of the intermediate field strengths appears to be the sum of th e intermediate regimes for the separate electrons. There exist a number of investigations on two-electron atom s in the literature (see ref. [11] and references therein). Focusing on systems with more than two electrons h owever the number of investigations is very scarce [13–19]. Some of them use the adiabatic approximatio n in order to investigate the very high field regime. These works contain a number of important results on the properties and structure of several multielectron atoms. Being very useful for high fields the ad iabatic approach does hardly allow to describe the electronic structure with decreasing field strength: pa rticularly the core electrons of multi-electron atoms feel a strong nuclear attraction which can be dominate d by the external field only for very high field strengths. In view of this there is a need for further quantum mechanical investigations on multi-electron atoms, particularly in the intermediate to high-field regim e. The ground states of atoms in strong magnetic fields have diffe rent spatial and spin symmetries in the different regions of the field strengths. We encounter, th erefore, a series of changes i.e. crossovers with respect to their symmetries with varying field stength. The simplest case is the helium atom which possesses two ground state configurations: the singlet zero - and low-field ground state 1 s2and the fully spin-polarized high-field ground state 1 s2p−1. In the Hartree-Fock approximation the transition point between these configurations is given by the field strength γ= 0.711. (If not indicated otherwise we use in the following atomic units for all quantities. In particu lar, the magnetic field γ=B/B 0is measured in unitsB0= ¯hc/ea2 0= 2.3505·105T = 2.3505·109G.) In previous works we have investigated the series of transitions of the ground state configurations for the com plete range of field strengths for the lithium [18] and carbon [19] atoms as well as the ion Li+[18]. The evolution and appearence of these crossovers and the involved configurations become more and more intrica te with increasing number of electrons of the atom. Currently the most complicated atomic system with a completely known sequence of ground state electronic configurations for the whole range of magne tic field strengths is the neutral carbon atom [19]. Its ground state experiences six crossovers involvin g seven different electronic configurations which belong to three groups of different spin projections Sz=−1,−2,−3 onto the magnetic field. This series of ground state configurations was extracted from results of numerical calculations for more than twenty electronic configurations selected via a detailed analysis on the basis of general energetical arguments. The picture of these transitions is especially complicated at relatively weak and intermediate fields. Due to this circumstance the comprehensive investigation of th e structure of ground states of atoms is a complex problem which has to be solved for each atom separate ly. On the other hand, the geometry of the atomic wave functions is simplified for sufficiently high m agnetic fields: Beyond some critical field strength the global ground state is given by a fully spin pola rized configuration. This allows us to push the current state of the art and to study the ground states of t he full series of neutral atoms and singly charged positive ions with Z≤10, i.e. the sequence H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, in the doma in of high magnetic fields. For the purpose of this investigatio n we define the high field domain as the one, where the ground state electronic configurations are fu lly spin polarized (Fully Spin Polarized (FSP) regime). The latter fact supplies an additional advantage f or calculations performed in the Hartree-Fock 2approach, because our one-determinantal wave functions ar e eigenfunctions of the total spin operator S2. Starting from the high-field limit we will investigate the el ectronic structure and properties of the ground states with decreasing field strength until we reach the first crossover to a partially spin polarized (PSP) configuration, i.e. we focus on the regime of field strengths f or which fully spin polarized configurations represent the ground state. II. METHOD The numerical approach applied in the present work coincide s with that of our previous investigations [17–19]. Refs. [7,17,18,20] contain some more details of th e mesh techniques. We solve the electronic Schr¨ odinger equation for the atoms in a magnetic field under the assumption of an infinitely heavy nucleus (see below for comments on finite nuclear mass correc tions) in the (unrestricted) Hartree-Fock approximation. The solution is established in cylindrical coordinates ( ρ,φ,z ) with the z-axis oriented along the magnetic field. We prescribe to each electron a defin ite value of the magnetic quantum number mµ. Each one-electron wave function Ψ µdepends on the variables φand (ρ,z) as follows Ψµ(ρ,φ,z ) = (2π)−1/2e−imµφψµ(z,ρ) (1) whereµindicates the numbering of the electrons. The resulting par tial differential equations for ψµ(z,ρ) and the formulae for the Coulomb and exchange potentials hav e been presented in ref. [20]. The one-particle equations for the wave functions ψµ(z,ρ) are solved by means of the fully numerical mesh method described in refs. [7,20]. The feature which dis tinguishes the present calculations from those described in ref. [20] is the method for the calculatio n of the Coulomb and exchange integrals. In the present work as well as in ref. [17–19] we obtain these pot entials as solutions of the corresponding Poisson equation. Our mesh approach is flexible enough to yield precise results for arbitrary field strengths. Some minor decrease of the precision appears in very strong magne tic fields. With respect to the electronic configurations possessing high absolute values of magnetic quantum numbers of outer electrons some minor computational problems arose also at lower field stren gths. Both these phenomena are due to a big difference with respect to the binding energies ǫBµof one electron wave functions belonging to the same electronic configuration ǫBµ= (mµ+|mµ|+ 2szµ+ 1)γ/2−ǫµ (2) whereǫµis the one electron energy and szµis the spinz-projection. The precision of our results depends, of course, also on the number of the mesh nodes and can be impro ved in calculations with denser meshes. Most of the present calculations are carried out on sequence s of meshes with the maximal number of nodes being 65 ×65. III. RELEVANT PROPERTIES IN THE HIGH FIELD REGIME In this section we provide some qualitative considerations on the problem of the ground states of multi- electron atoms in the high field limit. These considerations present a starting point for the combined qualitative and numerical considerations given in the foll owing section. At very high field strengths the nuclear attraction energies and HF potentials (which deter mine the motion along the zaxis) are small 3compared to the interaction energies with the magnetic field (which determines the motion perpendicular to the magnetic field and is responsible for the Landau zonal s tructure of the spectrum). Thus in the limit (γ→ ∞), all the one-electron wave functions of the ground state be long to the lowest Landau zones, i.e. mµ≤0 for all the electrons, and the system must be fully spin-pol arized, i.e.szµ=−1 2. For the Coulomb central field the one electron levels form quasi 1D Coulomb se ries with the binding energy EB=1 2n2 zfor nz>0, whereas EB(γ→ ∞)→ ∞ fornz= 0, where nzis the number of nodal surfaces of the wave function crossing the zaxis. In the limit γ→ ∞ the ground state wave function must be formed of the tightly bound single-electron functions with nz= 0. The binding energies of these functions decrease as |m|increases and, thus, the electrons must occupy orbitals wit h increasing |m|starting with m= 0. In the language of the Hartree-Fock approximation the groun d state wave function of an atom in the high-field limit is a fully spin-polarized set of single-ele ctron orbitals with no nodal surfaces crossing the zaxis and with non-positive magnetic quantum numbers decrea sing fromm= 0 tom=−N+ 1, where Nis the number of electrons. For the carbon atom, mentioned ab ove, this Hartree-Fock configuration is 1s2p−13d−24f−35g−46h−5withSz=−3. For the sake of brevity we shall in the following refer to these ground state configurations in the high-field limit, i. e. the configuration generated by the tightly bound hydrogenic orbitals 1 s,2p−1,3d−2,4f−3,..., as|0N/angbracketright. The states |0N/angbracketrightpossess the complete spin polarization Sz=−N/2. Decreasing the magnetic field strength, we can encounter a series of crossovers of the ground state configuration associated with transitio ns of one or several electrons from orbitals with the maximal values for |m|to other orbitals with a different spatial geometry of the wav e function but the same spin polarization. This means the first few cross overs can take place within the space of fully spin polarized configurations. We shall refer to these configurations by mentioning, i.e. noting, only the difference with respect to the state |0N/angbracketright. This notation can, of course, also be extended to non-fully spin polarized configurations. For instance the s tate 1s22p−13d−24f−35g−4withSz=−2 of the carbon atom will be briefly refered to as/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig , since the default is the occupation of the hydrogenic series 1s,2p−1,3d−2,...and only deviations from it are recorded by our notation. In the following considerations we shall often refer to subs ets of electronic states which possess different spin polarizations. As indicated above we will denote the se t of electronic states with Sz=−N/2 as the FSP subset. Along with the global ground state it is expedien t to consider also what we call local ground states which are the energetically lowest states with some d efinite degree of the spin polarization. For the purpose of the present work we need to know the local groun d state of the subset of electronic states withSz=−N/2+1 (which is the only partially spin polarized subset consi dered in this paper and which is refered to as subset PSP) in the high-field regime. This kno wledge is necessary for the evaluation of the point of the crossover between the FSP and PSP ground stat es, i.e. for the determination of the critical field strengths at which the global ground state cha nges its spin polarization from Sz=−N/2 to Sz=−N/2 + 1. For sufficiently high fields the/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig state is the local ground state of the PSP subset of electronic states. IV. GROUND STATE ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATIONS IN THE HIGH-FIE LD REGIME Let us start with the high field limit and the state |0N/angbracketrightand subsequently consider possible ground state crossovers which occur with decreasing magnetic field strength . In the high-field regime we have per definition only crossovers due to changes of the spatial orbi tals and no spin-flip crossovers. According to the goals of the present work we investigate the possible glo bal ground state configurations belonging to 4the subset FSP and determine the transition points to the sub set PSP. Since the detailed study of the latter subset of states for arbitrary field strengths goes be yond the scope of the present work we consider first only the/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig state of this subset which is the local ground state of the sub set PSP for sufficiently strong fields. Then we investigate the FSP ground states with decreasing field strength until we reach the point of crossover with the energy of the configuration/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig . Subsequently we need to consider other electronic configurations of the PSP set in order to determin e the complete picture of the energy levels as a function of the field strength near the spin-flip crossove r and, possibly, to correct the position of this point (the latter is necessary if the state/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig is not the lowest one of the subset PSP at the spin-flip point). Let us consider the ground state transitions within the subs et FSP with decreasing field strength. The first of these transitions occurs when the binding energy associated with the outermost orbital (mN=−N+ 1) becomes less than the binding energy of one of the orbital s withnz>0. Due to the circumstance, that all the orbitals with nz>0 are not occupied in the high-field ground state configuration, it is reasonable to expect the transition of t he outermost electron to one of the orbitals withm= 0 and either nz= 1 (i.e. 2 p0orbital) or nz= 2 (i.e. 2 sorbital). The decision between these two possibilities cannot be taken on the basis of quali tative arguments. For the hydrogen atom or hydrogen-like ions in a magnetic field the 2 p0orbital is more strongly bound than the 2 sorbital for any field strength. On the other hand, owing to the electronic scr eening of the nuclear charge in multi-electron atoms in field-free space the 2 sorbital tends to be more tightly bound than the 2 p0orbital. Thus, we have two competing mechanisms and numerical calculations a re required for the decision between the possible |0N/angbracketright−|2p0/angbracketrightand|0N/angbracketright−|2s/angbracketrightcrossovers to a new local FSP ground state. Our calculations for the |2s/angbracketrightstate presented below in table VI for neutral atoms and in tab le X for positive ions show that the state |2s/angbracketrightbecomes more tightly bound than the |2p0/angbracketrightstate only for rather weak field strengths, where this state cannot pretend to be the ground state of the corres ponding atom or ion due to the presence of more tightly bound non-fully spin polarized states. In re sult the first intermediate ground state of the subset FSP, i.e. the state beside the |0N/angbracketrightstate which might be involved in the first crossover of the ground state with decreasing field strength, is the |2p0/angbracketrightstate. Calculations for the subset PSP (see below) show indeed, that this state is the global ground stat e in a certain regime of field strengths for the neutral atoms with Z≥6, i.e. C, N, O, F and Ne, as well as their positive ions C+, N+, O+, F+, Ne+. For the atoms He, Li, Be and B ( Z≤5) as well as for the ions Li+, Be+and B+the state/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig becomes more tightly bound than |0N/angbracketrightfor fields stronger that those associated with the |0N/angbracketright−|2p0/angbracketrightcrossover and the|2p0/angbracketrightnever becomes the global ground state of these atoms and ions . Thus, both neutral atoms and positive ions A+withZ≤5 have only one fully spin polarized ground state configurati on|0N/angbracketright, which represents the global ground state above some critical field strength. The question about a possible second intermediate fully spi n polarized ground state occurring with further decreasing field strength arises for neutral atoms a nd positive ions with Z≥6 which possess the intermediate fully spin polarized ground state |2p0/angbracketright. This state could be either a state, containing an additional orbital with nz= 1 which would result in the |2p03d−1/angbracketrightconfiguration, or a state with an additionals-type orbital, i.e. |2s2p0/angbracketright. The third possibility of the simultaneous transition of th e electron with the magnetic quantum number mN−1=−N+2 to the 3d−1orbital and the electron in the 2 p0orbital to the 2sorbital, which gives the |2s3d−1/angbracketrightconfiguration, can be excluded from the list of possible grou nd state configurations without a numerical investigation. Th e reason herefore is that the 3 d−1orbital is for any field strength more weakly bound than the 2 p0orbital and thus the |2s2p0/angbracketrightconfiguration possess a lower energy than the |2s3d−1/angbracketrightconfiguration for arbitrary magnetic field strengths. When c omparing 5the configurations |2s2p0/angbracketrightand|2p03d−1/angbracketrightwe can make use of what we have learned (see above) from the competing |2p0/angbracketrightand|2s/angbracketrightconfigurations for higher field strengths: The 2 sorbital is energetically preferable at weak magnetic fields whereas the 3 d−1orbital yields energetically lower configurations in the strong field regime. Thus, we perform calculations for th e|2p03d−1/angbracketrightconfiguration for many field strengths and then perform at much fewer field strengths calc ulations to check the energy of the |2s2p0/angbracketright configuration in order to obtain the correct lowest energy an d state of the set FSP. The behavior of the energy levels described in the previous p aragraph is illustrated in Figure 1. In this figure the energy curves for four possible fully spin pol arized electronic configurations and two energy curves for the PSP subset of the neon ( Z= 10) atom are presented. This figure shows, in particular, the energy curve of the high field ground state |0N/angbracketrightwhich intersects with the curve E|2p0/angbracketright(γ) atγ= 159.138. The latter energy remains the lowest in the FSP subset un til the intersection of this curve withE|2p03d−1/angbracketright(γ) atγ= 40.537. This intersection occurs at higher field strength than t he intersection of the curves E|2p0/angbracketright(γ) andE|1s2/angbracketright(γ) which is at γ= 38.060. On the other hand, the control calculations for the state |2s2p0/angbracketright, not presented in Figure 1, show that its total energy for γ= 38.060 is larger than the energy E|2p03d−1/angbracketright. According to the previous argumentation this means that th e state |2s2p0/angbracketrightis not the global ground state of the Ne atom for any magnetic field st rengths. Furthermore the state |2p03d−1/angbracketright is a candidate for becoming the global ground state of the neo n atom in some bounded regime of the field strength. However, we have not yet performed (see below ) a detailed investigation of the lowest energy curves of the PSP subset which is essential to take a de finite decision on the global ground state configurations. For neutral atoms with 6 ≤Z≤9 and positive ions A+with 6 ≤Z≤10 the energies of the states |2p03d−1/angbracketrightand|2s2p0/angbracketrightat the points of intersections of the curves E|2p0/angbracketright(γ) andE|1s2/angbracketright(γ) are higher than the energies of the states |2p0/angbracketrightand/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig . This leads to the conjecture that no neutral atoms with Z <10 and positive ions with Z≤10 can possess more than two different fully spin polarized ground state configurations in the complete range of field str engths. The above concludes our considerations of the fully spin pol arized ground state configurations. To prove or refute the above conjecture we have to address the qu estion of the lower boundary of the fully spin polarized domain, i.e. the lowest field strength, at whi ch a fully spin-polarized state represents the ground state of the atom considered. It is evident that this b oundary value of the field strength is given by the crossover from a fully spin polarized to a non-fully sp in polarized ground state with decreasing field strength. First of all we have to check if the state/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig has the lowest energy of all the states of subset PSP at the point of intersection of the curve E|1s2/angbracketright(γ) with the corresponding energy curve for the local ground state configuration of subset FSP. Following our considerat ions for the fully spin polarized case we can conclude that calculations have to be performed first of all f or the states/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig and/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22s/angbracketrightbig . The numerical calculations show, that for atoms with Z≤6 and ions with Z≤7, the state/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig becomes the ground state while lowering the spin polarizati on from the maximal absolute value Sz= −N/2 toSz=−N/2 + 1. For heavier atoms and ions we first remark that the state/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig is not the energetically lowest one in the PSP subset at magnetic fields at which its energy becomes equal to the energy of the lowest FSP state. For these atoms and ions the st ate/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig lies lower than/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig at these field strengths. One can see this behavior for the neon atom in Figure 1. The second possible PSP local ground state/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22s/angbracketrightbig (not presented in Figure 1) proves to be less tightly bound at these fields. These facts allow in the following a definite clarification of the pi cture of the global ground state configuration in the high field regime. For atoms with Z≥7 and positive ions with Z≥8 the intersection points between the state/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig and the energetically lowest state in the FSP subspace have t o be calculated. 6In result, the spin-flip crossover occurs at higher fields tha n this would be in the case of/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig being the lowest state in the PSP subspace. In particular, the spin-fli p crossover for the neon atom is found to be slightly higher than the point of the crossover |2p0/angbracketright − |2p03d−1/angbracketright, and, therefore, this atom has in the framework of the Hartree-Fock approximation only two fully spin polarized configurations likewise other neutral atoms and positive ions with 6 ≤Z≤10. The above conjecture is therefore refuted and the FSP |2p03d−1/angbracketrightrepresents never the global ground state configuration in th e high field regime for all neutral atoms and positive ions with Z≤10. It should be noted that the situation with the neon atom ca n be regarded as a transient one due to closeness of the interse ction |2p0/angbracketright − |2p03d−1/angbracketrightto the intersection |2p0/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig . This means that we can expect the configuration |2p03d−1/angbracketrightto be the global ground state for the sodium atom ( Z= 11). In addition an investigation of the neon atom carried o ut on a more precise level than the Hartree-Fock method could also intro duce some corrections to the picture described above. After obtaining the new spin flip points for atoms with 7 ≤Z≤10 and ions with 8 ≤Z≤10 (which are transition points between the |2p0/angbracketrightand/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig states) one has to check them with respect to the next (in the order of decreasing field strengths) possible PSP loc al ground state configurations. Analogously to the FSP subset these configurations are/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p03d−1/angbracketrightbig and/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22s2p0/angbracketrightbig . The numerical calculations show, that their energies lie higher than the energy of the/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig configuration at the spin flip points and they are therefore excluded from the list of the global gr ound states considered here. The final picture of the crossovers of the global ground state configurations is presented in tables I (for the neutral atoms) and II (for the positive ions A+). The corresponding values of the field strengths belonging to the point of crossover are underlined in these t ables. The field strengths for other closelying crossovers which actually do not affect the scenario of the ch anges of the global ground state are also presented in these tables. In a graphical form these results are illustrated in Figures 2 (neutral atoms) and 3 (ions). Shown are the critical field strengths belonging to the crossovers of selected states of the atoms (ions) as functions of the nuclear charge. The filled symbols mark the crossovers of the energy levels which correspond to the actual transitions of the ground sta te configurations, whereas the analogous non-filled symbols correspond to magnetic field strengths of the crossovers not associated with changes in the ground state but excited states. One can see in these figur es the dependencies of the field strengths for various types of crossovers on the charge of the nucleus. In particular, one can see many significant crossovers for Z= 10 lying very close from each other on the γaxis. This peculiarity in combination with the behavior of the curve γ(Z) for the |2p0/angbracketright − |2p03d−1/angbracketrightcrossover allows one to expect the configuration |2p03d−1/angbracketrightto become a ground state configuration for Z >10. Some summarizing remarks with respect to the global ground s tate configurations in the high field regime are in order. The atoms and positive ions with Z≤5 have one ground state configuration |0N/angbracketright. The atoms and ions with 6 ≤Z≤10 possess two high field configurations. The C atom ( Z= 6) plays an exceptional role in the sense that it is the only atom which sh ows the ground state crossover |2p0/angbracketright−/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig involving the/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig state as a global ground state. V. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The tables III–X contain numerical values of the total energ ies of the neutral atoms and positive ions obtained in our Hartree-Fock calculations. Tables III, IV, V and VI contain the energies of the neutral atoms in the states |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig and|2s/angbracketright, respectively. The analogous results for the ions A+are 7presented in tables VII, VIII, IX and X (the results are for th e states |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig and|2s/angbracketright). The energies associated with the points of crossover for the glo bal ground state both in neutral atoms and in their singly positive ions are presented in table XI. These e nergy values provide us with the ionization energies at the transition points. Being combined with the d ata of the previous tables they provide the behavior of the ionization energies of the atoms and the tota l energies of the atoms and positive ions in the complete high-field region. In Figure 4 we present the ionization energies of neutral ato ms divided by the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom as a function of the magnetic field strength. Al l the curves for multi-electron atoms at γ <600 lie lower than the curve for hydrogen at the correspondin g field strengths. But for γ >1500 the ionization energies of all atoms exceed the ionization e nergy for the hydrogen atom. Moreover, with growing nuclear charge we observe a stronger increase o f the ionization energy for stronger fields accompanied by a shift of the starting point for the growth to the regime of stronger magnetic fields. This strengthening of the binding of the multi-electron atoms at strong magnetic fields may be considered as a hint for increasingly favorable conditions for the format ion of the corresponding negative ions. Figure 5 presents the ionization energies for the |0N/angbracketrightstates for various field strengths depending on the nuclear charge Z, i.e. for all atoms H, He,. . . , Ne. All the field strengths pres ented in this figure are above the first crossover to another global ground state c onfiguration. Thus, the ionization energies in this figure represent the differences between the energies of the high-field ground states of the neutral atoms and the corresponding singly charged positive ions. T he curve for γ= 2000 can be considered as the prototype example for the general properties of the depe ndenciesEIon(Z). For small values of Zthis curve shows increasing values for EIonwith increasing Z, then it has a maximum at Z= 5 and for Z >5 it decreases with increasing Z. Analogous curves for lower field strengths have their maxim a at lower values ofZ. Atγ= 1000 the ionization energy shows its maximal value at Z= 2, whereas the ionization energies for γ= 500 and γ= 200 decrease monotonically with increasing Z. On the other hand, for γ= 5000 and γ= 10000 we obtain a monotonically increasing behavior of the ionization energy for the whole range 1 ≤Z≤10 of nuclear charges investigated in the present work. The b ehavior described above results from a competition of two different physical me chanisms which impact the binding energy of the outermost electron in the high-field ground state Hart ree-Fock configuration. The first mechanism is the lowering of the binding energy of the outermost electr on with increasing absolute value of its magnetic quantum number |m|provided that this electron feels a constant nuclear charge . The latter assumption is a rough approximation to the case of relativel y weak fields when the inner Z−1 electrons screen more or less effectively the Coulomb field of the nucleu s. The second and opposite tendency is associated with the decrease of the efficiency of this screeni ng in extremely strong magnetic fields due to the fact that the geometry of the wave functions tends to be on e-dimensional in these fields. In result the effect of increasing effective nuclear charge exceeds the effe ct of the growth of |m|with increasing Zfor the high-field ground state configurations. Continuing this qualitative consideration we point out that at each fixed γthe influence of the magnetic field on the inner electrons beco me less and less significant asZincreases which is due to the dominance of the Coulomb attrac tion potential of the nucleus over the magnetic field interaction. This has to result in a signifi cant screening of the nuclear charge by these electrons. In result the functions EIon(Z) for strong fields defined on the whole interval 1 ≤Z <+∞ have maxima at some values for Zand decrease for sufficiently large values of Z. Next we provide a comparison of the present results with adia batic HF calculations which were carried out for multi-electron atoms in refs. [13,16]. We compare ou r results on the Hartree-Fock electronic structure of atoms in strong magnetic fields with results obt ained by Neuhauser et al [13] via a one- 8dimensional adiabatic Hartree-Fock approximation. The calculations in this work were carried out for the four field strengths γ= 42.544,γ= 212.72,γ= 425.44 andγ= 2127.2. ForZ≤9 and all these field strengths and for Z= 10 at the three larger values of these fields the Hartree-Foc k wave functions of the ground states are reported to be fully spin polarized with no nodes crossing the zaxis. This conclusion differs from our result for γ= 42.544. According to our calculations at γ= 42.544 the wave functions without nodes crossing the zaxis represent the ground states of atoms with Z≤7 (i.e. H, He, Li, Be, B, C and N) whereas for the atoms with 8 ≤Z≤10 (i.e. O, F and Ne) the wave functions of the ground states are fully spin polarized with one nodal surface crossing the zaxis. A numerical comparison of our results with those of refs. [13,16] is shown in table XII. All our valu es lie lower than the values of these adiabatic calculations. Since our total energies are upper bonds to th e exact values we consider our HF results as being closer to the exact values compared to the results of the adiabatic HF calculations. Therefore, on the basis of our calculations combined with the results of [13,16] we can obtain an idea of the degree of the applicability of the adiabatic approximation for mul ti-electron atoms for different field strengths and nuclear charges. It is well known, that the precision of t he adiabatic approximation decreases with decreasing field strength. The increase of the relative erro rs with decreasing field strength is clearly visible in the table. On the other hand, the relative errors of the adi abatic approximation possess the tendency to increase with growing Z, which is manifested by the scaling transformation E(Z,γ) =Z2E(1,γ/Z2) (e.g. [8,20]) well known for hydrogen-like ions. The behavi or of the inner electrons is to some extent similar to the behavior of the electrons in the correspondin g hydrogen-like ions. Therefore their behavior is to lowest order similar to the behavior of the electron in t he hydrogen atom at magnetic field strength γ/Z2i.e. this behavior can be less accurately described by the ad iabatic approximation at large Zvalues. The absolute values of the errors in the total energy associa ted with the adiabatic approximation are in many cases larger than the corresponding values of the ioniz ation energies. To conclude this section we discuss briefly three issues, whi ch could affect the precision of the results presented above. These issues are electron correlations, e ffects due to the finite nuclear mass and rel- ativistic corrections. For all these effects we have to disti nguish between their influence on the total energy and on other quantities like the ionization energy an d the field strength for the crossover of the energy levels. In most cases their influence on the latter val ues is much smaller due to the fact that they involve differences of total energies for quantum states pos sessing a similar atomic core. Let us start by addressing the problem of the electronic correlations whic h is the critical problem for the precision of the Hartree-Fock calculations. The final evaluation of the c orrelation effects is possible only on the basis of exact calculations going beyond the Hartree-Fock approx imation. Therefore we can give here only qualitative arguments based on the geometry of the wave func tion and on existing calculations for less complicated systems. The dependence of the ratio of the corr elation energy and the total binding energy for the two ground state configurations of the helium atom has been investigated in ref. [21]. This ratio for the 1s2state decreases with growing γfrom 1.4% atγ= 0 to about 0 .6% atγ= 100. The same ratio for the 1 s2p−1state (high field ground state configuration) increases with growingγ. It remains however for all the field strengths considered essentially s maller the values for the 1 s2state. This result for the helium atom in strong magnetic fields allows us to spec ulate that for the field strengths considered here the correlation energy for atoms and positive ions heav ier than helium atom does not exceed their corresponding values without fields. Due to the similar geom etry of the inner shells in the participating electronic configurations we do not expect a major influence o f the correlation effects both on the field strengths of the crossovers of the ground state configuratio ns within the subsets FSP or PSP and on the ionization energies if the states of a neutral atom and the po sitive ion belong to the same subset. On 9the other hand, the properties associated with configuratio ns from different subsets (for instance values of the spin-flip crossover field strengths) can be affected mor e strongly by correlation effects. Our second issue is the influence of the finite nuclear mass on t he results presented above. A discussion of this problem is provided in ref. [11] and references there in. Importantly there exists a well-defined procedure which tells us how to relate the energies for infini te nuclear mass to those with a finite nuclear mass. The corresponding equations are exact for hydrogen-l ike systems and provide the lowest order mass corrections O/parenleftbigm M/parenrightbig (mandMare the electron and total mass, respectively) for general a toms/ions. Essentially they consist of a redefinition of the energy scal e (atomic units − →reduced atomic units, due to the introduction of the reduced mass) and an additional en ergy shift −(1/M0)γ(M+Sz) whereM0is the nuclear mass. The first effect can simply be ’included’ in o ur results by taking the energies in reduced a.u. instead of a.u. The mentioned shift can become relevant for high fields. However, it can easily be included in the total energies presented here. We emphasize that it plays a minor role in the region of the crossovers of the ground state configurations and decrea ses significantly with increasing mass of the atom (nucleus). Relativistic calculations for the hydrogen atom and hydrog en-like ions were performed by Lind- gren and Virtamo [22] and Chen and Goldman [23]. Our consider ations are based on the work by Chen and Goldman [23] which contains results for the 1 sand 2p−1states for a broad range of magnetic field strengths. Interpolating their results for t he 1sstate and using well known scaling transformations we can conclude that in the least favorable case ofZ= 10 relativistic corrections δE= (Erelativistic−Enon−relativistic)/|Enon−relativistic|have to be of the order 4 ·10−4forγ= 200 and 2 ·10−4forγ= 104. The relativistic corrections for the 2 p−1state at relatively strong fields ap- pear to be of the same order of magnitude or smaller than for th e 1sstate. Thus, making a reasonable assumption that relativistic corrections for both inner an d outer electrons are similar to those in the hydrogen-like ions with a properly scaled nuclear charge we can evaluate |δE| ≤4·10−4forZ= 10 and lesser for lower Zvalues. The same relative correction can be expected also fo r the ionization energies and energy values used for the determination of the crossove rs of the electronic configurations. VI. SUMMARY In the present work we have applied our 2D Hartree-Fock metho d to the magnetized neutral atoms H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F and Ne in the high field regime which is ch aracterized by fully spin-polarized electronic shells. Additionally we have studied the crosso ver from fully spin polarized to partially spin polarized global ground state configurations. The highest fi eld strength investigated was γ= 10000. Our single-determinant Hartree-Fock approach supplies us wit h exact upper bounds for the total energy. A comparison with adiabatic calculations in the literature s hows the decrease of the precision of the latter with growing Z. The investigation of the geometry of the spatial part of the e lectronic wave function demonstrates that in the high-field limit this wave function is a composition of the lowest Landau orbitals with absolute values of the magnetic quantum number growing from |m|= 0 up to |m|=N−1, whereNis the number of the electrons: i.e. we have the series 1 s, 2p−1, 3d−2,. . . For atoms with 2 ≤Z≤5 these states of type 1s2p−13d−2...represent the complete set of the fully spin-polarized grou nd state configurations. Heavier atoms 6 ≤Z≤10 have one intermediate ground state configuration associa ted with the low-field end of the fully spin polarized region. This state contains one 2 p0type orbital (i.e. the orbital with a negative 10zparity and |m|= 0) instead of the orbital with the positive zparity and the maximal value of |m|. Extrapolating our data as a function of the nuclear charge Zwe expect that a third fully spin polarized ground state configuration occurs first for Z= 11, i.e. the sodium atom. The third configuration is suggested to be the |2p03d−1/angbracketrightstate. The critical field strength which provides the crosso ver from the partially spin polarized to the fully spin polarized reg ime depends sensitively on the changes of the geometry of the wave functions. Indeed a number of differe nt configurations have been selected as candidates for ground states in the crossover regime and onl y concrete calculations could provide us with a final decision on the energetically lowest state of the non- fully spin polarized electronic states. Generally speaking all the spin-flip crossovers mentioned above invol ve a pairing of the 1 selectrons, i.e. the pair of orbitals 1s2. The carbon atom ( Z= 6) plays an exceptional role since it is the only neutral ato m which possesses two fully spin polarized configurations and the/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig as a global non-fully spin polarized ground state configuration. The spin-flip crossover of the carbon at om preserves the total magnetic quantum number. All other atoms N, O, F and Ne (7 ≤Z≤10) possess instead the/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig configuration as a non-fully spin polarized ground state for strong fields. We have determined the positions, i.e. field strengths, of the crossovers of the ground states. Beyond th is total energies have been provided for many field strengths for several low-lying excited states. An analogous investigation has been carried out for singly c harged positive ions 2 ≤Z≤10. The structure of the fully spin polarized ground state configura tions for these ions is the following: The ions with 3 ≤Z≤5 have one fully spin polarized ground state configuration an alogous to the high-field limit of the neutral atoms. For 6 ≤Z≤10, analogously to the neutral atoms, there exist two fully spin polarized ground state configurations. Depending on th e values of the nuclear charge number Zthe spin-flip transitions associated with the lowering of the sp in polarization with decreasing field strength lead also to wave functions of different spatial symmetries. These data being combined with the data for neutral atoms allow us to obtain the ionization energies of t he atoms. The dependencies of the ionization energies on the nuclear charge at fixed field strength general ly exhibit maxima at certain values of Z. The positions of these maxima shift to larger values of Zwith increasing field strength. We provide some qualitative arguments explaining this behavior of EIon(Z). Finally we have given some remarks on the interactions going beyond the present level of investig ation, i.e. correlations and finite nuclear mass effects as well as relativistic corrections. Acknowledgments Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged. 11[1] J. P. Ostriker and F. D. A. Hartwick, Astrophys. J. 153 (1968) 797. [2] J. Tr¨ umper, W. Pietsch, C. Reppin, W. Voges, R. Stauben, and E. Kendziorra, Astrophys. J. 219 (1978) L105. [3] J. D. Landstreet, in Cosmical Magnetism , edited by D. Lynden-Bell (Kluwer, Boston, 1994), p.55. [4] W. R¨ osner, G. Wunner, H. Herold, and H. Ruder, J. Phys. B 17 (1984) 29. [5] H. Friedrich and D. Wintgen, Phys.Rep. 183 (1989) 37. [6] Yu.P. Kravchenko, M.A. Liberman and B. Johansson, Phys.Rev.Lett. 77 (1996) 619. [7] M. V. Ivanov, J. Phys. B 21 (1988) 447. [8] H. Ruder, G. Wunner, H. Herold and F. Geyer, Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields , Springer-Verlag 1994. 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Ionization energies of the states |0N/angbracketrightof the neutral atoms (1 ≤Z≤10) for different magnetic field strengths. 13TABLE I. Magnetic field strengths γ(a.u.) for energy level crossovers in neutral atoms. Ground state crossovers are underlined. Z |0N/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig |0N/angbracketright − |2p0/angbracketright |2p0/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig |2p0/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig |2p0/angbracketright − |2p03d−1/angbracketright |2p03d−1/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 2 0.711 3 2.153 4 4.567 2.529 4.765451 5 8.0251 7.923 8.0325 6 12 .577 18.664 12.216 7 36.849 17.318 17.398 8 64.720 23.3408 23.985 9 104.650 30.285 31.735 22.744 30 .6125 10 159.138 38.151 40.672 40.537 38.060 TABLE II. Magnetic field strengths γ(a.u.) for energy level crossovers in positive ions A+. Ground state crossovers are underlined. Z |0N/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig |0N/angbracketright − |2p0/angbracketright | 2p0/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig |2p0/angbracketright −/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig |2p0/angbracketright − |2p03d−1/angbracketright 3 2.0718 4 4.501 1.464 5 7.957 5.575 6 12 .506 14.536 12.351 7 30.509 17.429 8 55.747 23.434 23.849 9 92.624 30.364 31.612 10 143.604 38.220 40.559 33.353 14TABLE III. Total energies (a.u.) of the high-field ground sta tes|0N/angbracketrightof neutral atoms in strong magnetic fields. Z γ = 0.5 γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 1−0.69721056 −0.83116892 −1.0222139 −1.38039889 −1.74779718 −2.21539853 −3.01786074 2−2.615551 −2.959690 −3.502051 −4.617251 −5.829513 −7.427704 −10.264493 3−5.97052 −6.57080 −7.520029 −9.576936 −11.939018 −15.1626119 −21.05055 4−10.80902 −11.72880 −13.16961 −16.30690 −20.01753 −25.232499 −35.00768 5−17.1771 −18.45812 −20.46843 −24.83956 −30.06363 −37.55469 −51.91499 6−25.1007 −26.7843 −29.4282 −35.18153 −42.07989 −52.08903 −71.6285 7−34.5971 −36.7230 −40.0600 −47.3314 −56.06309 −68.81304 −94.0501 8−45.6798 −48.2846 −52.3718 −61.2866 −72.005397 −87.7104 −119.112 9−58.3588 −61.4777 −66.3692 −77.0449 −89.89720 −108.7661 −146.7620 10 −94.60624 −109.7289 −131.9650 −176.964 Z γ = 100 γ= 200 γ= 500 γ= 1000 γ= 2000 γ= 5000 γ= 10000 1−3.7898043 −4.7271451 −6.257088 −7.6624234 −9.3047652 −11.873419 −14.14097 2−13.07665 −16.57908 −22.46665 −28.03209 −34.6989 −45.4246 −55.1514 3−27.01927 −34.58499 −47.55830 −60.05892 −75.282411 −100.2482 −123.313 4−45.10519 −58.08264 −80.67357 −102.75480 −129.9790 −175.2704 −217.695 5−66.99699 −86.60738 −121.16488 −155.3296 −197.8655 −269.440 −337.230 6−92.4552 −119.8127 −168.5248 −217.1413 −278.1612 −381.8097 −480.875 7−121.3027 −157.4300 −222.3434 −287.65764 −370.2004 −511.536 −647.685 8−153.405 −199.2455 −282.28330 −366.430 −473.413 −657.871 −836.767 9−188.657 −245.085 −348.0593 −453.0748 −587.294 −820.140 −1047.3242 10 −226.976 −294.807 −419.430 −547.259 −711.4106 −997.7478 −1278.622 TABLE IV. Total energies (a.u.) of neutral atoms in strong ma gnetic fields in the fully spin polarized states |2p0/angbracketright. Z γ= 0.5 γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 γ= 100 γ= 200 1−0.224760 −0.260007 −0.297711 −0.347618 −0.382650 −0.413378 −0.445685 −0.463618 −0.476532 2−2.477333 −2.730171 −3.130766 −3.953993 −4.842630 −6.00481 −8.05248 −10.072 −12.588 3−5.969573 −6.492478 −7.324937 −9.125540 −11.17884 −13.96583 −19.0436 −24.1951 −30.734 4−11.06254 −11.89891 −13.22133 −16.10812 −19.51207 −24.27725 −33.2000 −42.4440 −54.368 5 −19.05098 −20.92634 −25.03513 −29.94166 −36.95414 −50.377973 −64.5298 −83.031 6 −28.0195 −30.4938 −35.96012 −42.52774 −52.02820 −70.51870 −90.275 −116.4070 7 −38.8370 −41.9590 −48.9040 −57.29256 −69.5147 −93.6004 −119.5977 −154.272 8 −51.5182 −55.3413 −63.877 −74.2380 −89.4093 −119.592 −152.453 −196.522 9 −66.0734 −70.6514 −80.8826 −93.3580 −111.6968 −148.4508 −188.7802 −243.1024 10 −82.5108 −87.8960 −99.9271 −114.64655 −136.36054 −180.1312 −228.500 −293.944 15TABLE V. Total energies (a.u.) of neutral atoms in strong mag netic fields in the states/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig . Z γ= 0.5 γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 γ= 100 γ= 200 2−2.8144511 −2.688885 −2.289145 −0.532445 +3 .110634 +11 .319608 +38 .14390 +85 .00416 +181 .10639 3−7.58789 −7.666532 −7.662455 −6.942304 −4.617769 +1 .705656 +24 .97942 +68 .17347 +159 .57479 4−14.82273 −15.16179 −15.57496 −15.91027 −15.04644 −10.97100 +7 .83395 +46 .25962 +131 .4188 5−24.5395 −25.20257 −26.11859 −27.59737 −28.27946 −26.68603 −13.06555 +19 .65113 +97 .1970 6−36.7864 −37.8130 −39.3061 −42.06081 −44.38721 −45.44649 −37.57176 −11.36933 +57 .3384 7−51.5899 −53.0202 −55.1513 −59.3169 −63.4083 −67.27185 −65.5935 −46.5970 +12 .1743 8−68.967 −70.8400 −73.6672 −79.3704 −85.3599 −92.1817 −97.0777 −85.8840 −38.0379 9−88.930 −91.2830 −94.8623 −102.2227 −110.2464 −120.1897 −131.9955 −129.1244 −93.0956 10−111.491 −114.3575 −118.7427 −127.8738 −138.0661 −151.3018 −170.3322 −176.2422 −152.8395 TABLE VI. Total energies (a.u.) of neutral atoms in strong ma gnetic fields in the states |2s/angbracketright. Z γ = 0.5 γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 γ= 100 2−2.452834 −2.649185 −2.998243 −3.76667 −4.62593 −5.7711 −7.8134 −9.8438 3−6.047868 −6.480293 −7.188888 −8.88983 −10.91060 −13.69420 −18.8014 −23.9861 4−11.23262 −11.99646 −13.14233 −15.78294 −19.12479 −23.89990 −32.9045 −42.2253 5−18.1278 −19.24491 −20.95537 −24.62942 −38.19566 −36.35453 −49.9355 −64.243 6 −35.57332 −41.68450 −51.0639 −69.770585 −89.815 7 −48.6234 −56.2802 −68.08282 −92.3323 −118.778 8 −63.7371 −73.2021 −87.5117 −117.5887 −151.001 9 −80.8912 −92.4162 −109.4449 −145.5587 −186.4023 10 −100.0783 −113.8625 −133.92080 −176.2966 −224.937 16TABLE VII. Total energies (a.u.) of the high-field ground sta tes|0N/angbracketrightof positive ions A+in strong magnetic fields. Z γ = 0.5 γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 2−2.2346282 −2.4409898 −2.7888422 −3.5438677 −4.3901481 −5.5215956 −7.5463093 3−5.640062 −6.114623 −6.894080 −8.629427 −10.651315 −13.4297434 −18.525475 4−10.51258 −11.31312 −12.59206 −15.42817 −18.820184 −23.612005 −32.61959 5−16.9017 −18.07243 −19.93091 −24.01520 −28.93504 −36.02020 −49.63544 6−24.8433 −26.4227 −28.9235 −34.40433 −41.01061 −50.62785 −69.44195 7−34.3550 −36.3826 −39.5839 −46.5957 −55.04672 −67.41737 −91.94699 8 −47.9633 −51.9215 −60.5880 −71.0369 −86.37441 −117.08457 9 −65.9423 −76.3802 −88.9723 −107.4850 −144.8061 10 −81.6509 −93.9710 −108.8443 −130.7348 −175.0743 Z γ = 100 γ= 200 γ= 500 γ= 1000 γ= 2000 γ= 5000 γ= 10000 2−9.5605466 −12.071443 −16.2898727 −20.2706955 −25.028351 −32.65713 −39.548989 3−23.699944 −30.260769 −41.50393 −52.323018 −65.47657 −86.9940 −106.8134 4−41.93414 −53.90638 −74.73619 −95.07513 −120.11947 −161.7052 −200.5709 5−63.947265 −82.55711 −115.33672 −147.71743 −187.99221 −255.6619 −319.6394 6−89.51120 −115.87500 −162.80039 −209.6030 −268.2990 −367.8817 −462.931 7−118.45429 −153.5960 −216.7194 −280.1976 −360.3670 −497.502 −629.454 8−150.6447 −195.5087 −276.7565 −359.0516 −463.6191 −643.7651 −818.311 9−185.9795 −241.4411 −342.6284 −445.780 −577.553 −805.9918 −1028.687 10 −224.3773 −291.251 −414.09358 −540.0501 −701.7295 −983.5779 −1259.8444 TABLE VIII. Total energies (a.u.) of positive ions A+in strong magnetic fields in the fully spin polarized states |2p0/angbracketright. Z γ= 0.5γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 γ= 100 γ= 200 3−5.450607 −5.790277 −6.354440 −7.6155748 −9.07498561 −11.052577 −14.60723 −18.1514 −22.5884 4−10.71847 −11.39964 −12.50590 −14.969431 −17.896267 −21.986880 −29.579033 −37.35540 −47.2987 5−17.58187 −18.62668 −20.31984 −24.06890 −28.57270 −35.01093 −47.26504 −60.06278 −76.6646 6−26.2094 −27.6300 −29.9454 −35.09561 −41.30920 −50.308209 −67.773425 −86.30316 −110.6170 7−36.6424 −38.4731 −41.4488 −48.10689 −56.17490 −67.94617 −91.12203 −116.03024 −149.0175 8 −54.8620 −63.1295 −73.19399 −87.94947 −117.30577 −149.19626 −191.75146 9 −80.1774 −92.3729 −110.32119 −146.3062 −185.7521 −238.7295 10 −99.2581 −113.7112 −135.0539 −178.0971 −225.6432 −289.8700 17TABLE IX. Total energies (a.u.) of positive ions A+in strong magnetic fields in the states/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig . Z γ= 0.5 γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 γ= 100 γ= 200 3−7.217983 −7.164014 −6.962999 −5.850510 −3.110916 +3 .748961 +27 .964647 +72 .09337 +164 .66867 4−14.49163 −14.70591 −14.95181 −14.96820 −13.75773 −9.217910 +10 .42836 +49 .70820 +135 .95916 5−24.2429 −24.78674 −25.54108 −26.71999 −27.08417 −25.06410 −10.65835 +22 .86883 +101 .46468 6−36.5110 −37.4273 −38.7685 −41.23663 −43.25931 −43.91255 −35.28670 −8.30098 +61 .43184 7−51.3324 −52.6586 −54.6467 −58.5397 −62.33918 −65.81095 −63.40519 −43.64463 +16 .13450 8−68.725 −70.500 −73.1912 −78.6347 −84.3435 −90.78611 −94.97381 −83.03149 −34.19097 9 −90.962 −94.412 −101.5242 −109.2779 −118.8537 −129.9684 −126.3622 −89.3511 10 −114.054 −118.316 −127.2092 −137.1413 −150.0207 −168.3763 −173.5637 −149.190 TABLE X. Total energies (a.u.) of the positive ions A+in strong magnetic fields in the states |2s/angbracketright. Z γ = 0.5 γ= 1 γ= 2 γ= 5 γ= 10 γ= 20 γ= 50 γ= 100 3−5.482414 −5.725577 −6.125201 −7.168333 −8.489089 −10.34858 −13.7869 −17.2792 4−10.88665 −11.48854 −12.39822 −14.49715 −17.22586 −21.18159 −28.68072 −36.4493 5−17.83551 −18.82816 −20.35231 −23.60163 −27.76915 −34.02228 −46.19941 −59.0447 6 −27.9171 −30.0961 −34.69799 −40.35174 −49.03420 −66.40440 −85.0457 7 −47.83068 −55.11866 −66.30856 −89.28664 −114.3624 8 −62.9964 −72.1475 −85.93862 −114.84057 −146.90998 9 −80.1907 −91.4315 −108.01546 −143.08156 −182.6254 10 −99.4125 −112.9303 −132.5918 −174.0451 −221.4723 18TABLE XI. Total energies (a.u.) of the neutral atoms and ions A+at the crossover points of the ground state configurations. Z γ Atomic state(s) −E(Atomic) Ionic state(s) −E(A+) 2 0.711 |0N/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 2.76940 |0N/angbracketright 2.32488 3 2.153 |0N/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 7.64785 |0N/angbracketright 7.00057 2.0718/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 7.65600 |0N/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 6.94440 4 4.567 |0N/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 15.9166 |0N/angbracketright 15.07309 4.501/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 15.91625 |0N/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 15.01775 5 8.0251 |0N/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 28.18667 |0N/angbracketright 27.16436 7.957/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 28.17996 |0N/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 27.10004 6 18.664 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 50.9257 |0N/angbracketright 49.50893 14.536 |2p0/angbracketright 47.23836 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 45.77150 12.351 |2p0/angbracketright 45.07386 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 43.72095 12.216 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 44.9341/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 43.70075 7 36.849 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 84.4186 |0N/angbracketright 82.58182 30.509 |2p0/angbracketright 79.34493 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 77.41246 17.429 |2p0/angbracketright 66.72786 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 65.26170 17.398 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 66.69306/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s2/angbracketrightbig 65.25362 8 64.720 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 130.6806 |0N/angbracketright 128.4054 55.747 |2p0/angbracketright 124.1125 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 121.69825 23.985 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 94.3773 |2p0/angbracketright 92.78308 23.849/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 94.3336 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 92.62502 9 104.650 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 191.8770 |0N/angbracketright 189.1446 92.624 |2p0/angbracketright 183.6944 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 180.7819 31.735 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 128.1605 |2p0/angbracketright 126.4414 31.612/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 128.1125 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 126.2897 10 159.138 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 270.220 |0N/angbracketright 267.0112 143.604 |2p0/angbracketright 260.2740 |0N/angbracketright,|2p0/angbracketright 256.8459 40.672 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 168.4734 |2p0/angbracketright 166.6327 40.559/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 168.4217 |2p0/angbracketright,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1s22p0/angbracketrightbig 166.4863 19TABLE XII. Absolute values of the total energies (keV) of the high-field ground states of neutral atoms in strong magnetic fields compared with the literature. B12=B/(1012G). B12= 0.1 B12= 0.5 B12= 1 B12= 2.3505 ( γ= 1000) B12= 5 ZIS (|2p0/angbracketright) IS NKL IS NKL IS NKL IS DHG IS NKL 1 0.07781 0.0761 0.13114 0.130 0.16222 0.161 0.20851 0.206 0 .25750 0.2550 2 0.26387 0.255 0.46063 0.454 0.57999 0.574 0.76279 0.754 0. 96191 0.9580 3 0.54042 0.516 0.96180 0.944 1.22443 1.209 1.63429 1.611 2. 08931 2.0760 4 0.89833 0.846 1.61624 1.580 2.07309 2.042 2.79610 2.746 3. 61033 3.5840 5 1.33229 1.238 2.41101 2.347 3.10924 3.054 4.22674 4.139 5. 49950 5.4560 6 1.83895 1.678 3.33639 3.22 4.31991 4.20 5.90872 5.773 7.73 528 7.60 7 2.41607 2.17 4.38483 4.22 5.69465 5.54 7.82757 10.29919 10 .20 8 3.08253 3.06214 2.71 5.55032 5.32 7.22492 7.02 9.97107 13. 17543 13.00 9 3.82966 3.77607 3.36 6.82794 6.51 8.90360 8.63 12.32880 16 .34997 16.10 10 4.65087 4.55698 8.21365 7.819 10.72452 10.39 14.89168 19 .81072 19.57 IS – present work NKL – results by Neuhauser, Koonin and Langanke [13] DHG – results by Demeur, Heenen and Godefroid [16] |2p0/angbracketright– results for states |2p0/angbracketrightat the points where they are the ground states 2020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200γ−300−280−260−240−220−200−180−160−140−120E (a.u.)Figure 1. |0N> |2p0> |1s2> |2s> |2p03d−1> |1s22p0>2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Z10−1100101102103γFigure 2 |0N>−|2p0> |2p0>−|1s2> |2p0>−|2p03d−1> |0N>−|1s2> |2p03d−1>−|1s2> |2p0>−|1s22p0>2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Z10−1100101102103γFigure 3 |0N>−|2p0> |2p0>−|1s2> |2p0>−|2p03d−1> |0N>−|1s2> |2p0>−|1s22p0>100101102103104 γ0. 4 Z=1 Z=2 Z=3 Z=4 Z=5 Z=6 Z=7 Z=8 Z=9 Z=101 2 3 4 5 678 10 Z3456789101520EIon (a.u.)Figure 5 γ=200γ=500γ=1000γ=2000γ=5000γ=10000
arXiv:physics/9910018v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 13 Oct 1999Generalized action invariants for drift waves-zonal flow systems A. I. Smolyakov1and P.H. Diamond2 1Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, S7N5E2 Canada, 2Department of Physics, University of California at San-Die go La Jolla, CA 92093, USA February 2, 2008 Abstract Generalized action invariants are identified for various mo dels of drift wave turbulence in the presence of the mean shear flow. I t is shown that the wave kinetic equation describing the interac tion of the small scale turbulence and large scale shear flow can be na turally writen in terms of these invariants. Unlike the wave energy, which is conserved as a sum of small- and large- scale components, the gener- alized action invariant is shown to correspond to a quantity which is conserved for the small scale component alone. This invaria nt can be used to construct canonical variables leading to a different definition of the wave action ( as compared to the case without shear flow) . It is suggested that these new canonical action variables form a natu- 1ral basis for the description of the drift wave turbulence wi th a mean shear flow. The dynamics of the small scale turbulence in the presence of a mean shear flow is a problem of a great interest for plasmas and geos trophic fluids. It is believed that the nonlinear energy transfer from small to large length scale component (inverse cascade [1]) is a cause of a spontan eous generation and sustainment of coherent large structures, e.g. zonal flo ws in atmospheres, ocean and plasmas [2]. In the few past years it has been sugges ted [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] that the large scale flow band structures (zonal flows) play an important role in regulating and suppressing the anomalo us transport in magnetic confinement systems. In the simplest form, the generation of plasma flow by turbule nce can be described by the energy conservation relation (Poynting th eorem) averaged over small scale fluctuations [9]. A generalization of this a pproach is a WKB type wave kinetic equation for the quanta density of small sc ale fluctuations that is conserved along the rays. This method was originally proposed in Ref. 11 to describe the interaction of high frequency plasmo ns (Langmuir waves) with low frequency ion sound perturbations. It is wid ely used also in general fluid dynamics [12]. In studies of drift wave dynamics, it has been naturally assu med [13, 14] that the relevant quantity that is conserved in the presence of slow variations is the drift-wave action density. It is well known [15], that the standard wave 2action variables Ckassociated with the number of wave quanta nk,nk= |Ck|2=Ek/ωk, where Ekis the wave energy, and ωkis the wave frequency, is a basis for Hamiltonian form of the wave-wave interaction equations. It has been noted in Refs. 16,17 that the normal variables used t o describe self-interaction between small scale fluctuations without the shear flow are modified by the flow and may not be suitable for a system with a me an flow. Thus, in the presence of a shear flow a new form of canonica l variables and associated action invariant have to be identified. On oth er hand, it has been pointed[18] that the conserved action-like quantity ( pseudo-action) is different from the usual definition of the wave action defined a s the ratio of the wave energy to the wave frequency. The latter definitio n is also fails when there are no oscillating eigenmodes such as in ideal flui d, so that an alternative definition of the action-like integral is requi red[19]. It is important to realize that the natural form of the three- wave in- teraction equations for the drift-waves does not have Hamil tonian structure [20].These equations can be transformed, however, to a Hami ltonian form via an asymptotic variable transformation. Such a tranform ation yielding a Hamiltonian form for the drift and Rossby waves has been foun d in Refs. 20,21. There are several possible forms for such a transform ation. In Refs. 17,20,21 it is based on the conserved energy integral that le ads to the stan- dard definition of the wave action. For drift-wave+zonal flow systems small scales are modulated by larger scale shear flows so that energ y in the small 3scale component is not conserved. Thus, the canonical Hamil tonian variables constructed from energy conservation are not suitable for d escription of the drift waves in the presence of a mean flow. In this paper, we derive the WKB type wave kinetic equation th at de- scribes the conservation (along the rays) of an action like i nvariant of the drift wave turbulence with slowly varying parameters due to the me an sheared flow. We demonstrate that the relevant action-like integral corresponds to the quantity conserved for the small scale component alone. We show that the structure of the action integral is determined by the str ucture of the matrix element describing the interaction of the small scal e and large scale component. We discuss how the canonical variables correspo nding to such a pseudo-action invariant can be constructed. The scale separation between the small scale turbulence and the large scale motions is an essential property of drift-wave+zonal flow systems that is commonly used [12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23] to simplify the an alysis. Though, the scale separation is often observed experimentally and i n computer sim- ulation, it may be less pronounced in other cases[24]. In our present paper, we substantially rely on the multiscale expansion, so our re sults are valid, strictly speaking, only in the case when there is such a scale separation. More general approach avoiding the scale separation assumption , namely the renor- malization group, is possible [25], but it is beyond the scop e of the present paper. 4We consider a generic case of the drift wave equation in the fo rm ∂φk ∂t+iωkφk+/integraldisplay d2pLp,k−pφpφk−p= 0, (1) where ωk=ω(k) is the frequency of the linear mode with a wavector k, and may include an imaginary part corresponding to the wave grow and decay. In the spirit of the scale separation we represent the field in to the large- scaleφ< kand small-scale φ> kcomponents; φ< k= 0 outside a shell |k|< ε≪1, φ> k= 0 for |k|< ε. Assuming that the self-interaction of small-scale fields is small compared to the interaction with the mean flow[17] we write from (1) the following equation for the small-scale fluctuations ∂φ> k ∂t+iωkφ> k+/integraldisplay d2pLp,k−pφ< pφ> k−p= 0. (2) To derive the equation for the evolution of the wave spectrum we multiply equation (2) by φ> k′and then add it with a similar equation obtained by reversing kandk′, yielding ∂ ∂t/parenleftBig φ> kφ> k′/parenrightBig +i(ωk+ωk′)φ> kφ> k′+φ> k′/integraldisplay d2pLp,k−pφ< pφ> k−p+φ> k/integraldisplay d2pLp,k′−pφ< pφ> k′−p= 0. (3) The small-scale turbulence is described by the spectral fun ction (Wigner function) Ik(x, t),defined as follows /integraldisplay d2q/angbracketleftBig φ> −k+qφ> k/angbracketrightBig exp(iq·x) =Ik(x, t). (4) 5The slow time and spatial dependence in Ik(x, t) corresponds to modu- lations with a “slow” wavevector, q≪k. Angle brackets in (4) stand for ensemble average, which is equivalent to a time average with appropriate ergodic assumptions. The equation for Ik(x, t) is derived from (3) by averaging it over fast scales and by taking the Fourier transform over the slow vari ablex. Setting k′=−k+qand applying the operator/integraltextd2qexp(iq·x) we obtain ∂ ∂tIk(x, t) +i/integraldisplay d2qexp(iq·x) (ωk+ω−k+q)/angbracketleftBig φ> kφ> −k+q/angbracketrightBig +S1+S2= 0,(5) S1=/integraldisplay /integraldisplay d2pd2qexp(iq·x)/angbracketleftBig φ> −k+qφ> k−p/angbracketrightBig Lp,k−pφ< p, (6) S2=/integraldisplay /integraldisplay d2pd2qexp(iq·x)/angbracketleftBig φ> −k+q−pφ> k/angbracketrightBig Lp,−k+q−pφ< p. (7) The second term in (3) gives i/integraldisplay d2qexp(iq·x) (ωk+ω−k+q)/angbracketleftBig φ> kφ> −k+q/angbracketrightBig =∂ωk ∂k·∂ ∂xIk(x, t)−2γkIk,(8) where γkis the linear growth rate, and only the real part of the freque ncy is presumed for ωkon the right hand side of this equation. The ensemble average in S1can be transformed by using the inverse of (4) /angbracketleftBig φ> −k+qφ> k−p/angbracketrightBig =/angbracketleftBig φ> k−pφ> −(k−p)+q−p/angbracketrightBig =/integraldisplay d2x′Ik−p(x′) exp(−i(q−p)·x′).(9) 6By using (9) and expanding in p≪kthe expression for S1is transformed to S1=/integraldisplay d2pexp(ip·x)Lp,k−p/parenleftBigg Ik(x)−p·∂Ik(x) ∂k/parenrightBigg φ< p. (10) Similarly, by using the identity analogous to (9) and expand ing the interac- tion coefficient Lp,k−pinp≪k,we transform S2to the form S2=/integraldisplay /integraldisplay d2pd2qexp(iq·x)/parenleftBigg Lp,−k+ (q−p)·∂Lp,−k ∂(−k)/parenrightBigg φ< p ×/integraldisplay d2x′exp(−i(q−p)·x′)Ik(x′) =Ik(x)/integraldisplay d2pexp(ip·x)Lp,−kφ< p−i/integraldisplay d2pexp(ip·x)∂Lp,−k ∂(−k)·∂Ik ∂xφ< p.(11) Equations (5-11) define a particular form of the transport eq uation for Ik(x, t) for a given interaction coefficient Lk,k′. In this paper, we consider two different models for drift wave s in a magne- tized plasma: the standard Hasegawa-Mima equation and a sla b-like model for drift waves in a sheared magnetic field. The latter is simi lar to the stan- dard Hasegawa-Mima equation with a modified plasma response to the slow modulations of the electrostatic potential. Such slow mode s correspond to k/bardbl→0, so that the slow part of the potential does not follow Boltz mann distribution. [Note that zonal flows[10] ( m=n= 0) are such slow modes withk/bardbl= 0.] As a result, the convective term appears in the lowest or der, contrary to the case of the Hasegawa-Mima equation where suc h term is due to the polarization drift. Appropriate equation for the dri ft wave dynamics 7in presence of a mean flow (neglecting the self-interaction) has the form [13] /parenleftBigg∂ ∂t+V0· ∇/parenrightBigge/tildewideφ Te+V∗· ∇e/tildewideφ Te−ρ2 s/parenleftBigg∂ ∂t+V0· ∇/parenrightBigg ∇2 ⊥e/tildewideφ Te= 0.(12) where V0=cb×∇φ/B 0is the mean flow velocity. This equation can be written in the form (2) with ωk=k·V∗/(1 +k2ρ2 s) and Lk1,k2=−c B0b·k1×k2 1 + (k1+k2)2ρ2 s/parenleftBig 1 +k2 2ρ2 s/parenrightBig . (13) From (5-11) and (13) we obtain ∂ ∂tIk(x, t)+∂ ∂k(ωk+k·V0)·∂Ik ∂x−∂ ∂x/parenleftBiggk·V0 (1 +k2ρ2 s)2/parenrightBigg ·∂ ∂kIk(1+k2ρ2)2= 0. (14) This equation can be written in the form of a conservation law for the in- variant Nk=Ik(1 +k2ρ2)2, ∂ ∂tNk(x, t) +∂ ∂k(ωk+k·V0)·∂Nk ∂x−∂ ∂x(k·V0)·∂ ∂kNk= 0.(15) By direct evaluation from (12), it can be easily shown that th e quantity N=/integraldisplay d2k/parenleftBig/tildewideφ2+ 2ρ2 s(∇⊥/tildewideφ)2+ρ4 s(∇2 ⊥/tildewideφ)2/parenrightBig , (16) corresponding to Nkin (17), is conserved as an integral over the small-scale part of the spectrum. In (16)/tildewideφis the normalized potential of the small scale fluctuations. This property distinguishes Nkfrom any other combination of the energy and enstrophy which are conserved only as a sum of c ontributions from the small and long scale parts of the spectrum[22]. 8A different expression for the action-like invariant is obta ined for the standard Hasegawa-Mima (H.M.) model with a mean flow ∂ ∂t/parenleftBigge/tildewideφ Te−ρ2 s∇2 ⊥e/tildewideφ Te/parenrightBigg +V∗· ∇e/tildewideφ Te−ρ2 s(V0· ∇)∇2 ⊥e/tildewideφ Te= 0. (17) The appropriate interaction coefficient is Lk1,k2=−c 2B0ρ2 sb·k1×k2 1 + (k1+k2)2ρ2s/parenleftBig k2 2−k2 1/parenrightBig . (18) In this case, from (5-11) and (18) the transport equation for Iktakes the form ∂ ∂tIk+∂ ∂k/parenleftBigg ωk+k·V0 1 +k2ρ2sk2ρ2 s/parenrightBigg ·∂ ∂xIk −∂ ∂x/parenleftBiggk·V0 (1 +k2ρ2s)2/parenrightBigg ·∂ ∂kk2ρ2 s(1 +k2ρ2 s)Ik= 0. (19) Obviously, this equation can be written in the form of the con servation law for the invariant Nk=Ikk2ρ2 s(1 +k2ρ2 s),[18, 22, 23] ∂ ∂tNk+∂ ∂k/parenleftBigg ωk+k·V0 1 +k2ρ2sk2ρ2/parenrightBigg ·∂ ∂xNk−∂ ∂x/parenleftBiggk·V0 (1 +k2ρ2s)k2ρ2 s/parenrightBigg ·∂ ∂kNk= 0. (20) Similarly to the previous case, the invariant Nkcorresponds to the integral of (17) conserved for the small scale component alone N=/integraldisplay d2k ρ2 s/parenleftBig (∇⊥/tildewideφ)2+ρ2 s(∇2 ⊥/tildewideφ)2/parenrightBig , (21) Note that both invariants (16) and (21) are different from sta ndard definition of the wave action [13, 14]. The difference between two forms o f the action- like invariant (Eq. (16) and (21)) is due to a different form of the coupling 9matrix (Eq. (13) and Eq.(18)) describing interaction of the small and large scale components. The procedure that we have described above can also be used to derive the action-like invariant for the two-dimensional motion o f an incompressible fluid. In the latter case, there are no oscillating modes so th at the standard definition of the action as a ratio of the wave energy to wave fr equency is not applicable. The 2-D Euler equation has a form ∂∇2 ⊥φ+V0· ∇∇2 ⊥φ= 0, (22) whereV0is the velocity due to the mean flow. This equation can be writt en in the form (1) with ωk= 0 and the interaction coefficient Lk1,k2=−b·k1×k2 (k1+k2)2k2 2. (23) Using equations (5-11) and (23) we obtain the wave kinetic eq uation ∂ ∂tNk(x, t) +∂ ∂k(k·V0)·∂Nk ∂x−∂ ∂x(k·V0)·∂ ∂kNk= 0,(24) where the wave-action Nk=k4Ik[19]. We summarize generalized wave action integrals for differen t models in the Table I. Note that the standard expression for the drift w ave action defined as the ratio of the wave energy to the wave frequency is [13, 14] nk=|ak|2=(1 +ρ2 sk2 ⊥)2 ω∗|φk|2=Ek ωk, (25) where ω∗=kθV∗. Expression (25) should be compared with the first two lines in the Table. It is interesting to note that generalize d action invariant 10given by Eq. (16) coincides with the standard definition of th e wave action (25) for the poloidally symmetric case when the poloidal wav e vector kθis constant ( kθ=const). Next we consider the self-interaction between small scales in the presence of the shear flow and outline how the pseudo-action invariant s can be used to construct the canonical variables for the latter case. Fo r illustration, we consider the case of Hasegawa-Mima equation (17). We restor e the self- interaction term given by Wk,k1,k2 ∂φk ∂t+iωkφk=/integraldisplay d2k1d2k2Wk,k1,k2δ(k−k1−k2)φk1φk2, (26) Wk,k1,k2=−c 2B0ρ2 sb·k1×k2 1 +k2ρ2s/parenleftBig k2 2−k2 1/parenrightBig . (27) This natural form of the three-wave interaction does not hav e standard Hamiltonian structure. This is reflected in the interaction coefficients Wk,k1,k2 which do not have the required symmetry properties [15]. The only symme- tries in Wk,k1,k2are of the type W∗ −k,−k1,−k2=Wk,k1,k2=W−k,k1,k2.Transfor- mation of (26) to normal canonical variables akwas given in Refs. 19,20 (see also Ref. 16). It has the form [17] ak=gkφk+/integraldisplay d2k1d2k2Gk,k1,k2δ(k−k1−k2)φk1φk2. (28) In new variables the interaction coefficients Vk,k1,k2are Vk,k1,k2=1 3gk1gk2gk/parenleftBig |gk|2Wk,k1,k2+|gk1|2Wk1,k,k2+|gk2|2Wk2,k1,k/parenrightBig (29) 11These interaction coefficients Vk,k1,k2now have all symmetries required for Hamiltonian systems. The function gkcan be chosen in a variety of ways. The standard approach [17, 20, 21] is to chose gkso that the energy in canonical variables takes the form E=/integraltextd2kωkaka−k.Comparing it with the energy integral E=/integraltextd2k/parenleftBig/tildewideφ2+ρ2 s(∇⊥/tildewideφ)2)/parenrightBig ,we find [17] gk= (1 + ρ2 sk2 ⊥)/(ky)1/2. This gives a standard expression for the wave action (25). As discussed above, for the drift waves-zonal flow system the energy in the small scale component is not conserved, bur rather the to tal energy of drift waves + large scale zonal flows is constant. For this rea son, the energy integral of the small scale component can not be used for intr oduction of canonical variables for self interaction of the small scale fluctuations. Con- trary to the energy, the integrals Nkare conserved for small scale component. Choosing the function gksuch as that the invariants (16) or (21) are in the formNk=/integraltextd2kaka−k,we obtain Nkas canonical variables for drift waves in the presence of the mean shear flow. This automatically means that these invariants have a meaning of the generalized wave action inv ariant. Then, to account for the self-interactions in the presence of the b ackground shear flow, the wave kinetic equation (Eq. (15) or (20)) should be mo dified with a source term Jkin the standard form[15] Jk= 4π/integraldisplay d2k1d2k2× |Vk,k1,k2|2(Nk1Nk2−NkNk1−NkNk)δ(k−k1−k2). (30) We have formulated a wave kinetic equation and determined a s tructure of 12an appropriate adiabatic invariant for small scale turbule nce in the presence of a mean flow. We have shown that the form of the matrix coefficie nt for the nonlocal coupling of the small scale fluctuations to the m ean flow is crucial for the form of the adiabatic invariant. We have obta ined adiabatic invariant Nk=Ikk2ρ2 s(1 +k2ρ2 s) for the drift wave turbulence described by the Hasegawa-Mima equation and isomorphic Charney-Obukho v equation for Rossby waves; and the invariant Nk=Ik(1 +k2ρ2 s)2for the drift wave type turbulence in tokamaks such as TITG driven modes. [Note that the latter invariant reduces to the standard form [13, 14] for kθ=const.] The pseudo- action invariants appear in the wave kinetic equation and co rrespond to the quantities that are conserved as integrals over the small sc ale part of the spectrum alone. This specific conservation property makes t hem suitable as canonical Hamiltonian variables for small scale turbulenc e in the presence of the shear flow. The wave action invariants and the kinetic equ ation derived here can be used to investigate nonlinear dynamics of drift w aves and zonal flow in a tokamak. The method used in our work can be applied to d erive generalized invariants for other models including the Ross by type waves in geostrophic fluids [12]. This research was supported by Natural Sciences and Enginee ring Re- search of Canada and U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. FG03 -88ER53275. P.D. would like to thank V.B. Lebedev, M.N. Rosenbluth and F. L. Hinton for helpful discussions. 13References [1] A. Hasegawa, M. Wakatani, Phys Rev. Lett. 59, 1581 (1987). [2] F.H. Busse, Chaos 4, 123 (1994). [3] M.N. Rosenbluth, F.L. Hinton, Phys Rev. Lett. 80, 724 (1998). [4] R.D. Sydora, V.K. Decyk, and J. M. Dawson, Plasma Phys Con tr. Fu- sion38, A281 (1996). [5] Z. Lin, T.S. Hahm, W.W. Lee, W.M. Tang and R.B. White, Scie nce 281, 1835 (1998). [6] G. Hammet, M. Beer, W. Dorland, S.C. Cowley, S.A. Smith, P lasma Phys Contr. Fusion 35, 973 (1993) [7] A.M. Dimits, J. A. Byers, T.J. 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arXiv:physics/9910019v1 [physics.class-ph] 13 Oct 19991 rel1, Oct., 13, 1999 Radiation from a Charge in a Gravitational Field Amos Harpaz & Noam Soker Department of Physics, University of Haifa at Oranim, Tivon 36006, ISRAEL phr89ah@vmsa.technion.ac.il soker@physics.technion.ac.il ABASTRACT When an electric charge is supported at rest in a static gravi tational field, its electric field is not supported with the charge, and it falls f reely in the gravitational field. Drawing the electric field lines continuously in time, we find that they always emerge from the charge, but the electric field is curved and th ere is a stress force between the freely falling (curved) field and the static char ge. The charge radiates and the work done by the gravitational field to overcome the st ress force is the source for the energy radiated by the supported (static) cha rge.A static charge in a gravitational field radiates, as predicted by the princi ple of equivalence . This mechanism is similar to the one applied to an electric charge accelerated in a free space. In this case, the electric field is not accelerated wit h the charge. The electric field is curved, and there is a stress force between the charge and its field. The work done in overcoming the stress force is the source of the e nergy radiated by the accelerated charge. key words: Principle of Equivalence, Curved Electric Field2 1. Introduction The validity of the principle of equivalence (POE) to the cas e of radiation from an electric charge in a gravitational field (GF) is a long-sta nding problem (refs. [1], [2], and references cited therein). Specifically it is d iscussed in connection with two cases: (1) Does an electric charge, freely falling in a gr avitational field radiate? (2) Does a charge supported at rest in a gravitational field ra diate? Using plainly the POE one may conclude that a freely falling charge in a GF wi ll not radiate because its situation is equivalent to that of a free charge i n empty space, and a charge supported at rest in a GF (chracterized by an accelera tion,g), will radiate because its situation is equivalent to that of a charge accel erated in free space with an acceleration g. The common approach in the physical society is the opposite one - it is believed that a static observer in a gravitational fiel d will find that a freely falling charge in a GF does radiate, while a charge supported at rest in a GF does not radiate [1]. It is also concluded that the validity of the POE is limited, and it is not a general principle. However, this approach led to several contradictions, whic h in turn, led people to conclude that the ability to observe a radiation depends on t he relative accelration between the charge and the observer: an observer falling fre ely in parallel to a freely falling charge will not observe radiation, while a static ob server in the same field will observe radiation. In the same way, a static observer lo cated in a lab where a charge is supported at rest in a GF will not observe radiation , while a freely falling observer, passing by the same charge, will observe radiatio n (ref [1], pp 218). The electromagnetic radiation is defined as a relative pheno menon, that depends on the relative acceleration between the observer and the ch arge. In the following, we analyze the process that leads to the creation of radiatio n. We demand that radiation as a process of energy transfer is a physical event (which is an objective phenomenon), and we come to the conclusion that a freely fall ing charge does not radiate, and a charge supported at rest in a GF does radiate. T hese conclusions are in accord with the POE. In§2 we present the problems concerned with the energy carried b y the radiation and the non-existence of the radiation reaction force in cer tain cases. In §3 we present a freely falling system of reference as the preferre d system to work in, and in§4 we calculate the energy carried by the radiation from the su pported charge in a GF, using the work done to overcome the stress force of the fie ld. We conclude in §5. 2. The Problem Treating radiation as a relative phenomenon leads to contra dictions, because radiation transffers energy from one system to another. If th e energy carried by the radiation is absorbed in some system and causes there a ce rtain change, like3 an excitation of a higher energy level, this absorption must be observed by any observer, even if he does not have the means to observe direct ly the flow of the energy. If a static observer observes radiation from a freel y falling charge, he also must be able to identify the source of the energy for this radi ation. An observer falling freely in parallel to the charge, must observe this s ource of energy, even if he cannot observe directly the radiation that carries the ener gy. Similar contradictions arise for the case of a charge supported at rest in a GF, where a static observer does not observe the radiation, and a freely falling observe r does. We find that treating radiation as a relative phenomenon leads to contra dictions concerning both the source of the energy carried by the radiation, and the phe nomena that may be caused in absorbing the radiation. The emmitance of radiati on is a physical event that cannot be transformed away by a coordinate transformat ion (see [3]). There is another difficulty with the common approach - it is gen erally believed that when radiation is created by an accelration, a radiatio n reaction force is created, which contradicts the force that creates the acceleration. The work done by the external force to overcome the reaction force, is considere d as the source of the energy carried by the radiation. However, when the velocity of the c harge is low ( v≪c), the radiation is emitted mainly in a plane which is perpendic ular to the direction of motion ([4] pp. 663 and [7]). No momentum is imparted to the ac celerated charge by the radiation, and no radiation reaction force exists [6] . The source of the energy carried by the radiation should be looked for elsewhere. 3. A Freely Falling System of Reference According to Jackson [4], a radiation exists whenever an ele ctric charge is ac- celerated. However, a question should be raised to what syst em of reference this acceleration is related. Without stating it explicitly, Ja ckson refers to an inertial system of reference. Ordinarily, when general relativity i s considered, the inertial system of reference should be replaced by a freely falling sy stem of reference, charac- terized by a set of geodesics that covers this system. The “ab solute acceleration” of a charge supported at rest in a gravitational field does not va nish, where absolute ac- celeration is the covariant time derivative of the four velo city of the charged particle. A general relativistic criterion for the existence of radia tion, is the non-vanishing of the absolute acceleration. A regular acceleration is relat ed to the system of geodesics that covers the local space. The preferred system of referen ce to work in is the sys- tem characterized by local geodesics, and freely falling ob jects - particles and fields - follow these geodesics. The electric field of a charge is an i ndependent physical entity. Once it is induced on space, its behaviour is determi ned by the properties of space. When the charge is accelerated by an external (non- gravitational) force, the electric field of the charge is not accelerated, and a rela tive acceleration exists between the charge and its field. As was shown by Fulton and Roh rlich [6], the4 electric field of the charge is curved. There is a stress force between the charge and its curved field, and, as shown in [5], this force gives rise to radiation. A neutral particle and a similar charged particle will fall w ith the same accel- eration. It was shown that the key feature for the creation of radiation is not the relative acceleration between the charge and the observer, but rather the relative acceleration between the charge and its own electric field. A freely falling charge in a uniform GF follows a geodetic lin e in this system, and it is not subject to any external force. The electric field of t he charge follows similar geodesics. The charge and its field both are located in the sam e frame of reference, and in that frame their relative situation is similar to the o ne existing between a static charge and its field in a free space. No relative accele ration exists between the charge and its electric field, and we conclude that a freel y falling charge does not radiate. The creation of radiation by a uniformly accelrated charge w as analyzed ([5],[7]), and it was shown that the electric field of the accelrated char ge is curved, and there exists a stress force between the charge and its (curved) fiel d. The stress force Fs, is given by: Fs=E2/4πRc, where Rcis the radius of curvature, whose value close to the point charge is: Rc=c2/(asinθ), where ais the acceleration, and θis the angle between the direction of the acceleration and the init ial direction of the field. By calculating the stress force and the work performed to ove rcome this force, it is shown that for a uniformly accelerated charge and for very lo w velocities, the power supplied by the accelerating (external) force to overcome t he the stress force, equals the power radiated by the accelerated charge according to La rmor formula [5]. It is concluded that the work done in overcoming the stress forc e is the source of the energy carried by the radiation, and this work is done by the e xternal force that imparts the acceleration to the charge, in addition to the wo rk it does in creating the kinetic energy of the charge. 4. A Charge Supported in a Homogenous Gravitaional Field The electric field of a charge supported at rest in the lab agai nst GF seems static, but it is not. The electric field, which is an independ ent physical entity, is not supported with the charge, and it falls freely in the grav itaional field. There is a relative acceleration between the charge and its electric field, the field is curved (both in the lab system and in the freely falling system), and a stress force exists between the charge and its field. The (freely falling) electr ic field follows the system of refernec characterized by the geodesics. To calculate th e fields of the supported charge in the freely falling geodetic system, we adopt the re sults given by Rohrlich [8]. Let us assign primes to the variables calculated in the f reely falling system, S′. According to Rohrlich, the field equations of the supported c harge, in S′are:5 E′ ρ=8eα2ρ′z′ ξ′3(1) E′ z=−4eα2 ξ′3[z′2 p+ρ′2−z′2] (2) B′ φ=8eα2ρ′ct′ ξ′3(3) E′ φ=B′ ρ=B′ z= 0 (4) where ξ′2= [z′2 p−ρ′2−z′2]2+ (2αρ′)2(5) where we used for the particle location: z′2 p=α2+(ct′)2, andα=c2/gis the particle location at t′= 0. Certainly, the Poynting vector does not vanish in this sy stem. Using transformations given by Rohrlich [8] we can calculat e the electromagnetic fields in the lab system. It follows (as can be expected), that the magnetic filed vanishes in this system, and the Poynting vector vanishes as well. This led Rohrlich to conclude that a charge supported at rest in a gravitationa l field does not radiate. However, we know that a Poynting vector is not an invariant [9 ], and we demand that the existence of radiation must be represented by a non- vanishing Poynting vector in the frame of reference characterized by the local g eodesics, S′, andin this system the Poynting vector does not vanish . The situation is not static, and the electric field exists in a steady state. The pattern of the electric field remains constant, but the field i tself does not. As we em- phasized earlier, the electric field is a property of the spac e on which it was induced, and its behaviour is determined by this space. The electric fi eld is detached from the supported charge, and it is not supported against gravity as the charge is. Hence the electric field falls in a free fall, and it has an acceleration grelative to the supported charge. In the freely falling system, which also has an accel eration grelative to the supported charge, the charge is accelerated upward with an a cceleration g. It was also shown by Rohrlich [8], that in the system characte rized by the geodesics, a magnetic field does exist, and it comes out that t he Poynting vec- tor does not vanish. We conclude that a charge supported at re st in a gravitational field does radiate. In Figure 1 we present the curved elcetric field lines calculated for an electric charge supported at rest in a uniform homogen ous GF, characterized by an acceleration g. The field is similar to the one calculated by Singal [10], for a uniformly accelerated charge. The curved electric field gives rise to a stress force, and we c alculate the work done in overcoming this force in a way similar to that used in [ 5] for the uniformly6 Figure 1: A curved electric field of a charge supported in a uni form homogenous gravitational field. accelerated charge, where the calculations are carried now in the (flat) freely falling system of reference. For the sake of convenience we ommit now the primes. We shall s um over the stress force of the field, fs, and calculate the work done against this force. In order to sum over fs, we have to integrate over a sphere whose center is located on the charge. Naturally, such an integration involves a divergence (at th e center). To avoid such a divergence, we take as the lower limit of the integration a s mall distance from the center, r=c∆t, (where ∆ tis infinitsimal), and later we demand that ∆ t→0. We calculate the work done by the stress force in the volume defin ed by c∆t < r < r up, where c2/g≫rup≫c∆t. These calculations are performed in the geodetic system (the system of reference defined by the geodesics), which mom entarily coincides with the frame of reference of the charge at the charge location, a t time t= 0. The force per unit volume due to the electric stress is fs=E2/(4πRc), where E is the electric field, and Rcis the radius of curvature of the field lines. The radius of curvature is: Rc≃c2/(gsinθ), where θis the angle between the initial direction of the electric field line and the direction of the accelerati ongof the charge, as seen in the geodetic system. The force per unit volume due to the el ectric stress is fs(r) =E2(r) 4πRc=gsinθ c2e2 4πr4, (6) where in the second equality we have substituted for the elec tric field E=e/r2, which is a good approximation in weak graviatational fields [ 8]. The stress force is perpendicular to the direction of the field lines, so that the component of the stress7 force along the acceleration gis−fs(r) sinφ, where φis the angle between the local field line and the acceleration. For very short intervals (wh ere the direction of the field lines did not change much from their original direction )φ∼θ, and we can write:−fs(r) sinφ≃ −fs(r) sinθ=−gsin2θ c2e2 4πr4. The dependence of this force on θ is similar to the dependence of the radiation distribution o f an accelerated charge at zero velocity on θ. Integration of this force over a spherical shell extending from r=c∆ttorup(where c2/g≫rup≫c∆t), yields the total force due to the stress Fs(t) = 2π/integraldisplayrup c∆tr2dr/integraldisplayπ 0sinθdθ[−fs(r) sinθ] =−2 3g c2e2 c∆t/parenleftBigg 1−c∆t rup/parenrightBigg .(7) Clearly the second term in the parenthesis can be neglected. The power created in overcoming the electric stress force is: Ps=−Fsv=−Fsg∆t, (8) where we substituted v=g∆t, and vis the charge velocity in the geodetic system, at time t= ∆t. Substituting for Fswe obtain (at the limit ∆ t→0): Ps(t) =2 3g2e2 c3(9) which is equivalent to the power radiated by an accelerated c harged particle (Larmor formula), where the acceleration is replaced by g. Thus we find that the work done against the stress force, supplies the energy carried by the radiation. Who is performing this work or, what is the source of the energ y of the radiation? The charge is supported by a solid object, which is static in t he GF. This solid objet must be rigidly connected to the source of the GF. Other wise, it will fall in the GF, together with the ”supported” charge. This means that ac tually, the supporting object is part of the object that creates the GF. As we already mentioned, the charge is static and no work is do ne by the GF that acts on the charge. However, the electric field of the cha rge is not static, and it falls in a free fall in the GF. If there was no interaction be tween the electric field and the charge that induced the field, the field would have foll ow a geodetic line and no work would have been needed to keep it following the geodet ic line. But the field is curved, and a stress force is implied. The interaction bet ween the curved field and the supported charge creates a force that contradicts th e free fall. In order to overcome this force and cause the electric field to follow the geodetic lines, a work should be done on the electric field, and this work is done by th e GF. This work is the source of the energy carried by the radiation. It comes out that the energy carried away by the radiation is supplied by the GF, that lose s this energy. 5. Conclusions8 It is found that the “naive” conclusion from the principle of equivalence - that a freely falling charge does not radiate, and a charge suppor ted at rest in a gravi- tational field does radiate - is a correct conclusion, and one should look for rdiation whenever a relative acceleration exists between an electri c charge and its electric field. The electric field which falls freely in the gravitatio nal field is accelerated relative to the static charge. The field is curved, and the wor k done in overcoming the stress force created in the curved field, is the source of t he energy carried by the radiation. This work is done by the gravitational field on the electric field, and the energy carried by the radiation is created in the expence of t he gravitational energy of the system. Motz [11] suggested that the huge radiation emerging from qu asars may be cre- ated by charges located in the strong gravitational fields cl ose to the surface of the quasars. Although the current expalnation for this phenome non is different, radia- tion from charges located in strong gravitational fields can still play a role in certain cosmological phenomena. We conclude that we find both the mechanism that creates the ra diation emitted by a charge supported in a GF, and the source of the energy carr ied by this radiation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We acknowledge useful discussions on this topic with Amos Or i from the Tech- nion.9 references: [1] Rohrlich, F. 1965, in Classical Charged Particles , Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., MA. [2] Boulware, D. G. 1980, Annals of Physics, 124, 169. [3] Matsas, G.E.A., 1994, Gen. Rel. Grav., 26, 1165. [4] Jackson, J. D. 1975, Classical Electrodynamics , Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons (New York). [5] Harpaz, A., Soker, N., 1998, Gen. Rel. Grav., 30, 1217. [6] Fulton, T., Rohrlich, F., 1960, Annals of Physics, 9, 499 . [7] Harpaz, A., Soker, N., 1999, in Proceedings of the 4thFreedmann Int. Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology , edts., Yu.N. Gnedin, A.A. Gribs, V.M. Mostepanenko, W. Rodrigues Jr., UNICAMP (Br), and Friedmann Lab. Pub. (St. Petersburgh). [8] Rohrlich, F., 1963, Annals of Physics, 22, 169. [9] Parrot, S., 1997, paper 9303025, archive gr-qc@xxx.lan l.gov. [10] Singal, A.K., 1997, Gen. Rel. Grav., 29, 1371. [11] Motz, L.A. 1972, Nuovo Cimento, 9B, 77.
arXiv:physics/9910020v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 13 Oct 19991 A MODEL FOR GENERATING RELATIVISTIC ELECTRONS IN THE EARTH’S INNER MAGNETOSPHERE BASED ON GYRORESONANT WAVE-PARTICLE INTERACTIONS Danny Summers and Chun-yu Ma1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial Univer sity of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1C 5S7, Canada Short title: RELATIVISTIC ELECTRONS IN THE INNER MAGNETOSPHERE2 Abstract. During the recovery phase of a magnetic storm, fluxes of relat ivistic (>1 MeV) electrons in the inner magnetosphere (3 ≤L≤6) increase to beyond pre-storm levels, reaching a peak about 4 days after the init iation of the storm. In order to account for the generation of these “killer electrons”, a model is presented primarily based on stochastic acceleration of electrons by enhanced w histler-mode chorus. In terms of a quasi-linear formulation, a kinetic (Fokker-Pla nck) equation for the electron energy distribution is derived, comprising an energy diffus ion coefficient based on gyroresonant electron-whistler-mode wave interaction an d parallel wave propagation; a source term representing substorm-produced (lower energy ) seed electrons; and a loss term representing electron precipitation due to pitch-ang le scattering by whistler-mode waves and EMIC waves. Steady-state solutions for the electr on energy distribution are constructed, and fitted to an empirically-derived relativi stic Maxwellian distribution for the high energy “hard” electron population at geosynchr onous orbit. If the average whistler amplitude is sufficiently large, for instance 75 pT – 400 pT, dependent on the values of the other model parameters, and assuming a backgro und plasma density of N0= 10 cm−3outside the plasmasphere, then a good fit to the empirical dis tribution is obtained, and corresponds to a timescale for the formatio n of the high-energy steady state distribution of 3 – 5 days. For a lower representative v alue of the background plasma density, N0= 1 cm−3, smaller whistler amplitudes, in the range 13 – 72 pT, can produce the high-energy distribution in the required ti me frame of several days. It is concluded from the model calculations that the process of stochastic acceleration by gyroresonant electron-whistler-mode wave interaction, i n conjunction with pitch-angle scattering by EMIC waves, constitutes a viable mechanism fo r generating “killer electrons” during geomagnetic storms. The mechanism is exp ected to be particularly effective for the class of small and moderate storms possessi ng a long-lasting recovery phase during which many substorms occur.3 1. INTRODUCTION It is well known that variations in the fluxes of relativistic electrons, of kinetic energies >1 MeV, in the inner magnetosphere (3 ≤L≤6) are related to disturbed magnetospheric conditions commonly called “magnetic stor ms”. Typically, for many storms the electron fluxes diminish rapidly during the main p hase of the storm . The main phase depletion of relativistic electrons occurs in as sociation with large negative values of the interplanetary magnetic field Bzand large sudden increases in the solar wind density and pressure [ Paulikas and Blake , 1979; Blake et al., 1997]. Subsequently, during the recovery phase of the storm, fluxes increase to bey ond pre-storm levels and peak about 4 days after the initiation of the storm [ Paulikas and Blake , 1979; Baker et al., 1986, 1994a, 1997; Nagai, 1988;Li et al., 1997a; Reeves et al., 1998]. These enhancements in fluxes of relativistic electrons, which are colloquially referred to as “killer electrons”, have become the subject of considerabl e attention by magnetospheric physicists. Not only do the enhancements constitute an intr insically interesting physics problem in the near-Earth space, but they constitute a poten tially serious hazard to satellites, space stations, and, conceivably, humans in sp ace. In fact, satellite disfunctions (“anomalies”) have been linked to the effects of relativisti c electron increases [ Baker et al.,1994b, 1997], and the state of the radiation belt environmen t has become a major concern in space weather forecasting [e.g., Baker , 1998; Reeves , 1998a]. The region near geosynchronous (or geostationary) orbit, L≃6.6, in the geographic equatorial plane, is of particular interest because it is the operating zone of many orbiting satellites. Reeves [1998b] has recently examined the relationship between rel ativistic electron enhancements at geosynchronous orbit and magnetic storms a s measured by the Dst index. In particular, the 30 most intense relativistic elec tron events during 1992-1995 were examined, and it was found that every relativistic elec tron event was associated with a magnetic storm as indicated by the Dstindex, though a small fraction (about 10%) of magnetic storms did occur with no increase in relativ istic electron fluxes. Thus,4 one conclusion from Reeves’ [1998b] analysis is that intense solar wind conditions are necessary to generate strong relativistic electron enhanc ements. Nevertheless, despite the accumulated magnetic storm data from satellites over many y ears, including coordinated observations from the International Solar-Terrestrial Ph ysics (ISTP) constellation of spacecraft and other multi-satellite missions [e.g., Baker et al. , 1997; Reeves et al., 1998], there is, as yet, no accepted explanation for the gene ration of the relativistic electrons. Specifically, it is not known exactly how, where, or when the electrons are accelerated. Various energization mechanisms have been pr oposed, and most of these are reviewed by Li et al. [1997a]. It appears easier to explain the main phase depleti on of energetic electrons than their subsequent recovery and e nhancement. The drop in relativistic electron fluxes near geosynchronous orbit is p artly due to adiabatic responses (conserving all three adiabatic invariants) to magnetic fie ld decreases, as reflected in the reduction in Dstindex [e.g., Kim and Chan , 1997]. Nevertheless, Li et al. [1997a] show that other physical mechanisms, including precipitat ion, must also contribute to the depletion. It has been suggested that radial diffusion [ Schulz and Lanzerotti, 1974], invoked to explain the existence of the outer electron radia tion belt itself, could also generate electrons of MeV energies in the inner magnetosphe re. This mechanism, which involves inwardly transporting energetic electrons from a presumed source in the outer magnetosphere (in the tail), can produce such energies duri ng relatively quiet periods [e.g.,Selesnick and Blake , 1997a], although the process is too slow during active time s [Li et al., 1997a; Blake et al., 1998]. Certain global recirculation processes, involving radial diffusion, have also been proposed to generate relati vistic electrons [e.g., Baker et al., 1986, 1989; Fujimoto and Nishida , 1990], though these have proved inadequate, as the transport rates are too slow. Sheldon et al. [1998] have recently identified the outer polar cusp region as a potential acceleration region of the m agnetosphere and possible source of energetic electrons for the outer radiation belt, though further calculations are needed to evaluate the significance of the study. In anoth er mechanism still to5 be fully evaluated, Rostoker et al. [1998] and Liu et al. [1999] make the case that large-amplitude ULF pulsations have the potential to suppl y the energy necessary to create the enhanced relativistic electron fluxes. In a 3D glo bal MHD simulation of the rapid rise of relativistic electron fluxes during the Januar y 1997 magnetic cloud event, Hudson et al. [1999a, b] also found that ULF oscillations may play a role in energizing relativistic electrons, via a mechanism involving drift-r esonant acceleration and radial transport. It is becoming increasingly apparent that electrons are acc elerated to relativistic ( > 1 MeV) energies in situ in the inner magnetosphere [e.g., Blake et al. , 1998]. Significant evidence in support of this conclusion is the observation by Selesnick and Blake [1997b] that the phase space density of electrons of greater than MeV energies peaks near L=4 to L=5 during storms. As a result of substorm activity, elect rons with energies up to ∼300 keV are injected near geosynchronous orbit [ Cayton et al., 1989;Baker et al., 1989, 1998]. These electrons appear to form the source popul ation for the relativistic electrons of greater than MeV energies that are subsequentl y observed. Summers et al. [1998, 1999] have shown that whistler-mode waves could prov ide an effective mechanism for accelerating electrons from energies near 100 keV to abo ve 1 MeV in the region outside the plasmapause during the storm recovery phase. In a survey of potential wave modes for electron scattering and stochastic accelera tion to relativistic energies during magnetic storms, Horne and Thorne [1998] concluded, in particular, that in low density regions of the magnetosphere where the electron gyrofrequency exceeds the electron plasma frequency, there are four potential wav e modes that can resonate with electrons in the energy range 100 keV to a few MeV: the whi stler, LO, RX, and Z modes. The concept of stochastic acceleration of electrons by whistler-mode waves in the magnetosphere has also been discussed by Temerin et al. [1994], Li et al. [1997a], Temerin [1998], and Roth et al. [1999]. It is the purpose of present paper to quantify the model presented qualitatively in Section 8 of Summers et al. [1998] for the stochastic6 acceleration of relativistic electrons during geomagneti c storms. Essential ingredients in the model are the spatial regions within the inner magneto sphere 3 ≤L≤9 where enhanced whistler-mode chorus [ Tsurutani and Smith, 1974, 1977; Koons and Roeder, 1990;Parrot and Gaye , 1994] and enhanced electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC or L-mode) waves occur [ Cornwall et al., 1970;Perraut et al. , 1976; Jordanova et al., 1997;Kozyra et al., 1997]; see Figure 1. The aforementioned substorm-produced seed population of electrons in the energy range 100 keV to 300 keV have approximately circular drift paths within the region 3 ≤L≤9, and consequently will traverse the regions of enhanced whistler-mode chorus and enhanced EMIC waves. Specifically, in this paper we shall model the acceleration of electrons du ring the storm recovery phase by means of second-order Fermi (or stochastic gyrores onant) acceleration by weak whistler-mode turbulence. In a standard quasi-linear form ulation, we construct a kinetic equation for the evolution of the electron energy distribut ion function. The equation contains an energy diffusion coefficient due to resonant whist ler-mode wave/electron interaction, and an electron loss term due to pitch-angle sc attering by both the whistler-mode and EMIC waves. We should point out here that t he data from the Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) satellite [ Nakamura et al.,1995;Li et al., 1997a; Nakamura, 1998] show that bursty electron precipitation occurs as the electron flux increases during the storm recove ry phase. Such precipitation, together with the existence of an abundant supply of storm-p roduced lower-energy seed electrons [ Li et al., 1997a; Baker et al., 1998] are supportive of the model constructed in this paper. The model is presented in detail in Section 2, a nd numerical solutions are presented in Section 3. The solutions are compared with data on the electron energy distribution of high energy (300 – 2000 keV) electrons at geo synchronous orbit. We find that stochastic gyroresonant acceleration by whistler-mo de waves can indeed accelerate substorm-produced seed electrons in the inner magnetosphe re to generate high-energy electron spectra of the type observed, following continuou s injection of seed electrons7 over a timescale of several days. Specific predictions of the model depend, of course, on the values taken for the model parameters. In Section 4 we bri efly assess our findings and state our conclusions. 2. MODEL The region to which the model constructed in this paper appli es is that part of the inner magnetosphere during storm-time that is illustra ted in the idealized Figure 1, for 3 ≤L≤9. This region contains an extensive subregion of whistler- mode Figure 1 chorus, a smaller but intense region of EMIC waves, and also c ontains the important geosynchronous-orbit region near L=6.6. Figure 1 is a simpl ified version of Figure 7 ofSummers et al. [1998], which itself was constructed on the basis of observa tions and relevant theory [ Cornwall et al., 1970;Perraut et al. , 1976; Koons and Roeder, 1990; Parrot and Gaye , 1994; Tsurutani and Smith, 1974, 1977; Kozyra et al., 1997;Jordanova et al., 1997]. We assume that geomagnetic storm activity produces a seed population of electrons of energy ≈100 keV as a source for the region specified in Figure 1. We are not concerned in this paper with the precis e means (transport, original source location, etc.) by which the source is suppl ied. According to standard particle drift theory [e.g., Wolf, 1995], the drift motion of “hot” (e.g., 100 keV) electrons close to the Earth is dominated by gradient drift, with the re sult that electrons execute approximately circular drift trajectories eastwa rd about the Earth. Thus, the storm-supplied source electrons constitute a quasi-trapp ed population traversing the whistler-mode and EMIC wave subregions illustrated in Figu re 1. While executing the eastward drift, the electrons gyrate about the field lines an d ‘bounce’ between mirror points, during which time they also undergo both energy and p itch-angle diffusion, as a result of their interaction with the whistler-mode chorus and EMIC waves. We shall assume that the pitch-angle scattering rate is much greater than the energy diffusion rate (see Appendix A), so that the electron distribution wil l be nearly isotropic. Further,8 we shall take account of pitch-angle diffusion of electrons i nto the loss-cone and their subsequent precipitation into the atmosphere, by characte rizing their loss from the system by an escape time Tesc. The kinetic or Fokker-Planck equation describing the evolution in time tof the electron energy distribution function f(E, t) can be written as ∂f ∂t=∂2 ∂E2(D(E)f)−∂ ∂E/bracketleftBig/parenleftBig A(E)− |˙EL|/parenrightBig f/bracketrightBig −f Tesc+S(E, t), (1) where E=Ek/(mec2) =γ−1 is the particle kinetic energy in units of the rest mass energy, γ= (1−v2/c2)−1/2is the Lorentz factor, vis the particle speed, meis the electron rest mass, and c is the speed of light; f(E, t)dEis the number of particles per unit volume in the interval dE;D(E) is the energy diffusion coefficient due to resonant interaction of the electrons with whistler-mode turbulenc e;A(E) is the systematic acceleration rate due to the whistler-mode turbulence; |˙EL|is the energy loss rate due to processes not directly related to stochastic acceler ation, namely, here assumed to be Coulomb collisions and synchrotron radiation; Tescis the mean escape time of particles out of the system due to pitch-angle scattering by both whistler-mode and EMIC waves; and the source term S(E, t) represents the rate of particle injection into the inner magnetospheric region specified in Figure 1, as a re sult of storm activity. Equation (1) is not the standard form of Fokker-Planck equat ion employed in space physics, and so we give a brief account of its derivation in th e Appendix. Detailed data on the whistler-mode chorus during storm-time are unfortun ately not available. In fact, insufficient information is known about the energy spectrum o f the turbulence in many space physics situations. While whistler-mode chorus emis sions are normally considered to be discrete during geomagnetically quiet times [ Anderson and Kurth, 1989], it is here assumed that during geomagnetic storms the concomitan t, enhanced whistler-mode turbulence can be considered quasi-continuous. Specifical ly, a simplifying assumption is made that the whistler-mode turbulence is isotropic, homog eneous, stationary, and has a power-law spectral energy density distribution in wavenu mber k, with spectral index9 q; specifically, the spectral energy density is assumed to tak e the form, W(k) =q−1 kmin/parenleftBiggkmin k/parenrightBiggq Wtot, W tot=/integraldisplay∞ kminW(k)dk, (2) for wavenumbers greater than kmin, to be specified below. In accordance with the quasi-linear diffusion formulation adopted in this paper, t he whistler-mode turbulence is weak, i.e., comprises small-amplitude magnetic and elec tric wave fields. Momentum diffusion coefficients corresponding to whistler-mode waves have been obtained by various authors. We calculate the Fokker-Planck coefficient sD(E) and A(E) from (A8) using the whistler-mode diffusion coefficients Dpderived by Hamilton and Petrosian [1992] (for 2 < q≤4), and Schlickeiser [1997] (for 1 < q < 2) for parallel wave propagation. The results are D(E) =D0[E(E+ 2)](q−1)/2(E+ 1)−1, (3) A(E) =D0q[E(E+ 2)](q−3)/2, (4) where D0=π(q−1)2 q2(q2−4)/parenleftBiggckmin Ωe/parenrightBiggq−1 α2RΩe, (5) for 2< q≤4; D(E) =D0[E(E+ 2)]1/2(E+ 1)−1, (6) A(E) = 2D0[E(E+ 2)]−1/2, (7) where D0=π(q−1) 8/parenleftBiggckmin Ωe/parenrightBiggq−1/parenleftBiggme mp/parenrightBigg(2−q)/2 α(2+q)/2JWRΩe, (8) for 1< q < 2. In (3) – (8), the two dimensionless parameters Randαare introduced; Ris the ratio of turbulent energy Wtotto magnetic field energy, R= 8πWtot/B2 0= (∆B/B 0)2, (9)10 and α= Ω2 e/ω2 pe= (mp/me)β2 A, (10) where Ω e=eB0/(mec) is the electron gyrofrequency, with B0the ambient magnetic field strength and ethe electron charge; ∆ Bis the average whistler-mode wave amplitude; ωpe= (4πN0e2/me)1/2is the electron plasma frequency, with N0the particle number density; JWis a weakly varying function of E; and βA=vA/cwhere vA=B0/(4πN0mp)1/2is the Alfv´ en speed, with mpthe proton rest mass. The parameter αdefined in (10) is identical to the parameter αused by Summers et al. [1998]. We note, in particular, as should indeed be the case, that since the kinetic energy variable Eis dimensionless, the dimension of the diffusion coefficient Dequals the dimension of the parameter D0(orD0) equals [time]−1. For definiteness, in (5) and (8) we set kmin= Ω p/(cβA), (11) [e.g.,Hamilton and Petrosian , 1992], where Ω p=eB0/(mpc) is the proton gyrofrequency. The energy loss term |˙EL|, in which we include losses due to Coulomb collisions and synchrotron radiation, can be expressed in the form |˙EL|= 6×10−13N0(E+ 1)[E(E+ 2)]−1/2+ 1.32×10−9B2 0E(E+ 2).(12) The first term on the right-hand side of the equation (12) is th e energy loss rate due to Coulomb collisions, given by Melrose [1980], and the second term the energy loss rate due to synchrotron radiation, given by Blumenthal and Gould [1970]. In (12), the particle number density N0is in cm−3, the magnetic field strength B0is in gauss, and |˙EL|is in sec−1. We note that there are potentially four influential paramete rs in the model: the parameter αdefined by (10), the spectral index q, the turbulent wave power parameter R, and the mean particle escape-time Tesc. The value of the parameter αdepends on the values taken for the particle density N0and the ambient magnetic field strength11 B0. We shall discuss Tesc, which we regard as an adjustable parameter, and the particl e source function Sbelow. The diffusion parameters D0andD0occurring in expressions (3) and (6) for the diffusion coefficient Dare measures of the rate of energy diffusion, andD−1 0,D−1 0are measures of the time scale for particle acceleration. Su bstituting the result (11) for kmininto equations (5) and (8), we find that D0andD0are given by D0=π(q−1)2 q2(q2−4)/parenleftBiggme mp/parenrightBiggq−3 ΩeRβ5−q A=π(q−1)2 q2(q2−4)/parenleftBiggme mp/parenrightBigg(q−1)/2 ΩeRα(5−q)/2,(13) for 2< q≤4; D0=π(q−1) 8/parenleftbiggmp me/parenrightbigg JWΩeRβ3 A=π(q−1) 8/parenleftBiggme mp/parenrightBigg1/2 JWΩeRα3/2, (14) for 1< q < 2. Corresponding to the Kolmogorov turbulent spectrum ( q= 5/3), the function JWis of order unity. As an idealized assumption, we regard the Kolmo gorov spectrum as the representative spectrum over the range 1 < q < 2, and we henceforth set q= 5/3 and JW= 1 in (14). Since, from (10), the parameter αis inversely proportional to the particle number density N0, it follows from (13) and (14) that D0andD0increase as N0decreases. This agrees with the conclusions of Summers et al. [1998] who found by constructing resonant diffusion curves in velocity space that energy diffusion beco mes more pronounced with increasing α(or decreasing N0). As expected, the values of D0andD0also increase as the turbulent spectral energy density ratio Rincreases. Specifically, we find from (13) and (14) that D0andD0depend on the plasma parameters N0andB0, and the wave amplitude ∆ Bas follows: D0∝B(4−q) 0(∆B)2/N(5−q)/2 0 (15) for 2< q≤4; D0∝B2 0(∆B)2/N3/2 0 (16)12 for 1< q < 2. In this paper, we set N0= 10 cm−3as the particle number density representative of the inner magnetosphere (3 ≤L≤9) outside the plasmasphere. It could be argued that such a value may be too high for the background plasma out side the plasmasphere. However, since from (15) and (16) it is clear that the acceler ation process becomes more efficient as N0decreases, we find it useful to adopt N0= 10 cm−3as a generic conservative value. We comment further on this assumption b elow. We use the equatorial (dipole) magnetic field value B0= 3.12×10−5/L3T. Corresponding values ofB0and the above-defined parameters αandβAat the locations L= 3,4,···, 9 are given in Table 1. In Figure 2, we plot the energy diffusion para meter D0(sec−1) as a Figure 2 function of the spectral index qin the range 2 < q < 4 at each of the locations L= 3, 4, 5. At each L-value, we calculate D0for the specified wave amplitudes ∆ B= 75 pT, 100 pT, 300 pT, and 1 nT ( which correspond to the indicated values ofRin the diagrams). Lines indicating the time scales D−1 0for particle acceleration corresponding to 1 hour, 1/2 day, and 1 day are shown in each diagram. As can be observed from the curves in Figure 2, the value of D0is particularly sensitive to the value of qasqapproaches 2. In fact, formally from (13) we have the result D0→ ∞, asq→2, which is obviously undesirable physically, but which is a consequence of the qu asi-linear diffusion formalism we have adopted in this paper. It is evident from Figure 2 that , at any given L-value, as the value of qdecreases, the value of D0increases, and hence the time scale for particle acceleration decreases. In addition, it can be observed tha t for a given value of q, as Ldecreases, the value of D0likewise increases; this property also follows from relati on (15). Thus, for qin the range 2 < q < 4, shorter acceleration times are favoured by smaller value of q, small values of L, and (of course) larger values of the wave amplitude ∆B. Corresponding to the Kolmogorov spectrum ( q= 5/3), we show in Figure 3 the Figure 3 diffusion parameter D0(sec−1) as a function of ∆ B(pT) at the locations L= 3, 4, 5. Again, it is clear from the figure that shorter acceleration t imes are favoured by smaller13 values of Land larger values of ∆ B; this property similarly follows from (16). In Figure 4, we plot the diffusion coefficient D(sec−1) as a function of the particle Figure 4 kinetic energy E(MeV), as given by (3), (6), (13) and (14), for the fixed wave am plitude ∆B= 1 nT, and N0= 10 cm−3. The curves are constructed for values of the spectral index q= 5/3, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4, at each of the locations, L= 3, 4, 5. The diffusion coefficient Dis clearly an increasing function of energy E. In general, for a given value ofE, though not at all values, Dcan also be seen to increase as qdecreases. According to the standard quasi-linear theory of resonant i nteraction of electrons with whistler-mode turbulence [e.g., Melrose , 1986], in order for electrons to resonate with whistlers, the condition, γβ≥(mp/me)1/2βA (17) must be satisfied; β=v/cwhere vis the particle speed, cis the speed of light, γis the Lorentz factor, and βA=vA/cis the Alfv´ en speed parameter defined above. Making use of relativistic relations given in (A6), we find that (17) can be expressed in the form E(E+ 2)≥(mp/me)β2 A (18) which, in turn, by using the parameter αdefined in (10), can be reduced to E≥Ec, (19) where Ecis the critical energy given by Ec= (1 + α)1/2−1. (20) The value of the parameter αdepends on the values of the particle number density N0and magnetic field B0. Values of the critical energy Ecare given in Table 1 at the Table 1 locations L= 3, 4, ···, 9, for N0= 10 cm−3; the values for L= 3, 4, 5 correspond respectively to the energy cut-off values in the upper, middl e, and lower diagrams in Figure 4.14 3. NUMERICAL RESULTS Prior to consideration of the solution of the kinetic equati on (1) for the electron energy distribution function f(E, t), we must specify the source function S(E, t) which represents storm-produced seed electrons. We shall assume that the source function can be represented by a standard relativistic Maxwellian distr ibution, namely, S=S0[µ/K 2(µ)](E+ 1)[E(E+ 2)]1/2e−µ(E+1)(21) where µ=mec2/(kBTs) (22) andTsrepresents the temperature of the distribution; K2(µ) is a modified Bessel function of the second kind of argument µ, and kBis Boltzmann’s constant. It can be shown that/integraltextSdE=S0,so that the parameter S0represents the total number of source electrons per unit volume per unit time. It is clearly important both to calibrate and test our model, as far as is possible at the present time, by making use of available observationa l data. The study by Cayton et al. [1989] appears best-suited to these purposes. Cayton et al. [1989] derived energy distribution functions from energetic (30 – 2000 keV ) electron fluxes observed simultaneously by three satellites in geosynchronous orbi t throughout the year 1986. It was found that the energetic electron population can be re solved into two distinct relativistic Maxwellian components, each parameterized b y a temperature and a density: a lower energy (30 – 300 keV) “soft” electron distribution wi th temperature Ts≈25 keV and number density Ns≈5×10−3cm−3; and a higher energy (300 – 2000 keV) “hard” electron distribution with temperature Th≈200 keV and number density Nh≈10−4cm−3. The “soft” component is charaterized by intense substorm- related injections and by strong temporal variations. Accordingly , and in agreement with a suggested interpretation by Cayton et al. [1989], we shall regard this “soft” component as comprising the electron seed population. Thus, we shall i dentify the temperature Ts15 associated with the Maxwellian source distribution (21) – ( 22) as the aforementioned temperature of the “soft” electron component. Cayton et al. [1989] found that the value ofThshows little change on the substorm (hourly) time scale, whi leNhdecreases during substorms. We shall regard the “hard” electron distributio n as precisely the highly energetic (“killer”) electron distribution that we are try ing to model as a (steady-state) solution of the kinetic equation (1) with the steady Maxwell ian source (21) – (22). We solve equation (1) for the energetic electron distributi onf(E, t) by the Crank- Nicholson implicit differencing scheme. The method is well s uited to time-dependent Fokker-Planck equations, and we refer the reader to Hamilton et al. [1990] and Park and Petrosian [1996] for full details. Since we are concerned with the gene ration of a highly-energetic electron distribution, we assume that t here are no such energetic particles initially, i.e., f(E,0) = 0 , E > E s, (23) where Es= 1/µis the thermal energy associated with the source distributi on (21) – (22). We further assume that, subject to continuous injecti on of the seed electrons (given by (21) – (22)), the evolving distribution maintains a maximum at E=Esfor all time, i.e., we take the inner boundary condition as ∂f(E, t) ∂E= 0, E =Es. (24) Finally, for the outer boundary condition we require that th e distribution function tend to zero for large values of Efor all time, so we set f(E, t) = 0, E > E 0 (25) where E0is a specified upper value of E(in practice, we fix E0= 2×104MeV). Having constructed the evolving electron distribution sub ject to the above conditions, we thereby obtain the resulting steady-state distribution f(E) which we fit to a relativistic16 Maxwellian distribution, i.e., we carry out the linear fit, log10/bracketleftBig f(E)/{(E+ 1)[E(E+ 2)]1/2}/bracketrightBig ≡a+bE, (26) with a= log10/bracketleftBig Nhλe−λ/K2(λ)/bracketrightBig , b =−λlog10e, (27) and λ=mec2/(kBTh), (28) where ThandNhrepresent respectively the temperature and number density of the steady-state distribution (to be compared with the above va lues associated with the “hard” electron distribution); and K2(λ) is a modified Bessel function of the second kind of argument λ. For a given steady-state solution, the parameters aandbare determined by a linear regression comprising a minimization of a chi-sq uare goodness-of-fit merit function [ Press et al. , 1992]. Having thus obtained values for aandb, we then calculate ThandNhfrom (27) and (28). Representative numerical solutions of the model presented in this paper are shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7, with corresponding results given resp ectively in Tables 2, 3, Figures 5, 6 7 Tables 2, 3and 4. In all cases we set the background number density N0= 10 cm−3, and the 4source electron temperature Ts= 25 keV (giving µ= 20.44 from (22)), the latter value being equal to the estimate by Cayton et al. [1989] for the temperature of the “soft” electron distribution. The scheme and rationale for settin g the remaining parameters is as follows. Firstly, we set L, which fixes the value of the background magnetic fieldB0. Secondly, we set the average wave-amplitude ∆ Band the spectral index q; these values are chosen to yield a value of the diffusion param eterD0(orD0) that is expected to produce a steady-state (equilibrium) distribu tion function after several days of source injection. Whistler-mode “chorus” wave ampl itudes have been reported in the range 1 – 100 pT [ Burtis and Helliwell, 1975], with Parrot and Gaye [1994] finding that during more intense periods of magnetic activit y wave amplitudes can17 approach ∆ B= 1 nT. Amplitudes of whistlers associated mainly with hiss, with values of 100 pT or more, have also been reported by Smith et al. [1974] during a typical storm recovery phase. In Table 1, corresponding to a backgro und number density of N0= 10 cm−3, we present the wave amplitudes ∆ B(pT) expected to yield a high energy “hard” electron distribution after a few days of seed electron injection as a result of substorm activity. These required amplitudes depend on t he value of Landq(as well asN0). For q= 5/3, and for the inner region 3 ≤L≤5, the values of ∆ Bare in the range 75 – 400 pT, which are realistic though in the higher ran ge of observations. As pointed out in Section 2, the process of gyroresonant stocha stic acceleration becomes more efficient with decreasing background plasma density. Wh ileN0= 10 cm−3can be regarded as a representative value for the background pla sma density outside the plasmasphere in certain conditions, it is also true that at o ther times N0= 1 cm−3is a more representative value. Using (15), we calculate that if we set N0= 1 cm−3, then, for 3≤L≤5, the required ∆ B-values are in the range 13 – 72 pT, if q= 5/3, and in the range 35 – 316 pT, if 2 .5≤q≤3. Having set values for N0, Ts, L, q, and ∆ B, we next specify the mean particle escape time Tesc. In fact, since a value for Tescis not precisely known, we treat Tescas an adjustable parameter and run the cases 1 /(D0Tesc) (or 1/(D0Tesc)) = 0 ,1,2,5,10. In Figure 5 (left) we show steady-state solutions for the electron energy distribution function f(E) for the case L= 3,q= 5/3, ∆B= 75 pT. The source strength S0has been chosen so as to produce a model solution that best agrees with the “hard” electron distribution of Cayton et al. [1989]. In order to achieve this, for each steady-state solution the linear fit ( 26) – (28) to a relativistic Maxwellian distribution is carried out. The corresponding results are shown in Figure 5 (right) and Table 2. It is found that the temperature Thassociated with a particular steady-state solution, as given by the parameter b(or the slope of the constructed line), is largely determined by the value of Tesc, while the number density Nh, which is then given by the parameter a(or the vertical intercept of the line) is largely determine d by18 the value of S0. The results in Table 2, for which S0= 1.5×10−6cm−3sec−1, indicate a best agreement with the empirically-derived values of Nh≈10−4cm−3andTh= 200 keV, when Tesc≈1/2 day, the corresponding time for the formation of the steady -state solution being TEQ≈4 days. A precise, physically representative value for the m ean particle escape time Tescis difficult to determine a priori sinceTescrelates to scattering losses of electrons due to both whistler-mode and EMIC waves . However, on the basis of estimates of timescales for strong diffusion scattering l oss, it appears that Tescis of the order of hours and so Tesc≈1/2 day is not an unreasonable value. We relate TEQto the time taken after the initiation of a storm for fluxes of rel ativistic electrons to peak (see Section 1), which is observed to be several days. Thus, w e favour solutions of the present model for which TEQ= 1 – 5 days, with TEQ≈4 days possibly the optimal value. In Figure 6 and Table 3 we show the corresponding results for t he case N0= 10 cm−3,L= 6.6,q= 2.5, ∆B= 800 pT, while in Figure 7 and Table 4 we show the results for the case N0= 10 cm−3,L= 5,q= 3, ∆ B= 1 nT. As can be seen from the tables, for both these cases best agreement between the solutions an d the “hard” electron distribution of Cayton et al. [1989] occurs when Tesc≈1/2 day, and corresponds to a formation time TEQ= 3 – 5 days. If the background number density is taken to be N0= 1 cm−3, the cases shown in Figures 6 and 7 correspond respectively t o values for the wave amplitude ∆ Bof 190 pT and 316 pT. Figures 6 and 7 correspond to cases of intense substorm activity during the storm recovery phase. Taking into account the value of the wave amplitudes given in Table 2 corresponding toN0= 10 cm−3, and their converted values for the case N0= 1 cm−3, we re-iterate that the model solutions imply in particular that for a Kolmo gorov turbulent wave spectrum, sustained whistler amplitudes in the physically realistic range 13 – 72 pT can generate a typical high energy “hard” electron distributio n in the inner magnetosphere 3≤L≤5 within one or two days. It should also be noted that the model calculations19 show that the acceleration mechanism considered in this pap er is not effective in the region 7 ≤L≤9 since the necessary values of the whistler amplitude would be too high (typically in excess of 1 nT). Thus, the model formulate d herein has been shown to be a viable mechanism for accelerating electrons exactly in the inner region of the magnetosphere where the peak in electron phase space densit y of the highly energetic electrons is observed to occur [e.g., Selesnick and Blake , 1997b]. A requirement of the model presented here is enhanced whistl er-mode chorus lasting for a period of at least one or two days. Geomagnetic c onditions during which such a requirement is particularly well satisfied occur duri ng the descending phase of the solar cycle when the Earth’s magnetosphere can be impacted b y a high-speed solar wind stream following a magnetic field build-up known as a Corotat ing Interaction Region (CIR). CIRs cause small and moderate magnetic storms, but no t major storms. Since the Earth can be embedded in the associated high-speed strea m for days to weeks there are substorms for days to weeks [ Tsurutani et al. , 1995; Kamide et al. , 1998]. Thus, during this long-lasting recovery phase of the magnetic sto rm, there will be continuously enhanced wave activity, in the form of both whistler-mode ch orus and EMIC waves, to drive the acceleration mechanism presented herein to gen erate the high energy ( >1 MeV) electrons. 4. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, by means of quasi-linear theory and a test-par ticle approach, we have formulated the model kinetic equation (1) in which the accel eration mechanism is due to gyroresonant interaction between electrons and whistler- mode turbulence, corresponding to parallel wave propagation. The essential purpose of the s tudy has been to apply equation (1) to the Earth’s inner magnetosphere in order to t est the hypothesis that storm-enhanced whistler-mode chorus can accelerate lower -energy substorm-produced seed electrons to relativistic ( >1 MeV) energies over a period of a few days. Our20 conclusions are as follows: 1. Based on the model calculations in this paper, it is entire ly possible for enhanced whistler-mode chorus to generate the observed increases in relativistic ( >1 MeV) “killer” electrons during the storm recovery after a pe riod of several days, so long as the waves are sufficiently strong. If N0= 10 cm−3is taken to be the background plasma number density outside the plasmasph ere, the typical average wave-amplitudes required for a Kolmogorov spectru m are in the range ∆B= 75 – 400 pT, dependent on the location L. IfN0= 1 cm−3, the required wave-amplitudes are in range 13 - 72 pT. 2. Energetic electron spectra of the model solutions do not f ollow a simple power law in energy. For certain sets of parameters, we find that soluti ons can be well fitted to the relativistic Maxwellian distribution empirically c onstructed by Cayton et al.[1989] to represent the higher energy (300 keV – 2 MeV) “hard” electron population at geosynchronous orbit. We note the recent anal ysis by Freeman et al. [1998] of the November 3 – 4, 1993 storm, in which electrons fr om about 100 keV to 1.5 MeV were characterized by a power law spectrum. Evidentl y, optimal fitting of empirical electron spectra to power-law, Maxwellian, or ot her types of distribution can depend on the energy range prescribed and the event under consideration. In connection with electron power-law energy spectra, Ma and Summers [1998] have shown that such spectra can be produced by whistler-mode tur bulence, although it is questionable whether the necessary conditions establ ished in their theoretical study can be satisfied in the Earth’s magnetosphere. 3. It is unlikely that any single physical mechanism of elect ron acceleration can fully account for relativistic electron enhancements occu rring during the recovery phase of magnetic storms, not least because various types of energetic electron event have been observed [e.g., Baker et al. , 1997, 1998; Reeves , 1998b; Reeves et21 al., 1998]. Rapid energetic electron flux enhancements taking p lace over minutes have been associated with inductive electric fields [e.g., Li et al. , 1993], while enhancements occurring over tens of minutes or a few hours ha ve been linked to ULF pulsations [e.g., Rostoker et al. , 1998; Liu et al. , 1999]. The gradual acceleration process (occurring over a few days) formulate d in this paper is not intended to apply to such energetic electron events which ty pically result from major storms. However, small and moderate magnetic storms a ssociated with Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) characteristicall y have long recovery phases and attendant substorms for days to weeks [ Tsurutani et al. , 1995; Kamide et al. , 1998]. Since these substorms produce enhanced whistler-mo de chorus (and EMIC waves) over (at least) several days, the necessary conditio ns for the effectiveness of the mechanism presented in this paper are satisfied. Hence , for these types of storm, and possibly others, when average wave-amplitudes a re sufficiently large, the present study shows that, in conjunction with pitch-ang le scattering by EMIC waves, the mechanism of stochastic acceleration by whistle r-mode turbulence is a serious candidate for explaining the generation of “killer electrons”. Appendix A: Derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation (1) We consider energetic charged particles in a uniform magnet ic field, with superimposed small-amplitude plasma waves of a given mode. The equation for the evolution of the particle distribution function φ(p, t, µ) due to gyroresonant interactions with the waves is ∂φ ∂t=1 p2∂ ∂p/parenleftBigg p2Dpp∂φ ∂p/parenrightBigg +1 p2∂ ∂p/parenleftBigg p2Dpµ∂φ ∂µ/parenrightBigg +∂ ∂µ/parenleftBigg Dµp∂φ ∂p/parenrightBigg +∂ ∂µ/parenleftBigg Dµµ∂φ ∂µ/parenrightBigg +1 p2∂ ∂p/parenleftBig p2˙ELφ/parenrightBig +Q(p, t). (A1) Equation (A1), called a kinetic or diffusion or Fokker-Planc k equation, is derived by expanding a collisionless Boltzmann equation for the parti cle distribution function22 to second order in perturbed quantities, and ensemble-aver aging over the statistical properties of the plasma waves in accordance with quasi-lin ear theory. Among the early authors to carry out this procedure were Kennel and Engelmann [1966], Hall and Sturrock [1967], and Lerche [1968]; see also Melrose [1980], Schlickeiser [1989], and Steinacker and Miller [1992], and references therein. In (A1), pis the relativistic unit momentum given by p=γv/c, where vis the particle speed, and γ= (1−v2/c2)−1/2is the Lorentz factor, with cthe speed of light; tis time; µis the cosine of the pitch angle; ˙ELis an energy loss term due to processes not directly associat ed with gyro-resonant wave-particle interactions; and Q(p, t) is a source term. The Fokker-Planck or diffusion coefficients Dpp, Dpµ, Dµp, and Dµµdepend on the properties of the wave turbulence, viz., the wave mode and polarization, the angle of wave propa gation to the ambient magnetic field, and the power spectrum, including the ratio o f the turbulent wave energy to the background magnetic energy. These coefficients have been given both in general form, and specific form, for various particular wa ve modes, by a number of authors, e.g., Melrose [1980], Schlickeiser [1989], Steinacker and Miller [1992], and Hamilton and Petrosian [1992]. It is not necessary here to derive equation (A1), whi ch requires considerable algebra, or to provide general expre ssions for the coefficients Dpp, Dpµ=Dµp, and Dµµ. We shall assume that the rate of pitch-angle scattering is much larger than the rate of energy diffusion (and the rate of t he particle escape from the system). Such an assumption is reasonable based on an ana lysis of time scales associated with resonant interaction of electrons with whi stler-mode waves, e.g., see Melrose [1980] and the discussion by Hamilton and Petrosian [1992]. Equivalently, defining the time scales Tµµ=D−1 µµ,Tµp=pD−1 µp,Tpp=p2D−1 pp, and the escape time Tesc, we assume that Tµµ≪Tpp,Tµµ≪Tµp, and Tµµ≪Tesc. Then the particle distribution function can be assumed to be isotropic, and the pitch angle c an be eliminated from the problem by integrating (A1) with respect to µ[e.g., see Schlickeiser , 1989; Steinacker23 and Miller , 1992]. Writing F(p, t) =/integraldisplay1 −1φ(p, t, µ)dµ, (A2) and representing the scattering loss of particles by pitch a ngle diffusion by means of a loss term −F(p, t)/Tesc, the equation (A1) thus becomes ∂F(p, t) ∂t=1 p2∂ ∂p/parenleftBigg p2Dp(p)∂F(p, t) ∂p/parenrightBigg +1 p2∂ ∂p/parenleftBig p2˙EL(p)F(p, t)/parenrightBig −F(p, t) Tesc+1 2Q(p, t), (A3) where the momentum diffusion coefficient Dp(p) has been formed by averaging with respect to µ. We now change the momentum variable pto the kinetic energy variable E=γ−1 in equation (A3). We write f(E, t)dE= 4πp2F(p, t)dp, (A4) ∂ ∂p=dE dp∂ ∂E, (A5) and make note of the following simple relativistic relation s: p=γβ, β =v/c, p2=E(E+ 2), γ= (1 + p2)1/2, pdp= (E+ 1)dE, βdp =dE, β = [E(E+ 2)]1/2(E+ 1)−1. (A6) Then, after straightforward manipulation, equation (A3) c an be expressed in the form, ∂ ∂t(f(E, t)) =∂2 ∂E2[D(E)f(E, t)]−∂ ∂E/bracketleftBig/parenleftBig A(E)− |˙EL|/parenrightBig f(E, t)/bracketrightBig −f(E, t) Tesc+S(E, t), (A7) where D(E) = β2Dp(p), A(E) =1 p2d dp/parenleftBig p2βDp(p)/parenrightBig , |˙EL|=β˙EL(p),24 S(E, t) =2πp2 βQ(p, t). (A8) The form of equation (A7) is actually the Fokker-Planck form of equation for a particle distribution function as originally presented by Chandrasekhar [1943] for particles in stochastic motion. Stochastic acceleration of electrons i n solar flares has been treated using different versions of (A7), e.g., see Ramaty [1979], Petrosian [1994], and Park et al.[1997]. Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineeri ng Research Council of Canada under Grant A-0621. 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Danny Summers and Chun-yu Ma, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfound land, A1C 5S7, Canada (e-mail: dsummers@math.mun.ca, cyma@math.mun.ca) Received ??? ??, 1999; revised ??? ??, 1999; accepted ??? ??, 1999. 1On leave from Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, P.R. China.32 Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research , 1999.33 Figure 1. (Left) Schematic view in the magnetic equatorial plane of th e approximately circular (projected) drift path of relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphere. During storms these energetic electrons drift (eastward) through regions of enhanced whistler- mode chorus and enhanced electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EM IC) waves. (Right) Repre- sentation of the gyration about magnetic field lines and the b ounce motion of energetic electrons as they execute the approximately circular drift path shown in (a). Figure 2. Diffusion coefficient D0given by (13) as a function of the turbulence spectral index q, for 2 < q < 4. The upper, middle, and lower diagrams correspond respect ively to the locations L= 3,4,5. The background particle number density N0= 10 cm−3. In each diagram, curves are shown corresponding to the four indicat ed values of the wave power R(given by (9)) which correspond to the respective average wa ve amplitudes ∆ B=75 pT, 100 pT, 300 pT, 1 nT. Figure 3. Diffusion coefficient D0given by (14) as a function of the average wave amplitude ∆ B(pT), at each of the locations L= 3,4,5. The turbulence spectral index q= 5/3, the parameter JW= 1, and the background particle number density N0= 10 cm−3. Figure 4. Diffusion coefficient Dgiven by (3), (6), (13), (14) as a function of the particle kinetic energy E, for the average wave amplitude ∆ B= 1 nT, and the indicated values of the spectral index q. The upper, middle, and lower diagrams correspond respecti vely to the locations L= 3, 4, 5. The background particle number density N0= 10 cm−3.34 Figure 5. (Left) Steady state solutions f(E) to the kinetic equation (1) for the electron energy distribution function, for the indicated values of 1 /(D0Tesc), corresponding to different mean particle escape times. The diffusion coefficien t and systematic acceleration rate are given by (6) and (7), with the diffusion parameter D0defined by (14); q= 5/3, JW= 1,L= 3, ∆ B= 75 pT, N0= 10 cm−3, andD0= 7.8×10−6sec−1. The particle source function is given by (21), with S0= 1.5×10−6cm−3sec−1andµ= 20.44. (Right) Corresponding re-scaled plots of the solution curves on the left, for comparison with relativistic Maxwellian energy distribution functions. T he dashed lines represent best fits with Maxwellian distributions in accordance with the re sults given in Table 2. Figure 6. (Left) Steady state solutions f(E) to the kinetic equation (1) for the electron energy distribution function, for the indicated values of 1 /(D0Tesc), corresponding to different mean particle escape times. The diffusion coefficien t and systematic acceleration rate are given by (3) and (4), with the diffusion parameter D0defined by (13); q= 2.5, L= 6.6, ∆B= 800 pT, N0= 10 cm−3, and D0= 7.2×10−6sec−1. The particle source function is given by (21), with S0= 1.4×10−9cm−3sec−1andµ= 20.44. (Right) Corresponding re-scaled plots of the solution curves on the left, for comparison with relativistic Maxwellian energy distribution functions. T he dashed lines represent best fits with Maxwellian distributions in accordance with the re sults given in Table 3. Figure 7. (Left) As in Figure 6 (Left), but for the parameters q= 3,L= 5, ∆ B= 1 nT,N0= 10 cm−3, and D0= 6.5×10−6sec−1. The particle source function is given by (21), with S0= 1.9×10−8cm−3sec−1andµ= 20.44. (Right) Corresponding re-scaled plots of the solution curves on the left, for comparison with relativistic Maxwellian energy distribution functions. The dashed lines represent best fit s with Maxwellian distributions in accordance with the results given in Table 4.35 Table 1. Values of the magnetic field B0(10−7T), the parameters αandβAgiven by (10), and the critical energy Ec(keV) given by (20), corresponding to the locations L= 3, 4, ···, 9; the background particle number density is N0= 10 cm−3. Also given, corresponding to the indicated values of the spectral index q, are typical values of the average wave amplitude ∆ B(pT) and the associated values of the diffusion parameters D0andD0in sec−1(×10−6) required to produce a high energy “hard” electron distribution after several day s of sub-storm particle injection. q= 5/3 q= 2.5 q= 3.0 L B 0 α β A Ec∆BD0∆B D 0∆B D 0 3 11.6 1.31 0.027 267 75 7.8 150 8.6 500 7.6 4 4.85 0.23 0.011 57 200 9.8 300 9.3 700 6.2 5 2.50 0.061 0.006 15 400 10 400 6.1 1000 6.5 6 1.44 0.019 0.0032 4.8 600 7.3 600 5.7 1200 5.3 7 0.91 0.0081 0.0021 2.1 900 7.0 800 5.4 1500 5.4 8 0.61 0.0036 0.0014 0.9 1400 7.5 1200 6.6 1800 5.1 9 0.43 0.0018 0.001 0.5 2000 7.6 1500 6.1 2200 5.436 Table 2. Results associated with the steady-state solutions shown i n Figure 5. Each line of the table corresponds to the particular value of Tesc(the mean particle escape time) indicated. Each solution is fitted to a relativistic Maxwellian distrib ution by means of the linear fit (26) in which the parameters aandbyield values for the number density Nhand temperature Thof the distribution; χ2measures the goodness-of-fit. The time taken for the steady- state (equilibrium) distribution to form is TEQ. 1/(D0Tesc)Tesc(day) a b (×10−3)χ2Nh(×10−4) cm−3Th(keV) TEQ(day) 0 ∞ -2.25 -1.01 3.95 160 430 10 1 1.5 -3.41 -1.11 0.30 8.9 390 8 2 0.75 -3.76 -1.40 0.32 2.4 310 5 5 0.3 -3.88 -2.17 0.11 0.8 190 3 10 0.15 -3.85 -3.08 0.046 0.4 140 137 Table 3. As for Table 2, except the results are associated with the ste ady-state solutions in Figure 6. 1/(D0Tesc)Tesc(day) a b (×10−3)χ2Nh(×10−4) cm−3Th(keV) TEQ(day) 0 ∞ -3.47 -0.58 0.77 3.8 750 11 1 1.6 -3.56 -1.5 0.052 3.2 280 8 2 0.8 -3.74 -2.0 0.034 1.2 220 5 5 0.4 -4.00 -2.9 0.010 0.32 150 3 10 0.2 -4.17 -3.9 0.034 0.13 110 138 Table 4. As for Table 2, except the results are associated with the ste ady-state solutions in Figure 7. 1/(D0Tesc)Tesc(day) a b (×10−3)χ2Nh(×10−4) cm−3Th(keV) TEQ(day) 0 ∞ -4.00 -0.22 21 140 2000 12 1 1.8 -3.90 -1.1 1.8 3.3 410 9 2 0.9 -4.02 -1.5 0.88 1.2 290 5 5 0.45 -4.19 -2.3 0.31 0.32 190 3 10 0.2 -4.30 -3.3 0.12 0.12 130 1L=3EMIC WAVESWHISTLER –□MODE CHORUS L=9 GEOSYNCHRONOUS ORBITDRIFT□PATH□OF RELATIVISTIC ELECTRONS/BD/BC /A0 /BI /BD/BC /A0 /BH /BD/BC /A0 /BG /BD/BC /A0 /BF/C4/BP/BF/BD /CW/D3/D9/D6/BD/BB/BE /CS/CP /DD/BD /CS/CP /DD/BJ /BM /BG /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BJ /BD /D2/CC/BI /BM /BJ /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BK /BF/BC/BC /D4/CC/BJ /BM /BG /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BL /BD/BC/BC /D4/CC/CA /BP /BG /BM /BE /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BL /A1 /BU /BP /BJ/BH /D4/CC /B9/B9/B9/BD/BC /A0 /BI /BD/BC /A0 /BH /BD/BC /A0 /BG /BD/BC /A0 /BF/BW /BC/B4/D7/CT /A0 /BD /B5 /C4/BP/BG/BD /CW/D3/D9/D6/BD/BB/BE /CS/CP /DD/BD /CS/CP /DD/CA /BP /BG /BM /BE /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BI /A1 /BU /BP /BD /D2/CC/BF /BM /BJ /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BJ /BF/BC/BC /D4/CC/BG /BM /BE /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BK /BD/BC/BC /D4/CC/BE /BM /BF /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BK /BJ/BH /D4/CC /B9/B9/B9/BD/BC /A0 /BI /BD/BC /A0 /BH /BD/BC /A0 /BG /BD/BC /A0 /BF/BE/BA/BC /BE/BA/BE /BE/BA/BG /BE/BA/BI /BE/BA/BK /BF/BA/BC /BF/BA/BE /BF/BA/BG /BF/BA/BI /BF/BA/BK /BG/BA/BC/D5 /C4/BP/BH/BD /CW/D3/D9/D6/BD/BB/BE /CS/CP /DD/BD /CS/CP /DD/CA /BP /BD /BM /BI /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BH /A1 /BU /BP /BD /D2/CC/BD /BM /BG/BG /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BI /BF/BC/BC /D4/CC/BD /BM /BI /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BJ /BD/BC/BC /D4/CC /BL /A2 /BD/BC /A0 /BK /BJ/BH /D4/CC /B9/B9/B9/AF/1/0 /BnZr /8 /1/0 /BnZr /7 /1/0 /BnZr /6 /1/0 /BnZr /5 /1/0 /BnZr /4 /1/0 /BnZr /3/1/0 /1/0/0 /1/0/0/0D /0/(sec/BnZr /1 /)/ B /(pT/) /1 hour/1///2 da y/1 da yL/=/3 L/=/4 L/=/5 ////BD/BC /A0 /BK /BD/BC /A0 /BJ /BD/BC /A0 /BI /BD/BC /A0 /BH /BD/BC /A0 /BG /BD/BC /A0 /BF /BD/BC /A0 /BE/C4 /BP /BF/D5 /BP /BH /BP /BF/BE /BM /BH/BF /BM /BC/BF /BM /BH/BG /BM /BC/BD/BC /A0 /BK /BD/BC /A0 /BJ /BD/BC /A0 /BI /BD/BC /A0 /BH /BD/BC /A0 /BG /BD/BC /A0 /BF /BD/BC /A0 /BE/BW /B4 /BX /B5 /B4/D7/CT /A0 /BD /B5 /C4 /BP /BG/BD/BC /A0 /BK /BD/BC /A0 /BJ /BD/BC /A0 /BI /BD/BC /A0 /BH /BD/BC /A0 /BG /BD/BC /A0 /BF /BD/BC /A0 /BE/BC /BM /BC/BD /BC /BM /BD /BD /BD/BC/BX /B4/C5/CT/CE/B5 /C4 /BP /BH
arXiv:physics/9910022v1 [physics.gen-ph] 16 Oct 1999A charged space as the origin of sources, fields and potentials Koen J. van Vlaenderen The Institute for Basic Research email: nlx6461@nl.ibm.com February 9, 2008 Abstract The wave function ψis interpreted as charge den- sity, or charge distribution, at each point in space. This is a physical interpretation of ψ. The notion of speed can be associated with ψ, which leads to the concept of conduction currents and (displacement) convection currents. The charge distribution is the origin of electrical and mechanical sources, poten- tials and fields. The notion of self potential is es- sential for defining electrical or mechanical sources. Maxwell’s equations are derived from the condi- tion of charge conservation and mass conservation. There are two methods of modelling the mass of a charge: 1. The mass of a charge is its electrostatic energy. 2. The mass of a charge is the energy of the Zero Point Field (ZPF) that interacts with the point charge. It is shown that the two models are related by a simple energy equation for a particle at rest. 1 Introduction An alternative study of microphysics [1], called Ma- terial Wave Theory (MTW), shows that the inter- pretation of ψas a physical wave is more realis- tic and more simple than the non-physical Copen- hagen interpretation of ψrepresenting only statis- tical qualities. The central conjecture of MTW is the notion of intrinsic potential energy of a parti- cle. This intrinsic potential energy turns out to be electromagnetic field energy. Therefore, the wavenature of matter is closely related to electromag- netic energy. There are several other theories that attribute even more importance to electromagnetic phenomena. Stochastic Electro-dynamics (SED) [2] [3] ex- plains the statistical nature of micro-physics by a physical mechanism: quantum-like fluctuations of a random perturbing Zero Point Field. The inertia of a particle is described as a reaction force that is a consequence of the anisotropy of the ZPF in an accelerating frame of reference. This means that inertia and also gravity are secondary electromag- netic phenomena. The ZPF energy is described for the first time as an extra term in the Planck (or blackbody) function. In [4] the mass of a charge is considered equal to the electrostatic energy of the charge. An ac- celerating charge gives rise to a self force (New- ton’s reaction force), because the speed of light is anisotropic [5] around the accelerating charge. A local anisotropy of light speed is exactly a field of gravity. In [6] the linear momentum of a charged parti- cle is described as a self induced magnetic potential that acts on the charge, and also rest-mass is con- sidered here as the electrostatic energy. Although these views have much in common (electrodynamics is essential in order to explain the wave nature of matter, or to explain inertia and gravity), it is not obvious how to integrate these theories into one consistent theory. First, the elec- trodynamics of electrons within MWT is further explored. 12 Classical Electrodynamics in MWT Hofers central conjecture within MWT [1] is: the intrinsic energy of a particle consists of kinetic and potential energy. Quantum Physics states that the intrinsic energy of a particle is solely kinetic. This is not based on experiment, and the reasoning about the intrinsic nature of particles within the frame- work of Quantum Physics boils down to a logical circle [1] : If a particles intrinsic energy is solely kinetic, the phase velocity of a de Broglie wave is not equal to the mechanical velocity of a particle. If phase velocity does not equal mechanical velocity, a free particle can not exist of a single wave of specific frequency and it must be formalized as a Fourier integral over infinitely many partial waves. In this case any partial wave can not be interpreted as a physical wave. Then the wave features of a partial wave can not be related to physical qualities. If they cannot be related to physical qualities, then internal processes must remain unconsidered. And if internal processes remain unconsidered, then the intrinsic energy of a particle is solely kinetic energy. Hofers conjecture is more simple and forces to de- scribe the wave nature of particles in terms of phys- ical qualities, in stead of adopting the non-physical Hilbert space. 2.1 The de Brogly wave First, the wave function ψis treated as a real func- tion, in stead of a complex function, and with phys- ical meaning: ψ(/vector r,t) =ψ0sin(/vectork·/vector r−ωt) (2.1) ̺(/vector r,t) =Cψ2 0sin2(/vectork·/vector r−ωt) (2.2) The function ̺is the de Brogly wavefunction with dimension of mass-density. A de Brogly wave is a mass oscillation . The periodic change of kinetic en- ergy requires the existence of an intrinsic potential energy with a density of φ. The particle velocity equals the phase velocity. By using an undefined constant C, it is avoided to define the dimension ofψ. In this paper, C=1, and ψhas the dimension of square root of mass-density. These definitions define mechanical properties of ψ. It is assumed that speed,/vector u, can be associated withψen̺:/vector p=̺/vector uis the impulse density and wkin=1 2̺u2is the kinetic energy density ( u= |/vector u|). A material wave is a periodic transformation of intrinsic kinetic energy and intrinsic potential energy, such that the sum of both intrinsic energy densities is constant: 1 2̺u2+φ=φ0=constant (2.3) 2.2 Electric and Magnetic Potentials In Material Wave theory it is shown that the intrin- sic potential is electromagnetic in nature. The def- initions of the electric field and the magnetic field, in terms of the intrinsic moment and intrinsic po- tential, are as follows: /vectorE=−∇1 ¯ρφ+1 2¯ρ∂/vector p ∂t(2.4) /vectorB=−1 2¯ρ∇ ×/vector p (2.5) where ¯ρis a constant with the dimension of charge density to guarantee compatibility with electro- magnetic units. By substituting φ=φ0−1 2̺u2 and/vector p=̺/vector u, the equations 2.4 and 2.5 become: /vectorE=∇1 2¯ρ̺u2+1 2¯ρ∂(̺/vector u) ∂t(2.6) /vectorB=−1 2¯ρ∇ ×(̺/vector u) (2.7) If an electric potential and magnetic potential are defined as follows: Φ =−̺ 2¯ρu2/vectorA=−̺ 2¯ρ/vector u (2.8) then it is obvious that the fields can be expressed in terms of the potentials in the usual way. The sourcesρsand/vectorJscan be expressed also in terms of the potentials Φ and /vectorA. /vectorE=−∇Φ−∂/vectorA ∂t(2.9) 2/vectorB=∇ ×/vectorA (2.10) ρs=ǫ/parenleftbigg µǫ∂2Φ ∂t2− ∇2Φ/parenrightbigg (2.11) /vectorJs=1 µ/parenleftBigg µǫ∂2/vectorA ∂t2− ∇2/vectorA/parenrightBigg (2.12) 2.3 Maxwell’s equations If mass is conserved and ǫµ=1 u2=constant then Maxwell’s equations are valid in MWT. Proof: starting with the mass continuity equation, the Lorentz gauge can be derived: 0 =∇·(̺ /vector u) +∂̺ ∂t =∇·(−̺ 2¯ρ/vector u) +µǫ∂/parenleftbigg −̺ 2¯ρu2/parenrightbigg ∂t =∇·/vectorA+µǫ∂Φ ∂t(2.13) Maxwell’s equations follow from the definitions of fields and sources and the Lorentz gauge: ∇ ×/vectorE=∇ ×/parenleftBigg −∇Φ−∂/vectorA ∂t/parenrightBigg =−∂/parenleftBig ∇ ×/vectorA/parenrightBig ∂t=−∂/vectorB ∂t(2.14) ∇ ·/vectorE=∇ ×/parenleftBigg −∇Φ−∂/vectorA ∂t/parenrightBigg =−∇2Φ−∂ ∂t∇ ·/vectorA =−∇2Φ +µǫ∂2Φ ∂t2=ρs ǫ(2.15)∇ ×/vectorB=∇ × ∇ ×/vectorA =∇(∇ ·/vectorA)− ∇2/vectorA =−∇/parenleftbigg µǫ∂Φ ∂t/parenrightbigg − ∇2/vectorA =µǫ∂ ∂t/parenleftBigg /vectorE+∂/vectorA ∂t/parenrightBigg − ∇2/vectorA =µǫ∂/vectorE ∂t+/parenleftBigg µǫ∂2/vectorA ∂t2− ∇2/vectorA/parenrightBigg =µǫ∂/vectorE ∂t+µ/vectorJs(2.16) ∇ ·/vectorB=∇ · ∇ ×/vectorA= 0 (2.17) If/vector u=constant then/vectorE⊥/vector u,/vectorB⊥/vector uand/vectorE⊥/vectorB. Proof: leta=−̺ 2¯ρand let/vector g=∇a;ais conserved, because̺is conserved and ¯ ρis a constant. /vectorB=∇ ×/vectorA=∇ ×(a/vector u) = (∇a)×/vector u =/vector g×/vector u(2.18) /vectorE=−∇Φ−∂/vectorA ∂t=−u2∇a−∂a ∂t/vector u =−u2/vector g+∇ ·(a/vector u)/vector u =−(/vector u·/vector u)/vector g+ (/vector g·/vector u)/vector u = (/vector g×/vector u)×/vector u=/vectorB×/vector u(2.19) 2.4 Field energy and Pointing vector In case of/vector u=constant the expressions of field en- ergy and pointing flow, in terms of /vector gand/vector u, become: µ 2H2=µ 2/parenleftBigg/vectorB µ·/vectorB µ/parenrightBigg =1 2µ(/vector g×/vector u)·(/vector g×/vector u) =1 2µ|/vector g×/vector u|2(2.20) ǫ 2E2=ǫ 2(/vectorB×/vector u)·(/vectorB×/vector u) =ǫ 2u2(/vectorB·/vectorB) =1 2µ|/vector g×/vector u|2(2.21) 3/vectorE×/vectorH=1 µ(/vectorE×/vectorB) =1 µ(/vectorB×/vector u)×/vectorB =1 µB2/vector u−1 µ(/vectorB·/vector u)×/vectorB =1 µ|/vector g×/vector u|2/vector u=/parenleftBigµ 2H2+ǫ 2E2/parenrightBig /vector u (2.22) Equation 2.22 is Pointing’s Theorem in Material Wave Theory. Notice that if /vector g×/vector u= 0 then the field energies are zero, and also the energy flow is zero. The mass gradient of the matter wave must have a non-zero component that is perpendicular to the direction of motion. Otherwise there is no intrin- sic potential energy. Therefore the monochromatic plane particle wave (see equation 2.2) cannot be an adequate description of a matter wave with in- trinsic kinetic energy and intrinsic electro-magnetic (potential) energy, because in this case /vector g×/vector u=/vector0 ! 3 Self induced potentials At this point it is worthwhile to make a compar- ison with the notion of the self-induced magnetic potential of a charge [6]: m/vector u=q/vectorA⇒/vectorA=m q/vector u=̺ ρ/vector u (3.1) This equation is the result of combining Newton’s laws with Maxwell’s equations, as follows: an ap- plied force causes an elementary particle, with mass mand charge q, to accelerate. /vectorF=m/vector a=∂(m/vector v) ∂t(3.2) The term −∂/vectorA ∂tin equation 2.9 is caused by the applied force. If the particle is not accelerated then this term is zero. Therefore, −q∂/vectorA ∂t, which is an extra Coulomb force, is also Newton’s reaction force F′. F=−F′⇒∂(m/vector v) ∂t=∂(q/vectorA) ∂t⇒ m/vector v=q/vectorA(3.3) A similar equation exists for the electric potential: mc2=qΦ⇒Φ =m qc2=̺ ρc2(3.4)meaning the total energy of a charge is electrostatic . In equation 2.8, ¯ ρis a constant, which is not the case in equation 3.1, where ρis ascalar function . It is not clear why ¯ ρis defined a constant, except for compatibility between units for mechanical quanti- ties and variables for electromagnetical quantities. The simplest view is to consider the self-induced potentials and the intrinsic potentials of MWT as equal, and to be called self potentials . This means that we have to replace the constant ¯ ρfor the scalar −1 2ρ. 3.1 The electromagnetic self poten- tials Sinceψhas real physical interpretation, the follow- ing question comes to mind: is ρa function of ψ? If, for instance, ρ=ψ, then space is filled with ”charge”, or even consists of ”charge”. This model is in agreement with notions like displacements cur- rentsorconvection displacement currents [7]. Such a current has to exist beside conduction currents in order to solve a paradox in the Faraday-Maxwell theory. The definitions of the electric and magnetic potentials (in case −1 2¯ρ=ρ=ψ) becomes: Φ =̺ ρu2=ψ2 ψu2=ψu2(3.5) /vectorA=̺ ρ/vector u=ψ2 ψ/vector u=ψ/vector u (3.6) The definitions of electromagnetic sources and fields now become: /vectorE=−∇ψu2−∂(ψ/vector u) ∂t(3.7) /vectorB=∇ ×(ψ/vector u) (3.8) ρs=ǫ/parenleftbigg µǫ∂2(ψu2) ∂t2− ∇2(ψu2)/parenrightbigg (3.9) /vectorJs=1 µ/parenleftbigg µǫ∂2(ψ/vector u) ∂t2− ∇2(ψ/vector u)/parenrightbigg (3.10) It would be unnatural to distinguish between ρs andρ(=ψ): ψ=ǫ/parenleftbigg µǫ∂2(ψu2) ∂t2− ∇2(ψu2)/parenrightbigg (3.11) 4ψ/vector u=1 µ/parenleftbigg µǫ∂2(ψ/vector u) ∂t2− ∇2(ψ/vector u)/parenrightbigg (3.12) Ifψsatisfies equations 3.11 and 3.12 at some point in space, then ψis asource at that particular point. Equations 3.11 and 3.12 are called the self-potential equations . They can be reformulated in terms of the potentials: Φ =1 µ/parenleftbigg µǫ∂2Φ ∂t2− ∇2Φ/parenrightbigg (3.13) /vectorA=1 µ/parenleftBigg µǫ∂2/vectorA ∂t2− ∇2/vectorA/parenrightBigg (3.14) If charge is conserved and µǫ=1 u2=constant , then Maxwell’s equations are valid. The proof is similar to the proof in section 2.3. First, the Lorentz gauge is derived from the charge continu- ity equation: 0 =∇·(ψ /vector u) +∂ψ ∂t(3.15) (Etc...). Substitute /vector g=∇ψand take/vector u=constant , then the EM fields are perpendicular to each other (see section 2.3). Also the same expressions for the energy densities and Pointing vector can be derived by substituting /vector g=∇ψ(see section 2.4). Equation 2.3 (1 2̺u2+φ=φ0=constant ), can be rewritten in terms of electric energy density, mag- netic energy density and static electric energy den- sity (which is the total energy): 1 2̺u2+ǫ 2E2+µ 2H2=ρΦ (3.16) 3.2 The mechanical self potentials In analogy with electromagnetic sources, fields and potentials, one can define mechanical sources, fields and potentials, simply by substituting ψ2forψ: w=ψ2u2/vector p=ψ2/vector u (3.17) /vectorf=∇w+∂/vector p ∂t(3.18) /vector s=∇ ×/vector p (3.19)̺s=ǫm/parenleftbigg µmǫm∂2w ∂t2− ∇2w/parenrightbigg (3.20) /vector ps=1 µm/parenleftbigg µmǫm∂2/vector p ∂t2− ∇2/vector p/parenrightbigg (3.21) wand/vector pare the potential energy density and po- tential momentum density. The vector fields /vectorfand /vector sare the force density field and angular momen- tum density field. An intrinsic angular momentum is also called spin, and therefore the symbol sis used. The constants ǫmandµmare the mechanical analogies of ǫandµ. The force density is zero if energy-momentum is conserved. In caseǫmµm=1 u2=constant then also for the mechanical fields the Maxwell’s equations apply: ∇ ×/vectorf=∂/vector s ∂t(3.22) ∇ ·/vectorf=−̺s ǫm(3.23) ∇ ×/vector s=−ǫmµm∂/vectorf ∂t+µm/vector ps (3.24) ∇ ·/vector s= 0 (3.25) Equation 3.22 expresses that the spin increases or decreases in case the rotation of force density is not zero. Equation 3.23 is the law of gravity in differential form. Equation 3.24 is the mechanical equivalent of Amp` ere’s law. Next, it is unnatural to distinguish between ̺s and̺=ψ2and therefore we can speak also of the mechanical self potentials : w=1 µm/parenleftbigg µmǫm∂2w ∂t2− ∇2w/parenrightbigg (3.26) /vector p=1 µm/parenleftbigg µmǫm∂2/vector p ∂t2− ∇2/vector p/parenrightbigg (3.27) Surprisingly, equation 3.16 can be derived by using the definition of the mechanical self potential: 5(ǫm=ǫ, µ m=µ, ǫµ =1 u2, /vector u=constant ) 1 2̺su2=1 2w=1 2µ/parenleftbigg ǫµ∂2w ∂t2− ∇2w/parenrightbigg =1 2µ/bracketleftBigg ǫµ2u2/parenleftbigg∂ψ ∂t/parenrightbigg2 +ǫµ2ψ∂2(ψu2) ∂t2/bracketrightBigg + 1 2µ/bracketleftbig −2u2(∇ψ)2−2ψ∇2(ψu2)/bracketrightbig =1 µ/bracketleftbig (∇ ·(ψ/vector u))2−u2(∇ψ)2/bracketrightbig + ψ µ/bracketleftbigg ǫµ∂2(ψu2) ∂t2− ∇2(ψu2)/bracketrightbigg =1 µ[(∇ψ·/vector u)2−(∇ψ)2u2] +ψΦ =−1 µ|∇ψ×/vector u|2+ψΦ =−µ 2H2−ǫ 2E2+ψΦ (3.28) The self potentials are defined such that the energy density equation 3.16 is fulfilled. If we substitute ̺=ψ2and Φ =ψu2then we get: 1 2ψ2u2=µ 2H2+ǫ 2E2(3.29) 4 Physical Units Sinceψ=q Vandψ2=m V, the unit Amp` ere is no longer free for definition: /bracketleftbiggCoulomb m3/bracketrightbigg2 =/bracketleftbiggKg m3/bracketrightbigg ⇒ [Coulomb ] = [/radicalbig Kg m3](4.1) [Amp`ere] =/bracketleftBigg/radicalbig Kg m3 s/bracketrightBigg (4.2) [ǫ] = [s2] [µ] = [m−2] (4.3) Other units (expressed in mechanical base units) are: [Volt] =/bracketleftbigg√Kg m s2/bracketrightbigg , [Ω] = [m−1s−1] [Farad ] = [s2m],[Henry ] = [m−1].Especially, the definition of Coulomb is interest- ing. It seems that the spatial dimension of a charge is3 2. This is a fractal dimension. One might inter- pret a charge as a point-like particle (without mass) that follows a trajectory with a fractal dimension of3 2, within a closed volume. 5 Discussion Equations 2.18 to 2.22 can be derived also from the the weaker pre-condition of ∇ ×/vector u=/vector0 and ∇ ·/vector u= 0, in stead of /vector u=constant . A fractal tra- jectory within a closed volume is an example of /vector u/negationslash=constant, ∇ ×/vector u=/vector0,∇ ·/vector u= 0. A tra- jectory with a fractal dimension is in agreement with Stochastic Electro Dynamics, because SED as- sumes a massless parton to interact with the ZPF that has a broad spectrum. Suppose, the massless parton has a speed |/vector u|=c, then equation 3.16 becomes: 1 2̺c2+ǫ 2E2+µ 2H2=ρΦ (5.1) Its total energy density is ̺c2=ρΦ. This can only be understood by the notion of (intrinsic) self po- tentials , as introduced in this paper. If the closed and finite volume that confines the parton’s trajec- tory is motionless, then one speaks of rest-energy or rest-mass. This combines the different models, as described in the introduction, such that it yields one theory. The charged field ψdoes not show Coulomb in- teraction or gravity interaction between every two points. In other words: not all points in space are sources . Only those points in space that satisfy the self potential equations can show Coulomb interac- tion or gravity interaction. Thus, the charged space ψis the origin of sources and (self) potentials. References [1] W.A. Hofer, Beyond Uncertainty: the inter- nal structure of electrons and photons. Internet publication: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/quant- ph/9611009 [2] B. Haisch, A. Rueda and H.E. Puthoff. Phys. Rev. A 49, 678 (1994). 6[3] B. Haisch and A. Rueda, Inertia as reac- tion of the vacuum to accelerated motion. Internet publication: http://xxx.lanl.gov/ abs/physics/9802031 [4] V. 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arXiv:physics/9910023v1 [physics.atom-ph] 17 Oct 1999Preprint 0 (2008) ?–? 1 Muonium Spectroscopy Klaus P. Jungmann Physikalisches Institut, Universit¨ at Heidelberg, D-691 20 Heidelberg E-mail: jungmann@physi.uni-heidelberg.de The electromagnetic interactions of electrons and muons ca n be described to very high accuracy within the framework of standard theory, in particular within the hydrogen-like muonium atom. Therefore precision measu rements allow to test basic interactions in physics and to search for yet unknown f orces. Accurate values for fundamental constants can be obtained. Results from exp eriments on the ground state hyperfine structure and the 1s-2s intervals in muonium are described together with their relations to a new measurement of the muon magneti c anomaly. AMS Subject classification: 13.40.Em,36.10.dr 1. Introduction To present knowledge leptons have dimensions of less than 10−18mand may therefore be regarded as point-like objects. The muonium at om (M=µ+e−) is the hydrogen-like bound state of leptons from two different p article generations, an antimuon( µ+) and an electron( e−) [1,2]. The dominant interaction within the M atom is electromagnetic and level energies can be calcu lated in bound state Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) to sufficiently high acc uracy for modern high precision spectroscopic experiments. There are also c ontributions from weak interactions arising from Z0-boson exchange and from strong interactions due to vacuum polarization loops containing hadrons. They both ca n be obtained to the required level of precision using standard theory. In contr ast to natural atoms and ions as well as artificial atomic systems, which contain h adrons, M has the advantage that there are no complications arising from the fi nite size and the internal structure of any of its constituents. Precision ex periments in M can therefore provide sensitive tests of the standard theory an d searches for new and yet unknown forces in nature. Parameters of speculative the ories, which try to expand the standard model in order to gain deeper insight int o some of its not2 Klaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy well understood features, can be restricted. In addition, f undamental constants like the muon mass mµ, its magnetic moment µµand anomaly aµand the fine structure constant αcan be obtained. All high precision experiments in M up to date atom have invol ved the 1s ground state (see Fig.1), in which the atoms can be produce d in sufficient quantities [2]. The most efficient mechanism is e−capture after stopping µ+ in a suitable noble gas, where yields of 80(10)% were achieve d for Kr gas [1]. This technique was used in the most recent precision measure ments of the atom’s ground state hyperfine structure splitting ∆ νHFSandµµat the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) in Los Alamos, USA [3]. Muoni um at thermal velocities in vacuum can be obtained by stopping µ+close to the surface of a SiO 2 powder target, where the atoms are formed through e−capture and some of which diffuse through the target surface into the surrounding vacu um. This process has an efficiency of a few % and was an essential prerequisite for Do ppler-free two- photon laser spectroscopy of the 12S1/2-22S1/2interval ∆ ν1s2sat the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Chilton, United Kingdom [4], w hich yields an accurate value for mµ. Electromagnetic transitions in excited states, particul arly the 22S1/2-22P1/2classical Lamb shift and 22S1/2-22P3/2fine structure splitting could be induced by microwave spectroscopy. However, becau se only moderate numbers of atoms in the metastable 2s state can be produced wi th a beam foil technique, the experimental accuracy is now the 1.5 % level [ 5,6], which represents not yet a severe test of theory. 2. Ground State Hyperfine Structure The most recent experiment at LAMPF used a Kr gas target insid e of a mi- crowave cavity at typically atmospheric density and in a hom ogeneous magnetic field of 1.7 Tesla. Microwave transitions between the two ene rgetically highest respectively two lowest Zeeman sublevels of the n=1 state at the frequencies ν12 andν34(Fig.1) involve a muon spin flip. They were detected through a change in the spatial distribution of e+fromµ+decays, since due to parity violation in the µ+decay the e+are preferentially emitted in the mu+spin direction. As a consequence of the Breit-Rabi equation, which describe s the behaviour of the levels in a magnetic field, the sum of these frequencies eq uals at any field value the splitting in zero field ∆ νHFSand their difference yields in a known fieldµµ. The experiment utilized the technique of ”old muonium”, wh ich al-Klaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy 32 S2 1/2 1S2 1/2F = 1 F = 0F = 1 F = 0F = 1558 MHz l = 244 nml = 244 nm22P3/2 2 P1/22F = 2 1047 MHz F = 1 F = 074 MHz 187 MHz9875 MHz Dn = 4463 MHzHFSDn = 2455 THz1s2s-10-8-6-4-20246810 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Magnetic Field [ T ]Energy / h [ DnHFS ] ( F , MF ) (1, 1) (1, 0) (1,-1) (0, 0)( MJ , Mm )(1/2, 1/2) (1/2,-1/2) (-1/2,-1/2) (-1/2, 1/2)1 2 3 4n12 n34 Figure 1. Left: Muonium n=1 and n=2 states. All indicated tra nsitions could be induced to date. Right: Ground state Zeeman levels in an external magne tic field. lowed to reduce the linewidth of the signals below half of the ”natural” linewidth δνnat= (π·τµ)−1=145kHz, where τµis the muon lifetime of 2.2 µ(Fig.2). For this purpose an essentially continuous muon beam was choppe d by an electro- static kicking device into 4 µs long pulses with 14 µs separation. Only atoms which were interacting coherently with the microwave field f or periods longer than several muon lifetimes were detected [7]. The results are mainly statistics limited and improve the kn owledge of both ∆νHFSandµµby a factor of three [3] over previous measurements [8]. The z ero field splitting is determined to ∆ νHFS=ν12+ν34= 4 463 302 765(53) Hz (12 ppb) which agrees well with the theoretical prediction of ∆ νtheory= 4 463 302 563(520)(34)( ≤100) Hz (120 ppb) [10]. Here the first quoted uncertainty is du e to the accuracy to which the muon-electron mass ratio mµ/meis known, the sec- ond error is from the knowledge of αas obtained in electron g-2 measurements, and the third value corresponds to estimates of uncalculate d higher order terms. The strong interaction contributes 250 Hz and a parity conse rving weak inter- action amounts to -65 Hz. Among the possible exotic interact ions which could contribute to ∆ νHFSis the conversion of muonium to antimuonium, which is in the lepton sector an analogous process to the well known K 0-K0oscillations in the quark sector. From a recent direct search at the Paul Sc herrer Insti- tute (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland, which itself could sig nificantly restrict several4 Klaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy speculative models, an upper limit of 9 Hz can be concluded fo r an expected line splitting [9,2]. Recently generic extensions of the st andard model in which both Lorentz invariance and CPT invariance are not assumed h ave attracted widespread attention in physics [11]. Such models suggest d iurnal variations of the ratio (∆ ν12−∆ν34)/(∆ν12+ ∆ν34) [12] which are being searched for [13]. Figure 2. Samples of conventional and ‘old’ M resonances at f requency ν12. The narrow ‘old’ lines are also higher. The lines in right column were recorde d using a sweep of the magnetic field, which was measured in units of the proton NMR frequency νP. The lines to the left were obtained using microwave frequency scans. The magnetic moment results from the measurements as µµ/µp= 3.183 345 24(37) (120 ppb) which translates into mµ/me= 206.768 277(24) (120 ppb). The hyperfine splitting is proportional to α2R∞, with the very precisely known Ryd- berg constant R∞. Comparing experiment and theory yields α−1 2= 137.035 996 3(80) (58 ppb) [3]. If R∞is decomposed into even more fundamental constants, one finds ∆ νHFSto be proportional to α4me/h¯ . Using the value h¯/meas deter- mined in measurements of the neutron de Broglie wavelength [ 14] gives α−1 4= 137.036 004 7(48) (35 ppb). In the near future a small improve ment in α−1 4can be expected from ongoing determinations of h¯/mein measurements of the photon recoil in Cs atom spectroscopy and a Cs atomic mass measureme nt. The present limitation for accuracy of α−1 4arises mainly from the muon mass uncertainty. Therefore any better determination of the muon mass, e.g. th rough a preciseKlaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy 5 measurement of the reduced mass shift in ∆ ν1s2s, will result in an improvement ofα−1 4. At present the good agreement within two standard deviatio ns between the fine structure constant determined from M hyperfine struc ture and the one from the electron magnetic anomaly is generally considered the best test of in- ternal consistency of QED, as one case involves bound state Q ED and the other one QED of free particles. 3. 1s-2s Energy Interval Doppler-free excitation of the 1s-2s transition has been ac hieved in the past at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan, [15] and at RAL [16]. The accuracy of the latter measurement was limited by ac Stark effect and a frequency chi rp caused by rapid changes of the index of refraction in the dye solutions of the amplifier stages in the employed high power laser system. A new measurement has b een performed very recently at the worlds brightest pulsed surface muon so urce at RAL [4]. 244 nm m+Alexandrite LaserAr+ LaserFibres Vacuum ApparatusTi:sapphire LaserAOMsHeterodyne TriplerFast Beam Diagnostics Lock Electronics Wavemeter + InterferometersFM Saturation Spectrometer Cavity Control Electronics MCP732 nm 732 n m 244 nm 00.511.522.5 640 660 680 700 720 nLaser-nIodine [MHz]Events per Laser Pulse [10-4] Muonium F=1 → F=1Signal Theory Figure 3. Left: Pulsed laser system in the M 1s-2s experiment . Right: Muonium 1s-2s signal. The frequency corresponds to the offset of the Ti:sapphire la ser from the iodine reference line. The open circles are the observed signal, the solid squares r epresent the theoretical expectation based on measured laser beam parameters and a line shape mode l [17]. The 12S1/2(F=1) →22S1/2(F=1) transition was induced when thermal muo- nium atoms interacted with the light field of two counter-pro pagating laser beams of wavelength 244 nm. The two-photon excitation was detecte d by photoiniza- tion of the 2s state in the same light field. The muons released thereby were identified and counted. Their number as a function of laser fr equency represents the experimental signal (Fig.3). The necessary high power U V laser light was6 Klaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy generated by frequency tripling the output of an alexandrit e ring laser amplifier in crystals of LBO and BBO. The alexandrite laser was seeded w ith light from a continuous wave Ar ion laser pumped Ti:sapphire laser at 732 nm. Fluctuations of the optical phase during the laser pulse (chirping) were c ompensated with two electro-optic devices in the resonator of the ring amplifier to give a swing of the laser lights frequency chirping of less than about 5 MHz. The fundamental op- tical frequency was calibrated by frequency modulation sat uration spectroscopy of the a 15hyperfine component of the 5-13 R(26) line in thermally excit ed127I2 vapour which lies about 700 MHz lower than 1/6 of the M transit ion frequency. It has been calibrated to 0.4 MHz [18]. The cw light was freque ncy up-shifted by passing through two acousto-optic modulators (AOM’s). The experiment yields ∆ ν1s2s(expt.) = 2455 528 941.0(9.8) MHz in good agreement with a theoretical value of ∆ ν1s2s(theory) = 2455 528 935.4(1.4) MHz [19]. From these values the muon-electron mass ratio is foun d to be mµ+/me− = 206.768 38(17). Alternatively, using mµ+/me−extracted from the M hyperfine structure experiment a comparison of ∆ ν1s2s(expt.) and ∆ ν1s2s(theory) yields theµ+-e−charge ratio as Z=qµ+/qe−=−1−1.1(2.1)·10−9. This is the best verification of charge equality in the first two generati ons of particles. The existence of one single universal quantized unit of charge i s solely an experimental fact for which no associated underlying symmetry has yet bee n revealed. Gauge invariance assures charge quantization only within one gen eration of particles. 4. Muon Magnetic Anomaly The muon magnetic anomaly aµis given, like in case of the electron, mostly by photon and by electron-positron fields. However, the effec ts of heavier particles is enhanced by the square of the mass ratio mµ/me≈4·104. The contributions of the strong interaction, which can be determined from a dis persion relation with the input from experimental data on e+-e−annihilation into hadrons and hadronic τ-decays, amounts to 58 ppm. The weak interaction adds 1.3 ppm . At present standard theory yields aµto 0.66 ppm. Contributions from physics beyond the standard model may be as large as a few ppm. Such cou ld arise from, e.g., supersymmetry, compositeness of fundamental fermio ns and bosons, CPT violation and many others. A new determination of aµ[20] is presently carried out in a superferric magnetic storage Ring [21] at the Brookhaven National Labor atory (BNL) inKlaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy 7 Upton, USA. It is a g-2 experiment in which the difference of th e spin precession and the cyclotron frequencies is measured. In a first startup run, approximately the same level of accuracy for µ+could be reached as the final result for this particle in a preceding experiment at CERN [22]. Several tec hnical improvements were installed since, the most significant of which is a magne tic kicker, which allows to inject muons directly into the storage ring. This e nhances the number of stored particles by almost two orders of magnitude compar ed to the early stages of the experiment when the stored muons were born in th e decays of injected pions. Data have been taken which are expected to yi eldaµto 1 ppm. The data analyzed so far have give the value with 5 ppm uncerta inty. The value agrees with the prediction of standard theory. The experime nt aims for a final precision of 0.35 ppm. To be able to reach this goal, it is esse ntial to have µµto the 0.1 ppm level from muonium spectroscopy, since this quan tity is important in the extraction of the experimental result. The experiment is planed for both µ+andµ−as a test of CPT invariance. This is of particular interest in view of the suggestion by Bl uhm et al. [11] and Dehmelt et al. [23] to compare tests of CPT invariance in diffe rent systems on a common basis, i.e. the energies of the involved states. For measurements of magnetic anomalies this means that the energies of particle s with spin down in an external field need to be compared to the energies of antipa rticles with spin up. The nature of g-2 experiments is such that they provide a fi gure of merit r=|a−−a+| ·h¯ωc m·c2for a CPT test, where a−anda+are the positive and negative particles magnetic anomalies, ωcis the cyclotron frequency used in the measurement and mis the particle mass. For the past electron and positron measurements one has re= 1.2·10−21[23] which is a much tighter test than in the case of the neutral kaon system, were the mass differenc es between K0 andK0yield rK= 1·10−18. An even more stringent CPT test arises from the past muon magnetic anomaly measurements were rµ= 3.5·10−24, which may therefore already be viewed as the presently best known C PT test based on system energies. With improvement expected in the BNL g-2 experiment one can look forward to a 20 times more precise test of this fundam ental symmetry. 5. Future possibilities All precision M experiments are now limited by statistics. T herefore sig- nificant improvements can be expected from either more efficie nt M formation,8 Klaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy Table 1 Muon fluxes of some existing and future facilities, Rutherfo rd Appleton Laboratory (RAL), Japanese Hadron Facility (JHF), a new Neutron Spallation So urce (NSS), Muon collider (MC). RAL( µ+) PSI( µ+) PSI( µ−) JHF( µ+)†NSS(µ+) MC ( µ+,µ−) Intensity ( µ/s) 3×1063×1081×1084.5×10114.5×1077.5×1013 Momentum bite ∆ pm/p[%] 10 10 10 10 10 5-10 Spot size (cm×cm) 1.2×2.0 3.3×2.0 3.3×2.0 1.5×2.0 1.5×2.0 few×few Pulse structure 82 ns 50 MHz 50 MHz 300 ns 300 ns 50 ps 50 Hz contin. contin. 50 Hz 50 Hz 15 Hz which might in principle be possible to a small extent in the c ase of thermal M in vacuum. The best solution, however, would be muon sources of higher intensi- ties. Such may become available in the intermediate future t he Japanese Hadron Facility (JHF), or the Oak Ridge (or a possible European) Spa llation Neutron Source (NSS) Also the discussed Oak Ridge neutron spallatio n source. The most promising facility is, however, a muon collider [24]; its fr ont end will provide muon rates 5-6 orders of magnitude higher than present beams (Table 4). At such facilities there is in addition to more precise measu rements in M a variety of experiments on artificial atoms and ions like muo nic hydrogen and muonic helium which will allow to extract important paramet ers describing the hadronic particles within these systems or fundamental int eractions, which could in no physical experiment thus far be accessed with sufficien t precision for atomic, nuclear and particle theory [25,26]. It should be noted that new experimental approaches [9,27] would also become feasible which might be neficially take ad- vantage of, e.g., the time evolution of the atomic systems. 6. Conclusions Although the nature of the muon - the reason for its existence - still re- mains a mystery, both the theoretical and experimental work in fundamental muon physics, have contributed to an improved understandin g of basic particle interactions and symmetries in physics. Particularly muon ium spectroscopy has verified the nature of the muon as a point-like heavy lepton wh ich differs only in its mass related parameters from the others. This fact is fun damentally assumed in every precision calculation within standard theory. In a ddition, the measure-Klaus P. Jungmann / Muonium Spectroscopy 9 ments provide accurate values of fundamental constants. 7. Acknowledgments The author wishes to acknowledge the work of the members of th e different collaborations which produced the reported results. This w ork was supported by The German BMBF, the German DAAD and a NATO research grant. References [1] V.W. Hughes and G. zu Putlitz, in: Quantum Electrodynamics , ed. T. Kinoshita, (World Scientific, 1990) p. 822 [2] K. Jungmann, in: Muon Science , eds. S.L. Lee, S.H. Kilcoyne and R. Cywinsky (Inst. of Physics Publ., 1999) p. 405 [3] W. Liu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 711 [4] V. Meyer et al., submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. and hep-ex/ 9907013; V. Meyer et al., this volume [5] C.J. Oram et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 910 [6] A. Badertscher et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 914 and P hys. Rev. A 41 (1990) 93 [7] M.G. Boshier et al., Phys. Rev. A 52 (1995) 1948 [8] F.G. Mariam et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 993 [9] L. Willmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 49; L. Willm ann and K. Jungmann, in: Lecture Notes in Physics 499 (Springer, 1997) p. 43 [10] T, Kinoshita and M. Nio, in: Frontier Tests of QED and the Physics of the Vacuum , eds. E. Zavattini, D. Bakalov and C. 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physics/9910024 18 Oct 1999 /G0B0/G0A /G0AE/G0C E/G0A /G0Am/G0C m/G0A /G0Adx/G0C dx/G0A /G0Adt/G0C dt m/G0Cv0 c/G0A /G0A1 c2E/G0C2/G09E2/G0A /G0Adx/G0Cv0 c/G27dydz/G0A /G0Adtxv0 c/G08 /G08dtxv0 c(/G0B0/G091)c/G27dydz,1 (1)On the Origin of Time Ernst Karl Kunst Herein it is shown that mass and time in the rest frame as well as relativistically enlarged mass and dilated time in the moving frame are of like origin. This implies that the former are generated by the movement of a fourth spatial dimension of matter relative to a four-dimensional manifold. Key words: Special relativity - equivalence of mass and time - fundamental length - quantum of time - fourth dimension In the previous work on quantization of velocity, length and time it has been proven that among others Einstein’s “relativity of simultaneity” [1] rests on a misinterpretation of the principle of relativity and the correct interpretation of the Lorentz transformation to predict an expansion dx’ = dx/G0B of the dimension (dx) parallel to the velocity-vector0 of moving bodies - where /G0B is the Lorentz factor based on quantized velocity v -0 0 rather than the so called FitzGerald-Lorentz contraction [2]. Furthermore, this relativistic expansion of dx has been shown to imply that /G27' = /G27 - density of mass in the moving frame and in the rest frame, respectively - and, thus, to be the cause of the relativistic rise of energy or mass m = dt'v/c = dt/G0Bv/c, where m is mass due to timetx0 x00 t dilation and dt = dx/c. In connection with the definition of action as the product ofx energy and time the result also has been derived that a smallest or fundamental length /G1B = /G08h and a quantum of time /G2D = /G08h/c exists and that apart from a numerical factor0 0 in the case of the hydrogen (H-) atom must be valid /G1B/c = /G2D = m, where m is rest mass0 0 of the atom. The following investigates whether those results in connection with relativistic time dilation allow any conclusion as to the very cause of time in the rest frame. Suppose a H-atom moving inertially at velocity v relative to an identical atom at rest so0 that is valid, where E means rest energy, dx and dt the geometrical dimension parallel to the velocity vector and time in the rest frame, respectively and the dashed values denote the respective ones of the moving atom. If dt = dx/c the relativistic rise of massx can be written as dt/G0Cv0 c/G0A /G0Adt/G0C2/G09dt2/G0A /G0Adtv0 c/G08 /G08dtv0 c(/G0B0/G091). m/G0C/G0A /G0A/G2D/G0C 0/G0A /G0A/G2D2 0/G08 /G08dtxv0 c/G08 /G08dtxv0 c(/G0B0/G091)c/G27dydz2 . 2/G1B1/G0A /G0A/G1B0/G0A /G0Ah /G2D1/G0A /G0A/G1B1 c/G0A /G0A/G1B0 2c/G0A /G0Ah 2c.2 (2) (3) (4) (5)whereas the dilation of time attains the form Clearly (2) coincides with (1) - apart from the constant (invariant) factor "c/G27dydz" in (1). This implies relativistic mass and time to be equivalent and generated in the volume V' = dx'dy'dz' = dx'dydz by the movement of the latter at velocity v in the (arbitrary) x-0 direction of three-dimensional space - as has been shown before in [2]. On the other hand, according to the principle of relativity for any observer based at the dashed system (considered moving), the rest mass of the H-atom and the quantum of time would be m' = /G1B'/c = /G2D'. Thus, as observed from the resting system, according to0 0 (1) /G2D' must be composite: 0 This implies also rest mass and relativistic mass and, therewith, time in the rest frame and dilated time, respectively, to be equivalent that means of like origin. In other words: analogously to the generation of relativistic mass and dilated time, rest mass and time in the rest frame must be generated by the movement of a - for any observer - hidden spatial dimension of the H-atom. This leaves the only conclusion that /G1B is a0 fourth geometrical dimension of the H-atom and physical time (quantum of time) in the rest frame as well as rest mass to result from the motion of /G1B - the latter being0 orthogonal to three-dimensional space - relative to a four-dimensional manifold. Given that the fundamental length in R is /G1B, then the hypotenuse of the smallest1 1 possible Pythagorean triangle in the respective manifold is altogether the fundamental length in the latter, namely /G082 × /G1B in R,12 /G083 × /G1B in R,13 2 × /G1B in R.14 In the previous work [2] for /G1B the value /G1B = mc = /G08h has been derived, ignoring its0 0 four-dimensional nature. But from the foregoing is clear that the fundamental length in R is 2/G1B and that this fact has to be taken into consideration yet. Hence, it must be4 1 valid and for the quantum of timeT /G2D0/G0A /G0Ah /G2D0/G0A/G0A /G0An,(n/G0A /G0A1,2,...) T /G2D1/G0A /G0A2T /G2D0/G0A /G0A2h /G2D0/G0A/G0A /G0A2×n(n/G0A /G0A1,2,...),3 (6) (7)Thus, the real value of the quantum of time derived from the fundamental length in R4 is only half the one previously predicted in [2] so that the ratio of the mean life-times of short-lived particle resonances and of the time quant given there has to be corrected to whereT¯ means life-time and /G0A full width. This implies that all life-times in units of the time quant computed (in [2]) according to (6) must be doubled in accordance with (7). Thus, all ratios (6), which delivered (nearly) integers plus a half, become - after doubling - integers now and the life-times of the top quark (/G0A /G11 1.55 GeV) and of the 1370 MeV meson (/G0A /G11 385 MeV) found at Brookhaven [3] are 2/G2D and 8 /G2D (instead of /G2D1 1 0 and 4 /G2D), respectively.0 The result that all ratios (7) are (nearly) full integers strongly supports the conclusion as to the fourth-dimensional nature of rest mass and time. If the theory is correct it follows, time to be linked to matter, and to space only to the extent as the latter possesses mass or energy, furthermore, that no particle resonances with life-times < /G2D =1 1.357628 × 10 s in nature exist.-24 References [1] Einstein, A., Ann. d. Phys. 17, 895 - 897, (1905) [2] Kunst, E. K.: Is the Kinematics of Special Reativity incomplete?, physics/9909059 [3] Thompson, D. R. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1630 - 1633, (1997)
arXiv:physics/9910025v1 [physics.bio-ph] 18 Oct 1999FRACTAL FEATURES OF DARK, MAINTAINED, AND DRIVEN NEURAL DISCHARGES IN THE CAT VISUAL SYSTEM Steven B. Lowen Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Boston University 8 Saint Mary’s St., Boston, MA 02215 Email: lowen@bu.edu Tsuyoshi Ozaki The Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave., New York, NY 10021 Email: yoshi@camelot.mssm.edu Ehud Kaplan Department of Ophthalmology Mt. Sinai School of Medicine One Gustave Levy Pl., New York, NY 10029 Email: kaplane@rockvax.rockefeller.edu Bahaa E. A. Saleh Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Boston University 8 Saint Mary’s St., Boston, MA 02215 Email: besaleh@bu.edu Malvin C. Teich* Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Biom edical Engineering Boston University 8 Saint Mary’s St., Boston, MA 02215 Email: teich@bu.edu *Corresponding author (617) 353-1236 (telephone) (617) 353-6440 (fax) Running title: Fractal features of visual-system action po tentials 11 Abstract We employ a number of statistical measures to characterize n eural discharge activity in cat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and in their target lateral ge niculate nucleus (LGN) neurons under various stimulus conditions, and we develop a new meas ure to examine correlations in fractal activity between spike-train pairs. In the absen ce of stimulation (i.e., in the dark), RGC and LGN discharges exhibit similar properties. The pres entation of a constant, uniform luminance to the eye reduces the fractal fluctuations in the R GC maintained discharge but enhances them in the target LGN discharge, so that neural activity in the pair no longer mirror each other. A drifting-grating stimulus yiel ds RGC and LGN driven spike trains similar in character to those observed in the maintai ned discharge, with two notable distinctions: action potentials are reorganized along the time axis so that they occur only during certain phases of the stimulus waveform, and fractal activity is suppressed. Under both uniform-luminance and drifting-grating stimulus con ditions (but not in the dark), the discharges of pairs of LGN cells are highly correlated over l ong time scales; in contrast discharges of RGCs are nearly uncorrelated with each other. This indicates that action- potential activity at the LGN is subject to a common fractal m odulation to which the RGCs are not subjected. 2 Introduction The sequence of action potentials recorded from cat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and lateral- geniculate-nucleus (LGN) cells is always irregular. This i s true whether the retina is in the dark [1, 2], or whether it is adapted to a stimulus of fixed lumi nance [3, 4, 5, 6]. It is also true for time-varying visual stimuli such as drifting g ratings. With few exceptions, the statistical properties of these spike trains have been i nvestigated from the point-of-view of the interevent-interval histogram [3], which provides a measure of the relative frequency of intervals of different durations. The mathematical model most widely used to describe the interevent-interval histogram under all of these stimu lus conditions derives from the gamma renewal process [7], though point processes incorpor ating refractoriness have also been investigated [3, 8, 9]. However, there are properties of a sequence of action potent ials, such as long-duration correlation or memory, that cannot generally be inferred fr om measures that reset at short times such as the interevent-interval histogram [6, 10]. Th e ability to uncover features such as these demands the use of measures such as the Allan factor, the periodogram, or rescaled range analysis (R/S), which can extend over time (or frequen cy) scales that span many events. RGC and LGN spike trains exhibit variability and cor relation properties over a broad range of time scales, and the analysis of these dischar ges reveals that the spike rates exhibit fractal properties. Fractals are objects which possess a form of self-similarit y: parts of the whole can be made to fit to the whole by shifting and stretching. The hallma rk of fractal behavior is power- law dependence in one or more statistical measures, over a su bstantial range of the time or frequency scale at which the measurement is conducted [11]. Fractal behavior represents a form of memory because the occurrence of an event at a partic ular time increases the 2likelihood of another event occurring at some time later, wi th this likelihood decaying in power-law fashion. Fractal signals are also said to be self- similar or self-affine. This fractal behavior is most readily illustrated by plotti ng the estimated firing rate of a sequence of action potentials for a range of averaging time s. This is illustrated in Fig. 1A for the maintained discharge of a cat RGC. The rate estimates are formed by dividing the number of spikes in successive counting windows of duration Tby the counting time T. The rate estimates of the shuffled (randomly reordered) versi on of the data are presented in Fig. 1B. This surrogate data set maintains the same relative frequency of interevent-interval durations as the original data, but destroys any long-term c orrelations (and therefore fractal behavior) arising from other sources, such as the relative o rdering of the intervals. Comparing Figs. 1A and B, it is apparent that the magnitude of the rate fluctuations decreases more slowly with increasing counting time for the original data than for the shuffled version. Fractal processes exhibit slow power-law converg ence: the standard deviation of the rate decreases more slowly than 1 /T1/2as the averaging time increases. Nonfractal signals, such as the shuffled RGC spike train, on the other hand, exhibit fluctuations that decrease precisely as 1 /T1/2. The data presented in Fig. 1 are typical of all RGC and LGN spi ke trains. 3 Analysis Techniques 3.1 Point Processes The statistical behavior of a neural spike train can be studi ed by replacing the complex waveforms of each individual electrically recorded action potential (Fig. 2, top) by a single point event corresponding to the time of the peak (or other de signator) of the action po- tential (Fig. 2, middle). In mathematical terms, the neural spike train is then viewed as an unmarked point process. This simplification greatly reduce s the computational complexity of the problem and permits use of the substantial methodolog y previously developed for stochastic point processes [6, 10, 11]. The occurrence of a neural spike at time tnis therefore simply represented by an impulse δ(t−tn) at that time, so that the sequence of action potentials is re presented by s(t) =/summationdisplay nδ(t−tn) A realization of a point process is specified by the set of occu rrence times of the events, or equivalently, of the times {τn}between adjacent events, where τn=tn+1−tn. A single real- ization of the data is generally all that is available to the o bserver, so that the identification of the point process, and elucidation of the mechanisms that underlie it, must be gleaned from this one realization. One way in which the information in an experimental sequence of events can be made more digestible is to reduce the data into a statistic that em phasizes a particular aspect of the data, at the expense of other features. These statistics fall into two broad classes which have their origins, respectively, in the sequence of intere vent intervals {τn}illustrated at the lower left of Fig. 2, or in the sequence of counts {Zn}shown at the lower right of Fig. 2. 33.1.1 Examples of Point Processes The homogeneous Poisson point process, which is the simples t of all stochastic point pro- cesses, is described by a single parameter, the rate λ. This point process is memoryless: the occurrence of an event at any time t0is independent of the presence (or absence) of events at other times t/ne}ationslash=t0. Because of this property, both the intervals {τn}and counts {Zn} form sequences of independent, identically distributed (i id) random variables. The homoge- neous Poisson point process is therefore completely charac terized by the interevent-interval distribution (which is exponential) or the event-number di stribution (which is Poisson) to- gether with the iid property. This process serves as a benchm ark against which other point processes are measured; it therefore plays the role that the white Gaussian process enjoys in the realm of continuous-time stochastic processes. A related point process is the nonparalyzable fixed-dead-ti me-modified Poisson point process, a close cousin of the homogeneous Poisson point pro cess that differs only by the imposition of a dead-time (refractory) interval after the o ccurrence of each event, during which other events are prohibited from occurring [9]. Anoth er cousin is the gamma- rre- newal process which, for integer r, is generated from an homogeneous Poisson point process by permitting every rth event to survive while deleting all intermediate events [ 6]. Both the dead-time-modified Poisson point process and the gamma r enewal process require two parameters for their description. All the examples of point process presented above belong to the class of renewal point processes, which will be defined in Sec. 3.2.1. However, spike trains in the visual system cannot be adequat ely described by renewal point processes; rather, nonrenewal processes are require d [6]. Of particular interest are fractal-rate stochastic point processes, in which one or mo re statistics exhibit power-law behavior in time or frequency [11]. One feature of such proce sses is the relatively slow power-law convergence of the rate standard deviation, as il lustrated in Fig. 1A. We have previously shown that a fractal, doubly stochastic point pr ocess that imparts multiscale fluctuations to the gamma- rrenewal process provides a reasonable description of the RG C and LGN maintained discharges [6]. 3.2 Interevent-Interval Measures of a Point Process Two statistical measures are often used to characterize the discrete-time stochastic process {τn}illustrated in the lower left corner of Fig. 2. These are the i nterevent-interval histogram (IIH) and rescaled range analysis (R/S). 3.2.1 Interevent-Interval Histogram The interevent-interval histogram (often referred to as th e interspike-interval histogram or ISIH in the physiology literature) displays the relative fr equency of occurrence pτ(τ) of an interval of size τ; it is an estimate of the probability density function of int erevent- interval magnitude (see Fig. 2, lower left). It is, perhaps, the most commonly used of all statistical measures of point processes in the life science s. The interevent-interval histogram provides information about the underlying process over tim e scales that are of the order of the interevent intervals. Its construction involves the lo ss of interval ordering, and therefore 4dependencies among intervals; a reordering of the sequence does not alter the interevent- interval histogram since the order plays no role in the relat ive frequency of occurrence. Some point processes exhibit no dependencies among their in terevent intervals at the outset, in which case the sequence of interevent intervals f orms a sequence of iid random variables and the point process is completely specified by it s interevent-interval histogram. Such a process is called a renewal process, a definition motiv ated by the replacement of failed parts (such as light bulbs), each replacement of whic h forms a renewal of the point process. The homogeneous Poisson point process, dead-time -modified Poisson point process, and gamma renewal process are all renewal processes, but exp erimental RGC and LGN spike trains are not. 3.2.2 Rescaled Range (R/S) Analysis Rescaled range (R/S) analysis provides information about c orrelations among blocks of in- terevent intervals. For a block of kinterevent intervals, the difference between each interval and the mean interevent interval is obtained and successive ly added to a cumulative sum. The normalized range R(k) is the difference between the maximum and minimum values tha t the cumulative sum attains, divided by the standard deviati on of the interval size. R(k) is plotted against k. Information about the nature and the degree of correlation in the process is obtained by fitting R(k) to the function kH, where His the so-called Hurst exponent [12]. ForH >0.5 positive correlation exists among the intervals, whereas H <0.5 indicates the presence of negative correlation; H= 0.5 obtains for intervals with no correlation. Renewal processes yield H= 0.5. For negatively correlated intervals, an interval that is larger than the mean tends, on average, to be preceded or followed by one s maller than the mean. This widely used measure is generally assumed to be well suit ed to processes that exhibit long-term correlation or have a large variance [12, 13, 14, 1 5], but it appears not to be very robust since it exhibits large systematic errors and highly variable estimates of the Hurst coefficient for some fractal sequences [16, 17]. Nevertheles s, it provides a useful indication of correlation in a point process arising from the ordering o f the interevent intervals alone. 3.3 Event-Number Measures of a Point Process It is advantageous to study some characteristics of a point p rocess in terms of the sequence of event numbers (counts) {Zn}rather than via the sequence of intervals {τn}. Figure 2 illustrates how the sequence is obtained. The time a xis is divided into equally spaced, contiguous time windows (center), each of duration Tsec, and the (integer) number of events in the nth window is counted and denoted Zn. This sequence {Zn}forms a random counting process of nonnegative integers (lower right). Cl osely related to the sequence of counts is the sequence of rates (events/sec) λn, which is obtained by dividing each count Zn by the counting time T. This is the measure used in Fig. 1. We describe several statistical measures useful for charac terizing the counting process {Zn}: the Fano factor, the Allan factor, and the event-number-ba sed power spectral density estimate (periodogram). 53.3.1 Fano Factor The Fano factor is defined as the event-number variance divid ed by the event-number mean, which is a function of the counting time T: F(T)≡Var[Zn(T)] E [Zn(T)]. This quantity provides an abbreviated way of describing cor relation in a sequence of events. It indicates the degree of event clustering or anticlusteri ng in a point process relative to the benchmark homogeneous Poisson point process, for which F(T) = 1 for all T. The Fano factor must approach unity at sufficiently small valu es of the counting time T for any regular point process [6, 11]. In general, a Fano fact or less than unity indicates that a point process is more orderly than the homogeneous Poisson p oint process at the particular time scale T, whereas an excess over unity indicates increased clusteri ng at the given time scale. This measure is sometimes called the index of dispers ion; it was first used by Fano in 1947 [18] for characterizing the statistical fluctuations o f the number of ions generated by individual fast charged particles. For a fractal-rate stoc hastic point process the Fano factor assumes the power-law form TαF(0< α F<1) for large T. The parameter αFis defined as an estimate of the fractal exponent (or scaling exponent) αof the point-process rate. Though the Fano factor can detect the presence of self-simil arity even when it cannot be discerned in a visual representation of a sequence of even ts, mathematical constraints prevent it from increasing with counting time faster than ∼T1[19]. It therefore proves to be unsuitable as a measure for fractal exponents α >1; it also suffers from bias for finite-length data sets [20]. For these reasons we employ oth er count-based measures. 3.3.2 Allan Factor The reliable estimation of a fractal exponent that may assum e a value greater than unity requires the use of a measure whose increase is not constrain ed as it is for the Fano factor, and which remains free of bias. In this section we present a me asure we first defined in 1996 [19], and called the Allan factor. The Allan factor is the rat io of the event-number Allan variance to twice the mean: A(T)≡E/braceleftBig [Zn(T)−Zn+1(T)]2/bracerightBig 2E [Zn(T)]. The Allan variance was first introduced in connection with th e stability of atomic-based clocks [21]. It is defined in terms of the variability of differ ences of successive counts; as such it is a measure based on the Haar wavelet. Because the All an factor functions as a derivative, it has the salutary effect of mitigating linear a gainst nonstationarities. More complex wavelet Allan factors can be constructed to elimina te polynomial trends [22, 23]. Like the Fano factor, the Allan factor is also a useful measur e of the degree of event clustering (or anticlustering) in a point process relative to the benchmark homogeneous Poisson point process, for which A(T) = 1 for all T. In fact, for any point process, the Allan factor is simply related to the Fano factor by A(T) = 2F(T)−F(2T) 6so that, in general, both quantities vary with the counting t imeT. In particular, for a regular point process the Allan factor also approaches unity as Tapproaches zero. For a fractal- rate stochastic point process and sufficiently large T, the Allan factor exhibits a power-law dependence that varies with the counting time TasA(T)∼TαA(0< α A<3); it can rise as fast as ∼T3and can therefore be used to estimate fractal exponents over the expanded range 0 < α A<3. 3.3.3 Periodogram Fourier-transform methods provide another avenue for quan tifying correlation in a point process. The periodogram is an estimate of the power spectra l density of a point process, revealing how the power is concentrated across frequency. T he count-based periodogram is obtained by dividing a data set into contiguous segments of e qual length T. Within each segment, a discrete-index sequence {Wm}is formed by further dividing TintoMequal bins, and then counting the number of events within each bin. A peri odogram is then formed for each of the segments according to SW(f) =1 M/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/tildewiderW(f)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2, where/tildewiderW(f) is the discrete Fourier transform of the sequence {Wm}andMis the length of the transform. All of the segment periodograms are averag ed together to form the final averaged periodogram S(f), which estimates the power spectral density in the frequen cy range from 1 /TtoM/2THz. The periodogram S(f) can also be smoothed by using a suitable windowing function [24]. The count-based periodogram, as opposed to the interval-ba sed periodogram (formed by Fourier transforming the interevent intervals directly ), provides direct undistorted infor- mation about the time correlation of the underlying point pr ocess because the count index increases by unity every T/Mseconds, in proportion to the real time of the point process. In the special case when the bin width T/Mis short in comparison with most interevent intervals τ, the count-based periodogram essentially reduces to the pe riodogram of the point process itself, since the bins reproduce the original point process to a good approximation. For a fractal-rate stochastic point process, the periodogr am exhibits a power-law depen- dence that varies with the frequency fasS(f)∼f−αS; unlike the Fano and Allan factor exponents, however, αScan assume any value. Thus in theory the periodogram can be us ed to estimate any value of fractal exponent, although in pract ice fractal exponents αrarely exceed a value of 3. Compared with estimated based on the Alla n factor, periodogram-based estimates of the fractal exponent αSsuffer from increased bias and variance [11]. Other methods also exist for investigating the spectrum of a point process, some of which highlight fluctuations about the mean rate [25]. 3.3.4 Relationship Among Fractal Exponents For a fractal-rate stochastic point process with 0 < α < 1, the theoretical Fano factor, Allan factor, and periodogram curves all follow power-law forms w ith respect to their arguments, and in fact we obtain αF=αA=αS=α. For 1 ≤α <3, the theoretical Fano factor 7curves saturate, but the relation αA=αS=αstill obtains. The fractal exponent αis ambiguously related to the Hurst exponent H, since some authors have used the quantity H to index fractal Gaussian noise whereas others have used the same value of Hto index the integral of fractal Gaussian noise (which is fractional Bro wnian motion). The relationship between the quantities is α= 2H−1 for fractal Gaussian noise and α= 2H+ 1 for fractal Brownian motion. In the context of this paper, the former rel ationship holds, and we can define another estimate of the fractal exponent, αR= 2HR−1, where HRis the estimate of the Hurst exponent Hobtained from the data at hand. In general, αRdepends on the theoretical value of α, as well as on the probability distribution of the intereven t intervals. The distributions of the data analyzed in this paper, howeve r, prove simple enough so that the approximate theoretical relation αR=αwill hold in the case of large amounts of data. 3.4 Correlation Measures for Pairs of Point Processes Second-order methods prove useful in revealing correlatio ns between sequences of events, which indicate how information is shared between pairs of sp ike trains. Such methods may not detect subtle forms of interdependence to which informa tion-theoretic approaches are sensitive [26], but the latter methods suffer from limitatio ns due to the finite size of the data sets used. We consider two second-order methods here: t he normalized wavelet cross- correlation function (NWCCF) and the cross periodogram. 3.4.1 Normalized Wavelet Cross-Correlation Function We define the normalized wavelet cross-correlation functio nA2(T) as a generalization of the Allan factor (see Sec. 3.3.2). It is a Haar-wavelet-based ve rsion of the correlation function and is therefore insensitive to linear trends. It can be read ily generalized by using other wavelets and can thereby be rendered insensitive to polynom ial trends. To compute the normalized wavelet cross-correlation function at a partic ular counting time T, the two spike trains first are divided into contiguous counting windows T. The number of spikes Z1,n falling within the nth window is registered for all indices ncorresponding to windows lying entirely within the first spike-train data set, much as in the procedure to estimate the Allan factor. This process is repeated for the second spike train, yielding Z2,n. The difference between the count numbers in a given window in the first spike t rain (Z1,n) and the one after it (Z1,n+1) is then computed for all n, with a similar procedure followed for the second spike train. Paralleling the definition of the Allan factor, the no rmalized wavelet cross-correlation function is defined as: A2(T)≡E{[Z1,n(T)−Z1,n+1(T)][Z2,n(T)−Z2,n+1(T)]} 2{E [Z1,n(T)]E [Z2,n(T)]}1/2. The normalization has two salutary properties: 1) it is symm etric in the two spike trains, and 2) when the same homogeneous Poisson point process is use d for both spike trains the normalized wavelet cross-correlation function assumes a v alue of unity for all counting times T, again in analogy with the Allan factor. To determine the sig nificance of a particular value for the normalized wavelet cross-correlation function, we make use of two surrogate data sets: a shuffled version of the original data sets (same interevent i ntervals but in a random order), 8and homogeneous Poisson point processes with the same mean r ate. Comparison between the value of the normalized wavelet cross-correlation func tion obtained from the data at a particular counting time Ton the one hand, and from the surrogates at that time Ton the other hand, indicates the significance of that particular va lue. 3.4.2 Cross Periodogram The cross periodogram [27] is a generalization of the period ogram for individual spike trains (see Sec. 3.3.3), in much the same manner as the normalized wa velet cross-correlation func- tion derives from the Allan factor. Two data sets are divided into contiguous segments of equal length T, with discrete-index sequences {W1,m}and{W2,m}formed by further di- viding each segment of both data sets into Mequal bins, and then counting the number of events within each bin. With the M-point discrete Fourier transform of the sequence {W1,m}denoted by/tildewidestW1(f) (and similarly for the second sequence), we define the segme nt cross periodograms as S2,W(f)≡1 2M/bracketleftBig/tildewidestW1∗(f)/tildewidestW2(f) +/tildewidestW1(f)/tildewidestW2∗(f)/bracketrightBig =1 MRe/bracketleftBig/tildewidestW1∗(f)/tildewidestW2(f)/bracketrightBig , where∗represents complex conjugation and Re( ·) represents the real part of the argument. As with the ordinary periodogram, all of the segment cross pe riodograms are averaged to- gether to form the final averaged cross periodogram, S2(f), and the result can be smoothed. This form is chosen to be symmetric in the two spike trains, an d to yield a real (although possibly negative) result. In the case of independent spike trains, the expected value of the cross periodogram is zero. We again employ the same two surro gate data sets (shuffled and Poisson) to provide significance information about cross-p eriodogram values for actual data sets. The cross periodogram and normalized wavelet cross-correl ation function will have dif- ferent immunity to nonstationarities and will exhibit diffe rent bias-variance tradeoffs, much as their single-dimensional counterparts do [11]. 4 Results for RGC and LGN Action-Potential Sequences We have carried out a series of experiments to determine the s tatistical characteristics of the dark, maintained, and driven neural discharge in cat RGC and LGN cells. Using the analysis techniques presented in Sec. 3, we compare and contrast the n eural activity for these three different stimulus modalities, devoting particular attent ion to their fractal features. The results we present all derive from on-center X-type cells. 4.1 Experimental Methods The experimental methods are similar to those used by Kaplan and Shapley [28] and Teich et al. [6]. Experiments were carried out on adult cats. Anesthesia was induced by intramus- cular injection of xylazine (Rompun 2 mg/kg), followed 10 mi nutes later by intramuscular 9injection of ketamine HCl (Ketaset 10 mg/kg). Anesthesia wa s maintained during surgery with intravenous injections of thiamylal (Surital 2.5%) or thiopental (Pentothal 2.5%). Dur- ing recording, anesthesia was maintained with Pentothal (2 .5%, 2–6 (mg/kg)/hr). The local anesthetic Novocain was administered, as required, during the surgical procedures. Penicillin (750,000 units intramuscular) was also administered to pre vent infection, as was dexametha- sone (Decadron, 6 mg intravenous) to forestall cerebral ede ma. Muscular paralysis was induced and maintained with gallium triethiodide (Flaxedi l, 5–15 (mg/kg)/hr) or vecuro- nium bromide (Norcuron, 0.25 (mg/kg)/hr). Infusions of Rin ger’s saline with 5% dextrose at 3–4 (ml/kg)/hr were also administered. The two femoral veins and a femoral artery were cannulated fo r intravenous drug infu- sions. Heart rate and blood pressure, along with expired CO 2, were continuously monitored and maintained in physiological ranges. For male cats, the b ladder was also cannulated to monitor fluid outflow. Core body temperature was maintained a t 37.5◦C throughout the experiment by wrapping the animal’s torso in a DC heating pad controlled by feedback from a subscapular temperature probe. The cat’s head was fixed in a stereotaxic apparatus. The trachea was cannulated to allow for artificial respiration. To minimize respiratory artifacts, the animal’s body was suspended from a vertebral clamp and a p neumothorax was performed when needed. Eyedrops of 10% phenylephrine hydrochloride (Neo-synephr ine) and 1% atropine were applied to dilate the pupils and retract the nictitating mem branes. Gas-permeable hard contact lenses protected the corneas from drying. Artificia l pupils of 3-mm diameter were placed in front of the contact lenses to maintain fixed retina l illumination. The optical quality of the animal’s eyes was regularly examined by ophth almoscopy. The optic discs were mapped onto a tangent screen, by back-projection, for use as a positional reference. The animal viewed a CRT screen (Tektronix 608, 270 frames/sec; o r CONRAC, 135 frames/sec) that, depending on the stimulus condition, was either dark, uniformly illuminated with a fixed luminance level, or displayed a moving grating. A craniotomy was performed over the LGN (center located 6.5 m m anterior to the earbars and 9 mm lateral to the midline of the skull), and the dura mate r was resected. A tungsten- in-glass microelectrode (5–10- µm tip length) [29] was lowered until spikes from a single LGN neuron were isolated. The microelectrode simultaneously r ecorded RGC activity, in the form of S potentials, and LGN spikes, with a timing accuracy o f 0.1 msec. The output was amplified and monitored using conventional techniques. A ce ll was classified as Y-type if it exhibited strong frequency doubling in response to contras t-reversing high-spatial-frequency gratings, and X-type otherwise [30, 31]. The experimental protocol was approved by the Animal Care an d Use Committee of Rockefeller University, and was in accord with the National Institutes of Health guidelines for the use of higher mammals in neuroscience experiments. 4.2 RGC and LGN Dark Discharge Results for simultaneously recorded RGC and target LGN spik e trains of 4000-sec duration are presented in Fig. 3, when the retina is thoroughly adapte d to the dark (this is referred to as the “dark discharge”). The normalized rate functions (A) for both the RGC (solid curve) and LGN (dashed curve) recordings exhibit large fluctuation s over the course of the recording; 10each window corresponds to a counting time of T= 100 sec. Such large, slow fluctuations often indicate fractal rates [6, 11]. The two recordings bea r a substantial resemblance to each other, suggesting that the fractal components of the rate flu ctuations either have a common origin or pass from one of the cells to the other. The normalized interevent-interval histogram (B) of the RG C data follows a straight-line trend on a semi-logarithmic plot, indicating that the inter event-interval probability density function is close to an exponential form. The LGN data, howev er, yields a nonmonotonic (bimodal) interevent-interval histogram. This distribut ion favors longer and shorter inter- vals at the expense of those near half the mean interval, refle cting clustering in the event occurrences over the short term. Various kinds of unusual cl ustering behavior have been previously observed in LGN discharges [2, 32]. R/S plots (C) for both the RGC and LGN recordings follow the k0.5line for sums less than 1000 intervals, but rise sharply thereafter in a roughly pow er-law fashion as kHR=k(αR+1)/2, suggesting that the neural firing pattern exhibits fractal a ctivity for times greater than about 1000 intervals (about 120 sec for these two recordings). Both smoothed periodograms (D) decay with frequency as f−αSfor small frequencies, and the Allan factors (E) increase with time as TαAfor large counting times, confirming the fractal behavior. The 0.3-Hz component evident in the perio dograms of both recordings is an artifact of the artificial respiration; it does not affect t he fractal analysis. As shown in Table 1, the fractal exponents calculated from the various m easures bear rough similarity to each other, as expected [11]; further, the onset times also a gree reasonably well, being in the neighborhood of 100 sec. The coherence among these statisti cs leaves little doubt that these RGC and LGN recordings exhibit fractal features with estima ted fractal exponents of 1 .9±0.1 and 1.8±0.1 (mean ±standard deviation of the three estimated exponents), resp ectively. Moreover, the close numerical agreement of the RGC and LGN es timated fractal exponents suggests a close connection between the fractal activity in the two spike trains under dark conditions [6]. Curves such as those presented in Fig. 3 are r eadily simulated by using a fractal-rate stochastic point process, as described in [6] . With the exception of the interevent-interval distributio n, it is apparent from Fig. 3 that the statistical properties of the dark discharges generate d by the RGC and its target LGN cell prove to be remarkably similar. 4.3 RGC and LGN Maintained Discharge Figure 4 presents analogous statistical results for simult aneously recorded maintained-dis/- charge RGC and target-LGN spike trains of 7000-sec duration when the stimulus presented by the CRT screen was a 50 cd/m2uniform luminance. The cell pair from which these recordings were obtained is different from the pair whose sta tistics are shown in Fig. 3. As is evident from Table 1, the imposition of a stimulus incre ases the RGC firing rate, though not that of the LGN. In contrast to the results for the d ark discharge, the RGC and LGN action-potential sequences differ from each other in sig nificant ways under maintained- discharge conditions. We previously investigated some of t hese statistical measures, and their roles in revealing fractal features, for maintained d ischarge [6]. The rate fluctuations (A) of the RGC and the LGN no longer resem ble each other. At these counting times, the normalized RGC rate fluctuations a re suppressed, whereas those 11of the LGN are enhanced, relative to the dark discharge shown in Fig. 3. Significant long- duration fluctuations are apparently imparted to the RGC S-p otential sequence at the LGN, through the process of selective clustered passage [26]. Sp ike clustering is also imparted at the LGN over short time scales; the RGC maintained dischar ge exhibits a coefficient of variation (CV) much less than unity, whereas that of the LGN s ignificantly exceeds unity (see Table 1). The normalized interevent-interval histogram (B) of the RG C data resembles that of a dead-time-modified Poisson point process (fit not shown), co nsistent with the presence of relative refractoriness which becomes more important at hi gher rates [9]. Dead-time effects in the LGN are secondary to the clustering that it imparts to t he RGC S-potentials, in part because of its lower rate. The R/S (C), periodogram (D), and Allan factor (E) plots yiel d results that are consistent with, but different from, those revealed by the dark discharg e shown in Fig. 3. Although both the RGC and LGN recordings exhibit evidence of fractal b ehavior, the two spike trains now behave quite differently in the presence of a steady-lumi nance stimulus. For the RGC recording, all three measures are consistent with a fractal onset time of about 1 sec, and a relatively small fractal exponent (0 .7±0.3). For the LGN, the fractal behavior again appears in all three statistics, but begins at a larger onset time (ro ughly 20 sec) and exhibits a larger fractal exponent (1 .4±0.6). Again, all measures presented in Fig. 4 are well describe d by a pair of fractal-rate stochastic point processes [6]. 4.4 RGC and LGN Driven Discharge Figure 5 presents these same statistical measures for simul taneously recorded 7000-sec du- ration RGC and LGN spike trains in response to a sinusoidal st imulus (drifting grating) at 4.2 Hz frequency, 40% contrast, and 50 cd/m2mean luminance. The RGC/LGN cell pair from which these recordings were obtained is the same as the pair illustrated in Fig. 4. The results for this stimulus resemble those for the maintai ned discharge, but with added sinusoidal components associated with the restricted phas es of the stimulus during which action potentials occur. Using terminology from auditory n europhysiology, these spikes are said to be “phase locked” to the periodicity provided by the d rifting-grating stimulus. The firing rate is greater than that observed with a steady-lumin ance stimulus, particularly for the LGN (see Table 1). Again, the RGC and LGN spike trains exhibit different behavio r. The rate fluctuations (A) of the LGN still exceeds those of the RGC, but not to as grea t an extent as in Fig. 4. Both action-potential sequences exhibit normalized inter event-interval histograms (B) with multiple maxima, but the form of the histogram is now dominat ed by the modulation imposed by the oscillatory stimulus. Over long times and small frequencies, the R/S (C), periodog ram (D), and Allan factor (E) plots again yield results in rough agreement with each ot her, and also with the results presented in Fig. 4. The most obvious differences arise from t he phase locking induced by the sinusoidal stimulus, which appears directly in the peri odogram as a large spike at 4.2 Hz, and in the Allan factor as local minima near multiples of ( 4.2 Hz)−1= 0.24 sec. The RGC results prove consistent with a fractal onset time of about 3 sec, and a relatively small fractal exponent (0 .7±0.1), whereas for the LGN the onset time is about 20 sec and the 12fractal exponent is 1 .7±0.4. For both spike trains fractal behavior persists in the pre sence of the oscillatory stimulus, though its magnitude is slight ly attenuated. 4.5 Correlation in the Discharges of Pairs of RGC and LGN Cell s We previously examined information exchange among pairs of RGC and LGN spike trains using information-theoretic measures [26]. While these ap proaches are very general, finite data length renders them incapable of revealing relationsh ips between spike trains over time scales longer than about 1 sec. We now proceed to investigate various RGC and LGN spike- train pairs in terms of the correlation measures for pairs of point processes developed in Sec. 3.4. Pairs of RGC discharges are only weakly correlated over long counting times. This is readily illustrated in terms of normalized rate functions s uch as those presented in Fig. 6A, in which the rate functions of two RGCs are computed over a cou nting time T= 100 sec. Calculation of the correlation coefficient ( ρ= +0.27) shows that the fluctuations are only mildly correlated. Unexpectedly, however, significant correlation turns out t o be present in pairs of LGN discharges over long counting times. This is evident in Fig. 6B, where the correlation coef- ficient ρ= +0.98 (p <10−16) for the rates of two LGN discharges computed over the same counting time T= 100 sec. For shorter counting times, there is little cross correlati on for either pairs of RGC or of LGN spike trains (not shown). However, strong correlations are present in the spike rates of an RGC and its target LGN cell as long as the rate is computed ov er times shorter than 15 sec for this particular cell pair. The cross correlation can be quantified at all time and freque ncy scales by the nor- malized wavelet cross-correlation function (see Sec. 3.4. 1) and the cross periodogram (see Sec. 3.4.2), respectively. Figure 6C shows the normalized w avelet cross-correlation function, as a function of the duration of the counting window, between an RGC/LGN spike-train pair recorded under maintained-discharge conditions, as w ell as for two surrogate data sets (shuffled and Poisson). For this spike-train pair, it is evide nt that significant correlation ex- ists over time scales less than 15 seconds. The constant magn itude of the normalized wavelet cross-correlation function for T <15 sec is likely associated with the selective transmission properties of the LGN [26]. Figure 6D presents the normalize d wavelet cross-correlation func- tion for the same RGC/LGN spike-train pair shown in Fig. 6C (s olid curve), together with that between two RGC action-potential sequences (long-das hed curve), and between their two associated LGN spike trains (short-dashed curve). Also shown is a dotted line repre- senting the aggregate behavior of the normalized wavelet cr oss-correlation function absolute magnitude for all surrogate data sets, which resemble each o ther. While the two RGC spike trains exhibit a normalized wavelet c ross-correlation function value which remains below 7, the two LGN action-potential se quences yield a curve that steadily grows with increasing counting window T, attaining a value in excess of 1000. Indeed, a logarithmic scale was chosen for the ordinate to fa cilitate the display of this wide range of values. It is of interest to note that the LGN/LGN cur ve begins its steep ascent just as the RGC/LGN curve abruptly descends. Further, the normal ized wavelet cross-correlation function between the two LGN recordings closely follows a po wer-law form, indicating that 13the two LGN action-potential rates are co-fractal. One poss ible origin of this phenomenon is a fractal form of correlated modulation of the random-tra nsmission processes in the LGN that results in the two LGN spike trains. Some evidence exist s that global modulation of the LGN might originate in the parabrachial nucleus of the br ain stem; the results presented here are consistent with such a conclusion. Analogous results for the cross-periodograms, which are sh own in Figs. 6E and F, provide results that corroborate, but are not as definitive as, those obtained with the normalized wavelet cross-correlation function. The behavior of the normalized wavelet cross-correlation f unctions for pairs of driven spike trains, shown in Fig. 7, closely follow those for pairs of maintained discharges, shown in Fig. 6, except for the presence of structure at the stimulu s period imposed by the drifting grating. 5 Discussion The presence of a stimulus alters the manner in which spike tr ains in the visual system exhibit fractal behavior. In the absence of a stimulus, RGC a nd LGN dark discharges display similar fractal activity (see Fig. 3). The normalized rate f unctions of the two recordings, when computed for long counting times, follow similar paths . The R/S, Allan factor, and periodogram quantify this relationship, and these three me asures yield values of the fractal exponents for the two spike trains that correspond reasonab ly well (see Table 1). The normalized interevent-interval histogram, a measure whic h operates only over relatively short time scales, shows a significant difference between the RGC an d LGN responses. Such short- time behavior, however, does not affect the fractal activity , which manifests itself largely over longer time scales. The presence of a stimulus, either a constant luminance (Fig . 4), or a drifting grating (Fig. 5), causes the close linkage between the statistical c haracter of the RGC and LGN discharges over long times to dissipate. The normalized rat e functions of the LGN spike trains display large fluctuations about their mean, especially for the maintained discharge, while the RGC rate functions exhibit much smaller fluctuations tha t are minimally correlated with those of the LGN. Again, the R/S, Allan factor, and periodogr am quantify this difference, indicating that fractal activity in the RGC consistently ex hibits a smaller fractal exponent (see also Table 1), and also a smaller fractal onset time (hig her onset frequency). Both the R/S and Allan-factor measures indicate that the LGN exhibit s more fluctuations than the RGC at all scales; the periodogram does not, apparently beca use it is the only one of the three constructed without normalization. In the driven case (Fig. 5), the oscillatory nature of the sti mulus phase-locks the RGC and LGN spike trains to each other at shorter time scales. The periodogram displays a peak at 4.2 Hz, and the Allan factor exhibits minima at multiples o f (4.2 Hz)−1= 0.24 sec, for both action-potential sequences. The normalized intereve nt-interval histogram also suggests a relationship between the two recordings mediated by the ti me-varying stimulus; both RGC and LGN histograms achieve a number of maxima. Although obsc ured by the normalization, the peaks do indeed coincide for an unnormalized plot (not sh own). In the presence of a stimulus, RGCs are not correlated with th eir target LGN cells 14over the long time scales at which fractal behavior becomes m ost important, but significant correlation does indeed exist between pairs of LGN spike tra ins for both the maintained and driven discharges (see Figs. 6 and 7, respectively). These p airs of LGN discharges, exhibiting linked fractal behavior, may be called co-fractal. The norm alized wavelet cross-correlation function and cross periodogram plots between RGC 1 and LGN 1 r emain significantly above the surrogates for small times (Figs. 6C and 6E). The results for the two RGCs suggest some degree of co-fractal behavior, but no significant corre lation over short time scales for the maintained discharge (Figs. 6D and 6F). Since the two cor responding RGC spike trains do not appear co-fractal nearly to the degree shown by the LGN recordings, the co-fractal component must be imparted at the LGN itself. This suggests t hat the LGN discharges may experience a common fractal modulation, perhaps provided f rom the parabrachial nucleus in the brain stem, which engenders co-fractal behavior in th e LGN spike trains. Although similar data for the dark discharge are not available, the ti ght linkage between RGC and LGN firing patterns in that case (Fig. 3) suggests that a commo n fractal modulation may not be present in the absence of a stimulus, and therefore that di scharges from nearby LGN cells would in fact not be co-fractal; this remains to be experimen tally demonstrated. Correlations in the spike trains of relatively distant pairs of cat LGN cel ls have been previously observed in the short term for drifting-grating stimuli [33]; these c orrelations have been ascribed to low-threshold calcium channels and dual excitatory/inhib itory action in the corticogeniculate pathway [34]. In the context of information transmission, the LGN may modu late the fractal character of the spike trains according to the nature of the stimulus pr esent. Under dark conditions, with no signal to be transmitted, the LGN appears to pass the f ractal character of the individual RGCs on to more central stages of visual processi ng, which could serve to keep them alert and responsive to all possible input time scales. If, as appears to be the case, the responses from different RGCs do not exhibit significant corr elation with each other, then the LGN spike trains also will not, and the ensemble average, com prising a collection of LGN spike trains, will display only small fluctuations. In the pr esence of a constant stimulus, however, the LGN spike trains develop significant degrees of co-fractal behavior, so that the ensemble average will exhibit large fluctuations [20]. S uch correlated fractal behavior might serve to indicate the presence of correlation at the vi sual input, while still maintaining fluctuations over all time scales to ready neurons in later st ages of visual processing for any stimulus changes that might arrive. Finally, a similar beha vior obtains for a drifting-grating stimulus, but with somewhat reduced fractal fluctuations; p erhaps the stimulus itself, though fairly simple, serves to keep more central processing stage s alert. 5.1 Prevalence and Significance of Fractal and Co-Fractal Behavior Fractal behavior is present in all 50 of the RGC and LGN neural spike-train pairs that we have examined, under dark, maintained-discharge, and drif ting-grating stimulus conditions, provided they are of sufficient length to manifest this behavi or. Indeed, fractal behavior is ubiquitous in sensory systems. Its presence has been observed in cat striate-cortex neural spike trains [35]; and in the sp ike train of a locust visual in- 15terneuron, the descending contralateral movement detecto r [36]. It is present in the auditory system [37] of a number of species; primary auditory (VIII-n erve) nerve fibers in the cat [19, 38], chinchilla, and chicken [39] all exhibit fractal b ehavior. It is exhibited at many biological levels, from the microscopic to the macroscopic ; examples include ion-channel be- havior [40, 41, 42, 43], neurotransmitter exocytosis at the synapse [44], and spike trains in rabbit somatosensory-cortex neurons [45] and mesenceph alic reticular-formation neurons [46]. In almost all cases, the upper limit of the observed tim e over which fractal correlations exist is imposed by the duration of the recording. The significance of the fractal behavior is not fully underst ood. Its presence may serve as a stimulus to keep more central stages of the sensory syste m alert and responsive to all possible time scales, awaiting the arrival of a time-varyin g stimulus whose time scale is a priori unknown. It is also possible that fractal activity in spike t rains provides an advantage in terms of matching the detection system to the expected sig nal [37] since natural scenes have fractal spatial and temporal noise [47, 48]. 6 Conclusion Using a variety of statistical measures, we have shown that f ractal activity in LGN spike trains remains closely correlated with that of their exciti ng RGC action-potential sequences under dark conditions, but not with stimuli present. The pre sence of a visual stimulus serves to increase long-duration fluctuations in LGN spike trains i n a coordinated fashion, so that pairs of LGN spike trains exhibit co-fractal behavior large ly uncorrelated with activity in their associated RGCs. Such large correlations are not pres ent in pairs of RGC spike trains. A drifting-grating stimulus yields similar results, but wi th fractal activity in both recordings somewhat suppressed. Co-fractal behavior in LGN discharge s under constant luminance and drifting-grating stimulus conditions suggests that a c ommon fractal modulation may be imparted at the LGN in the presence of a visual stimulus. 7 Acknowledgments This work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research und er grants N00014-92-J-1251 and N0014-93-12079, by the National Institute for Mental He alth under grant MH5066, by the National Eye Institute under grants EY4888 and EY11276, and by the Whitaker Foun- dation under grant RG-96-0411. E. Kaplan is Jules and Doris S tein Research-to-Prevent- Blindness Professor at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. References [1] Mastronarde, D. N. (1983) J. Neurophysiol. 49, 303–324. [2] Bishop, P. O., Levick, W. R., and Williams, W. O. (1964) J. Physiol. (London) 170, 598–612. [3] Kuffler, S. W., FitzHugh, R., and Barlow, H. B. (1957) J. Gen. Physiol. 40, 683–702. 16[4] Levine, M. W., and Troy, J. B. (1986) J. Physiol. (London) 375, 339–359. [5] Troy, J. 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Neurosci. 16, 3351–3362. 8 Table Moments Fractal Exponents Stimulus Cell Mean CV αRαSαA Dark RGC 112 msec 1.54 1.71 1.89 1.96 LGN 152 msec 1.62 1.66 1.75 1.85 Maintained RGC 32 msec 0.52 0.53 0.58 0.99 LGN 284 msec 1.63 0.89 2.01 1.41 Driven RGC 27 msec 1.21 0.79 0.54 0.74 LGN 77 msec 1.15 1.35 2.10 1.76 Neural-discharge statistics for cat retinal ganglion cell s (RGCs) and their associated lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) cells, under three stimul us conditions: dark discharge in the absence of stimulation (data duration L= 4000 sec); maintained discharge in response to a uniform luminance of 50 cd/m2(data duration L= 7000 sec); and driven discharge in response to a drifting grating (4.2 Hz frequency, 40% contra st, and 50 cd/m2mean luminance; data duration L= 7000 sec). All cells are on-center X-type. The maintained a nd driven data sets were recorded from the same RGC/LGN cell pair, wher eas the dark discharge derived from a different cell pair. Statistics, from left to r ight, are mean interevent interval, interevent-interval coefficient of variation (CV = standard deviation divided by mean), and fractal exponents estimated by least-squares fits on doubly logarithmic plots of 1) the rescaled range (R/S) statistic for k >1000, which yields an estimate of the Hurst exponent HR, and of αR, in turn, through the relation αR= 2HR−1; 2) the count-based periodogram for frequencies between 0.001 and 0.01 Hz which yields αS; and 3) of the Allan factor for counting times between L/100 and L/10 where Lis the duration of the recording, which yields αA. 9 Figure Captions Figure 1 : Rate estimates formed by dividing the number of events in su ccessive counting windows by the counting time T. The stimulus was a uniformly illuminated screen (with no temporal or spatial modulation) of luminance 50 cd/m2.A)Rate estimate for a cat RGC generated using three different counting times ( T= 1, 10, and 100 sec). The fluctuations in the rate estimates converge relatively slowly as the counti ng time is increased. This is char- acteristic of fractal-rate processes. The convergence pro perties are quantified by measures 19such as the Allan factor and periodogram. B)Rate estimates from the same recording after the intervals are randomly reordered (shuffled). This mainta ins the same relative frequency of interval sizes but destroys the original relative orderi ng of the intervals, and therefore any correlations or dependencies among them. For such nonfract al signals, the rate estimate converges more quickly as the counting time Tis increased. The data presented here are typical of the 50 data sets examined. Figure 2 : A sequence of action potentials (top) is reduced to a set of e vents (repre- sented by arrows, middle) that form a point process. A sequen ce of interevent intervals {τn}is formed from the times between successive events, resulti ng in a discrete-time, pos- itive, real-valued stochastic process (lower left). All in formation contained in the original point process remains in this representation, but the discr ete-time axis of the sequence of interevent intervals is distorted relative to the real-tim e axis of the point process. The se- quence of counts {Zn}, a discrete-time, nonnegative, integer-valued stochasti c process, is formed from the point process by recording the numbers of eve nts in successive counting windows of duration T(lower right). This process of mapping the point process to t he se- quence {Zn}results in a loss of information, but the amount lost can be ma de arbitrarily small by reducing T. An advantage of this representation is that no distortion o f the time axis occurs. Figure 3 : Statistical measures of the dark discharge from a cat on-ce nter X-type retinal ganglion cell (RGC) and its associated lateral geniculate n ucleus (LGN) cell, for data of duration L= 4000 sec. RGC results appear as solid curves, whereas LGN re sults are dashed. A)Normalized rate function constructed by counting the numbe r of neural spikes occurring in adjacent 100-sec counting windows, and then di viding by 100 sec and by the average rate. B)Normalized interevent-interval histogram (IIH) vsnormalized interevent interval constructed by dividing the interevent intervals for each spike train by the mean, and then obtaining the histogram. C)Normalized range of sums R(k)vsnumber of interevent intervals k(see Sec. 3.2.2). D)Periodogram S(f)vsfrequency f(see Sec. 3.3.3). E)Allan factor A(T)vscounting time T(see Sec. 3.3.2). Figure 4 : Statistical measures of the maintained discharge from a ca t on-center X-type RGC and its associated LGN cell, at a steady luminance of 50 cd /m2, for data of duration L= 7000 sec. This cell pair is different from the one illustrate d in Fig. 3. The results for the RGC discharge appear as solid curves, whereas those for the L GN are presented as dashed curves. Panels A)–E) as in Fig. 3. Figure 5 : Statistical measures of the driven discharge from a cat on- center X-type RGC and its associated LGN cell, for a drifting-grating stimulu s with mean luminance 50 cd/m2, 4.2 Hz frequency, and 40% contrast, for data of duration L= 7000 sec. This cell pair is the same as the one illustrated in Fig. 4. The results for the R GC discharge appear as solid curves, whereas those for the LGN are presented as dashed cur ves. Panels A)–E) as in Figs. 3 and 4. Figure 6 : Statistical measures of the maintained discharge from pai rs of cat on-center X- type RGCs and their associated LGN cells, stimulated by a uni form luminance of 50 cd/m2, for data of duration L= 7000 sec. RGC and LGN spike trains denoted “1” are those that have been presented in Figs. 4 and 5, while those denoted “0” a re another simultaneously recorded pair. A)Normalized rate functions constructed by counting the numb er of neural spikes occurring in adjacent 100-sec counting windows, and then dividing by 100 sec and 20by the average rate, for RGC 1 and RGC 0. Note that the ordinate scale differs from that in (A). B)Normalized rate functions for the two corresponding target LGN cells, LGN 1 and LGN 0. C)Normalized wavelet cross-correlation function (NWCCF) be tween the RGC 1 and LGN 1 recordings (solid curve), shuffled surrogates o f these two data sets (long- dashed curve), and Poisson surrogates (short-dashed curve ). Unlike the Allan factor A(T), the normalized wavelet cross-correlation function can ass ume negative values and need not approach unity in certain limits. Negative normalized wave let cross-correlation function values for the data or the surrogates are not printed on this d oubly logarithmic plot, nor are they printed in panel (D). Comparison between the value of th e normalized wavelet cross- correlation function obtained from the data at a particular counting time Ton the one hand, and from the surrogates at that time Ton the other hand, indicates the significance of that particular value. D)Normalized wavelet cross-correlation functions between R GC 1 and LGN 1 (solid curve, repeated from panel (C), the two RGC spike trains (long-dashed curve), and the two LGN spike trains (short-dashed curve). Also incl uded is the aggregate behavior of both types of surrogates for all three combinations of rec ordings listed above (dotted line). E)Cross periodograms of the data sets displayed in panel (C). F)Cross periodograms of the data sets displayed in panel (D). Figure 7 : Statistical measures of the driven discharge from pairs of cat on-center X- type RGCs and their associated LGN cells, stimulated by a dri fting grating with a mean luminance of 50 cd/m2, 4.2 Hz frequency, and 40% contrast, for data of duration L= 7000 sec. RGC and LGN spike trains denoted “1” are recorded from th e same cell pair that have been presented in Figs. 4–6, while those denoted “0” are reco rded simultaneously from the other cell pair, that was presented in Fig. 6 only. Panels A)–F) as in Fig. 6. 21RA TE FUNCTIONS /nT /= /1 sec A/) ORIGINAL D A T A/4/0/3/0/2/0 T /= /1 sec B/) SHUFFLED/4/0/3/0/2/0T /= /1/0 sec /4/0/3/0/2/0 T /= /1/0 sec /4/0/3/0/2/0T /= /1/0/0 sec/5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /4/0/3/0/2/0 T /= /1/0/0 sec/5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /4/0/3/0/2/0WINDO W NUMBER n /(eac h of duration T sec/) Lowen, Fig. 1 22Lowen, Fig. 2 23LGN R GC A/) NORM/. RA TE FUNCTION /n /= E/[ / /]WINDO W NUMBER n /( T /= /1/0/0 sec/) /5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /3/2/1/0 LGN R GC B/) NORMALIZED I IH p /( / /= E/[ / /]/)NORM/. INTEREVENT INTER V AL / /= E/[ / /] /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 /1 /0 /1/0/1/0/./1/0/./0/1/0/./0/0/1k /0 /: /5 LGN R GC C/) NORM/. RANGE OF SUMS R /( k /)NUMBER OF INTER V ALS k /1/0/0/0/0/0 /1/0/0/0/0 /1/0/0/0 /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0/1 LGN R GC D/) PERIODOGRAM S /( f /)FREQUENCY f /(Hz/) /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0LGN R GC E/) ALLAN F A CTOR A /( T /)COUNTING TIME T /(sec/) /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0/1/0/./1 Lowen, Fig. 3 24LGN R GC A/) NORM/. RA TE FUNCTION /n /= E/[ / /]WINDO W NUMBER n /( T /= /1/0/0 sec/) /5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /3/2/1/0 LGN R GC B/) NORMALIZED I IH p /( / /= E/[ / /]/)NORM/. INTEREVENT INTER V AL / /= E/[ / /] /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 /1 /0 /1/0/1/0/./1/0/./0/1/0/./0/0/1k /0 /: /5 LGN R GC C/) NORM/. RANGE OF SUMS R /( k /)NUMBER OF INTER V ALS k /1/0/0/0/0/0 /1/0/0/0/0 /1/0/0/0 /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0/1 LGN R GC D/) PERIODOGRAM S /( f /)FREQUENCY f /(Hz/) /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0LGN R GC E/) ALLAN F A CTOR A /( T /)COUNTING TIME T /(sec/) /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0/1/0/./1 Lowen, Fig. 4 25LGN R GC A/) NORM/. RA TE FUNCTION /n /= E/[ / /]WINDO W NUMBER n /( T /= /1/0/0 sec/) /5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /3/2/1/0 LGN R GC B/) NORMALIZED I IH p /( / /= E/[ / /]/)NORM/. INTEREVENT INTER V AL / /= E/[ / /] /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 /1 /0 /1/0/1/0/./1/0/./0/1/0/./0/0/1k /0 /: /5 LGN R GC C/) NORM/. RANGE OF SUMS R /( k /)NUMBER OF INTER V ALS k /1/0/0/0/0/0 /1/0/0/0/0 /1/0/0/0 /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0/1 LGN R GC D/) PERIODOGRAM S /( f /)FREQUENCY f /(Hz/) /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0LGN R GC E/) ALLAN F A CTOR A /( T /)COUNTING TIME T /(sec/) /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0/1/0/./1 Lowen, Fig. 5 26R GC /0 R GC /1 A/) NORM/. R GC RA TE F CN/. /n /= E/[ / /]WINDO W NUMBER n /( T /= /1/0/0 sec/) /5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /1/./1/1/0/./9 LGN /0 LGN /1 B/) NORM/. LGN RA TE F CN/. /n /= E/[ / /]WINDO W NUMBER n /( T /= /1/0/0 sec/) /5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /3/2/1/0POISSON SHUFFLED D A T A C/) NW CCF/: R GC /1 /- LGN /1COUNTING WINDO W T /(sec/) /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /3/1/0 /1/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /3 SURR OGA TES LGN /0 /- LGN /1 R GC /0 /- R GC /1 R GC /1 /- LGN /1 D/) NW CCFCOUNTING WINDO W T /(sec/) /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /3/1/0 /1/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /3POISSON SHUFFLED D A T A E/) CPG/: R GC /1 /- LGN /1FREQUENCY f /(Hz/) /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /7/1/0 /6/1/0 /5/1/0 /4/1/0 /3 SURR OGA TES LGN /0 /- LGN /1 R GC /0 /- R GC /1 R GC /1 /- LGN /1 F/) CPGFREQUENCY f /(Hz/) /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /7/1/0 /6/1/0 /5/1/0 /4/1/0 /3 Lowen, Fig. 6 27R GC /0 R GC /1 A/) NORM/. R GC RA TE F CN/. /n /= E/[ / /]WINDO W NUMBER n /( T /= /1/0/0 sec/) /5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /1/./1/1/0/./9 LGN /0 LGN /1 B/) NORM/. LGN RA TE F CN/. /n /= E/[ / /]WINDO W NUMBER n /( T /= /1/0/0 sec/) /5/0 /4/0 /3/0 /2/0 /1/0 /0 /3/2/1/0POISSON SHUFFLED D A T A C/) NW CCF/: R GC /1 /- LGN /1COUNTING WINDO W T /(sec/) /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /3/1/0 /1/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /3 SURR OGA TES LGN /0 /- LGN /1 R GC /0 /- R GC /1 R GC /1 /- LGN /1 D/) NW CCFCOUNTING WINDO W T /(sec/) /1/0/0 /1/0 /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /3/1/0 /1/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /3POISSON SHUFFLED D A T A E/) CPG/: R GC /1 /- LGN /1FREQUENCY f /(Hz/) /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /7/1/0 /6/1/0 /5/1/0 /4/1/0 /3 SURR OGA TES LGN /0 /- LGN /1 R GC /0 /- R GC /1 R GC /1 /- LGN /1 F/) CPGFREQUENCY f /(Hz/) /1 /0/./1 /0/./0/1 /0/./0/0/1 /1/0 /7/1/0 /6/1/0 /5/1/0 /4/1/0 /3 Lowen, Fig. 7 28
arXiv:physics/9910026v1 [physics.acc-ph] 18 Oct 1999Quantum-like approach to the transversal and longitudinal beam dynamics. The halo problem Sameen Ahmed KHAN Dipartimento di Fisica Galileo Galilei Universit` a di Pado va Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Sezione di Pad ova Via Marzolo 8 Padova 35131 ITALY E-mail: khan@pd.infn.it, http://www.pd.infn.it/ ∼khan/ Modesto PUSTERLA Dipartimento di Fisica Galileo Galilei Universit` a di Pado va Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Sezione di Pad ova Via Marzolo 8 Padova 35131 ITALY E-mail: pusterla@pd.infn.it, http://www.pd.infn.it/ ∼pusterla/ Abstract An interpretation of the formation of halo in accelerators b ased on quantum- like theory by a diffraction model is given in terms of the tran sversal beam motion. Physical implications of the longitudinal dynamic s are also examined. Keywords: Beam Physics, Quantum-like, Halo, Beam Losses, Protons, Io ns. I. INTRODUCTION Recently the description of the dynamical evolution of high density beams by using the collective models, has become more and more popular. A way of developing this point of view is the quantum-like approach [1] where one considers a t ime-dependent Schr¨ odinger equation, in both the usual linear and the less usual nonline ar form, as a fluid equation for the whole beam. In this case the squared modulus of the wav e function (named beam wave function) gives the distribution function of the parti cles in space at a certain time [2]. The Schr¨ odinger equation may be taken in one or more spatial dimensions according to the particular physical problem; furthermore the motion of the particles in the configuration space can be considered as a Madelung fluid if one chooses the e quation in its linear version. Although the validity of the model relies only on experiment s and on the new predictions which must be verified experimentally, we like to invoke here a theoretical argument that could justify the Schr¨ odinger quantum-like approach. Let us think of particles in motion within a bunch in such a way that the single particle moves und er an average force field 1due to the presence of all others and collides with the neighb ouring ones in a complicated manner. It is obviously impossible to follow and describe al l the forces deterministically. One then faces a situation where the classical motion determine d by the force-field is perturbed continuously by a random term, and one finds immediately a con nection with a stochastic process. If one assumes that the process is Markovian and Bro wnian, one easily arrives at a modification of the equations of motion in such a manner that would be synthesized by a linear Schr¨ odinger equation depending on a physical para meter that has the dimension of action [3,4]. Wave quantum mechanics follows if this parame ter coincides with the Planck’s constant ¯h, whereas the quantum-like theory of beams is obtained if one chooses it as the normalized emittance ǫ[1]. In both cases, the evolution of the system is expressed i n terms of a continuous field ψwhich defines the so-called Madelung fluid. We may notice that the normalized emittance ǫwith the dimension of an action is the natural choice in the qu antum- like theory, that finds the analogue in the Planck’s constant ¯hbecause it reproduces the corresponding area in the phase-space of the particle. We here point out that, after linearizing the Schr¨ odinger- like equation, for beams in an accelerator, one can use the whole apparatus of quantum me chanics, keeping in mind a new interpretation of the basic parameters (for instance t he Planck’s constant ¯ h−→ǫ whereǫis the normalized beam emittance). In particular one introd uces the propagator K(xf,tf|xi,ti) of the Feynman theory for both longitudinal and transversa l motion. A procedure of this sort seems effective for a global descripti on of several phenomena such as intrabeam scattering, space-charge, particle focusing, t hat cannot be treated easily in detail by “classical mechanics”. One consequence of this procedur e is to obtain information on the creation of the Haloaround the main beam line by the losses of particles due to the transversal collective motion. II. TRANSVERSAL MOTION Let us indeed consider the Schr¨ odinger like equation for th e beam wave function iǫ∂tψ=−ǫ2 2m∂2 xψ+U(x,t)ψ (1) in the linearized case U(x,t) does not depend on the density |ψ|2.ǫhere is the normalized transversal beam emittance defined as follows: ǫ=m0cγβ˜ǫ, (2) ˜ǫbeing the emittance usually considered, (we may also introd uce the analogue of the de Broglie wavelength as λ=ǫ/p). Let us now focus our attention on the one dimensional transversal motion along the x-axis of the beam particles belonging to a single bunch and assume a Gaussian transversal profile for particles injecte d into a circular machine. We want to try a description of interactions that cannot be treated i n detail, as a diffraction through a slit that becomes a phenomenological boundary in each segm ent of the particle trajectory. This condition should be applied to both beam wave function a nd beam propagator K. The result is a multiple integral that determines the actual pro pagator between the initial and final states in terms of the space-time intervals due to the in termediate segments. 2K(x+x0,T+τ|x′,0) =/integraldisplay+b −bK(x+x0,τ|x0+yn,T+ (n−1)τ′) ×K(x+yn,T+ (n−1)τ′|x0+yn−1,T+ (n−2)τ′) ×···K(x+y1,T|x′,0)dy1dy2···dyn (3) whereτ=nτ′is the total time spent by the beam in the accelerator (total t ime of revolutions in circular machines), Tis the time necessary to insert the bunch (practically the ti me between two successive bunches) and ( −b,+b) the space interval defining the boundary mentioned above. Obviously bandTare phenomenological parameters which vary from a machine to another and must also have a strict correction wit h the geometry of the vacuum tube where the particles circulate. We may consider the two simplest possible approximations fo rK(n|n−1)≡ K(x0+yn,T+ (n−1)τ′|x0+yn−1+ (n−2)τ′): 1. We substitute the correct Kwith the free particle K0assuming that in the τ′interval (τ′≪τ) the motion is practically a free particle motion between th e boundaries (−b,+b). 2. We substitute it with the harmonic oscillator Kω(n|n−1) considering the betatron and the synchrotron oscillations with frequency ω/2π III. FREE PARTICLE CASE We may notice that the convolution property (3) of the Feynma n propagator allows us to substitute the multiple integral (that becomes a functio nal integral for n−→ ∞ and τ′−→0) with the single integral K(x+x0,T+τ|x′,0) =/integraldisplay+b −bdyK(x+x0,T+τ|x0+y,T)K(x0+y,T|x′,0)dy (4) After introducing the Gaussian slit exp/bracketleftBig −y2 2b2/bracketrightBig instead of the segment ( −b,+b) we have K(x+x0,T+τ|x′,0) =/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dyexp/bracketleftBigg −y2 2b2/bracketrightBigg/braceleftBigg2πi¯hτ m2πi¯hT m/bracerightBigg−1 2 exp/bracketleftbiggim 2¯hτ(x−y)2/bracketrightbigg exp/bracketleftbiggim 2¯hT(x0+y−x′)2/bracketrightbigg =/radicalbiggm 2πi¯h/parenleftBigg T+τ+Tτi¯h mb2/parenrightBigg−1 2 exp im 2¯h/parenleftBigg v2 0T+x2 τ/parenrightBigg +/parenleftBig m2/2¯h2τ2/parenrightBig (x−v0τ)2 im ¯h/parenleftBig 1 T+1 τ/parenrightBig −1 b2  (5) wherev0=x0−x′ Tandx0is the initial central point of the beam at injection and can b e chosen as the origin ( x0= 0) of the transverse motion of the reference trajectory in t he frame of the particle. ¯ hmust be interpreted as the normalized beam emittance in the quantum-like approach . With an initial Gaussian profile (at t= 0), the beam wave function (normalized to 1) is f(x) =/braceleftbiggα π/bracerightbigg1 4exp/bracketleftbigg −α 2x′2/bracketrightbigg (6) 3/radicalBig 1 αbeing the r.m.s transversal spot size of the beam; the final be am wave function is: φ(x) =/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dx′/parenleftbiggα π/parenrightbigg1 4e[−α 2x′2]K(x,T+τ;x′,0) =Bexp/bracketleftBig Cx2/bracketrightBig (7) with B=/radicalbiggm 2πi¯h/braceleftBigg T+τ+Tτi¯h mb2/bracerightBigg−1 2/braceleftbiggα π/bracerightbigg1 4/radicaltp/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalbtπ/parenleftbigg α 2−im 2¯hT−m2/2¯h2T2 im ¯h(1 T+1 τ)−1 b2/parenrightbigg C=im 2¯hτ+m2/2¯h2T2 im ¯h/parenleftBig 1 T+1 τ/parenrightBig −1 b2+τ2 T2/braceleftbigg m2/2¯h2T2 im ¯h(1 T+1 τ)−1 b2/bracerightbigg2 /parenleftbigg α 2−im 2¯hT−m2/2¯h2T2 im ¯h(1 T+1 τ)−1 b2/parenrightbigg (8) The final local distribution of the beam that undergoes the di ffraction is therefore ρ(x) =|φ(x)|2=BB∗exp/bracketleftBig −˜αx2/bracketrightBig (9) where ˜α=−(C+C∗) and the total probability per particle is given by P=/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dxρ(x) =BB∗/radicalbiggπ ˜α(10) Under certain physical conditions (such as the LHC transver sal, Table–I), P≈1√αmb ¯hT. IV. OSCILLATOR CASE Similarly we may consider the harmonic oscillator case (bet atronic oscillations and syn- chrotronic oscillations) to compute the diffraction probab ility of the single particle from the beam wave function and evaluate the probability of beam loss es per particle. The propagator Kω(x,T+τ|y,T) in the later case is: K(x,T+τ|x′,0) =/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dyexp/bracketleftBigg −y2 2b2/bracketrightBigg Kω(x,T+τ|y,T)Kω(y,T|x′,0) =/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dyexp/bracketleftBigg −y2 2b2/bracketrightBigg/braceleftBiggmω 2πi¯hsin(ωτ)/bracerightBigg1 2 exp/bracketleftBiggimω 2¯hsin(ωτ)/braceleftBig/parenleftBig x2+y2/parenrightBig cosωτ−2xy/bracerightBig/bracketrightBigg ×/braceleftBiggmω 2πi¯hsin(ωT)/bracerightBigg1 2 exp/bracketleftBiggimω 2¯hsin(ωT)/braceleftBig/parenleftBig y2+x′2/parenrightBig cosωT−2x′y/bracerightBig/bracketrightBigg =/braceleftbigg1 2π˜C/bracerightbigg1 2 exp/bracketleftBig˜Ax2+˜Bx′2+˜Cxx′/bracketrightBig (11) where 4˜A= imω 2¯hcos (ωτ) sin (ωτ)−/parenleftbiggmω 2¯h/parenrightbigg21 sin2(ωτ)1 D, ˜B= imω 2¯hcos (ωT) sin (ωT)−/parenleftbiggmω 2¯h/parenrightbigg21 sin2(ωT)1 D ˜C=−/parenleftbiggmω 2¯h/parenrightbigg22 sin (ωτ) sin (ωT)1 D, D =1 2b2−imω 2¯h/parenleftBiggcos (ωτ) sin (ωτ)+cos (ωT) sin (ωT)/parenrightBigg (12) φω(x) =/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dx′/parenleftbiggα π/parenrightbigg1 4exp/bracketleftbigg −α 2x′2/bracketrightbigg Kω(x,T+τ;x′,0) =Nexp/bracketleftBig Mx2/bracketrightBig (13) where N=/parenleftbiggα π/parenrightbigg1 4  ˜C/parenleftBig α−2˜B/parenrightBig  1 2 , M =˜A+˜C2 2/parenleftBig α−2˜B/parenrightBig (14) ρω(x) =|φω(x)|2=N∗Nexp/bracketleftBig −(M∗+M)x2/bracketrightBig (15) Pω=/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dxρ(x) =N∗N/radicalBiggπ (M∗+M)(16) Under some physical situations (such as the LHC transversal case) we have, Pω≈ 1√αmb ¯hω sin(ωT). In the approximate formulae for PandPω, when applicable, the parameter τ does not play a significant role. V. LONGITUDINAL MOTION As far as the longitudinal motion is concerned the quantum-l ike approach appears to be quite appropriate to obtain information on the modified le ngth (and consequently the stability) of the bunches both in the linear and circular acc elerators.. To be more specific it describes a large number of important nonlinear phenomena t hat are present in RF particle accelerators (with residual addition of longitudinal coup ling impedance) as well as in cold plasmas [8]. We introduce the Gaussian parameter b, as we did with the Gaussian slit e−x2/2b2in the transversal motion and look for a phenomenological solutio n of the equation for the beam wave function ψ iǫN∂tψ=−ǫ2 N 2γ3m0∂2 xψ+1 2m0ω2x2ψ+ Λ|ψ|2(17) whereωis the synchrotron frequency, Λ represents the coupling wit h non-linear terms and xis the longitudinal particle displacement with respect to t he synchrotronous one. The Feynman propagator is given by Eq. (11) and the initial wa ve function can be again assumed as a Gaussian wave packet. The main difference with th e transversal case stays in the numerical values of the parameters that exhibit a differe nt physical situation and require a different physical interpretation. 5VI. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES Examples of the numerical calculations for two projects (LH C for ions and HIDIF for heavy ions) with very different physical characteristics ar e reproduced in the following tables. TABLE-I: Circular Machines: Transversal Case Parameters LHC (at injection) HIDIF (storage ring) Normalized Transverse Emittance 3 .75 mm mrad 13 .5 mm mrad Total Energy, E 450 GeV 5 Gev 1√α1.2 mm 1 .0 mm T 25 nano sec. 100 nano sec. τ 88 sec. 4 .66 sec. b 1.2 mm 1 .0 mm 1√ ˜α1.41×109m 1 .96×107m P 3.39×10−52.37×10−3 ω 4.44×106Hz 1 .15×107Hz 1√˜αω1.03×102m 2 .07×10−1m Pω 3.40×10−53.00×10−3 TABLE-II: Circular Machines: Longitudinal Case Parameters LHC (at injection) Normalized Longitudinal Emittance 1 .00 eV sec. Total Energy, E 450 GeV 1√α7.7 cm T 25 nano sec. τ 88 sec. b 7.7 m ω 4.23×102Hz 1√˜αω1.14×106m Pω 0.575 TABLE-III: RF Main LINAC of HIDIF Parameters Normalized Longitudinal Emittance 0 .7 keV nano sec. Total Final Energy, E 5 Gev 1√α15 cm T 75 micro sec. τ 4.9×10−4sec. b 15 m ω 4.13×105Hz 1√˜αω6.72×10−2m Pω 0.707 6The machine parameters of tables I, II and III are derived fro m [6], [7]. In particular ωof Table-III is calculated on the basis of the “Main LINAC” Tabl e (page 198 of [7]) with the standard formula: ω2=−eEω RFsin (φs) mβ3c3(18) where the symbols have the usual meaning. VII. COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS Transversal Motion : This use of a quantum-like approach appears a simple powerf ul tool for the analysis of the evolution of a beam in linear and circu lar accelerators and storage rings. Indeed the introduction of a very limited number of phenomen ological parameters (in our simplified model the only parameter b) in the beam quantum-like equations and the use of the Schr¨ odinger-type solutions allow us to calculate ho w the bunches evolve and modify owing to the forces (linear and non-linear) acting on the par ticles. As far as the betatronic oscillations are concerned the mech anism of the diffraction through a slit appears a very adequate phenomenological app roach. Indeed we can interpret the probability (local and total) for a particle leaving its position as the mechanism of creating a haloaround the main flux. The values of τ,ωare strictly connected with the characteristic parameters of the designs of the accelerators (in our example LHC and HIDIF) The phenomenological parameter brepresents several fundamental processes that are present in the beam bunches (and play a determinant role in th e creation of the halo) such as intrabeam scattering, beamstrahlung, space-charge and imperfections in the magnets of the lattice that could cause non-linear perturbative effect s. We like to recall here the analogy with the diffraction throug h a slit in optics where it represents a much more complicated physical phenomenon bas ed on the scattering of light against atomic electrons. τis the total time spent in the accelerator by a single bunch, Tmay coincide with the average time interval between two successive injection s andωis the betatronic average frequency given by 2 πQf r,frbeing the revolution frequency. The fact that a small number of parameters can take into accou nt many physical processes is a very nice feature of the quantum-like diffraction approa ch. However the deep connection between this method and the actual physical process as well a s the nonlinear dynamical classical theory is necessary to be understood. We remark now the following points 1. The total probability (per particle) calculated from the free particle propagator ( P) and from the harmonic oscillator one ( Pω) appear very near for the two different circular systems, LHC and HIDIF. 2. The local distribution between the two however looks quit e different for the free and harmonic oscillator case, thus giving us a profile of the halo which appears particularly interesting in the HIDIF case (final Gaussian width ∼1√ ˜α∼2.07×10−1m) 73. The HIDIF scenario, as we expect because of the higher inte nsity, exhibits a total loss of particles (and beam power) which is at least 103times higher than LHC. The picture we have obtained for the transversal motion in the tw o analyzed examples (on the basis of the parameters provided by the latest designs) i s encouraging because the halo losses are under control. In both cases the estimated lo sses of the beam power appear much smaller than the permissible 1 Watt/m. Longitudinal motion The formulae (7) and (13) can be used for calculating the moti on of the length of the bunch related to the synchrotron oscilla tions in both linear and circular machines. In this case we must consider only the propagator o f the harmonic oscillator which is the simplest linear version of the classical dynami cal motion for the two canonical conjugate variables that express the deviations of an arbit rary particle from the synchronous one namely the RF phase difference ∆ φ=φ−φsand the energy difference ∆ E=E−Es. Our examples are again the LHC synchrotron oscillations and the ones of the main LINAC in the HIDIF project. The phenomenological Gaussian functi one−x2/2b2acquires a different meaning from the one it had in the transversal motion. Our ana lysis deals with a Gaussian longitudinal profile and predicts a coasting beam in LHC and a quite stable bunch in the main LINAC of HIDIF. We may therefore conclude that our approach although prelim inary is interesting and particular attention is required in treating the longitudi nal motion where the nonlinear space-charge forces are very important. So the quantum-lik e method appears promising for the future simulations in beam physics. 8REFERENCES [1] See R. Fedele and G. Miele, Il Nuovo Cimento D13, 1527 (1991); R. Fedele, F. Gal- lucio, V. I. Man’ko and G. Miele, Phys. Lett. A209, 263 (1995); Ed. R. Fedele and P.K. Shukla Quantum-Like Models and Coherent Effects , Proc. of the 27th Workshop of the INFN Eloisatron Project Erice, Italy 13-20 June 1994 (Wo rld Scientific, 1995); R. Fedele, “Quantum-like aspects of particle beam dynamics”, in:Proceedings of the 15th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Quantum Aspects of b eam Physics ,Ed. P. Chen, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999). See also: N. C. Petroni, S. De Martino, S. De Siena, and F. Illu minati, A stochastic model for the semiclassical collective dynamics of charged beams in particle accelerators, in:Proceedings of the 15th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Worksho p on Quantum Aspects of beam Physics ,Ed.P. Chen, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999). [2] Sameen A. Khan and Modesto Pusterla, Quantum mechanical aspects of the halo puzzle , in: Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference PAC99 (29 March - 02 April 1999, New York City, NY) Editors A. Luccio and W. MacKay, (IEEE Catalogue Number: 99CH36366) pp. 3280-3281 physics/9904064. Sameen A. Khan and Modesto Pusterla, Quantum-like approaches to the beam halo problem , To appear in : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations ICSSUR’99 , (24 - 29 May 1999, Napoli, Italy) (NASA Conference Publication Series). physics/9905034. [3] E. Nelson, Phys. 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1 An Open Letter to NASA Scientists Concerning "The Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Accelerati on of [the spacecraft] Pioneer 10 and 11" A weak long-range acceleration towards the Sun has been observed in the Pioneer 10 and 11 satellites for which no satisfactory explanation has been obtained in spite of diligent efforts by a numberof parties over an extended period of time. [1] , [2] An analytical explanation that correlates precisely with the observed data [unlike the numerous failed explanations so far offered] has been proposed [by direct personal e-mail, by procedurally correcttechnical paper submissions, and by e-print publication] to the involved NASA scientists, to the principalphysics journals of the world, and to the physics community in general. [3] That offered solution has been consistently rejected / neglected out-of-hand. Not one scientist has actually logically examined the hypothesis. A quite simple and direct pair of experiments that wouldvalidate or invalidate the hypothesis have been proposed without the slightest responsive interest. [4] Why is that so ? Quoting [2], which quotes Dr. N... of NASA "'Either gravity is different than we think it is or time is messed up somehow.' Those prospects are exactly what the physics community is resisting." Theresemblance of the "physics community ... resisting" to the Church suppression of Galileo is notcoincidental. Dr. N...'s comment about "gravity is different than we think it is" is also rather strange in that the physics community still has not the least idea of how and why gravity operates -- so much so that theprincipal authority for the values of the fundamental constants, CODATA [5], is unable to include the universal gravitation constant, G, in the least squares adjustment of the other fundamental constants because the physics community does not know how gravitation relates to the rest of physics. How long can rational, truth-seeking scientists ignore an explanation that validly resolves the "mystery" and opens up a vastness of opportunity for advance in physics understanding ?Roger EllmanThe-Origin Foundation, Inc.PO Box 34933, Bethesda, MD 20827-0933RogerEllman@The-Origin.org[1] J. D. Anderson, P. A. Laing, E. L. Lau, A. S. Liu, M. M. Nieto, and S. G. Turyshev, Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-RangeAcceleration , Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2858 (1998), gr-qc/9808081, and by the same authors, The Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11 , gr-qc/9903024. [2] Newsweek magazine, October 4, 1999, "A Space Mystery", pp. 60-61. [3] R. Ellman, Exponential Decay of the Overall Universe is the Cause of "The Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration of [the spacecraft] Pioneer 10 and 11" , American Physical Society aps1999jun16_003 and xxx.lanl.gov physics/9906031. [4] R. Ellman, The Origin and Its Meaning , The-Origin Foundation, Inc, 1997, Section 21, pp. 465-471 and A Conjecture Concerning Red Shifts , American Physical Society aps1998aug08_002 and xxx.lanl.gov physics/9808051. [5] International Council of Scientific Unions, CODATA, Committee on Data for Science and Technology, the CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants.
arXiv:physics/9910028v1 [physics.atom-ph] 19 Oct 1999The use of relativistic action in strong-field nonlinear pho toionization J. Ortnera)and V. M. Rylyukb) a)Institut f¨ ur Physik,Humboldt Universit¨ at zu Berlin, Inv alidenstr. 110, 10115 Berlin, Germany b)Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Odessa, D vorjanskaja 2, 270100, Odessa, Ukraine (submitted to Phys. Rev. A) Nonlinear relativistic ionization phenomena induced by a s trong linearly polarized laser field are considered. The starting point is the classical relativ istic action for a free electron moving in the electromagnetic field created by a strong laser beam. Thi s action has been used to calculate semiclassical transition rates. Simple analytical expres sions for the ionization rate, the photoelectron emission velocity and for the drift momentum distribution o f the photoelectron have been found. The analytical formulas apply to nonrelativistic bound sys tems as well as to initial states with an energy corresponding to the upper boundary of the lower cont inuum and to the tunnel as well as the multiphoton regime. In the case of a nonrelativistic bound s ystem we recover the Keldysh formula for the ionization rate. Relativistic effects in the initial state lead to a weak enhancement of the rate of sub-barrier ionization and to the appearance of a non zero photoelectron leaving velocity. PACS numbers:32.80.Rm, 32.90.+a, 42.50.Hz, 03.30.+p I. INTRODUCTION Relativistic ionization phenomena induced by strong laser light has become a topic of current interest [1–7]. In the nonrelativistic theory it is assumed that the electron velo city in the initial bound state as well as in the final state is small compared with the speed of light. However, the electro ns may be accelerated up to relativistic velocities in an intense electromagnetic field produced by modern laser devi ces. If the ponderomotive energy of the electron is of the order of the rest energy a relativistic consideration is req uired. Relativistic effects in the final states become import ant for an infrared laser at intensities of some 1016W cm−2. The minimal intensity required for relativistic effects in creases by two orders of magnitude for wavelength corresponding to v isible light. The main relativistic effects in the final state are [1,4–7]: (i) the relativistic energy distributio n and (ii) the shift of the angular distribution of the emitte d electrons towards the direction of propagation of incident laser beam. Relativistic effects have also to be taken into account if the binding energy Ebin the initial state is comparable with the electron rest ene rgy [2]. A relativistic formulation is necessary for the ionization of heavy atoms o r singly or multiply charged ions from the inner shells. This paper is aimed to consider the relativistic effects conn ected with relativistic final states velocities and/or low lying initial states from a unique point of view. Let us start with the classical relativistic action for an el ectron of charge emoving in the field of an electromagnetic plane wave with the vector potential A(t−x/c). Here and below Adenotes a two-dimensional vector in the y-z plane. The action may be found as a solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi e quation and reads [8] Sf(ξ;ξ0) =mc2/braceleftBigg f·r c−αx c−1 +α2+f2 2α(ξ−ξ0) +e mc2αf/integraldisplayξ ξ0Adξ−e2 2m2c4α/integraldisplayξ ξ0A2dξ/bracerightBigg , (1) where αandf= (a1, a2) are constants, r= (y, z); further is ξ=t−x/c,ξ0is the initial value. By applying the usual Hamilton-Jacobi method we take the derivative of the action Sfwith respect to the constants a1, a2andαand set the result equal to new constants β1, β2andβ3in order to obtain the electron trajectory under the influenc e of the wave field. Assuming a harmonic plane wave of linear polariza tion with the electric field E=Feycosωξwe obtain that the electron motion in the field and in the laboratory coo rdinate system is given by α2(t+x/c)−β2ξ+2ǫ ωa1cosωξ+1 4ωǫ2sin 2ωξ=β3, v x=cf(ξ)−1 f(ξ) + 1, y=β1+ca1 αξ−cǫ αωcosωξ , v y=2c α(1 +f(ξ)){a1+ǫsinωξ}, z=β2+ca2 αξ , v z=2c α(1 +f(ξ))a2, f(ξ) =δ2 α2+2ǫ α2a1sinωξ+1 α2ǫ2sin2ωξ, (2) 1where β1, β2andβ3together with a1, a2andαhave to be determined from the initial conditions for positi on and velocity. Further we have introduced the notations β2= 1 + a2 1+a2 2+ǫ2/2,δ2= 1 + a2 1+a2 2and the parameter ǫ=eF/ωmc characterizing the strength of relativistic effects. Consider now the process of nonlinear ionization of a strong ly bound electron with a binding energy Ebcomparable with the rest energy. Recently the ionization process in sta tic crossed electric and magnetic fields has been considered [2,3]. The results of this paper may be applied to the ionizat ion in laser fields only for the case of very strong fields ǫ≫1. With an increasing frequency of the laser light (especial ly for a tentative x-ray laser) very high laser intensities are required to satisfy this condition. Therefore it is nece ssary to generalize the result of [2,3] to the case of nonzero frequencies. We consider the sub-barrier ionization. The c ondition to be satisfied is the opposite to the case of pure classical ionization, F≪FB, in addition we have the quasiclassical condition ¯ hω≪Eb. No restrictions are applied to the parameter ǫ. Thus we will cover both the regime of relativistic tunnel an d multiphoton ionization. We employ the relativistic version of the Landau-Dykhne for mula [2,4]. The ionization probability in quasiclassical approximation and with exponential accuracy reads W∝exp/braceleftbigg −2 ¯hIm (Sf(0;t0) +Si(t0))/bracerightbigg , (3) where Si=E0t0is the initial part of the action, Sfis given by Eq. (1). The complex initial time t0has to be determined from the classical turning point in the complex h alf-plane [2,4]: Ef(t0) =mc2/braceleftBigg 1 +α2+f2 2α−e mc2αfA(t0)+e2 2m2c4αA2(t0)/bracerightBigg =E0=mc2−Eb. (4) The minimization of the imaginary part of the action leads to the following boundary conditions [11] (x,r)(t0) = 0,Im (x,r)(t= 0) = 0 . (5) In order to obtain simple analytical results we consider the case of linearly polarized laser light. Then by minimizing the action we obtain from Eqs. (4) and (5) that f= 0. Further we obtain a system of nonlinear equations for the determination of complex initial time t0and constant α, t0=iτ0=−i ωarsinh/parenleftBig η/radicalbig 1 +α2−2αε0/parenrightBig , α2= 1 +1 2η2/bracketleftBigg 1−η√1 +α2−2αε0 arsinh/parenleftbig η√ 1 +α2−2αε0/parenrightbig/radicalbig 1 +η2(1 +α2−2αε0)/bracketrightBigg , (6) with the dimensionless initial energy εo=E0/mc2and the relativistic adiabatic parameter η=ǫ−1=ωmc/eF . Substituting the values t0andαinto the final state action we obtain the probability of relat ivistic quasiclassical ionization in the field of linearly polarized laser light. Wi thin exponential accuracy we get W∝exp/braceleftBigg −2Eb ¯hω/bracketleftbigg/parenleftbigg 1 +1 2γ2α+mc2 Eb(1−α)2 2α/parenrightbigg arsinh γ(α)−1 2γ2αγ(α)/radicalbig 1 +γ2(α)/bracketrightbigg/bracerightBigg (7) where αhas to be taken as the solution of Eqs. (6). Further γ=√2mEbω/eF is the common adiabatic Keldysh parameter from nonrelativistic theory [4] and γ(α) =η√1 +α2−2αε0is anα-depending adiabatic parameter. Equa- tion (7) is the most general expression for the relativistic ionization rate in the quasiclassical regime and for field strength smaller than the above-barrier threshold. It desc ribes both the tunnel as well as the multiphoton ionization. It is the relativistic generalization of the famous Keldysh result [12]. Consider now some limiting cases. In the limit of tunnel ioni zation η≪1 we reproduce the static result of Refs. [2,3] and obtain the first frequency correction W∝exp/braceleftbigg −FS FΦ/bracerightbigg , Φ =2√ 3(1−α2 0)3/2 α0−3√ 3(1−α2 0)5/2 5α0η2+O(η4), (8) where Fs=m2c3/e¯h= 1.32·1016V/cm is the Schwinger field of quantum electrodynamics [13] and α0= (ε0+/radicalbig ε2 0+ 8)/4. In the nonrelativistic regime, εb=Eb/mc2≪1, the parameter α0= 1−εb/3+ε2 b/27 and the probability of nonrelativistic tunnel ionization including the first re lativistic and frequency corrections reads 2W∝exp/braceleftBigg −4 3√ 2mE3/2 b e¯hF/bracketleftbigg 1−γ2 10−Eb 12mc2/parenleftbigg 1−13 30γ2/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg/bracerightBigg . (9) Here the first two terms in the brackets describe the familiar nonrelativistic ionization rate including the first freque ncy correction [4], the next two terms are the first relativistic corrections. It follows from Eq.(8) that the account of relativistic effects increases the ionization rate in compa rison with the nonrelativistic rate. However, even for bind ing energies of the order of the electron rest energy the relativ istic correction in the exponent is quite small. In the “vacuum” limit Eq. (9) results into W∝exp{−9FS/2F(1−9/40η2)}. We find a maximal deviation of about 18% in the argument of the exponential from the Keldysh formula. Here the “vacuum” limit shall not be confused with the pair creation from the vacuum. It is known that there a no n onlinear vacuum phenomena for a plane wave [13]. In contrast to that we deal here with the ionization of an atom being in rest in the laboratory system of coordinates. We also mention that we employ the single particle picture. T herefore the pair production processes are beyond the scope of the present paper. Consider now the multiphoton limit η≫1. In this case the parameter α= 1−εb/2 ln2γand the ionization probability in the relativistic multiphoton limit reads W∝exp/braceleftBigg −2Eb ¯hω/bracketleftbigg ln 2γ−1 2−Eb 8mc2ln 2γ/bracketrightbigg/bracerightBigg . (10) Again the first two terms in the brackets reflect the nonrelati vistic result [12], the relativistic effects which lead to an enhancement of the ionization probability are condensed in the third term. It has been shown that there is an enhancement of ionization r ate in the relativistic theory for both large and small η. This should be compared with the results found by Crawford a nd Reiss. In their numerical calculations they also found an enhancement of relativistic ionization rate for a c ircularly polarized field and for η≫1, but for η≪1 their results suggest a strong reduction of the ionization p robability [1]. For the case of linearly polarized light the ionization rate is found to be reduced by relativistic effect s [6]. However, Crawford and Reiss studied the above-barrie r ionization of hydrogen atom within the strong-field approxi mation. In contrast to that we have investigated the sub- barrier ionization from a strongly bound electron level, wh ich yields an enhancement of the ionization rate. This enhancement is connected with a smaller initial time t0. As a result the under barrier complex trajectory becomes shorter and the ionization rate increases in comparison wit h the nonrelativistic theory. Figure 1 shows the relativist ic ionization rate Eq. (7) and the nonrelativistic Keldysh for mula as a function of the binding energy eb. The figure should be considered only as an illustration of the enhancem ent effect. The frequency and intensity parameters used for the calculations are still not available for the experim entalists. The switch from the multiphoton to the tunnel regime with inc reasing field strength may be studied in the nonrel- ativistic limit εb≪1. Here within first order of εb, with α= 1−(εb/2γ2)[(γ/arsinh γ)/radicalbig 1 +γ2−1], the ionization probability is found to be W∝exp/braceleftBigg −2Eb ¯hωf(γ)/bracerightBigg , f(γ) = arsinh γ+1 2γ2/bracketleftBig arsinh γ−γ/radicalbig 1 +γ2/bracketrightBig −εbγ4+γ2−2γ/radicalbig 1 +γ2arsinh γ+ arsinh2γ 8γ4arsinh γ. (11) The terms in f(γ) which do not vanish as εb→0 represent the nonrelativistic quasiclassical ionizatio n rate found by Keldysh [12]; the terms proportional to εbare the first relativistic correction to the Keldysh formula . Equation (11) is valid in the whole γ-domain, i.e., in the multiphoton regime γ <1 as well as in the tunnel limit γ >1. For small adiabatic parameters, i.e., γ→0, it coincides with Eq. (9); in the case of large γ→ ∞ it transforms to Eq.(10). We mention that Eq. (11) reproduces the full relativistic form ula Eq. (7) with very high accuracy for Eb< mc2. Consider now the modifications of the energy spectrum induce d by relativistic effects. In the nonrelativistic theory and in the case of linear polarization the most probable valu e for the electron momentum at the time of emission, t= 0, is zero. The electrons are preferably emitted in the dire ction of the polarization of the laser beam. In the relativistic theory employed in this paper we may set the con stants a1=a2= 0 in Eqs. (2). Then we obtain for the most probable emission velocity in the laboratory system of coordinates vx=c1−α2 1 +α2, vy=vz= 0, (12) where αhas to be taken as the solution of the second equation of Eqs. ( 6). In the static limit ω→0 we reproduce the results of Mur et al.[3]. It follows from these equations that a strongly bounded electron is emitted in the direction of 3the laser beam propagation, i.e., perpendicular to the dire ction of the laser beam polarization. For a nonrelativistic initial state, εb≪1, the mean emission velocity along the beam propagation vx=c eb/3 is small. Nevertheless, the mean emission velocity seems to be the most sensitive mea sure of the appearance of relativistic effects in the initial states. In Fig. 2 the x-component of the leaving velocity is plotted versus the bin ding energy of the initial state. Though we have choosen the same parameters of the lase r beam as in Fig. 1 it should be mentioned that the dependence of the emission velocity x-component on the laser parameters is rather weak. The main p arameter determining the leaving velocity along the propagation of t he laser beam is the binding energy of the atom. The electron energy spectrum is also influenced by relativis tic final states effects. We put a1=py,0/mc,a2=pz,0/mc andα= (−px,0+/radicalBig 1 +p2 x,0+p2 y,0+p2 z,0)/mc. The calculations will be restricted to the tunnel regime γ≪1. Assuming weak relativistic effects in the initial and final st ates,εb≪1 and py,0, pz,0≪mcone obtains Wp=Wexp/bracketleftBigg −(px,0−< px,0>)2 mγ ¯hω−p2 z,0 mγ ¯hω/bracketrightBigg exp/bracketleftBigg −p2 y,0 3mγ3 ¯hω−p4 y,0 4m3c2γ ¯hω/bracketrightBigg , (13) where Wis the total ionization rate Eq. (9) in the weak relativistic tunnel regime. The first exponent in Eq.(13) describes the momentum distribution in the plane perpendic ular to the polarization axis. There is only one relativisti c effect in the weak relativistic regime considered here - the a ppearance of the mean momentum at the emission time < px,0>=Eb/3c. The nonzero mean emission velocity along the propagation v ector destroys the symmetry in the (x,z)-plane that exists in non-relativistic theory. The fir st term in the second exponent of Eq.(13) determines the nonrelativistic energy spectrum for the low energetic elec trons moving along the polarization axis p2 y,0<4γ2m2c2/3, whereas the second, relativistic term becomes important fo r the high energy tail p2 y,0>4γ2m2c2/3. It is only in the case of small adiabatic parameter γ≤0.1, that the high energy condition does not contradict the con dition py,0< mc. We mention that the second term in the second exponent agrees with a corresponding term of Krainov [5,4]. In conclusion, the expressions obtained in this paper withi n exponential accuracy may be improved by taking into account the Coulomb interaction through the perturbation t heory. The results of this paper may be also used in nuclear physics and quantum chromodynamics. This research was partially supported by the Deutsche Forsc hungsgemeinschaft (Germany). [1] D. P. Crawford and H. R. Reiss, Phys. Rev. A 50, 1844 (1994). [2] V. S. Popov, V. D. Mur and B. M. Karnakov, Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. T eor. Fiz. 66, 213 (1997) [JETP Lett. (USA), 66229 (1997)]. [3] V. D. Mur, B. M. Karnakov and V. S. Popov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fi z.114, 798 (1998) [J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 87, 433 (1998)]. [4] N. B. Delone and V. P. Krainov, Uzp. Fiz. Nauk 168, 531 (1998). [5] V. P. Krainov, Opt. Express 2, 268 (1998). [6] D. P. Crawford and H. R. Reiss, Opt. Express 2, 289 (1998). [7] V. P. Krainov, J. Phys. B 32, 1607 (1999). [8] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, The classical theory of fields (Pergamon, Oxford, 1977). [9] V. B. Beresteskii, E. M. Lifshitz and L. P. Pitaevskii, Relativistic quantum theory (Pergamon, Oxford, 1958). [10] P. B. Corkum, N. H. Burnett, and F. Brunel, in Atoms in Intense Laser Fields , edited by M. Gavrila (Academic Press, New York, 1992), p. 109. [11] V. S. Popov, V. P. Kuznezov and A. M. Perelomov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 53, 331 (1967). [12] L. V. Keldysh, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 47, 1945 (1964) [Sov. Phys. JETP 20, 1307 (1965)]. [13] J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 82, 664 (1951). 4FIGURE CAPTIONS (Figure 1) Absolute value of the logarithm of the ionization rate −lnWversus the binding energy of initial level eb=Eb/mc2. The solid line shows the relativistic rate Eq.(7), the dash ed line is the nonrelativistic Keldysh formula (Eq. (11) without the relativistic correction term ). The curves are shown for a frequency ω= 100 and an intensity I= 8.5·107(in a.u.). (Figure 2) Thex-component of the emission velocity vx/cversus the binding energy of initial level eb=Eb/mc2. The emission velocity in the nonrelativistic theory is zero . The curve is shown for a frequency ω= 100 and an intensity I= 8.5·107(in a.u.). 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 eb0.0200.0400.0600.0800.01000.0− ln W FIG. 1. 50.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 E b /mc x /c FIG. 2. 6
arXiv:physics/9910029v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 19 Oct 1999Parametric Excitation of Alfv´ en Waves by Gravitational Ra diation M. Servin, G.Brodin and M. Bradley Department of Plasma Physics, Ume˚ a University, S-901 87 Um e˚ a, Sweden We consider the parametric excitation of Alfv´ en waves by gr avitational radiation propagating on a Minkowski background, parallel to an external magnetic fie ld. As a starting point, standard ideal MHD equations incorporating the curvature of space ti me has been derived. The growth rate of the Alfv´ en waves has been calculated, using the norm al mode approach. It turns out that generally the coupling coefficients of the wave modes does not satisfy the Manley-Rowe relations. As a consequence, we may have a positive growth rate even if on e of the decay waves have a higher frequency than the gravitational pump wave. Finally we disc uss various astrophysical applications of our investigation. I. INTRODUCTION Interaction of electromagnetic fields with gravitational radiation has been studied by several authors [1-19]. Be- sides a purely theoretical interest in such phenomena, there is a number of different applications. For example in astrophysics [1-5], in cosmology [6] and under labora- tory conditions [7-10], where - in the later case - the goal is to find suitable mechanisms to detect gravitational ra- diation. Furthermore, there are many examples of gravi- tational wave interaction that may take place in plasmas. This has been studied during the eighties by a group at the Kazan School of gravitation (see for example [1,10,11] and references therein) and more recently by Refs. 4, 12, 13 and 14. In Ref. 12 it was shown that parametric excitation of high frequency plasma waves by gravitational radiation may take place. Due to the frequency matching condi- tions, however, the plasma must be very thin for that pro- cess to be possible, and the amount of energy transfer is therefore limited. In the present paper we will thus con- sider parametric excitation of low frequency MHD waves by gravitational waves, which - in contrast - may take place in a comparatively dense plasma. The relevance of this problem for the conversion of gravitational wave en- ergy to the plasma inside supernovas has previously been discussed by Ref. 14. However, due to the complexity of the physical situation, a highly idealized model will be studied, where a one dimensional monochromatic gravi- tational wave - superimposed on a flat background met- ric - propagates through a homogeneous two component plasma. The organization of the paper is as follows: In section II idealized MHD-equations incorporating the effects of the gravitational wave are derived, starting from covari- ant two fluid equations. In section III parametric exci- tation of shear Alfv´ en and magnetosonic waves are con- sidered, the three wave coupling coefficients are derived and the growth rate is found. By adding a phenomeno- logical resistivity to the equations, the threshold value o f the gravitational amplitude is also calculated. Finally,in section IV, our results are summarized and theoretical considerations like the (non-) fulfillment of Manley-Rowe relations as well as possible applications are discussed. II. RELATIVISTIC MHD-EQUATIONS In order to obtain general relativistic fluid equations governing a plasma we begin by considering a system con- sisting of a charged perfect fluid and an electromagnetic field [20]. Introducing the restframe scalar quantities: mass density (or rather energy density times 1 /c2)ρ(m), charge density ρ(q), pressure pand the 4-velocity field (or fluid velocity) uµ≡dxµ/dτand 4-current density jµ≡ρ(q)uµ, where τis the proper time and xµcoor- dinates in the lab frame, this system is characterized by having the energy-momentum tensor Tµν=Tµν (fl)+Tµν (em), where Tµν (fl)≡/parenleftig ρ(m)+p c2/parenrightig uµuν−pgµν Tµν (em)≡1 µ0/parenleftbigg FµτFν τ−1 4gµνFτσFστ/parenrightbigg and where Fµνis the electromagnetic field tensor satis- fying Maxwell’s equations Fµν ;ν=−µ0jµ(1) Fµν;σ+Fνσ;µ+Fσµ;ν= 0 (2) We have adopted the convention that Greek suffixes µ, ν, .. have the range 0 ,1,2,3 and i, j, .. have the range 1,2,3 and metric tensor gµνhas the signature (+ - - - ). The conservation laws of the system follows from that the 4-divergence of the energy-momentum tensor van- ishes, i.e. Tµν ;µ= 0, and with the use of Maxwell’s equa- tions one gets (ρ(m)uµ);µ+p c2uµ ;µ= 0 (3) (ρ(m)+p c2)uµuν ;µ= (gµν−1 c2uµuν)p,µ+Fν µjµ(4) 1where eq.(3) is obtained by projection along the 4- velocity uµ. This equation is identified as energy balance in the rest-frame of matter and gives the equation of con- tinuity (mass conservation) in the non relativistic limit. Equation (4) gives for ν= 0 the energy balance (modulo the content of (3), i.e., energy balance in the non rela- tivistic limit) and for ν= 1,2,3 momentum balance. Under the conditions of low internal energy the fluid description of a plasma can be simplified by putting, for each particle species of the plasma, ρ(m)=mnwhere nis the restframe particle density and mis the particle mass. Also without these restrictions we may put ρ(q)=qn where qis the particle charge. Suppose we have a plasma consisting of two species of particles oppositely charged (i.e.q1/q2=−1), but, in general, with distinct masses. For each species we assign a fluid satisfying the equations (3) and (4). The fluids are assumed interpenetrating and interacting through the electromagnetic field and, in gen- eral, the gravitational field. We neglect the effect of par- ticle collisions. If we assume non-relativistic pressure, i.e. such that mn≫p/c2, and non-relativistic fluid veloci- ties - in the sense that we may neglect quadratic terms in 1/cin the ν∝ne}ationslash= 0 components of eq.(4) - then we have, for each of the two fluids, equations for conservation of particles (or mass) and momentum in the form (nuµ);µ= 0 mnuµui ;µ=gijp,j+Fi µqnuµ Maxwell’s equations remain the same if we let jµbe the total current density. Under the conditions that for both species ∂t∼ω≪ωc andCA≪c,this two-fluid description can be cast into a set of single-fluid equations. By ∂t∼ωwe mean that a characteristic frequency, ω, can be assigned to the time variations in the dynamical quantities [21]. We use ωc≡ |q|B/m for the cyclotron frequency, B is the magnetic field intensity (which can be obtained from the Lorentz frame components of the electromag- netic field tensor) and CAis the Alfv´ en velocity, de- fined by C2 A=B2/µ0n. Under the above conditions it follows that the two fluid velocities are approximately equal and that the particle densities may be regarded as exactly equal. Furthermore, we let the equation of state be the one of isothermal compression and assume |uµui ;µ| ≪ | Fi 0qnu0|/mn∝ |Fi jqnuj|/mn (meaning that the electric and magnetic forces approximately bal- ance each other). In light of this, we obtain the following set of single fluid equations (MHD-equations) (nuµ);µ= 0 (5) (m(1)+m(2))nuµui ;µ=gijp,j+Fi µjµ(6) Fi µuµ=−1 nq(1)gij/parenleftbiggm(2)p(1),j−m(1)p(2),j m(1)+m(2)/parenrightbigg (7)p,i=kBTn,i (8) Equation (5) and (6) are obtained by adding the two particle conservation equations and the two equations of momentum balance, respectively, and setting the veloc- ities equal (when added), letting jbe the total current density, pthe total pressure and T≡T(1)+T(2).The suf- fixes (1)and(2)refers to the two distinct particle species. By subtracting the two equations of momentum conser- vation, where the terms uµui ;µhave been neglected, one finds eq. (7), which we refer to as the generalized Ohm’s law. Note that if the right hand side of eq. (7) is negligi- ble as compared to Fı 0u0andFı jujthis equation simply reads Fi µuµ= 0 and we can then refer to the single- fluid equations as the ideal MHD-equations. In the fol- lowing we limit ourselves to this case. Note that the MHD-equations are not independent of Maxwell’s and Einstein’s field equations, since we used Maxwell’s equa- tions and Tµν ;µ= 0, that follows from Einstein’s equa- tions, in deriving them. We now consider gravitational radiation on a Minkowski background treating the plasma as a testfluid. Thus, the plasma back scattering effect on the gravita- tional field is lost. The gravitational radiation is chosen to be weak gravitational waves in the transverse traceless (TT) gauge propagating in the x3-direction. This plane wave solution of the linearized Einstein field equations can be written ds2=c2dt2−(1 +h+)dx2−(1−h+)dy2 −2h×dxdy−dz2 where h≡˜heikµxµ+ c.c.and|˜h| ≪1 with the wave vector [ kµ] = (ω/c,0,0, k) satisfying the dispersion re- lation kµkµ= 0. In all the following calculations we neglect terms that are quadratic in ˜hor higher. The metric tensor can thus be written as gµν=ηµν+hµν where ηµνis the metric tensor of Minkowski space and hµνrepresents the small, |hµν| ≪1, fluctuation in the gravitational field. The nonzero Christoffel symbols are then calculated to Γ1 01=−Γ2 02= Γ0 11=−Γ0 22=−Γ1 13 = Γ2 23= Γ3 11=−Γ3 22=1 2˙h+ Γ1 02= Γ2 01=−Γ1 23=−Γ2 13= Γ3 12= Γ0 12=1 2˙h× where ˙h≡∂h/∂ξ andξ≡x3−x0. By expanding the covariant derivative, eq.(5 ) becomes (nuµ),µ= 0 as a result of Γµ νµuν= 0 and - noting that gµν=ηµν−hµνto first order, such that gij=−δij−hij - eq.(6) reads mnuµui ,µ+Gi=−δijp,j−hijp,j+Fi µjµ(9) 2where we have introduced the gravitational force-like term Gi≡mnΓi νµuνuµ, whose components are given explicitly in the end of this section, and we denote m=m(1)+m(2). Next, we perform the same expansion in Maxwell’s equations and rewrite them in terms of the electromag- netic field tensor in the form Fµ ν. The idea is to express all field tensor terms in the same form, preferably the one that gives the most simple expressions. We can separate Fµν ;ν=−µ0jµinto two equations. Setting µ= 0 we obtain a Poisson-like equation which we discard - since in the MHD-regime j0≈0. Setting µ=iwe read off ”Ampere’s law“, δjkFi k,j=µ0ji−(hjνFi ν),j+ Γi τjgjνFτ ν+ Γj τjgτνFi ν (10) From eq.(2), which by symmetry in Fµνis equivalent to Fµν,σ+Fνσ,µ+Fσµ,ν= 0, we obtain a number of trivial identities, a generalized equation for ∇·Band ”Faraday’s law“: F0 2,1−F0 1,2=−F1 2,0+ (h+F1 2),0 −F0 3,1+F0 1,3=−F3 1,0+ (−h×F2 3+h+F3 1),0 F0 3,2−F0 2,3=−F2 3,0−(h×F3 1+h+F2 3),0 For notational purposes it is convenient to introduce an abstract basis {ˆx,ˆy,ˆz}. The one-fluid equations and the Maxwell’s equations above can then be written in a vec- tor representation with an algebraic structure identical to the Euclidean. We define x≡xˆx+yˆy+zˆz≡x1ˆx+x2ˆy+x3ˆz v≡vxˆx+vyˆy+vzˆz≡u1ˆx+u2ˆy+u3ˆz j≡jxˆx+jyˆy+jzˆz≡j1ˆx+j2ˆy+j3ˆz E≡Exˆx+Eyˆy+Ezˆz≡cF0 1ˆx+cF0 2ˆy+cF0 3ˆz B≡Bxˆx+Byˆy+Bzˆz≡F2 3ˆx+F3 1ˆy+F1 2ˆz ∇ ≡∂xˆx+∂yˆy+∂zˆz≡∂ ∂x1ˆx+∂ ∂x2ˆy+∂ ∂x3ˆz (Note that these quantities differ to first order in ˜hfrom what an observer in the lab system would measure.) One then obtains the following set of equations governing the plasma mn(∂tv+ (v· ∇)v) =j×B− ∇p−∂hp−G (11) E+v×B= 0 (12) ∂tn+∇ ·(nv) = 0 (13) ∇p=kBT∇n (14) ∇ ×B=µ0j+ (Γ−∂h1)B (15) ∇ ×E=−∂tB+∂h2B (16) where∂hp≡(h+∂xp+h×∂yp, h×∂xp−h+∂yp,0) G≡mn((u3−u0)(˙h+u1+˙h×u2), (u3−u0)(˙h×u1−˙h+u2), 1 2(γabuaub˙h+−2u1u2˙h×)) ΓB≡1 2c(−˙h+Ex−˙h×Ey,−˙h×Ex+˙h+Ey,0) ∂h1B≡(−∂x(h×Bz) +∂y(h+Bz), ∂x(h+Bz) +∂y(h×Bz), ∂x(h×Bx−h+By)−∂y(h+Bx+h×By)) ∂h2B≡(−∂t(h+Bx+h×By), ∂t(−h×Bx+h+By), ∂t(h+Bz)) and [γab]≡/parenleftbigg 1 0 0−1/parenrightbigg , a, b= 1,2. In addition to eqs. (11)-(16) Maxwell’s equations pro- duce constraints (e.g. for ∇ ·B), however it is easy to verify that these constraints are propagated by the equa- tions of time evolution, (11), (13) and (16). III. WAVE-WAVE INTERACTIONS In the absence of any waves we assume to have the configuration of a static homogeneous, n=n(0), magne- tized,B=B(0),plasma in Minkowski space. Cartesian coordinates are chosen ([ xµ] = (ct, x, y, z )) for a frame in which the velocity field (and the current density field) vanishes. The gravitational waves are then inferred as small perturbations to the Minkowski background, as in the previous section, and the MHD-waves as the existence of the small fluctuations: n(1),v(1),j(1),E(1),B(1). Fur- thermore, in order to simplify the algebra, we make the assumptions that the direction of B(0)is everywhere par- allel to the direction of propagation of the gravitational waves, i.e. B(0)=B(0)ˆ z, and that the gravitational ra- diation is polarized such that h+= 0. A. Linear Calculations It is instructive to first investigate the linearized the- ory in some detail. Linearizing the equations (11)-(16) in the variables h×, n(1),v(1),j(1),E(1),B(1)we find that the gravitational waves do not drive plasma perturbations linearly. This is a consequence of the direction of prop- agation of the gravitational wave (parallel to the mag- netic field) that was chosen. Similarly the linear plasma perturbations are the ordinary MHD-modes. Fourier an- alyzing we obtain the dispersion relations for the shear Alfv´ en wave 3DA≡ω2−C2 Ak2 z= 0 (17) and for the fast and slow magnetosonic wave Dm≡ω4−ω2k2(C2 S+C2 A) +k2 zk2C2 SC2 A= 0.(18) The constants introduced are the Alfv´ en velocity C2 A≡ B(0)2/mn(0)µ0,the thermal velocity C2 S≡kBT/m, and we have used the notation k=kx/hatwidex+kz/hatwideztogether with k=|k|. In the next subsection we will consider superpo- sition of MHD-waves, and by expressing all variables in terms of the fluid velocity we can represent the solution as a sum of eigenvectors  n(1) v(1) j(1) E(1) B(1) =/summationdisplay α χαn(0) v(1) α iχα µ0kα×B(0)−iσα µ0kα×v(1) α B(0)×v(1) α χαB(0)−σαv(1) α  (19) where χα≡kα·v(1) α/ωα,σα≡kαzB(0)/ωαandαis a wave-mode index. As we intend to study nonlinear wave coupling it is con- venient to adopt the normal mode method of approach [22], which typically simplifies the algebra in the nonlin- ear stage of the calculations. We define a normal mode as a linear combination, aα, of the dynamical quantities that to linear order satisfies ∂taα+iωαaα= 0 (20) The dynamical quantities are now only assumed to have harmonic spatial dependence, i.e. ∇=ikα. From eq. (20) the proper linear combinations are aA=v(1) y−ωA kAzB(0)B(1) y (21) for the Alfv´ en mode, and am=n(1)+κv(1) x+n(0)kmz ωmv(1) z −kmzC2 Aκ B(0)ωmB(1) x+kmxC2 Aκ B(0)ωmB(1) z (22) for the magnetosonic modes, with the frequency-wave number pairs ( ωA,kA) and ( ωm,km) satisfying the dis- persion relations DA= 0 and Dm= 0, respectively. The constant κis defined as κ≡n0(ω2 m−C2 Skm2 z)/C2 Skmxωm. With aid of the corresponding eigenvectors and the rela- tionv(1) z=v(1) xC2 Skmxkmz/(ω2 m−C2 Sk2 mx) we can, after some algebraic manipulations, write the normal modes as aA= 2v(1) y=1 ωA∂DA ∂ωAv(1) y (23) am=n(0) ω2mC2 Sk2mx∂Dm ∂ωmv(1) x. (24)For the nonlinear calculation we need the eigenvectors expressed in terms of the normal modes, and the final linear results are  n(1) v(1) j(1) E(1) B(1)  A=aA 0 (0,1 2,0) (−iB(0)k2 Az 2ωAµ0,0,iB(0)kAxkAz 2ωAµ0) (−B(0) 2,0,0) (0,−B(0)kAz 2ωA,0)  (25) and  n(1) v(1) j(1) E(1) B(1)  m=amcm 1 +C2 Sk2 mz ω2m−C2 Sk2mz (ζ,0, ζC2 Skmxkmz ω2m−C2 Sk2mz) (0,−iB(0)k2 m n(0)kmxµ0,0) (0,ωmB(0) n(0)kmx,0) (−kmzB(0) n(0)kmx,0,B(0) n(0)) (26) where cm≡ω2 mC2 Sk2 mx/2(ω4 m−k2 mk2 mzC2 AC2 S) and ζ≡ ωm/n(0)kmx B. Nonlinear Calculations The aim of this section is to investigate the second order nonlinear influence of the gravitational radiation on the MHD modes described above. In particular we are interested in the threshold value (for parametric ex- citation) of the gravitational amplitude, and the growth rates of the excited MHD waves. We will again assume that the wave vectors lies in xz-plane, i.e. k=kxˆ x+kzˆ z for the MHD-waves, but in contrast to the case of linear wave modes this is a restriction made in order to simplify the algebra [23]. We consider coherent three-wave interactions, the three waves being one gravitational wave and two MHD- waves, with the matching conditions ωg=ωI+ωII (27) kg=kI+kII (28) where IandIIare indexing the MHD-waves. In the nonlinear regime the normal modes does no longer satisfy eq.(20), but rather ∂taα+iωαaα= ([∂taα]n.l.)kα where n .l.denotes (first order) nonlinear terms and the suffixkαindicates that terms not oscillating as eik·xvan- ishes due to rapid oscillations. Explicit forms for the righ t hand side is found by using the original expressions for the normal modes - eqs. (21) or (22) - together with eqs. (11)-(16). 4We let index Idenote the magnetosonic wave pertur- bation, index IIthe Alfv´ en wave perturbation and we use a complex representation (i.e. letting f→f+f∗for all variables, where the star denotes complex conjugate). Making use of the linear eigenvectors (25) and (26) as ap- proximations in the nonlinear right hand sides, we obtain the coupled mode equations ∂taI+iωIaI=CIa∗ IIh× (29) ∂taII+iωIIaII=CIIa∗ Ih× (30) after lengthy but straightforward algebra, where the cou- pling coefficients are CI=in0(ω2 I−C2 Sk2 Iz) 2C2 SkIxωI/parenleftbigg ωg+kIzkIIzC2 A ωII/parenrightbigg (31) CII=i 2n0/parenleftbiggω2 IC2 Sk2 Ix ω4 I−k2 Ik2 IzC2 AC2 S/parenrightbigg /parenleftbiggωgωI kIx+ω2 IkIxC2 S ω2 I−C2 Sk2 Iz+ω2 IIkIz kIxkIIz/parenrightbigg (32) From eq. (31) one may get the incorrect impression that the coupling strength diverges in the limit C2 S→0. Thus in order to shed some light on our formulas in the cold limit, we first renormalize our normal mode amplitudes aI→C2 SaI aII→aII/C2 S which leads to renormalized coupling coefficients CI→C2 SCI CII→CII/C2 S and then take the limit C2 S→0. The corresponding coupling coefficients then becomes CI=in(0) 2ωI kIx/parenleftbigg ωg+kIz kIIzωII/parenrightbigg (33) and CII=i 2n(0)kIx ω2 I(ωgωI−ω2 II) (34) Another special case of particular interest is the limit of parallel propagation, in which the fast magnetosonic wave becomes identical to a shear Alfv´ en wave, but per- pendicularly polarized to wave II. Again the general coupling coefficient (31) seem to diverge. However, by using another renormalization aI→aI/κ which gives CI→CI/κ CII→κCIIand taking the limit kIx, kIIx→0, we obtain CI=i 2ωII (35) and CII=i 2ωI (36) Since dissipation of the waves have not been included in our model, the instability threshold value of the grav- itational amplitude found from (29) and (30) is so far zero. However, since only weak dissipation is of interest we can take such effects into account by simply substi- tuting ∂taα→(∂t+γα)aαin the coupled mode equations [24], where γαis the linear damping rate of the mode α. The most common damping mechanism of MHD waves is that due to finite resistivity.. Calculating the linear damping by replacing (12) with E+v×B=ηj, where ηis the resistivity, we find γα=ηk2 α/µ0. Next we intro- duce the (weakly time dependent) normal mode ampli- tudes, Aα, defined by aα=Aαe−iωαt, where α=I, II. Substituting these expressions into (29) and (30) tak- ing the damping into account, we find the general form for the condition of parametric growth of waves |/tildewideh×|> hthr≡(γIγII/CIC∗ II)1/2[22], where /tildewideh×is the amplitude of the gravitational wave and hthris the threshold value for parametric excitation. In the limit of parallel prop- agation we find from (35) and (36) that the threshold value hthrreduces to |/tildewideh×|> hthr≈4γI,II ωg=ηωg µ0C2 A(37) Furthermore, if the gravitational amplitude is well above threshold ( |/tildewideh×| ≫hthr) the general expression for the parametric growth rate Γ from (29) and (30) is Γ ≈/radicalbig CIC∗ II|/tildewideh×|[22], and the result for the special case of parallel propagation is Γ≈ωg 4|/tildewideh×| (38) It should be pointed out that in addition to the wave interactions considered above, we have found zero cou- pling coefficients for a number of cases. To be specific: For the same polarization of the gravitational pump wave (h+= 0), and propagation parallel to the external mag- netic field, the following combinations of MHD-waves cannot be excited in the resonant three wave approxima- tion, since the coupling coefficient then becomes zero: 1) Two ion-acoustic (or slow magnetosonic) modes. 2) One ion-acoustic and one Alfv´ en wave. 3) Two Alfv´ en waves with the same linear polarization (Note that for the case considered above, the Alfv´ en waves have perpendicular polarizations in the parallel limit). 5IV. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION We have considered parametric excitation of Alfv´ en waves by gravitational radiation propagating parallel to the external magnetic field. As a starting point, standard ideal MHD equations (i.e. without special relativistic ef- fects) incorporating the curvature of space time has been derived. It should be pointed out that the system of equa- tions (5) -(8) in principle can be used in situations where we have strong deviation from Minkowski space time, al- though the condition of non-relativistic fluid velocities then limits the applicability. Focusing on the case where the metric is that of a small amplitude monochromatic gravitational wave superimposed on flat space-time, the growth rate for nonlinearly coupled shear Alfv´ en and fast magnetosonic waves have been found, for non-parallel as well as parallel propagation to the external magnetic field. An interesting results is that in general the coupling coefficients CIandCIIof eqs. (31) and (32) does not satisfy the Manley-Rowe relations [22]. Generally such relations follow from an underlaying Hamiltonian struc- ture of the governing equations, and assures that each of the decay products takes energy from the pump wave in direct proportion to their respective frequencies. Thus fulfillment of the Manley–Rowe relation means that the parametric process can be interpreted quantum mechan- ically - i.e. for matching conditions ω0=ω1+ω2we can think of a three wave process as the decay of a pump wave quanta with energy /planckover2pi1ω0into wave quantas with energy /planckover2pi1ω1and/planckover2pi1ω2respectively. An interesting consequence is that generally a lot of three wave decay processes are for- bidden from the start by the Manley–Rowe relations (for example the decay of a plasmon into two photons), since they imply that we only get a positive growth rate when the pump wave has the highest frequency, in consistence with the quantum picture [25]. However, in our case it is easy to verify that the coupling coefficients in (33)-(34) may result in a positive growth rate (i.e. CICII>0) even ifωg< ωI. Specifically we can choose ωI> ωg>0> ωII in which case CICII>0 for ωI/ωg/lessorsimilar2.6. If violation of the Manley–Rowe relations is a general feature when starting from a curved space time, this opens up the pos- sibility for parametric instabilities which one normally would consider to be impossible, where one or both of the decay products have higher frequency than the pump wave. This is of particular importance since gravitational radiation generally has a low frequency as compared to most plasma waves. In our calculations we have considered a monochro- matic gravitational pump wave, which could be produced by binary systems. As seen from (38) (or more generally from and (31) and (32)), the growth rate roughly is of the order γ∼h×ωg. Thus the plasma parameters n0, B0andTdo not significantly influence the growth rate,at least as long as the assumptions of the derivation is ful- filled. In comparison, Ref. 12 considered the parametric decay of a gravitational wave into a Langmuir wave and a high-frequency electromagnetic wave, and presented an example of a possible astrophysical source of radiation (a black hole pair). Also in their case the growth rate ful- filled γ∼h×ωg, and the growth rate was found to be γ∼10−2s−1at a distance of 1/60 au from the source, where a process at a closer distance were ruled out by the frequency matching conditions combined with the linear dispersion relations. In our case the linear dispersion re- lations and matching conditions allow a parametric pro- cess closer to the source, and thereby opens up the pos- sibility for a higher growth rate, although too close to the source the background plasma may be too inhomo- geneous and too far from steady state for our calculations to be applicable. Furthermore, excitation of MHD waves may take place in a dense plasma, and therefore processes such as super- novas are of interest, where gravitational wave absorption may take place inside the exploding star. In a discussion of possible mechanisms of absorbing gravitational wave energy in supernovas Ref. 14 has written ”Since the ef- fect of acceleration by gravitational waves is independent of mass of the charge, both the ions and the electron re- spond in an identical manner, which is not the case for electromagnetic waves. This means that waves such as Alfv´ en waves which describe oscillation of charge neu- tral plasma are ideal. The coupling, however, is weak.” At the present stage of understanding it is too early to deduce whether significant gravitational wave absorption by MHD waves may occur. Calculations taking into ac- count the effects of a broad band gravitational spectrum, plasma inhomogeneities, etc., must first be performed. In particular inhomogeneity scale lengths with a scale length significantly shorter than the wavelength of the gravitational mode - such as at the plasma boundary of the supernova - may lead to excitation of MHD sur- face waves with a significantly enhanced growth rate as compared to the present homogeneous plasma coupling mechanism. This is in analogy with parametric excita- tion scenarios for high frequency plasma surface waves [26], where the surface waves may have a considerably higher growth rate than the corresponding bulk waves, provided the inhomogeneity scale length is considerably shorter than the wave length of the pump wave. Such a problem, however, is a project for future work. [1] Yu. G. Ignat’ev, Phys. Lett. A 230,171 (1997). [2] V. I. Denisov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 74, 401 (1978). [Sov. Phys.- JETP 42, 209 (1978)]. 6[3] M. Demia´ nski, Relativistic Astrophysics , pp 256 -257 (Pergamon Press, 1985). [4] M. Marklund, G. Brodin and P. K. S. Dunsby, Submitted to Astrophys. 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Phys.-JETP 38, 652 (1974)] [17] L. P. Grishchuk and A. G. Polnarev, Gravitational waves and their interaction with matter and fields, in General Relativity and Gravitation (Vol 2) , ed. A. Held (Plenum Press, 1980). [18] A. M. Anile, J. K. Hunter and B. Truong, J. Math. Phys. 40, 4474 (1999). [19] A. Greco, and L. Seta, J. Class. Ouantum Grav. 15, 3655 (1998). [20] We could also have started from previous general rel- ativistic MHD-equations - see e.g. A. M. Anile, Rela- tivistic fluids and magneto-fluids (Cambridge University Press 1989) - but the present derivation has a value as a guide for future generalizations to the case of general relativistic two-fluid equations. [21] Naturally the condition ∂/∂t≪ωccannot hold in arbi- trary reference frames. We assume it to be true in the restframe of the fluid, but due the condition of non- relativistic fluid velocities it also holds in all frames of relevance. [22] J. Weiland and H. Wilhelmsson, Coherent Nonlinear In- teraction of Waves in Plasmas , (Pergamon press 1977). [23] This is an additional restriction as compared to the gen - eral case, since the choice of gravitational polarization (i.e. letting h+= 0) makes the x- and y-axis non equiv- alent. [24] We assume that terms that are both nonlinear and pro- portional to the small dissipation parameter is negligible . [25] Note that the even in standard plasma problems where the Manley-Rowe relations are fulfilled, the quantum pic- ture should not be taken too literally, since the process is indeed nonlinear, and the interaction of single wave quantas thus is negligible. [26] G. Brodin and J. Lundberg, J. Plasma Phys., 46, 299 (1991). 7
arXiv:physics/9910030v1 [physics.chem-ph] 20 Oct 1999Investigation of4He3trimer on the base of Faddeev equations in configuration space. V.Roudnev∗, S.Yakovlev Institute for Physics, St.Petersburg State University, Russia Abstract Precise numerical calculations of bound states of three-at omic He- lium cluster are performed. The modern techniques of soluti on of Fad- deev equations are combined to obtain an efficient numerical s cheme. Binding energies and other observables for ground and excit ed states are calculated. Geometric properties of the clusters are di scussed. 1 Introduction Small clusters of Helium attract the attention of specialis ts in different fields of physics. Fine experimental techniques are developed to o bserve these clusters [1, 2, 3]. Different quantum chemistry approaches a re used to pro- duce numerous potential models of He-He interaction [17, 18 , 19, 20, 21, 22]. Model-free Monte-Carlo calculations were performed to che ck the accuracy of the models [23]. The special attention is payed to three-b ody Helium clusters [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] because of their possible near -Efimov behavior [4]. Complicated shape of the model potentials also makes He lium trimer a perfect touchstone for the computational methods of three- body bound state calculations [13]. ∗e-mail: roudnev@cph10.phys.spbu.ru 1Although the investigation of He 3lasts already more than 20 years [5], some important physical questions has not received definite answer yet. One of the questions is dealt with speculations on Efimov-like na ture of the He 3 bound states: how many excited states are supported by the be st known model interactions? Can one estimate any differences in the n umber of bound states varying the model potentials being limited by the acc uracy of contem- porary models? Another important question is dealt with the characteristics of He 3bound states. Can He 3trimers influence the results of experimental measurement of He 2dimer characteristics? To answer these questions one should know such important characteristics of the He 3cluster as the mean square radius of different states of the trimer and its geomet ric shape. In this paper we investigate the4He trimer performing direct calculations of4He3bound states with different He-He model potentials. We base o ur calculations on Faddeev equations in configuration space be cause of simplic- ity of numerical approximation of Faddeev components in com parison with a wave function. In the case of Faddeev equations the boundar y conditions are also much simpler. In the following sections the equations we have solved numer ically are described, some observables for different states of He 3and for He 2are pre- sented. 2 Faddeev equations for bound states According to the Faddeev formalism [14] the wave function of three particles is expressed in terms of Faddeev components Φ Ψ(x1,y1) = Φ 1(x1,y1) + Φ 2(x2,y2) + Φ 3(x3,y3), (1) where xαandyαare Jackobi coordinates corresponding to the fixed pair α xα= (2mβmγ mβ+mγ)1 2(rβ−rγ), yα= (2mα(mβ+mγ) mα+mβ+mγ)1 2(rα−mβrβ+mγrγ mβ+mγ).(2) 2Hererαare the positions of the particles in the center-of-mass fra me. The Faddeev components obey the set of three equations (−∆x−∆y+Vα(xα)−E)Φα(xα,yα) =−Vα(xα)/summationdisplay β/negationslash=αΦβ(xβ,yβ) α= 1,2,3,(3) whereVα(xα) stands for pairwise potential. To make this system of equa- tions suitable for numerical calculations one should take i nto account the symmetries of the physical system. Exploiting the identity of Helium atoms in the trimer one can reduce the equations (3) to one equation [14]. Since all the model potentials are central it is possible to factor out the degrees of freedom corresponding to the rotations of the whole clust er [15]. For the case of zero total angular momentum the reduced Faddeev equa tion reads (−∂2 ∂x2−∂2 ∂y2−(1 x2+1 y2)∂ ∂z(1−z2)1 2∂ ∂z+ +xyV(x)(1 +C++C−)1 xy−E)Φ(x,y,z ) = 0.(4) Here x=|x|, y=|y|, z=(x,y) xy,(5) C+andC−are cyclic and anticyclic permutation operators acting on t he coordinates x,yandzas follows C±x= (x2 4+3y2 4∓√ 3 2xyz)1/2, C±y= (3x2 4+y2 4±√ 3 2xyz)1/2, C±z=±√ 3x2 4∓√ 3y2 4−1 2xyz C±xC±y. The asymptotic boundary condition for bound states consist s of two terms [14] Φ(x,y,z )∼φ2(x)e−kyy+A(x y,z)e−k3(x2+y2)1 2 (x2+y2)1 4, 3whereφ2(x) is the two-body bound state wave function, ky=√E2−E3, k3=√−E3,E2is the energy of the two-body bound state and E3is the energy of the three-body system. The second term correspond ing to virtual decay of three body bound state into three single particles d ecreases much faster than the first one which corresponds to virtual decay i nto a particle and two-body cluster. In our calculations we neglect the sec ond term in the asymptotics introducing the following approximate bounda ry conditions for the Faddeev component at sufficiently large distances RxandRy ∂xΦ(x,y,z )⌊x=Rx Φ(x,y,z )⌊x=Rx=k2≡i/radicalBig E2, ∂yΦ(x,y,z )⌊y=Ry Φ(x,y,z )⌊y=Ry=ky.(6) To calculate the bound state energy and the corresponding Fa ddeev com- ponent one has to solve the equation (4) with the approximate boundary condition (6). The numerical scheme we have chosen to perfor m the calcula- tions is based on tensor-trick algorithm [16]. In this paper we do not describe the realization of the numerical methods exploited but only underline some essential features of our approach. They are 1. total angular momentum representation [15], 2. tensor-trick algorithm [16], 3. Cartesian coordinates [10]. The total angular momentum representation itself is a stron g method of par- tial analysis allowing to take into account contribution of all the angular momentum states of two-body subsystems at once [15]. Tensor -trick algo- rithm [16] is known to be a powerful method of solution of Fadd eev equations for bound states. Being applied to the equations in total ang ular momentum representation it leads to effective computational scheme w hich makes pos- sible to use all the advantages of Cartesian coordinates. In particular using Cartesian coordinates [10] one can obtain a criterion to sel ect the optimal grid in the coordinate x. This criterion comes from the asymptotic behavior of Faddeev component Φ(x,y,z )∼ϕ2(x)e−kyy, 4whereϕ2(x) is the two-body bound state wave function. That is why the properly chosen grid in xshould support the correct two-body wave func- tion. Comparing the binding energy of two-body subsystem ca lculated on the ”three-body” grid with the exact results one can estimate th e lower bound for a numerical error of a three-body calculation. Thus the usage of total angular momentum representation has allowed us to construct an efficient numerical scheme combining the mo st advanced methods proposed during the last decade. 3 Results of calculations Having the equation (4) solved numerically one has the value of the en- ergy of 3-body state E3and the corresponding Faddeev component Φ( x,y,z ) for a particular model potential. Comparing the observable s calculated for different potential models one can estimate the bounds limit ing the values of these observables for the real system. Eight different pot ential models were used in our calculations: HFD-HE2 [18], HFD-B(He) [19] , LM2M1 [20], LM2M2 [20], HFDID [20], LM2M1 and LM2M2 without add-on corre ction term [20], TTYPT [22]. In the Tab. 1 we give the values of trime r energies for ground and excited states. To confirm the accuracy of our c alculation we also present the values of dimer binding energy calculate d on the grid used in three-body calculations ˜E2and the exact results E2. The difference between these values can be regarded as the lower bound for th e error of our approach. In the Tabs. 2 and 3 we demonstrate the converge nce of the calculated energies with respect to the number of grid point s used in the calculations. The results of other authors for the most know n potentials are given in the Tab. 7. The best agreement is observed with the re sults of [8] and [11]. In the ref. [8] no angular momentum cut-off is made, t hat makes it the closest one to our approach. In all other papers some kind of partial wave decomposition is performed and finite number of angular basi c functions is taken into account. The most complete basis is used in the ref . [11]. The agreement between our calculations and the result of [11] fo r the excited state is impressive, but the ground state energy of [11] is about on e percent less than our result. Consideration of the geometric properties of Helium trimer can clarify the possible nature of this difference. Since the Faddeev component is calculated, the wave functio n can be 5recovered as follows ψ(x,y,z ) = Φ(x,y,z ) +xy(Φ(x+,y+,z+) x+y++Φ(x−,y−,z−) x−y−), wherex±=C±xandy±=C±y. Having the wave function recovered one can investigate the shape properties of the system. The most intuitive way to visualize the results of the calculations is to draw a one- particle density function defined as ρ(r1) =/integraldisplay dr2dr3|Ψ(r1,r2,r3)|2, where Ψ(r1,r2,r3) =ψ(x(r1,r2,r3),y(r1,r2,r3),z(r1,r2,r3)) 4π3x(r1,r2,r3)y(r1,r2,r3), the functions x(r1,r2,r3),y(r1,r2,r3) andz(r1,r2,r3) are defined according to (2) and (5), the function ψ(x,y,z ) is normalized to unit. Due to the symmetry of the system the one-particle density function is a function of the r1=|r1|coordinate only. Taking into account the relation r1=√ 3y1we get ρ(r) =√ 3/integraldisplay dxdz |ψ(x,r√ 3,z)|2. Omitting the integration over zwe define a conditional density function ρ(r,z) that presents a spatial distribution for the particle 1 whe n the other two particles are located along the fixed axis. It is useful to plot this func- tion in coordinates ( rl,ra) such that rl=rzis a projection of the particle 1 position to the axis connecting the other particles and ra=z |z|r(1−z2)1 2is a projection to the orthogonal axis. Three-dimensional plo ts of the function ρ((r2 l+r2 a)1/2,cos arctanrl ra) corresponding to the ground and excited states of the trimer calculated with LM2M2 potential are presented on the Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The conditional density function of the ground st ate decreases democratically in all the directions. The density function of the excited state has two distinguishable maximums demonstrating the linear structure of the cluster. This structure has a simple physical explanation. The most probable positions of a particle in the excited state lie around two ot her particles. At the distances where two particles are well separated the thi rd one forms a dimer-like bound state with each of them. This interpretati on agrees with 6the clusterisation coefficients presented in the Tab. 4. Thes e coefficients are calculated as a norm of the function fcdefined as follows fc(y) =/integraldisplay dxdzΦ(x,y,z )φ2(x), whereφ2(x) is the dimer wave function. The values of /⌊ard⌊lfc(y)/⌊ard⌊l2shown in the Tab. 5 demonstrate the dominating role of a two-body contrib ution to the trimer excited state whereas in the ground state this contri bution is rather small. We could suppose that this dominating contribution o f the cluster wave in the excited state has ensured fast convergence of the hyperspherical adiabatic expansion in the paper [11] to the correct value, b ut to get the same order of accuracy for the ground state possibly more bas ic functions should be taken into account. Very demonstrative example of the advantage of Faddeev equa tions over the Schroedinger one in bound-state calculations is given i n the Tabs. 8 and 9. Here we present the contribution of different angular states to the Faddeev component and to the wave function calculated as Cn=/⌊ard⌊lfn(x,y)/⌊ard⌊l2 fn(x,y) =/integraldisplay1 −1dzF(x,y,z )Pn(z), wherePn(z) are the normalized Legendre polynomials, F(x,y,z ) is the Fad- deev component or the wave function, n= 0,2,4. The angular coefficients for the Faddeev component decrease much faster than the wave function co- efficients. The Tab. 8 also demonstrates that more angular fun ctions should be taken into account in the ground state calculations. 4 Conclusions The high accuracy calculations of He 3bound states were performed on the base of the most advanced few-body calculations techniques . Eight different potential models were used. For every potential model, eith er more (LM2M2, TTYPT) or less realistic one (LM2M2a, HFD-ID), two and only t wo bound states are found. The properties of these states are very diff erent. The ground state is strongly bound, whereas the binding energy o f the excited state is comparable with the binding energy of dimer. The siz es of these two 7states also differs much. The characteristic size of the grou nd state either estimated by /ang⌊racketleftr/ang⌊racketrightor/ang⌊racketleftr2/ang⌊racketright1/2(Tabs. 5 and 6) is approximately 10 times less than the size of dimer molecule, but the size of the excited st ate has the same order of magnitude with the dimer’s one. This estimatio n shows the necessity to check for the absence of trimers in the experime ntal media during the measurement of dimer properties and vice versa. Acknowledgements One of the authors (VR) is grateful to the Leonhard Euler Prog ram for financial support. The authors are thankful to Freie Univers it¨ at Berlin where the final stage of this work was performed. We are also thankfu l to Robert Schrader for his warm hospitality during our visit to Berlin . References [1] W.Sch¨ ollkopf and J.P.Toennies J. Chem. Phys. 104(3), 1155, (1996) [2] F. Luo, C. F. Giese and W. R. Gentry J. Chem. Phys. 104(3), 1151, (1996) [3] J. C. Mester, E. S.Meyer, M. W. Reynolds, T.E. Huber, Z. Zh ao, B. Freedman, J. Kim and I.F.Silvera Phys. Rev.Lett. 71(9), 1343, (1993) [4] V. Efimov, Phys.Lett. B 33, 563 (1970) [5] T. K. Lim and M.A.Zuniga J. Chem. Phys. 63(5), 2245, (1974) [6] T. K. Lim, S.K. Duffy and W.C.Damert Phys. Rev.Lett. 38(7), 341, (1977) [7] Th. Cornelius, W. Gl¨ ockle, J. Chem. 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Comparison with the results of other authors 8. Contribution of different two-body angular states to the F addeev com- ponent 9. Contribution of different two-body angular states to the w ave function List of figures 1. Conditional one-particle density function of the He 3ground state 2. Conditional one-particle density function of the He 3excited state 3. He 3ground state density function 4. He 3excited state density function 5. He 2density function 10Table 1: The energy of the He 2and He 3bound states Potential E2,mK/tildewiderE2, mKE3, KE∗ 3, mK HFD-A -0.830124 -0.8305 0.11713 1.665 HFD-B -1.685419 -1.68540 0.13298 2.734 HFD-ID -0.40229 -0.4024 0.10612 1.06 LM2M1 -1.20909 -1.212 0.12465 2.155 LM2M2 -1.303482 -1.304 0.12641 2.271 LM2M1a -1.52590 -1.527 0.13024 2.543 LM2M2a -1.798436 -1.795 0.13471 2.868 TTY -1.312262 -1.3121 0.12640 2.280 Table 2: Convergence of the He 3excited state energy with respect to the number of gridpoints Grid E∗ 3,˚A−2×10−5E2,˚A−2×10−5 45×45×9 -22.819 -14.123 60×60×9 -22.568 -13.913 60×60×15 -22.570 -13.913 75×75×9 -22.561 -13.907 75×75×15 -22.563 -13.907 90×75×9 -22.567 -13.912 105×75×9 22.555 -13.902 Table 3: Convergence of the He 3ground state energy with respect to the number of gridpoints Grid E3,˚A−2×10−5E2,˚A−2×10−5 45×45×15 -1096.35 -13.839 60×60×9 -1096.72 -13.894 60×60×15 -1097.11 -13.894 60×60×21 -1097.11 -13.894 105×60×18 -1097.19 -13.9062 105×75×15 -1097.25 -13.9062 11Table 4: Contribution of cluster wave to the Faddeev compone nt Potential /⌊ard⌊lfc/⌊ard⌊l2/⌊ard⌊lf∗ c/⌊ard⌊l2 HFD-A 0.2094 0.9077 HFD-B 0.2717 0.9432 HFD-ID 0.1555 0.8537 LM2M1 0.2412 0.9283 LM2M2 0.2479 0.9319 LM2M1a 0.2624 0.9390 LM2M2a 0.2780 0.9458 TTY 0.2487 0.9323 Table 5: The mean square radius of Helium molecules, ˚A Potential Ground state of He 3Excited state of He 3He2 HFD-A 6.46 66.25 88.18 HFD-B 6.23 57.89 62.71 HFD-ID 6.64 75.38 126.73 LM2M1 6.35 61.74 73.54 LM2M2 6.32 60.85 70.93 LM2M1a 6.27 59.03 65.76 LM2M2a 6.21 57.17 60.79 TTYPT 6.33 60.81 70.70 12Table 6: The mean radius of Helium molecules, ˚A Potential Ground state of He 3Excited state of He 3He2 HFD-A 5.65 55.26 64.21 HFD-B 5.48 48.33 46.18 HFD-ID 5.80 62.75 91.50 LM2M1 5.57 51.53 53.85 LM2M2 5.55 50.79 52.00 LM2M1a 5.51 49.28 48.34 LM2M2a 5.46 47.72 44.82 TTYPT 5.55 50.76 51.84 Table 7: Comparison with the results of other authors Observable This work [8] [9] [7] [10] HFD-A(He) E3, K -0.1171 -0.117 -0.114 -0.11 -0.107 E∗ 3, mK -1.665 -1.74 -1.6 HFD-B(He) E3, K -0.1330 -0.132 -0.130 E∗ 3, mK -2.734 -2.83 LM2M2 Observable This work [11] [12] E3, K -0.1264 -0.1252 -0.219 E∗ 3, mK -2.271 -2.269 -1.73 <r2>1/2,˚A 6.32 6.24 7.4 <r2 ∗>1/2,˚A 60.85 60.86 50.3 13Table 8: Contribution of different two-body angular states t o the Faddeev component Ground state Excited state Potential S D G S D G HFD-A 0.9991043 0.0008859 0.0000095 0.9999964 0.0000035 0.0000000 HFD-B 0.9990000 0.0009890 0.0000107 0.9999952 0.0000048 0.0000001 HFD-ID 0.9991709 0.0008200 0.0000088 0.9999972 0.0000028 0.0000000 LM2M1 0.9990505 0.0009390 0.0000101 0.9999958 0.0000042 0.0000000 LM2M2 0.9990393 0.0009500 0.0000103 0.9999957 0.0000043 0.0000000 LM2M1a 0.9990129 0.0009762 0.0000105 0.9999954 0.0000046 0.0000001 LM2M2a 0.9989834 0.0010053 0.0000109 0.9999950 0.0000049 0.0000001 TTY 0.9990332 0.0009561 0.0000104 0.9999956 0.0000043 0.0000000 Table 9: Contribution of different two-body angular states t o the wave func- tion Ground state Excited state Potential S D G S D G HFD-A 0.95416 0.03198 0.00877 0.90957 0.07543 0.01331 HFD-B 0.95193 0.03365 0.00947 0.89710 0.08546 0.01546 HFD-ID 0.95493 0.03116 0.00905 0.91919 0.06763 0.01170 LM2M1 0.95323 0.03277 0.00891 0.90337 0.08043 0.01437 LM2M2 0.95303 0.03294 0.00893 0.90201 0.08152 0.01460 LM2M1a 0.95259 0.03332 0.00899 0.89904 0.08391 0.01512 LM2M2a 0.95210 0.03374 0.00906 0.89574 0.08654 0.01569 TTY 0.95245 0.03318 0.00941 0.90186 0.08164 0.01463 14-40 -20 0 20 40ra -40-200 20 40rl00.0250.050.0750.1-40 -20 0 20 4000.0250.050.075 Figure 1: Conditional one-particle density function of the He3ground state, rl,rain˚A 15-100 0 100ra -100 0 100 rl00.0050.010.0150.02-100 0 10000.0050.010.015 Figure 2: Conditional one-particle density function of the He3excited state, rl,rain˚A 5 10 15 20 25r0.0250.050.0750.10.1250.150.175Rho Figure 3: He 3ground state density function, rin˚A 1650 100 150 200 250r0.00250.0050.00750.010.01250.0150.0175Rho Figure 4: He 3excited state density function, rin˚A 50 100 150 200 250r0.00250.0050.00750.010.01250.0150.0175Rho Figure 5: He 2dimer density function, rin˚A 17
arXiv:physics/9910031v1 [physics.class-ph] 21 Oct 1999Renormalization Group Studies of Vertex Models Saibal Mitra Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H van Beijeren ITF-UU-99/04 20th February 2014Contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Definition of the staggered F-model 5 2.1 The six-vertex model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Six-vertex models and SOS models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3 Roughening transition in the F model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Renormalization group equations for sine-Gordon type mod els 8 3.1 Effective Hamiltonians for the staggered F-model . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 The renormalization group transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.3 Renormalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.4 Cumulant expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.5 Diagrammatic expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.6 Evaluation of diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4 Applications of the renormalization group equations 20 4.1 The case of the staggered F-model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.2 Singular part of the free energy of the staggered F-model . . . . 22 4.3 The case βǫ≤1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5 Expansions about free fermion models 28 5.1 Definition of free fermion models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.2 Baxter’s solution of the staggered F-model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.3 The Pfaffian method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.4 Calculation of the free energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.5 Singular part of the free energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.6 Perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.7 First order computation for the staggered F-model . . . . . . . . 36 5.8 Singular behavior in the vicinity of the free fermion lin e . . . . . 39 5.9 Linked cluster expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 A Notations and conventions 46 A.1 Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 A.2 Summation convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 A.3 Multi-indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 A.4 Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 A.5 Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 1B Gaussian correlations 48 B.1 Correlation function for h(2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 B.2 The height-height correlation function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 C Calculation of/angbracketleftbig eıTh/angbracketrightbig 50 2Chapter 1 Introduction In this thesis we use renormalization group methods to study the critical be- haviour of the staggered F-model. The staggered F-model, de fined in chapter 2, can be used as a model of a facet of a BCC crystal in the (100) d irection. We first use known exact results to map the staggered F-model t o a sine- Gordon type model (defined in section 3.1), and study the reno rmalization group equations for this model using momentum shell integration t echniques. The map to the sine-Gordon model is constructed using an exact resul t on the long range part of the height-height correlation function of the F-mod el (i.e. the staggered F-model at zero staggered field) [40]. The results we obtain a re the phase diagram of the staggered F-model and the leading singularit y in the free energy. To get more results, e.g. the next to leading singularity in t he free energy, we need a larger source of information than is available in the f orm of the long range part of the height-height correlation function. It turns ou t that the free fermion method, upon which Baxter’s original solution is based, is fl exible enough to admit a perturbative expansion about the free fermion line. By calculating the singular part of the free energy perturbatively about the fr ee fermion line, one can construct a map from the staggered F-model to the sine-Go rdon model by demanding that it correctly reproduces the singular part of the free energy. The idea thus is to use the mapping to the sine-Gordon type mod el as an extrapolation technique. To make this approach practical w e: 1. Develop in chapter 3 a simple diagrammatic method to find th e renormal- ization group equations for a given sine-Gordon type model. This method is based on a combination of functional Feynman rules and the operator product expansion. 2. Rewrite in section 5.9 the perturbative expansion about t he free fermion line as a linked cluster expansion. Although these two results make it possible to construct a ma p to a sine-Gordon type model in a systematic way, the actual construction of th is map is beyond the scope of this thesis. We do, however, explicitly calcula te the first order correction to Baxter’s result. This allows us to verify resu lts which previously could only be obtained using renormalization group argumen ts. 31.1 Summary In chapter 2 we introduce the staggered F-model and discuss t he equivalence with the BCSOS model. In chapter 3 a systematic renormalization group method is de rived. In this chapter we also discuss the application of the renormalizat ion group in the calculation of critical exponents. In chapter 4 we obtain the phase diagram of the staggered F-mo del and cal- culate the leading singularity in the free energy by using th e information present in the form of the asymptotic form of the height-heig ht correlation function In chapter 5 we first present a derivation of Baxter’s exact so lution. We then perturbatively lift the free fermion condition. This allow s one to write the free energy of the staggered F-model as a perturbative expan sion about the free fermion line. Baxter’s exact solution can thus be se en as the zeroth order term in this expansion. We explicitely calculate the fi rst order term. To facilitate the computation of the higher order terms we de rive a linked cluster method in section 5.9. 4Chapter 2 Definition of the staggered F-model In this chapter we shall introduce the six-vertex model, of w hich the staggered F-model is a special case. Some known results are discussed. 2.1 The six-vertex model The six-vertex model can be defined as follows: place arrows o n the bonds of a square lattice so that there are two arrows pointing into ea ch vertex. Six types of vertices can arise (hence the name of the model). The se vertices are shown in fig. 2.1. By giving each vertex-type a (position-dep endent) energy the model is defined. These models were first introduced to stu dy ferroelectric systems. Later it was shown that six-vertex models can be map ped to solid-on- solid (SOS) models [6]. Only a few of these models can be solve d exactly. These include the free fermion models [8,39] and models that can ca n be solved using a (generalized) Bethe Ansatz [4,5,21–23]. To define the stag gered F-model, we divide the lattice into two sublattices A and B, such that the nearest neighbor of an A vertex is a B vertex. The vertex energies are chosen as i ndicated in fig. 2.1. When the the staggered field ( s) vanishes the model reduces to the F-model, which has been solved by Lieb [22]. For nonzero stag gered field the model can be solved when βǫ=1 2ln (2) [3]. ✲✲ ✻✻ 1 ǫ✛✛❄ ❄ 2 ǫ✲✲❄ ❄ 3 ǫ✛✛ ✻✻ 4 ǫ✛✲✻ ❄ 5 ±s✛✲❄ ✻ 6 ∓s Figure 2.1: The six vertices and their energies. The upper and lower sign s correspond to the two sublattices. 5❄ ✻✛ ✲✻ ❄✲✛❄ ✻✛ ✲❄ ❄✲ ✲✻ ❄✲✛ ✻ ❄✲✛❄ ✻✛ ✲❄ ❄✲ ✲❄ ❄✲ ✲❄ ❄✛ ✛ ❄ ❄✛ ✛❄ ❄✲ ✲❄ ❄✲ ✲✻ ❄✲✛❄ ✻✛ ✲ ❄ ❄✛ ✛❄ ❄✲ ✲❄ ❄✲ ✲❄ ❄✛ ✛✻ ❄✲✛ ✻ ✻✛ ✛✻ ✻✲ ✲✻ ✻✲ ✲✻ ✻✛ ✛✻ ✻✛ ✛ 343432 434323 343212 232121 121012 232123 Figure 2.2: An arrow configuration together with the corresponding heig ht function. 2.2 Six-vertex models and SOS models We now proceed to show how six-vertex models are related to SO S models. First we introduce a dual lattice. Each bond of the dual latti ce now crosses an arrow placed on one of the bonds of the original lattice. By ro tating this arrow 90◦clockwise and placing it on the corresponding bond of the dua l lattice, we obtain an arrow configuration on the dual lattice. A height fu nction ( h) is now defined by demanding that h(x) =h(y) + 1 if an arrow points from ytox. By fixing the height at one particular point, the height at eac h point of the dual lattice is defined unambiguously. See [6] for more detai ls. The fact that the height difference between nearest neighbors is always ±1 makes six-vertex models ideal models for crystal surfaces of BCC crystals in t he (100) direction. The class of SOS models to which six-vertex models are mapped is also known as body centered solid on solid models (BCSOS models). In fig. 2.2 an arrow configuration on a lattice together with the corresponding h eight function on the dual lattice is shown. 62.3 Roughening transition in the F model According to [22] a phase transition of Kosterlitz-Thoules s type takes place in the F model at inverse temperature βǫ= ln (2). If βǫ >ln (2) the crystal surface as described by the F model is smooth. In this case the height- height correla- tion function G(r) =/angbracketleftBig (h(r)−h(0))2/angbracketrightBig decays exponentially with increasing r. When one takes βǫ < ln (2), the surface is in a rough phase. It can be shown that [40] G(r) =2 πarccos/parenleftbig 1−1 2exp(2 βǫ)/parenrightbigln (r) (2.1) The logarithmic divergence of the correlation function at l arge distances is caused by thermal fluctuations in the local height of the surf ace with arbitrary long wavelengths. Note that for ǫ >0 the F model has a twofold degenerate ground state consisting of vertex 5 on one sublattice and ver tex 6 on the other sublattice. By introducing a staggered field this degenerac y is lifted. It has been shown [27] that in a nonzero staggered field the F model is in a smooth phase for positive ǫ. 7Chapter 3 Renormalization group equations for sine-Gordon type models In this chapter we will introduce the sine-Gordon type Hamil tonian and then show how renormalization group equations can be obtained fo r such models. First a cut-off procedure will be introduced to define the theo ry. Renormaliza- tion is carried out by first integrating over some of the degre es of freedom of the model. The model, when formulated in terms of the remaini ng degrees of freedom, will look like the original model with a lower cut-o ff. Finally a scale transformation will restore the original cut-off. 3.1 Effective Hamiltonians for the staggered F- model Since the staggered F-model can be interpreted as a solid-on -solid model (see section 2.2), it is natural to introduce a field h, that describes the height of a surface. The Hamiltonian density of this field must possess t he same symmetries as the staggered F-model. In particular we must have: F(h+ 1, βs) = F(h,−βs) (3.1) F(h) = F(−h) (3.2) Heresis the staggered field, and we have assumed that the ground sta te of the staggered F-model (for βǫ > 0 and βs/ne}ationslash= 0) corresponds to h= 0 in the sine-Gordon model. From (3.1) it follows that F(h+ 2, βs) =F(h, βs) (3.3) (3.2) and (3.3) lead us to the Hamiltonian density: F(h, ∂ih, ∂ijh, . . . , βǫ, βs ) =∞/summationdisplay n=0Dn(∂ih, ∂ijh, . . . , βǫ, βs ) cos(nπh) (3.4) 8HereDnis an unknown function of its arguments. According to (3.1) w e have Dn(∂ih, ∂ijh, . . . , βǫ, −βs) = (−1)nDn(∂ih, ∂ijh, . . . , βǫ, βs ) (3.5) 3.2 The renormalization group transformation We will rewrite the Hamiltonian (3.4) as H=∞/summationdisplay −∞/integraldisplayd2x a2exp(inπh)Dn/parenleftbig a∂ih, a2∂ijh, a3∂ijkh, . . ./parenrightbig (3.6) We can think of the constant aas the “lattice constant” of the original micro- scopic Hamiltonian. In this original model1 a2would be the density of degrees of freedom. The effective Hamiltonian (3.6) should have the s ame density of de- grees of freedom. The constant aappears in the Hamiltonian as a consequence of replacing summations by integrals and finite differences b y partial derivatives. We will define the Fourier transform of the field h(x) as ˆh(k) =1√ V/integraldisplay d2xh(x)exp ( −ık·x) (3.7) HereVis the volume of the system. h(x) can then be written as h(x) =1√ V/summationdisplay kˆh(k)exp( ık·x) (3.8) We now define a cut-off by introducing a set ( S) of allowed k-values. We assume that the set Shas the property: k∈S⇒ −k∈S (3.9) The density of k-values is written asV (2π)2P(k). The function P(k) will be called a cut-off function. We shall assume that the cut-off is c hosen such that P(0) = 1 and all derivatives of P(k) are zero at k= 0. If the volume Vis chosen large enough, a summation over Scan be replaced by an integral: /summationdisplay k∈SF(k) =V/integraldisplayd2k (2π)2P(k)F(k) (3.10) provided that the function Fdoes not correlate with the characteristic function ofS. In case such correlations do exist we have to replace P(k) by the char- acteristic function of the set S, which we denote as Pc(k). In general we thus have /summationdisplay k∈SF(k) =V/integraldisplayd2k (2π)2Pc(k)F(k) (3.11) The value of anow follows by requiring1 a2to be the number of degrees of freedom per unit volume: 1 a2=/integraldisplayd2k (2π)2P(k) (3.12) 9We will denote the set of all allowed functions by ˆS.ˆSis the set of all finite linear combinations of the functions eık·xwithk∈S. Note that we have ˆh(k) = 0 if h∈ˆSandk/ne}ationslash∈S. We now define the partition function as: Z=/integraldisplay DheH(3.13) Where the measure DhonˆSis defined as: Dh≡/productdisplay k∈Sdˆh(k) aR(k) (3.14) The function R(k) which occurs in the definition of the measure has to be chosen such that the free energy of the exactly soluble Gaussian mod el is consistent with the renormalization group equation for the free energy. Alt hough the correct choice of R(k) is important for a consistent description of the theory, it turns out that its effect is equivalent to adding a constant term ind ependent of any couplings to the Hamiltonian and hence doesn’t influence the dependence of the free energy on the couplings. 3.3 Renormalization The renormalized Hamiltonian is obtained from (3.6) by usin g the Wilson-Kogut momentum shell integration technique [29, 37]. We will inte grate (3.13) over some of the degrees of freedom, leaving us with an effective Ha miltonian ( ˜H) with a lower cut-off. Next a scale transformation will restor e the original cut-off and yield the renormalized Hamiltonian ( HR). We must now specify precisely the degrees of freedom we have t o integrate over. Since the renormalized Hamiltonian ( HR) has the same cut-off function P(k) as the original Hamiltonian ( H), and since it is obtained from the effective Hamiltonian ( ˜H) after a scale transformation, ˜Hhas to have a cut-off function of the form P(lk). In terms of lthe scale transformation becomes x→l−1x. We thus have to construct a set S(1)of allowed k-values for ˜H, such that S(1)⊂S andS(1)corresponds to the cut-off function P(lk). The complement of S(1)in S, denoted as S(2), contains the degrees of freedom we have to integrate over. We thus have to split the set Sofk-values into two disjoint sets S(1)andS(2). This can be done as follows: We decide to put the points k∈Sand−k∈S inS(1)with probabilityP(lk) P(k).S(2)is defined as S(2)=S−S(1). The cut-off function for S(2)will be denoted as P(2), is thus given by P(2)=P(k)−P(lk) (3.15) We now construct the spaces ˆS(1)andˆS(2)analogous to ˆS:ˆS(i)is defined as the set of all finite linear combinations of the functions eık·xwithk∈S(i). We now have ˆS=ˆS(1)⊕ˆS(2)(3.16) The projection of a h∈ˆSonˆS(1)andˆS(2)will be denoted by h(1)respectively h(2). The first step in the Wilson-Kogut renormalization scheme i s to integrate 10over the field h(2). After this integration one obtains an effective Hamiltonia n ˜Hwhich depends on h(1). The final step is to restore the original cut-off by a length rescaling: x′=l−1x (3.17) The renormalized field hRis defined as: hR(x′) =h(1)(x) (3.18) and the renormalized Hamiltonian HRis defined as: HR/parenleftbig hR/parenrightbig =˜H/parenleftBig h(1)/parenrightBig (3.19) 3.4 Cumulant expansion The integration over the field h(2)is performed after an expansion about the Gaussian model. We rewrite our Hamiltonian (3.6) as H=Hg+X (3.20) where Hgis a Gaussian interaction and Xis a perturbation. Hgmay be split into a Gaussian interaction for h(1)andh(2), denoted as H(1)respectively H(2) Hg= −j 2/integraltext (∇h)2d2x=−j 2/summationtext k∈Sk2|h(k)|2 =−j 2/summationtext k∈S(1)k2|h(k)|2−j 2/summationtext k∈S(2)k2|h(k)|2 = −j 2/integraltext/parenleftbig ∇h(1)/parenrightbig2d2x−j 2/integraltext/parenleftbig ∇h(2)/parenrightbig2d2x = H(1)+H(2)(3.21) Note that for a given Hamiltonian the representation (3.20) is not unique be- cause one may choose to include a Gaussian term in the perturb ationXas well. Such a freedom of choice can sometimes be exploited in first or der calculations to improve the accuracy of calculations (see [33]). We define the measure Dh(2)by /integraldisplay Dh(2)F(h)≡/integraltext h∈ˆS(2)DhF(h)/integraltext h∈ˆS(2)DheH(2)=/integraltext/producttext k∈S(2)dˆh(k)F(h)/integraltext/producttext k∈S(2)dˆh(k)exp/parenleftbig H(2)/parenleftbig h(2)/parenrightbig/parenrightbig (3.22) where F(h) is an arbitrary function of h. The Gaussian average of a function Fover the field h(2)can now be written as /an}b∇acketle{tF(h)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay Dh(2)F(h)exp/parenleftBig H(2)/parenleftBig h(2)/parenrightBig/parenrightBig (3.23) We now define the effective Hamiltonian ˜H/parenleftbig h(1)/parenrightbig as follows: exp/parenleftBig ˜H/parenleftBig h(1)/parenrightBig/parenrightBig =K/integraldisplay Dh(2)exp (H) (3.24) HereKis a constant. To determine HRone simply has to rescale ˜H(see (3.17), (3.18) and (3.19)). To fix the constant K, one has to express HRandHin the 11same functional form and then require the constant terms to b e equal. From (3.20), (3.21), (3.23) and (3.24) it follows ˜H= ln (K) +H(1)+ ln/an}b∇acketle{texp(X)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht (3.25) To second order in X, (3.25) can be written as ˜H= ln (K) +H(1)+/an}b∇acketle{tX/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+1 2/angbracketleftBig (X− /an}b∇acketle{tX/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)2/angbracketrightBig +. . . (3.26) This expansion is known as the cumulant expansion. For the ge neral form of this expansion, see [14]. 3.5 Diagrammatic expansion It turns out that the terms in the cumulant expansion can be re presented as amplitudes of Feynman-diagrams. In these diagrams the corr elation function of the field h(2)plays the role of the propagator. In section B.1 we show that i t takes the form: G(x) =1 jV/summationdisplay k∈S(2)exp(ık·x) k2=1 j/integraldisplayd2k (2π)2P(2) c(k)exp (ık·x) k2 (3.27) where P(2) cis the characteristic function of the set S(2). The amplitudes of Feynman-diagrams we will encounter later can be expressed a s integrals of prod- ucts of propagators. We have to be carefull with replacing P(2) cbyP(2)in such cases. E.g. we have /integraldisplay d2x{G(x)}2=1 j2/integraldisplayd2k (2π)2P(2)(k) k4(3.28) It is not difficult to see that G(0) is universal: G(0) =1 2πjln (l) (3.29) We now consider the case of an infinitesimal cut-off change: l−1= 1−ǫ (3.30) (3.17) becomes x′= (1−ǫ)x (3.31) We now associate ǫwith an infinitesimal increase in a rescaling parameter t. The renormalization process then generates one parameter fami lies of Hamiltonians H(t). The renormalization group equations can then be written a s dH dt= coefficient of ǫinHR (3.32) The parameter tis related to a length transformation: x(t) =e−tx(0) (3.33) 12Instead of the Hamiltonian it is often more convenient to wri te the renormal- ization group equations in terms of the Hamiltonian density . We shall denote the effective Hamiltonian density corresponding to the effec tive Hamiltonian ˜H as˜F: ˜H/parenleftBig h(1)/parenrightBig =/integraldisplay d2x˜F/parenleftBig h(1), ∂ih(1)/parenrightBig (3.34) The renormalized Hamiltonian density, denoted as ˜F, can thus be expressed in terms of ˜Fby rewriting (3.34) in terms of hR: HR/parenleftbig hR/parenrightbig ≡˜H/parenleftbig h(1)/parenrightbig =/integraltext d2x˜F/parenleftbig h(1), ∂ih(1)/parenrightbig =/integraltext d2x′(1 + 2 ǫ)˜F/parenleftbig hR,(1−ǫ)∂ihR···/parenrightbig (3.35) where in the last line we used the transformation x′= (1−ǫ)xandhR(x′) = h(1)(x). The renormalized Hamiltonian density ( FR) can thus be expressed as FR/parenleftbig hR/parenrightbig = (1 + 2 ǫ)˜F/parenleftbig hR,(1−ǫ)∂ihR···/parenrightbig (3.36) The renormalization group equations can thus be expressed a s dF dt= coefficient of ǫinFR (3.37) We now proceed with the derivation of the Feynman-rules for t he cumulant expansion (3.26). It is convenient to derive these rules firs t for the term/angbracketleftbig eX/angbracketrightbig . We shall see that ln/angbracketleftbig eX/angbracketrightbig is obtained by summing over connected diagrams only. LetF(h, ∂ih, ∂ijh, . . .) be the non-Gaussian part of the Hamiltonian density in (3.6). We can then write: 1 n!/an}b∇acketle{tXn/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=1 n!/integraldisplayn/productdisplay k=1d2xk/angbracketleftBiggn/productdisplay k=1F/parenleftBig h(xk), ∂ih|xk, ∂ijh|xk, . . ./parenrightBig/angbracketrightBigg (3.38) We can evaluate (3.38) by writing F, considered as a function of the field hand its derivatives, as a Fourier integral. We will define a Fouri er transform of Fas follows: ˆF(γ, γi, γij, . . .) =/integraltextdh 2π/integraltext/producttext id∂ih 2π/integraltext/producttext ijd∂ijh 2π. . . F(h, ∂ih, ∂ijh, . . .)e−ı[γh+γi∂ih+γij∂ijh...](3.39) The integrals in (3.39) are from −∞to∞.Fcan now be written as F(h, ∂ih, ∂ijh, . . .) =/integraltext dγ/integraltext/producttext idγi/integraltext/producttext ijdγij. . . ˆF(γ, γi, γij, . . .)eı[γh+γi∂ih+γij∂ijh...](3.40) The next step is to substitute the representation (3.40) for the Hamiltonian density in (3.38). To facilitate this, it is convenient to in troduce multi-indices. The term in the exponent in (3.40) can be written as γh+∞/summationdisplay k=1γi1,... ,i k∂i1,... ,i kh (3.41) 13A tuple of kindices, as in the summation in (3.41), can be treated as a sin gle index. Such an index is called a multi-index. A tuple of kindices will be written as (k). We can thus rewrite (3.41) as ∞/summationdisplay k=0γ(k)∂(k)h (3.42) Note that repeated multi-indices are only summed over while keeping the num- ber of indices contained in the multi-index constant. See se ction A.3 for all the conventions on multi-indices. Inserting (3.40) in (3.38) g ives 1 n!/an}b∇acketle{tXn/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=1 n!/integraldisplay n/productdisplay j=1d2xjd/braceleftBig γ(j)/bracerightBig  n/productdisplay j=1ˆF/parenleftBig/braceleftBig γ(j)/bracerightBig/parenrightBig /angbracketleftbigg eı/summationtextn j=1γ(j) (k)∂(k)h(xj)/angbracketrightbigg (3.43) Note that the term in the exponent in (3.43) can be interprete d as the action of a distribution (i.e. a linear functional) on the field h. The action of a distribution Ton a function his denoted as Th. See section A.5 of the appendix for a precise definition of distributions. The problem is thus to evaluate /angbracketleftbig eıTh/angbracketrightbig (3.44) for a general distribution T. In chapter C of the appendix it is shown that /angbracketleftbig eıTh/angbracketrightbig =e−1 2TxTyG(x−y)eıTh(1)(3.45) HereTdenotes a distribution, TxandTyact as TonG(x−y) considered as a function of xrespectively y(xandyare thus “dummy”-variables). We now have to expand (3.45) in powers of the propagator, and s ubstitute the result in (3.43). The distribution Tin (3.45) is defined as follows: First we define the distribution T(j)as T(j)h=∞/summationdisplay k=0γ(j) (k)∂(k)h(xj) (3.46) The distribution Tis then defined as T=n/summationdisplay j=1T(j)(3.47) TheLthorder term in the propagator in the integrand of (3.43) becom es 1 n!(−1)L 2LL![TxTyG(x−y)]L n/productdisplay j=1ˆF/parenleftBig/braceleftBig γ(j)/bracerightBig/parenrightBig eıTh(1)(3.48) Each term in the expansion of [ TxTyG(x−y)]Lcan be represented diagram- matically. We first perform a trivial step: [TxTyG(x−y)]L=L/productdisplay p=1TxTyG(x−y) (3.49) 14Each term in the expansion of the product can be represented d iagrammatically as follows. Draw the Npoints xj. If we choose from the pthterm in the product the term γ(r) (m)∂(xr) (m)fromTxand the term γ(s) (n)∂(xs) (n)fromTy, we draw an oriented line from xrtoxs, we label the line with the value of p, and at the points xr andxswe put the labels ( m) respectively ( n) on the line. We repeat this for all values of p. There is now a one to one correspondence between the set of al l possible terms in the expansion of the product and the set of l abelled diagrams. The amplitude of a labelled diagram is obtained by inserting the appropriate product of the γ’s and the derivatives of the propagators in (3.48). We see th at the integrals over the γ’s result in a factor 1 ır∂rF ∂/parenleftbig ∂(m1)h/parenrightbig ···∂/parenleftbig ∂(mr)h/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle h=h(1)(3.50) for each vertex where rlines, labelled by ( m1). . .(mr), come together. The product of the factors1 ırat each vertex will precisely cancel the factor ( −1)L in (3.48), because each propagator gives rise to two factors1 ıand there are L propagators. We can simplify matters further by omitting al l labels, except the multi-indices at both ends of each propagator, in a labelled diagram. The am- plitude of such a Feynman diagram is given by the sum of all the corresponding labelled diagrams. It is convenient to define a propagator G(n),(m)(p−q) as G(n),(m)(p−q)≡∂(p) (n),x∂(q) (m),yG(x−y) (3.51) Since all labelled diagrams corresponding to a nonvanishin g Feynman diagram make identical contributions, we simply have to multiply th e amplitude of one diagram by the number of ways of labeling a Feynman diagram, t o obtain its amplitude (relabeling the vertices will change the amplitu de of a diagram, but when integrated over all positions of the vertices, all diag rams obtained from each other by a relabeling of the vertices will, of course, ma ke identical contribu- tions). This amplitude then has to be integrated over all the xj. We shall denote the number of ways of orienting the propagators, labeling th e propagators and the vertices by respectively N1,N2andN3. Since the multi-indices have to be summed over, two labelings of the propagators will not be con sidered distinct if the only difference is a permutation of the multi-indices. Two labelings of the vertices are considered distinct if it is not possible to transform one labeling into the other by a relabeling of the propagators. We then hav e N1= 2L−k(3.52) where kis the number of lines that have both there ends connected to t he same vertex, N2=L!/producttext rkr!(3.53) where the product is over all ordered pairs of vertices, and krdenotes the number of propagators connecting the pair rand N3=n! S(3.54) 15where Sis the order of the symmetry group of the Feynman diagram. Usi ng (3.48), (3.50), (3.51), (3.52), (3.53) and (3.54), we see th at the Feynman rules for/angbracketleftbig eX/angbracketrightbig are as follows: 1. To compute the contribution that is nthorder in XandLthorder in 1 j, draw all topological distinct Feynman diagrams with nvertices and L lines. 2. Label both ends of each line by arbitrary multi-indices. 3. For each vertex there is a term: ∂rF ∂/parenleftbig ∂(m1)h/parenrightbig ···∂/parenleftbig ∂(mr)h/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle h=h(1)(3.55) where the ( mi) are the multi-indices on the lines at the vertex and the derivative is evaluated at the coordinates of the vertex. 4. Each line labelled with the multi-indices ( m) and ( n) corresponds to the propagator G(n),(m)(p−q): G(n),(m)(p−q) =∂(p) (n),x∂(q) (m),yG(x−y) (3.56) where pandqare the coordinates of the vertices connected by the line. 5. For each line that has both its ends connected to the same po int there is a factor1 2. 6. For each pair of vertices connected by klines there is a factor1 k!. 7. There is a factor1 S, where Sis the order of the symmetry group acting on the vertices of the diagram. 8. Integrate over all coordinates of the vertices, and sum ov er all multi- indices. We will now show that ln/angbracketleftbig eX/angbracketrightbig is precisely the sum of all connected diagrams. We assume that all connected diagrams are enumerated in some arbitrary order. LetCibe the amplitude of the ithconnected diagram. Using the above Feynman rules, we can write: /an}b∇acketle{texp (X)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/summationdisplay {ni}∞/productdisplay i=1Cni i ni!=∞/productdisplay i=1∞/summationdisplay n=0Cn i n!= exp/parenleftBigg∞/summationdisplay i=1Ci/parenrightBigg (3.57) 3.6 Evaluation of diagrams There are two diagrams, see fig. 3.1, contributing to the first order cumulant. Using the Feynman rules derived above it is a simple matter to evaluate the amplitude of these diagrams. In the case of a Hamiltonian den sityF(h, ∂ih···) one obtains to first order the effective Hamiltonian density ˜F ˜F/parenleftBig h(1), ∂ih(1)···/parenrightBig =F/parenleftBig h(1), ∂ih(1)···/parenrightBig +1 2/summationdisplay l,m∂2F ∂(k)h∂(l)h/bracketrightbigg h=h(1)G(l),(m)(0) (3.58) 16• ✫✪✬✩ • Figure 3.1: The two Feynman diagrams corresponding to the first order cum ulant. where the sum over landmis from 0 to ∞. To obtain the renormalization group equation for the Hamiltonian density from this, we hav e to perform a rescaling x→(1−ǫ)x(see (3.36)) and use (3.37). These equations yield the first order renormalization group equation for the Hamilton ian density: dF dt= 2F−∞/summationdisplay k=1k∂F ∂/parenleftbig ∂(k)h/parenrightbig∂(k)h+1 2/summationdisplay k,l∂2F ∂/parenleftbig ∂(k)h/parenrightbig ∂/parenleftbig ∂(k)h/parenrightbigG(k),(l) ǫ(3.59) The sum over kandlis again from 0 to ∞. The quantity G(k),(l)(0) is universal (i.e. independent of the form of the cut-off function P(k)) when k=l= 0 or k+l= 2. It is not difficult to derive the result: G(l),(m)(0) = ( −1)l−m 21 2πj1 2l+m 2/parenleftbigl+m 2/parenrightbig !Al+mC(l),(m) (3.60) HereAnis zero if nis odd, else we have An=/integraldisplay∞ 0d|k||k|n−1(P(|k|)−P(|(1 +ǫ)k|)) (3.61) In particular we have: A0=ǫ A2=4π a2ǫ(3.62) The tensor C(l),(m)is a contraction operator. For an arbitrary tensor T(l),(m), T(l),(m)C(l),(m)is the sum of all contractions of the indices contained in ( l) and (m) We can write C(l),(m)explicitly as a sum of products of Kronecker delta’s: C(l),(m)=/summationdisplay π′δπ(i1),π(i2)···δπ(il+m−1),π(il+m) (3.63) The sum is over all nonequivalent permutations of the indice si1···il+m. There are thus(l+m)! 2l+m 2(l+m 2)!terms in the sum. We now proceed with the evaluation of the higher order cumula nts. Ac- cording to the Feynman rules the nthorder contribution to the renormalized Hamiltonian is an n-fold integral over the volume of a product of propagators and functions of the field h(1). We want to replace such an expression by a sin- gle integral over the volume, thus obtaining a contribution to the Hamiltonian density. We write the amplitude Aof a diagram as A=/integraldisplay d2x1···d2xnP(x1···xn)D/parenleftBig h(1)(x1)···h(1)(xn)/parenrightBig (3.64) 17Eigenoperator Scale dimension 1 0 cos(πh)π 4j a2(∇h)2−1 j2/parenleftBig a2(∇h)2−1 j/parenrightBig cos(πh)π 4j+ 2 cos(2πh)π j Table 3.1: Some eigenoperators and their scale dimensions relative to the Gaussian Hamiltonian Hg=−j 2/integraltext d2x(∇h)2. HereP(x1···xn) is the product of propagators and D/parenleftbig h(1)(x1)···h(1)(xn)/parenrightbig denotes the product of derivatives of Hamiltonian densitie s. It is now tempt- ing to perform n−1 of the nintegrations in (3.64) by Taylor-expanding the field about one of the points x1. . . x n(it doesn’t matter which integrations are performed because different choices are related by a partial integration). The problem with this approach is that it assumes that the field h(1)is analytic. In reality one should expect a Taylor-expansion of the field t o converge only in a region the size of a(3.12), because ais the distance between independent degrees of freedom of the field. A better way to proceed is to use the so-called operator produ ct expansion. Before we explain how this works we will first introduce some n ew terminology. A local operator is a term in the Hamiltonian that depends onl y on the field in one point. The Hamiltonian density evaluated at a certain po int is an example of a local operator. The first order renormalization group eq uations for local operators is almost identical to that of the Hamiltonian den sity. If O(h(x)) is a local operator then dO dt=−∞/summationdisplay k=1k∂O ∂/parenleftbig ∂(k)h/parenrightbig∂(k)h+1 2/summationdisplay k,l∂2O ∂/parenleftbig ∂(k)h/parenrightbig ∂/parenleftbig ∂(k)h/parenrightbigG(k),(l) ǫ(3.65) The only difference with (3.59) is that the term 2 Odoesn’t appear on the r.h.s. of this equation. Eigenoperators are local operators that r enormalize as dO dt=−λO (3.66) λis called the scale dimension of the operator O. In table 3.1 we have listed a few eigenoperators with their scale dimensions. By solving (3.66) for all eigen- operators one obtains a complete set of operators. All eigen operators can be written as a multinomial of derivatives of the field hmultiplied by cos( nπh) withnan integer. We shall call an operator even (odd) if nis even (odd). We can now expand any local operator in this set of eigenoperato rs. A product of operators localized at different points can be considered to be local if the points lie close to each other. This product can then be expanded in e igenoperators localized at one point. It is clear that this expansion, know n as the operator product expansion, can be used to replace D/parenleftbig h(1)(x1)···h(1)(xn)/parenrightbig in (3.64) by a sum of operators localized at the point x1. Suppose all eigenoperators are enumerated by an index n. The scale dimension of the nthoperator will be 18denoted as λn. We can thus put D(h(x1)···h(xn))≡/summationdisplay kck(x1···xn)Ok(h(x1)) (3.67) Note that we have replaced the field h(1)byh. To apply (3.67) to (3.64) a rescal- ing must thus be performed first. It is important to note that ( 3.67) is an identity in the sense that the Hamiltonian to which the l.h.s. is added may be identified with the Hamiltonian to which the r.h.s. is added. Since D(h(x1)···h(xn)) is a sum of products of eigenoperators located at the points x1···xn, all we need to know are the functions ci1···in(x1···xn) (operator product expansion coefficients ) in the expansion Oi1(h(x1))···Oin(h(xn))≡/summationdisplay kci1···in,k(x1···xn)Ok(h(x1)) (3.68) The operator product expansion coefficients can be determine d as follows. One demands that the replacement of the product of eigenoperato rs according to (3.68) commutes with a renormalization. One then obtains an equation relating ci1···in,k(x1···xn) toci1···in,k/parenleftbigx1 l···xn l/parenrightbig . with lthe rescaling factor involved in the renormalization. Now, when one takes x1=x2=···=xnthe operator product expansion is trivial. The functions ci1···in,k(x1···xn) can thus be de- termined by taking the limit l→ ∞. Note that that since the renormalization has to be carried out perturbatively one obtains the operato r product expan- sion coefficients as an expansion in the non-Gaussian couplin gs. It is thus very straightforward to find the operator product expansion coeffi cients to zeroth or- der. Higher order contributions to the operator product exp ansion coefficients will again involve nontrivial integrations over Feynman-d iagrams. These dia- grams must again be evaluated using the operator product exp ansion. E.g. to find the renormalization group equations to second order one has to deal with expressions as in (3.64) with n= 2. Since the function Dis already of second order one only has to work out the operator product expansion to zeroth order, which is straightforward. To third order one has to calculat e the operator prod- uct expansion coefficients in (3.68) with n= 3 to zeroth order and the operator product expansion coefficients with n= 2 to first order. The latter ones involve Feynman-diagrams in which the two operators are connected t o one of the other operators in the Hamiltonian. These diagrams can be evaluat ed by again using the operator product expansion (3.68), but now with n= 3 and only to zeroth order. It is clear that repeated use of the operator product e xpansion allows one to obtain the renormalization group equations to any ord er. in the next chapter, we are going to apply the theory to find the phase diagram of the staggered F-model. 19Chapter 4 Applications of the renormalization group equations Once the renormalization group equations are known it is a si mple matter to obtain the singular part of the free energy. In this section w e shall first derive the renormalization group equation for the free energy and t hen proceed to show how the singular part of the free energy is obtained from it. It is convenient to rewrite the Hamiltonian as H=−j 2/integraldisplay d2x(∇h)2+∞/summationdisplay n=1yn/integraldisplayd2x a2On(h(x)) (4.1) Here the Onare the eigenoperators defined by equations (3.65) and (3.66 ). We write the renormalization group equations as dyi dt= (2−λi)yi+∞/summationdisplay k=2/summationdisplay i1···ikλi,i1···ikyi1···yik (4.2) Note that the λiare the scale dimensions of the operators. Also note that the Gaussian coupling is kept constant under renormalizati on. This is possible because a2(∇h)2−1 jis an eigenoperator. To find out how the singularity in the free energy is related to the λ’s in this equation, we must first find the relation between the free energy of the original and the renormalized system. Note that the renormalized Hamiltonian satisfies the relation exp (HR) ZR=/integraldisplay h∈ˆS(2)exp (H) ZDh (4.3) where ZRandZare the partition functions for the renormalized respectiv ely the original system. Combining (3.22) with (3.24) and (4.3) we get: ZR Z=K Zg(4.4) 20HereZgis the partition function of the Gaussian model: Zg=/integraldisplay h∈ˆS(2)exp/parenleftBig H(2)/parenrightBig Dh (4.5) LetUbe the constant contribution to HRfrom ln /an}b∇acketle{texp(X)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. Since the total constant contribution to HRis zero, it follows from (3.25) that ln ( K) =−U. (4.4) can then be written F= (1−2ǫ)FR+U V+1 Vln (Zg) (4.6) where FandFRare the free energy densities times −βfor the original respec- tively renormalized system. dF dt−2F+c+c′= 0 (4.7) Herecis the coefficient of ǫinU Vandc′is the coefficient of ǫin1 Vln (Zg). Since c′only depends on j, which is kept constant under renormalization, the effect of this term is to shift the free energy by a constant amount. We a re thus allowed to ignore this term. 4.1 The case of the staggered F-model When βs= 0 and βǫ <ln (2), it is known that the F-model renormalizes to the Gaussian model [12,16,17]. For the latter we have H=−j 2/integraldisplay d2x(∇h)2(4.8) The Gaussian coupling jis a known function of the temperature of the F-model: j=1 2arccos/parenleftbigg 1−1 2e2βǫ/parenrightbigg (4.9) (4.9) is valid when βǫ < ln (2) and is obtained as follows: The long range part of the height-height correlation function R(r)≡/angbracketleftBig (h(r)−h(0))2/angbracketrightBig of both models show a logarithmic behaviour, and is thus invariant u nder horizontal scaling. This means that the amplitude of the height-height correlation function is invariant under a renormalization. For the F-model one fin ds [40] R(r)∼2 πarccos/parenleftbig 1−1 2exp (2 βǫ)/parenrightbigln (r) (4.10) In case of the Gaussian model one finds (see section B.2) R(r)∼1 πjln (r) (4.11) Equating the amplitudes of both correlation functions then leads to the identi- fication (4.9). 21We expect that when βs≈0, we may replace (3.4) by a Hamiltonian of the form (4.1). Then because of (3.5) the ynmultiplying even (odd) operators will be even (odd) functions of βs. We now assume that the ynin (4.1) are analytic in some neighborhood of βs= 0. This implies that the yncorresponding to odd operators are O(βs). Of all operators, the operator O1(h) = cos( πh) has the lowest scale dimension: λ1=π 4j(4.12) Between j=π 8andj=π 2this is the only relevant operator (i.e. an initially infinitesimal y1increases exponentially under renormalization). Below j=π 8 there are no relevant operators and above j=π 2the operator cos(2 πh) also becomes relevant. Because the coupling y1becomes proportional to βsin the limitβs→0, we expect the staggered F-model with an infinitesimal stag gered field to be in a different phase than at zero staggered field for t hose values for βǫ that correspond to a value for jbetween j=π 8andj=π 2. According to (4.9) this is for βǫin the interval1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig < βǫ < ln (2). Note that at the lower boundary βǫis negative:1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig ≈ −0.2674 At zero staggered field the logarithmic behaviour of the height-height correlation fu nction indicates that the surface is in a rough phase. If the staggered field is turne d on the model no longer renormalizes to a Gaussian model. If the staggered fie ld is chosen small enough we expect that under a renormalization the model will renormalize first to a model of the form H=/integraldisplay d2x/bracketleftbigg−j 2(∇h)2+y1 a2cos(πh)/bracketrightbigg (4.13) with a small value for y1, but as we renormalize further the coupling y1will increase. Since the effect of the operator cos( πh) in the Hamiltonian is to favour even values of h, we expect to be in a smooth phase. Below βǫ=1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig we still expect that the model will renormalize to (3.4) but a s we renormalize further y1will renormalize to zero. We are then left with a purely Gauss ian Hamiltonian which describes a rough surface. Above βǫ= ln (2) the operator cos(2 πh) becomes relevant. Since this is an even operator its coupling is nonzero at zero staggered field . This causes the model to no longer renormalize to the Gaussian model (as a con sequence (4.9) is not valid in this region). If βǫ >ln (2) the surface is thus in a smooth phase even if βs= 0. To complete the phase diagram we must find the behaviour of the model for finite values of the staggered field below βǫ=1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig . Before we do that we shall first calculate the singular part of the free energy above βǫ=1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig atβs= 0. 4.2 Singular part of the free energy of the stag- gered F-model We shall assume that the staggered F-model can be mapped to a m odel of the form (4.1) such that the couplings ynare analytical as a function of βsin a neighborhood of βs= 0. If the free energy Fof the model (4.1) is written as F=Fs+Fr (4.14) 22withFsthe singular part of the free energy and Frthe regular part of the free energy, Fswill satisfy the homogeneous part of (4.7) and Frwill be a full solution of (4.7). Exceptions to this rule may arise when a cr itical exponent associated with the singular behaviour of the free energy is an even integer as we shall see later. Ignoring these exceptions for the moment , we see that Fs satisfies the equation: Fs(y1(t), y2(t). . .) =e2tFs(y1(0), y2(0). . .) (4.15) In order to see how irrelevant operators modify the singular behaviour, it is enough to keep just one irrelevant coupling. The generaliza tion to more irrele- vant couplings is trivial. Suppose that for βs≈0 the staggered F-model model is mapped to a model (4.1) with y1(0) the coupling of the relevant operator cos(πh) and y2(0) the coupling of an irrelevant even operator. The mapping to the model (4.1) can then be written y1(0) = R1βs+O/parenleftBig (βs)3/parenrightBig yn(0) = Rn+O/parenleftBig (βs)2/parenrightBig (4.16) The renormalization group equations (4.2) can be rewritten as dyi dt=aiyi (4.17) With a1= 2−π 4j>0 and an<0. Higher order terms in the renormalization group equations have been ignored. From (4.15) and (4.17) it then follows that Fs(y1(0), y2(0)) = e−2tFs/parenleftbig y1(0)ea1t, y2(0)ea2t/parenrightbig (4.18) Now choose tsuch that y1(0)ea1t=c (4.19) withca constant /ne}ationslash= 0. we can then rewrite (4.18) as Fs(y1(0), y2(0)) =/parenleftbiggy1(0) c/parenrightbigg2 a1 Fs/parenleftBigg c, y2(0)/parenleftBigy1 c/parenrightBig−a2 a1/parenrightBigg (4.20) Since we expect Fsto be analytical as a function of y2(0) as long as y1(0)/ne}ationslash= 0, we can expand: Fs/parenleftBigg c, y2(0)/parenleftBigy1 c/parenrightBig−a2 a1/parenrightBigg =A+By2(0)/parenleftBigy1 c/parenrightBig−a2 a1+. . . (4.21) Inserting this into (4.20) and using (4.16) yields for the le ading singularity in the free energy ( F1(βs)): F1(βs)∼ |βs|2 a1 (4.22) while the irrelevant operator contributes a singularity ( F2(βs)) of the form F2(βs)∼F1(βs)|βs|−a2 a1 (4.23) 23Note that a1= 2−π 4j, and jis given by (4.9). As βǫapproaches1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig from above a1tends to zero, and the singularity in the free energy becomes weaker and weaker. What happens at βǫ=1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig and below is the subject of section 4.3 The above argument can easily be gener alised to take account of the presence of more irrelevant operators and hig her order terms in the identification (4.16), the renormalization group equ ations (4.17) and the expansion (4.21). By applying a general result [36] to this c ase, we find that the free energy contains singularities of the form Fs(βs)∼ |βs|n0+2 a1−/summationtext∞ k=2nkak a1 (4.24) where the niare positive integers. If the exponent becomes an even integ er we have to multiply the r.h.s. of (4.24) with ln |βs|. We can demonstrate this in the case of the leading singularity as follows: According to (4. 7) the renormalization group equation for the free energy is given by dF dt−2F=−c(y1) (4.25) cis an even analytical function of y1, because cos( πh) is an odd operator while the constant operator is even. We are now assuming that2 a1= 2nwhere nis an integer. (4.17) gives y1(t) =y1(0)ea1t(4.26) If−ccontains a term Ky2n 1, (4.25) can be rewritten as dF dt−2F=K(y1(0))2ne2t(4.27) From this equation it follows that F(y(t)) =K(y1(0))2nte2t+F(y(0)) (4.28) Using (4.16) and (4.26) it then follows that Fs∼βs2nln|βs| (4.29) It is interesting to see what happens if we let2 a1approach the value 2 n. If we put2 a1= 2n−ǫfor small ǫ, we can rewrite (4.27) as: dF dt−2F=K(y1(0))2ne(2+ǫa1)t(4.30) expanding the r.h.s. of this equation in powers of ǫgives dF dt−2F=K(y1(0))2ne2t[1 +ǫa1t+. . .] (4.31) And the singularity in the free energy can be written as Fs(βs)∼βs2n/bracketleftBig ln|βs|+ǫ 2ln2|βs|+. . ./bracketrightBig (4.32) 244.3 The case βǫ≤1 2ln/parenleftBig 2−√ 2/parenrightBig To complete the phase diagram we must obtain the behaviour of the model at finite values for the staggered field. This requires us to stud y the effects of higher order terms in the renormalization group equations. To find the most important higher order terms we look for terms that are secon d order in y1. These terms are involved in the generation of operators. The most important of these terms is the one involved in the generation of the most r elevant operator. We also look for the lowest order term in the generation of y1arising from interactions with operators which have as low an scale dimen sion as possible. To second order in y1only even operators are generated and the most relevant of these is the operator O2(h) =a2(∇h)2−1 j. It is also this operator which through interaction with the operator O1contributes to the generation of O1, which is also a second order effect. Since O2is Gaussian we can calculate this effect simply by perturbing the Gaussian interaction j. Denoting the coupling ofO1byyand the coupling of O2by−j′ 2, we can write dj′ dt=A(j+j′)y2 dy dt=/parenleftBig 2−π 4(j+j′)/parenrightBig y(4.33) Although the function A(j) can be calculated using the methods developed in the previous chapter, for our purpose we can afford to leave this function undetermined. At j=π 8, which corresponds to βǫ≤1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig , the operator O1is marginal (i.e. right on the boundary between relevant and irrelevant). To investigate the phase diagram around this point, we put j=π 8in (4.33) and expand in powers of j′. To leading order we find dj′ dt=Ay2 dy dt=16 πj′y(4.34) where A≡A/parenleftbigπ 8/parenrightbig . Note that these renormalization group equations are simil ar to those for the XY model (see [18, 19]). To be able to construc t the phase diagram, we must know how to relate j′andyto the model parameters βǫand βsof the staggered F-model in a nonzero staggered field. Accord ing to (4.16) we can put y(0) = R(βǫ)βs+O/parenleftBig (βs)3/parenrightBig j′(0) = R′(βǫ) +O/parenleftBig (βs)2/parenrightBig (4.35) where we have used the fact that O2is an even operator. The function R′(βǫ) can be calculated by using the fact that at zero staggered fiel d the model renor- malizes to a Gaussian model with coupling jgiven by (4.9). We thus find that R′(βǫ) =1 2arccos/parenleftbigg 1−1 2e2βǫ/parenrightbigg −π 8(4.36) We now put βǫ=1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig −uin (4.16) and expand to leading order. We find y(0) = Rβs j′(0) = −/parenleftbig√ 2−1/parenrightbig u(4.37) 25where R≡R/parenleftbig βǫ=1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig . According to (4.34) it follows that K(t), defined as K(t) =y(t)2−16 πAj′(t)2(4.38) is a conserved quantity under renormalization. Above j′= 0 all flow lines, irrespective of the value of K, renormalize to infinity. Below j′= 0 the situation is different. Flow lines with negative Kend up on the Gaussian line, while flow lines with positive Krenormalize toward infinity. The flow lines with K= 0 thus mark the boundary between the rough phase and the smooth phase below j′= 0. Using (4.37) and (4.38), we see that the lines βs=±4 R√ πA/parenleftBig√ 2−1/parenrightBig u (4.39) withu≥0 are the critical lines of the staggered F-model. Points cho sen between these lines renormalize toward the Gaussian line, points ou tside this region will not. We now proceed with a derivation the singular part of the free energy. As the critical line is approached from the smooth side, we expect s ingular behaviour of the free energy (note that points on the critical lines its elf renormalize to the point j′= 0 on the Gaussian line, there is thus no singularity when the critical line is approached from the rough side). Since all p oints on the critical lines of the staggered F-model flow toward the same point on th e Gaussian line, critical behaviour is the same all along the critical lines. We can thus content ourselves with a calculation of the singular behaviour of th e free energy at βǫ= 1 2ln/parenleftbig 2−√ 2/parenrightbig as we let βsapproach zero. In this case we are again in the area where the identification (4.37) and the renormalization gro up equations (4.34) are valid. The initial values are thus j′(0) = 0 and y(0) = Rβs. According to (4.38) we find that K=R2(βs)2for the streamline that passes through this point. Eliminating y(t) in favour of j′(t) and using (4.34) gives us the equation dj′ dt=AK+16 πj′2(4.40) This differential equation is easily integrated: t=π 4√ AπKarctan/parenleftbigg4√ AπKj′(t)/parenrightbigg (4.41) Using (4.39) and the fact that K=R2(βs)2, we can rewrite (4.41) as t=π/parenleftbig 1 +√ 2/parenrightbig tan(θ) 16|βs|arctan/parenleftBigg/parenleftbig 1 +√ 2/parenrightbig tan (θ) |βs|j′(t)/parenrightBigg (4.42) where θis the angle at which the critical line intersects the line βs= 0. Applying (4.18) to our case yields the leading singularity in the free energy Fs: Fs(βs)∼e−π2(1+√ 2)tan( θ) 16|βs| (4.43) The singularity is clearly of infinite order, characteristi c of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. Numerical studies using transfer matrix techn iques have yielded sim- ilar results on the phase diagram of the staggered F-model [2 4]. 26Note that all results have been obtained by using the informa tion present in the behaviour of the height-height correlation function of the F-model. To obtain more results we clearly need more information. In the next chapter we shall discuss a simple method that allows one to expand the fr ee energy about the line βǫ=1 2ln (2). This expansion can be used to generate more informati on about the mapping of the staggered F-model to Gaussian model s. 27Chapter 5 Expansions about free fermion models In this final chapter we will first present Baxters solution of the staggered F- model on the free fermion line (i.e. the line βǫ=1 2ln (2)). Then we proceed by expanding the free energy of the staggered F-model about t he free fermion line. We shall obtain an explicit expression for the free ene rgy to first order. By comparing the singular behaviour of this expression to th at obtained from renormalization group arguments, we are able to verify the k nown behaviour of the Gaussian coupling to first order about βǫ=1 2ln (2). To simplify the computations of the higher order terms we derive a linked clu ster method. 5.1 Definition of free fermion models Baxter has solved the staggered F-model at the temperature βǫ=1 2ln(2) [3]. Later it was found that this solution could be generalized to other models if a certain condition concerning the vertex weights is met. Th is condition is called the free fermion condition because for eight-vertex models satisfying this condition the problem leads to a problem of noninteracting f ermions in the S- matrix formulation. Let wibe the vertex weight for a vertex of type i(see fig. 5.1), then the free fermion condition for six-vertex models is: w1w2+w3w4−w5w6= 0 (5.1) The weights wimay be chosen inhomogeneous. We now proceed by presenting a simplified version of Baxter’s solution of the staggered F- model. 5.2 Baxter’s solution of the staggered F-model Divide the lattice into two sublattices A and B. Choose the ve rtex energies as indicated in fig. 5.1. Consider the ground state in which al l A vertices are vertices of type 6, and all B-vertices are of type 5. Any state can now be represented by drawing lines on the lattice where the arrows point oppositely to the ground state configuration. In terms of these lines the six vertices are represented by vertices with either no lines, two lines at ri ght angles, or four 28✲✲ ✻✻ 1 ǫ✛✛❄ ❄ 2 ǫ✲✲❄ ❄ 3 ǫ✛✛ ✻✻ 4 ǫ✛✲✻ ❄ 5 ±s✛✲❄ ✻ 6 ∓s Figure 5.1: The six vertices and their energies. The upper and lower sign s correspond to sublattice A respectively B. lines. The energies of these vertices are respectively −s,ǫands. The next step is to replace the original lattice by a decorated lattic e by replacing each original vertex by a “city” of four internally connected poi nts (see fig. 5.2). The lines on the original lattice are regarded as dimers on the ex ternal bonds of the decorated lattice. For any configuration on the original lat tice, it is possible to place dimers on the internal bonds of the decorated lattice, so that the lattice becomes completely covered. Now associate to each dimer a we ight as indicated in fig. 5.2. We now have to choose these weights such that a clos e-packed dimer problem formulated on the decorated lattice is equiva lent to our original problem. It is a simple matter to see that for this to be the cas e, we have to have: C=D=E=F=e−1 2βs(5.2) u=1 2√ 2e1 2βs(5.3) βǫ=1 2ln (2) (5.4) Note that (5.4) is indeed consistent with the free fermion co ndition (5.1). 5.3 The Pfaffian method To solve the close-packed dimer problem, we use the Pfaffian me thod [10,13,26]. This method is applicable whenever the lattice is planar, an d works by express- ing the partition function of the problem as the square root o f the determinant of an antisymmetric matrix (a Pfaffian). A contribution to Z2can be written as the product of two dimer coverings CandC′. IfCconnects a point iwith a point j, we write C(i) =j (5.5) It is clear that this defines a bijective map on the lattice. CandC′divide the lattice into disjoint loops and pairs of neighboring points (bonds) as follows: If C(i1) = i2 C′(i2) = i3 C(i3) = i4 C′(i4) = i5 C(i5) = i6 ... C(in−1) = in C′(in) = i1(5.6) 29then the points i1. . . inform a loop. If n= 2, we don’t get a loop but instead a single bond. Note that nis always even (even on lattice types on which loops containing an odd number of points exist, the loops generate d byCandC′ always contain an even number of points). Since for each loop one has two choices to define the actions of CandC′within the loop, a given partition of the lattice in loops and bonds is consistent with many differe nt configurations CandC′.Z2can thus be calculated by summing over all partitions of the lattice in loops and bonds. The contribution a partition mak es is given by the appropriate product of the weights of dimers, multiplied by a factor 2L, where L is the number of loops in the partition. If we orient each loop , and sum over all oriented loops, the factor two for each loop can be ommitted. Now a partition of the lattice in oriented loops and bonds defines a permutati on of the lattice points. For arbitrary points iandjon the lattice, we define Wi,jas Wi,j= 0 (5.7) ifiandjare not connected, Wi,j= weight of the dimer connecting iandj (5.8) In terms of the matrix W, we can write: Z2=/summationdisplay π′/productdisplay jWj,π(j) (5.9) where the sum is over all permutations that contain only cycl es of even lengths (this restriction is denoted by the prime) and the product is over all lattice points. Note that the restriction on the summation is only ne cessary for lattices where loops of odd lengths exist. We now want to rewrite the r. h.s. of (5.9) as the determinant of a matrix. This is possible if the lattice i s planar, and works as follows: One tries to factorize the missing sign of the per mutation π(s(π)) in the sum in (5.9), so that we have s(π) =/productdisplay jsj,π(j) (5.10) with the si,jdepending only on iandj, and si,j=±1 (we only need to define thesi,jwhen iandjare connected). We shall see that a proper choice of the si,jallows one to lift the constraint in the summation in ( 5.9). A nticipating this result we can write: Z2= det R (5.11) where Ri,j=si,jWi,j (5.12) Thesi,jhave to be chosen such that (5.10) is valid for all permutatio ns making a nonzero contribution to (5.9). The cycles of such a permuta tion are precisely the oriented loops of even length and bonds, and they all have a sign of −1. We thus try to define the si,jsuch that for a closed loop of even length or a bond consisting of the points i1. . .inwe have n/productdisplay k=1sik,ik+1=−1 (5.13) 30where in+1≡i1. The case n= 2 yields si,j=−sj,i (5.14) so that Ris antisymmetric. We can now see that permutations containi ng cycles of odd lengths make no net contribution to det Rbecause reversing such a cycle changes the sign of the contribution. A permutation that con tains a cycle with an odd number of points in its interior also makes no net contr ibution, because, the lattice being planar, these points are permuted amongst themselves, so that the permutation contains at least one cycle of odd lengt h. We thus have to satisfy (5.13) only for loops with an even number of points in its interior. This is fortunate, because it is impossible to choose the si,jsuch that (5.13) is satisfied for all loops of even lengths. The si,jcan, however, be chosen to satisfy the condition: n/productdisplay k=1sik,ik+1= (−1)r+1(5.15) where ris the number of points inside the loop. It is clear that if the si,jsatisfy (5.15) for all loops we indeed have Z2= det R. We now specialize to the case of the staggered F-model. In this case we are dealing with the la ttice shown in fig. 5.2. Choosing the si,jamounts to giving each bond an orientation so that si,jis positive if ipoints to j. The arrows drawn on the bonds in fig. 5.2 represent such an orientation. We will now proof that this choice of the orie ntations satisfies the condition (5.15). The proof proceeds by induction, and d epends on the fact that loops sharing part of their boundaries may be combi ned to produce larger loops. Note that a loop can be broken down into smaller loops if and only if the loop has bonds in its interior. On the lattice (5.2 ), there are two types of loops that cannot be broken down. These are the loops formed by four internal bonds of a city, and loops connecting four cities fo rmed by four external bonds and four internal bonds. For these loops it is easily ve rified that (5.15) is true. Since any loop can be broken down into loops of the abo ve type, we have to proof that if (5.15) holds for two arbitrary loops sha ring part of their boundaries, it also holds for the combined loop. To see this, suppose that there are two loops ( L1andL2) with respectively r1andr2interior points, with a continuous common boundary consisting of qpoints. The combined loop ( L3) will then have r3=r1+r2+q−2 interior points. The product in (5.15) for a loopLiwill be denoted as s(Li). We then have s(L1)s(L2) =s(L3)(−1)q−1(5.16) because if we travers L1andL2in the same direction, we travers all the bonds ofL3, while the q−1 bonds on the common boundary are all traversed from both directions. Assuming (5.15) holds for L1andL2, it follows from (5.16): s(L3) = (−1)r1+r2+q−1= (−1)r3+1(5.17) 5.4 Calculation of the free energy We have seen that solving the staggered F-model at βǫ=1 2ln (2) reduces to the evaluation of the determinant of the matrix R. To set up a perturbation theory 31✲✒
Diversity Assessment Based on a Higher Similarity-Higher Entropy Relation after Rejection of Gibbs Paradox Shu-Kun Lin Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), Saengergasse 25, CH-4054 Basel, Switzerland Tel: +41 79 3223379, Fax +41 61 3028918 E-mail: Lin@mdpi.org, URL: http://www.mdpi.org/lin.htm 21 October 1999 Abstract. The diversity of the symbols of the information source is calculated following the definition that entropy is the information loss and following a new entropy-symbol similarity relation after the rejection of the Gibbs paradox statement. Diversity in a range of 0 to 1, an index similar to Shannon's redundancy, decreases with the increase in the species similarities. A pairwise similarity formula has been defined and used to demonstrated that the diversity expression gives the expected diversity. The higher entropy-higher similarity relation leads to the higher information- higher diversity relation. Keywords: Species diversity, entropy, information loss, similarity, diversity calculation. 1. Introduction Biodiversity assessment has been a hot topic of practical importance for preservation of existing biological species in a rational way. With the development of high throughput screening technology (a very fast way of testing if a molecule is active as a drug) in the pharmaceutical industry in recent years, the acquisition of molecular samples by collection and combinatorial or parallel, automatic synthesis has now become the bottleneck in the process of new drug discovery. The molecular diversity assessment also became an urgent topic [1,2]. There are many methods of calculating diversity of species (either biological or chemical species). Natually the best approach should be the information theoretical method, using information theoretical concepts [3]. We tried to set up a new method of diversity calculation [1]. It is based on a clear definition that entropy is the information loss [4] and a new relation of entropy-similarity2 (Figure 1c) [5-7] constructed after rejection of the Gibbs paradox statement (Figure 1a) [8]. In information theory discussed in communication, all the symbols used for encoding are assumed to be distinguishable. However, we discuss the species diversity of these symbols (individual molecules in molecular diversity and animals in biodiversity considerations). Therefore, it is the similarity of these symbols and their relation to entropy that are of particular interest to us, and we must adapt the formulas used by Shannon to the situation concerned here. Furthermore, the consideration of the diversity and the similarity of these "symbols" (molecules or other individules) at the "information source" (the considered system) are very significant in the studies of the structural stabilities in physics, chemistry and biology. In this paper, simple examples and a pairwise similarity formula suitable for assessing molecular diversity has been presented and used for species diversity calculation. 2. Entropy-information loss and entropy-similarity The choice of the definition that entropy is information loss [4] is convenient because it is at least already widely accepted by biologists and chemists. Entropy is defined here as a concept equivalent to Shannon's uncertainty. Another reason of using "entropy is information loss" definition is that there are only two kinds of information losses: one is due to dynamic motion which is illustrated in Figure 2; the other is due to intrinsic similarity of the symbols or the physical or conceptual entities (biological or chemical species, or 1 and 0 used for a binary system). Both information losses can happen actually in examples of communication (see the following). Shannon defined entropy ( H) as a measures of information, choice and uncertainty. Entropy, denoted here as S, is given by the familiar expression (the positive coefficient is taken as 1): Sppii iw =−∑ln =1 (1) where p i is the probability of the ith microstate with the property that pi iw =11∑= (2)3 Hrere we use a microstate as a symbol defined in Shannon's information source (Sometimes we will also use microstate as a message, which is made out of symbols. A microstate can be regarded as a composite symbols. An example of the composite symbol is the edcoding of A, B, C, D, etc by binary symbols 0 and 1. An "A" can be represented by a long composite symbol, a longer sequence of 0 and 1). Information loss due to dynamic motion is simple. If a set of all possible symbols all appears simultaneously with the identical probabilities, the situation is most chaotic (figure 2). Consequently there is no actual message selected. This is due to the similarity of the probability values of all the possible messages. If these probability values are the most similar (or the same), we have the highest entropy ( maxS=Sln w=) following the well-known inequality − ≤ ∑(lnln ppww i i=1i) (3) Then, the information has the minimum value (zero, I=0, see the following section). Even though it has not been discussed in Shannon's classical paper [3], the information loss due to the intrinsic similarity of symbols (and consider if these symbols belong to a set of distinguishable species by comparison, or consider directly the similarity of the species themselves) at the information source seems also clear. If all the fonts used in "I love her" are extremely similar (or the same) and this font is represented by @, we will have a sentence reads "@ @@@@ @@@" (Figure 3). If a typewriter has all keys actually extremely similar, to say all actually like "@". A discrete source using these extremely similar w microstates (symbols) actually cannot generate any information. If you send a telegraph by using this set of 26 symbols instead of the distinguishable 26-symbol "alphabet" (the 26 letters), of course the information loss will be obvious. Actually these 26 symbols are all @. Applying quations 1 and 2 will give the maximum entropy (Expression 3). Therefore, both cases satisfy the general relation of higher similarity-higher entropy (or higher information loss) (Figure 1c). Incidentally it should be pointed out that the higher entropy-higher similarity relation Figure 1c) holds universally true, where the mathematical proof is simply rooted at the well-known inequality (3) where the right side is the maximum entropy because all the w microstates or symbols are extremely similar or the same. This is summarized as the similarity principle: If all the other conditions remain constant, the higher the similarity among the components is, the higher value of4 entropy of the mixing (for fluid phases), the assembling (for solid phases) or any other analogous processes (of assemblage formation, such as quantum states in quantum mechanics) will be, the more spontaneous the processes will be, and the more stable the mixture and the assemblage will be. Practically this conforms to and explained all the related experimental facts, e.g., phase separation. Different substances do not mix but spontaneously separate because the indistinguishable substances are the most spontaneously miscible ones. In other words, as a consequence of the most spontaneously mixing of the most similar (indistinguishable) substances, different substances separate. Theoretically this is also conforms to, and can be used to prove Curie's symmetry principle (the effects are more symmetric than the causes) following a "higher similarity-higher symmetry-higher entropy-higher stability" relation. After the proof of the symmetry principle, and after the the connection of the symmetry principle and the second law being established, many outstanding phase transition problems (symmetry breaking probems) can be elegantly solved also [5,6]. It should be emphasized that a clear definition that entropy is information loss should be both very convenient and very necessary for further development in information theory towards its application in structural stability and process spontaneity characterization in physics, chemistry and biology. 3. The formula We define diversity on a relative scale [1]. The diversity index ( D) defined here is equivalent to Shannon's definition of redundancy. It is defined as the ratio of the information ( I) and the maximum information ( Imax), DI I= max(4) Entropy is unambiguously defined as information loss by the following relation: ISS=−max (5) In this equation, entropy is given by the familiar expression (euqtion 1), where p i is the probability of the ith microstate with the property that pi iw =11∑= 5 while the maximum entropy is Swmaxln=, where w is the indistinguishability number which is the number of microstates (or symbols) of indistinguishable property [1]. Because both information and entropy are logarethmic functions, both are never negative. Their minimum values are both zero. Their maximum values are the same value also ( maxmaxln ISw== ). The apparent indistinguishability number of microstates (or symbols) is defined as w p pw a i i i=1=−∑exp( ln) (6) and equation 1 becomes Sw=lna (7) which is the logarithmic relation of entropy and indistinguishability. Now the number of the indistinguishable symbols is aw. Practically, in order to record information at the information source, a system composed of N “unit devices” is used. In computer science or in our daily information recording as well, these “unit devices” are N symbols assembled on a media such as a piece of paper. These symbols appear as M attributes, based upon which it is said that the system has M species, such as the two species 0 and 1 in the binary system [3]. Because the assessment of diversity of N symbols (molecules or chemical samples for molecular diversity and a plant or an animal for biodiversity) is our only concern [4], the number of symbols (N) and the maximum species number ( M) are designated as the same: NM=. This can be envisaged as N holes in microplates used for bioactivity screening containing N compound samples. Normally N can be either greater or smaller than M. For example, a harddisk of N bits has N symbols with M equals 2. Normally if one puts 200 Chinese characters in a typical page of paper written in Chinese where N equals 200 and (here the species number M is the total number of different Chinese characters normally used which is 10000). If these N symbols are all distinguishable, they can be used to record the maximum information as given by equation 8. ()max,lnlnlnNINNwNNN === (8)6 For instance, if red ink is used to represent 0 and blue ink 1, and two bottles of these different inks are used, 2 bits of information can be recorded if the number of symbol ( N) is 2. There will be 4 (w==242) distinguishable microstates, see Figure 4). It is said that this is the maximum information (equation 8) because one can still intentionally use only a small part of the available species to record only smaller amount of information. In equation 8, w is the number of distinguishable microstates: wNN= (9) From equation 5, the corresponding entropy has the minimum value which is zero: () S NN min,ln==10 (10) This extreme case is illustrated in Figure 4 ( N=2, w=4) and Figure 5 ( N=3, w=27) [8]. Let all the N samples in the N bottles are the samples of extremely similar (or the same) property. Then there will be still wNN= microstates (or NN assemblages) constructed by the NN times of different combinatorial sequences of assembling to form solid structures. However, because they are all virtually indistinguishable microstates, there is always the minimum information and the maximum entropy (eqs 11 and 12): () INN min,ln==10 (11) () S NN w N N NN max,lnln ln == = (12) For example, suppose you have accidentally installed two bottles of red ink for a printer. Even though exactly the same amount of effort is taken to prepare the 4 microstates, i.e., the four microstates are prepared in a same way as that of Figure 4 by using inks from the two individual bottles, there will be 4 ( w==242) indistinguishable microstates (see Figure 6). Similarly, whether we factually take the same sample from one sample bottle or different sample bottles in bioactivity test laboratory, we always have w indistinguishable microstates, if they are virtually the same compound in all the N bottles; see Figure 6 ( N=2, w=4, if all species are factually 0) and Figure 7 (N=3, w=27, if all species are B). The maximum microstate indistinguishability number is therefore wNN= (13)7 These two extreme sets of distinguishable and indistinguishable microstates, which give the minimum (zero) entropy and the maximum entropy values, respectively (equations 10 and 12), already illustrated our unique approach based on our similarity-entropy relation (see also Figure 1c). Generally, suppose the N symbols used to construct NNmicrostates are only mutually similar to certain extent among them and they are neither distinguishable (equations 8 and 10) nor indistinguishable (equations 11 and 12). Instead of using equation 1 directly, eq 14 is used to calculate entropy. ()SNN p pij iN ij jN , (ln =−∑∑==) 11 (14) The N2 pairwise similarities rij in the table rr r rr r rr r11 12 1 21 22 2 1 2...... ...... ............... ............... ......N N N N NN(15) have values limited between 0 and 1 and are given by pairwise comparison among the N symbols according to one and only one systematically followed standard of comparison for all the values pij (iNjN = = 1 1 ,,;,, L L ). A normalization factor c is required also: c ij iN= ∑1 1r = (16) It follows that pcijij=r (17) Then equation 14 will give the same results as given by eqs 10 and 12 directly and respectively under the two extreme conditions. In principle, the general equation (equation 4) should be directly used, where w is simply replaced by NN. The obvious disadvantage of using equation 4 directly is that the sum runs all over the NNmicrostates (see Figures 4-7). The calculation of these terms of enormous number NN, which8 can be an astronomical figure, is impractical. Normally N is 100000, the size of a compound sample library or sublibrary. In equation 14, the number is substantially reduced to totally N2 terms of ppij ijln . Secondly, we may not be really interested in using the chemical samples or individual molecule to record information by taking the sample bottles as "unit devices". Therefore, we will not perform experiment or calculation to characterize the chemical structural and other physicochemical properties of all these NN microstates (combinatorial assemblings). Instead, we measure (or calculate from the known structures) the properties of the N individuals , based on which the pairwise similarities between any two compounds are to be relatively much easily calculated. This means that, instead of considering similarities and probabilities among NNmicrostates , only N2 probabilities pAA, pAB, pAC, etc., calculated from the pairwise similarities among the N individuals A, B, C, ..., etc., will be considered. The first column of Table 1 showed several sets of three imaginary compound samples or symbols (A, B and C) on a uniform property scale as used by Agrafiotis [10]. If the properties of the samples are the same, the points will coincide and these three samples all will be regarded as the same samples. If their distances are very short and they are very close, they are regarded as very similar. The probability pij calculated from equation 17 means the probability of finding the jth symbol as the ith species, or the jth sample as the ith chemical species. The diversity of these symbols is yet to be assessed and unknown; they are presumably similar to each other to certain extent among them [1]. Therefore, the comparisons are not performed between the N individuals and a set of a priori known set of distinguishable prototypes; the comparisons are performed among the N individuals themselves directly. The normalization factor c is required because these values are subject to the constraint: pijiN =11 ∑= (18) Using of the logarithmic expression of entropy SwN ==ln lna as (19)9 we define the apparent species indistinguishability number sa. For the examples shown in Figures 6 and 7, sa=N. Generally, sa=eS N(20) Easily, the apparent species number Ma can be calculated. M NNp p Nij ij iN jN a = a = +   =∑∑=expln ln1 11 s(21) Using this method properly, the molecular diversity as expressed by the diversity index D and several related parameters can be calculated. For instance, to compare the diversity of several selections of a sublibrary of compounds (molecules) from all available chemical sources, and to acquire the same number of samples of the highest diversity for many different screening purposes, the sublibrary of minimized entropy S and the maximized information I is desirable. 4. Pairwise Similarity Definition and Calculation Before calculating the biodiversity or molecular diversity of N individuals (symbols), the similarities for all the mutual pairwise comparisons among all the N individuals should be clearly defined. Whether it is a proper definition of pairwise similarities can be quickly checked first by the following criteria of the two extreme cases: (a) If N symbols are all distinguishable, the entropy of this system is the minimum which is zero (equation 10). (b) If N species are all indistinguishable, the entropy of this system is the maximum (equation 12). If the pairwise similarities are estimated directly by either rij ijd = −1 (22) or rij ijd=+1 1(23) which might be suitable for other methods [10], the maximum number of distinguishable species is only 2, located at the two ends of the property scale, 0.00 and 1.00, respectively. The distance dij10 between these two least similar species is 1.00. This does not conform with the first simple criterion (equation 10). Note, equation (23) does not conform with the second criterion either: The minimum similarity value is 0.5, instead of zero, which is normally the minimum value of a properly defined similarity scale [11]. The minimum value corresponds to the largest distance, which is 1 in Agrafiotis' definition [10]. We propose that, instead of equation 22, the following formula of pairwise similarity, which clearly conforms with the two simple criteria, is adopted: rijdij N dijN dij N=≥− − − <−  01 1 1 11 1, (), if if (24) In this formula, the shortest distance, which defines that certain two species are distinguishable, is dijN=−1 1(25) provided that the property scale range is [0, 1]. Again, remember that "distinguishability" means the least similarity. If the distance is shorter than 1/(1)N− (equation 25), the two considered samples are similar. If they coincide, they are indistinguishable samples or the same samples. If dij is no less than 1/(1)N−, ijr is zero and i and j are distinguishable. According to equation 24, it is easily verified that the individuals most uniformly distributed on the property scale have the highest diversity (the first row in Table 1, MNa==3, sa=1 and S=0), where all species are distinguishable, in contrast to a collection of samples as shown in the last row in Table 1, which has the lowest diversity and the highest indistinguishability ( Ma=1, sa==N3 and S=329.). For the latter case (the last row in Table 1), because the locations on the property scale of these three individuals are the same, they are the same species and all can be represented by one same symbol, to say B; the 27 indistinguishable microstates are those listed in Figure 5. The calculation results of several representative sets of samples by using eq 24 for pairwise similarity calculation are listed in Table 1.11 Table 1. Calculation of diversity based on the similarity formula eq. 24. Eqs 14, 19, 20, 21, 5 and 4 are used for calculating entropy ( S), apparent indistinguishability number of microstates ( wa), apparent indistinguishability number of species or apparent indistinguishability number of symbols (sa), the apparent number of species ( Ma), information ( I) and diversity index ( D), respectively. Sample PropertiesPairwise Similarity TableProbability TableSwasaMaID 0.00 0.50 1.00A B C100 010 001100 010 0010. 0.00 0.50 1.00A BC100 011 011100 00505 00505.. ..1.394.001.591.891.910.58 0.00 0.50 1.00A BC100 011 011100 00505 00505.. ..1.394.001.591.891.910.58 0.00 0.50 1.00A BC1005 0105 05051. . ..0670033 0067033 025025050. . .. ...2.3110.12.161.390.990.30 0.00 0.50 1.00ABC 111 111 111131313 131313 131313/// /// ///3.3027. 5. Concluding Remarks Traditionally the statistical mechanics concepts (e.g, Shannon's entropy [3] and the parameter of E. T. Jaynes [12] which is similar to temperature) and statistical mechanics expressions were introduced to information theory. This paper has described an application of information theory concepts in diversity assessment by introducing a new relation of entropy-similarity, based on the rejection of Gibes paradox statement, after the new relation of entropy-similarity having been used in many areas of physics and chemistry for structural stability and process spontaneity characterization [5-7]. We can see clearly that the similarity ( Z) of the species in a system ( fauna and flora in an ecosystem or a mixture of molecules in a chemical reaction container) [1] 1ZD=− (26) increases with the decrease in diversity ( D). The diversity defined here, even though only a relative scale, is useful for comparison, for monitoring the trend of the evolution and for the decision making. Similarity ( Z), called relative entropy by Shannon, is defined as maxSZS= (26) which depends directly on the pair-wise similarities. In contrast to the using of statistical mechanics concepts to information theory, which seems successful so far, the application of information theory to statistical mechanics has been unsuccessful. For instance, Jaynes' theory [12] has only been used to pure data reduction. In order to do this, it is necessary to define clearly the basic concepts. We have demonstrated that it is possible to avoid the widespread and continuous conceptual confusion between the information loss of dynamic mixing and the information loss in static assembling and to recognize that both satisfy the definition of entropy is information loss (Equation 5). The application of statistical mechanics already has some foundamental problems. An obvious problem is the Gibbs paradox, which is closely related to information theory [8]. The new relation (higher entropy-higher similarity relation, Figure 1c) contrasting to the so far widely accepted relations (Figure 1a or 1b), must have theoretical consequences in many areas. Therefore, the establishment of this new entropy-similarity relation, which is true in both dynamic and static cases,13 will be a significant step towards the direct application of some methods of information theory in statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. In a following paper, we will use this entropy- information loss definition and the new, higher entropy-higher similarity relation to discuss the symmetry problem [13,14]. A system of very high symmetry must have high entropy value and less information than a less symmetric system. A system of high diversity, which has been discussed here, must appear less symmetric. References and Notes 1.Lin, S. -K. 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Invited lecture at The 218th ACS national meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 22-26, 1999.15 Entropy SimilarityS=0 Z=0 Z=1SmaxEntropy SimilarityS=0 Z=0 Z=1SmaxEntropy SimilarityS=0 Z=0 Z=1Smax (a): Gibbs (b) Revised (c) Lin Figure 1. Correlation of entropy of mixing (fluid phase) or assembling (static or solid phase) with similarity. Entropy decreases discontinuously with the similarits of the components (Figure a) [8]; decreases continuously (Figure b) [9]; increase continuously (Figure c) [5-7].16 ABC (a) ABCBCACAB(b) Figure 2. Schematic representation of information loss due to dynamic motion. The pictures on the three positions are the same, hence they are symmetric. All the three letters appear at any position the same probability at Figure 2b. ABC(a) DDD(b) Figure 3. Schematic representation of information loss due to inherent similarities. If all the three letters used for information registration are actually look the same (have same properties as D), we have information loss due to the reduced number of species used for information recording or due to the reduction of diversity [1]. Any system of high diversity must have low similarity [1].17 00 11 01 10 Figure 4. A binary system of distinguishable species ( Ma=2) with N=2 which gives 4 distinguishable microstates. AAA AAB AAC ABA ABB ACA ACC ABC ACBBBB BAB BAA BBA BBC BCB BCC BAC BCACCC CAA CAC CBB CBC CCA CCB CBA CAB Figure 5. A trinary system of distinguishable species ( M=3) with ( N=3, M=3) which gives 27 distinguishable microstates.18 00 00 00 00 Figure 6. A binary system with N=2 which gives 4 indistinguishable microstates with the highest species indistinguishability ( sa=2). BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB Figure 7. A trinary system with ( N=3) which gives 27 indistinguishable microstates because of the highest species indistinguishability ( sa=3). An example is shown in Figure 6e, where the property is represented by the symbol "B".
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arXiv:physics/9910034v1 [physics.class-ph] 22 Oct 1999On the form of Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach force Sameen Ahmed KHAN∗ Modesto PUSTERLA† Dipartimento di Fisica Galileo Galilei Universit` a di Pado va Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Sezione di Pad ova Via Marzolo 8 Padova 35131 ITALY Abstract In recent times there has been a renewed interest in the force experienced by a charged-particle with anomalous magnetic moment in the pre sence of external fields. In this paper we address the basic question of the forc e experienced by a spin-1 2point-like charged-particle with magnetic and electric mo ments in the presence of space-and time-dependent external electromag netic fields, when derived from the Dirac equation viathe Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation technique. It is interesting to note that the force thus deri ved differs from the ones obtained by various other prescriptions. I. INTRODUCTION We present a derivation of the force experienced by a spin-1 2point-like charged-particle with anomalous magnetic and anomalous electric moments in t he presence of space-and time-dependent external electromagnetic fields, based ab initio on the Dirac equation via the Foldy-Wouthuysen (FW) transformation technique. In th e present derivation we neglect the radiation reaction and the electromagnetic fields are tr eated as classical. In absence of spin the force experienced by a point-like char ged-particle is completely described by the Lorentz force law ( FL=q(E+v×B)). In the regime where the spin and the magnetic moment are to be taken into account the quest ion of the form of the force obtained from the relativistic quantum theory is stil l unresolved to this day, though extensive studies, using diverse approaches have been done since the discovery of quantum mechanics. This is evident from the numerous approaches/pr escriptions which have been tried to address this basic question and are still being trie d. Before proceeding further we note that the expression quoted above constitutes the Loren tz force. The total force which ∗khan@pd.infn.it, http://www.pd.infn.it/ ∼khan/ †pusterla@pd.infn.it, http://www.pd.infn.it/ ∼pusterla/ 1we call as the Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach (LSG) force includes t he Lorentz force as the basic constituent and all the other contributions coming from the spin, anomalous magnetic and electric moments etc,. The reason for this nomenclature will be clear as we proceed . Here we quote a few approaches which have been used to address the question of the force and acceleration experienced by a charged-particle. A Lagr angian formalism based on the action principle has been suggested [1]- [3]. A Hamiltonian formalism is considered in [4]– [5]. In the case of slowly varying electromagnetic fields an a pproach based on the Dirac equation viathe WKB approximation scheme has been presented [6]. In the c ontext of the Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects [7]- [8], the question as to whether neutron acceleration can occur in uniform electromagnetic fields is also raised [9]- [11]. In the very recent work of Chaichian [4] it has been rightly pointed out t hat in the nonrelativistic limit the results of the above approaches do not coincide. This mot ivates us to examine the form of the force derived from the Dirac equation using the FW -transformation [13]- [14] scheme; note that the FW-transformation technique is the on ly one in which we can take the meaningful nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac equation [15]. The FW-approach gives the expression for the force in the presence of external time-de pendent fields, the nonrelativistic limit and a systematic procedure to obtain the relativistic corrections to a desired degree of accuracy. In such a derivation we also take into account the a nomalous electric moment. We compare the results of our derivation with other approaches mentioned above. One should also note that a novel approach for producing polarized beam s has been suggested using the Stern-Gerlach forces [16]- [17]. II. SECTION Let us consider the Dirac particle of rest mass m0, chargeq, anomalous magnetic moment µaand anomalous electric moment ǫa. In presence of the external electromagnetic fields, the Dirac equation is i¯h∂ ∂t|ΨD/an}bracketri}ht=ˆHD|ΨD/an}bracketri}ht (1) and the Dirac Hamiltonian H D, including the contributions of the anomalous magnetic moment and anomalous electric moment is given by [18]: ˆHD=βm0c2+ˆE+ˆO (2) ˆE= +qφ(r)I−µaβΣ·B+ǫaβΣ·E (3) ˆO=cα·(−i¯h∇−qA) + iµaβα·E+ iǫaβα·B β=/parenleftBigg 1 l0 0−1 l/parenrightBigg ,α=/parenleftBigg 0σ σ0/parenrightBigg ,Σ=/parenleftBigg σ0 0σ/parenrightBigg , (4) where σis the triplet of Pauli matrices. In the nonrelativistic situation the upper pair of componen ts of the Dirac spinor Ψ Dare large compared to the lower pair of components. The operator ˆEwhich does not couple the large and small components of Ψ Dis called as evenandˆOis called as an oddoperator which couples the large to small components. Note that βˆO=−ˆOβandβˆE=ˆEβ. This motivates us to look for a transformation which will elimina te the odd-part completely from 2the Dirac Hamiltonian. Such a transformation is available i n the case of the free-particle. In the very general case of time-dependent fields such a trans formation is not known to exist. Therefore, one has to be content with an approximatio n procedure which reduces the strength of the odd-part to a desired degree of accuracy in po wers of1 m0c2. We shall follow the Foldy-Wouthuysen [13]- [14] transformation technique to take the nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac Hamiltonian in (4) to reduce the strength of the o dd-part in power series in 1 m0c2. The result to the leading order, that is to order1 m0c2is formally given by i¯h∂ ∂t|ψ/an}bracketri}ht=ˆH(2)|ψ/an}bracketri}ht, ˆH(2)=m0c2β+ˆE+1 2m0c2βˆO2(5) and to next higher, order1 (m0c2)3is given by i¯h∂ ∂t|ψ/an}bracketri}ht=ˆH(4)|ψ/an}bracketri}ht, ˆH(4)=m0c2β+ˆE+1 2m0c2βˆO2 −1 8m2 0c4/bracketleftBigg ˆO,/parenleftBigg/bracketleftBigˆO,ˆE/bracketrightBig + i¯h∂ ∂tˆO/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg −1 (2m0c2)3βˆO4. (6) A detailed discussion of the FW-transformation and the deri vation of the above Hamiltonians can be found in many places (for instance the book by Bjorken a nd Drell in [14]). As a first step we consider the case of a charged particle negle cting the anomalous moments. In this case the Hamiltonian (6) works out to ˆH(4)=m0c2+qφ+1 2m0/parenleftBig ˆπ2−q¯hσ·B/parenrightBig +1 8m2 0c2¯hqσ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) −1 8m3 0c2/braceleftBig ˆπ4+ ¯h2q2B2−¯hq/parenleftBig ˆπ2(σ·B) + (σ·B) ˆπ2/parenrightBig/bracerightBig (7) A detailed formula including the µacontibutions is given by (A1) in the appendix. III. SECTION Now we use the Hamiltonian derived in (7) to compute the accel eration, aexperienced by the particle using the Heisenberg representation, d dt/angbracketleftBigˆO/angbracketrightBig =i ¯h/angbracketleftBig/bracketleftBigˆH,ˆO/bracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig +/angbracketleftBigg∂ ∂tˆO/angbracketrightBigg . (8) and we omit the brackets /an}bracketle{t· · ·/an}bracketri}ht. Then we obtain, 3m0˙r=m0d dtr=m0i ¯h/bracketleftBigˆH,r/bracketrightBig =ˆπ−1 4m2 0c2/parenleftBig ˆπ2ˆπ+ˆπˆπ2/parenrightBig −¯hq 4m0c2(σ×E) +¯hq 4m2 0c2(ˆπ(σ·B) + (σ·B)ˆπ) (9) Using the above expression for ˙rwe compute the acceleration m0a=m0d dt˙r=m0¨r =qE−q 4m2 0c2/parenleftBig ˆπ2E+Eˆπ2/parenrightBig −q 2m0(ˆπ×B−B׈π) −q 4m3 0c2/parenleftBig ˆπ2(ˆπ×B−B׈π) + (ˆπ×B−B׈π) ˆπ2/parenrightBig −q 4m2 0c2{(ˆπ·E+E·ˆπ)ˆπ+ˆπ(ˆπ·E+E·ˆπ)} +¯hq 2m0∇(σ·B)−¯hq 8m3 0c2/parenleftBig ˆπ2∇(σ·B) +∇(σ·B) ˆπ2/parenrightBig +¯hq2 4m2 0c2(E(σ·B) + (σ·B)E)−¯hq 8m2 0c2∇(σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π)) +¯hq2 8m3 0c2{(ˆπ×B−B׈π)(σ·B) + (σ·B)(ˆπ×B−B׈π)} +¯h2q2 8m3 0c2∇/parenleftBig B2/parenrightBig +¯hq2 4m2 0c2E(σ×B) −¯hq 4m0c2∂ ∂t(σ×B) +¯hq 4m2 0c2/parenleftBigg ˆπ∂ ∂t(σ·B) +∂ ∂t(σ·B)ˆπ/parenrightBigg +R (10) where therk-th component of Ris (R)rk=−¯hq 8m2 0c2/braceleftBig ˆπ·∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig +∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig ·ˆπ/bracerightBig rk=x,y,z, k = 1,2,3. (11) The above expression for the acceleration can be related to t he classical expression when we make the substitutionˆπ m0− →vwhere vis the velocity of the particle. With such a substitution and with β=|v| cwe get, a=/parenleftbigg 1−1 2β2/parenrightbiggq m0(E+v×B)−q m0v c2(v·E) /parenleftbigg 1−1 2β2/parenrightbigg¯hq 2m0∇(σ·B)−¯hq 4m0c2∇(σ·(v×E)) 1 m0c2{q(E+v×B)}¯hq 2m0(σ·B) +· · · (12) 4The above derivation is consistent with the result [19] of cl assical electrodynamics a=q m0/radicalBig 1−β2/braceleftbigg E+v×B−v c2(v·E)/bracerightbigg (13) In the nonrelativistic limit the force Fis well-approximated by the expression F=m0a. So we can use the expression for the acceleration, aderived using the Foldy-Wouthuysen technique to express the force experienced by the charged pa rticle. The leading order Foldy-Wouthuysen Hamiltonian, when we ta ke the anomalous mag- netic moment and anomalous electric moment into account is g iven by ˆH(2)=m0c2−µaσ·B+ǫaσ·E+qφ +1 2m0c2/braceleftBigg c2/parenleftBig ˆπ2−q¯hσ·B/parenrightBig + (µaE+ǫaB)2 +µacσ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) +ǫacσ·(ˆπ×B−B׈π)/bracerightBigg (14) Next, to leading order Hamiltonian is given in (A1) of the app endix. Now we use the above derived Hamiltonians in (14) to compute t he Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach force and we get ˙r=d dtr=1 m0/braceleftbigg ˆπ−/parenleftbiggµa c(σ×E) +ǫa c(σ×B)/parenrightbigg/bracerightbigg =1 m0ˆ/producttext(15) Where ˆ/producttextis thekinetic momentum . The Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach force in the absence of ǫais: F=d dtˆ/producttext=i ¯h/bracketleftBigˆH,ˆ/producttext/bracketrightBig +∂ ∂tˆ/producttext =q/braceleftbigg E+1 2m0(ˆπ×B−B׈π)/bracerightbigg +/parenleftBigg µa+q¯h 2m0/parenrightBigg ∇(σ·B)−µa c∂ ∂t(σ×E) −µa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π)) +2µa ¯hc/parenleftBigg µa+¯hq 2m0/parenrightBigg E×(σ×B)−1 2m0c2∇/parenleftBig µ2 aE2/parenrightBig +iµ2 a 2m0c2¯h((ˆπ×E)×E−E×(E׈π)) +µ2 a 2m0c2¯h{(σ×(ˆπ×E−E׈π))×E−E×(σ×(ˆπ×E−E׈π))} +R (16) where therk-th component of Ris 5(R)rk=−µa 2m0c/braceleftBig ˆπ·∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig +∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig ·ˆπ/bracerightBig rk=x,y,z, k = 1,2,3. (17) For simplicity we first consider the the acceleration (or equ ivalently the force) experienced by a neutron Fneutron = +µa∇(σ·B)−µa c∂ ∂t(σ×E) −µa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆp×E−E׈p)) +2µ2 a ¯hcE×(σ×B)−1 2m0c2∇/parenleftBig µ2 aE2/parenrightBig +iµ2 a 2m0c2¯h((ˆp×E)×E−E×(E׈p)) +µ2 a 2m0c2¯h{(σ×(ˆp×E−E׈p))×E−E×(σ×(ˆp×E−E׈p))} +· · · +O/parenleftBig µ3 a/parenrightBig (18) In the above expression in (18) the leading terms have been re tained and the “ · · ·” indicates the higher order terms. The complete expression is given in ( A2) in the appendix. The detailed formulae shall be given in an appendix at the end. Th is is the case where ever the “· · ·” appear in the expressions. From the expression (18) we conclude that the leading order ( linear inµa) contributions to the neutron acceleration come through the gradients and t he time derivatives of the electromagnetic fields. Such contributions disappear in th e case of uniform and constant fields respectively. The next-to-leading order contributi ons come from the terms of the type µ2 aE×(σ×B). Such contributions do not vanish and hence we have neutron acceleration even in the presense of uniform fields. Such accelerations ar e quadratic (and higher powers) inµaand hence are very small. In the expression (16) for the Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach force if we substitute µa=g¯h|q| 4m0andq=−ewe get the often mentioned term, + g(g−2)E×(σ×B) in [6]. In the presence of the anomalous electric moment ǫathe Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach force is: F=q/braceleftbigg E+1 2m0(ˆπ×B−B׈π)/bracerightbigg +/parenleftBigg µa+q¯h 2m/parenrightBigg ∇(σ·B)−ǫa∇(σ·E) −1 c∂ ∂t(µa(σ×E) +ǫa(σ×B)) −µa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π))−ǫa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆπ×B−B׈π)) · · · (19) 6IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY As can be seen above we get a variety of terms contributing to t he Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach force. The nonrelativistic static limit coincides with the usual “ classical” formula if Bis time- independent, inhomogeneous and Eis absent in the lab system. Otherwise there are differ- ences even at low non-relativistic velocities. In particul ar one may consider the force terms µa 2m0c∇(σ·(v×E)) and1 2m0c2∇/parenleftBig µ2 aE2/parenrightBig that are present whenever a spin-1 2particle with charge enters into an inhomogeneous static electric field (i n absence of B). Another relevant point to be noted is the force experienced b y a neutron (more generally by an electrically neutral particle). In this case we find con tributions even when the fields are homogeneous and static. The LSG force derived using the FW-tchnique differs from the o ther approaches which use a “classical” or “semiclassical” treatment of the relat ivistic Stern-Gerlach force [5]. Only experiments with very high precision can conclude abou t the finer differences in the various expressions for the force. Acknowledgement The authors are very greatful to Prof. R. Jagannathan (Insti tute of Mathematical Science, Madras, India) for very useful discussions on the subjects d ealt in this paper. APPENDIX For the general case including, the contributions of the ano malous magnetic moment, the Hamiltonian (in 6) works out to ˆH(4)=m0c2+qφ+1 2m0ˆπ2 −/parenleftBigg¯hq 2m0+µa/parenrightBigg (σ·B) +µa 2m0cσ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) +µ2 a 2m0c2E2 +1 8m2 0c4/braceleftBig +¯hqc2σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) + 2µa¯hqcE2 −µ2 a((σ·ˆπ)(ˆπ·B+B·ˆπ) + (ˆπ·B+B·ˆπ)(σ·ˆπ)) −µ2 a¯hcσ·(∇(E·B+B·E)) + 4µ3 a(σ·E) (E·B)/bracerightBig −1 (2m0c2)3/braceleftBig c4/parenleftBig ˆπ4+ ¯h2q2B2−¯hq/parenleftBig ˆπ2(σ·B) + (σ·B) ˆπ2/parenrightBig/parenrightBig +µac3/parenleftBig ˆπ2σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) +σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) ˆπ2/parenrightBig −µac¯hq(B·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) + (ˆπ×E−E׈π)·B) −iµac¯hqσ·(B×(ˆπ×E−E׈π) + (ˆπ×E−E׈π)×B) +µ2 ac2/parenleftBig/parenleftBig ˆπ2E2+E2ˆπ2/parenrightBig + (ˆπ×E−E׈π)2/parenrightBig +iµ2 ac2σ·((ˆπ×E−E׈π)×(ˆπ×E−E׈π)) −µ2 ac2¯hq/parenleftBig E2(σ·B) + (σ·B)E2/parenrightBig 7+µ3 ac/parenleftBig E2σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π) +σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π)E2/parenrightBig +µ4 aE4/bracerightBig . (A1) The total acceleration (or equivalently the force) experie nced by a neutron when both µa andǫaare taken into account is: F=µa∇(σ·B)−ǫa∇(σ·E) −1 c∂ ∂t(µa(σ×E) +ǫa(σ×B)) −µa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆp×E−E׈p))−ǫa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆp×B−B׈p)) −1 2m0c2∇/braceleftBig µ2 aE2+ǫ2 aB2+µaǫa(E·B+B·E)/bracerightBig −2µ2 a ¯hc(σ×B)×E−2ǫ2 a ¯hc(σ×E)×B +2µaǫa ¯hc((σ×E)×E−(σ×B)×B) −iµ2 a 2m0c2¯h((ˆp×E)×E−E×(E׈p)) −iǫ2 a 2m0c2¯h((ˆp×B)×B−B×(B׈p)) +µ2 a 2m0c2¯h{(σ×(ˆp×E−E׈p))×E−E×(σ×(ˆp×E−E׈p))} +ǫ2 a 2m0c2¯h{(σ×(ˆp×B−B׈p))×B−B×(σ×(ˆp×B−B׈p))} −iµaǫa 2m0c2¯h/braceleftBigg (ˆp×B−B׈p)×E+E×(ˆp×B−B׈p) + (ˆp×E−E׈p)×B+B×(ˆp×E−E׈p)/bracerightBigg +µaǫa 2m0c2¯h/braceleftbigg (σ×(ˆp×B−B׈p))×E−E×(σ×(ˆp×B−B׈p)) + (σ×(ˆp×E−E׈p))×B−B×(σ×(ˆp×E−E׈p))/bracerightBigg +R (A2) where therk-th component of Ris (R)rk=−µa 2m0c/braceleftBig ˆp·∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig +∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig ·ˆp/bracerightBig −ǫa 2m0c/braceleftBig ˆp·∇/parenleftBig (σ×B)rk/parenrightBig +∇/parenleftBig (σ×B)rk/parenrightBig ·ˆp/bracerightBig rk=x,y,z, k = 1,2,3. (A3) In the presence of the anomalous electric moment ǫathe Lorentz-Stern-Gerlach force is: 8F=q/braceleftbigg E+1 2m0(ˆπ×B−B׈π)/bracerightbigg +/parenleftBigg µa+q¯h 2m/parenrightBigg ∇(σ·B)−ǫa∇(σ·E) −1 c∂ ∂t(µa(σ×E) +ǫa(σ×B)) −µa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆπ×E−E׈π))−ǫa 2m0c∇(σ·(ˆπ×B−B׈π)) −1 2m0c2∇/braceleftBig µ2 aE2+ǫ2 aB2+µaǫa(E·B+B·E)/bracerightBig +µaq m0c((σ×E)×B−(σ×B)×E) −2µ2 a ¯hc(σ×B)×E−2ǫ2 a ¯hc(σ×E)×B +2µaǫa ¯hc((σ×E)×E−(σ×B)×B) −iµ2 a 2m0c2¯h((ˆπ×E)×E−E×(E׈π)) −iǫ2 a 2m0c2¯h((ˆπ×B)×B−B×(B׈π)) +µ2 a 2m0c2¯h{(σ×(ˆπ×E−E׈π))×E−E×(σ×(ˆπ×E−E׈π))} +ǫ2 a 2m0c2¯h{(σ×(ˆπ×B−B׈π))×B−B×(σ×(ˆπ×B−B׈π))} −iµaǫa 2m0c2¯h/braceleftBigg (ˆπ×B−B׈π)×E+E×(ˆπ×B−B׈π) + (ˆπ×E−E׈π)×B+B×(ˆπ×E−E׈π)/bracerightBigg +µaǫa 2m0c2¯h/braceleftbigg (σ×(ˆπ×B−B׈π))×E−E×(σ×(ˆπ×B−B׈π)) + (σ×(ˆπ×E−E׈π))×B−B×(σ×(ˆπ×E−E׈π))/bracerightBigg +R (A4) where therk-th component of Ris (R)rk=−µa 2m0c/braceleftBig ˆπ·∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig +∇/parenleftBig (σ×E)rk/parenrightBig ·ˆπ/bracerightBig −ǫa 2m0c/braceleftBig ˆπ·∇/parenleftBig (σ×B)rk/parenrightBig +∇/parenleftBig (σ×B)rk/parenrightBig ·ˆπ/bracerightBig rk=x,y,z, k = 1,2,3. 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arXiv:physics/9910035v1 [physics.data-an] 25 Oct 1999Analyzing symmetry breaking within a chaotic quantum syste m via Bayesian inference C. I. Barbosa and H. L. Harney Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik, D-69029 Heidelberg , Germany (November 3, 2013) Bayesian inference is applied to the level fluctuations of tw o coupled microwave billiards in order to extract the coupling strength. The coupled resonators pr ovide a model of a chaotic quantum system containing two coupled symmetry classes of levels. T he number variance is used to quantify the level fluctuations as a function of the coupling and to con struct the conditional probability distribution of the data. The prior distribution of the coup ling parameter is obtained from an invariance argument on the entropy of the posterior distrib ution. PACS number(s): 02.50.Wp, 05.45.+b, 11.30.Er I. INTRODUCTION The subject of the present paper is Bayesian inference as applied to the experiment of Ref. [1] in order to extract the mean square matrix element coupling two chaotic classes of quantum states. The Bayesian procedure de- scribed below does not contain any arbitrary element: The prior distribution — sometimes left to the educated guess of the analyst [2] — is determined by an invariance argument on the entropy of the posterior distribution. The present article is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we briefly describe the experiment with superconducting microwave resonators that has provided the data for the present analysis. The random matrix model for the cou- pling of two symmetry classes of chaotic states is defined in Sec. III. It yields — in analytic form — the depen- dence of the observable on the coupling strength which is to be determined. Bayesian inference, especially the def- inition of the prior distribution, is discussed in Sec. IV. The conditional probability distribution of the data is defined in Sec. V. The results are given in Sec. VI. A discussion in Sec. VII concludes the paper. II. THE EXPERIMENT WITH COUPLED MICROWAVE RESONATORS Billiards provide models of classical and quantum me- chanical chaos. They have been studied extensively, see the review article [3]. Quantum mechanical billiards can be simulated by flat microwave resonators [4–7]. One class of these “quantum” billiards are the Bunimovich stadium billiards [8] experimentally investigated in Refs . [1,7,9–12]. These investigations show that the fluctuation prop- erties of the quantum chaotic systems with well defined symmetries are described by Dyson’s matrix ensembles [3]. In the case of the stadium billiards, the correct de- scription is provided by the Gaussian Orthogonal En- semble (GOE). This means, e.g., that the fluctuations of the positions of the eigenmodes — shortly the level fluctuations — are the same as the fluctuations of theeigenvalues of random matrices drawn from the GOE. In order to assess these fluctuations, various statistics have been defined — such as the distance of neighboring levels or the variance of the number of levels in a given inter- val. The expectation values of these statistics have been worked out [13,14] for comparison with data such as the present ones. In the previous work [1], the level positions of a system have been measured that consisted of two (quarters of) stadium billiards coupled electromagnetically. See Fig. 1 . The technical realization of the coupling has been de- scribed in Ref. [1]. In the frequency range of 0 to 16 GHz, the complete spectra of the two stadia displayed 608 and 883 resonances in the ( γ= 1) stadium and the (γ= 1.8) stadium, respectively. The mean level spacing isD= 10.7 MHz. In Fig. 2, small pieces of spectra are shown for three different couplings. The arrows shall help to recognize that — due to the coupling — the resonances are shifted by statistically varying amounts. This system simulates two symmetry classes of levels coupled by a symmetry breaking interaction. Each class of levels — represented by each of the uncoupled stadia — can be identified with a chaotic system of well defined symmetry having the properties of the GOE. The entire system of the coupled stadia no longer has the universal properties of the GOE. Its properties are a function of a suitably defined coupling parameter Λ. FIG. 1. Shapes of the two coupled stadium billiards. The circles inside the squares indicate the positions of the ant en- nas used to scatter microwave power through the system in order to find the eigenfrequencies of the entire system. The parameter γis the ratio between the length of the rectangular part and the radius of the circular part of the resonator. The vertical heights of the stadia are given in Sec. VI. 1FIG. 2. Three spectra — within a small range of frequen- cies — taken at different couplings between the two res- onators. The coupling increases from top to bottom. Its notation ( x, y) is explained in Sec. VI. The arrows shall help to recognize the shifts of a few resonances. The investigation of symmetry breaking in chaotic quantum systems is not a recent challenge to physicists [15]. Good examples of the experimental and theoretical efforts already invested into this problem, are the cases of isospin mixing [16–18], of parity violation in heavy nuclei [19], of the breaking of certain atomic and molecu- lar symmetries [15,20]. The experiment performed in [1] provides a general model for these case studies. In the present paper, we do not describe any one of the specific case studies; we shall not even describe in more detail the model experiment of Ref. [1]. We rather describe — in the next section — the model experiment [1] in an abstract mathematical form and then turn to its analysis in Secs. IV-VII. III. THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF SYMMETRY BREAKING IN A CHAOTIC QUANTUM SYSTEM In the absence of coupling each eigenstate of the system of Fig. 1 can be characterized as belonging to either res- onator 1 or resonator 2. This is equivalent to the assign- ment of a quantum number γ. The spectrum of states of eachγhas the statistical properties of the eigenvalues of matrices drawn from the GOE. The superposition of the two spectra displays what we shall call 2 GOE behavior. It can be described by a block-diagonal Hamilton oper-ator where each block is an element of the GOE, hence, by the first term of the Hamiltonian H=/parenleftBigg GOE 0 0GOE/parenrightBigg +α/parenleftBigg 0V V+0/parenrightBigg . (1) Forα/negationslash= 0, the off-diagonal matrix Vin the second term on the r.h.s. provides the coupling between both sym- metry classes. It has Gaussian random elements — as the GOE blocks. If the two GOE blocks have the same dimension then their elements as well as the elements of Vshall all have the same rms value. Then α= 1 turns Has a whole into a GOE matrix [21]. The resulting spectrum displays what we call 1 GOE behavior. If the two GOE blocks have different dimensions, then the rms values must be chosen such that their spectra have the same length. The details are given in [14]. This model is a special case of the model by Rosenzweig and Porter [15]. The parameter that governs the level statistics is αv/D rather than α. Here, Dis the mean level distance of H. See Refs. [14,18]. In the sequel, the coupling parameter Λ =/parenleftBigαv D/parenrightBig2 (2) will be used. Often the coupling strength is also parametrized in terms of the spreading width Γ↓= 2π(αv)2 D = 2πΛD. (3) The statistic used in the present paper in order to characterize the behavior of the data, is the so-called Σ2 statistic or number variance. It is the variance z(L) of the number n(L) of levels found in an interval of length LD, i.e. z(L) =/angbracketleft(n(L)−L)2/angbracketright. (4) Here, the angular brackets /angbracketleft/angbracketrightdenote the average over all pieces of spectra of length Lthat have been cut out of the entire experimental spectrum. The procedure is described in Sec. V. The expectation value z(L) with respect to the statis- tical ensemble defined by Eq. (1) is called Σ2(L,Λ). This function has been calculated by French et al. [13] and by Leitner et al. [14]. According to [14], it is Σ2(L,Λ) =z(L) = Σ2(L,∞) +1 π2ln/parenleftbigg 1 +π2L2 4(τ+π2Λ)2/parenrightbigg .(5) Here, Σ2(L,∞) is the expression Σ2(L,∞) =2 π2/braceleftbigg ln(2πL) +γE+ 1 +1 2[Si(πL)]2 −π 2Si(πL)−cos(2πL)−Ci(2πL) +π2L/bracketleftbigg 1−2 πSi(2πL)/bracketrightbigg/bracerightbigg . (6) 2It describes the 1 GOE behavior. The second term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (5) obviously vanishes for Λ → ∞. In Eq. (6), γEis Euler’s constant and Si, Ci are the sine and cosine integrals defined e.g. in paragraph 8.23 of [22]. The parameter τis a function of the ratio between the dimensions of the two GOE blocks in the first term of Eq. (1). In the present situation, it is equal to 0.74. The function Σ2depends on the coupling parameter Λ — as is illustrated by Fig. 3. Therefore Λ can be in- ferred from the experimental number variance z(L) . The principle of this inference is described in the next section . FIG. 3. The expectation value Σ2(L,Λ) of the number vari- ancez(L) as a function of Lfor various coupling strengths Λ — ranging from 2 GOE to 1 GOE behavior. The abscissa has been limited to L≤5 because the data analyzed below are in the range of 1 ≤L≤5. IV. BAYESIAN INFERENCE Suppose that a set of experimental data zk,k= 1...M, is given which depends on a parameter Λ in the sense that the probability distribution wkof the event zkis conditioned by the hypothesis Λ, wk=wk(zk|Λ). (7) The events zkshall be statistically independent of each other. The joint distribution Wof the zk,k= 1...M, is then W(z|Λ) =M/productdisplay k=1wk(zk|Λ). (8) From this follows the distribution P(Λ|z) of Λ under the condition that the data zare given via Bayes’ theoremP(Λ|z) =W(z|Λ)µ(Λ) m(z). (9) Here, µ(Λ) is the so-called prior distribution. It is the measure of integration in the space of Λ. One must de- fine it such that it represents ignorance on Λ — in a sense described below. The function m(z) is the prior distri- bution of z. It is not independent of µ; it is given by the normalizing integral m(z) =/integraldisplay dΛW(z|Λ)µ(Λ). (10) In the framework of the logic underlying Eq. (9), a prob- ability distribution of — say — Λ is considered to rep- resent the available knowledge on Λ and the prior distri- bution corresponds to “ignorance about Λ”. The definition of µ(Λ) deserves a detailed comment. First of all, the natural choice of µ(Λ) is not the con- stant function because a reparametrization Λ →λ(Λ) will transform µ(Λ) into µT(λ) =µ(Λ)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledΛ dλ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle. (11) Unless the transformation is linear, it turns a uniform distribution into a non-uniform one. We define µ(Λ) such that the entropy of P(Λ|z) does not depend on the true value ˆΛ that governs the distri- bution of the data z= (z1...zM). The data follow the distribution W(z|ˆΛ). Although ˆΛ is not known, it is sup- posed to be a well defined number. If it is shifted to another value ˆΛ′and one takes new data z′and con- structs the posterior distribution P′=P(Λ|z′) from the new data, then one can expect P′to be shifted with re- spect to P. The distribution P′will be centered in the vicinity of ˆΛ′rather than ˆΛ. However, we want to make sure that the “spread” of P′is the same as that of P; that is, the entropy of PandP′shall be the same — for a given number of data M. In this sense, no value of Λ is a priori preferred over any other one. The definition of the entropy requires some attention. The usual formula −/integraltext dΛPlnPfor the entropy is of too restricted validity in the present context, because this expression is not invariant under a reparametriza- tion Λ →λ(Λ). The general expression for the entropy is H=−/integraldisplay dΛP(Λ|z) lnP(Λ|z) µ(Λ)(12) which is independent of a reparametrization [23,24], be- cause the transformations of both distributions, Pandµ, are performed according to (11). Therefore the deriva- tive|dΛ/dλ|drops out of the argument of the logarithm and expression (12) is left unchanged by the substitution Λ→λ. 3It is possible to define µsuch that His independent of the true value ˆΛ, ifWpossesses the property introduced in [24–26] called form invariance. It states that there is a group of transformations Gρsuch that the simultaneous transformation of zand Λ leaves Winvariant, i.e. W(Gρz|GρΛ)dGρz=W(z|Λ)dz. (13) The group parameter ρmust have the same domain of definition as the hypothesis Λ. If one chooses µ(Λ) to be the invariant measure of the group then it is not difficult to show that the posterior distribution Palso possesses the invariance (13). This entails that His invariant un- der any transformation z→ G ρzof the data. However, by Eq. (13) this is just what happens to a given data set if the true value ˆΛ is shifted to ˆΛ′=G−1 ρˆΛ. There is a handy formula that yields the invariant mea- sure without any study of the structure of the group. It is µ(Λ) =/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleM−1/integraldisplay dMz W(z|Λ)∂2 ∂Λ2lnW(z|Λ)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1/2 (14) and was proposed by Jeffreys [27] even before form in- variance was discussed. Not every conditional distribution Wpossesses a sym- metry (13). Even if this is not the case, expression (14) ensures that His approximately independent of the true value of Λ. This holds in the following sense: For every ˆΛ one can replace the correct distribution W(z|Λ) by an approximation Wapp(z|Λ) which is form invariant. The approximate and the correct distributions agree within the fourth order of Λ −ˆΛ. Equation (14) yields the in- variant measure of the approximation to within the third order of Λ −ˆΛ [28]. In summary: expression (14) ensures that no value of Λ is a priori preferred over any other one if the form invariance (13) exists. If there is no form invariance, ex- pression (14) approximately ensures this. Therefore (14) is the best recommendation in any case. Neither the group theoretic argument nor Jeffreys’ rule nor information theoretic arguments are new in the dis- cussion of the Bayesian prior. However, the way in which they are related justifies the present digression on a fun- damental issue. We omit to show how and why the present arguments are related to the geometric consid- erations which were introduced by Amari [29] and are currently put forward by Rodriguez [30]. These authors agree on the result (14). The posterior distribution Pis used to construct an interval of error often called a confidence interval. It is the shortest interval that contains Λ with probability K. The usual error is defined with the confidence K= 0.68. The posterior distribution Papproaches a Gaussian forM→ ∞ provided that the true value of Λ is not on the border of the domain of definition of Λ. One can prove that the variance of the Gaussian is proportional toM−1. Hence, with increasing Mthe posterior distri- bution Pwill become so narrow that µchanges very littlein the domain where Pis essentially different from zero. Note that µdoes not depend on M. Then µdrops out of expression (9). If this happens, the present Bayesian analysis becomes equivalent to a χ2fit of Σ2(L,Λ) to the experimental points z(L). The standard procedure of the χ2fit can e.g. be found in [31]. It does not require a prior distribution. IfPis not Gaussian, the χ2fit yields meaningless con- fidence intervals. Then Bayesian inference cannot be by- passed. In the example presented below this happens in the limit of small coupling between the resonators: Eventually, the posterior distribution Pdecreases mono- tonically. The experiment is then compatible with zero coupling because the shortest confidence interval contains the point Λ = 0 for any K. The point of zero coupling is on the border of the domain of definition of Λ. V. THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE DATA Spectral fluctuation properties can only be studied af- ter secular variations of the level density have been re- moved, i.e. after the frequency scale has been transformed such that the level density becomes unity within the in- terval covered by the experiment. This procedure — of- ten called “unfolding” the spectrum — is a standard one [32] and has been applied. After this we defined — for a given interval of length L —NLadjacent intervals. The intervals did not overlap and no space was left in between them. This means NL=/bracketleftbigglength of spectrum L/bracketrightbigg , (15) where the square brackets designate the largest integer contained in the fraction. For each interval, the num- bern(L) of levels occuring within it was counted and the squared difference ( n(L)−L)2was averaged over the NLintervals. This defines the average /angbracketleft/angbracketrightintroduced in Eq. (4) and, hence, the “event” z(L). This procedure was repeated for a set of values Lk,k= 1...M, to be defined below. In this way, Mevents zk≡z(Lk) (16) were obtained. The Bayesian procedure outlined in the previous sec- tion requires that one assigns a probability distribution wk(zk|Λ) to each event. The zkare statistical quanti- ties in the following sense: If another spectrum would be provided that had the same statistical properties as the measured one and the data zkwould be constructed in the same way as above, they would of course not coincide with the data obtained from the actually measured spec- trum — precisely because the levels are subject to statis- tical fluctuations. If one could go through the ensemble of spectra in this way, one would obtain an ensemble of 4datazk. We are looking for the distribution wkof this en- semble. Since there is only the single measured spectrum and since no theory yielding wkis available, we have gen- erated the distribution of zkby Efron’s bootstrap method [33]. This method generates the distribution numerically by drawing at random and independently a new set of NLkintervals from the NLkoriginal intervals. A new zk is produced from this new set of intervals. Repeating this many times, a distribution of zkis generated which is identified with the distribution wkof the zk. Note that NLkis always large, namely NLk>∼300. ForLk≥1, the distribution wkwas in this way found to be a χ2distribution with NLkdegrees of freedom — which intuitively seems reasonable. They are close to Gaussians with variance 2 /NLkAs mentioned above in Sec. III, the mean value of this distribution is zk=/integraldisplay dz z w k(z|Λ) = Σ2(Lk,Λ). (17) Since Σ2depends on Λ — see Eq. (5) — the distribution wkdepends on Λ. We have restricted the analysis to Lk≥1. In the do- main of Lk<1, the number variance so weakly depends on the parameter Λ that one does not give away much information by this restriction. In order to avoid an unnecessarily complicated distri- bution of the zk, we want to be sure that there are no correlations between zkandzk′, fork/negationslash=k′. It was there- fore necessary to determine the minimum ǫof the dis- tance |Lk−Lk′|that would still allow for statistically independent zk,zk′. Indeed if |Lk−Lk′|is very small then most of the intervals associated with Lkwill almost coincide with an interval associated with Lk′. As a conse- quence, many of the numbers n(Lk) found in the intervals associated with Lkwill occur also in the intervals asso- ciated with Lk′. Hence, zkwill not be independent from zk′. In order to determine ǫ, we have calculated z(L) as a function of Lin steps of 0.001. For a small range of L, the result is given in Fig. 4. Indeed over a distance of a few times this step width, z(L) changes little. If |L−L′|is many times this step width, then z(L) and z(L′) show independent fluctuations. In principle, one can study the decay of the correlations as a function of |L−L′|by constructing the autocorrelation function of z(L). We have contented ourselves to inspect Fig. 4 and similar plots for different domains of L. It seems obvious from Fig. 4 that the typical width of the structures is less than 0.025. This justifies to set ǫ= 0.025, (18) to define Lk= 1 + ( k−1)ǫ, k = 1,2, ...M , (19) and to assume that zkis statistically independent of zk′ fork/negationslash=k′.FIG. 4. The experimental estimate z(L) of the number variance — see Eq. (4) — as a function of Lcalculated in steps of ∆ L= 0.001. The typical width of the structures in this fluctuating function determines the range ǫover which z(L) and z(L+ǫ) may be correlated. Conversely, it serves to estimate the minimum distance ǫbetween LandL′which must be respected if z(L) shall not be correlated with z(L′). There is an upper limit LmaxofLthat one must be aware of: The spectral fluctuations of levels from billiards agree with those of random matrices — i.e. they are uni- versal — within intervals of a maximum length which is inversely proportional to the length of the shortest peri- odic orbit in the billiard [34,35]. This requires Lmax= 5 here. Hence, data z(L) for 1 ≤L≤5 were used to obtain the results presented below. This means that by Eqs. (18,19) the number of statistically independent data points is M= 161. Let us note that one can devise definitions of the set of intervals with given length Lother than adjacent inter- vals — as was done here. One can admit a certain overlap between them as suggested in [36] or one can place them at random [37]. We have tried these alternatives and have made sure that they do not significantly change the results presented below. VI. RESULTS The data z(Lk),k= 1, ...,161, are given on Fig. 5 for the six different couplings that were experimentally in- vestigated. The coupling strength increases from top to bottom on Fig. 5. Its experimental realization is indi- cated by the two numbers ( x1, x2) in brackets that label the six parts of the figure. They are explained as follows: 5The billiards were positioned with their flat sides against each other. Holes were drilled through the walls of the resonators such that a niobium pin could be inserted per- pendicularly to the plane of the billiards through the (γ= 1.8) stadium into the ( γ= 1) stadium. The cou- pling strength is determined by the depths x1andx2by which the niobium pin penetrates into the ( γ= 1) and the (γ= 1.8) stadium, respectively. These depths are given by ( x1, x2) in mm. The net height of the ( γ= 1) stadium was 7 mm and that of the ( γ= 1.8) stadium was 8 mm. For the strongest coupling — i.e. the bottom part of the figure — a second niobium pin, penetrating all the way through both resonators, was added. The coupling (0,8) — i.e. the top part of the figure — is the case, where the billiards should be decoupled. FIG. 5. The number variance z(L) (crosses) and its ex- pectation value Σ2(L,Λ) (full lines) for various experimental couplings ( x1, x2). The dashed lines display the 2 GOE behav- ior, i.e. Σ2(L,0). The dotted lines give the 1 GOE behavior, i.e. Σ2(L,∞). The dashed lines on Fig. 5 illustrate the limiting case of 2 GOE behavior, i.e. expression (5) with Λ = 0. The dot- ted lines show the limit of 1 GOE behavior, i.e. expression (6). Obviously, all six cases are not easily distinguished from the 2 GOE behavior, i.e. Λ = 0.Prior to the analysis it was therefore not clear whether the six experimental cases would yield distinguishable coupling parameters Λ and whether these would even be distinguishable from zero. The latter question means ac- cording to Sec. IV: It was not clear whether a χ2fit would be appropriate. Therefore the whole analysis was based on Bayesian inference. The prior distribution was calcu- lated from (14). The probability distribution wk(zk|Λ) of the data has been defined in Sec. V. Whether form invariance exists has not been investigated. The scat- ter of the data is quite large — especially for Lclose to 5. These fluctuations are assessed by the distribution wk(zk|Λ). The fluctuations increase with increasing L. This is reflected by the fact that wkwas found to be a χ2distribution with NLkdegrees of freedom. Its rela- tive rms deviation is/radicalbig 2/NLkandNLkdecreases with increasing Lk, see Eq. (15). Despite the scatter of the data the coupling parameter is so well determined that the analysis distinguishes the six experimental cases from each other — because the number of data points is large enough. For all cases except coupling (0,8), the posterior distri- bution (9) turned out to be Gaussian. This is illustrated on Fig. 6 for the coupling (5,3). In the case of coupling (0,8) — which is expected to show 2 GOE behavior — the posterior distribution of Λ is the monotonically de- creasing function of Fig. 7. This is reasonable because the shortest confidence interval on Λ will — for any con- fidence — include the possibility of Λ = 0. Hence, the distribution of Fig. 7 allows to state only an upper limit for Λ. FIG. 6. Posterior distribution for the coupling (5,3), i.e. the second case on Fig. 5 and in Table I. The center Λ 0and the rms deviation of the Gaussian are specified. 6TABLE I. Parameters found for six different experimental cou plings. The results have been obtained via Bayesian inferen ce as outlined in Sec. IV. The column headings are explained in t he text. Exp. coupling Λ Γ↓/D αv/D αv χ2Λfit (0,8) ≤0.00085 ≤0.005 ≤0.029 ≤0.31 1.14 - (5,3) 0.011±0.002 0 .07±0.01 0 .105±0.008 1 .12±0.09 0.90 0 .013±0.002 (4,4) 0.017±0.002 0 .11±0.01 0 .130±0.007 1 .39±0.07 1.04 0 .019±0.002 (5,8) 0.030±0.002 0 .19±0.01 0 .173±0.006 1 .85±0.06 1.11 0 .033±0.002 (6,8) 0.032±0.002 0 .20±0.01 0 .180±0.006 1 .93±0.06 1.47 0 .037±0.003 (6,8)+(7,8) 0.040±0.002 0 .25±0.01 0 .200±0.006 2 .14±0.06 1.24 0 .044±0.002 The results of the Bayesian analysis are summarized in the first five columns of Table I. The first column char- acterizes the experimental realization of the coupling as explained above. In the second column, the coupling pa- rameter Λ is given. It can also be expressed (in the third column) by the ratio Γ↓/D, see Eq. (3). Alternatively — see Eq. (2) — the combination αv/D of parameters of the model of Eq. (1) is given in the fourth column. By putting Dequal to the mean level distance D= 10.7 MHz of the experiment, one obtains in the fifth column the rms coupling matrix element αvin MHz. In the case of coupling (0,8), where only an upper limit for the coupling can be given, we have done so — for the confidence of 68%. In all other cases the center Λ 0of the Gaussian posterior is given together with the rms devia- tion; this defines a 68% confidence interval. FIG. 7. Posterior distribution for the coupling (0,8), i.e. the case where the coupling is expected to be zero. The probabil- ity integrated from Λ = 0 to 0.00085 (marked by an arrow) is 68% . According to Sec. IV, Gaussian posteriors suggest that one may replace Bayesian inference by a χ2fit which is simpler. A χ2fit has been performed in all cases and the results are given in the last two columns ofthe table. The sixth column displays the normalized χ2 value. For a reasonable fit, it should lie between 0.84 and 1.16. This follows from the fact that the distribu- tion of χ2is here approximately Gaussian with rms value (2/(number of degrees of freedom))1/2= (2/160)1/2≈ 0.16. The seventh column gives the coupling parameters Λ which the fit has found. They are compatible with the Bayesian results except for the first entry (0,8). Here the fit puts out a negative value, i.e. it does not produce a meaningful result. This was expected from the discussion in Sec. IV. VII. DISCUSSION The emphasis of the present paper is on the Bayesian analysis of the data. Although Bayes’ theorem provides a clear and simple prescription of how to draw conclusions from data about a hypothesis conditioning the data, its use was hampered for a long time by the difficulty to de- fine the prior distribution µof the hypothesis. Equation (14) is a very general definition of µ. It applies even to cases, where the variable zof the events is discrete (the integral in (14) then means a sum). The prior distri- bution (14) ensures that the amount of information one gets on the hypothesis Λ is — at least approximately — independent of the true value of Λ. Supplemented by Eq. (14), Bayes’ theorem provides the generalization of all methods of inference that rely on Gaussian approximations. The method of the least squares e.g. belongs to them. It does not require a prior distribution of the parameter to be determined. In the present paper the relation between Bayesian inference andχ2fit has been discussed. A criterion has been given under which Bayesian inference is approximately equiva- lent to the simpler fit procedure. This criterion has been substantiated numerically. The present formalism especially provides the correct treatment of null-experiments, i.e. of experiments that yield only an upper limit for the parameter of interest. An example for this situation has been presented. By the same token, the formalism of Sec. IV provides the decision whether the parameter is compatible with zero. The physical results of the present analysis show that the strongest coupling realized in the microwave experi- ment [1] has about the same size as the coupling found in [18] to occur between states of different isospin in 726Al. The strongest coupling treated in the present pa- per causes about 25% mixing between the two classes of levels, i.e. a state which can be approximately assigned to the ( γ= 1) stadium contains about 25% strength from the configurations of the ( γ= 1.8) stadium — and vice versa. This is the interpretation of the value of Γ↓/Din Table I. Data that are as numerous and precise as those of Ref. [1] allow to detect Γ↓/Dten times smaller than the result of [18] — according to the present analysis. Nuclear data — which never provide as large a sample of states as the experiment [1] — would not allow to de- tect Γ↓/D= 0.07 (the smallest detected mixing in Table I) from the level fluctuations. The precision obtained in this experiment has allowed to detect the subtle depen- dence of the level fluctuations on the breaking of a sym- metry which is predicted by the random matrix model [18,13,14]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Dr. T. Guhr for helpful discus- sions. They thank Prof. H. A. Weidenm¨ uller for his sup- port and advice.They are indebted to Prof. A. Richter and the members of the “chaos group” of the Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik at Darmstadt, H. Alt, H.-D. Gr¨ af, R. Hoffer- bert, and H. Rehfeld, for their help and encouragement. One of the authors (C.I.B.) acknowledges the financial support granted by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung and the CNPq (Brazil). [1] H. Alt, C.I. Barbosa, H.-D. Gr¨ af, T. Guhr, H.L. Harney, R. Hofferbert, H. Rehfeld, and A. Richter , Phys. Rev. Lett.81, 4847 (1998). [2] G. D’Agostini, in Probability and Measurement Un- certainty in Physics - a Bayesian Primer , hep- ph/9512295v2, 14 Dec 1995. [3] T. Guhr, A. M¨ uller-Groeling, and H.A. 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arXiv:physics/9910036v1 [physics.optics] 26 Oct 1999HeXLN: A 2-Dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal N. G. R. Broderick, G. W. Ross, H. L. Offerhaus, D. J. Richardso n and D. C. Hanna Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampt on, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. Phone: +44 (0)1703 593144, Fax: +44 (0)1703 593142, email: n gb@orc.soton.ac.uk (February 2, 2008) We report on the fabrication of what we believe is the first exa mple of a two dimensional nonlinear periodic crystal [1], where the refractive index is constant but in which the 2nd order nonlinear susceptibility is spatially periodic. Such a cry stal allows for efficient quasi-phase matched 2nd harmonic generation using multiple reciprocal lattice vectors of the crystal lattice. External 2nd harmonic conversion efficiencies >60% were measured with picosecond pulses. The 2nd harmonic light can be simultaneously phase matched by multiple recip rocal lattice vectors, resulting in the generation of multiple coherent beams. The fabrication tec hnique is extremely versatile and allows for the fabrication of a broad range of 2-D crystals includin g quasi-crystals. 42.65.K,42.65.-k, 42.70.Qs,42.70.M The interaction of light with periodic media is an area of int ense interest both theoretically and experimentally. A central theme of this work is the idea of a linear photonic cr ystal [2] in which the linear susceptibility is spatially periodic. Photonic crystals can have a complete photonic ba ndgap over some frequency range and this bandgap can be exploited for a wide variety of processes such as zero thre shold lasers, inhibited spontaneous emission, or novel waveguiding schemes such as photonic bandgap fibres [3]. In o ne dimension photonic crystals, or Bragg gratings, have been well studied for many years. In three dimensions a compl ete photonic bandgap at long wavelengths has already been demonstrated and work on extending this to the visible r egion is rapidly progressing [2]. Recently V. Berger proposed extending the idea of photonic c rystals to include nonlinear photonic crystals [1]. In a nonlinear photonic crystal (NPC) there is a periodic spati al variation of a nonlinear susceptibility tensor while the refractive index is constant. This is in contrast with other work done on nonlinear interactions in photonic crystals [4,5] where the nonlinearity is assumed constant throughou t the material and the photonic properties derive from the variation of the linear susceptibility. The simplest ty pe of NPCs are the 1-D quasi-phase-matched materials, first proposed by Armstrong et al. [6] in which the second orde r susceptibility undergoes a periodic change of sign. This type of 1-D structure has attracted much interest since the successful development of periodically-poled lithium niobate based devices. Generalisation to two and three dime nsions in analogy with linear photonic crystals, was recently proposed by Berger and here we report its experimen tal realisation as a 2-D periodic structure with hexagonal symmetry in lithium niobate (HeXLN). First we briefly summarise the well known 1-D quasi-phase mat ching (QPM) concept before treating the 2-D case. To this end consider the case of 2nd harmonic generation in a χ(2)material where light at a frequency ωis converted to a signal at 2 ω. In general the refractive index at ωand 2ωare different and hence after a length Lc(the coherence length) the fundamental and the generated 2nd harmonic will beπout of phase. Then in the next coherence length all of the 2nd harmonic is back-converted to the fundamental - resulting in poor overall conversion efficiency. The idea of quasi-phase matching is to change the sign of the nonlinea rity periodically with a period of Lc, thus periodically reversing the phase of the generated 2nd harmonic. This ensu res that the 2nd harmonic continues to add up in phase along the entire length of the crystal, resulting in a large o verall conversion efficiency. An alternative way to understand the physics of quasi-phase matching is through conservation of momentum. 2nd harmonic generation is a three photon process in which two ph otons with momentum /planckover2pi1kωare converted in a photon of momentum /planckover2pi1k2ωand if k2ω= 2kω(ideal phase matching) then the momentum is conserved and th e interaction is efficient. However in general due to dispersion ideal phase matching is not possible and different techniques must be used to insure conservation of momentum. In the quasi-pha se matched case conservation of momentum becomes k2ω= 2kω+G,where Gis the crystal momentum corresponding to one of the reciproc al lattice vectors (RLV) [7] of the macroscopic periodic structure of the NPC. Clearly this technique allows one to phase-match any desired nonlinear interaction, assuming that one can fabricate an appropriat e NPC. In 1-D quasi-phase matching can occur in either the co- or counter-propagating direction. For a strictly pe riodic lattice quasi-phase matching can only occur over limited wavelength ranges since the RLVs are discrete and pe riodically spaced in momentum space. In order to obtain broader bandwidths one approach is to use aperiodic structu res which have densely spaced RLVs. An alternative approach which is taken here is to move to a two dimensional NP C which brings added functionality compared to a 1-D crystal. Clearly in a 2-D NPC the possibility of non-collinear phase m atching exists due to the structure of the reciprocal lattice. Once again we restrict ourselves to the case of 2nd h armonic generation and linearly polarised light such that we can use the scalar wave equation. Then making the usual slo wly varying envelope approximation and assuming 1a plane wave fundamental incident upon the crystal, the evol ution equation for the 2nd harmonic in the undepleted pump regime can be written as [1]: k2ω· ∇E2ω(r) =−2iω2 c2χ(2)(r)(Eω)2e(i(k2ω−2kω)·r). (1) Since χ(2)is periodic we can write it as a Fourier series using the RLVs Gn,m χ(2)(r) =/summationdisplay n,mκn,meiGn,m·r, n, m ∈Z. (2) The phase matching condition, k2ω−2kω−Gn,m= 0, (3) arises from requiring that the exponent in Eq. (1) be set equa l to zero ensuring growth of the 2nd harmonic along the entire length of the crystal. Eq. (3) is a statement of conser vation of momentum as discussed earlier. For each RLV Gn,mand a prescribed kωthere is at most a unique angle of propagation for the 2nd harm onic such that Eq. (3) is satisfied. The coupling strength of a phase matching proce ss using Gn,mis proportional to κn,m. If a particular Fourier coefficient is zero then no 2nd harmonic generation wi ll be observed in the corresponding direction. In order to demonstrate the idea of a 2-D NPC we poled a wafer of lithium niobate with a hexagonal pattern. Fig. 1 shows an expanded view of the resulting structure, whi ch was revealed by lightly etching the sample in acid. Each hexagon is a region of domain inverted material - the tot al inverted area comprises ∼30% of the overall sample area. The fabrication procedure was as follows. A thin layer of photoresist was first deposited onto the -z face of a 0.3mm thick, z-cut wafer, of LiNbO 3, and then photolithographically patterned with the hexago nal array. The x-y orientation of the hexagonal structure was carefully align ed to coincide with the crystal’s natural preferred domain wall orientation : LiNbO 3itself has triagonal atomic symmetry (crystal class 3m) and shows a tendency for domain walls to form parallel to the y-axis and at ±60◦as seen in Fig. 1. Poling was accomplished by applying an elec tric field via liquid electrodes on the +/-z faces at room temperat ure [8]. Our HeXLN crystal has a period of 18 .05µm: suitable for non-collinear frequency doubling of 1536nm at 150◦C (an elevated temperature was chosen to eliminate photorefractive effects). The hexagonal pattern was found t o be uniform across the sample dimensions of 14 ×7mm (x-y) and was faithfully reproduced on the +z face. Lastly we polished the ±x-faces of the HeXLN crystal allowing a propagation length of 14mm through the crystal in the ΓK dir ection (see Fig. 1). In Fig. 2 we show the reciprocal lattice (RL) for our HeXLN cry stal. In contrast with the 1-D case there are RLVs at numerous angles, each of which allows phase matching in a d ifferent direction (given by Eq. 3). Note that for a real space lattice period of dthe RL has a period of 4 π/(√ 3d) as compared with 2 π/dfor a 1-D crystal [9] allowing us to compensate for a greater phase mismatch in a 2-D geometry t han in a 1-D geometry with the same spatial period. From Eq. (3) and using simple trigonometry it is possible to s how that [1] λ2ω n2ω=2π |G|/radicalBigg/parenleftbigg 1−nω n2ω/parenrightbigg2 + 4nω n2ωsin2θ (4) where λ2ωis the vacuum wavelength of the second harmonic and 2 θis the walk off angle between the fundamental and 2nd harmonic wavevectors. To investigate the properties of the HeXLN crystal we procee ded as follows. The HeXLN crystal was placed in an oven and mounted on a rotation stage which could be rotated by ±15◦around the z-axis while still allowing light to enter through the + xface of the crystal. The fundamental consisted of 4ps, 300kW pulses obtained from a high power all-fibre chirped pulse amplification system (CPA) [10] oper ating at a pulse repetition rate of 20kHz. The output from the CPA system was focussed into the HeXLN crystal using a 10c m focal length lens giving a focal spot diameter of 150 µm and a corresponding peak intensity of ∼1.8GW/cm2. The initial experiments were done at zero angle of incidence corresponding to propagation in the ΓK direction . At low input intensities ( ∼0.2GW/cm2) the output was as shown in Fig. 2(b) and consisted of multiple output beams o f different colours emerging from the crystal at different angles. In particular two 2nd harmonic beams emerged from th e crystal at symmetrical angles of ±(1.1±0.1)◦from the remaining undeflected fundamental. At slightly wider an gles were two green beams (third harmonic of the pump) and at even wider angles were two blue beams (the fourth harmo nic, not shown here). There was also a third green beam copropagating with the fundamental. The output was sym metrical since the input direction corresponded to a symmetry axis of the NPC. As the input power increased the 2n d harmonic spots remained in the same positions while the green light appeared to be emitted over an almost co ntinuous range of angles rather than the discrete angles 2observed at low powers. The two 2nd harmonic beams can be unde rstood by referring to the reciprocal lattice of our structure (Fig. 2). From Fig. 2 it can be seen that for propaga tion in the Γ Kdirection the closest RLVs are in the ΓMdirections and it is these RLVs that account for the 2nd harmo nic light [1]. After filtering out the other wavelengths the 2nd harmonic (f rom both beams) was directed onto a power meter and the efficiency and temperature tuning characteristics for ze ro input angle were measured. These results are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 5. Note that the maximum external conversion e fficiency is greater than 60% and this is constant over a wide range of input powers. Taking into account the Fresnel reflections from the front and rear faces of the crystal this implies a maximum internal conversion efficiency of 82% – ∼41% in each beam. As the 2nd harmonic power increases the amount of back conversion increases which we b elieve is the main reason for the observed limiting of the conversion efficiency at high powers. Evidence of the strong back conversion can be seen in Fig. 4 wh ich shows the spectrum of the remaining fundamental for both vertically (dashed) i.e. in the z-direction and hor izontally (solid line) polarised input light. As the phase matching only works for vertically polarised light the hori zontally polarised spectrum is identical to that of the inpu t beam and when compared with the other trace (dashed line) sho ws the effect of pump depletion and back-conversion. Note that for vertically polarised light the amount of back- converted light is significant compared to the residual pump which is as expected given the large conversion efficienc y. Fig. 4 shows ∼8dB (85%) of pump depletion which agrees well with the measured value for the internal efficienc y calculated using the average power. In the 1-D case, for an undepleted pump, the temperature tuni ng curve of a 14mm long length of periodically poled material is expected to have a sinc2(T) shape and to be quite narrow – 4 .7◦C for a 1-D PPLN crystal with the same length and period as the HeXLN crystal used here. However, as can be seen from Fig. 5, the temperature tuning curve (obtained in a similar manner to the power characteristic) i s much broader with a FWHM of ∼25◦C, and it exhibits considerable structure. The input power was 300kW. We belie ve that the increased temperature bandwidth may be due to the multiple reciprocal lattice vectors that are avai lable for quasi-phase matching with each RLV producing a beam in a slightly different direction. Thus the angle of emi ssion of the 2nd harmonic should vary slightly with temperature if this is the case. Due to the limitations of the oven we were not able to raise the temperature above 205◦C and hence could not completely measure the high temperatur e tail of the temperature tuning curve. Note that temperature tuning is equivalent to wavelength tuning of th e pump pulse and hence it should be possible to obtain efficient phase-matching over a wide wavelength range at a fixe d temperature. After the properties of the HeXLN crystal at normal incidenc e we next measured the angular dependance of the 2nd harmonic beams. As the crystal was rotated phase-matching v ia different RLVs could be observed. For a particular input angle (which determined the angle between the fundame ntal and the RLVs) quasi-phase matched 2nd harmonic generation occurred, via a RLV, and produced a 2nd harmonic b eam in a direction given by Eq. (4). These results are shown in Fig. 6 where the solid circles indicate the measu red angles of emission for 2nd harmonic while the open squares are the predicted values. In the figure zero degrees c orresponds to propagation in the Γ Kdirection. Also indicated on the figure are the RLVs used for phase-matching, where [ n, m] refers to the RLV Gn,m. Note that there is good overall agreement between the theoretical and exper imental results even for higher order Fourier coefficients which indicates the high quality of the crystal. The inversi on symmetry of Fig. 6 results from the hexagonal symmetry of the crystal. To further highlight this symmetry we have la beled the negative output angles with the corresponding positive RLVs. The only obvious discrepancy comes from the [ 1,1] RLVs where two closely separated spots are observed rather than a single one. This may be due to a small am ount of linear diffraction from the periodic array. At the domain boundaries of the HeXLN crystal there are likel y to be small stress-induced refractive index changes giving a periodic variation in the refractive index. If this indeed proves to be the case then it should be possible to eliminate this by annealing the crystal at high temperature s. For applications where collinear propagation of the fundam ental and 2nd harmonic is desirable propagation along the ΓMaxis of the HeXLN crystal could be used (since the smallest RL V is in that direction). For the parameters of our crystal collinear 2nd harmonic generation of 1 .446µm in the Γ Mdirection is expected. Visually the output of the HeXLN crystal is quite striking wi th different colours (red, green and blue) being emitted in different directions (see Fig. 7). For a range of input angl es and low powers distinct green and red spots can been seen each emitted in a different direction, often with the gre en light emitted at a wider angle than the 2nd harmonic. The presence of the green light implies sum frequency genera tion between the fundamental and the 2nd harmonic. For this to occur efficiently it must also be quasi-phase-matched using a RLV of the lattice. In certain regimes (of angle and temperature) simultaneous quasi-phase-matching of bo th 2nd harmonic generation and sum frequency mixing occurs with as much as 20% of the 2nd harmonic, converted to th e green (in multiple beams). As mentioned earlier at higher powers the green light appears to be emitted over a c ontinuous range of angles. We believe that this might be due to an effect similar to that observed in fibres where phas e-matching becomes less critical at high intensities [11]. If this were the case then the green light would have a br oader spectrum in the non-phase-matched case than for the quasi-phase-matched case but we have not yet been able to verify this. Lastly we believe that the 4th harmonic results from quasi-phase matching of two 2nd harmonic photo ns by a higher order RLV since it is observed at quite 3wide angles. It should be noted that although lithium niobate preferenti ally forms domains walls along the yaxis and at ±60◦ we are not limited to hexagonal lattices. In fact essentiall y any two dimensional lattice can be fabricated, however the patterned region of the unit cell will always consist of e ither a hexagon or a triangle. The shape of the poled region will determine the strength of each of the Fourier coe fficients for the RLVs while the lattice structure will determine their position. One can envisage creating more co mplicated structures such as a 2-D quasi-crystal in which a small poled hexagon is situated at every vertex. Such a 2-D q uasi-crystal could give improved performance for simultaneously phase matching multiple nonlinear process es, as demonstrated recently with a 1-D poled quasi-crystal [12]. Alternatively a HeXLN crystal could be used as an efficie nt monolithic optical parametric oscillator [1]. Lastly we note that NPCs are a specific example of more general nonlin ear holographs which would convert a beam profile at one wavelength to an arbitrary profile at a second profile [1 3]. For example Imeshevx et al. converted a gaussian profile beam at the fundamental to a square top 2nd harmonic us ing tranversely patterned periodically poled lithium niobate [14]. In conclusion we have fabricated what we believe to be the firs t example of a two dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal in Lithium Niobate. Due to the periodic structure of the crystal, quasi-phase matching is obtained for multiple directions of propagation with internal conversi on efficiencies of >80%. Such HeXLN crystals could find many applications in optics where simultaneous conversion of multiple wavelengths is required. [1] V. Berger, “Nonlinear Photonic Crystals,” Phys. Rev. Le tt.81,4136–4139 (1998). [2] J. D. Joannopoulos, R. D. Meade, and J. N. Winn, Photonic Crystals (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1995). [3] R. F. Cregan, B. J. Mangan, J. C. Knight, T. A. Birks, P. S. R ussell, P. J. Roberts, and D. C. Allan, “Single-mode photoni c band gap guidance of light in air,” Science 285,1537–1539 (1999). [4] S. John and N. Akozbek, “Nonlinear Optical Solitary Wave s in a Photonic Band Gap,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 71,1168–1171 (1993). [5] M. J. Steel and C. M. de Sterke, “Second harmonic generati on in second harmonic fiber gratings,” Appl. Opt. 35,3211 (1995). [6] J. A. Armstrong et al., Phys. Rev. 127,1918 (1962). [7] C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics , 3rd ed. (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1953). Note that in bo th Ref[1] and Ref[2] the period of reciprocal lattice is incorrectly s tated as 2 π/d. [8] M. Yamada, N. Nada, M. Saitoh, and K. Watanabe, “1st-orde r Quasi-phase matched LINBO3 wave-guide periodically poled by applying an external-field for efficient blue 2nd-har monic generation,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 62,435–436 (1993). [9] C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics , 3rd ed. (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1953). [10] N. G. R. Broderick, D. J. Richardson, D. Taverner, and M. Ibsen, “High power chirped pulse all-fibre amplification sys tem based on large mode area fibre components,” Opt. Lett 24,566–568 (1999). [11] S. Trillo, G. Millot, E. Seve, and S. Wabnitz, “Failure o f phase-matching concept in large-signal parametric frequ ency conversion,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 72,150–152 (1998). [12] Shi- ning Zhu, Yong-yuan Zhu, Yi-qiang Qin, Hai-feng We ng, Chuan-zhen Ge, and Nai-ben Ming, “Experimental Real- ization of Second Harmonic Generation in a Fibonacci Optica l Superlattice of LiTa O3,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 78,2752–2755 (1997). [13] V. Berger, in Confined Photon Systems: Fundamentals and Applications , H. Benisty, J. M. Gerard, R. Houdie, J. Rarity, and C. Weisbuch, eds., (Springer, Heidelberg, 1999), Vol. L ecture Notes in Physics vol. 531, Chap. Photonic Crystals fo r Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion. [14] G. Imeshev, M. Proctor, and M. M. Fejer, “Lateral patter ning of nonlinear frequency conversion with transversely v arying quasi-phase-matching gratings,” Opt. Lett. 23,673–675 (1998). FIG. 1. Picture of the HeXLN crystal and the first Brillouin zo ne. The period of the crystal is 18.05 µm and is uniform over the whole sample. In our experiments propagation was in the Γ Kdirection. FIG. 2. Reciprocal Lattice for the hexagonal lattice shown i n Fig. 1. The general reciprocal lattice vector Gn,m=ne1+me2 wheree1,2are the basis vectors for the reciprocal lattice. Also indic ated is the first Brillouin zone showing the main symmetry directions. In addition two examples of non-collinear QPM a re shown using the [1 ,0] and the [1 ,1] RLVs. On the right is a picture of the low power output of the crystal. Note that ther e are two 2nd harmonic spots and three 3rd harmonic spots. 4FIG. 3. 2nd harmonic efficiency of the HeXLN crystal against in put peak power. Note that the maximum efficiency is >60% and is limited principally by parametric back conversio n. FIG. 4. Output spectra at 1533nm for both horizontally (soli d line) and vertically (dashed line) polarised light. Note the large amount of pump depletion which can clearly be seen a long with the back-conversion. The incident peak power was 300kW. FIG. 5. Temperature tuning of the HeXLN crystal taken at an in cident peak power of 300kW. The temperature tuning curve is much broader than a comparable 1-D PPLN crystal and p osses multiple features has to the large number of reciproca l lattice vectors available. FIG. 6. Graph of the experimental (circles) and theoretical (squares) output angles for the 2nd harmonic as an function of the external input angle, where 0◦indicates propagation in the ΓK direction. The maximum inte rnal angle between the fundamental and 2nd harmonic was ∼8◦(the refractive index of lithium niobate is ∼2.2). FIG. 7. Output of the HeXLN crystal at high powers and a variet y of input angles. 56ωkω k2ωkωk2ω34 dπ k2 [1,0] [1,1] Γ511nm 511nm766nm 511nm766nm MKe1 e 789101112This figure "hexln3.jpg" is available in "jpg" format from: http://arXiv.org/ps/physics/9910036v1
arXiv:physics/9910037v1 [physics.gen-ph] 26 Oct 1999Interaction of the Pastof parallel universes Alexander K. Guts Department of Mathematics, Omsk State University 644077 Omsk-77 RUSSIA E-mail: guts@univer.omsk.su October 26, 1999 ABSTRACT We constructed a model of five-dimensional Lorentz manifold with foliation of codimension 1 the leaves of which are four-dimensional spac e-times. The Past of these space-times can interact in macroscopic scale by mean s of large quantum fluctuations. Hence, it is possible that our Human History co nsists of ”somebody else’s” (alien) events.In this article the possibility of interaction of the Past (o r Future) in macroscopic scales of space and time of two different universes is analyse d. Each universe is considered as four-dimensional space-time V4, moreover they are imbedded in five- dimensional Lorentz manifold V5, which shall below name Hyperspace. The space- timeV4is absolute world of events. Consequently, from formal stan dpoints any point-event of this manifold V4, regardless of that we refer it to Past, Present or Future of some observer, is equally available to operate with her . In other words, modern theory of space-time, rising to Minkowsky, postulat es absolute eternity of the World of events in the sense that all events exist always. Hence, it is possible interaction of Present with Past and Future as well as Past ca n interact with Future. Question is only in that as this is realized. The numerous art icles about time machine show that our statement on the interaction of Present with Pa st is not fantasy, but is subject of the scientific study. In articles [1, 2, 3] we use d theory of foliations for construction one of the possible ways of travel to the Past (F uture). Exactly this theory seems to be useful for decision of problem on interact ions ”nearby” universes. So, it is assumed that manifold V5has foliation Fof codimension 1, but our Universe is a leaf F4 0in him. Other leaves represent different universes. Consider five-dimensional manifold that is got by multiplyi ng on IR3of axial section of foliation of Reb in the torus S1×D2([4, 468], refer to Pic.1). Pic. 1. Model Hyperspace of Reb with interacting Past 1Our Universe and we as its Observers are not single in this mat hematical theory of Time. In Hyperspace other worlds are also situated. Fix ce rtain spatial section X in leaf F4 0. It represents ”Present”. Similar ”Present” we will fix in ot her leaves, for example, section Yin leaf F4 1which is near to leaf F4 0(see Pic.1). We shall consider only those universes, i.e. leaves, which are situated in cer tain neighborhood of our Universe and, accordingly, Present of ”somebody else’s ” (alien) universes are situated in sufficiently small neighborhood of ”Present” of o ur Universe. For this model of five-dimensional Reb Hyperspace it is disti nctive that Past of our Universe and Past of ”someone else” (alien) universe are approached that more strong, than further from Present will run away past epoches . On Pic. 1 ring is image of Hyperspace, curly lines are universes, each with it s Observers. One line is our four-dimensional Universe F4 0, we are its Observers. Beside we see ”someone else” (alien) four-dimensional universe F4 1with its own observers. Our Present is point X, Present of ”someone else” universe is a point Y. If we begin a trip to the Past against of the streem of time, we shall move in our World a gainst the arrow on line 1 (point X) and coil all more and more on the circle S1. Similarly, travel in the Past in nearby universe F4 1or line 2 (point Y) is a coiling motion around the circle S1along line 2 against the arrow of time. Past of two worlds are a pproached in topology of Hyperspace. That can one occur? For the answer to this question we will use geometrodynamics ideas of Wheeler which we shall apply to five-dimensional theory of gravitati on. Amplitude of prob- ability of transition from Universe F4 0to universe F4 1will represent by means of Feynman integral over 5-geometries: < F4 0|F4 1>=F4 1/integraldisplay F4 0Dg(5)exp/bracketleftbigg −iS ¯h/bracketrightbigg , (1) where S=c3 8πGT/integraldisplay R(5)/radicalBig −g(5)d5x (2) is action in five-dimensional Lorentz geometry [6, p.52] wit h metrics g(5) AB, moreover T is a constant with dimensionality [cm], connected with 5-th coordinate (for instance, it characterizes cyclicity on the fifth coordinate in the Kal uza-Klein theories). From (1), (2) it follows [5] that (1) is not changed under quantum fl uctuations of five- dimensional geometries g(5) AB(A,B= 1,...,5): ∆g(5)∼L∗ L/radicalBigg T L0, (3) 2where L∗∼10−33cmis constant of Plank, but L4×L0is a size of 5-region of fluctuations. Formula (3) means that as soon as Past of universes F4 0andF4 12 are approached ”sufficiently close”, quantum fluctuations of metrics begin t o change topology and geometry of two universes; they begin to stick together by me ans of wormholes; one will appear the tunnel transition between worlds. This mean s that at least on the microscopic scale the Past of these two worlds are indisting uishable. Formula (3) is not contradictory with classical four-dimen sional formula for quan- tum fluctuations ∆g(4)∼L∗ L, (4) because it was got under assumption/radicalBig det g(4)∼1 [7]. But fluctuations are significant on the macroscopic scale too . In fact, suppose thatL∼1km. This corresponds the time interval ∼3·10−6sec. Then, as it follows from (3), quantum fluctuation of 5-metrics ∆ g(5)∼1, ifL0∼10−76T. In other words, to begin the Past of our Universe and universe F4 1to interact by means of formation of wormholes between them in considered model o f Reb Hyperspace, it is necessary that it was sufficiently removed from Present. Otherwise, to interact leaves F4 0andF4 1must powerfully draw together. Herewith one interact spati al regions of size 1 km, and time of interaction is 10−6sec. For more extensive spatial regions time of interactions increases. In principle it bec ome possible a transition between universes meaning exchange of the Past. Past our Uni verse can contain events which are not belonging to our History. Note that large quantum fluctuation, i.e. those that could ar ise at large spatial scale, are essential detail of four-dimensional quantum th eory [7]. In five-dimensional theory one can be found an universe Fwhich is contained in sufficiently thin neigh- borhood of our Universe. It follows from (3) that there exist large quantum fluctu- ations which are the interactions between Present of our Uni verse and ”Present” of universe F. The existence of such interactions is very serious questio n. It possible that such interaction at scale L0< T0,O < T 0< Tin fifth dimension are suppressed by, for example, scale-dependent cosmological term Λ( L,L0) or some external field [7]. Hyperspace of Reb can be a subject of compression of part of ri ng one border of which is cylinder S1and other is cylinder S2labeled on Pic.1 by means of dotted line (Pic.1). If S2tends to points X,Y, then interacting Past will all closer to the current epoch. Hyperspace of Reb can be a subject of local compression (Pic. 2). Then we shall have a model of periodic ”strong” interactions of chosen epo ches of the Past. 3Pic. 2. Model of hyperspace with interacting nearby Past Wholly it can turn out to be that principal details of explore d model situation will found in the Reality and this has direct relations to the problems in the historic science, which were open N.A.Morozov, A.T.Fomenko and his c o-authors [8]. His- torical text-books are contradictory, and this is objectiv e Law of Nature [9]. Human History contains many different variants of events. Maybe, o ne is openned prospect of building of Multivariant World History of Human Civiliza tion which can conciliate supporters of traditional and new chronology [10]. References [1] Guts, A.K. Many-dimensional gravitation and time machi ne // Izvestiya VUZov. Physics. 1996, N 2. P.14-19. (Russian). [2] Guts, A.K. Time Machine as a result of rolling ups of space -time in the spring // Theoretical and experimental problems an . Thesises of repo rts IX Russian gravitational conferences. Part I. – Novgorod, June 24-30, 1996. – Moscow, 1996. (Russian). 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arXiv:physics/9910038v1 [physics.gen-ph] 26 Oct 1999Crater Property in Two-Particle Bound States: When and Why Chi–Keung Chow Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Par k, 20742-4111. (January 13, 2014) Crater has shown that, for two particles (with masses m1andm2) in a Coulombic bound state, the charge distribution is equal to the sum of the two charge d istributions obtained by taking m1→ ∞ andm2→ ∞ respectively, while keeping the same Coulombic potential. We provide a simple scaling criterion to determine whether an arbitrary Hamiltonian possesses this property. In particular we show that, for a Coulombic system, fine structu re corrections preserve this Crater property while two-particle relativistic corrections and /or hyperfine corrections may destroy it. Recently, in an interesting paper in this journal [1], Crate r discussed an unusual feature of charge densities for two-particle Coulombic bound states. Let ρ(R;m1,m2) be the charge density of a two-particle bound state in a give n potentialV(r)≡V(r1−r2) in the center-of-mass coordinate system. Then Crater obse rved that, for a Coulombic potential the charge density satisfies the following relati on: ρ(R;m1,m2) = lim m2→∞ρ(R;m1,m2) + lim m1→∞ρ(R;m1,m2), (1) or, in Crater’s own words, one can picture ρ(R;m1,m2) “as equivalent to that produced by a particle of mass m1and chargee1, bound to a fixedcenter with charge e2plus that produced by a particle of mass m2and charge e2, bound to afixedcenter with charge e1,” with the fixed center being the center of mass. Here and afte r this property will be referred to as the Crater property. Crater has shown in Ref. [ 1] that the Crater property holds for Coulombic potentials but not for generic potentials. In the real world, however, C oulombic potentials are often corrected by perturbations like fine/hyperfine structures and relativistic effects. It w ould be of interest to know what kind of corrections can be added to the Coulombic potential without destroying the Cra ter property. More generally, we would like to have a criterion to determine whether a given potential has the Cra ter property without explicitly solving the Schr¨ odinger equation. The purpose of this paper is to provide answers to t hese questions. Let us consider an eigenfunction ψ(r;m1,m2) to the Schr¨ odinger equation (in units ¯ h= 1): H(m1,m2)ψ(r;m1,m2)≡/bracketleftbigg−1 2µ∂2 ∂r2 i+V(r;m1,m2)/bracketrightbigg ψ(r;m1,m2) =E(m1,m2)ψ(r;m1,m2), (2) withµ=m1m2/MandM=m1+m2. The charge density operator ˆ ρ(R) is defined as [1] ˆρ(R) =e1δ3(R−r1) +e2δ3(R−r2), (3) and the charge density ρ(R;m1,m2) is its expectation value, which can easily be shown to be ρ(R;m1,m2) =/integraldisplay d3r|ψ(r;m1,m2)|2ˆρ(R) =e1/parenleftbiggM m2/parenrightbigg3/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleψ/parenleftbiggM m2R;m1,m2/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +e2/parenleftbiggM m1/parenrightbigg3/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleψ/parenleftbiggM m1R;m1,m2/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 =e1/parenleftbiggm1 µ/parenrightbigg3/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleψ/parenleftbiggm1 µR;m1,m2/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +e2/parenleftbiggm2 µ/parenrightbigg3/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleψ/parenleftbiggm2 µR;m1,m2/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 . (4) Since the eigenfunction ψ, satisfying the normalization condition/integraltext d3r|ψ|2= 1, carries scaling dimension [length]−3/2= [momentum]3/2= [mass]3/2(with units ¯ h=c= 1), it is always possible to rewrite ψ(r;m1,m2) as ψ(r;m1,m2) =µ3/2˜ψ(r;m1,m2), (5) where the rescaled eigenfunction ˜ψ(r;m1,m2) is a dimensionless function. Now consider the case when ˜ψ(r;m1,m2) has the following form: ˜ψ(r;m1,m2)≡˜ψ(µr), (6) 1which states that the dependences of ˜ψon the location rand the masses m1,2always come through the combination µr=m1m2r/(m1+m2). Thenψ(r;m1,m2) =µ3/2˜ψ(µr) and the charge density ρ(R;m1,m2) in Eq. (4) becomes ρ(R;m1,m2) =e1/parenleftbiggm1 µ/parenrightbigg3/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleµ3/2˜ψ/parenleftbiggm1 µµR/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +e2/parenleftbiggm2 µ/parenrightbigg3/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleµ3/2˜ψ/parenleftbiggm2 µµR/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 =e1m3 1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle˜ψ(m1R)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +e2m3 2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle˜ψ(m2R)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 = lim m2→∞ρ(R;m1,m2) + lim m1→∞ρ(R;m1,m2), (7) which is exactly the expression for the Crater property. In o ther words, the charge density exhibits the Crater property whenever the eigenfunction can be written as µ3/2˜ψ(µr). It is easy to translate the above scaling condition on the eig enfunction to a corresponding scaling condition on the Hamiltonian. Since the Hamiltonian H(m1,m2) carries scaling dimension [mass]1, it can always be rewritten as µ˜H(m1,m2), where ˜His a dimensionless function of m1,2, as well as the relative coordinates rand the canonical momenta −i∂/∂r . It is straightforward to see that ˜ψis a function of solely µrif and only if ˜H(m1,m2) =˜H/parenleftbigg µr,−i∂ ∂(µr)/parenrightbigg +˜V0, (8) such that, up to an additive constant, the masses enter the Ha miltonian only through combinations µrand −i(∂/∂(µr)). The dimensionless constant ˜V0, which may have arbitrary dependences on m1,2, may shift the eigenvalues but does not affect the eigenfunctions. We have shown that the charge density of an eigenfunction exh ibits the Crater property if and only if the Hamiltonian can be written as H=µ/bracketleftbigg ˜H/parenleftbigg µr,−i∂ ∂(µr)/parenrightbigg +˜V0/bracketrightbigg , (9) which will be referred to as the scaling criterion. With this criterion one can easily determine if a particular potentia l exhibits the Crater property. For spinless Schr¨ odinger sy stems, the kinetic term always satisfies the scaling criteri on. −1 2µ∂2 ∂r2 i=µ−1 2∂2 ∂(µri)2. (10) On the other hand, for analytic V(r)’s one can expand them in Laurent series and the scaling crit erion is satisfied if and only if V(r) =+∞/summationdisplay k=−∞akµk+1rk+˜V0, (11) whereakare mass independent coefficients. Of special interest is the case where the only non-vanishing akare those withk=−1 and −2: V(r) =a−1 r+a−2 µr2, (12) which describes a Coulombic potential in three dimensions w itha−1=e1e2anda−2=ℓ(ℓ+1)/2,i.e., the case studied in Ref. [1]. Another interesting case is the “two-dimension al Coulombic potential”, i.e., the logarithmic potential: V(r) =e1e2ln(r/r0) =e1e2[ln(µr)−ln(µr0)], (13) which can be seen to satisfy the scaling criterion by identif ying the second term as ˜V0. As pointed out in Ref. [1], the Crater property is nota feature of potentials of generic rand mass dependences. Crater illustrated this point by studying the eigenfunctio ns of a simple harmonic potential and showed explicitly that ρ(R;m1,m2), given by Eq. (4), is notthe sum of lim m2→∞ρ(R;m1,m2) and lim m1→∞ρ(R;m1,m2),i.e., the simple harmonic potential does not exhibit the Crater property. On the other hand, we can reproduce the same conclusion by just studying the scaling behavior of the simple harmonic potential: V(r) =1 2µω2r2, (14) 2which cannot be recast in a form conforming to criterion (9). As a result, the Crater property is not exhibited in simple harmonic potentials. It is of interest to note that, for any potential V(r) =µ˜V(µr) satisfying the scaling criterion, including the fine structure corrections does not destroy the Crater property . Hmv=−1 8µ3c2/parenleftbigg∂2 ∂r2 i/parenrightbigg2 =µ−1 8c2/parenleftbigg∂2 ∂(µri)2/parenrightbigg2 , (15) HSO=1 µ2c21 rdV(r) drL·S=µ1 c21 µrd˜V(µr) d(µr)L·S, (16) HD=1 8µ2c2d2V(r) dr2 i=µ1 8c2d2˜V(r) d(µri)2, (17) whereHmv,HSO, andHDstand for the relativistic mass variation term, the spin-or bit coupling term and the Darwin term, respectively. This may look miraculous but is actuall y nothing but a consequence of the fact that all these fine structure corrections come from the leading order expansio n in the fine structure constant of the one-particle Dirac Hamiltonian with the same potential V(r). H=−iα·∂ ∂r+βµ+V(r) =µ/bracketleftbigg −iα·∂ ∂(µr)+β+˜V(µr)/bracketrightbigg , (18) whereαandβare the Dirac matrices. Since this one-particle Dirac Hamil tonian also satisfies the scaling criterion, the Crater property is preserved. However, it is important to bear in mind that it is an approxim ation to describe a two-particle bound state by a one-particle Schr¨ odinger or Dirac equation. Take, for exa mple, the hyperfine correction, which for a Coulombic bound state is Hhf=g1g2e1e2 3m1m2S1·S2δ3(r) =µ/bracketleftBigµ M/bracketrightBigg1g2e1e2 3S1·S2δ3(µr), (19) and the scaling criterion is violated by the outstanding fac tor ofµ/M, whereM=m1+m2is the total mass. Violations of the scaling criterion may also be due to two-pa rticle relativistic effects. In the non-relativistic theor y a two-particle problem can always be reduced to an effective o ne-particle problem in the relative coordinates, which decouple with the center-of-mass coordinates in the kineti c term: 1 2m1∂2 ∂r2 1+1 2m2∂2 ∂r2 2=1 2M∂2 ∂R2+1 2µ∂2 ∂r2, (20) whereRis the center of mass position m1r1+m2r2, andris the relative position r1−r2. For a relativistic theory in general no such decomposition is possible, and the descri ption of a two-particle problem by a one-particle equation is a good approximation only when one particle is much heavie r than the other. Such treatments do not capture genuine two-particle effects, like the two-particle relati vistic corrections and hyperfine corrections. These correc tions in general do not satisfy the scaling criterion and one expec ts the Crater property to be violated by these corrections. In passing, we note that the notion of Crater property can be g eneralized in a straightforward manner to any operator of the following form: O(R) =aδ3(R−r1) +bδ3(R−r2), (21) whereaandbare arbitrary coefficients. This operator ( R) may correspond to physically interesting objects for particular choices of aandb; it is the charge density when ( a,b) = (e1,e2), the probability density of particle 1 and 2 when ( a,b) = (1,0) and (0,1), respectively, and the mass density when ( a,b) = (m1,m2). Then the Hamiltonian or potential is said to exhibit the Crater prope rty of charge/probability/mass distribution if and only if the charge/probability/mass distribution in the bound sta te of particle mass m1andm2is equivalent to the sum of the charge/probability/mass distributions produced in th e limitsm1→ ∞ andm2→ ∞. As before, all these Crater properties are guaranteed by the same scaling criterion (9) . In conclusion, we have provided a simple criterion to determ ine if the eigenfunctions of a given Hamiltonian have the Crater property. In particular, we have shown that neith er the inclusions of fine structure corrections nor the switching from Schr¨ odinger to Dirac formalism will destro y the Crater property. The author believes Crater must have foreseen the essential points of this paper — as in the conclu sion of Ref. [1] he stated that “in general, the appearance of parameters in the potentials that are not dimensionless ( in natural units) and do not depend on the reduced mass would not be of the correct type.” As a consequence, this pape r may be regarded as a concrete realization of this observation. 3ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy grant DE-FG02-93ER-40762. [1] Horace W. Crater, “An Unusual Feature of Charge Densities for Two-Particle Bo und States” , Am. J. Phys. 67739 (1999). 4
arXiv:physics/9910039v1 [physics.bio-ph] 27 Oct 1999Rescaled range and transition matrix analysis of DNA sequences Zu-Guo Yu1,2,3and Guo-Yi Chen2 1Department of Mathematics, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411 105, P.R. China∗. 2Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Scien ces, P.O. Box 2735, Beijing 100080, P. R. China. 3CCAST( World Laboratory), P.O. Box 8370, Beijing 100080, P. R. China. Abstract In this paper we treat some fractal and statistical features of the DNA sequences. First, a fractal record model of DNA sequence is proposed by mapping DNA seque nces to integer sequences, followed byR/Sanalysis of the model and computation of the Hurst exponents . Second, we consider transition between the four kinds of bases within DNA. The transition ma trix analysis of DNA sequences shows that some measures of complexity based on transition proportion matrix are of interest. The main results are: 1)Hexon> Hintronfor virus. But Hintron> Hexonfor the species which have the shape of cell except for drosophila. 2) For Virus, E. coli, yeast, drosophila, mo use and human, measures Hof transition proportion matrix of exon is larger than that of intron, and m easures λ,D,C,/tildewideDand/tildewideCof transition proportion matrix of intron are larger than that of exon. 3) R egarding the evolution, we find that when the species goes higher in grade, the measures D,C,/tildewideDand/tildewideCof exon become larger, the measure Hof exon becomes lesser except for yeast. Hence for species of hi gher grade, the transition rate among the four kinds of bases goes further from the equilibrium. Key words : DNA sequence, functional region, R/Sanalysis, transition proportion matrix, measure of complexity. PACS numbers: 87.10 +e 1 Introduction In the past decade or so there has been a ground swell of intere st in unraveling the mysteries of DNA. In order to distinguish coding regions from non-coding ones , many approaches have been proposed. First, investigation into nucleotide correlation is of special im portance. In recent years many authors have discussed the correlation properties of nucleotides in DNA sequences[1−9]. C.K. Peng et al[4], using the one-dimensional DNA walk model found that there exists long-range correlati on in non-coding regions but not in coding regions. Second, the linguistic approach. DNA sequence can be regarded, at a number of levels, as analogous to mechanisms of processing other kind of languages, such as natural languages and computer languages[10]. R.N. Mantegna et alalso studied the linguistic feature of non-coding DNA seque nces[11]. Third, the nonlinear scaling method, such as complexity[12]and fractal analysis[13−17]. Recently, we investigated the correlation * This is the corresponding address of the first author, Email : yuzg@itp.ac.cn 1dimension and Kolmogorov entropy of DNA sequences using tim e series model[18]. Our goal is to search for a good measure of complexity which can be used to clearly dist inguish different functional regions of DNA sequences and to describe the evolution of species. In this paper, we first map DNA sequence to sequence of integer numbers, and treat it like a fractal record in time, then apply R/Sanalysis to calculate its Hurst exponent. Second. We analyz e DNA sequences with the transition matrix method and calculate some measures of complexity based on their transition proportion matrices. 2R/Sanalysis A DNA sequence may also be regarded as a sequence over the alph abet{A,C,G,T }, which represents the set of the four bases from which DNA is assembled, namely aden ine, cytosine, guanine and thymine. For any DNA sequence s=s1s2···sN, we define a map f:s/mapsto→x={x1,x2,···,xN}, where for any 1 ≤k≤N, xk=  −2,ifsk=A, −1,ifsk=C, 1, ifsk=G, 2, ifsk=T.(1) According to the definition of f, the four bases {A,C,G,T }are mapped to four distinct value. One can also use {−2,−1,1,2}to replace {A,G,C,T }or other orders of A,G,C,T . our main aim is distinguish A andGfrom purine, CandTfrom pyrimidine. We expect it to reveal more information tha n one dimensional DNA walk[4]. Remark: William Y. C. Chen and J. D. Louck[19]also use the {−2,−1,1,2}alphabet for the DNA sequence, instead of {A,C,G,T }. Thus we obtain a number sequence x={xk}N k=1, where xk∈ {−2,−1,1,2}. This sequence can be treated as a fractal records in time. To study such sequences , Hurst[20]invented a new statistical method —the rescaled range analysis (R/Sanalysis), then B. B. Mandelbrot[21]and J. Feder[22]introduced R/S analysis of fractal records in time into fractal analysis. F or any fractal records in time x={xk}N k=1and any 2≤n≤N, one can define < x > n=1 nn/summationdisplay i=1xi (2) X(i,n) =i/summationdisplay u=1[xu−< x > n] (3) R(n) = max 1≤i≤nX(i,n)−min 1≤i≤nX(i,n) (4) S(n) = [1 nn/summationdisplay i=1(xi−< x > n)2]1/2. (5) Hurst found that R(n)/S(n)∼(n 2)H. (6) 200.511.522.533.544.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7ln(R/S) ln(n)H=0.673099 Figure 1: An example of R/Sanalysis of DNA sequence His called Hurst exponent . Asnchanges from 2 to N, we obtain N−1 points in ln( n) v.s. ln( R(n)/S(n)) plane. Then we can calculate Hurst exponent Hof DNA sequence susing the least-square linear fit. As an example, we plot the graph of R/Sanalysis of an exon segment sof mouse’ DNA sequence (bp 1730– bp 2650 of the record with Accession AF033620 in Genbank) in Figure 1. The Hurst exponent is usually used as a measure of complexity . From Page 149 of Ref.[22], the trajectory of the record is a curve with a fractal dimension D= 2−H. Hence a smaller Hmeans a more complex system. When applied to fractional Brownian motion, if H >1/2, the system is said to be persistent , which means that if for a given time period t, the motion is along one direction, then in the succeeding ttime, it’s more likely that the motion will follow the same direction. W hile for system with H <1/2, the opposite holds, that is, antipersistent . But when H= 1/2, the system is Brown motion, and is random. We randomly choose 17 exons and 34 introns from Virus’ genome ; 8 exons and 9 introns from E. coli’s; 22 exons and 22 introns from yeast’s; 30 exons and 24 introns f rom drosophila’s; 37 exons and 31 introns from mouse’s; 78 exons and 27 introns from Human’s( all data f rom Genbank). The Hurst exponent Hs are calculated for each sequence and averaged according to both species category and function, their relative standard deviations are also calculated. We list the result s in Table 1 (we briefly write “relative standard deviation” as “RSD” in the following tables). 3 Transition Matrix analysis Readers can see the concept of Transition Matrix of a data seq uence in the book of J.C.Davis[23]. Here we use this method to study DNA sequences, mainly on the natur e of transitions from one kind of base to 3Table 1: Average and relative standard deviation of H virus E. coli yeast drosophila mouse human Average exon 0.6017 0.5991 0.6117 0.6135 0.5746 0.5967 intron 0.5536 0.6482 0.6268 0.6003 0.6017 0.6000 RSD exon 0.1510 0.0790 0.1442 0.1653 0.1446 0.1471 intron 0.2114 0.1265 0.1558 0.1629 0.1795 0.1526 another, which presents useful information of the sequence . For a given DNA sequence s=s1s2···sN, we can construct a 4 ×4 matrix A= (tij), where tijmeans the number of times a given kind of base being succeeded by anothe r in the sequence. Ais called the transition frequency matrix ofs, which is a concise way of expressing the incidence of one kin d of base following another. For example, for s=ATAGCGCATGTACGCGTAGATCATGCTAGCA , the transition frequency matrix is shown below: To A T G C FromA T G C 0 4 3 1 4 0 2 1 1 2 0 5 3 1 2 0 . The tendency for one kind of bases to succeed another can be em phasized by converting the frequency matrix to decimal fractions or percentages. Therefore, we c an construct a matrix P= (Pij) by dividing each element by the grand total of all entries in A. Such a matrix represents the relative frequency of all the possible types of transitions, and is called the transition proportion matrix ofs. For the above example, the transition proportion matrix is: To A T G C FromA T G C 0 0 .03 0.10 0.03 0.03 0 0 .07 0.03 0.03 0.07 0 0 .17 0.10 0.03 0.10 0 . First, We calculate the maximum real eigenvalue λof the transition proportion matrix Pof the DNA sequence. It is natural that such a parameter is relevant to t he system’s complexity. Second, Since/summationtext4 i,j=1Pij= 1, 0 ≤Pij≤1, we can view Pijas the probability of one kind of base to succeed another. If we denote # {Pij:Pij/ne}ationslash= 0}=Mbe the number of probabilities which is not zero, and rewrite {Pij:Pij/ne}ationslash= 0}as{Pi}M i=1. Then Shannon’s[24]definition of information entropy applies H=−M/summationdisplay i=1PilnPi. (7) 4Table 2: Average of the maximum real eigenvalue λ virus E. coli yeast drosophila mouse human exon 0.2564 0.2616 0.2663 0.2648 0.2596 0.2711 intron 0.2913 0.28835 0.2980 0.2839 0.2752 0.2720 Table 3: Average and relative standard deviation of informa tion entropy H virus E. coli yeast drosophila mouse human Average exon 2.6646 2.6636 2.6282 2.6620 2.6471 2.5954 intron 2.5566 2.5513 2.5241 2.5840 2.5834 2.5884 RSD exon 0.0352 0.0212 0.0248 0.0258 0.0215 0.0311 intron 0.0770 0.0268 0.0401 0.0398 0.0372 0.0339 When Pi= 1/M,i = 1,2,···,M, i.e. the case of equilibrium state, the function H(P1,···,PM) reaches its maximum value. When Pi= 1 for some iandPj= 0 for j/ne}ationslash=i, we have H(P1,···,PM) = 0. There is also a definition of disequilibrium D[25], used as a measure of ”complexity” in M-system. D=M/summationdisplay i=1(Pi−1 M)2. (8) When Pi= 1/M,i = 1,2,···,M, i.e. the case of equilibrium state, the function D= 0. When Pi= 1 for some iandPj= 0 for j/ne}ationslash=i,Dgets its maximum value. R. Lope-Ruiz et al[26]proposed another statistical measure of complexity C, which is defined as C=H × D . (9) NowC= 0 for both the equilibrium state and the case of Pi= 1 for some iandPj= 0 for j/ne}ationslash=i. We also define two more measures of complexity as follows: /tildewideD= [D/(1 MM/summationdisplay i=1P2 i)]1/2(10) /tildewideC=H ×/tildewideD. (11) /tildewideDmeans the relative disequilibrium. They are inspired by DandC, but exhibit better behavior in the computation. For DNA sequences chosen in the previous section, The measur esλ,H,D,C,/tildewideDand/tildewideCof complexity are calculated for each sequence and averaged according to both biological category of species and the function. In addition, the relative standard deviations of H,D,C,/tildewideDand/tildewideCare also calculated. The results are listed in Table 2-7. 5Table 4: Average and relative standard deviation of D virus E. coli yeast drosophila mouse human Average exon 0.0121 0.0123 0.0172 0.0137 0.0146 0.0211 intron 0.0317 0.0275 0.0331 0.0250 0.0242 0.0234 RSD exon 0.5986 0.4197 0.4086 0.5277 0.4082 0.4260 intron 0.7604 0.2823 0.4501 0.5147 0.5236 0.5005 Table 5: Average and relative standard deviation of C virus E. coli yeast drosophila mouse human Average exon 0.0313 0.0325 0.0448 0.0360 0.0382 0.0540 intron 0.0739 0.0697 0.0820 0.0631 0.0612 0.0595 RSD exon 0.5614 0.4038 0.3912 0.5078 0.3846 0.3862 intron 0.7203 0.2660 0.4102 0.4915 0.4883 0.4629 Table 6: Average and relative standard deviation of/tildewideD virus E. coli yeast drosophila mouse human Average exon 0.3767 0.3925 0.4492 0.4008 0.4226 0.4871 intron 0.4852 0.5434 0.5679 0.4999 0.4996 0.5000 RSD exon 0.2545 0.1919 0.1832 0.2434 0.1654 0.1579 intron 0.3416 0.1210 0.1469 0.2428 0.2105 0.1775 Table 7: Average and relative standard deviation of/tildewideC virus E. coli yeast drosophila mouse human Average exon 0.9949 1.0413 1.1754 1.0603 1.1149 1.2584 intron 1.2070 1.3821 1.4254 1.2794 1.2809 1.2865 RSD exon 0.2160 0.1721 0.1613 0.2190 0.1439 0.1286 intron 0.2722 0.1002 0.1105 0.2122 0.1774 0.1435 64 Conclusions Virus is species which has not the shape of cell. E. coli belon gs to prokaryote and has the shape of cell. Yeast, drosophila, mouse and human belong to eukaryote and a lso have the shape of cell. From the point of view of evolution, virus has lower grade than E. coli; E. co li has lower grade than that of yeast which has lower grade than that of drosophila; drosophila has lower gr ade than that of mouse which has lower grade than that of human. We use Hexonto denote the Hurst exponent of exon, and similarly for other measures of complexity and functional regions of DNA. 1.From Table 1, we can see that Hexon > Hintronholds for virus, but Hintron> Hexon for the species which have the shape of cell except for drosophila. T he latter means that exons are more complex than introns. This result coincides with the conclusion of R ef.[12, 14,18]. From Table 1 we also find that the Hurst exponent of DNA sequence is generally larger than1 2. This means that when we use fractional Brownian motion model to describe DNA sequences, we can say i t is a persistent system. In particular, we can see Hexons are different from 1/2 explicitly. It indicates that coding regions of DNA is far from random. This is different from the result of Ref.[4] and coinc ides with the results of Ref.[14]. But we can not find any trend that coincides with the evolution in Table 1 . When we consider the transition of bases in DNA sequence, the n 2. For Virus, E. coli, yeast, drosophila, mouse and human, fro m Table 3, we can conclude that measure Hof transition proportion matrix of exon is larger than that o f intron, and measures λ,D,C,/tildewideDand/tildewideCof transition proportion matrix of intron are larger than that of exon. 3.Regarding the evolution, we find that as the grade goes higher , measures D,C,/tildewideDand/tildewideCof exon become larger, the measure Hof exon becomes lesser except for yeast. Hence for exon of spe cies of higher grade, the transition statistics of the four kinds of bases g oes further from equilibrium. From the above tables, one can find the information entropy Hhas the less relative standard deviation than other measures of complexity. 4.From the previous discussions, we find that measure His a good measure of complexity which can be used to clearly distinguish different functional regions of DNA sequences and to describe the evolution of species. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to express their gratitude toward Pro f. Bai-lin Hao for introduction into this field, useful discussions and encouragement. And to Prof. We i-Mou Zheng, Dr. Zuo-Bing Wu and Yang Zhang for many helpful discussions. This project was partia lly supported by China postdoctoral Science Fundation No. 98B632. References [1] W. Li and K. Kaneko, Europhys. Lett. 17(1992) 655. [2] A. Grosberg, Y. Rabin, S. Havlin, and A. Neer, Europhys. Lett. 23(1993) 373. [3] (a) R. Voss, Phys. 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arXiv:physics/9910040v1 [physics.bio-ph] 27 Oct 1999Dimensions of fractals related to languages defined by tagge d strings in complete genomes∗ Zu-Guo Yu1,2, Bai-lin Hao2, Hui-min Xie3,2and Guo-Yi Chen2 1Department of Mathematics, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411 105, P.R. China. 2Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica , P.O. Box 2735, Beijing 100080, P.R. China. 3Department of Mathematics, Suzhou University, Jiangsu 215 006, P.R. China. Abstract A representation of frequency of strings of length Kin complete genomes of many organisms in a square has led to seemingly self-similar patterns when Kincreases. These patterns are caused by under-represented strings with a certain “tag”-s tring and they define some fractals in theK→ ∞ limit. The Box and Hausdorff dimensions of the limit set are di scussed. Although the method proposed by Mauldin and Williams to calculate Box and Hausdorff dimension is valid in our case, a different and sampler method is proposed i n this paper. Keywords: Fractal dimensions, Languages, comeplete genomes. 1 Introduction In the past decade or so there has been a ground swell of intere st in unraveling the mysteries of DNA. The heredity information of organisms (except for so -called RNA-viruses) is encoded in their DNA sequence which is a one-dimensional unbranched po lymer made of four different kinds of monomers (nucleotides): adenine ( a), cytosine ( c), guanine ( g), and thymine ( t). As long as the encoded information is concerned we can ignore the fact that DNA exists as a double helix of two “conjugated” strands and only treat it as a one-dimensional symbolic sequence made of the four letters from the alphabet Σ ={a,c,g,t }. Since the first complete genome of a free-living bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium was sequenced in 1995[3], an ever-growing number of complete genomes has been deposited in public databases. The availability of com plete genomes opens the possibility to ask some global questions on these sequences. One of the simp lest conceivable questions consists in checking whether there are short strings of letters that are absent or under-represented in a complete genome. The answer is in the affirmative and the fact may have so me biological meaning[5]. The reason why we are interested in absent or under-represen ted strings is twofold. First of all, this is a question that can be asked only nowadays when comple te genomes are at our disposal. ∗This work was partially supported by Chinese Natural Scienc e Foundation and Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation. 1Second, the question makes sense as one can derive a factorizable language from a complete genome which would be entirely defined by the set of forbidden words. We start by considering how to visualize the avoided and unde r-represented strings in a bacterial genome whose length is usually the order of a million letters . Bai-lin Hao[5]et al. proposed a simple visualization method based on counting a nd coase- graining the frequency of appearance of strings of a given le ngth. When applying the method to all known complete genomes, fractal-like patterns emerge. The fractal dimensions are basic and important quantities to characterize the fractal. One will naturally ask the question: what are the fractal dimensions of the fractals rerlated to languages de fined by tagged strings? In this paper we will answer the question. 2 Graphical representation of counters We call any string made of Kletters from the set {g,c,a,t }aK-string. For a given Kthere are in total 4Kdifferent K-strings. In order to count the number of each kind of K-strings in a given DNA sequence 4Kcounters are needed. These counters may be arranged as a 2K×2Ksquare, as shown in Fig. 1 for K= 1 to 3. K=1g c a t K=2aaaggagg atacgtgc tatgcacg tttcctcc K=3aag aaaaac aatagg agaagc agtgag gaagac gatggg ggaggc ggt atg ataatc attacg acaacc actgtg gtagtc gttgcg gcagcc gct taq taatac tattgg tgatgc tgtcag caacac catcgg cgacgc cgt ttg ttattc ttttcg tcatcc tctctg ctactc cttccg ccaccc cct Figure 1: The arrangement of string counters for K= 1 to 3 in squares of the same size. In fact, for a given Kthe corresponding square may be represented as a direct prod uct of K copies of identical matrices: M(K)=M⊗M⊗ ··· ⊗ M, where each Mis a 2 ×2 matrix: M=/bracketleftBigg g c a t/bracketrightBigg , which represents the K= 1 square in Fig. 1. For convenience of programming, we use bi nary digits 0 and 1 as subscripts for the matrix elements, i.e., let M00=g,M01=c,M10=a, and M11=t. The subscripts of a general element of the 2K×2Kdirect product matrix M(K), M(K) I,J=Mi1j1Mi2j2···MiKjK 2are given by I=i1i2···iKandJ=j1j2···jK. These may be easily calculated from an input DNA sequence s1s2s3···sKsK+1···, where si∈ {g,c,a,t }. We call this 2K×2Ksquare a K-frame. Put in a frame of fixed Kand described by a color code biased towards small counts, each b acterial genome shows a distinctive pattern which indicates on absent or under-represented str ings of certain types[5]. For example, many bacteria avoid strings containing the string ctag. Any string that contains ctagas a substring will be called a ctag-tagged string. If we mark all ctag-tagged strings in frames of different K, we get pictures as shown in Fig. 2. The large scale structure of t hese pictures persists but more details appear with growing K. Excluding the area occupied by these tagged strings, one ge ts a fractal F in the K→ ∞ limit. It is natural to ask what are the fractal dimensions of Ffor a given tag. K=6 K=7 K=8 K=9 Figure 2: ctag-tagged strings in K= 6 to 9 frames. In fact, this is the dimension of the complementary set of the tagged strings. The simplest case is that of g-tagged strings. As the pattern has an apparently self-simi lar structure the dimension 3is easily calculated to be dimH(F) = dim B(F) =log 3 log 2, where dim H(F) and dim B(F) are the Hausdorff and Box dimensions[2]ofF. In formal language theory, we starts with alphabet Σ = {a,c,g,t }. Let Σ∗denotes the collection of all possible strings made of letters from Σ, including the empty string ǫ. We call any subset L⊂Σ∗alanguage over the alphabet Σ. Any string over Σ is called a word. If we denote the given tag as w0, for our case, L={word which does not contain w0as factor }. Fis called the fractal related to language L. 3 Box dimension of fractals When we discuss the Box dimension, we can consider more gener al case, i.e. the case of more than one tag. We denote the set of tags as B, and assume that there has not one element being factor of any other element in B. We define L1={word which does not contain any of element of Bas factor } Now let aKbe the number of all strings of length Kthat belong to language L1. As the linear sizeδKin the K-frame is 1 /2K, the Box dimension of Fmay be calculated as: dimB(F) = lim K→∞logaK −logδK= lim K→∞logaK1/K log 2. (1) Now we define the generating function of aKas f(s) =∞/summationdisplay K=0aKsK, where sis a complex variable. FirstL1is a dynamic language, form Theorem 2.5.2 of ref.[10], we hav e lim K→∞a1/K K exists, we denote it as l. (2) From (1), we have dimB(F) =logl log 2. (3) For any word w=w1w2... w n,wi∈Σ for i= 1,... ,n , we denote Head(w) = {w1, w1w2, w1w2w3, ... , w 1w2... w n−1}, Tail(w) = {wn, wn−1wn, wn−2wn−1wn, ... , w 2w3... w n}. 4For given two words uandv, we denote overlap (u,v) =Tail(u)∩Head(v). Ifx∈Head(v), then we can write v=xx′. We denote x′=v/xand define u:v=/summationdisplay x∈overlap (u,v)s|v/x|, where |v/x|is the length of word v/x. From Golden-Jackson Cluster method[8], we can know that f(s) =1 1−4s−weight (C), where weight (C) =/summationtext v∈Bweight (C[v]) and weight (C[v]) (v∈B) are solutions of the linear equa- tions: weight (C[v]) =−s|v|−(v:v)weight (C[v])−/summationdisplay u∈B u/negationslash=v(u:v)weight (C[u]). It is easy to see that f(s) is a rational function. Its maximal analytic disc at center 0 has radius |s0|, where s0is the minimal module zero point of f−1(s). On the other hand, according to the Cauchy criterion of convergence we have 1 /lis the radius of convergence of series expansion of f(s). Hence |s0|= 1/l. From (3), we obtain the following result. Theorem 3.1 The Box dimension of Fis dimB(F) =−log|s0| log 2, where s0is the minimal module zero point of 1/f(s)andf(s)is the generating function of language L1. In particular, the case of a single tag — Bcontains only one word — is easily treated and some of the results are shown in Table 1. Tag f(s) D Tag f(s) D g1 1−3slog3 log2ggg1+s+s2 1−3s−3s2−3s31.98235 gc1 1−4s+s21.89997 ctag1 1−4s+s4 1.99429 gg1+s 1−3s−3s21.92269 ggcg1+s3 1−4s+s3−3s4 1.99438 gct1 1−4s+s31.97652 gcgc1+s2 1−4s+s2−4s3+s41.99463 gcg1+s2 1−4s+s2−3s31.978 gggg1+s+s2+s3 1−3s−3s2−3s3−3s41.99572 Table 1: Generating function and dimension for some single t ags. 54 Hausdorff dimension of fractals We obtained the Box dimension of Fin the previous section. Now one will naturally ask whether the Hausdorff dimension of Fequals to the Box dimension of it. In this section we will disc uss the Hausdorff dimension of F. Now we only discuss the case of Bcontains only one word w0. From theK-frames ( K=|w0|,|w0|+ 1,...), we can find: Proposition 4.1 log 3 log 2≤dimH(F)≤dimB(F)≤log(4|w0|−1) log 2<2. Now we denote α=−log|s0| log 2andαK=loga1/K K log 2. For any word w=w1w2... w K, we denote Fw1w2...wKthe corresponding close square in K-frame and denote FK=∩w=w1w2...wK∈LFw1w2...wK, thenF= lim K→∞FK. We first prove dim H(F) = dim B(F) under a condition using elementary method. Lemma 4.1 : Suppose E⊂R2with|E|<1/2, let B1={w=w1w2... w K∈L:|Fw1w2...wK|<|E| ≤ |Fw1w2...wK−1| andE∩Fw1w2...wK/ne}ationslash=∅}, then#B1≤2π. Proof. Note that for each w=w1w2... w K∈B1 |E| |Fw1w2...wK|≤|Fw1w2...wK−1| |Fw1w2...wK|=1 2, then|E| ≤1 2|Fw1w2...wK|. The interiors of Fw1w2...wKwithw=w1w2... w K∈B1are non- overlapping and all lie in a disc with radius 2 |E|, and all Fw1w2...wKare squares, hence (2|E|)2π≥(1√ 2|Fw1w2...wK|)2#B1≥1 2(2|E|)2#B1, hence # B1≤2π. ✷ For any w=w1... w |w|,r∈Σ, we denote w∗r=w1... w |w|rand define νw=νw1νw2... ν w|w|, where νwj=/braceleftBigg 2α/4,if #{r∈Σ :w1w2... w j−1r∈L}= 4, 2α/3,if #{r∈Σ :w1w2... w j−1r∈L}= 3. We assume (C1)νw=νw1νw2... ν w|w|< M(a constant) for any w∈L. Now we have: 6Theorem 4.1 Under condition (C1), we have dimH(F) = dim B(F) =αand 0<Hα(F)<∞, where Hα(F)is the Hausdorff measure of F. Proof. We first prove that Hα(F)<∞, (4) Since αK→αasK→ ∞, for any small ε >0, there exists a integer N >0 such that for any K > N , we have α > α K−ε. Hence /summationdisplay w=w1w2...wK∈L|Fw1w2...wK|α=aK(1 2)Kα< aK(1 2)K(αK−ε) = (1 2)−Kε≤(1 2)−(N+1)ε<∞. Hence Hα(F)<∞. Now we want to prove Hα(F)>0. We denote Σ∞={τ=τ1τ2...:|τ|=∞andτ1... τK∈LforK= 1,2,...} For any τ=τ1τ2...∈Σ∞, we denote τ|K=τ1τ2... τK, and define a probability measure /tildewideµon Σ∞by /tildewideµ([w]) = (1 2)|w|ανw,where [ w] ={τ∈Σ∞:τ||w|=w}. We can see /summationdisplay w∗r∈L,r∈Σ/tildewideµ([w∗r]) =/summationdisplay w∗r∈L,r∈Σ(1 2)(|w|+1)ανw∗r = (1 2)|w|ανw/summationdisplay w∗r∈L,r∈Σ(1 2)ανr= (1 2)|w|ανw=/tildewideµ([w]). There exists a natural continuous map ffrom Σ∞toF. Now we transfer /tildewideµto a probability measure on F, letµ=/tildewideµ◦f−1. We will show that there is some constant M1>0 such that if E is a Borel subset of R2with|E|<1/2, then µ(E)≤M1|E|α. Of course, this inequality implies Hα(F)≥1/M1>0. Set B1={w=w1w2... w K∈L:|Fw1w2...wK|<|E| ≤ |Fw1w2...wK−1| andE∩Fw1w2...wK/ne}ationslash=∅}. Then µ(E)≤/summationdisplay w∈B1/tildewideµ([w])≤#B1|Fw1w2...wK|ανw ≤#B1|E|ανw≤2πM|E|α=M1|E|α. ✷ 7Theorem 4.2 If the length of tag |w0| ≥3and for any w∈L,νwhas the form νw= (2α 3)(2α 4)i1(2α 3)(2α 4)i2(2α 3)··· or νw= (2α 4)i1(2α 3)(2α 4)i2(2α 3)(2α 4)i3··· where i1,i2andi3are positive integers, then dimH(F) = dim B(F) =αand0<Hα(F)<∞. Proof. Since |w0| ≥3, we have α >log12 2log 2, hence (2α 3)(2α 4)>1. Form the other condition, we know that there exists M1= max {(2α 3),1}such that νw≤M1for anyw∈L. Then from Theorem 4.1, we can obtain our result of this theor em. ✷ Examples :w0=ctgorw0=ctag, the result dim H(F) = dim B(F) holds. If we do not have condition ( C1), in the following we still can obtain dim H(F) = dim B(F). We define B2={u∈Σ∗| |u|=|w0|,u/ne}ationslash=w0}. One can know the set B2contains N1= 4|w0|−1 elements, hence we can write B2={u1,u2,... ,u N1}. Now we can define a N1×N1matrix Aby A= [ti,j]i,j≤N1, where ti,j= (1/2)βifui=r1xanduj=xr2with|x|=|w0| −1,r1,r2∈Σ, and ti,j= 0 otherwise, and where βsatisfies Φ( β) = 1 with Φ( β) being the largest nonnegative eigenvalue of A. Then from the results of ref.[7], we have Theorem 4.3 IfB={w0}, then dimH(F) = dim B(F) =βand 0<Hα(F)<∞. From Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 4.1, we have Corollary 4.1 IfB={w0}, then β= dim H(F) = dim B(F) =α. Remark : When Bcontains more than one word, we can also construct a matrix Asimilarly, then from the results of ref.[7], we can obtain the same concl usions of Theorem 4.3 and Corollary 4.1 for this case. From Corollary 4.1, we have two methods to c alculate the Hausdorff and Box dimensions of F, i.e. calculate αandβrespectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The first author would like to express his thanks to Prof. Zhi- Ying Wen for encouragement, and to Dr. Hui Rao and De-Jun Feng for many usful discussions. 8References [1] G. Deckert et al., The complete genome of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus , Nature ,392(1998) 353-358. [2] K. J. Falconer, Fractal geometry: Mathematics foundati ons and applications, John wiley & sons Ltd , 1990. [3] C. M. Fraser et al., The minimal gene complement of Mycoplasma genitalium, Science ,270 (1995) 397. [4] I. Goulden, and D. M. Jackson, An inversion theorem for cl uster decomposition of sequences with distinguished subsequences, J. London Math. Soc. 20(1979) 567-576. [5] Bai-lin Hao, Hoong-Chien Lee, and Shu-yu Zhang, Fractal s related to long DNA sequences and complete genomes, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , to appear (1999). [6] Bai-lin Hao, and Wei-mou Zheng, Applied Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos , World Scientific, Singapore, 1998. [7] R.D. Mauldin and S.C. Williams, Hausdorff dimension in gr aph directed constructions, Tran. of Amer. Math. Soc. 309(1988) 811-829. [8] J. Noonan, and D. Zeilberger, The Goulden-Jackson clust er method: extensions, applications and implementations, downloadable from http://www.math.temple.edu/ ˜zeilberg [9] S. Wolfram, Computation theory of cellular automata, Commun. Math. Phys. 96(1984) 15-57. [10] Hui-min Xie, Grammatical Complexity and One-Dimensional Dynamical Sys tems, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996. 9
arXiv:physics/9910041v1 [physics.ed-ph] 27 Oct 1999Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Ed- ucation (Affiliated to the United Nations) Hans J. Haubold Programme on Space Applications Office for Outer Space Affairs United Nations Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 500 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Email: haubold@kph.tuwien.ac.at Abstract Education is a prerequisite to master the challenges of spac e science and technology. Efforts to understand and control space science and technology are necessarily intertwined with social expressions in the cultures where sci- ence and technology is carried out (Pyenson [1]). The United Nations is leading an effort to establish regional Centres for Space Sci ence and Technol- ogy Education in major regions on Earth. The status of the est ablishment of such institutions in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin Am erica and the Caribbean, Western Asia, and Eastern Europe is briefly descr ibed in this article. 1. United Nations Programme on Space Applications The United Nations Programme on Space Applications was esta blished in 1971 on the recommendation of the first United Nations Confer ence on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE I)[2 ] and the Pro- gramme was expanded and its mandate broadened in UNISPACE II (1982) [3] and the recently concluded UNISPACE III [4] Conferences . Fulfilling one element of the Programme’s mandate, more than 150 workshops with ap- proximately 8000 participants have been organized since it s establishment. Following the need of developing countries and taking into a ccount the space- related agenda of the Programme, the majority of workshops f ocussed on core disciplines: remote sensing and geographic informati on system, satellite communications and geo-positioning system, satellite met eorology and global climate, and space and atmospheric sciences [5]. Despite th e success of these workshops in the initiation of regional and international c ooperation and thedevelopment of space science and technology, particularly for the benefit of developing countries, in the 1980’s the limitations of shor t-term activities were recognized and called for the need of building long-ter m regional capac- ity in space science and technology and its applications [6] . Subsequently, in 1988, under the auspices of the Programme, a project to est ablish centres for space science and technology education at the regional l evel was initiated [7]. A unique element of this project was that the Centres wer e envisaged to be established in developing countries for the benefit of reg ional cooperation, particularly between the developing countries. 2. United Nations General Assembly Resolutions The General Assembly of the United Nations, in its resolutio n 45/72 of 11 December 1990, endorsed the recommendation of the Working G roup of the Whole of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, as appro ved by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) [8], t hat: “... the United Nations should lead, with the active support of it s specialized agencies and other international organizations, an intern ational effort to es- tablish regional centres for space science and technology e ducation in existing national/regional educational institutions in the develo ping countries” [9]. Subsequently, the General Assembly, in its resolution 50/2 7 of 6 December 1995, also endorsed the recommendation of COPUOS that “thes e centres be established on the basis of affiliation to the United Nation s as early as possible and that such affiliation would provide the centres w ith the necessary recognition and would strengthen the possibilities of attr acting donors and of establishing academic relationships with national and i nternational space- related institutions” [10]. 3. Status of Establishing and Operating the Regional Centre s At the occasion of the UNISPACE III Conference (19-30 July 19 99, Vienna, Austria), the status of the operation and establishment of t he regional Cen- tres was reviewed as part of the intergovernmental meetings and the technical forum of this Conference [4]. Since its inauguration in India in 1995, the regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific has successf ully conducted four post-graduate courses on remote sensing and geographi c information system; two courses on satellite communications; and a cour se each on the following topics: satellite meteorology and global climat e; and space science.Each of the courses was inaugurated through a research level workshop on the respective topic supported through regular activities of the United Na- tions Programme on Space Applications. Upon completion of t he nine-month course in each activity, the scholars have carried out a one- year applica- tions/research project in their home countries. In agreeme nt with resolution 45/72, this Centre takes advantage of the intellectual reso urces and facilities of three renowned space-related institutions: (i) the Indi an Institute of Re- mote Sensing, Dehradun, (ii) the Space Applications Centre , Ahmedabad, and (iii) the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad [15] . The regional Centre for Space Science and Technology - in Fre nch Language - in Africa was inaugurated on 24 October 1998 in Casablanca, Morocco, and is located at the Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingenieurs in Rabat. The regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Educat ion - in English Language - in Africa was inaugurated on 24 November 1998 in Ab uja, Nigeria, and is located at Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife [16] . The inauguration of the regional Centre for Space Science an d Technology Education in Latin America and the Caribbean is expected to o ccur in 2000 in Brazil and Mexico. In preparation for the operation of the campus of the Centre in Brazil, the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espac iais (INPE) is already very active in carrying out a number of workshops for the benefit of States in the region. An evaluation mission to Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic was con- ducted in 1998. The reports of the mission have been finalized in consulta- tion with the Governments of Jordan and the Syrian Arab Repub lic, with a view to selecting a host country for a regional Centre in West ern Asia, which is expected to occur shortly after the UNISPACE III Conferen ce. In 1995, the Network of Space Science and Technology Educati on and Re- search Institutions for States of Central-Eastern and Sout h-Eastern Europe was established [11]. A technical study mission to Bulgaria , Greece, Hun- gary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Turkey was carried out in 1998. The mission undertook a technical study and provided an informa tive report that will be used in determining, in each country visited, an agre ed framework for the operation of such a Network. Each country designated space science and technology related core and associated institutions, a ll of them with a long and successful history in research and applications of space science and technology, which are being part of this Network.4. Governing Boards and Advisory Committees of the Centres Each Centre shall aspire to be a highly reputable regional in stitution, which, as the needs arise, and as directed by the Centre’s Governing Board, may grow into a network of specialized and internationally accl aimed affiliate nodes. Because resolution 45/72 specifically limits the rol e of the United Na- tions to “lead, ..., an international effort to establish reg ional centres”, it is apparent that once a Centre is inaugurated, its Governing Bo ard will assume all decision-making and policy-formulating responsibili ties for the Centre. The Governing Board is the overall policy making body of each Centre and consists of member States (within the region where the Centr e is located), that have agreed, through their endorsement of the Centre’s agreement, to the goals and objectives of the Centre. The agreement of the C entre calls for the establishment of an Advisory Committee that provide s advise to the Governing Board on all scientific and technical matters, par ticularly on the Centre’s education curricula, and consists of experts in th e field of space science and technology [12]. The United Nations serves the C entre and its Governing Board and Advisory Committee in an advisory capac ity. Gov- erning Boards were established for the Centres in Asia and th e Pacific and Africa. To date the Advisory Committee has been set up for the Centre in Asia and the Pacific. 5. Next Steps to Be Taken During the deliberations of the UNISPACE III Conference, me etings were held and presentations were delivered to chart the course fo r future measures to continue furthering the regional Centres. In a meeting be tween represen- tatives of the Centres in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and Lat in America and the Caribbean, the opinion was emphasized, that as a foll ow-up of the Conference, closer and lively cooperation between the regi onal Centres needs to be established already at this point of time. Particularl y, the rich ex- perience gained in the successful operation of the Centre in Asia and the Pacific as centre of excellence shall be made available to the Centres in all other regions. It was further felt that all Centres, through the support of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and its Progra mme on Space Applications, should urgently establish cooperatio n with international organizations and institutions (among them COSPAR, IAU, IC TP, ISPRS, ISU, TWAS), specialized agencies of the United Nations syst em (among them FAO, IAEA, UNESCO, UNU, WHO, WMO), and the Economic and Socia lCommissions of the respective region. The International As tronomical Union (IAU) has undetaken first steps in this direction [13]. The st rong participa- tion of developing countries in the technical forum activit ies of UNISPACE III also brought to the attention of the Office for Outer Space A ffairs that the Centre’s education curricula [12] may have to be supplem ented with non- core discipline elements focussing on space biology/medic ine, devising small satellite projects, microgravity, and other space-relate d topics. 6. UN/ESA Workshops on Basic Space Science The establishment of the regional Centres is the sole projec t of the Pro- gramme on Space Applications leading to “institutionaliza tion” in the field of space science and technology. The operation of the Centre s can be sup- ported by the Programme in organizing some of its regular act ivities in close cooperation with the Centres. In this connection it shall be recalled that it was India in 1991, hosting the first United Nations/European Space Agency Workshop on Basic Space Science for the benefit of Asia and the Pacific at ISRO in Bangalore, that inaugurated a series of worldwide wo rkshops. Since then such workshops were organized in Latin America and the C aribbean (Costa Rica and Colombia 1992, Honduras 1997), Africa (Nige ria 1993), Western Asia (Egypt 1994, Jordan 1999), Europe (Germany 199 6, France 2000), and again in Asia and the Pacific (Sri Lanka 1995) [14]. This series of workshops led to the establishment of several education and research oriented astronomical telescope facilities with a view to link them t o the respective regional Centres in the future. Already such a series of work shops, organized in the field of space science and technology, can lead to an app reciable ex- pansion of cooperation between countries of a region and its regional Centre. 7. Contact Adresses for More Details on the Regional Centres and Their Education Programmes Asia and the Pacific Region Prof. B. Deekshatulu Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia an d the Pacific Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Campus 4 Kalidas Road Dehra Dun - 248 001 India Tel.: (+91)-135-740-737 Fax : (+91)-135-740-785Email: deekshatulu@hotmail.com Africa Region Prof. E.E. Balogun Centre for Space Science and Technology Education - in Engli sh Language - in Africa Department of Physics Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife Nigeria Tel.: (234)-36-230-454 Fax : (234)-36-233-973 Email: ebalogun@oauife.edu.ng Africa Region Prof. A. Touzani Centre Regional Africain des Sciences et Technologie de l’E space Langue Francaise Sis a l’Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingenieurs Avenue Ibn Sina B.P. 765, Agdal Rabat Maroc Tel.: (212)-7-681824 Fax : (212)-7-681826 Email: craste@emi.ac.ma Latin America and the Caribbean Region Dr. T.M. Sausen Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais Divisao de Sensoriamento Remoto Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 Cx.P. 515 CEP 12201-970 Sao Jose dos Campos, SP Brazil Tel.: (+55)-12-325-6862 Fax : (+55)-12-325-6870 Email: tania@ltid.inpe.br Western Asia Region To be made available shortlyAcknowledgements The cooperation with Dr. W. Steinborn (German Space Agency, DLR) dur- ing the evaluation mission through Africa, Drs. G. Arrigo an d B. Negri (Ital- ian Space Agency, ASI) during the technical study mission th rough Central- Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, and Prof. F.R. Querci (Fr ench Space Agency, CNES) during the evaluation mission through the Mid dle East, is greatly acknowledged. References Note: The author is writing in his personal capacity and the v iews expressed in this paper are those of the author and not necessarily of th e United Na- tions. [1] L. Pyenson and S. Sheets-Pyenson, Servants of Nature: A H istory of Sci- entific Institutions, Enterprises, and Sensibilities, W.W . Norton & Company, New York, 1999, pp. XV+496. [2] United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peacef ul Uses of Outer Space, Vienna, 14-27 August 1968, United Nations, New York, 1968, Docu- ment E.68.I.11, pp. 59. [3] United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peacef ul Uses of Outer Space, Vienna, Austria, 9-21 August 1982, United Nations, N ew York, 1982, Document A/CONF.101/10, pp. 167; R. Chipman (Ed.), The Worl d in Space: A Survey of Space Activities and Issues Prepared for U NISPACE 82, Prentice-Hall, 1982, pp. 689. [4] United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peacef ul Uses of Outer Space, Vienna, Austria, 19-30 July 1999, United Nations, Vi enna, 1999, Doc- ument A/CONF.184/6; http://www.un.or.at/OOSA/. [5] Space for Development: The United Nations Programme on S pace Ap- plications, United Nations, Vienna, 1999, Document V.98-5 7085, pp. 23; http://www.un.or.at/OOSA/. [6] Report on the UN Workshop on Space Science and Technology and its Applications within the Framework of Educational Systems, 4-8 November 1985, Ahmedabad, India, Document A/AC.105/365, (27 Decemb er 1985) pp. 24; Report of the UN Meeting of Experts on Space Science and Te chnology and its Applications within the Framework of Educational Sy stems, 13-17 October 1986, Mexico, D.F., Document A/AC.105/378, (23 Dec ember 1986)pp. 25; Report on the UN Meeting of Experts on Space Science an d Technol- ogy and its Applications within the Framework of Educationa l Systems, 27 April - 1 May 1987, Lagos, Nigeria, Document A/AC.105/390, ( 18 Novem- ber 1987) pp. 23; Report on the UN International Meeting of Ex perts on the Development of Remote-Sensing Skills and Knowledge, 26 -30 June 1989, Dundee, United Kingdom, (3 January 1990) pp. 21. [7] Centre for Space Science and Technology Education, Unit ed Nations, New York, 1990, Documents SAP/90/001 to 003, pp. 24; Centres for Space science and Technology Education: A Progress Report, Document A/AC .105/498, (12 March 1990) pp. 28; Centres for Space Science and Technol ogy Edu- cation: Updated Project Document, Document A/AC.105/534, (7 January 1993) pp. 56; Regional Centres for Space Science and Technol ogy Education (Affiliated to the United Nations), Document A/AC.105/703, ( 16 June 1998) pp. 12. [8] M. Benkoe and K.-U. Schrogl, International Space Law in t he Making: Current Issues in the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Out er Space, Editions Frontiers, Gif-sur-Yvette, 1993, pp. XXIII+275. [9] Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Spac e, Gen- eral Assembly, Official Records: Forty-Fifth Session, Suppl ement No. 20 (A/45/20), United Nations, New York, 1990; Report of the Sci entific and Technical Sub-Committee on the Work of its Twenty-Seventh S ession, Doc- ument A/AC.105/456, (12 March 1990) pp. 37. [10] Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Spa ce, General Assembly, Official Records: Fiftieth Session, Supplement No . 20 (A/50/20), United Nations, New York, 1995. [11] M.-I. Piso, in Proceedings of the UNISPACE III Regional Preparatory Conference for Eastern Europe, Bucharest, Romania, 25-29 J anuary 1999, published by the Romanian Space Agency under the auspices of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Bucharest, Romania, 19 99, pp. 185- 198. [12] Centres for Space Science and Technology Education: Ed ucation Curric- ula, United Nations, Vienna, 1996, Document A/Ac.105/649, 23 pp.; Report on the UN/ESA/COSPAR Workshop on Data Analysis Techniques, 10-14 November 1997, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, (19 December 199 7) pp. 10. [13] Conclusions and Proposals of the IAU/COSPAR/UN Specia l Workshopon Education in Astronomy and Basic Space Science, 20-23 Jul y 1999, UNIS- PACE III Conference, Document A/CONF.184/C.1/L.8, (23 Jul y 1999) pp. 2; see also [4]. [14] H.J. Haubold and W. Wamsteker, Space Technology 18(199 8)No. 4-6, pp. 149-156; H.J. Haubold, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 1(1998) No. 2, pp. 105-121; http://www.seas.columbia.edu /∼ah297/un- esa/. [15] Centre for Space Science and Technology Education (Affil iated to the United Nations) in Asia and the Pacific, Brochure issued by th e Centre, Dehra Dun, India, 1995, pp. 6. [16] Centre for Space Science and Technology Education (Affil iated to the United Nations) in Africa, Brochure issued by the Centre, Il e-Ife, Nigeria, 1998, pp. 14.
arXiv:physics/9910042v1 [physics.space-ph] 27 Oct 1999UN/ESA Workshops on Basic Space Science: An Up- date on Their Achievements Hans J. Haubold Programme on Space Applications Office for Outer Space Affairs United Nations Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 500 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Email: haubold@kph.tuwien.ac.at Abstract During the second half of the twentieth century, expensive o bservatories are being erected at La Silla (Chile), Mauna Kea (Hawai), Las Pal mas (Canary Island), and Calar Alto (Spain), to name a view. In 1990, at th e beginning of The Decade of Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Bahc all [2]), the UN/ESA Workshops on Basic Space Science initiated the estab lishment of small astronomical telescope facilities, among them many p articularly sup- ported by Japan, in developing countries in Asia and the Paci fic (Sri Lanka, Philippines), Latin America and the Caribbean (Colombia, C osta Rica, Hon- duras, Paraguay), and Western Asia (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco ). The annual UN/ESA Workshops continue to pursue an agenda to network the se small ob- servatory facilities through similar research and educati on programmes and at the same time encourage the incorporation of cultural ele ments predomi- nant in the respective cultures. Cross-cultural integrati on and multi-lingual scientific cooperation may well be a dominant theme in the new millennium (Pyenson [20]). This trend is supported by the notion that as tronomy has deep roots in virtually every human culture, that it helps to understand hu- manity’s place in the vast scale of the Universe, and that it i ncreases the knowledge of humanity about its origins and evolution. Two o f these Work- shops have been organized in Europe (Germany 1996 and France 2000) to strengthen cooperation between developing and industrial ized countries. 1. Introduction Answering questions about the Universe challenges astrono mers, fascinates a broad national audience and inspires young people to pursu e careers inengineering, mathematics, and science. Basic space scienc e research assists nations, directly and indirectly, in achieving societal go als. For example, studies of the Sun, the planets, and the stars have led to expe rimental tech- niques for the investigation of the Earth’s environment and to a broader perspective from which to consider terrestrial environmen tal concerns such as ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect [1]. Basic space science makes humanistic, educational and tech nical contribu- tions to society. The most fundamental contribution of basi c space science is that it provides modern answers to questions about humanity ’s place in the Universe. Quantitative answers can now be found to question s about which ancient philosophers could only speculate. In addition to s atisfying curiosity about the Universe, basic space science nourishes a scienti fic outlook in soci- ety at large. Society invests in basic space science researc h and receives an im- portant dividend in the form of education, both formally thr ough instruction in schools, colleges and universities, and more informally through television programmes, popular books and magazines, and planetarium p resentations. Basic space science introduces young people to quantitativ e reasoning and also contributes to areas of more immediate practicality, i ncluding industry, medicine and the understanding of the Earth’s environment [ 2]. The international basic space science community has long sh own leadership in initiating international collaboration and cooperatio n. Forums have been established on a regular basis in which the basic space scien ce community has publicized its scientific achievements and the internat ional character of astronomical and space science studies. The most recent suc h initiatives were the International Space Year (1992), with its elements Mission to Planet Earth and Mission to the Universe, and the Third United Natio ns Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPAC E III), held from 19-30 July 1999 at the United Nations Office Vienna, Austr ia [21]. Despite the considerable progress made in the development o f astronomy and basic space science, the observation has been made that of th e 188 countries that are Member States of the United Nations, nearly 100 have professional or amateur astronomical organizations. Only about 60 of the se countries, however, are sufficiently involved in astronomy to belong to t he Interna- tional Astronomical Union. Only about 20 countries, repres enting 15% of the world’s population, have access to the full range of astr onomical facili- ties and information. This does not include most of the Easte rn European,Baltic, and former countries of the Soviet Union, whose frag ile economies keep them from achieving their full potential, despite the e xcellence of their astronomical heritage and education [3]. 2. First Cycle of Workshops: Regional Observations and Reco m- mendations In 1991, the United Nations, through its Programme on Space A pplications of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, in cooperation with the European Space Agency, held its first Workshop on Basic Space Science i n India for Asia and the Pacific region [4]. Since then, such workshops have be en held annu- ally in the different regions around the world to make a unique contribution to the worldwide development of astronomy and space science , particularly in developing countries. Workshops were held in 1992 in Costa R ica and Colom- bia for Latin America and the Caribbean, in 1993 in Nigeria fo r Africa, and in 1994 in Egypt for Western Asia. Additionally to the direct benefits of a common research workshop, a vital part of each of the worksho ps were daily working group sessions, which provided participants a foru m in which obser- vations and recommendations for developing basic space sci ence in all its as- pects, through regional and international cooperation, ha ve been made. The deliberations of these sessions and the observations and re commendations that emanated from them, region by region, are published as U N General Assembly documents that can be used to lobby governments and funding agencies to implement prospective follow-up projects of th e workshops [5]. 3. Second Cycle of Workshops: Implementing Follow-up Proje cts Among the most important results emanating from the worksho p series, starting with the first workshop in India in 1991, is that for e ach of the regions a number of follow-up projects were identified, main ly the establish- ment and operation of small astronomical telescope facilit ies, which have been gradually implemented over the course of the workshops . Examples of them are briefly listed below. The Galactic Emission Mapping (GEM) project of researchers from Brazil, Colombia, Italy, Spain, and the United States, devised to ob tain a full sky, multi-frequency, and high sensitivity survey of the galact ic radio emission, lead to the operation of the GEM radio telescope at an equator ial site in Colombia in 1995. Subsequently, in order to cover the northe rn and southern latitudes not visible from this equatorial site, the radio t elescope was movedto Spain (IAC at Tenerife) and to Brazil (INPE at Sao Jose dos C ampos) to continue radio frequency observations. Since 1995, the res ults obtained with GEM are (i) a galactic radio emission database in the frequencies 40 8, 2300, and 5000 MHz; (ii) an estimate of the sky temperature and spectral indices within that fre- quency range; and (iii) an estimate of the galactic emission profile and quadru pole component [6]. In 1995, the workshop was held in Sri Lanka to inaugurate an as tronomical telescope facility, based on a donation of an astronomical t elescope (45-cm GOTO) from Japan to Sri Lanka, at the Arthur C. Clarke Institu te for Mod- ern Technologies. The telescope is equipped with a photoele ctric photometer, spectrograph, and an ordinary camera for imaging (recently , a CCD camera was installed), and necessary computer equipment. Young as tronomers are being trained and educated for the operation of the telescop e facility through comprehensive programmes at Bisei Observatory, Japan. Sin ce 1995, the ACCIMT serves as the national centre for research, educatio n, and popular- ization of astronomy in Sri Lanka [7]. In 1997, the workshop inaugurated the Central American Astr onomical Ob- servatory (utilizing a 40-cm Maede telescope) at the Nation al Autonomous University of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, with the de dication of the Telescopio Rene Sagastume Castillo at the Suyapa Observato ry for Cen- tral American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemal a, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama) [8]. Following the recommendation of the workshop in Egypt in 199 4, the long awaited refurbishment and modernization of the 74” Kottami a telescope at Helwan, Egypt, will be finalized in 1999. This telescope, equ ipped with Cassegrain and Coude spectrographs, saw first light in 1964 a nd is still the largest telescope in the region of Western Asia and will be ma de available for regional and international cooperation in the near futu re. The agree- ment between the National Research Institute of Astronomy a nd Geophysics (NRIAG) and the Government of Egypt lead to the replacement o f the pri- mary and secondary mirrors of the telescope by new mirrors of Zerodur glass ceramics. To improve the optical performance of the telesco pe system, a more efficient supporting system was also developed for the pr imary mirror[9]. The most recent UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science: Scie ntific Ex- ploration from Space, was hosted by the Institute of Astrono my and Space Sciences at Al al-Bayt University from 13 to 17 March 1999 in M afraq, Jor- dan. The major result of the working group sessions was the ur gent recom- mendation to make the small astronomical telescope facilit y (40-cm Maede telescope) on campus of Al al-Bayt University operational a nd to encourage the project of the construction of the 32-m Baquaa radio tele scope at the University of Jordan, Amman [10]. 4. Third Cycle of Workshops: Networking Telescopes and Beyo nd Based on the request from the United Nations, the Foreign Offic e of the Government of Germany, through the German Space Agency (DLR ), made it possible to hold a UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science a t the Max- Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy (MPIfR), Bonn, Germa ny, in 1996, for the benefit of Europe. This workshop analyzed the results of a ll previous Workshops on Basic Space Science, particularly the follow- up projects that emanated from the second workshop cycle and charted the cour se to be fol- lowed in the future [6-10]. Additional to this objective, th e workshop ad- dressed scientific topics at the forefront of research in suc h diverse fields as photon, neutrino, gravitational waves, and cosmic rays ast ronomy, respec- tively. Taking into account that the past workshops did not l ead yet to the establishment of an astronomical facility in African co untries under con- sideration for such an effort, this workshop prepared the pub lication, on a regular basis, of an urgently needed bilingual newsletter ( African Skies/Cieux Africains) for the space science community in Africa, a coll aborative effort of astronomers from France and South Africa [11]. The forthcoming Ninth UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Scienc e: Satel- lites and Networks of Telescopes as Tools for Global Partici pation in the Studies of the Universe, will be held at Toulouse, France, in June 2000. The organizers of the series of workshops have agreed, based on o bservations and recommendations of the past workshops, that the agenda of th is workshop will focus on the following topics: (i) Feasibility of the establishment of a World Space Observ atory (WSO) [12]. (ii) Network of Oriental Robotic Telescopes (NORT) [13].(iii) Networking of small astronomical telescopes to be pre ferentially utilized for observation of variable stars. The establishment of sma ll astronomical telescope facilities with the sponsorship of Japan in Parag uay and the Philip- pines. Cooperation between small astronomical telescope f acilities in terms of education and research programmes [14, 19] . (iv) Research with astronomical data bases [15] and the util ization of astro- physics data systems [16]. 5. Results That Supplemented the Workshop Series 1992 had been designated as International Space Year (ISY) b y a wide va- riety of national and international space organizations, i ncluding the United Nations. To help generate interest and support for planetar iums as centres of culture and education, the United Nations in cooperation wi th the Interna- tional Planetarium Society, as part of its International Sp ace Year activities, published a guidebook on the Planetarium: A Challenge for Ed ucators [17]. Subsequently, this booklet was translated by national plan etarium associa- tions from English into Japanese, Slovakian, and Spanish, a nd is still available from the United Nations. In 1993, the European Space Agency, through the United Natio ns, donated 30 personal computer systems for use at universities and res earch institutions in Cuba, Ghana, Honduras, Nigeria, Peru, and Sri Lanka. In 1995, scientists from around the world gathered at the Uni ted Nations Headquarters in New York to discuss a broad range of scientifi c issues associ- ated with near-Earth objects (NEOs). This gathering became known as the first United Nations International Conference on Near-Eart h Objects [18]. Subsequently, the European Space Agency sponsored a study o f a global network for research on near-Earth objects with the purpose to design and implement a worldwide information and data exchange centre called Space- guard Central Node (SCN) in order to support follow-up activ ities after the detection of NEOs [19]. Acknowledgement The author is deeply indebted to Dr. W. Wamsteker (European S pace Agency) for his continual support and commitment in organiz ing the Work- shops. The author would like to thank Prof. M. Kitamura (Nati onal As- tronomical Observatory Tokyo), Dr. K.-U. Schrogl (German S pace Agency Cologne), Dr. J. Andersen (International Astronomical Uni on Paris), andProf. A.M. Mathai (McGill University Montreal) for their su pport of the Workshops. References Note: The author is writing in his personal capacity and the v iews expressed in this paper are those of the author and not necessarily thos e of the United Nations. [1] For a comprehensive review of social and economic dimens ions of science as a collaborative effort see C.H. Lai (editor), Ideals and Re alities: Selected Essays of Abdus Salam, 2nd edition (Singapore: World Scient ific, 1987) and, focusing on the historic dimension of such endeavors, see [1 9]. [2] See J.N. Bahcall, The Decade of Discovery in Astronomy an d Astrophysics (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1991). For the i nterplay on how technology of astronomical instruments, astrophysics , and mathematics produce the remarkable picture of the Universe, in the cours e of history of humankind, see R. Osserman, Poetry of the Universe: A Math ematical Exploration of the Cosmos (New York: Doubleday, 1995). [3] See J.R. Percy and A.H. Batten, ”Chasing the dream”, Merc ury, 1995, 24(2):15-18. For an elaboration on the United Nations contr ibutions see H.J. Haubold and W. Wamsteker, ”Worldwide Development of Astron omy: The Story of a Decade of UN/ESA Workshops on Basic Space Science” , Space Technology, 1998, 18(4-6):149-156, and H.J. Haubold, ”UN/ ESA Workshops on Basic Space Science: an initiative in the world-wide deve lopment of as- tronomy”, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 19 98, 1(2):105-121. [4] Subsequently, these workshops were co-organized by the Austrian Space Agency (ASA), French Space Agency (CNES), German Space Agen cy (DLR), European Space Agency (ESA), International Astronomical U nion (IAU), In- ternational Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste (ICTP) , Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan (ISAS), National Aerona utics and Space Administration of the United States (NASA), The Planetary S ociety (TPS), and the United Nations (UN). [5] A month-to-month update on results and new developments related to the UN/ESA Workshops on Basic Space Science is made available at the Work- shop’s World-Wide-Web site at http://www.seas.columbia. edu/∼ah297/un- esa/. The Proceedings of the workshops were published in: (I ) ConferenceProceedings of the American Institute of Physics Vol. 245, A merican Insti- tute of Physics, New York, 1992, pp. 350; (II) Earth, Moon, an d Planets 63, No. 2 (1993)93-170; (III) Astrophysics and Space Scienc e 214, Nos. 1- 2 (1994)1-260; (IV) Conference Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics Vol. 320, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1 994, 320pp.; (V) Earth, Moon, and Planets 70, Nos. 1-3 (1995)1-233; (VI) A strophysics and Space Science 228, Nos. 1-2 (1995)1-405; and (VII) Astro physics and Space Science 258, Nos. 1-2 (1998)1-394. [6] For a detailed report on the development of the GEM projec t, its scientific results, impacts on university education and research in Co lombia, and refer- ences to the literature see S. Torres, “The UN/ESA Workshop o n Basic Space Science in Colombia, 1992: What has been achieved since then ?”, COSPAR Information Bulletin, 1999, No. 144, pp. 13-15. The World-W ide-Web site of GEM can be accessed at http://aether.lbl.gov/www/proje cts/GEM. [7] S. Gunasekara and P. de Alwis, ”The astronomy promotiona l programme at ACCIMT”, in Conference on Space Sciences and Technology A pplication for National Development: Proceedings, held at Colombo, Sr i Lanka, 21-22 January 1999, Ministry of Science and Technology of Sri Lank a, pp. 143-146. The World-Wide-Web site of ACCIMT at http://www.slt.lk/ac cimt/page5.html is gradually incorporating results obtained with the teles cope facility. See also the papers of Kitamura and Kogure, respectively, in [14 ]. [8] The Observatory and its educational and scientific activ ities is part of the World-Wide-Web site at http://www.unah.hondunet.net /unah.html. A recent photograph of the Observatory building is available at http://www.laprensahn.com/natarc/9812/n23001.htm. [9] S.M. Hasan, “Upgrading the 1.9-m Kottamia telescope”, A frican Skies, 1998, No. 2, pp. 16-17. [10] For all workshops, United Nations Reports on the organi zation of the respective Workshop have been published as UN General Assem bly docu- ments, see Report on the Eighth United Nations/European Spa ce Agency Workshop on Basic Space Science: Scientific Exploration fro m Space, hosted by the Institute of Astronomy and Space Sciences at Al al-Bay t Univer- sity on behalf of the Government of Jordan, A/AC.105/723, 18 May 1999, 8pp. A special World-Wide-Web site was developed for this wo rkshop at http://www.planetary.org/news/Events/unispace.html. [11] The World-Wide-Web site of the Working Group for Space S ciencein Africa is http://da.saao.ac.za:80/ ∼wgssa/. In this connection, see, for a detailed review of the workshop in Nigeria, held in 1994, L. I. Onuora, “The UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science in Nigeria: Look ing back”, COSPAR Information Bulletin, 1999, No. 144, pp. 15-16. [12] W. Wamsteker and R. Gonzales Riestra (editors), Ultrav iolet astro- physics beyond the IUE final archive: Proceedings of the conf erence, held at Sevilla, Spain, 11-14 November 1997, European Space Agen cy SP-413, pp. 849-855. H. Gavaghan, “U.N. plans its future in space”, S cience, 1999, 285, p. 819. See also Report on the Eighth United Nations/Eur opean Space Agency Workshop on Basic Space Science: Scientific Explorat ion from Space, hosted by the Institute of Astronomy and Space Sciences at Al al-Bayt Uni- versity on behalf of the Government of Jordan, A/AC.105/723 , 18 May 1999, 8pp. [13] F.R. Querci and M. Querci, “The network of oriental robo tic telescopes”, African Skies, 1998, No. 2, pp. 18-21. [14] H. Gavaghan, “U.N. plans its future in space”, Science, 1999, 285, p. 819. M. Kitamura, “Provision of astronomical instruments to dev eloping countries by Japanese ODA with emphasis on research observations by th e donated 45-cm reflectors in Asia”, in Conference on Space Sciences an d Technol- ogy Application for National Development: Proceedings, he ld at Colombo, Sri Lanka, 21-22 January 1999, Ministry of Science and Techn ology of Sri Lanka, pp. 147-152. T. Kogure, ”Stellar activity and needs f or multi-site observations”, in Conference on Space Sciences and Technol ogy Application for National Development: Proceedings, held at Colombo, Sr i Lanka, 21-22 January 1999, Ministry of Science and Technology of Sri Lank a, pp. 124-131. [15] E.g., IUE Newly Extracted Spectra (INES), World-Wide- Web site at http://ines.vilspa.esa.es, which is a complete astronomi cal archive and data distribution system, representing the final activity of ESA in the context of the International Ultraviolet Explorer project. [16] E.g., the NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), World-W ide-Web site at http://adswww.harvard.edu, whose main resource is an ab stract service which includes four sets of abstracts: (i) astronomy and ast rophysics, (ii) instrumentation, (iii) physics and geophysics, and (iv) Lo s Alamos preprint server. [17] See World-Wide-Web site at http://www.seas.columbia .edu/∼ah297/un- esa/planetarium.html.[18] See World-Wide-Web site at http://www.seas.columbia .edu/∼ah297/un- esa/neo.html. [19] See World-Wide-Web site at http://spaceguard.ias.rm .cnr.it [20] L. Pyenson and S. Sheets-Pyenson, Servants of Nature: A History of Sci- entific Institutions, Enterprises, and Sensibilities, W.W . Norton & Company, New York, 1999, pp. XV+496. [21] The report on this UNISPACE III Conference is available electronically at http://www.un.or.at/OOSA; as part of the Technical Foru m of UNIS- PACE III, comprising 38 scientific activities, an IAU/COSPA R/UN Special Workshop on Education in Astronomy and Basic Space Science w as held leading to conclusions and proposals contained in UN Docume nt A/CONF.184/C.1/L.8.
arXiv:physics/9910043v1 [physics.atom-ph] 27 Oct 1999Atomic dynamics in evaporative cooling of trapped alkali atoms in strong magnetic fields O. H. Pakarinen and K.-A. Suominen Helsinki Institute of Physics, PL 9, FIN-00014 Helsingin yl iopisto, Finland (December 3, 2013) We investigate how the nonlinearity of the Zeeman shift for strong magnetic fields affects the dynamics of rf field induced evaporative cooling in magnetic traps. We demonstrate for the87Rb and23NaF= 2 trapping states with wave packet simulations how the cooling stops when the rf field frequency goes below a certain limit (for the85RbF= 2 trapping state the problem does not appear). We examine the applicability of semiclassical models for the strong field case as an extens ion of our previous work [Phys. Rev. A 58, 3983 (1998)]. Our results verify many of the aspects observed in a recent87Rb experiment [Phys. Rev. A 60, R1759 (1999)]. 32.60.+i, 32.80.Pj, 03.65.-w I. INTRODUCTION Bose-Einstein condensation of alkali atoms in magnetic traps was first observed in 1995 [1], and since then the de- velopment in related research has been been very swift. Typically the hyperfine state used in the alkali exper- iments is the F= 1 state, although condensation has been demonstrated for the87RbF= 2 case as well [2]. The trapping of atoms is based on moderate, spatially in- homogeneous magnetic fields, which create a parabolic, spin-state dependent potential for spin-polarised atoms, as shown in Fig. 1(a). For slowly moving atoms the trap- ping potential depends on the strength of the magnetic fieldBbut not on its direction [3]. In practice the field is dominated by a constant bias field /vectorBbias, which elimi- nates the Majorana spin flips at the center of the trap. In evaporative cooling the hottest atoms are removed from the trap and the remaining ones thermalise by in- elastic collisions. This leads to a decrease in temperature of the atoms remaining in the trap [4–6]. Continuous evaporative cooling requires adjustable separation into cold and hot atoms. This is achieved by inducing spin flips with an oscillating (radiofrequency) magnetic field, which rotates preferably in the plane perpendicular to the bias field [6,7]. In the limit of linear (weak) Zeeman ef- fect the rf field couples the adjacent magnetic states MF resonantly at the spatial location determined by the field frequency [Fig. 1(a)]. Hot atoms oscillating in the trap can reach the resonance point and exit the trap after a spin flip to a nontrapping state. Using the rotating wave approximation we can eliminate the rf field oscillations, and obtain the curve crossing description of resonances [Fig. 1(b)]. FIG. 1. The magnetic trap potentials for spin-polarised 87Rb (F= 2). (a) The spin flips that lead to evaporation are achieved by an rf field induced multistate transition at a spe - cific spatial distance from the trap center. Here B0= 0.0001 T. (b) In the curve crossing description the resonances appe ar as degeneracies. Here B0= 0.0001 T. (c) For strong fields the multistate crossing transforms into a sequence on two-stat e crossings between adjacent MFstates. Here B0= 0.0020 T. The circles mark those crossings where the involved adjacen t MFstates are also coupled. In (b) and (c) we have νrf= 0.25 MHz+ ν0. The dynamics of atoms as they move past the reso- nance point can be described with a simple semiclassical model [8], which has been shown to agree very well with fully quantum wave packet calculations [3]. The model, however, can be applied only if the resonances between adjacent MFstates occur at the exactly same distance from the trap center. When the nonlinear terms domi- nate the Zeeman shifts, the situation changes, as shown in Fig. 1(c). The adjacent resonances become separated and one expects to treat the evaporation as a sequence of independent Landau-Zener crossings as suggested by Desruelle et al. in connection with their recent87Rb ex- periment [9]. We show that there is an intermediate re- gion where off-resonant two-photon transitions from the MF= 2 state to the MF= 0 state, demonstrated in Fig. 2, play a relevant role. In general there is a competition between the adiabatic 1FIG. 2. The adiabatic potentials (solid lines) and bare MF states (dotted lines) for23Na at B0= 0.0010 T, with rf field coupling Ω = (2 π)20 kHz. The arrow indicates the semia- diabatic process for transfer from the MF= 2 state to the MF= 0 state. Alternatively one can describe the process as an off-resonant two-photon transition. following of the eigenstates (solid lines in Fig. 2), which leads to evaporation, and nonadiabatic transitions which force the atoms to stay in the trapping states. In23Na the nonadiabatic transitions can lead to highly inelastic collisions [3]. In the experiment by Desruelle et al. it was found that for a strong bias field the nonlinear Zeeman shifts remove some resonances completely, thus making it impossible to make a spin flip to a nontrapping state. Our calculations confirm this observation. We also show that although evaporation could continue via off-resonant multiphoton processes, such a process is not practical. The stopping of evaporation at some finite temperature occurs for the 87Rb and23NaF= 2 trapping states, but not e.g. for the85RbF= 2 trapping state. In Sec. II we write down the formalism for the Zee- man shifts and show the basic properties of the field- dependent trapping potentials. We describe the fully quantum wave packet approach and corresponding semi- classical theories in Sec. III, present and discuss the re- sults in Sec. IV, and summarize our work in Sec. V. II. THE ZEEMAN STRUCTURE A.23Na and87Rb The Zeeman shifts can not be derived properly in the basis of the hyperfine states (labelled by Fand MF) [10–12]. We need to consider the atom-field Hamil- tonian in the ( I, J) basis:H=A/vectorI·/vectorJ+CJz+DIz, (1) where /vectorIand/vectorJare the operators for the nuclear and to- tal electronic angular momentum, respectively. The first term describes the hyperfine coupling; Ehf=hνhf= 2A, where Ehfis the hyperfine splitting between the F= 1 andF= 2 states. Here νhf= 1772 MHz for23Na and νhf= 6835 MHz for87Rb. The magnetic field dependence arises from the two other terms, with C=gJµBBandD=−αµNB, where the Bohr magneton is µB=e¯h/2me, the nuclear mag- neton is µN=e¯h/2mp, and the Lande factor is gJ= 2. Hereα= 2.218 for23Na and α= 2.751 for87Rb. But µB/µN∼1000, and in fact we can omit the third term in Eq. (1). For23Na and87Rb we have I= 3/2 and J= 1/2 (lead- ing to F= 1 or F= 2 with /vectorF=/vectorI+/vectorJ). Our state basis is formed by the angular momentum states labelled with the magnetic quantum number pairs ( MI, MJ). When we evaluate the matrix elements of H[using the relation /vectorI·/vectorJ=IzJz+1 2(I+J−+I−J+)], the states that correspond to the same value of MF=MI+MJform subsets of mu- tually coupled states. By diagonalising the Hamiltonian we obtain its eigenstates. The states which correspond to the F= 2 state in the B→0 limit (labelled with MF) have the energies EMF: E+2=1 2C, E+1=1 2/radicalbig 4A2+ 2AC+C2−A, E0=1 2/radicalbig 4A2+C2−A, (2) E−1=1 2/radicalbig 4A2−2AC+C2−A, E−2=−1 2C. These energies have been normalised to the energy of the F= 2 state for B= 0. In Fig. 3(a) and (b) we show the Zeeman shifts for all hyperfine ground states of23Na and 87Rb, but normalised to the ground state energy in the absence of hyperfine structure. For small magnetic fields (B≪1 T) we get EMF≃Ehf[εMF+ (4−M2 F)ε2], (3) where ε=µBB/(2Ehf). In terms of FandMFthe linear Zeeman shift is EMF=gFµBBM F=EhfεMFas the hyperfine Lande factor is gF= 1/2. The necessary condition for evaporation is that the rf field induces a resonance between the states MF= 2 and MF= 1. The location of this resonance defines the divi- sion between the hot and cold atoms. By decreasing the rf field frequency νrfwe both move the resonance point closer to the trap center as well as allow more atoms to escape the trap. For small Bfields all adjacent states are resonant at the same location for any νrf. But in case of 2FIG. 3. The Zeeman shifts for the ground state hyperfine states of (a)23Na, (b)87Rb and (c)85Rb. Note that the situ- ations considered in this paper take place in a region locate d very close to B= 0 in the scale of these pictures. strong magnetic fields, typically larger than about 0.0002 T, due to the nonlinear Zeeman shifts the resonances separate. Furthermore, the other resonances than the MF= 2−MF= 1 one in fact move towards the trap center faster, and reach it while the MF= 2−MF= 1 resonance still corresponds to some finite temperature. When νrfis lowered further, the other resonances begin to disappear. At strong Bfields the MF= 0 state is also a trapping state, as shown in Fig. 4, so for effective evaporation one really needs to reach the MF=−1 state. -0.4-0.3-0.2- 0100 200 300 400 500 600E (MHz) x (µm)MF=2MF=0MF=1 MF=-1MF=-2 FIG. 4. The MF= 0 state becomes a trapping state very quickly as Bincreases. Here we show as an example the situa- tion for23Na when B0= 0.0010 T. The oscillation frequency for this state is naturally much smaller than for the other trapping states. At the critical frequency νcrthe crossing between the states MF=−1 and MF= 0 disappears. Alternatively, for a fixed frequency νrfwe have a critical value Bcrfor theBfield; the resonances disappear when B>∼Bcr(forpractical reasons we have chosen to modify Brather than νrfin our wave packet studies). In Fig. 5(a) we show the potential configuration when νrfis slightly below νcr. Since νcrcorresponds to the state separation at the center of the trap, it is independent of the trap parameters such as the trap frequency. For a specific trap configuration νcrcan be converted into a minimum kinetic energy required for reaching the resonance between the states MF= 2 and MF= 1. In Fig. 5(b) we show this minimum kinetic energy in units of temperature as a function of magnetic field strength for 23Na and87Rb, and for the trap configuration used both in our simulations and in the experiment by Desruelle et al. [9]. FIG. 5. (a) For B= 0.00155 T and νrf=0.25 MHz+ ν0 the resonance between the MF= 0 and MF=−1 states for 23Na can not be achieved ( Bcr= 0.00152 T). The possibil- ity for a tunnelling-like transfer (which could also be call ed off-resonant process via power broadening) exists, though. (b) The lowest energy (in temperature units) for which evapora- tion is allowed as a function of trap center field B0for87Rb and23Na with the trap parameters used in this paper. In the intermediate region 0 ≪B<∼Bcr, where the 3necessary crossings exist but are separated, the processes take place via two possible routes. We can have off- resonant multiphoton processes, that e.g. lead to adia- batic transfer from the MF= 2 state to the MF= 0 state. This example is demonstrated in Fig. 2 where we show also the eigenstates of the system, i.e., the field- dressed potentials. When the relevant resonances are well separated, the evaporation takes place via a com- plicated sequence of crossings, as indicated in Fig. 1(c). This will be demonstrated with wave packet simulations in Sec. IV. B.85Rb For the isotope85Rb we have I= 5/2 and J= 1/2, so the ground state hyperfine states are F= 2 and F= 3, as shown in Fig. 3(c). Now the F= 2 trapping state is the lower hyperfine ground state. Thus the behavior of theMFstates is different from the87Rb and23Na case. TheBfield dependence of the states related to F= 2 is now E+2=3A 2−1 2/radicalbig 9A2+ 4AC+C2, E+1=3A 2−1 2/radicalbig 9A2+ 2AC+C2, E0=3A 2−1 2/radicalbig 9A2+C2, (4) E−1=3A 2−1 2/radicalbig 9A2−2AC+C2, E−2=3A 2−1 2/radicalbig 9A2−4AC+C2, where now Ehf= 3A. For85Rb we have νhf= 3036 MHz. Here the trapping states are now F= 2, M=−2 andF= 2, M=−1. If we now define ˜ ε= (2/3)ε= µBB/(3Ehf) we get approximatively EMF≃ −Ehf[˜εMF+ (9−M2 F)˜ε2]. (5) AsgF=−1/3, this agrees with the linear expression EMF=gFµBBM F=−Ehf˜εMF. The change of order in the MFstate energy ladder means that with increasing Bfield one never loses the crossing points between the adjacent states. In other words, if we use an rf field that can couple the states MF=−2 and MF=−1 resonantly at some location xC, then we always couple the rest of the states resonantly as well at distances larger than xC. In Fig. 6 we see how this leads to a sequence of crossings that allows hot atoms to leave the trap without the need for sloshing. One must, however, take into account that the kinetic energy required to leave the trap is now set by the difference between the energy of the MF=−2 state at the center of the trap, and the energy of the M= 0 (or MF=−1) state at the point where the states MF= 0 and MF=−1 are in resonance. In other words, atoms need a kinetic-2-1.5-1-0.500.51 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 x (µm)E (MHz) 12 3 4MF=-2MF=-1MF=0MF=1MF=2 FIG. 6. The effect of nonlinear Zeeman shifts on the evap- oration from the85RbF= 2 state. The circles indicate for which crossing points the couplings are nonzero. The num- bers indicate the order in which an atom moving out of the trap traverses the crossings. The kinetic energy required t o leave the trap is now determined by the difference between the trap center and the second crossing. Here B0= 0.0050 T andνrf=0.25 MHz+ ν0, with ν0= (E−2−E−1)/h. energy equal or larger to the energy difference between the trap center and the second crossing in Fig. 6. In this paper we limit our discussion on the F= 2 case only, but it is obvious that for the85RbF= 3 trapping states we face the same problem as in the F= 2 case for 87Rb and23Na. In general for the alkali atoms we can expect that the problem will arise whenever we use the upper ground state hyperfine state as the trapping state at strong Bfields. C. Trap configuration For simplicity we have assumed in our studies the same spatially inhomogeneous magnetic field as in the experi- ment by Desruelle et al. [9], except that we have added a spatially homogeneous compensation field. This allows us to change the general field magnitude (depends on the bias field) while keeping the trap shape almost unchanged (depends also on the bias field). Thus we set [9] B=B0+/parenleftbiggB′2 2Bbias−B′′ 2/parenrightbigg (x2+y2) +B′′z2,(6) where B′= 9 T/m, B′′/Bbias= 104m−2, and the trap center field is defined as B0≡Bbias−Bcomp. The actual trap is cigar-shaped, which is a typical feature in many experiments. We have selected the xdirection as the basis for our wave packet studies. We set Bbias= 0.0150 T and use Bcompas a parameter to change B0. Using 4C=gJµBBwith Eqs. (2) and (6) we get the spatially dependent trapping potentials. III. QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL MODELS A. Wave packet simulations For our wave packet studies we fix the rf field frequency to the value νrf=ν0+ 0.25 MHz, where ν0= [E+2(x= 0)−E+1(x= 0)]/h. With this setting the atoms need typically a kinetic energy about Ekin/kB≃24µK in or- der to reach the crossing between the states MF= 2 and MF= 1. With our special definition of νrfthe differ- ences between23Na and87Rb appear mainly in the time scale of atomic motion (Na atoms are lighter and thus move faster), and in scaling of B. For our selected νrf we have Bcr= 0.00297 T for87Rb and Bcr= 0.00152 T for23Na. We have used the rf field strength Ω = (2 π)2.0 kHz), where the rf field induced coupling term is [3,8] H= ¯h 0 Ω 0 0 0 Ω 0/radicalig 3 2Ω 0 0 0/radicalig 3 2Ω 0/radicalig 3 2Ω 0 0 0/radicalig 3 2Ω 0 Ω 0 0 0 Ω 0 |2,−2/angbracketright |2,−1/angbracketright |2,0/angbracketright |2,1/angbracketright |2,2/angbracketright,(7) in the |F, M F/angbracketrightbasis as indicated. The wave packet simulations were performed in the same manner as in the previous study [3]. Our initial wave packet has a Gaussian shape, with a width of 10 µm. For all practical purposes this wave packet is very narrow both in position and momentum, and the spreading due to its natural dispersion is not an important factor. We identify the mean momentum of the wave packet with the atomic kinetic energy Ekin, and set Ekin/kB= 30 µK. In the experiment by Desruelle et al. one had typically B0=Bbias= 0.0150 T, which sets the kinetic energy for reaching the resonance points (for any practical value of νrf) too large for realistic numerical simulations. Thus we have introduced the compensation field and limit B0to values below 0 .0050 T. But the main conclusions from our study apply to larger values of B0andEkin, and many of the results can be scaled to other parameter regions with the semiclassical models. Another simplification is that we consider only one spatial dimension. This is necessary simply because we have chosen to work with relatively large energies, such as 30µK. Numerical wave packet calculations at the corre- sponding velocities require on the order of 100 000 points for both the spatial and temporal dimensions. As dis- cussed in Ref. [3], however, this is not a crucial simplifi- cation. Basically, we solve the five-component Schr¨ odinger equationi¯h∂Ψ(x, t) ∂t=H(x)Ψ(x, t), (8) The components of the state vector Ψ( x, t) stand for the time dependent probability distributions for each MF state. The off-diagonal part of the Hamiltonian His given Eq. (7). The diagonal terms are −¯h2 2m∂2 ∂x2+UMF(x)−MFhνrf, (9) where mis the atomic mass and UMF(x) are the trap potentials as in Fig. 1(a). For states MF=−2 and MF=−1 we use absorbing boundaries, and reflecting ones for the others. The numerical solution method is the split operator method, with the kinetic term evaluated by the Crank-Nicholson approach [13,14]. B. Semiclassical models For small magnetic fields the rf field induced reso- nances between adjacent states occur at the same po- sition, x=xC. In this situation the spin-change proba- bility for atoms which traverse the resonance is given by the multistate extension [8,15] of the two-state Landau- Zener model [16]. We have earlier shown that for the evaporation in23NaF= 2 state at Ekin/kB= 5µK and small Bthis model predicts the wave packet results very well [3]. The solution for the multistate problem can be ex- pressed with the solutions to the two-state Landau-Zener (LZ) model, so we shall begin by discussing the two- state case first. Let us consider two potentials, U1and U2, which intersect at x=xCand are coupled by V. For strong B, when the crossings are well separated in our alkali F= 2 system, Vis equal to ¯ hΩ or/radicalbig 3/2¯hΩ, depending which pair of adjacent states is involved [see Eq. (7)]. In addition to the coupling V, the relevant factors are the speed vCof the wave packet and the slopes of the trapping potentials UMF(x) at the crossing. We define α= ¯h/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingled(U2−U1) dx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle x=xC. (10) The speed of the wave packet enters the problem as we describe the traversing of the crossing with a simple clas- sical trajectory, x=vC(t−t0) +x0. This allows us to enter the purely time-dependent description where the population transfer is given by the two-component Schr¨ odinger equation i¯h∂ ∂t/parenleftbigg Ψ1(t) Ψ2(t)/parenrightbigg =/parenleftbigg 0V V αv Ct/parenrightbigg /parenleftbigg Ψ1(t) Ψ2(t)/parenrightbigg .(11) This is the original Landau-Zener theory. In this form it is fully quantum and we can obtain an analytic expression 5for state populations P1andP2after the crossing. If state 1 was the initial state, then P1= 1−exp(−πΛ) P2= exp( −πΛ),Λ =2V2 ¯hαvC. (12) Obviously, the Landau-Zener model is only applicable when the total energy is higher than the bare-state energy at the resonance point. For more details about applying LZ theory to wave packet dynamics see Refs. [14,17,18]. And now we return to the original multistate problem. According to the five-state case of the multistate model (see e.g. Ref. [8]) the populations PMFfor the untrapped states after one traversal of the crossing are P2=p4, P1= 4(1 −p)p3, P0= 6(1 −p)2p2, (13) P−1= 4(1 −p)3p, P−2= (1−p)4, where p= exp( −πΛ), and Λ is defined by setting V= ¯hΩ/2. This assumes that we were intially on state MF= 2. We can see that the final population of the initial state, P2, is equal to exp[ −π¯hΩ2/(2αvC)] for both the two-state and the multistate model if Hamiltonian (7) is used. IV. RESULTS Typical examples of the atomic wave packet evolu- tion for the three trapping states are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. They demonstrate the sloshing discussed e.g. in Refs. [3,6,9]. The amplitudes of the components de- crease as population is partly transferred to another state. Similarly new wave packet components can ap- pear at crossings. As a wave packet component reaches a turning point it sharpens strongly. In Fig. 7 we have B0= 0.0018 T, which means that there is no crossing be- tween states MF= 0 and MF=−1. Population transfer from the state MF= 1 to MF= 0 is weak. The MF= 0 wave packet component has turning points beyond the integration space. As sloshing continues St¨ uckelberg oscillations could take place as split wave packet components merge again at crossings and interfere (for further discussion, see Refs. [14,19]). However, the wave packet contains sev- eral momentum components and thus such oscillations are not likely observed, because they are very sensitive to phase differences. In our simulations we saw no major indication of inteferences. In Fig. 9 we track the trap state populations and their sum as the wave packet sloshes in the trap and traverses several crossings. The magnetic field values are strong enough to ensure that the crossings are well separated. We can identify when the various crossings take place al- though some of them happen simultaneously. The filledsymbols indicate the corresponding Landau-Zener pre- dictions, and we find that the agreement is excellent. Some oscillations appear for the23Na case [Fig. 7(a)] at times between 3.5 ms and 4.5 ms. These may arise from St¨ uckelberg oscillations, but they do not affect the final transition probabilities, supporting our assumption that in the end such oscillations average out. Note that for23Na there is no resonance between states MF= 0 andMF=−1, but for87Rb there is and it is seen as a stepwise reduction of PS≡P(MF= 2) + P(MF= 1) +P(MF= 0). Near the critical field Bcrthe probability to leave the trap via states MF=−2 and MF=−1 varies strongly withB0. When B0< Bcrthe wave packet meets two crossings between the states MF=−1 and MF= 0 as it traverses the region around the trap center x= 0 on state MF= 0. At both crossings some population leaks into the state MF=−1, as seen in Fig. 10 for B0= 0.0028 T. AsB0increases, the two crossing points, on opposite sides of x= 0, begin to merge, until they disappear at x= 0 when B=Bcr. Then the transfer between the two states becomes off-resonant (or tunnelling), and its probability decreases exponentially as a function of some ratio of Ω and the energy difference between the states MF=−1 and MF= 0 at x= 0. This situation cor- responds to the parabolic level crossing model [20]. But the main point is that the off-resonant process is unlikely to play any major role. Finally, in Fig. 11 we show how the transfer probabil- ity between the trap states at the first crossing changes as a function of B0. The multistate process transforms smoothly into a two-state process between the states MF= 2 and MF= 1. The transition zone is rather large, though, with B0ranging from 0 to 0.0010 T. The transfer process in this zone is the off-resonant two-photon trans- fer demonstrated in Fig. 2. An analogous process can occur in atoms interacting with chirped pulses [21]. An interesting point is that the population of the initial state is not affected by the fact how the transferred pop- ulation is distributed to the other involved states. This seems to be typical for the Landau-Zener crossings [22]. The solid lines indicate the predictions of the two-state model, and the dotted lines the multistate model. They change with B0because the location of the first crossing point and thus the wave packet speed vCat this point change slightly with B0. V. CONCLUSIONS Our results show that in general the semiclassical level crossing models offer a clear understanding of the single atomic dynamics during the evaporation process. Also, we have verified with wave packet calculations that the interpretations presented by Desruelle et al. for their 87Rb experiment [9] are correct. The simple picture of evaporation at near-zero magnetic fields transforms into a 6complex sequence of two-state crossings at field strengths above about 0.0010 T. For all alkali systems where F= 2 is the upper hyperfine ground state the evaporation will stop before condensation as the necessary resonances dis- appear too soon as a function of the rf field frequency. We have shown that tunnelling does not really play a role once the resonances have been lost. Further complica- tions arise from the fact that the MF= 0 state becomes a trapping state. In experiments, as suggested by Desruelle et al., one could avoid the problem by coupling the F= 2, MF= 2 trapping state to the F= 1, MF= 1 nontrapping state, or by using several rf fields of different frequencies within theF= 2 hyperfine manifold. Although for87Rb one has observed a long-lasting coexistence of F= 1 and F= 2 condensates, theoretical studies [23] predict this difficult for23Na due to destructive collisions. Thus the first approach may apply better for87Rb than for23Na. We have calculated earlier [3] that for23Na the colli- sions between atoms in the MF= 0 and MF= 2 states are very destructive, with a rate coefficient on the order of 10−11cm3/s. For practical bias field strengths the MF state is also a trapping state. Thus the efficiency of evap- oration is reduced, and the time the atoms spend on the MF= 0 state increase, making it more likely to have a de- structive, energy releasing collision. So far condensatio n on the F= 2 state for Na has not been achieved. Even in the weak Bfield case evaporation can produce atoms onMF= 0 state via nonadiabatic transitions. Thus the role of inelastic collisions is expected to be enhanced for the field strengths considered here. Once condensation is reached, however, the nonlinear- ity of the Zeeman shifts can be an asset rather than a nuisance. For instance, one could create a new type of binary condensates by making a selective transfer of part of the condensate from the F= 2, MF= 2 state to the F= 2, MF= 1 state, either by using resonant or chirped rf field pulses. Alternatively, two rf pulses of different frequencies or perhaps a single chirped pulse might allow one to transfer the condenstate from the F= 2, MF= 2 state to the F= 2, MF= 0 state and let it expand nor- mally, without the need to switch the magnetic fields off. Of course, this would work only when Bis so small that the trapping nature of the MFstate is not too strong. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research has been supported by the Academy of Finland. We thank A. Aspect and S. Murdoch for valu- able discussions and information.[1] M. H. Anderson, J. R. Ensher, M. R. Matthews, C. E. Wieman, and E. A. Cornell, Science 269, 198 (1995); C. C. Bradley, C. A. Sackett, J. J. Tollett, and R. G. Hulet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1687 (1995); K. B. Davis, M.-O. Mewes, M. R. 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The symbols represent the wave packet results. 9
arXiv:physics/9910044v1 [physics.ins-det] 28 Oct 1999Test of CsI(T ℓ) crystals for the Dark Matter Search H.J.Kim,1,2H.J.Ahn, S.K.Kim, E.Won,3T.Y.Kim Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 15 1-742, Korea Y.D.Kim Department of Physics, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, K orea M.H.Lee KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan J.S.Chai, J.H.Ha4 Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul, Korea Abstract Searches for weakly interacting massive particles(WIMP) c an be based on the de- tection of nuclear recoil energy in CsI(T ℓ) crystals. We demonstrate that low energy gamma rays down to few keV is detected with CsI(T ℓ) crystal detector. A clear peak at 6 keV is observed using X-ray source. Good energy resoluti on and linearity have been achieved down to X-ray region. In addition, we also show that alpha particles and gamma rays can be clearly separated using the different ti me characteristics of the crystal. Key words: Dark Matter, CsI(T ℓ), PSD, Linearity, Resolution PACS: 95.35.+d, 29.40.Mc 1Corresponding author; E-mail: hjkim@hep1.snu.ac.kr; Tel : +82 2 876 2801; FAX: +82 2 875 4719 2Also affiliated with Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lou isiana State Uni- versity, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA 3Also affiliated with KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan 4Present address: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, T aejon, 305-600, Korea Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint 29 July 20111 Introduction Several evidences from a variety of sources indicate that th e universe con- tains a large amount of dark matter [1]. The most strong evide nce for the existence of dark matter comes from the galactic dynamics. T here is simply not enough luminous matter observed in spiral galaxies to ac count for the ob- served rotational curves [2]. Among several dark matter can didates, one of the most prominent candidate is the weakly-interacting massiv e particles(WIMP). The leading WIMP candidate is perhaps the neutralino, the li ghtest super- symmetric particles such as photinos, Higgsinos and Z-inos [3]. These particles typically have masses between 10 GeV and a few TeV and couple t o ordinary matter only with weak interactions. The elastic scattering of WIMP with tar- get nuclei could be detected by measuring the recoil energy o f the nucleus, which is up to several tens of keV [4]. Recently, a great deal o f attention has been drawn to crystal detectors since the detection techniq ue is already devel- oped and radioactive background from the crystal is under co ntrol. Especially, the most stringent limit for the direct detection of WIMP has been established using the NaI(Tl) crystal detector [5]. They achieved as low threshold as 6 keV and relatively good separation between the recoiling event s and the ionizing events by background γ’s using the difference of the scintillation decay time. Recently, positive signal of annual modulation has been rep orted by DAMA group [6]. Looking at the similar sensitivity region with ot her experiments which involves different systematics is absolutely necessa ry to confirm their results. It has been noted by several authors that CsI(T ℓ) crystal may give better performance for the separation between recoiling ev ents and the ionizing events by background γ[7]. Although the light yield of CsI(T ℓ) crystal is slightly lower than NaI(Tl) crystal, better particle separ ation can be more advantageous for WIMP search. Also CsI(T ℓ) has much less hygroscopicity than NaI(Tl), and has higher density (see Table I). The spin- independent cross section of WIMP is larger for CsI(T ℓ) than NaI(Tl) because CsI(T ℓ) has a compound with two similar heavy mass nuclei while spin-dep endent cross section will be comparable. Moreover hundreds of tons of CsI (Tℓ) crystals are already being used for several detectors in high energy expe riment [8]. Thus fabricating large amount of crystals is quite feasible. In t his report, we have studied the characteristics of CsI(T ℓ) crystal for the possibility of dark matter search experiment [9]. 2 Experimental Setup We prepared a 3cm ×3cm×3cm CsI(T ℓ) crystal with all surfaces polished. Photo-multiplier tubes of 2 inch diameter(Hamamtsu H1161) are directly at- 2tached on two opposite end surfaces. The cathode planes of PM T cover all the area of the crystal surfaces attached. The other sides ar e wrapped with 1.5µm thick aluminized foil window or Teflon tapes followed by bla ck tapes. It is necessary to use only very thin foil for the side where X- ray sources are attached that low energy X-rays are not blocked. For the alph a source, ad- ditional aluminum foil is located between the aluminized fo il and the source to reduce the αenergy. Signals from both PMTs are then amplified using a home-made AMP( ×8) with low noise and high slew rate. Another signals are amplified with ORTEC AMP( ×200) to make the trigger logic. Discriminator thresholds are set at the level of single photoelectron sign al. By using LED, we confirmed that the single photoelectron signal is well abo ve the electronic noise. In order to suppress the accidental triggers from dar k currents, we de- lay the signal by 100 ns and then formed a self coincidence for each PMT signal, which require that at least two photoelectrons occu r within 200 ns. Then coincidence of both PMT signals are made for the final tri gger decision. In this way the trigger caused by the accidental noises are su ppressed by a great amount. With this condition the effective threshold is four photoelec- trons, which roughly corresponds to 40 photons produced. Us ing the widely accepted light yield of CsI(T ℓ),∼50,000 photons/MeV, our threshold can be interpreted as 2 keV. The crystal and PMTs are located inside the of 5 cm thick lead blocks in order to stop the environmental backgro und. A digital oscilloscope is used for the data taking with GPIB interface to a PC with LINUX system. We developed DAQ system with GPIB and CAMAC int er- face based on the ROOT package [10] and entire analysis was pe rformed with the ROOT package too. The schematics of the experimental set up and the trigger elements are shown in Figure 1 a) and b). The digital o scilloscope we used for our experiment samples the signal at 1 Gs/sec with 8 b it pulse height information and two channels are read out simultaneously. F ull pulse shape informations are saved for the further analysis. 3 Calibration We have performed measurements of X-rays, γ-rays, and alpha particles using various radioactive sources with the setup described in the previous section. The energy spectra of X-rays and γrays from the57Co source is given in Fig. 2. The highest peak is from the gamma ray of 122 keV. Shown in left side of broad distribution of pulses are the Compton edge. The ene rgy resolution at 122 keV is about 7%. Also, the X-ray peak at 6.4 and 14.4 keV are clearly seen with energy resolution of 30 and 20%, respectively. This res olution is not much worse than that of NaI(Tl) crystal [5]. Many calibration sou rces such as57Co, 109Cd,137Cs,54Mn and60Co are used for the determination of linearity and resolution. Fig. 3 shows the energy resolution of CsI(T ℓ) crystal with PMT on 3each side. The best fit of the resolution with following the pa rameterization is σ E(MeV)=0.03/radicalBig E(MeV)⊕0.01, (1) and it becomes σ E(MeV)=0.02/radicalBig E(MeV)⊕0.01 (2) , when we add PMT signals from both sides. The pulse shape is quite linear at high energy as shown in Fig. 4 but there is some deviation at low energy as shown in Fig. 5. The pulse he ight of the 662 keV γ-ray line from137Cs is defined as unity for the linearity plot. It turns out that the variation in the response function near th e L-, K-shell of Cs and I causes nonlinearity at X-ray region within 30% [11]. This is because photoelectrons ejected by incident gamma rays just above th e K-shell energy have very little kinetic energy so that the response drops. J ust below this energy, however, K-shell ionization is not possible and L-s hell ionization takes place. Since the binding energy is lower, the photoelectron s ejected at this point are more energetic which causes a rise in the response. The pulse shape is linear within 10 % up to low energy X-ray region if these effe cts are corrected. 4 Pulse Shape Analysis In many scintillating crystals, electrons and holes produc ed by ionization are captured to form certain meta-stable states and produce slo w timing com- ponent. On the other hand, a larger stopping power from recoi ling nucleus produces a higher density of free electrons and holes which f avors their recom- bination into loosely bound systems and results in fast timi ng component. By using this characteristic, we may be able to separate X-ray b ackgrounds from the high ionization loss produced by WIMP. To demonstrate th is difference, we measured signals produced by alpha particles using241Am source. Kinetic energy of the alpha particle is 5.5 MeV and the incident energ y was controlled by the thickness of thin aluminum foil in front of the crystal . Although al- pha particle at this energy stops in the crystal, the visible energy seen by the PMT is about 75% of the energy. This is due to the quenching fac tor for alpha particles and agrees with what were observed by the other exp eriments [12]. We show the two dimensional histogram of mean time vs. integr ated charge 4in Fig. 6. The mean time is the pulse height weighted time aver age, defined as < t >=/summationtextti×qi/summationtextqi, (3) where qiis the amplitude of the pulse at the channel time tiup to 4 µs. It is practically the same as the decay time of the crystal. Two cle ar bands in the Fig. 6 indicate that we can make good separation between the a lpha particle and X-ray. The low energy of X-ray from the241Am source is 60 keV. In Fig. 7, we projected signals near 60 keV region to the mean time axis a nd it shows that the decay time for alpha particles is ∼700 ns while for X-rays ∼1100 ns. Two peaks are well separated by more than 3 sigma in this energ y region. 5 Conclusion We demonstrated that CsI(T ℓ) crystal can be used to measure low energy gamma rays down to few keV. Linearity within 10% and good ener gy resolution have been obtained down to 6 keV X-ray region. In addition, a g ood separation of alpha particles from gamma rays has been achieved by using mean time difference. If recoiled ions in the crystal behave similar to alpha particles, the mean time difference would be very useful to differentiate WIMP signals from backgrounds. The background study and neutron respons e on CsI(T ℓ) study are underway. If this study is successful, a pilot expe riment with a large amount crystals will be launched in near future. Acknowledgements This work is supported by Korean Ministry of Education under the grant number BSRI 1998-015-D00078. Y.D. Kim wishes to acknowledg e the financial support of the Korean Research Foundation made in the progra m year of 1998. References [1] G.G. Raffelt, hep-ph/9712538, Dec 1997. [2] K.G. Begeman, A.H. Broeils, and R.H. Sanders, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 249, 523 (1991). [3] H.P. Nilles, Phys. Rep. 110, 1 (1984), H.E. Haber and G.L. Kane, Phys. Rep. 117, 75 (1985). 5[4] M.W. Goodman, E.Witten, Phys. Rev. D31, 3059 (1985). [5] P.F. Smith et al.,Phys. Lett. B379, 299 (1996), R. Bernabei et al.,Phys. Lett. B389, 757 (1996). [6] R. 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The solid curve shows the best fit to data. 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14000246810121416 E(keV)Arbitrary unit Fig. 4. Linearity distribution of CsI(T ℓ) crystal with several different photon sources. The solid line shows the linear fit to data. 111 10 1021030.80.911. Source gain/Cs(137) gain E(keV) Fig. 5. Response of CsI(T ℓ) crystal relative to the pulse height of 662 keV gamma ray line from137Cs. The filled circles are our data and the open circle with sol id lines are the scanned data of 1/8 inch crystal taken from Ref. [11]. 120.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.412345678910 241Am137Cs 57Co 241Am <t>(ms)Arbitrary energy unit Fig. 6. Energy vs. mean time distribution of CsI(T ℓ) c rystal with241Am and γ sources. 130.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.405101520253035 <t>(ms)∼60 KeV g ∼60KeV aNumber of events Fig. 7. Distribution of the decay time, <t>, of the CsI(T ℓ) crystal with241Am sources when signals near 60 keV are projected. The solid cur ve shows double Gaussian fit. The dashed Gaussian curve is the decay time of th e alpha particle and dotted-dash curve is the decay time of the gamma with the s ample pulse height normalized as the alpha’s. 14
arXiv:physics/9910045v1 [physics.bio-ph] 28 Oct 1999IPT: October, 1999/ Abstract for APS Meeting/ A biological junction with quantum-like characteristics Alex A. Samoletov NASU - Institute for Physics and Technology 72 Luxembourg Str., 340114 Donetsk, Ukraine samolet@kinetic.ac.donetsk.ua A model of chemical synapse as an electric junction is propos ed. Estimations and anal- ysis of the model show that the junction has unique physical c haracteristics reminding the Josephson junction. The basic assumption is made that th e electric coupling across the synaptic gap is indirectly provided by means of approxim ately quantized portions of a chemical mediator, each the portion is content of a synapti c bubble. We suppose that effective quantum of charge is q,|q| ≫ |e|. The synapse characteristics are dominated by electrostatic energy, Q2/2C,Q=qN,N= 0,1,2...; whereCis electric capacity of mem- brane. Estimations show that the integer-valued character ofNmust be explicitly taken into account. The consistent theory of the junction is const ructed on the basis of operator realization of number-phase canonical pair in the Hardy spa ce. The charge passing from one side of the junction to other is described by the Toeplitz ope rators. The synapse state space is constructed explicitly. The unique physics of the model i s investigated in detail. We do not exclude the possibility that the model is prototype of a m olecular electronics device. 1IPT: March, 1999/ Conference Paper/ ICSSUR’99/ A model of mesoscopic junction: The benefits of number-phase operators (application in biophysics) Alex A. Samoletov NASU – Institute for Physics and Technology 72 Luxembourg Str., 340114 Donetsk, Ukraine samolet@kinetic.ac.donetsk.ua In this talk we present a primary approach to the physical mod eling of a chemical synapse as the quantum-like junction in a nearly closed loop of a self-synapsing neu- ron. We consider such kind of biological systems as a candida te for detecting and processsing of microwave radiation. Explicit realization of the state space and the junction Hamiltonian operator are constructed consistent ly. The influence of electromagnetic waves, especially of micro wave radiation, on biological systems has attracted much interest for a long time. In parti cular, active areas of research have been the study of the results of radio- and microwave rad iation effect in biological populations, or the possible influence of usual household el ectrical appliances of the new generation on humans and others living systems, or an accide nt prevention in industry. These investigations are of interest mainly from a phenomen ological viewpoint since the works on cellular or molecular level are rare up to now. They a re also of interest from the point of view of understanding how the electromagnetic w aves of different frequency and power affect biological systems. By the way, there were th e rumors that in the former USSR the building of the USA Embassy in Moscow has been expose d to low-level microwave radiation during of many years. On the other hand, it seems th at the interest of physicists in this subject is concentrated also in the field of macroscopic electrodynamics phenomenology, being quite less rich that electrodynamics of complex noneq uilibrium cellular- and molecular- level biological systems. At the present time, at least in Donetsk, Ukraine, there is th e official medical institution for therapy and research, Hospital ”Sitko”– MRT (microwave therapy), where treat patients with extremely low-level microwave radiation by the specia l procedures. Thus, some aspects of the microwave therapy are clinically tested. The present work was originally motivated by the desire to un derstand a possible mech- anism of the effect of a low-level microwave radiation on biol ogical objects such as humans (or rats, for example),– and on a cellular level, beyond the p henomenology. It is in con- nection with the microwave therapy. On the other hand, the de sire was inspired by the recent works in the field of neurophysiology. Namely, our mod el accepts a hypothesis which is based on the existence of in a sense mesoscopic self-synap sing neurons, neurological loops with chemical synapses. The experimental evidence that suc h the loops are really existing has been recently reported [1] (concerning young rats). 2In the present talk, we set up the physical model and the basic theoretical framework we shall need for the study of detection and processing of ext remely low-level microwave radiation by the biological systems on the cellular level. T he results we present here will be used in the following works. Before starting to work out the physical model and its relati ons with the biological system, it may be worth getting some idea of what it is about, i n particular what is a synapse and what is a junction. Of course, in a schematic, wit hout any details, way. Above all, let us to give some preliminary idea about the neur ological system under consideration. A typical neuron has about 103÷104synapses. Self-synapsing neuron is a nearly closed, circular loop of electrically excitable (ne uron membrane) conducting material, the biological loop of axon and its dendrite, of in a sense mes oscopic size (to be defined below). The thickness of a neuron membrane is about 50 ˚A and the electric capacity of membrane is about 1 µF/cm2. The loop contains a gap. It is the gap of a synapse (usually ∼102˚A). We suppose that it is a chemical synapse. It means that the electrical coupling across the synaptic gap is indirectly provided by means of qu antized portions of chemical mediator. Each the portion, the content of a synaptic bubble , contains about 103molecules of a chemical mediator. We suppose that an effective ”quantum ” of charge in synapse is about 103e. For further relevant and more detailed information concer ning neurons, synapses and all that we refer the reader to [2]. Then, the notion ’mesoscopic junction’ is generic for a wide class of the physical systems. The tunnel junction is a prototype the junction class, of cou rse the last has the matter far beyond this, that illustrates the relevant physical phe nomena and the corresponding theoretical prolegomena. Physical systems like mesoscopi c junctions are widely established in current physical literature. Here, beginning with the simple physical model of a complex b iological junction, we construct the consistent quantum-like theory of mesoscopi c junctions including the explicit realizations of the model state space and the Hamiltonian op erator as an operator in this space, and in what follows we describe in this frame the corre sponding dominant physical effects together with application to the biological system, such as a self-synapsing neuron, which is treated as a candidate on the role of detector and pro cessor of microwave radiation in biological systems. The physical model consists in the following. A self-synaps ing neuron system is idealized as a circular loop of electrically conducting material. The synaptic gap in this loop is modeled as a junction of relatively small capacity C. Really it is a system of two membrane capacities connected by physiological solvent; however, i t is easy to find the arguments that we can replace this system by single effective capacity ( e.g., the resistance across a synapse is dominated by the membranes). But, on the other han d, the charge carriers in this junction are ”quantized” due to chemical nature of the s ynapse. It means that an effective elementary charge Qmay be considerably greater then the charge of electron and every additional charge Qwill change electrostatic energy on the junction substanti ally. Under the such conditions the role of charge energy on the jun ction increase and we must to take the quantum-like nature of the effective charge into acc ount. All that is the first part of the system mesoscopicity condition mentioned above. The second one is the geometric size (radius) of the loop. This second aspect is connected wi th the fact that magnetic fields 3penetrate biological tissue much more effectively then elec tric fields and thus the geometric size of the loop is directly connected with magnetic flux thro ugh the loop, and will dominate in detection and processing of microwave radiation, for exa mple, by means of a depolarization of the membrane and an induced exit of a mediator into the syna ptic gap. But it is the topic of another paper. In order that the model be more mathematically formulated, i t is sufficiently to define the character of relevant macrovariables. We set the number NofQcarriers as the characteristic macrovariable. Further, we assume that in respect of the cha racteristic macrovariable an homogeneous state on the junction is realized. And also we ta ke into account the discreteness (”quantization” by Q) of a charge magnitude on the junction explicitly. This impl ies that the relevant is setting as fundamental the canonical pair of the action-angle (number-phase) operators realized on a proper state space; we realize the st ate space as the Hardy space H2 (e.g., [3]). In this point the principal from the theoretical point of vie w and crucial for the theory question is arising: How much a wealth of material can be extr acted from the model to be restricted to the fact of discreteness of a charge carriers a nd under conditions of a system mesoscopicity (e.g., concerning electric capacity, induc tance or geometric size)? The answer to this question give us the key to a lot of the problems. Then, there are usual arguments that after a coarse-grainin g procedure a quantum-like energy operator, the Hamiltonian operator H,is a function of the variable Nonly. By the way, it is in perfect harmony with Ginzbirg–Landau phenomen ology. Indeed, if the canonical pair of operators ( N,Φ),[Φ,N] =i,is defined in the Hardy space H2(it is reasonable way) then using isometry H2→ L2and the Wigner phase-space representation together with th e corresponding formula: Tr exp ( −βH) =/integraldisplay d2ψexp (−βF(ψ)), exp (−βF(ψ))≡2 [exp ( −βH)]W(ψ), ψ∈C1, where [ · · ·]Wdenotes the Wigner–Weyl symbol of the corresponding operat or (in L2),– and with identifying F(ψ) as the Ginzbirg–Landau free energy, we obtain F(ψ) =F0+A|ψ|2+ 1 2B|ψ|4+···,whereF0,A,B,... are explicitly given if there is given the operator H. Inversely, by a given free energy F(ψ) we obtain H=H(N) =H0−β−1/summationtext (n)((−1)n/n!)KnNn, where the coefficients are explicitly given if there is given t he function F(ψ);{Kn}have the structure of cumulants. Note, that evaluation procedure of this point is of interest in its own right. Let us now return back to model of the biological junction tog ether with the number of Qcarriers as the distinctive variable, and start from the pro blem of two sides, 1 and 2, of a synapse coupled by this junction. Firstly, if we neglect th e coupling between sides 1 and 2, the Hamiltonian operator breaks into two parts H1+H2. Further, if no external voltage is applied on the junction, the chemical potential on the sid es 1 and 2 are equal. It means that between the states ( N1,N2) and (N1−ν,N2+ν),ν∈Z, no difference. Let us now allow a coupling between 1 and 2. It can be splited in to two parts: (1) elec- trostatic, with a capacity C; (2) a charge passing from one side to other with the extracti ng, for example, of Qin 1 and bringing it in 2 . 4Let us now realize the state spaces of 1 and 2 as the Hardy space sH2and define in these spaces the pairs of the number-phase operators ( N1,Φ1) and (N2,Φ2) , [Φ k,Nl] =iδkl, k,l= 1,2; together with the Toeplitz partially isometric one-side d translation operators T1 + −, T2 + −. And let/braceleftBig e(1) n/bracerightBig and/braceleftBig e(2) n/bracerightBig are the standard basis in H2 1andH2 2correspondingly. In this case we can construct the state space as H=H2 1⊗H2 2, and define the following operators N0=N1⊗1 + 1⊗N2, N =N1⊗1−1⊗N2, Φ =1 2(Φ1⊗1−1⊗Φ2), with the commutation relations [Φ,N0] = 0,[Φ,N] =i, on a dense domain in H. We suppose also that N0is fixed. The pair ( N,Φ) is principal set of operators. It is easy to see that it is convenient to tak eH2 −instead of H2 2, where H2 −is the subspace of L2=L2(C1,dϕ/2π) spanned on {e−n}∞ 0. It implies some evident overdetermination. At a given N0,Ncan takes (2 N0+ 1) values. Under this condition we can explicitly realize Has the subspace of the Laurent space L2. In this way we will be prepared to take down a junction Hamiltonian explicitly: H=H0+1 2CN2+T, whereCis electric capacity and Tis operator of extracting a charge in 1 and bringing it in 2:T=t1(T++T−) +t2/parenleftBig T2 ++T2 −/parenrightBig +..., – most probably T=t(T++T−), and we can choose treal. As first test of the model presented we can make passage to “cla ssical” limit of the corresponding equations of motion. Note, that using the Wig ner phase-space representation as well as the coherent states representation we obtain the e quations are analogous to known Josephson equations. In conclusion, we hope that the model has enough wealth of det ail relevant to biological insight as well as interesting physics. But that is all for th is primary presentation. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by National Foundation for Ba sic Research (Grant No. F4/310-97). ———————————————————— [1]J. Lubke and oths, J. of Neuroscience 16, 3209 (1996). [2]G.M. Sheppard, Neurobiology (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1983). [3]K. Hoffman, Banach Spaces of Analytical Functions (Prentice -Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1962). 5
arXiv:physics/9910046v1 [physics.atom-ph] 29 Oct 1999Antiproton transfer from antiprotonic He to noble gas conta minants G.V.Margagliotti, G.Pauli, L.Santi, S.Tessaro, A. Voroni n, E.Zavattini The state dependent quenching mechanism of metastable anti protonic He atoms by contaminants is suggested to explain existing experimental data. The effe ct of antiproton transfer from the an- tiprotonic He to noble gas contaminants is shown to play a sig nificant role. Preliminary estimations have been done in the framework of the coupled channels model . The obtained results support the idea of strong dependence of quenching cross-sections on th e antiprotonic states quantum numbers and enable to explain qualitatively existing discrepancie s between experimental results, obtained for different contaminant densities. New observable effects are predicted. I. INTRODUCTION. Recent intensive studies [1–6] of the antiproton ( p) delayed annihilation in Helium allowed the discovery of un ique features of antiprotonic He systems. Theoretical explanat ion of abnormal lifetime ( τ∼10−6s) of certain antiproton fraction in He requires the existence of antiprotonic He sys tems which have radiative and Auger de-excitation lifetime of the order of 10−6s and are very stable with respect to the thermal collisions w ith surrounding He atoms. It was first suggested by Condo [7] and validated by further de tailed studies [8–13] that highly excited circular (or near circular) states of antiprotonic He atoms (He+p)N,L(here N is principal quantum number and L is the angular momentum quantum number of the antiprotonic state) should have extremely small (in atomic scale) Auger de-excitation rates ( λA≪106s−1forN, L> 36). The lifetime of such highly excited antiprotonic atoms , if they are isolated from collisions with surrounding medium, is deter mined by the radiative transitions and is of the order of 10−6 s. This fact motivates for treating antiprotonic He atom as a system responsible for delayed annihilation. Meanwhile, the complete understanding of the problem can be obtained on ly carefully analyzing the effects of the collisions of such a system with surrounding medium [15–17]. It has been shown in [17] that different states of metastable a ntiprotonic atoms could be affected by several colli- sional quenching mechanisms, which are Stark transitions t o nonstable states, collisionally induced Auger decay and rearrangement processes, like short living molecular ion f ormation. In this paper we analyze those rearrangement collisions whi ch result in the antiproton transfer from high metastable states of the antiprotonic He (with principal quantum numbe rN≥40) to noble gas contaminant atoms. Some remarkable features enable to distinguish this process amo ng others. First, one can expect that such transfer of antiproton to nonhelium atom will result in the fast Auger de -excitation [13] and following annihilation of antiproton on the contaminant nucleus, which can be checked experiment ally. Second, it is reasonable to expect classical characte r of antiprotonic transfer, thus the corresponding reaction cross-sections should be of the order of geometrical atomic cross-sections at least for certain states of antiprotonic He. We will show that taking into account antiproton transfe r mechanism, it is possible to obtain qualitative explanatio n of existing experimental data on contaminant quenching, i n particular about the apparent discrepancy between experim ental results on noble gas contaminant quenching obtained by different experimental groups. II. EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW. Existing experimental results on quenching of antiprotoni c atom metastable states by noble gas contaminants were obtained by OBELIX collaboration (PS 201) [3] and CERN group (PS205) [4]. The averaged over different metastable states quenching cross-sections obtained by the two groups are shown in Table 1, with their corresponding ratios. Contaminant σ1 quench σ2 quench σ1 quench /σ2 quench Ne 2*10−17cm210−20cm22*103 Ar 7*10−17cm24*10−20cm21.7*103 Xe 2*10−16cm23*10−18cm20.6*102 Table I . Quenching cross-section for different contaminants obtai ned by OBELIX (1) and PS205 (2) groups. A dramatic difference between the results of the two groups ca n be seen, specially for Ne and Ar. We must notice that the mentioned experiments have been done under differen t conditions, among which we outline the different contaminant concentration. In OBELIX experiment the same q uenching rate was observed with concentrations of 1noble gas contaminant several orders of magnitude less than in PS205 experiment. Unfortunately, there are no data obtained in the overlapping ranges of contaminant densitie s. Such a discrepancy suggests the idea that quenching effects a re very different for different metastable antiprotonic states in the sense that the lifetime of certain metastable s tates is measurable for small contaminant concentrations only, while for big enough concentrations it becomes too sho rt to be distinguished from the prompt peak. Thus the averaged over antiprotonic states quenching cross-sectio n becomes a function of contaminant density. We will show that estimation of the antiproton transfer rate s supports for such an explanation of the difference in extracted quenching cross-section values. III. REARRANGEMENT COLLISIONS. The correct description of inelastic collisions of an antip rotonic atom with medium atoms requires taking into account simultaneously all possible reaction channels. We will show, however, that it is meaningful to distinguish the antiproton transfer mechanism among other processes an d treat it separately. Let us first make some qualitative remarks. We will be interested in the reaction: (He+p)N,L+ A−→/bracketleftbig He+epA+/bracketrightbig −→/bracketleftbig He(A++p)N′,L′/bracketrightbig +e (1) where A reads essentially for a contaminant atom present in t he surrounding medium. In this reaction the exchange of electron and antiproton bet ween He and contaminant atom A takes place, which results in a virtual formation of the molecular system [ He+epA+]. The energy excess is then transferred to an Auger electron of the contaminant atom, while the molecular ion [ He(A++p)N′,L′] is formed in the final state. We notice that the more simple reaction: (He+p)N,L+ A−→He+ (A+p)N′,L′ (2) occurs with significant probability only in the resonance ca se, i.e. when bounding energy of ( He+p)N,Lis equal to that of (A+p)N′,L′. In nonresonance case an energy excess (which characterist ic value in mentioned reactions is about 0.1 eV) is transferred to atomic nuclei relative motion and n o term crossing takes place in this case. Thus reaction probability turns to be exponentially small. An obvious exc eption is antiprotonic Helium collision with He atoms of surrounding medium: (He+p)N,L+He−→He+ (He+p)N,L (3) As it follows from our calculations, reaction (3) takes plac e for antiprotonic states with principal quantum number N >42. Such states are already quenched within short time by Sta rk de-excitation collisions [16,17] and can not be observed within the delayed component. In the same time we wi ll show that reaction (1) for Ne and Ar contaminants affect certain states belonging to the observed delayed frac tion. The amplitude of reaction (1) is determined by the overlappi ng of the antiprotonic wave function of ( He+p)N,Land the antiprotonic wave function of (A++p)N′,L′. We will show later, that there is a repulsive barrier in the e ffective interaction of antiprotonic He and noble gas atom, which pre vents close collisions. Clearly antiproton transfer has a chance only if the interatomic separation becomes small en ough during the collision, to ensure overlapping of the wave function of antiproton centered on He, and that of mediu m atoms. This last condition determines the reaction probability dependence on antiprotonic quantum numbers. W e will show that for the interaction of antiprotonic He with Ne and Ar, antiproton transfer takes place for states wi thN≥40. A. Formalism. We search the wave function of the system ( He+p)N,L+ A in the form: Φ =/summationdisplay αβγχp γ/hatwideP/bracketleftbig ϕe αΨe β/bracketrightbig F{αβγ} +/summationdisplay αβγδ/tildewideχp γ/hatwideP/bracketleftBig ge {αβγδ}ϕe α/tildewideΨ+e β/bracketrightBig Yδ (4) 2The functions ϕe α, Ψe β,χp γare the eigenfunctions of the electron in the field of He nucle i, contaminant atom electron wave function, and pwave function in the field of He nuclei, screened by electron i n the ground state respectively. The functions /tildewideΨ+e β,/tildewideχp γ,Yδare the electron wave function of contaminant ion (with char ge +1), the pwave function centered on contaminant nuclei, the wave function of the nuclei relat ive motion in bound (molecular) state respectively. /hatwidePis the permutation operator, which antisymmetrizes the total electronic wave function. The expansion coefficient F{αβγ} has the sense of the nuclei relative motion wave function in t he scattering state, while ge {αβγδ}can be interpreted as Auger electron wave function. F{αβγ}andge {αβγδ}include reaction amplitudes to be find. The mentioned form of the wave function enables to take into a ccount physically important effects of exchange of the electrons and antiproton between nuclei, as well as the a ntisymmetrization of the electronic wave-function. We obtain the coupled equations system for functions F{αβγ},ge {αβγδ}by substituting expansions (4) in the Shrodinger equation for the interacting systems. For the purpose of qualitative estimations of the rate of the exchange mechanism, we have truncated the mentioned equation system to only few coupled equations. B. Interaction potential. The coupled equation system for F{αβγ},ge {αβγδ}can be transformed into the one-channel Shrodinger equatio n for the relative nucleus motion in the elastic channel F{α0β0γ0}≡F{ξ0}: /parenleftBig /hatwideTA+/hatwideV{ξ0} AHe−i/hatwiderW{ξ0} AHe−E{ξ0}/parenrightBig F{ξ0}= 0 (5) Such an equation includes a complex nonlocal interaction te rm/hatwideV{ξ0} AHe−i/hatwiderW{ξ0} AHe. This interaction describes elastic scattering and absorption into inelastic channels and depe nds on quantum numbers {ξ0}. It turns out that leading terms of the real part /hatwideV{ξ0} AHeof such effective interaction have local form and can be inter preted as antiprotonic atom- media atom potential in given state. We should mention that b oth local and nonlocal terms in /hatwideV{ξ0} AHe−i/hatwiderW{ξ0} AHeare important for reaction rates calculation, nevertheless th e analysis of local real terms alone turns to be very useful . Such a potential for (He+p)N,L−He interaction is shown on Fig.1. Important features of this potential are the following: 1. There is a repulsive barrier between ( He+p)N,Land He at internuclear distance 3 au < R < 5.5 au (Fig.1). The height of this barrier strongly depends on N,L (see also [15] ). Its height is about 0.2 eV for N=38, L=37 and is negligible for N >42. Such a barrier appears as a result of antisymmetrization of 3-electron wave function of interacting ( He+p)N,L−He atoms and represents an effect of Pauli repulsion. The mini mum classically allowed interatomic separation distance, which is determined by th is repulsive part of effective interaction, plays an important role for determination of quenching reaction rat es. For the antiprotonic state with N=39 it was found to be Rc= 5.3 au. The repulsive barrier appears also in ( He+p)N,L−Ne and ( He+p)N,L−Ar effective interaction. As it follows from our calculations Ne and Ar ca n penetrate to short enough distances during the collision with antiprotonic He and this is a crucial point fo r estimation of antiprotonic transfer reactions. 2. At the internuclear distances Rfrom 1 au. to 3 au., the ( He+p)N,L−He potential is attractive. This attraction is mainly due to the pexchange between the two nuclei. The range of the attractive part is determined by the overlapping of antiprotonic states, centered on the two nuc lei; it vanishes rapidly as soon as the internuclear distance becomes grater than two mean radii of antiprotonic state with quantum numbers N and L. This part of interaction is important for antiprotonic transfer reac tions. 3. At large internuclear distances there is a weak polarizat ion attraction between ( He+p)N,Land contaminant atom A: /hatwideV{ξ0} AHe→ −C{ξ0} AHe R6 This long range attractive interaction radically enhances inelastic cross-sections, specially in case of low tempera tures (T<300K). The constant C{ξ0} AHedepends on contaminant. This last statement is important fo r understanding the difference in quenching effect of noble gas contaminants. 3We should mention that imaginary part /hatwiderW{ξ0} AHeof the effective interaction is localized mainly at internuc lear distances R≤3 au. Thus the repulsive barrier between ( He+p)N,Land He for N <42 prevents close collisions, which may result in intensive inelastic transitions and quenching of metastable antiprotonic states. C. Quenching cross-sections. In this subsection we present the estimation of the antiprot on transfer cross-sections for different states of (He+p)N,L. We found strong dependence of quenching cross-sections on t he principal quantum number of the antiprotonic atoms. In particular, the corresponding cross-sections of antiproton transfer for the states with 40 ≤N <42 are: σNe,Ar 40≤N<42≈10−17cm2 Mentioned states become short-living ( τ≈10−7s) in the presence of noble gas contaminants with density ρ≈1018 cm−3. In the same time the antiproton transfer probability for sta tes with N≤39 is negligible(see Fig.2). Such a ”threshold” behavior of the transfer cross-section as a fun ction of principal quantum number is clear from the followin g qualitative argument. As it follows from the properties of e ffective interatomic interaction, the less is N of given antiprotonic state the higher is the repulsive barrier and t he bigger is interatomic separation during the collision. O n the other hand the less is N, the less is the overlapping of the antiprotonic functions centered on He and contaminant atom, respectively for given interatomic separation. We ha ve found that N=40 plays a role of critical number for antiproton transfer from He to Ne and Ar. D. Experimental check. The existing experimental data on noble gas contaminant que nching can now be explained in terms of state depen- dent quenching mechanism. The antiprotonic transfer reactions affect the population o f the states with 40 ≤N <42. These states are long living in the absence of contaminants. Rather small concent ration of contaminant gases, like those used by OBELIX (ρ≈1017cm−3), can produce measurable effects ( λquench ≈106s−1). The averaged over states quenching cross-section, derived from OBELIX data, correspond to the antiproton tran sfer reaction cross-sections. Much higher concentration of contaminant Ne or Ar( ρ≈1020cm−3), used in PS205 experiment, produce quenching ratesλquench ≈108s−1, which make impossible to distinguish such states from the p rompt peak. On the other hand the states with N <40 are not quenched by antiproton transfer reactions. The ma in contaminant quenching mechanism for these states is induced Auger de-excitation [16,17] (se e Fig.2). The corresponding quenching cross-sections are [17]: σNe,Ar N<40≈10−19cm2 The concentration of noble gas contaminants required to pro duce measurable quenching of these states is ρ≈ 1020cm−3, corresponding to those used in PS205 experiment. Thus it ma y be expected that the results obtained by PS205 experiment refer to the quenching of states with N <40. This fact enables to understand qualitatively the discrepancy between the results of the two experimental gro ups (OBELIX and PS205) for Ne and Ar contaminant quenching [3,4]. The difference in the contaminant densitie s (ρ≈1017cm−3for PS205, and ρ≈1020cm−3for OBELIX) correspond to the difference between the extracted v alues of the average quenching cross-sections. Some experiments can be suggested to clarify the situation. First it seems reasonable to obtain results for the whole ran ge of contaminant densities to check if asymptotic behaviors of quenching rates, which are different in the two e xperiments, match at the intermediate densities. The direct check of the antiproton transfer reactions could be the observation of heavy fragments produced by antiproton annihilation on contaminant nuclei among the de layed events. The laser spectroscopy methods, similar to those applied fo r observing H2assisted resonances [5], seem to be also useful to study noble gas contaminant quenching. In fact, in ducing laser transition from state with N=39 to states withN≥40 in the presence of Ne or Ar at densities ρ≈1018cm−3, one should observe resonance in annihilation events having width proportional to the contaminant concen tration. 4IV. CONCLUSION. We have found that the approach, in which the state dependenc e of quenching rates is taken into account, enables to explain existing experimental data. The mentioned above antiproton transfer reaction rates indeed have very sharp dependence on antiprotonic Helium state quantum numbers. T he theoretical model suggested here, is based on the following statements. 1. For the states with N <42 and Auger transition multipolarity ∆ l >3 there is a repulsive barrier which prevents from close collisions in ”antiprotonic atom-medium atoms” interaction and therefore plays a stabilizing role. The physical reason of such barrier is Pauli repulsion of the sat urated electronic shell of noble gases and the electron of antiprotonic He. The mentioned barrier determines the mi nimum separation between atoms during collision, on which quenching reaction rates critically depend. 2. The leading contaminant quenching mechanism of metastab le antiprotonic He states with 40 ≤N < 42 is antiproton transfer reaction, followed by fast antiproton annihilation on the contaminant nucleus. The cross- section of this type of reactions is estimated to be: σNe,Ar 40≤N<42≈10−17cm2 In the same time the noble gas contaminant quenching of state s with N <40 is two orders of magnitude less. 3. The evolution of the antiprotonic atoms passes through th e stage of molecular ion formation, especially in the presence of noble gas contaminant. This fact was first pointe d out by E. Zavattini [14]. In the present work we studied short living antiprotonic molecular ion formation . In the same time the problem of possible existence of long living states of antiprotonic molecular ion remains an open question. Experimental test of the above presented theoretical resul ts may include direct observation of heavy fragments among the delayed annihilation events, produced by antipro ton annihilation on contaminant nuclei as well as laser induced transitions from states with N <40 to states with N≥40 in the presence of Ne or Ar at concentrations ρ≈1018cm−3. V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. One of the authors (AV) would like to thank P. Valiron, J. Carb onell and G. Korenman for useful discussions and express his special acknowledgment to Italian Istituto Naz ionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) for financial support. [1] M.Iwasaki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 1246 [2] T.Yamazaki et al., Nature 361 (1993) 238; T.Yamazaki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 1590 [3] A. Bertin et al., Il Nuovo Cimento A 110 (1997) 419 [4] E. Widmann et al., Phys. Rev. A 49 (1995) 2870 [5] B.Ketzer et al., J.Chem. Phys 109 (1998) 424 [6] J. Eades et al., Hyperfine Interactions 103 (1996) 329 [7] G.T. Condo, Phys. Lett. 9 (1964) 65 [8] J.E. Russel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23 (1969) 63; Phys. Rev. 188 (1969) 187; Phys. Rev. A 1 (1970) 721; A 1 (1970) 735; A 1 (1970) 742 [9] I. Shimamura , Phys. Rev. A 46 (1992) 3776 [10] T.Yamazaki and K.Ohtsuki, Phys. Rev. A 45 (1992) 6202 [11] N.Morita et al., Nucl. Instr. meth. A 330 (1992) 439 [12] V.I. Korobov and D.D. Bakalov, Phys. Rev. A 57 (1998) 1662 [13] O.D. Dalkarov, A.Yu. Voronin, Sov. Pisma JETP 60 (1994) 158 [14] L. Bracci and E. Zavatini, Phys. Rev. A 41 (1990) 2352 [15] P. Valiron, S. Sauge, J.Carbonell, ”Collisional stabi lity of antiprotonic helium atomcules” Talk on MESH worksho p, Udine, Italy 1996 5[16] G. Ya. Korenman ”Effects of collisions on antiprotonic h elium metastable states”, INP MSU Preprint 97-I/452 (1997) [17] A.Yu.Voronin, O.D. Dalkarov”Collisional dynamics of metastable antiprotonic atoms in He” Talk on MESH workshop, Udine, Italy 1996 [18] B. Ketzer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 1671 6/G32/G2c/G35 /G33/G2c/G30 /G33/G2c/G35 /G34/G2c/G30 /G34/G2c/G35 /G35/G2c/G30 /G35/G2c/G35/G2d/G38/G2d/G36/G2d/G34/G2d/G32/G30/G32/G34 /G28/G4e/G2c/G4c/G29/G3d/G28/G34/G31/G2c/G34/G30/G29/G28/G4e/G2c/G4c/G2c/G29/G3d/G28/G33/G38/G2c/G33/G37/G29/G56/G20/G28/G31/G30/G2d/G33/G20/G61/G2e/G75/G2e/G29 /G52/G28/G61/G2e/G75/G2e/G29 FIG. 1. State dependent antiprotonic atom-media He atom rep ulsive barrier 736 37 38 39 40 41 42-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16Log σ (cm2)N NStark transitionsMolecular ion formation Induced Auger decay FIG. 2. Ne contaminant quenching cross-sections as a functi on of antiprotonic atom state principal quantum number 8
Abstract The presence of skew quadrupole fields will linearly couple the x and y motions. The x and y motions can then be written as the sum of two normal modes . This paper presents analytical perturbation theory results for the tunes of the normal modes. The results for the normal mode tunes are first found correct to lowest order in the skew quadrupole fields. The results are then carried one step further to include the next higher order terms in the skew quadrupole fields. These analytical results show that for the higher order shift in the tune , the important harmonics of the skew quadrupole field are the harmonics near the sum of the tunes. However the harmonics closest to the sum of the tunes do not contribute to the higher order tune splitting, the seperation of the tunes, as they shift the two tunes about equally.This results in a lack of a dominant harmonic for the higher order part of the tune splitting, which complicates the understanding and correction of the higher order part of the tune splitting.
arXiv:physics/9910048v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 29 Oct 1999Wild cables and survivability of macroscopic molecular structures in hot tokamak plasmas A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov INF RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, 123182, Russia kuka@qq.nfi.kiae.su, rank@qq.nfi.kiae.su Wild cables and survivability of macroscopic molecular str uctures in hot tokamak plasmas The evidences for tubular rigid-body structures are found i n tokamak plasmas, which are similar to long-living filaments observed in a Z-pi nch ([1] Kukushkin, Rantsev-Kartinov, Proc. 26-th EPS conf., http://epsppd.e pfl.ch/cross/p2087.htm). These structures are suggested to be a ”wild cables” produce d by the channelling of EM energy pumped from the external electric circuit and pr opagated to the plasma core in the form of the high frequency EM waves along hy pothetical (carbon) microsolid skeletons [1] which are assembled during electr ic breakdown. It is shown that such skeletons may be protected from the high-temperat ure ambient plasma by the TEM waves produced thanks to the presence of microsolid s keletons. PACS: 52.55.Fa 1. Introduction . Recently the anomalously high survivability of some filamen ts in laboratory plas- mas was illustrated [1(a)] with tracing the history of the ty pical long rectilinear rigid-body block in a Z-pinch. The pictures were taken in vis ible light at different time moments from different positions, during about half a mi crosecond, that is comparable with the entire duration of the Z-pinch discharg e (see Fig. 1 in [1(a)]). The original images were processed with the help of the metho d [2(a,b)] of multilevel dynamical contrasting (MDC) of the images. The phenomenon of long-living filaments (LLFs) [1,2] in vari ous laboratory plas- mas (gaseous Z-pinches [2(a,c)), plasma foci [2(e)], and to kamaks [2(d)]) has lead us to a conclusion [1(a)] (see also references therein) that on ly the quantum (molecular) long-range bonds inside LLFs may be responsible for their ob served survivability, rather than the mechanisms of a classical particles plasma. Specifically, the carbon nanotubes have been proposed to be the major microscopic bui lding blocks of the respective microsolid component of LLFs because such nanot ubes may be produced in various electric discharges (see, e.g., [3]). 2. Rigid-body structures in tokamak plasmas. An analysis of available databases carried out with the help of the MDC method [2(a,b)], shows the presence of tubular structures. The typ ical examples for tokamaks TM-2, T-4, T-6 and T-10 (major radius R= 0.4,0.9,0.7,1.5m, minor radius a= 8,20,20,33cm, toroidal field BT= 2,4.5,0.9,3T, total current Ip∼ 25,200,100,300kA, electron temperature Te(0)∼0.6,3,0.4,2keV, electron density ne(0)∼(2,3,2,3)×1013cm−3, respectively) are given in [4]. The figures presented there are taken in visible light with the help of a s trick camera and high- 1speed camera. The effective time exposure is about 10 µsec. The major features of the structuring are as follows: (a) the length scale of the rigid-body tubular structuring v aries in a broad range, from comparable with the minor radius of a tokamak to less tha n millimeter scale; (b) the typical tubule seems to be a cage assembled from the (m uch) thinner, long rectilinear rigid-body structures which look like a so lid thin-walled cylinders; (c) the (almost rectilinear) tubules form a network which st arts at the farthest periphery and is assembled by the tubules of various directi ons; (d) a radial sectioning of the above network is resolved whic h looks like a distinct heterogeneity at a certain magnetic flux surface(s) (such a s ectioning was suggested [1(b),2(d)] to cause the observed internal transport barri ers in tokamaks). The pictures include, in particular, the periphery of the to kamak T-10 plasma illuminated by the carbon pellet emission (the pellet track is outside the picture). The system of concentric circles and the inner almost rectil inear tubule located approximately on the axis of these circles form together a so rt of the squirrel’s wheel. Major axis of this system is directed nearly orthogonal to to roidal magnetic field. The system is 5 cm long and of 4 ÷4.5cmdiameter. The central and boundary vertical tubules are of 4 mmdiameter. Similar structures appear to form in all tokamaks, i.e. with no regard to pellet injection. 3. Probable mechanism of formation and survivability of mic rosolid skeletons in tokamak plasmas. (i) A deposit of carbon nanotubes, of the relevant quantity, is produced at the in- ner surface of the chamber during discharge training, from e ither graphite-containing construction elements (like, e.g. limiters or walls) or car bon films produced by the deposition of the organic oils normally used in the vacuum pu mping systems (the nanotubes may form due to rolling up of monolayers ablated fr om solid surfaces or thin films). (ii) Electrical breakdown occurs along chamber’s surface ( or its part, namely, the inner side of the torus) and is based on the substantially enh anced rate of (cold) autoemission and thermoelectric emission of electrons by t he nanotube (as compared to macroscopic needles). (iii) The microsolid skeletons are assembled from individu al nanotubes which are attracted and welded to each other by the passing electri c current to produce self-similar tubules [1(a)] of macroscopic size, of centim eter length scale and larger (this electric current is produced by the poloidal magnetic fieldBpolpumped from the external circuit into the chamber). (iv) Once the skeleton (or its relevant portion) is assemble d, the substantial part of the incoming Bpolbrakes at it and produces a cold heterogeneous electric current sheath made of conventional plasma. A part of Bpolnear the skeleton is bouncing along its every rectilinear section (i.e. between the closest points of the deviation, even small enough, from rectilinearity). This p roduces a high-frequency EM wave which, in turn, produces, by the force of the high-fre quency (HF) pressure [5] (sometimes called in literature the Miller force), the c ylindrical cavities of a 2depleted electron density (primary channels) around the sk eletons. (v) At the skeleton’s (and plasma column) edge the bouncing b oundary of the cavity from the scrape-off layer side produces a HF valve for t he incoming Bpol, because of the node of the standing wave at the edge. This work s as a HF convertor of a part of the incoming Bpolwhich is transported then along the skeleton in the form of EM waves. (Besides, a part of Bpolwhich reaches the cavity in the conventional regime of the diffusion of Bpol, is transformed into a HF field by the oscillating boundary of the cavity). The EM waves sustain the cavity and p rotect the skeletons from direct access of thermal plasma particles. Therefore t he skeleton appears to be an inner wire of the cable network (a wild cable network) in which the role of a screening conductor is played by the ambient plasma. In this paper, we restrict ourselves to quantifying the abov e picture in its quasi- stationary stage of energy inflow through the wild cable netw ork. For the frequency ωcof the major harmonic of EM oscillations trapped in ra- dial direction in a cylindrical almost-vacuum cavity of effe ctive radius rcaround microsolid tubule of length Lc, one has ( ωpeis plasma frequency, c, the speed of light): ωc≃πc/L c≤ωpe. (1) For tokamak geometry, one has the following chain of transfo rmations of EM waves. The cavities at plasma edge (they normally possess some decl ination with respect to the boundary magnetic surface) allows the field lines of Bpolto move directly inside the cavity and thus produce the magnetic (H) wave. For the strongest EM wave among H waves, H11wave, one has: λ≃2Lc≥λcrit∼αrc, where λcritis the critical wavelength for free propagation of the respect ive EM wave in the cable (αH11≈π). Therefore, the trapping of H11wave in the edge cavity leads to the wiring of magnetic field lines round the inner wire that produ ces TEM and electric (E) waves propagating in both directions (the strongest wav e among E-waves will be E01wave). However, the E01wave will also be trapped in the cavity ( αE01≈2.6), in contrast to TEM wave ( λTEM crit=∞). Also, the H and E-waves, in contrast to TEM wave, are detached from the wall (in radial direction, these waves are the standing ones) so that only the TEM wave can actually maintain the boun dary of the cavity. Thus, the edge cable converts a part of Bpolinto HF TEM wave propagating inward. The signs of this HF field of which a small part is reflected outw ard may be found in the measurements of EM fields outside plasma column (see be low). It is assumed also that the presence of an external stationar y strong magnetic field doesn’t influence substantially the form of the cavity, because even for ωc≪ωHe (ωHeis electron gyrofrequency) the amplitude /vectorE0of the HF electric field may have a non-zero component parallel to magnetic field (in that case we will assign /vectorE0to the respective component of the amplitude). The distribution of plasma density around the inner wire can be described by a set of equations for the two-temperature quasi-hydrodyna mics of a plasma in a HF EM field [6]. Under condition lE≫rD, where lEis the characteristic length of spatial profile of E0(/vector r) and rDis Debye radius, one can neglect the deviation 3from quasi-neutrality and arrive at quasi-Boltzmann distr ibution (see e.g. [6(b)]): ne=ne0exp(−Ψ/(Te+Ti)), where Ψ = e2E2 0/(4meω2 c), ne0is background density of plasma electrons. The condition for plasma detachment fr om the inner wire reads: eU0≥2π(rc/Lc)/radicalBig Amec2(Te+Ti), A∼(r2 w/r2 c)ln(ne0/nemin), (2) where U0is the effective voltage bias of the TEM wave in the cable ( E0(r)∼U0/r; ris the radial coordinate in a circular cylindrical cable, rw, radius of inner wire), neminis the minimal density permitted, at a temperature Te, for the inner wire to be not destroyed by the plasma impact. For tokamak case ( ne0∼1013cm−3), we takeA∼5. Equation (3) is to be coupled to the condition of the applicab ility of the concept of the ( −∇Ψ) force, ρ≪lE(ρis the amplitude of electron’s oscillations in the HF electric field). For our estimates, this limitation, howeve r, may be weakened and takes the form: eU0≤π2mec2rc(rc−rw)/L2 c, (3) And finally, the HF electric field in the cables may be related t o the observable turbulent electric fields because wild cables are the strong sources of electrostatic oscillations in plasma. As far as there should be a sort of the feedback between plasma and cavity, one may consider the cable’s cavity as a so liton with such a strong reduction of the eigenfrequency (a redshift) that so liton’s velocity becomes independent from dispersion. For W/nT ≤1 (W≡E2 0/16π) this gives rough estimate: W/nT∼(1−(ωc/ωpe)). (4) At the quasi-stationary stage of discharge, one may evaluat e the spatial distribution of the amplitude Eturbof the turbulent electric field, regardless of its spectral d istri- bution, as being described, in radial direction with respec t to the individual cable, by the scaling law of the TEM wave. For the contribution of a si ngle cable, one has: Eturb(r)∼U0/r. (5) Equations (1), (2) and (3), along with rough estimates of Eqs .(4) and (5), estab- lish a set of equations that enable one to evaluate the plausi bility of the presence of wild cables in tokamak plasmas, using available data on meas uring the values of ωc [7] (and/or Lc) and Eturb[8]. Now we can test the problem for typical data from the peripher y of the T-10 tokamak, keeping in mind the closeness of T-10 regimes analy zed in [7,8] and those for Figure 4. First, the spectra of the HF EM field in the gap bet ween the plasma column and the chamber measured in the GHz frequency range re vealed [7] a distinct bump at νc∼(4÷5)×109Hz, of the width ∼2×109Hz, which always exists in ohmic heating regimes and increases with electron cyclotro n heating (this bump is a stable formation and it moves to the lower frequencies an d turns into a peak only under condition of strong instabilities, especially d isruption instability). This 4givesLc≈3cm. Note that this is in reasonable agreement with the data from the high-speed camera picture for T-10 plasma periphery where Lc≈4÷5cm. Second, the analysis of observations of Stark broadening of deuterium spectral lines (and their polarization state) at the periphery of the T-10 tokamak in the region of Te∼100eV, allowed [8] to estimate the spectral range of HF electric fields ( ω≈ωpe∼1011Hz), their amplitude ( E∼10÷20kV/cm ) and angular distribution. ForLc= 3cm, T e=Ti= 100 eV, Eqs. (2) and (3) give a constraint S≡ (rc−rw)/Lc≥0.03 . For ( rc−rw)∼rc, from Eq. (2), one can find the absolute minimum of voltage bias: ( U0)min≈5kV. For S= 0.03, Eqs. (2) and (3) give U0≈5kV, while for S= 0.1 one has 15 ≤U0(kV)≤50. Further, Eq. (4) gives E0(rc)≥50kV/cm , while, for rc∼1÷2mmand< r >∼1÷3cm(< r > is the average distance between individual cables in the region of observation), Eq. (5) gives the estimate E0(rc)≥102kV/cm , orU0≥10kV. The results of numerical solution of the Poisson equation [6] show that, e.g., for U0= 30kVat the distances r∼2÷3mmthe plasma density falls down, with respect to its backgroun d value, by the seven-eight orders of magnitude. 4. Conclusions The experimental data of Sec. 2 and the model of Sec. 3 support the hypothesis [1] that plasmas with long-living filaments is such a form of t he fourth state of matter, which is an intricate mixture of three other states (gaseous , liquid and solid). The presence of the inner wire (namely, electrically conductin g microsolid skeleton) in the wild cable is responsible not only for the observed anomalou s mechanical stability of this structure but also for the formation of TEM waves in the c avity that is critical for the self-sustainment of the cavity and for the transport of EM energy to plasma core. It follows that observed structuring could be: (i) a strong candidate for the nonlocal (non-difusion) comp onent of heat trans- port (and observed phenomena of fast nonlocal responses) in tokamaks; (ii) a powerful source of non-linear waves and (strong) turb ulence throughout plasma volume; (iii) a low-dissipation waveguide responsible for the spat ial profile of poloidal magnetic field in tokamaks, rather than total resistance of p lasma (in agreement with the observed applicability of Spitzer, or close, resis tivity to describing the ohmic heat release in plasma); (iv) a universal phenomenon in well-done laboratory plasma s and space; in par- ticular, similar wild cables may form in gaseous and wire-ar ray Z-pinches and be responsible for the fast nonlocal transport of EM energy tow ard Z-pinch axis. Acknowledgments. The authors are indebted to V.M. Leonov, S.V. Mirnov and I.B. Semenov, K.A. Razumova, and V.Yu. Sergeev for presenting the originals of the data from tokamaks T-6, T-4, TM-2, and T-10, respectively. The authors appreci ate discussions of the paper with V.V. Alikaev, V.I. Poznyak and V.L. Vdovin, an d participants of 5seminars in the Institute of Nuclear Fusion. Our special tha nks to V.I. Kogan for his interest and support, and V.D. Shafranov, for valuable d iscussion of the paper. REFERENCES [1] Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., Proc. 26-th Eur . Phys. Soc. conf. on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Maastricht, Netherlands , June 1999, (a) p. 873 (http://epsppd.epfl.ch/cross/p2087.htm); (b) p. 1737 (p4096.htm). [2] Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., (a) Laser and Pa rt. Beams, 16, 445 (1998); (b) Rev. Sci. Instrum., 70, 1387 (1999); (c) Ibid, p. 1421; (d) Ibid., p. 1392; (e) Kukushkin A.B., et. al., Fusion Technology, 32, 83 (1997). [3] Eletskii A.V., Physics-Uspekhi, 167, 945 (1997). 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arXiv:physics/9910049v1 [physics.class-ph] 29 Oct 1999Possible Self-Organised Criticality and Dynamical Cluste ring of Traffic flow in Open Systems M. E. L´ arraga, J. A. del R´ ıo Centro de Investigaci´ on en Energ´ ıa, Universidad Nacional Aut´ onoma de M´ exico, A.P.34, 62580 Temixco, Mor. M´ exico email: antonio@servidor.unam.mx Anita Mehta∗ Oxford Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, U.K. email: a.mehta@physics.ox.ac.uk We focus in this work on the study of traffic in opensystems using a modified version of an existing cellular automaton model. We demonstrate that the open syst em is rather different from the closed system in its ’choice’ of a unique steady-state density and velocity distribution, in dependently of the initial conditions , reminiscent of self-organised criticality. Quantities o f interest such as average densities and velocities of cars, exhibit phase transition s between free flow and the jammed state, as a function of the braking probability Rin a way that is very different from closed systems. Velocity correlation functions show that the concept of a dynamical cluster , introduced earlier in the context of granular flow is also relevant for traffic flow models. I. INTRODUCTION The flow of traffic in congested urban conditions is a subject of burgeoning interest in many disciplines at the present time; on the one hand traffic scientists [1], [2] are co ncerned with the formulation of models which could study and with luck, ease, congestion problems in the real wo rld, while physicists see the subject as an interesting paradigm for complex systems [3]. Typically such studies ha ve considered the behaviour of closed systems, that is, systems with periodic boundary conditions which are isolat ed in the sense that the number of cars is conserved. Here by contrast we focus on the study of open systems where nonequ ilibrium conditions greatly modify the underlying physics, via the introduction and disappearance of cars at t he two ends. Even in the steady state, we find that the construction of the phase diagram is totally different, invo lving as it does an expansion of the phase space, from the socalled ’fundamental’ diagram obtained for the closed ver sion [1]. The present study is based in the context of the extensively s tudied model of Nagel and Schreckenberg [1], [4]; this involves four cell-updating steps involving braking, stochastic driver reaction, and car movement/acceleratio n. Most studies including stochasticity, as in the above model s, have been for closed systems with periodic boundary conditions, with open systems studied mainly [5] in determi nistic models. Here we study the effect of open boundary conditions (as occur s in actual traffic flow) on a modified Nagel- Schreckenberg model. The modification involves stochastic changes to the car occurring before the braking step, to model the behaviour of an ’anticipatory’ driver. Our result s include i) a qualitative change of the phase diagram, with aunique steady state for a given braking parameter R, reached from a variety of initial conditions. This is remin iscent of ideas of self-organised criticality (SOC) [6], introduc ed earlier in the context of sandpiles. ii) the manifestatio n of a peak in velocity correlation functions, at specific values ofR, reminiscent of the dynamical clustering that has been observed in granular media [7]. The NS model has also been developed recently [8] to show meta stable states [9] of very high flow. However we have focused on (a modified verions of) the simpler, classic NS mod el to show, in a well-studied context, that open boundary conditions induce qualitatively new SOC-like behaviour, a s well as interesting aspects of dynamical clustering. Thes e could, in principle, be of conceptually useful relevance to more complex models of traffic flow. This paper is organised as follows. In the first section we pre sent our model. In the next section we present the results concerning the steady-state regime in the open syst ems under study. Lastly we discuss our results and compare our predictions with observations on real traffic. ∗Present and permanent address: S N Bose National Centre for B asic Sciences, Block JD, Sector III, Salt Lake, Calcutta 700 091, INDIA, email: anita@boson.bose.res.in 1II. THE MODEL In the real world, traffic flow always occurs in open systems, i. e. those where cars are always interchanged between some local environment and its surroundings; thus for examp le, the number of cars is notconserved in general in any section of a highway. However most studies involving cellul ar automata modelling of such systems have sought to focus on the evolution of traffic in closed systems subjected t o periodic boundary conditions. In this study we seek to model more closely some situations in traffic flow by looking at systems with openboundaries where, as in reality, the number of cars is not conserved. We base our model on the Nagel-Schreckenberg [4] cellular au tomaton model, but with the addition of an important modification involving the order of the operators. Before di scussing this, we define the model in its conventional form: The model consists of a one-dimensional array of cells each o f which can be occupied by a car with velocity v between vminandvmax,withvmin= 1 and vmax∈ {1, ..,5}. Subject to the non-overlapping of cars, the rules for traffic flow are formulated as follows (we assume that the updating ti met= 1 ): P.Proximity step For cars i,i−1, ifvi+xi≤vi−1+xi−1, then v′ i−1→vi+xi−xi−1−1; else v′ i−1→vi−1, where the primes represent the updated velocities. In words, this implies that the driv er of a car brakes if the car in front is close enough to cause a collision, but not otherwise. Put another way, the dr iver would like to be at the maximal possible velocity consistent with the avoidance of collisions. N.Noise step This reflects the stochastic element which, in the original m odel, allows for the random deceleration of a fraction Rof the cars by one unit of velocity. Thus for example in the cas e of the ithcar, the velocity vimay either stay the same or, if it is part of the randomly selected fraction Rof cars, decrease its velocity by one unit; thus, v′ i→vi−1 (except if vi=vmin). M.Movement step This updates in parallel the positions of the cars; once agai n for the ithcar, say, this implies x′ i→vi+xi. A.Acceleration step This updates in parallel the velocities of the cars by one uni t: thus, v′ i→vi+ 1 (except if vi=vmax). We emphasise that the above represents the original form of t he model in [1], [4], and now proceed to discuss our modification to it, which involves the order of the operators . Our initial investigations indicated that the order of rulesPNMA led to several unphysical configurations, whereas the order NPMA did not. The reason for this is that with the noise being applied afterthe proximity step, cars are unable to adjust to the noise-re duced velocities of the traffic in front. This could lead to an artificial jam, arising from the order of the rules rather than from the r eal dynamics of the system. Also, importantly, our choice of rul es could be said to model the behaviour of anticipatory drivers rather than, as in the case of the PNMA ordering, reactive drivers. III. THE STEADY STATE IN AN OPEN SYSTEM: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS In this section we describe both qualitative and quantitati ve features of our results for the steady state of traffic flow in an open system, as described by the model in the precedi ng section. First of all, we chose the system size L, randomly generated an initial distribution of car positio ns and velocities, and then introduced a car with velocity v= 5 at the origin at every time step. Next we updated the indivi dual car velocities and positions in accord with the rules of the above model and waited for the system to asymp tote to its steady-state density (where we used the χ- squared rule to ensure that this limit was obtained). Final ly we recorded the densities and velocities of cars at different positions for use in our later analysis. We mention below some of the specific features of our procedure to ensure convergence to the steady state: •We chose system sizes Lfrom 200 to 10 ,000 units, and found that although the time required to reach the steady state was enormous as the system size was increased, t he steady-state densities or velocities so obtained did not vary appreciably. In fact we found that for the really large system sizes of say 10 ,000 units, most of the cars after a distance of ∼400 units showed the behaviour trivially to be expected of th at value of R, i.e. they were either jammed or free-flowing, and thus no longer im pacted by the initial car. We thus present in this paper only data obtained for L= 200 ,400. •We varied the rules governing the introduction of the initia l car, for example, choosing to introduce such a car at alternate rather than consecutive timesteps, and found t hat this made no significant difference to our results. 2•Lastly we varied the ’seed’ configurations to do with initial densities and velocities on the line, and found that this made absolutely no difference to our results. The result s presented in this work involve averages over 1000 realisations of the experiment. A. Qualitative results Our first step is to compare the spacetime diagrams for the cas e of closed boundary conditions and open ones, on the former of which one of us has carried out extensive invest igations [10]. We present below the spacetime diagrams for an open system with R= 0.7 in Fig. 1 and a system with periodic boundary conditions wit h the same Rin Fig. 2. We note that while the specification of an initial density b y definition determines the final density in the closed system (since cars cannot be ’lost’ in the presence of closed boundaries) it does no such thing in the case of the open system, where, in the example shown in Fig. 1, the system evol ves from an initially low-density configuration to a jammed state. In some sense we see already the signs that the o pen system ’chooses’ its own final density, while the closed system simply maintains its initially chosen one. Next we examine the profile of the velocity distribution in th e open (Fig. 3a) and closed (Fig. 3b) systems for thesame initial density and value of Rin both cases. For the closed system, we find a relatively larg er proportion of high-velocity cars persisting even after a long time has e lapsed, compared to the open system, where the number of cars with velocities greater than 1 decays to zero after an initial transient. (It is important to emphasise that the value of the ’most probable’ velocity in each case will depen d onR). Additionally, while there is a kind of periodicity that is evident in the case of the closed system, with ’waves’ of cars of a given velocity appearing and disappearing, separated by local ’spurts’ in their value, no such phenomen on is observed in the open system, where the number of cars with velocity 1 gradually increases with time to span the system (although there is an interesting rise in the number of cars with velocity 2, till its decay to zero at t≈500). We emphasise once again that these examples are chosen only to bring out the differences between the closed an d open systems, and that for example a different value ofRwould result in qualitatively similar but quantitatively d ifferent conclusions. Next, in Figs. 4 and 5, we show that for the open system, initia l conditions involving different densities and different randomly generated configurations, all converge to the unique densities and velocities characterising the steady state forR= 0.3 and 0 .7 respectively. We note that the time required by the open sys tem to converge to the steady state is about 10 ×L, where Lis the system size [11], with the exception of the region arou nd the jamming transition, where the transient time can be about 100 ×L. We show, for comparison, the situation for the closed syste m in Figure 6; here the initial densities are maintained, and the value of t he steady-state velocity depends strongly on the value of the density, unlike the case of the open system . Also, in comparison with the open system, the convergence t imes are virtually instantaneous. We see thus that in the open system, arbitrary initial densities and velocity distributions evolve towards a unique steady state for a given Rcharacterised by a final mean density and velocity distribut ion. The consequences of this apparently simple statement are profound; for example the f undamental flux vs. density diagram obtained in the case of the closed system [12] for a given value of Rcollapses to a point in the open system, since there is only one possible value of density ρand velocity vin the latter case. We discuss this unique ’selection’ by the open system of stea dy-state densities and velocities later, but for the present, simply assert that this convergence enables us to w ork with average densities and velocities (obtained by averaging over time, in the steady state, as well as space, an d finally over different initial configurations and noise realisations of the system) in the next subsection. B. Densities, velocities and correlation functions: a quan titative analysis We next present and interpret quantitative results on avera ge velocities and densities of cars in the steady state, in addition to examining their fluctuations via correlation functions. In Fig. 7a, the mean density and velocity for systems of size L= 200, 400 are plotted as a function of R. As is evident, the curves are coincident, reflecting our contention that the steady state obtained in our work is not s ystem-size dependent beyond about L= 200. We see strong evidence of a phase transition which arises around Rc∼0.55,ρc∼0.55. (These numbers are obtained from an analysis ofdρ dRvsR, which is shown in Fig. 7b ; we will have more to say about the la tter graph and its implications later on). We notice that the density curve is a smooth S-shaped functio n while that for the velocity is a smooth inverse S-shaped function. Their intersection indicates the likel y neighbourhood of the phase transition observed between regions of low ρand high v(’freely flowing traffic’) on the one hand, and regions of high ρand low v(’congested’ 3or ’jammed’ traffic) on the other. Earlier work on closed syste ms seems to categorise phase transitions in traffic flow as being of first order [12] but we are unable to state this defin itively in the context of our finite-size investigations on open systems. In particular the ’selection’ by the system of steady state densities and velocities for a given value ofRis rather reminiscent of the phenomenon of self-organised c riticality, [6], where the system organises itself into a unique state for a given value of a parameter. On this basis Rwould seem to be analogous to a temperature-like variable which then determines the density ρ, whose thermodynamic analogue is the system energy. However, a deeper examination of this issue is relegated to f uture work, as for example the shape ofdρ dRvsR (analogous to the temperature dependence of the specific hea t of a thermodynamic system) depicted in Fig. 7b, could equally well represent a second-order transition for a finite system, or for example a kind of lambda transition, reminiscent of the first-order transition in glassy systems [13]. We now turn to the discussion of fluctuations via the analysis of correlation functions. Clearly the < ρxρx′> correlation function is not very informative at least in its ’bare’ version (i.e. where its value is either 0 or 1 at a site) ; on the other hand, the < vxvx′>correlation function is meaningful. (Since we look only at t he steady state behaviour here, time correlation functions such as < vtvt′>are likewise not meaningful). In Fig. 8 we present the behavi our of this as a function of position, for different values of R. We note that the behaviour is generic, with well- defined first and second neighbour ’shells’, particularly for value s ofRwell away from the transition point. Additionally, we remark on the specific meaning of such dynamical correlations; in analogy with earlier work on granular flow [ 7], we define a dynamical cluster for a given Ras being the number of sites which are within the first shell of the velocity correlation function . The physical import of a dynamical cluster is that it reflects the range over which cars are correlated in their velocities; we observe that the size of a dynamical cluster increases as Rdecreases . In other words, as fewer cars face random obstacles, more and more of them dev elop velocity correlations, i.e. they begin to ’move together’ in clumps. Returning to the analogy with granular flow, this mirrors the situation found in earlier work [7] where a decrease in external perturbations applied to a gran ular system causes an increase in the size of a typical dynamical cluster of grains. IV. DISCUSSION We have examined traffic flow in open systems, and found that the nature of the phase diagram is completely altered with respect to the more usual case of periodic bound ary conditions. In particular, the fundamental diagram of flux versus density as a function of the parameter Rpresented recently for closed systems by Eisenblatter et al [12] collapses to a point in the case of an open system; thus, at a gi venR, traffic flow in an open system is characterised by aunique density and velocity distribution, independently o f initial conditions . This unusual and very robust feature leads us to suggest some thermodynamic analogies for the key quantities in traffic flow in open systems: thus, for example the thermodynamic analogues of density ρand braking probability Rare respectively energy and temperature . Following this line of reasoning, we speculate that traffic fl ow in open systems could either be a paradigm of self-organised critic ality, or on the other hand be representative of a first-order phase transition in a finite system. The transition in questi on, that between jammed and free flow, appears to be characterised by a discontinuity in the analogue of the spec ific heat as a function of R, i.e.dρ dRplotted vs Rshows a lambda-transition which could be characteristic either of glassy behaviour of indeed of self-organised criticality. Various special cases of traffic flow modelled by cellular auto mata have been examined and found to exhibit self- organised criticality [11]; for example, the case of the out flow region of a big traffic jam under cruise control conditions [14] was found to exhibit this. However, we reiterate that ou r work is to our knowledge the first to investigate the specific issue of the phase diagram as a function of the brakin g probability Runder the most general conditions . Our striking findings regarding the selection by the system of a unique density and velocity d istribution for arbitrary initial conditions suggest that it may well be a rather general parad igm of self-organised criticality, though future work is in progress to investigate this. Lastly, we mention that in recent experimental work [9] ther e has been a suggestion that in addition to the transition between jammed and free flow, there could be a transition to ’s ynchronised’ flow where cars neither move freely, nor stay jammed, but continue moving by synchronising their vel ocities. Our findings with regard to the dynamical cluster mentioned in the earlier section appear to be in accord with t his, in that dynamical clusters, as discussed earlier in the context of granular flow [7], are clusters whose constitu ents are strongly correlated in their velocities. We hope to explore some of these issues elsewhere. 4V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AM acknowledges the generous hospitality, over many visits , to the Centro de Investigaci´ on en Energ ´ia in Temixco, where a large portion of this work was carried out. This work w as partially supported by DGAPA-UNAM under project IN117798. We are very grateful to Subodh Shenoy for a careful reading of the manuscript. [1] K. Nagel and M. Schreckenberg, J. Phys. I (France) I2, 2221 (1992). [2]Traffic and Granular Flow , eds. D.E. Wolf, M. Schreckenberg, and A. Bachem (World Scie ntific, Singapore, 1996). [3] see for example papers on the asymmetric exclusion proce ss (ASEP), such as C. Godreche, J.M. Luck, M. E. Evans, D. Mukamel, S. Sandow and E. R. Speer, J. Phys. A 28, 6039 (1995). [4] A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg, J. Phys. A 26, L679 (1993). [5] B. S. Kerner and W. Konhauser, Phys. Rev. E 50, 50 (1994). [6] P. Bak, C. Tang and K. Wiesenfeld Phys. Rev. A 38, 368 (1988). [7] G. C. Barker and Anita Mehta, Phys. Rev. A 45, 3435 (1992); Anita Mehta and G. C. Barker Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 394 (1991); Granular Matter: An Interdisciplinary Approach , ed. Anita Mehta (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994). [8] R. Barlovic, L. Santen, A. Schadschneider and M. Schreck enberg, Eur. Phys. J. B 5, 793 (1998). [9] B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4030 (1997). [10] M. E. L´ arraga, ” Simulaci´ on del Transito Vehicular en Carreteras Usando Au t´ omatas Celulares ”, Thesis Benemerita Uni- versidad de Puebla (M´ exico, 1997). [11] T. Nagatani, J. Phys. A 28, L119 (1995). [12] L. Eisenbl¨ atter, L. Santen, A Schadschneider and M. Sc hreckenberg, Phys. Rev. E 57, 1309 (1998). [13] G.S. Grest and S.R. Nagel, J. Phys. Chem. 91, 4916 (1987); R.M. Ernst, S. R. Nagel and G.S. Grest, Phys. Re v. B43, 8070 (1991). [14] K. Nagel and M. Paczuski, Phys. Rev. E 51, 2909 (1995). VI. FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 1. Spacetime diagram for traffic flow in an open system co rresponding to a braking probability R= 0.7, and starting with an initial density ρi= 0.2. Figure 2. Spacetime diagram for traffic flow in a closed system c orresponding to a braking probability R= 0.7, and a density ρ= 0.2. Figure 3. Profile of the velocity distribution for traffic flow i n a) an open system and b) a closed system corresponding to a braking probability R= 0.7, and starting with an initial density ρi= 0.2. Figure 4. Plots of the time evolution of the a) density and b) a verage velocity of traffic in an open system for two initial densities ρi= 0.2 and ρi= 0.7, and braking probability R= 0.7. Both initial conditions evolve to a single density characteristic of the jammed state. Figure 5. Same as Figures 4 but with braking probability R= 0.3; the final state is, as expected, characteristic of free flow in this case. Figure 6. Evolution of the time dependent averaged velocity for closed systems with two initial densities ρ= 0.2 andρ= 0.7, and braking probability R= 0.3. In this case we notice that the final state depends strongly on the (initial) values of the density. Figure 7. a) The ’fundamental diagram’ of traffic flow in open sy stems; the free-flow to jamming transition occurs in the vicinity of the intersection of the density and veloci ty curves as a function of braking probability R. b) plot of dρ dRvsR; note the strong resemblance to the lambda transition in gla ssy systems. Triangles indicate the results for a system of length L= 200 while open circles indicate the data for a system size L= 400. Figure 8. Velocity-velocity correlation functions < vxvx′>corresponding to a range of different values of the braking probability R. 5
1 The speed of gravity revisited Michael Ibison, Harold E. Puthoff, Scott R. Little Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin 4030 Braker Lane West, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759, USA ibison@ntr.net , puthoff@aol.com , little@eden.com Abstract Recently Van Flandern concluded from astrophysical data that gravity propagates faster than light. We demonstrate that the data can be explained by current theory that does not permit superluminal speeds. We explain the origin of apparently instantaneous connections, first within EM, and then within strong-field GR. Introduction Van Flandern [1] draws attention to astrophysical data that apparently support the conclusion that gravitational influences propagate at superluminal speeds. His main argument, in general terms, is that light propagation from a star is not collinear with its gravitational force. He correctly infers that this is because light suffers aberration, whereas gravity does not. The absence of the latter motivates his conclusion. In the first section we discuss the related example of the electric field of a uniformly moving charge source. We show how this field, though composed of entirely retarded influences obeying Maxwell’s equations, will accelerate a remote test charge towards the instantaneous position of the source. In the second section we discuss the analogous problem in GR. On the basis of the similarities between EM and GR, we argue that a similar result can be anticipated, for which the detailed calculation is given in an appendix. That section is concluded with an illustration of the application of the theory to astrophysical data offered by Van Flandern. Electromagnetism Electric field of a uniformly moving charge Figure 1 Quantities used to analyze a uniformly moving charge source. With reference to Fig. 1, let a source charge be in uniform motion traveling with velocity cββββ, and initially at the origin. It generates an electric field at x (see for example [2]): ()()() ()()()ret ret 32 ret ret,ts tte st tγ−= −s βEx s β!, (1) s(t) is the vector from the current position of the source to the test charge at x: ()tc t=−sx β. (2) The subscript ret in the above indicates that the electric field depends on the retarded position of the source, with tret given by the solution of retctβ ctβorigin path of source x()ts ret()tsobservation point φ2 () ( )ret retst ct t=− . (3) That is, the current field at time t depends on the position of the source at a previous time, where the delay is equal to the time it takes light to traverse that distance (from the historical position of the source). We draw attention especially to the presence of two retarded terms in the numerator, giving rise to the interpretation of the final field as the result of two different, retarded, fields, E(x,t) = E 1(x,t) + E2(x,t): ()() ()()() ()() ()()()ret 1 32 ret ret ret 2 32 ret ret, ,tte st t stte st tγ γ= − =− −sEx s β βEx s β! !. (4) If only E1(x,t) is retained, it is easy to see that the electric force on a test charge would be oriented towards the historical position of the source. I.E. it would be aberrated. One might then be able to take the view that the force is due to a flux of particles emitted at the speed of light, exchanging momentum with the test charge. Apparent cancellation of retarded effects Since β < 1, the second term may be regarded as a correction to the first. As pointed out in [2], [3], and [4], its magnitude and direction are exactly that required to cancel the aberration as we now show. Combining Eqs. (2) and (3), the numerator of Eq. (1) can be written: ()() ( ) ( )ret ret ret retts t c tc t t c t t−− − = s βx ββ x βs =− = −=− = −=− = −=− = − (5) which is sufficient to prove the claim. Note that this result depends on the fact that the source is in uniform motion. To complete the transformation we will also compute the denominator in the new co-ordinates. Using Eq. (5), we have ()() ()()( ) ( ) () () ( )22 ret ret ret 11 c o s st t st t st ββ ρ β φ −= − − = − −s β sβ !! (6) where φ is the angle between the trajectory of the source and the instantaneous line of sight (see Fig. 1), and we have defined ρ ≡ s(tret)/s(t). This may also be computed from Eq. (5) after re-arranging and squaring: () ( )()() () () () () ()22 22 22 212 c o s 1 0 1c o s 1 s i nret retst t s t βρ ρ β φ βρβ φ β φ− ⇒− − − = ⇒− = +−s β ==== (7) (since by definition ρ must always be positive, the positive root is required). Substitution of this result into Eq. (6) gives ()() ( ) ( )22 ret ret 1s i n st t st βφ −= −s.ββββ . (8) Therefore, using Eqs. (5) and (8), the electric field Eq. (1) in the unretarded coordinates is ()() ()()()2 23 222ˆ 1, 1s i ntte stβ βφ −=×  −sEx (9) This result proves the claim above that the electric field from a uniformly moving source is not aberrated. The force on a test charge is directed towards the instantaneous – not the retarded - position of the source. The factor in braces affects the magnitude, but not the direction, of the field. When the source is viewed from a line of sight perpendicular to its trajectory, then the amplitude of the field is greater than that of the static charge by a factor γ. But viewed from a line of sight along the trajectory, the amplitude is reduced by a factor γ-2. The effects of both non- retardation and the angular dependence of the strength of the force due to a moving source are illustrated in Fig. 2. Therein, the density of the field lines signifies the strength of the field, and the direction of the field lines is that of the force experienced by a stationary test charge. 3 Figure 2 Field lines of a uniformly moving charge source. The fact that there are two mathematical presentations of the same result, Eqs. (1) and (9), can give rise to two different interpretations of the same phenomenon. But since they are built upon the same theory, these two interpretations are not experimentally distinguishable. Motivated by Eq. (1), one can insist that all influences travel at light speed, and that the final direction of the force toward the unretarded position is the result of a fortuitous cancellation between the two retarded influences identified in Eq. (4). Alternatively, Eq. (9) may be used to justify the viewpoint that there is no propagation, since nowhere do retarded co-ordinates appear, and that the result is a manifestation of an important principle, and presumably could therefore have been derived more directly [5]. Propagation When the charge source is accelerated, Eq. (2) does not hold, invalidating the steps leading to Eq. (9). Further, the electric field acquires additional terms that depend on the acceleration directly. Altogether, this means that the force on a test charge is not, in general, directed toward an accelerating source, and the effects of retardation are then readily apparent. Figure 3 Propagation of a disturbance to the field lines when a uniformly moving charge is abruptly brought to rest. Observable propagation delays are illustrated by the example in Fig. 3 wherein a charge initially in uniform motion is abruptly brought to rest. Notice that the field lines are updated by a shockwave traveling at speed c. Within a radius r < ct, the charge sprouts new field lines. Beyond that radius ( r > ct), the field lines appear to emanate from a source location that the charge does not occupy. The shockwave at r = ct carries energy and momentum, and is a manifestation of radiation. More generally: curved field lines and radiation are generated and propagate whenever there is a departure from uniform motion (of either source or observer). Otherwise, if the v = 0.8c ct where the charge would be if it had not stopped moving.previous charge motion at v = 0.8c4 motion has been uniform for some period τ, say, then the field lines within the radius r < cτ are straight and terminate on the instantaneous position of the source. Role of the potentials in the cancellation of retarded effects There is nothing in GR that corresponds exactly to the electric field of EM. But there is a close correspondence between the scalar potentials of both theories [6]. Therefore, to determine the degree to which the non-propagating aspect of EM applies to GR, we need to determine the relative importance of the scalar potential - versus the vector potential - in establishing this result. In terms of the potentials, the electric field is ()1,tctφ∂=− ∇ −∂AEx . (10) Recalling the decomposition of the electric field as expressed in Eq. (4), one could be forgiven for thinking that perhaps E1(x,t) and E2(x,t) correspond respectively to - ∇φ and –(1/ c)∂A/∂t. However, this turns out not to be the case as can be seen from the following argument. For a point source, the Liénard-Wiechert potentials are {}{}1,,eφσ=βA , (11) where the dependence of the denominator on x and the present time can be found from Eq. (8): ()() ( ) ( ) () ( ) () ( )22 2 22 2 ret ret 1s i n st t st s t c tσβ φ≡− = − = − × = − − × s. βsx ββ x ββββ . (12) Given the co-occurrence of β with ct in this expression, and the dependence of A on ββββ as given in Eq. (11), it is readily deduced that the contribution to the electric field from the time derivative of the vector potential is of order β2 or higher and cannot therefore play a role at low velocities. It follows that the gradient of the scalar potential alone gives the correct electric field up to and including terms of order ββββ. This means that, to that order, the direction of the electric force towards the instantaneous position of the source may be regarded entirely as a property of the form of the scalar potential. I.E. from Eq. (12), to order ββββ: σ = s(t), and so φ = - e/|x – ctββββ| + O(β2). Thus, to this order, one finds that the Coulomb potential is as if not retarded, and () ()() ()()22 2ˆ 1,tte ect stββ = − ∇+=+−sEx O Ox β. (13) Hence, a shorthand description valid only to order ββββ is that the Coulomb potential is not retarded, from which it follows that the force is directed towards the instantaneous position of the source. The more accurate description, as shown in detail above, is that the scalar potential computed from solving Maxwell’s equations is retarded. But it does not have the form one might naively expect; it is not a retarded version of the Coulomb potential. I.E. φ ≠ -e/|x - ctretββββ|, since this is not a solution of Maxwell’s equations. Instead, φ = -e/|x - ctββββ| + O(β2) is the solution of Maxwell’s equations. Comparing Eqs. (9) and (13), it follows that at low velocities, the vector potential plays no role in establishing the non-propagating electric force. 5 Gravitation Acceleration due to a moving source mass A form analogous to Eq. (10) can be found for the proper acceleration attributable to gravity [7]. Unlike the EM case however, there is no exact cancellation of the effects of retardation to all orders of β, but only cancellation up to terms linear in ββββ. In the linearized weak-field limit, cancellation to this order can be anticipated from the EM case on the basis of the correspondence between the gravitational and electromagnetic scalar potentials. Both obey wave equations, and under the circumstances of interest here, the sources of both may be idealized as structureless points. Hence both gravitational and electromagnetic scalar potentials fall off as 1/ r when the sources are static. But the correspondence cannot be perfect because mass-energy – unlike charge – is not independent of velocity. This causes the two theories to diverge at the order of β2. From these observations, one can infer that GR should be in agreement with EM at least up to terms linear in ββββ, and, with reference to the above discussion of Eq. (13), that this correspondence can be established solely from consideration of the gravitational scalar potential. In other words, without any analysis, one can anticipate that Newton’s law of gravity - unretarded – is accurate up to terms linear in β.β.β.β. The details are worked out in the appendix, where it is established that the proper acceleration in the weak field limit is () ()()2 0 2 22ˆ GM t d ds tβ τ≈− +s xO . (A18) It turns out that not only the linearized weak field limit, but also the full moving Schwarzschild solution to the Einstein equations gives an acceleration towards the instantaneous position of the source (mass M0), correct to order ββββ. From the appendix, the result is () () ()()()2 0 2 25 2 00 22ˆ 11 22GM t d dGM GMst cst cstβ τ=− +   −+ s xO . (A17) The steps leading to these solutions involve computing derivatives of time-retarded potentials, just as for the EM case. Yet the result to this order is the same: the r/r3 force law remains unchanged and unretarded if the source is moving. 6 Solar Eclipse Van Flandern offers several astrophysical situations in support of his conclusion that the speed of gravity >> c. Rather than attempt to address all of them in this letter, we have chosen to discuss just one in detail. Hopefully it will be clear how the analysis can be extended to cover his other examples. Figure 4a Situation at the time of solar eclipse in earth-centered coordinates. Figure 4b Situation at the time of conjunction of sun, moon, and earth, in earth-centered coordinates. The situation during a solar eclipse is depicted in Fig. 4, wherein all motion is relative to the earth. Van Flandern points out that there are two events that happen around the same time. The first event is when the moon crosses the path of radiation from the sun to the earth, as depicted in Fig. 4a. This is the time that the sun is eclipsed as seen from the earth. But the line of sight of the sun is not the same as the line from the earth to the current position of the sun because of the time delay of light propagation. The angle α between the two - the aberration angle - is approximately given by the ratio vc tω⊕→ ⊕=!! where t→⊕! = 499 seconds is the light-time from sun to earth, and 2ωπ=! (years)-1 is the angular frequency attributable to the sun in an earth-centered coordinate system. Sometime ∆t later the sun, moon and earth line up (conjunct), as depicted in Fig. 4b. The time of this second event can be calculated by noting that the time it takes for the moon to traverse the angle an angle α + δ is equal to the time it takes the sun to traverse δ : tδα δ ωω+∆= = !" (14) apparent (aberrated) direction of sunlight v⊕αv" v⊕α v"δ7 This gives () δα ω ω ω=−!"! and therefore that 1ttα ωω ω ω→⊕∆= =−−! "! " !. (15) Using the ratio of the two frequencies = 13.4 (the number of lunar months per year), the time interval between the two events is 40.2 seconds. Van Flandern points out that observations indicate that the acceleration of the earth toward the sun is maximal at around 40 seconds after the sun is eclipsed and therefore this is the time of maximal gravitational attraction. From this he infers that the speed of gravity must be much faster than light. The theoretical explanation of this observation is as follows. Sunlight is electromagnetic radiation due (classically) to the acceleration of charges in the sun. Such radiation suffers a propagation delay as illustrated in Fig. 3, and is therefore aberrated. By contrast, gravitational radiation due to the earth’s acceleration is negligible, leaving only the linear aspect of the relative sun-earth motion to consider. Since v ⊕/c << 1, the results of the previous section apply, and one concludes that the gravitational force on the earth is directed towards the instantaneous position of the sun; i.e. is not aberrated. Generalization From this example we can draw a more general conclusion that applies to Van Flandern’s other data. Noticing that separated aggregates of matter tend to be electrically neutral, one concludes that the predominant electromagnetic force in astrophysics will be due to radiation (in the far-field) - the non-radiative (near-field) force between charged bodies predominates only at a very small scale. In contrast, because gravity is always attractive, the non-radiative force does not disappear between aggregates of matter. The force of gravitational radiation is comparatively negligible, and therefore the predominant gravitational force in astrophysics will be non-radiative (near-field). Hence, though the qualities of propagation and non-propagation of the far and near fields respectively are the same for both EM and GR, the dominance of radiative EM interactions and non-radiative GR interactions explains the asymmetry of influences in this and other examples. Conclusion Van Flandern is correct in his observation that gravitational attraction is directed towards the instantaneous (unretarded) position of a moving body. We have shown that this fact can be explained without a revision of physics to include superluminal propagation. 8 Appendix Gravitational force on a static test particle due to a moving source This appendix is in two sections. In the first section a 3-vector form of the geodesic equation is presented for a test mass initially at rest and solely under the influence of a gravitational field via the metric. In the second section the problem is solved for a gravitational field of arbitrary strength using the Schwarzschild metric for a moving source. 3-vector form of geodesic equation The general equation of motion for an infinitesimally-sized, infinitesimally-massive (test) particle with only gravitational forces acting is 1 2g dd x d x d xgdd d d xββ γβγ αβ αττ τ τ∂  = ∂ . (A1) Going to 3D notation, let 11 12 13 10 21 22 23 20 31 32 33 30,ggg g ggg g ggg g    ==    Gg (A2) and let the velocity of the test particle, d x/dt, be zero. Then the 3-vector part of Eq. (A1) gives 22 002dd ccgddττΓ Γ+ = ∇xgG , (A3) where, when the velocity of the test mass is zero, the coordinate time is related to the proper time by 00 1 dt d gτΓ≡ = − . With this substitution, Eq. (A3) may be written 2 2 1 0 00 0 2 00 001 mc dmgct dg gτ− ∂ =− ∇ − + ∂ −−xgG . (A4) Expressed in this way, the geodesic equation takes on the appearance of Newton’s second law, where the expression on the right-hand side is a driving force attributable to the gravitational field. Møller [7] noted the similarity between this expression for the force, and that of the electric component of the Lorentz force, i.e. 1eectφ∂=− ∇ +∂ AE (A5) and accordingly defined a gravitational scalar and vector potential. Forward [8] subsequently pursued this idea by identifying a magnetic-like component of force on a moving test body. However, as admitted by Forward, the correspondence between GR and EM is only approximate. In EM, conservation of electric charge, expressed as a vanishing 4-divergence in the source densities, 0 jµ µ∂= , may be translated into a vanishing 4-divergence of the potentials 0 Aµ µ∂= By contrast, in GR, the vanishing 4-divergence in the source densities, 0 Tµ µν∂= , does not translate into a GR equivalent of (A5), and therefore 00 0010g ct g∂−∇+ ≠∂ −g. (A6) Consequently care should be exercised in attempting to draw EM-inspired conclusions from Eq. (A4), even when the test body is static. For this reason, we do the analysis, rather than assume that the electromagnetic result (that the force on a uniformly moving test body points to the instantaneous position of the source) applies to gravity. Schwarzschild metric The full metric corresponding to the Schwarzschild solution for a moving mass has been given by [9]. The result is 9 ()()()2 4 111Xgx X u u u uXαβ µ αβ α β α β η−=+ + − + (A7) where 0 2; 2GMX cλλγσ== (A8) where M0 is the rest mass of the actively gravitating body, and σ is given by Eq. (12). One may easily extract g00, g, and G from gαβ: ()2 4 22 00111XgXXγβ−=− − ++ (A9) and ()2 4 2 111XXXγ−=+ − +g β (A10) and ()() ()2 4 2 6111 1TXX Xγ− =+ +−+GI ββ . (A11) These expressions may be inserted into the right hand side of Eq. (A4) to obtain an exact closed form expression for the force. However, we already know in advance that since the weak field force is not directed towards the source (if terms beyond those linear in β2 are significant) then under the same conditions the exact (strong field) solution cannot be directed towards the source either. The only remaining interest then is to determine if the force is directed toward the source for all strengths of field up to and including linear terms in ββββ. Rewriting the equation of motion (A4) as ()22 1 00 00 2 002log2dcgggc t c t dτ− ∂∂ =− ∇ − + −∂∂ xg gG (A12) it is easy to show that the second two terms are of order β2. First note that Xxλ==β0 and therefore that 0 Xt=∂∂ =β0which immediately gives (from(A10)) that t∂∂g must be at least second order in β. Similarly, it follows that 00gt∂∂ must be at least first order in β, from which it follows (again using (A10)) that () 00 log gct∂−∂g must be at least second order. Further, since G = (1+ X)4I + O(β2), then G-1 = (1+ X)-4I + O(β2). Therefore, the equation of motion Eq. (A12) is ()()()22 2 00 24log 21dcg d Xβ τ=− ∇ + +xO , (A13) i.e., for small velocities, the force depends only on the (gradient of the) scalar gravitational potential, and not on the ‘gravitational vector potential’. To compute the gradient of g00, first note that ()2 2 001 1XgXβ−=− ++O (A14) and also σ = s(t) to order ββββ, so X = λ/s(t) + O(β2). Then () ()()() ( ) () ( )()() ( ) () ( )()22 2 00 33 2 3 34 1 41 41 11 1XX Xs t X tg XX s t X s tλλββ β−∇ −∇ −∇= + = − + = − + ++ +sOO O (A15) hence 10 ()() ()()()() ()()()22 00 3 22 2ˆ 44log 1ttg st Xs tλλββ λ∇= + = + − −ssOO . (A16) Inserting Eqs. (A16) into (A13) gives () () ()()()2 0 2 25 2 00 22ˆ 11 22GM t d dGM GMst cst cstβ τ=− +   −+ s xO . (A17) In the weak field limit, the proper acceleration becomes () ()()2 0 2 22ˆ GM t d ds tβ τ→− +s xO (A18) which – as expected – has the same form as the EM result for a uniformly moving charge, Eq. (13). Note that the directions of the ordinary and the proper acceleration are the same since d x/dt = 0. References [1] T. Van Flandern, The speed of gravity – what the experiments say, Phys. Lett. A 250 (1998) 1. [2] J.D. Jackson, Classical electrodynamics, 2nd edition, (John Wiley & sons, New York, 1975) chapter 14. [3] R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands, The Feynman lectures on physics Vol. II, (Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1965) chapter 21. [4] E.M. Purcell, Electricity and magnetism, Berkeley physics course - volume 2 (McGraw Hill, New York, 1965) chapter 5. [5] One can argue in favor of this finding solely on the basis of time symmetry as follows. Maxwell’s equations alone are time symmetric. The Newton-Lorentz equation of motion for a classical massive charge under the influence of Maxwell fields becomes the Lorentz-Dirac equation upon addition of the phenomenologically-motivated radiation-reaction term, which destroys the time symmetry. But this term is non-zero only when there are accelerations (jerk ultimately demands that an acceleration is also present). When the velocity is constant, there is no radiation, no radiation reaction, and time-symmetry is then present both in the Maxwell equations for the fields, and the Lorentz-Dirac equation for the sources. In that case, the motion must be time reversible. It follows immediately that the force cannot preferentially point toward an historical (i.e.: retarded) as opposed to future (i.e.: advanced) position. [6] B. Haisch – private communication - independently realized that the correspondence between EM and GR scalar potentials is a sufficient basis to refute Van Flandern’s thesis. [7] C. Møller, The theory of relativity, 2nd edition, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 1972) p. 279. [8] R.L. Forward, General relativity for the experimentalist, Proc. IRE, 49 (1961) 892. [9] J. Kim, Gravitational field of a moving point particle, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 27 (1994) 484.
arXiv:physics/9910051v1 [physics.atom-ph] 1 Nov 1999Multiphoton Radiative Recombination of Electron Assisted by Laser Field M. Yu. Kuchiev and V. N. Ostrovsky∗ School of Physics, University of New South Wales Sydney 2052 , Australia Abstract In the presence of an intensive laser field the radiative reco mbination of the continuum electron into an atomic bound state generally is a ccompanied by absorption or emission of several laser quanta. The spectru m of emitted pho- tons represents an equidistant pattern with the spacing equ al to the laser frequency. The distribution of intensities in this spectru m is studied employ- ing the Keldysh-type approximation, i.e. neglecting inter action of the impact electron with the atomic core in the initial continuum state . Within the adi- abatic approximation the scale of emitted photon frequenci es is subdivided into classically allowed and classically forbidden domain s. The highest in- tensities correspond to emission frequencies close to the e dges of classically allowed domain. The total cross section of electron recombi nation summed over all emitted photon channels exhibits negligible depen dence on the laser field intensity. PACS numbers: 32.80.Wr, 34.80.Lx, 34.50.Rk Typeset using REVT EX 1I. INTRODUCTION It is well known that the laser plasma emits photons with freq uencies which are different from the frequency of the incident laser beam. For a number of applications an emission of high energy photons is the most interesting phenomenon. T he known mechanisms which can be responsible for the high energy photo-production cou ld be identified as the following three ones: the high harmonic generation, laser stimulated bremsstrahlung and laser assisted recombination. These processes differ by the initial and fina l states of the active electron. In the harmonic generation the initial state electron occupie s a (laser-dressed) atomic bound state, usually it is the ground atomic state. In the final stat e of this reaction the electron can occupy either the same bound state, or some excited or eve n ionized state. The laser stimulated bremsstrahlung is a free-free transition durin g which the electron is scattered by an atom in the laser field. During the scattering the electron emits a high-energy quantum. In the laser assisted recombination (LAR) the electron star ts in the laser-dressed continuum, but ends up in the bound state. The process of harmonic genera tion is currently studied very actively with important advancements both in theory an d experiment (for reviews see Refs. [1,2]). The laser stimulated bremsstrahlung plays th e very important role in plasma physics, see recent experimental [3,4] and theoretical [5, 6] works. The subject of the present study is the LAR process. As far as w e know, it has not yet received a proper attention in the literature, although its importance for kinetics of laser plasma and its emission spectrum was indicated before [7]. From the point of view of the high-energy photo-production the LAR possesses an ad vantage over the stimulated bremsstrahlung because in LAR the electron impact energy is totally transferred to the high energy quanta. The conventional (laser-field free) radiative recombinati on of the continuum electron to the bound state is a well studied process which is inverse to t he photoionization. The frequency of the emitted photon is uniquely defined by the ene rgy conservation law. When a similar process occurs in the presence of an intensive lase r field the radiation spectrum becomes much more richer since the recombination may be acco mpanied by absorption or emission of laser quanta. Therefore the emitted photon spec trum represents a sequence of equidistant lines separated by the laser frequency ω. The recent review by Hahn [8] on the electron recombination mentions only one, very special version of LAR process, namely one–photon LAR when the laser is tuned in resonance with the energy of fre e-bound electron transition, and only emission of photons with this particul ar energy is considered. The study of this special case was initiated quite long ago [9–13] and r emains active in connection with the processes in the storage rings [14–20], formation of pos itronium [9] and antihydrogen [21–23] and even with possible cosmological manifestation s [24]. In all these theoretical studies the laser field was presumed to be weak and its influenc e on an initial and/or final electron states was neglected, except Refs. [7,23] which ar e commented below. For production of high-energy photons it is very interestin g to extend the mentioned above studies allowing for the multiphoton absorption duri ng LAR. Obviously the multi- photon processes can happen with high probability only in a s trong laser field. From this point of view there arises a necessary to fulfill a systematic study of LAR in a strong laser field in multiphoton regime. This paper makes a first step in th is direction. An additional, and rather unexpected inspiration for the pr esent study arises from the 2fact that LAR comprises one of the steps in the three-step qua ntum scheme of high harmonic generation. This scheme has recently been firmly establishe d, see Ref. [25] and bibliography therein. The major statement of [25] is that the high harmoni c generation can be described as the multiphoton ionization of an atomic electron which is followed by the LAR of this electron with the parent atomic particle. From this point of view the LAR plays a role of ’a part’ of the problem of the high harmonic generation, whic h is important not only for the dense laser plasma, but also for photo-production from i ndividual atoms in strong laser fields, where the harmonic generation is the major source for high energy photons. The present study is devoted mostly to the patterns of intens ities in the emitted photon spectrum depending on the laser field strength. We comment al so on the influence of laser field on the total recombination cross section. Here, as well as in other applications, the laser field is intensive and LAR proceeds in substantially multiphoton regime. Consider an electron in the laser-dressed continuum state Φ p(t) with the translational momentum p. Its recombination to the bound state generally results in t he emission of photons with the frequencies ˜ΩMdefined from ˜ΩM=1 2p2+F2 4ω2−εa+Mω , (1.1) where εais the quasienergy of the field-dressed bound state Φ a(t),Fis the amplitude of the electric field strength in the laser wave, F2/(4ω2) is the electron quiver energy in the laser field,Mis an integer. Hereafter we use atomic system of units unless stated otherwise. In the zero-laser-field limit ( F→0) only emission of the photon with the frequency ΩF→0=1 2p2+|Ea| (1.2) is allowed with Eabeing the bound state energy. The presence of an intensive la ser field makes possible multiphoton processes when laser quanta are absorbed from the field or transmitted to it, with the amplitude CM(p) =1 TT/integraldisplay 0dt/an}b∇acketle{tΦa(t)|exp(i˜ΩMt)ˆdǫ|Φp(t)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht, ˆdǫ=ǫ·r, (1.3) where T= 2π/ωis the laser field period, and in the dipole momentum operator ˆdǫthe unit vector ǫselects polarization of emitted radiation. The LAR cross se ction is σM(p) =4 3p/parenleftBig˜ΩM/parenrightBig3 c3|CM(p)|2, (1.4) where cis the velocity of light. The cross section (1.4) refers to th e process of spontaneous LAR, since it is presumed that incident electromagnetic field with the frequency ˜ΩMis absent. In case if such a probe field is present, generally it w ould be amplified in course of propagation through the medium containing free electrons. There is a number of theoretical works devoted to calculation of related gain in case of one-p hoton LAR. A recent paper by Zaretskii and Nersesov [7] explores the amplification in cas e of multiphoton LAR. Generally these studies imply some assumptions regarding the medium p roperties and result in the 3expressions for the rate of stimulated transitions via that of spontaneous transitions and some characteristics of laser beam and the experimental arr angement [10–12,7]. The present paper provides analysis of spontaneous LAR whereas issues o f radiation amplification are beyond its scope. II. KELDYSH-TYPE APPROXIMATION We develop the Keldysh-type approximation where the intera ction of the continuum electron with the atomic core is neglected, i.e. the laser-d ressed electron continuum state Φpis approximated by the well-known Volkov state. The laser wa ve is assumed to be linear polarized with the electric field strength F(t) =Fcosωt. Explicit expression for the Volkov functions is conveniently cast as Φp(r, t) =χp(r, t) exp/parenleftBig −i¯Ept/parenrightBig , (2.1) χp(r, t) = exp/braceleftBigg i/bracketleftBigg (p+kt)r−/integraldisplayt 0/parenleftBig Ep(τ)−¯Ep/parenrightBig dτ+pF ω2/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg , (2.2) where the factor χp(r, t) is time-periodic with the period T, kt=F ωsinωt , (2.3) Ep(t) =1 2(p+kt)2, (2.4) ¯Ep=1 T/integraldisplayT 0Ep(τ)dτ=1 2p2+F2 4ω2. (2.5) For the final bound state the field-free expression is employe d Φa(r, t) =ϕa(r) exp( −iEat), (2.6) Haϕa(r) =Eaϕa(r), (2.7) where Hais the effective atomic Hamiltonian in the single active elec tron approximation. The final bound state (2.6) is always available if electron co llides with a positive ion. In case of collision with a neutral atom we assume existence of a stab le negative ion. By substituting formulae (2.1)–(2.6) into (1.3) one can see that the integra nd is a periodic function of time provided the emitted photon frequency ˜ΩMsatisfies (1.1) with integer Mandεasubstituted byEa. The lowest possible frequency of the emitted photon is ηω, where η=1 ω/parenleftBigg1 2p2−Ea+F2 4ω2/parenrightBigg −Ent/bracketleftBigg1 ω/parenleftBigg1 2p2−Ea+F2 4ω2/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg (2.8) with Ent( x) being an integer part of x(0≤η <1). In the subsequent development we redefine labeling of emitted photon channels and instead of ˜ΩM(1.1) employ the notation Ωm= (m+η)ω (m≥0). (2.9) 4The new label mdiffers from the old one Mby an additive integer. We find the labeling bymmore convenient since it is rigidly related to the low-frequ ency edge of the emitted photon spectrum: m= 0 corresponds to the lowest photon frequency ηω. By using the Fourier transformation formula (1.3) is rewrit ten as Cm(p) =−1 TT/integraldisplay 0dtexp{i[(m+η)ωt−S(t)]}˜ϕ(ǫ) a(−p−kt), (2.10) where S(t) is the classical action S(t) =1 2/integraldisplayt dτ(p+kτ)2−Eat . (2.11) The function ˜ ϕ(ǫ) a(q) is defined as ˜ϕ(ǫ) a(q) =i(ǫ· ∇q) ˜ϕa(q). (2.12) where ˜ ϕa(q) is the Fourier transform of the bound state wave function φa(r): ˜ϕa(q) =/integraldisplay d3rexp(−iqr)φa(r). (2.13) For the bound state wave function we use an asymptotic expres sion φa(r)≈Aarν−1exp(−κr)Ylm(ˆr) ( r≫1/κ), (2.14) where κ=/radicalBig 2|Ea|,ν=Z/κ,Zis the charge of the atomic residual core ( ν=Z= 0 for a negative ion), lis the active electron orbital momentum in the initial state andˆris the unit vector. The coefficients Aaare tabulated for many negative ions [26]. The Fourier trans form ˜ϕa(q) (2.13) is singular at q2=κ2with the asymptotic behavior for q→ ±iκdefined by the long-range asymptote (2.14) in the coordinate space ˜ϕa(q) = 4πAa(±1)lYlm(ˆq)(2κ)νΓ(ν+ 1) (q2+κ2)ν+1, (2.15) where ( ±1)lcorresponds to q→ ±iκ. In particular, for a negative ion ( ν= 0) with the active electron in an sstate ( l= 0) we have from (2.15) ˜ϕa(q) =√ 4πAa1 (q2+κ2), (2.16) ˜ϕ(ǫ) a(q) =−i(ǫ·ˆq)√ 4πAa2q (q2+κ2)2(2.17) (ˆq≡q/qis unit vector). 5III. ADIABATIC APPROACH TO STIMULATED RECOMBINATION The time integral in (2.10) can be evaluated using the saddle point method. This amounts to the adiabatic approximation when the phase ( m+η)ωt−S(t) in (2.10) is assumed to be large. The position of saddle points in the complex t-plane is governed by equation S′(tmµ)−Ωm= 0, (3.1) or, more explicitly, 1 2/parenleftBig p+ktmµ/parenrightBig2=Ea+ (m+η)ω . (3.2) It is convenient to single out in the electron momentum vecto rp=p/bardbl+p⊥components parallel ( p/bardbl) and perpendicular ( p⊥) to the electric field vector F. Then Eq.(3.2) is rewritten as 1 2/parenleftBig p/bardbl+ktmµ/parenrightBig2=Ea−1 2p2 ⊥+ (m+η)ω . (3.3) For each value of mthis equation has a number of solutions tmµdistinguished by the extra subscripts µ. In the saddle point approximation the time integration in f ormula (1.3) is cast as Cm(p) =−1 T/summationdisplay µ/radicalBigg 2π iS′′(tmµ)exp{i[Ωmtmµ−S(tmµ)]}˜ϕ(ǫ) a/parenleftBig −p−ktmµ/parenrightBig , (3.4) where summation is to be taken over the saddle points tmµoperative in the contour integra- tion/bracketleftBig ktmµ= (F/ω) sinωtmµ/bracketrightBig ). The saddle points are found from Eq.(3.3) as sinωtmµ=ω F/parenleftbigg −p/bardbl±/radicalBig 2(m+η)ω−κ2−p2 ⊥/parenrightbigg . (3.5) The subscript µlabels solutions differing by the choice of the sign in (3.5) a nd sign in cosωtm µ=±/radicalBig 1−sin2ωtmµ. There are four solutions per the laser field cycle (i.e for 0≤Retmµ< T). In order to elucidate the meaning of the saddle point equatio n (3.3) we rewrite it as Ep(tmµ)−Ea= Ω m. (3.6) It shows that the photons are preferentially emitted at the m oment of time when instanta- neous continuum electron energy Ep(t) (2.4) is separated from the bound state energy Ea by the energy of the emitted photon ( m+η)ω. The LAR process is most effective when this occurs at some real moment of time, i.e. the saddle points tmµare real-valued. This regime corresponds to the classically allowed radiation . It can happen only for some part of the emitted photon spectrum, i.e. only in some domain of m. Outside it, when tmµpossesses an imaginary part, the emission is strongly suppressed. Rem arkably, within the classically allowed domain the intensity of emitted lines could vary ver y significantly as detailed below. 6The necessary condition of classically allowed radiation, Ωm>|Ea|+1 2p2 ⊥, (3.7) makes real the right hand side of formula (3.5). Details of cl assically allowed emission depend on the relation between the electron translational m omentum component p/bardbland the momentum F/ωacquired by the electron in its quiver motion in the laser fiel d. In the fast electron regime, p/bardbl> F/ω , the term1 2(p/bardbl+kt)2never passes zero as time tvaries. As a result, the saddle point equation (3.2) has two or zero re al-valued solutions per field cycle (in the classically allowed and forbidden domains res pectively, see Fig. 1a). In the slow electron case, p/bardbl< F/ω , the1 2(p/bardbl+kt)2passes via zero. Due to this circumstance, as seen from Fig. 1b, for some interval of photon frequencies Ω mthe equation (3.2) has four real-valued solutions whereas for higher Ω monly two solutions exist. Consequently, in this case the classically allowed domain is subdivided in two par ts. The related LAR regimes are discussed below in more detail. A. Fast electron regime: p/bardbl> F/ω Here one has to choose the upper sign in formula (3.5) in order to get a real-valued saddle point. The condition |sinωtmµ| ≤1 is straightforwardly reduced to 1 2/parenleftbigg p/bardbl−F ω/parenrightbigg2 +|Ea|+1 2p2 ⊥≤Ωm≤1 2/parenleftbigg p/bardbl+F ω/parenrightbigg2 +|Ea|+1 2p2 ⊥. (3.8) In this photon frequency interval only one pair of real saddl e points tmµexists per field cycle, see Fig 1. These two saddle points are to be included in to summation over µin (3.4). The phase difference between the two terms in (3.4) varies wit hm. As a result |Cm(p)|2 oscillates between zero and some envelope function Ξ( m) defined as Ξ(m) =8π T2S′′/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle˜ϕ(ǫ) a/parenleftBig −p−ktmµ/parenrightBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2, (3.9) /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle˜ϕ(ǫ) a/parenleftBig −p−ktmµ/parenrightBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2=πA2 a2(m+ν)ω−κ2−p2 ⊥ (m+ν)4ω4, (3.10) S′′=F/radicalBig 2(m+ν)ω−κ2−p2 ⊥/radicalBigg 1−ω2 F2/parenleftbigg p/bardbl−/radicalBig 2(m+ν)ω−κ2−p2 ⊥/parenrightbigg2 . (3.11) As could be anticipated, the function Ξ( m) has weak singularities at the boundaries of the classically allowed region. The extension of the classical ly allowed region on the photon frequency scale is 2 p/bardblF/ωwith its center located at Ω c=1 2p2+|Ea|+F2/(2ω2). For vanishing laser field Ω ctends to the limit (1.2) and the classically allowed domain s hrinks to the single line. The condition that a single line dominate s in the photon spectrum could be formulated as 2 p/bardblF/ω2∼1. Fig. 2 illustrates evolution of the spectrum pattern with th e laser intensity I. We consider electrons with the energy Eel=1 2p2equal to 1 eV ( p= 0.271) in the laser field with the frequency ω= 0.0043 and different intensities. The electron momentum pis directed along the laser field strength F(p⊥= 0). The electron recombines to the bound state of H−ion 7(κ= 0.2354, Aa= 0.75 [26]). The emission amplitudes are obtained by numerical evaluation of the time integral in (2.10). The laser field intensities I= 1011,1010,109,108,107W/cm2 corresponds to the values of parameter 2 pF/ω2respectively 49 .4,15.6,4.94,1.56,0.494. For the weakest field considered ( I= 107W/cm2) the intensity of the principal line in the spectrum ( m= 14) exceeds more than 50 times these of adjacent satellites . For I= 108 W/cm2this ratio is substantially smaller ( ∼5). When laser field is increased by an order of magnitude, the dip in the emitted photon spectrum appears atm= 15. This is the first manifestation of the oscillatory structure in the spec trum due to interference of two contributions in (3.4). For I= 1010W/cm2the structure becomes well manifested. At last, forI= 1011W/cm2the structure becomes well developed and extended. In the la tter case, in fact, the situation is beyond the fast electron regime; it will be discussed in the next subsection. The semiclassical formula (3.4) is applicable when the clas sically allowed domain is suf- ficiently broad on the frequency scale. Fig. 3 shows the photo n spectrum in the well manifested semiclassical regime ( Eel= 10 eV, I= 1011W/cm2,p= 0.857,F/ω= 0.392). In the classically allowed domain (31 ≤m≤187) the quantities |Cm(p)|2obtained by nu- merical evaluation of the integral (2.10) over time (circle s) oscillate violently due to the interference effects. Outside this region |Cm(p)|2decrease very rapidly. Note that the most efficient emission occurs at the edges of the classically allo wed interval. This effect is com- pletely analogous to enhancement of the probability densit y near the turning points for the quantum particle moving in the potential well. The envelope function (3.9) (solid curve) reproduces well this overall behavior. The saddle point app roximation (3.4) allows us to reproduce well the oscillatory structure (squares in Fig. 3 ). Within the classically-allowed domain the summation in this formula runs over two real-valu ed saddle points tmµ. Asm varies approaching the domain border, two saddle points lyi ng at the real- taxis approach each other and eventually merge at the boundary. After that t hey separate again moving perpendicular to the real axis in the complex t-plane. The latter situation corresponds to the classically forbidden, or tunneling regime where onl y one saddle point is to be in- cluded in the summation over µin (3.5) (namely, that which ensures exponential decrease o f |Cm(p)|2outside the classically-allowed domain). The transition b etween two regimes could be described by the Airy function. We do not pursue here the de tailed description of this, rather standard situation. In particular, Fig. 3, the resul ts shown by squares in Fig. 3 are obtained using the plain semiclassical formula (3.4) with t wo or one saddle points included as discussed above; the deviations from the numerical resul ts are seen to be essential only in a very narrow transitions region. Since the numerical eva luation of integral (2.10) over time is not difficult, we employ the adiabatic approach in orde r to obtain better insight into the pattern of emitted radiation spectrum, but not for produ cing an alternative method to evaluate the amplitudes. B. Slow electron regime: p/bardbl< F/ω In this case the real-valued result for tmµis provided by both upper and lower sign in the expression (3.5). It is easy to see from Fig. 1b that the cl assically allowed region of photon frequencies is subdivided in two domains. The first of them, with one pair of real- valued saddle points tmµ, corresponds to Ω mlying in the interval (3.8). At smaller photon 8frequencies, another subdomain is defined by the condition |Ea|+1 2p2 ⊥≤Ωm≤1 2/parenleftbigg p/bardbl−F ω/parenrightbigg2 +|Ea|+1 2p2 ⊥. (3.12) Heretwo pairs of real saddle points tmµexist. The spectrum for this situation is illustrated by Fig. 4 ( Eel= 0.1 eV,I= 1011W/cm2,p= 0.0857, F/ω= 0.392). The classically allowed domain lies in the interval 7 ≤m≤32, with the four-saddle-point regime being operative for 7≤m≤17, and the two-saddle point regime for 18 ≤m≤32. The results of numerical calculations shown by circles suggest that the oscillation s in|Cm(p)|2orσm(p) proceed with two different frequencies, the higher frequency being chara cteristic for the four-saddle-point domain. The plain semiclassical formula (3.4) (squares) es sentially reproduces this structure. Of course, it is not designed for accurate description of a tr ansition between the two-saddle- point and four-saddle-point regimes where the deviations a re seen to be larger. A special, more sophisticated treatment is required here, but such com plications are not pursued in the present study as argued above. The non-standard situati on emerges also at the left edge of the classically allowed interval where all saddle points simultaneously move from the real axis into the complex tplane. This transition region could not be described by a sim ple Airy-type pattern that is known to give a monotonous decreas e in the classically forbidden domain; on the contrary, the numerical results reveal some s tructure in this region, see Fig. 4. Bearing all this in mind it is not unexpected that the plain semiclassical approximation (3.4) essentially fails near the left border of the classica lly allowed domain. It is worthwhile to mention also another region where the sta ndard semiclassical approx- imation fails. Namely, for Ω = 0 the saddle point positions co incide with the poles of the function ˜ ϕ(ǫ) a. The situation when an exact coincidence occurs is tractabl e rather easily [27]. Somewhat more effort is required to obtain uniform descripti on of a transition between this case and a situation when the saddle point and the pole are wel l separated, as presumed in simple formula (3.4). Again, such sophistication are beyon d the scope of the present study. At last, Fig. 5 shows a transient situation between the fast a nd slow electron regimes (Eel= 1 eV, I= 1011W/cm2,p= 0.271,F/ω= 0.392). Here only two harmonics ( m= 7,8) correspond to the four-saddle-point regime. The remaining part of the classically-allowed domain, 9 ≤m≤56 corresponds to two-saddle-point regime. Most of the spec trum is well described by the plain saddle-point approximation (3. 4) and covered by the envelope function (3.9), albeit the highest peak at m= 9 exceeds it, as being in the region of the transition between the two and four-saddle point regimes. Q uite paradoxically, the low- frequency classically forbidden region with well manifest ed structure exhibits much higher emission intensities as compared with the large-frequency edge of the classically allowed domain. IV. CONCLUSION As discussed in the Introduction, the LAR is one of the proces ses responsible for emission of high energy photons by the laser plasma. Surprisingly, it has not yet received attention of researchers. This is particularly unsatisfactory since the other processes leading to high energy photons (harmonic generation and laser stimulated b remsstrahlung) are currently under active scrutiny. The present paper could be considere d as a first step to start filling 9this gap. The theory in many aspects is parallel to the treatm ent of multiphoton ionization (MPI) where the Keldysh approximation is known to provide an important insight and quantitatively reliable results. The origin of differences between MPI and LAR lies in the kinematics: in MPI process the allowed electron energy in th e continuum are robustly defined by the parameters of the system (initial electron binding en ergy, laser field frequency and strength), whereas in the LAR the continuum electron energy is arbitrary. This rather trivial observation results in important consequences of physical character. They are particularly lucid in the adiabatic regime when laser frequency is sufficie ntly small. The ionization is a tunneling process for all above-threshold channels. On the contrary, in the LAR there is a domain of photon frequencies for which emission is allowed classically . The Keldysh-type approximation allowed us to describe evol ution of the LAR spectrum as the laser field varies, from the single line with only weak s atellites in the low-field limit to the broad pattern of equidistantly spaced harmonics in th e strong field case. In the adiabatic approximation (i.e. the saddle point method) the photon spectrum is subdivided into classically allowed and classically forbidden domain s, with the line intensities being highest at the boundaries of the former region. Concerning t he quantitative side of the problem, the adiabatic approach is less efficient for the LAR p rocess as compared with the treatment of above threshold ionization (ATI). The reas on is that in the latter case the saddle point method is well applicable in its most simple for m, whereas for LAR process some technical complications emerge. The difference stems from t he fact that ATI process always effectively occurs at complex-valued moments of time, where as for LAR this is generally not the case, and several regimes could be operative with the transition regions between them. Albeit not drastic, these complications to our opinio n hardly warrant necessary cumbersome analytical involvements, bearing in mind that t he numerical calculations are quite simple and straightforward. Nevertheless the saddle point method remains very useful for understanding the intensity patterns in the emitted pho ton spectrum. An additional assumption of the present study, that in princ iple could be easily aban- doned, is the use of asymptotic expression (2.14) for the fina l bound state wave function. Again, in the LAR process the situation is less favorable for this approximation as compared with the ATI process. This is because, as discussed in detail earlier [27], the long-range asymptote of the bound state wave function governs ATI ampli tudes, whereas LAR process is more sensitive to the wave function behavior in the entire coordinate space. As is pictured by Fig. 2, the amount of noticeable lines in the photon spectrum increases with the laser field strength, but the intensity of each indiv idual line decreases in average. The cross section of the electron transition into the bound s tate summed over all emitted photon channels is σtot(p) =/summationtext m>0σm(p). It exhibits only very weak dependence on the laser filed intensity I[28]. For instance, in the particular case of Fig. 2 we obtain for σtot(p) the values 3 .85·10−6, 3.85·10−6, 3.89·10−6, 3.64·10−6, 3.4·10−6for the laser field intensities I= 1011,1010,109,108,107W/cm2. Recent calculations [23] of the laser-assisted antihydrogen formation in positron-antiproton collision s employed Coulomb-Volkov wave function for the initial electron continuum state Φ pand the laser-perturbed wave function for the bound state. The authors considered only one-photon LAR process and concluded that the LAR cross section decreases for the stronger laser fi elds. The present results indicate that if the multiphoton processes are included, then the tot al LAR cross section is essentially independent on laser field intensity. 10Thus the effect of a laser on the recombination process looks v ery straightforward. The total cross section of recombination essentially is not cha nged by a laser field, but is re- distributed over equidistant pattern in photon spectrum th at becomes broader as the laser intensity increases. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by the Australian Research Coun cil. V. N. O. acknowl- edges the hospitality of the staff of the School of Physics of U NSW where this work has been carried out. 11REFERENCES ∗Permanent address: Institute of Physics, The University of St Petersburg, 198904 St Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: Valentin.Ostrovsky@pobox.s pbu.ru [1] M. Protopapas, C. H. Keitel, and P. L. Knight, Rep. Progr. Phys.60, 389 (1997). [2] V. T. Platonenko and V. V. Strelkov, Kvantovaya Elektron ika25, 582 (1998) [Quantum Electronics 28, 584 (1998)]. [3] Y. Ueshima, Y. Kishimoto, A. Sasaki, T. Tajima, Laser Par t. Beams. 17, 45 (1999). [4] P. A. Norreys M. Santala, E. Clark, M. Zepf, I. Watts. F. N. Beg, K. Krushel- nick, M. Tatarakis, A. E. Dangor, X. Fang, P. Graham, T. McCan ny, R. P. Singhal, K. W. D. Ledingham, A. Creswell, D. C. W. Sanderson, J. Magill , A. Machacek, J. S. Wark, R. Allott, B. Kennedy, D. Neely. Phys. Plasmas. 62150 (1999). [5] V. P. Silin, Izv. Akad. Nauk Ser. Fiz. 63, 707 (1999). [6] V. A. Astapenko, Laser Phys. 8, 1066 (1998). [7] D. 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For each regime the schematic plots show electron momentum with account for the quiver motion in laser field Π( t)/bardbl≡p/bardbl+(F/ω)sinωtand the effective instantaneous kinetic energy1 2Π(t)/bardbl. As time tvaries, the function1 2Π(t)/bardbloscillates in the interval that covers the emitted photon energies Ω mallowed for population classically. Outside this interval only non-classical (tunneling) population is possible. Fig. 1a shows that in th e classically allowed domain each value of the photon energy Ω is passed twice during the laser fi eld period Tif the electron is fast (p/bardbl> F/ω ). In the slow electron regime ( p/bardbl< F/ω ) the classically allowed domain of Ω mis subdivided into two regions, as seen from Fig. 1. The photons with higher Ω mare again emitted in the double-passage mode, whereas the lower values of Ω mare passed four times per the laser field cycle. FIG. 2. Factor |Cm(p)|2and cross section σm(p) for laser-assisted recombination of the electron with the energy Eel= 1 eV to the bound state in H−ion. The results of numerical integration in Eq.(2.10) are shown for the laser field with the frequency ω= 0.0043 and the intensities I= 107 W/cm2(crosses); 108W/cm2(triangles); 109W/cm2(diamonds); 1010W/cm2(squares) and 1011 W/cm2(circles). The symbols are joined by lines to help the eye. FIG. 3. Same as in Fig. 2, but for the electron energy Eel= 10 eV and the laser field intensity I= 1011W/cm2. The results of numerical calculations and plain semiclass ical formula (3.4) are shown respectively by circles and squares. The semiclassic al envelope function (3.9) is given by solid line. In the zero-laser-field limit the spectrum shrin ks to the single line with the position indicated by vertical arrow. FIG. 4. Same as in Fig. 3, but for the electron energy Eel= 0.1 eV and the laser field intensity I= 1011W/cm2. FIG. 5. Same as in Fig. 3, but for the electron energy Eel= 1 eV and the laser field intensity I= 1011W/cm2. 14
arXiv:physics/9911001v1 [physics.optics] 2 Nov 19991 Spatial resolution of near-field scanning optical microsco py with sub-wavelength aperture Hiroaki Nakamura∗, Keiji Sawada1, Hirotomo Kambe1, Toshiharu Saiki2and Tetsuya Sato National Institute for Fusion Science 1Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Shi nshu University 2Nano-Optical Dynamics Project, Kanagawa Academy of Scienc e and Technology (Received ) The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is employed to solve the three dimen- sional Maxwell equation for the situation of near-field micr oscopy using a sub-wavelength aperture. Experimental result on unexpected high spatial r esolution is reproduced by our computer simulation. §1. Introduction Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM)1),2)is a powerful tool for the study of nanometer features with spatial resolution of 50-1 00 nm. The heart of NSOM is a near-field probe, which is a metal-coated optical fib er tapered to sub- wavelength aperture. When the probe end approaches a sample surface, the object is illuminated and the reemitted light is collected in the ne ar-field region of the aper- ture, whose diameter determines the spatial resolution of N SOM. Optical imaging beyond the diffraction limit is carried out by scanning the pr obe on the surface. In addition to this fundamental principle, the resolution of N SOM is also subject to the tapered structure of the probe. Such a behavior has been demo nstrated through our NSOM spectroscopy of single quantum dots.3),4) Numerical analysis of electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the aperture and propagation property of light in the tapered waveguide is qu ite advantageous for the understanding of experimental results. We employ the fin ite-difference time- domain (FDTD) method5)in the Mur absorbing boundary condition6)to solve the three-dimensional Maxwell equation for the same situat ion as the experimental configuration and discuss the validity of simulation result s. §2. Calculations Figures 1 and 2 show the geometries of the problem. A near-fiel d fiber probe with a double tapered structure collects luminescence ( λ= 1µm) from a quantum dot buried λ/10 beneath the semiconductor surface. We assume the source f or luminescence is a point-like dipole current linearly polar ized along the xdirection. The radiation caught by λ/2 aperture is transported to the tapered region clad with ∗E-mail address: fdtd@harima.tcsc.nifs.ac.jp2 H. Nakamura, K. Sawada, H. Kambe, T. Saiki and T. Sato perfect conducting metal and then coupled to the ordinary wa veguide (optical fiber). We run the simulation with time steps of c∆ t=λ/(40√ 3) until the signal intensity (|Ex|2+|Ey|2+|Ez|2) , which is evaluated at (0 ,0,3.25λ),reaches steady state. §3. Results Figure 3 shows the calculated signal intensity as a function of the displacement of the probe from the origin. For both sca ns along xandydirections, the full width at half maximum of the signal (spatial resolution of NSOM) is estimated to be aroun d 0.25λ,which is much smaller than the aperture diameter of λ/2. This performance is beyond the fundamental principle of NSO M and in good agreement with the experimental result. Throughxyz o Fig. 1. Schematic picture of simula- tion for NSOM. this preliminary calculation, we demonstrate that FDTD sim ulation is quite useful to understand the behavior of light in the near-field probe and t o optimize its structure for advanced measurements. □Q □□□□ / 2 □□ / 2 2□□ 2 □□ 3 . 7 5□□□□ / 2 □¢ x = □¢ y = □¢ z = □□ / 2 0 □□ = 1 □˚ mC o r e n = 1 . 4 8 7 S e m i c o n d u c t o r n = 3 . 5P e r f e c t E l e c t r i c C o n d u c t o r □□ / 1 0d i p o l e c u r r e n tC l a d d i n g n = 1 . 4 5 0 V a c u u m□□ 0 . 2 5 □□ Fig. 2. Cross section diagram ( xz-plane at y= 0) of the geometry in our 3D com- puter simulations for the double tapered fiber probe. -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3x-scan y-scanIntensity (arbitrary unit) Displacement ( × λ ) Fig. 3. Intensity vs. displacement from the origin oin Fig. 1. Closed circles and squares denote the total electric field inten- sity along xandydirection, respectively. This work was supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid for Scien ce Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture. It was carried out by the Advanced Computing System for Complexity Simulation (N EC SX-4/64M2) at National Institute for Fusion Science. References [1] E. Betzig and J. K. Trautman, Science 257( 1992), 189. [2] M. Ohtsu, ed., Near-Field Nano/Atom Optics and Technology (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1998). [3] T. Saiki, K. Nishi and M. Ohtsu, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 37( 1998), 1638. [4] T. Saiki and K. Matsuda, Appl. Phys. Lett. 74( 1999), 2773. [5] K. S. Yee, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. AP-14 ( 1966), 302. [6] G. Mur, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. EMC-23 ( 1981), 377.
arXiv:physics/9911002v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 2 Nov 1999A Phase Transition in the Water Coupled to a Local External Perturbation Dmitri Volchenkov and Ricardo Lima CNRS, Centre de Physique Theorique, Luminy Case 907, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France E-mail volchen@cpt.univ-mrs.fr, lima@cpt.univ-mrs.fr February 2, 2008 Abstract A flux of ideal fluid coupled to perturbation is investigated b y nonperturbative methods of the quantum field theory. Asymptotic behavior of t he flux coupled to perturbation turns out to be similar to that of superfluids. PACS numbers:03.40 G, 47.55 1 Introduction The concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking is an importan t one in modern theoretical physics. It is known in statistical physics, condensed matt er, and nuclear physics, as well as in relativistic field theory. An example of model subject t o such a phase transition is given by an ideal fluid coupled to local external perturbatio n, [1]. For example, one may consider a pressure pulse localized in space of inviscid inc ompressible unbounded fluid which rises a fluid current with a net momentum flux P.Then Pplays the role of an order parameter, and the symmetry is spontaneously broken w henP /negationslash= 0. Statistical properties of the symmetrical phase of water response for the local external perturbation were discussed in [1] in details. As an example of such a behavior one imagines an eddy risen around a point wise distinct pressure perturbation. It was shown that the energy of hydrodynamic perturbation is confined wit hin the eddy formed around the pulse region and demonstrates a power like decay ∼r−4outside this region, [1].A Phase Transition in ... 2 In the present paper we consider the water response in the cas e of symmetry broken, i.e.,whenP /negationslash= 0. Since the symmetry breaking does not affect the scaling pr operties of the theory, the universal quantities for the long-range asympt otic behavior of the correlation functions are the same as in the symmetrical phase. We demons trate that if P /negationslash= 0 the leading order of long-range water response for perturba tion is not determined by the scaling degrees of freedom, but by the anomalies risen du e to an explicit symmetry breaking. The results achieved would give a key for better un derstanding of various aspects in the studies of the ocean surface. For example, one can consider the problem of generating of circulation motions (meanders) close to oc ean currents. The grown up meanders is about to separate from the main current forming t he stable closed rings (which averaged lifetime is about 2-3 years) of hundreds of k ilometers in diameter drifting slowly along the main current (with an averaged speed of 2-10 cm/s), [3]-[4]. The leading order of correlation functions stationary spec tra in the fully developed turbulence theory of Kolmogorov [5] as well as in the statist ical theory of waves based on the Zakharov’s kinetic equations [3] can be found from pure p henomenology in principle. However, that is not the case for the water coupled to perturb ation. The matter is of presence of redundant degrees of freedom connected to per turbation as well as to hydrodynamic equations themselves. To get rid of these degr ees of freedom we propose a physically relevant hypothesis on the mechanism coupling w ater to perturbation. In [1] we used the renormalization group (RG) technique to ju stify such an additional assumption for the case of O(3)−symmetrical perturbation. In the framework of RG method the physical degrees of freedom are to be replaced by t he scaling degrees which are related to the physical degrees through the RG transform ations of fields and param- eters of the theory. Since the properties of scaling degrees of freedom are governed by a group structure (the renormalization group) one investiga tes them much easier then those of the origin problem. The results obtained from RG-analysi s are considered as somewhat statistical steady state limit of the physical system. The r enormalized correlation func- tions are distinguished from their physical analogies only by normalization conditions, so that they can be also used for the analysis of asymptotic beha vior of the physical system. The investigation of the relevant scaling degrees of freedo m which has been brought about in [1] demonstrates that the asymptotic behavior r >> l p(lpis the perturbation scale) of water response can be determined unambiguously if one sup poses a coupling between translation and rotation components of the velocity of fluid . The stationary spectra can have place for those scale interv als which are transparent for currents of conserved quantities. The conserved energy current from the large-scale region of pumping into the small-scale range of viscous diss ipation allows one to adjustA Phase Transition in ... 3 the well known Kolmogorov’s spectrum in the fully developed turbulence (the Five Thirds Law). However, the inertial range of Kolmogorov lies apart from the scale spectrum of our interest. The transparency interval related to the enst rophy current (the squared averaged vorticity) Eis exactly the scale of the problem considered, though the en strophy current gives us the spectrum of vorticial component of the v elocity field only, E1/2k≃A(k), (1) where Ais the vector velocity potential: v(x,t) =−grad φ(x,t) +rot A (x,t), (2) andφis the scalar velocity potential. However, the spectrum for φ(k) is still unknown from these phenomenological considerations. In language of the critical phenomena theory the spectrum (1 ) determines the crit- ical dimension ∆[A] of the field A, ∆[A] = 1 .The use of critical dimension allows to compute the spectrum of any correlation function of the fie ldAby simple dimen- sional counting. For example, for the pair correlation func tion in Fourier representation DA(k)≡ /angb∇acketleftA(k)A(−k)/angb∇acket∇ight,one has the asymptotics DA(k)∼k∆[A],∆[DA] = 2∆[ A]−d, (3) where dis the dimension of space. Further phenomenological considerations allow to determi ne the spectra of quantities which can be measured in experiments, for example, for the en ergy as a function of distance apart from the perturbation point, E(r),one can obtain: Er−4∼E(r). (4) These results were derived in [1] for the case of O(3)−symmetrical perturbation and justified within the framework of RG-approach. Formally, th ey are still valid for the case of symmetry broken, P /negationslash= 0. The assumption on the mechanism coupling water to perturbat ion proposed in [1] allows to fix the spectrum for φin the form φ(k)∼k7/12. (5) The confinement of energy within the region of O(3)−symmetrical perturbation could be interpreted as a kind of short-range order (in analogy with infinite ferromagnets), but thelong-range order is suppressed. In case of symmetry broken spontaneous ly there isA Phase Transition in ... 4 a nontrivial expectation value for /angb∇acketleftφ/angb∇acket∇ight=α(x) (in analogy to the arising of spontaneous magnetization in ferromagnets) engaged in long-range orde r with large-scale current mo- tion. In a regular way α(x) is to be determined from the equation of state (α−α0) =f(j), (6) with some function f(j) calculating usually in the framework of Feynman graph expa n- sion, [6]. However, the power-like asymptotic solution for (6) can be derived readily from phenomenology: considering Pas a new dimensional parameter of the theory with symmetry broken, one obtains the spectrum α(k) in the form α(k)∼k. (7) Continuing the analogy with ferromagnets, one can conclude that the ordered phase (of broken symmetry) water response can be described by a quanti ty analogous to the longi- tudinal susceptibility χL=∂α ∂j, (8) determined by χL≡/integraldisplay dx/angb∇acketleft[φ(x)−α(x)][φ(0)−α(0)]/angb∇acket∇ight. (9) By the way, from the critical phenomena theory point of view t he main problems of the theory in the non-symmetrical phase are to determine an expl icit form for the function f(j) in (6) and to justify the phenomenological result (7). The plan of the paper follows: First, in the second section, f or the convenience of readers we briefly reproduce the main result of [1] on model of ideal unbounded fluid coupled to perturbation concluding the section by a discuss ion on the explicit symmetry breaking. The statistical properties of hydrodynamical sy stem can be described by a partition function of statistical mechanics with a classic al euclidean action. As a result we derive the classical action functional designed to descr ibe the long-range asymptotic behavior of the water coupled to perturbation. The relevant functional turns out to be analogous to that one of the abelian Higgs model well-known in relativistic field theory and superconductivity. In the next section we observe the basic properties of the the ory in case of an explicit U(1)−symmetry breaking and consider the physical consequences f or the asymptotic be- havior of the model. These properties are dramatically diffe rent from those demonstrated by the model in the symmetrical case discussed in [1]. In the l atter phase scaling degrees of freedom were completely determined by the vector velocit y potential A,though inA Phase Transition in ... 5 presence of comparably strong fluid flow the vector velocity c omponents are confined in the flux and their contributions are irrelevant for the asymp totic behavior of the system. Looking for the stable stationary solutions, we obtain an in finite countable set of such solutions distinguished one from the other by energy gaps. I n particular, a ”ground state” solution can be interpreted as a pure laminar flow ( A≡0). In the fourth section we consider the asymptotic for α(r) in case of the laminar flow; it is provided by a Goldstone asymptotics arising by an expli citU(1)−symmetry breaking which has place in the real physical system. To account the contributions of eddies into flux for ”excited states” we construct an instanton solution for the theory of water coupled to pertur bation and find the interval of validity for the phenomenological result (7) in the fifth s ection. In the Section 6, we discuss the results obtained from the poi nt of view of dynamical systems theory. We conclude in the last section. 2 The Model of Ideal Unbounded Fluid Coupled to Perturbation In [1] it was shown that after elimination of all redundant de grees of freedom the problem considered possesses the entire U(1)−gauge symmetry [8]. In case of j/negationslash= 0 this symmetry turns out to be hidden by an explicit symmetry breaking term a ppearing in the effective action functional. To reveal the hidden symmetry of hydrody namics of ideal fluid we first suppose j= 0. Then the equation of hydrodynamics takes the form div v (x,t) =0,p(x,t) =/integraldisplay dy∂ivj(y,t)∂jvi(y,t) |x−y|. (10) Herev(x,t) is the velocity of fluid and p(x,t) is the pressure distribution. The trivial boundary conditions for the fields at infinity are implied. The equations (10) do not lead to a hamiltonian in the usual wa y, since it is not possible to define the conjugated moments. Nevertheless, th ese equations can be derived from the classical Lagrangian L(ϕ) formulated in favor of the scalar and vector velocity potentials, [1]: L(φ, A i, p) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂p)2+ (∂φ)2+1 2F2+p∂ivj∂jvi+JiAi/bracketrightbigg , (11) where we have introduced the eddy component of velocity field as agauge invariant tensor Fk= (rot A )k=∂iAj−∂jAi, Ji=∂jFk−∂kFj(i/negationslash=k/negationslash=j) is the vorticity conserved for ideal fluid, and the tensor vivj≡(∂iφ)(∂jφ) +FiFj−∂iφFj−∂jφFi(the last two terms are vanished when integrated over xwith trivial boundary conditions).A Phase Transition in ... 6 With no coupling to pressure field ( p= 0) (11) is invariant under the following trans- formations of fields   Ai(x)→Ai(x)−∂iΛ(x), φ(x)→φ(x)eiuΛ(x),(12) where uΛ(x) is an arbitrary continuous, differentiable phase function . The relations (12) express the U(1)−gauge symmetry of the functional (11) ( U(1) is the group of multipli- cation by complex numbers). In accordance to the Noether’s t heorem (12) relates to two conserved currents, vorticity, defined above, ∂iJi= 0, (13) and a current related to rotations in the complex plain U(1): Ii=φ∗∂iφ−φ∂iφ∗, ∂ iIi= 0. (14) The statistical properties of mechanical system of an infini te number of degrees of freedom can be derived from the partition function of statistical me chanics Z=Tr(e−S) with somewhat classical euclidean action functional, S(φ, A i, p) =1 2/integraldisplay/bracketleftbigg (∂p)2+ (∂φ)2+1 2F2+p∂ivj∂jvi/bracketrightbigg (15) The last term in (15) does not meet the entire symmetry (12), s ince the pressure field as it is included in the action functional contains somewhat redu ndant degrees of freedom, we therefore can integrate it over in the partition function Z. The result of functional integra- tion does not depend on p(x,t). This procedure is reduced to elimination of the quadratic term proportional to ( ∂p)2from (15) and the replacement of the U(1)−symmetry breaking term by 1 2/integraldisplay dx∂ivj(x,t)∂jvi(x,t)/integraldisplay Vpdy∂ivj(y,t)∂jvi(y,t) |x−y|, (16) which relates the fluctuations of velocity fields risen by the perturbative pulse in the perturbed region Vpto those fluctuations apart from Vp. In [1] we investigated possible contributions of (16) into t he action functional con- sidering the insertions of various power like composite ope rators. It was shown that the only component which is important from the RG point of view ha ve to be U(1)-gauge symmetrical, i.e., m2φ2(17) in the first order, where m2is somewhat mass parameter (the coefficient of the rele- vant RG-invariant composite operator). The use of Ward iden tities which express the U(1)−gauge invariancy of the theory allows to demonstrate that al l other combinationsA Phase Transition in ... 7 of quadratic operators are ultra-violet (UV) finite, i.e.,the relevant correlation functions do not have UV-divergencies, and then they do not participat e in scaling degrees of free- dom. Instantly close to the region of perturbation the pressure p ulse rises the wave motions with eigenmodes k > k 0≃V−1/3 p.Due to strong nonlinearity of interaction in hydrody- namical equations the eigenmodes of oscillations spread ve ry fast from a band of order V−1/3 pover the whole spectrum, and various multipole oscillation s of any type are arisen with time. Clearly, the long-range fluid behavior will depen d to some extent on the sta- tistical properties of wave mode coupling. Following [1] we suppose the simplest model for the coupling mechanism by inclusion of the ϕ4-type interaction term into (15) with a wave modes coupling constant g >0. In accordance with the general critical phenomena approach we note that the accounting of highest oscillation harmonics, i.e.,ϕ6,ϕ8,and so on cannot alter the large-distance asymptotic behavior of w ater response if g/negationslash= 0.Again, since we are interested in U(1)−gauge symmetrical term the only amendments into action functional have to be of the form, ∼gφ4. As a resulting hypothesis we obtain the effective action func tional to be: S(φ, A i) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂φ)2+1 2F2+m2φ2+1 3gφ4/bracketrightbigg (18) which is designed to describe the asymptotic properties of w ater response. The action (18) has some redundant degrees of freedom, the ga uge degrees, with unknown dynamics. As a consequence it is not renormalizable , and it has no solutions in the massless limit m2= 0,[6]. To construct a renormalizable theory we introduce an abelian gauge geometrical structure: (i)φ(x) and φ∗(x) are vectors for U(1) transformations, (ii) The derivative ∂iis replaced by the covariant derivative ∇i: ∇i=∂i+iu0Ai, (19) where u0is the coupling constant of interaction between the scalar a nd rotational compo- nents of the velocity potential ϕ(analogous to the electron charge ein electrodynamics). (iii) It follows that the curvature tensor is iu0Fij: iu0Fij= [∇i,∇j] =iu0(∂iAj−∂jAi). (iv) Since the U(1)-gauge group is abelian ( A(x,t) is a translation invariant), one can write the parallel transporter U(C) along any continuous contour Cwhich is an element ofU(1).In terms of a line integral: U(C) = exp/bracketleftbigg −iu0/contintegraldisplay CAi(s)dsi/bracketrightbigg (20)A Phase Transition in ... 8 as a consequence of vorticity conservation for ideal fluid. T hus, the rotational component of velocity potential just carries on the fluctuations of the scalar potential field φ(x). By the way, two solutions for different points φ(x, t) and φ(y, t) are related through the parallel transporter (20), where Cis an integration path connecting the points xandy, [8]. Now, the gauge degrees of freedom (correspondent to invaria ncy of velocity with re- spect to the ∂iΛ-shifts of vector potential Ai) can be taken into account by the usual procedure analogous to the Faddeev-Popov quantization [6] . In particular, it leads to inclusion of a gauge dependent term into the action function al, S(Ai, φ) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg |∇iφ|2+1 2F2 ij+ζ−1(∂iAi)2+m2φ2+1 3gφ4/bracketrightbigg , (21) where ζis an arbitrary valued ( ζ∈[0,∞)) auxiliary gauge parameter of the theory. The model (21) demonstrates the existence of a statistically st eady state independently of the details of velocity evolution. In [1] the model (21) has been investigated in the symmetrica l phase, m2>0. The crucial distinction between symmetry implementation in th e cases of positive and negative signs for m2lies though in the structure of the ”ground state” ( i.e.,the expectation value of velocity potential). Suppose, first, that A=0in (21), then one has the standard model of a scalar unharmonic oscillator. For m= 0 the oscillator is subject to a phase transition. At the classical level in the symmetrical phase ( m2>0) the oscillator model describes the fluctuations having the trivial expectation value of the fiel d,/angb∇acketleftφ/angb∇acket∇ight= 0 (see Fig. 1.a). If m2<0, the system allows an infinite number of possible expectati on values related to each other by the unitary transformation group U(1).In particular, if one fixes a phase parameter of the group U(1) under certain physical conditions, then for the field φthere are two possible mean values (see Fig. 1.b) α(x)≡ /angb∇acketleftφ/angb∇acket∇ight=±/radicalBig m2/g=α0(x). (22) The latter situation is usually referred to as spontaneousl y broken symmetry. Rise of a net fluid current from the region of initial perturbation int o outside (see Fig.2) one can treat as a result of spontaneously symmetry breaking which c an be described by (21) with m2<0. If we held A=0,the lagrangian is still invariant under the set of U(1)-transformations with no gauge section. When j= 0, the Goldstone theorem predicts the appearance of a massless degree of freedom corresponding to unphysical ”an gular motion” for which there is no restoring force. The physical interpretation of such a degree of freedom would beA Phase Transition in ... 9 the following: the quantity (8) diverges as j→0,i.e.,an infinitely small initial fluid flow jrisen by perturbation generates the nontrivial expectatio n value for vector potential, α/negationslash= 0. If we assume that j/negationslash= 0,then the action (21) has the U(1)-symmetry breaking explic- itly by the new term −/integraldisplay dx j(x)Re[φ(x,t)], (23) where Re[φ(x,t)] is the real part of the complex valued field φ. This symmetry breaking term gives in the first order in ja mass proportional to j1/2∂iIi(the axial current Iiis no more conserved) to the unphysical angular degree of freedom correspondent to rotations in the complex plain ( i.e.,(8) has no more divergent). The situation is though to be changed dramatically if one inc ludes the vorticial velocity component into consideration ( A/negationslash=0). Due to so called Higgs mechanism the angular degree of freedom does not produce divergences in (8) even in the zero order in j, and the gauge field Aiacquires a mass without spoiling the gauge invariance and re normalizability of the theory, [8]-[9]. These ideas which are quite familiar in the weak interactions theory and superconductivity allow an heuristic interpretation a lso in hydrodynamics: In the symmetrical phase ( j= 0)Aplays the purely transporting role for scalar velocity pote ntial fluctuations from one point to another in accordance with (20 ). When the symmetry is broken spontaneously, Aacquires the longitudinal polarization degree of freedom g iving it a mass; as a direct consequence a vector potential field can penetrate only exponentially into the fluid flow with a range proportional to the inverse of t he acquired mass. Like a superconductor expels a magnetic field from its interior, e xcept for a thin layer at the surface over which the field decreases exponentially, th e fluid flow ousts the eddies from its interior onto the periphery. The microscopic origi n of the Higgs phenomenon in hydrodynamics lies in screening currents of fluid compens ating the external velocity rotational component (see Fig.3). In [1] it was shown that the scaling degrees of freedom propor tional to gare vanished from the asymptotic behavior of fluid involved into eddy moti on. By the way, considering j= 0 (say, on the periphery skin of a large-scale current), one can omit the term gφ4 from (21) to obtain the relevant effective action functional . However, if j/negationslash= 0 (within the current), from the heuristic point of view it is obvious that the statistical steady state should be free of coupling to the vector potential A, and the solution for α(x) (i.e.,(7)) is to be determined by a Goldstone asymptotics, [11].A Phase Transition in ... 10 3 The Gauge-Invariant U(1)Theory of the Water Cou- pled to Perturbation In the present section we develop the heuristic ideas of the p receding one. We derive the action functional for the theory in case of symmetry spontan eously broken and investigate its properties. Implementing the local transformation   φ(x)→[α(x) +φ(x)]eiuΛ(x)/α(x), Ai(x)→Ai(x)−u α(x)∂iΛ(x)(24) to the model action functional relevant to the system of equa tions (10), we fix the gauge in such a way that uΛ(x) =2πnα(x),n∈Z. (25) The parameter uwhich characterize the coupling strength of vorticial and t ranslational velocity components in this gauge is related to a circulation, Γ, Γn≡/contintegraldisplay A dx =2nπ u. (26) Physical degrees of freedom are become clear now (since Λ( x) is gauged away from the theory): S(Ai, φ) =1 2/integraltextd x/bracketleftBig |∇iφ|2+1 2F2 ij+ζ−1(∂iAi+√ 2uα·Im[φ])2+m2 φφ2+ +m2 AA2+1 3gφ4+u2 1φA2+4 3g1φ3−jφ+S(α)/bracketrightBig ,(27) where we have denoted u2 1=u2α,g1=gα, m2 A≡2αu,m2 φ= 2gα2−m2,andIm[φ] is an imaginary part of φ. Comparing (27) and (21), one can see that the vector field A obtains the longitudinal polarization degree of freedom fo r which is expressed in (27) as the new mass term m2 AA2. The longitudinal components of the vector fields AiandIm[φ] are ghosts, which both cancel against the Faddeev-Popov gho st [12] all having the same massmA. The behavior of (27) is in a way very different from (21): the un physical imaginary part of the scalar velocity potential φdisappears and the vector field Aobtains a mass so that the vorticial velocity component is short-range onl y,i.e.,it is repelled completely from the flux. The standard way to illustrate the last sentence is to demons trate that the response of the flux for an elementary vortex immersed in is equal to zero [ 14]. Consider the constant shift transformation (a purely vorticial constant velocit y component) Fij→Fij+fij (28)A Phase Transition in ... 11 for the gauge section Fijin the disordered theory (21). Then the partition function Z[fij] is invariant under gauge transformations: fij→fij+∂iλj−∂jλi, (29) since it can be compensated by the appropriate change Ai→Ai+λi.Therefore, in a gauge-invariant theory (21) one has Z[Fij+fij] =Z[Fij]; (30) furthermore, one notes that the constant fijcan be removed from (21) by the transfor- mation: Ai→Ai+xjfij. (31) In the phase with long-range correlations (21), the change ( 31) is equivalent to somewhat change of trivial boundary conditions for the equations (10 ) at infinity. In particular, this yields the new term into the partition function Z[fij]−Z[0] =εA u2/integraldisplay dx f2 ij, (32) where εA(the Lagrange multiplier) would be some function which has a natural interpre- tation as an amplitude of the response of the flux for an elemen tary vortex. Obviously, if the circulation Γ <Γ0,where Γ 0is some critical value correspondent to the phase transition point, the vector potential becomes short-rang e correlated, and the partition function Zshould not depend on fij.ThusεA= 0 in the theory (27). In case of the vector velocity potential Ais strong enough then, because of circulation conservation, it can be allowed in the fluid flow in the form of n arrow flux tubes. The relation (26) in this context means that there are always an i nteger number nof such vorticial tubes in the flow, i.e.,that each of them have a source and a sink (see Fig.4). Varying (27) with respect to Aiandφ∗φwith the boundary condition (26) ( i.e.,fixing the circulation u−1to be constant in ideal fluid), one can easily estimate the ene rgy of a flux with length lfas E∼u2m2 Alf, (33) which demonstrates the property inherent to a confinement ph enomenon. Note, that (33) could be derived rigorously by considering of a Wilson’s loo p operator for a point-wise vorticial current, Ji(x) =−iu/contintegraldisplay δ(x−y)dy, (34) for (27) (see, for example [7]).A Phase Transition in ... 12 This situation is analogous to that of superconductors [13] : if electrically charged bosons (Cooper’s bound state of an electron pair) Bose-cond ensed then there the electric fields become short-range, and the magnetic fields are ousted from the interior. If finally a magnetic field is admitted inside a superconductor it can on ly come in some multiple vortices, never spread out because of Meissner effect. Follo wing the analogy with super- conductors, one can say that the source and the sink vortices confined in the fluid flow are kept together in a potential well, and the potential is be ing linearly proportional to their separation. As it well known, [9]-[10], the hidden symmetry begets the hi dden renormalizability: the divergence structure of renormalizable theory (21) is u naffected by spontaneous sym- metry breaking, and the counterterms needed in (27) remain t hose of the symmetrical theory (21). Consequently, the critical dimensions calcul ated in [1] for the quantities in (21) are still valid formally also for (27). 4 Goldstone Asymptotics of the Water Flux Cou- pled to Perturbation In the present section we construct (6) explicitly and justi fy the phenomenological result (7). We shall consider the theory in the ordered phase assumi ng that the velocity field has no vorticial components ( i.e.,the flux contains no vorticial pairs, n= 0 in (25)). Therefore, to describe the statistical properties of the sy stem we can integrate the partition function Z[φ,A] over Aeliminating the vector field Afrom the theory. The resulting partition function will depend solely on the scalar velocit y potential, Z[φ],and the relevant action functional will be identical to those of scalar φ4−theory in the ordered phase (nonlinear σ−model): S=−1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂φ)2+τφ2+g 3!(φ2)2−j Re[φ]/bracketrightbigg . (35) The distinguishing feature of (35) is the presence of Goldst one singularities which arise due to an explicit U(1)−symmetry breaking. The physical origin of these singularit ies is following, [14]: the scalar velocity potentials with diff erent orientation in the complex plane, however, correspond to the same fluid velocity and tho ugh to the same energy. The relevant conserved current meets the Ward identity in the mo mentum representation: ki/angb∇acketleftIi(k)φ(−k)/angb∇acket∇ight=/angb∇acketleftφ(0)/angb∇acket∇ight. (36) Taking k→0, one concludes that /angb∇acketleftIi(k)φ(−k)/angb∇acket∇ightmust be singular in this limit: /angb∇acketleftIi(k)φ(−k)/angb∇acket∇ightk→0=/angb∇acketleftφ(0)/angb∇acket∇ightki k2+. . . (37)A Phase Transition in ... 13 The general solution for Goldstone asymptotics in (35) was g iven in [11] for the unbounded theory and then generalized in [15] to the theory in a half-sp ace. In particular, the hypothesis [16] was proven in [11] for any order of ǫ−expansion (2 ǫ= 4−d) with j, k→0 : the equation of state (6) has the form (α−α0) =aj1−ǫ+bj+. . ., (38) and the longitudinal susceptibility (8) is to be χL=a1j−ǫ+b1+. . ., (39) the numerical coefficients a, b, a 1, b1are specified in [11]. For the transversal susceptibility, χT∼j−1as it follows from the Goldstone theorem. Following the disc ussion in [17], formulae (38) and (39) can be interpreted as a Goldstone scal ing (by analogy to critical scaling) for which jandk∼1/rplay the role of significant parameters. The certain Goldstone dimensions ∆Gbelong to k,j, and α(x)|j=0: ∆G[k] = 1,∆G[j] = 2,∆G[α] =d−2. (40) In contrast with critical dimensions (40) are known precise ly as well as the normalized scaling functions of the simplest correlation functions [1 7]. The last relation in (40) justifies the result (7): performing the inverse Fourier tra nsformation, one obtains at three dimensions α(r)∼1 r2. (41) 5 The Instanton Solutions for the Theory of Water Coupled to Perturbation In the previous sections we have considered the stationary ( with no time dependence) stable solutions of (27) which correspond to the saddle poin ts (solutions of the hydrody- namical equations). However, in the case discussed, j/negationslash= 0,the actual hydrodynamical equations, posses the non-constant solutions also. In the previous sections we have shown that there is a countab le set of possible stable stationary solutions (enumerated by an integer number n) for the system of flux coupled to perturbation distinguished one from the other by the ener gy gaps (33). Obviously, the non-constant statistically steady solutions are relat ed to a specific mechanism of gap generation (the generation of new pairs of eddies in the flux) ,i.e.,they describe possible transitions between constant solutions with different Γ n(26).A Phase Transition in ... 14 Another interpretation can be used: since the source and sin k eddies are confined together in the potential well in the fluid flux, one can consid er a tunneling process of the eddy pair into another potential well. This tunneling pr ocess can be provided by an instanton solution [14]. The contribution of instantons into the corr espondent partition functional Zis indeed irrelevant if we are interested in relatively shor t periods of time t < t 0,where t0is a ”tunnelling time”. However, for t > t 0,it becomes very large. Consider the action (35) in case of the symmetry broken spont aneously. Classical minima of this action defined from the equation: ∆φa−m2φa+g 2/parenleftBigg2/summationdisplay 1φ2 b/parenrightBigg φa=j, (42) where φ1,2are the real and imaginary parts of the field φ,φ= (φ1+φ2)/√ 2. We use the anzatz φ=µ(r)eiΛ α, (43) which gives the equation for µ(r) in the form, µ′′−m2µ−2 r2µ+gµ3=j. (44) There exists a solution to (44) with the properties: µ(r→0)→0, µ(r→ ∞)→α0. (45) The problem of existence and stability of the solution of (44 ) with (45) were discussed in [14]. The effective asymptotical solution is given in the pre ceding section by the Goldstone asymptotics. Suppose now that one has introduced a set of vor tices, placed at the points xawith circulations Γ ainto the flux (35). The partition function of statistical mec hanics Zis then to be presented in the form (in case of α0≫u2) Z=Z0Zinst, (46) where Z0is the standard partition function of the theory (35) and Zinst=Tr exp α0 2u2/integraldisplay dx/summationdisplay a/negationslash=b2πΓaΓbL |xa−xb|+C/summationdisplay aΓ2 a   (47) (Lbeing the size of the flux pattern considered; the second term is the vortex self- energy). One can see that in case of large fluid flux α0and, consequently, strong confining property the vortices revolving alternatively are combine d into pairs. Such pairs have very small influence on the correlation functions and are irr elevant in case of large α0. The asymptotics provided by the instanton solutions is just the same as (41).A Phase Transition in ... 15 6 Discussion from the Point of View of Dynamical Systems Theory The Navier-Stockes equation for an ideal fluid can be replace d by the relation for the pressure field, and the Galilean invariance of hydrodynamic al equations is manifested as aU(1)−gauge invariance (12). We shall concern with the phase space (of infinite dimensiona lity) relevant to the dynamical system of water coupled to perturbation and limit ourselves to a qualitative consideration. Picturing the instant states of the system i n the phase space, we obtain its phase diagram. The stable stationary solutions discussed i n [1] and in the present paper can be interpreted as the attraction regions or fixed points o f trajectories of the system in the phase space. Consider the manifold of initial conditions correspondent to the only solution of dis- ordered phase ( P= 0). In [1] we have shown that it can be realized exceptionall y as an eddy risen around a point-wise distinct perturbation. One c an imagine this manifold as a torus covered by the trajectories tending to some stable cy cle (see Fig.5). If we chose a point apart from the torus as the initial conditi on (for example, the points AorBon the diagram Fig. 5), the system will leave the vicinity of t he torus and tends to some region of attraction which is closed in a sense that th ere are no trajectories going out of it. This behavior represents a phase transition in the language of statistical theory. Within the attraction region the trajectory passes consequ ently through an infinite set of fixed points distinguishing by the Γ nvalues (12). Most of these points are hetreoclinic , and so that they are unstable in a sense that the smallest devi ation from the certain set of initial conditions will make the system trajectory to jum p to some other point. These processes, in principle, are to be described by the instanto n solutions (see Sec. 5). This technique would provide us with information on the tran sition probabilities be- tween the particular heteroclinic fixed points. Such a quantity could be naturally in- terpreted within the context of the dynamical systems theor y. Let us surround each heteroclinic fixed point by a ball of radius εand consider a fixed point n0which cor- responds to the solution with Γ n0(see Fig. 5). Taking εto be small enough, we can make the volume of each ball to be finite. Denote the volume of a ball sector starting from which the trajectory of the system drops into the ε-vicinity of the other point, ni, asVε(n0→ni). Then, one can introduce the quantity P(n0→ni) =Vε(n0→ni) /summationtext k,k/negationslash=0Vε(n0→nk)(48) which is analogous to a transition probability defined in the statistical theory. If theA Phase Transition in ... 16 point which we have chosen is a homoclinic attractive fixed point, the probability (48) then tends to zero. 0 < P < 1 forheteroclinic points, and P= 1 for a repelling point. We do not know a priori whether there are some homoclinic attractive fixed points in the region of attraction (see Fig. 5) or there are only the heteroclinic points. We expect though that in case of α≫uthere is a degeneracy of solutions in a sense that they are predicted by the Goldstone asymptotics. 7 Conclusion In a conclusion one can say that the flux of ideal fluid coupled t o local external pertur- bation in the region r > l pdemonstrates asymptotically some properties similar to th ose of superfluids. In [1] and in the present paper we have conside red the statistically steady asymptotic solutions of the model by various nonperturbati ve techniques of the quan- tum field theory. The results on RG-analysis, Goldstone asym ptotics, and instanton-type solutions are, by the way, exact, and they demonstrate that t he long-standing hydrody- namical problem of water coupled to perturbation, in princi ple, can be treated as a critical phenomenon. The relevant physical system contains too many redundant de grees of freedom. To fix the statistically stable behavior in the system one needs to add some extra assumptions on the character of perturbation as well as on the character o f wave modes coupling. The model describing such a behavior is subject to a phase transi tion managed basically by the perturbation symmetry. Roughly speaking, the symmetry properties of the initial perturbation define whether the vorticial or translational fluid velocity components is the most important one for the long-range asymptotic fluid respo nse. References [1] Preprint CPT-98/P3712 , D. Volchenkov, R. Lima, Critical Behavior of the Water Coupled to a Local External Perturbation [2] V. 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Rev. 162, p. 1195-1239 (1967) [13] G.’t Hooft, Vol. 19 in Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics , World Scientific, 1994. [14] A. M. Polyakov Vol 3, Gauge Fields and Strings inContemporary Concepts in Physics , Harwood Acad. Publ., 1987. [15] M. Yu. Nalimov, Theor. and Math. Phys., 102, 2, 163 (1995) [16] A. Z. Patashinsky, V. L. Pokrovsky, JTPH 64, 4, 1445 (1973) [17] Vasil’ev A.N. Functional Methods in the Quantum Field Theory and Statphys ics(to be published) (in Russian) (1998)A Phase Transition in ... 18 CAPTIONS FOR FIGURES FIGURE 1. a.) At the classical level in the symmetrical phase ( m2>0) the oscillator model describes the fluctuations having the trivial expectation v alue of the field, /angb∇acketleftφ/angb∇acket∇ight= 0. b.) If m2<0, the system allows an infinite number of possible expectati on values related to each other by the unitary transformation group U(1).In particular, if one fixes a phase parameter of the group U(1) under certain physical conditions, then for the field φthere are two possible mean values. FIGURE 2. Rise of a net fluid current from the region of initial perturba tion into outside. FIGURE 3. To a Higgs phenomenon in hydrodynamics. When the symmetry is broken sponta- neously, Aacquires the longitudinal polarization degree of freedom g iving it a mass mA. The fluid flow ousts the eddies from its interior onto the perip hery. FIGURE 4. The kink-type solutions for fluid flow. The source and the sink vortices confined in the fluid flow are kept together in a potential well, and the pot ential is being linearly proportional to their separation. FIGURE 5. a) The manifold of initial conditions correspondent to the o nly solution of disordered phase ( P= 0). If we chose a point apart from the torus as an initial cond ition (for example, the points AorB), the system will leave the vicinity of the torus and tends to some region of attraction which is closed in a sense that ther e are no trajectories going out of it. This tendency represents a phase transition in a la nguage of statistical theory. b) Surround each heteroclinic fixed point by a ball of radius εand consider a fixed point n0which corresponds to the solution with Γ n0.
arXiv:physics/9911003v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 2 Nov 1999Critical Behavior of the Water Coupled to a Local External Perturbation Dmitri Volchenkov and Ricardo Lima CNRS, Centre de Physique Theorique, Luminy Case 907, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France E-mail volchen@cpt.univ-mrs.fr, lima@cpt.univ-mrs.fr February 2, 2008 Abstract The response of inviscid incompressible unbounded fluid sub ject to a localized external perturbation is studied. The physically relevant hypotheses on the mode coupling mechanisms is justified by renormalization-group method. The scaling laws for the scalar and vector velocity potentials are derived. T he spectrum of energy of perturbed fluid versus the distance apart from perturbation is computed. PACS number(s): 03.40 G, 47.55, 47.10. +g, 05.40. +j, 42.27. Gs 1 Introduction The excitation of wave motion in a fluid by various perturbati ve factors is a long-standing problem in hydrodynamics. Particularly, the wave generati on on the water surface by turbulent air flow over the surface and the rising of tsunamy- like waves excited by bottom earthquakes are of current interest of modern ocean studies . The physical mechanisms coupling the perturbation and water must be understood in or der to describe the wave motions on the ocean surface. In spite of great success in the description of statistical properties of water waves which have been achieved recently in the framework of so-called Zakharov formalism (see, for example [1] and references the rein) many phenomena on the ocean surface remain unclear. The great advances in study of surface phenomena were achieved in the modern critical phenomena theory recently [ 2]. They are due to employ of quantum field theory methods and quantum field renormaliza tion group method (RG)Critical Behavior... 2 [3] in particular which are designed to describe systems wit h an infinite number of degrees of freedom. The results indicate convincingly that the anal ogous approach would also be of great advantage in the explanation of ocean surface pheno mena. We intend to propose the statistical description of ocean surface phenomena wit hin the framework of modern critical phenomena theory [4]. In the present paper we consi der a simple physical model coupling water to perturbation which can be adopted for the u se of RG method. Our aim is to outline the basic properties of such a model for what purpose we now limit our consideration to the case of inviscid incompressible un bounded fluid. The work is concerned with the large-distance and long-time asymptoti c behavior of water response for an external localized perturbation risen by a pressure fi eld pulse; it is imposed that the scale of perturbation lpis much less than the main scale of the problem r≫lp. The duration τof energy input provided by the pressure pulse determines th e scale of perturbed region lp=cτ, (1) where cis a speed of perturbation spread in fluid. We are interested i n the statistical properties of water response in the range r≫lpandt≫τ. The crucial importance for the what following is that the time derivative can be elim inated from hydrodynamic equations, div v (x,t) =0,∆p(x,t) =−∂ivj(x,t)∂jvi(x,t), (2) where v(x,t) is the velocity of fluid, p(x,t) is the field of pressure, and ∆ is the Laplace differential operator. We have taken in (2) the constant fluid density to be ρ0= 1. Summation over successive indices will be implied. x Then fr om (2) one obtains an expression for the pressure p(x,t) : p(x,t) =−/integraldisplay Vpdy∂ivj(y,t)∂jvi(y,t) |x−y|, (3) where the integration is brought about over the perturbed re gionVp.It is essential that (2) is invariant with respect to an arbitrary time-dependen t velocity shift: va(x,t)→v(x+s,t)−a(t),p(x,t)→p(x+s,t) (4) wherea(t) is an arbitrary function of time decreasing at t→ −∞ ,ands(t) =/integraltextt −∞a(t′)dt′. This property expresses the Galilean invariancy of hydrody namic equations. The conti- nuity equation in (2) shows that the velocity field v(x,t) can be presented as a sum of two terms v(x,t) =−grad φ(x,t) +rot A (x,t), (5)Critical Behavior... 3 where φ(x,t) andA(x,t) are the scalar and vector potentials consequently. The for mu- lation of hydrodynamic equations in favor of the potentials ϕ={φ, A i}elucidates the invariancy of the equations with respect to the shift of the v ector potential Ai, Ai(x)/mapsto−→Ai(x)−∂iΛ(x) (6) in which Λ( x) is an arbitrary scalar function. This invariancy expresse s thegauge symme- try of hydrodynamic equations. In the present paper we shall consider the consequences of this invariancy for the hydrodynamic equations (2) for th e inviscid unbounded in- compressible fluid. Significant results on stationary spect ra of the fully developed water response for the perturbative pulse may be derived phenomen ologically in analogy with the fully developed turbulence theory [5] and the statistic al theory of waves based on the Zakharov’s kinetic equations [6]. This approach is related to some conserved quantities, i.e.,the wave action, energy, or momentum and to the idea of locali zation of pumping and dissipation ranges in separated parts of scale spectrum. By the way, a stationary spec- trum can have place for some scale interval which is transpar ent for the current of some quantity. For example, one can point out the well-known inertial range of Kolmogorov in the theory of fully developed turbulence which is transpare nt for the energy current from the large-scale region of energy pumping to the small-scale range of viscous dissipation. In the Kolmogorov’s inertial range the energy distribution ve rsus wave-numbers is described by the Five Thirds Kolmogorov’s Law. In case of the fully deve loped turbulence the Law of Five Thirds describes the only possible spectrum since th e three-dimensional isotropic movements of the inviscid incompressible fluid preserve the only integral quantity, i.e.,the energy. However, in the problem discussed there are variety of spectra to be realized, since in the process of perturbation spread there are two more cons erved integral quantities: the net momentum of fluid and the enstrophy . In case of an isotropic, O(3)-symmetrical, perturbation the net momentum of fluid is equal to zero, howev er, even in this case there are two different spectra which are determined by the energy W−and the enstrophy E−currents. The velocity spectrum which is determined by the e nergy current from the pumping region kp= 0 into the dissipation region kd=∞is the well-known spectrum of the fully developed turbulence theory, W1/3k−1/3≃v(k). (7) However, in the case considered kp> k0≃1/lp/ne}ationslash= 0 and kd≫k0, so that the relevant inertial range lies apart from the scale spectrum k0> k≃1/r, and (7) cannot have place in the problem considered. The enstrophy current (the squared averaged vorticity) determines the spectrum for the vector potential field Ain the form E1/2k≃A(k) (8)Critical Behavior... 4 which transparency interval is exactly the interval in ques tion. In language of the critical phenomena theory the spectrum (8) determines the critical dimension ∆[A] of the field A, ∆[A] = 1. The use of critical dimension allows to compute the spec trum of any correlation function of the field Aby simple dimensional counting. For example, for the pair correlation function in Fourier representation DA(k)≡ /an}b∇acketle{tA(k)A(−k)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht,one obtains an asymptotics: DA(k)∼k∆[DA],∆[DA] = 2∆[ A]−d, (9) where dis the dimension of space. For practical purposes, however, it is important to discuss not the correlation function (9) but a one-dimensio nal spectrum ˆDA=Sd 2(2π)dkd−1DA(k) (10) in which Sd≡2πd/2/Γ(d/2) is the square of surface of the unit sphere in d−dimensional space. For (10) one obtains from (9): ˆDA∼k. (11) Furthermore, the phenomenological considerations analog ous to (8) readily allows to de- termine the spectra of some quantities which can be measured in experiments, for example, for the energy as a function of distance from the perturbatio n point, E(r),we obtain Er−4≃E(r). (12) From phenomenology, however, it is not possible to fix the spe ctra of all quantities si- multaneously. For example, one has nothing to say about the s calar potential spectrum φ(k). To determine it one can add some extra assumptions on the ch aracter of coupling mechanisms between different modes of fluid motions. Actuall y, the formulation of such a hypotheses is the crucial point of the problem of coupling wa ter to perturbations. Clearly, these additional assumptions will sufficiently depend on the geometry of perturbation. As we have seen above, in some cases the perturbation pulse can r ise a fluid current, then the net momentum of fluid Pwill be nontrivial. The new quantity conserved in the scale interval of the problem will leads to another possible spect rum. In the present paper we discuss the case of O(3)−symmetrical perturbation; we consider the case with a curre nt aligned in the fluid in the forthcoming paper. Even for the sim plest case of P= 0 the formulation of physically relevant hypotheses on coupling water to perturbation is a non- trivial problem due to an infinite number of degrees of freedo m. To solve it we apply the RG approach under the following reason: In the framework of R G method the physical degrees of freedom are to be replaced by the scaling degrees w hich are related to the phys- ical degrees through the RG transformations of fields and par ameters of the theory. SinceCritical Behavior... 5 the properties of scaling degrees of freedom possess a group structure (the renormalization group) one investigates them much easier then those of the or igin problem. The results obtained from RG-analysis are considered as somewhat stati stical steady state limit of the physical system. The renormalized correlation functio ns are distinguished from their physical analogies only by normalization conditions, so th at they can be also used for the analysis of asymptotic properties of the physical system. T he plan of the paper follows: In the Section 2 we consider the direct consequences of the sy mmetry (6) for the hydrody- namic equations (2). As a result we derive an effective action functional which allows to understand the water response on the local perturbation as a critical phenomenon. The action functional presented has the most general form and th en needs to be supplied by an assumption on the coupling mechanism. To formulate the phys ically relevant hypotheses we develop the RG-analysis in the Sections 3, 4, and 5 consequ ently. We show that in the symmetrical case considered ( P= 0) the statistical properties of water response are man- aged by the dynamics of vector potential A.This conclusion instantly fixes the spectra of all quantities of the theory. In the Sections 6 and 7 we disc uss the various composite operators of the theory which are responsible for the amendm ents to critical scaling and for the spectra of some quantities which can be measured expe rimentally. In particular, in the Section 7 we compute the one-dimensional energy spect rumE(r) as a function of distance from the point of perturbation. The results obtain ed for the spectra of the pair correlation function DAand the energy Emeet the phenomenological relations (11) and (12). We believe that the obtained results would give a key fo r better understanding of the origin of a numerous ocean phenomena such as Lengmuir cir culations, spin-off eddies, and so on which theoretical justification have not given by th is time. 2 The Description of Model and the Effective Action Functional In this section we formulate a real time classical field theor y of equations (2) in the Lagrange formalism and a model of nonlinear coupling mechan ism between different wave modes. As a result we derive the effective action functional o fabelian gauge-invariant field theory which describes the statistical properties of l ong-range water response on the external perturbation. We consider now the basic propertie s of the theory following from the symmetry (6). (i) First, the eddy component of velocity field is expressed b y agauge invariant tensor, Fk= (rot A )k=∂iAj−∂jAi. (13)Critical Behavior... 6 (ii) Second, in accordance to the Noether’s theorem the symm etry (6) relates to a conserved current, vorticity , ∂iJi= 0, ∂ tJi= 0, (14) where Ji=∂jFk−∂kFj, (i/ne}ationslash=k/ne}ationslash=j). (iii) Third, the classical equations (2) do not lead to a hami ltonian in the usual way: as a direct consequence of gauge invariance, the equations ( 2) do not depend on time derivative. It is therefore impossible to define the conjuga ted momenta, [4]. Nevertheless, (2) are just the field equations which can be derived from the c lassical lagrangian L(ϕ, p) : L(ϕ, p) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂p)2+ (∂φ)2+1 2F2+p∂ivj∂jvi+JiAi/bracketrightbigg , (15) where we have introduced the tensor vivj≡(∂iφ)(∂jφ) +FiFj−∂iφFj−∂jφFi.The statistical properties of mechanical system can be derived from the partition function of statistical mechanics Z=Tr(e−S) with somewhat classical dimensionless action S. In case of an infinite number of degrees of freedom one can write d own the partition function in functional integral representation: Z(Ji) =/integraldisplay [dϕ][dp] exp/bracketleftbigg −S(ϕ, p) +/integraldisplay dx dtJ i(x,t)Ai(x,t)/bracketrightbigg , (16) in which the euclidean static action S(Ai, φ) has the form S(ϕ, p) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂p)2+ (∂φ)2+1 2F2 ij+p∂ivj∂jvi/bracketrightbigg . (17) Here we note that the quadratic part of the action functional (17) which is relevant to a free theory, i.e.,with no coupling between water and perturbation is not symme trical with respect to Galilean transformation (4) but is symmetrical w ith respect to the following transformations   Ai(x)/mapsto−→Ai(x)−∂iΛ(x), φ(x)/mapsto−→φ(x)eiu0Λ(x),(18) where Λ( x) as usual is an arbitrary scalar function, and u0is a potential coupling constant. These transformations expresses the so-called U(1)−gauge symmetry (U(1) is the group of multiplication by complex numbers). The last term in (17) does not meet the entire symmetry (18) but preserves the simple gauge symmetry (6). T his symmetry breaking shows that the pressure field as it is included in the action fu nctional contains somewhat redundant degrees of freedom. Instantly close to the region of perturbation the pressure p ulse rises the wave motions with eigenmodes k > k 0≃1/lp.Due to strong nonlinearity of the interaction in the Navier-Stockes equation the eigenmodes of oscillations sp read very fast from a band ofCritical Behavior... 7 order l−1 pover the whole spectrum, and various multipole oscillation s of any type are arisen with time. One can say that after a short period of time motions of any modes are present in the water. Clearly, the long-distance fluid behav ior will depend to some extent on the statistical properties of wave mode coupling. Assuming an effective action functional to be (i)localin space and time, i.e.,it depends only on the fields A(x) and φ(x) and their partial derivatives (and not on products of fields and their d erivatives at different points), (ii)invariant under space and time translations, i.e.,space and time coordinates do not appear explicitly in the action, we now suppose the simpl est model for the coupling mechanism by inclusion of the ϕ4-type interaction term into (17): S(ϕ, p) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂p)2+ (∂φ)2+1 2F2 ij+p∂ivj∂jvi+1 3gϕ4/bracketrightbigg , (19) with a wave modes coupling constant g. In accordance with the general critical phenomena approach we note that the accounting of highest oscillation harmonics, i.e.,ϕ6,ϕ8and so on cannot alter the large-distance asymptotic behavior o f water response for localized pressure pulse if g/ne}ationslash= 0 [7]. Since the pressure pulse is localized in the scale l < l p,and the locality postulated for the action functional requires redundant degrees of freedo m for the fluctuating pressure fieldp(x,t), we therefore can integrate it over in the partition functi on (16). The result of functional integration does not depend on p(x,t).Due to (3) this procedure is of perfect clarity and is reduced technically to elimination of the qua dratic term proportional to (∂p)2from (19) and to replacement of the pressure field p(x, t) in the U(1)−breaking termp∂ivj∂jviby (3). In particular, it leads to a new term in (19) of the form 1 2/integraldisplay dx∂ivj(x,t)∂jvi(x,t)/integraldisplay Vpdy∂ivj(y,t)∂jvi(y,t) |x−y|, (20) which relates the fluctuations of velocity fields risen by the perturbation pulse in Vpto the fluctuations apart from the perturbed region. We note tha t (20) preserves the entire U(1)−gauge symmetry (18). Performing the integration over Vpand moving the derivatives onto the result of inte- gration, one can rearrange (20) to the form 1 2/integraldisplay dxKij(x)Qij(ϕ,x,t), (21) where Qijis a quadratic form of potentials φandAi,andKijis a source kernel. To explain the meaning of (21) we adduce some arguments from renormaliz ation group analysis which we are going to apply to the theory discussed in the forthcomi ng sections. For the future purposes of RG analysis we need only insertions at zero momen tum and we could, inCritical Behavior... 8 principle, restrict ourselves to constant sources Kij,since the renormalized action which we derive for the case in question is obtained by setting Kij(x) as constant, [4]. Another important feature of (21) stems from the fact that th e RG transformations generate all possible linearly independent quadratic term s inQij,i.e.,φ2(x,t), φA i(x,t), andAiAj(x,t).However, some certain linear combinations of quadratic ope rators in Qij only are relevant to scaling degrees of freedom and possess, by the way, the definite physical meaning. We compute all such linear combinations i n the Section 6. Nevertheless, one can see before calculations that the linear combination s of quadratic operators which are of importance for the RG analysis have to be U(1)−gauge symmetrical. There is only one such a combination, i.e., m2φ2(x) (22) in which m2is somewhat mass parameter (the coefficient of the relevant RG -invariant operator). The use of Ward identities which express the U(1)−gauge invariancy of the theory allows to show that all other combinations of quadrat ic operators are ultra-violet (UV) finite, i.e.,the relevant correlation functions do not have UV divergenc es. Thus, with no loss of generality we can omit all combinations except for (22) from the consideration. It leads to the action functional which follows S(ϕ) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂φ)2+1 2F2 ij+m2φ2+1 3gϕ4/bracketrightbigg . (23) The effective action functional (23) which is arranged to des cribe the asymptotic properties of water response is not renormalizable, and it has no soluti ons in the massless limit, when m2= 0,[4]. Again, the reason is that it still has some redundant degrees of freedom, the gauge degrees, with unknown dynamics. To construct a renormalizable theory we are led to introduce an abelian gauge geo- metrical structure. By the way, (i)φ(x) and φ∗(x) are vectors for U(1) transformations, (ii) the derivative ∂iis replaced by the covariant derivative ∇i: ∇i=∂i+iu0Ai, (24) where u0is the coupling constant of interaction between the scalar a nd rotational compo- nents of the velocity potential ϕ(analogous to the electron charge ein electrodynamics). (iii) It follows that the curvature tensor is iu0Fij: iu0Fij= [∇i,∇j] =iu0(∂iAj−∂jAi). (iv) Since the U(1)-gauge group is abelian ( A(x,t) is a translation invariant), one can write the parallel transporter U(C) along any continuous contour Cwhich is an elementCritical Behavior... 9 ofU(1).In terms of a line integral: U(C) = exp/bracketleftbigg −iu0/contintegraldisplay CAi(s)dsi/bracketrightbigg (25) as a consequence of vorticity conservation. Thus, the rotat ional component of velocity potential just carries on the fluctuations of the scalar pote ntial field φ(x). By the way, two solutions for different points φ(x, t) andφ(y, t) are related through the parallel transporter (25), where Cis an integration path connecting the points xandy, [4]. The form of the action functional (23) which meets the geomet rical structure (i)-(iv) follows S(ϕ) =1 2/integraldisplay dx/bracketleftbigg (∂p)2|∇iφ|2+1 2F2 ij+m2φ2+1 3gφ4/bracketrightbigg . (26) The problem of the gauge invariant theory is that the local ga uge invariant action does not provide a dynamics to the gauge degrees of freedom. We tak e them into account, performing the standard procedure analogous to the Fadeev- Popov quantization [4]. Let us write the gauge field Aiin terms of a gauge field Biprojection of Aion some gauge section, i.e.,satisfying some gauge condition, and a gauge transformatio n: Ai=Bi+∂iΛ. (27) We assume that this decomposition is unique. For Λ( x) one imposes: ∂2Λ(x) +∂iBi(x) =h(x), (28) in which h(x) is a stochastic field for which a probability distribution i s given. We do not include a term proportional to φ(x)eiΛ(x)in the condition (28) omitting the U(1) gauge degrees of freedom to simplify the model and to avoid th e appearance of Fadeev- Popov ghost fields. Including the equation (28) in the functi onal integral for the partition function, one can see that since the result does not depend on the dynamics of Λ( x) and on the field h(x) either, one can integrate over h(x) with the gaussian measure: [dρ(h)] = [dh] exp/bracketleftBigg −1 2ζ/integraldisplay d xh2(x)/bracketrightBigg (29) in which ζis an arbitrary valued ( ζ∈[0,∞)) auxiliary gauge parameter of the theory. The resulting effective action of the model has the form: S(Ai, φ) =1 2/integraldisplay d x/bracketleftbigg |∇iφ|2+1 2F2 ij+ζ−1(∂iAi)2+m2φ2+1 3gφ4/bracketrightbigg . (30) In the forthcoming sections we show that the model (30) demon strates the existence of a statistically steady state independently of the details of velocity evolution. The functionalCritical Behavior... 10 (30) is analogous to a U(1)−invariant action for a charged scalar field with a |φ|4self- interaction (so called Abelian Higgs Model , [9]). This theory allows the multiplicative renormalization, [10] and for some values of the parameters {m0, g0, u0}the corresponding physical system tends to a steady state in a large-distance l imit and demonstrates a universal behavior. In language of the critical phenomena t heory, there is a nontrivial IR-stable fixed point which determines the critical asympto tics of correlation functions of the fields φ(x) andA(x). The relevant critical index for Ameets the phenomenological result (8). We conclude this section by an explanation of physical meani ng of solutions for differ- ent signatures of the mass parameter m2.In case of A= 0 in (30), one has the standard model of a scalar unharmonic oscillator. This model is, may b e, the most popular and well-investigated action of the modern theoretical physic s. For m= 0 the oscillator is subject to a phase transition. At the classical level in the s ymmetrical case ( m2>0) the oscillator model describes the fluctuations having the t rivial expectation value of the field,/an}b∇acketle{tφ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0= 0 (see Fig. 1.a). If m2<0, the system allows two possible expectation values for the field /an}b∇acketle{tφ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0=±/radicalBig m2/g(see Fig. 1.b). The latter situation is usually referred to a s spontaneously broken symmetry. The physical consequences for the model considered can be re adily understood. The signature of integral operator kernel Kij(x,t) depends on the certain physical conditions and on the geometry of perturbation, and it is determined dir ectly by the signature of operator ∂ivj∂jvi.This signature does not depend neither on the certain value o f velocity nor its evolution, but it depends on the topological propert ies of fluid flow risen by the perturbation. The case of symmetrical perturbation, when the net momentum of fluid is equal to zero (for example, on the surface of a large scale eddy, see Fi g.2. a) can be described by the model (30) with m2>0.In the vicinity of saddle points, ∂ivj∂jvi<0,i.e.,when there is a net fluid current from the region of initial perturbation into outside (see Fig.2.b), and the net fluid momentum P/ne}ationslash= 0,one can use (30) with m2<0. In the what following sections of the present paper we shall c onsider the case of sym- metrical perturbation, m2>0, (Fig.2. a). The presence of the gauge field Aaffects sufficiently the behavior of the system due to the transportin g role of the field A. We demonstrate below that the ordinary infrared (IR)-stable fi xed point of RG transforma- tions which is responsible for self-similar behavior in the standard φ4-theory turns out to be unstable, however, the new fixed point acquires stability for the real value ǫr= 1/2 of the parameter 2 ǫ= 4−d.We shall derive formulae for universal scaling profiles to th e first order in ǫ.The profiles has a power-law behavior for the large distances r≫lp.Critical Behavior... 11 3 Infrared Singularities of Perturbation Theory Dia- grams In the present Section we develop the diagram technique rele vant to the theory (30) and discuss the large-distance ( k→0,in momentum representation) singularities of perturbation theory diagrams. The model (30) can be considered in the d-dimensional space xwith UV-cut off Λ ≡ k0≃1/lp. Each quantity in (30) corresponds to one (momentum) canoni cal dimensionality df, which is completely determined by the space dimensionalit yd. In the critical phenomena theory one seeks the asymptotic fo r correlation functions in the region k,m≪Λ for which one considers g0≃u2 0≃const Λ4−dwithconst≤1.From now on we supply all the parameters in (30) by the lower index ” 0” to distinguish them from those in renormalized action forthcoming. In order to b e specific we consider the pair correlation functions of the potentials Dφ(r) =/an}b∇acketle{tφ(x)φ(y)/an}b∇acket∇i}htandDA(r) =/an}b∇acketle{tA(x)A(y)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht in which r=|x−y|. In momentum representation these correlation functions ar e found from the Dyson equations ( pis the external momentum) D−1 φ=p2+m2 0−Σφ(p), D−1 A=p2+iε−ΣA(p), (31) where Σ φ(p) and Σ A(p) are the infinite sums of all 1-irreducible Feynman diagrams (see Fig.3) whose vertices correspond to the multipliers g0andu2 0 g0× u2 0× and whose lines correspond to the bare propagatorsCritical Behavior... 12 Ai(k) Ai(−k) ≡Pij(ζ, k)(k2+iε)−1, φ(k) φ(−k) ≡(k2+m2 0)−1, where Pij(ζ, k)δij+ (ζ−1)kikj/k2is the gauge dependent projector, and εis a reg- ularization parameter for k= 0.We investigate the theory in d= 4−2ǫdimensions considering ǫas a small parameter of a regular expansion which has 2 ǫr= 1 as an actual value. For 0 <2ǫ <1 the diagrams in Fig.3, independent of pandm0, have the algebraic UV-divergent terms ∼Λ2−2nǫ(where nis the order of perturbation theory) corresponding to the simple shift of m2 0which does not alter the signature of m2 0. If we consider the value of m2 0to be known exactly, it is necessary to discard all such terms . As usual [3], this is implemented by subtracting their values for p=m0= 0 from all graphs of Fig.3. After these subtractions the integrals for 0 <2ǫ <1 become UV-convergent, the cut off Λ can be eliminated (taken as ∞,i.e.,the initial perturbation scale lpis taken as zero), and the series Fig.3 takes the form D−1= (p2+m2 0) 1 +∞/summationdisplay n,l=1(gn 0u2l 0p−2ǫ)n+lcn,l(m0/p, ǫ) . (32) Forp∼m0≪Λ and ǫ >0 the dimensionless parameter of the expansion g0p−2ǫ∼ (Λp−1)2ǫin (32) is not small, and it is necessary to sum the series. Thi s problem is solved by the RG method. In a clearer formulation this problem reduces to a determina tion of the asymptotic value of the propagator Dχ=D(χp, χm 0) forχ→0 (everything is fixed except for χ). This procedure is nontrivial for ǫ >0 due to presence in the cn,lof poles in ǫand leads to the equations of RG which we shall consider in the next Sectio n. Another problem, which is occurred in the region m0≪p,is connected with sin- gularities of the coefficient cn,lin (32) for m0/p→0 and cannot be handled by RG. This problem originates from the finiteness of the physical v alue of ǫ. After removing of UV divergences from diagrams of Fig.3 there are still diagra ms diverging for m→0 for anyǫ >0.This problem had been discussed in the critical phenomena th eory where the method of short distance expansion (SDE) was employed, [3]- [4]. We shall apply SDE toCritical Behavior... 13 compute the leading amendments to critical scaling of (30) w ithm2>0 in the Section 6. Finally, we make a note on the particular features of perturb ation series Fig.3 for the gauge invariant theory. Some diagrams in Fig.3 have ζ−dependent poles which are unphysical, since they have been introduced to make the theo ry renormalizable. The renormalization constants of the gauge invariant theory as we shall define them later on are gauge independent, therefore we can fix the value of the ga uge parameter ζin certain calculations. In particular, we use the Landau gauge ( ζ= 0), so that the gauge field propagator is simply proportional to the transversal proje ctorPij. 4 Renormalization-Group Equations. Scaling Degrees of Freedom Now we discuss the renormalization procedure for the model ( 30) and produce the renor- malized action functional, then we derive the RG equations f or renormalized correlation functions. Renormalizability of the theory (30) (the Abeli an Higgs Model) for any value of the gauge parameter ζ <∞,is proven (see for example [10]), and we do not discuss it in details. The UV-divergences (in our case the poles in ǫin diagrams) of the model con- sidered are removed by the multiplicative renormalization procedure. It amounts to the following: the initial action is referred to as nonrenormal ized, its parameters and coupling constants are referred to as bare; these are considered as so me functions (remaining to be determined) of new renormalized parameters and coupling co nstants. The renormalized action functional SR(µ, g, u, ζ ) =1 2/integraltextdx/bracketleftBig Z1((∂φ)2+µ2ǫu2φ2A2) +1 2Z2F2+ +ζ−1(∂A)2+Z3m2φ2+1 3Z4µ2ǫgφ4/bracketrightBig ,(33) is a function of renormalized coupling constants and parame ters: g0=µ2ǫgZg, u2 0=µ2ǫu2Zu, m2 0=m2Zm, φ2=Zφφ2 R, A2=ZAA2 R, ζ 0=ZζζR,(34) where all renormalization constants Zaare the functions of four independent quantities Z1−4: Z1=Zφ, Z u=Zζ=Z−1 A=Z−1 2, Z mZφ=Z3, Z 4=ZgZ2 φ, (35) which can be calculated within the framework of diagram tech nique. We chose the simplest form of subtraction scheme, where the divergences are prese nted as the bare poles in ǫ(so called ”minimal subtraction scheme”); µ≃1/lpis the renormalization mass parameter, g, ζ, m anduare renormalized analogies of the bare parameters g0, ζ0, m0andu0, Za=Critical Behavior... 14 Za(g, ǫ, u, d ) are the renormalization constants. Due to gauge invarianc e of the theory the terms breaking the gauge symmetry are not renormalized, and they do not require counterterms, [4]. The renormalized correlation function sWRmeet the relation WR(g, u, µ )ZNφ φZNA A=W(g0, u0) (36) in which WRare UV-finite functions (they are finite in the limits ǫ→0) for fixed param- etersa. The RG equations are written for the functions WRwhich differ from the initial W only by normalization and then can be used equally validly fo r critical scaling analysis. To derive these equations one notes that the requirement of eli minating singularities does not determine the functions e0=e0(e, ǫ), e={g, u, m },uniquely because of the value of µ is not fixed by any physical condition. Variation of µfor fixed values of bare parameters e0leads to variations of eand renormalization constants (35). Following the standar d notation, we denote by Dµthe differential operator µDµfor fixed e0. Applying it on both sides of (32) leads to the basic RG equation, [8]: [Dµ+βg∂g+βu∂u−γmDm2]WR= 0, (37) where we have used Dx≡x∂xfor any parameters of the renormalized theory; for any Zi γi≡DµlnZi, β α≡Dµα, α ≡ {g, u,}, i≡ {g, u, ζ, m, φ, A }. (38) These identities determine the β-functions of the theory considered, βg=−g[2ǫ+γg], β u=−u2/bracketleftbigg 2ǫ+1 2γu/bracketrightbigg (39) and the anomalous dimensionalities γi.One calculates the renormalization constants Z1−4 from the diagrams of perturbation theory (these calculatio ns are completely analogous to the relevant computations in f4-theory of the critical phenomena theory, [4]) and then, using (38), γi−andβα-functions. By the way, all γ−andβ−functions are constructed as series in gandu,and the functions γido not depend on ǫ.Furthermore, the relations between renormalization constants (35) lead to analogous r elations for γα: γg=γ4−2γ1, γ u=−γ2. (40) We have computed the relevant renormalization constants up to the second order diagrams of perturbation theory. These computations are pretty stan dard, so that we just bring about the results for γifor the three dimensions, γ1=1 6g′2+u′2, γ 2= 6u′2, γ 3=g′2+ 6u′2, γ 4= 6g′2+7 3g′+ 4u′, (41)Critical Behavior... 15 where g′=g/16π2andu′=u2/16π2.From (41) one obtains the explicit expressions for theγ-functions of fields and the mass: γφ=1 6g2+u′2, γ A= 6u′2, γ m=−g′−2 3u′+5 6g′2+ 5u′2. (42) Substituting (41) into (40) and (39), we obtains the express ions for the β−functions: βu=−u′/bracketleftBig 2ǫ−6u′2/bracketrightBig , β g=−g′/bracketleftbigg 2ǫ+7 3g′+ 4u′+17 3g′2−2u′2/bracketrightbigg . (43) Eight fixed points of the RG transformation are determined by the system of equations βα(g′∗, u′∗) = 0. A fixed point is stable with respect to large-distance as ymptotics if the matrix ωij≡∂iβjis a positively defined matrix at the fixed point. Fixed points and their stability regions with respect to the large-distance asymp totics are collected in the Tab. 1. The fixed point N4 corresponds to the asymptotic behavior of the scalar φ4model of critical phenomena, [7]. In the model discussed it is unst able due to scalar potential coupling to the vector potential field A. For the ”physical” value of the parameter 2 ǫ= 4−dthe point N3 is the only stable fixed point. The fixed point N7 would be stable close to the four dimensions also. The large-distance asymptotic behavior of water response in three dimensions is then governed by the fixed point N3. The inequality 0 < ǫ < 3 determines the relevant basin of attraction in space dimens ionality. In the framework of RG-approach the physical degrees of free dom are replaced by the scaling degrees including anomalies. In particular, the sc aling functions are obtained in the form of the power series in gandu. Asymptotically, these coupling constants are replaced by their values in fixed points of RG-transformatio n. The critical indices in the 4−2ǫexpansion are obtained from the γ−functions (42) with replacement of ganduby g∗andu∗also. By the way, the properties of scaling degrees of freedo m (see Tab.1) yield some qualitative conclusions on the physical properties of the model. From the data of Tab.1 it follows that for N3 the scaling degrees of freedom related to the φ4−coupling vanish ( g∗= 0) in three dimensions. Thus, all diagrams proportional togare vanished in the symmetrical phase of (30), however, no on e correlation function becomes trivial. Considering the theory in three dimension s, one can eliminate the scalar wave mode coupling term gφ4from the action (30), since in case of m2>0 it does not contribute to the large-distance asymptotics of water resp onse. One can say that three dimensional dynamics of an inviscid incompressible fluid in volved in eddy motion has somewhat short of physical degrees of freedom to allow the co upling between the different scalar wave modes. N7 in Tab.1 gives us an evidence that the both coupling mechani sm introduced in (30) are of equal importance in four dimension s.Critical Behavior... 16 Choosing the certain fixed point of RG-transformation ( i.e.,N3), we neglect all cou- plings between various wave modes in benefit for the certain o ne which is responsible for vorticity conservation (25) in the large-distance limi t. This conclusion expresses ex- actly that additional assertion which we have needed to comp lete the phenomenological description of the problem of coupling water to the O(3)−symmetrical perturbation. 5 Solution of RG-Equations. Critical Scaling and Asymptotics for Pair Correlation Functions In the present Section we derive the solutions of RG different ial equations (37) for Dφ andDA. The use of standard dimensional counting supplied by (35) a nd (42) leads to the following expressions for the one-dimensional spectra of t he theory: Dφ(s)≃s→0s2−d+ηφfφ(s, g, u2, z), D A(s)≃s→0s2−d+ηAfA(s, g, u2, z). (44) The functions fφandfAof dimensionless arguments: s=klp, z≡m2r1/ν, ηφ=d−2+γφ =d−2 +ǫ/3, ηA=d−2 +γA=d−2 + 2ǫ,and 1/ν= 2 + γm= 2−2ǫmeet the RG-equations of the type (37) which allow to find out their sca ling asymptotics ( s→0). Here we note that for ǫr= 1/2 the asymptotics (44) for DAmeets the phenomenological result (11). The spectrum for Dφcannot be predicted from the bare dimensional counting and is justified within the framework of developed RG method. We have pictured these spectrum out in Fig. 4. Being the solutions of RG-equations, the functions fφandfAare to be the arbitrary functions of the first integrals of (37). The number of first in tegrals is one less than the number of arguments of fin (44), and they can be founded from the system of equations ds s=d¯g βg(¯g,¯u)=d¯u βu(¯g,¯u), (45) supplied by some normalization conditions for ¯ gand ¯u.We use the standard one, ¯g(s= 1, g, u) =g,¯u(s= 1, g, u) =u. (46) At the fixed point N3 from (45) and (46) one obtains the asymptotic solutions for fφ(s, g, u2, z) and fA(s, g, u2, m2r1/ν): fφ(s, g, u) =/parenleftBiggs2ǫ¯u2 u2/parenrightBiggηφ Fφ(1,¯u2,¯z), (47) and fφ(s, g, u) =/parenleftBiggs2ǫ¯u2 u2/parenrightBiggηA FA(1,¯u2,¯z), (48) the scaling functions FφandFAare not fixed by the RG-equations and calculated usually in the framework of diagram technique.Critical Behavior... 17 6 Short Distance Expansion. On the Possible Cor- rections to Critical Spectra in the region mr→0 Generally speaking, the existence of fixed points of RG-tran sformation does not guarantee that the critical asymptotics (44) do have place in the real s ystem. As we have mentioned above, there would be another IR-divergences in the scaling functions FφandFAwhich are not handled by RG and, in principle, can modify the large- distance asymptotics close to the region m0≪k. By the way, for m0/k→0,the critical dimensions are not sufficient to derive a conclusion on the long-range asymptotic behavio r. To investigate the model (30) with m2>0 in the region m0≪kin details we use a Short Distance Expansion method following [8]. The short distance expansions of scaling functions FφandFAin (47) and (48) provides us by an asymptotic relation of the form F(1, mr) = 1 +/summationdisplay ici(r)m∆[Oi], (49) where ∆[ Oi] are the critical dimensions of all possible statistical mo menta (the arbitrary products of fields and their derivatives averaged with respe ct to one point) of various quantities of the theory (30). In language of the modern crit ical phenomena theory such statistical momenta is called as composite operators i n analogy with the well-known objects in quantum-field physics. It is obvious that the RG-predicted spectra (44) are still se cure if for all operators ∆[Oi]>0. The most important contributions into (49) for mr→0 are those of the smallest ∆[ O]. In the framework of ǫ-expansion ∆[ O] =dO+O(ǫ),where dOis the canonical dimension of O,therefore, if ǫis small, the canonical dimension dOprovides the major contribution to ∆[ O]. That is why, in principle, to justify the scaling laws (44) , one can limit the checking of critical dimensions by the set o f operators with minimal canonical dimension d0.At the leading order we consider the critical dimensions of t he set of scalar quadratic operators with dO= 1:O1=φ2(x) and O2=A2(x). The certain critical dimensions are assigned to some linear combinations of the opera- torsO1andO2which still invariant in process of renormalization. The ba sis of renormal- ized composite operators are related to that one of non-reno rmalized operators through the renormalization matrix Ziksuch that Fi=ZikFR k, [7]. In principle, the calculation of matrix elements requires the analysis of diverging part of p erturbation theory diagrams, however, the use of gauge symmetry consequences facilitate s computations of the elements Ziksubstantially. Since O1is a gauge invariant operator, but O2is not, the relevant Ward identities [4] prove the triangle structure for Zik:Z22= 1, Z21= 0.One can say thatCritical Behavior... 18 the non-invariant operator O2does not contribute into scaling degrees of freedom of the gauge invariant theory, as well as it does not admix to the gau ge invariant operator O1in process of renormalization. Furthermore, we need not compute diagrams to determine the e lement Z11.Acting by the differential operation ∂m2onto the partition functional of renormalized theory (whic h is, obviously, finite with respect to the limit ǫ→0), we obtain the following finite object /an}b∇acketle{tZ3φ2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(x), (50) the finiteness of (50) leads to the relation Z11=Z−1 3Zm=Zφ. In principle, (50) give us enough information to compute the complete set of critical dimensions of the considered statistical momenta. Since Zikpossesses a triangle structure, exactly the diagonal elements Zkkgive the relevant anomalous correction: γ11=γφ=ǫ 3, γ 22= 0. (51) Both linear combinations of O1andO2which have the definite scaling dimensions are also found unambiguously: C1=O1,∆[O1] = 1 +ǫ 3, C2=O1+aO2,∆[O2] =dO= 1.(52) The only reason that we need to compute diagrams of perturbat ion theory for the element Z12is to determine the value of a; this calculation gives a= 2 (this result is exact, i.e.,it still valid for any value of ǫ) Forǫ >0 the most important contribution to (49) is provided by C2:∼m, and as it is obvious, this contribution does not alter the scaling laws ( 44). The result (52) means that in the region mr→0 the scaling laws (44) are still secure as the universal char acteristics of the theory. 7 Spectrum of Energy The proposed model provides a broad spectrum of practical re sults which can be com- pared with experimental data. We now compute the one-dimens ional spectrum of energy of the fluid, E(r/lp),versus the dimensionless distance apart from the point of lo cal per- turbation. As we have shown in the Introduction, the result o n this spectrum, in principle, can be derived from phenomenology, (12). However, the quest ion on justification of the phenomenological result (12) still remains, since the ener gy of perturbed fluid has two components, E(r/lp)≡1 2/an}b∇acketle{t(∂φ)2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp) +1 2/an}b∇acketle{tF2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp), (53)Critical Behavior... 19 which would have dramatically different asymptotic behavio r in the large-distance limit. By the way, (53) would provide us an example of description of a conserved integral quantity in terms of scaling degrees of freedom. The spectru m (53) is governed by the statistical momenta Eφ≡1 2/an}b∇acketle{t(∂φ)2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp) and EA≡1 2/an}b∇acketle{tF2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp) of the canonical dimen- siondE=d.To determine the relevant critical indices we apply the tric k which we have employed in the previous Section: Acting by the differential operations m2∂m2, g∂g, and u∂uonto the partition functional of renormalized theory we obt ain the following finite objects at the limit ǫ→0:   /an}b∇acketle{tZ3m2φ2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp), /an}b∇acketle{t[g∂gZ3]m2φ2+ [g∂gZ1] (Eφ+u2φ2A2) +1 3[4+g∂gZ4]gφ4/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp), /an}b∇acketle{t[u∂uZ3]m2φ2+ [u∂uZ1]Eφ+1 3[u∂uZ4]gφ4+1 2[u∂uZ2]EA+ + [2Z1−u∂uZ2]u2φ2A2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp).(54) Any linear combination of (54) is again finite at the limit ǫ→0,so that by means of simple arithmetic operations one can derive from (54) the st atements on finiteness for various linear combinations of statistical momenta includ ingEφandEA. Taking into account that the scaling degrees of freedom rele vant to scalar wave modes coupling are vanished in the large-distance limit ( i.e.,assuming g= 0 in (54)), we obtain from (54) the combination containing EφandEA: /an}b∇acketle{tX1Eφ+1 2X2EA/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(r/lp), (55) where we have introduced X1≡[u∂uZ1] and X2≡1 2[u∂uZ2]. In the framework of perturbation theory each of the coefficients Xi,as well as the momenta EφandEAhave poles in ǫ, and consequently each term in (55) separately is divergent ifǫ→0. The meaning of (55) is that all the poles in ǫare subtracted out in such a way that the linear combination in (55) has a definite limit for ǫ→0. The linear form (55) has two eigenvectors, V1=Eφ+X−1 1X2EA, V 2=EA+1 2X−1 2X1Eφ, (56) such that the poles in ǫofV1are subtracted out by those of X1, and the poles in ǫofV2 are eliminated completely by those in X2. By the way, γV1=−Dµln(u∂uZ1) =−ǫ/3 and γV2=−Dµln (u∂uZ2) =−2ǫ. For the real value ǫr= 1/2 the major contribution to the energy spectrum for the large-distance asymptotics, r/lp≫1,is provided by the combination from (56) of minimal critical dimension, i.e.,V2with ∆[V2] =d+γV2=d−1. (57)Critical Behavior... 20 Note, that ∆[ V1] =d+γV1=d−1/6.Furthermore, for ǫr= 1/2X−1 2X1= 2, and we have an explicit form for V1=Eφ+EA.The last step of the computation is to perform a Fourier transformation of the momentum asymptotics with t he index (57) into the real space{rl−1 p}. Bringing it about, we, finally, obtain a decaying profile (se e Fig.5), E(r/lp)∼/parenleftBigglp r/parenrightBigg4 (58) which meets the phenomenological result presented in the In troduction. 8 Conclusion The final conclusion is that in contrast with either the stati stical theory of waves (Za- kharov) or the theory of fully developed turbulence (Kolmog orov) the problem of coupling water to perturbation cannot be solved from phenomenology i n principle. The matter is that the relevant physical system contains too many redunda nt degrees of freedom. That is why to fix the statistically stable behavior in the system o ne needs to add some extra assumptions on the character of perturbation as well as on th e character of wave modes coupling. The problem of formulation of physically relevant hypothes es on wave modes coupling mechanism can be successfully solved by the use of various qu antum field theory techniques and RG method in particular. This approach allows, first, to i ntegrate over the redundant physical degrees of freedom, and, second, to investigate th e asymptotic properties of physical systems by means of analysis of their scaling degre es of freedom. As a result we have formulated the effective action functiona l which allows to un- derstand the water response for a local external perturbati on as a critical phenomenon. The critical system of water coupled to perturbation is subj ect to a ”phase transition” depending on the certain physical properties of perturbati on pulse. The results on the asymptotic behavior derived from the RG-a nalysis meet those of partial results which can be derived from phenomenology. 9 Acknowledgments One of the authors (D.V.) is grateful to L. Volchenkova for fr uitful discussions and checking of particular computations. ReferencesCritical Behavior... 21 [1] V. P. Krasitskii, J. Fluid Mech. 272, 1-20 (1994) [2] W. Diehl, S. Dietrich, Z. Phys. B ,42, 65 (1981); E. Br´ezin, S. Leibler, Phys. Rev. B ,27, 595 (1983); M. Yu. Nalimov, Teor. Mat. Phys. ,102, 163 (1995) [3] J. Collins, Renormalization (Cambridge, 1992) [4] J. Zinn-Justin Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (Clarendon, Oxford, 1990) [5] A.S. Monin, A.M. Yaglom, Statistical Fluid Mechanics (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975), Vol. 2. [6] A.S. Monin, V. P. 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The fixed points of the model NCoordinates {g′∗, u′∗} The stability region 1{0,0} ǫ <0 2/braceleftBig 0,/radicalBig ǫ/3/bracerightBig unstable 3/braceleftBig 0,−/radicalBig ǫ/3/bracerightBig 0< ǫ < 3 4/braceleftBig 2ǫ/3 + (2 ǫ)217 81,0/bracerightBig unstable 5/braceleftbigg −7 34/parenleftbigg 1 +/radicalbigg 1−816 49/parenleftBig ǫ/3 +/radicalBig ǫ/3/parenrightBig/parenrightbigg ,/radicalBig ǫ/3/bracerightbigg unstable 6/braceleftbigg −7 34/parenleftbigg 1 +/radicalbigg 1−816 49/parenleftBig ǫ/3−/radicalBig ǫ/3/parenrightBig/parenrightbigg ,−/radicalBig ǫ/3/bracerightbigg unstable 7/braceleftbigg −7 34/parenleftbigg 1−/radicalbigg 1−816 49/parenleftBig ǫ/3 +/radicalBig ǫ/3/parenrightBig/parenrightbigg ,/radicalBig ǫ/3/bracerightbigg 0< ǫ≤0.01 8/braceleftbigg −7 34/parenleftbigg 1−/radicalbigg 1−816 49/parenleftBig ǫ/3−/radicalBig ǫ/3/parenrightBig/parenrightbigg ,−/radicalBig ǫ/3/bracerightbigg 3< ǫ≤3.35Critical Behavior... 23 CAPTIONS FOR FIGURES FIGURE 1. The potential energy U(f) versus f.a.) For the case of m2>0 the large-distance expectation value of fis trivial; b.) In the asymmetric case m2<0 the classical minimum is degenerate. There are two (in principle, an infinite numbe r of) possible expectation values for f,±/radicalbigg |m2| gStarting from a given minimum, it is possible to describe all other minima by acting on the fwith the U(1) symmetry group. FIGURE 2. Symmetrical and asymmetric phases of the model with no coupl ing to vector potential A; a.) m2>0. The net large-scale momentum of the fluid outside the eddy w hich is formed around the perturbation region is equal to zero; b.) m2<0. The pressure pulse rises the net fluid current into outside. P/ne}ationslash= 0. FIGURE 3. The diagram series of functions Σ( p) in the f4-model in the critical phenomena theory. FIGURE 4. The one-dimensional spectra for the pair correlation funct ions of the theory versus the dimensionless wave number. FIGURE 5. The one dimensional energy spectrum E(r/lp) versus the dimensionless distance apart from the perturbation point.
arXiv:physics/9911004v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 3 Nov 1999Experimental Investigation of New Method of Energy Generation in Plasma Devices caused by Existence of Physical Space Global Anisotropy. Yu.A.Baurov1, G.A.Beda, I.P.Danilenko , V.P.Ignatko. Central Research Institute of Machine Building 141070, Korolyov, Moscow Region, Russia. ABSTRACT An experimental investigation of a new interaction connect ed with the existence of the cosmological vectorial potential, has been carried out. On its basis, a ne w method of energy generation with the use of a plasma generator, has been studied. The experime ntal results are presented. 1. Introduction In Refs. [1-8], a new interaction of the objects in nature, di fferent from four known interactions (the strong, weak, electromagnetic, an d gravitational ones), has been predicted. The new force is caused by the existence of th e cosmological vectorial potential Ag, a new fundamental vectorial constant appearing in the defin ition of byuons, new discrete objects (physical dimension of byuons are as of the electrical charge, magnetic flux, Dirac’s monopole - the same in CGSE sys tem). According to the hypothesis suggested in Refs. [1,7,8], in minimizati on of the potential energy of interaction between the byuons in the one-dimensional sp ace formed by them, the observable physical space as well as the world of element ary particles together with their properties, are arising. In this model, the masse s of the particles are proportional to the modulus of the summary potential AΣ, consisting of Agand the vectorial potentials of various magnetic sources as of n atural origin (the Earth’s and Sun’s potentials, etc.) so artificial ones (for example, the vectorial potentials A of magnetic fields of solenoids, plasma generators, etc.). The magnitude |AΣ|is always lesser then |Ag| ≈1.95×1011Gs·cm[1-8]. In distinction to the gauge theory (for example, the classic and quantum field theory), in the model of Refs. [1,7,8] the values of potentia ls acquire a physical meaning in tune with the known Aharonov’s-Bohm’s effect [9,1 0] being a special case of the space quantum properties described in Ref. [8]. The magnitude of the new force is F∼∆A∂∆A ∂x, where ∆ Ais the difference in changes of AΣbetween the points at which the sensor and test body are place d [1,7,8], xis the coordinate in space. According to the ground-based ex periments with high-current magnets [2-5], with a gravimeter and a mag net attached to it [11,12], the experiments on investigating the changes in β-decay rate of radioactive 1baurov@www.com 1elements [13,14], and the astrophysical observations [15- 17],Aghas the following estimated coordinates in the second equatorial system: the right ascension α≈270◦, the declination δ≈34◦. The new force ejects any substance from the region of diminis hed|AΣ|mainly in direction of Ag. The most effective angle between the vector A of a current sys tem and the vector Agis 150 ÷140◦[8]. In the investigations with high-current magnets (magnetic flux density up to 15T), the magnitude of the new force was equal to ∼(0.01÷0.08)gat the 30 gmass of the test body. It was shown in experiments with rotating ma gnetic discs and an engine-generator [18-20] that the magnitude of the force Fcan be considerably increased when to phase the motion of the body with the proces s of formation of the physical space from the byuons (i.e. the working body is boun d to change AΣby its potential Aand move in the direction of the vector Ag. Therewith its particles are to rotate in the proper side). In this case the energy will be extracted from the physical space through the elementary particles of the work ing body. The low of energy conservation in the system ”working body-physical s pace” will be obeyed. It is known that the main part ( ∼98%) of energy in the Universe is determined by the ”dark” (virtual) matter [21]. The model of Refs. [1,7,8] des cribes the phenomenon of the ”dark matter” quite satisfactorily. 2. The experimental installation and technique. To test the above said, a special stationary plasma generato r with linear discharge (see Fig.1) has been manufactured at the Central Research In stitute of Machinery. The plasma generator (1) (power ∼60kW, current I∼300A, voltage U∼220V) is arranged on a rotatable base and can be turned together wit h the whole instru- mentation through 320 degrees around the vertical axis (2) a nd through 90◦around horizontal axis. The plasma generator is water-cooled (3). As a working medium air (4) admixed with argon ( ∼1%) was used. A measuring tube from copper (6) of internal diameter 0 .8cmwas fastened to the plasma generator by means of a holder (5) at 8 cmfrom the nozzle exit section. The temperature of water drawi ng through the tube was ∼16◦C. The arrangement of the measuring tube relative to the plume (7) of the plasma generator is shown in Fig.1. In the center of the section of the measuring tube at the inlet and outlet of water, the junction s of Chromel-Alumel thermocouples (8) 0 .2mmin diameter were mounted. The percent change in tem- perature of junctions of thermocouples ∆ Twas fixed by a recorder with the accuracy class∼0.4%. The tape advance of 25 cmcorresponded to 1 mVof thermoelectrical voltage, i.e. to ∆ T≈25◦. The plasma generator current and voltage were read with an ac curacy of 1 .5% of the limiting values for the instruments used (750 Aand 500 V, respectively). The flow rate of water through the cooled measuring tube was fixed to wi thin 3% ( ∼60g/s). The mass velocity Vof particles in the plasma generator jet was equal to 120 m/s. The ionization coefficient in the jet was ∼0.1%. The initial experiments were 2performed in the following manner. First, a point in time was chosen at which the vector Agwas close to the horizontal plane. Further, the starting dir ection of plasma generator jet was set up at an arbitrary angle to the pr esumed direction of Ag. When the plasma generator was in the operating conditions a nd the readings from the thermocouples corresponded to a stationary regime (∆T=Const ), one began to turn the plasma generator in the horizontal plane to gether with the whole instruments around the vertical axis at ∼5◦a second. At this instant, the recorder fixed the value of the angle and the corresponding ∆ T. 3. The results of experiments. In Figs. 2 and 3 the results of two experiments carried out in F ebruary 10,1998, at 950, and in March 20, 1998, at 745(Moscow time), are shown. In the first of them the plasma generator was turned counterclockwise from some arbitrary angle. As is seen from Fig.2, a considerable increase in ∆ Treaching 40% of the stationary condition was observed close to an angle of 225◦. In Fig.3 we also see a substantial rise in ∆ T(∼20%) nearby 120◦÷150◦when turning the plasma generator clockwise beginning from another arbitrary angle. In the first experim ent, the turn angle of the plasma generator equal to 225◦corresponded to the angle α∼340◦of the maximum action of the new force. In the second experiment thi s maximum action corresponded to the average value α∼260◦. Because the angles of maximum action of the new force lie on the left and on the right of the vector Ag, and the force along the direction of Agitself is zero [8], the initial experiments have given the di rection ofAΣwith the coordinates α∼300◦, δ∼34◦(the vectors AgandAΣare almost parallel). Therewith the angle between the vector Aof the current in the plasma generator discharge and the vector Agfor maximum action of the new force was 140◦for the first and 130◦for the second experiments, respectively. 3In the second run of experiments carried out by day since June 29, till July 02,1998, the optimum angle βthe jet made to the horizontal plane, was sought because at that period the vector Agwas nearly horizontal only by nights. At β= 0 and when turning the plasma generator around the vertical axis through 320◦, the new force did not manifest itself at all. As the angle βwas spaced at 15◦ intervals, at β= 30◦the maximum inflection of the ∆ T- curve during rotation of the plasma generator around the vertical line was observed. In various experiments these inflections corresponded to the following coordinate s of the maximum action of the new force: α≈255◦,α≈340◦, and β≈30◦. That is, the coordinates of the vector Agpractically had not changed and were equal to α≈297◦andβ≈30◦. Altogether there were carried out more than 20 experiments i n 1998. All of them revealed (with an accuracy of ∼20◦) only two directions in space relative to the vector Agcorresponding to maximum ∆ T(see above). The summary statistic error including also random non-controllable processes (in the d ischarge of the plasma generator, in the flow of water nearly the thermocouples in th e measuring tube etc.) was equal to ∼15% in each individual experiment on determining ∆ T. The latter is clearly seen in Fig.2. It is necessary to note that this res ult was obtained not only in the experiments with rotation of the plasma generato r from an arbitrary angle but five months later as well (when the Earth turned thro ugh∼150◦about the Sun). In the course of the experiments, the bendings of wa ter and gas hoses 4were insignificant and did not influence the experimental res ult. The action of the Coriolis force was unimportant, too. It is interesting to no te that the results of experiments carried out in February 1998 and 1999 at the same days and hours, are qualitatively coincident (with an accuracy of ∼20% and with some common turn of the whole field of directions of the new force through ∼20◦). As in 1998, in 1999 also two directions of this force with a difference in α- coordinate equal to∼90◦, were prominent. For the experiments of February 1999, the c oordinates of the vector Agcalculated by the same procedure are α≈280◦andβ≈30◦. It should be pointed out that the manifestation of the new force on the left or the right ofAgwas accidental, i.e. we could not precisely predict when thi s force will be fixed by us in the process of turning the plasma generator: before o r after the passage of jet direction through the presumed direction of Ag. In roughly 30 experiments performed by us the force manifested itself after that passa ge approximately twice as frequently as before. In Fig.4 shown are (in the projection onto the plane of celest ial equator, δ= 0) the direction of action of the new force Fand that of the vector Ag, determined from ∆ Tchange in the plasma generator jet, for typical experiments performed in various day times and months of the year (the direction of the new force for other experiments are within the range of its direction shown in Fi g. 4). As is seen, the new force directions in space are obviously not accidental, two of them (indicated above) are prominent. 564. Addendum In the Central Research Institute of Machinery, the thermop hysical properties of constructional materials in the jet of a plasma generator with linear discharge 1MW in power, were investigated for more than ten years. In some i nstances, while estimating the heat content of the jet with the aid of a l ocal calorimeter, a considerable excess of energy released in the jet above the e nergy taken from the power source, was observed at fixed operating parameters of t he plasma generator (I= (500 ÷1800)A;V= (3000 ÷3500)m/s). The results of estimation of the total energy at the output of the plasma generator were obtained by way of computations. In three last experiments (two of them were carried out in Oct . 22, 1992, at 1430,1500, and one was in Apr. 22, 1994, at 1500), integral calorimetric measurements in the jet of the 1 MWplasma generator were fulfilled by means of a non-stationary calorimeter crossing the jet in a matter of 0.2 second. The du ration of stationary operation of the plasma generator was equal to 30 −40s, the error of measurements was∼ ±20%. The ratio of energy output W1to input W0equaled ∼1 in the experiments of 1992 but the measurements in 1994 have given W1/W0≈2 which was much more than the error of the experimental technique us ed. The latter fact also lent an impetus to conducting the above described exper iments with plasma generator. An analysis of spatial arrangement of the axis of plasma generator relative to the vector Aghas shown that in the experiments of 1992, the effect of increa sing energy in the jet was to be totally absent but in the experimen t carried out in 1994, by contrast, the plasma generator jet was just at the most effic ient angle ( ∼30◦) toAg. Therewith the angle between the vector A of the current of th e plasma generator and the vector Agwas equal to ∼150◦. Since 1976 till 1982 in the Research Center of High-Voltage E quipment (Moscow), a run of experiments was performed by V.P.Ignatko and others on investigation of alternating high current electric arc in the closed volume o f transformer oil in a unique experimental set-up having no analogues in the world . The root-mean-square current was varied through a range of 20 −130kAwith the amplitude values no more than 200 kA. The period of current oscillations was equal to 0 .02s, the duration of arc discharge was ∼1s. The electric set-up was made up of two shock-exited electric machine oscillators of TI-100-2 type in a double transformation circuit, and delivered up to 12 kVof r.m.s. no-load voltage. The oil of volume (0 .6÷1)m3 was inclosed in a vertical cylindric tank from steel ∼3min height and ∼1min diameter weighing about 7 t. The arc burned in oil between hemispheric copper electrodes 7 cmin diameter initially placed (0 .5÷5)cmapart in the middle plane of the cylinder between its bottom and cover. The current, volt age, power and energy of the arc, pressure at various points of the experimental mo del, and deformations of the whole construction investigated, were measured. The pr ocess was filmed. More than 100 experiments were carried out. In some of them ( ∼8) anomal phenomena were observed - a tendency to current suppression without ap parent reasons for that. So, in an experiment in Oct. 7, 1976, at 2200, the current at its third and fifth half- 7periods decreased from 186 kAto 8.7kAand 3.3kA(i.e. tens times) until the arc decayed 0.05 second after. In a time of 0 .05s, 5.55MJof energy were transferred to the arc. That experiment was finished by an accident. Uncon trollable energy release in the arc took place, and the pressure in the vertica l direction was built up to 120 atmwhich terminated in deflection of the cover of the cylinder (8 cmin thickness) by 1cm and emergence of a crack of width up to 0 .2cm. An analysis of the process have shown that the energy released in the arc t urned out to be about an order higher than the expenditure of energy. The exp eriment performed in June 10, 1982, at 2035, in which the arc current equaled 38 .5kA, the energy imparted accounted for 31 .2MJ, the initial gap between the electrodes was equal to ∼2cm(these are common, far from limiting parameters for the set u p in question), led to an explosion. The seven-tonne cylinder broke away fro m screw anchors and rose up having destroyed the ceiling. Examination of deform ations occurred and estimation, on their basis, of arc energy by a joint commissi on have shown that there were released in the arc 10-100 times more energy than w as communicated to it. The government commission could not find reasons for the a ccident in the limits of existing physical and chemical knowledge. Analysis of sp atial arrangement of the center line of the set-up electrodes has led to a conclusion t hat in the latter case it made the most efficient angle with the vector Ag(for the action of the new force), and in the experiments of 07.10.76 the angle between that lin e andAgwas very close to the most efficient. The above mentioned phenomenon of abnor mal suppression of current, inexplicable on the basis of the existing electric al engineering and physics, also can be explained by the action of the new force. Thus the material of the present paper and the whole complex o f investigations of properties and characteristics of the new force as well as of the global anisotropy of space due to existence of the vector Ag, testify that we have detected a new source of energy connected to the energy of the physical space. This energy can be used with the aid of various current-carrying systems acting by p otentials on elementary particles through which the energy comes to us. Acknowledgments The authors are sincerely grateful to the academicians A.M. Prokhorov, S.T.Belyaev, V.F.Utkin, N.A.Anfimov, G.E.Losino-Losinsk y for support of the work and useful discussions, as well as to A.A.Rukhadze, I.B.Tim ofeev, V.B.Fyodorov, Yu.L.Sokolov and many other participants of scientific semi nars at the Institute of General Physics of RAS, Moscow State University and Scienti fic Center ”Kurcha- tovsky Institute” for fruitful discussions and useful advi ces. 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arXiv:physics/9911005v1 [physics.chem-ph] 3 Nov 1999Optimizationofquantum Monte Carlowavefunctions using an alyticalenergy derivatives Xi Lin,HongkaiZhangandAndrewM.Rappe Department of Chemistryand Laboratory for Research onthe S tructure of Matter, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelp hia, PA19104 (November 6, 2012) An algorithm is proposed to optimize quantum Monte Carlo (QM C) wave functions based on Newton’s method and analytical computation of the first and second der ivatives of the variational energy. This direct application of the variational principle yields significan tly lower energy than variance minimization methods when applied to the same trial wave function. Quadratic conv ergence to the local minimum of the variational parameters is achieved. A general theorem is presented, whi ch substantially simplifies the analytic expressions of derivatives in the case of wave function optimization. To demonstrate the method, the ground state energies of the first-rowelements are calculated. I. INTRODUCTION Quantum Monte Carlo is a powerful method of solving the Schr¨ odinger equation. QMC treats many-bodycorrelation in an efficientandflexibleway,enablinghighlyaccuratestudies ofatoms,small moleculesandclusters.1–3A high-qualitytrial wave function is crucial to the calculation, since the trial func tion determines the ultimate accuracy one can achieve in var iational Monte Carlo (VMC) and fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo, and t rial function quality dramatically affects the efficiency o f the computation. Analgorithmwhichefficientlyandreliablyoptimizeswavef unctionsisacriticaltoolforVMCcalculations. Onestraig htfor- ward approach for improving the VMC wave function is to perfo rm energy minimization, in which the variational parameter s are altered with the goal of loweringthe expectationvalue o f the energy. This approachis complicatedin VMC because of t he uncertaintiesassociated with stochastic sampling. In ord er to determinewhether a new set of parametersyields a lower energy than the currentset, one needsto sample a large numberof con figurationsto ensure that the energydifferencebetween the two setsofparametersisactuallylargerthantheenergyerrorb ars. Correlatedsamplingmethodsarefrequentlyperformed toimprove theefficiencyofenergyminimization. Typically,the energ yiscalculatedusingidenticalsamplingpointsin configura tionspace fortwotrialwavefunctionswhichdifferbyasingleparamet er. Theprocessisrepeatedforeachparameter,andsteepest -descent techniques are commonly used for parameter updating.4This correlated sampling approach requires a significant am ount of memory (to store data for every sampling point) and the numer ical differentiation ∆E/∆crequires many extra evaluations of the local energy. For systems with a large number of paramete rs, numerical evaluation of the required derivatives becom es computationallyintractable. Analyticalenergyderivati vetechniquesareveryseldomusedincurrentVMCcalculatio ns. Wewill concentrateonthisinthefollowingsections. A successful alternative approach has been developed which focuses on lowering the variance of the local energy, /hatwideHΨ/Ψ.5 If the wave function Ψwere the exact ground eigenstate, the local energy would be a constant with a variance of zero. A majorstrengthofthevarianceminimizationapproachistha tthequantitytobeminimizedhasaminimumvaluewhichiskno wn a priori(unlike energy minimization). This idea has been implement ed in various ways and has recently become a nearly universalapproachin VMC wave functionoptimizations. Typ ically,one calculatesfirst derivativesof the local energy variance analytically. Steepest-descent techniques6,7or a combination of analytic first derivatives with approxim ate expressions for the secondderivativesarethenusedforwavefunctionvariance reduction(aleast-squaresfit).8–10Althoughvariancemethodshave the remarkable strength of an a prioriminimum value of zero, it is much harder to compute the first an d second derivatives of the variance analytically comparedto variational energ y methods. Therefore, approximate analytical derivatives beyond the first-orderareusedinrealcalculations,andtoourknowled gethevalidityoftheseapproximationshasnotbeendiscuss edwithin thescopeofVMCwavefunctionoptimization. Itisimportant topointoutthatthe“directionsets”minimum-searchingme thods, such as steepest-descent and conjugate gradient are not effi cient for wave function optimization in VMC, because these l ine- minimization techniques require at least one order of magni tude more evaluations of local energy along the search direc tions. Moreover, variance minimization is actually an indirect me thod, since a smaller variance does not necessarily corresp ond to a lowerenergy,andthemaingoalofvariationalmethodssucha sVMCisthelowest possibleupperboundtotheenergy. Correlatedsamplingcanbe used(insteadofanalyticderiva tives)tolowerthevarianceofthelocalenergy. Oneexcelle ntver- sionofthisideaisknownasthefixed-samplemethod.11Inthisapproach,thesamplingpointsfortheobjectivefunc tion(variance of the local energyin this case) are fixed duringthe optimiza tionprocedure,which makesit possible to reducestochasti c noise during the optimization. In addition, it has been observed f rom a few preliminary calculations that the number of configu ra- tions sufficient for parameter updating does not increase ra pidly with system size.11The use of very complex trial correlation 1functions has yielded highly accurate energies for a few firs t-row atoms.11,12However, this fixed-sample procedure can have problems if the variational parameters affect the nodes, si nce the density ratio of the current and initial trial wave fu nctions divergesfrequentlyintheareaaroundthenodesofthetrial wavefunction. Evenworse,thisdensityratioincreasesexp onentially with the size of the system.13Although manually setting an upper bound for the weights or i ntroducing a nodeless sampling probability density function can overcome the singulariti es in the fixed distribution14, a general and appropriate form for the positivedefinitefunctionsisstill unavailable. Inadditi on,thevariationalenergyfromfixed-samplecalculationsc anbesensitive tothe choiceofreferenceenergy,samplesize, andconverge ncecriteria.15 Themethodwepresentinvolvesupdatingthevariationalpar ameterstolowertheenergyexpectationvalue,guidedbythe force vectors and Hessian matrix of the variational energy with re spect to variational parameters. Generally it converges qu adrat- ically, making it more efficient than the steepest-descent o r quasi-Newton techniques employed in the variance minimiz ation procedure.6,8Inmost cases,the bestset ofparameterscanbeobtainedafte ronlyoneortwoiterations. Beginningwithan iden- ticaltrialwavefunctionandthesamevariationalparamete rs,thecorrelationenergiesobtainedfromourmethodaresi gnificantly betterthanresultsintheliterature.9Withthisapproach,wealsodemonstratetheabilitytooptim izeawavefunctionwithalarge numberofparameters. All ofthedataarecollectedandcompa redin SectionIV. II. VMCAND OPTIMIZATIONALGORITHM Variational Monte Carlo allows us to take our physical insig hts and construct a trial wave function ΨTcontaining a set of variational parameters {cm}. The parameters are varied with the goal of reducing the ener gy expectation value. In VMC, the truegroundstate energyisgivenbytheRaleigh-Ritzquotie nt: E0≤ET({cm}) =/integraltext Ψ∗ T({cm})/hatwideHΨT({cm})dτ/integraltext Ψ∗ T({cm})ΨT({cm})dτ = lim N→∞1 NN/summationdisplay α=1(EL)α, where EL≡/hatwideHΨT/ΨTis called the local energyand αis a configuration-spacepoint, visited with relative proba bilityΨ∗ TΨT, thedensityofthetrialwave functionat α. Ina boundmolecularsystemwithfixednuclei,the non-relati visticHamiltonian /hatwideH=−1 2/summationdisplay i∇2 i−/summationdisplay i,IZI riI+/summationdisplay i<j1 rij. has inversionsymmetry. (Note that capital letter subscrip ts refer to nuclei and lower–case letters refer to electrons .) Therefore, thetrueground-statewavefunctionofthisclassofHamilto niancangenerallybeconstructedwithoutanimaginarypart ,i.e., Ψ∗ T({cm}) = Ψ T({cm}). In this case, the expectation value of the energy and the first derivative of energy with respect to a variational paramete r can bewrittenas E=/integraltext Ψ/hatwideHΨdτ/integraltextΨ2dτ, ∂E ∂cm=1/integraltext Ψ2dτ/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay∂Ψ ∂cm/hatwideHΨdτ+/integraldisplay Ψ/hatwideH∂Ψ ∂cmdτ/parenrightbigg −1 /parenleftbig/integraltext Ψ2dτ/parenrightbig2/integraldisplay Ψ/hatwideHΨdτ/integraldisplay 2Ψ∂Ψ ∂cmdτ. (1) Because /integraldisplay∂Ψ ∂cm/hatwideHΨdτ=/integraldisplay Ψ/hatwideH∂Ψ ∂cmdτ, forrealwavefunctions,we simplifyEq. (1)andobtain 2∂E ∂cm=2/integraltext Ψ2dτ/integraldisplay Ψ2/parenleftBigg/hatwideHΨ Ψ/parenrightBigg/parenleftBigg∂Ψ ∂cm Ψ/parenrightBigg dτ −2 /parenleftbig/integraltext Ψ2dτ/parenrightbig2/integraldisplay Ψ2/hatwideHΨ Ψdτ/integraldisplay Ψ2∂Ψ ∂cm Ψdτ = lim N→∞2 NN/summationdisplay α=1/braceleftBig/parenleftBig EL×Ψ′ ln,m/parenrightBig α−E×/parenleftBig Ψ′ ln,m/parenrightBig α/bracerightBig , (2) wherewedefine Ψ′ ln,m≡∂ln Ψ ∂cm=∂Ψ ∂cm Ψ We notice that the finite sum for differenttermsperformedin the same configurationsamplingsin the formulaabovecan mak e moreefficientcomputationandreducethefluctuationsinthe senseofcorrelatedsampling. Similarly,onecancomputethesecondderivativesofvariat ionalenergywith respecttovariationalparametersas ∂2E ∂cm∂cn = lim N→∞2 NN/summationdisplay α=1/braceleftBig/parenleftBig EL×Ψ′′ ln,m,n/parenrightBig α−E×/parenleftBig Ψ′′ ln,m,n/parenrightBig α +2/bracketleftBig/parenleftBig EL×Ψ′ ln,m×Ψ′ ln,n/parenrightBig α−E×/parenleftBig Ψ′ ln,m×Ψ′ ln,n/parenrightBig α/bracketrightBig −/parenleftbigg Ψ′ ln,m×∂E ∂cn/parenrightbigg α−/parenleftbigg Ψ′ ln,n×∂E ∂cm/parenrightbigg α +/parenleftBig Ψ′ ln,m×E′ L,n/parenrightBig α/bracerightBig , where Ψ′′ ln,m,n=∂2ln Ψ ∂cm∂cn, and E′ L,n=∂EL ∂cn We perform a standard Metropolis walk with importance sampl ing for E and its first and second derivatives. This gives numericalvaluesfortheforcevector bandHessian matrix H,whicharedefinedas b=/parenleftbigg∂E ∂cm/parenrightbigg and H=/parenleftbigg∂2E ∂cm∂cn/parenrightbigg . Theparametersarethenupdatedaccordingto cnext=ccur−H−1·b untilconverged. Here ccurandcnextstandforthe currentandnextvaluesofthetrial parameters et respectively. 3III. THEOREMOFLOCALOBSERVABLEQUANTITYDERIVATIVE We now demonstrate that the expectation value of the first der ivative of the local value OL≡/hatwideOΨ/Ψof any Hermitian operator/hatwideOwithrespecttoanyrealparameter cinanyrealwavefunction Ψisalwayszero,i.e., lim N→∞1 NN/summationdisplay α=1/parenleftbigg∂OL ∂c/parenrightbigg α≡0. (3) Explicitly,thelefthandside ofEq. (3)is lim N→∞1 NN/summationdisplay α=1  ∂/parenleftBig/hatwideOΨ Ψ/parenrightBig ∂c   α=1/integraltext Ψ2dτ/integraldisplay Ψ2∂/parenleftBig/hatwideOΨ Ψ/parenrightBig ∂cdτ =1/integraltext Ψ2dτ/integraldisplay/bracketleftbigg Ψ/hatwideO∂Ψ ∂c−∂Ψ ∂c/hatwideOΨ/bracketrightbigg dτ = 0 This theorem explains the simplicity of Eq. (2): the first-or der change of expectation value with respect to a change of parameter comes only from the change of wave function and the Metropolis sampling weights, not from the change of the quantity(e.g. thelocal energy). IV.APPLICATIONSAND DISCUSSION Totesttheperformanceofthisnewanalyticenergyminimiza tionscheme,awell-knowntrialwavefunction,16,9isusedinthe calculations. Explicitly,thetrialwave functionisexpre ssedas ΨT=D↑D↓F F= exp /summationdisplay I,i<jUIij , UIij=NI/summationdisplay kckI/parenleftBig rmkI iIrnkI jI+rmkI jIrnkI iI/parenrightBig rokI ij, riI=bIriI 1 +bIriI, rij=dIrij 1 +dIrij, where D↑andD↓are the Hartree-Fockup-spin and down-spin Slater determin antsin a convergedSTO basis set,17andFis a positive correlation wave function. The mkI, nkIandokIare taken to be integers. All of the parameters ckI, bIanddIcan be optimizedtoobtainthe lowestenergy. Withourmethod,aconfigurationsizeconsistingof200,000s amplingpointsisnormallyenoughforsatisfactoryoptimiz ation forthefirst rowatoms. Typically,oneortwoiterationsare s ufficientforconvergence,requiringaboutfifty CPU hourson aSGI 90 MHz R8000 processor. Electronsare movedone by one with a t ime step chosen to maintain an acceptance ratio of 80%. In ordertogenerateone independent samplepoint,ablocksize oftwentysequentialstepsisused . To make a comparison with the variance minimization method, we choose the same set of nine parameters as Schmidt and Moskowitz9with all zeroes as initial values. We also obey their constra ints, enforcing the unlike-spin electron-electron cusp condition and setting bIanddIto unity. The optimized wave functionand energy are shown in Tables I and II. The calculated results with our method are noticeably better for all first-r ow elements, especially for the so-called 2s−2pnear-degeneracy atoms9,18Be, BandC. Approximately10%morecorrelationenergyisrec overedbyouranalyticenergyderivativemethod. To demonstratethe powerofouranalyticenergyminimizatio napproachmorefully,we optimizea forty-twoparameterwav e function, starting from the nine-parameter trial function discussed above. We use all terms with m+n≤4combined with o≤3,m=n= 0witho= 4, and all terms with m+n >4andm≤4,n≤4witho= 0. The same cusp, bIanddI constraintswere obeyed. 4TABLE I. Optimizedground state wave function andvariation al energy(witherrorbar andcorrelationenergy percentage ) for atoms He to C. m n o He Li Be B C 0 0 1 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 0 0 2 -0.0094564 0.0143877 0.1977687 0.0594379 -0.1413218 0 0 3 0.1214671 0.2761786 -0.8396261 -0.6320118 -0.1285105 0 0 4 -0.1399809 -0.5225103 0.0634756 0.0444298 -0.2202719 2 0 0 0.2569693 -0.0625743 -0.3428204 -0.2402583 -0.126957 9 3 0 0 -0.1316968 0.1942677 1.3266686 1.0019282 0.5326180 4 0 0 -0.8487197 -0.5490759 -2.1688741 -1.8251190 -1.25662 10 2 2 0 -1.2608994 -0.5235010 -1.1187348 -1.0333565 -0.89187 71 2 0 2 0.8683429 0.6336047 2.1862056 1.9776332 1.6388292 Energy (Ha) -2.90322(3) -7.47498(5) -14.6413(2) -24.6206 (3) -37.8054(3) Correlation (%) 99 93 72 73 75 Energy(Ref9) (Ha) -2.9029(1) -7.4731(6) -14.6332(8) -24.6113(8) -37. 7956(7) Correlation(Ref9) (%) 98 89 64 66 68 Energy-42 (Ha) -2.903717(8) -7.47722(4) -14.6475(1) -24. 6257(1) -37.8116(2) Correlation-42 (%) 100 98 79 77 79 TABLE II. Optimizedground statewave functionand variatio nal energy(withanerror bar andcorrelationenergy percent age) foratoms N toNe. m n o N O F Ne 0 0 1 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 0 0 2 -0.2657443 -0.3727767 -0.4141830 -0.4715589 0 0 3 0.1906864 0.4670193 0.5988020 0.7230792 0 0 4 -0.4252186 -0.6653063 -0.7861718 -0.8802268 2 0 0 -0.0314994 0.0354552 0.0879260 0.0690328 3 0 0 0.2343842 0.1581261 -0.0123869 0.0270636 4 0 0 -0.9314224 -0.8723734 -0.6392097 -0.6689391 2 2 0 -0.9111045 -1.0736302 -1.1368462 -1.1774526 2 0 2 1.5219105 1.5985734 1.5418886 1.5606005 Energy (Ha) -54.5477(3) -75.0168(1) -99.6792(2) -128.883 2(1) Correlation (%) 78 80 84 86 Energy(Ref9) (Ha) -54.5390(6) -75.0109(4) -99.6685(5) -128.8771(5) Correlation(Ref9) (%) 73 78 80 85 Energy-42 (Ha) -54.5563(2) -75.0270(1) -99.6912(2) -128. 8910(2) Correlation-42 (%) 82 84 88 88 ItisalsointerestingtonotethatinarecentVMCcalculatio nforatomsBe,BandC,18theuseofadditionalSlaterdeterminants enabledtheauthorstorecoveranamountofcorrelationener gysimilartoours. Ourcurrentworkdemonstratesthatthis 2s−2p near-degeneracyeffectforthe first-rowatomsaccountsfor lessthan25%ofthecorrelationenergy. In a typicaloptimizationprocedurewith thisenergyderiva tivemethod,the energyvalueandits associatederrorbarde crease with the first (and possibly second) parameter moves. After t hat, the forcesare much smaller than their error bars, indic ating a localminimum. TableIIIshowsanexampleofthe carbonatom. However, rather than taking all zeroes as initial guess for v ariation parameters, if we start from Schmidt and Moskowitz ’s optimizedwavefunction,asmallerbutstillsharpdecrease occursatthefirstiteration. TakingtheatomB,forexample, afterone iteration,we obtainedabout7%morecorrelationenergy. As one can see fromFigs. 1-3,the energyderivativesare much smootherthan the energyitself. As a result, it is much easie r tofindtheparametervaluewhichgives dE/dc = 0thantolocatetheminimumfromenergydataalone. Asdiscuss edinSection III, the general theorem of the local value derivatives perm its reduction of noise associated with the energy derivativ es for a muchmoreefficientandreliablewavefunctionoptimization inVMC. Aftertheoptimization,theHessianmatrixisdiagonalized tocheckthepositivityoftheeigenvalues. Alloftheeigenv aluesare positiveorsmallnegativenumbers. ApositivedefiniteHess ianguaranteesalldownhillmovementtoreachareallocalmi nimum. Thenegativevaluesaremuchsmallerthantheirerrorbars,i ndicatingsearchdirectionswithtinypositivecurvature. 5TABLE III. Anoptimization procedure for atom C,withinitia lparameters as zeroes. Iteration Energy Error bar 0 -37.68745 0.00039 1 -37.80080 0.00013 2 -37.80945 0.00012 3 -37.80901 0.00011 4 -37.80918 0.00011 TABLE IV. Anoptimizationprocedure foratom B,withoptimiz ed initialvalues from Ref9. Iteration Energy Error bar 0 -24.61109 0.00027 1 -24.62044 0.00028 2 -24.62058 0.00029 3 -24.62043 0.00028 4 -24.62083 0.00028 V.CONCLUSIONS We have explored a new method to optimize wave functions in VM C calculations. This method is a direct application of energyminimization. It is very efficient, givingquadratic convergence,and it is straightforwardlyapplicableto sys tems having alargenumberofparameters. Indirectcomparisonsusingid enticaltrialwavefunctions,thecurrentmethodyieldssig nificantly lowerenergyexpectationvaluesthanareachievedwith vari anceminimizationforallfirst-rowatoms. 1B.L.Hammond, W.A.Lester,Jr.and P.J.Reynolds, Monte CarloMethods inAbInitioQuantum Chemistry (WorldScientific,Singapore, 1994). 2K.Raghavachari, and J.B.Anderson, J. Phys.,Chem. 100, 12960, (1996). 3D.M.Ceperley,andL.Mitas,in AdvancesinChemicalPhysicsVol.XCIII ,editedbyI.PrigogineandS.A.Rice(JohnWiley&Sons,1996 ) 4S.Huang, Z.Sun, and W.A.Lester,Jr., J. Chem.Phys. 92, 597 (1990). 5J.H. Barlett, Phys. 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Galvez and E.Buendia, J. Chem.Phys. 109, 3346 (1998). 6-14.642-14.641-14.640-14.639-14.638-14.637-14.636-14.635-14.634-14.633 -2.4-2.35 -2.3-2.25 -2.2-2.15 -2.1-2.05 -2-1.95 -1.9Energy (Hartree) c4,0,0 FIG. 1. Energyminimization : energies and errorbars forthe Be atom, as parameter for m= 4,n= 0,o= 0, isvaried. -0.10-0.08-0.06-0.04- -2.4-2.35 -2.3-2.25 -2.2-2.15 -2.1-2.05 -2-1.95 -1.9dE dc4,0,0 c4,0,0 FIG. 2. Energyminimization: first-derivative of the energy withrespect tothe same parameter as Fig. 1. 0.500.520.540.560.580.600.620.640.660.68 -2.4 -2.3 -2.2 -2.1 -2 -1.9c4,0,0d2E dc4,0,02 FIG. 3. Energyminimization: second-derivative of the ener gy withrespect tothe same parameter as Fig. 1. 7TABLE V. Optimized ground state wave function andvariation al energy(withanerror bar and correlationenergy percenta ge) for atoms N toNe. m n o N O F Ne 0 0 1 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 0 0 2 -0.2657443 -0.3727767 -0.4141830 -0.4715589 0 0 3 0.1906864 0.4670193 0.5988020 0.7230792 0 0 4 -0.4252186 -0.6653063 -0.7861718 -0.8802268 2 0 0 -0.0314994 0.0354552 0.0879260 0.0690328 3 0 0 0.2343842 0.1581261 -0.0123869 0.0270636 4 0 0 -0.9314224 -0.8723734 -0.6392097 -0.6689391 2 2 0 -0.9111045 -1.0736302 -1.1368462 -1.1774526 2 0 2 1.5219105 1.5985734 1.5418886 1.5606005 Energy (Ha) -54.5477(3) -75.0168(1) -99.6792(2) -128.883 2(1) Correlation (%) 78 80 84 86 Energy(Ref9) (Ha) -54.5390(6) -75.0109(4) -99.6685(5) -128.8771(5) Correlation(Ref9) (%) 73 78 80 85 Energy-42 (Ha) -54.5563(2) -75.0270(1) -99.6912(2) -128. 8910(2) Correlation-42 (%) 82 84 88 88 TABLE VI. Anoptimization procedure for atom C,withinitial parameters as zeroes. Iteration Energy Error bar 0 -37.68745 0.00039 1 -37.80080 0.00013 2 -37.80945 0.00012 3 -37.80901 0.00011 4 -37.80918 0.00011 TABLE VII. Anoptimization procedure for atom B,withoptimi zedinitialvalues from Ref9. Iteration Energy Error bar 0 -24.61109 0.00027 1 -24.62044 0.00028 2 -24.62058 0.00029 3 -24.62043 0.00028 4 -24.62083 0.00028 8-0.10-0.08-0.06-0.04- -2.4-2.35 -2.3-2.25 -2.2-2.15 -2.1-2.05 -2-1.95 -1.9dE dc4,0,0 c4,0,0 FIG. 4. Energyminimization: first-derivative of the energy withrespect tothe same parameter as Fig. 1. 0.500.520.540.560.580.600.620.640.660.68 -2.4 -2.3 -2.2 -2.1 -2 -1.9c4,0,0d2E dc4,0,02 FIG. 5. Energyminimization: second-derivative of the ener gy withrespect tothe same parameter as Fig. 1. 9
arXiv:physics/9911006v1 [physics.bio-ph] 4 Nov 1999Genetic Algorithms in Time-Dependent Environments Christopher Ronnewinkel, temporary address: Institut f¨ ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit¨ at Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, GermanyClaus O. Wilke and Thomas Martinetz Institut f¨ ur Neuro- und Bioinformatik, Universit¨ at L¨ ubeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-23538 L¨ ubeck, Germany Contact: ronne@neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de (to be published in the Proceedings of the 2nd EvoNet Summerschool , Natural Computing Series, Springer) November 2, 1999 Abstract The influence of time-dependent fitnesses on the infinite popu lation dynamics of simple genetic algorithms (without crossover) is analyz ed. Based on general arguments, a schematic phase diagram is constructed that al lows one to charac- terize the asymptotic states in dependence on the mutation r ate and the time scale of changes. Furthermore, the notion of regular changes is raised for which the population can be shown to converge towards a generalized quasispecies. Based on this, error thresholds and an optimal mutation rate are approximately calculated for a generational genetic algorithm with a movi ng needle-in-the- haystack landscape. The so found phase diagram is fully cons istent with our general considerations. Genetic algorithms ( GAs) as special instances of evolutionary algorithms have bee n established during the last three decades as optimization p rocedures, but mostly for static problems (see [1] for an overview and [2] for an in-dep th presentation of the field). In view of real-world applications, such as routing in data- nets, scheduling, robotics etc., which include essentially dynamic optimization prob lems, there are two alterna- tive optimization strategies. On the one hand, one can take s napshots of the system and search “offline” for the optimal solutions of the static si tuation represented by each of these snapshots. In this approach, the algorithm is resta rted for every snapshot and solves the new problem from scratch. On the other hand, the op timization algorithm might reevaluate the real, current situation in order to reu se information gained in the past. In this case, the algorithm works “online”. As can be ar gued from the analo- gies to natural evolution, evolutionary algorithms seem to be promising candidates for “online” optimization [1, 3]. The reevaluation of the situa tion or environment then introduces a time-dependency of the fitness landscape. This time-dependency occurs as external to the algorithm’s population and does not emerg e from coevolutive inter- actions. Coevolutive interactions as an alternative sourc e of time dependency in the fitness landscape are not within the scope of this work. 1In the last years, many different methods and extensions of st andard evolutionary algorithms for the case of time-dependent fitnesses have bee n analyzed on the basis of experiments (see [3] for a review) but only seldom on the basi s oftheoretical arguments (see [4, 5]). To take a step into the direction of a better theo retical understanding of “online” evolutionary algorithms, we will study the effects of simple time dependencies of the fitness landscape on the dynamics of GAs (without crossover), or more generally saying, of populations under mutation and probabilistic se lection. As we will see, it is possible to characterize the asymptotic states of such a sys tem for a particular class of dynamic fitness landscapes that is introduced below. The a symptotic state forms the basis on which it can be decided whether the population is able to adapt to, or track, the changes in the fitness landscape. Our mathematica l formalism applies to GAs as well as to biological self-replicating systems, since t he analyzed GAmodel and Eigen’s quasispecies model [6, 7, 8] in the molecular evolut ion theory (see [9] for a recent review) are very similar. Hence, all introduced conc epts for GAs are valid and relevant in analogous form for molecular evolutionary syst ems. In the following section, we will introduce the model to be an alyzed and show the correspondence to the quasispecies model. Then, we will int roduce the mathematical framework, based on which we will formally characterize the asymptotic state as fixed point. After presenting the main concepts, we will proceed w ith the construction of a phase diagram that allows to characterize the order found in the asymptotic state for different parameter settings. Finally, a moving needle-in- the-haystack ( NiH) landscape is analyzed and its phase diagram, including the optimal mut ation rate, is calculated. 1 Mathematical Framework In order to study the influence of a time-dependent fitness lan dscape on the dynamics of a genetic algorithm ( GA), we consider GAs to be discrete dynamical systems. A detailed introduction to the resulting dynamical systems model is gi ven by Rowe [10] (in this book). Here, we will only shortly introduce the basic concep ts and the notations we use within the present work. TheGAis represented as a generation operator G(m) tacting on the space Λ mof all populations of size mfor some given encoding of the population members. If we choose the members ito be encoded as bit-strings of length l, this state space is given by Λm={(n0, . . . , n 2l−1)/m|/summationtext ini=m, n i∈ /C60}, where nidenotes the number of bit-strings in the population, which a re equal to the binary representation of i∈ {0, . . . ,2l−1}. The generation operator maps the present population onto th e next generation, x(t+ 1) = G(m) t[x(t)]. This is achieved by applying a sampling procedure that draws the members of the next generation’s population x(t+1) according to their expected concentrations /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tx(t+1)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht ∈ Λ∞which are defined by the mixing [10, 11] and the selection sche me. For an infinite population size, the sampling acts like the identity result ing in G(∞) tx(t) =x(t+ 1) = /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tx(t+ 1)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht. 2Hence, Gt:=G(∞) trepresents in fact the mixing and selection scheme. For finit e population size, /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tx(t+ 1)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht ∈Λ∞is approximated by using the sampling process to obtain x(t+ 1)∈Λm. The deviations thereby possible become larger with decrea sing mand distort the finite population dynamics as compared to the infinite population case. This results in fluctuations and epoch formation as sho wn in [10, 11, 12]. In the following, we will consider the infinite population limi t, because it reflects the exact flow of probabilities for a particular fitness landscap e. In a second step, the fluctuations and epoch formation introduced by the finitenes s of a real population can be studied on the basis of that underlying probability flow. The generation operator is assumed to decompose into a separ ate mutation and a separate selection operator, like Gt=M·S(t), (1) where the selection operator S(t) contains the time dependency of the fitness land- scape. Crossover is not considered in this work. Inspired by molecular evolution, and also by common usage, w e assume that the mutation acts like flipping each bit with probability µ. If we set the duration of one generation to 1, µequals to the mutation rate. The mutation operator then take s on the form M=/parenleftbigg1−µ µ µ1−µ/parenrightbigg⊗l , i. e. Mij=µdH(i,j)(1−µ)l−dH(i,j), where ⊗denotes the Kronecker (or canonical tensor) product and dH(i, j) denotes the Hamming distance of iandj. To keep the description analytically tractable, we will foc us on fitness-proportionate selection, S(t)·x=F(t)·x/slashbig /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf(t)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htx,where F(t) = diag/parenleftbig f0(t), . . . , f 2l−1(t)/parenrightbig and/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf(t)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htx=/summationtext ifi(t)xi=/⌊ard⌊lF(t)·x/⌊ard⌊l1. This will already provide us with some insight into the gener al behavior of a GAin time-dependent fitness landscapes. Since the GAcorresponding to Eq. 1 applies mutation to the current popul ation and selects the new population with complete replacement of the current one, it is called agenerational GA(genGA ). In addition to genGA s,steady-state GAs (ssGAs) with a two step reproduction process are also in common use: First, a small fraction γof the current population is chosen to produce mγmutants according to some heuristics. Second, another fraction γof the current population is chosen to get replaced by those mutants according to some other heuristics (see [14, 15, 16] and references therein). We can include ssGAs into our description in an approximate fashion by simply by passing a fraction (1 −γ) of the population into the selection process without mutat ion, whereas the remaining fraction γgets mutated before it enters the selection process. The generation operator then reads Gt= [(1−γ) /BD+γM]S(t). (2) By varying γwithin the interval ]0 ,1], we can interpolate between steady-state be- havior ( ssGA) forγ≪1 and generational behavior ( genGA ) forγ= 1. Equation 2 is 3only an approximation of the true generation operator for ssGAs because the heuristics involved in the choice of the mutated and replaced members ar e neglected. But in the next section, the heuristics are expected to play a minor rol e for our general conclusion on an inertia of ssGAs against time-variations. At this point, we want to review shortly the correspondence o f ourGAmodel with the quasispecies model, extensively studied by Eigen and co workers [6, 7, 8] in the context of molecular evolution theory (see also [13] in this book). The quasispecies model describes a system of self-replicating entities i(e. g. RNA-, DNA-strands) with replication rates fiand an imperfect copying procedure such that mutations occu r. For simplicity reasons, the overall concentration of molec ules in the system is held constant by an excess flow Φ( t). In the above notation, the continuous model reads ˙x(t) = [M·F(t)−Φ(t)]x(t), (3) where the flux needs to equal the average replication, Φ( t) =/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf(t)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htx(t), in order to keep the concentration vector x(t) normalized. This model might then be discretized viat→t/δt, which unveils the similarity to a ssGA: x(t+ 1) =/bracketleftbig (1−δt/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf(t)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htx(t)) /BD+δt M·F(t)/bracketrightbig x(t) for δt≪1. (4) By comparison with Eq. 2, we can easily read off that γ=δt/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf(t)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htx(t)=:γx(t). This means a low (resp. high) average fitness leads to a small (resp . large) replacement – a property that is not wanted in the context of optimization pr oblems, which GAs are usually used for, because one does not want to remain in a regi on of low fitness for a long time. Another difference to ssGAs is the fact that in the continuous Eigen model, selection acts only on the mutated fraction of the populatio n – although this leads only to subtle differences in the dynamics of ssGAs and the Eigen model. Equation 3 is commonly referred to as ‘continuous Eigen mode l’ in the literature, because of the continuous time, and Eq. 4 is simply its discre tized form which can be used for numerical calculations. Nonetheless, the notio n ‘discrete Eigen model’ is seldom used for Eq. 4 but it is often used for the genGA , x(t+ 1) = [ M·S(t)]x(t), (5) in the literature. This stems from the identical asymptotic behavior of Eqs. 4 and 5 for static fitness landscapes. However, there are difference s for time-dependent fitness landscapes, as we will see in the following two sections. 2 Regular Changes and Generalized Quasispecies In the case of a static landscape, the fixed points of the gener ation operator, which are in fact stationary states of the evolving system (if cont ained within Λ m, see [10]), can be found by solving an eigenvalue problem, because of x=Gx⇐⇒ MFx=/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htxx. (6) Letλiandvidenote the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of MFwith descending order λ0≥ · · · ≥ λ2l−1and/⌊ard⌊lvi/⌊ard⌊l1= 1. For µ/ne}ationslash= 0,1 the Perron-Frobenius theorem assures 4the non-degeneracy of the eigenvector v0to the largest eigenvalue and moreover it assures v0∈Λ∞. Often, v0is called Perron vector. After a transformation to the basis of the eigenvectors {vi}it can be straightforwardly shown that x(t) converges tov0fort→ ∞. The population represented by v0was called the ‘quasispecies’ by Eigen, because this population does not consist of only a sin gle dominant genotype, or string, but it consists of a particular stable mixture of d ifferent genotypes. Let us now consider time-dependent landscapes. If the time d ependency is intro- duced simply by a single scalar factor, like F(t) =F ρ(t) with ρ(t)≥0 for all t, it immediately drops out of the selection operator for GAs. For the continuous Eigen model, we note that the eigenvectors of F(t) and Fare the same and that λi(t) = λiρ(t). Since ρ(t)≥0, which is necessary to keep the fitness values positive, the order of the eigenvalues remains, such that MF(t) will show the same quasispecies v0asMF. Contrasting to that special case, a general, individual ti me dependency of the string’s fitnesses does indeed change the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of MF(t) compared to MF. For an arbitrary time dependency the Perron vector is const antly changing, and therefore, we cannot even define a unique asymp totic state. However, this problem disappears for what we call regular changes. After having established a theory for such changes, we can then take into account more an d more non-regular ingredients. What do we mean by “ regular change”? We define it heuristically in the following way: a regular change is a change that happens with fixed duration τand obeys some deterministic rule that is the same for all change cycles. Let us express the latter more formally and make it more clear what we mean by “sa me rule of change”. Within a change cycle, we allow for an arbitrary time depende ncy of the fitness, up to the restriction that two different change cycles must be conn ected by a permutation of the sequence space. Thus, if the time dependency is chosen for one change cycle, e. g. the first change cycle starting at t= 0, it is already fixed for all other cycles, apart from the permutations. We will represent permutations πfrom the permutation group S2lof the sequence space as matrices (Pπ)ij=δπ(i),jfori, j∈ {0, . . . ,2l−1}. The permutations of vectors xand matrices Aare obtained by (Pπx)i=xπ(i)and ( PπAPT π)i,j=Aπ(i),π(j), where PT πdenotes the transpose of Pπwith the property PT π=Pπ−1=P−1 π. In reference to the first change cycle, we define the fitness lan dscape F(t) as being single-time-dependent , if and only if for each change cycle n∈ /C60there exists a permutation πn∈S2l, such that for all cycle phases ϕ∈ {0, . . ., τ −1} PnF(ϕ+nτ)PT n=F(ϕ) (abbreviatory Pn:=Pπn). We will call each permutation Pnajump-rule , or simply rule, which connects F(ϕ+nτ) andF(ϕ). To make predictions about the asymptotic state of the syst em, we need to relate the generation operators of different change cycle s to each other. This is 5readily achieved if the permutations Pncommute with the mutation operator M. The condition for this being the case is that for all i, j, Mij=Mπn(i),πn(j)or equivalently dH(i, j) =dH/parenleftbig πn(i), πn(j)/parenrightbig . Thus, the Hamming distances dH(i, j) need to be invariant under the permutations Pn. Geometrically this means that the fitness landscape gets “t ranslated” or “rotated” by those permutations without changing the neighborhood re lations. Then, we find for arbitrary n∈ /C6andϕ∈ {0, . . . , τ −1}, Gϕ+nτ=PT nGϕPn. (7) To study the asymptotic behavior of the system, it is useful t o accumulate the time dependency of a change cycle by introducing the τ-generation operators, Γn:=Gτ−1+nτ· · ·Gnτfor all n∈ /C60. Because of Eq. 7, all these operators are related to Γ 0by Γn=PT nΓ0Pn, This property allows us to write the time evolution of the sys tem in the form x(ϕ+nτ) =PT n−1Γ0Pn−1· · ·PT 1Γ0P1Γ0x(ϕ), (8) where ϕ∈ {0, . . . , τ −1}denotes in the following always the phase within a cycle. Let us consider the special case of a single rule Pbeing applied at the end of each change cycle, which results in Pn= (P)n, e. g. imagine a fitness peak that moves at a constant “velocity” through the string space. We will see be low that for those cases it is possible to identify the asymptotic state with a quasis pecies in analogy to static fitness landscapes. Because of that, we can now define the noti on ofregularity of a fitness landscape formally in the following manner: A time-dependent fitness landscape F(t) isregular , if and only if: (i) the fitness landscape is single-time-dependent , (ii) there exists some rule P∈S2lwhich is applied at the end of each cycle such that Pn= (P)n, and (iii) the rule Pcommutes with the mutation operator M. In this case, we get with PPT= /BDthe time evolution x(ϕ+nτ) =/parenleftbig PT/parenrightbign/parenleftbig PΓ0/parenrightbignx(ϕ). (9) To proceed, it is useful to permute the concentrations compa tible to the rule of the fitness landscape. By this, concentrations are measured in r eference to the fitness landscape structure of the start cycle n= 0. We will denote those concentrations by x′(t) and they are related to the concentrations x(t) by x′(ϕ+nτ) = (P)nx(ϕ+nτ) = (PΓ0)nx(ϕ) and x′(ϕ) =x(ϕ).(10) For example, if there is no time-dependency within the cycle s, some x′ iwill for all cycles measure the concentration of the highest fitness stri ng, independent of its current 6position in string space. Thus, x′(t) evolves in a fitness landscape with periodic change, which can also be seen from the second line of Eq. 10. In analog y to the static case Eq. 6, the calculation of fixed points of x′(t) is equivalent to an eigenvalue problem, x′(t+τ) =x′(t)⇐⇒ P/tildewideΓ0x′(t) =/⌊ard⌊lP/tildewideΓ0x′(t)/⌊ard⌊l1x′(t), where /tildewideΓ0is the unnormalized τ-generation operator obtained from the accumulation of the unnormalized generation operators /tildewideGϕ=MF(ϕ). The corresponding periodic quasispecies v0can be calculated for all phases ϕof the change cycle from the Perron vector v0ofPΓ0in the following way, x′(ϕ+nτ)n→∞− − − →v0(ϕ) =Gϕ−1· · ·G0v0forϕ∈ {0, . . . , τ −1}. (11) To find the asymptotic states of the concentrations x(t), we simply need to invert Eq. 10, x(ϕ+ντ) =/parenleftbig PT/parenrightbigνx′(ϕ+ντ) for ν∈ {0, . . . , η −1}, (12) where η:= ord Pis the order of the group element P∈S2l. The essential reason for the existence of asymptotic states forx(t) lies in the finiteness of the permutation group S2l. Because of Pη= /BD, we find directly from Eq. 9 the asymptotic state x(ϕ+ ˜nη τ) = (PΓ0)η˜nx(t)˜n→∞− − − →v0(ϕ), where v0(ϕ) is the same as in Eq. 11, because ( PΓ0)ηandPΓ0have the same eigen- vectors, in particular the same Perron vector. Moreover, we get x/parenleftbig ϕ+ (ν+ ˜nη)τ/parenrightbig˜n→∞− − − →/parenleftbig PT/parenrightbigνv0(ϕ) for ν∈ {0, . . . , η −1}, (13) which is the same result as Eqs. 11 and 12 yield. In the limit of long strings l→ ∞, ordPis not necessarily finite anymore. If ord Pl→∞− − − →∞ , then the asymptotic states Eq. 13 for x(t) do not exist, but Eq. 11 still holds. Hence, a quasispecies e xists even in the limit l→ ∞ if measured in reference to the structure of the fitness lands cape. In conclusion, Eqs. 11 and 13 represent the generalized quasispecies for the class ofregular fitness landscapes which includes as special cases static an d periodic fitness landscapes. In fact, the simplest case of a regular change is a periodic variation of the fitness values fi(t) =fi(t+τ) because nopermutations are involved ( P= /BD) and hencex′(t) =x(t) for all t. The quasispecies was generalized for this case already in [17] and – using a slightly different formalism – in [4]. In Sec tion 4, we will study a more complicated example. 3 Schematic Phase Diagram To get an intuitive feeling for the typical behavior of ssGAs and genGA s, let us consider some special lines in the plane spanned by the mutation rate µand the time scale for changes τ, as shown in Fig. 1. The mutation operator represents only fo rµ <1/2 a copying procedure with occurring errors, whereas for µ >1/2 it systematically tends to invert strings, i. e. it resembles an inverter with occurr ing errors. Since mutation should introduce weakmodifications to the strings, we will consider only µ≤1/2. 7ssGAtime-averagedisordered phase∼1/γ 0.5mutation-rate µ time-average time-scale for changes τdisorder line error-threshold 0 quasi-static Figure 1: Schematic phase diagram: time-average regions due to low mu tation (dark gray) and large inertia (light gray, left), quasi-static region f or slow changes (light gray, right). Disorder line: Forµ= 1/2, the Perron vector of MF(t) is always vT 0= (1, . . . ,1)/2l. The population will therefore converge towards the disorde red state. Because of the continuity of Minµ, we already enter a disordered phase for µ≈1/2. Time-average region: Forµ= 0, the mutation operator is the identity. We find as time evolution simply the product average over the fitness of the evolved time steps: x(t+τ) =/bracketleftBiggt+τ−1/productdisplay ϕ=tS(ϕ)/bracketrightBigg x(t) =˜F(t+τ, t)x(t)/slashbig /⌊ard⌊l. . ./⌊ard⌊l1with ˜F(t+τ, t) =/producttextt+τ−1 ϕ=tF(ϕ). Since diagonal operators commute, the order in which the F(ϕ) get multiplicated does not make any difference. For the case of a τ-periodic landscape, ˜F= ˜F(t+τ, t) =˜F(τ,0) isindependent oft. The quasispecies is then a linear superposition of the eigenvectors of the largest eigenvalu e of the product averaged fitness landscape ˜F– there might be more then one such eigenvector, since ˜Fis diagonal and the Perron-Frobenius theorem does not apply . Because of the continuity of Minµthe dynamics are governed already for 0 < µ≪1 by the product average ˜F. Analogous conclusions apply to those non-periodic landscapes for which by choosing a suitable time scale τa meaningful average ˜F(t+τ, t) can be defined. 8disorderedorderederror rate µ temporarily oscillation period τ0.5 µ∗ avf genotypeτ genotype disorderedf 0.5 orderedorderederror rate µ cycle length τdisorderedgenotypef f genotypeτ Figure 2: Phase diagrams for (left): needle-in-the-haystack with oscillating height at fre- quency ω= 2π/τ,(right) : needle-in-the-haystack that jumps after τtime steps to a randomly chosen nearest neighbor. ForssGAs,γis small and we find to first order in τγ: x(t+τ) = (1 −τγ)˜F(t+τ, t) +τγ/parenleftbigg1 ττ−1/summationdisplay ϕ=0S(t+τ)· · ·M/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipupright ϕth factor from left· · ·S(t)/parenrightbigg +O/parenleftbig (τγ)2/parenrightbig . Ifτγ≪1 holds, the time evolution is governed by ˜F(t, t+τ). For changes on a time scale τ, we find time-averaged behavior if τ≪1/γ. Thus, the width of the time-average region is proportional to 1 /γ. A detailed analysis of the effect of the different positions of the mutation operator Mwithin the τγ-term, which is otherwise an arithmetic time-average, has not yet been ca rried out. Quasi-static region: If the changes happen on a time scale τvery large compared to the average relaxation time ( ∼1//an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tλ0−λ1/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht) the quasispecies grows nearly without noticing the changes. Thus, in the quasi-static reg ion all quasispecies that might be expected from the static landscapes ˜F=F(t) will occur at some time during one cycle τ. Wilke et al. raise in [18] the schematic phase diagram of the continuous E igen model, which exhibits the same time-average phases as that f orssGAs. Their result is in perfect agreement with two recently, explicitly studied time-dependent landscapes. First, Wilke et al. studied in [17] a needle-in-the-haystack ( NiH) landscape with oscil- lating, τ-periodic fitness of the needle, i. e. f0(t)> f1=· · ·=f2l−1= 1 and f0(t) =σexp{εsin(2π t/τ)}. The continuous model was represented for δt→0 as Eq. 4 and the periodic quasispecies Eq. 11 was calculated. Figure 2 (left) shows the resulting phase diagram. For small τ, 9f genotype 00 01 11 10 000001111000 lower bitshigher bits11 01 0010 Figure 3: A regularly moving needle-in-the-haystack for string leng thl= 4. In (left), the solid arrow represents the next jump to happen, whereas t he gray and solid arrows all together represent the jumps that happen one afte r the other under the rule Pof rotating the two lower bits as shown in (right) with rotation angle π/2 at every jump. the error threshold is given by the one of the time-averaged l andscape, whereas for large τ, the error threshold oscillates between minimum and maximu m values corresponding to min tf0(t) and max tf0(t), as expected in the quasi-static regime. Second, Nilsson and Snoad studied in [19] a moving NiHthat jumps randomly to one of its nearest neighbor strings every τtime steps. The time-average of this landscape over many jump cycles is a totally flat or neutral landscape, which expl ains the extension of the disordered phase to small µand small τas it is shown in Fig. 2 (right) . In the quasi- static region, order is expected because the needle stays lo ng enough at each position for a quasispecies to grow. Hence, we can understand the exis tence of the observed and calculated phase diagrams in Fig. 2 from simple argument s. In fact, they are special instances of the general schematic phase diagram de picted in Fig. 1. In the following, we will consider regularly moving NiHs and derive the infinite population behavior of a genGA in such landscapes. This is interesting, since genGA s should be considered to adapt faster to changes compared to ssGAs, as the missing time-average region of genGA s for small τsuggests. To clarify whether a different phase diagram compared to Fig. 2 (right) emerges for genGA s with moving NiH, we will calculate the phase diagram including the optimal muta tion rate that maximizes a lower bound for the concentration of the needle string in th e population. 4 Generational GAand a moving NiH In this section, we want to analyze quantitatively the asymp totic behavior of a genGA withNiHthat moves regularly in the sense of Section 2 to one of its lnearest neighbors every τtime steps. At the end, we will also be able to comment on the ca se of a NiH that jumps randomly to one of its nearest neighbors. A simple example of a NiHthat moves regularly to nearest neighbors is shown in Fig. 3 (left). Each jump corresponds to a π/2-rotation of the four-dimensional hypercube {0,1}4along the 1100 axis, i. e. the lower two bits are rotated as sho wn in Fig. 3 (right) . We will call the set of strings {Pni|n∈ /C6}which is obtained by 10100110 111 101 011 001010 000P≪ 000→000111→111 001→010011→110 010→100110→101 100→001101→011 Figure 4: The equivalence of a 2 π/3-rotation along the 1 ···1 axis and a cyclic 1-bit left- shift, denoted by P≪, for string length l= 3. applying the same rule P∈S2lover and over to some initial string i∈ {0,1}l, the orbit of iunder P. The period length 4 of the orbit shown in Fig. 3 (left) originates from the rotation angle π/2 and hence is independent of the string length l. The orbits of such rotations will always be restricted to only four diffe rent strings. For reasons that will become clear below, we are looking for regular movements of the needle that arenotrestricted to such a small subspace of the string space. Inst ead, the needle is supposed to move ‘straight away’ from previous positions in string space. Since a complete classification and analysis of all possible regular movements for given string length land jump distance dis out of the scope of this work, we will simply give an example of a rule P∈S2lthat generates such movements: the composition of a cyclic 1-bit left-shift, which we denote by P≪, and an exclusive-or with 0 · · ·01, which we denote by P⊕. For string length l≤3,P≪corresponds to a 2 π/lrotation along the 1· · ·1 axis as can be seen in Fig. 4. Moreover, the orbit of 0 · · ·0 under P⊕≪=P⊕◦P≪ is shown in Fig. 5 also for l= 3. For arbitrary string length l, it is more difficult to visualize the action of P≪and hence of P⊕≪. But, it is easily verified that starting from all zeros 0 · · ·0, the string with n≤lones 0 · · ·01· · ·1 will be reached after exactly njumps. Moreover, the orbit of 0 · · ·0 under P⊕≪has the period length 2 l. In the limit of long strings l→ ∞, this periodicity is broken because the needle never (i. e. after ∞many jumps) returns to all zeros 0 · · ·0, but – as we have shown in Eq. 11 using Eq. 10 – there still exists an asymptotic quasispeci es. How does our simple GAbehave with a NiHthat moves according to P⊕≪? In Fig. 6, two typical runs of a genGA with a NiHlike that are depicted. The setting ( m, l, f 0, τ) was kept fixed but two different mutation rates µwere chosen. In the case of Fig. 6(right) , the mutation rate is ‘too high’ to allow the population to tr ack the movement. The concentration of the future needle string (solid line) c annot grow much within one jump cycle resulting in a decreasing initial condition (bul let) for the growth of the needle concentration (dotted line) in the next cycle. The po pulation looses the peak – in this case after ≈90 generations. It might happen that the population finds the needle again by chance (or better saying the moving needle ju mps into the population), but the population will not be able to stably track the moveme nt. Contrasting to that, the mutation rate was chosen to maximize the concentration o f the future needle string at the end of each jump cycle (bullets) in Fig. 6 (left). Since in that case, the best achievable initial condition is given to each jump cycle, th e movement of the needle 11100110 111 101 011 001010 000 (1) (2)(3)(4)(5) (6) P⊕≪ (1) 000 →001(4) 111 →110 (2) 001 →011(5) 110 →100 (3) 011 →111(6) 100 →000 010→101 101→010 Figure 5: The orbit of 0 ···0 under P⊕≪(black dots) for string length l= 3. The numbers (1),... ,(6) show the order in which the strings are visited by the need le, starting from 000.concentration number of generations number of generationsxfix(4)xfix(∞) xfix(∞) 0 20 40 60 80 1000.025 0.02 00.0050.010.0150.020.025 0 20 40 60 80 1000.015 0.01 0.005 0 Figure 6: Run of a genGA withregularly moving needle-in-the-haystack. The parameter setting was m= 1000000 ,l= 20,f0= 5,τ= 4,(left): µ= 0.022,(right): µ= 0.055. In both cases the system evolved for 100 generations (no t shown) without any occurring jumps in order to let a typical quasisp ecies grow around the initial needle string. In generation 20 the first jump hap pened and afterwards every τ= 4 generations. solid line: x1(n,t), dotted line: x0(n,t), bullet: jump – x0(n+ 1,0) =x1(n,τ). 12f0= 10, l= 20, τ= 4, µ=µopt initial condition x0(n,0) =x1(n−1, τ)fixed point xfix=xfix(∞, l, f0, τ, µ)outcome x1(n, τ) =x0(n+ 1,0)0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.030.015 0.01 0.005 0 Figure 7: The fixed point which is reached by an infinite population for n→ ∞. is tracked with the highest possible stability for the given setting ( m, l, f 0, τ). As can be expected from Fig. 6 and is affirmed by further experiments, the bullets keep on fluctuating around an average value for n→ ∞ which is for the infinite population given by the quasispecies Eq. 11. In the following, we are goi ng to model that system with some idealizations and we will calculate a lower bounda ry for this average value. We adopt the viewpoint of permuting the concentration vecto r compatible to the movement of the needle as we have done implicitly in Fig. 6 and formally in the definition of x′(t) in Eq. 10, but we drop the primes henceforth. The concentrat ion of the needle string within jump cycle nis denoted by x0(n, ϕ) and the concentration of the string the needle will move to with the ( n+ 1)th jump (i. e. the future needle string in jump cycle n) is denoted by x1(n, ϕ). The initial cycle prior to which no jump has occurred is n= 0. Within a cycle, the time or generation is counted as phase ϕ∈ {0, . . . , τ }. Two succeeding cycles are connected by the (approximated) rule of change x0(n+ 1,0) =x1(n, τ) and x1(n+ 1,0)≈0. (14) The second relation is an approximation which is made to simp lify the coming calcu- lations, but it holds only if the needle jumps onto a string wh ich has not been close to one of the previous needle positions. Otherwise, the future needle string could already be present with a concentration significantly larger than 1 /2l≈0. In Fig. 6, we have chosen the rule P⊕≪to get experimental data for a case in which this assumption i s fulfilled. Later on we will see that we can still make useful co mments about cases in which that approximation is partly broken. If we plot x0(n+ 1,0) =x1(n, τ) against x0(n,0), we get an intuitive picture for the system’s evolution towards the quasispecies. The conce ntration x0(n,0) converges 13forn→ ∞ towards a fixed point, xfix:= lim n→∞x0(n,0), as shown in Fig. 7 for a finite value of xfix. Obviously, this fixed point depends on the full setting xfix=xfix(m, l, f 0, τ, µ). Since we are especially interested in the effects of various cycle lengths τand mutation rates µ, we keep ( m, l, f 0) fixed, such that xfix=xfix(τ, µ). In the remaining of this section, we will calculate x0(n+ 1,0) =x1(n, τ) in depen- dence on x0(n,0), which is the solid curve in Fig. 7, for arbitrary paramete r settings. From this knowledge, we will construct the phase diagram. Si nce we stay within one jump cycle, we drop nto take off some notational load. 4.1 Derivation of the Fixed Point Concentrations To calculate x1(τ), it is sufficient to take only x0andx1into account, because the assumed initial condition is x1(0)≈0, such that the main growth of x1is produced by the mutational flow from the needle. Moreover, we assume µto be small enough such that terms proportional to µ2can be neglected. This means we restrict ourselves to the case in which the system is mainly driven by one-bit mut ations. Without normalization, the evolution equations then read y0(t+ 1) = (1 −µ)lf0y0(t) +/braceleftbig µ(1−µ)l−1y1(t)/bracerightbig , y1(t+ 1) = µ(1−µ)l−1f0y0(t) + (1 −µ)ly1(t),(15) where yidenote unnormalized concentrations in contrast to the norm alized concentra- tionsxi. Forf0(1−µ)≫µ, which is always the case for large enough f0, we can further ne- glect the back-flow {· · ·} from the future needle string compared to the self-replicat ion of the current needle string. The solution of Eq. 15 is then gi ven by y0(t) =/bracketleftbig (1−µ)lf0/bracketrightbigty0(0), y1(t) =κt(µ)y0(0) + (1 −µ)lty1(0), with/braceleftBiggκt(µ) =µ(1−µ)lt−1αt αt=/summationtextt ν=1fν 0=f0ft 0−1 f0−1. The coefficient κt(µ) measures the growth of y1(t) starting from the initial condition y1(0)≈0, y0(0)/ne}ationslash= 0. As long as y0(t)+y1(t)≪1, this gives already a good approxima- tion for the concentrations x0(t) and x1(t). But in general, this approximation breaks down for large t, because of the exponential growth of y0(t). We need to normalize our solution, which can be done by x(t) =y(t)/slashbig /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht0· · ·/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htt−1,where /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htt= (f0−1)x0(t) + 1. (16) By expressing the fitness averages in terms of y0(t), we find, after solving a simple 14mutation rate µf0= 2= 20 = 5 = 10concentration xfixO(µ2) analyticO(µ2) numericalexact numerical (l= 20 for all curves) 0.1 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 00.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 Figure 8: Comparison of the exact numerical and the O(µ2) calculation for different values of the needle fitness f0. recursion, /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht0· · ·/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tf/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htt−1= 1 + ( f0−1)/bracketleftbig/summationtextt−1 ν=0(1−µ)lνfν 0/bracketrightbig x0(0) = 1 + ( f0−1)βt(µ)x0(0), where βt(µ) =˜ft−1 ˜f−1and˜f= (1−µ)lf0. Finally, we arrive at the normalized concentrations x0(t) =/bracketleftbig (1−µ)lf0/bracketrightbigtx0(0)/slashBig [1 + (f0−1)βt(µ)x0(0)], x1(t) =/bracketleftbig κt(µ)x0(0) + (1 −µ)ltx1(0)/bracketrightbig/slashBig [1 + (f0−1)βt(µ)x0(0)]. The asymptotic state can now be calculated by using the initi al condition x1(0)≈ 0, x0(0)/ne}ationslash= 0 and demanding x1(τ) =x0(0). It is easily verified that for the fixed point follows xfix(τ, µ) =κτ(µ)−1 (f0−1)βτ(µ). (17) 4.2 Consistency in the Quasi-Static Limit How can we test the quality of the approximate result Eq. 17? F or large cycle lengths τ, we enter the quasi-static regime, where we can approximate the population at the end of each cycle by the quasispecies of the corresponding st atic landscape. Figure 8 shows a comparison of the exact numerical calculations of th e quasispecies ( τ→ ∞) and the O(µ2) calculations ( τ= 100). In the numerical O(µ2) calculation, the back- flow from the first error class to the needle string is included . Overall, we find the error 15τ= 3 → ∞ = 5 = 4 τ= 2 mutation rate µconcentration xfixl= 20 f0= 100.018 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.120.016 0.014 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 Figure 9: Fixed point concentration xfix(τ,µ) for different values of τ. For faster changes, the fixed point concentration rapidly drops down. threshold and the maximum of the fixed point concentration we ll represented. This also suggests that the deviation of the O(µ2) approximation from the exact values should be small for smaller τ, because those deviations add up for τ→ ∞ by the iterative procedure. How do the calculated fixed point concentrations compare to s imulations with (large) finite population? In Fig. 6, the values of xfix(∞, µ) and xfix(4, µ) are shown. Forτ→ ∞, the deviation from the average /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tx1(n, ϕ)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht(in generations 0 −20) is in fact the same as what can be read off in Fig. 8. The deviation of xfix(4, µ) from the average value /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tx0(n,0)/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htin generations 24 ,28, . . . ,100 is significantly larger. This is caused by the neglect of all other strings’ contributions ap art from the current needle string’s contribution to the flow onto the future needle stri ng. These neglected contri- butions increase the average fixed point concentration meas ured in the experiment in comparison to the calculated value xfix(τ, µ). But even though there are deviations, we conclude that the approximately calculated value is alwa ys a lower bound for the exact value. In the next section, we will use this observatio n to derive an expression for the mutation rate that maximizes the average fixed point c oncentration. 4.3 Phase Diagram In Fig. 9, the fixed point values xfix(τ, µ) are shown for small cycle lengths τ. For the shown parameter setting, the region with xfix(2, µ)>0 is extremely small. We notice that there are two error thresholds, one for ‘too low’ mutati on rates, µth<, and one for ‘too high’ mutation rates, µth>. The intuition behind that was already given in Section 3. For too low mutation rates the population becomes slow and evolves in the averaged, flat landscape, whereas for too high mutation rate s the usual transition to the disordered phase takes place. In the following we will ca lculate the phase diagram starting from Eq. 17. 16Error Thresholds: The error thresholds are given by xfix(τ, µ) = 0 ⇐⇒ κτ(µ) = 1. (18) This is the same condition as one would get using only unnorma lized concentrations yi(t). Since yi(t)≈0 near the error thresholds, the neglect of the normalizatio n is not critical for the calculation of the error thresholds themse lves, whereas it is important for the optimal mutation rate and of course for the fixed point concentration. Since Eq. 18 cannot be solved for µin closed form, we write down the corresponding recursion relation that converges, for a suitable starting value of µ, to the solution of Eq. 18 in the limit k→ ∞, µ(k) th<= 1/slashBig ατ/parenleftBig 1−µ(k−1) th</parenrightBig , µ(0) th<= 0, µ(k) th>= 1−/parenleftBig 1/slashBig ατµ(k−1) th>/parenrightBig1/(lτ−1) , µ(0) th>= 1−f−1/l 0=:µ∞ th. Forµth<, a good starting value is 0, since µth<≈0 anyway. For µth>, the approximate value for the error threshold of the static (i. e. τ→ ∞) landscape µ∞ thcan be chosen, which is obtained by calculating the fixed point [using Eq. 15 and 16], x0(t+ 1) = x0(t)⇐⇒ x∞ fix=(1−µ)lf0−1 f0−1, setting it to zero and solving for µ. Optimal Mutation Rate: In order to track changes with the best achievable sta- bility for a given setting ( m, l, f 0, τ), the lowest possible concentration (infimum of) x0(n, ϕ) needs to be maximized, because a low concentration might re sult in the loss of the needle string in a finite population. Since for infinite populations x0(n, ϕ) is monotonously increasing with ϕit is sufficient to maximize x0(n,0). Moreover, we derived above that x0(n,0) approaches the fixed point value xfix(τ, µ) forn→ ∞. For finite populations, we expect similar behavior but the stric t monotony of x0(x, ϕ) in ϕwill be destroyed by fluctuations and also the fixed point valu e itself will fluctuate around some average value /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{txfix/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htas can be seen in Fig. 6. However, the safest way to avoid any loss of the needle string is still to maximize the av erage fixed point value /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{txfix/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht. In this sense, we define the optimal mutation rate µoptas the one that maximizes /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{txfix/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht. In the previous Section 4.2, we noted that our approximated infinite population valuexfix(τ, µ) represents a lower bound for /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{txfix/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht, where the maxima of the two curves are expected to coincide for fixed τ. Thus, µoptcan be obtained by maximization of xfix(τ, µ). We can derive an expression for the optimal mutation rate µoptfrom ∂xfix ∂µ(τ, µopt) = 0 If we neglect the µdependence of βτ(µ) in Eq. 17, which corresponds to the approach in [19], we simply find µNS opt(τ, l) = 1/lτ. Because of µNS optτ→∞− − − → 0, this result is inconsis- tent with the quasi-static limit, because µoptshould approach the value for which the 17f0= 2,5,10,15,20= 20 mutation rate µconcentration ˜ xfix= 10 l= 30 τ= 1000.350.4 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.120.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Figure 10: The optimal mutation rate µ∞ opt(f0,l) from Eq. 19 in dependence on needle height f0and string length l. concentration of 1-mutants in the quasispecies of the corre sponding static NiHland- scape is maximized. We conclude that the µdependence of βτ(µ) cannot be neglected for the correct optimal mutation rate, which we are now going to calculate. Forατ≫1, which is the case for τ≫1 and f0>1, orτ≈1 and f0≫1, we can neglect the −1 in the numerator of xfix(τ, µ) and take only ατinto account for the calculation of ∂xfix/∂µ. After some algebra, we find µopt=(˜fτ−1)(˜f−1) l(˜fτ+1−(τ+ 1)˜f+τ),where ˜f=f0(1−µopt)l. Since ˜f=˜f(µopt), this equation cannot be solved in a closed form for µopt. However, forτ→ ∞ the equation simplifies to µ∞ opt=/braceleftBigg (˜f−1)/l˜f:˜f >1 0 : ˜f≤1. In the case ˜f >1, we find (1−lµ∞ opt)(1−µ∞ opt)l= 1/slashbig f0. By approximating (1 −µ)l≈(1−lµ)2, we get a cubic equation. The real root of that equation is approximately [20] given by (see also Fig. 10) µ∞ opt(f0, l)≈µ+/bracketleftbigg 1 +(l−1)µ+(1−lµ+) 3l(l−1)µ2 +−2µ+(3l−1) + 4/bracketrightbigg withµ+=1 l/bracketleftBig 1 +f−1/2 0/bracketrightBig . (19) 1810 f0= 2 , µthµ∞ th µ∞ opt µ∞ th µ∞ optmutation rate µ cycle length τµopt l= 20 100 10 10.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Figure 11: The calculated phase diagram for a genGA with stochastically moving needle- in-the-haystack; two settings are shown: f0= 2,10, for both l= 20. Resulting Phase Diagram: From the above, we are able to plot the phase diagram for our model as shown in Fig. 11. Two settings are plotted. Fo rf0= 2 (resp. 10) the diamonds (resp. circles) are the numerically obtained erro r thresholds. The solid and dash-dotted lines are µ(5) th<andµ(5) th>. To show the convergence property of µ(k) th<,>,µ(0) th<,> are plotted for f0= 10 as dashed lines. Obviously, the needed corrections to th e chosen starting values increase for smaller τ, such that more iterations are needed to describe the error thresholds correctly for small τ. The expressions µ(5) th<,>are already a good approximation for the given settings. Representing the qua si-static limit, µ∞ this plotted as dotted line and gets consistently approached by µth>(τ) forτ→ ∞. Furthermore, µ∞ optis plotted as dash-dot-dotted line. The numerically measur ed values for µopt(τ) are shown for f0= 2 (resp. 10) as triangle (resp. squares). They approach µ∞ optvery quickly already for τ≈20 (resp. 10). We conclude that the above quantitative description is in go od agreement with the numerical observations and approaches the quasi-stati c region in a consistent way. Moreover, the phase diagram fits well into the general one rai sed in Section 3. Even in the considered case of a genGA , we find – depending on the parameter setting – a time-averaged phase for very small τ. The time-averaged phase broadens for small f0. 4.4 Stochastically moving NiH Up to now, we analyzed a regularly moving NiH, for example with the rule P⊕≪. What happens if the NiHis allowed to move to a randomly picked nearest neighbor, as it is shown in Fig. 12 for l= 4? Two typical runs of a genGA with this fitness landscape are depicted in Fig. 13. The setting ( m, l, f 0, τ) was chosen the same as in Fig. 6 which allows for a direct comparison of the GA’s behavior for regularly and stochastically moving NiHs. The overall behavior is similar. For large mutation rates , the population looses the needle string, whereas the moving needle is track ed stably for mutation rates close to the above defined optimal mutation rate. In addition , strong fluctuations in 19f genotype 00 01 11 10 000001111000 lower bitshigher bits Figure 12: Astochastically moving needle-in-the-haystack for string length l= 4. The needle is allowed to jump to one of its nearest neighbors whic h is chosen at random. xfix(∞) xfix(4)xfix(∞)concentration number of generations number of generations0 20 40 60 80 10000.0050.010.0150.020.025 0 20 40 60 80 1000.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 Figure 13: Run of a genGA withstochastically moving needle-in-the-haystack. The param- eter setting in (left) and(right) were the same as in Fig. 6 (left) and(right) . 20the values of x1(n,0) (lower ends of solid lines) as well as x0(n+ 1,0) = x1(n, τ) (bullets) occur in the stochastic case. These result from back-jumps . If, at the end of the current cycle, the needle jumps back to the string it has b een to in the previous cycle, then x1(n,0) =x0(n−1, τ) is significantly larger than zero. This can be seen in Fig. 13 (right) at generations 36 ,40 and 64 and also in Fig. 13 (left) at generations 72 and 88 (the gaps in Fig. 13 (left) correspond to x1, x0being much larger than 0 .025). If no back-jumps occur, as in generations 24 −72 in Fig. 13 (left), the system with stochastic NiHbehaves nearly indistinguishable from the one with regular ly moving NiH. Since back-jumps always increase the concentrations of th e needle string in the very next occurring jumps, the above calculated fixed point xfix(τ, µ) is still a lower bound. Thus, our previous notion of optimal mutation rate re mains applicable to the stochastically moving NiHalthough the assumption x1(n,0)≈0 from Eq. 14 is not always fulfilled. Nilsson and Snoad [19] did their analysis of the continuous E igen model Eq. 3 with stochastic NiHin a similar way as we did above. In analogy to their calculati on for the continuous Eigen model, we find for a genGA the optimal mutation rate µNS opt(τ, l) = 1/lτwhich is inconsistent with the quasi-static limit (see Sect ion 4.3). The reason is the missing normalization in the work of Nilsson and Snoad. F urthermore, they could not derive an expression for the fixed point concentration xfix(τ, µ) because of that same reason. 4.5 Jumps of larger Distance To conclude this section about the behavior of genGA s with different kinds of NiHs that move to nearest neighbors, let us shortly discuss jumps of Hamming distance dlarger than one. Obviously, the analytical calculations get more c omplicated, because the O(µ2)-approximation is not sufficient anymore as it connects only nearest neighbors. To describe jumps of a larger distance, the concentrations o f some intermediate se- quences need to be taken into account, so that we have to solve a time evolution much more complicated than Eq. 15. Hence, we cannot make simple st atements for finite τ. On the other hand, the system approaches the quasi-static re gion for large τand it is characterized by µ∞ th<,>andµ∞ optas we have seen in Fig. 11. The exact quasispecies for τ→ ∞ is shown in Fig. 14. The plotted values are error class concen trations, in order to make the higher error classes visible at all. Each k-mutant has a concentration of ˜xk//parenleftbigl k/parenrightbig in the quasispecies state, because for a NiHthe mutant’s fitness depends only on its Hamming distance to the needle and therefore all/parenleftbigl k/parenrightbig k-mutants have the same concentration in the quasispecies. For finite populations, this is only true on average, because the asymptotic state is distorted by fluctuations. B ut in the following, we assume that the quasispecies is still representative for th e average distribution of the population in the asymptotic state. Then, the optimal mutat ion rate in the sense of Section 4.3 for jumps of distance dis by definition the position of the maximum of ˜ xd. Ford≥l/2, optimal mutation rate and error threshold become identic al. Although ˜ xd is maximized for mutation rates close to the error threshold it amounts, as do all other concentrations to only ≈1/2l, which leads to an approximately random drift for finite populations. On the other hand, the chance of tracking the ne edle decreases even fur- ther for small mutation rates because then the concentratio n ˜xdbecomes even smaller. In this sense, the quasispecies distribution, which is cent ered on the needle string, is 21concentrations ˜ xiµ∞ opt,2 µ∞ opt,4 µ∞ opt,3 µ∞ opt,1 f0= 10 l= 20 mutation rate µ0.80.91 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.120.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Figure 14: The quasispecies for the static NiHin dependence on the mutation rate µ. The concentrations ˜ xiof the ith error class for i∈ {0,... ,⌊l/2⌋}are depicted. The optimal mutation rates for jumps of Hamming distance d= 1,2,3,4 are shown as dotted lines. useless for tracking the next jump if d≥l/2. This also suggests – in agreement with the experimental findings of Rowe [13] (in this book) – that fin ite populations are for low mutation rates unable to track large jumps – in particula r in the extreme case d=l. Only for jumps of d < l/ 2 the corresponding error class concentration ˜ xdshows a concentration maximum significantly above 1 /2l. From the heights of the concen- tration maxima, we see that the difficulty of tracking the chan ges increases with the Hamming distance dof the jumps. Vice versa, the advantage a population gets aft er a jump from its structure prior to the jump decreases with inc reasing jump distance d. In addition, a mutation rate which is simultaneously optim al for more than one distance cannot be found. 5 Conclusions and Future Work On the basis of general arguments, the phase diagrams of popu lation-based mutation and probabilistic selection systems like the above genGA ,ssGA and Eigen model in time-dependent fitness landscape can be easily understood. The notion of regular changes allows for an exact calculation of the asymptotic st ate in the sense of a gen- eralized, time-dependent quasispecies. For a genGA withNiHthat moves regularly to nearest neighbors, the quasispecies can be straightforwar dly calculated under simpli- fying assumptions. The result is a lower bound for the exact q uasispecies. With that lower bound, we have constructed the phase diagram in the infi nite population limit. This phase diagram is in agreement with the one raised from ge neral arguments. In order to improve our analysis, we need to weaken our assump tions. In particu- lar, we have to overcome the restriction of taking into accou nt only the flow from the current towards the future needle string. The presence of ot her contributions to the 22flow has to be modeled in some way. Another future step could be an investigation of the fluctuations that are introduced by the finiteness of re alistic populations (dis- creteness of Λ m) around the quasispecies. This would lead to a lower boundar y for the population size above which the needle string is not lost due to those fluctuations. An extension of our analysis to non-regularities like the oc currence of more than a single jump rule, can be achieved by averaging the time evol ution Eq. 8 for n→ ∞ according to each rule’s probability of being applied. A sim ilar averaging procedure will be necessary if fluctuations of the cycle length τare present. Finally, an extension of the description to broader, more realistic peaks, as well asGAmodels including crossover and other selection schemes, are important topic s for future work. References [1] T. B¨ ack, U. Hammel and H.-P. Schwefel. Evolutionary Computation: Comments on the History and Current State . IEEE Transactions on Evol. Comp. 1(1), p. 3, 1997. [2] T. B¨ ack, D. B. Fogel and Z. Michalewicz, editors. Handbook of Evolutionary Computation . IOP Publishing, Bristol, 1997. [3] J. Branke. Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization Problem s, A Survey . Technical Report 387, AIFB University Karlsruhe, 1999. [4] J. E. Rowe. Finding attractors for periodic fitness functions . In W. Banzhaf et al., editors, Proceedings to GECCO 1999 , Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, p. 557, 1999. [5] L. M. Schmitt, C. L. Nehaniv and R. H. Fujii. Linear analysis of genetic algo- rithms . Theoretical Computer Science 200, p. 101, 1998. [6] M. Eigen. 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physics/9911007 4 Nov 1999 Do Gravitational Fields Have Mass ? Or on the Nature of Dark Matter Ernst Karl Kunst As has been shown before (a brief comment will be given in the text), relativistic mass and relativistic time dilation of moving bodies are equivalent as well as time and mass in the rest frame. This implies that the time dilation due to the gravitational field is combined with inertial and gravitational mass as well and permits the computation of the gravitational action of the vacuum constituting the gravitational field in any distance from the source of the field. Theoretical predictions are compared with experimental results and it is shown that many known astrophysical and gravitational phenomena, especially the so-called dark or missing matter, owe their existence to the gravitational effects of the mass of the field-vacuum. Key words: Equivalence of mass, energy and dilated time of moving bodies - mass of the gravitational field Introduction Apparent deviations from the Einstein-Newtonian law of gravitation both on laboratory and astronomical scale have been known long since. Those partly controversially discussed gravitational phenomena are: 1) Constantly high velocities of individual galaxies within clusters and groups of galaxies, departing strongly from the velocities on the strength of the virial law and constantly high orbital velocities in the vicinity of the Milky Way, other galaxies and galaxy pairs, which deviate strongly from a Keplerian velocity distribution. Both phenomena have led to the currently accepted concept of non-luminous, non-baryonic material in the vicinity of large systems on a cosmic scale, the so-called "halo of dark unseen matter" [1], [2]; 2) An apparent increase of the universal gravitational constant G with growing radial distance of test masses measured with the torsion pendulum in the laboratory [3]; 3) A systematic increase of the gravitional acceleration g as one descends into deep mineshafts or boreholes [4], [5], [6], or decrease as one ascends towers [7]; 4) A systematic linear deviation of the acceleration of two test masses at the ends of the torsion pendu lum in the gravitational field of Earth in proportion to the difference in baryon density (protons plus neutrons per unit mass), which was found by analytical replication of the original Eötvös data and led to the suggestion of a composition-dependen t finite range repulsive ( fifth ) force [8]; 5) A systematic decrease of the velocity of space-probes on their track V /G0C/G0C /G0A /G0A/G0Cx/G0C/G0Cy/G0C/G0Cz/G0C/G0A /G0A/G0Cx/G0B0/G0Cy/G0Cz/G0A /G0AV/G0B0, dt /G0C/G0C cv0/G0A /G0AEt/G0A /G0Amtc2, mt/G0A /G0AEt c2/G0A /G0Adt /G0C/G0C v0 c/G0A /G0Adx /G0C/G0C c, 2/G1B1 c/G0A /G0Ah c/G0A /G0Am,2 (1) (2) outbound of the solar system as e. g. Pioneer 10 and 11 [9]. In the following we will show that all these experimentally found though - as already stated - partly controversially discussed phenomena are due to the gravitational effects of the mass of the gravitational field. Connection between Relativistic Mass and Dilated Time of Moving Bodies Main results of the modified theory of relativistic kinematics among others are inertial motion (velocity) always to be symmetrically composite and the Lorentz transformation not to predict the Fitzgerald-Lorentz contraction of the dimension (/G0Cx) parallel to the velocity vector, as invented by Fitzgerald and Lorentz to account for the null-result of the Michelson-Morley experiment on moving Earth, but rather an expansion of /G0Cx [10]. Accordingly the volume V’ of an inertially moving body will any observer resting in a frame considered at rest seem enhanced by the factor where V means volume and /G0BtheLorentz factor based on the composite velocity v.0 0 Among others it has been demonstrated this expansion of /G0Cx (or V) to be the cause of the experimentally found increase of the interaction radius respectively cross section of elementary particles with rising energy (velocity), as determined in collider experiments and as is known from studies of cosmic radiation. From m’ = V’/G27’ = m/G0B =0 V/G27/G0B in connection with (1) follows /G27’ = /G27 and, therewith, the fraction v/c of the0 0 relativistically dilated time to be the very cause of the relativistic increase of mass: where "/G27" means density of mass, “E” energy of the product dt’cv of a movingt 0 material body and “m” mass induced by time dilation. Furthermore has beent demonstrated mass of the hydrogen (H-) atom and quantum of time 2/G1B/c in the rest1 frame be equivalent and generated by the movement of a fourth spatial dimension of the atom where "2/G1B" is the fundamental length in R, "h" Planck's constant and "m" mass of the14 smallest elctrically neutral and stable piece of matter, presumedly of the H-atom [11]. Analogous to the equivalence of mass and time in the rest frame as well as in the moving one gravitational fields have to be considered to be spaces with relativistic mass, because of the time dilation due to the gravitational field. Thus, we can expectEV/G0A /G0AmVc2/G0A /G0Adt/G0Ccv0×cdydz/G0A /G0AV /G0C/G0C cv0, EV/G0A /G0AmVc2/G0A /G0AVcv0 r3/G0A /G0A6M /G4C/G27c2/G0A /G0AK3/G4E3, K/G0A /G0Ar /G4E/G11v0 c/G112GM c2R1 MVc2/G0A /G0AV/G4E/G4E x /G4E/G4E y /G4E/G4E zcK3/G0A /G0A/G4E3cK3/G0A /G0A/G4E3c2GM c2R13 ,3 (3) (4)the potential differences in gravitational fields in dependen ce on the distance from the source of the field to be perceptible as physically measurable masses. To compute those masses basically two possibilities exist. Global Estimate of the Mass of the Gravitational Field We refer to the classical definition of mass as the product of volume and den sity and then in accord with (2) can write wherefrom follows if v « c and dt/dt’ /G11 1, where E means energy and m mass of volume of space0 V V (vacuum), respectively. Of course, (3) is valid in the case of moving bodies only, with one velocity vector. Suppose we have a spherically symmetric gravitational field in the form of a Schwarzschild-vacuole in the Friedmann cosmos where "r" means the coordinate radius of the vacuole and "/G4E" the "radius", "K" means curvature, "M" the mass of the central body under consideration [12]. In this case the product of each of the three dimensions of the vacuole and the velocity vector or (in Newtonian approximation) scalar of curvature will contribute to the global energy of the vacuole so that according to (3) the energy content of the space of the vacuole - as seen from "outside" - can be written as whereby "G" is the Newton's gravitational constant and "R" the radius of the mass of1 the central body, distributed in the vacuole. Here we had to consider that each of the three geometric dimensions of the gravitational field must be multiplied by the scalar of curvature or (in approximation) vector of velocity, according to the principle of equivalence. On the grounds of the ratio /G270/G0A /G0Amass in the cosmos volume of the cosmos/G11mass (of the body) in the vacuole volume of the field (vacuole) MV/G0A /G0A/G4E3 c2GM c2R13 /G11M /G270c2GM c2R13 . Mtotal M/G0A /G0AM/G08 /G08MV M/G0A /G0A1/G08 /G081 /G270c2GM c2R3 . g44/G0A /G0A/G091/G08 /G082GM c2,GM/G0A /G0A/G09/G4Cc2 8/G25/G50T44d3x x/G05/G09x/G09 /G05.4 - whereby /G27 means cosmic density of mass - we eventually can approximate the total0 mass of the gravitational field of the vacuole with the expression Accordingly the ratio of the "total mass of the gravitational system" (field + visible mass) to the "visible mass" is Applying the corresponding values for galaxies and galaxy clusters, roughly the right amount of masses results i.e. greater than the visible masses which were introduced by astronomers as the so called "dark or missing matter", to explain the dynamics of large complexes of gravitational systems. The uncertainties in the determination of the cosmic density /G27 and especially of R (boundary between the external and internal0 1 Schwarzschild metric) in extended gravitational systems e.g. galaxies and clusters of galaxies allow but only very global estimates. The Mass of the Gravitational Field in Dependence on the Distance from the Source of Gravitation More exact results can be derived if, starting at the bounda ry between the external and internal Schwarzschild metric of a spherical distribution of mass (source of the external field or radius of the mass in Euclidian coordinates), the infinitesimal small distances respectively multiplied by the time dilation at the point of the coordinate in radial direction are summed. Consider the center of gravity of the field-producing mass to be at rest, with T being the essential component of the energy momentum tensor T so44 ik that in a first approximation is valid Furthermore, the vacuum of the external Schwarzschild metric is considered to consist of thin concentric shells of the thickness dR, where “R” is the distance from the center of gravity. According to (4) the mass of each infinitesimal thin concentric shell measured from the point R radially "within" the field must be proportional to the1 infinitesimal small distance dR:dMVR/G0A /G0Av0dR 3c/G0A /G0Aconstant. v0/G0A /G0Av0RR/G0A /G0Aconstant v0R/G0A /G0A1/G092GM R/G091 2/G091/G11GM R, dMVR/G0A /G0Av0RRdR 3c/G0A /G0AGMdR 3cR. MVR/G0A /G0A/G50R R1GMdR 3cR/G0A /G0A2GM(R/G09R1) 3c/G08 /G08/G1A,5 (5)The volume of each successive shell increases as the square of the radius. On the other hand the velocity v decreases inversely proportional to the radius, i.e. the cube0 of the velocity v with increasing radius, as 1/R . As a result, the product of each03 2 successive shell by the cube of the respective velocity remains constant. Thus, the mass of the vacuum of each successive shell of the gravitational field remains constant for all R. Because for all R - where v means velocity at the point R - and0R the proportion of mass of the infinitesimal part dR of the radius R of the gravitational field amounts to Integration results in the mass of the field vacuum within the radius R measured within the field. R means the radius of the internal Schwarzschild metric1 ("radius" of the mass), R the radial distance from the center of gravity of the field producing mass, measured in Euclidean coordinates. The constant /G1A is the mass of the macroscopic groundstate of vacuo (not disturbed by gravitational fields), which is null, and M the mass of the vacuum of the gravitational field in the distance R fromVR the center of gravity which together with the field-producing mass M or the energy momentum tensor T, respectively, determines completely the behaviour of test bodiesi k of the mass m. In principle this result is also valid for the internal Schwarzschild metric, because the space inside a gravitational body contributes to the total mass of the body or density of energy T in the distance R from the center of gravity (in approximation):ik 1MVR1/G0A /G0A2GMR1 3c. Mtotal/G0A /G0AM/G08 /G08MVR/G0A /G0AM/G08 /G082GM(R/G09R1) 3c, Mtotal M/G0A /G0AM/G08 /G08MVR M/G0A /G0A1/G082G(R/G09R1) 3c. v0R/G0A /G0AGM R1/G08 /G082G(R/G09R1) 3c.6 (6) (7) (8)Thus, if R < R the mass of the gravitational field inside the mass also amounts to the1 value (5), measured from the point R in negative radial direction or toward the center1 of gravity. Comparison of Theoretical Predictions with Experiment 1) According to (5) the total mass of a gravitational system in the radial distance R from the center of gravity of the field producing mass M amounts to or after division by M the quotient is given by From (6) the orbital Kepler velocity of a body of negligible mass as a function of R, R1 and the central mass M is derived: Computation results in the flat non-Keplerian rotation curves of galaxies and pairs of galaxies established by astronomical observations, whereby the morphology of the curve strongly depends on R. Calculation of (7) results directly in the ratio of the total1 perceptible mass within the distance R of the gravitational field - baryonic plus field - to the amount of the luminous matter, which agrees well with astronomical measurements. In the following we compare theoretically derived values of M/Mtotal according to (7) with some experimental results for the outer regions of the Milky Way [1]: M/M (7)ExperimentR (kpc)R (kpc) "m"total 1 2.6 /G113.0 18 10 carbon monoxide clouds 11.0 /G119.0 60 10 clouds of Magellan 13.6 /G1112.0 75 10 satellite galaxies/G0Ca/G0A /G0A/G0Cf m/G0A /G0A/G0CG/G0A /G0A2G(R/G09R1) 3c, GR/G0A /G0AG/G08 /G08/G0CG/G0A /G0AG1/G08 /G082(R/G09R1) 3c. GR/G11G[1/G08 /G080.002 ln (R)]7 (9) (9a)R = 10 kpc is the mean distance of the sun from the galactic center, because1 astronomical measurements are grounded on the validity of the Newton-Keplerian law within the orbit of the sun (see also 5) below). Equation (7) results also convincingly in the linear increase of M/M with growing Rtotal in vast cosmic systems as measured by astronomers [1], [2]: M/M (7)ExperimentR R "M"total 1 10 /G1110 100 kpc0 galaxies 25 /G1125 100 kpc0 pairs of galaxies 430 >400 32 mpc0 Coma cluster 650 >600 70 mpc0 local supercluster 2) From the preceding is evident that measurements of the R-dependen ce of the acceleration in local fields of gravitation must yield apparent discrepancies to Einstein- Newtonian gravity, which usually are interpreted either as a modification of the gravitational constant G or as the effect of an additional (fifth) force of nature. A direct measurement of the gravitational force f, which a unit of mass M = 1 exerts on a test mass m in the distance R from the center of gravity results according to (5) in an additional acceleration: Evidently G expresses an apparent alteration of G due to the gravitational effect of theR field vacuum. In 1976 Lon g compared older measurements at various ranges of R with the results of his own torsion pendu lum experiments at R = 4.5 cm and 30 cm and found on laboratory scale [3]. For an overview we compare theoretical and experimental results :/G0Cg/G0A /G0A2G2ME(RE/G09R1) 3cRE, G(ME /G08/G08MV)/G0A /G0AG1/G08 /G08R2 E GME2G2ME(RE/G09RE/G09R1) 3cRE /G0A /G0AG1/G08 /G08RE2RE(RE/G09RE/G09R1) 3cME,8 (10) Theory Experiment R R /G0CG = G - G (9) /G0CG /G11 G - G (9a)cmR R1 0.0135 0.0077 10 0 0.0235 0.0223 30 0 0.0303 0.0291 50 0 0.0358 0.0336 70 0 where G = 6.656 × 10gs according to Long.-8 -1 -2 3) The influence of the mass of vacuo constituting the gravitational field of Earth on the gravitational acceleration g results according to (8) in: or as an apparent alteration of the gravitational constant of the amount G = (ME + MV) G + /G0CG, where M means mass and R radius of Earth, respectively - R is here theE E 1 negative radial direction toward the center of Earth measured from the point R.E Consistently higher values of G from measurements of g in boreholes and mines for some time have been known to point to a deviation from the 1/R-law of the gravitational potential. Therefore, a direct comparison of this theory with experimental results is possible. In the following we compare some results of Stacey [4], Holding [5] and Hsui [6] from measurements in boreholes and mines with calculations according to (10): Theory Experiment R G (10) 10 cm g s cm(ME + MV)-83-1-21 6.674 6.724 ± 0.014 2 × 104/G271/G0A /G0A1, R/G271/G0A /G0A3/G271, R/G09R/G271/G0A /G0A0, MV(R1/G09R)/G0A /G0A2GM 3c1/G091 6/G27. f/G0A /G0Ag(M/G08 /G08MV(R1/G09R))/G0A /G0AM(g/G08 /G08/G0Cg)/G0A /G0AgM1/G08 /G082G 3c1/G091 6/G27,9 (11) 6.722 6.734 ± 0.002 1 × 105 6.727 6.700 ± 0.065 1.2 × 105 6.772 6.810 ± 0.070 4 × 105 where G = 6.672 × 10cmg s, M = 5.97 × 10 g, R = 6.4 × 10 cm.-8 3 -1-2 27 8 E Eckhardt measured in a tower experiment at R /G11 6 × 10 cm above the ground a14 deviation of g of 500 ± 35 µGal [7], whereas our formula delivers 400 µGal, where g = 981 cm s. -2 Of course, in the case of the tower experiment ( R - R ) in (10) must be replaced byE11/2 ( R + R ). The coincidence of theory and experiment does not look very impressive -E11/2 which easily is explained by the tremendous uncertainties on the experimental side -, but nevertheless, a systematic trend clearly shows up. 4) A look at (10) shows that the apparent alteration of G due to the mass of the gravitational field should not only be dependen t on the distance R, but also on the composition of the material of the attracted mass. The reason is that if R = constant, then the fraction R/R, and thereby the difference (/G08R - /G08R), differs with the density /G271 1 of the material. The density /G27 is the determining parameter and it is clear that /G27 is appproximately related to the difference in baryonic density. In other words, we assume the mass of the field vacuum also to play a passive role as attracted mass. For convenience we choose constituting the density of HO as the reference value. Because stock density varies2 inversely to the volume per unit mass, relative to HO the radius R of the unit mass of2 1 all materials other than HO varies as 1//G08/G27 so that (5) attains the form: 23 As compared with the mass of the gravitational field of an unit mass HO, which we2 arbitrarily set zero, the mass of the field of the unit mass of a material other than HO2 varies as (1 - 1//G08/G27). Correspondingly, the gravitational force acting upon a test mass6 in a locally (almost) homogeneous field, particularly that of Earth, must vary proportional to the density of the test body as: which means: Bodies of equal mass but different density (baryonic density) experience an apparent composition - dependen t relative gravitational acceleration,which is due to small differences of the integrated masses of the respective gravitational fields.MVR/G0A /G0A2GM/GA2(R/G09R1) 3c. GMVR R2/G0A /G0A2G2M/GA2(R/G09R1) 3cR2.10 (12)Fischbach's analysis of the old Eötvös data includes among others three pairs of sample material: HO-Cu, asbestos-Cu and Pt-Cu [8]. The experimental results for2 these pairs are very convenient for a comparison with theory. Computation of (11) and comparison with the results of Fischbach-Eötvös in g(g) × 10 results in (experiment in9 brackets): HO - asbestos = 6.67 (/G117±2)2 HO - Pt = 16.93 (/G1114±2),2 whereby /G27 = 2.8 and /G27 = 21.45; /G27 means density.asbestos Pt 5) The mass of the field vacuum surrounding the sun amounts in any distance R (from the sun) acording to (5) to Thus, the gravitational pull of the mass M in the distance R from the sun must beV Pioneer 10 is currently 71 times as far from the sun as Earth is. According to (12) the gravitational pull of the field vacuum of the sun in this distance R /G11 1.06216 × 10 cm15 onto the spacecraft must be GM/R = 10.51 × 10 cm s - where M = 2 × 10 g andV /GA22 -8 -2 33 R = 1.428 × 10 cm, the mean distance of Saturn from the sun -, whereas Anderson114 reported an experimentally found acceleration of /G11 8.5 × 10 cm s toward the sun [9].-8 -2 To choose the proper value of R in (12) it had to be considered that analogous to the1 case of the Milky Way astronomical measurements are grounded on the validity of the Newton-Keplerian law within the orbit of Saturn, or with other words: in all computations on the grounds of Einstein-Newtonian gravitation the mass of the field vacuum of the sun (and of the planets) is at least till the orbit of Saturn included in the mass of the sun. If R = 2.872 × 10 cm - the mean distance of Uranus - (12) yields 7.97 × 10 cm114 -8 s. Besides we have to expect that the straightforward application of (12) to the-2 gravitational field of the sun is restricted for the following reasons: If the mean distances between the planets are listed in A. U. according to the Titius- Bode law (which with the exception of Pluto correspond roughly to the observed distances) the following ratios result: Mercury - Venus: Venus- Earth = 0.3:0.3= 1 : 1, Mercury - Earth: Earth - Mars = 0.6:0.6= 1 : 1, Mercury - Mars: Mars- Ast = 1.2:1.2= 1 : 1, Mercury - Ast : Ast - Jupiter= 2.4:2.4= 1 : 1, Mercury - Jupiter : Jupiter - Saturn= 4.8:4.8= 1 : 1, Mercury - Saturn : Saturn- Uranus = 9.6:9.6= 1 : 1, Mercury - Uranus : Uranus- Neptune = 19.2: 19.2= 1 : 1, Mercury - Neptune: Neptune- Pluto = 38.4:38.4= 1 : 1.rn/G08/G081/G0A /G0A2n /G092(1/G09r1)/G08 /G08r1,11 (13)Because - as shown before - the mass of each successive shell (being proportional to the distances between the planets or the "thickness" of the shells) of the gravitational field of the sun remains constant, the above ratios seem to indicate that in the protoplanetary disk and later the planets positioned more or less exactly between field shells of equal mass. This can be described as where n = 1, 2, 3,...n and r = 1. Inserting r = 0.4 in (13) delivers again the Titius-Bode3 1 law 2 × 0.3 + 0.4. It s clear that all r > r depend on the value of r, which againn - 2 1 1 cannot be derived from (13). Obviously is the simple rule of balance of field mass shells, developed abo ve, not straightforwardly applicable to the three innermost solar planets. But if our hypothesis is correct, must their distances from the sun also depend on the balance of the field masses. Hence they should tend to take positions between three shells of equal mass at (in arbitrary units) r = 0.33, r = 0.66 and r = 1. On the1 2 3 other hand there must exist a tendency to form three shells at r = 0.5, r = 0.75 and1 2 again r = 1 to reach a balance 0.5 : 0.5. As a consequence the planets tend to take3 position between r = 0.33 and 0.5, which results in r = 0.41, and r = 0.66 respectively1 1 2 0.75, which results in r = 0.71.2 Thus, if this hypothesis is correct, it must be valid for any system, where at least three objects (with a similiar genesis as the planets of the sun) orbit a central mass. If always r = 1 (in the case of Saturn the mean distance of Tethys to Calypso) we find for the3 two innermost objects e. g. in the system of the sun r = 0.39 and r = 0.72, Jupiter r1 2 1 = 0.39 and r = 0.63, Saturn r = 0.49 (mean distance of Atlas to Epimetheus) and r =2 1 2 0.72 (mean distance of Mimas and Enceladus), Uranus r = 0.48 and r = 0.72, the1 2 pulsar PSR 1257 + 12 r = 0.4 and r = 0.77, and the pulsar PSR 1828 - 11 r = 0.44,1 2 1 and r = 0.63, respectively. 2References [1] Rubin, Vera C., Scientific American 248, 96-97 (1983) [2] Thuan, T. X. & Montmer, T., La Recherche 13, 1448 (1982) [3] Long, D.R., Nature 260, 417 (1976) [4] Stacey, F.D. & Tuck, G.J., Nature 292, 230-232 (1981) [5] Holding, S.C. & Tuck, G.J., Nature 307, 714-716 (1984) [6] Hsui, A.T., Science 237, 881-882 (1987) [7] Eckhardt, D.H. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2567-2570 (1988) [8] Fischbach, E. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 3 (1986) [9] Anderson, J. D. et al.: Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration, gr-qc/9808081 [10] Kunst, E. K.: Is the Kinematics of Special Relativity incomplete?, physics/9909059 [11] Kunst, E. K.: On the Origin of Time, physics/9910024 [12] Stephani, H., Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, 2nd ed., Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1980, p. 253 - 256
arXiv:physics/9911008v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 5 Nov 1999Stationary Velocity and Charge Distributions of Grains in D usty Plasmas A.G. Zagorodny, P.P.J.M. Schram∗, S.A. Trigger∗∗, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Ac ademy of Sciences of Ukraine 14 B, Metrolohichna Str., Kiev 252143, Ukraine ∗Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513, MB 5600 Eindhoven, The Netherlands ∗∗Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Scienc es 13/19, Izhorskaya Str., Moscow 127412, Russia Within the kinetic approach velocity and charge distributi ons of grains in stationary dusty plasmas are calculated and the relations between the effective tempe ratures of such distributions and plasma parameters are established. It is found that the effective te mperature which determines the velocity grain distribution could be anomalously large due to the act ion of accelerating ionic bombarding force. The possibility to apply the results obtained to the explana tion of the increasing grain temperature in the course of the Coulomb-crystal melting by reduction of the gas pressure is discussed. This paper was received by Phys.Rev.Lett. on 11 August 1999. As potential referees the authors of- fered to Editor the following persons: V.N.Tsytovich, Russ ia; R.Bingham, UK; D.Resendes, Portugal; G.Morfill, P.Shukla, Y.M.Yu., Germany. Recently much attention has been payed to theoretical studi es of various problems of dusty plasma physics associated with grain dynamics and grain cha rging (formation and melting of dusty crystals, influence of charging on effective grain inte raction, dust-acoustic wave excitation, effect of grain charging on fluctuations and electromagnetic wave scattering in dusty plasmas, etc.). In such studies it is convenient to treat the grain cha rge as a new variable (as was done for the first time in Ref. [1]). This makes it possible to stati stically describe the grain charge distribution on equal footing with the spatial and velocity grain distributions. Obviously, it is very important to know what are the stationary (quasiequi librium) grain distributions and what is the relation of these distributions to plasma parame ters. In spite of the fact that statistical descriptions of dusty plasmas have been alread y used in many papers, as far as the authors of this letter know neither grain charge, nor vel ocity distributions for grains were studied within a consistent kinetic approach. Usually, the problem is avoided by neglecting the thermal dispersion of grain velocity and charge. In many cases this is a rather reasonable approximation, but it could not be valid when the properties of the grain subsystem and its dynamics are concerned. The purpose of the present paper is to describe stationary ve locity and charge distributions of grains in dusty plasmas in the case of grain charging by pla sma currents and to determine the dependences of effective temperatures on plasma paramet ers. We study dusty plasma consisting of electrons, ions, neutral molecules and monod ispersed dust particles (grains) as- suming that every grain absorbs all encountered electrons a nd ions. Such collisions we define as charging collisions . Collisions in which plasma particles do not touch the grain surface we call Coulomb elastic collisions . Notice that the cross-sections of charging collisions are also determined by the Coulomb forces along with the geometrical size of grains. Using the microscopic equations for dusty plasmas and the re levant BBGKY-hierarchy [2] it is possible to show that in the case of dominant influence of charging collisions the kinetic equation for the grain distribution function fg(X, t)≡fg(r,v, q, t) (qis the charge of the grain) 1can be written as /braceleftBigg∂ ∂t+v·∂ ∂r+q mgE·∂ ∂v/bracerightBigg fg(X, t) =−/summationdisplay σ=e,i/integraldisplay dv′[σgσ(q,v−v′)|v−v′|fg(X, t) −σgσ(q−eσ,v−v′−δvσ)|v−v′−δvσ|fg(r,v−δvσ, q−eσ, t)]fσ(r,v′, t), (1) where σgσ(q,v) is the cross-section for charging: σg,σ(q,v) =πa2/parenleftbigg 1−2eσq mσv2a/parenrightbigg θ/parenleftbigg 1−2eσq mσv2a/parenrightbigg , (2) θ(x) is the Heaviside step function, ais the grain radius, fσ(r,v, t) is the plasma particle distribution function normalized by the particle density nσ,δvσ≡(mσ/mg)v′is the grain velocity change due to the collision with a plasma particle, subscript σlabels plasma particle species, the rest of the notations is traditional. Eq. (1) co uld be introduced also on the basis of physical arguments as was done in Refs. [3,4]. In fact, the ri ght-hand part of Eq. (1) describes the balance between the grains outcoming from the phase volu me element and those incoming to the same element due to charging collisions. Taking into account the smallness of eσandδvσit is possible to expand the right-hand part of Eq. (1) into a power series of these quantities. With the ac curacy up to the second order Eq. (1) in the stationary isotropic and homogeneous case is r educed to ∂ ∂v/bracketleftBigg∂ ∂v/parenleftBig D/bardblfg(v, q)/parenrightBig +βvfg(v, q) +∂ ∂q(qγvfg(v, q))/bracketrightBigg +∂ ∂q/bracketleftBigg∂ ∂q(Qf(v, q))−Ifg(v, q)/bracketrightBigg = 0, (3) where D/bardbl,β,Q,γandIare the Fokker-Planck kinetic coefficients generated by char ging collisions and given by D/bardbl≡/summationdisplay σ1 2/parenleftBiggmσ mg/parenrightBigg2/integraldisplay dv′(v·v′)2 v2|v−v′|σgσ(q,v−v′)fσ(r,v′) β≡β(q, v) =−/summationdisplay σmσ mg/integraldisplay dv′v·v′ v2|v−v′|σgσ(q,v−v′)fσ(rv′) γ≡γ(q, v) =/summationdisplay σmσ mgeσ q/integraldisplay dv′v·v′ v2|v−v′|σgσ(q,v−v′)fσ(r,v′) Q≡Q(q, v) =/summationdisplay σe2 σ 2/integraldisplay dv′|v−v′|σgσ(q,v−v′)fσ(r,v′) I≡I(q, v) =/summationdisplay σeσ/integraldisplay dv′|v−v′|σgσ(q,v−v′)fσ(r,v′). (4) The quantities D/bardbl(q, v) and Q(q,v) characterize the grain diffusion in the velocity and charge space, respectively, β(q,v) and γ(q,v) are the friction coefficients which determine the bom- bardment force Fb(q,v) =−mgβ(q,v)vassociated with charging collisions and the correction to this force δFb(q,v) =−mgγ(q,v)vdue to the mutual influence of the charge and velocity grain distributions, Iis the grain charging current. Deriving the relation for β(q,v) we omit the terms of higher order in ( mσ/mg) associated with the tensor nature of the diffusion coef- ficient in velocity space (contribution of the transverse di ffusion coefficient). With regard for 2the fact that |I(q, v)/Q(q,v)| → ∞ ateσ→0 and|β(q,v)/D/bardbl(q,v)| → ∞ at (mσ/mg)→0, it is possible to show that the asymptotical solution of Eq. (3) can be written as fg(v, q) =n0gZ−1Q−1(q,v)e−W(q,v)+λv2D−1 /bardbl(q,v)e−V(q,v)+εδq(v), (5) where W(q, v) =−q/integraldisplay 0dq/I(q′, v) Q(q′, v) V(q, v) =v/integraldisplay 0dv′v′ D/bardbl(q, v′)/braceleftBigg β(q, v′) +∂ ∂q(qγ(q, v′))−qγ(q, v′)/bracketleftBigg∂W(q, v′) ∂q+ +Q−1(q, v′)∂Q(q, v′) ∂q/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg δq(v) =q−q(v), (6) q(v) is the stationary charge of the grain moving with the veloci tyv, given by the equation I(q(v), v) = 0, (7) Zis a normalization constant, εandλare small functions. Substitution of Eq. (5) into Eq. (4) leads to ε=1 D/bardbl(q, v)∂D /bardbl(q, v) ∂q+∂V(q, v) ∂q λ=1 2v/braceleftBigg1 Q(q, v)∂Q(q, v) ∂v+∂W(q, v) ∂v+ε∂q(v) ∂v/bracerightBigg . (8) Eqs. (5)–(8) give the asymptotically exact solution of Eq. ( 3) at ( mgeσ/mσq)→ ∞. Further estimates require the explicit form of the kinetic coefficien ts. Assuming that plasma parti- cle distributions are Maxwellian, one obtains the followin g stationary grain distribution with accuracy up to the zeroth order in ( qmi/eemg): fg(v, q) =n0gZ−1D−1 /bardbl(q, v)e−mgv2 2Teff(q)Q−1(q, v)e−(q−q0)2 2a/tildewideTeff, (9) where Teff(q) =2Ti(t+z) t−z+(q−q0) q0z[1 +t−z t+z(1 +2Zi 1+Zi(1 +t+z))](10) /tildewideTeff=2 1 +Zi1 +t+z t+zTe, (11) and D/bardbl(q, v)≃D0/bracketleftBigg 1 +q−q0 q0z t+z/bracketrightBigg/parenleftbigg 1 +z t/parenrightbigg Q(q, v) =Q0/bracketleftBigg 1−q−q0 q0z(t+z−Zi) (t+z)(1 +Zi)/bracketrightBigg (t+z)(1 +Zi) D0=4 3√ 2π/parenleftBiggmi mg/parenrightBigg/parenleftBiggTi mg/parenrightBigg a2niSi Q0=√ 2π/parenleftbiggTe Ti/parenrightbigg e2 ia2niSi, (12) 3n0gis the averaged number density of grains. Here, we use the not ation z=e2 eZg aTe, t=Ti ZiTe, S2 i=Ti mi, Z g=q0 ee, Z i=|ei ee|. The quantity q0is the equilibrium grain charge of stationary particles sat isfying the equation I(q0,0) = 2√ 2πa2e2 iniSi 1 +z t−/parenleftbiggmi me/parenrightbigg1/2/parenleftBiggTe! Ti/parenrightBigg1/2ne Zinie−z = 0. (13) For typical values of plasma parameters in dusty plasma expe riments ( t+z >1) and Zi= 1 we have: /tildewideTeff≃Te. In such case the thermal variation of the grain charge |q−q0|2is of the order of aTeand |q−q0|z∼q0/radicalBig e2e/aTe. This means that at weak plasma coupling defined with the grai n size (e2 e/aTe≪1) the effective temperature of the grain thermal motion Teff(q)≡Teffreduces to Teff≃2Tit+z t−z(14) and D(q,v)≃D0/parenleftbigg 1 +z t/parenrightbigg , Q (q, v)≃Q0(t+z)(1 +Zi). Thus, in such case fg(v, q) =n0g/radicalBig 2πa/tildewideTeffe−(q−q0)2 2a/tildewideTeff/parenleftbiggmg 2πTeff/parenrightbigg3/2 e−mgv2 2Teff. (15) This distribution describes the equilibrium Maxwellian ve locity distribution and the Gibbs grain charge distribution with the temperatures Teffand/tildewideTeffrespectively. In fact, the electric energy of charge variations of the electric capacity ais equal to ( q−q0)2/2aand thus, the charge distribution described by Eq. (15) can be interprete d as an equilibrium distribution with effective temperature/tildewideTeff. Att <1,z <1 the effective/tildewideTeffexceeds the electron temperature. The resulting velocity distribution is described by the effe ctive temperature Teff. Even in the case of neutral grains ( z= 0) this temperature is equal to 2 Ti. The presence of the factor 2 is associated with plasma particle absorption by grains. Charging collisions are inelastic and a part of the kinetic e nergy of the ions is transformed into additional kinetic energy of the grains. This is the diff erence between the case under consideration and conventional Brownian motion where the v elocity distribution is described by the temperature of the bombarding light particles. Eq. (14) shows that the effective temperature of thermal grain motion could be anomalously high at z→t. Physically it can be explained by the decrease of the friction coefficient with increase of gr ain charge β(q, v)≃2 3√ 2π/parenleftBiggmσ mg/parenrightBigg a2niSi/parenleftbigg 1−z t/parenrightbigg =β0/parenleftbigg 1−z t/parenrightbigg The reason is that the difference between the fluxes of ions bom barding the grain surface antiparallel to the grain motion and parallel decreases wit h the charge increase due to the 4specific properties of the ionic charging cross-section, wh ich charge-dependent part is larger for ions moving with smaller relative velocities (i.e. in paral lel direction). The condition z=t corresponds to the zero value of the friction force. Eq. (3) and its solutions (5), (9), (15) were obtained under t he assumption that the Coulomb elastic collisions could be neglected. In order to take elas tic collisions into consideration Eqs. (1), (3) should be supplemented by the appropriate collision ter ms, for example, by the Landau, or Balescu-Lenard collision integrals. We use the Balescu-Le nard collision integral in the Fokker- Planck form which in the case under consideration (isotropi c spatially homogeneous stationary distribution) can be written as /parenleftBigg∂fg ∂t/parenrightBiggC =∂ ∂v·/bracketleftBigg∂ ∂v(D/bardblC(q,v)fg(v, q)) +vβC(q,v)fg(q, v)/bracketrightBigg , (16) where D/bardblC(q,v) and βC(q,v) are the Fokker-Planck coefficients related to Coulomb elast ic collisions (see, for example, [5], Chapter 8). With the accu racy up to the dominant logarithmic terms (in this approximation Eq. (16) is reduced to the Landa u collision term) such coefficients can be reduced to D/bardblC(q,v)≃4 3√ 2πq2 m2g/summationdisplay σ=e,inσe2 σ Sσln Λ σ/parenleftBigg 1−v2 5S2σ/parenrightBigg βC(q,v)≃4 3√ 2πq2 mg/summationdisplay !σ=e,inσe2 σ S3σmσln Λ σ/parenleftBigg 1−v2 5S2σ/parenrightBigg , S σ=/parenleftbiggTσ mσ/parenrightbigg1/2 . (17) In Eqs. (16), (17) we again neglect the contribution of the tr ansverse part of the diffusion coeffi- cient which gives a correction to βC(q, v) of higher order in ( mσ/mg) and we disregard the grain- grain Coulomb collisions, assuming the grain density to be s mall (ng< ni(Zi/Zg)2(Sg/Si)1/2(Tg/Ti)). We introduced also the Coulomb logarithms ln Λ σfor each particle species. Usually these quan- tities are estimated as ln Λ σ= ln(kmax/kD), where kD=r−1 D= (/summationtext(4πe2 σnσ/Tσ)1/2andkmaxis the inverse distance of closest approach between colliding particles, kmaxσ∼mσv2 |ǫσq|∼3Tσ |ǫσq|=r−1 Lσ (18) (rLσis Landau length). However, in the case of plasma particle co llisions with finite-size grains this estimate could be invalid, since at rLσ< athe Coulomb logarithm will include the contribution of collisions with particles reaching the gra in surface, i.e. charging collisions. An approximate modification of Λ σis achieved by treating ln Λ σas a logarithmic factor appearing in the momentum transfer cross-section for Coulo mb collisions. In the case of finite size grains one obtains the following logarithmic factor ln Λ σ= ln/parenleftbigg sinχmaxσ 2/sinχminσ 2/parenrightbigg , where χmaxσandχminσare the scattering angles related to the minimal and maximal impact parameters bminσandbmaxσby the Rutherford formula. Obviously, bminσshould be determined from the condition that the distance of closest approach is e qual to aimplying bminσ=a/radicalBigg 1−2eσq mσv2aθ(1−2eσq mσv2a). (19) 5Concerning the quantity bmaxσ, it is reasonable to put bmaxσ=rD+ainstead of bmaxσ=rD, since in the case of a finite size grain its screened potential is given by the DLVO-potential Φ(r) =q r(1 +a rD)−1e−(r−a)/rD, rather than the Debye potential. As a result we have ln Λ i=1 2ln(rD+a)2+r2 Li (rLi+a)2 ln Λ e=1 2  ln(rD+a)2+r2 Le (a−rLe)2a >2rLe ln(rD+a)2+r2 Le r2 Lea <2rLe(20) As is seen, at rLi≫rDthe ionic Coulomb logarithm can be a small quantity in contra st to the case of ideal plasmas. Comparing Eqs. (3) and (16) it is easy to see that in order to ta ke elastic Coulomb collisions into account it is sufficient to make the following replacemen ts in the obtained solutions D/bardbl(q, v)→/tildewiderD/bardbl(q, v) =D/bardbl(q, v) +D/bardblC(q, v) β(q, v)→/tildewideβ(q, v) =β(q, v) +βC(q, v). (21) In the case of weak plasma coupling ( e2 e/aTe≪1) /tildewiderD/bardbl(q, v)≃D0/parenleftBigg 1 +z t+z2 t2ln Λ i/parenrightBigg /tildewideβ(q, v)≃β0/parenleftBigg 1−z t+ 2z2 t2ln Λ i/parenrightBigg , (22) Thus, the correction produced by the elastic collisions cou ld be of the same order as that due to charging collisions. The condition for dominant influenc e of charging collisions is /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1−z t/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle>2z2 t2ln Λ i, which can be realized at small values of z/t, or at z|t≫r2 D/a2(rLi≫r2 D/a). Rigorously speaking Eq. (16) and thus Eq. (22) are definitely valid in the case of weak coupling plasmas ( rLi≪rD) since this is the condition of the derivation of the Balescu -Lenard (or, Landau) collision term. However, it is possible to expe ct that actually the domain of validity of Eqs. (16), (22) is not too strongly restricted by such condition. This assumption is in agreement with the direct calculations of the friction co efficient (Coulomb collision frequency) in terms of the binary collision cross-sections. Beside tha t, as it was shown in Ref. [6], in the case of strong grain-plasma coupling the influence of the Cou lomb collision is also small and the kinetic equation is reduced again to Vlasov equation. This m eans that fluctuation evolution equations, which solutions determine the explicit form of t he Balescu-Lenard collision term, are the same as in the case of weakly coupled plasmas and thus Eq. ( 16) continues to be valid. 6The new kinetic coefficients give the following effective temp erature for thermal grain motion Teff=Ti2/parenleftBig 1 +z t+z2 t2ln Λ i/parenrightBig 1−z t+ 2z2 t2ln Λ i, (23) i.e. elastic collisions can produce a saturation of the grai n temperature. However, in the case of dominant influence of charging collision Teffcan be still anomalously large. This fact can be used for a qualitative explanation of the experimentally ob served grain temperatures which are usually much higher than the ion temperature, Tg≫Ti(see, for example [7,8], Ti∼0.1 eV, Tg∼4÷40 eV). Finally, we point out that the obtained results can be modified also for the case of a plasma with a neutral component. It is possible to introd uce an additional collision term along with the term (16). Since the collision integral descr ibing elastic collisions of neutrals with grains also can be represented in the Fokker-Planck for m (it follows from the Boltzmann collision integral) the presence of neutrals results in new additions to/tildewiderD/bardbland/tildewideβ, namely /tildewiderD/bardbl(q, v) =D0/parenleftBigg 1 +z t+z2 t2lnΛi+nn ni/parenleftbiggmn mi/parenrightbigg1/2/parenleftbiggTn Ti/parenrightbigg3/2/parenrightBigg /tildewideβ(q, v) =β0/parenleftBigg 1−z t+ 2z2 t2ln Λ i+ 2nn ni/parenleftbiggmn mi/parenrightbigg1/2/parenleftbiggTn Ti/parenrightbigg1/2/parenrightBigg . (24) As a result the effective temperature is modified into Teff= 2Ti/parenleftbigg 1 +z t+z2 t2ln Λ i+nn ni/parenleftBig mn mi/parenrightBig1/2/parenleftBig Tn Ti/parenrightBig3/2/parenrightbigg /parenleftbigg 1−z t+ 2z2 t2ln Λ i+ 2nn ni/parenleftBig mn mi/parenrightBig1/2/parenleftBig Tn Ti/parenrightBig1/2/parenrightbigg. (25) According to Eq. (25) the effective temperature increases wi th decreasing neutral density. The influence of neutral density changes on the effective tempera ture would be especially important at 1−z t+ 2z2 t2ln Λ i<∼0. In such a case a decrease of the neutral gas pressure can pro duce an anomalous growth of Teff. That is in qualitative agreement with the experimental obs ervation of melting of dusty crystals by reduction of the gas pressure [7,8]. The obtained results show that stationary velocity and char ge grain distributions are de- scribed by effective temperatures different from those of the plasma subsystem. These effective temperatures are determined by the competitive mechanics o f collisions: grain-neutral colli- sions and elastic Coulomb collisions result in the equaliza tion of the effective temperature to the temperature of neutrals, or ions, respectively, while c harging collisions can produce anoma- lous temperature growth. That could be one of the main mechan isms of grain heating. This work was partially supported by the Netherlands Organi zation of Scientific Research (NWO) and by the INTAS (grant 9600617). One of the authors (A. Z.) acknowledges support by NWO for his visit to Eindhoven University of Technology. [1] V.N. Tsytovich, O. Havnes, Comments Plasma Phys. Contro l. Fusion 15, 267 (1995). [2] A.G. Zagorodny, P.P.J.M. Schram. S.A. Trigger, to be pub lished. [3] A.M. Ignatov, J. Physique IV, C4, 215 (1997). [4] S.A. Trigger, P.P.J.M. Schram, J. Phys. D.: Appl. Phys. 32, 234 (1999). [5] S. Ichimaru, Statistical Plasma Physics, Addison-Wesl ey, (1992). 7[6] X. Wang, A. Bhattacharjee, Phys. Plasmas 3, 1189 (1996). [7] A. Melzer, A. Homan, A. Piel, Phys. Rev. E 53, 3137 (1996). [8] G.E. Morfil, H.M. Thomas, U. Konopka, M. Zuzic, Phys. Plas mas5, 1 (1999). 8
arXiv:physics/9911009v1 [physics.acc-ph] 6 Nov 1999Expression of Interest for R&D towards A Neutrino Factory Based on a Storage Ring and a Muon Collider Submitted to the National Science Foundation by The Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration Edited by K.T. McDonald for the Collaboration (November 7, 1999) Proton Driver Target Phase Rotate #1 (≈50 m rf) Mini Cooling (≈3 m H 2) Drift (≈150 m) Phase Rotate #2 (≈10 m rf) Cooling (≈100 m) Linac (2 GeV) Recirc. Linac #1 (2-8 GeV) Recirc. Linac #2 (8-50 GeV) Storage Ring (50 GeV, ≈1 km circ.) Neutrino Beam Collaboration Home Page: http://www.cap.bnl.gov/mumu/ This document resides at http://puhep1.princeton.edu/mu mu/NSFLetter/nsfmain.psExecutive Summary Recent evidence from atmospheric, solar, and accelerator n eutrinos sug- gests that neutrinos have mass, and mix among the flavors νe,νµandντ. Neutrino mass is evidence for physics beyond the Standard Mo del, and has cosmological implications. Because neutrinos interact so weakly, unusual efforts are re quired to de- tect them. Although many of the recent, exciting results in n eutrino physics have been obtained by non-accelerator techniques, the neut rino mass and mixing parameters appear to be such that a new generation of a ccelerator experiments with long baseline distance to the detectors ca n perform de- tailed measurements. For this, a new source of well-charact erized neutrinos is needed. We are exploring the feasibility of a neutrino factory based on a muon storage ring. In this, beams of νµandνearise from the decay of µ−particles (or alternatively, νµandνefromµ+). The muons come from the decay of low-energy pions produced by a megawatt proton beam incid ent on a nuclear target. The muons are captured into a magnetic chann el, “cooled” by ionization in liquid hydrogen, accelerated to energy of o rder 50 GeV, and injected into a storage ring. A nonhorizontal ring can deliv er neutrino beams to an on-site detector, as well as to two off-site detectors se parated by global distances. Such a neutrino factory is a challenging extension of presen t accelerator technology. It is also a natural path to a muon collider, in th at both facilities share many common elements upstream of their storage rings. Prior to a formal design study, R&D must be performed in several keys ar eas, such detailed simulations and actual targetry and cooling exper iments. This in an excellent opportunity to advance the field of accelerator physics both at national laboratories and at universities.The Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration D. Ayres,1M. Goodman,1A. Hassanein, T. Joffe-Minor,1D. Krakauer,1J.H. Norem, C.B. Reed, P. Schoessow,1D. Smith, R. Talaga,1J. Thron,1L.C. Teng, C. Wagner,1 C.-X. Wang,1ANL S. Berg, E.B. Blum,1M. Blaskiewicz,1R.C. Fernow, W. Fischer,1J.C. Gallardo, W.S. Graves,1R. Hackenburg,1H. Huang,1S.A. Kahn, J. Keane,1B.J. King, H.G. Kirk, D. Lissauer, L.S. Littenberg, V. Lodestro, D. Lowenstein,1W. Morse, R.B. Palmer,2 Z. Parsa, F. Pilat,1P. Pile,1S. Protopopescu,1P. Rehak, J. Rose, T. Roser, A. Ruggiero,1 N.P. Samios, Y. Semertzidis,1I. Stumer, M.J. Tannenbaum,1V. Tcherniatine, D. Trbojevic, H. Wang, R. Weggel, J. Wei,1W.-T. Weng, E.H. Willen, S.Y. Zhang,1Y. Zhao, BNL G.I. Silvestrov, A.N. Skrinsky, T.A. Vsevolozhskaya, Budker Inst. Nuclear Physics E.-S. Kim, G. Penn, J. Wurtele, UC Berkeley J.F. Gunion, UC Davis D.B. Cline, Y. Fukui, A.A. Garren, K. Lee, Y. Pischalnikov, UCLA K. Gounder,1UC Riverside K.-J. Kim, R. Winston,1U. Chicago A. Caldwell, J. Conrad, M. Shaevitz, F. Sciulli, W.J. Willis ,Columbia U. M. Tigner, Cornell U. A. Badertscher,1A. Bueno,1M. Campanelli,1C. Carpanese,1J. Rico,1A. Rubbia,1 N. Sinanis,1ETH Zurich D.R. Winn, Fairfield U. C.M. Ankenbrandt, M. Atac, V.I. Balbekov, R. Bernstein,1D. Boehnlein,1 E. Buckley-Geer, M. Carena,1W. Chou, F. deJongh, H.T. Diehl, A. Drozhdin, D.A. Finley, S.H. Geer, D.A. Harris,1N. Holtkamp, C. Johnstone, P. Lebrun, J.D. Lykken, F.E. Mill s, N.V. Mokhov, J. Monroe, A. Moretti, D.V. Neuffer, K.-Y. Ng, R. J. Noble, M. Popovic, Z. Qian, R. Raja, A. Sery, P. Spentzouris, R. Stefanski, S. St riganov, A.V. Tollestrup,3 A. Van Ginneken, S. Vejic, W. Wan, R.M. Yamamoto, J. Yu,1Fermilab M.S. Berger, G.G. Hanson, P. Schwandt, Indiana U. E.L. Black, D.M. Kaplan, IIT Y. Onel, U. Iowa S.A. Bogacz, Q.-S. Shu, Jefferson Lab T. Bolton, Kansas State U. R. Rossmanith, Research Center Karlsruhe Y. Kuno, Y. Mori, T. Yokoi, KEK S. Caspi, S. Chattopadhyay,1J. Corlett, M.A. Furman, M.A. Green, R. Gupta, C.H. Kim, D. Li, A.D. McInturff, R.M. Scanlan, A.M. Sessler,4W.C. Turner, M. Zisman, M.S. Zolorotorev, LBL I.F. Ginzburg, Inst. of Math., Novosibirsk M. Berz, R. York, A. Zeller, Michigan State U. J.K. Nelson,1E. Peterson,1U. Minnesota 1Adjunct Member 2Spokesperson 3Associate Spokesperson 4Associate and Acting SpokespersonL. Cremaldi, D. Summers, U. Mississippi J.H. Miller, S. Prestemon, J. Van Sciver, Nat. High Magnetic Field Laboratory G. Blazey, M.A. Cummings, D. Hedin, Northern Illinois U. C.K. Jung,1R. Shrock,1Y. Torun, SUNY Stony Brook H. Schellman, Northwestern U. T. Gabriel, J. Haines, R. Taleyarkhan, ORNL J. Cobb,1Oxford U. A. Bazarko,1C. Lu, K.T. McDonald, P.D. Meyers,1E.J. Prebys, Princeton U. R. Bennett,1R. Edgecock,1D. Petyt,1RAL A. Bodek,1K.S. McFarland,1U. Rochester G. Apollinari,1E.J.N. Wilson, Rockefeller U. O. Benary, Tel-Aviv U. W.R. Leeson,1A. Mahmood,1U. Texas Pan American T. Patzak,1Tufts U. R.V. Kowalewski,1U. Victoria V.D. Barger, T. Han, U. Wisconsin Industrial Partners: R. Meinke, M.W. Senti, Advanced Magnetic Laboratory D. Howard, LDH Business Systems R. True, Litton Systems, Electron Devices Division J.-P. Ichac, J. McVea, Thomson Tubes Electroniques W. Wang, Wang MagneticsContents 1 Introduction 1 2 Neutrino Oscillations 2 2.1 Interpretations of the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 The Next Generation of Neutrino Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 The Opportunity for a Neutrino Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3.1 Measurements of Masses and Mixing Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3.2 Measurement of CP Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3.3 Detector Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Precision High-Rate Neutrino Physics 10 4 A Neutrino Factory 10 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.2 Proton Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 4.3 Target and Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.4 Phase Rotation #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 4.5 Mini Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.6 Phase Rotation #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 4.7 Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.8 Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.9 Storage Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.10 A First Look at Event Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5 Muon Colliders 24 6 Research and Development 28 6.1 Historical Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.2 R&D Needs for a Neutrino Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.3 The Potential of Muon-Beam-Based Particle Physics and t he NSF-Supported Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6.4 European R&D Activities on Muon Storage Rings and Neutri no Factories . . 34 7 Acknowledgements 35 8 References 36 iList of Figures 1 Sensitivity reach in the (sin2θ13,∆m2 23) plane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 CP violation signal over statistical uncertainties versu s distance. . . . . . . 8 3 Overview of a neutrino factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 Targetry, pion capture, and beginning of phase rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5 The muon bunch at the end of the first phase rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6 The muon bunch after mini cooling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 7 The muon bunch before and after the induction linac. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 8 The muon polarization after the induction linac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 9 The muon polarization vs.proton bunch length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 10 A cell of the cooling stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 11 Cooling performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 12 Global view of neutrino beam options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 13 Storage ring geometries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 14 Various proposed high energy colliders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 15 Plan of a 0.1-TeV-CoM muon collider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 16 Plan of a 3-TeV-CoM muon collider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 17 Precision physics at a First Muon Collider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 List of Tables 1 Numbers of surviving muons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2 Neutrino interaction rates at a neutrino factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3 Comparison of neutrino interaction rates with Minos and NG S. . . . . . . . 24 ii1 Introduction There is accumulating evidence for massive neutrinos that m ix among flavors. The strongest indication is the atmospheric neutrino anomaly first observ ed by the Kamiokande [1] and IMB [2] detectors, confirmed by the Soudan-2 [3] and MACRO [4] detectors, and recently measured with high statistics by the Super-Kamiokande dete ctor [5]. In addition, the long- standing deficiency of the solar neutrino flux measured by the Homestake chlorine experiment [6] is now supported by data from the Kamiokande [7], Super-K amiokande [8], GALLEX [9], and SAGE [10] detectors. These data suggest neutrino masses in the range <∼0.1 eV for the mass eigenstates νi,i= 1,2,3 whose linear combinations comprise the neutrinos νe,νµ, and ντ. Such neutrinos would not be a significant part of the dark mat ter of the universe, The LSND experiment at Los Alamos has reported evidence of νµ−νeoscillations [11], although so far this has not been confirmed by a similar experi ment, KARMEN, at Ruther- ford [12]. If confirmed, this results appears to require the e xistence of one or more light, sterile neutrinos which could be an important component of h ot, dark matter. The issue of neutrino mass has spawned a new “industry” [13], resulting in about three new preprints per day [14], among other activities. Excitem ent is high in the accelerator physics community because the physics implied by the atmosp heric-neutrino results is ac- cessible to long-baseline accelerator experiments such as K2K [15], Minos [16] and NGS [17]. Of course, the LSND experiment was conducted at a short-base line accelerator facility, and can be confirmed by future accelerator experiments such as Mi niBooNE [18], ORLanD [19], and CERN P311 [20]. Moreover, even the physics associated wi th many of the interpreta- tions of the solar-neutrino deficit is accessible to study in accelerator-based experiments if neutrino-beam fluxes can be improved by 1-2 orders of magnitu de. To obtain a factor of 100 improvement in neutrino flux in a cost -effect manner, a new approach is called for. The best prospect appears to be neutr ino beams derived from a muon storage ring, rather than from pion and kaon decay, although the concept of muon-based neutrino beams needs considerable development before it ca n be realized in the laboratory. Muon storage rings have been discussed since at least 1960 [2 1], and their possible ap- plication to neutrino physics was considered as early as 198 0 [22]. However, storage rings with enough circulating muons to provide more high-energy n eutrinos than from horn beams have been only recently been considered in the context of muo n colliders [23]. Enthusiasm for muon-based neutrino beams has been fostered by a series o f workshops and studies at Fermilab [24], BNL [25], and CERN [26], resulting in a conver gence of international interest at the NuFact’99 Workshop [27, 28]. The neutrino fluxes from these proposed muon-based beams are higher than ever achieved before, with a better-understood flavor composition, and, s ince the neutrino beams from this source would be secondary beams rather than tertiary beams, they are more collimated than ever previously imaginable. Distances between production and detection can now span the globe, and using the known flavor composition of the beam, one can map out a plan to measure the neutrino oscillation mixing matrix including C P violating effects, much like that now underway to study the CKM quark mixing matrix. We present a brief review of the physics of neutrino oscillat ions in sec. 2, also including detector issues most critical for neutrino oscillation mea surements. As an example of how diverse a neutrino program at a storage ring could be, highli ghts of possible nucleon structure 1and other near-detector measurements are given in sec. 3. Th e machine itself is discussed in sec. 4, and its possible extension to a muon collider is con sidered in sec. 5. The active theme of this document, research and development towards th e design of a neutrino factory, is discussed in sec. 6. 2 Neutrino Oscillations 2.1 Interpretations of the Data The concept of neutrino oscillation was introduced in 1957 [ 29] and has been extensively discussed in the literature [30] and now on the internet [31] . In the example of only two massive neutrinos, with mass eigenstates ν1andν2with mass difference ∆ mand mixing angle θ, the flavor eigenstates are  νa νb = cosθsinθ −sinθcosθ  ν1 ν2 . (1) The probability that a neutrino of flavor νaand energy Eappears as flavor νbafter traversing distance Lin vacuum is P(νa→νb) = sin22θsin2/parenleftigg1.27∆m2[eV2]L[km] E[GeV]/parenrightigg . (2) As the atmospheric neutrino data involves GeV muon neutrino s with distance scales of the Earth’s diameter, this suggests ∆ m2of order 10−3(eV)2for sin22θ≈1 [32]. The solar neutrino data involves MeV electron neutrinos and distance scales of the radius of the Earth’s orbit, suggesting ∆ m2of order 10−10(eV)2with sin22θ≈1 for vacuum oscillations [33]. The LSND result involves 30-MeV muon antineutrino and a distanc e scale of 30 m, suggesting ∆m2of order 1 (eV)2; large mixing angles are excluded by reactor data [34], so si n22θcan only be of order 10−2in this case. Clearly, four different massive neutrinos are required to ac commodate all three results, given their disparate scales of ∆ m2. The Standard Model presently includes only three neutrinos with standard electroweak couplings and mν< m Z/2, so a “sterile” neutrino is required if all the data are correct [35]. Even discarding th e LSND result, three massive neutrinos are required with a corresponding 3 ×3 mixing matrix (MNS matrix) [36], one of whose representations is, where c 12= cos θ12,etc.,  νe νµ ντ = c12c13 s12c13 s13e−iδ −s12c23−c12s13s23eiδc12c23−s12s13s23eiδc13s23 s12s23−c12s13c23eiδ−c12s23−s12s13c23eiδc13c23  ν1 ν2 ν3 .(3) In the model of three massive neutrinos, the neutrino oscill ation probabilities of interest depend on six measurable parameters: three mixing angles ( θ12,θ13,θ23), and a phase δre- lated to CP violation as indicated in eq. (3); and two differen ces of the squares of the neutrino 2masses (∆ m2 12and ∆ m2 23for instance). The interpretation of the solar and atmosphe ric neu- trino data in terms of the three-neutrino oscillation hypot hesis suggests |∆m2 12| ≪ |∆m2 23|, with ∆ m2 12and ∆ m2 23being responsible for the transitions and/or oscillations of the solar and atmospheric neutrinos, respectively. Then, |∆m2 13| ≈ |∆m2 23|. The description of the atmospheric neutrino data requires ∆ m2 23≈(2−6)×10−3eV2 and large mixing angle θ23: sin22θ23≈(0.9−1.0). For |∆m2 12| ≪ |∆m2 23|and with ∆ m2 23 having a value in the above range, the nonobservation of osci llations of the reactor electron antineutrinos in the CHOOZ experiment [38] implies a limit o n the angle θ13: sin2θ13< 0.05. Given these constraints, the transitions/oscillation s of the solar neutrinos in the three- neutrino mixing scheme under discussion depend largely on j ust two parameters: ∆ m2 12and sin22θ12. The presence of matter can strongly modify the oscillations of electron neutrinos due to their charged-current interaction (MSW effect [37]): in par ticular, the oscillations can be resonantly enhanced by the matter effects even when the oscil lation probabilities are small in vacuum. This leads to additional interpretations of the s olar neutrino data in which ∆ m2 12 can be of order 10−5(eV)2[39]. Indeed, there are four presently viable interpretati ons of the solar neutrino data: •Vacuum oscillation (VO) solution with ∆ m2 12≈(0.5−5.0)×10−10eV2and sin22θ12≈ (0.7−1.0), •Low MSW solution corresponding to ∆ m2 12≈(0.5−2.0)×10−7eV2and sin22θ12≈ (0.9−1.0), •Small mixing angle (SMA) MSW solution with ∆ m2 12≈(4.0−9.0)×10−6eV2and sin22θ12≈(0.001−0.01), •Large mixing angle (LMA) MSW solution, ∆ m2 12≈(0.2−2.0)×10−4eV2and sin2θ12≈ (0.65−0.96). For the VO, Low, and SMA MSW solutions, the expressions for th e various transition/oscillation probabilities at distances which can be reached on earth sim plify: they reduce essentially to the two-neutrino mixing expressions. Neglecting the possi ble matter effects for simplicity, we can write them in the form P(νe→νµ) = sin2(2θ13) sin2(θ23) sin2/parenleftigg1.27∆m2 23L Eν/parenrightigg , (4) P(νe→ντ) = sin2(2θ13) cos2(θ23) sin2/parenleftigg1.27∆m2 23L Eν/parenrightigg , (5) P(νµ→ντ) = cos4(θ13) sin2(2θ23) sin2/parenleftigg1.27∆m2 23L Eν/parenrightigg . (6) In the case of the large-mixing-angle (LMA) MSW solution the re is a known small but non-negligible correction in the above expressions due to t he ∆m2 12. 3Another type of interpretation is often made of these data, i n which the mass mof a light neutrino is related to an intermediate mass scale mIand an heavy mass scale mHaccording to the “seesaw” mechanism [40] which predicts m=m2 I mH. (7) There remains considerable flexibility in the choice of thes e mass scales, but a particularly suggestive version [41] invokes the vacuum expectation val ue, 250 GeV, of the Higgs field as the intermediate mass, so that estimating m≈/radicalig ∆m2(atmospheric) ≈0.06 eV yields mH≈ 5×1015GeV. This scale is commonly associated with the supersymmet ric unification scale in SO(10) models. Hence, there is optimism that neutrino mass i s evidence that supersymmetry exists at the GUT scale. Only a small additional dose of optim ism is required to expect that the supersymmetric partners of known particles have masses near the intermediate scale, mI≈250 GeV, and will be found during the next decade. 2.2 The Next Generation of Neutrino Experiments With four interpretations of the solar neutrino data, and th e two interpretations of the LSND data as either right or wrong, there are a total of eight scena rios for explanations of the data. The experimental challenge is to reduce these to a unique sce nario, and to make accurate measurements of the parameters of that scenario. It is likely that the next generation of short-baseline acce lerator neutrino experiments mentioned previously [18, 19, 20] will clarify the status of the LSND result within 5 years. Continued operation of Super-Kamiokande, plus the new long -baseline mentioned previ- ously [15, 16, 17] will firm up the physics closely associated with the atmospheric neutrino anomaly over the next decade, but will have limited ability t o explore more than a two- neutrino interpretation. The solar neutrino spectrum is complex, and all interpretat ions of the solar neutrino deficit invoke fortuitous energy dependence in the models. T his should permit new critical tests of these models as new detectors come into operation wi th different energy sensitivities. Super-Kamiokande and the SNO experiment [42] (which has jus t started operation) have good sensitivity to higher-energy solar neutrinos, whose fl ux is predicted to rise with energy in the “just-so” models. However, precise interpretation m ay be elusive here even with improved statistics, due to uncertainties in the productio n rate of hepneutrinos in the Sun. These high-statistics experiments will also provide more- significant tests of the depen- dence of oscillation rates on varying path length (seasonal variation) implied in the “just-so” models, and on traversal of varying amounts of matter (day/n ight effect) which affect some of the MSW solutions. At the other end of the energy spectrum, the BOREXino liquid s cintillator experiment [43] should be sensitive to the 0.8-MeV7B neutrinos. Even more ambitious projects, HELLAZ [45] and HERON [44], pl an to use cryogenic techniques to lower their sensitivities to below the 0.4-Me V maximum of the ppneutrinos whose numbers dominate the solar neutrino spectrum. A qualitatively different phenomenon accessible to the SNO e xperiment is the comparison of the rates of the reactions ν+2H→p+p+eandν+2H→p+n+ν. The first reaction 4can only proceed via an electron neutrino, while any neutrin o flavor can initiate the second. Hence, if solar electron neutrinos have indeed transformed to other flavors, the ratio of reaction rates will be less than one. Such a result will be una mbiguous evidence for neutrino oscillations by itself. This extensive program of solar neutrino experiments will c ertainly greatly constrain the four present interpretations of the solar neutrino data ove r the next decade, although one cannot predict with certainty that only a single interpreta tion will then remain. None of the experiments discussed thus far addresses the lon g-standing question of whether neutrinos, if massive, are Dirac neutrinos (with pa rticles and antiparticles being different: ν∝negationslash=ν) or Majorana neutrinos (with particles and antiparticles t he same, as for photons: ν=ν) [46]. Theoretically, Majorana neutrinos are more “natura l”, but the ques- tion should be settled experimentally. This is extremely di fficult because neutrinos are always (thus far) produced in weak interactions with a unique helic ity, which provides a practical distinction between neutrino and antineutrino even if ther e is none in principle. Instead, experimental resolution of the question is based on the sear ch for neutrinoless double beta decay, (A,Z →(A,Z + 2) + 2 e−, which can proceed via annihilation of virtual νeandνeas permitted for Majorana, but not for Dirac, neutrinos. The pr esent (model dependent) limit based on nonobservation of such a decay of76Ge is that m <0.1 eV for Majorana neutrinos. This limit may be pushed as low as 0.001 eV in the next decade. 2.3 The Opportunity for a Neutrino Factory Now that there are rough experimental guidelines as to the pa rameters of neutrino masses and mixings, one can begin to plan for more extensive studies than those described in the previous section. Two prominent features of such a plan are t he need for more neutrinos, and that accelerator experiments with GeV-energy neutrino s can probe a large fraction of the relevant parameter space. The need for more GeV-energy neutrinos leads to a need for GeV proton sources in the megawatt power range. Such power sources, when availabl e, could be used to produce neutrinos via horn beams in the conventional manner. Howeve r, an option has emerged with greater physics flexibility while maintaining a comparable or even larger ν/pratio than that from horn beams. Namely, neutrino beams derived from the dec ay of muons in a storage ring. Technical aspects of muon-based neutrino beams are di scussed in sec. 4. Here, we review the physics opportunities with such beams. Both µ−andµ+can be stored in the ring, but only one sign will be used at a tim e. When, say, µ−are stored their decay, µ−→e−νµνe, (8) leads to beams that contain nearly equal numbers of νµandνewith spectra that are extremely well known. At the detectors, the neutrino and the antineutrino may or ma y not have changed their flavor, leading to the appearance of a different flavor or the di sappearance of the initial flavor, respectively. When detected by a charged-current in teraction, there are 6 classes of signatures in a three-neutrino model: νµ→νe→e−(appearance) , (9) 5νµ→νµ→µ−(disappearance) , (10) νµ→ντ→τ−(appearance) , (11) νe→νe→e+(disappearance) , (12) νe→νµ→µ+(appearance) , (13) νe→ντ→τ+(appearance) . (14) A similar list of processes can be written for operation with positive muons. Of special interest is process (13) where a muon of sign differ ent from the parent muon appears. This is a unique feature of the neutrino factories b ased on muon beams since they are the only sources of intense high energy electron (anti)n eutrino beams. The cases (11) and (14) of τappearance are only practical for neutrino beams with 10’s of GeV energy. 2.3.1 Measurements of Masses and Mixing Angles First, the high flux of neutrinos coming from the decay ring is ideal to measure precisely the various neutrino cross sections and to explore scenario s with more than three massive neutrinos, using a compact detector located at a short dista nce. By the time a muon storage ring would be built it is expected th at two angles θ23and θ12, and the magnitudes of two mass squared differences ∆ m2 23and ∆ m2 12would be known. This knowledge would come from the solar and atmospheric neu trino measurements which would have been verified by long baseline and reactor experim ents, for example, MINOS and KamLAND. The remaining pieces of the puzzle would be θ13, the CP-violating phase δand the signs of the ∆ m2 ij. In addition, the indicated long-baseline experiments wil l not be sensitive to the matter effects in neutrino oscillations b ecause the distances between the sources and detectors are not sufficiently large. It would be o f fundamental importance to verify experimentally the existence of matter effects in neu trino oscillations by observing directly the modification of the neutrino oscillation proba bilities by these effects. The third mixing angle θ13can be measured in several channels at a neutrino factory [47], as can be seen from the expressions (4)-(6) for various transition probabilities. The detector must be far to avoid background but not too far ( <1000 km) so that the effects of ∆m2 12remain negligible and thus δcan formally be set to zero. Figure 1 shows the achievable sensitivity to the yet-unknown value of θ13. 2.3.2 Measurement of CP Violation The measurement of δin a three-neutrino scenario [48] relies either on CP violat ion through the expression ACP=P(νe→νµ)−P(νe→νµ) P(νe→νµ) +P(νe→νµ), (15) or on time-reversal violation using AT=P(νe→νµ)−P(νµ→νe) P(νe→νµ) +P(νµ→νe). (16) 6Figure 1: Sensitivity reach in the (sin2θ13,∆m2 23) plane for a 10 kton detector and a neutrino beam from 2 ×1020decays of 20 GeV muons in a storage ring at distance 732 km. The appearance process νe→νµ→µ+, shown by the lines on the left, has much greater sensitivity than the disa ppearance process νµ→νµ→µ−, shown by the lines on the right. The interior of the box is the approximate region allowed by Super-Kamiokande data (hep- ph/9811390). The asymmetry (15) can be measured using wrong-sign muons an d the two polarities of the muon beam. However, the genuine CP violating contribution t o (15) due to a nonvanishing phase δcompetes with terms related to matter effects, i.e., to the different rates of scattering ofνeandνebetween source and detector. The relative strength of the ma tter-induced asymmetry increases quadratically with distance, and dilu tes the signal of CP violation in a far detector. If the solution of the solar neutrinos problem is that involv ing large mixing angles and matter enhancement (LMA MSW, sin22θ12≈sin22θ23≈1), then there is a possibility of measuring the CP violating asymmetry (15), whose value is th en ACP≈/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 sinδ sin 2θ13sin/parenleftigg1.27∆m2 12L E/parenrightigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle, (17) provided the detector is located sufficiently far and high sta tistics ( >1021muons per year) are available. For all the other solar neutrino solutions ACPis extremely small, being suppressed by a factor of either sin22θ12or ∆m2 12. Figure 2 illustrates the experimental sensitivity to in a large angle MSW scenario. 7Figure 2: The CP violating asymmetry (15) divided by statist ical uncer- tainties vs.distance Lfor a 10 kton detector in a beam from 2 ×1021muon decays. A large angle MSW scenario is supposed, with ∆ m2 12= 10−4eV2, ∆m2 23= 2.8×10−3eV2,θ12= 22.5◦,θ13= 13◦,θ23= 45◦, and δ=−90◦ (corresponding to maximal CP violation). The dashed curves ignore matter effects, while the solid curves include them; the matter effec ts dominate the asymmetry for distances beyond 1000 km. The lower (upper) cu rves are for Eµ= 20 (50) GeV. From hep-ph/9909254. The asymmetry (16) is not sensitive to matter effects, but rel ies on distinguishing the process νµ→νe→e−fromνe→νe→e+. It will be very difficult to distinguish electrons from positrons in the detector, but the relative νµandνefluxes can be varied by varying the polarization of the muons in the storage ring [49]. If future experiments confirm the interpretation of the LSND data that more than three massive neutrinos exist, then the use of the flavor-rich beam s of a neutrino factory is even more of an imperative because the parameter space for CP/T vi olating effects is considerably enlarged and can be successfully explored in experiments wi th such beams [50]. 2.3.3 Detector Issues In view of the various experimental signatures (9)-(14), an ideal detector would provide identification of both flavor and charge of all three leptons e,µ, and τ. Muons are the easiest to identify, τ’s are the next easiest if only because of their decay to muons , and finally electrons are the most difficult. Fortunately, there is a very rich program for detectors that only measure the charge of muons, and hence the oscillation p rocesses (10) and (13) and their conjugates. 8Baseline Detector Capability A magnetized steel/scintillator sampling calorimeter wou ld be one of the far detectors at a muon storage ring experiment. It could have a hadron energy r esolution of 0 .76//radicalig Ehad[GeV], a hadron angular resolution of 17 //radicalig Ehad[GeV]+12 /Ehad[GeV], and much better muon energy and angular resolution. The largest forseeable background in such a detector is char m production. The appear- ance signal for process (13) is a “wrong-sign” muon. However , if there is enough energy for charm production in process (10), the charmed particle prod uced will decay 10% of the time to a wrong-sign muon in the final state. There is a chance that t he associated muon from the neutrino interaction vertex is low energy and/or undete cted. With kinematic cuts on the muon momentum and its component transverse to the hadronic s hower, the signal efficiency would be reduced by 25 to 30%, but the backgrounds would be red uced by a factor of 10−5 to 10−6depending on the neutrino energy. The rejection rate improv es faster with energy than does the background, favoring the use of higher energy m uons in the storage ring. Thus, such a baseline detector would be sufficient for measure ments of θ13via process (13), and the CP-violating phase δvia the asymmetry (15), both of which are unlikely to be measured elsewhere and would contribute enormously to the fi eld. Measurement of the T-violating asymmetry (16) requires sep aration of process (9) from (12), ideally performed by measuring the sign of the electro n, and both of these from neutral- current scattering off electrons. Depending on the transver se and longitudinal segmentation of the scintillator, electron identification is possible, a lthough not on an event-by-event ba- sis. Electron-neutrino charged-current interactions wou ld be distinguished on average by an energy deposition that was much closer to the neutrino int eraction vertex, and at an angle with respect to the outgoing hadronic shower. Charge i dentification would not be possible, although from varying the polarization of the muo n beam one could see how many electron-like events were from νe’s, and how many were from νµ’s [49]. Since a muon-based neutrino factory is a pulsed device with a small duty factor, cosmic- ray backgrounds will be relatively unimportant. Hence, the re is the option to locate the detectors at the surface of the Earth, where available infra structure is more favorable for very large devices. Finally, such a baseline detector would have modest detecti on efficiency for τ’s via their decay to µ’s, permitting study of process (11) and (14) if sufficiently l arge numbers of neutrinos are available. Beyond the Baseline Detector Additional technologies must be employed to achieve electr on and τidentification and charge measurement on an event-by-event basis. One category of new detectors uses thin ( ∼100µm) sheets of emulsion combined with thin (∼300µm) lead or steel spacers to measure kinks that occur when a τdecays. MINOS is studying the performance of this geometry combined with s teel for τappearance mea- surements and is likely to install such a device if they do see oscillations. By comparing the change in slope between a few hundred of these sheets, one cou ld make a 4- σevent-by-event measurement on electron or τcharge. This technique is practical only in relatively smal l volumes, and is perhaps best suited for the near detector, or for the extraordinarily well 9collimated neutrino beams from a TeV muon collider. Detectors which have slightly more promise for use on the 10- kton scale identify τ→µ decays by their difference in kinematics, although they don’ t see the kink from the decay itself. ICARUS, which uses a Liquid Argon TPC detector, has t he necessary charged track resolution to measure the acoplanarity of an event and deter mine the likelihood of its being aτcandidate. 3 Precision High-Rate Neutrino Physics The advent of a muon storage ring would not only bring about ne w neutrino oscillation measurements, but would also usher in a new era for high-prec ision neutrino scattering experiments [51]. For example, with a detector located 30 m f rom a 150 m straight section of a 50-GeV, 1021-µ/yr muon storage ring, the event rate is 40 million events per kilogram per year over a 10 cm radius. To assist in the interpretation of oscillation-related mea surements, precision measure- ments would be made of the total neutrino and antineutrino cr oss sections, as well as of the beam divergence. The neutrinos would also be used as precision probes of nucle ar and nucleon structure, providing additional information to that obtained in relat ed study using charged lepton beams. As is well known, neutrino scattering allows a clean s eparation of the valence and sea quark distributions, and use of a polarized target permi ts characterization of the spin dependence of these distributions. The near detector is thu s the natural successor to nu- cleon structure measurements now underway at HERA, HERMES, Jefferson Lab, RHIC and elsewhere. Combined analysis of the scattering of the four neutrino typ esνµ,νµ,νe, and νeoff electrons should permit measurement of the Weinberg angle t en times better than presently known. A high-flux multi-GeV neutrino beam is also a charm factory, i n which a νµbeam leads only to cquarks that are tagged by a final-state µ−(νµd→µ−c), while νµbeam leads only to tagged cquarks. For the beam parameters described above, there woul d be 107leptonic tagged charm decays in only 40 kg-years (not kton-years!), p ermitting measurements of Vcd to fraction of a percent, and perhaps even direct observatio n ofD0−D0mixing. 4 A Neutrino Factory Relatively complete sketches of a neutrino factory based on a muon storage ring have emerged only recently via a convergence of earlier visions during th e NuFact’99 workshop [27, 28]. Here, we present recent scenarios that consider BNL and FNAL sites as examples [52], but note that the conceptual details of a neutrino factory are ev olving rapidly. 4.1 Introduction Conventional neutrino beams employ a proton beam on a target to generate pions, which are focused and allowed to decay into neutrinos and, inciden tally, muons [53]. The muons 10are discarded (stopped in shielding) and the neutrinos ( νµ) are directed to the detector. In a neutrino factory, pions are made the same way and allowed to decay, but it is the decay muons that are captured and used. The initial neutrinos from pion decay are discarded, or used in a parasitic low-energy neutrino experiment. The muo ns are accelerated and allowed to decay in a storage ring with long straight sections. It is t he neutrinos from the decaying muons (both νµandνe) that are directed to the detectors. Proton Driver Target Phase Rotate #1 (≈50 m rf) Mini Cooling (≈3 m H 2) Drift (≈150 m) Phase Rotate #2 (≈10 m rf) Cooling (≈100 m) Linac (2 GeV) Recirc. Linac #1 (2-8 GeV) Recirc. Linac #2 (8-50 GeV) Storage Ring (50 GeV, ≈1 km circ.) Neutrino Beam Figure 3: Overview of a neutrino factory based on a muon stora ge ring. The main components of the scenario described here are shown in Fig. 3, and are: •A proton driver of moderate energy ( <50 GeV) and high average power (1-4 MW) similar to that needed for a muon collider, but with less stri ngent requirements on the charge per bunch and somewhat less need for power. •A target and pion capture system that can be identical to that for a muon collider. •Reduction of the muon energy spread at the expense of spreadi ng them out over a longer time interval (longitudinal phase rotation). The sy stem can be designed to correlate the muon polarization with time, allowing contro l of the relative intensity of νµandνein a forward beam. All this could probably be identical to tha t for a muon collider. •A limited amount of cooling: about a factor of 50 in six phase- space dimensions, compared with the factor of 106needed for a muon collider. •Fast muon acceleration to 50 GeV in a system of an induction li nac and two recircu- lating linear accelerators (RLA’s). This could probably be identical to that for a muon collider designed for Higgs production (Higgs Factory). 11•A collider ring with long straight sections that could point to one or more distant neutrino detectors for oscillation studies, and to one or mo re near detectors for high intensity studies. This ring is rather different from one tha t maximizes luminosity of muon-muon collisions. Advantages of a neutrino factory are: •The spectrum of the neutrinos from muon decay are very well de fined, particularly compared to conventional neutrino beams from pion decay whe re proton beam size and position, horn current and timing, and the condition of t he target and horn can all affect the fluxes and backgrounds. •There are almost equal electron and muon neutrino types made , and both neutrinos and antineutrinos can be obtained. In beams from pion decay, only 6muon neutrinos are available with small backgrounds of the other types. •The numbers of neutrinos per initial proton are comparable i n the two schemes, and for low energy neutrinos there is no flux advantage in the fact ory. But for high energy neutrinos, the conventional approach requires high energy protons, of which, for a given power, there will be fewer. The neutrino factory can, i n principle, use the same relatively low energy protons to produce the same number of n eutrinos at any energy independent of the neutrino energies, and the number can rem ain high. For 50 GeV neutrinos, the gain is between one and two orders of magnitud e over conventional beams. •The intensities are sufficiently high that one can use oscilla tion baselines of the order of the Earth’s diameter. One could build a neutrino factory i n the US and detect neutrino oscillations in the Gran Sasso detector in Italy, o r build the factory in Europe and direct a beam to the US. Such intensities and distances al so allow the study of the neutrino-matter interaction (MSW effect). Measurement s at multiple distances would, in principle, allow the complete determination of th e neutrino mass matrix (the equivalent of the CKM matrix), including CP violations, whi le also addressing the possible existence of sterile neutrinos. •A neutrino factory is also a first step towards a muon collider . It would be simpler build than a muon collider, would demonstrate most of the com ponents of a collider, and might be upgradable to a collider. In the remainder of this section, we discuss the various comp onents of a neutrino factory in greater detail. 4.2 Proton Driver The number of pions per proton produced with an optimized sys tem varies linearly with the proton energy [54]. Thus, the number of pions, and the number of muons into which they decay, is proportional to the proton beam power. This might s uggest that the proton energy could be selected arbitrarily, but the situation is more com plicated. 12The total six-dimensional emittance of the produced muons d epends on, among other things, the pion bunch length, and thus on the rms proton bunc h length σpif that length is longer than a length c τdecaythat is characteristic to the decay process: τdecay=(mπ−mµ) mπ1 γ2 πτπ, (18) where τπis the pion lifetime and γπmπis the pion energy. The pion yield peaks at Eπ≈300 MeV, which gives τdecay≈1 nsec. This, if the proton energy is low, can imply a large tun e shift in the proton ring prior to extraction: ∆ν∝npC σtǫ⊥γ2 p∝np ∝angbracketleftB∝angbracketrightσtǫ⊥γp, (19) where npis the number of protons in a bunch, Cis the circumference of the proton driver, ∝angbracketleftB∝angbracketrightis the average bending field, and ǫ⊥is the transverse emittance of the protons. The above dependency favors a higher proton energy. It also favors a high repetition rate with relatively fewer p rotons per bunch, but once again the situation is complicated. The total six-dimensio nal emittance of the produced pions depends also on the number of proton bunches employed t o fill the storage ring. This favors a small number of large proton bunches in the driver, a nd thus a larger tune shift. However, a high driver repetition rate with smaller numbers of protons per fill would not increase the emittance per fill and would still reduce the tun e shift. The difficulty with this approach is that the higher repetition rate increases the wa ll power required for the pulsed rf needed for acceleration and cooling. These considerations favor a proton driver of 15-25 GeV ener gy, 1-4 MW power, with a ring cycling at 5-15 Hz, and a bunch length of order 1 nsec. Eac h cycle accelerates about 1014protons in 4-6 bunches space about 150 m apart. Such a proton d river has significantly higher power than any in present use in the high energy commun ity, and is comparable to those under design for neutron spallation sources. 4.3 Target and Capture To maximize the muon yield from pion decay, pions are capture d from the peak of their production spectrum at around 300 MeV/ clongitudinal momentum. The corresponding transverse momenta extend to beyond 200 MeV/ c, so a rather diffuse cloud of pions must be captured. This is best done with a solenoidal magnetic field, whose acceptance of particles at large angles is much superior to that of a sequence of quadr upoles. Indeed, solenoid magnets must be used to contain the pion/muon beam over much o f its length. The target is surrounded by a 20-T hybrid solenoid magnet [55], followe d by an adiabatic transition to the 1-T field of the decay and phase rotation channel. The large pulse of energy deposited by the 1-4 MW proton beam i n the target on nsec time scales lead to transient pressure waves that are proble matic for the long-term survival of solid targets. Therefore, a target based on a free mercury jet is under serious study [54], with a moving belt target as a backup concept [56]. At lower be am powers, a radiatively cooled carbon target may be viable. However, the yield of pio ns per proton is higher for a high-Ztarget material. 13The target and proton beam are at an angle to the axis of the cap ture system to minimize re-absorption of the spiralling pions in the target, and to p ermit dumping of the proton beam to the side of the system, perhaps in a pool of mercury. Figure 4 sketches the main features of the target and capture apparatus, along with the beginnin g of the phase rotation channel. The capture system is very similar to that considered for a mu on collider source [23]. Figure 4: Targetry, pion capture, and beginning of phase rot ation. 4.4 Phase Rotation #1 An early, high-gradient phase rotation is required if muon p olarization is to be selected without particle loss. Forward decays, having one polariza tion, yield higher energy muons than backward decays, which have the other. If full phase rot ation occurred before decay, then polarization and final energy are fully correlated, but significant correlation is obtained even with partial rotation before decay. The essential requ irement is that significant energy changes occur before the decay. Phase rotation after decay c annot distinguish energy changes due to decay kinematics from the energy spread of the initial pions, so there is no way to separate the different polarizations. The first phase rotation is accomplished by a sequence of low- frequency rf cavities that reside inside a solenoid magnet which contains the beam tran sversely. The first cells of this are sketched in Fig. 4. At the end of this first phase rotation s tage, the bunch length has increased by a factor of 6 and the energy spread has decreased by the same amount. Figure 5 shows a simulation of the bunch at the end of the first phase rot ation. Alternative scenarios without this first stage of phase rota tion are under study [58], always with the result that the polarization separation wil l be lost. 14E(GeV) ct (m)0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 ◦+ −+ −−+ −+ ◦◦◦+++ −+ +◦ ◦◦++ ◦ ◦ −+ ◦ ++ +◦ −◦ −−+ − +◦++ −+ ◦ −++ ◦ −◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦+ ◦◦+ ◦ ◦+ +++ −+◦+ +−+◦++ +◦◦ ◦−+◦ + −◦ ◦ −+ −+ −+◦◦ −− ◦ −+ −+ ◦+ −++ −+ ◦++ ◦+ ◦−+−+◦ ++ + −◦ ++ +− −◦+ ◦++ +−++ −◦+ ◦ −−+◦+ ++ ++ + ◦ − −−+ ◦ ◦ ++ −++ ++ −++◦+ ◦◦ −◦◦++◦+ ◦+++ −+ − ◦◦+ −+ −− +++ ++ −−++++ + ++ ++ + +−++ ++ − ++◦− −− +−+−◦+ −−◦ ◦ ◦+ ◦ + −−++ ◦ −+ ++ +++ +−+ −+ − ◦− + ++ + ++ ++ +◦−+ ◦+ + ◦+−◦+ ++ ◦ ◦◦+◦ − −−+ ++ ◦+ + ◦+ + −+ +− +++ − −+ ◦ − −++ ++ − −−◦ +◦◦ −++◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ −◦ −+ ++ +−+ ◦◦ ++ −+ +◦ ◦ −++ ◦◦ − −◦◦++ + ◦−+ ◦+ ◦++ − ◦◦ ◦◦ +−+ − ◦ −−−+◦ −−− −++ +− −◦ −++ + +++ + −◦ ++ ◦+ −◦◦◦+ ◦◦− + − ◦ +++ ◦ +◦ ◦ ◦◦◦+ ◦ ◦◦◦++++ −−−+ +◦◦−+ ◦++ − ◦−◦+◦+ + ◦+++ −++ −◦◦ −+ +−++ + ◦+ +◦ ◦− −− + ◦+ −−+ ◦+ ◦+ + + −− − −+ ◦ −+ ◦+− +++ + ◦+ ◦+ ◦+ ◦◦ + ◦◦◦◦+◦ −◦ + ++++ ◦+ ◦◦+ ◦ −+ + + ++◦+ ◦+ ◦ ◦++◦+ −++ + + ◦+ +◦+ ◦+++ −−◦ + +◦ − − ◦+◦ ◦◦−◦ +◦ −−◦++ ++++ ◦++◦ −◦ −−◦ ++◦ +◦◦++ −◦+++−+ − + ◦+ ◦+ − ++ +◦+−+ ++ + −−++ ++ ◦ ◦◦ ◦◦+ ◦ ◦◦ −+ ◦ −◦ +◦− − −− + ◦++ ◦◦◦◦+◦◦− ◦ −+++ ◦++ ◦−+− −+− ◦◦ +++ +◦+ + ◦+ ++ ◦+ +++ +−◦+◦ ◦+ +++◦ + − −◦+ −−+ ++−++ ++ ++ ◦+ −◦ −◦◦ −+ −++ ◦+ + −+++ +− ++ ◦+++ −+ −+◦ ◦+ ◦◦◦+ ◦ ◦+ −+ −++ + ++◦ ◦ ◦+ ◦ ◦++ +−+ ++− − −+++ + −+ − ++ −+++ +−+++ ◦◦− ◦ −− −+ ++ ++◦ +−− +++ ◦ ◦−++ −− ++ ++ ◦−++ ◦+ + ++ ◦+ + ◦+ + −◦ −+++++ ++ ◦+ −+ ◦ −◦◦ +−◦++ −++ ++ ++ ++ ++◦ −++◦◦ ◦◦ +++ ◦◦++ ◦+ + ++++◦ + −+ ◦+◦◦+ ++ −−+◦ + +− + −◦+ ++ ++ ◦ ++ + ++ + −++ ++ −+ − ◦ ◦ −+ −+ −◦+◦+ ◦+ ◦++ −◦+ −++ +++ −++ +◦ ◦+ −+ −− −+ +++ −−+ + + ◦◦◦ ◦ ◦++◦ ++ ◦ −◦+ ◦ ◦◦+ ++ −+ ◦◦ + − −++ ◦◦ ++ −+ ◦+ −++ ◦◦−−++ ++ ◦◦ ++ + ◦+ −++ −+ ◦ ◦◦ −++ ◦ +++−◦+ ◦+ + ◦◦+ ◦+◦+◦ −+ ++− −◦ ◦+ ++ +++ ◦+ −++ ◦ −+ ◦◦ ++ ◦◦ − ++ +++ ++ ◦−◦ ◦◦+ ◦+ −++ ◦◦+ + ◦◦◦+ ◦ −++++ −+++ + +−++ −+ ◦+ ◦+ −−−+ +− −+◦ + −++ +◦◦◦ −+ + +◦++ ◦+◦ ◦ ++++++ +◦−+ −+◦ ++ ◦−+ ◦ ++ +◦◦+−+++ +◦ − ◦◦◦ +− + ++ ++ +−+ ++◦ + −+++ −− ◦+ −+◦ −+ ◦++ ◦++ ◦++ ◦+ ◦+ + ◦+ ◦−◦+ ◦+ ◦−+ + + −◦+ ◦+ ++ ◦◦ ++ + +++ ◦ ++ ◦ −+−◦ −◦ ◦ −+ ◦+◦+ + −+ −◦+ ++ −− ◦◦ ◦ Figure 5: The longitudinal-phase-space distribution of th e muon bunch at the end of the first phase rotation. Color and symbols indicat e polarization P: + (red): P >0.3, o (green): 0 .3> P > −0.3,−(black): −0.3< P. 4.5 Mini Cooling Reduction of the phase volume of the muon beam must be accompl ished before the muons decay, which limits the applicability of stochastic coolin g and electron cooling. Rather, we propose to use the technique of ionization cooling [59] in which the muons lose both transverse and longitudinal momentum while passing throug h bulk matter, and only longi- tudinal momentum is restored via rf acceleration. This tech nique is uniquely applicable to muons because of their minimal interaction with matter, and can be performed in less than a microsecond. The first stage of cooling at a neutrino factory, called mini c ooling, consists simply of a hydrogen absorber in a solenoidal field, and serves two purp oses. It reduces the muon energies so that the subsequent drift length for a second pha se rotation could be kept short. It also lowers the transverse emittance by almost a factor of two. In a current simulation [52], the mini cooling was done in a si ngle hydrogen absorber placed in a fixed magnetic field of 1.25 T, with simulated resul ts as shown in Fig. 6. Such cooling introduces canonical angular momentum and it will p robably be desirable to do the mini cooling in two stages with a field reversal between them. 4.6 Phase Rotation #2 The purpose of phase rotation is to minimize the muon momentu m spread, which can be done at the expense of lengthening the bunch up to a distance a pproaching the initial proton bunch spacing ( ≈150 m in the example discussed here). The very long resulting bunch is then rebunched at a higher frequency ( ≈175 MHz), yielding a train of about 30 individual muon bunches for every initial proton one. In addition, this phase rotation results in the polarizatio n being correlated with time, i.e., bunch number, instead of energy. This correlation can, in pr inciple, be preserved thereafter. 15E(GeV) ct (m)0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 + +−++ ◦ ◦++ +−+ +◦ ++ ◦◦◦ +◦+ +++◦ −◦−−+ − + ◦++ + −+ ◦++ + ◦◦ ◦◦◦◦+ ◦+ ◦+ ◦◦+ + ++ −+◦+ +−+ ◦+ + + ◦◦ ◦−+◦ + ◦ −◦◦++ +◦◦−◦ −+ ++ −++ −+ ◦ ++ ◦+ ◦ −+ −+ ◦− ++ +◦ ++ +− −◦+ ◦++ + −++ − ◦+ ◦+ −+◦+− + ++ + ◦ −+ −+◦◦+ −+ ++ ++ −++◦+◦◦◦+ ◦++ ◦+ ◦+ ++ + −− ◦ ◦+ −+ −+++ ++ −++++ + +++ + + −++◦ ++ −+◦− − −+ −+ −◦+ −◦ ◦ ◦+◦ + −− ++++ +++ −+ −+ −− ++ +++ ++ +◦ −+ ◦+ + ◦+−◦+ +++ ◦ ◦◦+◦ −−+ ++ ◦+ +◦+ ++ +−+++−+ ◦ −++ ++ −◦ +◦◦ −++◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ −◦+ ++ + −+ ◦◦+++ +◦◦ −+ ++ ◦◦ − ◦◦ ++ +++ ◦++ − ◦◦ ◦◦ +−+ − ◦ −−− +◦◦ ++ +− −◦− − ++ ++++ + −◦++ −− ◦◦◦+ ◦ ◦ −+−◦ ◦+++◦ +◦ ◦ ◦◦+ ◦◦ ◦◦+ +++ −+◦◦ −+ ++ − ◦− ◦+◦+ ++++ − ++ ◦−+ +−++ ++ +◦ −−+ ◦ ◦+ ◦ −−+ ◦+ ◦+ + +− −+ ◦ −+ ◦+− + +++ ◦+◦+◦+ ◦◦ + ◦◦◦◦+ ◦◦+ ++++◦ ◦+◦ −++ ++ ++ ++◦+ ◦+ ◦ ◦++◦+ −++ + ◦+ + ◦+ ◦ ++ + − −◦+ + +◦ −+ ◦◦−◦ ◦−◦ + ++++ ◦ ++◦ −◦+ −◦ +◦+ ◦◦+ +◦+++ −+− + ◦+ ◦ +−++ + +◦ +−+ ++ +++++ ◦◦ ◦◦◦+ ◦+ ◦◦ −◦+ ◦◦ +◦− − −−+ + ◦++ ◦◦◦+◦◦ −◦ −+++ ◦+ + ◦−+ −−+ − ◦◦ ++ + +◦+ + ◦◦ ++ + ◦+ + ++ + −◦+◦ ◦+ + ++◦ + −−◦+ −−+++− −+++ ++◦ +◦ ◦◦◦ −+++◦+ ++++ +− ++ ◦+ ++ −+ −+◦ ◦+◦++ −+ ◦+ + ++◦◦◦+ ◦+ ◦++ + −+ ++− −++++ −+−+ −+ +++−++◦ −◦◦ − −+++ ++◦ + −−+++ ◦ ◦−++ −−+◦ +++ ◦ −++◦+ ◦+ + ++ ◦+ + ◦+ + − ◦++ +++ ++ ◦++◦ ◦◦ + −◦++ −++ ++ +++ + ++ ◦− ++ ◦◦ ◦◦ +++ ◦◦++ ◦+ +++ + ◦ +++◦◦+ ++ +◦ +− + ◦+++ ++ ◦ +++ ++ + + ++ −+ − ◦◦−+ + −◦+◦+◦+ ◦ +++ −+ + +++ −◦ ++ +◦ ◦++− ++ −+ + +◦ ◦ ◦◦++ ◦ ++ ◦◦+ + ◦ ◦ ◦+ ++ −+◦ ◦+ + −−++ ◦◦ ++ −+ ◦+ −+ + ◦− −++ ++◦◦++ ++ ◦+ − ++ −+◦ ◦++ ◦ ++−◦+◦ + + ◦◦+ ◦+◦+◦+ + +−◦◦++ + +++◦+ ++ ◦+ ◦◦ ++ ◦◦ −++ ++ +++◦ ◦◦◦ + ◦ ◦+ −++ ◦◦− + + ◦ ◦◦+ ◦++++ −+++ ++ −++ −+ ◦+ ◦++ +− −+ ◦+ −+++◦ ◦−+ +◦ ++ ◦+ ◦ ◦ ++++ ++ +◦−+ − +◦++ ◦−+ ◦+ + ◦◦+ −+++ + ◦−◦+− + +++ +−+ ++◦ + + ++ −−+ −+◦ −+ ◦ ++ ◦++ ◦++ ◦+ ◦+ + ◦+ ◦ ◦++ +++ −◦+++ ◦◦ ++ + +++ + ◦ ++ ◦+−◦ −◦ ◦+ +◦++ −+ −◦+ + + − −◦◦◦ Figure 6: The longitudinal-phase-space distribution of th e muon bunch after the mini cooling by liquid hydrogen. Color and symbols indic ate polarization P: + (red): P >0.3, o (green): 0 .3> P > −0.3,−(black): −0.3< P. The second phase rotation is performed by a drift ( ≈150 m), followed by energy correc- tion, followed by bunching. In the present example, an induction linac ( ≈100 MeV acceleration) is used in which the pulse shape is tailored to correct the time-energy corre lation generated by the drift. The induction linac must supply a rapid train of acceleratio ns, spaced by the proton bunch spacing, and equal in number to the number of proton bunches. Figure 7 shows the simulated energy vs.time distributions after the drift, and and after the energy correction in the induction linac. The simulated final polarizations vs.bunch po- sition are shown in Fig. 8. The maximum muon polarization is a rapid function of the initial proton bunch length, as shown in Fig. 9. In the simulation, th e average muon polarization at the end of the induction linac is 0.37, and the momentum spr ead is dp/p≈2 %. If only 20% of the muons are kept, the polarization could be 0.6. Bunching can be done either before or after the energy correc tion. The bunching fre- quency considered here is a multiple of 350 MHZ, the frequenc y of the superconducting cavities that are assumed to be used in the later acceleratio n. More efficient bunching may be possible if the initial energy i s lower and the bunching is done together with acceleration [58]. This suggests that a s econd mini cooling with about 1 m of hydrogen could be used to lower the muon energies to abou t 25 MeV, followed by the bunching and acceleration back to 100 MeV. The addition of th e second mini cooling would further reduce the required conventional cooling to follow [60]. 4.7 Cooling A simple comparison of the total produced six-dimensional e mittance and the total accep- tance of a plausible storage ring indicates that cooling sho uld not be needed. But without cooling, the muon accelerator would have to have a transvers e rms acceptance of ≈20π mm-rad (full acceptance ≈0.2πm-rad). This we have shown is possible with large-aperture 16E(GeV) ct (m)0 25 50 75 1000. + ◦ ◦−−+ + +◦+ ◦+ ◦+◦ ++ − ++ ◦++ ◦− ◦+ +◦+◦◦ − +++++ +−++ + ++ −+ ◦◦ +− + ++ −−+++◦ ◦+ ◦+ + +◦◦+ ◦++ +◦ ◦ −+−++ −++ −◦ ◦+++ +++ ++ + + ◦◦ ◦◦++ −−++◦ +++ ◦+ ◦◦ +◦ + + ◦+−◦++ + +++ +++◦++++ ++ +− ◦+ +++ ◦+ ++◦ −◦ −−− −+ +◦ ++ ++ ++++ +− ◦◦+ ◦◦ ++ −+ ++ ◦◦+ +◦ ◦+ ++ ++◦− −+ −++◦ +−+++ −◦◦+ ◦◦ + ◦++ +◦ +◦◦−+◦ −+− ◦+ + + −−+++++ ◦+ ◦◦ ◦◦ +◦◦++ +++ + + +◦− ++ ++ +◦+ ◦ ++ −+ ◦+ −◦+ + ++−◦ ◦++ − −−++ ++ +◦+ + + −+++ ◦+ ++ ++ +◦◦ ◦+◦+ − −◦++ ++ ◦ ++ −−−+ ◦+ +◦+ ++++ ◦◦+ +++ + ◦ −◦++−− ++ +◦◦ +◦◦ ++ ++ ◦ ◦−+◦+ ++ ◦ +◦◦ +++ + +◦++ ◦ ++◦ ++++ ◦+ ◦++++ + +◦ ◦− ◦+◦◦ ◦−++ −◦++ −◦◦−−◦+ +++◦− ◦ −+− −+ ◦++ −◦+ +◦ + −−+ −++ ◦ ◦++− ◦++ + +◦+ ++ ++ ++ + + ◦++ ◦+ −−◦ −−+ ++ ◦ +◦ ◦+ ++− ◦++ ++++ ◦+ ◦++− ◦+◦− + ++ +◦ ++ ++◦++ ◦ ◦◦++−++ ++ −++ + ◦+ ◦+++ ◦+ ++ ++ −◦ ++++ ◦◦ ◦+◦+++ ++ + −◦ ◦ ◦+− ◦◦+ − +++++ + −+ ++− −+ ++ −++ +◦ −◦ ◦+ ◦◦ ◦++ ◦+◦ ++◦◦◦ ◦++◦+ + −+ ++ ◦◦ +◦ ++ ◦+ +++ +◦ −+ ++ −++ ◦+ ◦+ + ◦−+ ◦◦ +++ +++ ◦+ −◦ ◦+ −+ ◦+ +◦ ◦−++ ◦+−+◦ + ++ ◦+ + ◦+−◦− −◦+ + ++++ ◦ −+ −− +◦−◦ + ◦◦◦ +++ ++++ ◦+ ◦− ◦+◦+ ++ −++++ ◦◦ ◦+ + + ++ ++ +− ++− +◦+ ++ + ◦+ ◦ −+ ◦+ ◦− −−+ ◦++ ++ ◦+ + −++ −+◦ ◦++ −◦ ◦−−+ −+ −+++ − + ◦+ ++◦+ ◦◦ ◦◦+ ◦ +◦ +◦++◦ ++ ++ +++ +−++ ◦+ −◦+− ++ ◦+−+ −+ ◦++◦++ ◦◦◦ ++ ◦ −◦ ◦+ ◦++ ◦ ◦+ +◦ ++ + ++ + ◦− + ◦ −+ ++ ◦+ +◦++ − ◦ After Acc to 100 MeVE(GeV) ct (m)0 25 50 75 1000. + ◦ ◦− −+ + + ◦+◦ ++++− ++ ◦ ++ ◦− ◦++◦+◦◦ − + ++++ +−+++++−+ ◦◦ +−+ ++ −+ +◦◦+ ◦+ + +◦◦+ ◦+++◦ ◦ − +− ++ −++ −◦◦+++ ++ + +◦◦ ◦◦++−−++◦+++◦ +◦◦ +◦ + + ◦−◦++ ++++++◦+ +++ ++− ◦ + +++ +++◦ −◦ −−− −+ + ◦++ + +++++ +− ◦◦+ ◦◦+++ + + ◦ ++ ◦ +++ + +◦−−++ +◦ + −++ + ◦◦+◦◦ +◦ ++ + ◦ +◦◦−+◦ +− ◦+++ −+++++ ◦ +◦◦ ◦ ◦◦◦+ ++++++−++++ ◦+ ◦ ++ −+ ◦−◦+ + ++−◦ ◦++ −−++ ++ + ◦+++ − +++◦+ ++ +++◦◦ ◦ ◦+− −◦++++◦+ + −−+ ◦++◦++ ++ ◦◦+ + ++ +◦ −◦ ++− − ++ +◦◦ +◦◦+++ + ◦ ◦+◦ + ++◦+◦◦+ + ++ +◦++◦++◦ ++++◦+ ◦++++++ ◦ ◦−◦+◦◦◦−+ + −◦++−◦◦−−◦+++◦− ◦ − + −+ ◦++−◦+ +◦+ −−+−+ + ◦ ◦++− ◦ +++ +◦++++ ++ +◦++ ◦ + −−◦ − −+ ++ + ◦+◦ ◦+ ++− ◦ ++ + +++ ◦ + ◦ + +−◦ +◦− ++ + + ◦ ++ ++◦++ ◦◦◦++−+ ++ ++ + ◦+ ◦+ ++ ◦ +++ ++−◦++++ ◦◦ ◦+◦+++ + + − ◦◦+ ◦◦+ +++++−+++− + ++ +◦ − ◦ ◦+ ◦ ◦ ◦++ ◦ +◦++◦◦ ◦ ◦++◦+ +−+ ++◦ ◦ +◦+◦ + +++ +◦ −+ ++ −+ + ◦ + ◦ + +◦ −+ ◦◦+ ++ + ++ ◦ + − ◦ ◦+ + ◦++ ◦ −+ +◦+−+++ ◦++ ◦ +−◦− −◦++++◦ + −− +◦−◦ +◦◦◦+ ++ +++◦+ ◦ − ◦+◦+ + +− ++++ ◦◦◦++++++ +− + +−+◦+++◦+ ◦− + ◦ +− − + ◦++ ++ ◦ ++−++ − +◦◦++ −◦ −−−++++ − + ◦+ +◦ +◦◦◦ +◦+ ◦ +◦++◦ ++++ ++ +− ++ +◦+++ + −+ +◦++◦ ++◦◦ + + ◦ − ◦ ◦ + ◦ ++◦◦+ +++++ ◦− +◦ − ++ + ◦ + +◦++ − Figure 7: The longitudinal-phase-space distribution of th e muon bunch after the second phase rotation (top), and after the induction lin ac (bottom). Color and symbols indicate polarization P: + (red): P >0.3, o (green): 0 .3> P > −0.3,−(black): −0.3< P. solenoid focusing and low-frequency rf, but would be expens ive. A more reasonable acceleration scheme considers an rms tran sverse acceptance of ≈1.5π mm-radians. A cooling scenario based on the so-called super -FOFO [61] lattice of confining magnets (Fig. 10) is under study. The current simulation, us ing a fixed lattice and operating at a central momentum of 185 MeV/ ccools to below 3 πmm-radians, as shown in Fig. 11. It does not achieve the required 1.5 πmm-radians because of Coulomb scattering at the end. Other lattices, with stronger fields easily reach the re quired final emittance, but do not accept the full initial emittance. More work is needed here. In a bunched beam, particles with large transverse amplitud e must have higher total velocity (higher energy) so that their longitudinal veloci ty,vz, remains matched to that of 17Polarization Bunch Position (m)25 50 75 100-1.0- Ave Pol.Polarization Intensity Figure 8: The muon polarization and intensity as a function o f position in the bunch train after the induction linac. PolarizationPeak Polarization 0 1 2 3 Bunch Sigma (nsec)dE/E Figure 9: The muon polarization after the induction linac as a function of the proton driver bunch length. the bunch. This is not practical for relativistic beams, but can be arranged for nonrelativistic beams such as considered here. If the phase-rotation drift and buncher have a lattice with t he same amplitude- vzprop- erties as the cooling lattice, then the correlation is autom atically generated. Remember: the drift sorts particles by vz, not energy. After the drift, their longitudinal position i s a function of that vzwhich is the required correlated combination of energy and a mplitude. The bunching, done in the same lattice (or one with the same pr operties) is also a bunching byvz, not energy, so the correlation is preserved. And so into the cooling. Note that a simple solenoid will NOT do for the drift or bunchi ng, since vzis a function not only of amplitude, but also of angular momentum. A soleno id of one sign gives a higher vzfor one angular momentum sign than the other. Both drift and b unching must done with alternating fields of some kind that maintain the canonical a ngular momentum near zero. The super-FOFO lattice satisfies this requirement. 18length (m)0 1 2 3 4 5050100 88 -38 88 -88 38 -88 len (m)axial and dipole B (T) 0 1 2 3 4 5-5.0- Figure 10: Top: half section through a super-FOFO cell of the cooling appara- tus, showing the coil configurations, rf cells, and hydrogen absorbers. Bottom: the axial magnetic field vs.position. Distance (m)ǫ⊥(πmm mrad, rms) 0 25 50 75025005000750010000 •• •••• •••••• •• •••• •••• •••••• •• •• •••• •••• •••• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦◦◦◦◦ ◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ◦◦ ǫ/bardbl(πmm, rms) Distance (m)0 25 50 750.0 1001.0 1042.0 1043.0 104 •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •• •• •••• •••••••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• • ••••ǫ6(10−12(πm)3) Distance (m)0 25 50 750.0 1005.0 1051.0 1061.5 1062.0 106 •••••••• •••• •••• ••• • •••••••• •••••••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• • •••• •••• •••• •••• •• •• • •• • •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• ••• • • ••• ••• • • ••• • ••• Loss (%) Distance (m)0 25 50 75012345 Figure 11: Transverse emittance (top left), longitudinal e mittance (top right), 6-d emittance (bottom left), and particle loss (bottom righ t)vs.position during cooling. 194.8 Acceleration Acceleration of the cooled muon beam from 185 MeV/ c(≈100 MeV) to 50 GeV is achieved by a linac followed by two recirculating linear accelerator s (RLA’s). The present assumption is that the larger second (and possib ly also the first) recirculating accelerator uses LEP superconducting cavities, or cavitie s with the same parameters and dimensions. The use of these cavities sets constraints on th e minimum energy for which the required emittance can be transported. If the full ( ≈10 m long) cryostats, containing four cavities, are used as is, then this minimum energy is app roximately 8 GeV. This is taken as the approximate injection energy into the second RL A. If the cavities are rehoused individually in new cryostats, then the minimum energy is ap proximately 2 GeV. This is used as the approximate injection energy the first RLA. More detailed considerations of the RLA’s, and of the storag e ring lattice, are given in [62]. 4.9 Storage Ring Geometries The geometry of the storage ring is site specific, being a func tion of both the ring and detector locations. Figure 12 shows directions and direct d istances from rings at BNL or FNAL to Gran Sasso, Soudan, and SLAC. The circumference of su ch rings for 50 GeV muons must be of order 1 km, even using bend magnets of several Tesla , so that a large fraction of the length can be in neutrino-beam-producing straight sect ions. Figure 12: Neutrino beam paths between various possible sit es for source and detectors. For physics reasons (to separate MSW from vacuum oscillatio ns), two differing ring to detector distances are required. If the two detectors lie in approximately opposite directions from the ring then it seems reasonable to design the ring with long sides that point to the 20two detectors, adding, if needed, a third straight to close t he ring. Two geometries are of particular interest (Fig. 13): •A triangular geometry lying in a tilted plane. This minimize s the amount of bending required and maximizes the total straight for a given circum ference. But, the lengths of the straights pointing at the two distant detectors is NOT maximized. •A “bowtie”, or figure-of-eight geometry, also lying in a tilt ed plane. This geometry uses more total bending, but does maximize the important str aights. It also has the interesting feature of not precessing the muon spins. A vari ant of the bowtie looks much the same but does not lie in a plane, so that there is a sign ificant separation of the beams where they cross. In this case there is a slow preces sion of spin. The bowtie can be made asymmetric so as to maximize the length of the upward straight. lengths (m)-200 0 200 Figure 13: Possible bowtie and triangular geometries for a m uon storage ring designed to deliver neutrino beams to two distant detectors . To send a neutrino beam to a detector on another continent, a s traight section in the storage ring must have angle at least 30◦to the horizontal. The resulting vertical extent of the storage ring is at least 100 m. If the ring is below the surf ace, various geological issues must be addressed. It may be more practical to build the ring a bove ground and bury it under an artificial hill. Lattice The emittance that the storage ring must accept is estimated by supposing there is 20% emittance growth in the accelerator in each of three directi ons. We require an acceptance of 3σin each of the 6 dimensions. If the bunch spacing is 1.7 m (corr esponding to the 175 MHz bunching used here), then a reasonable maximum rms bunch len gth in the collider would be 6 cm. Thus the minimum momentum spread in this case would be σp= 0.1%. 21The rms beam divergence in the straight sections should be ≈0.1/γin order a) to maxi- mize the dependence of the νµtoνeratio on the polarization; and b) to assure that the flux ob- served is not significantly affected by the exact magnitude of this divergence. To achieve this low divergence, the required beta function in the major stra ights is βmajor straights ≥75 m. For the up-going straight, aimed at a near detector on the sur face, there is probably not such a stringent requirement on the beam divergence. If the d ivergence here is required to be below 1/3 of 1 /γ, then βupgoing straight ≥8 m. 4.10 A First Look at Event Rates The numbers of surviving muons, per incident proton, at vari ous stages of the accelerator complex are summarized in Table 1. Table 1: The numbers of surviving muons after various stages in the acceler- ator complex. pdriver energy (GeV) 24 16 Factor µ/p µ/p Pions after Match ( <1 GeV, forward) 0.66 0.44 After Phase Rotation #1 (selected) 0.45 0.3 .2 After Phase Rotation #2 (selected) 0.7 0.21 .14 After RF Capture 0.7 0.15 .1 After Cooling 0.9 0.13 .09 After Acceleration 0.7 0.092 .061 nµ/(npEp) (GeV−1) .0038 .0038 The number of neutrino interactions per unit mass of a detect or at distance Lfrom a muon storage ring operating at energy Eµscales as Nevents∝NµE3 µL−2. (20) For a proton power of 1.5 MW, and the muon survival efficiencies given in Table 1, we would, in a year of 107s of operation, obtain 4 ×1020muons decaying in the storage ring. If we take the fraction of the ring pointing to a given detecto r to be 0.25 (approximately as in the bowtie geometry), then the number of decays pointing t o the given detector will be approximately 1020. Table 2 gives charged current neutrino interaction rates pe r kton-year as a function of baseline length Lfor an Eµ= 50 GeV muon storage ring in which there are 1 ×1020 unpolarized muon decays per year within a neutrino beam-for ming straight section [63]. The rates are listed for (a)νe→νµoscillations with ∆ m2 23= 3.5×10−3eV2/c4and sin22θ23= 0.1, 22(b)νe→νµoscillations with ∆ m2 23= 1×10−4eV2/c4and sin22θ23= 1, (c)νe→ντoscillations with ∆ m2 23= 3.5×10−3eV2/c4and sin22θ23= 0.1, (d)νµ→ντoscillations with ∆ m2 23= 3.5×10−3eV2/c4and sin22θ23= 1. Also listed are the rates for the unoscillated neutrino inte ractions, the corresponding statis- tical significance of the disappearance signal (numbers in p arentheses), and the rates for the antineutrino interactions. Table 2: Neutrino interaction rates per kton-year at a neutr ino factory for four cases of neutrino-mass parameters as given in the text. Source BNL BNL BNL FNAL FNAL FNAL Detector G. Sasso SLAC Soudan G. Sasso SLAC Soudan L(km) 6528 4139 1712 7332 2899 732 Case Mode µ+(a) νe→νµ 90 160 190 63 180 200 νe→νe1400 3600 16000 1100 8000 1 .2×105 (2.4σ) (2 .7σ) (1 .5σ) (1.9σ) (2 .0σ) (0 .6σ) νµ→νµ 890 2200 9300 700 4800 7 .0×104 µ+(b) νe→νµ5×10−20.86 1.5 3×10−51.3 1.6 νe→νe1500 3800 16000 1200 8200 1 .2×105 (2.4σ) (2 .7σ) (1 .5σ) (1.9σ) (2 .0σ) (0 .6σ) νµ→νµ 890 2200 9400 700 4800 7 .0×104 µ+(c) νe→ντ 31 60 70 20 67 73 νe→νe1400 3700 1 .6×1041100 8000 1 .2×105 (2.4σ) (2 .7σ) (1 .5σ) (1.9σ) (2 .0σ) (0 .6σ) νµ→νµ 890 2200 9400 700 4800 7 .0×104 µ−(d) νµ→ντ 450 570 650 410 620 680 νµ→νµ 760 3100 1 .7×104490 8000 1 .4×105 (35σ) (23 σ) (12 σ) (40σ) (16 σ) (4 .6σ) νe→νe 770 1900 8100 600 4100 6 .1×104 For comparison, the approximate numbers of events in the pro posed CERN - Gran Sasso experiment (NGS) [17], and Minos [16] experiments, are give n in Table 3. It is seen that the numbers of events with the 1.5-MW neutrino factory, in a d etector at the same 730 km, is approximately 100 times that in the NGS, or about 40 times t he highest energy Minos example. 23Table 3: Comparison of neutrino interaction rates per kton- year with Minos and NGS for beam conditions and neutrino mixing parameters a s in Table 2. νFactory CERN-NGS FNAL Minos ∝angbracketleftEν∝angbracketright(GeV) 40 26 3 6 12 L(km) 730 730 730 νµ→ντ→τ 680 ≈7 ≈0 ≈30 ≈40 νµ→νµ 140k 1.5k 0.46k 1.4k 3.2k 5 Muon Colliders A neutrino factory based on a muon storage ring is a possible fi rst step towards a muon collider [23]. This section briefly reviews the motivation f or muon colliders, and sketches a sequence of such colliders. The Standard Model of electroweak and strong interactions h as passed precision exper- imental tests at the highest energy scale accessible today. Theoretical arguments indicate that new physics beyond the Standard Model associated with the electroweak gauge symme- try breaking and fermion mass generation will emerge in part on collisions at or approaching the TeV energy scale. It is likely that both hadron-hadron an d lepton-antilepton colliders will be required to discover and make precision measurement s of the new phenomena. The next big step forward in advancing the hadron-hadron col lider energy frontier will be provided by the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a proton -proton collider with a center-of-mass (CoM) energy of 14 TeV which is due to come int o operation in the latter half of the next decade. The route towards TeV-scale lepton-antilepton colliders i s less clear. The lepton-antilepton colliders built so far have been e+e−colliders, such as the Large Electron Positron collider (LEP) at CERN and the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) at SLAC. In a circular ring such as LEP the energy lost per revolution in keV is 88 .5×E4/ρ,where the electron energy Eis in GeV, and the radius of the orbit ρis in meters. Hence, the energy loss grows rapidly as E increases. This limits the center-of-mass energy that woul d be achievable in a LEP-like col- lider. The problem can be avoided by building a linear machin e (the SLC is partially linear), but with current technologies, such a machine must be very lo ng (30-40 km) to attain the TeV energy scale. Even so, radiation during the beam-beam in teraction (beamstrahlung) limits the precision of the CoM energy [64]. For a lepton with mass mthe radiative energy losses are inversely proportional to m4. Hence, the energy-loss problem can be solved by using heavy l eptons. In practice this means using muons, which have a mass ≈207 times that of an electron. The resulting reduction in radiative losses enables higher energies to be reached and s maller collider rings to be used [70]. Estimated sizes of the accelerator complexes require d for 0.1-TeV, 0.5-TeV and 3-TeV muon colliders [23, 66] are compared with the sizes of other p ossible future colliders, and 24Figure 14: Various proposed high energy colliders compared with the FNAL and BNL sites. The energies in parentheses give for lepton co lliders their CoM energies and for hadron colliders the approximate range of CoM energies attainable for hard parton-parton collisions. with the FNAL and BNL sites in Fig. 14. Note that muon collider s with CoM energies up to ≈4 TeV would fit on these existing laboratory sites. Figs. 15 an d 16 show possible outlines of the 0.1 TeV and 3 TeV machines. Parameters for 10 to 100 TeV c olliders have also been discussed [65]. Muon colliders offer significant physics advantages. The sma ll radiative losses permit very small beam-energy spreads to be achieved. For example, momentum spreads as low as ∆P/P= 0.003% are believed to be possible for a low-energy collider. B y measuring the time- dependent decay asymmetry resulting from the naturally pol arized muons, the beam energy could be determined with a precision of ∆ E/E= 10−6[67]. The small beam-energy spread, together with the precise energy determination, would faci litate measurements of the masses and widths of any new resonant states scanned by the collider . In addition, since the cross- section for producing a Higgs-like scalar particle in the s- channel (direct lepton-antilepton annihilation) is proportional to m2, this extremely important process could be studied only at a muon collider and not at an e+e−collider [68]. And, of course, the decaying muons will produce copious quantities of neutrinos. Even short straig ht sections in a muon-collider ring 25Figure 15: Plan of a 0.1-TeV-CoM muon collider. Figure 16: Plan of a 3-TeV-CoM muon collider shown on the Ferm i National Laboratory site as an example. 26will result in neutrino beams several orders of magnitude hi gher in intensity than presently available, excellent for nonoscillation neutrino physics in a near detector. The First Muon Collider will be a unique facility for neutral Higgs boson (or techni- resonance) studies through s-channel resonance production, as illustrated in Fig. 17. M ea- surements can also be made of the threshold cross sections fo r production of W+W−,t¯t, Zh, and pairs of supersymmetry particles – χ+ 1χ− 1,χ0 2χ0 1,˜ℓ+˜ℓ−and ˜ν¯˜ν– that will determine the corresponding masses to high precision. A µ+µ−→Z0factory, utilizing the partial polarization of the muons, could allow significant improvem ents in sin2θwprecision and in B-mixing and CP-violating studies. H0 Figure 17: Left: effective s-channel Higgs cross section ¯ σhobtained by con- voluting the Breit-Wigner resonance formula with a Gaussia n distribution for resolution R. The mass of a light Higgs boson could be determined to 1 MeV at a First Muon Collider. Right: separation of A0andH0signals for tan β= 10. From Ref. [69]. The Next Muon Collider will be particularly valuable for rec onstructing supersymmetric particles of high mass from their complex cascade decay chai ns. Also, any Z′resonances within the kinematic reach of the machine would give enormou s event rates. The effects of virtual Z′states would be detectable to high mass. If no Higgs bosons ex ist below ∼1 TeV, then the NMC would be the ideal machine for the study of strong WW scattering at TeV energies. The cost of building a muon collider is not yet known. However , since muon colliders are relatively small, they may be significantly less expensive t han alternative machines. The front end of a muon collider is very similar to that of a neu trino factory, with the important difference that the muon phase volume must be coole d by a factor of 106rather than≈100. During this larger cooling, the longitudinal phase vol ume must shrink along with the transverse. Since ionization cooling as proposed h ere directly cools only transverse space, a muon collider must include an exchange between long itudinal and transverse phase volumes so that cooling of the latter effectively results in c ooling of the former as well. Another difference between the two machines is that a muon col lider must provide muon 27bunches of both signs simultaneously, while in a neutrino fa ctory only one sign of muons is utilized at any given time. Further, a storage ring with long straight sections optimized for neutrino beams is not ideal for high-luminosity muon-muon c ollisions, particularly at lower energies. 6 Research and Development 6.1 Historical Introduction The interest of the present proponents has evolved from our i nvestigations of muon colliders, the concept of which was introduced by Budker [70], and devel oped further by Skrinsky et al.[71], and by Neuffer [72]. This work pointed out the significan t challenges in designing an accelerator complex that can make, accelerate, and colli deµ+andµ−bunches all within the muon lifetime of 2 .2µs (cτ= 659 m), and provided preliminary sketches of technical solutions. A concerted study of a muon collider design has been underway since 1992 [73]. By the Sausalito workshop [74] in 1995 it was realized that with new ideas and modern technology, it may be feasible to make muon bunches containing a few times 1012muons, compress their phase space and accelerate them up to the multi-TeV ene rgy scale before more than about 3/4 of them have decayed. With careful design of the col lider ring and shielding it appears possible to reduce to acceptable levels the backgro unds within the detector that arise from the very large flux of electrons produced in muon decays. These realizations led to an intense activity, which resulted in the muon-collider feas ibility study report [75] prepared for the 1996 DPF/DPB Summer Study on High-Energy Physics (the Sn owmass’96 workshop). Encouraged by further progress in developing the muon-coll ider concept, together with the growing interest and involvement of the high-energy-ph ysics community, the Muon Col- lider Collaboration became a formal entity in May of 1997 [76 , 77]. An overview of the activities and plans of the Muon Collider Collaboration is g iven in [23]. That a neutrino factory would be a good first step towards a muo n collider has been explored in two Collaboration workshops [24, 25] as well as b y ECFA/ICFA study groups [26, 78]. The NuFact’99 Workshop [27] in June 1999 provided a focus for international interest in neutrino factories, motivated by the outstandi ng physics prospects plus the need for truly global facilities for long baseline neutrino phys ics. Accordingly, the Muon Collider Collaboration has recently changed its name to the Neu- trino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration, and is redir ecting its efforts towards an early realization of a neutrino factory. A Muon Steering Group [79 ] has been formed in Europe to coordinate efforts there towards the same goal. These two str uctures are formally distinct, but there is excellent communication among members of the tw o groups. The Muon Collider Collaboration has proposed an R&D program that features hardware studies of two key aspects of a muon collider: •Targetry, capture and phase rotation at a muon source [80], •Final-stage ionization cooling at a muon collider [81], 28in addition to an ongoing program of machine theory and simul ation. There has been one outside review of the R&D program [82], conducted in July, 19 99 by the Muon Technical Advisory Committee (MUTAC) of the Muon Collider Oversight G roup (MCOG). The MU- TAC report [83] and the MCOG report [84] following this revie w emphasized that the R&D program should be conducted in the context of “a more formal, long range, R&D plan” with a “focus on one object for a complete, detailed study”. They n oted that “a neutrino source appears as the most likely possibility” for that study. Consistent with the emerging emphasis on a neutrino factory , the Collaboration is re- examining its R&D priorities, as well as seeking broader sup port for these activities. 6.2 R&D Needs for a Neutrino Factory The overall path of an R&D program involves conceptual desig n, demonstration of feasibility of novel components, followed by cost optimization. A neutr ino factory based on a muon storage ring is still very much in the early phases of concept ual design, with some items identified as needing verification as to their feasibility. N onetheless, there are some pressures to concern ourselves with cost issues already at this early s tage [85]. The prominent R&D issues for a neutrino factory are listed be low, following the sequence of components in the accelerator complex. 1.Coherent design concept of an entire neutrino factory. 2.Proton driver : 1-4 MW, 5-15 Hz, ≈5×1013protons per bunch, 1 ns bunch length . The critical issue of short bunch length in a proton synchrot ron is under study by an ANL-BNL-FNAL-KEK-LANL collaboration [86, 87, 88, 89]. 3.Pion yields from proton-nucleus collisions . A neutrino factory would collect very low energy pions, for which the rate is maximal. Such pions ar e partially absorbed in the targets of most prior production experiments, so the dat a are questionable. A recent measurement by members of the Collaboration should i mprove our knowledge from proton beams of 6-24 GeV [90]. An experiment to study yie lds from 2-GeV protons is being considered at CERN (sec. 6.4) in the context of the option for a proton driver linac. 4.Production target . Proton pulses of 70-280 kJ energy and 1 ns length are inciden t on the target, leading to substantial issues of “shock” dama ge, cooling and materials survivability in a high radiation environment. While it is n atural to consider solid targets, their viability is considered marginal, and liqui d targets are the alternative. For maximal pion production, a free liquid jet target is to be preferred in principle. There is no example of such a target. 5.Capture solenoid . Optimal pion yields are obtained when the target is surroun ding by a solenoid of field ≈20 T, followed by an adiabatic transition to a solenoidal cha nnel of a few T. Such a magnet would be a superconducting hybrid wit h a resistive insert [55]. A key question is the effect of radiation damage on such a device. 296.Beam dump . The 1-4 MW proton beam is dumped inside the target/solenoid system. A flowing liquid dump may be more appropriate than a solid dump . 7.First Phase Rotation . If polarized muon beams are to be obtained, the production target must be quickly followed by a high-gradient, low-fre quency rf system, combined with a solenoid channel, to bunch the pion/muon beam. Little is known about the viability of such a system near an intense radiation source. 8.Mini Cooling . The use of a passive liquid hydrogen absorber to provide ini tial trans- verse cooling of the muon beam by a factor of two is well unders tood in principle, although it never has been demonstrated. 9.Second Phase Rotation . For the second step in the bunching process, the muons must be accelerated by 80-100 MeV to restore the energy lost i n the mini cooling. A large acceptance induction linac with a programmed wavefo rm is required. The parameters of the linac are somewhat beyond those presently demonstrated. 10.Bunching to ≈400MHz . This is believed to be relatively straightforward. 11.Ionization Cooling . The challenges of further acceleration and storage of the m uon beam will be substantially easier if the transverse phase ar ea of the beam can be reduced by an additional factor of 10. This cannot be accompl ished in a single step of ionization cooling, but must involve alternating ionizati on cooling and rf acceleration, all in a magnetic channel. This is a key area for study, and a ha rdware demonstration is very appropriate. 12.Acceleration . The acceleration from ≈100 MeV to ≈50 GeV is best accomplished in recirculating linacs with superconducting rf cavities. Rather large acceptances are required, and the machine parameters are again somewhat bey ond those presently demonstrated. 13.Muon Storage Ring . The desire for multiply directed neutrino beams with very small angular divergence leads to novel designs for the stor age ring, whose plane is far from horizontal. Besides issues of lattice design, ther e will be considerable civil engineering challenges in building such a ring. The R&D needs for a muon collider are very similar, but with ad ditional challenges in cooling and storage ring design. At least four orders of magn itude more cooling (including continual exchange between transverse and longitudinal em ittance) are required for a muon collider than a neutrino factory, and a rather different ring is needed to maximize collider luminosity than simply to hold the muons while they decay. A sense of the Collaboration’s views as to the relative urgen cy of addressing the above issues is given by the following ranking. Given in parenthes es are the institutions presently involved in R&D into these topics. 1. Coherent design study (the Collaboration as a whole). 2. Target, dump, phase rotation (ANL, BNL, UCLA, CERN, LBNL, ORNL, Princeton). 303. Ionization cooling (ANL, BNL, Budker Inst., UC Berkeley, UCLA, FNAL, IIT, Indiana U., LBNL, NHMFL, Northern Illinois U., Princeton). 4. Induction linac (LBNL). 5. Recirculating linacs, superconducting rf (Jefferson Lab ). 6. Storage ring design (BNL, CERN, FNAL, LBNL). 7. RF power sources (BNL, CERN, FNAL, LBL + industry). 8. Effects of radiation on superconducting magnets (MSU). 9. Fabrication of superconducting magnets (LBNL, NHMFL + in dustry). 10. RF bunching. 11. Engineering of a tilted ring. 12. Engineering of “conventional” facilities (FNAL, ORNL) . Proton driver issues are very site specific, and have been lef t off the second list as being somewhat outside the scope of the Neutrino Factory and Muon C ollider Collaboration. Pion production cross sections were also left off the second list a s being adequately addressed by efforts largely outside the Collaboration. The strategy for pursuit of the R&D topics listed above is an i nteresting challenge in itself. The variety of questions is large, and several go bey ond the scope high-energy ac- celerator experience. A neutrino factory is still too novel a concept to be sponsored as a well-defined program at a single accelerator laboratory. Th e cooperative efforts of people at many institutions is needed to bring the concept of a neutr ino factory to the stage of a formal Conceptual Design. The Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration has ta ken responsibility for the coordination of multi-institutional R&D efforts on the non- site-specific aspects of a neutrino factory. While the topic of research is largely accelerator physics, the operation of the Collaboration is more similar to that of a large experimenta l physics group proposing a novel detector than to that of past accelerator projects. The Coll aboration has been successful in providing a means of groups of people working together, as fa cilitated by numerous workshops [91], video conferences [92], web sites (see links at the pri mary site [76], and an archive of technical documents [93]. Additional efforts are needed to e nhance the coherence of this work, an important step of which will be the appointment of an R&D Coordinator. There remains the issue of the response of the Collaboration to the advice of the MUTAC that “the first round of Design and Simulation activities may requ ires 10-15 accelerator experts for 1-1/2 to 3 years. The coherence required for success in th is activity demands full-time workers in close communication.” To carry out the R&D program sketched above, the Collaborati on seeks additional re- sources in two categories: 311. Support for a core group of physicists, most of whom are in r esidence at a single site, likely a national laboratory. Support is sought for both sta ff positions, and for visitors who would locate at the core site for at least several months a t a time. 2. Support for the various particular R&D topics listed abov e, which work may well be effectively pursued at diverse labs and universities. Partial support for Collaboration efforts in both categorie s of work is presently available via direct funds from the Advanced Technology R&D Program (and t o a much smaller extent from the Physics Research Program) of the U.S. Department of Energy, as well as from discretionary funds at the major U.S. national laboratorie s. The state of Illinois has made a commitment to a university consortium heading by IIT for fun ding beginning in year 2000. CERN is starting an R&D program, (sec. 6.4), with initial fun ding in the present fiscal year. We have previously estimated that a robust R&D program for mu on colliders would require about $15M/year. A very similar figure is appropriat e for neutrino factory R&D, as this is effectively a transformed muon collider R&D progra m. Our present funding is approximately 1/2 of this amount. The favorable outcome of our R&D program is, of course, the co nstruction of a neutrino factory. Prior to this, we anticipate the elevation of effort to that of a major project at at least one national laboratory. The role of the Collaboration will no doubt evolve significantly in such case, but it can and should continue to play a key role in h arnessing the diverse resources needed to design a neutrino factory. The original role of the Collaboration as a vehicle for broad-based efforts towards a muon collider will again be imp ortant as a neutrino factory becomes associated with a particular site. 6.3 The Potential of Muon-Beam-Based Particle Physics and t he NSF-Supported Community Just 20 years ago the DoE assembled a HEPAP Subpanel on Accele rator R and D. In the letter conveying their report to HEPAP the Subpanel Chair wr ote: “You will note that in the 50 odd years of American accelerator science associated with particle physics research, enormous strides in increasing particle beam energies and i n decreasing unit costs have been and are being made. ... Our primary conclusion is that, d espite the spectacular past and present accomplishments of the field, we must redouble ou r efforts to improve the cost effectiveness of our accelerators if the needs of US particle physics are to be met in the resource-limited situation in which we find ourselves...” Unfortunately, as recent history and current events show, t his observation is even more apt today than it was those 20 years ago. This is not for want of zeal and good ideas. In the intervening years considerable progress in understand ing the fundamentals of “classical” accelerator science and improving classical accelerator t echnology has been made. There have also been some advances based on technologies not previ ously used in elementary- particle-physics accelerator work, e.g., laser and plasma technology. It is, however, a fact that none of these efforts, to date, have qualitatively chang ed the cost of providing significant luminosity at what is now the energy frontier. Consequently , it is not an exaggeration to say that today we are in danger of pricing ourselves out of the mar ket. 32In recent years, as accelerator science and technology have become more and more so- phisticated and thus more specialized, the task of developi ng the accelerators needed for the future has more and more been left to experts – specialist s in accelerators. They have done an excellent job indeed. The capabilities of today’s ac celerators would have even been unthinkable 20 years ago. Nevertheless, we find ourselves in the unenviable position t hat each new energy-frontier facility being discussed turns out to be in the multi-billio n dollar class. This difficulty might find a direct political solution from time to time as history u nfolds and the competitive juices flow strongly again. However, if this had been the path follow ed in the past, elementary particle physics would not be able to ask the compelling ques tions that it can ask today. Thus, the direct approach of tackling the problem scientific ally and technologically is likely to be more dependable – no guarantees. One obvious avenue is t o broaden the scientific and technical idea base which might support significant impr ovements in accelerator cost effectiveness. This implies that the problem, OUR problem, n eeds to be brought more directly and effectively to the stakeholders in elementary p article physics, that is to say, to the university and laboratory community of experimental an d theoretical physicists who now concern themselves primarily with the particle physics and detector instrumentation. This has been tried to some degree in the past, with only modest suc cess. Today the need is more apparent and, in addition, we now have a made-to-order chall enge that needs all the new and non expert ideas that it can get - the possibility of doing elementary particle physics with high energy muon beams through muon acceleration and st orage for intense neutrino production, and later directly for µ-µcollisions. Many aspects of this concept are new enough that even the expe rts have to start from scratch. This stems from the unusual requirement that the jo b has to be done quickly owing to the finite life of the beam and, perhaps more importantly, t hat an enormous spread in beam momenta and angle must be accommodated if the required c apture efficiency is to be met. The situation is somewhat analogous to the situation in accelerator science forty- odd years ago when folks tracked particles through magnetic fields using the Runge-Kutta method with a Marchant calculator. All of that calculation w ith the attendant trial and error struggle to find workable system designs was made obsolete wi th the elegant theoretical work of Courant, Livingston and Snyder and many others. They disc overed powerful methods for dealing with paraxial ray beams of relatively narrow energy spread. These methods are of limited use in studying the optics of a muon-based neutrin o source or collider where nonlinearities are controlling rather than perturbations . Not only that, but the main optical components will probably have to be solenoids, a device whic h has heretofore not been used for the principal focusing and bending elements in high ener gy machines. Trying to master all this puts everyone more or less on the same footing and beg s for some new tactics from the classical mechanics buffs among us. Latter day Courants, Livingstons and Snyders are sorely needed. There are yet other unprecedented challenges. The science a nd technology of quickly reducing the phase space volume of the beam needs developing before muon beams of the required brightness can be produced. While basic ideas for a ccomplishing this via ionization cooling have been around for years, the practical problem of realization is also new to the experts and involves very fundamental physics, some of whic h is not yet known with the depth required to support the needed technology. 33Considerable attention has been focused on the potential ph ysics opportunities for muon- based neutrino science and on possible means for attacking i t. A Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration (NFMCC), formed of members from the DoE supported Labs, Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics and some universities, has be en formed and has been at work for some time. An idea of the progress that has been made is pre sented in secs. 1-5 of this document, which makes clear that a resolution of the basic pa rticle and accelerator physics issues remains in the future and that more ideas, more work an d much R&D lie ahead even in evaluating whether our community can and should propose s uch a facility. Taking into account the fact that there is a great deal of tale nt, knowledge and expertise in the university community – both DoE and NSF supported – not now engaged in addressing the pressing accelerator issues, it would seem most appropr iate to try to tap that pool. To make this possible, two things at least are needed. First, th ey have to be made aware of the possibilities and challenges. This the world community in general and the NFMCC in particular are doing. The NFMCC will be emphasizing this asp ect more in the coming year. Second, modest start-up resources are necessary for p reliminary engagement with the accelerator challenges, resources such as funding for post docs, some computing and modest beginnings of technical R&D. It is with respect to these need ed monetary resources that we are addressing this 1999 MRE Panel. Within one to two years it may well become apparent that large R&D expenditures, i.e., 10’s of M$, by NSF-supported university groups working on t he accelerator aspects of muon-beam elementary particle physics, will be appropri ate. This would require a joint application for MRE funding. The effort required to plan and j ustify such an application for review by the physics community, being an unusual enterp rise, needs unusual support. Our hope is that this MRE Panel will appreciate this special n eed and recommend to the NSF that, where possible, they provide start up resources fo r currently supported university particle physics groups to become so engaged in the knowledg e that this work may well lead to an MRE proposal in the not too distant future. 6.4 European R&D Activities on Muon Storage Rings and Neu- trino Factories There is growing interest in Europe for muon storage rings an d particularly neutrino factories. Several working groups have been set up to study: 1. The accelerator aspects of a neutrino factory at CERN; 2. The physics of neutrino oscillations; 3. The opportunities offered by high-intensity neutrino muo n and hadron beams; 4. The physics opportunities of the extension of a neutrino f actory to a precision muon collider [78]. Discussions with physicists and accelerator engineers fro m European institutes and lab- oratories, and from CERN, have focused on identifying impor tant missing elements in the currently debated designs of muon storage rings, with a view to avoiding duplication of efforts while contributing significantly towards the design of a neutrino factory. 34The European community is considering the following R&D pro jects: 1.A hadron production experiment at the CERN-PS . The aim is to measure charged pion production by 2-16 GeV protons, data that are ne eded for a quantitative design of pion capture and phase rotation. The very same expe riment can be extended to hadron production by pions, so as to deliver the entire set of data that is needed for a reliable calculation of the atmospheric neutrino flux. 2.A large-angle muon scattering experiment. This experiment would measure with high precision the large-angle scattering of muons with mom entum of a few hundred MeV/ cin various materials including liquid hydrogen, as theoret ical calculations are not reliable enough to assess the performance of ionization cooling of muons. 3.Exposure of an rf cavity to radiation and a magnetic field. One of the big unknowns is the reliability of operation of the rf cavities w hich are currently discussed for pion capture and phase rotation, and which will have to op erate in a high-radiation field and possibly in strong solenoidal magnetic fields. Expe riments with pulsing rf cavities would also be performed with a view to achieving hig her gradients. 4.High-power target tests. Current design work is focussed on targets which with- stand a beam power of 4 MW or even larger. While not considered impossible, this is a daring goal for which, however, considerable know-how i s available in Europe (CERN, GSI, KFA Julich, PSI, RAL), which can and should be cha nneled towards an interesting and forward-looking challenge. This proposed program of experimental R&D work in Europe is b y and large comple- mentary to the R&D activities planned or under way in the USA. This experimental work is augmented by theoretical studies, both in the area of physic s and detectors, and in the area of accelerator design (proton linac, fast-cycling synchro tron, muon recirculators). 7 Acknowledgements This document was largely assembled from existing sources, which have been cited among the references. Here we would like to identify and thank thos e individuals who contributed paragraphs or more of the text. Section 1 is based in part on no tes by R. Shrock. Sections 2 and 3 are adapted from [28], which was edited by B. Autin from c ontributions by A. Donini, M.B. Gavela, P. Hern´ andez, S. Rigolin, and S. Petcov (secs. 2.1 and 2.2), D.A. Harris (sec. 2.3), and K.S. McFarland (sec. 3), among others. Section 4 is from R.B. Palmer with additional material from S. Geer (sec. 4.10) as well as C. Joh nson and E. Keil. Sections 5 and 6.1 are adapted from the Muon Collider Status Report [23 ] which was edited by J.C. Gallardo; the pieces used here are from V. Barger, S. Gee r, J. Gunion, and R.B. Palmer. Section 6.2 is adapted from notes by A. Sessler. Section 6.3 i s by M. Tigner. Section 6.4 is by the Steering Group of European Studies on Muon Storage Rings [79], chaired by A. Blondel. We especially thank those contributors who are not members o f the Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration. 358 References [1] K.S. Hirata et al., Phys. Lett. B205 , 416 (1988); ibid.B280 , 146 (1992); Y. Fukuda et al.,ibid.B335 , 237 (1994); S. 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Ellis, eds., Prospective Study of Muon Storage Rings at CERN , http://preprints.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=cernr ep&categ=Yellow Report&id=99-02 [27] The NuFact’99 Home Page: http://lyoninfo.in2p3.fr/n ufact99/ [28] B. Autin, ed., Neutrino factories based on muon decay rings , http://nicewww.cern.ch/˜autin/nufact99/whitepap.ps [29] B. Pontecorvo, Mesonium and Antimesonium , J. Expt. Theor. Phys. 33, 549 (1957); Inverse Beta Process and Nonconservation of Lepton Charge ,ibid.34, 247 (1958). [30] For reviews, see, e.g., F. Boehm and P. Vogel, Physics of Massive Neutrinos (Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, 1987); S.M. Bilenky and S.T. Petcov, Rev. Mod. Phys. 59, 671 (1987); B. Kayser, F. Gibrat-Debu, and F. Perrier, The Physics of Massive Neutrinos (World Scientific, Sin- gapore, 1989); C.W. Kim and A. Pevsner, Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics (Harwood, Langhorne, 1993). R.N. Mohapatra and P.B. Pal, Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics , 2nd ed. (World Sci- entific, Singapore, 1998). A.Y. Smirnov, Reconstructing Neutrino Mass Spectrum , hep-ph/9901208; P. Fischer, B. Kayser, and K.S. McFarland, Neutrino Mass and Oscillation , hep-ph/9906244; J.M. Conrad, Recent Results on Neutrino Oscillations , hep-ex/9811009; S. Bilenky, C. Giunti, and W. Grimus, Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations , hep-ph/9812360; G. Altarelli and F. Ferulgio, Neutrino Masses and Mixings: a Theoretical Perspective , hep- ph/9905536; R.D. Peccei, Neutrino Physics , hep-ph/9906509; J. Ellis, Neutrino Physics: Theory and Phenomenology , hep-ph/9907458; R.N. Mohapatra, Theories of Neutrino Masses and Mixings , hep-ph/991036; W. Grimus, Phenomenology of Neutrino Masses and Mixing , hep-ph/9910340; M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, Solutions to the Atmospheric Neutrino Problem , hep-ph/9910494. [31] Excellent neutrino physics internet sites include [13 ] and: J.N. Bahcall’s neutrino page: http://www.sns.ias.edu/˜j nb/ N. Hata and P. Langacker’s neutrino page: http://dept.phys .upenn.edu/˜www/neutrino/solar.html/ The Ultimate Neutrino Page , http://cupp.oulu.fi/neutrino/ 38[32] In addition to [30], see, for example: G.L. Fogli, E. Lisi, A. Marrone, and G. Scioscia, Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino oscilla- tion data, zenith distributions, and three flavor oscillati ons, Phys. Rev. D 59, 033001 (1999), hep- ph/9808205; J.N. Bahcall, P.I. Krastev, and A.Y. Smirnov, Is a large mixing angle MSW effect the solution of the solar neutrino problem? , Phys. Rev. D 60, 093001 (1999), hep-ph/9905220. [33] In addition to [30], see, for example: S.L. Glashow and L.M. Krauss, Phys. Lett. B190 , 199 (1987); S.P. Mikheyev and A.Y. Smirnov, Vacuum oscillations of solar neutrinos: correlation betwe en spec- trum distortion and seasonal variation , Phys. Lett. B429 , 343 (1998); V. Barger and K. Whisnant, Global three-neutrino vacuum oscillation fits to the solar a nd atmo- spheric neutrino anomalies , Phys. Rev. D 59, 093007 (1999), hep-ph/9812273; M. Maris and S.T. Petcov, Enhancing the seasonal variation effect in the case of the vac uum oscilla- tion solution of the solar neutrino problem , Phys. Lett. B457 , 319 (1999); V. Berezinsky, G. Fiorentini, and M. Lissia, Vacuum oscillations and excess of high energy solar neu- trino events observed in Super-Kamiokande , hep-ph/9904225; S. Goswami, D. Majumdar, and A. Raychaudhuri, Vacuum Oscillation Solutions of the Solar Neutrino Problem: A Status Report , hep-ph/9909453. [34] G.S. Vidaykin et al., JETP Lett. 59, 390 (1994); B. Achkar et al., Nucl. Phys. B434 , 503 (1995). [35] In addition to [30], see, for example: A. Zee, Phys. Lett. B93, 389 (1980); V. Barger, P. Langacker, J. Leveille, and S. Pakvasa, Phys. R ev. Lett. 45, 692 (1980); among the many recent discussions are: V. Barger, S. Pakvasa, T.J. Wei ler, and K. Whisnant, Variations on four-neutrino oscillations Phys. Rev. D 58, 093016 (1998); S.M. Bilenky, G. Giunti, Sterile neutrinos? , hep-ph/9905246. [36] Z. Maki, M. Nakagawa, and S. Sakata, Remarks on the Unified Model of Elementary Particles , Prog. Theor. Phys. 28, 970 (1962). A historical survey of the development of the 3 ×3 “MNS” matrix of neutrino mixing (which pre- dates the CKM quark mixing matrix) is given by M. Nakagawa, Birth of Neutrino Oscillation , hep- ph/9811358. [37] L. Wolfenstein, Phys. Rev. D 17, 2369 (1978); S.P. Mikheyev and A.Y. Smirnov, Sov. J. Nuc. Phys. 42, 913 (1986). [38] A CHOOZ page: http://www.hep.anl.gov/ndk/hypertext /chooz.html C. Bemporad, Results from CHOOZ , Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 77, 159 (1999); M Apollonio et al.,Initial Results from the CHOOZ Long Baseline Reactor Neutri no Oscillation Experiment , Phys. Lett. B420 , 397 (1998). [39] In addition to [30], see, for example: N. Hata and P. Langacker, Solutions to Solar Neutrino Anomaly , Phys. Rev. D 56, 6107 (1997), hep-ph/9705339; J.N Bahcall, P.I. Krastev, and A.Y. Smirnov, Where do we stand with solar neutrino oscillations , Phys. Rev. D 58, 096016 (1998), hep-ph/9807216. J.N. Bahcall, Standard Solar Models , Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 77, 64, (1999); A.Y. Smirnov, Towards the Solution of the Solar Neutrino Problem ,ibid., p. 98; P. Langacker, Implications of Solar and Atmospheric Neutrinos ,ibid., p. 241. For a fit including hep neutrino contributions, see J. Bahcal l and P. Krastev, Do hep neutrinos affect the solar neutrino energy spectrum? , Phys. Lett. B436 , 243 (1998), hep-ph/9807525. 39[40] M. Gell-Mann, R. Slansky, and P. Ramond, in Supergravity (North-Holland, 1979), p. 315; T. Yanagida, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Unified Theory and Baryon Numb er in the Universe (KEK, Japan, 1979); R. Mohapatra and G. Senjanovic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 912 (1980); Phys. Rev. D 23, 165 (1981). [41] See, for example, P. Ramond, Neutrinos: A Glimpse Beyond the Standard Model , Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 77, 3, (1999), hep-ph/9809401; F. 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Parsa (ed.), Future High Energy Colliders (Santa Barbara, CA, Oct. 1996), AIP Conf. Proc. 397 (1997); see D. B. Cline, The Problems and Physics Prospects for a µ+µ−Collider , p. 203; Transparency book: Workshop on the Proton Driver for the Muon Collider , (Argonne Lab, Nov. 14-15, 1996); D. Summers and M. Taylor (eds.), Transparencies Presented at the Muon Collider Workshop (Oxford, MS, Jan. 17-18, 1997); Workshop on Muon Colliders (LBNL, Feb. 1997); R. C. Fernow (ed.), Transparencies Presented at the µ+µ−Collider Ionization Cooling Meeting (BNL, Apr. 7-8, 1997); J. Wurtele (ed.), Transparencies of the Muon Collider Workshop (Eastsound, Orcas Island, WA, May 17-20, 1997); Proc. 1997 Part. Accel. Conf. (PAC97) (Vancouver, 1997); http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/ D. B. Cline, A. Garren and K. Lee (eds.), Transparency Book from Higgs Factory µ+µ−Collider Mini Workshop (UCLA, July 1-3, 1997); Mini-Workshop on the Muon Collider Lattice (BNL, 1997); Mini-Workshop on Ionization Cooling (Fermilab, Oct. 1997) ; Proc. 4thInt. Conf. on the Physics Potential & Development of µ+µ−Colliders (San Francisco, CA, Dec. 10-12, 1997), to be published; also Transparency Book ; M. Atac, D. Cline, A. Garren and K. Lee (eds.), Transparency Book for the 2ndMini-Workshop on Higgs Factory: Lattice and Detector (UCLA, Feb. 12-13, 1998); Muon Collider Collaboration meeting (Gulf Shores, AL, Mar. 1998); Mini-Workshop on Ionization Cooling (BNL, 1998). [74] D. B. Cline (ed.), Physics Potential and Development of µ+µ−Colliders (Sausalito, CA, Nov. 1994), AIP Conf. Proc. 352(1996). 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arXiv:physics/9911010v1 [physics.atom-ph] 8 Nov 1999Coherent Backscattering of Light by Cold Atoms G. Labeyrie∗, F. de Tomasi†, J.-C. Bernard∗, C. A. M¨ uller∗, C. Miniatura∗and R. Kaiser∗ * Institut Non Lin´ eaire de Nice, UMR 6618, 1361 route des Luc ioles, F-06560 Valbonne. †now at Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Lecce, via Arne sano. (February 2, 2008) Light propagating in an optically thick sample experiences multiple scattering. It is now known that interferences al- ter this propagation, leading to an enhanced backscatterin g, a manifestation of weak localization of light in such diffuse samples. This phenomenon has been extensively studied with classical scatterers. In this letter we report the first expe ri- mental evidence for coherent backscattering of light in a la ser- cooled gas of Rubidium atoms. Transport of waves in strongly scattering disordered media has received much attention during the past years when it was realized that interference can dramatically alter the normal diffusion process [1–3]. In a sample of randomly distributed scatterers, the initial direction of the wave is fully randomized by scattering and a diffusion picture seems an appropriate description of propagation when the sample thickness is larger than the scattering mean free path [4]. This model neglects all interference phenomena and predicts a transmission of the medium inversely proportional to sample thickness. This is the familiar Ohm’s law. However, interferences may have dramatic consequences such as a vanishing diffusion con- stant [5]. In this situation, the medium behaves like an insulator (strong localization). Such a disorder induced transition has been reported for microwaves and for light [6]. In fact, even far from this insulating regime, in- terferences already hamper the diffusion process (weak localization). This has been demonstrated in coherent backscattering (CBS) experiments. Upon coherent illu- mination of a static sample, a random speckle pattern is generated. This pattern is washed out by configura- tion averaging except in a small angular range around the backscattering direction where constructive interferenc es originating from reciprocal light paths enhance diffuse reflection from the sample [7]. This effect has been ob- served for light in a variety of different media such as suspensions of powder samples, biological tissues or Sat- urn’s rings [8], as well as for acoustic waves [9]. Among other interesting features such as universal conductance fluctuations [10] or lasing in random media [11], CBS is a hallmark of coherent multiple scattering. Atoms as scatterers of light offer new perspectives. The achievements of laser cooling techniques [12,13] in the last decade now allow to manipulate and control samples of quantum scatterers. Cold atoms are unique candi-dates to move the field of coherent multiple scattering to a fully quantum regime (quantum internal structure, wave-particle duality, quantum statistical aspects). For instance, the coupling to vacuum fluctuations (sponta- neous emission) is responsible for some unusual proper- ties of the scattered light (elastic and inelastic spectra [14,15]). Also, information encoding in atomic internal states can erase interference fringes like in some ”which- path” experiments [16]. Furthermore, it is now possible to implement situations where the wave nature of the atomic motion is essential [12,13]. In our experiment, the scattering medium is a laser- cooled gas of Rubidium atoms which constitutes a per- fect monodisperse sample of strongly resonant scatter- ers of light. The quality factor of the transition used in our experiment is Q=νat/∆νat≈108(D2 line at λ=c/νat= 780 nm, intrinsic resonance width ∆ νat= Γ/2π= 6 MHz). The scattering cross section can thus be changed by orders of magnitude by a slight detun- ing of the laser frequency νL. This is a new situation compared to the usual coherent multiple scattering ex- periments where resonant effects, if any, are washed out by the sample polydispersity. Moreover in our sample the duration τD(delay time) of a single scattering event largely dominates over the free propagation time between two successive scattering events : for on-resonant excita- tion ( δ=νL−νat= 0), this delay is of the order of τD≈2/Γ = 50 ns corresponding to free propagation of light over 15 m in vacuum. In such a situation, particular care must be taken to observe a CBS effect. Indeed, when atoms move, additional phaseshifts are involved. Config- uration averaging will only preserve constructive inter- ference between reciprocal waves if the motion-induced optical path change ∆ xdoes not exceed one wavelength [17]. A rough estimate is ∆ x=vrmsτD< λ, a cri- terium which can be written in the more appealing form kvrms<Γ. Thus, for resonant excitation, the Doppler shift must be small compared to the width of the res- onance. For Rubidium atoms illuminated by resonant light, one finds vrms<4.6 m/s corresponding to a tem- perature T= 200 mK. Much lower temperatures are eas- ily achieved by laser cooling thus allowing observation of interference features in multiple scattering. However, up to now, only incoherent effects in multiple scatter- ing, like radiation trapping [18], have been investigated in cold atomic vapors [19]. We prepare our atomic sample by loading a magneto- optical trap (MOT) from a dilute vapor of Rubidium 85 1atoms [12] (magnetic gradient ∇B≈7 G/cm, loading timetload≈0.7 sec). Six independent trapping beams are obtained by splitting an initial laser beam slightly detuned to the red of the trapping transition (power per beam 30 mW, FWHM diameter 2 .8 cm, Rubidium sat- uration intensity Isat≈1.6 mW/cm2,δ≈ −3Γ). The repumper is obtained by two counterpropagating beams from a free running diode laser tuned to the F= 3→ F′= 3 transition of the D2 line. Fluorescence measure- ments yield N≈109atoms corresponding to a spatial density nat≈2×109cm−3at the center of the cloud (gaussian profile, FWHM diameter ≈7 mm). The veloc- ity distribution of the atoms in the trap has been mea- sured by a time-of-flight technique to be vrms≈10 cm/s, well below the limit imposed by the above velocity cri- terium. To observe coherent backscattering (CBS) of light, we alternate a CBS measurement phase with a MOT preparation phase. During the CBS phase, the magnetic gradient and trapping beams of the MOT are switched off (residual power per beam 0 .2µW). The CBS probe beam (FWHM ≈6 mm, spectral width ∆ νL≈1 MHz) is resonant with the closed trapping transition of the D2 line : F= 3→F′= 4. A weak probe is used to avoid saturation effects (power 80 µW, on-resonant sat- uration s= 0.1). The optical thickness of the sample, measured by transmission, is η≈4 and remains con- stant, within a few percent, during the whole duration of the CBS measurement phase (2 .5 ms). The correspond- ing extinction mean free path ℓ≈2 mm is consistent with an estimation deduced from our fluorescence mea- surements, taking a scattering cross-section at resonance σres= 3λ2/2π. /X43/X4F/X4C/X44/X20/X41/X54/X4F/X4D/X49/X43 /X43/X4C/X4F/X55/X44/X6C/X2F/X34 /X43/X43/X44/X42/X53 /X4C/X50/X32 /X50/X31 /X50/X52/X4F/X42/X45/X20/X4C/X41/X53/X45/X52 FIG. 1. The CBS detection scheme. P1, P2 : polarizers; λ/4 : quarter-wave plate; BS : beam-splitter (T = 90%); L : analysis lens ( f= 500 mm). The CBS detection setup is shown in Fig.1. It involves a cooled CCD camera in the focal plane of a converg- ing lens ( f= 500 mm). A polarization sensitive detec- tion scheme, generally allowing to eliminate the single scattering contribution [20], is used for signal recording in various polarization channels. For a linear incident polarization, we record the scattered light with (linear)polarization parallel (”parallel” channel) or orthogonal (”orthogonal” channel) to the incident one. We also use a circular incident polarization by inserting a quarter- wave plate between the beam-splitter and the sample. In the ”helicity preserving” channel the detected polariza- tion is circular with the same helicity (sign of rotation of the electric field referenced to the wave propagation direction) as the incident one : as an example, no light is detected in this channel in the case of the back-reflection by a mirror. This is the channel mostly used in pre- vious studies, because it allows to eliminate the single scattering contribution (for dipole-type scatterers). Th e ”helicity non-preserving” channel is obtained for a de- tected circular polarization orthogonal to the previous one. Teflon or dilute milk samples were used to find the exact backward direction, to cross-check the polarization channels and to test the angular resolution of our set-up. During the MOT phase (duration 10 ms), probe beam and detection scheme are switched off while the MOT is switched on again to recapture the atoms. After this phase a new atomic sample is reproduced. The whole se- quence is repeated for a typical duration of 1 min with a detected flux typically about 1800 photons/pixel/sec. A ”background” image, representing less than 10% of the full signal level (due mainly to scattering from the re- pumper by hot atoms in the cell), is substracted from the ”CBS” image to suppress stray light contributions. FIG. 2. Fig. 2 (color image in appendice) shows the CBS im- ages obtained from our laser-cooled Rubidium vapor in the various polarization channels. We clearly observe en- hanced backscattering in all four polarization channels whereas for a thick teflon sample we only found pro- nounced cones in the polarization preserving channels. This enforces the idea that low scattering orders are dom- inant in our experiment [21] which is not surprising con- sidering the relatively small optical thickness of our sam- ple. The intensity enhancement factors, defined as the ratio between the averaged intensity scattered in exactly backward direction and the large angle background are 1.11, 1.06,1.08 and 1.09 for the helicity preserving, he- licity non-preserving, orthogonal and parallel channels respectively. The detected light intensities in these chan - nels, normalized to that of the linear parallel channel, are 0.76, 0.77, 0.54 and 1. A closer look at Fig.2d re- veals that the cone exhibits a marked anisotropy in the (linear) parallel polarization channel: the cone is found to broader in the (angular) direction parallel to the inci- dent polarization. This effect has already been observed in classical scattering samples and is also a signature of low scattering orders [21] . For a more quantitative analysis of the CBS cone, we report in Fig.3 a section of image 2a (helicity non- preserving channel), taken after an angular average was 2performed on the data (this procedure is justified when the cone is isotropic, as in Fig.2a). The measured cone width ∆ θis about 0 .57 mrad, nearly six times larger than our experimental resolution of 0 .1 mrad. Taking into ac- count the experimental resolution, we compared our data to a calculation (dotted line) involving only double scat- tering [7]. The experimental value ℓ≈2 mm for the mean free path was used in the calculation, leaving the enhancement factor as free parameter. Even though the assumptions underlying this theoretical model (isotropic double scattering, semi-infinite medium) are rather crude in our case, the shape of the CBS cone is nicely repro- duced. We plan, in further studies, to investigate in more details the contributions of different scattering orders by carefully analyzing the CBS cone shape. -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 31,001,051,10scaled intensity q (mrad) FIG. 3. Atomic CBS cone in the helicity non-preserving channel. The experimental profile (solid line) is a section o f the 2D image of Fig. 2a (after angular averaging). The dashed curve is a fit by a model assuming only double scattering, with the mean free path determined experimentally and the enhancement factor the only adjustable parameter. One important aspect in CBS studies has always been the enhancement factor in the backscattering direction, due to the constructive interferences between reciprocal paths. In the helicity preserving channel, this enhance- ment factor is known to be 2 for independent scatter- ing by classical scatterers [8], as single scattering can be ruled out in that polarization channel. In our experiment with cold atoms however, we measure a backscattered en- hancement of 1.06, clearly less than 2 ! This reduction cannot be attributed to the experimental resolution, as we have measured enhancement factors on milk (using a dilution giving the same cone width as the atomic one) of 1.8. However, in our situation several processes could re- duce the cone contrast. The first one is single scattering, which does not contribute to CBS. Due to the presence of several Zeeman sublevels in the groundstate of Rubidiumatoms, Raman processes, i.e. light scattering with change of the atomic internal sublevel, have to be considered. In such events, the polarization of the scattered light dif- fers from the incident polarization and single scattering is not eliminated even in the helicity preserving channel. Another consequence of the atom’s internal structure is a possible imbalance between the amplitudes of the recip- rocal waves : atoms in different internal states can have different scattering cross sections (resulting from differ- ent Clebsch-Gordan coefficients). They can thus be seen as partial polarizers which can imbalance the amplitude of the paths which interfere for CBS. Furthermore finite- size effects should also be taken into account. Indeed our sample does not have the standard slab geometry and the gaussian shape of the probe beam is known to reduce the enhancement factor. We are currently investigating these effects to determine their respective magnitudes for our situation. Also, some more subtle phenomena might play an additional role in the cone reduction. For instance, with classical scatterers, the radiated and the incident light have identical frequencies (elastic scattering). Th is is no longer true for atoms for which the resonant fluores- cence spectrum displays inelastic structures in addition to the usual elastic component [14,15]. Because of Ra- man scattering, even in the weak saturation limit (weak probe intensity), atoms have a non-negligible probabil- ity to undergo inelastic scattering [15]. The role of these rather complex spectral properties in coherent backscat- tering has yet to be studied both theoretically and ex- perimentally. In summary we have reported the first observation of coherent backscattering of light by a sample of laser cooled atoms. These first results indicate that in our sys- tem low scattering orders are dominant, as expected from optical thickness measurements. The exact value of the enhancement factor and the precise shape of the cone is not yet fully understood and requires more experimen- tal and theoretical investigations. Further experiments will include studies of the effect of the probe beam in- tensity (which determines the amount of inelastic scat- tering) and detuning. Detuning the laser frequency from the atomic resonance leads to an increased mean free pathℓ= 1/natσ. Indeed, we already observed that the measured width ∆ θof the coherent backscattering cone decreases when the probe frequency is detuned from res- onance, as expected from the scaling ∆ θ∝λ/ℓ[7]. It would be very interesting to extend these experiments to new regimes. Weak and strong localization of light in gaseous Bose-Einstein condensates and of atomic matter waves in random optical potentials certainly present a great challenge for the near future. We would like to thank the CNRS and to the PACA Region for financial support. We also thank the POAN Research Group. 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arXiv:physics/9911012v1 [physics.atom-ph] 10 Nov 1999LETTER TO THE EDITOR Calculation of the free-free transitions in the electron-hydrogen scattering S-wave model Chris Plottke and Igor Bray ‡ Electronic Structure of Materials Centre, The Flinders Uni versity of South Australia, G.P.O. Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, Australia Abstract. The S-wave model of electron-hydrogen scattering is evalua ted using the convergent close-coupling method with an emphasis on scatt ering from excited states including an initial state from the target continuum. Conve rgence is found for discrete excitations and the elastic free-free transition. The latt er is particularly interesting given the corresponding potential matrix elements are dive rgent. PACS numbers: 34.80.Bm, 34.80.Dp ‡electronic address: I.Bray@flinders.edu.auLetter to the Editor 2 The convergent close-coupling (CCC) method has had many suc cesses in the field of electron-impact excitation and ionization of atoms and i ons. In this method the total wave function is expanded using Nsquare-integrable states and the close-coupling equations are solved in the form of coupled Lippmann-Schwin ger equations for the T-matrix elements (Bray and Stelbovics 1992 a). The Nstates are obtained from a truncated orthogonal Laguerre basis, and thus in the limit a sNgoes to infinity, the states span the entire Hilbert space. The CCC method was test ed by Bray and Stelbovics (1992b) on the Temkin-Poet (Temkin 1962, Poet 1978) (S-wave) model of electron- hydrogen scattering, where only states of zero orbital angu lar momentum are retained. The total cross sections for elastic, inelastic and ionizat ion collisions converged, with increasing N, for all projectile energies and agreed with the expected S- wave model solutions, where available. The success of the method for the S-wave model allowed applic ation to many real electron-atom scattering problems. However, applica tion to ionization processes revealed some fundamental difficulties (Bray and Fursa 1996, R¨ oder et al 1997), which have been subsequently best illustrated by returning back to the S-wave model (Bray 1997). Though the total ionization cross section (TIC S) was found to be convergent, the underlying singly differential cross secti on (SDCS) was not necessarily so. The triplet SDCS showed rapid convergence, but the singl et SDCS showed unphysical N-dependent resonances. Furthermore, the SDCS were not foun d to be symmetric about E/2, where Eis the total (excess) energy, even though antisymmetry of the total wave function has been ensured explicitly. It wa s suggested that for both total spin cases the CCC( N) amplitudes should converge (as N→ ∞) to a step function, being identically zero past E/2 (Bray 1997). The step function model was attacked by Bencze and Chandler (1999) who claimed to have proved (see th eir Eq.(20)) that the CCC-calculated amplitudes should converge to the true ampl itudes as N→ ∞, and hence yield symmetric SDCS. This claim was rebutted (Bray 19 99d) and a number of counterexamples given (Bray 1999 a, Bray 1999 b). Unfortunately, a proof for the step function idea has not bee n given, only suggestive numerical evidence provided. This has encouraged others to study the problem more closely. Baertschy et al(1999) obtained benchmark SDCS using an external complex scaling technique (McCurdy et al1997) that does not require the knowledge of three- body boundary conditions. These were found to be in consiste nt agreement with the CCC results. Furthermore, Rescigno et al(1999) showed how step functions may arise when discretization with short-ranged potentials is used. To our mind the closest to a proof of the step function idea has been given by Stelbovics (1999). He showed that the close-coupling equat ions, obtained by using exact target eigenstates to expand the total wave function, have unitarity satisfied with the secondary energy integration ending at E/2. This implies a step function in the underlying amplitudes since the coupled equations ar e formally written with this integration ending at E. Given that the CCC square-integrable target states form an equivalent quadrature rule for the infinite summation ove r the true target discreteLetter to the Editor 3 eigenstates simultaneously with an integration over the tr ue target continuum it is tempting to conclude that for infinite Nthe CCC equations converge to those obtained using exact target eigenstates, and hence the CCC ionizatio n amplitudes should display a step function behaviour. Furthermore, by comparison with the known SDCS at E/2, he observed that the CCC-calculated singlet SDCS appeared t o converge to 1 /4 the value of the true result, and suggested that the CCC equation s appeared to behave like Fourier expansions of the underlying amplitudes. A Fourier expansion of a step function converges to the midpoint of the step height. Therefore, the CCC amplitude at equal energy sharing converges to 1 /2 of the step height, and hence the SDCS to 1 /4 of the true height. This interpretation is very exciting because it explains th e apparent convergence of the SDCS at E/2, even when convergence is lacking at unequal energy-shari ng, and how it may be related to the true result. A detailed set of applica tions to the calculation of equal-energy-sharing fully differential electron-impact ionization of the atomic hydrogen ground state has been given (Bray 1999 c). Here we examine convergence for scattering from the excited states, and particularly of the free-free t ransitions. The latter are interesting because it is the free-free V-matrix elements that are responsible for the failure to date of solving the close-coupling equations inv olving pure atomic (discrete and continuous) eigenstates, and thereby requiring the int roduction of a pseudostate approach. Free-free one-electron transitions have been lo oked at before, see Chrysos and Fumeron (1999) for example. Here, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, free-free transitions involving two electrons are shown to be calculable. Since we shall only concern ourselves with the S-wave model, momenta will be written as scalars in what follows. The traditional close co upling equations arise upon expanding the total wave function over the complete set of ta rget eigenstates φnof energy ǫn. Though we use a discrete notation, this involves an infinite sum of the bound states φn(ǫn) and an integral ( dǫ) over the continuum states φ(ǫ). The close-coupling equations may be written as coupled Lippmann-Schwinger equ ations for the T-matrix (Bray and Stelbovics 1992 a) /angbracketleftkfφf|TS|φiki/angbracketright=/angbracketleftkfφf|VS|φiki/angbracketright +/summationdisplay/integraldisplay ndǫn/integraldisplay dk/angbracketleftkfφf|VS|φnk/angbracketright/angbracketleftkφn|TS|φiki/angbracketright E+i0−ǫn−k2/2. (1) These equations are yet to be solved directly due to the non-e xistence of the free- free matrix elements /angbracketleftk′φ(ǫ′′)|VS|φ(ǫ)k/angbracketright. We write the cross sections for the discrete transition i→fas σ(S) fi=kf ki|/angbracketleftkfφf|TS|φiki/angbracketright|2, (2) and for an ionization process as σ(S) i(ǫ) =k√ 2ǫki|/angbracketleftkφ(ǫ)|TS|φiki/angbracketright|2. (3)Letter to the Editor 4 Then the total cross section σ(S), at energies above the ionization threshold ( E >0), for scattering from some initial state iis σ(S) i=∞/summationdisplay f=1σ(S) fi+/integraldisplayE 0σ(S) i(ǫ)dǫ. (4) The continuum integration ending at E comes from the fact tha t in (1) on the energy shell ǫn≤E. From (4) we see immediately the fundamental problem of the close-coupling equations. Since antisymmetry is explicit ly included in the VS(Bray and Stelbovics 1992 a) there appears to be a double-counting problem as the energy integration ends at Eand not E/2. However, as mentioned above, Stelbovics (1999) has shown that there is no contribution to the total cross sec tion from /angbracketleftkφ(ǫ)|TS|φiki/angbracketright forǫ > k2/2 thereby reducing the integration endpoint to E/2 and bringing about consistency with formal ionization theory (Rudge 1968). In order to solve (1) the CCC method uses Ndiscrete states φ(N) n, with energies ǫ(N) n, obtained by diagonalising the target Hamiltonian in an ort hogonal Laguerre basis (Bray and Stelbovics 1992 a). The coupled Lippmann-Schwinger equations then take the form /angbracketleftkfφ(N) f|T(N) S|φ(N) iki/angbracketright=/angbracketleftkfφ(N) f|V(N) S|φ(N) iki/angbracketright +N/summationdisplay n=1/integraldisplay dk/angbracketleftkfφ(N) f|V(N) S|φ(N) nk/angbracketright/angbracketleftkφ(N) n|T(N) S|φ(N) iki/angbracketright E+i0−ǫ(N) n−k2/2. (5) Using the relation |φ(ǫf)/angbracketright= lim N→∞|φ(N) f/angbracketright/angbracketleftφ(N) f|φ(ǫf)/angbracketright, (6) where ǫ(N) f=ǫf, the total cross section corresponding to (4) becomes σ(SN) i=/summationdisplay f:ǫ(N) f<0σ(SN) fi+/integraldisplayE 0σ(SN) i(ǫ)dǫ, (7) where σ(SN) i(ǫf) =kf√2ǫfki|/angbracketleftφ(ǫf)|φ(N) f/angbracketright/angbracketleftkfφ(N) f|T(N) S|φ(N) iki/angbracketright|2(8) is the SDCS. For infinite N(7) goes to (4) and hence a step function, with the integratio n ending effectively at E/2. Similarly, we can write down the relationship between the fr ee-free matrix elements occurring in both (1) and (5). For example, /angbracketleftkfφ(ǫf)|VS|φ(ǫi)ki/angbracketright= lim N→∞/angbracketleftφ(ǫf)|φ(N) f/angbracketright/angbracketleftkfφ(N) f|V(N) S|φ(N) iki/angbracketright/angbracketleftφ(ǫi)|φ(N) i/angbracketright. (9) Thus, the non-existence of free-free VSmatrix elements in (1) has not been eliminated, and becomes evident with increasing N. However, numerical solutions of (5) have shown good convergence for the TSmatrix elements, at least for excitation of the ground state (Bray and Stelbovics 1992 b). Here we check for convergence in the case of excited initia l states including a free-free transition.Letter to the Editor 5 The numerical investigation is performed for the total ener gyE= 3 Ry. The results of three calculations, N=23, 26 and 29, are presented. The states were chosen in such a way so that there was always a state of 1.5 Ry. This way all thre e calculations contain the matrix elements of the free-free transition correspond ing to two 1.5 Ry electrons elastically scattering on a proton. In figure 1 we present the discrete excitation cross sections and the SDCS, evaluated according to (8), for the si nglet case. The value ǫiis the initial energy of the bound electron when negative, or ot herwise the energy of an incident electron. We begin the discussion of the cross sections for the negativ e-energy states. Good convergence is seen for the first five states for all four initi al states, with elastic scattering being the most dominant. For the higher ( n >5) lying discrete states the bigger calculations yield the smaller cross sections, but in all ca ses the cross sections for the last negative-energy states rise. This is not an indication of divergence from the expected n−3scaling rule, but shows how the least negative-energy state s take into account the remaining full infinite discrete spectrum. Turning our attention to the SDCS from the ground state, for e nergies less than E/2 we observe that there are substantial N-dependent oscillations about the exact result, calculated using the finite difference method (FDM) by Jones a nd Stelbovics (1999). At E/2 the three CCC calculations show convergence to approximat ely a quarter of the FDM result, as expected. The SDCS from the 2S and 3S initial states show less oscillati on than for the ground state owing to the SDCS at E/2 being of relatively small magnitude. Thus, within the same calculations the CCC method is able to obtain SDCS more a ccurately, over the energy range [0 , E/2], from excited states than from the ground state. Finally, we consider the free-free transitions for the case where the two electrons are both incident at 1.5 Ry. It is seen that the functional for m of the SDCS changes as compared to the discrete initial states. Oscillations ar e very large, but convergence atE/2 is evident, and presumably to one quarter of the true value. This suggests that the elastic scattering is the most dominant, which explains the functional form change, and is consistent with the elastic scattering from the prese nted discrete states being the most dominant of the discrete transitions. It is truly remar kable to see convergence at E/2 as the corresponding VSmatrix elements are an order of magnitude greater than theTSmatrix elements and continue to increase with N. For completeness, in figure 2 we present the cross sections fo r the triplet case. Here the initial state with two 1.5 Ry electrons is forbidden and s o is not presented. All convergence considerations for the discrete excitations a pply equally here as in the case of singlet scattering. The SDCS are all free from oscillatio ns owing to the zero cross section at E/2, and good agreement is found with the FDM-calculated SDCS a vailable only for the ground state (Jones and Stelbovics 1999). In summary, the recent work of Stelbovics (1999) has shown th at the CCC theory yields convergent ionization scattering amplitudes at equ al energy-sharing that are simply a factor of two less than the true amplitudes. Thus, th e CCC theory may claimLetter to the Editor 6/1/0 /BnZr /2/1/0 /BnZr /3/1/0 /BnZr /4/1/0 /+/0/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /2/1/0 /BnZr /3/1/0 /+/0/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /2/1/0 /BnZr /3cross section /( a/2 /0/)/BnZr /1 /BnZr /0/./1 /BnZr /0/./0/1 /1/0 /+/0/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /2/1/0 /BnZr /3/1/0 /BnZr /4 CCC/(/2/9/)CCC/(/2/6/)CCC/(/2/3/)/i /= /1 /: /5 Ry /2/./5/0/2/./0/0/1/./5/0/1/./0/0/0/./5/0/0/./0/0CCC/(/2/9/)CCC/(/2/6/)CCC/(/2/3/)/i /= /BnZr /0 /: /1/1 Ry /0/./1/2/0/./1/0/0/./0/8/0/./0/6/0/./0/4/0/./0/2/0/./0/0CCC/(/2/9/)CCC/(/2/6/)CCC/(/2/3/)/i /= /BnZr /0 /: /2/5 Ry /0/./0/8/0/./0/6/0/./0/4/0/./0/2/0/./0/0FDMCCC/(/2/9/)CCC/(/2/6/)CCC/(/2/3/)/i /= /BnZr /1 /: /0/0 Ryenergy /(Ry/) cross section /( a/2 /0//Ry/)/0/./0/4/0/./0/3/0/./0/2/0/./0/1/0/./0/0/3/./0 /2/./5 /2/./0 /1/./5 /1/./0 /0/./5 /0/./0 Figure 1. The singlet cross sections arising upon solution of the elec tron-hydrogen S-wave model at the total energy of 3 Ry for the lowest three di screte (1S, 2S and 3S) initial state, and the ǫi= 1.5 Ry state from the target continuum. The present CCC( N) calculations are described in the text. The SDCS calculate d by the finite- difference method of Jones and Stelbovics (1999) is denoted b y FDM.Letter to the Editor 7/1/0 /+/1/1/0 /+/0/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /2/1/0 /BnZr /3/1/0 /+/1/1/0 /+/0/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /2/1/0 /BnZr /3cross section /( a/2 /0/)/BnZr /1 /BnZr /0/./1 /BnZr /0/./0/1 /1/0 /+/1/1/0 /+/0/1/0 /BnZr /1/1/0 /BnZr /2/1/0 /BnZr /3/1/0 /BnZr /4 CCC/(/2/9/)CCC/(/2/6/)CCC/(/2/3/)/i /= /BnZr /0 /: /1/1 Ry/0/./3/0/0/./2/0/0/./1/0/0/./0/0CCC/(/2/9/)CCC/(/2/6/)CCC/(/2/3/)/i /= /BnZr /0 /: /2/5 Ry /0/./2/0/0/./1/5/0/./1/0/0/./0/5/0/./0/0FDMCCC/(/2/9/)CCC/(/2/6/)CCC/(/2/3/)/i /= /BnZr /1 /: /0/0 Ryenergy /(Ry/) cross section /( a/2 /0//Ry/)/0/./0/2/0/./0/1/0/./0/0/3/./0 /2/./5 /2/./0 /1/./5 /1/./0 /0/./5 /0/./0 Figure 2. Same as for figure 1 except for the triplet case. No result for s cattering from the ǫi= 1.5 Ry state is given owing to the Pauli Principle ensuring that such cross sections are zero. to yield these amplitudes accurately for any initial state, and not only for the S-wave model considered here. We have seen convergence in the model for the elastic free-free transition which corresponds to the real experimental case of equal energy (2e,2e) on a proton. Whereas such processes are yet to be experimentally observed the CCC (e,2e) calculations include such processes as an intermediate ste p and these may be extracted as convergent cross sections. This is particularly pleasin g since the introduction of the L2technique in solving the close-coupling equations does not eliminate the divergence of the underlying free-free potential matrix elements, but masks it with a dependence onN. Finally, though Stelbovics (1999) does not claim this, we s uggest that his work implies a step function of the underlying amplitudes in form ing (4) and hence the CCC- calculated amplitudes used in (7), supporting our initial h ypothesis (Bray 1997). The authors thank Andris Stelbovics for many discussions an d communication ofLetter to the Editor 8 results prior to publication. The support of the Australian Research Council and the Flinders University is acknowledged. References Baertschy M, Rescigno T N, Isaacs W A and McCurdy C W 1999 Phys. Rev. A 60, R13–R16 Bencze G and Chandler C 1999 Phys. Rev. A 59, 3129–3132 Bray I 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4721–4724 Bray I 1999 a Phys. Rev. A 60, Dec Bray I 1999 b http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/9906008, submitted to Aust. J. Phys. Bray I 1999 csubmitted to J. Phys. B Bray I 1999 d Phys. Rev. A 59, 3133–3135 Bray I and Fursa D V 1996 Phys. Rev. A 54, 2991–3004 Bray I and Stelbovics A T 1992 a Phys. Rev. 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- 1 -On the Conservation of Physical Quantities DOUGLAS M. S NYDER ABSTRACT Certain transformations of isolated physical systems underlying various conservation laws in physics are noted. As regards each of these transformations, there is a theoretical action that is equivalent to a matched physical action on the system. Evidence supporting this thesis is found in experimental psychological research where results of various experiments allowthat the imagined rotation of an object is analogous to a physical rotation. The conservation laws based on the transformations noted are theoretical or mental in nature to the same extent that they are physical. When one of the conservation principles noted is tested by carrying out the relevant transformation on the system, this test is essentially one of the influence of mental activity on physical reality. T EXT A conservation law in physics, i.e., a law noting a zero rate of change over time for some physical quantity, reflects an underlying invariance of physical law under some transformation of an isolated physical system. Perhaps the most important conservation law is that concerning energy; this lawreflects the invariance of an isolated physical system with regard to time. Theconservation of linear momentum reflects the invariance for such a system with regard to spatial displacement. The invariance with regard to spatial rotation ofan isolated physical system is the foundation for the conservation of angular momentum. E ach of the spatial or temporal transformations underlying the conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum possesses a special nature given the relative character of physical events. There is no absolute origin for either space or time but only a chosen relative origin. Maintaining a set of axes while carrying out a physical action to transform the system is equivalent to transforming the axes while leaving the system untouched. For example, the act of moving a physical system along an axis x representing a linear spatial direction from x 1 to x2 (x2 > x1) is equivalent to leaving the system untouched and linearly moving the axis such that the coordinate of the system along this axis changes from x1 to x2.. The movement of this axis is essentially a theoretical, or mental, action. Moving a measuringdevice representing the axis such that the system's coordinate changes from x 1On the Conservation - 2 -to x2 is equivalent to adding x2 - x1 to all points on the axis and leaving the measuring device untouched. For each of the transformations noted, there is a theoretical action that is equivalent to a matched physical action on the system. The conservation laws based on these transformations are theoretical or mental in nature to the same extent that they are physical. The intrinsic relationship between mental activity and physical reality has also been discussed (2, 3). Evidence supporting this thesis is found in experimental psychological research (1). They reported the results of various experiments, concluding that the imagined rotation of an object is analogous to a physical rotation. In one ofCooper's experiments, for example, subjects were asked to identify whether a figure in a particular spatially rotated orientation (without having witnessed the possible rotation of the figure) was the identical figure initially presented or a reflected (mirror image) version of this figure. The results indicated a linear dependence between the angle of rotation from the original position and the timesubjects took to indicate that the figures were the same. For the reflected figures, a constant time factor was added to the time for identification of the figure; the linear dependence was preserved. This linear dependence is consistent with the time taken by subjects to engage in the proposed imagined rotation. Cooper and Shepard (1) maintained that imagined spatial rotations areinternal representations developed as a result of their evolutionary adaptive significance in coping with the external physical world in which actual spatial rotations occur. But, as discussed, there is no basis for discriminating between the imagined rotation and the actual rotation in the formulation of the conservation of angular momentum. Mentally rotating a set of coordinate axes applied to a physical system is essentially an imagined physical rotation of the system. When one of the conservation principles noted is tested by carrying out the relevant transformation on the system, this test is essentially one of the influence of mental activity on physical reality. R EFERENCES 1 Cooper, L. A., & Shepard, R. N. Turning something over in the mind. Scientific American , 1984, 25(6), 106-114. 2 Snyder, D. M. On the nature of relationships involving the observer and the observed phenomenon in psychology and physics. Journal of Mind and Behavior , 1983, 4, 389-400. 3 Snyder, D. M. Mental activity and physical reality. Journal of Mind and Behavior , in press.
arXiv:physics/9911014v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 10 Nov 1999Second virial coefficient for the Landau diamagnetism of a two component plasma M.Steinberg, W. Ebeling, and J. Ortner (February 2, 2008) This paper investigates the density expansion of the thermo dynamic properties of a two com- ponent plasma under the influence of a weak constant uniform m agnetic field. We start with the fugacity expansion for the Helmholtz free energy. The leadi ng terms with respect to the density are calculated by a perturbation expansion with respect to t he magnetic field. We find a new mag- netic virial function for a low density plasma which is exact in quadratic order with respect to the magnetic field. Using these results we compute the magnetiza tion and the magnetic susceptibility. 52.25.Kn, 05.30.-d, 05.70.Ce, 71.45.Gm I. INTRODUCTION The topic of matter in magnetic fields has received much atten tion. The magnetic field has a great effect on the individual motion of charged particles. In classical mecha nics the motion of the free particles in a magnetic field can be described by circular orbits. The frequency associated w ith the rotation is the cyclotron frequency ωc=eB0/me. In quantum mechanics the motion perpendicular to the magnet ic field is quantized with the corresponding energy eigenvalues E⊥= ¯hωc(n+ 1/2) [1]. A wide range of subsequent investigations covers the properties of atoms and molecules in magnetic fields. Their study is motivated by the astrophysical implications concerned with the physics of pulsars and neutron stars, but also by its application in qua ntum chaos [2–4]. The calculation of the energy spectrum of a hydrogen atom in strong magnetic fields has been tackled b y various authors [5–7]. One of the complications found in the theory is the coupling of the center of mass motio n with the relative motion [6]. This also complicates the calculation of the thermodynamic functions of a low dens ity plasma. However, this effect becomes important at strong fields only. Throughout this paper we will consider the weak-field limit in which case this effect becomes negligible. In this limit the proton mass is considered to be infinite. Although the magnetic field affects the individual motion of t he particles, there is no influence of the magnetic field on the equilibrium properties of a classical charged partic le system. This follows from the Bohr-van-Leeuwen theorem [8,9], which can be easily derived by changing the variable i n the momentum integrals in such a way that one works with the variable π=p−eA. As a result of this all equilibrium properties are independ ent of the magnetic field. In quantum mechanics this argument is no longer valid, since th e momentum operator and the coordinate operator of a particle do not commute. A common example of an equilibrium value which depends on the magnetic field is the magnetization of an electron gas. It was shown by Landau [10] that the low field magnetization of a spinless electron gas, in Boltzmann statistics, is Morb=−neβ¯h2ωc 12m, (1) i.e., the so called orbital part contributes to a diamagneti c response. However, the full response of the free (noninter - acting) electron gas, including the spin part, is paramagne tic. The magnetization of a system of charged particles is a bound ary effect. In classical mechanics the magnetization induced by the motion of the bulk electrons is cancelled by th e magnetization connected with the surface current. Again in quantum mechanics this statement is not valid anymo re. Landau used a perturbation expansion of the free energy with respect to the magnetic field, to circumvent difficulties due to the boundary effects. In doing so the electrons at the boundary of the system were neglected. T hen the magnetization is found as the derivative of the free energy with respect to the magnetic field. Another ap proach has been chosen by Teller [11]. He calculated the current at the boundary of the system, produced by the mot ion of the elctrons under the influence of uniform magnetic field. From this he computed the magnetization of th e system and was able to show the equivalence of his method and Landau’s approach. However, as Teller already po inted out Landau’s method is much better suited for more complicated problems. The difficulties connected with the boundary effects are perha ps one of the reasons for the few results concerning the equilibrium statistical mechanics of a low density quantum plasmas embedded in an external magnetic field. A first attempt beyond Landau has been pursued by Alastuey and Janco vici. They studied, by means of a Wigner-Kirkwood expansion, the magnetic properties of a nearly classical on e component plasma (OCP) in two and three dimensions in the weak field [12] as well as in the strong field limit [13]. R elated problems were treated by Cornu [14] and Boose 1and Perez [15] who derived a formally exact virial expansion of the EOS of a multicomponent plasma by using the Feynman Kac path-integral representation of the grand-can onical ensemble. This paper is aimed to calculate the magnetic properties of a quantum plasma in the low density limit. These systems are characterized by a small coupling parameter Γ, w hich is given by Γ =e2 4πǫ0kTd, (2) whered= (3/4πn)1/3is the mean distance between the particles. We follow the met hod of Landau for the calculation of the magnetization. The starting point is the fugacity exp ansion of the Helmholtz free energy. In a previous work [16] the authors have performed a perturbation expansion fo r the equation of state of a low density plasma up to the ordern2e4, which is valid at arbitrary magnetic field strength. In the p resent paper we perform an expansion of the thermodynamic functions for a low density plasma (Γ <1) up to the order n2and calculate the coefficients of this expansion in quadratic order with respect to the magn etic field, without making any approximation with respect to the Coulomb problem. Using a diagrammatic langua ge this can be restated as the calculation of all ladder diagrams expanded to second order in the magnetic field. In do ing so we will consider the BandB2terms of the Hamiltonion separately. We will see that the separate contr ibutions are divergent, only the sum of all contributions give a convergent expression. This is the price which we have to pay within the present method circumventing the calculation of boundary effects. This paper is organized as follows. In section II, we discuss the representation of thermodynamic functions by a fugacity expansion. The second virial coefficient of a magnet ized plasma will be discussed in section III. In the first part of section III, we present in more detail the calculatio n of the electron-ion contribution to the thermodynamic functions in the case of an infinite proton mass and in the seco nd part an analytical continuation will lead us to the electron-electron contribution. In the third part of secti on III the asymptotic behavior of the new proposed magnetic virial functions will be studied. Finally, the derived resu lts are used to compute the magnetization and the magnetic susceptibility in section IV. II. REPRESENTATION OF THE THERMODYNAMIC FUNCTIONS BY A FUGA CITY EXPANSION In this section, we briefly present the general method used in this work and give the exact results derived in an earlier work [16]. Let us consider a two-component charge-s ymmetrical system of N spin half particles of charge (-e) and massmeand N spin half particles of charge e and mass mi. The Hamiltonoperator of our system consists of two particle contributions. Each pair of species aandbcontributes Hλ ab=/parenleftbigg(pa−eaAa)2 2ma+µa BB0σz/parenrightbigg +/parenleftbigg(pb−ebAb)2 2mb+µb BB0σz/parenrightbigg +λVab(r), σz=−1,+1 (3) with the Coulombic interaction potential Vab(r) =eaeb 4πǫ0r. (4) HereHabis the Hamiltonoperator of the two particle system and H0 abof the noninteracting system. The additive term µa BB0σztakes into account the coupling between the intrinsic magne tic moment ( µa B=ea¯h/(2ma)) of the charged particles and the magnetic field. We suppose that the pressure can be split into ideal and inter action contributions p=pid+pint. (5) In the case without Coulomb interaction e2= 0 the pressure and the particle density of the plasma in a hom ogeneous magnetic field B= (0,0,B0) are given by a sum of Fermi integrals over all Landau levels n pid=kT/summationdisplay a2xa Λ3a/summationdisplay n=0′ f1 2(ln (za n)), n =/summationdisplay a2xa Λ3a/summationdisplay n=0′ f−1 2(ln (za n)) (6) (xa= ¯hωa c/(2kT) withωa c=|ea|B0/ma, Λa=h/√2πmakT, andza n= exp [β(µ−n¯hωa c)]). The prime indicates the double summation due to the spin degeneracy except for the n= 0 level. 2The interaction part of the pressure will be expressed in ter ms of a fugacity expansion which will be truncated after the second virial coefficient [17–21] βpint=κ3 12π+/summationdisplay ab˜za˜zb/parenleftbiggπ 3λ3 abξ3 abln(κλab) +π 2β3e2 a 4πǫ0e4 b (4πǫ0)2+Bab/parenrightbigg + 0(˜z5/2ln ˜z), (7) where we have introduced the modified fugacities ˜za=za2 Λ3axa tanh(xa), (8) in order to have ˜ za→nain the limit of small densities. The first term on the r.h.s of E q.(7) is the Debye contribution in the grand canonical ensemble. The squared inverse Debye r adius is given by κ2=β(e2/ǫ0)(˜ze+ ˜zi). Since it is a classical contribution the Debye term does not depend on the field. In the limit of small densities Eq.(7) coincides with the formally exact virial equation of state derived by C ornu [14] and Boose and Perez [15]. We now try to extend these calculations and focus on the calculation of the secon d virial coefficient Bab. In order to avoid convergence problems let us in a first approach cut the Coulomb tail at larg e distances, i.e. Vab(r) = 0 ifr>R . Then the second virial coefficient reads Bab=1 2Ω/parenleftbiggΛ3 a 2tanh(xa) xa/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggΛ3 b 2tanh(xb) xb/parenrightbigg Tr(e−β/hatwideHab−e−β/hatwideH0 ab). (9) This function will be studied in more detail in the next secti on. III. SECOND VIRIAL COEFFICIENT OF A MAGNETIZED PLASMA It is convenient to divide the second virial coefficient into t he direct part Bd aband the exchange part Bex aa Bab=Bd ab+Bex aaδab, (10) and to compute them separately. The exchange part of Babas defined by Eqs.(9) with the Hamiltonoperator given by Eq.(3) is convergent while if R→ ∞ the direct part is divergent. This is due to the long range beh avior of the Coulomb interaction which leads to collective effects. In or der to include these collective effects one has to perform a screening procedure, which may then lead to convergent expr ession forBab. Such a technique is well established in the zero magnetic field case [17–21] and can be easily extende d to the nonzero magnetic field case. In general, Babis an analytic function of the interaction parameter ξab[21], defined by ξab=−eaeb 4πǫ0kTλ ab, (11) withλab= ¯h/√2mabkTandmab=mamb/(ma+mb) beeing the effective mass. Hence Babmay be written as a Taylor expansion. Using the methods as described in [17–21] we derived in our earlier work [16] the lowest order contribution to Bab. As in the zero field case we write the direct part of the second virial coefficient of the plasma in the following form Bd ab=B′ ab+B′′ ab, (12) where the contributions of second and third order in ξabare included in B′ ab, with B′ ab=−1 8π3/2λ3 abξ2 abh2(xa,xb)−π 3/parenleftbiggC 2+ log 3 −1 2/parenrightbigg λ3 abξ3 abh3(xa,xb). (13) In general the magnetic field correction h2,3satisfiesh2,3= 1 if the magnetic field B= 0. The second order term has been found in [16] and is explicitely given by h2(xa,xb) =/parenleftBigg 1 2+4 π/integraldisplay1 0dt/radicalbig t(1−t)(ya+yb)arctanh/radicalbig 1−(ya+yb)/radicalbig 1−(ya+yb)/parenrightBigg , (14) 3withya,b=λ2 aa,bbsinh(xa,bt) sinh(xa,b(1−t))/(λ2 abt(1−t)2xa,bsinh(xa,b)). The magnetic field correction h3is so far not exactly known. In the limit of zero field h3= 1 holds; furthermore, in the next section we will derive an expression for h3in the weak field limit. Formally the higher order contributions may be expressed by a resolvent expansion [20] B′′ ab=1 2Ω/parenleftbiggΛ3 a 2tanh(xa) xa/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggΛ3 b 2tanh(xb) xb/parenrightbigg P′′ Tr/summationdisplay k1 2πi/integraldisplay Cdze−βz/bracketleftbigg1 H0 ab−zVab/bracketrightbiggk1 H0 ab−z. (15) The contour integral may be taken in the sense of an inverse La place transform. The operator P′′means that all terms of order less than ξ4have to be omitted, since they have already been taken into ac count inB′ ab. The series may then be written in the general form B′′ ab= 2π3/2λ3 ab∞/summationdisplay k=4ζ(k−2)hk(xa,xb) Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξab 2/parenrightbiggk . (16) The functions hkexpressing the magnetic corrections satisfy the zero field c ondition hk(0,0) = 1. (17) Therefore in the zero magnetic field case an exact calculatio n of the convergent second virial coefficient is possible in agreement with earlier work [20,21]. An alternative expression for the field free virial coefficien t which we may refer to as B0 abmay be obtained by introducing the quantum virial function Q0(ξab) [21] according to B0 ab= 2πλ3 abQ0(ξab), (18) with Q0(ξab) =−1 8√πξ2 ab−1 6ξ3 ab/parenleftbiggC 2+ ln 3−1 2/parenrightbigg +√π∞/summationdisplay k=4ζ(k−2) Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξab 2/parenrightbiggk . (19) Note that the second order term may be included into the serie s, sinceζ(0) =−1/2. Now let us discuss the exchange part. Again, as it was shown in Ref. [16] this contribution may be written in a Taylor expansion Bex aa=π3/2λ3 aa∞/summationdisplay k=0/parenleftbig 1−22−k/parenrightbigζ(k−1)bk(xa) Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξaa 2/parenrightbiggk . (20) Here we have included the terms with nonpositive arguments i n theζfunction. In particular we have used the relation lim k→2(1−22−k)ζ(k−1) = ln 2. (21) The zero field results are reproduced, since we have bk(0) = 1 and they may be written, after introducing the exchang e virial function E0(ξaa), as B0ex aa=−πλ3 aaE0(ξaa), (22) with E0(ξaa) =√π∞/summationdisplay k=0/parenleftbig 1−22−k/parenrightbigζ(k−1) Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξaa 2/parenrightbiggk . (23) The influence of the magnetic field on the exchange part has bee n studied in [16] for the lower order terms b0,b1, and b2. The following analytical expression were derived 4b0(xa) =cosh(2xa) cosh2(xa)tanh(xa) xa, (24) and b1(xa) =cosh(2xa) cosh2(xa)tanh(xa) xaarctanh/radicalBig 1−tanh( xa) xa/radicalBig 1−tanh( xa) xa. (25) For an integral representation of b2we refer the reader to Eq.(C4) of [16]. A. Expansion in the weak field limit for the ion-electron inte raction We shall find an expansion of the second virial coefficient in th e weak-field limit. The magnetic field is now assumed to be a small perturbation to the field free Coulomb problem. I n this case we can use the already established results for the second virial coefficient in the absence of a field [21]. Due to the invariance of the thermodynamic functions under the transformation B→ −Bthe first correction to the field-free results will be quadrat ic in the magnetic field. This can also be verified in the ideal contribution (Pauli spi n magnetism and Landau diamagnetism). Let us consider a hydrogen plasma with an infinite proton mass . This is a reasonable approximation in the weak field limit, as the proton frequency is proportional to the in verse mass of the proton. We chose the symmetric gauge A= 1/2 (B×r). Then the Hamiltonian in relativ and center of mass coordin ates takes the form Hei=P2 2mi+p2 2me+meω2 c 8ρ2−i¯hωc 2∂ ∂φ+µe BB0σz−e2 4πǫ0r, (26) whereωcis the electron cyclotron frequency. The elctron-ion contr ibutionBd eito the second virial coefficient is given by the following trace Bd ei=1 2ΩPk′/parenleftbiggΛ3 i 2/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggΛ3 e 2tanh(xe) xe/parenrightbigg Tr(e−βHei−e−βH0 ei). (27) As in the zero magnetic field case we have defined an operator Pk′that takes into account the divergency, by omitting all terms of order ekwithk<k′. The trace over the center of mass coodinates and over the spin variable is readily carried out. Again we use the resolvent representation to obtain the following contribu tion Bd ei= 4π3/2λ3 esinh(xe) xePk′/integraldisplay Cdz 2πie−βzTr/parenleftbigg1 hei−z−1 h0 ei−z/parenrightbigg , (28) withλe= ¯h/√2mekT. Here we have introduced the Hamiltonoperators for the free relative motion h0 ei=p2 2me+meω2 c 8ρ2−i¯hωc 2∂ ∂φ, (29) and for the relative motion of the interacting particles hei=h0 ei−e2 4πǫ0r. (30) We are interested in the case of a weak magnetic field without m aking any approximation with respect to the Coulomb problem. For that we expand Beiin powers of xe= ¯hωc/2kT. It can be easily shown that the linear term is equal to zero and the first nonvanishing term is proportional to x2 e. This contribution may be written as Bd ei=/parenleftbigg 1 +x2 e 6/parenrightbigg B0 ei+B1 ei+B2 ei. (31) The first term comes from the expansion of the normalising con stant and therefore the trace is solely given by the zero field result [21]. In order to take into account the infinite pr oton mass in B0 eione has to replace λeibyλe= ¯h/√2mekT 5and, hence, ξeibyξe=−eeei/(4πǫ0kTλ e). The other two terms, beeing of the order O(B2), are the result of an expansion of the trace in powers of the magnetic field and read as B1 ei= 4π3/2λ3 ePk′/integraldisplay Cdz 2πie−βzTr/parenleftbigg1 hc−z/parenleftbigg −i¯hωc 2∂ ∂φ/parenrightbigg1 hc−z/parenleftbigg −i¯hωc 2∂ ∂φ/parenrightbigg1 hc−z/parenrightbigg (32) and B2 ei=−4π3/2λ3 ePk′/integraldisplay Cdz 2πie−βzTr/parenleftbigg1 hc−z/parenleftbiggmeω2 c 8ρ2/parenrightbigg1 hc−z/parenrightbigg . (33) Herehc=p2/2me−e2/4πǫ0ris the Hamiltonian for the Coulomb problem for zero magnetic field. In what follows we briefly outline the steps leading to the final result for B1 eiandB2 ei. For simplicity the calculations of these contributions may be carried out separately, but as will be seen below only t he sum of both gives a convergent contribution. 1. Calculation of B1 ei Let us first concentrate on the calculation of B1 ei. The perturbation operator has spherical symmetry. Thus it is convenient to use the eigenfunctions of the Coulomb opera tor. With that the calculation of the matrix elements becomes trivial. As in the zero field case we can write B1 ei= 4π3/2λ3 ePk′/integraldisplay Cdz 2πie−βz/braceleftBigg∞/summationdisplay n=1n−1/summationdisplay l=0l/summationdisplay m=−l1 (En−z)3(¯hωc)2 4m2 +∞/summationdisplay l=0l/summationdisplay m=−l/integraldisplay∞ 0dk1 /parenleftBig ¯h2k2 2m−z/parenrightBig3(¯hωc)2 4m21 πdδl(k) dk/bracerightBigg . (34) Here we have made use of the relation between the density of st ates for the continuum states and the scattering phase shifts δl(k) of the Coulomb system. The eigenvalues of the Coulomb syste m read asEn=−1/2n2and can be expressed in terms of the parameter ξby −βEn=/parenleftbiggξe 2/parenrightbigg21 n2. (35) First we compute the discrete part of the partition function , that is given by the first term in (34) and reads B1b ei= 4π3/2λ3 ex2 e Γ(3)Pk′∞/summationdisplay n=1n−1/summationdisplay l=0l/summationdisplay m=−lm2e−βEn, (36) where we have performed the inverse Laplace transform. The s ummation over m and l is trivial and one immediately finds, that B1b ei= 4π3/2λ3 ex2 e 12Pk′∞/summationdisplay n=1/parenleftbig n4−n2/parenrightbig exp/parenleftbiggξe 2n/parenrightbigg2 . (37) By expanding the exponential and using the representation o f theζ-function we obtain B1b ei= 4π3/2λ3 ex2 e 12Pk′/summationdisplay k=2,4,···ζ(k−4)−ζ(k−2) Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξe 2/parenrightbiggk . (38) So far we have calculated the bound state contribution to B1 ei. In the next step we consider the contribution of continous spectrum. For that we need the scattering phase sh ifts of the field free Coulomb problem that are given by d dkδl(k) =−1 k2/parenleftbigge2me ¯h2/parenrightbigg Reψ/parenleftbigg l+ 1 +i/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglee2me k¯h2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenrightbigg . (39) 6Making use of this relation and introducing t=λ2 ek2the second term in Eq.(34) may be written as B1s ei=π1/2λ3 ex2 ePk′/integraldisplay Cdz 2πie−z∞/summationdisplay l=0l/summationdisplay m=−lm2/integraldisplay∞ 0dt t3/2ξe (t−z)3Reψ/parenleftbigg l+ 1 +i 2√ t|ξe|/parenrightbigg . (40) In order to compute the sum over m and l we will expand the ψ-function, we have Reψ/parenleftbigg l+ 1 +i 2√ t|ξe|/parenrightbigg =Re∞/summationdisplay k=01 k!ψ(k)(l+ 1)/parenleftbiggi 2√ t|ξe|/parenrightbiggk . (41) Now the summation over m and l may be carried out. We obtain by i ntroducing τ=l+ 1 +s Pk′∞/summationdisplay l=0l/summationdisplay m=−lm21 k!ψ(k)(l+ 1) = ( −1)kPk′∞/summationdisplay l=01 3/parenleftbig 2l3+ 3l2+l/parenrightbig∞/summationdisplay s=01 (l+ 1 +s)k+1 = (−1)kPk′∞/summationdisplay τ=11 τk+1τ−1/summationdisplay l=01 3/parenleftbig 2l3+ 3l2+l/parenrightbig = (−1)kPk′1 6(ζ(k−3)−ζ(k−1)). (42) Next we perform all remaining integrations. In this context we may use the following integral representation /integraldisplay Cdz 2πie−z/integraldisplay C′dt t3/2ξe (t−z)3/parenleftbiggi 2√ t|ξe|/parenrightbiggk =2π Γ((k+ 3)/2)/parenleftbigg|ξe| 2/parenrightbiggk+1 . (43) Here the contour integral C′in the complex t-plane encircles the positive real axis in the mathematical positive sense. Using Eqs.(40,42 and 43) we obtain, after shifting the summa tion indexk→k−1, the series B1s ei=−2π3/2λ3 ex2 e 12/summationdisplay k=6ζ(k−4)−ζ(k−2) Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbigg −|ξe| 2/parenrightbiggk . (44) Finally we sum up the bound state (38) and the scattering stat e (44) contribution, which gives B1 ei= 2π3/2λ3 ex2 12/summationdisplay k=6ζ(k−4)−ζ(k−2) Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbigg|ξe| 2/parenrightbiggk . (45) Here the sum runs from k= 6, since in this derivation the lower order terms k<6 would give divergent contributions . However, formally the ζfunction can be extended to negative values and therefore th e sum to smaller kvalues such as k= 2,3,4, and 5. It will be shown below that this extension is possibl e and gives the exact lower order contributions. Note that the bound state contribution and the scattering st ate contribution differ by a factor of 2. This general statement has been previously derived in the zero field case [ 20]. It is essentially a consequence of the analyticity of the second virial coefficient Bab(ξ) and expresses the fact of compensation of bound state and sc attering state contributions according to Levinsons Theorem [20]. One may also regard it as rule of obtaining scattering quantities from bound state quantities. We will employ this relation in the following section. 2. Calculation of B2 ei Again we first concentrate on the calculation of the bound sta te contribution. We may use the eigenfunction of the Coulomb operator to evaluate the trace. Thus we have B2b ei=−4π3/2λ3 ePk′/integraldisplay Cdz 2πie−βz∞/summationdisplay n=1n−1/summationdisplay l=0l/summationdisplay m=−l1 (En−z)2/angbracketleftbigg nlm/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglemω2 c 8r2sin2θ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglenlm/angbracketrightbigg . (46) The calculation of the matrix elements is readily carried ou t [1], with the result 7/angbracketleftbigg nlm/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglemeω2 c 8r2sin2θ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglenlm/angbracketrightbigg =meω2 c 8a2 Bn2 2/parenleftbig 5n2+ 1−3l(l−1)/parenrightbig ×4l3+ 6l2+ 2(2l+ 1)m2−2l−2 (2l+ 1)(2l−1)(2l+ 3). (47) With that we obtain after integration and summation over the magnetic quantum number m B2b ei=−4π3/2λ3 ex2 e 3ξ2ePk′∞/summationdisplay n=1n−1/summationdisplay l=0e(1 n2ξe 2)2 n2/parenleftbig 5n2+ 1−3l(l+ 1)/parenrightbig8l3+ 12l2−2l−3 (2l−1)(2l+ 3). (48) By summing over l we get B2b ei=−4π3/2λ3 ePk′∞/summationdisplay n=1e−βEnx2 e 6ξ2en4/parenleftbig 7n2+ 5/parenrightbig . (49) As before we expand the exponential, introduce the ζ-function and obtain the following expression for the bound state contribution B2b ei=−4π3/2λ3 ex2 e 24/summationdisplay k=67ζ(k−4) + 5ζ(k−2) Γ(2 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξe 2/parenrightbiggk . (50) Now we shall calculate the scattering part. This contributi on may be obtained by applying the same arguments that have led to the final expression of B1 ab. B2 ei=−2π3/2λ3 ex2 e 24/summationdisplay k=67ζ(k−4) + 5ζ(k−2) Γ(2 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξe 2/parenrightbiggk . (51) Again, only contributions k≥6 are retained from this sum. 3. Final results for the electron-ion contribution We can now take the sum of the various contributions Eqs.(31, 45 and 51) in order to obtain the quantum virial function. As we have indicated before we may now drop the oper atorPk′and may postulate the virial coefficient, with Bd ei= 2πλ3 eQ0(ξe) + 2πλ3 ex2 e 24QB(ξe), (52) where we have defined the new magnetic quantum virial functio nQB abby QB(ξab) =√π∞/summationdisplay k=2(k−3)ζ(k−2) + (k−5)ζ(k−4) Γ(2 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξab 2/parenrightbiggk . (53) In spite of the fact that the derivation given above is valid o nly fork≥6 we have extended the sum to k≥2. By studying the asymptotic properties of this function we will show that the magnetic quantum virial function has the correct asymptotics for large ξ. Another independent verification of this result can be obta ined by expanding the exact second order contribution as given in Eq.(14). The quantum v irial function QB(ξe) may be interpreted as the limit of QB(ξei) with an infinite proton mass mi→ ∞ . Fork= 3,5 we make use of the relation lim k→3(k−3)ζ(k−2) = 1. In the next section we will show that the same analytical func tion determines also the contribution of the electron- electron interaction. 8B. Electron-electron contribution We first study the Hamilton operator in c.m. and relative coor dinates. In this case the hamiltonian is separable and may be written as Hee=Hcm ee+hee, with the center of mass hamiltonian Hcm ee=P2 4me+e2B2 4meR2sin Θ2−i¯hωc 2∂ ∂Φ. (54) It describes the free motion of a particle with mass 2 meparallel to the field. While we have an harmonic oscillator with frequency ωc=eB/m eperpendicular to the field. The hamiltonian for the relative motion is given by hee=p2 me+e2B2 16mer2sinθ2−i¯hωc 2∂ ∂φ+e2 4πǫ0r. (55) It has the same structure as the hamiltonian for the relative motion of an electron in the field of a proton with infinite mass. The only difference is the appearance of different masse s in the various terms of heiandhee. However, by appropriately redefining the length scales and dimensionle ss parameters involved in the problem, one can map hee ontohei. This means in detail the replacement of λebyλeeand ofξebyξeein Eq.(52,53). Now we may use the analyticity of the virial coefficient with respect to the inte raction parameter. We may extend the result obtained for the electron-ion part Eq.(53) by analytical continuation t o negativeξ-values. Thus we have for the electron-electron contribution Bd ee= 2πλ3 eeQ0(ξee) + 2πλ3 eex2 e 24QB(ξee). (56) The magnetic quantum virial function QB(ξee) is given by Eq.(53). Note that this series holds also for the ion-ion interaction if meis substituted by mi. However its contribution to the virial coefficient is neglig ible in the weak field limit. Let us briefly state the result for the exchange part of the ele ctron-electron contribution. It may be obtained by introducing an additional factor ( −1)lin Eq.(34 and 46) which takes into account the exact symmetry of the wavefunction. Then following the same steps as described in section III we find Bex ee=−πλ3 eecosh(2xe) cosh2(xe)E0(ξee)−πλ3 eex2 e 6cosh(2xe) cosh2(xe)EB(ξee), (57) with the new magnetic exchange virial function EB(ξaa) =√π∞/summationdisplay k=01 Γ(1 +k/2)/parenleftbiggk 2 +k(1−24−k)ζ(k−3)−4 2 +k(1−22−k)ζ(k−1)/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggξaa 2/parenrightbiggk . (58) The factor cosh(2 xe)/cosh2(xe) in Eq.(58) is a result of the spins of the particles and can be calculated exactly. Again, one may check these results for the order k= 0,1 by comparison with the exact contributions given by Eqs.(2 4 and 25). C. Asymptotic properties of the virial function Let us now make an independent test of the above made statemen ts. This investigation relies on two facts. First we consider the elctron-electron contribution only, then in t he limitξ→ ∞ the quantum virial function QB(ξ) should be equal to the Wigner-Kirkwood expansion [12], since ξ∼¯h−1. That means in this limit the plasma behaves essentially as a classical system. The second argument is that the electr on-electron contribution may be obtained from the ion- electron contribution, and vice versa, by simple replaceme nts of the interaction parameter as discussed in the previou s section. Let us start by studying the higher order contribut ionsk≥6 to the magnetic virial function (truncated virial function), which read according to Eq.(53) as Q′B(ξ) =√π∞/summationdisplay k=6(k−3)ζ(k−2) + (k−5)ζ(k−4) Γ(2 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbiggk , (59) withξ<0. The Γ-function can be represented by an inverse Laplace tr ansform 91 Γ(z)=/integraldisplayδ+i∞ δ−i∞dt 2πiet tz. (60) With that and after rearranging the sum over k, Q′B(ξ) can be rewritten as Q′B(ξ) =√π/integraldisplayδ+i∞ δ−i∞dt 2πiet t2∞/summationdisplay k=4(k−3)ζ(k−2)/parenleftBigg 1 +/parenleftbiggξ 2√ t/parenrightbigg2/parenrightBigg/parenleftbiggξ 2√ t/parenrightbiggk −√πζ(2) Γ(4)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg4 −√π2ζ(3) Γ(9/2)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg5 . (61) In the following we make use of the relation ∞/summationdisplay k=4(−1)k(k−3)ζ(k−2)xk=x4/parenleftbigg ψ′(x)−1 x2/parenrightbigg , x> 0, (62) which gives then Q′B(ξ) =√π/integraldisplayδ+i∞ δ−i∞dt 2πiet t2/parenleftbiggξ 2√ t/parenrightbigg4/parenleftBigg 1 +/parenleftbiggξ 2√ t/parenrightbigg2/parenrightBigg/parenleftBigg ψ′/parenleftbigg|ξ| 2√ t/parenrightbigg −/parenleftbigg2√ t |ξ|/parenrightbigg2/parenrightBigg −√πζ(2) Γ(4)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg4 −√π2ζ(3) Γ(9/2)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg5 . (63) It useful to employ the asymptotic expansion of the ψfunction ψ(x) = lnx−1 2x−m/summationdisplay s=1B2s 2sx2s+rm(x), (64) with the Bernoulli numbers B2k. Then we can perform the inverse Laplace transform and find th e following asymptotic expansion of the truncated magnetic quantum virial functio n Q′B(ξ) =−√π Γ(9/2)(1 + 2ζ(3))/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg5 −√π Γ(4)/parenleftbigg1 2+ζ(2)/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg4 −√π Γ(7/2)(1 +B2)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg3 −√π 2Γ(3)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg2 −√π Γ(5/2)(B2+B4)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg −√π Γ(3/2)(B4+B6)/parenleftbigg2 ξ/parenrightbigg −√π Γ(1/2)(B6+B8)/parenleftbigg2 ξ/parenrightbigg3 +o(ξ−5).(65) Now we may conclude that the full magnetic virial function de fined by QB(ξ) =√π5/summationdisplay k=2(k−3)ζ(k−2) + (k−5)ζ(k−4) Γ(2 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbiggk +Q′B(ξ) (66) has the following asymptotic representation QB(ξ) =−4 45ξ+4 1051 ξ+8 1051 ξ3+o(ξ−5). (67) Remarkably, this procedure is accompanied by a term by term c ancellation of the lower order contributions k <6 coming from the Taylor expansion with those coming from the a symptotic expansion. The final expression may now be compared with the ¯ h2expansion , which was computed by Alastuey and Jancovici [12 ]. The linear term in the asymptotic expansion of QB(ξ) is the term proportional to ¯ h2-term of the Wigner Kirkwood expansion and coincides with that of Alastuey and Jancovici. In addition to that we ha ve found higher order contributions proportional to ¯ h4 and ¯h6. With this derivation we have shown that that the magnetic vi rial function (53) has the correct asymptotic properties. This may be regarded as a strong support of the ar gument that the sum in Eq.(59) can be extended to the values of k=2,3,4, and 5, in order to obtain the desired re sult as given in Eq.(53). Notice that from the Wigner-Kirkwood expansion follows the absence of the linear term in the Taylor expansion (53). 10Finally we give the asymptotic form of QB(ξ) for positive arguments. To establish this property, we firs t observe that the magnetic virial function obeys the following relat ion QB(ξ) +QB(−ξ) = 2√π∞/summationdisplay k=2,4,···(k−3)ζ(k−2) + (k−5)ζ(k−4) Γ(2 +k/2)/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbiggk . (68) From this, it follows by using the representation of the ζ-function as an infinite sum and then carrying out the sum over k, that QB(−ξ) =QB(ξ) +√π 8ξ2+√π 96/parenleftbiggπ2 3+ 1/parenrightbigg ξ4+ 2√πσB(ξ), (69) where we have defined σB(ξ) =∞/summationdisplay n=12n2/parenleftbig 1 +n2/parenrightbig/bracketleftBigg e(ξ 2)21 n2−1−/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg21 n2−1 2!/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg41 n4/bracketrightBigg −∞/summationdisplay n=1n4/parenleftbig 5 + 7n2/parenrightbig/parenleftbigg2 ξ/parenrightbigg2/bracketleftBigg e(ξ 2)21 n2−1−/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg21 n2−1 2!/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg41 n4−1 3!/parenleftbiggξ 2/parenrightbigg61 n6/bracketrightBigg . (70) Now let us briefly summarize the properties of the magnetic qu antum virial function. In Fig.1 we have plotted QB(ξ) for both positive and negative arguments, i.e. for electron -ion and electron-electron interaction , respectively. It shows an asymmetric behavior. For opposite charged particles the magnetic quantum virial function increases exponentially at largeξ, i.e. at low temperatures, due to the formation of bound stat es. While for like charged QB(ξ) increases linear at large ξ. The behavior of the exchange magnetic virial function is sho wn in Fig.2. In the quantum regime, at small ξ, one finds a finite contribution to the thermodynamic funcitons. While EB(ξ) decreases exponentially in the classical regime, i.e. at large ξ-values. This result was also found in [12]. IV. MAGNETIZATION AND MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY We now compute the magnetization in linear approximation (w eak-field limit) and construct from this the mag- netic susceptibility. Thereby spin effects and orbital effec ts are treated on equal footing. Let us suppose that the magnetization may be divided into ideal and interaction con tributions M=Mid+Mint. (71) We restrict ourselves to the magnetization of the electroni c subsystem, since the magnetization of the subsystem of the heavy positive ions is negligible small. However the con tribution of the electron-ion interaction is fully include d into our calculation. The ideal magnetization M=−(1/Ω)(∂F/∂B ) may be calculated from Mid=nkT∂ ∂Bln/parenleftbiggnΛ3 e 2xe tanh(xe)/parenrightbigg . (72) Evaluating this in the weak field limit, we get Landau’s resul t for the sum of the spin magnetism and the diamagnetism, which reads ML=1 6n¯h2e2βB m2e. (73) The interaction part of the magnetization may be expressed i n terms of the magnetic virial function. By taking the derivative of the full second virial coefficient with respect to the magnetic field one obtains Mint=1 6n¯h2e2βB m2e/parenleftBigπ 4nλ3 eQB e+π 4nλ3 eeQB ee−3πnλ3 eeE0 ee−π 2nλ3 eeEB ee/parenrightBig . (74) Here we have introduced a density expansion of the thermodyn amic functions, that can be obtained from the fugacity expansion by an iteration procedure, as discussed in [19,20 ]. This expression may now be used to calculate the zero field magnetic susceptibility ( χ= (∂(ML+Mint)/∂B)B=0), with the result 11χ=χL/parenleftBig 1 +π 4nλ3 eQB(ξe) +π 4nλ3 eeQB(ξee)−3πnλ3 eeE0(ξee)−π 2nλ3 eeEB(ξee)/parenrightBig . (75) The first term is Landau’s result for the magnetic susceptibi lity,χL= (1/6)(n¯h2e2β/m2 e), of an ideal system in Boltzmann statistics, while the next terms describe the den sity effects. These effects contain the interaction of the particles as well as the deviation from the Boltzmann sta tistics. Fig.3 shows the magnetic susceptibility as a function of the density parameter nλ3 eeof the system for various temperatures. In Fig.4 we have plot ted the magnetic susceptibility as a function of the inverse temperature for various fixed densities. We find for ξee<1.2 a decrease and forξee>1.2 an increase of the paramagnetic susceptibility. The trans ition from negative to positive corrections occurs atT∼2×105K. This non-monontonic dependence on the temperature is the r esult of two competiting effects. The first effect can be explained on the basis of an ideal quantu m plasma. The exchange contribution of the order n2, which describes the first deviation from the Boltzmann stat istics, decreases the magnetic susceptibility. On the other hand, the interaction between the particles tends to i ncrease the magnetic susceptibility. This effect becomes dominant at low temperatures, while at high temperatures th e exchange effects are dominant. We note that for ξ≫1, i.e. forT≪2×105K, the contribution from the positive interaction parameter (ξ >0) may become very large due to its exponentiell increase with 1 /T. The region where a considerable number of bound states are formed, requires a special treatment [20]. Clearly, thi s theory is restricted to the region in which |χ−χL|/χL<1 is valid. Finally, we mention that the magnetization and magnetic sus ceptibility of an OCP can be derived from the results of the TCP (74,75). This limit is obtained by sending the mass of one species to infinity and the charge to zero while ensuring charge neutrality of the system. Then the magnetic susceptibility of an OCP in linear response reads χOCP=χL/parenleftBig 1 +π 4nλ3 eeQB(ξee)−3πnλ3 eeE0(ξee)−π 2nλ3 eeEB(ξee)/parenrightBig . (76) In the previous section, we have checked that this expressio n coincides with the Wigner-Kirkwood expansion derived by Alastuey and Jancovici [13]. V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsc haft under grant#Eb 126/5-1. We thank P.Martin for focussing our attention on this problem. 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Fig. 4 Magnetic susceptibility as a function of the of the cou pling parameter Γ (inverse temperature) for various fixed densities. 14−4.0 −2.0 0.0 2.0 ξ0.ξ) −5.0 −4.0 −3.0 −2.0 −1.0 0.0 ξ0.−EB(ξ) 150.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 nλ3 ee0.χ/χL|ξee|=0 |ξee|=0.2 |ξee|=1.0 |ξee|=1.5 |ξee|=1.7 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Γ0.971.07χ/χLn = 1026 m−3 n = 1027 m−3 n = 1028 m−3 n = 1029 m−3 16
arXiv:physics/9911015v1 [physics.med-ph] 10 Nov 1999Is the best estimate of power equal to the power of the best estimate? R Hasson Department of Applied Mathematics, The Open University, Mi lton Keynes, United Kingdom Abstract. In an inverse problem, such as the determination of brain act ivity given magnetic field measurements outside the head, the main quant ity of interest is often the power associated with a source. The ‘standard’ way to det ermine this has been to find the best linear estimate of the source and calculate th e power associated with this. This paper proposes an alternative method and then rel ationship to this previous method of estimation is explored both algebraically and by n umerical simulation. In abstract terms the problem can be stated as follows. Let Hbe a Hilbert space with inner product /an}bracketle{t,/an}bracketri}ht. Let Lbe a linear map: H→Rn. Suppose that we are given datab∈Rnsuch that b=Lx+ewhere eis a vector of random variables with zero mean and given covariance matrix which represents measurem ent errors. The problem that is addressed in this paper is to estimate /an}bracketle{tx,/hatwideXx/an}bracketri}htwhere /hatwideXis an operator on H (e.g. the characteristic function of a region of interest). KEYWORDS: Linear inverse problem, biomagnetic inverse pro blem, magnetoen- cephalography (MEG). AMS classification scheme numbers: 65J20, 92C55, 65R30. Submitted to: Inverse ProblemsBest estimate of power 2 1. Introduction This paper solves a problem that arose in the study of the inve rse problem in magnetoencephalography (MEG) [1, 2]. The dominant concern in MEG analysis has been to produce source maps of current density in the brain an d to co-register these to anatomical data (e.g. [1, 3]). However, this may not be the mo st appropriate approach when there is a focus on specific source regions in the brain, e .g. the thalamus, fusiform gyrus etc. In these cases it may be more appropriate to genera te an activation curve, a graph of the power dissipated in a specified region as a funct ion of time. Several methods of generating activation curves have been proposed (e.g. [4, 5, 6]). This aim of this paper is to derive an algorithm for generating activa tion curves that is optimal with respect to the L2-norm. Another argument for the use of activation curves is the dire ct comparison with other functional brain imaging modalities such as positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). These mo dalities produce images of quantities, e.g. regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), tha t are correlated with power dissipated rather than current density. This suggests that in order to compare results across modalities we should use magnetic field data to produc e an estimate of the power dissipated, i.e. an activation curve. In Section 2 a more general problem is solved in the setting of a linear map from a Hilbert space to a finite dimensional Hilbert space. The main result from Section 2 (i.e. Equation 16) can be applied independently to each time insta nt of the data from a MEG experiment. The method proposed is to find a matrix Ysuch thatbTYbapproximates /an}bracketle{tx,/hatwideXx/an}bracketri}ht(Tdenotes matrix transposition). The derivation of the optim al matrixY (Equation 16) with respect to the L2-norm is contained in Section 2. Section 3 goes on to compare the main results of Section 2 with the na¨ ıve algor ithm which first computes an estimate, xreg, using Tikhonov regularization and then computes /an}bracketle{txreg,/hatwideXxreg/an}bracketri}ht. This algorithm was used in [4] to extract measures of brain ac tivity. In Section 4 we specialize to the study of the MEG inverse prob lem. Definitions appropriate to this application are introduced and a simula tion study is described. In Section 5 an important special case is considered where the r egion of interest is the whole brain. A simplified equation (Equation 32) for this cas e is derived and this is compared with the total signal power which is commonly used a s an estimate of brain activity. Section 6 is a discussion of the merits of the algor ithm together with the issues to be addressed before applying the method in practice. 2. Methods LetHbe a Hilbert space with inner product /an}bracketle{t,/an}bracketri}ht. LetLbe a linear map: H→Rn. Suppose that we are given data b∈Rnsuch that b=Lx+e (1)Best estimate of power 3 whereeis an unknown vector of random variables with zero mean and co variance matrix Cwhich represents measurement error. Suppose that the probl em of finding an x∈H corresponding to a b∈Rnis an ill-posed problem. The problem here is to estimate /an}bracketle{tx,/hatwideXx/an}bracketri}htwhere /hatwideXis an operator on H. It should be noted that no assumptions are made about the nois e in the measurement channels other than it has zero mean and a well de fined covariance matrix C, i.e. if the measurement noise is denoted by a vector ethen the covariance matrix is defined byCij=eiejwhere denotes an expectation value. Now define the adjoint map L†by /an}bracketle{tx,L†b/an}bracketri}ht= (Lx)Tb, for allx∈H,b∈Rn. (2) Here we are concerned with the image space IofL†. Let {/hatwideei:i= 1...n}be the usual basis of Rnand choose a corresponding basis of I,{ψi:i= 1...n}, whereψi=L†/hatwideei. The matrix Ywill be chosen to minimize the error for points in I. The starting point in choosing an optimal matrix Yis to derive a suitable cost function to be minimized. We start by expanding bTYb. bTYb= (Lx+e)TY(Lx+e) = (Lx)TYLx+eTYLx+(Lx)TYe+eTYe(3) As mentioned above we focus on points in I ⊆H, so we express x∈ Iin terms of our basis:x=/summationtextn i=1aiψi, whereai∈Rare scalars which will be written collectively as a vectora. Equation 3 can be simplified because the expression Lxappears repeatedly, so start by simplifying this expression: (Lx)T/hatwideej=/an}bracketle{tx,L†/hatwideej/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{t/parenleftBign/summationdisplay i=1aiψi/parenrightBig ,ψj/an}bracketri}ht=n/summationdisplay i=1ai/an}bracketle{tψi,ψj/an}bracketri}ht. (4) The right hand side of Equation 4 can be written as the jth component of a product PawherePij=/an}bracketle{tψi,ψj/an}bracketri}ht. Note that Pis a symmetric positive definite n×nmatrix. Substituting for Lxin Equation 3 gives: bTYb=aTPYPa +eTYPa+aTPYe+eTYe. (5) The projection of the operator /hatwideXontoIhas a matrix representation with respect to the basis {ψi}defined byXij=/an}bracketle{tψi,/hatwideXψj/an}bracketri}htwherei,j= 1,...,n . Hence the target expression can be written in terms of the vector a: /an}bracketle{tx,/hatwideXx/an}bracketri}ht=aTXa, wherex=n/summationdisplay i=1aiψi. (6) ForYto be a good estimator, the right hand sides of Equations 5 and 6 should be ‘close’ for alla∈Rn. One way of achieving this is to minimize the cost function Edefined by: E=/bardblX−PYP/bardbl2 2+/bardbleTYP/bardbl2 2+/bardblPYe/bardbl2 2+/bardbleTYe/bardbl2 2. (7) where /bardbl /bardbl2is theL2-norm. Equation 7 can be interpreted in physical terms. The fi rst term is the error in approximating the operator /hatwideXbyY. The second and third terms give a measure of the overlap,induced by Y, between the measurement error and theBest estimate of power 4 imaging space, I. Note that these terms are equal for a symmetric Y. The fourth term is a measure of how Ymagnifies the measurement error. To minimize E,∂E/∂Y ikis derived for each element of the matrix Y. This gives N2equations to solve for the N2unknownsYik. These may be written as a single matrix equation. In order to illustrate the manipulations i nvolved, the method will be elaborated for the fourth term in Equation 7. The fourth term is expanded using the definition of the L2-norm: /bardbleTYe/bardbl2 2=/parenleftBig/summationdisplay α,βeαYαβeβ/parenrightBig2 . (8) This is differentiated to obtain: ∂/bardbleTYe/bardbl2 2 ∂Yik= 2/parenleftBig/summationdisplay α,βeαYαβeβ/parenrightBig eiek= 2/summationdisplay α,βeieαYαβeβek. (9) We proceed by replacing the products of random variables wit h their expectation values, i.e.eieα=Ciαandeβek=Cβk: ∂/bardbleTYe/bardbl2 2 ∂Yik= 2/summationdisplay α,βCiαYαβCβk. (10) This is the ikth term of the matrix product CYC. Similarly, all of the other terms in Equation 7, when differentiated, give terms that can be writt en as theikth elements of a product. So, the equations can be collected as: −2PXP + 2P2YP2+ 2P2YC+ 2CYP2+ 2CYC = 0. (11) This may be written in the form: (P2+C)Y(P2+C) =PXP. (12) This equation can be solved in many ways, for example by defini ngZ=Y(P2+C) and solving for Zfirst and then for Y. This easily implemented procedure was rejected as it computes an non-symmetric Ywhen starting with a symmetric matrix X, because of the numerical problems associated with ill-conditioned matrices. So an alternative scheme which preserves symmetry was devised. Let λibe the eigenvalue of the matrix Pwith eigenvector φi. Then the matrices XandCcan be represented with respect to the basis {φi}as new matrices X′andC′, i.e. X=/summationdisplay ikφiX′ ikφT k, whereX′ik=φT iXφk, (13) C=/summationdisplay ikφiC′ ikφT k, whereC′ik=φT iCφk. (14) With these definitions, the matrix Ycan be finally expressed as: Y= (P2+C)−1P/parenleftBig/summationdisplay ikφiX′ ikφT k/parenrightBig P(P2+C)−1(15) =/summationdisplay ikλiλkφi(C′+λ2 iI)−1X′ ik(C′+λ2 kI)−1φT k (16)Best estimate of power 5 The matrix Ycomputed using the above formula is always symmetric for a gi ven input symmetric matrix X. Frequently the covariance matrix Cis not known and the assumption is made that the random variables eiare independent Gaussian random variables with a variance ζ that is considered to be a parameter of the method. With this a ssumptionC=ζIand Equation 16 becomes: Y=/summationdisplay ikλi λ2 i+ζλk λ2 k+ζφiX′ ikφT k (17) 3. Comparison with na¨ ıve method We now compare Equation 17 with the corresponding equation d erived by the na¨ ıve method mentioned in the introduction. The na¨ ıve method for computing /an}bracketle{tx,/hatwideXx/an}bracketri}htis to compute a minimum norm estimate using Tikhonov regularizat ion to getxregand then compute the inner product. To compute a xregthe first step is to choose a finite dimensional subspace R⊆H that has an orthonormal basis {rα:α= 1,...m }. The subspace Rwill be called the representation space and the regularized solution xregwill lie in this space. The linear mapL:H→Rndefines a linear map from RtoRnby restriction that we will also call L. Now compute a singular value decomposition of L:R→RnasL=UΣVT, where Σ is a diagonal matrix with non-negative entries σ1,σ2,...σ nandUandVare matrices with orthonormal columns, i.e. UTU=VTV=I. Applying Tikhonov regularization [7] to the inverse problem gives xreg=VDUTb, whereDis a diagonal matrix given by D= (Σ2+ζI)−1Σ. So the power dissipated by this source can be computed by: /an}bracketle{txreg,/hatwideXxreg/an}bracketri}ht=/parenleftbig bTUDVT/parenrightbig X/parenleftbig VDUTb/parenrightbig , (18) where Xis the matrix representation of the operator /hatwideXonR, i.e. Xαβ=/an}bracketle{trα,/hatwideXrβ/an}bracketri}ht. The right hand side of Equation 18 is of the form bT/tildewideYbwhere /tildewideYis defined to be: /tildewideY=UDVTXVDUT(19) The comparison with the method in the previous section relie s on the relationship between the linear operator Land the Gram-Schmidt matrix Pthat we will now derive. Suppose for a moment that the representation space Rwas the whole of Hand that the basis {rα}is a complete orthonormal basis for R=H. In this case: Pij=/an}bracketle{tψi,ψj/an}bracketri}ht=/summationdisplay α/an}bracketle{tψi,rα/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{trα,ψj/an}bracketri}ht, by completeness, (20) =/summationdisplay α/an}bracketle{tL†/hatwideei,rα/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{trα,L†/hatwideej/an}bracketri}ht, using the definition of ψi, (21) =/summationdisplay α/hatwideeT i(Lrα)(Lrα)T/hatwideej, using the definition of L†, (22) =/hatwideeT iL/parenleftBig/summationdisplay αrαrT α/parenrightBig LT/hatwideej, by linearity, (23)Best estimate of power 6 =/hatwideeT jLLT/hatwideei. (24) The right hand side of this equation is the ijth component of the matrix product LLT. So under the assumption that {rα}is a complete orthonormal basis for HthenP=LLT. Now returning to the case when R⊂Hwe can see that for a good choice of Rthe matrix /tildewidePdefined to be LLTwill be approximately equal to P. This is not surprising since to compute the Gram-Schmidt matrix Pon a computer one usually takes a suitable representation space Rand computes LLT. The singular value decomposition of L immediately gives an eigenvalue decomposition of /tildewidePsince /tildewideP=LLT=UΣVTVΣUT=UΣ2UT, (25) where the last equality follows from the fact that the column s ofVare orthonormal. So the matrix /tildewidePhas eigenvalues σ2 iwith eigenvectors, /tildewideφigiven by the columns of U. By a similar argument to the above it can be seen that the matri x/tildewideX′defined to beVTXVapproximates the matrix X′so we have: /tildewideY=UD/tildewideXDUT=/summationdisplay ikσi σ2 i+ζσk σ2 k+ζ/tildewideφi/tildewideX′ ik/tildewideφT k, (26) Now we can compare Equation 26 with Equation 17. For a good rep resentation space Rwe have /tildewideφi≃φi,/tildewideX′≃X′and so the major difference between the two approaches is thatλi≃σ2 i. The effect of this change can be seen by plotting out the graph s of the functions on the interval [0 ,1] (this is the only range of interest since we could dividing by the largest singular value restrict to this inte rval). These graphs are shown in Figure 1 where it can be seen that Equation 17 attenuates th e contribution from the small singular values and has a sharper cut-off than is the cas e for Equation 26. The effect of this is that Equation 17 should attenuate the noise c omponent, which is usually associated with the small singular values. 0.0 0.5 1.0 x0.00.51.0 y Figure 1. Graphs of the functions x/(x2+ζ) (solid curve) and x2/(x4+ζ) (dashed curve) for ζ= 0.5.Best estimate of power 7 4. Application Now we apply our results to the MEG inverse problem, i.e. the p roblem of recovering information about source current density inside the brain g iven measurements of the magnetic field outside the brain. Let Ω denote the brain volum e. The Hilbert space of interest to us is, L2(Ω), the space of square integrable vector fields defined on th e brain volume Ω together with the inner product: /an}bracketle{t/vectorj1,/vectorj2/an}bracketri}ht=/integraldisplay Ω/vectorj1(/vector r)·/vectorj2(/vector r) ω(/vector r)d/vector r,for all/vectorj1,/vectorj2∈L2(Ω). (27) The factor ω(/vector r) is a weighting factor that allows some flexibility in the pro cedure. The only restriction imposed on ω(/vector r) is that the integral over each voxel is finite. In other papers the factor ω(/vector r) has been interpreted as a probability weight [8]. It is interesting in this context to look at the the spatial se lectivity implicit in the use of the matrix Yas it varies in source space. Then the sensitivity profile of Yat a point in source space, /vector r0, is defined to be I(/vector r0) =3/summationdisplay i=1(L/vectordi /vector r0)TY(L/vectordi /vector r0), (28) where/vectordi /vector r0is the current dipole distribution, i.e. /vectordi /vector r0(/vector r) =δ(/vector r−/vector r0)/hatwideeiwhere {/hatwideei:i= 1,2,3} is an orthogonal set of unit vectors and δ( ) denotes the Dirac delta function. The spatial selectivity, I(/vector r0), may be thought of as an instrumental generalization of the lead field of a single measurement channel. The definiti on is designed so that in the case when Yik= 1 wheni=k=n0and 0 otherwise then the sensitivity I(/vector r0) is the square of the magnitude of the lead field of channel n0. Note that the above definition ofI(/vector r0) is different from the original definition proposed in [9]. To illustrate the method a simple simulated experimental sy stem (Figure 2) has been investigated. The head is modelled as a homogeneous con ducting sphere of radius 8.9cm with its centre at (0 ,0,−0.07 cm). The source space is a 9cm ×9cm square thin lamina consisting of 33 ×33 voxels in the plane z=−0.01cm with centre (0 ,0,−0.01 cm). The measurement instrument is a hexagonal array of 37 second order axial gradiometers with baseline 5cm with the lowest ’sensing’ coils in the plan ez= 4cm. Now consider, in the context of the simulated system, the simplest possibl e region of interest operator /hatwideX=δ(/vector r−/vector rc) where/vector rc= (0,0,−0.01cm) is the centre of source space. This type of operator might be adopted if one simply wished to focus on a small volume of source space. The matrix Yused as an estimator from this operator is calculated using Equation 17. The sensitivity profile for this Ymatrix is shown in Figure 2. The reconstruction of an activation curve has been tested on simulated data using this region of interest operator and simulated data from a ti me varying target dipole at (0,0,0 cm), i.e. 1cm from the region of interest. The moment of the d ipole varies sinusoidally at 10Hz, with an envelope that rises linearly f rom zero at 200ms to a maximum at 300ms after which it remains constant. To show the insensitivity to dipole orientation the dipole moment was made to rotate smoothly in a tangential plane —Best estimate of power 8 -0.06 0.0 0.06x/m- y/m -0.045 0.0 0.045x/m-0.0450.00.045 y/m Figure 2. (left) A plan view of the experiment geometry. Crosses denot e source space voxels and diamonds denote the projections of the cent res of the detector coils. (right) The sensitivity profile in source space of the Ymatrix that is derived from the operator /hatwideX=δ(/vector r−/vector rc). this rotation is not discernible in the activation curve. In addition to the target dipole there is distractor dipole at (0 ,0.02 cm,0), which is active from 0 to 100ms (triangular envelope) and again from 400ms (square envelope). In the period from 200ms to 400ms when only the target dipole i s active, the calculated (power) activation curve matches closely that o f the target. However, the existence of the distractor dipole within the sensitive reg ion (see Figure 2) gives rise to apparent activity between 0ms and 100ms and inaccuracy in th e calculated activation curve for the period after 400ms. The distractor dipole adds to the estimated power dissipated when it is parallel to the target and subtracts wh en the target dipole has rotated to be anti-parallel. Error bars for the activation curve can be estimated using th e last term in Equation 7 to give the amount of measurement noise reflected i n the activation curve. The estimate is given by/summationtext α,βCαβYαβ. 5. Total brain activity As a special case of Equation 17 the task of finding an estimate of the total activity in the source space is considered. In this case the operator /hatwideXis the identity and so Xij=/an}bracketle{tψi,/hatwideXψj/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{tψi,ψj/an}bracketri}ht=Pij (29) So the matrix X′can be calculated as follows X′ij=φT iXφj=φT iPφj=λjφT iφj=λjδij (30) whereδijis the Kronecker delta. So, in this case, Yis given by the simplified formula: Y=/summationdisplay ijλi λ2 i+ζλj λ2 j+ζφiλjδijφT j=/summationdisplay iλ3 i (λ2 i+ζ)2φiφT i (31)Best estimate of power 9 0 250 500time/ms00.51.0 relative power Figure 3. Activation curves for a simulated experiment. The solid lin e and the dotted lines are the activation curves of the target and distractor dipoles. The diamonds are the calculated activation curve from the Ymatrix whose sensitivity profile is shown in Figure 2. The error bars, omitted for clarity, would be appro ximately twice the height of the diamonds. This gives the following formula for computing the total act ivity. Total activity, A(t) =/summationdisplay iλ3 i (λ2 i+ζ)2/parenleftbig φT ib(t)/parenrightbig2(32) whereb(t) is the vector of measurements collected at time t. Previously when an estimate of the total brain activity was n eeded the power in the signals was used, i.e. Total signal power, B(t) =b(t)Tb(t) (33) These two methods have been compared for the simulated data d escribed above as shown in Figure 4. In Figure 4 it can be seen that the estimate A(t) (shown as the solid line on the left) more closely approximates the true activation o f the dipoles (dashed curve) than the estimate B(t). In fact, if the error in the estimate is measured by the inte gral of the squared discrepancies between the curves then the err or forA(t) is 2.6×10−4 whilst the error for B(t) is 6.6×10−4. 6. Discussion We have shown that it is possible to directly compute the ‘pow er’ associated with a source without computing the source first. The method seems r obust to noise and is not dependent on the noise having a Gaussian profile. Correlatio ns between measurement channels are fully taken into account. In particular it was s hown that activation curves of brain regions can obtained from magnetic field data. The me thod provides an easily computable way of tracking the power dissipated in a specific region of the brain.Best estimate of power 10 0 250 500time/ms00.0050.010.015 A(t) 0 250 500time/ms00.0050.010.015 B(t) Figure 4. (left) A comparison of the total brain activity, A(t), (solid line) with a plot of the power of the dipolar sources that generated the simula ted data (dashed line). In order to compare with the right-hand diagram both curves are normalized to enclose a unit area. (right) A comparison of the total signal power, B(t), (solid line) with a plot of the power of the dipolar sources that generated the simula ted data (dashed line). In order to compare with the left-hand diagram both curves ar e normalized to enclose a unit area. To use the method effectively the practical problem is to effec tively estimate the covariance matrix. For evoked response experiments the cov ariance matrix, C, can be estimated from the prestimulus period. For other experim ents it might be more suitable to make the a priori assumption that the noise is uncorrelated Gaussian noise with variance a α2that could be considered as a parameter. As αincreases, the more closely the Ymatrix sensitivity pattern matches the region of interest, but the larger the error bars on the resulting activation curve. Finally, to answer the question in the title, I would say that if best is interpreted in a leastL2-norm sense then the answer is no. The best way to estimate the power associated with a source is to compute it directly. References [1] Jukka Sarvas. Basic mathematical and electromagnetic c oncepts of the biomagnetic inverse problem. Phys. Med. 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SEISMIC WAVE RECORDING BY 2S-SEISMOGRAPHS By Ruhi Gurcan SUMMARY Researchers of seismic waves may construct a new seismographic recording adding one seismometer to each component of a conventional seismic station. The two identical conventional seismometers are set up in position of perpendicular and are connected in parallel feeding one recording device (digital or analog). This use of the seismometers (which they may be both horizontal or, one is vertical) is called "two seismometers seismograph" or simply "2S-S". 2S-seismograph performs new capabilities: 1.-it cause to a higher gain which is based on directly ground motion energy from the two orthogonal components of signals, 2.-it has a much smoother response curve than that of the single use of seismometer,3.-because of this smoothing, we are able to apply a higher level of static magnification which cause to widening the response at its both ends, therefore, 2S-System enable to work with a larger dynamic range frequency, 4.- it has a directional and motional filtering property which may be used in some cases advantageously, The contribution of "1", "2", "3" and "4" correspond to unique instrumental improvements for which seismography are ever needed. Data which are obtained from the 2S-Ss have also more advantageous properties comparing with even that of ARRAY's: 5.-it is possible to record signals with their larger plane components all the time by a second 2S-S connected with the opposite ends, 6.-seismic wave types (P,S,R,L) can often be recorded separately on a separated 2S-seismogram since researchers usually deal with a known area of research, 7.-some implicit weak signals, which can not be readable as a phase on the conventional seismograms, become recorded newly and readably by the 2s-Ss. In a non-directional 2S-recordings, 2S-sismograms contains the both seismic wave types being one predominant. However, 2S-seismograms which are obtained from the connection opposite ends include other wave types complementerly. Therefore, the two orthogonal 2S-seismogram contains more information and reading access than that of the conventional for all type waves, all the time and in any case due to “5”, “6”, “7” and “3”. In addition to the above developments in seismographic instrumentation and the data obtained, as the construction of a 2S-sismic station is not as costly as ARRAY stations which uses hundreds of seismometer for the sake of a problem of better reading and detection , 2S-data may preferably gain applications used world-wide by an extensive users of seismic data. INTRODUCTION Elastic waves which are classified based on the motion of individual particles with respect the directions of propagation of waves, we recognise as a phase on the seismograms. Knowledge about the structure of the Earth's interior and some quantities belong to earthquake itself are derived largely from the observational study of the seismic phases. Refinement of the obtained knowledge increases with the reading accuracy of the phases and along with the number of phases that are read.In actual fact, a fairly large number of phases arrive at a seismic station from local and tele-seismic distances. In order to have an idea, I have drown figure 1 taking a two layers of structure with a buried source and a surface receiver at a distance of twice the layer thickness. As shown in figure 1, we may receive more than twenty eight different phases even from such a simple two-layer crystal model. In the figure the phases starting with S-waves are not shown for the sake of simplicity. This simple model demonstrates that every discontinuity, elastic property of a layer and the quantities belong to earthquake may be evaluated several times for a better accuracy if the earth can be heard ideally. FIG.1. Phases involved in a layer over a half-space with a buried source. On the other hand, due to the structure of the Earth, (with so many discontinuance in both crust and interior) a number of phases which are not readable today is increased because of ambient , seismic and instrumental noise. Also, insufficient seismographic detection capability and interfering phases of various kinds contribute to our inability in hearing the earth clearly. Therefore, simply increasing the sensitivity of an instrument is itself not sufficient to detect the signal’s existence and the kind of information gathered suggests that different recording configurations are desirable. On the other hand, seismology being a observational science, researchers use various kind of approaches to discover recognizable phases from the conventional seismograms. In this respect, we may mention the works of White (1964), Shimshony and Smith (1964), Jurkevichs (1988), Samson (1981), Montalbetti and Kanasewich (1970), Vidale (1986) and others. In general , most of these techniques include procedures that adds or subtracts the perpendicular components of signals in some way mathematically for enhancement of signals read from the earlier conventional seismograms. However, all these work for a better recognition of phases are limited by the recording ability of the seismograms which are already recorded. In this respect, 2S-seismograms constitute a ready and the most accurate data for these kind of works, shortening data acquisition since the subtraction or addition are provided by 2S-seismograms directly. One may favour that the combined signal components may be obtained from two channels by simply adding their digital traces. However, these data lack the accuracy of place, time and phase comparably as the two seismometers of the 2S-Seismograph are calibrated on purpose at the beginning for an equal output with the same equipment of loading, on the same pier before recording start. Additionally, it should be noted that, because of the 2S-Seismograph’s instrumental abilities of the higher gain, the smoothing and the larger dynamic range, 2S- data will be never the same with the conventional in qualification. The connection of seismometers in parallel actually has been previously treated by A.J. Serif (1959) in the literature. However, the positions of the two seismometers and their output are not taken into consideration for some possible detectional patterns of recording of seismic waves. For example, the seismometers had not been set up orthogonally and its linear output is not analysed for the purposes of detection of P-waves, S-waves, Rayleigh and Love waves which they all have distinct polarisation patterns for 2S-recording with the exception of some restrictive deviation in polarisation of S-waves as described by O. Nuttily (1962). As the 2S-seismograms are the combination of two linear systems, the resultant output of the system must be analytically explicit, that is, linear. Therefore, I have also derived the transfer function of the 2S-S for basic elements earlier in1970 and published in1983. For the derivation of the transfer function, first, the 2S-S is represented fully by an equivalent analog network where analogy is force-current and velocity- voltage is used, as proposed by Kolora and Russel (1966) secondly, network analysis and synthesis of the electrical engineering is used. in the calculation of output of 2S-system. What is important here is that using this analogy and analog representation I have also obtained the well known fourth and the fifth order equation of motion of the electromagnetic seismograph ( derived Savin and Carpenter, 1962) proving that the analogy chosen is appropriate. Upon these verifications “ the sixth order equation of motion of an electromagnetic seismograph” is also derived by Garcon (1979). Using the same analogy and representation for 2S-S, its transfer function is expressed by the ratio of polynomynal in term of Laplace parameter: S = iw ,and, the amplitude and the phase response are calculated and plotted for a frequency range for an impulse response Gurcan (1983). Importantly, from the plots seen that the magnification of the 2S-system which is changing based on the angle of azimuth and response curve of a seismometers are quite smoothed. THE EIGHT MAJOR CAPABILITIES OF THE 2S-SEISMOGRAPHSThe following eight major results may be given in an explanatory order for the 2S-seismograph: I- 2S-S perform the most direct and accurate combination of components of signals. II-2S-S provides larger plane components on the records rather than one directional component. III- 2S- S has directional and motional filtering property quadratically. IV- There exists the possibility of obtaining seismogram on which three dimensional P-or S- waves are recorded separately. V- 2S-S provides separated P-and S-wave type seismograms. VI-2S- S instrumentally provides much smoother response curves than that of conventional use of the seismometers. VII- 2S-S feeds one recording device with a high gain which is originated directly from the energy of detection .. VIII- An improvement in the dynamic range of seismographs are obtained by the smoothing and the applicability of high level static magnification .. Now, let us examine the way in which how these capabilities are achieved by the 2S-Seismographs. I- The direct and accurate combination All the signal polarisation combinations in the literature, are usually made from the data already recorded. This results in many inaccuracies. In this respect, 2S-Ss achieve higher level of accuracy because that: 1) Deliberately calibrated seismometers for an equality in the output of seismometers with some common loading at the beginning of its operation 2S-S, 2) The summation of the currents produced by the two seismometers with the common and equal instrumental constants is made directly and the most immediately for the seismometers for the detection before the recording is made. II- The larger plane components Since the recorded energy on the 2S-seismogram refer to the addition of two perpendicularly directional components of the signals and the plane coincides with the plane which actually is defined by the position of the two seismometers, the recording corresponds to a plane component of a signal. Note that as the addition of the components is not vectorial summation but the simple summation of the currents from the two seismometers the resultant plane component is larger gain-wise in strength than that of the vectorial combination. The relevant ratio may be written explicitly such as: which corresponds to: (the larger plane component) / (the vectorial plane component) . This difference which is termed as “larger plane component” provides a great advantage just it is being larger .energy as much as forty percent compared2/1)cos.cossin./(sin)cos (sin AA AA A A + +to actual plane energy in representing the signals for recording against to noise and the friction. Thus, we must be aver of that the seismography gains an important tool in the resolution and recordability of weak signals on seismograms just because of this property of “larger plane component ” . III-Directional and motional filtering 2S-seismographs may also be used as a directional and motional filter due to the ability of summing or extracting signal components, depending on the moving direction of senses of the seismometers' coil and the connection of their ends. The currents produced by the two perpendicular seismometers exhibit two cases of mode in which the currents flow 1-) in the same direction or 2-) in the opposite direction. Thus, the modes are termed "in phase" or "out of phase" respectively. These two cases of mode define two different quadrants of detection for seismic waves such as: the additional (+) quadrant of detection and the negational (-) quadrant of detection. This detectional patterns divide the surface of the earth into four quadrants, two of them is (+) and the other two is (-) quadrants for one type of seismic waves. The quadrants are defined by the direction of the booms of seismometers such as in the case of conventional where the axe of seismometer divides the Earth also into two hemispherically. Indeed, it is possible to cover all of the Earth's surface arrivals by both types of quadrants detectionally by setting a second pair of seismometers parallel to the first setting and connecting the ends of coils oppositely to the first one. Thus, no part of the Earth misses the advantages use of the additional (+) quadrants. On the other hand, actually, each quadrant performs the filtration or enhancement depend on wave type with an angle of azimuth "A" which is the angle between the component of the particle motion of the seismic wave and the boom of the seismometers. IV_ Recording signals three dimensionally There are two kinds of seismograms: one may simply be called "Horizontal " labelled “2S-H” where the two seismometers are both horizontal, and the other is called "Vertical" labelled “2S-V” where one component is horizontal and the second seismometer is vertical. The 2S-V works like a recording signals in three dimensional for P-waves when the “2S-H” is set up in a direction of focus. Actually, it is larger than the 3D because of the vertical component is added not vectoral but by the simple addition. This 2S-V works also as a matinal filter for the P-waves (or, filter the S-waves when it is set up perpendicular to the first one) The additional and negation quadrantsreplace each other depending on the connection of the seismometers' ends and also on the senses of the vertical component of signals. In order to receive signals of all wave types in the additional quadrants, a second 2S-V connected with the opposite ends is required. V_ The separated P-wave S-wave seismograms It is well known that P-and S-waves, Rayleigh and Love waves all have distinct polarisation patterns and with a defined mutual relationships between their particle motion for homogeneously stratified earth. Let us first consider the mutual relationship between S- and P-waves emanating from the same earthquake (with some exception for S-waves Nuttily , 1962). The S-wave particle motion, in general, is perpendicular to the P-wave's particle motion which coincides with the wave propagation path. In addition, the Rayleigh waves are elliptically polarised in the radial vertical plane while the Love waves are polarised rectilinearly in horizontal plane and orthogonal to the direction of the wave propagation. The Rayleigh type of surface waves may have horizontal components in the propagation direction, because of the elliptical movement of its particle motion, Nevertheless, they keep the orthogonally large extend with the motion of the Love waves. Actually any deviation from these theoretical considerations must carry some knowledge from the region meaningfully and should be subjected to a investigation. In practice, particle motion polarisation of the seismic waves are rarely perfectly linear and orthogonal polorisationally because of the real world. But, this does not interrupt from an important result that seismic wave types fall detectionally into two different quadrants. That is, while one type of the wave components are added together in a (+) quadrant, the other type of wave components which are added in the next (-) quadrant. This results in the most direct and accurate technique of separating the P-and S-waves. Note that the quadrants that are additional for one type of wave become negational quadrants for the other type of wave. This is true for both type of body and surface waves. Arrivals whose signal direction make an angle of about A=45 degrees with the boom of the seismometers will be eliminated almost completely from the seismograms when they are in the (-) quadrant or, oppositely signals will be recorded as much as doubly strengthen in the next quadrants compared to that of conventional seismograph's outputs. This doubling become true with the larger component combination. Here, another important point is that the two 2S-seismographs placed in parallel but connected at the opposite ends become complementary to each other. Thus, no information is missed at any time and even more information all the time is concerned with the 2S- S recordings. Therefore, we may have a seismogramon which waves coming from all quarters of the world are obtained with the enhancement or filtration for any type of wave. VI_ Smoothed response curves It is a fact that the response curves of a single seismometer seismographs (conventional uses) usually show a high notch at their resonance frequency on its response curves depending on its damping coefficient. However, with the use of a second seismometer on 2S-system, this high notch of the single seismometer which cause to a high dynamic magnification (for a narrow band of frequencies) is greatly smoothed out. The existence of the second seismometer enlarges the circuit of the system and the current flow over both circuits belonging to the two seismometers. Whenever a heavy currents produced by one of the seismometers will be sent partly over the recording device while rest of it sent over the other seismometer causing a very important result such as smoothing in the response curve. Therefore, another practical effect is that the second seismometer protects the recording device from the first seismometer's heavy current drivvings. Actually, this smoothing effect have been shown quantitatively by calculating the output from the transfer function of the 2S-system, for a unit impulse input, as mention in the part of introduction. VII_ The high gain Because of the signals are recorded directly by an energy of the ground vibration from the two perpendicular components, instead of one component, 2S-recording corresponds to a higher gain system compared to that of a single conventional use. Here, it is clear that this high gain is not obtained from an outsider connected feeder is connected for amplifying purposes but by an energy which is generated directly from the detection of the signals carrying knowledge about depth where the waves .pass through. . VIII_ Broaden the dynamic range by the high level static magnification We have seen that the response curves of the 2S-seismograph are much more flatted than those of the single use of seismometers. Therefore, it becomes possible to apply a high level of static magnification over the input of a recording device. Obviously, this results in an elevation on the response curve whose useful part is widened at the ends for the both high and low frequencies. This makes the conventional seismometer work with a wider dynamic range than that of the single seismometer usages. DISCUSSIONSOne of the important result of this connection of seismometers is to make weak signals readable, from which this result is obtained by the addition of the two orthogonal components of the signals. Secondly, as the signal components are not added vectorally but by their simple summation which makes the signals are represented energycally not only by their plane component but also larger in strength than that of signal's plane component itself in detection2. Thirdly, just because of this larger plane component, some signals which are not appeared at all on the conventional seismogram, may become readable as they able to overcome some of the noises and friction. Actually, some more factors support the readability of the weak signals: such as the separating the signals according their wave types in directions and senses of arrivals, and by the applicability of high level statistical magnification through the smoothed the magnification over a wide range of frequency. When we compare 2S-detection with that of ARRAY and telemetered stations, ARRAYS are being consist of a system of seismometers which are usually arranged in some regular geometric pattern over an area, it is difficult to accept that an array can act as a single station point of observation for providing a base to the particle motion of signals. Therefore, they will be of little help in the particle motion analysis of signals. Arrays suppress a band of wavelengths to suppress any given noise by the phase tries serving to signal readings observationally. But , this result is achievable only when they are strong enough to be appeared against the noise on the seismogram. Secondly, in order to obtain high signal sensitivity by the combination of the outputs of many seismometers, an ARRAY requires an assumption that the pulse shape is at least approximately identical at the inputs of all the seismometers for a distance of kms. Actually, in many case some statistical communication theory must be adapted in order to produce a successful result from their data, Withcomb (1969), Ingate et all (1985). In this respect, 2S-systems provide not only analytical plane polarised components of a signal at a point on the Earth for investigations but also discovering new phases from the weak signals which do not appear at all on the ARRAY’s seismograms due to noise and frictions. The separation of the seismic waves by 2S-S provide clear shear-waves readings from the separated seismogram, which the waves typically contain three or four times the information carried by the P-wave train, Crampin (1985). However, although a clear and plane separated polarisation particle motion-wise, the azimuth studies is the weakest point in working with the 2S- seismographs. However , it is not difficult to obtain the E-W, N-S components and the angle of azimuth from the 2S-traces as their summation and negation are known.The seismometers used in the 2S-seismograph may set up in a position ± 45 degrees to East for E-W and ±45 degrees to North for N-S components in order to get world-wide standard usage. However, this standardisation is not necessary for the most problem of seismology since many researchers deal with a known area of seismically active; since, many problem are related to the signals’ existence and sensitivity rather than some statistical knowledge ; and, since, conventional directional component (EW,NS) recording of signals corresponds not to their decomposition provided by the Earth, but to a any division of one whole (particle) motion, why we don't measure signals with their larger plane components which provide the best readability and recognition for weak signals and a chance to discover new phases. The 2S-S that are directed toward an area for a solution of special problem, may also be useable for world-wide problem directly or applying some modification or reduction made by a computer program for 2S-data of standard settling. In practice, the readability and using the short period seismometers as medium period seismometers will become extremely important since we use hundreds of seismometers in ARRAYS for a better readability. Motional filtering and enhancement of waves potentially provides more information on readability of shear-wave splitting, especially, by the use of 2S-Vertical component. When one follow the senses of trace component on the 2S-V seismograms and some more details on particle motion may be obtained from the combination of seismometers connected with the opposite ends, The problem stated by Camden and Crampon (1991) "shear-wave arrivals may be contaminated by P-wave energy which will seriously distort information contained in the shear-wave splitting" may have chance to be investigated in more details. Another related subject with the 2S-Ss, a question arises if there exist new design possibilities for electromagnetic 2S-seismographs because of the connection of two seismometers is always orthogonal. For example: (1)- having the two seismometers in one box, (2)- as feeding the recording device through two sources of seismometers, new construction may yield favourable reductions on the electro-dynamic motor constant normally, (3) it may also be useful in making the 2S-S more stable, and, (4) the existence of its own heavy electromagnetic damping resulting from the use of two seismometers may be used advantageously toward to manufacturing simplification by the proper choice of instrument parameters. Actually, they may all be useable together in making a compact form of 2S-S. Perhaps, we should also add the possibility not to use some of the electronics which normally used with the conventional single seismometers in stations forfiltration or amplification purposes. Therefore, some electronics do not necessarily need when 2S-system is used. There is also some easiness in maintaining of 2S-seismographs because they work such as longer period of seismographs although seismometers connected are short period in fact. That is, the enlargement in the frequency response is effectively caused by 2S-S work like a longer period seismograph at the lover and higher side of its frequency of dynamic range for which actually the short period seismometers are used. Eventually, the operation and maintenance of the broader band 2S-S system will be as easy as that of these shorter period of seismometers' . 2S-Recording Tests In order to make a precise comparison it would probably be necessary to place 2S-Ss operating alongside at a conventional station . An other important requirement would be the provision of the identical seismometers and recording devices (digital or analog) for the both types of seismographs. However, it may not be absolutely necessary identical the seismometers since this many instruments usually are not available at a seismic station for the 2S- tests.And, since, the small differences in instrumentation will not prevent us from showing the eight capabilities of 2S-system but hinder one from the quantitative studies. Finally, in ordinary, it is become difficult to find money to buy some extra identical seismometers without project for a seismic station. However, as the arguments of 2S-Seismographs are so obvious, I would suggest a direct use of 2S-s for researchers who may advantageously use for solving their seismological problems. Actually, In order to 2S-Seismographs gain an applicability world–wide, a seismic station or an university, making a project, should dedicate to carry out 2S-recording experiments along with conventional records for one or two years and the observations should be published for all components. Here, a limited amount of 2S-recording tests was made at The Technical University of Istanbul. Although a connection of two long period seismometers would have provided a more through picture of the functioning of the eight capabilities of 2S-S. The equipment available permitted for the 2S-experiments was the connection of two short period seismometers (Kinemetrix). FIG.2 Records of the Sarayköy earthquake (37.97 N.28.77 E) March 25,1984, D =360 km. The upper portion of the record is from 2S-seismograph, the lower is from conventional seismograph (W.A.). FIG.3 Records of the Adapazarý earthquake (40.68 N.30.45 E) March 26,1984. D =110 km. The upper record is from 2S-seismograph, the lower is from conventional seismograph. The experiments lasted approximately one week. During this time, only two events could be taken into consideration. In order to make comparisons with conventional records of these two events , seismograms of Wood-Anderson were obtained from Kandilli, a seismic station a few km distant from the place where the 2S-seismograph experimental recordings were made. The portion of the conventional records which we want to compare are placed just the below the 2S-seismograms for easy comparison. See figures 2 and 3. There has been no attempt for phase reading on either seismogram due to the lack of the large number of samples of data necessary for reliable identification at the begining. Yet, it is possible to indicate some of the results from the 2S- seismograms. The first seismogram records belong to Sarayköy earthquake. The ratio of the SH waves to the P-waves (SH/P) in amplitude measured from the 2S- seismogram are far greater than that of the E-W component of the conventional record. It should be noted that, S-waves on the conventional record have larger components than P waves on the E-W seismogram because of the position of the hypocenter. On the other hand, in the record of Adapazarý the same ratio of (SH/P) is of much less value when it is compared with the ratios taken from the conventional record even though, the E-W component of SH-waves is small due to the earthquake location. This reversal result is obtained because the earthquake of Adapazarý was located approximately 80 degrees of azimuthal difference from the first earthquake. The opposite ratio measurements show that two different quadrantal magnifications exist and that the arrivals which belong to the first earthquake approach "in the additional quadrant " while similar wave arrivals (SH) of the second earthquake approach "in the negational quadrant" of detection. Again, I have to clarify that because of the instrumental possibilities, the records of these earthquakes do not provide a very good example to show the success of the 2S-seismographs. .For a simple proving purposes yet, it should be sufficient to observe the summation and negation of the currents for the separation of the P-and S-waves as dominant characters on the 2S- seismograms. And, to show the large dynamic range , is adequate a station test the both seismographs (2S-S and conventional) with identical seismometers on a shake-table for a large range of frequency. On the other hand, it should be born in mind that the experimental proves will show only its practical side of 2S-seismographs, which it will always be possible to improve the outputs instrumentally especially in its early days. CONCLUSION The connection of seismometers in the described form is not well documented in published literature. However, The output of the 2S-seismograph, being the summation of the output of two linear systems, is a linear output. This warrants analytical explanation which actually I studied in my early works (Garcon 1983). In this paper I tried to show some observational and practical usage of 2S-S. The 2S-seismograph with quite different abilities pertaining detection has potential to attract the attention of researchers who may deal especially with a definite area of research in the earth science or even, in the exploration geophysics.2S-seismograph combinations make contributions to major problems in seismography and in seismological data. Such that 2S- S provides: 1- the smoother response curves , 2- larger dynamic range, 3 -the higher detection gain for the weak signals, 4- the larger plane or 3D components 5-the greatest accuracy in combination of signals, 6-the capability of obtaining a seismograms which contain only P or S-waves’ recordings, 7- discovering new phases, and 8- the recognising and recording ability for weakest phases on the seismogram comparable with arrays stations’. By these capabilities of 2S-seismographs we have new potentialities not only some solution on the most important problems of seismography but an important results in reading and recognising weak signals which are not possible their records with the conventional recordings, including even, very expensive techniques such as arrays or seismographs linked by telemetry as they also lack the ability to record signals with the higher level dynamic range and the extra energy of larger plane components for recording against to noise. On the other hand, as we have a new type of data, some modifications on algorithms which are being applied to the conventional seismograms for different purposes (such as for filtering and enhancing the signals over noise) may also be required. Fortunately, especially in the cases of polarisation (particle motion) and plane-component reductions, these modifications will shorten the calculation adding some accuracy to the results. As a result of the above explanations become apparent that the 2S- Seismographs constitute new important capabilities for the science whose development is essentially based on observational success. Acknowledgments I thank Prof. Nezihi Canitez for permission to use the seismographs at Research Laboratories of Technical University of Istanbul. I also thank Mr. Uður Güllü and his colleagues for technical assistance in making 2S-tests. REFERENCES BATH, Marcus (1962) Direction of Approach Microsiesm, Geophys J. R. Ast. 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arXiv:physics/9911017v1 [physics.med-ph] 11 Nov 1999The RR interval spectrum, the ECG signal and aliasing A. Gersten(1),(4), O. Gersten(3), A. Ronen(2)and Y. Cassuto(2),(4) (1)Dept. of Physics,(2)Dept. of Life Sciences, (3)Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, (4)Unit of Biomedical Engineering, Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev (August 25, 1999) Typeset using REVT EX 1Abstract We discuss the relationship between the RR interval spectra l analysis and the spectral analysis of the corresponding ECG signal from w hich the RR intervals were evaluated. The ECG signal spectrum is bounde d below the frequency f Bby using an electronic filter and sampled at rate larger than 2 fB, thus excluding aliasing from spectral analysis. A similar p rocedure cannot be applied to the RR interval spectral analysis, and in this c ase aliasing is possible. One of our main effort in this paper is devoted to the problem of how to detect aliasing in the heart rate spectral analysis. I n order to get an insight we performed an experiment with an adult man, in whic h the ECG signal was detected in a case where the breathing rate was lar ger than half the heart rate. A constant breathing rate for time intervals exc eeding 5 minutes was monitored with good accuracy using a special breathing p rocedure. The results show distinctively a very sharp peak in the spectral analysis of the ECG signal and corresponding (diffused) aliasing peaks in th e RR interval spectral analysis. New method of dealing with unevenly sampled data was develop ed which has interesting anti-aliasing properties. There are indic ations that the VLF peaks of the RR spectrum are originated by aliasing. Some of t he LF peaks may have the same property. Keywords: Hart rate, ECG signal, Spectral analysis, Aliasing I. INTRODUCTION The R-R interval spectral analysis is usually based on heart rate data collected in two ways. In one method the data are collected by analog to digita l conversion of the ECG signal and computer evaluation of the R-R intervals from the ECG signal. In the second method, devices are used whose output is the R-R interval alo ne. The advantage of the first 2method is the control of accuracy and flexibility of the evalu ations. The second method has the advantage of storing smaller amount of data, and it can be easily used on-line. In the first method, usually the number of collected data (sam pled ECG signal) is of two to three orders of magnitude larger than the R-R interv al data. Thus if only R-R interval is analyzed a large amount of data is unused. In this paper we are trying to take advantage of the ECG sampled signal and to derive new informa tion in addition to the conventional R-R interval analysis [1],, [2], [3], [4]. The ECG signal spectrum is bounded below the frequency f Bby using an electronic filter and sampled at rate larger than 2f B, thus excluding aliasing from spectral analysis. [5] A similar procedure cannot be applied to the R-R interval spe ctral analysis, and in this case an aliasing is possible. One of our main efforts in this paper i s devoted to the problem of how to detect aliasing in the R-R interval spectral analysis . In order to get an insight, we performed an experiment, in whi ch the ECG signal of one of the authors (A.G) was detected while the breathing r ate was larger than half the heart rate. A constant breathing rate for a time exceeding 5 m inutes was monitored with good accuracy using a special breathing procedure with a met ronome. The results show distinctively a very sharp peak in the spectral analysis of t he ECG signal and corresponding (diffused) aliasing peaks in the R-R interval spectral analy sis. The spectral analysis of the ECG signal was performed with th e standard FFT proce- dures. The spectral analysis of the R-R intervals was perfor med with several techniques in order to take into consideration that the data were unevenly sampled. This is presented in section 2. In section 3 we discuss the possibility of aliasin g in the spectral analysis of the R-R intervals. In section 4 we compare power estimations of E CG’s and R-R intervals of 3 experiments. In section 5 we analyze the results. In section 6 summary and conclusions are presented. 3II. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF UNEVENLY SAMPLED DATA The methods of spectral analysis are well developed for even ly sampled data [5], [6]. The R-R interval data are unevenly sampled in time. In most cases an analysis is performed with respect to beat numbers which are evenly spaced. We will below justify this method using least squares principles. But as was recently indicat ed by Laguna et Al. [7], the resampling of data is causing the appearance of additional h armonics. They recommend to use a method developed by N. R. Lomb [8]. The errors of resampl ing the beats can, to large extent, be overcome by using a cubic spline interpolation. I n this work we are suggesting a new method of treating unevenly sampled data, which, unexp ectedly, gave good results beyond the Nyquist frequency. A. Analysis according to beat numbers Let us assume that the RR intervals are given at unevenly samp led times tn, with the values s(tn),where nis the beat number, n= 1· · ·N. Let us divide the interval [ t1, tN] into equal subintervals ∆τ=tN−t1 N−1, (1) and let us generate in the interval [ t1, tN] evenly sampled times: τn= (n−1)∆τ+t1. (2) We will use the discrete time Fourier transform (DFT) for a ba sis formed from the evenly sampled times τn. We will assume that s(tn) =1 NN/summationdisplay k=1Skexp (iωkτn), ω k= 2π(k−1)/(N∆τ). (3) The coefficients Skwill be determined by minimizing the expression σ=N/summationdisplay n=1/braceleftBigg/bracketleftBigg s(tn)−1 NN/summationdisplay k=1Skexp (iωkτn)/bracketrightBigg /bracketleftBigg s(tn)−1 NN/summationdisplay k=1S∗ kexp ( −iωkτn)/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg (4) 4with the result Sk=N/summationdisplay n=1s(tn)exp ( −iωkτn). (5) Eqns. 5 and 3 can be handled easily with standard FFT programs . This is the usual procedure which is adopted in most of the papers dealing with R-R interval analysis. [3] [4] B. Other Methods FFT can be applied more efficiently if the unevenly sampled dat a are interpolated at evenly spaced intervals of Eq. 2. The cubic spline interpola tion is one of the good ways to do it. The Lomb method [8] was extensively analyzed in ref. [7]. We g ive here only the formulae in the form of the Lomb normalized periodogram PX(ωk) =1 2σ2  /bracketleftBig/summationtextN n=1[s(tn)−¯s] cos (ωk(tn−τ))/bracketrightBig2 /summationtextN n=1cos2(ωk(tn−τ))+/bracketleftBig/summationtextN n=1[s(tn)−¯s]sin (ωk(tn−τ))/bracketrightBig2 /summationtextN n=1sin2(ωk(tn−τ))   (6) where ¯ sandσ2are the mean and variance of the data and the value of τis defined as tan (2ωkτ) =/summationtextN n=1sin (2ωktn) /summationtextN n=1cos (2ωktn)(7) C. Non-Uniform Discrete Fourier Transform (NUDFT) We present here a new method of treating unevenly spaced even ts which we call the ”non-uniform discrete Fourier transform” (NUDFT). Let us assume that s(τn) are the exact values of the signal at the points given by Eq. 2 . The corresponding DFT is Sk=N/summationdisplay n=1s(τn) exp ( −iωkτn). (8) 5Our aim is to find a good approximation to this expression in te rms of the unevenly sampled signal s(tn). We start with the Euler summation formula N/summationdisplay n=1f(τn) =1 ∆τ/integraldisplayτN τ1f(τ)dτ+1 2[f(τ1) +f(τN)] +∆τ 12[f′(τN)−f′(τ1)] +O(∆τ2) (9) and make the following decomposition of the integral on the r ight hand side of Eq.9: /integraldisplayτN τ1f(τ)dτ=/integraldisplayt2 t1f(τ)dτ+/integraldisplayt3 t2f(τ)dτ+· · ·+/integraldisplaytN tN−1f(τ)dτ (10) and approximate each of the integrals on the right hand side w ith the trapezoidal rule: /integraldisplayτN τ1f(τ)dτ=1 2[f(t1) +f(t2)] (t2−t1) +· · ·+1 2[f(tN−1) +f(tN)](tN−tN−1) +O(∆τ) (11) From Eqs. 9 and 11 we obtain: N/summationdisplay n=1f(τn) =1 2∆τ{[f(t1) +f(t2)] (t2−t1) +· · ·+ [f(tN−1) +f(tN)] (tN−tN−1)} +1 2[f(t1) +f(tN)] +O(∆τ). (12) When the tnare equally spaced Eq. 12 becomes an identity with the O(∆τ) = 0, therefore it seems to us that Eq. 12 is satisfied with an higher accuracy than just O(∆τ). Eq. 12 can be applied to approximate Eq. 8 with the substituti on f(tn) =s(tn) exp ( −iωktn), (13) and the final result, the approximation to Eq. 8, after rearra nging the terms, becomes: Sk=N/summationdisplay n=1cns(tn)exp ( −iωktn) +O(∆τ), (14) where 6c1=∆τ+t2−t1 2∆τ, c2=t3−t1 2∆τ, ... cN−1=tN−tN−2 2∆τ, cN=∆τ+tN−tN−1 2∆τ,(15) with the inverse formula s(τn) =1 NN/summationdisplay k=1Skexp (iωkτn) +O(∆τ), ω k= 2π(k−1)/(N∆τ), (16) which is an interpolation formula for s(tn) at the evenly spaced points τ1· · ·τN. III. ALIASING Aliasing is a result of undersampling and is a well known phen omenon. In ref. [9] aliasing was looked upon from the point of view of symmetry. It is an exa mple of wrong symmetry, and as such should be given more attention. It is the outcome o f an incomplete basis. It was found in ref. [9] , that for evenly sampled data with a samp ling rate fS, the spectral amplitude S(f) evaluated with FFT, has the following symmetry properties |S(f)|=|S(f±fS)|=|S(−f±fS)|=|S(±f±nfS)|, (17) where fis the frequency and n is an arbitrary integer. In order to avoid the aliasing symmetry of Eq. 17, the frequen cies should be bounded by the Nyquist frequency (denoted here by fB) according to fB=fS 2. (18) The ECG signal was sampled with sampling rate 250 Hz, and an el ectronic filter was applied, which have eliminated practically all frequencie s above 32 Hz, thus aliasing can not occur at frequencies below 125 Hz or even below 32 Hz. The R-R i ntervals were calculated directly from the ECG signal. The sampling rate for R-R inter vals can be defined only for 7evenly sampled data, for the methods which interpolates the unevenly sampled data, or one can consider the average sampling rate from Eq. 1, in both cas es ¯fS= 1/∆τ= 2fN, (19) where fNis the Nyquist frequency for the R-R intervals. As the ECG sig nal contains frequencies much grater than fN, and the R-R intervals are derived from the ECG signal, one can not be sure that the spectral analysis of the R-R inter vals is free from aliasing. As a matter of fact there are indications of aliasing in some rare cases. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] One way to identify aliasing is to change the sampling rate an d follow the changes in the spectrum. Unfortunately, for the R-R intervals, one can not speak about a definite sampling rate, but rather can consider a distribution of sampling rat es. The changes in sampling rate required to observe aliasing are of the same order as the fluct uations in the sampling rate. Therefore in practice it is almost impossible to observe con sistent changes in the spectrum slightly changing the heart rate. Other possibility of detecting aliasing is by comparing the heart rate spectrum with the ECG signal spectrum. Marked differences below the Nyquis t frequency for the power distribution of the RR intervals compared to the ECG signal p ower distribution in the same range may indicate aliasing. But we do not have yet a sound bas is to treat this problem. We have devised an experiment which definitely demonstrates the aliasing in the R- R intervals spectrum. To the best of our knowledge this is the first experiment in which one can exactly know the correct frequency above the Nyquist frequency and can follow the development of the aliasing, which appears to be diffused to great extent because the symmetry of Eq. 17 is represented not by one sampling rate but by a distribution of sampling rates, as the R-R interval is unevenly sampled. Below we describe 3 experiments. One of them was devised to de monstrate aliasing and the other two for learning about the relations between the R- R interval spectrum and the spectrum of the ECG signal. 8IV. THREE EXPERIMENTS We present below results of three experiments. In the first ex periment the ECG signal was collected in a normal resting state. The aim of this exper iment was to compare the ECG spectrum with the R-R intervals spectrum. In the second expe riment very slow breathing was monitored at a rate of 0.04 Hz. Again the ECG and R-R interv al spectra were compared. In the third experiment very fast breathing was accurately m onitored at the rate of 74/min and 84/min. These respiratory rates were above half of the he art rates thus allowing to observe in detail the development of aliasing. A. The First Experiment In this experiment (linked with the names of Zahi and Ori, whe re the second is one of the authors: O.G) which was done in normal, resting conditio ns, we compare the power es- timation of the R-R interval and the ECG signal, from which th e R-R interval was obtained. The ECG signal was sampled at a rate of 250 Hz. Stable interval s of 7 minutes duration were chosen for analysis. In Fig. 1a the power distribution of the ECG signal of Zahi is d epicted. The attenuation of the power with increasing frequency above 12 Hz is due to th e action of an electronic filter. Above 32 Hz the contribution is practically zero. The average heart rate was 0.97 Hz. The above results were zoomed to the interval [0-12] Hz in Fig . 1b. One can see distinctively the peak around the average heart rate and the higher harmoni cs of this peak. The second harmonic is missing, but the third, fourth, fifth and sixth ar e distinctively visible, higher harmonics became more and more smeared and indistinguishab le above the sixth harmonic. One should also note the large difference in power in the heart rate range, below the Nyquist frequency of 0.49Hz, which is much smaller compared to the pe ak around the average heart rate (0.97 Hz). The power distribution of the RR intervals in the range [0-0. 5] Hz was computed ac- 9cording to the methods discussed in section 2 and are present ed in Figs. 2a (DFT, beat number analysis), 2b (Spline interpolation), 2c (NUDFT). F or comparison also the power distribution of the ECG signal in the above range is presente d in Fig. 2d. The results of Figs. 2a, 2b, and 2c are quite similar, but the s pline interpolation (Fig. 2b) and the NUDFT (Fig. 2c) are practically identical. The th ree graphs show the structure commonly found in the power estimation analysis of RR interv als, namely the existence of the ”high frequency” (HF), ”low frequency” (LF) and the ”ver y low frequency” (VLF) peaks. The ECG spectrum shows qualitatively the same struct ure (but not a quantitative agreement), except that the ECG spectrum is highly suppress ed below 0.04 Hz, in the VLF region, indicating a possibility of aliasing in this region in the RR analysis. In Figs. 3 and 4a-4d the results of Ori are presented. The conc lusions are similar to those of Zahi, except that in the ECG spectrum both VLF and LF peaks a re missing, indicating the possibility of aliasing in these regions for the RR analy sis. Also in the ECG spectrum of Ofek, Fig. 5b the VLF and LF, present in Fig. 5a, are missing . VLF is missing in J.C.’s ECG spectrum (see Figs. 6a-6b). B. The Second Experiment In this experiment (linked again with the name Ori) we have ch ecked the ECG spectrum near the VLF region, as the VLF was absent in the ECG spectrum f or the resting state in the first experiment. The question was whether such a result p ersists in all ECG spectra. Therefore we have probed the VLF region by monitoring very pr olonged breathing with a rate of 0.04 Hz. For the spectrum of RR intervals we found that the DFT, Spline interpo- lation and NUDFT gives similar results, and again NUDFT was p ractically identical to the spline interpolation. Therefore we present only the result s of NUDFT, which are presented in Fig. 7a. For comparison the spectrum of the ECG signal is gi ven in Fig. 7b. In Fig. 7a one can see a very clean pattern of a peak at 0.04 Hz and its high er harmonics. In Fig. 7b one can see a similar but somewhat diffused pattern. Thus this experiment indicates that 10similar respiratory patterns exists in both the RR as well as in the ECG signal. C. The Third Experiment In this experiment (linked to the name Alex, who is one of the a uthors: A.G) very fast breathing was accurately monitored at the rate of 74/min and 84/min respectively. These rates were well above half of the average heart rate thus allo wing to observe in detail the development of aliasing. In Fig. 8 the ECG spectrum is domina ted by the very high and narrow peak at the frequency f1= 1.234Hz, also its higher harmonics can be distinctively seen. The frequency f1is just the breathing frequency 74/min. In the same figure one can also see the diffused peaks near the average heart rate freque ncy of 1.636 Hz and its higher harmonics. One should observe aliasing at about 1 .636−f1= 0.402Hz. Indeed one can see diffused peaks around that frequency in Fig. 9a, which dis plays the power estimation of the RR intervals using the NUDFT (which below the Nyquist rat e is similar to the spline interpolation). The width of this region can be estimated by noting that the RR intervals have different instantaneous sampling rates which are equal to the inverse of the RR interval time. In Fig. 10 we have calculated the distribution of the sa mpling rates by dividing the frequency region into 100 beans. We have shifted that distri bution by subtracting f1. As one can see the results are confined approximately to the regi on 0.32-0.47 Hz. Indeed the aliasing peaks of Fig. 9a appear in this region. The pictures below the Nyquist frequency are very similar for the DFT, NUDFT, the spline interpolatio n and the Lomb method (Fig. 9b) with a similar aliasing behavior. In principle the NUDFT and the Lomb methods should not be used above the Nyquist frequency. Surprisingly enough we have found that both meth ods have a sharp peak at f1, as can be seen in Figs. 9a and 9b. Both methods do not have the al iasing symmetry of the DFT as given by Eq. 17, therefore the results are not symmetri c with respect to the Nyquist frequency (half the sampling rate), as it is satisfied, for ex ample, in the case of the spline interpolation. We have found an exact result at f1and a diffused aliasing around 0.4 Hz. It 11is interesting to note that both methods give almost the same result below and above the Nyquist frequency. One can interpret the appearance of the s harp peak at f1as a result of a partial destruction of aliasing symmetry due to uneven sam plings. Similar results for the breathing frequency 84/min are pres ented in Figs. 11-12. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The ECG signal spectrum is bounded below the Nyquist frequen cy f Bby using an electronic filter and sampled at rate larger than 2f B, thus excluding aliasing from spectral analysis. A similar procedure cannot be applied to the RR int erval spectral analysis, and in this case an aliasing is possible. One of our main efforts in this paper was devoted to the problem of how to detect aliasing in the R-R interval spectra l analysis. In order to get insight into this problem three experiments h ave been analyzed. In the first experiment the ECG signal was collected in a normal rest ing state. The aim of this experiment was to compare the ECG spectrum with the R-R inter val spectrum. In the second experiment very slow breathing was monitored at a rat e of 0.04 Hz. Again the ECG and R-R interval spectra were compared. In the third experim ent very fast breathing was accurately monitored at the rate of 74/min and 84/min respec tively. These respiratory rates were above half of the heart rates thus allowing to obse rve in detail the development of aliasing. The experiments which were described above led us to the foll owing conclusions: 1. The spectral analysis of the ECG signal is more sensitive a nd accurate compared to the R-R interval spectral analysis and is free from aliasing . Still in the present stage it contains too much information to be of practical use. Effor ts should be made to understand what will be the best way to extract information ( not related to the heart condition alone as in the standard analysis of ECG) about the external influences on the heart signal. 122. We have conducted an experiment which gave a clear insight about the mechanism of aliasing in the R-R interval spectrum. The very sharp peak in the spectrum of the ECG signal, which came as the result of enforced quick breath ing, reappeared as a diffused signal in the RR spectrum. The extension of the diffus eness agrees with the extension of the sampling rates of unevenly sampled data.. 3. The VLF peak observed in the R-R interval spectrum is usual ly missing in the ECG spectrum. This lead us to suspect that the VLF observed in the RR spectrum has its origin in aliasing. 4. In some cases the LF peak does not show up in the ECG spectrum . This led us to suspect that part of the LF peak is of aliasing origin. 5. Unlike in electronic devices, it is very difficult to devise procedures to detect aliasing in humans. In electronic devices aliasing can be easily detect ed by changing the sampling rate. In humans the fluctuations of the heart rate are of the sa me order as the required changes in the sampling rates. It will be an important task to develop a proper procedure for detecting aliasing in humans. 6. We have developed a new technique for spectral analysis fo r unevenly sampled data called non-uniform discrete Fourier transform (NUDFT). Wh en employed to the RR data, below the Nyquist frequency, it gave similar results a s those obtained by interpo- lating the data with a cubic spline. Above the Nyquist freque ncy, the correct peak in the spectrum was detected with great accuracy. A similar res ult was obtained with the recently rediscovered Lomb method. We interpret this unexp ected result by a partial destruction of aliasing symmetry in both methods. More effor ts should be made in order to understand the anti-aliasing properties of the abo ve methods. 7. We consider aliasing to be a wrong symmetry, resulting fro m the use of an incomplete basis, which has intrinsic symmetries inconsistent with th e properties of the signal. Aliasing can be partially removed by reducing the symmetry o f the basis. 13REFERENCES [1] B. Mc. A. Sayers, ”Analysis of heart rate variability”, Ergonomics, vol.16, pp 85-97, 1973. [2] M. V. Kamath and E. L. Fallen, ”Power spectral analysis of HRV: a noninvasive sig- nature of cardiac autonomic functions”, Crit. Rev. Biomed. Eng., vol. 21, pp . 245-311, 1993. [3] M. Malik et al., ”Heart Rate Variability, Standards of Me asurements, Physiological Interpretation, and Clinical Use,” Circulation, vol.93, pp 1043-1065, 1998. [4] M. Malik and A. J. Camm (Eds.), Heart Rate Variability , Futura, Armonk NY, 1995. 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The relative power computed (from the ECG signal of Zahi) by four different methods, in the spectral range of 0-0.5 Hz, a) by DFT, b) by spl ine interpolation of the RR data, by NUDFT, d) from the ECG signal. •Figure 3. The relative power of the ECG signal of Ori. •Figure 4. The relative power computed (from the ECG signal of Ori) by four different methods, in the spectral range of 0-0.52 Hz. a) by DFT, b) by sp line interpolation of the RR data, c) by NUDFT, d) from the ECG signal. •Figure 5. The relative power computed (from the ECG signal of Ofek) by two different methods, in the spectral range of 0-0.6 Hz, a) by spline inter polation of the RR data, b) from the ECG signal. •Figure 6. The relative power computed (from the ECG signal of J.C.) by two different methods, in the spectral range of 0-0.46 Hz, a) by spline inte rpolation of the RR data, b) from the ECG signal. •Figure 7. The relative power computed (from the ECG signal of Ori with breathing rate of 0.04 Hz) by two different methods, in the spectral rang e of 0-0.62 Hz, a) by NUDFT, b) from the ECG signal. •Figure 8. The relative power of the ECG signal of Alex with a br eathing rate of 1.234 Hz. •Figure 9. The relative power computed (from the ECG signal of Alex with a breathing rate of 1.234 Hz) by two different methods, in the spectral ran ge of 0-1.5 Hz, a) by NUDFT, b) from the ECG signal. 16•Figure 10. A 100 bin histogram of the heart rates of Alex which are subtracted by the breathing rate of 1.234 Hz. •Figure 11. The relative power of the ECG signal of Alex with a b reathing rate of 1.404 Hz. •Figure 12. The relative power computed (from the ECG signal o f Alex with a breathing rate of 1.404 Hz) by two different methods, in the spectral ran ge of 0-1.6 Hz, a) by NUDFT, b) from the ECG signal. 17/G13 /G17 /G1B /G14/G15 /G14/G19 /G15/G13 /G15/G17 /G15/G1B /G16/G15 /G16/G19/G13/G11/G13 /G14/G13/G11/G14/G14 /G29 /G55/G48/G54/G58/G48/G51/G46/G5C/G44/G03/G24 /G11/G03 /G2A /G48 /G55/G56 /G57 /G48 /G51/G03 /G48 /G57/G03 /G24/G4F /G11 /G0F/G03 /G29/G4C/G4A /G11/G03 /G14 /G3D /G44 /G4B/G4C /G15 /G13/G13/G10/G19/G15/G13/G33/G52/G5A/G48/G55/G03/G0B /G28 /G26 /G2A /G0C /G13 /G15 /G17 /G19 /G1B /G14 /G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G11/G14/G14/G45/G03/G24 /G11/G03 /G2A /G48 /G55/G56 /G57 /G48 /G51/G03 /G48 /G57/G03 /G24/G4F /G11/G03 /G29 /G4C /G4A/G11/G03 /G14 /G3D /G44 /G4B/G4C /G15 /G13/G13/G10/G19/G15/G13/G33 /G52 /G5A /G48/G55/G03/G0B/G28/G26 /G2A /G0C /G29 /G55/G48 /G54/G58 /G48 /G51 /G46 /G5C/G03 /G4C /G51/G03 /G2B /G5D/G13/G11/G13 /G13/G11/G14 /G13/G11/G15 /G13/G11/G16 /G13/G11/G17 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/G16/G13/G11/G03/G2C/G11/G03/G27/G44/G58/G45/G48/G46/G4B/G4C/G48/G56/G0F/G03/GB3/G37/G48/G51/G03/G2F/G48/G46/G57/G58/G55/G48/G56/G03/G52/G51/G03/G3A/G44/G59/G48/G4F/G48/G57/G56/GB4/G0F/G03/G36/G2C/G24/G30/G0F/G03/G33/G4B/G4C/G4F/G44/G47/G48/G4F/G53/G4B/G4C/G44/G03/G33/G24/G03/G14/G1C/G1C/G15 /G16/G14/G11/G03/G2C/G11/G03/G30/G48/G5C/G48/G55/G0F/G03/GB3/G3A/G44/G59/G48/G4F/G48/G57/G56/G1D/G03/G24/G4F/G4A/G52/G55/G4C/G57/G4B/G50/G56/G03/G44/G51/G47/G03/G24/G53/G53/G4F/G4C/G46/G44/G57/G4C/G52/G51/G56/G0F/G03/G36/G2C/G24/G30/G0F/G03/G33/G4B/G4C/G4F/G44/G47/G48/G4F/G53/G4B/G4C/G44/G03/G14/G1C/G1C/G16
arXiv:physics/9911020v1 [physics.atom-ph] 12 Nov 1999Cold Collision Frequency Shift of an Optical Spectrum of a Tr apped Gas Mehmet ¨O. Oktel, Thomas C. Killian∗, Daniel Kleppner∗, L. S. Levitov Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy, Cambridge, MA 02139 (*) Also, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT We develop an exact sum rule that relates the spectral shift o f a trapped gas undergoing cold collisions to measurable quantities of the system. The meth od demonstrates the dependence of the cold collision frequency shift on the quantum degenerac y of the gas and facilitates extracting scattering lengths from the data. We apply the method to anal yzing spectral data for magnetically trapped hydrogen atoms and determine the value of the 1 S−2Sscattering length. PACS: 03.75.Fi, 32.80.Pj The broadening and shifting of spectral lines of a gas by collisions was among the earliest discoveries in the development of high precision spectroscopy [1]. The pressure shift, which originates in interatomic pertur- bations [2], is particularly simple to interpret at low temperatures where the thermal de Broglie wavelength ΛT=h/(2πmk BT)1/2is much larger than the scatter- ing lengtha[3] and the interactions arise only through s-wave scattering. In this cold collision regime, the fre- quency shift is much larger than the level broadening. The theory of the cold collision shift has been devel- oped to interpret hyperfine transitions in cryogenic hy- drogen masers and laser cooled atomic fountains [4]. In this work we study the shift for optical excitation in a sys- tem that can be quantum degenerate, and apply the re- sults to data on 1 S−2Stwo–photon excitation of trapped atomic hydrogen [5]. For the case of a homogeneous sample of density n, and a coherent, weak excitation that couples two inner states of the atoms, we find ¯h∆ωcoll=g2(λ12−λ11)n , λ αβ= 4π¯h2aαβ/m . (1) Hereg2is the equal point value of the second order corre- lation function [6], g2≡g(2)(/vector r= 0), the state 1(2) is the ground(excited) state, and aαβis thes-wave scattering length forα−βcollisions. Equation (1) shows that quantum correlations in the system are manifest in the collision shift. For a uniform Bose gas in thermal equilibrium g2= 2−(nBEC/n)2[7], wherenBECis the density of condensed atoms. Above the condensation temperature, when nBEC= 0,g2equals 2, in which case Eq.(1) is in agreement with previous work [4]. At zero temperature, for a pure condensate with nBEC=n, the collision shift is half of the shift for a non- condensed gas. Equation (1) generalizes the result [4] to T <T BECand relates the spectral shift to the condensate fraction. It is quite remarkable that the factor g2in Eq.(1) mul- tiplies bothλ12andλ11. This results from correlations between an excited atom and other atoms. During the excitation, the internal states of the atoms are rotated: cosθ(t)|1S/angb∇acket∇ight+e−iφ(t)sinθ(t)|2S/angb∇acket∇ight. The angles θ(t),φ(t) depend on laser power and on the atom’s trajectory inthe laser field, specific for each atom. However, for small excitation power, the angle θ(t) is small, and thus the internal states of all atoms remain nearly identical while the laser is on, even if the excitation field is spatially nonuniform. Therefore, during the excitation the atoms interact as identical particles. This causes the short rang e statistical correlations in the initial state to be replica ted in the excited state of the gas, which results in the sta- tistical factor g2in the first term of Eq.(1). The transfer of spatial correlations to the excited state is not limited to weak excitation. For the case of strong excitation, spatial correlations in the ground state will also be transferred to the excited state, but only pro- vided the excitation scheme is coherent. The difference between coherent and incoherent cases can be seen from comparing two examples, the coherent superposition of the ground and excited states obtained, e.g., by a π/2 pulse, and the incoherent mixture state resulting from saturating the Rabi transition. These states will both have equal populations in the two internal states, but quite different correlations. In the former case of a pure internal state the spatial correlation will be the same as for the ground state of indistinguishable particles. In the latter case of a mixed state the correlations will be re- duced. Consequently, the correlation energy of the first state will exceed that of the second state by the factor g2. To emphasize the non-trivial character of the result Eq.(1), let us point out that ¯ h∆ωcolldiffers from the ther- modynamic work needed to transfer one atom from the state 1 to the state 2. The latter work, calculated by removing one atom from the sample, and then introduc- ing an atom in state 2 from far away, ignoring entropy, is given by ( λ12−g2λ11)n. Hereλ12nis the energy of interaction of the excited atom with the atoms in the state 1, and g2λ11nis the chemical potential of a Bose gas. The key difference between this process and optical excitation, resulting in the different dependence on g2, is the incoherence of the state of the added atom with the initial state of the sample. To calculate the full optical spectrum shape of a trapped gas in the cold collision regime, other factors would have to be considered in addition to the effects 1of statistical correlations. Optical coherence can be lost via dephasing elastic collisions, giving rise to collision al broadening. One would have also to take into account atomic motion in the trap and the effects of the inho- mogeneous density distribution in the sample, especially in the Bose-Einstein condensate. In addition, the in- teraction may give rise to a doublet structure of the spectrum [9]. Altogether, these effects can lead to a complicated broadened spectrum with asymmetric lines [5,10,11]. However, we demonstrate below that the spec- trum’s center of mass obeys a simple and exact sum rule and is insensitive to these additional effects. We lay out the theory of the shift by deriving a sum rule (Eq.(12)) that relates the center of mass of the ob- served spectrum to measurable experimental parameters. The sum rule bridges between the uniform density re- sult Eq.(1) and experimentally measured spectra. The sum rule accounts for all interactions between atoms oc- curing in the s−wave scattering channel, which includes thes−wave collisional broadening. It follows from the sum rule that collisional broadening as well as the time of flight broadening resulting from atomic motion in the trap do not contribute to the spectral shift. At the same time, the effects on the shift of inhomogeneity in the gas density and non-uniformity in the excitation field are ex- pressed in the sum rule Eq.(12) in an exact and straight- forward way. We start by considering a homogeneous Bose gas and derive Eq.(1). Then for the realistic situation of a trapped gas sample we derive the sum rule Eq.(12), a generalization of Eq.(1). The sum rule is exact and general, applicable both to Doppler-free and Doppler- sensitive spectra. Finally we apply the sum rule to exper- imental data on the spectrum of cold trapped hydrogen to calculate the 1 S−2Sscattering length for hydrogen. The system: To provide the context for the theory, we briefly describe the experimental situation. The temper- ature of the hydrogen is 30 −100µK, well below the cold collision threshold T≃1K[3]. The atoms are spin polarized and interact in the triplet channel. Calculated values of the 1 S−1Sand 1S−2Striplet scattering lengths area11= 0.0648 nm [14] and a12=−2.3 nm [18]. We neglect 2S−2Sscattering because the excitation rate is assumed low (in the experiment typically 10−4of the atoms are excited) so the background gas is essentially pure 1S. Since |a12| ≫a11, collisions between 1 Sand 2S atoms dominate the shift, which is to the red. Each atom will be in some superposition of the ground state 1Sand the excited state 2 S. In the second quanti- zation formalism, the atoms are described by the canon- ical Bose operators ψ1(r) andψ2(r). The Hamiltonian is H=H0+Hint, where H0describes atoms freely moving in the trap, and Hintis the interaction term: H0=/integraldisplay/summationdisplay α=1,2ψ+ α(r)/parenleftbigg −¯h2∇2 2m+U(r)/parenrightbigg ψα(r)d3r ,(2)Hint=1 2/integraldisplay/summationdisplay α,β=1,2λαβψ+ α(r)ψ+ β(r)ψβ(r)ψα(r)d3r .(3) HereU(r) is the trap potential (essentially the same for the 1Sand the 2Sstates). Inelastic collisions, such as collisions in which the hy- perfine level of one or both of the colliding partners changes, may contribute additional shifts which are not accounted for in this formalism. However, these effects, as well as the three-body collision effects, are small in the experiment and can be neglected. The two-photon 1 S−2Sspectrum consists of Doppler- free and Doppler-sensitive excitations. In the Doppler- free situation, the transition results from absorbing two counter-propagating photons with equal frequencies and zero net momentum. In the absence of interactions, the resonance condition is 2 ωlaser=ω0, whereω0corresponds to the resonance of a single free atom. In the Doppler- sensitive situation, the transition is caused by two pho- tons propagating in the same direction. For a free atom, the resonance frequency is shifted by the recoil energy: 2¯hωlaser= ¯hω0+ (2k)2/2m, wherek= ¯hω/c is photon momentum and mis the atom mass. Radiative excitation in a many particle system is de- scribed by adding to the Hamiltonian (2),(3) the term Hrad=/integraldisplay d3r/parenleftbig A(r)e−iωtψ+ 2(r)ψ1(r) + h.c./parenrightbig ,(4) whereω= 2ωlaser−ω0. The two–photon excitation field A(r) is equal, up to a constant factor, to the square of the electric field. Spatial variation of A(r) in the Doppler- free case occurs on a scale set by the focused laser beam diameter, and in the Doppler-sensitive case is given by ˜A(r)cos(2kr+φ(r)), where ˜A(r) andφ(r) are slowly vary- ing functions. A tutorial example: Before discussing the general case, here we derive the mean frequency shift for the Doppler-free transition caused by a uniform excitation fieldA(r) =A0, ignoring the 1 S−1Sinteractions (λ11= 0). To that end, consider a gas of Natoms con- fined in a box of volume V. Since we ignore the 1 S−1S interaction, the many body state ground state of the sys- tem Φ 0is simply a symmetrized product of single particle states. It can be characterized by occupation numbers njof the single particle plane wave states V−1/2eikjr,/summationtext jnj=N. Initially, the internal state of all atoms is 1S. The excited state, to lowest order in the excitation, is given by Φ 1=HradΦ0. We consider the norm /ba∇dblΦ1/ba∇dbl2 and the expectation value of the interaction /angb∇acketleftΦ1|Hint|Φ1/angb∇acket∇ight. The ratio of these quantities gives the mean frequency shift. Because Φ 0is the product of plane wave states in a box, the frequency shift can be evaluated exactly. The norm /angb∇acketleftΦ1|Φ1/angb∇acket∇ightof the excited state is given by 2/ba∇dblΦ1/ba∇dbl2=|A0|2/integraldisplay /angb∇acketleftΦ0|ψ+ 1(r)ψ2(r)ψ+ 2(r′)ψ1(r′)|Φ0/angb∇acket∇ightd3rd3r′. (5) To evaluate the norm one first puts the operators ψ2(r) andψ+ 2(r′) in (5) in normal order by using the commu- tation relation [ ψ2(r),ψ+ 2(r′)] =δ(r−r′). Noting that ψ2(r)|Φ0/angb∇acket∇ight= 0, the norm is given by /ba∇dblΦ1/ba∇dbl2=|A0|2/integraldisplay /angb∇acketleftΦ0|ψ+ 1(r)ψ1(r)|Φ0/angb∇acket∇ightd3r=|A0|2N . (6) To obtain the frequency shift ∆ ωcoll, we consider the ex- pectation value /angb∇acketleftΦ1|Hint|Φ1/angb∇acket∇ight, keeping in Hintonly the 1S−2Sinteraction λ12. After arranging in normal or- der, as in the calculation of the norm /ba∇dblΦ1/ba∇dbl2, one has /angb∇acketleftΦ1|Hint|Φ1/angb∇acket∇ight=λ12|A0|2/integraldisplay /angb∇acketleftΦ0|ψ+ 1(r)ψ+ 1(r)ψ1(r)ψ1(r)|Φ0/angb∇acket∇ightd3r . (7) Evaluating the expectation value for Φ 0chosen as a prod- uct of plane wave states, one expresses Eq.(7) in terms of the occupation numbers of the ground and excited states as /angb∇acketleftΦ1|Hint|Φ1/angb∇acket∇ight=λ12|A0|2 V 2/summationdisplay i/negationslash=jninj+/summationdisplay ini(ni−1) . (8) The mean frequency shift is then given by the ratio of (8) and the norm (6): ¯h∆ωcoll=λ12 VN/parenleftBigg 2N2−/summationdisplay ini(ni+ 1)/parenrightBigg . (9) The formal reason for the factor 2 to appear in Eqs. (8, 9) and, eventually for g2to appear in Eq.(1), is the follow- ing. In taking the average in Eq.(7) by Wick’s theorem [13], there are two essentially different ways to pair the operators, analogous to the Hartree and Fock contribu- tions to the energy. For short range interaction between bosons, the Hartree and Fock contributions are equal and as a result the frequency shift is twice as large as the “mean density” result. In the thermodynamic limit, V,N→ ∞,n=N/Vcon- stant, the second term in Eq.(9) contributes only when there are states filled by a macroscopic number of par- ticles. For example, in thermodynamic equilibrium at T <T BEC, the shift Eq.(9) is λ12(2n−n2 c/n), whereas in a non degenerate gas, at T >T BEC, the shift is 2 λ12n. The sum rule: We turn now to deriving a sum rule that generalizes the result Eq.(1) to non-homogeneous sam- ples and spatially varying excitation field (and λ11/negationslash= 0).We start with the Golden Rule formula for the absorption spectrum, I(ω) =2π ¯h/summationdisplay Ei,Efδ(¯hω+Ei−Ef)|/angb∇acketleftf|Hrad|i/angb∇acket∇ight|2pi,(10) where |i/angb∇acket∇ight,|f/angb∇acket∇ightare eigenstates of the Hamiltonian H= H0+Hintwith the energies Ei,Ef, andpiis the statis- tical occupation of the states |i/angb∇acket∇ight. The sum rule for the spectrum I(ω) is found by eval- uating the first moment: /integraldisplay ωI(ω)dω 2π=1 ¯h3/summationdisplay Ei,Ef(Ef−Ei)|/angb∇acketleftf|Hrad|i/angb∇acket∇ight|2pi =1 ¯h3/summationdisplay Ei,Ef/angb∇acketlefti|Hrad|f/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acketleftf|[H,Hrad]|i/angb∇acket∇ightpi =1 ¯h3/summationdisplay Ei/angb∇acketlefti|Hrad[H,Hrad]|i/angb∇acket∇ightpi. (11) In obtaining this result we first integrated the delta func- tion, then wrote the result as a matrix element of the commutator [ H,Hrad] and, finally, used the completeness relation. Now we consider contributions of the different terms of the Hamiltonian to the sum rule. The potential energy operator/integraltext (ψ+ 1ψ1+ψ+ 2ψ2)U(r)d3rcommutes with Hrad, and thus does not contribute. There are two contribu- tions, first from the interaction Hamiltonian, second from the kinetic energy operator, denoted by FintandFkinre- spectively. The sum rule becomes /integraldisplay ωI(ω)dω 2π=Fint+Fkin. (12) For Doppler-free excitation Fkinis small compared to Fint, whereas for Doppler-sensitive excitation it con- tributes the larger shift. First, consider the interaction Hint, and calculate Fint. After evaluating the commutator in Eq.(11), one follows the same procedure as in the above calculation of the norm /ba∇dblΦ1/ba∇dbl. The result is Fint=/angbracketleftbigg/integraldisplay (λ12−λ11)|A(r)|2ψ+ 1(r)ψ+ 1(r)ψ1(r)ψ1(r)d3r ¯h3/angbracketrightbigg , (13) where /angb∇acketleft.../angb∇acket∇ightmeans/summationtext Ei/angb∇acketlefti|...|i/angb∇acket∇ightpi. The expectation value/angbracketleftbig : (ψ+ 1(r)ψ1(r))2:/angbracketrightbig =G2(r), the two–particle density. (Here :...: indicates canonical normal ordering.) Fi- nally, using the statistical factor g2=G2/n2, the result is Fint=/integraldisplay (λ12−λ11)|A(r)|2g2n2(r)d3r ¯h3. (14) Next, we calculate Fkin, the contribution to the sum rule coming from the kinetic energy operator 3−(¯h2/2m)/integraltext (ψ+ 1∇2ψ1+ψ+ 2∇2ψ2)d3r. After evaluating the commutator with Hrad, one has Fkin=−¯h2 2m/angbracketleftbigg/integraldisplay ψ+ 1(r)A∗(r)/bracketleftbig ∇2,A(r)/bracketrightbig ψ1(r)d3r ¯h3/angbracketrightbigg . (15) Integrating by parts, and writing the excitation field as A(r) =|A(r)|eiθ, yields Fkin=/integraldisplay/parenleftbigg¯h2 2m|∇A|2n−¯h|A|2/vectorj·/vector∇θ/parenrightbiggd3r ¯h3,(16) wherenand/vectorjare the particle number and flux densities: n(r) =/angb∇acketleftψ+ 1(r)ψ1(r)/angb∇acket∇ight,/vectorj(r) =−i¯h 2m/angb∇acketleftψ+ 1(r)/vector∇ψ1(r)/angb∇acket∇ight+ h.c. (17) The first term in Eq.(16) generalizes the ordinary mo- mentum recoil energy shift to the trapped gas prob- lem [15]. The second term represents the Doppler shift due to possible macroscopic gas flow in the sample. To clarify this, consider A(r) =A0eipr/¯h, which would describe Doppler-sensitive excitation. Then Fkin= |A0|2/integraltext (p2/2m−/vector p·/vector v)n d3r/¯h3, where/vector v=/vectorj/nis the local velocity. The sensitivity of the frequency shift to motion within the sample, manifest in the second term in Eq.(16), makes it possible, in principle, to detect vor- tices in the condensed state. To employ the sum rule, one needs to relate the inte- grated spectral power to A(r) andn(r). Repeating the steps that led to Eq.(12), one obtains Itot=/integraldisplay I(ω)dω 2π=/integraldisplay |A(r)|2n(r)d3r ¯h3(18) Combining Eq.(18) with the sum rule Eq.(12), one ob- tains an exact expression for the spectrum’s “center of mass” ¯ω=/integraltext ωI(ω)dω//integraltext I(ω)dω. For example, consider a uniform density sample, and ignore the spatial variation of the laser field A(r). Eq. (14) gives Fint= (λ12−λ11)g2n2/integraltext |A(r)|2d3r/¯h3. In our experiment Fkincan be neglected. Simplifying Eq.(18) and combining it with Eq.(14) yields the fre- quency shift Eq.(1). There are two comments concerning the generality of the sum rule. First, note that in deriving the sum rule Eq.(12), we do not assume thermodynamic equilibrium. The result is exact and applies to non-equilibrum sys- tems for which the factor g2may differ from its equilib- rium value. Second, the above derivation of the sum rule assumes coherence of the excitation described by (4). One can see, however, that the results (14),(16),(18) hold as well for an incoherent excitation field of the form A(r)eiωt+iφ(t)with a fluctuating phase φ(t). Also, it isstraightforward to generalize the results for the excita- tion field with different spatial dependence of different frequency components. Analysis of the data: To investigate the utility of the sum rule, we applied it to extract a value for a1S−2Sfrom data on the 1 S−2Stransition in hydrogen for a normal gas. An account of the experimental situation and ex- amples of the spectral data will be published elsewhere [16]. Evaluating the integrals in the sum rule requires knowing the excitation field A(r), the value of g2, and the density n(r). The excitation field is generated by a Gaussian beam which is fully characterized by a single parameter, the beam radius, which can be accurately de- termined. For temperatures above TBEC,g2= 2. At lower temperatures, g2depends on the temperature. The density n(r) was found by measuring the peak den- sity and knowing the properties of the trap. The peak densityn0was determined by exploiting the property that the BEC critical density is accurately described by the ideal gas expression: nc= 2.612(2π¯h2/kBTm)3/2. If the system is at the transition point then measuring the temperature determines the density. The system was cooled into the condensate regime and the spectrum was observed as the condensate decayed. The spectrum was measured after the condensate had decayed for ten sec- onds, when the presence of a small though visible con- densate assured that the peak density n0had its critical value. The contribution of the condensate to the spec- trum was unimportant. Thus, the only quantity required to apply the sum rule was the temperature. This was found by measuring the width of the Doppler-sensitive spectrum [17]. From the experimentally measured spectrum we found ¯ν=−29±(2)KHz. We numerically calculated the inte- grals on the right hand side of Eqs.(14),(18) and found that 2(λ12−λ11)/h= 4.4±(1.7)×10−10Hz cm3, where the major sources of uncertainty are the temperature and the trap and laser geometry. From this we determined the 1S−2Sscattering length to be a12=−1.6±(0.7)nm. This result is in reasonable agreement with the calculated value [18],a12=−2.3 nm. An alternative approach to extracting the scattering length was used in Ref. [5], where the value a12= −1.6±(0.3)nm was reported. The interpretation em- ployed a semiclassical description of the atomic motion and a local density description of the phase shift. The present method is more direct and, we believe, more reli- able. It can be viewed as a check on the earlier analysis, and a confirmation of the calculation of the dipolar decay constant [20] on which it depends. In reference [10], an internally consistent description of the density of the condensate required assuming that the density shift parameter in the condensate was the same as in the normal gas, rather than half as large as expected from this analysis. This anomaly remains to be explained. 4As a speculative explanation, one could consider a state close to the transition temperature in dynamical but not in thermal equilibrium, in which several low energy states are populated with macroscopic occupa- tion numbers. For example, for Nparticles distributed equally among mstates, one has ni=N/m,i= 1,...,m in Eq.(8). Then from Eq.(9) ¯ h∆ωcoll= (2−1/m)λ12n, i.e., the shift is described by an effective g2= 2−1/m. For a large number mof constituent states, the effective g2can be arbitrarily close to 2. In summary, we have shown that quantum statistical correlations of a cold gas sample are imprinted in the collisional shift of the center of mass of an optical ab- sorption spectrum. In the cold collision regime the sum rule Eq.(12) can be applied to determine the statistical correlation factor g2from optical spectrum. The sum rule is valid for any gas in the cold collision regime. It takes into account possible inhomogeneities in the sample and the excitation field, and it is valid above and below TBEC. Also, the sum rule is valid for a non-equilibrium system, with g2values possibly different from those in equilibrium. We have demonstrated the usefulness of the sum rule by using it to extract the 1 S−2Sscattering length for hydrogen from experimental data. It should be pointed out that our results, the frequency shift (1) and the sum rule (12), are only valid at small mixing angles of the 1 Sand 2Sstates. The cold colli- sion shift at large angle mixing is an important problem, particularly for atomic clocks. The generalization of the results (12) and (1) for such systems is an interesting open problem. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank D. Fried, L. Willman, D. 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physics/9911022 12 Nov 1999Is the Lorentz Transformation Distance-Dependent ? Ernst Karl Kunst An analysis of the Lorentz transformation shows that the unchangeability of the space-time coordinates of the inertial systems under consideration and the possibility of a direct projection of those coordinates onto another are the underlying basic assumptions as to its unlimited validity. It is demonstrated that from an empiric-physical point of view these assumptions are not given in the case of inertial systems separated by very large distances. Analogous to the impossibility to measure motion relative to absolute space, it turns out to be physically non feasible to extend the coordinate system of any reference frame considered at rest relative to a distantly moving system for a direct comparison of the coordinates, and vice versa. The extended Lorentz transformation strictly based on first physical principles predicts the possibility of superluminal propagation of very distantly moving material bodies and, in this case, the generation of Cerenkov radiation out of the quantum vacuum. For many astrophysical phenomena and their experimentally verified properties this yields a novel view. Key Words: Distance-dependen ce of the Lorentz transformation - far-range transformation - superluminal velocity - vacuum Cerencov radiation Introduction In the last decades superluminal motions in extragalactic radio and optical sources on the grounds of the validity of the Hubble-relation for cosmic distances, and recently also in the Milky Way, have been discovered. Furthermore, astronomers have been observing intra day and even shorter variability in luminosity especially in lacertae objects, nuclei of galaxies, quasars and jets of quasars as highly energetic phenomena. The most widely discussed explanation for those phenomena are astrophysical "beaming models" or "Doppler boosting", due to the orientation of a moving object toward the observer at a small angle to the line of sight, presuming the Lorentz transformation and, therewith, special relativistic aberration to be valid over huge cosmic distances relative to our vantage point on Earth [1]. In the following analysis of inertial motion is shown that the Lorentz transformation is distant-dependen t with the most important result, superluminal motion of material bodies in principle to be possible. Starting point of this reviewal is the validity of special relativity at close range or negligable separation of the inertially moving systems under consideration, though we refer to that theory in its symmetric form [2], which we recapitulate here in short. In the mentioned work on relativistic kinematics has been shown a preferred rest frame of nature (/G28) in any inertial motion to exist and any0 velocity (v) to be symmetrically composite or quantized. From this a symmetric0 modification of the Lorentz transformation follows between a frame of reference S1 considered to be at rest according to the principle of relativity and a moving frame S2:x/G0C 2/G0A /G0A/G0B0(x1/G09v0t1),y/G0C 2/G0A /G0Ay1,z/G0C 2/G0A /G0Az1,t/G0C 2/G0A /G0A/G0B0(t1/G09v0 c2x1), x1/G28/G0A /G0A/G0B0(x2/G0C/G08 /G08v0t2/G0C),y1/G28/G0A /G0Ay2/G0C,z1/G28/G0A /G0Az2/G0C,t1/G28/G0A /G0A/G0B0(t2/G0C/G08 /G08v0 c2x2/G0C), /G0B0/G0A /G0A1/G09v02 c2/G091 2. x2/G0A /G0Ax1,y2/G0A /G0Ay1,z2/G0A /G0Az1,t2/G0A /G0At1, x1/G0C/G0A /G0Ax2/G0C,y1/G0C/G0A /G0Ay2/G0C,z1/G0C/G0A /G0Az2/G0C,t1/G0C/G0A /G0At2/G0C, x2/G28/G0A /G0Ax1/G28,y2/G28/G0A /G0Ay1/G28,z2/G28/G0A /G0Az1/G28,t2/G28/G0A /G0At1/G28 x1/G28/G12x1,t1/G28/G12t1, x2/G28/G12x2,t2/G28/G12t2.2 (1) (1a) (1b)where The dashed symbols in (1) designate the moving system S and the open circles the2 system Sat rest, now considered moving relative to /G28 and S' . Likewise the observer1 0 2 resting in Swill deduce the respective transformation, which we do not cite here.2 Furthermore has been shown to be valid: and always /G0Dv/G0D = /G0D-v/G0D. If into the second lines of (1) the upper lines are inserted, the0 0 identity results: 1. On very Distant Measures and Motions As a physical basis in special relativity and also in its symmetric form the Lorentz transformation is derivated by taking the dimensional axes of the systems under consideration always to coincide and to be parallel, or with other words: It is taken for guaranted that the space-time coordinates of an event in the moving frame are directly projectable onto the respective ones of the reference frame considered to be at rest and vice versa [3]. The expression as laws in Minkowskian four-dimensional space- time [4] or its formulation as index-calculus (four-vector calculus) do not alter the underlying physical principle. Thus, any statement about relative motion in the3 framework of relativistic kinematics basically implies velocity of a moving system or body within or at very close range of the space-time coordinates of the frame of the observer, considered resting. This implies that, empirically speaking, it is unjustified to apply the transformation automatically on the kinematical relations between any two bodies of reference, which are separated by a considerable (e. g. interplanetary, interstellar or cosmic) spatial distance, because this proceeding obviously requires the space-time coordinates of the frame of reference based on the volume of the body “at rest” to be continued to the "moving" body or volume of reference and vice versa. If we try to extend the frame of reference far beyond the limits of the physical body resting in its coordinate source, we leave secure physic-empirical experience. In the contrary, we are forced to admit that a concrete elongation of the coordinate system “at rest” to the moving one (and vice versa) cannot be physically realized. We only could generate a new coordinate system near the “moving” one, very far though resting relative to the original system at rest. Just as it proves impossible to measure velocity relative to Newtonian “absolute space”, a direct measurement of the dimensions and the velocity of a very distantly moving body resting in the source of its inertial system relative to an imaginary extension of the inertial frame at rest, turns out physically to be non feasible. Instead, the very physical basis of statements about the parallel translational motion of a distant object are solely measurements of light signals from that object in reference to an unit of measure of the own volume of reference, considered to be at rest in accord with the principle of relativity. S and S' may be frames of reference with all coordinate axes parallel, which for the1 2 transformation equations (1) are valid. Especially may S' be in relative motion at close2 range or within the rest frame of reference S in the direction of the x-axis of the latter1 system. Very distantly from both systems we introduce a system S* in space, resting1 relative to S so that S/G09 * /G09S /G09 ' /G09 » S /G09 /G09S/G09 ' /G09, also all coordinate axes being parallel to the axes1 1212 of S and S'. The velocity of a light signal propagating through vacuum in the direction1 2 of the x-axis of S' must be "c" for an observer resting in the latter system as well as in2 the nearby system S. 1 Now let us turn toward the very distant system S* . For an observer, resting there, the1 velocity of light in S' will appear apparently slowed in dependen ce on the distance2 S/G09 * /G09S /G09 ' /G09 as well as the transversal motion of S' relative to S* .12 2 1 Thus, the apparent or relative transversal velocity of S' and the velocity of light within2 this system tend for an observer in S* toward null if he is only sufficiently apart from S'.1 2 Obviously the adjective "apparent" does not quite correspond to the facts because - as already stated - in physical reality there are no other light signals available for measurements of measures and velocities than those received from S'. Any2 statements as to the true velocity of S' and the true velocity of light in that system2 prove meaningless for real measurements in the coordinate system S* . Besides the1 relativity of inertial motion are dimensions, velocities and the velocity of light of distant bodies further relativated by the spatial distance between the inertial systems under consideration. These shrinked dimensions and retarded motions are the only empirically ascertainable ones and must therefore considered integral part of the principle of relativity. Thus, as the basic physical principles of relativistic kinematics of bodies, moving very far away from each other and, therewith, of the transformation equations, only four statements supported by physical experience exist:x/G0C 2 R/G0A /G0A/G0Bx/G0B 1/G09v0t/G0B 1 R,x1°/G0B R/G0A /G0A/G0Bx/G0C 2/G08 /G08v0t/G0C 2 R,4 (2) 1) Validity of the (symmetric) Lorentz transformation at negligable (nearly zero) distance between the inertial systems under consideration; 2) Physical impossibility to extend the coordinates of the reference frame “at rest” to a very distantly moving object and its coordinate system (and vice versa) and to measure dimensions and velocities by direct comparison of coordinates; 3) Apparent decrease of the velocity of distant objects, moving transverse to the line of sight and their dimensions, whereby the "apparent velocity" as well as the shrinkage of dimensions is a simple function of the respective value at the imaginary distance null and the distance in Minkowskian space-time between the bodies under consideration; 4) Independen ce of the dilation of time of moving objects of their distance and of the direction of the vector of velocity relative to the observer considered to be at rest. The Lorentz transformation of a complete kinematic theory must be in accord with these first physical principles. 2. The Symmetric Lorentz Transformation between Systems Separated by Large Distances It is obvious that the distance R = S/G09 * /G09S /G09 ' /G09, as observed from S* , must directly join to the12 1 coordinate source (coincident with the center of gravity) of the latter system so that the velocity of S' relative to S* and the velocity of light at S' is slowed in accordance with2 1 2 proposition 3) and that at the distance R /G19 0 proposition 1) and, therewith, (1) becomes fully valid. On the other hand the observer at S* according to proposition 4) continues1 to observe the lapse of time of S' being retarded. This also can be proven directly.2 Considering a Feynmanian "light signal watch", resting relative to S', we find that the2 distance factor R cancels out so that t' = /G0Bt* .201 The /G0B-factor of the x-coordinate can be directly computed from (1), whereby we write x = x* , x° = x° *, t = t* and t° = t° *: 111111 11 The only empirically known and certain physical experience is the shrinkage of the projection of the dimensions of a moving body plus the distance covered by it in a unit of time of the system at rest according to proposition 3), which facts are expressed by (2). By multiplying both equations (2), whereby according to (1a) and (1b) it is clear that x° = x and t° = t and, therewith, x° * = x* and t° * = t* we receive11 11 11 11, /G0B/G0A /G0A1 R1/G09v2 0 c2R2 x/G0C 2/G0A /G0A/G0B/G0B 0x/G0B 1/G09v0t/G0B 1 R,y/G0C 2/G0A /G0Ay/G0B 1,z/G0C 2/G0A /G0Az/G0B 1,t/G0C 2/G0A /G0A/G0B0t/G0B 1/G09v0x/G0B 1 c2R, x1°/G0B/G0A /G0A/G0B/G0B 0x/G0C 2/G08 /G08v0t/G0C 2 R,y1°/G0B/G0A /G0Ay/G0C 2,z1°/G0B/G0A /G0Az/G0C 2,t1°/G0B/G0A /G0A/G0B0t/G0C 2/G08 /G08v0x/G0C 2 c2R, /G0B/G0B 0/G0A /G0A1 1/G09v2 0 c2R2,/G0B0/G0A /G0A1 1/G09v2 0 c2. x/G0C 2/G0A /G0A x/G0B 1,t/G0C 2/G0A /G0A t/G0B 1/G0B05 (3)if always x = ct. Inserting this expression into (2) delivers the far range transformation of relativistic kinematics and its inverse where Equations (3) are in full accord with the four basic physical propositions for inertially moving systems well separated in space by a considerable distance and, therefore, govern the transformation of their event coordinates. At interplanetary, interstellar and intergalactic distances this is the normal case. Thus, the original Lorentz transformation - though in its symmetric form (1) - proves to be a bo rder line case at close range with mere "local" validity and it is obvious that (3) is the far-range form of (1), passing into the latter if R /G19 0 and /G0B* = /G0B, x* = x, x° * = x°.00111 3. Modification of the Principle of Relativity in the Far-Range Case From (3) is evident that if /G0DR/G0D » /G0Dc/G0D and /G0B* =1 and hen ce the velocity of an object resting in S' , moving very far0 2/G0Cx/G0B 1 /G0Ct/G0B 1/G0A /G0A/G0Cx/G0C 2 /G0Ct/G0C 2/G0B0 ux/G0B 1/G0A /G0Aux/G0C 2/G0B0/G0A /G0Av0/G0B0. /G501 t1 /G0A/G0A0v01dt1/G0A /G0A/G501 t2 /G0A/G0A0v02dt2 dt2/G0A /G0Adt1/G0B01, v01/G0A /G0Av02/G0B01, V0/G0A /G0Av01/G0A /G0Aux/G0B 1/G0A /G0Av0/G0B0, V0/G501 t1 /G0A/G0A0dt1/G0A /G0Av0/G501 t2 /G0A/G0A0dt2.6 (4) (5) (6) (7)from the frame of reference S* , must be 1 which becomes to This result is also supported by the following consideration: For the relative movement of the systems S' and S* , separated by a considerable2 1 distance, must according to (3) and if /G0DR/G0D » /G0Dc/G0D be valid: - the dashes and asterisks of (3) are abandoned in favour of a simplified notation - and because of the absolute symmetry relative to /G28 also the proper time integral0 (eigenzeit) must have the same numerical value in both frames of reference. But because the elapsed time differs, especially as observed from S the time particle dt1, 2 seems expanded b y the value from (5) follows: where v means velocity of S relative to SBecause (of its composite nature) v01 2 1. 02 =2v/(1 + v/c)in any case must be v > v, implying v = v. Introducing the1 1, 02 1 02 022 symbol “V" for the velocity v this results in connection with (4) in0 01 Ultimately we have Let an inertial system S be at rest relative to the cosmic microwave background so0 that it presumably also rests relative to space-time. Now, suppose two systems S1 and S to move relative to S at equal but oppositely directed velocity v so that in the2 0 0 case where (3) is valid we have x = x = x and t = t = t/G0B, wherefrom follows210 2100/G0Cx1 /G0Ct1/G0A /G0A/G0Cx2 /G0Ct2</G0Cx0 /G0Ct0/G19v1/G0A /G0Av2<V0/G0A /G0AMax. /G0Cx2 /G0Ct2</G0Cx0 /G0Ct0</G0Cx1 /G0Ct1/G19v2<v0<V1/G0A /G0AMax. x12/G08 /G08y12/G08 /G08z12/G09c2 1t12/G0A /G0Ax2 0/G08 /G08y2 0/G08 /G08z2 0/G09c2 0t2 0 /G0Dn/G0D/G0A /G0A/G0B0, V0/G0A /G0Aux/G0B 1/G0A /G0A/G0B0v07 (8) (8a)in accordance with (7). On the other hand, for an obserer based at S according to1 special relativity should also be valid Evidently (8a) contradicts (8). This contradiction can obviously only be resolved if all motions are related to a system at rest relative to space-time. Otherwise we would, as (8a) shows, arrive at contradictory results. Hence (8) must in any case be true. This implies that also in the far-range case the scalar remains valid, though c /G67 c = c/G0B so that ct = ct. Thus, the state of motion of any1010 1100 inertial system relative to space-time can be expressed best and shortest by where n(/G07', 1) is a complex number in the complex ct, x-plane of symmetrically0 modified Minkowskian space-time [2]. The twin-paradox of special relativity is resolved to the result that time dilation depend s on motion relative to space time. Hence clocks on the Earth (in the whole system of the sun), which moves at velocity v /G11 600 km/s relative to space-time, should run slow /G11 2 × 10 s, as compared with0-6 a clock at rest relative to the latter. This effect implies that spacecraft on a direct track to the outer planets, as e. g. Jupiter, should arrive there minutes earlier in dependen ce on the duration of the voyage. 4. Further Kinematic Consequences We turn to the physical implications of (3) and its derivations (4) and (7). Evidently the dilation of time in S' is compensated for by the symmetric inertial velocity 2 of the latter system relative to S* if both systems are far away from each other so that1 observers, resting in the coordinate sources of either system, will meet after the same amount of time has elapsed, as measured in their systems. Possible effects of acceleration are neglected and it is understood that asymmetric ageing should occur if S' is accelerated, as proven by general relativity. Nevertheless,2x/G0C 2/G0A /G0Aux/G0C 2t/G0C 2,y/G0C 2/G0A /G0Auy/G0C 2t/G0C 2,z/G0C 2/G0A /G0A0. ux/G0B 1/G0A /G0Aux/G0C 2/G0B0,uy/G0B 1/G0A /G0Auy/G0C 2/G0B0,uz/G0B 1/G0A /G0A0, tan/G14/G0B 1/G0A /G0Atan/G14/G0C 2. cos/G05/G0A /G0Act n×1 /G07ct/G0A /G0A1 /G07n8 (9)in the far-range case any velocity even exeeding that of light in any amount is possible, allowing in principle the superluminal propagation of solid bodies and thereby transfer of information. Consider ultra relativistic particles or photons to move relative to the very distant system S' so that (3) is valid, according to the equations2 Transformation into the coordinates and the time of S* yields1 wherefrom follows Thus, no relativistic aberration or Doppler boosting is to observe by an observer at S* ,1 which implies that this special relativistic effect at close range is ruled out in the far- range case (3) as an explanation of superluminal phenomana on and in cosmic objects, especially jets. It clearly follows that the principle of cause and effect is not impaired if V > c.0 5. Physical Effects to Expect from the Superluminal Propagation of very Distant Material Bodies Analogous to the Cerenkov relation for electrical non neutral particles moving through a material medium at superluminal velocity v = /G07c > c/n, where "n" means the refractive index of the medium and "/G05" the half angle of the cone of radiation [5], we have to expect an electromagnetic shock- wave phenomenon, when a very distant material body, e. g. a particle, traverses vacuo at the velocity V = /G0Bv /G07 c. This results from the fact that the probability "p" to000 encounter virtual photons (or elementary dipoles) for a particle traversing the fluctuating quantum vacuum at subluminal symmetric velocity V < c should according0 to Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation /G0CE/G0Ct /G07 h rise with growing velocity. To express the uncertainty relation as a function of velocity we write/G0CE/G0Ctc2 V2 0/G07hV2 0 c2 p/G0A /G0A/G0CE/G0Ct h/G0A /G0A/G0CE h/G0C/G1F/G07V4 0 c4/G061, p/G0AhV4 0 Ec4/G0A /G0A1/G0A /G0Aconst, cos/G05/G0A /G0Ac V0/G0A /G0A1 /G0B0/G070, V4 0 c4/G0A /G0AE h/G0A /G0A/G1F, cos/G05/G0A /G0Ah E/G091 4/G0A /G0A/G1F/G091 4.9 (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)so that the left-hand side attains the highest and the right-hand side the lowest possible value, where h is Planck’s constant. This follows, because /G08h = 2/G1B = 2/G2Dc =11 mc, where /G1B means fundamental length and /G2D quantum of time [6]. From (10) is1 1 derived where V /G06 c. Evidently (11) results in p = 1 if V/c = 1. This implies the energy E of0 0 virtual photons to become real and stable for a moving particle if its far-range velocity V = c. In this case (11) delivers /G0CE = h/G0C/G1F and /G0C/G1F = /G1F = 1, because /G1F must attain the0 value of the lowest possible frequency. Hence if V exceeds the velocity of light, from0 (11) follows where always V/c /G07 1. Thus, real radiation arises off the vacuum and analogous to0 (9) we have where V /G07 c and /G07 = v/c.0 00 The Cerenkov half angle /G05 of vacuo tends to a maximum value if /G0B/G19 0 and to its0 minimum value if /G0B /G19 1. According to (12) between superluminal velocity V /G07 c and0 0 highest frequency of the radiated photons the relation is valid, wherefrom in connection with (13) follows10 “E” in the sense of symmetrically modified special relativity [2] means center-of-mass energy E = (2E), where E means conventional photon energy.phot phot1/2 6. Evidence of Vacuum Cerenkov Radiation in High Energetic Astrophysical Phenomena From the foregoing is clear that in the far-range case relativistic beaming is excluded as an explanation of the characteristics of jets and especially of the often observed superluminal motions in jets. According to this distance-dependen t extention of special relativistic kinematics is superluminal motion as natural as any sub-light velocity. It is predicted that most if not all non-thermal emission of cosmic objects is due to vacuum Cerenkov radiation. With the polarization of space (vacuum) by a superluminal particle and the radiation of photons must be connected a continous energy (velocity) loss of the moving particle, analogous to the stopping power owing to the density effect of the theory of Cerencov radiation [5]. This effect naturally explains the variation in the continuum emission of Active Galactic Nucleii (AGN) and jets, where years after fast outbursts in the optical region corresponding events at radio frequencies are found [7]. High energetic particles generating optical or vacuum Cerenkov radiation of still higher frequencies, e. g. in a jet, would according to (14) travel at a velocity of /G11 10 c and,4 therewith, cover the whole length of the jet of some kpc in a couple of years, gradually loosing energy and slowing down. Thus an intensity variation, e. g. due to a sudden rise of the particle number in the jet stream, would first occur in the emission of highest frequency and then in the mentioned time wander through the whole frequency band down to the radio hot spot. The experimentally found strong variability of the gamma-ray luminosity of blazars and its correlation with the far-infrared luminosity of the latter [8] (also in other AGN) can also be explained by sudden variations of a particle flux streaming randomly off the blazar core at diferent highly relativistic velocities. This picture is strongly supported by the HST view of a certain class of radio galaxies, which revealed non-thermal nuclear sources with a linear correlation between the radio and optical luminosities [9]. The relativistic vacuum Cerenkov effect also explains in a fully way other observed phenomena, optical and otherwise, on and in jets of high energetic extragalactic systems, especially the marked colour variation along jets from blue over red, near infrared to radio wavelengths, as for instance in the elliptical galaxy M87 and even the occurrence of X-ray emission, as in the jets of the quasar 3C 273 [10] and again M87 [11]. Furthermore, the frequently observed onesidedness of the jet phenomenon in the frame of our theory can be ea sily explained by two counter directed ultra relativistic jets with radiation cones according to (13) and (15), and the jet axes mildly inclined against the line of sight. In this case the Cerenkov radiation from the farer jet is always directed away from the observer to remain undetectable, except from stray particles. This effect also explains the relative faintness of the counter jet of HH 30 in the Milky Way [12]. Finally most recent HST observations of optical jets in radio galaxies have shown11 definite examples of two-sided optical hotspots and jets [13], which clearly rule out Doppler boosting, but are explained easily by vacuum Cerenkov radiation. References [1] Rees, M. J., Nature 211, 468 - 470 (1966) [2] Kunst, E. K.: Is the Kinematics of Special Relativity incomplete?, physics/9909059 [3] Einstein, A., Ann. d. Phys. 17, 897 (1905) [4] Minkowski, H., Ann. d. Phys. 47, 927 (1915) [5] Frank, I. & Tamm, I., C. R. Acad. USSR 14, 109 (1937) [6] Kunst, E. K.: On the Origin of Time, physics/9910024 [7] Nesterev, N. S. et al., Astron. Astrophys. 296, 628 - 632 (1995) [8] Zhang, Y. H. & Xie G. Z., Astron. 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arXiv:physics/9911023v1 [physics.comp-ph] 12 Nov 1999An improved Rosenbluth Monte Carlo scheme for cluster counting and lattice animal enumeration C M Care∗R Ettelaie† February 2, 2008 Abstract We describe an algorithm for the Rosenbluth Monte Carlo enu- meration of clusters and lattice animals. The method may als o be used to calculate associated properties such as moments or p erimeter multiplicities of the clusters. The new scheme is an extensi on of the Rosenbluth method for growing polymer chains and is a simpli fication of a scheme reported earlier by one of the authors. The algori thm may be used to estimate the number of distinct lattice animals on any lat- tice topology. The method is validated against exact and Mon te Carlo enumerations for clusters up to size 50, on a two dimensional square lattice and three dimensional simple cubic lattice. The met hod may be readily adapted to yield Boltzmann weighted averages over c lusters. 1 Introduction The enumeration of lattice animals is an important problem i n a variety of physical problems including nucleation [1], percolation [ 2] and branched poly- mers [3]. A lattice animal is a cluster of Nconnected sites on a lattice with ∗Materials Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, Pond Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB, UK †Colloids and Rheology Unit, ICI Wilton, PO Box 90, Wilton, Mi ddlesbrough, Cleve- land, TS90 8JE, UK 1given symmetry and dimensionality and we seek to enumerate a ll distinct animals with a given number of sites. Exact enumeration has b een carried out for small lattice animals using a variety of methods [2,4 ,5] but the meth- ods become computationally prohibitive for large animals. Many techniques have been used to enumerate larger lattice animals includin g various Monte Carlo growth schemes [2,6–8], a constant fugacity Monte Car lo method [9], an incomplete enumeration method [10] and reaction limited cluster-cluster aggregation [3]. In the following paper we describe an improvement of a method proposed by one of the authors [11] which was based on an extension of th e scheme proposed by Rosenbluth and Rosenbluth [12] for enumerating self avoiding polymer chains. The central problem in using the Rosenbluth scheme for lat- tice animal enumeration is calculating the degeneracy of th e clusters which are generated. In the method proposed by Care, the cluster gr owth was mod- ified in a way which forced the degeneracy to be N! where Nis the number of sites occupied by the lattice animal. However the resulti ng algorithm was fairly complicated to implement. An alternative method of c orrecting for the degeneracy had been proposed by Pratt [13]. In this latte r scheme the correcting weight is more complicated to determine and must be recalculated at each stage of the cluster growth if results are sought at ea ch cluster size. However the Pratt scheme does not require any restriction on the growth of the cluster. In this paper we show that there are a class of Rosenbluth like algorithms which yield a degeneracy of Nand which are straightforward to implement. The method provides an estimate of the number of lattice anim als and can also yield estimates of any other desired properties of the a nimals such as their radius of gyration or perimeter multiplicities [2]. W e describe and justify the algorithm in Section 2 and present results to ill ustrate the use of the method in Section 3. Conclusions are given in Section 4 2 Algorithm Any algorithm, suitable for the purpose of the enumeration o f lattice animals using the Rosenbluth Monte Carlo approach, must satisfy two important criteria. First of all it has to be ergodic. That is to say, the algorithm should have a non zero probability of sampling any given cluster sha pe. The second criteria relates to the degeneracy that is associated with e ach cluster and 2requires this to be determinable. This degeneracy arises fr om the number of different ways that the same cluster shape can be construct ed by the algorithm. While it is easy to devise methods of growing clus ters that meet the first requirement, the second condition is more difficult t o satisfy. For many simple algorithms the calculation of the degeneracy, f or every cluster, can be a more complex problem than the original task of enumer ating the number of lattice animals. In the original Rosenbluth Monte Carlo approach of Care [11] , this dif- ficulty was overcome by ensuring that the degeneracy for all c lusters of size Nwas the same and equal to N!. However, to achieve this result the al- gorithm had to employ a somewhat elaborate procedure. This m ade the implementation of the method rather complicated, as well as limiting its possible extension to enumeration of other type of clusters . Here we shall consider an alternative algorithm, which while satisfying both of the above criteria, is considerably simpler than the algorithm propo sed by Care. In Section 2.1 we describe the algorithm in its most basic form, before proving in Section 2.2 that the ergodicity and the degeneracy requir ements are both met. In Section 2.3 we demonstrate how the basic algorithm ca n be further refined to improve its efficiency. 2.1 Basic Algorithm Having chosen a suitable lattice on which the clusters are to be grown (square and simple cubic lattices were used in this study for 2D and 3D systems, respectively), a probability pof acceptance and q= (1 −p) of rejecting sites is specified. Although in principle any value of p betwe en 0 and 1 can be selected, the efficiency of the sampling process is largely dependent on a careful choice of this value, as will be discussed later. In a ddition, an ordered list of all neighbours of a site on the lattice is made. For exa mple, for a 2D square lattice this might read (right, down, left, up). Whil e the order initially chosen is arbitrary, it is essential that this remains the sa me throughout a given run. In the basic algorithm, once chosen, the probabil itypremains fixed during the Monte Carlo sampling procedure. However in S ection 2.3 the effect of relaxing this requirement is discussed. We construct an ensemble of NEclusters and for each of these calculate a weight factor which we subsequently use to calculate weigh ted averages of various cluster properties. For a property Oof the clusters, the weighted 3average is defined as < O > W=1 NENE/summationdisplay α=1WαOα (1) The weight associated with cluster αwithNsites is defined to be Wα= 1/(dNPα) where Pαis the normalised probability of growing the cluster and dNis a degeneracy equal to the number of ways of growing a partic ular cluster shape. It can be shown [11] that the weighted average can be used to estimate the number, cN, of lattice animals of size Nand other properties such as the average radius of gyration R2 N:- E[<1>W] = cN (2) E[< R2 ν>W] =cN/summationdisplay {ν=1}R2 Nν=cNR2 N (3) During the growth of each cluster we maintain a record of the s ites which have been occupied, the sites which have been rejected and a ‘ last-in-first-out stack’ of sites which is maintained according to the rules de scribed below. Each cluster is grown as follows (i). Starting from an initial position, the neighbours of th is site are exam- ined one at a time according to the list specified above. An adj acent site is accepted with a probability p or else is rejected. (ii). If the adjacent site is rejected, a note of this is made a nd the next neighbour in the list is considered. (iii). If on the other hand it is accepted, then this becomes t he current site and its position is added to top of a stack, as well as to a list o f accepted sites. The examination of the sites is now resumed for the nei ghbours of this newly accepted site. Once again this is done in the str ict order which was agreed at the start of the algorithm. (iv). Sites that have already been accepted or rejected are n o longer available for examination. Thus, if such a site is encountered, it is ig nored and the examination is moved on to the next eligible neighbour in the list. (v). If at any stage the current site has no more neighbours le ft, that is all its adjacent sites are already accepted or rejected, the n the current position is moved back by one to the previous location. This w ill be the position below the current one in the stack. The current p osition is 4removed from the top of the stack, though not from the list of a ccepted sites. (vi). The algorithm stops for one of the following two reason s. If ever the number of accepted sites reaches N, then the algorithm is imm ediately terminated. In this case a cluster of size N is successfully p roduced. Note that unlike some of the other common cluster growth algo rithms [8], it is not necessary here for every neighbour of the gener ated cluster to be rejected. Some of these might still be unexamined befor e the algorithm terminates. The second way in which the algorithm stops is when it fails to produce a cluster of size N. In this case, the number of accepted sites will be M < N , with all the neighbours of these Msites already having been rejected, leaving no eligible sites lef t for further examination. From step (v), it is clear that in cases such as t his, the current position would have returned to the starting locati on. (vii). The probability of producing a cluster of size N, in a m anner involving rrejections, is simply p(N−1)qr. Hence the weight, Wα, associated with the growth of the cluster is given by Wα= 1/(dNp(1−N)(1−p)r) (4) where the degeneracy, dN, is shown below to be exactly N. Failed attempts have a zero weight associated with them. However th ey must be included in the weighted average of equation (1). (viii). During the growth of a cluster of size N, we may also collect data for all the clusters of size Mwhere M≤N. It must be remembered that the weights for these smaller clusters must be calculated with a degeneracy ofM. A specific example is helpful in demonstrating the algorithm . Figure 1 displays a successful attempt in forming a cluster of size N= 4, on a square lattice. The order in which the neighbours were examined was chosen to be right, down, left and up. Let us now consider various steps involved in construction of this cluster in detail. Beginning from th e initial position labelled cell one, the adjacent site to the right of this posi tion is examined. In this case the site is rejected and the current position remai ns on the cell one. Such rejected cells are indicated by the letter X. The next ne ighbour in the list is the one below, labelled cell two. As it happens this is accepted. Thus, the current position moves to this site and its position is ad ded to the top 5Figure 1: Sequence of accepted sites leading to a cluster of s izeN= 4. The sites examined but rejected along the way are indicated by X. In our notation this sequence can be represented by {0,1,1,0,0,0,1 } of the stack, ahead of the position of cell one. The process of examining the neighbours is resumed for sites adjacent to cell two. Once ag ain, following the strict order in the list, the site labelled three to the right of current position is considered first. This is also accepted and as before is pla ced at the top of the stack. At this stage the stack contains the positions of c ells three, two and one, in that order. The current position is now cell three . The site to the right of this, followed by the one below, are te sted and both rejected in succession. Since both the neighbours to th e left ( iecell one) and the one above have already been considered, the curr ent position has no more eligible neighbours left to test. Therefore, fol lowing step (v) above, site three is removed from the stack. This leaves the p osition of cell two at the top of the stack, making this the current position a gain. The cell two has two neighbours, the adjacent sites below and to the le ft, which are still unexamined. Of these, according to our agreed list, th e site below takes precedent, but as shown in Figure 1 this is rejected. Current position remains on the cell two and the neighbouring site (cell labelled four ) to the left of this position is tested. As it happens this is accepted. A cluster of the desired sizeN= 4 is achieved, bringing this particular attempt to a succes sful end. For the subsequent discussion, it is useful to represent a se quence of ac- ceptance and rejections by a series of 1 and 0. Thus, for the ca se shown in 6Figure 1 we have {0,1,1,0,0,0,1 }. Note that at any stage throughout a series, the position of the current site and that of the neighbour to b e examined, relative to the starting cell, are entirely specified by the d ecisions that have been made so far. In other words, given a sequence of one and ze ros we can determine precisely the shape of the cluster that was constr ucted. This is only possible because of the manner in which the neighbours o f the current position are always tested in a strict pre-defined order. For an algorithm that considers the neighbouring sites at random, the same wi ll clearly not be true. The procedure described above needs to be repeated a large nu mber of times, to obtain the weights for the ensemble average defined in equation (1). In particular, using equation 2, the number of lattice anima ls of size Ncan now be determined. 2.2 Ergodicity and degeneracy of the algorithm Let us now discuss the issue of the ergodicity of the algorith m. We wish to see whether, starting from any particular site on a given clu ster, a series of acceptance and rejections (1 and 0) can always be determined which leads to that cluster shape. We stress that we are not concerned about how probable such a sequence is likely to be, but merely that it exists. We c an attempt to construct such a sequence by following the same rules as ou r algorithm described above, with one exception; we accept and reject ea ch examined site according to whether it forms part of the target cluster shape or not. Obviously, in the original algorithm, each such move has a no n zero chance of occurring, provided pis not set to zero or one. Since we only accept sites that belong to the cluster in question, it follows that if the sequence is successful then we would achieve the desired cluster shap e. However, we might argue that for some choice of target cluster and starti ng position, a series started in this manner will always terminate prematu rely. That is to say, it will inevitably lead to a failure, with only part of th e required cluster having been constructed. Now, it is easy to see that this cann ot be true. If the series fails, it implies that all the neighbouring sites of the sub-cluster formed so far are rejected. However, the rest of the cluster m ust be connected to this sub-cluster at some point. Hence, at very least, one n eighbouring site of the sub-cluster must be part of the full cluster and could n ot have been rejected. Starting from any of the sites belonging to a clust er then, it is always possible to write down a sequence of one and zeros that will result 7in the formation of that cluster. Similarly, considering ev ery starting point on a cluster of size N, another implication of the above result is that the corresponding cluster shape can be generated in a minimum of at least N distinct ways. Next, we shall show that the degeneracy of a cluster of size Nin our algorithm is in fact exactly N(unlike the original algorithm of Care [11] which has a degeneracy of N!). Let us suppose that starting from a particular site on a given target cluster shape, our algorithm has two di stinct ways of forming this cluster. Associated with each of these, a serie s of one and zeros can be written down, in the same manner as that indicated abov e. The two ways of constructing the cluster must necessarily begin to differ from each other at some stage along the sequence, where we will hav e a 1 in one case and a 0 in the other. Now since up to this point the two seri es are identical, the site being examined at this stage will be the s ame for both cases. This is rejected in one sequence (hence 0) whereas it i s accepted in the other (hence 1). It immediately follows that these two di ffering ways of constructing the cluster cannot result in the same shape. Us ing this result, together with previous one regarding the ergodicity of the a lgorithm, we are lead to conclude that, starting from a given site on a cluster , the algorithm has one and only one way of constructing the cluster. Hence, f or a cluster of sizeN, the degeneracy is simply N. 2.3 Refined algorithms 2.3.1 Adjacent site stack During the growth of the cluster a stack can be constructed of all the sites which are adjacent to the cluster and still available for gro wth. When a new site is added to the cluster, its neighbours are inspected in the predetermined sequence and any available ones are added to the top of this st ack. (Note that this stack differs from that discussed in Section (2.1)) . The choice of site to be occupied can be made from all the adjacent sites in a single Monte Carlo decision. Thus, if we consider the underlying process in the method described above, at each step there is a probability pof the site being accepted and a probability q= 1−pof the site being rejected. We therefore need to generate a random number with the same distribution as the number of attempts needed to obtain an acceptance. The probability of making k 8attempts of which only the last is successful, is pk=qk−1p (5) where 1 ≤k <∞and/summationtext∞ k=1pk= 1. In order to sample from this distribution we note that the associated cumulative distribution, Cm, is given by Cm=m/summationdisplay k=1qk−1(1−q) = 1 −qm(6) Hence if we generate a random number, η, uniformly distributed in the range 0< η < 1, then a number mgiven by m= Int/bracketleftbiggln(η) ln(q)+ 1/bracketrightbigg (7) will have been drawn from the required distribution. Thus we generate the number maccording to equation (7) and use this to determine which sit e on the stack is selected, with m= 1 corresponding to the site at the top of the stack. If m > N adj, where Nadjis the number of available adjacent sites, the cluster growth is terminated as explained in step ((vi)) in S ection 2.1. All the adjacent sites lying above the chosen site in the stack ar e transferred into the list of rejected sites. The list of adjacent sites is then adjusted to include the new available sites adjacent to the recently accepted si te. As before, it is crucial that these are added to the top of the list in the str ict predefined order. 2.3.2 Variable probability An apparent disadvantage of the methods so far described is t hat with fixed choice of probability, p, occasions arise when a cluster growth will terminate before reaching a cluster of size N, simply because the Monte Carlo choice rejected all the neighbouring sites. This problem can be ove rcome if the value of pis allowed to vary as the cluster grows. The simplest method i s to determine the number, Nadj, of available adjacent sites at each point in the cluster growth and select one of these sites with uniform pro bability. This effectively makes p= 1/Nadjand thereby increases the chances of growing a cluster of size N. Note that it is still possible for a cluster growth to become blocked. This happens when the chosen site is the one at the bo ttom of the current eligible neighbours list, thus causing all the o ther neighbouring sites in the list to be rejected in one step. If the newly accep ted site has 9itself no unexamined neighbours to add to the list, the algor ithm terminated prematurely. Modified in the manner described above the weig ht associated with a cluster is now Wα=ΠN i=1Ni adj N(8) rather than the expression given in equation (4). However, when this variable probability method was tested i t was found that although it reduced the number of rejected clusters, it was inefficient at sampling the space of possible clusters when compared wit h method de- scribed in section (2.3.1). This inefficiency was measured by comparison of the standard deviation in the estimated cluster number for a ny given number of clusters in the sampling ensemble. It is thought that the i nefficiency of the variable probability method arises because it gives too much weight to sites lower in the stack, yielding many non-representative clusters. It is pos- sible that this problem could be overcome by using a non-unif orm sampling distribution ( cf[11]) but this was not tested in this work and the method described in (2.3.1) was used to obtain the results describe d in Section (3) . 3 Results In order to test the algorithm described in Section (2) it was used to esti- mate the number of lattice animals on a square 2D lattice and a simple cubic 3D lattice for which exact results are known up to certain siz es [5]. Before collecting data it was necessary to determine the optimum va lue of the prob- ability pwith which an adjacent site is accepted during the cluster gr owth. The effect of changing pon the estimated error in the number of clusters of size 50 on the 2D and 3D lattices can be seen in Figure 2. It can b e seen that there is a fairly broad range of values of pfor which the error is a minimum and a value of p= 0.6 was used to obtain the results described below for the 2D lattice and 0 .72 for the 3D lattice. The distribution of weights is log nor- mal [11] and becomes highly skewed for large cluster sizes; t his is a standard problem with Rosenbluth methods [14]. The minimum in the err or achieved by the choice of the value of the probability phas the effect of minimising the variance of the distribution of the weights, Wα. In Table 1 we present results obtained using the algorithm de fined in section 2 using the adjacent site stack method of section 2.3 to enumerate clusters on a simple cubic 3D lattice for clusters up to size 5 0. The results 10Figure 2: Percentage errors for clusters of size 50 were obtained from an ensemble of 2 .5×107clusters. The data took 3.3 hours to collect on a R5000 Silicon Graphics workstation usi ng code written in the language C but with no attempt to optimise the code. Onl y 30% of the clusters achieved a size of 50. The results are quoted togeth er with a standard error, eest, calculated by breaking the data into 50 blocks and determin ing the variance of the block means for each cluster size. If the n umber of samples in each block is sufficient, it follows from the central limit t heorem that the sampling distribution of the means should become reasonabl y symmetrical. We therefore also quote a skewness ,ξ, defined by [15] ξ=m3/m3/2 2 (9) where miis the ithmoment about the mean of the sampling distribution. It is expected that ξ<∼0.5 for a symmetrical distribution and ξ >1 for a highly skew distribution. The statistic ξshould be treated with some caution since it is likely to be subject to considerable error becaus e it involves the calculation of a third moment from a limited number of data po ints. Exact results are known for clusters up to size 13 [6] and in th e table we quote the values for the quantity χdefined by χM=|cexact M−cest M cexact Meest M| (10) 11Figure 3: Variation of percentage error with cluster size. where cMis the number of clusters of size Mand it can be seen that all the values of χareO(1). Hence we assume that eestis an acceptable method of estimating the error in the method. However it is likely th at the eestwill underestimate the true error if the distribution becomes mo re skew. We also quote in Table 1 the values of cNcalculated by Lam [6] using a Monte Carlo incomplete enumeration method together with the error esti mates reported for this method. In Table 2 we quote data collected from a square two dimension al lattice by collecting data from 2 .5×107clusters up to size 50. This data only took 1.45 hours to collect but only 2% of the clusters achieve d a size of 50. Comparison is given with exact results [5] up to clusters of s ize 19. The rate of growth of errors for the two and three dimensional dat a is shown in Figure 3 and it can be seen that the errors associated with t he method diverge are beginning to diverge quite rapidly above cluste rs of size 50. This behaviour is to be expected with a technique which is based on sampling from a log normal distribution. In the previous paper [11] equiva lent results were obtained for clusters up to size 30 with approximately the sa me sample size. The improvement up to clusters of size 50 obtained by the new m ethod arises because the weight associated with clusters of a certain siz e is generated from roughly half as many random numbers. This effectively halves the standard 12deviation of the log normal distribution of the weights and a llows larger clusters to be sampled before the method becomes unusable. 4 Conclusions We have described a simple Rosenbluth algorithm for the Mont e Carlo enu- meration of lattice animals and clusters which can be applie d to any lattice topology. A merit of the scheme is that for thermal systems it may be easily adapted to include Boltzmann weightings following, for exa mple, the argu- ments used by Siepmann at al[16] in the development of the configurational bias technique. Similarly, the method can be applied to calc ulation of the av- eraged properties of a cluster of a given size, in the site per colation problem. In this case we have < O > =<(1−P)tO > W <(1−P)t>W=/summationtextNE α=1Wα(1−P)tαOα/summationtextNE α=1Wα(1−P)tα(11) where Pis the probability of site occupation in the percolation pro blem of interest and tαthe number of perimeter sites [17] of the cluster α. Preliminary results also indicate that the method may be useful in the stu dy of the adsorption of clusters onto solid surfaces. A possible nume rical limitation of the method arises from the highly skew probability distribu tion of Rosenbluth weights which occurs for large cluster sizes. However the me thod presented in this work is able to work to considerably higher cluster si zes than the one described in [11] before this becomes a problem. References [1] G. Jacucci, A. Perini, and G. Martin, J Phys A:Math and Gen 16, 369 (1983). [2] B. F. Edwards, M. F. Gyure, and M. Ferer, Phys Rev A 46, 6252 (1992). [3] R. C. Ball and J. R. Lee, J Phys I France 6, 357 (1996). [4] H. P. Peters, D. Stauffer, H. P. H¨ olters, and K. Loewenich , Z Physik B 34, 339 (1979). [5] M. F. Sykes and M. Glen, J Phys A: Math Gen 9, 87 (1976). 13[6] P. M. Lam and F. Family, Physica A 231, 369 (1996). [7] D. Stauffer, Phys Rev Lett 41, 1333 (1978). [8] P. L. Leath, Phys Rev Lett 36, 921 (1976). [9] S. 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In our notation this sequence can be represented by {0,1,1,0,0,0,1 }. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Percentage errors for clusters of size 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3 Variation of percentage error with cluster size. . . . . . . . . . 12 14NRosenbluth Exact Lam [6] eestTrue Lam [6] χ ξ estimate value estimate % error % error % error 23.000×1003 31.499×10115 48.600×101868.594×1010.03 0.00 0.51 0.18 0.07 55.339×102534 5.321×1020.03 0.02 0.54 0.77 0.00 63.483×1033 481 3.475×1030.04 0.05 0.58 1.30 0.14 72.351×10423 502 2.353×1040.05 0.02 0.63 0.42 0.14 81.630×105162 913 1.631×1050.05 0.03 0.65 0.58 0.73 91.153×1061 152 870 1.155×1060.06 0.03 0.73 0.50 0.62 108.302×1068 294 738 8.291×1060.06 0.09 0.86 1.40 0.16 116.054×10760 494 540 6.042×1070.06 0.08 0.87 1.29 0.50 124.464×108446 205 905 4.442×1080.07 0.05 0.87 0.70 0.12 133.326×1093 322 769 129 3.291×1090.08 0.11 0.97 1.34 0.48 142.496×10102.461×10100.07 1.09 0.35 151.887×10111.862×10110.07 1.16 -0.10 161.436×10121.416×10120.10 1.22 0.25 171.098×10131.082×10130.10 1.27 -0.03 188.448×10138.329×10130.09 1.37 0.12 196.520×10146.446×10140.11 1.38 0.20 205.048×10155.002×10150.13 1.41 -0.07 213.929×10163.897×10160.14 1.47 -0.21 223.063×10173.052×10170.14 1.49 -0.42 232.399×10182.391×10180.16 1.61 -0.11 241.882×10191.877×10190.19 1.68 0.16 251.485×10201.480×10200.21 1.70 -0.02 261.169×10211.168×10210.21 1.75 -0.11 279.214×10219.209×10210.20 1.81 0.06 287.316×10227.290×10220.21 1.88 0.18 295.790×10235.786×10230.24 1.96 -0.12 304.600×10244.610×10240.25 2.01 0.44 Table 1: Table continued on next page 15NRosenbluth Exact Lam [6] eestTrue Lam [6] χξ estimate value estimate % error % error % error 313.674×10250.26 -0.28 322.929×10260.25 0.26 332.342×10270.27 0.54 341.872×10280.31 0.46 351.501×10290.31 -0.32 361.199×10300.32 0.33 379.631×10300.39 1.08 387.691×10310.35 0.18 396.203×10320.40 0.27 404.984×10330.45 0.54 413.999×10340.43 0.35 423.205×10350.46 0.23 432.605×10360.49 0.35 442.100×10370.62 2.32 451.684×10380.71 0.43 461.353×10390.69 0.65 471.087×10400.58 0.36 488.892×10400.68 0.53 497.223×10410.79 0.02 505.789×10420.75 0.78 Table 1: Continued:- Degenerate Rosenbluth estimate of the number of lat- tice animals of size Non a three dimensional square lattice using 2 .5×107 sample clusters, each grown to N= 50 with p= 0.72; exact values from [6]; estimated values and associated errors from incomplete enu meration method of Lam [6]; calculation of error estimate described in text; ‘true’ error is frac- tional difference of Rosenbluth estimate and exact value; χandξare defined in the text. 16NRosenbluth Exact eestTrue χ ξ estimate value % error %error 21.999×1002 36.000×10060.02 0.01 0.22 -0.48 41.900×10119 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.65 56.300×10163 0.03 0.01 0.31 0.14 62.160×102216 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.36 77.601×102760 0.04 0.02 0.43 -0.27 82.724×1032 725 0.04 0.03 0.60 0.08 99.903×1039 910 0.05 0.07 1.48 -0.14 103.644×10436 446 0.05 0.01 0.21 0.10 111.352×105135 268 0.06 0.04 0.69 0.09 125.056×105505 861 0.07 0.04 0.66 -0.04 131.903×1061 903 890 0.08 0.04 0.51 -0.24 147.205×1067 204 874 0.09 0.01 0.06 -0.13 152.741×10727 394 666 0.09 0.05 0.49 -0.33 161.046×108104 592 937 0.09 0.01 0.07 -0.09 174.009×108400 795 844 0.11 0.03 0.29 0.74 181.543×1091 540 820 542 0.12 0.13 1.09 0.44 195.942×1095 940 738 676 0.10 0.01 0.15 0.26 202.298×10100.13 -0.42 218.895×10100.15 -0.02 223.451×10110.17 0.62 231.341×10120.18 0.61 245.228×10120.20 1.61 252.039×10130.19 -0.04 267.970×10130.26 -0.05 273.122×10140.25 0.00 281.225×10150.24 0.33 294.831×10150.28 0.20 301.883×10160.30 -0.13 Table 2: Table continued on next page 17NRosenbluth Exact eestTrue χξ estimate value % error %error 317.426×10160.33 0.97 322.945×10170.45 0.59 331.160×10180.34 0.19 344.561×10180.47 0.44 351.800×10190.40 0.23 367.121×10190.52 0.29 372.823×10200.57 0.67 381.122×10210.67 -0.03 394.417×10210.65 0.71 401.763×10220.83 1.30 416.979×10220.84 1.02 422.738×10230.78 0.37 431.088×10240.82 -0.16 444.341×10240.93 2.12 451.704×10250.97 0.52 466.802×10251.10 0.73 472.673×10261.07 0.41 481.058×10271.02 0.60 494.209×10271.14 0.26 501.664×10281.28 0.29 Table 2: Continued:- Degenerate Rosenbluth estimate of the number of lat- tice animals of size Non a two dimensional square lattice using 2 .5×107 sample clusters, each grown to N= 50 with p= 0.60; exact results from [5]; calculation of error estimate described in text; ‘true’ err or is fractional dif- ference of Rosenbluth estimate and true value; χandξare defined in the text. 18
arXiv:physics/9911024v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 12 Nov 1999Quasilinear theory of the 2D Euler equation Pierre-Henri Chavanis Laboratoire de Physique Quantique, Universit´ e Paul Sabat ier, 118 route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse, France (March 17, 2008) Motivated by the numerical investigations of [1] Laval et al. (1999), we develop a quasilinear theory of the 2D Euler equa- tion and derive an integro-differential equation for the evo - lution of the coarse-grained vorticity ω(r, t). This equation respects all the invariance properties of the Euler equatio n and conserves angular momentum in a circular domain and linear impulse in a channel (as well as in an infinite domain). The explicit energy is not rigorously conserved as it is part ly transfered into fine-grained fluctuations but the total ener gy is conserved. We prove a H-theorem for the Fermi-Dirac en- tropy and make the connection with statistical theories of 2 D turbulence. PACS numbers: 47, 47.10.+g, 47.27.Jv, 47.32.Cc A fundamental difficulty in fluid turbulence is the de- velopement of motion at very small scales, down to the dissipation scale, while numerical computations are lim- ited by the scale of the numerical mesh. One cannot sim- ply ignore the contribution of the small scales, otherwise energy would accumulate at the grid mesh and produce a bottle neck instability. In general, a turbulent viscos- ity (or hyperviscosity) is introduced in order to provide a source of dissipation and regularize the equations. How- ever, this additional term is relatively ad hoc and breaks the conservation laws of the Euler equation. A small-scale parametrization of 2D turbulence can be constructed on the basis of thermodynamical considera- tions. Using a Maximum Entropy Production Principle (MEPP), [2] Robert & Sommeria (1992) obtained an “op- timal” relaxation equation for the coarse-grained vortic- ity which respects all the conservation laws of the inviscid dynamics. This approach was extended by [3] Chavanis & Sommeria (1997) who derived a set of equations re- specting in addition the invariance properties of the Eu- ler equation. However, this thermodynamical approach is based on the assumption that the system evolves towards a maximum entropy state or a collection of maximum en- tropy “bubbles” [4]. In this letter, we obtain a small-scale parametrization of 2D turbulence starting directly from the Euler equation. We prove a H-theorem and recover the results of the statistical theory as an approximation of our model. For a two-dimensional incompressible and inviscid flow, the Euler equation can be written: ∂ω ∂t+u∇ω= 0 (1) u=−z∧ ∇ψ ω =−∆ψ (2)whereωz=∇∧uis the vorticity and ψthe streamfunc- tion (zis a unit vector normal to the flow). The velocity can be expressed as an integral over the vorticity field as u(r,t) =/integraldisplay d2r′V(r′→r)ω(r′,t) (3) where V(r′→r) =−1 2π(r′−r)⊥ |r′−r|2+Vb(r′→r) (4) represents the velocity created in rby a vortex of unit circulation located in r′(r⊥is the vector rrotated by +π 2). The term Vb(r′→r) accounts for boundary effects (Vb=0in an infinite domain) and can be calculated with the method of “images”. We assume that the initial condition consists of a patch of uniform vorticity ω=σ0surrounded by irrotational flow. This patch is unstable and the Euler equation builds up a complicated filamentation at smaller and smaller scales. In practice, we are only interested in the “coarse-grained” vorticity ω(r,t) defined as the lo- cal average of ω(r,t) on a cell of size ǫ2. The fluctuating vorticity ˜ω=ω−ωis simply the difference between the exact vorticity and the smoothed-out vorticity. If we take the local average of the Euler equation (1), we obtain a convection-diffusion equation: ∂ω ∂t+u∇ω=−∇J (5) for the coarse-grained field with a current J=˜ω˜urelated to the correlations of the fine-grained fluctuations. In turns, the fluctuations depend on the smoothed-out field according to the equation: ∂˜ω ∂t+u∇˜ω=−˜u∇ω−˜u∇˜ω+˜u∇˜ω (6) obtained by substracting (1) and (5). We shall now neglect the non linear terms which ap- pear in the right hand side of equation (6). This “quasi- linear approximation” is well-known in plasma physics and in stellar dynamics for the Vlasov-Poisson system (see, e.g, [5]) but, to our knowledge, it has never been ap- plied to the 2D Euler system, although the equations are relatively similar [6–8]. It is therefore interesting in it self to develop this theory (Chavanis 1997, draft paper). In addition, the recent numerical investigations of [1] Laval et al. (1999) have demonstrated that these nonlinear terms are indeed negligible. The quasilinear theory can 1therefore provide an accurate small-scale parametrizatio n of 2D turbulence. We consider therefore the coupled system ∂ω ∂t+Lω=−∇˜ω˜u (7) ∂˜ω ∂t+L˜ω=−˜u∇ω (8) whereL=u∇is an advection operator. Introducing the Greenian: G(t2,t1)≡exp/braceleftBigg −/integraldisplayt2 t1dtL(t)/bracerightBigg (9) we can immediately write down a formal solution of (8), namely: ˜ω(r,t) =G(t,0)˜ω(r,0) −/integraldisplayt 0dsG(t,t−s)˜u(r,t−s)∇ω(r,t−s) (10) Although very compact, this formal expression is in fact extremely complicated. Indeed, all the difficulty is en- capsulated in the Greenian G(t,t−s) which supposes that we can solve the smoothed out Lagrangien flow: dr dt=u(r,t) (11) betweentandt−s. The objective now is to substitute the formal result (10) back into (7) and make some closure approximation in order to obtain a self-consistant equation for ω(r,t). If the vorticity were purely advected by the stochastic velocity field u(like a passive scalar), the interaction (3) would be switched off and we would end up with a diffu- sion equation for ωwith a diffusion coefficient D∼1 4τ˜u2 whereτis the decorrelation time [7,9]. However, in the case of the Euler equation, the velocity fluctuations are induced by the fluctuations of the vorticity itself accord- ing to: ˜u(r,t) =λ/integraldisplay d2r′V(r′→r)˜ω(r′,t) (12) Therefore, considering (10) and (12), we see that the vor- ticity fluctuations ˜ ω(r,t) are given by an iterative pro- cess: ˜ω(t) depends on ˜u(t−s) which itself depends on ˜ω(t−s) etc... Since |˜u|, of orderωǫ, is much smaller than|u|, of orderLω(whereL≫ǫis the size of the domain), we can solve this problem perturbatively. For convenience, we have introduced a counting parameter λin (12) which will be set equal to one ultimately. To orderλ2, we obtain:∂ω ∂t+Lω=−λ∂ ∂rµ/integraldisplay d2r′Vµ(r′→r)G(t,0)G′(t,0) טω(r,0)˜ω(r′,0) +λ2∂ ∂rµ/integraldisplayt 0ds/integraldisplay d2r′d2r′′ ×Vµ(r′→r)/braceleftbigg G′(t,0)G(t,t−s)Vν(r′′→r) טω(r′,0)˜ω(r′′,t−s)∂ω ∂rν(r,t−s) +G(t,0)G′(t,t−s)Vν(r′′→r′) טω(r,0)˜ω(r′′,t−s)∂ω ∂r′ν(r′,t−s)/bracerightbigg (13) In this expression, the Greenian Grefers to the fluid par- ticler(t) and the Greenian G′to the fluid particle r′(t). The contribution proportional to λreflects some kind of self-interaction (see equation (19)) and will be ignored in the following. Using the properties: G(t1,t2) =G(t1,t3)G(t3,t2) (14) and: ˜ω(r,t) =G(t,0)˜ω(r,0) +o(λ) (15) we can synchronize the two terms in the correlation func- tions to obtain: ∂ω ∂t+Lω=∂ ∂rµ/integraldisplayt 0ds/integraldisplay d2r′d2r′′Vµ(r′→r) ×G′(t,t−s)G(t,t−s) ×/braceleftbigg Vν(r′′→r)˜ω(r′,t−s)˜ω(r′′,t−s)∂ω ∂rν(r,t−s) +Vν(r′′→r′)˜ω(r,t−s)˜ω(r′′,t−s)∂ω ∂r′ν(r′,t−s)/bracerightbigg (16) To close the system, it remains to evaluate the correlation function ˜ω(r,t)˜ω(r′,t). We shall take [7]: ˜ω(r,t)˜ω(r′,t) =ǫ2δ(r−r′)˜ω2(r,t) (17) A simple model for justifying (17) will be proposed in a forthcoming article [10]. Now: ˜ω2=(ω−ω)2=ω2−ω2(18) For the case that we consider, the exact vorticity field ω can take only two values ω= 0 andω=σ0. This implies thatω2=σ0×ω=σ0ωand therefore: ˜ω(r,t)˜ω(r′,t) =ǫ2δ(r−r′)ω(σ0−ω) (19) Substituting this expression in equation (16) and carry- ing out the integration on r′′, we obtain: ∂ω ∂t+u∇ω=ǫ2∂ ∂rµ/integraldisplayt 0ds/integraldisplay d2r′Vµ(r′→r)t ×/braceleftbigg Vν(r′→r)ω′(σ0−ω′)∂ω ∂rν +Vν(r→r′)ω(σ0−ω)∂ω′ ∂r′ν/bracerightbigg t−s(20) 2We have written ω′ t−s≡ω(r′(t−s),t−s),ωt−s≡ω(r(t− s),t−s),Vµ(r′→r)t≡Vµ(r′(t)→r(t)) andVν(r′→ r)t−s≡Vν(r′(t−s)→r(t−s)) where r(t−s) is the position at time t−sof the fluid particle located in r= r(t) at timet. It is determined by the characteristics (11) of the smoothed-out Lagrangian flow. Equation (20) is a non Markovian integro-differential equation: the value of ωinrat timetdepends on the value of the whole vorticity field at earlier times . If the decorrelation time τis short, we can make a Markov approximation and simplify the foregoing expression in ∂ω ∂t+u∇ω=ǫ2τ 2∂ ∂rµ/integraldisplay d2r′Vµ(r′→r) ×/braceleftbigg Vν(r′→r)ω′(σ0−ω′)∂ω ∂rν +Vν(r→r′)ω(σ0−ω)∂ω′ ∂r′ν/bracerightbigg (21) In the case of an infinite domain, V(r→r′) =−V(r′→ r) and we have the further simplification ∂ω ∂t+u∇ω=ǫ2τ 8π2∂ ∂rµ/integraldisplay d2r′Kµν(r′−r) ×/braceleftbigg ω′(σ0−ω′)∂ω ∂rν−ω(σ0−ω)∂ω′ ∂r′ν/bracerightbigg (22) where Kµν(r′−r) =ξµ ⊥ξν ⊥ ξ4=ξ2δµν−ξµξν ξ4(23) andξ ξξ=r′−r. The symmetrical form of this equation is of course reminiscent of the Landau equation in plasma physics. Note that even if |r′−r| ×Kµν(r′−r) diverges like|r′−r|−1asr′approaches r, the integral remains well-behaved because the term in brackets goes to zero simultaneously. Introducing a tensor Dµν=ǫ2τ 2/integraldisplay d2r′Vµ(r′→r)Vν(r′→r)ω′(σ0−ω′) (24) and a vector ηµ=ǫ2τ 2/integraldisplay d2r′Vµ(r′→r)Vν(r→r′)∂ω′ ∂r′ν(25) equation (21) can be rewritten in the more illuminating form: ∂ω ∂t+u∇ω=∂ ∂rµ/bracketleftbigg Dµν∂ω ∂rν+ω(σ0−ω)ηµ/bracketrightbigg (26) This equation has the structure of a generalized Fokker- Planck equation with a diffusion term and a drift term. The importance of a drift in the self-organization of 2Dturbulence was stressed by [11] Chavanis (1998c) using a point vortex model. Here, the drift is non linear in ωso that (26) is not, strictly speaking, a Fokker-Planck equation. This nonlinearity accounts for the constraint ω(r,t)≤σ0imposed at any time by the conservation of the microscopic vorticity (see equation (1)). Equation (21) respects the invariance properties of the 2D Euler equation and has the same structure as equation (23) of [3] Chavanis & Sommeria (1997) derived on the basis of thermodynamical arguments. In their work, the constraints of the Euler equation were satisfied with the aid of Lagrange multipliers. In this new approach, the conservation laws follow naturally from the symmetrical structure of equation (21) [10]. This is more satisfying on a physical point of view. Moreover, in the thermody- namical approach, the increase of entropy is postulated whereas in the present situation an H-theorem for the Fermi-Dirac entropy S=−/integraldisplay/braceleftbiggω σ0lnω σ0+/parenleftbigg 1−ω σ0/parenrightbigg ln/parenleftbigg 1−ω σ0/parenrightbigg/bracerightbigg d2r(27) results immediately from equation (21). This is proved by taking the time derivative of (27), substituting for (21), interchanging the dummy variables randr′and summing the two resulting expressions. This yields: ˙S=ǫ2τ 4/integraldisplay d2rd2r′σ4 0 ω(σ0−ω)ω′(σ0−ω′) ×/parenleftbigg V(r′→r)ω′(σ0−ω′)∇ω +V(r→r′)ω(σ0−ω)∇ω′/parenrightbigg2 (28) which is clearly positive. It is remarkable that a quasilin- ear theory is sufficient to generate a turbulent viscosity (but also a drift) and a source of entropy. We don’t necessarily have to advocate the non linear terms in (6) to get these properties. Note also that the entropy as- sociated with the (coarse-grained) Euler equation is the Fermi-Dirac entropy (27) in agreement with the works of [12] Miller (1990) and [13] Robert & Sommeria (1991) at equilibrium. This confirms that other proposed function- als ( [14] Boltzmann entropy, [15] enstrophy, [16] Tsal- lis entropy) are only approximate (see discussion in [17] Brands et al. 1999). A further connection with the statistical theory of 2D turbulence can be found. Equation (21) is an integro- differential equation whereas the equations derived from the MEPP [2,7,3] are differential equations. The usual way to transform an integro-differential equation into a differential equation is to make a guess for the function ω′appearing in the integral. It makes sense to replace ω′ by its optimal value ω′=σ0 1 +λeβσ0ψ′ (29) 3maximizing entropy at fixed energy and circulation. Sub- stituting in (24) (25) and making a “local approximation” (which is now permissible since the integral diverges log- arithmically when r′→r), we obtain η ηη=Dβ∇ψ (30) D=τǫ2 8πln/parenleftbiggL ǫ/parenrightbigg ω(σ0−ω) (31) In equation (30), we recover the form of the drift derived by [11] Chavanis (1998c) in a point vortex model. The drift coefficient can be interpreted as an Einstein formula. Substituting for the drift in (26) we recover the equation ∂ω ∂t+u∇ω=∇(D(∇ω+βω(σ0−ω)∇ψ)) (32) derived by [2] Robert & Sommeria (1992) using a Max- imum Entropy Production Principle. In this formalism, β(t) is a Lagrange multiplier which evolves in time ac- cording to β(t) =−/integraltext D∇ω∇ψd2r/integraltext Dω(σ0−ω)(∇ψ)2d2r(33) so as to conserve energy. Equation (32) can be in- terpreted as a generalized Fokker-Planck equation [11]. Note that the present approach provides the value (31) of the diffusion coefficient which was left unknown by the variational principle. This value coincides with the estimate of [7] Chavanis et al. (1996) and [9] Robert & Rosier (1997) based on a passive scalar model. In conclusion we have obtained a new equation for the evolution of the coarse-grained vorticity in 2D tur- bulence. This equation respects the invariance proper- ties and conservation laws of the Euler equation. We have proved a H-theorem for the Fermi-Dirac entropy and made a connection with the statistical theory of 2D turbulence. Previous relaxation equations [2,7,3] are re- covered as an approximation of our model. The results of this letter can be extended to an arbitrary spectrum of vorticity levels [10] and can provide a useful small- scale parametrization of 2D turbulence. These results also complete the analogy between 2D turbulence and stellar systems [5–8]. [1] J.P. Laval, B. Dubrulle & S. Nazarenko, Phys. Rev. Lett. (1999), to appear. [2] R. Robert & J. Sommeria, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69(1992) 2776.[3] P.H. Chavanis & J. Sommeria, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78(1997) 3302. [4] P.H. Chavanis & J. Sommeria, J. Fluid Mech. 356(1998) 259. [5] P.H. Chavanis, MNRAS 300(1998a) 981. [6] P.H. Chavanis, PhD thesis, Ecole Normale Sup´ erieure de Lyon (1996). [7] P.H. Chavanis, J. Sommeria & R. Robert, Astrophys. J. 471(1996) 385. [8] P.H. Chavanis, Annals N.Y Acad. Sci. 867(1998b) 120. [9] R. Robert & C. Rosier, J. Stat. Phys. 86(1997) 481. [10] In preparation. [11] P.H. Chavanis, Phys. Rev. E 58(1998c) R1199. [12] J. Miller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65(1990) 2137. [13] R. Robert & J. Sommeria, J. Fluid Mech. 229(1991) 291. [14] G. Joyce & D. Montgomery, J. Plasma Phys. 10(1973) 107. [15] C.E. Leith, Phys. Fluids 27(1984) 1388. [16] B.M. Boghosian, Phys. Rev. E 53(1996) 4754. [17] H. Brands, P.H. Chavanis, R. Pasmanter & J. Sommeria Phys. Fluids 11(1999) 3465. 4
arXiv:physics/9911026v1 [physics.atom-ph] 12 Nov 1999Multipositronic systems K´ alm´ an Varga∗ Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, I llinois 60439, USA The stability and structure of systems comprising a nega- tive ion and positrons are investigated by the stochastic va ri- ational method. It is shown that the H−and the Li−ions can bind not only one but two positrons. The binding en- ergies of these double positronic atoms E(H−,e+,e+)=0.57eV and E(Li−,e+,e+)=0.15eV are somewhat smaller than those of their single positronic counterparts (E(HPs)=1.06eV an d E(LiPs)=0.32 eV). We have also found that a Ps−, Ps−and a proton form a bound system. 36.10.Dr, 31.15.Pf.,71.35.-y,73.20.Dx The many-body problem is conceptually simple and well defined in atomic physics: indistinguishable fermions (electrons) interact via the Coulomb potential in the ex- ternal Coulomb field of the atomic nuclei. The solution of this many-body problem is very difficult, because in addition to the direct interaction between the electrons, their indistinguishability brings an exchange correlatio n into effect. Despite the complexity enormous progress has been made in this field which has been rapidly de- veloping ever since the birth of quantum mechanics. The calculations have been mainly focused on systems (atoms and molecules) where fast electronic motion takes place in the field of slowly moving heavy positive charges. Much less is known about systems which contain posi- tively and negatively charged particles of equal or nearly equal masses. The simplest examples of these systems are the Positronium ion ( e+, e−, e−) (predicted by Wheeler [1] in 1946, experimentally observed by Mills [2] in 1981), the Ps 2molecule ( e+, e+, e−, e−) (predicted by Hylleraas and Ore [3] in 1947, not observed yet in nature), or the HPs molecule (indirectly observed, see [4]). These sys- tems have been extensively studied by various theoreti- cal methods in the last few years [5]. The existence of these small systems makes theorists curious as to whether (similarly to molecules) larger stable systems containing positrons can also be formed. One can ask whether a sys- tem of melectrons npositrons (for example an (3 e−,3e+) system) is bound or whether a positron, a positronium, a Ps−ion or a Ps 2molecule can attach itself to an atom or molecule. The theoretical description of such systems (let alone the prediction of their stability against autodissociatio n) is obviously very difficult. The difficulty can largely be attributed to the fact that the electron-electron and the electron-positron correlations are quite different due to the attraction and to absence of the Pauli-principle con- straint in the latter case. The tiny binding energies of these loosely bound extended systems require highly ac-curate calculations. Recent calculations have given the very surprising re- sult that a positron can cling to a neutral atom [6]. The simplest such positronic atom is the Lie+. The com- plexity of the calculation of its small binding energy is best illustrated by the fact that many otherwise suc- cessful methods had failed to predict the existence of the bound state of this system [7,8]. These calculations show that the energy of the Lie+is lower than that of the Li atom but the energy was not below the Li++Ps dissociation threshold. The first rigorous proof show- ing that the positron can attach itself to a Li atom was given by Ryzhikh and Mitroy [6] by using the stochas- tic variational method (SVM) [9,10]. This finding has been later confirmed by different theoretical approaches [11–13]. Other atoms (e.g. Be,Na,Mg,Cu,Zn and Ag) has also been found to be capable of binding a positron [14–16]. There is an other family of positronic atoms which are formed when positronium is attached to an atom. The possibility of the existence of such systems is more ob- vious: removing the positron leaves behind a negatively charged ion so one can understand how the positron be- comes bound. The simplest example of such system is the HPs molecule which has been the subject of numer- ous theoretical investigations and has been experimen- tally observed as well [4]. Another examples are the LiPs, NaPs and KPs atoms. The LiPs has been de- scribed by several microscopic methods [12,14], while the other two bound systems have been predicted by a semi- microscopic model [15,16]. In this paper we explore the possibility of the formation of stable atoms/ions containing two or more positrons. The simplest known example for such system is the Ps 2 molecule. The study is inspired by the speculation that if a neutral atom can bind a positron then it may even be able to bind a positively charged Ps+=(e+,e+,e−) ion. This motivation can also be phrased in an other way: If positronium can bind itself to a neutral atom “A” form- ing a neutral system “APs” then can we attach a positron into APs? The stochastic variational method systematically im- proves the correlation functions between the particles and it is especially suitable to solve Coulombic few-body problems. The method has been tested on a number of problems in different fields of physics and it has been proved to be highly accurate and reliable [10,17]. The present study is restricted to states with total orbital an- gular momentum L=0 and the following trial function is assumed Ψ =A{e−1 2xAxχSM S}, (1)where x= (x1, ...xN−1) is a set of relative coordinates, χSM Sis the spin function, and Ais a matrix of nonlinear variational parameters. The nonlinear parameters are optimized by the stochastic variational method through a trial and error procedure. The details can be found in Ref. [10]. This trial function includes explicit exp( −αr2 ij) corre- lation factors between the particles and it gives very ac- curate solutions provided that the nonlinear parameters (in the exponents) are properly optimized. As the num- ber of parameters for a typical system is at least a few thousands a direct search for the optimal values is out of question. The stochastic variational method sets up a basis successively enlarging the model space by including the optimal trial functions. This basis was systemati- cally improved by a refining procedure: The basis states were replaced by randomly chosen states which lower the energy. The energy found in this variational procedure converges to the upper bound of the exact ground state energy of the system. The Correlated Gaussians offer computational advantage: fast analytical evaluation of the matrix elements and good approximation to various wave functions. They also have well-kown drawbacks such as their slow convergence (compared to exponen- tial functions) and the fact that they do not satisfy the cusp condition. The simplest (A,Ps+) is the (H,Ps+)=(p,e−,e−,e+,e+) system. This five-body system can dissociate into H+Ps+, p+Ps 2or HPs+e+, the lowest dissociation thresholds are shown in Fig. 1. To validate the method we have calculated the energies of the Ps 2and HPs molecules (see Table I.). The SVM significantly improved the theoretical values of the binding energies of these systems. Our calculation shows that the energy of the (H,Ps+) is below the dissociation threshold and forms an electronically stable system. The H−ion can bind not only one but two positrons. The binding energy of (H,Ps+)=HPse+(0.021 a.u) is comparable to that of HPs (0.039 a.u.). The convergence of the energy as a function of the basis dimension is shown in Table I. The HPse+system can be also viewed as a bound sys- tem of a proton and a Ps 2molecule. The Ps 2molecule cannot bind an extra electron or positron because of the Pauli principle. Our calculations show that the Ps 2can bind a charged particle if it is distinguishable from the electron and the positron. The binding energy of a five- body system Ps 2+x+=(e+,e+,e−,e−,x+) consisting a hy- potetical “x” particle is bound for any 0 ≤me/mx≤1 mass ratio. This has been checked by calculating the binding energy of that system for several different mx masses ( mx= 1050,100,10,8,6,4,2,1 in units of m e). So while the (e+,e+,e+,e−,e−) is unbound the Ps 2can bind any charged particle, e.g. µ+or p+, because the Pauli principle does not restrict the motion of fifth particle in that case. Some of the properties of these systems are shown in Table II. It is intriguing to compare the relative dis- tances between the particles in HPs and HPse+. Theelectron-nucleus or electron-electron relative distance s are almost the same in the two systems. The average nucleus-positron distance, however is substantially larg er in HPse+. An other interesting property is that the rel- ative distance between positrons is about twice that be- tween electrons. All these facts suggest that a possible geometrical picture of the HPse+looks as an isosceles tri- angle formed by the two positrons and the proton and the two electrons are moving between the positive charges. The two positrons are placed on the vertices of the base- line of the triangle, and this baseline is so long that the system almost looks like as a linear chain. The HPse+ is somewhat related to H+ 3. In H+ 3three protons and two electrons form a very stable system, where the three protons are at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. By changing the mass of two of the positive charges this equi- lateral triangle is changed to an isosceles triangle, and in the positronic limit it looks like a linear chain. The Li atom can bind a positron or a positronium forming an electronically stable Lie+or LiPs [6]. The binding energy of the Lie+is very small and it can be best viewed as a positronium orbiting around a Li+core. In our calculation we replace the positron with a Ps 2 ion and try to determine the binding energy. In this case we have six active particles, four electrons and two positrons. This system has various different dissociation channels (see Fig. 2). The calculated energies of the relevant subsystems are listed in Table III. Our calculation shows that the Li can bind a Ps+ion to form an electronically stable LiPse+. The calculated binding energy might not be very accurate due to the complexity of the system, but it is definitely below the lowest threshold (see Fig. 2). The convergence of the binding energy is shown in Table I. Further increase of the basis size would improve the ground state energy. This system, again, can be viewed in different ways. One can say that a Li atom can bind a Ps+ion, or a Li− ion is able to bind two positrons or the Ps 2molecule can attach itself to a Li+ion. The relative distances between the particles in LiPse+ are shown in Table III. The average distance between the nucleus and the positron or between a positron and an electron is larger than that in LiPs but smaller than what one can find in Lie+. This would suggest a picture of LiPse+as a Li+core with an orbiting Ps 2molecule. These systems are electronically stable but the positron electron pair can annihilate by emitting two pho- tons. The annihilation rate is proportional to the prob- ability of finding an electron and a positron at the same position in a spin singlet state (see eq. (21) in [15]). The expectation values of the positron-electron delta functions ( δe+e−=/an}bracketle{tΨ|δ(re−−re+)|Ψ/an}bracketri}ht) are 1 .4×10−2, 1.1×10−2and 1.1×10−2, for Lie+, LiPs and LiPse+. Due to the possible inaccuracy of the energy and wave func- tion of the LiPse+system the annihilation rate should be considered as a qualitative estimate and it is about Γ2γ= 4.4×109sec−1. The (H−,e+,e+) is a positively charged system so onemay try to add one more electron to see if it remains stable. The convergence of the energy is shown in Fig. 3. The energy of the system slowly converges to the lowest (HPs+Ps) threshold and the size of the system contin- uously increases showing that this system is unlikely to be bound. Surprisingly, however, by adding two elec- trons to (H−,e+,e+) one gets a bound system as shown in Fig. 3. This system “H−Ps2” contains a proton, two positrons and four electrons, and can also be considered as a three-body system of a proton a Ps−and a Ps−ion as an analogy of the H−ion (where the electrons are re- placed by the composite Ps−ions). The convergence of the energy is slow and the calculation of a more accurate binding energy would require a considerably larger basis dimension (see Table I.) We have shown, for the first time, that neutral atoms can bind not only a single positron but a more complex positive charge, the Ps+ion as well. Besides the two cases (HPse+and LiPse+) it is quite possible that other systems can be also bound. Although the investigation of larger systems is beyond the scope of the present method, other approaches (like QMC [12,18] or Fixed core SVM [15]) might be used to study the possible bound state of Ps+(or two positrons) with larger atoms/ions. Examples are (1) the recent QMC study of positronic water [18] and a new study with the Fixed core SVM which confirms the existence of the LiPse+and shows that a larger ion (Na+) [20] can also bind a Ps 2molecule. The investigation of these exotic systems are very im- portant from theoretical point of view. These systems serve as test grounds for new methods: They provide a special environment where not only the electron-electron but other interleptonic correlations are also important. While the chance of experimental observation of these systems is even more challenging than those of the positronic atoms [19], some of the properties of positronic systems can be affected by these bound states and the theoretical prediction of their existence might be very useful. Systems, similar to (p+,e+,e+,e−,e−) might exist in semiconductors. Both the charged exciton (system of two electrons and a hole, akin to Ps−) and the biexciton (two electrons and two holes, similar to Ps 2) have been experimentally observed [21,22]. Larger systems of “mul- tiexcitons” (system of several electron-hole pairs) have also been observed [23,24]. These systems are of course different from the electron-positron systems because the electron-hole mass ratio ( σ=me/mh) differs from unity and also because there is no annihilation so their obser- vation might be easier. The stability for electrons and positrons indicates the stability for systems with slightl y different mass ratios. The present study might give a hint for the existence of similar systems in semiconduc- tors as well. In GaAs, for example, there are heavy holes (σ= 0.196) and light holes ( σ= 0.707). A system simi- lar to (p+,e+,e+,e−,e−) would comprise two electrons, a heavy, and two light holes. This work was supported by the U. S. Department ofEnergy, Nuclear Physics Division, under contract No. W- 31-109-ENG-39 and OTKA grant No. T029003 (Hun- gary). [1] J. A. Wheeler, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 48, 219 (1946). [2] A. P. Mills, Phys. Rev. Lett 46, 717 (1981). [3] E. A. Hylleraas and A. Ore, Phys. Rev. 71, 493 (1947). [4] D. M. Schrader, F. M. Jacobsen, N. P. 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Infinite mass was used for the proton and Li nucleus. system Basis size E ǫ HPse+100 −0.809371 0.02017 (−0.78919) 200 −0.809993 0.02080 400 −0.810152 0.02096 LiPse+100 −7.79502 unbound (−7.7959) 200 −7.79811 0.00219 400 −7.80212 0.00620 800 −7.80510 0.00918 (p+,2e+,4e−) 100 −1.02981 unbound (−1.0512) 200 −1.04409 unbound 400 −1.05077 unbound 800 −1.05542 0.00423 TABLE II. Properties of Coulombic few-body systems. The particle “x” is distinguishable from both the electron and the positron, but is has the same mass as the electron. Atomic units are used. system Energy /angbracketleftr2 e−p/angbracketright /angbracketleftr2 e+p/angbracketright /angbracketleftr2 e−e−/angbracketright /angbracketleftr2 e−e+/angbracketright /angbracketleftr2 e+e+/angbracketright HPs −0.78919 7.81 16.25 15.87 15.58 Ps2 −0.51600 46.37 29.11 46.37 HPse+−0.81015 7.49 31.84 15.14 33.71 65.40 x+Ps2−0.55647 33.48 52.11 36.24 33.46 52.21 TABLE III. Total energies and expectation values of vari- ous operators in double positronic Li. Some other species ar e included for comparison. re+andre−are the distances be- tween the nucleus and the positron and the nucleus and the electron, respectively. Atomic units are used. system Energy /angbracketleftre+/angbracketright /angbracketleftre−/angbracketright /angbracketleftre−e+/angbracketright /angbracketleftre−e−/angbracketright /angbracketleftre+e+/angbracketright Lie+−7.5323 10.03 3.44 7.83 6.43 LiPs −7.7397 6.32 2.82 5.56 4.75 LiPse+−7.8051 7.51 3.30 6.12 5.71 6.15FIG. 1. Energy levels of the HPse+and the HPs+e+and H+PS+dissociation channels. 0−0.82−0.81−0.8−0.79−0.78−0.77−0.76−0.75Energy (atomic units)H+Ps+ HPs HPs+ FIG. 2. Energy levels of LiPse+and its most relevant dis- sociation channels. −7.81−7.80−7.79−7.78−7.77−7.76−7.75−7.74−7.73Energy (atomic units)LiPsLi+Ps+ +e+ Lie++Ps Li++Ps2 LiPs+ FIG. 3. Convergence of the energy of the (p+,e+,e+,e−,e−,e−) and (p+,e+,e+,e−,e−,e−,e−) sys- tems. The dotted line is the HPs+Ps, the dashed line is the H−+Ps2, the long dashed line is the HPs+Ps−threshold. 0 200 400 600 800 basis dimension−1.07−1.05−1.03−1.01−0.99−0.97−0.95Energy (atomic units)(p+,e+,e+,e−,e−,e−) (p+,e+,e+,e−,e−,e−,e−)
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physics/9911029 14 Nov 1999Evaluation of the Extension of the Cerebral Blood Flow and its Main Parameters A.Gersten Department of Physics, and Unit of Biomedical Engineering, and Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel E-mail: gersten@bgumail.bgu.ac.il2 Abstract Among the major factors controlling the cerebral blood flow (CBF) - cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), cerebral metabolism, arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2), and cardiac output (CO), the effect of PaCO2is peculiar in being independent of autoregulatory CBF mechanisms and it allows to explore the full range of the CBF. We have developed a simple physical model, and have derived a simple four parameter formula, relating the CBF to PaCO2. The parameters are: Bmax , the maximal CBF, Bmin the minimal CBF, p0 the value of PaCO2at the average CBF and the parameter A, the slope at this point. The parameters can be extracted in an easy way, directly from the experimental data. With this model five experimental data sets of human, rats, baboons and dogs were well fitted. The same type of parametrization was also used successfully for fitting experimental data of PaO2of dogs. We have also looked on the dependence of the PaCO2parameters on other factors and were able to evaluate their dependence on the mean arterial blood pressure.3 1. Introduction In recent years there was a considerable progress made in utilizing measurements of the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in order to study brain functioning (Knezevic et al.,1988, Angerson et al.,1989, Ginsberg and Scheinberg, 1991, Costa and Ell, 1991, Howard, 1992). But it seems that the physical and mathematical aspects of the global cerebral blood flow (CBF), or average rCBF, were not sufficiently explored. Our main interest is of using physical principles (Hobbie, 1988) and physical and mathematical reasoning and means in order to describe in a simple way the main features of CBF. The human brain consists of about 2% of the adult body weight, but consumes (at rest) about 15% of the cardiac output (CO) and about 20% (Sokoloff, 1989, Guyton, 1991). Glucose is the main source of cellular energy through its oxidation (Sokoloff, 1989, Moser, 1988). The cerebral glucose utilization is almost directly proportional to the CBF , (Harper, 1989, McCulloch, 1988, Harper and McCulloch, 1985). The CBF can be influenced by abnormal glucose levels, is increased during hypoglycemia (Horinaka et al., 1997) and decreased during hyperglycemia Duckrow, 1995). Normal mean CBF is approximately 50-55 ml/100g/min, but declines with the age (above the age of about 30), in a rate of approximately 58.5-0.24×age ml/100g/min (Maximilian and Brawanski, 1988, Hagstadius and Risberg, 1983, see also Yamamoto et al., 1980, for other details). The cardiac output can be increased many times (up to about tenfold) during very heavy exercise or work (see Appendix A), But only part of the cardiac output increase can be accommodated by the brain blood vessels because of autoregulatory mechanisms and of the vessels limited capacitance, which is influenced by their elasticity, limited space of the cranium and the presence of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). There exist autoregulatory mechanisms which maintain the CBF approximately constant for cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) over an approximate range of 60-160 mm Hg (Harper, 1989, McCulloch, 1988, Aaslid et al., 1989, Ursino, 1991). Outside this autoregulatory range the CBF may decrease (CPP<60 mm Hg) as in the case of hypotonia4 (Sokoloff, 1989) or increase (CPP>160 mm Hg) as in the case of high hypertension (Guyton, 1991). But again, the above statements are valid only for normal functioning. For some abnormal functioning the autoregulatory mechanisms may break down, for example if PaCO2> 70 mm Hg (Harper, 1989, Harper, 1966). The CBF is also influenced by the value of cerebral tissue PO2, which normal range is 35-40 mmHg. A decrease below approximately 30 mmHg will cause the increase of CBF (Guyton, 1991), for details see sec. 5. The main parameter influencing the CBF is the arterial PaCO2. About 70% increase (or even less) in arterial PaCO2may double the blood flow (normal value of PaCO2 is about 40 mmHg.) (Sokoloff, 1989, Guyton, 1991). A.M. Harper (Harper, 1989) gave an interesting and vivid description of the above situation: chemists, computer experts and mathematicians producing reams of data and results accurate to the nth decimal place from pixel sizes which are shrinking by the week, it is easy to forget that a few deep breaths from the patient could lower his arterial carbon dioxide tension by 2 mm Hg (0.27 kPa) and reduce his cerebral blood flow by about 5 per cent. Were this to go unnoticed, the efforts put into our measurements will have been in The CBF is very sensitive to PaCO2and it is our aim to demonstrate in a simple physical model that important information about CBF capacitance can be obtained by considering only the dependence of CBF on PaCO2. Slowing down the breathing rate, without enhancing the airflow (Fried and Grimaldi, 1993, Timmons and Ley, 1994), can increase PaCO2. It is plausible that this is one of the essences of yoga pranayama (Bernard, 1960)] and of Tibetan yoga (Garma, 1963). It seems that biofeedback training of breathing (Fried and Grimaldi, 1993, Timmons and Ley, 1994) may become an important method of treating health problems.5 2. Cerebral blood flow and arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide Let us first examine the existing data of the CBF as a function of arterial CO2. Let us start with the older data. In (Longobardo et al., 1987) the data of (Salazar and Knowls, 1964) are presented as: minL93.0PaminmmHgL04.0 Q 2CO brain −    ⋅= /G06 , (2.1) without giving the validity range. From (Guyton, 1991) we can deduce that the relation is approximately linear in the range 37 mmHg< 2COPa<60 mm Hg . (2.2) For a brain weight of about 1.4 kg, eq.(1) can be presented in units more commonly used: min/g100/mL66Paming100mmHgmL9.2Q 2CO brain ⋅−    ⋅⋅= /G06 , (2.3) for 100g of brain tissue. Out of the range of the inequality (2.2) the CBF becomes much less sensitive to the changes of PaCO2. Equation (2.3) with the restriction (2.2) will be used here as the first approximation. Of course one can expect individual changes. In hyperventilation (Fried and Grimaldi, 1993) one goes below the lower limit of eq.(2.2), therefore one needs a more accurate and meaningful treatment. Below we derive a more accurate description of the data. Inspection of experimental data, especially the more accurate ones on animals, like ones done with rhesus monkeys (Reivich, 1964), or with rats (Siesjo and Ingvar, 1986, Sage et al., 1981) led us to conclude that the CBF (which will be denoted later as B) is limited between two values. This we can interpret in the following way: the upper limit Bmax corresponds to maximal dilation of the blood vessels and the lower (non-negative) limit Bmin to the maximal constriction of the vessels. We can incorporate these requirements using the following assumptions: ()dB dpAFBB BBAFz zBB BB zF(F(F'F' BBB=− −  =≥=− − ≤≤ ====≤≤≤min maxminmin maxmin min max, ,))()(), ,0 01010100 (2.4)6 where A is a constant and the condition F(0)=0 corresponds to the requirement that the constriction is maximal, F(1)=0 correspond to maximal dilation. Another physical boundary constraint can be formulated, for the derivatives 1 0)=0, meaning that the approach to the limits is not abrupt but smooth. A simple choice satisfying these requirements is: ()() Fz z=sin2π, (2.5) which also allows to integrate analytically eq. (2.4). This is so as from eq.(2.4): ( ) dBBBdz =−maxmin, (2.6) and one can easily check that ttanCons)z(ctg1 )z(sindz 2+ππ−= π∫ . (2.7) From Eq. (2.7) () 1 212 1 2 2z zzsinzsinzzsin1)z(ctg1)z(ctg1 )z(sinzd2 1ππ−π π=ππ+ππ−=′π′∫ . (2.8) and in particular ).z(ctg1 )z(sinzd 2z 21π π−=′π′∫ (2.9) Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5) can be now converted to ( )dz zAdp BB sin()maxmin2π=−. (2.10) Integrating Eq. (2.10), using Eq. (2.8), we obtain ()[ ] () [ ]() [ ]B)pp(A BBsinBBsinBBsin 1r minrB min Br B Δ−=− −− πΔπ ΔπΔπ , (2.11) where the index r is associated with a reference point pr to which corresponds CBF of Br, and min maxBBB −=Δ . (2.12) One can invert Eq. (2.11) if for the reference point for CBF the value half way between the extremes is being taken. A simple presentation is obtained if in addition to Eq. (2.12) one introduces the constants:7 )z(pp,AdpdB;);BB()z(BB21 0 BBmin max21 21 0 0== =   + === =. (2.13) Remembering that pPaCO≡2, from Eqs. (2.11), (2.9) and the relation: arcctgzarctgz ()() π ππ+ =2, we can finally obtain: BpBBarctgppA Bp ()(), =+⋅−  >000Δ Δ ππ (2.14) where B0 is the half way value of the CBF (z=1/2) between the maximal and minimal B, p0 is the value of p corresponding toB0, and A is the slope at this point. All these parameters can be estimated easily, directly from the data. Approximate values of Bmin, Bmax, p0 and A, for the data of Fig. 2.1 based on (Wyngaarden, 1992) (the circles are not the actual data, but they were extracted from the curve fitting the data) are given below: B ccgB ccg AccgmmHgpmmHgmin max//min, //min, .//min/, .= = = =3100 114100 19100 430 (2.15) Figure 2.1 The dependence of CBF on the partial tension of CO2. The fit is according to eqs. (2.7) and (2.8). The data (circles) are based on (Wyngaarden, 1992). No indication is given which animal was experimented./G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13/G13/G15 /G13/G17 /G13/G19 /G13/G1B /G13/G14 /G13/G13 /G53/G13/G20 /G17 /G16/G03 /G50/G50/G2B/G4A /G24 /G20 /G14 /G11 /G1C/G03 /G50 /G4F /G12/G14 /G13 /G13 /G4A /G12 /G50 /G4C/G51 /G12/G0B/G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C/G25 /G50/G44 /G5B/G20 /G14/G14 /G17/G03 /G50 /G4F /G12 /G14 /G13/G13/G4A /G12 /G50 /G4C /G51/G25/G50 /G4C /G51/G20 /G16/G03 /G50 /G4F/G12 /G14/G13 /G13 /G4A /G12 /G50 /G4C /G51/G26 /G25 /G29/G03 /G03 /G0B /G50/G4F /G12 /G14 /G13/G13/G4A/G12 /G50 /G4C/G51/G0C /G33/G44/G26 /G32/G15/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B /G4A/G0C8 This result should be considered only as a typical example, not as a universal one. Please note the large difference in the slopes (2.15 against 1.9) in eqs. (2.3) and (2.15). Approximate values of Bmin, Bmax, p0 and A, for the data (solid curve) of Fig. 2.2 based on (Reivich, 1964) are given below: .mmHg47p,mmHgmin//g100/cc9.1Amin,/g100/cc100Bmin,/g100/cc10B 0minmax = == = (2.15a) The doted line is a best fit to the data with )]plog(251.5exp[1057018.929.20)p(B − ++= . (2.15b) The data in Fig.2.2 are based on experiments with 8 animals. They are scattered to large extent, therefore one can suspect that there are large individual differences between the animals. Indeed the data of each animal separately are more regular. In Fig. 2.3 the data of the 5th animal are shown. Approximate values of Bmin, Bmax, p0 and A, for the data (dotted curve) of Fig. 2.3 based on (Reivich, 1964) are given below: .mmHg47p,mmHgmin//g100/cc5.1Amin,/g100/cc120Bmin,/g100/cc0B 0minmax = == = (2.15c) For rats the data of (Sage et al., 1981) are fitted with: .mmHg78.38.36p,mmHgmin//g100/cc62.182.18Amin,/g100/cc4.114.480Bmin,/g100/cc19.438.75B 0minmax ±= ±=±= ±= (2.16) and are displayed in fig. 2.4. Inspecting eq. (2.7) we find that BB BBmin max (), () =−∞ =∞, (2.17) i.e. Bmin is in the non-physical (non-physiological) region of p, far away from the physical region. Therefore the results should not depend significantly on its value. The maximum constriction should be estimated from the CBF at the border of the physical region: BBBarctgpA B()000=−⋅  Δ Δ ππ. (2.18)9 Figure 2.2 The dependence of CBF of rhesus monkeys on the partial tension of CO2. The continuous curve is the approximate fit to eq. (2.7) for the data of (Reivich, 1964). The dotted line is the fit with eq. (2.15b). Figure 2.3 The dependence of CBF of rhesus monkeys on the partial tension of CO2. The continuous curve is the approximate fit eq. (2.15.c) for the data of (Reivich, 1964)./G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G14 /G17/G13 /G14 /G19/G13 /G14 /G1B/G13 /G15 /G13/G13 /G15 /G15/G13/G13/G15 /G13/G17 /G13/G19 /G13/G1B /G13/G14 /G13/G13/G14 /G15/G13 /G24/G51/G4C /G50 /G44/G4F/G03 /G18/G26 /G25/G29/G03 /G52 /G49/G03 /G55 /G4B /G48/G56 /G58 /G56/G03/G50 /G52 /G51 /G4E /G48 /G5C /G56/G03/G0B /G50 /G4F/G12/G14 /G13 /G13 /G4A /G12 /G50 /G4C/G51 /G0C /G33/G44 /G26 /G32 /G15/G03/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03/G2B/G4A/G0C/G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G14 /G17/G13 /G14 /G19/G13 /G14 /G1B/G13 /G15 /G13/G13 /G15 /G15/G13/G13/G15 /G13/G17 /G13/G19 /G13/G1B /G13/G14 /G13/G13/G14 /G15/G13/G14 /G17/G13/G26 /G25 /G29/G03 /G52/G49/G03 /G55 /G4B /G48 /G56 /G58 /G56/G03 /G50 /G52/G51 /G4E /G48 /G5C /G56/G03 /G0B /G50 /G4F/G12 /G14 /G13/G13/G4A /G12 /G50 /G4C /G51 /G0C /G33 /G44 /G26 /G32/G15/G03 /G0B/G50 /G50/G03 /G2B /G4A /G0C10 /G13 /G15/G13 /G17/G13 /G19/G13 /G1B/G13/G13/G14/G13 /G13/G15/G13 /G13/G16/G13 /G13/G17/G13 /G13/G18/G13 /G13/G19/G13 /G13 /G25 /G50 /G4C /G51/G20 /G1A/G18/G11/G16/G1B/G03 /G0E /G03 /G17 /G11 /G14/G1C/G03 /G50 /G4F /G12 /G14/G13/G13/G4A/G12 /G50 /G4C/G51 /G25 /G50 /G44 /G5B/G20 /G17/G1B/G13/G11/G17/G03 /G0E /G03 /G14/G14 /G11 /G17/G03 /G50 /G4F /G12 /G14/G13/G13/G4A/G12 /G50 /G4C/G51 /G53 /G13/G20 /G16/G19/G11/G16/G1B/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G1A/G1B/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B /G4A /G24/G20/G14/G1B /G11 /G1B/G15/G03 /G0E /G03 /G14 /G11 /G19/G15/G03 /G50 /G4F /G12 /G14/G13/G13/G4A/G12 /G50 /G4C/G51 /G12 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B /G4A /G0C /G38/G53/G53 /G48 /G55/G03 /G45/G52/G58/G51/G47/G03 /G52/G51/G03 /G48 /G5B/G53/G11/G03 /G48 /G55 /G55 /G52/G55 /G1D/G03 /G14/G17 /G11 /G15/G08/G26 /G25/G29/G03 /G4C/G51/G03 /G55 /G44/G57/G56/G03 /G0B /G50/G4F/G12 /G14 /G13 /G13/G4A /G12/G50/G4C /G51 /G0C /G33/G44 /G26/G32/G15/G03 /G4C /G51/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G03 Figure 2.4 The dependence of CBF of rats on the partial tension of CO2. The continuous curve is the best fit to eq. (2.7) for the data of (Sage et al., 1981)]. The error bars were added to the data according to the procedure outlined in sec. 3. 3. Error estimation While performing the best fit (the least square fit) to experimental data, the chi squared () ()χ2 12 2=− =∑ nN nn nte eΔ, (3.1) is being minimized with respect to the searched parameters (Bmin , Bmax , p0 , A). Above, in eq. (3.1), en are the experimental data, Δen their errors (standard deviations), N the total number of experimental points, and tn are the theoretical predictions (from eq. (2.7), in our case, depending on the parameters Bmin , Bmax , p0 , A ). The data that we are using do not have the experimental errors evaluated. Therefore we are enforced to use some assumptions, which may lead to reasonable results. Our first assumption is that the errors are proportional to the measured results (i.e., there is a fixed percentage error C): Δen =C. en . (3.2)11 Let χ02 be the minimal value of eq. (3.1). If the theory is exact, the expectation value for the chi squared is χ02=N, (3.3) otherwise χ02>N. (3.4) Substituting eq. (3.2) into eq. (3.1) and taking into account the two possibilities (3.3) or (3.4) we obtain: () ()CNte e nN nn n≤− =∑1 12 2=CUB , (3.5) which gives us an upper bound for the percentage error. Throughout the paper we use in the figures (only when the error bars are not supplied) for error bars the values: Δen =CUB. En . (3.6) The error of a parameter is defined as the value of the change of this parameter from the best fit, which causes a change in the chi squared by one unit. This is the procedure, which will be used throughout the paper, for estimating the errors of the model parameters. Thus if near the local minimum at P0 with respect to a parameter P, the chi squared behaves like () 2 02| PPP 21 222 2 02 02 χ=χ∂χ∂−+χ=χ , (3.7) the error ΔP of the parameter P can be evaluated from 2 02| PP211222 2 2 02 χ=χ∂χ∂Δ==χ−χ . (3.8) In fig. 3.1 we present a fit to data for which the errors (standard deviations) were carefully evaluated. There are there 10 experimental points of the CBF of baboons (Branch et al., 1991, Ewing et al., 1989, Ewing et al., 1990) as a function of partial arterial tension of CO2 . The resulting fit parameters are inside fig. 3.1. It is interesting to note the value of the chi squared 10.04 is very close to the expectation value 10 (data points). This give more confidence, not only for the evaluated standard deviations, but also for the theory.12 /G13 /G14 /G13 /G15 /G13 /G16 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G18 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1A /G13 /G1B /G13 /G1C /G13 /G14 /G13/G13/G13/G18 /G13/G14 /G13/G13/G14 /G18/G13/G15 /G13/G13/G15 /G18/G13/G16 /G13/G13/G16 /G18/G13 /G25 /G50 /G4C /G51/G20 /G18/G19/G11/G14 /G0E /G16 /G16/G11/G16/G03 /G50/G4F /G12/G14/G13/G13/G4A /G12/G50/G4C /G51 /G25 /G50 /G44 /G5B/G20 /G15/G17/G19/G11/G17 /G0E /G14 /G14/G18/G11/G18/G03 /G50/G4F /G12/G14/G13/G13/G4A /G12/G50/G4C /G51 /G53 /G13/G20 /G18/G1B/G11/G1C /G0E /G1B /G11/G1C/G19/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A /G24/G20/G15/G1A /G11 /G1B /G0E /G19 /G19/G11/G1A/G03 /G50/G4F /G12/G14/G13/G13/G4A /G12/G50/G4C /G51/G12 /G0B/G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C χ /G13/G15 /G20 /G14/G13/G11/G13/G17/G26 /G25/G29/G03 /G52 /G49/G03 /G45 /G44 /G45 /G52 /G52 /G51 /G56/G03/G0B /G50 /G4F/G12/G14 /G13 /G13 /G4A /G12 /G50 /G4C/G51 /G0C/G03 /G33/G44 /G26/G32/G15/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A /G0C Figure 3.1 The dependence of CBF of baboons on the partial tension of CO2. The data with their errors (standard deviations) were taken from (Branch et al., 1991, Ewing et al., 1989, Ewing et al., 1990) 4. Modification of the Cerebrovascular Responses of PaCO2 It was emphasized in sec. 2 that the experimental data cited there were based on some measurements done on individuals and that the parameters may be dependent on other factors as well. In sec. 1, for example, the age factor was indicated. In experiments performed on dogs it was found that the cerebrovascular dilation induced by hypercapnia is attenuated by hypo tension (Harper and Glass, 1965). In this section we will discuss the dependence of the parameters given by the model of eq. (2.7) on the mean arterial blood pressure (MABP). There are some experimental data on dogs (Harper, 1989, McCulloch, 1988, Harper, 1966, Harper and Glass, 1965) which will allow us to do so. In figs. 3, 4 and 5 the data (circles) are presented for MABP=150, 100, and 50 mm HG. The error bars attached to them were computed according to the procedures of sec. 3.13 /G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13/G13 /G11/G13/G13 /G11/G15/G13 /G11/G17/G13 /G11/G19/G13 /G11/G1B/G14 /G11/G13/G14 /G11/G15/G14 /G11/G17/G14 /G11/G19/G14 /G11/G1B/G15 /G11/G13/G15 /G11/G15/G15 /G11/G17/G15 /G11/G19 /G30/G48 /G44 /G51/G03 /G44 /G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G25 /G33 /G1D/G03/G14 /G18 /G13/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A /G25 /G50 /G4C /G51/G20 /G13/G11/G15/G15/G15/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G17/G16 /G25 /G50 /G44 /G5B/G20 /G15/G11/G14/G14/G15/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G16/G18 /G53 /G13/G20 /G17/G18/G11/G1C/G16/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G1B/G1C/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B /G4A /G24/G20/G13 /G11 /G13/G16/G16/G14/G1B/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G14/G1A/G15/G03 /G0B/G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C /G10 /G14 /G38/G53/G53 /G48 /G55/G03 /G45/G52/G58/G51/G47/G03 /G52/G51/G03 /G48 /G5B/G53/G11/G03 /G48 /G55 /G55 /G52/G55 /G1D/G03 /G14/G16 /G11 /G15/G08 /G24/G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G33/G26 /G32/G15/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A /G0C/G35 /G48 /G4F/G44/G57/G4C/G59/G48/G03/G46 /G48 /G55 /G48 /G45 /G55 /G44/G4F/G03 /G45 /G4F/G52 /G52 /G47/G03 /G49 /G4F/G52/G5A/G03/G03/G03 Figure 4.1 The dependence of CBF of dogs on the partial tension of CO2, relative to its value at 40 mm Hg, for mean arterial blood pressure of 150 mm Hg. The data are based on (Harper and Glass, 1965). The error bars were added to the data according to the procedure outlined in sec. 3. /G13 /G15/G13 /G17/G13 /G19/G13 /G1B/G13 /G14/G13/G13 /G14/G15/G13/G13/G11/G13/G13/G11/G15/G13/G11/G17/G13/G11/G19/G13/G11/G1B/G14/G11/G13/G14/G11/G15/G14/G11/G17/G14/G11/G19/G14/G11/G1B/G15/G11/G13 /G30 /G48 /G44/G51/G03 /G44 /G55 /G57 /G48/G55 /G4C /G44 /G4F/G03 /G25/G33/G1D/G03 /G14/G13 /G13/G03 /G50/G50 /G2B /G4A /G25/G50 /G4C /G51/G20/G13/G11/G18/G19/G15/G03 /G0E /G03/G11/G13/G18/G16/G19 /G25 /G50 /G44 /G5B/G20/G14/G11/G18/G14/G1B/G03 /G0E /G03/G11/G13/G16/G15 /G53 /G13/G20/G17/G16/G11/G15/G17/G03 /G0E /G03/G14/G11/G16/G1A/G03 /G50/G50 /G2B/G4A /G24 /G20/G13/G11/G13/G14/G1C/G13/G14/G03 /G0E /G03/G11/G13/G13/G15/G15/G18 /G38/G53/G53/G48/G55/G03/G45/G52 /G58/G51 /G47/G03/G52 /G51/G03 /G48 /G5B /G53/G11/G03/G48/G55/G55/G52/G55/G1D/G03/G14 /G15 /G11/G19/G08/G35/G48/G4F/G44 /G57 /G4C/G59 /G48/G03 /G46/G48 /G55 /G48/G45 /G55/G44 /G4F/G03 /G45/G4F/G52/G52 /G47/G03 /G49/G4F/G52 /G5A/G03 /G03 /G03 /G24/G55 /G57 /G48 /G55 /G4C/G44/G4F/G03/G33/G26 /G32/G15/G03 /G0B/G50 /G50/G03 /G2B /G4A/G0C Figure 4.2 The dependence of CBF of dogs on the partial tension of CO2, relative to its value at 40 mm Hg, for mean arterial blood pressure of 100 mm Hg. The data are based on (Harper and Glass, 1965)]. The error bars were added to the data according to the procedure outlined in sec. 3.14 For the 150 and 100 mm Hg data the chi squared had definite minimum. The results of the fits are inside the figures 4.1 and 4.2. The fit to the 50 mm Hg data was more problematic, as the data (see fig. 4.3) are almost consistent with a straight line (equal to one) and there was no definite minimum. We had to impose some constraints on the parameters. It seemed to us as a reasonable assumption to assume that for AMBP=0, the CBF=0, and consequently Bmin =Bmax =1, and also A=0. For the low values of AMBP=50 mm Hg we expected the above parameters to converge to their AMBP=0 values. In the fit the most unstable was the A parameter. As we expected it to converge to zero for AMBP=0 we used as a constraint the demand that in the search it will reach its lowest value in a local minimum. This value of A was further kept unchanged. The results of that constrained search are given inside fig. 4.3. /G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13/G13 /G11/G13/G13 /G11/G14/G13 /G11/G15/G13 /G11/G16/G13 /G11/G17/G13 /G11/G18/G13 /G11/G19/G13 /G11/G1A/G13 /G11/G1B/G13 /G11/G1C/G14 /G11/G13/G14 /G11/G14/G14 /G11/G15/G14 /G11/G16/G14 /G11/G17/G14 /G11/G18 /G24/G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G33/G26 /G32/G15/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A /G0C/G35 /G48 /G4F/G44/G57/G4C/G59/G48/G03/G46 /G48 /G55 /G48 /G45 /G55 /G44/G4F/G03 /G45 /G4F/G52 /G52 /G47/G03 /G49 /G4F/G52/G5A/G03/G03/G03/G30/G48 /G44 /G51/G03 /G44 /G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G25 /G33 /G1D/G03/G18 /G13/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A /G25 /G50 /G4C /G51/G20 /G13/G11/G1B/G15/G16/G13/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G16/G15/G13 /G25 /G50 /G44 /G5B/G20 /G13/G11/G1C/G1C/G1A/G15/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G14/G13/G14 /G53 /G13/G20 /G14/G19/G11/G14/G1C/G03 /G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G19/G19/G03 /G50 /G50 /G2B/G4A /G24/G20/G13 /G11 /G13/G17/G1A/G16/G03/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G15/G15/G1C/G03 /G0B/G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C /G10 /G14 /G38/G53/G53 /G48 /G55/G03 /G45/G52/G58/G51/G47/G03 /G52/G51/G03 /G48 /G5B/G53/G11/G03 /G48 /G55 /G55 /G52/G55 /G1D/G03 /G1C /G11 /G1B/G08 Figure 4.3 The dependence of CBF of dogs on the partial tension of CO2, relative to its value at 40 mm Hg, for mean arterial blood pressure of 50 mm Hg. The data are based on (Harper and Glass, 1965). The error bars were added to the data according to the procedure outlined in sec. 3. The parameters, which were obtained in the 3 searches are displayed in figs. 4.4-4.7.15 /G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G14 /G17/G13 /G14 /G19/G13/G13 /G11/G13/G13 /G11/G15/G13 /G11/G17/G13 /G11/G19/G13 /G11/G1B/G14 /G11/G13 /G48 /G5B /G53 /G48 /G46 /G57 /G48 /G47/G25/G50 /G4C /G51/G03 /G03 /G0B/G35 /G48/G4F /G44 /G57/G4C /G59 /G48 /G0C /G30/G48 /G44 /G51/G03 /G44 /G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G45/G4F /G52 /G52 /G47/G03 /G53 /G55 /G48/G56/G56 /G58 /G55 /G48/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C Figure 4.4 The best fit values of the parameter Bmin the cases presented in figures 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 against the mean arterial blood pressure. /G10 /G15/G13 /G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G14 /G17/G13 /G14 /G19/G13/G14 /G11/G13/G14 /G11/G15/G14 /G11/G17/G14 /G11/G19/G14 /G11/G1B/G15 /G11/G13/G15 /G11/G15 /G48 /G5B /G53 /G48 /G46 /G57 /G48 /G47 /G30/G48 /G44 /G51/G03 /G44 /G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G45/G4F /G52 /G52 /G47/G03 /G53 /G55 /G48/G56/G56 /G58 /G55 /G48/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50 /G2B/G4A/G0C/G25/G50 /G44/G5B/G03 /G03 /G0B/G35 /G48/G4F /G44 /G57/G4C /G59 /G48 /G0C Figure 4.5 The best fit values of the parameter Bmax for the cases presented in figures 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 against the mean arterial blood pressure.16 /G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G14 /G17/G13 /G14 /G19/G13/G13/G14 /G13/G15 /G13/G16 /G13/G17 /G13/G18 /G13 /G30/G48 /G44 /G51/G03 /G44 /G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G45/G4F /G52 /G52 /G47/G03 /G53 /G55 /G48/G56/G56 /G58 /G55 /G48/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C/G53/G13/G03 /G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A /G0C Figure 4.6 The best fit values of the parameter p0 for the cases presented in figures 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 against the mean arterial blood pressure. /G10 /G15/G13 /G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G14 /G17/G13 /G14 /G19/G13/G13 /G11/G13/G13/G13 /G11/G13/G14/G13 /G11/G13/G15/G13 /G11/G13/G16/G13 /G11/G13/G17/G13 /G11/G13/G18/G13 /G11/G13/G19/G13 /G11/G13/G1A /G48 /G5B /G53 /G48 /G46 /G57 /G48 /G47 /G30/G48 /G44 /G51/G03 /G44 /G55/G57 /G48 /G55/G4C /G44 /G4F/G03/G45/G4F /G52 /G52 /G47/G03 /G53 /G55 /G48/G56/G56 /G58 /G55 /G48/G03 /G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C/G24/G03/G0B /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C /G10 /G14 /G03 /G03 Figure 4.7 The best fit values of the parameter A for the cases presented in figures 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 against the mean arterial blood pressure.17 5. Cerebral blood flow and arterial partial pressure of oxygen It appears that the model of eq. (2.7) can be also applied to the description of the dependence of the CBF on arterial partial pressure of oxygen PO2. For the data of (McDowall, 1966, Harper, 1989) (for dogs) a fit was obtained which is fully depicted in fig. 5.1. Above arterial pressure of about 50 mm Hg there is practically no change in CBF. /G13 /G15 /G13 /G17 /G13 /G19 /G13 /G1B /G13 /G14 /G13/G13 /G14 /G15/G13 /G14 /G17/G13 /G14 /G19/G13/G13 /G11/G13/G13 /G11/G15/G13 /G11/G17/G13 /G11/G19/G13 /G11/G1B/G14 /G11/G13/G14 /G11/G15/G14 /G11/G17/G14 /G11/G19/G14 /G11/G1B/G15 /G11/G13/G15 /G11/G15/G15 /G11/G17/G15 /G11/G19 /G33/G32 /G15/G03 /G4C /G51/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G35 /G48 /G4F/G44/G57/G4C/G59/G48/G03/G03/G46 /G48 /G55 /G48 /G45 /G55 /G44/G4F/G03 /G45 /G4F/G52 /G52 /G47/G03 /G49 /G4F/G52/G5A/G25/G50 /G4C /G51/G20 /G14/G11/G13/G14/G17/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G14/G1B /G25/G50 /G44 /G5B /G20 /G15/G11/G15/G1A/G14/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G1A/G15 /G53/G13/G20 /G16/G1B/G11/G16/G14/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G17/G1C/G03 /G50 /G50/G03 /G2B /G4A /G24/G20/G03 /G10/G13 /G11 /G14/G18/G1B/G03 /G0E /G03 /G11 /G13/G17/G1C/G03 /G0B/G50 /G50/G03 /G2B/G4A/G0C/G10 /G14 /G38/G53/G53 /G48 /G55/G03 /G45/G52/G58/G51/G47/G03 /G52/G51/G03 /G48 /G5B/G53/G11/G03 /G48 /G55 /G55 /G52/G55 /G1D/G03 /G14/G14 /G11 /G1A/G08 Figure 5.1 The dependence of CBF of dogs on the partial tension of O2, relative to its value above 70 mm Hg. The data are based on (McDowall,1966, Harper, 1989). The error bars were added to the data according to the procedure outlined in sec. 3. 6. Discussion and conclusions The major factors controlling the cerebral blood flow (CBF) are cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), cerebral metabolism, arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2), and cardiac output (CO). The effect of PaCO2is peculiar in being independent of autoregulatory CBF mechanisms and allows to explore the full range of the CBF. In Sec. 2 a simple model was derived describing the18 dependence of the CBF on PaCO2,and a simple formula, eq. (2.7), was derived. The model parameters Bmax , Bmin , A and p0 , have a simple meaning and can be determined easily from the experimental data. Although it appears that the minimal CBF Bmin reaches this value for negativePaCO2, far away from the physical region, it strongly affects the near zero tensions. The other parameters: Bmax , A and p0 are more directly related to the data. Bmax can be associated with the dilation of the blood vessels and with the maximal CBF, therefore it is a good indicator of the CBF capacitance. We can expect that it should be age dependent and decline with age. The parameter A, the slope, can be connected with the adaptability to changes in PaCO2. It should also decline with age. In this way we not only found an accurate procedure, but also found age dependent parameters related to the elasticity and adaptability of the blood vessels and CBF. By analyzing the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems one can try to device exercises with the aim to improve the values of the parameters. In parallel, experiments are needed to study the age dependence of these parameters. As the values ofpPaCO≡2 influence strongly the CBF, one can consider breathing exercises as means of increasing the elasticity of brain vessels. For example by alternately hyperventilating and hypoventilating (or breath holding) one can alternately shrink and dilate the cerebral blood vessels, exercising in this way their elasticity. Theoretically one can with the increase of PaCO2increase to large extent the CBF, but in practice this has its dangers and also is very difficult to achieve, as with a slight change of PaCO2from normal, there is a strong urge to ventilate. For very advanced yogis the training of breath holding is of fundamental importance (Bernard, 1960). The minimal time, in their opinion, to get real benefits, is 3 minutes, which is extremely difficult and dangerous for Westerners. But one should take into account that the aims of yogis are quite peculiar and that Westerners can benefit from much milder forms of exercise (Fried and Grimaldi, 1993). Indeed, the milder forms of pranayama (the yoga system of breathing) seems to be quite beneficial, as research around the world indicates (Chandra, 1994, Fisher, 1971, Juan et al., 1984, Kuvalayananda, 1933, Kuvalayananda and Karambelkar, 1957, Nagarathna, 1985, Patel, 1975, Stanescu et a., 1981, Rama et. al.,19 1979). In Russia the breathing exercises of K.P. Buteyko MD are well known (Buteyko 1983), but they are not documented in advanced scientific journals (outside Russia see Berlowitz, 1995). In this method the patients are learned to breathe superficially and to hold (out) the breath for about 1 minute. All this in order to increase the PaCO2. It seems to us that with rhythmic breathing exercises, with some mild breath holding, one can gradually build up the PaCO2towards beneficial values, including an improved mental activity. Although a large amount of information has been already gained (Kety and Schmidt, 1946, Kety and Schmidt, 1948, Sokoloff et al., 1955, Lassen, 1959, Sokoloff, 1960, Harper and Bell, 1963, Reivich, 1964, Ingvar and Risberg, 1965, Shapiro et al., 1965, Shapiro et al., 1966, Huber and Handa, 1967, Waltz, 1970, Fujishima et al., 1971, Harper et al., 1972, Kuschinsky et al., 1982, Paulson et al., 1972, Smith and Wollman, 1972, Symon et al., 1973, Ingvar and Schwartz, 1974, Fitch et al., 1975, Strandgaard et al., 1975, Jones et al., 1976, McKenzie et al., 1979a, 1979b,Yamaguchi et al., 1979, Maximilian et al., 1980, Yamamoto et al., 1980, Sokoloff, 1981, Gross et al., 1981, Kuschinsky et al., 1981, Gur et al., 1982, and others quated in this paper), more theoretical and experimental work is needed to clarify this issue. The autoregulatory mechanisms of the brain, independent of PaCO2, keeps the CBF constant as long as the CPP is below 160 mm Hg (and above 60 mmHg). With higher increased cardiac output (as evaluated in the Appendix A) can affect the brain if at the same time CPP exceeds 160 mm Hg. We expect that the increase of CBF will be limited by Bmax as this parameter is determined by the mechanical properties of blood vessels and the cranial space limits. Appendix A The effect of exercise on cardiac output and CBF The highest efficiency for conversion of food energy into muscle work is at best 25%, the rest is converted into heat (Guyton, 1991). On the other hand the amount of heat produced in the body is directly proportional to the oxygen consumption. At rest the rate20 of consumption is about 0.2 to 0.3 L/min, and it can increase to 3-6 L/min during maximal exercise Guyton, 1991), depending, among other things, upon age, sex and level of fitness. The energy production is about 5 kcal per 1 L of oxygen consumed. For example, in running, the energy production is approximately 0.2 mL of oxygen per 1 kg of body weight and per meter run. Accordingly, a 70 kg runner, running 2000 m, will produce about 140 kcal of energy. If he will be well insulated with a proper dressing, great part of this energy may be used to increase his body temperature, and for releasing humidity from the lungs. Remembering that 15% of the cardiac output goes to the brain, we may infer that the brain can receive a large amount of heat energy. According to Hodgkin and Huxley the reaction rate R in the axon changes with the temperature change ΔT in the following way (Hobbie, 1988): RTC=310Δ/o. The cardiac output C is directly proportional to the work output W and to the oxygen consumption /G06VO2. From (Guyton, 1991), which considers typical experimental results, we derived the following linear relations: C=6.8 +7( /G06VO2- 0.25 L/min) L/min , (A.1) C=[6.8+0.0141⋅W] L/min, (W in kg⋅m/min) , (A.2) /G06VO2=[0.25 +0.00202⋅W] L/min, (W in kg⋅m/min) . (A.3) Let us take as an example a runner running 2000m and consuming (additional to the con- sumption at rest of about .25L/min) 28 L of oxygen. His cardiac output will depend on 2km distance in 14 min. (a mediocre time), we will find from eq. (A.1) that his cardiac output will be 20.8 L/min, i.e. 3 times larger than his cardiac output at rest. We can see that even a moderate exercise can in- crease to a large extent the cardiac output. If the body will be well insulated, a large amount of energy (in the form of heat) could have been transmitted to the brain. The autoregulatory mechanisms of the brain forbid it from occurring as long as the CPP is below 160 be increased, but the CBF should be always limited by the value Bmax which was found in Sec. 2. 21 According to (McArdle et al., 1996) the CBF increases during exercise by approximately 25 to 30% compared to the flow at rest (Herlhoz et al., 1987, Thomas et al., 1989). 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arXiv:physics/9911030v1 [physics.comp-ph] 15 Nov 1999One-way multigrid method in electronic structure calculat ions In-Ho Lee School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Cheo ngryangri-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-012, Korea Yong-Hoon Kim and Richard M. Martin Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana Cha mpaign, Illinois 61801 (September 17, 1999) Abstract We propose a simple and efficient one-way multigrid method for self- consistent electronic structure calculations based on ite rative diagonalization. Total energy calculations are performed on several differen t levels of grids starting from the coarsest grid, with wave functions transf erred to each finer level. The only changes compared to a single grid calculatio n are interpolation and orthonormalization steps outside the original total en ergy calculation and required only for transferring between grids. This feature results in a minimal amount of code change, and enables us to employ a sophisticat ed interpola- tion method and noninteger ratio of grid spacings. Calculat ions employing a preconditioned conjugate gradient method are presented fo r two examples, a quantum dot and a charged molecular system. Use of three grid levels with grid spacings 2 h, 1.5h, and hdecreases the computer time by about a factor of 5 compared to single level calculations. 71.15.-m, 71.15.Nc, 71.15.Mb, 71.15.Pd Typeset using REVT EX 1I. INTRODUCTION Recently, the usefulness of the real-space technique based on three-dimensional uniform grid and higher-order finite-difference formula1has been demonstrated2,3for the electronic structure calculations within the framework of the Kohn-Sh am (KS) density functional the- ory (DFT).4All the computations are performed in real space without res ort to fast Fourier transforms as in the planewave formalism. The major parts of calculations are local opera- tions, so the algorithm is easily parallelized. Furthermor e, explicit storage of the Hamiltonian matrix elements can be avoided, since the Laplacians and pot ential-wave functions multi- plications are respectively evaluated by the finite-differe nce operation on the wave functions and a simple one-dimensional vector multiplications. Since the number of grids Ngis order of 105∼106, which increases further with the system size and/or the level of accuracy, one requires an effic ient numerical procedure for the Hamiltonian diagonalization in finite-difference real- space schemes. Iterative diagonal- ization methods are usually employed as in other modern elec tronic structure calculations, and due to the orthogonality condition between the KS orbita ls the complexity of this iter- ative diagonalization scales as O(N2 bNg), whereNbrepresents the number of lowest states taken into account. It turns out that the prefactor of this sc aling can be very dependent on the details of calculation scheme, and the development of a n ew algorithm which results in the optimal prefactor is a very important and challenging pr oblem at the moment. Among the most promising approaches in the literature are the mult igrid (MG) algorithms.5,6MG methods originated as attempts to accelerate relaxation me thods and they have been very successful in improving the speed and accuracy in a wide vari ety of science and engineering applications by combining computations at different scales of grid levels. In the context of DFT electronic structure calculations, several groups h ave already applied the multi- grid scheme to the solution of KS equations and demonstrated its efficiency: Briggs et al. adopted coarse-grid-correction multigrid algorithm to th e calculations of various periodic and nonperiodic systems.7Ancilotto et al. implemented full multigrid diagonalization pro- cedure to study the fragmentation of charged Li clusters.8While these two works employed the pseudopotentials, Beck et al. has demonstrated the feasibility of all-electron grid calc u- lation by employing full multigrid algorithm.9These authors typically use integer ratio of grid spacings (e.g., 4 h, 2h, andh) and correction multilevel algorithm (V-cycle). In this article, we introduce a simple one-way multigrid alg orithm5to accelerate self- consistent electronic structure calculations based on ite rative diagonalization. Calculations start from the coarsest grid level and approximate solution s are transferred successively up to the finest grid. An interesting aspect of this method is tha t the number of interpolation is minimized : Interpolations are performed outside of orig inal total energy calculation part, hence only for (number of grid levels −1) times when the wave functions are transferred to the next finer grid level. It enables us to use an accurate interpo lation scheme and the noninteger ratio of grid spacing in the hierarchy of grids. Specifically we employ three different uniform grids spacings, 2 h, 1.5h, andhto obtain the solution at the resolution of grid spacing h, in which calculations on the preceding two coarse grids prov ide a good initial guess of the wave functions for the finest level calculation. We demonstr ate the efficiency of the current scheme on the twenty-electron quantum dots and the charged H cluster systems in which the ionic potentials have been replaced by ab initio pseudopotentials. The comparison with 2a single-level calculations shows a factor of 5 improvement in CPU time. II. METHODS A. Basic issues The iterative total energy minimization based on DFT is a non linear problem in which the KS equations (Hartree atomic units are used throughout t his paper) /braceleftbigg −1 2/vector∇2+Vext(/vector r) +˜VH(/vector r) +˜Vσ xc(/vector r)/bracerightbigg ψσ j(/vector r) =ǫσ jψσ j(/vector r), σ=↑,↓,j= 1,· · ·,Nb (1) and the Poisson equation /vector∇2˜VH(/vector r) =−4πρ(/vector r), (2) are closely coupled in the self-consistency loop.10Here ˜VH(/vector r) and ˜Vσ xc(/vector r) respectively repre- sent the input Hartree and spin dependent exchange-correla tion potential, at each iteration within the self-consistent calculations. Vext(/vector r) stands for the external potential, and the charge density ρ(/vector r) is defined as the squared summation of the occupied KS orbita ls. In the higher-order finite-difference real space formulation, the KS and Poisson equations are discretized on a uniform grid. The Laplacian operation is ev aluated by the higher-order finite difference formula1which is characterized by the finite-difference order Nand grid spacingh: d2 dx2f(x) =N/summationdisplay j=−NCjf(x+jh) +O(h2N+2), (3) where {Cj}are constants. In the present work solutions of the KS equations for the lowe stNbeigenstates are found by the iterative preconditioned conjugate gradient m ethod of Bylander, Kleinman, and Lee,11,12for a given total potential Vσ KS(/vector r) =Vext(/vector r)+˜VH(/vector r)+˜Vσ xc(/vector r). The Hartree potential VH(/vector r) is obtained by solving the Poisson equation. Note that, for each self-consistent step, we need to solve two Poisson equations for the given input and output charge densities. For the finite systems considered here the boundary values of Har tree potential are evaluated using a multipole expansion of the potential of the charge di stribution and the relaxation vectors at the boundary are set to zero for the Dirichlet boun dary conditions. The solution of Poisson equation inside of the box has been first generated by a Fourier method with low order finite difference ( N= 1),6and it has been subsequently relaxed by the preconditioned conjugate gradient method13,14with higher-order finite difference formula. At each step we choose the new input density and potential using a simple lin ear mixing of output and input densities.11 After obtaining orbitals and density from self-consistent solutions of Poisson and KS equations, the total electronic energy is obtained: Etot=/summationdisplay σ,jǫσ j−/summationdisplay σ/integraldisplay d3r{˜VH(/vector r) +˜Vσ xc(/vector r)}ρσ(/vector r) +1 2/integraldisplay d3r′/integraldisplay d3rρ(/vector r)ρ(/vector r′) |/vector r−/vector r′|+Exc[ρ↑(/vector r),ρ↓(/vector r)],(4) 3where the summations over the single particle energy ( ǫσ j) are carried out for all the states below the Fermi level, and Exc[ρ↑(/vector r),ρ↓(/vector r)] is the exchange-correlation energy. For our local spin density approximation we use the Perdew and Zunge r’s parameterization of the Ceperley and Alder’s quantum Monte Carlo data.15 B. One-way multigrid method The most time-consuming part of the self-consistent electr onic structure calculations described in the previous subsection is the iterative solut ion of KS equations. The sources of this computation bottleneck can be traced to broadly two ( but closely related) aspects of self-consistent iterative diagonalization schemes. Fi rst of all, in general we do not have a good initial guess of wave functions, which generate densi ty, and hence ˜VH(/vector r) and ˜Vσ xc(/vector r) in Eq. (1). So initial several self-consistency steps will b e used to obtain solutions of biased Hamiltonians, although they tend to be the most time-consum ing part. Secondly, in single iterative solution of KS equations, a direct application of a relaxation method on the fine grid has trouble in damping out the long-ranged or slowly var ying error components in the orbitals. This can be understood by the usual spectral analy sis of relaxation scheme, or considering that the nonlocal Laplacian operation on a fine g rid is physically short-ranged. This means that there is an imbalance in the relaxation step f or the long-ranged and short- ranged error components. MG is a quite general concept, and the choice of a specific algo rithm is very dependent on the problem under consideration. For our purpose, we seek a procedure which generates a good initial guess for the finest grid calculation and effect ively removes long-range error components of wave functions in the solution of KS equations . In this work, we employed the one-way multigrid scheme with three different uniform gr ids with noninteger ratio of spacings, 2h, 1.5h, andh. The calculation starts from the coarsest grid 2 h, and in each grid-level calculation, Eqs. (2) and (1) are solved self-co nsistently as in the usual single-level algorithm. After each self-consistent calculation on a coa rse grid, only wave functions are interpolated to the next fine grid, and another set of self-co nsistent calculation is performed. Since that the interpolated wave functions usually do not sa tisfy the orthonormality condi- tion any more, we take an extra Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizat ion process after each orbital interpolation. So we have two interpolations and two Gram-S chmidt orthogonalization pro- cesses for our hierarchy of three grid systems. In Fig. 1, we s ummarize the algorithmic flow of the procedures. While an efficient interpolation/projection scheme is a cruc ial ingredient of any successful application of MG method, we note that it can be also time-con suming and tricky part due to the physical conditions such as orthonormality of wave fu nctions. Hence our strategy, which is the characteristic of the current scheme, is to mini mize the number of data transfer between different grid levels, while employ a sophisticated interpolation method which is very accurate and allow us to use a noninteger ratio of grid sp acings. Specifically, we used a three-dimensional piecewise polynomial interpolat ion with a tensor product of one- dimensional B-splines as the interpolating function.6,16A piecewise cubic polynomials have been taken as B-splines. 4III. EFFICIENCY AND DISCUSSIONS We consider two different electronic systems of a localized q uantum dot model and a charged hydrogen cluster to demonstrate the efficiency of the present algorithm. We first take a twenty-electron quasi two-dimensional quantum dot model ed by an anisotropic parabolic confinement potential3Vext(/vector r) =1 2ω2 xx2+1 2ω2 yy2+1 2ω2 zz2. In-plane potential is characterized by the confinement energies ωx=ωy= 5 meV, and ωz= 45 meV has been taken to reproduce the dot-growth z-direction confinement caused by the quantum wells and heter ojunctions.3 Our calculations for anisotropic parabolic dot in GaAs host material (dielectric constant ǫ= 12.9, effective mass m∗= 0.067me) are based on the effective mass approximation, and rescaled length and energy units are a∗ B= 101.88˚A and 10.96 meV, respectively. Uniform grid spacing h= 0.3a∗ Bwith box size 81 ×81×21a∗3 Bhave been used, hence the number of grid points is about 1 .4×105points at the finest grid level ( h= 0.3a∗ B) while only about 1.6×104points at the coarsest grid level (2 h= 0.6a∗ B). Finite difference order N= 3 has been used at grid levels hand 1.5h, whileN= 1 for grid level 2 h, to solve a set of spin- polarized KS equations with fifteen orbitals in each spin cha nnel. Noninteracting eigenstates (Hermite polynomials) are used as an initial guess for the co arsest grid calculation. The CPU times for each self-consistent iteration are shown i n Fig. 2. The horizontal axis stands for the self-consistency iteration index, whil e the vertical axis is the required computer time for a given iteration step. The case of the pres ent three-level one-way multi- grid algorithm is shown in the lowest panel (c). Comparing wi th the results of a single-level calculation shown in the panel (a), we see significant saving s of the computation time, in which total computation time is about 5 times shorter than a s ingle-level calculation. While the three-level MG scheme requires more number of self-cons istent iterations (28 iterations compared with 20 iterations), they are mostly performed in t he coarsest grid 2 h, and at the finest grid level hwe only need several iterations. Interpolation and orthono rmalization steps are indicated by downward arrows, which take only a sma ll amount of computation time. To further demonstrate the advantage of the usage of the inte rmediate grid spacing 1 .5h in our three-level scheme, we show the CPU time of two-level ( 2handh) calculation in the panel (b). While the number of iterations taken in the finest g ridhis still much smaller than the single-level calculation, it is much larger than that in the three-level calculation, resulting in the ratio of computation times 5 : 2 : 1 for one-, two-, and th ree-level grid calculations. Although noninteger ratio of grid spacing is not widely used in MG applications, this clearly shows its usefulness. We obtained similar results of factor 5 improvements in comp utation speed for other test cases, such as the ab initio nonlocal pseudopotential calculation of a charged hydroge n cluster H+ 9. Details of the calculation are identical to those of quantu m dot calculations, except that ionic external potentials are treated by separa ble17nonlocal pseudopotential generated by the method of Troullier and Martins.18Finite difference order N= 6 at grid h and 1.5h, andN= 1 for the grid 2 hhave been used to solve spin-unpolarized KS equations with the lowest 6 states. The number of grid points involved i n the finest grid calculation is 3.5×105, while it is 4 .3×104for the coarsest grid calculation. We have to emphasize that the improvements seen in previous e xamples are purely induced by the a simple usage of MG idea, in which the only modi fication from the original 5single-level code was the addition of an outer loop which tra nsfer the wave functions. We can expect that the introduction of the MG scheme at different sta ges of calculations, such as the correction path for the relaxation of KS orbital or Hartr ee potential, will result in further improvements. To do so, we will need additional residual com putation and projection steps that can be combined with our conjugate gradient solvers. We also note that it will require an interpolation strategy and grid levels which are different f rom the current method. Finally, we point out that this type of one-way multigrid idea is very s imilar to often-used practices in plane-wave calculations based on iterative diagonalizati on, in which a solution is first found at one energy cutoff (equivalent to a coarse grid) and used as t he input to a higher energy cutoff calculation (equivalent to a finer grid). This corresp onds to interpolating solutions from a coarser to a finer grid using Fourier components. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we demonstrated that the introduction of a simp le one-way multigrid method greatly improves the efficiency of real-space electro nic structure calculations based on the iterative solution of KS equations. While minimizing the number of data transfer between grids, we employed an accurate interpolation metho d, which enabled us to incor- porate three-level grids with noninteger ratio of grid spac ings. Our general strategy of using 2h, 1.5h, andh, showed a factor 5 improvement of computation time, while it required only minimal computer code modifications. The usefulness of the i ntermediate grid step 1 .5hhas been shown by comparing the current scheme with two-level (2 handh) calculations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the National Science Found ation under grant DMR 9802373. We are grateful to supercomputer center SERI. 6REFERENCES 1B. Fornberg and D. Sloan, in Acta Numerica 1994 , edited by A. Iserles (Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, 1994), pp. 203-267. 2J. R. Chelikowsky, N. Troullier, and Y. Saad, Phys. Rev. Lett .72, 1240 (1994); J. R. Chelikowsky, N. Troullier, K. Wu, and Y. Saad, Phys. Rev. B 50, 11 355 (1994). 3I.-H. Lee, V. Rao, R. M. Martin, and J.-P. Leburton, Phys. Rev . B57, 9035 (1998). 4P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn, Phys. Rev. 136, B864 (1964); W. Kohn and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. 140, A1133 (1965). 5C. C. Douglas, IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, Wi nter 55 (1996). 6W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flann ery,Numerical Recipes in Fortran , (Second edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992). 7E. L. Briggs, D. J. Sullivan, and J. Bernholc, Phys. Rev. B 52, R5471 (1995). 8F. Ancilotto, P. Blandin, and F. Toigo, Phys. Rev. B 59, 7868 (1999). 9J. Wang and T. Beck, preprint cond-mat/9905422 and referenc es therein. 10M. C. Payne, M. P. Teter, D. C. Allan, T. A. Arias, and J. D. Joan nopoulos, Rev. Mod. Phys.64, 1045 (1992). 11D. M. Bylander, L. Kleinman, and S. Lee, Phys. Rev. B 42, 1394 (1990). 12A. P. Seitsonen, M. M. Puska, and R. M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 51, 14 057 (1995). 13J. C. Strikwerda, Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equation s, (Wadsworth, Belmont, California, 1989), pp. 333-335. 14T. Hoshi, M. Arai, and T. Fujiwara, Phys. Rev. B 52, R5459 (1995). 15D. M. Ceperley and B. J. Alder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 566 (1980); J. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981). 16C. De Boor, A Practical Guide to Splines Vol. 5, (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978), pp. 173-182. 17L. Kleinman and D. M. Bylander, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1425 (1982). 18N. Troullier and J. L. Martins, Phys. Rev. B 43, 8861 (1991). 7FIGURES FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the present one-way multigrid a lgorithm discussed in the text. The self-consistent calculation at each level is done by usi ng preconditioned conjugate gradient relaxation. The values in circles, 2 h, 1.5h, and hstand for the uniform grid spacing for a given level. The calculation starts at the coarsest level (level 1 , 2h) at the bottom, and ends at the finest grid (level 3, h) at the top. Orbital interpolation and orthogonalization s tep is taken after each coarse grid (level 1 and 2) calculation. FIG. 2. CPU time vs. self-consistent iteration number for 20 -electron quantum dot cal- culations in (a) single-level ( h), (b) two-level (2 handh), and (c) three-level (2 h, 1.5h, and h) schemes. Within the local spin density approximation, we mi nimized the total energy with re- spect to the electronic degree of freedom. Downward arrows i n (b) and (c) indicate the inter- polation-orthogonalization steps. Calculations are perf ormed on a DEC alpha 433au personal workstation. 8self-consistent calculation self-consistent calculation self-consistent calculationh 1.5h 2hinterpolation & orthogonalization interpolation & orthogonalizationlevel 3 level 2 level 1 Computation flows from left to rightFig. 1 90 5 10 15 20 25 30 iteration010203040CPU time (min) 2h 1.5h h (c)010203040 2h h (b)010203040 h (a) Fig. 2 10
arXiv:physics/9911031v1 [physics.comp-ph] 15 Nov 1999Object-oriented construction of a multigrid electronic-s tructure code with Fortran 90 Yong-Hoon Kim,1∗In-Ho Lee,2and Richard M. Martin1,3 1Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Ch ampaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA 2School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Cheo ngryangri-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-012, Korea 3Material Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Ur bana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA (October 7, 1999) Abstract We describe the object-oriented implementation of a higher -order finite- difference density-functional code in Fortran 90. Object-o riented models of grid and related objects are constructed and employed for th e implementa- tion of an efficient one-way multigrid method we have recently proposed for the density-functional electronic-structure calculatio ns. Detailed analysis of performance and strategy of the one-way multigrid scheme wi ll be presented. PACS: 02.70.-c,02.70.Bf,71.15.-m,71.15.Mb Keywords: Electronic structure; Density-functional theory; Multig rid; Object-oriented programming; Fortran 90; Scientific compu ting I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, the usefulness of the real-space technique based on three-dimensional uniform grid and accurate forms of finite-difference formula has been demonstrated for the electronic-structure calculations [1–6]. Since all th e computations are performed in real space, the major part of the calculations are local oper ations, which makes the algo- rithm easily parallelized and implementation of order-N al gorithm [7] transparent. This is in contrast to plane wave method methods which rely upon gl obal fast Fourier trans- forms. Furthermore, since the Laplacians and potential-wa ve functions multiplications are respectively evaluated by the finite-difference operation o n the wave functions and a simple ∗Corresponding author Address: Department of Physics, 1110 W. Green St., Urbana, I L 61801-3080, USA E-mail: yhoon@physics.uiuc.edu Telephone number: (217) 244-0391 Fax number: (217) 333-9819 1one-dimensional vector multiplications on the fly, explici t storage of the Hamiltonian ma- trix elements can be avoided and the matrix diagonalization can be efficiently performed by iterative diagonalization methods such as conjugate gradi ent method. Although there has been great emphasis on the algorithmic de velopments in the real- space electronic-structure calculation schemes, we feel t hat the issue of the code construction and organization has been relatively neglected. Recently, we have proposed an efficient and easy-to-implement one-way multigrid algorithm which resu lts in significant enhancement in computation speed for grid-based iterative electronic-st ructure calculations [8]. In spite of the advantage of the multigrid in general [9,10,12], it requ ires complications of coding and organization of data structure because it involves several grid levels and data transfer be- tween them. In such a situation, we found the modern programm ing construction paradigm, object-oriented1programming [13] can be useful. Our original code was writte n in Fortran 90 [14] with heavy recycling of our previous planewave codes written in Fortran 77, in conventional non-object-oriented programming style, wit h the purpose of typical scientific programming, namely the quick implementation of a physical idea. Although we tried to keep the code maintainable and clear, it quickly became long and messy with each addi- tion of function and implementation of an idea. We recognize d that the complexity of the conventional programming style is an obstacle, or at least a complication, especially for the implementation of multigrid. Hence, we restructured the co de by introducing object-oriented modeling concepts, and in this work we will report our experi ence of this transition and the implementation of the multigrid method with the newly desig ned code. Although object- oriented programming should be most straightforward in obj ect-oriented languages such as C++, it is in principle also possible in non-object-oriente d languages [13], and especially relatively easy with Fortran 90 which supports many ingredi ents of object-oriented coding. Object-oriented scientific programming using Fortran 90 ha s been of much interest in recent years [15–19], and this paper will add additional informati on to this discussion. In addition, since grid-based simulations are common in other scientific and engineering computations, we expect our work is a helpful guide for the code constructio n in those fields. The outline of the current paper is as follows. In Sec. II, we fi rst describe the electronic- structure calculation scheme within the Kohn-Sham density -functional theory, and our methodology based on the higher-order finite difference form ulation. In Sec. III, we re- view the key concepts of object-oriented methodologies, an d describe the introduction of object-oriented concepts into our grid-based program writ ten in Fortran 90. In Sec. IV, we briefly review the multigrid theory, and describe the one-wa y multigrid scheme which we have recently proposed [8]. Implementation of the one-way m ultigrid method is discussed, and especially the simplification induced by the object-ori ented design is emphasized. The impressive enhancement of computational efficiency due to th e introduction of the one-way multigrid method has been demonstrated in our previous publ ication, and here more de- tailed analysis of performance test and multigrid strategy will be reported. The current work will be summarized in Sec. V. 1Although “object-orientation” is both a language feature a nd a design methodology, this paper is primarily concerned with the design aspect. 2II. HIGHER-ORDER FINITE-DIFFERENCE KOHN-SHAM ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE CALCULATION METHOD The (spin-dependent) Kohn-Sham (KS) density-functional t heory (DFT) [20] is an independent-electron theory in which one obtains the singl e-particle wave functions ψσi(r) for spin channel σ=↑,↓and eigenvalues ǫσiby solving KS equations (Hartree atomic units are used throughout the paper) /bracketleftbigg −1 2∇2+VKS eff,σ(r)/bracketrightbigg ψσi(r) =ǫσiψσi(r), (1) with the spin density nσ(r) =Nσ/summationdisplay i=1fσi|ψσi(r)|2, (2) whereNσis the number of occupied σspin orbitals. The effective KS potential VKS eff,σ(r) is composed of external, Hartree, and exchange-correlation c ontributions, VKS eff,σ(r) =Vext(r) +VH(r) +Vxc,σ(r), (3) among which VH(r) andVxc,σ(r) depend on the charge density (and wave functions for orbital-dependent Vxc,σ(r) [4]), hence Eqs. (1),(2), and (3) form a self-consistent sy stem of equations. In the usual local density approximation, Vxc,σ(r) is calculated inexpensively, hence the solution of KS equations [Eq. (1)] and generation o fVH(r) comprise main parts of calculations. For localized systems, VH(r) are typically obtained by solving the Poisson equation ∇2VH(r) =−4πn(r). (4) wheren(r) is the total charge density n(r) =n↓(r) +n↑(r). In our higher-order finite-difference real-space formulati on [1,3,4], we discretize both KS and Poisson equations on a three-dimensional uniform grid ( with grid spacing h) with a higher-order finite difference representation (with finite- difference order N) d2 dx2f(x) =N/summationdisplay j=−NCjf(x+jh) +O(h2N+2), (5) where {Cj}are constants calculated by the algorithm of Ref. [21]. KS eq uations have been solved by the preconditioned conjugate gradient (CG) m ethod [22,23] supplemented by subspace diagonalizations with localized2wavefunctions. The Hartree potential has been obtained from the solution of Poisson equation [Eq. (4)] on t heentire simulation box, by first generating boundary values with multipole expansion, and then propagating solutions inside of the box with the combination of the low-order finite -difference (N=1) fast Fourier 2Vanishing boundary condition is used for wavefunctions. Se e Sec. IIIB. 3transform method and the higher-order finite-difference (ty pically N=5) preconditioned CG method. At each self-consistent step we generate a new input Hartree-exchange-correlation potential using the simple linear mixing of output and input potentials. The computational procedure is summarized in Fig. 1. Further details of the com putation method can be found in Ref. [3,4]. III. FORTRAN 90 IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECT-ORIENTED CONCEPT S A. Object-oriented programming Roughly speaking, an object consists of a set of operations o n some hidden data. Fol- lowing Rumbaugh et al. [13], the key components of the object-oriented approach ar e: 1.Identity −data is quantized into discrete, distinguishable objects. 2.Classification −objects with the same data structure and behavior are groupe d into a class. 3.Polymorphism −the same operation may behave differently on different classe s. 4.Inheritance −sharing of data structures and behaviors among classes base d on a hierarchical relationship. In addition, there are several themes underlying object-or iented technology which give cor- responding benefits: •Abstraction −focusing on the essential, inherent aspects of an entity enh ances the understanding of the problem itself, and preserves the free dom to make decisions as long as possible by avoiding premature commitments to detai ls. •Encapsulation −separating the external aspects of an object from the intern al imple- mentation details of the object prevents a program from beco ming so interdependent that a small change has massive ripple effects. •Combining data and behavior −keeping data structure hierarchy identical to the oper- ation inheritance hierarchy shifts the burden of deciding w hat implementation to use from the calling code to the class hierarchy. •Sharing −sharing of code using inheritance induces savings in code an d more impor- tantly conceptual simplicity by reducing the number of dist inct cases that must be understood and analyzed. •Emphasis on object structure, not procedure structure −stressing what an object is, rather than how is is used, makes the program more stable in the long run, since the features supplied by an object are much more stable than t he way it is used as requirements evolve with time. •Synergy −using identity, classification, polymorphism, and inherit ance together results in usually cleaner, more general, and more robust program. These abstract ideas will be made concrete by examples in the next section. 4B. Fortran 90 implementation of object-orientation In this section we describe the object-oriented constructi on of grid-related objects in Fortran 90. Fortran 90 keywords will be denoted as bold upper case characters, and object- oriented concepts relevant to the discussion will be shown i n italic characters. Before pro- ceeding, we briefly consider the modeling of objects: The mos t basic components in the finite-difference electronic-structure code is the grid, wh ich has the information of grid co- ordinates and number of grid panels along the x−,y−, andz−directions. We choose to use a uniform grid along each direction. In actual calculati ons, however, we employ only a localized region in real space to save the memory and enhance the computational efficiency. In addition, the grid is apparently constructed in a simulat ion box with basic information on the grid starting and finishing coordinates. So, we actually have a hierarchy of three grid- related physical objects whose two-dimensional represent ations as shown in Fig. 2. Below we present the implementations of this hierarchy of concept s using TYPE s of simulation box (simbox ), grid ( grid), and sub-grid ( subgrid )3. 2MODULE forTYPE simbox and corresponding procedures MODULE m_simbox IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: simbox,new,display,... TYPE simbox ! Initial/final coordinates of the simulation box ! along x/y/z-dir. REAL :: xi,xf,yi,yf,zi,zf END TYPE simbox INTERFACE new MODULE PROCEDURE simbox_construct END INTERFACE INTERFACE display MODULE PROCEDURE simbox_print END INTERFACE ... CONTAINS SUBROUTINE simbox_construct(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2,box) ! Assign given initial/final coordinates of the simulation ! box to ’simbox’ components. REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2 3All the program listings in this paper have been simplified fr om original versions for clarity of presentation. Each module includes more subroutines, and d ouble-precision has been used for real variables. 5TYPE(simbox), INTENT(OUT) :: box ... END SUBROUTINE simbox_construct SUBROUTINE simbox_print(box,name) ! Print out simulation box information. TYPE(simbox), INTENT(IN) :: box CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: name ... END SUBROUTINE simbox_print ... END MODULE m_simbox 2MODULE forTYPE grid and corresponding procedures. MODULE m_grid USE m_simbox, ONLY: simbox IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: grid,new,delete,display,... TYPE grid ! Pointer to simulation box TYPE(simbox), POINTER :: pt_simbox ! Number of grid panels along x/y/z dir. INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of total grid points INTEGER :: ngrid ! Grid spacings along x/y/z dir. REAL :: dx,dy,dz ! grid coordinates along x/y/z dir REAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: xcrd,ycrd,zcrd END TYPE grid INTERFACE new MODULE PROCEDURE grid_construct END INTERFACE INTERFACE delete MODULE PROCEDURE grid_destruct END INTERFACE INTERFACE display MODULE PROCEDURE grid_print END INTERFACE ... CONTAINS SUBROUTINE grid_construct(box,n1,n2,n3,grd) 6! For the given simulation box, and the number of grid ! panels along each direction, assign/construct grid ! components. TYPE(simbox), INTENT(IN), TARGET :: box INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n1,n2,n3 TYPE(grid), INTENT(OUT) :: grd ... ! Simulation box coordinates grd%pt_simbox => box ... ! Grid coordinates generation. ALLOCATE(grd%xcrd(0:n1), ... STAT=ierr) IF(ierr/=0) ... ! Allocation error handling ... END SUBROUTINE grid_construct SUBROUTINE grid_destruct(grd) TYPE(grid) :: grd ... ! Nullify pointer to ’simbox’ IF(ASSOCIATED(grd%pt_simbox)) NULLIFY(grd%pt_simbox) ! Deallocate ’xcrd’,’ycrd’,’zcrd’ IF(ASSOCIATED(grd%xcrd)) THEN DEALLOCATE(grd%xcrd, STAT=ierr) IF(ierr/=0) ... ! Deallocation error handling ENDIF ... END SUBROUTINE grid_destruct SUBROUTINE grid_print(grd,name) ! Print out grid information. USE m_simbox, ONLY: display TYPE(grid), INTENT(IN) :: grd CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: name ... CALL display(box) ... END SUBROUTINE grid_print ... END MODULE m_grid 2MODULE forTYPE subgrid and corresponding procedures. MODULE m_subgrid USE m_grid, ONLY: grid 7IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: subgrid,new,delete,... TYPE subgrid ! Pointer to ’grid’ TYPE(grid), POINTER :: pt_grid ! Number of sub-grid points INTEGER :: nsubgrid ! local grid index number, ! 0 for outside of localized region. INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: index END TYPE subgrid INTERFACE new MODULE PROCEDURE subgrid_construct END INTERFACE INTERFACE delete MODULE PROCEDURE subgrid_destruct END INTERFACE ... CONTAINS SUBROUTINE subgrid_construct(grd,sbgrd) TYPE(grid), INTENT(IN), TARGET :: grd TYPE(subgrid), INTENT(OUT) :: sbgrd ... ! Assign pointer to full grid. sbgrd%pt_grid => grd ! Allocate subgrid index array and initialize ALLOCATE(sbgrd%index(0:grd%nx,0:grd%ny,0:grd%nz), & STAT=ierr) IF(ierr/=0) ! Deallocation error handling ... END SUBROUTINE subgrid_construct SUBROUTINE subgrid_destruct(sbgrd) TYPE(subgrid) :: sbgrd ... ! Nullify pointer to ’grid’, ’pt_grid’ IF(ASSOCIATED(sbgrd%pt_grid)) NULLIFY(sbgrd%pt_grid) ! Deallocate ’index’ array of type ’subgrid’ variable IF(ASSOCIATED(sbgrd%index)) THEN DEALLOCATE(sbgrd%index,STAT=ierr) IF(ierr/=0) ! Deallocation error handling ENDIF END SUBROUTINE subgrid_destruct ... END MODULE m_subgrid 8First, note that in each case we define a new TYPE which consists of corresponding variables, such as xi,xf, etc. forsimbox andnx,ny,nz, etc. forgrid. The ability to define derived TYPE s is a crucial ingredient of object-oriented code construct ion. [abstraction ] By using these newly defined TYPE s, we construct/destroy corresponding variables together , and especially pass them to procedures ( FUNCTION s andSUBROUTINE s) as a single argument, which enables the procedure interfaces to be simp le and stable. [ identity ] We locate a TYPE definition in the corresponding MODULE to make it globally accessible. In addition, note that we hide the implementation details by first declaring all the entities in the MODULE asPRIVATE and list only exceptions as PUBLIC fordata hiding4. [encapsulation ] New TYPE definitions made PUBLIC to outside can be USEd in the calling routines by including the corresponding module, an d individual components of the TYPE can be accessed by following the variable by a percentage sig n % and the name of the component5. Note that, for enhanced safety, we use ONLY qualifier to access public entites in the USEd module. Secondly, in all the MODULE s, weCONTAIN procedures which operate on the cor- responding TYPE definition. Hence when employing each MODULE , the user will access the data structure and its behavior at the same time. [ classification ] Hence at this stage we have achieved the basic requirements for the “object-orien tation”: we organized program as collection of discrete objects that incorporate both data s tructure ( TYPE ) and behavior (procedures attached to the TYPE by being CONTAIN ed). Next, note that, when we CONTAIN procedures, we employ MODULE PRO- CEDURE statement to give them generic names, and make those generic names (in- stead of original names of the procedures) be accessible fro m the outside by giving them a PUBLIC attribute. In doing so, we can give different procedures a sin gle generic name. For example, we use the same generic name new for different proce- dures of TYPE s,simbox (simbox construct ),grid (gridconstruct ), and subgrid (subgrid construct ).[polymorphism6] Finally, in the MODULE m grid,TYPE grid inherits the simbox information, and again this gridinformation (including that of simbox ) is inherited to TYPE subgrid 4One can list all the entities in each MODULE asPRIVATE orPUBLIC , or make the default PUBLIC and then only list exceptions as PRIVATE . However, for the purpose of data hiding , the current form is strongly recommended [14]. 5One can even hide the data components of a derived TYPE to the outside of the MODULE by preceding the first component declaration in the derived TYPE definition by PRIVATE attribute. In that case, to access the components, it is required to writ e procedures which manipulate and return the components and include them in the same MODULE . 6To be more specific, this is static polymorphism . A good discussion on how to implement a run-time polymorphism can be found in Ref. [18]. 9inMODULE m subgrid . [inheritance ] So,TYPE grid variables will contain informa- tion on the simulation box ( xi,xf, etc ), and TYPE subgrid variables will contain the information on the grid(nx,ny,nz, etc. ) and the simbox in which the gridhas been constructed. Note that for the implementation of this hiera rchy structure, we have used POINTER s. In Fortran 90, to avoid execution efficiency degradation, a ll objects to which aPOINTER may point should have a TARGET attribute. Hence, input variables ( IN- TENT attribute IN)boxin the procedure gridconstruct (generic name new) of the MODULE m gridandgrdin the procedure subgrid construct (generic name new) of theMODULE m subgrid have the TARGET attribute. POINTER s have been asso- ciated with TARGET s byPOINTER assignment statements: pointer =>target in the procedures gridconstruct andsubgrid construct . In addition inheriting data, it is also possible for a procedure to inherit another proced ure. In our example, a procedure gridprint in the MODULE m gridinherits (by USE statement) another procedure simbox print (generic name display ) located in the MODULE m simbox . Again, note that we give a generic name display to both gridprint andsimbox print. Now we comment on additional Fortran 90 language features re lated with our examples. First, we do not use a MODULE as a storage place of global variables, although it is pos- sible to do so, because we found it is rather clumsy and risky f or the large-scale coding due to the problem of global storage similar to that arises in the usage of COMMON block in Fortran 77. MODULE is exclusively used as a place for TYPE definitions and correspond- ing procedures. Next, since ALLOCATABLE arrays cannot be used in derived TYPE definitions, we use instead POINTER s (see gridconstruct andsubgrid construct ). Again, in this case of POINTER usage, we arrange the allocation to occur in a well- defined corresponding procedure contained in the same modul e, which makes the usage of the derived TYPE more safe and robust. Note that pointer disassociation ( NULLIFY ) and deallocation ( DEALLOCATE ) are also handled in a similar way (see griddestruct and pwd subgrid detruct ). Before closing this section, we summarize the strategy of th e modeling of a new (or the remodeling of a present) large-scale code in Fortran 90 with object-oriented concepts, which we found useful. 1. Identify an object and define the corresponding variables as aTYPE . These variables are typically global variables, or frequently passed varia bles from the main program to procedures, used together in a procedure in the conventio nal non-object-oriented programming style. Be careful on the hierarchy (dependence ) of the objects. 2. Construct (identify) subroutines closely related with t heTYPE . (Re)arrange the pro- cedure interfaces (and contents if necessary) using the TYPE definition. 3. Define a MODULE corresponding to the TYPE , and include the TYPE definition from step 1 and CONTAIN procedures identified in step 2 in the MODULE , and give them generic names. 4. Make the TYPE definition and generic names of procedures PUBLIC . Remind that the initial stage takes most of the time in the obj ect-oriented approach, which is especially true in the remodeling of an existing code, sin ce the remaining process is 10mostly changing interfaces and variable names in existing p rocedures and including them in MODULE s (assuming that the previous code is well-designed, hence t he restructuring is straightforward). It should be also emphasized that we find t his process is actually beneficial for doing physics itself, in that the programmer (usually th e physicist herself or himself) has to consider (reconsider in the case of remodeling of a presen t code) and identify carefully the structures embedded in the problem under consideration , hence results in making one focus more on the physical pictures. We refer the reader to Re f. [13] for further discussion of the benefits of object-oriented programming. IV. OBJECT-ORIENTED IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIGRID METHODS A. Multigrid method We first briefly review the theory of the multigrid method [9–1 2]. The fundamental idea behind all multigrid methods is to combine computations don e on different scales, based on the observation that many iterative methods tend to reduc e the high-frequency (i.e. oscillatory) components of the error rapidly but reduce the low-frequency (i.e. smooth) components of the error much slowly. Since the notions of smo oth or oscillatory components of the error are relative to the mesh on which the solution is d efined, in particular, a component that appears smooth on a fine grid may appear oscill atory on a coarse grid, we can naturally think of using coarser grid to reduce this (n ow oscillatory) error and interpolate back to the fine grid. The key to the successful im plementation of a multigrid method is the choice of grids of different scales, the strateg y to proceed through them, and how we move objects among them. Broadly the multigrid algori thms can be divided into two basic categories [12]: 1. Correction methods −start at the finest level, and use the coarser levels solely to compute a correction which is added to the approximate solut ion on the finest level. 2. Nested iteration methods −generate initial guesses on coarser levels and frequently reuse coarser levels for corrections also. Specific examples of these correction path and nested iterat ion path are shown in Fig 3-(a) and (b). Roughly speaking, when a good initial guess is avail able, a correction algorithm can be used, otherwise we should use a nested iteration schem e [12]. B. One-way multigrid method in electronic-structure calcu lations and its implementation Multigrid is a quite general concept, and apparently the cho ice of a specific algorithm depends on the nature of the problem under consideration. We have recently demonstrated that the introduction of a simple one-way multigrid method ( Fig. 3-b) greatly improves the efficiency of real-space electronic-structure calculat ions based on the iterative solution of KS equations [8]. The motivation of our work was based on th e observation that the most time-consuming part of the self-consistent electroni c-structure calculations described 11in Sec. II is the iterative solution of KS equations [22,23]. The sources of this computation bottleneck can be traced to broadly two (but closely related ) aspects of self-consistent iter- ative diagonalization schemes. First of all, in general we d o not have a good initial guess of wave functions, which generate density, and hence VH(r) andVxc,σ(r) in Eq. (1). So initial several self-consistency steps will be used to obtain solut ions of biased Hamiltonians, al- though they tend to be the most time-consuming part. Secondl y, in single iterative solution of KS equations, a direct application of a relaxation method on the fine grid has trouble in damping out the long-ranged or slowly varying error compone nts in the orbitals. This can be understood by the usual spectral analysis of relaxation s cheme [11], or considering that the nonlocal Laplacian operation on a fine grid is physically short-ranged. Hence, for our purpose, we seek a multigrid procedure which g enerates a good initial guess for the finest grid calculation and effectively removes long-range error components of wave functions in the solution of KS equations [Eq. (1)]. W hile an efficient interpo- lation/projection scheme is a crucial ingredient of any suc cessful application of multigrid method, we note that it can be also time-consuming and tricky part since in our case we need to transfer a large number of wave functions which shoul d observe the orthonormality conditions. Hence our strategy, which is the characteristi c of the scheme, is to minimize the number of data transfer between different grid levels, and em ploy an accurate interpolation method which is very accurate and allow us to use even a nonint eger ratio of grid spacings: The calculation starts from the coarsest grid 2 h, and in each grid-level calculation, Eqs. (1) and (4) are solved self-consistently as in the usual single- level algorithm shown in Fig. 1. Af- ter each self-consistent calculation on a coarse grid, only wave functions are interpolated to the next fine grid, and another set of self-consistent calcul ation is performed. Since that the interpolated wave functions usually do not satisfy the orth onormality condition any more, we take an extra Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process af ter each orbital interpolation. Hence we have n−1 interpolations and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization proc esses for the n−level multigrid calculations. For the interpolation, we us ed a three-dimensional piecewise polynomial interpolation with a tensor product of one-dime nsional B-splines as the interpo- lating function [10,24]. A piecewise cubic polynomials hav e been taken as B-splines. In Fig. 4, we summarize the computational procedure for the case of t hree grids, 2 h, 1.5h, andh. We refer the reader to Ref. [8] for further discussion of the m ethod and the comparison with other multigrid schemes [2,5,6]. Now we describe the implementation of the one-way multigrid algorithm of Fig. 4 using the object-oriented components constructed in Sec. IIIB. T he main part of the code is shown below. SUBROUTINE mg_ks_dft(box,ng,...) USE m_simbox, ONLY: simbox USE m_grid, ONLY: grid,new,display,delete USE m_subgrid, ONLY: subgrid,new,delete USE m_wavefunction, ONLY: wavefunction,new,delete ... IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(simbox), INTENT(IN) :: box ! Simulation box informati on INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ng(3) ! Number of grid panels ! at the finest grid 12... ! Local variables TYPE(grid), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: grd TYPE(subgrid), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: sbgrd TYPE(wavefunction), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), TARGET : : wf ... ! Allocatable arrays ! ’nlevel’ is number of multigrid level ALLOCATE(grd(nlevel),sbgrd(nlevel),wf(nlevel),STAT= ierr) IF(ierr/=0) ... ! Error handling ... ! One-way multigrid loop DO ilvl = 1,nlevel ! Assign number of grid panels for each multigrid level ! ’ratio’ is grid spacing ratio with finest grid as 1 n1 = NINT(ng(1)/ratio(ilvl)) n2 = NINT(ng(2)/ratio(ilvl)) n3 = NINT(ng(3)/ratio(ilvl)) ! Generate grid for level=’ilvl’ CALL new(box,n1,n2,n3,grd(ilvl)) CALL display(grd(ilvl)) ! Generate subgrid for level=’ilvl’ CALl new(grd(ilvl),sbgrd(ilvl)) ! Effective region allocation in the subgrid ... ! Generate wavefunctions CALL new(...,wf(ilvl)) ! If level>1, interpolate w.f.(ilvl-1) => w.f.(ilvl) IF(ilvl>=2) THEN ! Interpolate: wf(ilvl-1) => wf(ilvl) ... ! and orthonormalize them ... ! Destruct: grid(ilvl-1), subgrid(ilvl-1), wf(ilvl-1). CALL delete(grd(ilvl-1)) CALL delete(sbgrd(ilvl-1)) 13CALL delete(wf(ilvl-1)) ENDIF ! Adjust calculation parameters according to grid level. ... ! Solve KS-equations for level=’ilvl’ CALL ksdft(...) ! Remove grid(ilvl), subgrid(ilvl), wf(ilvl) ! at the last MG step IF(ilvl == nlevel) THEN CALL delete(grd(ilvl)) CALL delete(sbgrd(ilvl)) CALL delete(wf(ilvl)) ENDIF END DO ! Deallocate arrays DEALLOCATE(grd,sbgrd,wf) ... END SUBROUTINE mg_ks_dft The simplification of the coding induced by object-oriented programming style should be obvious in this example. Since the simulation box is assig ned only once in the current method, it has been generated once in the higher level and pas sed as an input variable, and only grids and sub-grids built in the simulation box have beenALLOCATE d for the number of multigrid levels7. In addition to the objects we described in Sec. IIIB, we use TYPE wavefunction which has not been described but has been constructed in a sim ilar way as others. Again, note that we use the same generic names o f procedures for different TYPE s,newanddelete . It should be also noted that actual allocatable arrays in TYPE grid(xcrd, etc. ),subgrid (index ), and most importantly wavefunction whose size is (number of grid points) ×(number of states) ×(number of spins) are only ALLOCATE d when they are required, and those arrays are DEALLOCATE d as soon as they become unnecessary. These processes are elegantly handled by newanddelete calls. 7However, simbox objects can be also frequently generated if we perform adapt ive mesh refine- ment type calculations. 14C. Performance test For the analysis of performance enhancement due to our multi grid method, we reconsider a quasi-two-dimensional quantum dot model that has been emp loyed in Ref. [8], in which a 20-electron quantum dot has been studied with one-level ( h), two-level (2 handh), and three-level (2 h, 1.5h, andh) methods. Here, a more detailed analysis of performance is provided, with varying number of electrons up to 24 and addit ional four-level (4 h, 2h, 1.5h, andh) calculations. While calculations were performed on the en tire simulation box with the original code in Ref. [8] , here we employ the newly design ed object-oriented code which use only the grid points inside of a spherical region with a ra dius 8.0a∗ B. Two calculations are further different in simulation parameters. Quantum dot in GaAs host material (dielectric constant ǫ= 12.9, effective mass m∗= 0.067me) is modeled by an anisotropic parabolic confinement potenti alVext(r) =1 2ω2 xx2+ 1 2ω2 yy2+1 2ω2 zz2, in which the z-axis is taken as the dot growth direction. As in Ref. [8], we u se the confinement energies ωx=ωy= 5 meV, and ωz= 45 meV. Our calculations are based on the effective mass approximation, and rescaled length and en ergy units are respectively a∗ B = 101.88 rAand 10.96 meV. Uniform grid spacing h= 0.3a∗ Bwith box size 18 ×18×18a∗3 B have been used. Incorporation of the spherical local region results in the usage of only about 35% of total number of grids, hence the number of grid points i nvolved in the calculations is 1.2×103for grid 4h, 1.0×104for grid 2h, 2.4×104for grid 1.5h, and 7.9×105for gridh. Finite-difference order N[Eq. (5)] for the solution of the KS equations and Poisson equation are chosen such that the range of the physical cover age is approximately same, so N= 5 forh,N= 3 for 1.5hand 2h, andN= 1 for 4h. Noninteracting eigenstates (Hermite polynomials) are used as an initial guess for the coarsest gr id calculation. Spin-unpolarized calculations have been performed for the simplicity of perf ormance comparison, although the spin-polarized scheme should be employed to observe pos sible spin-polarized states and the corresponding Hund’s rule [3]. We first show the CPU times of self-consistent iterations in 1 -, 2-, 3-, and 4-level 24- electron calculations in Fig. 6 to contrast the characteris tics of self-consistent calculations in the conventional 1-level and multigrid methods. The hori zontal axis stands for the self- consistency iteration index, while the vertical axis is the required computer time for a given iteration step. Interpolation and orthonormalization ste ps in multi-level calculations are indicated by downward arrows. While the multigrid calculat ions requires more number of self-consistent iterations in general, they are mostly per formed in the coarsest grid, and at the finest grid level hwe only need two or three iterations, which demonstrates tha t coarse grid calculations provide a good initial solution for the fin est gridhcalculation and results in significant time saving. In Fig. 5, we compare the performance of different multigrid s trategies for different number of electrons. Note that in general the use of multigri d improves the computation speed, and moreover its efficiency increases with the system s ize. Computation speed-up defined as (CPU time for 1-level calculation)/(CPU time for n-level calculation) amounts to more than 7 for the 24 electron case with 4-level method. Seco nd, while the 3- and 4-level computations are usually better than the 2-level one, its sp ecific performance varies with the number of electrons. The rule of thumb is that 4-level met hod should be used for the electron number larger than 20, otherwise 3-level is sufficie nt. 15V. CONCLUSIONS In the modern computation era when the increase of computati onal capability increases almost exponentially with time, it is clear that physicists can attack more ambitious prob- lems requiring more challenging large-scale computations . However, with the growth of the size of the problem, typically the complexity of the prob lem itself, hence the compli- cation of the code also increases. Object-oriented methodo logy can be a valuable solution to this problem of complexity of modern scientific computati ons, and, in this paper, we showed one example of the application of the object-orienta tion methodology to the large- scale code implementation in Fortran 90. Specifically, we tr eated a real-space grid-based electronic-structure program which solves the KS and Poiss on equations self-consistently, and especially explained how we have implemented the one-wa y multigrid method we have recently proposed [8] using the object-oriented technique s. According to our experience, we believe that it pays to write a scientific program in object-o riented fashion in the long run, and further the cost we have to pay is minimal compared with it s benefits even when using a non-object-oriented language Fortran 90. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by the National Science Foundat ion under Grant No. DMR 9802373 (Y.-H.K. and R.M.M). 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Only the dotted p arts are repeated in the higher-level multigrid calculations shown in Fig. 4. FIG. 2. Two-dimensional representation of the hierarchy of three physical objects for grid-based calculations: (a) simulation box, (b) grid, and (c) sub-gri d. Only filled circles in (c) are actually used for computations. FIG. 3. Examples of multigrid algorithmic flow: (a) correcti on path, and (b) nested iteration path. Level 3 has the finest grid, level 1 the coarsest; comput ation flows from left to right. FIG. 4. Schematic diagram of the present one-way multigrid a lgorithm for the case of three-level (2 h, 1.5h, and h) calculations. The calculation starts at the coarsest leve l (level 1, 2h) at the bottom, and ends at the finest grid (level 3, h) at the top. At level 2 and 3, only the dotted parts of the self-consistent calculation in Fig. 1 ar e performed. Orbital interpolation and orthogonalization step is taken after each coarse grid (lev el 1 and 2) calculation. FIG. 5. CPU time vs. self-consistent iteration number of twe nty-four-electron quantum dot calculations in (a) one-level ( h), (b) two-level (2 handh), (c) three-level (2 h, 1.5h, and h), and (d) four-level (4 h, 2h, 1.5h, and h) schemes. Downward arrows in (b), (c), and (d) indicate interpolation-orthonormalization steps. Total computat ion time is (a) 59.5, (b) 12.9, (c) 11.0, and (d) 8.3 minutes. Calculations are performed on DEC alpha 500 au workstations. FIG. 6. Comparison of the computational efficiency enhanceme nt inn−level one-way multigrid methods, where nis 2 (2 handh), 3 (2 h, 1.5h, and h), and 4 (4 h, 2h, 1.5h, and h), for electron number 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24. Computation speed-up has been de fined as (CPU time for 1-level calculation)/(CPU time for n-level calculation). Total computation time of 1-level cal culation has been denoted in minutes for each electron number. Calculati ons are performed on DEC alpha 500au workstations. 18Generate grid and sub-grid Construct V (r)ext σiσiψ Construct initial f , (r), and n (r)σin Calculate V (r) and V (r)H xcin in σiψ σiψ σiε 212KS[- + V (r)] = σ Solve outby CG Calculate n (r), V (r), and V (r) H xc σout out out Calculate total energyYesNoRead simulation data from input file Self-consistent?Mix V (r) & V (r) Hxcin Hxc Fig. 1 19(a)(b) (c) Fig. 2 20 V cycleLevel 1Level 2Level 3 Level 2Level 3 Level 1 MultigridOne-way (b) (a) W cycleNested-iteration Fig. 3 21h 2hSelf-consistent calculation1.5hψ2 interpolateψ ψ1ψ2 interpolateSelf-consistent calculation iσ iσiσ iσ Level 1Level 2Level 3 Self-consistent calculation3 Fig. 4 220 5 10 15 20 25 30 Iteration number0200400600CPU time (sec) 020040060002004006000200400600 h hhh 2h 2h 2h1.5h 1.5h 4h Fig. 5 234 8 12 16 20 24 28 Number of electrons012345678Computation speed−up1−level 2−level 3−level 4−level 15:54 36:47 19:03 36:10 59:28 Fig. 6 24
physics/9911033 16 Nov 1999 1Effects of laser polarization in laser-assisted electron-helium inelastic collisions: a sturmian approach O. El Akramine, A. Makhoute and D. Khalil U.F.R de Physique Atomique, Molèculaire & Optique Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences, Université Moulay Ismaïl, B.P. 4010 Beni M’hamed, Meknès, Morocco. A. Maquet and R. Taïeb Laboratoire de Chimie Physique-Matière et Rayonnement, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75 231 Paris Cedex 05, France. Short title: Laser-assisted inelastic electron-helium collisions PACS number(s): 32.80K, 34.80 Submitted to: J. Phys. B. Date: 15, September 1998.2Abstract The influence of linearly and circularly polarized laser fields on the dynamics of fast electron-impact excitation in atomic helium is discussed. A detailed analysis is made in the excitation of 21S, 31S and 31D dressed states of helium target. By using a semiperturbative treatment with the Sturmian basis expansion, we take into account the target atom distortion induced by a laser field. Important differences appear between the angular distributions depending on the different states of polarization, in particular the circular polarization presents an experimental interest. We give new features (intermediate resonances) for both polarizations, concerning the n = 2 states of helium for emission and the n = 3 for the absorption, in term of laser frequency. Qualitative differences from the case of laser-assisted elastic collisions have been evidenced.31. Introduction In the recent years, the study of electron–atom collisions in the presence of a laser field is a subject of intense research activity, not only because the importance of these processes in applied domains (such as plasma heating), but also in view of their interest in fundamental atomic collision theory. Experimentally, laser-assisted electron-atom scattering processes have recently become feasible. Several experiments have been performed, in which the exchange of one or more photons between the electron–target and the laser field has been observed in laser–assisted elastic [1] and inelastic scattering [2-5]. In particular, the excitation processes have been largely investigated in the literature by several authors [6-9], mainly in the perturbative (weak-field) limit. The first theoretical studies on the inelastic scattering were inspired from the pioneering works [10-12], in which the interaction between the free electron and the field can be treated exactly (i.e. to all orders in the field strength) by using the exact Volkov waves [13]. The incorporation of laser parameters as intensity, frequency and in particular polarization in the laser–assisted collisions gives interesting results and considerably enrich the study of the collision process. The influence of this later parameter have attracted a great deal of attention in theoretical works and experimental. In fact the theoretical studies of polarization dependence have been previously performed by Cavaliere et al. [14] for Simultaneous electron–photon excitation at high impact energies and large differences have been predicted. For impact energies near threshold there is experimental evidence of differences between linear and circular polarization [15] and a recent extension of the Kroll and Watson theory by Mittleman [16] predicts differences in the first order of the development of the transition amplitude as a function of the laser frequency. Taïeb et al [17] studied the influence of the laser polarization on the angular distribution of the ejected electron in laser-assisted (e, 2e) reactions. Fainstein and Maquet [18] studied the polarization dependence of laser–assisted electron–hydrogen elastic collisions, where important differences appear between the angular distributions depending on the different states of polarization. In the present paper we want to extend our previous results [22] to the case of laser- assisted inelastic electron-helium collisions. A comparison between the two4polarizations linear and circular of electric laser field will be made for different geometries. We have performed an ‘‘exact’’ evaluation of the needed infinite sum-over-states, based on simplified hydrogenic functions of the excited spectrum of helium [12]. In the purpose to confirm our numerical results, we have performed the calculations as in our previous paper [22] by two different methods both based on the Sturmian basis expansion. The first one consists in expanding the radial term of the Coulomb Green function on a discrete basis of Sturmian functions [19-20], which allows us to take into account exactly the bound- continuum-state contributions, which is of crucial importance for electron impact excitation at intermediate energies [23]. In the second method, the calculation is performed by expanding the first-order perturbed wave function onto the same Sturmian basis [17, 21]. The use of these two methods independently allows us to accurately determine the contribution of the entire singly discrete or continuous excited spectrum (note that the doubly excited states are not taken into account by these methods). The present technique has been applied extensively to a variety of laser assisted electron atom collisions involving the transfer of one or several photons between the electron-atom system and the laser field in the cases of elastic, inelastic collisions and (e,2e) reactions. We neglect the exchanges effects in the presence work, since the field-free exchange effects are essentially negligible at the high impact energies considered here, and they are either smaller or slightly enhanced in the presence of a laser field [24]. The paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we present the general formalism of laser-assisted inelastic electron-helium collisions in the case of linear and circular polarizations. An account is then given of the techniques that we have used to evaluate the scattering amplitudes. Section 3 contains a detailed presentation of our numerical results as well as their physical interpretations which will be discussed in this part and section 4 concludes the paper. Atomic units used through this paper.52- Theory Following our previous work [22], we consider the classical monochromatic and single mode field, that is spatially homogenous over atomic dimensions and has, in the Coulomb gauge, the electric field represented in the collision plane (/G04/G04)xy− − [ [ ] ] F x y (t) Fsin(t) (t)tan()0 2 = = − − /G04 /G04cosω ωη(1) where F0 and ω are respectively the amplitude and the frequency of the electric laser field. The η parameter measures the ellipticity of the field polarization and we have the particular cases of linear polarization (η = 0) and circular polarization (η = π/2). We can represent the electric laser field in terms of their spherical components by ( ))t(iexpˆiF)t( 10 ϕ+ωλ−λ=∑ ±=λλε ε F (2) where ηλ+=λ 2tanˆiˆˆ yxε ε is the unitary polarization vector. In the presence of this field, we consider the inelastic scattering process (electron– helium), represented by the following equation eEHeSLHeeEk fki f− −+ +→+ (,)() (,)*k ki 11ω (3) where ki and kf are respectively the wave vectors of the incident and scattered electrons in the presence of the laser field. Ek kii=2 2 and Ek kff=2 2 are the projectile initial and final energies. The target helium is initially in the ground state 11S and will be excited after the scattering in one of the ‘‘bound’’ final states. The integer L is the number of photons transferred between the (electron–helium) system and the field, positive values of L correspond to the absorption of photons by the system and negative ones correspond to stimulated emission of photons.6The energy conservation relation corresponding to the laser–assisted excitation (Eq. 3), reads f i k* He 0 k EELEE +=ω++ (4) where EHe 0= -2.904 a.u. and E*are, respectively, the ground and the final excited state energies of the helium target. The interaction between the projectile and the laser field is treated exactly and his solution is given by the non–relavistic Volkov wave function )t,(0rkχ [13, 22], where k being the projectile wave vector and, where 0rrepresents free electron coordinate. For the interaction laser–target, we are interested by fields which have electric strengths smaller than the atomic unit (F0 << 5.109 V/cm), and frequencies different from the atomic transition energies, then the perturbation theory is the most appropriate method to solve the interaction process. At first order time–dependent perturbation theory the ‘‘ dressed ’’ wave function )t,(nXΦ is well known (see ref. [22]), where X ≡ ≡ (r1, r2) are the coordinates of the two helium target electrons and n is the principal quantum number. Remembering that we are working in the geometry, where the incident electron is fast and exchange effects are small, we shall, as a first approximation, carry out a first– Born treatment of the scattering process. The first–Born S–matrix element for the inelastic collision from the ground state of the target to a final excited state of energy E*, in the direct channel, is given by Sidt t tVt ttfB k f d kf i , (,)(,)(,)(,)(,)01 0 0 0 0 =−−∞+∞∫χ χ r X r r X Φ Φ (5) where ∑ =+−=2 1jj0 00dr1 r2)t,(Vr , is the direct interaction potential, r0j = r0- rj, )t,(0Kirχ and )t,(0Kfrχ are respectively the Volkov wave functions of the incident and scattered electrons in the presence of the laser field. )t,(0XΦ and )t,(fXΦ are respectively the '' dressed '' atomic wave functions describing the fundamental and final excited states. After integration on the time variable, we have7S iEEEELeffB kf LkiHeiL fBLk ,* ,,() ( ) ()01 1 0 012= −+−−− =−∞+∞ ∑π δ ωγ K (6) with () η=γ2tanˆ.ˆ.tankxkyk(7) K = ki - kf is the momentum transfer which is relatively small, ffBL ,, 01 is the first–Born approximation to the inelastic scattering amplitude with the transfer of L photons, which can be written as )(f)(f)(fL,1B atomL,1B elecL,1B 0,f K K K + = (8) with f JR VelecBL LKfd1 2 02 ,() ()~(,) K KKX =− ψ ψ (9) and IIIIIL,1B atom ff)(f +=K (10) where n df n 0n0ni K1L 0n0ni K1L 2 II )(V~ Me)R(JMe)R(J 2i K2fk k ψ ψ    ω−ω−ω+ω  −=∑+γ− −−γ +XK, (11) and )12()(V~ Me)R(JMe)R(J 2i K2f0 dn n nffni K1L nffni K1L 2 IIIk k ψ ψ    ω−ω−ω+ω  −  −= ∑−γ+ ++γ− −XK, The terms felecBL1,()K and )(fL,1B atomK are called, respectively ‘‘electronic’’ (corresponds to the interaction of the laser field with incident electron only) and ‘‘atomic’’ (include the dressing effects and thus describe the distortion of the atom target by the electromagnetic radiation), with nRψ ψ=±±.ˆFM'n0n'n ε ε are the dipole8matrix elements, 'n n'nn EE−=ω are the atomic transition frequencies and the potential ()XK,V~ d is given by ~(,)exp() V id j jKX K.r = − =∑ 2 12 (13) In the equations (11) and (12) nψ is a target state of energy nω in the absence of external field and ()()2 22 2 0 k 2tanˆ.ˆ. R η+ α= ykxk (14) where 20 0F ω=α represents the oscillation amplitude of a classical electron in a laser field, JL is an ordinary Bessel function of order L and ∑ ==2 1jjrR is the sum of all target coordinates. The first–Born differential cross section for the helium excitation with the transfer of L photons is given by d dk kfinel f ifBL σ Ω  =,,()012 K (15) The corresponding first–Born differential cross section for the helium excitation with the dressing neglected reads d dk kfinel nodresgf ielecBL σ Ω   = sin,()12 K (16) In the calculation of the two amplitudes of the equation (10), we need to know the explicit form of the atomic wave functions. For the ground state of helium, we use the wave function proposed by Byron and Joachain [25]. For the 21S, 31S states, Francken et9al. [12] have constructed the corresponding wave functions. The form of the states n1P and n1D is also given by Francken et al. [12]. In the case of the excitation of the 21S, 31S and 31D states, we have only the n1P as intermediate states; it is a simple matter to include all simply excited states of this type. In the case of the excitation of the n1P states, we have taken into account besides the n1D states, the n1S with principal quantum number n≤3 only. We note that the doubly excited target states are neglected because the weak contribution of these states for the inelastic processes [12]. The second-order hydrogenic matrix elements appearing in the equations (11) and (12) have the general form () )()r(VG)r(V)( T0 22,1c 1 f 2,1 r r φ Ω φ=± ±(17 where 1Vand 2V are any perturbation operators, which takes the following forms, namely K.rie and r.ˆ±ε ε. with ω±−=Ω+± He 0* 1EE (18) and ω±−=Ω+± He 0He 2 EE (19) where E auHe 02+ =−... φf()r and )(0rφ are respectively the orbital functions of the final and the initial states. The main difficulty encountered in the numerical estimation of the transition amplitude lies in the computation of the second order atomic matrix elements ± 2,1T containing the Coulomb Green function ()±Ω2,1cG, especially when the argument ±Ω2,1 of the Coulomb Green’s function is positive. These difficulties can often be overcome by using an extension of Zernik’s approach [26] for the solution of the relevant inhomogeneous differential equations or by using partial–wave expansions of the amplitudes and the corresponding radial parts of the partial–wave component ± 2,1T which are given respectively by the following expression10)r(R)r(V)(G)r(V)r(RMHe 0r 12,1r 2He f 2,1± λ±Ω = (20) Therefore the calculation of the radial amplitudes (17) reduces to the computation of matrix elements of the general form (Eq. 20). Where r 1Vand r 2V are any radial perturbation operators corresponding to jλ (Kr) and r. With jλ (Kr) is a spherical Bessel function, ()± λΩ2,1G is the radial part of the λth partial–wave component of the Coulomb green function, and )r(RHe f and )r(RHe 0 are respectively the radial functions of the final and initial states. The radial amplitude (20) can be conveniently calculated by using a Sturmian approach. In order to double–check our numerical results we have used two different methods, which although relying both a Sturmian approach, differ somewhat in the practicalities of the computation. These methods are namely: i) Sturmian expansion of the Coulomb Green function [19-20]. ii) Sturmian expansion of the first–order perturbed wave function [17, 21, 22 ]. The basic idea underlying of the two techniques that we have used lies in the expansion onto the radial Sturmian basis of one or several components of the general amplitude ± 2,1M.113. Results and discussion The present semiperturbative method with the Sturmian basis expansion takes into account the target atom distortion induced by the presence of laser field. The validity of our treatment is based on the fact that the laser–helium target interaction is nonresonant. We note that the excitation process can be considered as nonresonant if for a given frequency, the intensity does not exceed a certain limit [12]. The condition on the intensity is more stringent if the laser frequency is comparable to any characteristic atom excitation frequency. Such conditions will be respected by our choice of the Nd–YAG laser of frequency ω = 1.17 eV and electric intensity F0 = 106 V/cm. We are interested in demonstrating the effects of the polarization effects in the inelastic collision of fast electrons by a helium target in the presence of a laser field. For linear polarization, we have considered two particular geometries where the polarization vector of the field is taken to be parallel to the momentum transfer K (F0 // K), and to be parallel to the wave vector of the incident electron ki (F0 // ki). For circular polarization, we have chosen two distinct geometries corresponding respectively to the laser wave vector k being perpendicular to the scattering plane (CPP) and to be parallel to the scattering plane (CPC). Note that, for linear polarization the laser–assisted differential cross section only depends on the orientation of the polarization unit vector /G04ε ε± ±. In order to illustrate the effects of the laser polarization on the variations of the differential cross sections, we have chosen to compare our results obtained for F0 //K (linear polarization figure 1-a) with those corresponding to CPP (circular polarization figure 1-c). The reason for this particular choice is that the electronic term felecBL1,()K, is the same for both geometries, because the argument of the Bessel function reduces to an identical value RKk= =α0 in these two cases. The same situation occurs when one compares the differential cross sections corresponding to F0 // ki ( linear polarization, figure 1-b) with those obtained for CPC (circular polarization coplanar, figure 1-d), the argument of the Bessel function being then reduced to an identical value R kkk if = =− −α θ0(cos()), where θ is the scattering angle. In both cases, the differences observed in the angular dependence of the cross sections result from the differences between the contributions of the atomic terms, i.e. on the dressing of the target.12Before presenting the results of our calculations, we want to make a remark concerning the phase γk used in equations (6), (7), (11) and (12) for taking into account the effects of the laser polarization on the variations of the laser-assisted differential cross sections. This phase is particularly important for circular polarization CPC, when tan()γk vanishes, so that [] γ πk=0mod, these values of γkcorrespond to the case where the two components of the electric field in the plane( () )/G04,/G04yz vary, as a function of time, with the same phase γk= =0, or with opposite phases γπk= =. The change of phase is absent in the case of circular polarization CPP. The figures 2 and 3 represent the first-Born differential cross sections corresponding to the excitation of the 21S and 31D states as function of scattering angle θ, for the absorption of one photon L = 1 (inverse bremsstrahlung process), the fast incident electron is characterized by an energy of E eVki=500. In each of these two figures, we have displayed the inelastic scattering amplitude for two different geometries for each polarization state. For linear polarization with F0 // K, F0 // ki and for circular polarization with two distinct orientations of a circularly polarized laser beam CPP and CPC. As indicated in our previous paper for elastic scattering [22], we have observed the existence of two kinds of minima (m1) and (m2) corresponding, respectively, to the situations when 0)(f)(fL,1B atomL,1B elec = +K K , and at angles such that the argument Rkof the Bessel functions actually vanishes. This last minimum exists only in the case when F0 // ki , it localisation in terms of θ is given by the relation kkif− =cos()θ0 and can be observed, in the case of excitation, for large laser frequencies, which are not feasible in practice. So all destructive interferences, presented in this paper, correspond to the minimum (m1). In figure 2(a) and figure 2(b), we show the laser-assisted differential cross sections corresponding to 11S→→21S excitation process. The complete result obtained by using the scattering amplitude Eq.(10) for two polarizations is compared to the ‘‘electronic ’’ cross section in which dressing effects are neglected. As in the case of elastic collisions [22] dressing effects are shown to be dominant in the forward direction for linear polarization where F0 // K and F0 // ki, and circular polarization (CPC) with γπk= = and13for larger scattering angles for circular polarization CPP and CPC with γk= =0. We can see that for angles below 12° there are important differences between the two polarizations. This behaviour is particularly important from the experimental point of view since it is in principle easier to measure the laser–assisted differential cross section amplitudes (for larger scattering angles), where the dressing effects of the target contribute significantly. Moreover, we notice a destructive interference between the electronic and the atomic amplitudes near of θ ≈ 3, 2°, for linear polarization F0 // K and F0 // ki and near of θ ≈ 7° for the circular polarization CPC with γπk= =, (the electronic and the atomic amplitudes are varying in opposite directions when the momentum transfer increases). The presence of such interference pattern is a general feature of 11S→→ n1S transitions in the case of inverse bremsstrahlung L> >0. This is due to the presence, in the atomic term, of S-P transition amplitudes, which behave like K-1 for small K. The results displayed in figures 3(a) and 3(b) correspond to the 11S→→ 31D transition and show that dressing effects are also dominant for scattering angles θ < 15°, for both linear and circular polarizations. Moreover, we note that in this case the interference between the electronic and atomic amplitudes is constructive. This contrasts with the results obtained for 11S––> n1S transitions. We notice that in the case of 31S state excitation, a qualitatively similar behaviour, as in the case of 11S––> 21S process, is observed. We do not show figures concerning 11S→→n1P transitions, since dressing effects are rather small in this case. Indeed the electronic S-P amplitude, which behaves like K-1 for small K, now dominates the cross section at small angles. In the case of emission process L = -1, figure 4 shows an opposite behaviour of the cross section than for the case of absorption L = 1, in fact, the destructive interference observed in figure 2(a) and 2(b), for the two geometries F0 // K and F0 // ki of the linear polarization, becomes constructive, and the constructive interference of the cross section for circular polarization becomes destructive. This behaviour can be explained by the change of Bessel functions from absorption L = 1 to emission L = -1, making a change of sign of the atomic amplitude. In figures 5, 6 and 7, we present the frequency dependence of the differential cross sections for the cases of inverse bremsstrahlung ( absorption of one photon L = 1) and stimulated bremsstrahlung (emission of one photon L = -1). We take a fixed scattering14angle θ = 10° and an incident electron energy E eVki= =500. We have normalized the cross sections, as function of laser frequency, to the averaged laser intensity IcF=02 8π. Figure 5(a) displays the excitation of 11S→→31S for absorption of one photon and for the two polarizations (linear polarization with F0// K and circular polarization CCP). At a frequency of ω ≈ 13 eV, we remark a minimum for the circular polarization CPP, which is induced by destructive interferences between electronic and atomic terms of the differential cross section. Indeed, the phase-dependent factor kieγ± present in the atomic term changes the sign of its real part thus making the change from constructive to destructive interference. This type of minimum can not exist in the linear polarization where F0// K because, here we have a constructive interference. For the large frequencies, abrupt changes in the vicinity of Bohr transition frequencies indicate that the behaviour of the cross sections with respect to the laser frequency strongly depends on the structure of the target. It is interesting to remark the presence of minima between two successive resonances for linear and circular polarization. This behaviour results from the fact that the resonant atomic amplitudes change of sign between two resonances and can compensate the direct contribution independently of the polarization state. It is also important to note that these scattering amplitudes are sensitive to the presence of those Bohr transitions even far away from resonance. Figure 5(b) displays the differential cross sections as a function of the laser frequency, for linear polarization where F0 // ki and CPC circular polarization where γk= =0, we remark a qualitatively similar behaviour as in figure 5(a), with a small shift of the minimum for the CPC circular polarization with γk= =0. While in the case whereγπk= =, the change of sign of atomic amplitude, induced by the phase factor kieγ± introduces a constructive interference. We note that for the CPC polarization with γπk= =, the cross section dependence in terms of frequency shows a similar behaviour as in terms of scattering angle. An important point in this figure 5 is the observation of intermediate resonances, which correspond to transitions involving intermediate states. Such peaks can be interpreted as corresponding to Simultaneous Electron -Photon Excitation (SEPE), (see Appendix). This process (SEPE), which is investigated in the excitation of the helium 23S state [27, 28], can be explained by an excitation which occur through the15‘simultaneous’ impact of an electron and one or more photons. Indeed, this excitation is accomplished by the absorption or the emission of one photon energy ω /G21 combined with a simultaneous inelastic scattering in which the electron provides the energy decrement )EE( i fk k− required to excite the desired state. We note that these peaks appear in the region of small frequencies. The results displayed in figures 6 correspond to the 11S→→31D excitation as a function of laser photon energy. We observe in this case destructive interferences for the two polarizations (linear and circular) and for the different geometries. We observe also the intermediate resonances corresponding to the SEPE process. Figure 7 represents the 11S→→21S excitation cross section as a function of the laser photon energy in the case of emission process L=-1, and shows a different behaviour than for the case of absorption L = 1 (Figure 8). In fact, for the two polarizations, the scattering amplitude exhibits peaks corresponding to radiative transitions which are induced by SEPE process (see Appendix). This behaviour of the differential cross sections, at low frequencies, characterize the excitation of states with principal quantum number n=3 for absorption and the excitation of n=2 for emission in term of frequencies. Such characteristics constitute one of the main differences between elastic and inelastic scattering in a laser field. By comparing figure 7 and figure 8, we note that in the case of bremsstrahlung stimulated, a large difference is observed with respect to the case of inverse bremsstrahlung. This asymmetry does not exist in the elastic scattering case. We conclude, for these figures 5, 6 and 7 displaying the frequency dependence, that all results have common features: peaks at low frequencies corresponding to the SEPE process, minimum between 0.2 and 0.4 a.u. due to destructive interferences between electronic and atomic amplitudes and for large frequencies there are resonances induced by the presence of the Bohr transitions between the initial and intermediate states.16 Conclusion In this paper we have extended our treatment of electron-helium elastic collisions in the presence of a linearly and circularly polarized laser field to the case of the excitation. The calculations have been performed by two different methods both based on the Sturmian basis expansion. Important differences have been found when we compare the differential cross sections for two laser polarizations (circular and linear) by using different geometries. In the cases of excitation n1S and n1D, we have remarked that dressing effects are important and dominant, for linear polarization and circular polarization with γπk=, only in the region of small scattering angles, while for circular polarization with γk= =0, the dressing effects are important at large scattering angles. Our results show that, everything else being fixed, a circularly polarized laser (CPP and CPC with γk= =0) can give larger cross sections than a linearly polarized one, by several orders of magnitude. This should constitute an interesting and attractive point for the experimentalists to measure the cross section amplitudes in the case of circularly polarized laser beam. New features have been observed in the case of frequency dependence, indeed, in the case of n = 3 excitation for absorption and n = 2 for emission, intermediate resonnances appear in the region of small laser frequencies, which correspond to dipole transitions interpreted by Simultaneous Electron -Photon Excitation process.17Acknowledgements We wish to thank Professor C. J. Joachain for helpful communication. It is a pleasure to thank also Professor B. Wallbank and Doctor N. J. Mason for sending us their interesting reprints concerning this subject. The Co-operation between ' Université Moulay Ismaïl, Meknès, Maroc ' and ' Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France ' has greatly influenced the present paper.18APPENDIX: ENERGY DIAGRAMS CORRESPONDING TO THE SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRON-PHOTON EXCITATION OF HELIUM 21S and 31S STATES. We interpret the resonances appearing in the region of small frequencies by representing the energy diagrams corresponding to these ‘simultaneous’ electron- photon excitation of n=2 for emission and n = 3 for absorption in terms of frequencies. We consider the responsible quantities of these resonances, which are given (from Eq. 16) by ωnf ± ω = 0 (1) In the other hand, the energy conservation equation (Eq. 5) reads EELEEkiHe kf++=+0ω*(2) 1. Case L = -1 (emission). In this case, only the helium (n = 2) states can present such resonances. We consider the excitation of 21S, and for the first resonance corresponding to the intermediate state 21P, the relations (1) and (2) become ω21 S = ω21 P - ω and E21 P = Eki - Ekf + E11 S the corresponding energy diagram is191 S2 S2 P 111 E - Ekikfhω Energy level diagram of helium corresponding to the ‘simultaneous’ excitation of 21S with (L = -1). The photon energy is )(ω/G21 and the excess of energy between incident and diffused electrons is (Eki - Ekf). A similar procedure is made for the other resonances corresponding to the intermediate states 31P, 41P, 51P,.... 2. Case L = +1 (absorption). Only the states with (n = 3), which can be excited by ‘simultaneous ‘electron- photon excitation (SEPE) and we choose the 31S for example, 21P is the unique intermediate state with energy lower than the final state. The equations (1) and (2) write ω31 S = ω21 P + ω and E21 P = Eki - Ekf + E11 S and the corresponding diagram is represented by201 S2 S2 P 111 E - Ekikfhω3 S3 P 3 D11 1 Energy level diagram of helium corresponding to the ‘simultaneous’ excitation of 31S with (L = +1). The photon energy is )(ω/G21 and the excess of energy between incident and diffused electrons is (Eki - Ekf).21References [1] A. Weingartshofer, J. K. Holmes, J. Sabbagh and S. I. Chu, J. Phys. B 16, 1805 (1983). See also, B. Wallbank, J. K. Holmes, J. Phys. 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Figure 4: Same as Figure 2 but with emission of one photon (L=-1). Figure 5: First-Born differential cross section corresponding to the electron-impact excitation of the 31S state atomic helium with absorption of one photon (L = 1) as a function of laser frequency for a fixed scattering angle θ = 10°. The incident electron energy is 500 eV. The cross sections have been normalized to the mean laser intensity IcF=02 8π. Dotted line: results obtained by neglecting the dressing of the target. (a) Solid line: circular polarization (CPP). Dashed line: linear polarization ( F0 // K ). (b) Solid line: circular polarization (CPC) with γk= =0. Dashed line: linear polarization ( F0 // ki ). Figure 6: Same as Figure 5 but for the excitation of the 31D state of atomic helium and with absorption of one photon (L = 1).24Figure 7: Same as Figure 5 but for the excitation of the 21S state of atomic helium and emission of one photon ( L = -1 ). Figure 8: Same as Figure 7 but for the absorption of one photon ( L = 1 ).
THEORETICAL STUDY OF QUANTUM DISSIPATION AND LASER NOISE EFFECTS ON THE ATOMIC RESPONSE O. El Akramine♣, A. Makhoute♣*, M. Zitane♣ and M. Tij♣ ♣ UFR Physique Atomique, Moléculaire & Optique Appliquée Université Moulay Ismail, Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 4010 Beni M’hamed, Meknès, Morocco. * Physique Atomique Théorique, Faculté des Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, CP 227, Brussels, Belgium. Short title: Theoretical study of quantum dissipation and Laser noise effects PACS index number(s): 42.50.Lc, 42.50.Ct Submitted to: Phys. Rev A. Date: 14 September 1998Abstract The nonlinear dynamics of dissipative quantum systems in incoherent laser fields is studied in the framework of master equation with random telegraph model describing the laser noise and Markovian approximation for dealing with the system-bath couplings. Floquet theory and time-dependent perturbation methods are used to facilitate both analytical and numerical solutions. We develop a theoretical formalism that provides a powerful tool for the detailed analysis of the dissipative quantum dynamics of multilevel systems driven by intense stochastic laser fields. It is found that the system relaxes to a steady state by the effect of laser phase and frequency noises and the kinetic of this relaxation increases with the addition of dissipative terms, introduced by the coupling to the reservoir. The case of amplitude fluctuations shows a different behavior. Other results concerning the destruction of quantum coherence and the dynamical localization will be established and further relaxation mechanisms such spontaneous emission and ionization process will be also considered.I- INTRODUCTION The study of the time evolution of quantum systems, which are on the one hand driven by an external field and in contact with a heat bath (reservoir) on the other hand, has received a great deal of attention in recent years [1-4]. In quantum optics, such systems are investigated in the dressed-atom picture of resonance fluorescence [5], where a beam of atoms interacts with a coherent laser field and all the electromagnetic modes of the vacuum [6]. Moreover, it is by now recognized that nearly all types of laser–atom interactions can be strongly affected by laser noise. Indeed one practical reason to this fact is the use, in experiments, of high powers which are obtained in pulsed operation, and thus at the expense of poorly stabilized laser beams. Furthermore, real atoms experience a fluctuating environment of many perturbing interactions and ideal lasers exist only in theoretical models, while the used laser sources are subjected to many types of fluctuations notably in phase, amplitude and frequency [7-10]. Other kinds of fluctuations due to collisional effects can affect the atomic transition frequencies [9,11]. Therefore, we cannot establish, without taking into account of the dissipative action of the environment and the statistical properties of the laser light, a rigorous comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results. Different approaches to the dissipative dynamics of open quantum systems in strong external fields has been proposed and applied to the description of atoms under the influence of thermal noise [1-4]. While for the incoherence of laser field, a series of models, all based on so-called pre-Gaussian Markovian processes [7-10] has been used in order to describe the stochastic behavior of the laser field. It is important to mention a few technical features of this model. It is based on the two-state random telegraph. It is not a Gaussian model but rather‘‘pre-Gaussian’’ and has a Gaussian limit [8]. Our choice of the random telegraph is based on the simplicity of this model that permits a unified treatment of different noisy laser in phase, amplitude and frequency. Several works have reported on the action of random process on a two–level system [7-10,12-15], particularly the evolution populations σnn and the ionization probability. In the present paper, we want to elucidate the role of quantum dissipation and laser noise on the atomic response. For this purpose, we derive a master equation, which provides a general framework for the dynamics of atoms interacting with strong laser noisy and thermal reservoir. The basic idea underlying the theoretical formalism of that paper is to take into account the exact dynamics of the interaction between atomic system and external field by employing the Floquet basis for the reduced system rather than the stationary unperturbed states [1,2]. The interaction of the system (laser–atom) with the reservoir will be treated by the time- dependent perturbation theory, this treatment leads to a generalized quantum master equation for the reduced density matrix. Such statistical fundamental equation firstly introduced in quantum optic by Burshtein [16-18], contains all information concerning, respectively, the atomic transition dynamics, the stochastic evolution of laser field fluctuations and the dissipative mechanisms. We are concerned here with an important theme of contemporary research, namely the interplay between quantum coherence and external noise. In fact, the destruction of quantum coherence by noise is central to many fields and is reflected in the large number of papers recently published on this subject [19-23]. Since our computations are made at exact resonance, where the effects of spontaneous emission are important [24] and for strong laser field, where the probability to realize anionization of atoms is highest. Therefore we shall here extend our theory by the inclusion of the relaxation rates corresponding to the spontaneous emission and the ionization processes and present the corresponding numerical results. The theory is developed in section 2, by considering the case of strong laser–atom interaction in the presence of laser noise and dissipative effects, which are introduced by the coupling to the reservoir. Within the framework of the Floquet representation and the Markovian approximation, detailed theoretical calculations are feasible to obtain the reduced matrix density elements. The account of Floquet theory given here is rather brief, since the theory has been discussed at length in the recent literature (see e. g. refs. [25-29]). Moreover, the influence of ionization process on the response atomic function is presented. Numerical results concerning a model of two–level system is presented in section 3. At the end a summary of our results is given.II- THEORY We consider in this paper an atomic system, which interacts with an external classical laser field. Moreover, the system (laser-atom) is coupled to a quantified radiation field in thermal equilibrium. In the following we will consider the behavior of the atom coupled to a reservoir with many degrees of freedom. The aim of this paper is to provide a description of the dynamics in terms of the degrees of freedom of the atomic system alone by elimination of the reservoir variables. Since the atoms are driven strongly by an external laser field, our master equation is based on the atomic Floquet states rather than the unperturbed atomic states. The total Hamiltonian governing the dynamics of the coupled system of matter and radiation degrees of freedom takes the form HtHtHHAL IR ()()= ++− (1) whereHtAL−() is the total Hamiltonian of the atomic system and the external laser field, without interaction with the reservoir, given by HtHVtHAL A SE −=++ () () (2) with HA denotes the stationary atomic Hamiltonian, V(t) the dipole interaction between the atomic system and the laser field and HSE the Hamiltonian of the simultaneous emission, which reads Γ−=2HSE/G21(3)where Γ is a diagonal matrix composed by the Einstein coefficients of spontaneous emission process and defined by [29] ∑ 〈γ=Γ n'nSE 'nn nn (4) here γnnSE ' are the radiative decay rates. The Hamiltonian that describes the coupling between the matter degrees of freedom and the quantified radiation field may be written in the dipole approximation as ( ) ∑ γ+γ=+ j* jjjj I aaz H /G21 (5) where jγ are the coupling constants. aj+and aj are the quantum operators of creation and annihilation, z denotes the component of the dipole operator on the (OZ) axis. The free Hamiltonian of the reservoir is represented by ∑   + ω=+ jjjj R21aa H /G21 (6) with jω is a frequency corresponding to the jeme mode of the free quantified radiation. The Von Neumann equation for the statistical operator ρ of the total system reads []ρ=∂∂ρ),t(Hti/G21 (7)We introduce the interaction representation for treating the equation (7), and we put HtHtHAL R 0()()= +− (8) that is considered as the time-dependent unperturbed Hamiltonian, the evolution operator corresponding to this Hamiltonian is given by UtUtUtR ()()() =⊗0 (9) and )tHiexp('dt)'t(Hiexp)t(URt 0LA/G21 /G21−   −= +−∫(10) where []...+is an operator of time ordering. In the interaction representation, the total density operator ρ(t) and the interaction Hamiltonian HI take the following form ~()()()() ρ ρ tUttUt =+(11) and ~()()() HtUtHUtI I =+(12) and the dynamic equation (7 ) becomes [])t(~),t(H~ t)t(~ iIρ=∂ρ∂/G21 (13)We assume that the interaction between the atomic system and the reservoir is weak that the coupling constants γj→0 and Cstt2 j=γ for t→∞. In these conditions, the equation (13) will be treated by the time-dependent perturbation theory. At the second order in ~HI, this last reads [] [ ] [ ] ∫ρ −ρ =∂ρ∂ t tI I 2 0 I 0)'t(~,)'t(H~,)t(H~'dt1)t(~,)t(H~ i1 t)t(~ /G21 /G21(14) In writing Eq. (14), it has been assumed that the interaction is adiabatically switched on at time (t0→−∞). Prior to this, the atomic system and the reservoir are uncorrelated and the total density matrix is given by the direct product ~()~() ρσρ ttR 0 0=⊗ (15) where ~()σt0 is the reduced system density operator at initial time in the interaction representation and defined by the trace over the reservoir states. ρR is the reservoir distribution function at equilibrium given by RRBR RZ)TK/Hexp(−=ρ (16) here ZR , TR are respectively the partition function and the temperature of the reservoir and KB is the Boltzman constant. We need to define the Hamiltonian of interaction between the atomic system and the laser field without its coupling with the bath. In the dipole approximation, it reads( ))t(x)t(tcoszFe)t(V0 +ϕ+ω = (17) in the case of phase fluctuations, or ()())t(tcosz)t(x1Fe)t(V0 ϕ+ω += (18) in the case of amplitude fluctuations, where ω is the laser frequency and e is the electron charge. F0 is the electric field amplitude (possibly fluctuating in magnitude) and ϕ(t) is the instantaneous phase of the laser (fluctuating around the mean value). In this paper, we use an intense laser field affected by a temporal stochastic process of jumps. These fluctuation mechanisms are described by the pre-Gaussian Markovian models [7-10]. In particular, we adopt the simplest example of two-state random telegraph, which is defined by xta()=±, where a is the amount of the jump assigned to the stochastic signal. Since the telegraph process that we are considering here is Markovian, the conditioned probability density function associated with it, namely )t,st,s(p00, is shown to satisfy the following Chapman–Kolmogorov equation [7-10,30] ∂ ∂tpststTpststTpstst (,,)(,,)(,,)0 00 00 01 1=− +− (19) here s0 is the initial state of random telegraph at the time t0. In the compact form [31], the equation (19) write as∑= 's's's ss dtdPWP (20) where   −−=1111 T1's sW is the relaxation matrix composed by the frequencies of telegraph jumps process, where s and s’ are two different states of random telegraph (s = 1,2) and corresponding to the telegraph signal amplitude {}a,a+− . T denotes the dwell time (i.e., the mean time between interruptions) of the telegraph. In the following, and in presence of the noise, all physical operators, such reduced density operator, interaction Hamiltonian, dipole operator…, will be indiced by s in indication of the stochasticity influence. By elimination of the reservoir variables in Eq. (14), we have [ ] [ ] ∫σ −=σt ts sI sIR 2 s 0)'t(~,)'t(H~,)t(H~Tr'dt1)t(~ /G21/G06 (21) After tracing on the reservoir variables, we combine the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation (20), which represents the stochastic evolution of the random telegraph, to the equation (21) representing the atomic dynamics. A master equation for the reduced density operator is derived in the interaction picture ∑ +σ=σ 'ss 's's s s )t(D~)t(~)t(~W /G06 (22) where [ ] [ ] ∫σ −=t ts sI sIR 2 s 0)'t(~,)'t(H~,)t(H~Tr'dt1)t(D~ /G21 (23)is the time-dependent operator describing the dissipative effects induced by the coupling to the reservoir. In writing the expression of ~()Dts, we have replace up ~()~() ρσρs s R tt≈⊗ to second order in the coupling constants by its zeroth-order approximate. Since ~()HtIs is a periodic function in time, we explicitly construct the operator U0(t). To this end, it is necessary to treat the interaction with the strong incoherent laser field exactly, and solve the corresponding Schrodinguer equation generated by the Hamiltonian HtAL−() by using the Floquet theory. According to Floquet’s theorem [25-29], there exists a complete set of solutions labeled by quantum numbers α of the form )t()/tiexp()t(s, s α ααφε−=ψ /G21 (24) Where αε/G21 and φα,()st are respectively the quasi-energies and the eigenstates of Floquet. The time-evolution operator U0(t) for the matter degrees of freedom in the Floquet representation [1,2], is given by )0()t()/tiexp()t(Us, s, 0 α α α φφε= /G21 (25) In the interaction picture, the operators annihilation, creation and dipole respectively aj, aj+and z take the form ~()()exp() aUtaUt itaj j jj = =−+ω, (26) ~exp() a itaj jj+ +=ω (27)and )0()t()k(Z)t)k(iexp()t(Uz)t(U)t(z~ s, s,' ks, s α α βαβα αβ+φφ ε = = ∑ (28) where [] ∫ωπ β α βα φφω−πω=2 0s, s, s, )t(z)t(tkiexpdt2)k(Z (29) are the dipole matrix elements between Floquet states. The symbol ‘prime’ in the sum Eq. (28) indicates that only the triplets ()αβ,,kthat verify the condition 0k>ω+ε−εβα /G21 will be considered, in the purpose to eliminate the degenerate Floquet eigenstates. In order to calculate the dissipation operator ~()Dts, we follow the methodology formulated in the Ref. [1], indeed, we have ( )[ ]~() ..() ,' Ht e FaHcIs jikt sj jkj= +−∑∑γεω αβ αβαβ(30) with H.c. is the hermitic conjugate, Fs s s αβ α β φφ, , ,()() =00 (31) and ω+ε−ε=εβα βα /G21k )k( (32) where −∞<<+∞k.By taking into account of the (Eq. 30), ~()Dtsreads in the form( ) { ( )} )33( .c.H)'t(~FF)'t,t(AF)'t(~F)'t,t(Aaa)'t(~FF)'t,t(AF)'t(~F)'t,t(Aaa'dt )t(D~ ss,'s, s,'' ss, jjss,''s, s, ss, jj' k' 'k''jt t2 j s 0 +σ − σ +σ − σ γ = αββα βα βα++βααβ+ αβ βα+ βαβα∑∑∑∫ with () ( )( ) ( ) AttZkZkiktik ts s j j (,')()()exp() exp(')', ,* '' = ′ − −′′ αβ βα αβ αβ εω ε ω (34) and 1 RBj j jj 1TKexp)(Naa− +    −   ω=ω=/G21(35) N(ωj) is the photon number operator. Since the freedom degrees of the bath are infinite, we can make the substitution γ ωωj jdJ2... ()... →∫∑ , where J(ω) is a function which is proportional to the bath spectral density. In order to perform the integration, which is present in the expression of ~()Dts Eq. (33), further conditions must be imposed on the reservoir in the purpose to prevent the energy, initially in the atomic system, from returning back from the heat bath to the system in any finite time, i.e., (treat the coupling of the reduced system to the reservoir as an irreversible process). At this stage, we make two approximations. i) Equation (33) contains ~(')σst in the integral, and hence the behavior of the atomic system depends on its past history from 0t't= to tt'=. The motion of the atomic system is however, damped by the coupling to the reservoir and damping destroys the knowledge of the past behavior of the system. Therefore the first assumption is that )t(~. σdepends only on it’s present value ~()σst (Markovian approximation) [1,2].ii) Let us consider an operator B of the bath and it’s time correlation function +−BB)'tt( . Since the reservoir is assumed to be large and Markovian. Thus it is expected that +−BB)'tt( will be nonzero for some time interval ttR−<'τ, where τR is the correlation time of the reservoir. Interactions at times t and t’ become progressively less correlated for ttR −>>'τ. The correlation function +−BB)'tt( is only maximum at 'tt=. We can therefore tend the superior born of integration in Eq. (33) to the infinite (t→∞). With these two approximations and by using the following expression for the initial time (t0→−∞), ( ) ( )( ) dti kt k 'exp (')' (')''ωε πδωεαβ αβ − = −′′−∞+∞∫2 (36) The integro-differential equation reads ()()( ) { () ( )( )} )37( .c.H)t(~FF)t('AF)t(~F)t('A)'k(N1)t(~FF)t('AF)'t(~F)t('A)'k(N)'k(J 2)t(D~ ss,''s, s,'' ss, ''ss,''s, s, ss, ''' k' 'k'''' s +σ − σ ε++σ − σ ε ε π= αββα βα βα+ βαβααβ+ αβ βα βα βαβαβα∑∑ Where ( ) ( ) )'k(Z)k(Zt)k()k(iexp)t('A* s,'' s, '' βα βα βα αβε−ε= . (38) This last quantity is maximal for π=′ε−εβ′α′ βα n2)k()k( (39)Where n is a positive or negative integer, for the case of 0n= only terms such as ()αβαβ ,,(',',') k k= must be kept in Eq. (37). The equation (33) takes the final form [ ][ ] ( ) { ( )[ ][ ] ( )}~() ()(())~(), ,~() (())~(), ,~(), , , ,' , , , ,Dt kNkFtFF tF NkFtFF tFs ss s ss s k ss s ss s= + ++ +∑Ωαβ αβ αβ βα αβ βα αβ αβ βα αβ βα αβε σ σ ε σ σ 1(40) with () Ωαβ αβ αβ πε () ()(), kJkZks =22(41) By projecting on the Floquet basis {}φα,()s0, the master equation for the diagonal and the off- diagonal elements respectively )t(~ s,αασ and )t(~ s,βασ read ( ) ∑ ∑ ′ γααγα γγαγ αα αα σ−σ +σ=σ s' s, s, 's,'s s s, )t(~M)t(~M)t(~W)t(~/G06(42) and ())t(~MM21)t(~W)t(~ s, s' 's,'s s s, βα ′ γγβ γα βα βα σ   + −σ=σ∑ ∑/G06(43) where the coefficients αβMare defined by () ( ) { ()} M Nk kNkk kαβ αβ αβ αβ βα ε ε = + + ∑21 ()() ()() Ω Ω (44)and their solutions are given by []~()exp()~(),,',' ,'σ σαααβββ βssss st t = −∑ Λ1 0 (45) and []~()exp()~(), ,,',' σ σαβ γαγγβ s sss s t t = − ′∑ Λ2 0 (46) where Λ1αβ αβ βααβ αη ηδ δ δ,'' ss ss ss W M M =− −−  ∑ ′ (47) and ( ) Λ21 2αγ αγ αγ ηαη βη δδδ,'' '' ss ss ss W MM =− + +   ∑ (48) The theoretical expressions for populations and coherence of quasienergie states respectively Eq. (45) and Eq. (46) have to be transformed back into the atomic basis which yields σnn and σnn’. In Schrödinguer picture we then obtain [ ]∑ ′′+σ+σ −=σ ss s's s s 0 s )t(D)t(W)t(),t(Hi)t(/G21/G06 (49) with DtUDUs s ()~=+ 0 0 (50) ( ) { [ ][ ] ( ) [ ][ ] ( )} )51( )t(R),t()t(R)t(R)t(),t(R))k((N)t(R,)t()t(R)t(R)t(),t(R))k((N1)k( )t(D s, s s, s, s s,s, s s, s, s s,' ks + βα βα+ βα βα βαβα+ βα βα+ βα βα βαβα σ + σ ε+σ + σ ε+ Ω=∑where ()( ) RtUtFUt i ttts s s s αβ αβ αβ α β εεφφ, , , , ()() ()exp ()() = =−−+ 0 0 (52) The main difficulty of typical problems lies in the correct averaging of the matrix density over all realizations of noise. In fact, what is physically wanted is σnn', that is, the solution to the master equation in the atomic states and averaged over the ensemble of jumps of the implicit telegraph x (t). To obtain σnn' one proceeds indirectly, by defining a marginal average σnnst',(), given by the equation σ σnn sgs'()=∑ nn',s (53) where g(s) is the initial probability distribution of the random process and σnnst',() the average value of σnnt'() under the condition that x (t) is fixed at the value s at time t. By projecting on the atomic basis {}n, the master equation in the Schrödinguer picture then finally reads ∑ ∑∑ ∑ σ +σ  −+σ  + +σ=σ ′ 'n'ms,'n'ms,n'n'mm 'ms,'mms,'mm0 s,'mms 'ms,'mm s,n'm0 s,n'm 's,nm's s s,nm )t()t(2D)t( )t(Hi)t(1D)t()t()t(Hi)t(1D)t(W)t( /G21/G21/G06 (54) with the two terms responsible of the dissipation are defined by( ) { }Dt kNk tt Nk tmns ms ns k ms ns1 1, , ,' , ,() ()(()()() (())()=− + ++ +∑Ωαβ αβ α α αβ αβ β βεφφ εφφ(55) and ( ) { }D t kNk tttt Nk ttttmmnns kmsmsnsns msmsnsns2 2 1′′ ′+ ′+ ′+ ′+= + + ∑ ,' , , , , , , , ,() ()(())()()()() (())()()()()Ωαβ αβ αββ α α β αβ α β β αεφφφφ εφφφφ(56) where )t(s,nαφare the Floquet states, which are projected on the atomic basis {}n. It is important to note that the general master equation (54) contains dissipative terms Eq. (55) and Eq. (56) that explicitly depend on time. This is the main difference to the usual optical Bloch equations. The physical interpretation to this fact is the strong distortion of the atomic dipole moment, which is induced by the external laser field. Since the atom couples to the environment via its dipole moment, the laser field also strongly influences the dissipation process [2].III- Results and discussion. In this section we gather typical numerical results for the excitation and ionization of two-level atoms by strong laser fields in the presence of noise and dissipation mechanisms. To illustrate the effects of dissipation and laser noise on the atomic response, we present the evolution of atomic populations )t(nnσ, which are obtained by numerical integration of the master equation (54). Our theoretical formalism is valid for the general case of multilevel systems but in order to keep the discussion simple; we will restrict our application to the two-level atoms for which a detailed study of the dissipative non-linear dynamics will be presented. A particular attention will be paid to the case of strong laser field, where the dipole operator is taken between the Floquet eigenstates {})t(s,αφ rather than between unperturbed atomic states {}n. Having established the effects of strong laser noise on the atomic response and explored some features of different sources of noise (phase, amplitude and frequency). We concentrate our attention in this paper to the examination of quantum dissipation induced by coupling to the reservoir and when the noise is added to the laser field. We choose the inverse Rabi frequency Ω as time unit in the aim to analyze the obtained results in term of the noise magnitude. We are interested by a large light intensity such that the Rabi frequency is set to be equal to the atomic unit (Ω = 1 a.u.), This certainly is a very strong intensity. III. 1 Dissipative nonlinear quantum dynamics in the excitation of two-level systems. We begin by representing only the effects of quantum dissipation on the atomic response. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show time evolution of populations of a two-level atomic system driven by strong coherent laser field sufficiently intense to remove a significant fraction of the population from the atomic ground state. One might think that the only consequence of a field this intense would be to lower the overall of the atom. The optical field is nearly resonant with allowed transition between discrete states of two-level atom. In absence of spontaneous emission decay and ionization effects, Figure 1(a) represents the atomic response without dissipation, the atomic system oscillates between the ground state 1 and some other discrete level 2 and we have the ordinary Rabi oscillations. In Figure 1(b) the dissipation effect introduces a damping of Rabi oscillations. If damping effects are present, we expect that the Rabi oscillations will eventually become damped out and that the population’s difference will approach some steady-state value for large scale of time. Hence, Rabi oscillations are not present in the steady state. It’s interesting to note the presence of an irregular behavior on the oscillations of the two populations for a strong laser field; in fact we observe small oscillations which come to superpose to the Rabi oscillations, their amplitude is weak and disappears when the electric field strength F0 becomes small with respect to the atomic unit of field strength. These little oscillations represent the fast no-rotating variable phases () ( )t iexp'nnω+ω± in laser-atom interaction, which is treated in a non-perturbative way (Floquet theory). Figure 2, shows some typical results, in fact we take into account of both laser phase noise and dissipation influences. Taking a phase jump a = 0.4π and three switching rates (ΩT = 0.1, 1 and 10). We display the time evolution populations on two column, in thecolumn (A), only the effect of laser noise is considered, we remark in this case that for a switching rate (ΩT = 1), i.e., the noise frequency (1/T) is of the same size order that the Rabi frequency Ω, a destruction of the atomic coherence is observed. The damping rate is strong and the relaxation to the steady state is rapid. The Rabi oscillations are restored when we consider the case of slow fluctuations (ΩT = 10) and fast fluctuations (ΩT =0.1) and the damping rate is weak. The column (B) represents the same situation but by introducing moreover of the laser noise the dissipative terms (see Eqs (55) and (56)). A similar behavior is remarked as the column (A), but with damping rate more intense. For a switching rate (ΩT = 0.1), a partial destruction of the atomic coherence is induced by the dissipation effects. The kinetic of populations relaxation is more rapid that in the column (A). We remark that one of the effects of the quantum dissipation is the breaking of the atomic coherence especially for the case of (ΩT = 0.1) and the establishment of the dynamical localization regime for the case of (ΩT = 1). In Figure 3, we plot the time evolution of two-level atom populations in two situations, in first time, by neglecting the effect of quantum dissipation (column (A)) and considering only an amplitude telegraph noise and in second time we combine the two influences of noise and quantum dissipation. Taking an amplitude jump a = 0.1 a.u. and three different switching rates (ΩT = 0.1, 1 and 100). The column (A) shows pronounced quasi-oscillations, we remark a very weak damping at (ΩT = 1 and ΩT=100) and rapid relaxation for (ΩT = 0.1) with respect to the both cases of (ΩT = 1 and 100). In order to lead the system to the steady state we must use a large number of Rabi periods rather than in the case of phase fluctuations. The column (B) shows closely similar behavior that in column (A). The complicated structure of these curves is a consequence of the action of amplitude laser noisy on the reduced system dynamics. In fact, one observes a separation between the two occupation probabilities, every population )t(11σ and )t(22σ performs independentlyirregular oscillations, which converge to stationary state. In constraints to the case of phase, the addition of dissipation in Figure 3 (column (B)) introduces a weakness of the damping. Figure 4 illustrates the case of frequency fluctuations, this kind of noise is introduced by collisional effects, indeed the transition frequency ω21 can also fluctuate around its fixed value. The simplest model of such interruption collisions [9,11] assumes that the atomic transition frequency ω21 should be replaced by ω21 (t) = ω21 + x(t). By taking a jump parameter a = 0.1 a.u. and three different frequency switching rates (ΩT = 1, 10 and 100). We remark in the column (A) damped quasiperiodic oscillations. The case of (ΩT = 10) corresponds to strong damping without any convergence to a steady state. While the relaxation to an equilibrium state of value 1/2 is clear for a switching rate (ΩT = 1). The damping becomes weak for (ΩT = 100) and two independent beats phenomena are observed. The complicated time evolution of populations is a result of Rabi oscillation interference. In the column (B) where we take into account of quantum dissipation, the two populations relax to equilibrium state. The thermal noise induced by coupling to the bath introduces a complete destruction of the atomic coherence. The kinetic of relaxation and rate damping decrease from the case of fast fluctuations (ΩT = 0.1) to the slow fluctuations (ΩT = 100). In Figures 2 and 4, the comparison between the two columns (A) and (B) shows that the dissipation which behaves as a noise (thermal noise) leads the system to an equilibrium state with rapid kinetic of relaxation. The damping rates become large when we introduce the dissipation terms (column B). In other hand, we clearly see the destruction of atomic coherence, which increases, when we take into account of dissipation . The dynamical localization regime appears for phase and frequency noises. However Figure 3 shows important asymmetries. This behavior is justified by the fact that in the case of amplitudefluctuations, the jump parameter a, assigned to stochastic process, appear in term of laser intensity F0 (1 ± a ), while in the case of phase noisy , the dependence occurs in term of ()aiexp±. III. 2 Dissipative nonlinear quantum dynamics in the ionization of two-level systems. Having established a formal framework for the excitation of atoms by laser noisy in presence of the reservoir action and explored some of its general predictions. We turn now to the examination of ionization effects on the populations and the illustration of the modifications generated by the different kinds of noise and quantum dissipation on the ionization rates. In order to analyze the ionization effects we adopt the extended two-level system model proposed by Yeh and Eberly [14,32]. The computation of ionization probability is made by the incorporation of responsible term of ionization [s,mnECστ− , with ()()mn nc mc mnmc EC 1RR2/1 R δ−+ +δ=τ and ncR is the relaxation rate from the excited state |n〉 to the continuum |c〉] in the motion equation (54). The trace of σover a complete set atomic states leads to the expression ∑ =σ−=2 1nnn ion1)t(P for the total ionization probability of the system [4,13,33]. We begin by showing successively the effects of laser noise and reservoir dissipation on the ionization probability. As illustrated in Figure 5, we have plotted total ionization as a function of Rabi periods. Taking an intense electric laser field such as (Ω = 1 a.u.) and a resonant laser frequency. The four curves of Figure 5 correspond respectively to the situations where: noise and dissipation are neglected, only the noise is considered, only dissipation effect is retained and both noise and dissipation exist. In Figure 5(a) we have considered aphase noise of a = 0.4π, the results depend on the fluctuations time scale (1/T) compared to the other characteristic time scales of the problem such the Rabi frequency Ω. The minimum variations of the ionization probability are obtained, where we neglect both noise and dissipation. When we take into account of dissipation, the ionization probability increases. For large number of Rabi period, we remark that the phase fluctuations effect is more important that the reservoir action, in fact, the ionization probability rapidly increases when we introduce phase fluctuations corresponding to the case of (ΩT = 0.1). In presence of dissipation terms, the ionization probability variations remain closely constant. We conclude that noise and dissipation rapidly leads the atom to the ionization states. Figure 5(b) shows the case of amplitude noise, where the jump parameter is taken a = 0.1 a.u. and a switching rate (ΩT = 1). A close behavior is observed as Figure 5(a) but the amplitude noise effect is very weak. The technique that we have used will be applied subsequently to frequency noise. A plot that gives a pictorial sense of how ionization proceeds in time is given in Figure 6. The total probability of ionization Pion(t) as a function of the Rabi period is plotted together with the occupation probabilities of bound states. The oscillations in these curves reflect the Rabi oscillations of the atom between the resonantly coupled states 1 and 2. These oscillations are damped by ionization in a few Ωt’s. This behavior is well known from the study of bound states coupled by an intense field. The column (A) of Figure 6 shows the response of two–level in presence of phase noise and (B column) by considering moreover the effect of dissipation. The same parameters are taken as Figure 2. The populations, which have not been lost through direct ionization to the atomic continuum, oscillate in the same manner that in absence of ionization effect, but there is a progressive decay to a zero probability. The ionization probability can be viewed as dominant in a few Rabi periods and increases rapidlyin time when the quantum dissipative effects are considered. Figure 7 displays the same behavior that Figure 6 but for an amplitude noise. CONCLUSION In this paper we have investigated at length the non-linear dynamics of dissipative quantum atomic systems subjected to the action of heat bath and periodically driven by strong laser field which is affected by classical noise. We have derived and solved a master equation for atoms in strong noisy laser fields and in presence of reservoir dissipative effects. Such equation based on the Floquet states rather than the unperturbed atomic states has given typical and interesting results concerning the atomic dynamics. In fact, we have demonstrated how the master equation formalism, the Floquet theory, the pre-Gaussian models of laser noise and the Markovian coupling of quantum system to an environment can be combined together in order to tackle a general theoretical formalism and a powerful tool for the detailed analysis of the interaction of an atomic system with intense incoherent laser field and with a large reservoir. We have shown that the dissipation terms, which are time dependent respect to those in the Bloch equations, force the system to settle to some ‘‘ preferred states ’’ it is the dynamical localization regime observed in the cases of phase and frequency noises, as we have explored in this paper. Moreover under the action of these decay mechanisms, the atomic system exhibits different regimes such as the destruction of coherence, the relaxation to equilibrium state. In general, the strength of damping and the kinetic of relaxation increase with the addition of dissipation effects but the case of amplitude fluctuations show a different behavior. We have also analyzed the modifications induced by ionization effects.Acknowledgments It is a pleasure to thank the Professors A. Buchleitner, R. Graham and Heinz-Peter Breuer for sending us their interesting reprints concerning this subject. We also wish to thank Professors A. Maquet and C. J. Joachain for very helpful suggestions and communication.References [1] Blümel R, Buchleitner A, Graham R, Sirko I, Smilansky and Walther H 1991 Phys. Rev. A 44 4521. [2] Breuer Heinz-Peter and Petruccione Francesco 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 3101. [3] Graham R and Hübner R 994 ANNALS Of Physics 234 300. [4] Buchleitner A, Delande D and Gay J C 1995 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 12 505. [5] Cohen–Tannoudji C, Dupont–Roc J, Grtyynberg G 1988 ‘‘ Processus d’interaction entre photons et atomes ’’( Paris InterEditions et Editions du CNRS ). [6] Mollow B R, 1975 Phys. Rev. A 12 1919. [7] Eberly J H K, Wodkiewicz K and Shore B.W 1984 Phys. Rev. A 30 2381. [8] Wodkiewicz K, Shore B W and Eberly J H 1984 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 1 398. [9] Wodkiewicz K, Shore B W and Eberly J H 1984 Phys. Rev. A 30 2390. [10] Francken P and Joachain C J 1987 Phys. Rev. A 36 1663. [11] Wodkiewicz K 1979 Phys. Rev. A 19 1686. [12] Agarwal G S 1978 Phys. Rev. A 18 1490. [13] Lambropoulos P and Zoller P1981 Phys. Rev. A 24 379. 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(b) In absence of noise and the dissipation is considered. Figure 2. Populations σnn versus time (in units of inverse Rabi frequency Ω) for two–level atom resonantly excited by random telegraph phase noise, successive frames are for different values of phase switching rates ΩT = 0.1, 1 and 10. We use strong laser field, such that the Rabi frequency is set Ω = 1 a.u. The phase jump parameter is a = 0.4π, the emission spontaneous coefficient is γ21 = Ω/105 au. - The column (A) represents the effects of phase noise. - The column (B) represents the same situation as column (A) but by adding the dissipative effects. Figure 3. Same as Figure 2., but for an amplitude noise with the jump parameter is a = 0.1 a.u. and three switching rates ΩT = 0.1, 1 and 100. Figure 4. Same as Figure 3., but for a frequency noise.Figure 5. Ionisation probability )t(Pion versus time (in units of inverse Rabi frequency Ω). Same parameters as the previous figures are used. The The relaxation rate from bound states to the continuum is 100/Rc2Ω=. (a) Dotted line: )t(Pion in absense of noise and dissipation. Dashed line: only the effect of phase noise for ΩT = 0.1. Dashed-Dotted line: only the effect of dissipation is considered and Solid line: both effects of noise and dissipation are considered. (b) Same as (a), but for an amplitude noise with ΩT = 1. Figure 6. The columns A and B are, respectively, same as Figure 2(A) and Figure 2(B), but take into account of the ionisation process represented by the probability Pion(t). The relaxation rate from bound states to the continuum is 100/Rc2Ω=. Figure 7. The columns A and B are, respectively, same as Figure 3(A) and Figure 3(B), but take into account of the ionisation process represented by the probability Pion(t). The relaxation rate from bound states to the continuum is 100/Rc2Ω=.0 100 Ω 01Ionization Probability 0 100 Ω01Ionization Probabilityt tΩT= 0.1 ΩT = 1no noise.with noise.dissipation only.noise and dissipation. (a) (b)0 20 Ω 0.01.00 200.01.00 200.01.0 0 200.01.0Populations and P 0 20 Ω 0.01.0Populations and P0 200.01.0Populations and PΩT = 10 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 10 ΩT = 1 T = 0.1Pionion ion ion0 100 Ω 0.01.00 200.01.00 200.01.0 0 200.01.0Populations and P 0 100 Ω 0.01.0Populations and P0 200.01.0Populations and PΩT = 100 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 100 ΩT = 1 T = 0.1Pionion ion ion0 100 Ω 0.01.00 200.01.00 200.01.0 0 200.01.0Populations 0 100 Ω 0.01.0Populations0 200.01.0PopulationsΩT = 100 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 100 ΩT = 1 T = 0.10 50 100 Ω 0.01.00 1000.01.00 1000.01.0 0 1000.01.0Populations 0 50 100 Ω 0.01.0Populations0 1000.01.0PopulationsΩT = 100 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 1T = 10T = 100 ΩT = 10 T = 10 20 Ω 0.01.00 200.01.00 200.01.0 0 200.01.0Populations 0 20 Ω 0.01.0Populations0 200.01.0PopulationsΩT = 10 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 10 ΩT = 1 T = 0.10 14 Ω 01Populations 0 14 Ω01Populationst tρ ρ11 22(a) (b)0 100 Ω 01Ionization Probability 0 100 Ω01Ionization Probabilityt tΩT= 0.1 ΩT = 1without noise.with noise.dissipation only.noise and dissipation. (a) (b)
1THE KINETIC OF THE ATOMIC RELAXATION INDUCED BY LASER NOISE O. El Akramine♣ and A. Makhoute♣* ♣ UFR Physique Atomique, Moléculaire & Optique Appliquée Université Moulay Ismail, Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 4010 Beni M’hamed, Meknès, Morocco. * Physique Atomique Théorique, Faculté des Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, CP 227, Brussels, Belgium. Short title: Atomic Relaxation Induced by Laser Noise PACS number(s): 32.80K, 34.80 Submitted to: J. Phys. B Date: May, 19 19982Abstract We present a theoretical study of strong laser-atom interactions, when the laser field parameters are subjected to random processes. The atom is modelled by a two–level and three–level systems, while the statistical fluctuations of the laser field are described by a pre-Gaussian model. The interaction of the laser–target is treated nonperturbatively by using the calculation method based on the hermitian Floquet theory. Our aim consists in studying the kinetic of atomic relaxation induced by a laser noise. In the resonant case and electric field strengths small with respect to the atomic unit electric strength, the present nonperturbative results are in agreement with those obtained within the rotating wave approximation of Eberly et al. and Wodkiewicz et al., for an atom modelled by a two–level system. We discuss some examples which demonstrate the destruction of atomic coherence by the noise, the regime of relaxation to equilibrium state and the optical analogue of motional narrowing. We also give new results for two–level and three–level systems, and for a strong laser field at exact resonance, in the case of phase, amplitude noises. The case of fluctuation due to collisions is also discussed. Our numerical results indicate that ionisation effects, in the presence of laser noise, can lead to important modifications of the populations for strong laser–atom interactions. The changes generated onto the ionisation rates by the noise are also investigated.31. Introduction It is actually recognised that nearly all types of laser–atom interactions can be strongly affected by laser noise. In fact, real atoms experience a fluctuating environment of many perturbing interactions and ideal lasers exist only in theoretical models, while the used laser sources are subjected to many types of fluctuations notably in phase, amplitude and frequency. Stochastic variations of the Hamiltonian can be due not only to the field but also to the jump–type transitions of the atom from one energy state to another, jumps which are characteristic of condensed phases and which modulate its interaction with the medium [1]. Therefore, we cannot realise, without taking into account the statistical properties of the laser radiation, an exact comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results. Incorporation of such stochastic properties into the Liouville equation by fully microscopic treatment (relaxation times and bandwidths) [2] give modest results, so we use a theoretical models based on the Markov pre–Gaussian processes [2–5]. These processes, composed of N–independent two–state jump processes (random telegraphs), form a non–Gaussian stochastic models, also called Markov chains. Such a Markov chain offers a detailed discussion of the atomic response. Our choice of the Markov chain is based on the simplicity of this model and the remarkable property of convergence to a Gaussian stochastic process when N → +∞. We derive the proper master equation for the density operator driven by a noise described by two–state stochastic telegraph process. This fundamental equation first introduced in quantum optic by Burshtein [2–4], contains all information concerning both the atomic transitions dynamic and the stochastic evolution of laser field fluctuations. Several works have reported on the action of random process on a two–level system [1-4,6,7], particularly the evolution populations. In the present article we want to investigate the atomic response to a noise laser, i.e., to describe the relaxation of the atomic level populations ρnn. It should be noted that the kinetic of the phase relaxation contains information on the width and shape of the spectral lines [1]. We also extend our study to a three–level system and we provide the ionisation influence for strong4laser–atom interactions, when the laser field parameters are subjected to random process. We are concerned here with an important theme of contemporary research, namely the interplay between quantum coherence and external noise. The destruction of quantum coherence by noise is central to many fields of physics and is reflected in the large number of papers recently published on this subject [8-12]. In this paper we are interested by a strong laser field whose frequency is resonant; time dependent perturbation theory and rotating wave approximation (RWA) [13] are therefore not adequate to resolve the interaction process. Indeed, the perturbation method is justified when the electric field strength F0 remains much smaller than the atomic unit of field strength, namely F0 << 5.109 V cm-1 and when the laser photon energy is not tuned close to an atomic transition energy. The second limitation is resolved by the RWA, however there is the Bloch–Sierget shift [13] which deteriorates the efficiency of this approximation, especially when the laser intensity increases. We explore the limits of validity of rotating wave approximation for multi-level system and/or for strong laser field. We have therefore developed a nonperturbative treatment of the laser–atom interactions, based on the Floquet theory [14-18]. This nonperturbative method allows to transform the time dependent Liouville or Schrödinger equation to a stationary problem of eigenvalues. This problem can be solved without restrictions on the laser parameters, i.e., its solution requires at most a finite matrix diagonalization. It is another advantage of Floquet method in the context of laser–atom interactions. The paper is structured as follows. In section 2, we present a detailed description of the theoretical formalism, which is valid for the general case of multi-level atoms. By considering the case of noise strong laser–atom interactions, for which detailed Floquet calculations are feasible to obtain the density matrix elements, which are solutions of the master equation. The account of Floquet theory given here is rather brief, since the theory has been discussed at length in the recent literature (see e. g. refs. [14–18]). Numerical results concerning the model of two–level and three–level systems are presented and discussed in section 3, where the phase and amplitude noises are described by random telegraph and Markov chain. The case of fluctuations due to5collisions is analysed. We also discuss the noise effect on the ionisation process. At the end a summary of our results is given.62. General formalism We consider a model of multi–level atom excited by a classical purely monochromatic laser field described by an electric field linearly polarised, F0 (t) = F0 cos(ωt + φ(t)). (1) Here F0 is the electric field amplitude (possibly fluctuating in magnitude) and φ(t) is the instantaneous phase of the laser ( fluctuating around the zero value ). The laser parameters are affected by a stochastic process of jumps. We represent these fluctuations by a Markovian Pre–Gaussian models. Thereafter, we denote the random telegraph and the Markov chain respectively [3]; by the processes [ x(t) = ±a ] and [ X(t) = {– Na, –(N-2)a, ..., (N-2)a, and Na}], with a is the amount of the jump assigned to the stochastic signal and N the number of random telegraph signals [3]. In order to incorporate a laser phase or amplitude noise in equations, treating the laser–atom interactions, we have therefore describe the system states considered in terms of the density matrix elements. The time dependent behaviour of the density operator ρ is given by the Liouville equation [18] [][] iii /G21/G21/G21 t =H(s), ∂ ∂ρρ− ++2Γ Λ ,ρ , (2) where Γ and Λ are two diagonal matrix corresponding to the spontaneous emission process and defined by [18] Γnnnnnn=∑ <γ''andΛnnnnnnnnt =∑ >γρ ''''(), (3) where γnn’ is the radiative decay rate. H(s) is the non–relativistic periodical Hamiltonian in the presence of the laser noisy and s labels any possible state of the random process. In the case of the laser amplitude fluctuations, H(s) may be written as7H(s) = H0 + e F0(1 + x (t) ).R cos (ωt + φ(t)) ( 4) and, in the case of the laser phase fluctuations, it takes the following form H(s) = H0 + e F0.R cos (ωt + φ(t) + x(t) ), (5) where H0 is the nonperturbative Hamiltonian, ω the frequency of laser field, e is the electric charge and R the dipole operator. In the stationary eigenstates {|n〉} of the unperturbed system Hamiltonian, the equation (2) could be written in the following system of coupled differential equations for the time dependent matrix elements density ρnn’ (t) as ρ ρ ρ ρ ρρ ω δ. ' ' ' '' '() ()( )nn nnnn kn nk nkknnkknk nnnnii s si=− − − −  + +∑ ' M /G21/G21 nk kn'M 2Γ Γ Λ, (6) where ωnnnnEE ''=− /G21 is the Bohr frequency associated with the n → n’ transition, Mnk(s) the dipole coupling matrix elements in presence of fluctuations, corresponding to stochastic state s of the random process and δnn’ is the Kronecker symbol. Since the process that we are considering here is Markovian, the conditioned probability density function associated with it, namely () pstst,,00, is shown to satisfy the following Chapman–Kolmogorov equation [2–4,19,20 ] ∂ ∂tpssN TpssN TNs NpssNs Npss (,t,t)(,t,t) (,t,t)(,t,t)0 00 00 002222 =− ++− +−+  , ( 7) here s0 is the initial state of Markov chain at the time t0. In the simple case of random telegraph signal, the above equation reduces to ∂ ∂tpststTpststTpstst (,,)(,,)(,,)0 00 00 01 1=− +− . (8) In the compact form , the equation (8) write as8ds dtssPWP=' s', (9) with [] Wss T'=−−1 1111 is the relaxation matrix composed by the frequencies of telegraph jumps process, where s and s’ are two different states of random telegraph (s and s’ = 1,2), corresponding to the telegraph signal amplitude (±a). T denote the dwell time (i.e., the mean time between interruptions) for the telegraph. The main difficulty of typical problems lies in the correct averaging of the matrix density over all realisations of noise. In fact, what is wanted is ρnn', that is, the solution to the equation (6) averaged over the ensemble of jumps of the implicit telegraph x(t). To obtain ρnn' one proceeds indirectly, defining a marginal average ρnn’,s (t), by the equation ρ ρnn sgs'()=∑ nn',s, (10) where g(s) is the initial probability distribution of the random process and ρnn’,s (t) the average value of ρnn’(t) under the condition that x(t) is fixed at the value s at time t. Combining the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation (9) for the probability density function and the dynamic equation (6) for the statistical operator ρ(t), a master equation can be derived for the so–called marginal averages ρnn’,s (t) [2,3]. It reads ∂ ∂ρ ρ ρ ρρ ωρδ ρnns knsnknkskn nkknsnksknk nnsnnnnsssnnsiMsMsi W', ', ,' ',,' ',','','() ()( )t i = nn'− − −   −+ + +∑/G21/G21 2Γ Γ Λ (11) with Λnnsnn nnnnst,' ''',() =∑ >γρ . (12) The equation (11) exhibits a system of differential equations with periodical coefficients. This system constitutes a fundamental equation for any statistical study of the interaction processes in the presence of fluctuations. By using the usual Floquet technique [14–18], we can seek the solution of the form9ρε ω nnsi i t n ns te e C M',/ ', ()=− − =−∞+∞∑ t M M /G21. (13) The Floquet coefficients CnnsM ', and the pseudo–energies ε can be found by solving numerically the eigenvalues problem [ ] [ ]1 21 1 1 /G21 /G21C sCMsC sC s iCC M Ci C iWssknsnk knsnkknks nks nkknsnksknknn' nnsnn nnnnn nn' nn's', ', , , ', ,' ', ''', , ,() () () () ( ) ' 'M+1 M-1 M+1 M-1 M M M M M M M M M C= Ckn' kn'-1 n's s'++ ∑ − − − + ∑ +− +∑ +− + >Γ Γω ω γδ ε (14) where the dipole coupling matrix elements Mnks−1() and Mnks+1() are defined by Msnk() = Menksit −−1()ω + Menksit ++1()ω (15) In matrix representation, the system of equations (14) could be written in the following compact form, as G ψ = ε ψ (16) where G is the infinite tridiagonal block Floquet matrix, ε and ψ the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of G. In numerical calculations, the series expansion in function of M (expression (13)) is truncated to a finite Mmax number of terms which permits the convergence of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of G. In the absence of noise, the density operator satisfies a 9×9 matrix differential equation with constant coefficients ( case of three–level system ). The master equation allows stochastic telegraph type noise to be added at the sole expense to enlarge the matrix dimensionality from 9×9 to 9ns×9ns; ns represents here the two states of random telegraph signal. When we consider the Floquet solution based on the development of Fourier, we enlarged also the matrix dimensionality from 9ns×9ns to 9ns(2Mmax+1)×9ns(2Mmax+1), with (2Mmax+1) is the number of Floquet matrix blocs. We remark that dimensionality of G becomes very large10[dim G = n2×ns×(2Mmax+1), with n is the number of atomic states] and depends of Mmax This latter is the truncated number of Fourier development permitting the convergence of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Floquet matrix. It is important to remark the following fact, the Floquet pseudo–energies εj are only defined modulo the photon energy, so the Floquet quasienergy are not unique. We extract the pseudo–energies εj, which are physically independents, from the Floquet matrix eigenvalues. The Floquet solution of the system (14) is a linear combination of all solutions corresponding to different pseudo–energiesεj, and their eigenvectors CnnsMj ',,ε, we set ρ αε ω ε nns jit jnn iMt MMM nnsMt e eCjs j ',/ ',,() maxmax =− =× − =−+ ∑ ∑ 12 (17) where αj are the constants of linear combination, determined by the initial conditions [ρ11(t= 0) = 1 and ρ22(t = 0) = ρ33(t = 0) = 0]. On averaging over all realisations of the random signal, we obtain the final expression of matrix density elements ρnn’(t) as ρ αε ω ε nn sjit jnn iMt MMM nnsMtgse eCjs j '/ ',,()() maxmax = =− =× − =−+ ∑∑ ∑ 12 12 (18) We remark that the Floquet method permits us to evaluate exactly atomic response functions in finite terms, and we can then examine the influence of laser fluctuations on these functions.113. Results and discussion By describing external sources of noise by Pre–Gaussian Markov chains composed of N–independent jump processes, we treated two different sources of pre–Gaussian noise (phase and amplitude) by using a simple general master equation soluble in finite terms. Our application is carried out in two cases. In first, the model of two–level atom on resonance is considered and it results compared with those obtained by Eberly et al. and Wodkiewicz et al. [2,3]. We also provide some results for atomic response, when RWA approximation is not justified for strong laser fields. In second, the behaviour of three– level atom response to laser noisy is investigated. We choose the inverse Rabi frequency Ω as time unit, (where Ω = dnk.F0, with d nk is the dipole matrix element between levels |n〉 and |k〉), in the aim to analyse the obtained results in terms of the noise strength . In the absence of any noise source ( electric laser field is purely coherent) and if we neglect the other relaxation rates ( spontaneous decay and ionisation rate), the behaviour of the populations of two-level and three–level systems is illustrated in Figure 1., which shows a superposition of several undamped oscillation modes ( Rabi oscillations). The system remains indefinitely in this oscillatory state. 3. 1. Two–level atom in presence of random telegraph laser noise. As already noted by several authors [2–4], the behaviour of a two–level atom to pre–Gaussian noise in strong laser–atom interactions depends critically on a special telegraph noise. The agreement between the two methods (the numerical calculation within the framework of rotating wave approximation and the present nonperturbative method of calculation based on the Floquet theory) is good at resonant excitation and when the electric field strength F0 remains much smaller than the atomic unit of field strength 5. 109 V/cm. This behaviour is illustrated in Figure 2.(A), where we show an example of phase random telegraph influence on atomic level populations corresponding to the phase jumps a = 0.4π, the electric field strength F0 = 106 V/cm for the phase switching rates (ΩT = 0.1, 1 and 10). Figure 2.(B) displays the atomic level populations resonantly excited by random telegraph phase noise, corresponding to the12phase jumps a = 0.4π, the electric field strength F0 = 5. 108 V/cm and from phase fluctuations for three different rates switching. The regime of weak damping is observed for (ΩT = 10). The atomic populations exhibit a motional narrowing regime for small Rabi frequency compared to the frequency noise (ΩT = 0.1), in this case, the telegraph jumps are too fast that the atomic system can feel only the mean value of fluctuations. For (ΩT = 1), we note a partial destruction of the atomic coherence by the phase noise and the kinetic of relaxation is rapid (strong damping). The two populations converge to a steady-state of value 1/2, in indication that the phase jump relaxation is purely ‘‘transverse’’[2]. It is interesting to note the presence of an irregular behaviour on the oscillations of the two populations for a strong laser field; in fact, we observe small oscillations which come to superpose to the Rabi oscillations, their amplitude is weak and disappears when the electric field strength F0 becomes small with respect to the atomic unit of field strength. These little oscillations represent the fast variable phases e± i (ω+ωnn’)t which are safely neglected by the authors [2–4], by using the rotating wave approximation. Figure 3 shows an example of amplitude telegraph influence on atomic level populations. Taking a = 0.1, three different amplitude switching rates (ΩT = 0.1,1,100) and the electric field strength is F0 = 5. 108 V/cm. We remark a very weak damping at (ΩT = 0.1,1) and a beats phenomena at (ΩT = 100). In order to lead the system to the relaxation process, we must use a large number of Rabi periods than in the case of phase fluctuations. The main difference observed between the random telegraph phase and amplitude modulation arises from the choice of the laser stochastic fluctuations. As already mentioned in the introduction, under collision effects, the transition frequency ω21 can also fluctuates around its fixed value ω21. The simplest model of such interruption collisions [4,21] assumes that the atomic transition frequency ω21 should be replaced by ω21 (t) = ω21 + x(t). Figure 4 displays , the influence of such collisional noise on the atomic response, where we take the electric field strength F0 = 5. 108 V/cm, the jump parameter a = 0.1 and three different frequency switching rates (ΩT = 1, 10 and 100). We remark damped quasiperiodic oscillations. The case of (ΩT = 10) corresponds to strong damping without any convergence to a steady state. While the relaxation to a equilibrium state of value 1/2 is clear for a switching rate (ΩT = 1). The13damping becomes weak for (ΩT = 100) and two independent beats phenomena are observed. The complicated time evolution of populations is a result of Rabi oscillations interference. 3. 2. Two–level atom in presence of Markov chain laser noise. We generalise the case of random telegraph to a Markov chain, which treats the phase and amplitude fluctuations of strong laser field interacting resonantly with a two level system. Figure 5. shows the atomic response for a Markov chain composed of three and seven phase telegraphs, with the phase jump parameter is a = 0.4π, the electric field strength is F0 = 108 V/cm and (ΩT = 1, 100, 1000 ). For (ΩT = 1), we remark that the phase noise entirely eliminates the atomic coherence. The Rabi oscillations have been completely destroyed and the relaxation process is rapid, while for the cases (ΩT = 100 and ΩT=1000) the coherence effects are restored even though the field is fluctuating. The damping strength decreases progressively for (ΩT = 100) and (ΩT = 1000). Similar behaviour is also observed when we increase the number of phase telegraphs (seven telegraphs), but the damping becomes more intense and we clearly observe the convergence to a Gaussian limit. Figure 6. shows the same situation, as Figure. 5, but for amplitude noise with the jump parameter a = 0.1. New beats phenomena which appear at large switching rates (ΩT = 100, 1000 ). We remark that the degree of Gaussian character and the kinetic of convergence to a stationary state increase with the number N of random telegraphs. This behaviour justifies the pre–Gaussian property of Markov chains. 3. 3. Three–level system in presence of random telegraph laser noise. Multilevel systems show a variety of interesting optical effects with laser fields [22-23]. It would be interesting to study how the incoherence sources affect the population evolution of multilevel atoms. For the sake of numerical simplicity (the Floquet matrix dimentionality largely increases from two-level to multi-level), we only extend our application to a three-level atom driven by stochastic strong laser field at14resonance. Our model of three-level atom is a ladder system which contains three discrete bound states and a continuum. It may be considered as a generalisation of the so-called ‘‘extended two–level’’ model proposed by Yeh and Eberly [24], where they have assumed that the bound–continuum dipole moments are weakly energy dependent so that it is well justified to use the adiabatic following elimination of the continuum degrees of freedom [24]. In absence of ionisation, no loss out of the system occurs, but damping is supplied by spontaneous decay and laser noisy within the three-level system, so that non zero populations are maintained in a steady-state for large times. Figure 7 clearly illustrates this behaviour in the case of one phase telegraph, with a = 0.4π, three different phase switching rates (ΩT= 0.1, 1 and 10) and the electric field strength is F0 = 5. 108 V/cm. The relaxation process is observed for (ΩT = 1) with strong damping. The cases of (ΩT = 0.1) and (ΩT = 10) correspond to weak damping. The three populations ρ11 (t), ρ22 (t) and ρ33 (t) converge to a stationary state of value 1/3. Figure 8. shows the case of atomic response for amplitude noise with a = 0.1, F0 = 5. 108 V/cm and (ΩT= 1, 10, 100 ). For (ΩT = 1) we have a weak damping and a strong damping for (ΩT = 10), the populations ρ11 (t) and ρ33 (t) converge to a stationary state of value 3/8, while ρ22 (t) converge to a stationary state of value 1/4 with rapid damping than for ρ11 (t) and ρ33 (t). Quantum beats appear for (ΩT = 100) between ρ11 (t) and ρ33 (t), while ρ22 (t) shows beats independently. It is apparent that important asymmetries between the atomic response in the case of phase and amplitude fluctuations should be expected. This difference is justified by the fact that in the case of amplitude fluctuations, the jump parameter a, assigned to stochastic process, appear in term of laser intensity F0.(1 ± a ), while in the case of phase noisy , the dependence occurs in term of (e± i a ). 3.4 Ionisation effects on field–atom interactions in presence of laser noise. Since we have considered a strong laser field, we would have a large ionisation for all atoms. In order to take into account of the noise laser effects on the atomic populations and ionisation process, we will incorporate the responsible term of15ionisation [τ EC = - Rnc δnn’ -1/2 (Rnc + Rn’c) (1 - δnn’), where Rnc is the relaxation rate from the excited state |n〉 to the continuum |c〉] in the motion equations (2), (6), (11) and (14). Two ionisation probabilities are calculated respectively the instantaneous probability Pt tI()()=−1η where η ρ()tnn n= =∑ 13 , and the mean ionisation probability PteImRtI()=−−1 where RI and we represent the effect of different laser noises on the average ionisation probability PtIm(). Same behaviour can be observed for the ionisation rate RI. Figure 9(a) displays the time evolution of the two-probabilities PI(t) and PtIm()in absence of noise. Figure 9(b) illustrates the influence of one amplitude telegraph on the average ionisation probability PtIm(). The same parameters as Figure 6 are used. The results depend on the fluctuations time scale compared to the other characteristic time scales of the problem. The minimum ionisation rate is obtained for (ΩT = 10). Figure 9(c) shows a weak effect of phase noise on the ionisation probability and minimum ionisation rate is obtained for (ΩT = 1). Figure 10. shows the response of two–level (A column) and three–level (B column) systems in the case of laser phase noise described by a random telegraph. The same parameters are taken as Figure 2.(B column) and Figure 7. The novelty in this figure is the incorporation of ionisation process, which is represented by the instantaneous ionisation probability PI(t). A loss of population has been induced by ionisation, indeed, we remark that the populations oscillate in the same manner that in absence of ionisation effect, but there is a progressive decay to the zero probability, while the ionisation probability PI (t) increases in time. The same behaviour is observed in the case of laser amplitude noise and for a Markov chain.164. Conclusion In this paper, we have presented a general stochastic treatment to incoherence properties induced by laser fluctuations (phase and amplitude) and by collision effects (frequency). Our method is based on the nonperturbative Floquet theory with pre-Gaussian processes and collisional approach modelling the different sources of noise. A detailed discussion of the noise effects on the atomic response has been given by resolving a master equation. We have examined the behaviour of three–level systems at ‘high’ laser intensities where both the two-state approximation and the rotating wave approximation fail. Our treatment has given good results. In fact, we have not only reproduced the results of other authors [2,3] for two-level system, (when the ionisation effects are neglected) but also, we have established new interesting results concerning the little oscillations which appear on the populations ρnn. Our results show a destruction of the atomic coherence by the noise and a relaxation regime to equilibrium state. The damping rate or relaxation kinetic is related to the size order of fluctuations. We have also investigated the effect of noise on the ionisation rates. On the basis of these results, obtained for two–level and three–level systems, the Floquet approach is then useful in the nonperturbative treatment of the interaction processes in presence of external sources of noise, because any restriction on the laser parameters is imposed. The nonperturbative method is very convenient for analysing the effects of laser noise on multi–level and real atomic systems.17References [1] Burshtein A I 1966 Sov. Phys.–JETP 22 939. [2] Eberly J H K, Wodkiewicz K and Shore B.W 1984 Phys. Rev. A 30 2381. [3] Wodkiewicz K, Shore B W and Eberly J H 1984 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 1 398. [4] Wodkiewicz K, Shore B W and Eberly J H 1984 Phys. Rev. A 30 2390. [5] Francken P and Joachain C J 1987 Phys. Rev. A 36 1663. [6] Burshtein A I 1965 Sov. Phys.–JETP 21 567. [7] Zusman L D and Burshtein A I 1972 Sov. Phys.–JETP 34 520. [8] Gallagher T F and Cooke W E 1979 Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 835. 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The phase jump parameter is a = 0.4π, the emission spontaneous coefficients are γ21 = γ32 = 1.9 10-5 and the electric field strengths are F0 = 106 V/cm and F0 = 5 108 V/cm, respectively, for the plots of the columns A and B. Figure 3. Populations ρnn versus time (in units of inverse Rabi frequency Ω) for two–level atom resonantly excited by random telegraph amplitude noise, successive frames are for different values of amplitude switching rates ΩT = 0.1, 1 and 100. The amplitude jump parameter is a = 0.1, the electric field strength is F0 = 5.108 V/cm and the emission spontaneous coefficients are γ21 = γ32 = 1.9 10-5. Figure 4. Populations ρnn versus time (in units of inverse Rabi frequency Ω) for two–level atom resonantly excited by random telegraph frequency noise, successive frames are for different values of switching rates ΩT = 1, 10 and 100. The jump parameter is a = 0.1, the electric field strength is F0 = 5.108 V/cm and the emission spontaneous coefficients are γ21 = γ32 = 1.9 10-5. Figure 5. Populations ρnn versus time (in units of inverse Rabi frequency Ω) for two–level atom resonantly excited by Markov chain phase noise, composed of three19phase random telegraphs (N = 3) and an extension to a Markov chain of seven phase random telegraphs (N = 7). Successive frames are for different values of phase switching rates ΩT = 1, 102 and 103. The electric field strength is F0 = 108 V/cm, the phase jump parameter is a = 0.4π and the radiative decay rates are γ21 = γ32 = 1.9 10-5 Figure 7. Populations ρnn versus time (in units of inverse Rabi frequency Ω) for threelevel atom resonantly excited by a random telegraph phase noise, with phase noise a = 0.4π. Successive frames are for different values of switching rates ΩT = 0.1, 1 and 10. The electric field strength is F0 = 5.108 V/cm, the phase jump parameter is a = 0.4π and the radiative decay rates are γ21 = γ32 = 1.9 10-5. Figure 8. Same as Figure 7., but for amplitude fluctuations and the jump parameter is a = 0.1. Figure 9. Ionisation probability versus time (in units of inverse Rabi frequency Ω). The electric field strength is F0 = 108 V/cm, the radiative decay rates are γ21 = γ32 = 1.9 10-5 and The relaxation rates from bound states to the continuum are RRc c 2 310 ==Ω/. (a) Solid line: mean ionisation probability PtIm(). Dotted line: instantaneous ionisation probability PtI(). Solid and dotted lines are in absence of noise. (b) Solid line: mean ionisation probability in absence of noise. Dashed line: in presence of amplitude noise (a = 0.1) with ΩT = 1. Dotted line: in presence of amplitude noise with ΩT= 10. (c) Same as (b), but for phase noise (a = 0.4π). Figure 10. The columns A and B are, respectively, same as Figure 2.(B) and Figure 7., but take into account of the ionisation process represented by the probability PI (t). The relaxation rates from bound states to the continuum are RRc c 2 310 ==Ω/.0 13 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations tρ ρ ρ11 22 330 13 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations t(a) (b)ρ ρ11 220 5 10 15 20 Ω / 2π0. 00.01.0Populations 0 5 10 15 20 Ω / 2π0.01.0Populations00.01.0PopulationsΩ T= 0.1T = 10 tΩ(A) (B) Ω ΩΩT= 10 T= 1T= 1 ΩT= 0.1ρ ρ11 22 t0 100 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations0 100 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations0 100 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0PopulationsΩ Ω ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 100 22 tρ ρ11 tt0 100 Ω / 2π0.01.0Populations0 100 Ω / 2π0.01.0Populations0 100 Ω / 2π0.01.0PopulationsΩ ρ ρt ΩT = 1T = 100 11 22ΩT = 10 t t0 25 50 75100 Ω / 2π0.01.00 1000.01.00.00 0 1000.01.0Populations 0 25 50 75100 Ω / 2π0.01.0Populations0 1000.01.0Populations T = 1 tΩ Ω(N = 3) (N = 7) ρ ρ11 22 tΩT = 1000 T = 100 ΩT = 1ΩT = 100ΩT = 10000 25 50 75100 Ω / 2π0.01.00 1000.01.00.00 0 1000.01.0Populations 0 25 50 75100 Ω / 2π0.01.0Populations0 1000.01.0PopulationsΩT = 1000 tΩ Ω(N = 3) (N = 7) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 1T = 100T = 1000 ΩT = 100 T = 10 100 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations0 100 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations0 100 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0PopulationsΩ ΩΩT = 10 T = 1T = 100 ttt ρ ρ ρ11 22 330 40 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations0 40 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0Populations0 40 Ω / 2π0.00.51.0PopulationsΩ ΩΩT = 1 T = 0.1T = 10 ttt ρ ρ ρ11 22 330102030405060 Ω / 2π0. 00.01.0Populations and P 0102030405060 Ω /2π0.01.0Populations and P00.01.0Populations and PΩT = 10 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 10 ΩT = 1 T = 0.1ρP 33 ionion ion ionρ ρ P11 22 ion0 10 20 30 40 Ω / 2π0. 00.01.0Populations and P 0 10 20 Ω /2π0.01.0Populations and P00.01.0Populations and PΩT = 10 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 10 ΩT = 1 T = 0.1ρ P 33ionion ion ionρ ρ P11 22 ion0 10 20 30 40 Ω / 2π0. 00.01.0Populations and P 0 10 20 30 40 Ω /2π0.01.0Populations and P00.01.0Populations and PΩT = 10 tΩ Ω(A) (B) ρ ρ11 22 tΩ ΩT = 0.1T = 1T = 10 ΩT = 1 T = 0.1ρ P33ionion ion ionρ ρ P11 22 ion
arXiv:physics/9911036v1 [physics.pop-ph] 16 Nov 19999.84vs.9.84: The Battle of Bruny and Bailey J. R. Mureika1 Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont ario M5S 1A7 Canada Abstract At the recent 1999 World Athletics Championships in Sevilla , Spain, Canada’s Bruny Surin matched Donovan Bailey’s National and former World Record 100 m mark of 9.84 s. The unoffi cial times for each, as read from the photo-finish, were 9.833 s and 9.835 s respectively. Who, then, is the faste st Canadian of all time? A possible solution is offered, accounting for drag effects resulting from ambient tail-win ds and altitude. From the moment Bruny Surin’s silver-clad Seville performa nce popped up on the screen, it was only a matter of time before the question was raised. This story, of course, has its roots in the July 27, 1996 perfo rmance of one Donovan Bailey, Canada’s prime hopeful at the centennial Olympic Games in At lanta. Coming from behind, Dono- van shifted to a gear which that day only he possessed, surgin g ahead to the tape in a World Record mark of 9.84s. Fast forward to August 22, 1999: Montreal’s Br uny Surin battles for global century supremacy with the formidable Maurice Greene, who a shy 2 mon ths earlier had eclipsed Bailey’s world mark in an ominously reminiscent 9.79s. Although fall ing mildly short of his rival’s 9.80s gold medal romp, Surin’s time was far from disappointing, yet in a way uniquely Canadian: 9.84s. The score so far: 9.84s Bailey, 9.84s Surin– but is a 9.84s alw ays a 9.84s? Without delving too deeply into the philosophical, one needs to address the stan dards of electronic timing. For those not familiar with the equipment, the top-of-the-line photo -finish cameras actually sample at 0.001s, implying that the athletes’ performances are initially rec orded to three decimal places. For various reasons, the precision is only kept to two places, but the rou nding process isn’t quite scientific. Unless the third decimal place is ’0’, the times are rounded upto the next highest hundredth. So, two performances can be up to 0.009s apart, and stillbe regarded as “equal”! Herein lies our current dilemma. In a recent issue of Athletics [1], it was pointed out that Bailey’s 9.84 s was initially a 9.835 s, while Surin’s 9.84 s was really 9.833 s. How does reaction time fit in? Donovan slept in the blocks for 0.174 s (a potential nail-in- the-coffin for an Olympic final!), while Bruny blasted ahead of his field in 0.127 s. So, after a little m ath, Surin clocks in with 9.706 s, but Bailey now leads at 9.661 s. Is Donovan’s performance truly of Olympic proportions, as c ompared to Bruny’s?? In case you didn’t see this coming (by now you should all know better), we can’t disregard two vital pieces of data: wind speed and altitude! The measurements in question were +0 .7 m/s in Atlanta (approxi- mately 315 m above sea level), and +0 .2 m/s in Seville (about 12 m above sea level). Since a tail-win d boosts a sprint time, Bailey’s +0 .7 m/s tail gave him more of an advantage than Surin’s +0 .2 m/s. However, a higher altitude sprint is easier than one closer t o sea level– hence, a Seville race will be slower than one in Atlanta! What to do?? Is this debate destin ed for the files of Unsolved Mysteries ? Through the miracle of numerical modeling, it’s possible to estimate the benefit associated with each statistic. Drag is calculated as drag=1 2ρ CdA(v−w)2, (1) 1newt@palmtree.physics.utoronto.caAltitude (m) w: +0.0 m/s +1 .0 m/s +2 .0 m/s 0 +0 .000 s +0 .064 s +0 .121 s 1000 +0 .043 +0 .099 +0 .149 2000 +0 .079 +0 .130 +0 .174 2234 +0 .087 +0 .137 +0 .180 where Ais the cross-sectional area of the sprinter, Cdis the drag coefficient, ρthe density of the air,vthe sprinter’s speed, and wthe wind speed. Note the dependence on ρandw: the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, the lower the value of ρ. Likewise, the stronger the tail wind, the smaller ( v−w)2gets. Hence, both imply a lower overall drag on the sprinter. Since the effect of wind will vary with altitude, it’s reasonable to convert all perf ormances to their sea level equivalent (or 0 metres altitude). The following chart gives a quick indicat ion of the degree to which a 9.72 s sea-level clocking (assuming reaction is subtracted) will be boosted by differing wind and altitude conditions. The last row represents the elevation of Mexico City, to give appreciation for the advantage experi- ence in the 1968 Olympics (the density of air is roughly 76 −78% that at sea level, so clearly with the right tail wind, it’s no wonder that the sprints and jumps exp erienced record-breaking performances). Plugging the numbers into my model [2], I find the following qu ick figures: the altitude+wind combo for Bailey implies that his race would be equivalent to roughly a 9.719 s (+0 .044 s from just wind; +0 .058 s combined). Surin’s race would correspond to a 9.720 s ce ntury (+0 .013 s wind; +0.014 s combined). There we have it: instead of 9.84 vs.9.84, after correcting for reaction time and drag effects, we end up with 9.720 s vs.9.719 s. Since exact values of CdandAare unknown, their estimation introduces a degree of uncertainty to any calculation. So, i t’s certainly not unreasonable to expect that this could account for a 0.001s discrepancy, implying t hat Bailey’s and Surin’s times are effec- tively indistinguishable! Thus, whose 9.84 s is faster? According to these preliminary results: they’re boththe fastest. But, with two 9.84 s clockings toping the national list, Cana da certainly comes out ahead. Perhaps the 2000 season will shed some definitive light on the individ ual battle. References [1] Cecil Smith, “Inside Track”, Athletics: Canada’s National Track and Field Running Magaz ine (November 1999) [2] J. R. Mureika, “A realistic mathematical sprint model ac counting for wind and altitude effects” (in preparation )
physics/9911037 17 Nov 19991 /G53/G40/G54/G44/G39/G56/G40/G3/G51/G53/G50/G41/G44/G47/G40/G3/G44/G49/G3/G51/G53/G40/G39/G44/G57/G40/G53/G42/G40/G49/G38/G40/G3/G54/G40/G52/G56/G40/G49/G38/G40/G54/G3/G36/G54 /G36/G3/G42/G56/G44/G39/G40/G3/G55/G50/G3/G55/G43/G40/G3/G50/G53/G44/G42/G44/G49/G3/G50/G41/G3/G39/G49/G36/G3/G53/G40/G51/G47/G44/G38/G36/G55/G44/G50/G49 /G3/G11/G70/G82/G71/G72/G3/G72/G89/G82/G79/G88/G87/G76/G82/G81/G18/G85/G72/G83/G79/G76/G70/G68/G86/G72/G3/G85/G72/G86/G76/G71/G88/G72/G86/G18/G39/G49/G36/G3/G82/G85/G76/G74/G76/G81/G18 /G83/G85/G72/G71/G76/G89/G72/G85/G74/G72/G81/G70/G72/G3/G72/G89/G72/G81/G87/G86/G12 /G37/G85/G76/G68/G81/G3/G46/G17/G3/G39/G68/G89/G76/G86 /G53/G72/G86/G72/G68/G85/G70/G75/G3/G41/G82/G88/G81/G71/G68/G87/G76/G82/G81/G3/G82/G73/G3/G54/G82/G88/G87/G75/G72/G85/G81/G3/G38/G68/G79/G76/G73/G82/G85/G81/G76/G68/G15/G3/G44/G81/G70/G17 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arXiv:physics/9911038v1 [physics.bio-ph] 17 Nov 1999Super-paramagnetic clustering of yeast gene expression profiles G. Getza, E. Levinea, E. Domanyaand M. Q. Zhangb aDepartment of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institu te of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel bCold Spring Harbor Laboratory, P. O. Box 100, Cold Spring Har bor, New York 11724, USA Abstract High-density DNA arrays, used to monitor gene expression at a genomic scale, have produced vast amounts of information which require the deve lopment of efficient computational methods to analyze them. The important first s tep is to extract the fundamental patterns of gene expression inherent in the data. This paper de- scribes the application of a novel clustering algorithm, Su per-Paramagnetic Cluster- ing (SPC) to analysis of gene expression profiles that were ge nerated recently during a study of the yeast cell cycle. SPC was used to organize genes into biologically rel- evant clusters that are suggestive for their co-regulation . Some of the advantages of SPC are its robustness against noise and initialization, a c lear signature of cluster formation and splitting, and an unsupervised self-organiz ed determination of the number of clusters at each resolution. Our analysis reveale d interesting correlated behavior of several groups of genes which has not been previo usly identified. 1 Introduction DNA microarray technologies have made it straightforward t o monitor simul- taneously the expression levels of thousands of genes durin g various cellular processes [1][2]. The new challenge is to make sense of such m assive expression data [3]. In most such experiments, investigators compare t he relative change of gene expression levels between two samples (one is called the target, such as a disease sample; the other is called the control, such as a normal sample). In a typical experiment simultaneous expression levels of t housands of genes are viewed over a few tens of time-points (or different tissue s [4]). Hence one needs to analyse arrays that contain 105−106measurements. The aims of such analysis are typically to (a) group genes wit h correlated expression profiles; (b) Focus on those groups which seem to p articipate in Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint 2 February 2008some biological process; (c) Provide a biological interpre tation of the clusters. Interpretations could be co-regulation of the mean cluster expression with a known process, a promoter common to most of the genes in the cl uster, etc. (d) In experiments that compare data from different tissues ( such as tumor and normal [4]) one also tries to differentiate them on the bas is of their genetic expression profiles. The sizes of the datasets and their complexity call for multi -variant cluster- ing techniques which are essential for extracting correlat ed patterns in the swarm of data points in multidimensional space (for example , each relative gene expression profile with k time-points may be regarded as a k-dimensional vector). 2 SPC Currently, two clustering appoaches are very popular among biologists. One is average linkage, a hierarchical clustering method [5], w ith the Pearson cor- relation used as a similarity measure [6]. The other is self- organizing maps (SOMs) [7], whose most popular implementation for array dat a analysis is GENECLUSTER [8]. We present here clustering performed by SPC, a hierarchical clustering method recently introduced by Blatt et al [9]. It is based on an analo gy to the physics of inhomogeneous ferromagnets. Full details of the algorit hm [10] and the underlying philosophy [11] are given elsewhere ; here only a brief description is provided. The input required for SPC is a distance matrix between the Ndata points that are to be clustered. From such a distance matrix one cons tructs a graph, whose vertices are the data points and edges identify neighb oring points. Two points iandjare called neighbors (and connected by an edge) if they satis fy theK-mutual-neighbor criterion, i.e. iff jis one of the Knearest points to i and vice versus. With each edge we associate a weight Jij>0, which decreases as the distance between points iandjincreases. Assignement of the datapoints to clusters is equivalent to p artitioning this weighted graph. Cluster indices play the role of the states o f Potts spins as- signed to each vertex (i.e. to each original data point). Two neighboring spins are interacting ferromagnetically with strength Jij. This Potts ferromagnet is simulated at a sequence of temperatures T. The susceptibility and the correla- tion function for neighboring pairs of spins are measured. T he pair correlation function serves to identify clusters: high correlation mea ns that the two data points belong to the same cluster. 2The temperature Tcontrols the resolution at which clustering is performed; the algorithm finds typical clusters at all resolutions. At v ery low temperatures all points belong to a single cluster and as Tis increased, clusters break into smaller ones until at high enough temperatures each poi nt forms its own cluster. The clusters found at all temperatures form a dendr ogram. Blatt et al showed that the SPC algorithm is robust since the clusters are formed due to collective behavior of the system. The major splits can be easily identified by a peak in the susceptibility. For more details see [9–11]. 3 Yeast Cell Cycle and Microarray Data We applied SPC on a recently published data set [14] to determ ine whether it could automatically expose known clusters without using prior knowledge. Eisen et al [6] clustered the genes on the basis of data combined from 7 dif- ferent experiments. We suspected that mixing the results of different experi- ments may introduce noise into the data associated with a sin gle one. There- fore we chose to use only a single time course, that of gene exp ression as measured in a single process (cell division cycles followin g alpha-factor block- and-release [12]). Furthermore, we focused on genes that ha ve characterized functions (2467 genes) for easier interpretation. Genetic controls and regulation play a central role in deter mination of cell fate during development. They are also important for the tim ing of cell cycle events such as DNA replication, mitosis and cytokinesis. Ye ast is a single cel- lular organism, which has become a favorite model in molecul ar biology due to the easiness of genetic and biochemical manipulation and the availability of the complete genome. Like all living cells, the yeast cell cy cle consists of four phases: G1 →S→G2→M→G1..., where S is the phase of DNA synthesis (repli- cating the genome); M stands for mitosis (division into two d aughter cells), and the two gap phases are called G1 (preceding the S phase) an d G2 (follow- ing the S phase). At least four different classes of cell cycle regulated genes exist in yeast [13]: G1 cyclins and DNA synthesis genes are ex pressed in late G1; histone genes in S; genes for transcription factors, cel l cycle regulators and replication initiation proteins in G2; and genes needed for cell separation are expressed as cells enter G1. Early and late G1-specific trans cription is medi- ated by the Swi5/Ace2 and Swi4/Swi6 classes of factors, resp ectively. Changes in the master cyclin/Cdc28 kinases are involved in all class es of regulation. In the alpha-factor block-release experiments, MATa cells were first arrested in G1 by using alpha pheromone. Then the blocker was removed; fr om this point on the cell division cycle starts and the population progres ses with significant cell cycle synchrony. RNA was extracted from the synchroniz ed sample, as well as a control sample (asynchronous cultures of the same c ells growning 3exponentially at the same temperature in the same medium). Fluorescently labeled cDNA was synthesized using Cy3 (”gre en”) for the con- trol and Cy5 (”red”) for the target. Mixtures of equal amount s of the two samples were taken at every 7min and competitively hybridiz ed to individual microarrays containing essentially all yeast genes. The ra tio of red to green light intensity (proportional to the RNA concentrations) w as measured by scanning laser microscopy (See [12] for experimental detai ls). The actual data provided at the Stanford website [14] is the log ratios. In the their analysis, Spellman et al. were focusing on ident ification of 800 cell cycle regulated genes (that may have periodic expression pr ofiles). In our test of SPC, in addition to oscillatory genes we were also looking for any groups of genes with highly correlated expression patterns. 4 SPC Analysis of Yeast Gene Expression Profiles We clustered the expression profiles of the 2467 yeast genes o f known func- tion over data taken at 18 time intervals (of 7 min) during two cell division cycles, synchronised by alpha arrest and release. Denote by Eijthe relative expression of gene iat time interval j. Our data consist of 2467 points in an 18-dimensional space, normalised in the standard way: Gij=Eij−<Ei> σi;< E i>=1 18/summationtext18 j=1Eij;σ2 i=1 18/summationtext18 j=1E2 ij−< E i>2 We looked for clusters of genes with correlated expression p rofiles over the two division cycles. The SPC algorithm was used with q= 20 component Potts spins, each interacting with those neighbors that sat isfy the K-mutual neighbor criterion[10] with K= 10. Euclidean distance between the normal- ized vectors was used as the distance between two genes. This distance is proportional to the Pearson correlation used by Eisen et. al. . AtT= 0 all datapoints form one cluster, which splits as the syste m is “heated”. The resulting dendrogram of genes is presented in Fig. 1. Each node represents a cluster; only clusters of size larger than 6 gen es are shown. The last such clusters of each branch, as well as non-terminal cl usters that were selected for presentation and analysis (in a way described b elow) are shown as boxes. The circled boxes represent the clusters that are a nalysed below. The position of every node along the horizontal axis is deter mined for the corresponding cluster according to a method introduced by A lon et al [4]; proximity of two clusters along this axis indicates that the corresponding tem- poral expression profiles are not very different. The vertica l axis represents the 4resolution, controlled by the “temperature” T≥0. The vertical position of a node or box is determined by the value of Tat which it splits. A high verti- cal position indicates that the cluster is stable, i.e. cont ains a fair number of closely-spaced data points (genes with similar expression profiles). In order to identify clusters of genes whose temporal variat ion is on the scale of the cell cycle, we calculated for each cluster a cycle score S1, defined as follows. First, for each cluster C(with NCgenes) we calculate the average normalized expression level at all j= 1, ...,18 time intervals and the corre- sponding standard deviations σC(j): ¯GC(j) =1 NC/summationdisplay i∈CGij [σC(j)]2=1 NC/summationdisplay i∈C(Gij)2−[¯GC(j)]2 Next, we evaluated the Fourier transform of the mean express ion profiles ¯GC(j) for every gene cluster C. To suppress initial transients, the Fourier transform is performed only over j= 4, ...,18. Denote the absolute values of the Fourier coefficients by Ak; the ratio between low-frequency coefficients and the high- frequency ones was used as a figure of merit for the time scale o f the variation. We observed that clusters that satisfy the condition SC 1=/summationtext4 k=2Ak/summationtext8 k=6Ak>2.15 (1) have the desired time dependence, and found 29 clusters (con sisting of 167 genes) to have such scores. For many of these clusters, howev er, the temporal variation was very weak, i.e. of the same order as the standar d deviations σC(j) of the individual gene expressions of the cluster. We define d another score, SC 2, for which we required SC 2=1 1818/summationdisplay j=1/bracketleftBigg¯GC(j) σC(j)/bracketrightBigg2 >5.6 (2) For clusters Cthat satisfy this condition the “signal” significantly exce eds the noise. We select a cluster if its score exceeds 5.6, while its parent’s score does not. Only 4 clusters, containing 86 genes, satisfy both cond itions (1) and (2); these are numbered 1 – 4 on Fig. 1. Seven additional relativel y stable clusters which did notsatisfy our two criteria, but are of interest, are also selec ted and circled on figure 1. The corresponding time sequences are shown in Fig 2: ¯GC(j) is plotted for each cluster versus time j, with the error bars representing the standard deviations σC(j). Clusters 1,2 and 4 clearly corresponds to the cell cycle. 5500 1000 1500 200015202530354045 104 1135 827196 Fig. 1. Dendrogram of genes. Clusters 1 - 4 were selected acco rding to our criteria, eq. (1 - 2). The other circled and numbered clusters are also i nteresting (see text). 5 Details and Interpretation of gene clustering. The full lists of genes that constitute the 11 selected clust ers are given in our website [15]. We present here a short analysis of our cluster s. We use standard notation for bases: R stands for A or G, W for A or T, K for G or T, N for any base. Cluster # 1: These are mostly Late G1 phase specific genes. They con- tain the major cell cycle regulators: Cln1,2, Clb5,6 and Swi 4 as well as DNA replication and repair genes. One can easily detect MCB (ACG CGT) or SCB (CRCGAAA) sites in their promoters to which MBF (Swi6p+Mbp1 p) and SBF (Swi6p+Swi4p) bind respectively [13]. Cluster # 4: This cluster contains mostly S phase genes and is dominated b y the histones. Histones are required for wrapping up nascent DNA into nucle- osomes, their promoters are regulated by CCA (GCGAARYTNGRG AACR), NEG (CATTGNGCG) as well as SCB (CGCGAAA) [3]. Cluster # 2: These are mostly G2/M phase genes. They contain the ma- jor cell cycle regulators: Clb1,2 and Swi5/Ace2. It is known that all genes co-regulated with Clb1,2 are mainly controlled by either Mc m1 at P-box 60 10 20−101 Cluster #1 (Nc =35) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #2 (Nc =22) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #3 (Nc =11) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #4 (Nc =18) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #5 (Nc =11) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #6 (Nc =9) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #7 (Nc =42) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #8 (Nc =11) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #9 (Nc =23) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #10 (Nc =13) 0 10 20−101 Cluster #11 (Nc =7) Fig. 2. Mean normalized expression of selected clusters, ve rsus time, measured at intervals of 7 minutes. Error bars represent the standard de viations σC(j).Ncis the number of genes in each cluster. The clusters are numbered as in figure 1. (TTWCCYAAWNNGGWAA) or by Mcm1+SFF through the composite si te: (P-box)N2-4RTAAAYAA [12][3]. Clusters # 5, # 6 and # 8: These are mostly ribosomal protein (RP) genes. The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains 137 genes coding for ribosomal proteins [16]. Since 59 genes are duplicated, the ribosomal gene fam- ily encodes 78 different proteins, 32 of the small and 46 of the large ribosomal subunit. They are co-regulated because they are sub-compon ents of ribosome machinery for protein translation. All genes in cluster #6 r eside on chromo- somes 2, 4 and 5, except rpl11b which resides on chromosome 9. All genes in clusters #5 and #8 (which are very close in the dendrogram o f Figure 1) reside on chromosomes 8-16, except rps17b which resides on c hromosome 4. It is likely that the expression of these ribosomal genes is c orrelated to their chromosomal locations. It is interesting that the expressi on profiles appear to 7have pronounced oscillations (throughout in #5, at early ti mes in #6 and late times in #8). Like most of the RP genes, the ribosomal genes in the 3 clusters also contain multiple global Regulator Rap1p binding sites in their promoters within a preferred window of 15-26 bp [17]. The transcriptio n of most RP genes is activated by two Rap1p binding sites, 250 to 400 bp up stream from the initiation of transcription. Since Rap1p can be both an a ctivator and a silencer, it is not known whether Rap1p is responsible for th e oscillation. This oscillation could be a result of interplay between cell cycl e and Rap1p activity which determines the mean half life of the RP mRNAs (5-7min, [ 18]). As fresh medium was added at 91min during the alpha-factor experimen ts, the genes in #6 and in #8 may have different responses to the nutrient cha nge. Cluster #7: This cluster has 42 genes that are largely not cell cycle regu - lated. These genes have diverse functions in general metabo lism. When search- ing promoter regions for regulatory elements using gibbsDN A [20], a highly conserved motif GCGATGAGNT is shared by 90 % of genes. This el ement seems to be novel, it has some similarity to Gcn4p site TGACTC and Yap1p site GCTGACTAATT [19]. When searching the yeast promoter da tabase - SCPD [21], we found that the BUF site in the HO gene promoter an d the UASPHR site in the Rad50 promoter appear to contain the core m otif GAT- GAG. Although we do not know if this element is functional or w hat might be the trans-factor, it is still very likely that it may contrib ute the co-regulation of this cluster of genes. Cluster #10: This cluster is characterized by a pronounced dip towards th e end of the profile. They are not cell cycle regulated by and lar ge, except Clb4 (a S/G2 cyclin ) and Rad54 (a G1 DNA repair gene). By searching promoter elements, we found a conserved motif RNNGCWGCNNC that is sha red by a subset of the genes (Clb4, YNL252C, Rad54, Rpb10, Atp11 and P ex13). It partially matches a PHO4 binding motif (TCGGGCCACGTGCAGCG AT) in the promoter of Pho8. However, the PHO4 consensus, CACGTK, d oes not appear in the conserved motif of our cluster. Therefore we su spect that it is a novel motif which should be tested by experiments. 6 Summary We used the SPC algorithm to cluster gene expression data for the yeast genome. We were able to identify groups of genes with highly c orrelated tem- poral variation. Three of the groups found clearly correspo nd to well known phases of the cell cycle; some of our observations of other cl usters reveal fea- tures that have not been identified previously and may serve a s the basis of future experimental investigations. 8Acknowledgements Research of E. Domany was partially supported by the Germany -Israel Science Foundation (GIF) and the Minerva foundation. Research of M. Q. Zhang was partially supported by NIH/NHGRI under the grant number HG0 1696. References [1] Lockhart DJ, Dong H, Byrne MC, et al. (1996) Nat. Biotech. 14, 1675-1680. [2] De Risi J, Iyer V and Brown PO (1997) Science 278, 680-686. [3] Zhang MQ (1999) Genome Res. 9, 681-688. [4] Alon, U., Barkai, N., Notterman, D.A., Gish, K., Ybarra, S., Mack, D., AND Levine, A. J. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96, 6745–6750. [5] Hartigan J (1975) Clustering Algorithms (Wiley, New York). [6] Eisen M, Spellman PT, Brown PO and Botstein D (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 14863-14868. [7] Kohonen T (1997) Self-Organizing Maps (Springer, Berli n). [8] Tamayo P, Slonim D, Mesirov J et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 2907-2912. [9] Blatt, M., Wiseman, S., and Domany, E. 1996a. “Super–par amagnetic clustering of data”, Physical Review Letters 76, 3251–3255. [10] M. 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-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400t(s)V(µ µV) 15 FIGURE 1 a) -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400t(s)V(µ µV) 15 FIGURE 1 b)00.51 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8f(Hz) FIGURE 2 a) 00.20.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8f(Hz) FIGURE 2 b)V(t)V(t+τ τ) 400400 -300-300 FIGURE 3 a) V(t)V(t+τ τ) 400400 -300-300 FIGURE 3 b) FIGURE 4 a) FIGURE 4 b) 1 of 1 FIGURE 5 1 of 1 1 of 1FIGURE 7 a) FIGURE 7 b) FIGURE 7 c) FIGURE 8 a) FIGURE 8 b) Correlation Dimension Maps of EEG from epileptic Absences *Carla Silva (MSc), +Iveta R. Pimentel (DPhil), *Alexandre Andrade (MSc), #John P. Foreid (MD) and *Eduardo Ducla-Soares (PhD) *Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering and +Condensed Matter Physics Centre, University of Lisbon, Campo Grande, 1700 Lisboa. # Portuguese Institute of Oncology, Lisboa. Summary Purpose: The understanding of brain activity, and in particular events such as epileptic seizures, lies on the characterisation of the dynamics of the neural networks. The theory of non-linear dynamics provides signal analysis techniques which may give new information on the behaviour of such networks. Methods: We calculated correlation dimension maps for 19-channel EEG data from 3 patients with a total of 7 absence seizures. The signals were analysed before, during and after the seizures. Phase randomised surrogate data was used to test chaos. Results: In the seizures of two patients we could distinguish two dynamical regions on the cerebral cortex, one that seemed to exhibit chaos whereas the other seemed to exhibit noise. The pattern shown is essentially the same for seizures triggered by hyperventilation, but differ for seizures triggered by light flashes. The chaotic dynamics that one seems to observe is determined by a small number of variables and has low complexity. On the other hand, in the seizures of another patient no chaotic region was found. Before and during the seizures no chaos was found either, in all cases. Conclusions: The application of non-linear signal analysis revealed the existence of differences in the spatial dynamics associated to absence seizures. This may contribute to the understanding of those seizures and be of assistance in clinical diagnosis. Key words: EEG, Absences, Epilepsy, Chaos, Correlation Dimension. 1. Introduction Over the last few years there has been an increasing interest in the application of non-linear dynamics theory, commonly referred as chaos theory, to brain activity. Those studies have mostly been concerned with EEG signals from intracranial or scalp recordings, in animals or human subjects, and considered in particular epilepsy, sleep, cognitive and evoked responses (see e.g. Elbert et al 1994, and Pritchards and Duke 1995). Chaos theory (Schuster 1984, Bassingthwaighte et al 1994, Elbert et al. 1994) allows a characterisation of the dynamics of complex systems from the analysis of a signal generated by the system, which consists of a series of measurements in time of a pertinent and easily accessible variable. In brain studies one uses EEG data to investigate the dynamics of the brain neuronal networks. EEG signals show in general great irregularity that may have different origins, i.e. it may be simply due to noise or otherwise may reflect the presence of chaos. Chaos is irregular behaviour that occurs in deterministic systems with a small number of independent variables that are non-linear. Noise is simply produced by random fluctuation of many variables. Chaos theory allows a distinction on wether 1 of 9the irregularities in the EEG signal are due to chaos or noise. Such approach may therefore provide a new insight into the dynamics of brain activity since the two situations involve different underlying mechanisms. In the presence of chaos, the complexity of the dynamics can be quantified in terms of the properties of the attractor in phase-space, e.g. its correlation dimension D2. Dimensional analysis may therefore provide a classification of brain activity in terms of its complexity. However a careful discussion is necessary to distinguish chaos from noise because finding a correlation dimension D2 is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for chaos. Even though the presence of chaos cannot be assured, the correlation dimension analysis may provide valuable information as a tool to detect differences in the dynamic behaviour associated to different degrees of determinism. There are different types of epilepsy (Lopes da Silva and Niedermeyer 1993), with a focal or generalised nature. Epileptic seizures may occur spontaneously or may be induced by various means. Well-controlled intracranial EEG recordings were performed in rats with focal epilepsy and the data was analysed using chaos theory (Pijn et al. 1991), in order to test the ability of this tool to detect the epileptogenic focus and the spread of the seizure activity. A decrease of the correlation dimension D2 was observed at the seizure onset. Later, chaos analysis was applied to intracranial EEG recordings from a group of patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (Lehnerty and Elger 1995). A low value of D2 was found during the seizure, again especially at the zone of ictal onset. Recently, Pijn et al. (1997) carried out a very thorough analysis of chaos in intracranially EEG recorded signals, during interictal and ictal states, of temporal lobe epileptic patients. Although they were not able to ascribe a value of D2 to the signals showing seizure activity, they found significant evidence of the existence of a considerable degree of determinism in the system generating those signals. On the contrary, they found that signals from areas that did not show seizure activity were almost indistinguishable from their randomised versions, regardless of whether they were recorded during interictal or ictal states. They then concluded that, in the particular case studied, chaos analysis yields good results in terms of locating the epileptogenic region and following the ictal spread throughout the brain. Looking at a generalised type of epilepsy, Babloyanz and Destexhe (1986), who were the first to apply chaos theory to epileptic activity, analysed EEG signals from an absence seizure, recorded at two different sites on the brain. They found chaos in the signals, with a low value of D2 which implies low complexity. Chaotic behaviour with a higher value of D2 was also reported (Frank et al. 1990) for epileptic activity but, in this case, the seizures were a generalised state with both absence and grand mal events. In this work we present a chaos analysis of 19-channel EEG data normally recorded in a clinical setting, from patients with absence seizures. This type of generalised epilepsy usually invades the entire cerebral cortex and shows, in general, a bilateral symmetry between the two hemispheres. Our purpose on analysing such a set of channels is to detect possible spatial variations in the cerebral dynamics. We present maps of the correlation dimension D2 over the brain, for a total of 7 seizures from 3 patients, stimulated either by hyperventilation or light flashes. Those seizures were selected from a more extended set of data (18 seizures from 9 patients) as they are representative of the different dynamical behaviours that we found and that will be presented in this work. We analyse the EEG signals before, during and after the epileptic seizures, in order to look at differences in the dynamics of the neuronal networks at the various states. This may allow a characterisation of the epileptic activity. In order to have a stronger test to distinguish chaos from noise we compare our original EEG signals with surrogate data obtained through phase randomisation of their Fourier components (Pijn et al. 1991). 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Data acquistion 2 of 9Electroencephalographic recordings of 19 channels in a standard 10/20 referential configuration, were taken from patients with absences. The signals were recorded before, during and after the epileptic seizures. These were triggered by hyperventilation or light flashes. The reference potential was given by the average of the signals at electrodes located on each side of the chin. A Bio-Logic recording system was used with an acquisition rate of 100Hz or 200Hz, and the signals were filtered high-pass 1Hz and for the sampling rate of 200Hz also with a low-pass 70Hz (the highest value available for spontaneous activity recording, in the system used). 2.2 Data analysis We start by presenting the most traditional forms of data analysis, direct inspection of the time series, power spectrum and auto-correlation, and then evolve into techniques of chaos theory, which will allow a distinction on wether the irregularities in the EEG signals are noise or possibly chaos; in the latter case a quantitative characterisation of the complexity of the dynamics is provided in terms of the correlation dimension D2. EEG signal. Signals associated to a triggered epileptic seizure were observed over the entire scalp. Fig. 1 shows EEG recordings at two different channels on a patient. During the seizure the electrical potential of the brain V(t) suddenly increases by typically a factor of ten, switching into a series of spike - slow wave complexes with a dominant frequency of ≈ 3Hz, which shows some irregularity. All the signals observed, at the different channels on each patient, seem to exhibit the same structure, though with differences in amplitude depending on the site. The measured seizures had durations from about 7 to 15s. Power spectrum. The power spectrum gives information on the frequency values present in the signal and their weights. Although the power spectrum has played a major role in data analysis, it misses crucial information on the phase contents of the signals. Fig. 2 shows the power spectrum of the signals in Fig. 1. One can see a large peak at ≈ 3Hz (and the harmonic at ≈ 6Hz), and a broad band around that value extending from lower to higher frequencies. This band is associated to the irregularities in the EEG signal. The power spectrum for all the signals, at the different channels on a patient, seem to exhibit the same structure, though again with differences in amplitude depending on the site. Auto-correlation. The auto-correlation function, defined as A(t) = ∫ V(t')V(τ +t')dt', gives information on the correlations in time present in the signal. We calculated the auto-correlation for the EEG signal at the different channels in each patient and found that it is an oscillating function with a decaying envelope. This indicates that the signal has important correlations but they decay which implies that there is loss of information in time. The scalp electrical potential of the brain that one measures results from a set of d independent variables Xi(t), which specify the state of the system at any time. Those variables define a d-dimensional phase-space, in which the state of the system is represented by A chaotic system is characterised by having an attractor, that is a limiting set of points to which all trajectories are attracted in the phase-space. The attractor has a fractal structure and the complexity of the dynamics can be quantified in terms of the correlation dimension of the attractor D2. D2 is a lower estimator of the Hausdorff dimension D which measures the occupation of the attractor in phase-space (D2<D<d). In order to investigate the chaotic nature of the dynamics, and possibly measure its complexity, one needs to reconstruct the dynamics of the system in phase-space from the measured time series V(t). This can be done by the "method of time delays" (Takens 1981), which is based on building vectors 3 of 9associated to each time ti on the time series, with components that are the signal at time ti plus an increasing number of time delays τ : Those vectors create a pseudo phase-space with dimension m, which is topologically equivalent to the original phase space, for m≥ 2d+1. We take τ equal to the first zero crossing of the auto-correlation, so that the original and delayed signals are not strongly correlated; this is a usual choice for τ , and the results do not depend significantly on τ when it is taken within reasonable limits (Schuster 1984, Fraser and Swinney 1986, Libert and Schuster 1989, Bassingthwaighte et al 1994, Elbert et al. 1994). Map. A look into the phase-space of the system can be obtained via the map, that is the plot of V(t+τ ) vs V(t). The map represents a projection of the attractor in the pseudo phase-space and reflects the correlations in the signal. In Fig. 3 we present the maps corresponding to the signals in Fig. 1. The two maps are clearly different: in a) one can identify an attractor which reflects particular correlations in the signal and may therefore imply chaos, whereas in b) the space is more or less uniformly covered which is more characteristic of noise. This kind of analysis is giving for the first time evidence that although the EEG time series look similar in all the channels, indeed different dynamics may be occurring in different areas of the brain. Correlation dimension. Using the Grassberger-Procaccia (1983a, 1983b) algorithm to determine the correlation dimension D2, one defines the correlation integral: where, θ (x) = 1 if x ≥ 0, θ (x) = 0 if x < 0, and N is the number of points in the time series. Cm(r) measures the fraction of pairs of points in space that are closer than r. If the system is chaotic one has that for sufficiently large m, m>m*, the correlation integral takes the following scaling form, independent of m, C(r) ~ rD2 (1) with the exponent giving the correlation dimension D2 of the attractor corresponding to the measured signal. Hence D2 can be obtained from the slope of ln C(r) vs ln r. The quantity m* is the minimal embedding dimension as it is the lowest integer dimension containing the whole attractor; m* gives information on the number of independent variables governing the dynamics of the system. The correlation integrals associated to the signals in Fig. 1 are shown in Fig. 4. In order to avoid spurious effects we made the "Theiler correction" to auto-correlation in the correlation integrals (Theiler 1986, Theiler 1990). In the plots of the correlation integral, the region that is relevant for the analysis of the epileptic signal is the one corresponding to the larger values of r, the region for the smaller values of r being strongly contaminated by small amplitude noise from different origins. It is clear that the channels in a) and b) exhibit different behaviour. One observes that in a) there is a region where the correlation integral behaves like (1), which means that ln Cm(r) has a constant slope, also independent of m. Such behaviour is translated into the presence of a plateau in the plot of the slopes, and its value gives the correlation dimension D2. The embedding dimension m* is given by the value of m above which the plateau sets. We therefore conclude that the EEG signal in Fig. 1-a) seems to exhibit chaotic behaviour. By contrast, in b) no plateau is observed in the plot of the slopes, which 4 of 9means that the correlation integral never behaves like (1), and hence the EEG signal in Fig. 1-b) does not exhibit chaotic behaviour. One could expect that even the presence of small amplitude noise could blur the appearance of a plateau. In order to have some sensitivity to that problem, we made a simulation in which we considered a sinusoidal signal mixed with different levels of noise, and verified that even in the presence of noise which is 40% of the signal, the plateau remains defined. This implies that the presence or absence of a plateau in the EEG signals is intrinsic to the signal, up to that level of noise. The results here obtained from the correlation integrals confirm the observations made from the maps. Chaos vs noise. Finding a finite correlation dimension D2 does not however necessarily imply having chaos, because coloured (i.e. power law spectra) noise may also give rise to it (Osborne and Provenzale 1989). In order to distinguish chaos from noise, we built a control signal that has the same power spectrum as the measured signal, but has randomised phases. Then we compared the measured and control signals via the correlation integral slope: only if the two look different may it be concluded that the measured signal is not noise and may be chaotic. Fig. 5 shows the correlation integral and respective slope for the control signal corresponding to the signal of Fig. 1-a), to be compared with Fig 4-a). One clearly sees the difference between the two signals, with an absence of a plateau in the control signal. We therefore conclude that the measured signal seems to exhibit chaotic behaviour. This analysis was done for all the signals showing a finite correlation dimension, and for all we observed that the measured and control signals were different, thus implying a possible presence of chaos. We recall that, even after passing the phase randomisation test, the existence of a D2 does not necessarily imply chaos, but, as we have just seen, it provides a mean to detect differences in the dynamical behaviour over the scalp. The application of a correlation dimension analysis implicitly assumes that the signal that we are studying is stationary. An epileptic seizure may naturally have some non-stationarity. In order to investigate this aspect we compared, for some seizures, the correlation dimension analysis obtained for the complete seizure with that obtained for its first half. 3. Results We now present the results of the correlation dimension analysis of the 19-channel EEG data for 3 patients with absences. We compare different seizures of the same patient, triggered by hyperventilation or light flashes, and seizures from different patients. Patient A. Is a 16 year old boy with absences who is pharmaco-resistant. The MRI and CT scans are normal, but the SPECT shows a hipoperfusion of the right temporal and parietal lobes. The ictal EEG recording has a slightly lower amplitude on the right temporal lobe while the interictal recording exhibits a right focus also in that region. We analysed three seizures of this patient with durations of approximately 10s, 15s and 12s, which were triggered by hyperventilation. They were recorded at 200Hz, 100Hz and 100Hz, respectively. Fig. 6 shows the map of the slopes of ln Cm(r) for one of the seizures. There one can see that part of the channels (1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9) exhibit a plateau, to which corresponds a correlation D2, and hence seem to present chaos, whereas the other channels do not exhibit a plateau, and hence rather seem to present noise. It is important to notice that all the channels with a plateau have the same value for the correlation dimension D2 and the same value for the embedding dimension m*. The analysis of the two other seizures gives similar results. In Fig. 7 we present the maps for the correlation dimension D2 5 of 9corresponding to the three seizures of this patient. The main feature that emerges from this analysis is that one can clearly distinguish two regions with different dynamics: the frontal and left parietal and temporal parts seem to exhibit chaotic behaviour whereas the rest rather seem to show noise. Furthermore, one finds the same pattern for the different seizures of this patient, which are also characterised by the same values of the correlation dimension D2 and embedding dimension m*. For two of the seizures (the 10s and the 15s ones), we also compared the maps of D2 for the complete seizures, with those for the first half of the seizures. We observed that the distinction of two dynamics regions remains in the latter (for example, the signals in Fig. 1 show the same behaviour as reported before), but some channels (located in particular in the rear part of the scalp), that did not show chaos in the former, seem now to exhibit chaos (with the D2 and m* of the former). This implies that the dynamics may be changing in time, in some channels. However, because we are interested in characterising the dynamics of the seizure as a whole, we consider the analysis of the complete signal to be the proper procedure. In addition, for one of the seizures (the15s one) we analysed a bipolar montage, and found that signals associated to pairs of channels (4-10, 5-10, 5-11, 6-10, 6-11, 10-15 14-18) mainly located on the central part of the head, were giving rise to a plateau and hence a correlation dimension D2 ≈ 1.9. Patient B. Is a 12 year old girl with absences that have responded favourably to Sodium Valproate medication. We analysed two seizures of this patient, with duration of approximately 7s and 8s, the first being triggered by hyperventilation and the second by light flashes, they were both recorded at 100Hz. For each of the seizures one finds again two dynamic regions but now exhibiting different patterns as shown in Fig. 8, which presents the maps of the correlation dimension D2 corresponding to the two seizures. The seizure triggered by hyperventilation shows a correlation dimension on the frontal and left parietal and temporal parts, in a similar way to the observed for patient A, whereas the seizure triggered by light flashes shows a left/right symmetry, with the frontal part having a correlation dimension. For both cases one finds that all the channels exhibiting a plateau have the same correlation dimension D2 and embedding dimension m*. Patient C. Is a 13 year old girl that has absences with walking automatism. Her epilepsy has had good evolution under Sodium Valproate medication. We analysed two seizures of this patient, with duration of approximately 9s and 12s, triggered by hyperventilation. They were both recorded at 200Hz. We find that in both seizures none of the channels shows a plateau, that is a correlation dimension D2, and hence none of the channels exhibits chaos, in contrast to those of the other two patients. For the three patients we also analysed the EEG signals before and after the seizures, and for all the cases we did not find a plateau in any of the channels, which implies that there is no sign of chaos there. 4. Conclusions The results that we obtained show that chaos analysis provides new information on the dynamics underlying absences epilepsy, and allows a distinction between situations not realised before by the more conventional forms of analysis. In the seizures of two patients we were able to distinguish regions with different behaviour: part of the cerebral cortex seems to exhibit chaos whereas the other part seems to exhibit noise. The observation 6 of 9of different dynamic regions occurring in absences had not been seen before, as far as we know. The pattern is essentially the same for different seizures of the same patient, when triggered by hyperventilation, but varies for seizures of the same patient triggered either by hyperventilation or light flashes. The dynamics is characterised by a correlation dimension D2≈ 1.7-1.9, which implies low complexity, and an embedding dimension m*≈ 4-5, which indicates that the dynamics is governed by a small number of variables. The determination of the number of variables governing the dynamics is a valuable clue for model construction and possible activity control. Babloyantz and Destexhe (1986) had found D2 = 2.05± 0.09 and m*=5, which are in good agreement with our values. On the contrary, in the seizures of another patient we were not able to distinguish different dynamic regions and all the cerebral cortex seems to exhibit noise. Our results therefore reveal the existence of different dynamical situations associated to absences. For the EEG signals before and after the epileptic seizures, we did not find evidence of chaotic behaviour. It would be most desirable to understand what are the above results implying about the nature of the epileptic absences. It would also be desirable to investigate the correlation between the D2 maps and the clinical picture of the patients in order to possibly use it as a diagnostic tool. In the future we would like to complement the present study with the construction of maps for the Kolmogorov entropy and the Lyapounov exponents, in order to get more information on the possible chaotic behaviour, though these studies demand longer time series and therefore require special care in the selection of the length of the seizures and the acquisition rate. Nevertheless the results that we presented here already reveal new aspects of absences epilepsy. Acknowledgements: We are grateful to F. Lopes da Silva for helpful discussions and comments. References: Babloyantz, A. and Destexhe, A. Low-dimensional chaos in an instance of epilepsy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1986, 83:3513-3517. Bassingthwaighte, J. B., Liebovitch, L. S. e West, B. J., Fractal Physiology, Oxford University Press, 1994. Elbert, T., William, J., Kowalik, Z., Skinner, J.E., Graf, K.E. and Birbaumer, N. Chaos and physiology: deterministic chaos in excitable cell assemblies. Physiological Reviews, 1994, 74(1):1-47. Frank, G.W., Lookman, T., Nerenberg, M.A., Essex, C., Lemieux, J. and Blume, W. Chaotic time series analyses of epileptic seizures. Physica D, 1990, 46: 427-438. Fraser, A.M. and Swinney, H.L. Independent coordinates for strange attractors from mutual information. Phys. Rev. A, 1986, 33(2):1134-1140. Grassberger, P. and Procaccia, I. Measuring the strangeness of strange attractors. Physica 9D, 1983, 189-208. 7 of 9Grassberger, P. and Procaccia, I. 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Pijn, J.P., Velis, D.N., van der Heyden, M.J., DeGoede, J., van Veelen, C.W. and Lopes da Silva, F.H. Nonlinear dynamics of epileptic seizures on basis of intracranial EEG recordings. Brain Topography, 1997, 9:249-270. Pritchards, W.S. and Duke, D.W. Measuring chaos in the brain - a tutorial review of EEG dimension estimation. Brain and Cognition, 1995, 27:353-397. Schuster, H.G. Deterministic Chaos. Physik-Verlag, Weinheim, 1984. Takens, F. Detecting strange attractors in turbulance. In: D.A. Rand and L.S. Young (Ed.), Dynamical Systems and Turbulence, Lecture Notes in Math. 898. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1981. Theiler, J. Spurious dimension from correlation algorithms applied to limited time-series data. Phys. Rev. A, 1986, 34(3): 2427-2432. Theiler, J. Estimating fractal dimension. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 1990, 7(6):1055-1073. Figure legends: Fig. 1 - EEG signal recorded on patient A (seizure of 10s) at: a) channel 1, b) channel 10. Fig. 2 - Power spectrum of the signals in Fig. 1-a) and b), respectively. Fig. 3 - Map corresponding to the signals in Fig. 1-a) and b), respectively (τ =8x10-2s). Fig. 4 - Correlation integral Cm(r), and slope of ln Cm(r), with increasing m, for the signals in Fig. 1-a) and b), respectively. 8 of 9Fig. 5 – Correlation integral, Cm(r), and slope of ln Cm(r), with increasing m, for the control signal corresponding to the signal in Fig. 1-a). Fig. 6 - Channel map for the slope of ln Cm(r), for the seizure of 10s in patient A; the channels with a plateau have D2 ≈ 1.7 and m* ≈ 5. Fig. 7 - Channel map for the correlation dimension D2 of three seizures from patient A, triggered by hyperventilation, with duration: a)10s, b)15s and c) 12s; for all of them D2 ≈ 1.7, m* ≈ 5 for a) and m* ≈ 4 for b) and c). Fig. 8 - Channel map for the correlation dimension D2 of two seizures from patient B, triggered by: a) hyperventilation, and b) light flashes, with duration 7s and 8s, respectively; for both D2≈ 1.9 and m*≈ 4. 9 of 9
arXiv:physics/9911040v1 [physics.ins-det] 17 Nov 1999Effect of Optical Coating and Surface Treatments on Mechanical Loss in Fused Silica Andri M. Gretarsson, Gregory M. Harry, Steven D. Penn, Peter R. Saulson, John J. Schiller, and William J. Startin Abstract. We report on the mechanical loss in fused silica samples with various surface treatments and compare them with samples having an o ptical coating. Mild surface treatments such as washing in detergent or acetone w ere not found to affect the mechanical loss of flame-drawn fused silica fibers stored in a ir. However, mechanical contact (with steel calipers) significantly increased the l oss. The application of a high- reflective optical coating of the type used for the LIGO test m asses was found to greatly increase the mechanical loss of commercially polished fuse d silica microscope slides. We discuss the implications for the noise budget of interferom eters. I INTRODUCTION In samples made of high Qmaterials, such as fused silica or sapphire, a damaged or optically coated surface can be the dominant source of mec hanical loss and could limit our ability to reduce thermal noise in interfero meters. We apply a general method for quantifying surface loss to measurement s of samples with optical coatings and differing surface treatments. This enables us t o estimate the effect of coatings on the internal mode thermal noise of interferomet er test masses as well as the effect of suspension filament surface damage on the pend ulum mode thermal noise. II QUANTIFYING SURFACE LOSS Surface loss may be quantified by the dissipation depth ds, defined by1 φ=φbulk(1 +µds V/S), (1) where φ= 1/Qis the measured loss angle of the sample when all sources of ex trinsic loss (such as recoil damping or clamping friction) have been eliminated, φbulkis the loss angle of the bulk material, Vis the volume of the sample, and Sis the surface area. The unitless µis a geometrical factor that takes into account the relative amount of elastic deformation occurring at the surface and h ence the emphasis placed on the condition of the surface due to the sample geome try and mode of oscillation. The geometrical factor µis of order unity for simple geometries sothat, as a rule of thumb, surface loss tends to dominate when dsis greater than the volume to surface area ratio. For fibers in transverse osc illation µ= 2, while for ribbon or microscope slide geometries in transverse osc illation µ= 3. Although φbulkanddsmay in general be functions of frequency, no frequency depen dence was seen in our measurements. For uncoated samples the dissipat ion depth provides a quantitative measure of the physical condition of the surfa ce. III SURFACE TREATMENT OF UNCOATED SAMPLES By measuring the quality factor Qof samples before and after different types of surface treatment, we calculated the dissipation depth a ssociated with each treatment. We measured the quality factors of untreated and treated fused sil- ica (Suprasil 2) fibers drawn in a natural gas and oxygen flame. We also measured the quality factor of a fused silica (Suprasil 2) microscope slide, both as supplied (mechanically polished) and as subsequently etched. Using an apparatus specifi- cally designed for the purpose of reducing extrinsic source s of loss (Fig. 1a) we were generally able to reduce extrinsic losses sufficiently so tha t the dominant sources of loss remaining were thermoelastic loss, bulk loss, and surf ace loss.1In each case we measured the quality factors at frequencies where thermoel astic loss was negligible. In this regime the quality factors were frequency independe nt, although in a minor- ity of cases random mode-to-mode differences in Qwere apparent. This was most likely due to residual sources of excess loss. To reduce the s ystematic error due to such residual sources of excess loss we took the highest Qmode to be indicative of the quality factor resulting from bulk loss and surface loss alone. To investigate the effects of washing surfaces in solvents we wiped a fiber with paper wipes (KimwipesTm) saturated with acetone. We also agitated a fiber in an ultrasonic bath of detergent and warm tap-water for a half ho ur, followed by a half hour ultrasonic bath of warm tap-water, followed by a second rinse with a stream of distilled water. After measuring the Q we then waited 14 da ys with the fiber under vacuum ( ≈10−6Torr) and re-measured the Q. In an attempt to simulate the effects of hydroxy catalysis bonding2(silicate bonding) of fused silica surfaces we washed a fiber with ethyl alcohol and then submerged it in a 0.5 Molar solution of KOH and distilled water for 24.6 hrs, then rinsed in distille d water. To investigate the effect of mechanical damage we lightly pinched two fibers a t 1 cm intervals with stainless steel measurement calipers. To remove the outer surface entirely (and with it any mechani cal surface damage) we etched three fused silica fibers in solutions of hydrofluor ic acid (HF) and distilled water. After etching, the fibers were rinsed with distilled w ater. The first etch was performed on a fiber of diameter 120 ±20µm and the etch removed 1 .5±0.5µm from the surface. The second etch was performed on one of the fi bers previously pinched with calipers. It had a pre-etch diameter of 840 ±50µm and the etch depth was 45 ±3µm. The third etch was performed on a fiber of pre-etch diameterFIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setups. (a).Setup for measuring fiber Qs. (b).Setup for measuring slide Qs. The isolation bobs and fibers prevent the measured sample Q from being degraded by rubbing in the clamp and from recoil in the lower Qsupport structure. 350±60µm. The etch depth was 90 ±28µm. Finally, we etched the microscope slide. As supplied, the microscope slide surface had receiv ed a commercial 80-50 (scratch-dig) polish. The etch removed 100 µm from this surface. Table 1 summarizes our results. For three of the fibers, with s urfaces as drawn, the dissipation depth is around 200 µm. Fiber I has a surface that is initially worse (higher ds) while Fiber M has a surface that is initially better. Althou gh an effort was made not to touch the surfaces of the fibers with fingers or o ther objects during handling, conditions were not stringently uniform. The fibe rs were also stored for varying durations in clean glass tubes and could come into li ght contact with the inner surface of the tubes. Depending on the storage time or a mount of contact, some deviation in dscan be expected. Figure 2 shows how strongly different treatments affected the surface of fibers. Most of the treatments either produced no change in the condi tion of the surface or they made it only slightly worse. However, pinching the su rface at regular (1 cm) intervals with calipers significantly increased the d issipation depth, possibly due to small cracks formed by the mechanical contact. Simila rly, the mechanically polished microscope slide had the highest measured ds. It is interesting to note that the surface of Fiber I, after being significantly damaged by c alipers, was restored to a condition better than as drawn (or perhaps more appropri ately better than “as stored and handled”) by the 45 µm HF etch. The resulting dissipation depth agrees with the best as drawn case, having a value of about 100 µm. The question arises why most samples undergoing HF etches di d not show sig- nificant surface improvement. In the case of the severely dam aged slide, we believeTABLE 1. Dissipation depth for different surface treatments. sample treatment ds[µm] ∆ ds[µm]a Fiber B as drawn 180 ±50 Fiber B acetone 200 ±50 17 ±10 Fiber C as drawn 190 ±30 Fiber C calipers 310 ±40 124 ±20 Fiber F as drawn 190 ±40 Fiber F detergent solution, rinse 190 ±40 −1±9 Fiber F after 14 days in vacuum 160 ±30 −25±10 Fiber F 1.5 µm HF etch 220 ±50 31 ±12 Fiber I as drawn 340 ±50 Fiber I calipers 620 ±100 281 ±74 Fiber I 45 µm HF etch 100 ±20 −244±30 Fiber L as drawn 210 ±50 Fiber L 1:500 KOH solution, rinse 310 ±80 95 ±29 Fiber M as drawn 100 ±20 Fiber M 90 µm HF etch 180 ±40 86 ±25 Slide C as supplied (polished) 860 ±140 Slice C 100 µm HF etch 850 ±160 10 ±140 aChange in dsfrom the as drawn or as supplied state. The un- certainty in ∆ dsis not the root of the quadratic sum of uncer- tainties in dssince not all the variables involved in calculating dsare independent between treatments. the etch was too shallow. After etching, hairline scratches on the slide were visible to the naked eye. Etching opens up microscopic cracks impart ed by the polishing process and their presence, post-etch, is evidence that the surface was still dam- aged. As for the fiber etches, only one (the etch of Fiber I) res ulted in an improved dissipation depth. This may be due to the fact that Fiber I had an as drawn dissipa- tion depth somewhat higher than any other fiber and may have be en inadvertently damaged between drawing and installation in our apparatus. Mechanical damage can be repaired by HF etching3,4(though the etches must be sufficiently deep). The HF etch may thus have removed the damaged surface of Fiber I, reducing the dissipation depth from the initially measured value. We should not neglect the possibility that chemical contami nation of the surface, in particular contamination with atmospheric water,4may also lead to increased loss. The ubiquity of dsvalues in the range 100-200 µm could be due to the difficulty of isolating samples from atmospheric water. This would als o explain the failure of the etches to reduce the dissipation depth below this range. IV SURFACE LOSS DUE TO OPTICAL COATING The surface loss due to optical coatings was investigated by measuring the quality factors of the modes of fused silica slides. We measured the Qs for three slidesFIGURE 2. Change in the condition of fiber surfaces as compared to the in itial surface as drawn, ∆ dsvs treatment. Horizontal lines mark the uncertainty in ∆ ds. of dimensions 76 mm ×25 mm ×1 mm. The slides were suspended below a monolithic, fused-silica isolation system, as shown in Fig . 1b. The slides’ vibration was monitored by positioning the LED and shadow sensor aroun d the suspending fiber directly above the slide. Two of the three slides, A and B, were optically coated while t he third slide, C, was retained uncoated as a control. (Slide C was later etch ed as reported in the preceding section.) As supplied, the slides had receive d a commercial 80-50 polish. The optical coating applied to Slide A and Slide B was a high-reflective (HR) coating 2 .4µm thick consisting of 14 layers of alternating SiO 2and Ta 2O5. The slides were coated by ion beam sputtering in the same coat ing run as optics for LIGO by Research Electro-Optics in Boulder Colorado. Af ter the coating run they were baked at 450◦C to relieve stress. The quality factors for each measured resonant mode of slide s A and B and equiv- alent dissipation depths are shown in Table 2. The quality fa ctors and equivalent dissipation depths for the measured modes of the uncoated Sl ide C (as supplied) are given for comparison. The coated Slide B was suspended from the center of one of its s hort edges, as shown in Fig. 1b. When the supporting fiber was connected to th e slide using a hydrogen-oxygen torch the coating became visibly damaged . Where the flame from the torch contacted the coating, the coating took on a mi lky appearance. This occurred in a crescent shape approximately 3 mm across at the top of the slide. The high value of dsfor the second mode is believed to be due to this damage. To tes t this, the top 5 mm of this slide were immersed in a 50% solution (by weight) of HF and water for about 6 hours. Rinses with distilled water were applied periodically to remove flakes of the coating. The etch removed most of the da maged part of theTABLE 2. Resonant Qs and equivalent dissipation depth in coated slides. Slide Surface treatment Mode Frequency Q d s[µm] A HR-coating with no 2 1022 Hz 1 .1±0.5×10546±21×103 visible damage 3 1944 Hz 1 .6±0.1×10532±3×103 4 2815 Hz 1 .6±0.1×10532±3×103 B HR-coating damaged 2 952 Hz 3 .1±0.2×104160±15×103 at top by flame. 3 1851 Hz 1 .6±0.1×10532±3×103 B Damaged region removed 2 962 Hz 1 .3±0.1×10539±4×103 C Uncoated, as supplied 2 1188 Hz 4 .0±0.2×1061.1±0.2×103 (“80-50” polish) 3 2271 Hz 4 .9±0.3×1060.86±0.14×103 coating and the Qwas re-measured. The Qand dissipation depth of the second mode was now of the same magnitude as that measured for the thi rd mode and for all modes of Slide B. The coated Slide A was hung from a corner rather than from the c enter of the top edge. This was because, in the corner, the fused silica su bstrate was masked (by the supports) during the coating process. This left a reg ion with no optical coating about 1 mm in radius and centered on the corner. The fib er was very carefully welded to the slide at this point. While some heat f rom the torch certainly reached the coated region, no damage to the coating could be s een afterwards. Both modes of Slide A showed similar Qs and similar dissipation de pths as the modes of Slide B after the damaged region was removed. Since the unc oated Slide C has significantly less dissipation than the coated slides, a nd since the coated slides all show approximately the same level of dissipation, we con clude that the high dissipation depth associated with the coated slides, ds≈3 cm, is a result of the HR optical coating. If our measurements are characteristic of the coatings for L IGO, this would lead to noticeably increased thermal noise for the LIGO test mass es. However, the surfaces of the slides did not receive the same treatment pri or to the coating as the LIGO test masses. They were not superpolished and no part icular efforts were made to ensure the absolute cleanliness of the surfaces. It i s possible that the interface between the coating and the silica is more lossy th an a polished surface interface would be. Superpolished samples of fused silica h ave been obtained and research is continuing to determine the loss in superpolish ed and coated samples. V IMPLICATIONS FOR THERMAL NOISE Surface loss in the filaments suspending LIGO test masses cou ld have implications for the interferometer noise budget.5Surface loss associated with fibers implies a lower limit on the level of pendulum mode thermal noise achie vable using thin ribbon suspensions. While dissipation dilution implies re duced pendulum modethermal noise as the ribbon thickness is reduced, the effects of surface loss are increased. The result is a diameter independent lower limit for the pendulum mode thermal displacement noise spectral density x2 min(ω) =24kBTg ML2ω5/radicalBigg Y 12σdsφbulk, (2) where ωis the angular frequency, kBis Boltzmann’s constant, Tis the temperature, gis the acceleration due to gravity, Mis the suspended mass, Lis the length of the suspension, Yis Young’s modulus, and σis the stress in the suspending ribbons. For typical values of the parameters and ds= 200 µm, we have xmin(ω= 2π×10 Hz) ≈6×10−20m/√ Hz. While this is sufficient for the goals of LIGO II, it is clear fro m the dependence on ds that mechanical surface damage such as is induced by caliper s must be prevented. Surface loss due to optical coatings may significantly incre ase the thermal noise due to internal modes of the test masses. To relate the dissip ation depth measured for an optical coating to the internal mode thermal noise we f ollow the work of Levin6and Bondu et al.7This enables an approximate calculation of the relevant µ. Using Eq. 1 we obtain after some analysis a preliminary estim ate for the test-mass loss angle, φ≈φbulk(1 + 0 .4ds r0), (3) where r0is the Gaussian radius of the laser beam. Since r0≈2 cm for LIGO II, it is clear that if ds≈3 cm, as measured for the coated slides, then the HR coating will be a significant contributor to test mass thermal noise. REFERENCES 1. A. M. Gretarsson, G. M. Harry, Rev. Sci. Instr., 704081 (1999). 2. S. Rowan, S.M. Twyford, J. Hough, D.-H. Gwo and R. Route Phy s. Lett. A 246471 (1998). 3. Uhlman and Kreidl ed., Elasticity and Strength in Glass , Academic Press, New York, 1980. 4. R. H. Doremus, Glass Science , Second Edition, John Wiley, New York, 1994. 5. A manuscript describing these effects is in preparation by the authors and by S. Rowan, G. Cagnoli, and J. Hough of University of Glasgow. 6. Y. Levin, Phys. Rev. D 57659 (1998). 7. F. Bondu, P. Hello, J. Y. Vinet, Phys. Lett. A 246227 (1998).
arXiv:physics/9911041v1 [physics.bio-ph] 18 Nov 1999On the Biological Advantage of Chirality1 by G. Gilat Department of Physics, Technion Haifa 32000, Israel e-mail: gilat@physics.technion.ac.il Abstract The presence of chirality in the main molecules of life may we ll be not just a structural artifact, but of pure biological advantag e. The possibility of the existence of a phenomenon of a special mode of interact ion, labeled as ”chiral interaction” (CI), for which structural chirali ty is a necessary con- dition, is the main reason for such an advantage. In order to d emonstrate such a possibility, macroscopic chiral devices are introdu ced and presented as analogies for such an interaction. For this purpose it is i mportant to make a clear distinction between geometric and physical chirali ties, where the lat- ter are capable to perform chiral interactions with various media. Apart from chirality, a few other structural elements are require d. In particular, the presence of an interface that separates between the chir al device and the 1to be published in “Advances in Biochirality”, Eds. G. Palyi , C. Zucchi & L. Caglioti, Elsevier Science S.A. 1medium with which it is interacting. The physical chirality is build into this very interface where chiral interaction is taking place. On a molecular level, soluble proteins in particular, the active medium is the pre sence of random ionic motion in the aqueous solvent. As a result of chiral int eraction a certain perturbation, or current, is generated and flowing along the coils of α-helix structure in one preferred direction out of two possible one s. A model for such a chiral interaction is presented and a few significant c onsequences are pointed out. In particular, it is important to emphasize the time-irreversible feature of chiral interaction, which leads to its non-ergod ic nature that is to be considered a necessary condition for evolutionary process es in biomolecules. As yet there exists no direct experimental evidence for the v alidity of chiral interaction on a molecular level, but there are quite a few in direct supporting evidences. In particular, there exists an experimental res ult by Careri et al. who found a clear linkage between the free protonic motion in the hydration layer of proteins and their enzymatic activity. A few direct experiments for verifying the validity of chiral interaction on molecular l evel are proposed hereby for hydrophobic amino acids at the water-air interfa ce, where chiral interaction may take place. Among these there is also a new ap proach of applying a SQUID to detect a weak magnetic field that is associ ated with the chiral interaction effect. If proven right, chiral inter action may open new approaches and possibilities for better understanding of t he rather complex autocatalytic function of soluble proteins. 21. Introduction The phenomenon of structural chirality has been recognized since the early 19th century when Arago [1] and Biot [2] demonstrated t he effect of optical activity in quartz crystals. It was Louis Pasteur [3 ] who first observed chirality on a molecular level and he referred to this effect a s dissymmetry. It was Kelvin [4] who first addressed this phenomenon as ”chir ality”, since a chiral structure of an object does not necessarily imply a to tal lack of symme- try of such an object. According to Kelvin a given object or se t is chiral if and only if it cannot be made to superimpose, or overlap, exactly its mirror image by any continuous transformation. (i.e. by any rotation and /or translation). The concept of chirality is of geometric nature in principle , but currently this very term is also being used in other domains such as high ener gy physics, which may cause semantic problems in its usage. In addition t o this it is also important to address chirality within its own dimensio nality. The space we live in is 3-dimensional (3d) so that chirality is usually regarded as a 3d property. In fact, such property exists also in 2-dimension al (2d) space, that is, within a plane. This can be demonstrated by two asymmetri c triangles, one being the mirror image of another. Although these two tri angles are geometrically identical, they cannot be made to superimpos e one another by any rotation and/or translation within the plane they are co ntained in. In order to make them coincide with one another, it is necessary to take one of these triangles out of this plane, rotate it around in 3d spac e and then bring it back into the same plane. Then it becomes possible to make t hem overlap precisely with one another. Such a triangle is an example of 2 d chiral figure 3or object. Any 2d chiral object is considered to be achiral in 3d space. As a matter of fact, such a consideration is not limited to 2d spac e. In principle, also a 3d chiral object ”can be made” to coincide with its mirr or image by ”taking it out into a 4-dimensional (4d) space, rotating it a round there and then bringing it back to 3d space”. Such an operation is mathe matically or imaginatively possible, but not practically. the reason fo r this is that our physical space is of 3-dimensions only. In recent years there has been a considerable progress in the development and understanding of the mathematical aspects of chirality [5-6]. Among other things, there exist several attempts [7-9] of quantif ying this very con- cept. These attempts are still having certain problems of un iqueness, so that a question such as: ”What is the most chiral triangle?” obtai ns at least three different answers [10,11]. As a matter of fact, most approach es of treating chirality from mathematical aspects employ the geometric v iew-point of chi- rality, which hardly contains any physical meaning. In real ity, the concept of chirality has a significant physical basis and this is mean t to be one of the main features of the present article. For this reason it beco mes necessary to distinguish between so-called geometric and physical chir alities [11,12]. Geo- metric chirality is referred to the shape of pure geometric b odies or sets, such as triangles or tetrahedrons or any arbitrary shapes in 2- or 3-dimensional spaces. Physical chirality is referred to the shape of any di stribution in space of a physical property such as mass, charge, energy potentia l, or even quan- tum properties such as electronic wave-function distribut ion throughout a 4molecule, or any other quantum mechanical property. If such a distribu- tion does not contain any reflection symmetry plane, then, by analogy, it is to be referred to as a chiral physical distribution. There exist two ma- jor distinctions between physical and geometric objects. G eometric bodies are distributed homogeneously in space, whereas physical p roperties may be of varying densities, such as mass distribution, which is no t necessarily ho- mogeneous in space. This difference may well complicate the m athematical aspects of physical chiralities. A second distinction of ma jor physical signifi- cance is the possibility of interaction that may exist betwe en a distribution of physical property and some medium that happens to be present at the same vicinity. In the case of molecular structures it may be neces sary to distin- guish between various different physical distributions suc h as nuclear masses, (i.e. atomic locations within the molecule), or electronic distributions that are presented by the wave-function distributions. The poss ibility of a chiral distribution of a physical property is the origin of the biol ogical advantage of chirality. In order to clarify this statement it may be hel pful to look first at macroscopic objects where chirality plays a necessary an d useful role in their function. 2. Macroscopic Chiral Devices An intriguing question that is being repeated in may scienti fic publica- tions concerns the ‘left’ (L) and ‘right’ (D) identity of chi ral molecules, such as: ”Why are amino-acids L and not D?”. There exist several sp eculations that try to answer this interesting question. A more constru ctive question to be asked presently is: ”why are the molecules of life chira l?”, and this is 5regardless of their being L or D. Is there any biological adva ntage in their chiral nature when compared to achiral molecules? And the an swer given here to this question is: ”Yes”. The source of such an advanta ge comes from a specific type of interaction for which chirality is a necess ary condition. Such an interaction is to be labeled as: ”chiral interaction” (CI ) and it has already been treated in various publications [11,13-17]. Chiral interaction (CI) is not typical of molecular structu re only, and there exist various macrodevices which function according to the same principle. The simplest and most spectacular one is the windmill. When w ind blows at the rotors of a mill, it ‘ knows’ immediately in which direc tion to rotate, clockwise or anti-clockwise. If the windmill, in particula r its vanes, were symmetric, it would not be able to ‘make up its mind’ to select a definite rotational direction. The shape of vanes of a windmill, wher e contact is made with the wind, is designed to break the L-D symmetry, i.e ., it is chiral. This structure is of useful dynamical advantage which enabl es the mill to transform energy from the wind to, say, a rotating millstone . Another simple mechanical device is a rotating water sprinkler, where the m edium interacting with the sprinkler is the flow of water. The next example is som ewhat more sophisticated because it depends on a different mode of chira lity. This device is a variant of the Crookes’ radiometer (see figure 1). The act ive medium in this case is light radiation. The element of chirality here i s in the difference of the colors of the rotating blades, being black and silver, respectively, and this is a special example of physical chirality. When light i s shining on silver faces it is reflected away, whereas it is absorbed by the black ones. 6/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 /1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 /0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 /1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1B A Figure 1: A variant of Crookes’ radiometer offers an example o f chiral in- teraction. The asymmetry in the optical absorption coefficie nt between the black and the silver vanes generates a temperature differenc e between these vanes when light is shining at the device. The air close to the black vanes expands as a result, which pushes the vane around the axis AB i n the pre- ferred direction of the black vane. The physical chirality i s built into this device by the distribution of the black and silver colors, i. e. by the difference in the optical absorption coefficients in the vanes. 7This causes the black faces to become warmer than the silver o nes, which in turn expands the air in their close vicinity, so that the bl ack wing is pushed backwards. The selection of the sense of rotation of this typ e of Crooke’s radiometer is made by the variance of the colors of the vanes, that is, by their respective optical absorption coefficient. The physic al chirality in this device is presented by the distribution of the optical absor ption coefficient, not by the shape of the vanes which is achiral. All the examples presented here are of mechanical nature, i. e., the effect of chiral interaction (CI) results in a mechanical rotation in one preferred direction out of two possible ones around a given axis of the d evice. This is so because the source of the interaction, i.e. the medium, us ually is external to the chiral device. In the case of an electric device which g enerates a static current flowing in one preferred direction out of two possibl e ones, the source of the interaction may be embedded within the device. This is the case, for instance, of an electric cell which consists of two different electrodes coming in contact with an electrolyte. It is obvious that in order to reverse the direction of the current it is necessary to interchange the t wo electrodes with one another, but this does not necessarily require any chira l operation. This is so because the source of the current flow is internal, so tha t the structure of the device can be completely symmetric, as is the case of a cyl indric battery. In the case of an electric thermocouple, the operation can st ill be regarded as CI since the source of the interaction, i.e. the temperatu re difference, is external to the device. 8Before proceeding to molecular systems, it becomes useful t o summarize the main features of CI in macrodevices. In all these example s there exists a specific active medium with which each chiral device is inte racting, and this happens always at an interface separating the device fr om the medium, where physical chirality is built into this interface. CI is a process by which energy is transferred from the medium to the chiral device, w here one out of two possible modes of rotational motion is selected and ge nerated. Such a feature of selectivity can be considered as a mode of organi zation. Two modes of different natures, namely, mechanical or electric m otions, can be created within the device. The electric mode, i.e. the curre nt, is of practically massless charge motion flowing along a conductor. 3. Chiral Interaction in Molecular Systems 3a. General Features and Physical Background. The origin of CI in molecular systems is in the motion of free i ons in aqueous solutions. This is to be considered as the necessary medium for CI, whereas the interacting ‘chiral device’, i.e. the chira l molecule, must include certain specific features which enable it to functio n as a ‘chiral device’. These conditions fit well soluble proteins that contain elec tric dipole moments that interact electrostatically with moving ions in the sol vent. Owing to the large dielectric constant of water ( ǫ= 81), the range of CI is limited to approximately (10 −20)˚A. The permanent electric dipole moment [18] of the protein molecule consists of the amino (NH+) and the carbonyl (CO−) groups along the peptide bonding chains. This dipole moment is presented schematically by PN (see figure 2). Let us now examine the moti on of a 9Figure 2: The deflection of a positive ion Pifrom a linear track, presented byP1A, into a curved track P1Bdue to an electric dipole moment PN. The curved motion of P1induces a non-zero time-averaged electric field E/bardblalong PN. A negative ion (not shown here)is deflected in the opposit e direction, but, being of opposite sign to P1, it will induce E/bardblin the same direction of P1. 10positive ion P 1approaching PN. Let E/bardbl(t) be the time dependent com- ponent of an electric field /vectorEinduced by P 1along PN. The time average of E/bardbl(t) is given by: E/bardbl=1 T/integraldisplayT 0E/bardbl(t)dt (1) In the absence of any interaction P 1moves along a straight line P 1A so that for T→ ∞, we have E/bardbl→0. Since PN is in fact an electric dipole moment, the actual track of the ion P 1is now presented by the orbit of P 1B rather than P 1A. This is so because the ion is being deflected away from P and attracted by N. For this shape of an orbit, not being on a st raight line, E/bardbl∝negationslash= 0 for T→ ∞, and it is pointing in the direction of P. Let us now look for the case of a negative moving ion, not shown in the figu re. It is also deflected by the electric dipole but in the opposite directio n in comparison to P 1. Being also of opposite charge, it will induce an electric fie ldE/bardblin the same direction as the positive ion. In other words, E/bardblremains in the same direction for positive and negative ions alike. Anothe r fact that is of significance is the independence of the motional direction o f P1. For instance, if P1moves backward on the same track in the opposite direction, i t will still produce E/bardblin the same direction as before. The electric field E/bardbl, caused by the deflection of random ionic motion in the solvent, due to the existence of a permanent dipole momen t, becomes a source of repetitive perturbation of the molecular system . The system responds to such an external perturbation, according to the Le Chatelier law, in an attempt of maintaining an equilibrium state withi n the system, 11i.e., it evokes an internal perturbation along closed loops of chemical bonds in an attempt to neutralize the external perturbation. Such an internal perturbation, or ‘current’, selects one out of two possible directions of motion as in the case in macrodevices, in particular, the electric c ell. This effect is to be regarded as ‘Chiral Interaction’ (CI), on a molecular l evel scale [19]. Since the molecules involved in such an interaction, i.e. so luble proteins, are considerably heavier than the deflected ions in the solvent, any mechanical effects of CI can be neglected in comparison to its electric eff ect. 3b. The Necessity of an Interface In the description of chiral macrodevices the necessary exi stence of an in- terface, where CI is taking place, has been emphasized. Surp risingly enough, such an interface becomes also necessary for molecular chir al systems. This is shown schematically in Figure 3. If moving ions approach a closed ring attached to an electric dipole PN, from all possible directi ons, the induced perturbation, i.e. CI, averages out to zero. This is so becau se IAcancels out I Bon the average, so that the net induced perturbation becomes zero on the average. For this reason, in order to maintain a non-zero CI, it becomes necessary to limit the access of ions approaching the ring to about half of the space surrounding it, i.e., limit the access of P 2, in comparison to P 1. This can be accomplished by an interface (denoted by S), that prevents the access of free ions, i.e. P 2from the space above S, so that CI can go on in one preferred direction, i.e. I A, for an indefinite length of time. In nature there exist several interfaces. Most obvious one i s the solvent-air interface, which is macroscopic. At this interface there ex ists a strong 12Figure 3: Schematic representation of why it is necessary to have an interface in order to maintain a non-zero chiral interaction. Let P1be a moving ion approaching an electric dipole moment PN fixed, for simplici ty, on the diam- eter of a ring of closed chemical bonds. P1is deflected from its linear track according to its charge sign, and induces an electric field E/bardbland a resultant chiral current IAin the ring. A similar ion P2approaches from above and induces IBin the opposite direction along the ring, so that on the avera ge there exists no CI. In order to maintain a non-zero CI it is nec essary to stop or limit the approach of ions from one of these two semicircle s. This can be accomplished by a separating interface represented by S. 13change, or gradient /vector▽c, in the ionic strength cof the solvent. This pro- vides for a variation |/vector▽c·d|in the ionic strength across a loop of chemical bonds such as Cα·COO−·NH+ 3, of a hydrophobic amino acid molecule [13] attached to the water surface, where d≈few˚A. The origin of the elec- tric dipole moment along this loop is due to the existence of a zwitterion in amino acids in the presence of water. A sufficiently strong gra dient in the ionic strength at the close vicinity of the water-air interf ace can maintain CI for molecules such as amino acids that are aligned normal to t his interface. Another natural interface of molecular size exists at the su rface of globular proteins. This interface intervenes between the solvent, w here free ionic mo- tion persists, and the the interior part of the molecule wher e no ionic motion exists. Owing to this interface, CI can occur for globular pr oteins in the bulk of the solvent. Somewhat surprising and encouraging is the o bservation that soluble proteins must become globular in order to function a s enzymes [20]. This fact may indicate a possible linkage between CI and enzy matic activity of proteins, a possibility to be further discussed in what fo llows. Looking at the secondary α-helix structure of proteins, each segment of such a loop, containing the NH+. . .CO−bond, can be considered as a ‘chiral element’ with which free ions in the solvent are interacting (see figur e 4). This mode of interaction, being CI on a molecular level, is schematica lly shown and described in figure 5. 3c. Formal Treatment of Chiral Interaction Next, a formal treatment of the intrinsic molecular perturb ation, or ‘chiral current’ I cis presented for a single chiral element. 14This is carried out by applying the Langevin equation [13,21 ]: dIc dt=−γIc+F(t) (2) where γ=τ−1 Ris the attenuation or dissipation constant of IcandτRis the relaxation time of the chiral perturbation or current I c. F(t) represents a series of stochastic events of random approaches of moving ions in the solvent to the chiral element presented in figure 4 or 5. F(t) i s presented mathematically by: F(t) =τ−1/summationdisplay αiδ(θ−θi) exp[−γ(t−ti)] (3) where αiis the i-th current, or perturbation increment occurring at timeti. θ=t/τ,θi=ti/τandτis the stochastic time constant, being the average time gap between two successive stochastic events of solven t ions approaching the chiral element. The solution of equation 2 yields: Ic=/summationdisplay αiΘ(θ−θi) exp[−γ(t−ti)] (4) where Θ( χ) is a step-function. The time-average ∝angbracketleftIc∝angbracketrightfor long periods Ti>> τ and (T1−T2)>> τ is given by ∝angbracketleftIc∝angbracketright=1 T2−T1/integraldisplayT2 TiIc(t)dt (5) For a steady-state situation it is assumed that ∝angbracketleftdIc/dt∝angbracketright∼=0, so that [11,17]: ∝angbracketleftIc∝angbracketright=α γτ=ατR τ(6) where α=∝angbracketleftαi∝angbracketrightis the average chiral current perturbation generated per each stochastic event, and αis proportional to the magnitude of the electric 15Figure 4: A segment of an α-helix structure which can be considered as a segment in a globular protein. The H-bond connecting two suc cessive coils are presented by broken lines and they are all oriented in the same direction, i.e. from O(-) to N(+). The H-bonds together with the covalen t bonds connecting N and O around the loop are considered as a ‘chiral element’. (Original drawing by Irwin Geis). 16Figure 5: A schematic representation of a chiral element in a globular protein. The electric dipole moment sticking into the solvent, that i s, on the left hand side of the interface S, represents the H-bonds interconnec ting the coils in theα-helix. The possible motion of ions (only positive ones are s hown) in the solvent is shown, and so is the induced electric field E tha t generates the chiral current I in the chiral element. The interface S repre sents the surface of the globular protein so that mobile ions exist only on the l eft side of S. 17dipole-moment in the peptide bond. τis inversely proportional to c, which represents the ionic strength of the solvent, so that ∝angbracketleftIc∝angbracketrightis proportional to the product ατRc, that is: ∝angbracketleftIc∝angbracketright ∝ατRc. From equation 6 it can be deduced that ifτR<< τ then∝angbracketleftIc∝angbracketright →0. In other words, if the relaxation time τRof the chiral current perturbation is much shorter than the averag e stochastic time τ, then CI vanishes. The physical meaning of this is that the io nic strength cmust be sufficiently large to maintain the chiral interaction CI. 3d. Estimates and Conclusions In the absence of any experimental data concerning CI in mole cular sys- tems, it is still not easy to make reliable estimates for the s ize of the effect of CI. It is obvious that, owing to the large mass ratio of the p rotein relative to a moving ionic mass, only CI of the second kind can be invoke d, i.e. of electronic or massless motion. The estimate of the energy in volved in this process of CI is of the order of (10−2−10−3)kT per stochastic event (17), which signifies it is a ‘subthermal effect’. The relatively sm all energy con- tents does not mean that such an effect can be ignored. On the co ntrary, the smallness of this effect, as well as the degree of its sophi stication, may provide for information transfer throughout a complex mole cule such as pro- tein, and may be significant for its specific enzymatic functi on. This aspect will be further discussed in what follows. The necessary ing redients of CI on a molecular level may be now listed as: 1. The existence of a chiral element (or molecule) that inclu des an electric dipole moment as part of the chiral structure; 182. The presence of a polar solvent that is sufficiently rich in m obile ions; 3. The existence of closed loops of chemical bonds in the chir al element; and 4. The presence of an interface that separates between two me dia that differ largely in their respective ionic strength and/or in t heir ionic mobilities in the close vicinity of a chiral element. It should be emphasized that CI in biomolecules is still a hyp othesis await- ing for experimental verification. If confirmed, it may becom e of considerable significance as a mode of self-organization that is pertinen t to the intrinsic control of enzymatic activity of proteins. It should also be stressed that all the ingredients required for CI occur in nature for globular proteins as well as for amino acids oriented at the water-air interface. It is also of interest to point out the relevance, or necessity, of the presence of n itrogen atoms in the structure of amino acids and proteins. The physical asym metry between the amino NH+and the carbonyl CO−groups provides for the existence of an electric dipole moment which is a necessary condition for CI. Hydrocar- bons alone, lacking the presence of N, cannot participate in the generation of CI. it is important to notice that physical effects of chira lity have well been known for long [3], and they involve mainly optical phen omena, such as optical activity [22] and related effects. These effects are t o be considered as ‘chiral scattering’ rather than ‘chiral interactions’ bec ause they concern only the effect of chiral systems on electromagnetic radiation. I n the case of CI, the main effect to be considered is the generation of an intrin sic perturbation 19within the chiral system, which is ignored in the case of chiral scat tering. In addition to this, CI is not limited to optical effects only, as is the case in the phenomena of chiral scattering. Needless to add that the dis tinction between chiral scattering and CI does not mean that there is no relati on between these two concepts. The opposite is correct. 4. General Features and the Advantages of Chiral Interactio n 4a Thermodynamic and Space-Time Symmetry Considerations Thermodynamical aspects of CI have already been considered [11,16-17]. The basic effect of CI, where a molecule is being perturbed and thus is devel- oping a persistent current in a single selected direction, i s thermodynamically uncommon. Such a perturbation can be considered as an excite d state of in- definitely long lifetime. This means that however small is th e energy of such a perturbation, the system will never completely reach ther mal equilibrium. That is, as long as the chiral system is surviving. Such a phen omenon has certain peculiar aspects and in order to better appreciate t hem let us now look back at the example of a windmill. While so doing, macros copic effects such as friction and other energy dissipative effects are ign ored. What we see now is a significant space-time symmetry feature of CI, be ing of time- irreversible nature, in contrast to many common mechanical examples. For instance, if flow of time is reversed, a satellite moving in sp ace ‘will move’ on the same track in the opposite direction. This is so becaus e of the nature of the forces acting on it in space. In the case of a windmill, o r other chiral devices, if time is reversed the windmill ‘will not be able’ t o move in the 20opposite direction because of the shape of its rotors, which is still pushing it in the same direction. What does move backward is the mirror-image of the same windmill. Thus, in order to obtain a complete-reversal , it is also neces- sary ‘to reverse’ space. In the case of an electric cell, by re versing the flow of time the current ‘does flow’ in the opposite direction even th ough the elec- trochemical potential is still acting in the same direction , which contradicts the sense of the current motion. In order to reverse the flow of the current it is necessary to interchange the electrodes, i.e. to reverse also the sense of the electrochemical potential. To summarize on this symmetry c onsideration, CI is not a time-reversal process but rather of space-time invariance, and this is so because of the chiral nature of such an interaction. Let T represent a time-reversal operation and P is a space (or parity) reflecti on operation, then the main conclusion of this argument is that CI does not obey T -invariance but rather PT-invariance. Moving back to CI on a molecular level, it can readily be deduc ed that such a symmetry consideration may have deep impact on the the rmodynam- ical aspects of CI. In the absence of T-invariance on a molecu lar scale it means that CI does notobey the classical detailed balance principles [24]. Detailed balance implies that at equilibrium the number of o ccurrences of each chemical reaction in the forward direction is the same a s that in the reverse direction. In other words, equilibrium does exist n ot only macro- scopically but also for each individual microscopic reacti on. A necessary condition for detailed balance is the conservation of time r eversibility, which is not being obeyed by CI. Moreover, the persistence of CI in o ne selected 21direction prevents the molecular system from reaching ther mal equilibrium. This conclusion is related to the ergodic assumption introduced by Boltz- mann over a century ago. According to this assumption, any pr operty taken as an average over a large ensemble of particles within a clos ed box, being at thermal equilibrium with its environment, can also be obtai ned for a single particle under the same conditions, if averaged over a suffici ently long time. The behaviour of CI presents, therefore, a non-ergodic system. The origin for this is the generation of an intrinsic molecular perturbati on that is moving in one selective direction out of two possible ones, as a result of a continuous in- teraction with random ionic motion in the solvent at the clos e vicinity of the molecule. Such a behaviour is uncommon for ordinary molecul ar systems and it is the consequence of several structural details listed a bove, in particular, its chiral structure as well as the presence of a microscopic interface. 4b. Non-Ergodicity and Evolution The subject of thermal equilibrium and ergodicity may becom e of prob- lematic nature dealing with systems that contain more sophi sticated ele- ments. As long as relatively simple objects, such as mass poi nts, or plain molecules are concerned, the ergodic assumption seems to be fulfilled in gen- eral. The problem arises when less simple systems are involv ed, in particular, those which do not obey time reversal invariance. For exampl e, suppose that an aqueous solution reaches thermal equilibrium and then a b acterium is thrown into it. A quasi-microscopic system, such as a living bacterium, is certainly not time-reversible in its function, and as long a s it stays alive it also does not reach thermal equilibrium, i.e. it is a non-ergodic system. 22A similar conclusion can be reached for any microscopic livi ng system that happens to be immersed in a macroscopic surrounding being at thermal equi- librium. The question that can be asked now is: “what is the smallest system that can remain at a non-ergodic state within a macroscopic s ystem being at thermal equilibrium”. Such a question cannot be readily ans wered. It seems reasonable to assume that any sufficiently complex microscop ic system, or molecule, that can perform in a ‘machine-like’ mode of opera tion, being time- irreversible in nature, will remain non-ergodic under such a condition for as long time as it does not break down or decompose into simpler a nd smaller elements. Soluble proteins, as well as other sufficiently com plex biomolecules, seem to comply with this requirement. It seems to be the case, and this is so to the best knowledge of the author, that only ‘machine-li ke’ biomolecules can be considered as microscopic non-ergodic systems. It ma y well be the case that also microelectronics systems may achieve such a s tate with further development. In view of this it becomes of much interest to po int out that non-ergodicity may well be a phenomenon related to the micro scopic level of function of life in nature. Another question of much interest concerns the possible sig nificance of non-ergodicity in nature. Microscopic systems or molecule s that reach easily thermal equilibrium do not seem to be liable for any process o f intrinsic organization. Another significant aspect of the function an d operation of complex molecular systems has to do with its usefulness. Any time reversal activity can be regarded as completely ineffective from this view point of usefulness. For this very reason the breaking of time-rever sal invariance of 23processes becomes necessary for a practical operation of an y useful value. All machine operations are time-irreversible, and these in clude microscopic ‘machines’ as well, such as molecular proteins. Non-ergodi city becomes a feature closely related to time-irreversibility for sophi sticated microscopic systems. Upon combining together these various features, i t seems reasonable to deduce that the process of biomolecular evolution in natu re is closely related to them. For this reason it becomes plausible to assu me that non- ergodicity is to be regarded a necessary condition for molec ular evolution [11]. The CI hypothesis has similar features to those descri bed hereby, and it is based on well recognized structural details as well as on e xternal source of random ionic motion, which provides for a physical well expl icable model. For these reasons it is anticipated that CI may become of major va lue for better understanding of the function of operative biomolecules, s oluble proteins in particular. This is so, provided that more experimental sup port is to be found for its viability. 4c. Order of Magnitude Estimate Another aspect of CI perturbation concerns the size of its en ergy content, being of the order of (10−1−10−2)kT per chiral element, which is rather small in comparison to thermal energy, being of the order of kT. The significance of such subthermal perturbation is not relevant to the size of i ts energy content, but rather to its degree of ordering or sophistication. The e nergy content of a biomolecule is considerably larger, and this can serve as s ource of energy for its operational functions. The energy associated with C I can become operational upon ‘switching on’ and ‘switching off’ the acti ve groups in the 24molecule. In other words, CI may be relevant to the control me chanism of biomolecular function, rather than to its operational func tion, which requires much more energy. A similar comparison of amounts of energy c an be made between a robot and a computer that controls its activity. Th e energy needed for control is considerably smaller than that required for t he function of a robot, although its degree of sophistication is rather impr essive. The rela- tively low energy content of CI has an additional advantage a s well. Being of considerably lower energy than typical thermal energy of the order of kT, does help to increase its length of relaxation time τRwhich contributes to the persistence of CI. The reason for this effect is related to the presence of a large population of energy modes of similar energy levels, as is the case of thermal energy, which decreases their ‘life-times’ length s, owing to the high liability of interactivity among such modes. 4d. Possible Magnetic Effect This concerns the possibility of CI to induce magnetic fields along the axes of coils of the α-helix segments of which the globular protein consists. The direction of this magnetic field follows the axis of each s egment sepa- rately and its magnitude is crudely estimated to be of the ord er of 0.01T, or 100 gauss. It may well be too early to elaborate on the possi ble prac- tical significance of such an intrinsic molecular magnetic fi eld. However, it has already been emphasized by Steiner and Ulrich [24] that m agnetic fields can have significant effects on the polarization of electroni c and nuclear spins during chemical reactions, which may considerably affect ch emical yields and 25kinetics. It is important to emphasize that the sizeof magnetic fields, ap- plied externally to chemical reactions, has negligible effe ct on these reactions. It is also important to point out that in contrast to regular c hemical reac- tions, where an external magnetic field is applied in arbitra ry direction with respect to any molecule participating in such a reaction, th e intrinsic field induced by CI happens to be acting at the optimal location and direction where it is needed. This may well become a crucial feature of C I, which can efficiently contribute to the autocatalytic function of solu ble proteins. An- other interesting feature of such an intrinsic magnetic fiel d induced by CI, is related to the description of ‘chiral favourable environ ment’ introduced by Barron [25], who proposes to apply a combination of electric and magnetic fields parallel to one another in order to generate an enantio meric excess in a chiral synthesis performed in their close presence. Actual ly, such an intrinsic combination exists in the globular state of soluble protein s in the presence of CI. The electric field is generated by the electric dipole mom ent that exists along the peptide bond that comes into touch with the solvent surrounding the globular protein, whereas the magnetic field is induced i n parallel to it by CI along the axes of the coils of the α-helix. 5. Experimental Verification and Support 5a. Background The presence of CI perturbation along one selected directio n may produce an additional effect. Although CI is largely still a hypothes is awaiting for an experimental verification, there exist several pieces of ev idence supporting its validity. Let us first indicate that its very existence is bas ed largely on general 26physical principles which are hard to refute, as well as on ge neral symme- try arguments. All macroscopic examples are based on such co nsiderations. In addition, it is important to notice that CI is a special and uncommon molecular phenomenon, which requires a set of structural co nstraints for its possible validity, in analogy to macroscopic chiral device s. These include the presence of an electric dipole moment, as well as an interfac e separating be- tween the active medium in the solvent and the inner part of th e molecule. All these happen to exist for soluble proteins. Before looki ng at a possible and practical experiment, we note two specific difficulties th at may affect the observation of CI. The first one concerns the size of the effect , which is quite small, and the second is the fact of its being an intrinsic mol ecular event, which limits its experimental accessibility. The second di fficulty concerns proteins rather than amino acids, which are of more open stru cture. On the other hand, there are good reasons why it is desirable to obse rve CI. Such an effect can provide for a better understanding of the comple x nature and operation of biomolecular function. In the lack of any direct experimental evidence for the valid ity of CI it may be helpful to look for existing experimental results tha t may bear certain close relation to this phenomenon. For this very purpose an indirect experi- ment has been proposed [17], based on an assumption that CI is a necessary condition for enzymatic activity in soluble proteins. Such an assumption, reasonable as it may sound, presents a certain constraint th at at best can provide for a strong positive experimental support of CI, ra ther than a di- rect verification of its validity. Such an experiment was act ually performed 27by Careri et al. [26,27]. This experiment concerns the effect of dehydration on the protonic motion throughout the hydration layers arou nd soluble pro- teins. The amount of water surrounding each protein molecul e is of crucial importance for free protonic motion around this molecule. T his is associated with the so-called ‘percolation transition’ involving wat er clusters around the protein molecule. By dehydrating the water layers beyond th e percolation transition, the protonic motion stops, and so does also, sim ultaneously, the enzymatic activity of the molecule. As soon as there exists e nough water within the hydration layer surrounding the molecule, free p rotonic motion, or mobility, becomes possible and resumes again. This in tur n causes also the onset of enzymatic activity in the protein molecule. Pro tonic motion is identical in fact, with free ionic mobility being a necessar y condition for CI in soluble proteins. This fact links closely between chiral interaction and these experimental results. The close causal connection be tween protonic, or ionic, mobility and enzymatic activity in soluble proteins , fits precisely with the assumption of the existence of CI. 5b. Enantiomeric Excess Experiment A direct experiment to observe CI has already been proposed [ 11,17,28]. In order to perform such an experiment, it is necessary to mak e use of some observable property that is generated by this effect. Such is the case with amino acid molecules attached to the water-air interface. F or this purpose a racemic solution of a hydrophobic amino acid, such as trypto phan, may be employed, as is shown schematically in Figure 6. The side cha in R attaches itself to the water surface, and CI occurs around the loop NH+ 3.COO−.C, 28which contains a zwitterion where an H-bond may exist betwee n NH+ 3and COO−. The ring of bonds may also contain a water molecule that rela xes the angular strain of the bonds [28]. CI becomes possible the re, close to the water-air interface, owing to the gradient /vector▽c∝negationslash= 0 of the ionic strength c across the ring of bonds at the water surface. CI induces ther e a magnetic dipole moment /vector µ, which has opposite components for the L and D enan- tiomers, respectively, with regard to the normal to the wate r surface. Next, an external magnetic field /vectorBis applied normal to the water surface and this interacts with /vector µwith energy Eµ: Eµ=±/vector µ./vectorB. (7) where the ±signs depend on the L or D chirality respectively. This energ y adds to the hydrophobic energy Eh, i.e.E=Eh+Eµor: E=Eh±/vector µ./vectorB, (8) which results in an energy difference of 2 Eµbetween the two enantiomers. This, in turn, creates a small population change ∆ nbetween the two enan- tiomers according to Boltzmann law: ∆n=nL−nD (9) which depends on the direction of /vectorB. In order to estimate the size of this effect, i.e. of ∆ n/n, where n=n0 L=n0 Dis the racemic population, it is necessary to estimate the magnetic dipole moment µ, and this is given [17] by:µ≈(10−1−10−2)µB, where µBis the Bohr magneton. Then ∆n n=2µB kT∼=10−3(forµ∼=10−1µB) (10) 29and B is of the order of a few teslas. The measurement itself can be performed by removing monolay ers from the water surface [29] that contains the amino acid populati on and then by measuring their optical activity elsewhere, not in the pres ence of the magnetic field. Other advanced technologies may also be available for this purpose [30]. The physical reasoning behind this experiment resembles th e reasoning leading to the natural selection of the L-anantiomer of amin o acid in ter- restrial biomolecular evolution. The mechanism may well be the same, but instead of an applied magnetic field there exists the vertica l component of the terrestrial field. It is suggested that this process could ha ve happened during the prebiotic era over a localized region of the earth, where the vertical com- ponent of the terrestrial magnetic field had a well defined com ponent over a sufficiently time length, so that one enantiomer, presumably L, had a slight energy advantage over D. The difference in energy is rather sm all, being of the order of (10−8−10−9)kT. This energy estimate, although quite small, is still considerably larger, by some 7 or 8 orders of magnitude , than the weak nuclear current (WNC) interaction mechanism proposed by Ko ndepudi and Nelson [31] for the natural selection of the L-anantiomer. T he present mech- anism does not give an a priori advantage to either L or D enantiomer. This advantage is an accidental outcome of the direction of the no rmal magnetic field of earth that happened to exist at the specific region of t he ocean where and when natural selection happened to occur. Recently, Bar ron [25] has pro- posed to apply a ‘chiral favorable environment’ of an electr ic and magnetic fields parallel to one another, which may prefer one enantiom eric chirality 30over the other. In order to perform such an experiment, Barro n proposes also to rotate charges mechanically, which would make it sim ilar, though considerably more awkward, to the approach of CI. 5c. Detection of Associated Magnetic Effects Apart from a possible enantiomeric excess effect, owing to an external magnetic field applied on a racemic solution, there exist als o other magnetic effects of CI that can be detected experimentally. These have already been indicated above for the case of soluble globular proteins. S uch a magnetic structure may be detected, perhaps, by polarized neutron sc attering. An- other quite fascinating possibility is related to the SQUID apparatus, an abbreviation of Superconducting Quantum Interference Dev ice [32], which can detect extremely small magnetic fields with resolution o f the order of one part in 1011of the earth’s magnetic field, or of femtotesla (10−15tesla). This is so in addition to its possibility of detection very mi nute changes, or differences, in magnetic fields. For this purpose it is suit able to prepare monomeric solution of a single enantiomer, say L, of a hydrop hobic amino acid in a sufficiently large concentration. Such a solution wi ll create a mag- netic monolayer at the water-air interface. This is due to th e presence of a surface of magnetic moments induced by CI, all having parall el components in the same direction normal to the water-air interface. (Se e figure 6). Such a magnetic monolayer may generate a sufficiently strong magne tic field, nor- mal to this surface, to be detectable by the SQUID. The size of the magnetic field produced by, say, 1012molecules of amino acid per 1 cm2of this surface, 31Figure 6: Two hydrophobic amino acid enantiomers L and D are s hown. The side chain R penetrates the water-air interface LS. /vectorBis an external magnetic field applied normal to LS and interacts with the induced magn etic moments /vector µ. Due to the opposite orientations of /vector µwith respect to /vectorBto L and D respectively, there exists a small energy difference of 2 /vector µ./vectorBbetween the two enantiomers, at the water-air surface LS. 32is estimated to be of the order of 10−12to 10−14tesla at a distance of 1 mm above the surface. Such a magnetic field can, hopefully, be detected by a SQUID [32]. 6. The Reality of Chiral Interaction The main motivation of the present treatment of CI comes form funda- mental questions such as: ”why are the molecules of life chir al?” or, more specifically, ”does chirality offer any biological advantag e to biomolecules?”. CI may provide for a positive answer to such questions. For th is very reason it has been helpful to inspect macroscopic chiral devices an d draw conclusions for chiral molecules by pure analogy. Two modes of operation were found for CI, namely, massive rotational motion of the chiral device a nd a circular flow of massless perturbation, such as a current, throughout the device. Of these, only the massless mode of motion is found suitable for molecu lar CI. More- over, given certain structural details, all happen to exist in soluble proteins, certain chiral molecules have the capability of interactin g with randomly moving ions in a solvent. This interaction produces an intri nsic perturbation that moves in one preferred direction out of two possible one s. Such a capa- bility does not exist for achiral molecules. This mode of per turbation within a chiral molecule gives rise to a certain degree of non-ergod icity, which may also be regarded as a certain amount of negative entropy. It i s tempting to compare this to the somewhat naive conclusion of Shroding er [33] in his bookWhat is Life? , where he claims for such a phenomenon that: ‘it feeds on negative entropy’. In the present context CI enables protei ns to reduce their 33entropy, i.e. to avoid thermal equilibrium by a minute amoun t, which is to be regarded as a mode of ‘subthermal organization’. It is her eby conjectured [11,17] that such a phenomenon of non-ergodicity is to be con sidered as a necessary condition for evolutionary process in biomolecu les. It is also im- portant to observe that such features require CI to become a m icroscopically time-irreversible [34] phenomenon. In fact, if proteins ar e to be regarded as ‘biological machines’, there must exist an element of time i rreversibility in their function. These arguments are rather general and still somewhat specu lative, since as yet CI has not been proven to be real on molecular level. Mor eover, it may be quite plausible that such arguments are crucial to the fun ction of proteins, though it is still not easy to describe exactly how. We still n eed a much better insight into their function. However, it is important to ind icate that if CI is indeed of significance for protein function, then it can be us eful to ascribe biological significance to various structural features of s oluble proteins that otherwise would remain plain facts. Among these features th e chirality of the protein molecule can be mentioned, in particular the cha rge distribution on the peptide H-bonds connecting the loops along the α-helix coils, which are of physical chiral nature. In addition, this also offers a certain meaning to the presence of nitrogen atoms in proteins and amino acid c onstitution, where the asymmetry between N and O atoms is responsible for t he dipolar charge on the peptide H-bonds. By comparison, N atoms are tot ally absent in hydrocarbons. Also structurally meaningful is the exist ence of closed loops of chemical bonds in proteins, which provide for a means of de livering the 34CI perturbation around the molecule. This holds for βsheets as well [19]. An additional meaningful fact is the parallelism, or consis tency, of all dipolar moments along the α-helix, which adds up to a total dipole moment in each separate segment of a globular protein along the narrow zone that happens to be in contact with the solvent. (see figure 4). All these str uctural details have already been considered in the assumptions leading to t he proposal of CI, so that their biological significance is not surprising. More surprising is the fact that soluble proteins must become globular before t hey can function as enzymes. This fact has not been considered previously. It links up neatly with the necessity of an interface for the operation of CI. An other fact of biological importance is the presence of free mobile ions in a solvent, which leads to the preference of physiological, rather than pure o r distilled water, as the solvent material. These mobile ions are necessary for generating CI in biomolecules. Most relevant and significant, so far, is th e contribution made by the experiment [26,27] of Careri et al., which reveal s the connection between protonic motion in the hydration layer of proteins a nd the onset of enzymatic activity. This experiment provides for an impres sive support for the CI hypothesis. Apart from these facts there exist two related points that ar e of biomolec- ular evolutionary significance. One of these has to do with th e possibility that CI was playing an important role in the natural selection of t he L-anantiomer of amino acids. The other is the evolutionary significance of the non-ergodic nature of CI. Although in nature there hardly exists any ther mal equilib- rium, it seems very likely that non-ergodic systems, such as proteins, become 35much more susceptible to evolutionary processes in compari son to systems that readily reach thermal equilibrium. it is also interest ing to indicate that any living system is non-ergodic as well. Another aspect of CI concerns the amount of energy involved i n such a process. This energy is rather small, subthermal in effect, w hich may evoke criticism as to its significance. Such criticism is rather co mmon among sci- entists who attribute significance to energy according to it s size. What is significant in complex systems such as proteins, may well be t he quality, or the degree of sophistication of energy, rather than its size . For instance, in- formation transferred by electromagnetic wave involves ce rtain modulations of this wave and their respective energy is much less than the energy of the wave itself, though its content is of major importance and us efulness. An- other example is the small amount of energy required to switc h on and off a much larger source of energy. This is to be regarded as a mode of control energy which may be of main significance in CI. In the case of a r obot con- trolled by a computer, we have a similar example. The quantit y of energy required by a robot is considerably larger than that of the co mputer, but without this small quantity of energy, the robot cannot func tion coherently. Another, rather cruel example, concerns the size of energy c hange that oc- curs over the small interval during which a creature dies. Th is change in energy is very small, but its significance is enormous. This e xample may well indicate the significance of the content of such a small a mount of en- ergy. It is interesting, even fascinating, to point out that in the case of CI all this ordered energy comes from chaotic random motion of i ons, and this 36is mainly due to the chiral nature of CI. In addition to all the se, it may be relevant to indicate that the density of energy states for su bthermal energies in molecular systems is considerably smaller than that with in the thermal range, which makes subthermal energies less convertible, o r dissipative, than thermal modes of energy, and therefore functionally more effi cient. Another significant feature of CI is its time irreversibilit y. It is important to emphasize that any time-reversible operation is meaning less when regarded from aspects of usefulness. Any productive machine functio n becomes au- tomatically time-irreversible if its operation is of any me rit. For instance, even information transfer, which usually requires very lit tle energy, is totally a time-irreversible process. The source of time reversibil ity in physics comes from the nature of the Newtonian mass point which is an ideall y symmetric object. If instead of such a symmetric point mass, an element ary physical chiral object [11] is to be employed, then it becomes likely t hat instead of time-reversal invariance the rule of PT-invariance will do minate. This may well be the main source, or reason, for the biological advant age of chirality. In conclusion, let it be reminded that in spite of strong but i ndirect sup- port, such as that of the experiment of Careri et al. [26,27], the CI hypothesis is still in its infancy and requires much more insight, under standing and de- velopment, not to mention additional support from direct ex periments as discussed here and elsewhere [11,17,28]. 377. Conclusions The phenomenon of chiral interaction has been described and treated in detail in this article. Various uncommon features of such an interaction are described and discussed. It is also claimed that chiral inte raction may well be of significant biological advantage, and this is due to its po ssible linkage and relevance to enzymatic activity of soluble proteins. Anoth er reason for such an advantage is that chiral interaction may be the source of n on-ergodicity in biological molecules, which might be relevant to the proces s of biomolecular evolution in nature. Acknowledgement The author wishes to thank Dr. Robert M. Clegg for his help in d iscover- ing the work of Careri et al. He also wishes to thank Ms. Elizab eth Youdim, and Ms. Gila Etzion for their considerable help in completin g this article. 38References: 1. F. Arago; “Memoires de la Classe des Sciences Math. et Phys . de l’Institut Imperial de France”, Part 1, p. 93, (1811). 2. J.B. 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arXiv:physics/9911042v1 [physics.atm-clus] 18 Nov 1999Melting in large sodium clusters: An orbital-free molecula r dynamics study. Andr´ es Aguado, Jos´ e M. L´ opez, and Julio A. Alonso Departamento de F´ ısica Te´ orica, Universidad de Valladol id, Valladolid 47011, Spain Malcolm J. Stott Department of Physics, Queen’s University, Kingston, Onta rio K7L 3N6, Canada The melting-like transition in sodium clusters Na N, with N=55, 92, and 142 is studied by using constant-energy molecular dynamics simulations. An orbit al-free version of the Car-Parrinello tech- nique is used which scales linearly with system size allowin g investigation of the thermal behaviour of large clusters. The details of the melting transition are heavily dependent on the specific isomer used as the starting configuration for the heating process. A n amorphous isomer of Na 142melts in two steps, the first one (at ≈130 K) being characterized by the high mobility of the atoms l ocated on the cluster surface, and the second, homogeneous melting (at≈270 K), involves diffusive motion of all the atoms across the cluster. For an icosahedral isome r those two steps are found to be much closer in temperature (at ≈240 K and 270 K, respectively). For the case of Na 92, the icosahedral isomer again melts in two well defined steps, surface melting at≈130 K and homogeneous melting at≈240 K, whereas an amorphous isomer shows an extremely broad, featureless melting transition. In the case of Na 55, only an icosahedral isomer was investigated, which melted in a single stage at≈190 K. Our results on homogeneous melting for Na 142and Na 92are in excellent agreement with recent experimental determinations of melting temper atures and latent heats. However, the experimentally observed enhancement of the melting temper ature around N=55 is not reproduced by the calculations. PACS numbers: 36.40.Ei 64.70.Dv I. INTRODUCTION The melting-like transition in finite clusters consisting of a small number of atoms, although poorly understood, is of fundamental interest as clusters are often produced in a disordered ”liquid” state,1and is relevant to appli- cations of clusters, for example, the catalytic activity of small platinum clusters depends critically on their melt- ing temperatures.2Recent experimental advances reveal some details of the melting-like transition but, at the same time, show new and interesting features. Martin3 determined the cluster size dependence of the melting temperature T mof large sodium clusters, composed of thousands of atoms, by observing the vanishing of the atomic shell structure in the mass spectra upon heat- ing. It was concluded that T mgrows with cluster size, but the results did not extrapolate yet to the T mof the bulk. Peters et al.4performed X-ray diffraction experi- ments on large Pb clusters and observed the occurrence of surface melting before homogeneous melting. Electron diffraction5may also help in detecting a surface melting stage.2Haberland and coworkers6have studied the vari- ation with temperature of the photofragmentation spec- tra of Na N(N=50–200) clusters, and have deduced from it the melting temperatures of the clusters. Intriguingly, they find that for some cluster sizes the melting tempera- ture is a local maximum not in exact correspondence with either the electronic or the atomic shell closing numbers, but bracketed by the two, suggesting that both effects are relevant to the melting process. A number of computer simulations of melting in small metallic and nonmetallic clusters have been reported, the majority of which employed phenomenological inter- atomic potentials.7–9The use of such parameterized po-tentials allows the consideration of long dynamical tra- jectories for large clusters.8,9Ab initio methods, which have also been used, accurately treat the electronic struc- ture of the cluster,10but are much more expensive com- putationally and are usually restricted to the study of small clusters for short dynamical trajectories.11Re- cently, Rytk¨ onen et al.12have performed ab initio molec- ular dynamics (aiMD) simulations of the melting of a sodium cluster with 40 atoms, but such a “large” clus- ter required the use of a fast heating rate. These aiMD treatments use the Kohn-Sham (KS) form13of density functional theory (DFT), and orthogonalization of the one-electron KS orbitals is the limiting step in their per- formance. However, DFT shows that the total energy of the electronic system can be expressed in terms of just the electronic density,14and orbital-free (OF) ver- sions of the CP technique based on the electron den- sity have been developed and employed, both in solid state15,16and cluster17–20applications. These OF meth- ods scale linearly with the system size allowing the study of larger clusters for longer simulation times than typ- ical aiMD simulations. However, quantum shell effects are neglected, so that features associated with electronic shell closings are not reproduced. Previously,20we have used the orbital-free molecular dynamics (OFMD) method to study the melting pro- cess in small sodium clusters, Na 8and Na 20, clusters outside the range covered by Haberland’s photofragmen- tation experiments.6Here, we report constant energy OFMD simulations in a study of the melting-like tran- sition in larger clusters, Na 55, Na 92and Na 142, which are within the size range covered in those experiments, and for which a full ab initio treatment of their ther- mal properties would be very expensive. Even for the 1OFMD method those large clusters represent a substan- tial computational effort. The aim of our work is to study the mechanisms by which the melting-like transition pro- ceeds in these large clusters. In the next section we briefly present some technical details of the method. The results are presented and discussed in section III and, finally, section IV summarizes our main conclusions. II. THEORY The orbital-free molecular dynamics method is a Car- Parrinello total energy scheme which uses an explicit kinetic-energy functional of the electron density, and has the electron density as the dynamic variable, as opposed to the KS single particle wavefunctions. The main features of the energy functional and the calcula- tional scheme have been described at length in previous work,15,17,19,20and details of our method are as described by Aguado et al.20In brief, the electronic kinetic en- ergy functional of the electron density, n(/vector r), corresponds to the gradient expansion around the homogeneous limit through second order14,21–23 Ts[n] =TTF[n] +1 9TW[n], (1) where the first term is the Thomas-Fermi functional TTF[n] =3 10(3π2)2/3/integraldisplay n(/vector r)5/3d/vector r, (2) and the second is the lowest order gradient correction, where TW, the von Weizs¨ acker term, is given by TW[n] =1 8/integraldisplay| ∇n(/vector r)|2 n(/vector r)d/vector r. (3) The local density approximation is used for exchange and correlation.24,25In the external field acting on the elec- trons, Vext(/vector r) =/summationtext nv(/vector r−/vectorRn), we take vto be the lo- cal pseudopotential of Fiolhais et al.,26which reproduces well the properties of bulk sodium and has been shown to have good transferability to sodium clusters.27 The cluster is placed in a unit cell of a cubic superlat- tice, and the set of plane waves periodic in the superlat- tice is used as a basis set to expand the valence density. Following Car and Parrinello,10the coefficients of that expansion are regarded as generalized coordinates of a set of fictitious classical particles, and the correspondin g Lagrange equations of motion for the ions and the elec- tron density distribution are solved as described in Ref. 20. The calculations for Na 92and Na 142used a supercell of edge 71 a.u. and the energy cut-off in the plane wave ex- pansion of the density was 8 Ryd. For Na 55, the cell edge was 64 a.u. and the energy cut-off 10 Ryd. In all cases, a 64×64×64 grid was used. Previous tests20indicate that the cut-offs used give good convergence of bond lengths and binding energies. The fictitious mass associated to the electron density coefficients ranged between 1.0 ×108 and 3.3 ×108a.u., and the equations of motion were in- tegrated using the Verlet algorithm28for both electronsand ions with a time step ranging from ∆t = 0.73 × 10−15sec. for the simulations performed at the lowest temperatures, to ∆t = 0.34 ×10−15sec. for those at the highest ones. These choices resulted in a conservation of the total energy better than 0.1 %. The first step of the simulations was the determination of low temperature isomers for each of the three cluster sizes. For such large clusters it is very difficult to find the global minimum because the number of different lo- cal minima increases exponentially with the number of atoms in the cluster. Instead, one has to be satisfied with structures that are approximations to the global minimum, and we used two methods to find these. First, we used dynamical simulated annealing,10by heating a number of initial random configurations of the clusters to 600 K and then slowly cooling them. This process always led to amorphous structures for Na 92and Na 142, and to a nearly icosahedral structure for Na 55. Secondly, we assumed icosahedral growth. Thus, for Na 142, we re- moved five atoms from the surface of a 147 atom, three- shell perfect icosahedron. For Na 92, we constructed an icosahedral isomer by following the growing sequence de- scribed by Montejano-Carrizales et al,29and for Na 55we took a perfect two-shell icosahedron. Several molecular dynamics simulation runs at differ- ent constant energies were performed in order to obtain the caloric curve for each isomer. The initial positions of the atoms for the first run were taken by slightly de- forming the equilibrium geometry of the low temperature isomer. The final configuration of each run served as the starting geometry for the next run at a different energy. The initial velocities for every new run were obtained by scaling the final velocities of the preceding run. The total simulation times varied between 8 and 18 ps for each run at constant energy. A number of indicators to locate the melting-like tran- sition were employed. Namely, the specific heat defined by7,30 Cv= [N−N(1−2 3N−6)< E kin>t< E−1 kin>t]−1, (4) where N is the number of atoms and <>tindicates the average along a trajectory; the mean square displace- ment, < r2(t)>, given by7 < r2(t)>=1 Nntnt/summationdisplay j=1N/summationdisplay i=1[/vectorRi(t0j+t)−/vectorRi(t0j)]2,(5) where ntis the number of time origins, t0j, considered along a trajectory; the time evolution of the distance between each atom and the instantaneous center of mass of the cluster ri(t) =|/vectorRi(t)−/vectorRcm(t)|1/2; (6) and finally, the density of atoms, ρ(r), a distance raway from the center of mass, averaged over a whole dynamical trajectory. 2III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The structures for the low energy isomers resulting from the simulated annealing starting from a number of random initial configurations for Na 142and Na 92, are amorphous arrangements. Because the complexity of the potential energy surfaces typical of these large cluster sizes renders the simulated annealing search unreliable, we have doubts that these are the ground structures of Na142and Na 92. On the other hand, it is known that the specific isomer used to start the heating dynamics can affect significantly the details of the melting transition.31 Therefore, we have adopted additional isomers in order to study the influence of the initial structure on clus- ter melting. For Na 142, another isomer was obtained by removing five sodium atoms from a perfect three- shell icosahedron. The icosahedral growing sequence in nickel clusters has been studied by Montejano-Carrizales et al,29and they have shown that the 12 vertices of the outermost shell are the last sites to be occupied. As- suming the same growth sequence for sodium clusters, we have removed five atoms from the vertex positions of Na147, considering all possibilities, and have then radially relaxed the resulting structure. In the most stable struc- ture thus formed, the five vacancies form a pentagon. For Na 92, we have adopted the umbrella growing model of Montejano-Carrizales et al.29The resulting structure, also radially relaxed, corresponds to three complete um- brellas on top of a perfect Na 55icosahedron. Calculated low-temperature dynamical trajectories verify that these structures are indeed stable isomers of Na 92. An impor- tant difference between the icosahedral and amorphous structures is that the former has a much smoother sur- face. The icosahedral isomers are ∼0.017–0.020 eV/atom more stable than the amorphous. The presence of amor- phous structures in the potential energy surface, within an energy range of ∼0.01 eV/atom of the ground state, has been predicted by Garz´ on and coworkers32for gold clusters of intermediate size, the amorphous structures were found to be the global minima for a number of cluster sizes. For Na 55, the simulated annealing resulted in a slightly distorted two-shell icosahedron, and only this isomer was considered for that cluster size. Calvo and Spiegelmann have studied the low-energy isomers of sodium clusters in the same size range, both through pair potential and tight-binding (TB) calculations,9and have also found icosahedral structures for Na 55, Na93, Na139 and Na 147. For each cluster we have calculated the total energy as a function of the internal temperature, defined as the average of the ionic kinetic energy20- the so-called caloric curve. A thermal phase transition is indicated in the caloric curve by a change of slope, the slope being the specific heat; the height of the step gives an estimate of the latent heat of fusion. However, melting processes are more easily recognised as peaks in the specific heat as a function of temperature calculated directly from eq. (4) and shown in fig. 1. The specific heat curves for Na 142(fig. 1a) display two peaks indicating a two-step melting process. For the amorphous cluster these steps are widely separated at thetemperatures Tam s≈130 K and Tam m≈270 K, but much closer together for the icosahedral Na 142cluster at tem- peratures Tico s≈240 K and Tico m≈270 K, close enough so that only one slope change in the caloric curve can be distinguished in this case. The results suggest that the melting transition in Na 142starts at a temperature T s and finishes at T mwith the difference in the melting of the two isomers being only the much smaller T svalue for the amorphous isomer. Homogeneous melting occurs at T=T m≈270 K in both cases, a result in excellent agree- ment with the experiments of Haberland and coworkers,6 who give an approximate value of 280 K. The estimated latent heat of fusion is q m≈15 meV/atom consistent with the experimental value of ∼14 meV/atom. How- ever, the premelting stage at T=T sis not detected in the experiments. Our results for the icosahedral isomer could be consistent with this because the two specific heat peaks are close to one another and the height of the first is much smaller than that of the second; consequently they could be indistinguishable experimentally. Calvo and Spiegelmann9have performed Monte Carlo (MC) simulations using a semiempirical many-atom potential. The lowest-energy isomer they found for Na 139was also a defective three-shell icosahedron, in this case with 8 sur- face vacancies. They also report two close peaks in the specific heat curve indicating a two-step melting process, with T s≈210 K and T m≈230 K. They concluded that those two temperatures get closer as the cluster size increases, so that for clusters in this size range one can consider in practical terms just one peak in the spe- cific heat and a single melting temperature. Tight bind- ing molecular dynamics calculations were performed by the same authors.9Although the specific values obtained for the melting temperatures through the tight-binding methodology are different from those obtained with the phenomenological simulations (they tend to overestimate the experimental values, while empirical potentials tend to underestimate them), the qualitative picture of melt- ing in two close steps is the same in both methods. The results for Na 92are shown in fig. 1b. The melting of the amorphous isomer proceeds over a broad temper- ature interval, and there are no significant peaks in the specific heat or slope changes in the caloric curve. The latent heat is close to zero; something that had been found previously for some amorphous gold clusters.33 These results are in disagreement with the experiments of Haberland et al.6In contrast the icosahedral isomer shows two-step melting with a prepeak at T s≈130 K and homogeneous melting at T m≈240 K. In this case T sand T mare well separated, but the first peak is much smaller than the second which could again ac- count for the absence of the prepeak in the experiments, although alternatively we may not yet have found the ground state structure. Nevertheless, the calculated val- ues for the homogeneous melting stage: T m≈240 K and q m≈8 meV/atom, are in excellent agreement with the experimental values,6250 K and 7 meV/atom respec- tively. Calvo and Spiegelmann9have performed MC sim- ulations for Na 93with similar conclusions, finding (with phenomenological potentials) a small bump near 100 K and a main peak near 180 K. The TB simulations give 3values for those two temperatures roughly 100 K higher. The experiments6indicate a substantial enhancement of the melting temperature in the size region around N=55 atoms. The reported melting temperature of Na+ 55 is 325 K, surprisingly, higher than that of Na 142, which is a local maximum in the size region close to the third icosahedral shell closing (Na 147). Our simulations do not reproduce this enhancement of T mand predict that Na 55 melts in a single stage at T m≈190 K (fig. 1c), a re- sult found also by Calvo and Spiegelmann.9The OFMD method does not account for electronic quantum-shell ef- fects, and full KS calculations may be needed in order to clarify this discrepancy, although it is not clear a priori how quantum effects could shift the value of T mby such a large amount. Of course, another possibility is that the icosahedron is not the ground state. However, K¨ ummel et al34have recently found that the experimental pho- toabsorption spectrum of Na+ 55is best reproduced with a slightly oblate isomer which is close to icosahedral. We have also investigated a bcc-like growing sequence finding that bcc structures are less stable than icosahedral ones for all cluster sizes studied. Nevertheless, we checked the melting behavior of a Na 55isomer with bcc structure and did not find an enhanced melting temperature for it either. Various parameters have been calculated in order to in- vestigate the nature of the melting transitions. The long time behaviour of the mean square atomic displacements given by eq. (5), gives information about diffusion. For both Na 92and Na 142clusters at temperatures less than Ts< r2(t)>has zero slope at long times, indicating only oscillatory motion of the atoms. For temperatures between T sand T mthe slope of < r2(t)>at large times gives the diffusion coefficient which, we find, is larger for the amorphous structure than for the icosahedral isomer. At temperatures above Tmthe slopes are similar for the amorphous and icosahedral clusters and the diffusion is appreciably faster as appropriate for a liquid. The short-time averages (sta) of the distances between each atom and the instantaneous center of mass of the cluster, < ri(t)>sta, have been calculated, and the clus- ter evolution during the trajectories has been followed vi- sually using computer graphics. The < ri(t)>stacurves for Na 142are presented in Figs. 2-4 for three represen- tative temperatures. At low temperature (Fig. 2) the values of < ri(t)>staare almost independent of time (the curves for the two isomers of Na 92are qualitatively similar to those for Na 142and are omitted; the curves for Na 55are similar to those of the two inner shells of the icosahedral Na 142isomer). The movies show that the clusters are solid, the atoms just vibrating around their equilibrium positions. Curve crossings are due to oscillatory motion and slight structural relaxations rath er than diffusive motion. A substantial difference between the behaviour of the icosahedral and amorphous clus- ters at low temperature is seen by comparing Figs. 2a and 2b. For the former we can distinguish quasidegen- erate groups which are characteristic of the symmetry: one line near the centre of mass of the cluster identifies the central atom (its position does not exactly coincide with the center of mass because of the location of thefive surface vacancies); 12 lines correspond to the first icosahedral shell; another 42 complete the second shell, within which we can distinguish the 12 vertex atoms from the rest because their distances to the centre of mass are slightly different; finally, 82 lines describe the external shell, where again we can distinguish the 7 vertex atoms from the rest. In contrast, the lines for the amorphous isomer in Fig. 2b are quite dispersed. Similar results to these have been reported by Garz´ on et al.32for icosa- hedral and amorphous gold clusters. The radial density distributions ρ(r) for Na 142are shown in Fig. 5a and 5b for the icosahedral and amorphous isomers respectively. At the lowest temperature, T=30 K, the atoms in the icosohedral isomer are distributed in three main atomic shells, a surface-like shell and two inner shells; subshell s in the two outermost shells are due to atoms in the vertex positions. The shell structure is still evident at T=130 K. The amorphous isomer also exhibits a three-shell struc- ture at the lowest temperature but with many sub-peaks. At T=160 K, a temperature between Tam sand T mfor the amorphous isomer, the structure of Na 142is more fluid. Fig. 3b reveals that the surface of the amorphous cluster is melted, surface atoms undergoing diffusive mo- tion by interchanging frequently with neighboring sur- face atoms. The atoms in the outer core-like shell are somewhat less mobile, as seen in the movies and in the reduced spread of the < ri(t)>stacurves (compare the two bold lines), and atom interchanges are less frequent. The greater fluidity of the cluster is also evident in the density distribution shown in Fig.5b. At this interme- diate temperature ρshows less structure, and although the grouping of atoms into three shells is still discern- able, the fine structure is washed by thermal effects. A slight volume expansion is observed. Turning now to the icosahedral isomer at T=160 K, Fig. 3a shows less disor- der than for the amorphous isomer at this temperature which is below T s. However, the movies reveal isomer- ization transitions, similar to those found at the begining of the melting-like transition of Na 8and Na 20.20These transitions involve directly the motion of the vacancies in the outer shell, and through a highly concerted pro- cess, different permutational isomers of the ground state structure are visited. The onset of this motion is gradual and would not lead to a significant peak in the specific heat. Fig. 5a shows that the distinction into three atomic shells is still clear. For intermediate temperatures the other two cluster sizes show a number of differences for which we offer ex- planations. Na 55does not show surface melting, or at leastTsandTmare so close as to be indistinguishable. The icosahedral isomer of Na 92shows surface melting much more removed from Tmthan for Na 142, and the amorphous isomer shows no abrupt transition whatso- ever. Na 55is a perfect two-shell icosahedron, so sur- face atoms have no empty sites available to move to, and diffusion within an atomic shell is as difficult as diffu- sion across different shells. When the surface atoms have enough energy to exchange positions with another surface atom they can as easily migrate throughout the whole cluster, and melting proceeds in a single stage at 190 K. For the icosahedral isomer of Na 92, the temperature 4identified as Tico sis in the range where the isomerization processes of Na 142set in, but for the smaller cluster these processes give rise to a distinct peak in the specific heat. This happens because of the larger number of vacancies in the third incomplete shell allowing much easier diffu- sion of the surface atoms which sample a large portion of configurational space. The density distribution in solid- like amorphous Na 92shows that the shell structure is less pronounced than in amorphous Na 142, in particular the minima between shells are much less deep. It seems that in Na 92there are no spatially forbidden zones for the atoms even at low temperature, and the cluster is more uniformly amorphous than its 142 atom counter- part. When melting sets in, it involves directly all the atoms in the cluster, and the melting proceeds gradually in a broad temperature range. Fig. 4 shows the time evolution of < ri>stafor Na 142 at a temperature T= 361 K for which the cluster is in the “liquid” regime. Now, all the atoms diffuse throughout the cluster. Some specific cases of atoms that at the begining of the simulation are near (far from) the center of mass of the cluster and end in a position far from (near) the center of mass of the cluster are shown in boldface. The density distribution at this temperature shown in Fig. 5b no longer displays atomic shell structure, and apart from some minor variations the density is uniform across the cluster. The expansion of the cluster by about 5 bohr over the low temperature clusters is evident, and the surface is more diffuse. The density is also constant at 280 K (see fig. 5a), just above the melting point. The other clusters at the highest temperatures have a similar uniform density distribution. Our results for icosahedral isomers suggest that the melting transition in large clusters occurs in a smaller temperature range than for small clusters such as Na 8or Na20.20Furthermore, the size of any prepeak diminishes with respect to the main homogenous melting peak as the cluster size increases, that is as the fraction of atoms on the surface of the cluster that can take part in pre- melting decreases. Consequently, a homogeneous melt- ing temperature can be defined with less ambiguity for the larger clusters. These comments apply to the caloric and the specific heat curves, which are the quantities amenable to experimental measurement. In contrast, mi- croscopic quantities such as the diffusion coefficient D or the< ri(t)>stacurves are very sensitive to any small re- organization in the atomic arrangement, and it is difficult to determine the melting temperature from the variation of these quantities with temperature. For example, D in- creases substantially when the cluster surface melts, but undergoes just a further small enhancement upon homo- geneous melting. A good structural, as opposed to a ther- mal indicator of the melting transition in medium-sized or large clusters is the shape of the ionic density distri- bution. The density displays pronounced shell structure at low temperatures which is smoothed out somewhat at intermediate temperatures where the vacancy diffusion and/or surface melting mechanisms are present. Above Tmthe density is flat throughout the cluster apart from some noise due to the relatively short runs, in no case longer than 20 ps.In figure 6 we compare our calculated values of the melting temperature for several cluster sizes with the experimental values. Our earlier results for Na 8and Na2020are also included, although for such small sizes there is ambiguity in defining a melting temperature. For Na92and Na 142there is excellent agreement with the ex- perimental results.6Recently, measurements have been reported35,36of the temperature dependence of the pho- toabsorption cross sections for Na+ n(n=4–16). Although the spectra do not show signatures of any sharp melting transition, which could be due to a broad transition re- gion, some comparison between theory and experiment can be made. The spectra do not change appreciably upon increasing the cluster temperature, until at T=105 K (the value given as the experimental melting temper- ature of Na 8in Fig. 6), the spectra begin to evolve in a continuous way. In our study of the melting behaviour of Na 820we found a broad transition starting at T=110 K and continuing to T=220 K at which point the “liq- uid” state was fully developed. This may explain the absence of abrupt changes in the photoabsorption spec- trum with temperature. In any case, we feel that the good agreement between theory and experiment extends to the small sizes. However, our method is not expected to give accurate results whenever oscillations in the melt- ing temperature with cluster size arise as a consequence of electronic shell effects. The discrepancy for Na 55re- mains intriguing. In this regard it is perhaps noteworthy that our calculated melting temperatures for the three large clusters fit precisely the expected large N behaviour, Tm(NaN)=T m(bulk) + C/N2 3, where Cis a constant, and yield as a bulk melting temperature T m(bulk)=350 K, which is close to the observed value of 371 K. A simi- lar extrapolation to the bulk melting temperature is not evident in the experimental data. IV. SUMMARY The melting-like transitions of Na 142, Na 92, and Na55have been investigated by applying an orbital-free, density-functional molecular dynamics method. The computational effort which is required is modest in comparison with the traditional Car-Parrinello Molecu- lar Dynamics technique based on Kohn-Sham orbitals. Specifically, the computational effort to update the elec- tronic system scales linearly with the system size N, in contrast to the N3scaling of orbital-based methods. This saving allows the study of large clusters. However, the cost is an approximate electron kinetic energy. Melting is found to depend on the starting low- temperature isomer. An amorphous isomer of Na 142 melts in two well-defined steps. The transition at T s≈ 130 K, from a rigid cluster in which the atoms are vi- brating around fixed equilibrium positions to a phase in which the surface atoms become mobile, is best de- scribed as surface melting. This is followed at T m≈270 K by homogeneous melting. For the icosahedral Na 142 isomer, thermal, macroscopic properties place these two stages much closer in temperature (240 and 270 K re- spectively), in better accordance with the experimental 5one-stage picture. Nevertheless, there is diffusive motion involving surface defects at a temperature as low as 130 K. For Na 92, the melting transition of the amorphous iso- mer is spread over a broad temperature range, and there are no abrupt signatures in the caloric curve. Again the melting of the icosahedral isomer gives better agreement with the one-stage picture. There is a secondary peak at 130K, which is much smaller than the main peak at 240 K. Na 55, being a perfect two-shell icosahedron with no surface defects melts in a single stage at 190 K. In all cases, for T >Tmthe atoms are able to diffuse through- out the cluster volume. Both the calculated T mat which homogeneous melting occurs and the estimated latent heat of fusion q mare in excellent agreement with the ex- perimental results of Haberland and coworkers for Na 142 and Na 92; our earlier results on the melting of Na 820are also consistent with the variation of the measured opti- cal spectrum with temperature. A serious discrepancy between theory and experiment remains for Na 55. We have found that structural quantities obtained from the simulations which are very useful in the study of melting in small clusters,20such as the diffusion coef- ficient, are not, in the case of the larger clusters studied here, efficient indicators of homogeneous melting, which is easily located with thermal indicators. A better struc- tural indicator is the evolution with temperature of the average radial ion density. This quantity becomes con- stant when homogeneous melting occurs, highlighting the collective nature of the melting-like transition. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We would like to thank H. Haberland, S. K¨ ummel and F. Calvo for sending us copies of their respective works prior to publication. This work has been supported by DGES (Grant PB95- 0720-C02-01), NATO(Grant CRG.961128) and Junta de Castilla y Le´ on (VA63/96 and VA28/99). A. Aguado ac- knowledges a graduate fellowship from Junta de Castilla y Le´ on. M. J. Stott acknowledges the support of the NSERC of Canada and an Iberdrola visiting professor- ship at the University of Valladolid. Captions of Figures and Tables. Figure 1 Specific heat of Na 142(a), Na 92(b) and Na 55 (c) as functions of the internal cluster temperature. The deviation around the mean temperature is smaller than the size of the circles. Figure 2 Short-time averaged distances between each atom in Na 142and the center of mass, as functions of time for (a) the icosahedral isomer at T= 30 K and (b) the amorphous isomer at T= 47 K. Figure 3 Short-time averaged distances between each atom in Na 142and the center of mass, as functions of time for (a) the icosahedral isomer and (b) the amorphous isomer at T= 160 K. The bold lines follow the evolution of an atom in the surface shell and another in the outermost core shell. Figure 4 Short-time averaged distances between each atom in Na 142and the center of mass, as functions of time at T= 361 K. 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arXiv:physics/9911043v1 [physics.optics] 19 Nov 1999Moving Embedded Solitons Alan R. Champneys Department of Engineering Mathematics, The University of B ristol, Bristol BS8 1TR, United Kingdom Boris A.Malomed Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Engin eering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel October 31, 2013To appear in J Phys A. Abstract The first theoretical results are reported predicting moving solitons residing inside ( em- bedded into) the continuous spectrum of radiation modes. The model taken is a Bragg- grating medium with Kerr nonlinearity and additional secon d-derivative (wave) terms. The moving embedded solitons (ESs) are doubly isolated (of c odimension 2), but, never- theless, structurally stable. Like quiescent ESs, moving E Ss are argued to be stable to linear approximation, and semi-stable nonlinearly. Estimates show that moving ESs may be experimentally observed as ∼10 fs pulses with velocity ≤1/10th that of light. PACS: 42.81.Dp; 42.79.Dj; 42.50.Rh; 03.40.Kf Recent studies have revealed a novel type of soliton (“solit ary wave” is more accurate since we do not assume integrability) that is embedded into the continuous spectrum, i.e., the soli- ton’s internal frequency is in resonance with linear (radia tion) waves. Generally, such a soliton should not exist, one finding instead a “quasi-soliton” with non-vanishing oscillatory tails (ra- diation component) [1]. Nevertheless, bona fide (exponentially decaying) solitons can exist as codimension-one solutions if, at discrete values of the (quasi-)soliton’s i nternal frequency, the amplitude of the tail exactly vanishes, while the soliton re mains embedded into the continuous spectrum. This requires the spectrum of the corresponding l inearized system to consist of (at least) two branches, one corresponding to exponentially lo calized solutions, and the other to radiation modes. In terms of the travelling-wave ordinary d ifferential equations (ODEs), the origin must be a saddle-centre equilibrium. Examples of such embedded solitons (ESs) were found in water-wave models [2] and in several nonlinear-optical ones, e.g., a Bragg grating with dispers ion and/or diffraction terms [3], and second-harmonic generation (SHG) in the presence of a self- defocusing Kerr nonlinearity ([4, 5]). The term “ES” was proposed in Ref. [4]. It is relevant to stress that ESs, although they are isolated solutions, are notstructurally unstable. Indeed, a small change of the model’s parameters w ill slightly change the location of ES (e.g., its energy and momentum, see below), but will not de stroy it, which is quite obvious from the already published results [2, 4]. In this respect, t hey may be called generic solutions of codimension one. 1ESs are interesting for several reasons, firstly because the y frequently appear when higher- order (singular) perturbations are added to the system, whi ch may completely change its soliton spectrum (see e.g. [3]). Secondly, optical ESs may have a pot ential for applications, just because they are isolated solitons rather than members of continuou s families. Finally, and most cru- cially for their physical applications, it appears that ESs aresemi-stable objects. That is, as is proven in Ref. [4] analytically in a fairly general form, and checked numerically for a particular model combining SHG (quadratic) and Kerr (cubic) nonlinear ities, ESs are fully stable in the linear approximation, but are subject to a slowly growing (s ub-exponential) one-sided nonlinear instability (see below). The analytical proof of the semist ability presented in Ref. [4] applies to any system that gives rise to ESs. As for the one-sided nonl inear instability, its development depends on values of the system’s parameters; in some cases, it may be developing so slowly that ES, to all practical purposes, may be regarded as a fully stable object [6]. An issue important both for applications and by itself is whe thermoving ESs (ones with non-zero momentum) may occur in systems where they cannot be generated by a straightfor- ward transformation, like Galilean or Lorentz transformat ion (the absence of the corresponding invariance is typical for nonlinear-optical systems). The objective of the present work is to search for moving ESs in a physically important system, viz. , a nonlinear Bragg-grating model similar to that introduced in [3], which takes into account s econd-derivative (wave) terms. In fact (see below), this system has a broader physical purport than was originally assumed in [3]. The absence of the Galilean or Lorentzian invariance in it is obvious because there is a reference frame in which the Bragg grating is quiescent. Although exac t solutions for moving solitons are available in the traditional version of this model, whic h neglects the second-derivative terms [7, 8], they can be obtained by the Lorentz transformation fr om the quiescent solitons only in the limiting case of the Thirring model [9], which is complet ely integrable [10]. We start from a system of partial differential equations (PDE s) governing evolution of right- (u(x, t)) and left- ( v(x, t)) traveling waves that continuously transform into each ot her due to the resonant reflection on the grating: iut+iux+ (2k)−1(uxx−utt) +/parenleftBig σ|u|2+|v|2/parenrightBig u+v= 0, ivt−ivx+ (2k)−1(vxx−vtt) +/parenleftBig σ|v|2+|u|2/parenrightBig v+u= 0. Here, the cubic and linear cross-coupling terms account, re spectively, for nonlinear cross-phase modulations and Bragg scattering. The most natural physica l value of the relative self-modulation coefficient σis 1/2 , but it will be quite useful to keep σas an arbitrary positive parameter. Note that Eqs. (1) and (2) have three natural integrals of motion: the energy (norm) and momentum, E≡/integraldisplay+∞ −∞/bracketleftBig |u(x)|2+|v(x)|2/bracketrightBig dx, P ≡i/integraldisplay+∞ −∞(u∗ xu+v∗ xv)dx, and a Hamiltonian, an expression for which is obvious. The energy plays a crucial role in analyzing ES stability [4] , as ESs are isolated solutions with uniquely determined values of the energy. Hence, any sm all perturbation which slightly increases the ES’s energy is safe, while a perturbation that slightly decreases the energy triggers a slow (sub-exponential) decay into radiation. So in this se nse, the weak instability of an ES is one-sided, as mentioned above, and in some cases it may be extremely weak [6]. Eqs. (1) and (2) can be derived from the Maxwell’s equations f or a nonlinear medium, assuming a superposition of two counter-propagating elect romagnetic waves, u(x, t) exp( ikx− iωt) and v(x, t) exp(−ikx−iωt), where the wavenumber kand frequency ωare related by the linear dispersion relations (disregarding their Bragg cou pling), the functions u(x, t) and v(x, t) 2being slowly varying as compared to the carrier waves. Takin g (for simplicity) a medium whose temporal dispersion may be neglected, and setting c0≡1 (hence, ω=k), one derives, to lowest order in the small parameter 1 /2k, Eqs. (1) and (2) without the second-derivative terms, i.e. , a standard model of the Bragg reflector filled by a Kerr-nonline ar medium [7, 8]. As shown in [3], the second-derivative (wave) terms which come in at the next order drastically alter the soliton spectrum of the model (since this is a singular perturbation , increasing the order of the PDEs). In an experiment (see below for an estimate of physical param eters), the effect of the additional terms may be seen if the observation time and/or propagation distance are long enough. Solitons are solutions of the form u(x, t) = exp( −i∆ωt)U(ξ), v(x, t) = exp( −i∆ωt)V(ξ), where ξ≡x−vt,vis the soliton’s velocity, and ∆ ωis a frequency shift. The substitution of this expression into Eqs. (1) and (2) yields the ODEs, χU+i(1−c)U′+DU′′+/parenleftBig σ|U|2+|V|2/parenrightBig U+V= 0, (1) χV−i(1 +c)V′+DV′′+/parenleftBig σ|V|2+|U|2/parenrightBig V+U= 0, (2) where χ≡∆ω+(∆ω)2/2k, the effective velocity is c≡(1+∆ ω/k)v, and an effective dispersion coefficient is D≡(1−v2)/2k. In [3] the same ODEs were derived in two more special physical contexts: (i) a nonlinear Bragg-grating medium incorporating spatial-dispersion effects and (ii) spatial evolution (i.e. with trealized as a propagation coordinate) in a planar waveguide equipped with a Bragg grating in the form of a set of parallel scores, taking ordinary diffra ction into regard. While all these systems are described Eqs. (1) and (2), the new physical inte rpretation of the model as describing the usual Bragg-grating system with the wave terms taken int o regard, seems most fundamental. To look for ES solutions, we must first satisfy the necessary c ondition, viz., that the lineariza- tion of the ODEs should be of the saddle-centre type. That is, at least one pair of eigenvalues must be purely imaginary (otherwise, we are dealing with regular , i.e., non-embedded, solitons), and at least one pair must notbe purely imaginary (otherwise, there can be no exponential ly decaying tails). Hence the region in which ESs may exist may b e delineated by substituting U, V∼exp(λξ) into the linearized equations and solving the resulting ei ghth-order algebraic equation for λnumerically. It is easy to demonstrate that purely real or im aginary eigenvalues always appear in pairs, and complex eigenvalues in quadrupl es: ifλis an eigenvalue, then so are ±λand±λ∗. We do not display here the full results for the linear spectru m, as they are rather cumbersome. But note that in the quiescent case ( c= 0) the spectrum is expressible in a closed form [3], and the region in the ( χ, D) -plane where ESs may occur is just |χ|<1,D >0. When c/negationslash= 0, these borders to the saddle-centre region of ( c, χ, D )-space retain exactly the same meaning (but there appear additional bounding surfaces that, in fact, are notencountered by any of the ES branches that we have computed, see below). Two degenerate limits of s pecial interest are χ→+1 (the soliton amplitude going to zero) and χ→ −1 (a smooth transition into a regular soliton). Eqs. (1) and (2) were numerically solved by means of the same t echniques as used in Ref. [3]. That is, a two-point boundary-value problem is posed on a long but finite x-interval, with boundary conditions chosen to place the solution in the stab le or unstable eigenspaces at the endpoints [11]. The boundary-value problem can be formulat ed so that the imaginary parts of A(ξ) and B(ξ) are always even functions, while the real parts are odd. Usi ng these reversibility conditions at the midpoint of the soliton, the numerical pro blem was posed more simply on 3the half x-interval. Only fundamental (single-humped) solitons were sought because, although multi-humped ESs may easily exist, they have no chance to be s table [4]. Continuation of the solutions corresponding to variation of relevant paramete rs was carried out by means of the well-known software package AUTO [12]. Quiescent ESs (with c= 0) in the present model were found in Ref. [3] , aided by the observation that, at c= 0, Eqs. (1) and (2) admit an invariant reduction V≡U∗, thus reducing the system’s order from 8 to 4. The result was that there exist exactly three different branches of quiescent ES solutions. Because ESs exist at isolated val ues of the energy, each branch can be represented by a curve E(D) in three separate D-intervals (which overlap). Equivalently, the curves can be represented as D(χ) for−1< χ < 1. To the best of our knowledge, moving ESs have never been found before in any model. Our numerical solution of the full system (1) and (2) has demonst rated that an arbitrary quiescent EScannot be directly continued into a moving one. Nevertheless, movi ng ESs exist, but they turn out to be of codimension two, i.e., they are double -isolated, both in the energy and in the momentum (but, nevertheless, they remain structurally stable objects). In other words, a moving ES is described by curves E(D) andP(D). Equivalently, such curves may be represented in the ( D, c, χ )-space, an important characteristic of a moving soliton be ing its velocity c. The mathematical reason for the codimension being two is that, f or the 8th-order model, there are twopairs of eigenvalues on the imaginary axis (rather than one p air for the reduced 4th-order model satisfied by the quiescent ESs). A simple count of dimen sions of the unstable manifold and symmetric set of the reversibility then yields that to fo rce their intersection (implying the existence of a solitary wave) requires two parameters to be v aried. The results were found to be sensitive to the value of σ(see Eqs. (1) and (2)); note that in the case c= 0,σis trivially scaled out [3]. The case at which it was easiest t o find moving ESs was σ= 0. The results obtained for this case are summarized in Fig. 1, which shows that each branch of quiescent ES solutions gives rise, through a p itchfork bifurcation occurring at some special value of D, to two mutually symmetric branches of moving ESs. In Fig. 1 ( and Fig. 2 below), we cut each branch at points where they go over i nto regular (non-ES) solitons (atχ=−1). Also, we have not depicted the quiescent branches all the way up to χ= +1 due to numerical difficulties occurring in this singular limit. In the case σ= 0, it was easy to find additional branches of moving-ES solut ions that are notconnected to the quiescent ones. Only one such disjoint bran ch is shown in Fig. 1. It is quite interesting that this disjoint branch persists for al l|χ|<1 without ever bifurcating from a quiescent ES. Although the case σ= 0 exactly corresponds to the Thirring model [9], it has no st raight- forward meaning for optical systems. Therefore, we now focu s attention on the most physically relevant case σ= 1/2. In this case, only one branch of quiescent ESs, correspond ing to the smallest values of D, gives rise, through a bifurcation, to branches of moving so litons. Scanning the parameter space has not yielded any disjoint branch, cf. Fig. 1. This case is shown, in various forms, in Fig. 2. It is interesting, in particular, that the m omentum of the moving ESs vanishes at a nonzero value of the velocity, exactly (within the accur acy of the numerical calculation) as it passes into the non-embedded region ( χ <−1), see Fig. 2b. The plot that simultaneously shows the energy of the moving E Ss and of the coexisting quiescent ESs (Fig. 2c) is especially important. Following the lines of the stability analysis of ESs developed in [4], we can draw conclusions concerning t he stability of both types of the ES solitons. The analysis developed in [4] shows that a small perturbation which decreases the energy of an isolated ES solution would trigger a continual d ecrease of energy via emission of 4radiation. In the model considered in Ref. [4], this would ev entually lead to complete decay of ESs into radiation. However, in the present case, a moving ES is likely to shed not only its energy, but also momentum, and eventually to decay into a quiescent E S. Because this instability is weak (sub-exponential), we may view the full set of ESs as a tri-stable system, in which transitions from ESs moving at the velocities ±cto the quiescent one are possible. The latter configuration has a potential for use in optical-m emory devices. If an incoming moving ES represents a new bit of information, its radiation -mediated transition into a quiescent ES can be triggered by a specially inserted perturbation (e. g., a localized spatial inhomogeneity, which can be readily made switchable and movable if created b y a laser beam focused on a spot in the medium [13]). Thus, the incoming bit could be captured and stored in the memory. Further numerical explorations have revealed that the sing le branch of moving ESs existing atσ= 1/2 isnota continuation in σof any branch existing at σ= 0; actually, the continuations of all those branches terminate between σ= 0.1 and σ= 0.2, but a new branch appears in the same region which continues to that found at σ= 1/2. Continuation of this branch to larger values of σ(the case σ→ ∞ has a physical application to dual-core optical fibers or wav eguides) shows that it terminates at σ≈1.645. Additional moving ESs exist at still larger values of σ (e.g., at σ= 8.7), but none was found for σ >10. Finally, one can estimate the values of the physical quantit ies for direct experimental ob- servation of these ESs in a Bragg-grating medium. First of al l, it is relevant to note that, as Fig. 2a clearly shows, the velocity at which moving ESs may be observed includes all the values from 0 up to ∼(1/10)c0, which is an interesting result by itself, and is quite conve nient for the experiment. A parameter which is crucial for the physical relevance of th e model characterizes the relative smallness of the wave (second-derivative) terms in Eqs. (1) and (2). Obviously, it is D/W,W being the ES width. From the data presented in the insets to Fi gs. 1 and 2, it follows that this parameter takes a nearly constant value, ∼0.1, along a moving-ES branch. On the other hand, from the underlying PDEs, it follows that, in terms of physic al quantities, the same smallness parameter is ∼λ/4πc0T, where λ≡2π/kis wavelength of light, and Tis the temporal width of the pulse. Taking λ∼1.5µm, and equating the two expressions for the same smallness, w e conclude that one needs T∼10 fs. In recently reported experiments in which the temporal soli tons were first observed in a Bragg-grating medium Twas much larger; ∼10 ps [14]. However, much shorter pulses can be produced by means of existing experimental techniques. For instance, the first experimental observation of temporal solitons in second-harmonic-gene rating media used pulses of width 58 ps [15]. Moreover, generation of stable pulses with the temp oral duration< ∼5 fs, which contain just two optical cycles, has been successfully demonstrate d in recent years (see, e.g., Ref. [16] and references therein). This circumstance suggests a poss ible link between ESs and rapidly developing studies of the ultrashort few-cycle optical pul ses. We appreciate valuable discussions with M.J. Friedman, D.J . Kaup, Y.S. Kivshar, and J. Yang. The stay of B.A.M. at the University of Bristol was supp orted by a Benjamin Meaker visiting professorship. References [1] J.P. Boyd, Weakly Nonlocal Solitary Waves and Beyond-All-Orders Asym ptotics (Kluwer: Dodrecht, Boston, London, 1998). 5[2] A.R. Champneys and M.D. Groves, J. Fluid Mech. 342, 199 (1997). R. Grimshaw and P. Cook in Hydrodynamics eds. A.T. Chang, J.H. Lee and D.Y.C. Leung (Balkema: Rotterd am, 1996) [3] A.R. Champneys, B.A. Malomed, and M.J. Friedman, Phys. R ev. Lett. 80, 4169 (1998). [4] J. Yang, B.A. Malomed and D.J. Kaup, “Embedded solitons i n second-harmonic-generating systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press [5] S. Trillo, A.V. Buryak, and Y.S. Kivshar, Opt. Comm. 122, 200 (1996); O. Bang, Y.S. Kivshar, and A.V. Buryak, Opt. 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The qu iescent solitons branch from which the moving-soliton branch bifurcates is a lso shown. 7-1-0.8-0.6-0.4- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1-1-0.8-0.6-0.4- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -6-4-2024600. -6-4-202462 |V|2|U| 1234 ξξ Dc (a) χ D(b) 1231 2 3 4 3 41 2 Figure 1: 8789101112 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6-0.1-0.0500.050.1 00.511.522.5 -6-4-2024600.511.522.5 -6-4-20246D(a) (b) c P D D(c)|U|2 |V|2ξ ξ123 4 123 4 3 2 1 12 34441 2 3 E Figure 2: 9
arXiv:physics/9911044v1 [physics.optics] 19 Nov 1999Frequency selection by soliton excitation in nondegenerat e intracavity downconversion Dmitry V. Skryabin1, Alan R. Champneys2, and William J. Firth1 1Department of Physics and Applied Physics, University of St rathclyde, Glasgow, G4 0NG, Scotland 2Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bris tol, Bristol, BS8 1TR, England (June 14, 1999) We show that soliton excitation in intracavity downconvers ion naturally selects a strictly defined frequency difference between the signal and idler fields. In p articular, this phenomenon implies that if the signal has smaller losses than the idler then its f requency is pulled away from the cavity resonance and the idler frequency is pulled towards the reso nance and vice versa . The frequency selection is shown to be closely linked with the relative ene rgy balance between the idler and signal fields. Exchange of ideas between nonlinear optics and non- linear dynamics of spatially distributed systems has pro- duced a series of interesting results over the last decade, and has opened up one of the most active areas of current research. In this particular work we will consider novel phenomena associated with soliton excitation in the prac- tically and fundamentally important area of nondegener- ate intracavity down-conversion. The essence of parametric down-conversion is virtual absorption of a pump photon at frequency ωpwith a sub- sequent reemission of two photons with frequencies ωi andωs, where indices iandsstand, respectively, for the idler and signal fields. Down-conversion can be realized both in free propagation and in intracavity schemes. The latter takes advantage of positive feedback provided by the mirrors and thus transforms the passive free propaga- tion scheme into an active generator or optical parametric oscillator (OPO) [1,2]. Influence of the transverse degrees of freedom on the quantum [3] and classical [3–11] aspects of the parametric processes have recently become a subject of significant ac- tivity. Among the main attraction points on the classical side are localised structures [5–11]. Bright diffractionle ss localised excitations inside an optical cavity supported by different nonlinearities ( cavity solitons ) have been re- cently observed experimentally [12] and suggested for all-optical processing and storage of information [9,13], see also recent reviews [14]. The large quadratic nonlin- earities of artificially phase matched materials [2] make parametric cavity solitons [5–11] particularly attractiv e for practical application, especially where fast material response is an issue. Down-conversion processes can be divided into degen- erate and nondegenerate. In the former case idler and signal photons are identical while in the latter they differ in frequencies and/or polarizations. It has been shown that transverse patterns in nondegenerate OPO [4,5] and soliton dynamics in nondegenerate free propagation [11] have qualitative differences from their degenerate coun- terparts. The difference can be formally identified as due to an additional symmetry, in the differential phase of signal and idler fields [11]. This symmetry is suppressed in the degenerate case. As a result the frequency of thesignal component of any solution, including solitons, is exactly half the pump frequency, ωs≡ωi=ωp/2. On the other hand, in the nondegenerate case any arbitrary frequency difference 2Ω between the idler and signal fields still satisfies the condition ωp=ωs+ωi. This raises the question of whether there are any physical constraints on Ω. While in free propagation the value of Ω is limited only by phase matching conditions, this problem becomes more subtle in the OPO because cavity effects come into play. A review of early works on this issue, exploring approaches based on the plane wave approximation, can be found in [1]. More recently Longhi [4] has shown that if diffraction is included then Ω becomes a function of the magnitude of the transverse component of the signal and idler wave vectors, /vectorki ⊥=−/vectorks ⊥, of the exact trav- elling wave solution which exists in this system [4]. For the fixed OPO parameters |ks,i ⊥|can take any values from certain continuous bands and hence so can Ω. The primary object of this Letter is to demonstrate that Ω is constrained when a cavity soliton is excited in the nondegenerate OPO. We show how this follows from a general relation between the soliton energies and the cavity losses. Existence of this relation, which has not been previously identified in this context, seems to be closely related to survival of differential phase symmetry in the presence of cavity losses. We use this symmetry to derive aproximate formulae for Ω in certain limits. Understanding this problem is not only practically im- portant, but also holds the key to construction of entire families of cavity solitons. Mean-field equations describing interaction of the sig- nal, idler and pump waves in OPO [3,4,8] can be pre- sented in the dimensionless quasi-Hamiltonian form (∂t+γm)Em=iδH δE∗m, m=s,i,p (1) whereHis the following functional: H=/integraltext dx[−αs|∂xEs|2−αi|∂xEi|2−αp|∂xEp|2+δs|Es|2+ δi|Ei|2+δp|Ep|2+ (EpE∗ iE∗ s+µE∗ sE∗ i+c.c.)].tis the time measured in the units of τcb, whereτcis the cavity round-trip time and bis an arbitrary scal- ing constant. γm=Tmb/2, whereTmare the effec- 1tive mirror transmitivities. x=X[2ks/(bL)]1/2and αm=ks/km, whereXis the transverse coordinate in physical units, kmare the longitudinal components of the wave vectors and Lis a cavity round-trip length. δm=bτc(ωm−ωcav m) are the detunings from the cavity resonances ωcav m. Physically, validity of these equations requires small losses and detunings: γm,δm<<bπ . As- suming, for simplicity, that ωsis close to ωi, we can fixαs,i= 2αp= 1, but still allow differences in δs,δi andγs,γi. Then the phase matching conditions imply n(ωs)≃n(ωi)≃n(ωp), wheren(ω) is the linear re- fractive index and the following scalings can be derived for the field variables. µis proportional to the external pump field Ep:Ep=µ/radicalBig 2(δ2p+γ2p)/˜Tωp/(bτcχωs), here χis the effective quadratic susceptibility. The physi- cal fields Emare given by Es,i=√ 2Es,ieiφ/2/(bτcχωs), Ep= 2eiφ(Ep+µ/radicalBig δ2p+γ2p)/(bτcχωs), whereφ= −atan(γp/δp). We seek localized solutions of Eqs. (1) in the form Em(x,t) =Am(x,∆)eiΩmt, where Ω s,i=±∆±(δs− δi)/2, Ωp= 0. Then Amobey the set of differential equations −iγsAs= (∂2 x+δ−∆)As+ (Ap+µ)A∗ i, −iγiAi= (∂2 x+δ+ ∆)Ai+ (Ap+µ)A∗ s, (2) −i2γpAp= (∂2 x+ 2δp)Ap+ 2AsAi, whereδ= (δs+δi)/2. The previously introduced frequency difference 2Ω between the idler and signal fields is linked with the parameter ∆ by the formula: 2Ω = (2∆ + δs−δi)/(bτc) We are interested in bright single-hump solitons, implying Am(x= +∞) = 0 and ∂xAm(x= 0) = 0. Existence of such solitons in the parameter region where the trivial zero solution bifur- cates subcritically can be predicted for ∆ = 0, γs=γi by analogy with the well studied degenerate case, where this condition reads δδp>γsγp[6,9,10]. In the nondegen- erate case solitons have been found as a result of direct numerical simulations of Eqs. (1) starting from either ’random’ [5] or localized [8] initial conditions. Subcrit- ical bifurcation and the related phenomenon of optical bistability in the nondegenerate OPO have been demon- strated experimentally in [15]. For fixed cavity parameters solitons can exist either for ∆ continuously varying in a certain range or for only a discrete set of ∆ values. We will show that the latter situ- ation is realised for γs,i/negationslash= 0. We thus assert that the cav- ity selects the frequency difference between the signal and idler when a parametric soliton is excited. Note that the related problem of frequency selection has been studied in the general context of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) with subcritical bifurcation [16], which also can be applied to describe laser with saturable ab- sorber [12,17]. The possibility of the approximate re- duction of Eqs. (1) to the CGLE in the different limitshas been demonstrated in [8]. However, the problem of the frequency selection by solitons in OPO has not been previously formulated even within the framework of the CGLE approximation. This fact has in turn prevented construction of the family of stationary soliton solutions of Eqs. (2) and rigorous study of their stability. To start our analysis of the frequency selection, prob- lem, we define the energy parameters Qm=/integraltextdx|Em|2 and the energy imbalance ( Q−=Qs−Qi). Manipulation of Eqs. (1) reveals that the rate of change of Q−is given by ∂tQ−=−2γ+Q−−2γ−Q+= 2γiQi−2γsQs,(3) hereγ±= (γs±γi)/2 andQ+=Qs+Qi. Thus for any steady state solution, such as soliton solutions of Eqs. (2), the condition γsQs=γiQi, (4) must be satisfied. Eq. (4) is consistent with the expec- tation that the field with the smaller losses will have the larger energy. To further interpret relations (3), (4) let us recall that in free propagation downconversion is a Hamilto- nian process. Then by Noether’s theorem every con- tinuous symmetry implies a corresponding conservation law, see e.g. [11]. Cavity losses destroy the Hamiltonian structure of the problem, see Eqs. (1), and the input pump breaks the phase symmetry linked with conserva- tion of the total energy ( Qs+Qi+ 2Qp). The symmetry (Es,Ei)→(Eseiψ,Eie−iψ) in the differential phase ψ, however, survives in the cavity configuration, so how do the losses change the associated law ∂tQ−= 0? Self- evidently the relation (3) becomes this conservation law in the Hamiltonian limit, which suggests a more general link between this energy relation and the symmetry in the differential phase. Now using cavity solitons as an example we will demon- strate that condition (4) constrains the frequency differ- ence of the signal and idler components of the intracavity field. We consider signal and idler losses small compare to the cavity detunings γs,i/|δ| ≪1 and setb= 1. Con- servation of Q−is restored for γs,i= 0 and thus Eq. (4) is satisfied automatically. A soliton family then exists forδ <0, with ∆ continuously varying in the interval (δ,−δ). Outside this interval exponential localization of As,iis not possible. Now suppose that for γs,i∼ǫ≪1 ∆ becomes a slow function of t, i.e.∂t∆∼ǫ, then Eq. (3) immediately gives an equation for the adiabatic evo- lution of ∆: ∂t∆·∂∆Q−=−γ+Q−(∆)−γ−Q+(∆). For stationary soliton solutions ∂t∆ = 0 and intersec- tions of the curve Qs/Qias a function of ∆ with the line Qs/Qi=γi/γsgive selected values of ∆. We plot in Fig. 1(a) the existence curve corresponding to the numerically built [18] single-hump soliton family in the plane ( µ,∆) 2forδ=−1 and losses of the signal and idler of order sev- eral percent. Dots in Fig. 1(a) correspond to values of ∆ obtained by the perturbative method. The agreement is excellent, which also indicates that the limit of small cavity losses is non-singular. The latter is a necessary condition for a linkage between Eq. (3) and the differ- ential phase symmetry. Typical transverse profiles of the soliton components are presented in Fig. 1(b). To study stability of the solitons we seek solu- tions of Eqs. (1) in the form ( Am(x) +ǫ(um(x,t) + iwm(x,t)))eiΩmt. After standard linearization we derive ∂t/vectorξ=ˆL/vectorξ, where/vectorξ= (us,ui,up,ws,wi,wp)TandˆLis the linear non-self-adjoint differential operator. The dis - crete spectrum of ˆLhas been found numerically using second-order finite differences. Any discrete eigenvalue ofˆLwith positive real part makes the soliton unstable. The new soliton family turns out to be stable over the section (A,H) in Fig. 1(a). The Hopf instability of the (H,B) branch, and the instability of the ( O,A) branch are similar to the case of the degenerate OPO [10]. At the pointBthe single-hump branch bifurcates back in µ, initiating a sequence of multi-hump solitons. The above perturbation approach to find selected val- ues of ∆ requires γs,ismall, which is satisfied in most practical situations, but we also assumed δ∼O(1). This fails ifγs,i/|δ| ∼O(1) or ∼ǫ−1, which physically means that the cavity becomes tuned close to resonance with the signal and idler fields. Then terms proportional to δ in Eqs. (2) should also be considered as perturbations. In this case Eqs. (2) simply do not have solitary solutions in zero order and therefore Qs,ican’t be considered func- tions of ∆. To overcome this difficulty we used another perturbation approach, also based on the ψ-symmetry. Note first that the cavity solitons become wider on ap- proach to resonance [19], and so to avoid large compu- tational windows it is convenient to take large b, e.g. b= 2/Ts. Thenγm∼1 physically corresponds to small losses. Now, observing that Ai=Asis a solution of Eqs. (2) forγs=γiand ∆ = 0, we assume γ−,|∆| ∼ǫ. At first order in ǫ ǫ(ˆL −∂t)/vectorξ= ∆/vectorξψ−γ−/vectorP, (5) where/vectorξψ= (−ImAs,ImAs,0,ReAs,−ReAs,0)Tis the neutral mode generated by the ψ-symmetry, i.e. ˆL/vectorξψ= 0, and/vectorP= (ReAs,−ReAs,0,ImAs,−ImAs,0)T. Eq. (5) immediately yields ∆ =γ−/angbracketleft/vectorP|/vectorζψ/angbracketright /angbracketleft/vectorξψ|/vectorζψ/angbracketright, (6) where the new vector /vectorζψis the neutral mode of ˆL†, i.e. ˆL†/vectorζψ= 0, generated by the ψ-symmetry (which can be found numerically). As usual, /angbracketleft..|../angbracketrightdefines inner product inL2. We again find an excellent agreement between Eq. (6) and numerical solutions of Eqs. (2), see Fig. 2(a).In this case, stability analysis reveals that the solitons are stable along the entire segment ( A,B), withBagain marking the transition to multi-hump soliton solutions. We also found that /angbracketleft/vectorP|/vectorζψ/angbracketright//angbracketleft/vectorξψ|/vectorζψ/angbracketrightis positive throughout a wide region of parameters. This implies that the sign of γ−determines the sign of ∆, at least for parameter val- ues where our perturbative approach is valid. Fig. 1(a) and selective numerical checks in parameter regions far outwith the validity of our perturbative methods sup- port a conjecture that the relationship sgnγ −=sgn∆ has a general character. Note finally that any difference in diffraction constants αsandαiwill also affect the fre- quency selection, but we leave this mechanism for future analysis. To assess possibilities of experimental observation of these cavity solitons let us take as an example a 1 cmlong monolithic planar waveguide cavity with χ(2)≃20pm/V , typical for a noncritically phase matched potassium nio- bate crystal. Suppose the waveguide to be ∼1mmwide and∼1µmthick, excited by an elliptical pump beam at frequency ∼1015Hz. Other parameters as for Fig. 2(a) then imply the following real world values: pump power ∼µ2×1W, selected frequency difference ∼Ω×109Hz and cavity soliton width ∼30µm. To excite cavity solitons one can apply spatially lo- calised optical pulses at any of the three frequencies. Op- timisation of the pulse parameters goes beyond of our present scope. However, to demostrate how the selection of the frequency difference happens, we show in Fig. 3 results of direct simulation of Eqs. (1) with, as initial condition, a pulse at frequency ωswith duration around 0.1τc, intensity several times the peak soliton intensity, and width of order the soliton width. Intensities of all three components of the excited soliton become constant after a transient period, see Fig. 3(a), while the real parts of the signal and idler fields exhibit undamped os- cillations, confirming selection of ∆ with the predicted value, see Fig. 3(b). The main physical conclusion which can be drawn from the above results is that, if the signal has the smaller losses its frequency is pulled away from the cavity res- onance while the idler frequency is pulled towards reso- nance and vice versa , see Figs. 1(a),2(a). If the signal and idler losses are equal then the selected value of ∆ is zero, see Eq. (6), which implies that both the idler and the signal are equally detuned from cavity resonance. Thus the cavity structure balances the energies of the idler and signal components during soliton excitation, in accord with Eqs. (3), (4). The understanding of this frequency selection mechanism has allowed us to recon- struct an entire family of single-hump cavity solitons and to study their stability. Our results are likely to find ap- plications in interpretation of other spatio-temporal phe - nomena in nondegenerate OPOs and also to be relevant in other intracavity parametric processes with symmetry in the differential phase, e.g., second harmonic generation 3with competing parametric process [20] and nondegener- ate four-wave mixing [21]. We are indepted to G.K. Harkness, D. Michaelis and U. Peschel for assistance with numerical problems at the early stage of the work and to G.J. de Valc´ arcel for insightful remarks. D.V.S. acknowledges financial sup- port from the Royal Society of Edinburgh and British Petroleum. The work is partially supported by ESPRIT project PIANOS and EPSRC grant GR/M19727. [1] C. Fabre, in ”Advanced photonics with second-order op- tically nonlinear processes” , eds. A.D. Boardman et al. (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998), pp. 293-318. [2] V. Berger, see [1], pp. 345-374. [3] L.A. Lugiato and G.L. Oppo, Optics Express 3, 60 (1998). [4] S. Longhi, Phys. Rev. A 53, 4488 (1996). [5] V.J. Sanchez-Morcillo et al., Phys. Rev. A 56, 3237 (1997). [6] K. Staliunas and V.J. S´ anchez-Morcillo, Opt. Commun. 139, 306 (1997); S. Longhi, Phys. Scripta 56, 611 (1997); S. Trillo and M. Haelterman, Opt. Lett. 23, 1514 (1998). [7] M. Tlidi, P. Mandel, and M. Haelterman, Phys. Rev. E56, 6524 (1997); M. Tlidi, P. Mandel, and R. Lefever, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 979 (1998); K. 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Lett. 55, 2409 (1985). µ-0.125-0.120-0.115-0.110 ∆(a) A HOB 01234567 x0.|Am| (b) FIG. 1. (a) Existence curve in the ( µ,∆)-plane for the fam- ily of single-hump cavity solitons, demonstrating selecti on of ∆. Full line corresponds to the results of numerical contin- uation, dotted line was obtained using perturbative method s (see text) in the limit γs,i/|δ| ≪1:δ=δp=−1,γs= 0.04, γi= 0.05,γp= 0.1,b= 1. Solitons are stable only in the small interval ( A,H), see text for details. (b) Soliton trans- verse profile for µ= 0.3, ∆ = −0.1255007. Full line: |As|, dashed line: |Ai|, dotted line: |Ap|. µ0.04600.04650.04700.04750.04800.04850.0490 ∆ A OB(a) µ010203040Qm AA OBB (b) FIG. 2. (a) Existence curve in the ( µ,∆)-plane for family of single-hump cavity solitons, demonstrating selection o f ∆. Full line corresponds to the results of numerical continuat ion, dotted line was obtained using Eq. (6): δ=−1.8,δp=−4, γs= 1,γi= 0.95,γp= 2,b= 2/Ts. Solitons are stable only in the interval ( A, B). (b) Plots showing dependence of Qm vsµ. Parameters as for (a). Full line: Qs, dashed line: Qi, dotted line: Qp. 4050100150200 t0123|Am(x=0)| (a) 050100150200 t-4-2024ReAm(x=0) (b)FIG. 3. Soliton excitation by a localized signal-field pulse . Temporal evolution of (a) |Em|and (b) ReE matx= 0. Full line: signal, dashed line: idler, dotted line: pump. Other p a- rameters as for Fig. 1(b). Our predicted ∆ corresponds to a period ∼50 time units. 5
arXiv:physics/9911045v1 [physics.optics] 19 Nov 1999Embedded Solitons in a Three-Wave System Alan R. Champneys Department of Engineering Mathematics, The University of B ristol, Bristol BS8 1TR, United Kingdom Boris A.Malomed Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Engin eering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel We report a rich spectrum of isolated solitons residing insi de (embedded into) the continuous radi- ation spectrum in a simple model of three-wave spatial inter action in a second-harmonic-generating planar optical waveguide equipped with a quasi-one-dimens ional Bragg grating. An infinite sequence of fundamental embedded solitons are found, which differ by t he number of internal oscillations. Branches of these zero-walkoff spatial solitons give rise, t hrough bifurcations, to several secondary branches of walking solitons. The structure of the bifurcat ing branches suggests a multistable con- figuration of spatial optical solitons, which may find straig htforward applications for all-optical switching. I. INTRODUCTION Recent studies have revealed a novel class of embedded solitons (ESs) in various nonlinear-wave systems. An ES is a solitary wave which exists despite having its inter- nal frequency in resonance with linear (radiation) waves. ESs may exist as codimension-one solutions, i.e., at dis- crete values of the frequency, provided that the spectrum of the corresponding linearized system has (at least) two branches, one corresponding to exponentially localized solutions, the other one to delocalized radiation modes. In such systems, quasilocalized solutions (or “generalize d solitary waves” [1]) in the form of a solitary wave resting on top of a small-amplitude continuous-wave (cw) back- ground are generic [2]. However, at some special values of the internal frequency, the amplitude of the background may exactly vanish, giving rise to an isolated soliton em- bedded into the continuous spectrum. Examples of ESs are available in water-wave mod- els, taking into account capillarity [3], and in several nonlinear-optical systems, including a Bragg grating incorporating wave-propagation terms [4] and second- harmonic generation in the presence of the self-defocusing Kerr nonlinearity [5] (the latter model with competing nonlinearities was introduced earlier in a different con- text [6]). It is relevant to stress that ESs, although they are iso- lated solutions, are notstructurally unstable. Indeed, a small change of the model’s parameters will slightly change the location of ES (e.g., its energy and momen- tum, see below), but will not destroy it, which is clearly demonstrated by the already published results [3,5]. In this respect, they may be called generic solutions of codi- mension one. ESs are interesting because they naturally appearwhen higher-order (singular) perturbations are added to the system, which may completely change its soli- ton spectrum. Optical ESs have a potential for applica- tions, due to the very fact that they are isolated solitons, rather than occurring in continuous families. The stabil- ity problem for ESs was solved in a fairly general analyti- cal form in Ref. [5], which was also verified by direct sim- ulations of the model considered. It was demonstrated that ES is a semi-stable object which is fully stable to linear approximation, but is subject to a slowly growing (sub-exponential) one-sided nonlinear instability. Deve l- opment of this weak instability depends on values of the system’s parameters; in some cases, it is developing so slowly that ES, to all practical purposes, may be regarded as a fully stable object [7]. In the previously studied models, only a few branches of ESs were found, and only after careful numerical searching, which suggest they may be hard to observe in a real experiment. The present work aims to investigate ESs in a recently introduced model of a three-wave inter- action in a quadratically nonlinear planar waveguide with a quasi-one-dimensional Bragg grating [8], which can be quite easily fabricated. It will be found that ESs occur in abundance in this model, hence it may be much easier to observe them experimentally. It should also be stressed that, unlike the previously studied models, in which ESs appear in relatively exotic conditions, e.g., as a result of adding singular perturbations [4] or specially combining different nonlinearities [5], the model that will be con- sidered below and found to give rise to a rich variety of ESs, is exactly the same which was known to support vast families of ordinary (non-embedded) gap solitons. This, in particular, implies that ES can be found in the corresponding system under the same conditions which are necessary for the observation of the regular solitons, 1i.e., the experiment may be quite straightforward. An es- timate of the relevant physical parameters will be given at the end of the paper. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In sec- tion 2, we recapitulate the model and obtain solutions in the form of fundamental zero-walkoff ESs, which, physi- cally, correspond to the case when the Poynting vector of the carrier waves is aligned with the propagation direc- tion. The analysis is extended in section 3 to the case of fundamental walking ESs, for which the Poynting vector and the propagation distance are disaligned. Concluding remarks are collected in section 4. II. THE MODEL AND ZERO-WALKOFF SOLITONS The model describes spatial solitons produced by the second-harmonic generation (SHG) in a planar waveg- uide, in which two components of the fundamental har- monic (FH), v1andv2, are linearly coupled by the Bragg reflection on a grating in the form of a system of scores parallel to the propagation direction z(for a more de- tailed description of the model see [8]): i(v1)z+i(v1)x+v2+v3v∗ 2= 0, (1) i(v2)z−i(v2)x+v1+v3v∗ 1= 0, (2) 2i(v3)z−qv3+D(v3)xx+v1v2= 0. (3) Herev3is the second-harmonic (SH) field, xis a normal- ized transverse coordinate, qis a real phase-mismatch parameter, and Dis an effective diffraction coefficient. The diffraction terms in the FH equations (1) and (2) are neglected as they are much weaker than the artificial diffraction induced by the Bragg scattering, while the SH wave, propagating parallel to the grating, undergoes no reflection, hence the diffraction term is kept in Eq. (3). Experimental techniques for generation and observa- tion of spatial solitons in planar waveguides are now well elaborated ( [9]), and the waveguide carrying a set of parallel scores with a spacing commensurate to the light wavelength (which is necessary to realize the resonant Bragg scattering) can be easily fabricated. Therefore, the present system provides a medium in which experimen- tal observation of ESs is most plausible. As mentioned above, the observation of ES in this system should be fur- ther facilitated by the fact that it supports a multitude of distinct ES states, see below. Eqs. (1)–(3) have three dynamical invariants: the Hamiltonian, which will not be used below, the energy flux (norm) E≡/integraldisplay+∞ −∞/bracketleftbig |v1(x)|2+|v2(x)|2+ 4|v3|2/bracketrightbig dx, (4) and the momentum,P≡i/integraldisplay+∞ −∞((v1)∗ xv1+ (v2)∗ xv2+ 2(v3)∗ xv3)dx. (5) The norm played a crucial role in the analysis of the ES stability carried out in [5]. -44 1 -1 28 1kq FIG. 1. The ( k, q) parameter plane of the three-wave model (1) – (3). The linear analysis (the results of which are summarized in the inset boxes) shows that ES with c= 0 may occur only in the region between the solid bold lines. The bundle of curves emanating from the point ( k= 1, q=−4) are branches of embedded-soliton solutions with c= 0. Soliton solutions to Eqs. (1)–(3) are sought in the form v1,2(x, z) = exp( ikz)u1,2(ξ), v3(x, z) = exp(2 ikz)u3, (6) where ξ≡x−cz, with cbeing the walkoff (slope) of the spatial soliton’s axis relative to the light propagation di - rection z. The substitution of (6) into Eqs. (1)–(3) leads to an 8th-order system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for the real and imaginary parts of v1,2,3(primes standing for d/dξ): −ku1+i(1−c)u′ 1+u2+u3u∗ 2= 0, (7) −ku2−i(1 +c)u′ 2+u1+u3u∗ 1= 0, (8) −(4k+q)u3+Du′′ 3−2icu′ 3+u1u2= 0. (9) Before looking for ES solutions to the full nonlinear equations, it is necessary to investigate the eigenvalues λ of their linearized version, in order to isolate the region in which ESs mayexist. Substituting u1, u2∼exp(λξ), andu3∼exp(2λξ) into Eqs. (6)–(8) and linearizing, one finds that the FH and SH equations decouple in the linearized approximation. The FH equations give rise to a biquadratic characteristic equation, (1−c2)2λ4+ 2/bracketleftbig (1 +c2)k2−(1−c2)/bracketrightbig λ2+ (k2−1)2= 0, (10) 2and the SH equation produces another four eigenvalues given by /bracketleftbig Dλ2−(4k+q)/bracketrightbig2+ 4c2λ2= 0. (11) A necessary condition for the existence of ESs is that the eigenvalues given by Eq. (10) have non-zero real parts - this is necessary for the existence of exponentially lo- calized solutions - while the eigenvalues from Eq. (11) should be purely imaginary (otherwise, one will have or- dinary, rather than embedded, solitons). This discrimi- nation between the two sets of the eigenvalues is due to the fact that Eqs. (7) and (8) for the FH components are always linearizable, while the SH equation (9) may benonlinearizable , which opens the possibility for the ex- istence of ESs [5]. As it follows from Eqs. (10) and (11), these two conditions imply k2+c2<1; 4k+q < c2/D . (12) For the case c= 0, the parametric region defined by the inequalities (12) is displayed in Fig. 1. -4-20246 -8-4048-404812 -8-4048-8-4048 -8-4048-4-2024 -8-40481u3 Re u1u Im u113 Re u 3 Re u1 Im u1Im uu Re u13Im u u 1(b) (c) (d)(a) (=Im u )(=-Re u ) 22 ξ ξu u uuξ ξ FIG. 2. Typical examples of the fundamental embedded solitons with the zero walkoff: (a) the ground-state for k= 0; (b) the same solution for k=−0.95; (c,d) the first and eighth “excited states” for k= 0. In Ref. [8], numerous ordinary ( gap[10]) soliton solu- tions to the present model have been found by means of a numerical shooting method. To construct ES solutions, we applied the same method to Eqs. (7), (8) and (9), allowing just one parameter to vary. From each ES so- lution that was found this way, branches of the solutions were continued in the parameters k, qandc, by means of the software package AUTO [11]. Note that the c= 0 so- lutions admit an invariant reduction u2=−u∗ 1,u3=u∗ 3, which reduces the system to a 4th-order ODE system, thus making numerical shooting feasible. We confine the analysis to fundamental solitons, which implies that the SH component u3has a single-humped shape (a distinctive feature of gap solitons in the same system is that not only fundamental solitons, but alsocertain double-humped two-solitons (bound states of two fundamental solitons) appear to be stable [8]). Note that double- and multi-humped ESs must exist too as per a theorem from Ref. [12], but leaving them aside, we will still find a rich structure of fundamental ESs. -12. 5 -10. 0 -7. 5 -5. 0 -2. 5 0. 0 2. 50.250.500.750.1000.1250.1500. -450 -3000100E q FIG. 3. A diagram of the c= 0 embedded solitons on the (energy-flux, mismatch) plane. The inset zooms the most in- teresting part of the diagram. We begin with a description of the results from the re- duced case c= 0, when an additional scaling allows us to set D≡1 without loss of generality. The results are displayed in Figs. 1 – 3. There is a strong evidence for ex- istence of an infinite “fan” of fundamental ES branches. Among them, we define a ground-state soliton as the one which has the simplest internal structure (Fig. 2a). The next “first excited state” differs by adding one (spatial) oscillation to the FH field (Fig. 2c). Adding each time an extra oscillation, we obtain an indefinitely large num- ber of “excited states” (as an example, see the 8th state in Fig. 2d). We stress, however, that all the “excited states” belong to the class of the fundamental solitons, rather than being bound states thereof. In Fig. 1, the first nine states (branches) are shown in the (k, q) parametric plane. Note that the whole bundle of the branches originates from the point ( k= 1, q=−4), which is precisely the intersection of the two lines which limit the existence region of ES (see Eq. (12) with c= 0). At this degenerate point, the linearization (see above) gives four zero eigenvalues. More branches than those depicted in Fig. 1 have been found, the numerical re- sults clearly pointing towards the existence of infinitely many branches, accumulating on the border q+ 4k= 0 of the ES-region. In the accumulation process, each u3 component is successively wider, while the u1,2ones have more and more internal oscillations. Since kis an arbitrary propagation constant, from physical grounds, the results obtained for the c= 0 solu- tions are better summarized in terms of energy flux Evs. mismatch q(Fig. 3). Note that all the branches shown in Fig. 3 really terminate at their edge points, which exactly correspond to hitting the boundary k=−1, see Fig. 1. 3It is also noteworthy that all the solutions are exponen- tially localized, except at the edge point k=−1, where a straightforward consideration of Eqs. (7)–(9) demon- strates that, in this case, ES are weakly (algebraically) localized as |x| → ∞ (cf. Fig 2b): u1≈/radicalbig −(4k+q)|x|−1, u2≈(1/2)/radicalbig −(4k+q)|x|−2, u3≈x−2. Finally, we observe from Figs. 1 and 3 that the first “excited-state” branch has a remarkable property that it corresponds to a nearly constant value of q. This means that while, generally, ES are isolated ( codimension-one ) solutions for fixed values of the physical parameters, this branch is nearly generic , existing in a narrow interval of theq-values between −4.0 and−3.74. III. WALKING SOLITONS We now turn to ESs with c/negationslash= 0, i.e., walking ones. These were sought for systematically by returning to the full 8th-order-ODE model and allowing the AUTO pack- age to detect bifurcations (of the pitchfork type), while moving along branches of the c= 0 solutions. It tran- spires that allthe bifurcating branches have c/negationslash= 0, i.e., they are walking ESs. Such solutions are of codimension- twoin the parameter space (i.e., the solutions can be represented by curves k(q),c(q)), which can be estab- lished by a simple counting argument after noting that the 8th-order linear system has two pairs of pure imagi- nary eigenvalues. Alternatively, the walking ESs can be represented, in terms of the energy flux and momentum (see Eqs. (4) and (5)), by curves E(q) and P(q). We present results only for the walking solutions which bi- furcate from the ground and first excited c= 0 states, while other walking ESs can also be readily found. It was found that the ground-state branch has ex- actly two bifurcation points, giving rise to two distinct walking-ES solution branches (up to a symmetry). These new branches are shown, in terms of the most physi- cally representative c(q) and E(q) dependences, in Fig. 4. Note that they, eventually, coalesce and disappear. As the inset to Fig. 4b shows, they disappear via a tangent (fold, or saddle-node) bifurcation. The first excited state has three bifurcation points. One of them gives rise to a short branch of walking ESs that terminates, while two others appear to extend to q=−∞(their ostensible “merger” in Fig. 5 is an arti- fact of plotting). It is known that, in the large-mismatch limitq→ −∞ , the present three-wave model with the quadratic nonlinearity goes over into a modified Thirring model with cubic nonlinear terms [13]. This suggests that the latter model may also support ES. However, consid- eration of this issue is beyond the scope of the present work.-20. 0 -17. 5-15. 0 -12. 5-10. 0 -7. 5-5. 0 -2. 50. 0-0. 75-0. 50-0. 250. 000. 250. 500. 75 -20. 0 -17. 5-15. 0 -12. 5-10. 0 -7. 5-5. 0 -2. 50. -19.16 -19.1356357(a) (b)q Ec q FIG. 4. Two branches of “walking” ( c/negationslash= 0) embedded soli- tons bifurcating from the ground-state c= 0 branch: (a) the walkoff c, and (b) the energy flux Evs. the mismatch q. The horizontal segment in (a) shows the branch of the c= 0 solu- tions. The inset in (b) shows that the two branches meet and disappear via a typical tangent bifurcation. Fig. 4 clearly shows that, in a certain interval of the mismatch parameter q, the system gives rise to a multi- stability , i.e., coexistence of different types of spatial soli- tons in the planar optical waveguide (for instance, taking account of the fact that each c/negationslash= 0 branch has symmetric parts with the opposite values of c, we conclude that there arefivecoexisting solutions at qtaking values between about−8 and−11). This situation is of obvious interest for applications, especially in terms of all-optical switc h- ing [9]. Indeed, switching from a state with a larger value of the energy flux to a neighboring one with a smaller flux can be easily initiated by a small localized perturbation, in view of the above-mentioned one-sided semistability of ES, shown in a general form in [5]. Such a switching perturbation can be readily made controllable and mov- able if created by a laser beam launched normally to the planar waveguide and focused at a necessary spot on its surface [14]. Switching between the two branches with c/negationslash= 0 can be quite easy to realized too, due to small energy-flux and walkoff/momentum differences between them, see Fig. 4. IV. CONCLUSION To conclude the analysis, it is necessary to estimate the actual size of the relevant physical parameters. This is, in fact, quite easy to do, as there is no essential difference 4in the estimate from that which was presented in Ref. [8] for the ordinary solitons in exactly the same model. This means that a diffraction length ∼1 cm is expected for the SH component, and, definitely, the diffraction lengths for the FH components, which are subject to the strong Bragg scattering, will be no larger than that. Thus, a sample with a size of a few cm may be sufficient for the experimental observation of ESs. The sample may be an ordinary planar quadratically nonlinear waveguide with a set of parallel scores written on it. The other parameters, such as the power of the laser beam that generates the solitons, etc., are expected to be the same as in the usual experiments with the spatial solitons [9]. As concerns the weak semi-instability of ESs, it may be of no practi- cal consequence for the experiment, as it would manifest itself only in a much larger sample. In this connection, it may be relevant to mention that, strictly speaking, the usual spatial solitons observed in numerous experiments are all unstable (e.g., against transverse perturbations) in the usual (linear) sense, but the instability has no room to develop in real experimental samples. Finally, we see from Figs. 4 and 5 that the maximum walkoff that ESs can achieve is, in the present notation, slightly smaller than 1. According to the geometric inter- pretation of the underlying equations (1) - (3) (see details in the original work [8]), this implies that the maximum size of the misalignment angle between the propagation direction and the axis of the spatial soliton may be nearly the same as the (small) angle between the Poynting vec- tors of the two FH waves and that of the SH wave. To summarize the work, we have found a rich spec- trum of isolated solitons residing inside the continuous spectrum in a simple model of the three-wave spatial in- teraction in a second-harmonic-generating planar optical waveguide equipped with a quasi-one-dimensional Bragg grating. An infinite sequence of fundamental embedded solitons were found. They differ by the number of in- ternal oscillations. The embedded solitons are localized exponentially, except for a limiting degenerate case, when they become algebraically localized. Branches of the zero-walkoff spatial solitons give rise, through bifurca- tions, to several branches of walking solitons. The struc- ture of the bifurcating branches provides for a multistable configuration of the spatial optical solitons. This may find straightforward applications to all-optical switchin g. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The stay of B.A.M. at the University of Bristol was supported by a Benjamin Meaker fellowship. A.R.C. holds and U.K. EPSRC Advanced Fellowship.-25.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0-1. 00-0. 75-0. 50-0. 250. 000. 250. 500. 751. 00 -40.0 -35.0 -30.0 -25.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 00100200300400500600700800900-5 -2-0.300.3(a) (b)c E qq FIG. 5. Three branches of the walking ( c/negationslash= 0) embedded solitons bifurcating from the c= 0 branch corresponding to the first “excited state”, depicted similarly to Fig. 4 The in set in (a) shows in detail the central part of the diagram. [1] J.P. 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arXiv:physics/9911046v1 [physics.atom-ph] 19 Nov 1999Berlin Sfb288 Preprint physics/9911046 Existence criteria for stabilization from the scaling behaviour of ionization probabilities C. Figueira de Morisson Faria,†A. Fring∗and R. Schrader∗1 †Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Physik komplexer Systeme, N¨ othnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany ∗Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik, Freie Universit¨ at Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D-14195 Berlin, Germany Abstract We provide a systematic derivation of the scaling behaviour of various quantities and establish in particular the scale invariance of the ioni zation probability. We discuss the gauge invariance of the scaling properties and t he manner in which they can be exploited as a consistency check in explicit anal ytical expressions, in perturbation theory, in the Kramers-Henneberger and Floqu et approximation, in upper and lower bound estimates and fully numerical solutio ns of the time dependent Schr¨ odinger equation. The scaling invariance leads to a di fferential equation which has to be satisfied by the ionization probability and which yi elds an alternative criterium for the existence of atomic bound state stabiliza tion. PACS numbers: 32.80.Rm, 32.80.Fb, 33.80.Rv, 42.50.Hz, 03. 65.Db November 1999 1e-mail addresses: Faria@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de, Fring@physik.fu-berlin.de, Schrader@physik.fu-berlin.de1 Introduction It is up to now still not possible to carry out computations of ionization probabilities or ionization rates in the high intensity regime in a totally satisfactory manner. In particular analytical results are extremely rare. Especia lly concerning the issue of so- called atomic stabilization [1], numerous computations ma y be found in the literature which are contradictory in many cases. Alone for the relativ ely simple problem of the one-dimensional delta-potential there exist various rece nt computations which do [2, 3] or do not [4, 5] support the existence of stabilization. Roug hly speaking, stabilization is the effect that the ionization probability (or ionization rate to some authors) as a function of the laser field intensity is decreasing or consta nt in some region. For fur- ther references and a more detailed terminology, that is, a d istinction into transient, adiabatic, interference or resonance stabilization, see f or instance [6]. It would be highly desirable to settle the controversial iss ue and pinpoint possible mistakes, erroneous physical or mathematical assumptions made in the course of the computations. The main intention of this note is to contribu te to this debate and provide additional alternative consistency criteria. For this purpose we analyze the scaling behaviour of several quantities involved in the cal culations which address the above-mentioned problem. This constitutes an adaptation o f an idea which has been proved to be extremely powerful in the context of quantum fiel d theory, for instance in form of the renormalization group flow (see almost any book on quantum field theory). In the context of atomic physics, scaling laws have been cons idered before [7] in a “semiempirical” fashion, as the authors refer themselves t o their own analysis. In order to overcome the slightly ad hoc way of arguing we provide in th is note a systematic derivation of various scaling laws, which are compatible wi th the ones proposed in [7]. In particular, we establish the scale invariance property o f the ionization probability. As a consequence one may exploit these symmetry properties and check various analytical as well as numerical expressions for the ionization probabili ty for consistency. In addition, when considering the ionization probability as a function o f various parameters the scale invariance property allows to trade one particular variabl e for others. This permits to interpret and rigorously explain various types of behaviou r which occurred before for more specific situations in the literature. For instance, fo r the Hydrogen atom it was found in [8] that for increasing principal quantum number th e ionization probability decreased and in [9] the opposite behaviour was observed. Ou r analysis culminates in the formulation of a simple alternative criterium for the ex istence of stabilization. Our manuscript is organized as follows: In section 2 we deriv e systematically the scaling properties of various quantities and establish in p articular the invariance of the ionization probability under scaling. We show that this pro perty is preserved under gauge invariance. Furthermore, the scale invariance can be exploited as a consistency check in various computations. We exhibit this for explicit analytical expressions, for perturbative calculations, for approximate evaluations i n form of Kramers-Henneberger- and Floquet states and for upper and lower bound estimates. W e demonstrate how the scaling properties can be exploited to trade some variab les for others and use this feature to explain several types of physical behaviour. As a consequence of our analysis in section 2, we provide in section 3 a differential equation w hich has to be satisfied by the ionization probability and an alternative criterium fo r the existence of stabilization. 1We state our conclusions in section 4. 2 Scaling behaviour of ionization probabilities We consider an atom with potential V(/vector x) in the presence of a sufficiently intense laser field, such that it may be described in the non-relativistic r egime by the time-dependent Schr¨ odinger equation in the dipole approximation iℏ∂ψ(/vector x,t) ∂t=/parenleftbigg −ℏ2 2me∆ +V(/vector x) +e/vector x·/vectorE(t)/parenrightbigg ψ(/vector x,t) =H(/vector x,t)ψ(/vector x,t). (1) We further take the pulse to be of the general form /vectorE(t) =/vectorE0f(t) (2) wheref(t) is a function whose integral over tis assumed to be well behaved, with f(t) = 0 unless 0 ≤t≤τ. This means τis the pulse duration, f(t) the pulse shape function and E0the amplitude of the pulse, which we take to be positive witho ut loss of generality. Denoting by λ >0 the dilatation factor and by ηthe scaling dimension of the eigenfunction ϕ(/vector x) :=ψ(/vector x,t= 0) of the Hamiltonian H(/vector x,t= 0), we consider the following scale transformations1 /vector x→/vector x′=λ/vector x andϕ(/vector x)→ϕ′(/vector x′) =λ−ηϕ(/vector x). (3) Making the physical assumption that the Hilbert space norm r emains invariant, i.e. /bardblϕ(/vector x)/bardbl=/bardblϕ′(/vector x′)/bardbl, we deduce immediately that the scaling dimension has to be η=d/2, withdbeing the dimension of the space. Introducing now the scalin g of the dimensional parameters ℏ,meandeas ℏ→ℏ′=ληℏℏ, m e→m′ e=ληmemeande→e′=ληee (4) we can scale the whole problem to atomic units, i.e. ℏ=e=me, for instance by the choice λ=ℏ,ηℏ=−1,ηe=−logℏ(e) andηme=−logℏ(me). Staying for the time being in these units the scaling behaviour (3) may be rea lized by scaling the coupling constant. Considering for instance the wavefunct ionϕ(x) =√αexp(−α|x|) of the only bound state when the potential in (1) is taken to be the one-dimensional delta-potential V(x) =αδ(x), equation (3) imposes that the coupling constant has to scale as α→α′=λ−1α. Choosing instead the Coulomb potential in the form V(/vector x) =α/rrequires the same scaling behaviour of the coupling constan t for (3) to be valid. This is exhibited directly by the explicit express ions of the corresponding wavefunctions ϕnlm(/vector x)∼α3/2(αr)lexp(−αr/n)L2l+1 n+l(2αr/n) (see e.g. [10]). From a physical point of view it is natural to require further , that the scaling be- haviour of the wavefunction is the same for all times ψ(/vector x,t)→ψ′(/vector x′,t′) =U′(t′,0)ϕ′(/vector x′) =λ−d/2ψ(/vector x,t) =λ−d/2U(t,0)ϕ(/vector x).(5) 1More formally we could also carry out all our computations by using unitary dilatation oparators U(λ), such that the transformation of the eigenfunction is desc ribed by U(λ)ϕ(/vector x) =ληϕ′(λ/vector x) and operators Oacting on ϕ(/vector x) transform as U(λ)OU(λ)−1=O′. 2Consequently this means that the time evolution operator sh ould be an invariant quan- tity under these transformations U(t1,t0) =T/parenleftBig e−i ℏ/integraltextt1 t0H(/vector x,s)ds/parenrightBig →U′(t′ 1,t′ 0) =T/parenleftBigg e−i ℏ/integraltextλ2t1 λ2t0H′(/vector x,s)ds/parenrightBigg =U(t1,t0).(6) HereTdenotes the time ordering. Equation (6) then suggests that t he scaling of the time has to be compensated by the scaling of the Hamiltonian a nd Planck’s constant in order to achieve invariance. Scaling therefore the time as t→t′=ληtt , (7) withηtbeing unknown for the moment, equation (6) only holds if the S tark Hamiltonian of equation (1) scales as H(/vector x,t)→H′/parenleftbig /vector x′,t′/parenrightbig =ληHH(/vector x,t) with ηH=ηℏ−ηt. (8) The properties (7) and (8) could also be obtained by demandin g the invariance of the Schr¨ odinger equation (1). The overall scaling behaviour o fH(/vector x,t) is governed by the scaling of the Laplacian, the electron mass and Planck’s con stant, such that we obtain the further constraint ηH= 2ηℏ−ηme−2. (9) As a consequence we can read off the scaling properties of the p otential as V(/vector x)→V′/parenleftbig /vector x′/parenrightbig =ληHV(/vector x). (10) What does this behaviour imply for some concrete potentials ? Having scaled everything to atomic units, relation (9) suggests that ηH=−2. Considering for this situation the one-dimensional delta-potential and the Coulomb poten tial in the forms specified above, equation (10) imposes that the coupling constant has to scale asα→α′=λ−1α in both cases. This behaviour of the coupling constant is in a greement with our earlier observations for the corresponding wavefunctions. We also observe immediately that the behaviour (10) may be realized for the general class of Ka to small potentials. We recall that if for each constant βwith 0< β < 1 there exists a constant γ, such that /bardblVψ/bardbl ≤β/bardbl−∆ψ/bardbl+γ/bardblψ/bardblholds for all ψin the domain D(−∆/2), the potential V is called Kato small. We see immediately that the scaling of t he first term is entirely governed by the Laplacian such that β→β′=βis scale invariant and that γhas to scale asγ→γ′=λ−2γdue to the scale invariance of the norm. It is intriguing to note that there exists an interesting cla ss of potentials which scale alone via their dependence on /vector rand which do not contain any energy scale αat all, as for instance V(/vector x) = 1/r2or the two-dimensional delta potential. In [7] the interesting proposal was made to exploit the scali ng behaviour in order to use known properties of the Hydrogen atom to understand th e behaviour of Helium. For this purpose the Schr¨ odinger equation describing Heli um, i.e. (1), for the potential VHe(/vector x) =−Ze2/rand the mass mereplaced by the reduced mass µ, is scaled to the one which describes Hydrogen. Translating the quantities o f [7] into our conventions this transformation is realized by λ= (µ/m e)Z,ηt= logλ(Z2µ/m e),ηµ= logλ(me/µ), 3ηZ=−logλZandηℏ=ηe= 0. These quantities are consistent with the additional constraintηH= 2ηℏ−ηme−2,which results for the potential VHe(/vector x) from the scaling arguments. We would like to point out that this is only one of m any possible choices. It might be more convenient to use for instance λ=Z,ηt= 2,ηµ=ηℏ=ηZ+ 1 = logZ(me/µ) andηe= 0 instead. We will now consider the constraint resulting from equation (8) on the scaling behaviour of the pulse. We have /vectorE(t)→/vectorE′/parenleftbig t′/parenrightbig =ληE/vectorE(t) with ηE=ηH−ηe−1. (11) This equation is not quite as restrictive as for the potentia l, since in the latter case we could determine the behaviour of the coupling whereas now a c ertain ambiguity remains in the sense that we can only deduce /vectorE0→/vectorE′ 0=ληEo/vectorE0, f(t)→f′/parenleftbig t′/parenrightbig =ληff(t),withηE0+ηf=ηE. (12) Thus, under the assumptions we have made, it is not possible t o disentangle the contri- bution coming from the scaling of the amplitude or the pulse s hape function. However, there might be pulse shape functions for which hfhas to be 0, since no suitable param- eter is available in its explicit form to achieve the scaling . Finally, we come to the scaling behaviour of the ionization p robability. Denoting by Pthe orthogonal projection in L2(IR3) onto the subspace spanned by the bound states ofH(/vector x,t= 0), the ionization probability turns out to be a scale invar iant quantity P(ϕ) =/bardbl(1−P)U(τ,0)ϕ/bardbl2→ P′/parenleftbig ϕ′/parenrightbig =P(ϕ). (13) This follows by means of (3), (6) and by noting that the projec tion operator has to be a scale invariant quantity, i.e. P→P′=P. From a physical point of view this is clear unless we were able to scale bound states into the continuum, which is impossible, since negative energies will remain always negative even after be ing scaled. Mathematically this means we have to demand that P′andPare related to each other by a unitary transformation. We recapitulate that our sole assumptions in this derivatio n were to demand the invariance of the Hilbert space norm, i.e. /bardblϕ(/vector x)/bardbl=/bardblϕ′(/vector x′)/bardbl, and that the scaling of the wavefunction is preserved for all times. We shall now utilize this symmetry property in various appro aches, which can be carried out either numerically or analytically. At this poi nt we scale everything to atomic units which we will use from now onwards. 2.1 Gauge invariance First of all we would like to establish that these scaling pro perties hold in every gauge, as one naturally expects. We recall that different gauges are re lated by a time-dependent unitary operator Ag2←g1(t). For instance the wavefunction in gauge g1and gauge g2 are related as Ψ g2(/vector x,t) =Ag2←g1(t)Ψg1(/vector x,t). The velocity gauge is obtained from the length gauge by Av←l(t) =ei/vectorb(t)·/vector x→A′ v←l(t′) =Av←l(t) (14) 4the velocity gauge from the Kramers-Henneberger gauge by Av←KH(t) =e−ia(t)ei/vector c(t)·/vector p→A′ v←KH(t′) =Av←KH(t) (15) and the length gauge from the Kramers-Henneberger gauge by Al←KH(t) =e−ia(t)e−i/vectorb(t)·/vector xei/vector c(t)·/vector p→A′ l←KH(t′) =Al←KH(t). (16) The defining relations for the classical momentum transfer /vectorb(t), the classical displace- ment/vector c(t) and the classical energy transfer /vector a(t) then yield /vectorb(t) =/vectorE0b0(t) =/integraldisplayt 0ds/vectorE(s)→/vectorb′(t′) =/integraldisplaytλ2 0dsλ−3/vectorE(sλ−2) =λ−1/vectorb(t) (17) /vector c(t) =/vectorE0c0(t) =/integraldisplayt 0ds/vectorb(s)→/vector c′(t′) =/integraldisplaytλ2 0dsλ−1/vectorb(sλ−2) =λ/vector c(t) (18) /vector a(t) =/vectorE0a0(t) =1 2/integraldisplayt 0dsb2(s)→/vector a′(t′) =/integraldisplaytλ2 0dsλ−2b2(sλ−2) =/vector a(t).(19) These quantities scale in the expected manner, that is /vectorb(t) scales as a momentum, /vector c(t) as the space and /vector a(t) remains invariant. Taking these properties into account, we observe easily that the operator Ag2←g1(t) is an invariant quantity under scaling Ag2←g1(t)→A′ g2←g1(t) =Ag2←g1(t) (20) for all cases g1andg2mentioned. Hence the scaling behaviour is preserved in all g auges. It is interesting to note that one may reverse the logic here a nd deduce from a broken scale invariance onto a broken gauge invariance. However, i n general gauge invariance is not broken in such a crude manner, e.g. in [11] (see eqn. (22 ) therein) the gauge invariance is broken in a scale invariant fashion. 2.2 Symmetry properties for analytical expressions of P Keeping the pulse shape function invariant under the scalin g transformations we in- corporate now the explicit functional dependence into the i onization probability. The fundamental parameters are the field amplitude, the pulse le ngth and the coupling con- stant. The previous observations then suggest that P(E0,τ,α) =P(E′ 0,τ′,α′). (21) Assuming from now on that the coupling constant scales as for the one-dimensional delta- and the Coulomb potential, the meaning of equation (2 1) is that the ionization probability remains invariant under the transformations E0→E′ 0=λ−3E0, τ →τ′=λ2τ, α →α′=λ−1α . (22) We can exploit the symmetry property (21) most easily when we have an explicit ana- lytical expression for P(ϕ) at hand. Considering for example the δ-potential and taking 5the pulse to be the δ-kick, i.e.E(t) =E0δ(t), b(t) =E00+, c(t) = 0,the ionization probability of the bound state was computed to be [12] P(ϕ) = 1−4 π2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle∞/integraldisplay −∞dpexp/parenleftBig −iτα2p2 2/parenrightBig /parenleftBig 1 + (p+b(τ)/α)2/parenrightBig (1 +p2)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 . (23) Obviously the r.h.s. of (23) passes the test and remains inva riant under the scale trans- formation in form of (17) and (22). 2.3 Perturbation theory Usually one is not in the fortunate situation to have explici t expressions for the ionization probability available as in the previous subsection. Howev er, the symmetry property may also be utilized when computing P(ϕ) approximately either in a numerical or analytical fashion. We recall that the essential ingredient of perturb ation theory is to expand the time evolution operator as a series in E0orαfor small or large field intensities, respectively. We can formally write U(t1,t0) =∞/summationdisplay n=0U(n|t1,t0). (24) SinceU(t1,t0) is a scale invariant quantity, the invariance property (6) must hold order by order, that is for 0 ≤n≤ ∞we have U(n|t1,t0)→U′(n|t′ 1,t′ 0) =U(n|t1,t0). (25) Considering now for instance the high intensity regime and p erforming Gordon-Volkov perturbation theory (e.g. [13, 14]), the first terms in (24) r ead U(0|t1,t0) = exp( i(t1−t0)∆/2) = exp(i(t1−t0)λ2λ−2∆/2) =U′(0|t′ 1,t′ 0) (26) U(1|t1,t0) =i/integraldisplayt1 t0dsU(0|t1,s)VU(0|s,t0) =U′(1|t′ 1,t′ 0). (27) Whilst it was fairly obvious that the general expressions (2 6) and (27) remain invariant under scaling, this consistency check might be less trivial when carried out after the expressions have been evaluated explicitly either numeric ally or analytically. 2.4 Expansions in terms of Kramers-Henneberger states or Fl oquet states The essence of the Kramers-Henneberger approximation (e.g . [15]) is to exploit the fact that when the gauge transformation (16) is carried out on the Stark Hamiltonian, the term involving the laser pulse disappears and instead the po tential is shifted by the total classical displacement, i.e. V(/vector x)→V(/vector x−/vector c(t)). Having chosen the pulse in such a way that/vector c(t) is a periodic function in time, one can expand the shifted po tential in a Fourier series V(/vector x−/vector c(t)) =∞/summationdisplay n=−∞Vneinωt. (28) 6In the Kramers-Henneberger approximation one assumes now t hat the zero mode is dominant such that the remaining terms may be treated as pert urbations. From the scaling behaviour of the l.h.s. of (28) we deduce immediatel y that the frequency has to scale inverse to the time, i.e. ω→ω′=λ−2ω, and that each mode in the series scales in the same way as the potential, i.e. Vn→V′ n=λ−2Vn. (29) As an example let us consider the expansion for a square-well potential of depth αV0and of widthdsubjected to a pulse of linearly polarized monochromatic li ght. The modes are of the general form (first reference in [15]) Vn=|αV0|g[(d/2−x)ω2/E0], (30) where the explicit formula of the function gis given in term of Chebyshev-polynomials which, however, is not important for our purpose. We only nee d to know that it scales by means of its argument alone. Since the argument is scale in variant, we observe with the help of (10) for ηH= 2 in atomic units that (29) holds for each coefficient in (30). The analysis of the scaling behaviour of the Floquet expansi on is very similar. In- stead of exploiting the periodicity of the potential one mak es additional use of the periodicity of the field and expands ψ(/vector x,t) =/summationtext∞ n=−∞ψn(/vector x)einωt. It is then obvious by the same reasoning as before that the scaling of the individu al modes has to be the same as for the field itself, i.e. ψn(/vector x)→ψ′ n(/vector x′) =λ−d/2ψn(/vector x). 2.5 Upper and lower bounds In [13, 17, 16, 14] analytical expressions for upper and lowe r bounds, Pu(ϕ) and Pl(ϕ), respectively, were derived and analyzed. Depending on the p articular parameters these expressions put more or less severe constraints on the actua l value of P(ϕ), in the sense thatPl(ϕ)≤ P(ϕ)≤ Pu(ϕ). Since P(ϕ) is a scale invariant quantity, also the bounds have to respect this symmetry. Otherwise they could be scale d to any desired value. We present just one example for one particular upper bound (the arguments carry through equally for lower bounds) to convince ourselves that this is indeed the case. For instance under the condition b(τ)2/2>−E≡binding energy of ϕ, the following upper bound was derived in [13] Pu(ϕ) =/braceleftBiggτ/integraldisplay 0/bardbl(V(/vector x−c(t)ez)−V(/vector x))ϕ/bardbldt+|c(τ)| /bardblpzϕ/bardbl+2|b(τ)|/bardblpzϕ/bardbl 2E+b(τ)2/bracerightBigg2 .(31) It is easy to see term by term that the r.h.s. of (31) scales inv ariantly. In [16] we have already exploited this property. In fact, we found that the bound (31) is only considerably below 1 for very small values of the pulse lengt hτ. Since the binding energy has to scale in the same manner as the Hamiltonian H(/vector x,t= 0), that is E→E′= λ−2E, we could also, due to the scale invariance property, enlarg e the pulse durations by considering higher Rydberg states. In this way we could st udy pulses which are physically more conceivable, at the cost of having to deal wi th higher principal quantum numbers. 72.6 Trading some variables for others Of course the principle mentioned at the end of the last subse ction is very general and we may always trade some variables for others, simply by bringi ng the relevant λ’s in (22) to the other side of the equation. For instance from P(λ3E0,τ,α) =P(E0,λ2τ,λ−1α) it follows that instead of varying the field amplitude and keepi ngτandαfixed, we could equivalently keep E0fixed and vary simultaneously τandαin the described fashion. As a consequence we can give some alternative physical inter pretation to the extreme intensity limit considered in [17, 12] lim E0→∞P(ϕ) = limτ→∞ α→0P(ϕ). (32) This means switching off the potential and exposing the atom t o an infinitely long pulse with some finite field amplitude is equivalent to keepin g the pulse length and the coupling constant finite and taking the field amplitude to infi nity. 0 1 2 3 4 5 60,00,20,40,60,81,0 (b) E0 P(Ψ) α = 0.5 α = 1.0 α = 1.5 α = 2.00 2 4 6 8 100,00,20,40,60,81,0 (a) E0 P(Ψ) α = 0.5 α = 1.0 α = 1.5 α = 2.0 Figure 1: Part (a) shows the ionization probability as a func tion of the field amplitude E0for a δ-potential atom subjected to a δ-kick pulse (23) for τ= 0.001 and various coupling constants. Part (b) shows the ionization probability to zeroth order Go rdon-Volkov perturbation theory as a function of the field amplitude E0for aδ-potential atom subjected to a double δ-kick pulse of the formE(t) =E0(δ(t)−2δ(t−τ))forτ= 1.1 and various coupling constants. Notice that for this pulse the conditions b(τ) = 0 andc(τ)/negationslash= 0 hold. For a detailed derivation see [12]. 8We can also use the scale invariance property to give a simple explanation to a behaviour, which at first sight appears somewhat puzzling. I n [12, 8] it was observed that the ionization probability is sometimes a decreasing a nd sometimes an increasing function of the coupling constant when the other parameters are kept fixed, refer to figure 1. Important for the explanation of this feature is that in the f ormer case b(τ) = 0,c(τ)/negationslash= 0 and in the latter b(τ)/negationslash= 0,c(τ) = 0. Assuming now that the dependence of the ionization probability on the field amplitude enters o nly through the quantities b(τ) andc(τ) and in addition that the dependence on the pulse length is ve ry weak in comparison with the one on b(τ),c(τ) andα, according to the scale invariance property we can write P(b(τ),c(τ),α)≈ P(λ−1b(τ),λc(τ),λ−1α). (33) Thus, in case the functional dependence on c(τ) is much weaker than the one on b(τ), we have to increase the coupling constant when the total clas sical momentum transfer is increased in order to keep the ionization probability fixed. Noting that E∼α−2, this is expected from the classical point of view, since to free a mor e deeply bound state with the same probability requires a larger momentum transfer. I n the reversed case, in which the functional dependence on c(τ) is much stronger than the one on b(τ) we have to decrease the coupling constant when the total classical dis placement is increased in order to keep the ionization probability at the same value. Also th is behaviour is expected from a classical point of view, since when a less deeply bound state is freed with the same probability, it will be further displaced. The behaviour in figure 1 is therefore explained by relation ( 33). Note that in figure 1(b) the value of P(E0= 0), which of course has to be zero, is a measure for the poor quality of the zeroth order Gordon-Volkov perturbatio n theory, at least in this low intensity regime. Finally it is worth to note that the crosso ver which takes place for the curves ofα= 1.5 andα= 2 indicates that in fact (33) is not exact and the pulse lengt h has to be scaled also. It is not an indication that the higher o rder terms need to be taken into account, since, as we discussed in subsection 2.3 , scale invariance holds order by order in perturbation theory. 3 Existence criteria for stabilization As a consequence of (21) it is elementary to derive a different ial equation which has to be satisfied by the ionization probability λdP dλ= 2τ∂P ∂τ−α∂P ∂α−3E0∂P ∂E0+λ∂P ∂λ. (34) As an example one may easily convince oneself that (23) indee d satisfies (34). One way to speak of stabilization is when the ionization prob ability as a function of the field amplitude satisfies ∂P ∂E0≤0 (35) forE0∈[0,∞) on a finite interval. Noting now that the transformation of t he length scale is a symmetry for the ionization probability, i.e. rel ation (13), we have ∂P/∂λ= 9dP/dλ= 0. Then, according to the differential equation (34), the cr iterium (35) for the existence of stabilization may be written alternatively as 2τ∂P ∂τ≤α∂P ∂α. (36) Once again it will be instructive to verify this statement fo r an explicit example. We believe that hitherto no analytical expression for the ioni zation probability is known which obeys the strict inequality in (35). However, it was sh own [17, 12] that in the extreme intensity limit E0→ ∞ the equal sign holds. In particular when b(τ) =c(τ) = 0 one obtains non-trivial expressions in this case. Taking fo r instance the potential to be theδ-potential in three dimensions, the ionization probabilit y of the only bound state was computed to [17] P(ϕ) = 1−1 π/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleU/parenleftbigg3 2,1 2;iτα2 2/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 , (37) withUbeing the confluent hypergeometric function. Obviously (37 ) satisfies the cri- terium (36) for the equal sign. It is interesting to note that for potentials which do not pos sess an energy scale, like the ones mentioned after (10), relation (36) reduces to ∂P/∂τ≤0 forτ∈[0,∞) on a finite interval. This means that for increasing pulse lengt h the ionization probability should decrease, which is as counterintuitive as the statem ent (35). 4 Conclusions We have shown that transforming the length scale correspond s to a symmetry in the ionization probability P(ϕ). We demonstrated that this symmetry property may be used as a consistency check in various approximation method s in numerical or analytical form. One should also note that every numerical code which fu lly solves the Schr¨ odinger equation can be tested for consistency by appropriately sca ling all variables. Moreover one can employ the scale invariance to avoid certain problem s which sometimes plague numerical calculations as for instance the occurrence of ve ry small numbers near machine precision or of very large numbers. By re-scaling all parame ters one might be able to avoid such difficulties and still describe exactly the same ph ysical situation. We have further shown, in section 2.6, that certain types of b ehaviour for which one has very often intuitive physical explanations may be confir med by means of scaling arguments. We like to stress that none of the above considerations is res tricted to a particular intensity regime of the pulse in comparison with the potenti al and they hold for low as well as ultra high intensities, although the latter regim e is of course currently of more interest. The above considerations may of course be car ried out also for other quantities of interest like ionization rates I, harmonic spectra etc. It follows for instance immediately that the ionization rate has to scale inverse to the time, i.e. I → I =λ−ηtI. Fermi’s golden rule scales for instance in this way. As an outlook one should keep in mind that like in numerous oth er situations the physics becomes more interesting when the symmetry is broke n. For instance for the 10two-dimensional delta potential we noted already that ther e is a priori no energy scale available. However, these potentials suffer from ultraviol et divergencies at the origin which have to be renormalised. Through this procedure one th en introduces an addi- tional scale, which is a situation reminiscent of relativis tic quantum field theory. Another interesting situation arises when we have more than one intr insical physical scale in our system. In many situations one scale is dominating the other and the problem is re- ducible to one with only one parameter. However, there might intriguing situations in which the scales combine in an arbitrary complicated mann er as for instance in a statistical physics problem where we have a microscopic len gth scale which specifies the typical distance between fluctuating magnetic degrees of fr eedom and the correlation length. Acknowledgment: A.F. and R.S. are grateful to the Deutsche Forschungsgemein - schaft (Sfb288) for partial support. We would like to thank M . D¨ orr for bringing the existence of the second reference in [7] to our attention. References [1]M. Gavrila and J.Z. Kaminski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52(1984) 613. [2]Q. Su, B.P. Irving, C.W. Johnson and J.H. Eberly, J. of Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29 (1996) 5755. [3]S. Geltman, Jour. of Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32(1999) 853. [4]S. Geltman, Phys. Rev. A 45(1992) 5293; J. of Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 27(1994) 257;J. of Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 27(1994) 1497. [5]T. Mercouris and C.A. Nicolaides; J. of Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. 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arXiv:physics/9911047v1 [physics.chem-ph] 19 Nov 1999LYCEN 9121 June 1991 ON QUANTUM GROUPS AND THEIR POTENTIAL USE IN MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY∗ Maurice Kibler1and Tidjani N´ egadi2 1Institut de Physique Nucl´ eaire de Lyon IN2P3-CNRS et Universit´ e Claude Bernard 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France 2Laboratoire de Physique Th´ eorique Institut des Sciences Exactes Universit´ e d’Oran Es-S´ enia 31100 Es-S´ enia, Alg´ erie Abstract The quantum algebra suq(2) is introduced as a deformation of the ordinary Lie algebra su(2). This is achieved in a simple way by making use ofq-bosons. In connection with the quantum algebra suq(2), we discuss theq-analogues of the harmonic oscillator and the angular momen tum. We also introduce q-analogues of the hydrogen atom by means of a q- deformation of the Pauli equations and of the so-called Kust aanheimo- Stiefel transformation. ∗Paper published in Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 11, 13-25 (1992). Paper written from a lecture presented (by M. K.) at the “IV In ternational Conference on Mathematical and Computational Chemistry”, Bled (Yu- goslavia), 3 - 7 June 1991. 01. Introduction A new algebraic structure, the structure of quantum group, h as been developed since 1985 [1-3] and is still the subject of develo pments both in mathematics and theoretical physics. Such a structure, whi ch is related to the structure of Hopf bi-algebra, takes its origin in variou s fields of the- oretical physics (e.g., statistical mechanics, integrabl e systems, conformal field theory). The notion of quantum group is more easily approached throug h the one of quantum algebra. Loosely speaking, the latter notion corresponds to a deformation, depending on a certain parameter q, of a Lie algebra. Most of the applications of quantum algebras, of potential u se for chemical physics, have been mainly devoted to the harmonic oscillato r [4-8] and to coherent states [9,10]. It is the aim of this paper to briefly describe one of the simple st quan- tum groups, viz., the quantum group SUq(2), or rather its quantum algebra suq(2), and to underline its potential use in chemical physics. For this pur- pose, we examine in turn three dynamical systems connected w ith quan- tum groups : the q-deformed harmonic oscillator, the q-deformed angular momentum and the q-deformed hydrogen atom. These new systems, also referred to as q-analogues, reduce to the corresponding ordinary sytems in the limiting case q= 1. The paper presents a review character as far as the q-analogues of the harmonic oscillator (in Section 2) and the angular momenta ( in Section 3) are concerned. The discussion (in Section 3 and Appendix 2) a bout the relevance of the quantum algebra soq(3,2) for studying the q-analogues of spherical and hyperbolic angular momenta is new. The intr oduction (in Section 4) of q-analogues for the hydrogen atom is developed for the first time. No sophisticated mathematical pre-requisite is necessary to understand this self-contained article. 12.q-Analogue of the Harmonic Oscillator We start with the usual Fock space F={|n >:n∈N} (1) which is very familiar to the chemist. Definition 1. Let us define the linear operators a+,aandNon the vector space Fby the relations a+|n >=/radicalbig [n+ 1]|n+1> a |n >=/radicalbig [n]|n−1> N |n >=n|n > (2) witha|0>= 0, where we use the notation [c]≡[c]q=qc−q−c q−q−1=sinh(clnq) sinh(ln q)c∈C (3) for a given qin the field of complex numbers C. It is to be observed that in the limiting case q= 1, we have simply [c] =cso that a+,aandNare (respectively) in this case the ordinary creation, annihilation and number operators encountered i n various areas of theoretical chemistry and physics. In the case where q/ne}ationslash= 1, with qnot being a root of unity, the operators a+,aandNdefined by equations (2-3) are called q-deformed creation, annihilation and number operators, respectively. (In this case, the complex number [ c] defined by (3) is a q- deformed number; some algebraic relations satisfied by such q-deformed numbers are listed in Appendix 1.) Property 1. As a trivial property, we have (a)†=a+(N)†=N [N,a+] =a+[N,a] =−a (4) where ( X)†denotes the adjoint of the operator Xand [X,Y]≡[X,Y]−= XY−Y Xthe commutator of XandY. 2Property 2. As a basic property, we can check that aa+= [N+1] a+a= [N]aa+−q−1a+a=qNaa+−qa+a=q−N(5) where we use the abbreviation [X]≡[X]q=qX−q−X q−q−1=sinh(Xlnq) sinh(ln q)X∈ F (6) which parallels for operators the defining relation (3) for n umbers. The set {a,a+}satisfying (4-6) is a set of q-bosons as originally defined by Macfarlane [4] and Biedenharn [5] (see also Refs. [6,7]). F rom equation (5), it is clear that the operators aanda+reduce to ordinary bosons in the limiting case q= 1. We are now in a position to introduce a q-deformed harmonic oscilla- tor. The literature on this subject is now abundant and the re ader may consult, for example, Refs. [4-10] for further details. Definition 2. From the q-deformed creation and annihilation operators aanda+, let us define the operators px=i/radicalbigg ¯hµω 2(a+−a)x=/radicalBigg ¯h 2µω(a++a) (7) acting on F, where ¯ h,µandωhave their usual meaning in the context of the (ordinary) harmonic oscillator. Equation (7) defines q-deformed momentum and position operators px andx, respectively, and bears the same form as for the ordinary cr eation and annihilation operators corresponding to the limiting c aseq= 1. Property 3. The commutator of the q-deformed operators xandpxis [x,px] =i¯h([N+ 1]−[N]) (8) 3which reduces to the ordinary value i¯hin the limiting case q= 1. In terms of eigenvalues, equation (8) can be rewritten as [x,px] =i¯hcosh[( n+1 2)lnq] cosh(1 2lnq)(9) when q/ne}ationslash= 1. Thus, we may think of a q-deformed uncertainty principle: the right-hand side of (9) increases with n(i.e., with the energy, see equation (11) below) and is minimum as well as n-independent in the limiting case q= 1 [5]. Definition 3. We define the self-adjoint operator HonFby H=1 2µpx2+1 2µ ω2x2=1 2(a+a+aa+)¯h ω=1 2([N] + [N+ 1]) ¯ h ω (10) in terms of the q-deformed operators previously defined. In the limiting case q= 1, the operator His nothing but the Hamil- tonian for a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Followi ng Macfarlane [4] and Biedenharn [5], we take equation (10) as the defining rela tion for a q-deformed one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. The case o f aq-deformed d-dimensional, with d≥2, (isotropic or anisotropic) harmonic oscillator can be handled from a superposition of one-dimensional q-deformed oscil- lators. Property 4. The spectrum of His given by E≡En=1 2([n] + [n+ 1]) ¯h ω= [2]q1 21 2[n+1 2] ¯h ω n ∈N(11) and is discrete. This spectrum turns out to be a deformation of the one for the o r- dinary one-dimensional harmonic oscillator correspondin g to the limiting caseq= 1. The levels are shifted (except the ground level) when we p ass fromq= 1 to q/ne}ationslash= 1 : the levels are not uniformly spaced. 43.q-Analogues of Angular Momenta We now continue with the Hilbert space E={|jm > : 2j∈N, m=−j(1)j} (12) spanned by the common eigenvectors of the z-component and the square of a generalized angular momentum. Definition 4. We define the operators operators a+,a+ +,a−anda+ − on the vector space Eby the relations a+|jm > =/radicalbig [j+m]|j−1 2,m−1 2> a+ +|jm > =/radicalbig [j+m+ 1]|j+1 2,m+1 2> a−|jm > =/radicalbig [j−m]|j−1 2,m+1 2> a+ −|jm > =/radicalbig [j−m+ 1]|j+1 2,m−1 2>(13) where the numbers of the type [ c] are given by (3). In the limiting case q= 1, equation (13) gives back the defining rela- tions used by Schwinger [11] in his (Jordan-Schwinger) appr oach to angular momentum (see also Ref. [12]). By introducing n1=j+m n 2=j−m n 1∈N n2∈N (14) and |jm >≡ |j+m,j−m >=|n1n2>∈ F1⊗ F2 (15) equation (13) can be rewritten in the form a+|n1n2>=/radicalbig [n1]|n1−1,n2> a+ +|n1n2>=/radicalbig [n1+ 1]|n1+ 1,n2> a−|n1n2>=/radicalbig [n2]|n1,n2−1> a+ −|n1n2>=/radicalbig [n2+ 1]|n1,n2+ 1>(16) 5Therefore, the sets/braceleftbig a+,a+ +/bracerightbig and/braceleftbig a−,a+ −/bracerightbig are two commuting sets of q- bosons. More precisely, we can prove that a+a+ +−q−1a+ +a+=qN1a−a+ −−q−1a+ −a−=qN2 [a+,a−] = [a+ +,a+ −] = [a+,a+ −] = [a+ +,a−] = 0 (17) with N1|n1n2>=n1|n1n2> N 2|n1n2>=n2|n1n2> (18) defining the number operators N1andN2. Definition 5. Let us consider the operators J−=a+ −a+ J3=1 2(N1−N2) J+=a+ +a− (19) defined in terms of q-bosons. Property 5. The action of the linear operators J−,J3andJ+on the spaceEis described by J−|jm > =/radicalbig [j+m] [j−m+ 1]|j,m−1> J3|jm > =m|jm > J+|jm > =/radicalbig [j−m] [j+m+ 1]|j,m+ 1>(20) a result that follows from (13) and (19). The operators J−andJ+are clearly shift operators for the quantum number m. The operators J−,J3= (J3)†andJ+= (J−)†reduce to ordinary spherical angular momentum operators in the limit ing case q= 1. The latter assertion is evident from (20) or even directly fr om (19). At this stage, the quantum algebra suq(2) can be introduced, in a pedestrian way, from equations (19) and (20) as a deformatio n of the or- dinary Lie algebra of the special unitary group SU(2). In this regard, we have the following property. 6Property 6. The commutators of the q-deformed spherical angular momentum operators J−,J3andJ+are [J3,J−] =−J− [J3,J+] = + J+ [J+,J−] = [2 J3] (21) which reduce to the familiar expressions known in angular mo mentum theory in the limiting case q= 1. Equation (21) is at the root of the definition of the quantum al gebra suq(2). Roughly speaking, this algebra is spanned by any set J−,J3,J+of three operators satisfying (21) where we recognize familia r commutators except for the third one. The notion of invariant operator al so exists for quantum algebras. In this connection, we can verify that the operator J2=1 2(J+J−+J−J+) +[2] 2[J3]2(22) is a Casimir operator in the sense that it commutes with each o f the gener- atorsJ−,J3andJ+of the quantum algebra suq(2). It can be proved that the eigenvalues of the hermitian operator J2are [j][j+ 1] with 2 j∈N, a result compatible with the well-known one corresponding to the limiting caseq= 1. Definition 6. We now introduce the operators K−=a+a− K3=1 2(N1+N2+ 1) K+=a+ +a+ − (23) which are indeed q-deformed hyperbolic angular momentum operators. Property 7. The action of the operators K−,K3andK+on the space Eis described by K−|jm > =/radicalbig [j−m][j+m]|j−1,m > K3|jm > = (j+1 2)|jm > K+|jm > =/radicalbig [j−m+ 1][j+m+ 1]|j+ 1,m >(24) 7a result to be compared to (20). The operators K−andK+behave like shift operators for the quantum number j. The operators K−,K3= (K3)†andK+= (K−)†reduce to ordinary hyperbolic angular momentum operators in the li miting case q= 1 [11,12]. From equation (24), we expect that they generate the quantum algebra suq(1,1), a result which is trivial when q= 1. Property 8. The commutators of the q-deformed hyperbolic angular momentum operators K−,K3andK+are [K3,K−] =−K− [K3,K+] = + K+ [K+,K−] =−[2K3] (25) which characterizes the quantum algebra suq(1,1). Equations (20) and (21), on one hand, and equations (24) and ( 25), on the other, can serve to develop the theory of q-deformed spherical and hy- perbolic angular momenta. This theory involves the q-deformation of cou- pling (Clebsch-Gordan) coefficients and recoupling (Racah an d Wigner) coefficients, projection operators, etc. and shall not be des cribed here (see, among numerous papers, Ref. [13]). In the limiting case q= 1, the Wigner- Racah algebra of SU(2), in an SU(2)⊃U(1) basis, plays a considerable rˆ ole in this theory ; in this case, the Lie algebra of the de Si tter group SO(3,2) is the natural framework for studying the Wigner-Racah alg e- bra of SU(2). We devote the rest of this section to some basic elements indicating the relevance of the quantum algebra soq(3,2) when q/ne}ationslash= 1. Definition 7. We define the operators k+ +=−a+ +a+ + k+ −=a+ −a+ − k− −=−a+a+ k− +=a−a− (26) in terms of q-bosons. Property 9. The action of the operators k+ +,k+ −,k− −andk− +on the 8spaceEis described by k+ +|jm > =−/radicalbig [j+m+ 1][j+m+ 2]|j+ 1,m+ 1> k+ −|jm > =/radicalbig [j−m+ 1][j−m+ 2]|j+ 1,m−1> k− −|jm > =−/radicalbig [j+m−1][j+m]|j−1,m−1> k− +|jm > =/radicalbig [j−m−1][j−m]|j−1,m+ 1>(27) so that they act like mixed step operators for the quantum num bersjand m. Some further properties, of interest for the quantum algebr asoq(3,2), of the operators of type J,Kandkare relegated on Appendix 2. 4.q-Analogue of the Hydrogen Atom We now consider an (ordinary) hydrogenlike atom in 3 dimensi ons with reduced mass µand nuclear charge Ze. We deal here only with the discrete spectrum of this (Coulomb) dynamical system, i.e. , with negative energies E. According to Pauli [14], the Coulomb system can be described in an operator form by the equations (see also Ref. [15]) A2−B2= 0 E/parenleftbig 2A2+ 2B2+ ¯h2/parenrightbig =−1 2µ Z2e4(28) In equation (28), the operators A2=/summationtext iA2 iandB2=/summationtext iB2 istand for the Casimir operators of the Lie algebras asu(2) and bsu(2), of type su(2), spanned by {Ai:i= 1,2,3}and{Bi:i= 1,2,3}, respectively, where Ai=1 2(Li+Ni) Bi=1 2(Li−Ni) Ni=/radicalbigg −µ 2EMi(29) In equation (29), Li(i= 1,2,3) and Mi(i= 1,2,3) denote the components of the angular momentum operator and the Laplace-Runge-Lenz -Pauli vec- tor operator, respectively. 9The transition from the ordinary hydrogen atom to a q-deformed hy- drogen atom can be achieved by passing from the (direct sum) L ie algebra asu(2)⊕bsu(2)∼so(4) to the quantum algebra asuq(2)⊕bsuq(2). The application of this deformation to equation (28) leads to th eq-analogue of the hydrogen(like) atom whose energy spectrum is given by E≡Ej=1 4[j][j+ 1] + 1E0 2j∈N (30) where E0=−1 2µ Z2e4 ¯h2(31) is the energy of the ground state. Theq-deformed atom thus defined has the same ground state energy as the ordinary atom. The other states are shifted when passi ng from q= 1 to q/ne}ationslash= 1. The whole (discrete) spectrum of the q-deformed hydrogen atom exhibits the same degeneracy as the ordinary one. Of cou rse, the q-deformed spectrum coincides with the ordinary one when qgoes to 1. To close this section, we should mention there are other ways to define aq-analogue of the hydrogen atom which do not lead to the spectr um (30- 31). In this respect, by using the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel tra nsformation (see Ref. [15]), we are left with a q-deformed hydrogen atom characterized by the discrete spectrum E≡En1n2n3n4=16 ν(n1n2n3n4)2E0 ν(n1n2n3n4) =4/summationdisplay i=1[ni] + [ni+ 1] ni∈N (i= 1,2,3,4) (32) Equation (32) can be derived (i) by transforming the three-d imensional hydrogen atom into a four-dimensional isotropic harmonic o scillator by means of the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation [15], (i i) by passing from the latter oscillator to its q-analogue and (iii) by invoking the “inverse” 10Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation. The result (32) thu s obtained con- stitutes an alternative to (30). 5. Closing Remarks We have concentrated in the present paper on q-deformations of three dynamical systems (harmonic oscillator, angular momentum and hydro- gen atom) largely used in physical chemistry. The q-deformed dynamical systems have been introduced in connection with the quantum algebra suq(2) which turns out to be a deformation of su(2) characterized by the deformation parameter q. We have seen that the parameter qenters the (energy) spectra for the q-analogues of the considered dynamical systems. There is no universal significance of the parameter q. However, in view of the fact that the lim- iting case q= 1 gives back the usual spectra, the deformation parameter qmight be considered as a fine structure parameter (like a curv ature con- stant), to be obtained from a fitting procedure, for describi ng small effects. In addition, it may happen in some situations that it is worth to consider qas a completely free parameter with values far from 1 leading to new models [16]. We have experienced that the correspondence between the hyd rogen atom and its q-analogue is not one-to-one. (This is indeed a general prob- lem we face when dealing with q-analogues.) As a remedy, the use of theq-derivative leading to a q-deformed Schr¨ odinger equation might be interesting. Also, the use of sets of noncommuting q-bosons might be ap- propriate to ensure suq(2) covariance. Acknowledgments One of the authors (M. K.) thanks Y. Saint-Aubin for communic ating his lecture notes (Ref. [17]) on quantum groups. He is gratefu l to J. Katriel and S. L. Woronowicz for interesting discussions. 11Appendix 1 In this appendix we give some formulas useful for dealing wit hq- deformed numbers [ c] when care real numbers or integers. From equation (3), we easily get lim q→1[c]q=c [−c]q=−[c]q[c]1 q= [c]q [c]q≥cforc >1 Furthermore, the following relations [a+b] = [a]qb+q−a[b] [a+ 1][b+ 1]−[a][b] = [a+b+ 1] [a][b+c] = [a+c][b] + [a−b][c] [a]2−[b]2= [a−b][a+b] hold for any (real) numbers a,bandc. In the case where nis a positive integer, we have [n] =/summationdisplay i=(1−n)(2)(n−1)qi=qn−1+qn−3+...+q−n+3+q−n+1n∈N− {0} and we can define the factorial of [ n] as [n]! = [ n][n−1]...[1] n∈N [0]! = 1 As illustrative examples, we have [0] = 0 [1] = 1 [2] = q−1+q [3] =q−2+ 1 + q2[4] =q−3+q−1+q+q3 12and [2][2] = [1] + [3] [2][3] = [2] + [4] [3][3] = [1] + [3] + [5] which is reminiscent of the addition rule for angular moment a. In the case where qis a root of unity, we have q= exp( i2πk1 k2)k1∈N k2∈N [c] =sin(2πk1 k2c) sin(2πk1 k2) For instance, k1= 1 k2= 4 ⇒q=i=√ −1 =⇒[0] = [2] = [4] = ...= 0 so that [ c] = 0 can occur for c/ne}ationslash= 0. 13Appendix 2 It is a simple matter of calculation to determine the commuta tion relations between the 10 operators of type J,Kandkdefined in Section 3. We list in the following only the nonvanishing commutator s. The arrow indicates the limit when qgoes to 1. Nonvanishing [ k,k] matrix elements : [k+ +,k− −] =−[2K3+ 2J3−1]−[2K3+ 2J3+ 1]→ − 4(K3+J3) [k+ −,k− +] =−[2K3−2J3−1]−[2K3−2J3+ 1]→ − 4(K3−J3) Nonvanishing [ J,K] matrix elements : [J+,K+] = k+ +([K3−J3−1 2]−[K3−J3+1 2])→ − k+ + [J+,K−] = k− +([K3+J3−1 2]−[K3+J3+1 2])→ − k− + [J−,K+] = k+ −([K3+J3+1 2]−[K3+J3−1 2])→+k+ − [J−,K−] = k− −([K3−J3+1 2]−[K3−J3−1 2])→+k− − Nonvanishing [ J,k] matrix elements : [J3,k+ +] =k+ +[J3,k+ −] =−k+ −[J3,k− −] =−k− −[J3,k− +] =k− + [J+,k+ −] = K+([K3−J3+3 2]−[K3−J3−1 2])→+ 2K+ [J+,k− −] = K−([K3+J3+1 2]−[K3+J3−3 2])→+ 2K− [J−,k+ +] = K+([K3+J3−1 2]−[K3+J3+3 2])→ − 2K+ [J−,k− +] = K−([K3−J3−3 2]−[K3−J3+1 2])→ − 2K− Nonvanishing [ K,k] matrix elements : [K3,k+ +] =k+ +[K3,k+ −] =k+ −[K3,k− −] =−k− −[K3,k− +] =−k− + [K+,k− −] = J−([K3+J3+1 2]−[K3+J3−3 2])→+ 2J− [K+,k− +] = J+([K3−J3−3 2]−[K3−J3+1 2])→ − 2J+ [K−,k+ +] = J+([K3+J3−1 2]−[K3+J3+3 2])→ − 2J+ [K−,k+ −] = J−([K3−J3+3 2]−[K3−J3−1 2])→+ 2J− From the commutation relations in this appendix and in Secti on 3, we recover that the set {J,K,k }spans the (10-dimensional) noncompact Lie algebra so(3,2)∼sp(4,R) in the limiting case q= 1 [12]. 14References [1] V.G. 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arXiv:physics/9911048v1 [physics.bio-ph] 21 Nov 1999Coherence Resonance and Noise-Induced Synchronization in Globally Coupled Hodgkin-Huxley Neurons Yuqing Wang, David T. W. Chik, and Z. D. Wang Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, P.R. China The coherence resonance (CR) of globally coupled Hodgkin-H uxley neurons is studied. When the neurons are set in the subthreshold regime near the firing thr eshold, the additive noise induces limit cycles. The coherence of the system is optimized by the noise . A bell-shaped curve is found for the peak height of power spectra of the spike train, being sig nificantly different from a monotonic behavior for the single neuron. The coupling of the network c an enhance CR in two different ways. In particular, when the coupling is strong enough, the synch ronization of the system is induced and optimized by the noise. This synchronization leads to a high and wide plateau in the local measure of coherence curve. The local-noise-induced limit cycle ca n evolve to a refined spatiotemporal order through the dynamical optimization among the autonomous os cillation of an individual neuron, the coupling of the network, and the local noise. 87.22.Jb, 05.40.+j The phenomenon of stochastic resonance (SR) has been intensively studied for the last decade1. The re- sponse of a noisy nonlinear system to a deterministic sig- nal can be optimized by noise. Recently, it has been shown that, in the absence of a deterministic signal, the noisy nonlinear system exhibits SR-like behavior2–8. This phenomenon, which is referred to as coherence res- onance (CR) or autonomous SR, was first discussed in a simple autonomous system in the vicinity of the saddle- node bifurcation2,3. The nonuniform noise-induced limit cycle leads to a peak at a definite frequency in the power spectrum. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increases first to a maximum and then decreases when the intensity of noise increases, showing the optimization of the coher- ent limit cycle to the noise. The frequency was observed to shift to a higher value by increasing the noise inten- sity. The CR has also been found in excitable systems, e. g.,the Fitz Hugh-Nagumo model4, the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model5, the Plant model and the Hindermarsh- Rose model6. Moreover, an experimental evidence of CR was reported very recently8. Synchronization in nonlinear stochastic systems has also attracted growing interests in recent years9–15. SR and noise-induced global synchronization have been stud- ied. Regardless of whether the system is locally or glob- ally coupled, the coupling can enhance the signal trans- duction and the SNR of the local unit. The coupling strength can be considered to be another tuning param- eter of SR. Meanwhile, the noise-induced global synchro- nization, which coincides with the optimized local per- formance of the single element in the network, is ob- served. Moreover, in the study of the coupled stochas- tic limit cycle, Kurrer and Schulten16have studied an- alytically a model of globally coupled stochastic neu- rons and found noise-enhanced synchronization. On the other hand, Rappel and Karma17studied properties of the power spectra of globally coupled neurons and founda new effect of noise-induced delta-peak. Recently, the synchronization and the effect of CR in two coupled ex- citable oscillators are also investigated numerically and experimentally18. In this paper, the CR of the globally coupled HH neu- rons is studied numerically for the first time. We show that the coupling of the network can enhance CR in two different ways. When the coupling is weak, the CR phenomenon behaves similar to that of a single neuron, and no spatiotemporal order can be observed. When the coupling becomes strong enough, the local measure of coherence jumps up to a wide plateau first and then jumps down from the plateau as the intensity of noise increases, due to the spatiotemporal synchronization of the network. The coupling tends to stabilize the noise- induced limit cycle and synchronization. The peak fre- quency of noise-induced limit cycle is selected to be the spatiotemporal order through the optimization among the excitability of a single neuron, the coupling of the network, and the local noise. The phase of synchronized oscillation is also determined through the dynamical evo- lution of the system. Because the HH model serves as a paradigm for spiking neurons, we may relate our results to the existence of coherent spontaneous oscillations ob- served in the brain cortex19–21. A network of coupled HH neurons is described by the following equations: dVi dt=fi−Ii(t)−ηi−1 N−1N/summationdisplay j=1,j/negationslash=iJijSj, (1) dmi dt=m∞(V)−mi τm(V), (2) dni dt=n∞(V)−ni τn(V), (3) 1dhi dt=h∞(V)−hi τh(V), (4) where fi=fi(Vi, mi, ni, hi) is fi=−gNam3 ihi(Vi−VNa)−gKn4 i(Vi−VK)−gL(Vi−VL).(5) Each neuron is described by a set of four time-dependent variables ( Vi,mi,ni,hi) where Viis the membrane po- tential, miandhithe activation and inactivation vari- ables of sodium current, and nithe activation variable of potassium current. The meaning and detailed values of the parameters can be found in Ref.22. The simulation was done by using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method with the time step being taken as 0.01msec. Each neuron is subject to an independent noise ηi with the same intensity, which is determined from an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process τcdηi/dt=−ηi+√ 2Dξ, where ξis the Gaussian white noise23.Dandτc(= 0.1msec. ) are the intensity and the correlation time of the noise, respectively. Ii(t) is the input current, which will be time-independent and will bias the neuron near the saddle-node bifurcation. The last term in Eq. (1) is the coupling of the network. The effect of the firing activity of jth neuron on the ith neuron is modeled by an impulse current to the ith neuron, which is proportional to the efficacy of the synapse Jijand is generated when thejth neuron is active. Jij=Jfor all pairs of neurons withJthe coupling strength of the system. The neu- ron is active whenever its membrane potential exceeds a threshold V∗(= 0mVhere). This activity can be de- noted by Sj= Θ(Vj−V∗), where Θ( x) = 1 if x≥0 and Θ( x) = 0 if x <0. In the present simulation, only the excitatory coupling is considered ( J >0), that is, the last term is the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) received by the single neuron. The HH neuron is an excitable one. For a dc input current I0, the firing threshold is Ic= 6.2µA/cm2. The spike limit cycle occurs at Icdue to the saddle-node bi- furcation. To observe the CR, we set the input current I0= 6.0µA/cm2for each neuron24, that is, the system is set in the subthreshold regime near the threshold or saddle-node bifurcation. For one single HH neuron, the coherence resonance was discussed in detail in Ref.5. In the present simulation, we focus on a globally coupled network, and attempt to extract more significant infor- mation of CR. The CR exhibits two different behaviors when the cou- pling intensity changes. They can be seen in the power spectrum of the output spike trains. In the absence of noise, a single neuron stays at the quiescent state in which the membrane potential is below V∗. In this case, there would be no synaptic transmission between the neurons, and the whole network would stay at the quiescent state. If an independent local noise ( D≥0.3) is applied to each neuron, the system begins to fire spike trains. When the coupling is weak ( e.g.J=5.0), the power spectrum den- sities of the spike trains for different intensities of noiseare shown in Fig. 1(a). A broad peak can be seen, sim- ilar to the single neuron case (see Fig. 2 in Ref.5). This behavior of CR is similar but different to that of a single neuron. 161412108642020406080100104105(a)432 1 Power f (Hz) D 8642020406080100104105106(b) 423 1 Power f (Hz) D FIG. 1. (a) The power spectrum of the spike trains with a weak coupling strength J= 5.0 for the noise intensity D= 1.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 15 .0. (b) The power spectrum of the spike train with a strong coupling J= 10.0 forD= 0.5, 3.0, 5.0, and 7 .0. The size of the network N= 1000. When the coupling of the network is strong ( e.g.,J= 10.0), the power spectrum densities of the spike trains for different intensities of noise are shown in Fig. 1(b). As the noise is weak, a broad peak is also observed. How- ever, when the noise intensity increases, the peak be- comes higher and sharper. This type of power spectrum is quite different from that for usual CR discussed pre- viously. The sharp peak is induced by the network itself and locked at the frequency of spontaneous limit cycle. The detail of this kind of power spectrum has been ad- dressed in Ref.17. When the noise intensity increases fur- ther, the sharp peak tends to become broad, keeping the general trend of CR in the single neuron case. The difference of spatiotemporal orders of the network leads to such two different behaviors of CR. In previous 2studies of the conventional SR , each unit in the network receives a common external signal with the same fre- quency and phase. The external signal represents an ex- ternal ‘clock’ leading to the synchronization of the whole system. So the tuning of the synchronization to the local noise, which coincides with the local SNR behavior, can be observed when the external signal is sufficient strong9. However, in the case of CR, the situation is different. There is no such kind of global tuning in the network. The local oscillation of each unit is noise-induced limit cycle. The phase is random in time and is irrelevant to each other. Besides, a broad peak in Fig.1(a) means that the frequency has some uncertainty. As a result, the syn- chronization is not guaranteed in the case of CR. 4000 4050 4100 4150 420002004006008001000 EPSP (a) Neuron Number 4000 4050 4100 4150 420002004006008001000D=10, J=5(b) Time (msec)Time(msec) Time (msec) Neuron Number 4000 4050 4100 4150 420002004006008001000D=15, J=5D=1, J=5 (c) Neuron Number Time (msec)4000 4050 4100 4150 42000., J=5(d) Time (msec) 4000 4050 4100 4150 42000., J=5(e) EPSP 4000 4050 4100 4150 42000., J=5(f) EPSP Time (msec) FIG. 2. The raster of the network and corresponding excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) of a neuron with J=5.0 for different intensities of noise: D=1.0 ((a) & (d)), D=10.0 ((b) & (e)), and D=15.0 ((c) & (f)). The network size N=1000. When the coupling is weak, the raster records all the firing events in the network and the corresponding EPSP of a single neuron for different intensities of noise are shown in Fig. 2. From Figs. 2(a)-(c), we can see that there is no synchronization in the system. Especially, Fig. 2(b) appears to be the most coherent state (D=10.0,shown in Fig. 4(a) later). To see the influence of the net- work on the local unit, the EPSP of an arbitrarily chosen neuron is shown in Figs. (d)-(f). There is a tendency that the EPSP increases when the intensity of noise in- creases. The power spectrum of the EPSP has a broad peak, which coincides with the CR frequency, similar to that of the spike train (not shown here). Figure 3 illustrates how the synchronization can be observed when the coupling is strong. It is shown in the raster (Figs. 3(a)-(c)) that, when the noise is weak (D=0.5), there is no synchronization. Its corresponding power spectrum is given in line 1 in Fig. 1(b). When the noise intensity increases, as shown in Fig. 3(b), the syn- chronization can be observed. Note that this spatiotem- poral order is achieved by increasing the intensity of the independent local noise in the absence of external peri- odic forcing. As shown in Fig. 3(e), the EPSP received by a single neuron has an explicit periodicity, that is, the network produces a kind of periodic oscillation due to the synchronization, which is quite similar to a deterministic signal input to each neuron. The corresponding power spectrum density of the spike train is shown as line 2 in Fig. 1(b). The sharp peak comes from the periodic EPSP which reflects the effect of the synchronization on the local unit, in agreement with the work on the coupled integrate and fire neurons17. When the noise intensity increases further, the synchronization is destroyed; both the explicit periodicity of the EPSP and the high peak in the power spectrum of the spike train disappear. Physically, the spatiotemporal order is established through the dynamical evolution of the system. As shown in Eq. (1), the EPSP that each neuron receives is the av- erage of the events of the other N−1 neurons. Even if there is no synchronization in the system, the power spectrum of the resulted EPSP should have a dominate frequency of the limit cycle. This noise-induced EPSP is aperiodic. Its intensity and quality are dependent on the intensity of noise and the coupling strength. When the coupling strength is weak, the EPSP is very small in comparison with the intensity of the local noise. No correlation between the output spike train and the input EPSP can be established. When the coupling strength is strong enough, the situation will be different. Although the EPSP is still too small for a weak noise, the quality of EPSP is improved and the intensity is increased as the noise increases, due to the CR in the single element level. Since the input current contains a signal with the same frequency as the output, the output as well as the EPSP will be refined. This is a process of positive feed- back. Because the EPSP is the average output of other neurons, the local neuron tends to keep the pace of such an averaged signal through the dynamical optimization process. Finally, a spatiotemporal order can be reached and the frequency of oscillation, which is just the fre- quency of CR, is ‘selected’ by the dynamical process. If the noise intensity increases further, the synchronizatio n is destroyed. So the EPSP can be viewed as a kind of in- direct feedback. The EPSP is noise-induced and can be 3optimized by noise, while such local noise disturbs the feedback by adding irregularity at each time step. On the other hand, when the coupling is significant, the pos- itive feedback is established. As a result, the EPSP will evolve gradually to become an identical periodic forcing on every single element in the system. The synchroniza- tion can be observed and optimized by the noise. Due to the feature of CR in the globally coupled neurons, re- gardless of whether the system is in the synchronized or desynchronized state, the frequency locking at the CR frequency always exists. The synchronization shown in Fig. 3(b) is a kind of phase locking of all the elements in the network. 4000 4050 4100 4150 420002004006008001000D=0.5, J=10 EPSP (a) Neuron Number 4000 4050 4100 4150 420002004006008001000D=3, J=10 D=3, J=10(b) Time (msec.)Time(msec.) Time (msec.) Neuron Number 4000 4050 4100 4150 420002004006008001000 D=10, J=10(c) Neuron Number Time ( msec. )4000 4050 4100 4150 42000., J=10(d) Time (msec.) 4000 4050 4100 4150 42000. EPSP 4000 4050 4100 4150 42000. D=10, J=10(f) EPSP Time ( msec. ) FIG. 3. The raster of the network and corresponding excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) of a neuron with J=10.0 for different intensities of noise: D=0.5 ((a) & (d)), D=3.0 ((b) & (e)), and D=10.0 ((c) & (f)). The network size N=1000. Such noise-induced synchronization possesses two in- teresting features. First, the synchronization frequency is dependent on the local noise and the coupling. Secondly, the phase of spatiotemporal oscillation is determined by the dynamical evolution of the system itself. Because of this, the peak frequency of CR is locked at the frequency of the synchronized oscillation. However, the phase of the synchronized oscillation is ‘selected’ by the indirectfeedback process which is sensitive to the detail process in the noisy environment. For example, different initial conditions of the simulation lead to the same frequency but different phases of the synchronized oscillation. We can characterize CR quantitatively via a coherence factor β2, which is the measure of coherence and defined as: β=h(∆ω/ω p)−1, (6) where handωpare the height and the frequency of the peak, and ∆ ωis the width of the peak at the height h1=e−1 2h. Theβvsthe noise intensity Dfor different couplings of the network is shown in Fig. 4(a). When Dincreases, βincreases first and then decreases after reaching the maximum. The coupling may be viewed as a tuning pa- rameter of CR. For comparison, the CR of a single neuron case is also displayed in the figure (J=0). The enhance- ment of CR is significant when the coupling is stronger. When the coupling is weak, there is no spatiotemporal order in the system. The value of βis the same order of the magnitude as that of the single neuron case, and similar β−Dcurves are exhibited in the two cases. How- ever, when the coupling becomes strong enough, the β increases dramatically with D at first, showing the onset of synchronization, and then a wide plateau is followed, indicating that the self-evolved spatiotemporal order is stable against a large range intensity of local noise. The normalized βvsthe noise intensity for different coupling is also shown in the inset of Fig. 4(a) . The difference of the CR in the single neuron case and the coupled neurons can be seen in Fig. 4(b), in which the peak height of the power spectrum densities of the spike train is plotted against the noise intensity Dfor dif- ferent couplings of the network. In the single HH neuron case (J=0), the height of the peak increase monotonically as the noise increases (see also Figure 4(b) in Ref.5). In the coupled HH neurons, similar to Fig. 4(a), a bell- shaped curve is observed. Once the synchronization is established, the peak height increases dramatically. On the other hand, even when the coupling is weak and no synchronization is established, as shown in the inset of Fig. 4(b), the bell-shape curve can still be observed (J=1, and J=5 curve in Fig. 4(b)). This means that the height of CR peak is tuned by the noise in the absence of syn- chronization. As shown in Fig. 2(d)-(f), the EPSP can be regarded as a kind of aperiodic signal which has the same frequency as the output. The tuning to the noise of such an aperiodic signal is similar to SR, however, unlike the usual SR, the EPSP here is produced by the network itself through CR. The intensity and quality of the EPSP are different for different strengthens of noise due to the effect of CR. So, even though the power spectrum density of the spike train is similar to that of the single neuron case, the mechism is different. The effect of CR can be enhanced significantly by the coupling even when there is no synchronization. 41 10 100102103104105106107108109 (a) J=0 J=1 J=5 J=10 J=15β D 1 Height D 1 10 100104105106107108109 (b) J=0 J=1 J=5 J=10 J=15Height of the Peak D1 β D FIG. 4. (a) The measure of coherence βversus the in- tensity of noise for different coupling strengths. Inset: Th e normalized coherence factor βversus the intensity of noise. The same data in (a) is divided by its own maximum for each curve. (b) The height of the peak of the power spectrum versus the intensity of noise for different coupling strengt h. Inset: The normalized height of peak versus the intensity of noise. The same data in (b) is divided by its own maximum for each curve. The size of the network is N=100. The lowest lines in (a) and (b) are the same one for the single neuron case. Figure 5(a) illustrates how the βchanges with the size of the strongly coupled network (J=10.0). Clearly, the β−Dcurve changes little whenever the number of the neurons in the network is larger than 50, with the onset- point and the end-point of synchronization being almost unchanged. Although the network is globally coupled, the degree of synchronization is roughly irrelevant to the size of the network if it is sufficiently large. Figure 5(b) shows the peak frequency of CR as a function of the intensity of noise for different coupling strengths. We can see that, regardless of the coupling strength, the frequency will increase when the noise in- creases, with the same tendency as that for a single neu- ron case. On the other hand, the frequency increases as the coupling strength increases, tuning CR in another way. Moreover, There is no dramatic change of the fre-quency when the spatiotemporal order is established. In fact, we can not see the difference of synchronized and non-synchronized states of the system from this kind of plot. Both are CR states. 1 1054565860626466687072 J=1 J=5 J=10 J=15 (b)Frequency ( Hz ) D 1 10102103104105106107 N=1 N=50 N=100 N=200 (a)β D FIG. 5. (a) The measure of coherence βversus the inten- sity of noise for different sizes of the network when J=10.0. (b) The frequency of CR versus the noise intensity for differ- ent coupling strengths. The size of network N=100. Finally, we address the relevance of the CR of the glob- ally coupled HH neurons to the activities of realistic neu- ral systems. In recent years, synchronized spontaneous oscillations have been observed in the brain cortex and are proposed to possess a binding function, where the spatially-distributed neurons resonate to generate large function states that bring about cognition19–21. From the simulations, we may elucidate how these synchronized spontaneous oscillations are established. It would be the CR state. The frequency of oscillation is determined by the excitability of a single neuron, the coupling of the network, and the noise. On the other hand, the synchro- nization may be noise-induced, giving a possibility that the noise would play an active role in neural activities. The synchronized state would be stable in a large range intensity of the local noise. This feature would enable the neural system to fulfill cognition function in noisy 5environment. In summary, we have studied the CR of globally cou- pled network of HH neurons. It is found that, when the coupling is strong, the synchronization is induced and optimized by the noise. The frequency of CR of the lo- cal element is locked at the spatiotemporal oscillation frequency, and the phase of spatiotemporal oscillation is determined by the dynamical evolution. A wide plateau in the β−Dcurve was observed for the strongly coupled network with large sizes, indicating a stable spatiotem- poral order in a large range intensity of local noise. The effect of CR can be enhanced greatly by the coupling re- gardless of the spatiotemporal order of the system. Our results may be relevant to the synchronized spontaneous oscillations observed in some realistic neural systems. 1K. Wiesenfeld and F. Moss, Nature (London) 37333 (1995); A. R. Bulsara and L. Gammaitoni, Phys. Today 49,39 (1996); L. Gammaitoni, P. H¨ anggi, P. Jung, and F. Marchesoni, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 223 (1998); 2G. Hu, T. Ditzinger, C. N. Ning, and H. Haken, Phys. Rev. Lett.71, 807 (1993). 3W. J. 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arXiv:physics/9911049v1 [physics.atm-clus] 21 Nov 1999Symmetry in Order-Disorder Changes of Molecular Clusters Ana Proykova†, Dessislava Nikolova†, and R.Stephen Berry∗ †University of Sofia, Faculty of Physics, 5 James Bourchier Bl vd., Sofia-1126, Bulgaria ∗The University of Chicago, Department of Chemistry Chicago , IL 60637, USA The dynamic orientational order-disorder transition of cl usters consisting of octahedral AF6 molecules is formulated in terms of symmetry-adapted rotat or functions. The transition from a higher-temperature body-centered-cubic phase whose mole cules are orientationally disordered at their sites to lower-temperature, monoclinic, orientatio nally-ordered phase is a two-step process: first, at temperatures well below the limit of stability for t he liquid, a transition occurs to a partially ordered monoclinic phase driven by the rotational-vibrati onal coupling. This transition has two local minima in the free energy, and hence behaves like a finite-sys tem counterpart of a first-order transi- tion. Further lowering of the temperature initiates anothe r transition, to an orientationally-ordered base-centered monoclinic structure. This last transition is dominated by rotational-rotational inter- action and is found from simulations to be continuous. The te mperature of this transition predicted by the analytic theory presented here for a 59-molecule clus ter of TeF6, 27K, is in good agreement with the 30K result of canonical Monte Carlo calculations. PACS:36.40Ei, 64.70Kb, 02.70Lq, 61.50-f 1Below the freezing point, the plastic phases of molecular su bstances are known to form highly symmetrical lattices with orientationally disordered molecules [1]. As the temp erature of the disordered substance is still lowered, a phas e transition to a more orientationally-ordered phase takes p lace. The new phase might have a crystal structure of lower symmetry, characterized by long-range orientational orde r. This is called displacive-ordering transition. Similar struc- tural transformations have been also detected in small, fre e clusters consisting of rigid octahedral molecules SF6[2] andTeF6[3,4] and have been studied by numerical simulations [5–9] a nd experimentally [10,11]. The change between phases may be continuous or discontinuous depending on the i nteraction potential. However, simulations of clusters always produce smooth behavior in the sense that clusters in different phases coexist over a range of temperatures and pressures, regardless of the order of the transition in t he thermodynamic, large-N limit. In many cases, the crystal forms observed depend strongly on the conditions of production, thus leading to different interpretations of what should be the final structures of the clusters at low temp eratures. Structures such as triclinic, monoclinic and hexagonal were reported for the same material [6]. In our pre vious simulations, we have shown that the finite size of clusters causes rotational [7] and strong surface effects [12], appearance of vibrational-rotational coupling, non e of which are expected in bulk systems of the same symmetry. Vibrational-rotational coupling was considered qualitat ively to explain the two-step process of ordering in some clusters of octahedral molecules, Ohsymmetry, as the temperature decreases [4,8]. Below the mel ting temperature, those clusters assume a body-centered cubic structure bcc,Ohsymmetry, and orientational disorder of the molecules [2,5,3]. Simulations show [13] that this transition involv es passage between two forms at different local minima in the free energy, and hence is the apparent counterpart of a fir st-order transition. Whether these two minima remain apart or converge as N→ ∞ is an unsettled question [2,3]. A temperature decrease driv es a phase transition from the orientationally disordered bccstructure to an orientationally ordered monoclinic phase, C2h. Since no normal mode of Ohcarries the group directly to C2hthis transition could occur in two steps: first, the bcctransforms into a partially ordered monoclinic phase driven by rotational-translatio nal coupling. Second, after a further temperature decrease , another transition to an orientationally ordered phase wit hout change of the symmetry of the lattice sites takes place. In the present paper we analyze analytically the dynamic ori entational order in clusters of rigid octahedral molecules of typeAF6to determine the contribution of various interactions to th e total potential and the nature of the temperature-driven solid-solid transformation of plasti c clusters. The symmetry of the molecules, Oh, and the molecular sites in the cluster, OhorC2h, are taken into account explicitly in our analysis, based on the theory of orientationally-disordered crystals [14,15]. The site position of each molecule is determined by the Cartesian coo r- dinates of its mass center at A. Throughout the paper we refer to ( i) a space (laboratory) axis system XYZ, fixed at the cluster’s center of mass; ( ii) a nonrotating system X′Y′Z′parallel toXYZ but with its origin translating with the molecular center of mass; ( iii) a rotating, body-fixed system xyz. For rigid molecules, these axes coincide with the principle axes of inertia. The translation of a molecule is separable as the motion of th e molecular center of mass in the XYZ coordinates. Thexyzorientation in the XYZ system is given with Ω ≡(θ,φ,ψ ), whereθandφare the ordinary polar coordinates of thezaxis in theXYZ system and ψis an angle in the xy-plane measuring the rotation clockwise about the zaxis. The molecular orientation in orientationally-disordered high-Tcrystals has been presented in terms of symmetry- adapted rotator functions used by James and Keenan [16] to de scribe the orientational phase of methane with tetra- hedral symmetry. Let us consider an octahedral molecule nin its initial orientation Ω nwhere the molecular axes coincide with the laboratory system axes. The orientational density distrib ution is expanded in terms of spherical harmonics Ym l(Ω). The molecular symmetry requires that l= 0,4,6,....and only certain linear combinations of Ym loccur. For each allowedl, we determine the molecular symmetry-adapted functions Sλ l(Ωn) =l/summationdisplay m=−lYm l(Ωn)αmλ l (0.1) where the superscript λrefers to the identity representation of the cubic group Ohandαm lare tabulated in Ref. [15]. A molecular form factor is defined for the allowed l=0,4,6,...as gλ l=Na/summationdisplay ν=0Sλ l[Ων(n)] (0.2) if the molecular axes coincide with the space axes; Nais the number of the atoms in a molecule; Ω ν(n) denotes the orientation of atom νin the space-fixed system. 2Unlike bulk crystals, the cubic structure of a free cluster i s broken at the cluster surface. In what follows, we consider the symmetry of the volume molecules, defined as mol ecules having all the neighbors required by a specific point group. We neglect the symmetry-breaking associated w ith the surface molecules, which belong to a different group, if any. The separate description of the surface and th e volume limits the analysis. In the closing remarks, we discuss a possible correction to this assumption. The orientational changes at a cubic site are also expressed in terms of site-symmetry-adapted functions [15]: Sτ l(Ω) =l/summationdisplay m=−lYm l(Ω)αmτ l, (0.3) where the superscript τ= (G, Γ,p,ρ) indicates the irreducible representations Γ of the group G,pdistinguishes between the representations that occur more than once, and ρdenotes the rows of a given representation. The symmetry-adapted functions represent a complete basis in t he Ω(θ,φ,ψ )-space. The l= 4 manifold of this system reduces to the representation A1g,Eg,T1g,T2gunderG≡Ohand to the representations 5 Agand 4BgunderG≡C2h. For the normalized function Sτ 4we find: αmτ 4= [0.763,m= 0; 0.457,m=±4] forOh,A1g,1,1 αmτ 4= [0.645,m= 0;−0.541,m=±4] forOh,Eg,1,1 αmτ 4= [−0.707,m=±2] forOh,Eg,2,1 αmτ 4= [−i0.663,m=±1;−i0.25,m=±3] forOh,T1g,1,1 αmτ 4= [±i0.663,m=±1;−i0.25,m=±3] forOh,T1g,2,1 αmτ 4= [±i0.707,m=±4] forOh,T1g,3,1 αmτ 4= [±i0.663,m=±3;±i0.25,m=±1] forOh,T2g,1,1 αmτ 4= [±0.663,m=±3;±0.25,m=±1] forOh,T2g,2,1 αmτ 4= [±i0.707,m=±2] forOh,T2g,3,1. The largest contribution to the crystal field is that of the A1gcomponent of the l= 4 manifold. At low temperatures, clusters of AF6molecules adopt a monoclinic structure C2h. All coefficients ατare equal to 1 for the five-fold representation Ag(m= 0,±2,±4) and for the four-fold representation Bg(m=±1,±3). An arbitrary molecular orientation Ω n′with respect to the initial one Ω nis obtained by a rotation specified with the Euler angles ( ω=α,β,γ ). Rotation Ωbof a molecule does not affect the spherical harmonics Yk l(Ωb) defined in the body system. In the space system these are changed to ˆR(ω)Yk l(Ωb) =/summationtextl m=−lYm l(Ωs)Dmk l(ω), where Ωsdetermines the space orientation of the molecule. For a molecule in arbi trary orientation Ω n′, the symmetry-adapted function changes to ˆR(ω)Sλ l(Ωb) =l/summationdisplay k=−ll/summationdisplay m=−lYm l(Ωs)Dmk l(ω)αkλ l (0.4) withDmk l(ω) the Wigner matrices. We determine the spherical harmonics Ym l(Ωs) from the equation inverse to (0.1) and put it in (0.4). The result is ˆR(ω)Sλ l(Ωb) =/summationdisplay τ,m,kSτ l(Ωs)(αmτ l)Dmk l(ω)αkλ l (0.5) The equation (0.5) relates the symmetry-adapted functions Sλ l(Ωb) for the body (molecular) system and the symmetry-adapted functions Sl(Ωs) for the space (cluster) system. Rewriting the eq. (0.5) as ˆR(ω)Sλ l(Ωb) =/summationtext τSτ l(Ωs)∆τλ l(ω), where ∆τλ l(ω) =/summationtextl k=−l/summationtextl m=−l(αmτ l)Dmk l(ω)αkλ lare the rotator functions ∆τλ l(ω) defined by the symmetry properties of the molecule αkλ land of the site αmτ l. Rotator functions with l= 3 were introduced for solidCD4in [16]. The rotator function’s average value ¯∆τλ l(ω) is zero in the disordered phase and non-zero in the orientationally ordered phase. This property makes it suit able to be chosen as an order parameter . So far we have considered a single molecule at a specific site. The orientational configuration of Nmolecules in the cluster is given by ∆τλ l(ω(n)) = ∆τλ l(n) wheren= 1,2,...,N , labels each molecule’s center at its lattice position rn. The interaction between two molecules nandn′can be written as a sum of atom-atom potentials [7]: V(n,n′) =Na/summationdisplay ν,ν′V(n,ν;n′,ν′) (0.6) 3where (n,ν) labels the νthatom in the molecule at site rn. The total potential VofNmolecules is: V=N/summationdisplay n<n′Na/summationdisplay ν,ν′V(n,ν;n′,ν′) (0.7) The potential V(n,ν;n′ν′) depends on the distance rνν′between the atoms νandν′. The position of the νthatom in thenthmolecule with respect to the space system is given by R(n,dν) =rn+dνΩν(n) +u(n) withu(n) being the displacement of the nthmolecule from its site position rn. Ων(n) indicates the orientation of the vector rnνin the space system and dνis its length. We expand Vfrom Eq.(0.6) in terms of the displacements u(n): V(n,n′) =∞/summationdisplay p=0/summationdisplay ν,ν′1 (p!)V(p) i1...ip(rνν′)[ui1(n)−ui1(n′)].../bracketleftbig uip(n)−uip(n′)/bracketrightbig (0.8) with the notation V(p) i1...ip(rνν′) =∂pV(rνν′) ∂(rνν′)i1...∂(rνν′)ip|u=0 (0.9) The coefficients Vpcontain the orientational dependence of the molecules at th e sitesnandn′. We expand them in terms of symmetry-adapted functions Sτ l(0.3). In the following we write Sµ(ν) forSτ l(Ων), whereµ≡µ(τ,l): Vp i1...ip(rνν′) =/summationdisplay µµ′c(p) i1...ipµµ′(n,n′)Sµ(ν)Sµ′(ν′). (0.10) The coefficients c(p) i1...ipµµ′(n,n′) are determined from c(p) i1...ipµµ′(n,n′) =/integraldisplay dΩν/integraldisplay dΩν′V(p) i1...ip(n,n′)Sµ(ν)Sµ′(ν′). (0.11) We putV(p)from Eq.(0.10) in Eq.(0.8) and use the molecular form factor Eq.(0.2) if the molecular axes coincide with the space axes or/summationtext νSµ(ν) =gλ l∆µ(ω) if the molecule is rotated at an angle ω. Thus the pair potential becomes: V(n,n′) =/summationdisplay p/summationdisplay µµ′1 p!cp i1...ipµµ′(n,n′)gλ lgλ l′∆µ(n)∆µ′(n′)[ui1(n)−ui1(n′)].../bracketleftbig uip(n)−uip(n′)/bracketrightbig (0.12) Molecular and site symmetry considerations restrict the nu mber of terms in the sums, thus reducing the computa- tional effort to obtain the contribution of the different inte ractions in the total pair potential Eq. (0.12). The value of p= 0 corresponds to a rigid lattice (no displacements of the mo lecular center of mass). For this case we get only rotational-rotational interaction between two molecules with µ/negationslash= (0,0) andµ′/negationslash= (0,0): V0(n,n′) =/summationdisplay µµ′c0 µµ′(n,n′)gλ lgλ l′∆µ(n)∆µ′(n′) (0.13) The total rotational interaction is the sum over all molecul es/summationtextN n,n′V0(n,n′). The matrix of rotational-rotational interaction is defined by ˆJµµ′(n,n′) =c(0) µµ′(n,n′)gλ lgλ l′ (0.14) where c(0) µµ′(n,n′) =/integraldisplay dΩν/integraldisplay dΩν′V(0) i1...ip(n,n′)Sµ(ν)Sµ′(ν′). (0.15) The structure of the interaction matrices c(0) µµ′(n,n′) depends on the symmetry of Sµand on the relative position (n,n′) of two interacting molecules on a lattice with a symmetry sp ecified byτ. 4The cluster transforms from a disordered cubic to an ordered monoclinic structure at Tcthat is the temperature at which the free energies of the two forms are equal. In order to calculate Tcwe also need the total field acting on the molecule at site r(n). The zerothapproximation is to consider spherical-symmetrical molec ulesµ′= (0,0) acting on a molecule n µ/negationslash= (0,0) on a rigid lattice p= 0:V(0)(n,n′)|l′=0=/summationtext µc(0) µ(n,n′)gλ lgλ∆µ(n). Setting µ′= (0,0) yieldsSµ′=SA1g 0= (4π)−1/2andg0=Na(4π)−1/2. The coefficients c(0) µ(n,n′) become: c(0) µ(n,n′) = 1√(4π)/integraltext dΩν/integraltext dΩν′V(0)(n,n′)Sµ(ν). Let us denote the interaction matrices c(0) µ(n,n′) weighted with the molecular factors gλ landgλ 0withυR a, wherea is an index for ( l,A1g,p,ρ):υR a=/summationtext n′c(0) a(n,n′)gλ lgλ 0.. The crystal field acting on the molecule nis: VR(n) =/summationdisplay aυR a∆a(ω,n) (0.16) The rotator functions ∆A1g l(ω) in Eq.(0.16) are cubic functions. The pair vibrational-rotational interaction is obtained f rom (0.12) for p= 1,µ/negationslash= (0,0), andµ′= (0,0): VTR(n,n′) =V(1)(n,n′) =/summationdisplay iµc(1) iµ(n,n′)gλ lgλ 0∆µ(n)[ui(n)−ui(n′)]. (0.17) The sum over all molecules results in the total bilinear inte ractionVTR=/summationtext n,n′VTR(n,n′). The translational-orientational interaction is caused by the change of the orientational potential due to the dis- placement of the nearest neighbors. The pair vibrational-vibrational interaction is obtained from Eq.(0.12) for p= 2,µ′= (0,0),µ= (0,0): VTT(n,n′) =V(2)(n,n′) =/summationdisplay i1,i21 2c(2) i1i2(n,n′)gλ 0gλ 0[ui1(n)−ui1(n′)] [ui2(n)−ui2(n′)] (0.18) This gives for the total vibrational-vibrational interact ionVTT=/summationtext n,n′VTT(n,n′). Now the total potential is: V=VR+VTT+VTR+VRR(0.19) The equation (0.19) may be expanded with higher order terms w hich may become important in some structural phase transitions [17]. Having determined the interactions and the total field, we ca n calculate the free energy Fof each phase as a function of the rotator functions considered as order parameters [18 ]: F= 0.5/summationtext q/bracketleftBig ˆ1χ−1 0+FT[ˆJ]/bracketrightBig δµ(q)δµ′(−q), where FT(ˆJ) andδµ(q) are the Fourier images of the rotator matrix ˆJ and ∆ µ(ω), respectively; ˆ1 is the 3x3 unit matrix; χ0≡xT−1is the single molecule orientational susceptibility [19]: x=Z−1gl/integraltext dωexp (−VR(ω)/T)(∆ µ(ω))2withZ=/integraltext dωexp (−VR/T) the partition function. The expectation value ofxdoes not depend on the components of the rotator function ∆. T wo phases of clusters coexist in equal amounts or with equal frequency when their free energies are equal. I n the limit of N→ ∞, a phase transition occurs at Tc, which is the point where an eigenvalue of [ ˆ1T+x(T)FT[ˆJ] vanishes, if the transition is continuous. The temperatur e dependence of xis very weak which means that the Curie-Weiss law χ0=x(T)/(T−Tc) is valid for negative diagonal elements of ˆJ. The transition point Tcoccurs at the largest value of the matrix for the representat ions allowed by the symmetry of the system, i.e. Tc=max[−xˆJ]. As an example, we have applied this group-theoretical appro ach to the case of a cluster containing 59 TeF6molecules and have compared the results to those published in [7–9]. In order to account for the broken symmetry at the cluster surfaces, we use sum over the nearest neighbors. Since the mo lecules of type AF6have no low-order electrostatic moments, the Coulomb contribution to the Lennard-Jones pot ential can be neglected, see fig.2 in [4]. We compare the rotational-rotational contributions, Eq.( 0.13), with their vibrational-rotational counterparts, ( 0.17), for theTeF6molecule with the nearest neighbors located at sites with cu bic or monoclinic symmetry. For the purpose, we determine the vibrational spectrum, the crystal field (0. 16), and the rotational matrix (0.14).The CERN Library [20] is used to compute he elements of (0.14). The contributi on froml=l′= 4 is the largest. The ˆJmatrices in a cubic symmetry environment is: ˆJT2g= 0.011 −0.0007 0 −.0007 −0.02 0 0 0 1 .63  5ˆJT1g= −0.004−0.001 0 −.001−0.011 0 0 0 −3.81  ˆJEg=/parenleftbigg 0.17−0.02 −0.02 2.41/parenrightbigg . These matrices are diagonal in C2hbecause it has only one-dimensional representations. The d iagonal elements of ˆJin the case of C2hare: ˆJ(X11) = [0.043,0.043,−0.027,−0.027,0.014,0.014,−0.011,−0.011] ˆJ(X12) = [−0.41,−0.41,0.018,0.018,−0.003,−0.003,−0.002,−0.002] ˆJ(X13) = [−0.22,−0.22,−0.08,−0.08,−0.0005,−0.0005,−0.0004,−0.0004] The largest value of ˆJis obtained for the representation A1g, so we choose as an order parameter the rotator functions for this representation and expand the free energ yFin terms of the corresponding rotator functions. A1g is the only common representation for OhandC2h. To find correlation of OhandC2hwe carry out the correlation in two steps: first, pass from OhtoD4hand then imply the table for D4hto go on to C2h[15]. The coefficients υRnecessary to compute the crystal field (0.16) are calculated from Eq.(0.15). We get for the cubic symmetryυR Oh=−7.98 in the approximation of the nearest eight neighbors. For t he monoclinic structure, C2h, this coefficient is υR Oh=−0.61. From Eq.(0.2) we obtain for the octahedral molecule of TeF6:g0=1.98 andg4=1.29. In the approximation of the nearest neighbors interaction w e have determined the energy per molecule: in Oh, the rotational-rotational energy is 4 meV and the vibrational-rotational is 1 meV; inC2h, these values are 1.2 meV and 0.02meV, respectively. The conclusion is that the vibrational-rot ational interaction can be neglected in the ordering of molecules on monoclinic sites, so that the lower-tempera ture transition is entirely driven by rotational ordering and that transition is continuous even in small systems. How ever on cubic sites, motion of the molecular centers of mass must be taken into account, and the transition acts at le ast in small systems like it is first-order. The highly degenerate state of an octahedral molecule in the octahedra l environment is resolved by a distortion of the cluster if the model requires a rigid molecule. In this case we must deal with the Jahn-Teller effect that distorts the cluster. This implies that a transition to a lower-symmetry structur e is initiated. The larger value of the rotational-rotation al interaction, however, leads to a partial ordering of the mol ecules which we clearly see [8] in the thermodynamically less favored state of clusters of small size. The transition from a cubic to monoclinic structure is resolved with the appearance of the representation of EginDhwhich is equivalent to condensation of an active mode. Taking into account the rotational-rotational interactio n in the total field (0.19) for the orientational ordering in C2h we obtainTc=max[−xˆJ] = 27K. This is in a good agreement with the result ( ∼30K) computed in the molecular dynamics simulations [7]. Thus we show that the choice of cub ic rotator functions (0.16) as an order parameter is suitable for describing the mechanism of phase changes. A final comment is that the theory of discrete point groups use d in the present work sets limits on handling at once the surface and volume symmetries. However, the approa ch of continuous symmetry measures as developed by Zabrodsky, Pinsky and Avnir [21,22] might make it possible t o bring together the surface and the volume symmetry properties. 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arXiv:physics/9911050v1 [physics.ins-det] 23 Nov 1999A fast programmable trigger for isolated cluster counting in the BELLE experiment H.J.Kim,1S.K.Kim, S.H.Lee, T.W.Hur,2C.H.Kim, F.Wang,3 I.C.Park,4 Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 15 1-742, Korea Hee-Jong Kim, Department of Physics, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, K orea B.G.Cheon, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan E. Won.5,6 Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Seoul National Univ ersity, Seoul 151-742, Korea Abstract We have developed a fast programmable trigger processor boa rd based on a field programmable gate array and a complex programmable logic de vice for use in the BELLE experiment. The trigger board accommodates 144 ECL in put signals, 2 NIM input signals, 24 ECL output signals, and the VME bus spec ification. An asynchronous trigger logic for counting isolated clusters is used. We have obtained trigger latency of 50 ns with a full access to input and output signals via a VME in- terface. The trigger logic can be modified at any time dependi ng on the experimental conditions. Key words: Trigger; FPGA; CPLD; VME PACS: 07.05.Hd, 07.50.Qx, 07.50.Ek Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint 17 December 20131 Introduction Fast, complex, general-purpose trigger systems are requir ed for modern parti- cle physics experiments. Although custom-made CMOS gate ar rays are used for extremely fast applications such as first-level trigger s (∼25 ns) for LHC experiments[1], field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are an attractive op- tion for environments that require a less demanding speed ( <100 ns) but a more flexible trigger logic implementation. The logic of FPG A-based trigger systems can be readily changed as the nature of signal and bac kground con- ditions vary. Such trigger systems are flexible and can be ada pted to many different applications. Commercial products that have thes e functionalities ex- ist (for example, the Lecroy 2366 Universal Logic Module, Le croy Co.) and can be used for implementing rather simple trigger logic. In the case of the calorimeter trigger for the BELLE experiment, the number of channels, data transfer rates, and the complexity of the trigger logic prec lude the use of commericially available devices. We developed a 9U VME[2] m odule that ac- commodates more than a hundred ECL signals for the triggerin g purpose. The resulting board is a general purpose asynchronous progr ammable trigger board that satisfies VME specifications. 2 Trigger requirements for the BELLE Experiment The BELLE experiment[3] at KEK in Japan, is designed to exloi t the physics potential of KEKB, a high luminosity, asymmetric e+e−collider operating at a cm energy (10.55 GeV) corresponding to the Υ(4 S) resonance. In partic- ular, BELLE is designed to test the Kobayashi-Maskawa mecha nism for CP violation in B meson sector. The KEKB design luminosity is 1 ×1034cm−2s−1 with a bunch crossing rate of 2 ns. The BELLE detector consist s of seven sub- systems; a silicon vertex detector (SVD), a central drift ch amber (CDC), an aerogel Cherenkov counter (ACC), an array of trigger and tim e of flight scintil- lation counters (TOF/TSC), an electro-magnetic calorimet er (ECL), KLand 1Also affiliated with Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lou isiana State Uni- versity, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA 2Permanent Address : SsangYong Information & Communication s Corp., 24-1 Jeo- dong 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-748, Korea 3Permanent Address : Institute of High Energy Physics Academ ia Sinica, China 4Permanent Address : LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. 1, Hyangjeong-dong , Hungduk-gu, Cheongju-si 361-480, Korea 5Corresponding author; E-mail: eiwon@bmail.kek.jp; Tel: + 81 298 64 5351; FAX: +81 298 64 2580 6Also affiliated with KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan 2muon detectors (KLM) and extreme forward calorimeters (EFC ). A 1.5 Tesla axial magnetic field is produced by a superconducting soleno id located outside of the ECL. The KLM is outside of the solenoid and provides a re turn yoke for the detector’s magnetic field. The BELLE trigger system requ ires logic with a level of sophistication that can distinguish and select de sired events from a large number of background processes that may change depen ding on the conditions of the KEKB storage ring system. Figure 1 shows a s chematic view of the BELLE trigger system. As shown in Fig. 1, the trigger in formation from individual detector components is formed in parallel and co mbined in one fi- nal stage. This scheme facilitates the formation of redunda nt triggers that rely either only on information from the calorimeter or from the t racking systems. The final event trigger time is determined by requiring a coin cidence between the beam-crossing RF signal and the output of the final trigge r decision logic. The timing and width of the subsystem trigger signals are adj usted so that their outputs always cover the beam-crossing at a well define d fixed delay of 2.2µs from the actual event crossing. The ECL is a highly segmented array of ∼9000 CsI(Tl) crystals with silicon photodiode readout installed inside the coil of the solenoi d magnet. Pream- plifier outputs from each crystal are added in summing module s located just outside of the BELLE detector and then split into two streams with two dif- ferent shaping times (1 µs and 200 ns): the slower one for the total energy measurement and the faster one for the trigger. For the trigg er, signals from a group of crystals are summed to form a trigger cell (TC), dis criminated, digitized (as differential ECL logic signals), and fed into fi ve Cluster Counting Modules (CCMs) that count the number of isolated clusters in the calorime- ter. In total, the ECL has 512 trigger cells: 432 in the barrel region and 80 in the endcaps. The trigger latency of the CCM trigger board is ∼150 ns. Each module accepts 132 inputs and outputs 16 logic signals. (The actual board can accommodate a maximum of 144 inputs and provide as many as 24 o utput signals; for BELLE we have chosen to use 132 input and 16 outpu t lines per board). Given the complexity discussed above and the required flexib ility, we chose to use a complex FPGA to apply the isolated clustering algorith m and a CPLD device in order to match the VME bus specifications. For the FP GA, we use an XC5215-PG299 chip that has 484 configurable logical block s (CLBs), and for the CPLD, an XC95216-5PQ160, which provides 4,800 usabl e gates. Once the CPLD is loaded, it permanently holds all of the VME bus spe cification logic. In contrast, the trigger logic contained in the FPGA i s lost during a power down, and must be reconfigured during start-up, either from an on- board PROM or from a computer (VME master module) through VME bus. This takes a few milliseconds. In the following we describe i n some detail the trigger logic design of the CCM board and how we achieve our pe rformance requirements. 33 Logic Design We used XACTTMsoftware provided by Xilinx[4] to design, debug and simu- late our logic. The trigger processor board accepts the diffe rential ECL logic signals from the calorimeter trigger cells. There are many p ossible strategies for finding and counting the number of isolated clusters (ICN ) among the calorimeter trigger cells. But, since the trigger decision has to be made within a limited time period, a simple algorithm is desirable. We de vised simple logic that counts only one cluster from a group of connected cluste rs. For the case of a number of connected clusters, we count only the upper most cluster in the right most column among them. This is demonstrated for a 3 ×3 trigger cell array in Fig. 2. Here, the trigger cell under the counting ope ration is num- bered as “0”. If the cell “0” satisfies the logic diagram shown in Fig. 2, it is considered to be a single isolated cluster. We have applied t his simple logic to the output of GEANT-based[5] full Monte Carlo simulation of various B decay modes as well as Bhabha scattering events and compared the perfect cluster number and the cluster number returned by the above l ogic. The re- sults are summarized in Table 6. In all the cases, the discrep ancies between the perfect cluster counting and the isolated cluster count ing logic are below the 1 % level; despite its simplicity, the counting logic wor ks exceptionally well. This simple clustering logic is applied to over 132 inp ut signals and the number of isolated clusters are then tallied. In addition to the cluster counting logic, we also delay the 132 input and 16 output signals and re gister them in a set of FIFO RAMs (the pattern register) located on the board . The signals are delayed (in order for them to be correctly phased) by appr oximately 800 ns by means of an 8 MHz delay pulse and stored in FIFO RAMs at the trigger decision. The delay time can be easily changed by modifying t he logic. The pattern register allows a continuous monitoring of the oper ation of the CCM module. The recorded cluster and ICN bits are read out throug h the VME bus independently of the ICN counting system. The FPGA counts th e number of clusters asynchronously and the simulated timing diagram i n Fig. 3 indicates that the time needed for the ICN counting is 47 ns. In order to satisfy the complete VME bus specification, a set o f logical blocks (Address Decoder, Interrupter, Control Logic, Configurati on Control Logic, CSR, and FIFO RAM Control) are developed and downloaded into the CPLD. The logical blocks are designed as a VME A24/D32 slave interf ace. Compara- tors are used to decode addresses being probed by the master m odule. Status bits are implemented in order to check the status of the config uration comple- tion of FPGA chip and triggering process itself. Control bit s are implemented to stop the output of the triggering signal, to start the outp ut of the triggering signal, to enable the reconfiguration of the FPGA chip via a PR OM or the VME bus, and to control the FIFO RAM that serves as the pattern register. All the functionalities were tested extensively during the development phase 4and completely debugged before they were implemented in the experiment. 4 Hardware Implementation The CCM module houses the main FPGA chip for the ICN counting, the CPLD chip for implementing the VME bus specifications, ECL-T TL and NIM-TTL converters, the PROM holding the FPGA configuration , and the FIFO RAM pattern register. A schematic diagram and an assemb led board are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. The printed circuit board is a VME 9U size four-layer board. All connectors, switches, compon ents, and download- ing circuitry are mounted on one side of the board. The logic s ignals to and from the FPGA are TTL CMOS, and are interfaced with the differe ntial ECL logic signals to the rest of the trigger and data acquisition system. Standard 10124 (10125) chips with 390 Ω pull down resisters (56 ×2 Ω termination resisters) are used to convert TTL to ECL (ECL to TTL). The inp ut polarity is such that a positive ECL edge produces a negative TTL edge a t the FPGA input. Also on-board are several discrete-component, NIM- TTL converters that interface with two external NIM control signals: the ma ster trigger signal (MTG) and the external clock. Three 7202 CMOS asynchronous F IFO chips ( 3×1024 Bytes ) provide the pattern register. The actual regist ration for one event includes 132 inputs, 16 outputs, 8 reserved bits, 1 0 memory address bits, and 2 unsed bits; a total of 146 bits are registered in th e three FIFO chips. Programs for the FPGA chip can be downloaded from an on-board PROM (Master Serial Mode) or via the VME bus (Peripheral Asynchro nous Mode). We use an XC17256D Serial Configuration PROM and the clusteri ng logic is downloaded by a PROM writer that is controlled by a persona l computer. The choice of the VME master module is the FORCE[6] SUN5V, a 6U VME bus CPU board that has a 110 MHz microSPARC-II processor runn ing Solaris 2.5.1. Accessing the CCM from the VME master module is simply done by mapping the device (in our case, the CCM) into the memory of th e master module. From there, the clustering logic can also be loaded i nto the FPGA chip. All of the control software was developed in this maste r module with GNU[7] gcc and g++ compilers. An object-oriented graphical user interface based on the ROOT[8] framework was also developed. Resettin g the module, downloading the logic to FPGA from the PROM or the VME bus, and the FIFO reading are all implemented in the graphical user inter face. Programs for the CPLD chip are downloaded through an on-board connect or from the parallel port of a personal computer and it enables the downl oading of the CPLD program whenever necessary. The base address of the board is set by a 8-pin dip switch on boa rd. A hardware 5reset switch that resets the FPGA, the CPLD, and the FIFO RAMs is provided on the front panel. There are four LEDs indicating power on/o ff, MTG in, and two configuration of FPGA completion (LDC and SX1). Two fuses (250V 2A) and four capacitors (100 µF) are on ±5 V lines for the protection purpose. The trigger board has been fully tested and the results have b een compared with software simulations. Test results are shown in Fig. 6, where a cluster- counting time of approximately 50 ns is found, which is in goo d agreement with the 47 ns time predicted by the simulation. 5 Performance with e+e−collisions The BELLE detector started taking e+e−collision data with all subsystems, the data acquisition systems, and accompanying trigger mod ules operational in early June of 1999. Six CCM modules installed in the electr onics hut counted isolated clusters from the e+e−collision in the calorimeter. Five CCM modules were used to count isolated clusters from the five sections of the calorimeter; the sixth module collected and summed the outputs from the ot her five. The flexibility inherent in the design of the board allowed the us e some of the input and ouput channels of the sixth module to generate triggers f or Bhabha events as well as calorimeter timing signals. In a∼100K event sample of actual triggers, we found a nearly perfe ct cor- respondence between the numbers of isolated clusters provi ded by the trigger logic and those inferred from TDC hit patterns that are avail able at the offline analysis stage. Figure 7(a) shows the correlation between t he number of iso- lated clusters from TDC hit patterns and ICN numbers from CCM modules. As is shown here, there are few cases that ICN numbers from CCM modules are smaller than numbers from TDC hit patterns. Figure. 7 (b) shows the mismatch rate between the TDC-based and-CCM based cluster n umbers as a function of the TDC-based cluster numbers. For more than 99 .8 % of the cases, the two numbers are identical. We attribute the small level of inconsis- tency to the limitations of the clustering counting logic (s ee section 3) and the infrequent occurence of timing offset on the input signals. 6 Conclusions We have developed a fast trigger processor board utilizing F PGA and CPLD technology. It accommodates 144 ECL input signals and provi des 24 ECL output signals. It functions as a 9U VME module that enables t he loading of revised trigger logic and the online resetting of the modu le. In addition, 6a pattern register on the board contains all of the input/out put ECL signals that were used in a process. The isolated clustering logic is measured to have a time latency of 50 ns, in good agreement with the prediction of the simu- lation. Sufficient hardware and software flexibility has been incorporated into the module to make it well suited for dealing with a variety of experimental conditions. Acknowledgements We would like to thank thr BELLE group for their installation and mainte- nance of the detector, and acknowledge support from KOSEF an d Ministry of Education (through BSRI) in Korea. References [1] Annu. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 44609 (1994). [2] VME bus International Trade Association, VMEbus Specifi cation Manual ANSI/IEEE STD 1014-1987 (1987). [3] The BELLE Collaboration, Technical Design Report , KEK report 95-1(1995). [4] Xilinx Inc., San Jose, CA, USA. [5] GEANT, Detector Description and Simulation Tool, CERN p rogram library long writeup W5013. [6] Force Computers Inc. 2001 Logic Drive, San Jose, CA, USA. [7] Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 3 30, Boston, MA 02111, USA. [8] ROOT - An Object Oriented Data Analysis Framework, Proce edings AIHENP’96 Workshop, Lausanne, Sep. 1996, Nucl. Inst. & Meth . in Phys. Res. A 389 (1997) 81-86. See also http://root.cern.ch/. 7Table 1 The testing of the isolated cluster counting logic using sim ulations. The numbers in the first row indicate the difference between the perfect cl uster number and the isolated cluster number from the logic. ICN(logic)-ICN(perfect) 0 1 2 Bhabha 100 % 0 % 0 % B0→JψK S→l+l−π+π−99.15 % 0.85 % 0.00 % B0→JψK S→l+l−πoπo98.55 % 1.45 % 0.00 % B0→π+π−99.15 % 0.85 % 0.00 % B0→πoπo98.95 % 1.05 % 0.00 % B+→π+πo98.95 % 1.05 % 0.00 % B0→K∗γ 99.15 % 0.80 % 0.05 % B0→ρ±π∓99.15 % 0.85 % 0.00 % 8Cathod Pads Stereo WiresSVD CDC TSC ECL EFC KLMAxial WiresR phi Z Hit 4x4 Sum Amp. HitTrack SegmentR phi Track Z Track Z Finder TSC Trigger Low Threshold High Threshold E Sum mu hitLow Threshold High ThresholdZ TrackCombined Track Cluster Count Cluster Count Bhabha LogicThreshold Two gammaR phi TrackGlobal Decision Logic Topology 2.2 micro sec after event crossing Beam CrossingTrigger Signal Gate/Stop Fig. 1. A block diagram of the BELLE trigger system. Informat ion from all sub detectors is gathered in the GDL, where the trigger decision is made. 94 0 1 2 3 40 : final signal 0 1 2 3 Fig. 2. A logic diagram for the isolated cluster number count ing. Among nine trigger cells, only the three center cells and center and bottom righ t cells are considered in isolated cluster counting logic. 10l LCCN3............l LCCN2............l LCCN1............l LCCN0............l LTRIG30.........i MCLK..............2.3 us 2.35 us 2.4 us 2.45 us 2.5 us 2.55 us 2.6 us 2.65 us 2.7 us 2.75 us Fig. 3. The simulated timing for ICN counting. From the top, t he system clock (MCLK), the input trigger signal (LTRIG30), and the four ICN bits (lowest to highest, LCCN0-3) are shown. The time difference between LTR IG30 and LCCN0 is measured to be 47.3 ns (One unit on the top is 5 ns). 11VMEbus INTERFACE and CONNECTORS I/O CONNECTORSCLOCK selection XC5125-PG299FPGAXC95216-PQ160CPLD PROM FIFO RAM IDT 7202DATA (24bits)DATAOCCNTRIGMTG controlconfiguration pattern register-1 pattern register-2 FIFO control configuration by VMEDATA address VME clock BERR*DTACK* configuration by PROMEXT CLK ETM INMCLK0SYSCLK IN*IN/MC10125 MC10124 controlPROM CCN*CCN/ [0:23][0:143]NIM-TTL Fig. 4. A simplified schematic of the CCM trigger board. 12Fig. 5. An assembled CCM trigger board. The FPGA chip is the bi g square-shaped chip near the center (gray color) and the CPLD is smaller squa re surface-mounted chip near the top (black color). 13 27 Dec 1998 23:26 /banner /banner D I S P L A Y : TIMING DIAGRAM /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner K n o b = S c r o l l /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner M em o r y Di s p l a y e d : A CQM EM /CHR_DM_TRG_OUT /CHR_DM_IN /CHR_DM_IN /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /DEL_RUBOUT /Right_ovf C u r s o r 1 = +0009161 µs Fi r s t T r a c e Di s p l a y e d : 000 C u r s o r 2 = +0000000 µs Ti m e / Di v : 2 0 nS C u r s o r /Up_ovf = 9 . 1 6 1 9 8 5 m s A/UNDERSCORE 05 :1 A/UNDERSCORE 04 :1 A/UNDERSCORE 03 :1 A/UNDERSCORE 02 :1 A/UNDERSCORE 01 :1 A/UNDERSCORE 00 :1 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF /CHR_GRAT1 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT8 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT1 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT8 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT1 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT3 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT6 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_GRAT8 /CHR_GRAT5 /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_1 /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_2 /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_3 /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_4 /banner /banner /banner /banner /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_5 /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_6 /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /banner /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_7 /banner /banner /banner /CHR_SMALL_F /CHR_SMALL_8 Search /Left_ovf Change Acqmem Default Search Auxi li ary Di splay Spli t Search /Right_ovf Cursors To Refmem Di splay Def. Data Formats Di splay Fig. 6. Measured timing results for ICN counting. Starting f rom the top, two input ECL signals and output ICN bits (lowest to highest bits) are d isplayed. Each time division is 20 ns. 14Fig. 7. The ICN-counting performace of the CCM modules. (a) I CN from TDC hit patterns vs. ICN from CCM modules, (b) mismatch rates betwee n ICN from TDC hit patterns and from CCM as a function of the ICNs from CCM mod ules. 15
arXiv:physics/9911051v1 [physics.chem-ph] 23 Nov 1999SPIN-LATTICE RELAXATION IN ZERO-MAGNETIC FIELD INDUSED BY MOLECULAR REORIENTATIONS M.I.Mazhitov, Yu.A.Serebrennikov The stochastic Liouville method is used to analyze the gener al problem of spin-lattice relaxation in zero-field for molecules unde rgoing Markovian reorientations. I. Introduction The resolution advantage of zero-field (ZF) studies for orie ntationatty dis- ordered materials is well known. In particular, the novel-p ulsed ZF NMR and NQR technique [I,2] offers an excellent approach to this p roblem since it removes the orientational anisotropy which produces the broad high-field line shapes in solids. In ZF NMR and NOR the signal comes from l ongitu- dinal nuclear magnetization, i.e. the rank-I statisiical t ensor. Time-domain ZF signals have also been observed using the method of pertur bed angu- lar correlations of γ-ray cascades [3]. From such experiments it is possible to extract information concerning the zero-field spin-latt ice relaxation (ZF SLR) of rank ≥2 statistical tensors. The corresponding response functio n depends on the rates and microscopic details (in the slow-mo tional regime) of molecular reorientations which modulate the antisotrop ic part of the spin Hamiltonian. Mathematical techniques have recently been developed whic h make anal- yses of ZF NMR spectra in the complete tumbling regime feasib le [4-6]. Our purpose here is to extend this theory. We present a general fo rmalism which enables us to compute the response function of statistical t ensors of arbitrary rank-kirrespective of the models used to describe the Markovian mo lecular reorientations. A compact expression for the correspondtn g spectral function is obtained, which is valid for the complete tumbling regime . To illustrate the use of the theory we calculate the rank −2 perturbation coefficient of γ-ray cascades arising from the quadrupole interaction of a spin −1 nucleus with an axially symmetric electric field gradient. All the calculat ions in this paper are confined to situations that are macroscopically isotropic. There is continuity with the formalism of the preceding articles [4-6] and inter mediate results 1derived there are assumed to have been looked at by the reader . 2. Theory In ZF the spin Hamiltonian for the problem is ˆH(Ω) =/summationdisplay q,p(−1)pˆF2pD2 q−p(Ω)A2q (1) Here ˆF2pis the p-component of a second-rank spin tensor operator in the laboratory frame. A2qare components of a ZF splitting tenser expressed in the molecular coordinate system(the principal axis fram e) and D2 q−p(Ω) are the Wigner rotation matrices describing the transforma tion between the two frames. The explicit form of ˆF2pandA2qwill depend on the type of interaction. For sufficiently large molecules in dense media the stochasti c reorienta- tional process may be assumed to be Markovian. It then follow s that an ap- propriate ensemble average spin density operator ˆ ρ(Ω, t) obeys the stochastic Liouville equation (SLE) [7,8] ∂ˆρ(Ω, t) ∂t=−iHxˆρ(Ω, t) +ˆˆLΩˆρ(Ω, t) (2) where Hxˆρ= [ˆH,ˆρ],¯h= 1 andˆˆLΩis the stationary Markovian operator describing the tumbling process. Eq.(2) must be solved with the initial con- dition ˆρ(Ω,0) =φ(Ω)ˆρ(Ω) =ˆρ(0) 8π2(3) which takes into account the fact that for isotropic systems there is an equi- librium distribution of molecular orientations φ(Ω) =1 8π2 The status of the spin ensemble can be discussed in terms of st atistical tensors ρ(kp)(i.e. state multipole moments ) ˆρ(Ω, t) =/summationdisplay k,pρ(kp)(Ω, t)ˆTkp(I) (4) where the coefficient ρ(kp)(Ω, t) and the irreducible polarization operator ˆTkp(I) [9] are given by ρ(kp)(Ω, t) =Tr[ˆρ(Ω, t)ˆT+ kp(I)], 2ˆTkp(I) =/parenleftBigg2k+ 1 2I+ 1/parenrightBigg1/2/summationdisplay mm′CIm′ Im kp|Im′/angbracketright/angbracketleftIm| (5) HereCIm′ Im kpis a Clebsch-Gordan coefficient. The corresponding response and spectral functions, Gkp(t) and ˜Gkp(s), are obtained as averages over the equilibrium (isotropic) distribution: Gkp(t) =/integraldisplay dΩρkp(Ω, t), (6) ˜Gkp(s) =/integraldisplay∞ 0Gkp(t) exp(−st)dt, (7) where the tilde denotes Laplace transformation. It thus follows from eqs. (5) and (6),(7) that Gkp(t) =Tr(/integraldisplay dΩˆD(Ω)ˆρ(Ω)ˆD+(Ω)/summationdisplay q(−1)pDk q−p(Ω))ˆTkq(I)≡/summationdisplay qTr[ˆσkp q(t)ˆTkq(I)] (8) where ˆD(Ω) is the finite rotation operator. Following refs. [4,10], we multiply both sides of eq.(2) by ˆD(Ω) on the left and by ( −1)pˆD+(Ω)Dk q−p(Ω) on the right. In isotropic systems this procedure allows integrat ion over Ω in the general form as reported in ref. [10]. Through a straightfor ward extension of the derivation described in ref. [10] we obtain a compact diff erential kinetic equation ˙ˆσ(kp) q(t) =−iHx(0)ˆσ(kp) q(t)−τ−1 ˆσ(kp) q(t)−/summationdisplay q1ˆˆP(k) qq1ˆσ(kp) q1(t) , (9) where τis the mean lifetime between rotational jumps, Hx(0) =/summationdisplay µ(−1)µFx 2µA2−µ (10) ˆˆP(k) qq1ˆσ(kp) q1(t) =/integraldisplayˆD(˜Ω)ˆσ(kp) q1(t)ˆD+(˜Ω)Dk qq1(˜Ω)f(˜Ω)d˜Ω, (11) where ˜Ω = Ω −Ω′(see also refs. [4,10] ). The initial condition for eq. (9) is obtained from eqs. (3), (4) and (8): ˆσ(kp) q(0) =ρ(kp)(0)ˆT+ kq 2k+ 1(12) 3Formally eq. (9) is similar to the impact equation which desc ribes gas-phase relaxation. Reorientations may be classified as either ”wea k” or ”strong” de- pending on the angular jump, with its size set by the function f(Ω). The new formulation of the problem allows a solution irrespective o f this circumstance in the general form. From that purpose let us re-express ˆ σ(kp) qin the form ˆσ(kp) q(t) =/summationdisplay KQ[σ(kp) q(t)]KQˆTKQ(I) (13) It is easy to see that in this representation the response fun ction can be written as G(kp)(t) =/summationdisplay q(−1)q[σ(kp) q(t)]k,−q (14) Then we have, using vector notation, ˙X(t) =−(iˆˆΛ+ˆˆ)X(t) (15) where the column vector X(t) is constructed from the coefficients σ(kp) q(t)]KQ. The elements of the evolution,ˆˆΛ, and the motivational, ˆˆ= (1−ˆˆP/τ, operator matrices are [9] ˆˆΛqq1 KQ K 1Q1=Tr(ˆH(0)[ˆTK1Q1(I),ˆT+ KQ(I)])δqq1= /summationdisplay K′Q′(−1)Q(K1Q1;K−Q)K′Q′ Tr(ˆH(0)ˆTK′Q′(I))δqq1 (16) ˆˆqq1 KQ K 1Q1=/summationdisplay LMNW(L) MNCLM kq KQCLN kq1K1Q1(17) where (K1Q1;K−Q)K′Q′ ≡(−1)2I+K′ [(−1)K+K1+K′−1][(2K+ 1)(2 K1+ 1)]1/2× ×CK′Q′ KQ K 1Q1  K K 1K′ I I I  (18) W(L) MN= (δMN−A(L) MN), A(L) MN=/integraldisplay f(˜Ω)DL MN(˜Ω)d˜Ω (19) To derive eq.(17) we have used the Clebsch-Gordan series for the product of Wigner matrices [ 9 ]. Eq.(15) can be solved by Laplace transf ormation to give ˜X(s) =ˆˆM−1 (s)X(0) (20) 4where M(s) =sˆˆ1+iˆˆΛ+ˆˆ. It is easy to see from eqs. (12) and (13) that in this representation X(0) = [ σkp q(0)]KQ=  (−1)qρ(kp)(0) 2k+ 1δKkδq,Q  (21) Eq.(20) is particularly suitable for numerical computatio n of the spectral function (7). The key step in the calculation is the inversio n of matrixˆˆM: ’ ˜G(kp)(s) =/summationdisplay qq1(−1)q+q1[ˆˆM−1 ]qq1 k−q,k−q1ρ(kp)(0) 2k+ 1(22) SinceˆˆMhas finite dimensions the inversion is readily achieved by st andard techniques. The result of eq.(21) provides a general recipe for calculating the response of the rank −kstatistical tensor on Markovian molecular reorienta- tions in ZF. The most severe restriction of the model is that t he lattice is described only in terms of the orientationat degrees of free dom. In the case osotropically rotating molecules, f(˜Ω) =f(cos(˜β))/4π2, from (17) and (19) we obtain qq1 KQ K 1Q1=/summationdisplay Lτ−1 θLCL0 kq K−qCL0 kq1k−q1δKK1δq−Qδq1−Q1 (23) where τ−1 θL=WL00is the orientational relaxation time of the axial L−rank tensor. To illustrate the use of the theory we consider the ca se where the dominant anisotropic part of the spin Hamiltonian is the axi ally symmetric quadrupote interaction [5]: ˆH(0) =/radicaltp/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalbt2 3DQKIˆT20(I)≡/radicaltp/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalbt2 3eQV zz 2I(2I−1)KIˆT20(I) (24) where Qis the nuclear quadrupole moment, KI= (−1)2I[1 30I(I+ 1)(4 I2−1)(2I+ 3)]1/2(25) As follows from (16), (18) and (23) ˆˆΛqq1 KQ K 1Q1= (−1)2I+K[10 3(2K1+1)]1/2DQKICKQ K1Q20  2K K 1 I I I  [(−1)K+K1−1]δqq1δQQ1 (26) 5As can be seen from (22) and (25) the components [ σ(kp) q]K−qare uncoupled from the rest of the vector Xand the problem reduces to the inversion of the matrix Min ”Kq” subspace. It is convenient to calculate ˜Gkp(s) in the basis of eigenfunctions of the operator ˆˆ. In the ” Kq” subspace we have [ˆˆU−1ˆˆˆˆU]Kn K 1n1=′ Kn K 1n1=γnδKK1δnn1,ˆˆUKq Kn =Cn0 kq K−q(27) ˆˆUis the unitary matrix which makes the submatrix [′]qq1 K−q K−q1in (22) di- agonal, γn=τ−1 θndenotes the eigenvalues. It is easy to see that in this representation eqs. (14) and (21) give ˜G(kp)(s) = 1 sˆˆ1+iˆˆΛ′ +ˆˆ  k0,k0ρ(kp)(0), (28) where . ˆˆΛ′ Kn K 1n1= (−1)2I+k2DQKI /radicaltp/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalbt2 3(2K+ 1)(2 K1+ 1)(2 n+ 1)(2 N1+ 1) 1/2 × ×C20 n0n10  K K 12 I I I    K K 12 n1n k  (δKK1+1+δKK1−1) (29) Consequently only one element of the inverted matrix (ˆˆM)−1 is needed to calculate the spectral function. 3. Discussion In the fast motional limit, DQτθ2≪1 , taking into account (26)-(28) to second order in perturbation theory, we have G(kp)(s) = (s+λk)−1ρ(kp)(0), G(kp)(t) = exp[ −λkt)ρ(kp)(0) where λk=3 80(eQV zz)2τθ2k(k+ 1)[4 I(I+ 1)−k(k+ 1)−1] I2(2I−1)2 in agreement with Abragam and Pound[11] 6For a simple illustration of the formalism introduced in sec tion 2 we con- sider a case with I= 1. From (26)- (28) we obtain ˜G1p(s) =(s+τ−1 θ2)2+1 3D2 Q s[(s+τ−1 θ2)2+D2 Q] +2 3D2 Qτ−1 θ2ρ1p(0) (30) ˜G2p(s) =ρ2p(0)N1(s) sN1(s) +N2(s), (31) where N1(s) =1 7D2 Q(s+τ−1 θ4) +16 35D2 Q(s+τ−1 θ2) + (s+τ−1 θ2)2(s+τ−1 θ4) N2(s) =2 5D2 Q(s+τ−1 θ2)(s+τ−1 θ4) Eq. (30) is identical to there suh of ref. [5](eq.(24)) which describes the ZF NMR spectral function [1,2]. Ordinary NMR coils can only d etect rank-1 tensors. However, by experimental observaiion of γ-ray cascades, it is possible to extract information concerning the relaxation of k≥2 statistical tensors. In particular, the measurer anisotropy [3, 11, 12] is propor tional to Gk0(t). Sometimes it is convenient to observe the average correlati on of all decays: Gk0(∞) =τ−1 N/integraldisplay∞ 0Gk0(t) exp(−t τN), which is just the Laplace transformation at s=τ−1 N, where τNis the mean nuclear lifetime. The spectral function (30) depends on τθ2andτθ4. In the ”strong collision” model f(Ω) =1 8π2andτθ2=τθ4=τ. In contrast, τ−1 θn=n(n+ 1)Drunder Debye orientational diffusion with coefficient Dr. Thus in the slow tumbling regime the precise form of the angular correlation depends o n dynamical details of the motion. It is interesting to compare our exact result (30) with the ap proximate an- alytical solution of the problem which has been obtained by L inden-Bell [12]. It is easy to see (by Laplace transformation of thc correspon ding expressions forG20(t) which have been given in ref.[12] that in the fast motional r egime our results coincide. However, her approximation is not suffi cient to obtain good quantitative agreement wich eq. (30) in the slow-motio nal limit, when DQτθ2≃1. 7References 1. D. Weitkamp, A. Sielecki, D. Zax, K. Ziim and A. Pines, Phys .Rev.Letters 50 ( 1983) 1897. 2. A. Thayer and A. Pines, Accounts Chem. Res. 20 (1987) 47. 3. R.M. Steffen and H. Frauenfelder, in: Perturbed angular co rrelations, eds. E. Karlson, E. Matthias and K. Siegbahn (North-Holland , Amster- dam, 1964) p. 3. 4. Yu.A.Serebrennikov, Chem.Phys. 112 ( 1987) 253. 5. Yu.A.Serebrennikov, Chem,Phys.Letters 137 (1987) 183. 6. Yu.n.Serebrennikov, M.I. Majitov and Z.M. Muldakhmetov , Chum. Phys. 121 (1988) 307. 7. A.I.Bershtein and Yu.S.Oseledchik, Soviet Phys.JETP 51 (1966) 1072. 8. R.Kubo, Advan.Chem.Phys. 16 (1969) 101. 9. D.A. Varshalovich, A.N. Moskalev and V.K. Khersonsky, Qu antum the- ory of angular moment (Nauka, Moscow, 1975). 10. Yu.A Serebrennikov, S.I. Temkin and A.I. Burshtein, Che m.Phys. ( 1983) 31 11. 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arXiv:physics/9911052v1 [physics.atm-clus] 23 Nov 1999Electron exchange model potential: Application to positro nium-helium scattering P. K. Biswas and Sadhan K. Adhikari Instituto de F´ ısica Te´ orica, Universidade Estadual Paul ista, 01.405-900 S˜ ao Paulo, S˜ ao Paulo, Brazil (February 2, 2008) The formulation of a suitable nonlocal model potential for e lectron exchange is presented, checked with electron-hydrogen and electron-helium scattering, a nd applied to the study of elastic and inelastic scattering and ionization of ortho positronium ( Ps) by helium. The elastic scattering and then= 2 excitations of Ps are investigated using a three-Ps-stat e close-coupling approximation. The higher ( n≥3) excitations and ionization of Ps atom are treated in the fr amework of Born approximation with present exchange. Calculations are rep orted of phase shifts, and elastic, Ps- excitation, and total cross sections. The present target el astic total cross section agrees well with experimental results at thermal to medium energies. PACS Number(s): 34.10.+x, 36.10.Dr I. INTRODUCTION The neutral Ps beam provides a great deal of advantage over ch arged projectiles as a probe to study the structure of atoms, molecules and surface. Recently, there have been a great deal of interest in positronium- (Ps-) atom scattering due to the improvement of Ps sources and Ps beams. Total scattering cross section of ortho Ps, which has a larger lifetime than para Ps, have been measured for var ious targets [1,2] with an objective of understanding the Ps-interaction dynamics with matter. Among all Ps-atom systems, the positronium-hydrogen (Ps-H) system is the simplest and is of special theoretical interest [3]. How ever, due to experimental difficulties in obtaining nascent- hydrogen atomic target there has been no experimental study of Ps-H scattering. The next most complicated Ps-atom system is the positronium-helium (Ps-He) system in which th ere are good experiments on total cross section [1,2]. However, there are no theoretical studies [4–7] which can ac count for the measured total cross sections of ortho Ps-He scattering . We address the present study towards an underst anding of the measured total cross sections of Ps-He scattering at low and medium energies using a suitably devel oped model exchange potential. The interaction of neutral Ps atom with neutral atom or molec ule is very much different from that of charged 1electron and positron with neutral targets [8]. In any Ps-at om scattering, the elastic and even-parity state transitio n direct amplitudes to close-coupling approximation (CCA) a re zero [3] due to internal charge and mass symmetry of Ps. In addition, the adiabatic polarization potential is al so zero and the electron-exchange mechanism appears as the main driving force at low energies apart from the correct ion expected from polarization/Van der Waals force [3]. This was not the case for electron-impact scattering where b oth the direct and exchange interactions play their roles in determining the solution of the scattering equations. Th e Ps-atom system allows the possibility for studying the effect of exchange in an environment characteristically diff erent from that of the electron-atom system due to the composite nature of Ps. Recently, in addition to total cross section at medium to high energies [1], thermalization of Ps in gaseous He has also been measured [2]. However, it is of s erious concern that dynamical calculations with the reliable and widely used static-exchange model with usual a ntisymmetrization [4–6] fail severely yielding very large total cross sections compared to the measured data [1,2], sp ecially at low energies. The experiments of Refs. [1,2] are consistent among themselves. They collectively sugges t a lowering trend of cross sections from a peak at 20 eV towards lower energies. This trend is missing from all previ ous published calculations. Moreover, due to the large error bar on the measured cross section at 10 eV of Ref. [1] and absence of data near Ps excitation and ionization thresholds, it is not clear whether the cross section has a mi nimum or not in this energy region. The present study also addresses this feature from a theoretical point of view . The proper inclusion of exchange effect is a major technical o bstacle in performing dynamical calculations in complex systems [9]. The effect of electron exchange is usually accou nted for in a quantum dynamical calculation through the antisymmerization of the wave function which introduce s nonorthogonal functions to these calculational schemes including the usual static-exchange model. These antisymm etrization schemes with nonorthogonality defect lead to overcompleteness in the Hilbert space and associated theor etical and numerical difficulties in the CCA and related formalisms. Moreover, when short-range (exchange) correl ations are important, the CCA converges very slowly [10]. Several discussions and prescriptions to remedy this defec t have appeared in the literature in connection with electro n impact scattering [9]. This problem has been overcome to som e extent in electron-impact scattering using different methodologies −with essentially exact (variational) treatment of exchang e in simpler cases, with effective correlation and suitable model potentials [11] for larger targets. Gros s deviations of previous calculations [4–6] on Ps-He scatte ring 2from measurements at low energies [2] could be a consequence of the nonorthogonality defect and/or the inadequacy of the correlation effect in exchange-dominated Ps-impact s cattering, specially at low energies. To address this problem we choose to remove the nonorthogona lity from the exchange kernel of the momentum-space CCA equation by using a suitable model potential. The additi onal simplicity of the present exchange potential makes it very attractive for performing dynamical calculation in many-electron systems. The exchange model is shown to be readily applicable to electron- and Ps-impact scatterin g problems. In order to test the generality and reliability o f the exchange model we apply it to electron-hydrogen ( e−-H) and electron-helium ( e−-He) scattering, in addition to Ps-He scattering. We present a theoretical study of ortho-Ps-He scattering em ploying a three-Ps-state CCA scheme in momentum space where the usual nonorthogonal exchange kernel arrisi ng from antisymmetrization is replaced by the present model exchange potentials. The helium atom is always assume d to be in its initial ground state and the Ps(1s), Ps(2s), and Ps(2p) states are included in the coupled-chann el calculation. Being the lightest atom, Ps is more vulnerable to excitation than the inert helium atom in Ps-He scattering. Also, the Ps-excitation thresholds are the lowest ones in this system. Hence, the present three-Ps-sta te model seems to be a reasonable one to describe Ps-He scattering from low to medium energies. The cross sections f or higher discrete and continuum excitations of Ps atom are calculated in the framework of the first Born approximati on including present exchange. These Born cross sections are added to the above three-Ps-state cross sections to pred ict the target elastic total cross section. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II we present the mo del exchange potential for electron-impact scattering and numerical results for electron scattering by H and He. In Sec. III we present the model exchange potential for Ps-impact scattering and numerical results for Ps scatteri ng by He. Finally, in Sec. IV we present a summary of our findings. II. EXCHANGE POTENTIAL FOR ELECTRON-IMPACT SCATTERING Although, we are mostly interested in developing an exchang e potential for Ps-impact scattering in this work, first we illustrate and check our model in the case of electron-ato m scattering where the exchange potential is well under control. We develop the present exchange model for e−-H elastic scattering using H(1s) orbital and finally extend it 3to the case of inelastic scattering by a complex target descr ibed by a Hartree-Fock (HF) wave function. The exchange potentials are derived from the following exchange transit ion amplitude g(kf,ki) =−1 2π/integraldisplay dr1dr2φ∗(r2)1 r12φ(r1) ×exp[i(ki.r2−kf.r1)], (2.1) where the position vector of the incident (target) electron isr2(r1). Hereφis the wave function of H, ki(kf) is the initial (final) momentum of the incident electron, and r12=r1−r2. Amplitude (2.1) is the leading term of the exchange amplitude at large energies [12] and also the usual starting point for deriving model exchange potentials [11]. To remove the nonorthogonality defect we seek an excha nge potential of the form g(kf,ki)∼/integraldisplay drφ∗(r)U(r,ki,kf)φ(r), (2.2) where the form of Uis to be determined. We consider the integration over the coo rdinate of the final projectile electron r1of Eq. (2.1) below. Using φ(r) =π−1/2α3/2exp(−αr), taking Fourier transformation, and performing the integration over r1, we obtain I≡/integraldisplay dr11 r12φ(r1)exp(−ikf.r1) =4α5/2 π3/2/integraldisplay dqexp(−ikf.r2) (kf−q)2exp(iq.r2) (q2+α2)2. (2.3) Any average value prescription for ( kf−q)2in Eq. (2.3) will reduce Eq. (2.1) to form (2.2). Then, in the m odel exchange potential, the final and initial state wave functio ns will be expressed in terms of same coordinates. Recalling that internal kinetic energy of H ( q2/2) is given by α2/2 in atomic units, we take average of q2asα2, and set (kf−q)2≈(k2 f+α2), where the average value of the scalar product is assumed to be zero. After taking an inverse Fourier transformation in Eq.(2.3), the final model exchang e potential takes the following simple form g(kf,ki)≈−2 k2 f+α2/integraldisplay φ∗(r2)exp(iQ.r2)φ(r2)dr2, (2.4) where Q=ki−kf.Although we derived Eq. (2.4) for elastic scattering, this r esult is straightforwardly extendable to inelastic e−-H scattering to a final H(2s,2p), H(3s,3p,3d), ..., etc. orb ital. In such cases the final model exchange potential for transition from state νtoν′becomes 4gν′ν(kf,ki)≈ −2 k2 f+α2ν/integraldisplay φ∗ ν′(r2)exp(iQ.r2)φν(r2)dr2, (2.5) where the parameter ανrefers to the initial state ν. Similar model potentials were derived by Ochkur and also by R udge [12]. Ochkur’s result is obtained by setting α= 0 in the prefactor of Eq. (2.5). Rudge’s result corresponds to taking the prefactor ( k2 f+α2)−1= (kf−iα)−2. The model exchange potential (2.5) has the following desira ble physical properties. This potential is the strongest at the lowest possible energy ( kf= 0) for the weakest bound atomic orbital ( αν→0). Hence, the effect of exchange is more pronounced at low energies for the loosely bound orbita ls. For a general HF wave function, ψν(r1,...,rj,...,rN) =A[/producttextN j=1φνj(rj)],where Ais the antisymmetrization operator and the position vectors of the electrons are rj,j= 1,2,...,N and the atomic orbitals φνj(r) have the following form: φνj(r)≡/summationdisplay κaκjφκj(r), (2.6) where the index νrepresenting the atomic state is dropped on the right-hand s ide. Summing over appropriate target electronsjand allowing for inelastic channels, the full exchange pote ntial is given by BE,ν′ν(kf,ki) =/summationdisplay jgj=−/summationdisplay j/summationdisplay κκ′2aκjaκ′j Dκκ′j ×/integraldisplay φ∗ κ′j(r)exp(iQ.r)φκj(r)dr, (2.7) with Dκκ′j= [k2 f+α2 κj], (2.8) whereφκj(r) is theκth function of the jth electron, and ακjrefer to the initial state. The model potential (2.7) with prefactor Dκκ′jof Eq. (2.8) is not time-reversal symmetric. However, if we p erform the integration over the initial projectile electron r2in Eq. (2.1) first, and carry on a similar procedure, we obtain exchange potential (2.7) with Dκκ′j= (k2 i+α2 κ′j), whereακ′jrefer to the final state. These two possibilities suggest the following symmetric prefactor Dκκ′j= [(k2 i+k2 f)/2 + (α2 κj+α2 κ′j)/2] (2.9) 5in Eq. (2.7). The two possibilities (2.8) and (2.9) correspo nding to two averaging At high energies, the model exchange potential (2.7) with different averaging prescriptions lea d to the Oppenheimer exchange potential [13]. However, at low energies the cross section is sensitive to the averaging procedure and the value of the parameter αin prefactors (2.8) or (2.9). This sensitivity may well be exploited to tun e the parameter αof a particular averaging procedure in order to obtain a better fit with experiment at low energies. Although, the model potential (2.7) is derived for the groun d state of the atomic target, it is straightforward to see that the same result is also valid for target excitations in t he final state using a similar averaging prescription. Hence model potential (2.7) is equally valid for both elastic and i nelastic scattering by the target. We have used the exchange potential (2.7) in e−-H ande−-He scattering and calculated the elastic cross sections. We also demonstrate the effect of different averaging procedu res−symmetric and nonsymmetric, and the variation of the parameter αwhenever relevant. In the case of e−-H scattering we exhibit the results for elastic cross secti on in a coupled H(1s,2s,2p) model using the above exchange potent ial in the symmetric form (2.9) with the exact value of the parameter α. Fore−-He scattering we present results for elastic cross section in the static-exchange model using the symmetric form (2.9). In the case of He we present a variat ion of the parameter so as to obtain a better fit with experiment. In Fig. 1 we present results for e−-H scattering using Eqs. (2.7) and (2.9), where we exhibit th e exchange Born, static-exchange, and H(1s,2s,2p) cross sections without v ariation of the parameter α. In this figure we compare the low-energy cross sections with experimental results [14] a nd the calculations by Temkin and Lamkin [10]. At medium energies the results are compared with essentially converg ed calculation of Callaway [15]. We also plot the total first Born cross section with Oppenheimer exchange [13]. At l ow energies the present H(1s,2s,2p) cross sections are improvement over the present static-exchange cross sectio ns. At higher energies they are essentially identical and only the static-exchange results are shown. At large energi es, as expected, the present cross sections tend to the total first exchange-Born (Born+Oppenheimer exchange) results. Both at low and medium energies the agreement of the present cross sections with the results of other workers is e ncouraging. We verified that both the exchange Born, static-exchange cross sections are sensitive to the variat ion of the parameter αin the prefactor (2.9). We demonstrate the effect of such variation at low energies in the study of e−-He scattering where it seems more relevant. 6In Fig. 2 we plot the present static-exchange cross section o f electron-helium scattering for model exchange potential given by Eqs. (2.7) and (2.9) with the HF helium wave function of Ref. [16]. In this case we present results for first exchange-Born and static-exchange elastic cross sections with the exact parameters α’s. Here we also present results for static-exchange cross sections with modified value for t he parameters α(<q2>= (0.4α)2) in the prefactor (2.9) for bothκandκ′corresponding to initial and final states, respectively. (T he parameters in the helium wave function under the integral in Eq. (2.7) are left unchanged as should b e.) The results are compared with experimental results and the five-state [He(1s,21s,23s,21p,23p)] CCA calculation of Burke et al [18] using model exchange p otential. The present static-exchange cross-sections agree reasona bly with experiment [17] at medium to high energies. The variation of the parameter αin this case has led to good agreement with experiment and the CCA calculation of Burke et al [18] at lower energies. For obtaining a better agreemen t with experiment the effect of excitation and polarization of the target should be taken into account. This could be done by considering a coupled-channel calculation with helium excitations as in the electron-hydrogen scattering considered above. With this reliability achieved in the e−-H ande−-He systems we extend this exchange model to Ps impact cases. III. EXCHANGE POTENTIAL FOR POSITRONIUM-IMPACT SCATTERIN G A. Formulation Here, we first we develop the present exchange model potentia l for Ps-H elastic scattering using H(1s) orbital and finally extend it to inelastic Ps scattering by a many-body ta rget described by a HF wave function. We start with the following exchange transition amplitude [11] g(kf,ki) =−1 π/integraldisplay dxdr1dr2φ∗(r2)χ∗(t1)1 r12φ(r1) ×χ(t2)exp[i( ki.s2−kf.s1)], (3.1) where the position vector of the electron (positron) of Ps is r2(x). Here sj= (x+rj)/2,tj= (x−rj),j= 1,2, χ(φ) is the wave function of Ps (H). As in the previous section, to remove the nonorthogonality defect we seek an exchange potential of the form g(kf,ki)∼/integraldisplay drdtφ∗(r)χ∗(t)U(r,t,ki,kf)φ(r)χ(t), (3.2) 7whereUis to be determined. We consider the integration over the coo rdinate of the final projectile electron r1of Eq. (3.1) below. Using φ(r) =π−1/2α3/2exp(−αr) andχ(t) =π−1/2β3/2exp(−βt), taking Fourier transformation, the integral Ioverr1is given by I ≡/integraldisplay dr1χ∗(t1)1 r12φ(r1)exp(−ikf.s1), =4(αβ)5/2 π4/integraldisplay dpdqexp(−ikf.r2/2) (kf/2−p+q)2 ×exp(iq.t2) (q2+β2)2exp(ip.r2) (p2+α2)2. (3.3) Again we employ an average value prescription for ( kf/2−p+q)2in Eq. (3.3) which will reduce Eq. (3.1) to form (3.2). Recalling that the internal kinetic energies of H (re presented by p2/2m;m= 1) and Ps ( q2/2m;m= 1/2) are given by α2/2 andβ2in atomic units, we take the averages of p2andq2asα2andβ2, respectively, and set (kf/2−p+q)2≈(k2 f/4 +α2+β2) in Eq. (3.3), where the average values of the scalar product s are assumed to be zero. After taking an inverse Fourier transformation in E q.(3.3) and transforming the set of variables x,r1,r2to t2,r1,r2, where the Jacobian is unity, the final model exchange potent ial becomes g(kf,ki)≈ −4(−1)l′+1 k2 f/4 +α2+β2/integraldisplay φ∗(r2)exp(iQ.r2)φ(r2)dr2 ×/integraldisplay χ∗(t2)exp(iQ.t2/2)χ(t2)dt2, (3.4) wherel′is the angular momentum of the final Ps state and Eq. (3.4) has b een multiplied by ( −1)l′+1the final- state parity. This provides the correct sign of the exchange potential given by formal antisymmetrization for elastic and all Ps excitation channels. This exchange potential cou ld be considered to be a generalization of Rudge-type exchange Born amplitude [12] for electron-impact scatteri ng to more complex situations. For a general HF orbital (2.6), summing over appropriate target electrons jand allowing for inelastic Ps channels, the (target-elasti c) model exchange potential is given by BE,µ′µ(kf,ki) =/summationdisplay jgj=−/bracketleftbigg/summationdisplay j/summationdisplay κκ′4aκjaκ′j(−1)l′+1 Dκκ′j ×/integraldisplay φ∗ κ′j(r)exp(iQ.r)φκj(r)dr/bracketrightbigg ×/integraldisplay χ∗ n′l′(t)exp(iQ.t/2)χnl(t)dt, (3.5) with 8Dκκ′j= [k2 f/4 +α2 κj+β2 n′] (3.6) whereµ≡nl(µ′≡n′l′) are the initial (final) Ps quantum numbers, φκj(r) is theκth function of the jth electron for the atomic ground state, and βn′corresponds to the final inelastic Ps state, for which the der ivation of the model potential is similar and leads to the same result (3.4) or (3. 5). For Ps ionization, the constant β2 n′, which corresponds to the final Ps-state binding energy, is taken as 0 in Eq. (3.5) . As noted in Sec. II, the exchange potential given by Eqs. (3.5 ) and (3.6) is not time-reversal symmetric. However, if one performs in Eq. (3.1) the integration over the coordin ate of the initial projectile electron r2first with a similar average-value prescription as above one will obtain exchan ge potential (3.5) with Dκκ′j= [k2 i/4 +α2 κ′j+β2 n]. These two possibilities suggest the following symmetric prefact or Dκκ′j= [(k2 f+k2 i)/8 + (α2 κj+α2 κ′j)/2 + (β2 n′+β2 n)/2]. (3.7) Both choices (3.6) and (3.7) lead to good numerical results. At high energies the results are independent of this choice. At low energies they are sensitive to the choice and the value of the parameter αin Eqs. (3.6) and (3.7). In this work we shall present only results of choice (3.6) with the origin al and modified value of the parameter α. The target-elastic direct Born Ps-He amplitude for Ps trans ition from state µtoµ′is given by [7] BD,µ′µ(kf,ki) =4 Q2/bracketleftbigg 2−/summationdisplay κκ′/summationdisplay jaκjaκ′j ×/integraldisplay φ∗ κ′j(r)exp(iQ.r)φκj(r)dr/bracketrightbigg ×/integraldisplay χ∗ µ′(t)[exp(iQ.t/2)−exp(−iQ.t/2)]χµ(t)dt (3.8) With the present prescription, the Ps-impact exchange pote ntial is written in the form of product of projectile and target form factors, as the direct potential above. This sim ple form of the amplitudes facilitates numerical calculati ons. B. Numerical Application to Ps-He Scattering In the case of target-elastic Ps-He scattering, electron ex change between the incident Ps and target He is only possible between like spins. Consequently, only the spin-triplet st ate of the electrons undergoing exchange is possible. We 9define appropriately symmetrized spin-triplet “Born” ampl itudes, B, viaBµ′µ(kf,ki) =BD,µ′µ(kf,ki)−BE,µ′µ(kf,ki). The appropriately symmetrized scattering amplitude fsatisfies the following momentum-space Lippmann-Schwinge r scattering integral equation [6] fµ′µ(k′,k) =Bµ′µ(k′,k) −/summationdisplay µ′′/integraldisplaydk′′ 2π2Bµ′µ′′(k′,k′′)fµ′′µ(k′′,k) E−ǫµ′′−k′′2/4 + i0, (3.9) whereǫµ′′is the total energy of the Ps and He states in the intermediate stateµ′′andEis the total energy of the system. The differential cross section is defined by ( dσ/dΩ)µ′,µ= (k′/k)|fµ′µ(k′,k)|2. We performed static-exchange [with µ′′= Ps(1s) in Eq. (3.9)] and three-Ps-state [with µ′′= Ps(1s,2s,2p) in Eq. (3.9)] calculations using exact wave functions for Ps an d HF atomic orbitals for He [16]. After a partial-wave projection, Eq. (3.9) was solved by the method of matrix inve rsion. Maximum number of partial waves included in the calculation was 10. Contribution of higher partial wave s to cross sections was included by corresponding Born terms. To predict the cross sections at medium energies, we a lso calculated the discrete excitation (3s, 3p, 3d, 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f, 5p, 5d, 5f, 6p) and ionization cross sections of Ps in t he first Born approximation keeping the target frozen to its initial ground state using the present exchange model. In Fig. 3 we plot the present target-elastic total cross sect ion [Ps(1s,2s,2p) three-Ps-state cross section plus targe t- elastic total Born cross sections for n≥3 Ps-excitations and Ps-ionization]. The experimental tot al Ps-He cross sections of two different groups −recent low-energy cross section of Ref. [2] and medium- to hi gh-energy cross sections of Ref. [1] −are also plotted. For comparison we also plot the static-exc hange and 22-coupled-pseudo-state (without exchange) cross sections of Refs. [6] and [7], resp ectively. The measured Ps-impact total cross section of Ref . [1] has a peak near 20 eV and a lowering trend below this energy , and the recent measurement around 1 eV of Ref. [2] is consistent with this trend. However, due to large erro r bar of the measurement of Ref. [1] at their lowest energy (10 eV) and due to inadequate data in this energy region, it is not clear from experiment whether the total cross section has a minimum near the Ps excitation threshold or not . This question is addressed in the present theoretical investigation. At energies below the Ps-excitation thresh olds, the elastic cross section is found to be a monotonicall y decreasing function of energy, as is usually found in many si milar scattering problems. In the narrow energy band 10between 5.1 to 6.8 eV, all the Ps-inelastic channels open up c ausing a sharp increase of the total cross section, as can be seen in Fig. 7, resulting in a minimum of total cross sectio n near the Ps-excitation threshold. With this feature of the cross section, the present calculation bridges the two d ifferent experimental findings and points out a minimum in total cross section near the Ps(2s) threshold. This featu re is also noticed in the unpublished theoretical work of Peach [19]. While the 22-coupled-pseudo-state calculatio n [7], which includes the Ps excitation and ionization effect s through pseudo states, completely denies this trend; the st atic-exchange cross sections [4–6] are too large to match the measurement near Ps(2s) threshold. So far we have parametrized the model potential from a physic al argument and presented results with it. In Eq. (3.5)ακj’s are parameters of HF orbitals. In Fig. 3 we also exhibit the consequence of a small variation of ακjin the prefactor (k2 f/4 +α2 κj+β2 n′)−1of Eq. (3.5). The full line, providing an overall better agre ement with experiment, is obtained by varying parameters ακj’s in the prefactor (3.6), which is taken as Dκκ′j= [k2 f/4 + (0.88ακj)2+β2 n′] (3.10) in both the static-exchange and three-Ps-state calculatio ns. Unless specifically mentioned, all results presented he re are calculated with this modified prefactor. The above reduc tion in the average value of < p2>has led to a better agreement with experiment. Next we present an account of phase shifts and angle-integra ted partial cross sections with modified prefactor (3.10). The present static-exchange and three-Ps-state el astic scattering phase shifts for different partial waves be low the lowest excitation threshold are shown in Figs. 4 (S wave) and 5 (P and D waves). The present phase shifts are different from those of previous calculations [4–6] as is expected from the cross-section pattern. However, for comparison we show the phase shifts of the recent work by Sark ar and Ghosh [6] in Figs. 4 and 5. At these energies the S-wave phase shifts alone control the elastic cross sect ion. The present low-energy elastic S-wave phase shifts are expected to be more reasonable to those of the previous calcu lations as from Fig. 3 we find that the present cross sections are in better agreement with experiment. In Fig. 6 we plot the present low-energy elastic cross sectio ns for static-exchange and three-Ps-state calculations. W e compare these cross sections with the recent sophisticated low-energy experimental cross section of Ref. [2] measured using time-resolved Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy and t he previous static-exchange cross sections of Refs. [4–6]. 11Here, just to have a feeling, we also plot the present static- exchange cross section calculated with the exact parameter αin the prefactor. The present three-Ps-state cross section s are significantly smaller than previous theoretical cross sections and are in close agreement with experiment. The pre sent exchange Born cross sections are also smaller than those of previous calculations. For example, Sarkar an d Ghosh [6] obtained the first Born elastic cross sections 131.9πa2 0and 12.5πa2 0at 0.068 eV and 1 eV, compared to the present first Born elastic cross sections 8.8 πa2 0and 3.7πa2 0, respectively. The present three-Ps-state cross sections are smaller than the static-exchange cross sections and are well within the experimental error bar. However, in the p resent calculation we have neglected long-range van der Waals interaction. The effect of this interaction has been sh own [5] to increase the zero-energy cross section by as much as 30%, while around 1 eV its effect is to increase the cros s section by about 3% only. Hence, the inclusion of this interaction is expected to further improve the agreeme nt with experiment at low energies. In Fig. 7 we exhibit the different angle-integrated partial c ross sections for the three-Ps-state calculation. Here we show the Ps(1s) and Ps(2s+2p) cross sections from the thre e-Ps-state calculation and Ps( n≥3) excitation and Ps-ionization cross sections using the present total first B orn model. At medium energies the Ps-ionization cross sections are the largest and dominates the trend of the total cross section of Fig. 3. This feature has also been observed by Campbell et al [7] in Ps-H scattering. Table I: Angle-integrated Ps-He partial cross sections in πa2 0at different positronium energies: EB −first Born with present exchange; PSE −present static exchange; SE −static exchange of Ref. [6]; TPS −three-Ps-state with present exchange 12Energy Ps(1s) Ps(2s) Ps(2p) Ps(1s) Ps(1s) Ps(1s) Ps(2s) Ps(2p) Ps(n≥3)Ps-ion (eV) EB EB EB SE PSE TPS TPS TPS EB EB 0.068 13.73 14.4 3.73 2.70 0.612 10.88 12.9 3.34 2.36 1.088 9.05 12.1 3.07 2.13 1.7 7.31 11.3 2.80 1.88 2.448 5.79 10.5 2.52 1.62 4.352 3.57 9.0 1.99 1.09 5 3.10 1.85 0.89 5.508 2.81 0.80(−1)1.51 1.75 0.81 0.49(−1)0.83 6 2.56 0.10 1.87 1.66 0.81 0.70(−1)1.16 6.8 2.22 0.12 1.98 7.7 1.53 0.81 0.74(−1)1.39 0.69 8 1.84 0.11 1.86 1.35 0.79 0.64(−1)1.44 0.86 0.74 10 1.39 0.91(−1)1.54 1.11 0.73 0.52(−1)1.31 0.78 2.05 15 0.80 0.54(−1)1.00 0.71 0.55 0.45(−1)0.92 0.52 3.67 20 0.52 0.35(−1)0.72 3.6 0.49 0.41 0.33(−1)0.68 0.38 4.10 30 0.27 0.17(−1)0.44 2.0 0.26 0.24 0.18(−1)0.43 0.23 3.96 40 0.16 0.10(−1)0.31 0.7 0.16 0.15 0.11(−1)0.30 0.16 3.52 50 0.11 0.65(−2)0.23 0.11 0.10 0.68(−2)0.23 0.11 3.09 600.75(−1)0.45(−2)0.19 0.8(−1)0.75(−1)0.72(−1)0.46(−2)0.18 0.93(−1)2.72 800.41(−1)0.24(−2)0.13 0.1(−1)0.41(−1)0.40(−1)0.25(−2)0.13 0.63(−1)2.14 100 0.25(−1)0.14(−2)0.98(−1)0.2(−2)0.25(−1)0.25(−1)0.14(−2)0.98(−1)0.49(−1)1.74 The angle-integrated partial cross sections are of crucial importance and are presented in Table I. These partial cross sections are calculated with the modified prefactor (3 .10) and leads to total cross section in better agreement with experiment. These cross sections should be considered to be the most realistic results of the present model study except near zero energy where van der Waals force might play a crucial role, which is not taken into account. In 13addition to the three-Ps-state cross sections we also prese nt our first Born and static-exchange results in Table I with modified prefactor (3.10). For comparison we also show the st atic-exchange results of Sarkar and Ghosh [6]. The present elastic Born cross sections are much smaller than th ose of Ref. [6]. The present three-Ps-state elastic cross sections are smaller than the static-exchange cross sectio ns, which demonstrates the effect of large polarizability of Ps. IV. SUMMARY We have presented simple model exchange potentials for elec tron- and Ps-impact scattering suitable for performing dynamical calculation in many-electron systems and checke d it in electron scattering from H and He and applied it to Ps scattering from He. The present static-exchange and th ree-Ps-state coupled-channel cross sections of electron- impact scattering are in agreement with other existing resu lts [10,14,15,17,18]. We have performed static-exchange and three-Ps-state calculations for Ps-He scattering at lo w and medium energies. To exhibit the usefulness of the present exchange at medium energies, higher excitations an d ionization of Ps are calculated using the first Born model with present exchange. The present target-elastic total cr oss sections agree well with experiment [1,2] both at low and medium energies. The work is supported in part by the Conselho Nacional de Dese nvolvimento Cient´ ıfico e Tecnol´ ogico and Funda¸ c˜ ao de Amparo ` a Pesquisa do Estado de S˜ ao Paulo of Brazil. [1] A. J. Garner, G. Laricchia, and A. Ozen, J. Phys. B 29, 5961 (1996). [2] M. Skalsey, J. J. Engbrecht, R. K. Bithell, R. S. Vallery, and D. W. Gidley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3727 (1998). [3] P. K. Biswas and S. K. Adhikari, J. Phys. B 31, 3147 (1998); and references therein. [4] P. A. Fraser, J. Phys. B 1, 1006 (1968). [5] M. I. Barker and B. H. Bransden, J. Phys. B 1, 1109 (1968). [6] N. K. Sarkar and A. S. Ghosh, J. Phys. B 30, 4591 (1997). 14[7] M. T. McAlinden, F. G. R. S. MacDonald, and H. R. J. Walters , Can. J. Phys. 74, 434 (1996). [8] P. K. Biswas and S. K. Adhikari, J. Phys. B 31, L315 (1998). [9] M. J. Seaton, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 245, 469 (1953); P. G. Burke and M. J. Seaton, Methods Comput. Phy s.10, 1 (1971); A. T. Stelbovics and B. H. Bransden, J. Phys. B 22, L451 (1989). [10] P. G. 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Jansen, ibid. 10, 3741 (1977), D. F. Register, S. Trajmar, and S. K. Srivastava, Phys. Rev. A 21, 1134 (1980); D. E. Golden and H. W. Bandel, Phys. Rev. 138, A14 (1965). [18] P. G. Burke, J. W. Cooper, and S. Ormonde, Phys. Rev. 183, 245 (1969). [19] G. Peach, unpublished, as quoted in Ref. [1]. 15Figure Caption: 1. Elastic electron-hydrogen cross section: present stati c exchange model (dashed-double-dotted line); present Bor n (dashed line); present H(1s,2s,2p) model (full line); tota l first Born with Oppenheimer exchange (dashed-triple-dott ed line); polarized orbital model by Temkin and Lamkin [10] at l ower energies ( <10 eV) and CCA model by Callaway [15] at higher energies (dashed-dotted line); experiment ( solid circles, Ref. [14]) [H(1s,2s,2p) CCA model results by Burke and Schey [10] are very close to Temkin and Lamkin and ar e not shown]. 2. Elastic electron-helium cross section: present static e xchange with exact parameters α(dashed-dotted line); present Born with exact α(dashed line); present static exchange with modified α(full line); He(1s,21s,23s,21p,23p) CCA calculation of Burke et al. (dashed-double-dotted line , Ref. [18]) experiment (solid circles and crosses, Ref. [17 ]). 3. Total Ps-He cross sections at different positronium energ ies: present target-elastic result from three-Ps-state model plus present first exchange Born for n≥3 excitations and ionization of Ps (dashed line); present ta rget- elastic result with modified parameter α2 κjin the prefactor (full line); static-exchange model of Sark ar and Ghosh (dashed-dotted line, Ref. [6]); 22-coupled-pseudo-state model of McAlinden et al. (dashed-double-dotted line, Ref. [7]); experiment (square, Ref. [2]; circle Ref. [1]). 4. S-wave elastic Ps-He phase shifts at different positroniu m energies: present three-Ps-state model (full line); present static-exchange model (dashed line); static-exch ange model of Sarkar and Ghosh (dotted line, Ref. [6]). 5. P- and D-wave elastic Ps-He phase shifts at different posit ronium energies: notations are the same as in Fig. 4. 6. Angle-integrated Ps-He elastic cross section at low posi tronium energies: present three-Ps-state model (full line ); present static-exchange model (dotted line); present stat ic-exchange with unmodified parameter α(dashed-tripple- dotted line); Fraser (dashed-double-dotted line, Ref. [4] ); Barker and Bransden (dashed-dotted line, Ref. [5]); Sark ar and Ghosh (plus, Ref. [6]); experiment shown by square (Ref. [2]). 7. Angle-integrated Ps-He partial cross sections at differe nt positronium energies with exact α: present elastic from three-Ps-state model (full line) and Ps(2s+2p) excitation (dashed-dotted line) from three-Ps-state model, present Ps(n≥3) excitation (dashed-double-dotted line) and Ps ionizati on (dashed line) using first Born approximation with present exchange. 160 40 80 120 Energy (eV)110Elastic Cross Section ( a02)Figure 1 0 10010201 10 100 Energy (eV)010203040Elastic Cross Section (a02)Figure 20 20 40 60 Energy (eV)02468Total Cross Section (10 -16 cm2)Figure 30 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (eV) Elastic Phase Shift (Radian)Figure 40 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (eV)-0.16-0.12-0.08-0.040.00P- and D-wave Elastic Phase Shifts (Radian)L=2 L=1Figure 50 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (eV)04812Total Cross Section (10 -16 cm2)Figure 60 20 40 60 80 Energy (eV)01234Partial Cross Section ( a02)Figure 7
arXiv:physics/9911053v1 [physics.atm-clus] 23 Nov 1999Low-energy quenching of positronium by helium Sadhan K. Adhikari, P. K. Biswas, and R. A. Sultanov Instituto de F´ ısica Te´ orica, Universidade Estadual Paul ista, 01.405-900 S˜ ao Paulo, S˜ ao Paulo, Brazil (February 2, 2008) Very low-energy scattering of orthopositronium by helium h as been investigated for simultane- ous study of elastic cross section and pick-off quenching rat e using a model exchange potential. The present calculational scheme, while agrees with the mea sured cross section of Skalsey et al, reproduces successfully the parameter1Zeff, the effective number of electrons per atom in a singlet state relative to the positron. Together with the fa ct that this model potential also leads to an agreement with measured medium energy cross sections o f this system, this study seems to resolve the long-standing discrepancy at low energies am ong different theoretical calculations and experimental measurements. PACS Number(s): 34.10.+x, 36.10.Dr Studies on positronium- (Ps-)impact scattering have gained momentum these days due to the avail- ability of ortho-Ps beam in the laboratory and its vast applicational potential coupled with the present in- adequate and inconclusive understanding of its inter- action dynamics with matter [1]. Ps scattering by neutral targets has posed a challenge to theoreticians on a proper accounting of experimental data as most existing theoretical works disagree with the major ex- perimental trend. The discrepancy figures out prominently in the Ps- He system where there are many theoretical and ex- perimental studies. The medium-energy experimental cross section shows a declining trend with decreasing energy [2] from a peak around 20 eV for Ps-He scat- tering. Similar trend is also observed in Ps-H 2and Ps- Ar systems [2,3]. This trend, which is supported by the recent measurement of Skalsey et al [4], could not be reproduced in most theoretical predictions [5–9]. At very low energies, these theories and experiments [2–4,10,11] on the Ps-He system are inconsistent with each other and also among themselves. For illustra- tion, the zero-energy cross sections calculated on Ps- He by different authors vary from 3 .3˚A2[12] to 16 .54 ˚A2[13] while the measured values range from 2 .3±0.4 ˚A2(at 0.915 eV) [4] to 11 ±3˚A2(between 0 to 0.3 eV) [10]. Pointing out the very reactive nature of Ps scattering and its associated convergence difficulties, a prescription for the generation of nonlocal model exchange potential has been advocated recently and applied successfully to different electron-impact (tar- gets: H, He) and Ps-impact (targets: H [15,16], He [14], H 2[17], Ar, Ne [18]) scatterings problems using static-exchange to three-Ps-state models. The three- Ps-state calculation for Ps-He predict a further lower zero-energy cross section of 2.42 ˚A2[14]. In this work we shed light on the abovementioned discrepancy in Ps-He system in conjunction with a determination of the parameter1Zeffwhich denotes the effective number of electrons per atom in a singletstate relative to the positron. The study of this pa- rameter is supposed to provide a stringent test for the model potential. The incident ortho Ps(1s) atom in a triplet state with a lifetime of 142ns can decay into three photons and is more stable than its para coun- terpart in a singlet state with a lifetime of 0.125ns for a two-photon decay mode. However, in its interaction with matter, the positron of Ps can find an atomic electron in a spin-singlet state and the two can be annihilated by a two-photon decay mode without re- ally forming a para Ps atom by electron exchange. This process is termed pick-off quenching. From the experimental pick-off quenching rate the parameter 1Zeffcan be extracted. Theoretically1Zeffcan be calculated from the wave function of the Ps-He sys- tem Ψ( rp, sp;r1, s1;r2, s2;r3, s3) where randsrefer to position and spin, the suffix prefers to the positron andi= 1,2,3 refer to the electrons. Following Barker and Bransden [7,13], the amplitude for finding the positron and one of the atomic electrons in a relative singlet state is Φ(rp;r1;r2,s2;r3, s3) =< χ0(sp, s1)|Ψ>, (0.1) where χ0is the singlet wave function. The parameter 1Zeffis given by 1Zeff= 3/summationdisplay spin/integraldisplay drpdr1dr2dr3δ(rp−r1)|Φ|2.(0.2) The factor 3 appears as each of the three electrons of the Ps-He system contributes equally to1Zeff. Unlike the scattering cross sections, which are de- termined from the asymptotic part of the Ps-He wave function, the parameter1Zeffis sensitive to the Ps-He wave function at short distances and its correct eval- uation in a theoretical calculation should provide a sensitive test about its realistic nature. There is con- siderable discrepancy between theory and experiment in the value of the parameter1Zeff. The experimen- tal measurements have yielded1Zeff= 0.108±0.01 1[13,19],1Zeff= 0.135±0.068 [7,20], and1Zeff= 0.25±25% [7,21], whereas different static-exchange calculations have yielded values ranging from 0.02 to 0.1 [5,7,13]. Compared to other exchange potentials, the present scheme leads to substantially weaker re- pulsive exchange potential and it is expected that the present scheme will lead to a larger value of1Zeffin Ps-He system as is demanded by experiments [19–21]. In the static-exchange approximation the Ps-He wave function is represented by the following an- tisymmetrized product of the internal wave func- tions of Ps(1s), φPs(r1−rp), and singlet He(1s1s), φHe(r2,r3), with a wave function of relative motion, Fk(R), and a suitable spin function: Ψ =AφPs(t)φHe(r2,r3)Fk(R)χ(s1, s2, s3, sp),(0.3) where R= (r1+rp)/2,t=r1−rp,Ais the anti- symmetrizer, kthe incident Ps momentum, and χthe spin function. On expanding F(R) in partial waves Fk(R) =∞/summationdisplay L=0(2L+ 1)(kR)−1FL(R)PL(cosθ),(0.4) where θis the angle between kandR, the follow- ing integro-differential equation is obtained from the Schr¨ odinger equation: /parenleftbiggd2 dR2+k2−L(L+ 1) R2/parenrightbigg FL(R) =/integraldisplay∞ 0VL(R, R′)FL(R′)R′2dR′, (0.5) where we use VL(R, R′) is the nonlocal exchange potential. The asymptotic boundary conditions for Fk(R) and FL(R) are given by Fk(R)∼R→∞exp(ikRcosθ) +f(θ)exp(ikR) R,(0.6) FL(R)∼R→∞sin(kR−Lπ/2 +δL), (0.7) where δLis the scattering phase shift, and the scat- tering amplitude f(θ) is given by f(θ) =∞/summationdisplay L=0(2L+ 1)exp(iδL)sinδL kPL(cosθ).(0.8) The total elastic and momentum transfer cross sec- tions are given by σel(k2) =/integraldisplay |f(θ)|2dΩ, (0.9) σm(k2) =/integraldisplay |f(θ)|2(1−cosθ)dΩ, (0.10) respectively. Some of the experiments provide only low-energy momentum-transfer cross section and hence we also calculate this observable in this study.We employ He(1s1s) wave function of the following form φHe(r2,r3) =u2(r2)u3(r3) (0.11) ui(r) =/summationdisplay κaκiφκi(r), (0.12) withφκi(r) = exp( −ακir)Y00.In the present calcula- tion we use an accurate two-term parametrization of (0.12) [22]. In momentum space the model exchange potential has the following form [14]: B(kf,ki) =/bracketleftbigg/summationdisplay j/summationdisplay κκ′4aκjaκ′j Dκκ′j ×/integraldisplay φ∗ κ′j(r)exp(iQ.r)φκj(r)dr/bracketrightbigg ×/integraldisplay φ∗ Ps(t)exp(iQ.t/2)φPs(t)dt,(0.13) withQ=ki−kf,V(p,q) =−B(p,q)/(2π2) and Dκκ′j= [k2 f/4 +α2 κj+β2] (0.14) where φκj(r) is the κth function of the jth elec- tron for the atomic ground state, and φPs(t) = β3/2exp(−βt)/√π. The direct potential for this prob- lem is zero, and there is a change of sign in the spin- triplet Ps-He potential below. The partial-wave con- figuration space nonlocal potential of Eq. (0.5) is given by VL(R, R′) =/parenleftbigg2 π/parenrightbigg2/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay∞ 0p2dpq2dq ×jL(pR)VL(p, q)jL(qR′) (0.15) and VL(p, q) =−π2/integraldisplay1 −1dxPL(x)V(p,q), (0.16) where xis the angle between pandq. Although the model exchange potential (0.16) has been found to be satisfactory for calculating scattering cross sections [14], it is interesting to investigate if it is also effective in the calculation of finer scattering observables, such as the parameter1Zeff.A scheme for the calculation of1Zefffor He wave functions of type (0.11) is given by Fraser and Kraidy [13] and we employ the same in the present calculation. First we show our results for the low-energy elastic and momentum-transfer cross sections in Fig. 1 to- gether those obtained from other theories and experi- ments. The triplet Ps-He scattering length in this case is 0.87 a0, compared to 1.39 a0obtained by Drachman and Houston [5]. The discrepancy among various re- sults is apparent in this plot. The three experimental 2results for cross sections [4,10] shown by solid circles vary from 2.3 ˚A2[4], through 7.45 ˚A2[11], to 11 ˚A2 [10] at 0.9 eV, 0 eV, and 0.15 eV, respectively. It is difficult to reconcile these three experimental results in a theoretical model. Previous static-exchange cal- culations [7–9,13] except those of Ref. [14] all tend to support the largest cross section of Ref. [10]. The model calculation of Drachman and Houston [5] de- noted by a cross in Fig. 1 is consistent with the exper- iment of Ref. [11]. This discrepancy has been partially resolved in the study of Ref. [14], where it has been demonstrated that the present model exchange poten- tial is unique in being able to reproduce experimental cross sections [2,3] upto medium energies (about 60 eV) fairly well. Other theoretical calculations are un- able to reproduce [7,8,13] the experimental trend of total cross section at different energies with a mini- mum around 5.1 eV. The present elastic (full line) and momentum-transfer (dashed line) static-exchange cal- culations are consistent with the experiment of Skalsey et al [4]. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (eV)0481216Elastic Cross Section (10 -16 cm2)Figure 1 Fig. 1. Angle-integrated Ps-He cross section at low positronium energies: present momentum trans- fer from static-exchange model (dashed line); present elastic from static-exchange model (full line); elastic from static-exchange of Ref. [7] (dashed-dotted line); of Ref. [13] (dashed-double-dotted line); of Ref. [8] (dashed-triple-dotted line); theory of Ref. [5] (cross); experiments at 0 eV, 0.15 eV, and 0.9 eV of Refs. [11,10,4], respectively (solid circle). Next we perform an S-wave calculation for the pa- rameter1Zeff. In Fig. 2 we plot the results for the present calculation of1Zeffat different energies. For comparison we also plot the results of previous calcu- lation by Barker and Bransden [7] and by Fraser and Kraidy [13] and the existing three experimental data. Although Drachman and Houston [5] did not calcu- late1Zeffat different energies, their low-energy value of 0.1 is in reasonable agreement with the present re- sult of 0.11 and experiment of Refs. [19,20]. The three experimental results with error bars cover the rangeof 0.07 to 0.31 for1Zeff. Of the three experiments the one by Duff and Heymann [19] with the smallest error bar might be the most accurate. The much too small values of1Zeffobtained in previous calculations [7,13] seem to be a consequence of a much stronger (exchange) repulsion in the elas- tic channel of these models. This is reflected in the zero-energy cross section or the scattering length of these calculations. For a repulsive potential the low- energy cross section increases with repulsion, conse- quently, the previous calculations have led to unusu- ally large triplet scattering lengths compared to the present work. This is most clearly exhibited in a cor- relation exhibited in Fig. 3 where we plot1Zeffversus triplet scattering length of different calculations. The larger the scattering length the smaller is the1Zeff. This correlation is similar to different correlations ob- served in the study of Ps-H scattering in Ref. [16]. 0.01 0.10 1.00 Energy (eV) effFigure 2 Fig. 2. The parameter1Zeffat different positron- ium energies: calculation including angular momenta L= 0,1,2 of Ref. [13] (dashed-dotted line), of Ref. [7] (dashed line); calculation for L= 0 of present model (full line); the experimental points denoted solid cir- cle, diamond, cross taken from Refs. [19–21], respec- tively. We next comment on two aspects of the present calculation. First, we used a two-term helium wave function. We also repeated our calculation with the one-term helium wave function of Ref. [9] and the five- term wave function used in Ref. [14]. The results for both the cross section and1Zeffsuffer insignificant change with the change of wave function. For1Zeff, the different results are within the error bar of Ref. [19]; for cross section they are also within the error bar of Ref. [4]. Hence we do not believe the present results to be so peculiar as to be of no general validity. Secondly, we performed a L= 0 calculation for1Zeff. At the experimental energies less than 0.03 eV, the effect of higher partial waves is practically zero (well within the error bar of Ref. [19]); at 1 eV this effect is 3quite small. 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Scattering Length (units of a0) effFigure 3 [5] [5][7] [7][13][PR] Fig. 3. The parameter1Zeffversus scattering length of various calculations denoted by solid circle and labeled by reference number [5,7,13]. The present result is labeled by [PR], full line denotes a linear fit. From the consideration above, we believe the present static-exchange calculation as well as the pre- vious calculations [14] using the same exchange po- tential provide a realistic account of very low-energy Ps-He scattering. However, the precise agreement of the static-exchange calculation with experiment is ex- pected to be incidental. For a complete understanding of this problem higher excited states of both Ps and He should be incorporated in the model. The inclu- sion of Ps excitation channels has been found [14] to decrease the low-energy cross sections and we might need to refit the low-energy cross sections by chang- ing the parameters αand/or βof the potential in Eq. (0.14), as in Refs. [16,14]. In conclusion, we have used a recently suggested nonlocal model exchange potential [15,16,14,17] and applied it to the study of Ps-He scattering at low ener- gies. We have critically examined the static-exchange calculation to see if it can account for satisfactorily [14] the measured cross sections of Refs. [2,4] and the ‘measured’ value of the parameter1Zeffof Refs. [19,20]. The present calculation is in reasonable agree- ment with the calculation of Ref. [5]. However, it is difficult to reconcile the present calculation with the experiment of Ref. [21]. In a previous study [14], the present exchange potential has been found to repro- duce the low- to medium-energy cross sections of Refs. [2,4] well. This coupled with the present study seems to indicate that the1Zeffmeasurement of Ref. [19] and the high- and low-energy cross section measure- ments of Refs. [2] and [4] are consistent among each other as well as with the present calculation which possibly provides a faithful description of low-energy Ps-He scattering. We observe a correlation between 1Zeffand triplet scattering length of various calcula- tions (Fig. 3), which demonstrates that the smaller the scattering length the larger is the value of1Zeff. This correlation is similar to different correlations ob-served between the low-energy Ps-H observables re- cently [16]. We thank Prof. B. H. Bransden for suggesting this investigation, and for his helpful comments and en- couragements. The work is supported in part by the CNPq and FAPESP of Brazil. [1] D. W. Gidley, A. Rich, and P. W. Zitzewitz, Positron Annihilation Ed P. G. Coleman, S. C. Sharma, and L. M. Diana, (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982) p. 11 [2] A. J. Garner, G. Laricchia, and A. Ozen, J. Phys. B 29, 5961 (1996). [3] N. Zafar, G. Laricchia, M. Charlton, and A. J. Garner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1595 (1996). [4] M. Skalsey, J. J. Engbrecht, R. K. Bithell, R. S. Vallery, and D. W. Gidley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3727 (1998). [5] R. J. Drachman and S. K. Houston, J. Phys. B 3, 1657 (1970). 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arXiv:physics/9911054v1 [physics.atm-clus] 23 Nov 1999Positronium-Hydrogen-Atom Scattering in a Five-State Mod el Sadhan K. Adhikari and P. K. Biswas Instituto de F´ ısica Te´ orica, Universidade Estadual Paul ista 01.405-900 S˜ ao Paulo, S˜ ao Paulo, Brazil (February 2, 2008) The scattering of ortho-positronium (Ps) by hydrogen atoms has been investigated in a five-state coupled-channel model allowing for Ps(1s)H(2s,2p) and Ps( 2s,2p)H(1s) excitations using a recently proposed electron-exchange model potential. The higher ( n≥3) excitations and ionization of the Ps atom are calculated using the first Born approximation. Ca lculations are reported of scattering lengths, phase shifts, elastic, Ps- and H-excitation, and t otal cross sections. Remarkable correlations are observed between the S-wave Ps-H binding energy and the s inglet scattering length, effective range, and resonance energy obtained in various model calcu lations. These correlations suggest that if a Ps-H dynamical model yields the correct result for one of these four observables, it is expected to lead to the correct result for the other three. The present model, which is constructed so as to reproduce the Ps-H resonance at 4.01 eV, automatically yiel ds a Ps-H bound state at −1.05 eV which compares well with the accurate value of −1.067 eV. The model leads to a singlet scattering length of 3.72 a0and effective range of 1.67 a0, whereas the correlations suggest the precise values of 3.50a0and 1.65 a0for these observables, respectively. PACS Number(s): 34.10.+x, 36.10.Dr I. INTRODUCTION Recently, there have been several experimental and theoretical investigations of ortho positronium (Ps) atom scattering from different neutral atomic and molecular targets. Experiments have primarily measured total Ps- atom scattering cross sections from various targets [1–3]. In addition to total cross sections, the theoretical stud- ies have also predicted partial cross sections and phase shifts for Ps-H [4–9], Ps-He [8,10–12], and Ps-H 2[13,14] systems. Ps scattering by neutral targets is of special in- terest, as the direct amplitudes for elastic and even-parit y state transitions are zero [15] due to the internal charge and mass symmetry of Ps. Hence the electron-exchange interaction is the dominating factor at low energies in any Ps-impact scattering with neutral targets apart from the effect of polarization and van der Waals forces [10,16]. Ps scattering makes it possible to study the effect of exchange in an environment characteristically different from that of the electron-atom systems [15]. Among all Ps-atom systems, the positronium-hydrogen (Ps-H) sys- tem is the simplest and is of fundamental interest. The Ps-H scattering has most of the complications of a many- body problem, but few-body techniques can be employed for its solution. A general feature of the measured total cross section in Ref. [1] for Ps scattered by He, Ar, and H 2, is a peak near 20 −25 eV and a decreasing trend below this en- ergy. Recent measurements near 1 eV [2] are consistent with this trend. However, because of the large error bars on the measurement in Ref. [1] at the lowest energy (10 eV) and due to inadequate data in this energy region, it is not clear from experiment whether the total cross section has a minimum near the Ps excitation thresh- old or not. The recent three-Ps-state studies of Refs. [9,12,14] suggest the existence of a minimum near thePs(2s) threshold. This feature of the cross section is able to reconcile the two different experimental findings and is also noticed in the unpublished theoretical work of Peach [17]. The R-matrix calculation [7,8] for H and He, in which 22 coupled pseudo states are included, does not show this trend; whereas the static-exchange (one-state) cross sections [10] for He are too large to match the mea- surement near the Ps(2s) threshold [12]. In this respect, the model-potential studies of Refs. [9,12,14] are unique in reproducing the experimental trend of Ps-impact scat- tering by H, He, and H 2. Unphysically large low-energy cross sections of previous cross sections are expected to be a consequence of the nonorthogonality arising from antisymmetrization and the very reactive nature of Ps scattering [9,12,14]. In this paper we present a theoretical study of ortho- Ps-H scattering employing a five-state model allow- ing for excitation of both Ps and H atoms using the model exchange potential mentioned above. The follow- ing states are included in the calculation: Ps(1s)H(1s), Ps(2s)H(1s), Ps(2p)H(1s), Ps(1s)H(2s), and Ps(1s)H(2p) and such a model should be considered adequate at low energies. The cross sections for higher discrete and con- tinuum excitations of the Ps atom are calculated in the framework of Born approximation. These Born cross sec- tions are added to the above five-state cross sections to predict the total cross section. Although, the parametrization of the model exchange potential of Ref. [12], which is obtained using a physical argument, is satisfactory, it is not unique and leaves an option for the parameters to be varied to tune to some precise data at low energies. In the absence of experimen- tal Ps-H cross sections we tune this parameter to repro- duce the energy of the singlet S-wave resonance. Ho has provided the most precise estimate of S-wave resonance energy, which is 4.01 eV (width 0.075 eV) [18]. Frolov 1and Smith have made the most accurate estimate of the S-wave bound state, which is 1.067 eV [19]. We varied the parameter of our model to fit the Ps-H resonance energy at 4.01 eV and found that the same model without any further adjustment also produced a Ps-H bound state at −1.05 eV. No previous scattering model has been able to produce these two features of the Ps-H system simulta- neously and so precisely. Similar to those obtained in the three-nucleon system [20,21], we find remarkable corre- lation between the S-wave Ps-H binding energy and the singlet scattering length, effective range, and resonance energy obtained in various model calculations. These correlations suggest that if a model yields the correct re- sult for one of these observables it should also yield the correct result for the other three. The present model leads to reasonably accurate energies for the Ps-H bound state and resonance and because of the above correlation the singlet scattering length and effective range are also expected to be fairly accurate. We describe the calculational scheme, model exchange potential and numerical results in Sec. II and a summary of our findings in Sec. III. II. MODEL POSITRONIUM-HYDROGEN CALCULATION A. Calculational Scheme The total antisymmetrized wave function for the Ps-H system allowing excitation of both Ps and H is given by Ψ±(r1,r2,x)≡1√ 2/summationdisplay µ,ν[φµ(r2)χν(t1)Fµν(s1) ±φµ(r1)χν(t2)Fµν(s2)], (2.1) wheresj= (x+rj)/2 andtj= (x−rj),j= 1,2, with x the positron coordinate and rjare the coordinates of the two electrons, φµ(χν) is the bound-state wave function of H (Ps) in quantum state µ(ν), and Fµνis the continuum orbital of Ps with respect to H. The Schr¨ odinger equation for this wave function when projected on the final H and Ps states φµ′andχν′, respectively, leads to the follow- ing Lippmann-Schwinger scattering integral equation in momentum space f± µ′ν′,µν(k′,k) =B± µ′ν′,µν(k′,k) −/summationdisplay µ”,ν”/integraldisplaydk” 2π2B± µ′ν′,µ”ν”(k′,k”)f± µ”ν”,µν(k”,k) E− Eµ”−ǫν”−k”2/4 + i0. (2.2) where the singlet and triplet “Born” amplitudes, B±, are given by B± µ′ν′,µν(kf,ki) = gD µ′ν′,µν(kf,ki)± gE µ′ν′,µν(kf,ki),where gDandgErepresent the direct and exchange Born amplitudes and the f±are the singlet and triplet scattering amplitudes, respectively. The energie sof the intermediate Ps and H states are ǫν′′andEµ′′and Eis the total energy of the system. The differential cross section is defined by /parenleftbiggdσ dΩ/parenrightbigg µ′ν′,µν=k′ 4k[|f+ µ′ν′,µν(k′,k)|2+ 3|f− µ′ν′,µν(k′,k)|2], (2.3) and the quenching cross section that describes conversion from ortho- to para-positronium is defined by /parenleftbiggdσ dΩ/parenrightbiggquen µ′ν′,µν=k′ 16k|f+ µ′ν′,µν(k′,k)−f− µ′ν′,µν(k′,k)|2. (2.4) B. Model Exchange Potential The derivation of the model exchange potential has been adequately described recently and here we quote the principal results [12]. The Ps-H model exchange po- tential is given by [22] gE µ′ν′,µν(kf,ki) =4(−1)l+l′ D/integraldisplay φ∗ µ′(r)exp(iQ.r)φµ(r)dr2 ×/integraldisplay χ∗ ν′(t)exp(iQ.t/2)χν(t)dt,(2.5) with D=k2 f/4 +α2 µ+β2 ν′ (2.6) where landl′are the angular momenta of the initial and final Ps states, the initial and final Ps momenta are ki andkf,Q=ki−kf.α2 µ/2 and α2 µ′/2, and β2 νandβ2 ν′ are the binding energies of the initial and final states of H and Ps in atomic units (au), respectively. The factor (−1)l+l′provides the correct sign of the exchange po- tential given by formal antisymmetrization. In previous works [9,12,14] only the l= 0 component of this model potential was given. The model exchange potential given by Eqs. (2.5) and (2.6) is not time-reversal symmetric. A time-reversal symmetric form has also been suggested in which Eq. (2.6) is replaced by [12]: D= (k2 i+k2 f)/8 + (α2 µ+α2 µ′)/2 + (β2 ν+β2 ν′)/2,(2.7) which leaves the elastic Born results unchanged. C. Numerical Results After a partial-wave projection, the singlet (+) and triplet ( −) scattering equations (2.2) are solved by the method of matrix inversion. The maximum number of 2partial waves included in the calculation is ten. Contri- bution of higher partial waves to cross sections is included by using the Born terms. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (eV)1234S-wave Elastic Phase Shift (radian)Triplet SingletFigure 1 Fig. 1 S-wave elastic scattering phase shifts for singlet and triplet states at different Ps energies: present five-sta te (full line), present two-state (dotted line), present stat ic ex- change (dashed-double-dotted line) Hara and Fraser (dashe d line, Ref. [5]), Sinha et al. (dashed-dotted line, Ref. [6]) . 0.0 0.5 1.0 Binding Energy (eV)345678Scattering Length (units of a0)Figure 2 Fig. 2 The singlet scattering length versus binding energy of different models: open triangles (Ref. [7]), open circles (cal- culated from phase shifts of Ref. [6]), solid triangle (from Ref. [4]), star (as calculated in Ref. [4] from phase shifts of [5] ), solid circle (five-state calculation with C= 1 and 0.784 in Eq. (2.8)), full line (straight line fit). In our latest calculations [12] we find that the sym- metric form provides better results and therefore here we present results of Ps-H scattering using a five-state model and Eqs. (2.5) and (2.7) that includes the fol- lowing states: Ps(1s)H(1s), Ps(2s)H(1s), Ps(2p)H(1s), Ps(1s)H(2s), and Ps(1s)H(2p). The truncated model that includes the first three of these states will be referred to as the three-Ps-state, or simply, the three-state, model , and the three-H-state model includes the first, fourth and fifth of this set. The model that includes the first nstates of this set will be termed the n-state model. The Born terms for the simultaneous excitation of both H and Ps atoms are found to be small and will not be consideredhere in the coupled-channel scheme. Higher excitations and ionization of Ps are conveniently treated in the Born approximation including exchange and higher excitations and ionization of H are excluded. We calculate the elastic Ps(1s)H(1s) cross section and inelastic excitation cross sections to Ps(2s)H(1s), Ps(2p)H(1s), Ps(1s)H(2s), and Ps(1s)H(2p) states. We also calculate cross sections for the discrete excitation of the 3s, 3p, 3d, 4p, 4d, 4f, 5p, 5d, 5f, 6p states and also for ionization of Ps in the first Born approximation, keeping the target frozen to its ini- tial ground state using exchange given by Eqs. (2.5) and (2.7). 0.0 0.5 1.0 Binding Energy (eV)123Effective Range (units of a0)Figure 3 Fig. 3 S-wave singlet effective range versus binding energy of different models: open triangles (Ref. [7]), solid triang le (from Ref. [4]), solid circle (five-state calculation with C= 0.784 in Eq. (2.8)), full line (straight line fit). 0.0 0.5 1.0 Binding Energy (eV) Energy (eV)Figure 4 Fig. 4 4. S-wave singlet resonance versus binding energy of different models: open circle (Refs. [19,18]), open trian gle (Ref. [7]), solid triangle (from Ref. [4]), solid circle (fiv e-state calculation with C= 1 and 0.784 in Eq. (2.8)), full line (straight line fit). In previous studies we found that the exact values of the parameters αandβin Eqs. (2.6) and (2.7) lead to good results for cross sections. However, these parame- ters in Eqs. (2.6) and (2.7) correspond to some average value of momentum [12] and it was noted that one could conveniently allow these parameters to vary in order to improve the fit with experiment. As there are no exper- iments in Ps-H scattering, we choose these parameters to fit the known S-wave singlet resonance at 4.01 eV in 3the Ps-H system [18]. The resonance is found in the two- state model with Ps(1s)H(1s) and Ps(2s)H(1s) states. It continues to exist as more states are included in the dy- namical equation. However, its energy reduces a little (by up to about 0.05 eV) as more and more states are added. The position of the resonance in the five-state and two-state models with the exact parameters α’s and β’s in Eq. (2.7) is 4.72 eV and 4.76 eV, respectively. We find that the Ps-H resonace energy decreases and the binding energy increases monotonically, as the values of the parameters α’s and β’s are reduced in Eq. (2.7). For a systematic reduction we used in place of Eq. (2.7) the following form: D= (k2 i+k2 f)/8 +C2[(α2 µ+α2 µ′)/2 + (β2 ν+β2 ν′)/2], (2.8) where Cis an arbitrary factor. In order to obtain the S-wave resonance at 4.01 eV in the five-state model we needC= 0.784, which is the most accurate estimate of this energy [18]. Interestingly enough, with this value ofC, the five-state model produces a Ps-H bound state at−1.05 eV, which is consistent with both the accurate theoretical estimate of −1.067 eV [19] and experimental result of −1.1±0.2 eV [23]. The binding energy is cal- culated by extrapolating the calculated kcotδvalues at positive energies to negative energies using the following effective-range expansion: kcotδ=−1/a+r0k2/2+Bk4, and finding the solution of kcotδ−ik= 0 at the bound state, where δis the S-wave phase shift, athe scatter- ing length, r0the effective range, kthe momentum, and Bthe coefficient of the k4term. In all calculations pre- sented in this work we use the value of C= 0.784 in Eqs. (2.8) and (2.5). The simultaneous accurate reproduction of both the binding and resonance energies assures the reliability of our model. The elastic scattering S-wave phase shifts for different partial waves for singlet and triplet states below the low- est excitation threshold are shown in Fig. 1. We compare the S-wave phase shifts with the static-exchange phase shift of Hara and Fraser [5] and the three-state close- coupling approximation (CCA) phase shifts of Sinha et al. [10]. We also show our static-exchange phase shifts. The phase shifts of Hara and Fraser are identical with the static exchange results of Ref. [10]. The phase shifts of Sinha et al. and of Hara and Fraser suggests that the trend of convergence of the S-wave phase shifts of Ref. [10] is in the direction of the present phase shifts. Because of the existence of a low-energy effective-range expansion, the binding energy of a weakly bound singlet Ps-H state should be correlated with the S-wave singlet scattering length in different model calculations. This is shown in Fig. 2 where we plot the singlet scatter- ing length versus binding energy for several calculations. The straight-line correlation between these two observ- ables for various model calculations implies that a model that produces the correct energy of the Ps-H bound state, should also produce the correct scattering length andgood low-energy phase shifts. This correlation explicit in the effective-range expansion is a consequence of the dy- namics of the problem. The dominance of the short-range part of the interaction is responsible for the appearance of correlation between low-energy observables in a system [20]. In the trinucleon system in the attractive S-wave doublet channel all low-energy observables were found to be correlated with binding energy in different model cal- culations [20,21], which implies if a model yields the cor- rect result for one of the low-energy observables it should also yield the correct result for the others. Such correla- tions were used to predict different low-energy trinucleon observables from results of different model calculations. These predictions were later confirmed in other rigorous calculations and experiments [21]. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Energy (eV) Cross Section (units of a02)Figure 5 Fig. 5 Partial Ps-H cross sections from the five-state model at different Ps energies: Ps(1s)H(1s) elastic (upper f ull line), Ps(2s)H(1s) excitation (lower full line), Ps(1s)H( 2s) ex- citation (dotted line), Ps(1s)H(2p) excitation (dashed-d otted line), Ps(2p)H(1s) excitation (dashed-triple-dotted lin e), Ps- ionization Born cross section (dashed line), Ps-excitatio n (n≥3) Born cross section (dashed-double-dotted line). Correlation is also possible among other low-energy S- wave singlet Ps-H observables which are not obviously re- lated. For example, we find a correlation between S-wave singlet Ps-H binding energy and effective range, which is shown in Fig. 3. In this figure we plot the effective ranges of Refs. [4,7] and their respective binding ener- gies together with the five-state result. We also observe a correlation between S-wave singlet Ps-H binding and resonance energies, which is shown in Fig. 4. The essen- tially exact resonance and binding energies [18,19] lie on the line in Fig. 4 obtained by our calculation and those of Refs. [4,7]. The reproduction of the correct value of the singlet Ps-H effective range and resonance energy in ad- dition to the scattering length assures proper variation of the phase shift in our model. The previous calcula- tions [4–7] have possibly not converged well as they do not produce the correct energies of Ps-H bound state and resonance. The five-state model reproduces the positions of the Ps-H bound state and resonance fairly accurately, 4and so it is expected that the present singlet scattering length, 3.72 a0, effective range, 1.67 a0, phase shifts and low-energy cross sections are more close to the converged results than those of previous calculations. The correla- tions of Fig. 2 and 3 suggest that the correct singlet scat- tering length and effective range, corresponding to the accurate Ps-H binding energy of 1.067 eV [19], should be 3.5a0and 1.65 a0, respectively, in close agreement with our model calculation. In the triplet case there is no bound state and no interesting correlation is observed. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Energy (eV)04812Total Cross Section (units of a02)πFigure 6 Fig. 6 Total cross section for Ps-H scattering at different Ps energies: present total (full line), three-Ps-state CCA (d otted line, Ref. [6]), target-elastic total of 22-pseudo-state m odel including Ps-ionization and excitations (full line, Ref. [ 7]), Ps-H 2experiment reduced by a factor of 2 ( •, Refs. [1]). Table I: Singlet scattering length and effective range in units of a0and S-wave singlet binding energies ( EB) in eV for different number of coupled states in two different models: Present and R-matrix model of [7]. The numbers with an asterisk denote prediction from correlation of Figs. 2 and 3 and that with a dagger denote accurate prediction in Ref. [19]. Ref.1-st 3-st5-st9-st22-st a+Our4.05 3.853.72 3.50∗ a+[7]7.25 6.70 5.51 5.20 r+ 0Our1.82 1.721.67 1.65∗ r+ 0[7]3.07 2.98 2.63 2.52 EBOur0.87 0.981.05 1.067† EB[7]0.263 0.326 0.543 0.634 To illustrate the trend of convergence of our calcula- tion, we show in Table I the results for singlet scatter- ing length, effective range, and binding energies for one-, three-, and five-state schemes with model exchange po- tential and compare with the conventional R-matrix cal- culation of Ref. [7] for different number of coupled states. In this table we also show the predictions for the scatter- ing length and effective range obtained from correlations in Figs. 2 and 3 consistent with the correct Ps-H binding [19]. The triplet scattering lengths for the one-, three-,and five-state models, which do not provide any correla- tion, are 1.83 a0, 1.69a0, and 1.68 a0, respectively. The model calculation leads to reasonable convergence for cross section and phase shifts at low energies as the number of states is increased. This is illustrated for low-energy cross sections in Table II for different basis sets. Finally, we present the low-energy phase shifts and quenching cross sections of the five-state model in Table III. As in Ref. [7], the quenching cross section has a min- imum between 0 and 1 eV and a maximum between 1 and 2 eV. However, the low-energy quenching as well as elastic cross sections are somewhat smaller than those of Ref. [7] and are expected to be more converged. Table II: Low-energy elastic cross sections in units of πa2 0using different basis sets for different kin au, incident positron energy E= 6.8k2eV. k1-state 2-state 3-state 4-state 5-state 3-H-state 0.026.39 24.78 23.35 23.35 22.36 24.10 0.124.81 23.44 22.04 22.04 21.18 22.89 0.221.24 20.35 19.02 19.00 18.43 19.89 0.317.60 17.13 15.83 15.83 15.51 16.79 0.414.82 14.62 13.34 13.34 13.18 14.42 0.512.76 12.72 11.44 11.43 11.35 12.58 0.611.01 11.05 9.72 9.72 9.68 10.89 0.79.42 9.55 8.14 8.14 8.10 9.27 0.88.02 7.69 6.20 6.19 6.19 7.82 In Fig. 5 we plot the Ps(1s)H(1s), Ps(2s)H(1s), Ps(2p)H(1s), Ps(1s)H(2s), and Ps(1s)H(2p) cross sec- tions for the five-state calculation, and the Born cross sec- tions for n≥3 Ps-excitations and Ps-ionization. These cross sections are also exhibited in Table IV. The to- tal cross section is plotted in Fig. 6 where we compare our results with those of the 22-pseudo-state R-matrix and three-state CCA calculations of Refs. [6,7]. In the absence of experimental results on Ps-H scattering, we compare the total cross section with the total Ps-H 2cross section data ( •) reduced by a factor of two [2]. This should provide a fair comparison except at very low en- ergies. The experimental trend, which clearly demon- strates a broad maximum in the total cross section for all the Ps-impact scattering problems around 20 eV [1] and possibly a minimum near the Ps(2s) excitation thresh- old [12], is correctly reproduced in our calculation. The Ps-ionization cross section is largely responsible for pro - ducing this trend in Ps-H scattering and also in Ps-He and Ps-H 2scattering [12,14]. The 22-pseudo-state cal- culations of Refs. [7,8] do not have this trend even after including Ps-ionization and H-excitation and ionization cross sections. The Ps-H cross sections of Ref. [6] shown in Fig. 5 do not include higher excitations and ioniza- tions of Ps and H; but the trend of their result suggests that it may agree with the experimental trend of a maxi- mum if these cross sections are included. However, at low energies our cross sections are much smaller than those of Refs. [6,7]. 5Table III: Low-energy phase shifts in radians and ortho-Ps( 1s) to para-Ps(1s) conversion cross sections in units of πa2 0for the five-state model for different kin au. The entries for k= 0 correspond to the scattering lengths in units ofa0, incident positron energy E= 6.8k2eV. kδ+ 0 δ− 0 δ+ 1 δ− 1 δ+ 2 δ− 2 σquen (au)(rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (πa2 0) 0.03.72 1.68 1.02 0.12.78−1.67(−1)4.77(−3)−2.33(−3)1.8(−5)−1.4(−5)0.99 0.22.44−3.27(−1)3.70(−2)−1.67(−2)5.3(−4)−4.0(−4)0.91 0.32.14−4.74(−1)1.16(−1)−4.76(−2)3.5(−3)−2.6(−3)0.93 0.41.89−6.02(−1)2.39(−1)−9.18(−2)1.2(−2)−8.6(−3)1.07 0.51.68−7.06(−1)3.72(−1)−1.42(−1)2.9(−2)−2.0(−2)1.21 0.61.52−7.84(−1)4.78(−1)−1.90(−1)5.5(−2)−3.6(−2)1.21 0.71.43 7.373( −1)5.41(−1)−2.28(−1)8.8(−2)−5.5(−2)1.10 0.84.12 7.196( −1)5.69(−1)−2.47(−1)1.2(−1)−7.3(−2)1.07 In this study we find that the H-excitation cross sections are much smaller than the Ps-excitation cross sections and the H-excitation channels have less effect on the converg ence of the solution at low energies compared to the Ps-excitation channels. This is consistent with the fact th at the polarizability of the H atom is one-eighth of that of the Ps atom. In view of this, the difference between our low-en ergy results and those of Refs. [6,7] seems to be due to their unconverged nature and not due to the neglect of H sta tes in their model. This is explicit in their estimation for Ps-H binding energies. Table IV: Ps-H partial cross sections in units of πa2 0at different positronium energies EPs(1s)- Ps(2s)- Ps(2p)- Ps(1s)- Ps(1s)- Ps(n≥3)-Ps-ion- (eV) H(1s) H(1s) H(1s) H(2s) H(2p) H(1s) H(1s) 5.08 4.70 5.5 4.88 1.01(−1)7.92(−1) 6 4.53 1.55(−1)1.40 6.8 4.10 1.52(−1)1.83 9.06(−1) 8 3.59 1.34(−1)1.93 1.08 1.02 10 2.91 1.19(−1)1.74 9.16(−1)2.55 11 2.64 1.17(−1)1.45 1.38(−1)2.33(−1)8.26(−1)3.02 12 2.34 1.12(−1)1.28 2.06(−1)3.04(−1)7.45(−1)3.35 15 1.78 9.64(−2)1.07 1.99(−1)3.10(−1)5.60(−1)3.76 20 1.19 6.91(−2)7.93(−1)1.20(−1)2.11(−1)3.79(−1)3.64 258.17(−1)4.54(−2)5.98(−1)7.48(−2)1.37(−1)2.78(−1)3.26 305.73(−1)3.00(−2)4.68(−1)4.88(−2)9.09(−2)2.16(−1)2.87 403.08(−1)1.47(−2)3.16(−1)2.42(−2)4.52(−2)1.46(−1)2.25 601.17(−1)5.11(−3)1.85(−1)8.71(−3)1.57(−2)8.50(−2)1.52 805.65(−2)2.37(−3)1.28(−1)4.08(−3)7.20(−3)5.90(−2)1.13 1003.15(−2)1.29(−3)9.72(−2)2.22(−3)3.87(−3)4.50(−2)0.90 III. SUMMARY We have performed a five-state calculation of Ps-H scatterin g using a recently proposed non-local model exchange potential. The model considers excitation of both Ps and H at oms and yields cross sections for transitions to following final states starting from the initial state Ps(1s)H(1s): Ps (1s)H(1s), Ps(2s)H(1s), Ps(2p)H(1s), Ps(1s)H(2s), and Ps(1s)H(2p). Higher excitations and ionization of the Ps at om are treated by the Born approximation including exchange. The cross sections are in qualitative agreement w ith experimental trend. Our five-state model yields singlet and triplet scattering lengths of 3.72 a0and 1.68 a0, and the singlet effective range of 1 .67a0. The calculation reproduces the singlet S-wave Ps-H resonance at 4.01 eV [18] and predicts a Ps-H binding energy of 1 .05 eV compared to the accurate binding energy of 1.067 eV [19]. This assures us as to the realistic nature of our model. We observe correlations between the S-wave singlet Ps-H bindi ng energy and singlet scattering length, effective range, and resonance energy obtained in different calculations. Th ese correlations of other observables with binding energy demostrate the degree of convergence of various model calcu lations as can be seen in Figs. 2, 3, and 4. Considering precise Ps-H binding energy of 1.067 eV, correlations in Fig s. 2 and 3 suggest a singlet scattering length of 3.5 a0and 6an effective range of 1.65 a0. The inclusion of higher-order states in our five-state mode l are not expected to influence the low-energy results significantly as has been demonstrat ed in Table II, but their effect could be considerable at medium to high energies. A further detailed calculation inc luding these states will help to understand the dynamics more precisely. The work is supported in part by the Conselho Nacional de Dese nvolvimento - Cient´ ıfico e Tecnol´ ogico, Funda¸ c˜ ao de Amparo ` a Pesquisa do Estado de S˜ ao Paulo, and Financiado ra de Estudos e Projetos of Brazil. [1] A. J. Garner, G. Laricchia, and A. Ozen, J. Phys. B 29, 5961 (1996); N. Zafar, G. Laricchia, M. Charlton, and A. Gar ner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1595 (1996); A. J. Garner and G. Laricchia, Can. J. Phys. 74, 518 (1996). [2] M. Skalsey, J. J. Engbrecht, R. K. Bithell, R. S. Vallery, and D. W. Gidley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3727 (1998). [3] Y. Nagashima, T. Hyodo, K. Fujiwara, and A. Ichimura. J. P hys. B 31, 329 (1998); K. F. Canter, J. D. McNutt, and L. O. Roellig, Phys. Rev. A 12, 375 (1975); [4] R. J. Drachman and S. K. Houston, Phys. Rev. A 12, 885 (1975). [5] S. Hara and P. A. Fraser, J. Phys. B 8, L472 (1975). [6] P. K. Sinha, P. Chaudhury, and A. S. Ghosh, J. Phys. B 30, 4643 (1997). [7] C. P. Campbell, M. T. McAlinden, F. G. R. S. MacDonald, and H. R. J. 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arXiv:physics/9911055v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 23 Nov 1999UW/PT 99–27 Effective Field Theory for Quasi-Classical Plasmas Lowell S. Brown and Laurence G. Yaffe Department of Physics, University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195–1560 (February 21, 2014) Abstract We examine the equilibrium properties of hot, dilute, non-r elativistic plas- mas. The partition function and density correlation functi ons of a classical plasma with several species are expressed in terms of a funct ional integral over electrostatic potential distributions. This is a conv enient formulation for performing a well-defined perturbative expansion. The l eading order, field-theoretic tree approximation automatically include s the effects of De- bye screening. (No further partial resummations are needed for this effect.) Subleading, one-loop corrections are easily evaluated. Th e two-loop correc- tions, however, have ultraviolet divergences. These corre spond to the short- distance, logarithmic divergence which is encountered in t he spatial integral of the Boltzmann exponential when it is expanded to third order in the Coulomb potential. Such divergences do not appear in the underlying quantum theory — they are rendered finite by quantum fluctuations. We show how such di- vergences may be removed and the correct finite theory obtain ed by introduc- ing additional local interactions in the manner of modern eff ective quantum field theories. We compute the two-loop induced coupling by e xploiting a non-compact su(1,1) symmetry of the hydrogen atom. This enables us to ob- tain explicit results for density-density correlation fun ctions through two-loop order and thermodynamic quantities through three-loop ord er. The induced couplings are shown to obey renormalization group equation s, and these equa- tions are used to characterize all leading logarithmic cont ributions in the the- ory. A linear combination of pressure and energy and number d ensities is shown to be described by a field-theoretic anomaly. The effect ive Lagrangian method that we employ yields a very simple demonstration tha t, at long dis- tance, correlation functions have an algebraic fall off (bec ause of quantum effects) rather than the exponential damping of classical De bye screening. We use the effective theory to compute, easily and explicitly , this leading long distance behavior of density correlation functions.Contents I Introduction and Summary 4 A Relevant Scales and Dimensionless Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 B Utility of the Effective Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 II Classical Coulomb Plasmas 23 A Functional Integral for the Classical Partition Function . . . . . . . . . . . 23 B Mean Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 C Loop Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 D Particle Densities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 E Loop Expansion Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 F Thermodynamic Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 G Density-Density Correlators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 H Charge Correlators and Charge Neutrality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 III Effective Field Theory 43 A Quantum Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 B Classical Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 C Induced Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 D Renormalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 E Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 F Non-zero Frequency Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 IV Two-Loop Results 66 A Number Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 B Energy Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 C Pressure and Free Energy Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 D Number Density Correlators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 V Three-Loop Thermodynamics 73 A Binary Plasma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 B One-Component Plasma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 VI Higher Orders and the Renormalization Group 82 A Renormalization Group Equations and Leading Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 B Leading Logs to All Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 C “Anomalous” Virial Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 VII Long Distance Correlations 96 APPENDIXES 99 A Functional Methods 99 1 Connected Generating Functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 2 Effective Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3 Effective Potential, Thermodynamic Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 24 Time-Dependent Correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 B Green’s Functions and Determinants 114 C Required Integrals 122 1 Coulomb Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 a Powers of V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 2 Debye Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 a Powers of G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 b Convolution integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 c Even worse integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 D Quantum Coulomb su(1,1)Symmetry Exploited 131 1 Coulomb su(1,1) Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 2 Direct Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 3 Exchange Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 E First Quantum Correction to Classical One-Component Plas ma 144 F Some Elements of Quantum Field Theory 148 1 Perturbation Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8 2 Straightforward Expansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 3 Loop Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 G Calculations Using Functional Methods 153 1 Results Through One Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 2 Two-Loop Effective Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7 3I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY Our work applies contemporary methods of effective quantum fi eld theory to the tra- ditional problem of a multicomponent, fully ionized hot (bu t non-relativistic) plasma. In this regime, a classical description might appear to suffice. But the short-distance (1 /r) singularity of the Coulomb potential gives rise to divergen ces in higher-order terms. Taming these divergences requires the introduction of quantum mec hanics. Quantum fluctuations smooth out the short-distance singularity of the Coulomb po tential so that the quantum, many particle Coulomb system is completely finite. This nece ssity for including quantum effects, even in a dilute plasma, is discussed later in this in troduction when the relevant parameters which characterize the various physical proces ses in the plasma are examined. As we shall see, contemporary effective quantum field theory m ethods simplify high-order perturbative computations and generally illuminate the st ructure of the theory. Effective quantum field theories do, however, utilize a somewhat compl icated formal apparatus in- volving regularization, counter terms, and renormalizati on. In an effort to make our work available to a wider audience, we shall develop the theory in several stages, and attempt to give a largely self-contained presentation.1A brief review of some of the basic quantum field theory techniques used in our paper is presented in Appe ndix F. We begin, in Section II, by casting the purely classical theory in terms of a funct ional integral, show how dimen- sional continuation is convenient even at this purely class ical level to avoid infinite Coulomb self-energies, and show how the simple saddle-point evalua tion of the functional integral — known as a tree approximation in quantum field theory — immedi ately gives the traditional resummation that provides Debye screening of the long-dist ance Coulomb potential. The first sub-leading, so-called “one-loop,” corrections to th e plasma thermodynamics and corre- lation functions are also evaluated in this section. These l owest-order results are also used to illustrate general relations among correlations function s which are described more formally, and systematically, in Appendix A. The divergence associated with the singular, short-range b ehavior of the Coulomb po- tential first arises at the subsequent, “two-loop” level of a pproximation as shown in Section III. This section explains how the previous purely classica l theory is obtained from a limit of the quantum theory, and how the quantum corrections that tam e the classical divergences appear in the form of induced couplings that contain compens ating divergences. This dis- cussion uses various results on functional determinants an d Green’s functions contained in Appendix B. Although it is relatively easy to construct the “ counter terms” that render the classical theory finite, it is considerably more difficult to obtain the finite pieces in the induced couplings that ensure that a calculation in the effec tive theory correctly reproduces the corresponding result in the full quantum theory. In the l atter part of this section the “matching conditions” for the leading two-loop induced cou plings are derived, and the two- loop induced couplings are explicitly evaluated. The key to this evaluation is the exploitation of ansu(1,1) symmetry of the Coulomb problem, which permits one to deri ve a simple and explicit representation for the two-particle contributio n to the density-density correlation 1Other discussions of effective field theory techniques, appl ied to quite different physical problems, may be found in Refs. [1,2] and references therein. 4function. This su(1,1) symmetry, and its consequences, are presented in Appendi x D. Sec- tion III concludes with an examination of the necessary incl usion in the effective theory of interactions involving non-zero frequency components of t he electrostatic potential. It is worth noting that our determination of the induced coup lings is based on examining Fourier transforms of number-density correlation functio ns at small but non-vanishing wave number. We use this method because these functions — at non-v anishing wave number — may be computed in a strictly perturbative fashion with no re summation needed to account for the Debye screening that is necessary to make the zero wav e number limit of these corre- lation functions finite.2Matching in this fashion enables us to use the simple pure Cou lomb potential for which the exact group-theoretical technique s apply. Our procedure is roughly equivalent to computing the second-order virial coefficient for a pure Coulomb potential, except that this coefficient has a long-distance, infrared di vergence. This logarithmic diver- gence is removed by Debye screening, but there is always the d ifficulty of determining the constant under the logarithm. Our method avoids this difficul ty. Years ago, W. Ebeling [and later Ebeling working together with collaborators] co mputed the second-order virial coefficient for a pure Coulomb potential with a long-distance cutoff, and then related this quantity to other ladder approximation calculations so as t o obtain results that are, except for one term, equivalent to, and consistent with, our result s for the induced couplings. Their work is summarized in ref [4]. This seminal work is certainly very impressive and signifi- cant, but it is much more complex than our approach, and (at le ast in our view) is far more difficult to understand in detail. With the leading induced couplings in hand, we turn in Sectio n IV to compute all the thermodynamic quantities and the density-density correla tors to two-loop order. As far as we have been able to determine, the two-loop results for th e density-density correlation functions obtained in Section IV are new. Various integrals required for these computations are evaluated in Appendix C, and an alternative derivation o f the two-loop thermodynamic results using compact functional methods appears in Append ix G. The thermodynamic results are extended to the next, three-l oop, order in Section V. We give complete, explicit results for the pressure (or equati on of state), Helmholtz free energy, and internal energy, as well as the relations between partic le densities and chemical potentials in a general multi-component plasma. We also display the spe cializations of the equation of state for the cases of a binary electron-proton plasma, an d a one component plasma (in the presence of a constant neutralizing background charge d ensity). As discussed at the end of this section, a genuine classical limit exists only for th e special case of a one-component plasma. As a check on our results, Appendix E presents an inde pendent, self-contained calculation of the leading O(¯h2) corrections to the equation of state of a one-component plasma in the semi-classical regime. Prior results in the literature, corresponding to our three -loop level of accuracy, for the free energy and/or the equation of state go back more than 25 y ears. The book by Kraeft, Kremp, Ebeling, and R¨ opke [5] quotes a result for the Helmho ltz free energy which, except 2The utility of matching at small but non-vanishing wavenumb er, thereby enabling one to ignore the effects of Debye screening, has been emphasized by Braate n and Nieto [3]. 5for the omission of one term and a few trivial misprints, agre es with our expression.3A fairly recent publication by Alastuey and Perez [6] contain s an expression for the Helmholtz free energy, to three loop order, which does agree precisely with our result. For the special case of a one-component plasma, recent papers by DeWitt, Rie mann, Schlanges, Sakakura, and Kraft [7,8] report results for some, but not all, of the te rms contained in the three- loop pressure. These partial results are consistent with ou r three-loop pressure, once an unpublished erratum of J. Riemann is taken into account. Just as in any effective field theory, the induced couplings th at must be introduced to remove the infinities of the classical plasma theory obey ren ormalization group equations. In Section VI we show how these renormalization group equation s may be employed to compute leading logarithmic terms in the partition function — terms involving powers of logarithms whose argument is the (assumed large) ratio of the Debye scre ening length to the quantum thermal wave length of the plasma. Since Planck’s constant, which carries the dimensions of action, does not appear in classical physics, fewer dimen sionless ratios can be formed in a classical theory than in its quantum counterpart. In parti cular, the partition function of the classical theory depends upon a restricted number of dim ensionless parameters, from which a linear relation between the pressure, internal ener gy, and average number densities follows. This relation is altered by the necessary quantum- mechanical corrections. Section VI also explains how this alteration of the linear relations hip is connected to “anomalies” brought about by the renormalization procedure that makes t he classical theory finite. We conclude our work, in Section VII, with an examination of t he long-distance behavior of the density-density correlation function. Despite the p resence of Debye screening, it is known that quantum fluctuations cause correlations to fall o nly algebraically with distance [10–12]. Using the effective theory, we compute the coefficien t of the resulting leading power- law decline in a very simple and efficient fashion. It should be emphasized that the major purpose of this paper i s to introduce the methods of modern quantum field theory into the traditional field of pl asma physics. Although many of the results that we derive and describe have been obtained previously, the methods that we employ to obtain these results are new, and they substanti ally reduce the computational effort as well as illuminating the general structure of the th eory. Although our work may have the length, it is not a review paper; its length results f rom our desire to make the presentation self-contained so that it may be read by someon e who is neither an expert in plasma physics nor quantum field theory. Since our work is not a survey of a field, we have not endeavored to provide anything resembling a comprehens ive bibliography. A. Relevant Scales and Dimensionless Parameters Various dimensionless parameters characterize the relati ve importance of different phys- ical effects in the plasma. Before plunging into the details o f our work, we first pause to introduce these parameters and discuss their significance. 3See Eqs. (2.50)–(2.55) of Ref. [5]. See footnote 44 on page 79 for details. 6Leteandndenote the charge and number density of a typical ionic speci es in the plasma. For simplicity of presentation in this qualitative discuss ion, we shall assume that the charges and densities of all species in the multicomponent plasma ar e roughly comparable, and shall ignore the sums over different species which should really be present in formulas such as (1.2) below. The subsequent quantitative treatment will, o f course, remedy this sloppiness. We shall be concerned with neutral plasmas which are sufficien tly dilute so that the average Coulomb energy of a particle is small compared to its kinetic energy. We use energy units to measure the temperature Tand writeβ= 1/T. In the ideal gas limit, the average kinetic energy is equal to3 2T. The Coulomb potential is e2/(4πr) in the rationalized units which we shall use. So the typical Coulomb energy is e2/(4πd) whered≡n−1/3denotes the mean inter-particle separation. Hence, the dimensionless para meter Γ≡e2 4πdT=βe2 4πn1/3(1.1) is essentially the ratio of the potential to kinetic energy i n the plasma, and it is an often used measure of the relative strength of Coulomb interactions in a plasma. However, we shall see that Γ is not the proper dimensionless parameter which gover ns the size of corrections in the classical perturbation expansion. A charge placed in the plasma is screened by induced charges. The screening length equals the inverse of the Debye wave number which we denote as κ. It is given (to lowest order in a dilute plasma) by κ2=βe2n. (1.2) A different measure of the strength of Coulomb interactions i n the plasma is defined by g=βe2κ 4π. (1.3) This is the ratio of the electrostatic energy of two particle s separated by a Debye screening length to the temperature (which is roughly the same as the av erage kinetic energy in the plasma). Equivalently, it is ratio of the “Coulomb distance ” dC≡βe2 4π(1.4) to the screening length κ−1. The Coulomb distance dCis the separation at which the electrostatic potential energy of a pair of charges equals t he temperature.4 The number of particles Nκcontained within a sphere whose radius equals the screening lengthκ−1is inversely related to g, Nκ=4π 3κ−3n=1 3g. (1.5) 4Dynamically, the Coulomb distance dCis also the impact parameter necessary for an O(1) change in direction to occur during the scattering of a typic al pair of particles in the plasma. 7Hence the weak coupling condition g≪1 is equivalent to the requirement that the num- ber of charges within a “screening volume” be large, Nκ≫1. In this case, a mean-field treatment of Debye screening holds to leading order, and per turbation theory is a controlled approximation. It is easy to check that the two measures of interaction stren gth,gand Γ, are related by g=√ 4πΓ3. However, we shall show in our subsequent development that g, not Γ, is the dimensionless parameter whose increasing integer powers c haracterize the size of successive terms in the classical perturbative expansion for thermody namic properties of the plasma. As we shall discuss, the classical perturbation series has a convenient graphical representation in which contributions at n-th order in perturbation theory are represented by graphs ( or Feynman diagrams) with nloops. We shall see that gis the “loop expansion” parameter, such that contributions represented by n-loop graphs are of order gn. Although gand Γ are directly related as noted above, we emphasize again that it i sgwhich is the correct classical expansion parameter. To bring out this point even more strongly, we note that the sc reened Debye potential between two charges eaandeba distancerapart is given by eaebe−κr/(4πr). The modi- fication of the self energy of a particle of charge eawhen it is brought into the plasma is given by half the difference between the Debye potential and i ts Coulomb limit for the case of zero charge separation,1 2limr→0(e2 a/4πr)[e−κr−1], which is −e2 aκ/(8π). Each particle in the plasma makes this correction to the thermodynamic inter nal energy of the plasma, and so including this leading order correction to the energy den sity gives u=/summationdisplay a/braceleftBigg3 2Tna−e2 aκ 8πn0 a/bracerightBigg =T/summationdisplay ana/braceleftBigg3 2−βe2 aκ 8π/bracerightBigg , (1.6) which shows the appearance of g, or more explicitly βe2 aκ/(8π), as the correct Coulomb coupling constant in this case. This result for the internal energy which we have heuristically obtained agrees with the correct one-loop result (2.84) tha t is derived below. A classical treatment of a plasma with purely Coulombic inte ractions is, however, never strictly valid. The classical partition function fails to e xist due to the singular short-distance behavior of the Coulomb interaction. This can be seen in an el ementary fashion directly from the divergence, for opposite signed charges, of the Bol tzmann-weighted integral over the relative separation of two charges,/integraltext(d3r) exp{βe2/4πr}. In the perturbative expansion of the classical theory, this problem first manifests itself at two-loop order through the diagram ✫✪✬✩ t t(1.7) The three lines in this graph correspond to the three factors of the Coulomb interaction energy (e2/4πr)3that appear in the expansion of the Boltzmann exponential to third order. This graph represents a relative correction to the partitio n function of5 5Note that this contribution is indeed of order g2, in accordance with its origin as a two-loop 81 3!nβ3/integraldisplay (d3r)/parenleftBigge2 4πr/parenrightBigg3 =1 3!/parenleftBiggβe2κ 4π/parenrightBigg2/integraldisplaydr r. (1.8) Once screening effects are properly included, the large-dis tance logarithmic divergence of this integral will be cut off at the classical Debye screening lengthκ−1. But no classical mechanism exists to remove the short-distance divergence o f the integral. To tame this divergence, one must include quantum effects. The non-relativistic quantum-mechanical description of a charged plasma is completely finite; quantum fluctuations cut-off the short-distance dive rgences of the classical theory. The de Broglie wavelength for a particle of mass mand kinetic energy comparable to the temperature is of order λ≡¯h/radicalBigg 2πβ m. (1.9) This is in accord with the average (rms) momentum of/radicalBig 3m/βfor a particle in a free gas at temperature T= 1/β. We will refer to λas the “thermal wavelength”. This length sets the scale of the limiting precision with which a quantum particl e in the plasma can be localized. Using the thermal wavelength as the lower limit in the integr al (1.8), and the Debye length as the upper limit, one obtains a finite result, /integraldisplayκ−1 λdr r=−ln(λκ), (1.10) which replaces the infinity that would otherwise arise in a pu rely classical treatment. This logarithm of the ratio of a quantum wavelength to the screeni ng length will necessarily appear in coefficients of two-loop (and higher order) contrib utions to all thermodynamic quantities.6 This quick discussion shows that quantum mechanics must ent er into the description of the thermodynamics of a plasma — at least if two-loop or bet ter accuracy is desired. In addition to regularizing the divergences of the classica l theory, quantum mechanics also provides “kinematic” corrections via the influence of quant um statistics. To estimate the graph. 6A one-component plasma (with an inert, uniform background n eutralizing charge density) has only repulsive Coulomb interactions. In this special case, the Boltzmann factor exp {−βe2/4πr} itself provides a short-distance cutoff at the Coulomb dista ncedC=βe2/4π, resulting in logarithmic terms of the form ln( dCκ) = lng. [In this regard, see Eq. (3.84) and its discussion.] Howeve r, if the quantum thermal wavelength is larger than the Coulomb di stance,λ > d C, then this purely classical removal of the would-be short-distance divergen ce is physically incorrect, for the quantum effects already come into play at larger distances, and the co rrect logarithmic term has the form ln(λκ). The neutrality of a binary or multicomponent plasma requi res that they have attractive as well as repulsive Coulomb interactions. These plasmas th us always require quantum-mechanical fluctuations to remove their potential short-distance dive rgences. 9size of these effects, we recall that for a free Bose ( −) or Fermi (+) gas, the partition function is given by lnZ V=∓gS/integraldisplay(d3p) (2π¯h)3ln/bracketleftBigg 1∓exp/braceleftbigg −β/parenleftbiggp2 2m−µ/parenrightbigg/bracerightbigg/bracketrightBigg . (1.11) HereVis the volume containing the system, gS= 2S+ 1 is the spin degeneracy factor, µis the chemical potential of the particle, and z≡eβµ(1.12) is the corresponding fugacity. The limit of classical Maxwe ll-Boltzmann statistics is obtained when−βµ≫1 so that the fugacity z≪1. Near this regime, the logarithm in Eq. (1.11) may be expanded in powers of the fugacity, and the resulting G aussian integrals then yield lnZ V=gSλ−3z/bracketleftBigg 1±z 25/2+z2 35/2+···/bracketrightBigg . (1.13) The corresponding number density defined by nV=∂lnZ/∂(βµ) is thus given by n=gSλ−3z/bracketleftBigg 1±z 23/2+z2 33/2+···/bracketrightBigg . (1.14) We shall always assume that the plasma is dilute, nλ3 gS≪1, (1.15) so that a fugacity expansion is appropriate. This condition that the plasma be dilute can be stated in another way. If all single-particle states in mo mentum space were filled up to a (Fermi) momentum pF, the density would take on the value n=gSp3 F/(6π2¯h3) cor- responding to a non-interacting Fermi gas at zero temperatu re. The diluteness condition is equivalent to the requirement that the Fermi energy EF=p2 F/2mcorresponding to the given density be small in comparison with the temperature, EF T=β¯h2 2m/parenleftBigg6π2n gS/parenrightBigg2/3 =/parenleftbigg9π 16z2/parenrightbigg1/3 ≪1. (1.16) However, it is the fugacity z, not this ratio, that is the appropriate expansion paramete r. Once quantum mechanics enters the analysis, another dimens ionless parameter involving the ratio of two energies appears. This is the Coulomb potent ial energy for two particles separated by one thermal wavelength, divided by the tempera ture, η=βe2 4πλ. (1.17) Recalling the definition (1.9) of the thermal wave length and noting that the average (rms) particle velocity in a free gas is given by v=/radicalBig 3/βm, this ratio may equivalently be expressed as 10η=/radicalBigg 3 2πe2 4π¯hv. (1.18) This parameter is also related to the ratio of temperature to binding energy of two particles in the plasma with equal and opposite7chargeeand reduced mass m. The hydrogenic ground state of two such particles has a binding energy of ǫ=/parenleftBigge2 4π/parenrightBigg2m 2¯h2. (1.19) The ratio of this energy to the temperature is just η2(up to a factor of π), η2=1 πβǫ. (1.20) Note that the quantum parameter ηbecomes small at sufficiently high temperature, but that it diverges at low temperatures or in the formal ¯ h→0 orm→ ∞ limits. We should also remark that the quantum effects measured by ηonly appear in two-loop and higher-order processes. Thus these effects are suppressed by a factor of g2. The quantum parameter η, together with the particle densities, also provides an est imate of how many bound atoms are present in a dilute plasma. The Sah a equation, which is simply the condition for chemical equilibrium between bound atoms and ionized particles, states that the fraction of bound atoms in the plasma is8 nλ3eβǫ=nλ3eπη2. (1.21) Hereλrefers to the thermal wavelength corresponding to the reduc ed mass of the two charges. Thus, for a dilute plasma to be (nearly) fully ioniz ed, the parameter πη2, for oppo- site signed charges, must be small compared to −lnnλ3. If the plasma is sufficiently dense that the Debye screening length becomes comparable to the si ze of isolated atoms, then the Saha equation — which neglects interactions with the plasma — breaks down. Such plas- mas can remain essentially fully ionized, even when the Saha equation predicts a substantial number of bound atoms, because Debye screening shortens the range of attractive interac- tions and effectively prevents the formation of bound states . The perturbative treatment which we shall develop applies only to the case of well ionize d plasmas. Underlying any effective field theory, such as the one that we d evelop in this paper, is a separation between the length scales of interest and the sca les of the underlying dynamics. 7For the general case of opposite but unequal charges, e2is replaced by the product of charges −eaeb. 8This is just the requirement that the chemical potential plu s binding energy of the lowest bound state equal the sum of the chemical potentials of the bound st ate constituents. Since an atom in free space has an infinite number of bound levels, and the pres ence of the surrounding particles in the plasma produces screening effects, the Saha equation onl y provides a rough indication of the numbers of bound atoms present. Indeed, the fraction of boun d atoms in a plasma is intrinsically only an approximately defined concept. 11Our length scales of interest will be of order of the Debye scr eening length κ−1or longer. The relevant microscopic scales are the Coulomb distance dC=βe2/4πand the thermal wavelength λ. The condition that the screening length κ−1be much larger that the Coulomb distancedCis just the statement that the classical loop expansion para meter must be small, g=βe2κ 4π=dC κ−1≪1. (1.22) As noted above, the thermal wavelength λwill provide the short-distance cutoff in expres- sions, such as Eq. (1.10), which diverge in the purely classi cal theory. We assume that λκ≪1, (1.23) so that there is a large separation between the scales of inte rest and this short distance cutoff. The quantum theory will generate additional correct ions suppressed by powers of (λκ) which, since λis proportional to Planck’s constant ¯ h, represent an ascending series in powers of ¯h, in contrast to the ln ¯ heffects arising from the short-distance cutoff. The diluteness parameter nλ3is not independent of our other dimensionless parameters since nλ3=(κλ)3 (βe2κ)=(κλ)3 4πg, (1.24) or nλ3=(κλ)2 (βe2/λ)=(κλ)2 4πη=g2 4πη3. (1.25) In order to have a systematic expansion in which the size of di fferent effects can be easily categorized, we will treat the Coulomb parameter η=βe2/4πλas a number that is formally of order one. Consequently, if we regard κλas the basic small parameter which justifies the use of an effective field theory, then g=βe2κ/4π=η(κλ) isO(κλ), while the diluteness parameternλ3isO((κλ)2), thus formally justifying the inequalities g≪1 andnλ3≪1. The highly ionized plasma at the core of the Sun provides an ex ample of astrophysical interest. This plasma is mostly composed of electrons and pr otons. We take the nominal values for the central temperature as T= 1.5×107K, and the electron and proton densities asne=np= 5.0×1025/cm3. Since this temperature is to be compared to atomic energies , electron volts are far more convenient units, with T= 1.3 KeV. It is also convenient to think of distances and densities in terms of the atomic length unit , the Bohr radius a0= 5.3×10−9 cm. Thusne=np= 7.4/a3 0. Sincee2/4πa0= 27 eV, and a0= 4π¯h2/mee2, it is easy to find that the Debye wave number at the Sun’s center is given by κ= 2.0/a0and that the electron’s quantum thermal wave length is λe= 0.36a0, with the proton wave length a factor of√ 1840 smaller, λp= 8.4×10−3a0. Hence, at the center of the Sun, the classical loop expansion parameter is quite small, g=βe2κ/4π= 0.042. For the proton, κλp= 0.017, n pλ3 p= 4.4×10−6,βe2 4πλp= 2.4, (1.26) so the inequalities κλ≪1 andnλ3≪1 are also well satisfied. For the electron, 12κλe= 0.72, n eλ3 e= 0.35,βe2 4πλe= 0.058. (1.27) While the proton fugacity is tiny, zp= 2.2×10−6, the electron fugacity ze= exp(βµe) = neλ3 e/2 = 0.17 is small but not insignificant, which means that the Fermi- Dirac correction to Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics for the electron are a few per cent. Although the Saha equation predicts that there are 20% or so neutral hydrogen atoms in th e core of the sun, this is wrong since the Debye screening length is half the Bohr radius. The core of the Sun is essentially completely ionized. The fact that κλeis only slightly less than one means that the utility of the effective theory (for describing electron contributi ons to the thermodynamics at the core of the Sun) cannot really be judged until one knows wheth erκλor, for example, κλ/2π appears as the natural expansion parameter. And there is onl y one way to find out — one must compute multiple terms in the perturbative expansion a nd examine the stability of the series for the actual parameters of interest. B. Utility of the Effective Theory For a sufficiently dilute ionized plasma, all corrections to i deal gas behavior are negligible. As the plasma density increases, the leading corrections ar e very well known and come from either the inclusion of quantum statistics for the electron s or the first order inclusion of Debye screening. At this “trivial” level of effort, the resul ting equation of state is easy to write down: βp n= 1 +ne n/bracketleftBig 2−5/2ze+ 2 (2−5−3−5/2)z2 e+···/bracketrightBig −κ3 24πn. (1.28) Herenis the total particle density (ions plus electrons), and zeis the electron fugacity, which is related to the electron number density as shown in Eq . (1.14). The electron fu- gacity corrections just come from combining Eqs. (1.13) and (1.14) [and noting that in the thermodynamic limit βp= (lnZ)/V], while the Debye screening correction will be derived in section II [Eq. (2.81)]. Since the ions are so much more mas sive than the electrons, their fugacity will be very small, and their quantum statistics co rrections may be neglected. The effective theory we construct incorporates systematica lly higher-order interaction effects not contained in the trivial equation of state (1.28) . In sections IV and V we will give explicit forms for the complete second and third order c orrections to the equation of state expanded in powers of the loop expansion parameter g=βe2κ/4π. These results are valid provided the temperature and density are notin a regime where: 1. The electron density is so large that an expansion in elect ron fugacity is useless. This occurs when the electrons are nearly degenerate and their qu antum degeneracy pressure becomes a dominant effect. 2. The temperature is so low that the loop expansion of the effe ctive theory is useless. This happens when the plasma ceases to be nearly fully ionize d. 3. The temperature is so high that a non-relativistic treatm ent is inadequate. This re- quires that the temperature be small in comparison with the e lectron rest energy of 511 KeV. 13As a concrete test of the utility of our effective theory, one m ay insert the numerical values of the density and temperature quoted above as charac teristic of the solar interior (T≡1.3 KeV,n≡15a−3 0) into the third order result (5.20) for the equation of state .9 Displaying the first, second, and third order corrections se parately, one finds that βp n= 1−0.00693 + 0.01429 + 0.00074 + ···. (1.29) All corrections to the ideal gas limit are small, but the seco nd order correction is larger than the first. However, it is important to understand that our exp ansion of the effective theory is based on formally treating the Coulomb parameters η=βe2/4πλof all species as numbers of order one. As indicated in Eq. (1.25), this means that quan tum statistics corrections proportional to the k-th power of fugacity (or nλ3) are automatically included at 2 k-loop order in the effective theory. For the solar plasma, because t he electron fugacity is small, but larger than the plasma coupling g, the dominant correction to ideal gas behavior comes from quantum statistics, not from Debye screening. Consequentl y, a more instructive comparison is to examine the size of corrections generated by the effecti ve theory after removing (or resuming) the non-interacting quantum statistics correct ions. This comparison gives βp n−βp n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle free=−0.006930 −0.001516 + 0.000736 + ···, (1.30) where (βp/n)|freedenotes the equation of state for non-interacting particle s, but with quan- tum statistics for the electrons. Expanding in electron fug acity, as in (1.28), and inserting the same characteristic parameters gives βp n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle free= 1 + 0.01581 + 0.00105 + 0.00010 + ···. (1.31) Both the quantum statistics series (1.31), and the effective theory expansion (1.30) are now quite well behaved. For these parameter values, it appears t hat the three-loop effective theory result (1.30), combined with the first three terms10in the fugacity expansion (1.31), will correctly predict the equation of state to within an acc uracy of a few parts11in 104. 9For this comparison, we assume that the plasma contains only protons and electrons. This is not realistic very near the center of the sun, where a significant abundance of helium is also present. 10Adding the quadratic electron fugacity correction [that is , theO(z2 e) term in (1.28), or the 10−3term in (1.31)] to the three-loop effective field theory resul t is entirely reasonable since this quantum statistics correction is in fact the dominant part o f the complete four-loop contribution of the effective theory when the Coulomb parameter for the ele ctron is small, βe2/4πλe≪1, as it is in the Sun. The last term of Eq. (1.31) is the free-partic le limit of the six-loop contribution in our expansion of the effective theory. This cubic fugacity correction, for our characteristic solar parameters, makes only a 10−4correction to the equation of state. 11We remind the reader that portions of the solar neutrino spec trum are exceptionally sensitive to the central temperature. So a very small change in the equa tion of state can potentially produce a measurable change in the solar neutrino flux. 14Missing from the above quantitative results, and from our an alysis in subsequent sections, are relativistic corrections. The leading “kinematic” rel ativistic effects may be obtained by inserting the relativistic kinetic energy E(p) =/radicalBig (pc)2+ (mc2)2−mc2into the ideal gas partition function (1.11). The dominant effects come from th e electrons, due to their small mass. Expanding E(p) in powers of momentum, one finds that βp=ni+2ze λ3 e/bracketleftBigg 1 +15 8T mec2−ze 25/2/parenleftbigg 1 +15 16T mec2/parenrightbigg +O(z2 e) +O/parenleftbiggT mec2/parenrightbigg2/bracketrightBigg , (1.32) wherenidenotes the total density of ions. The electron density, ne≡ze∂(βp)/∂ze, receives exactly the same15 8T mec2correction. Hence, this correction (plus all further corre ctions to βpwhich are linear in ze) cancels in the equation of state. However, other thermodyn amic quantities, such as the internal energy, do receive relativ eO(T/m ec2) relativistic corrections. For the equation of state, the first relativistic correction which does contribute comes from theO(T/m ec2) perturbation to the O(z2 e) quantum statistics term, and one finds that ∆rel./parenleftBiggβp n/parenrightBigg =15 16ne nze 25/2T mec2. (1.33) For the characteristic solar parameters used above, this co rrection is less than a part in 104, ∆rel./parenleftBiggβp n/parenrightBigg = 0.000036. (1.34) A hot plasma also contains black body radiation. The contrib ution to the pressure arising from this photon gas is given by the familiar formula ∆photon/parenleftBiggβp n/parenrightBigg =π2 45/parenleftbiggT ¯hc/parenrightbigg31 n=π2 45/parenleftbigg2πT mec2/parenrightbigg3/21 nλ3 e =/parenleftbiggT 6.1 KeV/parenrightbigg31 na3 0. (1.35) For the solar parameters that we have adopted, ∆photon/parenleftBiggβp n/parenrightBigg = 0.00063, (1.36) which is the size of our third order correction. The relative importance of this photon gas correction increases rapidly as the temperature is increas ed, and it must be included in some of the regions discussed at the end of this section. The transverse photons also interact with the charged parti cles to alter the thermody- namic relations. This effect is dominated by the coupling wit h the light electrons. It may be easily obtained by using the radiation gauge to compute the fi rst-order perturbation arising from the ‘seagull’ interaction Hamiltonian density ( e2/2mec2)ψ†ψA2and taking the j·A interaction to second order. Since the current involves ev/c, one expects that the second- orderj·Acontribution is suppressed by ( ve/c)2∼T/m ec2relative to the ‘seagull’ term. This is confirmed by a detailed computation. A simple calcula tion expresses the (leading order inT/m ec2) ‘seagull’ contribution as 15∆rad.(βp) =−βe2 2mec2/bracketleftBig ∝an}b∇acketle{tA(0)2∝an}b∇acket∇i}htT− ∝an}b∇acketle{tA(0)2∝an}b∇acket∇i}htT=0/bracketrightBig ne=−απ 3T mec2ne, (1.37) whereα=e2/(4π¯hc) = 1/137.···is the fine structure constant. Note that the vacuum, or T→0, contributions are subtracted as they are completely abso rbed by renormalization of the bare electron parameters. Since ne=∂(βp)/∂(βµe), this correction is equivalent to a shift in the electron chemical potential of δµe=−π 3(αT2/mec2). It modifies the chemical potential — electron density relation and thus has no effect on the equation of state. However, the correction does affect other thermodyna mic quantities such as the internal energy.12The leading corrections to the equation of state involving t he interactions of transverse photons are actually of relative order αze(T/m ec2)2. One finds that ∆rad./parenleftBiggβp n/parenrightBigg =−απ 3ne nze 23/2/parenleftbiggT mec2/parenrightbigg2 . (1.38) For the characteristic solar parameters used above, this is utterly negligible even at the part in 104level, ∆rad./parenleftBiggβp ne/parenrightBigg = 1.5×10−9. (1.39) Depending on the mass and composition of a star, the electron fugacity in stellar interiors may be relatively small (as in the Sun), or may be large enough to completely invalidate a quasi-classical treatment (as in white dwarfs or very massi ve stars). Figures 1–4 represent an attempt to delineate the region of validity of the effectiv e theory in the temperature- density plane for the case of a pure Z= 1 proton-electron plasma [Fig. 1], a pure Z= 2 (ionized helium) plasma [Fig. 2], a pure Z= 6 (ionized carbon) plasma [Fig. 3], and a pure Z= 13 (ionized aluminum) plasma [Fig. 4]. The solid line shows where the second and third order corrections in the fugacity expansion for elect rons become equal in size. This occurs before any of the individual first, second, or third or der fugacity corrections exceed unity, and provides a convenient signal that the fugacity ex pansion is no longer well-behaved. The dashed line shows where the size of effective field theory c orrections to the equation of state first exceed unity.13This is taken as an indication that the perturbative expansi on of the effective field theory has broken down. The effective fiel d theory is valid only in the region above (or to the left of) both of these lines. In Fig. 4, the temperature range extends into the relativistic domain. The horizontal dotted line in this figure shows where the15 8T mec2 relative correction to the electron pressure exceeds unity , and provides an indication of where relativistic corrections invalidate our non-relativisti c treatment. 12A recent paper [13] has attempted to argue that radiative cor rections are far larger than this relativeO(αT/m ec2) effect. The conclusions of this paper are not correct. 13More precisely, this line shows where any of the one-, two-, o r three-loop corrections first exceed unity. To match the earlier discussion, the non-interactin g quantum statistics portion of the two- loop correction is not included. 1610-210-1100101 Density (a0-3)10-210-1100Temperature (KeV)10-1100101102Density (gm/cm3) 105106107 Temperature (K) FIG. 1. Region of validity of the effective theory for the case of a pureZ= 1 ionized hydrogen plasma. On the bottom axis, density denotes the total partic le density (electrons plus protons) in units of the Bohr radius, while the top axis shows the corre sponding mass density. The solid line shows where the fugacity expansion breaks down. The das hed line shows where the size of “non-trivial” effective field theory corrections to the equa tion of state first exceed unity. (See the text for more precise descriptions.) The effective field theo ry is valid only in the region above both of these lines. For a given density (and composition), if the effective field t heory is to be useful, then the temperature must be high enough so that the perturbative exp ansion of the theory is valid, but not so high so that all corrections to ideal gas behavior g enerated by the effective theory are too small to be relevant. In other words, the size of the eff ects produced by the effective theory must be large enough to be interesting. Figures 5–10 s how log plots of the size of corrections to the equation of state for various compositio ns and two different densities of the plasma. In these plots, the solid line shows the ideal gas result, including quantum statistics for the electrons but no interactions. The long d ashed line shows the one-loop Debye screening correction, the medium dashed line shows th e two-loop correction (minus its non-interacting quantum statistics piece), and the sho rt dashed line shows the three-loop effective field theory correction. Plotted are the absolute v alues of the various corrections. The one-loop Debye screening correction is always negative . The “cusps” pointing downward on the two- and three-loop curves show where these correctio ns cross zero and change sign. Asymptotically, for large temperature, the (non-trivial p art of the) two-loop correction is negative for Z= 1 and positive for Z≥2, while the three-loop correction is asymptotically positive in all these plots. Each plot begins at temperature s which are too low for the effective theory to be valid, includes the region where the eff ective theory can be useful, and ends at temperatures sufficiently high that all corrections t o ideal gas behavior are tiny. 1710-210-1100101102 Density (a0-3)10-210-1100101Temperature (KeV)100101102103Density (gm/cm3) 106107108 Temperature (K) FIG. 2. Region of validity for the effective theory for a pure Z= 2 ionized helium plasma. The curves have the same meaning as in Fig. 1. 10-1100101102 Density (a0-3)10-1100101102Temperature (KeV)100101102103Density (gm/cm3) 107108109 Temperature (K) FIG. 3. Region of validity for the effective theory for a pure Z= 6 ionized carbon plasma. The curves have the same meaning as in Fig. 1. 1810-1100101102103 Density (a0-3)100101102Temperature (KeV)101102103104Density (gm/cm3) 107108109 Temperature (K) FIG. 4. Region of validity for the effective theory for a pure Z= 13 ionized aluminum plasma. The solid and dashed curves have the same meaning as in Fig. 1. The dotted horizontal line shows where relativistic corrections to the electron pressure ex ceed unity; our non-relativistic treatment is valid only below this line. 1910-1100 Temperature (KeV)10-610-510-410-310-210-1100101106107Temperature (K) 10-610-510-410-310-210-1100 FIG. 5. Corrections to the equation of state, βp/n, as a function of temperature for a pure Z= 1 plasma with a total density (electrons plus protons) of 1 a−3 0. Here, and in the following related figures, the solid line shows the ideal gas result, including quantum statistics for the electrons but no interactions. The long dashed line shows the one-loop Deb ye screening correction, the medium dashed line shows the two-loop correction (minus its non-in teracting quantum statistics piece), and the short dashed line shows the three-loop effective field the ory correction. The absolute values of the various corrections are plotted. On the two- and three -loop curves, the “cusps” pointing downward show where these corrections cross zero and change sign. For this density, the effective field theory is only useful for temperatures above about 0.06 KeV. Below this temperature, the three-loop correction exceeds the size of the one-loop corr ection (and exceeds unity at temperatures below about 0.04 KeV), clearly showing that the perturbativ e expansion of the effective theory has ceased to be reliable. 10-1100101 Temperature (KeV)10-610-510-410-310-210-1100101107108Temperature (K) 10-610-510-410-310-210-1100 FIG. 6. Same as Fig. 5, but at a total particle density of 10 a−3 0. 20100101 Temperature (KeV)10-610-510-410-310-210-1100101107108Temperature (K) 10-610-510-410-310-210-1100 FIG. 7. Same as Fig. 5, but for a pure Z= 6 plasma at a particle density of 1 a−3 0. 100101 Temperature (KeV)10-610-510-410-310-210-1100101107108Temperature (K) 10-610-510-410-310-210-1100 FIG. 8. Same as Fig. 5, but for a pure Z= 6 plasma at a particle density of 10 a−3 0. 21100101102 Temperature (KeV)10-610-510-410-310-210-1100101108109Temperature (K) 10-610-510-410-310-210-1100 FIG. 9. Same as Fig. 5, but for a pure Z= 13 plasma at a particle density of 1 a−3 0. 101102 Temperature (KeV)10-610-510-410-310-210-1100101108109Temperature (K) 10-610-510-410-310-210-1100 FIG. 10. Same as Fig. 5, but for a pure Z= 13 plasma at a particle density of 10 a−3 0. 22II. CLASSICAL COULOMB PLASMAS We consider a plasma of Adifferent species of charged particles (ions and electrons) and use the letters a,b,···= 1,···,Ato denote a specific species with charge eaand massma. In the classical limit, the particle mass only appears in the thermal wavelength λ2 a=2πβ¯h2 ma, (2.1) whereβis the inverse temperature measured in energy units, and the thermal wavelength itself only serves to define the free-particle density n0 ain terms of the chemical potential µa and spin degeneracy factor gaof the given species: n0 a=gaλ−3 aeβµa. (2.2) The grand canonical partition function for a free gas compos ed of these species is given by Zfree=/summationdisplay {Na}/integraldisplay dσN1 1···dσNA A, (2.3) wheredσN ais theN-particle measure for species a, dσN a≡1 N!(d3ra,1)n0 a···(d3ra,N)n0 a. (2.4) The factors of λ−3 ahidden in the n0 afree-particle densities in this measure come from per- forming the momentum integrals in the equilibrium phase-sp ace distribution, λ−3 a=/integraldisplay(d3p) (2π¯h)3exp{−βp2/2ma}, (2.5) and the remaining parts of n0 aarise from the degeneracy ( ga) and fugacity ( eβµa) factors that enter into the definition of the grand canonical ensemble. In troducing the total volume of the system V ≡/integraldisplay (d3r), (2.6) which we shall always assume is arbitrarily large, and carry ing out the summations, we get Zfree=A/productdisplay a=1/summationdisplay Na(Vn0 a)Na Na!= exp/braceleftbigg VA/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/bracerightbigg . (2.7) A. Functional Integral for the Classical Partition Functio n The corresponding grand canonical partition function for a plasma with Coulomb inter- actions between all the charged particles is 23Z=/summationdisplay {Na}/integraldisplay dσN1 1···dσNA Aexp/braceleftbigg −β 2/summationdisplay k/ne}ationslash=lekelVC(rk−rl)/bracerightbigg . (2.8) Here the indices k,lin the exponential run over all particles of all the various t ypes;rkand ekdenote the coordinates and charge of any given particle, res pectively. We employ rational units, so that the Coulomb potential for unit charges is give n by VC(r) =1 4πr. (2.9) We choose to work with the grand canonical ensemble because, as we shall see, it has a simple functional integral representation which leads to a very convenient diagrammatic form for perturbation theory and allows easy use of effective field theory techniques. However, we are ultimately interested in calculating physical quant ities as a function of the particle densities, not chemical potentials, of the various species . Since the presence of interactions between particles will modify the particle density — chemic al potential relation, we will need to compute particle densities as a function of chemical pote ntial, and then invert this relation (order-by-order in perturbation theory) to re-express res ults in terms of particle densities. The physical particle densities, which we will denote as ¯ na, satisfy charge neutrality, ∝an}b∇acketle{tQ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=V/summationdisplay aea¯na= 0, (2.10) as required for a sensible thermodynamic limit. It will be useful to regard the chemical potentials as tempor arily having arbitrary spatial variation,µa(r). This extends the partition function to be a functional of t hese generalized chemical potentials, Z→Z[µ], which is then the generating functional for number densit y correlation functions. The free-particle number density — chemical potential relation (2.2) is now generalized to n0 a(r)≡gaλ−3 aeβµa(r), (2.11) with the variational derivative δ δβµ b(r′)n0 a(r) =δabδ(r−r′)n0 a(r). (2.12) Here, and henceforth, variations in βµa, and inβ, will be regarded as independent. In other words,βµais to be varied while holding βfixed, and vice-versa. The density of particles of speciesais given by the variational derivative of ln Z[µ] with respect to the corresponding generalized chemical potential, ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ≡/angbracketleftBig/summationdisplay iδ(r−ra,i)/angbracketrightBig β=δ δβµ a(r)lnZ[µ], (2.13) while two functional derivatives yield the connected part o f the density-density correlator, Kab(r−r′)≡ ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)nb(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ− ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ∝an}b∇acketle{tnb(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ =/angbracketleftbigg/summationdisplay i,jδ(r−ra,i)δ(r′−rb,j)/angbracketrightbigg β−/angbracketleftBig/summationdisplay iδ(r−ra,i)/angbracketrightBig β/angbracketleftbigg/summationdisplay jδ(r′−rb,j)/angbracketrightbigg β =δ δβµ a(r)δ δβµ b(r′)lnZ[µ]. (2.14) 24After the functional derivatives have been taken,14it will be assumed that the spatially- dependent, generalized chemical potentials µc(r) revert to the usual constant chemical po- tentialsµc. The cumbersome form of the grand partition functional (2.8) can be replaced by a much leaner functional integral representation by using the Gau ssian integral relation /integraldisplay [dφ] exp/braceleftbigg β/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracketleftBig 1 2φ(r)∇2φ(r) +iρ(r)φ(r)/bracketrightBig/bracerightbigg = Det−1/2/bracketleftBig β(−∇2)/bracketrightBig exp/braceleftBigg −β 2/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)ρ(r)Vν(r−r′)ρ(r′)/bracerightBigg , (2.15) which follows from completing the square in the functional i ntegral on the left. The auxiliary fieldφ(r) is nothing but the electrostatic scalar potential.15The relation above has been written inνspatial dimensions with Vν(r−r′)≡/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)νeik·(r−r′) k2(2.16) the Coulomb potential in νdimensions. We choose to make a continuation in spatial di- mensions at this juncture because it automatically removes infinite particle self-interactions. Dimensional continuation is a regularization procedure wh ich introduces no external or ex- traneous dimensional constants. Hence, since there is noth ing available to make up the correct dimensional quantity, in dimensional continuatio n Vν(0) = 0, (2.17) and particle self-interactions vanish. We shall see how thi s works out in practice as our development unfolds. We shall also need the technique of dim ensional continuation to deal with the short-distance divergences of the classical Coulo mb theory — the divergences that are removed by quantum fluctuations which we shall later hand le using effective field theory methods. Hence one might as well get accustomed to dimension al continuation at an early stage. At the end of our computations we shall, of course, tak eν→3. In view of the functional formula (2.15), it follows that the grand canoni cal partition function may be written as Z[µ] = Det1/2/bracketleftBig β(−∇2)/bracketrightBig/integraldisplay [dφ] exp/braceleftBigg −β 2/integraldisplay (dνr)φ(r)/parenleftBig −∇2/parenrightBig φ(r)/bracerightBigg ×exp/braceleftBiggA/summationdisplay a=1/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r)eiβeaφ(r)/bracerightBigg . (2.18) 14The derivation of the results (2.13) and (2.14) from the spat ially varying chemical potential extension of the standard form (2.8) of the partition functi on requires a little thought. These results are obvious however if one imagines the classical partition function to be given by the classical limit of the quantum form Z[µ] = Tr exp {−βH+/integraltext(dr)/summationtext aβµa(r)na(r)}, with all operators commuting in this classical limit. 15More precisely, −iφis the normal electrostatic potential. Inserting an i(or rotating the contour of the functional integral) is necessary to obtain an absolu tely convergent functional integral. 25Since−∇2is a positive operator, the first, Gaussian, part of the integ rand gives a well- defined and convergent functional integral. Expanding the s econd exponential in a power series in the free-particle densities n0 a, and using the functional integration formula (2.15), it is easy to see that the result (2.18) does indeed reproduce th e Coulomb plasma generating functional (2.8). Note that this equivalence requires that the self-interaction terms vanish, which is the case with our dimensional regularization [Eq. ( 2.17)]. Combining the two exponentials of (2.18), one may write the partition functio n in the concise form Z[µ] =N0/integraldisplay [dφ]e−Scl[φ;µ], (2.19) with an “action” functional defined by Scl[φ;µ]≡/integraldisplay (dνr)/braceleftBiggβ 2[∇φ(r)]2−A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a(r)eiβeaφ(r)/bracerightBigg , (2.20) and the overall normalization factor N0≡Det1/2/bracketleftBig β(−∇2)/bracketrightBig . (2.21) Varying the functional integral representation (2.19) wit h respect to the chemical poten- tialµa(r) yields the representation ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=/angbracketleftBig /angbracketleftBig n0 a(r)eiβeaφ(r)/angbracketrightBig /angbracketrightBig (2.22) for the density of particles of type a, where in general ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{t···∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht denotes a functional integral average, ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tO∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡Z[µ]−1N0/integraldisplay [dφ]e−Scl[φ]O. (2.23) With the generalized chemical potentials restricted to con stant values, Eq. (2.22) gives the functional integral representation for the usual grand can onical average of the number density of particles of species a. A second variation with the chemical potentials then restr icted to constant values yields the representation of the density-d ensity correlation function (2.14), Kab(r−r′) =/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig n0 aeiβeaφ(r)n0 beiβebφ(r′)/angbracketrightBig /angbracketrightBig −/angbracketleftBig /angbracketleftBig n0 aeiβeaφ(r)/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig/angbracketleftBig /angbracketleftBig n0 beiβebφ(r′)/angbracketrightBig /angbracketrightBig +δabδ(r−r′)/angbracketleftBig /angbracketleftBig n0 aeiβeaφ(r)/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig . (2.24) The final contact term proportional to δ(r−r′) appears (when a=b) because the functional integral naturally generates correlators involving disti nct particles, /angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig n0 aeiβeaφ(r)n0 aeiβeaφ(r′)/angbracketrightBig /angbracketrightBig =/angbracketleftbigg/summationdisplay i/ne}ationslash=jδ(r−ra,i)δ(r′−ra,j)/angbracketrightbigg β. (2.25) This differs from the corresponding term in (2.14) precisely by the single-particle contact term∝an}b∇acketle{t/summationtext iδ(r−ra,i)δ(r′−ra,i)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=δ(r−r′)∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. Since the functional integral of a total derivative vanishe s, 260 =/integraldisplay [dφ]δ δφ(r)e−Scl[φ;µ], (2.26) the field equation ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tδScl[φ;µ]/δφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 is an exact identity. For the action (2.20), this is the Poisson equation ∇2∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tiφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht (2.27) with the charge density ρ(r)≡A/summationdisplay a=1ean0 a(r)eiβeaφ(r). (2.28) Integrating both sides of (2.27) over all space yields the co ndition of total charge neutrality, 0 =∝an}b∇acketle{tQ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=A/summationdisplay a=1ea/integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. (2.29) This identity holds for any choice of the generalized chemic al potentials µa(r), in essence because the average value of the electrostatic potential φwill always adjust itself to produce a charge neutral equilibrium state.16 The fact that the chemical potentials enter the action (2.20 ) only through the combi- nationn0 aeiβeaφ(withn0 a∝eβµa) means that the theory is completely unchanged if the electrostatic potential is shifted by an arbitrary constan t, iφ→iφ+c, (2.30a) provided the chemical potentials are correspondingly adju sted, µa→µa−eac. (2.30b) Consequently, the values of the chemical potentials are not uniquely determined by the physical particle densities. This is also reflected in the fa ct that the conditions ¯na=∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ, a = 1,...,A, (2.31) only giveA−1 linearly independent constraints on the chemical potenti als — precisely be- cause charge neutrality (2.29) is an automatic identity. To obtain uniquely defined chemical potentials (when they revert back to their normal constant v alues), one must remove the (physically irrelevant) freedom (2.30) to shift the mean va lue of the electrostatic potential. We will make the obvious choice, and demand that the thermal a verage of the electrostatic potential vanish, ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡0, (2.32) to fix the chemical potentials uniquely. 16Assuming, of course, that the plasma contains both positive ly and negatively charged species. 27B. Mean Field Theory Saddle-points of the functional integral (2.19) correspon d to solutions of the field equation δScl[φ;µ] δφ(r)= 0, (2.33) which, for the action (2.20), is just the Debye-H¨ uckel equa tion − ∇2φ(r) =iA/summationdisplay a=1ean0 a(r)eiβeaφ(r). (2.34) The leading saddle-point approximation corresponds to neg lecting all fluctuations in φaway from the saddle-point, so that lnZ0[µ] =−Scl[φ;µ], (2.35) withφsolving the field equation (2.34). In quantum field theory, th is approximation is com- monly called the tree approximation because the classical a ction is the generating functional of connected tree graphs. In statistical mechanics it is kno wn as the mean field approxima- tion. In Appendix A we shall describe the effective action fun ctional Γ[φ;µ] which is the generalization of the classical action Scl[φ;µ] that takes account of the thermal fluctuations about the mean field which are described by the functional int egral and thus provides an ex- act description of the plasma. As will be shown in Appendix A, the effective action method can be used to derive general properties of the plasma physic s. Our work now with the mean field approximation will provide an introduction to the later use of the more general effective action as well as illustrating basic plasma proper ties. For constant chemical potentials, the field equation reduce s to the (lowest-order) charge neutrality condition,17 /summationdisplay aean0 aeieaβφ= 0, (2.36) and lnZ0[µ] =V/summationdisplay an0 aeieaβφ. (2.37) The mean-field number density — chemical potential relation is given by 17Note that this constraint does not have a perturbative solut ion that can be be expanded in powers of the electric charge. This lack of a perturbative so lution occurs because φappears only in the combination eaφ. Moreover, the lack of a perturbative solution and conseque nt condition of overall charge neutrality is related to the infinite range of the Coulomb potential. If, for example, the Coulomb potential were replaced by a Yukawa potential wi th range 1/m, the classical field equation for constant fields would become −im2φ=/summationtext aean0 aeieaβφ,which imposes no constraint on the total charge and which does have a perturbative soluti on forφ. 28¯na=V−1∂lnZ0 ∂βµ a/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle β =n0 aeieaβφ+iβ/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay aean0 aeieaβφ/bracketrightBigg∂φ ∂βµ a =n0 aeieaβφ, (2.38) with the last equality following from the charge neutrality condition (2.36). If the free- particle densities satisfy “bare” charge neutrality, 0 =/summationdisplay aean0 a, (2.39) then the saddle-point condition (2.36) has the trivial solu tionφ(r) = 0, the physical densities ¯na, within this mean field approximation, will equal the free-p article densities n0 a, and the mean-field partition function equals the usual ideal gas res ult, Z0= exp/braceleftbigg VA/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/bracerightbigg . (2.40) The average energy of our grand canonical ensemble is the the rmodynamic internal en- ergy, U=¯E=∝an}b∇acketle{tE∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=−∂lnZ ∂β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle βµ. (2.41) Sincen0 a∼β−3/2, varying the neutrality condition (2.36) with respect to βgives −3 2β−1/summationdisplay aean0 aeieaβφ+i βκ2 0∂(βφ) ∂β= 0, (2.42) where κ2 0≡/summationdisplay aβe2 an0 aeieaβφ(2.43) will be seen to be the lowest-order (squared) Debye wave numb er. The first term of (2.42) again vanishes by virtue of charge neutrality (2.36), and so ∂(βφ) ∂β= 0. (2.44) Hence, to lowest order the average energy ¯E=3 2β−1V/summationdisplay a¯na=3 2T/summationdisplay a¯Na, (2.45) which is just the familiar formula for an ideal gas. Second derivatives of ln Zproduce correlators. The second derivative of ln Z0with respect to the inverse temperature gives the lowest-order result fo r the mean square fluctuation in energy, 29/angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg β=−∂¯E ∂β=15 4T¯E. (2.46) Mixed temperature — chemical potential derivatives yield t he correlation between energy and particle number fluctuations, /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBig β=−∂¯Na ∂β=3 2T¯Na. (2.47) These are again just the results for a free gas. But for fluctua tions in particle numbers, given by second derivatives with respect to the chemical pot entials, one must account for the fact that varying the chemical potentials will cause the mean field to vary. Since the charge neutrality constraint (2.36) holds for arbitrary ch emical potentials, varying it with respect to the chemical potentials yields ea¯na+iκ2 0∂φ ∂βµ a= 0, (2.48) Hence, /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Nb−¯Nb/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBig β=∂Na ∂βµ b=δab¯Na+¯Naieaβ∂φ ∂βµ b =δab¯Na−ea¯Naβ κ2 0eb¯nb. (2.49) The physical implications of this result, which differs from the ideal gas result, will be discussed below in subsection IIG. C. Loop Expansion The saddle-point (or “loop”) expansion of the functional in tegral (2.19), incorporates corrections beyond mean field theory and systematically gen erates the perturbative expan- sion for physical quantities of interest. In the developmen t that follows, we shall assume that all of the desired functional derivatives with respect to the generalized, spatially vary- ing chemical potentials which produce the insertions in the functional integral, as shown in the previous number density (2.22) and density-density cor relator (2.24), have already been taken. Thus, we henceforth restrict our considerations to c onstant chemical potentials. In the lowest-order approximation, the free-particle densit iesn0 awill equal the physical densities ¯na, which are charge neutral (2.10). However, perturbative co rrections to the chemical po- tential — number density relation will shift the free-parti cle densities away from the physical densities, and therefore displace the true saddle point awa y fromφ= 0. Even though the bare neutrality constraint (2.39) no longer holds in higher orders, it will be most convenient to expand the functional integral about φ= 0 instead of the true saddle-point value. At each stage of this (loop) expansion, further corrections to the b are (tree approximation) charge neutrality constraint (2.39) appear which alter the relati on amongst the chemical potentials that arises from charge neutrality. Expanding the action in powers ofφand separating the quadratic and constant terms gives 30Scl[φ;µ] =S0[φ;µ] + ∆S[φ;µ], (2.50) where S0[φ;µ]≡/integraldisplay (dνr)/braceleftbigg −A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a+β 2φ(r)/bracketleftBig −∇2+κ2 0/bracketrightBig φ(r)/bracerightbigg , (2.51) and ∆S[φ;µ]≡ −/integraldisplay (dνr)A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/braceleftBig eiβeaφ(r)−1 +1 2β2e2 aφ(r)2/bracerightBig =−/integraldisplay (dνr)A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/braceleftBig [iβeaφ(r)] +1 3![iβeaφ(r)]3+1 4![iβeaφ(r)]4+···/bracerightBig .(2.52) In Eq. (2.51), κ2 0is the lowest-order Debye wave number previously defined in E q. (2.43). Since the bare neutrality condition is modified by loop corre ctions,/summationtext aean0 awill not vanish beyond the mean field approximation. Consequently, ∆ Scontains a piece linear in the field φandφ= 0 does not remain a saddle point in higher orders. Evaluating the action at φ= 0 gives the ideal gas partition function The first (“one- loop”) correction is obtained by neglecting18∆Sand integrating over fluctuations in φwith just the quadratic action S0. This gives the Gaussian functional integral Z1=Z0Det1/2/bracketleftBig β(−∇2)/bracketrightBig/integraldisplay [dφ] exp/braceleftBigg −β 2/integraldisplay (dνr)φ(r)/parenleftBig −∇2+κ2 0/parenrightBig φ(r)/bracerightBigg =Z0Det−1/2/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2κ2 0/bracketrightbigg . (2.53) The product of the determinant produced by the Gaussian inte gration with the prefactor (which may be written as the inverse determinant of the opera tor inverse) produces the determinant shown on the second line. This functional deter minant will be evaluated shortly. The correlation function of potential fluctuations ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)φ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, to lowest order, is given by the Green’s function for the linear operator ( −∇2+κ2 0) appearing in S0, β∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)φ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(0)=N0 Z1/integraldisplay [dφ]e−S0βφ(r)φ(r′) =Gν(r−r′). (2.54) HereGν(r−r′) denotes the Debye Green’s function (in ν-dimensions), which satisfies /bracketleftBig −∇2+κ2 0/bracketrightBig Gν(r−r′) =δ(r−r′), (2.55) and has the Fourier representation 18As discussed in the next subsection, the term in ∆ Slinear in the field may be counted as being of one-loop order. However, because it is odd in φ, its first order contribution to the functional integral vanishes (just like the φ3term) and so it does not contribute to one-loop result (2.53) . 31Gν(r−r′) =/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)νeik·(r−r′) k2+κ2 0. (2.56) Expanding the functional integral (2.19) in powers of ∆ Swill lead to Feynman diagrams in which each line represents a factor of this Debye Green’s fun ction times 1 /β, with vertices joiningklines representing factors of/summationtext an0 a(iβea)k. The coincident limit of the Debye Green’s function Gν(0) will be needed in the following sections. This is easily computed in any dimension by writin g the denominator in (2.56) as a parameter integral of an exponential, and interchanging t he parameter and wave number integrals, Gν(0) =/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−κ2 0s/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)νe−k2s=/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−κ2 0s(4πs)−ν/2 =κν−2 0 (4π)ν/2Γ/parenleftbigg 1−ν 2/parenrightbigg . (2.57) Since Γ( −1 2) =−2√π, theν→3 limit ofGν(0) is perfectly finite and yields lim ν→3Gν(0) =−κ0 4π. (2.58) Comparing this with the Debye Green’s function fixed at three dimensions, G3(r) =e−κ0r 4πr, (2.59) one sees that lim r→01 4πr/bracketleftBig e−κ0r−1/bracketrightBig =−κ0 4π. (2.60) In other words, the dimensional regularization method auto matically deletes the vacuum self-energy contribution that comes from the pure Coulomb p otential. D. Particle Densities Although the densities of the various particle species may b e obtained simply by differen- tiating the partition function with respect to the correspo nding chemical potential — which we shall do subsequently — one may directly evaluate these de nsities using diagrammatic perturbation theory. We shall do this through one-loop orde r to illustrate the working of the perturbation theory and charge neutrality. In perturbatio n theory, the density of particles of a given species is evaluated by expanding the exponential in (2.22) in powers of φyielding, to one loop order, ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) β=/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig n0 aeiβeaφ(r)/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig =n0 a/bracketleftBig 1 +iβea∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht −1 2β2e2 a/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig φ(r)2/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig/bracketrightBig =n0 a/bracketleftBig 1 +iβea∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1)−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightBig . (2.61) 32+ + = + a a<n > a a/0/0/1/1 /0/0/1/1 a/0/0/1/1 /0/0/1/1 /0/0/1/1 /0/0/1/1 FIG. 11. One-loop order contributions to the mean particle d ensity ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. Labeled blobs ( a•) refer to insertions of the number density n0 aeiβeaφfor a given species; a labeled blob radiating klines stands for a factor of n0 a(iβea)k. The condition ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 implies that the second and third diagrams cancel. More generally, the condition ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 implies that such “tadpole” diagrams cancel in the expansion of any quantity, and such diagrams may simply b e neglected. This cancelation is described more fully in Appendix A. In the tree approximation with φ= 0, the charge neutrality condition (2.36) requires that the chemical potentials are arranged such that/summationtextean0 a= 0. Thus, this sum should be considered to start out at one-loop order. The one-legged ve rtex, the coefficient of the term in the interaction part of the action (2.52) linear in φ, is proportional to this sum, and hence it also should be considered to start at one-loop order. Thus computing the expectation value ofφto one-loop order requires expanding e−∆Sin powers of φand keeping the linear and cubic terms. This expansion, shown in the graphs of figure 12, gives ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1)=N0 Z1/integraldisplay [dφ]e−S0φ(0)/integraldisplay (dνr)/summationdisplay an0 a/bracketleftBig (iβeaφ(r)) +1 3!(iβeaφ(r))3/bracketrightBig =i κ2 0A/summationdisplay a=1ean0 a/bracketleftBig 1−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightBig . (2.62) This calculation is spelled out in greater detail in the deri vation of Eq. (F21) in Appendix F. Note that the first term in Eq. (2.62), the tree approximati on, is obtained by expanding the tree level neutrality condition (2.36) to zeroth and firs t order inφ. Imposing the condition (2.32) that the mean electrostatic p otential vanish now requires, to this order, that A/summationdisplay a=1ean0 a=1 2βGν(0)A/summationdisplay a=1e3 an0 a, (2.63) which alters the tree level neutrality constraint (2.39) on the chemical potentials, making the sum on the left-hand side of Eq (2.63) equal to the one-loop co ntribution on the right-hand side. This confirms the statement above that the sum on the lef t-hand should be considered to start out at one-loop order. With the imposition of the one -loop constraint (2.63), the expression (2.61) for the one-loop densities simplifies to ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) β=n0 a/bracketleftBig 1−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightBig . (2.64) The discussion of the density that we have just given is illus trated in figure 11. Inverting the one-loop density relation (2.64) to express the bare den sityn0 ain terms of the physical density ¯nagives n0 a= ¯na/bracketleftBig 1−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightBig−1= ¯na/bracketleftBig 1 +1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightBig , (2.65) 33=<φ> + 0= /0/0/1/1 /0/0/1/1 FIG. 12. One-loop order contributions to ∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. Unlabeled blobs (or vertices) represent inser- tions of −∆Staken to some order in φ; a vertex joining klines stands for a factor of/summationtext an0 a(iβea)k. Each line represents a factor of the Debye Green’s function d ivided byβ, and the contribution of each diagram is to be multiplied by the appropriate symmetry factor which, for the diagram above containing a loop, the “tadpole graph,” is 1 /2. The condition ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 taken to one-loop order implies that the one-legged vertex (— •) must cancel the one-loop “tadpole”. Hence this one-legged vertex should be counted here as being a one-loop contributi on. Two-loop diagrams (and beyond) generate further higher-order corrections to the one-legg ed vertexiβ/summationtext aean0 a. to one-loop order. Note that e2 aGν(0)/2 is the self-energy of a charge eain the Debye screened plasma, and so the right-hand side of Eq. (2.64) may be recognized as the first order expansion of the Boltzmann factor exp {−βe2 aGν(0)/2}. Other effects besides this simple exponentiation of course appear in higher orders. Al so note that the mean charge density (computed to one-loop order) vanishes, as it must, e ven before the imposition of the constraint (2.63), for it follows from Eq’s. (2.61) and (2.6 2) and the definition (2.43) of the lowest-order Debye wave number that ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) β=A/summationdisplay b=1eb∝an}b∇acketle{tnb∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) β =A/summationdisplay b=1ebn0 b/bracketleftBig 1−1 2βe2 bGν(0)/bracketrightBig +A/summationdisplay b=1βe2 bn0 b∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tiφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) =A/summationdisplay a=1ean0 a/bracketleftBig 1−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightBig/parenleftBigg 1−A/summationdisplay b=1βe2 bn0 b κ2 0/parenrightBigg = 0. (2.66) E. Loop Expansion Parameter We have just seen that the size of one-loop corrections is mea sured, inνdimensions, by the dimensionless parameter βe2Gν(0)∼βe2κν−2 0, which reduces to βe2κ0in three dimen- sions. This parameter is the essentially the ratio of the Cou lomb energy for two particles separated by a Debye screening distance to their typical kin etic energy in the plasma. Since κ2 0∼βe2/d3, wheredis the average interparticle spacing, this expansion param eter is also [βe2/d]3/2— the 3/2 power of the ratio of the average Coulomb energy in the plasm a to the kinetic energy in the plasma. At higher orders in the perturbative expansion, the relativ e contribution of any Feynman diagram containing ℓloops will be suppressed by [ βe2κν−2 0]ℓ, or in three dimensions, by 34[βe2κ0]ℓ. A detailed proof of this appears in section 3 of Appendix F.19In other words, the loop expansion parameter is [ βe2κ0] (up to some O(1) numerical factor). In fact, we shall find in our explicit calculations that [ βe2κ/4π] appears as the most natural loop expansion parameter. F. Thermodynamic Quantities All thermodynamic quantities may be derived from the grand c anonical partition func- tion. In particular, the internal energy density uis given by uV=−∂lnZ ∂β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle βµ, (2.67) where, as indicated the partial derivative is taken with the all theβµafixed, while the chemical potential — number density relation is given by ¯naV=∂lnZ ∂βµ a/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle β, (2.68) where now βis held fixed in the partial differentiation. The grand potent ial Ω(V,T,{µa}) is related to the partition function of the grand canonical e nsemble by Z=e−βΩ. (2.69) The grand potential is extensive for a macroscopic volume, a nd it is simply related to the pressure, Ω = −pV, or p=lnZ βV. (2.70) And a Legendre transform of the grand potential gives the Hel mholtz free energy, F(V,T,{Na}) = Ω( V,T,{µa}) +/summationtext aµaNa. Hence the free energy density is given by f=−p+/summationdisplay aµa¯na. (2.71) The previous zeroth order and one-loop results (2.40) and (2 .53) express the partition function through one-loop order as Z1= exp/braceleftbigg VA/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/bracerightbigg Det−1/2/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2κ2 0/bracketrightbigg . (2.72) 19Here is a brief version. The rescaling φ=˜φ/(βe),r=˜r/κ0in the functional integral (2.19) conveniently reveals the dimensionless loop expansion par ameterg=βe2κν−2 0: the integrand acquires the canonical form e−˜S[˜φ]/g, with all dependence on the dimensionless parameter gisolated in the explicit prefactor which controls the validity of a sa ddle-point expansion. 35To evaluate the determinant, one may apply the general varia tional formula δln DetX= TrX−1δX (2.73) to a variation of κ2 0, to show that δln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2κ2 0/bracketrightbigg =/integraldisplay (dνr)Gν(0)δκ2 0. (2.74) Since this is homogeneous in κ0of degreeν−2, it implies that ln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2κ2 0/bracketrightbigg =2 νGν(0)κ2 0V, (2.75) and thus20 Z1= exp/braceleftbigg/bracketleftbigg/summationdisplay an0 a−1 νκ2 0Gν(0)/bracketrightbigg V/bracerightbigg , (2.76) Let us now go over to the physical limit ν→3. Using Eq. (2.58) for G3(0), we have Z1= exp/braceleftBigg/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay an0 a+κ3 0 12π/bracketrightBigg V/bracerightBigg , (2.77) Since ∂n0 a ∂βµ a/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle β=n0 a,∂κ2 0 ∂βµ a/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle β=βe2 an0 a, (2.78) it follows from Eq. (2.77) that the number density to one loop order is given by ¯na=∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) β=n0 a/bracketleftBigg 1 +βe2 aκ0 8π/bracketrightBigg , (2.79) in agreement with the physical ν→3 limit of the previous direct calculation (2.64). To one-loop order, the pressure is given by p1=TV−1lnZ1=T/summationdisplay an0 a/bracketleftBigg 1 +βe2 aκ0 12π/bracketrightBigg . (2.80) 20This result assumes that the chemical potentials (and tempe rature) are constrained so that ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 (to one loop order). If this constraint is violated, as it a pparently is in varying βto obtain the internal energy by Eq. (2.67) or varying βµato obtain the density of particles of species aby Eq. (2.68), then additional terms are present in the complet e one-loop result. These additional terms do not contribute to the first variations yielding the e nergy or number densities and hence may be neglected for these terms, but they do contribute to se cond or higher variations that define correlation functions. This is discussed more fully in Appe ndix A; see in particular Sections 1 and 3. 36Re-expressing the one-loop pressure in terms of physical pa rticle densities using Eq. (2.79) produces p1=T/summationdisplay a¯na/bracketleftbigg 1−βe2 aκ0 24π/bracketrightbigg . (2.81) This is the equation of state of the plasma to one-loop order. Using −∂n0 a ∂β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle βµ=3 2Tn0 a,−∂κ2 0 ∂β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle βµ=1 2Tκ2 0, (2.82) it follows from Eq. (2.77) that the internal energy to one-lo op order is given by u1=T/summationdisplay an0 a/bracketleftBigg3 2+βe2 aκ0 16π/bracketrightBigg . (2.83) or, in terms of the physical density ¯ na, u1=T/summationdisplay a¯na/bracketleftBigg3 2−βe2 aκ0 8π/bracketrightBigg . (2.84) And finally, the Helmholtz free energy density, to one-loop o rder, is f1=T/summationdisplay a¯na/bracketleftBigg −1 + ln(¯naλ3 a/ga)−βe2 aκ0 12π/bracketrightBigg . (2.85) G. Density-Density Correlators We now compute the density-density correlator Kab(r−r′) through one loop order. Ex- panding about φ= 0, the first non-vanishing (“tree” graph) contribution app ears when ∆ S is neglected and the explicit exponentials in (2.24) are exp anded to linear order, yielding Ktree ab(r−r′) =δabδ(r−r′)n0 a−βn0 an0 beaebGν(r−r′). (2.86) Fourier transformation produces the density-density corr elation as a function of wave num- ber, ˜Ktree ab(k) =δabn0 a−βean0 aebn0 b k2+κ2 0. (2.87) Multiplying this result by Vand taking the limit k→0 gives the tree or mean-field approximation to the total particle number fluctuations for the various species: /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Nb−¯Nb/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBigtree β=δab¯Na−ea¯Naβ κ2 0eb¯nb, (2.88) in agreement with the previous result (2.49). The second ter m on the right-hand side of this equality is a consequence of charge neutrality. It involves the ratio of charges, and shows 37that one cannot naively expand in powers of charges. It cause s the number fluctuations to depart from Poisson statistics even in this lowest-order ap proximation. Its presence ensures that /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig Q/angbracketrightBigtree β=/summationdisplay beb/angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Nb−¯Nb/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBigtree β= 0, (2.89) where in the first equality we made use of total average charge neutrality, ∝an}b∇acketle{tQ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=/summationdisplay aea¯Na= 0. (2.90) Multiplying Eq. (2.89) by eaand summing over ashows that21 /angbracketleftBig Q2/angbracketrightBigtree β= 0. (2.91) Thus, at least at tree level, there is no fluctuation in the tot al charge of the ensemble de- scribed by our functional integral. The usual grand canonic al ensemble is modified by the long-range Coulomb potential so that only subsectors of tot ally neutral particle configura- tions appear in the sum over configurations. The general stru cture of the number density correlation function described below [in particular Eq. (2 .115)] shows that the vanishing of charge fluctuations (2.91) holds to all orders, and thus, in g eneral, only neutral configura- tions contribute to the ensemble. Finally, we note that, to l owest order, charge neutrality also ensures that the fluctuation of the total number of parti clesN=/summationtext aNain the grand canonical ensemble is Poissonian, /angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig N−¯N/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbiggtree β=/summationdisplay a,b/angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Nb−¯Nb/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBigtree β=¯N. (2.92) As shown in Eq. (2.113) below, higher-order corrections alt er this result. One-loop corrections to the density correlator are obtaine d by expanding both e−∆Sand the exponentials in the density operator insertions of (2.1 4) in powers of φ, and retaining all next-to-leading order corrections. This leads to the one-l oop contributions shown graphically in Fig. 13. There are three classes of diagrams: those which c ancel, those which simply serve to replace bare densities by the physical densities (to one- loop order), and the rest. Diagrams aandbcancel, as do c&d, ande&f, because their sum is proportional to ∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ≡0. Here, as well as in higher orders, all such “tadpole” diagrams can s imply be neglected. That these single-particle reducible graphs22cancel to all orders is proven in Appendix A. Diagrams g andhcorrect the explicit bare densities in (2.86) by 21In this regard, it is worth noting that ˜Ktree ab(0) is a symmetrical, real, positive, semi-definite matrix whose only vanishing eigenvalue appears for the eige nvector whose components are the electric charges ea(provided all densities n0 aare non-zero). These properties are easily demonstrated explicitly. First define the matrix Nab≡δab/radicalbig n0aand then the matrix L ≡ N−1˜Ktree(0)N−1, so thatLab=δab−vavbwithva≡ea/radicalbig βn0a/κ0. The claimed properties hold because vis a unit vector. 22A graph is ‘single-particle reducible’ if it can be separate d into two disjoint pieces by cutting a single line. 38/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1/0/0 /1/1 ca b a b mb ibba dae ab a b afb/0/0 /1/1 a/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 b/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 l k ja b/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 b a/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1a /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 gb/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1a/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1ab a/0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 hb FIG. 13. One loop diagrams contributing to the connected den sity-density correlation function Kab(r−r′) =∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)nb(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htconn β. Diagrams a–fare all tadpole diagrams which cancel and hence can be neglected. Diagrams g–imerely serve to correct the bare densities appearing in the l owest order result. Diagrams j–minvolve the essentially new contribution C(1) abdiscussed in the text. ∆n(1) a=∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) β−n0 a, (2.93) giving the one-loop contribution −β/bracketleftBig ∆n(1) an0 b+n0 a∆n(1) b/bracketrightBig eaebGν(r−r′). (2.94) Diagramicorrects the Debye wave number which appears in the Green’s f unctionGν(r−r′); explicitly it produces −βn0 an0 beaeb∂Gν(r−r′) ∂κ2 0/summationdisplay aβe2 a∆n(1) a, (2.95) or in Fourier space, βn0 an0 beaeb (k2+κ2 0)2/summationdisplay aβe2 a∆n(1) a. (2.96) The net effect of these two classes of diagrams (plus the one lo op correction to the δab∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ contact term) is to replace, through one loop order, the part icle densities and Debye wave number appearing in (2.87) with their physical values, 39˜Ktree ab(k)→˜Ktree,(1) ab(k)≡δab¯na−βea¯naeb¯nb k2+ ¯κ2. (2.97) Here ¯κ2is the Debye wave number computed with physical particle den sities, ¯κ2≡/summationdisplay aβe2 a¯na. (2.98) The second part of Eq. (2.97) involves ˜Gtree,(1)(k) =β−1 k2+ ¯κ2, (2.99) which is just the Fourier transform of the tree level electro static potential correlator ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)φ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}htas given in Eq. (2.54), but with the physical Debye wave numbe r ¯κ. Under- standing the general structure of the number density correl ation function will be facilitated if (2.97) is rewritten in the form ˜Ktree,(1) ab(k) =δab¯na−(βea¯na)˜Gtree,(1)(k) (βeb¯nb). (2.100) The remaining graphs j–mgive non-trivial corrections. Diagram jmay be viewed as generating a correction to the first, ‘contact’ term part of ( 2.100), δab¯na→˜Cab(k) (2.101) where, to one-loop order, ˜C(1) ab(k) =δab¯na+1 2(βe2 a¯na)D(2) ν(k) (βe2 b¯nb), (2.102) with D(2) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rGν(r)2. (2.103) This function represents the loop which is common to diagram sj–m. Graphskandl correspond to making the corrections ea¯na→/summationdisplay cec˜C(1) ca(k), e b¯nb→/summationdisplay cec˜C(1) cb(k), (2.104) in the factors flanking ˜Gtree,(1)(k) in Eq. (2.100). Physically, these diagrams may be viewed as generating corrections to the coupling between the particl e density operators and fluctuations in the electrostatic potential. The final graph mis a one-loop polarization (or ‘self-energy’) correction to the electrostatic potential correlator G(r−r′) =∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)φ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (2.105) This graph, together with higher order graphs in which the sa me “bubble” is inserted two or more times, produce a change in the (Fourier transformed) potential correlator given by ˜Gtree,(1)(k)−1→˜G(k)−1≡β/bracketleftbigg k2+β/summationdisplay a,beaeb˜Cab(k)/bracketrightbigg , (2.106) 40with the same one-loop result (2.102) for ˜Cab(k). Note that, according to Eq. (2.102), β/summationdisplay a,beaeb˜C(1) ab(k) = ¯κ2+β 2/summationdisplay a,b(βe3 a¯na)D(2) ν(k) (βe3 b¯nb), (2.107) showing that this ‘self-energy’ contribution includes the previous squared Debye wave num- ber ¯κ2as well as the loop contribution described by graph m. Putting the pieces together, we find that the one-loop corrections conform to the general s tructure ˜Kab(k) =˜Cab(k)−/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Cca(k)/bracketrightBig˜G(k)/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Ccb(k)/bracketrightBig . (2.108) That this form holds to all orders is proven in Appendix A, wit h this result given in Eq. (A57). This Appendix shows that ˜Cab(k) is a single-particle irreducible function, sym- metric inaandb, and provides its definition in terms of an effective action fu nctional. Section G 1 of that appendix also demonstrates how the comple te one-loop calculation may be easily performed using somewhat more sophisticated func tional techniques. The explicit form of the one-loop function D(2) ν(k) is easily evaluated in three dimensions since G2 3(r) =e−2κ0r (4πr)2=1 4π/integraldisplay∞ 2κ0dµe−µr 4πr. (2.109) Thus taking the Fourier transform and interchanging integr als yields the dispersion relation representation D(2) 3(k) =1 4π/integraldisplay∞ 2κ0dµ k2+µ2, (2.110) which is readily evaluated to give D(2) 3(k) = (4πk)−1arctank 2κ0. (2.111) Thek= 0 limit of ˜Kab(k) characterizes the fluctuations in particle numbers, /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Nb−¯Nb/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBig β=V˜Kab(0). (2.112) The one-loop result for ˜Kab(0) is easily generated by inserting (2.111) into (2.102) and t hence into (2.108). In particular, for the total particle number N=/summationtext aNa, one finds to one-loop order /angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig N−¯N/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg β=¯N+V¯κ3 16π, (2.113) which explicitly shows that the Coulomb interactions gener ate non-Poissonian statistics for fluctuations in total particle number. 41H. Charge Correlators and Charge Neutrality As noted earlier, the charge neutrality condition (2.29) ho lds in the presence of arbitrary chemical potentials µa(r). Consequently, a corollary of (2.29) is an identity for the correlator of the number density of some species awith the total charge: 0 =δ δµa(r)∝an}b∇acketle{tQ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=A/summationdisplay b=1/integraldisplay (dνr′)Kab(r−r′)eb =A/summationdisplay b=1˜Kab(0)eb. (2.114) It follows from the general structure (2.108) of the density correlator and the form (2.106) of the inverse Green’s function that /summationdisplay b˜Kab(k)eb=/summationdisplay b˜Cab(k)eb/braceleftBigg 1−β˜G(k)/bracketleftBigg β/summationdisplay c,deced˜Ccd(k)/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg =/summationdisplay b˜Cab(k)ebβk2˜G(k), (2.115) which does indeed vanish in the limit k2→0 in accordance with Eq. (2.114). The charge density — charge density correlation function is given by ˜K(k) =/summationdisplay a,bea˜Kab(k)eb =k2/bracketleftBig/summationtext a,bea˜Cab(k)eb/bracketrightBig k2+β/bracketleftBig/summationtext a,bea˜Cab(k)eb/bracketrightBig, (2.116) or equivalently ˜K(k) =k2T−k4˜G(k), (2.117) whereT= 1/βis the temperature in energy units. It has the small wave numb er limit ˜K(k) =k2T+O(k4). (2.118) This limit, which follows directly from the structure (2.10 8) that is established in Appendix A, also follows from examining the coupling of the plasma to a static external electric potential. The static dielectric function of the plasma ǫ(k) is related to the charge density correlation function by ˜K(k) =k2 β/bracketleftBigg 1−1 ǫ(k)/bracketrightBigg . (2.119) This will be derived in the following section [ c.f.Eq. (3.22)]. Thus, the small wave number limit (2.118) implies that ǫ(k)→ ∞ ask→0. But this is just the statement that the plasma is a conductor — when an external uniform electric fiel d is applied to the plasma, charges move and the plasma becomes polarized in such a way as to completely screen the constant external field. The small wave number behavior of th e static dielectric function is made explicit by inserting Eq. (2.116) in Eq. (2.119) to obta in ǫ(k) = 1 +β k2/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay a,bea˜Cab(k)eb/bracketrightBigg . (2.120) 42III. EFFECTIVE FIELD THEORY We have just worked out the statistical mechanics of a classi cal, multicomponent plasma through one-loop order. One cannot go to higher order in this purely classical theory. Ultraviolet divergences appear at two-loop order and beyon d. For example, the pressure in two-loop order receives a contribution from the diagram ✫✪✬✩ t t (3.1) which is proportional to the integral of the cube of the Debye Green’s function,/integraltext(dνr)Gν(r)3. In three-dimensions, the short-distance part of this integ ral behaves as/integraltext(d3r)/r3, which is logarithmically divergent. This divergence can be seen in a n elementary fashion directly from the divergence (for opposite signed charges) of the Bol tzmann-weighted integral over the relative separation of two charges,/integraltext(d3r) exp{−βeaebVC(r)}. Diagram (3.1) is just the third-order term in the expansion of this integral in powers of the charges. These ultraviolet divergences of the classical theory are tamed by quantum-me chanics — quantum fluctua- tions smear out the short distance singularities. To reprod uce the effects of this quantum mechanical smearing, we must augment our previous dimensio nally regulated classical the- ory with additional local interactions which both serve to c ancel the divergences present in diagrams such as (3.1), and reproduce quantum corrections w hich are suppressed by powers of ¯h(or equivalently κλ). The coefficients of some of these induced interactions will diverge in theν→3 limit. The finite parts of these coefficients (or “induced cou plings”) will then be determined by matching predictions of this effective quas i-classical theory with those of the underlying quantum mechanical theory. A. Quantum Theory The full (non-relativistic) many-body quantum theory gene rates the grand canonical partition function — extended to be a number density generat ing functional ZQM[µ] by the introduction of the generalized, spatially varying chemic al potentials µa(r) — as a trace over all states, ZQM[µ] = Tr exp/braceleftbigg −β/bracketleftbigg H−A/summationdisplay a=1/integraldisplay (d3r)µa(r)na(r)/bracketrightbigg/bracerightbigg , (3.2) wherena(r) is the number density operator for particles of species a. The multi-particle Hamiltonian of the complete system has the structure H=A/summationdisplay a=1Ka+A/summationdisplay a,b=1HCoul ab, (3.3) whereKarepresents the kinetic energy of all particles of species aandHCoul abis the Coulomb energy between particles of types aandb. In second-quantized notation, 43Ka=1 2ma/integraldisplay (d3r)∇ˆψa(r)†· ∇ˆψa(r), (3.4) and HCoul ab=eaeb 2/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r′)ˆψa(r)†ˆψb(r′)†VC(r−r′)ˆψb(r′)ˆψa(r). (3.5) The quantum-mechanical partition function ZQM[µ] may be expressed as a functional integral involving Apairs of fields ψ∗ a(r,τ), ψa(r,τ) defined on the imaginary time interval [0,β].23Just as in the previous section, the Coulomb interaction bet ween charges can be written in terms of a Gaussian functional integral over an au xiliary electrostatic potential. Therefore, ZQM[µ] = Det1/2/bracketleftBig −∇2/bracketrightBig/integraldisplay [dφ] exp/braceleftBigg −1 2/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)/parenleftBig ∇φ(r,τ)/parenrightBig2/bracerightBigg ×A/productdisplay a=1/integraldisplay [dψ∗ adψa] exp/braceleftBigg −/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)La/bracerightBigg , (3.6) where La=ψ∗ a(r,τ)/braceleftBigg∂ ∂τ−∇2 2ma−µa(r)−ieaφ(r,τ)/bracerightBigg ψa(r,τ). (3.7) The integrations are now over ν <3 spatial dimensions, since we work with the dimension- ally regulated theory. As explained earlier, the dimension ally continued Coulomb potential vanishes at vanishing spatial separation [Eq. (2.17)], and so there are no infinite particle self-energies with this regularization scheme. If the generalized chemical potentials have arbitrary vari ation in both space and imagi- nary time, then ln ZQM[µ] is the generating functional for connected time-ordered c orrelation functions of the density operators na(r,τ) =ψ∗ a(r,τ)ψa(r,τ). (3.8) These correlation functions are periodic in the imaginary t imeτwith period β. Thus they have a Fourier series representation with frequencies ωn≡2πn/β = 2πnT/¯h, where in the last equality we have restored Planck’s constant ¯ h. In the ¯h→0 classical limit, all these frequencies run off to infinity save for the static n= 0 mode. Thus the classical limit in- volves zero-frequency correlators and, correspondingly, generalized chemical potentials that are independent of the imaginary time24τ. This is the reason that we are restricting the 23These fields may be either complex fields satisfying periodic boundary conditions, ψa(r,τ+β) = ψa(r,τ), or anti-commuting Grassmann algebra valued fields satisf ying antiperiodic boundary con- ditions,ψa(r,τ+β) =−ψa(r,τ). The first case describes the quantum mechanics of Bosons, w hile the second describes Fermions. The following discussion is applicable to either case. 24Generalized chemical potentials that depend upon both spac e andrealtime do, however, have a role to play in the classical theory since they may be used to p robe the response to time-dependent disturbances. 44generalized chemical potentials to be time-independent. S ince the extended Hamiltonian of the system including the chemical potential terms is time in dependent, the ensemble aver- ages remain time-translationally invariant. Thus ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r,τ)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβis independent of τ, and it may be replaced by the τ= 0 form ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. Accordingly, δ δβµ a(r)lnZQM[µ] =1 β/integraldisplayβ 0dτ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r,τ)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. (3.9) The variational derivative of this result now yields25 Kab(r,r′) =δ δβµ a(r)δ δβµ b(r′)lnZQM[µ] =β−1/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/bracketleftBig ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r,τ)nb(r′,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ− ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ∝an}b∇acketle{tnb(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ/bracketrightBig . (3.10) If every chemical potential is shifted by an amount proporti onal to the corresponding charge,µa(r)→µa(r) +eaλ(r), then derivatives of the partition function with respect t o λ(r) generate correlation functions of the charge density ρ(r,τ)≡/summationtext aeana(r,τ), ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=/summationdisplay aea∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=δ δβλ(r)lnZQM[µ+eλ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle λ=0, (3.11) and K(r,r′) =/summationdisplay a,beaebKab(r,r′) =δ δβλ(r)δ δβλ(r′)lnZQM[µ+eλ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle λ=0 =β−1/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/bracketleftBig ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r,τ)ρ(r′,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ− ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ/bracketrightBig . (3.12) Alternatively, if one makes a compensating change of variab lesφ→φ+iλin the functional integral (3.6), all dependence on λdisappears from the charged field Lagrangian La, and the net effect is merely to shift the Gaussian measure for the e lectrostatic potential, exp/braceleftbigg −1 2/integraldisplay dτ(dνr) [∇φ]2/bracerightbigg →exp/braceleftbigg −1 2/integraldisplay dτ(dνr) [∇(φ+iλ)]2/bracerightbigg = exp/braceleftbigg −1 2/integraldisplay dτ(dνr)/bracketleftBig (∇φ)2−2iφ∇2λ−(∇λ)2/bracketrightBig/bracerightbigg .(3.13) Hence, 25The final form shown for the second variation (3.10) involves an integral over imaginary time of the time-ordered correlation function Kab(r,τ;r′,τ′) =δ δµa(r,τ)δ δµb(r′,τ′)lnZ[µ] which is symmetric, Kab(r,τ;r′,τ′) =Kba(r′,τ′;r,τ), periodic in imaginary time, Kab(r,τ;r′,τ′) =Kab(r,τ−β;r′,τ′) = Kab(r,τ;r′,τ′−β), and (when evaluated at constant chemical potentials), ti me-translation invari- ant,Kab(r,τ;r′,τ′) =Kab(r,τ−τ′;r′,0). Since the integral in (3.10) has τ >0, the product of density operators appearing in the integrand is trivially t ime-ordered. 45ZQM[µ+eλ] =ZQM[µ]eβ/integraltext (dνr)1 2(∇λ)2/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig ei/integraltext dτ(dνr)φ∇2λ/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig , (3.14) and consequently ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=δ δβλ(r)lnZQM[µ+eλ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle λ=0=∇2i∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (3.15) and K(r,r′) =δ δβλ(r)δ δβλ(r′)lnZQM[µ+eλ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle λ=0 =−β−1∇2 rδ(r−r′)− ∇2 r∇2 r′G(r,r′), (3.16) where Gis the zero-frequency correlator of fluctuations in the elec trostatic potential, G(r,r′)≡β−1/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/bracketleftBig ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r,τ)φ(r′,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht − ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht/bracketrightBig . (3.17) The relation (3.15) is just the Poisson equation (now derive d in the full quantum theory). When the chemical potentials have no spatial variation, ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}htis constant, the charge density ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβvanishes, and the correlation functions K(r,r′) andG(r,r′) depend only on r−r′. In this case, Eq. (3.16) becomes a simple relation between t he Fourier transformed correlators, ˜K(k) =β−1k2−(k2)2˜G(k). (3.18) Because of screening, ˜G(k) is bounded as k→0. Hence, ˜K(k) =Tk2+O(k4), (3.19) and we have an alternative proof of the exact relation (2.118 ) discussed in the previous section. The charge density correlator ˜K(k) is directly related to the static dielectric function of the plasma. To see this, note that Z[µ+eλ] is precisely the partition function in the presence of an applied electrostatic potential −λ(r). The variation of charge density with respect to λis just the charge density correlator times β,δ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ/δλ(r) =βK(r,r′). Hence, the Fourier transform of the charge density induced by this appl ied potential, to first order in the applied field, is ˜ ρind(k) =β˜K(k)˜λ(k), or equivalently the induced electric field is ˜Eind(k) =−ik k2˜ρind(k) =−β˜K(k) k2˜D(k), (3.20) where D(r) =∇λ(r) is the applied field. The ratio of the applied field to the tota l field (at a given wave number) defines the static dielectric function ǫ(k), ˜D(k) =ǫ(k)/braceleftBig˜D(k) +˜Eind(k)/bracerightBig . (3.21) Thus 46ǫ(k) =/bracketleftBigg 1−β˜K(k) k2/bracketrightBigg−1 =1 k2˜G(k). (3.22) The first equality is equivalent to Eq. (2.119) asserted prev iously. The condition (3.19) implies that ǫ(k) diverges as k→0. This, of course, reflects the fact that the plasma is a conducting medium which exactly screens uniform applied el ectric fields. Finally, expressing the correlator ˜G(k) in terms of the self-energy (or polarization tensor), ˜G(k)−1=β[k2+Π(k)], shows that Π( k)/k2andǫ(k) are related by ǫ(k)−1 =Π(k) k2. (3.23) Appendix A (as quoted in Eq. (2.106)) shows that the self-ene rgy Π(k) =β/summationtext a,beaeb˜Cab(k). Inserting this form yields the previously quoted relation ( 2.120) between the dielectric func- tion and ˜Cab(k). B. Classical Limit In the limit in which the thermal wavelength λais much smaller that the scale of spatial variation in the electrostatic potential, λa|∇lnφ(r)| ≪1, the functional integral over the charged fields ψ∗ aandψamay be performed explicitly. Appendix B presents this calcu lation in detail. Neglecting corrections suppressed by powers of λa, one finds that /integraldisplay [dψ∗ adψa] exp/braceleftbigg −/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)La/bracerightbigg = exp/braceleftbigg/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r)eiea/integraltextβ 0dτ φ(r,τ)/bracerightbigg . (3.24) This is just the classical limit of the quantum partition fun ction for particles moving in a background potential −iφ(r,τ). Heren0 a(r) is the free-particle density of species a(inν dimensions), n0 a(r) =gaeβµa(r)/parenleftBiggma 2πβ/parenrightBiggν/2 =gaλ−ν aeβµ(r), (3.25) (which reduces to (2.2) when ν→3). Notice that the result (3.24) only depends on the time-integral of the electrostatic potential.26Consequently, it is useful to make a Fourier series expansion of the electrostatic potential on the imag inary time interval 0 <τ <β . We separate out the zero frequency mode by writing φ(r,τ) =φ(r) +/summationdisplay n/ne}ationslash=0φn(r)e−iωnτ, (3.26) where ωn≡2πn β. (3.27) 26This will not be true when sub-leading terms are included, as discussed later in this section. 47Sinceφ(r,τ) is real, the zero mode part is real, φ∗(r) =φ(r), whileφ−n(r) =φ∗ n(r). The non-zero frequency modes do not contribute to the functiona l integral result (3.24). Hence, in this classical limit, the non-zero frequency modes only a ppear in the initial Gaussian functional integral in Eq. (3.6), and they may be trivially i ntegrated out. Their only effect is to change the determinantal prefactor in Eq. (3.6) from it s implicitν+1 dimensional form to anν-dimensional form which just normalizes the Gaussian funct ional integral of the zero modes to unity if there were no other factors. Hence, in the cl assical limit one finds that Z[µ] =N0/integraldisplay [dφ]e−Scl[φ;µ], (3.28) where Scl[φ;µ] =/integraldisplay (dνr)/braceleftBiggβ 2φ(r)/bracketleftBig −∇2/bracketrightBig φ(r)−A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a(r)eiβeaφ(r)/bracerightBigg . (3.29) This is precisely the representation (2.18) for the classic al partition function derived in the preceding section. We have just seen that this form emerges n aturally as the limit of the quantum partition function. C. Induced Couplings But this “derivation” of (3.29) as the classical limit of the quantum partition function (3.6) is wrong ! As emphasized earlier, the classical partition function ( 3.29) is singular when ν→3, while the quantum partition function (3.6) is completely regular in 3 dimensions. It is impossible for the classical partition function (3.29) to e qual the quantum partition function up to negligible corrections. What went wrong was the use of E q. (3.24), which is valid for a sufficiently slowly varying background φ(r,τ), inside a functional integral over fluctuations in φ— which includes fluctuations on scales comparable to the typ ical de Broglie wavelengths of the charged particles. In other words, the contributions of short distance fluctuations inφwere mangled when going from the quantum partition function (3.6) to the classical partition function (3.29). To fix this error one may, in princ iple, integrate exactly over the charged fields ψ(r,τ) together with the non-zero frequency modes φn(r) of the electrostatic potential, to produce a non-local, effective action SQM[φ;µ] for the remaining zero-frequency modeφ(r) such that Z[µ] =N0/integraldisplay [dφ]e−SQM[φ;µ]. (3.30) However, explicitly constructing or dealing with this non- local action is impossible. Our aim is to construct a local approximation to SQMwhich retains those parts of the complete non-local action which must be added to the classical theory to obtain finite, correct results to a given order in powers of the ratio of scales κλ. To do this, the first step is to regulate the theory by working in ν <3 dimensions and then add to classical action (2.20) additio nal local terms, referred to as induced interactions, which bot h serve to fix the incorrect short- 48distance behavior of the classical theory, and incorporate quantum effects suppressed27by powers of ¯h, Scl[µ]→Seff[φ;µ]≡Scl[φ;µ] +Sind[φ;µ]. (3.31) The induced interactions Sindmay, in general, include arbitrary combinations of the field φ(r) and its derivatives at a point r, integrated over all space. However, only terms which are consistent with the symmetries of the original underlying t heory can appear. Of particular importance is the invariance φ→φ−icandµa→µa−eac. The discussion of Eq. (2.30) shows that this is an invariance of the classical theory. In view of the structure (3.7) of the quantum Lagrangian, this shift is also an invariance of the full quan tum theory. Consequently, only the combination n0 aeiβeaφ, which is invariant under this combined shift of φandµa, plus spatial derivatives of µa(r)+ieaφ(r), will appear in Sind. As a result, the induced interactions have the general structure Sind[φ;µ] =/summationdisplay p=2/summationdisplay a1···ap/integraldisplay (dνr)g0 a1···apβ3(p−1)n0 a1(r)eiβea1φ(r)···n0 ap(r)eiβeapφ(r) +/summationdisplay p=1/summationdisplay a1···ap/integraldisplay (dνr)h0 a1···apβ3p+1/bracketleftBig ∇/parenleftBig µa1(r)+iea1φ(r)/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig2n0 a1(r)eiβea1φ(r)···n0 ap(r)eiβeapφ(r) +/summationdisplay p=2/summationdisplay a1···ap/integraldisplay (dνr)k0 a1···apβ3p+1/bracketleftBig ∇/parenleftBig µa1(r)+iea1φ(r)/parenrightBig · ∇/parenleftBig µa2(r)+iea2φ(r)/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig ×n0 a1(r)eiβea1φ(r)···n0 ap(r)eiβeapφ(r) +···, (3.32) where the final ellipsis ···stands for similar terms with four or more derivatives. For calculations to a given loop order, only a finite number of the induced interactions are needed. The classification of the various terms accordin g to the order in which they first contribute will be spelled out below. Interactions involving only a single density (that is, the c lassical −n0 aeiβeaφinteraction, the two-derivative term proportional to h0 a, and corresponding higher derivative terms) have coefficients which are finite in three dimensions, and are simp ly determined by expanding the charged field functional integral (3.24) as described in appendix B. The result (B52) of this appendix, also shown in Eq. (3.91), gives h0 a=λ2 a 48πβ2=¯h2 24βma. (3.33) The induced couplings g0 a1···ap(as well ash0 a1···ap,etc.) multiplying two or more densities will contain poles in ν−3 which serve to cancel poles at ν=3 generated by two-loop and higher order graphs generated by the classical interaction (or the single-density induced interactions). The “infinite” parts of Sind[φ;µ], (that is, the residues of these pole terms) 27It will also be necessary to include non-linear interaction s involving the non-zero frequency modesφn(r). This will be discussed at the end of this section. 49are relatively easy to calculate — they are precisely the ter ms needed to make the complete theory finite (as it must be). This will be illustrated explic itly in the following subsection. The remaining “finite” parts of these induced couplings, the non-pole terms, can only be obtained by matching results for some physical quantity com puted in this effective theory with corresponding results for the same quantity computed i n the original (full quantum) theory. The first such matching for an induced coupling will b e performed at the end of this section. Once the required matching is done, to a given loop o rder, the effective theory may then be used to calculate any other physical quantity. To ascertain the loop order of the various induced interacti ons, we note that since/integraltext(dνr)n0 ais dimensionless, g0 a1···aptimes the remaining p−1 factors of β3n0 amust be di- mensionless. In the physical ν→3 limit, the particle density n0 a∼1/d3, wheredis the interparticle spacing, e2/dhas the dimensions of energy, and βe2/dis dimensionless. Hence g0 a1···apmust be a pure number28timese6(p−1)(where, bye6we mean six factors of the various chargesea), so that each of the p−1 densities is accompanied by a factor of β3e6. Equiv- alently, each of the p−1 densities appears in the form β2e4(βe2n0 a)∼[βe2κ0]2. Recalling thatβe2κ0is just the loop-counting parameter, we see that the g0 a1···apinteraction with no derivatives and pdensities will first contribute at 2( p−1) loop order. Similarly, for the inter- actions with two derivatives, h0 a1···apandk0 a1···apmust both be dimensionless functions of the quantum parameters times e6p−2inν=3 dimensions. This is because each particle density is again accompanied by a factor of β3e6, so that the p-density two-derivative interactions involve the dimensionless quantity ( βe2κ0)2p/integraltext(dr)β(∇φ)2. Consequently, the induced cou- plingsh0 a1···apandk0 a1···apfirst contribute to correlation functions at 2 ploop order. Induced interactions with four or more derivatives, which were not d isplayed explicitly in (3.32), are only needed for calculations at four loop order or beyond. No te that there are no induced couplings which first contribute at any odd loop order. The multiple-density induced couplings have poles at ν=3, and so the dimensionality ν must be kept away from three until all terms of a given order ha ve been combined. The extra dimensional factors needed away from ν=3 have the form of factors of λ3−ν, whereλ stands for a characteristic thermal wavelength of particle s in the plasma. Since the Coulomb potential in νdimensions has the coordinate dependence r2−ν, an extension of the analysis in the previous paragraph shows that the induced coupling g0 a1···ap∝λ−2(p−1)(ν−3)while both h0 a1···apandk0 a1···ap∝λ−2p(ν−3). Because the interactions depend on the chemical potentials , physical particle densities in the effective theory (3.31) are not equal to the functional integral average of n0 aeiβeaφ, as in the original classical theory. Rather, ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ≡δlnZ δβµ a=−/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBiggδSeff δβµ a/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg =/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg n0 aeiβeaφ−δSind δβµ a/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg , (3.34) and similarly for the density-density correlator, Kab(r,r′)≡δ2lnZ δβµ a(r)δβµ b(r′) 28More precisely, a dimensionless function of the various qua ntum parameters βe2/λa. 50=/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBiggδSeff δβµ a(r)δSeff δβµ b(r′)/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg − ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ∝an}b∇acketle{tnb∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ−/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBiggδ2Seff δβµ a(r)δβµ b(r′)/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg . (3.35) D. Renormalization The residue of a pole in an induced coupling may be determined by calculating a suitable n-point density correlator to a given loop order, and requiri ng that the result be finite as ν→3. Once this has been done for all the couplings that appear in a given order, then any other process will be finite to this order. In addition to t he pole terms in the induced couplings, there are, of course, finite remainders. These fin ite terms are determined by matching a result computed in our effective theory to the same result computed in the full quantum theory. We shall take up the matching problem later. Here we shall exhibit the nature of the (infinite) pole terms by examining several exam ples. At two-loop order, the induced coupling g0 abcontributes through the last term in (3.35) to the irreducible part ˜Cab(k) of the density-density correlator. The only other contrib utions at this order which are singular as ν→3 are the diagrams: ✫✪✬✩ t t ✛ ✛ k k a b✫✪✬✩ tt ✛ ✛ k ka(3.36) [The full set of two-loop diagrams contributing to ˜Cab(k) is shown in figure 16 of the following section.] The second diagram of (3.36) generates a contact t erm proportional to δaband independent of the external momentum k. The contribution to ˜Cab(k) of these diagrams, plus theg0 abinteraction, is ˜C(2,sing) ab(k) =β3n0 an0 b/bracketleftBigg −2g0 ab−e3 ae3 b 3!D(3) ν(k)/bracketrightBigg +β3δabA/summationdisplay c=1n0 an0 c/bracketleftBigg −2g0 ac−e3 ae3 c 3!D(3) ν(0)/bracketrightBigg , (3.37) whereD(3) ν(k) denotes the Fourier transform of the cube of the Debye poten tial, D(3) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rGν(r)3. (3.38) The function D(3) ν(k) has a simple pole in ν−3, which arises from the existence, in 3 dimen- sions, of a non-integrable 1 /r3short-distance singularity in the integrand. The long-dis tance behavior of the integral is effectively cut-off by the larger o f the Debye wavenumber κor the external wave-vector k. This function is evaluated explicitly in section 2 of appen dix C [c.f.Eq. (C31)] but for our present purposes all we need is the resi due of the pole in ν−3. Since this pole arises solely from the short-distance behav ior, its residue does not depend on whether korκcontrols the long distance behavior. Using the result (C31) and neglecting pieces that are non-singular when ν= 3 gives D(3) ν(k) =1 2 (4π)21 3−ν(κ2)ν−3[1 +O(ν−3)]. (3.39) 51Note that it makes no difference whether the factor which prov ides the correct dimensions is written as ( κ2)ν−3, as (k2)ν−3, or as a power of some arbitrary wave vector µ, since different choices merely correspond to a change in the non-singular pa rt ofD(3) ν(k). For example, κ2(ν−3) 3−ν=µ2(ν−3) 3−ν+ ln/parenleftBiggµ2 κ2/parenrightBigg +O(ν−3). (3.40) As will be seen explicitly later on, it is generally very conv enient to make use of this arbitrary scale in the pole residue and write all such divergent quanti ties in terms of a single, standard, but arbitrary parameter µwith the dimensions of wavenumber or inverse length, a param eter that is also used to exhibit the extra dimensions that arise w hen the parameters are extended beyondν= 3 dimensions. Thus we write the induced coupling g0 abas g0 ab=µ2(ν−3)/bracketleftBigg −1 4!(eaeb)3 (4π)21 3−ν+gab(µ)/bracketrightBigg . (3.41) In view of the result (3.39), the first pole term in this expres sion cancels the singular con- tributions arising from D(3) ν(k) in Eq. (3.37). The prefactor µ2(ν−3)absorbs the variation in dimension when νdeparts from ν= 3, and so the remaining finite coupling gab(µ) always retains itsν= 3 dimensions. This finite (or “renormalized”) coupling mus t depend upon µ in such a way as to ensure that the bare coupling g0 abis independent of the arbitrary value of µ. Thus we have defined the finite coupling gabto be a scale-dependent “floating” coupling, and we shall later exploit the renormalization group result s that follow from the arbitrary character of µ. For now, we simply note that gab(µ) will soon be determined by matching the effective theory to the underlying microscopic theory. Similar considerations apply to the induced couplings of hi gher loop order. At four-loop order, the irreducible correlator ˜Cab(k) receives contributions from the h0 abandk0 abderivative interactions which are proportional to k2. Therefore, to determine the pole parts of these couplings, it is sufficient to focus just on those contributio ns to ˜Cab(k) (at four-loop order) which are also proportional to k2and singular as ν→3. [There are additional singular contributions to ˜Cab(k) at four-loop order which are proportional to κ2. The renormaliza- tion of these terms requires the four-loop coupling g0 abcin addition to h0 abandk0 ab. The determination of g0 abcis discussed below.] There is only one four loop diagram constructed from the clas sical interaction which contributes to ˜Cab(k) and contains a term singular as ν→3 that is proportional to k2: ✫✪✬✩ t t ✛ ✛ k k a b(3.42) In addition, the following four-loop order diagrams involv ing the classical interaction plus the finiteh0 ainduced interaction contain terms proportional to k2which are singular as ν→3: b aa b a(3.43) 52Here, the circled ‘X’ denotes the vertex generated by the h0 ainduced interaction. Since h0 a itself counts as a two-loop factor, these diagrams contribu te to the correlator at four-loop order. The contributions of the h0 abandk0 abinteractions, plus the above graphs, give ˜C(4,sing) ab(k) =β5n0 an0 b/bracketleftBigg 2k2k0 ab−k2e3 ae3 b 3!/parenleftBig h0 a+h0 b/parenrightBig D(3) ν(k)−e5 ae5 b 5!D(5) ν(k)/bracketrightBigg +k2δabβ5A/summationdisplay c=1n0 an0 c/parenleftBigg 2h0 ac−2h0 ae3 ae3 c 3!D(3) ν(0)/parenrightBigg +O(κ2), (3.44) where only the pieces proportional to k2have been displayed, and where D(5) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rGν(r)5. (3.45) This integral may be evaluated explicitly using the methods of appendix C. However, the part of the integral which is proportional to k2and singular as ν→3 arises solely from the short-distance singularity in the integrand. To extrac t just this portion of the integral, it is sufficient to use unscreened Coulomb potentials instead of the Debye potential. The resulting Fourier transform of Vν(r)5is evaluated in appendix C [ c.f.Eq. (C14)] where it is shown that /integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rVν(r)5=−k2 4! (4π)4/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBigg2(ν−3)1 3−ν+ finite. (3.46) Using this result plus (3.39), it is easy to see that the four- loopO(k2) part of ˜Cab(k) will be finite asν→3 provided h0 ab=µ2(ν−3)/bracketleftBigg −h0 aπ 3/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg31 3−ν+hab(µ)/bracketrightBigg , (3.47) and k0 ab=µ2(ν−3)/bracketleftBigg −2π 4!·5!/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg51 3−ν +π 3!/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3/parenleftBig h0 a+h0 b/parenrightBig1 3−ν+kab(µ)/bracketrightBigg . (3.48) Just as before with gab(µ), the finite renormalized couplings hab(µ) andkab(µ) can only be determined by matching with the full quantum theory. The final four loop induced coupling g0 abcmultiplies three factors of bare particle den- sities. The most convenient way to determine the poles in thi s coupling is to consider the (irreducible part of the) triple density correlator, ˜Kabc(k,q)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)(dνr′′)ei(k·r+q·r′−(k+q)·r′′)δ3lnZ δβµ a(r)δβµ b(r′)δβµ c(r′′).(3.49) This correlator receives a contribution of −3!g0 abcβ6n0 an0 bn0 cfrom theg0 abcinduced coupling. It also receives contributions, which are singular as ν→3, from the four-loop diagrams: 53✫✪✬✩ tt t✛✁✁ ✕ ❆❆ ❑kq k+qab c ✫✪✬✩ tt t✛✁✁ ✕ ❆❆ ❑kq k+qab ctt t✛✁✁ ✕ ❆❆ ❑kq k+qab c(3.50) (plus 5 other versions of the second diagram, and 2 other vers ions of the third diagram, in which the labels are permuted in various ways). In addition, there is a singular four-loop contribution involving the two-loop coupling g0 ab.29Provided the external momenta kand qare non-zero, one may replace the Debye potentials in all the se diagrams by unscreened Coulomb potentials without changing the residue of the 1 /(ν−3) poles. In order for the sum of these contributions to be finite, the four-loop coupling g0 abcmust have both single and double poles in ν−3. The resulting structure for g0 abc, and yet higher-order couplings, will be discussed further in section VI. E. Matching The most direct approach to determine the finite part of the tw o-loop coupling g0 abgiven in Eq. (3.41) is to compare the density-density correlator ˜Kab(k) in the effective theory and the original quantum theory. Because the induced coupli ngg0 abmakes a contribution to˜Cab(k) (and hence to the full correlator ˜Kab(k)) proportional to n0 an0 b, it is sufficient to retain in both the effective and fundamental theories only th ose contributions with the same n0 an0 bdependence on the bare densities. Since it is the short-dist ance contributions which must be correctly matched, Debye screening may be completel y ignored [3] if one compares the correlator evaluated at a non-zero wave number k. Consequently, to determine the two-loop coupling g0 abit is sufficient to work just to second order in the fugacity exp ansion. And because the induced coupling g0 abmakes a momentum-independent contribution to the correlator (3.37), it is also sufficient to work in the limit of small momentum k≪λ−1and neglect all contributions which vanish as k→0.30 The tree and one-loop contributions to the correlator are gi ven by Eqs. (2.102) and (2.106)–(2.108). Two-loop contributions to ˜Kab(k) which are proportional to n0 an0 barise in two ways. The one-particle irreducible part ˜Cab(k) receives such a contribution from the first term in (3.37). In addition, there is a one-particle reducible contribution arising from the two-loop h0 ainteraction appearing in Eq. (3.32). This may be seen as foll ows. 29There are also “contact” terms proportional to δab,δbcorδac, analogous to the second term appearing in (3.37). However, the required pole terms in g0 abcmay be entirely inferred from the non-contact terms in ˜Kabc(k,q) which are proportional to n0 an0 bn0 c. The resulting value of g0 abc necessarily also renders the contact terms finite, just as se en explicitly at two-loop order in (3.37). 30To carry out the matching for the four-loop derivative coupl ingh0 ab, one would need to evaluate and compare the O(k2) terms in the density-density correlator. 54Theh0 ainteraction generates, through the last term of (3.35), a tw o-loop contribution of −2β2δabh0 an0 ak2to the irreducible correlator ˜Cab(k). A two-loop reducible contribution to the full correlator ˜Kab(k) of31 2β4n0 an0 beaeb(h0 a+h0 b)k2˜G(k). (3.51) is then generated by the two-loop cross term in Eq. (2.108) wh ich results from this irreducible contribution together with the lowest-order piece contain ed in Eq. (2.102). As noted above, for this matching calculation (only), we may neglect Debye s creening by sending κ→0. In this limit, the electrostatic potential correlator G(k) is, to lowest order, just 1 /(βk2). In other words, the 1 /k2of the (Fourier transformed) Coulomb potential cancels the k2 appearing from the two derivatives in the h0 ainteraction, leading to result which (with the neglect of Debye screening) is non-vanishing as k→0. Consequently, the relevant portion of the complete correla tor˜Kab(k) in the effective theory is ˜K(2) ab(k) =n0 an0 b/bracketleftBigg −βeaeb k2+(βeaeb)2 2D(2) ν(k)−(βeaeb)3 3!D(3) ν(k) −2β3g0 ab+ 2β3eaeb(h0 a+h0 b)/bracketrightBigg +··· (3.52) where ···denotes irrelevant terms with different dependence on the ba re densities.32With 31This term may equivalently be described as arising from the fi rst term of (3.35) when one variation acts on the ∇φ· ∇µcpart of the h0 cinteraction in Eq. (3.32) and the other variation acts on the classical interaction. 32An independent way to derive the h0 aterms in the result (3.52), which illuminates the character of the theory, is as follows. In our construction of the inter action terms in the effective theory (3.32), we fixed the meaning of the functional integration fie ldφby requiring that the invariance φ→φ−ic,µa→µa−eacbe maintained, implying that this field and the chemical pote ntials always appear in the combination µa+ieaφ. This requirement casts the theory in its most useful form. However, since φis simply a dummy integration variable, one is free to make fie ld redefinitions that violate this restriction, and it is sometimes convenie nt to do so temporarily. Since n0 a(r)∝ exp{βµa(r)}, the cross term in the h0 ainteraction involving ∇φ·∇µamay equivalently be written as 2β3/summationtext aieah0 aeiβeaφ∇φ·∇n0 a.To first order in h0 a, which is all that concerns us, the field redefinition φ→φ−2β2/summationdisplay biebh0 bn0 beiβebφ in the kinetic termβ 2(∇φ)2removes the cross term [and produces an irrelevant addition al contri- bution involving h0 ah0 b(∇φ)2]. The effect of the same field redefinition on the classical int eraction term−/summationtext an0 aeiβeaφ, again to leading order in h0 a, is a change in the action that is equivalent to the induced coupling alteration g0 ab→g0 ab−eaeb(h0 a+h0 a). This combination is precisely what appears in Eq. (3.52), an d serves as an independent check on the validity of that result. 55the neglect of Debye screening, the integrals D(m) ν(k) reduce to Fourier transforms of powers of the original Coulomb potential, C(m) ν(k) = lim κ→0D(m) ν(k) =/integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rVν(r)m. (3.53) Theκ→0 limit of (2.111) immediately gives C(2) 3(k) =1 8k, (3.54) and in the first part of appendix C it is shown [ c.f.C13] that C(3) ν(k) =1 2 (4π)2/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggν−3/braceleftbigg1 3−ν+ 3−γ+O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg , (3.55) whereγ= 0.57721···is Euler’s constant. Inserting g0 abfrom (3.41), and using lim ν→31 3−ν /parenleftBig µ2/parenrightBigν−3−/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggν−3 = ln/parenleftBiggk2 4πµ2/parenrightBigg (3.56) to take the physical ν→3 limit yields ˜K(2) ab(k) =n0 an0 b/braceleftBigg −βeaeb k2+(βeaeb)2 16k+π 3/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBiggk2 4πµ2/parenrightBigg −3 +γ/bracketrightBigg −2β3gab(µ) +βeaebλ2 ab 24π/bracerightBigg +··· (3.57) for then0 an0 bpiece of the density-density correlator, neglecting Debye screening, to two-loop order. In writing the last term of (3.57) we have made use of th e definition (3.33) of h0 ato express h0 a+h0 b=λ2 a+λ2 b 48πβ2=λ2 ab 48πβ2, (3.58) in whichλabis the thermal wavelength for the reduced mass 1 /mab= 1/ma+ 1/mb. We write the corresponding result in the underlying quantum theory as the Fourier transform of the density-density correlator33 33We are glossing over a subtlety here, for Eq. (3.59) involves the equal time expectation value ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r1,0)nb(r2,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ, whereas our desired correlator is the zero-frequency corr elation function (3.10). The difference between these two is just the sum of cor relations at all non-zero Matsubara frequencies ωn. However, as discussed at the end of this section, non-zero f requency correlators are proportional to k2(due to current-conservation), and hence do not affect the ma tching for the g0 abinteraction in the effective classical theory, which may be e xtracted from the k→0 behavior of the density-density correlator. 56Kab(r1,r2)≡ ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r1)nb(r2)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ− ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r1)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ∝an}b∇acketle{tnb(r2)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ =Z−1Tr/bracketleftBig e−βH+/summationtext aβµaNana(r1)nb(r2)/bracketrightBig − ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r1)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ∝an}b∇acketle{tnb(r2)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. (3.59) The subtraction of ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ∝an}b∇acketle{tnb∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβremoves what would otherwise be a delta function contributi on to the Fourier transform at k= 0, and is completely ignorable when working at k∝ne}ationslash= 0. We specifically want the second-order contribution in the fuga city expansion of Kab(r1,r2). For our purposes, this is most conveniently obtained by using an (old-fashioned) expansion of the trace in terms of ordinary quantum-mechanical multi-pa rticle states rather than using many-body quantum field theory. The desired second-order te rms in the fugacity expansion come from the two-particle subspace of the thermodynamic tr ace over all particle states, so that K(2) ab(r1,r2) =1 2/summationdisplay cdeβµceβµd/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r′)∝an}b∇acketle{trc,r′d|e−βHcdna(r1)nb(r2) [|rc,r′d∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ± |r′d,rc∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht].(3.60) Here,|rc,r′d∝an}b∇acket∇i}htdenotes the (un-symmetrized) two-particle basis ket with o ne particle of species catrand one of species datr′,Hcdis the (first-quantized) two particle Hamiltonian, Hcd=p2 1 2mc+p2 2 2md+eced 4π|r1−r2|, (3.61) and the ±sign in the final combination of ket vectors accounts for Bose (+) or Fermi ( −) statistics. To avoid a clutter of notation, we temporarily u se the indices a,bto denote spin components as well as species labels. Now na(r1)nb(r2)1 2[|rc,r′d∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ± |r′d,rc∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht] ={δacδ(r1−r) +δadδ(r1−r′)}{δbcδ(r2−r) +δbdδ(r2−r′)}1 2[|rc,r′d∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ± |r′d,rc∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht] → {δabδ(r1−r2)δacδ(r1−r) +δacδ(r1−r)δbdδ(r2−r′)}[|rc,r′d∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ± |r′d,rc∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht],(3.62) where in the last line terms which become equivalent when ins erted into (3.60) have been combined. Since we are only interested in terms proportiona l ton0 an0 b(or equivalently eβµaeβµb) the contact term involving δabδ(r1−r2) may be neglected.34The density operators na(as well as the Hamiltonian Hcd) are spin independent, so that the sum over particle spins just produces the spin degeneracies gaandgb. Hence, reverting to the previous notation in which the indices a,blabel only different species without regard to spin, the requ ired piece of the quantum mechanical density-density correlator is gi ven by K(2) ab(r1,r2) =gaeβµagbeβµb/bracketleftBig ∝an}b∇acketle{tr1,r2|e−βHab|r1,r2∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ±(δab/ga)∝an}b∇acketle{tr1,r2|e−βHab|r2,r1∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht/bracketrightBig .(3.63) 34As it stands, this contact term is infrared divergent since D ebye screening, which involves an arbitrary number of particles, is needed to provide the long -distance cut off which makes the contact term infrared finite. It is precisely because the required va lue of the induced coupling gabcan be deduced solely from the non-contact part of the correlator t hat it is permissible to ignore Debye screening in this matching calculation and just use a fugaci ty expansion. 57At this point, it is convenient to write the two-particle Ham iltonian in terms of center-of- massRand relative rcoordinates, Hab=Hcm ab+Hrel ab, (3.64) with Hcm ab=P2 2Mab, (3.65) the Hamiltonian for center-of-mass motion with total mass Mab≡ma+mb, and Hrel ab=p2 2mab+eaeb 4π|r|(3.66) the Hamiltonian for relative motion with reduced mass m−1 ab≡m−1 a+m−1 b. The Fourier transform now reads ˜K(2) ab(k) =/integraldisplay (d3r)e−ik·rgaeβµagbeβµb∝an}b∇acketle{tR|e−βHcm ab|R∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht/bracketleftBig ∝an}b∇acketle{tr|e−βHrel ab|r∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ±(δab/ga)∝an}b∇acketle{tr|e−βHrel ab|−r∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht/bracketrightBig . (3.67) Our goal is to compare ˜K(2) ab(k) with the effective theory result (3.57), and to adjust the finite coupling gab(µ) in the effective theory so that both results coincide up to co rrections that vanish as k→0. The center-of-mass matrix element is just ∝an}b∇acketle{tR|e−βHcm ab|R∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay(d3P) (2π)3exp/braceleftBigg −βP2 2Mab/bracerightBigg = Λ−3 ab, (3.68) where Λab= ¯h/parenleftBigg2πβ Mab/parenrightBigg1/2 (3.69) is the thermal wavelength of the center-of-mass motion. We s hall also make use of the thermal wavelength of the relative motion, λab= ¯h/parenleftBigg2πβ mab/parenrightBigg1/2 . (3.70) Note that since the product of the reduced mass maband the total mass Mabis just the product of the separate masses, mabMab=mamb, the corresponding relation also holds for the thermal wavelengths, Λ abλab=λaλb. Hence gaeβµagbeβµbΛ−3 ab=n0 an0 bλ3 ab, (3.71) and we may write ˜K(2) ab(k) =n0 an0 bλ3 ab[F+(k)±(δab/ga)F−(k)], (3.72) 58with F±(k) =/integraldisplay (d3r)e−ik·r∝an}b∇acketle{tr|e−βHrel ab|±r∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (3.73) As shown in appendix D, an explicit representation for the ma trix elements F±(k) may be found by expressing the relative Hamiltonian in terms of t he generators of an su(1,1) algebra. The result for the direct term, given in Eq. (D67), i s F+(k) =λ−3 ab/braceleftBigg −βeaeb k2+(βeaeb)2 16k +π 3/parenleftbiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftbiggλ2 abk2 4π/parenrightbigg −3 +γ+8πλ2 ab (βeaeb)2+f/parenleftbiggβeaeb 4πλab/parenrightbigg/bracketrightBigg +O(k)/bracerightBigg ,(3.74) where the function f(y) has the (convergent) power series expansion f(y) =−3 4y−3√π 2∞/summationdisplay n=1/parenleftBig −√πy/parenrightBignζ(n+1) Γ((n+5)/2). (3.75) The asymptotic behavior of this function as y→ ±∞ is spelled out in detail in Eqs. (D71) and (D74). Here we note that in the case of strong repulsive in teractions corresponding to y→+∞,f(y) increases only as ln y, with f(y)∼ln(4πy2) + 3γ−8 3−1 4πy2+O(y−4). (3.76) For the case of strong attractive interactions with the resu lting deeply bound Coulombic states when y→ −∞ ,f(y) grows very rapidly, f(y)∼3 πy3exp/braceleftBig πy2/bracerightBig . (3.77) The corresponding result for the exchange piece, given in Eq . (D98), is F−(k) =π 3λ−3 aa/parenleftbiggβe2 a 4π/parenrightbigg3˜f/parenleftbiggβe2 a 4πλaa/parenrightbigg +O(k), (3.78) where the function ˜f(y) has the (convergent) expansion ˜f(y) =3 8πy3−3 2πy2+3 ln2 2y−3√π 2∞/summationdisplay n=0/parenleftBig −√πy/parenrightBign/bracketleftbigg 1−1 21+n/bracketrightbiggζ(n+2) Γ((n+5)/2). (3.79) They→ ∞ asymptotic behavior is given in Eq. (D97), and yields the str ong decrease ˜f(y)∼2√ 3 y2πexp/braceleftbigg −3π 2/parenleftBig 2y2/parenrightBig1/3/bracerightbigg . (3.80) Note that since the λabwere defined in terms of the reduced mass of the a—bsystem, λaa=√ 2λa. 59Inserting the results (3.74) and (3.78) into Eq. (3.72), and comparing to the result (3.57) computed in the effective quasi-classical theory, we see tha t the two results coincide provided that gab(µ) =−π 6/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3/bracketleftBig ln/parenleftBig µ2λ2 ab/parenrightBig + Γab/bracketrightBig , (3.81) where35 Γab≡f(ηab)±(δab/ga)˜f(ηaa), (3.82) withηabdenoting the quantum parameter for species aandb, ηab≡βeaeb 4πλab, (3.83) and where, as usual, the exchange term in (3.82) comes in with a plus (minus) sign if species ais a Boson (Fermion). In the limit of strong repulsion, ηab→+∞, Eq’s. (3.76) and (3.80) inform us that gab(µ)∼ −π 6/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBiggβ2e2 ae2 bµ2 4π/parenrightBigg + 3γ−8 3/bracketrightBigg . (3.84) Note that this limit does not involve Planck’s constant ¯ h: The argument of the logarithm entails the classical ratio of the Coulomb energy of two char ges a distance µ−1apart to the temperature. (When this coupling is inserted in physical qu antities, it will appear with a ln(κ/µ) term which turns the arbitrary distance µ−1into the Debye length κ−1.)36In view of 35Previous work [4–6] makes use of dimensionless parameters ξab(also called xab) related to our notation by ξab=−√ 4πηab, and functions Q(ξab) ,E(ξab) of these parameters. To establish contact with this prior work (which also does not use our rati onalized Gaussian electrostatic units), we note that Γ(ηab) +γ+ ln 9 −1 =6√ 2/parenleftbigg4π βeaeb/parenrightbigg3/parenleftBigg λ2 ab 2π/parenrightBigg3/2/braceleftbigg1 6ξab+Q(ξab)±δab gaE(ξab)/bracerightbigg . Here,λab= ¯h[2πβ/m ab]1/2is our definition of the thermal wavelength; various previou s work uses the same symbol to denote either ¯ h/radicalbig β/m abor ¯h/radicalbig β/2mab. Note that our eaeb/(4π) becomes just eaebwhen converting to unrationalized electrostatic units, 36Writing the result in terms of the Coulomb distance (1.4), bu t for the specific charges ea,eb, dab=βeaeb/4π, gives gab(µ)∼ −1 24π 3!/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3 [ln (dabµ) +···]. This form is in precise accord with the remarks made in footno te 6. Namely, the coefficient of ln(dabµ) exactly corresponds to the two-particle part of the partit ion function, with the exponential of the Coulomb interaction expanded to third order and the in tegration over the relative coordinate cut off at the short distance daband at the long distance µ−1. 60Eq. (3.76), the first correction to this classical limit is of order ¯h2. On the other hand, in the limit of strong attraction, ηab→ −∞ , the exponential blow-up exhibited in Eq. (3.77) shows that our perturbative development breaks down, as it must, s ince in this limit the ionized plasma must condense into neutral atoms. This is, of course, a highly quantum-mechanical regime. Finally, for small ηab, the exchange term (3.79) dominates and, with λaa=√ 2λa, one has Γab∼ ±δab ga/parenleftBigg4π βe2a/parenrightBigg33λ3 a 2√ 2π. (3.85) Noting that this multiplies ( n0 a)2e6 a, the result appears as an exchange term independent of the particle’s charge. Indeed, we shall shortly see in the following Sec. IV that this is just the usual free particle exchange correction that is qua dratic in the fugacity. The next term of order η−2 aain the exchange contribution ˜f(ηaa) gives the familiar order e2exchange correction to the plasma. With the single two-loop coupling g0 abcompletely determined by Eqs. (3.41) and (3.81), one may now use the quasi-classical effective theory to compu te thermodynamics, or other quantities of interest, to two or three loop order. Before fo ur-loop calculations of physical quantities can be performed, the undetermined scales in the four loop couplings g0 abc,h0 ab andk0 abwould need to be determined by an analogous higher order matc hing calculation. This we have not attempted to do. F. Non-zero Frequency Modes Up to this point, the effects of the non-zero frequency compon ents of the potential φ(r,τ), defined by the Fourier series (3.26) and repeated here for con venience, φ(r,τ) =φ(r) +/summationdisplay m/ne}ationslash=0φm(r)e−iωmτ, ω m=2πm β, (3.86) have been ignored. These components, which obey the reality constraint φ∗ m(r) =φ−m(r), (3.87) characterize quantum fluctuations in the electrostatic pot ential. They decouple from the zero-frequency degrees of freedom and could be trivially in tegrated out in the leading-order classical limit. But in higher orders, this is no longer true . To examine the effects which result from non-zero frequency fluctuations, we return to th e full quantum theory whose functional integral representation (3.6) may be rewritten as ZQM[µ] =N′ 0/integraldisplay [dφ] exp/braceleftBigg −1 2/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)/parenleftBig ∇φ(r,τ)/parenrightBig2/bracerightBigg exp{−Sint[φ;µ]} =N′ 0/integraldisplay [dφ]/productdisplay m/ne}ationslash=0[dφm] exp/braceleftBigg −β 2/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracketleftbigg |∇φ(r)|2+/summationdisplay m/ne}ationslash=0|∇φm(r)|2/bracketrightbigg/bracerightBigg exp{−Sint[φ;µ]}. (3.88) 61In the first line, the integration measure [ dφ] represents functional integration over the space- time dependent field φ(r,τ). In the second line, [ dφ] now stands for functional integration over just the time-independent (static mode) φ(r), while in the following product [ dφm] denotes functional integration over the remaining non-zer o frequency modes. The prefactor N′ 0involves the square root of the functional determinant of th e Laplacian operator for all of the modes, N′ 0= Det1/2[−β∇2]. The final factor of e−Sintdenotes the product of Gaussian functional integrals for each charged species, exp{−Sint[φ;µ]} ≡A/productdisplay a=1/integraldisplay [dψ∗ adψa] exp/braceleftbigg −/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)La/bracerightbigg , (3.89) with La=ψ∗ a(r,τ)/bracketleftBigg∂ ∂τ−∇2 2ma−µa(r)−ieaφ(r,τ)/bracketrightBigg ψa(r,τ). (3.90) In Appendix B, we derive the complete large mass asymptotic e xpansion of Sint. For our present purposes the first two terms, displayed in Eqs. (B51) and (B52), are sufficient. They give Sint[φ;µ] =A/summationdisplay a=1/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r)eieaβ φ(r)/braceleftBigg −1 +β2λ2 a 48π/bracketleftBig ∇µa(r) +iea∇φ(r)/bracketrightBig2 +β2λ2 ae2 a 16π3/summationdisplay m/ne}ationslash=01 m2|∇φm(r)|2+O/bracketleftBig (βλaea∇φ)4,(βλa∇µa)4/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg .(3.91) The zero-frequency parts which appear here have already bee n included in the effective theory. These are precisely the classical eieaβφinteraction, plus the first derivative interaction in (3.32) involving h0 a[∇µa(r)+iea∇φ(r)]2. Because of the presence of the exponential factor eieaβφ(r), the third term in (3.91) generates a coupling between the no n-zero frequency modes ofφand the static mode. The expansion (3.91) is valid if the potential φ(r,τ) varies slowly on the scale of the thermal wavelength λa. As discussed earlier, inserting this expansion (truncate d to two derivative terms) into the functional integral (3.89) comp letely mangles the effects of short- distance fluctuations in φ. However, as with any effective field theory, the resulting er rors are compensated, to any given order in κλ, by including the requisite induced interactions and suitably adjusting their coefficients. At this point, one may contemplate completely integrating o ut the non-zero frequency modes ofφin order to generate an effective theory containing only the s tatic potential φ(r). But doing so would be a mistake. Integrating out the non-zero frequency modes is no longer trivial because of the coupling between the static and non-z ero frequency modes. More im- portantly, the resulting functional of φ(r) could not be adequately approximated by any set of local interactions. Correlations of the non-zero freque ncy components of φonly decrease like 1/r(due to the long-range nature of Coulomb interactions), and are not Debye screened. This will be demonstrated below. In physical terms, the abse nce of Debye screening in the potential correlations at non-zero (Matsubara) frequenci es reflects the effect of inertia on the response of charges in the plasma. Consequently, if one c ompletely integrates out the 62non-zero frequency components of φ, then the resulting theory will contain complicated non-local interactions which decrease only algebraically with distance. To produce a useful effective theory, that can be approximated by local interact ions, one must explicitly retain in the effective theory all degrees of freedom with long dista nce correlations—including the non-zero frequency components of φ. In other words, the complete effective theory must have the form Z[µ] =N′ 0/integraldisplay [dφ]/bracketleftBig/productdisplay m/ne}ationslash=0dφm/bracketrightBig exp/braceleftBig −Scl[φ;µ]−Sind[φ;µ]−Snon−static[φ,φm;µ]/bracerightBig ,(3.92) whereSclandSindare given in Eqs. (3.29b) and (3.32), respectively, and Snon−static[φ,φm;µ] =/integraldisplay (dνr)/summationdisplay m/ne}ationslash=0β 2|∇φm(r)|2/braceleftBigg 1 +β 8π3m2/summationdisplay aλ2 ae2 an0 aeiβeaφ(r)/bracerightBigg +···. (3.93) The final ellipsis denotes yet higher-order terms involving four or more derivatives, as well as non-zero frequency induced interactions involving |∇φm|2multiplying products of two or more densities. At leading order (when all interaction terms in Snon−staticare neglected), the correlator of the non-zero frequency components of φ(timesβ) is given by an unscreened Coulomb potential, βG(0) m(r,r′)≡β∝an}b∇acketle{tφm(r)φ∗ m(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht0=1 4π|r−r′|, (3.94) since this is the Green’s function of −∇2. In other words, the Fourier transformed correlator is given by β˜G(0) m(k) = 1/k2. (3.95) Because the sub-leading interaction in (3.93) involves the square of the gradient φm(r), and notφm(r) itself, this interaction does not cause non-zero frequenc y correlations to develop a finite correlation length. Rather, it merely produces an O[(κλ)2] change in the residue of the 1/k2pole of ˜Gm(k). Recalling that ωm= 2πm/β (which has units of energy in our notation) and noting that the (lowest-order) plasma freque ncyωPis defined by ω2 P=/summationdisplay ae2 an0 a ma=/summationdisplay ae2 aλ2 an0 a 2πβ¯h2, (3.96) we find that with this correction, /bracketleftBig β˜Gm(k)/bracketrightBig−1=k2/bracketleftBigg 1 +¯h2ω2 P ω2m/bracketrightBigg . (3.97) This same result is obtained from the k→0 limit of the sum of ring diagrams contributing to this correlator, which generates a denominator involving t he one-loop polarization function Π(k,ω). This well-known function is presented in Eq. (B40) of Appe ndix B. The k→0 limit 63corresponds to the classical limit, and the continuation ωm/¯h→i(ω−iǫ),ǫ→0+, further produces the classical retarded response function. The res ulting pole at ω=ωPcorresponds to the propagation of classical longitudinal plasma waves, waves whose resonant frequency is independent of their wave number. The lack of Debye screening of the non-zero frequency fluctua tions in the electrostatic potential is an exact result. It is a consequence of electrom agnetic current conservation, dρ/dt +∇ ·j= 0, or equivalently gauge invariance. The fundamental quan tum theory (3.6) is, in particular, invariant under time-dependent, but spa ce-independent, gauge transforma- tions, φ(r,τ)→φ(r,τ) +dχ(τ) dτ, ψ a(r,τ)→eieaχ(τ)ψa(r,τ). (3.98) The effective theory must necessarily share this invariance . But in the effective theory, where the charged fields have been integrated out, these gauge tran sformations reduce to arbitrary constant shifts in the non-zero frequency components of φ, φm(r)→φm(r) +iωmχm, (3.99) whereχmare the Fourier components of χ. This means that the effective theory (3.93) can never depend on the non-zero frequency fields φm(r) other than through their gradients. And this implies that arbitrarily long wavelength fluctuati ons in the non-zero frequency components of φmust have arbitrarily low action, which in turn implies that the Fourier transform of the correlation function ∝an}b∇acketle{tφm(r)φ∗ m(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htwill diverge as k→0. In other words, the interactions of the effective theory cannot cause the pol e in the non-zero frequency correlator to shift away from37k= 0. A detailed explanation of these points is given in Appendix A4. The first interaction term in Snon−staticis formally O[(κλ)2] smaller than the leading |∇φm|2term and thus is of two-loop order. As noted above, this term p roduces a relative change of this size in non-zero frequency correlators. Howe ver, it does not affect thermody- namic quantities, or static correlators, at two-loop order because ∝an}b∇acketle{t∇φm(r)· ∇φ−m(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=β−1/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)ν= 0 (3.100) in our dimensional continuation regularization.38In fact, the non-zero frequency interac- tion term first affects the thermodynamic quantities at six-l oop order, through the diagram 37This is completely analogous to Goldstone’s theorem provin g the presence of long range fluctua- tions in any theory with a spontaneously broken continuous s ymmetry. Since the symmetry (3.99) shiftsφm, it is impossible for the expectation values ∝an}b∇acketle{tφm∝an}b∇acket∇i}htto be invariant under this symmetry. Consequently, φmmust have long range correlations. 38This identity would not hold if we had chosen to employ a differ ent regularization scheme, such as a momentum cutoff, in defining the effective theory. Had we do ne so, it would be necessary to adjust the coefficient of the classical n0 aeiβeaφinteraction in order to compensate for cutoff- dependent effects resulting from fluctuations of the non-zer o frequency modes. 64b a /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 FIG. 14. First non-vanishing correction to ln Zinvolving the non-zero frequency modes of φ(r,τ). The dashed lines represent the long-range, unscreened Co ulomb Green’s functions of the non-zero frequency modes. Each vertex represents one inser tion ofSnon−static(specifically that part which is linear in the static mode φ(r)). The relative size of the resulting contribution isO[(λκ)4(βe2κ)2], since each vertex contains an overall factor of λ2, and the two loops of the diagram generate two powers of the loop expansion parameter βe2κ. Because we are treating the quantum parameters βe2 a/λaas fixed numbers of order one, the net result is a contribution of six-loop order. illustrated in Fig. 14. However, even though the non-zero fr equency interactions are sup- pressed by numerous powers of κλ, they fundamentally alter the long-distance behavior of the static density-density correlator. Instead of exhibit ing classical Debye-screened expo- nential decay, the correlator acquires a long-distance tai l which decreases only algebraically with distance. This happens at five-loop order as shown in sec tion VII, where a simple but explicit evaluation of the resulting long-distance limit i s given. 65IV. TWO-LOOP RESULTS /0/0 /1/1 FIG. 15. Two-loop diagrams contributing to ln Z. The circled ‘X’ denotes the φ-independent part of the two-loop g0 abinduced interaction. The two loop contributions to ln Zare given by the diagrams shown in figure 15. They correspond to the analytic expression lnZ2 V=lnZ1 V+1 23/summationdisplay an0 a/bracketleftBig βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightBig2−/summationdisplay a,bβ3n0 an0 b/bracketleftBigge3 ae3 b 2·3!/integraldisplay (dνr)Gν(r)3+g0 ab/bracketrightBigg .(4.1) As noted earlier in Eq. (2.58), the ν→3 limit ofGν(0) is finite and equals −κ0/(4π). The integral of the cube of the Debye Green’s function, D(3) ν(0) =/integraldisplay (dνr)Gν(r)3, (4.2) is the vanishing wave number limit of the corresponding Four ier transform (which is the reason for the notation used here). It is computed in Appendi x C2 [ c.f.Eq. (C32)] and shown to be D(3) ν(0) =1 (4π)2/parenleftBigg9κ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 2/braceleftbigg1 3−ν+ 1−γ+O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg . (4.3) The two-loop induced coupling g0 ab, given in (3.41), cancels the ν→3 pole ofD(3) ν(0). It is convenient to write the final bracket in (4.1) as /bracketleftBigge3 ae3 b 2·3!/integraldisplay (dνr)Gν(r)3+g0 ab/bracketrightBigg =1 12e3 ae3 bD(3) R(0;µ) +gab(µ), (4.4) where, in view of Eq’s. (3.41) and (4.3), D(3) R(0;µ) =1 32π2   /parenleftBigg9κ2 0 4π/parenrightBiggν−3 −/parenleftBig µ2/parenrightBigν−3 1 3−ν+ 1−γ+O(ν−3)  . (4.5) The physical ν→3 limit is finite, as it must be, and gives D(3) R(0;µ) =−1 32π2/braceleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9κ2 0 4πµ2/parenrightBigg −1 +γ/bracerightBigg . (4.6) Note that the coefficient of the induced interaction that prod uces this finite result was determined from a different physical quantity, the density- density correlator. Nevertheless 66the structure of the effective theory [in particular, the shi ft symmetry (2.30)] guarantees that the single two-loop g0 abinteraction removes the cutoff-dependence in any physical q uantity computed to either two or three loop order. Putting the pieces together, including the previous one-lo op result (2.80) and the value (3.81) for the renormalized coupling gab(µ), produces ln Zto two-loop order (as a function of bare particle densities), lnZ2 V=A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a 1 +1 3/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 4π/parenrightBigg +1 8/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 4π/parenrightBigg2  +π 6A/summationdisplay a,b=1n0 an0 b/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 abκ2 0 4π/parenrightBigg −1 +γ+ Γab/bracketrightBigg . (4.7) As was remarked above, the leading term in Γ abwhenηabbecomes small comes from the exchange contribution. Using the limiting form (3.85) of Γ abgives the exchange correction lnZexch 2 V=±1 4√ 2A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/parenleftBig λ3 an0 a/ga/parenrightBig =±A/summationdisplay a=1n0 aeβµa 25/2, (4.8) which is just the first quantum statistics correction shown i n Eq. (1.13). A. Number Density The particle number density of species ais given by ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=∂ ∂βµ alnZ V, (4.9) where the partial derivative is computed at fixed β. Inserting the result (4.7) and using ∂n0 b ∂βµ a=δabn0 a,∂κ0 ∂βµ a=βe2 an0 a 2κ0, and∂ηbc/∂(βµa) = 0, yields ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=n0 a 1 +/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 8π/parenrightBigg +1 2/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 8π/parenrightBigg2 +1 8/parenleftBig n0 aβe2 a/parenrightBigA/summationdisplay b=1n0 b/parenleftBiggβe2 b 4π/parenrightBigg2 +π 6n0 aβe2 a κ2 0A/summationdisplay b,c=1n0 bn0 c/parenleftBiggβebec 4π/parenrightBigg3 +π 3n0 aA/summationdisplay b=1n0 b/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 abκ2 0 4π/parenrightBigg −1 +γ+ Γab/bracketrightBigg . (4.10) The first bracket contains the first three terms in the expansi on of the exponential exp/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 8π/parenrightBigg = exp/bracketleftBig −1 2βe2 aG3(0)/bracketrightBig , (4.11) 67which is just the Boltzmann factor for the polarization corr ection to the self-energy of a speciesaparticle when it is placed in the plasma. The next term is just 1 2n0 a/parenleftBiggβe2 aδκ 4π/parenrightBigg , (4.12) where δκ 4π=1 4A/summationdisplay b=1n0 b/parenleftBiggβe2 b 4π/parenrightBigg2 (4.13) is the change in the lowest-order Debye wave number induced b y the first-order density correction. Thus, through the order we have computed, our re sult is equivalent to ¯na=∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=n0 a/braceleftBigg exp/parenleftBiggβe2 a 2¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg +β2e2 a 4!κ2 0/bracketleftBiggA/summationdisplay b=1n0 b/parenleftBiggβe3 b 4π/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg2 +π 3A/summationdisplay b=1n0 b/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 abκ2 0 4π/parenrightBigg −1 +γ+ Γab/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg , (4.14) where ¯κ= [/summationtext aβe2 a¯na]1/2is the Debye wave number computed with the physical particle densities. Inverting this result to express the bare densit ies in terms of the physical densities is now easy since, to this order, the bare quantities in the re maining two-loop terms may simply be replaced by physical quantities, n0 a= ¯na/braceleftBigg exp/parenleftBigg −βe2 a 2¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg −β2e2 a 4! ¯κ2/bracketleftBiggA/summationdisplay b=1¯nb/parenleftBiggβe3 b 4π/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg2 −π 3A/summationdisplay b=1¯nb/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg −1 +γ+ Γab/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg . (4.15) B. Energy Density The internal energy density in the plasma is given by u=/angbracketleftbiggH V/angbracketrightbigg β=−∂ ∂βlnZ V, (4.16) where now βµais kept fixed for all a. Noting that n0 a∝λ−3 a∝β−3/2,κ2 0∝β−1/2, and ηab∝β1/2, one finds at two loop order βu=A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/bracketleftBigg3 2+1 4/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 4π/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg −π 12A/summationdisplay a,b=1n0 an0 b/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3 [1 +ηabΓ′ ab], (4.17) or in terms of the physical densities, βu=3 2A/summationdisplay a=1¯na−¯κ3 8π−π 2A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nb/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/braceleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg −1 3+γ+ Γab+1 6ηabΓ′ ab/bracerightBigg .(4.18) Here (and henceforth), Γ′ ab≡f′(ηab)±δab˜f′(ηab), (4.19) with the functions fand˜fgiven in Eqs. (3.75) and (3.79), respectively. 68C. Pressure and Free Energy Density The pressure, re-expressed in terms of physical densities, is the equation of state. To two loop order βp=lnZ V=A/summationdisplay a=1¯na−¯κ3 24π−π 6A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nb/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg +γ+ Γab/bracketrightBigg . (4.20) And the two-loop Helmholtz free energy density is βf=A/summationdisplay a=1¯na/bracketleftBig −1 + ln(¯naλ3 a/ga)/bracketrightBig −¯κ3 12π −π 6A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nb/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg +γ+ Γab−1/bracketrightBigg . (4.21) D. Number Density Correlators The two-loop diagrams contributing to the irreducible part ˜Cab(k) of the number density correlation function are shown in figure 16. Diagrams a–drepresent (momentum indepen- dent) contributions to the contact term δab∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. As noted earlier, only diagrams dandk (plus the induced coupling contribution l) are singular as ν→3; all the other diagrams may be evaluated directly in three dimensions. The explicit con tributions of these diagrams to ˜Cab(k) are given by39 Σa=δabβ2n0 ae4 a1 23G3(0)2, (4.22a) Σb=−δab/summationdisplay cβ3n0 an0 ce2 ae4 c1 22D(2) 3(0)G3(0), (4.22b) Σc=δab/summationdisplay c,dβ4n0 an0 cn0 de2 ae3 ce3 d1 22D(121) 3(0), (4.22c) Σd=−δab/summationdisplay cβ3n0 an0 ce3 ae3 c1 3!D(3) ν(0), (4.22d) Σe=−β3n0 an0 b/parenleftBig e4 ae2 b+e2 ae4 b/parenrightBig1 22D(2) 3(k)G3(0), (4.22e) Σf=/summationdisplay cβ4n0 an0 bn0 ce2 ae2 be4 c1 2D(111) 3(k)G3(0), (4.22f) Σg=/summationdisplay cβ4n0 an0 bn0 ce2 ae2 be4 c1 22D(2) 3(k)2, (4.22g) 39There are two versions each of diagrams eandh, differing only by the interchange a↔band k→ −k. The contributions of both diagrams of each pair are include d in Σ eand Σ h. 69kg f j i lheb c a d FIG. 16. Two-loop diagrams contributing to the irreducible part˜Cab(k) of the density-density correlator. The arrows merely serve to indicate where exter nal momentum flows in and out of each diagram; the vertices where momentum flows in and out should b e regarded as having attached species labels aandb, respectively. The circled ‘X’ in diagram ldenotes the contribution from the two-loop interactions proportional to either g0 aborh0 a. Diagrams a–dare two loop contributions to the contact term δab∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. These terms, together with part of diagram l, simply provide the two-loop correction to the number density ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ. Not shown are reflected versions of diagrams eandhwhich differ only by an interchange of incoming and outgoing v ertices. Diagram eand its reflection are one-loop corrections to the densities tha t appear in the vertex factors in the one-loop result for ˜Cab(k). Diagram fis a one-loop density correction to the Debye wave number in the Debye Green’s function appearing in the one-loop ˜Cab(k). Thus, the effect of diagrams a throughf(plus a part of l) is merely to put the correct physical densities, to two-loo p order, in the previous one-loop ˜Cab(k). Only diagrams gthroughk(plus the remaining part of l) give non-trivial, two-loop corrections to ˜Cab(k). 70Σh=/summationdisplay cβ4n0 an0 bn0 c/parenleftBig e3 ae2 b+e2 ae3 b/parenrightBig e3 c1 2D(211) 3(k), (4.22h) Σi=−/summationdisplay c,dβ5n0 an0 bn0 cn0 de2 ae2 be3 ce3 d1 2D(1211) 3(k), (4.22i) Σj=−/summationdisplay c,dβ5n0 an0 bn0 cn0 de2 ae2 be3 ce3 d1 2DJ(k), (4.22j) Σk=−β3n0 an0 be3 ae3 b1 3!D(3) ν(k), (4.22k) Σl=−2β3g0 abn0 an0 b−2δab/summationdisplay cβ3g0 acn0 an0 c−2δabβ2h0 an0 ak2, (4.22l) where the required integrals are D(n) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rGν(r)n, (4.23) D(lmn) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr1)e−ik·rGν(r−r1)lGν(r1)mGν(r)n, (4.24) D(klmn) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr1)(dνr2)e−ik·rGν(r−r1)kGν(r1−r2)lGν(r2)mGν(r)n, (4.25) DJ(k)≡/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r1)(d3r2)e−ik·rG3(r−r1)G3(r−r2)G3(r1−r2)G3(r1)G3(r2).(4.26) These integrals are evaluated in appendix C2 (with help from Ref. [14]). By examining the graphical structure, it is easy to see that t he irreducible density cor- relator has the form ˜Cab(k) =δab¯na˜Fa(k) +1 2/parenleftBig βe2 a¯na/parenrightBig˜Fab(k)/parenleftBig βe2 b¯nb/parenrightBig , (4.27) which generalizes the one-loop result (2.102). The derivat ive interaction involving the in- duced coupling h0 ais responsible for generating the k-dependence in the δabcontact term, ˜F(2) a(k) = 1−2β2h0 ak2. (4.28) The terms Σ athrough Σ d, together with the second part of the renormalization term Σ l, just give the two-loop corrections to the number density ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβthat appears in δab¯nain the general form above. It is straightforward to show that these terms are just the two-loop parts in the previous result (4.10) for the number density. T he one-loop correction, given in Eq. (2.102), involves ˜F(1) ab(k) =D(2) 3(k). (4.29) Recalling that the one-loop density correction reads δ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=−1 2βe2 aG3(0)n0 a, (4.30) we see that the two-loop term Σ egives the one-loop correction for each of the two explicit density factors appearing in the second term of (4.27), with ˜Fab(k) taking on its one-loop valueD(2) 3(k). Writing out D(111) 3(k) in terms of Fourier integrals [as is done explicitly in Eq. (C39)], it is easy to see that 71D(111) 3(k) =−1 2dD(2) 3(k) dκ2 0. (4.31) Therefore Σ faccounts for the correction to the one-loop ˜F(1) ab(k) brought about by replacing the bare Debye wavenumber κ0by its one-loop corrected value. In summary, the two-loop terms Σ athrough Σ f, plus the second piece of Σ l, just provide simple density corrections to the one-loop ˜C(1) ab(k), and all of these terms may be omitted if the correct physica l densities ¯naare used in the construction of ˜C(1) ab(k). To assemble the remaining terms in the two-loop, irreducibl e correlator, we first use the explicit form (3.41) of the induced coupling g0 abto write the sum of Σ kand the first piece of Σlas Σk(k)−2β3g0 abn0 an0 b=−β3n0 an0 b/bracketleftbigg1 3!/parenleftBig e3 ae3 b/parenrightBig D(3) R(k;µ) + 2gab(µ)/bracketrightbigg (4.32) where D(3) R(k;µ)≡D(3) ν(k)−1 2(4π)2µ2(ν−3) 3−ν. (4.33) This is the non-vanishing wave number extension of D(3) R(0;µ) previously introduced in Eq. (4.5). Using the result (C30) for D(3) ν(k) in dispersion relation form and taking the physicalν→3 limit yields D(3) R(k;µ) =−1 (4π)21 2/braceleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9κ2 4πµ2/parenrightBigg −3 +γ+ 2/integraldisplay∞ 3κds/parenleftBiggk2 s+ 3κ/parenrightBigg1 k2+s2/bracerightBigg .(4.34) Alternatively, using the result (C31) for D(3) ν(k) evaluated in terms of elementary functions gives theν= 3 limit D(3) R(k;µ) =−1 (4π)21 2/braceleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9κ2 4πµ2/parenrightBigg −3 +γ+6κ karctank 3κ+ ln/bracketleftbigg 1 +k2 9κ2/bracketrightbigg/bracerightBigg .(4.35) Combining the one-loop result (4.29) with this renormalize d contribution of Σ kplus the other non-trivial two-loop terms Σ gthrough Σ j, and recalling the definition (6.3) of the couplinggab(µ), leads to ˜F(2) ab(k) =D(2) 3(k)/bracketleftBig 1 +1 2/summationdisplay cβ2¯nce4 cD(2) 3(k)/bracketrightBig +/summationdisplay cβ2¯nc(ea+eb)e3 cD(211) 3(k) −/summationdisplay c,dβ3¯nc¯nde3 ce3 d/bracketleftBig D(1211) 3(k) +DJ(k)/bracketrightBig −1 3βeaeb/bracketleftBig D(3) R(k)−1 2(4π)−2/parenleftBig lnµ2λ2 ab+ Γab/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig . (4.36) The functions D(2) 3(k),D(211) 3(k) andD(1211) 3(k) are given in dispersion relation form in Eq’s. (C21), (C51), and (C52) of Appendix C. The same functio ns are also expressed in terms of elementary functions and the Euler dilogarithm (or Spence function) in Eq’s. (C21), (C56), and (C57). The function DJ(k) is not so tractable. However, it has been expressed 72in terms of a one-dimensional integral by Rajantie [14]. His result is quoted in Eq. (C70) of Appendix C. Thek→0 limit of the irreducible correlator is related to the parti cle number fluctuations. Using the results (C22), (C53), (C54), and (C71) for D(2) 3(0),D(211) 3(0),D(1211) 3(0) andDJ(0), plus Eq. (4.6) for D(3) R(0), we have ˜F(2) ab(0) =1 8πκ/bracketleftBigg 1 +1 2/summationdisplay cβ2¯nce4 c 8πκ/bracketrightBigg +1 6/summationdisplay c¯ncβ2(ea+eb)e3 c (4π)2κ2 −1 12/summationdisplay c,d¯nc¯ndβ3e3 ce3 d (4π)2κ4+1 6βeaeb (4π)2/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 abκ2 4π/parenrightBigg −1 +γ+ Γab/bracketrightBigg .(4.37) To check this result, we note that, as is shown in Eq. (A68) of A ppendix A, there is a simpler way to obtain the same result, namely: ˜Cab(0) =−∂∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ ∂βµ b=−∂∝an}b∇acketle{tnb∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ ∂βµ a, (4.38) where the partial derivatives are to be computed at fixed β. It is a straight forward matter to take the βµbderivative of the two-loop result (4.10) for the density ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβand confirm [via Eq. (4.27)] that the result (4.37) is indeed correct. V. THREE-LOOP THERMODYNAMICS There are nine diagrams, shown in figure 17, which contribute to lnZ(or equivalently the pressure) at three-loop order. Diagrams a–fare finite as ν→3 and may be computed directly in 3 dimensions. The explicit contributions of the se diagrams to (ln Z)/Vare: Γa+ Γb=/summationdisplay a,b,c,dβ6n0 an0 bn0 cn0 de3 ae3 be3 ce3 d/bracketleftbigg1 4!DM+1 24D(2121) 3(0)/bracketrightbigg , (5.1) Γc+ Γd=−/summationdisplay a,b,cβ5n0 an0 bn0 ce4 ae3 be3 c/bracketleftbigg1 23D(211) 3(0)G3(0) +1 23D(221) 3(0)/bracketrightbigg , (5.2) Γe=−/summationdisplay aβ3n0 ae6 a1 23·3!G3(0)3(5.3) Γf+ Γg=/summationdisplay a,bβ4n0 an0 be4 ae4 b/bracketleftbigg1 24D(2) 3(0)G3(0)2+1 2·4!D(4) ν(0)/bracketrightbigg , (5.4) Γh=/summationdisplay a,bβ4n0 an0 be5 ae3 b1 2·3!D(3) ν(0)Gν(0), (5.5) Γi=/summationdisplay a,bβ4g0 abn0 an0 b(ea+eb)21 2Gν(0)−/summationdisplay aβ4h0 an0 ae2 aκ2 0Gν(0). (5.6) The last term of Eq. (5.6) comes from β/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig ∇φ(r)2/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig(0)=−κ2 0Gν(0)−→ ν→3κ3 0 4π, (5.7) 73c gb d e f ia h FIG. 17. Three-loop diagrams contributing to the ln Z. The circled ‘X’ denotes the insertion of the part of the two-loop g0 abandh0 ainteractions which are quadratic in φ. which easily follows using the same method that lead to Eq. (2 .58). The integral DM≡/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r′)(d3r′′)G3(r)G3(r′)G3(r′′)G3(r−r′)G3(r′−r′′)G3(r′′−r) (5.8) corresponds to the “Mercedes” graph aof Fig. 17, and the other required integrals are defined in Eq’s. (4.23)–(4.25). These integrals are evaluat ed in appendix C2 (with help from Ref. [14]. Once again, the final contribution Γ iinvolving the single two-loop coupling g0 abremoves the short-distance singularities in both the three -loop graphs Γ gand Γ hthat diverge in three dimensions. Note that this cancelation of d ivergences involves the detailed structure of the induced coupling interaction with its expo nential dependence upon the potentialφ. As discussed earlier, the basic (“primitive”) divergence s which the induced couplings must cancel appear only in even loop order. The sub sidiary divergences at this three-loop order are canceled by the non-trivial potential dependence of the two-loop induced coupling. Inserting the explicit results for these integra ls produces the physical ν→3 limit of lnZto three loop order: lnZ3 V=lnZ2 V+1 4! (4π)3/braceleftBigg/summationdisplay a,b,c,dβ6n0 an0 bn0 cn0 de3 ae3 be3 ce3 dC1 κ3 0 +/summationdisplay a,b,cβ5n0 an0 bn0 ce4 ae3 be3 cC2 κ0 74+/summationdisplay aβ3n0 ae6 aκ3 0/bracketleftBigg C3+8πλ2 a β2e4a/bracketrightBigg +/summationdisplay a,bβ4n0 an0 be4 ae4 bκ0/bracketleftBigg C4+ ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg + Γab/bracketrightBigg +/summationdisplay a,bβ4n0 an0 be5 ae3 bκ0/bracketleftBigg C5+ ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg + Γab/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg , (5.9) with C1=CM+3 4Li2(−1 3) + ln3 4+π2 16= 0.119131 ···, (5.10a) C2=−3 Li2(−1 3) +1 2−π2 4=−1.04030···, (5.10b) C3=1 2, (5.10c) C4=γ−9 4−2 ln3 4=−1.09742···, (5.10d) C5=γ−1 =−0.422784 ···, (5.10e) where Li2(−z)≡ −/integraldisplayz 0dt tln(1 +t). (5.11) is Euler’s dilogarithm, CMis given in Eq. (C68), and Γ abwas defined in Eq. (3.82). Differentiating Eq. (5.9) with respect to βyields the internal energy, in terms of bare parameters, to three loop order: βu=A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/braceleftBigg3 2+1 4/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 4π/parenrightBigg −C3 32/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 4π/parenrightBigg3 +1 48/parenleftBiggκ2 0λ2 a 4π/parenrightBigg/parenleftBiggβe2 aκ0 4π/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b=1n0 an0 b/braceleftBigg1 48/parenleftBiggβ3e3 ae3 b (4π)2/parenrightBigg [1 +ηabΓ′ ab] +1 32/parenleftBiggβ4e5 ae3 bκ0 (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBigg C5+2 3+ ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg + Γab+2 3ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBigg +1 32/parenleftBiggβ4e4 ae4 bκ0 (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBigg C4+2 3+ ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 ab¯κ2 4π/parenrightBigg + Γab+2 3ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c=1n0 an0 bn0 c/braceleftBiggC2 32/parenleftBiggβ5e4 ae3 be3 c κ0(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c,d =1n0 an0 bn0 cn0 d/braceleftBiggC1 32/parenleftBiggβ6e3 ae3 be3 ce3 d κ3 0(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg , (5.12) while differentiating with respect to the chemical potentia ls yields the particle densities (in terms of bare parameters) to three loop order:40 40Graphs with n“clover leafs” produce a factor of [ G3(0)]n. The first graph shown in Fig. 15 is a two-loop clover leaf graph; graph eof Fig. 17 is a three-loop clover leaf graph, and it yields the valueC3=1 2given in Eq. (5.10c). Formula (5.13) shows that these graphs form part of the generic density correction factor exp {βe2κ0/8π}, extending the result quoted in Eq. (4.11). 75¯ns=∝an}b∇acketle{tns∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=n0 s 1 +/parenleftBiggβe2 sκ0 8π/parenrightBigg +1 2/parenleftBiggβe2 sκ0 8π/parenrightBigg2 +2C3 3!/parenleftBiggβe2 sκ0 8π/parenrightBigg3 +1 12/parenleftBiggβe2 sκ0 4π/parenrightBigg/parenleftBiggκ2 0λ2 s 4π/parenrightBigg +A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/braceleftBigg1 8/parenleftBiggβ3e2 se4 a (4π)2/parenrightBigg +1 12/parenleftBiggβ3e3 se3 a (4π)2/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−1 + ln/parenleftBig 9 4λ2 asκ2 0/π/parenrightBig + Γas/bracketrightBig +C3 16/parenleftBiggβ4e2 se6 aκ0 (4π)3/parenrightBigg +κ0 8/parenleftBiggβ2e2 se2 aλ2 a (4π)2/parenrightBigg +κ0 12/parenleftBiggβ4e4 se4 a (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig C4+ ln/parenleftBig 9 4λ2 as¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γas/bracketrightBig +κ0 24/parenleftBiggβ4[e3 se5 a+e5 se3 a] (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig C5+ ln/parenleftBig 9 4λ2 as¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γas/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg +A/summationdisplay a,b=1n0 an0 b/braceleftBigg1 24/parenleftBiggβ4e2 se3 ae3 b κ2 0(4π)2/parenrightBigg +C2 24/parenleftBiggβ5e4 se3 ae3 b κ0(4π)3/parenrightBigg +C2 12/parenleftBiggβ5e3 se4 ae3 b κ0(4π)3/parenrightBigg +1 48/parenleftBiggβ5e2 se5 ae3 b κ0(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig C5+ 2 + ln/parenleftBig 9 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γab/bracketrightBig +1 48/parenleftBiggβ5e2 se4 ae4 b κ0(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig C4+ 2 + ln/parenleftBig 9 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γab/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c=1n0 an0 bn0 c/braceleftBiggC2 48/parenleftBiggβ6e2 se4 ae3 be3 c κ3 0(4π)3/parenrightBigg −C1 6/parenleftBiggβ6e3 se3 ae3 be3 c κ3 0(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c,d =1n0 an0 bn0 cn0 d/braceleftBiggC1 16/parenleftBiggβ7e2 se3 ae3 be3 ce3 d κ5 0(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg . (5.13) Inverting the relation between physical and bare densities , and inserting the explicit values forC3,C4andC5(because this simplifies the subsequent results), yields n0 s= ¯ns 1−/parenleftBiggβe2 s¯κ 8π/parenrightBigg +1 2/parenleftBiggβe2 s¯κ 8π/parenrightBigg2 −1 3!/parenleftBiggβe2 s¯κ 8π/parenrightBigg3 −1 6/parenleftBiggβe2 s¯κ 8π/parenrightBigg/parenleftBigg¯κ2λ2 s 4π/parenrightBigg −A/summationdisplay a=1¯na/braceleftBigg1 12/parenleftBiggβ3e3 se3 a (4π)2/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−1 + ln(9 4λ2 as¯κ2/π) + Γ as/bracketrightBig +¯κ 12/parenleftBiggβ4e4 se4 a (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−3 + ln/parenleftBig 4λ2 as¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γas/bracketrightBig −¯κ 24/parenleftBiggβ4e5 se3 a (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−1 + ln/parenleftBig 9 4λ2 as¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γas/bracketrightBig +¯κ 8/parenleftBiggβ2e2 se2 aλ2 a (4π)2/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nb/braceleftBigg1 24/parenleftBiggβ4e2 se3 ae3 b ¯κ2(4π)2/parenrightBigg +C2−1 24/parenleftBiggβ5e4 se3 ae3 b ¯κ(4π)3/parenrightBigg +C2−1 2 12/parenleftBiggβ5e3 se4 ae3 b ¯κ(4π)3/parenrightBigg +1 48/parenleftBiggβ5e2 se4 ae4 b ¯κ(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−1 + ln/parenleftBig 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γab/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg +A/summationdisplay a,b,c=1¯na¯nb¯nc/braceleftBiggC2−1 2 48/parenleftBiggβ6e2 se4 ae3 be3 c ¯κ3(4π)3/parenrightBigg −C1 6/parenleftBiggβ6e3 se3 ae3 be3 c ¯κ3(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg 76+A/summationdisplay a,b,c,d =1¯na¯nb¯nc¯nd/braceleftBiggC1 16/parenleftBiggβ7e2 se3 ae3 be3 ce3 d ¯κ5(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg . (5.14) Using this result to express the pressure in terms of physica l densities gives the equation of state41,42 βp=lnZ V=A/summationdisplay a=1¯na/braceleftBigg 1−1 6/parenleftBiggβe2 a¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg −1 8/parenleftBiggβe2 a¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg/parenleftBigg¯κ2λ2 a 4π/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nb/braceleftBigg1 24/parenleftBiggβ3e3 ae3 b (4π)2/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ+ ln/parenleftBig 9 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γab/bracketrightBig +1 16/parenleftBiggβ4e4 ae4 b¯κ (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−7 3+ ln/parenleftBig 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γab/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c=1¯na¯nb¯nc/braceleftBigg1 16/parenleftBiggβ5e4 ae3 be3 c ¯κ(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig C2−1 2/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg 41As noted just below, a completely explicit result for the Hel mholtz free energy has been available in the literature since the mid-1980’s, and the pressure is r elated to the Helmholtz free energy by the easy-to-apply thermodynamic identity, p=−∂F/∂V|T,N. Despite the appearance of several more recent papers reporting results for the pressure [6–9], we a re unaware of any existing publication which contains the complete, explicit three-loop expressi on (5.15). 42In footnote 32 it was remarked that a field redefinition could b e performed that removes the ∇µa· ∇φcross term in the h0 cinteraction which contributes to the reducible part of the d ensity- density correlator. For thermodynamic quantities, it is th e (∇φ)2term in the h0 acoupling of the induced interactions (3.32) that contributes, since the ch emical potentials are now constants. To independently check the h0 acontributions to the pressure or free energy, one may follow the logic of footnote 32 in a slightly different way. To leading order in h0 a, the (∇φ)2part of this interaction is removed by the field redefinition φ→φ−β2/summationtext biebh0 bn0 beiβebφ.The effect of this redefinition on the classical interaction, again to leading order in h0 a, is equivalent to the alteration of the induced couplingg0 ab→g0 ab−1 2eaeb(h0 a+h0 b).In view of the evaluation (3.33) of h0 a, and the relation (3.81) betweengaband Γ ab, this substitution is equivalent to the change π 6/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3 Γab−→π 6/parenleftbiggeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3 Γab+1 2/parenleftbiggeaeb 48πβ2/parenrightbigg/parenleftBig λ2 a+λ2 b/parenrightBig . Due to the charge neutrality condition/summationtextea¯na= 0, this change has no effect at two loop order. It is easy to check that the three loop terms in the equation of state (5.15) and the Helmholtz free energy (5.17) are in agreement with the corrections pro duced by this redefinition. It is worth noting that the effect of the h0 ainteraction for the original partition function written in terms of the bare densities n0 aisnotproduced by the change given above. The field redefinition cha nges the dependence of the partition function on the bare densities, and also changes the relation between physical and bare densities. However, when these modified re sults are re-expressed in terms of the physical densities, the same physical equation of state eme rges, as it must. 77−A/summationdisplay a,b,c,d =1¯na¯nb¯nc¯nd/braceleftBigg1 16/parenleftBiggβ6e3 ae3 be3 ce3 d ¯κ3(4π)3/parenrightBigg [C1]/bracerightBigg . (5.15) The internal energy expressed in terms of the physical densi ties is given by βu=A/summationdisplay a=1¯na/braceleftBigg3 2−1 2/parenleftBiggβe2 a¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg −7 24/parenleftBiggβe2 a¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg/parenleftBigg¯κ2λ2 a 4π/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nb/braceleftBigg1 8/parenleftBiggβ3e3 ae3 b (4π)2/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−1 3+ ln(9 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π) + Γ ab+1 6ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBig +3 16/parenleftBiggβ4e4 ae4 b¯κ (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−23 9+ ln/parenleftBig 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γab+1 9ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c=1¯na¯nb¯nc/braceleftBigg3 16/parenleftBiggβ5e4 ae3 be3 c ¯κ(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig C2−1 2/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c,d =1¯na¯nb¯nc¯nd/braceleftBigg3 16/parenleftBiggβ6e3 ae3 be3 ce3 d ¯κ3(4π)3/parenrightBigg [C1]/bracerightBigg , (5.16) while the Helmholtz free energy is βf=A/summationdisplay a=1¯na/braceleftBigg −1 + ln(¯naλ3 a/ga)−1 3/parenleftBiggβe2 a¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg −1 12/parenleftBiggβe2 a¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg/parenleftBigg¯κ2λ2 a 4π/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nb/braceleftBigg1 24/parenleftBiggβ3e3 ae3 b (4π)2/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−1 + ln(9 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π) + Γ ab/bracketrightBig +1 24/parenleftBiggβ4e4 ae4 b¯κ (4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig γ−3 + ln/parenleftBig 4λ2 ab¯κ2/π/parenrightBig + Γab/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c=1¯na¯nb¯nc/braceleftBigg1 24/parenleftBiggβ5e4 ae3 be3 c ¯κ(4π)3/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig C2−1 2/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg −A/summationdisplay a,b,c,d =1¯na¯nb¯nc¯nd/braceleftBigg1 24/parenleftBiggβ6e3 ae3 be3 ce3 d ¯κ3(4π)3/parenrightBigg [C1]/bracerightBigg . (5.17) This result agrees with the corresponding result in Alastue y and Perez [6],43and it agrees for the most part and except for some small misprints with the res ult to be found in Ref. [5].44 43In particular, we agree with the result for the Helmholtz fre e energy given in Eq. (7.3) of Ref. [6]. Their result involves two constants, also called C1andC2. The relations between their and our parameters reads C1,AP=−π2[C2−1 2], andC2,AP=−4π3C1. Using our numbers gives C1,AP= 15.2021, to be compared with their value 15 .201±0.001, andC2,AP=−14.7752, to be compared to their −14.734±0.001. It should also be noted that the error estimate given at t he end of their equation, which reads 0( n3lnn) in our notation, is wrong. Our next section examines the nature of the leading logarithmic terms to all orders. In particular, we show that the density dependence of the next (four loop) correction is given by O(n3ln2n). 44The last term in the first line of our Eq. (5.17) is missing from Eq. (2.52) of Ref. [5]. In 78As explained in the next section, the combination A=β(3p−u)−3 2A/summationdisplay a=1¯na (5.18) would vanish identically if the plasma could be treated enti rely in a classical manner. How- ever, the results above give A=−1 (4π)2  1 24A/summationdisplay a,b=1¯na¯nbβ3e3 ae3 b/bracketleftBig 1−1 2ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBig/bracketleftBigg 1 +βeaeb¯κ 4π/bracketrightBigg +1 12A/summationdisplay a=1¯naβe2 a¯κ3λ2 a  . (5.19) The next section shows how Amay be independently computed from quantum corrections to the virial theorem for a classical Coulomb plasma, and dis cusses how Aplays a role analogous to the anomalies which appear in relativistic qua ntum field theory. A. Binary Plasma These expressions simplify considerably for a two-compone nt plasma such as an electron- proton plasma where −ee=ep≡e, and charge neutrality requires that ¯ ne= ¯np≡n/2. For example, the three-loop equation of state becomes βp n= 1−1 3/parenleftBiggβe2¯κ 8π/parenrightBigg/braceleftBigg 1 +3 8¯κ2(λ2 e+λ2 p) 4π/bracerightBigg −1 24/parenleftBiggβe2¯κ 8π/parenrightBigg2/braceleftBigg ln/bracketleftBigg4mpme (mp+me)2/bracketrightBigg + Γee+ Γpp−2 Γep/bracerightBigg −1 8/parenleftBiggβe2¯κ 8π/parenrightBigg3/braceleftBigg 4γ−28 3+ 2 ln/bracketleftbigg λeeλppλ2 ep/parenleftBig 4¯κ2/π/parenrightBig2/bracketrightbigg + Γee+ Γpp+ 2 Γ ep/bracerightBigg .(5.20) This expression simplifies a bit more if the very small electr on/proton mass ratio is neglected, which is to say that the formal mp→ ∞ limit is taken. In this limit, Eq’s. (3.76), (3.80), (3.82), and (3.83) yield: ln/bracketleftBigg4mpme (mp+me)2/bracketrightBigg + Γpp−→mp→∞ln 8π/parenleftBiggβe2 4πλe/parenrightBigg2 + 3γ−8 3, (5.21) and 2 lnλpp¯κ+ Γpp−→mp→∞ln 4π/parenleftBiggβe2¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg2 + 3γ−8 3, (5.22) addition, the coefficient of the term involving (1 −ln4 3) should be 1 /6, notπ/3. [Finally, there is a typographical error in the free energy for a non-interacti ng gas, which lacks the spin degeneracy factor inside the logarithm appearing in Eq. (2.50).] 79so that limmp→∞βp n= 1−g 6−g2 96  ln 8π/parenleftBiggβe2 4πλe/parenrightBigg2 + 3γ−8 3+ Γee−2 Γep   −g3 64/braceleftBigg ln/bracketleftBiggg2 2π3(4¯κλe)6/bracketrightBigg + 7γ−12 + Γ ee+ 2 Γ ep+16πλ2 e (βe2)2/bracerightBigg ,(5.23) whereg=βe2¯κ/(4π) is the dimensionless Coulomb coupling parameter. We note t hat the proton mass mpdisappears and this limit is well-behaved. B. One-Component Plasma Another special case is the “jellium” model, in which a singl e charged particle species moves in the presence of a neutralizing, uniform background charge density. This is the one- component plasma (OCP) which is much discussed in the litera ture. It may be obtained by taking a limit of a plasma containing two species: one of char gee, number density n, and massm; the other ‘spectator’ species of charge eB≡ −ze, number density nB≡n/z, and massmB, withz→0. The charge of each spectator particle becomes vanishingl y small, but their density diverges, so as to preserve total charge neutr ality. The net result (for static equilibrium properties) is that the spectator particles ac t like an smooth inert background charge density. The ideal gas pressure of the spectator part icles diverges as z→0, and must be subtracted from the total pressure before sending zto zero. If the background, spectator particles are not taken to have a very large mass, mB→ ∞, then they will also make quantum, exchange contributions to the pressure. To th e three-loop order to which we compute, these unwanted exchange contributions, in the z→0 limit, are given by pex B=∓e2 Bn2 B 1 24/parenleftBiggβeB2 4π/parenrightBigg2 +¯κ 16/parenleftBiggβeB2 4π/parenrightBigg3 1 gB˜f(ηB) → ∓n2 16gB 1 βz2/parenleftBigg4πβ¯h2 mB/parenrightBigg3/2 −4e2/parenleftBiggβ¯h2 mB/parenrightBigg + 3√πe2¯κ/parenleftBiggβ¯h2 mB/parenrightBigg3/2 , (5.24) wheregBis the spin degeneracy of the spectator particles. These ter ms are also to be subtracted from the total pressure. The resulting one-comp onent equation of state, to three-loop order, is given by βp n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle OCP= 1−g 6−g2 24/braceleftBigg γ+ ln/bracketleftBigg9κ2λ2 e 2π/bracketrightBigg + Γee(ηee)/bracerightBigg −g3 16/braceleftBigg γ+ ln/bracketleftBigg8κ2λ2 e π/bracketrightBigg + Γee(ηee) +1 4πη2 ee−17 6+C1+C2/bracerightBigg .(5.25) Hereκ= (nβe2)1/2is the Debye wavelength due to the single charge species. Onc e again, we have written the result in terms of ascending powers of the dimensionless parameter g=βe2κ/(4π) which characterizes the strength of Coulomb interactions in the plasma. On the other hand, our result entails no restriction on the size of the quantum parameter 80ηee=βe2 4πλee, (5.26) which, together with λ2 ee= 2λe, has been used to re-express the order g3λ2 eterm in terms of 1/η2 ee. An often treated special case of the one-component plasma is its classical limit. As already alluded to in footnotes 6 and 36, in this limit the Bol tzmann factor with the repul- sive potential provides damping at the Coulomb distance dC=βe2/4π, and the quantum- mechanical fluctuations are not required to obtain a finite th eory. (And, moreover, dCis the correct, physical cutoff if dC> λe.) The ¯h→0 limit takes ηee→ ∞, and Eq’s. (3.76), (3.80), and (3.82) give Γee(ηee) = ln/parenleftBig 4πη2 ee/parenrightBig + 3γ−8 3−1 4πη2ee+O(1/η4 ee). (5.27) Thus, we see explicitly that the short-distance cut off in the logarithm now involves λ2 eη2 ee=/parenleftBiggβe2 4π/parenrightBigg21 2=1 2d2 C, (5.28) and so, including the O(¯h2) corrections which come from the 1 /η2 eeterms, we find that βp n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle OCP class= 1−g 6−g2 24/braceleftBigg 2 ln(3κdC) + 4γ−8 3−1 4πη2 ee/bracerightBigg −g3 16/braceleftBigg 2 ln(4κdC) + 4γ−11 2+C1+C2/bracerightBigg . (5.29) To obtain an independent check on this result, the order ¯ h2quantum correction for the canonical partition function of the classical one-compone nt plasma is independently derived in Appendix E. There it is shown that there are no ¯ h2corrections in three and higher loop orders — in agreement with the lack of an ¯ h2correction to the order g3term here — while the two-loop ¯ h2correction given in Eq. (E22) of that Appendix agrees exactl y with that in theg2term in Eq. (5.29), the term involving 1 /η2 ee. Riemann, Schlanges, DeWitt, and Kraeft [7] report an equati on of state for a one- component plasma. The terms in their formula which we classi fy as being of tree, one-, and two-loop order — the terms of order g0,g1, andg2which appear in the first line of Eq. (5.25) — agree precisely with our result. They do not, how ever, present all the terms of three-loop, g3order, but rather only include terms “up to the order ( ne2)5/2”. We note that such a statement has only a formal significance since ne2bears dimensions, and hence there is no physical significance in assuming that it is small. The t erms retained by Riemann et al.are only those parts of the three-loop results which involve leading inverse powers of the quantum parameter ηee, explicitly βp n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleO(g3), O(e5) OCP=−g3 32π/braceleftBigg1 2η2ee±3 ge/bracketleftBigg1 4η3ee−1 η2ee/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg . (5.30) Here,ge= 2 is the spin degeneracy of the electron, and we have chosen t o separate the exchange contributions so as to facilitate comparison with Ref. [7]. Our result does not 81altogether agree with formula (23) given by Riemann et al. [7] in that our exchange term of orderg3/η3 ee=O(e3) is a factor 1 /2 than theirs. The earlier paper by DeWitt, Schlanges, Sakakura, and Kraeft [8] contains, in its Eq. (15), the same t hree-loop contributions, with the same discrepancies. Their two-loop terms are correct as far as they go, but in this paper the two-loop terms also stop at the formal order of ( ne2)5/2rather than containing the full dependence on βe2/λas in the later paper. Recently, we received an unpublished e rratum from J. Riemann in which the coefficient of the O(g3/η3 ee) exchange term is corrected by a factor of two, and now all results are in agreement. VI. HIGHER ORDERS AND THE RENORMALIZATION GROUP A. Renormalization Group Equations and Leading Logs In section IIID we introduced an arbitrary scale µin order to separate induced couplings into pole terms and “renormalized” finite contributions. Fo r the first induced coupling this amounted to writing g0 ab=µ2(ν−3)/bracketleftBigg −1 4!(eaeb)3 (4π)21 3−ν+gab(µ)/bracketrightBigg . (6.1) However, since the theory in general, and the bare coupling g0 abin particular, knows nothing about the arbitrary value of the scale µ, we must have dg0 ab/dµ= 0. This requires that µ2d dµ2gab(µ) = (3 −ν)gab(µ)−(eaeb)3 4! (4π)2, (6.2) which is the renormalization group equation for the renorma lized coupling gab(µ). In the physical limit ν= 3, the solution of the renormalization group equation may b e expressed as gab(µ) =1 4!(eaeb)3 (4π)2ln/parenleftBiggµ2 ab µ2/parenrightBigg . (6.3) In other words, the form of the renormalized (or “running”) c ouplinggab(µ) is completely dictated by the pole terms, which in turn depend only on the fo rm of the effective the- ory. It is only the integration constants, which we have expr essed asµ2 ab, that must be determined by matching the effective theory to the underlyin g quantum theory. The wave numbersµabprovide the quantum damping or cutoff to the classical theory and hence must be proportional to inverse thermal wave lengths. The result of the matching (6.3) shows that µ−2 ab=λ2 abeΓab, (6.4) where Γ ab, defined in Eq. (3.82), depends only the quantum parameter ηab≡βeaeb/(4πλab). In this section we are interested not in the precise results b ut rather in exhibiting the lead- ing logarithmic parts, that is, those contributions that ac quire arbitrarily large logarithms in the limit of small thermal wave lengths. Thus we introduce λto denote a characteristic 82thermal wave length in the plasma, and write µ2 ab=cab/λ2wherecabare dimensionless numbers that depend on the species and on the quantum paramet ersηab, but formally are O(1) and fixed. Thus ln( µ2 ab/µ2) =−ln(λ2µ2)+lnc2 ab, and the extra logarithm involving cab is negligible in the formal λ→0 limit. The first contribution to ln Zinvolving a potentially large logarithm arises at two-loop order. From Eq. (4.7), the relevant two-loop part of ln Z, lnZ(2) V=π 6A/summationdisplay a,b=1n0 an0 b/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9λ2 abκ2 0 4π/parenrightBigg −1 +γ+ Γab/bracketrightBigg +···, (6.5) exhibits a term which depends logarithmically on the ratio o f scales (λκ). If the plasma is sufficiently dilute, then ln( λκ) will be large compared to one, and the logarithmic term will provide the dominant part of the entire two-loop correction . The terms shown in (6.5) come from the sum of the induced coupling g0 abcontribution and the two-loop graph ✫✪✬✩ t t a b(6.6) which together contribute −/summationdisplay a,bβ3n0 an0 b/bracketleftBigge3 ae3 b 12D(3) R(0;µ) +gab(µ)/bracketrightBigg (6.7) to (lnZ)/V, with D(3) R(0;µ) =−1 32π2/braceleftBigg ln/parenleftBigg9κ2 4πµ2/parenrightBigg −1 +γ/bracerightBigg , (6.8) as shown in Eqs. (4.1), (4.4) and (4.6). The renormalization group equation (6.2) ensures that the sum (6.7) does not depend upon the arbitrary scale µ. It is, however, convenient to chooseµ2=κ2/4π, for then the entire logarithmic term in ln Z(2)comes from the induced couplinggab(µ)∼ −ln(λ2κ2/4π), rather than from the two-loop graph (6.6).45Thus, the leading logarithmic piece of the two-loop partition functi on may be expressed as lnZ(2,ll) V=−/summationdisplay a,bn0 an0 bβ3gab(κ2/4π) =1 4!/summationdisplay a,bn0 an0 b(βeaeb)3 (4π)2ln/parenleftBiggλ2κ2 4π/parenrightBigg . (6.9) The virtue of this simple observation is that it easily gener alizes to higher orders, and allows one to determine the leading logarithmic contributi ons to the pressure at any order with very little work. To be concrete, we first consider four- loop contributions to ln Z. [Logarithmic contributions at odd-loop orders are discuss ed below.] Pole terms in ν−3 arise from (a) divergent four-loop graphs (shown below), (b) the i nduced coupling g0 abcwhich first 45We could equally well have chosen µ2to equal 9κ2/4πor justκ2, instead of κ2/4π. SuchO(1) changes in the scale µhave no effect on the following discussion of higher-order le ading-log results. 83contributes at four-loop order, and (c) the two-loop induce d coupling g0 abinserted into the two-loop graph (6.10) in which the left vertex represents the usual classical inte raction while the cross on the right vertex denotes the insertion of the induced interaction wit h coupling g0 ab. The contribution of the four-loop induced coupling g0 abcto (lnZ)/Vis just I(4) gabc≡ −β6/summationdisplay a,b,cn0 an0 bn0 cg0 abc. (6.11) Using Eq. (4.3), the leading divergence in the contribution of diagram (6.10) to (ln Z)/Vis easily seen to be I(4) gab≡1 121 3−ν/parenleftBiggκ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−3/summationdisplay a,b,cn0 an0 bn0 c/parenleftBiggβ3(ea+eb)3e3 c (4π)2/parenrightBigg β3g0 ab[1 +O(3−ν)]. (6.12) Since the bare coupling g0 abitself contains a single pole in ν−3, this contribution has a double pole. Various four-loop graphs also yield double poles in ν−3. There is, however, no need to compute the double pole terms of these four loop graphs bec ause they are completely determined by the renormalization group. To prove this, we fi rst note that g0 abcis completely symmetrical in the indices abc, has the dimensions of µ4(ν−3)times 12 powers of charges, and must cancel the double poles (as well as lower order singl e poles) in both diagram (6.10) and the divergent four-loop graphs. Consequently, g0 abcmust have the form g0 abc=µ2(ν−3)1 (3−ν)1 (24π)2/braceleftBig g0 ab(ea+eb)3e3 c+g0 bc(eb+ec)3e3 a+g0 ca(ec+ea)3e3 b/bracerightBig +µ4(ν−3)  R(2) abc (3−ν)2+R(1) abc (3−ν)+gabc(µ)  . (6.13) The first set of terms removes the divergence in Eq. (6.12), wh ile theR(2) abcandR(1) abcterms cancel the double and single poles generated by four-loop gr aphs, respectively.46The re- maining finite ‘renormalized’ coupling is gabc(µ). Nowdg0 abc/dµ= 0 anddg0 ab/dµ= 0, while dgabc(µ)/dµmust be finite. Therefore, the single pole terms that result w henµin Eq. (6.13) is varied must cancel, 0 =1 (24π)2/braceleftBig g0 ab(ea+eb)3e3 c+g0 bc(eb+ec)3e3 a+g0 ca(ec+ea)3e3 b/bracerightBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle pole+µ2(ν−3)2R(2) abc 3−ν,(6.14) 46Strictly speaking, the R(2) abcandR(1) abcterms cancel primitively divergent four-loop graphs. Four loop graphs containing divergent two-loop sub-graphs are r endered finite by insertions of the g0 ab interaction in finite two-loop graphs. 84or, inserting the explicit form (6.1) for g0 ab, R(2) abc=1 72e3 ae3 be3 c 4! (4π)4/braceleftBig (ea+eb)3+ (eb+ec)3+ (ec+ea)3/bracerightBig . (6.15) This result is easily confirmed by direct computation. The gr aph ✫✪✬✩ t t ✫✪✬✩ t (6.16) produces a double pole contribution to (ln Z)/Vinvolving the square of Eq. (4.3):  1 32π21 3−ν/parenleftBiggκ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−3 2 β6 2 (3!)2/summationdisplay a,b,cn0 an0 bn0 c/parenleftBig e3 ae6 be3 c/parenrightBig . (6.17) The graph ✫✪✬✩ tt t (6.18) also produces a double pole contribution to the partition fu nction. It is not difficult to show that the double pole in this graph, without vertex and symmet ry factors, is just 1 /2 times the square of the single pole contribution (4.3) of the two-l oop graph.47A easy exercise now shows that the double pole contribution of this graph is give n by 1 2 1 32π21 3−ν/parenleftBiggκ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−3 2 β6 2·3!/summationdisplay a,b,cn0 an0 bn0 c/parenleftBig e5 ae4 be3 c/parenrightBig . (6.19) It is a simple matter to verify that the double pole divergenc es in Eq’s. (6.17) and (6.19) are indeed canceled by the contribution (6.15) to the g0 abccoupling term. The renormalization group equation for the finite coupling gabc(µ) may now be obtained by returning to the condition that dg0 abc/dµ= 0. Since the single pole terms in dg0 abc/dµ have been shown to cancel, this condition reduces to 47An outline of the proof is as follows. Choose the left-hand 5- point vertex in (6.18) to be the origin. Assign the upper 4-point vertex the coordinate r1, and the lower 3-point vertex the coordinate r2. The double pole contribution comes from the most singular i ntegration region where |r1| ≪ |r2| ≪κ−1. In computing the leading contribution from this region, th e right-hand line running between r2andr1can be replaced by a line that runs between r2and the origin. Thus, as far as the leading singularity is concerned, the graph reduc es to the graph (6.16) except that the condition |r1|<|r2|must be imposed. Since the graph (6.16) is symmetrical under the interchange of these two coordinates, imposing this condition merely mu ltiplies the result by 1 /2. 850 =1 36 (4π)2/braceleftBig gab(ea+eb)3e3 c+gbc(eb+ec)3e3 a+gca(ec+ea)3e3 b/bracerightBig +2R(1) abc+ 2 (3−ν)gabc−µ2d dµ2gabc. (6.20) Using Eq. (6.3) for gaband taking the physical limit ν= 3, gives µ2d dµ2gabc= 2R(1) abc+8 27e3 ae3 be3 c (16π)4/bracketleftBigg (ea+eb)3ln/parenleftbiggµ2 ab µ2/parenrightbigg + (eb+ec)3ln/parenleftbiggµ2 bc µ2/parenrightbigg + (ec+ea)3ln/parenleftbiggµ2 ca µ2/parenrightbigg/bracketrightBigg . (6.21) The integration of this renormalization group equation giv es gabc(µ) =−4 27e3 ae3 be3 c (16π)4/bracketleftBigg (ea+eb)3ln2/parenleftbiggµ2 ab µ2/parenrightbigg + (eb+ec)3ln2/parenleftbiggµ2 bc µ2/parenrightbigg + (ec+ea)3ln2/parenleftbiggµ2 ca µ2/parenrightbigg/bracketrightBigg −2R(1) abcln/parenleftbiggµ2 abc µ2/parenrightbigg , (6.22) where the integration constant has been written as a scale µabcwhich, once again, will be of order of (the inverse of) a typical thermal wavelength λ−1, but whose precise value can only be determined by matching to the underlying quantum theory. Note that the single pole residueR(1) abcin the renormalization group equation (6.21) gives rise to s ingle log terms in the running coupling (6.22), which are subleading compared to the double log terms when µ is much much less than λ−1. The residue R(1) abcis determined by the less singular single-pole terms of the previous double pole contributions, plus the si ngle pole produced by the graph ✫✪✬✩ tt t (6.23) which has no double pole contribution. Since our purpose her e is just to illustrate the character of the theory, we shall not bother to compute R(1) abcexplicitly. Recalling that the divergent terms in the classical theory h ave all their non-integral dimensional dependence appearing as integer powers of κν−3, we see that, just as in the previous two-loop discussion, choosing µ2=κ2/4πin the induced couplings not only removes the poles in these classical loop graphs, it also prevents th e appearance of any additional large logarithms in the resulting finite contributions of four-lo op graphs. Thus taking µ2=κ2/4π and inserting (6.22) into (6.11) immediately yields the lea ding logarithmic contribution to the partition function at four-loop order: lnZ(4,ll) V=1 (16π)4/summationdisplay a,b,cβ6n0 an0 bn0 c/braceleftBigg8 9/bracketleftBig e3 ae6 be3 c+ 3e5 ae4 be3 c/bracketrightBig ln2/parenleftBiggλ2κ2 4π/parenrightBigg +O/bracketleftBig e12ln(λκ)/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg . (6.24) 86B. Leading Logs to All Orders Exactly the same approach may be used to determine the leadin g log contributions at higher orders. Consider first the situation at an even loop or der. The induced coupling g0 a1···ap+1makes its first contribution to (ln Z)/Vat 2p-loop order. This contribution is I(2p) A≡ −β3p/summationdisplay a1···ap+1n0 a1···n0 ap+1g0 a1···ap+1. (6.25) For later convenience, we will refer to g0 a1···ap+1as the rank- pcoupling. Poles in ν−3 up to orderpare generated at 2 p-loop order and must be canceled by the rank- pinduced coupling. In particular, order ppoles are generated by diagrams of the form k p-k-1(6.26) in which the left and right vertices represent insertions of the rankkand rankp−k−1 cou- plingsg0 a1···ak+1andg0 ak+2···ap+1, respectively. The contribution of these diagrams to (ln Z)/V is I(2p) B=−β3p 4! (4π)2/parenleftBiggκ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 3−νp−1/summationdisplay k=0/summationdisplay a1···ap+1n0 a1···n0 ap+1g0 a1···ak+1g0 ak+2···ap+1 ×/parenleftBig ea1···ak+1/parenrightBig3/parenleftBig eak+2···ap+1/parenrightBig3, (6.27) where we have introduced the shorthand abbreviation ea1···ak≡ea1+···+eak. (6.28) By defining g0 a≡ −1, and including the terms where k= 0 andk=p−1, this expression also includes the case where either vertex in the diagram (6.26) r epresents the original classical interaction. Since the rank- kcouplingg0 a1···ak+1contains poles in ν−3 up to order k(and g0 ak+2···ap+1has poles of order p−k−1), this contribution does generate order- ppoles. To cancel these poles, the rank- pcoupling must have the form g0 a1···ap+1=−1 4! (4π)2µ2(ν−3)1 3−νp−1/summationdisplay k=0S/braceleftbigg g0 a1···ak+1g0 ak+2···ap+1/parenleftBig ea1···ak+1/parenrightBig3/parenleftBig eak+2···ap+1/parenrightBig3/bracerightbigg +···+µ2p(ν−3) p/summationdisplay k=1R(k) a1···ap+1 (3−ν)k+ga1···ap+1(µ) . (6.29) Here, Sdenotes a symmetrization operator which averages over all p ermutations of the indicesa1···ap+1. TheR(k)terms cancel the poles of order kgenerated by (primitively divergent) 2 p-loop graphs, and the unwritten “ ···” pieces denote terms proportional to µ4(ν−3)which cancel the poles generated by induced couplings total ing rankp−2 inserted into divergent four loop graphs, terms proportional to µ6(ν−3)which cancel the poles generated by induced couplings of rank p−3 inserted into divergent six loop graphs, etc. 87The renormalization group condition dg0 a1···ap+1/dµ2= 0 must hold as an exact identity. The variation of (6.29) with respect to µhas poles in ν−3 up to order p−1. The coefficients of each order pole must cancel independently. As discussed b efore, this means that the residuesR(k), fork= 2,···,pare completely fixed by the structure of the lower order diagrams. The renormalization group equation for the remai ning finite terms, evaluated at ν= 3, becomes µ2d dµ2ga1···ap+1=−1 4! (4π)2p−1/summationdisplay k=0S/braceleftbigg ga1···ak+1gak+2···ap+1/parenleftBig ea1···ak+1/parenrightBig3/parenleftBig eak+2···ap+1/parenrightBig3/bracerightbigg +···. (6.30) The key point is that when µ2is chosen to be of order κ2, the only source of large logarithms are the induced couplings themselves; the rank- krenormalized coupling ga1···akis of order48 [ln(λµ)]k−1. Consequently, the terms shown explicitly on the right hand side of (6.30) are proportional to lnp−1(λµ), while all the unwritten “ ···” terms have at most p−2 powers of ln(λµ). Integrating (6.30), neglecting the sub-leading pieces, gives ga1···ap+1(µ) =−lnλ2µ2 4! (4π)2pp−1/summationdisplay k=0S/braceleftbigg ga1···ak+1gak+2···ap+1/parenleftBig ea1···ak+1/parenrightBig3/parenleftBig eak+2···ap+1/parenrightBig3/bracerightbigg .(6.31) Equation (6.31), together with the starting condition ga≡ −1, provides a simple recursive recipe for determining the leading-log contribution to the rank-pinduced coupling ga1···ap+1. The leading-log contribution to ln Zat 2p-loop order is then just lnZ(2p,ll) V=−β3p/summationdisplay a1···ap+1n0 a1···n0 ap+1ga1···ap+1, (6.32) where the renormalized induced couplings are to be evaluate d atµ=O(κ). The resulting contribution is O[(βe2κ)2plnp(λκ)] in magnitude.49 The leading-log contributions at odd-loop orders are also e asily determined. When the scaleµisO(κ), so that the only source of large logarithms are the induced couplings them- selves, the largest number of logarithms at a given odd loop o rder will result from diagrams 48This has been shown explicitly for k= 2 and 3. The current section may be regarded as an inductive proof of this assertion to all orders. 49The alert reader will have noticed that we have ignored the in duced couplings for derivative interactions, h0 a1···ap,k0 a1···ap,etc., in this discussion. The four loop couplings h0 abandk0 abin the induced action (3.32) give rise to only a single log at four lo op order, not a double log, and so it does not contribute to the leading log result. Moreover, jus t as in the previous case of the ga1···ap couplings, these two-derivative couplings generate a sequ ence of higher powers of logs, but each member in this sequence of contributions is suppressed by on e power of ln κλcompared to the corresponding leading-log contribution. In the same manne r, the four-derivative or higher terms schematically denoted by the ellipsis ···in Eq. (3.32) give rise to still further subdominant logs. 885k kk 2k3 k14 FIG. 18. Leading-log contributions to ln Zat odd-loop order. Circled vertices labeled kde- note the insertion of the rank- kinduced interaction proportional to g0 a1···ak+1. For order 2 p+ 1 contributions, the ranks of all the insertions around the lo op must sum to p. where the maximal number of induced couplings are inserted i nto a graph with only one explicit loop. At loop order of 2 p+ 1, this means a single insertion of the rank pinduced coupling, or two insertions of rank kand rankp−kcouplings, or more generally, the insertion of any collection of induced couplings whose ranks total p, as illustrated in figure 18. Rather than following the cookbook method and struggling to get the proper combinatorial factors to evaluate these diagrams, it is much easier to simply retur n to the original functional integral representation (3.30). The sum of the graphs in que stion just corresponds to the contribution of the order φ(r)2terms in the first line of the induced interaction (3.32) to th e action S(2) ind= ∆κ2β 2/integraldisplay (dνr)φ(r)2, (6.33) where ∆κ2=−∞/summationdisplay p=2/summationdisplay a1···apβ3p−2n0 a1···n0 apga1···ap/parenleftBig ea1···ap/parenrightBig2. (6.34) Thus, the total effect of these terms is to simply shift the unp erturbed (squared) Debye wave number, κ2 0→κ2 ll≡κ2 0+ ∆κ2. (6.35) Referring back to the one-loop correction (2.77), we see the sum of these odd-loop order leading logarithms plus the original one-loop contributio n is given by ∞/summationdisplay p=0lnZ(2p+1,ll)=−κ3 ll 12πV. (6.36) A straightforward exercise expanding (6.36) and (6.34), an d iterating (6.32), will yield the explicit leading-log contributions at any given order. The results up to order 6 are: lnZ(2,ll) V=L/summationdisplay a,bβ3n0 an0 be3 ae3 b, (6.37) 89lnZ(3,ll) V=κ0L 8π/summationdisplay a,bβ4n0 an0 be3 ae3 b(ea+eb)2, (6.38) lnZ(4,ll) V=L2/summationdisplay a,b,cβ6n0 an0 bn0 ce3 ae3 be3 c(eb+ec)3, (6.39) lnZ(5,ll) V=L2 32πκ0/summationdisplay a,b,c,dβ8n0 an0 bn0 cn0 de3 ae3 be3 ce2 d ×/bracketleftBig 4(eb+ec)3(ea+eb+ec)2+ed(ea+eb)2(ec+ed)2/bracketrightBig , (6.40) lnZ(6,ll) V=L3 3/summationdisplay a,b,c,dβ9n0 an0 bn0 cn0 de3 ae3 be3 ce3 d/bracketleftBig (ea+eb)3+ 2(eb+ec+ed)3/bracketrightBig (ec+ed)3,(6.41) where L ≡1 4! (4π)2ln/parenleftBiggλ2κ2 4π/parenrightBigg . (6.42) Converted to physical densities, this becomes lnZ(2,ll) V=−L/summationdisplay a,bβ3¯na¯nbe3 ae3 b, (6.43) lnZ(3,ll) V=−κL 8π/summationdisplay a,bβ4¯na¯nbe4 ae4 b, (6.44) lnZ(4,ll) V=−12L2/summationdisplay a,b,cβ6¯na¯nb¯nce3 ae4 be5 c, (6.45) lnZ(5,ll) V=−5L2 16πκ/summationdisplay a,b,c,dβ8¯na¯nb¯nc¯nde2 ae3 be4 ce4 d/bracketleftBig e2 aeb+ 12ebeced+ 16ebe2 d+ 12ece2 d/bracketrightBig ,(6.46) lnZ(6,ll) V=−12L3/summationdisplay a,b,c,dβ9¯na¯nb¯nc¯nde3 ae3 be4 ce5 d ×/bracketleftBig 3eaebec+ 3e2 bec+ 3e2 ced+ 3ece2 d+ 5ebe2 d+ 14ebeced/bracketrightBig .(6.47) Note that for even-loop orders these leading-logarithmic c ontributions always include a sum of particle densities weighted by an odd power of the charge. Consequently, the leading- logarithmic contributions at even-loop order vanish in the special case of a neutral symmetric binary plasma, such as a pure electron-proton plasma, where the charges of the two species are equal and opposite and the the physical densities are nec essarily equal due to charge neutrality. This is a general result, which follows from the recursive structure of (6.31) and the vanishing of its initial term. C. “Anomalous” Virial Relation The grand canonical partition function may be regarded as a f unction of the temperature and the (bare) density n0 a, chargeea, and thermal wavelength λaof each species. If one 90defines an average density nwhich is the geometric mean of the bare densities n0 aand thus entailsβ−3/2times the exponential of the average of the chemical potenti als, then one may alternatively express a specific density in terms of the aver age density and a relative density ratioxa, n0 a≡nxa. (6.48) The charges of each species may similarly be written in terms of some mean charge eand a relative charge ratio ya, ea≡eya. (6.49) Any dependence on the thermal wavelength λamay be re-expressed as dependence on the dimensionless quantum parameter ηa=βe2 a/4πλa. Consequently, any n-loop contribution will equal ( βe2κ0)ntimes some function of the dimensionless variables {xa},{ya}and{ηa}. This is a precise version of the statement that the loop expan sion parameter (in the physical limit of three dimensions) is βe2κ0. The point to be emphasized is that the parameter βe2κ0 captures the overall powers of the inverse temperature, cha rge, and densities that appear in a given loop order. Therefore, the grand canonical partit ion function has the functional form lnZ=F(βe2κ0,x,y,η )/parenleftBig V/summationdisplay bn0 b/parenrightBig . (6.50) Let us pretend, for the moment, that Fdoes not depend on the quantum parame- tersηa— that the purely classical theory exists. We note that the di fferential operator /bracketleftBig β∂ ∂β−3 2/summationtext a∂ ∂βµ a/bracketrightBig annihilates the density ratios xa, the charge ratios ya, and also βe2κ0 because /bracketleftBigg β∂ ∂β−3 2/summationdisplay a∂ ∂βµ a/bracketrightBigg β2e4κ2 0∼/bracketleftBigg β∂ ∂β−3 2/summationdisplay a∂ ∂βµ a/bracketrightBigg β3/2/summationdisplay beβµb= 0. (6.51) Since /bracketleftBigg β∂ ∂β−3 2/summationdisplay a∂ ∂βµ a/bracketrightBigg n0 b=−3n0 b, (6.52) this shows that /bracketleftBigg 3 +β∂ ∂β−3 2/summationdisplay a∂ ∂βµ a/bracketrightBigg F(βe2κ0,x,y)/parenleftBig V/summationdisplay bn0 b/parenrightBig = 0. (6.53) In other words, a purely classical partition function must s atisfy /bracketleftBigg 3 +β∂ ∂β−3 2/summationdisplay a∂ ∂βµ a/bracketrightBigg lnZ= 0. (6.54) Recalling that the pressure pappears as lnZ[µ] =βpV, (6.55) 91the thermodynamic, internal energy density uis given by −∂lnZ[µ] ∂β=uV, (6.56) and the number density ¯ naof speciesaby ∂lnZ[µ] ∂βµ a= ¯naV, (6.57) the identity (6.54) for a purely classical plasma is equival ent to the relation 3βp−βu−3 2/summationdisplay a¯na= 0. (6.58) The purely classical plasma, of course, does not exist. The i nduced couplings necessary to render the theory finite give rise to additional dependence o n the quantum parameters ηa. Hence, in fact, A≡3βp−βu−3 2/summationdisplay a¯na∝ne}ationslash= 0. (6.59) The non-vanishing of Aarises from the ‘anomalous’ dependence on the underlying qu antum physics. This behavior shows that Ais akin to the anomalies encountered in relativistic quantum field theories. To find an expression for the anomaly A, which may be evaluated without separately computing the pressure, internal energy, and densities, we turn to the functional integral representation of the grand canonical partition function. It proves convenient for this specific application to use a scaled potential ˜φ(r) =βφ(r) so that the interaction terms now involve n0 aeieaβφ=n0 aeiea˜φ, (6.60) with no explicit appearance of the inverse temperature β(although it does reside in the densitiesn0 a). Thus the functional integral takes the form Z[µ] = Det1/2/bracketleftBig −β−1∇2/bracketrightBig/integraldisplay [d˜φ] exp/braceleftBigg −1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)/parenleftBig ∇˜φ(r)/parenrightBig2−Sint[˜φ;µ]/bracerightBigg . (6.61) Although the method that we shall outline is valid for Sint[˜φ;µ] taken to arbitrary order, to keep the notation simple, we shall consider only those piece s that contribute to the three-loop order to which we have calculated, Sint[˜φ;µ] =/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracketleftbigg −/summationdisplay an0 aeiea˜φ(r)+/summationdisplay a,bg0 abβ3n0 aeiea˜φ(r)n0 beieb˜φ(r) −/summationdisplay ah0 aβ2e2 a/parenleftBig ∇˜φ(r)/parenrightBig2n0 aeiea˜φ(r)+···/bracketrightbigg . (6.62) We shall first find an expression for the pressure using its ide ntification with the response to a change in the volume, 92δlnZ[µ] =βpδV, (6.63) with the change in volume realized by a dilation transformat ion of the spatial coordinates within the functional integral. To do this in a conceptually simple way, we temporarily introduce general coordinates xkand a metric tensor gkl, so that the physical distance between neighboring points is given by ds2=ν/summationdisplay k,l=1gkldxkdxl. (6.64) The (∇˜φ)2part of the action in the functional integral now takes on the generally covariant form /integraldisplay (dνx)/radicalBig detggkl∂k˜φ(x)∂l˜φ(x)/bracketleftBigg1 2β−/summationdisplay ah0 aβ2e2 an0 aeiea˜φ(x)/bracketrightBigg . (6.65) For the terms in Sintwhich do not involve derivatives, the introduction of gener alized coor- dinates is effected by simply including the factor√detgin the spatial integration measure. To effect a dilation or scale change, we take gkl=e2σδkl. (6.66) In view of the distance interval (6.64), this has the effect of the length alteration L→Leσ. With this metric, the determinantal factor and inverse metr ic are simply /radicalBig detg=eνσ, gkl=e−2σδkl. (6.67) Finally, taking the constant parameter σto be infinitesimal, σ→δσ, we have a volume changeδV=νδσV. Thus, the variation of the functional integral (6.61) brou ght about by the volume change in the pressure definition (6.63) gives νβp=−(ν−2)/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2/bracketleftBigg1 2β−/summationdisplay ah0 aβ2e2 an0 aeiea˜φ/bracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg +ν/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg/summationdisplay an0 aeiea˜φ−/summationdisplay a,bg0 abβ3n0 aeiea˜φn0 beieb˜φ/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg . (6.68) Using the functional integral representation (6.61) to eva luate the definitions (6.56) and (6.57) of the energy and particle number yields −βuV=1 2β/angbracketleftbigg/angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg/angbracketrightbigg V −/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg β∂ ∂βSint[˜φ;µ]/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg . (6.69) and −/summationdisplay a¯naV=/summationdisplay a/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg∂ ∂βµ aSint[˜φ;µ]/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg . (6.70) Since each of the quantities that make up the anomaly (6.59) i s well defined, we may write it as aν→3 limit in a form that will prove to be convenient, 93A=νβp−βu−ν 2/summationdisplay a¯na. (6.71) The results above express this as A=/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg (3−ν)1 2β/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2+/bracketleftBigg ν−2 +β∂ ∂β−ν 2/summationdisplay c∂ ∂βµ c/bracketrightBigg/summationdisplay ah0 aβ2e2 a/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2n0 aeiea˜φ/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg +/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg/bracketleftBigg ν+β∂ ∂β−ν 2/summationdisplay c∂ ∂βµ c/bracketrightBigg  /summationdisplay an0 aeiea˜φ−/summationdisplay a,bg0 abβ3n0 aeiea˜φn0 beieb˜φ  /angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg .(6.72) The commutation relation /bracketleftBigg ν+β∂ ∂β−ν 2/summationdisplay c∂ ∂βµ c/bracketrightBigg n0 a=n0 a/bracketleftBigg β∂ ∂β−ν 2/summationdisplay c∂ ∂βµ c/bracketrightBigg . (6.73) implies that the classical action part of Sint, proportional to/summationtext an0 aeiea˜φ, does not contribute to the anomaly A(as required). Moreover, /bracketleftBigg β∂ ∂β−ν 2/summationdisplay c∂ ∂βµ c/bracketrightBigg β3n0 b=β3n0 b/bracketleftBigg (3−ν) +β∂ ∂β−ν 2/summationdisplay c∂ ∂βµ c/bracketrightBigg . (6.74) Hence we have, to our three-loop order of accuracy, A=/angbracketleftBigg/angbracketleftBigg (3−ν)1 2β/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2+/summationdisplay aβ3∂h0 a ∂βe2 an0 a/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2eiea˜φ/angbracketrightBigg/angbracketrightBigg −/summationdisplay ab/bracketleftBigg/parenleftBigg (3−ν) +β∂ ∂β/parenrightBigg g0 ab/bracketrightBigg β3/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig n0 aeiea˜φn0 beieb˜φ/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig . (6.75) To compute the two and three loop contributions to the anomal yA, we first note that since to these orders the number densities are given by ¯na=n0 a/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig eiea˜φ/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig +h0 aβ2e2 an0 a/angbracketleftbigg/angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2eiea˜φ/angbracketrightbigg/angbracketrightbigg −2/summationdisplay bβ3g0 abn0 an0 b/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig eiea˜φeieb˜φ/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig ,(6.76) we may write the pressure (6.68) as νβp=−(ν−2)1 2β/angbracketleftbigg/angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg/angbracketrightbigg +/summationdisplay a/bracketleftbigg ν¯na+ 2e2 an0 ah0 aβ2/angbracketleftbigg/angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2eiea˜φ/angbracketrightbigg/angbracketrightbigg/bracketrightbigg +ν/summationdisplay a,bβ3g0 abn0 an0 b/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig eiea˜φeieb˜φ/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig . (6.77) The pressure and densities are, of course, well defined in the ν→3 limit. Hence, in the above expression, the pole in ν−3 in the final term, coming from g0 ab, must be canceled by a similar pole, with opposite residue, in/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig (∇˜φ)2/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig . Since the contribution of the coupling h0 a has a coefficient that is already of two-loop order, to the orde r to which we work, lim ν→3(3−ν)1 2β/angbracketleftbigg/angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig ∇˜φ/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg/angbracketrightbigg = 3/summationdisplay a,bβ3/bracketleftbigg lim ν→3(3−ν)g0 ab/bracketrightbigg n0 an0 b/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig eiea˜φeieb˜φ/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig . (6.78) 94Recalling the result (6.1) for g0 ab, we have lim ν→3(3−ν)g0 ab=−1 4!(eaeb)3 (4π)2. (6.79) Sinceλ2 ab∼β, Eqs. (6.3), (6.4), and (3.82) also inform us that, in the ν→3 limit, β∂g0 ab ∂β=−1 4!(eaeb)3 (4π)2/bracketleftBig 1 +1 2ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBig , (6.80) where Γ′ ab≡dΓab/dηabis given in Eq. (4.19). Finally, Eq. (3.33) gives β3∂ ∂βh0 a=−λ2 a 48π. (6.81) Thus, reverting to the conventionally normalized field φ, and discarding terms of higher order, A=−1 4!/summationdisplay a,bβ3n0 an0 b(eaeb)3 (4π)2∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{texp{iβ(ea+eb)φ(r)}∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht/bracketleftBig 3−2−1 2ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBig −/summationdisplay aλ2 a 48πe2 aβ2n0 a/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig (∇φ)2/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig . (6.82) In the last line we use the result (5.7), β/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig (∇φ)2/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig =κ3 4π. (6.83) For the remaining terms, we expand the exponential involvin gφto second order to generate the sub-leading (three loop) contribution. It involves, in the physical ν→3 limit β/angbracketleftBig/angbracketleftBig φ2/angbracketrightBig/angbracketrightBig = lim ν→3Gν(0) =−κ0 4π. (6.84) Expanding ( ea+eb)2, the terms involving e2 aande2 bjust provide the one-loop corrections that alter the bare densities n0 aandn0 ato the physical densities ¯ naand ¯nb. Hence, only the cross term provides a non-trivial correction, and we have A=−1 4!1 (4π)2/summationdisplay a,b¯na¯nb(βeaeb)3/bracketleftBig 1−1 2ηabΓ′ ab/bracketrightBig/parenleftBigg 1 +βeaeb¯κ 4π/parenrightBigg −/summationdisplay aλ2 aκ2 48πβe2 aκ 4π¯na. (6.85) This agrees with Eq. (5.19). 95b a /0/0 /1/1 /0/0 /1/1 FIG. 19. Correction to the irreducible density-density cor relatorCabgenerated by the induced interaction Snon−staticinvolving the non-zero frequency modes of φ(r,τ). The dashed lines represent the long-range, unscreened Coulomb Green’s functions of th e non-zero frequency modes. VII. LONG DISTANCE CORRELATIONS As noted in section III, the interaction (3.93) which couple s the static and non-zero frequency modes of the electrostatic potential only affects thermodynamic quantities at six- loop order. However, this term does generate some qualitati vely new effects in correlation functions. In particular, it destroys the exponential scre ening of the quasi-classical theory [10–12]. This effect is easy to calculate using the effective t heory as given in Eq’s. (3.92) and (3.93). We will first examine the workings of this effect on the single- particle irreducible part Cab(r−r′) of the number density correlation function. The graph of Fi g. 19 is produced if each of the variational derivatives in the definition (3.35) of the number density correlator act onSnon−staticin the functional integral (3.92). The non-zero-frequency potentials that this brings down from the exponential become tied together into t he product of two unscreened, long-ranged Coulomb Green’s functions. Since the result is single-particle irreducible, it defines an O[(βe2κ)(κλ)4] correction to Cab(r−r′).50Explicitly, the calculation that we have just described gives the long-ranged contribution ∆Cab(r−r′) =1 (4π)2n0 an0 be2 ae2 bλ2 aλ2 bβ2/summationdisplay m/ne}ationslash=02 (2πm)4/bracketleftBig ∇k∇lVC(r−r′)/bracketrightBig2. (7.1) Here /summationdisplay m/ne}ationslash=02 (2πm)4=ζ(4) 4π4=1 360, (7.2) and /bracketleftBig ∇k∇lVC(r−r′)/bracketrightBig2=6 (4π)2|r−r′|6, (7.3) and so ∆Cab(r−r′) =1 60(βe2 an0 aλ2 a) (βe2 bn0 bλ2 b) (4π)4|r−r′|6. (7.4) Consequently, density-density correlations do not, in fac t, decay exponentially but rather have long-distance 1 /r6tails. 50More precisely, a correction of relative size O/bracketleftbig(βe2κ)(κλ)4/bracketrightbigfor wavenumbers of O(κ). 96We may use the relation given in Eq. (2.106) connecting the el ectrostatic Green’s function G(r−r′) =∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)φ(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}htandCab, β˜G(k) =/bracketleftbigg k2+β/summationdisplay a,beaeb˜Cab(k)/bracketrightbigg−1 , (7.5) to find the long-distance tail in G(r−r). Treating ∆ Cab(r−r′) as a perturbation and noting that the long-distance limit of the unperturbed Green’s fun ction is given by the Debye screened function, we have51 β∆G(r−r′) =−/integraldisplay (d3r1)(d3r2)e−κ|r−r1| 4π|r−r1|β/summationdisplay a,beaeb∆Cab(r1−r2)e−κ|r2−r′| 4π|r2−r′|. (7.6) Since the flanking Debye Green’s functions that appear here a re of short range, to obtain the long-distance behavior of β∆G(r−r′) we may replace ∆ Cab(r1−r2) by ∆Cab(r−r′) and use ˜G(0) =/integraldisplay (d3r)e−κr 4πr=1 κ2(7.7) to find that the potential correlator also acquires a 1 /r6tail, G(r−r′)∼ −1 60/summationdisplay a,b(βe3 an0 aλ2 a) (βe3 bn0 bλ2 b) (4πκ)4|r−r′|6. (7.8) Comparing the magnitude of this 1 /r6tail to the original e−κr/4πrDebye potential, one finds that the cross-over from exponential to power-law deca y occurs at the parametric scale κr∼ −ln/bracketleftBig (λκ)4(βe2κ)/bracketrightBig . (7.9) This characterizes the number of e-foldings over which exponential Debye screening could, in principle, be observed before the power-law tail takes ov er. Finally, the total charge-density correlator K(r−r′), related to G(r−r′) as shown in Eq. (3.16), acquires a 1 /r10tail, K(r−r′)∼28/summationdisplay a,b(βe3 an0 aλ2 a) (βe3 bn0 bλ2 b) (4πκ)4|r−r′|10. (7.10) When specialized to the case of a one-component plasma in the presence of a constant neutralizing background, Eq. (7.10) becomes K(r)∼28e2 (4π)4λ4 r10=7e2 (4π)2/parenleftBiggβ¯h2 m/parenrightBigg21 r10. (7.11) This agrees with the result of the far more intricate calcula tion of Cornu and Martin [12]. 51Treating ∆Cab(r−r′) as a perturbation is legitimate, even though it determines the leading long distance behavior. One may show this rigorously by noting th at ∆˜Cab(k)∼ |k|3for smallk, and that this controls the discontinuity of ˜G(k) whenk2is small and negative. 97ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The interest of one of the authors (L.S.B) in classical plasm a physics was piqued by R. F. Sawyer. His work on this paper began while visiting the Los Al amos National Laboratory and continued at the Aspen Center for Physics and was largely completed during another visit to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. We would like to thank H. De Witt for several clarifying discussions and particularly for making us awar e of various related prior results which were helpful in resolving interim discrepancies. Com munications with W.-D. Kraeft and M. Schlages were also helpful in this regard. This work wa s supported, in part, by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG03-96ER4095 6. 98APPENDIX A: FUNCTIONAL METHODS In this Appendix, we define, in the context of our plasma theor y, the generating function of connected correlation functions and its Legendre transf orm, the effective action.52We review relevant properties of these functionals that are we ll known in quantum field theory, and then describe how number densities and density–density correlation functions are related to them. In particular, we show how the density-density corr elator may be expressed in terms of a “single-particle irreducible” function in a way t hat explicitly exhibits its structure, particularly its small wave-number behavior. We also show h ow the mean-square fluctuations in energy, and particle numbers, may be expressed in terms of the same single-particle irreducible functions. This formalism is applied to comput e the number densities, density– density correlators, and equation of state to two loop order in an particularly efficient manner in a final appendix so as to illustrate methods complimentary to those employed in the text. The partition function of our theory, in either its original quantum form (3.6), or re- expressed as an effective theory (3.92), has a functional int egral representation Z[µ] =N/integraldisplay [dφ] exp{−S[φ;µ]}, (A1) where [dφ] denotes functional integration over a space and time depen dent potential φ(r,τ) which is periodic, φ(r,β) =φ(r,0). The action S[φ;µ] has the form S[φ;µ] =1 2/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr) [∇φ(r,τ)]2+Sint[φ;µ]. (A2) In the original quantum theory the interaction part of the ac tionSintis (minus the logarithm of) the functional integral over all charged fields, exp{−Sint[φ;µ]}=/productdisplay a/integraldisplay [dψ∗ adψa] exp/braceleftbigg −/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)La/bracerightbigg , (A3) withLathe charged field Lagrangian defined in (3.90), but with the ch emical potentials now extended to be functions of imaginary time as well as space, µa(r)→mua(x) =µa(r,τ). In the effective theory, Sintis the sum of the classical interaction and the various induc ed interactions, Sint[φ;µ] =−β/integraldisplay (dνr)/summationdisplay an0 aeiβeaφ0+Sind[φ0;µ] +Snon−static[φ0,φm;µ], (A4) withSindandSnon−staticgiven in Eqs. (3.32) and (3.93), respectively, and {φm(r)}denoting the Fourier components of φ(r,τ), as defined in Eq. (3.26). In the following formal discussion, we will allow the genera lized chemical potentials µ(r,τ) to vary both in space and (imaginary) time. The only feature of the interaction 52Our discussion of the effective action for a plasma parallels that given for quantum field theory in Sections 4 and 5 of Brown [15], Chapter 6, which contains ma ny more details. 99terms which will be relevant is the fact that iφ(r,τ) couples to the total charge density via the dependence of Sint[φ;µ] on the generalized chemical potentials µa(r,τ), or δ δφ(r,τ)Sint[φ;µ] =i/summationdisplay aeaδ δµa(r,τ)Sint[φ;µ]. (A5) This is a reflection of the invariance (2.30) of the theory und er the combined shifts φ→φ−ic andµa→µa−eac. In the following discussion, for notational convenience, w e will use single symbols x,y, etc., to denote a (Euclidean) space-time coordinate so that, fo r example, φ(x)≡φ(r,τ). And we will write/integraltext xas shorthand for/integraltextβ 0dτ/integraltext(dνr). 1. Connected Generating Functional The addition of an external charge density or source σ(x) coupled to the field φ(x) defines a functional W[σ;µ] which is the generating functional for connected φfield correlation functions — correlators whose graphical representations h ave no disconnected parts. The definition is expW[σ;µ] =/integraldisplay [dφ] exp/braceleftbigg −S[φ;µ] +/integraldisplay xφ(x)σ(x)/bracerightbigg . (A6) In the presence of the source, a normalized thermal expectat ion value is defined by ∝an}b∇acketle{tF[φ]∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=e−W[σ;µ]/integraldisplay [dφ]F[φ] exp/braceleftbigg −S[φ;µ] +/integraldisplay xφ(x)σ(x)/bracerightbigg , (A7) and in terms of this expectation value δW[σ;µ] δσ(x)=∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β. (A8) The insertion in the functional integrand of the functional derivative of −Sint[φ;µ] with respect to a generalized chemical µa(x) produces the average particle number density, up to an overall factor of eW[σ;µ]. Thus the properly normalized particle number density of sp ecies ais given by ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=δW[σ;µ] δµa(x). (A9) This is the number density in the presence of both spatially ( or temporally) varying chemical potentialsµb(x) and the external charge density σ(x). With the chemical potentials {µa} taken to be constants and σtaken to vanish, Eq. (A9) reduces to the constant number density ¯na=∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβof particles of species a. We shall denote this limit by a vertical bar with a subscript 0. Thus, ¯na=δW[σ;µ] δµa(x)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A10) 100The total charge density in the presence of all the sources is given by ∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=/summationdisplay aea∝an}b∇acketle{tna(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=/summationdisplay aeaδW[σ;µ] δµa(x). (A11) The partial derivative of W[σ;µ] with respect to the inverse temperature53defines the aver- age energy in the presence of the source σ, ∝an}b∇acketle{tE∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=−∂W[σ;µ] ∂β. (A12) In the limit of vanishing source and constant chemical poten tials, this reduces to the ther- modynamic internal energy, U=∝an}b∇acketle{tE∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=−∂W[σ;µ] ∂β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A13) Second variations with respect to the chemical potentials p roduce the number density cor- relation function, Kab(x−x′) =δ2W[σ;µ] δµa(x)δµb(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A14) The static correlator discussed in the text is just the time a verage of this space-time depen- dent correlator, Kab(r−r′) =β−1/integraldisplayβ 0dτ K ab(r−r′,τ−τ′). (A15) We shall also have occasion to use the φfield correlation function defined by G(x−x′) =δ2W[σ;µ] δσ(x)δσ(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A16) Since the functional integral of a total functional derivat ive vanishes, 0 =/integraldisplay [dφ]δ δφ(x)exp/braceleftbigg −S[φ;µ] +/integraldisplay yφ(y)σ(y)/bracerightbigg , (A17) the functional integral with an extra factor of δS[φ;µ] δφ(x)−σ(x) (A18) included in the integrand vanishes. Hence, in view of the for m (A2) of the action and the result (A5), the expectation value of the field equation is an exact identity: − ∇2∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=i/summationdisplay aeaδW[σ;µ] δµa(x)+σ(x) =i∝an}b∇acketle{tρ(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β+σ(x). (A19) 53When varying β, the Fourier components µa(r,ωm)≡/integraltextβ 0µa(r,τ)eiωmτdτandσ(r,ωm)≡/integraltextβ 0σ(r,τ)eiωmτdτ(withωm≡2πm/β ) are to be held fixed. 1012. Effective Action The effective action functional Γ[ ¯φ;µ] is defined by a Legendre transform of the generating functionalW[σ;µ]. It generalizes the mean field theory described in Sec. IIB t o include the effects of thermal and quantum fluctuations. The effective action functional has two important properties: Not only does it contain only connect ed graphs (as does W), it contains no single-particle reducible graphs — graphs whic h can be cut into two disjoint pieces by cutting a single line. This is shown explicitly to t wo-loop order in Appendix G 2 below. This property simplifies calculations. For example, when Γ is used to compute the free energy, one can simply delete all “tadpole” graphs. Mor eover, as we shall see, the use of the effective action together with the functional relatio ns that we are developing reveals the basic structure of the theory in a very useful form. The eff ective action functional is obtained by setting ∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=¯φ(x), (A20) that is, by considering the field expectation value rather th an the source to be the indepen- dent variable. The effective action is then defined by the Lege ndre transformation Γ[¯φ;µ]≡/integraldisplay xσ(x)¯φ(x)−W[σ;µ]. (A21) Because of Eq’s. (A8), (A9), and (A12), δΓ[¯φ;µ] =/integraldisplay x/braceleftBig σ(x)δ¯φ(x)− ∝an}b∇acketle{tna(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ βδµa(x)/bracerightBig +∝an}b∇acketle{tE∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ βdβ. (A22) Thus we may consider Γ to be a functional of the independent va riables ¯φ(x),µa(x), andβ, with the (partial) functional derivatives δΓ[¯φ;µ] δ¯φ(x)=σ(x), (A23) −δΓ[¯φ;µ] δµa(x)=∝an}b∇acketle{tna(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β, (A24) and the ordinary partial derivative ∂Γ[¯φ;µ] ∂β=∝an}b∇acketle{tE∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β. (A25) In view of Eq. (A23), evaluating the effective action at a stat ionary point, a point where δΓ/δ¯φ= 0, is the same as setting the source σto zero. With constant chemical potentials and a vanishing source, the last equalities reduce to the ord inary number density and internal energy. As remarked in the text, the grand canonical partiti on function is related to the grand potential by Z= exp {−βΩ}, and so the grand potential is given by the effective action evaluated at its stationary point in the limit of cons tant chemical potentials, βΩ = Γ[ ¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle0. (A26) 102We return momentarily to consider σ(x) andµa(x) as independent variables so as to compute the source functional derivative of Eq. (A23): /integraldisplay yδ2Γ[¯φ;µ] δ¯φ(x)δ¯φ(y)δ¯φ(y) δσ(x′)=δ(x−x′), (A27) or, in view of Eq. (A8), /integraldisplay yδ2Γ[¯φ;µ] δ¯φ(x)δ¯φ(y)δ2W[σ;µ] δσ(y)δσ(x′)=δ(x−x′). (A28) In the limit of constant chemical potentials and a vanishing source, this becomes /integraldisplay yδ2Γ[¯φ;µ] δ¯φ(x)δ¯φ(y)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0G(y−x′) =δ(x−x′). (A29) Thus δ2Γ[¯φ;µ] δ¯φ(x)δ¯φ(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0=G−1(x−x′) (A30) is the operator inverse to the potential correlation functi onG(x−x′). After a Fourier trans- form [in space and (periodic) time], ˜G(k,ωm)≡/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)e−iωmτ+ik·rG(r,τ), (A31) the linear integral equation (A29) reduces to the algebraic relation: ˜G−1(k,ωm)˜G(k,ωm) = 1. (A32) To uncover the structure of the potential correlation funct ion, we first write the field equation (A19) for the expectation value in terms of the effec tive action functional. This is done by using Eq’s. (A20), (A23), and (A24), to obtain − ∇2¯φ(x) =−i/summationdisplay aeaδΓ[¯φ;µ] δµa(x)+δΓ[¯φ;µ] δ¯φ(x). (A33) Taking the functional derivative of this relation with resp ect to ¯φ(x′) and then setting the chemical potentials constant and the source to zero produce s − ∇2δ(x−x′) =−i/summationdisplay aeaγa(x−x′) +G−1(x−x′), (A34) where we have defined a two-point vertex or coupling by γa(x−x′)≡δ2Γ δµa(x)δ¯φ(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A35) Thus in wave number/frequency space 103˜G−1(k,ωm) =k2+i/summationdisplay aea˜γa(k,ωm). (A36) The structure of the potential correlation function is inti mately connected to that of the number density correlation function. Hence it is useful to e xamine the relationship between the effective action and the number density correlator. Reca lling the expression (A14) for this function in terms of W[σ;µ] and then the fact [Eq. (A9)] that one functional derivative defines the number density, we see that we may write Kab(x−x′) =δ δµb(x′)∝an}b∇acketle{tna(x)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A37) In this equation, σandµaare taken to be the independent variables, with ¯φa function of these independent variables. Thus, using Eq. (A24) to expre ss the number density in terms of the effective action, we obtain Kab(x−x′) =−δ2Γ δµa(x)δµb(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0−/integraldisplay yδ2Γ δµa(x)δ¯φ(y)δ¯φ(y) δµb(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A38) We define Cab(x−x′)≡ −δ2Γ δµa(x)δµb(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0, (A39) and recall the definition (A35) to write Eq. (A38) as Kab(x−x′) =Cab(x−x′)−/integraldisplay yγa(x−y)δ¯φ(y) δµb(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A40) To deal with the final variational derivative which appears h ere, we note that with σand theµataken to be the independent variables, δσ(z) δµb(x′)= 0, (A41) and so Eq. (A23) implies that δ2Γ δµb(x′)δ¯φ(z)+/integraldisplay yδ¯φ(y) δµb(x′)δ2Γ δ¯φ(y)δ¯φ(z)= 0. (A42) In the limit of constant chemical potentials and vanishing s ource, the first term here is just γb(x′−z) and the second factor in the integrand is G−1(y−z). Hence δ¯φ(y) δµb(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0=−/integraldisplay zG(y−z)γb(x′−z), (A43) and Eq. (A40) becomes Kab(x−x′) =Cab(x−x′) +/integraldisplay y,zγa(x−y)G(y−z)γb(x′−z), (A44) 104or, in wave number/frequency space, ˜Kab(k,ωm) =˜Cab(k,ωm) + ˜γa(k,ωm)˜G(k,ωm) ˜γb(k,ωm). (A45) Since the function ˜Cab(k,ωm) is a double variational derivative of the effective action f unc- tional Γ[ ¯φ;µa], it is single-particle irreducible. On the other hand, ˜G(k,ωm), the potential correlation function, is not single-particle irreducible . We have yet to express the number density and potential corre lation functions in the simplest terms. To do so, we return to the expectation of the fi eld equation (A19). With µaandσtaken to be independent variables, the functional derivati ve of this equation with respect to a generalized chemical potential, with the chemi cal potentials then set constant and the source to zero, gives −∇2δ¯φ(x) δµb(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0=i/summationdisplay aeaKab(x−x′). (A46) With the use of Eq’s. (A43) and (A45), the Fourier transform o f this constraint may be put in the form −/bracketleftBig k2+i/summationdisplay aea˜γa(k,ωm)/bracketrightBig˜G(k,ωm) ˜γb(k,ωm) =i/summationdisplay aea˜Cab(k,ωm). (A47) The factor in square brackets on the left-hand side of this re sult is, according to Eq. (A36), justG−1(k,ωm). Hence, ˜γb(k,ωm) =−i/summationdisplay aea˜Cab(k,ωm). (A48) Accordingly, G−1(k,ωm) =k2+/summationdisplay a,beaeb˜Cab(k,ωm), (A49) and ˜Kab(k,ωm) =˜Cab(k,ωm)−/bracketleftBig/summationdisplay cec˜Cca(k,ωm)/bracketrightBig˜G(k,ωm)/bracketleftBig/summationdisplay cec˜Ccb(k,ωm)/bracketrightBig . (A50) We have found that both the potential and number density corr elation functions are de- termined by the single-particle irreducible function ˜Cab(k,ωm). We should note that the definition (A39) of this function, plus rotation and time rev ersal invariance, implies the symmetry54 ˜Cab(k,ωm) =˜Cba(k,ωm) (A51) which thus carries over to the number density correlation fu nction ˜Kab(k,ωm). The above results may also be used to reveal the structure of c orrelation functions in- volving the charge density. The correlation function of the charge density with the number density of species ais given by 54See, for example, Brown [15], Chapter II, Problem 5. 105/summationdisplay b˜Kab(k,ωm)eb=/summationdisplay b˜Cab(k,ωm)eb/braceleftbigg 1−˜G(k,ωm)/bracketleftbigg/summationdisplay c,deced˜Ccd(k,ωm)/bracketrightbigg/bracerightbigg =/summationdisplay b˜Cab(k,ωm)ebk2G(k,ωm). (A52) Thek→0 limit gives the correlator of the number density with the to tal charge. This vanishes, as it must for the neutral plasma. Finally, the cha rge density – charge density correlation function is given by ˜K(k,ωm) =/summationdisplay a,bea˜Kab(k,ωm)eb =k2/bracketleftBig/summationtext a,bea˜Cab(k,ωm)eb/bracketrightBig k2+/summationtext a,bea˜Cab(k,ωm)eb. (A53) This form exhibits explicitly the small wave number behavio r ˜K(k,ωm)∼k2,ask→0. (A54) Static correlators, which are the focus of attention in the m ain text, are related to the zero frequency component of the corresponding time depende nt correlator functions by a factor ofβ−1: ˜Kab(k) =β−1˜Kab(k,0), (A55) and similarly for ˜Cab(k),˜G(k),etc. Consequently, the static versions of Eqs. (A49), (A50), (A53), and (A54) are G−1(k) =βk2+β2/summationdisplay a,beaeb˜Cab(k), (A56) ˜Kab(k) =˜Cab(k)−/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Cca(k)/bracketrightBig˜G(k)/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Ccb(k)/bracketrightBig , (A57) ˜K(k) =k2/bracketleftBig/summationtext a,bea˜Cab(k)eb/bracketrightBig k2+β/summationtext a,bea˜Cab(k)eb, (A58) and ˜K(k)∼β−1k2,ask→0. (A59) 3. Effective Potential, Thermodynamic Quantities In quantum field theory, the effective potential (times the sp ace-time volume) is defined to be the restriction of the effective action to spatially (an d temporally) uniform fields. We have already remarked that the further restriction to the st ationary point yields the grand potential (times β). With constant chemical potentials, the stationarity con ditionδΓ/δ¯φ= 0 106is just the condition that charge neutrality hold for a given value of ¯φ. For convenience, we will assume that physical chemical potentials are chosen su ch that this stationary point lies at¯φ= 0, so that βΩ = Γ[ ¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle¯φ=0. (A60) This is the function that we have computed to three loops. How ever, the charge neutrality constraint is never used in our computations, and so, in fact , the function Γ[ ¯φ=0;µ] has been calculated for arbitrary (constant) chemical potenti alsµa. This extension of the grand potential is needed for the computation of thermodynamic av erage numbers and energy and for the correlators of these quantities. Just as in our pr evious work, to derive general relationships it is convenient temporarily to work with Γ[ ¯φ;µ] for arbitrary constant ¯φand µa. The results of these derivations, however, will depend onl y upon the ¯φ= 0 functions that have been computed. With uniform fields, Eq. (A23) reduces to ∂Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂¯φ=σβV. (A61) As we have remarked before, the restriction to a vanishing so urce,σ= 0, determines ¯φ=¯φ(β,{βµa}), (A62) and inserting this value of ¯φin Γ yields the physical grand potential βΩ. With arbitrary chemical potentials, ¯φis non-vanishing so as to keep a zero charge density in the pla sma. The previous expressions (A24) and (A25), evaluated with ¯φat the stationary point (A62), gives the physical particle numbers and energy, ¯Na=∝an}b∇acketle{tnaV∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=−∂Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂βµ a, (A63) and U=¯E=∝an}b∇acketle{tE∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ=∂Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β. (A64) To obtain relations for the fluctuations of these quantities , we first need two results. The derivative of Eq. (A61) with respect to the inverse temperat ure keeping σ= 0 so that ¯φis determined by Eq. (A62) gives, just as in the previous analog ous calculation of the chemical potential functional derivative (A42), ∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂¯φ+V˜G−1(0)∂¯φ ∂β= 0. (A65) Note that, from (A56), ˜G−1(0) =β2/summationdisplay a,bea˜Cab(0)eb, (A66) and 107˜Cab(0) =1 V∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂βµ a∂βµ b(A67) may be computed directly at ¯φ= 0 with chemical potentials set to values which satisfy charge neutrality (for ¯φ= 0) after the derivatives have been performed. Thus ˜Cab(0) can be obtained from the computation of the grand potential βΩ. We may simply write ˜Cab(0) =−∂∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ ∂βµ b=−∂∝an}b∇acketle{tnb∝an}b∇acket∇i}htβ ∂βµ a, (A68) where the partial derivatives are taken at constant tempera ture or fixed β. In a similar fashion, the derivative with respect to the inverse tempera ture of the charge neutrality condition /summationdisplay aea∂Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂βµ a= 0 (A69) produces /summationdisplay aea/braceleftBigg∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a+∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂¯φ∂βµ a∂¯φ ∂β/bracerightBigg = 0. (A70) We use Eq’s. (A35), (A48), and (A66) to write this as ∂¯φ ∂β=−iβ V˜G(0)/summationdisplay aea∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a. (A71) After the derivatives in the relations above have been taken , we may again assume that the chemical potentials are chosen to give charge neutrality at ¯φ= 0. With these results in hand, we can examine the fluctuations of energy and particle numbers. The energy fluctuations in the grand canonical ense mble are given by /angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg β=−∂ ∂β∂Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β =−∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β2−∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂¯φ∂¯φ ∂β. (A72) We can make use of Eq. (A65) to write this as /angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg β=−∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β2+∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂¯φ1 V˜G(0)∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂¯φ, (A73) or alternatively use Eq’s. (A65) and (A71) to write /angbracketleftbigg/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig2/angbracketrightbigg β=−∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β2−/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay aea∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a/bracketrightBiggβ2 V˜G(0)/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay aea∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a/bracketrightBigg .(A74) This latter form may be evaluated at ¯φ= 0 with the chemical potentials chosen to give charge neutrality after their derivatives have been taken. Thus, t his latter form is determined by the 108quantities calculated for the grand potential βΩ. The energy — particle number correlation is given by /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBig β=−∂¯Na ∂β=∂ ∂β∂Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂βµ a =∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a+∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂¯φ∂βµ a∂¯φ ∂β. (A75) With the use of Eq’s. (A35), (A48), and (A71), this becomes /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBig β=∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a−/summationdisplay beb∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ b˜G(0)β2/summationdisplay c˜Cac(0)ec.(A76) Again, this result depends only upon quantities involved in the construction of βΩ. Note that, in view of Eq. (A66), the charge neutrality condition i s obeyed, /summationdisplay a/angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig E−¯E/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBig βea= 0. (A77) Finally, we note that the Fourier transform (A57) evaluated at zero wave number yields the particle number — particle number correlators, /angbracketleftBig/parenleftBig Na−¯Na/parenrightBig/parenleftBig Nb−¯Nb/parenrightBig/angbracketrightBig β=V/braceleftBig˜Cab(0)−/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Cca(0)/bracketrightBig˜G(0)/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Ccb(0)/bracketrightBig/bracerightBig .(A78) The results that we have obtained may be used to compute the sp ecific heat at constant volume. This is simply related to the derivative of the avera ge energy with respect to the inverse temperature at constant particle numbers, CV=−β2∂¯E ∂β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle {¯Na}. (A79) Thus the chemical potentials must change as the temperature is varied in order to maintain constant numbers. That is, we have d¯E=∂¯E ∂βdβ+/summationdisplay a∂¯E ∂βµ ad(βµa) =/braceleftBigg∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β2+/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay aea∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a/bracketrightBiggβ2 V˜G(0)/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay aea∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg dβ +/summationdisplay a/braceleftBigg∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a−/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay beb∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) β∂βµ b/bracketrightBigg ˜G(0)β2/bracketleftBig/summationdisplay c˜Cac(0)ec/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg d(βµa), (A80) with the chemical potential changes constrained by 0 =d¯Na=∂¯Na ∂βdβ+/summationdisplay b∂¯Na ∂βµ bd(βµb) =−/braceleftBigg∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a−/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay beb∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ b/bracketrightBigg ˜G(0)β2/bracketleftBig/summationdisplay c˜Cac(0)ec/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg dβ +/summationdisplay bV/braceleftBig˜Cab(0)−/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Cca(0)/bracketrightBig˜G(0)/bracketleftBig β/summationdisplay cec˜Ccb(0)/bracketrightBig/bracerightBig d(βµb). (A81) 109Introducing the inverse matrix ˜C−1(0), /summationdisplay b˜C−1(0)ab˜Cbc(0) =δac, (A82) which is a symmetric matrix since ||˜Cab(0)||is symmetric, we may rewrite Eq. (A81) as d(βµa) =1 V/summationdisplay b˜C−1(0)ab∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ bdβ −ea/braceleftBigg1 V/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay beb∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ b/bracketrightBigg ˜G(0)β2dβ−˜G(0)β2/summationdisplay bceb˜Cbc(0)d(βµc)/bracerightBigg .(A83) Because of charge neutrality (A77), a change d(βµa) proportional to eadoes not alter Eq. (A80). Hence ∂¯E ∂β/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle {Na}=∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β2+1 V/summationdisplay a,b∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ a˜C−1(0)ab∂2Γ(¯φ;µ) ∂β∂βµ b. (A84) 4. Time-Dependent Correlations We noted in subsection F of section III that although the stat ic two-point potential correlation function, the zero frequency part of the genera l correlator, describes a Debye screened potential (except for the very long-distance tail elucidated in section VII), the non-zero frequency parts of this correlation function are n ot Debye screened. Recalling the general result (A49): G−1(k,ωm) =k2+/summationdisplay a,beaeb˜Cab(k,ωm), (A85) this lack of Debye screening for ωm∝ne}ationslash= 0 is the statement that, for this case, k2→0 : ˜Cab(k,ωm)∼k2, (A86) which implies that G−1(r−r′,ωm) behaves as |r−r′|−1for large |r−r′|. In this section we shall show how this follows from the conservation of the numb er currents or, equivalently, from the gauge invariance of the coupling of the basic theory to a set of [( ν+1)-dimensional] vector potentials. Number-current correlation functions are generated by cou pling a vector potential Aa µ(x)≡(Aa 4(x),Aa(x)) for each particle species a. This is done by augmenting the La- grangian (3.90) for each basic charged field to read La=ψ∗ a(r,τ)/braceleftBigg∂ ∂τ−Aa 4(r,τ)−1 2ma[∇ −iAa(r,τ)]2−µa−ieaφ(r,τ)/bracerightBigg ψa(r,τ).(A87) Connected correlation functions of nspace-time currents Ja µ(x)≡(na(r,τ),Ja(r,τ)) are produced by nfunctional derivatives δ/δAa µ(x) acting on the generating functional W. In particular, the connected number-density correlation fun ction (A14) is now extended to the space-time correlation function 110Kµν ab(x−x′) =δ2W[σ;A] δAaµ(x)δAbν(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A88) The corresponding connected, single-particle irreducibl e function is given by the same func- tional derivatives of the Legendre transform of W, the effective action Γ. This extension of Eq. (A39) reads Cµν ab(x−x′) =−δ2Γ δAa µ(x)δAb ν(x′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (A89) The actions formed from the extended Lagrangians (A87) are i nvariant under local phase rotations of the charged fields ψ∗ a(x)→ψ∗ a(x) exp{−iλa(x)}, ψ a(x)→exp{iλa(x)}ψa(x), (A90) coupled with the gauge transformations of the external pote ntials Aa 4(x)→Aa 4(x) +i∂λa ∂τ, Aa k(x)→Aa k(x) +∂λa ∂xk. (A91) The integration measures of the charged field functional int egrals are unchanged by the phase rotation (A90). Hence the connected generating funct ionalW[A] is invariant under the gauge transformation (A91). This invariance carries ov er to the effective action Γ[ A] since the Legendre transformation which relates it to W[A] involves only neutral fields that are not altered by the phase rotation or gauge transformatio n. In the limit of an infinitesimal transformation, the gauge invariance gives functional diff erential statements ∂µδ δAa µ(x)W[A] = 0 =∂µδ δAa µ(x)Γ[A], (A92) where we have adopted the shorthand notation ∂µ=/parenleftBigg i∂ ∂τ,∂ ∂xk/parenrightBigg . (A93) Taking additional functional derivatives of Eq’s. (A92) sh ows that any number current cor- relation function has a transverse form. In particular, one additional functional derivative yields ∂µKµν ab(x−x′) = 0 =∂νKµν ab(x−x′), (A94) and ∂µCµν ab(x−x′) = 0 =∂νCµν ab(x−x′). (A95) In terms of Fourier components, −iωm˜C4ν ab(k,ωm) +kl˜Clν ab(k,ωm) = 0. (A96) 111We are now in a position to demonstrate that the potential cor relation function at non- zero frequency has no Debye screening. Three paragraphs ago , we remarked that this correlator is determined by ˜Cab(k,ωm) =˜C44 ab(k,ωm). Because of rotational invariance, ˜Cl4 ab(k,ωm) =klfab(k2,ωm) and theν= 4 component of the Fourier form (A96) of the divergence condition becomes −iωm˜Cab(k,ωm) +k2fab(k2,ωm) = 0. (A97) This demonstrates the assertion (A86) that ˜Cab(k,ωm)∼k2ask2→0 whenωm∝ne}ationslash= 0 and thus that there is no Debye screening in the ωm∝ne}ationslash= 0 potential correlation function G(k,ωm). The fact that, for small k2,˜Cab(k,ωm) =O(k2) whenωm∝ne}ationslash= 0 but ˜Cab(k,0) =O(1) might appear a bit odd since ˜Cab(k,ωm) is equal to an analytic function of ω,Fab(k2,ω), evaluated at discrete points on the imaginary axis,55ω=iωm=i2πm/β . Thus one might expect a uniform behavior in ωwhich would require that ˜Cab(k,0) =O(k2) for smallk2and no Debye screening. In fact, the behavior of the analytic function Fab(k2,ω) is not uniform in k2when ωis small. This non-uniform behavior is illustrated by the si mple one-loop contribution of the charged fields to ˜Cab(k,ωm). To further simplify the result, we also take the ¯ h→ classical limit but with the frequency ωm/¯hkept fixed to obtain ˜Cab(k,ωm) =˜C44 ab(k,ωm) =δab/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)ν1 i(ωm/¯h)−(p·k/ma)k·∂ ∂pn0 a(p), (A98) where n0 a(p) =gaexp/braceleftBigg −β/bracketleftBiggp2 2ma−µa/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg (A99) is the Maxwell-Boltzmann density of particles in momentum s pace. This result is obtained by taking the indicated limits of Eq. (B40) in the following A ppendix. Taking ωm= 0 gives ˜Cab(k,O) =δab/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)ν1 (−p·k/ma)(−βp·k/ma)n0 a(p) =δabβn0 a, (A100) which produces the leading order contribution to the Debye w ave number, /summationdisplay abeaeb˜Cab(k,O) =/summationdisplay aβe2 an0 a=κ2 0, (A101) yielding for small k2[c.f.Eq. (A85)] G−1(k,0)≈k2+κ2 0, (A102) On the other hand, for ωm∝ne}ationslash= 0, the linear term in kin Eq. (A98) vanishes, and expanding the denominator to first order in ktogether with a partial integration of k·∂ ∂pgives the smallk2limit 55See, for example, the discussion in Problem 4 of Chapter II of Brown [15]. 112˜Cab(k,ωm) =δab/parenleftBigg¯h ωm/parenrightBigg2k2 man0 a. (A103) The corresponding small k2contribution to the potential correlator produces G−1(k,ωm)≈k2/bracketleftBigg 1 +¯h2ω2 P ω2 m/bracketrightBigg , (A104) where ω2 P=/summationdisplay ae2 an0 a ma(A105) is the lowest order contribution to the plasma frequency. Th is is the result (3.97) given in the text. To see how the non-uniform behavior of the one-loop correlat or (A98) is in accord with the conservation (A96) of the number current correlators, w e note that the classical limit of a one-loop calculation also gives ˜Cl4 ab(k,ωm) =δab/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νpl ma1 i(ωm/¯h)−(p·k/ma)k·∂ ∂pn0 a(p). (A106) We see that these contributions to −iωm˜C44 ab(k,ωm) +kl˜Cl4 ab(k,ωm) combine to form the integral of a total derivative which vanishes, and so the cur rent conservation is confirmed. We also note the non-uniform limits ˜Cl4 ab(k,0) = 0, (A107) while forωm∝ne}ationslash= 0, k2→0 : ˜Cl4 ab(k,ωm) =δabi¯h ωmn0 a makl. (A108) For the sake of completeness, we note that the calculations l eading to Eq. (A50) are easily generalized to relate the number current correlatio n functions to their single-particle irreducible counterparts. The result is ˜Kµν ab(k,ωm) =˜Cµν ab(k,ωm)−/bracketleftBig/summationdisplay cec˜C4µ ca(k,ωm)/bracketrightBig˜G(k,ωm)/bracketleftBig/summationdisplay cec˜C4ν cb(k,ωm)/bracketrightBig .(A109) We also note that time-reversal and spatial-rotation invar iance together with the current conservation imply the symmetries ˜Cµν ab(k,ωm) =˜Cνµ ab(k,ωm) =˜Cµν ba(k,ωm), (A110) and ˜Cµν ab(k,ωm)∗=˜Cµν ab(−k,−ωm). (A111) 113APPENDIX B: GREEN’S FUNCTIONS AND DETERMINANTS The result (3.6) in the text involves a product of path integr als of the form56 Z[V] =/integraldisplay [dψ∗dψ] exp/braceleftBigg −/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)ψ∗(r,τ)/bracketleftBigg∂ ∂τ−∇2 2m−µ+V(r,τ)/bracketrightBigg ψ(r,τ)/bracerightBigg ,(B1) withmone of the masses {ma}andV(r,τ) =−ieφ(r,τ), withethe corresponding charge ea. When the chemical potential is augmented to contain a spati ally varying part so as to generate number density correlation functions, its spatia lly varying part will be implicitly included in the potential V. The field ψ(r,τ) is either periodic (for Bosons) or antiperiodic (for Fermions) in τwith period β. The external potential V(r,τ) is initially defined in the interval 0<τ <β , but may be extended to all real τby regarding it as a periodic function with period β. The functional integral produces an inverse determinant i n the Bose case and a determinant in the Fermi case, Z[V] = Det∓1/bracketleftBigg∂ ∂τ−∇2 2m−µ+V(r,τ)/bracketrightBigg . (B2) In this appendix, we shall show how the determinant Z[V] is related to a sum of ordinary, single-particle quantum-mechanical amplitudes. We shall then make use of this result to derive approximate evaluations of Z[V] that become valid in the limit in which the dy- namics may be treated classically, approximations that are used in the calculations of the text. These needed results could perhaps be obtained more qu ickly with other methods, but the development given here hopefully illuminates the ch aracter of the theory and the intermediate results that are obtained may be useful in othe r contexts. The determinant can be constructed by integrating its varia tion. The familiar form for the variation of the determinant gives δlnZ[V] =∓/integraldisplayβ 0/integraldisplay (dνr)Gβ(r,τ;r,τ+0)δV(r,τ), (B3) in which the thermal Green’s function Gβis defined by /bracketleftBigg∂ ∂τ−∇2 2m−µ+V(r,τ)/bracketrightBigg Gβ(r,τ;r′τ′) =δ(τ−τ′)δ(r−r′), (B4) together with the boundary conditions that it be periodic fo r Bosons and antiperiodic for Fermions with a period of β, Gβ(r,τ+β;r′τ′) =Gβ(r,τ;r′,τ′+β) =±Gβ(r,τ;r′,τ′). (B5) The coincident time limit used in the variation (B3), in whic hτ′→τfrom above, is needed to give the proper operator ordering ψ†ψthat represents the density operator. 56We use the notation Z[V] because, when Vis independent of imaginary time τ, this functional integral is a representation the grand canonical partition function for a gas of particles with no mutual interactions but moving in the external potential V. 114To construct the thermal Green’s function, it is convenient to introduce the quantum- mechanical transformation function in imaginary time ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ|r′,τ′∝an}b∇acket∇i}htwhose dynamics is gov- erned by the external potential. It is defined by /bracketleftBigg∂ ∂τ−∇2 2m+V(r,τ)/bracketrightBigg ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ|r′,τ′∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0, (B6) together with the boundary condition ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ|r′,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=δ(r−r′). (B7) We now assert that the thermal Green’s function in the interv al−β≤τ,τ′≤βhas the construction (akin to an image construction in electrostat ics) Gβ(r,τ;r′,τ′) =θ(τ−τ′)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ|r′,τ′∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht+∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)neµ(τ−τ′+nβ)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|r′,τ′∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (B8) whereθ(τ) is the unit step function. Proof: Since Gβ(r,τ′+0;r′,τ′)−Gβ(r,τ′−0;r′,τ′) =∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ′|r′,τ′∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=δ(r−r′), (B9) Eq. (B6) implies that the inhomogeneous Green’s function eq uation (B4) is obeyed. And the construction is easily seen to satisfy the periodicity c ondition (B5). The coincident time limit of the Green’s function which ente rs into the variation (B3) thus has the representation Gβ(r,τ;r,τ+0) =∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)nenβµ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|r,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (B10) Thus δlnZ[V] =−∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1enβµ/integraldisplayβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|r,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htδV(r,τ). (B11) Since the potential is periodic, V(r,τ+kβ) =V(r,τ), (B12) so is the transformation function in the presence of this pot ential, ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+kβ+nβ|r,τ+kβ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|r,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (B13) Hence, since we may add nequal copies if we divide by n, we may write δlnZ[V] =−∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1enβµ n/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|r,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htδV(r,τ). (B14) To integrate this variational statement, we introduce a com plete set of intermediate states and write 115∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|r,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay (dν¯ r)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|¯ r,nβ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acketle{t¯ r,nβ|r,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (B15) and again use the periodicity of the external potential to wr ite ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ+nβ|¯ r,nβ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ|¯ r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (B16) Hence, the variational statement may be expressed as δlnZ[V] =−∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1enβµ n/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ/integraldisplay (dνr)(dν¯ r)∝an}b∇acketle{t¯ r,nβ|r,τ∝an}b∇acket∇i}htδV(r,τ)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,τ|¯ r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht =∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1enβµ n/integraldisplay (dν¯ r)δ∝an}b∇acketle{t¯ r,nβ|¯ r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (B17) where the second equality recognizes that this is just the va riation of the transformation function when the potential is varied. Hence, lnZ[V] =∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1enβµ n/integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (B18) which expresses the determinant in terms of an expansion in p owersnof the fugacity z=eβµ whose coefficients are traces of single-particle transforma tion functions over the imaginary time interval (0 ,nβ). To confirm that the correct integration constant has been s ecured, we note that when the external potential V(r,τ) vanishes, this form immediately gives the free-particle partition function since in this case ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht0=/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νe−nβp2/2m, (B19) and so lnZ[V] =∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1 nenβµ/integraldisplay (dνr)/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νe−nβp2/2m =∓/integraldisplay(dνr)(dνp) (2π)νln/bracketleftBig 1∓eβµe−βp2/2m/bracketrightBig , (B20) which is the well-known result for the quantum-statistical free-particle partition function. The single-particle transformation functions that appear here have a convenient path integral representation /integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay [dr] exp/braceleftBigg −/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ/bracketleftBiggm 2dr dτ·dr dτ+V(r(τ),τ)/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg . (B21) Here the functional integral is over all paths that begin and end at position r,r(0) =r= r(nβ), with rthen integrated over the large spatial volume V. In other words, the integral is over all paths which are periodic with period nβ¯h. In the limit in which the quantum- mechanical aspects of the particle’s dynamics is not import ant, the classical limit for the dynamics which is equivalent to the large mass mlimit, the dominant path is just the constant path r(τ) =rso that, in this limit, 116/integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht0/integraldisplay (dνr) exp/braceleftBigg −n/integraldisplayβ 0dτ V(r,τ)/bracerightBigg , (B22) where the overall constant is determined by the free-partic le limit (B19), and the periodicity of the potential has been used to write the integral from 0 to nβasntimes the integral from 0 toβ. Placing this approximation in the general result (B18) giv es lnZ[V] =∓/integraldisplay(dνr)(dνp) (2π)νln/bracketleftBigg 1∓exp/braceleftBigg βµ−βp2 2m−/integraldisplayβ 0dτ V(r,τ)/bracerightBigg/bracketrightBigg . (B23) In this expression, the quantum Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dir ac statistics are treated exactly, but the dynamics is treated entirely classically. In the lim it of classical statistics, −βµ≫1, and only the first term in the expansion of the logarithm is sig nificant. Replacing Vby−ieφ and remembering the definition of the bare particle density p uts this classical limit in the form lnZ[V] =/integraldisplay (dνr)n0exp/braceleftBigg ie/integraldisplayβ 0dτ φ(r,τ)/bracerightBigg . (B24) This is the formula used in the text and derived there so as to o btain the correct Coulomb classical partition function. Here we have obtained it as th e classical limit of the many- particle, quantum mechanical system. To find sub-leading corrections to the large mass limit, it is convenient first to derive an exact series representation. The representation is obtain ed by placing the Fourier transform representation of the potential V(r,τ) =/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)ν˜V(k,τ)eik·r(B25) in the exponent of the functional integral (B21) and expandi ng the exponential in powers of the potential. Interchanging the orders of integration the n yields /integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht =∞/summationdisplay l=0(−1)l l!/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ1/integraldisplay(dνk1) (2π)ν˜V(k1,τ1)···/integraldisplaynβ 0dτl/integraldisplay(dνkl) (2π)ν˜V(kl,τl)zn[F],(B26) in which zn[F] =/integraldisplay [dr] exp/braceleftBigg −/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ/bracketleftBiggm 2dr dτ·dr dτ+F(τ)·r(τ)/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg , (B27) with F(τ) =−il/summationdisplay a=1kaδ(τ−τa). (B28) The remaining path integral (B27) describes free-particle motion (in imaginary time) be- tween “kicks” introduced by the impulsive force F(τ). To evaluate this path integral explic- itly, we write the path r(τ) as a constant mean position rplus a deviation whose integral 117over the interval (0 ,nβ) vanishes. The integration measure factors into an ordinar y integral over the mean position ( dνr) and a constrained measure [ dr]′which denotes integration over the space of periodic functions with vanishing mean. The int egration over the mean position produces a delta-function, /integraldisplay (dνr) exp/braceleftBigg il/summationdisplay a=1ka·r/bracerightBigg = (2π)νδ/parenleftBiggl/summationdisplay a=1ka/parenrightBigg , (B29) reflecting the spatial translational invariance of the theo ry. Hence the time integral of the impulsive force must vanish, /integraldisplaynβ 0dτF(τ) = 0. (B30) The remaining functional integral can be evaluated by ‘comp leting the square’. This is done with the aid of a Green’s function fn(τ−τ′) defined in the space of periodic functions with vanishing mean. We take this function to be dimensionle ss so that it obeys nβd2 dτ2fn(τ) =δ(τ)−(nβ)−1, (B31) together with the periodicity condition fn(τ+nβ) =fn(τ). (B32) The solution, when −nβ≤τ≤nβ, is fn(τ) =|τ| 2nβ/parenleftBigg 1−|τ| nβ/parenrightBigg , (B33) up to an additive constant. For the formulas below, it is conv enient to choose the particular solution (B33) which vanishes at τ= 0. The square is completed by shifting the functional integration variable to ∆ r(τ)≡r(τ)−¯ r(τ), where ¯ r(τ)≡nβ m/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ′fn(τ−τ′)F(τ′). (B34) Since the Green’s function fn(τ−τ′) is periodic, ¯ r(τ) is periodic, and since r(τ) is periodic, so is ∆ r(τ). Moreover, since fn(τ−τ′) obeys the Green’s function equation (B31) and F(τ′) has a vanishing mean [Eq. (B30)], md2 dτ2¯ r(τ) =F(τ). (B35) Hence we may make the shift and freely integrate by parts with no boundary contributions to evaluate the remaining functional integral and obtain zn[F] = (2π)νδ/parenleftbigg i/integraldisplaynβ 0dτF(τ)/parenrightbigg exp/braceleftBigg −nβ 2m/integraldisplaynβ 0dτdτ′fn(τ−τ′)F(τ)·F(τ′)/bracerightBigg zn[0].(B36) 118The final factor zn[0] is a free particle path integral in the absence of any extern al force. This is just a constant whose precise value is of no concern si nce the overall normalization will be trivially determined a posteriori by requiring that our result exhibit the correct free particle limit when the potential Vvanishes. With these results in hand, we now see that the series (B26) may be written as /integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht =/integraldisplay (dνr)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht0∞/summationdisplay l=0(−1)l l!/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ1/integraldisplay(dνk1) (2π)νeik1·r˜V(k1,τ1)··· /integraldisplaynβ 0dτl/integraldisplay(dνkl) (2π)νeikn·r˜V(kl,τl) exp/braceleftBiggnβ ml/summationdisplay b>a=1ka·kbfn(τa−τb)/bracerightBigg . (B37) To illustrate the working of our results and to make contact w ith more familiar forms, we examine the two-point, charge density – charge density corr elation function. This function is given by the double functional derivative of Eq. (B37) wit h respect to ˜Vwith ˜Vthen taken to vanish, the result summed over nas in Eq. (B18), and multiplied by the square of the charge of the particle which we denote simply as e2. We also take the Fourier transform in the imaginary time as well as space. In view of the time-tra nslation invariance of the result, this Fourier transform is given by one imaginary tim e integral over the interval 0 ,nβ with a factor exp {iωτ}while the other imaginary time integral just provides a fact or ofnβ, with the factor of βremoved by the Fourier transform conventional normalizati on. Thus the correlation function is given by Π(k,ω) =e2∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1enβµ n∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht0n/integraldisplaynβ 0dτ eiωτexp/braceleftBigg −nβk2 mfn(τ)/bracerightBigg . (B38) In order to perform the sum and the Fourier transform, we reca ll Eq’s. (B19) and (B33) to write ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,nβ|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht0exp/braceleftBigg −nβk2 mfn(τ)/bracerightBigg =/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νexp/braceleftBigg −nβp2 2m/bracerightBigg exp/braceleftBigg −k2 2mτ/parenleftBigg 1−τ nβ/parenrightBigg/bracerightBigg =/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νexp/braceleftBigg −nβp2 2m/bracerightBigg exp/braceleftbigg −τ 2m/parenleftBig k2−2k·p/parenrightBig/bracerightbigg , (B39) where the second equality57follows by making the translation p→p−τk/nβ. Since the frequencyωis a positive or negative integer multiple of 2 π/β, we find that 57This later form is the result obtained by using operator meth ods to evaluate Tre−nβp2/2meik·r(τ)e−ik·r(0), where r(τ) =r(0)−ipτ/mis the operator free-particle motion in imaginary time. 119Π(k,ω) =e2∞/summationdisplay n=1(±1)n+1/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νenβµexp/braceleftBigg −nβp2 2m/bracerightBigg1−exp/braceleftBig −nβ 2m(k2−2p·k)/bracerightBig (1/2m) (k2−2p·k)−iω =e2/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νF±(p−k/2)−F±(p+k/2) p·k/m−iω, (B40) where F±(p) =/bracketleftBigg exp/braceleftBigg βp2 2m−βµ/bracerightBigg ∓1/bracketrightBigg−1 (B41) are the free-particle Bose or Fermi distributions, and we ha ve made a further translation p→ −p+k/2. This is the familiar form for the density-density correla tor in the ‘random phase’ or single-ring approximation.58 Let us now restrict the discussion to the limit of classical, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics where Π(k,ω) =e2/integraldisplay(dνp) (2π)νeβµexp/braceleftBigg −β 2m/parenleftBig p2+k2/4/parenrightBig/bracerightBigg2 sinh/parenleftBigβp·k 2m/parenrightBig p·k/m−iω. (B42) Taking the frequency to vanish and expanding in powers of the wave number gives Π(k,0)≃e2βn0/bracketleftBigg 1−βk2 12m/bracketrightBigg ≃κ2 d/bracketleftBigg 1−λ2k2 24π/bracketrightBigg . (B43) Here in the second line we have written κ2 d=e2βn0, which is the contribution to the squared Debye wave number of a particle of generic charge eand density n0, andλ2= 2π¯h2β/mfor the corresponding thermal wave length. We have explicitly i ncluded the factor of ¯ h2here to emphasize that this is a quantum correction. On the other h and, expanding in the wave number with the frequency non-zero gives Π(k,ω)≃e2n0 mk2 ω2=ω2 pk2 ω2=κ2 dλ2k2 2π(β¯hω)2, (B44) in which we have identified the generic contribution to the sq uared plasma frequency ω2 p= e2n0/m. The plasma frequency is, of course, purely a classical quan tity. However, the discrete frequencies that enter here are the quantum freque ncies that are positive or negative integers times 2 π/¯hβ, withβtaken to have the units of inverse energy. The original form of the classical statistics limit is Π(k,ω) =e2n0/integraldisplayβ 0eiωτexp/braceleftBigg −λ2k2 2πf(τ)/bracerightBigg , (B45) 58See, for example, Eq. (30.9) and the discussion about it, in F etter and Walecka [16]. 120where we now write f(τ) =f1(τ) =|τ| 2β/parenleftBigg 1−|τ| β/parenrightBigg . (B46) Since this is periodic in τwith period β, it has the Fourier series representation f(τ) =∞/summationdisplay m=−∞fme−iωmτ, (B47) withωm= 2πm/β . Expanding Eq. (B45) to order k2and comparing with the results above, we conclude that fm=/braceleftBigg −1/(2πm)2, m∝ne}ationslash= 0; 1/12, m = 0.(B48) These coefficients are, of course, the same as those obtained d irectly from the Fourier trans- formation of f(τ). We now return to the heavy mass limit, or equivalently the cla ssical limit ¯ h→0, which takesλ2→0. In this limit, the final exponential in Eq. (B37) is set to on e, and the resulting series may be trivially summed to reproduce the previous res ult (B22). The first correction to this limit may be obtained by expanding the exact result (B37 ) to first order in λ2. Although this is easily done for an arbitrary term nin the fugacity expansion zn, we shall need only then= 1 result corresponding to the classical limit of Maxwell-B oltzmann statistics. Hence we now restrict the discussion to n= 1 and write f1(τ) =f(τ) as before. For a term which began with lpotentials, there are l(l−1)/2 such first-order correction terms. Hence, the 1 /l! factor becomes1 2/(l−2)!, and the remaining l−2 factors of the potential again sum to an exponential form, yielding /integraldisplay (dνr)eβµ∝an}b∇acketle{tr,β|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay (dνr)n0exp/braceleftBigg −/integraldisplayβ 0dτV(r,τ)/bracerightBigg ×/bracketleftBigg 1−λ2 4π/integraldisplayβ 0dτ1dτ2f(τ1−τ2)∇V(r,τ1)· ∇V(r,τ2) +O(λ4)/bracketrightBigg .(B49) We may now apply this result to obtain the corresponding effec tive action interaction terms. In the first line of Eq. (B49), we replace n0byn0(r) to account for possible spatially varying chemical potentials and replace −Vbyieφ. In the second line which involves the gradient of the potential, we must take −V→ieφ+µ. Using the Fourier decomposition φ(r,τ) =∞/summationdisplay m=−∞φme−iωmτ, (B50) the Fourier series representation for f(τ) given above, and summing over the various particle species yields the action terms S0+Sintwhere S0=−/summationdisplay a/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r)eiβeaφ0(r)(B51) is the classical action, while 121Sint=/summationdisplay aβ2λ2 a 48π/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r)eiβeaφ0(r)/braceleftBig ∇[µ(r) +ieaφ0(r)]/bracerightBig2 +/summationdisplay aβ2λ2 ae2 a 16π3/summationdisplay m/ne}ationslash=01 m2/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r)eiβeaφ0(r)∇φm(r)· ∇φ−m(r). (B52) APPENDIX C: REQUIRED INTEGRALS 1. Coulomb Integrals The pure Coulomb potential for unit charges in νdimensions may be expressed as the Fourier transform Vν(r) =/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)νeik·r k2. (C1) To evaluate the potential explicitly, it is convenient to us e the representation 1 k2=/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−sk2, (C2) interchange the sandkintegrations, and perform the resulting Gaussian kintegral. Writing s= 1/tconverts the result to the standard form of a Γ function, and y ields Vν(r) =Γ/parenleftBig ν 2−1/parenrightBig 4πν/2/parenleftbigg1 r2/parenrightbiggν 2−1 . (C3) a. Powers of V The same procedure may be used to evaluate Fourier transform s of powers of the Coulomb potential, C(n) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rVν(r)n. (C4) We insert the form (C3) for the Coulomb potential, use r−a= Γ(a 2)−1/integraldisplay∞ 0dssa 2−1e−sr2, (C5) to represent the resulting power of r, interchange integrals and evaluate the Gaussian r integral. The variable change s= 1/tonce again produces the standard representation of the Γ function, yielding C(n) ν(k) =Γ/parenleftBig ν 2−1/parenrightBign Γ/parenleftBig n(ν 2−1)/parenrightBigΓ/parenleftBig n−ν 2(n−1)/parenrightBig (4π)n/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggν 2(n−1)−n . (C6) 122To obtain the ν→3 limit of this result for various powers of the potential n, we make use of Γ(z) Γ(1−z) =π sinπz, (C7) (from which follows Γ(1 /2) =√π), use ψ(z)≡d dzln Γ(z), (C8) withψ(1) = −γ, whereγ= 0.57721···is Euler’s constant, and Legendre’s duplication formula Γ(2z) = 22z−1π−1/2Γ(z) Γ(z+ 1/2), (C9) (which shows that ψ(1/2) =−γ−ln 4, a result that will also be needed). Using these ingredients, we find that C(2m) ν(k) has a smooth limit as ν→3, C(2m) 3(k) =(−1)m+1 4/parenleftbigg1 4π/parenrightbiggm√π Γ(2m−1)/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggm−3 2 . (C10) In particular, we will need C(4) 3(k) =−1 (16π)2√ k2. (C11) For odd powers (greater than 1) there is a simple pole in 3 −νarising from the last gamma function in (C6), and one finds that C(2m+3) ν (k) = (−1)m/parenleftbigg1 4π/parenrightbiggm+2/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggm+(ν−3)(m+1)1 Γ(2m+ 3) ×/braceleftbigg1 3−ν+ (3 2+m)/bracketleftBig γ+ ln 4 +ψ(3 2+m)/bracketrightBig + (1+m)ψ(1+m) +O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg . (C12) In particular, C(3) ν(k) =1 2 (4π)2/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggν−3/braceleftbigg1 3−ν+ 3−γ+O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg , (C13) C(5) ν(k) =k2 4! (4π)4/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBigg2(ν−3)/braceleftbigg −1 3−ν−26 3+ 2γ+O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg . (C14) 1232. Debye Integrals The Debye potential for a point charge in νspatial dimensions has the Fourier transform representation Gν(r) =/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)νeik·r k2+κ2. (C15) Writing the denominator as 1 k2+κ2=/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−(k2+κ2)s, (C16) interchanging integrals, performing the resulting Gaussi an integral in k, and scaling the re- sulting parameter integration variable by s=t(r/2κ) expresses Gν(r) in terms of a standard representation for a modified Bessel function, Gν(r) =1 (2π)ν/2/parenleftbiggκ r/parenrightbiggν 2−11 2/integraldisplay∞ 0dtt−ν/2exp/braceleftbigg −κr 2/parenleftbigg t+1 t/parenrightbigg/bracerightbigg =1 (2π)ν/2/parenleftbiggκ r/parenrightbiggν 2−1 Kν 2−1(κr). (C17) The power series development of the modified Bessel function yields Gν(r) =1 2 (2π)ν/2∞/summationdisplay m=0(−1)m m!/parenleftbiggκr 2/parenrightbigg2m/bracketleftBigg/parenleftbigg2 r2/parenrightbiggν 2−1 Γ(−m+ν 2−1) +/parenleftBiggκ2 2/parenrightBiggν 2−1 Γ(−m−ν 2+ 1)/bracketrightBigg , (C18) which displays the singular and regular terms for small r. a. Powers of G LetD(n) ν(k) denote the Fourier transform of the n-th power of the Debye potential, D(n) ν(k)≡/integraldisplay (dνr)e−ik·rGν(r)n. (C19) The density-density correlation function at l-loop order requires D(n) ν(k) fornup tol+1, and the k= 0 limits, D(n) ν(0) forn≤l+1, are needed for the l-loop free energy. D(1) ν(k) is just the Fourier transformed Debye potential, D(1) ν(k) =˜G(k) =1 k2+κ2, (C20) whileD(2) ν(k) may be evaluated directly in three dimensions (and was alre ady computed in section 2), 124D(2) 3(k) =1 4π/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ k2+µ2=1 4πkarctank 2κ. (C21) It has the vanishing wave number limit D(2) 3(0) =1 8πκ. (C22) ForD(n) ν(k) withn≥3, one must work in ν <3 dimensions and separate out the terms which diverge as ν→3, terms which arise from the small rregion of the Fourier transform (C19). Since the Coulomb potential in νdimensions, Vν(r), is theκ→0 limit ofGν(r), the short-distance limit of the expansion (C18) may be written a s Gν(r) =Vν(r)/bracketleftBig 1 +O/parenleftBig (κr)2/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig +κν−2 (4π)ν/2Γ(1−ν 2)/bracketleftBig 1 +O/parenleftBig (κr)2/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig . (C23) To compute D(3) ν(k), we note that as r→0,Vν(r)∼(1/r)ν−2, and so [Gν(r)3−Vν(r)3] is less singular than 1 /r3whenν→3. Hence the Fourier transform of this difference may be evaluated directly in ν= 3 dimensions, and we may write D(3) ν(k) =/integraldisplay (d3r)e−ik·r[G3(r)3−V3(r)3] +C(3) ν(k) +O(ν−3), (C24) whereC(3) ν(k) is the Fourier transform of the cube of the Coulomb potentia l previously evaluated in Eq. (C13). To compute the integral of the differe nce of the cube of the Debye and Coulomb potentials, we represent G3(r)3=e−3κr (4πr)3=1 (4π)2/integraldisplay∞ 3κdµ(µ−3κ)e−µr 4πr, (C25) and use its κ→0 limit to represent V3(r)3. Placing an upper bound µ=Mon the these parametric integrals, with the limit M→ ∞ reserved until the end of the computation, allows separate Fourier transforms to be taken, with the res ult, using Eq. (C13), that D(3) ν(k) =1 (4π)2lim M→∞/braceleftBigg/integraldisplayM 3κdµµ−3κ k2+µ2−/integraldisplayM 0dµµ k2+µ2/bracerightBigg +1 (4π)2/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 2/braceleftbigg1 3−ν+ 3−γ+O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg . (C26) To keep the result in a dispersion relation or spectral form, we write µ k2+µ2=1 µ−1 µk2 k2+µ2(C27) in the first (Debye) integral and add the part /integraldisplayM 3κdµ µ= ln/parenleftbiggM 3κ/parenrightbigg (C28) to the −ln(M/k) produced by the second (Coulomb) integral. The limit M→ ∞ can then be taken, and these two pieces reduce to1 2ln(k2/9κ2). Since in the ν→3 limit 125/parenleftBiggk2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 3−ν=/parenleftBiggκ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 3−ν+ ln/parenleftBiggκ2 k2/parenrightBigg , (C29) the ln(k2/κ2) terms cancel, as they must, and there remains D(3) ν(k) =1 (4π)2/parenleftBigg9κ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 2/braceleftBigg1 3−ν+ 3−γ−2/integraldisplay∞ 3κdµ/parenleftBiggk2 µ+ 3κ/parenrightBigg1 k2+µ2+O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg . (C30) We have written an overall factor of ( κ2)ν−3so as to keep the dimensions correct when ν−3∝ne}ationslash= 0 although this factor may be replaced by unity when it multi plies regular terms. It is a simple matter to evaluate the final integral and obtain the explicit result D(3) ν(k) =1 (4π)2/parenleftBigg9κ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 2/braceleftBigg1 3−ν+ 3−γ−6κ karctank 3κ−ln/bracketleftbigg 1 +k2 9κ2/bracketrightbigg +O(ν−3)/bracerightBigg , (C31) whose k→0 limit is equal to D(3) ν(0) =1 (4π)2/parenleftBigg9κ2 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 2/braceleftbigg1 3−ν+ 1−γ+O(ν−3)/bracerightbigg . (C32) The computation of D(4) ν(k) may be performed in a similar fashion. Again referring to Eq. (C23), it is easy to check that Gν(r)4−Vν(r)4−4Vν(r)3κν−2 (4π)ν/2Γ(1−ν 2) (C33) is less singular than 1 /r3whenν→3. Hence, D(4) ν(k) =C(4) ν(k) + 4C(3) ν(k)κν−2 (4π)ν/2Γ(1−ν 2) +/integraldisplay (d3r)e−ik·r1 (4π)4/bracketleftBigge−4κr r4−1 r4+4κ r3/bracketrightBigg +O(ν−3). (C34) As before, we write the terms in the square brackets in the Fou rier transform integral as parametric integrals over e−µr/rand interchange integrals to obtain D(4) ν(k) =1 (4π)3lim M→∞/braceleftBigg1 2/integraldisplayM 4κdµ(µ−4κ)2 k2+µ2−1 2/integraldisplayM 0dµµ(µ−8κ) k2+µ2/bracerightBigg +C(4) ν(k) + 4C(3) ν(k)κν−2 (4π)ν/2Γ(1−ν 2). (C35) With the aid of the results (C11) and (C13) for C(4) ν(k) andC(3) ν(k), it is a straightforward matter to compute D(4) ν(k). Since we need only D(4) ν(0), we shall simply state that D(4) ν(0) =−2κ (4π)3/parenleftBiggκ2 4π/parenrightBigg3(ν−3)/2/braceleftbigg1 3−ν+ 4−3 2γ−5 ln2/bracerightbigg . (C36) 126b. Convolution integrals The Fourier transforms D(lmn) ν(k) =/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr1)e−ik·rGν(r−r1)lGν(r1)mGν(r)n, (C37) and D(klmn) ν(k) =/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr1)(dνr2)e−ik·rGν(r−r1)kGν(r1−r2)lGν(r2)mGν(r)n,(C38) were defined in the text in Eq’s. (4.24) and (4.25). The two-lo op correlators require the evaluation of D(111)(k),D(211)(k), andD(1211)(k), while the three-loop free energy involves D(211)(0),D(221)(0), andD(2121)(0). All of these quantities are well defined and may be evaluated directly in ν= 3 dimensions. The Fourier transform representation of D(111)(k) reads D(111) 3(k) =/integraldisplay(d3q) (2π)3[q2+κ2]−2[(k−q)2+κ2]−1. (C39) This is just the derivative with respect to the (squared) Deb ye wave number of the Fourier transform of the square of the Debye Green’s function, D(2) 3(k), D(111) 3(k) =−1 2dD(2) 3(k) dκ2=1 8πk1 k2+ 4κ2. (C40) The other needed integrals are most easily evaluated using t he spectral representation for the square of a Debye propagator in three dimensions, G3(r)2=/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ 4πe−µr 4πr=/integraldisplay(d3k) (2π)3/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ 4πeik·r k2+µ2. (C41) Inserting this form into the definitions of D(211) 3(k) andD(1211) 3(k), Fourier transforming, and interchanging orders of integration produces D(211) 3(k) = ∆( k;κ,κ), (C42) and D(1211) 3(k) =−∂ ∂m2∆(k;κ,m)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle m=κ, (C43) in which ∆(k;κ,m)≡/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ 4π/integraldisplay(d3q) (2π)31 (q2+µ2)1 (q2+m2)1 (k−q)2+κ2. (C44) The partial fraction decomposition 1 q2+µ21 q2+m2=1 µ2−m2/bracketleftBigg1 q2+m2−1 q2+µ2/bracketrightBigg (C45) 127yields two convolution integrals /integraldisplay(d3q) (2π)3/bracketleftBigg1 q2+m2−1 q2+µ2/bracketrightBigg1 (k−q)2+κ2(C46) which just represent the Fourier transform of the difference of two products in coordinate space, /bracketleftBigge−mr 4πr−e−µr 4πr/bracketrightBigge−κr 4πr=/integraldisplayκ+µ κ+mdu1 4πe−µ1r 4πr. (C47) Hence ∆(k;κ,m) =1 (4π)2/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ µ2−m2/integraldisplayκ+µ κ+mdµ1 µ2 1+k2. (C48) Using 1 µ2−m2=−1 2md dµln/bracketleftBiggµ+m µ−m/bracketrightBigg , (C49) and integrating by parts gives ∆(k;κ,m) =1 (4π)21 2m/braceleftBigg ln/bracketleftbigg2κ+m 2κ−m/bracketrightbigg/integraldisplay3κ κ+mdµ k2+µ2+/integraldisplay∞ 3κdµ k2+µ2ln/bracketleftBiggµ+m−κ µ−m−κ/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg .(C50) This result yields D(211) 3(k) =1 (4π)21 2κ/braceleftBigg ln 3/integraldisplay3κ 2κdµ k2+µ2+/integraldisplay∞ 3κdµ k2+µ2ln/bracketleftBiggµ µ−2κ/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg , (C51) and D(1211) 3(k) =1 (4π)21 4κ2/braceleftBiggln 3 k2+ 4κ2−4 3κ/integraldisplay3κ 2κdµ k2+µ2−/integraldisplay∞ 3κdµ k2+µ2/bracketleftBigg1 µ+1 µ−2κ/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg +1 2κ2D(211) 3(k). (C52) Simple integrations give the k= 0 limits D(121) 3(0) =D(211) 3(0) =1 (4π)21 6κ2, (C53) and D(1211) 3(0) =1 (4π)21 18κ4, (C54) where in Eq. (C53) we have noted that at zero wave number D(121) 3(0) =D(211) 3(0). Again, we have placed the results (C51) and (C52) in dispersion rela tion form. They may also be expressed in terms of elementary functions and Euler’s dilo garithm 128Li2(−z)≡ −/integraldisplayz 0dt tln(1 +t). (C55) The dilogarithm contributions are exhibited by changing th e dispersion relation integration variable to s= 1/µ, and then making partial fraction decompositions and furth er linear transformations on the sintegration variable. The results are: D(211) 3(k) =1 (4π)21 4kκ/braceleftBigg iLi2/parenleftbigg −2 +ik κ/parenrightbigg −iLi2/parenleftbigg −2−ik κ/parenrightbigg +iLi2/parenleftbigg −ik 3κ/parenrightbigg −iLi2/parenleftbiggik 3κ/parenrightbigg + 2 ln3 arctank 2κ/bracerightBigg , (C56) and D(1211) 3(k) =1 (4π)21 8kκ3/braceleftBigg −8 3arctank 2κ+/parenleftBigg8 3+4κ2 k2+ 4κ2/parenrightBigg arctank 3κ −2κ k/parenleftbiggk2+ 2κ2 k2+ 4κ2/parenrightbigg ln/bracketleftbigg 1 +k2 9κ2/bracketrightbigg/bracerightBigg +1 2κ2D(211) 3(k). (C57) The same techniques may be used to compute D(221)(0) andD(2121)(0). It is easy to see that D(221) 3(0) =T(κ,κ), (C58) and D(2121) 3(0) =−∂ ∂m2T(κ,m)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle m=κ, (C59) where T(κ,m)≡/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ1 4π/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ2 4π/integraldisplay(d3q) (2π)31 (q2+µ2 1)(q2+µ2 2)(q2+m2). (C60) The three-dimensional qintegral can be readily evaluated using spherical coordina tes. Since the radial integral is even in q, it may be extended to run over −∞< q < +∞if it is multiplied by 1 /2. The resulting integral over an infinite range is trivially evaluated by contour integration. A little algebra puts the result in the form T(κ,m) =1 (4π)3/integraldisplay∞ 2κdµ1dµ21 (µ1+m)(µ2+m)(µ1+µ2). (C61) The change of variables µ1= (m+ 2κ)(y−1−1)x+ 2κ, µ 2= (m+ 2κ)(y−1−1)(1−x) + 2κ, (C62) converts the integration region to 0 <x,y < 1. Thexintegration is easily performed with the result that T(κ,m) =2 (4π)3/integraldisplay1 0dy1 (2κ+m) +y(2κ−m)1 1 +yln1 y. (C63) 129A partial fraction decomposition, integration by parts, an d a simple scale change for the integration variable in one of the terms gives the final form T(κ,m) =1 (4π)31 m/bracketleftbigg Li2/parenleftbigg −2κ−m 2κ+m/parenrightbigg + Li 2(−1)/bracketrightbigg . (C64) Hence, using Li 2(−1) =π2/12, we have D(221) 3(0) =1 (4π)31 κ/bracketleftBig Li2/parenleftBig −1 3/parenrightBig +π2 12/bracketrightBig , (C65) and D(2121) 3(0) =1 (4π)31 2κ3/bracketleftBig Li2/parenleftBig −1 3/parenrightBig +π2 12+4 3ln3 4/bracketrightBig . (C66) c. Even worse integrals The final integral needed for the three loop free energy is the “Mercedes” integral DM=/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r′)(d3r′′)G3(r)G3(r′)G3(r′′)G3(r−r′)G3(r′−r′′)G3(r′′−r), (C67a) ≡CM (4πκ)3. (C67b) The pure number CMmay be shown [14] to be given by CM=1√ 2/integraldisplay1 0dx√ 3−x2/bracketleftBigg ln3 4+ ln3 +x 2 +x−x2 4−x2ln4 2 +x+x 2 +xln3 +x 3/bracketrightBigg (C68a) = 0.0217376 ···. (C68b) The final integral needed for the two-loop self energy is DJ(k) =/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r1)(d3r2)e−ik·rG3(r−r1)G3(r−r2)G3(r1−r2)G3(r1)G3(r2) (C69a) ≡J(k/κ) (4π)2κ4. (C69b) This integral is related to the discontinuity of the Mercede s integral if the screening length in one of the Debye potentials is analytically continued. It is not (so far as we know) expressible in terms of standard functions. However, Rajantie [14] has s hown that it may be reduced to the one-dimensional form J(z) =z−2 √ z2+ 3/integraldisplay1 0dx√ z2+ 4−x2/braceleftBigg2z 2 +x/bracketleftbigg arctanz 2 +x−arctanz 2/bracketrightbigg + ln/bracketleftBiggz2+ (2 +x)2 (2 +x)2/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg . (C70) For smallz, J(z) =1 36−2z2 243+O(z4). (C71) 130APPENDIX D: QUANTUM COULOMB SU(1,1)SYMMETRY EXPLOITED As discussed in the text, the ultraviolet divergences of cla ssical two-loop order quantities are tamed by quantum fluctuations. The value of the first induc ed coupling which must be added to the classical theory can be inferred from the comp utation of the quantum- mechanical, two-particle, finite-temperature correlatio n function. With the center-of-mass motion factored out as done in the text [Eq. (3.67)], the Four ier transform of the direct contribution to the relative motion correlation for partic le speciesa,breads F+(k) =/integraldisplay (d3r)e−ik·r∝an}b∇acketle{tr|e−βH|r∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (D1) while the exchange contribution is F−(k) =/integraldisplay (d3r)e−ik·r∝an}b∇acketle{tr|e−βH|−r∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (D2) Here H=p2 2mab+eaeb 4πr, (D3) is the Hamiltonian for the relative motion, with 1 mab=1 ma+1 mb(D4) the reduced mass of the two particles. To temporarily simpli fy the notation, we shall write mab=mandeaeb/4π=e2so that the Hamiltonian reads H=p2 2m+e2 r. (D5) Placing the factor of e−ik·rinside the matrix element in Eq. (D1) and treating the coordi nate ras an operator allows one to express the correlation functio n as a quantum-mechanical trace, F+(k) = Tre−βHe−ik·r. (D6) For the exchange contribution (D2), we may write |−r∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=P |r∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, where Pis the parity operator, so that F−(k) = Tr Pe−βHe−ik·r. (D7) The evaluation of F−(k) closely parallels that of F+(k). To keep the presentation as simple as possible we will focus on F+(k), and then summarize the analogous results for the exchange contribution F−(k) at the end of this appendix. It proves convenient to write the correlation function F+(k) as a contour integral involv- ing the Green’s function G(k,E) = Tr1 H−Ee−ik·r; (D8) 131E FIG. 20. Integration contour for F+(k). The Green’s function G(k,E) has a cut along the positive real axis and, in the case of an attractive potentia l, bound state poles at En=−me4/(2n2) forn= 1, 2, ... . namely59 F+(k) =/integraldisplay CdE 2πie−βEG(k,E), (D9) where the contour C, shown in Fig. 20, wraps clockwise about t he cut along the positive real Eaxis and also encircles all the bound-state poles which occu r whene2<0, corresponding to an attractive Coulomb potential. We shall first compute G(k,E) when the energy Eis real and sufficiently negative so that Elies to the left of all singularities, and only later analytically continue to energies lying on the contour C. Th us at first we write E=−γ2 2m, (D10) withγreal and further restricted by γ >|e2|mwhen the potential is attractive. In view of the spherical symmetry of the problem, we may average over th e orientations of kand use G(k,E) = Tr1 H−Esinkr kr. (D11) In view of the cyclic symmetry of the trace, this may be expres sed as G(k,E) =1 kTr1√r(H−E)√rsinkr. (D12) 59This is slightly cavalier. Although the trace defining F+(k) in (D6) is well-defined, the corre- sponding trace in (D8) has a high-energy divergence in two or more dimensions. This divergence, which merely reflects the growth of the density of states at hi gh energy, is independent of the chargee2. Therefore, we should really subtract the e2→0 limit inside the trace defining G(k,E) and writeF+(k) =F0 +(k)+ ∆F+(k), whereF0 +(k) =λ−3 ab(2π)3δ(k) is thee2= 0 limit, so that the contour integral (D9) becomes a representation just for the difference ∆ F+(k). But to keep the notation as simple as possible, we will not indicate this sub traction explicitly. 1321. Coulomb su(1,1)Symmetry This latter form permits a remarkably simple evaluation by g roup theory.60To do this, we first define the Hermitian operator J0=1 2γ√rp2√r+γ 2r, (D13) so that √r(H−E)√r=γ mJ0+e2. (D14) The√rtransformation converts the energy eigenvalue problem to a coupling eigenvalue problem. To see this, we consider the Coulomb bound states |nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}htwhich have the fixed energy −γ2/2mthat corresponds to (mutually attractive) charges ±enobeying the Bohr formula γ2 2m=e4 nm 2n2, (D15) or e2 n=nγ m. (D16) Hence, J01√r|nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=m γ√r/bracketleftBiggp2 2m+γ2 2m/bracketrightBigg |nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht =m γ√re2 n r|nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht =n1√r|nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (D17) and so the eigenvalues j0ofJ0are the positive integers, j0=n, n = 1,2, ... . (D18) For a fixed principal quantum number n,lranges over 0 ≥l≥n−1 andmin turn varies through −l≥m≥+l. Thus the degeneracy of the n’th eigenvalue is 60Thissu(1,1) symmetry is a subgroup of a larger so(4,2) “dynamical” symmetry of the hydro- gen which was noted many years ago by Barut, Fronsdal, Nambu, and others [17]. The explicit construction used here of the generators in terms of canonic al variables was, to our knowledge, first done by one of the authors (LSB) and G. J. Maclay and appears in the latter’s Ph.D. dissertation [18]. Although we know of no other references, this construc tion may well appear elsewhere in the literature. 133n−1/summationdisplay l=0(2l+ 1) =n2. (D19) To exploit the latent group properties, we introduce the Her mitian dilation operator which is conveniently labeled as J2=1 2(r·p+p·r), (D20) and denote the commutator of J0andJ2asJ1(times −i), [J0,J2] =−iJ1. (D21) Since i[p,J2] =p, i [r,J2] =−r, (D22) J1differs from J0merely by a sign change, J1=1 2γ√rp2√r−γ 2r. (D23) Moreover, a further commutation with J2restores the original signs, [J1,J2] =−iJ0. (D24) And a straight forward computation of the final commutator sh ows that the algebra closes, [J0,J1] =iJ2. (D25) The three Pauli spin matrices σkobey thesu(2) Lie algebra [σk,σl] = 2iǫklmσm. (D26) Thus, as far as the commutation relations go, we have the corr espondences J0↔1 2σ3,J1↔i 2σ1,J2↔i 2σ2, (D27) which identifies the commutators of the Jawith the Lie algebra su(1,1). This, of course, corresponds to a non-compact group which has infinite-dimen sional irreducible representa- tions. With these results in hand, we return to our computation. Sin ce J0− J1=γr, (D28) the sine function in Eq. (D12) may be written in terms of group generators. Using this and the expression (D14) for the denominator in Eq. (D12), we obt ain G(k,E) =m 2iγkTr1 J0+ (me2/γ)/bracketleftBig eik(J0−J1)/γ−e−ik(J0−J1)/γ/bracketrightBig . (D29) 134Representing the denominator in terms of the integral of an e xponential now places the result in terms of the trace of the product of group elements: G(k,E) =m 2iγk/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−(me2/γ)sTre−sJ0/bracketleftBig eik(J0−J1)/γ−e−ik(J0−J1)/γ/bracketrightBig . (D30) The products of two group elements may be expressed as a third group element. Since the trace is invariant under similarity transformations, t his third group element may be “rotated” into one involving only the generator J0, Tre−sJ0e±ik(J0−J1)/γ= Tre−s±J0. (D31) The required parameters s±will be determined momentarily. Evaluating the trace using the known eigenvalues j0=nofJ0with multiplicity n2yields Tre−s±J0=∞/summationdisplay n=1n2e−s±n=/parenleftBigg∂ ∂s±/parenrightBigg21 es±−1 =1 4coshs±/2 sinh3s±/2. (D32) Therefore G(k,E) =m 8iγk/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−(me2/γ)s/bracketleftBiggcoshs+/2 sinh3s+/2−coshs−/2 sinh3s−/2/bracketrightBigg . (D33) In view of the algebraic isomorphism between the group gener ators and the Pauli ma- trices, the parameters s±may be found by replacing the generators in Eq. (D31) by the equivalent 2 ×2 Pauli matrices. Hence, 2 coshs±/2 = trexp/braceleftbigg −s±1 2σ3/bracerightbigg = trexp/braceleftbigg −s1 2σ3/bracerightbigg exp/braceleftBigg ±ik 2γ(σ3−iσ1)/bracerightBigg = trexp/braceleftbigg −s1 2σ3/bracerightbigg/bracketleftBigg 1±ik 2γ(σ3−iσ1)/bracketrightBigg =e−s/2/bracketleftBigg 1±ik 2γ/bracketrightBigg +e+s/2/bracketleftBigg 1∓ik 2γ/bracketrightBigg . (D34) We write /bracketleftBigg 1 +ik 2γ/bracketrightBigg =eiθ/2/radicalBigg 1 +k2 4γ2(D35) so that Eq. (D34) becomes coshs±/2 =/radicalBigg 1 +k2 4γ2cosh(s∓iθ)/2. (D36) 135bht iθ θ-is FIG. 21. Integration contours for G(k,E). A short calculation yields sinh2s±/2 =/parenleftBigg 1 +k2 4γ2/parenrightBigg/bracketleftBig sinh2(s∓iθ)/2 + sin2θ/2/bracketrightBig . (D37) For later use, note that θ= 2 arctan( k/2γ) =k/γ+O(k3). (D38) Hence G(k,E) =m 8iγk1 1 + (k/2γ)2/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−(me2/γ)s/braceleftBiggcosh(s−iθ)/2 [sinh2(s−iθ)/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2 −cosh(s+iθ)/2 [sinh2(s+iθ)/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2/bracerightBigg .(D39) As noted in footnote 59, all along we should have subtracted t hee2= 0 contribution fromG(k,E). In the integral representation above, this simply means r eplacinge−(me2/γ)s by [e−(me2/γ)s−1]. As anticipated, this subtraction removes what would oth erwise be a singularity in the integral at s= 0. 2. Direct Contribution To compute the integral (D39) (with the e2=0 piece removed), it is convenient to deform the path of integration into the contours shown in Fig. 21. Fo r the first term in braces in the integrand, the contour is taken to run first over a portion of t he imaginary axis, s=iφ,0< φ<θ, and then to continue along the line parallel to the real axis ,s→s+iθ,0<s< ∞. The integration contour for the second term in the braces is t he complex conjugate of the first. These contour deformations produce G(k,E) =m 4γk1 1 + (k/2γ)2/bracketleftBig J/parenleftBig θ,me2 γ/parenrightBig −sin/parenleftBig me2 γθ/parenrightBig I/parenleftBig θ,me2 γ/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig , (D40) where 136J(θ,z) =/integraldisplayθ 0dφ[coszφ−1]cos(θ−φ)/2 [sin2θ/2−sin2(θ−φ)/2]3/2, (D41) and I(θ,z) =/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−zs coshs/2 [sinh2s/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2. (D42) Although this general result may be of interest in other cont exts, here we are interested in the small k2behavior, since this determines the induced couplings in th e effective theory. In the first integral J(θ,z), it is convenient to make the variable change φ=θ(1−x) and write the integral as J(θ,z) =θ/integraldisplay1 0dx[coszθ(1−x)−1]cosθx/2 [sin2θ/2−sin2θx/2]3/2. (D43) Recalling that θ≃k/γ, we may expand the trigonometric functions in the integrand in Eq. (D43) and keep only the leading terms to obtain J(θ,z) =−4z2/integraldisplay1 0dx(1−x)1/2 (1 +x)3/2+O(θ2). (D44) Writing (1 + x)−3/2=−2(d/dx)(1 +x)−1/2and integrating by parts produces an end-point contribution and an integral made trivial by the substituti onx= sinχ, and one finds that J(θ,z) =−z2(8−2π) [1 +O(θ2)]. (D45) IfI(θ,z) is expanded in powers of z, the first three terms are singular as θ→0, while all remaining terms have finite θ→0 limits. It is convenient to separate the singular terms by writing I(θ,z) =I0(θ)−zI1(θ) +1 2z2I2(θ) +¯I(θ,z), (D46) where Ik(θ)≡/integraldisplay∞ 0dsskcoshs/2 [sinh2s/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2, (D47) and ¯I(θ,z)≡/integraldisplay∞ 0ds/bracketleftBig e−zs−1 +zs−1 2z2s2/bracketrightBig coshs/2 [sinh2s/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2. (D48) Sinced(sinhs/2) = (ds/2) coshs/2, the change of variable sinh s/2 = sin(θ/2) tanχmakes the integral I0(θ) elementary, I0(θ) =2 sin2θ/2/integraldisplayπ/2 0dχcosχ=2 sin2θ/2=8 θ2+2 3+O(θ2). (D49) To evaluate I1(θ) we write 137I1(θ) =/integraldisplay∞ 0ds8s [s2+θ2]3/2+/integraldisplay∞ 0dss/parenleftBiggcoshs/2 [sinh2s/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2−8 [s2+θ2]3/2/parenrightBigg .(D50) The first integral, which is easy to evaluate, contains the pi ece which is singular as θ→0, while the second integral is finite as θ→0 and may be evaluated directly at θ= 0. Therefore, I1(θ) =8 θ+/integraldisplay∞ 0ds/parenleftBigg scoshs/2 sinh3s/2−8 s2/parenrightBigg +O(θ) =8 θ−/parenleftBiggs sinh2s/2+ 2coshs/2 sinhs/2−8 s/parenrightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle∞ 0+O(θ) =8 θ−2 +O(θ). (D51) A similar approach may be used for I2(θ) if one first splits the integral into the contributions froms<1 ands>1, I2(θ) =/integraldisplay1 0ds8s2 [s2+θ2]3/2+/integraldisplay1 0dss2/parenleftBiggcoshs/2 [sinh2s/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2−8 [s2+θ2]3/2/parenrightBigg +/integraldisplay∞ 1dss2 coshs/2 [sinh2s/2 + sin2θ/2]3/2 =−8(1 + lnθ/2) +/integraldisplay1 0ds/parenleftBigg s2coshs/2 sinh3s/2−8 s/parenrightBigg +/integraldisplay∞ 1dss2coshs/2 sinh3s/2+O(θ) =−8(1 + lnθ/2) + lim ǫ→0/bracketleftBigg 8 lnǫ+/parenleftBigg 8 ln sinhs/2−s2 sinh2s/2−4scoshs/2 sinhs/2/parenrightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle∞ ǫ/bracketrightBigg +O(θ) = 4−8 lnθ/2 +O(θ). (D52) The final integral ¯I(θ,z) is non-singular as θ→0, and so we may simply set θequal to zero and then integrate-by-parts twice, ¯I(0,z) =−/integraldisplay∞ 0ds/bracketleftBig e−zs−1 +zs−1 2z2s2/bracketrightBigd ds1 sinh2s/2 =−z/integraldisplay∞ 0ds/bracketleftBig e−zs−1 +zs/bracketrightBig1 sinh2s/2 = 4z/integraldisplay∞ 0ds/bracketleftBig e−zs−1 +zs/bracketrightBigd ds1 es−1 = 4z2/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−zs−1 es−1. (D53) The denominator may be expanded in a geometric series and the resultingsintegrals per- formed to give ¯I(0,z) =−4z3∞/summationdisplay l=11 l(l+z). (D54) Using 138ψ(z+1) +γ=z∞/summationdisplay l=11 l(l+z), (D55) whereψ(z) is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function and γis Euler’s constant, yields the closed-form result ¯I(0,z) =−4z2[ψ(z+1) +γ]. (D56) This form may be used to make contact with the literature on qu antum Coulomb corrections [4,5]. A power series expansion in zis obtained if the denominator in the sum (D54) is expanded in powers of zand the order of the resulting double sum interchanged. This process gives ¯I(0,z) = 4z2∞/summationdisplay n=1(−z)nζ(n+1), (D57) where ζ(n) =∞/summationdisplay l=11 ln(D58) is the Riemann ζfunction. Assembling the various pieces contributing to the Green’s f unctionG(k,E) and inserting θ= (k/γ)−1 12(k/γ)3+O(k/γ)5(D59) produces G(k,E) =m/braceleftBigg −2z k2+π 2z2 γk+1 γ2/bracketleftBiggz 6−z2 2−z3ln/parenleftbigg2γ k/parenrightbigg −z3 6−z 4¯I(0,z)/bracketrightBigg +O(k)/bracerightBigg ,(D60) wherez=me2/γ. This result is to be inserted into the contour integral (D9) relating G(k,E) to the thermal correlator F+(k) which, with the e2= 0 subtraction made explicit, reads ∆F+(k)≡F+(k)−F0 +(k) =/integraldisplay CdE 2πie−βEG(k,E). (D61) Inserting the power series representation (D57) for ¯I(0,z) and recalling that γ2=−2mE, the required contour integrals are easily performed using H ankel’s formula61 1 Γ(α)=/integraldisplay Cdt 2πi(−t)−αe−t, (D62) and its derivative with respect to α, 61See, for example, p. 245 of Whittaker and Watson [19]. 139ψ(α) Γ(α)=/integraldisplay Cdt 2πiln(−t) (−t)−αe−t. (D63) The result, neglecting O(k) contributions, is ∆F+(k) =/parenleftbiggm 2πβ/parenrightbigg3/2/braceleftBigg −4πβe2 k2+π2β2e4 k +πβ3e6 3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftbiggβk2 2m/parenrightbigg +γ−3 +1 βme4+f/parenleftBigg/radicalBigg βme4 2π/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg ,(D64) where f(y)≡ −3 4y−3√π 2∞/summationdisplay n=1/parenleftBig −√πy/parenrightBignζ(n+1) Γ((n+5)/2). (D65) Returning to our rationalized units with e2→eaeb/4π, replacing the mass parameter by the reduced mass, m→mab, and writing the result in terms of the thermal wavelength corresponding to the reduced mass λab=/parenleftBigg2πβ mab/parenrightBigg1/2 (D66) gives ∆F+(k) =λ−3 ab/braceleftBigg −βeaeb k2+(βeaeb)2 16k +/parenleftbiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightbigg3π 3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftbiggλ2 abk2 4π/parenrightbigg +γ−3 +8πλ2 ab (βeaeb)2+f/parenleftbiggβeaeb 4πλab/parenrightbigg/bracketrightBigg +O(k)/bracerightBigg .(D67) Evaluating f(y) using the power series representation (D65) is appropriat e ifβeaeb/λab is order one or smaller. But if βeaeb/λabis large, which corresponds to the formal m→ ∞ limit, one needs the asymptotic form of f(y) for large argument. The result differs depending on whether the Coulomb interactions are attractive or repul sive. Consider the repulsive case first, where z=me2/√ −2mEis positive on the negative real Eaxis. In this case ¯I(0,z) has no poles on the negative real Eaxis, which reflects the absence of bound states for repulsive potentials. Thus, for repulsive interactions th e contour integral (D9) only wraps about the positive Eaxis, and ¯I(0,z) appears with |argz|< π. Hence the large mlimit may be obtained by using the large zasymptotic behavior of the ψfunction, ψ(z+ 1)∼lnz+1 2z−∞/summationdisplay n=1B2n 2nz2n, (|argz|<π) (D68) whereB2nare the Bernoulli numbers, to write the asymptotic form of Eq . (D56) as ¯I(0,z)∼ −4z2/parenleftBigg lnz+γ+1 2z−∞/summationdisplay n=1B2n 2nz2n/parenrightBigg .(|argz|<π) (D69) 140Using this form for ¯I(0,z) and re-evaluating the contour integral (D61) yields the as ymptotic expansion for large positive argument, f(y)∼2 ln(2√πy) + 3γ−8 3−3 2√π∞/summationdisplay n=1(−1)nB2n 2nπny2nΓ(n−3 2). (D70) Evaluating the first term in the sum with B2= 1/6 and Γ( −1/2) =−2√πyields f(y) = 2 ln(2√πy) + 3γ−8 3−1 4πy2+O(1/y4). (D71) To obtain the corresponding limit in the attractive case, no te that Eq. (D65) gives f(y)−f(−y) =−3 2y+ 3π∞/summationdisplay m=0ζ(2m+ 2) (m+ 2)!πmy2m+1. (D72) We insert the definition (D58) of the ζfunction and interchange the order of the summa- tions. The sum over mnow produces an exponential with its first two expansion coeffi cients removed, and we obtain f(y)−f(−y) =−3 2y+3 πy3∞/summationdisplay n=1n2/bracketleftBigg exp/braceleftBiggπy2 n2/bracerightBigg −1−πy2 n2/bracketrightBigg . (D73) Asy→ −∞ , the first term in the sum, which corresponds to the lowest bou nd state contribution, dominates, f(y)∼3 πy3exp/braceleftBig πy2/bracerightBig , (D74) with exponentially small corrections. 3. Exchange Contribution The same approach may be used to evaluate the exchange contri bution F−(k) = Tr Pe−βHe−ik·r. (D75) Since the parity operator Pcommutes with all the su(1,1) group generators, all the previous formulas hold for this exchange term with the trivial change of an insertion of Pin the trace defining the Green’s function. To evaluate the final trace TrPe−s±J0, we note that the |nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}htbasis which diagonalizes J0as shown in Eq. (D17) has the familiar parity assignment of the hydrogen atom states, P |nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=|nlm∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(−1)l. (D76) Hence, we have essentially the same evaluation of the trace a s before except that the previous degeneracy factor (D19) is replaced by 141n−1/summationdisplay l=0(−1)l(2l+ 1) = −(−1)nn. (D77) Thus we now have TrPe−s±J0=−∞/summationdisplay n=1(−1)nne−s±n =1 4 cosh2s±/2, (D78) and Eq. (D33) is replaced by G−(k,E) =m 8iγk/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−(me2/γ)s/bracketleftBigg1 cosh2s+/2−1 cosh2s−/2/bracketrightBigg . (D79) We are interested in the (finite) k= 0 limit. Recalling Eq. (D36) and that θ∼k/γ, this is given by G−(0,E) =m 8γ2/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−(me2/γ)slim θ→01 iθ/bracketleftBigg1 cosh2(s−iθ)/2−1 cosh2(s+iθ)/2/bracketrightBigg , =−m 4γ2/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−(me2/γ)sd ds1 cosh2s/2. (D80) Expressing the hyperbolic cosine in terms of exponentials a nd performing two partial inte- grations produces G−(0,E) =m γ2h/parenleftbiggme2 γ/parenrightbigg (D81) with h(z) =1 4−z 2+z2/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−zs1 es+ 1. (D82) Expanding the denominator and performing the sintegration gives h(z) =1 4−z 2+z2 2∞/summationdisplay l=1/braceleftBigg1 l+ (z−1)/2−1 l+z/2/bracerightBigg . (D83) Adding and subtracting 1 /lin the sum, combining denominators, and referring to the rep - resentation (D55), identifies the sum as the difference of two ψfunctions, and yields the closed form result h(z) =1 4−z 2+z2 2/bracketleftBigg ψ/parenleftBiggz+2 2/parenrightBigg −ψ/parenleftBiggz+1 2/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg . (D84) Expanding the denominators in Eq. (D83) in powers of zand using ∞/summationdisplay l=1(−1)l+1 lz=/bracketleftBig 1−21−z/bracketrightBig ζ(z) (D85) 142gives the useful power series expansion h(z) =1 4−z 2+z2∞/summationdisplay n=0(−z)n(1−2−n)ζ(n+1). (D86) Here then= 0 member of the sum is to be understood as containing lim z→1/bracketleftBig 1−21−z/bracketrightBig ζ(z) =∞/summationdisplay l=1(−1)l+1 l= ln 2. (D87) Inserting this series into the contour integral F−(0) =/integraldisplay CdE 2πie−βEG−(0,E), (D88) and again making use of Hankel’s formula (D62) produces F−(0) =/parenleftbiggm 2πβ/parenrightbigg3/2 β3e6π 3˜f/parenleftBigg/radicalBigg βme4 2π/parenrightBigg , (D89) where ˜f(y) =3 8πy3−3 2πy2+3 ln2 2y−3√π 2∞/summationdisplay n=0/parenleftBig −√πy/parenrightBign/bracketleftbigg 1−1 21+n/bracketrightbiggζ(n+2) Γ((n+5)/2). (D90) To obtain the behavior for the case of strong repulsion, that is, the large y2=βme4/2 limit, we return to the integral expression (D82) for h(z). Writing 1 es+ 1=1 2−1 2tanhs 2, (D91) performing simple integrals, and rescaling the integratio n variable casts this integral repre- sentation in the form h(z) =−1 2/integraldisplay∞ 0due−u/bracketleftbigg ztanh/parenleftbiggu 2z/parenrightbigg −u 2/bracketrightbigg . (D92) This result shows explicitly that h(z) is an even function of z=me2/γ. WritingE=p2/2m setsγ=√ −2mE=ip, with no problem with the sign of isince only even functions of γ appear. And, again because only even functions of pappear, we may replace the contour integral (D88) in the Eplane by a contour integral in the pplane having the exactly the same contour. Thus F−(0) =−/integraldisplay Cdp 2πi1 pe−βp2/2mh/parenleftBiggme2 ip/parenrightBigg . (D93) Introducing the integral representation (D92) into this co ntour integral, interchanging the integration order, and rescaling the contour integration v ariable by writing p= 2me2ζ/u yields 143F−(0) =1 4/integraldisplay∞ 0duue−u/integraldisplay Cdζ 2πi1 ζexp/braceleftBig −2βme4ζ2/u2/bracerightBig/bracketleftBiggtanζ ζ−1/bracketrightBigg . (D94) The integrand of the contour integral has no pole at ζ= 0 since the quantity in the square brackets vanishes there. Thus the only singularities of the integrand come from the factor in square brackets, which has a series of simple poles at odd i nteger multiples of π/2 with residue −1. Since these poles are encircled in a negative, clockwise s ense, we obtain F−(0) =1 4/integraldisplay∞ 0duue−u∞/summationdisplay n=0/bracketleftBigg2 (2n+1)π/bracketrightBigg2 exp/braceleftBig −βme4(2n+1)2π2/2u2/bracerightBig . (D95) The leading asymptotic behavior is obtained by evaluating t heuintegral, term-by-term, using the method of steepest descents. Only the n= 0 term of the sum is relevant, since the remaining terms are exponentially smaller. Writing the result in terms of the function ˜f(y) defined in Eq. (D89) with y2=βme4/2πgives ˜f(y)∼3 y3π3/integraldisplay∞ 0duue−uexp/braceleftBig −y2π3/u2/bracerightBig , (D96) whose steepest descent evaluation yields ˜f(y) =2√ 3 y2πexp/braceleftbigg −3π 2/parenleftBig 2y2/parenrightBig1/3/bracerightbigg/bracketleftBigg 1 +17 18π1 (2y2)1/3+···/bracketrightBigg . (D97) Since the exchange term involves interactions of a single pa rticle type, the reduced mass mappearing in the above formulae is ma/2 for species a. Reverting to our rationalized units gives F−(0) =λ−3 aa3 π/parenleftbiggβe2 a 4π/parenrightbigg3˜f/parenleftbiggβe2 a 4πλaa/parenrightbigg , (D98) whereλaa=√ 2λa. Note that here the argument of ˜f(y) is always positive. APPENDIX E: FIRST QUANTUM CORRECTION TO CLASSICAL ONE-COMPONENT PLASMA Here we shall derive the leading, order ¯ h2, quantum correction to the N-particle canon- ical partition function of the classical, one-component pl asma. This result appears in the literature [Eq. (24) of [20]], but we will give a self-contai ned pedagogical treatment. To do so, it is convenient first to examine the path integral repres entation of the single-particle partition function previously given in Eq. (B21), namely /integraldisplay (d3r)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,β|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay [dr] exp/braceleftBigg −1 ¯h/integraldisplay¯hβ 0dτ/bracketleftBiggm 2dr dτ·dr dτ+V(r(τ))/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg . (E1) We have explicitly displayed the factors of ¯ hwhich appear when βandτhave their con- ventional units of inverse energy and time, respectively. W e state again that the functional 144integral is over all paths which are periodic with period β¯h. It is therefore convenient to use a Fourier series representation for the path, r(τ) =r+ξ(τ), (E2) in which ξ(τ) =∞/summationdisplay n=−∞ n/negationslash=0ξnexp/braceleftBigg −2πinτ ¯hβ/bracerightBigg (E3) contains the non-zero frequency fluctuations of the path abo ut its mean position r. As we shall see, the size of the fluctuations ξ(τ) are of order ¯ h. Since the (imaginary) time average of these fluctuations vanish, the leading quantum-mechanic al correction appears in /integraldisplay (d3r)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,β|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay (d3r) exp{−βV(r)}/integraldisplay [dξ] exp  −βm 2∞/summationdisplay n=−∞ n/negationslash=0/parenleftBigg2πn ¯hβ/parenrightBigg2 ξn·ξ−n   ×  1−β∞/summationdisplay n=−∞ n/negationslash=0ξk nξl −n∇k∇lV(r) +O(ξ4)  .(E4) The path integral over the fluctuations defines a correlator w hich is just the inverse of the matrix defining the quadratic form in the exponential, ∝an}b∇acketle{tξk nξl −n′∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=δn,n′δkl1 βm/parenleftBigg¯hβ 2πn/parenrightBigg2 . (E5) Using ∞/summationdisplay n=−∞ n/negationslash=01 2n2=ζ(2) =π2 6, (E6) one immediately finds /integraldisplay (d3r)∝an}b∇acketle{tr,β|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=∝an}b∇acketle{tr,β|r,0∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht0/integraldisplay (d3r) exp{−βV(r)}/braceleftBigg 1−β2¯h2 24m∇2V(r) +O(¯h4)/bracerightBigg .(E7) In other words, to O(¯h2), the effect of quantum fluctuations is equivalent to a shift i n the potential energy V(r) appearing in the classical partition function by δV(r) =β¯h2 24m∇2V(r). (E8) As a check on the result (E7), we note that a partial integrati on of one of the gradients in the∇2term, together with the identification λ2= 2π¯h2β/mand other minor notational changes, places this result in precisely the form of the first line of Eq. (B52). This result is easily extended to the case of the canonical pa rtition function for N particles. This case is represented by a path integral over t he variables ra(τ), where a= 1,2,···, N, 145ZN=/integraldisplay/productdisplay a[dra] exp  −1 ¯h/integraldisplay¯hβ 0dτ m 2/summationdisplay adra dτ·dra dτ+1 2/summationdisplay a/ne}ationslash=bV(ra(τ)−rb(τ))   .(E9) The leading quantum, order ¯ h2, corrections come from the quadratic fluctuations in the coordinates ra(τ) andrb(τ) in each of the potential terms. Expanding these terms out fr om the exponential is performed in a compact fashion if the N-particle number densities are introduced, n(r) =N/summationdisplay a=1δ(r−ra), (E10) along with the canonical two-particle correlator KN(r−r′) =/angbracketleftbigg/summationdisplay a/ne}ationslash=bδ(r−ra)δ(r−rb)/angbracketrightbigg =/angbracketleftBig n(r)n(r′)−δ(r−r′)n(r)/angbracketrightBig . (E11) With this notation, the change in the N-particle canonical partition function ZNfor a general variation in the interparticle potential is given by δlnZN=−β 2/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r′)KN(r−r′)δV(r−r′). (E12) Thus, in view of the previous one-particle result (E8), but k eeping in mind that both the coordinates in the potential undergo fluctuations, we see th at the leading quantum correction is given by δlnZN=−β 2/integraldisplay (d3r)(d3r′)KN(r−r′)β¯h2 12m∇2V(r−r′). (E13) Taking account of translational invariance, which gives an overall factor of the system volume V, and remembering the definition −βF= lnZNof the Helmholtz free energy F, we have δF=β¯h2 24mV/integraldisplay (d3r)KN(r)∇2V(r). (E14) This general result may be applied to a one-component plasma in the presence of a uniform neutralizing background charge density [since a st rictly classical limit exists in this special case where the charge carriers all have a common sign of their charge]. However, one must be careful to properly handle the effect of the neutraliz ing background charge density before taking the thermodynamic limit. The easiest way to do so is to regard the interaction potential for the one-component plasma as the µ→0 limit of the regularized potential V(r) =e2/parenleftBigge−µr 4πr−1 Vµ2/parenrightBigg . (E15) The integral of this potential over the large volume Vof the system vanishes, reflecting that a proper subtraction of the uniform background charge d ensity has been performed. [Equivalently, this amounts to using a regularized Coulomb potentiale−µr/(4πr) with a total charge density of e[n(r)−¯n], where ¯n=N/Vis the fixed average particle density.] 146Now using − ∇2V(r) =e2/parenleftBigg δ(r)−µ2e−µr 4πr/parenrightBigg , (E16) Eq. (E14) becomes δF=β¯h2e2 24mV/bracketleftBigg −KN(0) + lim µ→0µ2/integraldisplay (d3r)KN(r)e−µr 4πr/bracketrightBigg . (E17) Because of the singularity of the Coulomb potential when r→0, the two-particle correlation KN(r) vanishes as r→0, KN(r)∝exp{−βV(r)} →0 asr→0, (E18) and therefore the first term in Eq. (E17) identically vanishe s. On the other hand, at large separations, the number densities are not correlated, and s o KN(r)→/parenleftbiggN V/parenrightbigg2 = ¯n2asr→ ∞. (E19) For infinitesimal µ, the integral in the second term of Eq. (E17) is dominated by a rbitrarily large distances, and hence one may simply replace KN(r) in the integrand by its asymptotic value of ¯n2. When multiplied by µ2, the resulting error one is making in the short distance part of the integral has no affect on the µ→0 limit. Consequently, δF=β¯h2e2 24mV¯n2lim µ→0µ2/integraldisplay (d3r)e−µr 4πr =β¯h2e2 24mV¯n2. (E20) Finally, the pressure is given by p=−∂F/∂VwithNandβfixed. Thus, since V¯n2= N2/V, we find that the first quantum correction to the pressure of cl assical one-component plasma is given by δ/parenleftBiggβp n/parenrightBigg =β¯h2 24mβe2¯n. (E21) Recalling the definitions κ2=βe2n,g=βe2κ/4π,λ2 ee= 4πβ¯h2/m, andηee=βe2/(4πλee), we may rewrite this result as δ/parenleftBiggβp n/parenrightBigg =g2β¯h2 24m/parenleftBigg4π βe2/parenrightBigg2 =g2 24/parenleftBigg1 4πη2ee/parenrightBigg . (E22) This correction agrees with that which appears in Eq. (5.29) in the text, as well as with the discussion of Eq. (24) in Ref. [20]. Note that since the O(¯h2) correction is proportional to g2, it is entirely contained in the two-loop contribution of th e equation of state; no O(¯h2) corrections are contained in any higher-loop contribution s. 147APPENDIX F: SOME ELEMENTS OF QUANTUM FIELD THEORY Here we shall briefly derive and review some of the methods of q uantum field theory that are used in the text. For simplicity we shall explicitly treat the case of the functional integral representation of the classical plasma without th e induced interactions that provide the quantum corrections which make the theory finite. These a dditional interactions entail no essential changes in the techniques that we are about to ou tline, and their effects are easily described by including the appropriate additional t erms in the functional integrand. In the same vein, we shall also neglect the quantum-mechanic al imaginary time dependence discussed in Sec. IIIF. Thus we shall examine the generating functional Z[µ] = Det1/2/bracketleftBig −β∇2/bracketrightBig/integraldisplay [dφ] exp{−S[φ;µ]}, (F1) in which S[φ;µ] =β 2/integraldisplay (dνr)φ(r)/parenleftBig −∇2/parenrightBig φ(r) +Sint[φ;µ], (F2) where Sint[φ;µ] =−/summationdisplay a/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r)eiβeaφ(r). (F3) With the generalized chemical potential functions µa(r) taken to be constants, the generating functionalZ[µ] reduces to the grand canonical partition function. Functi onal derivatives with respect to the generalized chemical potentials, with t hese potentials then taken to be constants, yield number density correlation functions. 1. Perturbation Theory Perturbation theory developments of correlation function s can be done in essentially either of two ways: One can first perform the functional deriv atives with respect to the generalized chemical potentials to bring down extra factor s in the functional integrand that represent the particle densities and then set the chemical p otentials to be constants and make a perturbative expansion. Or one can make a formal perturbat ive expansion of the functional integral with spatially varying, generalized chemical pot entialsµa(r), and then expand the result in a spatial varying part of the chemical potentials t o identify the correlation functions. Either case is subsumed in a slight generalization of the sec ond way in which we write the functional integration field as φ(r) =¯φ(r) +φ′(r), where ¯φ(r) is some suitable background field. We then take out and explicitly display the pieces of ze roth and second order in the fluctuation field φ′(r). Since the background field ¯φappears as a ‘constant’ translation in the (dummy) functional integration variable, [ dφ] = [dφ′], and so with this separation and with an operator or infinite matrix notation, Z[µ] = Det1/2/bracketleftBig −β∇2/bracketrightBig exp/braceleftBig −S[¯φ;µ]/bracerightBig /integraldisplay [dφ′] exp/braceleftBig −(β/2)φ′/bracketleftBig −∇2+V(¯φ;µ)/bracketrightBig φ′/bracerightBig F[φ′]. (F4) 148Here V(¯φ;µ;r) =/summationdisplay aβe2 an0 a(r)eiβea¯φ(r), (F5) and F[φ′] = exp/braceleftBig −˜Sint[φ′;¯φ,µ]/bracerightBig ···, (F6) where −˜Sint[φ′;¯φ,µ] contains the linear, cubic, and higher order terms in φ′in the exponen- tial. The ellipsis ···stands for possible insertions in the integrand of the facto rs of the form n0 aeiβeaφ(r)that result in the first case above when functional derivativ e are first taken to construct correlation functions. We shall soon work out exp licit examples that should make this perhaps somewhat abstract formulation clear. To obtain the perturbative development, we first note that by completing the square to obtain a Gaussian functional integral which produces an infi nite, Fredholm determinant, we have, using again an operator notation, the evaluation: X[ζ] = Det1/2/bracketleftBig β(−∇2)/bracketrightBig/integraldisplay [dφ′] exp/braceleftBig −(β/2)φ′/bracketleftBig −∇2+V(¯φ;µ)/bracketrightBig φ′+iφ′ζ/bracerightBig = Det1/2/bracketleftBig β(−∇2)/bracketrightBig Det−1/2/bracketleftBig β(−∇2+V)/bracketrightBig exp{−(1/2β)ζGζ} = Det−1/2/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V/bracketrightbigg exp/braceleftBigg −1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)ζ(r)G(r,r′)ζ(r′)/bracerightBigg , (F7) where in the last line we have noted that the product of determ inants is the determinant of the product of operators and used ordinary notation with G(r,r′) the Green’s function defined by /bracketleftBig −∇2+V(¯φ;µ;r)/bracketrightBig G(r,r′) =δ(ν)(r−r′). (F8) We next note that62 exp/braceleftBigg −1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)ζ(r)G(r,r′)ζ(r′)/bracerightBigg = exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)δ δφ(r)G(r,r′)δ δφ(r′)/bracerightBigg exp/braceleftbigg i/integraldisplay (dνr)φ(r)ζ(r)/bracerightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ=0. (F9) 62The essence of the proof of this relation is obtained by repla cing the functions by numbers, and by observing that exp/braceleftbiggd dxgd dx/bracerightbigg exp{ipx}/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle x=0= exp {−ipx}exp/braceleftbiggd dxgd dx/bracerightbigg exp{ipx} = exp/braceleftbigg e−ipxd dxeipxge−ipxd dxeipx/bracerightbigg = exp/braceleftbigg/parenleftbiggd dx+ip/parenrightbigg g/parenleftbiggd dx+ip/parenrightbigg/bracerightbigg = exp {−pgp}. 149Hence the functional integral (F7) defining X[ζ] may instead be replaced by an exponential functional derivative operation which, in the operator not ation, reads X[ζ] = Det−1/2/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V/bracketrightbigg exp/braceleftBigg1 2βδ δφ′Gδ δφ′/bracerightBigg exp{iφ′ζ}/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ′=0. (F10) Now the functional X[ζ] defined by the functional integral (F7) has precisely the sa me form as the functional integral (F4) defining the thermodyna mic generating functional Z[µ] except that F[φ′] is replaced by the functional Fourier transform factor exp {iφ′ζ}. Since this functional Fourier transform factor can be used to gene rate any functional, we conclude that Z[µ] = Det−1/2/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V/bracketrightbigg exp/braceleftBig −S[¯φ;µ]/bracerightBig exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)δ δφ′(r)G(r,r′)δ δφ′(r′)/bracerightBigg F[φ′]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ′=0. (F11) This is the functional form than lends itself to a perturbati ve development by expanding the exponential of the functional derivatives. Performing the functional derivatives produces the “Wick contractions” that are familiar in quantum field th eory and lead to the familiar graphical representation. The exact analytic form with the proper numerical factors asso- ciated with a given graph is easily obtained from the expansi on of the exponential and the operation of the functional derivatives.63 2. Straightforward Expansions We consider the ordinary partition function in which all the chemical potentials are constants. This will illustrate the use of this functional d erivative formulation in a straight- forward fashion. In this case we take the background field to v anish, ¯φ= 0, and so the quadratic part of the action involves the lowest-order Deby e (squared) wave number κ2 0=βA/summationdisplay a=1e2 an0 a, (F12) withV →κ2 0, and so the Green’s function reduces to the Debye Green’s fun ctionGν(r−r′) that was defined previously in Eq. (2.56). With constant chem ical potentials and with ¯φ= 0, −S[0;µ] =/summationdisplay an0 a/integraldisplay (dνr), (F13) while the determinantal prefactor reduces to that evaluate d previously in Eq. (2.75) of the text, 63The functional derivatives may be viewed as ‘pacmen’ that ea t up fields sprouting from vertices with each pair of devoured fields connected by a line that repr esents the Green’s function G(r,r′). 150Det−1/2/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2κ2 0/bracketrightbigg = exp/braceleftbigg −Gν(0)1 νκ2 0/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracerightbigg . (F14) Therefore, the first two factors in the general perturbative formula (F11) yield the partition function valid up to one-loop order, Z1= exp/braceleftBigg/bracketleftBigg/summationdisplay n0 a−Gν(0)κ2 0 ν/bracketrightBigg/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracerightBigg , (F15) the result (2.76) in the text, and hence Z[µ] =Z1exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)δ δφ(r)Gν(r−r′)δ δφ(r′)/bracerightBigg exp/braceleftBig −˜Sint[φ;µ]/bracerightBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleφ=0.(F16) Here −˜Sint[φ;µ] =/integraldisplay (dνr)/summationdisplay an0 a/braceleftbigg eiβeaφ(r)−1 +1 2[βeaφ(r)]2/bracerightbigg . (F17) As a first application of of this method, we derive the result ( 2.62) for ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1)given in the text. To all orders ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=Z[µ]−1Z1exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr1)(dνr2)δ δφ(r1)Gν(r1−r2)δ δφ(r2)/bracerightBigg /braceleftBigg φ(0) exp/braceleftBig −˜Sint[φ;µ]/bracerightBig/bracerightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ=0. (F18) To the desired one-loop order, with the linear coupling to φcounted as itself of one-loop order as explained in the discussion of Eq. (2.62) of the text , ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1)= exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr1)(dνr2)δ δφ(r1)Gν(r1−r2)δ δφ(r2)/bracerightBigg /braceleftBigg φ(0)A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracketleftBig (iβeaφ(r)) +1 3!(iβeaφ(r))3/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ=0 =/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr1)(dνr2)δ δφ(r1)Gν(r1−r2)δ δφ(r2)/bracerightBigg φ(0)A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/integraldisplay (dνr)(iβeaφ(r)) +1 2/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr1)(dνr2)δ δφ(r1)Gν(r1−r2)δ δφ(r2)/bracerightBigg2 φ(0)A/summationdisplay a=1n0 a/integraldisplay (dνr)1 3!(iβeaφ(r))3 =i/integraldisplay (dνr)Gν(0−r)A/summationdisplay a=1ean0 a/bracketleftbigg 1−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightbigg . (F19) In view of the Fourier representation (2.56) of the Debye Gre en’s function, 151/integraldisplay (dνr)Gν(0−r) =1 κ2 0, (F20) and so ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tφ∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1)=i κ2 0A/summationdisplay a=1ean0 a/bracketleftbigg 1−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightbigg , (F21) which is just the result (2.62) of the text. The perturbative expansions of the density and density–den sity correlations discussed in the text follow from ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=Z[µ]−1Z1exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr1)(dνr2)δ δφ(r1)Gν(r1−r2)δ δφ(r2)/bracerightBigg /braceleftBigg n0 aeiβeaφ(r)exp/braceleftBig −˜Sint[φ;µ]/bracerightBig/bracerightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ=0, (F22) and ∝an}b∇acketle{t∝an}b∇acketle{tna(r)nb(r′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=Z[µ]−1Z1exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr1)(dνr2)δ δφ(r1)Gν(r1−r2)δ δφ(r2)/bracerightBigg /braceleftBigg n0 aeiβeaφ(r)n0 beiβebφ(r′)exp/braceleftBig −˜Sint[φ;µ]/bracerightBig/bracerightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ=0. (F23) 3. Loop Parameter It was emphasized in the text that the size of loop correction s is measured, in νdi- mensions, by the dimensionless parameter βe2Gν(0)∼βe2κν−2 0, which reduces to βe2κ0in three dimensions: A perturbative term corresponding to a gr aph containing ℓloops is of order [βe2κν−2 0]ℓ, or in three dimensions, [ βe2κ0]ℓ. That is, the power of [ βe2κ0] counts the loop order of the expression. It should be noted that these lo op graphs are connected and single-particle irreducible. In this counting, e2denotes a generic, typical charge of any of the particle species, or, equivalently, one could write ea=Zae, andeis the electron charge. Here we shall sketch the proof of this assertion. To do this, we examine the expansion of the perturbative form ula (F16) in powers of the unperturbed densities, which we write in the schematic form ZN[µ]∼1 N!exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)δ δφ(r)Gν(r−r′)δ δφ(r′)/bracerightBigg /integraldisplay (dνr1)n0(r)eiβeφ(r1)/integraldisplay (dνr2)n0(r)eiβeφ(r2)···/integraldisplay (dνrN)n0(r)eiβeφ(rN)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ=0. (F24) This corresponds to a graph with Nvertices. Functional derivatives with respect to µ(r) may be taken to give number density correlators. We have omit ted the subtraction of the 152unit andφ2terms which appear in the interaction part of the action (F17 ), which we may do with the understanding that at least three φfunctional derivatives are taken at each vertex or that each vertex emits at least three propagator lines. Let us first assume that functional derivatives have been tak en so that each vertex is connected by a single propagator line. At this stage, we have a graph which is a polygon with Nlines andNvertices. Note that since our counting applies to connected , single-particle irreducible graphs, any of these graphs must have such a peri meter polygon. To exhibit the parameters, we introduce dimensionless spatial coordi nates by writing r=q/κ0. Then the propagator Gν(r−r′) becomesκν−2 0times a dimensionless function of the dimensionless variable ( q−q′). The functional derivative operations in Eq. (F24) produc e a propagator line timesβ−1with a factor of βeat each end of the line. Thus for each propagator line and the vertex factors associated with both ends of the line w e have an overall factor of βe2κν−2 0. Each vertex involves/integraltext(dνr)∼κ−ν 0timesn0(a dimensionless product), and so, all together for our skeleton polygon, we have Nfactors ofβe2n0κ−2 0. Butβe2n0∼κ2 0, and so these are just Nfactors of 1. If we measure the size of this skeleton one-loop graph in term of the unperturbed grand potential βΩ∼/integraltext(dνr)n0, then one factor of βe2κν−2 0remains to characterize the order of the one-loop graph. The remainder of the proof is now trivial. Each additional pr opagator line added to the skeleton polygon gives a factor βe2κν−2 0and increases the number of loops by one. APPENDIX G: CALCULATIONS USING FUNCTIONAL METHODS We turn now to apply the functional methods using the alterna tive background field method mentioned in the preceding Appendix. We choose the ba ckground field ¯φ(r) used there to be the solution φcl(r) of the classical field equation of the total action which now contains a source: Stot[φ;σ;µ] =S[φ;µ]−β/integraldisplay (dνr)φ(r)σ(r) =/integraldisplay (dνr)/braceleftBiggβ 2φ/parenleftBig −∇2/parenrightBig φ−/summationdisplay ana(r) exp{iβeaφ} −βφσ/bracerightBigg . (G1) Thusφcl(r) is defined by − ∇2φcl(r) =i/summationdisplay aean0 a(r) exp{iβeaφ(r)}+σ(r). (G2) This choice is made because, since the action is stationary f or variations about the solution of the classical field equation, with φ=φcl+φ′, there are no linear terms in the fluctuation fieldφ′and the result (F11) of the previous Appendix takes the form exp{W[σ;µ]}= Det−1/2/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V[φcl;µ]/bracketrightbigg exp{−Stot[φcl;σ;µ]} exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)δ δφ′(r)G(r,r′)δ δφ′(r′)/bracerightBigg exp{−˜Sint[φ′;φcl,µ]}/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ′=0. (G3) Here 153V(φcl;µ;r) =/summationdisplay aβe2 an0 a(r)eiβeaφcl(r), (G4) with /braceleftBig −∇2+V(φcl;µ;r)/bracerightBig G(r,r′) =δ(r−r′), (G5) and −˜Sint[φ′;φcl,µ] =/integraldisplay (dνr)/summationdisplay an0 a(r)eiβeaφcl(r)/braceleftbigg eiβeaφ′(r)−1−iβeaφ′(r) +1 2[βeaφ′(r)]2/bracerightbigg . (G6) 1. Results Through One Loop We shall make use of this general result in the next section wh ere the two-loop correction will be evaluated. Here we note that action of the exponentia l of functional derivatives on the exponential of ˜Sintproduces only two and higher order loops since ˜Sintcontains no linear terms inφ′. Hence, to the one-loop order with which we are concerned her e, we have W[σ;µ] =W(1)[σ;µ] =−Stot[φcl;σ;µ]−1 2ln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V[φcl;µ]/bracketrightbigg . (G7) To obtain the effective action described in Appendix A, we firs t need the relation between ∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htσ β=δW[σ;µ] δβσ(r)(G8) andφcl(r). Since the action Stot[φcl;σ;µ] is stationary for field variations about φcl, the induced variation in φclwhen the source σis varied does not contribute to δStotand only the explicit source variation contributes, giving −δStot[φcl;σ;µ] δβσ(r)=φcl(r). (G9) This is the classical or tree contribution. Using the formul aδln DetX= TrX−1δX, the one loop contribution is contained in δln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V[φcl;µ]/bracketrightbigg = Tr/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V[φcl;µ]/bracketrightbigg−11 −∇2δV[φcl;µ] = Tr/bracketleftBig −∇2+V[φcl;µ]/bracketrightBig−1δV[φcl;µ] =/integraldisplay (dνr)G(r,r)iβg3(r)δφcl(r), (G10) where g3(r) =/summationdisplay aβe3 an0 a(r)eiβeaφcl(r). (G11) The variation of the equation (G2) defining the classical sol ution yields 154/braceleftBig −∇2+V(φcl;µ;r)/bracerightBig δφcl(r) =δσ(r), (G12) and so δφcl(r) δσ(r′)=G(r,r′). (G13) Hence, to one-loop order, ∝an}b∇acketle{tφ(r)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1)=δW(1)[σ;µ] δβσ(r)=φcl(r) + ∆φ(r), (G14) where ∆φ(r) =−i 2/integraldisplay (dνr′)G(r,r′)g3(r′)G(r′,r′). (G15) The correction ∆ φ(r) is a one-loop contribution corresponding to a “tadpole” gr aph. This graph is just the same as the second graph in Fig. 12 except tha t now the vertex is given byg3(r′) and the lines represent the Green’s function G(r,r′). With the source vanishing, and with/summationtextean0 ataken to be of one-loop order, φcl= (i/κ2 0)/summationtextean0 ato this order. Thus, to one-loop order, φclcan be taken to vanish in the explicitly one-loop term ∆ φ, and the Green’s functions there can be replaced by the Debye functio ns. With these remarks in mind, it is easy to check that general one-loop result (G14) r educes to the previous result (F21). The effective potential is taken to be a functional of the field expectation value which we relabel as ¯φ(r). The one-loop action (G7) is a functional of the classical fi eldφcl(r) which differs from the expectation value by the one-loop correctio n ∆φ(r). Since the classical action is stationary for variations about φcl(r), replacing φcl(r) in it by ¯φ(r) entails a correction involving ∆ φ(r)2, which is of two-loop order. Since the determinantal contri bution is already of first order, replacing φcl(r) in it by ¯φ(r) also gives a two-loop correction. Thus, to one- loop order, we may replace φcl(r) by¯φ(r) in the action functional (G7). [The explicit form for ∆φgiven in the previous paragraph is, of course, not needed to r each this conclusion. We made this explicit calculation because the result will be used in the next section on the two-loop effective action.] The effective action for the time -independent field ¯φis defined by simply restricting the Legendre transformation (A21) to in volve time-independent quantities so that the imaginary time integral is replaced by a factor of β. The source–field product in the Legendre transformation cancels the source term in the r elation (G1) between Stot[φ;σµ] andS[φ;µ], and we have to one-loop order Γ(1)[¯φ;µ] =S[¯φ;µ] +1 2ln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V[¯φ;µ]/bracketrightbigg . (G16) It proves convenient to rewrite the determinant in the form: Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V/bracketrightbigg = Det/bracketleftbigg1 −∇2/braceleftBig −∇2+κ2 0+/parenleftBig V −κ2 0/parenrightBig/bracerightBig/bracketrightbigg = Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2κ2 0/bracketrightbigg Det/bracketleftBig 1 +Gν/parenleftBig V −κ2 0/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig . (G17) 155Here we have added and subtracted the (squared) Debye wave nu mberκ2 0for the (lowest- order) densities when the generalized chemical potentials reduce to the their standard, spa- tially uniform form, µa(r)→µa, andGνis the Debye Green’s function for this wave number. The first factor in Eq. (G17) is the one-loop correction to the standard partition function; in the limit in which the generalized chemical potentials be come constant and ¯φ= 0,V= 0, and we see that since S[¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0=−/integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a, (G18) the grand partition function to one-loop order is given by lnZ1=−Γ(1)[¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0 =n0 aV −1 2ln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2κ2 0/bracketrightbigg , (G19) in agreement with Eq. (2.53). To compute the number densities and number-density correla tion functions to one-loop order, we first note that ln Det/bracketleftBig 1 +Gν/parenleftBig V −κ2 0/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig = Tr ln/bracketleftBig 1 +Gν/parenleftBig V −κ2 0/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig = TrGν/parenleftBig V −κ2 0/parenrightBig −1 2Tr/bracketleftBig Gν/parenleftBig V −κ2 0/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig2+··· =Gν(0)/integraldisplay (dνr1)/parenleftBig V(¯φ;µ;r1)−κ2 0/parenrightBig −1 2/integraldisplay (dνr1)(dνr2) [Gν(r1−r2)]2/parenleftBig V(¯φ;µ;r1)−κ2 0/parenrightBig/parenleftBig V(¯φ;µ;r2)−κ2 0/parenrightBig +···. (G20) Since/parenleftBig V(¯φ;µ;r2)−κ2 0/parenrightBig →0 when the generalized chemical potentials take on their con stant values and the field ¯φvanishes, only the first term on the right-hand side of the las t equality contributes to the number density which involves a single fu nctional derivative before this limit is taken, only the first two terms contribute to the numb er density correlation function, and so forth for the higher correlators. To compute the density – chemical potential relation to one- loop order, we note that sinceV(¯φ;µ;r2) is related to n0 a(r) by Eq. (G4) and δn0 b(r′) δβµ a(r)=δabδ(r−r′)n0 a(r), (G21) it is easy to compute ∝an}b∇acketle{tna∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(1) β=δΓ[¯φ;µ] δβµ a(r)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0=n0 a/bracketleftbigg 1−1 2βe2 aGν(0)/bracketrightbigg , (G22) which is the result (2.64) in the text. As discussed in Appendix A, the density-density correlatio n function is determined by 156Cab(r−r′) =−δ δβµ a(r)δ δβµ b(r′)Γ[¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0. (G23) In the leading, tree approximation, Ctree ab(r−r′) =−δ δβµ a(r)δ δβµ b(r′)S[¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0=δabn0 aδ(r−r′). (G24) The correction arising from the first trace term in Eq. (G20) i s just to replace the lowest- order, chemical potential – density relation n0 ahere with the corrected functional form n(1) a. Of course, to whatever order we work, at the end we replace the chemical potential – density relation by the actual densities ¯ na. The contribution from the second trace in Eq. (G20) is obtained with the same ingredients used in the number dens ity evaluation, and we find that, through one-loop order, C(1) ab(r−r′) =δab¯naδ(r−r′) +1 2βe2 a¯naGν(r−r′)2βe2 b¯nb. (G25) This is precisely Eq. (2.102) of the text. 2. Two-Loop Effective Action We turn now to compute the effective action to two-loop order. Before obtaining the terms that contribute to two-loop order, it is instructive t o examine some two-loop order terms that cancel among themselves. As was discussed in Appe ndix A, the effective action is single particle irreducible. We can now see explicitly ho w this works out to the two-loop order. In the preceding section, we noted that the replaceme nt ofφclby ¯φ=φcl+ ∆φ (G26) entailed two-loop corrections. First we note that, since th e action is stationary for variations about the classical solution, we have, to order ∆ φ2, Stot[¯φ;σ;µ]≃Stot[φcl;σ;µ] +1 2/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)δ2Stot[φ;σ;µ] δφ(r)δφ(r′)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φcl∆φ(r)∆φ(r′). (G27) Since ∆φis already of one-loop order, we can replace φclby¯φin the second term here. Since the second variation of the classical action brings in V(¯φ;µ;r) and produces the inverse Green’s function, to two-loop order, Stot[φcl;σ;µ] =Stot[¯φcl;σ;µ]−β 2/integraldisplay (dνr)∆φ(r)/bracketleftBig −∇2+V(¯φ;µ;r)/bracketrightBig ∆φ(r). (G28) Again to two-loop order, the correction to the determinant c ontribution is given, in view of Eq. (G10), by 1 2ln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V[φcl;µ]/bracketrightbigg =1 2ln Det/bracketleftbigg 1 +1 −∇2V[¯φ;µ]/bracketrightbigg −1 2/integraldisplay (dνr)G(r,r)iβg3(r) ∆φ(r), (G29) 157We define ∆Γ[ ¯φ;µ] by the sum of the two-loop corrections which appear above. U sing the definitions (G15) of ∆ φand (G5) of G(r,r′), and a little algebra, we find that ∆Γ[¯φ;µ] =−β 8/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)G(r,r)g3(r)G(r,r′)G(r′,r′)g3(r′). (G30a) This corresponds to the “dumbbell” graph, ✣✢✤✜ t t ✣✢✤✜ (G30b) This graph is obviously single-particle reducible. Hence i t must cancel the single-particle reducible piece of the remaining part ∆Γ(2+)[¯φ;µ] of the effective action which we now turn to compute. The variational derivative expression (G3) for exp {W[σ;µ]}is a convenient tool to use to calculate this remaining part of the effective action. For the two-loop terms of interest, the exponential of the interaction terms (G6) can be approxi mated by exp{−˜Sint[φ′;φcl,µ]} ≃ −β4 2/parenleftbigg1 3!/parenrightbigg2/integraldisplay (dνr1)g3(r1)φ′(r1)3/integraldisplay (dνr2)g3(r2)φ′(r2)3 +β3 4!/integraldisplay (dνr1)g4(r1)φ′(r1)4, (G31) where we recall that (to our order) g3(r) =/summationdisplay aβe3 an0 a(r)eiβea¯φ(r). (G32) and define g4(r) =/summationdisplay aβe4 an0 a(r)eiβea¯φ(r). (G33) To our order of interest, the Legendre transform relation be tweenWand Γ reduces to simply W=−Γ, the classical action and determinantal terms do not contr ibute, and Eq. (G3) gives −∆Γ(2+)[¯φ;µ] = exp/braceleftBigg1 2β/integraldisplay (dνr)(dνr′)δ δφ′(r)G(r,r′)δ δφ′(r′)/bracerightBigg /braceleftBigg −β4 2/parenleftbigg1 3!/parenrightbigg2/integraldisplay (dνr1)g3(r1)φ′(r1)3/integraldisplay (dνr2)g3(r2)φ′(r2)3 +β3 4!/integraldisplay (dνr1)g4(r1)φ′(r1)4/bracerightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle φ′=0. (G34) It is a straightforward matter to carry out the functional de rivatives and verify that one set of terms precisely cancels the previous “dumbbell” piece (G 30a). Thus, we prove explicitly to two-loop order that the effective action functional has no single-particle reducible terms. The remaining terms give ∆Γ(2)[¯φ;µ] =β 21 3!/integraldisplay (dνr1)/integraldisplay (dνr2)g3(r1)G(r1,r2)3g3(r2) −β 4/integraldisplay (dνr1)g4(r1)G(r1,r1)2+S(2) ind[¯φ;µ], (G35) 158where the last term stands for the two-loop contribution of t he induced interaction (3.32) that we have belatedly added. To our two-loop order, this add itional term is given by the p= 2 piece of Eq. (3.32) evaluated in the tree approximation wh ich replaces the potential by its expectation value ¯φ. Using the result (3.41) for the coupling constant gives S(2) ind[¯φ;µ] =/summationdisplay ab gab(µ)−π 61 3−ν/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3 µ2(ν−3) /integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r) exp/braceleftBig iβea¯φ(r)/bracerightBig n0 b(r) exp/braceleftBig iβeb¯φ(r)/bracerightBig +/summationdisplay ah0 aβ4/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracketleftBig ∇/parenleftBig µa(r)+iea¯φ(r)/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig2n0 a(r)eiβea¯φ(r). (G36) To make use of the first part of this interaction to present an e xplicitly finite result in the ν→3 limit, we write the single particle irreducible two-loop e ffective action as a sum of two parts, ∆Γ(2)[¯φ;µ] = ∆Γ(2) 1[¯φ;µ] + ∆Γ(2) 2[¯φ;µ]. (G37) The first part, defined by, ∆Γ(2) 1[¯φ;µ] =β 21 3!/integraldisplay (dνr1)/integraldisplay (dνr2)g3(r1)/bracketleftBig G(r1,r2)3−G3(r1−r2)3/bracketrightBig g3(r2) −β 4/integraldisplay (dνr1)g4(r1)G(r1,r1)2(G38) may be evaluated directly at ν= 3 since the subtraction of the cube of the three-dimensiona l Debye Green’s function G3(r1−r2) in the first double integral renders it finite while (with dimensional continuation) the remaining single integral i s well-behaved in the ν→3 limit. Making a convenient rearrangement of the remaining part giv es ∆Γ(2) 2[¯φ;µ] =β 21 3!/integraldisplay (dνr1)/integraldisplay (dνr2)g3(r1)Gν(r1−r2)3[g3(r2)−g3(r1)] +β 21 3!/integraldisplay (dνr1) [g3(r1)]2/integraldisplay (dνr2)Gν(r1−r2)3+S(2) ind[¯φ;µ]. (G39) Theν→3 limit may be taken in the first line on the right-hand side of t his equation since a subtraction has been make that gives an integrable singula rity when r1=r2. The result (C32) gives /integraldisplay (dνr2)Gν(r1−r2)3=1 (4π)21 2  /parenleftBiggκ2 0 4π/parenrightBiggν−31 3−ν+ 1−γ−2 ln3  . (G40) Thus the pole terms on the second line on the right-hand side o f Eq. (G39) combine the give the well-defined ν→3 limit 1 3−ν/parenleftBiggκ2 0 4π/parenrightBiggν−3 1−/parenleftBiggκ2 0 4πµ2/parenrightBigg3−ν → −ln/parenleftBiggκ2 0 4πµ2/parenrightBigg . (G41) 159Thus, taking the ν→3 limit and writing the first line in Eq. (G39) in a symmetrical manner, we arrive at ∆Γ(2) 2[¯φ;µ] =−β 41 3!/integraldisplay (dνr1)/integraldisplay (dνr2)Gν(r1−r2)3[g3(r2)−g3(r1)]2 /summationdisplay ab  gab(µ)−π 6/parenleftBiggβeaeb 4π/parenrightBigg3/bracketleftBigg ln/parenleftBiggκ2 0 4πµ2/parenrightBigg −1 +γ+ 2 ln3/bracketrightBigg   /integraldisplay (dνr)n0 a(r) exp/braceleftBig iβea¯φ(r)/bracerightBig n0 b(r) exp/braceleftBig iβeb¯φ(r)/bracerightBig +/summationdisplay ah0 aβ4/integraldisplay (dνr)/bracketleftBig ∇/parenleftBig µa(r)+iea¯φ(r)/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig2n0 a(r)eiβea¯φ(r). (G42) The sum Γ[¯φ;µ]≈Γ(1)[¯φ;µ] + ∆Γ(2) 1[¯φ;µ] + ∆Γ(2) 2[¯φ;µ] (G43) is the generating functional for all the connected, single- particle irreducible contributions through two-loop order. For example, the double functional derivative of this result with respect to the chemical potentials, with the chemical poten tials then taken constant and ¯φ= 0, produces the irreducible number density correlation fu nctionCabthrough two-loop order, the result summarized in Eq. (4.27) of the text. The gr and potential is given by the effective action with the generalized chemical potentials t aking on constant values and with ¯φ= 0, The two-loop contribution to the grand potential plus th e previous lower-order terms give βΩ(2)(β,µ) = Γ(1)[¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0+ ∆Γ(2) 1[¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0+ ∆Γ(2) 2[¯φ;µ]/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0(G44) In this limit, the first piece of ∆Γ(2) 1[¯φ;µ] in Eq. (G38) vanishes while the second piece involvesG3(0) which has the value −κ0/4πaccording to Eq. (2.58). Moreover, in this limit, the first line on the right-hand side of the equation above for ∆Γ(2) 2[¯φ;µ] also vanishes. With these remarks in mind, it is a simple matter to verify that our effective action results agree with the result (4.7) of the text. 160REFERENCES [1] H. Georgi, Effective Field Theory , Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 43, 209–252 (1993). [2] Joseph Polchinski, in Proc. of Recent Directions in Particle Theory: From Superstrings and Black Holes to the Standard Model (TASI – 92) , ppg. 235–276, J. Harvey and J. Polchinski, eds, World Scientific, 1993. [3] E. Braaten and A. Nieto, Phys. Rev. D 51, 6990 (1995); 53, 3421 (1996). [4] W. Ebeling, W.-D. Kraeft, and D. Kremp, Theory of Bound States and Ionization Equilibrium in Plasmas and Solids , Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1976. [5] W.-D. Kraeft, D. Kremp, W. Ebeling, and G. R¨ opke, Quantum Statistics of Charged Particle Systems , Plenum, NY, 1986. [6] A. Alastuey and A. Perez, Phys. Rev. E 53, 5714 (1996). [7] J. Riemann, M. Schlages, H. E. DeWitt, and W. D. Kraeft, Ph ysicaA219 , 423 (1995). [8] H. E. DeWitt, M. Schlages, A. Y. 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arXiv:physics/9911056v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 24 Nov 1999UW/PT-99-1 New Use of Dimensional Continuation Illustrated by dE/dx in a Plasma Lowell S. Brown Department of Physics, University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 (February 20, 2014) Abstract Physical processes ranging from the Lamb shift to the energy lossdE/dx of a charged particle traversing a plasma entail two different m echanisms that are important at two different energy or length scales. Here w e examine the energy loss example because its analysis is simple. On one ha nd, it involves soft collisions that are screened by collective effects at la rge distances while, on the other hand, there are hard, short-distance collision s where the exact details of the single-particle interactions must be taken i nto account. We introduce a novel technique of dimensional continuation in which the soft processes are computed for dimensions ν <3, the hard processes for ν >3, and we explain why their sum yields the correct result for the physical limit atν= 3 dimensions. 1The usual method for obtaining the energy loss for a charged p article moving through matter is to divide the calculation into two parts: The long- distance, soft collisions and the short-distance, hard collisions. Collective effects are im portant in the long-distance part, and it is evaluated from the j·Epower loss of a particle moving in a dielectric medium. The hard collisions are described by Coulomb scattering. The ru b is to join the disparate pieces together. For the case of classical scattering, this is ofte n done by computing the energy loss in Coulomb scattering out to some impact parameter, and then adding the j·Eenergy loss for all larger impact parameters. Although such methods do y ield the correct large logarithm without much difficulty, the logarithm of the ratio of the two s cales which is large, the purely numerical constants (which one expects to be of order one) th at accompany the logarithm are harder to compute. Here we describe an easily applied met hod that yields a unique result – the result including the constants in addition to th e large logarithm. The new idea is to compute the energy loss from Coulomb scattering over al l angles, but for dimensions ν >3 where there are no infrared divergences. A separate calcul ation of the energy loss using the j·Eheating is done for ν <3, where the volume integration may be extended down to the particle’s position without encountering an ult raviolet divergence. Both of these results have a simple pole at ν= 3, but they both may be analytically continued beyond their initial range of validity. In their original domain of dimensionν, both calculations are performed to the leading order in the plasma density. As will be seen, although the Coulomb scattering result is the leading order contribution for ν >3, it is of subleading order when ν <3. Conversely, the j·Eheating is subleading for ν >3 but leading for ν <3. Hence, the sum of the two (analytically continued) processes gives the leading and (first) subleading terms in the plasma density for all dimensions ν, and thus, in the limit of this sum at ν= 3, the pole terms must cancel with the remainder yielding the co rrect physical limit to leading order in the plasma density. It should be emphasized that we are making use of a new and novel application of continuation to dimensions ν/negationslash= 3 to compute results that are well-defined and finite at the physicalν= 3 dimension. We are notusing dimensional continuation to render infinities finite so as to perform renormalizations as one does in quantu m field theory. Moreover , our purpose is to introduce and describe this new application of dimensional continuation; the energy loss problem is used onlyas a convenient vehicle for illustrating the new idea. Since the reasoning here may appear to be subtle, it is worth i llustrating it with a trivial mathematical example, the behavior of the modified Hankel function Kν(z) in the small argument zlimit with the index νalso small. For ν >0, the leading term isKν(z)=(z/2)−ν(1−νγ)/2ν,while forν <0 it isKν(z) =−(z/2)ν(1 +νγ)/2ν,where γ= 0.5772···is Euler’s constant. For ν >0 one term is leading and the other subleading, while forν <0 their roles are interchanged. Thus their sum Kν(z)≃1 2ν/braceleftBigg/parenleftbiggz 2/parenrightbigg−ν [1−νγ]−/parenleftbiggz 2/parenrightbiggν [1 +νγ]/bracerightBigg (1) contains both the leading and subleading terms for both ν >0 andν <0. The limit ν→0 of this sum yields the correct small zresultK0(z) =−ln(z/2)−γ. It is must be emphasized that the correct constant terms [ln 2 −γ] are obtained by this method in addition to the logarithm −lnzwhich is large for small z. Since we are only interested in describing the new method, we simplify the discussion by treating only the electrons in a classical plasma (electron recoil gives the dominant energy 2loss since they are light), and by taking the moving projecti le velocityvpto be much larger than the electron velocities in the plasma so that the latter may be neglected relative to vp. We shall assume, however, that the projectile velocity is s mall in comparison with the velocity of light so that this particle produces a simple Cou lomb field (as modified by the plasma) and that nonrelativistic mechanics applies. We first compute the j·Eheating with ν <3. Since the current jis that of a particle of chargeepand velocity vpat the point r=vpt, this energy loss mechanism gives dE/dt = −epvp·E(vpt,t) , with E(r,t) the electric field produced by the moving particle. Solving the field equation by Fourier transform, it is easy to find that dE< dt= 4πe2 p/integraldisplay(dνk) (2π)νik·vp k2/bracketleftBigg1 ǫ(k·vp,k)−1/bracketrightBigg , (2) where final −1 in the square brackets produces a term in the integrand that is odd in kand thus makes no contribution to the complete integral. It is in cluded so as to to make the convergence of the integral at large wave number manifest so long asν <3. The function ǫ(ω,k) is the frequency and wave-number dependent dielectric fun ction of the plasma. The nature of this function is illustrated by the first approxima tion [1] (which is the classical limit of the ring sum of quantum statistical mechanics) ǫ(ω,k) = 1 +4πe2 k2/integraldisplay (dνv)1 ω+iǫ−k·v1 mek·∂ ∂vne(v), (3) where theǫ→0+in the denominator corresponds to a retarded response. With ω=k·vp and, by our simplifying assumption, vp≫v, we see that the ωterm in the denominator dominates so that ǫ(ω,k) may be replaced by ǫ(ω,0). This limit of Eq.(3) is obtained by expanding the denominator to first order in k·vand integrating ∂/∂vby parts to secure ǫ(ω,0) = 1−ω2 e (ω+iǫ)2, (4) whereωeis the plasma frequency defined by ω2 e=4πe2ne me. (5) It should be noted that this result has a greater range of vali dity than its derivation would indicate; namely, under our assumptions that the wave numbe r be small and the frequency be large, the dielectric function generally assumes this as ymptotic form. Using it in Eq.(2), performing the integration over the component of kparallel to vpby a contour integration closed by a large semi-circle in the upper-half plane, and wr itingdx=vpdtgives dE< dx= 2πe2 p/integraldisplay(dν−1k) (2π)ν−1ω2 e ω2 e+v2 pk2. (6) Exponentiating the denominator via D−1=/integraldisplay∞ 0dse−sD, (7) 3interchanging integrals, performing the resulting ν−1 Gaussian kintegrals, and recognizing the finalsintegral as a standard representation of the Γ function give s dE< dx= 2πe2 p/parenleftBiggω2 e 4πv2p/parenrightBiggν−1 2 Γ/parenleftbigg3−ν 2/parenrightbigg , (8) or, with the neglect of terms which vanish when ν→3, dE< dx=e2 pω2 e v2p/parenleftBiggω2 e 4πv2p/parenrightBiggν−3 2/braceleftbigg1 3−ν−γ 2/bracerightbigg . (9) The pole in this expression, which becomes negative when ν >3, corresponds to the ultra- violet divergence which appear when ν→3. We turn now to the ν >3 case where the energy loss is computed by single-particle scattering. By the conservation of energy, the energy loss i n the scattering of the projectile velocity vp→v′ pon electrons whose initial velocity may be neglected is ∆ E=−(mp/2)[v′ p2− v2 p] = (me/2)v′ e2. Since the initial electron has no momentum, this can be writ ten in the invariant form ∆ E=q2/(2me), where qis the electron momentum transfer in the scattering process. With the initial electron at rest, the differential rate of scattering is vpnedσ, where neis the electron density in the plasma and dσis the cross section element. Since dx=vpdt, the energy loss for ν >3 is given by dE> dx=ne 2me/integraldisplay dσq2. (10) We first evaluate this scattering contribution when the inte raction is weak, when η= epe/¯hvp≪1. In this case, the quantum-mechanical Born approximation result is appropriate with, inν >3 dimensions, /integraldisplay dσBq2=/integraldisplay(dνp′) (2π¯h)ν2π¯hδ/parenleftBiggp′2 2m−p2 2m/parenrightBigg/parenleftBigg4π¯hepe q2/parenrightBigg21 vq2. (11) Here (1/m) = (1/me) + (1/mp) defines the reduced mass m. Writingq2= 4m2v2sin2θ/2, and (dνp′) =mp′(ν−2)d(p′2/2m) Ων−2sinν−2θdθ,with sinν−2θ= [2 cosθ/2 sinθ/2]ν−2,and noting that the solid angle Ω ν−2is given by Ων−2 2π=π(ν−3)/2 Γ/parenleftBig ν−1 2/parenrightBig, (12) we get, on setting χ=θ/2, /integraldisplay dσBq2=8π(epe)2 v2/parenleftBiggm2v2 π¯h2/parenrightBigg(ν−3)/21 Γ/parenleftBig ν−1 2/parenrightBig/integraldisplayπ/2 0dχcosν−2χsinν−4χ. (13) The integral which appears here has the value ( ν−3)−1+O(ν−3) as one can show by dividing it into two parts with a suitable partial integrati on or by expressing it in terms of 4the standard integral representation of the Beta function. Placing the result in Eq. (10) and taking the initial electron to be at rest gives dE(Qm) > dx=e2 pω2 e v2p/parenleftBiggm2v2 p π¯h2/parenrightBiggν−3 2/braceleftbigg1 ν−3+γ 2/bracerightbigg . (14) The pole in this expression, which become negative when ν <3, corresponds to an infrared divergence in the ν→3 limit. When this result is added to that in Eq. (9) the divergent pole terms cancel, and the physical limit ν→3 is dEQm dx=e2 pω2 e v2 pln/parenleftBigg2mv2 p ¯hωe/parenrightBigg . (15) As indicated before, this is the correct result to leading or der in the plasma density. Instead of using the plasma density for the proof, it is equivalent to use the linearly related plasma frequencyωe. We have computed the leading and subleading terms in this qu antity. The result (9) for dE</dxinvolvesω2 e×ω(ν−3) ewhile the result (14) for dE>/dxinvolves just ω2 e. Hence, for ν <3, (9) is leading and (14) is subleading, while for ν >3, their roles are reversed. Thus, in either region the sum of the two contribut ions contains both the leading and (first) subleading terms, and so the limit of the sum at the physical dimension ν= 3 yields the correct result to leading order in the plasma dens ity. The result (15), including the proper constants inside the l ogarithm, may be essentially obtained by applying the j·Eheating formula (2) directly in three dimensions with the us e of the single-ring graph quantum form of the dielectric func tion in the limit in which the electrons in the plasma are taken to have negligible velocit y. Using this function [2], ǫ(ω,k) = 1−ω2 e (ω+iǫ)2−(¯hk2/2me)2, (16) in Eq. (2), a straight forward calculation gives the result ( 15) as the leading term for small ωe, except that the correct reduced mass min Eq. (15) is replaced by the electron mass mesince the current jdescribes the motion of a very heavy projectile particle. Th is sort of calculation was done some time ago by Lindhard [3], but it is r estricted to a cold plasma whose electron velocities are much less than that of the proj ectile. On the other hand, our method is easily extended [4] to treat the case of a hot plasma where this restriction is not imposed, and again a complete calculation can be performed w hich includes the constants in addition to the logarithm. Our method can be used to extend the result (15) to arbitrary v alues ofη=eep/(¯hvp), always retaining the correct additional constants. To do th is, we use some clever mathemat- ics of Lindhard and Sorensen [5], but in a manner which justifi es that these constants have been kept. Namely, we compute ∆dE> dx=ne 2me/integraldisplay (dσ−dσB)q2. (17) This difference is well behaved in the limit ν→3 since the pole at ν= 3 produced by the cross section integral comes from soft, infrared physics wh ich is completely contained in the 5Born approximation dσB. Although we always have in mind this difference, for simplic ity of exposition we shall omit the subtraction of the Born term i n an intermediate step: The partial wave decomposition of the scattering amplitude and standard manipulations yield /integraldisplay dσq2= 2π¯h2∞/summationdisplay l=0(l+ 1)/braceleftBig 2−e2i[δl−δ(l+1)]−e−2i[δl−δ(l+1)]/bracerightBig . (18) For the Coulomb potential e2iδl=Γ(l+ 1 +iη) Γ(l+ 1−iη)eiφ, (19) where the phase φis independent of l. Using Γ( z+ 1) =zΓ(z), a little algebra, and subtracting the Born approximation, we find that /integraldisplay (dσ−dσB)q2= 4πη2¯h2∞/summationdisplay l=0/bracketleftBigg1 l+ 1 +iη+1 l+ 1−iη−2 l+ 1/bracketrightBigg =−4πe2e2 p v2 p2 [Reψ(1 +iη) +γ], (20) whereψ(z) is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function, ψ(z) = Γ′(z)/Γ(z), and Re denotes the real part. Recalling the definition (5) of the pla sma frequency, we now have [6] ∆dE> dx=−e2 pω2 e v2 p[Reψ(1 +iη) +γ], (21) with the energy loss for all ηvalues given by dE dx=dEQm dx+ ∆dE> dx. (22) In the classical case, η=eep/(¯hvp) becomes large. Using the limit |z| → ∞ :ψ(1 +z) = lnz+O(z−1), (23) Eq’s. (21), (22), and (15) yield the classical form dECl dx=e2 pω2 e v2pln/parenleftBigg 2e−γmv3 p epeωe/parenrightBigg . (24) This result, including the proper constant 2 e−γthat appears within the logarithm, was obtained long ago by Kramers [7]. It may also be obtained dire ctly [8] with our dimensional continuation methods by using the classical Coulomb scatte ring cross section for dimension ν >3 in the scattering energy loss expression (10). Essentially the method introduced in this letter has been us ed before [9] to calculate the Lamb shift, with the role of the plasma density replaced b y the nuclear charge. That exposition, however, was presented in a somewhat mystical m anner, and it unfortunately did not bring out the essence of the method. The method introd uced in this letter has also recently been applied to compute the electrical conductivi ty of a classical plasma [10]. 6This presentation of my ideas has been improved by conversat ions with L. G. Yaffe. G. Bertsch brought the work [3] of Lindhard to my attention and s howed me an alternative derivation of his result. This work was supported, in part, b y the U. S. Department of Energy under grant DE-FG03-96ER40956, and it was completed at the S anta Barbara Institute for Theoretical Physics and at the Los Alamos National Laborato ry. 7REFERENCES [1] See, for example, E. M. Lifshitz and L. P. Pitaevskii, Physical Kinetics , Pergamon Press, 1981, Sec. 29. [2] This result may be inferred, for example, from the discus sion in Sec. 33 of A. L. Fetter and J. D. Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems , McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971. [3] J. Lindhard, Dan. Mat. Fys. Medd. 28, no. 8 (1954). [4] L. S. Brown and R. F. Sawyer, to be published. [5] J. Lindhard and A. H. Sorensen, Phys. Rev. A 53, 2443 (1996), Sec. III. [6] This interpolation formula was first obtained by F. Bloch , Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 16, 285 (1933). [7] H. A. Kramers, Physica 13, 401 (1947). [8] L. S. Brown, unpublished. [9] L. S. Brown, Quantum Field Theory , Cambridge University Press, 1992. [10] L. S. Brown, unpublished. 8
arXiv:physics/9911057v1 [physics.ed-ph] 24 Nov 1999Solidification pipes: from solder pots to igneous rocks M. Stewart Siuaand Dmitry Budkerb,c∗ aDepartment of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca NY 14850 bDepartment of Physics, University of California, Berkeley , CA 94720-7300 cNuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Labo ratory, Berkeley CA 94720 (July 26, 2013) When a substance that shrinks in volume as it solidifies (for example, lead) is melted in a container and then cooled, a deep hole is often found in the center after resolidificatio n. We use a simple model to describe the shape of the pipe and compare it with experimental results. In an experiment that involves atomic beams of thal- lium [1], it was noticed that a deep narrow hole was formed in the thallium that melted and resolidified. The hole that formed was at the center of the container and extended from the surface to nearly the bottom. It was surmised that the phenomenon was due to the change in volume of thallium during solidification. Such formation is sometimes known as “pipe” in metallurgy [2]. In this note, we discuss a simple model of pipe formation and compare it with straightforward experiments that can be carried out in classrooms. Suppose a molten substance is cooling in a circular cylinder. Assuming that solidification occurs from the side walls of the container inwards in the radial direction and neglecting the surface tension effects, we should ex- pect the liquid level to drop as a layer of solid is formed because of the higher density of the solid. Consider a newly solidified layer of thickness dr. Let ρsandρlbe the solid and liquid densities respectively, and let h(r) be the height of solid as a function of radius r. Equat- ing the mass before and after solidification, one obtains a differential equation: πr2hρl=π(r−dr)2(h−dh)ρl+ 2πrhdrρ s.(1) Keeping only first order differentials, we get: dh h= 2/parenleftbiggρs−ρl ρl/parenrightbiggdr r. (2) With the boundary condition of h(R) =h0, where Rand h0are the radius of the container and the initial liquid level respectively, the solution is: h=h0/parenleftBigr R/parenrightBig2α , α=ρs−ρl ρl≥0. (3) This solution (plotted in Fig. 1 for the parameters of an experiment described below) gives a sharp hole inthe center, the shape of which, for a given container and liquid volume, is determined by α, the fractional density change. With this simple model in mind, we have performed solidification experiments with various substances (this time omitting the highly toxic thallium). The changes in densities upon solidification for these materials and for thallium are listed in Table I [2–4]. As expected, pipes are observed in all materials tested except Wood’s metal (an alloy of 50% Bi, 25% Pb, 12.5% Cd and 12.5% Sn). Indeed, Wood’s metal has the property that the volume changes little during solidification. Note that for sub- stances that expand upon solidification (water, bismuth, antimony and gallium), no ”anti-pipe” is formed because the liquid is pushed out by the expanded solidified ma- terial and assumes a horizontal level. Photographs of several experimental samples are shown in Figures 2-5. Figure 2 shows a sample of conven- tional solder alloy (60% lead, 40% tin) that was melted and poured into a glass beaker where it cooled and solid- ified. The sample was then cut through the center of the pipe, the resulting cross-section is shown in Figure 3. Comparing the shape of the pipe predicted by our sim- ple model (Fig. 1) to the one observed experimentally (Figs. 2 and 3), one finds that, while the shape is repro- duced qualitatively, there are also significant discrepan- cies. First, the pipe does not actually go to the bottom of the container as the model predicts. Second, the pipe in the experiment turns out to be much wider. Presum- ably this is because we have assumed that solidification occurs only from the sides (see below). In fact, when cooling from the surface and the bottom becomes significant, other scenarios in addition to pipe formation are possible. Fig. 4 shows a solidified lead sample, in which a layer of solid on the surface covers the pipe, turning it into a cavity. We can see that the cavity width is greater than the pipe width predicted from Equation 3. Qualitatively this can be understood from the requirement of mass conservation: the material solidified on the top does not have a chance to fill the pipe. To reduce the relative solidification rate from the sur- face, we attempted accelerated cooling from the sides by putting a beaker with molten solder into a water bath. This time, instead of a deep pipe, a surface recession shown in Fig. 5 was observed. To explain this observa- tion, we modified the model by adding a term to account 1for solidification from the bottom. Letkbe the ratio of the solidification rate of the bot- tom to that of the sides. In order to keep the model as simple as possible, we assume k=hr=0/R. (Note that this would not be a valid approximation for large k. If the solidification from the bottom is sufficiently rapid, the entire substance solidifies before solidification from the sides reaches r= 0. In the cases discussed here, how- ever, the liquid level is high and the cooling rate from the bottom is about the same as that from the sides, so the assumption can be safely granted.) The differential equation analogous to Equation 1, with the shorthand h′=h−k(R−r), is then: πr2h′ρl=π(r−dr)2(h′−kdr−dh)ρl +2πrh′drρs+π(r−dr)2kdrρ s. (4) Simplifying, we get dh dr=2α(h−kR) r+ 3kα. (5) The solution is a long algebraic expression, which we omit here, but the solution plot (for k= 1) is given in Fig. 6. Comparing it to the picture of the sample (Fig. 5), one can find close resemblance between the two. So far we have neglected the effect of surface tension (a simple discussion of surface tension is given in [6], for example). If wetting occurs at the solid-liquid interface of the solidifying substance, the surface of the liquid will not be flat, and the curvature of the surface will affect the final shape of the solid. However, it is reasonable to assume that this effect only becomes significant when the dimension of the contained liquid is ”capillary” — i.e., the radius of curvature of the surface near the wall, a, becomes comparable to the radius of the liquid surface, r. From dimensional analysis, we expect a2∼σ ρg. Plugging in realistic parameters, for example, ρl= 104kg/m3(for metal), σ= 0.5N/m, we obtain a∼2mm. This means that surface tension only becomes important near the center of the container. The effect should be observable at the bottom of the pipe. Qualitatively, we would expect the bottom to be more concave than predicted by our model due to the curved liquid surface, and this is indeed the case (see Fig. 3). In conclusion, we have discussed the mechanism of for- mation of surface pipes upon resolidification of materials withρl/ρs<1. These prominent formations can often be observed in solder pots, candle containers, etc. They are important in metallurgy [2] where they have to be taken into account in casting processes. Similar formations also occur in igneous rocks due to density changes of magma on solidification [5]. However, it is often difficult to sepa- rate this effect from a large number of other factors that determine the structure and texture of igneous rocks.The authors are grateful to D. E. Brown, D. DeMille, J. Demouthe, D. F. Kimball, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk for useful discussions. This work was sup- ported by National Science Foundation under CAREER Grant No. PHY-9733479. -2-1012 r□cm-2-1012 012 h□cm -2-1012 r□cm-2-1012 FIG. 1. A plot of solution (3) with h0= 2.5cm, R= 2.3cm, α = 0.025. FIG. 2. Top view of the solder sample. h0≈2.5cm, R≈2.3cm. FIG. 3. Cross section of the solder sample in Fig.2. 2FIG. 4. Cross section of the lead sample with h0≈9cm, R≈2.2cm. Note that the pipe is closed from the top, forming a cavity. FIG. 5. Solder sample cooled in a water bath. h0≈3.6cm, h0≈2.3cm. The curvature on the sides is, presumably, due to anti-wetting of solder with the glass surface of the container.-2 -1 1 2cm0.511.522.533.5cm FIG. 6. A plot of the solution for Equation (5) with k= 1 and other parameters as those for the sample in Fig. 5. An extremely narrow pipe (radius <10−3cm) is present in the plot, but as one would reasonably expect, such delicate stru c- ture is not found in the sample. ∗e-mail: budker@socrates.Berkeley.edu [1] D. DeMille, D. Budker, and E. D. Commins, Measurement of the Stark-induced amplitudes of the 6 P1/2to 7P1/2 transition in atomic thallium, Phys. Rev. A 50(6), 4657 (1994); Photoionization and photodissociation propertie s ofTl2observed in a hypersonic beam, Chem. Phys. Lett., 229(1-2), 35 (1994). [2] B. Chalmers, Principles of Solification (John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1964), pp. 285-287. [3] Metal Handbook 2, 9th ed., Amer. Soc. for Metals, Ohio (1979). [4] The Merck Index, 8th ed., Merck & Co., N.J. (1968). [5] F. Grout, Petrography and Petrology (McGraw-Hill, N.Y. 1932), p.36. [6] A. Kikoin and I. Kikion, Molecular Physics (Mir Publish- ers, 1978), pp. 320ff. 3