2 values
12 values
2 classes
1 class
1 class
5 values
1 value
2 classes
2 classes
19 values
/Project 10/
class Procedure: def __init__(self, ProName, ProDate, Practitioner, Charges): self.__ProName = ProName self.__ProDate = ProDate self.__Practitioner = Practitioner self.__Charges = Charges def ProName(self,ProName): self.__ProName = ProName def ProDate(self, ProDate): self.__ProDate = ProDate def Practitioner(self, Practitioner): self.__Practitioner = Practitioner def Charges(self, Charges): self.__Charges = Charges def Get_ProName(self): return self.__ProName def Get_ProDate(self): return self.__ProDate def Get_Practitioner(self): return self.__Practitioner def Get_Charges(self): return self.__Charges
[ "MIT" ]
import scrapy from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector import urlparse class Art(scrapy.Item): title = scrapy.Field() date = scrapy.Field() price = scrapy.Field() class GetReview(scrapy.Spider): name = 'invaluable' start_urls = [""] def parse(self, response): hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response) art = Art() art['title'] = response.xpath('//div[@class="lot-tile-title"]/a/text()').extract() art['date'] = response.xpath('//p[@class="date-location"]/text()').extract() art['price'] = response.xpath('//p[@class="current-bid"]/text()').extract() yield art
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Copyright (C) 2017, Kai Raphahn <> # import time import sys import unittest import unittest.mock as mock import colorama from bbutil.logging.writer.console import ConsoleWriter, _Style from bbutil.logging.types import Message, Progress, Writer RESET_ALL = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL class Callback(object): def __init__(self, writer: Writer): self.item = None self.writer = writer return def append(self, item: Message): self.writer.write(item) return class SysWrite(mock.MagicMock): encoding = "cp850" def __index__(self): mock.MagicMock.__init__(self) return class TestConsoleWriter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): return def tearDown(self): return def test_constructor(self): item = ConsoleWriter() self.assertEqual(len(item.styles), 8) self.assertEqual(len(item.error_index), 2) self.assertEqual(item.encoding, "") self.assertEqual(item.text_space, 15) self.assertEqual(item.seperator, "|") self.assertEqual(item.length, 0) self.assertEqual(item.bar_len, 50) self.assertIs(item.stdout, sys.stdout) self.assertIs(item.stderr, sys.stderr) self.assertFalse(item.use_error) return def test_setup(self): item = ConsoleWriter() item.setup(text_space=20, seperator="#", error_index=["INFORM"], bar_len=40) self.assertEqual(len(item.styles), 8) self.assertEqual(len(item.error_index), 1) self.assertEqual(item.encoding, "") self.assertEqual(item.text_space, 20) self.assertEqual(item.seperator, "#") self.assertEqual(item.length, 0) self.assertEqual(item.bar_len, 40) self.assertIs(item.stdout, sys.stdout) self.assertIs(item.stderr, sys.stderr) self.assertFalse(item.use_error) return def test_add_style(self): item = ConsoleWriter() item.add_style("XXX", "BRIGHT", "GREEN", "") self.assertEqual(len(item.styles), 9) self.assertEqual(item.styles["XXX"].name, "XXX") return def test_open(self): item = ConsoleWriter() self.assertNotEqual(item.encoding, "") return def test_write_01(self): message = Message(app="TEST", level="INFORM", tag="TEST", content="This is a test!") item = ConsoleWriter() item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] print(data) self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.tag, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) return def test_write_02(self): message = Message(app="TEST", content="This is a test!", raw=True) item = ConsoleWriter() item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertNotIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) return def test_write_03(self): message = Message(app="TEST", level="INFORM", content="This is a test!") item = ConsoleWriter() item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) return def test_write_04(self): message = Message(app="TEST", level="ERROR", content="This is a test!") item = ConsoleWriter() item.setup(error_index=["ERROR"]) item.stderr = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stderr.write.called call = item.stderr.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] print(data) self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) return def test_write_05(self): writer = ConsoleWriter() writer.stdout = SysWrite() callback = Callback(writer) progress = Progress(100, 0, callback.append) n = 0 while True: time.sleep(0.0001) n += 1 if progress.finished is True: break write_called = writer.stdout.write.called count = writer.stdout.write.call_count self.assertEqual(n, 100) self.assertEqual(count, 100) self.assertTrue(write_called) return def test_write_06(self): writer = ConsoleWriter() writer.stdout = SysWrite() callback = Callback(writer) progress = Progress(100, 0, callback.append) writer.line_width = 20 n = 0 while True: time.sleep(0.0001) n += 1 if progress.finished is True: break write_called = writer.stdout.write.called count = writer.stdout.write.call_count self.assertEqual(n, 100) self.assertEqual(count, 0) self.assertFalse(write_called) return def test_write_07(self): message = Message(app="TEST", level="INFORM", tag="TEST", content="This is a test!") _style = _Style("INFORM", "BRIGHT", "GREEN", "") item = ConsoleWriter() item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] print(data) _tag = "TEST".ljust(15) _app_space = len("TEST") + 5 _app = "{0:s} ".format("TEST").ljust(_app_space) content = "{0:s}{1:s}{2:s} {3:s}{4:s} {5:s}{6:s}\n".format(RESET_ALL, _app, _style.scheme, _tag, "|", RESET_ALL, "This is a test!") self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.tag, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) self.assertEqual(content, data) return def test_write_08(self): message = Message(app="TEST", level="INFORM", tag="TEST", content="This is a test!") _style = _Style("INFORM", "BRIGHT", "GREEN", "") item = ConsoleWriter() item.setup(app_space=15) item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] print(data) _tag = "TEST".ljust(15) _app_space = len("TEST") + 5 _app = "{0:s} ".format("TEST").ljust(15) content = "{0:s}{1:s}{2:s} {3:s}{4:s} {5:s}{6:s}\n".format(RESET_ALL, _app, _style.scheme, _tag, "|", RESET_ALL, "This is a test!") self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.tag, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) self.assertEqual(content, data) return def test_write_09(self): message = Message(app="TEST", level="INFORM", tag="TEST", content="This is a test!") _style = _Style("INFORM", "BRIGHT", "GREEN", "") item = ConsoleWriter() item.setup(app_space=10) item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] print(data) _tag = "TEST".ljust(15) _app_space = len("TEST") + 5 _app = "{0:s} ".format("TEST").ljust(15) content = "{0:s}{1:s}{2:s} {3:s}{4:s} {5:s}{6:s}\n".format(RESET_ALL, _app, _style.scheme, _tag, "|", RESET_ALL, "This is a test!") self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.tag, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) self.assertNotEqual(content, data) return def test_write_10(self): message = Message(app="TEST", level="INFORM", tag="TEST", content="This is a test!") _style = _Style("INFORM", "BRIGHT", "GREEN", "") item = ConsoleWriter() item.setup(text_space=10) item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[0] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] print(data) _tag = "TEST".ljust(10) _app_space = len("TEST") + 5 _app = "{0:s} ".format("TEST").ljust(_app_space) content = "{0:s}{1:s}{2:s} {3:s}{4:s} {5:s}{6:s}\n".format(RESET_ALL, _app, _style.scheme, _tag, "|", RESET_ALL, "This is a test!") self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn(, data) self.assertIn(message.tag, data) self.assertIn(message.content, data) self.assertEqual(content, data) return def test_clear_01(self): message = Message(app="TEST", content="This is a test!", raw=True) item = ConsoleWriter() item.stdout = SysWrite() item.write(message) item.clear() count = item.stdout.write.call_count write_called = item.stdout.write.called call = item.stdout.write.call_args_list[1] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn('\r', data) self.assertEqual(count, 2) return def test_clear_02(self): message = Message(app="TEST", content="This is a test!", level="ERROR") item = ConsoleWriter() item.setup(error_index=["ERROR"]) item.stderr = SysWrite() item.write(message) item.clear() count = item.stderr.write.call_count write_called = item.stderr.write.called call = item.stderr.write.call_args_list[1] (args, kwargs) = call data = args[0] self.assertTrue(write_called) self.assertIn('\r', data) self.assertEqual(count, 2) return
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # PORTIONS OF THIS CODE from # import json import os import re import subprocess from functools import reduce def checkout(revision): """ Helper function for checking out a branch :param revision: The revision to checkout :type revision: str """ ['git', 'checkout', revision], check=True ) output_path = os.environ.get('OUTPUT_PATH') head = os.environ.get('CIRCLE_SHA1') base_revision = os.environ.get('BASE_REVISION') mapping = os.environ.get("MAPPING") if not mapping: print("fallback to reading the file") mapping = open(os.environ.get("MAPPING_FILE")).read() #checkout(base_revision) # Checkout base revision to make sure it is available for comparison # checkout(head) # return to head commit base = ['git', 'merge-base', base_revision, head], check=True, capture_output=True ).stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() if head == base: try: # If building on the same branch as BASE_REVISION, we will get the # current commit as merge base. In that case try to go back to the # first parent, i.e. the last state of this branch before the # merge, and use that as the base. base = ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD~1'], # FIXME this breaks on the first commit, fallback to something check=True, capture_output=True ).stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() except: # This can fail if this is the first commit of the repo, so that # HEAD~1 actually doesn't resolve. In this case we can compare # against this magic SHA below, which is the empty tree. The diff # to that is just the first commit as patch. base = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904' print('Comparing {}...{}'.format(base, head)) changes = ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', base, head], check=True, capture_output=True ).stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() mappings = [ m.split() for m in mapping.splitlines() ] def check_mapping(m): if 3 != len(m): raise Exception(f"Invalid mapping ({m})") path, param, value = m regex = re.compile(r'^' + path + r'$') for change in changes: if regex.match(change): return True return False # HERE IS THE DIVERGENCE FROM PATH-FILTERING def convert_mapping(accumulator, current): """ arguments: accumulator -- dictionary type. Keys and values will be passed to mustache to enrich template current -- array of the last two values in the matching MAPPING line. aka will be ["build-what", "one"] """ parameter_name = current[1] parameter_value = json.loads(current[2]) is_parameter_an_array = isinstance(parameter_value, list) if is_parameter_an_array: parameter_array = accumulator.get(parameter_name, []) parameter_value_array_value = parameter_value[0] parameter_array.append(parameter_value_array_value) accumulator[parameter_name] = parameter_array else: accumulator[parameter_name] = parameter_value return accumulator # END DIVERGENCE FROM PATH-FILTERING mappings = filter(check_mapping, mappings) mappings = reduce(convert_mapping, mappings, {}) # (I also changed this to a reduce function...) with open(output_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(mappings))
from django.conf.urls import url, include from django.contrib import admin from .views import room_list, FloorList urlpatterns = [ url(r'^room-list/', room_list), url(r'^floor-list/', FloorList.as_view()) ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # !/usr/bin/env python import librosa import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import os import random from config import ModelConfig def get_filenames(datafilename): wavf = os.listdir(datafilename) wavfile = [] for file in wavf: if file.endswith(".wav"): wavfile.append(datafilename + '/' + file) return wavfile def get_random_wav_batch(filenames1, filenames2, sec, sr=ModelConfig.SR): # filenames1่ฎพ็ฝฎไธบ่ฏญ้Ÿณ๏ผŒfilenames2่ฎพ็ฝฎไธบๅ™ชๅฃฐ๏ผŒๅ…ถไธญ่ฏญ้Ÿณๅˆๅง‹็‚น้šๆœบ้€‰ๅ– filen1 = get_filenames(filenames1) filen2 = get_filenames(filenames2) f1 = random.sample(filen1, ModelConfig.file_Num) f2 = random.sample(filen2, ModelConfig.file_Num) list1 = np.array( list(map(lambda f: _sample_range(_pad_wav(librosa.load(f, sr=sr, mono=True)[0], sr, sec), sr, sec), f1))) list2 = np.array( list(map(lambda f: _sample_range(_pad_wav(librosa.load(f, sr=sr, mono=True)[0], sr, sec), sr, sec), f2))) minxed = list1 + list2 return minxed, list1, list2 def enframe(signal,nw = ModelConfig.L_FRAME, inc = ModelConfig.L_HOP, winfunc = 'hann'): ''' :param signal: ่พ“ๅ…ฅ็š„่ฏญ้Ÿณไฟกๅท :param nw: ๅธง้•ฟ :param inc: ๅธง็งป :param winfunc: ็ช—ๅ‡ฝๆ•ฐ็ฑปๅž‹๏ผŒ้ป˜่ฎคๅŠ ๆฑ‰ๅฎ็ช— :return: ๅธงไฟกๅท็Ÿฉ้˜ต ''' signal_len = len(signal) if signal_len <= nw: nframe = 1 else: nframe = int(np.ceil((1.0*signal_len-nw+inc)/inc)) pad_length = int((nframe-1)*inc + nw) zeros = np.zeros((pad_length - signal_len)) pad_signal = np.concatenate((signal, zeros)) indices = np.tile(np.arange(0,nw), (nframe,1)) + np.tile(np.arange(0,nframe*inc,inc), (nw,1)).T indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.int32) frames = pad_signal[indices] winf = np.hamming(nw) win = np.tile(winf, (nframe, 1)) return frames*win def get_batch_frame(signal): batch_size = signal.shape[0] batch_data=[] for i in range(0,batch_size): batch_data.append(enframe(signal[i])) return np.array(batch_data) def batch_to_frame(pre_data, mixed_phase): ''' :param pre_data: ้ข„ๆต‹ๅพ—ๅˆฐ็š„้ข‘่ฐฑ็ป“ๆžœ :param mixed_phase: ๆททๅˆ่ฏญ้Ÿณ็š„็›ธไฝไฟกๆฏ :return: ไปŽ้ข„ๆต‹้ข‘่ฐฑๅพ—ๅˆฐ็š„ๆ—ถๅŸŸ่ฏญ้Ÿณไฟกๅท ''' rebuild_frame = [] nframe = pre_data.shape[0] for i in range(0, nframe): freq_positive = pre_data[i] * np.exp(1.j * mixed_phase[i]) freq_positive_len = len(freq_positive) # ่ฟ™้‡Œ่€ƒ่™‘ไบ†ๅฅ‡ๆ•ฐ็‚นๅถๆ•ฐ็‚น็š„้—ฎ้ข˜ freq_negative = [] if freq_positive_len % 2 == 1: for j in range(2, freq_positive_len): freq_negative.append(np.conjugate(freq_positive[freq_positive_len - j])) else: for j in range(1, freq_positive_len): freq_negative.append(np.conjugate(freq_positive[freq_positive_len - j])) freq_negative = np.array(freq_negative) freq_batch = np.r_[freq_positive, freq_negative] data = np.fft.ifft(freq_batch) rebuild_frame.append(data) return np.array(rebuild_frame) def frame_to_wav(frame, nw = ModelConfig.L_FRAME, inc = ModelConfig.L_HOP): ''' :param frame: ่พ“ๅ…ฅ็š„่ฟž็ปญ็š„ๅคšๅธงๆ—ถๅŸŸไฟกๅท :param nw: ๅธง้•ฟ :param inc: ๅธง็งป :return: ๆ—ถๅŸŸ่ฏญ้Ÿณไฟกๅท ''' n_frame, freq = frame.shape wav_len = (n_frame - 1) * inc + nw wav = np.array(np.zeros([wav_len],dtype = np.float)) for i in range(0,n_frame): # a = np.array(wav[ i*inc : i*inc+nw]) # b= np.array(frame[i,:]) # c=a+b wav[i*inc : i*inc+nw ] = wav[i*inc : i*inc+nw] + frame[i,:] return wav def get_spec(wav, freq_nums = ModelConfig.L_FRAME): # return np.array(list(map(lambda w: (np.fft.fft(w))[:,0:int(freq_nums/2 +1 )], wav))) batch_size, frame_num, freq = wav.shape spec = np.array(list(map(lambda w: (np.fft.fft(w))[:,0:int(freq_nums/2 +1 )], wav))) return spec # Batch considered ่ฝฌไธบ้ข‘่ฐฑ def to_spectrogram(wav, len_frame=ModelConfig.L_FRAME, len_hop=ModelConfig.L_HOP): return np.array(list(map(lambda w: librosa.stft(w, n_fft=len_frame, hop_length=len_hop), wav))) # Batch considered ้€š่ฟ‡ๅน…ๅ€ผๅ’Œ็›ธไฝ่ฟ˜ๅŽŸ่ฏญ้Ÿณ def to_wav(mag, phase, len_hop=ModelConfig.L_HOP): stft_matrix = get_stft_matrix(mag, phase) return np.array(list(map(lambda s: librosa.istft(s, hop_length=len_hop), stft_matrix))) # Batch considered ้ข‘ๅŸŸ็›ดๆŽฅ่ฝฌๆขไธบๆ—ถๅŸŸ def to_wav_from_spec(stft_maxrix, len_hop=ModelConfig.L_HOP): return np.array(list(map(lambda s: librosa.istft(s, hop_length=len_hop), stft_maxrix))) # Batch considered def to_wav_mag_only(mag, init_phase, len_frame=ModelConfig.L_FRAME, len_hop=ModelConfig.L_HOP, num_iters=50): # return np.array(list(map(lambda m_p: griffin_lim(m, len_frame, len_hop, num_iters=num_iters, phase_angle=p)[0], list(zip(mag, init_phase))[1]))) return np.array(list(map(lambda m: lambda p: griffin_lim(m, len_frame, len_hop, num_iters=num_iters, phase_angle=p), list(zip(mag, init_phase))[1]))) # Batch considered ๅฏน้ข‘่ฐฑๅ–ๅน…ๅ€ผ def get_magnitude(stft_matrixes): return np.abs(stft_matrixes) # Batch considered ๅฏน้ข‘่ฐฑๅ–็›ธไฝ def get_phase(stft_maxtrixes): return np.angle(stft_maxtrixes) # Batch considered ๅน…ๅ€ผ็›ธไฝ่ฝฌไธบ้ข‘่ฐฑ def get_stft_matrix(magnitudes, phases): return magnitudes * np.exp(1.j * phases) # Batch considered def soft_time_freq_mask(target_src, remaining_src): mask = np.abs(target_src) / (np.abs(target_src) + np.abs(remaining_src) + np.finfo(float).eps) return mask # Batch considered def hard_time_freq_mask(target_src, remaining_src): mask = np.where(target_src > remaining_src, 1., 0.) return mask def write_wav(data, path, sr=ModelConfig.SR, format='wav', subtype='PCM_16'): sf.write('{}.wav'.format(path), data, sr, format=format, subtype=subtype) def griffin_lim(mag, len_frame, len_hop, num_iters, phase_angle=None, length=None): assert (num_iters > 0) if phase_angle is None: phase_angle = np.pi * np.random.rand(*mag.shape) spec = get_stft_matrix(mag, phase_angle) for i in range(num_iters): wav = librosa.istft(spec, win_length=len_frame, hop_length=len_hop, length=length) if i != num_iters - 1: spec = librosa.stft(wav, n_fft=len_frame, win_length=len_frame, hop_length=len_hop) _, phase = librosa.magphase(spec) phase_angle = np.angle(phase) spec = get_stft_matrix(mag, phase_angle) return wav def _pad_wav(wav, sr, duration): # ่กฅ0 assert (wav.ndim <= 2) n_samples = int(sr * duration) pad_len = np.maximum(0, n_samples - wav.shape[-1]) if wav.ndim == 1: pad_width = (0, pad_len) else: pad_width = ((0, 0), (0, pad_len)) wav = np.pad(wav, pad_width=pad_width, mode='constant', constant_values=0) return wav def _sample_range(wav, sr, duration): # ้šๆœบ้‡‡ๆ ทๅˆๅง‹็‚น assert (wav.ndim <= 2) target_len = int(sr * duration) wav_len = wav.shape[-1] start = np.random.choice(range(np.maximum(1, wav_len - target_len)), 1)[0] end = start + target_len if wav.ndim == 1: wav = wav[start:end] else: wav = wav[:, start:end] return wav def spec_to_batch(src): # shape = (batch_size, n_frames, n_freq) => (batch_size, n_freq, n_frames) # num_wavs, freq, n_frames = src.shape num_wavs, n_frames, freq = src.shape # Padding pad_len = 0 if n_frames % ModelConfig.SEQ_LEN > 0: pad_len = (ModelConfig.SEQ_LEN - (n_frames % ModelConfig.SEQ_LEN)) pad_width = ((0, 0), (0, pad_len), (0, 0)) padded_src = np.pad(src, pad_width=pad_width, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # assert((padded_src.shape[-1] % ModelConfig.SEQ_LEN )== 0) # batch = np.reshape(padded_src.transpose(0, 2, 1), # (-1, ModelConfig.SEQ_LEN, freq)) batch = np.reshape(padded_src,(-1, ModelConfig.SEQ_LEN, freq)) return batch, padded_src def batch_to_spec(src, num_wav): # shape = (batch_size, n_frames, n_freq) => (batch_size, n_freq, # n_frames) batch_size, seq_len, freq = src.shape src = np.reshape(src, (num_wav, -1, freq)) src = src.transpose(0, 2, 1) return src
from _socket import socket from transmogrify.webcrawler.staticcreator import OpenOnRead from zope.interface import implements from zope.interface import classProvides from collective.transmogrifier.interfaces import ISectionBlueprint from collective.transmogrifier.interfaces import ISection from transmogrify.webcrawler.external import webchecker from transmogrify.webcrawler.external.webchecker import Checker,Page from transmogrify.webcrawler.external.webchecker import MyHTMLParser,MyStringIO import re from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs from bs4 import UnicodeDammit import urllib,os, urlparse from sys import stderr import urlparse import logging from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from staticcreator import CachingURLopener try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: # python 2.6 or earlier, use backport from ordereddict import OrderedDict """ transmogrify.webcrawler ======================= A source blueprint for crawling content from a site or local html files. Webcrawler imports HTML either from a live website, for a folder on disk, or a folder on disk with html which used to come from a live website and may still have absolute links refering to that website. To crawl a live website supply the crawler with a base http url to start crawling with. This url must be the url which all the other urls you want from the site start with. For example :: [crawler] blueprint = transmogrify.webcrawler url = max = 50 will restrict the crawler to the first 50 pages. You can also crawl a local directory of html with relative links by just using a file: style url :: [crawler] blueprint = transmogrify.webcrawler url = file:///mydirectory or if the local directory contains html saved from a website and might have absolute urls in it the you can set this as the cache. The crawler will always look up the cache first :: [crawler] blueprint = transmogrify.webcrawler url = --crawler:cache=mydirectory The following will not crawl anything larget than 4Mb :: [crawler] blueprint = transmogrify.webcrawler url = maxsize=400000 To skip crawling links by regular expression :: [crawler] blueprint = transmogrify.webcrawler url= ignore = \.mp3 \.mp4 If webcrawler is having trouble parsing the html of some pages you can preprocesses the html before it is parsed. e.g. :: [crawler] blueprint = transmogrify.webcrawler patterns = (<script>)[^<]*(</script>) subs = \1\2 If you'd like to skip processing links with certain mimetypes you can use the drop:condition. This TALES expression determines what will be processed further. see :: [drop] blueprint = collective.transmogrifier.sections.condition condition: python:item.get('_mimetype') not in ['application/x-javascript','text/css','text/plain','application/x-java-byte-code'] and item.get('_path','').split('.')[-1] not in ['class'] Options: :site_url: - the top url to crawl :ignore: - list of regex for urls to not crawl :whitelist: - list of regex for urls. If enabled only urls that match these expressions will be crawled :cache: - local directory to read crawled items from instead of accessing the site directly :patterns: - Regular expressions to substitute before html is parsed. New line seperated :subs: - Text to replace each item in patterns. Must be the same number of lines as patterns. Due to the way buildout handles empty lines, to replace a pattern with nothing (eg to remove the pattern), use ``<EMPTYSTRING>`` as a substitution. :maxsize: - don't crawl anything larger than this :max: - Limit crawling to this number of pages :start-urls: - a list of urls to initially crawl :ignore-robots: - if set, will ignore the robots.txt directives and crawl everything :post-only: - if 'true' any url with a query string will submit with a POST instead of a GET WebCrawler will emit items like :: item = dict(_site_url = "Original site_url used", _path = "The url crawled without _site_url, _content = "The raw content returned by the url", _content_info = "Headers returned with content" _backlinks = names, _sortorder = "An integer representing the order the url was found within the page/site ) """ VERBOSE = 0 # Verbosity level (0-3) MAXPAGE = 0 # Ignore files bigger than this CHECKEXT = False # Check external references (1 deep) VERBOSE = 0 # Verbosity level (0-3) MAXPAGE = 150000 # Ignore files bigger than this NONAMES = 0 # Force name anchor checking def match_first(pat_list, text): """return the first pattern to match the text""" for pat in pat_list: if pat and return pat.pattern class WebCrawler(object): classProvides(ISectionBlueprint) implements(ISection) def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous): self.previous = previous try: = ISectionFeedback(transmogrifier) except: = None #self.open_url = MyURLopener().open self.options = options self.ignore_re = [re.compile(pat.strip()) for pat in options.get("ignore",'').split('\n') if pat] self.whitelist_re = [re.compile(pat.strip()) for pat in options.get("whitelist",'').split('\n') if pat] self.logger = logging.getLogger(name) self.checkext = options.get('checkext', CHECKEXT) self.verbose = options.get('verbose', VERBOSE) self.maxpage = options.get('maxsize', None) self.nonames = options.get('nonames', NONAMES) self.site_url = options.get('site_url', options.get('url', None)) self.starts = [u for u in options.get('start-urls', '').strip().split() if u] self.max = options.get('max',None) self.cache = options.get('cache', None) self.postonly = options.get('post-only', 'false').lower() in ["true","yes"] self.context = transmogrifier.context #self.alias_bases = [a for a in options.get('alias_bases', '').split() if a] # make sure we end with a / if self.site_url[-1] != '/': self.site_url += '/' if os.path.exists(self.site_url): self.site_url = 'file://'+urllib.pathname2url(self.site_url) def __iter__(self): for item in self.previous: yield item if not self.site_url: return options = self.options def pagefactory(text, url, verbose=VERBOSE, maxpage=MAXPAGE, checker=None): try: page = LXMLPage(text,url,verbose,maxpage,checker,options,self.logger) except HTMLParseError, msg: #msg = self.sanitize(msg) ##elf.note(0, "Error parsing %s: %s", # self.format_url(url), msg) # Dont actually mark the URL as bad - it exists, just # we can't parse it! page = None return page webchecker.Page = pagefactory self.checker = MyChecker(self.site_url, self.cache) #self.checker.alias_bases = self.alias_bases self.checker.setflags(checkext = self.checkext, verbose = self.verbose, maxpage = self.maxpage, nonames = self.nonames) self.checker.postonly = self.postonly self.checker.ignore_robots = options.get('ignore_robots', "false").lower() in ['true','on'] self.checker.resetRun() #must take off the '/' for the crawler to work self.checker.addroot(self.site_url[:-1]) self.checker.sortorder[self.site_url] = 0 # make sure start links go first root = self.checker.todo.popitem() for url in self.starts: if url == self.site_url[:-1]: continue self.checker.newtodolink((url,''), '<root>') self.checker.sortorder[url] = 0 self.checker.todo[root[0]] = root[1] #for root in self.alias_bases: # self.checker.addroot(root, add_to_do = 0) # self.checker.sortorder[root] = 0 while self.checker.todo: if self.max and len(self.checker.done) == int(self.max): break urls = self.checker.todo.keys() #urls.sort() del urls[1:] for url,part in urls: ignore_pat = match_first(self.ignore_re, url) whitelist_pat = match_first(self.whitelist_re, url) if ignore_pat: self.logger.debug("Ignoring: %s due to '%s'" % (str(url), patstr)) self.checker.markdone((url,part)) yield dict(_bad_url = url) elif len(self.whitelist_re) > 0 and not whitelist_pat: self.checker.markdone((url,part)) self.logger.debug("not in whitelist: %s" %str(url)) yield dict(_bad_url = url) elif not url.startswith(self.site_url[:-1]): self.checker.markdone((url,part)) self.logger.debug("External: %s" %str(url)) yield dict(_bad_url = url) else: base = self.site_url self.checker.dopage((url,part)) page = self.checker.name_table.get(url) #have to usse unredirected origin = url url = self.checker.redirected.get(url,url) names = self.checker.link_names.get(url,[]) path = url[len(self.site_url):] info = self.checker.infos.get(url) file = self.checker.files.get(url) sortorder = self.checker.sortorder.get(origin,0) text = page and page.html() or file #clean url. if trailing slash html has already had links rewritten path = '/'.join([p for p in path.split('/') if p]) # unquote the url as plone id does not support % or + but do support space path = urllib.unquote_plus(path) if info and text: if origin != url: # we've been redirected. emit a redir item so we can put in place redirect orig_path = origin[len(self.site_url):] orig_path = '/'.join([p for p in orig_path.split('/') if p]) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if orig_path: # unquote the url as plone id does not support % or + but do support space orig_path = urllib.unquote_plus(orig_path) yield(dict(_path = orig_path, _site_url = base, _sortorder = sortorder, _orig_path = orig_path, _redir = path)) else: orig_path = None item = dict(_path = path, _site_url = base, _backlinks = names, _sortorder = sortorder, _content = text, _content_info = info, _orig_path = path) # don't rewrite it we have a link object # if orig_path is not None: # # we got redirected, let's rewrite the links # item['_origin'] = orig_path if page and page.html(): item['_html'] = page.text #so cache save no cleaned version if'webcrawler',msg) ctype = item.get('_content_info',{}).get('content-type','') csize = item.get('_content_info',{}).get('content-length',0) date = item.get('_content_info',{}).get('date','')"Crawled: %s (%d links, size=%s, %s %s)" % ( str(url), len(item.get('_backlinks',[])), csize, ctype, date)) yield item else: self.logger.debug("Error: %s" %str(url)) yield dict(_bad_url = origin) class MyChecker(Checker): link_names = {} #store link->[name] def __init__(self, site_url, cache): self.cache = cache self.site_url = site_url self.reset() def message(self, format, *args): pass # stop printing out crap def reset(self): self.infos = {} self.files = {} self.redirected = {} self.alias_bases = {} self.sortorder = {} self.counter = 0 Checker.reset(self) self.urlopener = CachingURLopener(cache = self.cache, site_url=self.site_url) def resetRun(self): self.roots = [] self.todo = OrderedDict() self.done = {} self.bad = {} def readhtml(self, url_pair): res = Checker.readhtml(self, url_pair) return res def openhtml(self, url_pair): oldurl, fragment = url_pair f = self.openpage(url_pair) if f: url = f.geturl() if url != oldurl: self.redirected[oldurl] = url self.infos[url] = info = #Incement counter to get ordering of links within pages over whole site if not self.checkforhtml(info, url): #self.files[url] = self.files[url] = f #self.safeclose(f) f = None else: url = oldurl return f, url def openpage(self, url_pair): url, fragment = url_pair old_pair = url_pair old_url = url # actually open alias instead # if self.site_url.endswith('/'): # realbase=self.site_url[:-1] # for a in self.alias_bases: # if a.endswith('/'): # a=a[:-1] # if a and url.startswith(a): # base = url[:len(a)] # path = url[len(a):] # url = realbase+path # break if self.postonly and '?' in url: parts = urlparse.urlparse(url) url = urlparse.urlunparse(parts[:4]+('','')) data = parts.query else: data = None try: return, data=data) except (OSError, IOError), msg: msg = self.sanitize(msg) self.note(0, "Error %s", msg) if self.verbose > 0:" HREF ", url, " from", self.todo[url_pair]) self.setbad(old_pair, msg) return None def setSortOrder(self, link): """ give each link a counter as it's encountered to later use in sorting """ if link not in self.sortorder: self.sortorder[link] = self.counter self.counter = self.counter + 1 def isallowed(self, root, url): if self.ignore_robots: return True return Checker.isallowed(self, root, url) import lxml.html import lxml.html.soupparser from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner from lxml.html.clean import clean_html import HTMLParser from HTMLParser import HTMLParseError from lxml.etree import tostring # do tidy and parsing and links via lxml. also try to encode page properly class LXMLPage: def __init__(self, text, url, verbose=VERBOSE, maxpage=MAXPAGE, checker=None, options=None, logger=None): self.text = text self.url = url self.verbose = verbose self.maxpage = maxpage self.logger = logger self.checker = checker self.options = options # The parsing of the page is done in the __init__() routine in # order to initialize the list of names the file # contains. Stored the parser in an instance variable. Passed # the URL to MyHTMLParser(). size = len(self.text) if self.maxpage and size > self.maxpage:"%s Skip huge file (%.0f Kbytes)" % (self.url, (size*0.001))) self.parser = None return if options: text = self.reformat(text, url) self.logger.debug("Parsing %s (%d bytes)" %( self.url, size) ) #text = clean_html(text) self.parser = None try: # info = self.checker.infos.get(url) try: http_charset = info.getheader('Content-Type').split('charset=')[1] except: http_charset = "" if http_charset == "": ud = UnicodeDammit(text, is_html=True) else: ud = UnicodeDammit(text, override_encodings=[http_charset], is_html=True) if not ud.unicode_markup: raise UnicodeDecodeError( "Failed to detect encoding, tried [%s]", ', '.join(converted.triedEncodings)) # print converted.originalEncoding # we shouldn't decode to unicode first # but we will try it anyway. If there is a conflict we get a ValueError self.parser = lxml.html.fromstring(ud.unicode_markup) except UnicodeDecodeError, HTMLParseError: self.logger.error("HTMLParseError %s"%url) pass except ValueError: self.logger.error("HTMLParseError %s"%url) pass # fallback to lxml beautifulsoup parser if self.parser is None: try: self.parser = lxml.html.soupparser.fromstring(text) except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError: self.logger.log(logging.INFO, "webcrawler: HTMLParseError %s"%url) raise self.parser.resolve_base_href() if '../images/doh/transparent.gif' in text: pass #some sites do this instead of setting the base tag. It messes with funnelweb and plone #so we'll just rewrite all the links so we can take the / off :) self.parser.make_links_absolute(url, resolve_base_href=True) strip = lambda l: l.rstrip('/') if l.startswith(url) else l self.parser.rewrite_links(strip) self._html = tostring(self.parser, encoding=unicode, method="html", pretty_print=True) assert self._html is not None def note(self, level, msg, *args): pass # Method to retrieve names. def getnames(self): #if self.parser: # return self.parser.names #else: return [] def html(self): if self.parser is None: return '' #cleaner = Cleaner(page_structure=False, links=False) #rhtml = cleaner.clean_html(html) return self._html def getlinkinfos(self): # File reading is done in __init__() routine. Store parser in # local variable to indicate success of parsing. # If no parser was stored, fail. if self.parser is None: return [] base = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, self.parser.base_url or "") infos = [] for element, attribute, rawlink, pos in self.parser.iterlinks(): t = urlparse.urlparse(rawlink) # DON'T DISCARD THE FRAGMENT! Instead, include # it in the tuples which are returned. See Checker.dopage(). fragment = t[-1] t = t[:-1] + ('',) if '../images/doh/transparent.gif' in rawlink: pass rawlink = urlparse.urlunparse(t) link = urlparse.urljoin(base, rawlink) if link[-1] == '/': link = link[:-1] #override to get link text if attribute == 'href': name = ' '.join(element.text_content().split()) self.checker.link_names.setdefault(link,[]).extend([(self.url,name)]) elif attribute == 'src': name = element.get('alt','') self.checker.link_names.setdefault(link,[]).extend([(self.url,name)]) self.checker.setSortOrder(link) #and to filter list infos.append((link, rawlink, fragment)) # Need to include any redirects via refresh meta tag # e.g.'<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=" />' # TODO: should really be counted as redirect not a link for tag in self.parser.iterdescendants(tag='meta'): if tag.get('http-equiv','').lower() == 'refresh': #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() url = tag.get('content','') if url: _,rawlink = url.lower().split("url=",1) link = urlparse.urljoin(base, rawlink) infos.append((link,rawlink,"")) return infos def reformat(self, text, url): pattern = self.options.get('patterns','') replace = self.options.get('subs','') replace = ['<EMPTYSTRING>' != item and item or '' \ for item in replace.split('\n')] for p,r in zip(pattern.split('\n'),replace): if p and r: text,n = re.subn(p,r,text) if n: self.logger.debug( "patching %s with %i * %s" % (url,n,p) ) return text
[ "MIT" ]
from typing import Optional from ..database import user_db from ..helpers import helper from ..models.exceptions import UserNotValid, UserAlreadyExists, UserNotFound from ..models.models import Usuario def register_user(user_: Usuario) -> Usuario: try: if helper.validate_registration(user_): user_.set_password(user_.password) new_user = user_db.register_user(user_) return new_user except UserNotValid as exc: return exc except UserAlreadyExists as exc: return exc def autenticacion(user_: Usuario) -> Usuario: try: user = user_db.autenticacion(user_) return user except UserNotFound as exc: return exc def buscar_id(id_usuario: int) -> Optional[Usuario]: return user_db.buscar_id(id_usuario) def change_pass(user_: Usuario): try: if helper.validate_pass(user_): user = user_db.buscar_id_user(user_) user.set_password(user_.password) user_db.change_pass() return user except UserNotFound as exc: return exc
[ "MIT" ]
from glob import glob from os.path import basename, splitext from setuptools import find_packages, setup NAME = 'ezaero' DESCRIPTION = 'Aerodynamics in Python.' URL = '' EMAIL = '' AUTHOR = 'Pedro Arturo Morales Maries' REQUIRES_PYTHON = '>=3.5' VERSION = '0.1.dev0' with open('README.rst') as f: LONG_DESCRIPTION = setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, license='MIT', description=DESCRIPTION, long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, author=AUTHOR, author_email=EMAIL, url=URL, packages=find_packages('src'), package_dir={'': 'src'}, py_modules=[splitext(basename(path))[0] for path in glob('src/*.py')], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, classifiers=[ # TODO # complete classifier list: # ], python_requires=REQUIRES_PYTHON, install_requires=[ 'matplotlib>=2.0', 'numpy' ], extras_require={ 'dev': [ 'flake8', 'isort', 'pytest', 'sphinx', 'sphinx_rtd_theme', 'tox' ], 'docs': [ 'sphinx', 'sphinx-gallery', 'sphinx_rtd_theme', ] } )
/December Long Challenge 2019/
# Problem link : for _ in range(int(input())): n = int(input()) scores = [0] * 8 for _ in range(n): p, s = map(int, input().split()) if p == 9 or p == 10 or p == 11: continue else: if s > scores[p - 1]: scores[p - 1] = s print (sum(scores))
from typing import List from fem.utils import ModelTypeError class HoldCondition: def __init__(self) -> None: """ Example... hold_condition = {1: True, 5: True} """ self.hold_condition = {} def set_hold(self, global_node_no: int, is_hold=True): if type(is_hold) != bool: raise ModelTypeError() self.hold_condition[global_node_no] = is_hold class ForceCondition2d: def __init__(self) -> None: """ Example... force_condition = {1: [None, -100]} """ self.force_condition = {} def set_hold(self, global_node_no: int, forces: List): if list is not type(forces): raise ModelTypeError() self.force_condition[global_node_no] = forces
[ "MIT" ]
from client_sdk_python.module import ( Module, ) from client_sdk_python.utils.decorators import ( deprecated_in_v5, ) class Net(Module): @property def listening(self): return self.web3.manager.request_blocking("net_listening", []) @property def peerCount(self): return self.web3.manager.request_blocking("net_peerCount", []) @property @deprecated_in_v5 def chainId(self): return None @property def version(self): return self.web3.manager.request_blocking("net_version", [])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Mar 28 16:49:22 2018 @author: Rubens """ "algoritmo para clusterizaรงรฃo em 3 clusters" import xlrd import numpy as np data = [[1,2,5,8],[2,4,7,3],[1,9,89,76],[10,32,87,56],[11,54,89,34],[12,89,90,27],[10,99,67,45]] data_aux = list(data) #Cria 3 centrรณides aleatรณrias data_aux = list(data) #Cria 3 centrรณides aleatรณrias import random from random import randrange centroide = [] semente = 13773 random.seed(semente) for b in range(3): random_index = randrange(0,len(data_aux)) #print('O elemento sorteado foi:',sorteio) centroide[1:1] = [data_aux[random_index]] del data_aux[random_index] print('centroide inicial',centroide) np.array(centroide) #print(lista) from math import sqrt def euclidian(v1,v2): #Essa funรงรฃo recebe duas # listas e retorna a # distancia entre elas #Armazena o quadrado da distรขncia dist = 0.0 for x in range(len(v1)): dist += pow((v1[x] - v2[x]),2) #Tira a raiz quadrada da soma eucli = sqrt(dist) #print(eucli) return eucli def group(j): # j recebe o centroide # group j retorna clusters para o centroide recebido del cluster1[:] del cluster2[:] del cluster3[:] for z in data: a = [] for w in j: d = (euclidian(w,z)) a.append(d) #print(z , a) minimo = min(a) pos = a.index(minimo) #print(minimo) #print(pos) if pos == 0: cluster1[1:1] = [z] elif pos == 1: cluster2[1:1] = [z] elif pos == 2: cluster3[1:1] = [z] clusters = [cluster1,cluster2,cluster3] return clusters def err(centroide_anterior,centroide): for i in range(3): distancias = [] distancias.append(euclidian(centroide_anterior[i],centroide[i])) maxdist = max(distancias) return maxdist return erro def subs(centroide): def summ(v): soma = sum(np.array(v)) #print(soma) return soma for m in [cluster1]: n_elem = len(cluster1) somacluster1 = summ(m) #print(somacluster1) mediacluster1 = somacluster1/n_elem #print('mediacluster1',mediacluster1) for n in [cluster2]: n_elem = len(cluster2) somacluster2 = summ(n) mediacluster2 = somacluster2/n_elem #print('mediacluster2',mediacluster2) for n in [cluster3]: n_elem = len(cluster3) somacluster3 = summ(n) mediacluster3 = somacluster3/n_elem #print('mediacluster3',mediacluster3) centroide = [mediacluster1,mediacluster2,mediacluster3] group(centroide) print('cluster1',cluster1) print('cluster2',cluster2) print('cluster3',cluster3) return centroide cluster1 = [] cluster2 = [] cluster3 = [] group(centroide) print('cluster1',cluster1) print('cluster2',cluster2) print('cluster3',cluster3) b = 0 while b < 6: b+=1 centroide_anterior = centroide[:] centroide = subs(centroide) #print('centroide anterior',centroide_anterior) #print('centroide novo',centroide) #epsilon = err(centroide_anterior,centroide) #print('epsilon',epsilon) print('cluster1 resultante',cluster1) print('cluster2 resultante',cluster2) print('cluster3 resultante',cluster3)
mystring = 'abbbcccdddde' def string_compression(mystring): print("Original string:", mystring) a=[] compressed=[] #for each character in string, check if next character is the same or not for i in range(0,len(mystring)-1): #if next character is the same, add to a temporary string if mystring[i] == mystring[i+1]: a.append(mystring[i+1]) #if not, add current character and count the length of group of same characters; add that to the compressedstring list else: a.append(mystring[i]) compresseditem = a[0] + str(len(a)) compressed.append(compresseditem) a=[] #add the last character a.append(mystring[-1:]) compresseditem = a[0] + str(len(a)) compressed.append(compresseditem) #join list elements into a compressed string compressedstring = ''.join(compressed) #only return compressed version if it's shorter than original string if len(compressedstring) >= len(mystring): print("Original string is shorter than compressed:", mystring) else: print("Compressed string:", compressedstring) string_compression(mystring)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from magnons.spin import get_spincurrent_total from tqdm import tqdm import matplotlib as mpl from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable def create_edges(x, upper_lim=None, lower_lim=0): N = len(x) new_x = [] for i in range(N): if i == 0: diff = x[1] - x[0] else: diff = x[i] - x[i - 1] new_x.append(x[i] - .5 * diff) new_x.append(x[-1] + .5 * diff) if lower_lim is not None and new_x[0] < lower_lim: new_x[0] = 0 if upper_lim is not None and new_x[-1] > upper_lim: new_x[-1] = upper_lim return new_x def add_colorbar_subplots(fig, cmap, norm=None): if norm is None: norm = plt.Normalize(0, 1) fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap), ax=fig.get_axes()) def add_colorbar_oneplot(ax, cmap, norm): divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax_cb = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax_cb, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation='vertical') def plot_colored_dispersion(k, E, colors, ax=None, norm=None, cmap='jet'): if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = if norm is None: norm = plt.Normalize(colors.min(), colors.max()) if ax is None: # create axes and add a colorbar fig, ax = plt.subplots() add_colorbar_oneplot(ax, cmap, norm) for i in range(E.shape[-1]): y_points = E[:, i] c = colors[:, i] points = np.array([k, y_points]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = mpl.collections.LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) lc.set_array(c) ax.add_collection(lc) ax.set_xlim(k.min(), k.max()) ax.set_ylim(E.min(), E.max()) return ax def plot_totalspincurrent(process, S=1, J=1): values = list(process.get_all()) current = [get_spincurrent_total(x[2], J=J, S=S) for x in tqdm(values)] current = np.array(current) current /= np.max(np.abs(current)) alpha = np.array([x[3]['alpha'] for x in values]) phi = np.array([x[3]['phi'] for x in values]) kvalues = np.array([x[0] for x in values]) kvalues *= 10**(-4) # convert to micrometer^-1 kabs = np.sqrt(np.sum(kvalues[0]**2, axis=1)) sort_idx = np.argsort(phi) alpha = alpha[sort_idx] phi = phi[sort_idx] current = np.array(current)[sort_idx] alpha = create_edges(alpha, upper_lim=90) phi = create_edges(phi, upper_lim=90) kabs = create_edges(kabs) X, Y = np.meshgrid(kabs, phi) plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, current, cmap='jet') plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel('|k|') plt.ylabel('Internal Magnetization angle')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import sys import re from pprint import pprint log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from pymongo_hadoop import BSONMapper def mapper(documents): try: #print(documents, file=sys.stderr) #f=open("doc_formatted.txt","a+") for doc in documents: doc_formatted = {"_id": ""} keys = [key for key in doc.keys()] keys.remove("_id") collection_name = doc["coll_name"] if collection_name == "people": doc_formatted["_id"] = int(doc["_id"]["_id"]) elif collection_name == "cast" or collection_name == "crew" : doc_formatted["_id"] = int(doc["person_id"]) for key in keys: doc_formatted[key] = doc[key] yield doc_formatted #f.close() except Exception as e: print("End Mapper\n" + str(e), file=sys.stderr) #log.exception(e) BSONMapper(mapper)
/leetcode/0004. ๅฏปๆ‰พไธคไธชๆœ‰ๅบๆ•ฐ็ป„็š„ไธญไฝๆ•ฐ/python/
import sys class Solution(object): def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1, nums2): a, b = len(nums1), len(nums2) l, r = (a+b+1)>>1, (a+b+2)>>1 return (self.findKthNum(nums1, nums2, l)+self.findKthNum(nums1, nums2, r))/2 def findKthNum(self, nums1, nums2, k): if len(nums1) == 0: return nums2[k-1] if len(nums2) == 0: return nums1[k-1] if k == 1: return min(nums1[0], nums2[0]) m = k>>1 l = nums1[m-1] if m-1<len(nums1) else sys.maxsize r = nums2[m-1] if m-1<len(nums2) else sys.maxsize return self.findKthNum(nums1[m:], nums2, k-m) if l<r else self.findKthNum(nums1, nums2[m:], k-m)
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python """ROS node for the API""" import roslib roslib.load_manifest('wit_ros') global APIKEY APIKEY = None import rospy import requests from wit_ros.srv import Interpret, InterpretResponse from wit_ros.msg import Outcome, Entity def interpret(rosrequest): rospy.logdebug("Interpreting {0}".format(rosrequest.sentence)) httpresponse = requests.get('{sentence}'.format(sentence=rosrequest.sentence), headers={"Authorization":"Bearer {key}".format(key=APIKEY)}) data = httpresponse.json() rospy.logdebug("Data: {0}".format(data)) entities = [] for name, json in data["outcome"]["entities"].iteritems(): entity = Entity(name = str(name), body = str(json["body"]), start = int(json["start"]), end = int(json["end"]), value = str(json["value"])) entities += [entity] outcome = Outcome( confidence = float(data["outcome"]["confidence"]), entities = entities, intent = str(data["outcome"]["intent"])) response = InterpretResponse( msg_body = str(data["msg_body"]), msg_id = str(data["msg_id"]), outcome = outcome) return response if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("wit_ros") if rospy.has_param('~api_key'): APIKEY = rospy.get_param("~api_key") rospy.Service('wit/interpret', Interpret, interpret) rospy.spin() else: rospy.logerr("No API key set (via parameter server). Please set one. " + "API keys can be obtained via the")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Oct 10 10:58:50 2016 @author: Andy """ from email.message import EmailMessage from email.headerregistry import Address from email.utils import make_msgid from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from smtplib import SMTP from smtplib import SMTPException from email.headerregistry import Address import argparse import smtplib import urllib.request import bs4 import re import csv # get the message def get_info(url): html = urllib.request.urlopen(url) bsobj = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html,'xml') body = bsobj.find('div',{'id':'body'}) name = bsobj.find('div',{'id':'name'}) sign = bsobj.find('div',{'id':'sign'}) return body,name,sign # for 29 categories #divs = bsobj.findAll('div',id = re.compile('Category [0-9]+')) # #names = [] #bodys = [] ## bodys #for i in divs: # body = i.find('div',{'id':'message'}) # name = i.find('p',{'id':'name'}) # bodys.append(body) # names.append(name) # Create the base text message. #: ''' Get the result ''' def get_names(address): result = [] with open(address,'r',encoding='ISO-8859-1') as f: fieldnames = ['ind','full_name','F_name','L_name','Email'] csvreader = csv.DictReader(f,fieldnames = fieldnames) for reader in csvreader: full_name = reader['full_name'] F_name = reader['F_name'] L_name = reader['L_name'] Emaila = reader['Email'] result.append((full_name,F_name,L_name,Emaila)) f.close() result.pop(0) return result def send_message(Toname,Toadd,Todomain,Tofirst,emailAd,emailPs): msg = EmailMessage() msg['Subject'] = "How can we protect our Properties and Communities from Climate Risk?" msg['From'] = Address("Olivia Fussell", "ofussell", "") msg['To'] = Address(Toname, Toadd, Todomain) # Add the html version. This converts the message into a multipart/alternative # container, with the original text message as the first part and the new html # message as the second part. asparagus_cid = make_msgid() msg.add_alternative("""<p> Dear {name},</p><br>{content}<br>{signiture} """.format(name=Tofirst,content = body,signiture = sign), subtype='html') # note that we needed to peel the <> off the msgid for use in the html. # Send the message via local SMTP server. try: server = smtplib.SMTP("",587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login(emailAd,emailPs) server.send_message(msg) base = '/users/andy/desktop/api/records/' nameForMSG = 'To_'+ Toname+'.msg' with open(base + nameForMSG, 'wb') as f: f.write(bytes(msg)) f.close() print('Successed to send email to '+Toname) except Exception: print('failed to send email to '+Toname) def main(): print('{}'.format('********************************')) print('{}'.format('Auto email-send machine')) print('{}'.format('By Andy An')) print('{}'.format('********************************')) urlEmail = str(input('Where is your email HTML? for example:\'file:///Users/Andy/Desktop/demo_files/email.html\' ')) body,name,sign = get_info(urlEmail) emailAd = str(input('eamilAddress: ')) emailPs = str(input('emailPassword: ')) address = str(input('Your email list? for example: \'/users/andy/desktop/api/emailS.csv\' ')) lists = get_names(address) for i in lists: if '@' in i[3]: Toadd,Todomain = i[3].split('@') send_message(i[0],Toadd,Todomain,i[1],emailAd,emailPs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from django.db import models from datetime import datetime from pytz import utc class Exercise(models.Model): '''Excercise that someone has performed ''' plan = models.ForeignKey('trainings.ExercisePlan', null=True, blank=False, ) type = models.ForeignKey('trainings.TrainingType', null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.PROTECT, ) times = models.FloatField( null=False, blank=False, default=.0, ) breaks = models.IntegerField( null=False, blank=False, default=0, ) class Meta: app_label = 'trainings' def __unicode__(self): return u'{} from {} performed with {}/{}'.format(, self.plan, self.times, self.breaks, ) def add_approach(self, times): total = self.breaks * self.times + times self.breaks += 1 self.times = total / self.breaks from django.contrib import admin
#!/usr/bin/python #from PyQt4.uic import loadUiType from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib.figure import Figure from PlotsWindow import Ui_PlotsWindow from matplotlib.lines import Line2D #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #Ui_MainWindow, QMainWindow = loadUiType('plots_area.ui') class plots_window(QMainWindow, Ui_PlotsWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(plots_window, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.canvas = LiveCanvas() self.plots_Layout.addWidget(self.canvas) self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.plots_container, coordinates=True) #self.plots_Layout.addWidget(self.canvas) self.plots_Layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.on_show = False self.plots_dict = {} self.current_plot = 0 #Default is all sensors self.plots_list.itemClicked.connect(self.change_figure) #self.plots_list.addItem(name) #plot.plot([],[]]) #plot.plot([0][-20:],[1][-20:]) #self.plot.set_title("Temp1") def add_list_entry(self,index,name): self.plots_list.addItem(name) self.plots_dict[name] = index #Temp for controlling the figure" def clear_plots_list(self): self.plots_list.clear() def change_figure(self,item): text = item.text() self.current_plot = self.plots_dict[str(text)] self.canvas.current_plot = self.plots_dict[str(text)] #self.canvas.update_canvas(xdata,ydata) class LiveCanvas(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self): self.fig = Figure() self.plot = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.xdata = [] self.ydata = [] self.current_plot = 1 FigureCanvas.__init__(self,self.fig) def update_canvas(self,xdata,ydata): self.plot.clear() self.plot.set_xlabel("Time [s]") self.plot.set_ylabel("Temperature [C]") if self.current_plot == 0 and isinstace(ydata[0],list): self.plot.set_title("All Sensors") all_data = [] colors = ["blue", "red","black", "fuchsia", "gray", "green", "lime", "maroon", "navy", "olive", "purple", "silver", "teal", "yellow"] self.plot.grid(True) for i,iList in enumerate(ydata): self.plot.plot(xdata,iList,label="Sensor "+str(i+1),color=colors[i]) else: self.plot.set_title("Sensor "+str(self.current_plot)) self.plot.set_autoscaley_on(True) self.plot.plot(xdata,ydata) self.plot.grid(True) self.plot.set_ylim(min(ydata)*0.95,max(ydata)*1.05) self.draw() def draw_all_sensors(self,xdata,all_ydata): self.plot.clear() self.plot.set_xlabel("Time [s]") self.plot.set_ylabel("Temperature [C]") self.plot.set_title("All Sensors") #self.plot.plot(xdata,ydata) self.plot.grid(True) all_temps = [] #max_val = 0 #min_val = 1000 colors = ["blue", "red","black", "fuchsia", "gray", "green", "lime", "maroon", "navy", "olive", "purple", "silver", "teal", "yellow"] for i,iList in enumerate(all_ydata): all_temps.append(max(iList)) all_temps.append(min(iList)) self.plot.plot(xdata[-20:],iList[-20:],label="Sensor "+str(i+1),color=colors[i]) self.plot.set_ylim(min(all_temps)*0.95,max(all_temps)*1.05) legend = self.plot.legend() self.draw() #self.plot.set_ylim(min(ydata)*0.95,max(ydata)*1.05) #plt.figure() #self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure)
from pprint import pprint import os import json import csv name_ = 'keyw_celeb_fake.csv' f = open(name_, 'w+') outWrite = csv.writer(f) path_ = './natlang_responses/celebrityDataset/fake' for file_ in os.listdir(path_): with open(os.path.join(path_, file_), 'r+') as f: res = json.load(f) row10 = [file_, res['categories'][0]['label'], res['categories'][0]['score']] for concept in res['concepts']: row10.append(concept['text']) row10.append(concept['relevance']) if len(row10) != 12: print('LACKS CONCEPT') else: print(row10) outWrite.writerow(row10) f.close()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
Jupyter Notebook
def comp_periodicity_geo(self): """Compute the geometric periodicity factor of the lamination Parameters ---------- self : LamHoleNS A LamHoleNS object Returns ------- per_a : int Number of spatial periodicities of the lamination is_antiper_a : bool True if an spatial anti-periodicity is possible after the periodicities """ return self.comp_periodicity_spatial()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Python3 ''' ''' import time from selenium import webdriver liepinurl = "" liepinzhaopinurl = "" try: fireFoxOptions = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() # fireFoxOptions.set_headless() driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_options=fireFoxOptions) # webdriver.FirefoxOptions driver.get(liepinzhaopinurl) select_city = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div[1]/form/div[1]/div/div/ul/li[1]/span/em") shenzhen_city = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div[9]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/div/div[1]/ul/li[4]/a") confirm_shenzhen = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class = 'vd-footer vd-footer-ltr']/a[@data-name = 'ok' and text() = '็กฎๅฎš']") seach = driver.find_element_by_name("key") print(str(seach)) seach.send_keys("Python") seach.submit() # button = driver.find_element_by_class_name("search-btn float-right") # print(str(button)) input("Press any key to continue...") except Exception as e: print(e) finally: try: driver.close() except: pass
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2005 TUBITAK/UEKAE # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. # See the file # # S.ร‡aฤŸlar Onur <> from pisi.actionsapi import pisitools from pisi.actionsapi import shelltools from pisi.actionsapi import get WorkDir = "." NoStrip = "/" def setup(): # Magic shelltools.system("agreed=1 sh j2re-1.4.2-03-linux-i586.bin") # go into work directory"j2re1.4.2") shelltools.chmod("lib/unpack") PACKED_JARS=("lib/tools.jar", "lib/rt.jar", "lib/jsse.jar", \ "lib/charsets.jar", "lib/ext/localedata.jar", "lib/plugin.jar", \ "lib/javaws.jar") # Unpack all packed jars and remove pack files... for jar in PACKED_JARS: PACK_FILE = jar.replace("jar", "") + "pack" if shelltools.can_access_file(PACK_FILE): shelltools.system("lib/unpack %s %s" % (PACK_FILE, jar)) shelltools.unlink(PACK_FILE) shelltools.unlink("lib/unpack") def install():"j2re1.4.2") pisitools.dodir("/opt/blackdown-jre") INSTALL_DIRS = ("bin", "plugin", "lib", "man") for dir in INSTALL_DIRS: shelltools.copytree(dir, "%s/opt/blackdown-jre/%s" % (get.installDIR(), dir)) pisitools.dodoc("COPYRIGHT", "LICENSE", "README.html") # Install mozilla plugin pisitools.dodir("/usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins") pisitools.dosym("/opt/blackdown-jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/", "/usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins/") pisitools.dosed("%s/opt/blackdown-jre/lib/" % get.installDIR(), "standard symbols l", "symbol")
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os from pushbullet import Pushbullet import ConfigParser import dropbox class Pusher: def __init__(self): self._loadConfig() def _loadConfig(self): home = os.path.expanduser('~') self._secretsFile = os.path.join(home, 'secrets.ini') self._loadConfigFile() def _loadConfigFile(self): cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self._initDropbox(cfg) self._initPushbullet(cfg) def _initPushbullet(self, cfg): section = 'pushbullet' self._pbToken = cfg.get(section, 'token') self._pbDevice = int(cfg.get(section, 'device')) def _initDropbox(self, cfg): section = 'dropbox' self._key = cfg.get(section, 'key') self._secret = cfg.get(section, 'secret') if cfg.has_option(section, 'token'): self._token = cfg.get(section, 'token') else: self._token = self._authorize() self._setPersistentToken(cfg, section, self._token) def _setPersistentToken(self, cfg, section, token): cfg.set(section, 'token', token) fp = open(self._secretsFile, 'w') fp.truncate() cfg.write(fp) def _authorize(self): flow = dropbox.client.DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(self._key, self._secret) authorize_url = flow.start() print '1. Go to: ' + authorize_url print '2. Click "Allow" (you might have to log in first)' print '3. Copy the authorization code.' auth_token = raw_input("Enter the authorization code here: ").strip() access_token, user_id = flow.finish(auth_token) print(access_token) print(user_id) return access_token def push(self, path): url = self._pushToDropbox(path) self._pushToPushbullet(url) def _pushToDropbox(self, path): client = dropbox.client.DropboxClient(self._token) print('uploading %s...' % (path)) uploadName = os.path.basename(path) with open(path, 'r') as fp: response = client.put_file(uploadName, fp, overwrite=True) print('upload complete!') m = client.metadata(uploadName) return client.share(m['path'])['url'] def _pushToPushbullet(self, url): pb = Pushbullet(self._pbToken) device = pb.devices[self._pbDevice] device.push_note('New ROM!', url) if __name__ == '__main__': pusher = Pusher() for arg in sys.argv[1:]: print('%s:%s' % (arg, pusher.push(arg)))
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/python3 from jk_jsoncfghelper2 import * MAIN_DEF = JDefStructure("authData", structure=[ JDef("authMethod", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("authLogin", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("authToken", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("info", dataType=JDefStructure("authDataClientInfo", structure=[ JDef("uid", dataType="int", required=True), JDef("uname", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("gid", dataType="int", required=True), JDef("gname", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("pid", dataType="int", required=True), JDef("subsystem", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("version", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("commands", dataType="list", elementTypes=[ JDefStructure("cmdDef", structure=[ JDef("description", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("cmd", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("msgType", dataType="str", required=True), JDef("dataResponses", dataType="list", required=False), JDef("errorResponses", dataType="list", required=False), JDef("errID", dataType="str", required=False), JDef("forwardSubsystem", dataType="str", required=False), JDef("isForward", dataType="bool", required=False), ]) ], required=True), ]), required=True) ]) scmgr = compileFromDefs(MAIN_DEF) print("Elements:") for name in scmgr: print("\t" + name) print() checker = scmgr.get("authData") print("Errors:") n = 0 for path, message in checker.check({ "authMethod": "plaintext", "authLogin": "somebody", "authToken": "abc123ghj789", "info": { "uid": 0, "uname": "root", "gid": 0, "gname": "root", "pid": 12345, "subsystem": "abc", "version": "0.2019.11.1", "commands": [ ] } }): print("\t" + path + ": " + message) n += 1 if n == 0: print("\t(no errors)")
#/usr/bin/python env import argparse import ConfigParser import sys from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer def arg_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--list_config', action="store_true") return parser.parse_args() def list_config(config): for section in config.sections(): print "[" + section + "]" for option in config.options(section): print option + ": " + config.get(section, option) def get_config(conf_file): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if len(config.sections()) == 0: sys.exit("Configuration file missing or not readable") else: return config def ftpd(config): authorizer = DummyAuthorizer() authorizer.add_user( str(config.get('FTPSettings', 'username')), config.get('FTPSettings', 'password'), config.get('FTPSettings', 'incomingfolder'), perm="elradfmw") handler = FTPHandler handler.authorizer = authorizer server = FTPServer((config.get('FTPSettings', 'ipaddress'), config.get('FTPSettings', 'port')), handler) server.serve_forever() config_file = 'imgFTPur.conf' config = get_config(config_file) args = arg_parser() if args.list_config: list_config(config) sys.exit(1) ftpd(config)
# Generated by Django 2.2.2 on 2019-07-08 08:55 import django.core.validators from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('tyty', '0002_auto_20190705_1044'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='rank', name='pt', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(1), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(100)]), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='rank', name='cs', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(1), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(50)]), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='rank', name='ht', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(1), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(50)]), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='rank', name='jq', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(1), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(50)]), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='rank', name='js', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(1), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(50)]), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='rank', name='name', field=models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='rank', name='sex', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(1), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(2)]), ), ]
def rotate_left(triple): (a, b, c) = triple return (b, c, a) def rotate_right(triple): (a, b, c) = triple return (c, a, b) triple = ('A', 'B', 'C') print rotate_left(triple) # ('B', 'C', 'A') print rotate_right(triple) # ('C', 'A', 'B')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from odoo import api, models, fields # # from openerp import api, models, fields # from import float_round # from openerp.exceptions import UserError, Warning class all_check_report(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'report.check_followups.all_check_report' def get_check(self): res = [] check_list = [] num_line =0 total_employee=0 records = False active_ids = self._context.get('active_ids') checks = self.env[''].browse(active_ids) for check in checks: date_from=check.date_from date_to=check.date_to type=check.type if type == 'check_recivce': check_ids =self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].search( [('Date', '>=',date_from), ('Date', '<=', date_to), ('state', 'in', ('withdrawal','donec')), ]) if check_ids: records = self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].browse(check_ids) for che in records: num_line+=1 check_list.append({ 'num_line': num_line, 'account_holder':, 'check_no':, 'date':, 'amount':, 'notes':, 'communication':, }) total_employee=num_line return check_list def get_check_return(self): res = [] check_list_return = [] num_line =0 total_employee=0 records = False active_ids = self._context.get('active_ids') return_checks = self.env[''].browse(active_ids) for checks in return_checks: date_from=checks.date_from date_to=checks.date_to type=checks.type if type == 'check_return': check_return_ids =self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].search( [('Date', '>=',date_from), ('Date', '<=', date_to), ('state', '=', 'rdc'), ]) if check_return_ids: records = self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].browse(check_return_ids) for ches in records: num_line+=1 check_list_return.append({ 'num_line': num_line, 'account_holder':, 'check_no':, 'date':, 'amount':, 'notes':, 'communication':, }) total_employee=num_line return check_list_return def get_check_waiting(self): res = [] check_list_waiting = [] num_line =0 total_employee=0 records = False active_ids = self._context.get('active_ids') return_checks = self.env[''].browse(active_ids) for checks in return_checks: date_from=checks.date_from date_to=checks.date_to type=checks.type if type == 'check_waiting': check_waiting_ids =self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].search( [('Date', '>=',date_from), ('Date', '<=', date_to), ('state', '=', 'wait_bank'), ]) if check_waiting_ids: records = self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].browse(check_waiting_ids) for wait in records: num_line+=1 check_list_waiting.append({ 'num_line': num_line, 'account_holder':, 'check_no':, 'date':, 'amount':, 'notes':, 'communication':, }) total_employee=num_line return check_list_waiting def get_check_reject(self): res = [] check_list_reject = [] num_line = 0 total_employee = 0 records = False active_ids = self._context.get('active_ids') return_checks = self.env[''].browse(active_ids) for checks in return_checks: date_from = checks.date_from date_to = checks.date_to type = checks.type if type == 'check_reject': check_reject_ids = self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].search( [('Date', '>=', date_from), ('Date', '<=', date_to), ('state', '=', 'rdc'), ]) if check_reject_ids: records = self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].browse(check_reject_ids) for reject in records: num_line += 1 check_list_reject.append({ 'num_line': num_line, 'account_holder':, 'check_no':, 'date':, 'amount':, 'notes':, 'communication':, }) total_employee = num_line return check_list_reject def get_check_collection(self): res = [] check_list_collection = [] num_line = 0 total_employee = 0 records = False active_ids = self._context.get('active_ids') return_checks = self.env[''].browse(active_ids) for checks in return_checks: date_from = checks.date_from date_to = checks.date_to type = checks.type print("lllllll") if type == 'check_collection': check_collection_ids = self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].search( [('Date', '>=', date_from), ('Date', '<=', date_to), ('state', '=', 'under_collection'), ]) print(check_collection_ids,';;') if check_collection_ids: records = self.env['check_followups.check_followups'].browse(check_collection_ids) for collect in records: num_line += 1 check_list_collection.append({ 'num_line': num_line, 'account_holder':, 'check_no':, 'date':, 'amount':, 'notes':, 'communication':, }) total_employee = num_line return check_list_collection @api.model def render_html(self, docids, data): self.model = self.env.context.get('active_model') docargs = { 'doc_ids': self.ids, 'doc_model': self, 'docs': self, 'data': data['form'], 'type': data['form'][0]['type'], 'date_from': data['form'][0]['date_from'], 'date_to': data['form'][0]['date_to'], } if data['form'][0]['type']: if data['form'][0]['type'] == 'check_recivce': docargs['check_ids'] = self.get_check() elif data['form'][0]['type'] == 'check_return': docargs['check_return_ids'] = self.get_check_return() elif data['form'][0]['type'] == 'check_waiting': docargs['check_waiting_ids'] = self.get_check_waiting() elif data['form'][0]['type'] == 'check_reject': docargs['check_reject_ids'] = self.get_check_reject() elif data['form'][0]['type'] == 'check_collection': docargs['check_collection_ids'] = self.get_check_collection() return self.env['report'].render('check_followups.all_check_report', docargs)
[ "MIT" ]
def twoSum(nums, target): nums_set = set() for i in nums: diff = target - i if diff in nums_set: return True else: nums_set.add(i) return False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.6 on 2017-11-02 15:35 from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Detail', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('title', models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='ๆ ‡้ข˜')), ('content', models.CharField(max_length=1000, verbose_name='ๆญฃๆ–‡')), ('add_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='ๆทปๅŠ ๆ—ถ้—ด')), ('user', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, verbose_name='็”จๆˆท')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'ๅ†…ๅฎน', 'verbose_name_plural': 'ๅ†…ๅฎน', }, ), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='detail', unique_together=set([('user',)]), ), ]
[ "LicenseRef-scancode-warranty-disclaimer", "Apache-2.0" ]
from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("django_file_form", "0006_auto_20200501_0908"), ] operations = [ migrations.RenameModel( new_name="TemporaryUploadedFile", old_name="UploadedFile", ), migrations.AlterModelTable( name="TemporaryUploadedFile", table="django_file_form_uploadedfile", ), ]
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import matplotlib.image as mpimg # %matplotlib inline mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True) ''' Extracting MNIST_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz ''' device_string = "/cpu:0" with tf.device(device_string): x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784]) ## Encoder with tf.variable_scope('encoder'): W_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([784,50], dtype=tf.float32)) b_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([50], dtype=tf.float32)) ## Bottleneck W_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([50,2], dtype=tf.float32)) b_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2], dtype=tf.float32)) h1_enc = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(x, W_fc1) + b_fc1) encoder_op = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(h1_enc, W_fc2) + b_fc2) with tf.variable_scope('decoder'): code_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,2]) W_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2,50], dtype=tf.float32)) b_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([50], dtype=tf.float32)) W_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([50,784], dtype=tf.float32)) b_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([784], dtype=tf.float32)) h1_dec = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(encoder_op, W_fc1) + b_fc1) decode = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(h1_dec, W_fc2) + b_fc2) h1_dec = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(code_in, W_fc1) + b_fc1) decoder = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(h1_dec, W_fc2) + b_fc2) with tf.device(device_string): y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784]) # Correct answer pv = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 2]) # Sparsity prob beta = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 1]) # Sparsity penalty (lagrange multiplier) # Aditional loss for penalising high activations ( # with tf.device(device_string): # p = tf.nn.softmax(encoder_op) # kl_divergence = tf.reduce_mean(tf.mul(pv,tf.log(tf.div(pv,p)))) # sparsity_loss = tf.mul(beta,kl_divergence) with tf.device(device_string): weight_decay_loss = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables()]) squared_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(decode - y_)) with tf.device(device_string): loss_op = tf.reduce_mean(squared_loss) + 0.1*weight_decay_loss #+ sparsity_loss with tf.device(device_string): train_op = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1, rho=0.1, epsilon=0.0001).minimize(loss_op) init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()
__FILENAME__ = bm_euler # Modified from a stackoverflow post by Hyperboreus: # from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import math from numba import jit from numba.utils import benchmark def py_factorCount(n): square = math.sqrt(n) isquare = int (square) count = -1 if isquare == square else 0 for candidate in range(1, isquare + 1): if not n % candidate: count += 2 return count def py_euler(): triangle = 1 index = 1 while py_factorCount(triangle) < 1001: index += 1 triangle += index return triangle @jit("intp(intp)", nopython=True) def factorCount(n): square = math.sqrt(n) isquare = int (square) count = -1 if isquare == square else 0 for candidate in range(1, isquare + 1): if not n % candidate: count += 2 return count @jit("intp()", nopython=True) def euler(): triangle = 1 index = 1 while factorCount(triangle) < 1001: index += 1 triangle += index return triangle answer = 842161320 def numba_main(): result = euler() assert result == answer def python_main(): result = py_euler() assert result == answer if __name__ == '__main__': print(benchmark(python_main)) print(benchmark(numba_main)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = bm_laplace2d from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import numpy as np from numba import jit from numba.utils import benchmark def jocabi_relax_core(A, Anew): error = 0.0 n = A.shape[0] m = A.shape[1] for j in range(1, n - 1): for i in range(1, m - 1): Anew[j, i] = 0.25 * ( A[j, i + 1] + A[j, i - 1] \ + A[j - 1, i] + A[j + 1, i]) error = max(error, abs(Anew[j, i] - A[j, i])) return error numba_jocabi_relax_core = jit("float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1]", nopython=True)\ (jocabi_relax_core) def run(fn): NN = 1024 NM = 1024 A = np.zeros((NN, NM), dtype=np.float64) Anew = np.zeros((NN, NM), dtype=np.float64) n = NN m = NM iter_max = 10 tol = 1.0e-6 error = 1.0 for j in range(n): A[j, 0] = 1.0 Anew[j, 0] = 1.0 it = 0 while error > tol and it < iter_max: error = fn(A, Anew) # swap A and Anew tmp = A A = Anew Anew = tmp it += 1 def python_main(): run(jocabi_relax_core) def numba_main(): run(numba_jocabi_relax_core) if __name__ == '__main__': print(benchmark(python_main)) print(benchmark(numba_main)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = runall #! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot from numba.utils import benchmark BENCHMARK_PREFIX = 'bm_' def discover_files(startdir=os.curdir): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startdir): for path in files: if path.startswith(BENCHMARK_PREFIX): fullpath = os.path.join(root, path) yield fullpath try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError: # Approximative fallback for Python < 2.7 def import_module(modulename): module = __import__(modulename) for comp in modulename.split('.')[:-1]: module = getattr(module, comp) return module def discover_modules(): for fullpath in discover_files(): path = os.path.relpath(fullpath) root, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext != '.py': continue modulename = root.replace(os.path.sep, '.') yield import_module(modulename) def discover(): for m in discover_modules(): yield m.main def run(mod): name = mod.__name__[len(BENCHMARK_PREFIX):] print('running', name, end=' ...\n') bmr = benchmark(mod.python_main) python_best = print('\tpython', python_best, 'seconds') bmr = benchmark(mod.numba_main) numba_best = print('\tnumba', numba_best, 'seconds') print('\tspeedup', python_best / numba_best) return name, numba_best / python_best def main(): # Generate timings labels = [] scores = [] for mod in discover_modules(): label, result = run(mod) labels.append(label) scores.append(result) # Plot width = 0.8 ind = np.arange(len(labels)) fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(), scores, width) # Draw horizontal line at y=1 ax.axhline(y=1, xmax=ind[-1], color='r') ax.set_ylabel('Normalized to CPython') ax.set_title('Numba Benchmark') ax.set_xticks(ind + (width/2)) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = mandel from numba import autojit import numpy as np #from pylab import imshow, jet, show, ion @autojit def mandel(x, y, max_iters): """ Given the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, determine if it is a candidate for membership in the Mandelbrot set given a fixed number of iterations. """ i = 0 c = complex(x,y) z = 0.0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z*z + c if (z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag) >= 4: return i return 255 @autojit def create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters): height = image.shape[0] width = image.shape[1] pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for x in range(width): real = min_x + x * pixel_size_x for y in range(height): imag = min_y + y * pixel_size_y color = mandel(real, imag, iters) image[y, x] = color return image image = np.zeros((500, 750), dtype=np.uint8) create_fractal(-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, image, 20) #jet() #ion() #show() print("mandel OK") ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = run_test import sys import numba if not numba.test(): print("Test failed") sys.exit(1) print('numba.__version__: %s' % numba.__version__) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = mandel from numba import autojit import numpy as np #from pylab import imshow, jet, show, ion @autojit def mandel(x, y, max_iters): """ Given the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, determine if it is a candidate for membership in the Mandelbrot set given a fixed number of iterations. """ i = 0 c = complex(x,y) z = 0.0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z*z + c if (z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag) >= 4: return i return 255 @autojit def create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters): height = image.shape[0] width = image.shape[1] pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for x in range(width): real = min_x + x * pixel_size_x for y in range(height): imag = min_y + y * pixel_size_y color = mandel(real, imag, iters) image[y, x] = color return image image = np.zeros((500, 750), dtype=np.uint8) create_fractal(-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, image, 20) #jet() #ion() #show() print("mandel OK") ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = run_test import sys import numba if not numba.test(): print("Test failed") sys.exit(1) print('numba.__version__: %s' % numba.__version__) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = run_test import os import numba.testing if int(os.environ.get("NUMBA_MULTITEST", 1)): testfn = numba.testing.multitest else: testfn = numba.testing.test if not testfn(): raise RuntimeError("Test failed") print('numba.__version__: %s' % numba.__version__) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = condatestall """ Uses conda to run and test all supported python + numpy versions. """ from __future__ import print_function import itertools import subprocess import os import sys NPY = '16', '17' PY = '26', '27', '33' RECIPE_DIR = "./buildscripts/condarecipe.local" def main(): failfast = '-v' in sys.argv[1:] args = "conda build %s --no-binstar-upload" % RECIPE_DIR failures = [] for py, npy in itertools.product(PY, NPY): if py == '33' and npy == '16': # Skip python3 + numpy16 continue os.environ['CONDA_PY'] = py os.environ['CONDA_NPY'] = npy try: subprocess.check_call(args.split()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: failures.append((py, npy, e)) if failfast: break print("=" * 80) if failures: for py, npy, err in failures: print("Test failed for python %s numpy %s" % (py, npy)) print(err) else: print("All Passed") if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = run import provider import consumer class ProviderSubclassOnHeap(provider.Provider): pass print consumer.sum_baseline(provider.Provider(), 4) print consumer.sum_baseline(object(), 4) print consumer.sum_baseline(ProviderSubclassOnHeap(), 4) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_interning from .. import intern def test_global_interning(): # Can't really test for this with nose... # try: # intern.global_intern("hello") # except AssertionError as e: # pass # else: # raise Exception("Expects complaint about uninitialized table") intern.global_intern_initialize() id1 = intern.global_intern("hello") id2 = intern.global_intern("hello") id3 = intern.global_intern("hallo") assert id1 == id2 assert id1 != id3 def test_interning(): table = intern.InternTable() id1 = intern.global_intern("hello") id2 = intern.global_intern("hello") id3 = intern.global_intern("hallo") assert id1 == id2 assert id1 != id3 def test_intern_many(): table = intern.InternTable() itoid = {} for i in range(1000000): id = table.intern("my randrom string %d" % i) itoid[i] = id id1 = table.intern("my randrom string %d" % (i // 2)) id2 = table.intern("my randrom string %d" % (i // 4)) assert id1 == itoid[i//2] assert id2 == itoid[i//4] if __name__ == '__main__': test_intern_many() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_perfecthashing import time import itertools from import eq_, ok_ import numpy as np from .. import extensibletype, methodtable def test_binsort(): nbins = 64 p = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=np.uint16) binsizes = np.random.randint(0, 7, size=nbins).astype(np.uint8) num_by_size = np.zeros(8, dtype=np.uint16) x = np.bincount(binsizes).astype(np.uint16) num_by_size[:x.shape[0]] = x extensibletype.bucket_argsort(p, binsizes, num_by_size) assert np.all(sorted(binsizes) == binsizes[p][::-1]) def test_basic(): n=64 prehashes = extensibletype.draw_hashes(np.random, n) assert len(prehashes) == len(set(prehashes)) p, r, m_f, m_g, d = extensibletype.perfect_hash(prehashes, repeat=10**5) hashes = ((prehashes >> r) & m_f) ^ d[prehashes & m_g] print(p) print(d) hashes.sort() print(hashes) assert len(hashes) == len(np.unique(hashes)) # --- # Test methodtable def make_signature(type_permutation): return "".join(type_permutation[:-1]) + '->' + type_permutation[-1] def make_ids(): types = ['f', 'd', 'i', 'l', 'O'] power = 5 return map(make_signature, itertools.product(*(types,) * power)) def build_and_verify_methodtable(ids, flags, funcs): table = methodtable.PerfectHashMethodTable(methodtable.Hasher()) table.generate_table(len(ids), ids, flags, funcs) for (signature, flag, func) in zip(ids, flags, funcs): result = table.find_method(signature) assert result is not None got_func, got_flag = result assert func == got_func, (func, got_func) # assert flag == got_flag, (flag, got_flag) def test_methodtable(): # ids = ["ff->f", "dd->d", "ii->i", "ll->l", "OO->O"] ids = make_ids() flags = range(1, len(ids) + 1) funcs = range(len(ids)) step = 100 i = len(ids) for i in range(1, len(ids), step): t = time.time() build_and_verify_methodtable(ids[:i], flags[:i], funcs[:i]) t = time.time() - t print i, "table building took", t, "seconds." if __name__ == '__main__': test_methodtable() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_pstdint from . import pstdint def test_pstdint(): pstdint.test_pstdint() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = linregr_bench # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import linregr_python, linregr_numba, linregr_numbapro import numpy as np import pylab from timeit import default_timer as timer def populate_data(N): noise = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float64) X = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64) slope = 3 Y = noise * (slope * X) return X, Y def run(gradient_descent, X, Y, iterations=1000, alpha=1e-6): theta = np.empty(2, dtype=X.dtype) ts = timer() gradient_descent(X, Y, theta, alpha, iterations) te = timer() timing = te - ts print("x-offset = {} slope = {}".format(*theta)) print("time elapsed: {} s".format(timing)) return theta, timing def plot(X, theta, c='r'): result = theta[0] + theta[1] * X pylab.plot(X, result, c=c, linewidth=2) def main(): N = 50 X, Y = populate_data(N) pylab.scatter(X, Y, marker='o', c='b') pylab.title('Linear Regression') print('Python'.center(80, '-')) theta_python, time_python = run(linregr_python.gradient_descent, X, Y) print('Numba'.center(80, '-')) theta_numba, time_numba = run(linregr_numba.gradient_descent, X, Y) print('NumbaPro'.center(80, '-')) theta_numbapro, time_numbapro = run(linregr_numbapro.gradient_descent, X, Y) # make sure all method yields the same result assert np.allclose(theta_python, theta_numba) assert np.allclose(theta_python, theta_numbapro) print('Summary'.center(80, '=')) print('Numba speedup %.1fx' % (time_python / time_numba)) print('NumbaPro speedup %.1fx' % (time_python / time_numbapro)) plot(X, theta_numba, c='r') if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = linregr_numba # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Numba does not support array expressions. Expand the array-expression into loops. ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import autojit, jit, f8, int32, void @jit(void(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:], f8, int32)) def gradient_descent(X, Y, theta, alpha, num_iters): m = Y.shape[0] theta_x = 0.0 theta_y = 0.0 for i in range(num_iters): err_acc_x = 0.0 err_acc_y = 0.0 for j in range(X.shape[0]): predict = theta_x + theta_y * X[j] err_acc_x += predict - Y[j] err_acc_y += (predict - Y[j]) * X[j] theta_x = theta_x - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_acc_x theta_y = theta_y - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_acc_y theta[0] = theta_x theta[1] = theta_y ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = linregr_numbapro # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Only added decorators to the implementation. ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numbapro from numba import autojit, jit, f8, int32, void @jit(void(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:], f8, int32)) def gradient_descent(X, Y, theta, alpha, num_iters): m = Y.shape[0] theta_x = 0.0 theta_y = 0.0 for i in range(num_iters): predict = theta_x + theta_y * X err_x = (predict - Y) err_y = (predict - Y) * X theta_x = theta_x - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_x.sum() theta_y = theta_y - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_y.sum() theta[0] = theta_x theta[1] = theta_y ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = linregr_numbapro_cuda # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' NumbaPro CUDA implementation ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numbapro import cuda from numba import autojit, jit, f8, int32, void import numpy as np import pylab from timeit import default_timer as timer @cuda.jit(void(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:], f8[:], f8, f8)) def cu_compute_error(X, Y, Ex, Ey, theta_x, theta_y): # Compute error for each element and store in the shared-memory Exsm = cuda.shared.array((1024,), dtype=f8) Eysm = cuda.shared.array((1024,), dtype=f8) tid = cuda.threadIdx.x base = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x i = base + tid x = X[i] y = Y[i] predict = theta_x + theta_y * x Exsm[tid] = predict - y Eysm[tid] = (predict - y) * x # Sum-reduce errors in the shared-memory n = cuda.blockDim.x while n > 1: cuda.syncthreads() half = n // 2 if tid < half: Exsm[tid] += Exsm[tid + half] Eysm[tid] += Eysm[tid + half] n = half if tid == 0: # First of a block? # Store result Ex[cuda.blockIdx.x] = Exsm[0] Ey[cuda.blockIdx.x] = Eysm[0] def gradient_descent(X, Y, theta, alpha, num_iters): N = X.size NTID = 1024 NBLK = N // NTID assert NBLK * NTID == N Ex = np.empty(NBLK, dtype=X.dtype) Ey = np.empty(NBLK, dtype=X.dtype) theta_x, theta_y = 0, 0 # ----------------- # GPU work dX = cuda.to_device(X) dY = cuda.to_device(Y) dEx = cuda.to_device(Ex, copy=False) dEy = cuda.to_device(Ey, copy=False) griddim = NBLK, blockdim = NTID, for _ in xrange(num_iters): cu_compute_error[griddim, blockdim](dX, dY, dEx, dEy, theta_x, theta_y) dEx.to_host() dEy.to_host() # ----------------- # CPU work error_x = Ex.sum() error_y = Ey.sum() theta_x = theta_x - alpha * (1.0 / N) * error_x theta_y = theta_y - alpha * (1.0 / N) * error_y theta[0] = theta_x theta[1] = theta_y def populate_data(N): noise = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float64) X = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64) slope = 3 Y = noise * (slope * X) return X, Y def plot(X, theta, c='r'): result = theta[0] + theta[1] * X pylab.plot(X, result, c=c, linewidth=2) def main(): NBLK = 10 NTID = 1024 N = NBLK * NTID print 'N = %d' % N X, Y = populate_data(N) theta = np.zeros(2, dtype=X.dtype) ts = timer() gradient_descent(X, Y, theta, 1e-10, 1000) te = timer() timing = te - ts print 'Time elapsed: %s' % timing pylab.scatter(X, Y, marker='o', c='b') pylab.title('Linear Regression') plot(X, theta) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = linregr_python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' The following implementation references: ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import def gradient_descent(X, Y, theta, alpha, num_iters): m = Y.shape[0] theta_x = 0.0 theta_y = 0.0 for i in range(num_iters): predict = theta_x + theta_y * X err_x = (predict - Y) err_y = (predict - Y) * X theta_x = theta_x - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_x.sum() theta_y = theta_y - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_y.sum() theta[0] = theta_x theta[1] = theta_y ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = gh-pages #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Script to commit the doc build outputs into the github-pages repo. Use: [tag] If no tag is given, the current output of 'git describe' is used. If given, that is how the resulting directory will be named. In practice, you should use either actual clean tags from a current build or something like 'current' as a stable URL for the most current version of the """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import shutil import sys from os import chdir as cd from os.path import join as pjoin from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError, check_call #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pages_dir = 'gh-pages' html_dir = '_build/html' pdf_dir = '_build/latex' pages_repo = '' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sh(cmd): """Execute command in a subshell, return status code.""" return check_call(cmd, shell=True) def sh2(cmd): """Execute command in a subshell, return stdout. Stderr is unbuffered from the subshell.x""" p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) out = p.communicate()[0] retcode = p.returncode if retcode: raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) else: return out.rstrip() def sh3(cmd): """Execute command in a subshell, return stdout, stderr If anything appears in stderr, print it out to sys.stderr""" p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) out, err = p.communicate() retcode = p.returncode if retcode: raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) else: return out.rstrip(), err.rstrip() def init_repo(path): """clone the gh-pages repo if we haven't already.""" sh("git clone %s %s"%(pages_repo, path)) here = os.getcwdu() cd(path) sh('git checkout gh-pages') cd(here) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script starts #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': # The tag can be given as a positional argument try: tag = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: try: tag = sh2('git describe --exact-match') except CalledProcessError: tag = "dev" # Fallback print("Using dev") startdir = os.getcwdu() if not os.path.exists(pages_dir): # init the repo init_repo(pages_dir) else: # ensure up-to-date before operating cd(pages_dir) sh('git checkout gh-pages') sh('git pull') cd(startdir) dest = pjoin(pages_dir, tag) # don't `make html` here, because gh-pages already depends on html in Makefile # sh('make html') if tag != 'dev': # only build pdf for non-dev targets #sh2('make pdf') pass # This is pretty unforgiving: we unconditionally nuke the destination # directory, and then copy the html tree in there shutil.rmtree(dest, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(html_dir, dest) if tag != 'dev': #shutil.copy(pjoin(pdf_dir, 'ipython.pdf'), pjoin(dest, 'ipython.pdf')) pass try: cd(pages_dir) status = sh2('git status | head -1') branch = re.match('\# On branch (.*)$', status).group(1) if branch != 'gh-pages': e = 'On %r, git branch is %r, MUST be "gh-pages"' % (pages_dir, branch) raise RuntimeError(e) sh('git add -A %s' % tag) sh('git commit -m"Updated doc release: %s"' % tag) print() print('Most recent 3 commits:') sys.stdout.flush() sh('git --no-pager log --oneline HEAD~3..') finally: cd(startdir) print() print('Now verify the build in: %r' % dest) print("If everything looks good, 'git push'") ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = make_toc # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import glob modules_dir = os.path.join("source", "modules") # mods = [os.path.splitext(fn)[0] # for fn in os.listdir(modules_dir) if fn.endswith(".rst")] mods = [fn for fn in os.listdir(modules_dir) if fn.endswith(".rst")] f = open(os.path.join(modules_dir, "modules.rst"), "w") f.write(""" ********************** Numba Module Reference ********************** Contents: .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 2 """) for mod in sorted(mods): f.write(" %s\n" % mod) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = conf from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # llvmpy documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Wed Aug 8 17:33:58 2012. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys, os import numba # pip install sphinxjp.themes.basicstrap html_theme = 'basicstrap' #html_theme = 'trstyle' #html_theme = 'dotted' # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. #needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.graphviz', 'sphinxjp.themecore', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The encoding of source files. #source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'numba' copyright = u'2012-2014, Continuum Analytics' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = '.'.join(numba.__version__.split('.')[:2]) # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = numba.__version__ # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. #language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: #today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. exclude_patterns = ['_build'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. #default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. #add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). #add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. #show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'default' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. #html_theme_path = [] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". #html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. #html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. #html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. #html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. #html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'numbadoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). #'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). #'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ ('index', 'numba.tex', u'numba Documentation', u'Continuum Analytics (2012)', 'manual'), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. #latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ ('index', 'numba', u'numba Documentation', [u'Continuum Analytics (2012)'], 1) ] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ('index', 'numba', u'numba Documentation', u'Continuum Analytics (2012)', 'numba', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = update-release-notes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Run me to update the release notes in the documentation. I will pull the content from ../CHANGE_LOG and insert that into ./source/releases.rst ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import title_template = ''' .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This file is automatically generated by %(this_script)s. ====================== Release Notes ====================== ''' def main(): from os.path import dirname, join, isfile curdir = dirname(__file__) changelog_path = join(curdir, '..', 'CHANGE_LOG') assert isfile(changelog_path), ("%s does not exist" % changelog_path) doc_releases = join(curdir, 'source', 'releases.rst') with open(changelog_path) as fin: content = with open(doc_releases, 'w') as fout: fout.write(title_template % dict(this_script=__file__)) fout.write(content) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = bubblesort # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * import numpy as np from timeit import default_timer as timer def bubblesort(X, doprint): N = X.shape[0] for end in range(N, 1, -1): for i in range(end - 1): cur = X[i] if cur > X[i + 1]: tmp = X[i] X[i] = X[i + 1] X[i + 1] = tmp # if doprint: # print("Iteration: %d" % X) # bubblesort_fast = autojit(bubblesort) bubblesort_fast = jit(void(int64[::1], boolean))(bubblesort) dtype = np.int64 def main(): Xtest = np.array(list(reversed(range(8))), dtype=dtype) print('== Test Pure-Python ==') X0 = Xtest.copy() bubblesort(X0, True) print('== Test Numba == ') X1 = Xtest.copy() bubblesort_fast(X1, True) # return print(X0) print(X1) assert all(X0 == X1) REP = 10 N = 1400 Xorig = np.array(list(reversed(range(N))), dtype=dtype) t0 = timer() for t in range(REP): X0 = Xorig.copy() bubblesort(X0, False) tpython = (timer() - t0) / REP t1 = timer() for t in range(REP): X1 = Xorig.copy() bubblesort_fast(X1, False) tnumba = (timer() - t1) / REP assert all(X0 == X1) print('Python', tpython) print('Numba', tnumba) print('Speedup', tpython / tnumba, 'x') if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cffi_example # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import cffi_support, jit, double from cffi import FFI from math import pi ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef('double sin(double x);') # loads the entire libm namespace libm = ffi.dlopen("m") c_sin = libm.sin @jit(nopython=True) def cffi_sin_example(x): return c_sin(x) print(cffi_sin_example(pi)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = closure # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Example for closures. Closures may be of arbitrary dept, and they keep the scope alive as long as the closure is alive. Only variables that are closed over (cell variables in the defining function, free variables in the closure), are kept alive. See also numba/tests/closures/ """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import autojit, jit, float_ from numpy import linspace @jit def generate_power_func(n): @jit(float_(float_)) def nth_power(x): return x ** n # This is a native call print(nth_power(10)) # Return closure and keep all cell variables alive return nth_power for n in range(2, 5): func = generate_power_func(n) print([func(x) for x in linspace(1.,2.,10.)]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = compile_with_pycc from numba import exportmany, export def mult(a, b): return a * b export('multi i4(i4, i4)')(mult) exportmany(['multf f4(f4, f4)', 'mult f8(f8, f8)'])(mult) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ctypes_example # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from ctypes import * import sys from math import pi from numba import jit, double is_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win32') if is_windows: raise OSError('Example does not work on Windows platforms yet.') proc = CDLL(None) c_sin = proc.sin c_sin.argtypes = [c_double] c_sin.restype = c_double def use_c_sin(x): return c_sin(x) ctype_wrapping = CFUNCTYPE(c_double, c_double)(use_c_sin) def use_ctype_wrapping(x): return ctype_wrapping(x) cfunc = jit(double(double))(use_c_sin) print(cfunc(pi)) cfunc = jit(double(double))(use_ctype_wrapping) print(cfunc(pi)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = example # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from scipy.misc import lena from numpy import ones import numpy from numba.decorators import jit from numba import int32, int64 # Original approach will be slower for now due to the object mode failback # for numpy.zero_like # # @jit(argtypes=[int32[:,:], int32[:,:]], restype=int32[:,:]) # def filter2d(image, filt): # M, N = image.shape # Mf, Nf = filt.shape # Mf2 = Mf // 2 # Nf2 = Nf // 2 # result = numpy.zeros_like(image) # for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2): # for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2): # num = 0.0 # for ii in range(Mf): # for jj in range(Nf): # num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj]) # result[i, j] = num # return result @jit((int64[:,::1], int32[:,::1], int64[:,::1]), nopython=True) def filter2d_core(image, filt, result): M, N = image.shape Mf, Nf = filt.shape Mf2 = Mf // 2 Nf2 = Nf // 2 for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2): for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2): num = 0 for ii in range(Mf): for jj in range(Nf): num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii,j-Nf2+jj]) result[i, j] = num @jit def filter2d(image, filt): result = numpy.zeros_like(image) filter2d_core(image, filt, result) return result image = lena() filter = ones((7,7), dtype='int32') result = filter2d(image, filter) # warm up import time start = time.time() result = filter2d(image, filter) duration = time.time() - start from scipy.ndimage import convolve start = time.time() result2 = convolve(image, filter) duration2 = time.time() - start print("Time for LLVM code = %f\nTime for convolve = %f" % (duration, duration2)) from pylab import subplot, imshow, show, title, gray subplot(1,2,1) imshow(image) title('Original Image') gray() subplot(1,2,2) imshow(result) title('Filtered Image') gray() show() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = fbcorr # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This file demonstrates a filterbank correlation loop. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np import numba from numba.utils import IS_PY3 from numba.decorators import jit nd4type = numba.double[:,:,:,:] if IS_PY3: xrange = range @jit(argtypes=(nd4type, nd4type, nd4type)) def fbcorr(imgs, filters, output): n_imgs, n_rows, n_cols, n_channels = imgs.shape n_filters, height, width, n_ch2 = filters.shape for ii in range(n_imgs): for rr in range(n_rows - height + 1): for cc in range(n_cols - width + 1): for hh in xrange(height): for ww in xrange(width): for jj in range(n_channels): for ff in range(n_filters): imgval = imgs[ii, rr + hh, cc + ww, jj] filterval = filters[ff, hh, ww, jj] output[ii, ff, rr, cc] += imgval * filterval def main (): imgs = np.random.randn(10, 64, 64, 3) filt = np.random.randn(6, 5, 5, 3) output = np.zeros((10, 60, 60, 6)) import time t0 = time.time() fbcorr(imgs, filt, output) print(time.time() - t0) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = findmulti # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import jit @jit('i4(i4,f8,i4,f8[:])') def FindMult(i,u,p,U): s = 0 for j in range(0-p, p+2): if U[i+j] == u: s = s + 1 return s ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = mandel # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import jit import numpy as np from pylab import imshow, jet, show, ion @jit def mandel(x, y, max_iters): """ Given the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, determine if it is a candidate for membership in the Mandelbrot set given a fixed number of iterations. """ i = 0 c = complex(x,y) z = 0.0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z*z + c if (z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag) >= 4: return i return 255 @jit def create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters): height = image.shape[0] width = image.shape[1] pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for x in range(width): real = min_x + x * pixel_size_x for y in range(height): imag = min_y + y * pixel_size_y color = mandel(real, imag, iters) image[y, x] = color return image image = np.zeros((500, 750), dtype=np.uint8) imshow(create_fractal(-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, image, 20)) jet() ion() show() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = multithread # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Example of multithreading by releasing the GIL through ctypes. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from timeit import repeat import threading from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p from math import exp import numpy as np from numba import jit, void, double nthreads = 2 size = 1e6 def timefunc(correct, s, func, *args, **kwargs): print(s.ljust(20), end=" ") # Make sure the function is compiled before we start the benchmark res = func(*args, **kwargs) if correct is not None: assert np.allclose(res, correct) # time it print('{:>5.0f} ms'.format(min(repeat(lambda: func(*args, **kwargs), number=5, repeat=2)) * 1000)) return res def make_singlethread(inner_func): def func(*args): length = len(args[0]) result = np.empty(length, dtype=np.float64) inner_func(result, *args) return result return func def make_multithread(inner_func, numthreads): def func_mt(*args): length = len(args[0]) result = np.empty(length, dtype=np.float64) args = (result,) + args chunklen = (length + 1) // numthreads chunks = [[arg[i * chunklen:(i + 1) * chunklen] for arg in args] for i in range(numthreads)] # You should make sure inner_func is compiled at this point, because # the compilation must happen on the main thread. This is the case # in this example because we use jit(). threads = [threading.Thread(target=inner_func, args=chunk) for chunk in chunks[:-1]] for thread in threads: thread.start() # the main thread handles the last chunk inner_func(*chunks[-1]) for thread in threads: thread.join() return result return func_mt savethread = pythonapi.PyEval_SaveThread savethread.argtypes = [] savethread.restype = c_void_p restorethread = pythonapi.PyEval_RestoreThread restorethread.argtypes = [c_void_p] restorethread.restype = None def inner_func(result, a, b): threadstate = savethread() for i in range(len(result)): result[i] = exp(2.1 * a[i] + 3.2 * b[i]) restorethread(threadstate) signature = void(double[:], double[:], double[:]) inner_func_nb = jit(signature, nopython=True)(inner_func) func_nb = make_singlethread(inner_func_nb) func_nb_mt = make_multithread(inner_func_nb, nthreads) def func_np(a, b): return np.exp(2.1 * a + 3.2 * b) a = np.random.rand(size) b = np.random.rand(size) c = np.random.rand(size) correct = timefunc(None, "numpy (1 thread)", func_np, a, b) timefunc(correct, "numba (1 thread)", func_nb, a, b) timefunc(correct, "numba (%d threads)" % nthreads, func_nb_mt, a, b) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = LinearRegr # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # <nbformat>3.0</nbformat> # <markdowncell> # # Linear Regression with Gradient Descent Algorithm # # This notebook demonstrates the implementation of linear regression with gradient descent algorithm. # # Consider the following implementation of the gradient descent loop with NumPy arrays based upon [1]: # <codecell> def gradient_descent_numpy(X, Y, theta, alpha, num_iters): m = Y.shape[0] theta_x = 0.0 theta_y = 0.0 for i in range(num_iters): predict = theta_x + theta_y * X err_x = (predict - Y) err_y = (predict - Y) * X theta_x = theta_x - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_x.sum() theta_y = theta_y - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_y.sum() theta[0] = theta_x theta[1] = theta_y # <markdowncell> # To speedup this implementation with Numba, we need to add the `@jit` decorator to annotate the function signature. Then, we need to expand the NumPy array expressions into a loop. The resulting code is shown below: # <codecell> from numba import autojit, jit, f8, int32, void @jit(void(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:], f8, int32)) def gradient_descent_numba(X, Y, theta, alpha, num_iters): m = Y.shape[0] theta_x = 0.0 theta_y = 0.0 for i in range(num_iters): err_acc_x = 0.0 err_acc_y = 0.0 for j in range(X.shape[0]): predict = theta_x + theta_y * X[j] err_acc_x += predict - Y[j] err_acc_y += (predict - Y[j]) * X[j] theta_x = theta_x - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_acc_x theta_y = theta_y - alpha * (1.0 / m) * err_acc_y theta[0] = theta_x theta[1] = theta_y # <markdowncell> # The rest of the code generates some artificial data to test our linear regression algorithm. # <codecell> import numpy as np import pylab from timeit import default_timer as timer def populate_data(N): noise = np.random.random(N).astype(np.float64) X = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64) slope = 3 Y = noise * (slope * X) return X, Y def run(gradient_descent, X, Y, iterations=1000, alpha=1e-6): theta = np.empty(2, dtype=X.dtype) ts = timer() gradient_descent(X, Y, theta, alpha, iterations) te = timer() timing = te - ts print "x-offset = {} slope = {}".format(*theta) print "time elapsed: {} s".format(timing) return theta, timing def plot(X, theta, c='r'): result = theta[0] + theta[1] * X pylab.plot(X, result, c=c, linewidth=2) # <markdowncell> # We will a benchmark with 50 elements to compare the pure python version against the numba version. # <codecell> N = 50 X, Y = populate_data(N) pylab.scatter(X, Y, marker='o', c='b') pylab.title('Linear Regression') print 'Python'.center(30, '-') theta_python, time_python = run(gradient_descent_numpy, X, Y) print 'Numba'.center(30, '-') theta_numba, time_numba = run(gradient_descent_numba, X, Y) # make sure all method yields the same result assert np.allclose(theta_python, theta_numba) print 'Summary'.center(30, '=') print 'Numba speedup %.1fx' % (time_python / time_numba) plot(X, theta_numba, c='r') # <markdowncell> # # ## References # # [1] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numba_decimal from ctypes import CDLL, Structure, POINTER, c_longlong, c_uint, c_int, \ c_ubyte, c_char_p, byref, pointer from numba import autojit, jit, void, c_string_type, int_, typeof, object_, void import cdecimal import random class mpd_context(Structure): _fields_ = [('prec', c_longlong), ('emax', c_longlong), ('emin', c_longlong), ('trap', c_uint), ('status', c_uint), ('newtrap', c_uint), ('round', c_int), ('clamp', c_int), ('allcr', c_int)] class mpd_t(Structure): _fields_ = [('flags', c_ubyte), ('exp', c_longlong), ('digits', c_longlong), ('len', c_longlong), ('alloc', c_longlong), ('data', POINTER(c_uint))] dll = CDLL('/usr/local/lib/') dll.mpd_new.argtypes = [] dll.mpd_new.restype = POINTER(mpd_t) dll.mpd_set_string.argtypes = [POINTER(mpd_t), c_char_p, POINTER(mpd_context)] dll.mpd_set_string.restype = None dll.mpd_to_sci.argtypes = [POINTER(mpd_t), c_int] dll.mpd_to_sci.restype = c_char_p dll.mpd_add.argtypes = [POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_context)] dll.mpd_add.restype = None dll.mpd_sub.argtypes = [POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_context)] dll.mpd_sub.restype = None dll.mpd_mul.argtypes = [POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_context)] dll.mpd_mul.restype = None dll.mpd_div.argtypes = [POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_t), POINTER(mpd_context)] dll.mpd_div.restype = None mpd_new_func = dll.mpd_new mpd_set_string_func = dll.mpd_set_string mpd_to_sci_func = dll.mpd_to_sci mpd_add_func = dll.mpd_add mpd_sub_func = dll.mpd_sub mpd_mul_func = dll.mpd_mul mpd_div_func = dll.mpd_div context = mpd_context() context_ref = pointer(context) dll.mpd_init(byref(context)) @jit class NumbaDecimal(object): @void(c_string_type) def __init__(self, value): with nopython: self.mpd = mpd_new_func() mpd_set_string_func(self.mpd, value, context_ref) @c_string_type() def __repr__(self): with nopython: result = mpd_to_sci_func(self.mpd, 0) return result @jit(NumbaDecimal.exttype(NumbaDecimal.exttype, NumbaDecimal.exttype)) def add(left, right): with nopython: mpd_result = mpd_new_func() mpd_add_func(mpd_result, left.mpd, right.mpd, context_ref) return NumbaDecimal(mpd_to_sci_func(mpd_result, 0)) @jit(NumbaDecimal.exttype(NumbaDecimal.exttype, NumbaDecimal.exttype)) def sub(left, right): with nopython: mpd_result = mpd_new_func() mpd_sub_func(mpd_result, left.mpd, right.mpd, context_ref) return NumbaDecimal(mpd_to_sci_func(mpd_result, 0)) @jit(NumbaDecimal.exttype(NumbaDecimal.exttype, NumbaDecimal.exttype)) def mul(left, right): with nopython: mpd_result = mpd_new_func() mpd_mul_func(mpd_result, left.mpd, right.mpd, context_ref) return NumbaDecimal(mpd_to_sci_func(mpd_result, 0)) @jit(NumbaDecimal.exttype(NumbaDecimal.exttype, NumbaDecimal.exttype)) def div(left, right): with nopython: mpd_result = mpd_new_func() mpd_div_func(mpd_result, left.mpd, right.mpd, context_ref) return NumbaDecimal(mpd_to_sci_func(mpd_result, 0)) @autojit def numba_test(num1, num2): x = NumbaDecimal(num1) y = NumbaDecimal(num2) return mul(x, y) @autojit def python_test(num1, num2): x = cdecimal.Decimal(num1) y = cdecimal.Decimal(num2) return x * y def benchmark_numba(): numba_test(str(random.random()), str(random.random())) def benchmark_python(): python_test(str(random.random()), str(random.random())) import timeit timer = timeit.Timer("benchmark_numba()", "from __main__ import benchmark_numba") print 'Numba extension type times:', timer.repeat(repeat=3, number=100000) timer = timeit.Timer("benchmark_python()", "from __main__ import benchmark_python") print 'Python cdecimal times:', timer.repeat(repeat=3, number=100000) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = objects # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import jit class MyClass(object): def mymethod(self, arg): return arg * 2 @jit def call_method(obj): print(obj.mymethod("hello")) # object result mydouble = obj.mymethod(10.2) # native double print(mydouble * 2) # native multiplication call_method(MyClass()) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = pointers # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba import * import numpy as np int32p = int32.pointer() voidp = void.pointer() @jit def test_pointer_arithmetic(): """ >>> test_pointer_arithmetic() 48L """ p = int32p(Py_uintptr_t(0)) p = p + 10 p += 2 return Py_uintptr_t(p) # 0 + 4 * 12 @jit(locals={"pointer_value": Py_uintptr_t}) def test_pointer_indexing(pointer_value, type_p): """ >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float32) >>> test_pointer_indexing(, float32.pointer()) (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64) >>> test_pointer_indexing(, int64.pointer()) (1L, 2L, 3L, 4L) """ p = type_p(pointer_value) return p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3] @jit def test_compare_null(): """ >>> test_compare_null() True """ return voidp(Py_uintptr_t(0)) == numba.NULL test_pointer_arithmetic() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = pycc_example # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import os import tempfile import sys from ctypes import * from numba.pycc import find_shared_ending, main is_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win32') if is_windows: raise OSError('Example does not work on Windows platforms yet.') base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) modulename = os.path.join(base_path, 'compile_with_pycc') cdll_modulename = modulename + find_shared_ending() if os.path.exists(cdll_modulename): os.unlink(cdll_modulename) # Compile python module to library main(args=[modulename + '.py']) lib = CDLL(cdll_modulename) # Load library with ctypes and call mult function try: lib.mult.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double), c_double, c_double] lib.mult.restype = c_int lib.multf.argtypes = [POINTER(c_float), c_float, c_float] lib.multf.restype = c_int res = c_double() lib.mult(byref(res), 123, 321) print('lib.mult(123, 321) = %f' % res.value) res = c_float() lib.multf(byref(res), 987, 321) print('lib.multf(987, 321) = %f' % res.value) finally: del lib if os.path.exists(cdll_modulename): os.unlink(cdll_modulename) modulename = os.path.join(base_path, 'compile_with_pycc') tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() print('tmpdir: %s' % tmpdir) out_modulename = (os.path.join(tmpdir, 'compiled_with_pycc') + find_shared_ending()) # Compile python module to python extension main(args=['--python', '-o', out_modulename, modulename + '.py']) # Load compiled extension and call mult function sys.path.append(tmpdir) try: import compiled_with_pycc as lib try: res = lib.mult(123, 321) print('lib.mult(123, 321) = %f' % res) assert res == 123 * 321 res = lib.multf(987, 321) print('lib.multf(987, 321) = %f' % res) assert res == 987 * 321 finally: del lib finally: if os.path.exists(out_modulename): os.unlink(out_modulename) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = queens # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # The best speedup is to just decorate hits() but this is to demonstrate # the support of untyped object. from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * # Support for typedlist is removed in this release # ListInt = nb.typeof(nb.typedlist(int_)) # Define List[int] type @jit(boolean(int32, int32, int32, int32)) def hits(x1, y1, x2, y2): "Check whether a queen positioned at (x1, y1) will hit a queen at position (x2, y2)" return x1 == x2 or y1 == y2 or abs(x1 - x2) == abs(y1 - y2) @jit def hitsany(x, y, queens_x, queens_y): "Check whether a queen positioned at (x1, y1) will hit any other queen" for i in range(len(queens_x)): if hits(x, y, queens_x[i], queens_y[i]): return True return False @jit def _solve(n, queens_x, queens_y): "Solve the queens puzzle" if n == 0: return True for x in range(1, 9): for y in range(1, 9): if not hitsany(x, y, queens_x, queens_y): queens_x.append(x) queens_y.append(y) if _solve(n - 1, queens_x, queens_y): return True queens_x.pop() queens_y.pop() return False @jit def solve(n): queens_x = [] queens_y = [] if _solve(n, queens_x, queens_y): return queens_x, queens_y else: return None, None solve.disable_compile() _solve.disable_compile() hitsany.disable_compile() print(solve(8)) # %timeit solve(8) # Comment out @jit/@autojit # print(solve(8)) # %timeit solve(8) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ra24 from numba import jit import numpy as np import math import time @jit('f4[:,:](i2,f4[:,:])') def ra_numba(doy, lat): M, N = lat.shape ra = np.zeros_like(lat) Gsc = 0.0820 # math.pi doesnt work? # NumbaError: 11:31: Binary operations mul on values typed object_ and object_ not (yet) supported) pi = math.pi #pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 dr = 1 + 0.033 * math.cos( 2 * pi / 365 * doy) decl = 0.409 * math.sin( 2 * pi / 365 * doy - 1.39 ) for i in range(M): for j in range(N): # it crashes without the float() wrapped around the array slicing?! ws = math.acos(-1 * math.tan(float(lat[i,j])) * math.tan(decl)) ra[i,j] = 24 * 60 / pi * Gsc * dr * ( ws * math.sin(float(lat[i,j])) * math.sin(decl) + math.cos(float(lat[i,j])) * math.cos(decl) * math.sin(ws)) * 11.6 return ra def ra_numpy(doy, lat): Gsc = 0.0820 pi = math.pi dr = 1 + 0.033 * np.cos( 2 * pi / 365 * doy) decl = 0.409 * np.sin( 2 * pi / 365 * doy - 1.39 ) ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(lat) * np.tan(decl)) ra = 24 * 60 / pi * Gsc * dr * ( ws * np.sin(lat) * np.sin(decl) + np.cos(lat) * np.cos(decl) * np.sin(ws)) * 11.6 return ra ra_python = ra_numba.py_func doy = 120 # day of year py = [] nump = [] numb = [] dims = [] for dim in [25,50,100,200,400,800,1600]: dims.append(dim) lat = np.deg2rad(np.ones((dim,dim), dtype=np.float32) * 45.) # array of 45 degrees latitude converted to rad tic = time.clock() ra_nb = ra_numba(doy, lat) numb.append(time.clock() - tic) tic = time.clock() ra_np = ra_numpy(doy, lat) nump.append(time.clock() - tic) tic = time.clock() ra_py = ra_python(doy, lat) py.append(time.clock() - tic) dims = np.array(dims)**2 py = np.array(py) numb = np.array(numb) nump = np.array(nump) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = simpleadd # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import jit, autojit @jit('f8(f8,f8)') def addv(a,b): return a+b @jit('f8(f8[:])') def sum1d(A): n = A.size s = 0.0 for i in range(n): a = A[i] s = addv(s, A[i]) return s ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = strings # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Example of using strings with numba using libc and some basic string functionality. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import import struct import socket import numba as nb import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.cdef(""" void abort(void); char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2); int atoi(const char *str); char *strtok(char *restrict str, const char *restrict sep); """) lib = ffi.dlopen(None) # For now, we need to make these globals so numba will recognize them abort, strstr, atoi, strtok = lib.abort, lib.strstr, lib.atoi, lib.strtok int8_p = nb.int8.pointer() int_p = nb.int_.pointer() @nb.autojit(nopython=True) def parse_int_strtok(s): """ Convert an IP address given as a string to an int, similar to socket.inet_aton(). Performs no error checking! """ result = nb.uint32(0) current = strtok(s, ".") for i in range(4): byte = atoi(current) shift = (3 - i) * 8 result |= byte << shift current = strtok(int_p(nb.NULL), ".") return result @nb.autojit(nopython=True) def parse_int_manual(s): """ Convert an IP address given as a string to an int, similar to socket.inet_aton(). Performs no error checking! """ result = nb.uint32(0) end = len(s) start = 0 shift = 3 for i in range(end): if s[i] == '.'[0] or i == end - 1: byte = atoi(int8_p(s) + start) result |= byte << (shift * 8) shift -= 1 start = i + 1 return result result1 = parse_int_strtok('') result2 = parse_int_manual('') print(socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', result1))) print(socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', result2))) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = structures # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import struct, jit, double import numpy as np record_type = struct([('x', double), ('y', double)]) record_dtype = record_type.get_dtype() a = np.array([(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)], dtype=record_dtype) @jit(argtypes=[record_type[:]]) def hypot(data): # return types of numpy functions are inferred result = np.empty_like(data, dtype=np.float64) # notice access to structure elements 'x' and 'y' via attribute access # You can also index by field name or field index: # data[i].x == data[i]['x'] == data[i][0] for i in range(data.shape[0]): result[i] = np.sqrt(data[i].x * data[i].x + data[i].y * data[i].y) return result print(hypot(a)) # Notice inferred return type print(hypot.signature) # Notice native sqrt calls and for.body direct access to memory... #print(hypot.lfunc) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = sum # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import double from numba.decorators import jit as jit def sum2d(arr): M, N = arr.shape result = 0.0 for i in range(M): for j in range(N): result += arr[i,j] return result jitsum2d = jit(sum2d) csum2d = jitsum2d.compile(double(double[:,::1])) from numpy import random arr = random.randn(100, 100) import time start = time.time() res = sum2d(arr) duration = time.time() - start print("Result from python is %s in %s (msec)" % (res, duration*1000)) csum2d(arr) # warm up start = time.time() res = csum2d(arr) duration2 = time.time() - start print("Result from compiled is %s in %s (msec)" % (res, duration2*1000)) print("Speed up is %s" % (duration / duration2)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ufuncs from numba import vectorize from numba import autojit, double, jit import math import numpy as np @vectorize(['f8(f8)','f4(f4)']) def sinc(x): if x == 0: return 1.0 else: return math.sin(x*math.pi) / (x*math.pi) @vectorize(['int8(int8,int8)', 'int16(int16,int16)', 'int32(int32,int32)', 'int64(int64,int64)', 'f4(f4,f4)', 'f8(f8,f8)']) def add(x,y): return x + y @vectorize(['f8(f8)','f4(f4)']) def logit(x): return math.log(x / (1-x)) @vectorize(['f8(f8)','f4(f4)']) def expit(x): if x > 0: x = math.exp(x) return x / (1 + x) else: return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x)) @jit('f8(f8,f8[:])') def polevl(x, coef): N = len(coef) ans = coef[0] i = 1 while i < N: ans = ans * x + coef[i] i += 1 return ans @jit('f8(f8,f8[:])') def p1evl(x, coef): N = len(coef) ans = x + coef[0] i = 1 while i < N: ans = ans * x + coef[i] i += 1 return ans PP = np.array([ 7.96936729297347051624E-4, 8.28352392107440799803E-2, 1.23953371646414299388E0, 5.44725003058768775090E0, 8.74716500199817011941E0, 5.30324038235394892183E0, 9.99999999999999997821E-1], 'd') PQ = np.array([ 9.24408810558863637013E-4, 8.56288474354474431428E-2, 1.25352743901058953537E0, 5.47097740330417105182E0, 8.76190883237069594232E0, 5.30605288235394617618E0, 1.00000000000000000218E0], 'd') DR1 = 5.783185962946784521175995758455807035071 DR2 = 30.47126234366208639907816317502275584842 RP = np.array([ -4.79443220978201773821E9, 1.95617491946556577543E12, -2.49248344360967716204E14, 9.70862251047306323952E15], 'd') RQ = np.array([ # 1.00000000000000000000E0, 4.99563147152651017219E2, 1.73785401676374683123E5, 4.84409658339962045305E7, 1.11855537045356834862E10, 2.11277520115489217587E12, 3.10518229857422583814E14, 3.18121955943204943306E16, 1.71086294081043136091E18], 'd') QP = np.array([ -1.13663838898469149931E-2, -1.28252718670509318512E0, -1.95539544257735972385E1, -9.32060152123768231369E1, -1.77681167980488050595E2, -1.47077505154951170175E2, -5.14105326766599330220E1, -6.05014350600728481186E0], 'd') QQ = np.array([ # 1.00000000000000000000E0, 6.43178256118178023184E1, 8.56430025976980587198E2, 3.88240183605401609683E3, 7.24046774195652478189E3, 5.93072701187316984827E3, 2.06209331660327847417E3, 2.42005740240291393179E2], 'd') NPY_PI_4 = .78539816339744830962 SQ2OPI = .79788456080286535587989 @jit('f8(f8)') def j0(x): if (x < 0): x = -x if (x <= 5.0): z = x * x if (x < 1.0e-5): return (1.0 - z / 4.0) p = (z-DR1) * (z-DR2) p = p * polevl(z, RP) / polevl(z, RQ) return p w = 5.0 / x q = 25.0 / (x*x) p = polevl(q, PP) / polevl(q, PQ) q = polevl(q, QP) / p1evl(q, QQ) xn = x - NPY_PI_4 p = p*math.cos(xn) - w * q * math.sin(xn) return p * SQ2OPI / math.sqrt(x) x = np.arange(10000, dtype='i8') y = np.arange(10000, dtype='i8') print(sum(x, y)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = gen_type_conversion # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generate generated_conversions.c Utilities adjusted from Cython/Compiler/PyrexTypes.pyx """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os func_name = "__Numba_PyInt_As%(SignWord)s%(TypeName)s" header = "static %%(type)s %(FuncName)s(PyObject* x)" % { 'FuncName' : func_name} c_int_from_py_function = """ %(Header)s { const %(type)s neg_one = (%(type)s)-1, const_zero = 0; const int is_unsigned = neg_one > const_zero; if (sizeof(%(type)s) < sizeof(long)) { long val = __Numba_PyInt_AsSignedLong(x); if (unlikely(val != (long)(%(type)s)val)) { if (!unlikely(val == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, (is_unsigned && unlikely(val < 0)) ? "can't convert negative value to %(type)s" : "value too large to convert to %(type)s"); } return (%(type)s)-1; } return (%(type)s)val; } return (%(type)s)__Numba_PyInt_As%(SignWord)sLong(x); } """ c_long_from_py_function = """ %(Header)s { const %(type)s neg_one = (%(type)s)-1, const_zero = 0; const int is_unsigned = neg_one > const_zero; #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 if (likely(PyInt_Check(x))) { long val = PyInt_AS_LONG(x); if (is_unsigned && unlikely(val < 0)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "can't convert negative value to %(type)s"); return (%(type)s)-1; } return (%(type)s)val; } else #endif if (likely(PyLong_Check(x))) { if (is_unsigned) { if (unlikely(Py_SIZE(x) < 0)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "can't convert negative value to %(type)s"); return (%(type)s)-1; } return (%(type)s)PyLong_AsUnsigned%(TypeName)s(x); } else { return (%(type)s)PyLong_As%(TypeName)s(x); } } else { %(type)s val; PyObject *tmp = __Numba_PyNumber_Int(x); if (!tmp) return (%(type)s)-1; val = __Numba_PyInt_As%(SignWord)s%(TypeName)s(tmp); Py_DECREF(tmp); return val; } } """ def rank(types): types = [type for name, type in types] return dict(zip(types, range(len(exact_types)))) # Builtin C types that we know how to convert to/from objects exact_types = ( ("Char", "char"), ("Short", "short"), ("Int", "int"), ("Long", "long"), ("LongLong", "PY_LONG_LONG"), ) rank_exact = rank(exact_types) # Types for which we don't know the mapping to exact_types inexact_types = ( ("Py_ssize_t", "Py_ssize_t"), ("size_t", "size_t"), ("npy_intp", "npy_intp"), ) rank_inexact = rank(inexact_types) signednesses = ( "signed", "unsigned", ) def write_utility(exact_type, exact_type_name, out_c, out_h, signedness): # Select utility template if rank_exact[exact_type] < rank_exact["long"]: utility = c_int_from_py_function else: utility = c_long_from_py_function # Build argument dict fmtargs = { 'TypeName' : exact_type_name, 'SignWord' : signedness.title(), 'type' : signedness + " " + exact_type } fmtargs.update(FuncName=func_name % fmtargs, Header=header % fmtargs) # Write results conversion = utility % fmtargs out_c.write(conversion) out_h.write(header % fmtargs + ';\n') # print_export(fmtargs) # print_utility_load(fmtargs, signedness) def generate_conversions(out_c, out_h): "Generate numba/external/utilities/generated_conversions.c" out_c.write("/* This file is generated by %s, do not edit */\n" % __file__) out_c.write('#include "generated_conversions.h"\n\n') for exact_type_name, exact_type in exact_types: for signedness in signednesses: write_utility(exact_type, exact_type_name, out_c, out_h, signedness) # write_utility("char", "Char", out_c, out_h, "signed") print("Wrote %s and %s" % (, def print_export(fmtargs): "Code to put in type_conversion.c" print("EXPORT_FUNCTION(%(FuncName)s, module, error)" % fmtargs) def print_utility_load(fmtargs, signedness): "Code to put in numba.external.utility" typename = fmtargs['TypeName'].lower() if signedness == "unsigned": typename = "u" + typename print('%-10s : load("%s", %s(object_)),' % (typename, fmtargs['FuncName'], typename)) def open_files(): numba_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) root = os.path.join(numba_root, "numba", "external", "utilities") out_c = open(os.path.join(root, "generated_conversions.c"), "w") out_h = open(os.path.join(root, "generated_conversions.h"), "w") return out_c, out_h def run(): generate_conversions(*open_files()) if __name__ == "__main__": run() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = getfailed # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import pickle, sys, os noseid_file = 'numba/tests/.noseids' if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-reset': os.remove(noseid_file) else: with open(noseid_file) as fin: noseids = pickle.load(fin) failed = map(int, noseids['failed']) ids = noseids['ids'] for i in failed: print ids[i] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = hello from __future__ import print_function import numpy from numba import jit, int8, int16, int32, float64, complex128 @jit((float64[:], float64), nopython=True) def foo(a, b): c = 0 for i in range(a.shape[0]): c += a[i] + b a[i] += b return c cfoo = foo.jit((int32[:], int32), nopython=True) print(foo.inspect_types()) @jit((int32,)) def bar(a): return str(a) + " is a number" class Haha: pass @jit def ambiguous(x): return x ambiguous.jit((int16,)) ambiguous.jit((int8,)) ambiguous.jit((complex128,)) ambiguous.jit((float64,)) def main(): a = numpy.arange(100, dtype='int32') b = 2 c = cfoo(a, b) print(a) print(c) a = numpy.arange(100, dtype='float64') b = 2. foo.disable_compile() c = foo(a, b) print(foo.overloads.keys()) print(a) print(c) print(bar(2)) print(bar(Haha())) bar.inspect_types() print(ambiguous(numpy.int8(1))) print(ambiguous(numpy.array(1, dtype='int16'))) print(ambiguous(numpy.float64(1))) print(ambiguous(numpy.complex128(1))) ambiguous(numpy.int32(1)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = assume """ A place to store all assumptions made in various part of the code base. This allow us to do a usage analysis to discover all code that is assuming something. Each assumption is defined as a global variable. Its value is the description of the assumption. Code that makes the assumption should `assert the_assumption` """ return_argument_array_only = '''Only array passed into the function as argument can be returned''' ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = bytecode """ From NumbaPro """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import dis import sys import inspect from collections import namedtuple from numba import utils, targets from numba.config import PYVERSION opcode_info = namedtuple('opcode_info', ['argsize']) def get_function_object(obj): """ Objects that wraps function should provide a "__numba__" magic attribute that contains a name of an attribute that contains the actual python function object. """ attr = getattr(obj, "__numba__", None) if attr: return getattr(obj, attr) return obj def get_code_object(obj): "Shamelessly borrowed from llpython" return getattr(obj, '__code__', getattr(obj, 'func_code', None)) def _make_bytecode_table(): if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): # python 2.6 version_specific = [ ('JUMP_IF_FALSE', 2), ('JUMP_IF_TRUE', 2), ] elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 7): # python 2.7+ version_specific = [ ('POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', 2), ('POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', 2), ('JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP', 2), ('JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP', 2), ] if sys.version_info[0] == 2: version_specific += [ ('BINARY_DIVIDE', 0), ('DUP_TOPX', 2), ('INPLACE_DIVIDE', 0), ('PRINT_ITEM', 0), ('PRINT_NEWLINE', 0), ('SLICE+0', 0), ('SLICE+1', 0), ('SLICE+2', 0), ('SLICE+3', 0), ('STORE_SLICE+0', 0), ('STORE_SLICE+1', 0), ('STORE_SLICE+2', 0), ('STORE_SLICE+3', 0), ] elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: version_specific += [ ('DUP_TOP_TWO', 0) ] bytecodes = [ # opname, operandlen ('BINARY_ADD', 0), ('BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE', 0), ('BINARY_MULTIPLY', 0), ('BINARY_SUBSCR', 0), ('BINARY_SUBTRACT', 0), ('BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE', 0), ('BINARY_MODULO', 0), ('BINARY_POWER', 0), ('BINARY_AND', 0), ('BINARY_OR', 0), ('BINARY_XOR', 0), ('BINARY_LSHIFT', 0), ('BINARY_RSHIFT', 0), ('BREAK_LOOP', 0), ('BUILD_LIST', 2), ('BUILD_SLICE', 2), ('BUILD_TUPLE', 2), ('CALL_FUNCTION', 2), ('COMPARE_OP', 2), ('DUP_TOP', 0), ('FOR_ITER', 2), ('GET_ITER', 0), ('INPLACE_ADD', 0), ('INPLACE_SUBTRACT', 0), ('INPLACE_MULTIPLY', 0), ('INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE', 0), ('INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE', 0), ('INPLACE_MODULO', 0), ('INPLACE_POWER', 0), ('INPLACE_AND', 0), ('INPLACE_OR', 0), ('INPLACE_XOR', 0), ('INPLACE_LSHIFT', 0), ('INPLACE_RSHIFT', 0), ('JUMP_ABSOLUTE', 2), ('JUMP_FORWARD', 2), ('LOAD_ATTR', 2), ('LOAD_CONST', 2), ('LOAD_FAST', 2), ('LOAD_GLOBAL', 2), ('POP_BLOCK', 0), ('POP_TOP', 0), ('RAISE_VARARGS', 2), ('RETURN_VALUE', 0), ('ROT_THREE', 0), ('ROT_TWO', 0), ('SETUP_LOOP', 2), ('STORE_FAST', 2), # ('STORE_ATTR', 2), # not supported ('STORE_SUBSCR', 0), ('UNARY_POSITIVE', 0), ('UNARY_NEGATIVE', 0), ('UNARY_INVERT', 0), ('UNARY_NOT', 0), ('UNPACK_SEQUENCE', 2), ] + version_specific return dict((dis.opmap[opname], opcode_info(argsize=argsize)) for opname, argsize in bytecodes) def _as_opcodes(seq): lst = [] for s in seq: c = dis.opmap.get(s) if c is not None: lst.append(c) return lst BYTECODE_TABLE = _make_bytecode_table() JREL_OPS = frozenset(dis.hasjrel) JABS_OPS = frozenset(dis.hasjabs) JUMP_OPS = JREL_OPS | JABS_OPS TERM_OPS = frozenset(_as_opcodes(['RETURN_VALUE', 'RAISE_VARARGS'])) class ByteCodeInst(object): ''' Attributes ---------- - offset: byte offset of opcode - opcode: opcode integer value - arg: instruction arg - lineno: -1 means unknown ''' __slots__ = 'offset', 'next', 'opcode', 'opname', 'arg', 'lineno' def __init__(self, offset, opcode, arg): self.offset = offset = offset + BYTECODE_TABLE[opcode].argsize + 1 self.opcode = opcode self.opname = dis.opname[opcode] self.arg = arg self.lineno = -1 # unknown line number @classmethod def get(cls, offset, opname, arg): return cls(offset, dis.opmap[opname], arg) @property def is_jump(self): return self.opcode in JUMP_OPS @property def is_terminator(self): return self.opcode in TERM_OPS def get_jump_target(self): assert self.is_jump if self.opcode in JREL_OPS: return + self.arg else: assert self.opcode in JABS_OPS return self.arg def __repr__(self): return '%s(arg=%s, lineno=%d)' % (self.opname, self.arg, self.lineno) class ByteCodeIter(object): def __init__(self, code): self.code = code if PYVERSION > (3, 0): self.iter = enumerate(self.code.co_code) else: self.iter = ((i, ord(x)) for i, x in enumerate(self.code.co_code)) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): offset, opcode = next(self.iter) try: info = BYTECODE_TABLE[opcode] except KeyError: ts = "offset=%d opcode=%x opname=%s" tv = offset, opcode, dis.opname[opcode] raise NotImplementedError(ts % tv) if info.argsize: arg = self.read_arg(info.argsize) else: arg = None return offset, ByteCodeInst(offset=offset, opcode=opcode, arg=arg) __next__ = next def read_arg(self, size): buf = 0 for i in range(size): _offset, byte = utils.iter_next(self.iter) buf |= byte << (8 * i) return buf class ByteCodeOperation(object): def __init__(self, inst, args): self.inst = inst self.args = args class ByteCodeSupportError(Exception): pass class ByteCodeBase(object): __slots__ = 'func', 'func_name', 'argspec', 'filename', 'co_names', \ 'co_varnames', 'co_consts', 'table', 'labels' def __init__(self, func, func_name, argspec, filename, co_names, co_varnames, co_consts, table, labels): self.func = func self.module = inspect.getmodule(func) self.func_name = func_name self.argspec = argspec self.filename = filename self.co_names = co_names self.co_varnames = co_varnames self.co_consts = co_consts self.table = table self.labels = labels self.firstlineno = min(inst.lineno for inst in self.table.values()) def __iter__(self): return utils.dict_itervalues(self.table) def __getitem__(self, offset): return self.table[offset] def __contains__(self, offset): return offset in self.table def dump(self): def label_marker(i): if i[1].offset in self.labels: return '>' else: return ' ' return '\n'.join('%s %10d\t%s' % ((label_marker(i),) + i) for i in utils.dict_iteritems(self.table)) class CustomByteCode(ByteCodeBase): pass class ByteCode(ByteCodeBase): def __init__(self, func): func = get_function_object(func) code = get_code_object(func) if not code: raise ByteCodeSupportError("%s does not provide its bytecode" % func) if code.co_freevars: raise ByteCodeSupportError("does not support freevars") if code.co_cellvars: raise ByteCodeSupportError("does not support cellvars") table = utils.SortedMap(ByteCodeIter(code)) labels = set(dis.findlabels(code.co_code)) labels.add(0) self._mark_lineno(table, code) super(ByteCode, self).__init__(func=func, func_name=func.__name__, argspec=inspect.getargspec(func), filename=code.co_filename, co_names=code.co_names, co_varnames=code.co_varnames, co_consts=code.co_consts, table=table, labels=list(sorted(labels))) @classmethod def _mark_lineno(cls, table, code): '''Fill the lineno info for all bytecode inst ''' for offset, lineno in dis.findlinestarts(code): if offset in table: table[offset].lineno = lineno known = -1 for inst in table.values(): if inst.lineno >= 0: known = inst.lineno else: inst.lineno = known ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = callwrapper from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from llvm.core import Type, Builder, Constant import llvm.core as lc from numba import types, cgutils class PyCallWrapper(object): def __init__(self, context, module, func, fndesc): self.context = context self.module = module self.func = func self.fndesc = fndesc def build(self): wrapname = "wrapper.%s" % pyobj = self.context.get_argument_type(types.pyobject) fnty = Type.function(pyobj, [pyobj, pyobj, pyobj]) wrapper = self.module.add_function(fnty, name=wrapname) builder ='entry')) # builder = cgutils.VerboseProxy(builder) _, args, kws = wrapper.args api = self.context.get_python_api(builder) self.build_wrapper(api, builder, args, kws) wrapper.verify() return wrapper, api def build_wrapper(self, api, builder, args, kws): nargs = len(self.fndesc.args) keywords = self.make_keywords(self.fndesc.args) fmt = self.make_const_string("O" * nargs) objs = [api.alloca_obj() for _ in range(nargs)] parseok = api.parse_tuple_and_keywords(args, kws, fmt, keywords, *objs) pred = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, parseok, Constant.null(parseok.type)) with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, pred): builder.ret(api.get_null_object()) innerargs = [] for obj, ty in zip(objs, self.fndesc.argtypes): #api.context.debug_print(builder, "%s -> %s" % (obj, ty)) #api.print_object(builder.load(obj)) val = api.to_native_arg(builder.load(obj), ty) innerargs.append(val) status, res = self.context.call_function(builder, self.func, self.fndesc.restype, self.fndesc.argtypes, innerargs) with cgutils.if_likely(builder, status.ok): with cgutils.ifthen(builder, status.none): api.return_none() retval = api.from_native_return(res, self.fndesc.restype) builder.ret(retval) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, builder.not_(status.exc)): # User exception raised # TODO we will just raise a RuntimeError for now. api.raise_native_error("error in native function: %s" % self.fndesc.mangled_name) builder.ret(api.get_null_object()) def make_const_string(self, string): return self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, string) def make_keywords(self, kws): strings = [] stringtype = Type.pointer( for k in kws: strings.append(self.make_const_string(k)) strings.append(Constant.null(stringtype)) kwlist = Constant.array(stringtype, strings) gv = self.module.add_global_variable(kwlist.type, name=".kwlist") gv.global_constant = True gv.initializer = kwlist gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL return Constant.bitcast(gv, Type.pointer(stringtype)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cffi_support # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Support for CFFI. Allows checking whether objects are CFFI functions and obtaining the pointer and numba signature. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import types, typing try: import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() except ImportError: ffi = None SUPPORTED = ffi is not None def is_cffi_func(obj): """Check whether the obj is a CFFI function""" try: return ffi.typeof(obj).kind == 'function' except TypeError: return False def get_pointer(cffi_func): """ Get a pointer to the underlying function for a CFFI function as an integer. """ return int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", cffi_func)) def map_type(cffi_type): """Map CFFI type to numba type""" kind = getattr(cffi_type, 'kind', '') if kind in ('struct', 'union'): raise TypeError("No support for struct or union") elif kind == 'function': if cffi_type.ellipsis: raise TypeError("vararg function is not supported") restype = map_type(cffi_type.result) argtypes = [map_type(arg) for arg in cffi_type.args] return typing.signature(restype, *argtypes) else: result = type_map.get(cffi_type) if result is None: raise TypeError(cffi_type) return result def make_function_type(cffi_func): cffi_type = ffi.typeof(cffi_func) signature = map_type(cffi_type) cases = [signature] template = typing.make_concrete_template("CFFIFuncPtr", cffi_func, cases) result = types.FunctionPointer(template, get_pointer(cffi_func)) return result if ffi is not None: type_map = { ffi.typeof('char') : types.int8, ffi.typeof('short') : types.short, ffi.typeof('int') : types.intc, ffi.typeof('long') : types.long_, ffi.typeof('long long') : types.longlong, ffi.typeof('unsigned char') : types.uchar, ffi.typeof('unsigned short') : types.ushort, ffi.typeof('unsigned int') : types.uintc, ffi.typeof('unsigned long') : types.ulong, ffi.typeof('unsigned long long') : types.ulonglong, ffi.typeof('int8_t') : types.char, ffi.typeof('uint8_t') : types.uchar, ffi.typeof('int16_t') : types.short, ffi.typeof('uint16_t') : types.ushort, ffi.typeof('int32_t') : types.intc, ffi.typeof('uint32_t') : types.uintc, ffi.typeof('int64_t') : types.longlong, ffi.typeof('uint64_t') : types.ulonglong, ffi.typeof('float') : types.float_, ffi.typeof('double') : types.double, # ffi.typeof('long double') : longdouble, ffi.typeof('char *') : types.voidptr, ffi.typeof('void *') : types.voidptr, ffi.typeof('ssize_t') : types.intp, ffi.typeof('size_t') : types.uintp, ffi.typeof('void') : types.void, } ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cgutils from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from contextlib import contextmanager import functools from llvm.core import Constant, Type import llvm.core as lc true_bit =, 1) false_bit =, 0) true_byte =, 1) false_byte =, 0) def as_bool_byte(builder, value): return builder.zext(value, class Structure(object): def __init__(self, context, builder, value=None, ref=None): self._type = context.get_struct_type(self) self._builder = builder if ref is None: self._value = alloca_once(builder, self._type) if value is not None: assert not is_pointer(value.type) assert value.type == self._type, (value.type, self._type), self._value) else: assert value is None assert self._type == ref.type.pointee self._value = ref self._fdmap = {} base =, 0) for i, (k, _) in enumerate(self._fields): self._fdmap[k] = (base,, i)) def __getattr__(self, field): if not field.startswith('_'): offset = self._fdmap[field] ptr = self._builder.gep(self._value, offset) return self._builder.load(ptr) else: raise AttributeError(field) def __setattr__(self, field, value): if field.startswith('_'): return super(Structure, self).__setattr__(field, value) offset = self._fdmap[field] ptr = self._builder.gep(self._value, offset) assert ptr.type.pointee == value.type, (str(ptr.type.pointee), str(value.type)), ptr) def _getpointer(self): return self._value def _getvalue(self): return self._builder.load(self._value) def __iter__(self): def iterator(): for field, _ in self._fields: yield getattr(self, field) return iter(iterator()) def get_function(builder): return builder.basic_block.function def get_module(builder): return builder.basic_block.function.module def append_basic_block(builder, name=''): return get_function(builder).append_basic_block(name) @contextmanager def goto_block(builder, bb): bbold = builder.basic_block if bb.instructions and bb.instructions[-1].is_terminator: builder.position_before(bb.instructions[-1]) else: builder.position_at_end(bb) yield builder.position_at_end(bbold) @contextmanager def goto_entry_block(builder): fn = get_function(builder) with goto_block(builder, fn.entry_basic_block): yield def alloca_once(builder, ty, name=''): with goto_entry_block(builder): return builder.alloca(ty, name=name) def terminate(builder, bbend): bb = builder.basic_block instr = bb.instructions if not instr or not instr[-1].is_terminator: builder.branch(bbend) def get_null_value(ltype): return Constant.null(ltype) def is_null(builder, val): null = get_null_value(val.type) return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, null, val) def is_not_null(builder, val): null = get_null_value(val.type) return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, null, val) is_true = is_not_null is_false = is_null def set_branch_weight(builder, brinst, trueweight, falseweight): module = get_module(builder) mdid = lc.MetaDataString.get(module, "branch_weights") trueweight =, trueweight) falseweight =, falseweight) md = lc.MetaData.get(module, [mdid, trueweight, falseweight]) brinst.set_metadata("prof", md) @contextmanager def if_unlikely(builder, pred): bb = builder.basic_block with ifthen(builder, pred): yield brinst = bb.instructions[-1] set_branch_weight(builder, brinst, trueweight=1, falseweight=99) @contextmanager def if_likely(builder, pred): bb = builder.basic_block with ifthen(builder, pred): yield brinst = bb.instructions[-1] set_branch_weight(builder, brinst, trueweight=99, falseweight=1) @contextmanager def ifthen(builder, pred): bb = builder.basic_block bbif = append_basic_block(builder, + '.if') bbend = append_basic_block(builder, + '.endif') builder.cbranch(pred, bbif, bbend) with goto_block(builder, bbif): yield bbend terminate(builder, bbend) builder.position_at_end(bbend) @contextmanager def ifnot(builder, pred): with ifthen(builder, builder.not_(pred)): yield @contextmanager def ifelse(builder, pred, expect=None): bbtrue = append_basic_block(builder, 'if.true') bbfalse = append_basic_block(builder, 'if.false') bbendif = append_basic_block(builder, 'endif') br = builder.cbranch(pred, bbtrue, bbfalse) if expect is not None: if expect: set_branch_weight(builder, br, trueweight=99, falseweight=1) else: set_branch_weight(builder, br, trueweight=1, falseweight=99) then = IfBranchObj(builder, bbtrue, bbendif) otherwise = IfBranchObj(builder, bbfalse, bbendif) yield then, otherwise builder.position_at_end(bbendif) class IfBranchObj(object): def __init__(self, builder, bbenter, bbend): self.builder = builder self.bbenter = bbenter self.bbend = bbend def __enter__(self): self.builder.position_at_end(self.bbenter) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): terminate(self.builder, self.bbend) @contextmanager def for_range(builder, count, intp): start =, 0) stop = count bbcond = append_basic_block(builder, "for.cond") bbbody = append_basic_block(builder, "for.body") bbend = append_basic_block(builder, "for.end") bbstart = builder.basic_block builder.branch(bbcond) ONE =, 1) with goto_block(builder, bbcond): index = builder.phi(intp, name="loop.index") pred = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, index, stop) builder.cbranch(pred, bbbody, bbend) with goto_block(builder, bbbody): yield index bbbody = builder.basic_block incr = builder.add(index, ONE) terminate(builder, bbcond) index.add_incoming(start, bbstart) index.add_incoming(incr, bbbody) builder.position_at_end(bbend) @contextmanager def loop_nest(builder, shape, intp): with _loop_nest(builder, shape, intp) as indices: assert len(indices) == len(shape) yield indices @contextmanager def _loop_nest(builder, shape, intp): with for_range(builder, shape[0], intp) as ind: if len(shape) > 1: with _loop_nest(builder, shape[1:], intp) as indices: yield (ind,) + indices else: yield (ind,) def pack_array(builder, values): n = len(values) ty = values[0].type ary = Constant.undef(Type.array(ty, n)) for i, v in enumerate(values): ary = builder.insert_value(ary, v, i) return ary def unpack_tuple(builder, tup, count): vals = [builder.extract_value(tup, i) for i in range(count)] return vals def get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, inds, wraparound=False): if wraparound: # Wraparound shapes = unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, count=aryty.ndim) indices = [] for ind, dimlen in zip(inds, shapes): ZERO = Constant.null(ind.type) negative = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, ind, ZERO) wrapped = builder.add(dimlen, ind) selected =, wrapped, ind) indices.append(selected) else: indices = inds del inds intp = indices[0].type # Indexing code if aryty.layout == 'C': # C contiguous shapes = unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, count=aryty.ndim) steps = [] for i in range(len(shapes)): last =, 1) for j in shapes[i + 1:]: last = builder.mul(last, j) steps.append(last) loc =, 0) for i, s in zip(indices, steps): tmp = builder.mul(i, s) loc = builder.add(loc, tmp) ptr = builder.gep(, [loc]) return ptr else: # Any layout strides = unpack_tuple(builder, ary.strides, count=aryty.ndim) dimoffs = [builder.mul(s, i) for s, i in zip(strides, indices)] offset = functools.reduce(builder.add, dimoffs) base = builder.ptrtoint(, offset.type) where = builder.add(base, offset) ptr = builder.inttoptr(where, return ptr def get_item_pointer2(builder, data, shape, strides, layout, inds, wraparound=False): if wraparound: # Wraparound indices = [] for ind, dimlen in zip(inds, shape): ZERO = Constant.null(ind.type) negative = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, ind, ZERO) wrapped = builder.add(dimlen, ind) selected =, wrapped, ind) indices.append(selected) else: indices = inds del inds intp = indices[0].type # Indexing code if layout in 'CF': steps = [] # Compute steps for each dimension if layout == 'C': # C contiguous for i in range(len(shape)): last =, 1) for j in shape[i + 1:]: last = builder.mul(last, j) steps.append(last) elif layout == 'F': # F contiguous for i in range(len(shape)): last =, 1) for j in shape[:i]: last = builder.mul(last, j) steps.append(last) else: raise Exception("unreachable") # Compute index loc =, 0) for i, s in zip(indices, steps): tmp = builder.mul(i, s) loc = builder.add(loc, tmp) ptr = builder.gep(data, [loc]) return ptr else: # Any layout dimoffs = [builder.mul(s, i) for s, i in zip(strides, indices)] offset = functools.reduce(builder.add, dimoffs) base = builder.ptrtoint(data, offset.type) where = builder.add(base, offset) ptr = builder.inttoptr(where, data.type) return ptr def normalize_slice(builder, slice, length): """ Clip stop """ stop = slice.stop doclip = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, stop, length) slice.stop =, length, stop) def get_range_from_slice(builder, slicestruct): diff = builder.sub(slicestruct.stop, slicestruct.start) length = builder.sdiv(diff, slicestruct.step) is_neg = is_neg_int(builder, length) length =, get_null_value(length.type), length) return length def get_strides_from_slice(builder, ndim, strides, slice, ax): oldstrides = unpack_tuple(builder, strides, ndim) return builder.mul(slice.step, oldstrides[ax]) class MetadataKeyStore(object): def __init__(self, module, name): self.module = module self.key = name self.nmd = self.module.get_or_insert_named_metadata("python.module") def set(self, value): """ Add a string value """ md = lc.MetaData.get(self.module, [lc.MetaDataString.get(self.module, value)]) self.nmd.add(md) def get(self): """ Get string value """ node = self.nmd._ptr.getOperand(0) return lc._make_value(node.getOperand(0)).string def is_scalar_zero(builder, value): nullval = Constant.null(value.type) if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()): isnull = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, nullval, value) else: isnull = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, nullval, value) return isnull def guard_null(context, builder, value): with if_unlikely(builder, is_scalar_zero(builder, value)): context.return_errcode(builder, 1) guard_zero = guard_null def is_struct(ltyp): return ltyp.kind == lc.TYPE_STRUCT def is_pointer(ltyp): return ltyp.kind == lc.TYPE_POINTER def is_struct_ptr(ltyp): return is_pointer(ltyp) and is_struct(ltyp.pointee) def is_neg_int(builder, val): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, val, get_null_value(val.type)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Debug class VerboseProxy(object): """ Use to wrap llvm.core.Builder to track where segfault happens """ def __init__(self, obj): self.__obj = obj def __getattr__(self, key): fn = getattr(self.__obj, key) if callable(fn): def wrapped(*args, **kws): import traceback traceback.print_stack() print(key, args, kws) try: return fn(*args, **kws) finally: print("ok") return wrapped return fn def printf(builder, format_string, *values): str_const = Constant.stringz(format_string) global_str_const = get_module(builder).add_global_variable(str_const.type, '') global_str_const.initializer = str_const idx = [, 0),, 0)] str_addr = global_str_const.gep(idx) args = [] for v in values: if isinstance(v, int): args.append(, v)) elif isinstance(v, float): args.append(Constant.real(Type.double(), v)) functype = Type.function(, [Type.pointer(], True) fn = get_module(builder).add_function(functype, 'printf'), [str_addr] + args) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = compiler from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from pprint import pprint from contextlib import contextmanager from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict from numba import (bytecode, interpreter, typing, typeinfer, lowering, irpasses, utils, config, type_annotations, types, ir, assume, looplifting, macro) from numba.targets import cpu class Flags(utils.ConfigOptions): OPTIONS = frozenset(['enable_looplift', 'enable_pyobject', 'force_pyobject', 'no_compile']) DEFAULT_FLAGS = Flags() CR_FIELDS = ["typing_context", "target_context", "entry_point", "entry_point_addr", "typing_error", "type_annotation", "llvm_module", "llvm_func", "signature", "objectmode", "lifted", "fndesc"] CompileResult = namedtuple("CompileResult", CR_FIELDS) def compile_result(**kws): keys = set(kws.keys()) fieldset = set(CR_FIELDS) badnames = keys - fieldset if badnames: raise NameError(*badnames) missing = fieldset - keys for k in missing: kws[k] = None return CompileResult(**kws) def compile_isolated(func, args, return_type=None, flags=DEFAULT_FLAGS, locals={}): """ Compile the function is an isolated environment. Good for testing. """ typingctx = typing.Context() targetctx = cpu.CPUContext(typingctx) return compile_extra(typingctx, targetctx, func, args, return_type, flags, locals) class _CompileStatus(object): """ Used like a C record """ __slots__ = 'fail_reason', 'use_python_mode', 'can_fallback' @contextmanager def _fallback_context(status): try: yield except Exception as e: if not status.can_fallback: raise status.fail_reason = e status.use_python_mode = True def compile_extra(typingctx, targetctx, func, args, return_type, flags, locals): """ Args ---- - return_type Use ``None`` to indicate """ bc = bytecode.ByteCode(func=func) if config.DEBUG: print(bc.dump()) return compile_bytecode(typingctx, targetctx, bc, args, return_type, flags, locals) def compile_bytecode(typingctx, targetctx, bc, args, return_type, flags, locals, lifted=()): interp = translate_stage(bc) nargs = len(interp.argspec.args) if len(args) > nargs: raise TypeError("Too many argument types") status = _CompileStatus() status.can_fallback = flags.enable_pyobject status.fail_reason = None status.use_python_mode = flags.force_pyobject targetctx = targetctx.localized() if not status.use_python_mode: with _fallback_context(status): legalize_given_types(args, return_type) # Type inference typemap, return_type, calltypes = type_inference_stage(typingctx, interp, args, return_type, locals) if not status.use_python_mode: with _fallback_context(status): legalize_return_type(return_type, interp, targetctx) if status.use_python_mode and flags.enable_looplift: assert not lifted # Try loop lifting entry, loops = looplifting.lift_loop(bc) if not loops: # No extracted loops pass else: loopflags = flags.copy() # Do not recursively loop lift loopflags.unset('enable_looplift') loopdisp = looplifting.bind(loops, typingctx, targetctx, locals, loopflags) lifted = tuple(loopdisp) cres = compile_bytecode(typingctx, targetctx, entry, args, return_type, loopflags, locals, lifted=lifted) return cres._replace(lifted=lifted) if status.use_python_mode: # Object mode compilation func, fnptr, lmod, lfunc, fndesc = py_lowering_stage(targetctx, interp, flags.no_compile) typemap = defaultdict(lambda: types.pyobject) calltypes = defaultdict(lambda: types.pyobject) return_type = types.pyobject if len(args) != nargs: # append missing args = tuple(args) + (types.pyobject,) * (nargs - len(args)) else: # Native mode compilation func, fnptr, lmod, lfunc, fndesc = native_lowering_stage(targetctx, interp, typemap, return_type, calltypes, flags.no_compile) type_annotation = type_annotations.TypeAnnotation(interp=interp, typemap=typemap, calltypes=calltypes, lifted=lifted) if config.ANNOTATE: print("ANNOTATION".center(80, '-')) print(type_annotation) print('=' * 80) signature = typing.signature(return_type, *args) assert lfunc.module is lmod cr = compile_result(typing_context=typingctx, target_context=targetctx, entry_point=func, entry_point_addr=fnptr, typing_error=status.fail_reason, type_annotation=type_annotation, llvm_func=lfunc, llvm_module=lmod, signature=signature, objectmode=status.use_python_mode, lifted=lifted, fndesc=fndesc,) return cr def _is_nopython_types(t): return t != types.pyobject and not isinstance(t, types.Dummy) def legalize_given_types(args, return_type): # Filter argument types for i, a in enumerate(args): if not _is_nopython_types(a): raise TypeError("Arg %d of %s is not legal in nopython " "mode" % (i, a)) # Filter return type if (return_type and return_type != types.none and not _is_nopython_types(return_type)): raise TypeError('Return type of %s is not legal in nopython ' 'mode' % (return_type,)) def legalize_return_type(return_type, interp, targetctx): """ Only accept array return type iff it is passed into the function. """ assert assume.return_argument_array_only if not isinstance(return_type, types.Array): return # Walk IR to discover all return statements retstmts = [] for bid, blk in interp.blocks.items(): for inst in blk.body: if isinstance(inst, ir.Return): retstmts.append(inst) assert retstmts, "No return statemants?" # FIXME: In the future, we can return an array that is either a dynamically # allocated array or an array that is passed as argument. This # must be statically resolvable. for ret in retstmts: if not in interp.argspec.args: raise ValueError("Only accept returning of array passed into the " "function as argument") # Legalized; tag return handling targetctx.metadata['return.array'] = 'arg' def translate_stage(bytecode): interp = interpreter.Interpreter(bytecode=bytecode) interp.interpret() if config.DEBUG: interp.dump() for syn in interp.syntax_info: print(syn) interp.verify() macro.expand_macros(interp.blocks) if config.DEBUG: interp.dump() for syn in interp.syntax_info: print(syn) return interp def type_inference_stage(typingctx, interp, args, return_type, locals={}): if len(args) != len(interp.argspec.args): raise TypeError("Mismatch number of argument types") infer = typeinfer.TypeInferer(typingctx, interp.blocks) # Seed argument types for arg, ty in zip(interp.argspec.args, args): infer.seed_type(arg, ty) # Seed return type if return_type is not None: infer.seed_return(return_type) # Seed local types for k, v in locals.items(): infer.seed_type(k, v) infer.build_constrain() infer.propagate() typemap, restype, calltypes = infer.unify() if config.DEBUG: pprint(typemap) pprint(restype) pprint(calltypes) return typemap, restype, calltypes def native_lowering_stage(targetctx, interp, typemap, restype, calltypes, nocompile): # Lowering fndesc = lowering.describe_function(interp, typemap, restype, calltypes, mangler=targetctx.mangler) lower = lowering.Lower(targetctx, fndesc) lower.lower() if nocompile: return None, 0, lower.module, lower.function, fndesc else: # Prepare for execution cfunc, fnptr = targetctx.get_executable(lower.function, fndesc) targetctx.insert_user_function(cfunc, fndesc) return cfunc, fnptr, lower.module, lower.function, fndesc def py_lowering_stage(targetctx, interp, nocompile): # Optimize for python code ir_optimize_for_py_stage(interp) fndesc = lowering.describe_pyfunction(interp) lower = lowering.PyLower(targetctx, fndesc) lower.lower() if nocompile: return None, 0, lower.module, lower.function, fndesc else: cfunc, fnptr = targetctx.get_executable(lower.function, fndesc) return cfunc, fnptr, lower.module, lower.function, fndesc def ir_optimize_for_py_stage(interp): """ This passes breaks semantic for the type inferer but they reduces refct calls for object mode. """ irpasses.RemoveRedundantAssign(interp).run() if config.DEBUG: print("ir optimize".center(80, '-')) interp.dump() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = config from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import os import warnings def _readenv(name, ctor, default): try: res = os.environ[name] except KeyError: return default else: try: return ctor(res) except: warnings.warn("environ %s defined but failed to parse '%s'" % (name, res), RuntimeWarning) return default # Debug flag to control compiler debug print DEBUG = _readenv("NUMBA_DEBUG", int, 0) # JIT Debug flag to trigger IR instruction print DEBUG_JIT = _readenv("NUMBA_DEBUG_JIT", int, 0) # Optimization level OPT = _readenv("NUMBA_OPT", int, 0) # Force dump of LLVM IR DUMP_LLVM = _readenv("NUMBA_DUMP_LLVM", int, DEBUG) # Force dump of Optimized LLVM IR DUMP_OPTIMIZED = _readenv("NUMBA_DUMP_OPTIMIZED", int, DEBUG) # Force dump of generated assembly DUMP_ASSEMBLY = _readenv("NUMBA_DUMP_ASSEMBLY", int, DEBUG) # Force dump of type annotation ANNOTATE = _readenv("NUMBA_DUMP_ANNOTATION", int, 0) # Python version in (major, minor) tuple PYVERSION = sys.version_info[:2] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = controlflow from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import functools from numba import utils NEW_BLOCKERS = frozenset(['SETUP_LOOP', 'FOR_ITER']) class CFBlock(object): def __init__(self, offset): self.offset = offset self.body = [] self.outgoing = set() self.incoming = set() self.terminating = False def __repr__(self): args = self.body, self.outgoing, self.incoming return "block(body: %s, outgoing: %s, incoming: %s)" % args def __iter__(self): return iter(self.body) class ControlFlowAnalysis(object): """ Attributes ---------- - bytecode - blocks - blockseq - doms: dict of set Dominators - backbone: set of block offsets The set of block that is common to all possible code path. """ def __init__(self, bytecode): self.bytecode = bytecode self.blocks = {} self.liveblocks = {} self.blockseq = [] self.doms = None self.backbone = None # Internal temp states self._force_new_block = True self._curblock = None self._blockstack = [] self._loops = [] def iterblocks(self): """ Return all blocks in sequence of occurrence """ for i in self.blockseq: yield self.blocks[i] def iterliveblocks(self): """ Return all live blocks in sequence of occurrence """ for i in self.blockseq: if i in self.liveblocks: yield self.blocks[i] def run(self): for inst in self._iter_inst(): fname = "op_%s" % inst.opname fn = getattr(self, fname, None) if fn is not None: fn(inst) else: assert not inst.is_jump, inst # Close all blocks for cur, nxt in zip(self.blockseq, self.blockseq[1:]): blk = self.blocks[cur] if not blk.outgoing and not blk.terminating: blk.outgoing.add(nxt) # Fill incoming for b in utils.dict_itervalues(self.blocks): for out in b.outgoing: self.blocks[out].incoming.add(b.offset) # Find liveblocks self.dead_block_elimin() # Find dominators self.doms = find_dominators(self.liveblocks) for lastblk in reversed(self.blockseq): if lastblk in self.liveblocks: break else: raise AssertionError("No live block that exits!?") # Find backbone backbone = set(self.doms[lastblk]) # Filter out in loop blocks (Assuming no other cyclic control blocks) inloopblocks = set() for b in self.blocks.keys(): for s, e in self._loops: if s <= b < e: inloopblocks.add(b) self.backbone = backbone - inloopblocks def dead_block_elimin(self): firstblk = min(self.blocks.keys()) liveset = set([firstblk]) pending = set([firstblk]) finished = set() while pending: cur = pending.pop() blk = self.blocks[cur] outgoing = set(blk.outgoing) liveset |= outgoing pending |= outgoing - finished finished.add(cur) for offset in liveset: self.liveblocks[offset] = self.blocks[offset] def jump(self, target): self._curblock.outgoing.add(target) def _iter_inst(self): for inst in self.bytecode: if self._use_new_block(inst): self._start_new_block(inst) self._curblock.body.append(inst.offset) yield inst def _use_new_block(self, inst): if inst.offset in self.bytecode.labels: res = True elif inst.opname in NEW_BLOCKERS: res = True else: res = self._force_new_block self._force_new_block = False return res def _start_new_block(self, inst): self._curblock = CFBlock(inst.offset) self.blocks[inst.offset] = self._curblock self.blockseq.append(inst.offset) def op_SETUP_LOOP(self, inst): end = inst.get_jump_target() self._blockstack.append(end) self._loops.append((inst.offset, end)) def op_POP_BLOCK(self, inst): self._blockstack.pop() def op_FOR_ITER(self, inst): self.jump(inst.get_jump_target()) self.jump( self._force_new_block = True def _op_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_IF(self, inst): self.jump(inst.get_jump_target()) self.jump( self._force_new_block = True op_POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE = _op_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_IF op_POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE = _op_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_IF op_JUMP_IF_FALSE = _op_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_IF op_JUMP_IF_TRUE = _op_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_IF op_JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP = _op_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_IF op_JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP = _op_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_IF def op_JUMP_ABSOLUTE(self, inst): self.jump(inst.get_jump_target()) self._force_new_block = True def op_JUMP_FORWARD(self, inst): self.jump(inst.get_jump_target()) self._force_new_block = True def op_RETURN_VALUE(self, inst): self._curblock.terminating = True self._force_new_block = True def op_BREAK_LOOP(self, inst): self.jump(self._blockstack[-1]) self._force_new_block = True def find_dominators(blocks): firstblk = min(blocks.keys()) doms = {} for b in blocks: doms[b] = set() doms[firstblk].add(firstblk) allblks = set(blocks) remainblks = frozenset(blk.offset for blk in utils.dict_values(blocks) if blk.offset != firstblk) for blk in remainblks: doms[blk] |= allblks changed = True while changed: changed = False for blk in remainblks: d = doms[blk] ps = [doms[p] for p in blocks[blk].incoming if p in doms] if not ps: p = set() else: p = functools.reduce(set.intersection, ps) new = set([blk]) | p if new != d: doms[blk] = new changed = True return doms ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ctypes_support """ This file fixes portability issues for ctypes """ from __future__ import absolute_import from numba.config import PYVERSION from ctypes import * if PYVERSION <= (2, 7): c_ssize_t = { 4: c_int32, 8: c_int64, }[sizeof(c_size_t)] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ctypes_utils """ This file fixes portability issues for ctypes """ from __future__ import absolute_import import ctypes from numba import types, typing CTYPES_MAP = { None: types.none, ctypes.c_int8: types.int8, ctypes.c_int16: types.int16, ctypes.c_int32: types.int32, ctypes.c_int64: types.int64, ctypes.c_uint8: types.uint8, ctypes.c_uint16: types.uint16, ctypes.c_uint32: types.uint32, ctypes.c_uint64: types.uint64, ctypes.c_float: types.float32, ctypes.c_double: types.float64, ctypes.c_void_p: types.voidptr, } def convert_ctypes(ctypeobj): try: return CTYPES_MAP[ctypeobj] except KeyError: raise TypeError("unhandled ctypes type: %s" % ctypeobj) def is_ctypes_funcptr(obj): try: # Is it something of which we can get the address ctypes.cast(obj, ctypes.c_void_p) except ctypes.ArgumentError: return False else: # Does it define argtypes and restype return hasattr(obj, 'argtypes') and hasattr(obj, 'restype') def make_function_type(cfnptr): cargs = [convert_ctypes(a) for a in cfnptr.argtypes] cret = convert_ctypes(cfnptr.restype) cases = [typing.signature(cret, *cargs)] template = typing.make_concrete_template("CFuncPtr", cfnptr, cases) pointer = ctypes.cast(cfnptr, ctypes.c_void_p).value return types.FunctionPointer(template, pointer) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = api """ API that are reported to numba.cuda """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import contextlib import numpy as np from .cudadrv import devicearray, devices, driver try: long except NameError: long = int # NDarray device helper require_context = devices.require_context current_context = devices.get_context @require_context def to_device(ary, stream=0, copy=True, to=None): """to_device(ary, stream=0, copy=True, to=None) Allocate and transfer a numpy ndarray to the device. To copy host->device a numpy array:: ary = numpy.arange(10) d_ary = cuda.to_device(ary) To enqueue the transfer to a stream:: stream = d_ary = cuda.to_device(ary, stream=stream) The resulting ``d_ary`` is a ``DeviceNDArray``. To copy device->host:: hary = d_ary.copy_to_host() To copy device->host to an existing array:: ary = numpy.empty(shape=d_ary.shape, dtype=d_ary.dtype) d_ary.copy_to_host(ary) To enqueue the transfer to a stream:: hary = d_ary.copy_to_host(stream=stream) """ if to is None: devarray = devicearray.from_array_like(ary, stream=stream) else: devarray = to if copy: devarray.copy_to_device(ary, stream=stream) return devarray @require_context def device_array(shape, dtype=np.float, strides=None, order='C', stream=0): """device_array(shape, dtype=np.float, strides=None, order='C', stream=0) Allocate an empty device ndarray. Similar to numpy.empty() """ shape, strides, dtype = _prepare_shape_strides_dtype(shape, strides, dtype, order) return devicearray.DeviceNDArray(shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=dtype, stream=stream) @require_context def pinned_array(shape, dtype=np.float, strides=None, order='C'): """pinned_array(shape, dtype=np.float, strides=None, order='C') Allocate a numpy.ndarray with a buffer that is pinned (pagelocked). Similar to numpy.empty(). """ shape, strides, dtype = _prepare_shape_strides_dtype(shape, strides, dtype, order) bytesize = driver.memory_size_from_info(shape, strides, dtype.itemsize) buffer = current_context().memhostalloc(bytesize) return np.ndarray(shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=dtype, order=order, buffer=buffer) @require_context def mapped_array(shape, dtype=np.float, strides=None, order='C', stream=0, portable=False, wc=False): """mapped_array(shape, dtype=np.float, strides=None, order='C', stream=0, portable=False, wc=False) Allocate a mapped ndarray with a buffer that is pinned and mapped on to the device. Similar to numpy.empty() :param portable: a boolean flag to allow the allocated device memory to be usable in multiple devices. :param wc: a boolean flag to enable writecombined allocation which is faster to write by the host and to read by the device, but slower to write by the host and slower to write by the device. """ shape, strides, dtype = _prepare_shape_strides_dtype(shape, strides, dtype, order) bytesize = driver.memory_size_from_info(shape, strides, dtype.itemsize) buffer = current_context().memhostalloc(bytesize, mapped=True) npary = np.ndarray(shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=dtype, order=order, buffer=buffer) mappedview = np.ndarray.view(npary, type=devicearray.MappedNDArray) mappedview.device_setup(buffer, stream=stream) return mappedview def synchronize(): "Synchronize current context" return current_context().synchronize() def _prepare_shape_strides_dtype(shape, strides, dtype, order): dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if isinstance(shape, (int, long)): shape = (shape,) if isinstance(strides, (int, long)): strides = (strides,) else: if shape == (): shape = (1,) strides = strides or _fill_stride_by_order(shape, dtype, order) return shape, strides, dtype def _fill_stride_by_order(shape, dtype, order): nd = len(shape) strides = [0] * nd if order == 'C': strides[-1] = dtype.itemsize for d in reversed(range(nd - 1)): strides[d] = strides[d + 1] * shape[d + 1] elif order == 'F': strides[0] = dtype.itemsize for d in range(1, nd): strides[d] = strides[d - 1] * shape[d - 1] else: raise ValueError('must be either C/F order') return tuple(strides) def device_array_like(ary, stream=0): """Call cuda.devicearray() with information from the array. """ return device_array(shape=ary.shape, dtype=ary.dtype, strides=ary.strides, stream=stream) # Stream helper @require_context def stream(): """stream() Create a CUDA stream that represents a command queue for the device. """ return current_context().create_stream() # Page lock @require_context @contextlib.contextmanager def pinned(*arylist): """A context manager for temporary pinning a sequence of host ndarrays. """ pmlist = [] for ary in arylist: pm = current_context().mempin(ary, driver.host_pointer(ary), driver.host_memory_size(ary), mapped=False) pmlist.append(pm) yield del pmlist @require_context @contextlib.contextmanager def mapped(*arylist, **kws): """A context manager for temporarily mapping a sequence of host ndarrays. """ assert not kws or 'stream' in kws, "Only accept 'stream' as keyword." pmlist = [] stream = kws.get('stream', 0) for ary in arylist: pm = current_context.mempin(ary, driver.host_pointer(ary), driver.host_memory_size(ary), mapped=True) pmlist.append(pm) devarylist = [] for ary, pm in zip(arylist, pmlist): devary = devicearray.from_array_like(ary, gpu_data=pm, stream=stream) devarylist.append(devary) if len(devarylist) == 1: yield devarylist[0] else: yield devarylist def event(timing=True): """Create a CUDA event. """ evt = current_context().create_event(timing=timing) return evt # Device selection def select_device(device_id): """Creates a new CUDA context with the selected device. The context is associated with the current thread. NumbaPro currently allows only one context per thread. Returns a device instance Raises exception on error. """ context = devices.get_context(device_id) return context.device def get_current_device(): "Get current device associated with the current thread" return current_context().device def list_devices(): "List all CUDA devices" devices.init_gpus() return devices.gpus def close(): """Explicitly closes the context. Destroy the current context of the current thread """ devices.reset() def _auto_device(ary, stream=0, copy=True): return devicearray.auto_device(ary, stream=stream, copy=copy) def detect(): """Detect hardware support """ devlist = list_devices() print('Found %d CUDA devices' % len(devlist)) supported_count = 0 for dev in devlist: attrs = [] cc = dev.compute_capability attrs += [('compute capability', '%d.%d' % cc)] attrs += [('pci device id', dev.PCI_DEVICE_ID)] attrs += [('pci bus id', dev.PCI_BUS_ID)] if cc < (2, 0): support = '[NOT SUPPORTED: CC < 2.0]' else: support = '[SUPPORTED]' supported_count += 1 print('id %d %20s %40s' % (,, support)) for key, val in attrs: print('%40s: %s' % (key, val)) print('Summary:') print('\t%d/%d devices are supported' % (supported_count, len(devlist))) return supported_count > 0 @contextlib.contextmanager def defer_cleanup(): tserv = get_current_device().trashing with tserv.defer_cleanup: yield # TODO # Temporary entry-point to debug a failure for nvidia profiling tools to # record any kind of events. Manually invocation of _profile_stop seems to be # necessary only on windows. # Should we make cuda.close() call _profile_stop()? _profiling = require_context(driver.profiling) _profile_start = require_context(driver.profile_start) _profile_stop = require_context(driver.profile_stop) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = compiler from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import copy import ctypes from numba import compiler, types from numba.typing.templates import ConcreteTemplate from numba import typing, lowering, dispatcher from .cudadrv.devices import get_context from .cudadrv import nvvm, devicearray, driver def compile_cuda(pyfunc, return_type, args, debug): # First compilation will trigger the initialization of the CUDA backend. from .descriptor import CUDATargetDesc typingctx = CUDATargetDesc.typingctx targetctx = CUDATargetDesc.targetctx # TODO handle debug flag flags = compiler.Flags() # Do not compile (generate native code), just lower (to LLVM) flags.set('no_compile') # Run compilation pipeline cres = compiler.compile_extra(typingctx=typingctx, targetctx=targetctx, func=pyfunc, args=args, return_type=return_type, flags=flags, locals={}) # Linking depending libraries targetctx.link_dependencies(cres.llvm_module, cres.target_context.linking) # Fix global naming for gv in cres.llvm_module.global_variables: if '.' in ='.', '_') return cres def compile_kernel(pyfunc, args, link, debug=False): cres = compile_cuda(pyfunc, types.void, args, debug=debug) kernel = cres.target_context.prepare_cuda_kernel(cres.llvm_func, cres.signature.args) cres = cres._replace(llvm_func=kernel) cukern = CUDAKernel(llvm_module=cres.llvm_module,, argtypes=cres.signature.args, link=link) return cukern def compile_device(pyfunc, return_type, args, inline=True, debug=False): cres = compile_cuda(pyfunc, return_type, args, debug=debug) devfn = DeviceFunction(cres) class device_function_template(ConcreteTemplate): key = devfn cases = [cres.signature] cres.typing_context.insert_user_function(devfn, device_function_template) libs = [cres.llvm_module] cres.target_context.insert_user_function(devfn, cres.fndesc, libs) return devfn def declare_device_function(name, restype, argtypes): from .descriptor import CUDATargetDesc typingctx = CUDATargetDesc.typingctx targetctx = CUDATargetDesc.targetctx sig = typing.signature(restype, *argtypes) extfn = ExternFunction(name, sig) class device_function_template(ConcreteTemplate): key = extfn cases = [sig] fndesc = lowering.describe_external(name=name, restype=restype, argtypes=argtypes) typingctx.insert_user_function(extfn, device_function_template) targetctx.insert_user_function(extfn, fndesc) return extfn class DeviceFunction(object): def __init__(self, cres): self.cres = cres class ExternFunction(object): def __init__(self, name, sig): = name self.sig = sig class CUDARuntimeError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, exc, tx, ty, tz, bx, by): self.tid = tx, ty, tz self.ctaid = bx, by self.exc = exc t = ("An exception was raised in thread=%s block=%s\n" "\t%s: %s") msg = t % (self.tid, self.ctaid, type(self.exc).__name__, self.exc) super(CUDARuntimeError, self).__init__(msg) class CUDAKernelBase(object): """Define interface for configurable kernels """ def __init__(self): self.griddim = (1, 1) self.blockdim = (1, 1, 1) self.sharedmem = 0 = 0 def copy(self): return copy.copy(self) def configure(self, griddim, blockdim, stream=0, sharedmem=0): if not isinstance(griddim, (tuple, list)): griddim = [griddim] else: griddim = list(griddim) if len(griddim) > 2: raise ValueError('griddim must be a tuple/list of two ints') while len(griddim) < 2: griddim.append(1) if not isinstance(blockdim, (tuple, list)): blockdim = [blockdim] else: blockdim = list(blockdim) if len(blockdim) > 3: raise ValueError('blockdim must be tuple/list of three ints') while len(blockdim) < 3: blockdim.append(1) clone = self.copy() clone.griddim = tuple(griddim) clone.blockdim = tuple(blockdim) = stream clone.sharedmem = sharedmem return clone def __getitem__(self, args): if len(args) not in [2, 3, 4]: raise ValueError('must specify at least the griddim and blockdim') return self.configure(*args) class CachedPTX(object): """A PTX cache that uses compute capability as a cache key """ def __init__(self, llvmir): self.llvmir = llvmir self.cache = {} def get(self): """ Get PTX for the current active context. """ cuctx = get_context() device = cuctx.device cc = device.compute_capability ptx = self.cache.get(cc) if ptx is None: arch = nvvm.get_arch_option(*cc) ptx = nvvm.llvm_to_ptx(self.llvmir, opt=3, arch=arch) self.cache[cc] = ptx return ptx class CachedCUFunction(object): """ Get or compile CUDA function for the current active context Uses device ID as key for cache. """ def __init__(self, entry_name, ptx, linking): self.entry_name = entry_name self.ptx = ptx self.linking = linking self.cache = {} self.ccinfos = {} def get(self): cuctx = get_context() device = cuctx.device cufunc = self.cache.get( if cufunc is None: ptx = self.ptx.get() # Link linker = driver.Linker() linker.add_ptx(ptx) for path in self.linking: linker.add_file_guess_ext(path) cubin, _size = linker.complete() compile_info = linker.info_log module = cuctx.create_module_image(cubin) # Load cufunc = module.get_function(self.entry_name) self.cache[] = cufunc self.ccinfos[] = compile_info return cufunc class CUDAKernel(CUDAKernelBase): def __init__(self, llvm_module, name, argtypes, link=()): super(CUDAKernel, self).__init__() self.entry_name = name self.argument_types = tuple(argtypes) self.linking = tuple(link) ptx = CachedPTX(str(llvm_module)) self._func = CachedCUFunction(self.entry_name, ptx, link) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert not kwargs self._kernel_call(args=args, griddim=self.griddim, blockdim=self.blockdim,, sharedmem=self.sharedmem) def bind(self): """ Force binding to current CUDA context """ self._func.get() @property def ptx(self): return self._func.ptx.get().decode('utf8') def _kernel_call(self, args, griddim, blockdim, stream=0, sharedmem=0): # Prepare kernel cufunc = self._func.get() # Prepare arguments retr = [] # hold functors for writeback args = [self._prepare_args(t, v, stream, retr) for t, v in zip(self.argument_types, args)] # Configure kernel cu_func = cufunc.configure(griddim, blockdim, stream=stream, sharedmem=sharedmem) # invoke kernel cu_func(*args) # retrieve auto converted arrays for wb in retr: wb() def _prepare_args(self, ty, val, stream, retr): if isinstance(ty, types.Array): devary, conv = devicearray.auto_device(val, stream=stream) if conv: retr.append(lambda: devary.copy_to_host(val, stream=stream)) return devary.as_cuda_arg() elif isinstance(ty, types.Integer): return getattr(ctypes, "c_%s" % ty)(val) elif ty == types.float64: return ctypes.c_double(val) elif ty == types.float32: return ctypes.c_float(val) elif ty == types.boolean: return ctypes.c_uint8(int(val)) elif ty == types.complex64: ctx = get_context() size = ctypes.sizeof(Complex64) dmem = ctx.memalloc(size) cval = Complex64(val) driver.host_to_device(dmem, ctypes.addressof(cval), size, stream=stream) return dmem elif ty == types.complex128: ctx = get_context() size = ctypes.sizeof(Complex128) dmem = ctx.memalloc(size) cval = Complex128(val) driver.host_to_device(dmem, ctypes.addressof(cval), size, stream=stream) return dmem else: raise NotImplementedError(ty, val) class Complex(ctypes.Structure): def __init__(self, val): super(Complex, self).__init__() if isinstance(val, complex): self.real = val.real self.imag = val.imag else: self.real = val class Complex64(Complex): _fields_ = [ ('real', ctypes.c_float), ('imag', ctypes.c_float) ] class Complex128(Complex): _fields_ = [ ('real', ctypes.c_double), ('imag', ctypes.c_double), ] class AutoJitCUDAKernel(CUDAKernelBase): def __init__(self, func, bind): super(AutoJitCUDAKernel, self).__init__() self.py_func = func self.bind = bind self.definitions = {} def __call__(self, *args): argtypes = tuple([dispatcher.typeof_pyval(a) for a in args]) kernel = self.definitions.get(argtypes) if kernel is None: kernel = compile_kernel(self.py_func, argtypes, link=()) self.definitions[argtypes] = kernel if self.bind: kernel.bind() cfg = kernel[self.griddim, self.blockdim,, self.sharedmem] cfg(*args) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cudadecl from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import types from numba.typing.templates import (AttributeTemplate, ConcreteTemplate, AbstractTemplate, MacroTemplate, signature, Registry) from numba import cuda registry = Registry() intrinsic = registry.register intrinsic_attr = registry.register_attr intrinsic_global = registry.register_global class Cuda_grid(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.grid class Cuda_threadIdx_x(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.threadIdx.x class Cuda_threadIdx_y(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.threadIdx.y class Cuda_threadIdx_z(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.threadIdx.z class Cuda_blockIdx_x(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.blockIdx.x class Cuda_blockIdx_y(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.blockIdx.y class Cuda_blockIdx_z(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.blockIdx.z class Cuda_blockDim_x(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.blockDim.x class Cuda_blockDim_y(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.blockDim.y class Cuda_blockDim_z(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.blockDim.z class Cuda_gridDim_x(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.gridDim.x class Cuda_gridDim_y(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.gridDim.y class Cuda_gridDim_z(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.gridDim.z class Cuda_shared_array(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.shared.array class Cuda_local_array(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.local.array class Cuda_const_arraylike(MacroTemplate): key = cuda.const.array_like @intrinsic class Cuda_syncthreads(ConcreteTemplate): key = cuda.syncthreads cases = [signature(types.none)] @intrinsic class Cuda_atomic_add(AbstractTemplate): key = cuda.atomic.add def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws ary, idx, val = args if ary.ndim == 1: return signature(ary.dtype, ary, types.intp, ary.dtype) elif ary.ndim > 1: return signature(ary.dtype, ary, idx, ary.dtype) @intrinsic_attr class Cuda_threadIdx(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.threadIdx) def resolve_x(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_threadIdx_x) def resolve_y(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_threadIdx_y) def resolve_z(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_threadIdx_z) @intrinsic_attr class Cuda_blockIdx(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.blockIdx) def resolve_x(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_blockIdx_x) def resolve_y(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_blockIdx_y) def resolve_z(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_blockIdx_z) @intrinsic_attr class Cuda_blockDim(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.blockDim) def resolve_x(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_blockDim_x) def resolve_y(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_blockDim_y) def resolve_z(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_blockDim_z) @intrinsic_attr class Cuda_gridDim(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.gridDim) def resolve_x(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_gridDim_x) def resolve_y(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_gridDim_y) def resolve_z(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_gridDim_z) @intrinsic_attr class CudaSharedModuleTemplate(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.shared) def resolve_array(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_shared_array) @intrinsic_attr class CudaConstModuleTemplate(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.const) def resolve_array_like(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_const_arraylike) @intrinsic_attr class CudaLocalModuleTemplate(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.local) def resolve_array(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_local_array) @intrinsic_attr class CudaAtomicTemplate(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda.atomic) def resolve_add(self, mod): return types.Function(Cuda_atomic_add) @intrinsic_attr class CudaModuleTemplate(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(cuda) def resolve_grid(self, mod): return types.Macro(Cuda_grid) def resolve_threadIdx(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.threadIdx) def resolve_blockIdx(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.blockIdx) def resolve_blockDim(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.blockDim) def resolve_gridDim(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.gridDim) def resolve_shared(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.shared) def resolve_syncthreads(self, mod): return types.Function(Cuda_syncthreads) def resolve_atomic(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.atomic) def resolve_const(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.const) def resolve_local(self, mod): return types.Module(cuda.local) intrinsic_global(cuda, types.Module(cuda)) ## Forces the use of the cuda namespace by not recognizing individual the ## following as globals. # intrinsic_global(cuda.grid, types.Function(Cuda_grid)) # intrinsic_global(cuda.threadIdx, types.Module(cuda.threadIdx)) # intrinsic_global(cuda.shared, types.Module(cuda.shared)) # intrinsic_global(cuda.shared.array, types.Function(Cuda_shared_array)) # intrinsic_global(cuda.syncthreads, types.Function(Cuda_syncthreads)) # intrinsic_global(cuda.atomic, types.Module(cuda.atomic)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = devicearray """ A CUDA ND Array is recognized by checking the __cuda_memory__ attribute on the object. If it exists and evaluate to True, it must define shape, strides, dtype and size attributes similar to a NumPy ndarray. """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import warnings import math import numpy as np from .ndarray import (ndarray_populate_head, ArrayHeaderManager) from . import driver as _driver from . import devices from numba import dummyarray try: long except NameError: long = int def is_cuda_ndarray(obj): "Check if an object is a CUDA ndarray" return getattr(obj, '__cuda_ndarray__', False) def verify_cuda_ndarray_interface(obj): "Verify the CUDA ndarray interface for an obj" require_cuda_ndarray(obj) def requires_attr(attr, typ): if not hasattr(obj, attr): raise AttributeError(attr) if not isinstance(getattr(obj, attr), typ): raise AttributeError('%s must be of type %s' % (attr, typ)) requires_attr('shape', tuple) requires_attr('strides', tuple) requires_attr('dtype', np.dtype) requires_attr('size', (int, long)) def require_cuda_ndarray(obj): "Raises ValueError is is_cuda_ndarray(obj) evaluates False" if not is_cuda_ndarray(obj): raise ValueError('require an cuda ndarray object') class DeviceNDArrayBase(object): """A on GPU NDArray representation """ __cuda_memory__ = True __cuda_ndarray__ = True # There must be a gpu_head and gpu_data attribute def __init__(self, shape, strides, dtype, stream=0, writeback=None, gpu_head=None, gpu_data=None): """ Args ---- shape array shape. strides array strides. dtype data type as numpy.dtype. stream cuda stream. writeback Deprecated. gpu_head user provided device memory for the ndarray head structure gpu_data user provided device memory for the ndarray data buffer """ if isinstance(shape, (int, long)): shape = (shape,) if isinstance(strides, (int, long)): strides = (strides,) self.ndim = len(shape) if len(strides) != self.ndim: raise ValueError('strides not match ndim') self._dummy = dummyarray.Array.from_desc(0, shape, strides, dtype.itemsize) self.shape = tuple(shape) self.strides = tuple(strides) self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.size = int( # prepare gpu memory if gpu_data is None: self.alloc_size = _driver.memory_size_from_info(self.shape, self.strides, self.dtype.itemsize) gpu_data = devices.get_context().memalloc(self.alloc_size) else: self.alloc_size = _driver.device_memory_size(gpu_data) self.gpu_mem = ArrayHeaderManager(devices.get_context()) if gpu_head is None: gpu_head = self.gpu_mem.allocate(self.ndim) ndarray_populate_head(gpu_head, gpu_data, self.shape, self.strides, stream=stream) self.gpu_head = gpu_head self.gpu_data = gpu_data self.__writeback = writeback # should deprecate the use of this def __del__(self): try: except: pass @property def device_ctypes_pointer(self): """Returns the ctypes pointer to the GPU data buffer """ return self.gpu_data.device_ctypes_pointer def copy_to_device(self, ary, stream=0): """Copy `ary` to `self`. If `ary` is a CUDA memory, perform a device-to-device transfer. Otherwise, perform a a host-to-device transfer. """ if _driver.is_device_memory(ary): sz = min(_driver.device_memory_size(self), _driver.device_memory_size(ary)) _driver.device_to_device(self, ary, sz, stream=stream) else: sz = min(_driver.host_memory_size(ary), self.alloc_size) _driver.host_to_device(self, ary, sz, stream=stream) def copy_to_host(self, ary=None, stream=0): """Copy ``self`` to ``ary`` or create a new numpy ndarray if ``ary`` is ``None``. Always returns the host array. """ if ary is None: hostary = np.empty(shape=self.alloc_size, dtype=np.byte) else: if ary.dtype != self.dtype: raise TypeError('incompatible dtype') if ary.shape != self.shape: scalshapes = (), (1,) if not (ary.shape in scalshapes and self.shape in scalshapes): raise TypeError('incompatible shape; device %s; host %s' % (self.shape, ary.shape)) if ary.strides != self.strides: scalstrides = (), (self.dtype.itemsize,) if not (ary.strides in scalstrides and self.strides in scalstrides): raise TypeError('incompatible strides; device %s; host %s' % (self.strides, ary.strides)) hostary = ary _driver.device_to_host(hostary, self, self.alloc_size, stream=stream) if ary is None: hostary = np.ndarray(shape=self.shape, strides=self.strides, dtype=self.dtype, buffer=hostary) return hostary def to_host(self, stream=0): warnings.warn("to_host() is deprecated and will be removed", DeprecationWarning) if self.__writeback is None: raise ValueError("no associated writeback array") self.copy_to_host(self.__writeback, stream=stream) def split(self, section, stream=0): """Split the array into equal partition of the `section` size. If the array cannot be equally divided, the last section will be smaller. """ if self.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("only support 1d array") if self.strides[0] != self.dtype.itemsize: raise ValueError("only support unit stride") nsect = int(math.ceil(float(self.size) / section)) strides = self.strides itemsize = self.dtype.itemsize for i in range(nsect): begin = i * section end = min(begin + section, self.size) shape = (end - begin,) gpu_data = self.gpu_data.view(begin * itemsize, end * itemsize) yield DeviceNDArray(shape, strides, dtype=self.dtype, stream=stream, gpu_data=gpu_data) def as_cuda_arg(self): """Returns a device memory object that is used as the argument. """ return self.gpu_head class DeviceNDArray(DeviceNDArrayBase): def is_f_contiguous(self): return self._dummy.is_f_contig def is_c_contiguous(self): return self._dummy.is_c_contig def reshape(self, *newshape, **kws): """reshape(self, *newshape, order='C'): Reshape the array and keeping the original data """ newarr, extents = self._dummy.reshape(*newshape, **kws) cls = type(self) if extents == [self._dummy.extent]: return cls(shape=newarr.shape, strides=newarr.strides, dtype=self.dtype, gpu_data=self.gpu_data) else: raise NotImplementedError("operation requires copying") def ravel(self, order='C', stream=0): cls = type(self) newarr, extents = self._dummy.ravel(order=order) if extents == [self._dummy.extent]: return cls(shape=newarr.shape, strides=newarr.strides, dtype=self.dtype, gpu_data=self.gpu_data, gpu_head=self.gpu_head, stream=stream) else: raise NotImplementedError("operation requires copying") def __getitem__(self, item): arr = self._dummy.__getitem__(item) extents = list(arr.iter_contiguous_extent()) cls = type(self) if len(extents) == 1: newdata = self.gpu_data.view(*extents[0]) if dummyarray.is_element_indexing(item, self.ndim): hostary = np.empty(1, dtype=self.dtype) _driver.device_to_host(dst=hostary, src=newdata, size=self._dummy.itemsize) return hostary[0] else: return cls(shape=arr.shape, strides=arr.strides, dtype=self.dtype, gpu_data=newdata) else: newdata = self.gpu_data.view(*arr.extent) return cls(shape=arr.shape, strides=arr.strides, dtype=self.dtype, gpu_data=newdata) class MappedNDArray(DeviceNDArrayBase, np.ndarray): """ A host array that uses CUDA mapped memory. """ def device_setup(self, gpu_data, stream=0): self.gpu_mem = ArrayHeaderManager(devices.get_context()) gpu_head = self.gpu_mem.allocate(self.ndim) ndarray_populate_head(gpu_head, gpu_data, self.shape, self.strides, stream=stream) self.gpu_data = gpu_data self.gpu_head = gpu_head def __del__(self): try: except: pass def from_array_like(ary, stream=0, gpu_head=None, gpu_data=None): "Create a DeviceNDArray object that is like ary." if ary.ndim == 0: ary = ary.reshape(1) return DeviceNDArray(ary.shape, ary.strides, ary.dtype, writeback=ary, stream=stream, gpu_head=gpu_head, gpu_data=gpu_data) errmsg_contiguous_buffer = ("Array contains non-contiguous buffer and cannot " "be transferred as a single memory region. Please " "ensure contiguous buffer with numpy " ".ascontiguousarray()") def sentry_contiguous(ary): if not ary.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] and not ary.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: if ary.ndim != 1 or ary.shape[0] != 1 or ary.strides[0] != 0: raise ValueError(errmsg_contiguous_buffer) def auto_device(ary, stream=0, copy=True): if _driver.is_device_memory(ary): return ary, False else: sentry_contiguous(ary) devarray = from_array_like(ary, stream=stream) if copy: devarray.copy_to_device(ary, stream=stream) return devarray, True ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = devices """ Expose each GPU devices directly """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import functools from numba import servicelib from .driver import driver gpus = [] def init_gpus(): """ Populates global "gpus" as a list of GPU objects """ if gpus: assert len(gpus) return for num in range(driver.get_device_count()): device = driver.get_device(num) gpu = GPU(device) gpus.append(gpu) globals()['gpu%d' % num] = gpu class GPU(object): """Proxy into driver.Device """ def __init__(self, gpu): self._gpu = gpu self._context = None def __getattr__(self, key): """Redirect to self._gpu """ if key.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError(key) return getattr(self._gpu, key) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._gpu) @property def context(self): if self._context is None: self._context = self._gpu.create_context() return self._context def pop(self): self._context.pop() def push(self): self._context.push() def __enter__(self): if get_context() is not self: self._context.push() _gpustack.push(self) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): assert get_context() is self self._context.pop() _gpustack.pop() def reset(self): if self._context: self._context.reset() self._context = None def get_gpu(i): init_gpus() return gpus[i] _gpustack = servicelib.TLStack() def get_context(devnum=0): if not _gpustack: _gpustack.push(get_gpu(devnum).context) return def require_context(fn): """ A decorator to ensure a context for the CUDA subsystem """ @functools.wraps(fn) def _require_cuda_context(*args, **kws): get_context() return fn(*args, **kws) return _require_cuda_context def reset(): for gpu in gpus: gpu.reset() _gpustack.clear() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = driver """ CUDA driver bridge implementation NOTE: The new driver implementation uses a "trashing service" that help prevents a crashing the system (particularly OSX) when the CUDA context is corrupted at resource deallocation. The old approach ties resource management directly into the object destructor; thus, at corruption of the CUDA context, subsequent deallocation could further corrupt the CUDA context and causes the system to freeze in some cases. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import sys import os import traceback import ctypes import weakref import functools import copy import warnings from ctypes import (c_int, byref, c_size_t, c_char, c_char_p, addressof, c_void_p, c_float) import contextlib from numba import utils, servicelib, mviewbuf from .error import CudaSupportError, CudaDriverError from .drvapi import API_PROTOTYPES from . import enums, drvapi try: long except NameError: long = int VERBOSE_JIT_LOG = int(os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_VERBOSE_CU_JIT_LOG', 1)) MIN_REQUIRED_CC = (2, 0) class DeadMemoryError(RuntimeError): pass class LinkerError(RuntimeError): pass class CudaAPIError(CudaDriverError): def __init__(self, code, msg): self.code = code super(CudaAPIError, self).__init__(msg) def find_driver(): envpath = os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_CUDA_DRIVER', None) if envpath == '0': # Force fail _raise_driver_not_found() # Determine DLL type if sys.platform == 'win32': dlloader = ctypes.WinDLL dldir = ['\\windows\\system32'] dlname = 'nvcuda.dll' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': dlloader = ctypes.CDLL dldir = ['/usr/local/cuda/lib'] dlname = 'libcuda.dylib' else: # Assume to be *nix like dlloader = ctypes.CDLL dldir = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/lib64'] dlname = '' if envpath is not None: try: envpath = os.path.abspath(envpath) except ValueError: raise ValueError("NUMBAPRO_CUDA_DRIVER %s is not a valid path" % envpath) if not os.path.isfile(envpath): raise ValueError("NUMBAPRO_CUDA_DRIVER %s is not a valid file " "path. Note it must be a filepath of the .so/" ".dll/.dylib or the driver" % envpath) candidates = [envpath] else: # First search for the name in the default library path. # If that is not found, try the specific path. candidates = [dlname] + [os.path.join(x, dlname) for x in dldir] # Load the driver; Collect driver error information path_not_exist = [] driver_load_error = [] for path in candidates: try: dll = dlloader(path) except OSError as e: # Problem opening the DLL path_not_exist.append(not os.path.isfile(path)) driver_load_error.append(e) else: return dll # Problem loading driver if all(path_not_exist): _raise_driver_not_found() else: errmsg = '\n'.join(str(e) for e in driver_load_error) _raise_driver_error(errmsg) DRIVER_NOT_FOUND_MSG = """ CUDA driver library cannot be found. If you are sure that a CUDA driver is installed, try setting environment variable NUMBAPRO_CUDA_DRIVER with the file path of the CUDA driver shared library. """ DRIVER_LOAD_ERROR_MSG = """ Possible CUDA driver libraries are found but error occurred during load: %s """ def _raise_driver_not_found(): raise CudaSupportError(DRIVER_NOT_FOUND_MSG) def _raise_driver_error(e): raise CudaSupportError(DRIVER_LOAD_ERROR_MSG % e) def _build_reverse_error_map(): prefix = 'CUDA_ERROR' map = utils.UniqueDict() for name in dir(enums): if name.startswith(prefix): code = getattr(enums, name) map[code] = name return map ERROR_MAP = _build_reverse_error_map() MISSING_FUNCTION_ERRMSG = """driver missing function: %s. Requires CUDA 5.5 or above. """ class Driver(object): """ Driver API functions are lazily bound. """ _singleton = None def __new__(cls): obj = cls._singleton if obj is not None: return obj else: obj = object.__new__(cls) obj.lib = find_driver() # Initialize driver obj.cuInit(0) cls._singleton = obj return obj def __init__(self): self.devices = utils.UniqueDict() def __getattr__(self, fname): # First request of a driver API function try: proto = API_PROTOTYPES[fname] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(fname) restype = proto[0] argtypes = proto[1:] libfn = self._find_api(fname) libfn.restype = restype libfn.argtypes = argtypes @functools.wraps(libfn) def safe_cuda_api_call(*args): retcode = libfn(*args) self._check_error(fname, retcode) setattr(self, fname, safe_cuda_api_call) return safe_cuda_api_call def _find_api(self, fname): # Try version 2 try: return getattr(self.lib, fname + "_v2") except AttributeError: pass # Try regular try: return getattr(self.lib, fname) except AttributeError: pass # Not found. # Delay missing function error to use def absent_function(*args, **kws): raise CudaDriverError(MISSING_FUNCTION_ERRMSG % fname) setattr(self, fname, absent_function) return absent_function def _check_error(self, fname, retcode): if retcode != enums.CUDA_SUCCESS: errname = ERROR_MAP.get(retcode, "UNKNOWN_CUDA_ERROR") msg = "Call to %s results in %s" % (fname, errname) raise CudaAPIError(retcode, msg) def get_device(self, devnum=0): dev = self.devices.get(devnum) if dev is None: dev = Device(devnum) self.devices[devnum] = dev return weakref.proxy(dev) def get_device_count(self): count = c_int() self.cuDeviceGetCount(byref(count)) return count.value def list_devices(self): """Returns a list of active devices """ return list(self.devices.values()) def reset(self): """Reset all devices """ for dev in self.devices.values(): dev.reset() driver = Driver() class TrashService(servicelib.Service): """ We need this to enqueue things to be removed. There are times when you want to disable deallocation because that would break asynchronous work queues. """ CLEAN_LIMIT = 20 def add_trash(self, item): self.trash.append(item) def process(self, _arg): self.trash = [] yield while True: count = 0 # Clean the trash assert self.CLEAN_LIMIT > count while self.trash and count < self.CLEAN_LIMIT: cb = self.trash.pop() # Invoke callback cb() count += 1 yield def clear(self): while self.trash: cb = self.trash.pop() cb() @contextlib.contextmanager def defer_cleanup(self): orig = self.enabled self.enabled = False yield self.enabled = orig self.service() def _build_reverse_device_attrs(): prefix = "CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_" map = utils.UniqueDict() for name in dir(enums): if name.startswith(prefix): map[name[len(prefix):]] = getattr(enums, name) return map DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES = _build_reverse_device_attrs() class Device(object): """ The device object owns the CUDA contexts. This is owned by the driver object. User should not construct devices directly. """ def __init__(self, devnum): got_devnum = c_int() driver.cuDeviceGet(byref(got_devnum), devnum) assert devnum == got_devnum.value, "Driver returned another device" = got_devnum.value self.trashing = TrashService("cuda.device%d.trash" % self.attributes = {} # Read compute capability cc_major = c_int() cc_minor = c_int() driver.cuDeviceComputeCapability(byref(cc_major), byref(cc_minor), self.compute_capability = (cc_major.value, cc_minor.value) # Read name bufsz = 128 buf = (c_char * bufsz)() driver.cuDeviceGetName(buf, bufsz, = buf.value # A dictionary or all context with handle value as the key self.contexts = {} @property def COMPUTE_CAPABILITY(self): """ For backward compatibility """ warnings.warn("Deprecated attribute 'COMPUTE_CAPABILITY'; use lower " "case version", DeprecationWarning) return self.compute_capability def __del__(self): try: self.reset() except: traceback.print_exc() def __repr__(self): return "<CUDA device %d '%s'>" % (, def __getattr__(self, attr): """Read attributes lazily """ try: code = DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES[attr] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(attr) value = c_int() driver.cuDeviceGetAttribute(byref(value), code, setattr(self, attr, value.value) return value.value def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Device): return == return False def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def create_context(self): met_requirement_for_device(self) flags = 0 if self.CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY: flags |= enums.CU_CTX_MAP_HOST # Clean up any trash self.trashing.service() # Create new context handle = drvapi.cu_context() driver.cuCtxCreate(byref(handle), flags, ctx = Context(weakref.proxy(self), handle, _context_finalizer(self.trashing, handle)) self.contexts[handle.value] = ctx return weakref.proxy(ctx) def close_all_context(self): self.contexts.clear() def get_context(self): handle = drvapi.cu_context() driver.cuCtxGetCurrent(byref(handle)) if not handle.value: return None try: return self.contexts[handle.value] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Current context is not manged: %s" % handle.value) def get_or_create_context(self): ctx = self.get_context() if ctx is None: ctx = self.create_context() return ctx def reset(self): self.close_all_context() self.trashing.clear() def _context_finalizer(trashing, ctxhandle): def core(): trashing.add_trash(lambda: driver.cuCtxDestroy(ctxhandle)) return core def met_requirement_for_device(device): if device.compute_capability < MIN_REQUIRED_CC: raise CudaSupportError("%s has compute capability < %s" % (device, MIN_REQUIRED_CC)) class Context(object): """This object is tied to the lifetime of the actual context resource. This object is usually wrapped in a weakref proxy for user. User seldom owns this object. """ def __init__(self, device, handle, finalizer=None): self.device = device self.handle = handle self.finalizer = finalizer self.trashing = TrashService("cuda.device%d.context%x.trash" % (, self.handle.value)) self.is_managed = finalizer is not None self.allocations = utils.UniqueDict() self.modules = utils.UniqueDict() def __del__(self): try: self.reset() # Free itself if self.is_managed: self.finalizer() except: traceback.print_exc() def reset(self): """Clean up all owned resources in this context """ # Free owned resources self.allocations.clear() self.modules.clear() # Clear trash self.trashing.clear() def get_memory_info(self): """Returns (free, total) memory in bytes in the context. """ free = c_size_t() total = c_size_t() driver.cuMemGetInfo(byref(free), byref(total)) return free.value, total.value def push(self): """Push context """ driver.cuCtxPushCurrent(self.handle) def pop(self): """Pop context """ driver.cuCtxPopCurrent(self.handle) def memalloc(self, bytesize): self.trashing.service() ptr = drvapi.cu_device_ptr() driver.cuMemAlloc(byref(ptr), bytesize) mem = MemoryPointer(weakref.proxy(self), ptr, bytesize, _memory_finalizer(self, ptr)) self.allocations[ptr.value] = mem return mem.own() def memhostalloc(self, bytesize, mapped=False, portable=False, wc=False): self.trashing.service() pointer = c_void_p() flags = 0 if mapped: flags |= enums.CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP if portable: flags |= enums.CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_PORTABLE if wc: flags |= enums.CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_WRITECOMBINED driver.cuMemHostAlloc(byref(pointer), bytesize, flags) owner = None if mapped: finalizer = _hostalloc_finalizer(self, pointer) mem = MappedMemory(weakref.proxy(self), owner, pointer, bytesize, finalizer=finalizer) self.allocations[mem.handle.value] = mem return mem.own() else: finalizer = _pinnedalloc_finalizer(self.trashing, pointer) mem = PinnedMemory(weakref.proxy(self), owner, pointer, bytesize, finalizer=finalizer) return mem def memfree(self, pointer): try: del self.allocations[pointer.value] except KeyError: raise DeadMemoryError self.trashing.service() def mempin(self, owner, pointer, size, mapped=False): self.trashing.service() if isinstance(pointer, (int, long)): pointer = c_void_p(pointer) if mapped and not self.device.CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY: raise CudaDriverError("%s cannot map host memory" % self.device) # possible flags are "portable" (between context) # and "device-map" (map host memory to device thus no need # for memory transfer). flags = 0 if mapped: flags |= enums.CU_MEMHOSTREGISTER_DEVICEMAP driver.cuMemHostRegister(pointer, size, flags) if mapped: finalizer = _mapped_finalizer(self, pointer) mem = MappedMemory(weakref.proxy(self), owner, pointer, size, finalizer=finalizer) self.allocations[mem.handle.value] = mem return mem.own() else: mem = PinnedMemory(weakref.proxy(self), owner, pointer, size, finalizer=_pinned_finalizer(self.trashing, pointer)) return mem def memunpin(self, pointer): raise NotImplementedError def create_module_ptx(self, ptx): if isinstance(ptx, str): ptx = ptx.encode('utf8') image = c_char_p(ptx) return self.create_module_image(image) def create_module_image(self, image): self.trashing.service() module = load_module_image(self, image) self.modules[module.handle.value] = module return weakref.proxy(module) def unload_module(self, module): del self.modules[module.handle.value] self.trashing.service() def create_stream(self): self.trashing.service() handle = drvapi.cu_stream() driver.cuStreamCreate(byref(handle), 0) return Stream(weakref.proxy(self), handle, _stream_finalizer(self.trashing, handle)) def create_event(self, timing=True): self.trashing.service() handle = drvapi.cu_event() flags = 0 if not timing: flags |= enums.CU_EVENT_DISABLE_TIMING driver.cuEventCreate(byref(handle), flags) return Event(weakref.proxy(self), handle, finalizer=_event_finalizer(self.trashing, handle)) def synchronize(self): driver.cuCtxSynchronize() def __repr__(self): return "<CUDA context %s of device %d>" % (self.handle, def load_module_image(context, image): """ image must be a pointer """ logsz = os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_CUDA_LOG_SIZE', 1024) jitinfo = (c_char * logsz)() jiterrors = (c_char * logsz)() options = { enums.CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER: addressof(jitinfo), enums.CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: c_void_p(logsz), enums.CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER: addressof(jiterrors), enums.CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: c_void_p(logsz), enums.CU_JIT_LOG_VERBOSE: c_void_p(VERBOSE_JIT_LOG), } option_keys = (drvapi.cu_jit_option * len(options))(*options.keys()) option_vals = (c_void_p * len(options))(*options.values()) handle = drvapi.cu_module() try: driver.cuModuleLoadDataEx(byref(handle), image, len(options), option_keys, option_vals) except CudaAPIError as e: msg = "cuModuleLoadDataEx error:\n%s" % jiterrors.value.decode("utf8") raise CudaAPIError(e.code, msg) info_log = jitinfo.value return Module(weakref.proxy(context), handle, info_log, _module_finalizer(context, handle)) def _make_mem_finalizer(dtor): def mem_finalize(context, handle): trashing = context.trashing allocations = context.allocations def core(): def cleanup(): if allocations: del allocations[handle.value] dtor(handle) trashing.add_trash(cleanup) return core return mem_finalize _hostalloc_finalizer = _make_mem_finalizer(driver.cuMemFreeHost) _mapped_finalizer = _make_mem_finalizer(driver.cuMemHostUnregister) _memory_finalizer = _make_mem_finalizer(driver.cuMemFree) def _pinnedalloc_finalizer(trashing, handle): def core(): trashing.add_trash(lambda: driver.cuMemFreeHost(handle)) return core def _pinned_finalizer(trashing, handle): def core(): trashing.add_trash(lambda: driver.cuMemHostUnregister(handle)) return core def _event_finalizer(trashing, handle): def core(): trashing.add_trash(lambda: driver.cuEventDestroy(handle)) return core def _stream_finalizer(trashing, handle): def core(): trashing.add_trash(lambda: driver.cuStreamDestroy(handle)) return core def _module_finalizer(context, handle): trashing = context.trashing modules = context.modules def core(): def cleanup(): if modules: del modules[handle.value] driver.cuModuleUnload(handle) trashing.add_trash(cleanup) return core class MemoryPointer(object): __cuda_memory__ = True def __init__(self, context, pointer, size, finalizer=None): self.context = context self.device_pointer = pointer self.size = size self._cuda_memsize_ = size self.finalizer = finalizer self.is_managed = finalizer is not None self.is_alive = True self.refct = 0 self.handle = self.device_pointer def __del__(self): try: if self.is_managed and self.is_alive: self.finalizer() except: traceback.print_exc() def own(self): return OwnedPointer(weakref.proxy(self)) def free(self): """ Forces the device memory to the trash. """ if self.is_managed: if not self.is_alive: raise RuntimeError("Freeing dead memory") self.finalizer() self.is_alive = False def memset(self, byte, count=None, stream=0): count = self.size if count is None else count if stream: driver.cuMemsetD8Async(self.device_pointer, byte, count, stream.handle) else: driver.cuMemsetD8(self.device_pointer, byte, count) def view(self, start, stop=None): base = self.device_pointer.value + start if stop is None: size = self.size - start else: size = stop - start assert size > 0, "zero or negative memory size" pointer = drvapi.cu_device_ptr(base) view = MemoryPointer(self.context, pointer, size) return OwnedPointer(weakref.proxy(self), view) @property def device_ctypes_pointer(self): return self.device_pointer class MappedMemory(MemoryPointer): __cuda_memory__ = True def __init__(self, context, owner, hostpointer, size, finalizer=None): self.owned = owner self.host_pointer = hostpointer devptr = drvapi.cu_device_ptr() driver.cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(byref(devptr), hostpointer, 0) self.device_pointer = devptr super(MappedMemory, self).__init__(context, devptr, size, finalizer=finalizer) self.handle = self.host_pointer # For buffer interface self._buflen_ = self.size self._bufptr_ = self.host_pointer.value def own(self): return MappedOwnedPointer(weakref.proxy(self)) class PinnedMemory(mviewbuf.MemAlloc): def __init__(self, context, owner, pointer, size, finalizer=None): self.context = context self.owned = owner self.size = size self.host_pointer = pointer self.is_managed = finalizer is not None self.finalizer = finalizer self.is_alive = True self.handle = self.host_pointer # For buffer interface self._buflen_ = self.size self._bufptr_ = self.host_pointer.value def __del__(self): try: if self.is_managed and self.is_alive: self.finalizer() except: traceback.print_exc() def unpin(self): if not self.is_alive: raise DeadMemoryError self.finalizer() self.is_alive = False def own(self): return self class OwnedPointer(object): def __init__(self, memptr, view=None): self._mem = memptr self._mem.refct += 1 if view is None: self._view = self._mem else: assert not view.is_managed self._view = view def __del__(self): try: self._mem.refct -= 1 assert self._mem.refct >= 0 if self._mem.refct == 0: except ReferenceError: pass except: traceback.print_exc() def __getattr__(self, fname): """Proxy MemoryPointer methods """ return getattr(self._view, fname) class MappedOwnedPointer(OwnedPointer, mviewbuf.MemAlloc): pass class Stream(object): def __init__(self, context, handle, finalizer): self.context = context self.handle = handle self.finalizer = finalizer self.is_managed = finalizer is not None def __del__(self): try: if self.is_managed: self.finalizer() except: traceback.print_exc() def __int__(self): return self.handle.value def __repr__(self): return "<CUDA stream %d on %s>" % (self.handle.value, self.context) def synchronize(self): driver.cuStreamSynchronize(self.handle) @contextlib.contextmanager def auto_synchronize(self): yield self self.synchronize() class Event(object): def __init__(self, context, handle, finalizer=None): self.context = context self.handle = handle self.finalizer = finalizer self.is_managed = self.finalizer is not None def __del__(self): try: if self.is_managed: self.finalizer() except: traceback.print_exc() def query(self): """Returns True if all work before the most recent record has completed; otherwise, returns False. """ try: driver.cuEventQuery(self.handle) except CudaAPIError as e: if e.code == enums.CUDA_ERROR_NOT_READY: return False else: raise else: return True def record(self, stream=0): """Set the record state of the event at the stream. """ hstream = stream.handle if stream else 0 driver.cuEventRecord(self.handle, hstream) def synchronize(self): """Synchronize the host thread for the completion of the event. """ driver.cuEventSynchronize(self.handle) def wait(self, stream=0): """All future works submitted to stream will wait util the event completes. """ hstream = stream.handle if stream else 0 flags = 0 driver.cuStreamWaitEvent(hstream, self.handle, flags) def elapsed_time(self, evtend): return event_elapsed_time(self, evtend) def event_elapsed_time(evtstart, evtend): msec = c_float() driver.cuEventElapsedTime(byref(msec), evtstart.handle, evtend.handle) return msec.value class Module(object): def __init__(self, context, handle, info_log, finalizer=None): self.context = context self.handle = handle self.info_log = info_log self.finalizer = finalizer self.is_managed = self.finalizer is not None def __del__(self): try: if self.is_managed: self.finalizer() except: traceback.print_exc() def unload(self): self.context.unload_module(self) def get_function(self, name): handle = drvapi.cu_function() driver.cuModuleGetFunction(byref(handle), self.handle, name.encode('utf8')) return Function(weakref.proxy(self), handle, name) class Function(object): griddim = 1, 1, 1 blockdim = 1, 1, 1 stream = 0 sharedmem = 0 def __init__(self, module, handle, name): self.module = module self.handle = handle = name def __repr__(self): return "<CUDA function %s>" % def cache_config(self, prefer_equal=False, prefer_cache=False, prefer_shared=False): prefer_equal = prefer_equal or (prefer_cache and prefer_shared) if prefer_equal: flag = enums.CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_EQUAL elif prefer_cache: flag = enums.CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_L1 elif prefer_shared: flag = enums.CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_SHARED else: flag = enums.CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_NONE driver.cuFuncSetCacheConfig(self.handle, flag) def configure(self, griddim, blockdim, sharedmem=0, stream=0): while len(griddim) < 3: griddim += (1,) while len(blockdim) < 3: blockdim += (1,) inst = copy.copy(self) # shallow clone the object inst.griddim = griddim inst.blockdim = blockdim inst.sharedmem = sharedmem if stream: = stream else: = 0 return inst def __call__(self, *args): ''' *args -- Must be either ctype objects of DevicePointer instances. ''' if streamhandle = else: streamhandle = None launch_kernel(self.handle, self.griddim, self.blockdim, self.sharedmem, streamhandle, args) @property def device(self): return self.module.context.device def launch_kernel(cufunc_handle, griddim, blockdim, sharedmem, hstream, args): gx, gy, gz = griddim bx, by, bz = blockdim param_vals = [] for arg in args: if is_device_memory(arg): param_vals.append(addressof(device_ctypes_pointer(arg))) else: param_vals.append(addressof(arg)) params = (c_void_p * len(param_vals))(*param_vals) driver.cuLaunchKernel(cufunc_handle, gx, gy, gz, bx, by, bz, sharedmem, hstream, params, None) FILE_EXTENSION_MAP = { 'o': enums.CU_JIT_INPUT_OBJECT, 'ptx': enums.CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX, 'a': enums.CU_JIT_INPUT_LIBRARY, 'cubin': enums.CU_JIT_INPUT_CUBIN, 'fatbin': enums.CU_JIT_INPUT_FATBINAR, } class Linker(object): def __init__(self): logsz = int(os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_CUDA_LOG_SIZE', 1024)) linkerinfo = (c_char * logsz)() linkererrors = (c_char * logsz)() options = { enums.CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER: addressof(linkerinfo), enums.CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: c_void_p(logsz), enums.CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER: addressof(linkererrors), enums.CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: c_void_p(logsz), enums.CU_JIT_LOG_VERBOSE: c_void_p(1), } raw_keys = list(options.keys()) + [enums.CU_JIT_TARGET_FROM_CUCONTEXT] raw_values = list(options.values()) del options option_keys = (drvapi.cu_jit_option * len(raw_keys))(*raw_keys) option_vals = (c_void_p * len(raw_values))(*raw_values) self.handle = handle = drvapi.cu_link_state() driver.cuLinkCreate(len(raw_keys), option_keys, option_vals, byref(self.handle)) self.finalizer = lambda: driver.cuLinkDestroy(handle) self.linker_info_buf = linkerinfo self.linker_errors_buf = linkererrors self._keep_alive = [linkerinfo, linkererrors, option_keys, option_vals] @property def info_log(self): return self.linker_info_buf.value.decode('utf8') @property def error_log(self): return self.linker_errors_buf.value.decode('utf8') def __del__(self): try: self.finalizer() except: traceback.print_exc() def add_ptx(self, ptx, name='<cudapy-ptx>'): ptxbuf = c_char_p(ptx) namebuf = c_char_p(name.encode('utf8')) self._keep_alive += [ptxbuf, namebuf] try: driver.cuLinkAddData(self.handle, enums.CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX, ptxbuf, len(ptx), namebuf, 0, None, None) except CudaAPIError as e: raise LinkerError("%s\n%s" % (e, self.error_log)) def add_file(self, path, kind): pathbuf = c_char_p(path.encode("utf8")) self._keep_alive.append(pathbuf) try: driver.cuLinkAddFile(self.handle, kind, pathbuf, 0, None, None) except CudaAPIError as e: raise LinkerError("%s\n%s" % (e, self.error_log)) def add_file_guess_ext(self, path): ext = path.rsplit('.', 1)[1] kind = FILE_EXTENSION_MAP[ext] self.add_file(path, kind) def complete(self): ''' Returns (cubin, size) cubin is a pointer to a internal buffer of cubin owned by the linker; thus, it should be loaded before the linker is destroyed. ''' cubin = c_void_p(0) size = c_size_t(0) try: driver.cuLinkComplete(self.handle, byref(cubin), byref(size)) except CudaAPIError as e: raise LinkerError("%s\n%s" % (e, self.error_log)) size = size.value assert size > 0, 'linker returned a zero sized cubin' del self._keep_alive[:] return cubin, size # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _device_pointer_attr(devmem, attr, odata): """Query attribute on the device pointer """ error = driver.cuPointerGetAttribute(byref(odata), attr, device_ctypes_pointer(devmem)) driver.check_error(error, "Failed to query pointer attribute") def device_pointer_type(devmem): """Query the device pointer type: host, device, array, unified? """ ptrtype = c_int(0) _device_pointer_attr(devmem, enums.CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_TYPE, ptrtype) map = { enums.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST: 'host', enums.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE: 'device', enums.CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY: 'array', enums.CU_MEMORYTYPE_UNIFIED: 'unified', } return map[ptrtype.value] def device_extents(devmem): """Find the extents (half open begin and end pointer) of the underlying device memory allocation. NOTE: it always returns the extents of the allocation but the extents of the device memory view that can be a subsection of the entire allocation. """ s = drvapi.cu_device_ptr() n = c_size_t() devptr = device_ctypes_pointer(devmem) driver.cuMemGetAddressRange(byref(s), byref(n), devptr) s, n = s.value, n.value return s, s + n def device_memory_size(devmem): """Check the memory size of the device memory. The result is cached in the device memory object. It may query the driver for the memory size of the device memory allocation. """ sz = getattr(devmem, '_cuda_memsize_', None) if sz is None: s, e = device_extents(devmem) sz = e - s devmem._cuda_memsize_ = sz assert sz > 0, "zero length array" return sz def host_pointer(obj): """ NOTE: The underlying data pointer from the host data buffer is used and it should not be changed until the operation which can be asynchronous completes. """ if isinstance(obj, (int, long)): return obj return mviewbuf.memoryview_get_buffer(obj) def host_memory_extents(obj): "Returns (start, end) the start and end pointer of the array (half open)." return mviewbuf.memoryview_get_extents(obj) def memory_size_from_info(shape, strides, itemsize): """et the byte size of a contiguous memory buffer given the shape, strides and itemsize. """ assert len(shape) == len(strides), "# dim mismatch" ndim = len(shape) s, e = mviewbuf.memoryview_get_extents_info(shape, strides, ndim, itemsize) return e - s def host_memory_size(obj): "Get the size of the memory" s, e = host_memory_extents(obj) assert e >= s, "memory extend of negative size" return e - s def device_pointer(obj): "Get the device pointer as an integer" return device_ctypes_pointer(obj).value def device_ctypes_pointer(obj): "Get the ctypes object for the device pointer" require_device_memory(obj) return obj.device_ctypes_pointer def is_device_memory(obj): """All CUDA memory object is recognized as an instance with the attribute "__cuda_memory__" defined and its value evaluated to True. All CUDA memory object should also define an attribute named "device_pointer" which value is an int(or long) object carrying the pointer value of the device memory address. This is not tested in this method. """ return getattr(obj, '__cuda_memory__', False) def require_device_memory(obj): """A sentry for methods that accept CUDA memory object. """ if not is_device_memory(obj): raise Exception("Not a CUDA memory object.") def device_memory_depends(devmem, *objs): """Add dependencies to the device memory. Mainly used for creating structures that points to other device memory, so that the referees are not GC and released. """ depset = getattr(devmem, "_depends_", []) depset.extend(objs) def host_to_device(dst, src, size, stream=0): """ NOTE: The underlying data pointer from the host data buffer is used and it should not be changed until the operation which can be asynchronous completes. """ varargs = [] if stream: assert isinstance(stream, Stream) fn = driver.cuMemcpyHtoDAsync varargs.append(stream.handle) else: fn = driver.cuMemcpyHtoD fn(device_pointer(dst), host_pointer(src), size, *varargs) def device_to_host(dst, src, size, stream=0): """ NOTE: The underlying data pointer from the host data buffer is used and it should not be changed until the operation which can be asynchronous completes. """ varargs = [] if stream: assert isinstance(stream, Stream) fn = driver.cuMemcpyDtoHAsync varargs.append(stream.handle) else: fn = driver.cuMemcpyDtoH fn(host_pointer(dst), device_pointer(src), size, *varargs) def device_to_device(dst, src, size, stream=0): """ NOTE: The underlying data pointer from the host data buffer is used and it should not be changed until the operation which can be asynchronous completes. """ varargs = [] if stream: assert isinstance(stream, Stream) fn = driver.cuMemcpyDtoDAsync varargs.append(stream.handle) else: fn = driver.cuMemcpyDtoD fn(device_pointer(dst), device_pointer(src), size, *varargs) def device_memset(dst, val, size, stream=0): """Memset on the device. If stream is not zero, asynchronous mode is used. dst: device memory val: byte value to be written size: number of byte to be written stream: a CUDA stream """ varargs = [] if stream: assert isinstance(stream, Stream) fn = driver.cuMemsetD8Async varargs.append(stream.handle) else: fn = driver.cuMemsetD8 fn(device_pointer(dst), val, size, *varargs) def profile_start(): driver = Driver() err = driver.cuProfilerStart() driver.check_error(err, "Failed to start profiler") def profile_stop(): driver = Driver() err = driver.cuProfilerStop() driver.check_error(err, "Failed to stop profiler") @contextlib.contextmanager def profiling(): """ Experimental profiling context. """ profile_start() yield profile_stop() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = drvapi from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from ctypes import * cu_device = c_int cu_device_attribute = c_int # enum cu_context = c_void_p # an opaque handle cu_module = c_void_p # an opaque handle cu_jit_option = c_int # enum cu_jit_input_type = c_int # enum cu_function = c_void_p # an opaque handle cu_device_ptr = c_size_t # defined as unsigned int on 32-bit # and unsigned long long on 64-bit machine cu_stream = c_void_p # an opaque handle cu_event = c_void_p cu_link_state = c_void_p API_PROTOTYPES = { # CUresult cuInit(unsigned int Flags); 'cuInit' : (c_int, c_uint), # CUresult cuDriverGetVersion ( int* driverVersion ) 'cuDriverGetVersion': (c_int, POINTER(c_int)), # CUresult cuDeviceGetCount(int *count); 'cuDeviceGetCount': (c_int, POINTER(c_int)), # CUresult cuDeviceGet(CUdevice *device, int ordinal); 'cuDeviceGet': (c_int, POINTER(cu_device), c_int), # CUresult cuDeviceGetName ( char* name, int len, CUdevice dev ) 'cuDeviceGetName': (c_int, c_char_p, c_int, cu_device), # CUresult cuDeviceGetAttribute(int *pi, CUdevice_attribute attrib, # CUdevice dev); 'cuDeviceGetAttribute': (c_int, POINTER(c_int), cu_device_attribute, cu_device), # CUresult cuDeviceComputeCapability(int *major, int *minor, # CUdevice dev); 'cuDeviceComputeCapability': (c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), cu_device), # CUresult cuCtxCreate(CUcontext *pctx, unsigned int flags, # CUdevice dev); 'cuCtxCreate': (c_int, POINTER(cu_context), c_uint, cu_device), # CUresult cuCtxGetDevice ( CUdevice * device ) 'cuCtxGetDevice': (c_int, POINTER(cu_device)), # CUresult cuCtxGetCurrent (CUcontext *pctx); 'cuCtxGetCurrent': (c_int, POINTER(cu_context)), # CUresult cuCtxPushCurrent (CUcontext pctx); 'cuCtxPushCurrent': (c_int, cu_context), # CUresult cuCtxPopCurrent (CUcontext *pctx); 'cuCtxPopCurrent': (c_int, POINTER(cu_context)), # CUresult cuCtxDestroy(CUcontext pctx); 'cuCtxDestroy': (c_int, cu_context), # CUresult cuModuleLoadDataEx(CUmodule *module, const void *image, # unsigned int numOptions, # CUjit_option *options, # void **optionValues); 'cuModuleLoadDataEx': (c_int, cu_module, c_void_p, c_uint, POINTER(cu_jit_option), POINTER(c_void_p)), # CUresult cuModuleUnload(CUmodule hmod); 'cuModuleUnload': (c_int, cu_module), # CUresult cuModuleGetFunction(CUfunction *hfunc, CUmodule hmod, # const char *name); 'cuModuleGetFunction': (c_int, cu_function, cu_module, c_char_p), # CUresult CUDAAPI cuFuncSetCacheConfig(CUfunction hfunc, # CUfunc_cache config); 'cuFuncSetCacheConfig': (c_int, cu_function, c_uint), # CUresult cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t bytesize); 'cuMemAlloc': (c_int, POINTER(cu_device_ptr), c_size_t), # CUresult cuMemsetD8(CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned char uc, size_t N) 'cuMemsetD8': (c_int, cu_device_ptr, c_uint8, c_size_t), # CUresult cuMemsetD8Async(CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned char uc, # size_t N, CUstream hStream); 'cuMemsetD8Async': (c_int, cu_device_ptr, c_uint8, c_size_t, cu_stream), # CUresult cuMemcpyHtoD(CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void *srcHost, # size_t ByteCount); 'cuMemcpyHtoD': (c_int, cu_device_ptr, c_void_p, c_size_t), # CUresult cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void *srcHost, # size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream); 'cuMemcpyHtoDAsync': (c_int, cu_device_ptr, c_void_p, c_size_t, cu_stream), # CUresult cuMemcpyHtoD(CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void *srcHost, # size_t ByteCount); 'cuMemcpyDtoD': (c_int, cu_device_ptr, cu_device_ptr, c_size_t), # CUresult cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void *srcHost, # size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream); 'cuMemcpyDtoDAsync': (c_int, cu_device_ptr, cu_device_ptr, c_size_t, cu_stream), # CUresult cuMemcpyDtoH(void *dstHost, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, # size_t ByteCount); 'cuMemcpyDtoH': (c_int, c_void_p, cu_device_ptr, c_size_t), # CUresult cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *dstHost, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, # size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream); 'cuMemcpyDtoHAsync': (c_int, c_void_p, cu_device_ptr, c_size_t, cu_stream), # CUresult cuMemFree(CUdeviceptr dptr); 'cuMemFree': (c_int, cu_device_ptr), # CUresult cuStreamCreate(CUstream *phStream, unsigned int Flags); 'cuStreamCreate': (c_int, POINTER(cu_stream), c_uint), # CUresult cuStreamDestroy(CUstream hStream); 'cuStreamDestroy': (c_int, cu_stream), # CUresult cuStreamSynchronize(CUstream hStream); 'cuStreamSynchronize': (c_int, cu_stream), # CUresult cuLaunchKernel(CUfunction f, unsigned int gridDimX, # unsigned int gridDimY, # unsigned int gridDimZ, # unsigned int blockDimX, # unsigned int blockDimY, # unsigned int blockDimZ, # unsigned int sharedMemBytes, # CUstream hStream, void **kernelParams, # void ** extra) 'cuLaunchKernel': (c_int, cu_function, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, cu_stream, POINTER(c_void_p), POINTER(c_void_p)), # CUresult cuMemHostAlloc ( void ** pp, # size_t bytesize, # unsigned int Flags # ) 'cuMemHostAlloc': (c_int, c_void_p, c_size_t, c_uint), # CUresult cuMemFreeHost ( void * p ) 'cuMemFreeHost': (c_int, c_void_p), # CUresult cuMemHostRegister(void * p, # size_t bytesize, # unsigned int Flags) 'cuMemHostRegister': (c_int, c_void_p, c_size_t, c_uint), # CUresult cuMemHostUnregister(void * p) 'cuMemHostUnregister': (c_int, c_void_p), # CUresult cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(CUdeviceptr * pdptr, # void * p, # unsigned int Flags) 'cuMemHostGetDevicePointer': (c_int, POINTER(cu_device_ptr), c_void_p, c_uint), # CUresult cuMemGetInfo(size_t * free, size_t * total) 'cuMemGetInfo' : (c_int, POINTER(c_size_t), POINTER(c_size_t)), # CUresult cuEventCreate ( CUevent * phEvent, # unsigned int Flags ) 'cuEventCreate': (c_int, POINTER(cu_event), c_uint), # CUresult cuEventDestroy ( CUevent hEvent ) 'cuEventDestroy': (c_int, cu_event), # CUresult cuEventElapsedTime ( float * pMilliseconds, # CUevent hStart, # CUevent hEnd ) 'cuEventElapsedTime': (c_int, POINTER(c_float), cu_event, cu_event), # CUresult cuEventQuery ( CUevent hEvent ) 'cuEventQuery': (c_int, cu_event), # CUresult cuEventRecord ( CUevent hEvent, # CUstream hStream ) 'cuEventRecord': (c_int, cu_event, cu_stream), # CUresult cuEventSynchronize ( CUevent hEvent ) 'cuEventSynchronize': (c_int, cu_event), # CUresult cuStreamWaitEvent ( CUstream hStream, # CUevent hEvent, # unsigned int Flags ) 'cuStreamWaitEvent': (c_int, cu_stream, cu_event, c_uint), # CUresult cuPointerGetAttribute (void *data, CUpointer_attribute attribute, CUdeviceptr ptr) 'cuPointerGetAttribute': (c_int, c_void_p, c_uint, cu_device_ptr), # CUresult cuMemGetAddressRange ( CUdeviceptr * pbase, # size_t * psize, # CUdeviceptr dptr # ) 'cuMemGetAddressRange': (c_int, POINTER(cu_device_ptr), POINTER(c_size_t), cu_device_ptr), # CUresult cuMemHostGetFlags ( unsigned int * pFlags, # void * p ) 'cuMemHostGetFlags': (c_int, POINTER(c_uint), c_void_p), # CUresult cuCtxSynchronize ( void ) 'cuCtxSynchronize' : (c_int,), # CUresult # cuLinkCreate(unsigned int numOptions, CUjit_option *options, # void **optionValues, CUlinkState *stateOut); 'cuLinkCreate': (c_int, c_uint, POINTER(cu_jit_option), POINTER(c_void_p), POINTER(cu_link_state)), # CUresult # cuLinkAddData(CUlinkState state, CUjitInputType type, void *data, # size_t size, const char *name, unsigned # int numOptions, CUjit_option *options, # void **optionValues); 'cuLinkAddData': (c_int, cu_link_state, cu_jit_input_type, c_void_p, c_size_t, c_char_p, c_uint, POINTER(cu_jit_option), POINTER(c_void_p)), # CUresult # cuLinkAddFile(CUlinkState state, CUjitInputType type, # const char *path, unsigned int numOptions, # CUjit_option *options, void **optionValues); 'cuLinkAddFile': (c_int, cu_link_state, cu_jit_input_type, c_char_p, c_uint, POINTER(cu_jit_option), POINTER(c_void_p)), # CUresult CUDAAPI # cuLinkComplete(CUlinkState state, void **cubinOut, size_t *sizeOut) 'cuLinkComplete': (c_int, cu_link_state, POINTER(c_void_p), POINTER(c_size_t)), # CUresult CUDAAPI # cuLinkDestroy(CUlinkState state) 'cuLinkDestroy': (c_int, cu_link_state), # cuProfilerInitialize ( const char* configFile, const char* # outputFile, CUoutput_mode outputMode ) # 'cuProfilerInitialize': (c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p, cu_output_mode), # cuProfilerStart ( void ) 'cuProfilerStart': (c_int,), # cuProfilerStop ( void ) 'cuProfilerStop': (c_int,), } ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = enums """ Enum values for CUDA driver """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division CUDA_SUCCESS = 0 CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE = 1 CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 2 CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED = 3 CUDA_ERROR_DEINITIALIZED = 4 CUDA_ERROR_PROFILER_DISABLED = 5 CUDA_ERROR_PROFILER_NOT_INITIALIZED = 6 CUDA_ERROR_PROFILER_ALREADY_STARTED = 7 CUDA_ERROR_PROFILER_ALREADY_STOPPED = 8 CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE = 100 CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE = 101 CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE = 200 CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT = 201 CUDA_ERROR_CONTEXT_ALREADY_CURRENT = 202 CUDA_ERROR_MAP_FAILED = 205 CUDA_ERROR_UNMAP_FAILED = 206 CUDA_ERROR_ARRAY_IS_MAPPED = 207 CUDA_ERROR_ALREADY_MAPPED = 208 CUDA_ERROR_NO_BINARY_FOR_GPU = 209 CUDA_ERROR_ALREADY_ACQUIRED = 210 CUDA_ERROR_NOT_MAPPED = 211 CUDA_ERROR_NOT_MAPPED_AS_ARRAY = 212 CUDA_ERROR_NOT_MAPPED_AS_POINTER = 213 CUDA_ERROR_ECC_UNCORRECTABLE = 214 CUDA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LIMIT = 215 CUDA_ERROR_CONTEXT_ALREADY_IN_USE = 216 CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE = 300 CUDA_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 301 CUDA_ERROR_SHARED_OBJECT_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND = 302 CUDA_ERROR_SHARED_OBJECT_INIT_FAILED = 303 CUDA_ERROR_OPERATING_SYSTEM = 304 CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = 400 CUDA_ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 500 CUDA_ERROR_NOT_READY = 600 CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_FAILED = 700 CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_OUT_OF_RESOURCES = 701 CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = 702 CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_INCOMPATIBLE_TEXTURING = 703 CUDA_ERROR_PEER_ACCESS_ALREADY_ENABLED = 704 CUDA_ERROR_PEER_ACCESS_NOT_ENABLED = 705 CUDA_ERROR_PRIMARY_CONTEXT_ACTIVE = 708 CUDA_ERROR_CONTEXT_IS_DESTROYED = 709 CUDA_ERROR_ASSERT = 710 CUDA_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PEERS = 711 CUDA_ERROR_HOST_MEMORY_ALREADY_REGISTERED = 712 CUDA_ERROR_HOST_MEMORY_NOT_REGISTERED = 713 CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 999 # no preference for shared memory or L1 (default) CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_NONE = 0x00 # prefer larger shared memory and smaller L1 cache CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_SHARED = 0x01 # prefer larger L1 cache and smaller shared memory CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_L1 = 0x02 # prefer equal sized L1 cache and shared memory CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_EQUAL = 0x03 # Automatic scheduling CU_CTX_SCHED_AUTO = 0x00 # Set spin as default scheduling CU_CTX_SCHED_SPIN = 0x01 # Set yield as default scheduling CU_CTX_SCHED_YIELD = 0x02 # Set blocking synchronization as default scheduling CU_CTX_SCHED_BLOCKING_SYNC = 0x04 CU_CTX_SCHED_MASK = 0x07 # Support mapped pinned allocations CU_CTX_MAP_HOST = 0x08 # Keep local memory allocation after launch CU_CTX_LMEM_RESIZE_TO_MAX = 0x10 CU_CTX_FLAGS_MASK = 0x1f # If set, host memory is portable between CUDA contexts. # Flag for cuMemHostAlloc() CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_PORTABLE = 0x01 # If set, host memory is mapped into CUDA address space and # cuMemHostGetDevicePointer() may be called on the host pointer. # Flag for cuMemHostAlloc() CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP = 0x02 # If set, host memory is allocated as write-combined - fast to write, # faster to DMA, slow to read except via SSE4 streaming load instruction # (MOVNTDQA). # Flag for cuMemHostAlloc() CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_WRITECOMBINED = 0x04 # If set, host memory is portable between CUDA contexts. # Flag for cuMemHostRegister() CU_MEMHOSTREGISTER_PORTABLE = 0x01 # If set, host memory is mapped into CUDA address space and # cuMemHostGetDevicePointer() may be called on the host pointer. # Flag for cuMemHostRegister() CU_MEMHOSTREGISTER_DEVICEMAP = 0x02 # Default event flag CU_EVENT_DEFAULT = 0x0 # Event uses blocking synchronization CU_EVENT_BLOCKING_SYNC = 0x1 # Event will not record timing data CU_EVENT_DISABLE_TIMING = 0x2 # Event is suitable for interprocess use. CU_EVENT_DISABLE_TIMING must be set CU_EVENT_INTERPROCESS = 0x4 # The CUcontext on which a pointer was allocated or registered CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT = 1, # The CUmemorytype describing the physical location of a pointer CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_TYPE = 2 # The address at which a pointer's memory may be accessed on the device CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE_POINTER = 3 # The address at which a pointer's memory may be accessed on the host CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_HOST_POINTER = 4 # A pair of tokens for use with the nv-p2p.h Linux kernel interface CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_P2P_TOKENS = 5 # Host memory CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST = 0x01 # Device memory CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE = 0x02 # Array memory CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY = 0x03 # Unified device or host memory CU_MEMORYTYPE_UNIFIED = 0x04 # Compiled device-class-specific device code # Applicable options: none CU_JIT_INPUT_CUBIN = 0 # PTX source code # Applicable options: PTX compiler options CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX = 1 # Bundle of multiple cubins and/or PTX of some device code # Applicable options: PTX compiler options, ::CU_JIT_FALLBACK_STRATEGY CU_JIT_INPUT_FATBINAR = 2 # Host object with embedded device code # Applicable options: PTX compiler options, ::CU_JIT_FALLBACK_STRATEGY CU_JIT_INPUT_OBJECT = 3 # Archive of host objects with embedded device code # Applicable options: PTX compiler options, ::CU_JIT_FALLBACK_STRATEGY CU_JIT_INPUT_LIBRARY = 4 # Max number of registers that a thread may use. # Option type: unsigned int # Applies to: compiler only CU_JIT_MAX_REGISTERS = 0, # IN: Specifies minimum number of threads per block to target compilation # for # OUT: Returns the number of threads the compiler actually targeted. # This restricts the resource utilization fo the compiler (e.g. max # registers) such that a block with the given number of threads should be # able to launch based on register limitations. Note, this option does not # currently take into account any other resource limitations, such as # shared memory utilization. # Cannot be combined with ::CU_JIT_TARGET. # Option type: unsigned int # Applies to: compiler only CU_JIT_THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 1 # Overwrites the option value with the total wall clock time, in # milliseconds, spent in the compiler and linker # Option type: float # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_WALL_TIME = 2 # Pointer to a buffer in which to print any log messages # that are informational in nature (the buffer size is specified via # option ::CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES) # Option type: char * # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER = 3 # IN: Log buffer size in bytes. Log messages will be capped at this size # (including null terminator) # OUT: Amount of log buffer filled with messages # Option type: unsigned int # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = 4 # Pointer to a buffer in which to print any log messages that # reflect errors (the buffer size is specified via option # ::CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES) # Option type: char * # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER = 5 # IN: Log buffer size in bytes. Log messages will be capped at this size # (including null terminator) # OUT: Amount of log buffer filled with messages # Option type: unsigned int # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = 6 # Level of optimizations to apply to generated code (0 - 4), with 4 # being the default and highest level of optimizations. # Option type: unsigned int # Applies to: compiler only CU_JIT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 7 # No option value required. Determines the target based on the current # attached context (default) # Option type: No option value needed # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_TARGET_FROM_CUCONTEXT = 8 # Target is chosen based on supplied ::CUjit_target. Cannot be # combined with ::CU_JIT_THREADS_PER_BLOCK. # Option type: unsigned int for enumerated type ::CUjit_target # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_TARGET = 9 # Specifies choice of fallback strategy if matching cubin is not found. # Choice is based on supplied ::CUjit_fallback. # Option type: unsigned int for enumerated type ::CUjit_fallback # Applies to: compiler only CU_JIT_FALLBACK_STRATEGY = 10 # Specifies whether to create debug information in output (-g) # (0: false, default) # Option type: int # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_GENERATE_DEBUG_INFO = 11 # Generate verbose log messages (0: false, default) # Option type: int # Applies to: compiler and linker CU_JIT_LOG_VERBOSE = 12 # Generate line number information (-lineinfo) (0: false, default) # Option type: int # Applies to: compiler only CU_JIT_GENERATE_LINE_INFO = 13 # Specifies whether to enable caching explicitly (-dlcm) # Choice is based on supplied ::CUjit_cacheMode_enum. # Option type: unsigned int for enumerated type ::CUjit_cacheMode_enum # Applies to: compiler only CU_JIT_CACHE_MODE = 14 # Device attributes CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 1 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X = 2 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Y = 3 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Z = 4 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_X = 5 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_Y = 6 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_Z = 7 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK = 8 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_ASYNC_ENGINE_COUNT = 40 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY = 19 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT = 16 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_WARP_SIZE = 10 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIFIED_ADDRESSING = 41 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_BUS_ID = 33 CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_DEVICE_ID = 34 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = error from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division class CudaDriverError(Exception): pass class CudaSupportError(ImportError): pass class NvvmError(Exception): pass class NvvmSupportError(ImportError): pass ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = libs from __future__ import print_function import re import os import sys import ctypes import platform from numba.findlib import find_lib, find_file if sys.platform == 'win32': _dllopener = ctypes.WinDLL elif sys.platform == 'darwin': _dllopener = ctypes.CDLL else: _dllopener = ctypes.CDLL def get_libdevice(arch): libdir = (os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_LIBDEVICE') or os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_CUDALIB')) pat = r'libdevice\.%s(\.\d+)*\.bc$' % arch candidates = find_file(re.compile(pat), libdir) return max(candidates) if candidates else None def open_libdevice(arch): with open(get_libdevice(arch), 'rb') as bcfile: return def get_cudalib(lib, platform=None): libdir = os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_CUDALIB') candidates = find_lib(lib, libdir, platform) return max(candidates) if candidates else None def open_cudalib(lib, ccc=False): path = get_cudalib(lib) if path is None: raise OSError('library %s not found' % lib) if ccc: return ctypes.CDLL(path) return _dllopener(path) def test(_platform=None): failed = False libs = 'cublas cusparse cufft curand nvvm'.split() for lib in libs: path = get_cudalib(lib, _platform) print('Finding', lib) if path: print('\tlocated at', path) else: print('\tERROR: can\'t locate lib') failed = True if not failed and _platform in (None, sys.platform): try: print('\ttrying to open library', end='...') open_cudalib(lib, ccc=True) print('\tok') except OSError as e: print('\tERROR: failed to open %s:\n%s' % (lib, e)) # NOTE: ignore failure of dlopen on cuBlas on OSX 10.5 failed = True if not _if_osx_10_5() else False archs = 'compute_20', 'compute_30', 'compute_35' for arch in archs: print('\tfinding libdevice for', arch, end='...') path = get_libdevice(arch) if path: print('\tok') else: print('\tERROR: can\'t open libdevice for %s' % arch) failed = True return not failed def _if_osx_10_5(): if sys.platform == 'darwin': vers = tuple(map(int, platform.mac_ver()[0].split('.'))) if vers < (10, 6): return True return False ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ndarray from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numba.ctypes_support as ctypes from . import devices, driver class ArrayHeaderManager(object): """ Manages array header memory for reusing the allocation. It allocates one big chunk of memory and partition it for fix sized array header. It currently stores up to 4D array header in 64-bit mode or 8D array header in 32-bit mode. This allows the small array header allocation to be reused to avoid breaking asynchronous streams and avoid fragmentation of memory. When run out of preallocated space, it automatically fallback to regular allocation. """ # Caches associated contexts # There is one array header manager per context. context_map = {} # The number of preallocated array head maxsize = 2 ** 10 # Maximum size for each array head # = 4 (ndim) * 8 (sizeof intp) * 2 (shape strides) + 8 (ptr) elemsize = 72 def __new__(cls, context): key = context.handle.value mm = cls.context_map.get(key) if mm is None: mm = object.__new__(cls) mm.init(context) cls.context_map[key] = mm return mm def init(self, context): self.context = context = self.context.memalloc(self.elemsize * self.maxsize) self.queue = [] for i in range(self.maxsize): offset = i * self.elemsize mem =, offset + self.elemsize) self.queue.append(mem) self.allocated = set() def allocate(self, nd): arraytype = make_array_ctype(nd) sizeof = ctypes.sizeof(arraytype) # Oversized or insufficient space if sizeof >= self.elemsize or not self.queue: return _allocate_head(nd) mem = self.queue.pop() self.allocated.add(mem) return mem def free(self, mem): if mem in self.allocated: self.allocated.discard(mem) self.queue.append(mem) def __repr__(self): return "<cuda managed memory %s >" % (self.context.device,) def make_array_ctype(ndim): """Create a array header type for a given dimension. """ c_intp = ctypes.c_ssize_t class c_array(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.c_void_p), ('shape', c_intp * ndim), ('strides', c_intp * ndim)] return c_array def _allocate_head(nd): """Allocate the metadata structure """ arraytype = make_array_ctype(nd) gpu_head = devices.get_context().memalloc(ctypes.sizeof(arraytype)) return gpu_head def ndarray_device_allocate_data(ary): """ Allocate gpu data buffer """ datasize = driver.host_memory_size(ary) # allocate gpu_data = devices.get_context().memalloc(datasize) return gpu_data def ndarray_populate_head(gpu_head, gpu_data, shape, strides, stream=0): """ Populate the array header """ nd = len(shape) assert nd > 0, "0 or negative dimension" arraytype = make_array_ctype(nd) struct = arraytype(data=driver.device_pointer(gpu_data), shape=shape, strides=strides) driver.host_to_device(gpu_head, struct, ctypes.sizeof(struct), stream=stream) driver.device_memory_depends(gpu_head, gpu_data) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = nvvm """ This is a direct translation of nvvm.h """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import sys, logging, re from ctypes import (c_void_p, c_int, POINTER, c_char_p, c_size_t, byref, c_char) from .error import NvvmError, NvvmSupportError from .libs import open_libdevice, open_cudalib logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ADDRSPACE_GENERIC = 0 ADDRSPACE_GLOBAL = 1 ADDRSPACE_SHARED = 3 ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT = 4 ADDRSPACE_LOCAL = 5 # Opaque handle for comilation unit nvvm_program = c_void_p # Result code nvvm_result = c_int RESULT_CODE_NAMES = ''' NVVM_SUCCESS NVVM_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY NVVM_ERROR_PROGRAM_CREATION_FAILURE NVVM_ERROR_IR_VERSION_MISMATCH NVVM_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT NVVM_ERROR_INVALID_PROGRAM NVVM_ERROR_INVALID_IR NVVM_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION NVVM_ERROR_NO_MODULE_IN_PROGRAM NVVM_ERROR_COMPILATION '''.split() for i, k in enumerate(RESULT_CODE_NAMES): setattr(sys.modules[__name__], k, i) class NVVM(object): '''Process-wide singleton. ''' _PROTOTYPES = { # nvvmResult nvvmVersion(int *major, int *minor) 'nvvmVersion': (nvvm_result, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)), # nvvmResult nvvmCreateProgram(nvvmProgram *cu) 'nvvmCreateProgram': (nvvm_result, POINTER(nvvm_program)), # nvvmResult nvvmDestroyProgram(nvvmProgram *cu) 'nvvmDestroyProgram': (nvvm_result, POINTER(nvvm_program)), # nvvmResult nvvmAddModuleToProgram(nvvmProgram cu, const char *buffer, size_t size) 'nvvmAddModuleToProgram': ( nvvm_result, nvvm_program, c_char_p, c_size_t), # nvvmResult nvvmCompileProgram(nvvmProgram cu, int numOptions, # const char **options) 'nvvmCompileProgram': ( nvvm_result, nvvm_program, c_int, POINTER(c_char_p)), # nvvmResult nvvmGetCompiledResultSize(nvvmProgram cu, # size_t *bufferSizeRet) 'nvvmGetCompiledResultSize': ( nvvm_result, nvvm_program, POINTER(c_size_t)), # nvvmResult nvvmGetCompiledResult(nvvmProgram cu, char *buffer) 'nvvmGetCompiledResult': (nvvm_result, nvvm_program, c_char_p), # nvvmResult nvvmGetProgramLogSize(nvvmProgram cu, # size_t *bufferSizeRet) 'nvvmGetProgramLogSize': (nvvm_result, nvvm_program, POINTER(c_size_t)), # nvvmResult nvvmGetProgramLog(nvvmProgram cu, char *buffer) 'nvvmGetProgramLog': (nvvm_result, nvvm_program, c_char_p), } # Singleton reference __INSTANCE = None def __new__(cls): if not cls.__INSTANCE: cls.__INSTANCE = inst = object.__new__(cls) try: inst.driver = open_cudalib('nvvm', ccc=True) except OSError as e: cls.__INSTANCE = None errmsg = ("libNVVM cannot be found. Do `conda install " "cudatoolkit`:\n%s") raise NvvmSupportError(errmsg % e) # Find & populate functions for name, proto in inst._PROTOTYPES.items(): func = getattr(inst.driver, name) func.restype = proto[0] func.argtypes = proto[1:] setattr(inst, name, func) return cls.__INSTANCE def get_version(self): major = c_int() minor = c_int() err = self.nvvmVersion(byref(major), byref(minor)) self.check_error(err, 'Failed to get version.') return major.value, minor.value def check_error(self, error, msg, exit=False): if error: exc = NvvmError(msg, RESULT_CODE_NAMES[error]) if exit: print(exc) sys.exit(1) else: raise exc class CompilationUnit(object): def __init__(self): self.driver = NVVM() self._handle = nvvm_program() err = self.driver.nvvmCreateProgram(byref(self._handle)) self.driver.check_error(err, 'Failed to create CU') def __del__(self): driver = NVVM() err = driver.nvvmDestroyProgram(byref(self._handle)) driver.check_error(err, 'Failed to destroy CU', exit=True) def add_module(self, buffer): """ Add a module level NVVM IR to a compilation unit. - The buffer should contain an NVVM module IR either in the bitcode representation (LLVM3.0) or in the text representation. """ err = self.driver.nvvmAddModuleToProgram(self._handle, buffer, len(buffer)) self.driver.check_error(err, 'Failed to add module') def compile(self, **options): """Perform Compliation The valid compiler options are * - -g (enable generation of debugging information) * - -opt= * - 0 (disable optimizations) * - 3 (default, enable optimizations) * - -arch= * - compute_20 (default) * - compute_30 * - compute_35 * - -ftz= * - 0 (default, preserve denormal values, when performing * single-precision floating-point operations) * - 1 (flush denormal values to zero, when performing * single-precision floating-point operations) * - -prec-sqrt= * - 0 (use a faster approximation for single-precision * floating-point square root) * - 1 (default, use IEEE round-to-nearest mode for * single-precision floating-point square root) * - -prec-div= * - 0 (use a faster approximation for single-precision * floating-point division and reciprocals) * - 1 (default, use IEEE round-to-nearest mode for * single-precision floating-point division and reciprocals) * - -fma= * - 0 (disable FMA contraction) * - 1 (default, enable FMA contraction) * """ # stringify options opts = [] if options.get('debug'): opts.append('-g') options.pop('debug') if options.get('opt'): opts.append('-opt=%d' % options.pop('opt')) if options.get('arch'): opts.append('-arch=%s' % options.pop('arch')) for k in ('ftz', 'prec_sqrt', 'prec_div', 'fma'): if k in options: v = bool(options.pop(k)) opts.append('-%s=%d' % (k.replace('_', '-'), v)) # compile c_opts = (c_char_p * len(opts))(*[c_char_p(x.encode('utf8')) for x in opts]) err = self.driver.nvvmCompileProgram(self._handle, len(opts), c_opts) self._try_error(err, 'Failed to compile\n') # get result reslen = c_size_t() err = self.driver.nvvmGetCompiledResultSize(self._handle, byref(reslen)) self._try_error(err, 'Failed to get size of compiled result.') ptxbuf = (c_char * reslen.value)() err = self.driver.nvvmGetCompiledResult(self._handle, ptxbuf) self._try_error(err, 'Failed to get compiled result.') # get log self.log = self.get_log() return ptxbuf[:] def _try_error(self, err, msg): self.driver.check_error(err, "%s\n%s" % (msg, self.get_log())) def get_log(self): reslen = c_size_t() err = self.driver.nvvmGetProgramLogSize(self._handle, byref(reslen)) self.driver.check_error(err, 'Failed to get compilation log size.') if reslen.value > 1: logbuf = (c_char * reslen.value)() err = self.driver.nvvmGetProgramLog(self._handle, logbuf) self.driver.check_error(err, 'Failed to get compilation log.') return logbuf.value.decode('utf8') # popluate log attribute return '' data_layout = { 32: ('e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-' 'f64:64:64-v16:16:16-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-n16:32:64'), 64: ('e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-' 'f64:64:64-v16:16:16-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-n16:32:64')} default_data_layout = data_layout[tuple.__itemsize__ * 8] SUPPORTED_CC = frozenset([(2, 0), (3, 0), (3, 5)]) def get_arch_option(major, minor): if major == 2: minor = 0 if major == 3: if minor < 5: minor = 0 else: minor = 5 if (major, minor) not in SUPPORTED_CC: raise Exception("compute compability %d.%d is not supported" % (major, minor)) arch = 'compute_%d%d' % (major, minor) return arch MISSING_LIBDEVICE_MSG = ''' Please define environment variable NUMBAPRO_LIBDEVICE=/path/to/libdevice /path/to/libdevice -- is the path to the directory containing the libdevice.*.bc files in the installation of CUDA. (requires CUDA >=5.5) ''' class LibDevice(object): _cache_ = {} def __init__(self, arch): ''' arch --- must be result from get_arch_option() ''' if arch not in self._cache_: self._cache_[arch] = open_libdevice(arch) self.bc = self._cache_[arch] def get(self): return self.bc def llvm_to_ptx(llvmir, **opts): cu = CompilationUnit() libdevice = LibDevice(arch=opts.get('arch', 'compute_20')) llvmir = llvm33_to_32_ir(llvmir) cu.add_module(llvmir.encode('utf8')) cu.add_module(libdevice.get()) ptx = cu.compile(**opts) return ptx re_fnattr_ref = re.compile('#\d+') re_fnattr_def = re.compile('attributes\s+(#\d+)\s*=\s*{((?:\s*\w+)+)\s*}') def llvm33_to_32_ir(ir): """rewrite function attributes in the IR """ attrs = {} for m in re_fnattr_def.finditer(ir): ct, text = m.groups() attrs[ct] = text def scanline(line): if line.startswith('define') or line.startswith('declare'): for k, v in attrs.items(): if k in line: return line.replace(k, v) elif re_fnattr_def.match(line): return '; %s' % line return line return '\n'.join(scanline(ln) for ln in ir.splitlines()) def set_cuda_kernel(lfunc): from llvm.core import MetaData, MetaDataString, Constant, Type m = lfunc.module ops = lfunc, MetaDataString.get(m, "kernel"),, 1) md = MetaData.get(m, ops) nmd = m.get_or_insert_named_metadata('nvvm.annotations') nmd.add(md) def fix_data_layout(module): module.data_layout = default_data_layout ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cudaimpl from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from functools import reduce import operator from llvm.core import Type import llvm.core as lc import as le from numba.targets.imputils import implement, Registry from numba import cgutils from numba import types from .cudadrv import nvvm from . import nvvmutils, stubs registry = Registry() register = registry.register # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SREG_MAPPING = { 'tid.x': '', 'tid.y': '', 'tid.z': '', 'ntid.x': '', 'ntid.y': '', 'ntid.z': '', 'ctaid.x': '', 'ctaid.y': '', 'ctaid.z': '', 'nctaid.x': '', 'nctaid.y': '', 'nctaid.z': '', } def _call_sreg(builder, name): module = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(, ()) fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=SREG_MAPPING[name]) return, ()) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register @implement('ptx.grid.1d', types.intp) def ptx_grid1d(context, builder, sig, args): assert len(args) == 1 tidx = _call_sreg(builder, "tid.x") ntidx = _call_sreg(builder, "ntid.x") nctaidx = _call_sreg(builder, "ctaid.x") res = builder.add(builder.mul(ntidx, nctaidx), tidx) return res @register @implement('ptx.grid.2d', types.intp) def ptx_grid2d(context, builder, sig, args): assert len(args) == 1 tidx = _call_sreg(builder, "tid.x") ntidx = _call_sreg(builder, "ntid.x") nctaidx = _call_sreg(builder, "ctaid.x") tidy = _call_sreg(builder, "tid.y") ntidy = _call_sreg(builder, "ntid.y") nctaidy = _call_sreg(builder, "ctaid.y") r1 = builder.add(builder.mul(ntidx, nctaidx), tidx) r2 = builder.add(builder.mul(ntidy, nctaidy), tidy) return cgutils.pack_array(builder, [r1, r2]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ptx_sreg_template(sreg): def ptx_sreg_impl(context, builder, sig, args): assert not args return _call_sreg(builder, sreg) return ptx_sreg_impl # Dynamic create all special register for sreg in SREG_MAPPING.keys(): register(implement(sreg)(ptx_sreg_template(sreg))) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register @implement('ptx.cmem.arylike', types.Kind(types.Array)) def ptx_cmem_arylike(context, builder, sig, args): lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder) [arr] = args flat = arr.flatten(order='A') aryty = sig.return_type dtype = aryty.dtype if isinstance(dtype, types.Complex): elemtype = (types.float32 if dtype == types.complex64 else types.float64) constvals = [] for i in range(flat.size): elem = flat[i] real = context.get_constant(elemtype, elem.real) imag = context.get_constant(elemtype, elem.imag) constvals.extend([real, imag]) elif dtype in types.number_domain: constvals = [context.get_constant(dtype, flat[i]) for i in range(flat.size)] else: raise TypeError("unsupport type: %s" % dtype) constary = lc.Constant.array(constvals[0].type, constvals) addrspace = nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT gv = lmod.add_global_variable(constary.type, name="_cudapy_cmem", addrspace=addrspace) gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL gv.global_constant = True gv.initializer = constary # Convert to generic address-space conv = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod,, addrspace) addrspaceptr = gv.bitcast(Type.pointer(, addrspace)) genptr =, [addrspaceptr]) # Create array object ary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder) = builder.bitcast(genptr, kshape = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in arr.shape] kstrides = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in arr.strides] ary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, kshape) ary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, kstrides) return ary._getvalue() @register @implement('ptx.smem.alloc', types.intp, types.Any) def ptx_smem_alloc_intp(context, builder, sig, args): length, dtype = args return _generic_array(context, builder, shape=(length,), dtype=dtype, symbol_name='_cudapy_smem', addrspace=nvvm.ADDRSPACE_SHARED, can_dynsized=True) @register @implement('ptx.smem.alloc', types.Kind(types.UniTuple), types.Any) def ptx_smem_alloc_array(context, builder, sig, args): shape, dtype = args return _generic_array(context, builder, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, symbol_name='_cudapy_smem', addrspace=nvvm.ADDRSPACE_SHARED, can_dynsized=True) @register @implement('ptx.lmem.alloc', types.intp, types.Any) def ptx_lmem_alloc_intp(context, builder, sig, args): length, dtype = args return _generic_array(context, builder, shape=(length,), dtype=dtype, symbol_name='_cudapy_lmem', addrspace=nvvm.ADDRSPACE_LOCAL, can_dynsized=False) @register @implement('ptx.lmem.alloc', types.Kind(types.UniTuple), types.Any) def ptx_lmem_alloc_array(context, builder, sig, args): shape, dtype = args return _generic_array(context, builder, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, symbol_name='_cudapy_lmem', addrspace=nvvm.ADDRSPACE_LOCAL, can_dynsized=False) @register @implement(stubs.syncthreads) def ptx_syncthreads(context, builder, sig, args): assert not args fname = 'llvm.nvvm.barrier0' lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), ()) sync = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname), ()) return context.get_dummy_value() @register @implement(stubs.atomic.add, types.Kind(types.Array), types.intp, types.Any) def ptx_atomic_add_intp(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, indty, valty = sig.args ary, ind, val = args dtype = aryty.dtype if dtype != valty: raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty)) if aryty.ndim != 1: raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,)) lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary) ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind]) return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic') @register @implement(stubs.atomic.add, types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.UniTuple), types.Any) def ptx_atomic_add_unituple(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, indty, valty = sig.args ary, inds, val = args dtype = aryty.dtype indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty)) indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(indty, indices)] if dtype != valty: raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty)) if aryty.ndim != len(indty): raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" % (aryty.ndim, len(indty))) lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary) ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices) return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic') @register @implement(stubs.atomic.add, types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Tuple), types.Any) def ptx_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, indty, valty = sig.args ary, inds, val = args dtype = aryty.dtype indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty)) indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(indty, indices)] if dtype != valty: raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty)) if aryty.ndim != len(indty): raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" % (aryty.ndim, len(indty))) lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary) ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices) return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_target_data(context): return[context.address_size]) def _generic_array(context, builder, shape, dtype, symbol_name, addrspace, can_dynsized=False): elemcount = reduce(operator.mul, shape) lldtype = context.get_data_type(dtype) laryty = Type.array(lldtype, elemcount) if addrspace == nvvm.ADDRSPACE_LOCAL: # Special case local addrespace allocation to use alloca # NVVM is smart enough to only use local memory if no register is # available dataptr = builder.alloca(laryty, name=symbol_name) else: lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder) # Create global variable in the requested address-space gvmem = lmod.add_global_variable(laryty, symbol_name, addrspace) if elemcount <= 0: if can_dynsized: # dynamic shared memory gvmem.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_EXTERNAL else: raise ValueError("array length <= 0") else: gvmem.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL gvmem.initializer = lc.Constant.undef(laryty) if dtype not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("unsupported type: %s" % dtype) # Convert to generic address-space conv = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod,, addrspace) addrspaceptr = gvmem.bitcast(Type.pointer(, addrspace)) dataptr =, [addrspaceptr]) return _make_array(context, builder, dataptr, dtype, shape) def _make_array(context, builder, dataptr, dtype, shape, layout='C'): ndim = len(shape) # Create array object aryty = types.Array(dtype=dtype, ndim=ndim, layout='C') ary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder) = builder.bitcast(dataptr, targetdata = _get_target_data(context) lldtype = context.get_data_type(dtype) itemsize = targetdata.abi_size(lldtype) # Compute strides rstrides = [itemsize] for i, lastsize in enumerate(reversed(shape[1:])): rstrides.append(lastsize * rstrides[-1]) strides = [s for s in reversed(rstrides)] kshape = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in shape] kstrides = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in strides] ary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, kshape) ary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, kstrides) return ary._getvalue() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cudamath from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import math from numba import types, utils from numba.typing.templates import (AttributeTemplate, ConcreteTemplate, signature, Registry) registry = Registry() builtin_attr = registry.register_attr builtin_global = registry.register_global @builtin_attr class MathModuleAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(math) def resolve_fabs(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_fabs) def resolve_exp(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_exp) def resolve_expm1(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_expm1) def resolve_sqrt(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_sqrt) def resolve_log(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_log) def resolve_log1p(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_log1p) def resolve_log10(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_log10) def resolve_sin(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_sin) def resolve_cos(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_cos) def resolve_tan(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_tan) def resolve_sinh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_sinh) def resolve_cosh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_cosh) def resolve_tanh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_tanh) def resolve_asin(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_asin) def resolve_acos(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_acos) def resolve_atan(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_atan) def resolve_atan2(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_atan2) def resolve_asinh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_asinh) def resolve_acosh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_acosh) def resolve_atanh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_atanh) def resolve_pi(self, mod): return types.float64 def resolve_e(self, mod): return types.float64 def resolve_floor(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_floor) def resolve_ceil(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_ceil) def resolve_trunc(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_trunc) def resolve_isnan(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_isnan) def resolve_isinf(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_isinf) def resolve_degrees(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_degrees) def resolve_radians(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_radians) # def resolve_hypot(self, mod): # return types.Function(Math_hypot) def resolve_copysign(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_copysign) def resolve_fmod(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_fmod) def resolve_pow(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_pow) class Math_unary(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [ signature(types.float64, types.int64), signature(types.float64, types.uint64), signature(types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64), ] class Math_fabs(Math_unary): key = math.fabs class Math_exp(Math_unary): key = math.exp if utils.PYVERSION > (2, 6): class Math_expm1(Math_unary): key = math.expm1 class Math_sqrt(Math_unary): key = math.sqrt class Math_log(Math_unary): key = math.log class Math_log1p(Math_unary): key = math.log1p class Math_log10(Math_unary): key = math.log10 class Math_sin(Math_unary): key = math.sin class Math_cos(Math_unary): key = math.cos class Math_tan(Math_unary): key = math.tan class Math_sinh(Math_unary): key = math.sinh class Math_cosh(Math_unary): key = math.cosh class Math_tanh(Math_unary): key = math.tanh class Math_asin(Math_unary): key = math.asin class Math_acos(Math_unary): key = math.acos class Math_atan(Math_unary): key = math.atan class Math_atan2(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.atan2 cases = [ signature(types.float64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), ] class Math_asinh(Math_unary): key = math.asinh class Math_acosh(Math_unary): key = math.acosh class Math_atanh(Math_unary): key = math.atanh class Math_floor(Math_unary): key = math.floor class Math_ceil(Math_unary): key = math.ceil class Math_trunc(Math_unary): key = math.trunc class Math_radians(Math_unary): key = math.radians class Math_degrees(Math_unary): key = math.degrees # class Math_hypot(ConcreteTemplate): # key = math.hypot # cases = [ # signature(types.float64, types.int64, types.int64), # signature(types.float64, types.uint64, types.uint64), # signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), # signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), # ] class Math_binary(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [ signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), ] class Math_copysign(Math_binary): key = math.copysign class Math_fmod(Math_binary): key = math.fmod class Math_pow(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.pow cases = [ signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.int32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.int32), ] class Math_isnan(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.isnan cases = [ signature(types.boolean, types.int64), signature(types.boolean, types.uint64), signature(types.boolean, types.float32), signature(types.boolean, types.float64), ] class Math_isinf(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.isinf cases = [ signature(types.boolean, types.int64), signature(types.boolean, types.uint64), signature(types.boolean, types.float32), signature(types.boolean, types.float64), ] builtin_global(math, types.Module(math)) builtin_global(math.fabs, types.Function(Math_fabs)) builtin_global(math.exp, types.Function(Math_exp)) if utils.PYVERSION > (2, 6): builtin_global(math.expm1, types.Function(Math_expm1)) builtin_global(math.sqrt, types.Function(Math_sqrt)) builtin_global(math.log, types.Function(Math_log)) builtin_global(math.log1p, types.Function(Math_log1p)) builtin_global(math.log10, types.Function(Math_log10)) builtin_global(math.sin, types.Function(Math_sin)) builtin_global(math.cos, types.Function(Math_cos)) builtin_global(math.tan, types.Function(Math_tan)) builtin_global(math.sinh, types.Function(Math_sinh)) builtin_global(math.cosh, types.Function(Math_cosh)) builtin_global(math.tanh, types.Function(Math_tanh)) builtin_global(math.asin, types.Function(Math_asin)) builtin_global(math.acos, types.Function(Math_acos)) builtin_global(math.atan, types.Function(Math_atan)) builtin_global(math.atan2, types.Function(Math_atan2)) builtin_global(math.asinh, types.Function(Math_asinh)) builtin_global(math.acosh, types.Function(Math_acosh)) builtin_global(math.atanh, types.Function(Math_atanh)) # builtin_global(math.hypot, types.Function(Math_hypot)) builtin_global(math.floor, types.Function(Math_floor)) builtin_global(math.ceil, types.Function(Math_ceil)) builtin_global(math.trunc, types.Function(Math_trunc)) builtin_global(math.isnan, types.Function(Math_isnan)) builtin_global(math.isinf, types.Function(Math_isinf)) builtin_global(math.degrees, types.Function(Math_degrees)) builtin_global(math.radians, types.Function(Math_radians)) builtin_global(math.copysign, types.Function(Math_copysign)) builtin_global(math.fmod, types.Function(Math_fmod)) builtin_global(math.pow, types.Function(Math_pow)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = decorators from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from numba import sigutils, types from .compiler import (compile_kernel, compile_device, declare_device_function, AutoJitCUDAKernel) def jit(restype=None, argtypes=None, device=False, inline=False, bind=True, link=[], debug=False, **kws): """JIT compile a python function conforming to the CUDA-Python specification. To define a CUDA kernel that takes two int 1D-arrays:: @cuda.jit('void(int32[:], int32[:])') def foo(aryA, aryB): ... .. note:: A kernel cannot have any return value. To launch the cuda kernel:: griddim = 1, 2 blockdim = 3, 4 foo[griddim, blockdim](aryA, aryB) ``griddim`` is the number of thread-block per grid. It can be: * an int; * tuple-1 of ints; * tuple-2 of ints. ``blockdim`` is the number of threads per block. It can be: * an int; * tuple-1 of ints; * tuple-2 of ints; * tuple-3 of ints. The above code is equaivalent to the following CUDA-C. .. code-block:: c dim3 griddim(1, 2); dim3 blockdim(3, 4); foo<<<griddim, blockdim>>>(aryA, aryB); To access the compiled PTX code:: print foo.ptx To define a CUDA device function that takes two ints and returns a int:: @cuda.jit('int32(int32, int32)', device=True) def bar(a, b): ... To force inline the device function:: @cuda.jit('int32(int32, int32)', device=True, inline=True) def bar_forced_inline(a, b): ... A device function can only be used inside another kernel. It cannot be called from the host. Using ``bar`` in a CUDA kernel:: @cuda.jit('void(int32[:], int32[:], int32[:])') def use_bar(aryA, aryB, aryOut): i = cuda.grid(1) # global position of the thread for a 1D grid. aryOut[i] = bar(aryA[i], aryB[i]) """ restype, argtypes = convert_types(restype, argtypes) if restype and not device and restype != types.void: raise TypeError("CUDA kernel must have void return type.") def kernel_jit(func): kernel = compile_kernel(func, argtypes, link=link, debug=debug) # Force compilation for the current context if bind: kernel.bind() return kernel def device_jit(func): return compile_device(func, restype, argtypes, inline=True, debug=debug) if device: return device_jit else: return kernel_jit def autojit(func, **kws): """JIT at callsite. Function signature is not needed as this will capture the type at call time. Each signature of the kernel is cached for future use. .. note:: Can only compile CUDA kernel. Example:: import numpy @cuda.autojit def foo(aryA, aryB): ... aryA = numpy.arange(10, dtype=np.int32) aryB = numpy.arange(10, dtype=np.float32) foo[griddim, blockdim](aryA, aryB) In the above code, a version of foo with the signature "void(int32[:], float32[:])" is compiled. """ return AutoJitCUDAKernel(func, bind=True) def declare_device(name, restype=None, argtypes=None): restype, argtypes = convert_types(restype, argtypes) return declare_device_function(name, restype, argtypes) def convert_types(restype, argtypes): # eval type string if sigutils.is_signature(restype): assert argtypes is None argtypes, restype = sigutils.normalize_signature(restype) return restype, argtypes ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = descriptor from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.targets.descriptors import TargetDescriptor from numba.targets.options import TargetOptions from .target import CUDATargetContext, CUDATypingContext class CPUTargetOptions(TargetOptions): OPTIONS = {} class CUDATargetDesc(TargetDescriptor): options = CPUTargetOptions typingctx = CUDATypingContext() targetctx = CUDATargetContext(typingctx) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = libdevice from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import sys import math from llvm.core import Type from numba import cgutils, types from numba.targets.imputils import implement, Registry registry = Registry() register = registry.register float_set = types.float32, types.float64 def bool_implement(nvname, ty): def core(context, builder, sig, args): assert sig.return_type == types.boolean, nvname fty = context.get_value_type(ty) lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(, [fty]) fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname) result =, args) return context.cast(builder, result, types.int32, types.boolean) return core def unary_implement(nvname, ty): def core(context, builder, sig, args): fty = context.get_value_type(ty) lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(fty, [fty]) fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname) return, args) return core def binary_implement(nvname, ty): def core(context, builder, sig, args): fty = context.get_value_type(ty) lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(fty, [fty, fty]) fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname) return, args) return core def powi_implement(nvname): def core(context, builder, sig, args): [base, pow] = args [basety, powty] = sig.args lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fty = context.get_value_type(basety) ity = context.get_value_type(types.int32) fnty = Type.function(fty, [fty, ity]) fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname) return, [base, pow]) return core register(implement(math.pow, types.float32, types.int32)(powi_implement( '__nv_powif'))) register(implement(math.pow, types.float64, types.int32)( powi_implement('__nv_powi'))) booleans = [] booleans += [('__nv_isnand', '__nv_isnanf', math.isnan)] booleans += [('__nv_isinfd', '__nv_isinff', math.isinf)] unarys = [] unarys += [('__nv_ceil', '__nv_ceilf', math.ceil)] unarys += [('__nv_floor', '__nv_floorf', math.floor)] unarys += [('__nv_fabs', '__nv_fabsf', math.fabs)] unarys += [('__nv_exp', '__nv_expf', math.exp)] if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 7): unarys += [('__nv_expm1', '__nv_expm1f', math.expm1)] unarys += [('__nv_sqrt', '__nv_sqrtf', math.sqrt)] unarys += [('__nv_log', '__nv_logf', math.log)] unarys += [('__nv_log10', '__nv_log10f', math.log10)] unarys += [('__nv_log1p', '__nv_log1pf', math.log1p)] unarys += [('__nv_acosh', '__nv_acoshf', math.acosh)] unarys += [('__nv_acos', '__nv_acosf', math.acos)] unarys += [('__nv_cos', '__nv_cosf', math.cos)] unarys += [('__nv_cosh', '__nv_coshf', math.cosh)] unarys += [('__nv_asinh', '__nv_asinhf', math.asinh)] unarys += [('__nv_asin', '__nv_asinf', math.asin)] unarys += [('__nv_sin', '__nv_sinf', math.sin)] unarys += [('__nv_sinh', '__nv_sinhf', math.sinh)] unarys += [('__nv_atan', '__nv_atanf', math.atan)] unarys += [('__nv_atanh', '__nv_atanhf', math.atanh)] unarys += [('__nv_tan', '__nv_tanf', math.tan)] unarys += [('__nv_tanh', '__nv_tanhf', math.tanh)] binarys = [] binarys += [('__nv_copysign', '__nv_copysignf', math.copysign)] binarys += [('__nv_atan2', '__nv_atan2f', math.atan2)] binarys += [('__nv_pow', '__nv_powf', math.pow)] binarys += [('__nv_fmod', '__nv_fmodf', math.fmod)] for name64, name32, key in booleans: impl64 = bool_implement(name64, types.float64) register(implement(key, types.float64)(impl64)) impl32 = bool_implement(name32, types.float32) register(implement(key, types.float32)(impl32)) for name64, name32, key in unarys: impl64 = unary_implement(name64, types.float64) register(implement(key, types.float64)(impl64)) impl32 = unary_implement(name32, types.float32) register(implement(key, types.float32)(impl32)) for name64, name32, key in binarys: impl64 = binary_implement(name64, types.float64) register(implement(key, types.float64, types.float64)(impl64)) impl32 = binary_implement(name32, types.float32) register(implement(key, types.float32, types.float32)(impl32)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = nvvmutils from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import llvm.core as lc from .cudadrv import nvvm def insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, elemtype, addrspace): addrspacename = { nvvm.ADDRSPACE_SHARED: 'shared', nvvm.ADDRSPACE_LOCAL: 'local', nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT: 'constant', }[addrspace] tyname = str(elemtype) tyname = {'float': 'f32', 'double': 'f64'}.get(tyname, tyname) s2g_name_fmt = 'llvm.nvvm.ptr.' + addrspacename + '.to.gen.p0%s.p%d%s' s2g_name = s2g_name_fmt % (tyname, addrspace, tyname) elem_ptr_ty = lc.Type.pointer(elemtype) elem_ptr_ty_addrspace = lc.Type.pointer(elemtype, addrspace) s2g_fnty = lc.Type.function(elem_ptr_ty, [elem_ptr_ty_addrspace]) return lmod.get_or_insert_function(s2g_fnty, s2g_name) def declare_vprint(lmod): voidptrty = lc.Type.pointer( vprintfty = lc.Type.function(, [voidptrty, voidptrty]) vprintf = lmod.get_or_insert_function(vprintfty, "vprintf") return vprintf def declare_string(builder, value): lmod = builder.basic_block.function.module cval = lc.Constant.stringz(value) gl = lmod.add_global_variable(cval.type, name="_str", addrspace=nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT) gl.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL gl.global_constant = True gl.initializer = cval charty = constcharptrty = lc.Type.pointer(charty, nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT) charptr = builder.bitcast(gl, constcharptrty) conv = insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, charty, nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT) return, [charptr]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = stubs """ This scripts specifies all PTX special objects. """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import operator import numpy import llvm.core as lc from numba import types, ir, typing, macro, dispatcher from .cudadrv import nvvm class Stub(object): '''A stub object to represent special objects which is meaningless outside the context of CUDA-python. ''' _description_ = '<ptx special value>' __slots__ = () # don't allocate __dict__ def __new__(cls): raise NotImplementedError("%s is not instantiable" % cls) def __repr__(self): return self._description_ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SREG SREG_SIGNATURE = typing.signature(types.int32) class threadIdx(Stub): '''threadIdx.{x, y, z} ''' _description_ = '<threadIdx.{x,y,z}>' x = macro.Macro('tid.x', SREG_SIGNATURE) y = macro.Macro('tid.y', SREG_SIGNATURE) z = macro.Macro('tid.z', SREG_SIGNATURE) class blockIdx(Stub): '''blockIdx.{x, y} ''' _description_ = '<blockIdx.{x,y,z}>' x = macro.Macro('ctaid.x', SREG_SIGNATURE) y = macro.Macro('ctaid.y', SREG_SIGNATURE) z = macro.Macro('ctaid.z', SREG_SIGNATURE) class blockDim(Stub): '''blockDim.{x, y, z} ''' x = macro.Macro('ntid.x', SREG_SIGNATURE) y = macro.Macro('ntid.y', SREG_SIGNATURE) z = macro.Macro('ntid.z', SREG_SIGNATURE) class gridDim(Stub): '''gridDim.{x, y} ''' _description_ = '<gridDim.{x,y,z}>' x = macro.Macro('nctaid.x', SREG_SIGNATURE) y = macro.Macro('nctaid.y', SREG_SIGNATURE) z = macro.Macro('nctaid.z', SREG_SIGNATURE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Grid Macro def _ptx_grid1d(): pass def _ptx_grid2d(): pass def grid_expand(ndim): """grid(ndim) ndim: [int] 1 or 2 if ndim == 1: return cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x elif ndim == 2: x = cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x y = cuda.threadIdx.y + cuda.blockIdx.y * cuda.blockDim.y return x, y """ if ndim == 1: fname = "ptx.grid.1d" restype = types.int32 elif ndim == 2: fname = "ptx.grid.2d" restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2) else: raise ValueError('argument can only be 1 or 2') return ir.Intrinsic(fname, typing.signature(restype, types.intp), args=[ndim]) grid = macro.Macro('ptx.grid', grid_expand, callable=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # synthreads class syncthreads(Stub): '''syncthreads() Synchronizes all threads in the thread block. ''' _description_ = '<syncthread()>' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shared def shared_array(shape, dtype): ndim = 1 if isinstance(shape, tuple): ndim = len(shape) fname = "ptx.smem.alloc" restype = types.Array(dtype, ndim, 'C') if ndim == 1: sig = typing.signature(restype, types.intp, types.Any) else: sig = typing.signature(restype, types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim), types.Any) return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=(shape, dtype)) class shared(Stub): """shared namespace """ _description_ = '<shared>' array = macro.Macro('shared.array', shared_array, callable=True, argnames=['shape', 'dtype']) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # local array def local_array(shape, dtype): ndim = 1 if isinstance(shape, tuple): ndim = len(shape) fname = "ptx.lmem.alloc" restype = types.Array(dtype, ndim, 'C') if ndim == 1: sig = typing.signature(restype, types.intp, types.Any) else: sig = typing.signature(restype, types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim), types.Any) return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=(shape, dtype)) class local(Stub): '''shared namespace ''' _description_ = '<local>' array = macro.Macro('local.array', local_array, callable=True, argnames=['shape', 'dtype']) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # const array def const_array_like(ndarray): fname = "ptx.cmem.arylike" aryty = dispatcher.typeof_pyval(ndarray) sig = typing.signature(aryty, aryty) return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=[ndarray]) raise NotImplementedError [aryarg] = args ary = aryarg.value count = reduce(operator.mul, ary.shape) dtype = types.from_dtype(numpy.dtype(ary.dtype)) def impl(context, args, argtys, retty): builder = context.builder lmod = builder.basic_block.function.module addrspace = nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT data_t = dtype.llvm_as_value() flat = ary.flatten(order='A') # preserve order constvals = [dtype.llvm_const(flat[i]) for i in range(flat.size)] constary = lc.Constant.array(data_t, constvals) gv = lmod.add_global_variable(constary.type, "cmem", addrspace) gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL gv.global_constant = True gv.initializer = constary byte = byte_ptr_as = lc.Type.pointer(byte, addrspace) to_generic = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, byte, addrspace) rawdata =, [builder.bitcast(gv, byte_ptr_as)]) data = builder.bitcast(rawdata, lc.Type.pointer(data_t)) llintp = types.intp.llvm_as_value() cshape = lc.Constant.array(llintp, map(types.const_intp, ary.shape)) cstrides = lc.Constant.array(llintp, map(types.const_intp, ary.strides)) res = lc.Constant.struct([lc.Constant.null(data.type), cshape, cstrides]) res = builder.insert_value(res, data, 0) return res if ary.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: contig = 'C' elif ary.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: contig = 'F' else: raise TypeError("array must be either C/F contiguous to be used as a " "constant") impl.codegen = True impl.return_type = types.arraytype(dtype, ary.ndim, 'A') return impl class const(Stub): '''shared namespace ''' _description_ = '<const>' array_like = macro.Macro('const.array_like', const_array_like, callable=True, argnames=['ary']) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # atomic class atomic(Stub): """atomic namespace """ _description_ = '<atomic>' class add(Stub): """add(ary, idx, val) Perform atomic ary[idx] += val """ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = target from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import re from llvm.core import Type, Builder, LINKAGE_INTERNAL, inline_function from numba import typing, types from numba.targets.base import BaseContext from .cudadrv import nvvm # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Typing class CUDATypingContext(typing.BaseContext): def init(self): from . import cudadecl, cudamath self.install(cudadecl.registry) self.install(cudamath.registry) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implementation VALID_CHARS = re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9]', re.I) class CUDATargetContext(BaseContext): implement_powi_as_math_call = True def init(self): from . import cudaimpl, libdevice self.insert_func_defn(cudaimpl.registry.functions) self.insert_func_defn(libdevice.registry.functions) def mangler(self, name, argtypes): def repl(m): ch = return "_%X_" % ord(ch) qualified = name + '.' + '.'.join(str(a) for a in argtypes) mangled = VALID_CHARS.sub(repl, qualified) return mangled def prepare_cuda_kernel(self, func, argtypes): # Adapt to CUDA LLVM module = func.module func.linkage = LINKAGE_INTERNAL wrapper = self.generate_kernel_wrapper(func, argtypes) func.delete() del func nvvm.set_cuda_kernel(wrapper) nvvm.fix_data_layout(module) return wrapper def generate_kernel_wrapper(self, func, argtypes): module = func.module argtys = self.get_arguments(func.type.pointee) fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), argtys) wrapfn = module.add_function(fnty, name="cudaPy_" + builder ='')) callargs = [] for at, av in zip(argtypes, wrapfn.args): av = self.get_argument_value(builder, at, av) callargs.append(av) status, _ = self.call_function(builder, func, types.void, argtypes, callargs) # TODO handle status builder.ret_void() del builder # force inline inline_function(status.code) module.verify() return wrapfn def link_dependencies(self, module, depends): for lib in depends: module.link_in(lib, preserve=True) def make_constant_array(self, builder, typ, ary): """ Return dummy value. XXX: We should be able to move cuda.const.array_like into here. """ a = self.make_array(typ)(self, builder) return a._getvalue() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = testing from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from numba import unittest_support as unittest class CUDATestCase(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): from numba.cuda.cudadrv.devices import reset reset() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = runtests from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.testing import discover_tests, run_tests def test(): suite = discover_tests("numba.cuda.tests.cudadrv") return run_tests(suite).wasSuccessful() if __name__ == '__main__': test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array_attr import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestArrayAttr(unittest.TestCase): def test_contigous_2d(self): ary = np.arange(10) cary = ary.reshape(2, 5) fary = np.asfortranarray(cary) dcary = cuda.to_device(cary) dfary = cuda.to_device(fary) self.assertTrue(dcary.is_c_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(not dfary.is_c_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(not dcary.is_f_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(dfary.is_f_contiguous()) def test_contigous_3d(self): ary = np.arange(20) cary = ary.reshape(2, 5, 2) fary = np.asfortranarray(cary) dcary = cuda.to_device(cary) dfary = cuda.to_device(fary) self.assertTrue(dcary.is_c_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(not dfary.is_c_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(not dcary.is_f_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(dfary.is_f_contiguous()) def test_contigous_4d(self): ary = np.arange(60) cary = ary.reshape(2, 5, 2, 3) fary = np.asfortranarray(cary) dcary = cuda.to_device(cary) dfary = cuda.to_device(fary) self.assertTrue(dcary.is_c_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(not dfary.is_c_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(not dcary.is_f_contiguous()) self.assertTrue(dfary.is_f_contiguous()) def test_ravel_c(self): ary = np.arange(60) reshaped = ary.reshape(2, 5, 2, 3) expect = reshaped.ravel(order='C') dary = cuda.to_device(reshaped) dflat = dary.ravel() flat = dflat.copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(flat.ndim == 1) self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == flat)) def test_ravel_f(self): ary = np.arange(60) reshaped = np.asfortranarray(ary.reshape(2, 5, 2, 3)) expect = reshaped.ravel(order='F') dary = cuda.to_device(reshaped) dflat = dary.ravel(order='F') flat = dflat.copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(flat.ndim == 1) self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == flat)) def test_reshape_c(self): ary = np.arange(10) expect = ary.reshape(2, 5) dary = cuda.to_device(ary) dary_reshaped = dary.reshape(2, 5) got = dary_reshaped.copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == got)) def test_reshape_f(self): ary = np.arange(10) expect = ary.reshape(2, 5, order='F') dary = cuda.to_device(ary) dary_reshaped = dary.reshape(2, 5, order='F') got = dary_reshaped.copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == got)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cuda_array_slicing from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class CudaArrayIndexing(unittest.TestCase): def test_index_1d(self): arr = np.arange(10) darr = cuda.to_device(arr) for i in range(arr.size): self.assertEqual(arr[i], darr[i]) def test_index_2d(self): arr = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) darr = cuda.to_device(arr) for i in range(arr.shape[0]): for j in range(arr.shape[1]): self.assertEqual(arr[i, j], darr[i, j]) def test_index_3d(self): arr = np.arange(3 ** 3).reshape(3, 3, 3) darr = cuda.to_device(arr) for i in range(arr.shape[0]): for j in range(arr.shape[1]): for k in range(arr.shape[2]): self.assertEqual(arr[i, j, k], darr[i, j, k]) class CudaArraySlicing(unittest.TestCase): def test_prefix_1d(self): arr = np.arange(5) darr = cuda.to_device(arr) for i in range(arr.size): expect = arr[i:] got = darr[i:].copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == got)) def test_prefix_2d(self): arr = np.arange(3 ** 2).reshape(3, 3) darr = cuda.to_device(arr) for i in range(arr.shape[0]): for j in range(arr.shape[1]): expect = arr[i:, j:] sliced = darr[i:, j:] self.assertEqual(expect.shape, sliced.shape) self.assertEqual(expect.strides, sliced.strides) got = sliced.copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == got)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cuda_auto_context from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaAutoContext(unittest.TestCase): def test_auto_context(self): """A problem was revealed by a customer that the use cuda.to_device does not create a CUDA context. This tests the problem """ A = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float32) newA = np.empty_like(A) dA = cuda.to_device(A) dA.copy_to_host(newA) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A, newA)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cuda_driver from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from ctypes import c_int, sizeof from numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver import driver, host_to_device, device_to_host from numba.cuda.testing import unittest ptx1 = ''' .version 1.4 .target sm_10, map_f64_to_f32 .entry _Z10helloworldPi ( .param .u64 __cudaparm__Z10helloworldPi_A) { .reg .u32 %r<3>; .reg .u64 %rd<6>; .loc 14 4 0 $LDWbegin__Z10helloworldPi: .loc 14 6 0 cvt.s32.u16 %r1, %tid.x; ld.param.u64 %rd1, [__cudaparm__Z10helloworldPi_A]; cvt.u64.u16 %rd2, %tid.x; mul.lo.u64 %rd3, %rd2, 4; add.u64 %rd4, %rd1, %rd3; [%rd4+0], %r1; .loc 14 7 0 exit; $LDWend__Z10helloworldPi: } // _Z10helloworldPi ''' ptx2 = ''' .version 3.0 .target sm_20 .address_size 64 .file 1 "/tmp/tmpxft_000012c7_00000000-9_testcuda.cpp3.i" .file 2 "" .entry _Z10helloworldPi( .param .u64 _Z10helloworldPi_param_0 ) { .reg .s32 %r<3>; .reg .s64 %rl<5>; ld.param.u64 %rl1, [_Z10helloworldPi_param_0]; %rl2, %rl1; .loc 2 6 1 mov.u32 %r1, %tid.x; mul.wide.u32 %rl3, %r1, 4; add.s64 %rl4, %rl2, %rl3; [%rl4], %r1; .loc 2 7 2 ret; } ''' class TestCudaDriver(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.assertTrue(driver.get_device_count()) device = driver.get_device() ccmajor, _ = device.compute_capability if ccmajor >= 2: self.ptx = ptx2 else: self.ptx = ptx1 self.context = device.get_or_create_context() def test_cuda_driver_basic(self): module = self.context.create_module_ptx(self.ptx) print(module.info_log) function = module.get_function('_Z10helloworldPi') array = (c_int * 100)() memory = self.context.memalloc(sizeof(array)) host_to_device(memory, array, sizeof(array)) function = function.configure((1,), (100,)) function(memory) device_to_host(array, memory, sizeof(array)) for i, v in enumerate(array): self.assertEqual(i, v) module.unload() def test_cuda_driver_stream(self): module = self.context.create_module_ptx(self.ptx) print(module.info_log) function = module.get_function('_Z10helloworldPi') array = (c_int * 100)() stream = self.context.create_stream() with stream.auto_synchronize(): memory = self.context.memalloc(sizeof(array)) host_to_device(memory, array, sizeof(array), stream=stream) function = function.configure((1,), (100,), stream=stream) function(memory) device_to_host(array, memory, sizeof(array), stream=stream) for i, v in enumerate(array): self.assertEqual(i, v) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cuda_memory import ctypes import numpy from numba.cuda.cudadrv import driver, drvapi from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, CUDATestCase from numba.utils import IS_PY3 class TestCudaMemory(CUDATestCase): def setUp(self): self.device = driver.driver.get_device() self.context = self.device.get_or_create_context() def _template(self, obj): self.assertTrue(driver.is_device_memory(obj)) driver.require_device_memory(obj) self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj.device_ctypes_pointer, drvapi.cu_device_ptr)) def test_device_memory(self): devmem = self.context.memalloc(1024) self._template(devmem) def test_device_view(self): devmem = self.context.memalloc(1024) self._template(devmem.view(10)) def test_host_alloc(self): devmem = self.context.memhostalloc(1024, mapped=True) self._template(devmem) def test_pinned_memory(self): ary = numpy.arange(10) arybuf = ary if IS_PY3 else buffer(ary) devmem = self.context.mempin(arybuf,, ary.size * ary.dtype.itemsize, mapped=True) self._template(devmem) class TestCudaMemoryFunctions(CUDATestCase): def setUp(self): device = driver.driver.get_device() self.context = device.get_or_create_context() def test_memcpy(self): hstary = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.uint32) hstary2 = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.uint32) sz = hstary.size * hstary.dtype.itemsize devary = self.context.memalloc(sz) driver.host_to_device(devary, hstary, sz) driver.device_to_host(hstary2, devary, sz) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(hstary == hstary2)) def test_memset(self): dtype = numpy.dtype('uint32') n = 10 sz = dtype.itemsize * 10 devary = self.context.memalloc(sz) driver.device_memset(devary, 0xab, sz) hstary = numpy.empty(n, dtype=dtype) driver.device_to_host(hstary, devary, sz) hstary2 = numpy.array([0xabababab] * n, dtype=numpy.dtype('uint32')) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(hstary == hstary2)) def test_d2d(self): hst = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.uint32) hst2 = numpy.empty_like(hst) sz = hst.size * hst.dtype.itemsize dev1 = self.context.memalloc(sz) dev2 = self.context.memalloc(sz) driver.host_to_device(dev1, hst, sz) driver.device_to_device(dev2, dev1, sz) driver.device_to_host(hst2, dev2, sz) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(hst == hst2)) class TestMVExtent(CUDATestCase): def test_c_contiguous_array(self): ary = numpy.arange(100) arysz = ary.dtype.itemsize * ary.size s, e = driver.host_memory_extents(ary) self.assertTrue( == s) self.assertTrue(arysz == driver.host_memory_size(ary)) def test_f_contiguous_array(self): ary = numpy.asfortranarray(numpy.arange(100).reshape(2, 50)) arysz = ary.dtype.itemsize * s, e = driver.host_memory_extents(ary) self.assertTrue( == s) self.assertTrue(arysz == driver.host_memory_size(ary)) def test_single_element_array(self): ary = numpy.asarray(numpy.uint32(1234)) arysz = ary.dtype.itemsize s, e = driver.host_memory_extents(ary) self.assertTrue( == s) self.assertTrue(arysz == driver.host_memory_size(ary)) def test_ctypes_struct(self): class mystruct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_int), ('y', ctypes.c_int)] data = mystruct(x=123, y=432) sz = driver.host_memory_size(data) self.assertTrue(ctypes.sizeof(data) == sz) def test_ctypes_double(self): data = ctypes.c_double(1.234) sz = driver.host_memory_size(data) self.assertTrue(ctypes.sizeof(data) == sz) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cuda_ndarray import numpy as np from numba.cuda.cudadrv import devicearray from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaNDArray(unittest.TestCase): def test_device_array_interface(self): dary = cuda.device_array(shape=100) devicearray.verify_cuda_ndarray_interface(dary) ary = np.empty(100) dary = cuda.to_device(ary) devicearray.verify_cuda_ndarray_interface(dary) ary = np.asarray(1.234) dary = cuda.to_device(ary) self.assertTrue(dary.ndim == 1) devicearray.verify_cuda_ndarray_interface(dary) def test_devicearray_no_copy(self): array = np.arange(100, dtype=np.float32) cuda.to_device(array, copy=False) def test_devicearray(self): array = np.arange(100, dtype=np.int32) original = array.copy() gpumem = cuda.to_device(array) array[:] = 0 gpumem.copy_to_host(array) self.assertTrue((array == original).all()) def test_devicearray_partition(self): N = 100 array = np.arange(N, dtype=np.int32) original = array.copy() gpumem = cuda.to_device(array) left, right = gpumem.split(N // 2) array[:] = 0 self.assertTrue(np.all(array == 0)) right.copy_to_host(array[N//2:]) left.copy_to_host(array[:N//2]) self.assertTrue(np.all(array == original)) def test_devicearray_replace(self): N = 100 array = np.arange(N, dtype=np.int32) original = array.copy() gpumem = cuda.to_device(array) cuda.to_device(array * 2, to=gpumem) gpumem.copy_to_host(array) self.assertTrue((array == original * 2).all()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_detect from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaDetect(unittest.TestCase): def test_cuda_detect(self): # exercise the code path cuda.detect() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_events from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaEvent(unittest.TestCase): def test_event_elapsed(self): N = 32 dary = cuda.device_array(N, dtype=np.double) evtstart = cuda.event() evtend = cuda.event() evtstart.record() cuda.to_device(np.arange(N), to=dary) evtend.record() evtend.wait() evtend.synchronize() print(evtstart.elapsed_time(evtend)) def test_event_elapsed_stream(self): N = 32 stream = dary = cuda.device_array(N, dtype=np.double) evtstart = cuda.event() evtend = cuda.event() evtstart.record(stream=stream) cuda.to_device(np.arange(N), to=dary, stream=stream) evtend.record(stream=stream) evtend.wait(stream=stream) evtend.synchronize() print(evtstart.elapsed_time(evtend)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_host_alloc from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba.cuda.cudadrv import driver from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, CUDATestCase class TestHostAlloc(CUDATestCase): def test_host_alloc_driver(self): n = 32 mem = cuda.current_context().memhostalloc(n, mapped=True) dtype = np.dtype(np.uint8) ary = np.ndarray(shape=n // dtype.itemsize, dtype=dtype, buffer=mem) magic = 0xab driver.device_memset(mem, magic, n) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == magic)) ary.fill(n) recv = np.empty_like(ary) driver.device_to_host(recv, mem, ary.size) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == recv)) self.assertTrue(np.all(recv == n)) def test_host_alloc_pinned(self): ary = cuda.pinned_array(10, dtype=np.uint32) ary.fill(123) self.assertTrue(all(ary == 123)) devary = cuda.to_device(ary) driver.device_memset(devary, 0, driver.device_memory_size(devary)) self.assertTrue(all(ary == 123)) devary.copy_to_host(ary) self.assertTrue(all(ary == 0)) def test_host_alloc_mapped(self): ary = cuda.mapped_array(10, dtype=np.uint32) ary.fill(123) self.assertTrue(all(ary == 123)) driver.device_memset(ary, 0, driver.device_memory_size(ary)) self.assertTrue(all(ary == 0)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_inline_ptx from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from llvm.core import Module, Type, Builder, InlineAsm from numba.cuda.cudadrv import nvvm from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, CUDATestCase class TestCudaInlineAsm(CUDATestCase): def test_inline_rsqrt(self): mod = fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [Type.pointer(Type.float())]) fn = mod.add_function(fnty, 'cu_rsqrt') bldr ='entry')) rsqrt_approx_fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()]) inlineasm = InlineAsm.get(rsqrt_approx_fnty, 'rsqrt.approx.f32 $0, $1;', '=f,f', side_effect=True) val = bldr.load(fn.args[0]) res =, [val]), fn.args[0]) bldr.ret_void() # generate ptx nvvm.fix_data_layout(mod) nvvm.set_cuda_kernel(fn) nvvmir = str(mod) ptx = nvvm.llvm_to_ptx(nvvmir) self.assertTrue('rsqrt.approx.f32' in str(ptx)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_linker from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import os.path import numpy as np from numba.cuda.testing import unittest from numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver import Linker from numba.cuda import require_context from numba import cuda class TestLinker(unittest.TestCase): @require_context def test_linker_basic(self): '''Simply go through the constructor and destructor ''' linker = Linker() del linker @require_context def test_linking(self): global bar # must be a global; other it is recognized as a freevar bar = cuda.declare_device('bar', 'int32(int32)') link = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'jitlink.o') print('link to:', link) if not os.path.isfile(link): print('test skipped due to missing file') return @cuda.jit('void(int32[:], int32[:])', link=[link]) def foo(x, y): i = cuda.grid(1) x[i] += bar(y[i]) A = np.array([123]) B = np.array([321]) foo(A, B) self.assertTrue(A[0] == 123 + 2 * 321) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_nvvm_driver from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from llvm.core import Module, Type, Builder from numba.cuda.cudadrv.nvvm import (NVVM, CompilationUnit, llvm_to_ptx, set_cuda_kernel, fix_data_layout, get_arch_option) from ctypes import c_size_t, c_uint64, sizeof from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, CUDATestCase is64bit = sizeof(c_size_t) == sizeof(c_uint64) class TestNvvmDriver(unittest.TestCase): def get_ptx(self): nvvm = NVVM() print(nvvm.get_version()) if is64bit: return gpu64 else: return gpu32 def test_nvvm_compile(self): nvvmir = self.get_ptx() cu = CompilationUnit() cu.add_module(nvvmir.encode('utf8')) ptx = cu.compile().decode('utf8') print(ptx) self.assertTrue('simple' in ptx) self.assertTrue('ave' in ptx) print(cu.log) def test_nvvm_compile_simple(self): nvvmir = self.get_ptx() ptx = llvm_to_ptx(nvvmir).decode('utf8') print(ptx) self.assertTrue('simple' in ptx) self.assertTrue('ave' in ptx) def test_nvvm_from_llvm(self): m ="test_nvvm_from_llvm") fty = Type.function(Type.void(), []) kernel = m.add_function(fty, name='mycudakernel') bldr ='entry')) bldr.ret_void() print(m) set_cuda_kernel(kernel) fix_data_layout(m) ptx = llvm_to_ptx(str(m)).decode('utf8') print(ptx) self.assertTrue('mycudakernel' in ptx) if is64bit: self.assertTrue('.address_size 64' in ptx) else: self.assertTrue('.address_size 32' in ptx) class TestArchOption(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_arch_option(self): self.assertTrue(get_arch_option(2, 0) == 'compute_20') self.assertTrue(get_arch_option(2, 1) == 'compute_20') self.assertTrue(get_arch_option(3, 0) == 'compute_30') self.assertTrue(get_arch_option(3, 3) == 'compute_30') self.assertTrue(get_arch_option(3, 4) == 'compute_30') self.assertTrue(get_arch_option(3, 5) == 'compute_35') self.assertTrue(get_arch_option(3, 6) == 'compute_35') gpu64 = ''' target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v16:16:16-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-n16:32:64" define i32 @ave(i32 %a, i32 %b) { entry: %add = add nsw i32 %a, %b %div = sdiv i32 %add, 2 ret i32 %div } define void @simple(i32* %data) { entry: %0 = call i32 %1 = call i32 %mul = mul i32 %0, %1 %2 = call i32 %add = add i32 %mul, %2 %call = call i32 @ave(i32 %add, i32 %add) %idxprom = sext i32 %add to i64 %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32* %data, i64 %idxprom store i32 %call, i32* %arrayidx, align 4 ret void } declare i32 nounwind readnone declare i32 nounwind readnone declare i32 nounwind readnone !nvvm.annotations = !{!1} !1 = metadata !{void (i32*)* @simple, metadata !"kernel", i32 1} ''' gpu32 = ''' target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v16:16:16-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-n16:32:64" define i32 @ave(i32 %a, i32 %b) { entry: %add = add nsw i32 %a, %b %div = sdiv i32 %add, 2 ret i32 %div } define void @simple(i32* %data) { entry: %0 = call i32 %1 = call i32 %mul = mul i32 %0, %1 %2 = call i32 %add = add i32 %mul, %2 %call = call i32 @ave(i32 %add, i32 %add) %idxprom = sext i32 %add to i64 %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32* %data, i64 %idxprom store i32 %call, i32* %arrayidx, align 4 ret void } declare i32 nounwind readnone declare i32 nounwind readnone declare i32 nounwind readnone !nvvm.annotations = !{!1} !1 = metadata !{void (i32*)* @simple, metadata !"kernel", i32 1} ''' if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_pinned from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from timeit import default_timer as timer import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, CUDATestCase REPEAT = 25 class TestPinned(CUDATestCase): def _template(self, name, A): A0 = np.copy(A) s = timer() stream = ptr = cuda.to_device(A, copy=False, stream=stream) ptr.copy_to_device(A, stream=stream) ptr.copy_to_host(A, stream=stream) stream.synchronize() e = timer() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A, A0)) elapsed = e - s return elapsed def test_pinned(self): A = np.arange(2*1024*1024) # 16 MB total = 0 with cuda.pinned(A): for i in range(REPEAT): total += self._template('pinned', A) print('pinned', total / REPEAT) def test_unpinned(self): A = np.arange(2*1024*1024) # 16 MB total = 0 for i in range(REPEAT): total += self._template('unpinned', A) print('unpinned', total / REPEAT) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_reset_device from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import threading from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver import driver from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, CUDATestCase class TestResetDevice(CUDATestCase): def test_reset_device(self): def newthread(): devices = range(driver.get_device_count()) print('Devices', devices) for _ in range(2): for d in devices: cuda.select_device(d) print('Selected device', d) cuda.close() print('Closed device', d) # Do test on a separate thread so that we don't affect # the current context in the main thread. t = threading.Thread(target=newthread) t.start() t.join() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_select_device # # Test does not work on some cards. # from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import threading import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, CUDATestCase def newthread(): cuda.select_device(0) stream = A = np.arange(100) dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream=stream) stream.synchronize() del dA del stream cuda.close() class TestSelectDevice(CUDATestCase): def test_select_device(self): for i in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=newthread) t.start() t.join() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = runtests from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.testing import discover_tests, run_tests def test(): suite = discover_tests("numba.cuda.tests.cudapy.runtests") return run_tests(suite).wasSuccessful() if __name__ == '__main__': test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy from numba.cuda.testing import unittest from numba import cuda @cuda.jit('void(double[:])') def kernel(x): i = cuda.grid(1) if i < x.shape[0]: x[i] = i @cuda.jit('void(double[:], double[:])') def copykernel(x, y): i = cuda.grid(1) if i < x.shape[0]: x[i] = i y[i] = i class TestCudaArray(unittest.TestCase): def test_gpu_array_strided(self): x = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.double) y = numpy.ndarray(shape=10 * 8, buffer=x, dtype=numpy.byte) z = numpy.ndarray(9, buffer=y[4:-4], dtype=numpy.double) kernel[10, 10](z) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(z, list(range(9)))) def test_gpu_array_interleaved(self): x = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.double) y = x[:-1:2] # z = x[1::2] # n = y.size try: cuda.devicearray.auto_device(y) except ValueError: pass else: raise AssertionError("Should raise exception complaining the " "contiguous-ness of the array.") # Should we handle this use case? # assert z.size == y.size # copykernel[1, n](y, x) # print(y, z) # assert numpy.all(y == z) # assert numpy.all(y == list(range(n))) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array_args from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest @cuda.jit('double(double[:],int64)', device=True, inline=True) def device_function(a, c): return a[c] @cuda.jit('void(double[:],double[:])') def kernel(x, y): i = cuda.grid(1) y[i] = device_function(x, i) class TestCudaArrayArg(unittest.TestCase): def test_array_ary(self): x = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.double) y = numpy.zeros_like(x) kernel[10, 1](x, y) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(x == y)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_atomics from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda, uint32, uint64, float32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest def atomic_add(ary): tid = cuda.threadIdx.x sm = cuda.shared.array(32, uint32) sm[tid] = 0 cuda.syncthreads() bin = ary[tid] % 32 cuda.atomic.add(sm, bin, 1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[tid] = sm[tid] def atomic_add2(ary): tx = cuda.threadIdx.x ty = cuda.threadIdx.y sm = cuda.shared.array((4, 8), uint32) sm[tx, ty] = ary[tx, ty] cuda.syncthreads() cuda.atomic.add(sm, (tx, ty), 1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[tx, ty] = sm[tx, ty] def atomic_add3(ary): tx = cuda.threadIdx.x ty = cuda.threadIdx.y sm = cuda.shared.array((4, 8), uint32) sm[tx, ty] = ary[tx, ty] cuda.syncthreads() cuda.atomic.add(sm, (tx, uint64(ty)), 1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[tx, ty] = sm[tx, ty] def atomic_add_float(ary): tid = cuda.threadIdx.x sm = cuda.shared.array(32, float32) sm[tid] = 0 cuda.syncthreads() bin = ary[tid] % 32 cuda.atomic.add(sm, bin, 1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[tid] = sm[tid] class TestCudaAtomics(unittest.TestCase): def test_atomic_add(self): ary = np.random.randint(0, 32, size=32).astype(np.uint32) orig = ary.copy() cuda_atomic_add = cuda.jit('void(uint32[:])')(atomic_add) cuda_atomic_add[1, 32](ary) gold = np.zeros(32, dtype=np.uint32) for i in range(orig.size): gold[orig[i]] += 1 self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == gold)) def test_atomic_add2(self): ary = np.random.randint(0, 32, size=32).astype(np.uint32).reshape(4, 8) orig = ary.copy() cuda_atomic_add2 = cuda.jit('void(uint32[:,:])')(atomic_add2) cuda_atomic_add2[1, (4, 8)](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == orig + 1)) def test_atomic_add3(self): ary = np.random.randint(0, 32, size=32).astype(np.uint32).reshape(4, 8) orig = ary.copy() cuda_atomic_add3 = cuda.jit('void(uint32[:,:])')(atomic_add3) cuda_atomic_add3[1, (4, 8)](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == orig + 1)) # Should support float atomic add #@testcase #def test_atomic_add_float(): # ary = np.random.randint(0, 32, size=32).astype(np.float32).reshape(4, 8) # orig = ary.copy() # cuda_atomic_add = cuda.jit('void(float32[:])')(atomic_add_float) # cuda_atomic_add[1, (4, 8)](ary) # # assertTrue(np.all(ary == orig + 1)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_autojit from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaAutoJit(unittest.TestCase): def test_autojit(self): @cuda.autojit def what(a, b, c): pass what(np.empty(1), 1.0, 21) what(np.empty(1), 1.0, 21) what(np.empty(1), np.empty(1, dtype=np.int32), 21) what(np.empty(1), np.empty(1, dtype=np.int32), 21) what(np.empty(1), 1.0, 21) print(what.definitions) self.assertTrue(len(what.definitions) == 2) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_blackscholes from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numpy as np import math import time from numba import cuda, double from numba.cuda.testing import unittest RISKFREE = 0.02 VOLATILITY = 0.30 A1 = 0.31938153 A2 = -0.356563782 A3 = 1.781477937 A4 = -1.821255978 A5 = 1.330274429 RSQRT2PI = 0.39894228040143267793994605993438 def cnd(d): K = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.2316419 * np.abs(d)) ret_val = (RSQRT2PI * np.exp(-0.5 * d * d) * (K * (A1 + K * (A2 + K * (A3 + K * (A4 + K * A5)))))) return np.where(d > 0, 1.0 - ret_val, ret_val) def black_scholes(callResult, putResult, stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, Riskfree, Volatility): S = stockPrice X = optionStrike T = optionYears R = Riskfree V = Volatility sqrtT = np.sqrt(T) d1 = (np.log(S / X) + (R + 0.5 * V * V) * T) / (V * sqrtT) d2 = d1 - V * sqrtT cndd1 = cnd(d1) cndd2 = cnd(d2) expRT = np.exp(- R * T) callResult[:] = (S * cndd1 - X * expRT * cndd2) putResult[:] = (X * expRT * (1.0 - cndd2) - S * (1.0 - cndd1)) @cuda.jit(argtypes=(double,), restype=double, device=True, inline=True) def cnd_cuda(d): K = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.2316419 * math.fabs(d)) ret_val = (RSQRT2PI * math.exp(-0.5 * d * d) * (K * (A1 + K * (A2 + K * (A3 + K * (A4 + K * A5)))))) if d > 0: ret_val = 1.0 - ret_val return ret_val @cuda.jit(argtypes=(double[:], double[:], double[:], double[:], double[:], double, double)) def black_scholes_cuda(callResult, putResult, S, X, T, R, V): i = cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x if i >= S.shape[0]: return sqrtT = math.sqrt(T[i]) d1 = (math.log(S[i] / X[i]) + (R + 0.5 * V * V) * T[i]) / (V * sqrtT) d2 = d1 - V * sqrtT cndd1 = cnd_cuda(d1) cndd2 = cnd_cuda(d2) expRT = math.exp((-1. * R) * T[i]) callResult[i] = (S[i] * cndd1 - X[i] * expRT * cndd2) putResult[i] = (X[i] * expRT * (1.0 - cndd2) - S[i] * (1.0 - cndd1)) def randfloat(rand_var, low, high): return (1.0 - rand_var) * low + rand_var * high class TestBlackScholes(unittest.TestCase): def test_blackscholes(self): OPT_N = 400 iterations = 2 stockPrice = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 5.0, 30.0) optionStrike = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 1.0, 100.0) optionYears = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 0.25, 10.0) callResultNumpy = np.zeros(OPT_N) putResultNumpy = -np.ones(OPT_N) callResultNumbapro = np.zeros(OPT_N) putResultNumbapro = -np.ones(OPT_N) # numpy for i in range(iterations): black_scholes(callResultNumpy, putResultNumpy, stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, RISKFREE, VOLATILITY) # numbapro time0 = time.time() blockdim = 512, 1 griddim = int(math.ceil(float(OPT_N) / blockdim[0])), 1 stream = d_callResult = cuda.to_device(callResultNumbapro, stream) d_putResult = cuda.to_device(putResultNumbapro, stream) d_stockPrice = cuda.to_device(stockPrice, stream) d_optionStrike = cuda.to_device(optionStrike, stream) d_optionYears = cuda.to_device(optionYears, stream) time1 = time.time() for i in range(iterations): black_scholes_cuda[griddim, blockdim, stream]( d_callResult, d_putResult, d_stockPrice, d_optionStrike, d_optionYears, RISKFREE, VOLATILITY) d_callResult.copy_to_host(callResultNumbapro, stream) d_putResult.copy_to_host(putResultNumbapro, stream) stream.synchronize() dt = (time1 - time0) print("numbapro.cuda time: %f msec" % ((1000 * dt) / iterations)) delta = np.abs(callResultNumpy - callResultNumbapro) L1norm = delta.sum() / np.abs(callResultNumpy).sum() max_abs_err = delta.max() print('L1norm', L1norm) print('Max absolute error', max_abs_err) self.assertTrue(L1norm < 1e-13) self.assertTrue(max_abs_err < 1e-13) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_boolean from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba.cuda.testing import unittest from numba import cuda def boolean_test(A, vertial): if vertial: A[0] = 123 else: A[0] = 321 class TestCudaBoolean(unittest.TestCase): def test_boolean(self): func = cuda.jit('void(float64[:], bool_)')(boolean_test) A = np.array([0], dtype='float64') func(A, True) self.assertTrue(A[0] == 123) func(A, False) self.assertTrue(A[0] == 321) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_complex_kernel from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaComplex(unittest.TestCase): def test_cuda_complex_arg(self): @cuda.jit('void(complex128[:], complex128)') def foo(a, b): i = cuda.grid(1) a[i] += b a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.complex128) a0 = a.copy() foo[1, a.shape](a, 2j) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(a, a0 + 2j)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_constmem from __future__ import print_function import numpy from numba import cuda, int32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest CONST1D = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.float64) / 2. CONST2D = numpy.asfortranarray( numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(10, 10)) CONST3D = ((numpy.arange(5*5*5, dtype=numpy.complex64).reshape(5, 5, 5) + 1j) / 2j) def cuconst(A): C = cuda.const.array_like(CONST1D) i = cuda.grid(1) A[i] = C[i] def cuconst2d(A): C = cuda.const.array_like(CONST2D) i, j = cuda.grid(2) A[i, j] = C[i, j] def cuconst3d(A): C = cuda.const.array_like(CONST3D) i = cuda.threadIdx.x j = cuda.threadIdx.y k = cuda.threadIdx.z A[i, j, k] = C[i, j, k] class TestCudaConstantMemory(unittest.TestCase): def test_const_array(self): jcuconst = cuda.jit('void(float64[:])')(cuconst) print(jcuconst.ptx) self.assertTrue('.const' in jcuconst.ptx) A = numpy.empty_like(CONST1D) jcuconst[2, 5](A) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(A == CONST1D)) def test_const_array_2d(self): jcuconst2d = cuda.jit('void(int32[:,:])')(cuconst2d) print(jcuconst2d.ptx) self.assertTrue('.const' in jcuconst2d.ptx) A = numpy.empty_like(CONST2D, order='C') jcuconst2d[(2,2), (5,5)](A) print(CONST2D) print(A) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(A == CONST2D)) def test_const_array_3d(self): jcuconst3d = cuda.jit('void(complex64[:,:,:])')(cuconst3d) print(jcuconst3d.ptx) self.assertTrue('.const' in jcuconst3d.ptx) A = numpy.empty_like(CONST3D, order='F') jcuconst3d[1, (5, 5, 5)](A) print(CONST3D) print(A) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(A == CONST3D)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_device_func from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numpy as np from numba.cuda.testing import unittest from numba import cuda @cuda.jit("float32(float32, float32)", device=True) def add2f(a, b): return a + b @cuda.jit("float32(float32, float32)", device=True) def indirect(a, b): return add2f(a, b) def use_add2f(ary): i = cuda.grid(1) ary[i] = add2f(ary[i], ary[i]) def indirect_add2f(ary): i = cuda.grid(1) ary[i] = indirect(ary[i], ary[i]) class TestDeviceFunc(unittest.TestCase): def test_use_add2f(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(float32[:])")(use_add2f) nelem = 10 ary = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.float32) exp = ary + ary compiled[1, nelem](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == exp), (ary, exp)) def test_indirect_add2f(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(float32[:])")(indirect_add2f) nelem = 10 ary = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.float32) exp = ary + ary compiled[1, nelem](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == exp), (ary, exp)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_globals from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import numpy as np from numba import cuda, int32, float32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest N = 100 def simple_smem(ary): sm = cuda.shared.array(N, int32) i = cuda.grid(1) if i == 0: for j in range(N): sm[j] = j cuda.syncthreads() ary[i] = sm[i] S0 = 10 S1 = 20 def coop_smem2d(ary): i, j = cuda.grid(2) sm = cuda.shared.array((S0, S1), float32) sm[i, j] = (i + 1) / (j + 1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[i, j] = sm[i, j] class TestCudaTestGlobal(unittest.TestCase): def test_global_int_const(self): """Test simple_smem """ compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[:])")(simple_smem) nelem = 100 ary = np.empty(nelem, dtype=np.int32) compiled[1, nelem](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.int32))) @unittest.SkipTest def test_global_tuple_const(self): """Test coop_smem2d """ compiled = cuda.jit("void(float32[:,:])")(coop_smem2d) shape = 10, 20 ary = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float32) compiled[1, shape](ary) exp = np.empty_like(ary) for i in range(ary.shape[0]): for j in range(ary.shape[1]): exp[i, j] = float(i + 1) / (j + 1) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ary, exp)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_idiv from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda, float32, float64, int32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest @cuda.jit(argtypes=[float32[:, :], int32, int32]) def div(grid, l_x, l_y): for x in range(l_x): for y in range(l_y): grid[x, y] /= 2.0 @cuda.jit(argtypes=[float64[:, :], int32, int32]) def div_double(grid, l_x, l_y): for x in range(l_x): for y in range(l_y): grid[x, y] /= 2.0 class TestCudaIDiv(unittest.TestCase): def test_inplace_div(self): x = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=np.float32) grid = cuda.to_device(x) div(grid, 2, 2) y = grid.copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(np.all(y == 0.5)) def test_inplace_div_double(self): x = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=np.float64) grid = cuda.to_device(x) div_double(grid, 2, 2) y = grid.copy_to_host() self.assertTrue(np.all(y == 0.5)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_intrinsics from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numpy as np from numba import cuda, int32, float32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest def simple_threadidx(ary): i = cuda.threadIdx.x ary[0] = i def fill_threadidx(ary): i = cuda.threadIdx.x ary[i] = i def fill3d_threadidx(ary): i = cuda.threadIdx.x j = cuda.threadIdx.y k = cuda.threadIdx.z ary[i, j, k] = (i + 1) * (j + 1) * (k + 1) def simple_grid1d(ary): i = cuda.grid(1) ary[i] = i def simple_grid2d(ary): i, j = cuda.grid(2) ary[i, j] = i + j def intrinsic_forloop_step(c): startX, startY = cuda.grid(2) gridX = cuda.gridDim.x * cuda.blockDim.x gridY = cuda.gridDim.y * cuda.blockDim.y height, width = c.shape for x in range(startX, width, gridX): for y in range(startY, height, gridY): c[y, x] = x + y class TestCudaIntrinsic(unittest.TestCase): def test_simple_threadidx(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[:])")(simple_threadidx) ary = np.ones(1, dtype=np.int32) compiled(ary) self.assertTrue(ary[0] == 0) def test_fill_threadidx(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[:])")(fill_threadidx) N = 10 ary = np.ones(N, dtype=np.int32) exp = np.arange(N, dtype=np.int32) compiled[1, N](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == exp)) def test_fill3d_threadidx(self): X, Y, Z = 4, 5, 6 def c_contigous(): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[:,:,::1])")(fill3d_threadidx) ary = np.zeros((X, Y, Z), dtype=np.int32) compiled[1, (X, Y, Z)](ary) return ary def f_contigous(): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[::1,:,:])")(fill3d_threadidx) ary = np.asfortranarray(np.zeros((X, Y, Z), dtype=np.int32)) compiled[1, (X, Y, Z)](ary) return ary c_res = c_contigous() f_res = f_contigous() self.assertTrue(np.all(c_res == f_res)) def test_simple_grid1d(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[::1])")(simple_grid1d) ntid, nctaid = 3, 7 nelem = ntid * nctaid ary = np.empty(nelem, dtype=np.int32) compiled[nctaid, ntid](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == np.arange(nelem))) def test_simple_grid2d(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[:,::1])")(simple_grid2d) ntid = (4, 3) nctaid = (5, 6) shape = (ntid[0] * nctaid[0], ntid[1] * nctaid[1]) ary = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.int32) exp = ary.copy() compiled[nctaid, ntid](ary) for i in range(ary.shape[0]): for j in range(ary.shape[1]): exp[i, j] = i + j self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == exp)) def test_intrinsic_forloop_step(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(float32[:,::1])")(intrinsic_forloop_step) ntid = (4, 3) nctaid = (5, 6) shape = (ntid[0] * nctaid[0], ntid[1] * nctaid[1]) ary = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.int32) compiled[nctaid, ntid](ary) gridX, gridY = shape height, width = ary.shape for i, j in zip(range(ntid[0]), range(ntid[1])): startX, startY = gridX + i, gridY + j for x in range(startX, width, gridX): for y in range(startY, height, gridY): self.assertTrue(ary[y, x] == x + y, (ary[y, x], x + y)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_laplace from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numpy as np import time from numba import cuda, float64, void from numba.cuda.testing import unittest # NOTE: CUDA kernel does not return any value tpb = 16 SM_SIZE = tpb, tpb @cuda.jit(float64(float64, float64), device=True, inline=True) def get_max(a, b): if a > b: return a else: return b @cuda.jit(void(float64[:, :], float64[:, :], float64[:, :])) def jocabi_relax_core(A, Anew, error): err_sm = cuda.shared.array(SM_SIZE, dtype=float64) ty = cuda.threadIdx.x tx = cuda.threadIdx.y bx = cuda.blockIdx.x by = cuda.blockIdx.y n = A.shape[0] m = A.shape[1] i, j = cuda.grid(2) err_sm[ty, tx] = 0 if j >= 1 and j < n - 1 and i >= 1 and i < m - 1: Anew[j, i] = 0.25 * ( A[j, i + 1] + A[j, i - 1] \ + A[j - 1, i] + A[j + 1, i]) err_sm[ty, tx] = Anew[j, i] - A[j, i] cuda.syncthreads() # max-reduce err_sm vertically t = tpb // 2 while t > 0: if ty < t: err_sm[ty, tx] = get_max(err_sm[ty, tx], err_sm[ty + t, tx]) t //= 2 cuda.syncthreads() # max-reduce err_sm horizontally t = tpb // 2 while t > 0: if tx < t and ty == 0: err_sm[ty, tx] = get_max(err_sm[ty, tx], err_sm[ty, tx + t]) t //= 2 cuda.syncthreads() if tx == 0 and ty == 0: error[by, bx] = err_sm[0, 0] class TestCudaLaplace(unittest.TestCase): def test_laplace_small(self): NN = 256 NM = 256 A = np.zeros((NN, NM), dtype=np.float64) Anew = np.zeros((NN, NM), dtype=np.float64) n = NN m = NM iter_max = 1000 tol = 1.0e-6 error = 1.0 for j in range(n): A[j, 0] = 1.0 Anew[j, 0] = 1.0 print("Jacobi relaxation Calculation: %d x %d mesh" % (n, m)) timer = time.time() iter = 0 blockdim = (tpb, tpb) griddim = (NN // blockdim[0], NM // blockdim[1]) error_grid = np.zeros(griddim) stream = dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream) # to device and don't come back dAnew = cuda.to_device(Anew, stream) # to device and don't come back derror_grid = cuda.to_device(error_grid, stream) while error > tol and iter < iter_max: self.assertTrue(error_grid.dtype == np.float64) jocabi_relax_core[griddim, blockdim, stream](dA, dAnew, derror_grid) derror_grid.copy_to_host(error_grid, stream=stream) # error_grid is available on host stream.synchronize() error = np.abs(error_grid).max() # swap dA and dAnew tmp = dA dA = dAnew dAnew = tmp if iter % 100 == 0: print("%5d, %0.6f (elapsed: %f s)" % (iter, error, time.time() - timer)) iter += 1 runtime = time.time() - timer print(" total: %f s" % runtime) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_localmem from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numpy from numba import cuda, int32, complex128 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest def culocal(A, B): C = cuda.local.array(100, dtype=int32) for i in range(C.shape[0]): C[i] = A[i] for i in range(C.shape[0]): B[i] = C[i] def culocalcomplex(A, B): C = cuda.local.array(100, dtype=complex128) for i in range(C.shape[0]): C[i] = A[i] for i in range(C.shape[0]): B[i] = C[i] class TestCudaLocalMem(unittest.TestCase): def test_local_array(self): jculocal = cuda.jit('void(int32[:], int32[:])')(culocal) self.assertTrue('.local' in jculocal.ptx) A = numpy.arange(100, dtype='int32') B = numpy.zeros_like(A) jculocal(A, B) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(A == B)) def test_local_array_complex(self): sig = 'void(complex128[:], complex128[:])' jculocalcomplex = cuda.jit(sig)(culocalcomplex) self.assertTrue('.local' in jculocalcomplex.ptx) A = (numpy.arange(100, dtype='complex128') - 1) / 2j B = numpy.zeros_like(A) jculocalcomplex(A, B) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(A == B)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_mandel from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaMandel(unittest.TestCase): def test_mandel(self): """Just make sure we can compile this """ @cuda.jit('(uint32, float64, float64, float64, ' 'float64, uint32, uint32, uint32)', device=True) def mandel(tid, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, width, height, iters): pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height x = tid % width y = tid / width real = min_x + x * pixel_size_x imag = min_y + y * pixel_size_y c = complex(real, imag) z = 0.0j for i in range(iters): z = z * z + c if (z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag) >= 4: return i return iters if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_math from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import sys import numpy as np from numba.cuda.testing import unittest from numba import cuda, float32, float64, int32 import math def math_acos(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.acos(A[i]) def math_asin(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.asin(A[i]) def math_atan(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.atan(A[i]) def math_acosh(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.acosh(A[i]) def math_asinh(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.asinh(A[i]) def math_atanh(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.atanh(A[i]) def math_cos(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.cos(A[i]) def math_sin(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.sin(A[i]) def math_tan(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.tan(A[i]) def math_cosh(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.cosh(A[i]) def math_sinh(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.sinh(A[i]) def math_tanh(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.tanh(A[i]) def math_atan2(A, B, C): i = cuda.grid(1) C[i] = math.atan2(A[i], B[i]) def math_exp(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.exp(A[i]) def math_expm1(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.expm1(A[i]) def math_fabs(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.fabs(A[i]) def math_log(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.log(A[i]) def math_log10(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.log10(A[i]) def math_log1p(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.log1p(A[i]) def math_sqrt(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.sqrt(A[i]) def math_pow(A, B, C): i = cuda.grid(1) C[i] = math.pow(A[i], B[i]) def math_ceil(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.ceil(A[i]) def math_floor(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.floor(A[i]) def math_copysign(A, B, C): i = cuda.grid(1) C[i] = math.copysign(A[i], B[i]) def math_fmod(A, B, C): i = cuda.grid(1) C[i] = math.fmod(A[i], B[i]) def math_modf(A, B, C): i = cuda.grid(1) C[i] = math.modf(A[i], B[i]) def math_isnan(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.isnan(A[i]) def math_isinf(A, B): i = cuda.grid(1) B[i] = math.isinf(A[i]) def math_pow_binop(A, B, C): i = cuda.grid(1) C[i] = A[i] ** B[i] def math_mod_binop(A, B, C): i = cuda.grid(1) C[i] = A[i] % B[i] class TestCudaMath(unittest.TestCase): def unary_template_float32(self, func, npfunc, start=0, stop=1): self.unary_template(func, npfunc, np.float32, float32, start, stop) def unary_template_float64(self, func, npfunc, start=0, stop=1): self.unary_template(func, npfunc, np.float64, float64, start, stop) def unary_template(self, func, npfunc, npdtype, npmtype, start, stop): nelem = 50 A = np.linspace(start, stop, nelem).astype(npdtype) B = np.empty_like(A) arytype = npmtype[::1] cfunc = cuda.jit((arytype, arytype))(func) cfunc[1, nelem](A, B) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(npfunc(A), B)) def unary_bool_template_float32(self, func, npfunc, start=0, stop=1): self.unary_template(func, npfunc, np.float32, float32, start, stop) def unary_bool_template_float64(self, func, npfunc, start=0, stop=1): self.unary_template(func, npfunc, np.float64, float64, start, stop) def unary_bool_template(self, func, npfunc, npdtype, npmtype, start, stop): nelem = 50 A = np.linspace(start, stop, nelem).astype(npdtype) B = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=np.int32) iarytype = npmtype[::1] oarytype = int32[::1] cfunc = cuda.jit((iarytype, oarytype))(func) cfunc[1, nelem](A, B) self.assertTrue(np.all(npfunc(A), B)) def binary_template_float32(self, func, npfunc, start=0, stop=1): self.binary_template(func, npfunc, np.float32, float32, start, stop) def binary_template_float64(self, func, npfunc, start=0, stop=1): self.binary_template(func, npfunc, np.float64, float64, start, stop) def binary_template(self, func, npfunc, npdtype, npmtype, start, stop): nelem = 50 A = np.linspace(start, stop, nelem).astype(npdtype) B = np.empty_like(A) arytype = npmtype[::1] cfunc = cuda.jit((arytype, arytype, arytype))(func) cfunc.bind() cfunc[1, nelem](A, A, B) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(npfunc(A, A), B)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_acos def test_math_acos(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_acos, np.arccos) self.unary_template_float64(math_acos, np.arccos) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_asin def test_math_asin(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_asin, np.arcsin) self.unary_template_float64(math_asin, np.arcsin) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_atan def test_math_atan(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_atan, np.arctan) self.unary_template_float64(math_atan, np.arctan) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_acosh def test_math_acosh(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_acosh, np.arccosh, start=1, stop=2) self.unary_template_float64(math_acosh, np.arccosh, start=1, stop=2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_asinh def test_math_asinh(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_asinh, np.arcsinh) self.unary_template_float64(math_asinh, np.arcsinh) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_atanh def test_math_atanh(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_atanh, np.arctanh, start=0, stop=.9) self.unary_template_float64(math_atanh, np.arctanh, start=0, stop=.9) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_cos def test_math_cos(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_cos, np.cos) self.unary_template_float64(math_cos, np.cos) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_sin def test_math_sin(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_sin, np.sin) self.unary_template_float64(math_sin, np.sin) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_tan def test_math_tan(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_tan, np.tan) self.unary_template_float64(math_tan, np.tan) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_cosh def test_math_cosh(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_cosh, np.cosh) self.unary_template_float64(math_cosh, np.cosh) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_sinh def test_math_sinh(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_sinh, np.sinh) self.unary_template_float64(math_sinh, np.sinh) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_tanh def test_math_tanh(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_tanh, np.tanh) self.unary_template_float64(math_tanh, np.tanh) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_atan2 def test_math_atan2(self): self.binary_template_float32(math_atan2, np.arctan2) self.binary_template_float64(math_atan2, np.arctan2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_exp def test_math_exp(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_exp, np.exp) self.unary_template_float64(math_exp, np.exp) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_expm1 if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 7): def test_math_expm1(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_expm1, np.expm1) self.unary_template_float64(math_expm1, np.expm1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_fabs def test_math_fabs(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_fabs, np.fabs, start=-1) self.unary_template_float64(math_fabs, np.fabs, start=-1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_log def test_math_log(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_log, np.log, start=1) self.unary_template_float64(math_log, np.log, start=1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_log10 def test_math_log10(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_log10, np.log10, start=1) self.unary_template_float64(math_log10, np.log10, start=1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_log1p def test_math_log1p(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_log1p, np.log1p) self.unary_template_float64(math_log1p, np.log1p) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_sqrt def test_math_sqrt(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_sqrt, np.sqrt) self.unary_template_float64(math_sqrt, np.sqrt) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_pow def test_math_pow(self): self.binary_template_float32(math_pow, np.power) self.binary_template_float64(math_pow, np.power) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_pow_binop def test_math_pow_binop(self): self.binary_template_float32(math_pow_binop, np.power) self.binary_template_float64(math_pow_binop, np.power) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_ceil def test_math_ceil(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_ceil, np.ceil) self.unary_template_float64(math_ceil, np.ceil) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_floor def test_math_floor(self): self.unary_template_float32(math_floor, np.floor) self.unary_template_float64(math_floor, np.floor) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_copysign def test_math_copysign(self): self.binary_template_float32(math_copysign, np.copysign, start=-1) self.binary_template_float64(math_copysign, np.copysign, start=-1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_fmod def test_math_fmod(self): self.binary_template_float32(math_fmod, np.fmod, start=1) self.binary_template_float64(math_fmod, np.fmod, start=1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_mod_binop def test_math_mod_binop(self): self.binary_template_float32(math_mod_binop, np.fmod, start=1) self.binary_template_float64(math_mod_binop, np.fmod, start=1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_isnan def test_math_isnan(self): self.unary_bool_template_float32(math_isnan, np.isnan) self.unary_bool_template_float64(math_isnan, np.isnan) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_math_isinf def test_math_isinf(self): self.unary_bool_template_float32(math_isinf, np.isinf) self.unary_bool_template_float64(math_isinf, np.isinf) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_matmul from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from timeit import default_timer as time from numba import cuda, float32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest bpg = 50 tpb = 32 n = bpg * tpb SM_SIZE = (tpb, tpb) @cuda.jit(argtypes=[float32[:, ::1], float32[:, ::1], float32[:, ::1]]) def cu_square_matrix_mul(A, B, C): sA = cuda.shared.array(shape=SM_SIZE, dtype=float32) sB = cuda.shared.array(shape=SM_SIZE, dtype=float32) tx = cuda.threadIdx.x ty = cuda.threadIdx.y bx = cuda.blockIdx.x by = cuda.blockIdx.y bw = cuda.blockDim.x bh = cuda.blockDim.y x = tx + bx * bw y = ty + by * bh acc = float32(0) # forces all the math to be f32 for i in range(bpg): if x < n and y < n: sA[ty, tx] = A[y, tx + i * tpb] sB[ty, tx] = B[ty + i * tpb, x] cuda.syncthreads() if x < n and y < n: for j in range(tpb): acc += sA[ty, j] * sB[j, tx] cuda.syncthreads() if x < n and y < n: C[y, x] = acc class TestCudaMatMul(unittest.TestCase): def test_func(self): A = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32) B = np.array(np.random.random((n, n)), dtype=np.float32) C = np.empty_like(A) print("N = %d x %d" % (n, n)) s = time() stream = with stream.auto_synchronize(): dA = cuda.to_device(A, stream) dB = cuda.to_device(B, stream) dC = cuda.to_device(C, stream) cu_square_matrix_mul[(bpg, bpg), (tpb, tpb), stream](dA, dB, dC) dC.copy_to_host(C, stream) e = time() tcuda = e - s # Host compute Amat = np.matrix(A) Bmat = np.matrix(B) s = time() Cans = Amat * Bmat e = time() tcpu = e - s print('cpu: %f' % tcpu) print('cuda: %f' % tcuda) print('cuda speedup: %.2fx' % (tcpu / tcuda)) # Check result self.assertTrue(np.allclose(C, Cans)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_montecarlo from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import math from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaMonteCarlo(unittest.TestCase): def test_montecarlo(self): """Just make sure we can compile this """ @cuda.jit( 'void(double[:], double[:], double, double, double, double[:])') def step(last, paths, dt, c0, c1, normdist): i = cuda.grid(1) if i >= paths.shape[0]: return noise = normdist[i] paths[i] = last[i] * math.exp(c0 * dt + c1 * noise) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_nondet from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda, float32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest def generate_input(n): A = np.array(np.arange(n * n).reshape(n, n), dtype=np.float32) B = np.array(np.arange(n) + 0, dtype=A.dtype) return A, B class TestCudaNonDet(unittest.TestCase): def test_for_pre(self): """Test issue with loop not running due to bad sign-extension at the for loop precondition. """ @cuda.jit(argtypes=[float32[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:]]) def diagproduct(c, a, b): startX, startY = cuda.grid(2) gridX = cuda.gridDim.x * cuda.blockDim.x gridY = cuda.gridDim.y * cuda.blockDim.y height = c.shape[0] width = c.shape[1] for x in range(startX, width, (gridX)): for y in range(startY, height, (gridY)): c[y, x] = a[y, x] * b[x] N = 8 A, B = generate_input(N) E = np.zeros(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype) F = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype) E =, np.diag(B)) blockdim = (32, 8) griddim = (1, 1) dA = cuda.to_device(A) dB = cuda.to_device(B) dF = cuda.to_device(F, copy=False) diagproduct[griddim, blockdim](dF, dA, dB) dF.to_host() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(F, E)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_powi from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import math import numpy as np from numba import cuda, float64, int8, int32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest def cu_mat_power(A, power, power_A): y, x = cuda.grid(2) m, n = power_A.shape if x >= n or y >= m: return power_A[y, x] = math.pow(A[y, x], int32(power)) def cu_mat_power_binop(A, power, power_A): y, x = cuda.grid(2) m, n = power_A.shape if x >= n or y >= m: return power_A[y, x] = A[y, x] ** power class TestCudaPowi(unittest.TestCase): def test_powi(self): dec = cuda.jit(argtypes=[float64[:, :], int8, float64[:, :]]) kernel = dec(cu_mat_power) power = 2 A = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64).reshape(2, 5) Aout = np.empty_like(A) kernel[1, A.shape](A, power, Aout) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(Aout, A ** power)) def test_powi_binop(self): dec = cuda.jit(argtypes=[float64[:, :], int8, float64[:, :]]) kernel = dec(cu_mat_power_binop) power = 2 A = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64).reshape(2, 5) Aout = np.empty_like(A) kernel[1, A.shape](A, power, Aout) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(Aout, A ** power)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_py2_div_issue from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda, float32, int32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest class TestCudaPy2Div(unittest.TestCase): def test_py2_div_issue(self): @cuda.jit(argtypes=[float32[:], float32[:], float32[:], int32]) def preCalc(y, yA, yB, numDataPoints): i = cuda.grid(1) k = i % numDataPoints ans = float32(1.001 * float32(i)) y[i] = ans yA[i] = ans * 1.0 yB[i] = ans / 1.0 numDataPoints = 15 y = np.zeros(numDataPoints, dtype=np.float32) yA = np.zeros(numDataPoints, dtype=np.float32) yB = np.zeros(numDataPoints, dtype=np.float32) z = 1.0 preCalc[1, 15](y, yA, yB, numDataPoints) print('y') print(y) print('yA') print(yA) print('yB') print(yB) self.assertTrue(np.all(y == yA)) self.assertTrue(np.all(y == yB)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_slicing from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda, float32, int32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest def foo(inp, out): for i in range(out.shape[0]): out[i] = inp[i] def copy(inp, out): i = cuda.grid(1) cufoo(inp[i, :], out[i, :]) class TestCudaSlicing(unittest.TestCase): def test_slice_as_arg(self): global cufoo cufoo = cuda.jit("void(int32[:], int32[:])", device=True)(foo) cucopy = cuda.jit("void(int32[:,:], int32[:,:])")(copy) inp = np.arange(100, dtype=np.int32).reshape(10, 10) out = np.zeros_like(inp) cucopy[1, 10](inp, out) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_sync from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import cuda, int32, float32 from numba.cuda.testing import unittest def useless_sync(ary): i = cuda.grid(1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[i] = i def simple_smem(ary): N = 100 sm = cuda.shared.array(N, int32) i = cuda.grid(1) if i == 0: for j in range(N): sm[j] = j cuda.syncthreads() ary[i] = sm[i] def coop_smem2d(ary): i, j = cuda.grid(2) sm = cuda.shared.array((10, 20), float32) sm[i, j] = (i + 1) / (j + 1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[i, j] = sm[i, j] def dyn_shared_memory(ary): i = cuda.grid(1) sm = cuda.shared.array(0, float32) sm[i] = i * 2 cuda.syncthreads() ary[i] = sm[i] class TestCudaSync(unittest.TestCase): def test_useless_sync(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[::1])")(useless_sync) nelem = 10 ary = np.empty(nelem, dtype=np.int32) exp = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.int32) compiled[1, nelem](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == exp)) def test_simple_smem(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[::1])")(simple_smem) nelem = 100 ary = np.empty(nelem, dtype=np.int32) compiled[1, nelem](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.int32))) def test_coop_smem2d(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(float32[:,::1])")(coop_smem2d) shape = 10, 20 ary = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float32) compiled[1, shape](ary) exp = np.empty_like(ary) for i in range(ary.shape[0]): for j in range(ary.shape[1]): exp[i, j] = (i + 1) / (j + 1) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ary, exp)) def test_dyn_shared_memory(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(float32[::1])")(dyn_shared_memory) shape = 50 ary = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float32) compiled[1, shape, 0, ary.size * 4](ary) self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == 2 * np.arange(ary.size, dtype=np.int32))) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = dataflow from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from pprint import pprint from numba import utils import warnings class DataFlowAnalysis(object): """ Perform stack2reg This is necessary to resolve blocks that propagates stack value. This would allow the use of `and` and `or` and python2.6 jumps. """ def __init__(self, cfa): = cfa self.bytecode = cfa.bytecode self.infos = {} self.syntax_blocks = [] def run(self): for blk in self.infos[blk.offset] = self.run_on_block(blk) def run_on_block(self, blk): info = BlockInfo(blk.offset) for offset in blk: inst = self.bytecode[offset] self.dispatch(info, inst) return info def dump(self): for blk in utils.dict_itervalues(self.infos): blk.dump() def dispatch(self, info, inst): fname = "op_%s" % inst.opname.replace('+', '_') fn = getattr(self, fname) fn(info, inst) def dup_topx(self, info, count): stack = [info.pop() for _ in range(count)] for val in reversed(stack): info.push(val) for val in reversed(stack): info.push(val) def op_DUP_TOP(self, info, inst): tos = info.pop() info.push(tos) info.push(tos) def op_DUP_TOPX(self, info, inst): count = inst.arg assert 1 <= count <= 5, "Invalid DUP_TOPX count" self.dup_topx(info, count) def op_DUP_TOP_TWO(self, info, inst): self.dup_topx(info, count=2) def op_ROT_TWO(self, info, inst): first = info.pop() second = info.pop() info.push(first) info.push(second) def op_ROT_THREE(self, info, inst): first = info.pop() second = info.pop() third = info.pop() info.push(first) info.push(third) info.push(second) def op_ROT_FOUR(self, info, inst): first = info.pop() second = info.pop() third = info.pop() forth = info.pop() info.push(first) info.push(forth) info.push(third) info.push(second) def op_UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, info, inst): count = inst.arg sequence = info.pop() stores = [info.make_temp() for _ in range(count)] iterobj = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, sequence=sequence, stores=stores, iterobj=iterobj) for st in reversed(stores): info.push(st) def op_BUILD_TUPLE(self, info, inst): count = inst.arg items = list(reversed([info.pop() for _ in range(count)])) tup = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, items=items, res=tup) info.push(tup) def op_BUILD_LIST(self, info, inst): count = inst.arg items = list(reversed([info.pop() for _ in range(count)])) lst = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, items=items, res=lst) info.push(lst) def op_POP_TOP(self, info, inst): info.pop() def op_STORE_FAST(self, info, inst): value = info.pop() info.append(inst, value=value) def op_LOAD_FAST(self, info, inst): name = self.bytecode.co_varnames[inst.arg] info.push(name) def op_LOAD_CONST(self, info, inst): res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, res=res) info.push(res) def op_LOAD_GLOBAL(self, info, inst): res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, res=res) info.push(res) def op_LOAD_ATTR(self, info, inst): item = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, item=item, res=res) info.push(res) def op_BINARY_SUBSCR(self, info, inst): index = info.pop() target = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, index=index, target=target, res=res) info.push(res) def op_STORE_SUBSCR(self, info, inst): index = info.pop() target = info.pop() value = info.pop() info.append(inst, target=target, index=index, value=value) def op_GET_ITER(self, info, inst): value = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, value=value, res=res) info.push(res) if self.syntax_blocks: loop = self.syntax_blocks[-1] if isinstance(loop, LoopBlock) and loop.iterator is None: loop.iterator = res def op_FOR_ITER(self, info, inst): loop = self.syntax_blocks[-1] iterator = loop.iterator indval = info.make_temp() pred = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, iterator=iterator, indval=indval, pred=pred) info.push(indval) def op_CALL_FUNCTION(self, info, inst): narg = inst.arg & 0xff nkws = (inst.arg >> 8) & 0xff def pop_kws(): val = info.pop() key = info.pop() return key, val kws = list(reversed([pop_kws() for _ in range(nkws)])) args = list(reversed([info.pop() for _ in range(narg)])) func = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, func=func, args=args, kws=kws, res=res) info.push(res) def op_PRINT_ITEM(self, info, inst): warnings.warn("Python2 style print partially supported. Please use " "Python3 style print.", RuntimeWarning) item = info.pop() printvar = info.make_temp() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, item=item, printvar=printvar, res=res) info.push(item) def op_PRINT_NEWLINE(self, info, inst): printvar = info.make_temp() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, printvar=printvar, res=res) def _unaryop(self, info, inst): val = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, value=val, res=res) info.push(res) op_UNARY_NEGATIVE = _unaryop op_UNARY_NOT = _unaryop op_UNARY_INVERT = _unaryop def _binaryop(self, info, inst): rhs = info.pop() lhs = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, res=res) info.push(res) op_COMPARE_OP = _binaryop op_INPLACE_ADD = _binaryop op_INPLACE_SUBTRACT = _binaryop op_INPLACE_MULTIPLY = _binaryop op_INPLACE_DIVIDE = _binaryop op_INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE = _binaryop op_INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE = _binaryop op_INPLACE_MODULO = _binaryop op_INPLACE_POWER = _binaryop op_INPLACE_LSHIFT = _binaryop op_INPLACE_RSHIFT = _binaryop op_INPLACE_AND = _binaryop op_INPLACE_OR = _binaryop op_INPLACE_XOR = _binaryop op_BINARY_ADD = _binaryop op_BINARY_SUBTRACT = _binaryop op_BINARY_MULTIPLY = _binaryop op_BINARY_DIVIDE = _binaryop op_BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE = _binaryop op_BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE = _binaryop op_BINARY_MODULO = _binaryop op_BINARY_POWER = _binaryop op_BINARY_LSHIFT = _binaryop op_BINARY_RSHIFT = _binaryop op_BINARY_AND = _binaryop op_BINARY_OR = _binaryop op_BINARY_XOR = _binaryop def op_SLICE_0(self, info, inst): """ TOS = TOS[:] """ tos = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() nonevar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos, res=res, slicevar=slicevar, indexvar=indexvar, nonevar=nonevar) info.push(res) def op_SLICE_1(self, info, inst): """ TOS = TOS1[TOS:] """ tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() nonevar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos1, start=tos, res=res, slicevar=slicevar, indexvar=indexvar, nonevar=nonevar) info.push(res) def op_SLICE_2(self, info, inst): """ TOS = TOS1[:TOS] """ tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() nonevar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos1, stop=tos, res=res, slicevar=slicevar, indexvar=indexvar, nonevar=nonevar) info.push(res) def op_SLICE_3(self, info, inst): """ TOS = TOS2[TOS1:TOS] """ tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() tos2 = info.pop() res = info.make_temp() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos2, start=tos1, stop=tos, res=res, slicevar=slicevar, indexvar=indexvar) info.push(res) def op_STORE_SLICE_0(self, info, inst): """ TOS[:] = TOS1 """ tos = info.pop() value = info.pop() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() nonevar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos, value=value, slicevar=slicevar, indexvar=indexvar, nonevar=nonevar) def op_STORE_SLICE_1(self, info, inst): """ TOS1[TOS:] = TOS2 """ tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() value = info.pop() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() nonevar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos1, start=tos, slicevar=slicevar, value=value, indexvar=indexvar, nonevar=nonevar) def op_STORE_SLICE_2(self, info, inst): """ TOS1[:TOS] = TOS2 """ tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() value = info.pop() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() nonevar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos1, stop=tos, value=value, slicevar=slicevar, indexvar=indexvar, nonevar=nonevar) def op_STORE_SLICE_3(self, info, inst): """ TOS2[TOS1:TOS] = TOS3 """ tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() tos2 = info.pop() value = info.pop() slicevar = info.make_temp() indexvar = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, base=tos2, start=tos1, stop=tos, value=value, slicevar=slicevar, indexvar=indexvar) def op_BUILD_SLICE(self, info, inst): """ slice(TOS1, TOS) or slice(TOS2, TOS1, TOS) """ argc = inst.arg if argc == 2: tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() start = tos1 stop = tos step = None elif argc == 3: tos = info.pop() tos1 = info.pop() tos2 = info.pop() start = tos2 stop = tos1 step = tos else: raise Exception("unreachable") slicevar = info.make_temp() res = info.make_temp() info.append(inst, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, res=res, slicevar=slicevar) info.push(res) def op_POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, info, inst): pred = info.pop() info.append(inst, pred=pred) info.terminator = inst def op_POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, info, inst): pred = info.pop() info.append(inst, pred=pred) info.terminator = inst def op_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, info, inst): pred = info.tos info.append(inst, pred=pred) info.terminator = inst def op_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, info, inst): pred = info.tos info.append(inst, pred=pred) info.terminator = inst op_JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP = op_JUMP_IF_FALSE op_JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP = op_JUMP_IF_TRUE def op_JUMP_ABSOLUTE(self, info, inst): info.append(inst) info.terminator = inst def op_JUMP_FORWARD(self, info, inst): info.append(inst) info.terminator = inst def op_BREAK_LOOP(self, info, inst): info.append(inst) info.terminator = inst def op_RETURN_VALUE(self, info, inst): info.append(inst, retval=info.pop()) info.terminator = inst def op_SETUP_LOOP(self, info, inst): self.syntax_blocks.append(LoopBlock()) info.append(inst) def op_POP_BLOCK(self, info, inst): block = self.syntax_blocks.pop() if isinstance(block, LoopBlock): info.append(inst, delitem=block.iterator) else: info.append(inst) def _ignored(self, info, inst): pass class LoopBlock(object): __slots__ = 'iterator' def __init__(self): self.iterator = None class BlockInfo(object): def __init__(self, offset): self.offset = offset self.stack = [] self.incomings = [] self.insts = [] self.tempct = 0 self._term = None def dump(self): print("offset", self.offset, "{") print(" stack: ", end='') pprint(self.stack) print(" incomings: ", end='') pprint(self.incomings) pprint(self.insts) print("}") def make_temp(self): self.tempct += 1 name = '$%d.%d' % (self.offset, self.tempct) return name def push(self, val): self.stack.append(val) def pop(self): # TODO: lingering incoming values if not self.stack: assert not self.insts ret = self.make_temp() self.incomings.append(ret) else: ret = self.stack.pop() return ret @property def tos(self): r = self.pop() self.push(r) return r def append(self, inst, **kws): self.insts.append((inst.offset, kws)) @property def terminator(self): assert self._term is None return self._term @terminator.setter def terminator(self, inst): self._term = inst ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = decorators """ Contains function decorators and target_registry """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import warnings from numba import sigutils from numba.targets import registry # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decorators def autojit(*args, **kws): """Deprecated. Use jit instead. Calls to jit internally. """ warnings.warn("autojit is deprecated, use jit instead which now performs " "the same functionality", DeprecationWarning) return jit(*args, **kws) def jit(signature_or_function=None, argtypes=None, restype=None, locals={}, target='cpu', **targetoptions): """jit([signature_or_function, [locals={}, [target='cpu', [**targetoptions]]]]) The function can be used as the following versions: 1) jit(signature, [target='cpu', [**targetoptions]]) -> jit(function) Equivalent to: d = dispatcher(function, targetoptions) d.compile(signature) Create a dispatcher object for a python function and default target-options. Then, compile the funciton with the given signature. Example: @jit("void(int32, float32)") def foo(x, y): return x + y 2) jit(function) -> dispatcher Same as old autojit. Create a dispatcher function object that specialize at call site. Example: @jit def foo(x, y): return x + y 3) jit([target='cpu', [**targetoptions]]) -> configured_jit(function) Same as old autojit and 2). But configure with target and default target-options. Example: @jit(target='cpu', nopython=True) def foo(x, y): return x + y Target Options --------------- The CPU (default target) defines the following: - nopython: [bool] Set to True to disable the use of PyObjects and Python API calls. The default behavior is to allow the use of PyObjects and Python API. Default value is False. - forceobj: [bool] Set to True to force the use of PyObjects for every value. Default value is False. """ # Handle deprecated argtypes and restype keyword arguments if argtypes is not None: assert signature_or_function is None, "argtypes used but " \ "signature is provided" warnings.warn("Keyword argument 'argtypes' is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) if restype is None: signature_or_function = tuple(argtypes) else: signature_or_function = restype(*argtypes) # Handle signature if signature_or_function is None: # Used as autojit def configured_jit(arg): return jit(arg, locals=locals, target=target, **targetoptions) return configured_jit elif sigutils.is_signature(signature_or_function): # Function signature is provided sig = signature_or_function return _jit(sig, locals=locals, target=target, targetoptions=targetoptions) else: # No signature is provided pyfunc = signature_or_function dispatcher = registry.target_registry[target] dispatcher = dispatcher(py_func=pyfunc, locals=locals, targetoptions=targetoptions) # NOTE This affects import time for large function # # Compile a pure object mode # if target == 'cpu' and not targetoptions.get('nopython', False): # dispatcher.compile((), locals=locals, forceobj=True) return dispatcher def _jit(sig, locals, target, targetoptions): dispatcher = registry.target_registry[target] def wrapper(func): disp = dispatcher(py_func=func, locals=locals, targetoptions=targetoptions) disp.compile(sig) disp.disable_compile() return disp return wrapper def njit(*args, **kws): """Equavilent to jit(nopython=True) """ if 'nopython' in kws: warnings.warn('nopython is set for njit and is ignored', RuntimeWarning) if 'forceobj' in kws: warnings.warn('forceobj is set for njit and is ignored', RuntimeWarning) kws.update({'nopython': True}) return jit(*args, **kws) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = dispatcher from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import inspect import contextlib import numpy from numba.config import PYVERSION from numba import _dispatcher, compiler, utils from numba.typeconv.rules import default_type_manager from numba.typing.templates import resolve_overload from numba import types, sigutils from numba import numpy_support from numba.bytecode import get_code_object class Overloaded(_dispatcher.Dispatcher): """ Abstract class. Subclass should define targetdescr class attribute. """ __numba__ = "py_func" def __init__(self, py_func, locals={}, targetoptions={}): = default_type_manager argspec = inspect.getargspec(py_func) argct = len(argspec.args) super(Overloaded, self).__init__(, argct) self.py_func = py_func self.func_code = get_code_object(py_func) self.overloads = {} self.fallback = None self.targetoptions = targetoptions self.locals = locals self.doc = py_func.__doc__ self._compiling = False self.targetdescr.typing_context.insert_overloaded(self) @property def signatures(self): """ Returns a list of compiled function signatures. """ return list(self.overloads.keys()) def disable_compile(self, val=True): """Disable the compilation of new signatures at call time. """ self._disable_compile(int(val)) def add_overload(self, cres): sig = [a._code for a in cres.signature.args] self._insert(sig, cres.entry_point_addr, cres.objectmode) if cres.objectmode: self.fallback = cres.entry_point self.overloads[cres.signature] = cres # Add native function for correct typing the code generation typing = cres.typing_context target = cres.target_context cfunc = cres.entry_point if cfunc in target.native_funcs: target.dynamic_map_function(cfunc) calltemplate = target.get_user_function(cfunc) typing.insert_user_function(cfunc, calltemplate) def get_overload(self, sig): args, return_type = sigutils.normalize_signature(sig) return self.overloads[tuple(args)].entry_point @contextlib.contextmanager def _compile_lock(self): if self._compiling: raise RuntimeError("Compiler re-entrant") self._compiling = True yield self._compiling = False @property def is_compiling(self): return self._compiling def compile(self, sig, locals={}, **targetoptions): with self._compile_lock(): locs = self.locals.copy() locs.update(locals) topt = self.targetoptions.copy() topt.update(targetoptions) flags = compiler.Flags() self.targetdescr.options.parse_as_flags(flags, topt) glctx = self.targetdescr typingctx = glctx.typing_context targetctx = glctx.target_context args, return_type = sigutils.normalize_signature(sig) # Don't recompile if signature already exist. existing = self.overloads.get(tuple(args)) if existing is not None: return existing.entry_point cres = compiler.compile_extra(typingctx, targetctx, self.py_func, args=args, return_type=return_type, flags=flags, locals=locs) # Check typing error if object mode is used if cres.typing_error is not None and not flags.enable_pyobject: raise cres.typing_error self.add_overload(cres) return cres.entry_point def jit(self, sig, **kws): """Alias of compile(sig, **kws) """ return self.compile(sig, **kws) def _compile_and_call(self, *args, **kws): assert not kws sig = tuple([typeof_pyval(a) for a in args]) self.jit(sig) return self(*args, **kws) def inspect_types(self): for ver, res in utils.dict_iteritems(self.overloads): print("%s %s" % (self.py_func.__name__, ver)) print('-' * 80) print(res.type_annotation) print('=' * 80) def _explain_ambiguous(self, *args, **kws): assert not kws, "kwargs not handled" args = tuple([typeof_pyval(a) for a in args]) resolve_overload(self.targetdescr.typing_context, self.py_func, tuple(self.overloads.keys()), args, kws) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, self.py_func) INT_TYPES = (int,) if PYVERSION < (3, 0): INT_TYPES += (long,) def typeof_pyval(val): """ This is called from numba._dispatcher as a fallback if the native code cannot decide the type. """ if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): # TODO complete dtype mapping dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(val.dtype) ndim = val.ndim if ndim == 0: # is array scalar return numpy_support.from_dtype(val.dtype) layout = numpy_support.map_layout(val) aryty = types.Array(dtype, ndim, layout) return aryty # The following are handled in the C version for exact type match # So test these later elif isinstance(val, INT_TYPES): return types.int64 elif isinstance(val, float): return types.float64 elif isinstance(val, complex): return types.complex128 elif numpy_support.is_arrayscalar(val): # Array scalar return numpy_support.from_dtype(numpy.dtype(type(val))) # Other object else: return types.pyobject class LiftedLoop(Overloaded): def __init__(self, bytecode, typingctx, targetctx, locals, flags): = default_type_manager argspec = bytecode.argspec argct = len(argspec.args) _dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self,, argct) self.bytecode = bytecode self.typingctx = typingctx self.targetctx = targetctx self.locals = locals self.flags = flags self.py_func = bytecode.func self.overloads = {} self.fallback = None self.doc = self.py_func.__doc__ self._compiling = False def compile(self, sig): with self._compile_lock(): # FIXME this is mostly duplicated from Overloaded flags = self.flags args, return_type = sigutils.normalize_signature(sig) # Don't recompile if signature already exist. existing = self.overloads.get(tuple(args)) if existing is not None: return existing.entry_point assert not flags.enable_looplift, "Enable looplift flags is on" cres = compiler.compile_bytecode(typingctx=self.typingctx, targetctx=self.targetctx, bc=self.bytecode, args=args, return_type=return_type, flags=flags, locals=self.locals) # Check typing error if object mode is used if cres.typing_error is not None and not flags.enable_pyobject: raise cres.typing_error self.add_overload(cres) return cres.entry_point # Initialize dispatcher _dispatcher.init_types(dict((str(t), t._code) for t in types.number_domain)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = dummyarray from __future__ import print_function, division import itertools import functools import operator import numpy from collections import namedtuple Extent = namedtuple("Extent", ["begin", "end"]) class Dim(object): """A single dimension of the array Attributes ---------- start: start offset stop: stop offset size: number of items stride: item stride """ __slots__ = 'start', 'stop', 'size', 'stride' def __init__(self, start, stop, size, stride): if stop < start: raise ValueError("end offset is before start offset") self.start = start self.stop = stop self.size = size self.stride = stride def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): start, stop, step = item.start, item.stop, item.step else: start = item stop = start + 1 step = None if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: stop = self.size if step is None: step = 1 stride = step * self.stride if start >= 0: start = self.start + start * self.stride else: start = self.stop + start * self.stride if stop >= 0: stop = self.start + stop * self.stride else: stop = self.stop + stop * self.stride size = (stop - start) // stride if self.start >= start >= self.stop: raise IndexError("start index out-of-bound") if self.start >= stop >= self.stop: raise IndexError("stop index out-of-bound") if stop < start: start = stop size = 0 return Dim(start, stop, size, stride) def get_offset(self, idx): return self.start + idx * self.stride def __repr__(self): strfmt = "Dim(start=%s, stop=%s, size=%s, stride=%s)" return strfmt % (self.start, self.stop, self.size, self.stride) def normalize(self, base): return Dim(start=self.start - base, stop=self.stop - base, size=self.size, stride=self.stride) def copy(self, start=None, stop=None, size=None, stride=None): if start is None: start = self.start if stop is None: stop = self.stop if size is None: size = self.size if stride is None: stride = self.stride return Dim(start, stop, size, stride) def is_contiguous(self, itemsize): return self.stride == itemsize def compute_index(indices, dims): return sum(d.get_offset(i) for i, d in zip(indices, dims)) class Array(object): """A dummy numpy array-like object. Consider it an array without the actual data, but offset from the base data pointer. Attributes ---------- dims: tuple of Dim describing each dimension of the array ndim: int number of dimension shape: tuple of int size of each dimension strides: tuple of int stride of each dimension itemsize: int itemsize extent: (start, end) start and end offset containing the memory region """ @classmethod def from_desc(cls, offset, shape, strides, itemsize): dims = [] for ashape, astride in zip(shape, strides): dim = Dim(offset, offset + ashape * astride, ashape, astride) dims.append(dim) return cls(dims, itemsize) def __init__(self, dims, itemsize): self.dims = tuple(dims) self.ndim = len(self.dims) self.shape = tuple(dim.size for dim in self.dims) self.strides = tuple(dim.stride for dim in self.dims) self.itemsize = itemsize self.size = self.extent = self._compute_extent() self.flags = self._compute_layout() def _compute_layout(self): leftmost = self.dims[0].is_contiguous(self.itemsize) rightmost = self.dims[-1].is_contiguous(self.itemsize) flags = {} def is_contig(traverse): last = next(traverse) for dim in traverse: if last.size != 0 and last.size * last.stride != dim.stride: return False last = dim return True flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] = leftmost and is_contig(iter(self.dims)) flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] = rightmost and is_contig(reversed(self.dims)) return flags def _compute_extent(self): firstidx = [0] * self.ndim lastidx = [s - 1 for s in self.shape] start = compute_index(firstidx, self.dims) stop = compute_index(lastidx, self.dims) + self.itemsize return Extent(start, stop) def __repr__(self): return '<Array dims=%s itemsize=%s>' % (self.dims, self.itemsize) def __getitem__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, tuple): item = [item] else: item = list(item) nitem = len(item) ndim = len(self.dims) if nitem > ndim: raise IndexError("%d extra indices given" % (nitem - ndim,)) # Add empty slices for missing indices while len(item) < ndim: item.append(slice(None, None)) dims = [dim.__getitem__(it) for dim, it in zip(self.dims, item)] return Array(dims, self.itemsize) @property def is_c_contig(self): return self.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] @property def is_f_contig(self): return self.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] def iter_contiguous_extent(self): """ Generates extents """ if self.is_c_contig or self.is_f_contig: yield self.extent else: if self.dims[0].stride < self.dims[-1].stride: innerdim = self.dims[0] outerdims = self.dims[1:] outershape = self.shape[1:] else: innerdim = self.dims[-1] outerdims = self.dims[:-1] outershape = self.shape[:-1] if innerdim.is_contiguous(self.itemsize): oslen = [range(s) for s in outershape] for indices in itertools.product(*oslen): base = compute_index(indices, outerdims) yield base + innerdim.start, base + innerdim.stop else: oslen = [range(s) for s in self.shape] for indices in itertools.product(*oslen): offset = compute_index(indices, self.dims) yield offset, offset + self.itemsize def reshape(self, *newshape, **kws): order = kws.pop('order', 'C') if kws: raise TypeError('unknown keyword arguments %s' % kws.keys()) if order not in 'CFA': raise ValueError('order not C|F|A') newsize = functools.reduce(operator.mul, newshape, 1) if order == 'A': order = 'F' if self.is_f_contig else 'C' if newsize != self.size: raise ValueError("reshape changes the size of the array") elif self.is_c_contig or self.is_f_contig: if order == 'C': newstrides = list(iter_strides_c_contig(self, newshape)) elif order == 'F': newstrides = list(iter_strides_f_contig(self, newshape)) else: raise AssertionError("unreachable") ret = self.from_desc(self.extent.begin, shape=newshape, strides=newstrides, itemsize=self.itemsize) return ret, list(self.iter_contiguous_extent()) else: raise NotImplementedError("reshape on non-contiguous array") def ravel(self, order='C'): if order not in 'CFA': raise ValueError('order not C|F|A') if self.ndim <= 1: return self elif (order == 'C' and self.is_c_contig or order == 'F' and self.is_f_contig): newshape = (self.size,) newstrides = (self.itemsize,) arr = self.from_desc(self.extent.begin, newshape, newstrides, self.itemsize) return arr, list(self.iter_contiguous_extent()) else: raise NotImplementedError("ravel on non-contiguous array") def iter_strides_f_contig(arr, shape=None): """yields the f-contigous strides """ assert arr.is_f_contig shape = arr.shape if shape is None else shape itemsize = arr.itemsize yield itemsize sum = 1 for s in shape[:-1]: sum *= s yield sum * itemsize def iter_strides_c_contig(arr, shape=None): """yields the c-contigous strides """ assert arr.is_c_contig shape = arr.shape if shape is None else shape itemsize = arr.itemsize def gen(): yield itemsize sum = 1 for s in reversed(shape[1:]): sum *= s yield sum * itemsize for i in reversed(list(gen())): yield i def is_element_indexing(item, ndim): if isinstance(item, slice): return False elif isinstance(item, tuple): if len(item) == ndim: if not any(isinstance(it, slice) for it in item): return True else: return True return False ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = findlib from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import sys import os import re def get_lib_dir(): """ Anaconda specific """ dirname = 'DLLs' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'lib' libdir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, dirname) return libdir DLLNAMEMAP = { 'linux2': r'lib%(name)s\.so\.%(ver)s$', 'darwin': r'lib%(name)s\.%(ver)s\.dylib$', 'win32': r'%(name)s%(ver)s\.dll$', } RE_VER = r'[0-9]*([_\.][0-9]+)*' def find_lib(libname, libdir=None, platform=None): platform = platform or sys.platform pat = DLLNAMEMAP[platform] % {"name": libname, "ver": RE_VER} regex = re.compile(pat) return find_file(regex, libdir) def find_file(pat, libdir=None): libdir = libdir or get_lib_dir() entries = os.listdir(libdir) candidates = [os.path.join(libdir, ent) for ent in entries if pat.match(ent)] return [c for c in candidates if os.path.isfile(c)] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = interpreter from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins import sys import dis from numba import ir, controlflow, dataflow, utils class Interpreter(object): """A bytecode interpreter that builds up the IR. """ def __init__(self, bytecode): self.bytecode = bytecode self.scopes = [] self.loc = ir.Loc(filename=bytecode.filename, line=1) self.argspec = bytecode.argspec # Control flow analysis = controlflow.ControlFlowAnalysis(bytecode) # Data flow analysis self.dfa = dataflow.DataFlowAnalysis( global_scope = ir.Scope(parent=None, loc=self.loc) self._fill_global_scope(global_scope) self.scopes.append(global_scope) # { inst offset : ir.Block } self.blocks = {} self.syntax_info = [] # Temp states during interpretation self.current_block = None self.current_block_offset = None self.syntax_blocks = [] self.dfainfo = None self._block_actions = {} def _fill_global_scope(self, scope): """TODO """ pass def _fill_args_into_scope(self, scope): for arg in self.argspec.args: scope.define(name=arg, loc=self.loc) def interpret(self): firstblk = min( self.loc = ir.Loc(filename=self.bytecode.filename, line=self.bytecode[firstblk].lineno) self.scopes.append(ir.Scope(parent=self.current_scope, loc=self.loc)) self._fill_args_into_scope(self.current_scope) # Interpret loop for inst, kws in self._iter_inst(): self._dispatch(inst, kws) # Clean up self._remove_invalid_syntax_blocks() def _remove_invalid_syntax_blocks(self): self.syntax_info = [syn for syn in self.syntax_info if syn.valid()] def verify(self): for b in utils.dict_itervalues(self.blocks): b.verify() def _iter_inst(self): for block in firstinst = self.bytecode[block.body[0]] self._start_new_block(firstinst) for offset, kws in self.dfainfo.insts: inst = self.bytecode[offset] self.loc = ir.Loc(filename=self.bytecode.filename, line=inst.lineno) yield inst, kws def _start_new_block(self, inst): self.loc = ir.Loc(filename=self.bytecode.filename, line=inst.lineno) oldblock = self.current_block self.insert_block(inst.offset) # Ensure the last block is terminated if oldblock is not None and not oldblock.is_terminated: jmp = ir.Jump(inst.offset, loc=self.loc) oldblock.append(jmp) # Get DFA block info self.dfainfo = self.dfa.infos[self.current_block_offset] # Insert PHI self._insert_phi() # Notify listeners for the new block for fn in utils.dict_itervalues(self._block_actions): fn(self.current_block_offset, self.current_block) def _insert_phi(self): if self.dfainfo.incomings: assert len(self.dfainfo.incomings) == 1 incomings =[self.current_block_offset].incoming phivar = self.dfainfo.incomings[0] if len(incomings) == 1: ib = utils.iter_next(iter(incomings)) lingering = self.dfa.infos[ib].stack assert len(lingering) == 1 iv = lingering[0], phivar) else: # Invert the PHI node for ib in incomings: lingering = self.dfa.infos[ib].stack assert len(lingering) == 1 iv = lingering[0] # Add assignment in incoming block to forward the value target = self.current_scope.get_or_define('$phi' + phivar, loc=self.loc) stmt = ir.Assign(value=self.get(iv), target=target, loc=self.loc) self.blocks[ib].insert_before_terminator(stmt), phivar) def get_global_value(self, name): """ Get a global value from the func_global (first) or as a builtins (second). If both failed, return a ir.UNDEFINED. """ try: return utils.func_globals(self.bytecode.func)[name] except KeyError: return getattr(builtins, name, ir.UNDEFINED) @property def current_scope(self): return self.scopes[-1] @property def code_consts(self): return self.bytecode.co_consts @property def code_locals(self): return self.bytecode.co_varnames @property def code_names(self): return self.bytecode.co_names def _dispatch(self, inst, kws): assert self.current_block is not None fname = "op_%s" % inst.opname.replace('+', '_') try: fn = getattr(self, fname) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError(inst) else: return fn(inst, **kws) def dump(self, file=None): file = file or sys.stdout for offset, block in sorted(self.blocks.items()): print('label %d:' % offset, file=file) block.dump(file=file) # --- Scope operations --- def store(self, value, name): if self.current_block_offset in target = self.current_scope.redefine(name, loc=self.loc) else: target = self.current_scope.get_or_define(name, loc=self.loc) stmt = ir.Assign(value=value, target=target, loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt) # def store_temp(self, value): # target = self.current_scope.make_temp(loc=self.loc) # stmt = ir.Assign(value=value, target=target, loc=self.loc) # self.current_block.append(stmt) # return target def get(self, name): return self.current_scope.get(name) # --- Block operations --- def insert_block(self, offset, scope=None, loc=None): scope = scope or self.current_scope loc = loc or self.loc blk = ir.Block(scope=scope, loc=loc) self.blocks[offset] = blk self.current_block = blk self.current_block_offset = offset return blk def block_constains_opname(self, offset, opname): for offset in[offset]: inst = self.bytecode[offset] if inst.opname == opname: return True return False # --- Bytecode handlers --- def op_PRINT_ITEM(self, inst, item, printvar, res): item = self.get(item) printgv = ir.Global("print", print, loc=self.loc), name=printvar) call =, (item,), (), loc=self.loc), name=res) def op_PRINT_NEWLINE(self, inst, printvar, res): printgv = ir.Global("print", print, loc=self.loc), name=printvar) call =, (), (), loc=self.loc), name=res) def op_UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, inst, sequence, stores, iterobj): sequence = self.get(sequence) getiter = ir.Expr.getiter(value=sequence, loc=self.loc), name=iterobj) for st in stores: iternext = ir.Expr.iternextsafe(value=self.get(iterobj), loc=self.loc), name=st) def op_BUILD_SLICE(self, inst, start, stop, step, res, slicevar): start = self.get(start) stop = self.get(stop) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) if step is None: sliceinst =, (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc) else: step = self.get(step) sliceinst =, (start, stop, step), (), loc=self.loc), name=res) def op_SLICE_0(self, inst, base, res, slicevar, indexvar, nonevar): base = self.get(base) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc), name=nonevar) none = self.get(nonevar) index =, (none, none), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc), name=res) def op_SLICE_1(self, inst, base, start, nonevar, res, slicevar, indexvar): base = self.get(base) start = self.get(start) nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc), name=nonevar) none = self.get(nonevar) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) index =, (start, none), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc), name=res) def op_SLICE_2(self, inst, base, nonevar, stop, res, slicevar, indexvar): base = self.get(base) stop = self.get(stop) nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc), name=nonevar) none = self.get(nonevar) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) index =, (none, stop,), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc), name=res) def op_SLICE_3(self, inst, base, start, stop, res, slicevar, indexvar): base = self.get(base) start = self.get(start) stop = self.get(stop) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) index =, (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) expr = ir.Expr.getitem(base, self.get(indexvar), loc=self.loc), name=res) def op_STORE_SLICE_0(self, inst, base, value, slicevar, indexvar, nonevar): base = self.get(base) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc), name=nonevar) none = self.get(nonevar) index =, (none, none), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt) def op_STORE_SLICE_1(self, inst, base, start, nonevar, value, slicevar, indexvar): base = self.get(base) start = self.get(start) nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc), name=nonevar) none = self.get(nonevar) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) index =, (start, none), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt) def op_STORE_SLICE_2(self, inst, base, nonevar, stop, value, slicevar, indexvar): base = self.get(base) stop = self.get(stop) nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc), name=nonevar) none = self.get(nonevar) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) index =, (none, stop,), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt) def op_STORE_SLICE_3(self, inst, base, start, stop, value, slicevar, indexvar): base = self.get(base) start = self.get(start) stop = self.get(stop) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) index =, (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt) def op_STORE_FAST(self, inst, value): dstname = self.code_locals[inst.arg] value = self.get(value), name=dstname) def op_LOAD_ATTR(self, inst, item, res): item = self.get(item) attr = self.code_names[inst.arg] getattr = ir.Expr.getattr(item, attr, loc=self.loc), res) def op_LOAD_CONST(self, inst, res): value = self.code_consts[inst.arg] const = ir.Const(value, loc=self.loc), res) def op_LOAD_GLOBAL(self, inst, res): name = self.code_names[inst.arg] value = self.get_global_value(name) gl = ir.Global(name, value, loc=self.loc), res) def op_SETUP_LOOP(self, inst): assert self.blocks[inst.offset] is self.current_block loop = ir.Loop(inst.offset, exit=( + inst.arg)) self.syntax_blocks.append(loop) self.syntax_info.append(loop) def op_CALL_FUNCTION(self, inst, func, args, kws, res): func = self.get(func) args = [self.get(x) for x in args] # Process keywords keyvalues = [] removethese = [] for k, v in kws: k, v = self.get(k), self.get(v) for inst in self.current_block.body: if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign) and is k: removethese.append(inst) keyvalues.append((inst.value.value, v)) # Remove keyword constant statements for inst in removethese: self.current_block.remove(inst) expr =, args, keyvalues, loc=self.loc), res) def op_GET_ITER(self, inst, value, res): expr = ir.Expr.getiter(value=self.get(value), loc=self.loc), res) def op_FOR_ITER(self, inst, iterator, indval, pred): """ Assign new block other this instruction. """ assert inst.offset in self.blocks, "FOR_ITER must be block head" # Mark this block as the loop condition loop = self.syntax_blocks[-1] loop.condition = self.current_block_offset # Emit code val = self.get(iterator) iternext = ir.Expr.iternext(value=val, loc=self.loc), indval) itervalid = ir.Expr.itervalid(value=val, loc=self.loc), pred) # Conditional jump br = ir.Branch(cond=self.get(pred),, falsebr=inst.get_jump_target(), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(br) # Add event listener to mark the following blocks as loop body def mark_as_body(offset, block): loop.body.append(offset) self._block_actions[loop] = mark_as_body def op_BINARY_SUBSCR(self, inst, target, index, res): index = self.get(index) target = self.get(target) expr = ir.Expr.getitem(target=target, index=index, loc=self.loc), res) def op_STORE_SUBSCR(self, inst, target, index, value): index = self.get(index) target = self.get(target) value = self.get(value) stmt = ir.SetItem(target=target, index=index, value=value, loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt) def op_BUILD_TUPLE(self, inst, items, res): expr = ir.Expr.build_tuple(items=[self.get(x) for x in items], loc=self.loc), res) def op_BUILD_LIST(self, inst, items, res): expr = ir.Expr.build_list(items=[self.get(x) for x in items], loc=self.loc), res) def op_UNARY_NEGATIVE(self, inst, value, res): value = self.get(value) expr = ir.Expr.unary('-', value=value, loc=self.loc) return, res) def op_UNARY_INVERT(self, inst, value, res): value = self.get(value) expr = ir.Expr.unary('~', value=value, loc=self.loc) return, res) def op_UNARY_NOT(self, inst, value, res): value = self.get(value) expr = ir.Expr.unary('not', value=value, loc=self.loc) return, res) def _binop(self, op, lhs, rhs, res): lhs = self.get(lhs) rhs = self.get(rhs) expr = ir.Expr.binop(op, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, loc=self.loc), res) def op_BINARY_ADD(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('+', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_SUBTRACT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('-', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_MULTIPLY(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('*', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('/?', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('/', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('//', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_MODULO(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('%', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_POWER(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('**', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_LSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('<<', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_RSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('>>', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_AND(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('&', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_OR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('|', lhs, rhs, res) def op_BINARY_XOR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._binop('^', lhs, rhs, res) _inplace_binop = _binop def op_INPLACE_ADD(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('+', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_SUBTRACT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('-', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_MULTIPLY(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('*', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('/?', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('/', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('//', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_MODULO(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('%', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_POWER(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('**', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_LSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('<<', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_RSHIFT(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('>>', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_AND(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('&', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_OR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('|', lhs, rhs, res) def op_INPLACE_XOR(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): self._inplace_binop('^', lhs, rhs, res) def op_JUMP_ABSOLUTE(self, inst): jmp = ir.Jump(inst.get_jump_target(), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(jmp) def op_JUMP_FORWARD(self, inst): jmp = ir.Jump(inst.get_jump_target(), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(jmp) def op_POP_BLOCK(self, inst, delitem=None): blk = self.syntax_blocks.pop() if delitem is not None: delete = ir.Del(delitem, loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(delete) if blk in self._block_actions: del self._block_actions[blk] def op_RETURN_VALUE(self, inst, retval): ret = ir.Return(self.get(retval), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(ret) def op_COMPARE_OP(self, inst, lhs, rhs, res): op = dis.cmp_op[inst.arg] self._binop(op, lhs, rhs, res) def op_BREAK_LOOP(self, inst): loop = self.syntax_blocks[-1] assert isinstance(loop, ir.Loop) jmp = ir.Jump(target=loop.exit, loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(jmp) def _op_JUMP_IF(self, inst, pred, iftrue): brs = { True: inst.get_jump_target(), False:, } truebr = brs[iftrue] falsebr = brs[not iftrue] bra = ir.Branch(cond=self.get(pred), truebr=truebr, falsebr=falsebr, loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(bra) # In a while loop? self._determine_while_condition((truebr, falsebr)) def op_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, inst, pred): self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=False) def op_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, inst, pred): self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=True) def op_POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, inst, pred): self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=False) def op_POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, inst, pred): self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=True) def op_JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP(self, inst, pred): self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=False) def op_JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP(self, inst, pred): self._op_JUMP_IF(inst, pred=pred, iftrue=True) def _determine_while_condition(self, branches): assert branches # There is a active syntax block if not self.syntax_blocks: return # TOS is a Loop instance loop = self.syntax_blocks[-1] if not isinstance(loop, ir.Loop): return # Its condition is not defined if loop.condition is not None: return # One of the branches goes to a POP_BLOCK for br in branches: if self.block_constains_opname(br, 'POP_BLOCK'): break else: return # Which is the exit of the loop if br not in[loop.exit].incoming: return # Therefore, current block is a while loop condition loop.condition = self.current_block_offset # Add event listener to mark the following blocks as loop body def mark_as_body(offset, block): loop.body.append(offset) self._block_actions[loop] = mark_as_body ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = io_support try: try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ir from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import os import pprint from collections import defaultdict class RedefinedError(NameError): pass class NotDefinedError(NameError): pass class VerificationError(Exception): pass class Loc(object): """Source location """ def __init__(self, filename, line, col=None): self.filename = filename self.line = line self.col = col def __repr__(self): return "Loc(filename=%s, line=%s, col=%s)" % (self.filename, self.line, self.col) def __str__(self): if self.col is not None: return "%s (%s:%s)" % (self.filename, self.line, self.col) else: return "%s (%s)" % (self.filename, self.line) def strformat(self): try: # Try to get a relative path path = os.path.relpath(self.filename) except ValueError: # Fallback to absolute path if error occured in getting the # relative path. # This may happen on windows if the drive is different path = os.path.abspath(self.filename) return 'File "%s", line %d' % (path, self.line) class VarMap(object): def __init__(self): self._con = {} def define(self, name, var): if name in self._con: raise RedefinedError(name) else: self._con[name] = var def get(self, name): try: return self._con[name] except KeyError: raise NotDefinedError(name) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self._con def __len__(self): return len(self._con) def __repr__(self): return pprint.pformat(self._con) def __hash__(self): return hash( def __iter__(self): return self._con.iterkeys() class Stmt(object): is_terminator = False class Expr(object): def __init__(self, op, loc, **kws): self.op = op self.loc = loc self._kws = kws for k, v in kws.items(): setattr(self, k, v) @classmethod def binop(cls, fn, lhs, rhs, loc): op = 'binop' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, fn=fn, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs) @classmethod def unary(cls, fn, value, loc): op = 'unary' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, fn=fn, value=value) @classmethod def call(cls, func, args, kws, loc): op = 'call' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, func=func, args=args, kws=kws) @classmethod def build_tuple(cls, items, loc): op = 'build_tuple' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, items=items) @classmethod def build_list(cls, items, loc): op = 'build_list' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, items=items) @classmethod def getiter(cls, value, loc): op = 'getiter' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, value=value) @classmethod def iternext(cls, value, loc): op = 'iternext' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, value=value) @classmethod def iternextsafe(cls, value, loc): op = 'iternextsafe' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, value=value) @classmethod def itervalid(cls, value, loc): op = 'itervalid' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, value=value) @classmethod def getattr(cls, value, attr, loc): op = 'getattr' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, value=value, attr=attr) @classmethod def getitem(cls, target, index, loc): op = 'getitem' return cls(op=op, loc=loc, target=target, index=index) def __repr__(self): if self.op == 'call': args = ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.args) kws = ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in self.kws) return 'call %s(%s, %s)' % (self.func, args, kws) elif self.op == 'binop': return '%s %s %s' % (self.lhs, self.fn, self.rhs) else: args = ('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in self._kws.items()) return '%s(%s)' % (self.op, ', '.join(args)) def list_vars(self): for v in self._kws.values(): if isinstance(v, Var): return v class SetItem(Stmt): def __init__(self, target, index, value, loc): = target self.index = index self.value = value self.loc = loc def __repr__(self): return '%s[%s] = %s' % (, self.index, self.value) class Del(Stmt): def __init__(self, value, loc): self.value = value self.loc = loc def __str__(self): return "del %s" % self.value class Return(Stmt): is_terminator = True def __init__(self, value, loc): self.value = value self.loc = loc def __str__(self): return 'return %s' % self.value class Jump(Stmt): is_terminator = True def __init__(self, target, loc): = target self.loc = loc def __str__(self): return 'jump %s' % class Branch(Stmt): is_terminator = True def __init__(self, cond, truebr, falsebr, loc): self.cond = cond self.truebr = truebr self.falsebr = falsebr self.loc = loc def __str__(self): return 'branch %s, %s, %s' % (self.cond, self.truebr, self.falsebr) class Assign(Stmt): def __init__(self, value, target, loc): self.value = value = target self.loc = loc def __str__(self): return '%s = %s' % (, self.value) class Const(object): def __init__(self, value, loc): self.value = value self.loc = loc def __repr__(self): return 'const(%s, %s)' % (type(self.value), self.value) class Global(object): def __init__(self, name, value, loc): = name self.value = value self.loc = loc def __str__(self): return 'global(%s: %s)' % (, self.value) class Var(object): """ Attributes ----------- - scope: Scope - name: str - loc: Loc Definition location """ def __init__(self, scope, name, loc): self.scope = scope = name self.loc = loc def __repr__(self): return 'Var(%s, %s)' % (, self.loc) def __str__(self): return @property def is_temp(self): return"$") class Intrinsic(object): """ For inserting intrinsic node into the IR """ def __init__(self, name, type, args): = name self.type = type self.loc = None self.args = args def __repr__(self): return 'Intrinsic(%s, %s, %s)' % (, self.type, self.loc) def __str__(self): return class Scope(object): """ Attributes ----------- - parent: Scope Parent scope - localvars: VarMap Scope-local variable map - loc: Loc Start of scope location """ def __init__(self, parent, loc): self.parent = parent self.localvars = VarMap() self.loc = loc self.redefined = defaultdict(int) def define(self, name, loc): """ Define a variable """ v = Var(scope=self, name=name, loc=loc) self.localvars.define(, v) return v def get(self, name): """ Refer to a variable """ if name in self.redefined: name = "%s.%d" % (name, self.redefined[name]) try: return self.localvars.get(name) except NotDefinedError: if self.has_parent: return self.parent.get(name) else: raise def get_or_define(self, name, loc): if name in self.redefined: name = "%s.%d" % (name, self.redefined[name]) v = Var(scope=self, name=name, loc=loc) if name not in self.localvars: return self.define(name, loc) else: return self.localvars.get(name) def redefine(self, name, loc): """ Redefine if the name is already defined """ if name not in self.localvars: return self.define(name, loc) else: ct = self.redefined[name] self.redefined[name] = ct + 1 newname = "%s.%d" % (name, ct + 1) return self.define(newname, loc) def make_temp(self, loc): n = len(self.localvars) v = Var(scope=self, name='$%d' % n, loc=loc) self.localvars.define(, v) return v @property def has_parent(self): return self.parent is not None def __repr__(self): return "Scope(has_parent=%r, num_vars=%d, %s)" % (self.has_parent, len(self.localvars), self.loc) class Block(object): """A code block """ def __init__(self, scope, loc): self.scope = scope self.body = [] self.loc = loc def append(self, inst): assert isinstance(inst, Stmt) self.body.append(inst) def remove(self, inst): assert isinstance(inst, Stmt) del self.body[self.body.index(inst)] def dump(self, file=sys.stdout): for inst in self.body: print(' ', inst, file=file) @property def terminator(self): return self.body[-1] @property def is_terminated(self): return self.body and self.body[-1].is_terminator def verify(self): if not self.is_terminated: raise VerificationError("Missing block terminator") # Only the last instruction can be a terminator for inst in self.body[:-1]: if inst.is_terminator: raise VerificationError("Terminator before the last " "instruction") def insert_before_terminator(self, stmt): assert isinstance(stmt, Stmt) assert self.is_terminated self.body.insert(-1, stmt) class Loop(object): __slots__ = "entry", "condition", "body", "exit" def __init__(self, entry, exit, condition=None): self.entry = entry self.condition = condition self.body = [] self.exit = exit def valid(self): try: self.verify() except VerificationError: return False else: return True def verify(self): if self.entry is None: raise VerificationError("Missing entry block") if self.condition is None: raise VerificationError("Missing condition block") if self.exit is None: raise VerificationError("Missing exit block") if not self.body: raise VerificationError("Missing body block") def __repr__(self): args = self.entry, self.condition, self.body, self.exit return "Loop(entry=%s, condition=%s, body=%s, exit=%s)" % args # A stub for undefined global reference UNDEFINED = object() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = irpasses """ Contains optimization passes for the IR. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import ir, utils class RemoveRedundantAssign(object): """ Turn assignment pairs into one assignment """ def __init__(self, interp): self.interp = interp def run(self): for blkid, blk in utils.dict_iteritems(self.interp.blocks): self.run_block(blk) def run_block(self, blk): tempassign = {} removeset = set() for offset, inst in enumerate(blk.body): self.mark_asssignment(tempassign, offset, inst) for bag in utils.dict_itervalues(tempassign): if len(bag) == 2: off1, off2 = bag first = blk.body[off1] second = blk.body[off2] inst = ir.Assign(value=first.value,, loc=first.loc) # Replacement the second instruction blk.body[off2] = inst # Remove the first removeset.add(off1) # Remove from the highest offset to the lowest to preserve order for off in reversed(sorted(removeset)): del blk.body[off] def mark_asssignment(self, tempassign, offset, inst): if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign): if tempassign[] = [offset] elif in tempassign: bag = tempassign[] if bag[0] == offset - 1: bag.append(offset) else: # Only apply to use once temp variable del tempassign[] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = looplifting from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import utils from numba.bytecode import ByteCodeInst, CustomByteCode def bind(loops, typingctx, targetctx, locals, flags): """ Install loop dispatchers into the module """ disps = [] for loopbc in loops: d = bind_loop(loopbc, typingctx, targetctx, locals, flags) disps.append(d) return disps def bind_loop(loopbc, typingctx, targetctx, locals, flags): from numba.dispatcher import LiftedLoop fname = loopbc.func_name disp = getattr(loopbc.module, fname, None) if disp is not None: if not isinstance(disp, LiftedLoop): raise ValueError("Function %s exist but not a lifted-loop" % fname) # Short circuit return disp else: disp = LiftedLoop(loopbc, typingctx, targetctx, locals, flags) setattr(loopbc.module, fname, disp) return disp def lift_loop(bytecode): """Lift the top-level loops. Returns (outer, loops) ------------------------ * outer: ByteCode of a copy of the loop-less function. * loops: a list of ByteCode of the loops. """ outer = [] loops = [] separate_loops(bytecode, outer, loops) # Discover variables references outer_rds, outer_wrs = find_varnames_uses(bytecode, outer) outer_wrs |= set(bytecode.argspec.args) lbclist = [] outerlabels = set(bytecode.labels) outernames = list(bytecode.co_names) for loop in loops: args, rets = discover_args_and_returns(bytecode, loop, outer_rds, outer_wrs) if rets: # Cannot deal with loop that write to variables used in outer body # Put the loop back into the outer function outer = stitch_instructions(outer, loop) # Recompute read-write variable set wrs, rds = find_varnames_uses(bytecode, loop) outer_wrs |= wrs outer_rds |= rds else: insert_loop_call(bytecode, loop, args, lbclist, outer, outerlabels, outernames) # Build outer bytecode codetable = utils.SortedMap((i.offset, i) for i in outer) outerbc = CustomByteCode(func=bytecode.func, func_name=bytecode.func_name, argspec=bytecode.argspec, filename=bytecode.filename, co_names=outernames, co_varnames=bytecode.co_varnames, co_consts=bytecode.co_consts, table=codetable, labels=outerlabels & set(codetable.keys())) return outerbc, lbclist def insert_loop_call(bytecode, loop, args, lbclist, outer, outerlabels, outernames): endloopoffset = loop[-1].next # Accepted. Create a bytecode object for the loop args = tuple(args) lbc = make_loop_bytecode(bytecode, loop, args) lbclist.append(lbc) # Insert jump to the end jmp = ByteCodeInst.get(loop[0].offset, 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', outer[-1].next) jmp.lineno = loop[0].lineno insert_instruction(outer, jmp) outerlabels.add(outer[-1].next) # Prepare arguments outernames.append(lbc.func_name) loadfn = ByteCodeInst.get(outer[-1].next, "LOAD_GLOBAL", outernames.index(lbc.func_name)) loadfn.lineno = loop[0].lineno insert_instruction(outer, loadfn) for arg in args: loadarg = ByteCodeInst.get(outer[-1].next, 'LOAD_FAST', bytecode.co_varnames.index(arg)) loadarg.lineno = loop[0].lineno insert_instruction(outer, loadarg) # Call function assert len(args) < 256 call = ByteCodeInst.get(outer[-1].next, "CALL_FUNCTION", len(args)) call.lineno = loop[0].lineno insert_instruction(outer, call) poptop = ByteCodeInst.get(outer[-1].next, "POP_TOP", None) poptop.lineno = loop[0].lineno insert_instruction(outer, poptop) jmpback = ByteCodeInst.get(outer[-1].next, 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', endloopoffset) jmpback.lineno = loop[0].lineno insert_instruction(outer, jmpback) def insert_instruction(insts, item): i = find_previous_inst(insts, item.offset) insts.insert(i, item) def find_previous_inst(insts, offset): for i, inst in enumerate(insts): if inst.offset > offset: return i return len(insts) def make_loop_bytecode(bytecode, loop, args): # Add return None co_consts = tuple(bytecode.co_consts) if None not in co_consts: co_consts += (None,) # Load None load_none = ByteCodeInst.get(loop[-1].next, "LOAD_CONST", co_consts.index(None)) load_none.lineno = loop[-1].lineno loop.append(load_none) # Return None return_value = ByteCodeInst.get(loop[-1].next, "RETURN_VALUE", 0) return_value.lineno = loop[-1].lineno loop.append(return_value) # Function name loopfuncname = bytecode.func_name+"__numba__loop%d__" % loop[0].offset # Argspec argspectype = type(bytecode.argspec) argspec = argspectype(args=args, varargs=(), keywords=(), defaults=()) # Code table codetable = utils.SortedMap((i.offset, i) for i in loop) # Custom bytecode object lbc = CustomByteCode(func=bytecode.func, func_name=loopfuncname, argspec=argspec, filename=bytecode.filename, co_names=bytecode.co_names, co_varnames=bytecode.co_varnames, co_consts=co_consts, table=codetable, labels=bytecode.labels) return lbc def stitch_instructions(outer, loop): begin = loop[0].offset i = find_previous_inst(outer, begin) return outer[:i] + loop + outer[i:] def discover_args_and_returns(bytecode, insts, outer_rds, outer_wrs): """ Basic analysis for args and returns This completely ignores the ordering or the read-writes. """ rdnames, wrnames = find_varnames_uses(bytecode, insts) # Pass names that are written outside and read locally args = outer_wrs & rdnames # Return values that it written locally and read outside rets = wrnames & outer_rds return args, rets def find_varnames_uses(bytecode, insts): rdnames = set() wrnames = set() for inst in insts: if inst.opname == 'LOAD_FAST': rdnames.add(bytecode.co_varnames[inst.arg]) elif inst.opname == 'STORE_FAST': wrnames.add(bytecode.co_varnames[inst.arg]) return rdnames, wrnames def separate_loops(bytecode, outer, loops): """ Separate top-level loops from the function Stores loopless instructions from the original function into `outer`. Stores list of loop instructions into `loops`. Both `outer` and `loops` are list-like (`append(item)` defined). """ endloop = None cur = None for inst in bytecode: if endloop is None: if inst.opname == 'SETUP_LOOP': cur = [inst] endloop = + inst.arg else: outer.append(inst) else: cur.append(inst) if == endloop: for inst in cur: if inst.opname == 'RETURN_VALUE': # Reject if return inside loop outer.extend(cur) break else: loops.append(cur) endloop = None ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = lowering from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from collections import defaultdict from llvm.core import Type, Builder, Module import llvm.core as lc from numba import ir, types, cgutils, utils, config try: import builtins except ImportError: import __builtin__ as builtins class LoweringError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, loc): self.msg = msg self.loc = loc super(LoweringError, self).__init__("%s\n%s" % (msg, loc.strformat())) def default_mangler(name, argtypes): codedargs = '.'.join(str(a).replace(' ', '_') for a in argtypes) return '.'.join([name, codedargs]) class FunctionDescriptor(object): __slots__ = ('native', 'pymod', 'name', 'doc', 'blocks', 'typemap', 'calltypes', 'args', 'kws', 'restype', 'argtypes', 'qualified_name', 'mangled_name') def __init__(self, native, pymod, name, doc, blocks, typemap, restype, calltypes, args, kws, mangler=None, argtypes=None, qualname=None): self.native = native self.pymod = pymod = name self.doc = doc self.blocks = blocks self.typemap = typemap self.calltypes = calltypes self.args = args self.kws = kws self.restype = restype # Argument types self.argtypes = argtypes or [self.typemap[a] for a in args] self.qualified_name = qualname or '.'.join([self.pymod.__name__,]) mangler = default_mangler if mangler is None else mangler self.mangled_name = mangler(self.qualified_name, self.argtypes) def _describe(interp): func = interp.bytecode.func fname = interp.bytecode.func_name pymod = interp.bytecode.module doc = func.__doc__ or '' args = interp.argspec.args kws = () # TODO return fname, pymod, doc, args, kws def describe_external(name, restype, argtypes): args = ["arg%d" % i for i in range(len(argtypes))] fd = FunctionDescriptor(native=True, pymod=None, name=name, doc='', blocks=None, restype=restype, calltypes=None, argtypes=argtypes, args=args, kws=None, typemap=None, qualname=name, mangler=lambda a,x: a) return fd def describe_function(interp, typemap, restype, calltypes, mangler): fname, pymod, doc, args, kws = _describe(interp) native = True sortedblocks = utils.SortedMap(utils.dict_iteritems(interp.blocks)) fd = FunctionDescriptor(native, pymod, fname, doc, sortedblocks, typemap, restype, calltypes, args, kws, mangler) return fd def describe_pyfunction(interp): fname, pymod, doc, args, kws = _describe(interp) defdict = lambda: defaultdict(lambda: types.pyobject) typemap = defdict() restype = types.pyobject calltypes = defdict() native = False sortedblocks = utils.SortedMap(utils.dict_iteritems(interp.blocks)) fd = FunctionDescriptor(native, pymod, fname, doc, sortedblocks, typemap, restype, calltypes, args, kws) return fd class BaseLower(object): """ Lower IR to LLVM """ def __init__(self, context, fndesc): self.context = context self.fndesc = fndesc # Initialize LLVM self.module ="module.%s" % # Install metadata md_pymod = cgutils.MetadataKeyStore(self.module, "python.module") md_pymod.set(fndesc.pymod.__name__) # Setup function self.function = context.declare_function(self.module, fndesc) self.entry_block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry') self.builder = # self.builder = cgutils.VerboseProxy(self.builder) # Internal states self.blkmap = {} self.varmap = {} self.firstblk = min(self.fndesc.blocks.keys()) # Subclass initialization self.init() def init(self): pass def post_lower(self): """Called after all blocks are lowered """ pass def lower(self): # Init argument variables fnargs = self.context.get_arguments(self.function) for ak, av in zip(self.fndesc.args, fnargs): at = self.typeof(ak) av = self.context.get_argument_value(self.builder, at, av) av = self.init_argument(av) self.storevar(av, ak) # Init blocks for offset in self.fndesc.blocks: bname = "B%d" % offset self.blkmap[offset] = self.function.append_basic_block(bname) # Lower all blocks for offset, block in self.fndesc.blocks.items(): bb = self.blkmap[offset] self.builder.position_at_end(bb) self.lower_block(block) self.post_lower() # Close entry block self.builder.position_at_end(self.entry_block) self.builder.branch(self.blkmap[self.firstblk]) if config.DUMP_LLVM: print(("LLVM DUMP %s" % self.fndesc.qualified_name).center(80,'-')) print(self.module) print('=' * 80) self.module.verify() def init_argument(self, arg): return arg def lower_block(self, block): for inst in block.body: try: self.lower_inst(inst) except LoweringError: raise except Exception as e: msg = "Internal error:\n%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e) raise LoweringError(msg, inst.loc) def typeof(self, varname): return self.fndesc.typemap[varname] class Lower(BaseLower): def lower_inst(self, inst): if config.DEBUG_JIT: self.context.debug_print(self.builder, str(inst)) if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign): ty = self.typeof( val = self.lower_assign(ty, inst) self.storevar(val, elif isinstance(inst, ir.Branch): cond = self.loadvar( tr = self.blkmap[inst.truebr] fl = self.blkmap[inst.falsebr] condty = self.typeof( pred = self.context.cast(self.builder, cond, condty, types.boolean) assert pred.type ==, ("cond is not i1: %s" % pred.type) self.builder.cbranch(pred, tr, fl) elif isinstance(inst, ir.Jump): target = self.blkmap[] self.builder.branch(target) elif isinstance(inst, ir.Return): val = self.loadvar( oty = self.typeof( ty = self.fndesc.restype if isinstance(ty, types.Optional): if oty == types.none: self.context.return_native_none(self.builder) return else: ty = ty.type if ty != oty: val = self.context.cast(self.builder, val, oty, ty) retval = self.context.get_return_value(self.builder, ty, val) self.context.return_value(self.builder, retval) elif isinstance(inst, ir.SetItem): target = self.loadvar( value = self.loadvar( index = self.loadvar( targetty = self.typeof( valuety = self.typeof( indexty = self.typeof( signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[inst] assert signature is not None impl = self.context.get_function('setitem', signature) # Convert argument to match assert targetty == signature.args[0] index = self.context.cast(self.builder, index, indexty, signature.args[1]) value = self.context.cast(self.builder, value, valuety, signature.args[2]) return impl(self.builder, (target, index, value)) elif isinstance(inst, ir.Del): pass else: raise NotImplementedError(type(inst)) def lower_assign(self, ty, inst): value = inst.value if isinstance(value, ir.Const): if self.context.is_struct_type(ty): const = self.context.get_constant_struct(self.builder, ty, value.value) else: const = self.context.get_constant(ty, value.value) return const elif isinstance(value, ir.Expr): return self.lower_expr(ty, value) elif isinstance(value, ir.Var): val = self.loadvar( oty = self.typeof( return self.context.cast(self.builder, val, oty, ty) elif isinstance(value, ir.Global): if (isinstance(ty, types.Dummy) or isinstance(ty, types.Module) or isinstance(ty, types.Function) or isinstance(ty, types.Dispatcher)): return self.context.get_dummy_value() elif ty == types.boolean: return self.context.get_constant(ty, value.value) elif isinstance(ty, types.Array): return self.context.make_constant_array(self.builder, ty, value.value) elif self.context.is_struct_type(ty): return self.context.get_constant_struct(self.builder, ty, value.value) elif ty in types.number_domain: return self.context.get_constant(ty, value.value) elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTuple): consts = [self.context.get_constant(t, v) for t, v in zip(ty, value.value)] return cgutils.pack_array(self.builder, consts) else: raise NotImplementedError('global', ty) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(value), value) def lower_expr(self, resty, expr): if expr.op == 'binop': lhs = expr.lhs rhs = expr.rhs lty = self.typeof( rty = self.typeof( lhs = self.loadvar( rhs = self.loadvar( # Get function signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr] impl = self.context.get_function(expr.fn, signature) # Convert argument to match lhs = self.context.cast(self.builder, lhs, lty, signature.args[0]) rhs = self.context.cast(self.builder, rhs, rty, signature.args[1]) res = impl(self.builder, (lhs, rhs)) return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type, resty) elif expr.op == 'unary': val = self.loadvar( typ = self.typeof( # Get function signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr] impl = self.context.get_function(expr.fn, signature) # Convert argument to match val = self.context.cast(self.builder, val, typ, signature.args[0]) res = impl(self.builder, [val]) return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type, resty) elif expr.op == 'call': argvals = [self.loadvar( for a in expr.args] argtyps = [self.typeof( for a in expr.args] signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr] if isinstance(expr.func, ir.Intrinsic): fnty = castvals = expr.func.args else: assert not expr.kws, expr.kws fnty = self.typeof( castvals = [self.context.cast(self.builder, av, at, ft) for av, at, ft in zip(argvals, argtyps, signature.args)] if isinstance(fnty, types.Method): # Method of objects are handled differently fnobj = self.loadvar( res = self.context.call_class_method(self.builder, fnobj, signature, castvals) elif isinstance(fnty, types.FunctionPointer): # Handle function pointer) pointer = fnty.funcptr res = self.context.call_function_pointer(self.builder, pointer, signature, castvals) else: # Normal function resolution impl = self.context.get_function(fnty, signature) res = impl(self.builder, castvals) libs = getattr(impl, "libs", ()) if libs: self.context.add_libs(libs) return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type, resty) elif expr.op in ('getiter', 'iternext', 'itervalid', 'iternextsafe'): val = self.loadvar( ty = self.typeof( signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr] impl = self.context.get_function(expr.op, signature) [fty] = signature.args castval = self.context.cast(self.builder, val, ty, fty) res = impl(self.builder, (castval,)) return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type, resty) elif expr.op == "getattr": val = self.loadvar( ty = self.typeof( impl = self.context.get_attribute(val, ty, expr.attr) if impl is None: # ignore the attribute res = self.context.get_dummy_value() else: res = impl(self.context, self.builder, ty, val) if not isinstance(impl.return_type, types.Kind): res = self.context.cast(self.builder, res, impl.return_type, resty) return res elif expr.op == "getitem": baseval = self.loadvar( indexval = self.loadvar( signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr] impl = self.context.get_function("getitem", signature) argvals = (baseval, indexval) argtyps = (self.typeof(, self.typeof( castvals = [self.context.cast(self.builder, av, at, ft) for av, at, ft in zip(argvals, argtyps, signature.args)] res = impl(self.builder, castvals) return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type, resty) elif expr.op == "build_tuple": itemvals = [self.loadvar( for i in expr.items] itemtys = [self.typeof( for i in expr.items] castvals = [self.context.cast(self.builder, val, fromty, toty) for val, toty, fromty in zip(itemvals, resty, itemtys)] tup = self.context.get_constant_undef(resty) for i in range(len(castvals)): tup = self.builder.insert_value(tup, itemvals[i], i) return tup raise NotImplementedError(expr) def getvar(self, name): if name not in self.varmap: self.varmap[name] = self.alloca(name, self.typeof(name)) return self.varmap[name] def loadvar(self, name): ptr = self.getvar(name) return self.builder.load(ptr) def storevar(self, value, name): ptr = self.getvar(name) assert value.type == ptr.type.pointee,\ "store %s to ptr of %s" % (value.type, ptr.type.pointee), ptr) def alloca(self, name, type): ltype = self.context.get_value_type(type) bb = self.builder.basic_block self.builder.position_at_end(self.entry_block) ptr = self.builder.alloca(ltype, name=name) self.builder.position_at_end(bb) return ptr PYTHON_OPMAP = { '+': "number_add", '-': "number_subtract", '*': "number_multiply", '/?': "number_divide", '/': "number_truedivide", '//': "number_floordivide", '%': "number_remainder", '**': "number_power", '<<': "number_lshift", '>>': "number_rshift", '&': "number_and", '|': "number_or", '^': "number_xor", } class PyLower(BaseLower): def init(self): self.pyapi = self.context.get_python_api(self.builder) # Add error handling block self.ehblock = self.function.append_basic_block('error') def post_lower(self): with cgutils.goto_block(self.builder, self.ehblock): self.cleanup() self.context.return_exc(self.builder) def init_argument(self, arg): self.incref(arg) return arg def lower_inst(self, inst): if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign): value = self.lower_assign(inst) self.storevar(value, elif isinstance(inst, ir.SetItem): target = self.loadvar( index = self.loadvar( value = self.loadvar( ok = self.pyapi.object_setitem(target, index, value) negone = lc.Constant.int_signextend(ok.type, -1) pred = self.builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, ok, negone) with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, pred): self.return_exception_raised() elif isinstance(inst, ir.Return): retval = self.loadvar( self.incref(retval) self.cleanup() self.context.return_value(self.builder, retval) elif isinstance(inst, ir.Branch): cond = self.loadvar( if cond.type == istrue = cond else: istrue = self.pyapi.object_istrue(cond) zero = lc.Constant.null(istrue.type) pred = self.builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, istrue, zero) tr = self.blkmap[inst.truebr] fl = self.blkmap[inst.falsebr] self.builder.cbranch(pred, tr, fl) elif isinstance(inst, ir.Jump): target = self.blkmap[] self.builder.branch(target) elif isinstance(inst, ir.Del): obj = self.loadvar(inst.value) self.decref(obj) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(inst), inst) def lower_assign(self, inst): """ The returned object must have a new reference """ value = inst.value if isinstance(value, ir.Const): return self.lower_const(value.value) elif isinstance(value, ir.Var): val = self.loadvar( self.incref(val) return val elif isinstance(value, ir.Expr): return self.lower_expr(value) elif isinstance(value, ir.Global): return self.lower_global(, value.value) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(value), value) def lower_expr(self, expr): if expr.op == 'binop': lhs = self.loadvar( rhs = self.loadvar( if expr.fn in PYTHON_OPMAP: fname = PYTHON_OPMAP[expr.fn] fn = getattr(self.pyapi, fname) res = fn(lhs, rhs) else: # Assume to be rich comparision res = self.pyapi.object_richcompare(lhs, rhs, expr.fn) self.check_error(res) return res elif expr.op == 'unary': value = self.loadvar( if expr.fn == '-': res = self.pyapi.number_negative(value) elif expr.fn == 'not': res = self.pyapi.object_not(value) negone = lc.Constant.int_signextend(, -1) err = self.builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, res, negone) with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, err): self.return_exception_raised() longval = self.builder.zext(res, self.pyapi.long) res = self.pyapi.bool_from_long(longval) elif expr.fn == '~': res = self.pyapi.number_invert(value) else: raise NotImplementedError(expr) self.check_error(res) return res elif expr.op == 'call': argvals = [self.loadvar( for a in expr.args] fn = self.loadvar( if not expr.kws: # No keyword ret = self.pyapi.call_function_objargs(fn, argvals) else: # Have Keywords keyvalues = [(k, self.loadvar( for k, v in expr.kws] args = self.pyapi.tuple_pack(argvals) kws = self.pyapi.dict_pack(keyvalues) ret =, args, kws) self.decref(kws) self.decref(args) self.check_error(ret) return ret elif expr.op == 'getattr': obj = self.loadvar( res = self.pyapi.object_getattr_string(obj, expr.attr) self.check_error(res) return res elif expr.op == 'build_tuple': items = [self.loadvar( for it in expr.items] res = self.pyapi.tuple_pack(items) self.check_error(res) return res elif expr.op == 'build_list': items = [self.loadvar( for it in expr.items] res = self.pyapi.list_pack(items) self.check_error(res) return res elif expr.op == 'getiter': obj = self.loadvar( res = self.pyapi.object_getiter(obj) self.check_error(res) self.storevar(res, '$iter$' + return self.pack_iter(res) elif expr.op == 'iternext': iterstate = self.loadvar( iterobj, valid = self.unpack_iter(iterstate) item = self.pyapi.iter_next(iterobj) self.set_iter_valid(iterstate, item) return item elif expr.op == 'iternextsafe': iterstate = self.loadvar( iterobj, _ = self.unpack_iter(iterstate) item = self.pyapi.iter_next(iterobj) # TODO need to add exception self.check_error(item) self.set_iter_valid(iterstate, item) return item elif expr.op == 'itervalid': iterstate = self.loadvar( _, valid = self.unpack_iter(iterstate) return self.builder.trunc(valid, elif expr.op == 'getitem': target = self.loadvar( index = self.loadvar( res = self.pyapi.object_getitem(target, index) self.check_error(res) return res elif expr.op == 'getslice': target = self.loadvar( start = self.loadvar( stop = self.loadvar( slicefn = self.get_builtin_obj("slice") sliceobj = self.pyapi.call_function_objargs(slicefn, (start, stop)) self.decref(slicefn) self.check_error(sliceobj) res = self.pyapi.object_getitem(target, sliceobj) self.check_error(res) return res else: raise NotImplementedError(expr) def lower_const(self, const): if isinstance(const, str): ret = self.pyapi.string_from_string_and_size(const) self.check_error(ret) return ret elif isinstance(const, complex): real = self.context.get_constant(types.float64, const.real) imag = self.context.get_constant(types.float64, const.imag) ret = self.pyapi.complex_from_doubles(real, imag) self.check_error(ret) return ret elif isinstance(const, float): fval = self.context.get_constant(types.float64, const) ret = self.pyapi.float_from_double(fval) self.check_error(ret) return ret elif isinstance(const, int): if utils.bit_length(const) >= 64: raise ValueError("Integer is too big to be lowered") ival = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, const) return self.pyapi.long_from_ssize_t(ival) elif isinstance(const, tuple): items = [self.lower_const(i) for i in const] return self.pyapi.tuple_pack(items) elif const is Ellipsis: return self.get_builtin_obj("Ellipsis") elif const is None: return self.pyapi.make_none() else: raise NotImplementedError(type(const)) def lower_global(self, name, value): """ 1) Check global scope dictionary. 2) Check __builtins__. 2a) is it a dictionary (for non __main__ module) 2b) is it a module (for __main__ module) """ moddict = self.pyapi.get_module_dict() obj = self.pyapi.dict_getitem_string(moddict, name) self.incref(obj) # obj is borrowed if hasattr(builtins, name): obj_is_null = self.is_null(obj) bbelse = self.builder.basic_block with cgutils.ifthen(self.builder, obj_is_null): mod = self.pyapi.dict_getitem_string(moddict, "__builtins__") builtin = self.builtin_lookup(mod, name) bbif = self.builder.basic_block retval = self.builder.phi(self.pyapi.pyobj) retval.add_incoming(obj, bbelse) retval.add_incoming(builtin, bbif) else: retval = obj with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, self.is_null(retval)): self.pyapi.raise_missing_global_error(name) self.return_exception_raised() self.incref(retval) return retval # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_builtin_obj(self, name): moddict = self.pyapi.get_module_dict() mod = self.pyapi.dict_getitem_string(moddict, "__builtins__") return self.builtin_lookup(mod, name) def builtin_lookup(self, mod, name): """ Args ---- mod: The __builtins__ dictionary or module name: str The object to lookup """ fromdict = self.pyapi.dict_getitem_string(mod, name) self.incref(fromdict) # fromdict is borrowed bbifdict = self.builder.basic_block with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, self.is_null(fromdict)): # This happen if we are using the __main__ module frommod = self.pyapi.object_getattr_string(mod, name) with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, self.is_null(frommod)): self.pyapi.raise_missing_global_error(name) self.return_exception_raised() bbifmod = self.builder.basic_block builtin = self.builder.phi(self.pyapi.pyobj) builtin.add_incoming(fromdict, bbifdict) builtin.add_incoming(frommod, bbifmod) return builtin def pack_iter(self, obj): iterstate = PyIterState(self.context, self.builder) iterstate.iterator = obj iterstate.valid = cgutils.true_byte return iterstate._getpointer() def unpack_iter(self, state): iterstate = PyIterState(self.context, self.builder, ref=state) return tuple(iterstate) def set_iter_valid(self, state, item): iterstate = PyIterState(self.context, self.builder, ref=state) iterstate.valid = cgutils.as_bool_byte(self.builder, cgutils.is_not_null(self.builder, item)) with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, self.is_null(item)): self.check_occurred() def check_occurred(self): err_occurred = cgutils.is_not_null(self.builder, self.pyapi.err_occurred()) with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, err_occurred): self.return_exception_raised() def check_error(self, obj): with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, self.is_null(obj)): self.return_exception_raised() return obj def is_null(self, obj): return cgutils.is_null(self.builder, obj) def return_exception_raised(self): self.builder.branch(self.ehblock) def return_error_occurred(self): self.cleanup() self.context.return_exc(self.builder) def getvar(self, name, ltype=None): if name not in self.varmap: self.varmap[name] = self.alloca(name, ltype=ltype) return self.varmap[name] def loadvar(self, name): ptr = self.getvar(name) return self.builder.load(ptr) def storevar(self, value, name): """ Stores a llvm value and allocate stack slot if necessary. The llvm value can be of arbitrary type. """ ptr = self.getvar(name, ltype=value.type) old = self.builder.load(ptr) assert value.type == ptr.type.pointee, (str(value.type), str(ptr.type.pointee)), ptr) # Safe to call decref even on non python object self.decref(old) def cleanup(self): for var in utils.dict_itervalues(self.varmap): self.decref(self.builder.load(var)) def alloca(self, name, ltype=None): """ Allocate a stack slot and initialize it to NULL. The default is to allocate a pyobject pointer. Use ``ltype`` to override. """ if ltype is None: ltype = self.context.get_value_type(types.pyobject) bb = self.builder.basic_block self.builder.position_at_end(self.entry_block) ptr = self.builder.alloca(ltype, name=name), ptr) self.builder.position_at_end(bb) return ptr def incref(self, value): self.pyapi.incref(value) def decref(self, value): """ This is allow to be called on non pyobject pointer, in which case no code is inserted. If the value is a PyIterState, it unpack the structure and decref the iterator. """ lpyobj = self.context.get_value_type(types.pyobject) if value.type.kind == lc.TYPE_POINTER: if value.type != lpyobj: pass #raise AssertionError(value.type) # # Handle PyIterState # not_null = cgutils.is_not_null(self.builder, value) # with cgutils.if_likely(self.builder, not_null): # iterstate = PyIterState(self.context, self.builder, # value=value) # value = iterstate.iterator # self.pyapi.decref(value) else: self.pyapi.decref(value) class PyIterState(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [ ("iterator", types.pyobject), ("valid", types.boolean), ] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = macro """ Macro handling passes Macros are expanded on block-by-block """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from numba import ir def expand_macros(blocks): constants = {} for blk in blocks.values(): module_getattr_folding(constants, blk) expand_macros_in_block(constants, blk) def module_getattr_folding(constants, block): for inst in block.body: if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign): rhs = inst.value if isinstance(rhs, ir.Global): constants[] = rhs.value elif isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'getattr': if in constants: base = constants[] constants[] = getattr(base, rhs.attr) elif isinstance(rhs, ir.Const): constants[] = rhs.value elif isinstance(rhs, ir.Var) and in constants: constants[] = constants[] def expand_macros_in_block(constants, block): calls = [] for inst in block.body: if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign): rhs = inst.value if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'call': callee = rhs.func macro = constants.get( if isinstance(macro, Macro): # Rewrite calling macro assert macro.callable calls.append((inst, macro)) args = [constants[] for arg in rhs.args] kws = dict((k, constants[]) for k, v in rhs.kws) result = macro.func(*args, **kws) if result: # Insert a new function result.loc = rhs.loc inst.value =, args=rhs.args, kws=rhs.kws, loc=rhs.loc) elif isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'getattr': # Rewrite get attribute to macro call # Non-calling macro must be triggered by get attribute base = constants.get( if base: value = getattr(base, rhs.attr) if isinstance(value, Macro): macro = value if not macro.callable: intr = ir.Intrinsic(, macro.func, args=()) inst.value =, args=(), kws=(), loc=rhs.loc) class Macro(object): """A macro object is expanded to a function call """ __slots__ = 'name', 'func', 'callable', 'argnames' def __init__(self, name, func, callable=False, argnames=None): = name self.func = func self.callable = callable self.argnames = argnames def __repr__(self): return '<macro %s -> %s>' % (, self.func) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = decorators from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from .ufuncbuilder import UFuncBuilder, GUFuncBuilder from numba.targets.registry import TargetRegistry class Vectorize(object): target_registry = TargetRegistry({'cpu': UFuncBuilder}) def __new__(cls, func, **kws): target = kws.pop('target', 'cpu') try: imp = cls.target_registry[target] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported target: %s" % target) return imp(func, kws) class GUVectorize(object): target_registry = TargetRegistry({'cpu': GUFuncBuilder}) def __new__(cls, func, signature, **kws): target = kws.pop('target', 'cpu') try: imp = cls.target_registry[target] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported target: %s" % target) return imp(func, signature, kws) def vectorize(ftylist, **kws): """vectorize(ftylist[, target='cpu', [**kws]]) A decorator to create numpy ufunc object from Numba compiled code. Args ----- ftylist: iterable An iterable of type signatures, which are either function type object or a string describing the function type. target: str A string for code generation target. Default to "cpu". Returns -------- A NumPy universal function Example ------- @vectorize(['float32(float32, float32)', 'float64(float64, float64)']) def sum(a, b): return a + b """ if isinstance(ftylist, str): # Common user mistake ftylist = [ftylist] def wrap(func): vec = Vectorize(func, **kws) for fty in ftylist: vec.add(fty) return vec.build_ufunc() return wrap def guvectorize(ftylist, signature, **kws): """guvectorize(ftylist, signature, [, target='cpu', [**kws]]) A decorator to create numpy generialized-ufunc object from Numba compiled code. Args ----- ftylist: iterable An iterable of type signatures, which are either function type object or a string describing the function type. signature: str A NumPy generialized-ufunc signature. e.g. "(m, n), (n, p)->(m, p)" target: str A string for code generation target. Defaults to "cpu". Returns -------- A NumPy generialized universal-function Example ------- @guvectorize(['void(int32[:,:], int32[:,:], int32[:,:])', 'void(float32[:,:], float32[:,:], float32[:,:])'], '(x, y),(x, y)->(x, y)') def add_2d_array(a, b): for i in range(c.shape[0]): for j in range(c.shape[1]): c[i, j] = a[i, j] + b[i, j] """ if isinstance(ftylist, str): # Common user mistake ftylist = [ftylist] def wrap(func): guvec = GUVectorize(func, signature, **kws) for fty in ftylist: guvec.add(fty) return guvec.build_ufunc() return wrap ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = gufunc from . import ufuncbuilder from numba import llvm_types from llvm_cbuilder import CFuncRef, CStruct, CDefinition from llvm_cbuilder import shortnames as C from numba.codegen.llvmcontext import LLVMContextManager from numba.vectorize import _internal from numba import decorators import numpy as np class _GeneralizedUFuncFromFunc(ufuncbuilder.CommonVectorizeFromFunc): def datalist(self, lfunclist, ptrlist): """ Return a list of data pointers to the kernels. """ return [None] * len(lfunclist) def __call__(self, lfunclist, tyslist, signature, engine, vectorizer, **kws): '''create generailized ufunc from a llvm.core.Function lfunclist : a single or iterable of llvm.core.Function instance engine : a instance return a function object which can be called from python. ''' assert 'cuda_dispatcher' not in kws, "Temporary check for mismatch API" kws['signature'] = signature try: iter(lfunclist) except TypeError: lfunclist = [lfunclist] self.tyslist = tyslist ptrlist = self._prepare_pointers(lfunclist, tyslist, engine, **kws) inct = len(tyslist[0]) - 1 outct = 1 datlist = self.datalist(lfunclist, ptrlist) # Becareful that fromfunc does not provide full error checking yet. # If typenum is out-of-bound, we have nasty memory corruptions. # For instance, -1 for typenum will cause segfault. # If elements of type-list (2nd arg) is tuple instead, # there will also memory corruption. (Seems like code rewrite.) # Hold on to the vectorizer while the ufunc lives tyslist = self.get_dtype_nums(tyslist) gufunc = _internal.fromfuncsig(ptrlist, tyslist, inct, outct, datlist, signature, vectorizer) return gufunc def build(self, lfunc, dtypes, signature): def_guf = GUFuncEntry(dtypes, signature, CFuncRef(lfunc)) guf = def_guf(lfunc.module) return guf class GUFuncASTVectorize(object): """ Vectorizer for generalized ufuncs. """ def __init__(self, func, sig): self.pyfunc = func self.translates = [] self.signature = sig self.gufunc_from_func = _GeneralizedUFuncFromFunc() self.args_restypes = getattr(self, 'args_restypes', []) self.signatures = [] self.llvm_context = LLVMContextManager() def _get_lfunc_list(self): return [t.lfunc for t in self.translates] def build_ufunc(self): assert self.translates, "No translation" lfunclist = self._get_lfunc_list() tyslist = self._get_tys_list() engine = self._get_ee() return self.gufunc_from_func( lfunclist, tyslist, self.signature, engine, vectorizer=self) def get_argtypes(self, numba_func): return numba_func.signature.args def _get_ee(self): return self.llvm_context.execution_engine def add(self, restype=None, argtypes=None): dec = decorators.jit(restype, argtypes, backend='ast') numba_func = dec(self.pyfunc) self.args_restypes.append(list(numba_func.signature.args) + [numba_func.signature.return_type]) self.signatures.append((restype, argtypes, {})) self.translates.append(numba_func) def _get_tys_list(self): types_lists = [] for numba_func in self.translates: dtype_nums = [] types_lists.append(dtype_nums) for arg_type in self.get_argtypes(numba_func): if arg_type.is_array: arg_type = arg_type.dtype dtype_nums.append(arg_type.get_dtype()) return types_lists GUFuncVectorize = GUFuncASTVectorize _intp_ptr = C.pointer(C.intp) class PyObjectHead(CStruct): _fields_ = [ ('ob_refcnt', C.intp), # NOTE: not a integer, just need to match definition in numba ('ob_type', C.void_p), ] if llvm_types._trace_refs_: # Account for _PyObject_HEAD_EXTRA _fields_ = [ ('ob_next', _intp_ptr), ('ob_prev', _intp_ptr), ] + _fields_ class PyArray(CStruct): _fields_ = PyObjectHead._fields_ + [ ('data', C.void_p), ('nd',, ('dimensions', _intp_ptr), ('strides', _intp_ptr), ('base', C.void_p), ('descr', C.void_p), ('flags',, ('weakreflist', C.void_p), # ('maskna_dtype', C.void_p), # ('maskna_data', C.void_p), # ('maskna_strides', _intp_ptr), ] def fakeit(self, dtype, data, dimensions, steps): assert len(dimensions) == len(steps) constant = self.parent.constant self.ob_refcnt.assign(constant(C.intp, 1)) type_p = constant(C.py_ssize_t, id(np.ndarray)) self.ob_type.assign(type_p.cast(C.void_p)) self.base.assign(self.parent.constant_null(C.void_p)) dtype_p = constant(C.py_ssize_t, id(dtype)) self.descr.assign(dtype_p.cast(C.void_p)) self.flags.assign(constant(, _internal.NPY_WRITEABLE)) self.nd.assign(constant(, len(dimensions))) ary_dims = self.parent.array(C.intp, len(dimensions) * 2) ary_steps = ary_dims[len(dimensions):] for i, dim in enumerate(dimensions): ary_dims[i] = dim self.dimensions.assign(ary_dims) # ary_steps = self.parent.array(C.intp, len(steps)) for i, step in enumerate(steps): ary_steps[i] = step self.strides.assign(ary_steps) def _parse_signature(sig): inargs, outarg = sig.split('->') for inarg in filter(bool, inargs.split(')')): dimnames = inarg[1+inarg.find('('):].split(',') yield dimnames else: dimnames = outarg.strip('()').split(',') yield dimnames class GUFuncEntry(CDefinition): '''a generalized ufunc that wraps a numba jit'ed function NOTE: Currently, this only works for array return type. And, return type must be the last argument of the nubma jit'ed function. ''' _argtys_ = [ ('args', C.pointer(C.char_p)), ('dimensions', C.pointer(C.intp)), ('steps', C.pointer(C.intp)), ('data', C.void_p), ] def _outer_loop(self, dargs, dimensions, pyarys, steps, data): # implement outer loop innerfunc = self.depends(self.FuncDef) with self.for_range(dimensions[0]) as (loop, idx): args = [] for i, (arg, arg_type) in enumerate(zip(pyarys, innerfunc.handle.args)): if C.pointer(PyArray.llvm_type()) != arg_type.type: # scalar val =[0:].cast(C.pointer(arg_type.type)).load() args.append(val) else: casted = arg.reference().cast(arg_type.type) args.append(casted) innerfunc(*args) for i, ary in enumerate(pyarys):[steps[i]:]) def body(self, args, dimensions, steps, data): diminfo = list(_parse_signature(self.Signature)) n_pyarys = len(diminfo) assert n_pyarys == len(self.dtypes) # extract unique dimension names dims = [] for grp in diminfo: for it in grp: if it not in dims: if it: dims.append(it) # build pyarrays for argument to inner function pyarys = [self.var(PyArray) for _ in range(n_pyarys)] # populate pyarrays step_offset = len(pyarys) for i, (dtype, ary) in enumerate(zip(self.dtypes, pyarys)): ary_ndim = len([x for x in diminfo[i] if x]) ary_dims = [] for k in diminfo[i]: if k: ary_dims.append(dimensions[1 + dims.index(k)]) else: ary_dims.append(self.constant(C.intp, 0)) ary_steps = [] if not ary_ndim: ary_steps.append(self.constant(C.intp, 0)) for j in range(ary_ndim): ary_steps.append(steps[step_offset]) step_offset += 1 ary.fakeit(dtype, args[i], ary_dims, ary_steps) self._outer_loop(args, dimensions, pyarys, steps, data) self.ret() @classmethod def specialize(cls, dtypes, signature, func_def): '''specialize to a workload ''' signature = signature.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces cls.dtypes = dtypes cls._name_ = 'gufunc_%s_%s'% (signature, func_def) cls.FuncDef = func_def cls.Signature = signature ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = sigparse from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import tokenize import string from numba import utils def parse_signature(sig): '''Parse generalized ufunc signature. NOTE: ',' (COMMA) is a delimiter; not separator. This means trailing comma is legal. ''' def stripws(s): return ''.join(c for c in s if c not in string.whitespace) def tokenizer(src): def readline(): yield src gen = readline() return tokenize.generate_tokens(lambda: utils.iter_next(gen)) def parse(src): tokgen = tokenizer(src) while True: tok = utils.iter_next(tokgen) if tok[1] == '(': symbols = [] while True: tok = utils.iter_next(tokgen) if tok[1] == ')': break elif tok[0] == tokenize.NAME: symbols.append(tok[1]) elif tok[1] == ',': continue else: raise ValueError('bad token in signature "%s"' % tok[1]) yield tuple(symbols) tok = utils.iter_next(tokgen) if tok[1] == ',': continue elif tokenize.ISEOF(tok[0]): break elif tokenize.ISEOF(tok[0]): break else: raise ValueError('bad token in signature "%s"' % tok[1]) ins, outs = stripws(sig).split('->') inputs = list(parse(ins)) outputs = list(parse(outs)) # check that all output symbols are defined in the inputs isym = set() osym = set() for grp in inputs: isym |= set(grp) for grp in outputs: osym |= set(grp) diff = osym.difference(isym) if diff: raise NameError('undefined output symbols: %s' % ','.join(diff)) return inputs, outputs ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ufuncbuilder # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import warnings import numpy as np from numba.decorators import jit from numba.targets.registry import target_registry from numba.targets.descriptors import TargetDescriptor from numba.targets.options import TargetOptions from numba import utils, compiler, types, sigutils from . import _internal from .sigparse import parse_signature from .wrappers import build_ufunc_wrapper, build_gufunc_wrapper from numba.targets import registry class UFuncTargetOptions(TargetOptions): OPTIONS = { "nopython" : bool, } class UFuncTarget(registry.CPUTarget): options = UFuncTargetOptions class UFuncDispatcher(object): targetdescr = UFuncTarget() def __init__(self, py_func, locals={}, targetoptions={}): self.py_func = py_func self.overloads = utils.UniqueDict() self.targetoptions = targetoptions self.locals = locals def compile(self, sig, locals={}, **targetoptions): locs = self.locals.copy() locs.update(locals) topt = self.targetoptions.copy() topt.update(targetoptions) if topt.get('nopython', True) == False: raise TypeError("nopython option must be False") topt['nopython'] = True flags = compiler.Flags() flags.set("no_compile") self.targetdescr.options.parse_as_flags(flags, topt) typingctx = self.targetdescr.typing_context targetctx = self.targetdescr.target_context args, return_type = sigutils.normalize_signature(sig) cres = compiler.compile_extra(typingctx, targetctx, self.py_func, args=args, return_type=return_type, flags=flags, locals=locals) self.overloads[cres.signature] = cres return cres target_registry['npyufunc'] = UFuncDispatcher class UFuncBuilder(object): def __init__(self, py_func, targetoptions={}): self.py_func = py_func self.nb_func = jit(target='npyufunc', **targetoptions)(py_func) def add(self, sig=None, argtypes=None, restype=None): # Handle argtypes if argtypes is not None: warnings.warn("Keyword argument argtypes is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) assert sig is None if restype is None: sig = tuple(argtypes) else: sig = restype(*argtypes) # Actual work self.nb_func.compile(sig) def build_ufunc(self): dtypelist = [] ptrlist = [] if not self.nb_func: raise TypeError("No definition") for sig, cres in self.nb_func.overloads.items(): dtypenums, ptr = dtypelist.append(dtypenums) ptrlist.append(utils.longint(ptr)) datlist = [None] * len(ptrlist) inct = len(cres.signature.args) outct = 1 # Becareful that fromfunc does not provide full error checking yet. # If typenum is out-of-bound, we have nasty memory corruptions. # For instance, -1 for typenum will cause segfault. # If elements of type-list (2nd arg) is tuple instead, # there will also memory corruption. (Seems like code rewrite.) ufunc = _internal.fromfunc(ptrlist, dtypelist, inct, outct, datlist) return ufunc def build(self, cres): # Buider wrapper for ufunc entry point ctx = cres.target_context signature = cres.signature wrapper = build_ufunc_wrapper(ctx, cres.llvm_func, signature) ctx.engine.add_module(wrapper.module) ptr = ctx.engine.get_pointer_to_function(wrapper) # Get dtypes dtypenums = [np.dtype( for a in signature.args] dtypenums.append(np.dtype( return dtypenums, ptr class GUFuncBuilder(object): # TODO handle scalar def __init__(self, py_func, signature, targetoptions={}): self.py_func = py_func self.nb_func = jit(target='npyufunc')(py_func) self.signature = signature self.sin, self.sout = parse_signature(signature) self.targetoptions = targetoptions def add(self, sig=None, argtypes=None, restype=None): # Handle argtypes if argtypes is not None: warnings.warn("Keyword argument argtypes is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) assert sig is None if restype is None: sig = tuple(argtypes) else: sig = restype(*argtypes) # Actual work begins cres = self.nb_func.compile(sig, **self.targetoptions) if cres.signature.return_type != types.void: raise TypeError("gufunc kernel must have void return type") def build_ufunc(self): dtypelist = [] ptrlist = [] if not self.nb_func: raise TypeError("No definition") for sig, cres in self.nb_func.overloads.items(): dtypenums, ptr = dtypelist.append(dtypenums) ptrlist.append(utils.longint(ptr)) datlist = [None] * len(ptrlist) inct = len(self.sin) outct = len(self.sout) ufunc = _internal.fromfuncsig(ptrlist, dtypelist, inct, outct, datlist, self.signature) return ufunc def build(self, cres): # Buider wrapper for ufunc entry point ctx = cres.target_context signature = cres.signature wrapper = build_gufunc_wrapper(ctx, cres.llvm_func, signature, self.sin, self.sout) ctx.engine.add_module(wrapper.module) ptr = ctx.engine.get_pointer_to_function(wrapper) # Get dtypes dtypenums = [] for a in signature.args: if isinstance(a, types.Array): ty = a.dtype else: ty = a dtypenums.append(np.dtype( return dtypenums, ptr ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = wrappers from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from llvm.core import Type, Builder from numba import types, cgutils def build_ufunc_wrapper(context, func, signature): """ Wrap the scalar function with a loop that iterates over the arguments """ module = func.module byte_t = byte_ptr_t = Type.pointer(byte_t) byte_ptr_ptr_t = Type.pointer(byte_ptr_t) intp_t = context.get_value_type(types.intp) intp_ptr_t = Type.pointer(intp_t) fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [byte_ptr_ptr_t, intp_ptr_t, intp_ptr_t, byte_ptr_t]) wrapper = module.add_function(fnty, "__ufunc__." + arg_args, arg_dims, arg_steps, arg_data = wrapper.args = "args" = "dims" = "steps" = "data" builder ="entry")) loopcount = builder.load(arg_dims, name="loopcount") actual_args = context.get_arguments(func) # Prepare inputs arrays = [] for i, typ in enumerate(signature.args): arrays.append(UArrayArg(context, builder, arg_args, arg_steps, i, context.get_argument_type(typ))) # Prepare output out = UArrayArg(context, builder, arg_args, arg_steps, len(actual_args), context.get_value_type(signature.return_type)) # Loop with cgutils.for_range(builder, loopcount, intp=intp_t) as ind: # Load elems = [ary.load(ind) for ary in arrays] # Compute status, retval = context.call_function(builder, func, signature.return_type, signature.args, elems) # Ignoring error status and store result # Store if out.byref: retval = builder.load(retval), ind) builder.ret_void() return wrapper class UArrayArg(object): def __init__(self, context, builder, args, steps, i, argtype): # Get data p = builder.gep(args, [context.get_constant(types.intp, i)]) if cgutils.is_struct_ptr(argtype): self.byref = True = builder.bitcast(builder.load(p), argtype) else: self.byref = False = builder.bitcast(builder.load(p), Type.pointer(argtype)) # Get step p = builder.gep(steps, [context.get_constant(types.intp, i)]) self.step = builder.load(p) self.builder = builder def load(self, ind): intp_t = ind.type addr = self.builder.ptrtoint(, intp_t) addr_off = self.builder.add(addr, self.builder.mul(self.step, ind)) ptr = self.builder.inttoptr(addr_off, if self.byref: return ptr else: return self.builder.load(ptr) def store(self, value, ind): addr = self.builder.ptrtoint(, ind.type) addr_off = self.builder.add(addr, self.builder.mul(self.step, ind)) ptr = self.builder.inttoptr(addr_off, assert ptr.type.pointee == value.type, ptr) def build_gufunc_wrapper(context, func, signature, sin, sout): module = func.module byte_t = byte_ptr_t = Type.pointer(byte_t) byte_ptr_ptr_t = Type.pointer(byte_ptr_t) intp_t = context.get_value_type(types.intp) intp_ptr_t = Type.pointer(intp_t) fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [byte_ptr_ptr_t, intp_ptr_t, intp_ptr_t, byte_ptr_t]) wrapper = module.add_function(fnty, "__gufunc__." + arg_args, arg_dims, arg_steps, arg_data = wrapper.args = "args" = "dims" = "steps" = "data" builder ="entry")) loopcount = builder.load(arg_dims, name="loopcount") # Unpack shapes unique_syms = set() for grp in (sin, sout): for syms in grp: unique_syms |= set(syms) sym_map = {} for grp in (sin, sout): for syms in sin: for s in syms: if s not in sym_map: sym_map[s] = len(sym_map) sym_dim = {} for s, i in sym_map.items(): sym_dim[s] = builder.load(builder.gep(arg_dims, [context.get_constant(types.intp, i + 1)])) # Prepare inputs arrays = [] step_offset = len(sin) + len(sout) for i, (typ, sym) in enumerate(zip(signature.args, sin + sout)): ary = GUArrayArg(context, builder, arg_args, arg_dims, arg_steps, i, step_offset, typ, sym, sym_dim) step_offset += ary.ndim arrays.append(ary) # Loop with cgutils.for_range(builder, loopcount, intp=intp_t) as ind: args = [a.array_value for a in arrays] status, retval = context.call_function(builder, func, signature.return_type, signature.args, args) # ignore status # ignore retval for a in arrays: builder.ret_void() wrapper.verify() return wrapper class GUArrayArg(object): def __init__(self, context, builder, args, dims, steps, i, step_offset, typ, syms, sym_dim): if isinstance(typ, types.Array): self.dtype = typ.dtype else: self.dtype = typ self.syms = syms self.ndim = len(syms) core_step_ptr = builder.gep(steps, [context.get_constant(types.intp, i)], name="core.step.ptr") self.core_step = builder.load(core_step_ptr) self.strides = [] for j in range(self.ndim): step = builder.gep(steps, [context.get_constant(types.intp, step_offset + j)], name="step.ptr") self.strides.append(builder.load(step)) self.shape = [] for s in syms: self.shape.append(sym_dim[s]) data = builder.load(builder.gep(args, [context.get_constant(types.intp, i)], name="data.ptr"), name="data") = data arytyp = types.Array(dtype=self.dtype, ndim=self.ndim, layout="A") arycls = context.make_array(arytyp) self.array = arycls(context, builder) = builder.bitcast(, self.array.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, self.shape) self.array.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, self.strides) self.array_value = self.array._getpointer() self.builder = builder def next(self, i): intp_t = i.type array_data = addr = self.builder.ptrtoint(array_data, intp_t) addr_new = self.builder.add(addr, self.core_step) = self.builder.inttoptr(addr_new, array_data.type) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numpy_support from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy from numba import types, config version = tuple(map(int, numpy.__version__.split('.')[:2])) int_divbyzero_returns_zero = config.PYVERSION <= (3, 0) FROM_DTYPE = { numpy.dtype('bool'): types.boolean, numpy.dtype('int8'): types.int8, numpy.dtype('int16'): types.int16, numpy.dtype('int32'): types.int32, numpy.dtype('int64'): types.int64, numpy.dtype('uint8'): types.uint8, numpy.dtype('uint16'): types.uint16, numpy.dtype('uint32'): types.uint32, numpy.dtype('uint64'): types.uint64, numpy.dtype('float32'): types.float32, numpy.dtype('float64'): types.float64, numpy.dtype('complex64'): types.complex64, numpy.dtype('complex128'): types.complex128, } def from_dtype(dtype): return FROM_DTYPE[dtype] def is_arrayscalar(val): return numpy.dtype(type(val)) in FROM_DTYPE def map_arrayscalar_type(val): return from_dtype(numpy.dtype(type(val))) def is_array(val): return isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray) def map_layout(val): if val.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: layout = 'C' elif val.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: layout = 'F' else: layout = 'A' return layout ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = compiler # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import logging import os import sys import functools import llvm.core as lc import as le import llvm.passes as lp from numba.utils import IS_PY3 from . import llvm_types as lt from .decorators import registry as export_registry from numba.compiler import compile_extra, Flags from numba.targets.registry import CPUTarget logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = ['which', 'find_linker', 'find_args', 'find_shared_ending', 'Compiler'] NULL = lc.Constant.null(lt._void_star) ZERO =, 0) ONE =, 1) METH_VARARGS_AND_KEYWORDS =, 1|2) def which(program): def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, fname) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None _configs = { 'win': ("link.exe", ("/dll",), '.dll'), 'dar': ("libtool", ("-dynamic", "-undefined", "dynamic_lookup"), '.so'), 'default': ("ld", ("-shared",), ".so") } def get_configs(arg): return _configs.get(sys.platform[:3], _configs['default'])[arg] find_linker = functools.partial(get_configs, 0) find_args = functools.partial(get_configs, 1) find_shared_ending = functools.partial(get_configs, 2) def get_header(): import numpy import textwrap return textwrap.dedent("""\ #include <stdint.h> #ifndef HAVE_LONGDOUBLE #define HAVE_LONGDOUBLE %d #endif typedef struct { float real; float imag; } complex64; typedef struct { double real; double imag; } complex128; #if HAVE_LONGDOUBLE typedef struct { long double real; long double imag; } complex256; #endif typedef float float32; typedef double float64; #if HAVE_LONGDOUBLE typedef long double float128; #endif """ % hasattr(numpy, 'complex256')) class _Compiler(object): """A base class to compile Python modules to a single shared library or extension module. :param inputs: input file(s). :type inputs: iterable :param module_name: the name of the exported module. """ #: Structure used to describe a method of an extension type. #: struct PyMethodDef { #: const char *ml_name; /* The name of the built-in function/method */ #: PyCFunction ml_meth; /* The C function that implements it */ #: int ml_flags; /* Combination of METH_xxx flags, which mostly #: describe the args expected by the C func */ #: const char *ml_doc; /* The __doc__ attribute, or NULL */ #: }; method_def_ty = lc.Type.struct((lt._int8_star, lt._void_star, lt._int32, lt._int8_star)) method_def_ptr = lc.Type.pointer(method_def_ty) def __init__(self, inputs, module_name='numba_exported'): self.inputs = inputs self.module_name = module_name self.export_python_wrap = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): del self.exported_signatures[:] def _emit_python_wrapper(self, llvm_module): """Emit generated Python wrapper and extension module code. """ raise NotImplementedError def _cull_exports(self): """Read all the exported functions/modules in the translator environment, and join them into a single LLVM module. Resets the export environment afterwards. """ self.exported_signatures = export_registry # Create new module containing everything llvm_module = # Compile all exported functions typing_ctx = CPUTarget.typing_context # TODO Use non JIT-ing target target_ctx = CPUTarget.target_context modules = [] flags = Flags() if not self.export_python_wrap: flags.set("no_compile") for entry in self.exported_signatures: cres = compile_extra(typing_ctx, target_ctx, entry.function, entry.signature.args, entry.signature.return_type, flags, locals={}) if self.export_python_wrap: module = cres.llvm_func.module cres.llvm_func.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL wrappername = "wrapper." + wrapper = module.get_function_named(wrappername) = entry.symbol else: = entry.symbol modules.append(cres.llvm_module) # Link all exported functions for mod in modules: llvm_module.link_in(mod, preserve=self.export_python_wrap) # Optimize tm = pms = lp.build_pass_managers(tm=tm, opt=3, loop_vectorize=True, fpm=False) if self.export_python_wrap: self._emit_python_wrapper(llvm_module) print(llvm_module) return llvm_module def _process_inputs(self, wrap=False, **kws): for ifile in self.inputs: with open(ifile) as fin: exec(compile(, ifile, 'exec')) self.export_python_wrap = wrap def write_llvm_bitcode(self, output, **kws): self._process_inputs(**kws) lmod = self._cull_exports() with open(output, 'wb') as fout: lmod.to_bitcode(fout) def write_native_object(self, output, **kws): self._process_inputs(**kws) lmod = self._cull_exports() tm =, reloc=le.RELOC_PIC, features='-avx') with open(output, 'wb') as fout: objfile = tm.emit_object(lmod) fout.write(objfile) def emit_type(self, tyobj): ret_val = str(tyobj) if 'int' in ret_val: if ret_val.endswith(('8', '16', '32', '64')): ret_val += "_t" return ret_val def emit_header(self, output): fname, ext = os.path.splitext(output) with open(fname + '.h', 'w') as fout: fout.write(get_header()) fout.write("\n/* Prototypes */\n") for export_entry in export_registry: name = export_entry.symbol restype = self.emit_type(export_entry.signature.return_type) args = ", ".join(self.emit_type(argtype) for argtype in export_entry.signature.args) fout.write("extern %s %s(%s);\n" % (restype, name, args)) def _emit_method_array(self, llvm_module): """Collect exported methods and emit a PyMethodDef array. :returns: a pointer to the PyMethodDef array. """ method_defs = [] for entry in self.exported_signatures: name = entry.symbol lfunc = llvm_module.get_function_named(name) method_name_init = lc.Constant.stringz(name) method_name = llvm_module.add_global_variable( method_name_init.type, '.method_name') method_name.initializer = method_name_init method_name.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_EXTERNAL method_def_const = lc.Constant.struct((lc.Constant.gep(method_name, [ZERO, ZERO]), lc.Constant.bitcast(lfunc, lt._void_star), METH_VARARGS_AND_KEYWORDS, NULL)) method_defs.append(method_def_const) sentinel = lc.Constant.struct([NULL, NULL, ZERO, NULL]) method_defs.append(sentinel) method_array_init = lc.Constant.array(self.method_def_ty, method_defs) method_array = llvm_module.add_global_variable(method_array_init.type, '.module_methods') method_array.initializer = method_array_init method_array.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL method_array_ptr = lc.Constant.gep(method_array, [ZERO, ZERO]) return method_array_ptr class CompilerPy2(_Compiler): @property def module_create_definition(self): """Return the signature and name of the function to initialize the module. """ signature = lc.Type.function(lt._pyobject_head_struct_p, (lt._int8_star, self.method_def_ptr, lt._int8_star, lt._pyobject_head_struct_p, lt._int32)) name = "Py_InitModule4" if lt._trace_refs_: name += "TraceRefs" if lt._plat_bits == 64: name += "_64" return signature, name @property def module_init_definition(self): """Return the signature and name of the function to initialize the extension. """ return lc.Type.function(lc.Type.void(), ()), "init" + self.module_name def _emit_python_wrapper(self, llvm_module): # Define the module initialization function. mod_init_fn = llvm_module.add_function(*self.module_init_definition) entry = mod_init_fn.append_basic_block('Entry') builder = # Python C API module creation function. create_module_fn = llvm_module.add_function(*self.module_create_definition) create_module_fn.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_EXTERNAL # Define a constant string for the module name. mod_name_init = lc.Constant.stringz(self.module_name) mod_name_const = llvm_module.add_global_variable(mod_name_init.type, '.module_name') mod_name_const.initializer = mod_name_init mod_name_const.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL mod =, (lc.Constant.gep(mod_name_const, [ZERO, ZERO]), self._emit_method_array(llvm_module), NULL, lc.Constant.null(lt._pyobject_head_struct_p),, sys.api_version))) builder.ret_void() class CompilerPy3(_Compiler): _ptr_fun = lambda ret, *args: lc.Type.pointer(lc.Type.function(ret, args)) #: typedef int (*visitproc)(PyObject *, void *); visitproc_ty = _ptr_fun(lt._int8, lt._pyobject_head_struct_p) #: typedef int (*inquiry)(PyObject *); inquiry_ty = _ptr_fun(lt._int8, lt._pyobject_head_struct_p) #: typedef int (*traverseproc)(PyObject *, visitproc, void *); traverseproc_ty = _ptr_fun(lt._int8, lt._pyobject_head_struct_p, visitproc_ty, lt._void_star) # typedef void (*freefunc)(void *) freefunc_ty = _ptr_fun(lt._int8, lt._void_star) # PyObject* (*m_init)(void); m_init_ty = _ptr_fun(lt._int8) _char_star = lt._int8_star #: typedef struct PyModuleDef_Base { #: PyObject_HEAD #: PyObject* (*m_init)(void); #: Py_ssize_t m_index; #: PyObject* m_copy; #: } PyModuleDef_Base; module_def_base_ty = lc.Type.struct((lt._pyobject_head_struct_p, lt._void_star, m_init_ty, lt._llvm_py_ssize_t, lt._pyobject_head_struct_p)) #: This struct holds all information that is needed to create a module object. #: typedef struct PyModuleDef{ #: PyModuleDef_Base m_base; #: const char* m_name; #: const char* m_doc; #: Py_ssize_t m_size; #: PyMethodDef *m_methods; #: inquiry m_reload; #: traverseproc m_traverse; #: inquiry m_clear; #: freefunc m_free; #: }PyModuleDef; module_def_ty = lc.Type.struct((module_def_base_ty, _char_star, _char_star, lt._llvm_py_ssize_t, _Compiler.method_def_ptr, inquiry_ty, traverseproc_ty, inquiry_ty, freefunc_ty)) @property def module_create_definition(self): """Return the signature and name of the function to initialize the module """ signature = lc.Type.function(lt._pyobject_head_struct_p, (lc.Type.pointer(self.module_def_ty), lt._int32)) name = "PyModule_Create2" return signature, name @property def module_init_definition(self): """Return the name and signature of the module """ signature = lc.Type.function(lt._pyobject_head_struct_p, ()) return signature, "PyInit_" + self.module_name def _emit_python_wrapper(self, llvm_module): # Figure out the Python C API module creation function, and # get a LLVM function for it. create_module_fn = llvm_module.add_function(*self.module_create_definition) create_module_fn.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_EXTERNAL # Define a constant string for the module name. mod_name_init = lc.Constant.stringz(self.module_name) mod_name_const = llvm_module.add_global_variable(mod_name_init.type, '.module_name') mod_name_const.initializer = mod_name_init mod_name_const.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL mod_def_base_init = lc.Constant.struct( (lc.Constant.null(lt._pyobject_head_struct_p), # PyObject_HEAD lc.Constant.null(lt._void_star), # PyObject_HEAD lc.Constant.null(self.m_init_ty), # m_init lc.Constant.null(lt._llvm_py_ssize_t), # m_index lc.Constant.null(lt._pyobject_head_struct_p), # m_copy ) ) mod_def_base = llvm_module.add_global_variable(mod_def_base_init.type, '.module_def_base') mod_def_base.initializer = mod_def_base_init mod_def_base.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL mod_def_init = lc.Constant.struct( (mod_def_base_init, # m_base lc.Constant.gep(mod_name_const, [ZERO, ZERO]), # m_name lc.Constant.null(self._char_star), # m_doc, -1), # m_size self._emit_method_array(llvm_module), # m_methods lc.Constant.null(self.inquiry_ty), # m_reload lc.Constant.null(self.traverseproc_ty), # m_traverse lc.Constant.null(self.inquiry_ty), # m_clear lc.Constant.null(self.freefunc_ty) # m_free ) ) # Define a constant string for the module name. mod_def = llvm_module.add_global_variable(mod_def_init.type, '.module_def') mod_def.initializer = mod_def_init mod_def.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL # Define the module initialization function. mod_init_fn = llvm_module.add_function(*self.module_init_definition) entry = mod_init_fn.append_basic_block('Entry') builder = mod =, (mod_def,, sys.api_version))) # Test if module has been created correctly cond_true = mod_init_fn.append_basic_block("cond_true") cond_false = mod_init_fn.append_basic_block("cond_false") builder.cbranch(builder.icmp(lc.IPRED_EQ, mod, NULL), cond_true, cond_false) builder.position_at_end(cond_true) builder.ret(NULL) builder.position_at_end(cond_false) builder.ret(mod) Compiler = CompilerPy3 if IS_PY3 else CompilerPy2 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = decorators from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import re import inspect from numba import sigutils # Registry is okay to be a global because we are using pycc as a standalone # commandline tool. registry = [] def export(prototype): sym, sig = parse_prototype(prototype) def wrappped(func): module = inspect.getmodule(func).__name__ signature = sigutils.parse_signature(sig) entry = ExportEntry(symbol=sym, signature=signature, function=func, module=module) registry.append(entry) return wrappped def exportmany(prototypes): def wrapped(func): for proto in prototypes: export(proto)(func) return wrapped # --------------------------------- Internal --------------------------------- re_symbol = re.compile(r'[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*', re.I) class ExportEntry(object): """ A simple record for exporting symbols. """ def __init__(self, symbol, signature, function, module): self.symbol = symbol self.signature = signature self.function = function self.module = module def __repr__(self): return "ExportEntry('%s', '%s')" % (self.symbol, self.signature) def parse_prototype(text): """Separate the symbol and function-type in a a string with "symbol function-type" (e.g. "mult float(float, float)") Returns --------- (symbol_string, functype_string) """ m = re_symbol.match(text) if not m: raise ValueError("Invalid function name for export prototype") s = m.start(0) e = m.end(0) symbol = text[s:e] functype = text[e + 1:] return symbol, functype ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvm_types import sys import ctypes import struct as struct_ from llvm.core import Type _trace_refs_ = hasattr(sys, 'getobjects') _plat_bits = struct_.calcsize('@P') * 8 _int8 = _int32 = _void_star = Type.pointer(_int8) _int8_star = _void_star _pyobject_head_struct_p = _void_star _sizeof_py_ssize_t = ctypes.sizeof(getattr(ctypes, 'c_size_t')) _llvm_py_ssize_t = * 8) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = pythonapi from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from llvm.core import Type, Constant import llvm.core as lc import as le from llvm import LLVMException from numba.config import PYVERSION import numba.ctypes_support as ctypes from numba import types, utils, cgutils, _numpyadapt, _helperlib, assume _PyNone = ctypes.c_ssize_t(id(None)) class NativeError(RuntimeError): pass @utils.runonce def fix_python_api(): """ Execute once to install special symbols into the LLVM symbol table """ le.dylib_add_symbol("Py_None", ctypes.addressof(_PyNone)) le.dylib_add_symbol("NumbaArrayAdaptor", _numpyadapt.get_ndarray_adaptor()) le.dylib_add_symbol("NumbaComplexAdaptor", _helperlib.get_complex_adaptor()) le.dylib_add_symbol("NumbaNativeError", id(NativeError)) le.dylib_add_symbol("PyExc_NameError", id(NameError)) class PythonAPI(object): def __init__(self, context, builder): """ Note: Maybe called multiple times when lowering a function """ fix_python_api() self.context = context self.builder = builder self.module = builder.basic_block.function.module # Initialize types self.pyobj = self.context.get_argument_type(types.pyobject) self.long = * 8) self.ulonglong = * 8) self.longlong = self.ulonglong self.double = Type.double() self.py_ssize_t = self.context.get_value_type(types.intp) self.cstring = Type.pointer( # ------ Python API ----- def incref(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="Py_IncRef"), [obj]) def decref(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="Py_DecRef"), [obj]) def parse_tuple_and_keywords(self, args, kws, fmt, keywords, *objs): charptr = Type.pointer( charptrary = Type.pointer(charptr) argtypes = [self.pyobj, self.pyobj, charptr, charptrary] fnty = Type.function(, argtypes, var_arg=True) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords") return, [args, kws, fmt, keywords] + list(objs)) def parse_tuple(self, args, fmt, *objs): charptr = Type.pointer( argtypes = [self.pyobj, charptr] fnty = Type.function(, argtypes, var_arg=True) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyArg_ParseTuple") return, [args, fmt] + list(objs)) def dict_getitem_string(self, dic, name): """Returns a borrowed reference """ fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj, self.cstring]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyDict_GetItemString") cstr = self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, name) return, [dic, cstr]) def err_occurred(self): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, ()) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyErr_Occurred") return, ()) def err_clear(self): fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), ()) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyErr_Clear") return, ()) def err_set_string(self, exctype, msg): fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [self.pyobj, self.cstring]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyErr_SetString") return, (exctype, msg)) def import_module_noblock(self, modname): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.cstring]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock") return, [modname]) def call_function_objargs(self, callee, objargs): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj], var_arg=True) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs") args = [callee] + list(objargs) args.append(self.context.get_constant_null(types.pyobject)) return, args) def call(self, callee, args, kws): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj] * 3) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_Call") return, (callee, args, kws)) def long_from_long(self, ival): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.long]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyLong_FromLong") return, [ival]) def long_from_ssize_t(self, ival): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.py_ssize_t]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyLong_FromSsize_t") return, [ival]) def float_from_double(self, fval): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.double]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyFloat_FromDouble") return, [fval]) def number_as_ssize_t(self, numobj): fnty = Type.function(self.py_ssize_t, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyNumber_AsSsize_t") return, [numobj]) def number_long(self, numobj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyNumber_Long") return, [numobj]) def long_as_ulonglong(self, numobj): fnty = Type.function(self.ulonglong, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong") return, [numobj]) def long_as_longlong(self, numobj): fnty = Type.function(self.ulonglong, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyLong_AsLongLong") return, [numobj]) def long_from_ulonglong(self, numobj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.ulonglong]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong") return, [numobj]) def long_from_longlong(self, numobj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.ulonglong]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyLong_FromLongLong") return, [numobj]) def _get_number_operator(self, name): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj, self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyNumber_%s" % name) return fn def number_add(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Add") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_subtract(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Subtract") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_multiply(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Multiply") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_divide(self, lhs, rhs): assert PYVERSION < (3, 0) fn = self._get_number_operator("Divide") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_truedivide(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("TrueDivide") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_floordivide(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("FloorDivide") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_remainder(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Remainder") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_lshift(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Lshift") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_rshift(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Rshift") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_and(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("And") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_or(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Or") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_xor(self, lhs, rhs): fn = self._get_number_operator("Xor") return, [lhs, rhs]) def number_power(self, lhs, rhs): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj] * 3) fn = self._get_function(fnty, "PyNumber_Power") return, [lhs, rhs, self.borrow_none()]) def number_negative(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyNumber_Negative") return, (obj,)) def number_float(self, val): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyNumber_Float") return, [val]) def number_invert(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyNumber_Invert") return, (obj,)) def float_as_double(self, fobj): fnty = Type.function(self.double, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyFloat_AsDouble") return, [fobj]) def object_istrue(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_IsTrue") return, [obj]) def object_not(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_Not") return, [obj]) def object_richcompare(self, lhs, rhs, opstr): """ Refer to Python source Include/object.h for macros definition of the opid. """ ops = ['<', '<=', '==', '!=', '>', '>='] opid = ops.index(opstr) assert 0 <= opid < len(ops) fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj, self.pyobj,]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_RichCompare") lopid = self.context.get_constant(types.int32, opid) return, (lhs, rhs, lopid)) def bool_from_long(self, ival): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.long]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyBool_FromLong") return, [ival]) def complex_from_doubles(self, realval, imagval): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [Type.double(), Type.double()]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyComplex_FromDoubles") return, [realval, imagval]) def complex_real_as_double(self, cobj): fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyComplex_RealAsDouble") return, [cobj]) def complex_imag_as_double(self, cobj): fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyComplex_ImagAsDouble") return, [cobj]) def iter_next(self, iterobj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyIter_Next") return, [iterobj]) def object_getiter(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_GetIter") return, [obj]) def object_getattr_string(self, obj, attr): cstr = self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, attr) fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj, self.cstring]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_GetAttrString") return, [obj, cstr]) def object_getitem(self, obj, key): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj, self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_GetItem") return, (obj, key)) def object_setitem(self, obj, key, val): fnty = Type.function(, [self.pyobj, self.pyobj, self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_SetItem") return, (obj, key, val)) def sequence_getslice(self, obj, start, stop): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj, self.py_ssize_t, self.py_ssize_t]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PySequence_GetSlice") return, (obj, start, stop)) def string_as_string(self, strobj): fnty = Type.function(self.cstring, [self.pyobj]) if PYVERSION >= (3, 0): fname = "PyUnicode_AsUTF8" else: fname = "PyString_AsString" fn = self._get_function(fnty, name=fname) return, [strobj]) def string_from_string_and_size(self, string): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.cstring, self.py_ssize_t]) if PYVERSION >= (3, 0): fname = "PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize" else: fname = "PyString_FromStringAndSize" fn = self._get_function(fnty, name=fname) cstr = self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, string) sz = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, len(string)) return, [cstr, sz]) def object_str(self, obj): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyObject_Str") return, [obj]) def tuple_getitem(self, tup, idx): """ Borrow reference """ fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.pyobj, self.py_ssize_t]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyTuple_GetItem") idx = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, idx) return, [tup, idx]) def tuple_pack(self, items): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.py_ssize_t], var_arg=True) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyTuple_Pack") n = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, len(items)) args = [n] args.extend(items) return, args) def list_new(self, szval): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, [self.py_ssize_t]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyList_New") return, [szval]) def list_setitem(self, seq, idx, val): """ Warning: Steals reference to ``val`` """ fnty = Type.function(, [self.pyobj, self.py_ssize_t, self.pyobj]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyList_SetItem") return, [seq, idx, val]) def dict_new(self): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, ()) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyDict_New") return, ()) def dict_setitem_string(self, dictobj, name, valobj): fnty = Type.function(, (self.pyobj, self.cstring, self.pyobj)) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PyDict_SetItemString") cstr = self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, name) return, (dictobj, cstr, valobj)) def make_none(self): obj = self._get_object("Py_None") self.incref(obj) return obj def borrow_none(self): obj = self._get_object("Py_None") return obj def sys_write_stdout(self, fmt, *args): fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [self.cstring], var_arg=True) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="PySys_WriteStdout") return, (fmt,) + args) # ------ utils ----- def _get_object(self, name): try: gv = self.module.get_global_variable_named(name) except LLVMException: gv = self.module.add_global_variable(self.pyobj, name) return self.builder.load(gv) def _get_function(self, fnty, name): return self.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=name) def alloca_obj(self): return self.builder.alloca(self.pyobj) def print_object(self, obj): strobj = self.object_str(obj) cstr = self.string_as_string(strobj) fmt = self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, "%s\n") self.sys_write_stdout(fmt, cstr) self.decref(strobj) def get_null_object(self): return Constant.null(self.pyobj) def return_none(self): none = self.make_none() self.builder.ret(none) def list_pack(self, items): n = len(items) seq = self.list_new(self.context.get_constant(types.intp, n)) not_null = cgutils.is_not_null(self.builder, seq) with cgutils.if_likely(self.builder, not_null): for i in range(n): idx = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, i) self.incref(items[i]) self.list_setitem(seq, idx, items[i]) return seq def dict_pack(self, keyvalues): """ Args ----- keyvalues: iterable of (str, llvm.Value of PyObject*) """ dictobj = self.dict_new() not_null = cgutils.is_not_null(self.builder, dictobj) with cgutils.if_likely(self.builder, not_null): for k, v in keyvalues: self.dict_setitem_string(dictobj, k, v) return dictobj def to_native_arg(self, obj, typ): return self.to_native_value(obj, typ) def to_native_value(self, obj, typ): if isinstance(typ, types.Object) or typ == types.pyobject: return obj elif typ == types.boolean: istrue = self.object_istrue(obj) zero = Constant.null(istrue.type) return self.builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, istrue, zero) elif typ in types.unsigned_domain: longobj = self.number_long(obj) ullval = self.long_as_ulonglong(longobj) self.decref(longobj) return self.builder.trunc(ullval, self.context.get_argument_type(typ)) elif typ in types.signed_domain: longobj = self.number_long(obj) llval = self.long_as_longlong(longobj) self.decref(longobj) return self.builder.trunc(llval, self.context.get_argument_type(typ)) elif typ == types.float32: fobj = self.number_float(obj) fval = self.float_as_double(fobj) self.decref(fobj) return self.builder.fptrunc(fval, self.context.get_argument_type(typ)) elif typ == types.float64: fobj = self.number_float(obj) fval = self.float_as_double(fobj) self.decref(fobj) return fval elif typ in (types.complex128, types.complex64): cplxcls = self.context.make_complex(types.complex128) cplx = cplxcls(self.context, self.builder) pcplx = cplx._getpointer() ok = self.complex_adaptor(obj, pcplx) failed = cgutils.is_false(self.builder, ok) with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, failed): self.builder.ret(self.get_null_object()) if typ == types.complex64: c64cls = self.context.make_complex(typ) c64 = c64cls(self.context, self.builder) freal = self.context.cast(self.builder, cplx.real, types.float64, types.float32) fimag = self.context.cast(self.builder, cplx.imag, types.float64, types.float32) c64.real = freal c64.imag = fimag return c64._getvalue() else: return cplx._getvalue() elif isinstance(typ, types.Array): return self.to_native_array(typ, obj) raise NotImplementedError(typ) def from_native_return(self, val, typ): return self.from_native_value(val, typ) def from_native_value(self, val, typ): if typ == types.pyobject: return val elif typ == types.boolean: longval = self.builder.zext(val, self.long) return self.bool_from_long(longval) elif typ in types.unsigned_domain: ullval = self.builder.zext(val, self.ulonglong) return self.long_from_ulonglong(ullval) elif typ in types.signed_domain: ival = self.builder.sext(val, self.longlong) return self.long_from_longlong(ival) elif typ == types.float32: dbval = self.builder.fpext(val, self.double) return self.float_from_double(dbval) elif typ == types.float64: return self.float_from_double(val) elif typ == types.complex128: cmplxcls = self.context.make_complex(typ) cval = cmplxcls(self.context, self.builder, value=val) return self.complex_from_doubles(cval.real, cval.imag) elif typ == types.complex64: cmplxcls = self.context.make_complex(typ) cval = cmplxcls(self.context, self.builder, value=val) freal = self.context.cast(self.builder, cval.real, types.float32, types.float64) fimag = self.context.cast(self.builder, cval.imag, types.float32, types.float64) return self.complex_from_doubles(freal, fimag) elif typ == types.none: ret = self.make_none() return ret elif isinstance(typ, types.Optional): return self.from_native_return(val, typ.type) elif isinstance(typ, types.Array): return self.from_native_array(typ, val) elif isinstance(typ, types.UniTuple): return self.from_unituple(typ, val) raise NotImplementedError(typ) def to_native_array(self, typ, ary): # TODO check matching dtype. # currently, mismatching dtype will still work and causes # potential memory corruption voidptr = Type.pointer( nativearycls = self.context.make_array(typ) nativeary = nativearycls(self.context, self.builder) aryptr = nativeary._getpointer() ptr = self.builder.bitcast(aryptr, voidptr) errcode = self.numba_array_adaptor(ary, ptr) failed = cgutils.is_not_null(self.builder, errcode) with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, failed): # TODO self.builder.unreachable() return self.builder.load(aryptr) def from_native_array(self, typ, ary): assert assume.return_argument_array_only nativearycls = self.context.make_array(typ) nativeary = nativearycls(self.context, self.builder, value=ary) parent = nativeary.parent self.incref(parent) return parent def from_unituple(self, typ, val): tuple_val = self.tuple_new(typ.count) for i in range(typ.count): item = self.builder.extract_value(val, i) obj = self.from_native_value(item, typ.dtype) self.tuple_setitem(tuple_val, i, obj) return tuple_val def tuple_new(self, count): fnty = Type.function(self.pyobj, []) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name='PyTuple_New') return, [self.context.get_constant(types.int32, count)]) def tuple_setitem(self, tuple_val, index, item): fnty = Type.function(, [self.pyobj,, self.pyobj]) setitem_fn = self._get_function(fnty, name='PyTuple_SetItem') index = self.context.get_constant(types.int32, index), [tuple_val, index, item]) def numba_array_adaptor(self, ary, ptr): voidptr = Type.pointer( fnty = Type.function(, [self.pyobj, voidptr]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="NumbaArrayAdaptor") fn.args[0].add_attribute(lc.ATTR_NO_CAPTURE) fn.args[1].add_attribute(lc.ATTR_NO_CAPTURE) return, (ary, ptr)) def complex_adaptor(self, cobj, cmplx): fnty = Type.function(, [self.pyobj, cmplx.type]) fn = self._get_function(fnty, name="NumbaComplexAdaptor") return, [cobj, cmplx]) def get_module_dict_symbol(self): md_pymod = cgutils.MetadataKeyStore(self.module, "python.module") pymodname = ".pymodule.dict." + md_pymod.get() try: gv = self.module.get_global_variable_named(name=pymodname) except LLVMException: gv = self.module.add_global_variable(self.pyobj.pointee, name=pymodname) return gv def get_module_dict(self): return self.get_module_dict_symbol() # return self.builder.load(gv) def raise_native_error(self, msg): cstr = self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, msg) self.err_set_string(self.native_error_type, cstr) @property def native_error_type(self): name = "NumbaNativeError" try: return self.module.get_global_variable_named(name) except LLVMException: return self.module.add_global_variable(self.pyobj.pointee, name=name) def raise_missing_global_error(self, name): msg = "global name '%s' is not defined" % name cstr = self.context.insert_const_string(self.module, msg) self.err_set_string(self.name_error_type, cstr) @property def name_error_type(self): name = "PyExc_NameError" try: return self.module.get_global_variable_named(name) except LLVMException: return self.module.add_global_variable(self.pyobj.pointee, name=name) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = service """ Implement background services for the application. This is implemented as a cooperative concurrent task. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import functools from numba.utils import iter_next class Service(object): def __init__(self, name="unnamed", arg=None): = name self.enabled = True self.arg = arg self._task = self.process(self.arg) iter_next(self._task) def service(self): """ Request for the service task. Servicing is disabled if it is disabled thourght the "enabled" attribute. When the task is executing, the service is disabled to avoid recursion. """ if self.enabled: enable = self.enabled try: # Prevent recursion self.enabled = False iter_next(self._task) finally: self.enabled = enable def process(self, arg): """ Overrided to implement the service task. This must be a generator. Use `yield` to return control. """ raise NotImplementedError def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.service() def after(self, fn): """ A decorator for a function. Service is triggered on return. """ @functools.wraps(fn) def wrap(*args, **kws): with self: return fn(*args, **kws) return wrap # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The rest are for testing class HelloService(Service): def process(self, arg): count = 0 yield while True: print("Hello", count) count += 1 yield def test(): serv = HelloService("my.hello") print("1") serv.service() print("2") serv.service() with serv: print("3") @serv.after def nested(): print("4") nested() if __name__ == '__main__': test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = threadlocal """ Implements: - Threadlocal stack """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import threading class TLStack(object): def __init__(self): self.local = threading.local() @property def stack(self): try: # Retrieve thread local stack return self.local.stack except AttributeError: # Initialize stack for the thread self.local.stack = [] def push(self, item): self.stack.append(item) def pop(self): return self.stack.pop() @property def top(self): return self.stack[-1] @property def is_empty(self): return not self.stack def __bool__(self): return not self.is_empty def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__() def clear(self): self.__init__() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = sigutils from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import types def is_signature(sig): return isinstance(sig, (str, tuple, types.Prototype)) def normalize_signature(sig): if isinstance(sig, str): return normalize_signature(parse_signature(sig)) elif isinstance(sig, tuple): return sig, None elif isinstance(sig, types.Prototype): return sig.args, sig.return_type else: raise TypeError(type(sig)) def parse_signature(signature_str): # Just eval signature_str using the types submodules as globals return eval(signature_str, {}, types.__dict__) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = special from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import __all__ = [ 'typeof' ] def typeof(val): """ Get the type of a variable or value. Used outside of Numba code, infers the type for the object. """ from .dispatcher import typeof_pyval return typeof_pyval(val) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = base from __future__ import print_function from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict import llvm.core as lc from llvm.core import Type, Constant import numpy from numba import types, utils, cgutils, typing from numba.pythonapi import PythonAPI from numba.targets.imputils import (user_function, python_attr_impl, builtin_registry) from numba.targets import builtins LTYPEMAP = { types.pyobject: Type.pointer(, types.boolean:, types.uint8:, types.uint16:, types.uint32:, types.uint64:, types.int8:, types.int16:, types.int32:, types.int64:, types.float32: Type.float(), types.float64: Type.double(), } STRUCT_TYPES = { types.complex64: builtins.Complex64, types.complex128: builtins.Complex128, types.range_state32_type: builtins.RangeState32, types.range_iter32_type: builtins.RangeIter32, types.range_state64_type: builtins.RangeState64, types.range_iter64_type: builtins.RangeIter64, types.slice3_type: builtins.Slice, } Status = namedtuple("Status", ("code", "ok", "err", "exc", "none")) RETCODE_OK = Constant.int_signextend(, 0) RETCODE_NONE = Constant.int_signextend(, -2) RETCODE_EXC = Constant.int_signextend(, -1) class Overloads(object): def __init__(self): self.versions = [] def find(self, sig): for ver in self.versions: if ver.signature == sig: return ver # As generic type if (len(ver.signature.args) == len(sig.args) or (ver.signature.args and ver.signature.args[-1] == types.VarArg)): match = True for formal, actual in zip(ver.signature.args, sig.args): if formal == types.VarArg: # vararg argument matches everything break match = self._match(formal, actual) if not match: break if match: return ver raise NotImplementedError(self, sig) @staticmethod def _match(formal, actual): if formal == actual: # formal argument matches actual arguments return True elif types.Any == formal: # formal argument is any return True elif (isinstance(formal, types.Kind) and isinstance(actual, formal.of)): # formal argument is a kind and the actual argument # is of that kind return True def append(self, impl): self.versions.append(impl) class BaseContext(object): """ Notes on Structure ------------------ Most objects are lowered as plain-old-data structure in the generated llvm. They are passed around by reference (a pointer to the structure). Only POD structure can life across function boundaries by copying the data. """ # Use default mangler (no specific requirement) mangler = None # Force powi implementation as math.pow call implement_powi_as_math_call = False implement_pow_as_math_call = False def __init__(self, typing_context): self.address_size = tuple.__itemsize__ * 8 self.typing_context = typing_context self.defns = defaultdict(Overloads) self.attrs = utils.UniqueDict() self.users = utils.UniqueDict() self.insert_func_defn(builtin_registry.functions) self.insert_attr_defn(builtin_registry.attributes) # Initialize self.init() def init(self): """ For subclasses to add initializer """ pass def localized(self): """ Returns a localized context that contains extra environment information """ return ContextProxy(self) def insert_func_defn(self, defns): for defn in defns: self.defns[defn.key].append(defn) def insert_attr_defn(self, defns): for attr in defns: self.attrs[attr.key] = attr def insert_user_function(self, func, fndesc, libs=()): imp = user_function(func, fndesc, libs) self.defns[func].append(imp) baseclses = (typing.templates.ConcreteTemplate,) glbls = dict(key=func, cases=[imp.signature]) name = "CallTemplate(%s)" % fndesc.mangled_name self.users[func] = type(name, baseclses, glbls) def insert_class(self, cls, attrs): clsty = types.Object(cls) for name, vtype in utils.dict_iteritems(attrs): imp = python_attr_impl(clsty, name, vtype) self.attrs[imp.key] = imp def get_user_function(self, func): return self.users[func] def get_function_type(self, fndesc): """ Calling Convention ------------------ Returns: -2 for return none in native function; -1 for failure with python exception set; 0 for success; >0 for user error code. Return value is passed by reference as the first argument. It MUST NOT be used if the function is in nopython mode. Actual arguments starts at the 2nd argument position. Caller is responsible to allocate space for return value. """ argtypes = [self.get_argument_type(aty) for aty in fndesc.argtypes] resptr = self.get_return_type(fndesc.restype) fnty = Type.function(, [resptr] + argtypes) return fnty def declare_function(self, module, fndesc): fnty = self.get_function_type(fndesc) fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fndesc.mangled_name) assert fn.is_declaration for ak, av in zip(fndesc.args, self.get_arguments(fn)): = "arg.%s" % ak fn.args[0] = ".ret" return fn def insert_const_string(self, mod, string): stringtype = Type.pointer( text = Constant.stringz(string) name = ".const.%s" % string for gv in mod.global_variables: if == name and gv.type.pointee == text.type: break else: gv = mod.add_global_variable(text.type, name=name) gv.global_constant = True gv.initializer = text gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL return Constant.bitcast(gv, stringtype) def get_arguments(self, func): return func.args[1:] def get_argument_type(self, ty): if ty is types.boolean: return self.get_data_type(ty) elif self.is_struct_type(ty): return Type.pointer(self.get_data_type(ty)) else: return self.get_value_type(ty) def get_return_type(self, ty): if self.is_struct_type(ty): return self.get_argument_type(ty) else: argty = self.get_argument_type(ty) return Type.pointer(argty) def get_data_type(self, ty): """ Get a data representation of the type Returns None if it is an opaque pointer """ if (isinstance(ty, types.Dummy) or isinstance(ty, types.Module) or isinstance(ty, types.Function) or isinstance(ty, types.Dispatcher) or isinstance(ty, types.Object) or isinstance(ty, types.Macro)): return Type.pointer( elif isinstance(ty, types.CPointer): dty = self.get_data_type(ty.dtype) return Type.pointer(dty) elif isinstance(ty, types.Optional): return self.get_data_type(ty.type) elif isinstance(ty, types.Array): return self.get_struct_type(self.make_array(ty)) elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTuple): dty = self.get_value_type(ty.dtype) return Type.array(dty, ty.count) elif isinstance(ty, types.Tuple): dtys = [self.get_value_type(t) for t in ty] return Type.struct(dtys) elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTupleIter): stty = self.get_struct_type(self.make_unituple_iter(ty)) return stty elif ty in STRUCT_TYPES: return self.get_struct_type(STRUCT_TYPES[ty]) else: return LTYPEMAP[ty] def get_value_type(self, ty): if ty == types.boolean: return dataty = self.get_data_type(ty) return dataty def pack_value(self, builder, ty, value, ptr): """Pack data for array storage """ if ty == types.boolean: value = cgutils.as_bool_byte(builder, value) assert value.type == ptr.type.pointee, ptr) def unpack_value(self, builder, ty, ptr): """Unpack data from array storage """ assert cgutils.is_pointer(ptr.type) value = builder.load(ptr) if ty == types.boolean: return builder.trunc(value, else: return value def is_struct_type(self, ty): return cgutils.is_struct(self.get_data_type(ty)) def get_constant_struct(self, builder, ty, val): assert self.is_struct_type(ty) module = cgutils.get_module(builder) if ty in types.complex_domain: if ty == types.complex64: innertype = types.float32 elif ty == types.complex128: innertype = types.float64 else: raise Exception("unreachable") real = self.get_constant(innertype, val.real) imag = self.get_constant(innertype, val.imag) const = Constant.struct([real, imag]) gv = module.add_global_variable(const.type, name=".const") gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL gv.initializer = const gv.global_constant = True return builder.load(gv) else: raise NotImplementedError(ty) def get_constant(self, ty, val): assert not self.is_struct_type(ty) lty = self.get_value_type(ty) if ty == types.none: assert val is None return self.get_dummy_value() elif ty == types.boolean: return, int(val)) elif ty in types.signed_domain: return Constant.int_signextend(lty, val) elif ty in types.real_domain: return Constant.real(lty, val) elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTuple): consts = [self.get_constant(ty.dtype, v) for v in val] return Constant.array(consts[0].type, consts) raise NotImplementedError(ty) def get_constant_undef(self, ty): lty = self.get_value_type(ty) return Constant.undef(lty) def get_constant_null(self, ty): lty = self.get_value_type(ty) return Constant.null(lty) def get_function(self, fn, sig): if isinstance(fn, types.Function): key = fn.template.key overloads = self.defns[key] elif isinstance(fn, types.Dispatcher): key = fn.overloaded.get_overload(sig.args) overloads = self.defns[key] else: key = fn overloads = self.defns[key] try: return _wrap_impl(overloads.find(sig), self, sig) except NotImplementedError: raise Exception("No definition for lowering %s%s" % (key, sig)) def get_attribute(self, val, typ, attr): key = typ, attr try: return self.attrs[key] except KeyError: if isinstance(typ, types.Module): return elif typ.is_parametric: key = type(typ), attr return self.attrs[key] else: raise def get_argument_value(self, builder, ty, val): """ Argument representation to local value representation """ if ty == types.boolean: return builder.trunc(val, self.get_value_type(ty)) elif self.is_struct_type(ty): return builder.load(val) return val def get_return_value(self, builder, ty, val): """ Local value representation to return type representation """ if ty is types.boolean: r = self.get_return_type(ty).pointee return builder.zext(val, r) else: return val def get_value_as_argument(self, builder, ty, val): """Prepare local value representation as argument type representation """ argty = self.get_argument_type(ty) if argty == val.type: return val elif self.is_struct_type(ty): # Arguments are passed by pointer assert argty.pointee == val.type tmp = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, val.type), tmp) return tmp elif ty == types.boolean: return builder.zext(val, argty) raise NotImplementedError("value %s -> arg %s" % (val.type, argty)) def return_value(self, builder, retval): fn = cgutils.get_function(builder) retptr = fn.args[0] assert retval.type == retptr.type.pointee, \ (str(retval.type), str(retptr.type.pointee)), retptr) builder.ret(RETCODE_OK) def return_native_none(self, builder): builder.ret(RETCODE_NONE) def return_errcode(self, builder, code): assert code > 0 builder.ret(, code)) def return_errcode_propagate(self, builder, code): builder.ret(code) def return_exc(self, builder): builder.ret(RETCODE_EXC) def cast(self, builder, val, fromty, toty): if fromty == toty or toty == types.Any or isinstance(toty, types.Kind): return val elif ((fromty in types.unsigned_domain and toty in types.signed_domain) or (fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.unsigned_domain)): lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty) lto = self.get_value_type(toty) if lfrom.width <= lto.width: return builder.zext(val, lto) elif lfrom.width > lto.width: return builder.trunc(val, lto) elif fromty in types.signed_domain and toty in types.signed_domain: lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty) lto = self.get_value_type(toty) if lfrom.width <= lto.width: return builder.sext(val, lto) elif lfrom.width > lto.width: return builder.trunc(val, lto) elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.real_domain: lty = self.get_value_type(toty) if fromty == types.float32 and toty == types.float64: return builder.fpext(val, lty) elif fromty == types.float64 and toty == types.float32: return builder.fptrunc(val, lty) elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.complex_domain: if fromty == types.float32: if toty == types.complex128: real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float64) else: real = val elif fromty == types.float64: if toty == types.complex64: real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float32) else: real = val if toty == types.complex128: imag = self.get_constant(types.float64, 0) elif toty == types.complex64: imag = self.get_constant(types.float32, 0) else: raise Exception("unreachable") cmplx = self.make_complex(toty)(self, builder) cmplx.real = real cmplx.imag = imag return cmplx._getvalue() elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.real_domain: lty = self.get_value_type(toty) if fromty in types.signed_domain: return builder.sitofp(val, lty) else: return builder.uitofp(val, lty) elif toty in types.integer_domain and fromty in types.real_domain: lty = self.get_value_type(toty) if toty in types.signed_domain: return builder.fptosi(val, lty) else: return builder.fptoui(val, lty) elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.complex_domain: cmplxcls, flty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty) cmpl = cmplxcls(self, builder) cmpl.real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, flty) cmpl.imag = self.get_constant(flty, 0) return cmpl._getvalue() elif fromty in types.complex_domain and toty in types.complex_domain: srccls, srcty = builtins.get_complex_info(fromty) dstcls, dstty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty) src = srccls(self, builder, value=val) dst = dstcls(self, builder) dst.real = self.cast(builder, src.real, srcty, dstty) dst.imag = self.cast(builder, src.imag, srcty, dstty) return dst._getvalue() elif (isinstance(toty, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(fromty, types.UniTuple) and len(fromty) == len(toty)): olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty)) items = [self.cast(builder, i, fromty.dtype, toty.dtype) for i in olditems] tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty) for idx, val in enumerate(items): tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx) return tup elif toty == types.boolean: return self.is_true(builder, fromty, val) elif fromty == types.boolean: # first promote to int32 asint = builder.zext(val, # then promote to number return self.cast(builder, asint, types.int32, toty) raise NotImplementedError("cast", val, fromty, toty) def is_true(self, builder, typ, val): if typ in types.integer_domain: return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, val, Constant.null(val.type)) elif typ in types.real_domain: return builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_ONE, val, Constant.real(val.type, 0)) elif typ in types.complex_domain: cmplx = self.make_complex(typ)(self, builder, val) fty = types.float32 if typ == types.complex64 else types.float64 real_istrue = self.is_true(builder, fty, cmplx.real) imag_istrue = self.is_true(builder, fty, cmplx.imag) return builder.or_(real_istrue, imag_istrue) raise NotImplementedError("is_true", val, typ) def call_function(self, builder, callee, resty, argtys, args): retty = callee.args[0].type.pointee retval = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, retty) args = [self.get_value_as_argument(builder, ty, arg) for ty, arg in zip(argtys, args)] realargs = [retval] + list(args) code =, realargs) status = self.get_return_status(builder, code) return status, builder.load(retval) def get_return_status(self, builder, code): norm = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, code, RETCODE_OK) none = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, code, RETCODE_NONE) exc = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, code, RETCODE_EXC) ok = builder.or_(norm, none) err = builder.not_(ok) status = Status(code=code, ok=ok, err=err, exc=exc, none=none) return status def call_function_pointer(self, builder, funcptr, signature, args): retty = self.get_value_type(signature.return_type) fnty = Type.function(retty, [a.type for a in args]) fnptrty = Type.pointer(fnty) addr = self.get_constant(types.intp, funcptr) ptr = builder.inttoptr(addr, fnptrty) return, args) def call_class_method(self, builder, func, signature, args): api = self.get_python_api(builder) tys = signature.args retty = signature.return_type pyargs = [api.from_native_value(av, at) for av, at in zip(args, tys)] res = api.call_function_objargs(func, pyargs) # clean up api.decref(func) for obj in pyargs: api.decref(obj) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, cgutils.is_null(builder, res)): self.return_exc(builder) if retty == types.none: api.decref(res) return self.get_dummy_value() else: nativeresult = api.to_native_value(res, retty) api.decref(res) return nativeresult def print_string(self, builder, text): mod = builder.basic_block.function.module cstring = Type.pointer( fnty = Type.function(, [cstring]) puts = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, "puts") return, [text]) def debug_print(self, builder, text): mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) cstr = self.insert_const_string(mod, str(text)) self.print_string(builder, cstr) def get_struct_type(self, struct): fields = [self.get_data_type(v) for _, v in struct._fields] return Type.struct(fields) def get_dummy_value(self): return Constant.null(self.get_dummy_type()) def get_dummy_type(self): return Type.pointer( def optimize(self, module): pass def get_executable(self, func, fndesc): raise NotImplementedError def get_python_api(self, builder): return PythonAPI(self, builder) def make_array(self, typ): return builtins.make_array(typ) def make_complex(self, typ): cls, _ = builtins.get_complex_info(typ) return cls def make_unituple_iter(self, typ): return builtins.make_unituple_iter(typ) def make_constant_array(self, builder, typ, ary): assert typ.layout == 'C' # assumed in ary = numpy.ascontiguousarray(ary) flat = ary.flatten() # Handle data if self.is_struct_type(typ.dtype): # FIXME raise TypeError("Do not support structure dtype as constant " "array, yet.") values = [self.get_constant(typ.dtype, flat[i]) for i in range(flat.size)] lldtype = values[0].type consts = Constant.array(lldtype, values) module = cgutils.get_module(builder) data = module.add_global_variable(consts.type, name=".const.array" ".data") data.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL data.global_constant = True data.initializer = consts # Handle shape llintp = self.get_value_type(types.intp) shapevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.shape] cshape = Constant.array(llintp, shapevals) # Handle strides stridevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.strides] cstrides = Constant.array(llintp, stridevals) # Create array structure cary = self.make_array(typ)(self, builder) = builder.bitcast(data, cary.shape = cshape cary.strides = cstrides return cary._getvalue() class _wrap_impl(object): def __init__(self, imp, context, sig): self._imp = imp self._context = context self._sig = sig def __call__(self, builder, args): return self._imp(self._context, builder, self._sig, args) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self._imp, item) def __repr__(self): return "<wrapped %s>" % self._imp class ContextProxy(object): """ Add localized environment for the context of the compiling unit. """ def __init__(self, base): self.__base = base self.metadata = utils.UniqueDict() self.linking = set() def add_libs(self, libs): self.linking |= set(libs) def __getattr__(self, name): if not name.startswith('_'): return getattr(self.__base, name) else: return super(ContextProxy, self).__getattr__(name) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = builtins from llvm.core import Type, Constant import llvm.core as lc import math from functools import reduce from numba import types, typing, cgutils, utils from numba.targets.imputils import (builtin, builtin_attr, implement, impl_attribute) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_array(ty): dtype = ty.dtype nd = ty.ndim class ArrayTemplate(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('data', types.CPointer(dtype)), ('shape', types.UniTuple(types.intp, nd)), ('strides', types.UniTuple(types.intp, nd)), ('parent', types.pyobject), ] return ArrayTemplate #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def int_add_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [va, vb] = args [ta, tb] = sig.args a = context.cast(builder, va, ta, sig.return_type) b = context.cast(builder, vb, tb, sig.return_type) return builder.add(a, b) def int_sub_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [va, vb] = args [ta, tb] = sig.args a = context.cast(builder, va, ta, sig.return_type) b = context.cast(builder, vb, tb, sig.return_type) return builder.sub(a, b) def int_mul_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [va, vb] = args [ta, tb] = sig.args a = context.cast(builder, va, ta, sig.return_type) b = context.cast(builder, vb, tb, sig.return_type) return builder.mul(a, b) def int_udiv_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [va, vb] = args [ta, tb] = sig.args a = context.cast(builder, va, ta, sig.return_type) b = context.cast(builder, vb, tb, sig.return_type) cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, b) return builder.udiv(a, b) def int_divmod(context, builder, x, y): """ Reference Objects/intobject.c xdivy = x / y; xmody = (long)(x - (unsigned long)xdivy * y); /* If the signs of x and y differ, and the remainder is non-0, * C89 doesn't define whether xdivy is now the floor or the * ceiling of the infinitely precise quotient. We want the floor, * and we have it iff the remainder's sign matches y's. */ if (xmody && ((y ^ xmody) < 0) /* i.e. and signs differ */) { xmody += y; --xdivy; assert(xmody && ((y ^ xmody) >= 0)); } *p_xdivy = xdivy; *p_xmody = xmody; """ assert x.type == y.type xdivy = builder.sdiv(x, y) xmody = builder.srem(x, y) # Intel has divmod instruction ZERO = Constant.null(y.type) ONE =, 1) y_xor_xmody_ltz = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.xor(y, xmody), ZERO) xmody_istrue = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, xmody, ZERO) cond = builder.and_(xmody_istrue, y_xor_xmody_ltz) bb1 = builder.basic_block with cgutils.ifthen(builder, cond): xmody_plus_y = builder.add(xmody, y) xdivy_minus_1 = builder.sub(xdivy, ONE) bb2 = builder.basic_block resdiv = builder.phi(y.type) resdiv.add_incoming(xdivy, bb1) resdiv.add_incoming(xdivy_minus_1, bb2) resmod = builder.phi(x.type) resmod.add_incoming(xmody, bb1) resmod.add_incoming(xmody_plus_y, bb2) return resdiv, resmod def int_sdiv_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [va, vb] = args [ta, tb] = sig.args a = context.cast(builder, va, ta, sig.return_type) b = context.cast(builder, vb, tb, sig.return_type) cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, b) div, _ = int_divmod(context, builder, a, b) return div def int_struediv_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args fx = builder.sitofp(x, Type.double()) fy = builder.sitofp(y, Type.double()) cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, y) return builder.fdiv(fx, fy) def int_utruediv_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args fx = builder.uitofp(x, Type.double()) fy = builder.uitofp(y, Type.double()) cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, y) return builder.fdiv(fx, fy) def int_sfloordiv_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, y) return builder.sdiv(x, y) def int_ufloordiv_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, y) return builder.udiv(x, y) def int_srem_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, y) _, rem = int_divmod(context, builder, x, y) return rem def int_urem_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args return builder.urem(x, y) def int_spower_impl(context, builder, sig, args): module = cgutils.get_module(builder) x, y = args if y.type.width > 32: y = builder.trunc(y, elif y.type.width < 32: y = builder.sext(y, if context.implement_powi_as_math_call: undersig = typing.signature(sig.return_type, sig.args[0], types.int32) impl = context.get_function(math.pow, undersig) return impl(builder, (x, y)) else: powerfn = lc.Function.intrinsic(module, lc.INTR_POWI, [x.type]) return, (x, y)) def int_upower_impl(context, builder, sig, args): module = cgutils.get_module(builder) x, y = args if y.type.width > 32: y = builder.trunc(y, elif y.type.width < 32: y = builder.zext(y, if context.implement_powi_as_math_call: undersig = typing.signature(sig.return_type, sig.args[0], types.int32) impl = context.get_function(math.pow, undersig) return impl(builder, (x, y)) else: powerfn = lc.Function.intrinsic(module, lc.INTR_POWI, [x.type]) return, (x, y)) def int_power_func_body(context, builder, x, y): pcounter = builder.alloca(y.type) presult = builder.alloca(x.type) result =, 1) counter = y, pcounter), presult) bbcond = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".cond") bbbody = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".body") bbexit = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".exit") del counter del result builder.branch(bbcond) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bbcond): counter = builder.load(pcounter) ONE =, 1) ZERO = Constant.null(counter.type), ONE), pcounter) pred = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, counter, ZERO) builder.cbranch(pred, bbbody, bbexit) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bbbody): result = builder.load(presult), x), presult) builder.branch(bbcond) builder.position_at_end(bbexit) return builder.load(presult) def int_slt_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, *args) def int_sle_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLE, *args) def int_sgt_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, *args) def int_sge_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, *args) def int_ult_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_ULT, *args) def int_ule_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_ULE, *args) def int_ugt_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_UGT, *args) def int_uge_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_UGE, *args) def int_eq_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, *args) def int_ne_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, *args) def int_abs_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args ZERO = Constant.null(x.type) ltz = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, x, ZERO) negated = builder.neg(x) return, negated, x) def uint_abs_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args return x def int_print_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args py = context.get_python_api(builder) szval = context.cast(builder, x, sig.args[0], types.intp) intobj = py.long_from_ssize_t(szval) py.print_object(intobj) py.decref(intobj) return context.get_dummy_value() def int_shl_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [valty, amtty] = sig.args [val, amt] = args val = context.cast(builder, val, valty, sig.return_type) amt = context.cast(builder, amt, amtty, sig.return_type) return builder.shl(val, amt) def int_lshr_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [valty, amtty] = sig.args [val, amt] = args val = context.cast(builder, val, valty, sig.return_type) amt = context.cast(builder, amt, amtty, sig.return_type) return builder.lshr(val, amt) def int_ashr_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [valty, amtty] = sig.args [val, amt] = args val = context.cast(builder, val, valty, sig.return_type) amt = context.cast(builder, amt, amtty, sig.return_type) return builder.ashr(val, amt) def int_and_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [at, bt] = sig.args [av, bv] = args cav = context.cast(builder, av, at, sig.return_type) cbc = context.cast(builder, bv, bt, sig.return_type) return builder.and_(cav, cbc) def int_or_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [at, bt] = sig.args [av, bv] = args cav = context.cast(builder, av, at, sig.return_type) cbc = context.cast(builder, bv, bt, sig.return_type) return builder.or_(cav, cbc) def int_xor_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [at, bt] = sig.args [av, bv] = args cav = context.cast(builder, av, at, sig.return_type) cbc = context.cast(builder, bv, bt, sig.return_type) return builder.xor(cav, cbc) def int_negate_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [typ] = sig.args [val] = args val = context.cast(builder, val, typ, sig.return_type) if sig.return_type in types.real_domain: return builder.fsub(context.get_constant(sig.return_type, 0), val) else: return builder.neg(val) def int_invert_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [typ] = sig.args [val] = args val = context.cast(builder, val, typ, sig.return_type) return builder.xor(val, Constant.all_ones(val.type)) def int_sign_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args POS =, 1) NEG =, -1) ZERO =, 0) cmp_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, x, ZERO) cmp_pos = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, x, ZERO) presult = builder.alloca(x.type) bb_zero = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".zero") bb_postest = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".postest") bb_pos = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".pos") bb_neg = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".neg") bb_exit = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".exit") builder.cbranch(cmp_zero, bb_zero, bb_postest) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_zero):, presult) builder.branch(bb_exit) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_postest): builder.cbranch(cmp_pos, bb_pos, bb_neg) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_pos):, presult) builder.branch(bb_exit) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_neg):, presult) builder.branch(bb_exit) builder.position_at_end(bb_exit) return builder.load(presult) builtin(implement('==', types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_eq_impl)) builtin(implement('!=', types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ne_impl)) builtin(implement('<', types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ult_impl)) builtin(implement('<=', types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ule_impl)) builtin(implement('>', types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ugt_impl)) builtin(implement('>=', types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_uge_impl)) builtin(implement('~', types.boolean)(int_invert_impl)) for ty in types.integer_domain: builtin(implement('+', ty, ty)(int_add_impl)) builtin(implement('-', ty, ty)(int_sub_impl)) builtin(implement('*', ty, ty)(int_mul_impl)) builtin(implement('==', ty, ty)(int_eq_impl)) builtin(implement('!=', ty, ty)(int_ne_impl)) builtin(implement(types.print_type, ty)(int_print_impl)) builtin(implement('<<', ty, types.uint32)(int_shl_impl)) builtin(implement('&', ty, ty)(int_and_impl)) builtin(implement('|', ty, ty)(int_or_impl)) builtin(implement('^', ty, ty)(int_xor_impl)) builtin(implement('-', ty)(int_negate_impl)) builtin(implement(types.neg_type, ty)(int_negate_impl)) builtin(implement('~', ty)(int_invert_impl)) builtin(implement(types.sign_type, ty)(int_sign_impl)) for ty in types.unsigned_domain: builtin(implement('/?', ty, ty)(int_udiv_impl)) builtin(implement('//', ty, ty)(int_ufloordiv_impl)) builtin(implement('/', ty, ty)(int_utruediv_impl)) builtin(implement('%', ty, ty)(int_urem_impl)) builtin(implement('<', ty, ty)(int_ult_impl)) builtin(implement('<=', ty, ty)(int_ule_impl)) builtin(implement('>', ty, ty)(int_ugt_impl)) builtin(implement('>=', ty, ty)(int_uge_impl)) builtin(implement('**', types.float64, ty)(int_upower_impl)) # logical shift for unsigned builtin(implement('>>', ty, types.uint32)(int_lshr_impl)) builtin(implement(types.abs_type, ty)(uint_abs_impl)) for ty in types.signed_domain: builtin(implement('/?', ty, ty)(int_sdiv_impl)) builtin(implement('//', ty, ty)(int_sfloordiv_impl)) builtin(implement('/', ty, ty)(int_struediv_impl)) builtin(implement('%', ty, ty)(int_srem_impl)) builtin(implement('<', ty, ty)(int_slt_impl)) builtin(implement('<=', ty, ty)(int_sle_impl)) builtin(implement('>', ty, ty)(int_sgt_impl)) builtin(implement('>=', ty, ty)(int_sge_impl)) builtin(implement(types.abs_type, ty)(int_abs_impl)) builtin(implement('**', types.float64, ty)(int_spower_impl)) # arithmetic shift for signed builtin(implement('>>', ty, types.uint32)(int_ashr_impl)) def real_add_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fadd(*args) def real_sub_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fsub(*args) def real_mul_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fmul(*args) def real_div_impl(context, builder, sig, args): cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, args[1]) return builder.fdiv(*args) def real_divmod(context, builder, x, y): assert x.type == y.type floatty = x.type module = cgutils.get_module(builder) fname = ".numba.python.rem.%s" % x.type fnty = Type.function(floatty, (floatty, floatty, Type.pointer(floatty))) fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, fname) if fn.is_declaration: fn.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR fnbuilder ='entry')) fx, fy, pmod = fn.args div, mod = real_divmod_func_body(context, fnbuilder, fx, fy), pmod) fnbuilder.ret(div) pmod = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, floatty) quotient =, (x, y, pmod)) return quotient, builder.load(pmod) def real_divmod_func_body(context, builder, vx, wx): # Reference Objects/floatobject.c # # float_divmod(PyObject *v, PyObject *w) # { # double vx, wx; # double div, mod, floordiv; # CONVERT_TO_DOUBLE(v, vx); # CONVERT_TO_DOUBLE(w, wx); # mod = fmod(vx, wx); # /* fmod is typically exact, so vx-mod is *mathematically* an # exact multiple of wx. But this is fp arithmetic, and fp # vx - mod is an approximation; the result is that div may # not be an exact integral value after the division, although # it will always be very close to one. # */ # div = (vx - mod) / wx; # if (mod) { # /* ensure the remainder has the same sign as the denominator */ # if ((wx < 0) != (mod < 0)) { # mod += wx; # div -= 1.0; # } # } # else { # /* the remainder is zero, and in the presence of signed zeroes # fmod returns different results across platforms; ensure # it has the same sign as the denominator; we'd like to do # "mod = wx * 0.0", but that may get optimized away */ # mod *= mod; /* hide "mod = +0" from optimizer */ # if (wx < 0.0) # mod = -mod; # } # /* snap quotient to nearest integral value */ # if (div) { # floordiv = floor(div); # if (div - floordiv > 0.5) # floordiv += 1.0; # } # else { # /* div is zero - get the same sign as the true quotient */ # div *= div; /* hide "div = +0" from optimizers */ # floordiv = div * vx / wx; /* zero w/ sign of vx/wx */ # } # return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", floordiv, mod); # } pmod = builder.alloca(vx.type) pdiv = builder.alloca(vx.type) pfloordiv = builder.alloca(vx.type) mod = builder.frem(vx, wx) div = builder.fdiv(builder.fsub(vx, mod), wx), pmod), pdiv) ZERO = Constant.real(vx.type, 0) ONE = Constant.real(vx.type, 1) mod_istrue = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_ONE, mod, ZERO) wx_ltz = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OLT, wx, ZERO) mod_ltz = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OLT, mod, ZERO) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, mod_istrue): wx_ltz_ne_mod_ltz = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, wx_ltz, mod_ltz) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, wx_ltz_ne_mod_ltz): mod = builder.fadd(mod, wx) div = builder.fsub(div, ONE), pmod), pdiv) del mod del div with cgutils.ifnot(builder, mod_istrue): mod = builder.load(pmod) mod = builder.fmul(mod, mod), pmod) del mod with cgutils.ifthen(builder, wx_ltz): mod = builder.load(pmod) mod = builder.fsub(ZERO, mod), pmod) del mod div = builder.load(pdiv) div_istrue = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_ONE, div, ZERO) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, div_istrue): module = cgutils.get_module(builder) floorfn = lc.Function.intrinsic(module, lc.INTR_FLOOR, [wx.type]) floordiv =, [div]) floordivdiff = builder.fsub(div, floordiv) floordivincr = builder.fadd(floordiv, ONE) HALF = Constant.real(wx.type, 0.5) pred = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OGT, floordivdiff, HALF) floordiv =, floordivincr, floordiv), pfloordiv) with cgutils.ifnot(builder, div_istrue): div = builder.fmul(div, div), pdiv) floordiv = builder.fdiv(builder.fmul(div, vx), wx), pfloordiv) return builder.load(pfloordiv), builder.load(pmod) def real_mod_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, y) _, rem = real_divmod(context, builder, x, y) return rem def real_power_impl(context, builder, sig, args): x, y = args module = cgutils.get_module(builder) if context.implement_powi_as_math_call: imp = context.get_function(math.pow, sig) return imp(builder, args) else: fn = lc.Function.intrinsic(module, lc.INTR_POW, [y.type]) return, (x, y)) def real_lt_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OLT, *args) def real_le_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OLE, *args) def real_gt_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OGT, *args) def real_ge_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OGE, *args) def real_eq_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, *args) def real_ne_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_UNE, *args) def real_abs_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [ty] = sig.args sig = typing.signature(ty, ty) impl = context.get_function(math.fabs, sig) return impl(builder, args) def real_print_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args py = context.get_python_api(builder) szval = context.cast(builder, x, sig.args[0], types.float64) intobj = py.float_from_double(szval) py.print_object(intobj) py.decref(intobj) return context.get_dummy_value() def real_negate_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [typ] = sig.args [val] = args val = context.cast(builder, val, typ, sig.return_type) if sig.return_type in types.real_domain: return builder.fsub(context.get_constant(sig.return_type, 0), val) else: return builder.neg(val) def real_sign_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args POS = Constant.real(x.type, 1) NEG = Constant.real(x.type, -1) ZERO = Constant.real(x.type, 0) cmp_zero = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, x, ZERO) cmp_pos = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OGT, x, ZERO) presult = builder.alloca(x.type) bb_zero = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".zero") bb_postest = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".postest") bb_pos = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".pos") bb_neg = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".neg") bb_exit = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, ".exit") builder.cbranch(cmp_zero, bb_zero, bb_postest) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_zero):, presult) builder.branch(bb_exit) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_postest): builder.cbranch(cmp_pos, bb_pos, bb_neg) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_pos):, presult) builder.branch(bb_exit) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_neg):, presult) builder.branch(bb_exit) builder.position_at_end(bb_exit) return builder.load(presult) for ty in types.real_domain: builtin(implement('+', ty, ty)(real_add_impl)) builtin(implement('-', ty, ty)(real_sub_impl)) builtin(implement('*', ty, ty)(real_mul_impl)) builtin(implement('/?', ty, ty)(real_div_impl)) builtin(implement('/', ty, ty)(real_div_impl)) builtin(implement('%', ty, ty)(real_mod_impl)) builtin(implement('**', ty, ty)(real_power_impl)) builtin(implement('==', ty, ty)(real_eq_impl)) builtin(implement('!=', ty, ty)(real_ne_impl)) builtin(implement('<', ty, ty)(real_lt_impl)) builtin(implement('<=', ty, ty)(real_le_impl)) builtin(implement('>', ty, ty)(real_gt_impl)) builtin(implement('>=', ty, ty)(real_ge_impl)) builtin(implement(types.abs_type, ty)(real_abs_impl)) builtin(implement(types.print_type, ty)(real_print_impl)) builtin(implement('-', ty)(real_negate_impl)) builtin(implement(types.neg_type, ty)(real_negate_impl)) builtin(implement(types.sign_type, ty)(real_sign_impl)) class Complex64(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('real', types.float32), ('imag', types.float32)] class Complex128(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('real', types.float64), ('imag', types.float64)] def get_complex_info(ty): if ty == types.complex64: cmplxcls = Complex64 flty = types.float32 elif ty == types.complex128: cmplxcls = Complex128 flty = types.float64 else: raise TypeError(ty) return cmplxcls, flty @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.complex64, "real", types.float32) def complex64_real_impl(context, builder, typ, value): cplx = Complex64(context, builder, value=value) return cplx.real @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.complex128, "real", types.float64) def complex128_real_impl(context, builder, typ, value): cplx = Complex128(context, builder, value=value) return cplx.real @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.complex64, "imag", types.float32) def complex64_imag_impl(context, builder, typ, value): cplx = Complex64(context, builder, value=value) return cplx.imag @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.complex128, "imag", types.float64) def complex128_imag_impl(context, builder, typ, value): cplx = Complex128(context, builder, value=value) return cplx.imag @builtin @implement("**", types.complex128, types.complex128) def complex128_power_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [ca, cb] = args a = Complex128(context, builder, value=ca) b = Complex128(context, builder, value=cb) c = Complex128(context, builder) module = cgutils.get_module(builder) pa = a._getpointer() pb = b._getpointer() pc = c._getpointer() # Optimize for square because cpow looses a lot of precsiion TWO = context.get_constant(types.float64, 2) ZERO = context.get_constant(types.float64, 0) b_real_is_two = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, b.real, TWO) b_imag_is_zero = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, b.imag, ZERO) b_is_two = builder.and_(b_real_is_two, b_imag_is_zero) with cgutils.ifelse(builder, b_is_two) as (then, otherwise): with then: # Lower as multiplication res = complex_mult_impl(context, builder, sig, (ca, ca)) cres = Complex128(context, builder, value=res) c.real = cres.real c.imag = cres.imag with otherwise: # Lower with call to external function fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [pa.type] * 3) cpow = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba.math.cpow"), (pa, pb, pc)) return builder.load(pc) def complex_add_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [cx, cy] = args complexClass = context.make_complex(sig.args[0]) x = complexClass(context, builder, value=cx) y = complexClass(context, builder, value=cy) z = complexClass(context, builder) a = x.real b = x.imag c = y.real d = y.imag z.real = builder.fadd(a, c) z.imag = builder.fadd(b, d) return z._getvalue() def complex_sub_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [cx, cy] = args complexClass = context.make_complex(sig.args[0]) x = complexClass(context, builder, value=cx) y = complexClass(context, builder, value=cy) z = complexClass(context, builder) a = x.real b = x.imag c = y.real d = y.imag z.real = builder.fsub(a, c) z.imag = builder.fsub(b, d) return z._getvalue() def complex_mult_impl(context, builder, sig, args): """ (a+bi)(c+di)=(ac-bd)+i(ad+bc) """ [cx, cy] = args complexClass = context.make_complex(sig.args[0]) x = complexClass(context, builder, value=cx) y = complexClass(context, builder, value=cy) z = complexClass(context, builder) a = x.real b = x.imag c = y.real d = y.imag ac = builder.fmul(a, c) bd = builder.fmul(b, d) ad = builder.fmul(a, d) bc = builder.fmul(b, c) z.real = builder.fsub(ac, bd) z.imag = builder.fadd(ad, bc) return z._getvalue() def complex_div_impl(context, builder, sig, args): """ z = c^2 + d^2 (a+bi)/(c+di) = (ac + bd) / z, (bc - ad) / z """ [cx, cy] = args complexClass = context.make_complex(sig.args[0]) x = complexClass(context, builder, value=cx) y = complexClass(context, builder, value=cy) z = complexClass(context, builder) a = x.real b = x.imag c = y.real d = y.imag ac = builder.fmul(a, c) bd = builder.fmul(b, d) ad = builder.fmul(a, d) bc = builder.fmul(b, c) cc = builder.fmul(c, c) dd = builder.fmul(d, d) zz = builder.fadd(cc, dd) ac_bd = builder.fadd(ac, bd) bc_ad = builder.fsub(bc, ad) cgutils.guard_zero(context, builder, zz) z.real = builder.fdiv(ac_bd, zz) z.imag = builder.fdiv(bc_ad, zz) return z._getvalue() def complex_negate_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [typ] = sig.args [val] = args cmplxcls = context.make_complex(typ) cmplx = cmplxcls(context, builder, val) real = cmplx.real imag = cmplx.imag zero = Constant.real(real.type, 0) res = cmplxcls(context, builder) res.real = builder.fsub(zero, real) res.imag = builder.fsub(zero, imag) return res._getvalue() for ty, cls in zip([types.complex64, types.complex128], [Complex64, Complex128]): builtin(implement("+", ty, ty)(complex_add_impl)) builtin(implement("-", ty, ty)(complex_sub_impl)) builtin(implement("*", ty, ty)(complex_mult_impl)) builtin(implement("/?", ty, ty)(complex_div_impl)) builtin(implement("/", ty, ty)(complex_div_impl)) builtin(implement("-", ty)(complex_negate_impl)) # Complex modulo is deprecated in python3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def number_not_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [typ] = sig.args [val] = args istrue = context.cast(builder, val, typ, sig.return_type) return builder.not_(istrue) def number_as_bool_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [typ] = sig.args [val] = args istrue = context.cast(builder, val, typ, sig.return_type) return istrue for ty in types.number_domain: builtin(implement('not', ty)(number_not_impl)) builtin(implement(bool, ty)(number_as_bool_impl)) builtin(implement('not', types.boolean)(number_not_impl)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Slice(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('start', types.intp), ('stop', types.intp), ('step', types.intp), ] @builtin @implement(types.slice_type, types.intp, types.intp, types.intp) def slice3_impl(context, builder, sig, args): start, stop, step = args slice3 = Slice(context, builder) slice3.start = start slice3.stop = stop slice3.step = step return slice3._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.slice_type, types.intp, types.intp) def slice2_impl(context, builder, sig, args): start, stop = args slice3 = Slice(context, builder) slice3.start = start slice3.stop = stop slice3.step = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1) return slice3._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.slice_type, types.intp, types.none) def slice1_start_impl(context, builder, sig, args): start, stop = args slice3 = Slice(context, builder) slice3.start = start maxint = (1 << (context.address_size - 1)) - 1 slice3.stop = context.get_constant(types.intp, maxint) slice3.step = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1) return slice3._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.slice_type, types.none, types.intp) def slice1_stop_impl(context, builder, sig, args): start, stop = args slice3 = Slice(context, builder) slice3.start = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0) slice3.stop = stop slice3.step = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1) return slice3._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.slice_type) def slice0_empty_impl(context, builder, sig, args): assert not args slice3 = Slice(context, builder) slice3.start = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0) maxint = (1 << (context.address_size - 1)) - 1 slice3.stop = context.get_constant(types.intp, maxint) slice3.step = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1) return slice3._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.slice_type, types.none, types.none) def slice0_none_none_impl(context, builder, sig, args): assert len(args) == 2 newsig = typing.signature(types.slice_type) return slice0_empty_impl(context, builder, newsig, ()) class RangeState32(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('start', types.int32), ('stop', types.int32), ('step', types.int32)] class RangeIter32(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('iter', types.CPointer(types.int32)), ('stop', types.int32), ('step', types.int32), ('count', types.CPointer(types.int32))] class RangeState64(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('start', types.int64), ('stop', types.int64), ('step', types.int64)] class RangeIter64(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('iter', types.CPointer(types.int64)), ('stop', types.int64), ('step', types.int64), ('count', types.CPointer(types.int64))] def make_unituple_iter(tupiter): class UniTupleIter(cgutils.Structure): _fields = [('index', types.CPointer(types.intp)), ('tuple', tupiter.unituple,)] return UniTupleIter @builtin @implement(types.range_type, types.int32) def range1_32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [stop] = args state = RangeState32(context, builder) state.start = context.get_constant(types.int32, 0) state.stop = stop state.step = context.get_constant(types.int32, 1) return state._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.range_type, types.int32, types.int32) def range2_32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): start, stop = args state = RangeState32(context, builder) state.start = start state.stop = stop state.step = context.get_constant(types.int32, 1) return state._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.range_type, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) def range3_32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [start, stop, step] = args state = RangeState32(context, builder) state.start = start state.stop = stop state.step = step return state._getvalue() def getiter_range_generic(context, builder, iterobj, start, stop, step): diff = builder.sub(stop, start) intty = start.type zero =, 0) one =, 1) pos_diff = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, diff, zero) pos_step = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, step, zero) sign_differs = builder.xor(pos_diff, pos_step) zero_step = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, step, zero) with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, zero_step): # step shouldn't be zero context.return_errcode(builder, 1) with cgutils.ifelse(builder, sign_differs) as (then, orelse): with then:, iterobj.count) with orelse: rem = builder.srem(diff, step) uneven = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, rem, zero) newcount = builder.add(builder.sdiv(diff, step),, one, zero)), iterobj.count) return iterobj._getvalue() @builtin @implement('getiter', types.range_state32_type) def getiter_range32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): (value,) = args state = RangeState32(context, builder, value) iterobj = RangeIter32(context, builder) start = state.start stop = state.stop step = state.step startptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, start.type), startptr) countptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, start.type) iterobj.iter = startptr iterobj.stop = stop iterobj.step = step iterobj.count = countptr return getiter_range_generic(context, builder, iterobj, start, stop, step) @builtin @implement('iternext', types.range_iter32_type) def iternext_range32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): (value,) = args iterobj = RangeIter32(context, builder, value) res = builder.load(iterobj.iter) one = context.get_constant(types.int32, 1) countptr = iterobj.count, one), countptr), iterobj.step), iterobj.iter) return res @builtin @implement('itervalid', types.range_iter32_type) def itervalid_range32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): (value,) = args iterobj = RangeIter32(context, builder, value) zero = context.get_constant(types.int32, 0) gt = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(iterobj.count), zero) return gt @builtin @implement(types.range_type, types.int64) def range1_64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): (stop,) = args state = RangeState64(context, builder) state.start = context.get_constant(types.int64, 0) state.stop = stop state.step = context.get_constant(types.int64, 1) return state._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.range_type, types.int64, types.int64) def range2_64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): start, stop = args state = RangeState64(context, builder) state.start = start state.stop = stop state.step = context.get_constant(types.int64, 1) return state._getvalue() @builtin @implement(types.range_type, types.int64, types.int64, types.int64) def range3_64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [start, stop, step] = args state = RangeState64(context, builder) state.start = start state.stop = stop state.step = step return state._getvalue() @builtin @implement('getiter', types.range_state64_type) def getiter_range64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): (value,) = args state = RangeState64(context, builder, value) iterobj = RangeIter64(context, builder) start = state.start stop = state.stop step = state.step startptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, start.type), startptr) countptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, start.type) iterobj.iter = startptr iterobj.stop = stop iterobj.step = step iterobj.count = countptr return getiter_range_generic(context, builder, iterobj, start, stop, step) @builtin @implement('iternext', types.range_iter64_type) def iternext_range64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): (value,) = args iterobj = RangeIter64(context, builder, value) res = builder.load(iterobj.iter) one = context.get_constant(types.int64, 1), one), iterobj.count), iterobj.step), iterobj.iter) return res @builtin @implement('itervalid', types.range_iter64_type) def itervalid_range64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): (value,) = args iterobj = RangeIter64(context, builder, value) zero = context.get_constant(types.int64, 0) gt = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(iterobj.count), zero) return gt @builtin @implement('getiter', types.Kind(types.UniTuple)) def getiter_unituple(context, builder, sig, args): [tupty] = sig.args [tup] = args tupitercls = context.make_unituple_iter(types.UniTupleIter(tupty)) iterval = tupitercls(context, builder) index0 = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0) indexptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, index0.type), indexptr) iterval.index = indexptr iterval.tuple = tup return iterval._getvalue() @builtin @implement('iternextsafe', types.Kind(types.UniTupleIter)) def iternextsafe_unituple(context, builder, sig, args): [tupiterty] = sig.args [tupiter] = args tupitercls = context.make_unituple_iter(tupiterty) iterval = tupitercls(context, builder, value=tupiter) tup = iterval.tuple idxptr = iterval.index idx = builder.load(idxptr) # TODO lack out-of-bound check getitem_sig = typing.signature(sig.return_type, tupiterty.unituple, types.intp) res = getitem_unituple(context, builder, getitem_sig, [tup, idx]) nidx = builder.add(idx, context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)), iterval.index) return res @builtin @implement('getitem', types.Kind(types.UniTuple), types.intp) def getitem_unituple(context, builder, sig, args): tupty, _ = sig.args tup, idx = args bbelse = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, "switch.else") bbend = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, "switch.end") switch = builder.switch(idx, bbelse, n=tupty.count) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bbelse): # TODO: propagate exception to context.return_errcode(builder, 1) lrtty = context.get_value_type(tupty.dtype) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bbend): phinode = builder.phi(lrtty) for i in range(tupty.count): ki = context.get_constant(types.intp, i) bbi = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, "switch.%d" % i) switch.add_case(ki, bbi) with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bbi): value = builder.extract_value(tup, i) builder.branch(bbend) phinode.add_incoming(value, bbi) builder.position_at_end(bbend) return phinode @builtin @implement('getitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.intp) def getitem_array1d_intp(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, _ = sig.args if aryty.ndim != 1: # TODO raise NotImplementedError("1D indexing into %dD array" % aryty.ndim) ary, idx = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, [idx], wraparound=True) return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr) @builtin @implement('getitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.slice3_type) def getitem_array1d_slice(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, _ = sig.args if aryty.ndim != 1: # TODO raise NotImplementedError("1D indexing into %dD array" % aryty.ndim) ary, idx = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, value=ary) shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, aryty.ndim) slicestruct = Slice(context, builder, value=idx) cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, slicestruct, shapes[0]) dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, [slicestruct.start], wraparound=True) retstty = make_array(sig.return_type) retary = retstty(context, builder) shape = cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, slicestruct) retary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [shape]) stride = cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, aryty.ndim, ary.strides, slicestruct, 0) retary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [stride]) = dataptr return retary._getvalue() @builtin @implement('getitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.UniTuple)) def getitem_array_unituple(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, idxty = sig.args ary, idx = args ndim = aryty.ndim arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) if idxty.dtype == types.slice3_type: # Slicing raw_slices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, aryty.ndim) slices = [Slice(context, builder, value=sl) for sl in raw_slices] for sl, sh in zip(slices, cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, ndim)): cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, sl, sh) indices = [sl.start for sl in slices] dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices, wraparound=True) # Build array retstty = make_array(sig.return_type) retary = retstty(context, builder) = dataptr shapes = [cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, sl) for sl in slices] retary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, shapes) strides = [cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, ndim, ary.strides, sl, i) for i, sl in enumerate(slices)] retary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, strides) return retary._getvalue() else: # Indexing assert idxty.dtype == types.intp indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty)) indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)] # TODO warparound flag ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices, wraparound=True) return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr) @builtin @implement('getitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Tuple)) def getitem_array_tuple(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, idxty = sig.args ary, idx = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) ndim = aryty.ndim if isinstance(sig.return_type, types.Array): # Slicing raw_indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, aryty.ndim) start = [] shapes = [] strides = [] oshapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, ndim) for ax, (indexval, idxty) in enumerate(zip(raw_indices, idxty)): if idxty == types.slice3_type: slice = Slice(context, builder, value=indexval) cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, slice, oshapes[ax]) start.append(slice.start) shapes.append(cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, slice)) strides.append(cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, ndim, ary.strides, slice, ax)) else: ind = context.cast(builder, indexval, idxty, types.intp) start.append(ind) dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, start, wraparound=True) # Build array retstty = make_array(sig.return_type) retary = retstty(context, builder) = dataptr retary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, shapes) retary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, strides) return retary._getvalue() else: # Indexing indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty)) indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)] # TODO warparound flag ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices, wraparound=True) return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr) @builtin @implement('setitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.intp, types.Any) def setitem_array1d(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, _, valty = sig.args ary, idx, val = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, [idx], wraparound=True) val = context.cast(builder, val, valty, aryty.dtype) context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr) @builtin @implement('setitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.UniTuple), types.Any) def setitem_array_unituple(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args ary, idx, val = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) # TODO: other than layout indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty)) indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)] ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices, wraparound=True) context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr) @builtin @implement('setitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Tuple), types.Any) def setitem_array_tuple(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args ary, idx, val = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) # TODO: other than layout indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty)) indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)] ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices, wraparound=True) context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr) @builtin @implement('setitem', types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Tuple), types.Any) def setitem_array_tuple(context, builder, sig, args): aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args ary, idx, val = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) # TODO: other than layout indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty)) indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)] ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices, wraparound=True) context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr) @builtin @implement(types.len_type, types.Kind(types.Array)) def array_len(context, builder, sig, args): (aryty,) = sig.args (ary,) = args arystty = make_array(aryty) ary = arystty(context, builder, ary) shapeary = ary.shape return builder.extract_value(shapeary, 0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.Array, "shape", types.Kind(types.UniTuple)) def array_shape(context, builder, typ, value): arrayty = make_array(typ) array = arrayty(context, builder, value) return array.shape @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.Array, "strides", types.Kind(types.UniTuple)) def array_strides(context, builder, typ, value): arrayty = make_array(typ) array = arrayty(context, builder, value) return array.strides @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.Array, "ndim", types.intp) def array_ndim(context, builder, typ, value): return context.get_constant(types.intp, typ.ndim) @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.Array, "size", types.intp) def array_size(context, builder, typ, value): arrayty = make_array(typ) array = arrayty(context, builder, value) dims = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, array.shape, typ.ndim) return reduce(builder.mul, dims[1:], dims[0]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def caster(restype): @implement(restype, types.Any) def _cast(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args [valty] = sig.args return context.cast(builder, val, valty, restype) return _cast builtin(caster(types.int8)) builtin(caster(types.int16)) builtin(caster(types.int32)) builtin(caster(types.int64)) builtin(caster(types.uint8)) builtin(caster(types.uint16)) builtin(caster(types.uint32)) builtin(caster(types.uint64)) builtin(caster(types.float32)) builtin(caster(types.float64)) builtin(caster(types.complex64)) builtin(caster(types.complex128)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin @implement(max, types.VarArg) def max_impl(context, builder, sig, args): argtys = sig.args for a in argtys: if a not in types.number_domain: raise AssertionError("only implemented for numeric types") def domax(a, b): at, av = a bt, bv = b ty = context.typing_context.unify_types(at, bt) cav = context.cast(builder, av, at, ty) cbv = context.cast(builder, bv, bt, ty) cmpsig = typing.signature(types.boolean, ty, ty) ge = context.get_function(">=", cmpsig) pred = ge(builder, (cav, cbv)) res =, cav, cbv) return ty, res typvals = zip(argtys, args) resty, resval = reduce(domax, typvals) return resval @builtin @implement(min, types.VarArg) def min_impl(context, builder, sig, args): argtys = sig.args for a in argtys: if a not in types.number_domain: raise AssertionError("only implemented for numeric types") def domax(a, b): at, av = a bt, bv = b ty = context.typing_context.unify_types(at, bt) cav = context.cast(builder, av, at, ty) cbv = context.cast(builder, bv, bt, ty) cmpsig = typing.signature(types.boolean, ty, ty) le = context.get_function("<=", cmpsig) pred = le(builder, (cav, cbv)) res =, cav, cbv) return ty, res typvals = zip(argtys, args) resty, resval = reduce(domax, typvals) return resval @builtin @implement(round, types.float32) def round_impl_f32(context, builder, sig, args): module = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()]) if utils.IS_PY3: fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba.roundf") else: fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="roundf") assert fn.is_declaration return, args) @builtin @implement(round, types.float64) def round_impl_f64(context, builder, sig, args): module = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [Type.double()]) if utils.IS_PY3: fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba.round") else: fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="round") assert fn.is_declaration return, args) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin @implement(int, types.Any) def int_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [ty] = sig.args [val] = args return context.cast(builder, val, ty, sig.return_type) @builtin @implement(float, types.Any) def float_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [ty] = sig.args [val] = args return context.cast(builder, val, ty, sig.return_type) @builtin @implement(complex, types.VarArg) def complex_impl(context, builder, sig, args): if len(sig.args) == 1: [realty] = sig.args [real] = args real = context.cast(builder, real, realty, types.float64) imag = context.get_constant(types.float64, 0) elif len(sig.args) == 2: [realty, imagty] = sig.args [real, imag] = args real = context.cast(builder, real, realty, types.float64) imag = context.cast(builder, imag, imagty, types.float64) cmplx = Complex128(context, builder) cmplx.real = real cmplx.imag = imag return cmplx._getvalue() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.Module(math), "pi", types.float64) def math_pi_impl(context, builder, typ, value): return context.get_constant(types.float64, math.pi) @builtin_attr @impl_attribute(types.Module(math), "e", types.float64) def math_e_impl(context, builder, typ, value): return context.get_constant(types.float64, math.e) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cpu from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import sys import llvm.core as lc import llvm.passes as lp import as le from llvm.workaround import avx_support from numba import _dynfunc, _helperlib, config from numba.callwrapper import PyCallWrapper from .base import BaseContext from numba import utils from numba.targets import intrinsics, mathimpl, npyimpl from .options import TargetOptions def _windows_symbol_hacks_32bits(): # if we don't have _ftol2, bind _ftol as _ftol2 ftol2 = le.dylib_address_of_symbol("_ftol2") if not ftol2: ftol = le.dylib_address_of_symbol("_ftol") assert ftol le.dylib_add_symbol("_ftol2", ftol) class CPUContext(BaseContext): def init(self): self.execmodule ="numba.exec") eb = if not avx_support.detect_avx_support(): eb.mattrs("-avx") = tm = eb.select_target() self.engine = eb.create(tm) = self.build_pass_manager() self.native_funcs = utils.UniqueDict() self.cmath_provider = {} self.is32bit = (tuple.__itemsize__ == 4) # map math functions self.map_math_functions() self.map_numpy_math_functions() # Add target specific implementations self.insert_func_defn(mathimpl.registry.functions) self.insert_func_defn(npyimpl.registry.functions) def build_pass_manager(self): if config.OPT == 3: # This uses the same passes for clang -O3 pms = lp.build_pass_managers(, opt=3, loop_vectorize=True, fpm=False) return else: # This uses minimum amount of passes for fast code. # TODO: make it generate vector code tm = pm = pm.add(tm.target_data.clone()) pm.add( # Re-enable for target infomation for vectorization # tm.add_analysis_passes(pm) passes = ''' basicaa scev-aa mem2reg sroa adce dse sccp instcombine simplifycfg loops indvars loop-simplify licm simplifycfg instcombine loop-vectorize instcombine simplifycfg globalopt globaldce '''.split() for p in passes: pm.add( return pm def map_math_functions(self): le.dylib_add_symbol("numba.math.cpow", _helperlib.get_cpow()) le.dylib_add_symbol("numba.math.sdiv", _helperlib.get_sdiv()) le.dylib_add_symbol("numba.math.srem", _helperlib.get_srem()) le.dylib_add_symbol("numba.math.udiv", _helperlib.get_udiv()) le.dylib_add_symbol("numba.math.urem", _helperlib.get_urem()) if sys.platform.startswith('win32') and not le.dylib_address_of_symbol('__ftol2'): le.dylib_add_symbol("__ftol2", _helperlib.get_fptoui()) elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') and not le.dylib_address_of_symbol('__fixunsdfdi'): le.dylib_add_symbol("__fixunsdfdi", _helperlib.get_fptoui()) # Necessary for Python3 le.dylib_add_symbol("numba.round", _helperlib.get_round_even()) le.dylib_add_symbol("numba.roundf", _helperlib.get_roundf_even()) # windows symbol hacks if sys.platform.startswith('win32') and self.is32bit: _windows_symbol_hacks_32bits() # List available C-math for fname in intrinsics.INTR_MATH: if le.dylib_address_of_symbol(fname): # Exist self.cmath_provider[fname] = 'builtin' else: # Non-exist # Bind from C code imp = getattr(_helperlib, "get_%s" % fname) le.dylib_add_symbol(fname, imp()) self.cmath_provider[fname] = 'indirect' def map_numpy_math_functions(self): # add the symbols for numpy math to the execution environment. import numba._npymath_exports as npymath for sym in npymath.symbols: le.dylib_add_symbol(*sym) def dynamic_map_function(self, func): name, ptr = self.native_funcs[func] le.dylib_add_symbol(name, ptr) def optimize(self, module): def get_executable(self, func, fndesc): """ Returns ------- (cfunc, fnptr) - cfunc callable function (Can be None) - fnptr callable function address """ if self.is32bit: dmf = intrinsics.DivmodFixer() im = intrinsics.IntrinsicMapping(self) if not fndesc.native: self.optimize_pythonapi(func) cfunc, fnptr = self.prepare_for_call(func, fndesc) return cfunc, fnptr def prepare_for_call(self, func, fndesc): wrapper, api = PyCallWrapper(self, func.module, func, fndesc).build() self.optimize(func.module) if config.DUMP_OPTIMIZED: print(("OPTIMIZED DUMP %s" % fndesc.qualified_name).center(80,'-')) print(func.module) print('=' * 80) if config.DUMP_ASSEMBLY: print(("ASSEMBLY %s" % fndesc.qualified_name).center(80, '-')) print( print('=' * 80) # Map module.__dict__ le.dylib_add_symbol(".pymodule.dict." + fndesc.pymod.__name__, id(fndesc.pymod.__dict__)) # Code gen self.engine.add_module(func.module) baseptr = self.engine.get_pointer_to_function(func) fnptr = self.engine.get_pointer_to_function(wrapper) cfunc = _dynfunc.make_function(fndesc.pymod,, fndesc.doc, fnptr) if fndesc.native: self.native_funcs[cfunc] = fndesc.mangled_name, baseptr return cfunc, fnptr def optimize_pythonapi(self, func): # Simplify the function using pms = lp.build_pass_managers(, opt=1, mod=func.module) fpm = pms.fpm fpm.initialize() fpm.finalize() # remove extra refct api calls remove_refct_calls(func) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TargetOptions class CPUTargetOptions(TargetOptions): OPTIONS = { "nopython": bool, "forceobj": bool, } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal def remove_refct_calls(func): """ Remove redundant incref/decref within on a per block basis """ for bb in func.basic_blocks: remove_null_refct_call(bb) remove_refct_pairs(bb) def remove_null_refct_call(bb): """ Remove refct api calls to NULL pointer """ for inst in bb.instructions: if isinstance(inst, lc.CallOrInvokeInstruction): fname = if fname == "Py_IncRef" or fname == "Py_DecRef": arg = inst.operands[0] if isinstance(arg, lc.ConstantPointerNull): inst.erase_from_parent() def remove_refct_pairs(bb): """ Remove incref decref pairs on the same variable """ didsomething = True while didsomething: didsomething = False increfs = {} decrefs = {} # Mark for inst in bb.instructions: if isinstance(inst, lc.CallOrInvokeInstruction): fname = if fname == "Py_IncRef": arg = inst.operands[0] increfs[arg] = inst elif fname == "Py_DecRef": arg = inst.operands[0] decrefs[arg] = inst # Sweep for val in increfs.keys(): if val in decrefs: increfs[val].erase_from_parent() decrefs[val].erase_from_parent() didsomething = True ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = descriptors """ Target Descriptors """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import class TargetDescriptor(object): pass ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = imputils from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import functools from numba.typing import signature from numba import cgutils, types def implement(func, *argtys): def wrapper(impl): @functools.wraps(impl) def res(context, builder, sig, args): ret = impl(context, builder, sig, args) return ret res.signature = signature(types.Any, *argtys) res.key = func return res return wrapper def impl_attribute(ty, attr, rtype): def wrapper(impl): @functools.wraps(impl) def res(context, builder, typ, value): ret = impl(context, builder, typ, value) return ret res.return_type = rtype res.key = (ty, attr) return res return wrapper def user_function(func, fndesc, libs): def imp(context, builder, sig, args): func = context.declare_function(cgutils.get_module(builder), fndesc) status, retval = context.call_function(builder, func, fndesc.restype, fndesc.argtypes, args) with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, status.err): context.return_errcode_propagate(builder, status.code) return retval imp.signature = signature(fndesc.restype, *fndesc.argtypes) imp.key = func imp.libs = tuple(libs) return imp def python_attr_impl(cls, attr, atyp): @impl_attribute(cls, attr, atyp) def imp(context, builder, typ, value): api = context.get_python_api(builder) aval = api.object_getattr_string(value, attr) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, cgutils.is_null(builder, aval)): context.return_exc(builder) if isinstance(atyp, types.Method): return aval else: nativevalue = api.to_native_value(aval, atyp) api.decref(aval) return nativevalue return imp class Registry(object): def __init__(self): self.functions = [] self.attributes = [] def register(self, item): self.functions.append(item) return item def register_attr(self, item): self.attributes.append(item) return item builtin_registry = Registry() builtin = builtin_registry.register builtin_attr = builtin_registry.register_attr ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = intrinsics """ LLVM pass that converts intrinsic into other math calls """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import llvm.core as lc class DivmodFixer(object): """ Fix 64-bit div/mod on 32-bit machines """ NAMES = 'sdiv', 'udiv', 'srem', 'urem' I64 = def run(self, module): for func in module.functions: self.run_on_func(func) def run_on_func(self, func): to_replace = [] for bb in func.basic_blocks: for instr in bb.instructions: opname = instr.opcode_name if opname in self.NAMES and instr.type == self.I64: to_replace.append((instr, "numba.math.%s" % opname)) if to_replace: builder = for inst, name in to_replace: builder.position_before(inst) alt = self.declare(func.module, name) replacement =, inst.operands) # fix replace_all_uses_with to not use ._ptr inst.replace_all_uses_with(replacement._ptr) inst.erase_from_parent() def declare(self, module, fname): fnty = lc.Type.function(self.I64, (self.I64, self.I64)) fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname) assert fn.is_declaration, ("%s is expected to be an intrinsic but " "it is defined" % fname) return fn class IntrinsicMapping(object): def __init__(self, context, mapping=None, availintr=None): """ Args ---- mapping: Optional. Intrinsic name to alternative implementation. Default to global MAPPING availintr: Optional. Available intrinsic set. Default to global AVAILINTR """ self.context = context self.mapping = mapping or MAPPING self.availintr = availintr or AVAILINTR def run(self, module): self.apply_mapping(module) self.translate_intrinsic_to_cmath(module) def apply_mapping(self, module): modified = [] for fn in module.functions: if fn.is_declaration and in self.mapping: imp = self.mapping[] imp(self.context, fn) modified.append(fn) # Rename all modified functions for fn in modified: = "numba." + if __debug__: module.verify() def translate_intrinsic_to_cmath(self, module): for fn in self._iter_unavail(module): # Rename unavailable intrinsic to libc calls = INTR_TO_CMATH[] if __debug__: module.verify() def _iter_unavail(self, module): for fn in module.functions: if fn.is_declaration and'llvm.'): if not in self.availintr: yield fn def powi_as_pow(context, fn): builder ="")) x, y = fn.args fy = builder.sitofp(y, x.type) pow = lc.Function.intrinsic(fn.module, lc.INTR_POW, [x.type]) builder.ret(, (x, fy))) MAPPING = { "llvm.powi.f32": powi_as_pow, "llvm.powi.f64": powi_as_pow, } AVAILINTR = () INTR_TO_CMATH = { "llvm.pow.f32": "powf", "llvm.pow.f64": "pow", "llvm.sin.f32": "sinf", "llvm.sin.f64": "sin", "llvm.cos.f32": "cosf", "llvm.cos.f64": "cos", "llvm.sqrt.f32": "sqrtf", "llvm.sqrt.f64": "sqrt", "llvm.exp.f32": "expf", "llvm.exp.f64": "exp", "llvm.log.f32": "logf", "llvm.log.f64": "log", "llvm.log10.f32": "log10f", "llvm.log10.f64": "log10", "llvm.fabs.f32": "fabsf", "llvm.fabs.f64": "fabs", "llvm.floor.f32": "floorf", "llvm.floor.f64": "floor", "llvm.ceil.f32": "ceilf", "llvm.ceil.f64": "ceil", "llvm.trunc.f32": "truncf", "llvm.trunc.f64": "trunc", } OTHER_CMATHS = ''' tan tanf sinh sinhf cosh coshf tanh tanhf asin asinf acos acosf atan atanf atan2 atan2f asinh asinhf acosh acoshf atanh atanhf expm1 expm1f log1p log1pf log10 log10f fmod fmodf round roundf '''.split() INTR_MATH = frozenset(INTR_TO_CMATH.values()) | frozenset(OTHER_CMATHS) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = mathimpl """ Provide math calls that uses intrinsics or libc math functions. """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import math import llvm.core as lc from llvm.core import Type from numba.targets.imputils import implement, Registry from numba import types, cgutils, utils from numba.typing import signature registry = Registry() register = registry.register def unary_math_int_impl(fn, f64impl): @register @implement(fn, types.int64) def s64impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args fpval = builder.sitofp(val, Type.double()) sig = signature(types.float64, types.float64) return f64impl(context, builder, sig, [fpval]) @register @implement(fn, types.uint64) def u64impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args fpval = builder.uitofp(val, Type.double()) sig = signature(types.float64, types.float64) return f64impl(context, builder, sig, [fpval]) def unary_math_intr(fn, intrcode): @register @implement(fn, types.float32) def f32impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) lty = context.get_value_type(types.float32) intr = lc.Function.intrinsic(mod, intrcode, [lty]) return, args) @register @implement(fn, types.float64) def f64impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) lty = context.get_value_type(types.float64) intr = lc.Function.intrinsic(mod, intrcode, [lty]) return, args) unary_math_int_impl(fn, f64impl) def unary_math_extern(fn, f32extern, f64extern): @register @implement(fn, types.float32) def f32impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()]) fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=f32extern) return, (val,)) @register @implement(fn, types.float64) def f64impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [Type.double()]) fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=f64extern) return, (val,)) unary_math_int_impl(fn, f64impl) unary_math_intr(math.fabs, lc.INTR_FABS) #unary_math_intr(math.sqrt, lc.INTR_SQRT) unary_math_intr(math.exp, lc.INTR_EXP) unary_math_intr(math.log, lc.INTR_LOG) unary_math_intr(math.log10, lc.INTR_LOG10) unary_math_intr(math.sin, lc.INTR_SIN) unary_math_intr(math.cos, lc.INTR_COS) #unary_math_intr(math.floor, lc.INTR_FLOOR) #unary_math_intr(math.ceil, lc.INTR_CEIL) #unary_math_intr(math.trunc, lc.INTR_TRUNC) unary_math_extern(math.log1p, "log1pf", "log1p") if utils.PYVERSION > (2, 6): unary_math_extern(math.expm1, "expm1f", "expm1") unary_math_extern(math.tan, "tanf", "tan") unary_math_extern(math.asin, "asinf", "asin") unary_math_extern(math.acos, "acosf", "acos") unary_math_extern(math.atan, "atanf", "atan") unary_math_extern(math.asinh, "asinhf", "asinh") unary_math_extern(math.acosh, "acoshf", "acosh") unary_math_extern(math.atanh, "atanhf", "atanh") unary_math_extern(math.sinh, "sinhf", "sinh") unary_math_extern(math.cosh, "coshf", "cosh") unary_math_extern(math.tanh, "tanhf", "tanh") unary_math_extern(math.ceil, "ceilf", "ceil") unary_math_extern(math.floor, "floorf", "floor") unary_math_extern(math.sqrt, "sqrtf", "sqrt") unary_math_extern(math.trunc, "truncf", "trunc") @register @implement(math.isnan, types.float32) def isnan_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args return builder.not_(builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, val)) @register @implement(math.isnan, types.float64) def isnan_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args return builder.not_(builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, val)) @register @implement(math.isnan, types.int64) def isnan_s64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return cgutils.false_bit @register @implement(math.isnan, types.uint64) def isnan_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return cgutils.false_bit POS_INF_F32 = lc.Constant.real(Type.float(), float("+inf")) NEG_INF_F32 = lc.Constant.real(Type.float(), float("-inf")) POS_INF_F64 = lc.Constant.real(Type.double(), float("+inf")) NEG_INF_F64 = lc.Constant.real(Type.double(), float("-inf")) @register @implement(math.isinf, types.float32) def isinf_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args isposinf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, POS_INF_F32) isneginf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, NEG_INF_F32) return builder.or_(isposinf, isneginf) @register @implement(math.isinf, types.float64) def isinf_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args isposinf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, POS_INF_F64) isneginf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, NEG_INF_F64) return builder.or_(isposinf, isneginf) @register @implement(math.isinf, types.int64) def isinf_s64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return cgutils.false_bit @register @implement(math.isinf, types.uint64) def isinf_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): return cgutils.false_bit # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register @implement(math.atan2, types.int64, types.int64) def atan2_s64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [y, x] = args y = builder.sitofp(y, Type.double()) x = builder.sitofp(x, Type.double()) fsig = signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64) return atan2_f64_impl(context, builder, fsig, (y, x)) @register @implement(math.atan2, types.uint64, types.uint64) def atan2_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [y, x] = args y = builder.uitofp(y, Type.double()) x = builder.uitofp(x, Type.double()) fsig = signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64) return atan2_f64_impl(context, builder, fsig, (y, x)) @register @implement(math.atan2, types.float32, types.float32) def atan2_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): assert len(args) == 2 mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float(), Type.float()]) fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="atan2f") return, args) @register @implement(math.atan2, types.float64, types.float64) def atan2_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): assert len(args) == 2 mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [Type.double(), Type.double()]) fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="atan2") return, args) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register @implement(math.hypot, types.int64, types.int64) def hypot_s64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x, y] = args y = builder.sitofp(y, Type.double()) x = builder.sitofp(x, Type.double()) fsig = signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64) return hypot_f64_impl(context, builder, fsig, (x, y)) @register @implement(math.hypot, types.uint64, types.uint64) def hypot_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x, y] = args y = builder.sitofp(y, Type.double()) x = builder.sitofp(x, Type.double()) fsig = signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64) return hypot_f64_impl(context, builder, fsig, (x, y)) @register @implement(math.hypot, types.float32, types.float32) def hypot_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x, y] = args xx = builder.fmul(x, x) yy = builder.fmul(y, y) sqrtsig = signature(sig.return_type, sig.args[0]) sqrtimp = context.get_function(math.sqrt, sqrtsig) xxyy = builder.fadd(xx, yy) return sqrtimp(builder, [xxyy]) @register @implement(math.hypot, types.float64, types.float64) def hypot_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x, y] = args xx = builder.fmul(x, x) yy = builder.fmul(y, y) sqrtsig = signature(sig.return_type, sig.args[0]) sqrtimp = context.get_function(math.sqrt, sqrtsig) xxyy = builder.fadd(xx, yy) return sqrtimp(builder, [xxyy]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register @implement(math.radians, types.float64) def radians_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args rate = builder.fdiv(x, context.get_constant(types.float64, 360)) pi = context.get_constant(types.float64, math.pi) two = context.get_constant(types.float64, 2) twopi = builder.fmul(pi, two) return builder.fmul(rate, twopi) @register @implement(math.radians, types.float32) def radians_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args rate = builder.fdiv(x, context.get_constant(types.float32, 360)) pi = context.get_constant(types.float32, math.pi) two = context.get_constant(types.float32, 2) twopi = builder.fmul(pi, two) return builder.fmul(rate, twopi) unary_math_int_impl(math.radians, radians_f64_impl) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register @implement(math.degrees, types.float64) def degrees_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args full = context.get_constant(types.float64, 360) pi = context.get_constant(types.float64, math.pi) two = context.get_constant(types.float64, 2) twopi = builder.fmul(pi, two) return builder.fmul(builder.fdiv(x, twopi), full) @register @implement(math.degrees, types.float32) def degrees_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args): [x] = args full = context.get_constant(types.float32, 360) pi = context.get_constant(types.float32, math.pi) two = context.get_constant(types.float32, 2) twopi = builder.fmul(pi, two) return builder.fdiv(builder.fmul(x, full), twopi) unary_math_int_impl(math.degrees, degrees_f64_impl) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = npyimpl from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy import math import sys from llvm.core import Constant, Type, ICMP_UGT from numba import typing, types, cgutils from numba.targets.imputils import implement, Registry from numba import numpy_support import itertools registry = Registry() register = registry.register class npy: """This will be used as an index of the npy_* functions""" pass def unary_npy_math_extern(fn): setattr(npy, fn, fn) fn_sym = eval("npy."+fn) @register @implement(fn_sym, types.int64) def s64impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args fpval = builder.sitofp(val, Type.double()) sig = typing.signature(types.float64, types.float64) return f64impl(context, builder, sig, [fpval]) @register @implement(fn_sym, types.uint64) def u64impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args fpval = builder.uitofp(val, Type.double()) sig = typing.signature(types.float64, types.float64) return f64impl(context, builder, sig, [fpval]) n = "numba.npymath." + fn @register @implement(fn_sym, types.float64) def f64impl(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args mod = cgutils.get_module(builder) fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [Type.double()]) fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=n) return, (val,)) _externs = [ "exp2", "expm1", "log", "log2", "log10", "log1p", "deg2rad", "rad2deg" ] for x in _externs: unary_npy_math_extern(x) def numpy_unary_ufunc(funckey, asfloat=False, scalar_input=False): def impl(context, builder, sig, args): [tyinp, tyout] = sig.args [inp, out] = args if isinstance(tyinp, types.Array): scalar_inp = False scalar_tyinp = tyinp.dtype inp_ndim = tyinp.ndim elif tyinp in types.number_domain: scalar_inp = True scalar_tyinp = tyinp inp_ndim = 1 else: raise TypeError('unknown type for input operand') out_ndim = tyout.ndim if asfloat: promote_type = types.float64 elif scalar_tyinp in types.real_domain: promote_type = types.float64 elif scalar_tyinp in types.signed_domain: promote_type = types.int64 else: promote_type = types.uint64 result_type = promote_type # Temporary hack for __ftol2 llvm bug. Don't allow storing # float results in uint64 array on windows. if result_type in types.real_domain and \ tyout.dtype is types.uint64 and \ sys.platform.startswith('win32'): raise TypeError('Cannot store result in uint64 array') sig = typing.signature(result_type, promote_type) if not scalar_inp: iary = context.make_array(tyinp)(context, builder, inp) oary = context.make_array(tyout)(context, builder, out) fnwork = context.get_function(funckey, sig) intpty = context.get_value_type(types.intp) if not scalar_inp: inp_shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, iary.shape, inp_ndim) inp_strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, iary.strides, inp_ndim) inp_data = inp_layout = tyinp.layout out_shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, oary.shape, out_ndim) out_strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, oary.strides, out_ndim) out_data = out_layout = tyout.layout ZERO =, 0) ONE =, 1) inp_indices = None if not scalar_inp: inp_indices = [] for i in range(inp_ndim): x = builder.alloca(, x) inp_indices.append(x) loopshape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, oary.shape, out_ndim) with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, loopshape, intp=intpty) as indices: # Increment input indices. # Since the output dimensions are already being incremented, # we'll use that to set the input indices. In order to # handle broadcasting, any input dimension of size 1 won't be # incremented. if not scalar_inp: bb_inc_inp_index = [cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, '.inc_inp_index' + str(i)) for i in range(inp_ndim)] bb_end_inc_index = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, '.end_inc_index') builder.branch(bb_inc_inp_index[0]) for i in range(inp_ndim): with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_inc_inp_index[i]): # If the shape of this dimension is 1, then leave the # index at 0 so that this dimension is broadcasted over # the corresponding output dimension. cond = builder.icmp(ICMP_UGT, inp_shape[i], ONE) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, cond): # If number of input dimensions is less than output # dimensions, the input shape is right justified so # that last dimension of input shape corresponds to # last dimension of output shape. Therefore, index # output dimension starting at offset of diff of # input and output dimension count.[out_ndim-inp_ndim+i], inp_indices[i]) # We have to check if this is last dimension and add # appropriate block terminator before beginning next # loop. if i + 1 == inp_ndim: builder.branch(bb_end_inc_index) else: builder.branch(bb_inc_inp_index[i+1]) builder.position_at_end(bb_end_inc_index) inds = [builder.load(index) for index in inp_indices] px = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(builder, data=inp_data, shape=inp_shape, strides=inp_strides, layout=inp_layout, inds=inds) x = builder.load(px) else: x = inp po = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(builder, data=out_data, shape=out_shape, strides=out_strides, layout=out_layout, inds=indices) d_x = context.cast(builder, x, scalar_tyinp, promote_type) tempres = fnwork(builder, [d_x]) res = context.cast(builder, tempres, result_type, tyout.dtype), po) return out return impl def numpy_scalar_unary_ufunc(funckey, asfloat=True): def impl(context, builder, sig, args): [tyinp] = sig.args tyout = sig.return_type [inp] = args if asfloat: sig = typing.signature(types.float64, types.float64) fnwork = context.get_function(funckey, sig) if asfloat: inp = context.cast(builder, inp, tyinp, types.float64) res = fnwork(builder, [inp]) if asfloat: res = context.cast(builder, res, types.float64, tyout) return res return impl def register_unary_ufunc(ufunc, operator, asfloat=False): def unary_ufunc(context, builder, sig, args): imp = numpy_unary_ufunc(operator, asfloat=asfloat) return imp(context, builder, sig, args) def unary_ufunc_scalar_input(context, builder, sig, args): imp = numpy_unary_ufunc(operator, scalar_input=True, asfloat=asfloat) return imp(context, builder, sig, args) def scalar_unary_ufunc(context, builder, sig, args): imp = numpy_scalar_unary_ufunc(operator, asfloat) return imp(context, builder, sig, args) register(implement(ufunc, types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Array))(unary_ufunc)) for ty in types.number_domain: register(implement(ufunc, ty, types.Kind(types.Array))(unary_ufunc_scalar_input)) for ty in types.number_domain: register(implement(ufunc, ty)(scalar_unary_ufunc)) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.exp, math.exp, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.exp2, npy.exp2, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.expm1, npy.expm1, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.log, npy.log, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.log2, npy.log2, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.log10, npy.log10, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.log1p, npy.log1p, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.deg2rad, npy.deg2rad, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.rad2deg, npy.rad2deg, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.sin, math.sin, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.cos, math.cos, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.tan, math.tan, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.sinh, math.sinh, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.cosh, math.cosh, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.tanh, math.tanh, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.arcsin, math.asin, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.arccos, math.acos, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.arctan, math.atan, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.arcsinh, math.asinh, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.arccosh, math.acosh, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.arctanh, math.atanh, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.sqrt, math.sqrt, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.floor, math.floor, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.ceil, math.ceil, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.trunc, math.trunc, asfloat=True) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.absolute, types.abs_type) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.sign, types.sign_type) register_unary_ufunc(numpy.negative, types.neg_type) def numpy_binary_ufunc(funckey, divbyzero=False, scalar_inputs=False, asfloat=False): def impl(context, builder, sig, args): [tyinp1, tyinp2, tyout] = sig.args [inp1, inp2, out] = args if isinstance(tyinp1, types.Array): scalar_inp1 = False scalar_tyinp1 = tyinp1.dtype inp1_ndim = tyinp1.ndim elif tyinp1 in types.number_domain: scalar_inp1 = True scalar_tyinp1 = tyinp1 inp1_ndim = 1 else: raise TypeError('unknown type for first input operand') if isinstance(tyinp2, types.Array): scalar_inp2 = False scalar_tyinp2 = tyinp2.dtype inp2_ndim = tyinp2.ndim elif tyinp2 in types.number_domain: scalar_inp2 = True scalar_tyinp2 = tyinp2 inp2_ndim = 1 else: raise TypeError('unknown type for second input operand') out_ndim = tyout.ndim if asfloat: promote_type = types.float64 elif scalar_tyinp1 in types.real_domain or \ scalar_tyinp2 in types.real_domain: promote_type = types.float64 elif scalar_tyinp1 in types.signed_domain or \ scalar_tyinp2 in types.signed_domain: promote_type = types.int64 else: promote_type = types.uint64 result_type = promote_type # Temporary hack for __ftol2 llvm bug. Don't allow storing # float results in uint64 array on windows. if result_type in types.real_domain and \ tyout.dtype is types.uint64 and \ sys.platform.startswith('win32'): raise TypeError('Cannot store result in uint64 array') sig = typing.signature(result_type, promote_type, promote_type) if not scalar_inp1: i1ary = context.make_array(tyinp1)(context, builder, inp1) if not scalar_inp2: i2ary = context.make_array(tyinp2)(context, builder, inp2) oary = context.make_array(tyout)(context, builder, out) fnwork = context.get_function(funckey, sig) intpty = context.get_value_type(types.intp) if not scalar_inp1: inp1_shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, i1ary.shape, inp1_ndim) inp1_strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, i1ary.strides, inp1_ndim) inp1_data = inp1_layout = tyinp1.layout if not scalar_inp2: inp2_shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, i2ary.shape, inp2_ndim) inp2_strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, i2ary.strides, inp2_ndim) inp2_data = inp2_layout = tyinp2.layout out_shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, oary.shape, out_ndim) out_strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, oary.strides, out_ndim) out_data = out_layout = tyout.layout ZERO =, 0) ONE =, 1) inp1_indices = None if not scalar_inp1: inp1_indices = [] for i in range(inp1_ndim): x = builder.alloca(, x) inp1_indices.append(x) inp2_indices = None if not scalar_inp2: inp2_indices = [] for i in range(inp2_ndim): x = builder.alloca(, x) inp2_indices.append(x) loopshape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, oary.shape, out_ndim) with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, loopshape, intp=intpty) as indices: # Increment input indices. # Since the output dimensions are already being incremented, # we'll use that to set the input indices. In order to # handle broadcasting, any input dimension of size 1 won't be # incremented. def build_increment_blocks(inp_indices, inp_shape, inp_ndim, inp_num): bb_inc_inp_index = [cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, '.inc_inp{0}_index{1}'.format(inp_num, str(i))) for i in range(inp_ndim)] bb_end_inc_index = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, '.end_inc{0}_index'.format(inp_num)) builder.branch(bb_inc_inp_index[0]) for i in range(inp_ndim): with cgutils.goto_block(builder, bb_inc_inp_index[i]): # If the shape of this dimension is 1, then leave the # index at 0 so that this dimension is broadcasted over # the corresponding input and output dimensions. cond = builder.icmp(ICMP_UGT, inp_shape[i], ONE) with cgutils.ifthen(builder, cond):[out_ndim-inp_ndim+i], inp_indices[i]) if i + 1 == inp_ndim: builder.branch(bb_end_inc_index) else: builder.branch(bb_inc_inp_index[i+1]) builder.position_at_end(bb_end_inc_index) if not scalar_inp1: build_increment_blocks(inp1_indices, inp1_shape, inp1_ndim, '1') if not scalar_inp2: build_increment_blocks(inp2_indices, inp2_shape, inp2_ndim, '2') if scalar_inp1: x = inp1 else: inds = [builder.load(index) for index in inp1_indices] px = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(builder, data=inp1_data, shape=inp1_shape, strides=inp1_strides, layout=inp1_layout, inds=inds) x = builder.load(px) if scalar_inp2: y = inp2 else: inds = [builder.load(index) for index in inp2_indices] py = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(builder, data=inp2_data, shape=inp2_shape, strides=inp2_strides, layout=inp2_layout, inds=inds) y = builder.load(py) po = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(builder, data=out_data, shape=out_shape, strides=out_strides, layout=out_layout, inds=indices) if divbyzero: # Handle division iszero = cgutils.is_scalar_zero(builder, y) with cgutils.ifelse(builder, iszero, expect=False) as (then, orelse): with then: # Divide by zero if (scalar_tyinp1 in types.real_domain or scalar_tyinp2 in types.real_domain) or \ not numpy_support.int_divbyzero_returns_zero: # If y is float and is 0 also, return Nan; else # return Inf outltype = context.get_data_type(result_type) shouldretnan = cgutils.is_scalar_zero(builder, x) nan = Constant.real(outltype, float("nan")) inf = Constant.real(outltype, float("inf")) tempres =, nan, inf) res = context.cast(builder, tempres, result_type, tyout.dtype) elif tyout.dtype in types.signed_domain and \ not numpy_support.int_divbyzero_returns_zero: res =, 0x1 << (y.type.width-1)) else: res = Constant.null(context.get_data_type(tyout.dtype)) assert res.type == po.type.pointee, \ (str(res.type), str(po.type.pointee)), po) with orelse: # Normal d_x = context.cast(builder, x, scalar_tyinp1, promote_type) d_y = context.cast(builder, y, scalar_tyinp2, promote_type) tempres = fnwork(builder, [d_x, d_y]) res = context.cast(builder, tempres, result_type, tyout.dtype) assert res.type == po.type.pointee, (res.type, po.type.pointee), po) else: # Handle non-division operations d_x = context.cast(builder, x, scalar_tyinp1, promote_type) d_y = context.cast(builder, y, scalar_tyinp2, promote_type) tempres = fnwork(builder, [d_x, d_y]) res = context.cast(builder, tempres, result_type, tyout.dtype) assert res.type == po.type.pointee, (res.type, po.type.pointee), po) return out return impl def register_binary_ufunc(ufunc, operator, asfloat=False, divbyzero=False): def binary_ufunc(context, builder, sig, args): imp = numpy_binary_ufunc(operator, asfloat=asfloat, divbyzero=divbyzero) return imp(context, builder, sig, args) def binary_ufunc_scalar_inputs(context, builder, sig, args): imp = numpy_binary_ufunc(operator, scalar_inputs=True, asfloat=asfloat, divbyzero=divbyzero) return imp(context, builder, sig, args) register(implement(ufunc, types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Array))(binary_ufunc)) for ty in types.number_domain: register(implement(ufunc, ty, types.Kind(types.Array), types.Kind(types.Array))(binary_ufunc_scalar_inputs)) register(implement(ufunc, types.Kind(types.Array), ty, types.Kind(types.Array))(binary_ufunc_scalar_inputs)) for ty1, ty2 in itertools.product(types.number_domain, types.number_domain): register(implement(ufunc, ty1, ty2, types.Kind(types.Array))(binary_ufunc_scalar_inputs)) register_binary_ufunc(numpy.add, '+') register_binary_ufunc(numpy.subtract, '-') register_binary_ufunc(numpy.multiply, '*') register_binary_ufunc(numpy.divide, '/', asfloat=True, divbyzero=True) register_binary_ufunc(numpy.arctan2, math.atan2, asfloat=True) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = options """ Target Options """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import class TargetOptions(object): OPTIONS = {} def __init__(self): self.values = {} def from_dict(self, dic): for k, v in dic.items(): try: ctor = self.OPTIONS[k] except KeyError: fmt = "Does not support option: '%s'" raise KeyError(fmt % k) else: self.values[k] = ctor(v) @classmethod def parse_as_flags(cls, flags, options): opt = cls() opt.from_dict(options) opt.set_flags(flags) return flags def set_flags(self, flags): """ Provide default flags setting logic. Subclass can override. """ kws = self.values.copy() if kws.pop('nopython', False) == False: flags.set("enable_pyobject") if kws.pop("forceobj", False) == True: flags.set("force_pyobject") if kws.pop('looplift', True) == True: flags.set("enable_looplift") if kws: # Unread options? raise NameError("Unrecognized options: %s" % kws.keys()) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = registry from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import utils, typing from numba.targets import cpu from numba.targets.descriptors import TargetDescriptor from numba import dispatcher # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default CPU target descriptors class CPUTarget(TargetDescriptor): options = cpu.CPUTargetOptions typing_context = typing.Context() target_context = cpu.CPUContext(typing_context) class CPUOverloaded(dispatcher.Overloaded): targetdescr = CPUTarget() class TargetRegistry(utils.UniqueDict): """ Attributes ---------- ondemand: A dictionary of target-name -> function, where function is executed the first time a target is used. It is used for deferred initialization for some targets (e.g. gpu). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kws): super(TargetRegistry, self).__init__(*args, **kws) self.ondemand = utils.UniqueDict() def __getitem__(self, item): if item in self.ondemand: self[item] = self.ondemand[item]() del self.ondemand[item] return super(TargetRegistry, self).__getitem__(item) target_registry = TargetRegistry() target_registry['cpu'] = CPUOverloaded ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = testing from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import contextlib if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from io import StringIO else: try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO def discover_tests(startdir): import numba.unittest_support as unittest loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = return suite def run_tests(suite, descriptions=True, verbosity=2, buffer=True, failfast=True): import numba.unittest_support as unittest runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(descriptions=descriptions, verbosity=verbosity, buffer=buffer, failfast=failfast) result = return result def test(): suite = discover_tests("numba.tests") return run_tests(suite).wasSuccessful() def _flatten_suite(test): """Expand suite into list of tests """ from numba.unittest_support import TestSuite if isinstance(test, TestSuite): tests = [] for x in test: tests.extend(_flatten_suite(x)) return tests else: return [test] def multitest(): """ Run tests in multiple processes. """ import numba.unittest_support as unittest import multiprocessing as mp loader = unittest.TestLoader() startdir = "numba.tests" suites = tests = _flatten_suite(suites) # Distribute tests to multiple processes pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count()) results = pool.imap_unordered(_multiruntest, tests) errct = 0 for ok, out in results: if not ok: print() print("=== Error ===") print(out) errct += 1 else: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() print() if errct == 0: print("All passed!") return True else: print("Error %d/%d" % (errct, len(tests))) return False def _multiruntest(suite): import numba.unittest_support as unittest stream = StringIO() with contextlib.closing(stream): runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(descriptions=False, verbosity=3, buffer=True, stream=stream) result = return result.wasSuccessful(), stream.getvalue() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = compile_with_pycc from numba import exportmany, export def mult(a, b): return a * b exportmany(['multf f4(f4,f4)', 'multi i4(i4,i4)'])(mult) # Needs to link to helperlib to due with complex arguments # export('multc c16(c16,c16)')(mult) export('mult f8(f8, f8)')(mult) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_arrayconst from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types myarray = np.arange(5) myscalar = np.int32(64) def use_array_const(i): return myarray[i] def use_arrayscalar_const(): return myscalar class TestConstantArray(unittest.TestCase): def test_array_const(self): pyfunc = use_array_const cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,)) cfunc = cres.entry_point for i in [0, 1, 2]: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(i), cfunc(i)) def test_arrayscalar_const(self): pyfunc = use_arrayscalar_const cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, ()) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(), cfunc()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array_attr from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types def array_shape(a, i): return a.shape[i] def array_strides(a, i): return a.strides[i] def array_ndim(a): return a.ndim def array_size(a): return a.size class TestArrayAttr(unittest.TestCase): def test_shape(self): pyfunc = array_shape cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:], types.int32)) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5) for i in range(a.ndim): self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, i), cfunc(a, i)) def test_strides(self): pyfunc = array_strides cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:], types.int32)) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5) for i in range(a.ndim): self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, i), cfunc(a, i)) def test_ndim(self): pyfunc = array_ndim cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:],)) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a), cfunc(a)) def test_size(self): pyfunc = array_size cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:],)) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a), cfunc(a)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array_manipulation from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.tests import usecases enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() def reshape_array(a, expected): return (a.reshape(3, 3) == expected).all() def flatten_array(a, expected): return (a.flatten() == expected).all() def ravel_array(a, expected): return (a.ravel() == expected).all() def transpose_array(a, expected): return (a.transpose() == expected).all() def squeeze_array(a, expected): return (a.squeeze() == expected).all() def convert_array(a, expected): # astype takes no kws argument in numpy1.6 return (a.astype('f4') == expected).all() def add_axis1(a, expected): return np.expand_dims(a, axis=0).shape == expected.shape def add_axis2(a, expected): return a[np.newaxis,:].shape == expected.shape class TestArrayManipulation(unittest.TestCase): def test_reshape_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = reshape_array arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(9) expected = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_reshape_array_npm(self): self.test_reshape_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_flatten_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = flatten_array arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) expected = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3).flatten() self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_flatten_array_npm(self): self.test_flatten_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ravel_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = ravel_array arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) expected = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3).ravel() self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_ravel_array_npm(self): self.test_ravel_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_transpose_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = transpose_array arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) expected = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3).transpose() self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_transpose_array_npm(self): self.test_transpose_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_squeeze_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = squeeze_array arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(2*1*3*1*4).reshape(2,1,3,1,4) expected = np.arange(2*1*3*1*4).reshape(2,1,3,1,4).squeeze() self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_squeeze_array_npm(self): self.test_squeeze_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_convert_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = convert_array arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(9, dtype='i4') expected = np.arange(9, dtype='f4') self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_convert_array_npm(self): self.test_convert_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_add_axis1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = add_axis1 arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3) expected = np.arange(9).reshape(1,3,3) self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_add_axis1_npm(self): self.test_add_axis1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_add_axis2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = add_axis2 arraytype1 = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') arraytype2 = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3) expected = np.arange(9).reshape(1,3,3) self.assertTrue(cfunc(a, expected)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_add_axis2_npm(self): self.test_add_axis2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array_return from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import typeof from numba import unittest_support as unittest def array_return(a, i): a[i] = 123 return a class TestArrayReturn(unittest.TestCase): def test_array_return(self): a = numpy.arange(10) i = 2 at, it = typeof(a), typeof(i) cres = compile_isolated(array_return, (at, it)) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertIs(a, cfunc(a, i)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_blackscholes from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import math import numba.unittest_support as unittest from timeit import default_timer as timer from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, compile_extra, Flags from numba import types, typing RISKFREE = 0.02 VOLATILITY = 0.30 A1 = 0.31938153 A2 = -0.356563782 A3 = 1.781477937 A4 = -1.821255978 A5 = 1.330274429 RSQRT2PI = 0.39894228040143267793994605993438 def cnd_array(d): K = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.2316419 * np.abs(d)) ret_val = (RSQRT2PI * np.exp(-0.5 * d * d) * (K * (A1 + K * (A2 + K * (A3 + K * (A4 + K * A5)))))) return np.where(d > 0, 1.0 - ret_val, ret_val) def cnd(d): K = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.2316419 * math.fabs(d)) ret_val = (RSQRT2PI * math.exp(-0.5 * d * d) * (K * (A1 + K * (A2 + K * (A3 + K * (A4 + K * A5)))))) if d > 0: ret_val = 1.0 - ret_val return ret_val def blackscholes_arrayexpr(stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, Riskfree, Volatility): S = stockPrice X = optionStrike T = optionYears R = Riskfree V = Volatility sqrtT = np.sqrt(T) d1 = (np.log(S / X) + (R + 0.5 * V * V) * T) / (V * sqrtT) d2 = d1 - V * sqrtT cndd1 = cnd_array(d1) cndd2 = cnd_array(d2) expRT = np.exp(- R * T) callResult = (S * cndd1 - X * expRT * cndd2) putResult = (X * expRT * (1.0 - cndd2) - S * (1.0 - cndd1)) return callResult, putResult def blackscholes_arrayexpr_jitted(stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, Riskfree, Volatility): S = stockPrice X = optionStrike T = optionYears R = Riskfree V = Volatility sqrtT = np.sqrt(T) d1 = (np.log(S / X) + (R + 0.5 * V * V) * T) / (V * sqrtT) d2 = d1 - V * sqrtT cndd1 = cnd_array_jitted(d1) cndd2 = cnd_array_jitted(d2) expRT = np.exp(- R * T) callResult = (S * cndd1 - X * expRT * cndd2) putResult = (X * expRT * (1.0 - cndd2) - S * (1.0 - cndd1)) return callResult, putResult def blackscholes_scalar(callResult, putResult, stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, Riskfree, Volatility): S = stockPrice X = optionStrike T = optionYears R = Riskfree V = Volatility for i in range(len(S)): sqrtT = math.sqrt(T[i]) d1 = (math.log(S[i] / X[i]) + (R + 0.5 * V * V) * T[i]) / (V * sqrtT) d2 = d1 - V * sqrtT cndd1 = cnd(d1) cndd2 = cnd(d2) expRT = math.exp((-1. * R) * T[i]) callResult[i] = (S[i] * cndd1 - X[i] * expRT * cndd2) putResult[i] = (X[i] * expRT * (1.0 - cndd2) - S[i] * (1.0 - cndd1)) def blackscholes_scalar_jitted(callResult, putResult, stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, Riskfree, Volatility): S = stockPrice X = optionStrike T = optionYears R = Riskfree V = Volatility for i in range(len(S)): sqrtT = math.sqrt(T[i]) d1 = (math.log(S[i] / X[i]) + (R + 0.5 * V * V) * T[i]) / (V * sqrtT) d2 = d1 - V * sqrtT cndd1 = cnd_jitted(d1) cndd2 = cnd_jitted(d2) expRT = math.exp((-1. * R) * T[i]) callResult[i] = (S[i] * cndd1 - X[i] * expRT * cndd2) putResult[i] = (X[i] * expRT * (1.0 - cndd2) - S[i] * (1.0 - cndd1)) def randfloat(rand_var, low, high): return (1.0 - rand_var) * low + rand_var * high class TestBlackScholes(unittest.TestCase): def test_array_expr(self): flags = Flags() flags.set("enable_pyobject") global cnd_array_jitted cr1 = compile_isolated(cnd_array, args=(), flags=flags) cnd_array_jitted = cr1.entry_point cr2 = compile_isolated(blackscholes_arrayexpr_jitted, args=(), flags=flags) jitted_bs = cr2.entry_point OPT_N = 400 iterations = 10 stockPrice = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 5.0, 30.0) optionStrike = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 1.0, 100.0) optionYears = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 0.25, 10.0) args = stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, RISKFREE, VOLATILITY ts = timer() for i in range(iterations): callResultGold, putResultGold = blackscholes_arrayexpr(*args) te = timer() pytime = te - ts ts = timer() for i in range(iterations): callResultNumba, putResultNumba = jitted_bs(*args) te = timer() jittime = te - ts print("Python", pytime) print("Numba", jittime) print("Speedup: %s" % (pytime / jittime)) delta = np.abs(callResultGold - callResultNumba) L1norm = delta.sum() / np.abs(callResultGold).sum() print("L1 norm: %E" % L1norm) print("Max absolute error: %E" % delta.max()) self.assertEqual(delta.max(), 0) def test_scalar(self): flags = Flags() global cnd_jitted cr1 = compile_isolated(cnd, (types.float64,)) cnd_jitted = cr1.entry_point tyctx = cr1.typing_context ctx = cr1.target_context ctx.dynamic_map_function(cnd_jitted) tyctx.insert_user_function(cnd_jitted, ctx.get_user_function(cnd_jitted)) array = types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C') argtys = (array,) * 5 + (types.float64, types.float64) cr2 = compile_extra(tyctx, ctx, blackscholes_scalar_jitted, args=argtys, return_type=None, flags=flags, locals={}) jitted_bs = cr2.entry_point OPT_N = 400 iterations = 10 callResultGold = np.zeros(OPT_N) putResultGold = np.zeros(OPT_N) callResultNumba = np.zeros(OPT_N) putResultNumba = np.zeros(OPT_N) stockPrice = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 5.0, 30.0) optionStrike = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 1.0, 100.0) optionYears = randfloat(np.random.random(OPT_N), 0.25, 10.0) args = stockPrice, optionStrike, optionYears, RISKFREE, VOLATILITY ts = timer() for i in range(iterations): blackscholes_scalar(callResultGold, putResultGold, *args) te = timer() pytime = te - ts ts = timer() for i in range(iterations): jitted_bs(callResultNumba, putResultNumba, *args) te = timer() jittime = te - ts print("Python", pytime) print("Numba", jittime) print("Speedup: %s" % (pytime / jittime)) delta = np.abs(callResultGold - callResultNumba) L1norm = delta.sum() / np.abs(callResultGold).sum() print("L1 norm: %E" % L1norm) print("Max absolute error: %E" % delta.max()) self.assertAlmostEqual(delta.max(), 0) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_bubblesort from __future__ import print_function import numpy from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types def bubblesort(X): N = X.shape[0] for end in range(N, 1, -1): for i in range(end - 1): cur = X[i] if cur > X[i + 1]: tmp = X[i] X[i] = X[i + 1] X[i + 1] = tmp class TestBubbleSort(unittest.TestCase): def test_bubblesort(self): pyfunc = bubblesort aryty = types.Array(dtype=types.int64, ndim=1, layout='C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (aryty,)) cfunc = cr.entry_point array = numpy.array(list(reversed(range(8))), dtype="int64") control = array.copy() cfunc(array) pyfunc(control) self.assertTrue((array == control).all()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtins from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils import itertools import functools enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() def abs_usecase(x): return abs(x) def all_usecase(x, y): if x == None and y == None: return all([]) elif x == None: return all([y]) elif y == None: return all([x]) else: return all([x, y]) def any_usecase(x, y): if x == None and y == None: return any([]) elif x == None: return any([y]) elif y == None: return any([x]) else: return any([x, y]) def bool_usecase(x): return bool(x) def chr_usecase(x): return chr(x) def cmp_usecase(x, y): return cmp(x, y) def complex_usecase(x, y): return complex(x, y) def enumerate_usecase(): result = 0 for i, j in enumerate([1,2,3]): result += i * j return result def filter_usecase(x, filter_func): return filter(filter_func, x) def float_usecase(x): return float(x) def format_usecase(x, y): return x.format(y) def hex_usecase(x): return hex(x) def int_usecase(x, base): return int(x, base=base) def long_usecase(x, base): return long(x, base=base) def map_usecase(x, map_func): return map(map_func, x) def max_usecase1(x, y): return max(x, y) def max_usecase2(x, y): return max([x, y]) def min_usecase1(x, y): return min(x, y) def min_usecase2(x, y): return min([x, y]) def oct_usecase(x): return oct(x) def ord_usecase(x): return ord(x) def reduce_usecase(reduce_func, x): return functools.reduce(reduce_func, x) def round_usecase(x): return round(x) def sum_usecase(x): return sum(x) def unichr_usecase(x): return unichr(x) class TestBuiltins(unittest.TestCase): def test_abs(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = abs_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1, 0, 1]: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1.1, 0.0, 1.1]: self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) def test_abs_npm(self): self.test_abs(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_all(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = all_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1, None] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1, None] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_all_npm(self): self.test_all(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_any(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = any_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1, None] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1, None] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_any_npm(self): self.test_any(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_bool(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bool_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1, 0, 1]: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) def test_bool_npm(self): self.test_bool(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_bool_nonnumber(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bool_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in ['x', '']: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'),), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [[1], []]: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_bool_nonnumber_npm(self): self.test_bool_nonnumber(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_chr(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = chr_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in range(256): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_chr_npm(self): self.test_chr(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(utils.IS_PY3, "cmp not available as global is Py3") def test_cmp(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = cmp_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) @unittest.skipIf(utils.IS_PY3, "cmp not available as global is Py3") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_cmp_npm(self): self.test_cmp(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_complex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = complex_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) def test_complex_npm(self): self.test_complex(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_enumerate(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = enumerate_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cfunc(), pyfunc()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_enumerate_npm(self): self.test_enumerate(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_filter(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = filter_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.Dummy('function_ptr')), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point filter_func = lambda x: x % 2 x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] self.assertSequenceEqual(list(cfunc(x, filter_func)), list(pyfunc(x, filter_func))) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_filter_npm(self): self.test_filter(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_float(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = float_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1, 0, 1]: self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1.1, 0.0, 1.1]: self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in ['-1.1', '0.0', '1.1']: self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_float_npm(self): self.test_float(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_format(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = format_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string,types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x = '{0}' for y in [-1, 0, 1]: self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string, types.float32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x = '{0}' for y in [-1.1, 0.0, 1.1]: self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string, types.string,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x = '{0}' for y in ['a', 'b', 'c']: self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_format_npm(self): self.test_format(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_hex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = hex_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1, 0, 1]: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_hex_npm(self): self.test_hex(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_int(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = int_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = ['-1', '0', '1', '10'] y_operands = [2, 8, 10, 16] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_int_npm(self): self.test_int(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(utils.IS_PY3, "long is not available as global is Py3") def test_long(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = long_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string, types.int64), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = ['-1', '0', '1', '10'] y_operands = [2, 8, 10, 16] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) @unittest.skipIf(utils.IS_PY3, "cmp not available as global is Py3") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_long_npm(self): self.test_long(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_map(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = map_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.Dummy('function_ptr')), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point map_func = lambda x: x * 2 x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] self.assertSequenceEqual(list(cfunc(x, map_func)), list(pyfunc(x, map_func))) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_map_npm(self): self.test_map(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_max_1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = max_usecase1 cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) def test_max_2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = max_usecase2 cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) def test_max_npm_1(self): self.test_max_1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_max_npm_2(self): self.test_max_2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_min_1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = min_usecase1 cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) def test_min_2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = min_usecase2 cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), pyfunc(x, y)) def test_min_npm_1(self): self.test_min_1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_min_npm_2(self): self.test_min_2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_oct(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = oct_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-8, -1, 0, 1, 8]: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_oct_npm(self): self.test_oct(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ord(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = ord_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.string,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in ['a', u'\u2020']: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_ord_npm(self): self.test_ord(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_reduce(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = reduce_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('function_ptr'), types.Dummy('list')), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point reduce_func = lambda x, y: x + y x = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(reduce_func, x), pyfunc(reduce_func, x)) x = [x + x/10.0 for x in range(10)] self.assertEqual(cfunc(reduce_func, x), pyfunc(reduce_func, x)) x = [complex(x, x) for x in range(10)] self.assertEqual(cfunc(reduce_func, x), pyfunc(reduce_func, x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_reduce_npm(self): self.test_reduce(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_round(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = round_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float64,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-0.5, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 5.0]: self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) def test_round_npm(self): self.test_round(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_sum(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sum_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'),), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point x = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) x = [x + x/10.0 for x in range(10)] self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) x = [complex(x, x) for x in range(10)] self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_sum_npm(self): self.test_sum(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(utils.IS_PY3, "cmp not available as global is Py3") def test_unichr(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = unichr_usecase cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in range(0, 1000, 10): self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), pyfunc(x)) @unittest.skipIf(utils.IS_PY3, "cmp not available as global is Py3") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_unichr_npm(self): self.test_unichr(flags=no_pyobj_flags) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_casting import unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types import struct def float_to_int(x): return types.int32(x) def int_to_float(x): return types.float64(x) / 2 def float_to_unsigned(x): return types.uint32(x) def float_to_complex(x): return types.complex128(x) class TestCasting(unittest.TestCase): def test_float_to_int(self): pyfunc = float_to_int cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.float32]) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cr.signature.return_type, types.int32) self.assertEqual(cfunc(12.3), pyfunc(12.3)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(12.3), int(12.3)) def test_int_to_float(self): pyfunc = int_to_float cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.int64]) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cr.signature.return_type, types.float64) self.assertEqual(cfunc(321), pyfunc(321)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(321), 321./2) def test_float_to_unsigned(self): pyfunc = float_to_unsigned cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.float32]) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cr.signature.return_type, types.uint32) self.assertEqual(cfunc(-3.21), pyfunc(-3.21)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(-3.21), struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('i', -3))[0]) def test_float_to_complex(self): pyfunc = float_to_complex cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.float64]) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cr.signature.return_type, types.complex128) self.assertEqual(cfunc(-3.21), pyfunc(-3.21)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(-3.21), -3.21 + 0j) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cffi from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba import cffi_support, types from numba.compiler import compile_isolated if cffi_support.SUPPORTED: from cffi import FFI ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef(""" double sin(double x); """) C = ffi.dlopen(None) # loads the entire C namespace c_sin = C.sin def use_cffi_sin(x): return c_sin(x) @unittest.skipIf(not cffi_support.SUPPORTED, "CFFI not supported") class TestCFFI(unittest.TestCase): def test_cffi_sin_function(self): signature = cffi_support.map_type(ffi.typeof(c_sin)) self.assertEqual(len(signature.args), 1) self.assertEqual(signature.args[0], types.double) pyfunc = use_cffi_sin cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.double]) cfunc = cres.entry_point for x in [-1.2, -1, 0, 0.1]: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_complex_array from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.tests import usecases def copy(a, b): for i in range(a.shape[0]): b[i] = a[i] class TestArray(unittest.TestCase): def test_copy_complex64(self): pyfunc = copy carray = types.Array(types.complex64, 1, "C") cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (carray, carray)) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype="complex64") + 1j control = np.zeros_like(a) result = np.zeros_like(a) pyfunc(a, control) cfunc(a, result) self.assertTrue(np.all(control == result)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_conversion from __future__ import print_function import itertools import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types def identity(x): return x def addition(x, y): return x + y def equality(x, y): return x == y class TestConversion(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing Python to Native conversion """ def test_complex_identity(self): pyfunc = identity cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.complex64], return_type=types.complex64) xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)] for x in xs: self.assertEqual(cres.entry_point(x=x), x) cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.complex128], return_type=types.complex128) xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)] for x in xs: self.assertEqual(cres.entry_point(x=x), x) def test_complex_addition(self): pyfunc = addition cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.complex64, types.complex64], return_type=types.complex64) xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)] for x in xs: y = x self.assertEqual(cres.entry_point(x, y), x + y) cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.complex128, types.complex128], return_type=types.complex128) xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)] for x in xs: y = x self.assertEqual(cres.entry_point(x, y), x + y) def test_boolean_as_int(self): pyfunc = equality cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.boolean, types.intp]) cfunc = cres.entry_point xs = True, False ys = -1, 0, 1 for xs, ys in itertools.product(xs, ys): self.assertEqual(pyfunc(xs, ys), cfunc(xs, ys)) def test_boolean_as_float(self): pyfunc = equality cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.boolean, types.float64]) cfunc = cres.entry_point xs = True, False ys = -1, 0, 1 for xs, ys in itertools.product(xs, ys): self.assertEqual(pyfunc(xs, ys), cfunc(xs, ys)) def test_boolean_eq_boolean(self): pyfunc = equality cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.boolean, types.boolean]) cfunc = cres.entry_point xs = True, False ys = True, False for xs, ys in itertools.product(xs, ys): self.assertEqual(pyfunc(xs, ys), cfunc(xs, ys)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_create_arrays from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.tests import usecases enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() def create_array(control): return (np.array([1,2,3]) == control).all() def create_empty_array(control): return (np.array([]) == control).all() def create_arange(control): return (np.arange(10) == control).all() def create_empty(control): my = np.empty(10) return (my.shape == control.shape and my.strides == control.strides and my.dtype == control.dtype) def create_ones(control): return (np.ones(10) == control).all() def create_zeros(control): return (np.zeros(10) == control).all() class TestArray(unittest.TestCase): def test_create_arrays(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = create_array arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point control = np.array([1,2,3]) self.assertTrue(cfunc(control)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_arrays_npm(self): self.test_create_arrays(flags=Noflags) def test_create_empty_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = create_empty_array arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point control = np.array([]) self.assertTrue(cfunc(control)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_empty_array_npm(self): self.test_create_empty_array(flags=Noflags) def test_create_arange(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = create_arange arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point control = np.arange(10) self.assertTrue(cfunc(control)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_arange_npm(self): self.test_create_arange(flags=Noflags) def test_create_empty(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = create_empty arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point control = np.empty(10) self.assertTrue(cfunc(control)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_empty_npm(self): self.test_create_empty(flags=Noflags) def test_create_ones(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = create_ones arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point control = np.ones(10) self.assertTrue(cfunc(control)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_ones_npm(self): self.test_create_ones(flags=Noflags) def test_create_zeros(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = create_zeros arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point control = np.zeros(10) self.assertTrue(cfunc(control)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_zeros_npm(self): self.test_create_zeros(flags=Noflags) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ctypes from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from ctypes import * import sys from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types is_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win32') if not is_windows: proc = CDLL(None) c_sin = proc.sin c_sin.argtypes = [c_double] c_sin.restype = c_double def use_c_sin(x): return c_sin(x) ctype_wrapping = CFUNCTYPE(c_double, c_double)(use_c_sin) def use_ctype_wrapping(x): return ctype_wrapping(x) savethread = pythonapi.PyEval_SaveThread savethread.argtypes = [] savethread.restype = c_void_p restorethread = pythonapi.PyEval_RestoreThread restorethread.argtypes = [c_void_p] restorethread.restype = None def use_c_pointer(x): """ Running in Python will cause a segfault. """ threadstate = savethread() x += 1 restorethread(threadstate) return x @unittest.skipIf(is_windows, "Test not supported on windows") class TestCTypes(unittest.TestCase): def test_c_sin(self): pyfunc = use_c_sin cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.double]) cfunc = cres.entry_point x = 3.14 self.assertEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x)) def test_ctype_wrapping(self): pyfunc = use_ctype_wrapping cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.double]) cfunc = cres.entry_point x = 3.14 self.assertEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x)) def test_ctype_voidptr(self): pyfunc = use_c_pointer # pyfunc will segfault if called cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.int32]) cfunc = cres.entry_point x = 123 self.assertTrue(cfunc(x), x + 1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_dataflow from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types force_pyobj_flags = Flags() force_pyobj_flags.set("force_pyobject") def assignments(a): b = c = str(a) return b + c def assignments2(a): b = c = d = str(a) return b + c + d class TestDataFlow(unittest.TestCase): def test_assignments(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = assignments cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1, 0, 1]: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x)) def test_assignments2(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = assignments2 cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x in [-1, 0, 1]: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x)) if flags is force_pyobj_flags: cfunc("a") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_deprecations from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import warnings from numba import jit, autojit, vectorize import numba.unittest_support as unittest def dummy(): pass def stub_vec(a): return a class TestDeprecation(unittest.TestCase): def test_autojit(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") autojit(dummy) self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_dispatcher from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.special import typeof from numba import vectorize, types, jit import numpy def dummy(x): return x class TestDispatcher(unittest.TestCase): def test_typeof(self): self.assertEqual(typeof(numpy.int8(1)), types.int8) self.assertEqual(typeof(numpy.uint16(1)), types.uint16) self.assertEqual(typeof(numpy.float64(1)), types.float64) self.assertEqual(typeof(numpy.complex128(1)), types.complex128) def test_numba_interface(self): """ Check that vectorize can accept a decorated object. """ vectorize('f8(f8)')(jit(dummy)) def test_no_argument(self): @jit def foo(): return 1 # Just make sure this doesn't crash foo() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_dummyarray from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import itertools import numpy as np from numba.dummyarray import Array class TestSlicing(unittest.TestCase): def assertSameContig(self, arr, nparr): attrs = 'C_CONTIGUOUS', 'F_CONTIGUOUS' for attr in attrs: if arr.flags[attr] != nparr.flags[attr]: if arr.size == 0 and nparr.size == 0: # numpy <=1.7 bug that some empty array are contiguous and # some are not pass else:"contiguous flag mismatch:\ngot=%s\nexpect=%s" % (arr.flags, nparr.flags)) #### 1D def test_slice0_1d(self): nparr = np.empty(4) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) self.assertSameContig(arr, nparr) xx = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for x in xx: expect = nparr[x:] got = arr[x:] self.assertSameContig(got, expect) self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) def test_slice1_1d(self): nparr = np.empty(4) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) xx = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for x in xx: expect = nparr[:x] got = arr[:x] self.assertSameContig(got, expect) self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) def test_slice2_1d(self): nparr = np.empty(4) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) xx = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for x, y in itertools.product(xx, xx): expect = nparr[x:y] got = arr[x:y] self.assertSameContig(got, expect) self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) #### 2D def test_slice0_2d(self): nparr = np.empty((4, 5)) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) xx = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for x in xx: expect = nparr[x:] got = arr[x:] self.assertSameContig(got, expect) self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) for x, y in itertools.product(xx, xx): expect = nparr[x:, y:] got = arr[x:, y:] self.assertSameContig(got, expect) self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) def test_slice1_2d(self): nparr = np.empty((4, 5)) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) xx = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for x in xx: expect = nparr[:x] got = arr[:x] self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) self.assertSameContig(got, expect) for x, y in itertools.product(xx, xx): expect = nparr[:x, :y] got = arr[:x, :y] self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) self.assertSameContig(got, expect) def test_slice2_2d(self): nparr = np.empty((4, 5)) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) xx = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for s, t, u, v in itertools.product(xx, xx, xx, xx): expect = nparr[s:t, u:v] got = arr[s:t, u:v] self.assertSameContig(got, expect) self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) for x, y in itertools.product(xx, xx): expect = nparr[s:t, u:v] got = arr[s:t, u:v] self.assertSameContig(got, expect) self.assertEqual(got.shape, expect.shape) self.assertEqual(got.strides, expect.strides) class TestExtent(unittest.TestCase): def test_extent_1d(self): nparr = np.empty(4) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) s, e = arr.extent self.assertEqual(e - s, nparr.size * nparr.dtype.itemsize) def test_extent_2d(self): nparr = np.empty((4, 5)) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) s, e = arr.extent self.assertEqual(e - s, nparr.size * nparr.dtype.itemsize) def test_extent_iter_1d(self): nparr = np.empty(4) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) [ext] = list(arr.iter_contiguous_extent()) self.assertEqual(ext, arr.extent) def test_extent_iter_2d(self): nparr = np.empty((4, 5)) arr = Array.from_desc(0, nparr.shape, nparr.strides, nparr.dtype.itemsize) [ext] = list(arr.iter_contiguous_extent()) self.assertEqual(ext, arr.extent) self.assertEqual(len(list(arr[::2].iter_contiguous_extent())), 2) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_flow_control from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types import itertools enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() def for_loop_usecase1(x, y): result = 0 for i in range(x): result += i return result def for_loop_usecase2(x, y): result = 0 for i, j in enumerate(range(x, y, -1)): result += i * j return result def for_loop_usecase3(x, y): result = 0 for i in [x,y]: result += i return result def for_loop_usecase4(x, y): result = 0 for i in range(10): for j in range(10): result += 1 return result def for_loop_usecase5(x, y): result = 0 for i in range(x): result += 1 if result > y: break return result def for_loop_usecase6(x, y): result = 0 for i in range(x): if i > y: continue result += 1 return result def for_loop_usecase7(x, y): for i in range(x): x = 0 for j in range(x): return 1 else: pass return 0 def for_loop_usecase8(x, y): result = 0 for i in range(x, y, y - x + 1): result += 1 return result def for_loop_usecase9(x, y): z = 0 for i in range(x): x = 0 for j in range(x): if j == x / 2: z += j break else: z += y return z def while_loop_usecase1(x, y): result = 0 i = 0 while i < x: result += i i += 1 return result def while_loop_usecase2(x, y): result = 0 while result != x: result += 1 return result def while_loop_usecase3(x, y): result = 0 i = 0 j = 0 while i < x: while j < y: result += i + j i += 1 j += 1 return result def while_loop_usecase4(x, y): result = 0 while True: result += 1 if result > x: break return result def while_loop_usecase5(x, y): result = 0 while result < x: if result > y: result += 2 continue result += 1 return result def ifelse_usecase1(x, y): if x > 0: pass elif y > 0: pass else: pass return True def ifelse_usecase2(x, y): if x > y: return 1 elif x == 0 or y == 0: return 2 else: return 3 def ifelse_usecase3(x, y): if x > 0: if y > 0: return 1 elif y < 0: return 1 else: return 0 elif x < 0: return 1 else: return 0 def ifelse_usecase4(x, y): if x == y: return 1 def ternary_ifelse_usecase1(x, y): return True if x > y else False class TestFlowControl(unittest.TestCase): def run_test(self, pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): pyerr = None cerr = None try: pyres = pyfunc(x, y) except Exception as e: print("note: ", pyfunc, (x, y), "raises exception: %s" % e) pyerr = e try: cres = cfunc(x, y) except Exception as e: print("note: ", cfunc, (x, y), "raises exception: %s" % e) if pyerr is None: raise cerr = e else: if pyerr is not None:"Invalid for pure-python but numba works\n" + pyerr) self.assertEqual(pyres, cres) def test_for_loop1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(for_loop_usecase1, [-10, 0, 10], [0], flags=flags) def test_for_loop1_npm(self): self.test_for_loop1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_for_loop2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): """ TODO handle enumerate """ self.run_test(for_loop_usecase2, [-10, 0, 10], [-10, 0, 10], flags=flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_for_loop2_npm(self): self.test_for_loop2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_for_loop3(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): """ List requires pyobject """ self.run_test(for_loop_usecase3, [1], [2], flags=flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_for_loop3_npm(self): self.test_for_loop3(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_for_loop4(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(for_loop_usecase4, [10], [10], flags=flags) def test_for_loop4_npm(self): self.test_for_loop4(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_for_loop5(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(for_loop_usecase5, [100], [50], flags=flags) def test_for_loop5_npm(self): self.test_for_loop5(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_for_loop6(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(for_loop_usecase6, [100], [50], flags=flags) def test_for_loop6_npm(self): self.test_for_loop6(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_for_loop7(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(for_loop_usecase7, [5], [0], flags=flags) def test_for_loop7_npm(self): self.test_for_loop7(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_for_loop8(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(for_loop_usecase8, [0, 1], [0, 2, 10], flags=flags) def test_for_loop9(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(for_loop_usecase9, [0, 1], [0, 2, 10], flags=flags) def test_for_loop8_npm(self): self.test_for_loop8(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_while_loop1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(while_loop_usecase1, [10], [0], flags=flags) def test_while_loop1_npm(self): self.test_while_loop1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_while_loop2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(while_loop_usecase2, [10], [0], flags=flags) def test_while_loop2_npm(self): self.test_while_loop2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_while_loop3(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(while_loop_usecase3, [10], [10], flags=flags) def test_while_loop3_npm(self): self.test_while_loop3(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_while_loop4(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(while_loop_usecase4, [10], [0], flags=flags) def test_while_loop4_npm(self): self.test_while_loop4(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_while_loop5(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(while_loop_usecase5, [0, 5, 10], [0, 5, 10], flags=flags) def test_while_loop5_npm(self): self.test_while_loop5(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ifelse1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(ifelse_usecase1, [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], flags=flags) def test_ifelse1_npm(self): self.test_ifelse1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ifelse2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(ifelse_usecase2, [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], flags=flags) def test_ifelse2_npm(self): self.test_ifelse2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ifelse3(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(ifelse_usecase3, [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], flags=flags) def test_ifelse3_npm(self): self.test_ifelse3(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ifelse4(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(ifelse_usecase4, [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], flags=flags) def test_ifelse4_npm(self): self.test_ifelse4(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ternary_ifelse1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.run_test(ternary_ifelse_usecase1, [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], flags=flags) def test_ternary_ifelse1_npm(self): self.test_ternary_ifelse1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_indexing from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.tests import usecases import decimal enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") Noflags = Flags() def slicing_1d_usecase(a, start, stop, step): return a[start:stop:step] def slicing_1d_usecase2(a, start, stop, step): b = a[start:stop:step] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def slicing_1d_usecase3(a, start, stop): b = a[start:stop] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def slicing_1d_usecase4(a): b = a[:] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def slicing_1d_usecase5(a, start): b = a[start:] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def slicing_1d_usecase6(a, stop): b = a[:stop] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def slicing_2d_usecase(a, start1, stop1, step1, start2, stop2, step2): return a[start1:stop1:step1, start2:stop2:step2] def slicing_2d_usecase2(a, start1, stop1, step1, start2, stop2, step2): b = a[start1:stop1:step1, start2:stop2:step2] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): for j in range(b.shape[1]): total += b[i, j] * (i + j + 1) return total def slicing_2d_usecase3(a, start1, stop1, step1, index): b = a[start1:stop1:step1, index] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def slicing_3d_usecase(a, index0, start1, index2): b = a[index0, start1:, index2] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def slicing_3d_usecase2(a, index0, stop1, index2): b = a[index0, :stop1, index2] total = 0 for i in range(b.shape[0]): total += b[i] * (i + 1) return total def integer_indexing_1d_usecase(a, i): return a[i] def integer_indexing_2d_usecase(a, i1, i2): return a[i1,i2] def ellipse_usecase(a): return a[...,0] def none_index_usecase(a): return a[None] def fancy_index_usecase(a, index): return a[index] def boolean_indexing_usecase(a, mask): return a[mask] class TestIndexing(unittest.TestCase): def test_1d_slicing(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = slicing_1d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4') self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, 1) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 2, 3, 1) == cfunc(a, 2, 3, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 10, 0, 1) == cfunc(a, 10, 0, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, -1) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, -1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, 2) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, 2)).all()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_1d_slicing_npm(self): """ Return of arbitrary array is not supported yet """ self.test_1d_slicing(flags=Noflags) def test_1d_slicing2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = slicing_1d_usecase2 arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4') args = [(0, 10, 1), (2, 3, 1), (10, 0, 1), (0, 10, -1), (0, 10, 2)] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) # Any arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'A') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(20, dtype='i4')[::2] self.assertFalse(a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertFalse(a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) args = [(0, 10, 1), (2, 3, 1), (10, 0, 1), (0, 10, -1), (0, 10, 2)] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) def test_1d_slicing2_npm(self): self.test_1d_slicing2(flags=Noflags) def test_1d_slicing3(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = slicing_1d_usecase3 arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4') args = [(3, 10), (2, 3), (10, 0), (0, 10), (5, 10)] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) # Any arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'A') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(20, dtype='i4')[::2] self.assertFalse(a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertFalse(a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) def test_1d_slicing3_npm(self): self.test_1d_slicing3(flags=Noflags) def test_1d_slicing4(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = slicing_1d_usecase4 arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') argtys = (arraytype,) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4') self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a), cfunc(a)) # Any arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'A') argtys = (arraytype,) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(20, dtype='i4')[::2] self.assertFalse(a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertFalse(a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a), cfunc(a)) def test_1d_slicing4_npm(self): self.test_1d_slicing4(flags=Noflags) def test_1d_slicing5(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = slicing_1d_usecase5 arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4') args = [3, 2, 10, 0, 5] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, arg), cfunc(a, arg)) # Any arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'A') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(20, dtype='i4')[::2] self.assertFalse(a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertFalse(a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, arg), cfunc(a, arg)) def test_1d_slicing5_npm(self): self.test_1d_slicing5(flags=Noflags) def test_2d_slicing(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = slicing_1d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, 1) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 2, 3, 1) == cfunc(a, 2, 3, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 10, 0, 1) == cfunc(a, 10, 0, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, -1) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, -1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, 2) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, 2)).all()) pyfunc = slicing_2d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, 1, 0, 10, 1) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, 1, 0, 10, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1) == cfunc(a, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 10, 0, 1, 10, 0, 1) == cfunc(a, 10, 0, 1, 10, 0, 1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, -1, 0, 10, -1) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, -1, 0, 10, -1)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0, 10, 2, 0, 10, 2) == cfunc(a, 0, 10, 2, 0, 10, 2)).all()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_2d_slicing_npm(self): self.test_2d_slicing(flags=Noflags) def test_2d_slicing2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): # C layout pyfunc = slicing_2d_usecase2 arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) args = [ (0, 10, 1, 0, 10, 1), (2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1), (10, 0, 1, 10, 0, 1), (0, 10, -1, 0, 10, -1), (0, 10, 2, 0, 10, 2), ] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) # Any layout arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'A') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(400, dtype='i4').reshape(20, 20)[::2, ::2] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) def test_2d_slicing2_npm(self): self.test_2d_slicing2(flags=Noflags) def test_2d_slicing3(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): # C layout pyfunc = slicing_2d_usecase3 arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) args = [ (0, 10, 1, 0), (2, 3, 1, 2), (10, 0, 1, 9), (0, 10, -1, 0), (0, 10, 2, 4), ] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) # Any layout arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'A') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(400, dtype='i4').reshape(20, 20)[::2, ::2] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) def test_2d_slicing3_npm(self): self.test_2d_slicing3(flags=Noflags) def test_3d_slicing(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): # C layout pyfunc = slicing_3d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 3, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(1000, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10, 10) args = [ (0, 9, 1), (2, 3, 1), (9, 0, 1), (0, 9, -1), (0, 9, 2), ] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) # Any layout arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 3, 'A') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(2000, dtype='i4')[::2].reshape(10, 10, 10) for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) def test_3d_slicing_npm(self): self.test_3d_slicing(flags=Noflags) def test_3d_slicing2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): # C layout pyfunc = slicing_3d_usecase2 arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 3, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(1000, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10, 10) args = [ (0, 9, 1), (2, 3, 1), (9, 0, 1), (0, 9, -1), (0, 9, 2), ] for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) # Any layout arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 3, 'A') argtys = (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(2000, dtype='i4')[::2].reshape(10, 10, 10) for arg in args: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, *arg), cfunc(a, *arg)) def test_3d_slicing2_npm(self): self.test_3d_slicing2(flags=Noflags) def test_1d_integer_indexing(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): # C layout pyfunc = integer_indexing_1d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4') self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 0), cfunc(a, 0)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 9), cfunc(a, 9)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, -1), cfunc(a, -1)) # Any layout arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'A') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4')[::2] self.assertFalse(a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertFalse(a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 0), cfunc(a, 0)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 2), cfunc(a, 2)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, -1), cfunc(a, -1)) def test_1d_integer_indexing_npm(self): self.test_1d_integer_indexing(flags=Noflags) def test_integer_indexing_1d_for_2d(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = integer_indexing_1d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 0) == cfunc(a, 0)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, 9) == cfunc(a, 9)).all()) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, -1) == cfunc(a, -1)).all()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_integer_indexing_1d_for_2d(self): self.test_integer_indexing_1d_for_2d(flags=Noflags) def test_2d_integer_indexing(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): # C layout a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) pyfunc = integer_indexing_2d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 0, 0), cfunc(a, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 9, 9), cfunc(a, 9, 9)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, -1, -1), cfunc(a, -1, -1)) # Any layout a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10)[::2, ::2] self.assertFalse(a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']) self.assertFalse(a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) pyfunc = integer_indexing_2d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'A') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, types.int32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 0, 0), cfunc(a, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 2, 2), cfunc(a, 2, 2)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, -1, -1), cfunc(a, -1, -1)) def test_2d_integer_indexing_npm(self): self.test_2d_integer_indexing(flags=Noflags) def test_2d_float_indexing(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) pyfunc = integer_indexing_2d_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, types.float32, types.int32), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 0, 0), cfunc(a, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, 9, 9), cfunc(a, 9, 9)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, -1, -1), cfunc(a, -1, -1)) def test_2d_float_indexing_npm(self): self.test_2d_float_indexing(flags=Noflags) def test_ellipse(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = ellipse_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') # TODO should be enable to handle this in NoPython mode cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a) == cfunc(a)).all()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_ellipse_npm(self): self.test_ellipse(flags=Noflags) def test_none_index(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = none_index_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') # TODO should be enable to handle this in NoPython mode cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a) == cfunc(a)).all()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_none_index_npm(self): self.test_none_index(flags=Noflags) def test_fancy_index(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = fancy_index_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') indextype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, indextype), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) index = np.array([], dtype='i4') self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, index) == cfunc(a, index)).all()) index = np.array([0], dtype='i4') self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, index) == cfunc(a, index)).all()) index = np.array([1,2], dtype='i4') self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, index) == cfunc(a, index)).all()) index = np.array([-1], dtype='i4') self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, index) == cfunc(a, index)).all()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_fancy_index_npm(self): self.test_fancy_index(flags=Noflags) def test_boolean_indexing(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = boolean_indexing_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') masktype = types.Array(types.boolean, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, masktype), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) mask = np.array([True, False, True]) self.assertTrue((pyfunc(a, mask) == cfunc(a, mask)).all()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_boolean_indexing_npm(self): self.test_boolean_indexing(flags=Noflags) def test_conversion_setitem(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): """ this used to work, and was used in one of the tutorials """ from numba import jit def pyfunc(array): for index in range(len(array)): array[index] = index % decimal.Decimal(100) cfunc = jit("void(i8[:])")(pyfunc) udt = np.arange(100, dtype='i1') control = udt.copy() pyfunc(control) cfunc(udt) self.assertTrue((udt == control).all()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_interproc from __future__ import print_function from numba import jit, int32 from numba import unittest_support as unittest def foo(a, b): return a + b def bar(a, b): return cfoo(a, b) + b @jit def inner(x, y): return x + y @jit(nopython=True) def outer(x, y): return inner(x, y) class TestInterProc(unittest.TestCase): def test_bar_call_foo(self): global cfoo cfoo = jit((int32, int32), nopython=True)(foo) cbar = jit((int32, int32), nopython=True)(bar) self.assertTrue(cbar(1, 2), 1 + 2 + 2) def test_callsite_compilation(self): self.assertEqual(outer(1, 2), 1 + 2) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ir from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba import ir class TestIR(unittest.TestCase): def test_IRScope(self): filename = "<?>" top = ir.Scope(parent=None, loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=1)) local = ir.Scope(parent=top, loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=2)) apple = local.define('apple', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=3)) self.assertTrue(local.get('apple') is apple) self.assertEqual(len(local.localvars), 1) orange = top.define('orange', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=4)) self.assertEqual(len(local.localvars), 1) self.assertEqual(len(top.localvars), 1) self.assertTrue(top.get('orange') is orange) self.assertTrue(local.get('orange') is orange) more_orange = local.define('orange', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=5)) self.assertTrue(top.get('orange') is orange) self.assertTrue(local.get('orange') is not orange) self.assertTrue(local.get('orange') is more_orange) try: bad_orange = local.define('orange', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=5)) except ir.RedefinedError: pass else:"Expecting an %s" % ir.RedefinedError) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_jitclasses import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba import types, typing, compiler, utils from numba.targets.cpu import CPUContext class Car(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def move(self, x): self.value += x def use_car_value(car): return car.value def use_car_move(car, x): car.move(x) return car.value class TestJITClasses(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): move_signature = typing.signature(types.none, types.int32, recvr=types.Object(Car)) carattrs = { "value": types.int32, "move" : typing.new_method(Car.move, move_signature), } self.carattrs = carattrs def test_use_car_value(self): tyctx = typing.Context() tyctx.insert_class(Car, self.carattrs) cgctx = CPUContext(tyctx) cgctx.insert_class(Car, self.carattrs) car_object = types.Object(Car) argtys = (car_object,) flags = compiler.Flags() cr = compiler.compile_extra(tyctx, cgctx, use_car_value, args=argtys, return_type=None, flags=flags, locals={}) func = cr.entry_point if cr.typing_error: raise cr.typing_error car = Car(value=123) self.assertEqual(use_car_value(car), func(car)) def bm_python(): use_car_value(car) def bm_numba(): func(car) python = utils.benchmark(bm_python, maxsec=.1) numba = utils.benchmark(bm_numba, maxsec=.1) print(python) print(numba) def test_use_car_move(self): tyctx = typing.Context() tyctx.insert_class(Car, self.carattrs) cgctx = CPUContext(tyctx) cgctx.insert_class(Car, self.carattrs) car_object = types.Object(Car) argtys = (car_object, types.int32) flags = compiler.Flags() cr = compiler.compile_extra(tyctx, cgctx, use_car_move, args=argtys, return_type=None, flags=flags, locals={}) func = cr.entry_point if cr.typing_error: raise cr.typing_error car1 = Car(value=123) car2 = Car(value=123) self.assertEqual(use_car_move(car1, 321), func(car2, 321)) def bm_python(): use_car_move(car1, 321) def bm_numba(): func(car2, 321) python = utils.benchmark(bm_python, maxsec=.1) numba = utils.benchmark(bm_numba, maxsec=.1) print(python) print(numba) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_lists from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.tests import usecases import math import numpy as np enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") force_pyobj_flags = Flags() force_pyobj_flags.set("force_pyobject") def identity_func(l): return l def create_list(x, y, z): return [x, y, z] def create_nested_list(x, y, z, a, b, c): return [[x, y, z], [a, b, c]] def get_list_item(l, i): return l[i] def get_list_slice(l, start, stop, step): return l[start:stop:step] def set_list_item(l, i, x): l[i] = x return l def set_list_slice(l, start, stop, step, x): l[start:stop:step] = x return l def get_list_len(l): return len(l) def list_comprehension1(): return sum([x**2 for x in range(10)]) def list_comprehension2(): return sum([x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]) def list_comprehension3(): return sum([math.pow(x, 2) for x in range(10)]) def list_comprehension4(): return sum([x * y for x in range(10) for y in range(10)]) def list_append(l, x): l.append(x) return l def list_extend(l1, l2): l1.extend(l2) return l1 def list_insert(l, i, x): l.insert(i, x) return l def list_remove(l, x): l.remove(x) return l def list_pop(l): l.pop() return l def list_index(l, x): return l.index(x) def list_count(l, x): return l.count(x) def list_sort(l): l.sort() return l def list_reverse(l): l.reverse() return l class TestLists(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.expectedFailure def test_identity_func(self): pyfunc = identity_func cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'),)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l), pyfunc(l)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_list(self): pyfunc = create_list cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cfunc(1, 2, 3), pyfunc(1, 2, 3)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_create_nested_list(self): pyfunc = create_nested_list cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cfunc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), pyfunc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_get_list_item(self): pyfunc = get_list_item cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cfunc(1,2,3), pyfunc(1,2,3)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_get_list_slice(self): pyfunc = get_list_slice cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32, types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 0, 10, 2), pyfunc(l, 0, 10, 2)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_set_list_item(self): pyfunc = set_list_item cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 0, 999), pyfunc(l, 0, 999)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_set_list_slice(self): pyfunc = set_list_slice cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) x = [999, 999, 999, 999, 999] self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 0, 10, 2, x), pyfunc(l, 0, 10, 2, x)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_get_list_len(self): pyfunc = get_list_len cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'),)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l), pyfunc(l)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_comprehension(self): list_tests = [list_comprehension1, list_comprehension2, list_comprehension3, list_comprehension3] for test in list_tests: pyfunc = test cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, ()) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(cfunc(), pyfunc()) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_append(self): pyfunc = list_append cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 10), pyfunc(l, 10)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_extend(self): pyfunc = list_extend cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.Dummy('list'))) cfunc = cr.entry_point l1 = range(10) l2 = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l1, l2), pyfunc(l1, l2)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_insert(self): pyfunc = list_insert cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 0, 999), pyfunc(l, 0, 999)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_remove(self): pyfunc = list_remove cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 1), pyfunc(l, 1)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_pop(self): pyfunc = list_pop cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'),)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l), pyfunc(l)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_index(self): pyfunc = list_index cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 1), pyfunc(l, 1)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_count(self): pyfunc = list_count cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'), types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = [1,1,2,1] self.assertEqual(cfunc(l, 1), pyfunc(l, 1)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_sort(self): pyfunc = list_sort cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'),)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = np.random.randint(10, size=10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l), pyfunc(l)) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_list_reverse(self): pyfunc = list_reverse cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Dummy('list'),)) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = range(10) self.assertEqual(cfunc(l), pyfunc(l)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(buffer=True) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_locals from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import jit, float32 from numba import unittest_support as unittest def foo(): x = 123 return x class TestLocals(unittest.TestCase): def test_seed_types(self): cfoo = jit((), locals={'x': float32})(foo) cres = list(cfoo.overloads.values())[0] self.assertEqual(cres.signature.return_type, float32) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_loopdetection from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba import bytecode, interpreter from . import usecases def interpret(func): bc = bytecode.ByteCode(func=func) print(bc.dump()) interp = interpreter.Interpreter(bytecode=bc) interp.interpret() interp.dump() for syn in interp.syntax_info: print(syn) interp.verify() return interp class TestLoopDetection(unittest.TestCase): def test_sum1d(self): interp = interpret(usecases.sum1d) self.assertTrue(len(interp.syntax_info) == 1) def test_sum2d(self): interp = interpret(usecases.sum2d) self.assertTrue(len(interp.syntax_info) == 2) def test_while_count(self): interp = interpret(usecases.while_count) self.assertTrue(len(interp.syntax_info) == 1) def test_copy_arrays(self): interp = interpret(usecases.copy_arrays) self.assertTrue(len(interp.syntax_info) == 1) def test_andor(self): interp = interpret(usecases.andor) self.assertTrue(len(interp.syntax_info) == 0) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_looplifting from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba import jit def lift1(x): a = np.empty(3) for i in range(a.size): a[i] = x return a def lift2(x): a = np.empty((3, 4)) for i in range(a.shape[0]): for j in range(a.shape[1]): a[i, j] = x return a def reject1(x): a = np.arange(4) for i in range(a.shape[0]): return a return a class TestLoopLifting(unittest.TestCase): def test_lift1(self): compiled = jit(lift1) x = 123 expect = lift1(x) got = compiled(x) cres = list(compiled.overloads.values())[0] self.assertTrue(cres.lifted) loopcres = list(cres.lifted[0].overloads.values())[0] self.assertIs(loopcres.typing_error, None) self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == got)) def test_lift2(self): compiled = jit(lift2) x = 123 expect = lift2(x) got = compiled(x) cres = list(compiled.overloads.values())[0] self.assertTrue(cres.lifted) loopcres = list(cres.lifted[0].overloads.values())[0] self.assertIs(loopcres.typing_error, None) self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == got)) def test_reject1(self): compiled = jit(reject1) expect = reject1(1) got = compiled(1) self.assertTrue(np.all(expect == got)) cres = list(compiled.overloads.values())[0] # Does not lift self.assertFalse(cres.lifted) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_mandelbrot from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.tests import usecases enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") force_pyobj_flags = Flags() force_pyobj_flags.set("force_pyobject") def is_in_mandelbrot(c): i = 0 z = 0.0j for i in range(100): z = z ** 2 + c if (z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag) >= 4: return False return True class TestMandelbrot(unittest.TestCase): def test_mandelbrot(self): pyfunc = is_in_mandelbrot cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.complex64,)) cfunc = cr.entry_point points = [0+0j, 1+0j, 0+1j, 1+1j, 0.1+0.1j] for p in points: self.assertEqual(cfunc(p), pyfunc(p)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_mathlib from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import math import numpy as np from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags, utils from numba import types PY27_AND_ABOVE = utils.PYVERSION > (2, 6) enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() def sin(x): return math.sin(x) def cos(x): return math.cos(x) def tan(x): return math.tan(x) def sinh(x): return math.sinh(x) def cosh(x): return math.cosh(x) def tanh(x): return math.tanh(x) def asin(x): return math.asin(x) def acos(x): return math.acos(x) def atan(x): return math.atan(x) def atan2(y, x): return math.atan2(y, x) def asinh(x): return math.asinh(x) def acosh(x): return math.acosh(x) def atanh(x): return math.atanh(x) def sqrt(x): return math.sqrt(x) def npy_sqrt(x): return np.sqrt(x) def exp(x): return math.exp(x) def expm1(x): return math.expm1(x) def log(x): return math.log(x) def log1p(x): return math.log1p(x) def log10(x): return math.log10(x) def floor(x): return math.floor(x) def ceil(x): return math.ceil(x) def trunc(x): return math.trunc(x) def isnan(x): return math.isnan(x) def isinf(x): return math.isinf(x) def hypot(x, y): return math.hypot(x, y) def degrees(x): return math.degrees(x) def radians(x): return math.radians(x) def erf(x): return math.erf(x) def erfc(x): return math.erfc(x) def gamma(x): return math.gamma(x) def lgamma(x): return math.lgamma(x) class TestMathLib(unittest.TestCase): def run_unary(self, pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags=enable_pyobj_flags, places=6): for tx, vx in zip(x_types, x_values): cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [tx], flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertAlmostEqual(cfunc(vx), pyfunc(vx), places=places) def test_sin(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sin x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_sin_npm(self): self.test_sin(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_cos(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = cos x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_cos_npm(self): self.test_cos(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_tan(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = tan x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_tan_npm(self): self.test_tan(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_sqrt(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sqrt x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_sqrt_npm(self): self.test_sqrt(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_npy_sqrt(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = npy_sqrt x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_npy_sqrt_npm(self): self.test_npy_sqrt(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_exp(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = exp x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_exp_npm(self): self.test_exp(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") def test_expm1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = expm1 x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") def test_expm1_npm(self): self.test_expm1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_log(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = log x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 100000, 1000000, 0.1, 1.1] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_log_npm(self): self.test_log(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_log1p(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = log1p x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 100000, 1000000, 0.1, 1.1] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_log1p_npm(self): self.test_log1p(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_log10(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = log10 x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 100000, 1000000, 0.1, 1.1] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_log10_npm(self): self.test_log10(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_asin(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = asin x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_asin_npm(self): self.test_asin(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_acos(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = acos x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_acos_npm(self): self.test_acos(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_atan(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = atan x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_atan_npm(self): self.test_atan(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_atan2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = atan2 x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2] for ty, xy in zip(x_types, x_values): cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (ty, ty), flags=flags) cfunc = cres.entry_point x = xy y = x * 2 self.assertAlmostEqual(pyfunc(x, y), cfunc(x, y)) def test_atan2_npm(self): self.test_atan2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_asinh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = asinh x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_asinh_npm(self): self.test_asinh(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_acosh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = acosh x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_acosh_npm(self): self.test_acosh(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_atanh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = atanh x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_atanh_npm(self): self.test_atanh(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_sinh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sinh x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_sinh_npm(self): self.test_sinh(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_cosh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = cosh x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_cosh_npm(self): self.test_cosh(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_tanh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = tanh x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_tanh_npm(self): self.test_tanh(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_floor(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = floor x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.9] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_floor_npm(self): self.test_floor(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ceil(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = ceil x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.9] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_ceil_npm(self): self.test_ceil(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_trunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = trunc x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.9] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_trunc_npm(self): self.test_trunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_isnan(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = isnan x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float32, types.float64, types.float64] x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float('nan'), 0.0, float('nan'), 0.0] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_isnan_npm(self): self.test_isnan(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_isinf(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = isinf x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float32, types.float64, types.float64] x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float('inf'), 0.0, float('inf'), 0.0] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_isinf_npm(self): self.test_isinf(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_hypot(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = hypot x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .21, .34] for ty, xy in zip(x_types, x_values): x = xy y = xy * 2 cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (ty, ty), flags=flags) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertAlmostEqual(pyfunc(x, y), cfunc(x, y)) def test_hypot_npm(self): self.test_hypot(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_degrees(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = degrees x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, places=5) def test_degrees_npm(self): self.test_degrees(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_radians(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = radians x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) def test_radians_npm(self): self.test_radians(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") def test_erf(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = erf x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_erf_npm(self): self.test_erf(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") def test_erfc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = erfc x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_erfc_npm(self): self.test_erfc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") def test_gamma(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = gamma x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_gamma_npm(self): self.test_gamma(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") def test_lgamma(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = lgamma x_types = [types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64] x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.] self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags) @unittest.skipIf(not PY27_AND_ABOVE, "Only support for 2.7+") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_lgamma_npm(self): self.test_lgamma(flags=no_pyobj_flags) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_maxmin from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types def domax3(a, b, c): return max(a, b, c) def domin3(a, b, c): return min(a, b, c) class TestMaxMin(unittest.TestCase): def test_max3(self): pyfunc = domax3 argtys = (types.int32, types.float32, types.double) cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, b, c), cfunc(a, b, c)) def test_min3(self): pyfunc = domin3 argtys = (types.int32, types.float32, types.double) cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 self.assertEqual(pyfunc(a, b, c), cfunc(a, b, c)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_nan from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() def isnan(x): return x != x def isequal(x): return x == x class TestNaN(unittest.TestCase): def test_nans(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = isnan cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float64,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertTrue(cfunc(float('nan'))) self.assertFalse(cfunc(1.0)) pyfunc = isequal cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float64,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertFalse(cfunc(float('nan'))) self.assertTrue(cfunc(1.0)) def test_nans_npm(self): self.test_nans(flags=no_pyobj_flags) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_numberctor from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types def doint(a): return int(a) def dofloat(a): return float(a) def docomplex(a): return complex(a) def docomplex2(a, b): return complex(a, b) class TestNumberCtor(unittest.TestCase): def test_int(self): pyfunc = doint x_types = [ types.int32, types.int64, types.float32, types.float64 ] x_values = [1, 1000, 12.2, 23.4] for ty, x in zip(x_types, x_values): cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [ty]) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x)) def test_float(self): pyfunc = dofloat x_types = [ types.int32, types.int64, types.float32, types.float64 ] x_values = [1, 1000, 12.2, 23.4] for ty, x in zip(x_types, x_values): cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [ty]) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertAlmostEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x), places=6) def test_complex(self): pyfunc = docomplex x_types = [ types.int32, types.int64, types.float32, types.float64 ] x_values = [1, 1000, 12.2, 23.4] for ty, x in zip(x_types, x_values): cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [ty]) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertAlmostEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x), places=6) def test_complex2(self): pyfunc = docomplex2 x_types = [ types.int32, types.int64, types.float32, types.float64 ] x_values = [1, 1000, 12.2, 23.4] for ty, x in zip(x_types, x_values): cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [ty, ty]) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertAlmostEqual(pyfunc(x, x), cfunc(x, x), places=6) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_numpyadapt from __future__ import print_function from numba.ctypes_support import * import numpy import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba._numpyadapt import get_ndarray_adaptor class ArrayStruct3D(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("data", c_void_p), ("shape", (c_ssize_t * 3)), ("strides", (c_ssize_t * 3)), ("parent", c_void_p), ] class TestArrayAdaptor(unittest.TestCase): def test_array_adaptor(self): arystruct = ArrayStruct3D() adaptorptr = get_ndarray_adaptor() adaptor = PYFUNCTYPE(c_int, py_object, c_void_p)(adaptorptr) ary = numpy.arange(60).reshape(2, 3, 10) status = adaptor(ary, byref(arystruct)) self.assertEqual(status, 0) self.assertEqual(, for i in range(3): self.assertEqual(arystruct.shape[i], ary.ctypes.shape[i]) self.assertEqual(arystruct.strides[i], ary.ctypes.strides[i]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_object_mode """ Testing object mode specifics. """ from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import utils def complex_constant(n): tmp = n + 4 return tmp + 3j forceobj = Flags() forceobj.set("force_pyobject") def loop_nest_3(x, y): n = 0 for i in range(x): for j in range(y): for k in range(x+y): n += i * j return n class TestObjectMode(unittest.TestCase): def test_complex_constant(self): pyfunc = complex_constant cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (), flags=forceobj) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(12), cfunc(12)) def test_loop_nest(self): """ Test bug that decref the iterator early. If the bug occurs, a segfault should occur """ pyfunc = loop_nest_3 cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (), flags=forceobj) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(5, 5), cfunc(5, 5)) def bm_pyfunc(): pyfunc(5, 5) def bm_cfunc(): cfunc(5, 5) print(utils.benchmark(bm_pyfunc)) print(utils.benchmark(bm_cfunc)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_operators from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, typeinfer from numba.config import PYVERSION from numba.tests.true_div_usecase import truediv_usecase import itertools Noflags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") def add_usecase(x, y): return x + y def sub_usecase(x, y): return x - y def mul_usecase(x, y): return x * y def div_usecase(x, y): return x / y def floordiv_usecase(x, y): return x / y def mod_usecase(x, y): return x % y def pow_usecase(x, y): return x ** y def bitshift_left_usecase(x, y): return x << y def bitshift_right_usecase(x, y): return x >> y def bitwise_and_usecase(x, y): return x & y def bitwise_or_usecase(x, y): return x | y def bitwise_xor_usecase(x, y): return x ^ y def bitwise_not_usecase(x, y): return ~x def not_usecase(x): return not(x) def negate_usecase(x): return -x class TestOperators(unittest.TestCase): def run_test_ints(self, pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): for arg_types in types_list: cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, arg_types, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertTrue(np.all(pyfunc(x, y) == cfunc(x, y))) def run_test_floats(self, pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): for arg_types in types_list: cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, arg_types, flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point for x, y in itertools.product(x_operands, y_operands): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(pyfunc(x, y), cfunc(x, y))) def test_add_ints(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = add_usecase x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32), (types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1] y_operands = [0, 1] types_list = [(types.byte, types.byte), (types.uint32, types.uint32), (types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_add_ints_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = add_usecase array = np.arange(-10, 10, dtype=np.int32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_add_ints_npm(self): self.test_add_ints(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_add_ints_array_npm(self): self.test_add_ints_array(flags=Noflags) def test_add_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = add_usecase x_operands = [-1.1, 0.0, 1.1] y_operands = [-1.1, 0.0, 1.1] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_add_floats_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = add_usecase array = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype=np.float32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_add_floats_npm(self): self.test_add_floats(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_add_floats_array_npm(self): self.test_add_floats_array(flags=Noflags) def test_sub_ints(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sub_usecase x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32), (types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) # Unsigned version will overflow and wraparound x_operands = [1, 2] y_operands = [0, 1] types_list = [(types.byte, types.byte), (types.uint32, types.uint32), (types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_sub_ints_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sub_usecase array = np.arange(-10, 10, dtype=np.int32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_sub_ints_npm(self): self.test_sub_ints(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_sub_ints_array_npm(self): self.test_sub_ints_array(flags=Noflags) def test_sub_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sub_usecase x_operands = [-1.1, 0.0, 1.1] y_operands = [-1.1, 0.0, 1.1] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_sub_floats_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sub_usecase array = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype=np.float32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_sub_floats_npm(self): self.test_sub_floats(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_sub_floats_array_npm(self): self.test_sub_floats_array(flags=Noflags) def test_mul_ints(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mul_usecase x_operands = [-1, 0, 1] y_operands = [-1, 0, 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32), (types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1] y_operands = [0, 1] types_list = [(types.byte, types.byte), (types.uint32, types.uint32), (types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mul_ints_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mul_usecase array = np.arange(-10, 10, dtype=np.int32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mul_ints_npm(self): self.test_mul_ints(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_mul_ints_array_npm(self): self.test_mul_ints_array(flags=Noflags) def test_mul_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mul_usecase x_operands = [-111.111, 0.0, 111.111] y_operands = [-111.111, 0.0, 111.111] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mul_floats_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mul_usecase array = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype=np.float32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mul_floats_npm(self): self.test_mul_floats(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_mul_floats_array_npm(self): self.test_mul_floats_array(flags=Noflags) def test_div_ints(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): if PYVERSION >= (3, 0): # Due to true division returning float tester = self.run_test_floats else: tester = self.run_test_ints pyfunc = div_usecase x_operands = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3] y_operands = [-3, -2, -1, 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32), (types.int64, types.int64)] tester(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1, 2, 3] y_operands = [1, 2, 3] types_list = [(types.byte, types.byte), (types.uint32, types.uint32), (types.uint64, types.uint64)] tester(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_div_ints_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = div_usecase array = np.array([-10, -9, -2, -1, 1, 2, 9, 10], dtype=np.int32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_div_ints_npm(self): self.test_div_ints(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_div_ints_array_npm(self): self.test_div_ints_array(flags=Noflags) def test_div_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = div_usecase x_operands = [-111.111, 0.0, 2.2] y_operands = [-2.2, 1.0, 111.111] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_div_floats_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = div_usecase array = np.concatenate((np.arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(-1.0, 0.0, 0.1, dtype=np.float32))) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_div_floats_npm(self): self.test_div_floats(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_div_floats_array_npm(self): self.test_div_floats_array(flags=Noflags) def test_truediv_ints(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = truediv_usecase x_operands = [0, 1, 2, 3] y_operands = [1, 1, 2, 3] types_list = [(types.uint32, types.uint32), (types.uint64, types.uint64), (types.int32, types.int32), (types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_truediv_ints_npm(self): self.test_truediv_ints(flags=Noflags) def test_truediv_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = truediv_usecase x_operands = [-111.111, 0.0, 2.2] y_operands = [-2.2, 1.0, 111.111] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_truediv_floats_npm(self): self.test_truediv_floats(flags=Noflags) def test_floordiv_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = floordiv_usecase x_operands = [-111.111, 0.0, 2.2] y_operands = [-2.2, 1.0, 111.111] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_floordiv_floats_npm(self): self.test_floordiv_floats(flags=Noflags) def test_mod_ints(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mod_usecase x_operands = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3] y_operands = [-3, -2, -1, 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32), (types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1, 2, 3] y_operands = [1, 2, 3] types_list = [(types.byte, types.byte), (types.uint32, types.uint32), (types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mod_ints_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mod_usecase array = np.concatenate((np.arange(1, 11, dtype=np.int32), np.arange(-10, 0, dtype=np.int32))) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mod_ints_npm(self): self.test_mod_ints(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_mod_ints_array_npm(self): self.test_mod_ints_array(flags=Noflags) def test_mod_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mod_usecase x_operands = [-111.111, 0.0, 2.2] y_operands = [-2.2, 1.0, 111.111] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mod_floats_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mod_usecase array = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype=np.float32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mod_floats_npm(self): self.test_mod_floats(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_mod_floats_array_npm(self): self.test_mod_floats_array(flags=Noflags) def test_pow_ints(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = pow_usecase x_operands = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] y_operands = [0, 1, 2] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32), (types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1, 2] y_operands = [0, 1, 2] types_list = [(types.byte, types.byte), (types.uint32, types.uint32), (types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_pow_ints_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = pow_usecase array = np.arange(-10, 10, dtype=np.int32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_pow_ints_npm(self): self.test_pow_ints(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_pow_ints_array_npm(self): self.test_pow_ints_array(flags=Noflags) def test_pow_floats(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = pow_usecase x_operands = [-222.222, -111.111, 111.111, 222.222] y_operands = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0.0] y_operands = [0, 1, 2] # TODO native handling of 0 ** negative power types_list = [(types.float32, types.float32), (types.float64, types.float64)] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_pow_floats_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = pow_usecase # NOTE # If x is finite negative and y is finite but not an integer, # it causes a domain error array = np.arange(0.1, 1, 0.1, dtype=np.float32) x_operands = [array] y_operands = [array] arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_array = np.arange(-1, 0.1, 0.1, dtype=np.float32) y_array = np.arange(len(x_array), dtype=np.float32) x_operands = [x_array] y_operands = [y_array] arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') types_list = [(arraytype, arraytype)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_pow_floats_npm(self): self.test_pow_floats(flags=Noflags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_pow_floats_array_npm(self): self.test_pow_floats_array(flags=Noflags) def test_add_complex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = add_usecase x_operands = [1+0j, 1j, -1-1j] y_operands = x_operands types_list = [(types.complex64, types.complex64), (types.complex128, types.complex128),] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_add_complex_npm(self): self.test_add_complex(flags=Noflags) def test_sub_complex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = sub_usecase x_operands = [1+0j, 1j, -1-1j] y_operands = [1, 2, 3] types_list = [(types.complex64, types.complex64), (types.complex128, types.complex128),] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_sub_complex_npm(self): self.test_sub_complex(flags=Noflags) def test_mul_complex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mul_usecase x_operands = [1+0j, 1j, -1-1j] y_operands = [1, 2, 3] types_list = [(types.complex64, types.complex64), (types.complex128, types.complex128),] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_mul_complex_npm(self): self.test_mul_complex(flags=Noflags) def test_div_complex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = div_usecase x_operands = [1+0j, 1j, -1-1j] y_operands = [1, 2, 3] types_list = [(types.complex64, types.complex64), (types.complex128, types.complex128),] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_div_complex_npm(self): self.test_div_complex(flags=Noflags) def test_truediv_complex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = truediv_usecase x_operands = [1+0j, 1j, -1-1j] y_operands = [1, 2, 3] types_list = [(types.complex64, types.complex64), (types.complex128, types.complex128),] self.run_test_floats(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_truediv_complex_npm(self): self.test_truediv_complex(flags=Noflags) def test_mod_complex(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = mod_usecase try: cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.complex64, types.complex64)) except typeinfer.TypingError as e: e.msg.startswith("Undeclared %(complex64, complex64)") else:"Complex % should trigger an undeclared error") def test_mod_complex_npm(self): self.test_mod_complex(flags=Noflags) def test_bitshift_left(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bitshift_left_usecase x_operands = [0, 1] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31] types_list = [(types.uint32, types.uint32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 63] types_list = [(types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, -1] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, -1] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 63] types_list = [(types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_bitshift_left_npm(self): self.test_bitshift_left(flags=Noflags) def test_bitshift_right(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bitshift_right_usecase x_operands = [0, 1, 2**32 - 1] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31] types_list = [(types.uint32, types.uint32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1, 2**64 - 1] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 63] types_list = [(types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, 1, -(2**31)] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = [0, -1, -(2**31)] y_operands = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 63] types_list = [(types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_bitshift_right_npm(self): self.test_bitshift_right(flags=Noflags) def test_bitwise_and(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bitwise_and_usecase x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**32 - 1] y_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**32 - 1] types_list = [(types.uint32, types.uint32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**64 - 1] y_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**64 - 1] types_list = [(types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**31), 2**31 - 1] y_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**31), 2**31 - 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] y_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] types_list = [(types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_bitwise_and_npm(self): self.test_bitwise_and(flags=Noflags) def test_bitwise_or(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bitwise_or_usecase x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**32 - 1] y_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**32 - 1] types_list = [(types.uint32, types.uint32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**64 - 1] y_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**64 - 1] types_list = [(types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**31), 2**31 - 1] y_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**31), 2**31 - 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] y_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] types_list = [(types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_bitwise_or_npm(self): self.test_bitwise_or(flags=Noflags) def test_bitwise_xor(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bitwise_xor_usecase x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**32 - 1] y_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**32 - 1] types_list = [(types.uint32, types.uint32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**64 - 1] y_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**64 - 1] types_list = [(types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**31), 2**31 - 1] y_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**31), 2**31 - 1] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] y_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] types_list = [(types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_bitwise_xor_npm(self): self.test_bitwise_xor(flags=Noflags) def test_bitwise_not(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): pyfunc = bitwise_not_usecase x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**32 - 1] x_operands = [np.uint32(x) for x in x_operands] y_operands = [0] types_list = [(types.uint32, types.uint32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**31), 2**31 - 1] y_operands = [0] types_list = [(types.int32, types.int32)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(0, 8)) + [2**64 - 1] x_operands = [np.uint64(x) for x in x_operands] y_operands = [0] types_list = [(types.uint64, types.uint64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) x_operands = list(range(-4, 4)) + [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] y_operands = [0] types_list = [(types.int64, types.int64)] self.run_test_ints(pyfunc, x_operands, y_operands, types_list, flags=flags) def test_bitwise_not_npm(self): self.test_bitwise_not(flags=Noflags) def test_not(self): pyfunc = not_usecase values = [ 1, 2, 3, 1.2, 3.4j, ] cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cres.entry_point for val in values: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(val), cfunc(val)) def test_not_npm(self): pyfunc = not_usecase # test native mode argtys = [ types.int8, types.int32, types.int64, types.float32, types.complex128, ] values = [ 1, 2, 3, 1.2, 3.4j, ] for ty, val in zip(argtys, values): cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [ty]) self.assertEqual(cres.signature.return_type, types.boolean) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(val), cfunc(val)) def test_negate_npm(self): pyfunc = negate_usecase # test native mode argtys = [ types.int8, types.int32, types.int64, types.float32, types.complex128, ] values = [ 1, 2, 3, 1.2, 3.4j, ] for ty, val in zip(argtys, values): cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [ty]) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertAlmostEqual(pyfunc(val), cfunc(val)) def test_negate(self): pyfunc = negate_usecase values = [ 1, 2, 3, 1.2, 3.4j, ] cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cres.entry_point for val in values: self.assertEqual(pyfunc(val), cfunc(val)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_print from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from contextlib import contextmanager from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types from numba.io_support import StringIO import numpy as np import sys enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") force_pyobj_flags = Flags() force_pyobj_flags.set("force_pyobject") def print_value(x): print(x) @contextmanager def swap_stdout(): old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() yield sys.stdout = old_stdout class TestPrint(unittest.TestCase): def test_print(self): pyfunc = print_value cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,)) cfunc = cr.entry_point with swap_stdout(): cfunc(1) self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue().strip(), '1') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int64,)) cfunc = cr.entry_point with swap_stdout(): cfunc(1) self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue().strip(), '1') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float32,)) cfunc = cr.entry_point with swap_stdout(): cfunc(1.1) # Float32 will loose precision got = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip() expect = '1.10000002384' self.assertTrue(got.startswith(expect)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float64,)) cfunc = cr.entry_point with swap_stdout(): cfunc(100.0**10.0) self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue().strip(), '1e+20') # Array will have to use object mode arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype,), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point with swap_stdout(): cfunc(np.arange(10)) self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue().strip(), '[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(buffer=True) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_pycc_tresult from __future__ import print_function import os import tempfile import sys from ctypes import * from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.pycc import find_shared_ending, main base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith("win32"), "Skip win32 test for now") class TestPYCC(unittest.TestCase): def test_pycc_ctypes_lib(self): modulename = os.path.join(base_path, 'compile_with_pycc') cdll_modulename = modulename + find_shared_ending() if os.path.exists(cdll_modulename): os.unlink(cdll_modulename) main(args=[modulename + '.py']) lib = CDLL(cdll_modulename) try: lib.mult.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double), c_double, c_double] lib.mult.restype = c_int lib.multf.argtypes = [POINTER(c_float), c_float, c_float] lib.multf.restype = c_int res = c_double() lib.mult(byref(res), 123, 321) print('lib.mult(123, 321) = %f' % res.value) self.assertEqual(res.value, 123 * 321) res = c_float() lib.multf(byref(res), 987, 321) print('lib.multf(987, 321) = %f' % res.value) self.assertEqual(res.value, 987 * 321) finally: del lib if os.path.exists(cdll_modulename): os.unlink(cdll_modulename) def test_pycc_pymodule(self): modulename = os.path.join(base_path, 'compile_with_pycc') tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() print('tmpdir: %s' % tmpdir) out_modulename = (os.path.join(tmpdir, 'compiled_with_pycc') + find_shared_ending()) main(args=['--python', '-o', out_modulename, modulename + '.py']) sys.path.append(tmpdir) try: import compiled_with_pycc as lib try: res = lib.mult(123, 321) print('lib.mult(123, 321) = %f' % res) assert res == 123 * 321 res = lib.multf(987, 321) print('lib.multf(987, 321) = %f' % res) assert res == 987 * 321 finally: del lib finally: if os.path.exists(out_modulename): os.unlink(out_modulename) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_range from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types def loop1(n): s = 0 for i in range(n): s += i return s def loop2(a, b): s = 0 for i in range(a, b): s += i return s class TestRange(unittest.TestCase): def test_loop1_int16(self): pyfunc = loop1 cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.int16]) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertTrue(cfunc(5), pyfunc(5)) def test_loop2_int16(self): pyfunc = loop2 cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.int16, types.int16]) cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertTrue(cfunc(1, 6), pyfunc(1, 6)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_storeslice from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags def usecase(obs, nPoints, B, sigB, A, sigA, M, sigM): center = nPoints / 2 print(center) obs[0:center] = np.arange(center) obs[center] = 321 obs[(center + 1):] = np.arange(nPoints - center - 1) class TestStoreSlice(unittest.TestCase): def test_usecase(self): n = 10 obs_got = np.zeros(n) obs_expected = obs_got.copy() flags = Flags() flags.set("enable_pyobject") cres = compile_isolated(usecase, (), flags=flags) cres.entry_point(obs_got, n, 10.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0) usecase(obs_expected, n, 10.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0) print(obs_got, obs_expected) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(obs_got, obs_expected)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_structref from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba import types from numba.compiler import compile_isolated import numpy as np def foo(a): b = a[0] a[0] = 123 return b class TestStructRef(unittest.TestCase): def test_complex(self): pyfunc = foo aryty = types.Array(types.complex128, 1, 'A') cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [aryty]) a = np.array([321], dtype='complex128') a0 = a[0] cfunc = cres.entry_point self.assertEqual(cfunc(a), a0) self.assertEqual(a[0], 123) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_tuple_return from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types def tuple_return_usecase(a, b): return a, b class TestTupleReturn(unittest.TestCase): def test_array_tuple(self): aryty = types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C') cres = compile_isolated(tuple_return_usecase, (aryty, aryty)) a = b = numpy.arange(5, dtype='float64') ra, rb = cres.entry_point(a, b) self.assertTrue((ra == a).all()) self.assertTrue((rb == b).all()) del a, b self.assertTrue((ra == rb).all()) def test_scalar_tuple(self): scalarty = types.float32 cres = compile_isolated(tuple_return_usecase, (scalarty, scalarty)) a = b = 1 ra, rb = cres.entry_point(a, b) self.assertEqual(ra, a) self.assertEqual(rb, b) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typeconv from __future__ import print_function import itertools from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba import types from numba.typeconv.typeconv import TypeManager from numba.typeconv import rules class TestTypeConv(unittest.TestCase): def test_typeconv(self): tm = TypeManager() i32 = types.int32 i64 = types.int64 f32 = types.float32 tm.set_promote(i32, i64) tm.set_unsafe_convert(i32, f32) sig = (i32, f32) ovs = [ (i32, i32), (f32, f32), ] sel = tm.select_overload(sig, ovs) self.assertEqual(sel, 1) def test_default(self): tm = rules.default_type_manager i16 = types.int16 i32 = types.int32 i64 = types.int64 f32 = types.float32 self.assertEqual(tm.check_compatible(i32, i64), 'promote') self.assertEqual(tm.check_compatible(i32, f32), 'unsafe') self.assertEqual(tm.check_compatible(i16, i64), 'promote') for ta, tb in itertools.product(types.number_domain, types.number_domain): if ta in types.complex_domain and tb not in types.complex_domain: continue self.assertTrue(tm.check_compatible(ta, tb) is not None, msg="No cast from %s to %s" % (ta, tb)) def test_overload1(self): tm = rules.default_type_manager i32 = types.int32 i64 = types.int64 sig = (i64, i32, i32) ovs = [ (i32, i32, i32), (i64, i64, i64), ] print(tm.select_overload(sig, ovs)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typecreate from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba import types class TestTypeCreate(unittest.TestCase): def test_array_c(self): self.assertEqual(types.int32[::1].layout, 'C') self.assertEqual(types.int32[:, ::1].layout, 'C') self.assertEqual(types.int32[:, :, ::1].layout, 'C') self.assertTrue(types.int32[::1].is_c_contig) self.assertTrue(types.int32[:, ::1].is_c_contig) self.assertTrue(types.int32[:, :, ::1].is_c_contig) def test_array_f(self): self.assertEqual(types.int32[::1, :].layout, 'F') self.assertEqual(types.int32[::1, :, :].layout, 'F') self.assertTrue(types.int32[::1].is_f_contig) self.assertTrue(types.int32[::1, :].is_f_contig) self.assertTrue(types.int32[::1, :, :].is_f_contig) def test_array_a(self): self.assertEqual(types.int32[:].layout, 'A') self.assertEqual(types.int32[:, :].layout, 'A') self.assertEqual(types.int32[:, :, :].layout, 'A') self.assertFalse(types.int32[:].is_contig) self.assertFalse(types.int32[:, :].is_contig) self.assertFalse(types.int32[:, :, :].is_contig) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typenames from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import numpy from numba import types from numba import unittest_support as unittest class TestTypeNames(unittest.TestCase): def test_numpy_integers(self): expect = getattr(types, "int%d" % (numpy.dtype("int").itemsize * 8)) self.assertEqual(types.int_, expect) expect = getattr(types, "uint%d" % (numpy.dtype("uint").itemsize * 8)) self.assertEqual(types.uint, expect) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typingerror from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types from numba.typeinfer import TypingError def what(): pass def foo(): return what() def bar(x): return x.a class TestTypingError(unittest.TestCase): def test_unknown_function(self): try: compile_isolated(foo, ()) except TypingError as e: self.assertTrue(e.msg.startswith("Untyped global name")) else:"Should raise error") def test_unknown_attrs(self): try: compile_isolated(bar, (types.int32,)) except TypingError as e: self.assertTrue(e.msg.startswith("Unknown attribute")) else:"Should raise error") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ufuncbuilding from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import numpy from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.npyufunc.ufuncbuilder import UFuncBuilder, GUFuncBuilder from numba import vectorize, guvectorize def add(a, b): return a + b def guadd(a, b, c): x, y = c.shape for i in range(x): for j in range(y): c[i, j] = a[i, j] + b[i, j] class TestUfuncBuilding(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic_ufunc(self): ufb = UFuncBuilder(add) ufb.add("int32(int32, int32)") ufb.add("int64(int64, int64)") ufunc = ufb.build_ufunc() a = numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32') b = ufunc(a, a) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(a + a == b)) def test_ufunc_struct(self): ufb = UFuncBuilder(add) ufb.add("complex64(complex64, complex64)") ufunc = ufb.build_ufunc() a = numpy.arange(10, dtype='complex64') + 1j b = ufunc(a, a) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(a + a == b)) class TestGUfuncBuilding(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic_gufunc(self): gufb = GUFuncBuilder(guadd, "(x, y),(x, y)->(x, y)") gufb.add("void(int32[:,:], int32[:,:], int32[:,:])") ufunc = gufb.build_ufunc() a = numpy.arange(10, dtype="int32").reshape(2, 5) b = ufunc(a, a) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(a + a == b)) def test_gufunc_struct(self): gufb = GUFuncBuilder(guadd, "(x, y),(x, y)->(x, y)") gufb.add("void(complex64[:,:], complex64[:,:], complex64[:,:])") ufunc = gufb.build_ufunc() a = numpy.arange(10, dtype="complex64").reshape(2, 5) + 1j b = ufunc(a, a) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(a + a == b)) class TestVectorizeDecor(unittest.TestCase): def test_vectorize(self): ufunc = vectorize(['int32(int32, int32)'])(add) a = numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32') b = ufunc(a, a) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(a + a == b)) def test_guvectorize(self): ufunc = guvectorize(['(int32[:,:], int32[:,:], int32[:,:])'], "(x,y),(x,y)->(x,y)")(guadd) a = numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32').reshape(2, 5) b = ufunc(a, a) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(a + a == b)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ufuncs from __future__ import print_function import sys import warnings import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.config import PYVERSION import itertools is32bits = tuple.__itemsize__ == 4 iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win32') enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() # unary ufuncs def negative_usecase(x, result): np.negative(x, result) def absolute_usecase(x, result): np.absolute(x, result) def rint_usecase(x, result): np.rint(x, result) def sign_usecase(x, result): np.sign(x, result) def conj_usecase(x, result): np.conj(x, result) def exp_usecase(x, result): np.exp(x, result) def exp2_usecase(x, result): np.exp2(x, result) def log_usecase(x, result): np.log(x, result) def log2_usecase(x, result): np.log2(x, result) def log10_usecase(x, result): np.log10(x, result) def expm1_usecase(x, result): np.expm1(x, result) def log1p_usecase(x, result): np.log1p(x, result) def sqrt_usecase(x, result): np.sqrt(x, result) def square_usecase(x, result): np.square(x, result) def reciprocal_usecase(x, result): np.reciprocal(x, result) def sin_usecase(x, result): np.sin(x, result) def cos_usecase(x, result): np.cos(x, result) def tan_usecase(x, result): np.tan(x, result) def arcsin_usecase(x, result): np.arcsin(x, result) def arccos_usecase(x, result): np.arccos(x, result) def arctan_usecase(x, result): np.arctan(x, result) def sinh_usecase(x, result): np.sinh(x, result) def cosh_usecase(x, result): np.cosh(x, result) def tanh_usecase(x, result): np.tanh(x, result) def arcsinh_usecase(x, result): np.arcsinh(x, result) def arccosh_usecase(x, result): np.arccosh(x, result) def arctanh_usecase(x, result): np.arctanh(x, result) def deg2rad_usecase(x, result): np.deg2rad(x, result) def rad2deg_usecase(x, result): np.rad2deg(x, result) def invertlogical_not_usecase(x, result): np.invertlogical_not(x, result) def floor_usecase(x, result): np.floor(x, result) def ceil_usecase(x, result): np.ceil(x, result) def trunc_usecase(x, result): np.trunc(x, result) # binary ufuncs def add_usecase(x, y, result): np.add(x, y, result) def subtract_usecase(x, y, result): np.subtract(x, y, result) def multiply_usecase(x, y, result): np.multiply(x, y, result) def divide_usecase(x, y, result): np.divide(x, y, result) def logaddexp_usecase(x, y, result): np.logaddexp(x, y, result) def logaddexp2_usecase(x, y, result): np.logaddexp2(x, y, result) def true_divide_usecase(x, y, result): np.true_divide(x, y, result) def floor_divide_usecase(x, y, result): np.floor_divide(x, y, result) def power_usecase(x, y, result): np.power(x, y, result) def remainder_usecase(x, y, result): np.remainder(x, y, result) def mod_usecase(x, y, result): np.mod(x, y, result) def fmod_usecase(x, y, result): np.fmod(x, y, result) def arctan2_usecase(x, y, result): np.arctan2(x, y, result) def hypot_usecase(x, y, result): np.hypot(x, y, result) def bitwise_and_usecase(x, y, result): np.bitwise_and(x, y, result) def bitwise_or_usecase(x, y, result): np.bitwise_or(x, y, result) def bitwise_xor_usecase(x, y, result): np.bitwise_xor(x, y, result) def left_shift_usecase(x, y, result): np.left_shift(x, y, result) def right_shift_usecase(x, y, result): np.right_shift(x, y, result) def greater_usecase(x, y, result): np.greater(x, y, result) def greater_equal_usecase(x, y, result): np.greater_equal(x, y, result) def less_usecase(x, y, result): np.less(x, y, result) def less_equal_usecase(x, y, result): np.less_equal(x, y, result) def not_equal_usecase(x, y, result): np.not_equal(x, y, result) def equal_usecase(x, y, result): np.equal(x, y, result) def logical_and_usecase(x, y, result): np.logical_and(x, y, result) def logical_or_usecase(x, y, result): np.logical_or(x, y, result) def logical_xor_usecase(x, y, result): np.logical_xor(x, y, result) def maximum_usecase(x, y, result): np.maximum(x, y, result) def minimum_usecase(x, y, result): np.minimum(x, y, result) def fmax_usecase(x, y, result): np.fmax(x, y, result) def fmin_usecase(x, y, result): np.fmin(x, y, result) def copysign_usecase(x, y, result): np.copysign(x, y, result) def ldexp_usecase(x, y, result): np.ldexp(x, y, result) class TestUFuncs(unittest.TestCase): def unary_ufunc_test(self, ufunc_name, flags=enable_pyobj_flags, skip_inputs=None, additional_inputs=None, int_output_type=None, float_output_type=None): ufunc = globals()[ufunc_name + '_usecase'] inputs = [ (0, types.uint32), (1, types.uint32), (-1, types.int32), (0, types.int32), (1, types.int32), (0, types.uint64), (1, types.uint64), (-1, types.int64), (0, types.int64), (1, types.int64), (-0.5, types.float32), (0, types.float32), (0.5, types.float32), (-0.5, types.float64), (0, types.float64), (0.5, types.float64), (np.array([0,1], dtype='u4'), types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')), (np.array([0,1], dtype='u8'), types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i4'), types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i8'), types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f4'), types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f8'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C'))] if additional_inputs: inputs = inputs + additional_inputs pyfunc = ufunc for input_tuple in inputs: input_operand = input_tuple[0] input_type = input_tuple[1] if skip_inputs and input_type in skip_inputs: continue ty = input_type if isinstance(ty, types.Array): ty = ty.dtype if ty in types.signed_domain: if int_output_type: output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C') else: output_type = types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C') elif ty in types.unsigned_domain: if int_output_type: output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C') else: output_type = types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C') else: if float_output_type: output_type = types.Array(float_output_type, 1, 'C') else: output_type = types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C') # Due to __ftol2 llvm bug, skip testing uint64 output on windows. # (llvm translates fptoui call to ftol2 call on windows which # causes a crash later. if iswindows and output_type.dtype is types.uint64: continue cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (input_type, output_type), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point if isinstance(input_operand, np.ndarray): result = np.zeros(input_operand.size, expected = np.zeros(input_operand.size, else: result = np.zeros(1, expected = np.zeros(1, invalid_flag = False with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warnlist: warnings.simplefilter('always') pyfunc(input_operand, expected) warnmsg = "invalid value encountered" for thiswarn in warnlist: if (issubclass(thiswarn.category, RuntimeWarning) and str(thiswarn.message).startswith(warnmsg)): invalid_flag = True cfunc(input_operand, result) # Need special checks if NaNs are in results if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any(): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected))) if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all(): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(result[np.invert(np.isnan(result))], expected[np.invert(np.isnan(expected))])) else: match = np.all(result == expected) or np.allclose(result, expected) if not match: if invalid_flag: # Allow output to mismatch for invalid input print("Output mismatch for invalid input", input_tuple, result, expected) else:"%s != %s" % (result, expected)) def binary_ufunc_test(self, ufunc_name, flags=enable_pyobj_flags, skip_inputs=None, additional_inputs=None, int_output_type=None, float_output_type=None): ufunc = globals()[ufunc_name + '_usecase'] inputs = [ (0, types.uint32), (1, types.uint32), (-1, types.int32), (0, types.int32), (1, types.int32), (0, types.uint64), (1, types.uint64), (-1, types.int64), (0, types.int64), (1, types.int64), (-0.5, types.float32), (0.0, types.float32), (0.5, types.float32), (-0.5, types.float64), (0.0, types.float64), (0.5, types.float64), (np.array([0,1], dtype='u4'), types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')), (np.array([0,1], dtype='u8'), types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i4'), types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i8'), types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f4'), types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f8'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C'))] if additional_inputs: inputs = inputs + additional_inputs pyfunc = ufunc for input_tuple in inputs: input_operand = input_tuple[0] input_type = input_tuple[1] if skip_inputs and input_type in skip_inputs: continue ty = input_type if isinstance(ty, types.Array): ty = ty.dtype if ty in types.signed_domain: if int_output_type: output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C') else: output_type = types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C') elif ty in types.unsigned_domain: if int_output_type: output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C') else: output_type = types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C') else: if float_output_type: output_type = types.Array(float_output_type, 1, 'C') else: output_type = types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C') # Due to __ftol2 llvm bug, skip testing uint64 output on windows. # (llvm translates fptoui call to ftol2 call on windows which # causes a crash later. if iswindows and output_type.dtype is types.uint64: continue cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (input_type, input_type, output_type), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point if isinstance(input_operand, np.ndarray): result = np.zeros(input_operand.size, expected = np.zeros(input_operand.size, else: result = np.zeros(1, expected = np.zeros(1, cfunc(input_operand, input_operand, result) pyfunc(input_operand, input_operand, expected) # Need special checks if NaNs are in results if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any(): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected))) if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all(): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(result[np.invert(np.isnan(result))], expected[np.invert(np.isnan(expected))])) else: self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected) or np.allclose(result, expected)) def binary_int_ufunc_test(self, name=None, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.binary_ufunc_test(name, flags=flags, skip_inputs=[types.float32, types.float64, types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')]) # unary ufunc tests def test_negative_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): # NumPy ufunc has bug with uint32 as input and int64 as output, # so skip uint32 input. self.unary_ufunc_test('negative', int_output_type=types.int64, skip_inputs=[types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')], flags=flags) def test_negative_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_negative_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_absolute_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('absolute', flags=flags, additional_inputs = [(np.iinfo(np.uint32).max, types.uint32), (np.iinfo(np.uint64).max, types.uint64), (np.finfo(np.float32).min, types.float32), (np.finfo(np.float64).min, types.float64) ]) def test_absolute_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_absolute_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_rint_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('rint', flags=flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_rint_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_rint_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_sign_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('sign', flags=flags) def test_sign_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_sign_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_conj_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('conj', flags=flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_conj_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_conj_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_exp_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('exp', flags=flags) def test_exp_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_exp_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_exp2_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('exp2', flags=flags) def test_exp2_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_exp2_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_log_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('log', flags=flags) def test_log_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_log_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_log2_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('log2', flags=flags) def test_log2_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_log2_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_log10_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('log10', flags=flags) def test_log10_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_log10_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_expm1_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('expm1', flags=flags) def test_expm1_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_expm1_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_log1p_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('log1p', flags=flags) def test_log1p_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_log1p_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_sqrt_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('sqrt', flags=flags) def test_sqrt_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_sqrt_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_square_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('square', flags=flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_square_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_square_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_reciprocal_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('reciprocal', flags=flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_reciprocal_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_reciprocal_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_sin_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('sin', flags=flags) def test_sin_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_sin_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_cos_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('cos', flags=flags) def test_cos_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_cos_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_tan_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('tan', flags=flags) def test_tan_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_tan_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_arcsin_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('arcsin', flags=flags) def test_arcsin_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_arcsin_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_arccos_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('arccos', flags=flags) def test_arccos_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_arccos_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_arctan_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('arctan', flags=flags) def test_arctan_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_arctan_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_sinh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('sinh', flags=flags) def test_sinh_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_sinh_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_cosh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('cosh', flags=flags) def test_cosh_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_cosh_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_tanh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('tanh', flags=flags) def test_tanh_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_tanh_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_arcsinh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('arcsinh', flags=flags) def test_arcsinh_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_arcsinh_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_arccosh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('arccosh', flags=flags) def test_arccosh_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_arccosh_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_arctanh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('arctanh', flags=flags) def test_arctanh_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_arctanh_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_deg2rad_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('deg2rad', flags=flags) def test_deg2rad_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_deg2rad_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_rad2deg_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('rad2deg', flags=flags) def test_rad2deg_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_rad2deg_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(np, "invertlogical_not"), "invertlogical_not is not available") def test_invertlogical_not_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('invertlogical_not', flags=flags) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_invertlogical_not_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_invertlogical_not_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_floor_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('floor', flags=flags) def test_floor_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_floor_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_ceil_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('ceil', flags=flags) def test_ceil_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_ceil_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_trunc_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.unary_ufunc_test('trunc', flags=flags) def test_trunc_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_trunc_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) # binary ufunc tests def test_add_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.binary_ufunc_test('add', flags=flags) def test_add_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_add_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_subtract_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.binary_ufunc_test('subtract', flags=flags) def test_subtract_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_subtract_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_multiply_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): self.binary_ufunc_test('multiply', flags=flags) def test_multiply_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_multiply_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_divide_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): skip_inputs = None # python3 integer division by zero and # storing in 64 bit int produces garbage # instead of 0, so skip if PYVERSION >= (3, 0): skip_inputs = [types.uint32, types.uint64, types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C'), types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C'), types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')] self.binary_ufunc_test('divide', flags=flags, skip_inputs=skip_inputs, int_output_type=types.float64) def test_divide_ufunc_npm(self): self.test_divide_ufunc(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_logaddexp_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logaddexp') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_logaddexp_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logaddexp', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_logaddexp2_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logaddexp2') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_logaddexp2_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logaddexp2', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_true_divide_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('true_divide') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_true_divide_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('true_divide', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_floor_divide_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('floor_divide') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_floor_divide_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('floor_divide', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_power_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('power') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_power_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('power', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_remainder_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('remainder') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_remainder_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('remainder', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_mod_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('mod') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_mod_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('mod', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_fmod_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('fmod') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_fmod_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('fmod', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_arctan2_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('arctan2') def test_arctan2_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('arctan2', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_hypot_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('hypot') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_hypot_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('hypot', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_bitwise_and_ufunc(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_and') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_bitwise_and_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_and', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_bitwise_or_ufunc(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_or') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_bitwise_or_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_or', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_bitwise_xor_ufunc(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_xor') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_bitwise_xor_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_xor', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_left_shift_ufunc(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('left_shift') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_left_shift_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('left_shift', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_right_shift_ufunc(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('right_shift') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_right_shift_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('right_shift', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_greater_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('greater') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_greater_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('greater', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_greater_equal_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('greater_equal') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_greater_equal_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('greater_equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_less_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('less') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_less_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('less', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_less_equal_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('less_equal') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_less_equal_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('less_equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_not_equal_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('not_equal') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_not_equal_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('not_equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_equal_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('equal') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_equal_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_logical_and_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_and') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_logical_and_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_and', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_logical_or_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_or') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_logical_or_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_or', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_logical_xor_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_xor') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_logical_xor_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_xor', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_maximum_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('maximum') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_maximum_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('maximum', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_minimum_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('minimum') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_minimum_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('minimum', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_fmax_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('fmax') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_fmax_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('fmax', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_fmin_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('fmin') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_fmin_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('fmin', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_copysign_ufunc(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('copysign') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_copysign_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_ufunc_test('copysign', flags=no_pyobj_flags) # FIXME @unittest.skipIf(is32bits or iswindows, "Some types are not supported on " "32-bit " "platform") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_ldexp_ufunc(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('ldexp') # FIXME @unittest.skipIf(is32bits or iswindows, "Some types are not supported on 32-bit platform") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_ldexp_ufunc_npm(self): self.binary_int_ufunc_test('ldexp', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_binary_ufunc_performance(self): pyfunc = add_usecase arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, arraytype, arraytype)) cfunc = cr.entry_point nelem = 5000 x_operand = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.float32) y_operand = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.float32) control = np.empty_like(x_operand) result = np.empty_like(x_operand) def bm_python(): pyfunc(x_operand, y_operand, control) def bm_numba(): cfunc(x_operand, y_operand, result) print(utils.benchmark(bm_python, maxsec=.1)) print(utils.benchmark(bm_numba, maxsec=.1)) assert np.allclose(control, result) def binary_ufunc_mixed_types_test(self, ufunc_name, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): ufunc = globals()[ufunc_name + '_usecase'] inputs1 = [ (1, types.uint64), (-1, types.int64), (0.5, types.float64), (np.array([0, 1], dtype='u8'), types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-1, 1], dtype='i8'), types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')), (np.array([-0.5, 0.5], dtype='f8'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C'))] inputs2 = inputs1 output_types = [types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')] pyfunc = ufunc for input1, input2, output_type in itertools.product(inputs1, inputs2, output_types): input1_operand = input1[0] input1_type = input1[1] input2_operand = input2[0] input2_type = input2[1] # Skip division by unsigned int because of NumPy bugs if ufunc_name == 'divide' and (input2_type == types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C') or input2_type == types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')): continue # Skip some subtraction tests because of NumPy bugs if ufunc_name == 'subtract' and input1_type == types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C') and \ input2_type == types.uint32 and types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'): continue if ufunc_name == 'subtract' and input1_type == types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C') and \ input2_type == types.uint64 and types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'): continue if ((isinstance(input1_type, types.Array) or isinstance(input2_type, types.Array)) and not isinstance(output_type, types.Array)): continue cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (input1_type, input2_type, output_type), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point if isinstance(input1_operand, np.ndarray): result = np.zeros(input1_operand.size, expected = np.zeros(input1_operand.size, elif isinstance(input2_operand, np.ndarray): result = np.zeros(input2_operand.size, expected = np.zeros(input2_operand.size, else: result = np.zeros(1, expected = np.zeros(1, cfunc(input1_operand, input2_operand, result) pyfunc(input1_operand, input2_operand, expected) # Need special checks if NaNs are in results if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any(): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected))) if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all(): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(result[np.invert(np.isnan(result))], expected[np.invert(np.isnan(expected))])) else: self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected) or np.allclose(result, expected)) def test_mixed_types(self): self.binary_ufunc_mixed_types_test('divide', flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_broadcasting(self): # Test unary ufunc pyfunc = negative_usecase input_operands = [ np.arange(3, dtype='i8'), np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,1), np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(1,3), np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,1), np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(1,3), np.arange(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3)] output_operands = [ np.zeros(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3), np.zeros(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3), np.zeros(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3), np.zeros(3*3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3,3), np.zeros(3*3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3,3), np.zeros(3*3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3,3)] for x, result in zip(input_operands, output_operands): input_type = types.Array(types.uint64, x.ndim, 'C') output_type = types.Array(types.int64, result.ndim, 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (input_type, output_type), flags=no_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = np.zeros(result.shape, dtype=result.dtype) np.negative(x, expected) cfunc(x, result) self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected)) # Test binary ufunc pyfunc = add_usecase input1_operands = [ np.arange(3, dtype='u8'), np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,3), np.arange(3*3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,3,3), np.arange(3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,1), np.arange(3, dtype='u8').reshape(1,3), np.arange(3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,1,1), np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,3,1), np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,1,3), np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(1,3,3)] input2_operands = input1_operands for x, y in itertools.product(input1_operands, input2_operands): input1_type = types.Array(types.uint64, x.ndim, 'C') input2_type = types.Array(types.uint64, y.ndim, 'C') output_type = types.Array(types.uint64, max(x.ndim, y.ndim), 'C') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (input1_type, input2_type, output_type), flags=no_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = np.add(x, y) result = np.zeros(expected.shape, dtype='u8') cfunc(x, y, result) self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_unpack_sequence from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") force_pyobj_flags = Flags() force_pyobj_flags.set("force_pyobject") def unpack_list(l): a, b, c = l return (a, b, c) def unpack_shape(a): x, y, z = a.shape return x + y + z class TestUnpack(unittest.TestCase): def test_unpack_list(self): pyfunc = unpack_list cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point l = [1, 2, 3] self.assertEqual(cfunc(l), pyfunc(l)) def test_unpack_shape(self): pyfunc = unpack_shape cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.Array(dtype=types.int32, ndim=3, layout='C')]) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = numpy.zeros(shape=(1, 2, 3)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(a), pyfunc(a)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(buffer=True) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_usecases from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest import itertools import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, utils from numba.tests import usecases enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") force_pyobj_flags = Flags() force_pyobj_flags.set("force_pyobject") class TestUsecases(unittest.TestCase): def test_andor(self): pyfunc = usecases.andor cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point # Argument boundaries xs = -1, 0, 1, 9, 10, 11 ys = -1, 0, 1, 9, 10, 11 for args in itertools.product(xs, ys): print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args), "args %s" % (args,)) def test_sum1d(self): pyfunc = usecases.sum1d cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point ss = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 es = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 for args in itertools.product(ss, es): print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args)) def test_sum1d_pyobj(self): pyfunc = usecases.sum1d cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=force_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point ss = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 es = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 for args in itertools.product(ss, es): print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args)) args = 0, 500 def bm_python(): pyfunc(*args) def bm_numba(): cfunc(*args) print(utils.benchmark(bm_python, maxsec=.1)) print(utils.benchmark(bm_numba, maxsec=.1)) def test_sum2d(self): pyfunc = usecases.sum2d cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point ss = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 es = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 for args in itertools.product(ss, es): print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args)) def test_while_count(self): pyfunc = usecases.while_count cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point ss = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 es = -1, 0, 1, 100, 200 for args in itertools.product(ss, es): print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args)) def test_copy_arrays(self): pyfunc = usecases.copy_arrays arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'A') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, arraytype)) cfunc = cr.entry_point nda = 0, 1, 10, 100 for nd in nda: a = np.arange(nd, dtype='int32') b = np.empty_like(a) args = a, b print("case", args) cfunc(*args) self.assertTrue(np.all(a == b)) def test_copy_arrays2d(self): pyfunc = usecases.copy_arrays2d arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'A') cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, arraytype)) cfunc = cr.entry_point nda = (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 5), (4, 25) for nd in nda: d1, d2 = nd a = np.arange(d1 * d2, dtype='int32').reshape(d1, d2) b = np.empty_like(a) args = a, b print("case", args) cfunc(*args) self.assertTrue(np.all(a == b)) def test_ifelse1(self): self.run_ifelse(usecases.ifelse1) def test_ifelse2(self): self.run_ifelse(usecases.ifelse2) def test_ifelse3(self): self.run_ifelse(usecases.ifelse3) def run_ifelse(self, pyfunc): cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32)) cfunc = cr.entry_point xs = -1, 0, 1 ys = -1, 0, 1 for x, y in itertools.product(xs, ys): args = x, y print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args)) def test_string_concat(self): pyfunc = usecases.string_concat cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point xs = -1, 0, 1 ys = -1, 0, 1 for x, y in itertools.product(xs, ys): args = x, y print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args)) def test_string_len(self): pyfunc = usecases.string_len cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.pyobject,), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point test_str = '123456' self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str), cfunc(test_str)) test_str = '1' self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str), cfunc(test_str)) test_str = '' self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str), cfunc(test_str)) def test_string_slicing(self): pyfunc = usecases.string_slicing cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.pyobject,), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point test_str = '123456' self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str, 0, 3), cfunc(test_str, 0, 3)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str, 1, 5), cfunc(test_str, 1, 5)) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str, 2, 3), cfunc(test_str, 2, 3)) def test_string_conversion(self): pyfunc = usecases.string_conversion cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32,), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(1), cfunc(1)) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float32,), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point self.assertEqual(pyfunc(1.1), cfunc(1.1)) def test_string_comparisons(self): import operator pyfunc = usecases.string_comparison cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.pyobject, types.pyobject), flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point test_str1 = '123' test_str2 = '123' op = operator.eq self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op), cfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op)) test_str1 = '123' test_str2 = '456' op = operator.eq self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op), cfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op)) test_str1 = '123' test_str2 = '123' op = self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op), cfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op)) test_str1 = '123' test_str2 = '456' op = self.assertEqual(pyfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op), cfunc(test_str1, test_str2, op)) def test_blackscholes_cnd(self): pyfunc = usecases.blackscholes_cnd cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.float32,)) cfunc = cr.entry_point ds = -0.5, 0, 0.5 for d in ds: args = (d,) print("case", args) self.assertEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args)) def test_array_slicing(self): pyfunc = usecases.slicing arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.intp, types.intp, types.intp) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(10, dtype='i4') cases = [ (a, 0, 10, 1), (a, 0, 10, 2), (a, 0, 10, -1), (a, 2, 3, 1), (a, 10, 0, 1), ] for args in cases: self.assertTrue(np.all(pyfunc(*args) == cfunc(*args))) arraytype = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') argtys = (arraytype, types.intp, types.intp, types.intp) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, argtys, flags=enable_pyobj_flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point a = np.arange(100, dtype='i4').reshape(10, 10) cases = [ (a, 0, 10, 1), (a, 0, 10, 2), (a, 0, 10, -1), (a, 2, 3, 1), (a, 10, 0, 1), ] for args in cases: self.assertTrue(np.all(pyfunc(*args) == cfunc(*args))) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_wrapper from __future__ import print_function import numba.unittest_support as unittest from numba import compiler, types, utils from numba.targets import registry import numpy def overhead(x): return x def array_overhead(x): x[0] = 1 x[1] = 2 def add(x): return x + x + x + x + x class TestWrapper(unittest.TestCase): def test_overhead(self): """ This will show higher overhead due to unboxing in the native version. """ cr = compiler.compile_isolated(overhead, [types.int32]) cfunc = cr.entry_point disp = registry.CPUOverloaded(overhead) disp.add_overload(cr) x = 321 def python(): overhead(x) def pycfunc(): cfunc(x) def overloaded(): disp(x) print(overhead) print(utils.benchmark(python, maxsec=.5)) print(utils.benchmark(pycfunc, maxsec=.5)) print(utils.benchmark(overloaded, maxsec=.5)) def test_array_overhead(self): """ The time to set two array element seems to be more expensive than the overhead of the overloaded call. """ cr = compiler.compile_isolated(array_overhead, [types.int32[::1]]) cfunc = cr.entry_point disp = registry.CPUOverloaded(array_overhead) disp.add_overload(cr) self.assertEqual(cr.signature.args[0].layout, 'C') x = numpy.zeros(shape=2, dtype='int32') def python(): array_overhead(x) def pycfunc(): cfunc(x) def overloaded(): disp(x) print(array_overhead) print(utils.benchmark(python, maxsec=.5)) print(utils.benchmark(pycfunc, maxsec=.5)) print(utils.benchmark(overloaded, maxsec=.5)) def test_add(self): """ This seems to be about the amount of work to balance out the overhead by the overloaded one """ cr = compiler.compile_isolated(add, [types.int32]) cfunc = cr.entry_point disp = registry.CPUOverloaded(add) disp.add_overload(cr) x = 321 def python(): add(x) def pycfunc(): cfunc(x) def overloaded(): disp(x) print(add) print(utils.benchmark(python, maxsec=.5)) print(utils.benchmark(pycfunc, maxsec=.5)) print(utils.benchmark(overloaded, maxsec=.5)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = true_div_usecase from __future__ import division def truediv_usecase(x, y): return x / y ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = usecases import math import numpy as np def sum1d(s, e): c = 0 for i in range(s, e): c += i return c def sum2d(s, e): c = 0 for i in range(s, e): for j in range(s, e): c += i * j return c def while_count(s, e): i = s c = 0 while i < e: c += i i += 1 return c def copy_arrays(a, b): for i in range(a.shape[0]): b[i] = a[i] def copy_arrays2d(a, b): for i in range(a.shape[0]): for j in range(a.shape[1]): b[i, j] = a[i, j] def redefine1(): x = 0 for i in range(5): x += 1 x = 0. + x for i in range(5): x += 1 return x def andor(x, y): return (x > 0 and x < 10) or (y > 0 and y < 10) def ifelse1(x, y): if x > y: return 1 elif x == 0 or y == 0: return 2 else: return 3 def ifelse2(x, y): if x > 0: if y > 0: return 1 elif y < 0: return 1 else: return 0 elif x < 0: return 1 else: return 0 def ifelse3(x, y): if x == y: return 1 def string_concat(x, y): a = "whatzup" return a + str(x + y) def string_len(s): return len(s) def string_slicing(s, start, stop): return s[start:stop] def string_conversion(x): return str(x) def string_comparison(s1, s2, op): return op(s1, s2) def blackscholes_cnd(d): A1 = 0.31938153 A2 = -0.356563782 A3 = 1.781477937 A4 = -1.821255978 A5 = 1.330274429 RSQRT2PI = 0.39894228040143267793994605993438 K = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.2316419 * math.fabs(d)) ret_val = (RSQRT2PI * math.exp(-0.5 * d * d) * (K * (A1 + K * (A2 + K * (A3 + K * (A4 + K * A5)))))) if d > 0: ret_val = 1.0 - ret_val return ret_val def slicing(a, start, stop, step): """ NoPython mode cannot create new array object that out live the scope of the function because the array data buffer is borrowed from an object in the function scope or from an argument. Returning array would require stealing the data buffer reference or copying the array content. """ return a[start:stop:step] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = rules from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import itertools from .typeconv import TypeManager from numba import types def _init_type_manager(): """Returns a type manager with default rules """ tm = TypeManager() grp_signed = (types.int8, types.int16, types.int32, types.int64) grp_unsigned = (types.uint8, types.uint16, types.uint32, types.uint64) grp_float = (types.float32, types.float64) grp_complex = (types.complex64, types.complex128) grp_inter = grp_signed + grp_unsigned + grp_float grp_all = grp_inter + grp_complex groups = grp_signed, grp_unsigned, grp_float, grp_complex # First, all ints and floats are inter-convertible for a, b in itertools.product(grp_inter, grp_inter): tm.set_unsafe_convert(a, b) # Other number types can convert to complex for a, b in itertools.product(grp_all, grp_complex): tm.set_unsafe_convert(a, b) # Setup promotion for grp in groups: for i, a in enumerate(grp): for b in grp[i + 1:]: tm.set_promote(a, b) # Setup safe conversion from unsigned to signed # Allowed if the result can represent the full range for a, b in zip(grp_unsigned, grp_signed[1:]): tm.set_safe_convert(a, b) # All ints less than 53 bits can safely convert to float64 f64 = types.float64 for ty in grp_signed[:-1]: tm.set_safe_convert(ty, f64) for ty in grp_unsigned[:-1]: tm.set_safe_convert(ty, f64) # Allow implicit convert from int64 to float64 tm.set_safe_convert(types.int64, types.float64) tm.set_safe_convert(types.uint64, types.float64) # All ints less than 24 bits can safely convert to float32 f32 = types.float32 for ty in grp_signed[:-2]: tm.set_safe_convert(ty, f32) for ty in grp_unsigned[:-2]: tm.set_safe_convert(ty, f32) # All numbers can unsafe convert to bool boolean = types.boolean for ty in grp_all: tm.set_unsafe_convert(ty, boolean) # boolean can safely promote to all numbers boolean = types.boolean for ty in grp_all: tm.set_promote(boolean, ty) return tm default_type_manager = _init_type_manager() def dump_number_rules(): tm = default_type_manager for a, b in itertools.product(types.number_domain, types.number_domain): print(a, '->', b, tm.check_compatible(a, b)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typeconv from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from . import _typeconv class TypeManager(object): def __init__(self): self._ptr = _typeconv.new_type_manager() def select_overload(self, sig, overloads): sig = [t._code for t in sig] overloads = [[t._code for t in s] for s in overloads ] return _typeconv.select_overload(self._ptr, sig, overloads) def check_compatible(self, fromty, toty): return _typeconv.check_compatible(self._ptr, fromty._code, toty._code) def set_compatbile(self, fromty, toty, by): _typeconv.set_compatible(self._ptr, fromty._code, toty._code, by) def set_promote(self, fromty, toty): self.set_compatbile(fromty, toty, ord("p")) def set_unsafe_convert(self, fromty, toty): self.set_compatbile(fromty, toty, ord("u")) def set_safe_convert(self, fromty, toty): self.set_compatbile(fromty, toty, ord("s")) def get_pointer(self): return _typeconv.get_pointer(self._ptr) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typeinfer """ Type inference base on CPA. The algorithm guarantees monotonic growth of type-sets for each variable. Steps: 1. seed initial types 2. build constrains 3. propagate constrains 4. unify types Constrain propagation is precise and does not regret (no backtracing). Constrains push types forward following the dataflow. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins from pprint import pprint import itertools from numba import ir, types, utils, config, ctypes_utils, cffi_support from numba.config import PYVERSION from numba import numpy_support RANGE_ITER_OBJECTS = (builtins.range,) if PYVERSION < (3, 0): RANGE_ITER_OBJECTS += (builtins.xrange,) class TypingError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, loc=None): self.msg = msg self.loc = loc if loc: super(TypingError, self).__init__("%s\n%s" % (msg, loc.strformat())) else: super(TypingError, self).__init__("%s" % (msg,)) class TypeVar(object): def __init__(self, context, var): self.context = context self.var = var self.typeset = set() self.locked = False def add_types(self, *types): if not types: return nbefore = len(self.typeset) if self.locked: if set(types) != self.typeset: [expect] = list(self.typeset) for ty in types: if self.context.type_compatibility(ty, expect) is None: raise TypingError("No conversion from %s to %s for " "'%s'" % (ty, expect, self.var)) else: self.typeset |= set(types) nafter = len(self.typeset) assert nbefore <= nafter, "Must grow monotonically" def lock(self, typ): if self.locked: [expect] = list(self.typeset) if self.context.type_compatibility(typ, expect) is None: raise TypingError("No convertsion from %s to %s for " "'%s'" % (typ, expect, self.var)) else: self.typeset = set([typ]) self.locked = True def union(self, other): self.add_types(*other.typeset) def __repr__(self): return '%s := {%s}' % (self.var, ', '.join(map(str, self.typeset))) def get(self): return tuple(self.typeset) def getone(self): assert len(self) == 1, self.typeset return tuple(self.typeset)[0] def __len__(self): return len(self.typeset) class ConstrainNetwork(object): """ TODO: It is possible to optimize constrain propagation to consider only dirty type variables. """ def __init__(self): self.constrains = [] def append(self, constrain): self.constrains.append(constrain) def propagate(self, context, typevars): for constrain in self.constrains: try: constrain(context, typevars) except TypingError: raise except Exception as e: raise TypingError("Internal error:\n%s" % e, constrain.loc) class Propagate(object): """ A simple constrain for direct propagation of types for assignments. """ def __init__(self, dst, src, loc): self.dst = dst self.src = src self.loc = loc def __call__(self, context, typevars): typevars[self.dst].union(typevars[self.src]) class BuildTupleConstrain(object): def __init__(self, target, items, loc): = target self.items = items self.loc = loc def __call__(self, context, typevars): tsets = [typevars[].get() for i in self.items] oset = typevars[] for vals in itertools.product(*tsets): if all(vals[0] == v for v in vals): tup = types.UniTuple(dtype=vals[0], count=len(vals)) else: tup = types.Tuple(vals) oset.add_types(tup) class CallConstrain(object): """Constrain for calling functions. Perform case analysis foreach combinations of argument types. """ def __init__(self, target, func, args, kws, loc): = target self.func = func self.args = args self.kws = kws self.loc = loc def __call__(self, context, typevars): fnty = typevars[self.func].getone() self.resolve(context, typevars, fnty) def resolve(self, context, typevars, fnty): assert not self.kws, "Keyword argument is not supported, yet" argtypes = [typevars[].get() for a in self.args] restypes = [] # Case analysis for each combination of argument types. for args in itertools.product(*argtypes): # TODO handling keyword arguments sig = context.resolve_function_type(fnty, args, ()) if sig is None: msg = "Undeclared %s%s" % (fnty, args) raise TypingError(msg, loc=self.loc) restypes.append(sig.return_type) typevars[].add_types(*restypes) class IntrinsicCallConstrain(CallConstrain): def __call__(self, context, typevars): self.resolve(context, typevars, fnty=self.func) class GetAttrConstrain(object): def __init__(self, target, attr, value, loc, inst): = target self.attr = attr self.value = value self.loc = loc self.inst = inst def __call__(self, context, typevars): valtys = typevars[].get() restypes = [] for ty in valtys: try: attrty = context.resolve_getattr(value=ty, attr=self.attr) except KeyError: args = (self.attr, ty,, self.inst) msg = "Unknown attribute '%s' for %s %s %s" % args raise TypingError(msg, loc=self.inst.loc) restypes.append(attrty) typevars[].add_types(*restypes) class SetItemConstrain(object): def __init__(self, target, index, value, loc): = target self.index = index self.value = value self.loc = loc def __call__(self, context, typevars): targettys = typevars[].get() idxtys = typevars[].get() valtys = typevars[].get() for ty, it, vt in itertools.product(targettys, idxtys, valtys): if not context.resolve_setitem(target=ty, index=it, value=vt): raise TypingError("Cannot resolve setitem: %s[%s] = %s" % (ty, it, vt), loc=self.loc) class TypeVarMap(dict): def set_context(self, context): self.context = context def __getitem__(self, name): if name not in self: self[name] = TypeVar(self.context, name) return super(TypeVarMap, self).__getitem__(name) def __setitem__(self, name, value): assert isinstance(name, str) if name in self: raise KeyError("Cannot redefine typevar %s" % name) else: super(TypeVarMap, self).__setitem__(name, value) class TypeInferer(object): """ Operates on block that shares the same ir.Scope. """ def __init__(self, context, blocks): self.context = context self.blocks = blocks self.typevars = TypeVarMap() self.typevars.set_context(context) self.constrains = ConstrainNetwork() self.return_type = None # Set of assumed immutable globals self.assumed_immutables = set() # Track all calls self.usercalls = [] self.intrcalls = [] self.setitemcalls = [] def dump(self): print('---- type variables ----') pprint(utils.dict_values(self.typevars)) def seed_type(self, name, typ): """All arguments should be seeded. """ self.typevars[name].lock(typ) def seed_return(self, typ): """Seeding of return value is optional. """ # self.return_type = typ for blk in utils.dict_itervalues(self.blocks): inst = blk.terminator if isinstance(inst, ir.Return): self.typevars[].lock(typ) # self.typevars[].lock() def build_constrain(self): for blk in utils.dict_itervalues(self.blocks): for inst in blk.body: self.constrain_statement(inst) def propagate(self): newtoken = self.get_state_token() oldtoken = None if config.DEBUG: self.dump() # Since the number of types are finite, the typesets will eventually # stop growing. while newtoken != oldtoken: if config.DEBUG: print("propagate".center(80, '-')) oldtoken = newtoken self.constrains.propagate(self.context, self.typevars) newtoken = self.get_state_token() if config.DEBUG: self.dump() def unify(self): typdict = utils.UniqueDict() for var, tv in self.typevars.items(): if len(tv) == 1: unified = tv.getone() elif len(tv) == 0: raise TypeError("Variable %s has no type" % var) else: unified = self.context.unify_types(*tv.get()) if unified == types.pyobject: raise TypingError("Var '%s' unified to object: %s" % (var, tv)) typdict[var] = unified retty = self.get_return_type(typdict) fntys = self.get_function_types(typdict) return typdict, retty, fntys def get_function_types(self, typemap): calltypes = utils.UniqueDict() for call, args, kws in self.intrcalls: if call.op in ('binop', 'unary'): fnty = call.fn else: fnty = call.op args = tuple(typemap[] for a in args) assert not kws signature = self.context.resolve_function_type(fnty, args, ()) assert signature is not None, (fnty, args) calltypes[call] = signature for call, args, kws in self.usercalls: args = tuple(typemap[] for a in args) if isinstance(call.func, ir.Intrinsic): signature = call.func.type else: assert not kws fnty = typemap[] signature = self.context.resolve_function_type(fnty, args, ()) assert signature is not None, (fnty, args) calltypes[call] = signature for inst in self.setitemcalls: target = typemap[] index = typemap[] value = typemap[] signature = self.context.resolve_setitem(target, index, value) calltypes[inst] = signature return calltypes def get_return_type(self, typemap): rettypes = set() for blk in utils.dict_itervalues(self.blocks): term = blk.terminator if isinstance(term, ir.Return): rettypes.add(typemap[]) if types.none in rettypes: # Special case None return rettypes = rettypes - set([types.none]) if rettypes: unified = self.context.unify_types(*rettypes) return types.Optional(unified) else: return types.none else: unified = self.context.unify_types(*rettypes) return unified def get_state_token(self): """The algorithm is monotonic. It can only grow the typesets. The sum of all lengths of type sets is a cheap and accurate description of our progress. """ return sum(len(tv) for tv in utils.dict_itervalues(self.typevars)) def constrain_statement(self, inst): if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign): self.typeof_assign(inst) elif isinstance(inst, ir.SetItem): self.typeof_setitem(inst) elif isinstance(inst, (ir.Jump, ir.Branch, ir.Return, ir.Del)): pass else: raise NotImplementedError(inst) def typeof_setitem(self, inst): constrain = SetItemConstrain(, index=inst.index, value=inst.value, loc=inst.loc) self.constrains.append(constrain) self.setitemcalls.append(inst) def typeof_assign(self, inst): value = inst.value if isinstance(value, ir.Const): self.typeof_const(inst,, value.value) elif isinstance(value, ir.Var): self.constrains.append(Propagate(,, loc=inst.loc)) elif isinstance(value, ir.Global): self.typeof_global(inst,, value) elif isinstance(value, ir.Expr): self.typeof_expr(inst,, value) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(value), value) def typeof_const(self, inst, target, const): if const is True or const is False: self.typevars[].lock(types.boolean) elif isinstance(const, (int, float)): ty = self.context.get_number_type(const) self.typevars[].lock(ty) elif const is None: self.typevars[].lock(types.none) # elif isinstance(const, str): # self.typevars[].lock(types.string) elif isinstance(const, complex): self.typevars[].lock(types.complex128) elif isinstance(const, tuple): tys = [] for elem in const: if isinstance(elem, int): tys.append(types.intp) if all(t == types.intp for t in tys): typ = types.UniTuple(types.intp, len(tys)) else: typ = types.Tuple(tys) self.typevars[].lock(typ) else: msg = "Unknown constant of type %s" % (const,) raise TypingError(msg, loc=inst.loc) def typeof_global(self, inst, target, gvar): if ( in ('range', 'xrange') and gvar.value in RANGE_ITER_OBJECTS): gvty = self.context.get_global_type(gvar.value) self.typevars[].lock(gvty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif == 'slice' and gvar.value is slice: gvty = self.context.get_global_type(gvar.value) self.typevars[].lock(gvty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif == 'len' and gvar.value is len: gvty = self.context.get_global_type(gvar.value) self.typevars[].lock(gvty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif in ('True', 'False'): assert gvar.value in (True, False) self.typevars[].lock(types.boolean) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif (isinstance(gvar.value, tuple) and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in gvar.value)): gvty = self.context.get_number_type(gvar.value[0]) self.typevars[].lock(types.UniTuple(gvty, 2)) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif isinstance(gvar.value, (int, float)): gvty = self.context.get_number_type(gvar.value) self.typevars[].lock(gvty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif numpy_support.is_arrayscalar(gvar.value): gvty = numpy_support.map_arrayscalar_type(gvar.value) self.typevars[].lock(gvty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif numpy_support.is_array(gvar.value): ary = gvar.value dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(ary.dtype) # force C contiguous gvty = types.Array(dtype, ary.ndim, 'C') self.typevars[].lock(gvty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif ctypes_utils.is_ctypes_funcptr(gvar.value): cfnptr = gvar.value fnty = ctypes_utils.make_function_type(cfnptr) self.typevars[].lock(fnty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) elif cffi_support.SUPPORTED and cffi_support.is_cffi_func(gvar.value): fnty = cffi_support.make_function_type(gvar.value) self.typevars[].lock(fnty) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) else: try: gvty = self.context.get_global_type(gvar.value) except KeyError: raise TypingError("Untyped global name '%s'" %, loc=inst.loc) self.assumed_immutables.add(inst) self.typevars[].lock(gvty) # TODO Hmmm... # elif gvar.value is ir.UNDEFINED: # self.typevars[].add_types(types.pyobject) def typeof_expr(self, inst, target, expr): if expr.op == 'call': if isinstance(expr.func, ir.Intrinsic): restype = expr.func.type.return_type self.typevars[].add_types(restype) self.usercalls.append((inst.value, expr.args, expr.kws)) else: self.typeof_call(inst, target, expr) elif expr.op in ('getiter', 'iternext', 'iternextsafe', 'itervalid'): self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.op, expr.value) elif expr.op == 'binop': self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.fn, expr.lhs, expr.rhs) elif expr.op == 'unary': self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.fn, expr.value) elif expr.op == 'getitem': self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.op,, expr.index) elif expr.op == 'getattr': constrain = GetAttrConstrain(, attr=expr.attr, value=expr.value, loc=inst.loc, inst=inst) self.constrains.append(constrain) elif expr.op == 'getitem': self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.op,, expr.index, loc=inst.loc) elif expr.op == 'build_tuple': constrain = BuildTupleConstrain(, items=expr.items, loc=inst.loc) self.constrains.append(constrain) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(expr), expr) def typeof_call(self, inst, target, call): constrain = CallConstrain(,, call.args, call.kws, loc=inst.loc) self.constrains.append(constrain) self.usercalls.append((inst.value, call.args, call.kws)) def typeof_intrinsic_call(self, inst, target, func, *args): constrain = IntrinsicCallConstrain(, func, args, (), loc=inst.loc) self.constrains.append(constrain) self.intrcalls.append((inst.value, args, ())) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = types """ These type objects do not have a fixed machine representation. It is up to the targets to choose their representation. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from collections import defaultdict import numpy def _autoincr(): n = len(_typecache) # 4 billion types should be enough, right? assert n <= 2 ** 32, "Limited to 4billion types" return n _typecache = defaultdict(_autoincr) class Type(object): """ The default behavior is to provide equality through `name` attribute. Two types are equal if there `name` are equal. Subclass can refine this behavior. """ __slots__ = '_code', 'name', 'is_parametric' def __init__(self, name, param=False): = name self.is_parametric = param self._code = _typecache[self] def __repr__(self): return def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): return == def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __call__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1 and not isinstance(args[0], Type): return self.cast_python_value(args[0]) return Prototype(args=args, return_type=self) def __getitem__(self, args): assert not isinstance(self, Array) ndim, layout = self._determine_array_spec(args) return Array(dtype=self, ndim=ndim, layout=layout) def _determine_array_spec(self, args): if isinstance(args, (tuple, list)): ndim = len(args) if args[0].step == 1: layout = 'F' elif args[-1].step == 1: layout = 'C' else: layout = 'A' elif isinstance(args, slice): ndim = 1 if args.step == 1: layout = 'C' else: layout = 'A' else: ndim = 1 layout = 'A' return ndim, layout __iter__ = NotImplemented cast_python_value = NotImplemented class Integer(Type): def __init__(self, *args, **kws): super(Integer, self).__init__(*args, **kws) # Determine bitwidth for prefix in ('int', 'uint'): if bitwidth = int([len(prefix):]) self.bitwidth = bitwidth self.signed ='int') def cast_python_value(self, value): return getattr(numpy, class Float(Type): def cast_python_value(self, value): return getattr(numpy, class Complex(Type): def cast_python_value(self, value): return getattr(numpy, class Prototype(Type): def __init__(self, args, return_type): self.args = args self.return_type = return_type name = "%s(%s)" % (return_type, ', '.join(str(a) for a in args)) super(Prototype, self).__init__(name=name) class Dummy(Type): """ For type that does not really have a representation and is compatible with a void*. """ class Kind(Type): def __init__(self, of): self.of = of super(Kind, self).__init__("kind(%s)" % of) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Kind): return self.of == other.of def __hash__(self): return hash(self.of) class Module(Type): def __init__(self, pymod): self.pymod = pymod super(Module, self).__init__("Module(%s)" % pymod) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Module): return self.pymod == other.pymod def __hash__(self): return hash(self.pymod) class Macro(Type): def __init__(self, template): self.template = template cls = type(self) super(Macro, self).__init__("%s(%s)" % (cls.__name__, template)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Macro): return self.template == other.template def __hash__(self): # FIXME maybe this should not be hashable return hash(self.template) class Function(Type): def __init__(self, template): self.template = template cls = type(self) # TODO template is mutable. Should use different naming scheme super(Function, self).__init__("%s(%s)" % (cls.__name__, template)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Function): return self.template == other.template def __hash__(self): # FIXME maybe this should not be hashable return hash(self.template) def extend(self, template): self.template.cases.extend(template.cases) class Dispatcher(Type): def __init__(self, overloaded): self.overloaded = overloaded super(Dispatcher, self).__init__("Dispatcher(%s)" % overloaded) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Dispatcher): return self.overloaded is other.overloaded def __hash__(self): return hash(self.overloaded) class FunctionPointer(Function): def __init__(self, template, funcptr): self.funcptr = funcptr super(FunctionPointer, self).__init__(template) class Method(Function): def __init__(self, template, this): self.this = this newcls = type(template.__name__ + '.' + str(this), (template,), dict(this=this)) super(Method, self).__init__(newcls) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Method): return (self.template.__name__ == other.template.__name__ and self.this == other.this) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.template.__name__, self.this)) class Array(Type): __slots__ = 'dtype', 'ndim', 'layout' # CS and FS are not reserved for inner contig but strided LAYOUTS = frozenset(['C', 'F', 'CS', 'FS', 'A']) def __init__(self, dtype, ndim, layout): from numba.typeconv.rules import default_type_manager as tm if isinstance(dtype, Array): raise TypeError("Array dtype cannot be Array") if layout not in self.LAYOUTS: raise ValueError("Invalid layout '%s'" % layout) self.dtype = dtype self.ndim = ndim self.layout = layout name = "array(%s, %sd, %s)" % (dtype, ndim, layout) super(Array, self).__init__(name, param=True) if layout != 'A': # Install conversion from non-any layout to any layout ary_any = Array(dtype, ndim, 'A') tm.set_safe_convert(self, ary_any) def copy(self, dtype=None, ndim=None, layout=None): if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype if ndim is None: ndim = self.ndim if layout is None: layout = self.layout return Array(dtype=dtype, ndim=ndim, layout=layout) def get_layout(self, dim): assert 0 <= dim < self.ndim if self.layout in 'CFA': return self.layout elif self.layout == 'CS': if dim == self.ndim - 1: return 'C' elif self.layout == 'FS': if dim == 0: return 'F' return 'A' def getitem(self, ind): """Returns (return-type, index-type) """ if isinstance(ind, UniTuple): idxty = UniTuple(intp, ind.count) else: idxty = intp return self.dtype, idxty def setitem(self): """Returns (index-type, value-type) """ return intp, self.dtype def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Array): return (self.dtype == other.dtype and self.ndim == other.ndim and self.layout == other.layout) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.dtype, self.ndim, self.layout)) @property def is_c_contig(self): return self.layout == 'C' or (self.ndim == 1 and self.layout in 'CF') @property def is_f_contig(self): return self.layout == 'F' or (self.ndim == 1 and self.layout in 'CF') @property def is_contig(self): return self.layout in 'CF' class UniTuple(Type): def __init__(self, dtype, count): self.dtype = dtype self.count = count name = "(%s x %d)" % (dtype, count) super(UniTuple, self).__init__(name, param=True) def getitem(self, ind): if isinstance(ind, UniTuple): idxty = UniTuple(intp, ind.count) else: idxty = intp return self.dtype, intp def __getitem__(self, i): """ Return element at position i """ return self.dtype def __iter__(self): return iter([self.dtype] * self.count) def __len__(self): return self.count def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, UniTuple): return self.dtype == other.dtype and self.count == other.count def __hash__(self): return hash((self.dtype, self.count)) class UniTupleIter(Type): def __init__(self, unituple): self.unituple = unituple name = 'iter(%s)' % unituple super(UniTupleIter, self).__init__(name, param=True) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, UniTupleIter): return self.unituple == other.unituple def __hash__(self): return hash(self.unituple) class Tuple(Type): def __init__(self, items): self.items = items self.count = len(items) name = "(%s)" % ', '.join(str(i) for i in items) super(Tuple, self).__init__(name, param=True) def __getitem__(self, i): """ Return element at position i """ return self.items[i] def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Tuple): return self.items == other.items def __hash__(self): return hash(self.items) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items) class CPointer(Type): def __init__(self, dtype): self.dtype = dtype name = "*%s" % dtype super(CPointer, self).__init__(name, param=True) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, CPointer): return self.dtype == other.dtype def __hash__(self): return hash(self.dtype) class Object(Type): def __init__(self, clsobj): self.cls = clsobj name = "Object(%s)" % clsobj.__name__ super(Object, self).__init__(name, param=True) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Object): return self.cls == other.cls def __hash__(self): return hash(self.cls) class Optional(Type): def __init__(self, typ): self.type = typ name = "?%s" % typ super(Optional, self).__init__(name, param=True) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Optional): return self.type == other.type def __hash__(self): return hash(self.type) pyobject = Type('pyobject') none = Dummy('none') Any = Dummy('any') VarArg = Dummy('...') string = Dummy('str') # No operation is defined on voidptr # Can only pass it around voidptr = Dummy('void*') boolean = bool_ = Type('bool') byte = uint8 = Integer('uint8') uint16 = Integer('uint16') uint32 = Integer('uint32') uint64 = Integer('uint64') int8 = Integer('int8') int16 = Integer('int16') int32 = Integer('int32') int64 = Integer('int64') intp = int32 if tuple.__itemsize__ == 4 else int64 uintp = uint32 if tuple.__itemsize__ == 4 else uint64 float32 = Float('float32') float64 = Float('float64') complex64 = Complex('complex64') complex128 = Complex('complex128') len_type = Dummy('len') range_type = Dummy('range') slice_type = Dummy('slice') abs_type = Dummy('abs') neg_type = Dummy('neg') print_type = Dummy('print') sign_type = Dummy('sign') range_state32_type = Type('range_state32') range_state64_type = Type('range_state64') range_iter32_type = Type('range_iter32') range_iter64_type = Type('range_iter64') # slice2_type = Type('slice2_type') slice3_type = Type('slice3_type') signed_domain = frozenset([int8, int16, int32, int64]) unsigned_domain = frozenset([uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64]) integer_domain = signed_domain | unsigned_domain real_domain = frozenset([float32, float64]) complex_domain = frozenset([complex64, complex128]) number_domain = real_domain | integer_domain | complex_domain # Aliases to Numpy type names b1 = bool_ i1 = int8 i2 = int16 i4 = int32 i8 = int64 u1 = uint8 u2 = uint16 u4 = uint32 u8 = uint64 f4 = float32 f8 = float64 c8 = complex64 c16 = complex128 float_ = float32 double = float64 void = none _make_signed = lambda x: globals()["int%d" % (numpy.dtype(x).itemsize * 8)] _make_unsigned = lambda x: globals()["uint%d" % (numpy.dtype(x).itemsize * 8)] char = _make_signed(numpy.byte) uchar = byte = _make_unsigned(numpy.byte) short = _make_signed(numpy.short) ushort = _make_unsigned(numpy.short) int_ = _make_signed(numpy.int_) uint = _make_unsigned(numpy.int_) intc = _make_signed(numpy.intc) # C-compat int uintc = _make_signed(numpy.uintc) # C-compat uint long_ = _make_signed(numpy.long) ulong = _make_unsigned(numpy.long) longlong = _make_signed(numpy.longlong) ulonglong = _make_unsigned(numpy.longlong) __all__ = ''' int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 intp intc boolean float32 float64 complex64 complex128 bool_ byte char uchar short ushort int_ uint long_ ulong longlong ulonglong float_ double void none b1 i1 i2 i4 i8 u1 u2 u4 u8 f4 f8 c8 c16 '''.split() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = type_annotations from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import inspect import re from collections import Mapping, defaultdict import textwrap from contextlib import closing from numba.io_support import StringIO from numba import ir class SourceLines(Mapping): def __init__(self, func): try: lines, startno = inspect.getsourcelines(func) except IOError: self.lines = () self.startno = 0 else: self.lines = textwrap.dedent(''.join(lines)).splitlines() self.startno = startno def __getitem__(self, lineno): try: return self.lines[lineno - self.startno].rstrip() except IndexError: return '' def __iter__(self): return iter((self.startno + i) for i in range(len(self.lines))) def __len__(self): return len(self.lines) @property def avail(self): return bool(self.lines) class TypeAnnotation(object): def __init__(self, interp, typemap, calltypes, lifted): self.filename = interp.bytecode.filename self.func = interp.bytecode.func self.blocks = interp.blocks self.typemap = typemap self.calltypes = calltypes self.lifted = lifted def annotate(self): source = SourceLines(self.func) # if not source.avail: # return "Source code unavailable" # Prepare annotations groupedinst = defaultdict(list) for blkid, blk in self.blocks.items(): groupedinst[blk.loc.line].append("label %d" % blkid) for inst in blk.body: lineno = inst.loc.line if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign): if (isinstance(inst.value, ir.Expr) and inst.value.op == 'call'): atype = self.calltypes[inst.value] else: atype = self.typemap[] aline = "%s = %s :: %s" % (, inst.value, atype) elif isinstance(inst, ir.SetItem): atype = self.calltypes[inst] aline = "%s :: %s" % (inst, atype) else: aline = "%s" % inst groupedinst[lineno].append(" %s" % aline) # Format annotations io = StringIO() with closing(io): if source.avail: print("# File: %s" % self.filename, file=io) for num in source: srcline = source[num] ind = _getindent(srcline) print("%s# --- LINE %d --- " % (ind, num), file=io) for inst in groupedinst[num]: print('%s# %s' % (ind, inst), file=io) print(file=io) print(srcline, file=io) print(file=io) if self.lifted: print("# The function contains lifted loops", file=io) for loop in self.lifted: print("# Loop at line %d" % loop.bytecode.firstlineno, file=io) print("# Has %d overloads" % len(loop.overloads), file=io) for cres in loop.overloads.values(): print(cres.type_annotation, file=io) else: print("# Source code unavailable", file=io) for num in groupedinst: for inst in groupedinst[num]: print('%s' % (inst,), file=io) print(file=io) return io.getvalue() def __str__(self): return self.annotate() re_longest_white_prefix = re.compile('^\s*') def _getindent(text): m = re_longest_white_prefix.match(text) if not m: return '' else: return ' ' * len( ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = builtins from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import types from numba.utils import PYVERSION from numba.typing.templates import (AttributeTemplate, ConcreteTemplate, AbstractTemplate, builtin_global, builtin, builtin_attr, signature) builtin_global(range, types.range_type) if PYVERSION < (3, 0): builtin_global(xrange, types.range_type) builtin_global(len, types.len_type) builtin_global(slice, types.slice_type) builtin_global(abs, types.abs_type) builtin_global(print, types.print_type) @builtin class Print(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.print_type intcases = [signature(types.none, ty) for ty in types.integer_domain] realcases = [signature(types.none, ty) for ty in types.real_domain] cases = intcases + realcases @builtin class Abs(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.abs_type intcases = [signature(ty, ty) for ty in types.signed_domain] realcases = [signature(ty, ty) for ty in types.real_domain] cases = intcases + realcases @builtin class Slice(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.slice_type cases = [ signature(types.slice3_type), signature(types.slice3_type, types.none, types.none), signature(types.slice3_type, types.none, types.intp), signature(types.slice3_type, types.intp, types.none), signature(types.slice3_type, types.intp, types.intp), signature(types.slice3_type, types.intp, types.intp, types.intp), ] @builtin class Range(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.range_type cases = [ signature(types.range_state32_type, types.int32), signature(types.range_state32_type, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.range_state32_type, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.range_state64_type, types.int64), signature(types.range_state64_type, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.range_state64_type, types.int64, types.int64, types.int64), ] @builtin class GetIter(ConcreteTemplate): key = "getiter" cases = [ signature(types.range_iter32_type, types.range_state32_type), signature(types.range_iter64_type, types.range_state64_type), ] @builtin class GetIterUniTuple(AbstractTemplate): key = "getiter" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [tup] = args if isinstance(tup, types.UniTuple): return signature(types.UniTupleIter(tup), tup) @builtin class IterNext(ConcreteTemplate): key = "iternext" cases = [ signature(types.int32, types.range_iter32_type), signature(types.int64, types.range_iter64_type), ] @builtin class IterNextSafe(AbstractTemplate): key = "iternextsafe" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [tupiter] = args if isinstance(tupiter, types.UniTupleIter): return signature(tupiter.unituple.dtype, tupiter) @builtin class IterValid(ConcreteTemplate): key = "itervalid" cases = [ signature(types.boolean, types.range_iter32_type), signature(types.boolean, types.range_iter64_type), ] class BinOp(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [ signature(types.uintp, types.uint8, types.uint8), signature(types.uintp, types.uint16, types.uint16), signature(types.uintp, types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.intp, types.int8, types.int8), signature(types.intp, types.int16, types.int16), signature(types.intp, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.int64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), signature(types.complex64, types.complex64, types.complex64), signature(types.complex128, types.complex128, types.complex128), ] @builtin class BinOpAdd(BinOp): key = "+" @builtin class BinOpSub(BinOp): key = "-" @builtin class BinOpMul(BinOp): key = "*" @builtin class BinOpDiv(BinOp): key = "/?" @builtin class BinOpMod(ConcreteTemplate): key = "%" cases = [ signature(types.uint8, types.uint8, types.uint8), signature(types.uint16, types.uint16, types.uint16), signature(types.uint32, types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.int8, types.int8, types.int8), signature(types.int16, types.int16, types.int16), signature(types.int32, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.int64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), ] @builtin class BinOpTrueDiv(ConcreteTemplate): key = "/" cases = [ signature(types.float64, types.uint8, types.uint8), signature(types.float64, types.uint16, types.uint16), signature(types.float64, types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.float64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.float64, types.int8, types.int8), signature(types.float64, types.int16, types.int16), signature(types.float64, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.float64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), signature(types.complex64, types.complex64, types.complex64), signature(types.complex128, types.complex128, types.complex128), ] @builtin class BinOpFloorDiv(ConcreteTemplate): key = "//" cases = [ signature(types.int8, types.int8, types.int8), signature(types.int16, types.int16, types.int16), signature(types.int32, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.int64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.uint8, types.uint8, types.uint8), signature(types.uint16, types.uint16, types.uint16), signature(types.uint32, types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.int32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.int64, types.float64, types.float64), ] @builtin class BinOpPower(ConcreteTemplate): key = "**" cases = [ signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.uint8), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.uint16), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.uint32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.uint64), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.int8), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.int16), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.int32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.int64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), signature(types.complex64, types.complex64, types.complex64), signature(types.complex128, types.complex128, types.complex128), ] class BitwiseShiftOperation(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [ signature(types.int8, types.int8, types.uint32), signature(types.int16, types.int16, types.uint32), signature(types.int32, types.int32, types.uint32), signature(types.int64, types.int64, types.uint32), signature(types.uint8, types.uint8, types.uint32), signature(types.uint16, types.uint16, types.uint32), signature(types.uint32, types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64, types.uint32), ] @builtin class BitwiseLeftShift(BitwiseShiftOperation): key = "<<" @builtin class BitwiseRightShift(BitwiseShiftOperation): key = ">>" class BitwiseLogicOperation(BinOp): cases = [ signature(types.uintp, types.uint8, types.uint8), signature(types.uintp, types.uint16, types.uint16), signature(types.uintp, types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.intp, types.int8, types.int8), signature(types.intp, types.int16, types.int16), signature(types.intp, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.int64, types.int64, types.int64), ] @builtin class BitwiseAnd(BitwiseLogicOperation): key = "&" @builtin class BitwiseOr(BitwiseLogicOperation): key = "|" @builtin class BitwiseXor(BitwiseLogicOperation): key = "^" @builtin class BitwiseInvert(ConcreteTemplate): key = "~" cases = [ signature(types.int8, types.boolean), signature(types.uint8, types.uint8), signature(types.uint16, types.uint16), signature(types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.int8, types.int8), signature(types.int16, types.int16), signature(types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.int64, types.int64), ] class UnaryOp(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [ signature(types.uintp, types.uint8), signature(types.uintp, types.uint16), signature(types.uintp, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.intp, types.int8), signature(types.intp, types.int16), signature(types.intp, types.int32), signature(types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64), signature(types.complex64, types.complex64), signature(types.complex128, types.complex128), ] @builtin class UnaryNot(UnaryOp): key = "not" cases = [ signature(types.boolean, types.boolean), signature(types.boolean, types.uint8), signature(types.boolean, types.uint16), signature(types.boolean, types.uint32), signature(types.boolean, types.uint64), signature(types.boolean, types.int8), signature(types.boolean, types.int16), signature(types.boolean, types.int32), signature(types.boolean, types.int64), signature(types.boolean, types.float32), signature(types.boolean, types.float64), signature(types.boolean, types.complex64), signature(types.boolean, types.complex128), ] @builtin class UnaryNegate(UnaryOp): key = "-" cases = [ signature(types.uintp, types.uint8), signature(types.uintp, types.uint16), signature(types.uintp, types.uint32), signature(types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.intp, types.int8), signature(types.intp, types.int16), signature(types.intp, types.int32), signature(types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64), signature(types.complex64, types.complex64), signature(types.complex128, types.complex128), ] class CmpOp(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [ signature(types.boolean, types.boolean, types.boolean), signature(types.boolean, types.uint8, types.uint8), signature(types.boolean, types.uint16, types.uint16), signature(types.boolean, types.uint32, types.uint32), signature(types.boolean, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.boolean, types.int8, types.int8), signature(types.boolean, types.int16, types.int16), signature(types.boolean, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.boolean, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.boolean, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.boolean, types.float64, types.float64), ] @builtin class CmpOpLt(CmpOp): key = '<' @builtin class CmpOpLe(CmpOp): key = '<=' @builtin class CmpOpGt(CmpOp): key = '>' @builtin class CmpOpGe(CmpOp): key = '>=' @builtin class CmpOpEq(CmpOp): key = '==' @builtin class CmpOpNe(CmpOp): key = '!=' def normalize_index(index): if isinstance(index, types.UniTuple): if index.dtype in types.integer_domain: return types.UniTuple(types.intp, len(index)) elif index.dtype == types.slice3_type: return index elif isinstance(index, types.Tuple): for ty in index: if (ty not in types.integer_domain and ty not in types.real_domain and ty != types.slice3_type): return return index elif index == types.slice3_type: return types.slice3_type # elif index == types.slice2_type: # return types.slice2_type else: return types.intp @builtin class GetItemUniTuple(AbstractTemplate): key = "getitem" def generic(self, args, kws): tup, idx = args if isinstance(tup, types.UniTuple): return signature(tup.dtype, tup, normalize_index(idx)) @builtin class GetItemArray(AbstractTemplate): key = "getitem" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [ary, idx] = args if not isinstance(ary, types.Array): return idx = normalize_index(idx) if not idx: return if idx == types.slice3_type: #(types.slice2_type, types.slice3_type): res = ary.copy(layout='A') elif isinstance(idx, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple)): if ary.ndim > len(idx): return elif ary.ndim < len(idx): return elif any(i == types.slice3_type for i in idx): ndim = ary.ndim for i in idx: if i != types.slice3_type: ndim -= 1 res = ary.copy(ndim=ndim, layout='A') else: res = ary.dtype elif idx == types.intp: if ary.ndim != 1: return res = ary.dtype else: raise Exception("unreachable: index type of %s" % idx) return signature(res, ary, idx) @builtin class SetItemArray(AbstractTemplate): key = "setitem" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws ary, idx, val = args if isinstance(ary, types.Array): return signature(types.none, ary, normalize_index(idx), ary.dtype) @builtin class LenArray(AbstractTemplate): key = types.len_type def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws (ary,) = args if isinstance(ary, types.Array): return signature(types.intp, ary) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin_attr class ArrayAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Array def resolve_shape(self, ary): return types.UniTuple(types.intp, ary.ndim) def resolve_strides(self, ary): return types.UniTuple(types.intp, ary.ndim) def resolve_ndim(self, ary): return types.intp # # def resolve_flatten(self, ary): # return types.Method(Array_flatten, ary) def resolve_size(self, ary): return types.intp class Array_flatten(AbstractTemplate): key = "array.flatten" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not args assert not kws this = self.this if this.layout == 'C': resty = this.copy(ndim=1) return signature(resty, recvr=this) @builtin class CmpOpEqArray(AbstractTemplate): key = '==' def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [va, vb] = args if isinstance(va, types.Array) and va == vb: return signature(va.copy(dtype=types.boolean), va, vb) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ComplexAttribute(AttributeTemplate): def resolve_real(self, ty): return self.innertype def resolve_imag(self, ty): return self.innertype @builtin_attr class Complex64Attribute(ComplexAttribute): key = types.complex64 innertype = types.float32 @builtin_attr class Complex128Attribute(ComplexAttribute): key = types.complex128 innertype = types.float64 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin_attr class NumbaTypesModuleAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(types) def resolve_int8(self, mod): return types.Function(ToInt8) def resolve_int16(self, mod): return types.Function(ToInt16) def resolve_int32(self, mod): return types.Function(ToInt32) def resolve_int64(self, mod): return types.Function(ToInt64) def resolve_uint8(self, mod): return types.Function(ToUint8) def resolve_uint16(self, mod): return types.Function(ToUint16) def resolve_uint32(self, mod): return types.Function(ToUint32) def resolve_uint64(self, mod): return types.Function(ToUint64) def resolve_float32(self, mod): return types.Function(ToFloat32) def resolve_float64(self, mod): return types.Function(ToFloat64) def resolve_complex64(self, mod): return types.Function(ToComplex64) def resolve_complex128(self, mod): return types.Function(ToComplex128) class Caster(AbstractTemplate): def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [a] = args if a in types.number_domain: return signature(self.key, a) class ToInt8(Caster): key = types.int8 class ToInt16(Caster): key = types.int16 class ToInt32(Caster): key = types.int32 class ToInt64(Caster): key = types.int64 class ToUint8(Caster): key = types.uint8 class ToUint16(Caster): key = types.uint16 class ToUint32(Caster): key = types.uint32 class ToUint64(Caster): key = types.uint64 class ToFloat32(Caster): key = types.float32 class ToFloat64(Caster): key = types.float64 class ToComplex64(Caster): key = types.complex64 class ToComplex128(Caster): key = types.complex128 builtin_global(types, types.Module(types)) builtin_global(types.int8, types.Function(ToInt8)) builtin_global(types.int16, types.Function(ToInt16)) builtin_global(types.int32, types.Function(ToInt32)) builtin_global(types.int64, types.Function(ToInt64)) builtin_global(types.uint8, types.Function(ToUint8)) builtin_global(types.uint16, types.Function(ToUint16)) builtin_global(types.uint32, types.Function(ToUint32)) builtin_global(types.uint64, types.Function(ToUint64)) builtin_global(types.float32, types.Function(ToFloat32)) builtin_global(types.float64, types.Function(ToFloat64)) builtin_global(types.complex64, types.Function(ToComplex64)) builtin_global(types.complex128, types.Function(ToComplex128)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Max(AbstractTemplate): key = max def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws for a in args: if a not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("max() only support for numbers") retty = self.context.unify_types(*args) return signature(retty, *args) class Min(AbstractTemplate): key = min def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws for a in args: if a not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("min() only support for numbers") retty = self.context.unify_types(*args) return signature(retty, *args) class Round(ConcreteTemplate): key = round cases = [ signature(types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64), ] builtin_global(max, types.Function(Max)) builtin_global(min, types.Function(Min)) builtin_global(round, types.Function(Round)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Bool(AbstractTemplate): key = bool def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [arg] = args if arg not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("bool() only support for numbers") return signature(types.boolean, arg) class Int(AbstractTemplate): key = int def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [arg] = args if arg not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("int() only support for numbers") if arg in types.complex_domain: raise TypeError("int() does not support complex") if arg in types.integer_domain: return signature(arg, arg) if arg in types.real_domain: return signature(types.intp, arg) class Float(AbstractTemplate): key = float def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [arg] = args if arg not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("float() only support for numbers") if arg in types.complex_domain: raise TypeError("float() does not support complex") if arg in types.integer_domain: return signature(types.float64, arg) elif arg in types.real_domain: return signature(arg, arg) class Complex(AbstractTemplate): key = complex def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws if len(args) == 1: [arg] = args if arg not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("complex() only support for numbers") return signature(types.complex128, arg) elif len(args) == 2: [real, imag] = args if (real not in types.number_domain or imag not in types.number_domain): raise TypeError("complex() only support for numbers") return signature(types.complex128, real, imag) builtin_global(bool, types.Function(Bool)) builtin_global(int, types.Function(Int)) builtin_global(float, types.Function(Float)) builtin_global(complex, types.Function(Complex)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = context from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict import functools import numpy from numba import types, utils from numba.typeconv import rules from . import templates # Initialize declarations from . import builtins, mathdecl, npydecl class BaseContext(object): """A typing context for storing function typing constrain template. """ def __init__(self): self.functions = defaultdict(list) self.attributes = {} self.globals = utils.UniqueDict() = rules.default_type_manager self._load_builtins() self.init() def init(self): pass def get_number_type(self, num): if isinstance(num, int): nbits = utils.bit_length(num) if nbits < 32: typ = types.int32 elif nbits < 64: typ = types.int64 else: raise ValueError("Int value is too large: %s" % num) return typ elif isinstance(num, float): return types.float64 else: raise NotImplementedError(type(num), num) def resolve_function_type(self, func, args, kws): if isinstance(func, types.Function): return func.template(self).apply(args, kws) if isinstance(func, types.Dispatcher): if kws: raise TypeError("kwargs not supported") if not func.overloaded.is_compiling: # Avoid compiler re-entrant fnobj = func.overloaded.compile(tuple(args)) else: try: fnobj = func.overloaded.get_overload(tuple(args)) except KeyError: return None ty = self.globals[fnobj] return self.resolve_function_type(ty, args, kws) defns = self.functions[func] for defn in defns: res = defn.apply(args, kws) if res is not None: return res def resolve_getattr(self, value, attr): try: attrinfo = self.attributes[value] except KeyError: if value.is_parametric: attrinfo = self.attributes[type(value)] else: raise return attrinfo.resolve(value, attr) def resolve_setitem(self, target, index, value): args = target, index, value kws = () return self.resolve_function_type("setitem", args, kws) def get_global_type(self, gv): return self.globals[gv] def _load_builtins(self): self.install(templates.builtin_registry) def install(self, registry): for ftcls in registry.functions: self.insert_function(ftcls(self)) for ftcls in registry.attributes: self.insert_attributes(ftcls(self)) for gv, gty in registry.globals: self.insert_global(gv, gty) def insert_global(self, gv, gty): self.globals[gv] = gty def insert_attributes(self, at): key = at.key assert key not in self.attributes, "Duplicated attributes template" self.attributes[key] = at def insert_function(self, ft): key = ft.key self.functions[key].append(ft) def insert_overloaded(self, overloaded): self.globals[overloaded] = types.Dispatcher(overloaded) def insert_user_function(self, fn, ft): """Insert a user function. Args ---- - fn: object used as callee - ft: function template """ self.globals[fn] = types.Function(ft) def extend_user_function(self, fn, ft): """ Insert of extend a user function. Args ---- - fn: object used as callee - ft: function template """ if fn in self.globals: self.globals[fn].extend(ft) else: self.insert_user_function(fn, ft) def insert_class(self, cls, attrs): clsty = types.Object(cls) at = templates.ClassAttrTemplate(self, clsty, attrs) self.insert_attributes(at) def type_compatibility(self, fromty, toty): """ Returns None or a string describing the conversion e.g. exact, promote, unsafe, safe """ if fromty == toty: return 'exact' elif (isinstance(fromty, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(toty, types.UniTuple) and len(fromty) == len(toty)): return self.type_compatibility(fromty.dtype, toty.dtype) return, toty) def unify_types(self, *types): return functools.reduce(self.unify_pairs, types) def unify_pairs(self, first, second): """ Choose PyObject type as the abstract if we fail to determine a concrete type. """ # TODO: should add an option to reject unsafe type conversion d = self.type_compatibility(fromty=first, toty=second) if d is None: return types.pyobject elif d == 'exact': # Same type return first elif d == 'promote': return second elif d in ('safe', 'unsafe'): assert first in types.number_domain assert second in types.number_domain a = numpy.dtype(str(first)) b = numpy.dtype(str(second)) # Just use NumPy coercion rules sel = numpy.promote_types(a, b) # Convert NumPy dtype back to Numba types return getattr(types, str(sel)) else: raise Exception("type_compatibility returned %s" % d) class Context(BaseContext): def init(self): self.install(mathdecl.registry) self.install(npydecl.registry) def new_method(fn, sig): name = "UserFunction_%s" % fn ft = templates.make_concrete_template(name, fn, [sig]) return types.Method(ft, this=sig.recvr) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = mathdecl import math from numba import types, utils from numba.typing.templates import (AttributeTemplate, ConcreteTemplate, signature, Registry) registry = Registry() builtin_attr = registry.register_attr builtin_global = registry.register_global @builtin_attr class MathModuleAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Module(math) def resolve_fabs(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_fabs) def resolve_exp(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_exp) def resolve_expm1(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_expm1) def resolve_sqrt(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_sqrt) def resolve_log(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_log) def resolve_log1p(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_log1p) def resolve_log10(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_log10) def resolve_sin(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_sin) def resolve_cos(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_cos) def resolve_tan(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_tan) def resolve_sinh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_sinh) def resolve_cosh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_cosh) def resolve_tanh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_tanh) def resolve_asin(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_asin) def resolve_acos(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_acos) def resolve_atan(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_atan) def resolve_atan2(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_atan2) def resolve_asinh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_asinh) def resolve_acosh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_acosh) def resolve_atanh(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_atanh) def resolve_pi(self, mod): return types.float64 def resolve_e(self, mod): return types.float64 def resolve_floor(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_floor) def resolve_ceil(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_ceil) def resolve_trunc(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_trunc) def resolve_isnan(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_isnan) def resolve_isinf(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_isinf) def resolve_degrees(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_degrees) def resolve_radians(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_radians) def resolve_hypot(self, mod): return types.Function(Math_hypot) class Math_unary(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [ signature(types.float64, types.int64), signature(types.float64, types.uint64), signature(types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64), ] class Math_fabs(Math_unary): key = math.fabs class Math_exp(Math_unary): key = math.exp if utils.PYVERSION > (2, 6): class Math_expm1(Math_unary): key = math.expm1 class Math_sqrt(Math_unary): key = math.sqrt class Math_log(Math_unary): key = math.log class Math_log1p(Math_unary): key = math.log1p class Math_log10(Math_unary): key = math.log10 class Math_sin(Math_unary): key = math.sin class Math_cos(Math_unary): key = math.cos class Math_tan(Math_unary): key = math.tan class Math_sinh(Math_unary): key = math.sinh class Math_cosh(Math_unary): key = math.cosh class Math_tanh(Math_unary): key = math.tanh class Math_asin(Math_unary): key = math.asin class Math_acos(Math_unary): key = math.acos class Math_atan(Math_unary): key = math.atan class Math_atan2(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.atan2 cases = [ signature(types.float64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), ] class Math_asinh(Math_unary): key = math.asinh class Math_acosh(Math_unary): key = math.acosh class Math_atanh(Math_unary): key = math.atanh class Math_floor(Math_unary): key = math.floor class Math_ceil(Math_unary): key = math.ceil class Math_trunc(Math_unary): key = math.trunc class Math_radians(Math_unary): key = math.radians class Math_degrees(Math_unary): key = math.degrees class Math_hypot(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.hypot cases = [ signature(types.float64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.float64, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64), ] class Math_isnan(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.isnan cases = [ signature(types.boolean, types.int64), signature(types.boolean, types.uint64), signature(types.boolean, types.float32), signature(types.boolean, types.float64), ] class Math_isinf(ConcreteTemplate): key = math.isinf cases = [ signature(types.boolean, types.int64), signature(types.boolean, types.uint64), signature(types.boolean, types.float32), signature(types.boolean, types.float64), ] builtin_global(math, types.Module(math)) builtin_global(math.fabs, types.Function(Math_fabs)) builtin_global(math.exp, types.Function(Math_exp)) if utils.PYVERSION > (2, 6): builtin_global(math.expm1, types.Function(Math_expm1)) builtin_global(math.sqrt, types.Function(Math_sqrt)) builtin_global(math.log, types.Function(Math_log)) builtin_global(math.log1p, types.Function(Math_log1p)) builtin_global(math.log10, types.Function(Math_log10)) builtin_global(math.sin, types.Function(Math_sin)) builtin_global(math.cos, types.Function(Math_cos)) builtin_global(math.tan, types.Function(Math_tan)) builtin_global(math.sinh, types.Function(Math_sinh)) builtin_global(math.cosh, types.Function(Math_cosh)) builtin_global(math.tanh, types.Function(Math_tanh)) builtin_global(math.asin, types.Function(Math_asin)) builtin_global(math.acos, types.Function(Math_acos)) builtin_global(math.atan, types.Function(Math_atan)) builtin_global(math.atan2, types.Function(Math_atan2)) builtin_global(math.asinh, types.Function(Math_asinh)) builtin_global(math.acosh, types.Function(Math_acosh)) builtin_global(math.atanh, types.Function(Math_atanh)) builtin_global(math.hypot, types.Function(Math_hypot)) builtin_global(math.floor, types.Function(Math_floor)) builtin_global(math.ceil, types.Function(Math_ceil)) builtin_global(math.trunc, types.Function(Math_trunc)) builtin_global(math.isnan, types.Function(Math_isnan)) builtin_global(math.isinf, types.Function(Math_isinf)) builtin_global(math.degrees, types.Function(Math_degrees)) builtin_global(math.radians, types.Function(Math_radians)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = npydecl import numpy from numba import types from numba.typing.templates import (AttributeTemplate, AbstractTemplate, Registry, signature) registry = Registry() builtin_global = registry.register_global builtin_attr = registry.register_attr @builtin_attr class NumpyModuleAttribute(AttributeTemplate): # note: many unary ufuncs are added later on, using setattr key = types.Module(numpy) def resolve_arctan2(self, mod): return types.Function(Numpy_arctan2) def resolve_add(self, mod): return types.Function(Numpy_add) def resolve_subtract(self, mod): return types.Function(Numpy_subtract) def resolve_multiply(self, mod): return types.Function(Numpy_multiply) def resolve_divide(self, mod): return types.Function(Numpy_divide) class Numpy_unary_ufunc(AbstractTemplate): def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws nargs = len(args) if nargs == 2: [inp, out] = args if isinstance(inp, types.Array) and isinstance(out, types.Array): return signature(out, inp, out) elif inp in types.number_domain and isinstance(out, types.Array): return signature(out, inp, out) elif nargs == 1: [inp] = args if inp in types.number_domain: if hasattr(self, "scalar_out_type"): return signature(self.scalar_out_type, inp) else: return signature(inp, inp) def _numpy_unary_ufunc(name): the_key = eval("numpy."+name) # obtain the appropriate symbol for the key. class typing_class(Numpy_unary_ufunc): key = the_key scalar_out_type = types.float64 # Add the resolve method to NumpyModuleAttribute setattr(NumpyModuleAttribute, "resolve_"+name, lambda s, m: types.Function(typing_class)) builtin_global(the_key, types.Function(typing_class)) # list of unary ufuncs to register _autoregister_unary_ufuncs = [ "sin", "cos", "tan", "arcsin", "arccos", "arctan", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "arcsinh", "arccosh", "arctanh", "exp", "exp2", "expm1", "log", "log2", "log10", "log1p", "absolute", "negative", "floor", "ceil", "trunc", "sign", "sqrt", "deg2rad", "rad2deg"] for func in _autoregister_unary_ufuncs: _numpy_unary_ufunc(func) del(_autoregister_unary_ufuncs) class Numpy_binary_ufunc(AbstractTemplate): def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws nargs = len(args) if nargs == 3: [inp1, inp2, out] = args if isinstance(out, types.Array) and \ (isinstance(inp1, types.Array) or inp1 in types.number_domain) or \ (isinstance(inp2, types.Array) or inp2 in types.number_domain): return signature(out, inp1, inp2, out) elif nargs == 2: [inp1, inp2] = args if inp1 in types.number_domain and inp2 in types.number_domain: if hasattr(self, "scalar_out_type"): return signature(self.scalar_out_type, inp1, inp2) else: return signature(inp1, inp1, inp2) class Numpy_add(Numpy_binary_ufunc): key = numpy.add class Numpy_subtract(Numpy_binary_ufunc): key = numpy.subtract class Numpy_multiply(Numpy_binary_ufunc): key = numpy.multiply class Numpy_divide(Numpy_binary_ufunc): key = numpy.divide class Numpy_arctan2(Numpy_binary_ufunc): key = numpy.arctan2 builtin_global(numpy, types.Module(numpy)) builtin_global(numpy.arctan2, types.Function(Numpy_arctan2)) builtin_global(numpy.add, types.Function(Numpy_add)) builtin_global(numpy.subtract, types.Function(Numpy_subtract)) builtin_global(numpy.multiply, types.Function(Numpy_multiply)) builtin_global(numpy.divide, types.Function(Numpy_divide)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = templates """ Define typing templates """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import types class Signature(object): __slots__ = 'return_type', 'args', 'recvr' def __init__(self, return_type, args, recvr): self.return_type = return_type self.args = args self.recvr = recvr def __hash__(self): return hash(self.args) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Signature): return (self.args == other.args and self.recvr == other.recvr) elif isinstance(other, tuple): return (self.args == other) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __repr__(self): return "%s -> %s" % (self.args, self.return_type) @property def is_method(self): return self.recvr is not None def make_concrete_template(name, key, signatures): baseclasses = (ConcreteTemplate,) gvars = dict(key=key, cases=list(signatures)) return type(name, baseclasses, gvars) def signature(return_type, *args, **kws): recvr = kws.pop('recvr', None) assert not kws return Signature(return_type, args, recvr=recvr) def _uses_downcast(dists): for d in dists: if d < 0: return True return False def _sum_downcast(dists): c = 0 for d in dists: if d < 0: c += abs(d) return c class Rating(object): __slots__ = 'promote', 'safe_convert', "unsafe_convert" def __init__(self): self.promote = 0 self.safe_convert = 0 self.unsafe_convert = 0 def astuple(self): """Returns a tuple suitable for comparing with the worse situation start first. """ return (self.unsafe_convert, self.safe_convert, self.promote) def resolve_overload(context, key, cases, args, kws): assert not kws, "Keyword arguments are not supported, yet" # Rate each cases candids = [] ratings = [] for case in cases: if len(args) == len(case.args): rate = Rating() for actual, formal in zip(args, case.args): by = context.type_compatibility(actual, formal) if by is None: break if by == 'promote': rate.promote += 1 elif by == 'safe': rate.safe_convert += 1 elif by == 'unsafe': rate.unsafe_convert += 1 elif by == 'exact': pass else: raise Exception("unreachable", by) else: ratings.append(rate.astuple()) candids.append(case) # Find the best case ordered = sorted(zip(ratings, candids), key=lambda i: i[0]) if ordered: if len(ordered) > 1: (first, case1), (second, case2) = ordered[:2] # Ambiguous overloading if first == second: ambiguous = [] for rate, case in ordered: if rate == first: ambiguous.append(case) # Try to resolve promotion # TODO: need to match this to the C overloading dispatcher resolvable = resolve_ambiguous_promotions(context, ambiguous, args) if resolvable: return resolvable # Failed to resolve promotion args = (key, args, '\n'.join(map(str, ambiguous))) msg = "Ambiguous overloading for %s %s\n%s" % args raise TypeError(msg) return ordered[0][1] class UnsafePromotionError(Exception): pass def safe_promotion(actual, formal): """ Allow integer to be casted to the nearest integer """ # Integers? if actual in types.integer_domain and formal in types.integer_domain: # Same signedness? if actual.signed == formal.signed: # Score by their distance return formal.bitwidth - actual.bitwidth raise UnsafePromotionError(actual, formal) def resolve_ambiguous_promotions(context, cases, args): ratings = [] for case in cases: try: rate = _safe_promote_case(context, case, args) except UnsafePromotionError: # Ignore error pass else: ratings.append((rate, case)) _, bestcase = min(ratings) return bestcase def _safe_promote_case(context, case, args): rate = 0 for actual, formal in zip(args, case.args): by = context.type_compatibility(actual, formal) if by == 'promote': rate += safe_promotion(actual, formal) else: raise UnsafePromotionError(actual, formal) return rate class FunctionTemplate(object): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def _select(self, cases, args, kws): selected = resolve_overload(self.context, self.key, cases, args, kws) return selected class AbstractTemplate(FunctionTemplate): """ Defines method ``generic(self, args, kws)`` which compute a possible signature base on input types. The signature does not have to match the input types. It is compared against the input types afterwards. """ def apply(self, args, kws): generic = getattr(self, "generic") sig = generic(args, kws) if sig: cases = [sig] return self._select(cases, args, kws) class ConcreteTemplate(FunctionTemplate): """ Defines attributes "cases" as a list of signature to match against the given input types. """ def apply(self, args, kws): cases = getattr(self, 'cases') assert cases return self._select(cases, args, kws) class AttributeTemplate(object): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def resolve(self, value, attr): fn = getattr(self, "resolve_%s" % attr, None) if fn is None: raise NameError("Attribute '%s' of %s is not typed" % (attr, value)) return fn(value) class ClassAttrTemplate(AttributeTemplate): def __init__(self, context, key, clsdict): super(ClassAttrTemplate, self).__init__(context) self.key = key self.clsdict = clsdict def resolve(self, value, attr): return self.clsdict[attr] class MacroTemplate(object): pass # ----------------------------- class Registry(object): def __init__(self): self.functions = [] self.attributes = [] self.globals = [] def register(self, item): assert issubclass(item, FunctionTemplate) self.functions.append(item) return item def register_attr(self, item): assert issubclass(item, AttributeTemplate) self.attributes.append(item) return item def register_global(self, v, t): self.globals.append((v, t)) builtin_registry = Registry() builtin = builtin_registry.register builtin_attr = builtin_registry.register_attr builtin_global = builtin_registry.register_global ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = unittest_support """ This file fixes portability issues for unittest """ from numba.config import PYVERSION if PYVERSION <= (2, 6): from unittest2 import * else: from unittest import * ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = utils from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import collections import functools import timeit import math import numpy from numba.config import PYVERSION class ConfigOptions(object): OPTIONS = () def __init__(self): self._enabled = set() def set(self, name): if name not in self.OPTIONS: raise NameError("Invalid flag: %s" % name) self._enabled.add(name) def unset(self, name): if name not in self.OPTIONS: raise NameError("Invalid flag: %s" % name) self._enabled.discard(name) def __getattr__(self, name): if name not in self.OPTIONS: raise NameError("Invalid flag: %s" % name) return name in self._enabled def __repr__(self): return "Flags(%s)" % ', '.join(str(x) for x in self._enabled) def copy(self): copy = type(self)() copy._enabled = set(self._enabled) return copy class SortedMap(collections.Mapping): """Immutable """ def __init__(self, seq): self._values = [] self._index = {} for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(seq)): self._index[k] = i self._values.append((k, v)) def __getitem__(self, k): i = self._index[k] return self._values[i][1] def __len__(self): return len(self._values) def __iter__(self): return iter(k for k, v in self._values) class SortedSet(collections.Set): def __init__(self, seq): self._set = set(seq) self._values = list(sorted(self._set)) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._set def __len__(self): return len(self._values) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._values) class UniqueDict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert key not in self super(UniqueDict, self).__setitem__(key, value) # def cache(fn): # @functools.wraps(fn) # def cached_func(self, *args, **kws): # if self in cached_func.cache: # return cached_func.cache[self] # ret = fn(self, *args, **kws) # cached_func.cache[self] = ret # return ret # cached_func.cache = {} # def invalidate(self): # if self in cached_func.cache: # del cached_func.cache[self] # cached_func.invalidate = invalidate # # return cached_func def runonce(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def inner(): if not inner._ran: res = fn() inner._result = res inner._ran = True return inner._result inner._ran = False return inner def bit_length(intval): assert isinstance(intval, int) return len(bin(abs(intval))) - 2 class BenchmarkResult(object): def __init__(self, func, records, loop): self.func = func self.loop = loop self.records = numpy.array(records) / loop = numpy.min(self.records) def __repr__(self): name = getattr(self.func, "__name__", self.func) args = (name, self.loop, self.records.size, format_time( return "%20s: %10d loops, best of %d: %s per loop" % args def format_time(tm): units = "s ms us ns ps".split() base = 1 for unit in units[:-1]: if tm >= base: break base /= 1000 else: unit = units[-1] return "%.1f%s" % (tm / base, unit) def benchmark(func, maxsec=1): timer = timeit.Timer(func) number = 1 result = timer.repeat(1, number) # Too fast to be measured while min(result) / number == 0: number *= 10 result = timer.repeat(3, number) best = min(result) / number if best >= maxsec: return BenchmarkResult(func, result, number) # Scale it up to make it close the maximum time max_per_run_time = maxsec / 3 / number number = max(max_per_run_time / best / 3, 1) # Round to the next power of 10 number = int(10 ** math.ceil(math.log10(number))) records = timer.repeat(3, number) return BenchmarkResult(func, records, number) # Other common python2/3 adaptors # Copied from Blaze which borrowed from six IS_PY3 = PYVERSION >= (3, 0) if IS_PY3: def dict_iteritems(d): return d.items().__iter__() def dict_itervalues(d): return d.values().__iter__() def dict_values(d): return list(d.values()) def dict_keys(d): return list(d.keys()) def iter_next(it): return it.__next__() def func_globals(f): return f.__globals__ def longint(v): return int(v) else: def dict_iteritems(d): return d.iteritems() def dict_itervalues(d): return d.itervalues() def dict_values(d): return d.values() def dict_keys(d): return d.keys() def iter_next(it): return def func_globals(f): return f.func_globals def longint(v): return long(v) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = _version # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import IN_LONG_VERSION_PY = True # This file helps to compute a version number in source trees obtained from # git-archive tarball (such as those provided by github's download-from-tag # feature). Distribution tarballs (build by sdist) and build # directories (produced by build) will contain a much shorter file # that just contains the computed version number. # This file is released into the public domain. Generated by # versioneer-0.7+ ( # these strings will be replaced by git during git-archive git_refnames = "$Format:%d$" git_full = "$Format:%H$" GIT = "git" import subprocess import sys def run_command(args, cwd=None, verbose=False): try: # remember shell=False, so use git.cmd on windows, not just git p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd) except EnvironmentError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if verbose: print(("unable to run %s" % args[0])) print(e) return None stdout = p.communicate()[0].strip() if sys.version >= '3': stdout = stdout.decode() if p.returncode != 0: if verbose: print(("unable to run %s (error)" % args[0])) return None return stdout import sys import re import os.path def get_expanded_variables(versionfile_source): # the code embedded in can just fetch the value of these # variables. When used from, we don't want to import #, so we do it with a regexp instead. This function is not # used from variables = {} try: for line in open(versionfile_source,"r").readlines(): if line.strip().startswith("git_refnames ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: variables["refnames"] = if line.strip().startswith("git_full ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: variables["full"] = except EnvironmentError: pass return variables def versions_from_expanded_variables(variables, tag_prefix, verbose=False): refnames = variables["refnames"].strip() if refnames.startswith("$Format"): if verbose: print("variables are unexpanded, not using") return {} # unexpanded, so not in an unpacked git-archive tarball refs = set([r.strip() for r in refnames.strip("()").split(",")]) for ref in list(refs): if not'\d', ref): if verbose: print(("discarding '%s', no digits" % ref)) refs.discard(ref) # Assume all version tags have a digit. git's %d expansion # behaves like git log --decorate=short and strips out the # refs/heads/ and refs/tags/ prefixes that would let us # distinguish between branches and tags. By ignoring refnames # without digits, we filter out many common branch names like # "release" and "stabilization", as well as "HEAD" and "master". if verbose: print(("remaining refs: %s" % ",".join(sorted(refs)))) for ref in sorted(refs): # sorting will prefer e.g. "2.0" over "2.0rc1" if ref.startswith(tag_prefix): r = ref[len(tag_prefix):] if verbose: print(("picking %s" % r)) return { "version": r, "full": variables["full"].strip() } # no suitable tags, so we use the full revision id if verbose: print("no suitable tags, using full revision id") return { "version": variables["full"].strip(), "full": variables["full"].strip() } def versions_from_vcs(tag_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose=False): # this runs 'git' from the root of the source tree. That either means # someone ran a command (and this code is in, so # IN_LONG_VERSION_PY=False, thus the containing directory is the root of # the source tree), or someone ran a project-specific entry point (and # this code is in, so IN_LONG_VERSION_PY=True, thus the # containing directory is somewhere deeper in the source tree). This only # gets called if the git-archive 'subst' variables were *not* expanded, # and hasn't already been rewritten with a short version # string, meaning we're inside a checked out source tree. try: here = os.path.abspath(__file__) except NameError: # some py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython implementations don't do __file__ return {} # not always correct # versionfile_source is the relative path from the top of the source tree # (where the .git directory might live) to this file. Invert this to find # the root from __file__. root = here if IN_LONG_VERSION_PY: for i in range(len(versionfile_source.split("/"))): root = os.path.dirname(root) else: root = os.path.dirname(here) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, ".git")): if verbose: print(("no .git in %s" % root)) return {} stdout = run_command([GIT, "describe", "--tags", "--dirty", "--always"], cwd=root) if stdout is None: return {} if not stdout.startswith(tag_prefix): if verbose: print(("tag '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'" % (stdout, tag_prefix))) return {} tag = stdout[len(tag_prefix):] stdout = run_command([GIT, "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=root) if stdout is None: return {} full = stdout.strip() if tag.endswith("-dirty"): full += "-dirty" return {"version": tag, "full": full} def versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose=False): if IN_LONG_VERSION_PY: # We're running from If it's from a source tree # (execute-in-place), we can work upwards to find the root of the # tree, and then check the parent directory for a version string. If # it's in an installed application, there's no hope. try: here = os.path.abspath(__file__) except NameError: # py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython don't have __file__ return {} # without __file__, we have no hope # versionfile_source is the relative path from the top of the source # tree to Invert this to find the root from __file__. root = here for i in range(len(versionfile_source.split("/"))): root = os.path.dirname(root) else: # we're running from, which means we're running from # the in a source tree. sys.argv[0] is in the root. here = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) root = os.path.dirname(here) # Source tarballs conventionally unpack into a directory that includes # both the project name and a version string. dirname = os.path.basename(root) if not dirname.startswith(parentdir_prefix): if verbose: print(("guessing rootdir is '%s', but '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'" % (root, dirname, parentdir_prefix))) return None return {"version": dirname[len(parentdir_prefix):], "full": ""} tag_prefix = "" parentdir_prefix = "numba-" versionfile_source = "numba/" def get_versions(default={"version": "unknown", "full": ""}, verbose=False): variables = { "refnames": git_refnames, "full": git_full } ver = versions_from_expanded_variables(variables, tag_prefix, verbose) if not ver: ver = versions_from_vcs(tag_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose) if not ver: ver = versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose) if not ver: ver = default return ver ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ad # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Example of how to use byte-code execution technique to trace accesses to numpy arrays. This file demonstrates two applications of this technique: * optimize numpy computations for repeated calling * provide automatic differentiation of procedural code """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import __builtin__ import os import sys import inspect import trace import opcode import numpy as np import theano from .utils import itercode # Opcode help: # XXX: support full calling convention for named args, *args and **kwargs class FrameVM(object): """ A Class for evaluating a code block of CPython bytecode, and tracking accesses to numpy arrays. """ def __init__(self, watcher, func): print('FrameVM', func) self.watcher = watcher self.func = func self.fco = func.__code__ self.names = self.fco.co_names self.varnames = self.fco.co_varnames self.constants = self.fco.co_consts self.costr = func.__code__.co_code self.argnames = self.fco.co_varnames[:self.fco.co_argcount] self.stack = [] def call(self, args, kwargs): self.rval = None self._myglobals = {} for name in self.names: #print 'name', name try: self._myglobals[name] = self.func.__globals__[name] except KeyError: try: self._myglobals[name] = __builtin__.__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: #print 'WARNING: name lookup failed', name pass self._locals = [None] * len(self.fco.co_varnames) for i, name in enumerate(self.argnames): #print 'i', args, self.argnames, self.fco.co_varnames self._locals[i] = args[i] self.code_iter = itercode(self.costr) jmp = None while True: try: i, op, arg = self.code_iter.send(jmp) except StopIteration: break name = opcode.opname[op] #print 'OP: ', i, name jmp = getattr(self, 'op_' + name)(i, op, arg) return self.rval def op_BINARY_ADD(self, i, op, arg): arg2 = self.stack.pop(-1) arg1 = self.stack.pop(-1) r = arg1 + arg2 self.stack.append(r) if (id(arg1) in self.watcher.svars or id(arg2) in self.watcher.svars): s1 = self.watcher.svars.get(id(arg1), arg1) s2 = self.watcher.svars.get(id(arg2), arg2) self.watcher.svars[id(r)] = s1 + s2 #print 'added sym' def op_BINARY_SUBTRACT(self, i, op, arg): arg2 = self.stack.pop(-1) arg1 = self.stack.pop(-1) r = arg1 - arg2 self.stack.append(r) if (id(arg1) in self.watcher.svars or id(arg2) in self.watcher.svars): s1 = self.watcher.svars.get(id(arg1), arg1) s2 = self.watcher.svars.get(id(arg2), arg2) self.watcher.svars[id(r)] = s1 - s2 def op_BINARY_MULTIPLY(self, i, op, arg): arg2 = self.stack.pop(-1) arg1 = self.stack.pop(-1) r = arg1 * arg2 self.stack.append(r) if (id(arg1) in self.watcher.svars or id(arg2) in self.watcher.svars): s1 = self.watcher.svars.get(id(arg1), arg1) s2 = self.watcher.svars.get(id(arg2), arg2) self.watcher.svars[id(r)] = s1 * s2 #print 'mul sym', id(r) def op_CALL_FUNCTION(self, i, op, arg): # XXX: does this work with kwargs? args = [self.stack[-ii] for ii in range(arg, 0, -1)] if arg > 0: self.stack = self.stack[:-arg] func = self.stack.pop(-1) recurse = True if func.__module__ and func.__module__.startswith('numpy'): recurse = False if 'built-in' in str(func): recurse = False if recurse: vm = FrameVM(self.watcher, func) rval =, {}) else: #print 'running built-in', func, func.__name__, args rval = func(*args) if any(id(a) in self.watcher.svars for a in args): sargs = [self.watcher.svars.get(id(a), a) for a in args] if func.__name__ == 'sum': #print 'sym sum', sargs self.watcher.svars[id(rval)] = theano.tensor.sum(*sargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(func) self.stack.append(rval) def op_COMPARE_OP(self, i, op, arg): opname = opcode.cmp_op[arg] left = self.stack.pop(-1) right = self.stack.pop(-1) if 0: pass elif opname == '==': self.stack.append(left == right) elif opname == '!=': self.stack.append(left != right) else: raise NotImplementedError('comparison: %s' % opname) def op_FOR_ITER(self, i, op, arg): # either push # or pop tos and send (arg) tos = self.stack[-1] try: next = next(tos) print('next', next) self.stack.append(next) except StopIteration: self.stack.pop(-1) return ('rel', arg) def op_JUMP_ABSOLUTE(self, i, op, arg): print('sending', arg) return ('abs', arg) def op_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, i, op, arg): tos = self.stack[-1] if tos: return ('rel', arg) def op_GET_ITER(self, i, op, arg): # replace tos -> iter(tos) tos = self.stack[-1] self.stack[-1] = iter(tos) if id(tos) in self.watcher.svars: raise NotImplementedError('iterator of watched value') def op_LOAD_GLOBAL(self, i, op, arg): #print 'LOAD_GLOBAL', self.names[arg] self.stack.append(self._myglobals[self.names[arg]]) def op_LOAD_ATTR(self, i, op, arg): #print 'LOAD_ATTR', self.names[arg] TOS = self.stack[-1] self.stack[-1] = getattr(TOS, self.names[arg]) def op_LOAD_CONST(self, i, op, arg): #print 'LOAD_CONST', self.constants[arg] self.stack.append(self.constants[arg]) def op_LOAD_FAST(self, i, op, arg): #print 'LOAD_FAST', self.varnames[arg] self.stack.append(self._locals[arg]) def op_POP_BLOCK(self, i, op, arg): print('pop block, what to do?') def op_POP_TOP(self, i, op, arg): self.stack.pop(-1) def op_PRINT_ITEM(self, i, op, arg): print(self.stack.pop(-1), end=' ') def op_PRINT_NEWLINE(self, i, op, arg): print('') def op_SETUP_LOOP(self, i, op, arg): print('SETUP_LOOP, what to do?') def op_STORE_FAST(self, i, op, arg): #print 'STORE_FAST', self.varnames[arg] self._locals[arg] = self.stack.pop(-1) def op_RAISE_VARARGS(self, i, op, arg): if 1 <= arg: exc = self.stack.pop(-1) if 2 <= arg: param = self.stack.pop(-1) if 3 <= arg: tb = self.stack.pop(-1) raise NotImplementedError('exception handling') def op_RETURN_VALUE(self, i, op, arg): self.rval = self.stack.pop(-1) class Watcher(object): def __init__(self, inputs): self.inputs = inputs self.svars = {} for var in inputs: self.svars[id(var)] = theano.tensor.vector() def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): vm = FrameVM(self, fn) return, kwargs) def grad_fn(self, rval, ival): sy = self.svars[id(rval)] sx = self.svars[id(ival)] dydx = theano.tensor.grad(sy, sx) return theano.function([sx], dydx) def recalculate_fn(self, rval, ival): sy = self.svars[id(rval)] sx = self.svars[id(ival)] return theano.function([sx], sy) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = annotate # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ numba --annotate """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import operator from itertools import groupby from collections import namedtuple # ______________________________________________________________________ Program = namedtuple("Program", ["python_source", "intermediates"]) SourceIntermediate = namedtuple("SourceIntermediate", ["name", "linenomap", "source"]) DotIntermediate = namedtuple("DotIntermediate", ["name", "dotcode"]) # graphviz Source = namedtuple("Source", ["linemap", "annotations"]) Annotation = namedtuple("Annotation", ["type", "value"]) # ______________________________________________________________________ def build_linemap(func): import inspect import textwrap source = inspect.getsource(func) source = textwrap.dedent(source) lines = source.split('\n') if lines[-1] == '': lines = lines[0:-1] func_code = getattr(func, 'func_code', None) if func_code is None: func_code = getattr(func, '__code__') lineno = func_code.co_firstlineno linemap = {} for line in lines: linemap[lineno] = line lineno += 1 return linemap # ______________________________________________________________________ # Annotation types A_type = "Types" A_c_api = "Python C API" A_numpy = "NumPy" A_errcheck = "Error check" A_objcoerce = "Coercion" A_pycall = "Python call" A_pyattr = "Python attribute" # Annotation formatting def format_annotations(annotations): adict = groupdict(annotations, 'type') for category, annotations in adict.items(): vals = u" ".join([str(a.value) for a in annotations]) yield u"%s: %s" % (category, vals) groupdict = lambda xs, attr: dict( (k, list(v)) for k, v in groupby(xs, operator.attrgetter(attr))) # ______________________________________________________________________ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = annotators # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Numba annotators. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import re import numba from numba import * from numba import nodes from numba.annotate import annotate from numba.annotate.annotate import Annotation, A_c_api logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Taken from Cython/Compiler/ py_c_api = re.compile(u'(Py[A-Z][a-z]+_[A-Z][a-z][A-Za-z_]+)\(') py_macro_api = re.compile(u'(Py[A-Z][a-z]+_[A-Z][A-Z_]+)\(') # ______________________________________________________________________ class AnnotateTypes(object): def visit_Name(self, node): if isinstance(node, nodes.ExprNode): self.annotate(annotate.A_type, (, str(node.type))) # ______________________________________________________________________ def annotate_pyapi(llvm_intermediate, py_annotations): """ Produce annotations for CPython C API calls from an LLVM SourceIntermediate """ for py_lineno in llvm_intermediate.linenomap: count = 0 for llvm_lineno in llvm_intermediate.linenomap[py_lineno]: line = llvm_intermediate.source.linemap[llvm_lineno] if, line): count += 1 if count: py_annotations[py_lineno].append(Annotation(A_c_api, count)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = htmlrender # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ HTML annotation rendering. Heavily based on Cython/Compiler/ """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import cgi import os import re from .annotate import format_annotations, groupdict, A_c_api from .step import Template try: from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.lexers import LlvmLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter pygments_installed = True except ImportError: pygments_installed = False def render(annotation_blocks, emit=sys.stdout.write, intermediate_names=(), inline=True): """ Render a Program as html. """ root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if inline: templatefile = os.path.join(root, 'annotate_inline_template.html') else: templatefile = os.path.join(root, 'annotate_template.html') with open(templatefile, 'r') as f: template = py_c_api = re.compile(u'(Py[A-Z][a-z]+_[A-Z][a-z][A-Za-z_]+)\(') data = {'blocks': []} for i, block in enumerate(annotation_blocks): python_source = block['python_source'] intermediates = block['intermediates'] data['blocks'].append({'lines':[]}) for num, source in sorted(python_source.linemap.items()): types = {} if num in python_source.annotations.keys(): for a in python_source.annotations[num]: if a.type == 'Types': name = a.value[0] type = a.value[1] types[name] = type types_str = ','.join(name + ':' + type for name, type in types.items()) python_calls = 0 llvm_nums = intermediates[0].linenomap[num] llvm_ir = '' for llvm_num in llvm_nums: ir = intermediates[0].source.linemap[llvm_num] if, ir): python_calls += 1 if pygments_installed: class LlvmHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter): def wrap(self, source, outfile): return self._wrap_code(source) def _wrap_code(self, source): for i, t in source: yield i, t ir = highlight(ir, LlvmLexer(), LlvmHtmlFormatter()) llvm_ir += '<div>' + ir + '</div>' if python_calls > 0: tag = '*' tag_css = 'tag' else: tag = '' tag_css = '' if num == python_source.linemap.keys()[0]: firstlastline = 'firstline' elif num == python_source.linemap.keys()[-1]: firstlastline = 'lastline' else: firstlastline = 'innerline' if pygments_installed: class PythonHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter): def wrap(self, source, outfile): return self._wrap_code(source) def _wrap_code(self, source): for i, t in source: yield i, t source = highlight(source, PythonLexer(), PythonHtmlFormatter()) data['blocks'][-1]['func_call'] = block['func_call'] data['blocks'][-1]['func_call_filename'] = block['func_call_filename'] data['blocks'][-1]['func_call_lineno'] = block['func_call_lineno'] data['blocks'][-1]['lines'].append({'id': str(i) + str(num), 'num':str(num) + tag, 'tag':tag_css, 'python_source':source, 'llvm_source':llvm_ir, 'types':types_str, 'firstlastline':firstlastline}) css_theme_file = os.path.join(root, 'jquery-ui.min.css') with open(css_theme_file, 'r') as f: css_theme = data['jquery_theme'] = css_theme jquery_lib_file = os.path.join(root, 'jquery.min.js') with open(jquery_lib_file, 'r') as f: jquery_lib = data['jquery_lib'] = jquery_lib jquery_ui_lib_file = os.path.join(root, 'jquery-ui.min.js') with open(jquery_ui_lib_file, 'r') as f: jquery_ui_lib = data['jquery_ui_lib'] = jquery_ui_lib html = Template(template).expand(data) emit(html) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ir_capture # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ Capture IR emissions. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import collections from functools import partial import llvm.core from .annotate import SourceIntermediate, Source # ______________________________________________________________________ class IRBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, builder): = name self.builder = builder self.captured = collections.defaultdict(list) self.pos = -1 def update_pos(self, pos): if pos is None: pos = -1 self.pos = pos def get_pos(self): return self.pos def __getattr__(self, attr): m = getattr(self.builder, attr) if not callable(m): return m def emit(*args, **kwargs): result = m(*args, **kwargs) self.captured[self.pos].append(result) return result return emit # ______________________________________________________________________ def get_intermediate(ir_builder): "Get IR source from an IR builder as a SourceIntermediate" linenomap = collections.defaultdict(list) linemap = {} ir_lineno = 1 filterer = filters.get(, lambda x: x) ir_builder.captured = filterer(filter_unique(ir_builder.captured)) for pos, instrs in sorted(ir_builder.captured.iteritems()): for instr in instrs: linenomap[pos].append(ir_lineno) linemap[ir_lineno] = str(instr) ir_lineno += 1 source = Source(linemap, annotations=[]) return SourceIntermediate(, linenomap, source) # ______________________________________________________________________ def filter_llvm(captured): for values in captured.values(): fn = lambda llvm_value: isinstance(llvm_value, llvm.core.Instruction) blocks = collections.defaultdict(list) for llvm_value in filter(fn, values): blocks[llvm_value.basic_block].append(llvm_value) values[:] = order_llvm(blocks) return captured def filter_unique(captured): for values in captured.values(): seen = set() def unique(item): found = item in seen seen.add(item) return not found values[:] = filter(unique, values) return captured # ______________________________________________________________________ def order_llvm(blocks): """ Put llvm instructions and basic blocks in the right order. :param blocks: { llvm_block : [llvm_instr] } :return: [llvm_line] """ result = [] if blocks: block, values = blocks.popitem() blocks[block] = values lfunc = block.function for block in lfunc.basic_blocks: if block in blocks: instrs = blocks[block] instrpos = dict( (instr, i) for i, instr in enumerate(block.instructions)) result.append(str( + ":") result.extend(sorted(instrs, key=instrpos.get)) return result # ______________________________________________________________________ filters = { "llvm": filter_llvm, } ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = step """Copyright (c) 2012, Daniele Mazzocchio All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the developer nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.""" """A light and fast template engine.""" import re class Template(object): """ """ def __init__(self, template): """Initialize class""" super(Template, self).__init__() self.template = template self.options = {"strip": False} def expand(self, namespace={}, **kw): """Return the expanded template string""" namespace.update(kw) output = [] # Builtins namespace["echo"] = lambda s: output.append(s) namespace["isdef"] = lambda v: v in namespace namespace["setopt"] = lambda k, v: self.options.update({k: v}) code = self._process(self._preprocess(self.template)) eval(compile(code, "<string>", "exec"), namespace) return self._postprocess("".join(map(str, output))) def _preprocess(self, template): """Modify template string before code conversion""" # Replace inline ('%') blocks for easier parsing o = re.compile("(?m)^[ \t]*%((if|for|while|try).+:)") c = re.compile("(?m)^[ \t]*%(((else|elif|except|finally).*:)|(end\w+))") template = c.sub(r"<%:\g<1>%>", o.sub(r"<%\g<1>%>", template)) # Replace (${x}) variables with '<%echo(x)%>' v = re.compile("\${([a-zA-Z0-9[\].\"\'_]+)}") template = v.sub(r"<%echo(\g<1>)%>\n", template) return template def _process(self, template): """Return the code generated from the template string""" code_blk = re.compile(r"<%(.*?)%>\n?", re.DOTALL) indent = 0 code = [] for n, blk in enumerate(code_blk.split(template)): # Replace '<\%' and '%\>' escapes blk = re.sub(r"<\\%", "<%", re.sub(r"%\\>", "%>", blk)) # Unescape '%{}' characters blk = re.sub(r"\\(%|{|})", "\g<1>", blk) if not (n % 2): # Escape double-quote characters blk = re.sub(r"\"", "\\\"", blk) blk = (" " * (indent*4)) + 'echo("""{}""")'.format(blk) else: blk = blk.rstrip() if blk.lstrip().startswith(":"): if not indent: err = "unexpected block ending" raise SyntaxError("Line {}: {}".format(n, err)) indent -= 1 if blk.startswith(":end"): continue blk = blk.lstrip()[1:] blk = re.sub("(?m)^", " " * (indent * 4), blk) if blk.endswith(":"): indent += 1 code.append(blk) if indent: err = "Reached EOF before closing block" raise EOFError("Line {}: {}".format(n, err)) return "\n".join(code) def _postprocess(self, output): """Modify output string after variables and code evaluation""" if self.options["strip"]: output = re.sub("(?m)(^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$|(?<=[ \t])[ \t]+|^\n)", "", output) return output ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_rendering # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from io import StringIO from numba import config from numba.annotate import render_text from numba.annotate.annotate import (Source, Annotation, SourceIntermediate, Program, A_type) # ______________________________________________________________________ py_source = Source( linemap={ 1: u'def foo(a, b):', 2: u' print a * b', 3: u' a / b', 4: u' return a - b' }, annotations={ 2: [Annotation(A_type, (u'a', u'double')), Annotation(A_type, (u'b', u'double'))] } ) linenomap = { 1: [0], 2: [1, 2, 3], 4: [5], } llvm_linemap = { 0: u'call @printf(%a, %b)', 1: u'%0 = load a', 2: u'%1 = load b', 3: u'%2 = fadd %0 %1', 4: u'%3 = fdiv %a %b', 5: u'ret something', } annotations = { 3: [Annotation(A_type, (u'%0', u'double')), Annotation(A_type, (u'%1', u'double'))], } llvm_intermediate = SourceIntermediate("llvm", linenomap, Source(llvm_linemap, annotations)) # p = Program(py_source, [llvm_intermediate]) p = [{'python_source': py_source, 'intermediates': [llvm_intermediate]}] # ______________________________________________________________________ config.config.colour = False # Disable lexing for tests def run_render_text(): f = StringIO() render_text(p, emit=f.write) src = f.getvalue() assert 'def foo(a, b):' in src, src assert 'print a * b' in src assert 'return a - b' in src assert 'double' in src # print(src) def run_render_text_inline(): f = StringIO() render_text(p, emit=f.write, intermediate_names=["llvm"]) src = f.getvalue() assert 'def foo(a, b):' in src assert '____llvm____' in src assert '%0 = load a' in src # print(src) def run_render_text_outline(): f = StringIO() render_text(p, emit=f.write, inline=False, intermediate_names=["llvm"]) src = f.getvalue() assert 'def foo(a, b):' in src assert "====llvm====" in src assert '%0 = load a' in src # print(src) run_render_text() run_render_text_inline() run_render_text_outline() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = textrender # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys from functools import partial from itertools import chain from collections import namedtuple from numba.lexing import lex_source from .annotate import format_annotations WIDTH = 40 ANNOT_SEP = "-" Emitter = namedtuple("Emitter", ["emit", "emitline"]) lex = partial(lex_source, output="console") # ______________________________________________________________________ def render(annotation_blocks, emit=sys.stdout.write, intermediate_names=(), inline=True): """ Render a Program as text. :param intermediate_names: [intermediate_name], e.g. ["llvm"] :param inline: whether to display intermediate code inline """ indent = 8 emitline = lambda indent, s: emit(u" " * indent + s + u"\n") emitter = Emitter(emit, emitline) for i, block in enumerate(annotation_blocks): python_source = block['python_source'] intermediates = block['intermediates'] if intermediates: irs = [i for i in intermediates if in intermediate_names] else: irs = None # Render main source render_source(python_source, emitter, indent, irs if inline and irs else []) if not inline and irs: # Render IRs seperately for irname, linenomap, ir_source in irs: emitter.emitline(0,, "=")) render_source(ir_source, emitter, indent, [], linenomap) emitter.emitline(0, "=" * 80) def render_source(source, emitter, indent, intermediates, linenomap=None): """ Print a Source and its annotations. Print any given Intermediates inline. """ if linenomap: indent += 8 headers = {} for py_lineno, ir_linenos in linenomap.items(): for ir_lineno in ir_linenos: headers[ir_lineno] = u"%4d | " % py_lineno header = lambda lineno: headers.get(lineno, u" | ") else: header = lambda lineno: u"" _render_source(source, emitter, indent, intermediates, header) def _render_source(source, emitter, indent, intermediates, header=None): for lineno in sorted(source.linemap.iterkeys()): if header: emitter.emit(header(lineno)) line = lex(source.linemap[lineno]) emitter.emitline(0, u"%4d %s" % (lineno, line)) annots = format_annotations(source.annotations.get(lineno, [])) irs = _gather_text_intermediates(intermediates, lineno) lines = list(chain(annots, irs)) if not lines: continue # Print out annotations linestart = indent + len(source.linemap[lineno]) - len(source.linemap[lineno].lstrip()) emitter.emitline(linestart + 2, u"||".center(WIDTH, ANNOT_SEP)) for line in lines: emitter.emitline(linestart + 2, line) emitter.emitline(linestart + 2, u"||".center(WIDTH, ANNOT_SEP)) def _gather_text_intermediates(intermediates, lineno): for irname, linenomap, ir_source in intermediates: ir_linenos = linenomap.get(lineno, []) if not ir_linenos: continue yield, "_") for ir_lineno in ir_linenos: yield lex(ir_source.linemap[ir_lineno], irname) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = array_expressions # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from numba.templating import temp_name from numba import error, pipeline, nodes, ufunc_builder from numba.minivect import specializers, miniast, miniutils, minitypes from numba import utils, functions from numba import typesystem from numba import visitors from import slicenodes from numba.vectorize import basic import llvm.core print_ufunc = False # ______________________________________________________________________ def is_elementwise_assignment(assmnt_node): target_type = assmnt_node.targets[0].type value_type = assmnt_node.value.type if target_type.is_array: # Allow arrays and scalars return value_type.is_array or not value_type.is_object return False # ______________________________________________________________________ def get_py_ufunc_ast(env, lhs, node): if lhs is not None: lhs.ctx = ast.Load() builder = ufunc_builder.UFuncConverter(env) tree = builder.visit(node) ufunc_ast = builder.build_ufunc_ast(tree) if print_ufunc: from meta import asttools module = ast.Module(body=[ufunc_ast]) print((asttools.python_source(module))) # Vectorize Python function if lhs is None: restype = node.type else: restype = lhs.type.dtype argtypes = [op.type.dtype if op.type.is_array else op.type for op in builder.operands] signature = restype(*argtypes) return ufunc_ast, signature, builder def get_py_ufunc(env, lhs, node): ufunc_ast, signature, ufunc_builder = get_py_ufunc_ast(env, lhs, node) py_ufunc = ufunc_builder.compile_to_pyfunc(ufunc_ast) return py_ufunc, signature, ufunc_builder # ______________________________________________________________________ class ArrayExpressionRewrite(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Find element-wise expressions and run ElementalMapper to turn it into a minivect AST or a ufunc. """ nesting_level = 0 elementwise = False is_slice_assign = False def register_array_expression(self, node, lhs=None): """ Start the mapping process for the outermost node in the array expression. """ self.elementwise = False def visit_elementwise(self, elementwise, node): if elementwise and self.nesting_level == 0: return self.register_array_expression(node) self.nesting_level += 1 self.generic_visit(node) self.nesting_level -= 1 self.elementwise = elementwise return node def visit_Assign(self, node): self.is_slice_assign = False self.visitlist(node.targets) target_node = node.targets[0] is_slice_assign = self.is_slice_assign self.nesting_level = self.is_slice_assign node.value = self.visit(node.value) self.nesting_level = 0 elementwise = self.elementwise if (len(node.targets) == 1 and is_slice_assign and is_elementwise_assignment(node)): # and elementwise): target_node = slicenodes.rewrite_slice(target_node, self.nopython) return self.register_array_expression(node.value, lhs=target_node) return node def visit_Subscript(self, node): # print ast.dump(node) self.generic_visit(node) is_store = isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store) self.is_slice_assign = is_store and node.type.is_array if is_store: if nodes.is_ellipsis(node.slice): return node.value elif node.value.type.is_array and node.type.is_array: node = slicenodes.rewrite_slice(node, self.nopython) return node def visit_Call(self, node): if self.query(node, 'is_math'): elementwise = node.type.is_array return self.visit_elementwise(elementwise, node) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_BinOp(self, node): elementwise = node.type.is_array return self.visit_elementwise(elementwise, node) visit_UnaryOp = visit_BinOp # ______________________________________________________________________ class ArrayExpressionRewriteUfunc(ArrayExpressionRewrite): """ Compile array expressions to ufuncs. Then call the ufunc with the array arguments. vectorizer_cls: the ufunc vectorizer to use CANNOT be used in a nopython context """ def __init__(self, context, func, ast, vectorizer_cls=None): super(ArrayExpressionRewriteUfunc, self).__init__(context, func, ast) self.vectorizer_cls = vectorizer_cls or basic.BasicASTVectorize def register_array_expression(self, node, lhs=None): super(ArrayExpressionRewriteUfunc, self).register_array_expression(node, lhs) py_ufunc, signature, ufunc_builder = self.get_py_ufunc(lhs, node) # Vectorize Python function vectorizer = self.vectorizer_cls(py_ufunc) vectorizer.add(restype=signature.return_type, argtypes=signature.args) ufunc = vectorizer.build_ufunc() # Call ufunc args = ufunc_builder.operands if lhs is None: keywords = None else: keywords = [ast.keyword('out', lhs)] func = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(ufunc) call_ufunc = nodes.ObjectCallNode(signature=None, func=func, args=args, keywords=keywords, py_func=ufunc) return nodes.ObjectTempNode(call_ufunc) # ______________________________________________________________________ class NumbaStaticArgsContext(utils.NumbaContext): "Use a static argument list: shape, data1, strides1, data2, strides2, ..." astbuilder_cls = miniast.ASTBuilder optimize_llvm = False optimize_broadcasting = False # debug = True # debug_elements = True def init(self): self.astbuilder = self.astbuilder_cls(self) self.typemapper = minitypes.TypeMapper(self) # def promote_types(self, t1, t2): # return typesystem.promote(t1, t2) # def to_llvm(self, type): if type.is_object: return typesystem.object_.to_llvm(self) return NotImplementedError("to_llvm", type) # ______________________________________________________________________ class ArrayExpressionRewriteNative(ArrayExpressionRewrite): """ Compile array expressions to a minivect kernel that calls a Numba scalar kernel with scalar inputs: a[:, :] = b[:, :] * c[:, :] becomes tmp_a = slice(a) tmp_b = slice(b) tmp_c = slice(c) shape = broadcast(tmp_a, tmp_b, tmp_c) call minikernel(shape,, tmp_a.strides,, tmp_b.strides,, tmp_c.strides) with def numba_kernel(b, c): return b * c def minikernel(...): for (...) for(...) a[i, j] = numba_kernel(b[i, j], c[i, j]) CAN be used in a nopython context """ expr_count = 0 def array_attr(self, node, attr): # Perform a low-level bitcast from object to an array type # array = nodes.CoercionNode(node, float_[:]) array = node return nodes.ArrayAttributeNode(attr, array) def register_array_expression(self, node, lhs=None): super(ArrayExpressionRewriteNative, self).register_array_expression( node, lhs) # llvm_module ="array_expression_module")) # llvm_module = self.env.llvm_context.module lhs_type = lhs.type if lhs else node.type is_expr = lhs is None if node.type.is_array and lhs_type.ndim < node.type.ndim: # TODO: this is valid in NumPy if the leading dimensions of the # TODO: RHS have extent 1 raise error.NumbaError( node, "Right hand side must have a " "dimensionality <= %d" % lhs_type.ndim) # Create ufunc scalar kernel ufunc_ast, signature, ufunc_builder = get_py_ufunc_ast(self.env, lhs, node) # Compile ufunc scalar kernel with numba ast.fix_missing_locations(ufunc_ast) # func_env = self.env.crnt.inherit( # func=None, ast=ufunc_ast, func_signature=signature, # wrap=False, #link=False, #llvm_module=llvm_module, # ) # pipeline.run_env(self.env, func_env) #, pipeline_name='codegen') func_env, (_, _, _) = pipeline.run_pipeline2( self.env, None, ufunc_ast, signature, function_globals=self.env.crnt.function_globals, wrap=False, link=False, nopython=True, #llvm_module=llvm_module, # pipeline_name='codegen', ) llvm_module = func_env.llvm_module operands = ufunc_builder.operands operands = [nodes.CloneableNode(operand) for operand in operands] if lhs is not None: lhs = nodes.CloneableNode(lhs) broadcast_operands = [lhs] + operands lhs = lhs.clone else: broadcast_operands = operands[:] shape = slicenodes.BroadcastNode(lhs_type, broadcast_operands) operands = [op.clone for op in operands] if lhs is None and self.nopython: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot allocate new memory in nopython context") elif lhs is None: # TODO: determine best output order at runtime shape = shape.cloneable lhs = nodes.ArrayNewEmptyNode(lhs_type, shape.clone, lhs_type.is_f_contig).cloneable # Build minivect wrapper kernel context = NumbaStaticArgsContext() context.llvm_module = llvm_module # context.llvm_ee = self.env.llvm_context.execution_engine b = context.astbuilder variables = [b.variable(name_node.type, "op%d" % i) for i, name_node in enumerate([lhs] + operands)] miniargs = [b.funcarg(variable) for variable in variables] body = miniutils.build_kernel_call(, signature, miniargs, b) minikernel = b.function_from_numpy( temp_name("array_expression"), body, miniargs) lminikernel, = context.run_simple(minikernel, specializers.StridedSpecializer) # lminikernel.linkage = llvm.core.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR # pipeline.run_env(self.env, func_env, pipeline_name='post_codegen') # llvm_module.verify() del func_env assert lminikernel.module is llvm_module # print("---------") # print(llvm_module) # print("~~~~~~~~~~~~") lminikernel = # Build call to minivect kernel operands.insert(0, lhs) args = [shape] scalar_args = [] for operand in operands: if operand.type.is_array: data_p = self.array_attr(operand, 'data') data_p = nodes.CoercionNode(data_p, operand.type.dtype.pointer()) if not isinstance(operand, nodes.CloneNode): operand = nodes.CloneNode(operand) strides_p = self.array_attr(operand, 'strides') args.extend((data_p, strides_p)) else: scalar_args.append(operand) args.extend(scalar_args) result = nodes.NativeCallNode(minikernel.type, args, lminikernel) # Use native slicing in array expressions slicenodes.mark_nopython(ast.Suite(body=result.args)) if not is_expr: # a[:] = b[:] * c[:] return result # b[:] * c[:], return new array as expression return nodes.ExpressionNode(stmts=[result], expr=lhs.clone) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = array_validation # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from numba import error from numba.ndarray_helpers import NumpyArray is_object = lambda t: t.is_object and not t.is_array class ArrayValidator(ast.NodeVisitor): """ Validate array usage, depending on array representation (i.e. numpy vs. LLArray) """ def __init__(self, env): self.env = env self.foreign = not issubclass(env.crnt.array, NumpyArray) def visit_CoercionNode(self, node): t1, t2 = node.type, node.node.type if self.foreign and t1.is_array ^ t2.is_array: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot coerce non-numpy array %s" % self.env.crnt.array) visit_CoerceToObject = visit_CoercionNode visit_CoerceToNative = visit_CoercionNode def visit_MultiArrayAPINode(self, node): if self.foreign: signature = node.signature types = (signature.return_type,) + signature.argtypes for ty in types: if not ty.is_array: raise TypeError("Cannot pass array %s as NumPy array" % self.env.crnt.array) # TODO: Calling other numba functions with different array # TODO: representations may corrupt things ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = asdl # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys, os.path _importlist = "VisitorBase parse check".split() root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) common_path = os.path.join(root, 'common') #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ASDL Processing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ASDLProcessor(object): """ Allow pre-processing of ASDL source (str) and post-processing of the resulting ASDL tree. """ def preprocess(self, asdl_source): return asdl_source def postprocess(self, asdl_tree): return asdl_tree #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Parse ASDL Schemas #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ASDLParser(object): """ ASDL parser that accepts string inputs. Defers to the given ASDL module implementation. """ def __init__(self, asdlmod, asdl_processor): self.asdlmod = asdlmod self.asdl_processor = asdl_processor def parse(self, buf): """ Parse an ASDL string. """ buf = self.asdl_processor.preprocess(buf) scanner = self.asdlmod.ASDLScanner() parser = self.asdlmod.ASDLParser() tokens = scanner.tokenize(buf) try: asdl_tree = parser.parse(tokens) except self.asdlmod.ASDLSyntaxError as err: raise ValueError("Error while parsing schema: %s" % (err,)) # print(err) # lines = buf.split("\n") # print((lines[err.lineno - 1])) # lines starts at 0, files at 1 asdl_tree = self.asdl_processor.postprocess(asdl_tree) return asdl_tree def check(self, mod, schema_name): """ Check the validity of an ASDL parse. """ v = self.asdlmod.Check() v.visit(mod) for t in v.types: if t not in mod.types and not t in self.asdlmod.builtin_types: v.errors += 1 uses = ", ".join(v.types[t]) print(("Undefined type %s, used in %s" % (t, uses))) if v.errors: raise ValueError( "Errors found while checking ASDL schema %r: %s" % ( schema_name, v.errors)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load ASDL Schemas #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ASDLLoader(object): """ Load a schema given an ASDLParser and an ASDL schema as a string. """ def __init__(self, parser, schema_str, schema_name): self.parser = parser self.schema_str = schema_str self.schema_name = schema_name def load(self): asdl = self.parser.parse(self.schema_str) self.parser.check(asdl, self.schema_name) return asdl def load(schema_name, schema_str, asdlmod, asdl_processor=None): asdl_processor = asdl_processor or ASDLProcessor() parser = ASDLParser(asdlmod, asdl_processor) loader = ASDLLoader(parser, schema_str, schema_name) return parser, loader #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get ASDL implementation #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_asdl_pydir(): major, minor = sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1] # Assumes that specific-path and common-path are a subdirectory # Build an absolute module path. prefix = __name__.rsplit('.', 1) # The else-case is for running tests in the current directory base = (prefix[0] + '.') if len(prefix) > 1 else '' dir = 'py%d_%d' % (major, minor) return base, dir def _get_asdl_depending_on_version(): """ Return Python ASDL implementation depending on the Python version. """ use_abs_import = 0 base, dir = get_asdl_pydir() modname = base + dir + '.asdl' try: # try to import from version specific directory mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=_importlist, level=use_abs_import) except ImportError: # fallback to import from common directory dir = 'common' modname = base + dir + '.asdl' mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=_importlist) return mod def load_pyschema(filename): """ Load ASDL from the version-specific directory if the schema exists in there, otherwise from the 'common' subpackage. Returns a two-tuple (ASDLParser, ASDLLoader). """ base, dir = get_asdl_pydir() version_specific_path = os.path.join(root, dir) srcfile = os.path.join(version_specific_path, filename) if not os.path.exists(srcfile): srcfile = os.path.join(common_path, filename) from numba.asdl.common import asdl as asdlmod else: asdlmod = _get_asdl_depending_on_version() asdl_str = open(srcfile).read() return load(filename, asdl_str, asdlmod) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Globals #------------------------------------------------------------------------ python_parser, python_loader = load_pyschema("Python.asdl") # Python version-specific parsed ASDL python_asdl = python_loader.load() # Python version-specific asdl implementation pyasdl = python_parser.asdlmod ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = asdl # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """An implementation of the Zephyr Abstract Syntax Definition Language. See and Only supports top level module decl, not view. I'm guessing that view is intended to support the browser and I'm not interested in the browser. Changes for Python: Add support for module versions """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import traceback from . import spark class Token(object): # spark seems to dispatch in the parser based on a token's # type attribute def __init__(self, type, lineno): self.type = type self.lineno = lineno def __str__(self): return self.type def __repr__(self): return str(self) class Id(Token): def __init__(self, value, lineno): self.type = 'Id' self.value = value self.lineno = lineno def __str__(self): return self.value class String(Token): def __init__(self, value, lineno): self.type = 'String' self.value = value self.lineno = lineno class ASDLSyntaxError(Exception): def __init__(self, lineno, token=None, msg=None): self.lineno = lineno self.token = token self.msg = msg def __str__(self): if self.msg is None: return "Error at '%s', line %d" % (self.token, self.lineno) else: return "%s, line %d" % (self.msg, self.lineno) class ASDLScanner(spark.GenericScanner, object): def tokenize(self, input): self.rv = [] self.lineno = 1 super(ASDLScanner, self).tokenize(input) return self.rv def t_id(self, s): r"[\w\.]+" # XXX doesn't distinguish upper vs. lower, which is # significant for ASDL. self.rv.append(Id(s, self.lineno)) def t_string(self, s): r'"[^"]*"' self.rv.append(String(s, self.lineno)) def t_xxx(self, s): # not sure what this production means r"<=" self.rv.append(Token(s, self.lineno)) def t_punctuation(self, s): r"[\{\}\*\=\|\(\)\,\?\:]" self.rv.append(Token(s, self.lineno)) def t_comment(self, s): r"\-\-[^\n]*" pass def t_newline(self, s): r"\n" self.lineno += 1 def t_whitespace(self, s): r"[ \t]+" pass def t_default(self, s): r" . +" raise ValueError("unmatched input: %r" % s) class ASDLParser(spark.GenericParser, object): def __init__(self): super(ASDLParser, self).__init__("module") def typestring(self, tok): return tok.type def error(self, tok): raise ASDLSyntaxError(tok.lineno, tok) def p_module_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme): " module ::= Id Id version { } " (module, name, version, _0, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme if module.value != "module": raise ASDLSyntaxError(module.lineno, msg="expected 'module', found %s" % module) return Module(name, None, version) def p_module(self, xxx_todo_changeme1): " module ::= Id Id version { definitions } " (module, name, version, _0, definitions, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme1 if module.value != "module": raise ASDLSyntaxError(module.lineno, msg="expected 'module', found %s" % module) return Module(name, definitions, version) def p_module_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme1): " module ::= Id Id { } " (module, name, _0, definitions, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme1 if module.value != "module": raise ASDLSyntaxError(module.lineno, msg="expected 'module', found %s" % module) return Module(name, None, None) def p_module_2(self, xxx_todo_changeme1): " module ::= Id Id { definitions } " (module, name, _0, definitions, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme1 if module.value != "module": raise ASDLSyntaxError(module.lineno, msg="expected 'module', found %s" % module) return Module(name, definitions, None) def p_version(self, xxx_todo_changeme2): "version ::= Id String" (version, V) = xxx_todo_changeme2 if version.value != "version": raise ASDLSyntaxError(version.lineno, msg="expected 'version', found %" % version) return V def p_definition_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme3): " definitions ::= definition " (definition,) = xxx_todo_changeme3 return definition def p_definition_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme4): " definitions ::= definition definitions " (definitions, definition) = xxx_todo_changeme4 return definitions + definition def p_definition(self, xxx_todo_changeme5): " definition ::= Id = type " (id, _, type) = xxx_todo_changeme5 return [Type(id, type)] def p_type_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme6): " type ::= product " (product,) = xxx_todo_changeme6 return product def p_type_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme7): " type ::= sum " (sum,) = xxx_todo_changeme7 return Sum(sum) def p_type_2(self, xxx_todo_changeme8): " type ::= sum Id ( fields ) " (sum, id, _0, attributes, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme8 if id.value != "attributes": raise ASDLSyntaxError(id.lineno, msg="expected attributes, found %s" % id) if attributes: attributes.reverse() return Sum(sum, attributes) def p_product(self, xxx_todo_changeme9): " product ::= ( fields ) " (_0, fields, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme9 fields.reverse() return Product(fields) def p_sum_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme10): " sum ::= constructor " (constructor,) = xxx_todo_changeme10 return [constructor] def p_sum_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme11): " sum ::= constructor | sum " (constructor, _, sum) = xxx_todo_changeme11 return [constructor] + sum def p_sum_2(self, xxx_todo_changeme12): " sum ::= constructor | sum " (constructor, _, sum) = xxx_todo_changeme12 return [constructor] + sum def p_constructor_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme13): " constructor ::= Id " (id,) = xxx_todo_changeme13 return Constructor(id) def p_constructor_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme14): " constructor ::= Id ( fields ) " (id, _0, fields, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme14 fields.reverse() return Constructor(id, fields) def p_fields_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme15): " fields ::= field " (field,) = xxx_todo_changeme15 return [field] def p_fields_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme16): " fields ::= field , fields " (field, _, fields) = xxx_todo_changeme16 return fields + [field] def p_field_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme17): " field ::= Id " (type,) = xxx_todo_changeme17 return Field(type) def p_field_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme18): " field ::= Id Id " (type, name) = xxx_todo_changeme18 return Field(type, name) def p_field_2(self, xxx_todo_changeme19): " field ::= Id * Id " (type, _, name) = xxx_todo_changeme19 return Field(type, name, seq=True) def p_field_3(self, xxx_todo_changeme20): " field ::= Id ? Id " (type, _, name) = xxx_todo_changeme20 return Field(type, name, opt=True) def p_field_4(self, xxx_todo_changeme21): " field ::= Id * " (type, _) = xxx_todo_changeme21 return Field(type, seq=True) def p_field_5(self, xxx_todo_changeme22): " field ::= Id ? " (type, _) = xxx_todo_changeme22 return Field(type, opt=True) builtin_types = ("identifier", "string", "int", "bool", "object", "bytes") # below is a collection of classes to capture the AST of an AST :-) # not sure if any of the methods are useful yet, but I'm adding them # piecemeal as they seem helpful class AST(object): pass # a marker class class Module(AST): def __init__(self, name, dfns, version): = name self.dfns = dfns self.version = version self.types = {} # maps type name to value (from dfns) for type in dfns: self.types[] = type.value def __repr__(self): return "Module(%s, %s)" % (, self.dfns) class Type(AST): def __init__(self, name, value): = name self.value = value def __repr__(self): return "Type(%s, %s)" % (, self.value) class Constructor(AST): def __init__(self, name, fields=None): = name self.fields = fields or [] def __repr__(self): return "Constructor(%s, %s)" % (, self.fields) class Field(AST): def __init__(self, type, name=None, seq=False, opt=False): self.type = type = name self.seq = seq self.opt = opt def __repr__(self): if self.seq: extra = ", seq=True" elif self.opt: extra = ", opt=True" else: extra = "" if is None: return "Field(%s%s)" % (self.type, extra) else: return "Field(%s, %s%s)" % (self.type,, extra) class Sum(AST): def __init__(self, types, attributes=None): self.types = types self.attributes = attributes or [] def __repr__(self): if self.attributes is None: return "Sum(%s)" % self.types else: return "Sum(%s, %s)" % (self.types, self.attributes) class Product(AST): def __init__(self, fields): self.fields = fields def __repr__(self): return "Product(%s)" % self.fields class VisitorBase(object): def __init__(self, skip=False): self.cache = {} self.skip = skip def visit(self, object, *args): meth = self._dispatch(object) if meth is None: return try: meth(object, *args) except Exception as err: print(("Error visiting", repr(object))) print(err) traceback.print_exc() # XXX hack if hasattr(self, 'file'): self.file.flush() os._exit(1) def _dispatch(self, object): assert isinstance(object, AST), repr(object) klass = object.__class__ meth = self.cache.get(klass) if meth is None: methname = "visit" + klass.__name__ if self.skip: meth = getattr(self, methname, None) else: meth = getattr(self, methname) self.cache[klass] = meth return meth class Check(VisitorBase): def __init__(self): super(Check, self).__init__(skip=True) self.cons = {} self.errors = 0 self.types = {} def visitModule(self, mod): for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) def visitType(self, type): self.visit(type.value, str( def visitSum(self, sum, name): for t in sum.types: self.visit(t, name) def visitConstructor(self, cons, name): key = str( conflict = self.cons.get(key) if conflict is None: self.cons[key] = name else: print(("Redefinition of constructor %s" % key)) print(("Defined in %s and %s" % (conflict, name))) self.errors += 1 for f in cons.fields: self.visit(f, key) def visitField(self, field, name): key = str(field.type) l = self.types.setdefault(key, []) l.append(name) def visitProduct(self, prod, name): for f in prod.fields: self.visit(f, name) def check(mod): v = Check() v.visit(mod) for t in v.types: if t not in mod.types and not t in builtin_types: v.errors += 1 uses = ", ".join(v.types[t]) print(("Undefined type %s, used in %s" % (t, uses))) return not v.errors def parse(file): scanner = ASDLScanner() parser = ASDLParser() buf = open(file).read() tokens = scanner.tokenize(buf) try: return parser.parse(tokens) except ASDLSyntaxError as err: print(err) lines = buf.split("\n") print((lines[err.lineno - 1])) # lines starts at 0, files at 1 if __name__ == "__main__": import glob import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: files = sys.argv[1:] else: testdir = "tests" files = glob.glob(testdir + "/*.asdl") for file in files: print(file) mod = parse(file) print(("module", print((len(mod.dfns), "definitions")) if not check(mod): print("Check failed") else: for dfn in mod.dfns: print(dfn.type) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = spark # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # Copyright (c) 1998-2002 John Aycock # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. __version__ = 'SPARK-0.7 (pre-alpha-5)' import re def _namelist(instance): namelist, namedict, classlist = [], {}, [instance.__class__] for c in classlist: for b in c.__bases__: classlist.append(b) for name in c.__dict__.keys(): if name not in namedict: namelist.append(name) namedict[name] = 1 return namelist class GenericScanner: def __init__(self, flags=0): pattern = self.reflect() = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE|flags) self.index2func = {} for name, number in self.index2func[number-1] = getattr(self, 't_' + name) def makeRE(self, name): doc = getattr(self, name).__doc__ rv = '(?P<%s>%s)' % (name[2:], doc) return rv def reflect(self): rv = [] for name in _namelist(self): if name[:2] == 't_' and name != 't_default': rv.append(self.makeRE(name)) rv.append(self.makeRE('t_default')) return '|'.join(rv) def error(self, s, pos): print("Lexical error at position %s" % pos) raise SystemExit def tokenize(self, s): pos = 0 n = len(s) while pos < n: m =, pos) if m is None: self.error(s, pos) groups = m.groups() for i in range(len(groups)): if groups[i] and i in self.index2func: self.index2func[i](groups[i]) pos = m.end() def t_default(self, s): r'( . | \n )+' print("Specification error: unmatched input") raise SystemExit # # Extracted from GenericParser and made global so that [un]picking works. # class _State: def __init__(self, stateno, items): self.T, self.complete, self.items = [], [], items self.stateno = stateno class GenericParser: # # An Earley parser, as per J. Earley, "An Efficient Context-Free # Parsing Algorithm", CACM 13(2), pp. 94-102. Also J. C. Earley, # "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm", Ph.D. thesis, # Carnegie-Mellon University, August 1968. New formulation of # the parser according to J. Aycock, "Practical Earley Parsing # and the SPARK Toolkit", Ph.D. thesis, University of Victoria, # 2001, and J. Aycock and R. N. Horspool, "Practical Earley # Parsing", unpublished paper, 2001. # def __init__(self, start): self.rules = {} self.rule2func = {} self.rule2name = {} self.collectRules() self.augment(start) self.ruleschanged = 1 _NULLABLE = '\e_' _START = 'START' _BOF = '|-' # # When pickling, take the time to generate the full state machine; # some information is then extraneous, too. Unfortunately we # can't save the rule2func map. # def __getstate__(self): if self.ruleschanged: # # XXX - duplicated from parse() # self.computeNull() self.newrules = {} self.new2old = {} self.makeNewRules() self.ruleschanged = 0 self.edges, self.cores = {}, {} self.states = { 0: self.makeState0() } self.makeState(0, self._BOF) # # XXX - should find a better way to do this.. # changes = 1 while changes: changes = 0 for k, v in self.edges.items(): if v is None: state, sym = k if state in self.states: self.goto(state, sym) changes = 1 rv = self.__dict__.copy() for s in self.states.values(): del s.items del rv['rule2func'] del rv['nullable'] del rv['cores'] return rv def __setstate__(self, D): self.rules = {} self.rule2func = {} self.rule2name = {} self.collectRules() start = D['rules'][self._START][0][1][1] # Blech. self.augment(start) D['rule2func'] = self.rule2func D['makeSet'] = self.makeSet_fast self.__dict__ = D # # A hook for GenericASTBuilder and GenericASTMatcher. Mess # thee not with this; nor shall thee toucheth the _preprocess # argument to addRule. # def preprocess(self, rule, func): return rule, func def addRule(self, doc, func, _preprocess=1): fn = func rules = doc.split() index = [] for i in range(len(rules)): if rules[i] == '::=': index.append(i-1) index.append(len(rules)) for i in range(len(index)-1): lhs = rules[index[i]] rhs = rules[index[i]+2:index[i+1]] rule = (lhs, tuple(rhs)) if _preprocess: rule, fn = self.preprocess(rule, func) if lhs in self.rules: self.rules[lhs].append(rule) else: self.rules[lhs] = [ rule ] self.rule2func[rule] = fn self.rule2name[rule] = func.__name__[2:] self.ruleschanged = 1 def collectRules(self): for name in _namelist(self): if name[:2] == 'p_': func = getattr(self, name) doc = func.__doc__ self.addRule(doc, func) def augment(self, start): rule = '%s ::= %s %s' % (self._START, self._BOF, start) self.addRule(rule, lambda args: args[1], 0) def computeNull(self): self.nullable = {} tbd = [] for rulelist in self.rules.values(): lhs = rulelist[0][0] self.nullable[lhs] = 0 for rule in rulelist: rhs = rule[1] if len(rhs) == 0: self.nullable[lhs] = 1 continue # # We only need to consider rules which # consist entirely of nonterminal symbols. # This should be a savings on typical # grammars. # for sym in rhs: if sym not in self.rules: break else: tbd.append(rule) changes = 1 while changes: changes = 0 for lhs, rhs in tbd: if self.nullable[lhs]: continue for sym in rhs: if not self.nullable[sym]: break else: self.nullable[lhs] = 1 changes = 1 def makeState0(self): s0 = _State(0, []) for rule in self.newrules[self._START]: s0.items.append((rule, 0)) return s0 def finalState(self, tokens): # # Yuck. # if len(self.newrules[self._START]) == 2 and len(tokens) == 0: return 1 start = self.rules[self._START][0][1][1] return self.goto(1, start) def makeNewRules(self): worklist = [] for rulelist in self.rules.values(): for rule in rulelist: worklist.append((rule, 0, 1, rule)) for rule, i, candidate, oldrule in worklist: lhs, rhs = rule n = len(rhs) while i < n: sym = rhs[i] if sym not in self.rules or \ not self.nullable[sym]: candidate = 0 i = i + 1 continue newrhs = list(rhs) newrhs[i] = self._NULLABLE+sym newrule = (lhs, tuple(newrhs)) worklist.append((newrule, i+1, candidate, oldrule)) candidate = 0 i = i + 1 else: if candidate: lhs = self._NULLABLE+lhs rule = (lhs, rhs) if lhs in self.newrules: self.newrules[lhs].append(rule) else: self.newrules[lhs] = [ rule ] self.new2old[rule] = oldrule def typestring(self, token): return None def error(self, token): print("Syntax error at or near '%s' token" % token) raise SystemExit def parse(self, tokens): sets = [ [(1,0), (2,0)] ] self.links = {} if self.ruleschanged: self.computeNull() self.newrules = {} self.new2old = {} self.makeNewRules() self.ruleschanged = 0 self.edges, self.cores = {}, {} self.states = { 0: self.makeState0() } self.makeState(0, self._BOF) for i in xrange(len(tokens)): sets.append([]) if sets[i] == []: break self.makeSet(tokens[i], sets, i) else: sets.append([]) self.makeSet(None, sets, len(tokens)) #_dump(tokens, sets, self.states) finalitem = (self.finalState(tokens), 0) if finalitem not in sets[-2]: if len(tokens) > 0: self.error(tokens[i-1]) else: self.error(None) return self.buildTree(self._START, finalitem, tokens, len(sets)-2) def isnullable(self, sym): # # For symbols in G_e only. If we weren't supporting 1.5, # could just use sym.startswith(). # return self._NULLABLE == sym[0:len(self._NULLABLE)] def skip(self, xxx_todo_changeme, pos=0): (lhs, rhs) = xxx_todo_changeme n = len(rhs) while pos < n: if not self.isnullable(rhs[pos]): break pos = pos + 1 return pos def makeState(self, state, sym): assert sym is not None # # Compute \epsilon-kernel state's core and see if # it exists already. # kitems = [] for rule, pos in self.states[state].items: lhs, rhs = rule if rhs[pos:pos+1] == (sym,): kitems.append((rule, self.skip(rule, pos+1))) core = sorted(kitems) tcore = tuple(core) if tcore in self.cores: return self.cores[tcore] # # Nope, doesn't exist. Compute it and the associated # \epsilon-nonkernel state together; we'll need it right away. # k = self.cores[tcore] = len(self.states) K, NK = _State(k, kitems), _State(k+1, []) self.states[k] = K predicted = {} edges = self.edges rules = self.newrules for X in K, NK: worklist = X.items for item in worklist: rule, pos = item lhs, rhs = rule if pos == len(rhs): X.complete.append(rule) continue nextSym = rhs[pos] key = (X.stateno, nextSym) if nextSym not in rules: if key not in edges: edges[key] = None X.T.append(nextSym) else: edges[key] = None if nextSym not in predicted: predicted[nextSym] = 1 for prule in rules[nextSym]: ppos = self.skip(prule) new = (prule, ppos) NK.items.append(new) # # Problem: we know K needs generating, but we # don't yet know about NK. Can't commit anything # regarding NK to self.edges until we're sure. Should # we delay committing on both K and NK to avoid this # hacky code? This creates other problems.. # if X is K: edges = {} if NK.items == []: return k # # Check for \epsilon-nonkernel's core. Unfortunately we # need to know the entire set of predicted nonterminals # to do this without accidentally duplicating states. # core = predicted.keys() core.sort() tcore = tuple(core) if tcore in self.cores: self.edges[(k, None)] = self.cores[tcore] return k nk = self.cores[tcore] = self.edges[(k, None)] = NK.stateno self.edges.update(edges) self.states[nk] = NK return k def goto(self, state, sym): key = (state, sym) if key not in self.edges: # # No transitions from state on sym. # return None rv = self.edges[key] if rv is None: # # Target state isn't generated yet. Remedy this. # rv = self.makeState(state, sym) self.edges[key] = rv return rv def gotoT(self, state, t): return [self.goto(state, t)] def gotoST(self, state, st): rv = [] for t in self.states[state].T: if st == t: rv.append(self.goto(state, t)) return rv def add(self, set, item, i=None, predecessor=None, causal=None): if predecessor is None: if item not in set: set.append(item) else: key = (item, i) if item not in set: self.links[key] = [] set.append(item) self.links[key].append((predecessor, causal)) def makeSet(self, token, sets, i): cur, next = sets[i], sets[i+1] ttype = token is not None and self.typestring(token) or None if ttype is not None: fn, arg = self.gotoT, ttype else: fn, arg = self.gotoST, token for item in cur: ptr = (item, i) state, parent = item add = fn(state, arg) for k in add: if k is not None: self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr) nk = self.goto(k, None) if nk is not None: self.add(next, (nk, i+1)) if parent == i: continue for rule in self.states[state].complete: lhs, rhs = rule for pitem in sets[parent]: pstate, pparent = pitem k = self.goto(pstate, lhs) if k is not None: why = (item, i, rule) pptr = (pitem, parent) self.add(cur, (k, pparent), i, pptr, why) nk = self.goto(k, None) if nk is not None: self.add(cur, (nk, i)) def makeSet_fast(self, token, sets, i): # # Call *only* when the entire state machine has been built! # It relies on self.edges being filled in completely, and # then duplicates and inlines code to boost speed at the # cost of extreme ugliness. # cur, next = sets[i], sets[i+1] ttype = token is not None and self.typestring(token) or None for item in cur: ptr = (item, i) state, parent = item if ttype is not None: k = self.edges.get((state, ttype), None) if k is not None: #self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr) #INLINED --v new = (k, parent) key = (new, i+1) if new not in next: self.links[key] = [] next.append(new) self.links[key].append((ptr, None)) #INLINED --^ #nk = self.goto(k, None) nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None) if nk is not None: #self.add(next, (nk, i+1)) #INLINED --v new = (nk, i+1) if new not in next: next.append(new) #INLINED --^ else: add = self.gotoST(state, token) for k in add: if k is not None: self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr) #nk = self.goto(k, None) nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None) if nk is not None: self.add(next, (nk, i+1)) if parent == i: continue for rule in self.states[state].complete: lhs, rhs = rule for pitem in sets[parent]: pstate, pparent = pitem #k = self.goto(pstate, lhs) k = self.edges.get((pstate, lhs), None) if k is not None: why = (item, i, rule) pptr = (pitem, parent) #self.add(cur, (k, pparent), # i, pptr, why) #INLINED --v new = (k, pparent) key = (new, i) if new not in cur: self.links[key] = [] cur.append(new) self.links[key].append((pptr, why)) #INLINED --^ #nk = self.goto(k, None) nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None) if nk is not None: #self.add(cur, (nk, i)) #INLINED --v new = (nk, i) if new not in cur: cur.append(new) #INLINED --^ def predecessor(self, key, causal): for p, c in self.links[key]: if c == causal: return p assert 0 def causal(self, key): links = self.links[key] if len(links) == 1: return links[0][1] choices = [] rule2cause = {} for p, c in links: rule = c[2] choices.append(rule) rule2cause[rule] = c return rule2cause[self.ambiguity(choices)] def deriveEpsilon(self, nt): if len(self.newrules[nt]) > 1: rule = self.ambiguity(self.newrules[nt]) else: rule = self.newrules[nt][0] #print rule rhs = rule[1] attr = [None] * len(rhs) for i in range(len(rhs)-1, -1, -1): attr[i] = self.deriveEpsilon(rhs[i]) return self.rule2func[self.new2old[rule]](attr) def buildTree(self, nt, item, tokens, k): state, parent = item choices = [] for rule in self.states[state].complete: if rule[0] == nt: choices.append(rule) rule = choices[0] if len(choices) > 1: rule = self.ambiguity(choices) #print rule rhs = rule[1] attr = [None] * len(rhs) for i in range(len(rhs)-1, -1, -1): sym = rhs[i] if sym not in self.newrules: if sym != self._BOF: attr[i] = tokens[k-1] key = (item, k) item, k = self.predecessor(key, None) #elif self.isnullable(sym): elif self._NULLABLE == sym[0:len(self._NULLABLE)]: attr[i] = self.deriveEpsilon(sym) else: key = (item, k) why = self.causal(key) attr[i] = self.buildTree(sym, why[0], tokens, why[1]) item, k = self.predecessor(key, why) return self.rule2func[self.new2old[rule]](attr) def ambiguity(self, rules): # # XXX - problem here and in collectRules() if the same rule # appears in >1 method. Also undefined results if rules # causing the ambiguity appear in the same method. # sortlist = [] name2index = {} for i in range(len(rules)): lhs, rhs = rule = rules[i] name = self.rule2name[self.new2old[rule]] sortlist.append((len(rhs), name)) name2index[name] = i sortlist.sort() list_ = [x[1] for x in sortlist] return rules[name2index[self.resolve(list_)]] def resolve(self, list): # # Resolve ambiguity in favor of the shortest RHS. # Since we walk the tree from the top down, this # should effectively resolve in favor of a "shift". # return list[0] # # GenericASTBuilder automagically constructs a concrete/abstract syntax tree # for a given input. The extra argument is a class (not an instance!) # which supports the "__setslice__" and "__len__" methods. # # XXX - silently overrides any user code in methods. # class GenericASTBuilder(GenericParser): def __init__(self, AST, start): GenericParser.__init__(self, start) self.AST = AST def preprocess(self, rule, func): rebind = lambda lhs, self=self: \ lambda args, lhs=lhs, self=self: \ self.buildASTNode(args, lhs) lhs, rhs = rule return rule, rebind(lhs) def buildASTNode(self, args, lhs): children = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, self.AST): children.append(arg) else: children.append(self.terminal(arg)) return self.nonterminal(lhs, children) def terminal(self, token): return token def nonterminal(self, type, args): rv = self.AST(type) rv[:len(args)] = args return rv # # GenericASTTraversal is a Visitor pattern according to Design Patterns. For # each node it attempts to invoke the method n_<node type>, falling # back onto the default() method if the n_* can't be found. The preorder # traversal also looks for an exit hook named n_<node type>_exit (no default # routine is called if it's not found). To prematurely halt traversal # of a subtree, call the prune() method -- this only makes sense for a # preorder traversal. Node type is determined via the typestring() method. # class GenericASTTraversalPruningException: pass class GenericASTTraversal: def __init__(self, ast): self.ast = ast def typestring(self, node): return node.type def prune(self): raise GenericASTTraversalPruningException def preorder(self, node=None): if node is None: node = self.ast try: name = 'n_' + self.typestring(node) if hasattr(self, name): func = getattr(self, name) func(node) else: self.default(node) except GenericASTTraversalPruningException: return for kid in node: self.preorder(kid) name = name + '_exit' if hasattr(self, name): func = getattr(self, name) func(node) def postorder(self, node=None): if node is None: node = self.ast for kid in node: self.postorder(kid) name = 'n_' + self.typestring(node) if hasattr(self, name): func = getattr(self, name) func(node) else: self.default(node) def default(self, node): pass # # GenericASTMatcher. AST nodes must have "__getitem__" and "__cmp__" # implemented. # # XXX - makes assumptions about how GenericParser walks the parse tree. # class GenericASTMatcher(GenericParser): def __init__(self, start, ast): GenericParser.__init__(self, start) self.ast = ast def preprocess(self, rule, func): rebind = lambda func, self=self: \ lambda args, func=func, self=self: \ self.foundMatch(args, func) lhs, rhs = rule rhslist = list(rhs) rhslist.reverse() return (lhs, tuple(rhslist)), rebind(func) def foundMatch(self, args, func): func(args[-1]) return args[-1] def match_r(self, node): self.input.insert(0, node) children = 0 for child in node: if children == 0: self.input.insert(0, '(') children = children + 1 self.match_r(child) if children > 0: self.input.insert(0, ')') def match(self, ast=None): if ast is None: ast = self.ast self.input = [] self.match_r(ast) self.parse(self.input) def resolve(self, list): # # Resolve ambiguity in favor of the longest RHS. # return list[-1] def _dump(tokens, sets, states): for i in range(len(sets)): print('set', i) for item in sets[i]: print('\t', item) for (lhs, rhs), pos in states[item[0]].items: print('\t\t', lhs, '::=', end=' ') print(' '.join(rhs[:pos]), end=' ') print('.', end=' ') print(' '.join(rhs[pos:])) if i < len(tokens): print() print('token', str(tokens[i])) print() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = processor # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ASDL processor, handles imports. This should be part of the parser, but we have many multiple copies of those... """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import re import tokenize from numba.asdl.asdl import ASDLProcessor #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process ASDL imports #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ImportProcessor(ASDLProcessor): def __init__(self, asdlmod, import_path): self.asdlmod = asdlmod self.import_path = import_path def preprocess(self, asdl_source): # Find and save import statements. Remove imports from source self.imports, source = find_imports(asdl_source) return source def postprocess(self, asdl_tree): # Import subtrees and types subtrees, types = apply_imports(self.asdlmod, self.imports, self.import_path) # Merge imported subtrees and types asdl_tree.dfns.extend(subtrees) asdl_tree.types.update(types) return asdl_tree #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find Source Imports #------------------------------------------------------------------------ pattern = "^\s*from (\w+) import (\*|\w+(?:, \w+)*)$" def find_imports(asdl_source): """ Find imports in the given ASDL source. :return: Two-tuple of (imports, source) where source has the imports removed and imports is a list of two-tuples (modname, (names)) ([(str, (str,))], str) """ lines = asdl_source.splitlines() imports = [] source_lines = [] for line in lines: m = re.match(pattern, line) if m is not None: module_name, names = m.groups() if names == '*': import_tuple = (module_name, (names,)) else: import_tuple = (module_name, tuple(names.split(", "))) imports.append(import_tuple) else: source_lines.append(line) return imports, "\n".join(source_lines) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find Imported Terms #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def apply_imports(asdlmod, imports, import_path): """ Import ASDL subtrees from another schema along the given import path. """ from . import asdl subtrees = [] types = {} for modname, import_names in imports: # Find module file for path in import_path: fname = os.path.join(path, modname + '.asdl') if os.path.exists(fname): # Load ASDL tree parser, loader = asdl.load(modname, open(fname).read(), asdlmod) tree = loader.load() # Collect subtrees and types by name handle_import(tree, import_names, subtrees, types) break else: raise ImportError("No module named %r" % (modname + '.asdl',)) return subtrees, types def handle_import(tree, import_names, subtrees, types): for import_name in import_names: dfns = from_import(tree, import_name) subtrees.extend(dfns) for dfn in dfns: print(, tree.types.keys()) types[] = tree.types[str(] def from_import(tree, import_name): if import_name == '*': return tree.dfns #[dfn for dfn in tree.dfns if in tree.types] for definition in tree.dfns: if str( == import_name: return [definition] raise ImportError("Module %r has no rule %r" % (, import_name)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = asdl # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """An implementation of the Zephyr Abstract Syntax Definition Language. See and Only supports top level module decl, not view. I'm guessing that view is intended to support the browser and I'm not interested in the browser. Changes for Python: Add support for module versions """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import traceback from . import spark class Token(object): # spark seems to dispatch in the parser based on a token's # type attribute def __init__(self, type, lineno): self.type = type self.lineno = lineno def __str__(self): return self.type def __repr__(self): return str(self) class Id(Token): def __init__(self, value, lineno): self.type = 'Id' self.value = value self.lineno = lineno def __str__(self): return self.value class String(Token): def __init__(self, value, lineno): self.type = 'String' self.value = value self.lineno = lineno class ASDLSyntaxError(Exception): def __init__(self, lineno, token=None, msg=None): self.lineno = lineno self.token = token self.msg = msg def __str__(self): if self.msg is None: return "Error at '%s', line %d" % (self.token, self.lineno) else: return "%s, line %d" % (self.msg, self.lineno) class ASDLScanner(spark.GenericScanner, object): def tokenize(self, input): self.rv = [] self.lineno = 1 super(ASDLScanner, self).tokenize(input) return self.rv def t_id(self, s): r"[\w\.]+" # XXX doesn't distinguish upper vs. lower, which is # significant for ASDL. self.rv.append(Id(s, self.lineno)) def t_string(self, s): r'"[^"]*"' self.rv.append(String(s, self.lineno)) def t_xxx(self, s): # not sure what this production means r"<=" self.rv.append(Token(s, self.lineno)) def t_punctuation(self, s): r"[\{\}\*\=\|\(\)\,\?\:]" self.rv.append(Token(s, self.lineno)) def t_comment(self, s): r"\-\-[^\n]*" pass def t_newline(self, s): r"\n" self.lineno += 1 def t_whitespace(self, s): r"[ \t]+" pass def t_default(self, s): r" . +" raise ValueError("unmatched input: %r" % s) class ASDLParser(spark.GenericParser, object): def __init__(self): super(ASDLParser, self).__init__("module") def typestring(self, tok): return tok.type def error(self, tok): raise ASDLSyntaxError(tok.lineno, tok) def p_module_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme): " module ::= Id Id version { } " (module, name, version, _0, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme if module.value != "module": raise ASDLSyntaxError(module.lineno, msg="expected 'module', found %s" % module) return Module(name, None, version) def p_module(self, xxx_todo_changeme1): " module ::= Id Id version { definitions } " (module, name, version, _0, definitions, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme1 if module.value != "module": raise ASDLSyntaxError(module.lineno, msg="expected 'module', found %s" % module) return Module(name, definitions, version) def p_version(self, xxx_todo_changeme2): "version ::= Id String" (version, V) = xxx_todo_changeme2 if version.value != "version": raise ASDLSyntaxError(version.lineno, msg="expected 'version', found %" % version) return V def p_definition_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme3): " definitions ::= definition " (definition,) = xxx_todo_changeme3 return definition def p_definition_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme4): " definitions ::= definition definitions " (definitions, definition) = xxx_todo_changeme4 return definitions + definition def p_definition(self, xxx_todo_changeme5): " definition ::= Id = type " (id, _, type) = xxx_todo_changeme5 return [Type(id, type)] def p_type_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme6): " type ::= product " (product,) = xxx_todo_changeme6 return product def p_type_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme7): " type ::= sum " (sum,) = xxx_todo_changeme7 return Sum(sum) def p_type_2(self, xxx_todo_changeme8): " type ::= sum Id ( fields ) " (sum, id, _0, attributes, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme8 if id.value != "attributes": raise ASDLSyntaxError(id.lineno, msg="expected attributes, found %s" % id) if attributes: attributes.reverse() return Sum(sum, attributes) def p_product(self, xxx_todo_changeme9): " product ::= ( fields ) " (_0, fields, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme9 fields.reverse() return Product(fields) def p_sum_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme10): " sum ::= constructor " (constructor,) = xxx_todo_changeme10 return [constructor] def p_sum_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme11): " sum ::= constructor | sum " (constructor, _, sum) = xxx_todo_changeme11 return [constructor] + sum def p_sum_2(self, xxx_todo_changeme12): " sum ::= constructor | sum " (constructor, _, sum) = xxx_todo_changeme12 return [constructor] + sum def p_constructor_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme13): " constructor ::= Id " (id,) = xxx_todo_changeme13 return Constructor(id) def p_constructor_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme14): " constructor ::= Id ( fields ) " (id, _0, fields, _1) = xxx_todo_changeme14 fields.reverse() return Constructor(id, fields) def p_fields_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme15): " fields ::= field " (field,) = xxx_todo_changeme15 return [field] def p_fields_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme16): " fields ::= field , fields " (field, _, fields) = xxx_todo_changeme16 return fields + [field] def p_field_0(self, xxx_todo_changeme17): " field ::= Id " (type,) = xxx_todo_changeme17 return Field(type) def p_field_1(self, xxx_todo_changeme18): " field ::= Id Id " (type, name) = xxx_todo_changeme18 return Field(type, name) def p_field_2(self, xxx_todo_changeme19): " field ::= Id * Id " (type, _, name) = xxx_todo_changeme19 return Field(type, name, seq=True) def p_field_3(self, xxx_todo_changeme20): " field ::= Id ? Id " (type, _, name) = xxx_todo_changeme20 return Field(type, name, opt=True) def p_field_4(self, xxx_todo_changeme21): " field ::= Id * " (type, _) = xxx_todo_changeme21 return Field(type, seq=True) def p_field_5(self, xxx_todo_changeme22): " field ::= Id ? " (type, _) = xxx_todo_changeme22 return Field(type, opt=True) builtin_types = ("identifier", "string", "int", "bool", "object") # below is a collection of classes to capture the AST of an AST :-) # not sure if any of the methods are useful yet, but I'm adding them # piecemeal as they seem helpful class AST(object): pass # a marker class class Module(AST): def __init__(self, name, dfns, version): = name self.dfns = dfns self.version = version self.types = {} # maps type name to value (from dfns) for type in dfns: self.types[] = type.value def __repr__(self): return "Module(%s, %s)" % (, self.dfns) class Type(AST): def __init__(self, name, value): = name self.value = value def __repr__(self): return "Type(%s, %s)" % (, self.value) class Constructor(AST): def __init__(self, name, fields=None): = name self.fields = fields or [] def __repr__(self): return "Constructor(%s, %s)" % (, self.fields) class Field(AST): def __init__(self, type, name=None, seq=False, opt=False): self.type = type = name self.seq = seq self.opt = opt def __repr__(self): if self.seq: extra = ", seq=True" elif self.opt: extra = ", opt=True" else: extra = "" if is None: return "Field(%s%s)" % (self.type, extra) else: return "Field(%s, %s%s)" % (self.type,, extra) class Sum(AST): def __init__(self, types, attributes=None): self.types = types self.attributes = attributes or [] def __repr__(self): if self.attributes is None: return "Sum(%s)" % self.types else: return "Sum(%s, %s)" % (self.types, self.attributes) class Product(AST): def __init__(self, fields): self.fields = fields def __repr__(self): return "Product(%s)" % self.fields class VisitorBase(object): def __init__(self, skip=False): self.cache = {} self.skip = skip def visit(self, object, *args): meth = self._dispatch(object) if meth is None: return try: meth(object, *args) except Exception as err: print(("Error visiting", repr(object))) print(err) traceback.print_exc() # XXX hack if hasattr(self, 'file'): self.file.flush() os._exit(1) def _dispatch(self, object): assert isinstance(object, AST), repr(object) klass = object.__class__ meth = self.cache.get(klass) if meth is None: methname = "visit" + klass.__name__ if self.skip: meth = getattr(self, methname, None) else: meth = getattr(self, methname) self.cache[klass] = meth return meth class Check(VisitorBase): def __init__(self): super(Check, self).__init__(skip=True) self.cons = {} self.errors = 0 self.types = {} def visitModule(self, mod): for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) def visitType(self, type): self.visit(type.value, str( def visitSum(self, sum, name): for t in sum.types: self.visit(t, name) def visitConstructor(self, cons, name): key = str( conflict = self.cons.get(key) if conflict is None: self.cons[key] = name else: print(("Redefinition of constructor %s" % key)) print(("Defined in %s and %s" % (conflict, name))) self.errors += 1 for f in cons.fields: self.visit(f, key) def visitField(self, field, name): key = str(field.type) l = self.types.setdefault(key, []) l.append(name) def visitProduct(self, prod, name): for f in prod.fields: self.visit(f, name) def check(mod): v = Check() v.visit(mod) for t in v.types: if t not in mod.types and not t in builtin_types: v.errors += 1 uses = ", ".join(v.types[t]) print(("Undefined type %s, used in %s" % (t, uses))) return not v.errors def parse(file): scanner = ASDLScanner() parser = ASDLParser() buf = open(file).read() tokens = scanner.tokenize(buf) try: return parser.parse(tokens) except ASDLSyntaxError as err: print(err) lines = buf.split("\n") print((lines[err.lineno - 1])) # lines starts at 0, files at 1 if __name__ == "__main__": import glob import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: files = sys.argv[1:] else: testdir = "tests" files = glob.glob(testdir + "/*.asdl") for file in files: print(file) mod = parse(file) print(("module", print((len(mod.dfns), "definitions")) if not check(mod): print("Check failed") else: for dfn in mod.dfns: print((dfn.type)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = spark # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # Copyright (c) 1998-2002 John Aycock # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. __version__ = 'SPARK-0.7 (pre-alpha-5)' import re import string def _namelist(instance): namelist, namedict, classlist = [], {}, [instance.__class__] for c in classlist: for b in c.__bases__: classlist.append(b) for name in c.__dict__.keys(): if name not in namedict: namelist.append(name) namedict[name] = 1 return namelist class GenericScanner: def __init__(self, flags=0): pattern = self.reflect() = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE|flags) self.index2func = {} for name, number in self.index2func[number-1] = getattr(self, 't_' + name) def makeRE(self, name): doc = getattr(self, name).__doc__ rv = '(?P<%s>%s)' % (name[2:], doc) return rv def reflect(self): rv = [] for name in _namelist(self): if name[:2] == 't_' and name != 't_default': rv.append(self.makeRE(name)) rv.append(self.makeRE('t_default')) return string.join(rv, '|') def error(self, s, pos): print("Lexical error at position %s" % pos) raise SystemExit def tokenize(self, s): pos = 0 n = len(s) while pos < n: m =, pos) if m is None: self.error(s, pos) groups = m.groups() for i in range(len(groups)): if groups[i] and i in self.index2func: self.index2func[i](groups[i]) pos = m.end() def t_default(self, s): r'( . | \n )+' print("Specification error: unmatched input") raise SystemExit # # Extracted from GenericParser and made global so that [un]picking works. # class _State: def __init__(self, stateno, items): self.T, self.complete, self.items = [], [], items self.stateno = stateno class GenericParser: # # An Earley parser, as per J. Earley, "An Efficient Context-Free # Parsing Algorithm", CACM 13(2), pp. 94-102. Also J. C. Earley, # "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm", Ph.D. thesis, # Carnegie-Mellon University, August 1968. New formulation of # the parser according to J. Aycock, "Practical Earley Parsing # and the SPARK Toolkit", Ph.D. thesis, University of Victoria, # 2001, and J. Aycock and R. N. Horspool, "Practical Earley # Parsing", unpublished paper, 2001. # def __init__(self, start): self.rules = {} self.rule2func = {} self.rule2name = {} self.collectRules() self.augment(start) self.ruleschanged = 1 _NULLABLE = '\e_' _START = 'START' _BOF = '|-' # # When pickling, take the time to generate the full state machine; # some information is then extraneous, too. Unfortunately we # can't save the rule2func map. # def __getstate__(self): if self.ruleschanged: # # XXX - duplicated from parse() # self.computeNull() self.newrules = {} self.new2old = {} self.makeNewRules() self.ruleschanged = 0 self.edges, self.cores = {}, {} self.states = { 0: self.makeState0() } self.makeState(0, self._BOF) # # XXX - should find a better way to do this.. # changes = 1 while changes: changes = 0 for k, v in self.edges.items(): if v is None: state, sym = k if state in self.states: self.goto(state, sym) changes = 1 rv = self.__dict__.copy() for s in self.states.values(): del s.items del rv['rule2func'] del rv['nullable'] del rv['cores'] return rv def __setstate__(self, D): self.rules = {} self.rule2func = {} self.rule2name = {} self.collectRules() start = D['rules'][self._START][0][1][1] # Blech. self.augment(start) D['rule2func'] = self.rule2func D['makeSet'] = self.makeSet_fast self.__dict__ = D # # A hook for GenericASTBuilder and GenericASTMatcher. Mess # thee not with this; nor shall thee toucheth the _preprocess # argument to addRule. # def preprocess(self, rule, func): return rule, func def addRule(self, doc, func, _preprocess=1): fn = func rules = string.split(doc) index = [] for i in range(len(rules)): if rules[i] == '::=': index.append(i-1) index.append(len(rules)) for i in range(len(index)-1): lhs = rules[index[i]] rhs = rules[index[i]+2:index[i+1]] rule = (lhs, tuple(rhs)) if _preprocess: rule, fn = self.preprocess(rule, func) if lhs in self.rules: self.rules[lhs].append(rule) else: self.rules[lhs] = [ rule ] self.rule2func[rule] = fn self.rule2name[rule] = func.__name__[2:] self.ruleschanged = 1 def collectRules(self): for name in _namelist(self): if name[:2] == 'p_': func = getattr(self, name) doc = func.__doc__ self.addRule(doc, func) def augment(self, start): rule = '%s ::= %s %s' % (self._START, self._BOF, start) self.addRule(rule, lambda args: args[1], 0) def computeNull(self): self.nullable = {} tbd = [] for rulelist in self.rules.values(): lhs = rulelist[0][0] self.nullable[lhs] = 0 for rule in rulelist: rhs = rule[1] if len(rhs) == 0: self.nullable[lhs] = 1 continue # # We only need to consider rules which # consist entirely of nonterminal symbols. # This should be a savings on typical # grammars. # for sym in rhs: if sym not in self.rules: break else: tbd.append(rule) changes = 1 while changes: changes = 0 for lhs, rhs in tbd: if self.nullable[lhs]: continue for sym in rhs: if not self.nullable[sym]: break else: self.nullable[lhs] = 1 changes = 1 def makeState0(self): s0 = _State(0, []) for rule in self.newrules[self._START]: s0.items.append((rule, 0)) return s0 def finalState(self, tokens): # # Yuck. # if len(self.newrules[self._START]) == 2 and len(tokens) == 0: return 1 start = self.rules[self._START][0][1][1] return self.goto(1, start) def makeNewRules(self): worklist = [] for rulelist in self.rules.values(): for rule in rulelist: worklist.append((rule, 0, 1, rule)) for rule, i, candidate, oldrule in worklist: lhs, rhs = rule n = len(rhs) while i < n: sym = rhs[i] if sym not in self.rules or \ not self.nullable[sym]: candidate = 0 i = i + 1 continue newrhs = list(rhs) newrhs[i] = self._NULLABLE+sym newrule = (lhs, tuple(newrhs)) worklist.append((newrule, i+1, candidate, oldrule)) candidate = 0 i = i + 1 else: if candidate: lhs = self._NULLABLE+lhs rule = (lhs, rhs) if lhs in self.newrules: self.newrules[lhs].append(rule) else: self.newrules[lhs] = [ rule ] self.new2old[rule] = oldrule def typestring(self, token): return None def error(self, token): print("Syntax error at or near '%s' token" % token) raise SystemExit def parse(self, tokens): sets = [ [(1,0), (2,0)] ] self.links = {} if self.ruleschanged: self.computeNull() self.newrules = {} self.new2old = {} self.makeNewRules() self.ruleschanged = 0 self.edges, self.cores = {}, {} self.states = { 0: self.makeState0() } self.makeState(0, self._BOF) for i in xrange(len(tokens)): sets.append([]) if sets[i] == []: break self.makeSet(tokens[i], sets, i) else: sets.append([]) self.makeSet(None, sets, len(tokens)) #_dump(tokens, sets, self.states) finalitem = (self.finalState(tokens), 0) if finalitem not in sets[-2]: if len(tokens) > 0: self.error(tokens[i-1]) else: self.error(None) return self.buildTree(self._START, finalitem, tokens, len(sets)-2) def isnullable(self, sym): # # For symbols in G_e only. If we weren't supporting 1.5, # could just use sym.startswith(). # return self._NULLABLE == sym[0:len(self._NULLABLE)] def skip(self, xxx_todo_changeme, pos=0): (lhs, rhs) = xxx_todo_changeme n = len(rhs) while pos < n: if not self.isnullable(rhs[pos]): break pos = pos + 1 return pos def makeState(self, state, sym): assert sym is not None # # Compute \epsilon-kernel state's core and see if # it exists already. # kitems = [] for rule, pos in self.states[state].items: lhs, rhs = rule if rhs[pos:pos+1] == (sym,): kitems.append((rule, self.skip(rule, pos+1))) core = sorted(kitems) tcore = tuple(core) if tcore in self.cores: return self.cores[tcore] # # Nope, doesn't exist. Compute it and the associated # \epsilon-nonkernel state together; we'll need it right away. # k = self.cores[tcore] = len(self.states) K, NK = _State(k, kitems), _State(k+1, []) self.states[k] = K predicted = {} edges = self.edges rules = self.newrules for X in K, NK: worklist = X.items for item in worklist: rule, pos = item lhs, rhs = rule if pos == len(rhs): X.complete.append(rule) continue nextSym = rhs[pos] key = (X.stateno, nextSym) if nextSym not in rules: if key not in edges: edges[key] = None X.T.append(nextSym) else: edges[key] = None if nextSym not in predicted: predicted[nextSym] = 1 for prule in rules[nextSym]: ppos = self.skip(prule) new = (prule, ppos) NK.items.append(new) # # Problem: we know K needs generating, but we # don't yet know about NK. Can't commit anything # regarding NK to self.edges until we're sure. Should # we delay committing on both K and NK to avoid this # hacky code? This creates other problems.. # if X is K: edges = {} if NK.items == []: return k # # Check for \epsilon-nonkernel's core. Unfortunately we # need to know the entire set of predicted nonterminals # to do this without accidentally duplicating states. # core = predicted.keys() core.sort() tcore = tuple(core) if tcore in self.cores: self.edges[(k, None)] = self.cores[tcore] return k nk = self.cores[tcore] = self.edges[(k, None)] = NK.stateno self.edges.update(edges) self.states[nk] = NK return k def goto(self, state, sym): key = (state, sym) if key not in self.edges: # # No transitions from state on sym. # return None rv = self.edges[key] if rv is None: # # Target state isn't generated yet. Remedy this. # rv = self.makeState(state, sym) self.edges[key] = rv return rv def gotoT(self, state, t): return [self.goto(state, t)] def gotoST(self, state, st): rv = [] for t in self.states[state].T: if st == t: rv.append(self.goto(state, t)) return rv def add(self, set, item, i=None, predecessor=None, causal=None): if predecessor is None: if item not in set: set.append(item) else: key = (item, i) if item not in set: self.links[key] = [] set.append(item) self.links[key].append((predecessor, causal)) def makeSet(self, token, sets, i): cur, next = sets[i], sets[i+1] ttype = token is not None and self.typestring(token) or None if ttype is not None: fn, arg = self.gotoT, ttype else: fn, arg = self.gotoST, token for item in cur: ptr = (item, i) state, parent = item add = fn(state, arg) for k in add: if k is not None: self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr) nk = self.goto(k, None) if nk is not None: self.add(next, (nk, i+1)) if parent == i: continue for rule in self.states[state].complete: lhs, rhs = rule for pitem in sets[parent]: pstate, pparent = pitem k = self.goto(pstate, lhs) if k is not None: why = (item, i, rule) pptr = (pitem, parent) self.add(cur, (k, pparent), i, pptr, why) nk = self.goto(k, None) if nk is not None: self.add(cur, (nk, i)) def makeSet_fast(self, token, sets, i): # # Call *only* when the entire state machine has been built! # It relies on self.edges being filled in completely, and # then duplicates and inlines code to boost speed at the # cost of extreme ugliness. # cur, next = sets[i], sets[i+1] ttype = token is not None and self.typestring(token) or None for item in cur: ptr = (item, i) state, parent = item if ttype is not None: k = self.edges.get((state, ttype), None) if k is not None: #self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr) #INLINED --v new = (k, parent) key = (new, i+1) if new not in next: self.links[key] = [] next.append(new) self.links[key].append((ptr, None)) #INLINED --^ #nk = self.goto(k, None) nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None) if nk is not None: #self.add(next, (nk, i+1)) #INLINED --v new = (nk, i+1) if new not in next: next.append(new) #INLINED --^ else: add = self.gotoST(state, token) for k in add: if k is not None: self.add(next, (k, parent), i+1, ptr) #nk = self.goto(k, None) nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None) if nk is not None: self.add(next, (nk, i+1)) if parent == i: continue for rule in self.states[state].complete: lhs, rhs = rule for pitem in sets[parent]: pstate, pparent = pitem #k = self.goto(pstate, lhs) k = self.edges.get((pstate, lhs), None) if k is not None: why = (item, i, rule) pptr = (pitem, parent) #self.add(cur, (k, pparent), # i, pptr, why) #INLINED --v new = (k, pparent) key = (new, i) if new not in cur: self.links[key] = [] cur.append(new) self.links[key].append((pptr, why)) #INLINED --^ #nk = self.goto(k, None) nk = self.edges.get((k, None), None) if nk is not None: #self.add(cur, (nk, i)) #INLINED --v new = (nk, i) if new not in cur: cur.append(new) #INLINED --^ def predecessor(self, key, causal): for p, c in self.links[key]: if c == causal: return p assert 0 def causal(self, key): links = self.links[key] if len(links) == 1: return links[0][1] choices = [] rule2cause = {} for p, c in links: rule = c[2] choices.append(rule) rule2cause[rule] = c return rule2cause[self.ambiguity(choices)] def deriveEpsilon(self, nt): if len(self.newrules[nt]) > 1: rule = self.ambiguity(self.newrules[nt]) else: rule = self.newrules[nt][0] #print rule rhs = rule[1] attr = [None] * len(rhs) for i in range(len(rhs)-1, -1, -1): attr[i] = self.deriveEpsilon(rhs[i]) return self.rule2func[self.new2old[rule]](attr) def buildTree(self, nt, item, tokens, k): state, parent = item choices = [] for rule in self.states[state].complete: if rule[0] == nt: choices.append(rule) rule = choices[0] if len(choices) > 1: rule = self.ambiguity(choices) #print rule rhs = rule[1] attr = [None] * len(rhs) for i in range(len(rhs)-1, -1, -1): sym = rhs[i] if sym not in self.newrules: if sym != self._BOF: attr[i] = tokens[k-1] key = (item, k) item, k = self.predecessor(key, None) #elif self.isnullable(sym): elif self._NULLABLE == sym[0:len(self._NULLABLE)]: attr[i] = self.deriveEpsilon(sym) else: key = (item, k) why = self.causal(key) attr[i] = self.buildTree(sym, why[0], tokens, why[1]) item, k = self.predecessor(key, why) return self.rule2func[self.new2old[rule]](attr) def ambiguity(self, rules): # # XXX - problem here and in collectRules() if the same rule # appears in >1 method. Also undefined results if rules # causing the ambiguity appear in the same method. # sortlist = [] name2index = {} for i in range(len(rules)): lhs, rhs = rule = rules[i] name = self.rule2name[self.new2old[rule]] sortlist.append((len(rhs), name)) name2index[name] = i sortlist.sort() list = map(lambda a_b: a_b[1], sortlist) return rules[name2index[self.resolve(list)]] def resolve(self, list): # # Resolve ambiguity in favor of the shortest RHS. # Since we walk the tree from the top down, this # should effectively resolve in favor of a "shift". # return list[0] # # GenericASTBuilder automagically constructs a concrete/abstract syntax tree # for a given input. The extra argument is a class (not an instance!) # which supports the "__setslice__" and "__len__" methods. # # XXX - silently overrides any user code in methods. # class GenericASTBuilder(GenericParser): def __init__(self, AST, start): GenericParser.__init__(self, start) self.AST = AST def preprocess(self, rule, func): rebind = lambda lhs, self=self: \ lambda args, lhs=lhs, self=self: \ self.buildASTNode(args, lhs) lhs, rhs = rule return rule, rebind(lhs) def buildASTNode(self, args, lhs): children = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, self.AST): children.append(arg) else: children.append(self.terminal(arg)) return self.nonterminal(lhs, children) def terminal(self, token): return token def nonterminal(self, type, args): rv = self.AST(type) rv[:len(args)] = args return rv # # GenericASTTraversal is a Visitor pattern according to Design Patterns. For # each node it attempts to invoke the method n_<node type>, falling # back onto the default() method if the n_* can't be found. The preorder # traversal also looks for an exit hook named n_<node type>_exit (no default # routine is called if it's not found). To prematurely halt traversal # of a subtree, call the prune() method -- this only makes sense for a # preorder traversal. Node type is determined via the typestring() method. # class GenericASTTraversalPruningException: pass class GenericASTTraversal: def __init__(self, ast): self.ast = ast def typestring(self, node): return node.type def prune(self): raise GenericASTTraversalPruningException def preorder(self, node=None): if node is None: node = self.ast try: name = 'n_' + self.typestring(node) if hasattr(self, name): func = getattr(self, name) func(node) else: self.default(node) except GenericASTTraversalPruningException: return for kid in node: self.preorder(kid) name = name + '_exit' if hasattr(self, name): func = getattr(self, name) func(node) def postorder(self, node=None): if node is None: node = self.ast for kid in node: self.postorder(kid) name = 'n_' + self.typestring(node) if hasattr(self, name): func = getattr(self, name) func(node) else: self.default(node) def default(self, node): pass # # GenericASTMatcher. AST nodes must have "__getitem__" and "__cmp__" # implemented. # # XXX - makes assumptions about how GenericParser walks the parse tree. # class GenericASTMatcher(GenericParser): def __init__(self, start, ast): GenericParser.__init__(self, start) self.ast = ast def preprocess(self, rule, func): rebind = lambda func, self=self: \ lambda args, func=func, self=self: \ self.foundMatch(args, func) lhs, rhs = rule rhslist = list(rhs) rhslist.reverse() return (lhs, tuple(rhslist)), rebind(func) def foundMatch(self, args, func): func(args[-1]) return args[-1] def match_r(self, node): self.input.insert(0, node) children = 0 for child in node: if children == 0: self.input.insert(0, '(') children = children + 1 self.match_r(child) if children > 0: self.input.insert(0, ')') def match(self, ast=None): if ast is None: ast = self.ast self.input = [] self.match_r(ast) self.parse(self.input) def resolve(self, list): # # Resolve ambiguity in favor of the longest RHS. # return list[-1] def _dump(tokens, sets, states): for i in range(len(sets)): print('set', i) for item in sets[i]: print('\t', item) for (lhs, rhs), pos in states[item[0]].items: print('\t\t', lhs, '::=', end=' ') print(string.join(rhs[:pos]), end=' ') print('.', end=' ') print(string.join(rhs[pos:])) if i < len(tokens): print() print('token', str(tokens[i])) print() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = schema # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import keyword from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple import contextlib from . import asdl from .asdl import pyasdl def load(name): '''Load a ASDL Schema by name; e.g. "Python.asdl". Returns a Schema object. This tries to load from the version-specific directory, first. If it failed, it loads from the common-directory. ''' parser, loader = asdl.load_pyschema(name) python_asdl = loader.load() return build_schema(python_asdl) def build_schema(asdl_tree): schblr = SchemaBuilder() schblr.visit(asdl_tree) return schblr.schema class _rule(namedtuple('rule', ['kind', 'fields'])): __slots__ = () SUM = 0 # sums, e.g. Foo | Bar PROD = 1 # producs, e.g. (Foo, Bar) @classmethod def sum(cls, fields): return cls(kind=cls.SUM, fields=fields) @classmethod def product(cls, fields): return cls(kind=cls.PROD, fields=fields) @property def is_sum(self): return self.kind == self.SUM @property def is_product(self): return self.kind == self.PROD class _debuginfo_t(namedtuple("_debuginfo_t", ['node', 'field', 'offset'])): __slots__ = () def __str__(self): '''Create string reprentation to be used in SchemaError ''' if self.field is not None: if self.offset is not None: return "At %s.%s[%d]" % (self.node, self.field, self.offset) else: return "At %s.%s" % (self.node, self.field) else: return "At %s" % (self.node) def _debuginfo(node, field=None, offset=None): assert field or not offset return _debuginfo_t(node=node, field=field, offset=offset) class SchemaError(Exception): def __init__(self, ctxt, msg): super(SchemaError, self).__init__("%s: %s" % (ctxt, msg)) class Schema(object): '''A Schema object that is used to verify against an AST. It is built from SchemaBuilder Usage: schema.verify(ast) schema.verify(ast, context=SchemaContext()) ''' def __init__(self, name): # name of the asdl module = name # a dictionary of {type name -> fields} self.types = defaultdict(list) # a dictionary of {definition name -> _rule} self.dfns = {} # { type name -> fields } self.attributes = defaultdict(list) def verify(self, ast, context=None): '''Check against an AST raises SchemaError upon error. ast --- The ast being verified context --- [optional] a SchemaContext. ''' context = context if context is not None else SchemaContext() return SchemaVerifier(self, context).visit(ast) def __str__(self): return "%s(name=%s, types=%s, rules=%s, attributes=%s)" % ( type(self).__name__,, self.types, self.dfns, self.attributes) def debug(self): print(("Schema %s" % for k, fs in self.types.items(): print((' --', k, fs)) for k, fs in self.dfns.items(): if fs.is_sum(): print((' ', k)) for f in fs.fields: print((' |', f)) else: print((' ', k, '=', ', '.join(map(str, fs.fields)))) class SchemaContext(object): '''Keep information about context: - builtin type handlers User may expand the builtin type handlers. See `builtin_handlers`. ''' def __init__(self): self.__builtins = {} self._add_default_handler() def _add_default_handler(self): self.builtin_handlers['identifier'] = _verify_identifier self.builtin_handlers['int'] = _verify_int self.builtin_handlers['string'] = _verify_string self.builtin_handlers['object'] = _verify_object self.builtin_handlers['bool'] = _verify_bool @property def builtin_handlers(self): '''A dictionary of type name -> handler A handler is just a callable like the following: def handler(value): return is_value_valid(value) # returns boolean ''' return self.__builtins class SchemaVerifier(ast.NodeVisitor): '''A internal class that implement a the verification logic. ''' def __init__(self, schema, context): ''' schema --- a Schema object that defines a valid AST. context --- a SchemaConctext object. ''' self.schema = schema self.context = context self._debug_context = None def visit(self, node): '''Start verification at the node. Verification can begin at any AST node. Can it will recursively verify each and every subtree. ''' current = self._get_type(node) self._visit(node, current) def _visit(self, node, current): nodename = type(node).__name__ # traverse the children for field in current: with self._new_debug_context(node=nodename, value = getattr(node, str(, None) if getattr(field, 'seq', False): # is sequence? children = getattr(node, str(, None) if children is None: raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Missing field") elif not _is_iterable(children): raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Field must be iterable") for offset, child in enumerate(children): with self._new_debug_context(node=nodename,, offset=offset): self._sentry_dfn(field.type, child) elif value is None: if not getattr(field, 'opt', False): raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Missing field") else: pass elif value is not None: self._sentry_dfn(field.type, value) else: assert False, field @contextlib.contextmanager def _new_debug_context(self, **kws): # push old = self._debug_context self._debug_context = _debuginfo(**kws) yield # pop self._debug_context = old def _sentry_child(self, child, subtypes): childname = type(child).__name__ if childname not in subtypes: raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Cannot be a %s" % childname) def _sentry_dfn(self, name, value): name = str(name) if name in self.context.builtin_handlers: # is a builtin type? handler = self.context.builtin_handlers[name] if not handler(value): raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Expected %s but got %s" % \ (name, type(value))) else: # not a builtin type? rule = self._get_dfn(name) if rule.is_sum: self._sentry_child(value, rule.fields) self.visit(value) else: assert rule.is_product name0 = type(value).__name__ if name0 != name: raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Expecting %s but got %s" % \ (name, name0)) self._visit(value, rule.fields) def _get_dfn(self, name): ret = self.schema.dfns.get(str(name)) if ret is None: raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Missing definition for '%s' in the ASDL" % name) return ret def _get_type(self, cls_or_name): name = (cls_or_name if isinstance(cls_or_name, str) else type(cls_or_name).__name__) fields = self.schema.types.get(name) attrs = self.schema.attributes.get(name) if fields is None or attrs is None: raise SchemaError(self._debug_context, "Unknown AST node type: %s" % name) return fields + attrs class SchemaBuilder(pyasdl.VisitorBase): '''A single instance of SchemaBuilder can be used build different Schema from different ASDL. Usage: schblr = SchemaBuilder() schblr.visit(some_asdl) schema = schblr.schema # get the schema object NOTE: - It ignore the attributes of the nodes. ''' def __init__(self): super(SchemaBuilder, self).__init__() def visitModule(self, mod): self._schema = Schema(str( for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) def visitType(self, type): self.visit(type.value, str( def visitSum(self, sum, name): self.schema.dfns[str(name)] = _rule.sum([str( for t in sum.types]) self.schema.attributes[name].extend(sum.attributes) for t in sum.types: self.visit(t, name, sum.attributes) def visitConstructor(self, cons, name, attrs=[]): typename = str( self.schema.types[typename].extend(cons.fields) self.schema.attributes[typename].extend(attrs) def visitField(self, field, name): key = str(field.type) def visitProduct(self, prod, name): assert not hasattr(prod, 'attributes') self.schema.dfns[str(name)] = _rule.product(prod.fields) for f in prod.fields: self.visit(f, name) @property def schema(self): return self._schema # # Builtin types handler # def _verify_identifier(value): return isinstance(value, str) def _verify_int(value): return isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long) def _verify_string(value): return isinstance(value, str) def _verify_object(value): return isinstance(value, object) def _verify_bool(value): return isinstance(value, bool) # # Utilities # def _is_iterable(value): try: iter(value) except TypeError: return False else: return True def verify_names(names): for name in names: if keyword.iskeyword(name): raise ValueError("%r is a keyword" % (name,)) def verify_schema_keywords(schema): """ Verify schema, checking for the use of any Python keywords. """ verify_names(schema.dfns) verify_names(schema.types) verify_names([ for fields in schema.types.itervalues() for field in fields]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = support # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import unittest from numba.asdl import schema def build_schema(): '''Build a schema from Python.asdl ''' return schema.load('Python.asdl') class SchemaTestCase(unittest.TestCase): '''A base class for test cases that use the Python.asdl ''' schema = build_schema() def capture_error(self): return self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaError) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_bad # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # Use Python.asdl to test bad ast. import unittest, ast, sys from numba.asdl.tests import support class TestBad(support.SchemaTestCase): def make_verification_callable(self, the_ast): def _verify(): self.schema.verify(the_ast) return _verify def test_module_missing_body(self): the_ast = ast.Module() if sys.version_info < (2,7): self.assertRaises(support.schema.SchemaError, self.make_verification_callable(the_ast)) else: with self.capture_error() as cap: self.schema.verify(the_ast) self.assertEqual(str(cap.exception), "At Module.body: Missing field") def test_missing_expr_context(self): a_name = ast.Name(id='x') # missing expr_context a_binop = ast.BinOp(left=a_name, right =a_name, op=ast.Add()) the_ast = ast.Expr(value=a_binop) if sys.version_info < (2,7): self.assertRaises(support.schema.SchemaError, self.make_verification_callable(the_ast)) else: with self.capture_error() as cap: self.schema.verify(the_ast) self.assertEqual(str(cap.exception), "At Name.ctx: Missing field") def test_wrong_arg(self): bad = ast.Raise() # doesn't matter what is inside args = ast.arguments(args=[bad], defaults=[]) the_ast = ast.FunctionDef(name="haha", args=args, body=[], decorator_list=[]) if sys.version_info < (2,7): self.assertRaises(support.schema.SchemaError, self.make_verification_callable(the_ast)) else: with self.capture_error() as cap: self.schema.verify(the_ast) self.assertIn( str(cap.exception), ["At arguments.args[0]: Cannot be a Raise", "At arguments.args[0]: Expecting arg but got Raise"]) def test_return_missing_lineno(self): the_ast = ast.Return(col_offset=0) if sys.version_info < (2,7): self.assertRaises(support.schema.SchemaError, self.make_verification_callable(the_ast)) else: with self.capture_error() as cap: self.schema.verify(the_ast) self.assertEqual(str(cap.exception), "At Return.lineno: Missing field") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_good # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # Uses Python.asdl to test against some python script # and some manually built ast import unittest import ast, os, inspect from numba.asdl.tests import support class TestGood(support.SchemaTestCase): def test_self(self): # Cannot use __file__ because it may get the .pyc file instead srcfile = inspect.getsourcefile(type(self)) self._test_script(srcfile) def test_schema_dot_py(self): self._test_script('../') def test_return_optional_value(self): the_ast = ast.Return(lineno=0, col_offset=0) self.schema.verify(the_ast) the_ast = ast.Return(value=None, lineno=0, col_offset=0) self.schema.verify(the_ast) the_ast = ast.Return(value=ast.Name(id='x', ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=0, col_offset=0), lineno=0, col_offset=0) self.schema.verify(the_ast) # should not raise def _test_script(self, path): if path.startswith('.'): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path) with open(path) as the_file: the_script = the_ast = ast.parse(the_script) self.schema.verify(the_ast) # should not raise if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = astsix import sys import ast import pprint from numba import error def iter_fields(node): """ Yield a tuple of ``(fieldname, value)`` for each field in ``node._fields`` that is present on *node*. """ for field in node._fields: try: yield field, getattr(node, field) except AttributeError: pass class With(ast.stmt): """ Node for AST compatibility with python 3.3. """ _fields = ['context_expr', 'optional_vars', 'body'] class Raise(ast.stmt): """Py2 compatible Raise node""" _fields = ['type', 'inst', 'tback'] class AST3to2(ast.NodeTransformer): def _visit_list(self, alist): new_values = [] for value in alist: if isinstance(value, ast.AST): value = self.visit(value) if value is None: continue elif not isinstance(value, ast.AST): new_values.extend(value) continue new_values.append(value) return new_values def generic_visit(self, node): for field, old_value in iter_fields(node): old_value = getattr(node, field, None) if isinstance(old_value, list): old_value[:] = self._visit_list(old_value) elif isinstance(old_value, ast.AST): new_node = self.visit(old_value) if new_node is None: delattr(node, field) else: setattr(node, field, new_node) return node def __visit_FunctionDef(self, node): new_node = ast.FunctionDef(args=self.visit_arguments(node.args), body=self._visit_list(node.body), decorator_list=self._visit_list(node.decorator_list), ast.copy_location(new_node, node) return new_node def visit_Index(self, node): if isinstance(node.value, ast.Ellipsis): return node.value return node def visit_arguments(self, node): ret = [] for arg_node in node.args: if isinstance(arg_node, ast.arg): new_node = ast.Name(ctx=ast.Param(), id=arg_node.arg) ret.append(new_node) elif isinstance(arg_node, ast.Name): ret.append(arg_node) else: raise TypeError('Cannot transform node %r' % arg_node) return ast.arguments(args=ret, defaults=node.defaults, kwarg=node.kwarg, vararg=node.vararg) def visit_With(self, node): """ Rewrite the With statement. Python < 3.3: With(expr context_expr, expr? optional_vars, stmt* body) Python 3.3: With(withitem* items, stmt* body) withitem = (expr context_expr, expr? optional_vars) """ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3): if len(node.items) > 1: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Only one 'with' context is support") withitem = node.items[0] new_node = With() new_node.context_expr = withitem.context_expr new_node.optional_vars = withitem.optional_vars new_node.body = node.body node = ast.copy_location(new_node, node) self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_Raise(self, node): if node.cause: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cause to 'raise' not supported") newnode = Raise(type=node.exc, inst=None, tback=None) return ast.copy_location(newnode, node) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ast_constant_folding # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This module implements constant folding on the AST. It handles simple cases such as * 1 + 2 -> 3 * 2 ** 10 -> 1024 * N=1; N + 1 -> 2 (for N is assigned as global variable or a variable that's only assigned once) from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import ''' import operator, ast from functools import reduce from . import visitors # shamelessly copied from Cython compile_time_binary_operators = { '<' :, '<=' : operator.le, '==' : operator.eq, '!=' :, '>=' :, '>' :, 'is' : operator.is_, 'is_not': operator.is_not, '+' : operator.add, '&' : operator.and_, '/' : operator.truediv, '//' : operator.floordiv, '<<' : operator.lshift, '%' : operator.mod, '*' : operator.mul, '|' : operator.or_, '**' : operator.pow, '>>' : operator.rshift, '-' : operator.sub, '^' : operator.xor, 'in' : operator.contains, 'not_in': lambda x, y: not operator.contains(x, y), 'and' : operator.and_, 'or' : operator.or_, } # shamelessly copied from Cython compile_time_unary_operators = { 'not' : operator.not_, '~' : operator.inv, '-' : operator.neg, '+' : operator.pos, } ast_to_binary_operator = { ast.Add : '+', ast.Sub : '-', ast.Mult : '*', ast.Div : '/', ast.FloorDiv: '//', ast.Pow : '**', ast.LShift : '<<', ast.RShift : '>>', ast.BitOr : '|', ast.BitAnd : '&', ast.BitXor : '^', ast.Lt : '<', ast.LtE : '<=', ast.Gt : '>', ast.GtE : '>=', ast.Eq : '==', ast.NotEq : '!=', ast.Is : 'is', ast.IsNot : 'is_not', ast.In : 'in', ast.NotIn : 'not_in', ast.And : 'and', ast.Or : 'or', } ast_to_unary_operator = { ast.Not : 'not', ast.Invert : '~', ast.USub : '-', ast.UAdd : '+', } class NotConstExprError(Exception): pass class ConstantExprRecognizer(ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, const_name_set): self.const_name_set = const_name_set def visit_BinOp(self, node): if not(self.visit(node.left) and self.visit(node.right)): raise NotConstExprError def visit_BoolOp(self, node): if not all(self.visit(x) for x in node.values): raise NotConstExprError def visit_Compare(self, node): if not(node.left and all(self.visit(x) for x in node.comparators)): raise NotConstExprError def generic_visit(self, node): if not is_constant(node, self.const_name_set): raise NotConstExprError def __call__(self, node): try: self.visit(node) except NotConstExprError as e: return False else: return True class ConstantMarker(visitors.NumbaVisitor): '''A conservative constant marker. Conservative because we handle the simplest cases only. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kws): super(ConstantMarker, self).__init__(*args, **kws) self._candidates = {} # variable name -> value (rhs) node self._invalidated = set() def visit_Assign(self, node): targets = [] for target in node.targets: targets.extend(self._flatten_aggregate(target)) # targets contains tuple/list not_handled = len(node.targets) != len(targets) for target in targets: try: name = except AttributeError: # Only for assignment into simple name on the LHS pass else: if name not in self._invalidated: if not_handled or name in self._candidates: self._invalidate(name) else: self._candidates[name] = node.value def visit_AugAssign(self, node): try: name = except AttributeError: # Only for assignment into simple name on the LHS pass else: if name in self._candidates: self._invalidate(name) def visit_For(self, node): targets = self._flatten_aggregate( for t in targets: self._invalidate( for instr in node.body: self.visit(instr) def _flatten_aggregate(self, node): assert isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store) if isinstance(node, ast.Tuple) or isinstance(node, ast.List): ret = [] for i in node.elts: ret.extend(self._flatten_aggregate(i)) return ret else: return [node] def _invalidate(self, name): self._invalidated.add(name) try: del self._candidates[name] except KeyError: pass def get_constants(self): '''Return a set of constant variable names ''' const_names = set(self.varnames).difference(self._invalidated) const_names |= set(self.func_globals) constexpr_recognizer = ConstantExprRecognizer(const_names) retvals = [] for k, v in self._candidates.items(): if constexpr_recognizer(v): retvals.append(k) return set(retvals) class ConstantFolder(visitors.NumbaTransformer): '''Perform constant folding on AST. NOTE: Forbids assignment to True, False, None. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kws): assert not hasattr(self, 'constvars') # not overwriting assert not hasattr(self, 'constvalues') # not overwriting self.constvars = kws.pop('constvars') self.constvalues = {} super(ConstantFolder, self).__init__(*args, **kws) def visit_BinOp(self, node): lval = node.left = self.visit(node.left) rval = node.right = self.visit(node.right) if self.is_constant(lval) and self.is_constant(rval): return self.eval_binary_operation(node.op, lval, rval) else: return node def visit_BoolOp(self, node): values = node.values = [self.visit(nd) for nd in node.values] if all(self.is_constant(v) for v in values): operation = lambda x, y: self.eval_binary_operation(node.op, x, y) return reduce(operation, values) else: return node def visit_Compare(self, node): left = node.left = self.visit(node.left) comparators = node.comparators = [self.visit(nd) for nd in node.comparators] operands = [left] + comparators operators = iter(reversed(node.ops)) def operation(x, y): op = next(operators) return self.eval_binary_operation(op, x, y) if all(self.is_constant(nd) for nd in operands): return reduce(operation, operands) else: return node def visit_Assign(self, node): '''Store the rhs value so we can inline them in future reference. TODO: Remove assignment of constant ''' # FIXME: does not handle assign to tuple names = [] value = node.value = self.visit(node.value) for left in node.targets: try: name = except AttributeError: return node # escape else: names.append(name) ct = 0 for name in names: if name in self.constvars: # is known constant assert name not in self.constvalues self.constvalues[name] = value self.constvars.remove(name) ct += 1 return node def visit_Name(self, node): if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load) and self.is_constant(node): try: return self.constvalues[] except KeyError: val = self.func_globals.get( if val and is_simple_value(val): if isinstance(val, (int, long, float)): return ast.Num(n=val) elif isinstance(val, bool): name = 'True' if val else 'False' return ast.Name(id=name, ctx=ast.Load()) return node def eval_binary_operation(self, op, left, right): '''Evaluate the constant expression and return a ast.Num instance containing the result. ''' operator = ast_to_binary_operator[type(op)] func = compile_time_binary_operators[operator] ret = func(self.valueof(left), self.valueof(right)) if ret is True: node = ast.Name(id='True', ctx=ast.Load()) elif ret is False: node = ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()) elif ret is None: node = ast.Name(id='None', ctx=ast.Load()) else: node = ast.Num(n=ret) return ast.copy_location(node, left) def valueof(self, node): '''Get constant value from AST node. ''' if isinstance(node, ast.Num): return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.Name) and isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): if == 'True': return True elif == 'False': return False elif == 'None': return None elif in self.constvalues: return self.valueof(self.constvalues[]) else: value = self.func_globals[] if not is_simple_value(value): raise ValueError("%s is not a simple value.") return value raise ValueError("node %s is not a has constant value" % node) def is_constant(self, node): globals = set(self.func_globals).difference(self.local_names) return is_constant(node, globals | set(self.constvalues)) def is_constant(node, constants=set()): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): return True elif isinstance(node, ast.Name) and isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): if in ['True', 'False', 'None']: return True elif in constants: return True return False def is_simple_value(value): return ( isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long) or isinstance(value, float) or value is True or value is False or value is None) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = closures # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module provides support for closures and inner functions. @autojit def outer(): a = 10 # this is a cellvar @jit('void()') def inner(): print a # this is a freevar inner() a = 12 return inner The 'inner' function closes over the outer scope. Each function with cellvars packs them into a heap-allocated structure, the closure scope. The closure scope is passed into 'inner' when called from within outer. The execution of 'def' creates a NumbaFunction, which has itself as the m_self attribute. So when 'inner' is invoked from Python, the numba wrapper function gets called with NumbaFunction object and the args tuple. The closure scope is then set in NumbaFunction.func_closure. The closure scope is an extension type with the cellvars as attributes. Closure scopes are chained together, since multiple inner scopes may need to share a single outer scope. E.g. def outer(a): def inner(b): def inner_inner(): print a, b return inner_inner return inner(1), inner(2) We have three live closure scopes here: scope_outer = { 'a': a } # call to 'outer' scope_inner_1 = { 'scope_outer': scope_outer, 'b': 1 } # call to 'inner' with b=1 scope_inner_2 = { 'scope_outer': scope_outer, 'b': 2 } # call to 'inner' with b=2 Function 'inner_inner' defines no new scope, since it contains no cellvars. But it does contain a freevar from scope_outer and scope_inner, so it gets scope_inner passed as first argument. scope_inner has a reference to scope outer, so all variables can be resolved. These scopes are instances of a numba extension class. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import ctypes import logging import numba.decorators from numba import * from numba import error from numba import visitors from numba import nodes from numba import typesystem from numba import typedefs from numba import numbawrapper from numba.exttypes import extension_types from numba import utils from numba.type_inference import module_type_inference from numba.symtab import Variable from numba.exttypes import attributetable logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def is_closure_signature(func_signature): return (func_signature is not None and func_signature.args and func_signature.args[0].is_closure_scope) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Closure Signature Validation (type inference of outer function) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle closures during type inference. Mostly performs error checking # for closure signatures. def err_decorator(decorator): raise error.NumbaError( decorator, "Only @jit and @autojit and signature decorators " "are supported") def check_valid_argtype(argtype_node, argtype): if not isinstance(argtype, typesystem.Type): raise error.NumbaError(argtype_node, "Invalid type: %r" % (argtype,)) def assert_constant(visit_func, decorator, result_node): result = visit_func(result_node) if not result.variable.is_constant: raise error.NumbaError(decorator, "Expected a constant") return result.variable.constant_value def parse_argtypes(visit_func, decorator, func_def, jit_args): argtypes_node = jit_args['argtypes'] if argtypes_node is None: raise error.NumbaError(func_def.args[0], "Expected an argument type") argtypes = assert_constant(visit_func, decorator, argtypes_node) if not isinstance(argtypes, (list, tuple)): raise error.NumbaError(argtypes_node, 'Invalid argument for argtypes') for argtype in argtypes: check_valid_argtype(argtypes_node, argtype) return argtypes def parse_restype(visit_func, decorator, jit_args): restype_node = jit_args['restype'] if restype_node is not None: restype = assert_constant(visit_func, decorator, restype_node) if isinstance(restype, (str, unicode)): signature = utils.process_signature(restype) restype = signature.return_type argtypes = signature.args check_valid_argtype(restype_node, restype) for argtype in argtypes: check_valid_argtype(restype_node, argtype) restype = restype(*argtypes) else: check_valid_argtype(restype_node, restype) else: raise error.NumbaError(restype_node, "Return type expected") return restype def handle_jit_decorator(visit_func, func_def, decorator): jit_args = module_type_inference.parse_args( decorator, ['restype', 'argtypes', 'backend', 'target', 'nopython']) if decorator.args or decorator.keywords: restype = parse_restype(visit_func, decorator, jit_args) if restype is not None and restype.is_function: signature = restype else: argtypes = parse_argtypes(visit_func, decorator, func_def, jit_args) signature = typesystem.function(restype, argtypes, else: #elif func_def.args: raise error.NumbaError(decorator, "The argument types and return type " "need to be specified") # TODO: Analyse closure at call or outer function return time to # TODO: infer return type # TODO: parse out nopython argument return signature def check_signature_decorator(visit_func, decorator): dec = visit_func(decorator) type = dec.variable.type if type.is_cast and type.dst_type.is_function: return type.dst_type else: err_decorator(decorator) def process_decorators(env, visit_func, node): if not node.decorator_list: func_env = env.translation.get_env(node) if func_env: return func_env.func_signature raise error.NumbaError( node, "Closure must be decorated with 'jit' or 'autojit'") if len(node.decorator_list) > 1: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Only one decorator may be specified for " "closure (@jit/@autojit)") decorator, = node.decorator_list if isinstance(decorator, ast.Name): decorator_name = elif (not isinstance(decorator, ast.Call) or not isinstance(decorator.func, ast.Name)): err_decorator(decorator) else: decorator_name = if decorator_name not in ('jit', 'autojit'): signature = check_signature_decorator(visit_func, decorator) else: if decorator_name == 'autojit': raise error.NumbaError( decorator, "Dynamic closures not yet supported, use @jit") signature = handle_jit_decorator(visit_func, node, decorator) del node.decorator_list[:] if len(signature.args) != len(node.args.args): raise error.NumbaError( decorator, "Expected %d arguments type(s), got %d" % ( len(signature.args), len(node.args.args))) return signature #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Closure Type Inference #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def outer_scope_field(scope_type): return scope_type.attribute_table.to_struct().fields[0] def lookup_scope_attribute(cur_scope, var_name, ctx=None): """ Look up a variable in the closure scope """ ctx = ctx or ast.Load() scope_type = cur_scope.type outer_scope_name, outer_scope_type = outer_scope_field(scope_type) if var_name in scope_type.attributedict: return nodes.ExtTypeAttribute.from_known_attribute( value=cur_scope, attr=var_name, ctx=ctx, ext_type=scope_type) elif outer_scope_type.is_closure_scope: scope = nodes.ExtTypeAttribute.from_known_attribute( value=cur_scope, attr=outer_scope_name, ctx=ctx, ext_type=scope_type) try: return lookup_scope_attribute(scope, var_name, ctx) except error.InternalError as e: # Re-raise with full scope type pass # This indicates a bug raise error.InternalError( scope_type, "Unable to look up attribute", var_name) CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME = '__numba_closure_scope' class ClosureTransformer(visitors.NumbaTransformer): @property def outer_scope(self): outer_scope = None if CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME in self.symtab: outer_scope = ast.Name(id=CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME, ctx=ast.Load()) outer_scope.variable = self.symtab[CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME] outer_scope.type = outer_scope.variable.type return outer_scope class ClosureTypeInferer(ClosureTransformer): """ Runs just after type inference after the outer variables types are resolved. 1) run type inferencer on inner functions 2) build scope extension types pre-order 3) generate nodes to instantiate scope extension type at call time """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ClosureTypeInferer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.warn = kwargs["warn"] def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if node.closure_scope is None: # Process inner functions and determine cellvars and freevars # codes = [c for c in self.constants # if isinstance(c, types.CodeType)] process_closures(self.env, node, self.symtab, func_globals=self.func_globals, closures=self.closures, warn=self.warn) # cellvars are the variables we own cellvars = dict((name, var) for name, var in self.symtab.iteritems() if var.is_cellvar) node.cellvars = cellvars logger.debug("Cellvars in function %s: %s",, cellvars) outer_scope = self.outer_scope if outer_scope: outer_scope_type = outer_scope.type else: outer_scope_type = None if not cellvars: # No cellvars, so use parent closure scope if this is a closure if outer_scope: self.update_closures(node, outer_scope_type, None) return self.visit_func_children(node) # Create closure scope extension type cellvar_fields = [(name, var.type) for name, var in cellvars.iteritems()] fields = numba.struct(cellvar_fields).fields if outer_scope: fields.insert(0, ('__numba_base_scope', outer_scope_type)) class py_class(object): pass func_name = self.func_name py_class.__name__ = '%s_scope' % func_name scope_type = typesystem.ClosureScopeType(py_class, outer_scope_type) scope_type.unmangled_symtab = dict(fields) AttrTable = attributetable.AttributeTable scope_type.attribute_table = AttrTable.from_list(py_class=None, attributes=fields) ext_type = extension_types.create_new_extension_type( type, func_name , (object,), {}, scope_type, None) # Instantiate closure scope logger.debug("Generate closure %s %s %s",, scope_type, outer_scope) cellvar_scope = nodes.InstantiateClosureScope( node, ext_type, scope_type, outer_scope) node.body.insert(0, cellvar_scope) self.update_closures(node, scope_type, ext_type) return self.visit_func_children(node) def update_closures(self, func_def, scope_type, ext_type): """ Patch closures to get the closure scope as the first argument. """ for closure in func_def.closures: # closure.scope_type = scope_type closure.func_def.scope_type = scope_type closure.ext_type = ext_type # patch function parameters param = ast.Name(id=CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME, ctx=ast.Param()) param.variable = Variable(scope_type, is_local=True) param.type = param.variable.type closure.symtab[CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME] = param.variable closure.func_def.args.args.insert(0, param) closure.need_closure_scope = True # patch closure signature closure.type.add_scope_arg(scope_type) closure.func_env.func_signature = closure.type.signature def get_locals(symtab): return dict((name, var) for name, var in symtab.iteritems() if var.is_local) def process_closures(env, outer_func_def, outer_symtab, **kwds): """ Process closures recursively and for each variable in each function determine whether it is a freevar, a cellvar, a local or otherwise. """ import numba.pipeline outer_symtab = get_locals(outer_symtab) # closure_scope is set on the FunctionDef by TypeInferer if outer_func_def.closure_scope is not None: closure_scope = dict(outer_func_def.closure_scope, **outer_symtab) else: closure_scope = outer_symtab for closure in outer_func_def.closures: logger.debug("process closures: %s %s",, closure_py_func = None # closure.py_func func_env, _ = numba.pipeline.run_pipeline2( env, closure_py_func, closure.func_def, closure.type.signature, closure_scope=closure_scope, function_globals=env.translation.crnt.function_globals, pipeline_name='type_infer', is_closure=True, **kwds) closure.func_env = func_env closure.symtab = func_env.symtab env.translation.push_env(func_env) process_closures(env, closure.func_def, func_env.symtab, **kwds) env.translation.pop() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Closure Lowering #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ClosureSpecializer(ClosureTransformer): """ Lowering of closure instantiation and calling. - Instantiates the closure scope and makes the necessary assignments - Rewrites local variable accesses to accesses on the instantiated scope - Instantiate function with closure scope Also rewrite calls to closures. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ClosureSpecializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.ast.cellvars: self.ast.cur_scope = self.outer_scope def _load_name(self, var_name, is_cellvar=False): src = ast.Name(var_name, ast.Load()) src.variable = Variable.from_variable(self.symtab[var_name]) src.variable.is_cellvar = is_cellvar src.type = src.variable.type return src def visit_InstantiateClosureScope(self, node): """ Instantiate a closure scope. After instantiation, assign the parent scope and all function arguments that belong in the scope to the scope. """ ctor = nodes.objconst(node.ext_type.__new__) ext_type_arg = nodes.objconst(node.ext_type) create_scope = nodes.ObjectCallNode( signature=node.scope_type(object_), func=ctor, args=[ext_type_arg]) create_scope = create_scope.cloneable scope = create_scope.clone stats = [create_scope] # Chain outer scope - if present - to current scope outer_scope = self.outer_scope if outer_scope: outer_scope_name, outer_scope_type = outer_scope_field(scope.type) dst = lookup_scope_attribute(scope, outer_scope_name, ctx=ast.Store()) assmt = ast.Assign(targets=[dst], value=outer_scope) stats.append(assmt) # Assign function arguments that are cellvars for arg in self.ast.args.args: name = if name in node.scope_type.unmangled_symtab: dst = lookup_scope_attribute(scope, name, ast.Store()) src = self._load_name(name) src.variable.assign_in_closure_scope = True assmt = ast.Assign(targets=[dst], value=src) stats.append(assmt) logger.debug("instantiating %s", scope.type) self.ast.cur_scope = scope return self.visit(nodes.ExpressionNode(stmts=stats, expr=scope)) def get_qname(self, closure_node): ns = '.'.join([self.module_name, self.func_name]) closure_name = qname = "%s.__closure__.%s" % (ns, closure_name) return qname def visit_ClosureNode(self, node): """ Compile the inner function. """ # Compile closure, skip CFA and type inference node.func_env.qualified_name = self.get_qname(node) numba.pipeline.run_env(self.env, node.func_env, pipeline_name='compile') translator = node.func_env.translator # node.lfunc = translator.lfunc node.lfunc_pointer = translator.lfunc_pointer if node.need_numba_func: return self.create_numba_function(node, node.func_env) else: func_name = self.symtab[func_name] = Variable(name=func_name, type=node.type, is_local=True) # return nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(node.type, node.lfunc) # TODO: Remove assignment altogether! # return nodes.NoneNode() return nodes.ObjectInjectNode(None, type=object_) def create_numba_function(self, node, func_env): from numba.codegen import llvmwrapper closure_scope = self.ast.cur_scope if closure_scope is None: closure_scope = nodes.NULL scope_type = void.pointer() else: assert node.func_def.args.args[0].variable.type scope_type = closure_scope.type self.env.translation.push_env(func_env) try: node.wrapper_func, node.wrapper_lfunc, methoddef = ( llvmwrapper.build_wrapper_function(self.env)) finally: self.env.translation.pop() # Keep methoddef alive # assert methoddef in node.py_func.live_objects modname = self.module_name self.keep_alive(modname) # Create function signature with closure scope at runtime create_numbafunc_signature = node.type( void.pointer(), # PyMethodDef *ml object_, # PyObject *module void.pointer(), # PyObject *code scope_type, # PyObject *closure void.pointer(), # void *native_func object_, # PyObject *native_signature object_, # PyObject *keep_alive ) # Create function with closure scope at runtime create_numbafunc = nodes.ptrfromint( numbawrapper.NumbaFunction_NewEx_pointer, create_numbafunc_signature.pointer()) methoddef_p = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(methoddef), ctypes.c_void_p).value args = [ nodes.const(methoddef_p, void.pointer()), nodes.const(modname, object_), nodes.NULL, closure_scope, nodes.const(node.lfunc_pointer, void.pointer()), nodes.const(node.type.signature, object_), nodes.NULL, # nodes.const(node.py_func, object_), ] func_call = nodes.NativeFunctionCallNode( signature=create_numbafunc_signature, function_node=create_numbafunc, args=args) result = func_call #stats = [nodes.inject_print(nodes.const("calling...", c_string_type)), # result] #result = ast.Suite(body=stats) result = self.visit(result) return result def visit_Name(self, node): "Resolve cellvars and freevars" is_param = isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Param) if not is_param and (node.variable.is_cellvar or node.variable.is_freevar): logger.debug("Function %s, lookup %s in scope %s: %s",,, self.ast.cur_scope.type, self.ast.cur_scope.type.attribute_table) attr = lookup_scope_attribute(self.ast.cur_scope,, ctx=node.ctx) return self.visit(attr) else: return node def retrieve_closure_from_numbafunc(self, node): """ Retrieve the closure scope from ((NumbaFunctionObject *) numba_func).func_closure """ # TODO: use llvmwrapper.get_closure_scope() pointer = nodes.ptrfromobj(node.func) type = typedefs.NumbaFunctionObject.ref() closure_obj_struct = nodes.CoercionNode(pointer, type) cur_scope = nodes.StructAttribute(closure_obj_struct, 'func_closure', ctx=ast.Load(), type=type) return cur_scope def visit_ClosureCallNode(self, node): if node.closure_type.closure.need_closure_scope: if (self.ast.cur_scope is None or self.ast.cur_scope.type != node.closure_type): # Call to closure from outside outer function # TODO: optimize calling a closure from an inner function, e.g. # def outer(): # a = 1 # def inner1(): print a # def inner2(): inner1() cur_scope = self.retrieve_closure_from_numbafunc(node) else: # Call to closure from within outer function cur_scope = self.ast.cur_scope # node.args[0] = cur_scope node.args.insert(0, cur_scope) self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_ClosureScopeLoadNode(self, node): return self.ast.cur_scope or nodes.NULL_obj ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = codeutils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm def llvm_alloca(lfunc, builder, ltype, name='', change_bb=True): "Use alloca only at the entry bock of the function" if change_bb: bb = builder.basic_block builder.position_at_beginning(lfunc.get_entry_basic_block()) lstackvar = builder.alloca(ltype, name=name) if change_bb: builder.position_at_end(bb) return lstackvar def if_badval(translator, llvm_result, badval, callback, cmp=llvm.core.ICMP_EQ, name='cleanup'): # Use llvm_cbuilder :( b = translator.builder bb_true = translator.append_basic_block('%s.if.true' % name) bb_endif = translator.append_basic_block('%s.if.end' % name) test = b.icmp(cmp, llvm_result, badval) b.cbranch(test, bb_true, bb_endif) b.position_at_end(bb_true) callback(b, bb_true, bb_endif) # b.branch(bb_endif) b.position_at_end(bb_endif) return llvm_result ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = coerce # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm from numba import * from numba import string_ as c_string_type from numba import nodes from numba.typesystem import is_obj, promote_to_native from numba.codegen.codeutils import llvm_alloca, if_badval from numba.codegen import debug class ObjectCoercer(object): """ Object that knows how to convert to/from objects using Py_BuildValue and PyArg_ParseTuple. """ # TODO: do all of this in a specializer type_to_buildvalue_str = { char: "c", short: "h", int_: "i", long_: "l", longlong: "L", Py_ssize_t: "n", npy_intp: "n", # ? size_t: "n", # ? uchar: "B", ushort: "H", uint: "I", ulong: "k", ulonglong: "K", float_: "f", double: "d", complex128: "D", object_: "O", bool_: "b", # ? char.pointer(): "s", char.pointer() : "s", c_string_type: "s", } def __init__(self, translator): self.context = translator.context self.translator = translator self.builder = translator.builder self.llvm_module = self.builder.basic_block.function.module sig, self.py_buildvalue = self.context.external_library.declare( self.llvm_module, 'Py_BuildValue') sig, self.pyarg_parsetuple = self.context.external_library.declare( self.llvm_module, 'PyArg_ParseTuple') sig, self.pyerr_clear = self.context.external_library.declare( self.llvm_module, 'PyErr_Clear') self.function_cache = translator.function_cache self.NULL = self.translator.visit(nodes.NULL_obj) def check_err(self, llvm_result, callback=None, cmp=llvm.core.ICMP_EQ, pos_node=None): """ Check for errors. If the result is NULL, and error should have been set Jumps to translator.error_label if an exception occurred. """ assert llvm_result.type.kind == llvm.core.TYPE_POINTER, llvm_result.type int_result = self.translator.builder.ptrtoint(llvm_result, llvm_types._intp) NULL =, 0) if callback: if_badval(self.translator, int_result, NULL, callback=callback or default_callback, cmp=cmp) else: test = self.builder.icmp(cmp, int_result, NULL) name = 'no_error' if hasattr(pos_node, 'lineno'): name = 'no_error_%s' % error.format_pos(pos_node).rstrip(": ") bb = self.translator.append_basic_block(name) self.builder.cbranch(test, self.translator.error_label, bb) self.builder.position_at_end(bb) return llvm_result def check_err_int(self, llvm_result, badval): llvm_badval =, badval) if_badval(self.translator, llvm_result, llvm_badval, callback=lambda b, *args: b.branch(self.translator.error_label)) def _create_llvm_string(self, str): return self.translator.visit(nodes.ConstNode(str, char.pointer())) def lstr(self, types, fmt=None): "Get an llvm format string for the given types" typestrs = [] result_types = [] for type in types: if is_obj(type): type = object_ elif type.is_int: type = promote_to_native(type) result_types.append(type) typestrs.append(self.type_to_buildvalue_str[type]) str = "".join(typestrs) if fmt is not None: str = fmt % str if debug.debug_conversion: self.translator.puts("fmt: %s" % str) result = self._create_llvm_string(str) return result_types, result def buildvalue(self, types, *largs, **kwds): # The caller should check for errors using check_err or by wrapping # its node in an ObjectTempNode name = kwds.get('name', '') fmt = kwds.get('fmt', None) types, lstr = self.lstr(types, fmt) largs = (lstr,) + largs if debug.debug_conversion: self.translator.puts("building... %s" % name) # func_type = object_(*types).pointer() # py_buildvalue = self.builder.bitcast( # self.py_buildvalue, func_type.to_llvm(self.context)) py_buildvalue = self.py_buildvalue result =, largs, name=name) if debug.debug_conversion: self.translator.puts("done building... %s" % name) nodes.print_llvm(self.translator.env, object_, result) self.translator.puts("--------------------------") return result def npy_intp_to_py_ssize_t(self, llvm_result, type): return llvm_result, type def py_ssize_t_to_npy_intp(self, llvm_result, type): return llvm_result, type def convert_single_struct(self, llvm_result, type): types = [] largs = [] for i, (field_name, field_type) in enumerate(type.fields): types.extend((c_string_type, field_type)) largs.append(self._create_llvm_string(field_name)) struct_attr = self.builder.extract_value(llvm_result, i) largs.append(struct_attr) return self.buildvalue(types, *largs, name='struct', fmt="{%s}") def convert_single(self, type, llvm_result, name=''): "Generate code to convert an LLVM value to a Python object" llvm_result, type = self.npy_intp_to_py_ssize_t(llvm_result, type) if type.is_struct: return self.convert_single_struct(llvm_result, type) elif type.is_complex: # We have a Py_complex value, construct a Py_complex * temporary new_result = llvm_alloca(self.translator.lfunc, self.builder, llvm_result.type, name='complex_temp'), new_result) llvm_result = new_result return self.buildvalue([type], llvm_result, name=name) def build_tuple(self, types, llvm_values): "Build a tuple from a bunch of LLVM values" assert len(types) == len(llvm_values) return self.buildvalue(lstr, *llvm_values, name='tuple', fmt="(%s)") def build_list(self, types, llvm_values): "Build a tuple from a bunch of LLVM values" assert len(types) == len(llvm_values) return self.buildvalue(types, *llvm_values, name='list', fmt="[%s]") def build_dict(self, key_types, value_types, llvm_keys, llvm_values): "Build a dict from a bunch of LLVM values" types = [] largs = [] for k, v, llvm_key, llvm_value in zip(key_types, value_types, llvm_keys, llvm_values): types.append(k) types.append(v) largs.append(llvm_key) largs.append(llvm_value) return self.buildvalue(types, *largs, name='dict', fmt="{%s}") def parse_tuple(self, lstr, llvm_tuple, types, name=''): "Unpack a Python tuple into typed llvm variables" lresults = [] for i, type in enumerate(types): var = llvm_alloca(self.translator.lfunc, self.builder, type.to_llvm(self.context), name=name and "%s%d" % (name, i)) lresults.append(var) largs = [llvm_tuple, lstr] + lresults if debug.debug_conversion: self.translator.puts("parsing tuple... %s" % (types,)) nodes.print_llvm(self.translator.env, object_, llvm_tuple) parse_result =, largs) self.check_err_int(parse_result, 0) # Some conversion functions don't reset the exception state... #, []) if debug.debug_conversion: self.translator.puts("successfully parsed tuple...") return [self.builder.load(result) for result in lresults] def to_native(self, type, llvm_tuple, name=''): "Generate code to convert a Python object to an LLVM value" types, lstr = self.lstr([type]) lresult, = self.parse_tuple(lstr, llvm_tuple, [type], name=name) return lresult ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = complexsupport # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core from numba import * class ComplexSupportMixin(object): "Support for complex numbers" def _generate_complex_op(self, op, arg1, arg2): (r1, i1), (r2, i2) = self._extract(arg1), self._extract(arg2) real, imag = op(r1, i1, r2, i2) return self._create_complex(real, imag) def _extract(self, value): "Extract the real and imaginary parts of the complex value" return (self.builder.extract_value(value, 0), self.builder.extract_value(value, 1)) def _create_complex(self, real, imag): assert real.type == imag.type, (str(real.type), str(imag.type)) complex = llvm.core.Constant.undef(llvm.core.Type.struct([real.type, real.type])) complex = self.builder.insert_value(complex, real, 0) complex = self.builder.insert_value(complex, imag, 1) return complex def _promote_complex(self, src_type, dst_type, value): "Promote a complex value to value with a larger or smaller complex type" real, imag = self._extract(value) if dst_type.is_complex: dst_type = dst_type.base_type dst_ltype = dst_type.to_llvm(self.context) real = self.caster.cast(real, dst_ltype) imag = self.caster.cast(imag, dst_ltype) return self._create_complex(real, imag) def _complex_add(self, arg1r, arg1i, arg2r, arg2i): return (self.builder.fadd(arg1r, arg2r), self.builder.fadd(arg1i, arg2i)) def _complex_sub(self, arg1r, arg1i, arg2r, arg2i): return (self.builder.fsub(arg1r, arg2r), self.builder.fsub(arg1i, arg2i)) def _complex_mul(self, arg1r, arg1i, arg2r, arg2i): return (self.builder.fsub(self.builder.fmul(arg1r, arg2r), self.builder.fmul(arg1i, arg2i)), self.builder.fadd(self.builder.fmul(arg1i, arg2r), self.builder.fmul(arg1r, arg2i))) def _complex_div(self, arg1r, arg1i, arg2r, arg2i): divisor = self.builder.fadd(self.builder.fmul(arg2r, arg2r), self.builder.fmul(arg2i, arg2i)) return (self.builder.fdiv( self.builder.fadd(self.builder.fmul(arg1r, arg2r), self.builder.fmul(arg1i, arg2i)), divisor), self.builder.fdiv( self.builder.fsub(self.builder.fmul(arg1i, arg2r), self.builder.fmul(arg1r, arg2i)), divisor)) def _complex_floordiv(self, arg1r, arg1i, arg2r, arg2i): real, imag = self._complex_div(arg1r, arg1i, arg2r, arg2i) long_type = long_.to_llvm(self.context) real = self.caster.cast(real, long_type, unsigned=False) imag = self.caster.cast(imag, long_type, unsigned=False) real = self.caster.cast(real, arg1r.type, unsigned=False) imag = self.caster.cast(imag, arg1r.type, unsigned=False) return real, imag ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = datetimesupport # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core from numba import * class DateTimeSupportMixin(object): "Support for datetimes" def _generate_datetime_op(self, op, arg1, arg2): (timestamp1, units1), (timestamp2, units2) = \ self._extract_datetime(arg1), self._extract_datetime(arg2) timestamp, units = op(timestamp1, units1, timestamp2, units2) return self._create_datetime(timestamp, units) def _extract_datetime(self, value): "Extract the parts of the datetime" return (self.builder.extract_value(value, 0), self.builder.extract_value(value, 1)) def _extract_timedelta(self, value): return (self.builder.extract_value(value, 0), self.builder.extract_value(value, 1)) def _promote_datetime(self, src_type, dst_type, value): "Promote a datetime value to value with a larger or smaller datetime type" timestamp, units = self._extract_datetime(value) dst_ltype = dst_type.to_llvm(self.context) timestamp = self.caster.cast(timestamp, dst_type.subtypes[0]) units = self.caster.cast(units, dst_type.subtypes[1]) return self._create_datetime(timestamp, units) def _promote_timedelta(self, src_type, dst_type, value): diff, units = self._extract_timedelta(value) dst_ltype = dst_type.to_llvm(self.context) diff = self.caster.cast(diff, dst_type.subtypes[0]) units = self.caster.cast(units, dst_type.subtypes[1]) return self._create_timedelta(diff, units) def _create_datetime(self, timestamp, units): datetime = llvm.core.Constant.undef(llvm.core.Type.struct([timestamp.type, units.type])) datetime = self.builder.insert_value(datetime, timestamp, 0) datetime = self.builder.insert_value(datetime, units, 1) return datetime def _create_timedelta(self, diff, units): timedelta_struct = llvm.core.Constant.undef(llvm.core.Type.struct([diff.type, units.type])) timedelta_struct = self.builder.insert_value(timedelta_struct, diff, 0) timedelta_struct = self.builder.insert_value(timedelta_struct, units, 1) return timedelta_struct ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = debug # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) debug_conversion = False #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #debug_conversion = True ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = globalconstants import llvm.core class LLVMConstantsManager(object): """ Manage global constants. The result should be linked into the consumer LLVM module. """ def __init__(self): self.module ="numba_constants") # py_constant -> llvm value self.constant_values = {} def link(self, dst_module): dst_module.link_in(self.module, preserve=True) def get_string_constant(self, const_str): if const_str in self.constant_values: ret_val = self.constant_values[const_str] else: lconst_str = llvm.core.Constant.stringz(const_str) ret_val = self.module.add_global_variable( lconst_str.type, "__STR_%d" % (len(self.constant_values),)) ret_val.linkage = llvm.core.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR ret_val.initializer = lconst_str ret_val.global_constant = True self.constant_values[const_str] = ret_val return ret_val ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvmcontext # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm import llvm.core as lc import llvm.passes as lp import as le from numba import * from numba import nodes from numba.typesystem import is_obj, promote_to_native from numba.codegen.codeutils import llvm_alloca, if_badval from numba.codegen.debug import * class LLVMContextManager(object): '''TODO: Make this class not a singleton. A possible design is to let each Numba Context owns a LLVMContextManager. ''' __singleton = None def __new__(cls, opt=3, cg=3, inline=1000): ''' opt --- Optimization level for LLVM optimization pass [0 - 3]. cg --- Optimization level for code generator [0 - 3]. Use `3` for SSE support on Intel. inline --- Inliner threshold. ''' inst = cls.__singleton if not inst: inst = object.__new__(cls) inst.__initialize(opt, cg, inline) cls.__singleton = inst return inst def __initialize(self, opt, cg, inline): assert self.__singleton is None m = self.__module ="numba_executable_module") # Create the TargetMachine features = '' # try: # from llvm.workaround.avx_support import detect_avx_support # if not detect_avx_support(): # features = '-avx' # except ImportError: # # Old llvm, disable AVX for all features = '-avx' tm = self.__machine =, cm=le.CM_JITDEFAULT, features=features) # Create the ExceutionEngine self.__engine = # Build a PassManager which will be used for every module/ has_loop_vectorizer = llvm.version >= (3, 2) passmanagers = lp.build_pass_managers(tm, opt=opt, inline_threshold=inline, loop_vectorize=has_loop_vectorizer, fpm=False) self.__pm = self.__string_constants = {} @property def module(self): return self.__module @property def execution_engine(self): return self.__engine @property def pass_manager(self): return self.__pm @property def target_machine(self): return self.__machine def link(self, lfunc): if lfunc.module is not self.module: # optimize # link module func_name = # # print 'lfunc.module'.center(80, '-') # print lfunc.module # # print 'self.module'.center(80, '-') # print self.module # XXX: Better safe than sorry. # Check duplicated function definitions and remove them. # This problem should not exists. def is_duplicated_function(f): if f.is_declaration: return False try: self.module.get_function_named( except llvm.LLVMException as e: return False else: return True lfunc_module = lfunc.module #print "LINKING",,, "in", #print [ for f in lfunc.module.functions] #print '-----' for func in lfunc_module.functions: if is_duplicated_function(func): import warnings if func is lfunc: # If the duplicated function is the currently compiling # function, rename it. ct = 0 while is_duplicated_function(func): = "%s_duplicated%d" % (func_name, ct) ct += 1 warnings.warn("Renamed duplicated function %s to %s" % (func_name, func_name = else: # If the duplicated function is not the currently # compiling function, ignore it. # We assume this is a utility function. assert func.linkage == lc.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR, link_module(self.execution_engine, lfunc_module, self.module) lfunc = self.module.get_function_named(func_name) assert lfunc.module is self.module self.verify(lfunc) # print lfunc return lfunc def get_pointer_to_function(self, lfunc): return self.execution_engine.get_pointer_to_function(lfunc) def verify(self, lfunc): lfunc.module.verify() # XXX: remove the following extra checking before release for bb in lfunc.basic_blocks: for instr in bb.instructions: if isinstance(instr, lc.CallOrInvokeInstruction): callee = instr.called_function if callee is not None: assert callee.module is lfunc.module,\ "Inter module call for call to %s" % # ______________________________________________________________________ handle = lambda llvm_value: llvm_value._ptr def link_module(engine, src_module, dst_module, preserve=False): """ Link a source module into a destination module while preserving the execution engine's global mapping of pointers. """ dst_module.link_in(src_module, preserve=preserve) ptr = lambda gv: handle(engine).getPointerToGlobalIfAvailable(handle(gv)) def update_gv(src_gv, dst_gv): if ptr(src_gv) != 0 and ptr(dst_gv) == 0: engine.add_global_mapping(dst_gv, ptr(src_gv)) # Update function mapping for function in src_module.functions: dst_lfunc = dst_module.get_function_named( update_gv(function, dst_lfunc) # Update other global symbols' mapping for src_gv in src_module.global_variables: dst_gv = dst_module.get_global_variable_named( update_gv(src_gv, dst_gv) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvmwrapper # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Module that creates wrapper around llvm functions. The wrapper is callable from Python. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import ast import ctypes import llvm.core from numba import * from numba import nodes from numba import closures from numba import typesystem from numba import numbawrapper from numba.functions import keep_alive from numba.symtab import Variable from numba.typesystem import is_obj #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create a NumbaFunction (numbafunction.c) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _create_methoddef(py_func, func_name, func_doc, func_pointer): """ Create a PyMethodDef ctypes struct. struct PyMethodDef { const char *ml_name; /* The name of the built-in function/method */ PyCFunction ml_meth; /* The C function that implements it */ int ml_flags; /* Combination of METH_xxx flags, which mostly describe the args expected by the C func */ const char *ml_doc; /* The __doc__ attribute, or NULL */ }; """ PyMethodDef = struct([('name', char.pointer()), ('method', void.pointer()), ('flags', int_), ('doc', char.pointer())]) c_PyMethodDef = PyMethodDef.to_ctypes() PyCFunction_NewEx = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCFunction_NewEx PyCFunction_NewEx.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(c_PyMethodDef), ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p] PyCFunction_NewEx.restype = ctypes.py_object # It is paramount to put these into variables first, since every # access may return a new string object! keep_alive(py_func, func_name) keep_alive(py_func, func_doc) methoddef = c_PyMethodDef() if PY3: if func_name is not None: func_name = func_name.encode('utf-8') if func_doc is not None: func_doc = func_doc.encode('utf-8') = func_name methoddef.doc = func_doc methoddef.method = ctypes.c_void_p(func_pointer) methoddef.flags = 1 # METH_VARARGS return methoddef def numbafunction_new(py_func, func_name, func_doc, module_name, func_pointer, wrapped_lfunc_pointer, wrapped_signature): "Create a NumbaFunction (numbafunction.c)" methoddef = _create_methoddef(py_func, func_name, func_doc, func_pointer) keep_alive(py_func, methoddef) keep_alive(py_func, module_name) wrapper = numbawrapper.create_function(methoddef, py_func, wrapped_lfunc_pointer, wrapped_signature, module_name) return methoddef, wrapper #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Ctypes wrapping #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_ctypes_func(self, llvm=True): import ctypes sig = self.func_signature restype = typesystem.convert_to_ctypes(sig.return_type) # FIXME: Switch to PYFUNCTYPE so it does not release the GIL. # # prototype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(restype, # *[_types.convert_to_ctypes(x) # for x in sig.args]) prototype = ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(restype, *[typesystem.convert_to_ctypes(x) for x in sig.args]) if hasattr(restype, 'make_ctypes_prototype_wrapper'): # See numba.utils.ComplexMixin for an example of # make_ctypes_prototype_wrapper(). prototype = restype.make_ctypes_prototype_wrapper(prototype) if llvm: # July 10, 2012: PY_CALL_TO_LLVM_CALL_MAP is removed recent commit. # # PY_CALL_TO_LLVM_CALL_MAP[self.func] = \ # self.build_call_to_translated_function return prototype(self.lfunc_pointer) else: return prototype(self.func) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NumbaFunction Wrapping #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def fake_pyfunc(self, args): "PyObject *(*)(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)" pass def get_closure_scope(func_signature, func_obj): """ Retrieve the closure from the NumbaFunction from the func_closure attribute. func_signature: signature of closure function func_obj: LLVM Value referencing the closure function as a Python object """ closure_scope_type = func_signature.args[0] offset = numbawrapper.numbafunc_closure_field_offset closure = nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(void.pointer(), func_obj) closure = nodes.CoercionNode(closure, char.pointer()) closure_field = nodes.pointer_add(closure, nodes.const(offset, size_t)) closure_field = nodes.CoercionNode(closure_field, closure_scope_type.pointer()) closure_scope = nodes.DereferenceNode(closure_field) return closure_scope def build_wrapper_function_ast(env, wrapper_lfunc, llvm_module): """ Build AST for LLVM function wrapper. lfunc: LLVM function to wrap llvm_module: module the wrapper is being defined in The resulting AST has a NativeCallNode to the wrapped function. The arguments are LLVMValueRefNode nodes which still need their llvm_value set to the object from the tuple. This happens in visit_FunctionWrapperNode during codegen. """ func = env.crnt.func func_signature = env.crnt.func_signature func_name = env.crnt.func_name # Insert external declaration lfunc = llvm_module.get_or_insert_function( func_signature.to_llvm(env.context), # Build AST wrapper = nodes.FunctionWrapperNode(lfunc, func_signature, func, fake_pyfunc, func_name) error_return = ast.Return(nodes.CoercionNode(nodes.NULL_obj, object_)) is_closure = bool(closures.is_closure_signature(func_signature)) nargs = len(func_signature.args) - is_closure # Call wrapped function with unpacked object arguments # (delay actual arguments) args = [nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(object_, None) for i in range(nargs)] if is_closure: # Insert m_self as scope argument type closure_scope = get_closure_scope(func_signature, wrapper_lfunc.args[0]) args.insert(0, closure_scope) func_call = nodes.NativeCallNode(func_signature, args, lfunc) if not is_obj(func_signature.return_type): # Check for error using PyErr_Occurred() func_call = nodes.PyErr_OccurredNode(func_call) # Coerce and return result if func_signature.return_type.is_void: wrapper.body = func_call result_node = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(None) else: wrapper.body = None result_node = func_call wrapper.return_result = ast.Return(value=nodes.CoercionNode(result_node, object_)) # Update wrapper wrapper.error_return = error_return wrapper.cellvars = [] wrapper.wrapped_nargs = nargs wrapper.wrapped_args = args[is_closure:] return wrapper def build_wrapper_translation(env, llvm_module=None): """ Generate a wrapper function in the given llvm module. """ from numba import pipeline if llvm_module: wrapper_module = llvm_module else: wrapper_module = env.llvm_context.module # Create wrapper code generator and wrapper AST func_name = '__numba_wrapper_%s' % env.crnt.func_name signature = object_(void.pointer(), object_) symtab = dict(self=Variable(object_, is_local=True), args=Variable(object_, is_local=True)) func_env = env.crnt.inherit( func=fake_pyfunc, name=func_name, mangled_name=None, # Force FunctionEnvironment.init() # to generate a new mangled name. func_signature=signature, locals={}, symtab=symtab, refcount_args=False, llvm_module=wrapper_module) # Create wrapper LLVM function func_env.lfunc = pipeline.get_lfunc(env, func_env) # Build wrapper ast wrapper_node = build_wrapper_function_ast(env, wrapper_lfunc=func_env.lfunc, llvm_module=wrapper_module) func_env.ast = wrapper_node # Specialize and compile wrapper pipeline.run_env(env, func_env, pipeline_name='late_translate') keep_alive(fake_pyfunc, func_env.lfunc) return func_env.translator # TODO: Amend callers to eat func_env def build_wrapper_function(env): ''' Build a wrapper function for the currently translated function. Return the interpreter-level wrapper function, the LLVM wrapper function, and the method definition record. ''' t = build_wrapper_translation(env) # Return a PyCFunctionObject holding the wrapper func_pointer = t.lfunc_pointer methoddef, wrapper = numbafunction_new( env.crnt.func, env.crnt.func_name, env.crnt.func_doc, env.crnt.module_name, func_pointer, # Wrapper env.crnt.translator.lfunc_pointer, # Wrapped env.crnt.func_signature) return wrapper, t.lfunc, methoddef def build_wrapper_module(env): ''' Build a wrapper function for the currently translated function, and return a tuple containing the separate LLVM module, and the LLVM wrapper function. ''' llvm_module ='%s_wrapper_module' % env.crnt.mangled_name) t = build_wrapper_translation(env, llvm_module=llvm_module) logger.debug('Wrapper module: %s' % llvm_module) return llvm_module, t.lfunc ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = refcounting # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core from numba import * from numba.utility.cbuilder import refcounting class RefcountingMixin(object): def refcount(self, func, value): "Refcount a value with a refcounting function" assert not self.nopython refcounter = self.context.cbuilder_library.declare(func, self.env, self.llvm_module) object_ltype = object_.to_llvm(self.context) b = self.builder return, [b.bitcast(value, object_ltype)]) def decref(self, value): "Py_DECREF a value" return self.refcount(refcounting.Py_DECREF, value) def incref(self, value): "Py_INCREF a value" return self.refcount(refcounting.Py_INCREF, value) def xdecref(self, value): "Py_XDECREF a value" return self.refcount(refcounting.Py_XDECREF, value) def xincref(self, value): "Py_XINCREF a value" return self.refcount(refcounting.Py_XINCREF, value) def xdecref_temp(self, temp): "Py_XDECREF a temporary" return self.xdecref(self.load_tbaa(temp, object_)) def xincref_temp(self, temp): "Py_XINCREF a temporary" return self.xincref(self.load_tbaa(temp, object_)) def xdecref_temp_cleanup(self, temp): """ Cleanup a temp at the end of the function: * Save current basic block * Generate code at cleanup path * Restore basic block """ assert not self.nopython bb = self.builder.basic_block self.builder.position_at_end(self.current_cleanup_bb) self.xdecref_temp(temp) self.current_cleanup_bb = self.builder.basic_block self.builder.position_at_end(bb) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = translate # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast, collections import llvm import llvm.core as lc import llvm.core from numba.llvm_types import _int1, _int32, _LLVMCaster from numba.multiarray_api import MultiarrayAPI # not used from numba.typesystem import llvmtypes from numba import typesystem from numba import * from numba.codegen import debug from numba.codegen.debug import logger from numba.codegen.codeutils import llvm_alloca from numba.codegen import coerce, complexsupport, refcounting, datetimesupport from numba.codegen.llvmcontext import LLVMContextManager from numba import visitors, nodes, llvm_types, utils, function_util from numba.minivect import minitypes, llvm_codegen from numba import ndarray_helpers, error from numba.utils import dump from numba import metadata from numba.control_flow import ssa from import sliceutils from numba.nodes import constnodes from numba.typesystem import llvm_typesystem as lts from numba.annotate.annotate import Annotation, A_type from numba.annotate.ir_capture import IRBuilder, get_intermediate from llvm_cbuilder import shortnames as C _int32_zero =, 0) _compare_mapping_float = {'>':lc.FCMP_OGT, '<':lc.FCMP_OLT, '==':lc.FCMP_OEQ, # (nan == nan) is False '>=':lc.FCMP_OGE, '<=':lc.FCMP_OLE, '!=':lc.FCMP_UNE} _compare_mapping_sint = {'>':lc.ICMP_SGT, '<':lc.ICMP_SLT, '==':lc.ICMP_EQ, '>=':lc.ICMP_SGE, '<=':lc.ICMP_SLE, '!=':lc.ICMP_NE} _compare_mapping_uint = {'>':lc.ICMP_UGT, '<':lc.ICMP_ULT, '==':lc.ICMP_EQ, '>=':lc.ICMP_UGE, '<=':lc.ICMP_ULE, '!=':lc.ICMP_NE} # TODO: use composition instead of mixins class LLVMCodeGenerator(visitors.NumbaVisitor, complexsupport.ComplexSupportMixin, refcounting.RefcountingMixin, visitors.NoPythonContextMixin, datetimesupport.DateTimeSupportMixin): """ Translate a Python AST to LLVM. Each visit_* method should directly return an LLVM value. """ multiarray_api = MultiarrayAPI() # Values for True/False bool_ltype = _bool_constants = { False:, 0), True:, 1), } def __init__(self, context, func, ast, func_signature, symtab, optimize=True, nopython=False, llvm_module=None, **kwds): super(LLVMCodeGenerator, self).__init__( context, func, ast, func_signature=func_signature, nopython=nopython, symtab=symtab, llvm_module=llvm_module, **kwds) # FIXME: Change mangled_name to some other attribute, # optionally read in the environment. What we really want to # distiguish between is the name of the LLVM function being # generated and the name of the Python function being # translated. self.mangled_name = self.env.translation.crnt.mangled_name self.func_signature = func_signature self.blocks = {} # stores id => basic-block self.refcount_args = self.env.crnt.refcount_args # self.ma_obj = None # What is this? self.optimize = optimize self.flags = kwds # internal states self._nodes = [] # for tracking parent nodes if self.env.crnt.annotate: import inspect source = inspect.getsource(func) decorators = 0 while not source.lstrip().startswith('def'): decorator, sep, source = source.partition('\n') decorators += 1 for argname, argtype in zip(self.argnames, self.func_signature.args): self.annotations[func.__code__.co_firstlineno + decorators] = \ [Annotation(A_type, (argname, str(argtype)))] # ________________________ visitors __________________________ @property def annotations(self): return self.env.crnt.annotations @property def current_node(self): return self._nodes[-1] def update_pos(self, node): "Update position for annotation" if self.env.crnt.annotate and hasattr(node, 'lineno'): self.builder.update_pos(node.lineno) return self.builder.get_pos() def reset_pos(self, pos): "Reset position for annotation" if self.env.crnt.annotate: self.builder.update_pos(pos) def visit(self, node): # logger.debug('visiting %s', ast.dump(node)) pos = self.update_pos(node) fn = getattr(self, 'visit_%s' % type(node).__name__) try: self._nodes.append(node) # push current node result = fn(node) self.reset_pos(pos) return result except Exception as e: # logger.exception(e) raise finally: self._nodes.pop() # pop current node # _________________________________________________________________________ def _load_arg_by_ref(self, argtype, larg): if (minitypes.pass_by_ref(argtype) and self.func_signature.struct_by_reference): larg = self.builder.load(larg) return larg def _allocate_arg_local(self, name, argtype, larg): """ Allocate a local variable on the stack. """ stackspace = self.alloca(argtype) = name, stackspace) return stackspace def renameable(self, variable): renameable = self.have_cfg and (not variable or variable.renameable) return renameable def incref_arg(self, argname, argtype, larg, variable): # TODO: incref objects in structs if not (self.nopython or argtype.is_closure_scope): if self.is_obj(variable.type) and self.refcount_args: if self.renameable(variable): lvalue = self._allocate_arg_local(argname, argtype, variable.lvalue) else: lvalue = variable.lvalue self.object_local_temps[argname] = lvalue self.incref(larg) def _init_constants(self): pass # self.symtab["None"] def _init_args(self): """ Unpack arguments: 1) Intialize SSA variables 2) Handle variables declared in the 'locals' dict """ for larg, argname, argtype in zip(self.lfunc.args, self.argnames, self.func_signature.args): = argname variable = self.symtab.get(argname, None) if self.renameable(variable): if argtype.is_struct or argtype.is_reference: larg = self._allocate_arg_local(argname, argtype, larg) # Set value on first definition of the variable if argtype.is_closure_scope: variable = self.symtab[argname] else: variable = self.symtab.lookup_renamed(argname, 0) variable.lvalue = self._load_arg_by_ref(argtype, larg) elif argname in self.locals or variable.is_cellvar: # Allocate on stack variable = self.symtab[argname] variable.lvalue = self._allocate_arg_local(argname, argtype, larg) #else: # raise error.InternalError(argname, argtype) self.incref_arg(argname, argtype, larg, variable) if variable.type.is_array: self.preload_attributes(variable, variable.lvalue) def c_array_to_pointer(self, name, stackspace, var): "Decay a C array to a pointer to allow pointer access" ltype = var.type.base_type.pointer().to_llvm(self.context) pointer = self.builder.alloca(ltype, name=name + "_p") p = self.builder.gep(stackspace, [llvm_types.constant_int(0), llvm_types.constant_int(0)]), pointer) stackspace = pointer return stackspace def _allocate_locals(self): """ Allocate local variables: 1) Intialize SSA variables 2) Handle variables declared in the 'locals' dict """ for name, var in self.symtab.items(): # FIXME: 'None' should be handled as a special case (probably). if var.type.is_uninitialized and var.cf_references: assert var.uninitialized_value, var var.lvalue = self.visit(var.uninitialized_value) elif name in self.locals and not name in self.argnames: # var = self.symtab.lookup_renamed(name, 0) name = 'var_%s' % if self.is_obj(var.type): lvalue = self._null_obj_temp(name, type=var.ltype) else: lvalue = self.builder.alloca(var.ltype, name=name) if var.type.is_struct: # TODO: memset struct to 0 pass elif var.type.is_carray: lvalue = self.c_array_to_pointer(name, lvalue, var) var.lvalue = lvalue def setup_func(self): have_return = getattr(self.ast, 'have_return', None) if have_return is not None: if not have_return and not self.func_signature.return_type.is_void: self.error(self.ast, "Function with non-void return does " "not return a value") self.lfunc = self.env.translation.crnt.lfunc assert self.lfunc if not isinstance(self.ast, nodes.FunctionWrapperNode): assert self.mangled_name ==, \ "Redefinition of function %s (%s, %s)" % (self.func_name, self.mangled_name, entry = self.append_basic_block('entry') self.builder = if self.env.crnt.annotate: self.builder = IRBuilder("llvm", self.builder) self.caster = _LLVMCaster(self.builder) self.object_coercer = coerce.ObjectCoercer(self) self.multiarray_api.set_PyArray_API(self.llvm_module) self.tbaa = metadata.TBAAMetadata(self.llvm_module) self.object_local_temps = {} self._init_constants() self._init_args() self._allocate_locals() # TODO: Put current function into symbol table for recursive call self.setup_return() if self.have_cfg: block0 = self.ast.flow.blocks[0] block0.entry_block = entry self.visitlist(block0.body) block0.exit_block = self.builder.basic_block self.flow_block = None # self.visitlist(block0.body) # uninitialize constants for variables self.flow_block = self.ast.flow.blocks[1] else: self.flow_block = None self.in_loop = 0 self.loop_beginnings = [] self.loop_exits = [] def to_llvm(self, type): return type.to_llvm(self.context) def translate(self): self.lfunc = None try: self.setup_func() if isinstance(self.ast, ast.FunctionDef): # Handle the doc string for the function # FIXME: Ignoring it for now if (isinstance(self.ast.body[0], ast.Expr) and isinstance(self.ast.body[0].value, ast.Str)): # Python doc string'Ignoring python doc string.') statements = self.ast.body[1:] else: statements = self.ast.body for node in statements: # do codegen for each statement self.visit(node) else: self.visit(self.ast) if not self.is_block_terminated(): # self.builder.ret_void() self.builder.branch(self.cleanup_label) self.handle_phis() self.terminate_cleanup_blocks() if self.env.crnt.annotate: self.env.crnt.intermediates.append(get_intermediate(self.builder)) # Done code generation del self.builder # release the builder to make GC happy if logger.level >= logging.DEBUG: # logger.debug("ast translated function: %s" % self.lfunc) logger.debug(self.llvm_module) # Verify code generation self.llvm_module.verify() # only Module level verification checks everything. except: # Delete the function to prevent an invalid function from living in the module post_mortem = self.env.crnt.error_env.enable_post_mortem if self.lfunc is not None and not post_mortem: self.lfunc.delete() raise def handle_phis(self): """ Update all our phi nodes after translation is done and all Variables have their llvm values set. """ if not self.have_cfg: return # Initialize uninitialized incoming values to bad values for phi in ssa.iter_phi_vars(self.ast.flow): if phi.type.is_uninitialized: #print incoming_var.cf_references #print phi_node.variable.cf_references #print "incoming", phi_node.incoming, block assert phi.uninitialized_value, phi assert phi.lvalue is None phi.lvalue = self.visit(phi.uninitialized_value) # Add all incoming values to all our phi values ssa.handle_phis(self.ast.flow) def visit_FunctionWrapperNode(self, node): # Disable debug coercion was_debug_conversion = debug.debug_conversion debug.debug_conversion = False # Unpack tuple into arguments arg_types = [object_] * node.wrapped_nargs types, lstr = self.object_coercer.lstr(arg_types) args_tuple = self.lfunc.args[1] largs = self.object_coercer.parse_tuple(lstr, args_tuple, arg_types) # Patch argument values in LLVMValueRefNode nodes assert len(largs) == node.wrapped_nargs for larg, arg_node in zip(largs, node.wrapped_args): arg_node.llvm_value = larg # Generate call to wrapped function self.generic_visit(node) debug.debug_conversion = was_debug_conversion @property def lfunc_pointer(self): return LLVMContextManager().get_pointer_to_function(self.lfunc) def _null_obj_temp(self, name, type=None, change_bb=False): if change_bb: bb = self.builder.basic_block lhs = self.llvm_alloca(type or llvm_types._pyobject_head_struct_p, name=name, change_bb=False) self.generate_assign_stack(self.visit(nodes.NULL_obj), lhs, tbaa_type=object_) if change_bb: self.builder.position_at_end(bb) return lhs def load_tbaa(self, ptr, tbaa_type, name=''): """ Load a pointer and annotate with Type Based Alias Analysis metadata. """ instr = self.builder.load(ptr, name='') self.tbaa.set_tbaa(instr, tbaa_type) return instr def store_tbaa(self, value, ptr, tbaa_type): """ Load a pointer and annotate with Type Based Alias Analysis metadata. """ instr =, ptr) if metadata.is_tbaa_type(tbaa_type): self.tbaa.set_tbaa(instr, tbaa_type) def puts(self, msg): const = nodes.ConstNode(msg, c_string_type) self.visit(function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'puts', args=[const])) def puts_llvm(self, llvm_string): const = nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(c_string_type, llvm_string) self.visit(function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'puts', args=[const])) def setup_return(self): # Assign to this value which will be returned self.is_void_return = \ self.func_signature.actual_signature.return_type.is_void ret_by_ref = minitypes.pass_by_ref(self.func_signature.return_type) if self.func_signature.struct_by_reference and ret_by_ref: self.return_value = self.lfunc.args[-1] assert self.return_value.type.kind == llvm.core.TYPE_POINTER elif not self.is_void_return: llvm_ret_type = self.func_signature.return_type.to_llvm(self.context) self.return_value = self.builder.alloca(llvm_ret_type, name="return_value") # All non-NULL object emporaries are DECREFed here self.cleanup_label = self.append_basic_block('cleanup_label') self.current_cleanup_bb = self.cleanup_label bb = self.builder.basic_block # Jump here in case of an error self.error_label = self.append_basic_block("error_label") self.builder.position_at_end(self.error_label) # Set error return value and jump to cleanup self.visit(self.ast.error_return) self.builder.position_at_end(bb) def terminate_cleanup_blocks(self): self.builder.position_at_end(self.current_cleanup_bb) # Decref local variables for name, stackspace in self.object_local_temps.iteritems(): self.xdecref_temp(stackspace) if self.is_void_return: self.builder.ret_void() else: ret_type = self.func_signature.return_type self.builder.ret(self.builder.load(self.return_value)) def alloca(self, type, name='', change_bb=True): return self.llvm_alloca(self.to_llvm(type), name, change_bb) def llvm_alloca(self, ltype, name='', change_bb=True): return llvm_alloca(self.lfunc, self.builder, ltype, name, change_bb) def _handle_ctx(self, node, lptr, tbaa_type, name=''): if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): return self.load_tbaa(lptr, tbaa_type, name=name and 'load_' + name) else: return lptr def generate_constant_int(self, val, ty=typesystem.int_): lconstant =, val) return lconstant # __________________________________________________________________________ def visit_Expr(self, node): return self.visit(node.value) def visit_Pass(self, node): pass def visit_Attribute(self, node): raise error.NumbaError("This node should have been replaced") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Assignment #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def using_numpy_array(self): return issubclass(self.env.crnt.array, ndarray_helpers.NumpyArray) def is_obj(self, type): if type.is_array: return self.using_numpy_array return type.is_object def visit_Assign(self, node): target_node = node.targets[0] # print target_node is_object = self.is_obj(target_node.type) value = self.visit(node.value) incref = is_object decref = is_object if (isinstance(target_node, ast.Name) and self.renameable(target_node.variable)): # phi nodes are in place for the variable target_node.variable.lvalue = value if not is_object: # No worries about refcounting, we are done return # Refcount SSA variables # TODO: use ObjectTempNode? if not in self.object_local_temps: target = self._null_obj_temp(, change_bb=True) self.object_local_temps[] = target decref = bool(self.loop_beginnings) else: target = self.object_local_temps[] tbaa_node = self.tbaa.get_metadata(target_node.type) else: target = self.visit(target_node) if isinstance(target_node, nodes.TempStoreNode): # Use TBAA specific to only this temporary tbaa_node = target_node.temp.get_tbaa_node(self.tbaa) else: # ast.Attribute | ast.Subscript store. # These types don't have pointer types but rather # scalar values if self.is_obj(target_node.type): target_type = object_ else: target_type = target_node.type tbaa_type = target_type.pointer() tbaa_node = self.tbaa.get_metadata(tbaa_type) # INCREF RHS. Note that new references are always in temporaries, and # hence we can only borrow references, and have to make it an owned # reference self.generate_assign_stack(value, target, tbaa_node, decref=decref, incref=incref) if target_node.type.is_array: self.preload_attributes(target_node.variable, value) def generate_assign_stack(self, lvalue, ltarget, tbaa_node=None, tbaa_type=None, decref=False, incref=False): """ Generate assignment operation and automatically cast value to match the target type. """ if lvalue.type != ltarget.type.pointee: lvalue = self.caster.cast(lvalue, ltarget.type.pointee) if incref: self.incref(lvalue) if decref: # Py_XDECREF any previous object self.xdecref_temp(ltarget) instr =, ltarget) # Set TBAA on store instruction if tbaa_node is None: assert tbaa_type is not None tbaa_node = self.tbaa.get_metadata(tbaa_type) assert tbaa_node self.tbaa.set_metadata(instr, tbaa_node) def preload_attributes(self, var, value): """ Pre-load ndarray attributes data/shape/strides. """ if not var.renameable: # Stack allocated variable value = self.builder.load(value) var.ndarray = self.ndarray(value, var.type) # Trigger preload var.ndarray.shape var.ndarray.strides #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Variables #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def check_unbound_local(self, node, var): if getattr(node, 'check_unbound', None): # Path the LLVMValueRefNode, we don't want a Name since it would # check for unbound variables recursively int_type = Py_uintptr_t.to_llvm(self.context) value_p = self.builder.ptrtoint(var.lvalue, int_type) node.loaded_name.llvm_value = value_p self.visit(node.check_unbound) def visit_Name(self, node): var = node.variable if (var.lvalue is None and not var.renameable and self.symtab[].is_cellvar): var = self.symtab[] assert var.lvalue, var self.check_unbound_local(node, var) should_load = (not var.renameable or var.type.is_struct) and not var.is_constant if should_load and isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): # Not a renamed but an alloca'd variable return self.load_tbaa(var.lvalue, var.type) else: if self.env.crnt.annotate and hasattr(node, 'lineno'): if not node.lineno in self.annotations: self.annotations[node.lineno] = [] annotation = Annotation(A_type, (, str(node.type))) self.annotations[node.lineno].append(annotation) return var.lvalue #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Control Flow #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _init_phis(self, node): "Set basic block and initialize LLVM phis" for phi_node in node.phi_nodes: ltype = phi_node.variable.type.to_llvm(self.context) phi = self.builder.phi(ltype, phi_node.variable.unmangled_name) phi_node.variable.lvalue = phi def setblock(self, cfg_basic_block): if cfg_basic_block.is_fabricated: return old = self.flow_block if old and not old.exit_block: if == 1: # Handle promotions from the entry block. This is somewhat # of a hack, and needed since the CFG isn't properly merged # in the AST self.visitlist(old.body) old.exit_block = self.builder.basic_block self.flow_block = cfg_basic_block def append_basic_block(self, name='unamed'): idx = len(self.blocks) #bb = self.lfunc.append_basic_block('%s_%d'%(name, idx)) bb = self.lfunc.append_basic_block(name) self.blocks[idx] = bb return bb def visit_PromotionNode(self, node): lvalue = self.visit(node.node) node.variable.lvalue = lvalue # Update basic block in case the promotion created a new block self.flow_block.exit_block = self.builder.basic_block _pending_block = None # Nested hack def visit_ControlBlock(self, node, visit_body=True): """ Return a new basic block and handle phis and promotions. Promotions are needed at merge (phi) points to have a consistent type. """ # ### Create entry basic block # if node is None: # Fabricated If statement label = 'fabricated_basic_block' else: label = node.label self.setblock(node) node.prev_block = self.builder.basic_block node.entry_block = node.create_block(self, label) if node.branch_here and not self.is_block_terminated(): self.builder.branch(node.entry_block) self.builder.position_at_end(node.entry_block) self._init_phis(node) if self._pending_block: self.visitlist(self._pending_block.body) self._pending_block = None if visit_body: lbody = self.visitlist(node.body) lbody = lbody[0] if len(lbody) == 1 else None else: lbody = None if not node.exit_block: node.exit_block = self.builder.basic_block return lbody def visit_LowLevelBasicBlockNode(self, node): llvm_block = node.create_block(self) if not self.is_block_terminated(): self.builder.branch(llvm_block) self.builder.position_at_end(llvm_block) return self.visit(node.body) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Control Flow: If, For, While #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_If(self, node, is_while=False): if not hasattr(node, 'cond_block'): # We have a synthetic 'if' without a cfg, fabricate fake blocks node = nodes.build_if(**vars(node)) # Visit condition test = self.visit(node.test) bb_cond = node.cond_block.entry_block # test = self.visit(node.test) if test.type != _int1: test = self._generate_test(test) # Create exit block self.visit_ControlBlock(node.exit_block, visit_body=False) bb_endif = node.exit_block.entry_block if is_while: self.setup_loop(node.continue_block, bb_cond, bb_endif) # Visit if clauses self.visitlist(node.body) #if self.have_cfg: # self.flow_block.exit_block = self.builder.basic_block bb_true = node.if_block.entry_block if is_while: if not self.is_block_terminated(): self.builder.branch(bb_cond) self.teardown_loop() else: self.term_block(bb_endif) if node.orelse: self.visitlist(node.orelse) bb_false = node.else_block.entry_block self.term_block(bb_endif) else: bb_false = bb_endif # Mark current basic block and the exit block of the body self.setblock(node.exit_block) # Branch to block from condition self.builder.position_at_end(node.cond_block.prev_block) self.builder.branch(bb_cond) self.builder.position_at_end(node.cond_block.exit_block) # assert not self.is_block_terminated() self.builder.cbranch(test, bb_true, bb_false) ### Gross hack, remove unparented basic blocks for which we track ### no incoming phi if (not node.exit_block.parents and >= 0 and node.exit_block.exit_block): node.exit_block.exit_block.delete() else: self.builder.position_at_end(node.exit_block.exit_block) # Swallow statements following the branch node.exit_block.exit_block = None self._pending_block = node.exit_block def visit_IfExp(self, node): test = self.visit(node.test) if test.type != _int1: test = self._generate_test(test) then_block = self.append_basic_block('ifexp.then') else_block = self.append_basic_block('ifexp.else') merge_block = self.append_basic_block('ifexp.merge') self.builder.cbranch(test, then_block, else_block) self.builder.position_at_end(then_block) then_value = self.visit(node.body) then_block = self.builder.basic_block self.builder.branch(merge_block) self.builder.position_at_end(else_block) else_value = self.visit(node.orelse) else_block = self.builder.basic_block self.builder.branch(merge_block) self.builder.position_at_end(merge_block) phi = self.builder.phi(then_value.type) phi.add_incoming(then_value, then_block) phi.add_incoming(else_value, else_block) return phi def visit_While(self, node): self.visit_If(node, is_while=True) def term_block(self, end_block): if not self.is_block_terminated(): self.terminate_block(self.builder.basic_block, end_block) def append_basic_block(self, name='unamed'): idx = len(self.blocks) #bb = self.lfunc.append_basic_block('%s_%d'%(name, idx)) bb = self.lfunc.append_basic_block(name) self.blocks[idx] = bb return bb @property def cur_bb(self): return self.builder.basic_block def is_block_terminated(self, basic_block=None): ''' Check if the current basicblock is properly terminated. That means the basicblock is ended with a branch or return ''' basic_block = basic_block or self.cur_bb instructions = basic_block.instructions return instructions and instructions[-1].is_terminator def terminate_block(self, block, end_block): if not self.is_block_terminated(block): bb = self.cur_bb self.builder.position_at_end(block) self.builder.branch(end_block) self.builder.position_at_end(bb) def setup_loop(self, continue_block, bb_cond, bb_exit): if continue_block: # Jump to target index increment block instead of while condition # block for 'for i in range(...):' loops bb_cond = continue_block.create_block(self) self.loop_beginnings.append(bb_cond) self.loop_exits.append(bb_exit) self.in_loop += 1 def teardown_loop(self): self.loop_beginnings.pop() self.loop_exits.pop() self.in_loop -= 1 def visit_For(self, node): raise error.NumbaError(node, "This node should have been replaced") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Control Flow: Break, Continue #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Continue(self, node): assert self.loop_beginnings # Python syntax should ensure this self.builder.branch(self.loop_beginnings[-1]) def visit_Break(self, node): assert self.loop_exits # Python syntax should ensure this self.builder.branch(self.loop_exits[-1]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Control Flow: Return #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Return(self, node): if node.value is not None: rettype = self.func_signature.return_type retval = self.visit(node.value) if self.is_obj(rettype) or rettype.is_pointer: retval = self.builder.bitcast(retval, self.return_value.type.pointee) if not retval.type == self.return_value.type.pointee: dump(node) logger.debug('%s != %s (in node %s)' % ( self.return_value.type.pointee, retval.type, utils.pformat_ast(node))) raise error.NumbaError( node, 'Expected %s type in return, got %s!' % (self.return_value.type.pointee, retval.type)), self.return_value) ret_type = self.func_signature.return_type if self.is_obj(rettype): self.xincref_temp(self.return_value) # Visitor class for looking for node with valid line number class LineNumVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): lineno = -1 def generic_visit(self, node): if hasattr(node, 'lineno'): if node.lineno > -1: self.lineno = node.lineno v = LineNumVisitor() v.visit(node) if self.env.crnt.annotate and hasattr(node, 'lineno') and v.lineno > -1: lineno = v.lineno if not lineno in self.annotations: self.annotations[lineno] = [] annotation = Annotation(A_type, ('return', str(node.value.type))) self.annotations[lineno].append(annotation) if not self.is_block_terminated(): self.builder.branch(self.cleanup_label) # if node.value is not None: # self.builder.ret(self.visit(node.value)) # else: # self.builder.ret_void() def visit_Suite(self, node): self.visitlist(node.body) return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Indexing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Subscript(self, node): value_type = node.value.type if not (value_type.is_carray or value_type.is_string or value_type.is_pointer): raise error.InternalError(node, "Unsupported type:", node.value.type) value = self.visit(node.value) index = self.visit(node.slice) indices = [index] if value.type.kind == llvm.core.TYPE_ARRAY: lptr = self.builder.extract_value(value, index) else: lptr = self.builder.gep(value, indices) if node.slice.type.is_int: lptr = self._handle_ctx(node, lptr, node.value.type) return lptr #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Binary Operations #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ____________________________________________________________ # BoolOp def _generate_test(self, llval): return self.builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, llval, lc.Constant.null(llval.type)) def visit_BoolOp(self, node): # NOTE: Can have >2 values assert len(node.values) >= 2 assert isinstance(node.op, ast.And) or isinstance(node.op, ast.Or) count = len(node.values) if isinstance(node.op, ast.And): bb_true = self.append_basic_block('and.true') bb_false = self.append_basic_block('and.false') bb_next = [self.append_basic_block('and.rhs') for i in range(count - 1)] + [bb_true] bb_done = self.append_basic_block('and.done') for i in range(count): value = self.visit(node.values[i]) if value.type != _int1: value = self._generate_test(value) self.builder.cbranch(value, bb_next[i], bb_false) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_next[i]) assert self.builder.basic_block is bb_true self.builder.branch(bb_done) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_false) self.builder.branch(bb_done) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_done) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Or): bb_true = self.append_basic_block('or.true') bb_false = self.append_basic_block('or.false') bb_next = [self.append_basic_block('or.rhs') for i in range(count - 1)] + [bb_false] bb_done = self.append_basic_block('or.done') for i in range(count): value = self.visit(node.values[i]) if value.type != _int1: value = self._generate_test(value) self.builder.cbranch(value, bb_true, bb_next[i]) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_next[i]) assert self.builder.basic_block is bb_false self.builder.branch(bb_done) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_true) self.builder.branch(bb_done) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_done) else: raise Exception("internal erorr") booltype = _int1 phi = self.builder.phi(booltype) phi.add_incoming(, 1), bb_true) phi.add_incoming(, 0), bb_false) return phi # ____________________________________________________________ # UnaryOp def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): operand_type = node.operand.type operand = self.visit(node.operand) operand_ltype = operand.type op = node.op if isinstance(op, ast.Not) and (operand_type.is_bool or operand_type.is_int): bb_false = self.builder.basic_block bb_true = self.append_basic_block('not.true') bb_done = self.append_basic_block('not.done') self.builder.cbranch( self.builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, operand, lc.Constant.null(operand_ltype)), bb_true, bb_done) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_true) self.builder.branch(bb_done) self.builder.position_at_end(bb_done) phi = self.builder.phi(operand_ltype) phi.add_incoming(, 1), bb_false) phi.add_incoming(, 0), bb_true) return phi elif isinstance(op, ast.USub) and operand_type.is_numeric: if operand_type.is_float: return self.builder.fsub(lc.Constant.null(operand_ltype), operand) elif operand_type.is_int and operand_type.signed: return self.builder.sub(lc.Constant.null(operand_ltype), operand) elif isinstance(op, ast.UAdd) and operand_type.is_numeric: return operand elif isinstance(op, ast.Invert) and operand_type.is_int: return self.builder.xor(, -1), operand) raise error.NumbaError(node, "Unary operator %s" % node.op) # ____________________________________________________________ # Compare _cmp_op_map = { ast.Gt : '>', ast.Lt : '<', ast.GtE : '>=', ast.LtE : '<=', ast.Eq : '==', ast.NotEq : '!=', } def visit_Compare(self, node): op = node.ops[0] lhs = node.left rhs = node.comparators[0] lhs_lvalue = self.visit(lhs) rhs_lvalue = self.visit(rhs) op = self._cmp_op_map[type(op)] if lhs.type.is_float and rhs.type.is_float: lfunc = self.builder.fcmp lop = _compare_mapping_float[op] elif lhs.type.is_int and rhs.type.is_int: lfunc = self.builder.icmp if lhs.type.signed: mapping = _compare_mapping_sint else: mapping = _compare_mapping_uint lop = mapping[op] else: # These errors should be issued by the type inferencer or a # separate error checking pass raise error.NumbaError(node, "Comparisons of types %s and %s are not yet " "supported" % (lhs.type, rhs.type)) return lfunc(lop, lhs_lvalue, rhs_lvalue) # ____________________________________________________________ # BinOp _binops = { ast.Add: ('fadd', ('add', 'add')), ast.Sub: ('fsub', ('sub', 'sub')), ast.Mult: ('fmul', ('mul', 'mul')), ast.Div: ('fdiv', ('udiv', 'sdiv')), ast.BitAnd: ('and_', ('and_', 'and_')), ast.BitOr: ('or_', ('or_', 'or_')), ast.BitXor: ('xor', ('xor', 'xor')), ast.LShift: ('shl', ('shl', 'shl')), # shift left ast.RShift: ('ashr', ('lshr', 'ashr')), # arithmetic shift right } _opnames = { ast.Mult: 'mul', } def opname(self, op): if op in self._opnames: return self._opnames[op] else: return op.__name__.lower() def _handle_mod(self, node, lhs, rhs): from numba.utility import math_utilities py_modulo = math_utilities.py_modulo(node.type, (node.left.type, node.right.type)) lfunc = self.env.crnt.llvm_module.get_or_insert_function( py_modulo.lfunc.type.pointee, return, (lhs, rhs)) def _handle_complex_binop(self, lhs, op, rhs): opname = self.opname(op) if opname in ('add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'floordiv'): m = getattr(self, '_complex_' + opname) result = self._generate_complex_op(m, lhs, rhs) else: raise error.NumbaError("Unsupported binary operation " "for complex numbers: %s" % opname) return result def _handle_numeric_binop(self, lhs, node, op, rhs): llvm_method_name = self._binops[op][node.type.is_int] if node.type.is_int: llvm_method_name = llvm_method_name[node.type.signed] meth = getattr(self.builder, llvm_method_name) if not lhs.type == rhs.type: print((lhs.type, rhs.type)) assert False, ast.dump(node) result = meth(lhs, rhs) return result def visit_BinOp(self, node): lhs = self.visit(node.left) rhs = self.visit(node.right) op = type(node.op) pointer_type = self.have(node.left.type, node.right.type, "is_pointer", "is_int") if (node.type.is_int or node.type.is_float) and op in self._binops: result = self._handle_numeric_binop(lhs, node, op, rhs) elif (node.type.is_int or node.type.is_float) and op == ast.Mod: return self._handle_mod(node, lhs, rhs) elif node.type.is_complex: result = self._handle_complex_binop(lhs, op, rhs) elif pointer_type: if not node.left.type.is_pointer: lhs, rhs = rhs, lhs result = self.builder.gep(lhs, [rhs]) else: logger.debug('Unrecognized node type "%s"' % node.type) logger.debug(ast.dump(node)) raise error.NumbaError( node, "Binary operations %s on values typed %s and %s " "not (yet) supported" % (self.opname(op), node.left.type, node.right.type)) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Coercions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_CoercionNode(self, node, val=None): if val is None: val = self.visit(node.node) if node.type == node.node.type: return val # logger.debug('Coerce %s --> %s', node.node.type, node.dst_type) node_type = node.node.type dst_type = node.dst_type ldst_type = dst_type.to_llvm(self.context) if node_type.is_pointer and dst_type.is_int: val = self.builder.ptrtoint(val, ldst_type) elif node_type.is_int and dst_type.is_pointer: val = self.builder.inttoptr(val, ldst_type) elif (dst_type.is_pointer or dst_type.is_reference) and node_type.is_pointer: val = self.builder.bitcast(val, ldst_type) elif dst_type.is_complex and node_type.is_complex: val = self._promote_complex(node_type, dst_type, val) elif dst_type.is_complex and node_type.is_numeric: ldst_base_type = dst_type.base_type.to_llvm(self.context) real = val if node_type != dst_type.base_type: flags = {} add_cast_flag_unsigned(flags, node_type, dst_type.base_type) real = self.caster.cast(real, ldst_base_type, **flags) imag = llvm.core.Constant.real(ldst_base_type, 0.0) val = self._create_complex(real, imag) elif dst_type.is_int and node_type.is_numpy_datetime and \ not isinstance(node.node, nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode): return self.builder.extract_value(val, 0) else: flags = {} add_cast_flag_unsigned(flags, node_type, dst_type) val = self.caster.cast(val, node.dst_type.to_llvm(self.context), **flags) if debug.debug_conversion: self.puts("Coercing %s to %s" % (node_type, dst_type)) return val def visit_CoerceToObject(self, node): from_type = node.node.type result = self.visit(node.node) if not self.is_obj(from_type): result = self.object_coercer.convert_single(from_type, result, return result def visit_CoerceToNative(self, node): assert node.node.type.is_tuple val = self.visit(node.node) return self.object_coercer.to_native(node.dst_type, val, #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Call Nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Call(self, node): raise error.InternalError(node, "This node should have been replaced") def visit_ObjectCallNode(self, node): args_tuple = self.visit(node.args_tuple) kwargs_dict = self.visit(node.kwargs_dict) if node.function is None: node.function = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(node.py_func) lfunc_addr = self.visit(node.function) # call PyObject_Call largs = [lfunc_addr, args_tuple, kwargs_dict] _, pyobject_call = self.context.external_library.declare( self.llvm_module, 'PyObject_Call') res =, largs) return self.caster.cast(res, node.variable.type.to_llvm(self.context)) def visit_NativeCallNode(self, node, largs=None): if largs is None: largs = self.visitlist(node.args) return_value = llvm_codegen.handle_struct_passing( self.builder, self.alloca, largs, node.signature) if hasattr(node.llvm_func, 'module') and node.llvm_func.module != self.llvm_module: lfunc = self.llvm_module.get_or_insert_function(node.llvm_func.type.pointee, else: lfunc = node.llvm_func result =, largs) if node.signature.struct_by_reference: if minitypes.pass_by_ref(node.signature.return_type): # TODO: TBAA result = self.builder.load(return_value) return result def visit_NativeFunctionCallNode(self, node): lfunc = self.visit(node.function) node.llvm_func = lfunc return self.visit_NativeCallNode(node) def visit_LLMacroNode (self, node): return node.macro(self.context, self.builder, *self.visitlist(node.args)) def visit_LLVMExternalFunctionNode(self, node): lfunc_type = node.signature.to_llvm(self.context) return self.llvm_module.get_or_insert_function(lfunc_type, node.fname) def visit_LLVMIntrinsicNode(self, node): intr = getattr(llvm.core, 'INTR_' + node.func_name) largs = self.visitlist(node.args) if largs: ltypes = [largs[0].type] else: ltypes = [] node.llvm_func = llvm.core.Function.intrinsic(self.llvm_module, intr, ltypes) return self.visit_NativeCallNode(node, largs=largs) def visit_MathCallNode(self, node): # Make sure we don't pass anything by reference resty = node.signature.return_type.to_llvm() argtys = [a.to_llvm() for a in node.signature.args] lfunc_type = llvmtypes.function(resty, argtys) type_namespace = map(str, argtys) lfunc = self.llvm_module.get_or_insert_function( lfunc_type, 'numba.math.%s.%s' % (type_namespace, node.llvm_func = lfunc largs = self.visitlist(node.args) return, largs) def visit_IntrinsicNode(self, node): args = self.visitlist(node.args) return node.intrinsic.emit_code(self.lfunc, self.builder, args) def visit_PointerCallNode(self, node): node.llvm_func = self.visit(node.function) return self.visit_NativeCallNode(node) def visit_ClosureCallNode(self, node): lfunc = node.closure_type.closure.lfunc assert lfunc is not None assert len(node.args) == node.expected_nargs + node.need_closure_scope self.visit(node.func) node.llvm_func = lfunc return self.visit_NativeCallNode(node) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Objects #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_List(self, node): types = [n.type for n in node.elts] largs = self.visitlist(node.elts) return self.object_coercer.build_list(types, largs) def visit_Tuple(self, node): raise error.InternalError(node, "This node should have been replaced") def visit_Dict(self, node): key_types = [k.type for k in node.keys] value_types = [v.type for v in node.values] llvm_keys = self.visitlist(node.keys) llvm_values = self.visitlist(node.values) result = self.object_coercer.build_dict(key_types, value_types, llvm_keys, llvm_values) return result def visit_ObjectInjectNode(self, node): # FIXME: Currently uses the runtime address of the python function. # Sounds like a hack. self.keep_alive(node.object) addr = id(node.object) obj_addr_int = self.generate_constant_int(addr, typesystem.Py_ssize_t) obj = self.builder.inttoptr(obj_addr_int, node.type.to_llvm(self.context)) return obj def visit_NoneNode(self, node): try: self.llvm_module.add_global_variable(object_.to_llvm(self.context), "Py_None") except llvm.LLVMException: pass return self.llvm_module.get_global_variable_named("Py_None") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Complex Numbers #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_ComplexNode(self, node): real = self.visit(node.real) imag = self.visit(node.imag) return self._create_complex(real, imag) def visit_ComplexConjugateNode(self, node): lcomplex = self.visit(node.complex_node) elem_ltyp = node.type.base_type.to_llvm(self.context) zero = llvm.core.Constant.real(elem_ltyp, 0) imag = self.builder.extract_value(lcomplex, 1) new_imag_lval = self.builder.fsub(zero, imag) assert hasattr(self.builder, 'insert_value'), ( "llvm-py support for LLVMBuildInsertValue() required to build " "code for complex conjugates.") return self.builder.insert_value(lcomplex, new_imag_lval, 1) def visit_ComplexAttributeNode(self, node): result = self.visit(node.value) if node.value.type.is_complex: assert result.type.kind == llvm.core.TYPE_STRUCT, result.type if node.attr == 'real': return self.builder.extract_value(result, 0) elif node.attr == 'imag': return self.builder.extract_value(result, 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DateTime #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_DateTimeNode(self, node): timestamp = self.visit(node.timestamp) units = self.visit(node.units) return self._create_datetime(timestamp, units) def visit_DateTimeAttributeNode(self, node): result = self.visit(node.value) if node.value.type.is_datetime: assert result.type.kind == llvm.core.TYPE_STRUCT, result.type if node.attr == 'timestamp': return self.builder.extract_value(result, 0) elif node.attr == 'units': return self.builder.extract_value(result, 1) def visit_NumpyDateTimeNode(self, node): timestamp_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "convert_datetime_str_to_timestamp", args=[node.datetime_string]) units_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "convert_datetime_str_to_units", args=[node.datetime_string]) newnode = nodes.DateTimeNode(timestamp_func, units_func) return self.visit(newnode) def visit_TimeDeltaNode(self, node): diff = self.visit(node.diff) units = self.visit(node.units) return self._create_timedelta(diff, units) def visit_NumpyTimeDeltaNode(self, node): units_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "convert_timedelta_units_str", args=[node.units_str]) newnode = nodes.TimeDeltaNode(nodes.CoercionNode(node.diff, int64), units_func) return self.visit(newnode) def visit_TimeDeltaAttributeNode(self, node): result = self.visit(node.value) if node.value.type.is_timedelta: assert result.type.kind == llvm.core.TYPE_STRUCT, result.type if node.attr == 'diff': return self.builder.extract_value(result, 0) elif node.attr == 'units': return self.builder.extract_value(result, 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Structs #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def struct_field(self, node, value): value = self.builder.gep( value, [llvm_types.constant_int(0), llvm_types.constant_int(node.field_idx)]) return value def visit_StructAttribute(self, node): result = self.visit(node.value) value_is_reference = node.value.type.is_reference # print "referencing", node.struct_type, node.field_idx, node.attr # TODO: TBAA for loads if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): if value_is_reference: # Struct reference, load result result = self.struct_field(node, result) result = self.builder.load(result) else: result = self.builder.extract_value(result, node.field_idx) else: if value_is_reference: # Load alloca-ed struct pointer result = self.builder.load(result) result = self.struct_field(node, result) #result = self.builder.insert_value(result, self.rhs_lvalue, # node.field_idx) return result def visit_StructVariable(self, node): return self.visit(node.node) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Reference Counting #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_IncrefNode(self, node): obj = self.visit(node.value) self.incref(obj) return obj def visit_DecrefNode(self, node): obj = self.visit(node.value) self.decref(obj) return obj #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Temporaries #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_TempNode(self, node): if node.llvm_temp is None: kwds = {} if kwds['name'] = value = self.alloca(node.type, **kwds) node.llvm_temp = value return node.llvm_temp def visit_TempLoadNode(self, node): # TODO: use unique type for each temporary load and store pair temp = self.visit(node.temp) instr = self.builder.load(temp, invariant=node.invariant) self.tbaa.set_metadata(instr, node.temp.get_tbaa_node(self.tbaa)) return instr def visit_TempStoreNode(self, node): return self.visit(node.temp) def visit_ObjectTempNode(self, node): if isinstance(node.node, nodes.ObjectTempNode): return self.visit(node.node) bb = self.builder.basic_block # Initialize temp to NULL at beginning of function self.builder.position_at_beginning(self.lfunc.get_entry_basic_block()) lhs = self._null_obj_temp('objtemp') node.llvm_temp = lhs # Assign value self.builder.position_at_end(bb) rhs = self.visit(node.node) self.generate_assign_stack(rhs, lhs, tbaa_type=object_, decref=self.in_loop) # goto error if NULL # self.puts("checking error... %s" % error.format_pos(node)) self.object_coercer.check_err(rhs, pos_node=node.node) # self.puts("all good at %s" % error.format_pos(node)) if node.incref: self.incref(self.load_tbaa(lhs, object_)) # Generate Py_XDECREF(temp) at end-of-function cleanup path self.xdecref_temp_cleanup(lhs) result = self.load_tbaa(lhs, object_, + '_load') if not node.type == object_: dst_type = node.type.to_llvm(self.context) result = self.builder.bitcast(result, dst_type) return result def visit_PropagateNode(self, node): # self.puts("ERROR! %s" % error.format_pos(node)) self.builder.branch(self.error_label) def visit_ObjectTempRefNode(self, node): return node.obj_temp_node.llvm_temp #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Arrays #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_DataPointerNode(self, node): assert node.node.type.is_array lvalue = self.visit(node.node) lindices = self.visit(node.slice) array_var = node.node.variable ndarray = array_var.ndarray or self.ndarray(lvalue, node.node.type) if not isinstance(lindices, collections.Iterable): lindices = (lindices,) lptr = ndarray.getptr(*lindices) return self._handle_ctx(node, lptr, node.type.pointer()) #def visit_Index(self, node): # return self.visit(node.value) def visit_ExtSlice(self, node): return self.visitlist(node.dims) def visit_MultiArrayAPINode(self, node): meth = getattr(self.multiarray_api, 'load_' + node.func_name) lfunc = meth(self.llvm_module, self.builder) lsignature = node.signature.pointer().to_llvm(self.context) node.llvm_func = self.builder.bitcast(lfunc, lsignature) result = self.visit_NativeCallNode(node) return result def pyarray_accessor(self, llvm_array_ptr, dtype): return ndarray_helpers.PyArrayAccessor(self.builder, llvm_array_ptr, self.tbaa, dtype) def ndarray(self, llvm_array_ptr, type): if issubclass(self.env.crnt.array, ndarray_helpers.NumpyArray): return ndarray_helpers.NumpyArray(llvm_array_ptr, self.builder, self.tbaa, type) else: return self.env.crnt.array(llvm_array_ptr, self.builder) def visit_ArrayAttributeNode(self, node): l_array = self.visit(node.array) ndarray = self.ndarray(l_array, node.array.type) if node.attr_name in ('shape', 'strides'): attr_name = node.attr_name + '_ptr' else: attr_name = node.attr_name result = getattr(ndarray, attr_name) ltype = node.type.to_llvm(self.context) if node.attr_name == 'data': result = self.builder.bitcast(result, ltype) return result visit_ShapeAttributeNode = visit_ArrayAttributeNode #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Array Slicing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def declare(self, cbuilder_func): func_def = self.context.cbuilder_library.declare( cbuilder_func, self.env, self.llvm_module) return func_def def visit_NativeSliceNode(self, node): """ Slice an array. Allocate fake PyArray and allocate shape/strides """ llvmtype = lambda t: t.to_llvm() shape_ltype = llvmtype(npy_intp.pointer()) # Create PyArrayObject accessors view = self.visit(node.value) view_accessor = ndarray_helpers.PyArrayAccessor(self.builder, view) # TODO: change this attribute name to stack_allocate or something if node.nopython: # Stack-allocate array object array_struct_ltype = llvmtype(float_[:]).pointee view_copy = self.llvm_alloca(array_struct_ltype) array_struct = self.builder.load(view), view_copy) view_copy_accessor = ndarray_helpers.PyArrayAccessor(self.builder, view_copy) else: class NonMutatingPyArrayAccessor(object): pass view_copy_accessor = NonMutatingPyArrayAccessor() # Stack-allocate shape/strides and update accessors shape = self.alloca(node.shape_type) strides = self.alloca(node.shape_type) = view_copy_accessor.shape = self.builder.bitcast(shape, shape_ltype) view_copy_accessor.strides = self.builder.bitcast(strides, shape_ltype) # Patch and visit all children for subslice in node.subslices: subslice.view_accessor = view_accessor subslice.view_copy_accessor = view_copy_accessor # print ast.dump(node) self.visitlist(node.subslices) # Return fake or actual array if node.nopython: return view_copy else: # Update LLVMValueRefNode fields, build actual numpy array void_p = void.pointer().to_llvm(self.context) node.dst_data.llvm_value = self.builder.bitcast(, void_p) node.dst_shape.llvm_value = view_copy_accessor.shape node.dst_strides.llvm_value = view_copy_accessor.strides return self.visit(node.build_array_node) def visit_SliceSliceNode(self, node): "Handle slicing" start, stop, step = node.start, node.stop, node.step if start is not None: start = self.visit(node.start) if stop is not None: stop = self.visit(node.stop) if step is not None: step = self.visit(node.step) slice_func_def = sliceutils.SliceArray(self.context, start is not None, stop is not None, step is not None) slice_func = slice_func_def(self.llvm_module) slice_func.linkage = llvm.core.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR data = in_shape = node.view_accessor.shape in_strides = node.view_accessor.strides out_shape = node.view_copy_accessor.shape out_strides = node.view_copy_accessor.strides src_dim = llvm_types.constant_int(node.src_dim) dst_dim = llvm_types.constant_int(node.dst_dim) default = llvm_types.constant_int(0, C.npy_intp) args = [data, in_shape, in_strides, out_shape, out_strides, start or default, stop or default, step or default, src_dim, dst_dim] data_p =, args) = data_p return None def visit_SliceDimNode(self, node): "Handle indexing and newaxes in a slice operation" acc_copy = node.view_copy_accessor acc = node.view_accessor index_func = self.declare(sliceutils.IndexAxis) newaxis_func = self.declare(sliceutils.NewAxis) if node.type.is_int: value = self.visit(nodes.CoercionNode(node.subslice, npy_intp)) args = [, acc.shape, acc.strides, llvm_types.constant_int(node.src_dim, C.npy_intp), value] result =, args) = result else: args = [acc_copy.shape, acc_copy.strides, llvm_types.constant_int(node.dst_dim)], args) return None def visit_BroadcastNode(self, node): shape = self.alloca(node.shape_type) shape = self.builder.bitcast(shape, node.type.to_llvm(self.context)) # Initialize shape to ones default_extent =, 1) for i in range(node.array_type.ndim): dst = self.builder.gep(shape, [, i)]), dst) # Obtain broadcast function func_def = self.declare(sliceutils.Broadcast) # Broadcast all operands for op in node.operands: op_result = self.visit(op) acc = ndarray_helpers.PyArrayAccessor(self.builder, op_result) if op.type.is_array: args = [shape, acc.shape, acc.strides, llvm_types.constant_int(node.array_type.ndim), llvm_types.constant_int(op.type.ndim)] lresult =, args) node.broadcast_retvals[op].llvm_value = lresult # See if we had any errors broadcasting self.visitlist(node.check_errors) return shape #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Pointer Nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_DereferenceNode(self, node): result = self.visit(node.pointer) return self.load_tbaa(result, node.type.pointer()) def visit_PointerFromObject(self, node): result = self.visit(node.node) return self.builder.bitcast(result, node.type.to_llvm()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Constant Nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_ConstNode(self, node): type = node.type ltype = type.to_llvm(self.context) constant = node.pyval if constnodes.is_null_constant(constant): lvalue = llvm.core.Constant.null(ltype) elif type.is_float: lvalue = llvm.core.Constant.real(ltype, constant) elif type.is_int: if type.signed: lvalue = llvm.core.Constant.int_signextend(ltype, constant) else: lvalue =, constant) elif type.is_string: lvalue = self.env.constants_manager.get_string_constant(constant) type_char_p = lts.pointer(lts.char) lvalue = self.builder.bitcast(lvalue, type_char_p) elif type.is_bool: return self._bool_constants[constant] elif type.is_function: # lvalue = map_to_function(constant, type, self.mod) raise NotImplementedError elif type.is_object and not constnodes.is_null_constant(constant): raise NotImplementedError("Use ObjectInjectNode") else: raise NotImplementedError("Constant %s of type %s" % (constant, type)) return lvalue #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # General Purpose Nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_ExpressionNode(self, node): self.visitlist(node.stmts) return self.visit(node.expr) def visit_LLVMValueRefNode(self, node): assert node.llvm_value return node.llvm_value def visit_BadValue(self, node): ltype = node.type.to_llvm(self.context) node.llvm_value = llvm.core.Constant.undef(ltype) return node.llvm_value def visit_CloneNode(self, node): return node.llvm_value def visit_CloneableNode(self, node): llvm_value = self.visit(node.node) for clone_node in node.clone_nodes: clone_node.llvm_value = llvm_value return llvm_value #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # User nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_UserNode(self, node): return node.codegen(self) # # Util # def add_cast_flag_unsigned(flags, lty, rty): if lty.is_int: flags['unsigned'] = not lty.signed elif rty.is_int: flags['unsigned'] = not rty.signed ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = config # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import class Config(object): # Add color to printed source code colour = True # Terminal background colour ("light" or "dark") terminal_background = "dark" config = Config() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = orderedcontainer # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba as nb from numba import * from numba import nodes from numba import typesystem from numba.typesystem import get_type import numpy as np GROW = 2 def notimplemented(msg): raise NotImplementedError("'%s' method" % msg) def container_methods(item_type, notimplemented): # NOTE: numba will use the global 'notimplemented' function, not the # one passed in :( @item_type(Py_ssize_t) # TODO: slicing! def getitem(self, key): if not (0 <= key < self.size): # TODO: Implement raise ! # raise IndexError(key) [][key] # tee hee return self.buf[key] @void(Py_ssize_t, item_type) # TODO: slice assignment! def setitem(self, key, value): if not (0 <= key < self.size): # TODO: Implement raise ! # raise IndexError(key) [][key] self.buf[key] = value @void(item_type) def append(self, value): size = self.size if size >= self.buf.shape[0]: # NOTE: initial bufsize must be greater than zero self.buf.resize(int(size * GROW), refcheck=False) self.buf[size] = value self.size = size + 1 @void(object_) def extend(self, iterable): # TODO: something fast for common cases (e.g. typedlist, # np.ndarray, etc) for obj in iterable: self.append(obj) @Py_ssize_t(item_type) def index(self, value): # TODO: comparison of complex numbers (#121) buf = self.buf for i in range(self.size): if buf[i] == value: return i [].index(value) # raise ValueError @Py_ssize_t(item_type) def count(self, value): # TODO: comparison of complex numbers (#121) count = 0 buf = self.buf for i in range(self.size): # TODO: promotion of (bool_, int_) if buf[i] == value: count += 1 return count return locals() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Infer types for typed containers (typedlist, typedtuple) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def typedcontainer_infer(compile_typedcontainer, type_node, iterable_node): """ Type inferer for typed containers, register with numba.register_inferer(). :param compile_typedcontainer: item_type -> typed container extension class :param type_node: type parameter to typed container constructor :param iterable_node: value parameter to typed container constructor (optional) """ assert type_node is not None type = get_type(type_node) if type.is_cast: elem_type = type.dst_type # Pre-compile typed list implementation typedcontainer_ctor = compile_typedcontainer(elem_type) # Inject the typedlist directly to avoid runtime implementation lookup iterable_node = iterable_node or nodes.const(None, object_) result = nodes.call_pyfunc(typedcontainer_ctor, (iterable_node,)) return nodes.CoercionNode(result, typedcontainer_ctor.exttype) return object_ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = register from functools import partial from numba.containers import typedlist from numba.containers import typedtuple from numba.containers import orderedcontainer from numba.type_inference.module_type_inference import register_inferer #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register type function for typedlist construction #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def infer_tlist(type_node, iterable_node): return orderedcontainer.typedcontainer_infer( typedlist.compile_typedlist, type_node, iterable_node) register_inferer(typedlist, 'typedlist', infer_tlist, pass_in_types=False) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register type function for typedtuple construction #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def infer_ttuple(type_node, iterable_node): return orderedcontainer.typedcontainer_infer( typedtuple.compile_typedtuple, type_node, iterable_node) register_inferer(typedtuple, 'typedtuple', infer_ttuple, pass_in_types=False) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typed_list from numba import * import numba as nb from numba.testing.test_support import autojit_py3doc @autojit def index(type): """ >>> index(int_) ['[0, 1, 2]', '0', '1', '2'] >>> assert index(int_) == index.py_func(int_) >>> index(float_) ['[0.0, 1.0, 2.0]', '0.0', '1.0', '2.0'] >>> assert index(float_) == index.py_func(float_) >>> index(complex128) ['[0j, (1+0j), (2+0j)]', '0j', '(1+0j)', '(2+0j)'] >>> assert index(complex128) == index.py_func(complex128) """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type) tlist.append(0) tlist.append(1) tlist.append(2) return [str(tlist), str(tlist[0]), str(tlist[1]), str(tlist[2])] @autojit def index_error(type): """ >>> index_error(int_) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: list index out of range >>> index_error(float_) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: list index out of range """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type) tlist.append(0) tlist.append(1) tlist.append(2) return tlist[4] @autojit_py3doc def append(type): """ >>> append(int_) (0, 1, 2, 3) """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type) l1 = len(tlist) tlist.append(0) l2 = len(tlist) tlist.append(1) l3 = len(tlist) tlist.append(2) l4 = len(tlist) return l1, l2, l3, l4 @autojit_py3doc def append_many(type): """ >>> append_many(int_) 1000 """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type) for i in range(1000): tlist.append(i) return len(tlist) @autojit_py3doc def pop(type): """ >>> pop(int_) 2 1 0 (3, 2, 1, 0) """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type) for i in range(3): tlist.append(i) l1 = len(tlist) print((tlist.pop())) l2 = len(tlist) print((tlist.pop())) l3 = len(tlist) print((tlist.pop())) l4 = len(tlist) return l1, l2, l3, l4 @autojit_py3doc def pop_many(type): """ >>> pop_many(int_) (1000, 0) """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type) for i in range(1000): tlist.append(i) initial_length = len(tlist) for i in range(1000): tlist.pop() return initial_length, len(tlist) @autojit_py3doc def from_iterable(type, iterable): """ >>> from_iterable(int_, [1, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3] >>> from_iterable(int_, (1, 2, 3)) [1, 2, 3] >>> from_iterable(int_, (x for x in [1, 2, 3])) [1, 2, 3] >>> from_iterable(float_, [1, 2, 3]) [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] >>> from_iterable(float_, (1, 2, 3)) [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] >>> from_iterable(float_, (x for x in [1, 2, 3])) [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] >>> from_iterable(int_, [1, object(), 3]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: an integer is required >>> from_iterable(int_, object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'object' object is not iterable """ return nb.typedlist(type, iterable) @autojit_py3doc def test_insert(type): """ >>> test_insert(int_) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type, [1,3]) tlist.insert(0,0) tlist.insert(2,2) tlist.insert(4,4) tlist.insert(8,5) return tlist @autojit_py3doc def test_remove(type): """ >>> test_remove(int_) 4 3 2 [1, 3] """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type, range(5)) tlist.remove(0) print (len(tlist)) tlist.remove(2) print (len(tlist)) tlist.remove(4) print (len(tlist)) return tlist @autojit_py3doc def test_count(type, L): """ >>> test_count(int_, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2]) (0, 1, 2) """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type, L) return tlist.count(0), tlist.count(3), tlist.count(1) @autojit_py3doc def test_count_complex(type, L): """ >>> test_count_complex(complex128, [1+1j, 1+2j, 2+1j, 2+2j, 1+1j, 2+2j, 2+2j]) (1, 2, 3) """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type, L) return tlist.count(1+2j), tlist.count(1+1j), tlist.count(2+2j) @autojit_py3doc def test_index(type): """ >>> test_index(int_) (0, 2, 4) """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type, [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]) return tlist.index(5), tlist.index(3), tlist.index(1) @autojit def test_reverse(type, value): """ >>> test_reverse(int_, range(10)) [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] >>> test_reverse(int_, range(11)) [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] >>> test_reverse(float_, range(10)) [9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0] >>> test_reverse(float_, range(11)) [10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0] """ tlist = nb.typedlist(type, value) tlist.reverse() return tlist #@autojit #def test_sort(type, value): # """ # >>> test_sort(int_, range(5, 10) + range(5) + range(10, 15)) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] # """ # tlist = nb.typedlist(type, value) # tlist.sort() # return tlist def test(module): nb.testing.testmod(module) if __name__ == "__main__": import __main__ as module else: import test_typed_list as module test(module) __test__ = {} ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typed_tuple from numba import * import numba as nb @autojit def test_count(type): ttuple = nb.typedtuple(type, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2]) return ttuple.count(0), ttuple.count(3), ttuple.count(1) def test(module): assert test_count(int_) == (0, 1, 2) if __name__ == "__main__": import __main__ as module else: import test_typed_tuple as module test(module) __test__ = {} ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typedlist # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba as nb from numba import * from numba.containers import orderedcontainer import numpy as np INITIAL_BUFSIZE = 10 SHRINK = 1.5 GROW = 2 def notimplemented(msg): raise NotImplementedError("'%s' method of type 'typedlist'" % msg) _list_cache = {} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runtime Constructor #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def typedlist(item_type, iterable=None): """ >>> typedlist(int_) [] >>> tlist = typedlist(int_, range(10)) >>> tlist [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> tlist[5] 5L >>> typedlist(float_, range(10)) [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] """ typedlist_ctor = compile_typedlist(item_type) return typedlist_ctor(iterable) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Typedlist implementation #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def compile_typedlist(item_type, _list_cache=_list_cache): # item_type_t = typesystem.CastType(item_type) # dtype_t = typesystem.numpy_dtype(item_type) if item_type in _list_cache: return _list_cache[item_type] dtype = item_type.get_dtype() methods = orderedcontainer.container_methods(item_type, notimplemented) @nb.jit(warn=False) class typedlist(object): @void(object_) def __init__(self, iterable): self.size = 0 # TODO: Use length hint of iterable for initial buffer size self.buf = np.empty(INITIAL_BUFSIZE, dtype=dtype) # TODO: implement 'is'/'is not' if iterable != None: self.extend(iterable) # TODO: Jit __getitem__/__setitem__ of numba extension types __getitem__ = methods['getitem'] __setitem__ = methods['setitem'] append = methods['append'] extend = methods['extend'] index = methods['index'] count = methods['count'] @item_type() def pop(self): # TODO: Optional argument 'index' size = self.size - 1 if size<0: [].pop() item = self.buf[size] self.size = size if INITIAL_BUFSIZE < size < self.buf.shape[0] / 2: self.buf.resize(int(SHRINK * size), refcheck=False) return item @void(Py_ssize_t, item_type) def insert(self, index, value): size = self.size if size >= self.buf.shape[0]: self.buf.resize(int(size * GROW), refcheck=False) if index > size: self.append(value) else: current = self.buf[index] self.buf[index] = value for i in range(index+1, size+1): next = self.buf[i] self.buf[i] = current current = next self.size = size + 1 @void(item_type) def remove(self, value): size = self.size position = 0 found = False if INITIAL_BUFSIZE < size < self.buf.shape[0]/2: self.buf.resize(int(SHRINK * size), refcheck=False) while position < size and not found: if self.buf[position] == value: found = True else: position += 1 if found: for i in range(position, size): self.buf[i] = self.buf[i+1] self.size = size -1 # raise ValueError 'not in list' @void() def reverse(self): buf = self.buf size = self.size - 1 for i in range(self.size / 2): tmp = buf[i] buf[i] = buf[size - i] buf[size - i] = tmp @void() def sort(self): # TODO: optional arguments cmp, key, reverse self.buf[:self.size].sort() @Py_ssize_t() def __len__(self): return self.size @nb.c_string_type() def __repr__(self): buf = ", ".join([str(self.buf[i]) for i in range(self.size)]) return "[" + buf + "]" _list_cache[item_type] = typedlist return typedlist if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typedtuple # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from functools import partial import numba as nb from numba.containers import orderedcontainer import numpy as np INITIAL_BUFSIZE = 5 def notimplemented(msg): raise NotImplementedError("'%s' method of type 'typedtuple'" % msg) _tuple_cache = {} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runtime Constructor #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def typedtuple(item_type, iterable=None, _tuple_cache=_tuple_cache): """ >>> typedtuple(nb.int_) () >>> ttuple = typedtuple(nb.int_, range(10)) >>> ttuple (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) >>> ttuple[5] 5L >>> typedtuple(nb.float_, range(10)) (0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0) """ typedtuple_ctor = compile_typedtuple(item_type) return typedtuple_ctor(iterable) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Typedlist implementation #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def compile_typedtuple(item_type, _tuple_cache=_tuple_cache): if item_type in _tuple_cache: return _tuple_cache[item_type] dtype = item_type.get_dtype() methods = orderedcontainer.container_methods(item_type, notimplemented) @nb.jit(warn=False) class typedtuple(object): @nb.void(nb.object_) def __init__(self, iterable): self.size = 0 # TODO: Use length hint of iterable for initial buffer size self.buf = np.empty(INITIAL_BUFSIZE, dtype=dtype) if iterable != None: self.__extend(iterable) __getitem__ = methods['getitem'] __append = methods['append'] index = methods['index'] count = methods['count'] @nb.void(nb.object_) def __extend(self, iterable): for obj in iterable: self.__append(obj) @nb.Py_ssize_t() def __len__(self): return self.size @nb.c_string_type() def __repr__(self): buf = ", ".join([str(self.buf[i]) for i in range(self.size)]) return "(" + buf + ")" _tuple_cache[item_type] = typedtuple return typedtuple if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = block # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cfstats # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import nodes from numba.reporting import getpos class StatementDescr(object): is_assignment = False class LoopDescr(object): def __init__(self, next_block, loop_block): self.next_block = next_block self.loop_block = loop_block self.exceptions = [] class ExceptionDescr(object): """Exception handling helper. entry_point ControlBlock Exception handling entry point finally_enter ControlBlock Normal finally clause entry point finally_exit ControlBlock Normal finally clause exit point """ def __init__(self, entry_point, finally_enter=None, finally_exit=None): self.entry_point = entry_point self.finally_enter = finally_enter self.finally_exit = finally_exit class NameAssignment(object): is_assignment = True def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, entry, assignment_node, warn_unused=True): if not hasattr(lhs, 'cf_state'): lhs.cf_state = set() if not hasattr(lhs, 'cf_is_null'): lhs.cf_is_null = False self.lhs = lhs self.rhs = rhs self.assignment_node = assignment_node self.entry = entry self.pos = getpos(lhs) self.refs = set() self.is_arg = False self.is_deletion = False # NOTE: this is imperfect, since it means warnings are disabled for # *all* definitions in the function... self.entry.warn_unused = warn_unused def __repr__(self): return '%s(entry=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.entry) def infer_type(self, scope): return self.rhs.infer_type(scope) def type_dependencies(self, scope): return self.rhs.type_dependencies(scope) class AttributeAssignment(object): """ Assignment to some attribute. We need to detect assignments in the constructor of extension types. """ def __init__(self, assmnt): self.assignment_node = assmnt self.lhs = assmnt.targets[0] self.rhs = assmnt.value class Argument(NameAssignment): def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, entry): NameAssignment.__init__(self, lhs, rhs, entry) self.is_arg = True class PhiNode(nodes.Node): def __init__(self, block, variable): self.block = block # Unrenamed variable. This will be replaced by the renamed version self.variable = variable self.type = None # self.incoming_blocks = [] # Set of incoming variables self.incoming = set() self.phis = set() self.assignment_node = self @property def entry(self): return self.variable def add_incoming_block(self, block): self.incoming_blocks.append(block) def add(self, block, assmnt): if assmnt is not self: self.phis.add((block, assmnt)) def __repr__(self): lhs = if self.variable.renamed_name: lhs = self.variable.unmangled_name incoming = ", ".join("var(%s, %s)" % (var_in.unmangled_name, var_in.type) for var_in in self.incoming) if self.variable.type: type = str(self.variable.type) else: type = "" return "%s %s = phi(%s)" % (type, lhs, incoming) def find_incoming(self): for parent_block in self.block.parents: name = incoming_var = parent_block.symtab.lookup_most_recent(name) yield parent_block, incoming_var class NameDeletion(NameAssignment): def __init__(self, lhs, entry): NameAssignment.__init__(self, lhs, lhs, entry) self.is_deletion = True class Uninitialized(object): pass class NameReference(object): def __init__(self, node, entry): if not hasattr(node, 'cf_state'): node.cf_state = set() self.node = node self.entry = entry self.pos = getpos(node) def __repr__(self): return '%s(entry=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.entry) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = control_flow # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Control flow for the AST backend. Adapted from Cython/Compiler/ """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import re import ast import copy from functools import reduce from numba import error, visitors, symtab, nodes, reporting from numba import * from numba.control_flow import graphviz, reaching from numba.control_flow.cfstats import * from numba.control_flow.debug import * class ControlBlock(nodes.LowLevelBasicBlockNode): """ Control flow graph node. Sequence of assignments and name references. This is simultaneously an AST node. children set of children nodes parents set of parent nodes positions set of position markers stats list of block statements gen dict of assignments generated by this block bound set of entries that are definitely bounded in this block Example: a = 1 b = a + c # 'c' is already bounded or exception here stats = [Assignment(a), NameReference(a), NameReference(c), Assignment(b)] gen = {Entry(a): Assignment(a), Entry(b): Assignment(b)} bound = set([Entry(a), Entry(c)]) """ _fields = ['phi_nodes', 'body'] def __init__(self, id, label='empty', have_code=True, is_expr=False, is_exit=False, pos=None, is_fabricated=False): if pos: label = "%s_%s" % (label, error.format_pos(pos).rstrip(": ")) super(ControlBlock, self).__init__(body=[], label=label) = id self.children = set() self.parents = set() self.positions = set() self.stats = [] self.gen = {} self.bound = set() # Same as i_input/i_output but for reaching defs with sets self.input = set() self.output = set() self.i_input = 0 self.i_output = 0 self.i_gen = 0 self.i_kill = 0 self.i_state = 0 self.is_expr = is_expr self.is_exit = is_exit self.have_code = have_code # TODO: Make these bits # Set of blocks that dominate this block self.dominators = set() # Set of blocks where our dominance stops self.dominance_frontier = set() # SSA ฮฆ locations. Maps Variables to a list of (basic_block, definition) # There can be only one reaching definition, since each variable is # assigned only once self.phis = {} self.phi_nodes = [] # Promotions at the end of the block to have a consistent promoted # ฮฆ type at one of our children. self.promotions = {} # (renamed_var_name, dst_type) -> promotion_node # LLVM entry and exit blocks. The entry block is the block before the # body is evaluated, the exit block the block after the body is # evaluated. self.exit_block = None self.phi_block = None self.exit_block = None self.promotions = set() self.symtab = None self.is_fabricated = is_fabricated # If set to True, branch from the previous basic block to this basic # block self.branch_here = False def empty(self): return (not self.stats and not self.positions and not self.phis) def detach(self): """Detach block from parents and children.""" for child in self.children: child.parents.remove(self) for parent in self.parents: parent.children.remove(self) self.parents.clear() self.children.clear() def add_child(self, block): self.children.add(block) block.parents.add(self) def reparent(self, new_block): """ Re-parent all children to the new block """ for child in self.children: child.parents.remove(self) new_block.add_child(child) def delete(self, flow): """ Delete a block from the cfg. """ for parent in self.parents: parent.children.remove(self) for child in self.children: child.parents.remove(self) flow.blocks.remove(self) def __repr__(self): return 'Block(%d)' % def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in ('variable', 'type', 'ctx'): return getattr(self.body[0], attr) raise AttributeError def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr in ('variable', 'type'): setattr(self.body[0], attr, value) else: super(ControlBlock, self).__setattr__(attr, value) class ExitBlock(ControlBlock): """Non-empty exit point block.""" def empty(self): return False class AssignmentList: def __init__(self): self.stats = [] class ControlFlow(object): """ Control-flow graph. entry_point ControlBlock entry point for this graph exit_point ControlBlock normal exit point block ControlBlock current block blocks set children nodes entries set tracked entries loops list stack for loop descriptors exceptions list stack for exception descriptors """ def __init__(self, env, source_descr): self.env = env self.source_descr = source_descr self.blocks = [] self.entries = set() self.loops = [] self.exceptions = [] self.entry_point = ControlBlock(-1, label='entry') self.exit_point = ExitBlock(0, label='exit') self.block = self.entry_point def newblock(self, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Create floating block linked to `parent` if given. Does NOT set the current block to the new block. """ block = ControlBlock(len(self.blocks), **kwargs) self.blocks.append(block) if parent: parent.add_child(block) return block def nextblock(self, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Create child block linked to current or `parent` if given. Sets the current block to the new block. """ block = self.newblock(parent, **kwargs) if not parent and self.block: self.block.add_child(block) self.block = block return block def exit_block(self, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Create a floating exit block. This can later be added to self.blocks. This is useful to ensure topological order. """ block = self.newblock(parent, have_code=False, is_exit=True, **kwargs) self.blocks.pop() return block def add_exit(self, exit_block): "Add an exit block after visiting the body" = len(self.blocks) self.blocks.append(exit_block) def is_listcomp_var(self, name): return re.match(r"_\[\d+\]", name) def is_tracked(self, entry): return (# entry.renameable and not not in self.env.translation.crnt.locals and not self.is_listcomp_var( def mark_position(self, node): """Mark position, will be used to draw graph nodes.""" if self.block: src_descr = self.source_descr pos = (src_descr,) + getpos(node) self.block.positions.add(pos) def mark_assignment(self, lhs, rhs, entry, assignment, warn_unused=True): if self.block: if not self.is_tracked(entry): return assignment = NameAssignment(lhs, rhs, entry, assignment, warn_unused=warn_unused) self.block.stats.append(assignment) self.block.gen[entry] = assignment self.entries.add(entry) return assignment def mark_argument(self, lhs, rhs, entry): if self.block and self.is_tracked(entry): assignment = Argument(lhs, rhs, entry) self.block.stats.append(assignment) self.block.gen[entry] = assignment self.entries.add(entry) def mark_deletion(self, node, entry): if self.block and self.is_tracked(entry): assignment = NameDeletion(node, entry) self.block.stats.append(assignment) self.block.gen[entry] = Uninitialized self.entries.add(entry) def mark_reference(self, node, entry): if self.block and self.is_tracked(entry): self.block.stats.append(NameReference(node, entry)) # Local variable is definitely bound after this reference if not reaching.allow_null(node): self.block.bound.add(entry) self.entries.add(entry) def normalize(self): """Delete unreachable and orphan blocks.""" blocks = set(self.blocks) queue = set([self.entry_point]) visited = set() while queue: root = queue.pop() visited.add(root) for child in root.children: if child not in visited: queue.add(child) unreachable = blocks - visited for block in unreachable: block.detach() visited.remove(self.entry_point) for block in visited: if block.empty(): for parent in block.parents: # Re-parent for child in block.children: parent.add_child(child) block.detach() unreachable.add(block) blocks -= unreachable self.blocks = [block for block in self.blocks if block in blocks] def initialize(self): """Set initial state, map assignments to bits.""" self.assmts = {} offset = 0 for entry in self.entries: assmts = AssignmentList() assmts.bit = 1 << offset assmts.mask = assmts.bit self.assmts[entry] = assmts offset += 1 for block in self.blocks: block.stats = block.phis.values() + block.stats for stat in block.stats: if isinstance(stat, (PhiNode, NameAssignment)): stat.bit = 1 << offset assmts = self.assmts[stat.entry] assmts.stats.append(stat) assmts.mask |= stat.bit offset += 1 for block in self.blocks: for entry, stat in block.gen.items(): assmts = self.assmts[entry] if stat is Uninitialized: block.i_gen |= assmts.bit else: block.i_gen |= stat.bit block.i_kill |= assmts.mask block.i_output = block.i_gen for entry in block.bound: block.i_kill |= self.assmts[entry].bit for assmts in self.assmts.itervalues(): self.entry_point.i_gen |= assmts.bit self.entry_point.i_output = self.entry_point.i_gen def map_one(self, istate, entry): "Map the bitstate of a variable to the definitions it represents" ret = set() assmts = self.assmts[entry] if istate & assmts.bit: ret.add(Uninitialized) for assmt in assmts.stats: if istate & assmt.bit: ret.add(assmt) return ret def reaching_definitions(self): """Per-block reaching definitions analysis.""" dirty = True while dirty: dirty = False for block in self.blocks: i_input = 0 for parent in block.parents: i_input |= parent.i_output i_output = (i_input & ~block.i_kill) | block.i_gen if i_output != block.i_output: dirty = True block.i_input = i_input block.i_output = i_output def initialize_sets(self): """ Set initial state, run after SSA. There is only ever one live definition of a variable in a block, so we can simply track input and output definitions as the Variable/Entry they came as. """ for block in self.blocks: # Insert phi nodes from SSA stage into the assignments of the block for phi in block.phis: block.gen.setdefault(phi, []).insert(0, phi) # Update the kill set with the variables that are assigned to in # the block block.kill = set(block.gen) block.output = set(block.gen) #for entry in block.bound: # block.i_kill |= self.assmts[entry].bit for assmts in self.assmts.itervalues(): self.entry_point.i_gen |= assmts.bit self.entry_point.i_output = self.entry_point.i_gen def compute_dominators(self): """ Compute the dominators for the CFG, i.e. for each basic block the set of basic blocks that dominate that block. This mean from the entry block to that block must go through the blocks in the dominator set. dominators(x) = {x} โˆช (โˆฉ dominators(y) for y โˆˆ preds(x)) """ blocks = set(self.blocks) for block in self.blocks: block.dominators = blocks changed = True while changed: changed = False for block in self.blocks: parent_dominators = [parent.dominators for parent in block.parents] new_doms = set.intersection(block.dominators, *parent_dominators) new_doms.add(block) if new_doms != block.dominators: block.dominators = new_doms changed = True def immediate_dominator(self, x): """ The dominator of x that is dominated by all other dominators of x. This is the block that has the largest dominator set. """ candidates = x.dominators - set([x]) if not candidates: return None result = max(candidates, key=lambda b: len(b.dominators)) ndoms = len(result.dominators) assert len([b for b in candidates if len(b.dominators) == ndoms]) == 1 return result def compute_dominance_frontier(self): """ Compute the dominance frontier for all blocks. This indicates for each block where dominance stops in the CFG. We use this as the place to insert ฮฆ functions, since at the dominance frontier there are multiple control flow paths to the block, which means multiple variable definitions can reach there. """ if debug: print("Dominator sets:") for block in self.blocks: print((, sorted(block.dominators, key=lambda b: blocks = [] for block in self.blocks: if block.parents: block.idom = self.immediate_dominator(block) block.visited = False blocks.append(block) self.blocks = blocks def visit(block, result): block.visited = True for child in block.children: if not child.visited: visit(child, result) result.append(block) #postorder = [] #visit(self.blocks[0], postorder) postorder = self.blocks[::-1] # Compute dominance frontier for x in postorder: for y in x.children: if y.idom is not x: # We are not an immediate dominator of our successor, add # to frontier x.dominance_frontier.add(y) for z in self.blocks: if z.idom is x: for y in z.dominance_frontier: if y.idom is not x: x.dominance_frontier.add(y) def update_for_ssa(self, ast, symbol_table): """ 1) Compute phi nodes for each variable v 1) insert empty phi nodes in dominance frontier of each block that defines v 2) this phi defines a new assignment in each block in which it is inserted, so propagate (recursively) 2) Reaching definitions Set block-local symbol table for each block. This is a rudimentary form of reaching definitions, but we can do it in a single pass because all assignments are known (since we inserted the phi functions, which also count as assignments). This means the output set is known up front for each block and never changes. After setting all output sets, we can compute the input sets in a single pass: 1) compute output sets for each block 2) compute input sets for each block 3) Update phis with incoming variables. The incoming variables are last assignments of the predecessor blocks in the CFG. """ # Print dominance frontier if debug: print("Dominance frontier:") for block in self.blocks: print(('DF(%d) = %s' % (, block.dominance_frontier))) argnames = [ for name in ast.args.args] # ### 1) Insert phi nodes in the right places # for name, variable in symbol_table.iteritems(): if not variable.renameable: continue defining = [] for b in self.blocks: if variable in b.gen: defining.append(b) for defining_block in defining: for f in defining_block.dominance_frontier: phi = f.phis.get(variable, None) if phi is None: phi = PhiNode(f, variable) f.phis[variable] = phi defining.append(f) # ### 2) Reaching definitions and variable renaming # # Set originating block for each variable (as if each variable were # initialized at the start of the function) and start renaming of # variables symbol_table.counters = dict.fromkeys(symbol_table, -1) # var_name -> counter self.blocks[0].symtab = symbol_table for var_name, var in symbol_table.items(): if var.renameable: new_var = symbol_table.rename(var, self.blocks[0]) new_var.uninitialized = not in argnames self.rename_assignments(self.blocks[0]) for block in self.blocks[1:]: block.symtab = symtab.Symtab(parent=block.idom.symtab) for var, phi_node in block.phis.iteritems(): phi_node.variable = block.symtab.rename(var, block) phi_node.variable.name_assignment = phi_node phi_node.variable.is_phi = True self.rename_assignments(block) # ### 3) Update the phis with all incoming entries # for block in self.blocks: # Insert phis in AST block.phi_nodes = block.phis.values() for variable, phi in block.phis.iteritems(): for parent in block.parents: incoming_var = parent.symtab.lookup_most_recent( phi.incoming.add(incoming_var) phi.variable.uninitialized |= incoming_var.uninitialized # Update def-use chain incoming_var.cf_references.append(phi) def rename_assignments(self, block): lastvars = dict(block.symtab) for stat in block.stats: if (isinstance(stat, NameAssignment) and stat.assignment_node and stat.entry.renameable): # print "setting", stat.lhs, hex(id(stat.lhs)) stat.lhs.variable = block.symtab.rename(stat.entry, block) stat.lhs.variable.name_assignment = stat elif isinstance(stat, NameReference) and stat.entry.renameable: current_var = block.symtab.lookup_most_recent( stat.node.variable = current_var current_var.cf_references.append(stat.node) class FuncDefExprNode(nodes.Node): """ Wraps an inner function node until the closure code kicks in. """ _fields = ['func_def'] class ControlFlowAnalysis(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Control flow analysis pass that builds the CFG and injects the blocks into the AST (but not all blocks are injected). The CFG must be build in topological DFS order, e.g. the 'if' condition block must precede the clauses and the clauses must precede the exit. """ graphviz = False gv_ctx = None source_descr = None function_level = 0 def __init__(self, context, func, ast, allow_rebind_args, env, **kwargs): super(ControlFlowAnalysis, self).__init__(context, func, ast, env=env, **kwargs) self.visitchildren = self.generic_visit self.current_directives = kwargs.get('directives', None) or {} self.current_directives['warn'] = kwargs.get('warn', True) self.set_default_directives() self.symtab = self.initialize_symtab(allow_rebind_args) self.graphviz = self.current_directives['control_flow.dot_output'] if self.graphviz: self.gv_ctx = graphviz.GVContext() self.source_descr = reporting.SourceDescr(func, ast) # Stack of control flow blocks self.stack = [] flow = ControlFlow(self.env, self.source_descr) self.env.translation.crnt.flow = flow self.flow = flow # TODO: Use the message collection from the environment # messages = reporting.MessageCollection() messages = env.crnt.error_env.collection self.warner = reaching.CFWarner(messages, self.current_directives) if env: if hasattr(env, 'translation'): env.translation.crnt.cfg_transform = self def set_default_directives(self): "Set some defaults for warnings" warn = self.current_directives['warn'] self.current_directives.setdefault('warn.maybe_uninitialized', warn) self.current_directives.setdefault('warn.unused_result', False) self.current_directives.setdefault('warn.unused', warn) self.current_directives.setdefault('warn.unused_arg', warn) self.current_directives.setdefault('control_flow.dot_output', dot_output_graph) self.current_directives.setdefault('control_flow.dot_annotate_defs', False) def initialize_symtab(self, allow_rebind_args): """ Populate the symbol table with variables and set their renaming status. Variables appearing in locals, or arguments typed through the 'jit' decorator are not renameable. """ symbols = symtab.Symtab(self.symtab) for var_name in self.local_names: variable = symtab.Variable(None, name=var_name, is_local=True) # Set cellvar status. Free variables are not assignments, and # are caught in the type inferencer variable.is_cellvar = var_name in self.cellvars # variable.is_freevar = var_name in self.freevars variable.renameable = ( var_name not in self.locals and not (variable.is_cellvar or variable.is_freevar) and (var_name not in self.argnames or allow_rebind_args)) symbols[var_name] = variable return symbols def visit(self, node): if hasattr(node, 'lineno'): self.mark_position(node) if not self.flow.block: # Unreachable code # NOTE: removing this here means there is no validation of the # unreachable code! self.warner.warn_unreachable(node) return None return super(ControlFlowAnalysis, self).visit(node) def handle_inner_function(self, node): "Create assignment code for inner functions and mark the assignment" lhs = ast.Name(, ast.Store()) ast.copy_location(lhs, node) rhs = FuncDefExprNode(func_def=node) ast.copy_location(rhs, node) fields = rhs._fields rhs._fields = [] assmnt = ast.Assign(targets=[lhs], value=rhs) result = self.visit(assmnt) rhs._fields = fields return result def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): #for arg in node.args: # if arg.default: # self.visitchildren(arg) if self.function_level: return self.handle_inner_function(node) self.function_level += 1 self.visitlist(node.decorator_list) self.stack.append(self.flow) # Collect all entries for var_name, var in self.symtab.iteritems(): if var_name not in self.locals: self.flow.entries.add(var) self.flow.nextblock(label='entry') self.mark_position(node) # Function body block node.body_block = self.flow.nextblock() for arg in node.args.args: if hasattr(arg, 'id') and hasattr(arg, 'ctx'): self.visit_Name(arg) else: self.visit_arg(arg, node.lineno, 0) self.visitlist(node.body) self.function_level -= 1 # Exit point self.flow.add_exit(self.flow.exit_point) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exit_point) # Cleanup graph # self.flow.normalize() reaching.check_definitions(self.env, self.flow, self.warner) # self.render_gv(node) self.flow.compute_dominators() self.flow.compute_dominance_frontier() self.flow.update_for_ssa(self.ast, self.symtab) return node def render_gv(self, node): graphviz.render_gv(node, self.gv_ctx, self.flow, self.current_directives) def mark_assignment(self, lhs, rhs=None, assignment=None, warn_unused=True): assert self.flow.block if self.flow.exceptions: exc_descr = self.flow.exceptions[-1] self.flow.block.add_child(exc_descr.entry_point) self.flow.nextblock() if not rhs: rhs = None lhs = self.visit(lhs) name_assignment = None if isinstance(lhs, ast.Name): name_assignment = self.flow.mark_assignment( lhs, rhs, self.symtab[], assignment, warn_unused=warn_unused) # TODO: Generate fake RHS for for iteration target variable elif (isinstance(lhs, (ast.Attribute, nodes.TempStoreNode)) and self.flow.block and assignment is not None): self.flow.block.stats.append(AttributeAssignment(assignment)) if self.flow.exceptions: exc_descr = self.flow.exceptions[-1] self.flow.block.add_child(exc_descr.entry_point) self.flow.nextblock() return lhs, name_assignment def mark_position(self, node): """Mark position if DOT output is enabled.""" if self.current_directives['control_flow.dot_output']: self.flow.mark_position(node) def visit_Assign(self, node): node.value = self.visit(node.value) if len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], (ast.Tuple, ast.List)): node.targets = node.targets[0].elts for i, target in enumerate(node.targets): # target = self.visit(target) maybe_unused_node = isinstance(target, nodes.MaybeUnusedNode) if maybe_unused_node: target = target.name_node lhs, name_assignment = self.mark_assignment(target, node.value, assignment=node, warn_unused=not maybe_unused_node) node.targets[i] = lhs # print "mark assignment", self.flow.block, lhs return node def visit_AugAssign(self, node): """ Inplace assignment. Resolve a += b to a = a + b. Set 'inplace_op' attribute of the Assign node so later stages may recognize inplace assignment. Do this now, so that we can correctly mark the RHS reference. """ target = rhs_target = copy.deepcopy(target) rhs_target.ctx = ast.Load() ast.fix_missing_locations(rhs_target) bin_op = ast.BinOp(rhs_target, node.op, node.value) assignment = ast.Assign([target], bin_op) assignment.inplace_op = node.op return self.visit(assignment) def visit_arg(self, old_node, lineno, col_offset): node = nodes.Name(old_node.arg, ast.Param()) node.lineno = lineno node.col_offset = col_offset return self._visit_Name(node) def visit_Name(self, old_node): node = nodes.Name(, old_node.ctx) ast.copy_location(node, old_node) return self._visit_Name(node) def _visit_Name(self, node): # Set some defaults node.cf_maybe_null = True node.cf_is_null = False node.allow_null = False = if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Param): var = self.symtab[] var.is_arg = True self.flow.mark_assignment(node, None, var, assignment=None) elif isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): var = self.symtab.lookup( if var: # Local variable self.flow.mark_reference(node, var) # Set position of assignment of this definition if isinstance(node.ctx, (ast.Param, ast.Store)): var = self.symtab[] if var.lineno == -1: var.lineno = getattr(node, "lineno", 0) var.col_offset = getattr(node, "col_offset", 0) return node def visit_MaybeUnusedNode(self, node): self.symtab[].warn_unused = False return self.visit(node.name_node) def visit_Suite(self, node): if self.flow.block: for i, stat in enumerate(node.body): node.body[i] = self.visit(stat) if not self.flow.block: stat.is_terminator = True break return node def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): for name, target in node.names: if name != "*": self.mark_assignment(target, assignment=node) self.visitchildren(node) return node def exit_block(self, exit_block, node): node.exit_block = exit_block self.flow.add_exit(exit_block) if exit_block.parents: self.flow.block = exit_block else: self.flow.block = None return node def visit_If(self, node): exit_block = self.flow.exit_block(label='exit_if', pos=node) # Condition cond_block = self.flow.nextblock(self.flow.block, label='if_cond', is_expr=True, pos=node.test) node.test = self.visit(node.test) # Body if_block = self.flow.nextblock(label='if_body', pos=node.body[0]) self.visitlist(node.body) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(exit_block) # Else clause if node.orelse: else_block = self.flow.nextblock(cond_block, label='else_body', pos=node.orelse[0]) self.visitlist(node.orelse) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(exit_block) else: cond_block.add_child(exit_block) else_block = None new_node = nodes.build_if(cond_block=cond_block, test=node.test, if_block=if_block, body=node.body, else_block=else_block, orelse=node.orelse, exit_block=exit_block) ast.copy_location(new_node, node) return self.exit_block(exit_block, new_node) def _visit_loop_body(self, node, if_block=None, is_for=None): """ Visit body of while and for loops and handle 'else' clause """ loop_name = "for" if is_for else "while" if if_block: node.if_block = if_block else: node.if_block = self.flow.nextblock(label="%s_body" % loop_name, pos=node.body[0]) self.visitlist(node.body) self.flow.loops.pop() if self.flow.block: # Add back-edge self.flow.block.add_child(node.cond_block) # Else clause if node.orelse: node.else_block = self.flow.nextblock( parent=node.cond_block, label="else_clause_%s" % loop_name, pos=node.orelse[0]) self.visitlist(node.orelse) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(node.exit_block) else: node.cond_block.add_child(node.exit_block) self.exit_block(node.exit_block, node) def visit_While(self, node): node.cond_block = self.flow.nextblock(label='while_condition', pos=node.test) node.exit_block = self.flow.exit_block(label='exit_while', pos=node) # Condition block self.flow.loops.append(LoopDescr(node.exit_block, node.cond_block)) node.test = self.visit(node.test) self._visit_loop_body(node) return ast.copy_location(nodes.build_while(**vars(node)), node) def visit_For(self, node): # Evaluate iterator in previous block node.iter = self.visit(node.iter) # Start condition block node.cond_block = self.flow.nextblock(label='for_condition', pos=node.iter) node.exit_block = self.flow.exit_block(label='exit_for', pos=node) self.flow.loops.append(LoopDescr(node.exit_block, node.cond_block)) # Target assignment if_block = self.flow.nextblock(label='loop_body', pos=node.body[0]) #node.target_block = self.flow.nextblock(label='for_target', #, name_assignment = self.mark_assignment(, assignment=None, warn_unused=False) self._visit_loop_body(node, if_block=if_block, is_for=True) node = ast.copy_location(nodes.For(**vars(node)), node) if name_assignment: name_assignment.assignment_node = node return node def visit_ListComp(self, node): """ Rewrite list comprehensions to the equivalent for loops. AST syntax: ListComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) comprehension = (expr target, expr iter, expr* ifs) 'ifs' represent a chain of ANDs """ assert len(node.generators) > 0 # Create innermost body, i.e. list.append(expr) # TODO: size hint for PyList_New list_create = ast.List(elts=[], ctx=ast.Load()) list_create.type = object_ # typesystem.list_() list_create = nodes.CloneableNode(list_create) list_value = nodes.CloneNode(list_create) list_append = ast.Attribute(list_value, "append", ast.Load()) append_call = ast.Call(func=list_append, args=[node.elt], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) # Build up the loops from inwards to outwards body = append_call for comprehension in reversed(node.generators): # Hanlde the 'if' clause ifs = comprehension.ifs if len(ifs) > 1: make_boolop = lambda op1_op2: ast.BoolOp(op=ast.And(), values=op1_op2) if_test = reduce(make_boolop, ifs) elif len(ifs) == 1: if_test, = ifs else: if_test = None if if_test is not None: body = ast.If(test=if_test, body=[body], orelse=[]) # Wrap list.append() call or inner loops body = ast.For(, iter=comprehension.iter, body=[body], orelse=[]) expr = nodes.ExpressionNode(stmts=[list_create, body], expr=list_value) return self.visit(expr) def visit_GeneratorExp(self, node): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Generator comprehensions are not yet supported") def visit_SetComp(self, node): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Set comprehensions are not yet supported") def visit_DictComp(self, node): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Dict comprehensions are not yet supported") def visit_With(self, node): node.context_expr = self.visit(node.context_expr) if node.optional_vars: # TODO: Mark these as assignments! # Note: This is current caught in ! node.optional_vars = self.visit(node.optional_vars) self.visitlist(node.body) return node def visit_Raise(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) if self.flow.exceptions: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exceptions[-1].entry_point) # self.flow.block = None return node def visit_Return(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) for exception in self.flow.exceptions[::-1]: if exception.finally_enter: self.flow.block.add_child(exception.finally_enter) if exception.finally_exit: exception.finally_exit.add_child(self.flow.exit_point) break else: if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exit_point) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_Break(self, node): if not self.flow.loops: #error(node.pos, "break statement not inside loop") return node loop = self.flow.loops[-1] for exception in loop.exceptions[::-1]: if exception.finally_enter: self.flow.block.add_child(exception.finally_enter) if exception.finally_exit: exception.finally_exit.add_child(loop.next_block) break else: self.flow.block.add_child(loop.next_block) #self.flow.nextblock(parent=loop.next_block) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_Continue(self, node): if not self.flow.loops: #error(node.pos, "continue statement not inside loop") return node loop = self.flow.loops[-1] for exception in loop.exceptions[::-1]: if exception.finally_enter: self.flow.block.add_child(exception.finally_enter) if exception.finally_exit: exception.finally_exit.add_child(loop.loop_block) break else: self.flow.block.add_child(loop.loop_block) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_Print(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) return node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = debug # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import logging debug = False #debug = True logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) debug_cfg = False #debug_cfg = True if debug_cfg: dot_output_graph = os.path.expanduser("~/") else: dot_output_graph = False ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = delete_cfnode # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from numba import visitors class DeleteStatement(visitors.NumbaVisitor): """ Delete a (compound) statement that contains basic blocks. The statement must be at the start of the entry block. idom: the immediate dominator of """ def __init__(self, flow): self.flow = flow def visit_If(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) # Visit ControlBlocks self.visit(node.cond_block) self.visit(node.if_block) if node.orelse: self.visit(node.else_block) if node.exit_block: self.visit(node.exit_block) visit_While = visit_If def visit_For(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) # Visit ControlBlocks self.visit(node.cond_block) self.visit(node.if_block) if node.orelse: self.visit(node.else_block) if node.exit_block: self.visit(node.exit_block) def visit_ControlBlock(self, node): #print "deleting block", node for phi in node.phi_nodes: for incoming in phi.incoming: #print "deleting", incoming, phi incoming.cf_references.remove(phi) self.generic_visit(node) node.delete(self.flow) def visit_Name(self, node): references = node.variable.cf_references if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load) and node in references: references.remove(node) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = graphviz # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import subprocess from numba.control_flow.debug import * from numba.control_flow.cfstats import NameReference, NameAssignment class GVContext(object): """Graphviz subgraph object.""" def __init__(self): self.blockids = {} self.nextid = 0 self.children = [] self.sources = {} def add(self, child): self.children.append(child) def nodeid(self, block): if block not in self.blockids: self.blockids[block] = 'block%d' % self.nextid self.nextid += 1 return self.blockids[block] def extract_sources(self, block): if not block.positions: return '' start = min(block.positions) stop = max(block.positions) srcdescr = start[0] if not srcdescr in self.sources: self.sources[srcdescr] = list(srcdescr.get_lines()) lines = self.sources[srcdescr] src_descr, begin_line, begin_col = start src_descr, end_line, end_col = stop lines = lines[begin_line - 1:end_line] if not lines: return '' #lines[0] = lines[0][begin_col:] #lines[-1] = lines[-1][:end_col] return '\\n'.join([line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()]) def render(self, fp, name, annotate_defs=False): """Render graphviz dot graph""" fp.write('digraph %s {\n' % name) fp.write(' node [shape=box];\n') for child in self.children: child.render(fp, self, annotate_defs) fp.write('}\n') def escape(self, text): return text.replace('"', '\\"').replace('\n', '\\n') class GV(object): """ Graphviz DOT renderer. """ def __init__(self, name, flow): = name self.flow = flow def format_phis(self, block): result = "\\l".join(str(phi) for var, phi in block.phis.iteritems()) return result def render(self, fp, ctx, annotate_defs=False): fp.write(' subgraph %s {\n' % for block in self.flow.blocks: if block.have_code: code = ctx.extract_sources(block) if annotate_defs: for stat in block.stats: if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment): code += '\n %s [definition]' % elif isinstance(stat, NameReference): if stat.entry: code += '\n %s [reference]' % else: code = "" if block.have_code and block.label == 'empty': label = '' else: label = '%s: ' % block.label phis = self.format_phis(block) label = '%d\\l%s%s\\n%s' % (, label, phis, code) pid = ctx.nodeid(block) fp.write(' %s [label="%s"];\n' % (pid, ctx.escape(label))) for block in self.flow.blocks: pid = ctx.nodeid(block) for child in block.children: fp.write(' %s -> %s;\n' % (pid, ctx.nodeid(child))) fp.write(' }\n') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Graphviz Rendering #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_png_output_name(dot_output): prefix, ext = os.path.splitext(dot_output) i = 0 while True: png_output = "%s%d.png" % (prefix, i) if not os.path.exists(png_output): break i += 1 return png_output def write_dotfile(current_directives, dot_output, gv_ctx): annotate_defs = current_directives['control_flow.dot_annotate_defs'] fp = open(dot_output, 'wt') try: gv_ctx.render(fp, 'module', annotate_defs=annotate_defs) finally: fp.close() def write_image(dot_output): png_output = get_png_output_name(dot_output) fp = open(png_output, 'wb') try: p = subprocess.Popen(['dot', '-Tpng', dot_output], stdout=fp.fileno(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.wait() except EnvironmentError as e: logger.warn("Unable to write png: %s (did you install the " "'dot' program?). Wrote %s" % (e, dot_output)) else: logger.warn("Wrote %s" % png_output) finally: fp.close() def render_gv(node, gv_ctx, flow, current_directives): gv_ctx.add(GV(, flow)) dot_output = current_directives['control_flow.dot_output'] if dot_output: write_dotfile(current_directives, dot_output, gv_ctx) write_image(dot_output) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = reaching # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import traits from numba.control_flow.cfstats import ( NameReference, NameAssignment, Uninitialized) def allow_null(node): return False def check_definitions(env, flow, warner): flow.initialize() flow.reaching_definitions() # Track down state assignments = set() # Node to entry map references = {} assmt_nodes = set() for block in flow.blocks: i_state = block.i_input for stat in block.stats: if not isinstance(stat, (NameAssignment, NameReference)): continue i_assmts = flow.assmts[stat.entry] state = flow.map_one(i_state, stat.entry) if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment): stat.lhs.cf_state.update(state) assmt_nodes.add(stat.lhs) i_state = i_state & ~i_assmts.mask if stat.is_deletion: i_state |= i_assmts.bit else: i_state |= stat.bit assignments.add(stat) # if stat.rhs is not fake_rhs_expr: stat.entry.cf_assignments.append(stat) elif isinstance(stat, NameReference): references[stat.node] = stat.entry stat.entry.cf_references.append(stat) stat.node.cf_state.update(state) if not allow_null(stat.node): i_state &= ~i_assmts.bit state.discard(Uninitialized) for assmt in state: assmt.refs.add(stat) # assignment hints for node in assmt_nodes: maybe_null = Uninitialized in node.cf_state node.cf_maybe_null = maybe_null node.cf_is_null = maybe_null and len(node.cf_state) == 1 warner.check_uninitialized(references) warner.warn_unused_result(assignments) warner.warn_unused_entries(flow) if warner.have_errors: for node in assmt_nodes: node.cf_state = None #ControlFlowState(node.cf_state) for node in references: node.cf_state = None #ControlFlowState(node.cf_state) @traits.traits class CFWarner(object): "Generate control flow related warnings." have_errors = traits.Delegate('messages') def __init__(self, message_collection, directives): self.messages = message_collection self.directives = directives def check_uninitialized(self, references): "Find uninitialized references and cf-hints" warn_maybe_uninitialized = self.directives['warn.maybe_uninitialized'] for node, entry in references.iteritems(): if Uninitialized in node.cf_state: node.cf_maybe_null = True from_closure = False # entry.from_closure if not from_closure and len(node.cf_state) == 1: node.cf_is_null = True if allow_null(node) or from_closure: # or entry.is_pyclass_attr: pass # Can be uninitialized here elif node.cf_is_null: is_object = True #entry.type.is_pyobject is_unspecified = False #entry.type.is_unspecified error_on_uninitialized = False #entry.error_on_uninitialized if entry.renameable and (is_object or is_unspecified or error_on_uninitialized): self.messages.error( node, "local variable '%s' referenced before assignment" % else: self.messages.warning( node, "local variable '%s' referenced before assignment" % elif warn_maybe_uninitialized: self.messages.warning( node, "local variable '%s' might be referenced before assignment" % else: node.cf_is_null = False node.cf_maybe_null = False def warn_unused_entries(self, flow): """ Generate warnings for unused variables or arguments. This is issues when an argument or variable is unused entirely in the function. """ warn_unused = self.directives['warn.unused'] warn_unused_arg = self.directives['warn.unused_arg'] for entry in flow.entries: if (not entry.cf_references and not entry.is_cellvar and entry.renameable): # and not entry.is_pyclass_attr if entry.is_arg: if warn_unused_arg: self.messages.warning( entry, "Unused argument '%s'" % else: if (warn_unused and entry.warn_unused and not'_') and flow.is_tracked(entry)): if getattr(entry, 'lineno', 1) > 0: self.messages.warning( entry, "Unused variable '%s'" % entry.cf_used = False def warn_unused_result(self, assignments): """ Warn about unused variable definitions. This is issued for individual definitions, e.g. i = 0 # this definition generates a warning i = 1 print i """ warn_unused_result = self.directives['warn.unused_result'] for assmt in assignments: if not assmt.refs: if assmt.entry.cf_references and warn_unused_result: if assmt.is_arg: self.messages.warning( assmt, "Unused argument value '%s'" % else: self.messages.warning( assmt, "Unused result in '%s'" % assmt.lhs.cf_used = False def warn_unreachable(self, node): "Generate a warning for unreachable code" if hasattr(node, 'lineno'): self.messages.warning(node, "Unreachable code") ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ssa # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from itertools import chain from numba import nodes from .debug import logger #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Kill unused Phis #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def kill_unused_phis(cfg): changed = True while changed: changed = _kill_unused_phis(cfg) def kill_phi(block, phi): logger.debug("Killing phi: %s", phi) block.symtab.pop(phi.variable.renamed_name) for incoming_var in phi.incoming: # A single definition can reach a block multiple times, # remove all references refs = [ref for ref in incoming_var.cf_references if ref.variable is not phi.variable] incoming_var.cf_references = refs def kill_unused_phis(cfg): """ Used before running type inference. Kill phis which are not referenced. We need to do this bottom-up, i.e. in reverse topological dominator-tree order, since in SSA a definition always lexically precedes a reference. This is important, since it kills any unnecessary promotions (e.g. ones to object, which LLVM wouldn't be able to optimize out). TODO: Kill phi cycles, or do reachability analysis before inserting phis. """ changed = False for block in cfg.blocks[::-1]: phi_nodes = [] for i, phi in enumerate(block.phi_nodes): if phi.variable.cf_references: # Used phi #"Used phi %s, %s" % (phi, phi.variable.cf_references)) phi_nodes.append(phi) else: # Unused phi changed = True kill_phi(block, phi) block.phi_nodes = phi_nodes return changed #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Iterate over all phi nodes or variables #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def iter_phis(flow): "Iterate over all phi nodes" return chain(*[block.phi_nodes for block in flow.blocks]) def iter_phi_vars(flow): "Iterate over all phi nodes" for phi_node in iter_phis(flow): yield phi_node.variable #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specialization code for SSA #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def specialize_ssa(funcdef): """ Handle phi nodes: 1) Handle incoming variables which are not initialized. Set incoming_variable.uninitialized_value to a constant 'bad' value (e.g. 0xbad for integers, NaN for floats, NULL for objects) 2) Handle incoming variables which need promotions. An incoming variable needs a promotion if it has a different type than the the phi. The promotion happens in each ancestor block that defines the variable which reaches us. Promotions are set separately in the symbol table, since the ancestor may not be our immediate parent, we cannot introduce a rename and look up the latest version since there may be multiple different promotions. So during codegen, we first check whether incoming_type == phi_type, and otherwise we look up the promotion in the parent block or an ancestor. """ for phi_node in iter_phis(funcdef.flow): specialize_phi(phi_node) def specialize_phi(node): for parent_block, incoming_var in node.find_incoming(): if incoming_var.type.is_uninitialized: incoming_type = incoming_var.type.base_type or node.type bad = nodes.badval(incoming_type) incoming_var.type.base_type = incoming_type incoming_var.uninitialized_value = bad # print incoming_var elif not incoming_var.type == node.type: # Create promotions for variables with phi nodes in successor # blocks. incoming_symtab = incoming_var.block.symtab if (incoming_var, node.type) not in node.block.promotions: # Make sure we only coerce once for each destination type and # each variable incoming_var.block.promotions.add((incoming_var, node.type)) # Create promotion node name_node = nodes.Name(id=incoming_var.renamed_name, ctx=ast.Load()) name_node.variable = incoming_var name_node.type = incoming_var.type coercion = name_node.coerce(node.type) promotion = nodes.PromotionNode(node=coercion) # Add promotion node to block body incoming_var.block.body.append(promotion) promotion.variable.block = incoming_var.block # Update symtab incoming_symtab.promotions[, node.type] = promotion else: promotion = incoming_symtab.lookup_promotion(, node.type) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle phis during code generation #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def process_incoming(phi_node): """ Add all incoming phis to the phi instruction. Handle promotions by using the promoted value from the incoming block. E.g. bb0: if C: bb1: x = 2 else: bb2: x = 2.0 bb3: x = phi(x_bb1, x_bb2) has a promotion for 'x' in basic block 1 (from int to float). """ var = phi_node.variable phi = var.lvalue for parent_block, incoming_var in phi_node.find_incoming(): if incoming_var.type.is_uninitialized: pass elif not incoming_var.type == phi_node.type: promotion = parent_block.symtab.lookup_promotion(, phi_node.type) incoming_var = promotion.variable assert incoming_var.lvalue, incoming_var assert parent_block.exit_block, parent_block phi.add_incoming(incoming_var.lvalue, parent_block.exit_block) def handle_phis(flow): """ Update all our phi nodes after translation is done and all Variables have their llvm values set. """ if flow is None: return for phi_node in iter_phis(flow): process_incoming(phi_node) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ast_cfg import numba from numba import * if not numba.PY3: #@jit(void(int_)) # directives={'control_flow.dot_output': ''}) #@jit(void, [int_], backend='bytecode') @jit(void(int_)) def func(x): i = 0 #y = 12 h = 30 print(i) while i < 10: if x > i: print(x) y = 14 else: print(y) i = i + 1 print(y) print(i) print(y) #@jit(void()) def _for_loop_fn_0(): acc = 0. for value in range(10): acc += value return acc #@jit(void(int_, float_)) def func(a, b): if a: c = 2 else: c = double(4) if a: c = 4 #while a < 4: # for i in range(10): # b = 9 print(b) if __name__ == '__main__': pass ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cfg_type_infer import numpy as np from numba.testing.test_support import * from numba import typesystem from numba import pipeline, environment, functions, error def construct_infer_pipeline(): env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment() return env.get_pipeline('type_infer') def functype(restype=None, argtypes=()): return typesystem.function(return_type=restype, args=list(argtypes)) def lookup(block, var_name): var = None try: var = block.symtab.lookup_most_recent(var_name) except (AssertionError, KeyError): if block.idom: var = lookup(block.idom, var_name) return var def types(symtab, *varnames): return tuple(symtab[varname].type for varname in varnames) def infer(func, signature=functype(), warn=True, **kwargs): func_ast = functions._get_ast(func) env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment(kwargs.get('env', None)) infer_pipe = env.get_or_add_pipeline('infer', construct_infer_pipeline) kwargs.update(warn=warn, pipeline_name='infer') pipe, (signature, symtab, func_ast) = pipeline.run_pipeline2( env, func, func_ast, signature, **kwargs) last_block = func_ast.flow.blocks[-2] symbols = {} #for block in ast.flow.blocks: print block.symtab for var_name, var in symtab.iteritems(): if not var.parent_var and not var.is_constant: var = lookup(last_block, var_name) if var: symbols[var_name] = var return signature, symbols class Value(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __repr__(self): return "Value(%s)" % self.value def __int__(self): return self.value values = [Value(i) for i in range(10)] @autojit def test_reassign(obj): """ >>> test_reassign(object()) 'hello' >>> sig, syms = infer(test_reassign.py_func, functype(None, [object_])) >>> sig string (*)(object) >>> syms['obj'].type string """ obj = 1 obj = 1.0 obj = 1 + 4j obj = 2 obj = "hello" return obj @autojit def test_if_reassign(obj1, obj2): """ >>> test_if_reassign(*values[:2]) (4.0, 5.0) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_if_reassign.py_func, ... functype(None, [object_] * 2)) >>> types(syms, 'obj1', 'obj2') (float64, object) """ x = 4.0 y = 5.0 z = 6.0 if int(obj1) < int(obj2): obj1 = x obj2 = y else: obj1 = z return obj1, obj2 @autojit def test_if_reassign2(value, obj1, obj2): """ >>> test_if_reassign2(0, *values[:2]) (4.0, 5.0, 'egel') >>> test_if_reassign2(1, *values[:2]) ('hello', 'world', 'hedgehog') >>> test_if_reassign2(2, *values[:2]) ([Value(0)], Value(12), 'igel') >>> sig, syms = infer(test_if_reassign2.py_func, ... functype(None, [int_, object_, object_])) >>> types(syms, 'obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3') (object, object, string) """ x = 4.0 y = 5.0 z = "hedgehog" if value < 1: obj1 = x obj2 = y obj3 = "egel" elif value < 2: obj1 = "hello" obj2 = "world" obj3 = z else: obj1 = [obj1] obj2 = Value(12) obj3 = "igel" return obj1, obj2, obj3 @autojit_py3doc def test_for_reassign(obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4): """ >>> test_for_reassign(*values[:4]) (9, Value(1), 2, 5) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_for_reassign.py_func, ... functype(None, [object_] * 4)) >>> types(syms, 'obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3') (object, object, int) """ for i in range(10): obj1 = i for i in range(0): obj2 = i for i in range(10): obj3 = i else: obj3 = 2 # This definition kills any previous definition for i in range(5, 10): obj4 = i break else: obj4 = 0 return obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4 @autojit_py3doc def test_while_reassign(obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4): """ >>> test_while_reassign(*values[:4]) (9, Value(1), 2, 5) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_while_reassign.py_func, ... functype(None, [object_] * 4)) >>> types(syms, 'obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4') (object, object, int, int) """ i = 0 while i < 10: obj1 = i i += 1 i = 0 while i < 0: obj2 = i i += 1 i = 0 while i < 10: obj3 = i i += 1 else: obj3 = 2 # This definition kills any previous definition i = 5 while i < 10: obj4 = i i += 1 break else: obj4 = 0 return obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4 @autojit(warn=False) def test_conditional_assignment(value): """ >>> test_conditional_assignment(0) array([ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32) >>> test_conditional_assignment(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnboundLocalError: 210:11: obj1 """ if value < 1: obj1 = np.ones(10, dtype=np.float32) return obj1 # ### Test for errors # # @autojit # def test_error_array_variable1(value, obj1): # """ # >>> test_error_array_variable1(0, object()) # Traceback (most recent call last): # ... # TypeError: Arrays must have consistent types in assignment for variable 'obj1': 'float32[:]' and 'object_' # """ # if value < 1: # obj1 = np.empty(10, dtype=np.float32) # # return obj1 def test(): from . import test_cfg_type_infer testmod(test_cfg_type_infer) if __name__ == '__main__': testmod() #else: # test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_circular_type_inference from numba.control_flow.tests.test_cfg_type_infer import * from numba.testing.test_support import autojit_py3doc @autojit_py3doc(warnstyle='simple', warn=False) def test_circular_error(): """ >>> test_circular_error() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: Unable to infer type for assignment to ..., insert a cast or initialize the variable. """ for i in range(10): if i > 5: var1 = var2 else: var2 = var1 @autojit(warnstyle='simple') def test_simple_circular(): """ >>> test_simple_circular() Warning 29:16: local variable 'y' might be referenced before assignment """ x = 2.0 for i in range(10): if i > 5: x = y else: y = x @autojit(warnstyle='simple') def test_simple_circular2(): """ >>> test_simple_circular2() Warning 44:16: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment """ y = 2.0 for i in range(10): if i > 5: x = y else: y = x @autojit def test_simple_circular3(): """ >>> test_simple_circular3() (Value(5), Value(5)) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_simple_circular3.py_func, ... functype(None, [])) >>> types(syms, 'x', 'y') (object, object) """ x = values[5] y = 2.0 for i in range(10): if i > 5: x = y else: y = x return x, y @autojit def test_simple_circular_promotion(): """ >>> test_simple_circular_promotion() ((3-3j), (1-3j)) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_simple_circular_promotion.py_func, ... functype(None, [])) >>> types(syms, 'x', 'y') (complex128, complex128) """ x = 1 y = 2 for i in range(10): if i > 5: x = y + 2.0 else: y = x - 3.0j return x, y @autojit def test_simple_circular_binop_promotion(): """ >>> test_simple_circular_binop_promotion() ((3-3j), (3+0j)) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_simple_circular_binop_promotion.py_func, ... functype(None, [])) >>> types(syms, 'x', 'y') (complex128, complex128) """ x = 1 y = 2 for i in range(10): if i > 5: x = y - 3.0j else: y = x + 2.0 # In pure python, y would always be a float return x, y #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Unary/Binary Operations and Comparisons #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_circular_binop(): """ >>> test_circular_binop() (1.0, 2.0, 1.0, -3) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_circular_binop.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 'x', 'y', 'z', 'a') (float64, float64, float64, int) """ x = 1 y = 2 for i in range(10): if i > 5: x = y - z z = 1.0 else: z = int(x + y) y = x + z - y a = -z return x, y, z, a @autojit(warn=False) def test_circular_compare(): """ >>> test_circular_compare() (5.0, 1.0) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_circular_compare.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 'x', 'y') (float64, float64) """ x = 1 for i in range(10): if i == 0: y = float(x) if x < 5: x += y return x, y @autojit(warn=False) def test_circular_compare2(): """ >>> test_circular_compare2() (2.0, 1.0) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_circular_compare.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 'x', 'y') (float64, float64) """ x = 1 for i in range(10): if i == 0: y = float(x) if x < 5 and (x > 2 or i == 0): x += y return x, y @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_circular_compare3(): """ >>> test_circular_compare3() 1 2 3 4 (False, 10) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_circular_compare3.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 'cond') (bool,) >>> t, = types(syms, 'x'); assert t.is_int >>> assert t.itemsize == Py_ssize_t.itemsize """ x = 1 cond = True for i in range(10): if cond: x = i else: x = i + 1 cond = x > 1 and x < 5 if cond: x = cond or x < i cond = x x = i print(i) return cond, x #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Indexing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_delayed_array_indexing(): """ >>> test_delayed_array_indexing() (array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]), 1.0, 10) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_delayed_array_indexing.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 'array', 'var', 'x') (float64[:], float64, int) """ array = np.ones(10, dtype=np.float64) x = 0 for i in range(11): var = array[x] array[x] = var * x x = int(i * 1.0) return array, var, x @autojit(warn=False) def test_delayed_array_slicing(): """ >>> array, row = test_delayed_array_slicing() >>> array2, row2 = test_delayed_array_slicing.py_func() >>> assert np.all(array == array2) >>> assert np.all(row == row2) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_delayed_array_slicing.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 'array', 'row') (float64[:, :], float64[:]) """ array = np.ones((8, 10), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(8): row = array[i, :] array[i, i] = row[i] * i array = array[:, :] return array, row @autojit(warn=False) def test_delayed_array_slicing2(): """ >>> array, row = test_delayed_array_slicing2() >>> array2, row2 = test_delayed_array_slicing2.py_func() >>> assert np.all(array == array2) >>> assert np.all(row == row2) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_delayed_array_slicing.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 'array', 'row') (float64[:, :], float64[:]) """ for i in range(8): if i == 0: array = np.ones((8, 10), dtype=np.float64) row = array[i, :] array[i, i] = row[i] * i array = array[:, :] return array, row @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_delayed_string_indexing_simple(): """ >>> test_delayed_string_indexing_simple() ('eggs', 3) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_delayed_string_indexing_simple.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 's', 'x') (string, Py_ssize_t) """ s = "spam ham eggs" for i in range(4): if i < 3: x = i + i s = s[x:] x = i return s[1:], x @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_delayed_string_indexing(): """ >>> test_delayed_string_indexing() ('ham eggs', 3) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_delayed_string_indexing.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 's', 'x') (string, Py_ssize_t) """ s = "spam ham eggs" for i in range(4): if i < 3: x = i tmp1 = s[x:] tmp2 = tmp1 s = tmp2 elif i < 5: s = tmp1[x:] else: s = "hello" x = i return s, x @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_delayed_string_indexing2(): """ >>> test_delayed_string_indexing2() ('ham eggs', 3) >>> sig, syms = infer(test_delayed_string_indexing2.py_func, ... functype(None, []), warn=False) >>> types(syms, 's', 'x') (string, Py_ssize_t) """ for i in range(4): if i == 0: s = "spam ham eggs" if i < 3: x = i tmp1 = s[x:] tmp2 = tmp1 s = tmp2 elif i < 5: s = tmp1[x:] else: s = "hello" x = i return s, x @autojit_py3doc(warn=False, warnstyle='simple') def test_string_indexing_error(): """ >>> try: test_string_indexing_error() ... except Exception as e: print(e) Cannot promote types string and char """ for i in range(4): if i == 0: s = "spam ham eggs" if i < 3: s = s[i] elif i < 5: s = s[i:] @autojit_py3doc(warn=False, warnstyle='simple') def test_string_indexing_error2(): """ >>> try: chr(test_string_indexing_error2()) ... except Exception as e: print(e) Cannot promote types string and char """ for i in range(4): if i == 0: s = "spam ham eggs" s = s[i] return s @autojit(warn=False, warnstyle='simple') def test_string_indexing_valid(): """ >>> test_string_indexing_valid() == b'm' True """ for i in range(4): s = "spam ham eggs" s = s[i] return s #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test circular Calling of functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @autojit def simple_func(x): y = x * x + 4 return y @autojit_py3doc(warn=False, warnstyle='simple') def test_simple_call(): """ >>> test_simple_call() 1091100052 >>> infer_simple(test_simple_call, 'x') (int,) """ x = 0 for i in range(10): x = simple_func(x) return x @autojit def func_with_promotion(x): y = x * x + 4.0 return y @autojit(warn=False) def test_simple_call_promotion(): """ >>> test_simple_call_promotion() 26640768404.0 >>> infer_simple(test_simple_call_promotion, 'x') (float64,) """ x = 0 for i in range(5): x = func_with_promotion(x) return x #print test_simple_call_promotion.py_func() @autojit def func_with_promotion2(x): y = x * x + 4.0 return np.sqrt(y) + 1j @autojit(warn=False, warnstyle='simple') def test_simple_call_promotion2(): """ >>> result =test_simple_call_promotion2() >>> "%.4f" % round(result.real, 4) '3.9818' >>> round(result.imag, 4) 3.9312 >>> infer_simple(test_simple_call_promotion2, 'x') (complex128,) """ x = 0 for i in range(5): x = func_with_promotion2(x) return x #print test_simple_call_promotion2.py_func() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Delayed Attributes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @autojit(warn=False) def test_delayed_attributes1(A): """ >>> A = np.empty(2, dtype=[('a', np.int32), ('b', np.float64)]) >>> list(test_delayed_attributes1(A)) [(1, 2.0), (2, 4.0)] """ idx = 0 for i in range(A.shape[0]): A[idx].a = i + 1 A[idx].b = A[idx].a * 2 idx += 1 if idx > 5: idx = 5 return A #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def infer_simple(numba_func, *varnames): sig, syms = infer(numba_func.py_func, functype(None, []), warn=False) return types(syms, *varnames) testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_w_uninitialized from numba import * jitv = jit(void(), warnstyle='simple') jitvi = jit(void(int_), warnstyle='simple') jitvii = jit(void(int_, int_), warnstyle='simple') jitii = jit(int_(int_), warnstyle='simple') jitiii = jit(int_(int_, int_), warnstyle='simple') def simple(): """ >>> jitv(simple) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 17:10: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment """ print(a) a = 0 def simple2(arg): """ >>> result = jitii(simple2) Warning 27:11: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment """ if arg > 0: a = 1 return a def simple_pos(arg): """ >>> result = jitii(simple_pos) """ if arg > 0: a = 1 else: a = 0 return a def ifelif(c1, c2): """ >>> result = jitiii(ifelif) Warning 51:11: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment """ if c1 == 1: if c2: a = 1 else: a = 2 elif c1 == 2: a = 3 return a def nowimpossible(a): """ >>> result = jitvi(nowimpossible) Warning 61:14: local variable 'b' might be referenced before assignment """ if a: b = 1 if a: print(b) def fromclosure(): """ >> result = jitv(fromclosure) """ def bar(): print(a) a = 1 return bar # Should work ok in both py2 and py3 def list_comp(a): return [i for i in a] def set_comp(a): return set(i for i in a) #def dict_comp(a): # return {i: j for i, j in a} # args and kwargs def generic_args_call(*args, **kwargs): return args, kwargs def cascaded(x): print((a, b)) a = b = x def from_import(): print(bar) from foo import bar def regular_import(): print(foo) import foo def raise_stat(): try: raise exc(msg) except: pass exc = ValueError msg = 'dummy' def defnode_decorator(): @decorator def foo(): pass def decorator(): pass def defnode_default(): def foo(arg=default()): pass def default(): pass def class_bases(): class foo(bar): pass class bar(object): pass def class_decorators(): @decorator class foo(object): pass def decorator(cls): return cls def uninitialized_augmented_assignment(): """ >>> func = jitv(uninitialized_augmented_assignment) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 139:4: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment """ x += 1 def uninitialized_augmented_assignment_loop(): """ >>> func = jitv(uninitialized_augmented_assignment_loop) Warning 148:8: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment """ for i in range(10): x += 1 x = 0 if __name__ == "__main__": import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_w_uninitialized_for # cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True # mode: error from numba import * def simple_for(n): for i in range(n): a = 1 return a def simple_for_break(n): for i in range(n): a = 1 break return a def simple_for_pos(n): for i in range(n): a = 1 else: a = 0 return a def simple_target(n): for i in range(n): pass return i def simple_target_f(n): for i in range(n): i *= i return i #def simple_for_from(n): # for i from 0 <= i <= n: # x = i # else: # return x def for_continue(l): for i in range(l): if i > 0: continue x = i print(x) def for_break(l): for i in range(l): if i > 0: break x = i print(x) #def for_finally_continue(f): # for i in f: # try: # x = i() # finally: # print x # continue def for_finally_break(f): for i in f: try: x = i() finally: print(x) break def for_finally_outer(p, f): x = 1 try: for i in f: print(x) x = i() if x > 0: continue if x < 0: break finally: del x def jitfunc(func): jit(int_(int_), warnstyle='simple')(func) __doc__ = """ >>> jitfunc(simple_for) Warning 8:11: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment >>> jitfunc(simple_for_break) Warning 14:11: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment >>> jitfunc(simple_for_pos) >>> jitfunc(simple_target) Warning 26:11: local variable 'i' might be referenced before assignment >>> jitfunc(simple_target_f) Warning 31:11: local variable 'i' might be referenced before assignment >>> jitfunc(for_continue) Warning 44:10: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment >>> jitfunc(for_break) Warning 51:10: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment Finally tests >> jitfunc(for_finally_break) Warning 58:19: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment >> jitfunc(for_finally_outer) Warning 66:19: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment """ if __name__ == "__main__": # jitfunc(simple_for_break) # jitfunc(simple_for_pos) import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_w_uninitialized_while from numba import * def simple_while(n): while n > 0: n -= 1 a = 0 return a def simple_while_break(n): while n > 0: n -= 1 break else: a = 1 return a def simple_while_pos(n): while n > 0: n -= 1 a = 0 else: a = 1 return a #def while_finally_continue(p, f): # while p(): # try: # x = f() # finally: # print x # continue # #def while_finally_break(p, f): # while p(): # try: # x = f() # finally: # print x # break # #def while_finally_outer(p, f): # x = 1 # try: # while p(): # print x # x = f() # if x > 0: # continue # if x < 0: # break # finally: # del x def jitfunc(func): jit(int_(int_), warnstyle='simple')(func) __doc__ = """ >>> jitfunc(simple_while) Warning 9:11: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment >>> jitfunc(simple_while_break) Warning 17:11: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment >>> jitfunc(simple_while_pos) """ if __name__ == "__main__": # jitfunc(simple_while_break) import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_w_unreachable from numba import * jitv = jit(void(), warnstyle='simple') #, nopython=True) def simple_return(): """ >>> result = jitv(simple_return) Warning ...: Unreachable code """ return print('Where am I?') def simple_loops(): """ >>> result = jitv(simple_loops) Warning ...: Unreachable code Warning ...: Unreachable code Warning ...: Unreachable code Warning ...: Unreachable code Warning ...: Unreachable code Warning ...: Unreachable code """ for i in range(10): continue print('Never be here') while True: break print('Never be here') while True: break print('Never be here') for i in range(10): for j in range(10): return print("unreachable") else: print("unreachable") print("unreachable") return print("unreachable") print("unreachable") return print("unreachable") def conditional(a, b): if a: return 1 elif b: return 2 else: return 37 print('oops') if __name__ == "__main__": # jitv(simple_loops) # jitv(simple_return) import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = decorators # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.exttypes.entrypoints import (jit_extension_class, autojit_extension_class, autojit_class_wrapper) __all__ = ['autojit', 'jit', 'export', 'exportmany'] import types import logging import inspect from numba import * from numba import typesystem, numbawrapper from numba import functions from numba.utils import process_signature from numba.codegen import llvmwrapper from numba import environment import llvm.core as _lc from numba.wrapping import compiler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment().link_cbuilder_utilities() if PY3: CLASS_TYPES = type else: CLASS_TYPES = (type, types.ClassType) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PyCC decorators #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _internal_export(env, function_signature, backend='ast', **kws): def _iexport(func): if backend == 'bytecode': raise NotImplementedError( 'Bytecode translation has been removed for exported functions.') else: name = llvm_module ='export_%s' % name) if not hasattr(func, 'live_objects'): func.live_objects = [] func._is_numba_func = True func_ast = functions._get_ast(func) # FIXME: Hacked "mangled_name" into the translation # environment. Should do something else. See comment in # codegen.translate.LLVMCodeGenerator.__init__(). with environment.TranslationContext( env, func, func_ast, function_signature, name=name, llvm_module=llvm_module, mangled_name=name, link=False, wrap=False, is_pycc=True) as func_env: pipeline = env.get_pipeline() func_ast.pipeline = pipeline pipeline(func_ast, env) exports_env = env.exports exports_env.function_signature_map[name] = function_signature exports_env.function_module_map[name] = llvm_module if not exports_env.wrap_exports: exports_env.function_wrapper_map[name] = None else: wrapper_tup = llvmwrapper.build_wrapper_module(env) exports_env.function_wrapper_map[name] = wrapper_tup return func return _iexport def export(signature, env_name=None, env=None, **kws): """ Construct a decorator that takes a function and exports one A signature is a string with name ret_type(arg_type, argtype, ...) """ if env is None: env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment(env_name) return _internal_export(env, process_signature(signature), **kws) def exportmany(signatures, env_name=None, env=None, **kws): """ A Decorator that exports many signatures for a single function """ if env is None: env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment(env_name) def _export(func): for signature in signatures: tocall = _internal_export(env, process_signature(signature), **kws) tocall(func) return func return _export #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compilation Entry Points #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TODO: Redo this entire module def compile_function(env, func, argtypes, restype=None, func_ast=None, **kwds): """ Compile a python function given the argument types. Compile only if not compiled already, and only if it is registered to the function cache. Returns a triplet of (signature, llvm_func, python_callable) `python_callable` is the wrapper function (NumbaFunction). """ function_cache = env.specializations # For NumbaFunction, we get the original python function. func = getattr(func, 'py_func', func) # get the compile flags flags = None # stub # Search in cache result = function_cache.get_function(func, argtypes, flags) if result is not None: sig, lfunc, pycall = result return sig, lfunc, pycall # Compile the function from numba import pipeline compile_only = getattr(func, '_numba_compile_only', False) kwds['compile_only'] = kwds.get('compile_only', compile_only) assert kwds.get('llvm_module') is None, kwds.get('llvm_module') func_env = pipeline.compile2(env, func, restype, argtypes, func_ast=func_ast, **kwds) function_cache.register_specialization(func_env) return (func_env.func_signature, func_env.lfunc, func_env.numba_wrapper_func) def _autojit(template_signature, target, nopython, env_name=None, env=None, **flags): if env is None: env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment(env_name) def _autojit_decorator(f): """ Defines a numba function, that, when called, specializes on the input types. Uses the AST translator backend. For the bytecode translator, use @autojit. """ if isinstance(f, CLASS_TYPES): compiler_cls = compiler.ClassCompiler wrapper = autojit_class_wrapper else: compiler_cls = compiler.FunctionCompiler wrapper = autojit_wrappers[(target, 'ast')] env.specializations.register(f) cache = env.specializations.get_autojit_cache(f) flags['target'] = target compilerimpl = compiler_cls(env, f, nopython, flags, template_signature) numba_func = wrapper(f, compilerimpl, cache) return numba_func return _autojit_decorator def autojit(template_signature=None, backend='ast', target='cpu', nopython=False, locals=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a function that dispatches to type-specialized LLVM functions based on the input argument types. If no specialized function exists for a set of input argument types, the dispatcher creates and caches a new specialized function at call time. """ if template_signature and not isinstance(template_signature, typesystem.Type): if callable(template_signature): func = template_signature return autojit(backend='ast', target=target, nopython=nopython, locals=locals, **kwargs)(func) else: raise Exception("The autojit decorator should be called: " "@autojit()") if backend == 'bytecode': return _not_implemented else: return _autojit(template_signature, target, nopython, locals=locals, **kwargs) def _jit(restype=None, argtypes=None, nopython=False, _llvm_module=None, env_name=None, env=None, func_ast=None, **kwargs): #print(ast.dump(func_ast)) if env is None: env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment(env_name) def _jit_decorator(func): if isinstance(func, CLASS_TYPES): cls = func kwargs.update(env_name=env_name) return jit_extension_class(cls, kwargs, env) argtys = argtypes if argtys is None and restype: assert restype.is_function return_type = restype.return_type argtys = restype.args elif argtys is None: assert func.__code__.co_argcount == 0, func return_type = None argtys = [] else: return_type = restype assert argtys is not None env.specializations.register(func) assert kwargs.get('llvm_module') is None # TODO link to user module assert kwargs.get('llvm_ee') is None, "Engine should never be provided" sig, lfunc, wrapper = compile_function(env, func, argtys, restype=return_type, nopython=nopython, func_ast=func_ast, **kwargs) return numbawrapper.create_numba_wrapper(func, wrapper, sig, lfunc) return _jit_decorator def _not_implemented(*args, **kws): raise NotImplementedError('Bytecode backend is no longer supported.') jit_targets = { ('cpu', 'bytecode') : _not_implemented, ('cpu', 'ast') : _jit, } autojit_wrappers = { ('cpu', 'bytecode') : _not_implemented, ('cpu', 'ast') : numbawrapper.NumbaSpecializingWrapper, } def jit(restype=None, argtypes=None, backend='ast', target='cpu', nopython=False, **kws): """ Compile a function given the input and return types. There are multiple ways to specify the type signature: * Using the restype and argtypes arguments, passing Numba types. * By constructing a Numba function type and passing that as the first argument to the decorator. You can create a function type by calling an exisiting Numba type, which is the return type, and the arguments to that call define the argument types. For example, ``f8(f8)`` would create a Numba function type that takes a single double-precision floating point value argument, and returns a double-precision floating point value. * As above, but using a string instead of a constructed function type. Example: ``jit("f8(f8)")``. If backend='bytecode' the bytecode translator is used, if backend='ast' the AST translator is used. By default, the AST translator is used. *Note that the bytecode translator is deprecated as of the 0.3 release.* """ kws.update(nopython=nopython, backend=backend) if isinstance(restype, CLASS_TYPES): cls = restype env = kws.pop('env', None) or environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment( kws.get('env_name', None)) return jit_extension_class(cls, kws, env) # Called with f8(f8) syntax which returns a dictionary of argtypes and restype if isinstance(restype, typesystem.function): if argtypes is not None: raise TypeError("Cannot use both calling syntax and argtypes keyword") argtypes = restype.args restype = restype.return_type # Called with a string like 'f8(f8)' elif isinstance(restype, str) and argtypes is None: signature = process_signature(restype, kws.get('name', None)) name, restype, argtypes = (, signature.return_type, signature.args) if name is not None: kws['func_name'] = name if restype is not None: kws['restype'] = restype if argtypes is not None: kws['argtypes'] = argtypes return jit_targets[target, backend](**kws) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = environment # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import weakref import ast as ast_module import types import logging import pprint import collections import llvm.core from numba import pipeline, naming, error, reporting, PY3 from numba.utils import TypedProperty, WriteOnceTypedProperty, NumbaContext from numba import functions, symtab from numba.typesystem import TypeSystem, numba_typesystem, function from numba.utility.cbuilder import library from numba.nodes import metadata from numba.control_flow import ControlFlow from numba.codegen import translate from numba.codegen import globalconstants from numba.ndarray_helpers import NumpyArray from numba.intrinsic import default_intrinsic_library from numba.external import default_external_library from numba.external.utility import default_utility_library # ______________________________________________________________________ # Module data logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if PY3: NoneType = type(None) name_types = str else: NoneType = types.NoneType name_types = (str, unicode) default_normalize_order = [ 'ast3to2', 'resolve_templates', 'validate_signature', 'update_signature', 'create_lfunc1', 'NormalizeASTStage', 'TransformBuiltinLoops', 'ValidateASTStage', ] default_cf_pipeline_order = ['ast3to2', 'ControlFlowAnalysis'] default_pipeline_order = default_normalize_order + [ 'ExpandPrange', 'RewritePrangePrivates', 'FixASTLocations', 'ControlFlowAnalysis', 'dump_cfg', #'ConstFolding', # 'dump_ast', 'UpdateAttributeStatements', 'TypeInfer', 'CleanupPrange', 'update_signature', 'create_lfunc2', 'TypeSet', 'ClosureTypeInference', 'create_lfunc3', 'TransformFor', 'Specialize', 'RewriteArrayExpressions', 'SpecializeComparisons', 'SpecializeSSA', 'SpecializeClosures', 'Optimize', 'SpecializeLoops', 'LowerRaise', 'FixASTLocations', 'LateSpecializer', 'ExtensionTypeLowerer', 'SpecializeFunccalls', 'SpecializeExceptions', 'cleanup_symtab', 'validate_arrays', 'dump_ast', 'FixASTLocations', 'CodeGen', 'dump_annotations', 'dump_llvm', 'PostPass', 'LinkingStage', 'dump_optimized', 'WrapperStage', 'ErrorReporting', ] default_dummy_type_infer_pipeline_order = [ 'ast3to2', 'TypeInfer', 'TypeSet', ] default_numba_lower_pipeline_order = [ 'ast3to2', 'LateSpecializer', 'SpecializeFunccalls', 'SpecializeExceptions', ] default_numba_wrapper_pipeline_order = default_numba_lower_pipeline_order default_numba_late_translate_pipeline_order = \ default_numba_lower_pipeline_order + [ 'CodeGen', ] upto = lambda order, x: order[:order.index(x)+1] upfr = lambda order, x: order[order.index(x)+1:] default_type_infer_pipeline_order = upto(default_pipeline_order, 'TypeInfer') default_compile_pipeline_order = upfr(default_pipeline_order, 'TypeInfer') default_codegen_pipeline = upto(default_pipeline_order, 'CodeGen') default_post_codegen_pipeline = upfr(default_pipeline_order, 'CodeGen') # ______________________________________________________________________ # Convenience functions def insert_stage(pipeline_order, stage, after=None, before=None): if after is not None: idx = pipeline_order.index(after) + 1 else: idx = pipeline_order.index(before) pipeline_order.insert(idx, stage) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Class definitions class _AbstractNumbaEnvironment(object): '''Used to break circular type dependency between the translation and function environments and the top-level NumbaEnvironment.''' # ______________________________________________________________________ class FunctionErrorEnvironment(object): """ Environment for errors or warnings that occurr during translation of a function. """ func = WriteOnceTypedProperty( (NoneType, types.FunctionType), 'Function (or similar) being translated.') ast = TypedProperty( ast_module.AST, 'Original Abstract Syntax Tree for the function being translated.') source = TypedProperty( list, #(str, unicode), "Function source code") enable_post_mortem = TypedProperty( bool, "Enable post-mortem debugging for the Numba compiler", False, ) collection = TypedProperty( reporting.MessageCollection, "Collection of error and warning messages") warning_styles = { 'simple' : reporting.MessageCollection, 'fancy': reporting.FancyMessageCollection, } def __init__(self, func, ast, warnstyle): self.func = func self.ast = ast # copy.deepcopy(ast) # Retrieve the source code now source_descr = reporting.SourceDescr(func, ast) self.source = source_descr.get_lines() collection_cls = self.warning_styles[warnstyle] self.collection = collection_cls(self.ast, self.source) def merge_in(self, parent_error_env): """ Merge error messages into another error environment. Useful to propagate error messages for inner functions outwards. """ parent_error_env.collection.messages.extend(self.collection.messages) del self.collection.messages[:] # ______________________________________________________________________ class FunctionEnvironment(object): '''State for a function under translation.''' # ____________________________________________________________ # Properties numba = WriteOnceTypedProperty( _AbstractNumbaEnvironment, 'Grandparent environment (top-level Numba environment).') func = WriteOnceTypedProperty( object, 'Function (or similar) being translated.') ast = TypedProperty( ast_module.AST, 'Abstract syntax tree for the function being translated.') func_signature = TypedProperty( function, 'Type signature for the function being translated.') is_partial = TypedProperty( bool, "Whether this environment is a partially constructed environment", False) func_name = TypedProperty(str, 'Target function name.') module_name = TypedProperty(str, 'Name of the function module.') mangled_name = TypedProperty(str, 'Mangled name of compiled function.') qualified_name = TypedProperty(str, "Target qualified function name " "('mymodule.myfunc')") llvm_module = TypedProperty( llvm.core.Module, 'LLVM module for this function. This module is first optimized and ' 'then linked into a global module. The Python wrapper function goes ' 'directly into the main fat module.') error_env = TypedProperty( FunctionErrorEnvironment, "Error environment for this function.") lfunc = TypedProperty( (NoneType, llvm.core.Function), "Compiled, native, Numba function", None) lfunc_pointer = TypedProperty( (int, long) if not PY3 else int, "Pointer to underlying compiled function. Can be used as a callback.", ) link = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag indicating whether the LLVM function needs to be linked into ' 'the global fast module from LLVMContextManager', True) wrap = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag indicating whether the function needs a wrapper function to be ' 'callable from Python.', True) llvm_wrapper_func = TypedProperty( (llvm.core.Function, NoneType), 'The LLVM wrapper function for the target function. This is a ' 'wrapper function that accept python object arguments and returns an ' 'object.') numba_wrapper_func = TypedProperty( object, 'The Numba wrapper function (see numbafunction.c) for the target ' 'function. This is a wrapper function that accept python object ' 'arguments and returns an object.') symtab = TypedProperty( (symtab.Symtab, dict), 'A map from local variable names to symbol table variables for all ' 'local variables. ' '({ "local_var_name" : numba.symtab.Variable(local_var_type) })') function_globals = TypedProperty( (dict, NoneType), "Globals dict of the function",) locals = TypedProperty( dict, 'A map from local variable names to types. Used to handle the locals ' 'keyword argument to the autojit decorator. ' '({ "local_var_name" : local_var_type } for @autojit(locals=...))') template_signature = TypedProperty( (function, NoneType), 'Template signature for @autojit. E.g. T(T[:, :]). See ' 'numba.typesystem.templatetypes.') typesystem = TypedProperty(TypeSystem, "Typesystem for this compilation") array = TypedProperty(object, "Array abstraction", NumpyArray) ast_metadata = TypedProperty( object, 'Metadata for AST nodes of the function being compiled.') warn = True flow = TypedProperty( (NoneType, ControlFlow), "Control flow graph. See numba.control_flow.", default=None) # FIXME: Get rid of this. See comment for translator property, # below. cfg_transform = TypedProperty( object, # Should be ControlFlowAnalysis. 'The Control Flow Analysis transform object ' '(control_flow.ControlFlowAnalysis). Set during the cfg pass.') cfdirectives = TypedProperty( dict, "Directives for control flow.", default={ 'warn.maybe_uninitialized': warn, 'warn.unused_result': False, 'warn.unused': warn, 'warn.unused_arg': warn, # Set the below flag to a path to generate CFG dot files 'control_flow.dot_output': os.path.expanduser("~/"), 'control_flow.dot_annotate_defs': False, }, ) kill_attribute_assignments = TypedProperty( # Prange (set, frozenset), "Assignments to attributes that need to be removed from type " "inference pre-analysis. We need to do this for prange since we " "need to infer the types of variables to build a struct type for " "those variables. So we need type inference to be properly ordered, " "and not look at the attributes first.") # FIXME: Get rid of this property; pipeline stages are users and # transformers of the environment. Any state needed beyond a # given stage should be put in the environment instead of keeping # around the whole transformer. # TODO: Create linking stage translator = TypedProperty( object, # FIXME: Should be LLVMCodeGenerator, but that causes # module coupling. 'The code generator instance used to generate the target LLVM ' 'function. Set during the code generation pass, and used for ' 'after-the-fact wrapper generation.') is_closure = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag indicating if the current function under translation is a ' 'closure or not.', False) closures = TypedProperty( dict, 'Map from ast nodes to closures.') closure_scope = TypedProperty( (dict, NoneType), 'Collective symtol table containing all entries from outer ' 'functions.') need_closure_wrapper = TypedProperty( bool, "Whether this closure needs a Python wrapper function", default=True, ) refcount_args = TypedProperty( bool, "Whether to use refcounting for the function arguments", True) warn = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag that enables control flow warnings on a per-function level.', True) annotations = TypedProperty( dict, "Annotation dict { lineno : Annotation }" ) intermediates = TypedProperty( list, "list of Intermediate objects for annotation", ) warnstyle = TypedProperty( str if PY3 else basestring, 'Warning style, currently available: simple, fancy', default='fancy' ) postpasses = TypedProperty( dict, "List of passes that should run on the final llvm ir before linking", ) kwargs = TypedProperty( dict, 'Additional keyword arguments. Deprecated, but kept for backward ' 'compatibility.') # ____________________________________________________________ # Methods def __init__(self, *args, **kws): self.init(*args, **kws) def init(self, parent, func, ast, func_signature, name=None, qualified_name=None, mangled_name=None, llvm_module=None, wrap=True, link=True, symtab=None, error_env=None, function_globals=None, locals=None, template_signature=None, is_closure=False, closures=None, closure_scope=None, refcount_args=True, ast_metadata=None, warn=True, warnstyle='fancy', typesystem=None, array=None, postpasses=None, annotate=False, **kws): self.parent = parent self.numba = parent.numba self.func = func self.ast = ast self.func_signature = func_signature if name is None: if self.func: name = self.func.__name__ else: name = if self.func and self.func.__module__: qname = '.'.join([self.func.__module__, name]) else: qname = name if function_globals is not None: self.function_globals = function_globals else: self.function_globals = self.func.__globals__ if self.func: self.module_name = self.func.__module__ or '<unamed.module>' else: self.module_name = self.function_globals.get("__name__", "") if mangled_name is None: mangled_name = naming.specialized_mangle(qname, self.func_signature.args) self.func_name = name self.mangled_name = mangled_name self.qualified_name = qualified_name or name self.llvm_module = (llvm_module if llvm_module else self.numba.llvm_context.module) self._annotate = annotate self.wrap = wrap = link self.llvm_wrapper_func = None self.symtab = symtab if symtab is not None else {} self.error_env = error_env or FunctionErrorEnvironment(self.func, self.ast, warnstyle) self.locals = locals if locals is not None else {} self.template_signature = template_signature self.is_closure = is_closure self.closures = closures if closures is not None else {} self.closure_scope = closure_scope self.kill_attribute_assignments = set() self.refcount_args = refcount_args self.typesystem = typesystem or numba_typesystem if array: self.array = array # assert issubclass(array, NumpyArray) import numba.postpasses self.postpasses = postpasses or numba.postpasses.default_postpasses if ast_metadata is not None: self.ast_metadata = ast_metadata else: self.ast_metadata = metadata.create_metadata_env() self.annotations = collections.defaultdict(list) self.intermediates = [] self.warn = warn self.warnstyle = warnstyle self.kwargs = kws def getstate(self): state = dict( parent=self.parent, func=self.func, ast=self.ast, func_signature=self.func_signature, name=self.func_name, mangled_name=self.mangled_name, qualified_name=self.qualified_name, llvm_module=self.llvm_module, wrap=self.wrap,, symtab=self.symtab, function_globals=self.function_globals, locals=self.locals, template_signature=self.template_signature, is_closure=self.is_closure, closures=self.closures, kill_attribute_assignments=self.kill_attribute_assignments, closure_scope=self.closure_scope, warn=self.warn, warnstyle=self.warnstyle, postpasses=self.postpasses, ) return state def inherit(self, **kwds): """ Inherit from a parent FunctionEnvironment (e.g. to run pipeline stages on a subset of the AST). """ # TODO: link these things together state = self.getstate() state.update(kwds) return type(self)(**state) @property def annotate(self): "Whether we need to annotate the source" return self._annotate or self.numba.cmdopts.get('annotate') @property def func_doc(self): if self.func is not None: return self.func.__doc__ else: return ast_module.get_docstring(self.ast) # ______________________________________________________________________ class TranslationEnvironment(object): '''State for a given translation.''' # ____________________________________________________________ # Properties numba = TypedProperty(_AbstractNumbaEnvironment, 'Parent environment') crnt = TypedProperty( (FunctionEnvironment, NoneType), 'The environment corresponding to the current function under ' 'translation.') stack = TypedProperty( list, 'A stack consisting of FunctionEnvironment instances. Used to ' 'manage lexical closures.') functions = TypedProperty( dict, 'A map from target function names that are under compilation to their ' 'corresponding FunctionEnvironments') func_envs = TypedProperty( weakref.WeakKeyDictionary, "Map from root AST nodes to FunctionEnvironment objects." "This allows tracking environments of partially processed ASTs.") nopython = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag used to indicate if calls to the Python C API are permitted or ' 'not during code generation.', False) allow_rebind_args = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag indicating whether the type of arguments may be overridden for ' '@jit functions. This is always true (except for in tests perhaps!)', True) warn = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag that enables control flow warnings. FunctionEnvironment inherits ' 'this unless overridden.', True) is_pycc = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag that tells us whether this function is being exported with pycc.', False) # ____________________________________________________________ # Methods def __init__(self, parent, **kws): self.numba = parent self.crnt = None self.stack = [(kws, None)] self.functions = {} self.func_envs = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self.set_flags(**kws) def set_flags(self, **kws): self.nopython = kws.get('nopython', False) self.allow_rebind_args = kws.get('allow_rebind_args', True) self.warn = kws.get('warn', True) self.is_pycc = kws.get('is_pycc', False) def get_or_make_env(self, func, ast, func_signature, **kwds): if ast not in self.func_envs: kwds.setdefault('warn', self.warn) func_env = self.numba.FunctionEnvironment( self, func, ast, func_signature, **kwds) self.func_envs[ast] = func_env else: func_env = self.func_envs[ast] if func_env.is_partial: state = func_env.partial_state else: state = func_env.getstate() state.update(kwds, func=func, ast=ast, func_signature=func_signature) func_env.init(self, **state) return func_env def get_env(self, ast): if ast in self.func_envs: return self.func_envs[ast] else: return None def make_partial_env(self, ast, **kwds): """ Create a partial environment for a function that only initializes the given attributes. Later attributes will override existing attributes. """ if ast in self.func_envs: func_env = self.func_envs[ast] else: func_env = self.numba.FunctionEnvironment.__new__( self.numba.FunctionEnvironment) func_env.is_partial = True func_env.partial_state = kwds for key, value in kwds.iteritems(): setattr(func_env, key, value) self.func_envs[ast] = func_env func_env.ast = ast return func_env def push(self, func, ast, func_signature, **kws): func_env = self.get_or_make_env(func, ast, func_signature, **kws) return self.push_env(func_env, **kws) def push_env(self, func_env, **kws): self.set_flags(**kws) self.crnt = func_env self.stack.append((kws, self.crnt)) self.functions[self.crnt.func_name] = self.crnt self.func_envs[func_env.ast] = func_env if self.numba.debug: logger.debug('stack=%s\ncrnt=%r (%r)', pprint.pformat(self.stack), self.crnt, self.crnt.func if self.crnt else None) return self.crnt def pop(self): ret_val = self.stack.pop() kws, self.crnt = self.stack[-1] self.set_flags(**kws) if self.numba.debug: logger.debug('stack=%s\ncrnt=%r (%r)', pprint.pformat(self.stack), self.crnt, self.crnt.func if self.crnt else None) return ret_val # ______________________________________________________________________ class TranslationContext(object): """Context manager for handling a translation. Pushes a FunctionEnvironment input onto the given translation environment's stack, and pops it when leaving the translation context. """ def __init__(self, env, *args, **kws): self.translation_environment = env.translation self.args = args self.kws = kws def __enter__(self): return self.translation_environment.push(*self.args, **self.kws) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.translation_environment.pop() # ______________________________________________________________________ class PyccEnvironment(object): '''pycc environment Includes flags, and modules for exported functions. ''' # ____________________________________________________________ # Properties wrap_exports = TypedProperty( bool, 'Boolean flag used to indicate that Python wrappers should be ' 'generated for exported functions.') function_signature_map = TypedProperty( dict, 'Map from function names to type signatures for the translated ' 'function (used for header generation).') function_module_map = TypedProperty( dict, 'Map from function names to LLVM modules that define the translated ' 'function.') function_wrapper_map = TypedProperty( dict, 'Map from function names to tuples containing LLVM wrapper functions ' 'and LLVM modules that define the wrapper function.') # ____________________________________________________________ # Methods def __init__(self, wrap_exports=False, *args, **kws): self.reset(wrap_exports, *args, **kws) def reset(self, wrap_exports=False, *args, **kws): '''Clear the current set of exported functions.''' self.wrap_exports = wrap_exports self.function_signature_map = {} self.function_module_map = {} self.function_wrapper_map = {} # ______________________________________________________________________ class NumbaEnvironment(_AbstractNumbaEnvironment): '''Defines global state for a Numba translator. ''' # ____________________________________________________________ # Properties name = TypedProperty(name_types, "Name of the environment.") pipelines = TypedProperty( dict, 'Map from entry point names to PipelineStages.') pipeline_stages = TypedProperty( types.ModuleType, 'Namespace for pipeline stages. Initially set to the numba.pipeline ' 'module.', pipeline) default_pipeline = TypedProperty( str, 'Default entry point name. Used to index into the "pipelines" map.', default='numba') context = TypedProperty( NumbaContext, 'Defines a global typing context for handling promotions and type ' 'representations.') specializations = TypedProperty( functions.FunctionCache, 'Cache for previously specialized functions.') exports = TypedProperty( PyccEnvironment, 'Translation environment for pycc usage') debug = TypedProperty( bool, 'Global flag indicating verbose debugging output should be enabled.', False) debug_coercions = TypedProperty( bool, 'Flag for checking type coercions done during late specialization.', False) stage_checks = TypedProperty( bool, 'Global flag for enabling detailed checks in translation pipeline ' 'stages.', False) translation = TypedProperty( TranslationEnvironment, 'Current translation environment, specific to the current pipeline ' 'being run.') llvm_context = TypedProperty( translate.LLVMContextManager, "Manages the global LLVM module and linkages of new translations." ) constants_manager = TypedProperty( globalconstants.LLVMConstantsManager, "Holds constant values in an LLVM module.", default=globalconstants.LLVMConstantsManager(), ) cmdopts = TypedProperty( dict, "Dict of command line options from bin/", {}, ) annotation_blocks = TypedProperty( list, "List of annotation information for different functions." ) # ____________________________________________________________ # Class members environment_map = {} TranslationContext = TranslationContext TranslationEnvironment = TranslationEnvironment FunctionEnvironment = FunctionEnvironment # ____________________________________________________________ # Methods def __init__(self, name, *args, **kws): = name actual_default_pipeline = pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_pipeline_order) self.pipelines = { self.default_pipeline : actual_default_pipeline, 'normalize' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_normalize_order), 'cf' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_cf_pipeline_order), 'type_infer' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_type_infer_pipeline_order), 'dummy_type_infer' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_dummy_type_infer_pipeline_order), 'compile' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_compile_pipeline_order), 'wrap_func' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_numba_wrapper_pipeline_order), 'lower' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_numba_lower_pipeline_order), 'late_translate' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_numba_late_translate_pipeline_order), 'codegen' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_codegen_pipeline), 'post_codegen' : pipeline.ComposedPipelineStage( default_post_codegen_pipeline), } self.context = NumbaContext() self.specializations = functions.FunctionCache(env=self) self.exports = PyccEnvironment() self.translation = self.TranslationEnvironment(self) self.debug = logger.getEffectiveLevel() < logging.DEBUG # FIXME: NumbaContext has up to now been used as a stand in # for NumbaEnvironment, so the following member definitions # should be moved into the environment, and the code that uses # them should be updated. context = self.context context.env = self context.numba_pipeline = actual_default_pipeline context.function_cache = self.specializations context.intrinsic_library = default_intrinsic_library(context) context.external_library = default_external_library(context) context.utility_library = default_utility_library(context) self.llvm_context = translate.LLVMContextManager() self.annotation_blocks = [] def link_cbuilder_utilities(self): self.context.cbuilder_library = library.CBuilderLibrary() self.context.cbuilder_library.declare_registered(self) # Link modules @classmethod def get_environment(cls, environment_key = None, *args, **kws): ''' Given an optional key, return the global Numba environment for that key. If no key is given, return the default global environment. Note that internally, the default environment is mapped to None. ''' if environment_key in cls.environment_map: ret_val = cls.environment_map[environment_key] else: ret_val = cls(environment_key or 'numba', *args, **kws) cls.environment_map[environment_key] = ret_val return ret_val @property def crnt(self): return self.translation.crnt def get_pipeline(self, pipeline_name=None): '''Convenience function for getting a pipeline object (which should be a callable object that accepts (ast, env) arguments, and returns an ast).''' if pipeline_name is None: pipeline_name = self.default_pipeline return self.pipelines[pipeline_name] def get_or_add_pipeline(self, pipeline_name=None, pipeline_ctor=None): if pipeline_name is None: pipeline_name = self.default_pipeline if pipeline_name in self.pipelines: pipeline_obj = self.pipelines[pipeline_name] else: pipeline_obj = self.pipelines[pipeline_name] = pipeline_ctor() return pipeline_obj def __repr__(self): return "NumbaEnvironment(%s)" % # ______________________________________________________________________ # Main (self-test) routine def main(*args): import numba as nb test_ast = ast_module.parse('def test_fn(a, b):\n return a + b\n\n', '<string>', 'exec') exec(compile(test_ast, '<string>', 'exec')) test_fn_ast = test_ast.body[-1] test_fn_sig = nb.double(nb.double, nb.double) = test_fn.__name__ env = NumbaEnvironment.get_environment() with TranslationContext(env, test_fn, test_fn_ast, test_fn_sig): env.get_pipeline()(test_fn_ast, env) assert env.pipeline_stages == pipeline if __name__ == "__main__": import sys main(*sys.argv[1:]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = error # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import traceback __all__ = ["NumbaError", "InternalError", "InvalidTemplateError"] def format_pos(node): if node is not None and hasattr(node, 'lineno'): return format_postup((node.lineno, node.col_offset)) else: return "" def format_postup(tup): lineno, col_offset = tup return "%s:%s: " % (lineno, col_offset) class NumbaError(Exception): "Some error happened during compilation" def __init__(self, node, msg=None, *args, **kwds): if msg is None: node, msg = None, node self.node = node self.msg = msg self.args = args self.has_report = kwds.get("has_report", False) def __str__(self): try: if self.has_report: return self.msg.strip() pos = format_pos(self.node) msg = "%s%s %s" % (pos, self.msg, " ".join(map(str, self.args))) return msg.rstrip() except: traceback.print_exc() return "<internal error creating numba error message>" class InternalError(Exception): "Indicates a compiler bug" class _UnknownAttribute(Exception): pass class InvalidTemplateError(Exception): "Raised for invalid template type specifications" class UnpromotableTypeError(TypeError): "Raised when we can't promote two given types" def __str__(self): return "Cannot promote types %s and %s" % self.args[0] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = external # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module adds a way to declare external functions. See numba.function_util on how to call them. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba class ExternalFunction(object): _attributes = ('func_name', 'arg_types', 'return_type', 'is_vararg', 'check_pyerr_occurred', 'badval', 'goodval') func_name = None arg_types = None return_type = None is_vararg = False badval = None goodval = None exc_type = None exc_msg = None exc_args = None check_pyerr_occurred = False def __init__(self, return_type=None, arg_types=None, **kwargs): # Add positional arguments to keyword arguments if return_type is not None: kwargs['return_type'] = return_type if arg_types is not None: kwargs['arg_types'] = arg_types # Process keyword arguments if __debug__: # Only accept keyword arguments defined _attributes for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self._attributes: raise TypeError("Invalid keyword arg %s -> %s" % (k, v)) vars(self).update(kwargs) @property def signature(self): return numba.function(return_type=self.return_type, args=self.arg_types, is_vararg=self.is_vararg) @property def name(self): if self.func_name is None: return type(self).__name__ else: return self.func_name def declare_lfunc(self, context, llvm_module): lfunc_type = self.signature.to_llvm(context) lfunc = llvm_module.get_or_insert_function(lfunc_type, return lfunc class ExternalLibrary(object): def __init__(self, context): self._context = context # (name) -> (external function instance) self._functions = {} def add(self, extfn): if __debug__: # Sentry for duplicated external function name if in self._functions: raise NameError("Duplicated external function: %s" % self._functions[] = extfn def get(self, name): return self._functions[name] def __contains__(self, name): return name in self._functions def declare(self, module, name, arg_types=(), return_type=None): extfn = self._functions[name] # raises KeyError if name is not found if arg_types and return_type: if (extfn.arg_types != arg_types and extfn.return_type != return_type): raise TypeError("Signature mismatch") sig = extfn.signature lfunc_type = sig.to_llvm(self._context) return sig, module.get_or_insert_function(lfunc_type, ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = libc # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from .external import ExternalFunction from numba import * c_string_type = char.pointer() class printf(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [void.pointer()] return_type = int32 is_vararg = True class puts(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type] return_type = int32 class labs(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [long_] return_type = long_ class llabs(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [longlong] return_type = longlong class atoi(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type] return_type = int_ class atol(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type] return_type = long_ class atoll(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type] return_type = longlong class atof(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type] return_type = double class strlen(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type] return_type = size_t __all__ = [k for k, v in globals().items() if (v != ExternalFunction and isinstance(v, type) and issubclass(v, ExternalFunction))] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = pyapi # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import PY3 from .external import ExternalFunction from numba.typesystem import * c_string_type = char.pointer() class ofunc(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = object_ class Py_IncRef(ofunc): # TODO: rewrite calls to Py_IncRef/Py_DecRef to direct integer # TODO: increments/decrements return_type = void class Py_DecRef(Py_IncRef): pass class PyObject_Length(ofunc): return_type = Py_ssize_t class PyObject_Call(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_, object_] return_type = object_ class PyObject_CallMethod(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, c_string_type, c_string_type] return_type = object_ is_vararg = True class PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, c_string_type] return_type = object_ is_vararg = True class PyObject_Type(ExternalFunction): ''' Added to aid debugging ''' arg_types = [object_] return_type = object_ class PyTuple_Pack(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [Py_ssize_t] return_type = object_ is_vararg = True class Py_BuildValue(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type] return_type = object_ is_vararg = True class PyArg_ParseTuple(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, c_string_type] return_type = int_ is_vararg = True class PyObject_Print(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, void.pointer(), int_] return_type = int_ class PyObject_Str(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = object_ class PyObject_GetAttrString(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, c_string_type] return_type = object_ class PyObject_GetItem(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_] return_type = object_ class PyObject_SetItem(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_, object_] return_type = int_ class PyObject_GetIter(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = object_ class PyIter_Next(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = object_ class PySlice_New(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_, object_] return_type = object_ class PyErr_SetString(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, c_string_type] return_type = void class PyErr_Format(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, c_string_type] return_type = void.pointer() # object_ is_vararg = True class PyErr_Occurred(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [] return_type = void.pointer() # object_ class PyErr_Clear(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [] return_type = void class PyErr_SetObject(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_] return_type = void # ### Object conversions to native types # def create_func(name, restype, argtype, d, check_pyerr_occurred=False): class PyLong_FromLong(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [argtype] return_type = restype PyLong_FromLong.__name__ = name PyLong_FromLong.check_pyerr_occurred = check_pyerr_occurred if restype.is_object: type = argtype else: type = restype d[type] = PyLong_FromLong globals()[name] = PyLong_FromLong # The pipeline is using this dictionary to lookup casting func _as_long = {} def as_long(name, type): create_func(name, type, object_, _as_long, check_pyerr_occurred=True) as_long('PyLong_AsLong', long_) as_long('PyLong_AsUnsignedLong', ulong) as_long('PyLong_AsLongLong', longlong) as_long('PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong', ulonglong) #as_long('PyLong_AsSize_t', size_t) # new in py3k as_long('PyLong_AsSsize_t', Py_ssize_t) class PyFloat_FromDouble(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [double] return_type = object_ class PyComplex_RealAsDouble(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = double class PyComplex_ImagAsDouble(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = double class PyComplex_FromDoubles(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [double, double] return_type = object_ class PyComplex_FromCComplex(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [complex128] return_type = object_ if not PY3: class PyInt_FromString(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type, c_string_type.pointer(), int_] return_type = object_ class PyLong_FromString(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [c_string_type, c_string_type.pointer(), long_] return_type = object_ class PyFloat_FromString(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, c_string_type.pointer()] return_type = object_ class PyBool_FromLong(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [long_] return_type = object_ # ### Conversion of native types to object # # The pipeline is using this dictionary to lookup casting func _from_long = {} def from_long(name, type): create_func(name, object_, type, _from_long) if not PY3: from_long('PyInt_FromLong', long_) from_long('PyInt_FromSize_t', size_t) # new in 2.6 from_long('PyInt_FromSsize_t', Py_ssize_t) else: from_long('PyLong_FromLong', long_) from_long('PyLong_FromSize_t', size_t) from_long('PyLong_FromSsize_t', Py_ssize_t) from_long('PyLong_FromUnsignedLong', ulong) from_long('PyLong_FromLongLong', longlong) from_long('PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong', ulonglong) class PyFloat_AsDouble(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = double class PyComplex_AsCComplex(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = complex128 def create_binary_pyfunc(name): class PyNumber_BinOp(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_] return_type = object_ PyNumber_BinOp.__name__ = name globals()[name] = PyNumber_BinOp create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Add') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Subtract') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Multiply') if PY3: create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_TrueDivide') else: create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Divide') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Remainder') class PyNumber_Power(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_, object_] return_type = object_ create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Lshift') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Rshift') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Or') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_Xor') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_And') create_binary_pyfunc('PyNumber_FloorDivide') class PyNumber_Positive(ofunc): pass class PyNumber_Negative(ofunc): pass class PyNumber_Invert(ofunc): pass class PyObject_IsTrue(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_] return_type = int_ class PyObject_RichCompareBool(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_, int_] return_type = int_ badval = -1 # check_pyerr_occurred = True class PyObject_RichCompare(ExternalFunction): arg_types = [object_, object_, int_] return_type = object_ __all__ = [k for k, v in globals().items() if (v != ExternalFunction and isinstance(v, type) and issubclass(v, ExternalFunction))] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = utility # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core from numba import * from numba.external import external from numba.external.utilities import utilities from numba.exttypes.virtual import PyCustomSlots_Table class UtilityFunction(external.ExternalFunction): """ A utility function written in a native language. funcaddr: the integer address of the C utility function See ExternalFunction for keyword arguments! """ def __init__(self, funcaddr, return_type, arg_types, **kwargs): super(UtilityFunction, self).__init__(return_type, arg_types, **kwargs) self.funcaddr = funcaddr def declare_lfunc(self, context, llvm_module): lsig = self.signature.pointer().to_llvm(context) inttype = Py_uintptr_t.to_llvm(context) intval =, self.funcaddr) lfunc = intval.inttoptr(lsig) return lfunc @classmethod def load(cls, func_name, signature, **kwds): """ Load a utility function by name from the numba.external.utilities.utilities module. """ # Get the integer address of C utility function func_addr = getattr(utilities, func_name) return cls(func_addr, signature.return_type, signature.args, func_name=func_name, **kwds) load = UtilityFunction.load load2 = lambda name, sig: load(name, sig, check_pyerr_occurred=True) object_to_numeric = { char : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsSignedChar", char(object_)), uchar : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsUnsignedChar", uchar(object_)), short : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsSignedShort", short(object_)), ushort : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsUnsignedShort", ushort(object_)), int_ : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsSignedInt", int_(object_)), uint : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsUnsignedInt", uint(object_)), long_ : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsSignedLong", long_(object_)), ulong : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsUnsignedLong", ulong(object_)), longlong : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsSignedLongLong", longlong(object_)), ulonglong : load2("__Numba_PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLong", ulonglong(object_)), } void_p = void.pointer() void_pp = void_p.pointer() utility_funcs = list(object_to_numeric.itervalues()) + [ UtilityFunction.load( "lookup_method", void_p(void_pp, uint64, char.pointer())), UtilityFunction.load( "Raise", int_(*[void_p] * 4), badval=-1, ), UtilityFunction.load("__Numba_PyInt_FromLongLong", object_(longlong)), UtilityFunction.load("__Numba_PyInt_FromUnsignedLongLong", object_(ulonglong)), UtilityFunction.load("convert_datetime_str_to_timestamp", int64(string_)), UtilityFunction.load("convert_datetime_str_to_units", int_(string_)), UtilityFunction.load("convert_numpy_datetime_to_timestamp", int64(object_)), UtilityFunction.load("convert_numpy_datetime_to_units", int_(object_)), UtilityFunction.load("convert_numpy_timedelta_to_diff", int64(object_)), UtilityFunction.load("convert_numpy_timedelta_to_units", int_(object_)), UtilityFunction.load("create_numpy_datetime", object_(int64, int_, object_)), UtilityFunction.load("create_numpy_timedelta", object_(int64, int_, object_)), UtilityFunction.load("get_target_unit_for_datetime_datetime", int_(int_, int_)), UtilityFunction.load("get_target_unit_for_timedelta_timedelta", int_(int_, int_)), UtilityFunction.load("get_target_unit_for_datetime_timedelta", int_(int_, int_)), UtilityFunction.load("extract_datetime_year", int64(int64, int32)), UtilityFunction.load("extract_datetime_month", int_(int64, int32)), UtilityFunction.load("extract_datetime_day", int_(int64, int32)), UtilityFunction.load("extract_datetime_hour", int_(int64, int32)), UtilityFunction.load("extract_datetime_min", int_(int64, int32)), UtilityFunction.load("extract_datetime_sec", int_(int64, int32)), UtilityFunction.load("sub_datetime_datetime", int64(int64, int_, int64, int_, int_)), UtilityFunction.load("add_datetime_timedelta", int64(int64, int_, int64, int_, int_)), UtilityFunction.load("sub_datetime_timedelta", int64(int64, int_, int64, int_, int_)), UtilityFunction.load("extract_timedelta_sec", int_(int64, int32)), UtilityFunction.load("convert_timedelta_units_str", int_(string_)), UtilityFunction.load("get_units_num", int32(string_)), ] def default_utility_library(context): """ Create a library of utility functions. """ extlib = external.ExternalLibrary(context) for utility_func in utility_funcs: extlib.add(utility_func) return extlib ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = attributetable # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Extension attribute table type. Supports ordered (struct) fields, or unordered (hash-based) fields. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba.typesystem import is_obj from numba.exttypes import ordering #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extension Attributes Type #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AttributeTable(object): """ Type for extension type attributes. """ def __init__(self, py_class, parents): self.py_class = py_class # List of parent extension attribute table types self.parents = parents # attribute_name -> attribute_type self.attributedict = {} # Ordered list of attribute names self.attributes = None # Set of inherited attribute names self.inherited = set() def to_struct(self): return numba.struct([(attr, self.attributedict[attr]) for attr in self.attributes]) def create_attribute_ordering(self, orderer=ordering.unordered): """ Create a consistent attribute ordering with the base types. ordering โˆˆ { unordered, extending, ... } """ self.attributes = orderer(ordering.AttributeTable(self)) def need_tp_dealloc(self): """ Returns whether this extension type needs a tp_dealloc, tp_traverse and tp_clear filled out. """ if self.parent_type is not None and self.parent_type.need_tp_dealloc: result = False else: field_types = self.attribute_struct.fielddict.itervalues() result = any(map(is_obj, field_types)) self._need_tp_dealloc = result return result def strtable(self): if self.attributes is None: return str(self.attributedict) return "{%s}" % ", ".join("%r: %r" % (name, self.attributedict[name]) for name in self.attributes) def __repr__(self): return "AttributeTable(%s)" % self.strtable() @classmethod def empty(cls, py_class): table = AttributeTable(py_class, []) table.create_attribute_ordering() return table @classmethod def from_list(cls, py_class, attributes): "Create a final attribute table from a list of attribute (name, type)." table = AttributeTable(py_class, []) table.attributedict.update(attributes) table.attributes = [name for name, type in attributes] return table ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = autojitclass """ Compiling @autojit extension classes works as follows: * Create an extension Numba type holding a symtab * Capture attribute types in the symtab in the same was as @jit * Build attribute hash-based vtable, hashing on (attr_name, attr_type). (attr_name, attr_type) is the only allowed key for that attribute (i.e. this is fixed at compile time (for now). This means consumers will always know the attribute type (and don't need to specialize on different attribute types). However, using a hash-based attribute table allows easy implementation of multiple inheritance (virtual inheritance), without complicated C++ dynamic offsets to base objects (see also For all methods M with static input types: * Compile M * Register M in a list of compiled methods * Build initial hash-based virtual method table from compiled methods * Create pre-hash values for the signatures * We use these values to look up methods at runtime * Parametrize the virtual method table to build a final hash function: slot_index = (((prehash >> table.r) & self.table.m_f) ^ self.displacements[prehash & self.table.m_g]) See also and the following SEPs: And the following paper to understand the perfect hashing scheme: Hash and Displace: Efficient Evaluation of Minimal Perfect Hash Functions (1999) by Rasmus Pagn: * Create descriptors that wrap the native attributes * Create an extension type: { hash-based virtual method table (PyCustomSlots_Table **) PyGC_HEAD PyObject_HEAD ... native attributes } We precede the object with the table to make this work in a more generic scheme, e.g. where a caller is dealing with an unknown object, and we quickly want to see whether it support such a perfect-hashing virtual method table: if (o->ob_type->tp_flags & NATIVELY_CALLABLE_TABLE) { PyCustomSlots_Table ***slot_p = ((char *) o) - sizeof(PyGC_HEAD) PyCustomSlots_Table *vtab = **slot_p look up function } else { PyObject_Call(...) } We need to store a PyCustomSlots_Table ** in the object to allow the producer of the table to replace the table with a new table for all live objects (e.g. by adding a specialization for an autojit method). """ from numba import error from numba import pipeline from numba import numbawrapper from numba import typesystem from numba.exttypes import types as etypes from numba.exttypes import utils from numba.exttypes import virtual from numba.exttypes import signatures from numba.exttypes import validators from numba.exttypes import compileclass from numba.exttypes import ordering from numba.exttypes import autojitmeta #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Attributes Struct #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AutojitAttributeBuilder(compileclass.AttributeBuilder): def finalize(self, ext_type): # TODO: hash-based attributes ext_type.attribute_table.create_attribute_ordering(ordering.extending) def create_descr(self, attr_name): """ Create a descriptor that accesses the attribute on the ctypes struct. TODO: Use a perfect-hashed attribute table. """ def _get(self): return getattr(self._numba_attrs, attr_name) def _set(self, value): return setattr(self._numba_attrs, attr_name, value) return property(_get, _set) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Filter Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AutojitMethodFilter(compileclass.Filterer): def filter(self, methods, ext_type): typed_methods = [] for method in methods: if method.signature is None: # autojit method ext_type.vtab_type.untyped_methods[] = method else: # method with signature typed_methods.append(method) return typed_methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Method Wrappers #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AutojitMethodWrapperBuilder(compileclass.MethodWrapperBuilder): def build_method_wrappers(self, env, extclass, ext_type): """ Update the extension class with the function wrappers. """ self.process_typed_methods(env, extclass, ext_type) self.process_untyped_methods(env, extclass, ext_type) def process_untyped_methods(self, env, extclass, ext_type): """ Process autojit methods (undecorated methods). Use the fast NumbaSpecializingWrapper cache when for when we're being called from python. When we need to add a new specialization, `autojit_method_compiler` is invoked to compile the method. extclass: the extension type ext_type.py_class: the unspecialized class that was decorated """ from numba.wrapping import compiler for method_name, method in ext_type.vtab_type.untyped_methods.iteritems(): env.specializations.register(method.py_func) cache = env.specializations.get_autojit_cache(method.py_func) compiler_impl = compiler.MethodCompiler(env, extclass, method) wrapper = numbawrapper.NumbaSpecializingWrapper( method.py_func, compiler_impl, cache) setattr(extclass, method_name, wrapper) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Compile method when called from Python def autojit_method_compiler(env, extclass, method, signature): """ Called to compile a new specialized method. The result should be added to the perfect hash-based vtable. """ # compiled_method = numba.jit(argtypes=argtypes)(method.py_func) func_env = pipeline.compile2(env, method.py_func, restype=signature.return_type, argtypes=signature.args) # Create Method for the specialization new_method = signatures.Method( method.py_func,, func_env.func_signature, is_class=method.is_class, is_static=method.is_static) new_method.update_from_env(func_env) # Update vtable type vtable_wrapper = extclass.__numba_vtab vtable_type = extclass.exttype.vtab_type vtable_type.specialized_methods[, signature.args] = new_method # Replace vtable (which will update the vtable all (live) objects use) new_vtable = virtual.build_hashing_vtab(vtable_type) vtable_wrapper.replace_vtable(new_vtable) return func_env.numba_wrapper_func #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Autojit Extension Class Compiler #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AutojitExtensionCompiler(compileclass.ExtensionCompiler): """ Compile @autojit extension classes. """ method_validators = validators.autojit_validators exttype_validators = validators.autojit_type_validators def get_bases(self): """ Get base classes for the resulting extension type. We can try several inheritance schemes. We can choose between: 1) One unspecialized - general - class * This must bind specialized methods on each object instance to allow method calls from Python, making object allocation more expensive * We must take the max() of tp_basicsize to allow enough space for all specializations. However, the specialization universe is not known up front, so we must allocate attributes separately on the heap (or perhaps we must override tp_alloc to use a dynamic size depending on the specialization - but this may conflict with non-numba base classes). 2) One specialized class per instance * This allows us to experiment with static layouts for attributes or methods more easily * It seems more intuitive to back specialized objects with a specialized type We will go with 2). We could go for a specialization tree as follows: A / | \ A0 | A1 | | | | B | | / \ | B0 B1 Which gets us: issubclass(A_specialized, A) isinstance(A_specialized(), A) as well as issubclass(B_specialized, A_specialized) However, to support this scheme, the unspecialized class A must: 1) Be subclassable 2) Return specialized object instances when instantiated 3) Support unbound method calls 1) requires that A be a class, and then 2) implies that A's metaclass overrides __call__ or that A implements __new__. However, since A_specialized subclasses A, A_specialized.__new__ would need to skip A.__new__, which requires numba to insert a __new__ or modify a user's __new__ method in A_specialized. The metaclass option seems more feasible: A_meta.__call__ -> specialized object instance Users can then override a metaclass in a Python (or numba?) subclass as follows: class MyMeta(type(MyNumbaClass)): ... The metaclass can also support indexing: A_specialized = A[{'attrib_a': double}] """ # TODO: subclassing return (self.py_class,) def get_metacls(self): return autojitmeta.create_specialized_metaclass(self.py_class) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Unbound Methods from Python #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class UnboundDelegatingMethod(object): """ Function in the unspecialized class that is used for delegation to a method in a specialized class, i.e. A.method(A(10.0)) -> A(10.0).method() This method can never be bound, since __new__ always returns specialized instances (so the unspecialized class cannot be instantiated!). """ def __init__(self, py_class, name): self.py_class = py_class = name def __call__(self, obj, *args, **kwargs): numbawrapper.unbound_method_type_check(self.py_class, obj) return getattr(obj,*args, **kwargs) def make_delegations(py_class): """ Make delegation unbound methods that delegate from the unspecialized class to the specialized class. E.g. m = A.method m(A(10.0)) # Delegate to A[double].method """ class_dict = vars(py_class) for name, func in class_dict.iteritems(): if isinstance(func, (typesystem.Function, staticmethod, classmethod)): method = signatures.process_signature(func, name) if method.is_class or method.is_static: # Class or static method: use the pure Python function wrapped # in classmethod()/staticmethod() method.wrapper_func = method.py_func new_func = method.get_wrapper() else: # Regular unbound method. Create dispatcher to bound method # when called new_func = UnboundDelegatingMethod(py_class, name) setattr(py_class, name, new_func) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Make Specializing Class -- Entry Point for decorator application #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def autojit_class_wrapper(py_class, compiler_impl, cache): """ Invoked when a class is decorated with @autojit. :param py_class: decorated python class :param compiler_impl: compiler.ClassCompiler :param cache: FunctionCache :return: py_class that returns specialized object instances """ from numba import numbawrapper if utils.is_numba_class(py_class): raise error.NumbaError("Subclassing not yet supported " "for autojit classes") # runtime_args -> specialized extension type instance class_specializer = numbawrapper.NumbaSpecializingWrapper( py_class, compiler_impl, cache) py_class = autojitmeta.create_unspecialized_cls(py_class, class_specializer) py_class.__is_numba_autojit = True # Update the class from which we derive specializations (which will be # passed to create_extension() below) compiler_impl.py_func = py_class # Back up class dict, since we're going to modify it py_class.__numba_class_dict = dict(vars(py_class)) # Make delegation methods for unbound methods make_delegations(py_class) # Setup up partial compilation environment # partial_env = create_partial_extension_environment( # compiler_impl.env, py_class, compiler_impl.flags) # compiler_impl.partial_ext_env = partial_env return py_class #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Extension Type -- Compiler Entry Point #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def create_partial_extension_environment(env, py_class, flags, argtypes): def create_extension(env, py_class, flags, argtypes): """ Create a partial environment to compile specialized versions of the extension class in. Inovked when calling the wrapped class to compile a specialized new extension type. """ # TODO: Remove argtypes! Partial environment! flags.pop('llvm_module', None) ext_type = etypes.autojit_exttype(py_class) class_dict = dict(utils.get_class_dict(py_class)) extension_compiler = AutojitExtensionCompiler( env, py_class, class_dict, ext_type, flags, signatures.AutojitMethodMaker(argtypes), compileclass.AttributesInheriter(), AutojitMethodFilter(), AutojitAttributeBuilder(), virtual.HashBasedVTabBuilder(), AutojitMethodWrapperBuilder()) extension_compiler.init() # return extension_compiler # def compile_class(extension_compiler, argtypes): extension_compiler.infer() extension_compiler.finalize_tables() extension_compiler.validate() extension_type = extension_compiler.compile() return extension_type ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = autojitmeta # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Autojit meta class. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import class _AutojitMeta(type): """ Metaclass base for autojit classes. """ def create_unspecialized_cls(py_class, class_specializer): """ Create an unspecialized class. class_specializer: NumbaSpecializingWrapper (args -> specialized object instance) """ class AutojitMeta(type(py_class)): """ Metaclass base for autojit classes. AutojitMeta -> UnspecializedClass -> SpecializedInstance """ def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return class_specializer(*args, **kwargs) def __getitem__(cls, key): assert isinstance(key, dict) for specialized_cls in cls.specializations: attrdict = specialized_cls.exttype.attribute_table.attributedict if attrdict == key: return specialized_cls raise KeyError(key) @property def specializations(cls): return class_specializer.funccache.specializations.values() # def __repr__(cls): # return "<Unspecialized Class %s at 0x%x>" % (cls.__name__, id(cls)) return AutojitMeta(py_class.__name__, py_class.__bases__, dict(vars(py_class))) def create_specialized_metaclass(py_class): """ When the autojit cache compiles a new class specialization, it invokes it with the constructor arguments. Since A_specialized inherits from A, AutojitMeta.__call__ again tries to specialize the class. We need to override this behaviour and instead instantiate A_specialized through type.__call__ (invoking A_specialized.{__new__,__init__}). """ class SpecializedMeta(type(py_class)): def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs) # def __repr__(cls): # return "<Specialized Class %s at 0x%x>" % (cls.__name__, id(cls)) return SpecializedMeta ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = compileclass # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import pipeline from numba import symtab from numba import typesystem from numba.exttypes import signatures from numba.exttypes import utils from numba.exttypes import extension_types from numba.exttypes import methodtable from numba.exttypes import attributetable from numba.exttypes.types import methods class ExtensionCompiler(object): # [validators.MethodValidator] method_validators = None # [validators.ExtTypeValidator] exttype_validators = None def __init__(self, env, py_class, class_dict, ext_type, flags, method_maker, inheriter, method_filter, attrbuilder, vtabbuilder, methodwrapper): self.env = env self.py_class = py_class self.class_dict = class_dict self.ext_type = ext_type self.flags = flags self.inheriter = inheriter self.method_filter = method_filter self.attrbuilder = attrbuilder self.vtabbuilder = vtabbuilder self.method_maker = method_maker self.methodwrapper = methodwrapper # Partial function environments held after type inference has run self.func_envs = {} #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initialized and Inheritance #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def init(self): """ Initialize: 1) Inherit attributes and methods * Also build the vtab and attribute table types 2) Process class attribute types: class Foo(object): myattr = double 3) Process method signatures @void(double) etc """ self.class_dict['__numba_py_class'] = self.py_class self.inheriter.inherit(self.ext_type) process_class_attribute_types(self.ext_type, self.class_dict) # Process method signatures and set self.methods to [Method] self.methods = self.process_method_signatures() # Build ext_type.symtab build_extension_symtab(self.ext_type) def process_method_signatures(self): """ Process all method signatures: * Verify signatures * Populate ext_type with method signatures (ExtMethodType) """ processor = signatures.MethodSignatureProcessor(self.class_dict, self.ext_type, self.method_maker, self.method_validators) methods = processor.get_method_signatures() methods = self.method_filter.filter(methods, self.ext_type) # Update ext_type and class dict with known Method objects for method in methods: self.ext_type.add_method(method) self.class_dict[] = method return methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Inference #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def infer(self): """ 1) Infer extension attribute types from the __init__ method 2) Type infer all methods """ # Update ext_type.symtab self.type_infer_init_method() # Type infer the rest of the methods (with fixed attribute table!) self.type_infer_methods() def type_infer_method(self, method): func_env = pipeline.compile2(self.env, method.py_func, method.signature.return_type, method.signature.args, # don't use qualified name, pipeline_name='type_infer', **self.flags) self.func_envs[method] = func_env # Verify signature after type inference with registered # (user-declared) signature method.signature = methods.ExtMethodType( method.signature.return_type, method.signature.args,, is_class_method=method.is_class, is_static_method=method.is_static) self.ext_type.add_method(method) def type_infer_init_method(self): initfunc = self.class_dict.get('__init__', None) if initfunc is None: return self.type_infer_method(initfunc) def type_infer_methods(self): for method in self.methods: if not in ('__new__', '__init__') and method.signature: self.type_infer_method(method) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Finalize Tables #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def finalize_tables(self): """ Finalize (fix) the attribute and method tables. """ self.attrbuilder.finalize(self.ext_type) self.vtabbuilder.finalize(self.ext_type) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Validate #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def validate(self): """ Validate that we can build the extension type. """ for validator in self.exttype_validators: validator.validate(self.ext_type) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compilation #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def compile(self): """ Compile extension methods: 1) Process signatures such as @void(double) 2) Infer native attributes through type inference on __init__ 3) Patch the extension type with a native attributes struct 4) Infer types for all other methods 5) Update the ext_type with a vtab type 6) Compile all methods """ self.compile_methods() vtable = self.vtabbuilder.build_vtab(self.ext_type) extclass = self.build_extension_type(vtable) # Set the extension class on the type. We may instead want an # ExtensionEnvironment associated with each ext_type, but this # would be a global thing self.ext_type.extclass = extclass self.attrbuilder.build_descriptors(self.ext_type, extclass) self.methodwrapper.build_method_wrappers( self.env, extclass, self.ext_type) return extclass def compile_methods(self): """ Compile all methods, reuse function environments from type inference stage. โˆ€ methods M sets M.lfunc, M.lfunc_pointer and M.wrapper_func """ for i, method in enumerate(self.methods): func_env = self.func_envs[method] pipeline.run_env(self.env, func_env, pipeline_name='compile') method.update_from_env(func_env) def get_bases(self): """ Get base classes for the resulting extension type. For jit types, these are simply the bases of the Python class we decorated. For autojit-decorated classes we get a more complicated inheritance scheme (see AutojitExtensionCompiler.get_bases). """ return self.py_class.__bases__ def get_metacls(self): """ Return the metaclass for the specialized extension type. """ return type def build_extension_type(self, vtable): """ Build extension type from llvm methods and pointers and a populated virtual method table. """ vtable_wrapper = self.vtabbuilder.wrap_vtable(vtable) extension_type = extension_types.create_new_extension_type( self.get_metacls(), self.py_class.__name__, self.get_bases(), self.class_dict, self.ext_type, vtable_wrapper) return extension_type #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Attribute Inheritance #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AttributesInheriter(object): """ Inherit attributes and methods from parent classes: For attributes and methods ... 1) Build a table type 2) Copy supertype slots into subclass table type """ def inherit(self, ext_type): "Inherit attributes and methods from superclasses" attr_table = self.build_attribute_table(ext_type) ext_type.attribute_table = attr_table vtable = self.build_method_table(ext_type) ext_type.vtab_type = vtable def build_attribute_table(self, ext_type): bases = utils.get_numba_bases(ext_type.py_class) parent_attrtables = [base.exttype.attribute_table for base in bases] attr_table = attributetable.AttributeTable( ext_type.py_class, parent_attrtables) for base in bases: self.inherit_attributes(attr_table, base.exttype) return attr_table def build_method_table(self, ext_type): bases = utils.get_numba_bases(ext_type.py_class) parent_vtables = [base.exttype.vtab_type for base in bases] vtable = methodtable.VTabType(ext_type.py_class, parent_vtables) for base in bases: self.inherit_methods(vtable, base.exttype) return vtable def inherit_attributes(self, attr_table, base_ext_type): """ Inherit attributes from a parent class. May be called multiple times for multiple bases. """ base_attrs = base_ext_type.attribute_table.attributedict attr_table.inherited.update(base_attrs) # { attr_name } attr_table.attributedict.update(base_attrs) # { attr_name : attr_type } def inherit_methods(self, vtable, base_ext_type): """ Inherit methods from a parent class. May be called multiple times for multiple bases. """ base_methods = base_ext_type.vtab_type.methoddict vtable.inherited.update(base_methods) # { method_name } vtable.methoddict.update(base_methods) # { method_name : Method } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extension Attribute Processing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def process_class_attribute_types(ext_type, class_dict): """ Process class attribute types: @jit class Foo(object): attr = double """ table = ext_type.attribute_table for name, value in class_dict.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, typesystem.Type): table.attributedict[name] = value def build_extension_symtab(ext_type): """ Create symbol table for all attributes of the extension type. These are Variables which are used by the type inferencer and used to type check attribute assignments. New attribute assignments create new ExtensionAttributeVariable variables in the symtab. These variables update the attribute table during type inference: class Foo(object): value1 = double def __init__(self, value2): self.value2 = int_(value2) Before type inference of __init__ we have: symtab = { 'value1': Variable(double) } and after type inference of __init__ we have: symtab = { 'value1': Variable(double), # type is fixed 'value2': ExtensionAttributeVariable(int_), # type is inferred } """ table = ext_type.attribute_table for attr_name, attr_type in table.attributedict.iteritems(): ext_type.symtab[attr_name] = symtab.Variable(attr_type, promotable_type=False) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Attributes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AttributeBuilder(object): """ Build attribute descriptors for Python-level access. """ def finalize(self, ext_type): "Finalize the attribute table (and fix the order if necessary)" def create_descr(self, attr_name): """ Create a descriptor that accesses the attribute from Python space. """ def build_descriptors(self, ext_type, extension_class): "Cram descriptors into the class dict" table = ext_type.attribute_table for attr_name, attr_type in table.attributedict.iteritems(): descriptor = self.create_descr(attr_name) setattr(extension_class, attr_name, descriptor) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Method Wrappers #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class MethodWrapperBuilder(object): def build_method_wrappers(self, env, extclass, ext_type): """ Update the extension class with the function wrappers. """ self.process_typed_methods(env, extclass, ext_type) def process_typed_methods(self, env, extclass, ext_type): for method in ext_type.methoddict.itervalues(): setattr(extclass,, method.get_wrapper()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Filters #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Filterer(object): def filter(self, iterable, *args): return list(iterable) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = entrypoints import numba from numba import error from numba.exttypes import utils from numba.exttypes import jitclass from numba.exttypes import autojitclass from numba.exttypes.autojitclass import autojit_class_wrapper from llvm import core as _lc #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Extension Type (@jit) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def jit_extension_class(py_class, translator_kwargs, env): llvm_module = translator_kwargs.get('llvm_module', None) if llvm_module is None: llvm_module ='tmp.extension_class.%X' % id(py_class)) translator_kwargs['llvm_module'] = llvm_module return jitclass.create_extension(env, py_class, translator_kwargs) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Dynamic Extension Type (@autojit) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def autojit_extension_class(env, py_class, flags, argtypes): """ Compile an extension class given the NumbaEnvironment and the Python class that contains the functions that are to be compiled. """ return autojitclass.create_extension(env, py_class, flags, argtypes) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = jitclass """ Compiling @jit extension classes works as follows: * Create an extension Numba type holding a symtab * Capture attribute types in the symtab ... * ... from the class attributes: @jit class Foo(object): attr = double * ... from __init__ @jit class Foo(object): def __init__(self, attr): self.attr = double(attr) * Type infer all methods * Compile all extension methods * Process signatures such as @void(double) * Infer native attributes through type inference on __init__ * Path the extension type with a native attributes struct * Infer types for all other methods * Update the ext_type with a vtab type * Compile all methods * Create descriptors that wrap the native attributes * Create an extension type: { PyObject_HEAD ... virtual function table (func **) native attributes } The virtual function table (vtab) is a ctypes structure set as attribute of the extension types. Objects have a direct pointer for efficiency. """ from numba import typesystem from numba.exttypes import virtual from numba.exttypes import signatures from numba.exttypes import validators from numba.exttypes import compileclass from numba.exttypes import ordering from numba.exttypes import types as etypes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Jit Extension Class Compiler #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class JitExtensionCompiler(compileclass.ExtensionCompiler): """ Compile @jit extension classes. """ method_validators = validators.jit_validators exttype_validators = validators.jit_type_validators #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Attributes Struct #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class JitAttributeBuilder(compileclass.AttributeBuilder): def finalize(self, ext_type): ext_type.attribute_table.create_attribute_ordering(ordering.extending) def create_descr(self, attr_name): """ Create a descriptor that accesses the attribute on the ctypes struct. This is set by the extension type constructor __new__. """ def _get(self): return getattr(self._numba_attrs, attr_name) def _set(self, value): return setattr(self._numba_attrs, attr_name, value) return property(_get, _set) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Extension Type #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def create_extension(env, py_class, flags): """ Compile an extension class given the NumbaEnvironment and the Python class that contains the functions that are to be compiled. """ flags.pop('llvm_module', None) # ext_type = etypes.jit_exttype(py_class) ext_type = typesystem.jit_exttype(py_class) extension_compiler = JitExtensionCompiler( env, py_class, dict(vars(py_class)), ext_type, flags, signatures.JitMethodMaker(), compileclass.AttributesInheriter(), compileclass.Filterer(), JitAttributeBuilder(), virtual.StaticVTabBuilder(), compileclass.MethodWrapperBuilder()) extension_compiler.init() extension_compiler.infer() extension_compiler.finalize_tables() extension_compiler.validate() extension_type = extension_compiler.compile() return extension_type ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = methodtable # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Virtual method table types and ordering. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba.exttypes import ordering from numba.exttypes.types import methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Virtual Method Table Type #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class VTabType(object): """ Virtual method table type. """ def __init__(self, py_class, parents): self.py_class = py_class # List of parent vtable types self.parents = parents # method_name -> Method self.methoddict = {} # method_name -> Method self.untyped_methods = {} # specialized methods (i.e. autojit method specializations) # (method_name, method_argtypes) -> Method self.specialized_methods = {} # Set once create_method_ordering is called, # list of ordered method names self.methodnames = None # Set of inherited method ({ method_name }) self.inherited = set() def create_method_ordering(self, orderer=ordering.unordered): """ Create a consistent method ordering with the base types. ordering โˆˆ { unordered, extending, ... } """ self.methodnames = orderer(ordering.VTable(self)) def add_method(self, method): """ Add a method to the vtab type and verify it with any parent method signatures. """ if in self.methoddict: # Patch current signature after type inference signature = self.get_signature( assert methods.equal_signature_args(method.signature, signature) if signature.return_type is None: signature.return_type = method.signature.return_type else: assert signature.return_type == method.signature.return_type, \ method.signature self.methoddict[] = method def get_signature(self, method_name): "Get the signature for the given method name. Returns ExtMethodType" method = self.methoddict[method_name] return method.signature def to_struct(self): return numba.struct([(, m.signature.pointer()) for m in self.methods]) @property def methods(self): "Return methods in the order they were set in" assert self.methodnames is not None methods = map(self.methoddict.get, self.methodnames) return list(methods) + self.specialized_methods.values() @property def llvm_methods(self): for m in self.methods: yield m.lfunc @property def method_pointers(self): for m in self.methods: yield m.lfunc_pointer @classmethod def empty(cls, py_class): "Create an empty finalized vtable type" vtable = cls(py_class, []) vtable.create_method_ordering() return vtable ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ordering # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module defines ordering schemes for virtual methods and attributes. If we use hash-based virtual (method/attribute) tables, we don't care about the ordering. If we're using a C++ like virtual method/attribute table (like normal Python extension types do for attributes), we need to have a layout compatible with base classes (i.e. we may only add more attributes, but not reorder any existing ones). """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.traits import traits, Delegate from numba import error #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Virtual Tables #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @traits class AbstractTable(object): # Ordered attribute names attributes = None # Dict mapping attribute names to attribute entities attrdict = None py_class = Delegate('table') def __init__(self, table): self.table = table @property def parents(self): cls = type(self) return list(map(cls, self.table.parents)) @traits class VTable(AbstractTable): attributes = Delegate('table', 'methodnames') attrdict = Delegate('table', 'methoddict') @traits class AttributeTable(AbstractTable): attributes = Delegate('table', 'attributes') attrdict = Delegate('table', 'attributedict') #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Table Entry Ordering (Virtual Method / Attribute Ordering) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def sort_parents(table): "Sort parent tables by size" return sorted(table.parents, key=lambda tab: len(tab.attrdict)) def unordered(table): "Return table entities in a random order" return list(table.attrdict) def extending(table): """ Order the table entities according to the given parent tables, i.e. we can only extend existing tables. """ if not table.parents: return unordered(table) parents = sort_parents(table) biggest_table = parents[-1] appending_attributes = set(table.attrdict) - set(biggest_table.attributes) return biggest_table.attributes + list(appending_attributes) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Validate Table Ordering def validate_extending_order_compatibility(table): parents = sort_parents(table) tables = parents + [table] for table_smaller, table_bigger in zip(tables, tables[1:]): names1 = table_smaller.attributes names2 = table_bigger.attributes[:len(table_smaller.attributes)] if names1 != names2: raise error.NumbaError( "Cannot create compatible attribute or method ordering for " "base classes '%s' and '%s'" % ( table_smaller.py_class.__name__, table_bigger.py_class.__name__)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = signatures # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Handle signatures of methods in @jit and @autojit classes. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import types import numba from numba import * from numba import error from numba import typesystem #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Parse method signatures #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Method(object): """ py_func: the python 'def' function """ def __init__(self, py_func, name, signature, is_class, is_static, nopython=False): self.py_func = py_func # py_func.live_objects = [] # Name of this function, py_func.__name__ is inherently unreliable = name self.signature = signature self.is_class = is_class self.is_static = is_static self.nopython = nopython self.template_signature = None # Filled out after extension method is compiled # (ExtensionCompiler.compile_methods()) self.wrapper_func = None self.lfunc = None self.lfunc_pointer = None def get_wrapper(self): if self.is_class: return classmethod(self.wrapper_func) elif self.is_static: return staticmethod(self.wrapper_func) else: return self.wrapper_func def update_from_env(self, func_env): self.lfunc = func_env.lfunc self.lfunc_pointer = func_env.translator.lfunc_pointer self.wrapper_func = func_env.numba_wrapper_func def clone(self): return type(self)(self.py_func,, self.signature, self.is_class, self.is_static, self.nopython) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_classmethod_func(func): """ Get the Python function the classmethod or staticmethod is wrapping. In Python2.6 classmethod and staticmethod don't have the '__func__' attribute. """ if isinstance(func, classmethod): return func.__get__(object()).__func__ else: assert isinstance(func, staticmethod) return func.__get__(object()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Method Builders #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class MethodMaker(object): """ Creates Methods from python functions and validates user-declared signatures. """ def no_signature(self, method): "Called when no signature is found for the method" def default_signature(self, method, ext_type): """ Retrieve the default method signature for the given method if no user-declared signature exists. """ if has_known_signature(method): # We know the argument types, but we don't have a solid # infrastucture for inter-procedural type inference yet # return typesystem.function(None, []) return None else: return None def make_method_type(self, method): "Create a method type for the given Method and declared signature" restype = method.signature.return_type argtypes = method.signature.args signature = typesystem.ExtMethodType( return_type=restype, args=argtypes,, is_class_method=method.is_class, is_static_method=method.is_static) return signature def has_known_signature(method): argcount = method.py_func.__code__.co_argcount return ((method.is_static and argcount == 0) or (not method.is_static and argcount == 1)) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Method processing for @jit classes class JitMethodMaker(MethodMaker): def no_signature(self, py_func): if py_func.__name__ != '__init__': raise error.NumbaError( "Method '%s' does not have signature" % (py_func.__name__,)) def default_signature(self, method, ext_type): if == '__init__': argtypes = [numba.object_] * (method.py_func.__code__.co_argcount - 1) default_signature = numba.void(*argtypes) return default_signature else: return super(JitMethodMaker, self).default_signature( method, ext_type) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Method processing for @autojit classes class AutojitMethodMaker(MethodMaker): def __init__(self, argtypes): self.argtypes = argtypes def default_signature(self, method, ext_type): if == '__init__': default_signature = numba.void(*self.argtypes) return default_signature else: return super(AutojitMethodMaker, self).default_signature( method, ext_type) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Method signature parsing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def method_argtypes(method, ext_type, argtypes): if method.is_static: leading_arg_types = () elif method.is_class: leading_arg_types = (numba.object_,) else: leading_arg_types = (ext_type,) return leading_arg_types + tuple(argtypes) def process_signature(method, method_name, method_maker=MethodMaker()): """ Verify a method signature. Returns a Method object and the resolved signature. Returns None if the object isn't a method. """ signature = None is_static=False is_class=False while True: if isinstance(method, types.FunctionType): # Process function if signature is None: method_maker.no_signature(method) method = Method(method, method_name, signature, is_class, is_static) return method elif isinstance(method, typesystem.Function): # @double(...) # def func(self, ...): ... signature = method.signature method = method.py_func else: # Process staticmethod and classmethod if isinstance(method, staticmethod): is_static = True elif isinstance(method, classmethod): is_class = True else: return None method = get_classmethod_func(method) assert False # Unreachable class MethodSignatureProcessor(object): """ Processes signatures of extension types. """ def __init__(self, class_dict, ext_type, method_maker, validators): self.class_dict = class_dict self.ext_type = ext_type self.method_maker = method_maker # List of method validators: [MethodValidator] self.validators = validators def update_signature(self, method): """ Update a method signature with the extension type for 'self'. class Foo(object): @void() # becomes: void(ext_type(Foo)) def method(self): ... """ argtypes = method_argtypes(method, self.ext_type, method.signature.args) restype = method.signature.return_type method.signature = typesystem.function(restype, argtypes) method.signature = self.method_maker.make_method_type(method) def get_method_signatures(self): """ Return [Method] for each decorated method in the class """ methods = [] for method_name, method in sorted(self.class_dict.iteritems()): method = process_signature(method, method_name) if method is None: continue for validator in self.validators: validator.validate(method, self.ext_type) if method.signature is None: method.signature = self.method_maker.default_signature( method, self.ext_type) if method.signature is not None: self.update_signature(method) methods.append(method) return methods ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_class_specializations # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test properties of specialized classes and test indexing. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * @autojit class C(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value obj = C(10.0) print(type(obj).exttype) specialized_cls = C[{'value': double}] print(specialized_cls, C, specialized_cls is C) assert issubclass(specialized_cls, C) assert isinstance(obj, C) try: C[{'value': int_}] except KeyError as e: assert e.args[0] == {'value': int_} else: raise Exception ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_unannotated_extension_methods from itertools import cycle from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize, main import numpy as np # NOTE: We make these two separate classes because we don't want a set of # NOTE: precompiled methods to affect the tests del python, nopython # Make sure we run in *compiled* mode def _make_list_func(self, A): L = [] with nopython: for i in range(A.shape[0]): item = A[i] with python: L.append(item) return L def make_list_func(self, A): return self._make_list(A) @autojit class Base1(object): """ Test numba calling autojit methods """ def __init__(self, myfloat): self.value = myfloat def getvalue(self): return self.value _make_list = _make_list_func make_list = make_list_func @autojit class Base2(object): """ Test numba calling autojit methods """ def __init__(self, myfloat): self.value = myfloat def getvalue(self): return self.value _make_list = _make_list_func make_list = make_list_func @autojit class Base3(object): """ Test Python calling autojit methods. """ def __init__(self, myfloat): self.value = myfloat def getvalue(self): return self.value make_list = _make_list_func @autojit def run(obj, array): list = obj.make_list(array) return list #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ obj1 = Base1(10.0) obj2 = Base2(10.0) obj3 = Base3(10.0) assert obj1.value == obj2.value == obj3.value == 10.0 dtypes = ( np.float32, np.int32, np.double, np.int64, np.complex64, np.complex128, ) params = (list(zip(cycle([obj1]), dtypes)) + list(zip(cycle([obj3]), dtypes))) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Parameterized tests @parametrize(*params) def test_python_specialize_method(param): obj, dtype = param A = np.arange(10, dtype=dtype) L = obj.make_list(A) assert np.all(A == L) @parametrize(*zip(cycle([obj2]), dtypes)) def test_numba_func_use_method(param): obj, dtype = param A = np.arange(10, dtype=dtype) L = run(obj, A) assert np.all(A == L) if __name__ == '__main__': # obj, dtype = obj2, np.double # # A = np.arange(10, dtype=dtype) # L = run(obj, A) # assert np.all(A == L) main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_unspecialized_extension_methods from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize, main from numba.exttypes.tests import test_extension_methods Base1 = test_extension_methods.make_base(autojit) @autojit class Base2(object): def __init__(self, myfloat): self.value = myfloat def getvalue(self): return self.value # @staticmethod # def static1(): # return 10.0 # # @staticmethod # def static2(value): # return value * 2 # # @staticmethod # def static3(value1, value2): # return value1 * value2 # # @staticmethod # @double(double, double) # def static4(value1, value2): # return value1 * value2 # # @classmethod # @double() # def class1(cls): # return 10.0 # # @double(double) # @classmethod # def class2(cls, value): # return value * 2 # # @double(double, double) # @classmethod # def class3(cls, value1, value2): # return value1 * value2 # # @classmethod # @double(double, double) # def class4(cls, value1, value2): # return value1 * value2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ obj1 = Base1(10.0) specialized_class1 = Base1[{'value': double}] obj2 = Base1(11) @parametrize(Base1, specialized_class1, obj1, obj2) def test_staticmethods(obj): assert obj.static1() == 10.0 assert obj.static2(10.0) == 20.0 assert obj.static3(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 assert obj.static4(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 @parametrize(Base1, specialized_class1, obj1, obj2) def test_classmethods(obj): assert obj.class1() == 10.0 assert obj.class2(10.0) == 20.0 assert obj.class3(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 assert obj.class4(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 @parametrize(obj1) def test_specialized_unbound(obj): assert type(obj) is specialized_class1 assert specialized_class1.getvalue(obj) == 10.0 @parametrize(obj2) def test_specialized_unbound2(obj): assert issubclass(type(obj), Base1) assert type(obj).getvalue(obj) == 11 if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_attributes """ Test class attributes. """ import numba from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize, main def make_base(compiler): @compiler class Base(object): value1 = double value2 = int_ @void(int_, double) def __init__(self, value1, value2): self.value1 = value1 self.value2 = value2 @void(int_) def setvalue(self, value): self.value1 = value @double() def getvalue1(self): return self.value1 return Base def make_derived(compiler): Base = make_base(compiler) @compiler class Derived(Base): value3 = float_ @void(int_) def setvalue(self, value): self.value3 = value return Base, Derived #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @parametrize(jit, autojit) def test_baseclass_attrs(compiler): Base = make_base(compiler) assert Base(10, 11.0).value1 == 10.0 assert Base(10, 11.0).value2 == 11 obj = Base(10, 11.0) obj.setvalue(12) assert obj.getvalue1() == 12.0 @parametrize(jit) #, autojit) def test_derivedclass_attrs(compiler): Base, Derived = make_derived(compiler) obj = Derived(10, 11.0) obj.setvalue(9) assert obj.value3 == 9.0 if __name__ == '__main__': # test_derivedclass_attrs(autojit) main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_inheritance """ Test Python- and Numba-level inheritance. """ import numba from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize, main if not numba.PY3: # The operation is valid in Python 3 __doc__ = """ >>> Base.py_method(object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unbound method numba_function_or_method object must be called with Base instance as first argument (got object instance instead) """ def format_str(msg, *values): return msg % values def make_base(compiler): @compiler class BaseClass(object): @void(double) def __init__(self, value): self.value = value @double() def getvalue(self): "Return value" return self.value @void(double) def setvalue(self, value): "Set value" self.value = value @double() def method(self): return self.getvalue() @double() def py_method(self): return self.value @object_() def __repr__(self): return format_str('Base(%s)', self.value) return BaseClass def make_derived(compiler): BaseClass = make_base(compiler) @compiler class DerivedClass(BaseClass): @void(double) def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.value2 = 2.0 @double() def getvalue(self): "Return value" return self.value * self.value2 @void(double) def setvalue2(self, value2): "Set value" self.value2 = value2 @object_() def __repr__(self): return format_str('Derived(%s)', self.value) return BaseClass, DerivedClass #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @parametrize(jit, autojit) def test_baseclass(compiler): Base = make_base(compiler) assert str(Base(10.0)) == 'Base(10.0)' assert Base(10.0).py_method() == 10.0 assert Base(4.0).method() == 4.0 assert Base(4.0).getvalue() == 4.0 try: Base.py_method(object()) except TypeError as e: assert e.args[0] == ('unbound method numba_function_or_method ' 'object must be called with BaseClass ' 'instance as first argument (got object ' 'instance instead)'), e.args[0] else: raise Exception("Expected an exception") @parametrize(jit) #, autojit) def test_derivedclass(compiler): Base, Derived = make_derived(compiler) assert str(Derived(20.0)) == 'Derived(20.0)' assert Derived(10.0).py_method() == 10.0 assert Derived(4.0).method() == 8.0 assert Derived(4.0).getvalue() == 8.0 obj = Derived(4.0) obj.value2 = 3.0 result = obj.method() assert result == 12.0, result if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_methods from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize, main def make_base(compiler): @compiler class Base(object): @void(double) def __init__(self, myfloat): self.value = myfloat @double() def getvalue(self): return self.value @staticmethod @double() def static1(): return 10.0 @double(double) @staticmethod def static2(value): return value * 2 @double(double, double) @staticmethod def static3(value1, value2): return value1 * value2 @staticmethod @double(double, double) def static4(value1, value2): return value1 * value2 @classmethod @double() def class1(cls): return 10.0 @double(double) @classmethod def class2(cls, value): return value * 2 @double(double, double) @classmethod def class3(cls, value1, value2): return value1 * value2 @classmethod @double(double, double) def class4(cls, value1, value2): return value1 * value2 return Base def make_derived(compiler): Base = make_base(compiler) @compiler class Derived(Base): pass return Base, Derived #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def run_staticmethods(obj): assert obj.static1() == 10.0 assert obj.static2(10.0) == 20.0 assert obj.static3(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 assert obj.static4(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 def run_classmethods(obj): assert obj.class1() == 10.0 assert obj.class2(10.0) == 20.0 assert obj.class3(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 assert obj.class4(5.0, 6.0) == 30.0 # ______________________________________________________________________ # Parameterized tests @parametrize(jit, autojit) def test_base_staticmethods(compiler): Base = make_base(compiler) run_staticmethods(Base(2.0)) run_staticmethods(Base) @parametrize(jit) def test_derived_staticmethods(compiler): Base, Derived = make_derived(compiler) run_staticmethods(Derived(2.0)) run_staticmethods(Derived) @parametrize(jit, autojit) def test_base_classmethods(compiler): Base = make_base(compiler) run_classmethods(Base(2.0)) run_classmethods(Base) @parametrize(jit) def test_derived_classmethods(compiler): Base, Derived = make_derived(compiler) run_classmethods(Derived(2.0)) run_classmethods(Derived) if __name__ == '__main__': # Base = make_base(autojit) # obj = Base(2.0) # run_staticmethods(Base) main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_sizeof import sys from numba import * @jit class Base(object): @void(double) def __init__(self, myfloat): self.value = myfloat @double() def getvalue(self): "Return value" return self.value @jit class Derived1(Base): @void(double) def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.value2 = double(2.0) def test_sizeof_extra_attr(): base = Base(10.0) derived = Derived1(10.0) base_size = sys.getsizeof(base) derived_size = sys.getsizeof(derived) assert base_size + 8 == derived_size, (base_size, derived_size) @jit class Derived2(Base): @double() def getvalue(self): return self.value def test_sizeof_extra_method(): base_size = sys.getsizeof(Base(10.0)) derived_size = sys.getsizeof(Derived2(10.0)) assert base_size == derived_size, (base_size, derived_size) if __name__ == '__main__': test_sizeof_extra_attr() test_sizeof_extra_method() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_types import ctypes import numba from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize, main def format_str(msg, *values): return msg % values def make_myextension(compiler): @compiler class MyExtension(object): @void(double) def __init__(self, myfloat): self.value = myfloat @double() def getvalue(self): "Return value" return self.value @void(double) def setvalue(self, value): "Set value" self.value = value @object_() def __repr__(self): return format_str('MyExtension%s', self.value) return MyExtension def make_obj_extension(compiler): @compiler class ObjectAttrExtension(object): def __init__(self, value1, value2): self.value1 = object_(value1) self.value2 = double(value2) @object_() def getvalue(self): "Return value" return self.value1 @void(double) def setvalue(self, value): "Set value" self.value1 = value @object_() def method(self): return self.getvalue() @object_(int32) def method2(self, new_value): self.setvalue(new_value * 2) result = self.method() return result return ObjectAttrExtension def make_extattr_extension(): ObjectAttrExtension = make_obj_extension(jit) exttype = ObjectAttrExtension.exttype @jit class ExtensionTypeAsAttribute(object): def __init__(self, attr): self.attr = exttype(attr) return ExtensionTypeAsAttribute #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @parametrize(jit, autojit) def test_extension(compiler): MyExtension = make_myextension(compiler) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test methods and attributes obj = MyExtension(10.0) assert obj.value == 10.0 assert obj._numba_attrs.value == 10.0 obj.setvalue(20.0) assert obj.getvalue() == 20.0 assert obj.value == 20.0 obj._numba_attrs._fields_ == [('value', ctypes.c_double)] # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test stringifications assert obj.getvalue.__name__ == 'getvalue' assert obj.getvalue.__doc__ == 'Return value' strmethod = str(type(obj.getvalue.__func__)) if numba.PY3: assert strmethod == "<class 'numba_function_or_method'>" else: assert strmethod == "<type 'numba_function_or_method'>" return MyExtension @parametrize(jit, autojit) def test_obj_attributes(compiler): MyExtension = make_myextension(compiler) ObjectAttrExtension = make_obj_extension(compiler) # TODO: Disallow string <-> real coercions! These are conversions! # try: # obj = ObjectAttrExtension(10.0, 'blah') # except TypeError as e: # assert e.args[0] == 'a float is required' # else: # raise Exception assert ObjectAttrExtension(10.0, 3.5).value1 == 10.0 obj = ObjectAttrExtension('hello', 9.3) assert obj.value1 == 'hello' obj.setvalue(20.0) assert obj.getvalue() == 20.0 obj.value1 = MyExtension(10.0) assert str(obj.value1) == "MyExtension10.0" assert str(obj.getvalue()) == "MyExtension10.0" assert str(obj.method()) == "MyExtension10.0" assert obj.method2(15.0) == 30.0 @parametrize(jit) def test_extension_attribute(compiler): ExtensionTypeAsAttribute = make_extattr_extension() assert (str(ExtensionTypeAsAttribute.exttype) == ("<JitExtension ExtensionTypeAsAttribute(" "{'attr': <JitExtension ObjectAttrExtension>})>")) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_warnings """ >>> compile_class(False).__name__ 'Base' >>> compile_class(True).__name__ Warning ...: Unused argument '...' Warning ...: Unused argument '...' 'Base' """ from numba import * def compile_class(warn): @jit(warn=warn, warnstyle='simple') # TODO: only issue error once ! class Base(object): @void(int_) def method(self, argument): pass return Base if __name__ == '__main__': # compile_class(True) import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_type_recognition """ >>> test_typeof() """ import numba from numba import * def make_base(compiler): @compiler class Base(object): value1 = double value2 = int_ @void(int_, double) def __init__(self, value1, value2): self.value1 = value1 self.value2 = value2 return Base Base = make_base(jit) @jit class Derived(Base): value3 = float_ @void(int_) def setvalue(self, value): self.value3 = value @autojit def base_typeof(): obj1 = Base(10, 11.0) return numba.typeof(obj1.value1), numba.typeof(obj1.value2) @autojit def derived_typeof(): obj = Derived(10, 11.0) return (numba.typeof(obj.value1), numba.typeof(obj.value2), numba.typeof(obj.value3)) def test_typeof(): pass # TODO: type recognition of extension object instantiation # assert base_typeof() == (double, int_), base_typeof() # assert derived_typeof() == (double, int_, float_), derived_typeof() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Specialized autojit typeof #------------------------------------------------------------------------ AutoBase = make_base(autojit) @autojit def attrtypes(obj): return numba.typeof(obj.value1), numba.typeof(obj.value2) def test_autobase(): obj = AutoBase(10, 11.0) assert attrtypes(obj) == (double, int_) if __name__ == '__main__': test_typeof() test_autobase() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_vtables # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test hash-based virtual method tables. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import itertools import numba as nb from numba import * from numba import typesystem from numba.exttypes import virtual from numba.exttypes import methodtable from numba.exttypes.signatures import Method from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize, main #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Signature enumeration #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class py_class(object): pass def myfunc1(a): pass def myfunc2(a, b): pass def myfunc3(a, b, c): pass types = list(nb.numeric) + [object_] array_types = [t[:] for t in types] array_types += [t[:, :] for t in types] array_types += [t[:, :, :] for t in types] all_types = types + array_types def method(func, name, sig): return Method(func, name, sig, False, False) make_methods1 = lambda: [ method(myfunc1, 'method', typesystem.function(argtype, [argtype])) for argtype in all_types] make_methods2 = lambda: [ method(myfunc2, 'method', typesystem.function(argtype1, [argtype1, argtype2])) for argtype1, argtype2 in itertools.product(all_types, all_types)] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Table building #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_table(methods): table = methodtable.VTabType(py_class, []) table.create_method_ordering() for i, method in enumerate(methods): key =, method.signature.args method.lfunc_pointer = i table.specialized_methods[key] = method assert len(methods) == len(table.specialized_methods) return table def make_hashtable(methods): table = make_table(methods) hashtable = virtual.build_hashing_vtab(table) return hashtable #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @parametrize(make_methods1(), make_methods2()[:6000]) def test_specializations(methods): hashtable = make_hashtable(methods) # print(hashtable) for i, method in enumerate(methods): key = virtual.sep201_signature_string(method.signature, assert hashtable.find_method(key), (i, method, key) if __name__ == '__main__': # test_specializations(make_methods2()) main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = extensiontype # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Extension type types. """ from functools import partial from numba.traits import traits, Delegate from numba.typesystem import NumbaType @traits class ExtensionType(NumbaType): """ Extension type Numba type. Available to users through MyExtensionType.exttype (or numba.typeof(MyExtensionType). """ typename = "extension" argnames = ["py_class"] flags = ["object"] is_final = False methoddict = Delegate('vtab_type') untyped_methods = Delegate('vtab_type') specialized_methods = Delegate('vtab_type') methodnames = Delegate('vtab_type') add_method = Delegate('vtab_type') attributedict = Delegate('attribute_table') attributes = Delegate('attribute_table') def __init__(self, py_class): super(ExtensionType, self).__init__(py_class) assert isinstance(py_class, type), ("Must be a new-style class " "(inherit from 'object')") = py_class.__name__ self.py_class = py_class self.extclass = None self.symtab = {} # attr_name -> attr_type self.compute_offsets(py_class) self.attribute_table = None self.vtab_type = None self.parent_attr_struct = None self.parent_vtab_type = None self.parent_type = getattr(py_class, "__numba_ext_type", None) def compute_offsets(self, py_class): from numba.exttypes import extension_types self.vtab_offset = extension_types.compute_vtab_offset(py_class) self.attr_offset = extension_types.compute_attrs_offset(py_class) # ______________________________________________________________________ # @jit class jit_exttype(ExtensionType): "Type for @jit extension types" def __repr__(self): return "<JitExtension %s>" % def __str__(self): if self.attribute_table: return "<JitExtension %s(%s)>" % (, self.attribute_table.strtable()) return repr(self) # ______________________________________________________________________ # @autojit class autojit_exttype(ExtensionType): "Type for @autojit extension types" def __repr__(self): return "<AutojitExtension %s>" % def __str__(self): if self.attribute_table: return "<AutojitExtension %s(%s)>" % (, self.attribute_table.strtable()) return repr(self) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = methods # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Extension method types. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.typesystem import types, numbatypes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extension Method Types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ExtMethodType(types.function): typename = "extmethod" argnames = ["return_type", "args", ("name", None), ("is_vararg", False), ("is_class_method", False), ("is_static_method", False)] flags = ["function", "object"] @property def is_bound_method(self): return not (self.is_class_method or self.is_static_method) class AutojitMethodType(types.NumbaType): typename = "autojit_extmethod" flags = ["object"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Method Signature Comparison #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def drop_self(type): if type.is_static_method or type.is_class_method: return type.args assert len(type.args) >= 1 and type.args[0].is_extension, type return type.args[1:] def equal_signature_args(t1, t2): """ Compare method signatures without regarding the 'self' type (which is set to the base extension type in the base class, and the derived extension type in the derived class). """ return (t1.is_static_method == t2.is_static_method and t1.is_class_method == t2.is_class_method and t1.is_bound_method == t2.is_bound_method and drop_self(t1) == drop_self(t2)) def equal_signatures(t1, t2): return (equal_signature_args(t1, t2) and t1.return_type == t2.return_type) def extmethod_to_function(ty): return numbatypes.function(ty.return_type, ty.args, ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = utils "Simple utilities related to extension types" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type checking #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def is_numba_class(py_class): return (hasattr(py_class, '__numba_ext_type') or is_autojit_class(py_class)) def is_autojit_class(py_class): "Returns whether the given class is an unspecialized autojit class" return hasattr(py_class, "__is_numba_autojit") def get_all_numba_bases(py_class): seen = set() bases = [] for base in py_class.__mro__[::-1]: if is_numba_class(base) and base.exttype not in seen: seen.add(base.exttype) bases.append(base) return bases[::-1] def get_numba_bases(py_class): return list(filter(is_numba_class, py_class.__bases__)) def get_class_dict(unspecialized_autojit_py_class): return unspecialized_autojit_py_class.__numba_class_dict ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = validators # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Validate method signatures and inheritance compatiblity. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import warnings import inspect from numba import error from numba.exttypes import ordering from numba.exttypes.types import methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Method Validators #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class MethodValidator(object): "Interface for method validators" def validate(self, method, ext_type): """ Validate a Method. Raise an exception for user typing errors. """ class ArgcountMethodValidator(MethodValidator): """ Validate a signature against the number of arguments the function expects. """ def validate(self, method, ext_type): """ Validate a signature (which is None if not declared by the user) for a method. """ if method.signature is None: return nargs = method.py_func.__code__.co_argcount - 1 + method.is_static if len(method.signature.args) != nargs: raise error.NumbaError( "Expected %d argument types in function " "%s (don't include 'self')" % (nargs, class InitMethodValidator(MethodValidator): """ Validate the init method of extension classes. """ def validate(self, method, ext_type): if == '__init__' and (method.is_class or method.is_static): raise error.NumbaError("__init__ method should not be a class- " "or staticmethod") class JitInitMethodValidator(MethodValidator): """ Validate the init method for jit functions. Issue a warning when the signature is omitted. """ def validate(self, method, ext_type): if == '__init__' and method.signature is None: self.check_init_args(method, ext_type) def check_init_args(self, method, ext_type): if inspect.getargspec(method.py_func).args: warnings.warn( "Constructor for class '%s' has no signature, " "assuming arguments have type 'object'" % ext_type.py_class.__name__) jit_validators = [ArgcountMethodValidator(), InitMethodValidator(), JitInitMethodValidator()] autojit_validators = [ArgcountMethodValidator(), InitMethodValidator()] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Inheritance and Table Validators #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ExtTypeValidator(object): """ Interface for validators that check for compatible inheritance trees. """ def validate(self, ext_type): """ Validate an extension type with its parents. """ # ______________________________________________________________________ # Validate Table Ordering class AttributeTableOrderValidator(ExtTypeValidator): "Validate attribute table with static order (non-hash-based)." def validate(self, ext_type): ordering.validate_extending_order_compatibility( ordering.AttributeTable(ext_type.attribute_table)) class MethodTableOrderValidator(ExtTypeValidator): "Validate method table with static order (non-hash-based)." def validate(self, ext_type): ordering.validate_extending_order_compatibility( ordering.VTable(ext_type.vtab_type)) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Validate Table Slot Types def validate_type_table(table, comparer): """ Determine the compatability of this table with its parents given an ordering.AbstractTable and a type compare function ((type1, type2) -> bool). """ for parent in table.parents: for attr_name, attr_type in parent.attrdict.iteritems(): type1 = table.attrdict[attr_name] if not comparer(type1, attr_type): raise error.NumbaError( "Found incompatible slot for method or " "attribute '%s':" % ()) class AttributeTypeValidator(ExtTypeValidator): """ Validate attribute types in the table with attribute types in the parent table. E.g. if attribute 'foo' has type 'double' in the base class, then it should also have type 'double' in the derived class. """ def validate(self, ext_type): comparer = lambda t1, t2: t1 == t2 abstract_table = ordering.AttributeTable(ext_type.attribute_table) validate_type_table(abstract_table, comparer) class MethodTypeValidator(ExtTypeValidator): """ Validate method signatures in the vtable with method signatures in the parent table. """ def validate(self, ext_type): def comparer(method1, method2): t1 = method1.signature t2 = method2.signature return methods.equal_signatures(t1, t2) abstract_table = ordering.VTable(ext_type.vtab_type) validate_type_table(abstract_table, comparer) # Validators that validate the vtab/attribute struct order extending_order_validators = [ AttributeTableOrderValidator(), MethodTableOrderValidator() ] type_validators = [ AttributeTypeValidator(), MethodTypeValidator(), ] jit_type_validators = extending_order_validators + type_validators autojit_type_validators = type_validators ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = variable """ Extension attribute Variables used for attribute type inference. See also compileclass.build_extension_symtab(). """ from numba import symtab class ExtensionAttributeVariable(symtab.Variable): """ Variable created during type inference for assignments to extension attributes for which we don't know the type yet. When the assignment happens, update ext_type.attributedict. """ def __init__(self, ext_type, attr_name, type, *args, **kwargs): super(ExtensionAttributeVariable, self).__init__(type, *args, **kwargs) self.ext_type = ext_type self.attr_name = attr_name def perform_assignment(self, rhs_type): self.type = rhs_type self.ext_type.attributedict[self.attr_name] = rhs_type ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = virtual # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Virtual methods using virtual method tables. Note that for @jit classes, we do not support multiple inheritance with incompatible base objects. We could use a dynamic offset to base classes, and adjust object pointers for method calls, like in C++: However, this is quite complicated, and still doesn't allow dynamic extension for autojit classes. Instead we will use Dag Sverre Seljebotn's hash-based virtual method tables: """ import ctypes import numba from numba.typesystem import * from numba.exttypes import ordering from numba.exttypes import extension_types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Virtual Method Table Interface #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class VTabBuilder(object): """ Build virtual method table for quick calling from Numba. """ def finalize(self, ext_type): "Finalize the method table (and fix the order if necessary)" def build_vtab(self, ext_type, method_pointers): """ Build a virtual method table. The result will be kept alive on the extension type. """ def wrap_vtable(self, vtable): """ Wrap the vtable such that users can get a pointer to the underlying data (extension_types.{Static,Dynamic}VtableWrapper). """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Static Virtual Method Tables #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def vtab_name(field_name): "Mangle method names for the vtab (ctypes doesn't handle this)" if field_name.startswith("__") and field_name.endswith("__"): field_name = '__numba_' + field_name.strip("_") return field_name def build_static_vtab(vtable, vtab_struct): """ Create ctypes virtual method table. vtab_type: the vtab struct type (typesystem.struct) method_pointers: a list of method pointers ([int]) """ vtab_ctype = numba.struct( [(vtab_name(field_name), field_type) for field_name, field_type in vtab_struct.fields]).to_ctypes() methods = [] for method, (field_name, field_type) in zip(vtable.methods, vtab_struct.fields): method_type_p = field_type.to_ctypes() method_void_p = ctypes.c_void_p(method.lfunc_pointer) cmethod = ctypes.cast(method_void_p, method_type_p) methods.append(cmethod) vtab = vtab_ctype(*methods) return vtab # ______________________________________________________________________ # Build Virtual Method Table class StaticVTabBuilder(VTabBuilder): def finalize(self, ext_type): ext_type.vtab_type.create_method_ordering(ordering.extending) def build_vtab(self, ext_type): vtable = ext_type.vtab_type return build_static_vtab(vtable, vtable.to_struct()) def wrap_vtable(self, vtable): return extension_types.StaticVtableWrapper(vtable) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hash-based virtual method tables #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ______________________________________________________________________ # Type Definitions # TODO: Use something like CFFI + type conversion to get these # TODO: types automatically PyCustomSlots_Entry = numba.struct([ ('id', uint64), ('ptr', void.pointer()), ]) PyCustomSlots_Table = numba.struct([ ('flags', uint64), ('m_f', uint64), ('m_g', uint64), ('entries', PyCustomSlots_Entry.pointer()), ('n', uint16), ('b', uint16), ('r', uint8), ('reserved', uint8), # actually: uint16[b], 'b' trailing displacements # ('d', numba.carray(uint16, 0)), #0xffff)), # ('entries_mem', PyCustomSlot_Entry[n]), # 'n' trailing customslot entries ]) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Hash-table building def initialize_interner(): from numba.pyextensibletype.extensibletype import intern intern.global_intern_initialize() def sep201_signature_string(functype, name): functype = numba.function(functype.return_type, functype.args, name) return str(functype) def hash_signature(functype, name): from numba.pyextensibletype.extensibletype import methodtable initialize_interner() sep201_hasher = methodtable.Hasher() sigstr = sep201_signature_string(functype, name) return sep201_hasher.hash_signature(sigstr) def build_hashing_vtab(vtable): """ Build hash-based vtable. """ from numba.pyextensibletype.extensibletype import methodtable n = len(vtable.methods) ids = [sep201_signature_string(method.signature, for method in vtable.methods] flags = [0] * n sep201_hasher = methodtable.Hasher() vtab = methodtable.PerfectHashMethodTable(sep201_hasher) vtab.generate_table(n, ids, flags, list(vtable.method_pointers)) # print(vtab) return vtab # ______________________________________________________________________ # Build Hash-based Virtual Method Table class HashBasedVTabBuilder(VTabBuilder): def finalize(self, ext_type): ext_type.vtab_type.create_method_ordering(ordering.unordered) def build_vtab(self, ext_type): return build_hashing_vtab(ext_type.vtab_type) def wrap_vtable(self, vtable): return extension_types.DynamicVtableWrapper(vtable) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = functions # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast, inspect, linecache, os import logging import textwrap from collections import defaultdict from numba import * from numba import typesystem from numba import numbawrapper import llvm.core logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from meta.decompiler import decompile_func except Exception as exn: def decompile_func(*args, **kwargs): raise Exception("Could not import Meta -- Cannot recreate source " "from bytecode") def fix_ast_lineno(tree): # NOTE: A hack to fix assertion error in debug mode due to bad lineno. # Lineno must increase monotonically for co_lnotab, # the "line number table" to work correctly. # This script just set all lineno to 1 and col_offset = to 0. # This makes it impossible to do traceback, but it is not possible # anyway since we are dynamically changing the source code. for node in ast.walk(tree): # only ast.expr and ast.stmt and their subclass has lineno and col_offset. # if isinstance(node, ast.expr) or isinstance(node, ast.stmt): node.lineno = 1 node.col_offset = 0 return tree ## Fixme: ## This should be changed to visit the AST and fix-up where a None object ## is present as this will likely not work for all AST. def _fix_ast(myast): import _ast # Remove Pass nodes from the end of the ast while len(myast.body) > 0 and isinstance(myast.body[-1], _ast.Pass): del myast.body[-1] # Add a return node at the end of the ast if not present if len(myast.body) < 1 or not isinstance(myast.body[-1], _ast.Return): name = _ast.Name(id='None',ctx=_ast.Load(), lineno=0, col_offset=0) myast.body.append(ast.Return(name)) # remove _decorator list which sometimes confuses ast visitor try: indx = myast._fields.index('decorator_list') except ValueError: return else: myast.decorator_list = [] def _get_ast(func, flags=0): if (int(os.environ.get('NUMBA_FORCE_META_AST', 0)) or func.__name__ == '<lambda>'): func_def = decompile_func(func) if isinstance(func_def, ast.Lambda): func_def = ast.FunctionDef(name='<lambda>', args=func_def.args, body=[ast.Return(func_def.body)], decorator_list=[]) assert isinstance(func_def, ast.FunctionDef) return func_def try: linecache.checkcache(inspect.getsourcefile(func)) source = inspect.getsource(func) source_module = inspect.getmodule(func) except IOError: return decompile_func(func) else: # Split off decorators # TODO: This is not quite correct, we can have comments or strings # starting at column 0 and an indented function ! source = textwrap.dedent(source) decorators = 0 while not source.lstrip().startswith('def'): # decorator can have multiple lines assert source decorator, sep, source = source.partition('\n') decorators += 1 if (hasattr(source_module, "print_function") and hasattr(source_module.print_function, "compiler_flag")): flags |= source_module.print_function.compiler_flag source_file = getattr(source_module, '__file__', '<unknown file>') module_ast = compile(source, source_file, "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST | flags, True) lineoffset = func.__code__.co_firstlineno + decorators - 1 ast.increment_lineno(module_ast, lineoffset) assert len(module_ast.body) == 1 func_def = module_ast.body[0] _fix_ast(func_def) assert isinstance(func_def, ast.FunctionDef) return func_def live_objects = [] # These are never collected def keep_alive(py_func, obj): """ Keep an object alive for the lifetime of the translated unit. This is a HACK. Make live objects part of the function-cache NOTE: py_func may be None, so we can't make it a function attribute """ live_objects.append(obj) class FunctionCache(object): """ Cache for compiler functions, declared external functions and constants. """ def __init__(self, context=None, env=None): self.context = context self.env = env # All numba-compiled functions # (py_func) -> (arg_types, flags) -> (signature, llvm_func, ctypes_func) self.__compiled_funcs = defaultdict(dict) # Faster caches we use directly from autojit to determine the # specialization. (py_func) -> (NumbaFunction) self.__local_caches = defaultdict(numbawrapper.AutojitFunctionCache) def get_function(self, py_func, argtypes, flags): '''Get a compiled function in the the function cache. The function must not be an external function. For an external function, is_registered() must return False. ''' result = None assert argtypes is not None flags = None # TODO: stub argtypes_flags = tuple(argtypes), flags if py_func in self.__compiled_funcs: result = self.__compiled_funcs[py_func].get(argtypes_flags) return result def get_autojit_cache(self, py_func): """ Get the numbawrapper.AutojitFunctionCache that does a quick lookup for the cached case. """ return self.__local_caches[py_func] def is_registered(self, func): '''Check if a function is registered to the FunctionCache instance. ''' if isinstance(func, numbawrapper.NumbaWrapper): return func.py_func in self.__compiled_funcs return False def register(self, func): '''Register a function to the FunctionCache. It is necessary before calling compile_function(). ''' return self.__compiled_funcs[func] def register_specialization(self, func_env): func = func_env.func argtypes = func_env.func_signature.args compiled = ( func_env.func_signature, func_env.lfunc, func_env.numba_wrapper_func, ) # Sanity check assert isinstance(func_env.func_signature, typesystem.function) assert isinstance(func_env.lfunc, llvm.core.Function) argtypes_flags = tuple(argtypes), None self.__compiled_funcs[func][argtypes_flags] = compiled ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = function_util # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import def external_call(context, llvm_module, name, args=(), temp_name=None): extfn = context.external_library.get(name) return external_call_func(context, llvm_module, extfn, args, temp_name) def utility_call(context, llvm_module, name, args=(), temp_name=None): extfn = context.utility_library.get(name) return external_call_func(context, llvm_module, extfn, args, temp_name) def external_call_func(context, llvm_module, extfn, args=(), temp_name=None): '''Build a call node to the specified external function. context --- A numba context llvm_module --- A LLVM llvm_module name --- Name of the external function args --- [optional] argument of for the call temp_name --- [optional] Name of the temporary value in LLVM IR. ''' from numba import nodes temp_name = temp_name or assert temp_name is not None sig = extfn.signature lfunc = extfn.declare_lfunc(context, llvm_module) exc_check = dict(badval = extfn.badval, goodval = extfn.goodval, exc_msg = extfn.exc_msg, exc_type = extfn.exc_type, exc_args = extfn.exc_args) result = nodes.NativeCallNode(sig, args, lfunc, name=temp_name, **exc_check) if extfn.check_pyerr_occurred: result = nodes.PyErr_OccurredNode(result) return result ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = intrinsic # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core from numba.typesystem import function from collections import namedtuple Signature = namedtuple('Signature', ['return_type', 'arg_types']) class Intrinsic(object): _attributes = ('func_name', 'arg_types', 'return_type') func_name = None arg_types = None return_type = None linkage = llvm.core.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR is_vararg = False # Unused? # badval = None # goodval = None # exc_type = None # exc_msg = None # exc_args = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): if __debug__: # Only accept keyword arguments defined _attributes for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self._attributes: raise TypeError("Invalid keyword arg %s -> %s" % (k, v)) vars(self).update(kwargs) @property def signature(self): return function(self.return_type, self.arg_types, self.is_vararg) @property def name(self): if self.func_name is None: return type(self).__name__ else: return self.func_name def implementation(self, module, lfunc): return None class IntrinsicLibrary(object): '''An intrinsic library maintains a LLVM module for holding the intrinsics. These are functions are used internally to implement specific features. ''' def __init__(self, context): self._context = context self._module ='intrlib.%X' % id(self)) # A lookup dictionary that matches (name) -> (intr) self._functions = {} # (name, args) -> (lfunc) self._compiled = {} # Build function pass manager to reduce memory usage of from llvm.passes import FunctionPassManager, PassManagerBuilder pmb = pmb.opt_level = 2 self._fpm = pmb.populate(self._fpm) def add(self, intr): '''Add a new intrinsic. intr --- an Intrinsic class ''' if __debug__: # Sentry for duplicated external function name if intr.__name__ in self._functions: raise NameError("Duplicated intrinsic function: %s" \ % intr.__name__) self._functions[intr.__name__] = intr if intr.arg_types and intr.return_type: # only if it defines arg_types and return_type self.implement(intr()) def implement(self, intr): '''Implement a new intrinsic. intr --- an Intrinsic class ''' # implement the intrinsic lfunc_type = intr.signature.to_llvm(self._context) lfunc = self._module.add_function(lfunc_type, lfunc.linkage = intr.linkage intr.implementation(lfunc.module, lfunc) # optimize the function # populate the lookup dictionary key = type(intr).__name__, tuple(intr.arg_types) sig = intr.signature.to_llvm(self._context), self._compiled[key] = sig, lfunc def declare(self, module, name, arg_types=(), return_type=None): '''Create a declaration in the module. ''' sig, intrlfunc = self.get(name, arg_types, return_type) lfunc = module.get_or_insert_function(intrlfunc.type.pointee, return sig, lfunc def get(self, name, arg_types=(), return_type=None): '''Get an intrinsic by name and sig name --- function name arg_types --- function arg types return_types --- function return type Returns the function signature and a lfunc pointing to the ''' if not arg_types and not return_type: intr = self._functions[name] sig, lfunc = self.get(name, arg_types=intr.arg_types, return_type=intr.return_type) else: key = name, tuple(arg_types) try: sig, lfunc = self._compiled[key] except KeyError: intr = self._functions[name] if not intr.arg_types and not intr.return_type: self.implement(intr(arg_types=arg_types, return_type=return_type)) sig, lfunc = self._compiled[key] return sig, lfunc def link(self, module): '''Link the intrinsic library into the target module. ''' module.link_in(self._module, preserve=True) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numba_intrinsic # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import string import numba from numba import * from numba import nodes from numba import pipeline from numba import environment from numba import numbawrapper from numba.type_inference.module_type_inference import register_value #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Intrinsic Classes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Intrinsic(object): def __init__(self, func_signature, name): self.func_signature = func_signature = name # Register a type inference function for our intrinsic register_infer_intrinsic(self) # Build a function wrapper self.jitted_func = make_intrinsic(self) def __call__(self, *args): return self.jitted_func(*args) def emit_code(self, lfunc, builder, llvm_args): raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and == and self.func_signature == other.func_signature) def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self),, self.func_signature)) class NumbaInstruction(Intrinsic): def emit_code(self, lfunc, builder, llvm_args): return getattr(builder,*llvm_args) class NumbaIntrinsic(Intrinsic): def emit_code(self, lfunc, builder, llvm_args): raise NotImplementedError def is_numba_intrinsic(value): return isinstance(value, Intrinsic) numbawrapper.add_hash_by_value_type(Intrinsic) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Intrinsic Wrapper #------------------------------------------------------------------------ cache = {} env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment() def make_intrinsic(intrinsic): """ Create an intrinsic function given an Intrinsic. """ if intrinsic in cache: return cache[intrinsic] # NOTE: don't use numba.jit() and 'exec', it will make inspect.getsource() # NOTE: fail, and hence won't work in python 2.6 (since meta doesn't work # NOTE: there) # Build argument names nargs = len(intrinsic.func_signature.args) assert nargs < len(string.ascii_letters) argnames = ", ".join(string.ascii_letters[:nargs]) # Build source code and environment args = (, argnames, argnames) source = ("def %s(%s): return intrinsic(%s)\n" % args) func_globals = {'intrinsic': intrinsic} mod_ast = ast.parse(source) func_ast = mod_ast.body[0] # Compile func_env, _ = pipeline.run_pipeline2( env, func=None, func_ast=func_ast, func_signature=intrinsic.func_signature, function_globals=func_globals) jitted_func = func_env.numba_wrapper_func # Populate cache cache[intrinsic] = jitted_func return jitted_func #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Intrinsic Value Type Inference #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class IntrinsicNode(nodes.ExprNode): "AST Node representing a reference to an intrinsic" _fields = ['args'] def __init__(self, intrinsic, args): self.intrinsic = intrinsic self.type = self.intrinsic.func_signature.return_type self.args = list(args) def register_infer_intrinsic(intrinsic): def infer(*args): return IntrinsicNode(intrinsic, args) register_value(intrinsic, infer, pass_in_types=False, can_handle_deferred_types=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # User Exposed Functionality #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def declare_intrinsic(func_signature, name): """ Declare an intrinsic, e.g. >>> declare_intrinsic(void(), "llvm.debugtrap") """ return NumbaIntrinsic(func_signature, name) def declare_instruction(func_signature, name): """ Declare an instruction, e.g. >>> declare_instruction(int32(int32, int32), "add") The llvm.core.Builder instruction with the given name will be used. """ return NumbaInstruction(func_signature, name) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = string_intrinsic # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * from .intrinsic import Intrinsic from llpython.byte_translator import LLVMTranslator __all__ = ['CStringSlice2', 'CStringSlice2Len'] class CStringSlice2 (Intrinsic): arg_types = [string_, string_, size_t, Py_ssize_t, Py_ssize_t] return_type = void def implementation(self, module, lfunc): # logger.debug((module, str(lfunc))) def _py_c_string_slice(out_string, in_string, in_str_len, lower, upper): zero = lc_size_t(0) if lower < zero: lower += in_str_len if upper < zero: upper += in_str_len elif upper > in_str_len: upper = in_str_len temp_len = upper - lower if temp_len < zero: temp_len = zero strncpy(out_string, in_string + lower, temp_len) out_string[temp_len] = li8(0) return LLVMTranslator(module).translate(_py_c_string_slice, llvm_function = lfunc) return lfunc class CStringSlice2Len(Intrinsic): arg_types = [string_, size_t, Py_ssize_t, Py_ssize_t] return_type = size_t def implementation(self, module, lfunc): def _py_c_string_slice_len(in_string, in_str_len, lower, upper): zero = lc_size_t(0) if lower < zero: lower += in_str_len if upper < zero: upper += in_str_len elif upper > in_str_len: upper = in_str_len temp_len = upper - lower if temp_len < zero: temp_len = zero return temp_len + lc_size_t(1) LLVMTranslator(module).translate(_py_c_string_slice_len, llvm_function = lfunc) return lfunc ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = build import os from .generator import build root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) features = ['ast', 'transformer', 'visitor'] def build_normalized(): fn = os.path.join(root, "Normalized.asdl") outdir = os.path.join(root, "normalized") build.build_package(fn, features, outdir) def build_untyped(): fn = os.path.join(root, "UntypedIR.asdl") outdir = os.path.join(root, "untyped") build.build_package(fn, features, outdir) def build_typed(): fn = os.path.join(root, "TypedIR.asdl") outdir = os.path.join(root, "typed") build.build_package(fn, features, outdir) if __name__ == '__main__': build_normalized() build_untyped() # build_typed() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = astgen # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generate Python AST nodes and Cython pxd files. Note: This file needs to be easy to externalize (factor out into another project). """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import ast from textwrap import dedent from functools import partial from . import generator from . import naming from .classgen import Class, ClassCodegen from .formatting import py_formatter, cy_formatter root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) testdir = os.path.join(root, "tests") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code Formatting #------------------------------------------------------------------------ py_preamble = """ import cython # ASDL builtin types # identifier = str # string = basestring class TypedProperty(object): '''Defines a class property that does a type check in the setter.''' def __new__(cls, ty, doc, default=None): rv = super(TypedProperty, cls).__new__(cls) cls.__init__(rv, ty, doc, default) return property(rv.getter, rv.setter, rv.deleter, doc) def __init__(self, ty, typename, attrname, default=None): self.propname = '_property_%d' % (id(self),) self.default = default if not isinstance(ty, tuple): ty = (ty,) self.ty = ty self.typename = typename self.attrname = attrname def getter(self, obj): return getattr(obj, self.propname, self.default) def setter(self, obj, new_val): if not isinstance(new_val, self.ty): ty = tuple(t.__name__ for t in self.ty) raise ValueError( "Invalid type for attribute '%s.%s', " "expected instance of type(s) %r " "(got %r)." % (self.typename, self.attrname, ty, type(new_val).__name__)) setattr(obj, self.propname, new_val) def deleter(self, obj): delattr(obj, self.propname) """ cy_preamble = """ cimport cython from %s cimport GenericVisitor # ctypedef str identifier # ctypedef str string # ctypedef bint bool """ % (naming.interface,) def format_field(classname, field): type = py_formatter.format_type(field.type) if field.opt: # types.NoneType is not in Python 3, type(None) should work # for both Python 2 and 3. type = "(%s, type(None))" % (type,) format_dict = dict(, type=type, classname=classname) return ('%(classname)s.%(name)s = TypedProperty(%(type)s, ' '"%(classname)s", "%(name)s")' % format_dict) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class Formatting #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PyClass(Class): """ Generate Python AST classes. """ def __str__(self): fieldnames = [str( for field in self.fields] fields = map(repr, fieldnames) properties = [format_field(, field) for field in self.fields] or ["pass"] if self.attributes is not None: attributes = map(repr, self.attributes) attributes = py_formatter.format_stats(",\n", 8, attributes) attributes = "_attributes = (" + attributes + ")" else: attributes = "# inherit _attributes" if fieldnames: initialize = ["self.%s = %s" % (name, name) for name in fieldnames] else: initialize = ["pass"] fmtstring = ", ".join("%s=%%s" % name for name in fieldnames) fmtargs = "(%s)" % ", ".join(py_formatter.get_fields(self.fields)) format_dict = dict(, base=self.base, doc=self.doc, fields = py_formatter.format_stats(",\n", 8, fields), attributes = attributes, properties = py_formatter.format_stats("\n", 4, properties), params = ", ".join(fieldnames), initialize = py_formatter.format_stats("\n", 8, initialize), fmtstring = fmtstring, fmtargs = fmtargs, ) return dedent(''' class %(name)s(%(base)s): """ %(doc)s """ _fields = ( %(fields)s ) %(attributes)s def __init__(self, %(params)s): %(initialize)s def accept(self, visitor): return visitor.visit_%(name)s(self) def __repr__(self): return "%(name)s(%(fmtstring)s)" %% %(fmtargs)s if not cython.compiled: # Properties %(properties)s ''') % format_dict class CyClass(Class): """ Generate classes in pxd overlay. """ def __str__(self): f = cy_formatter fields = ["cdef public %s %s" % (f.format_type(field.type), for field in self.fields] fmtdict = { 'name':, 'base': self.base, 'fields': cy_formatter.format_stats("\n", 4, fields) } return dedent(''' cdef class %(name)s(%(base)s): %(fields)s cpdef accept(self, GenericVisitor visitor) ''') % fmtdict #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Global Exports #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_root_class(Class): return Class("AST", "object", doc="AST root node.", attributes=()) codegens = [ ClassCodegen(naming.nodes + '.py', py_preamble, PyClass, make_root_class(PyClass)), ClassCodegen(naming.nodes + '.pxd', cy_preamble, CyClass, make_root_class(CyClass)), ] if __name__ == '__main__': schema_filename = os.path.join(testdir, "testschema1.asdl") generator.generate_from_file(schema_filename, codegens, root) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = build # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generate a package with IR implementations and tools. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os from textwrap import dedent from itertools import chain from . import generator from . import formatting from . import astgen from . import visitorgen from . import naming #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tools Flags #------------------------------------------------------------------------ cython = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tools Resolution #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Tool(object): def __init__(self, codegens, flags=0, depends=[]): self.codegens = codegens self.flags = flags self.depends = depends def __repr__(self): return "Tool(codegens=[%s])" % ", ".join(map(str, self.codegens)) def resolve_tools(tool_list, mask, tools=None, seen=None): if tools is None: tools = [] seen = set() for tool in tool_list: if not (tool.flags & mask) and tool not in seen: seen.add(tool) resolve_tools(tool.depends, mask, tools, seen) tools.append(tool) return tools def enumerate_tools(feature_names, mask): tool_set = set(chain(*[features[name] for name in feature_names])) tools = resolve_tools(tool_set, mask) return tools def enumerate_codegens(feature_names, mask): tools = enumerate_tools(feature_names, mask) codegens = list(chain(*[tool.codegens for tool in tools])) return codegens #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tool Definitions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_codegen_dict(codegens): return dict((codegen.out_filename, codegen) for codegen in codegens) all_codegens = astgen.codegens + visitorgen.codegens gens = make_codegen_dict(all_codegens) pxd_ast_tool = Tool([gens[naming.nodes + ".pxd"]], flags=cython) py_ast_tool = Tool([gens[naming.nodes + ".py"]]) pxd_interface_tool = Tool([gens[naming.interface + ".pxd"]], flags=cython, depends=[pxd_ast_tool]) py_interface_tool = Tool([gens[naming.interface + ".py"]], depends=[py_ast_tool]) pxd_visitor_tool = Tool([gens[naming.visitor + ".pxd"]], flags=cython, depends=[pxd_interface_tool]) py_visitor_tool = Tool([gens[naming.visitor + ".py"]], depends=[py_interface_tool, pxd_visitor_tool]) pxd_transform_tool = Tool([gens[naming.transformer + ".pxd"]], flags=cython, depends=[pxd_interface_tool]) py_transformr_tool = Tool([gens[naming.transformer + ".py"]], depends=[py_interface_tool, pxd_transform_tool]) pxd_ast_tool.depends.extend([pxd_interface_tool, py_interface_tool]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Feature Definitions & Entry Points #------------------------------------------------------------------------ features = { 'all': [py_ast_tool, py_visitor_tool, py_transformr_tool], 'ast': [py_ast_tool], 'visitor': [py_visitor_tool], 'transformer': [py_transformr_tool], } def build_package(schema_filename, feature_names, output_dir, mask=0): """ Build a package from the given schema and feature names in output_dir. :param mask: indicates which features to mask, e.g. specifying 'mask=build.cython' disables Cython support. """ codegens = enumerate_codegens(feature_names, mask) disk_allocator = generator.generate_from_file( schema_filename, codegens, output_dir) try: _make_package(disk_allocator, codegens) finally: disk_allocator.close() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Package Building Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ source_name = lambda fn: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0] def _make_package(disk_allocator, codegens): _make_init(disk_allocator, codegens) # Make Cython dependency optional # disk_allocator.open_sourcefile("") fns = [c.out_filename for c in codegens if c.out_filename.endswith('.pxd')] if fns: _make_setup(disk_allocator, [source_name(fn) + '.py' for fn in fns]) def _make_init(disk_allocator, codegens): init = disk_allocator.open_sourcefile("") init.write(dedent(""" # Horrid hack to make work around circular cimports import os, sys sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) """)) for c in codegens: if c.out_filename.endswith('.py'): modname = source_name(c.out_filename) init.write("from %s import *\n" % modname) def _make_setup(disk_allocator, filenames): setup = disk_allocator.open_sourcefile("") ext_modules = ["Extension('%s', ['%s'])" % (source_name(fn), fn) for fn in filenames] setup.write(dedent(""" from distutils.core import setup from Cython.Distutils import build_ext from Cython.Distutils.extension import Extension ext_modules = [ %s ] setup( # ext_modules=cythonize('*.pyx'), ext_modules=ext_modules, cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext}, ) """) % formatting.py_formatter.format_stats(",\n", 4, ext_modules)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = classgen # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generate Python classes and Cython pxd files. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from . import generator, formatting from numba.asdl.schema import verify_schema_keywords class Class(object): def __init__(self, name, base, doc, fields=(), attributes=None): = name self.base = base self.doc = doc self.fields = fields self.attributes = attributes def doc_sumtype(sumtype, fields): if fields: return "%s(%s)" % (sumtype, formatting.format_fields(fields)) return sumtype class ClassCodegen(generator.SimpleCodegen): """ Generate Python AST nodes. """ def __init__(self, out_filename, preamble, Class, rootclass): super(ClassCodegen, self).__init__(out_filename) self.preamble = preamble self.rootclass = rootclass self.Class = Class def emit_preamble(self, emitter, schema): verify_schema_keywords(schema) emitter.emit(self.preamble) emitter.emit(self.rootclass) def emit_nonterminal(self, emitter, schema, rulename, rule): "Emit code for a rule (a nonterminal)" nonterminal_fields = schema.attributes[rulename] attrs = tuple(map(repr, ( for field in nonterminal_fields))) alignment = 5 + len(rulename) sep = "\n%s| " % (" " * alignment) doc = "%s = %s" % (rulename, sep.join( doc_sumtype(t, schema.types[t]) for t in rule.fields)) c = self.Class( rulename,, doc=doc, # Attributes: Use None instead of empty tuple to inherit from base attributes=attrs or None, ) emitter.emit(c) def emit_product(self, emitter, schema, rulename, rule): doc = "%s = (%s)" % (rulename, formatting.format_fields(rule.fields)) emitter.emit(self.Class(rulename,, doc=doc, fields=rule.fields)) def emit_sum(self, emitter, schema, rulename, rule, sumtype): fields = schema.types[sumtype] doc = doc_sumtype(sumtype, fields) emitter.emit(self.Class(sumtype, rulename, doc=doc, fields=fields)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = formatting class Formatter(object): def format_stats(self, pattern, indent, stats): pattern = pattern + " " * indent return pattern.join(stats) def get_fields(self, fields, obj="self"): fieldnames = (str( for field in fields) return ["%s.%s" % (obj, name) for name in fieldnames] class PythonFormatter(Formatter): def format_type(self, asdl_type): """ ASDL's five builtin types are identifier, int, string, object, bool """ type = str(asdl_type) defaults = { 'identifier': 'str', 'string': 'str', } return defaults.get(type, type) class CythonFormatter(Formatter): def format_type(self, asdl_type): """ ASDL's five builtin types are identifier, int, string, object, bool """ type = str(asdl_type) defaults = { 'identifier': 'str', 'string': 'str', 'bool': 'bint', } return defaults.get(type, type) def format_fields(fields): return ", ".join("%s %s" % (f.type, for f in fields) py_formatter = PythonFormatter() cy_formatter = CythonFormatter() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = generator # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generate IR utilities from ASDL schemas. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import types import codecs import textwrap from numba import PY3 from numba.asdl import asdl from numba.asdl import schema from numba.asdl import processor from numba.asdl.asdl import pyasdl if PY3: import io BytesIO = io.BytesIO else: import cStringIO BytesIO = cStringIO.StringIO root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Entry Points #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TODO: This needs to be parametrized when this is externalized asdl_import_path = [os.path.join(root, os.pardir)] import_processor = processor.ImportProcessor(pyasdl, asdl_import_path) def parse(schema_name, schema_def, asdl_processor=import_processor): """ Parse a schema given a schema name and schema string (ASDL string). """ asdl_tree = get_asdl(schema_name, schema_def, asdl_processor) schema_instance = schema.build_schema(asdl_tree) return asdl_tree, schema_instance def generate(schema_name, schema_str, codegens, file_allocator): """ schema: ASDL schema (str) """ asdl_tree, schema_instance = parse(schema_name, schema_str) for codegen in codegens: emitter = codegen.make_code_emitter(file_allocator) codegen.generate(emitter, asdl_tree, schema_instance) def generate_from_file(schema_filename, codegens, output_dir): """ Generate code files for the given schema, code generators and output directory. Returns a file allocator with the open disk files. """ schema_name = os.path.basename(schema_filename) schema_str = open(schema_filename).read() file_allocator = DiskFileAllocator(output_dir) generate(schema_name, schema_str, codegens, file_allocator) return file_allocator def generate_module(file_allocator, name): """ Generate an in-memory module from a generated Python implementation. """ assert name in file_allocator.allocated_files f = file_allocator.allocated_files[name] data = modname, _ = os.path.splitext(name) d = {} eval(compile(data, name, "exec"), d, d) m = types.ModuleType(modname) vars(m).update(d) return m #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code Generator Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_asdl(schema_name, schema, asdl_processor=None): parser, loader = asdl.load(schema_name, schema, pyasdl, asdl_processor=asdl_processor) asdl_tree = loader.load() return asdl_tree def is_simple(sum): """ Return True if a sum is a simple. A sum is simple if its types have no fields, e.g. unaryop = Invert | Not | UAdd | USub """ for t in sum.types: if t.fields: return False return True #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File Handling #------------------------------------------------------------------------ StreamWriter = codecs.getwriter('UTF-8') class FileAllocator(object): def __init__(self, output_dir=None): self.output_dir = output_dir # file_name -> file self.allocated_files = {} def open_sourcefile(self, name): "Allocate a file and save in in allocated_files" def close(self): for file in self.allocated_files.itervalues(): file.close() self.allocated_files.clear() class DiskFileAllocator(FileAllocator): def open_sourcefile(self, name): if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir) filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, name) file =, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') self.allocated_files[name] = file return file class MemoryFileAllocator(FileAllocator): def open_sourcefile(self, name): file = StreamWriter(BytesIO()) self.allocated_files[name] = file return file #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code Generator Interface #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CodeEmitter(object): def __init__(self, outfile): self.outfile = outfile def emit(self, s): self.outfile.write(unicode(s)) class Codegen(object): """ Interface for code generators. """ def __init__(self, out_filename): self.out_filename = out_filename def make_code_emitter(self, file_allocator): outfile = file_allocator.open_sourcefile(self.out_filename) return CodeEmitter(outfile) def generate(self, emitter, asdl_tree, schema_instance): """ Generate code for the given asdl tree. The ASDL tree is accompanied by a corresponding schema.Schema, which is easier to deal with. """ class UtilityCodegen(Codegen): """ Generate some utility code: UtilityCode("", "my python code") """ def __init__(self, out_filename, utility_code): super(UtilityCodegen, self).__init__(out_filename) self.utility_code = utility_code def generate(self, emitter, asdl_tree, schema_instance): emitter.emit(self.utility_code) class SimpleCodegen(Codegen): def generate(self, emitter, asdl_tree, schema): self.emit_preamble(emitter, schema) for rulename, rule in schema.dfns.iteritems(): if rule.is_sum: self.emit_nonterminal(emitter, schema, rulename, rule) for rulename, rule in schema.dfns.iteritems(): if rule.is_product: self.emit_product(emitter, schema, rulename, rule) for rulename, rule in schema.dfns.iteritems(): if rule.is_sum: for sumtype in rule.fields: self.emit_sum(emitter, schema, rulename, rule, sumtype) def emit_preamble(self, emitter, schema): pass def emit_nonterminal(self, emitter, schema, rulename, rule): pass def emit_product(self, emitter, schema, rulename, rule): pass def emit_sum(self, emitter, schema, rulename, rule, sumtype): pass if __name__ == '__main__': schema_def = textwrap.dedent(""" module MyModule version "0.1" { mod = Module(object leaf1, object leaf2) | Foo(object leaf) foo = Add | Mul expr = X | Y attributes (int lineno) alias = (int foo, int bar) } """) asdl_tree = get_asdl("MyASDL.asdl", schema_def) print("asdl", asdl_tree) print ("-------------") s = schema.build_schema(asdl_tree) print("dfns", s.dfns) print("types", s.types) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = naming prefix = "__asdl_" nodes = prefix + "nodes" interface = prefix + "interface" visitor = prefix + "visitor" transformer = prefix + "transformer" ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = testutils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os from .. import generator root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def schema_filename(name): return os.path.join(root, name) def load_schema(name): schema_fn = schema_filename(name) schema_name = os.path.basename(schema_fn) schema_str = open(schema_fn).read() return schema_name, schema_str def generate_in_memory(schema_name, codegens): file_allocator = generator.MemoryFileAllocator() schema_name, schema_str = load_schema(schema_name) generator.generate(schema_name, schema_str, codegens, file_allocator) return file_allocator ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_astgen # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys from .testutils import generate_in_memory from .. import generator, astgen, naming def load_testschema1(): file_allocator = generate_in_memory("testschema1.asdl", astgen.codegens) m = generator.generate_module(file_allocator, naming.nodes + '.py') return m def test_ast_generation(): """ >>> test_ast_generation() """ m = load_testschema1() # Nonterminals assert issubclass(m.root, m.AST) assert issubclass(m.expr, m.AST) # Products assert issubclass(m.myproduct, m.AST) # Terminals assert issubclass(m.Ham, m.root) assert issubclass(m.Foo, m.root) assert issubclass(m.SomeExpr, m.expr) assert issubclass(m.Bar, m.expr) def test_ast_attributes(): """ >>> test_ast_attributes() """ m = load_testschema1() assert m.root._attributes == ('foo', 'bar') def test_valid_node_instantiation(): """ >>> test_valid_node_instantiation() Foo(leaf=Bar(e1=SomeExpr(n=10), e2=SomeExpr(n=11))) Bar(e1=SomeExpr(n=10), e2=None) Product(p=myproduct(foo=SomeExpr(n=10), bar=12)) """ m = load_testschema1() # Valid e1 = m.SomeExpr(10) e2 = m.SomeExpr(11) # Sum print(m.Foo(m.Bar(e1, e2))) print(m.Bar(e1, None)) # Product print(m.Product(m.myproduct(e1, 12))) def test_invalid_node_instantiation(): """ >>> m = load_testschema1() >>> e2 = m.SomeExpr(10) >>> m.Foo() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: ... >>> m.Bar(None, e2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Invalid type for attribute 'Bar.e1', expected instance of type(s) ('expr',) (got 'NoneType'). >>> m.Product(e2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Invalid type for attribute 'Product.p', expected instance of type(s) ('myproduct',) (got 'SomeExpr'). """ if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest optionflags = doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE try: import cython except ImportError: print("Skipping test, cython not installed") else: sys.exit(0 if doctest.testmod(optionflags=optionflags).failed == 0 else 1) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_build # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import sys import shutil import tempfile import subprocess from .. import naming, build root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) schema_filename = os.path.join(root, "testschema1.asdl") def filenames(codegens): return [c.out_filename for c in codegens] all_features = [naming.interface + '.pxd', naming.nodes + '.pxd', naming.visitor + '.pxd', naming.transformer + '.pxd', naming.interface + '.py', naming.nodes + '.py', naming.visitor + '.py', naming.transformer + '.py',] def test_features(): """ >>> test_features() """ codegens = build.enumerate_codegens(['ast'], mask=0) fns = filenames(codegens) assert set(fns) == set([naming.interface + '.pxd', naming.nodes + '.pxd', naming.interface + '.py', naming.nodes + '.py',]) codegens = build.enumerate_codegens(['ast'], mask=build.cython) fns = filenames(codegens) assert set(fns) == set([naming.interface + '.py', naming.nodes + '.py',]) codegens = build.enumerate_codegens( ['ast', 'visitor', 'transformer'], mask=0) fns = filenames(codegens) assert set(fns) == set(all_features) def test_package_building(): """ >>> test_package_building() """ features = ['ast', 'visitor', 'transformer'] output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: build.build_package(schema_filename, features, output_dir) for feature_file in all_features: assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, feature_file)) finally: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) def test_package_compilation(): """ >>> test_package_compilation() """ features = ['ast', 'visitor', 'transformer'] output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: build.build_package(schema_filename, features, output_dir) p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "", "build_ext", "--inplace"], cwd=output_dir) assert p.wait() == 0, p.poll() finally: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest try: import cython except ImportError: print("Skipping test, cython not installed") else: sys.exit(0 if doctest.testmod().failed == 0 else 1) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_visitors # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys from .testutils import generate_in_memory from .. import generator, visitorgen, astgen, naming try: import cython have_cython = True except ImportError: have_cython = False #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load modules #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_testschema1(): codegens = astgen.codegens + visitorgen.codegens file_allocator = generate_in_memory("testschema1.asdl", codegens) interface = generator.generate_module(file_allocator, naming.interface + '.py') sys.modules[naming.interface] = interface nodes = generator.generate_module(file_allocator, naming.nodes + '.py') sys.modules[naming.nodes] = nodes visitor = generator.generate_module(file_allocator, naming.visitor + '.py') transformer = generator.generate_module(file_allocator, naming.transformer + '.py') return nodes, visitor, transformer if have_cython: nodes, visitor, transformer = load_testschema1() else: class visitor(object): class Visitor(object): pass class transformer(object): class Transformer(object): pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Visitor testers #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestVisitor(visitor.Visitor): def visit_Bar(self, node): print("Bar:", node.e1, node.e2) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_SomeExpr(self, node): print("SomeExpr:", node) class TestTransformer(transformer.Transformer): def visit_SomeExpr(self, node): return nodes.SomeOtherExpr(node.n) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test funcs #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_visitor(): """ >>> test_visitor() Bar: Bar(e1=SomeExpr(n=10), e2=SomeExpr(n=11)) SomeExpr(n=12) Bar: SomeExpr(n=10) SomeExpr(n=11) SomeExpr: SomeExpr(n=10) SomeExpr: SomeExpr(n=11) SomeExpr: SomeExpr(n=12) """ e1 = nodes.SomeExpr(10) e2 = nodes.SomeExpr(11) expr = nodes.Bar(nodes.Bar(e1, e2), nodes.SomeExpr(12)) TestVisitor().visit(expr) def test_transformer(): """ >>> test_transformer() Bar(e1=Bar(e1=SomeOtherExpr(n=10), e2=SomeOtherExpr(n=11)), e2=SomeOtherExpr(n=12)) """ e1 = nodes.SomeExpr(10) e2 = nodes.SomeExpr(11) expr = nodes.Bar(nodes.Bar(e1, e2), nodes.SomeExpr(12)) result = TestTransformer().visit(expr) print(result) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest if have_cython: sys.exit(0 if doctest.testmod().failed == 0 else 1) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = visitorgen # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generate Python visitors and Cython pxd files. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os from . import generator from . import naming from .formatting import py_formatter #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code Formatting #------------------------------------------------------------------------ interface_class = ''' def iter_fields(node): """ Yield a tuple of ``(fieldname, value)`` for each field in ``node._fields`` that is present on *node*. """ result = [] for field in node._fields: try: result.append((field, getattr(node, field))) except AttributeError: pass return result class GenericVisitor(object): def visit(self, node): return node.accept(self) def generic_visit(self, node): """Called explicitly by the user from an overridden visitor method""" raise NotImplementedError ''' pxd_interface_class = """\ cimport %s cdef class GenericVisitor(object): cpdef generic_visit(self, node) """ % (naming.nodes,) # TODO: We can also make 'visitchildren' dispatch quickly visitor_class = ''' from %s import GenericVisitor, iter_fields from %s import AST __all__ = ['Visitor'] class Visitor(GenericVisitor): def generic_visit(self, node): for field, value in iter_fields(node): if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, AST): item.accept(self) elif isinstance(value, AST): value.accept(self) ''' % (naming.interface, naming.nodes) transformer_class = """ from %s import GenericVisitor, iter_fields from %s import AST __all__ = ['Transformer'] class Transformer(GenericVisitor): def generic_visit(self, node): for field, old_value in iter_fields(node): old_value = getattr(node, field, None) if isinstance(old_value, list): new_values = [] for value in old_value: if isinstance(value, AST): value = value.accept(self) if value is None: continue elif not isinstance(value, AST): new_values.extend(value) continue new_values.append(value) old_value[:] = new_values elif isinstance(old_value, AST): new_node = old_value.accept(self) if new_node is None: delattr(node, field) else: setattr(node, field, new_node) return node """ % (naming.interface, naming.nodes,) pxd_visitor_class = """ from %s cimport GenericVisitor cdef class Visitor(GenericVisitor): pass """ % (naming.interface,) pxd_transformer_class = """ from %s cimport GenericVisitor cdef class Transformer(GenericVisitor): pass """ % (naming.interface,) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code Formatting #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_visit_stats(schema, fields, inplace): stats = [] # ["self.attr_x"] field_accessors = py_formatter.get_fields(fields, obj="node") for field, field_access in zip(fields, field_accessors): field_type = str(field.type) if field_type not in schema.dfns and field_type not in schema.types: # Not an AST node continue s = "%s.accept(self)" % field_access if inplace: # Mutate in-place (transform) s = "%s = %s" % (field_access, s) if field.opt: # Guard for None s = "if %s is not None: %s" % (field_access, s) stats.append(s) if inplace: stats.append("return node") return stats or ["pass"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Method Generation #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Method(object): def __init__(self, schema, name, fields): self.schema = schema = name self.fields = fields class InterfaceMethod(Method): def __str__(self): return ( " def visit_%s(self, node):\n" " raise NotImplementedError\n" "\n" ) % (,) class PyMethod(Method): inplace = None def __str__(self): stats = make_visit_stats(self.schema, self.fields, self.inplace) return ( " def visit_%s(self, node):\n" " %s\n" "\n" ) % (, py_formatter.format_stats("\n", 8, stats)) class PyVisitMethod(PyMethod): inplace = False class PyTransformMethod(PyVisitMethod): inplace = True class PxdMethod(Method): def __str__(self): return " cpdef visit_%s(self, %s.%s node)\n" % (, naming.nodes, #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code Generators #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class VisitorCodegen(generator.SimpleCodegen): """ Generate Python AST nodes. """ def __init__(self, out_filename, preamble, Method): super(VisitorCodegen, self).__init__(out_filename) self.preamble = preamble self.Method = Method def emit_preamble(self, emitter, schema): emitter.emit(self.preamble) def emit_sum(self, emitter, schema, rulename, rule, sumtype): fields = schema.types[sumtype] emitter.emit(self.Method(schema, sumtype, fields)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Global Exports #------------------------------------------------------------------------ codegens = [ VisitorCodegen(naming.interface + '.py', interface_class, InterfaceMethod), VisitorCodegen(naming.interface + '.pxd', pxd_interface_class, PxdMethod), VisitorCodegen(naming.visitor + '.py', visitor_class, PyVisitMethod), generator.UtilityCodegen(naming.visitor + '.pxd', pxd_visitor_class), VisitorCodegen(naming.transformer + '.py', transformer_class, PyTransformMethod), generator.UtilityCodegen(naming.transformer + '.pxd', pxd_transformer_class), ] if __name__ == '__main__': root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) testdir = os.path.join(root, "tests") schema_filename = os.path.join(testdir, "testschema1.asdl") generator.generate_from_file(schema_filename, codegens, root) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = lexing # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import warnings from functools import partial from numba.config import config try: import pygments except ImportError as e: pygments = None else: from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, LlvmLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter, TerminalFormatter # ______________________________________________________________________ if pygments: lexers = { "python": PythonLexer, "llvm": LlvmLexer, } formatters = { "html": HtmlFormatter, "console": partial(TerminalFormatter, bg=config.terminal_background), } def lex_source(code, lexer="python", output='html', inline_css=True): """ >>> lex_source("print 'hello world'", "python", "html") <div ...> ... </div> """ if not config.colour: return code Lexer = lexers[lexer] Formatter = formatters[output] result = highlight(code, Lexer(), Formatter(noclasses=inline_css)) return result.rstrip() else: def lex_source(code, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("Pygments not installed") return code ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvm_types # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''llvm_types Utility module containing common (to Numba) LLVM types. ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # ______________________________________________________________________ import ctypes import struct as struct_ import llvm.core as lc from numba import utils from numba.typedefs import _trace_refs_, PyObject_HEAD from numba.typesystem import numba_typesystem import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ______________________________________________________________________ _plat_bits = struct_.calcsize('@P') * 8 # Assuming sizeof(c_size_t) == sizeof(c_ssize_t) == sizeof(Py_ssize_t)... _sizeof_py_ssize_t = ctypes.sizeof( getattr(ctypes, 'c_ssize_t', getattr(ctypes, 'c_size_t'))) _int1 = _int8 = _int8_star = lc.Type.pointer(_int8) _int32 = _int64 = _llvm_py_ssize_t = * 8) _llvm_size_t = _llvm_py_ssize_t _intp = _intp_star = lc.Type.pointer(_intp) _void_star = lc.Type.pointer( _void_star_star = lc.Type.pointer(_void_star) _float = lc.Type.float() _double = lc.Type.double() _complex64 = lc.Type.struct([_float, _float]) _complex128 = lc.Type.struct([_double, _double]) def to_llvm(type): return numba_typesystem.convert("llvm", type) # return type.to_llvm(utils.context) _pyobject_head = [to_llvm(ty) for name, ty in PyObject_HEAD.fields] _pyobject_head_struct = to_llvm(PyObject_HEAD) _pyobject_head_struct_p = lc.Type.pointer(_pyobject_head_struct) _head_len = len(_pyobject_head) _numpy_struct = lc.Type.struct(_pyobject_head+\ [_void_star, # data _int32, # nd _intp_star, # dimensions _intp_star, # strides _void_star, # base _void_star, # descr _int32, # flags _void_star, # weakreflist ]) _numpy_array = lc.Type.pointer(_numpy_struct) _BASE_ARRAY_FIELD_OFS = len(_pyobject_head) _numpy_array_field_ofs = { 'data' : _BASE_ARRAY_FIELD_OFS, 'ndim' : _BASE_ARRAY_FIELD_OFS + 1, 'shape' : _BASE_ARRAY_FIELD_OFS + 2, 'strides' : _BASE_ARRAY_FIELD_OFS + 3, 'base' : _BASE_ARRAY_FIELD_OFS + 4, 'descr' : _BASE_ARRAY_FIELD_OFS + 5, } def constant_int(value, type=_int32): return, value) # ______________________________________________________________________ class _LLVMCaster(object): def __init__(self, builder): self.builder = builder def cast(self, lvalue, dst_ltype, *args, **kws): src_ltype = lvalue.type if src_ltype == dst_ltype: return lvalue return self.build_cast(self.builder, lvalue, dst_ltype, *args, **kws) def build_pointer_cast(_, builder, lval1, lty2): return builder.bitcast(lval1, lty2) def build_int_cast(_, builder, lval1, lty2, unsigned = False): width1 = lval1.type.width width2 = lty2.width ret_val = lval1 if width2 > width1: if unsigned: ret_val = builder.zext(lval1, lty2) else: ret_val = builder.sext(lval1, lty2) elif width2 < width1: # JDR: Compromise here on logging level..."Warning: Perfoming downcast. May lose information.") ret_val = builder.trunc(lval1, lty2) return ret_val def build_float_ext(_, builder, lval1, lty2): return builder.fpext(lval1, lty2) def build_float_trunc(_, builder, lval1, lty2):"Warning: Perfoming downcast. May lose information.") return builder.fptrunc(lval1, lty2) def build_int_to_float_cast(_, builder, lval1, lty2, unsigned = False): ret_val = None if unsigned: ret_val = builder.uitofp(lval1, lty2) else: ret_val = builder.sitofp(lval1, lty2) return ret_val def build_float_to_int_cast(_, builder, lval1, lty2, unsigned = False): ret_val = None if unsigned: ret_val = builder.fptoui(lval1, lty2) else: ret_val = builder.fptosi(lval1, lty2) return ret_val CAST_MAP = { lc.TYPE_POINTER : build_pointer_cast, lc.TYPE_INTEGER: build_int_cast, (lc.TYPE_FLOAT, lc.TYPE_DOUBLE) : build_float_ext, (lc.TYPE_DOUBLE, lc.TYPE_FP128) : build_float_ext, (lc.TYPE_DOUBLE, lc.TYPE_PPC_FP128) : build_float_ext, (lc.TYPE_DOUBLE, lc.TYPE_X86_FP80) : build_float_ext, (lc.TYPE_DOUBLE, lc.TYPE_FLOAT) : build_float_trunc, (lc.TYPE_FP128, lc.TYPE_DOUBLE) : build_float_trunc, (lc.TYPE_PPC_FP128, lc.TYPE_DOUBLE) : build_float_trunc, (lc.TYPE_X86_FP80, lc.TYPE_DOUBLE) : build_float_trunc, (lc.TYPE_INTEGER, lc.TYPE_FLOAT) : build_int_to_float_cast, (lc.TYPE_INTEGER, lc.TYPE_DOUBLE) : build_int_to_float_cast, (lc.TYPE_INTEGER, lc.TYPE_FP128) : build_int_to_float_cast, (lc.TYPE_INTEGER, lc.TYPE_PPC_FP128): build_int_to_float_cast, (lc.TYPE_INTEGER, lc.TYPE_X86_FP80) : build_int_to_float_cast, (lc.TYPE_FLOAT, lc.TYPE_INTEGER) : build_float_to_int_cast, (lc.TYPE_DOUBLE, lc.TYPE_INTEGER) : build_float_to_int_cast, (lc.TYPE_FP128, lc.TYPE_INTEGER) : build_float_to_int_cast, (lc.TYPE_PPC_FP128, lc.TYPE_INTEGER): build_float_to_int_cast, (lc.TYPE_X86_FP80, lc.TYPE_INTEGER) : build_float_to_int_cast, } @classmethod def build_cast(cls, builder, lval1, lty2, *args, **kws): ret_val = lval1 lty1 = lval1.type lkind1 = lty1.kind lkind2 = lty2.kind # This looks like the wrong place to enforce this # TODO: We need to pass in the numba types instead # if lc.TYPE_INTEGER in (lkind1, lkind2) and 'unsigned' not in kws: # # Be strict about having `unsigned` define when # # we have integer types # raise ValueError("Unknown signedness for integer type", # '%s -> %s' % (lty1, lty2), args, kws) if lkind1 == lkind2: if lkind1 in cls.CAST_MAP: ret_val = cls.CAST_MAP[lkind1](cls, builder, lval1, lty2, *args, **kws) else: raise NotImplementedError(lkind1) else: map_index = (lkind1, lkind2) if map_index in cls.CAST_MAP: ret_val = cls.CAST_MAP[map_index](cls, builder, lval1, lty2, *args, **kws) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unable to cast from %s to %s.' % (str(lty1), str(lty2))) return ret_val # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = macros # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * from numba import typesystem from . import llvm_types import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO: Create a subclass of # llpython.byte_translator.LLVMTranslator that does macro # expansion. def c_string_slice_2 (context, builder, c_string, lb, ub = None): module = builder.basic_block.function.module logger.debug((context, builder, c_string, lb, ub)) _, CStringSlice2Len = context.intrinsic_library.declare(module, 'CStringSlice2Len') _, CStringSlice2 = context.intrinsic_library.declare(module, 'CStringSlice2') _, strlen = context.external_library.declare(module, 'strlen') c_str_len =, [c_string]) if ub is None: ub = c_str_len out_len =, [c_string, c_str_len, lb, ub]) ret_val = builder.alloca_array(llvm_types._int8, out_len), [ret_val, c_string, c_str_len, lb, ub]) return ret_val c_string_slice_2.__signature__ = typesystem.function( return_type = char.pointer(), args = (char.pointer(), Py_ssize_t, Py_ssize_t)) def c_string_slice_1 (context, builder, c_string, lb): return c_string_slice_2(context, builder, c_string, lb) c_string_slice_1.__signature__ = typesystem.function( return_type = char.pointer(), args = (char.pointer(), Py_ssize_t)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = metadata # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Hold metadata for instructions. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core from numba import * def _typename(type): typename = str(type) typename = typename.replace("float", "float32") typename = typename.replace("double", "float64") typename = typename.replace("long double", "float128") return typename def typename(type): "Get the TBAA type name" if type.is_tbaa: return else: return _typename(type) def is_tbaa_type(type): return (type.is_pointer or type.is_tbaa or type.is_object or type.is_array) class TBAAMetadata(object): """ Type Based Alias Analysis metadata. This defines a type tree where types in different branches are known not to alias each other. Only the ancestors of a type node alias that node. """ def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.metadata_cache = {} self.initialize() self.unique_number = 0 def initialize(self): self.root = self.make_metadata("root", root=None) self.char_pointer = self.make_metadata("char *", root=self.root) self.metadata_cache[char.pointer()] = self.char_pointer def make_metadata(self, typename, root, is_constant=False): operands = [self.get_string(typename)] if root is not None: assert isinstance(root, llvm.core.MetaData) operands.append(root) if is_constant: constant =, 1) operands.append(constant) node = llvm.core.MetaData.get(self.module, operands) llvm.core.MetaData.add_named_operand(self.module, "tbaa", node) # print "made metadata",, typename # , node, root return node def make_unique_metadata(self, root, is_constant=False): result = self.make_metadata("unique%d" % self.unique_number, root, is_constant) self.unique_number += 1 return result def get_string(self, string): return llvm.core.MetaDataString.get(self.module, string) def find_root(self, type): """ Find the metadata root of a type. E.g. if we have tbaa(sometype).pointer(), we want to return tbaa(sometype).root.pointer() """ # Find TBAA base type n = 0 while type.is_pointer: type = type.base_type n += 1 if type.is_tbaa: # Return TBAA base type pointer composition root_type = type.root for i in range(n): root_type = root_type.pointer() # Define root type metadata root = self.get_metadata(root_type) else: # Not a TBAA root type, alias anything root = self.char_pointer return root def get_metadata(self, type, typeroot=None): if not is_tbaa_type(type): return None if type in self.metadata_cache: return self.metadata_cache[type] # Build metadata if typeroot: root = self.metadata_cache[typeroot] elif type.is_tbaa: if type.root in self.metadata_cache: root = self.metadata_cache[type.root] else: root = self.get_metadata(type.root) else: root = self.find_root(type) node = self.make_metadata(typename(type), root, ) #is_constant="const" in type.qualifiers) # Cache result self.metadata_cache[type] = node return node def set_metadata(self, load_instr, metadata): load_instr.set_metadata("tbaa", metadata) def set_tbaa(self, load_instr, type): md = self.get_metadata(type) if md is not None: self.set_metadata(load_instr, md) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = codegen # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Code generator module. Subclass CodeGen to implement a code generator as a visitor. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import string from . import minierror from . import minitypes from . import minivisitor class CodeGen(minivisitor.TreeVisitor): """ Base class for code generators written as visitors. """ def __init__(self, context, codewriter): super(CodeGen, self).__init__(context) self.code = codewriter def clone(self, context, codewriter): cls = type(self) kwds = dict(self.__dict__) kwds.update(context=context, codewriter=codewriter) result = cls(context, codewriter) vars(result).update(kwds) return result def results(self, *nodes): results = [] for childlist in nodes: result = self.visit_childlist(childlist) if isinstance(result, list): results.extend(result) else: results.append(result) return tuple(results) def visitchild(self, node): if node is None: return return self.visit(node) class CodeGenCleanup(CodeGen): """ Perform cleanup for all nodes. This is invoked from an appropriate clean- up point from an :py:class:`minivect.miniast.ErrorHandler`. Recursion should hence stop at ErrorHandler nodes, since an ErrorHandler descendant should handle its own descendants. Users of minivect should subclass this to DECREF object temporaries, etc. """ def visit_Node(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) def visit_ErrorHandler(self, node): # stop recursion here pass def get_printf_specifier(type): format = None if type.is_pointer: format = "%p" elif type.is_numeric: if type.is_int or type.is_float: format = { minitypes.int_: "%i", minitypes.long_: "%ld", minitypes.longlong: "%lld", minitypes.uint: "%u", minitypes.ulong: "%lu", minitypes.ulonglong: "%llu", minitypes.float_: "%f", minitypes.double: "%lf", }.get(type, ["%lld", "%lf"][type.is_float]) elif type.is_c_string: format = "%s" return format def format_specifier(node, astbuilder): "Return a printf() format specifier for the type of the given AST node" type = node.type dst_type = None format = get_printf_specifier(type) if format is not None: if dst_type: node = astbuilder.cast(node, dst_type) return format, node else: raise minierror.UnmappableFormatSpecifierError(type) class CCodeGen(CodeGen): """ Generates C code from an AST, needs a :py:class:`minivect.minicode.CCodeWriter`. To use the vectorized specializations, use the :py:class:`VectorCodeGen` below. """ label_counter = 0 disposal_point = None def __init__(self, context, codewriter): super(CCodeGen, self).__init__(context, codewriter) self.declared_temps = set() self.temp_names = set() def strip(self, expr_string): # strip parentheses from C string expressions where unneeded if expr_string and expr_string[0] == '(' and expr_string[-1] == ')': return expr_string[1:-1] return expr_string def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): code = self.code self.specializer = node.specializer self.function = node name = code.mangle(node.mangled_name + node.specialization_name) node.mangled_name = name args = self.results(node.arguments + node.scalar_arguments) args = (arg for arg in args if arg is not None) proto = "static int %s(%s)" % (name, ", ".join(args)) code.proto_code.putln(proto + ';') code.putln("%s {" % proto) code.declaration_levels.append(code.insertion_point()) code.function_declarations = code.insertion_point() code.before_loop = code.insertion_point() self.visitchildren(node) code.declaration_levels.pop() code.putln("}") def _argument_variables(self, variables): return ", ".join("%s %s" % (v.type, self.visit(v)) for v in variables if v is not None) def visit_FunctionArgument(self, node): if node.used: return self._argument_variables(node.variables) def visit_ArrayFunctionArgument(self, node): if node.used: return self._argument_variables([node.data_pointer, node.strides_pointer]) def visit_StatListNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_ExprStatNode(self, node): node.expr.is_statement = True result = self.visit(node.expr) if result: self.code.putln(self.strip(result) + ';') def visit_ExprNodeWithStatement(self, node): self.visit(node.stat) return self.visit(node.expr) def visit_OpenMPLoopNode(self, node): self.code.putln("#ifdef _OPENMP") if_clause = self.visit(node.if_clause) lastprivates = ", ".join(self.results(node.lastprivates)) privates = "" if node.privates: privates = " private(%s)" % ", ".join(self.results(node.privates)) pragma = "#pragma omp parallel for if(%s) lastprivate(%s)%s" self.code.putln(pragma % (if_clause, lastprivates, privates)) self.code.putln("#endif") self.visit(node.for_node) def visit_OpenMPConditionalNode(self, node): if node.if_body: self.code.putln("#ifdef _OPENMP") self.visit(node.if_body) if node.else_body: if not node.if_body: self.code.putln("#ifndef _OPENMP") else: self.code.putln("#else") self.visit(node.else_body) self.code.putln("#endif") def put_intel_pragmas(self, code): """ Insert Intel compiler specific pragmas. See "A Guide to Vectorization with Intel(R) C++ Compilers". """ code.putln("#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER") # force auto-vectorization code.putln("#pragma simd") # ignore potential data dependencies # code.putln("#pragma ivdep") # vectorize even if the compiler doesn't think this will be beneficial # code.putln("#pragma vector always") code.putln("#endif") def visit_PragmaForLoopNode(self, node): self.put_intel_pragmas(self.code) self.visit(node.for_node) def visit_ForNode(self, node): code = self.code exprs = self.results(node.init, node.condition, node.step) code.putln("for (%s; %s; %s) {" % tuple(self.strip(e) for e in exprs)) self.code.declaration_levels.append(code.insertion_point()) self.code.loop_levels.append(code.insertion_point()) self.visit(node.init) self.visit(node.body) self.code.declaration_levels.pop() self.code.loop_levels.pop() code.putln("}") def visit_IfNode(self, node): self.code.putln("if (%s) {" % self.results(node.cond)) self.visit(node.body) if node.else_body: self.code.putln("} else {") self.visit(node.else_body) self.code.putln("}") def visit_PromotionNode(self, node): # Use C rules for promotion return self.visit(node.operand) def visit_FuncCallNode(self, node): return "%s(%s)" % (self.visit(node.func_or_pointer), ", ".join(self.results(node.args))) def visit_FuncNameNode(self, node): return def visit_FuncRefNode(self, node): return node.function.mangled_name def visit_ReturnNode(self, node): self.code.putln("return %s;" % self.results(node.operand)) def visit_BinopNode(self, node): op = node.operator return "(%s %s %s)" % (self.visit(node.lhs), op, self.visit(node.rhs)) def visit_UnopNode(self, node): return "(%s%s)" % (node.operator, self.visit(node.operand)) def _mangle_temp(self, node): name = self.code.mangle(node.repr_name or if name in self.temp_names: name = "%s_%d" % (name.rstrip(string.digits), len(self.declared_temps)) = name self.temp_names.add(name) self.declared_temps.add(node) def _declare_temp(self, node, rhs_result=None): if node not in self.declared_temps: self._mangle_temp(node) code = self.code.declaration_levels[-1] if rhs_result: assignment = " = %s" % (rhs_result,) else: assignment = "" code.putln("%s %s%s;" % (node.type,, assignment)) def visit_TempNode(self, node): if node not in self.declared_temps: self._declare_temp(node) return def visit_AssignmentExpr(self, node): if (node.rhs.is_binop and node.rhs.operator == '+' and node.rhs.rhs.is_constant and node.rhs.rhs.value == 1): return "%s++" % self.visit(node.rhs.lhs) elif node.rhs.is_binop and node.lhs == node.rhs.lhs: return "(%s %s= %s)" % (self.visit(node.lhs), node.rhs.operator, self.visit(node.rhs.rhs)) elif (node.is_statement and node.lhs.is_temp and node.lhs not in self.declared_temps and node.may_reorder): self._mangle_temp(node.lhs) self._declare_temp(node.lhs, self.visit(node.rhs)) else: return "(%s = %s)" % self.results(node.lhs, node.rhs) def visit_IfElseExprNode(self, node): return "(%s ? %s : %s)" % (self.results(node.cond, node.lhs, node.rhs)) def visit_CastNode(self, node): return "((%s) %s)" % (node.type, self.visit(node.operand)) def visit_DereferenceNode(self, node): return "(*%s)" % self.visit(node.operand) def visit_SingleIndexNode(self, node): return "%s[%s]" % self.results(node.lhs, node.rhs) def visit_SizeofNode(self, node): return "sizeof(%s)" % node.sizeof_type def visit_ArrayAttribute(self, node): return def visit_Variable(self, node): if node.type.is_function: return if not node.mangled_name: node.mangled_name = self.code.mangle( return node.mangled_name def visit_NoopExpr(self, node): return "" def visit_ResolvedVariable(self, node): return self.visit(node.element) def visit_JumpNode(self, node): self.code.putln("goto %s;" % self.results(node.label)) def visit_JumpTargetNode(self, node): self.code.putln("%s:" % self.results(node.label)) def visit_LabelNode(self, node): if node.mangled_name is None: node.mangled_name = self.code.mangle("%s%d" % (, self.label_counter)) self.label_counter += 1 return node.mangled_name def visit_ConstantNode(self, node): if node.type.is_c_string: return '"%s"' % node.value.encode('string-escape') return str(node.value) def visit_ErrorHandler(self, node): # initialize the mangled names before generating code for the body self.visit(node.error_label) self.visit(node.cleanup_label) self.visit(node.error_var_init) self.visit(node.body) self.visit(node.cleanup_jump) self.visit(node.error_target_label) self.visit(node.error_set) self.visit(node.cleanup_target_label) disposal_codewriter = self.code.insertion_point() self.context.generate_disposal_code(disposal_codewriter, node.body) #have_disposal_code = disposal_codewriter.getvalue() self.visit(node.cascade) return node class VectorCodegen(CCodeGen): """ Generate C code for vectorized ASTs. As a subclass of :py:class:`CCodeGen`, can write C code for any minivect AST. """ types = { minitypes.VectorType(minitypes.float_, 4) : '_mm_%s_ps', minitypes.VectorType(minitypes.float_, 8) : '_mm256_%s_ps', minitypes.VectorType(minitypes.double, 4) : '_mm_%s_pd', minitypes.VectorType(minitypes.double, 8) : '_mm256_%s_pd', } binops = { '+': 'add', '*': 'mul', '-': 'sub', '/': 'div', # pow not supported # floordiv not supported # mod not supported '<': 'cmplt', '<=': 'cmple', '==': 'cmpeq', '!=': 'cmpne', '>=': 'cmpge', '>': 'cmpgt', } def visit_VectorVariable(self, node): return self.visit(node.variable) def visit_VectorLoadNode(self, node): load = self.types[node.type] % 'loadu' return '%s(%s)' % (load, self.visit(node.operand)) def visit_VectorStoreNode(self, node): # Assignment to data pointer store = self.types[node.rhs.type] % 'storeu' return '%s(%s, %s)' % (store, self.visit(node.lhs), self.visit(node.rhs)) def visit_VectorBinopNode(self, node): binop_name = self.binops[node.operator] func_name = self.types[node.lhs.type] % binop_name return '%s(%s, %s)' % (func_name, self.visit(node.lhs), self.visit(node.rhs)) def visit_ConstantVectorNode(self, node): func_template = self.types[node.type] if node.constant == 0: return func_template % 'setzero' else: func = func_template % 'set' c = node.constant return '%s(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (func, c, c, c, c) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = complex_support # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from .miniutils import ctypes from .minitypes import * ### Taken from Numba ### # NOTE: The following ctypes structures were inspired by Joseph # Heller's response to python-list question about ctypes complex # support. In that response, he said these were only suitable for # Linux. Might our milage vary? class ComplexMixin (object): def _get(self): # FIXME: Ensure there will not be a loss of precision here! return self._numpy_ty_(self.real + (self.imag * 1j)) def _set(self, value): self.real = value.real self.imag = value.imag value = property(_get, _set) @classmethod def from_param(cls, param): ret_val = cls() ret_val.value = param return ret_val @classmethod def make_ctypes_prototype_wrapper(cls, ctypes_prototype): '''This is a hack so that functions that return a complex type will construct a new Python value from the result, making the Numba compiled function a drop-in replacement for a Python function.''' # FIXME: See if there is some way of avoiding this additional # wrapper layer. def _make_complex_result_wrapper(in_func): ctypes_function = ctypes_prototype(in_func) def _complex_result_wrapper(*args, **kws): # Return the value property, not the ComplexMixin # instance built by ctypes. result = ctypes_function(*args, **kws) return result.value return _complex_result_wrapper return _make_complex_result_wrapper class Complex64(ctypes.Structure, ComplexMixin): _fields_ = [('real', ctypes.c_float), ('imag', ctypes.c_float)] _numpy_ty_ = np.complex64 class Complex128(ctypes.Structure, ComplexMixin): _fields_ = [('real', ctypes.c_double), ('imag', ctypes.c_double)] _numpy_ty_ = np.complex128 if hasattr(np, 'complex256'): class Complex256(ctypes.Structure, ComplexMixin): _fields_ = [('real', ctypes.c_longdouble), ('imag', ctypes.c_longdouble)] _numpy_ty_ = np.complex256 else: Complex256 = None ### End Taken from Numba ### ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ctypes_conversion # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Convert a minivect type to a ctypes type and an llvm function to a ctypes function. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import math import warnings from .miniutils import ctypes from .minitypes import * try: from ctypes import * except ImportError: pass def convert_to_ctypes(type): """ Convert the minitype to a ctypes type >>> from minitypes import * >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(int32) == ctypes.c_int32 >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(int64) == ctypes.c_int64 >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(uint32) == ctypes.c_uint32 >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(uint64) == ctypes.c_uint64 >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(short) == ctypes.c_short >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(int_) == ctypes.c_int >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(long_) == ctypes.c_long >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(float_) == ctypes.c_float >>> assert convert_to_ctypes(double) == ctypes.c_double >>> #convert_to_ctypes(complex64) >>> #convert_to_ctypes(complex128) >>> #convert_to_ctypes(complex256) """ from . import minitypes if type.is_pointer: return ctypes.POINTER(convert_to_ctypes(type.base_type)) elif type.is_object or type.is_array: return ctypes.py_object elif type.is_float: if type.itemsize == 4: return ctypes.c_float elif type.itemsize == 8: return ctypes.c_double else: return ctypes.c_longdouble elif type.is_numpy_intp or type.is_py_ssize_t: if minitypes._plat_bits == 32: return ctypes.c_int32 else: return ctypes.c_int64 elif type == minitypes.int_: return ctypes.c_int elif type == minitypes.uint: return ctypes.c_uint elif type == minitypes.long_: return ctypes.c_long elif type == minitypes.ulong: return ctypes.c_ulong # TODO: short, long long, etc elif type.is_int: item_idx = int(math.log(type.itemsize, 2)) if type.signed: values = [ctypes.c_int8, ctypes.c_int16, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int64] else: values = [ctypes.c_uint8, ctypes.c_uint16, ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.c_uint64] return values[item_idx] elif type.is_complex: from . import complex_support if type.itemsize == 8: return complex_support.Complex64 elif type.itemsize == 16: return complex_support.Complex128 else: return complex_support.Complex256 elif type.is_c_string: return ctypes.c_char_p elif type.is_function: return_type = convert_to_ctypes(type.return_type) arg_types = tuple(convert_to_ctypes(arg_type) for arg_type in type.args) return ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(return_type, *arg_types) elif type.is_void: return None elif type.is_carray: return convert_to_ctypes(type.base_type) * type.size elif type.is_struct: class Struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [(field_name, convert_to_ctypes(field_type)) for field_name, field_type in type.fields] return Struct else: raise NotImplementedError(type) def get_ctypes_func(func, llvm_func, llvm_execution_engine, context): "Get a ctypes function from an llvm function" ctypes_func_type = convert_to_ctypes(func.type) p = llvm_execution_engine.get_pointer_to_function(llvm_func) return ctypes_func_type(p) def get_data_pointer(numpy_array, array_type): "Get a ctypes typed data pointer for the numpy array with type array_type" dtype_pointer = array_type.dtype.pointer() return numpy_array.ctypes.data_as(convert_to_ctypes(dtype_pointer)) def get_pointer(context, llvm_func): "Get a pointer to the LLVM function (int)" from numba.codegen.llvmcontext import LLVMContextManager return LLVMContextManager().execution_engine.get_pointer_to_function(llvm_func) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = graphviz # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Visitor to generate a Graphviz .dot file with an AST representation. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from .pydot import pydot from . import minivisitor class GraphvizGenerator(minivisitor.PrintTree): """ Render a minivect AST as a graphviz tree. """ def __init__(self, context, name, node_color=None, edge_color=None, node_fontcolor=None, edge_fontcolor=None): super(GraphvizGenerator, self).__init__(context) = name self.counter = 0 self.node_color = node_color self.edge_color = edge_color self.node_fontcolor = node_fontcolor self.edge_fontcolor = edge_fontcolor def create_node(self, node): "Create a graphviz node from the miniast node" label = '"%s"' % self.format_node(node, want_type_info=False) self.counter += 1 pydot_node = pydot.Node(str(self.counter), label=label) self.add_node(pydot_node) return pydot_node def add_node(self, pydot_node): "Add a pydot node to the graph and set its colors" if self.node_color is not None: pydot_node.set_color(self.node_color) if self.node_fontcolor is not None: pydot_node.set_fontcolor(self.node_fontcolor) self.graph.add_node(pydot_node) def add_edge(self, source, dest, edge_label=None): "Add an edge between two pydot nodes and set the colors" edge = pydot.Edge(source, dest) if edge_label is not None: edge.set_label(edge_label) if self.edge_color is not None: edge.set_color(self.edge_color) if self.edge_fontcolor is not None: edge.set_fontcolor(self.edge_fontcolor) self.graph.add_edge(edge) def visit_Node(self, node, pydot_node=None): "Visit children and add edges to their Graphviz nodes." if pydot_node is None: pydot_node = self.create_node(node) nodes_dict = self.visitchildren(node) attrs = self.context.getchildren(node) for attr in attrs: values = nodes_dict.get(attr, None) if values is not None: if isinstance(values, list): for value in values: self.add_edge(pydot_node, value) else: self.add_edge(pydot_node, values, attr) return pydot_node def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): "Create a graphviz graph" self.graph = pydot.Dot(, graph_type='digraph') pydot_function = self.create_node(node) pydot_body = self.visit(node.body) # Create artificial arguments for brevity pydot_args = pydot.Node("Arguments (omitted)") self.add_node(pydot_args) self.add_edge(pydot_function, pydot_body) self.add_edge(pydot_function, pydot_args) return self.graph ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvm_codegen # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generate LLVM code for a minivect AST. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys try: import llvm.core import import llvm.passes except ImportError: llvm = None from . import codegen from . import minierror from . import minitypes from . import minivisitor from . import ctypes_conversion def handle_struct_passing(builder, alloca_func, largs, signature): """ Handle signatures with structs. If signature.struct_by_reference is set, we need to pass in structs by reference, and retrieve struct return values by refererence through an additional argument. Structs are always loaded as pointers. Complex numbers are always immediate struct values. """ for i, (arg_type, larg) in enumerate(zip(signature.args, largs)): if minitypes.pass_by_ref(arg_type): if signature.struct_by_reference: if arg_type.is_complex or \ arg_type.is_datetime or \ arg_type.is_timedelta: new_arg = alloca_func(arg_type), new_arg) larg = new_arg largs[i] = larg if (signature.struct_by_reference and minitypes.pass_by_ref(signature.return_type)): return_value = alloca_func(signature.return_type) largs.append(return_value) return return_value return None class LLVMCodeGen(codegen.CodeGen): """ Generate LLVM code for a minivect AST. Takes a regular :py:class:`minivect.minicode.CodeWriter` to which it writes the LLVM function and a ctypes function. """ in_lhs_expr = 0 def __init__(self, context, codewriter): super(LLVMCodeGen, self).__init__(context, codewriter) self.declared_temps = set() self.temp_names = set() self.astbuilder = context.astbuilder self.blocks = [] self.symtab = {} self.llvm_temps = {} import llvm # raise an error at this point if llvm-py is not installed self.init_binops() self.init_comparisons() # List of LLVM call instructions to inline self.inline_calls = [] def append_basic_block(self, name='unamed'): "append a basic block and keep track of it" idx = len(self.blocks) bb = self.lfunc.append_basic_block('%s_%d' % (name, idx)) self.blocks.append(bb) return bb def inline_funcs(self): for call_instr in self.inline_calls: # print 'inlining...', call_instr llvm.core.inline_function(call_instr) def optimize(self): "Run llvm optimizations on the generated LLVM code" llvm_fpm = # target_data = #llvm_fpm.add(self.context.llvm_ee.target_data.clone()) pmb = pmb.opt_level = 3 pmb.vectorize = True pmb.populate(llvm_fpm) def optimize2(self, opt=3, cg=3, inline=1000): features = '-avx' tm = self.__machine = opt=cg,, features=features) has_loop_vectorizer = llvm.version >= (3, 2) passmanagers = llvm.passes.build_pass_managers( tm, opt=opt, inline_threshold=inline, loop_vectorize=has_loop_vectorizer, fpm=False) def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): self.specializer = node.specializer self.function = node self.llvm_module = self.context.llvm_module name = + node.specialization_name node.mangled_name = name lfunc_type = node.type.to_llvm(self.context) self.lfunc = self.llvm_module.add_function(lfunc_type, node.mangled_name) # self.lfunc.linkage = llvm.core.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR self.entry_bb = self.append_basic_block('entry') self.builder = self.add_arguments(node) self.visit(node.body) # print self.lfunc self.llvm_module.verify() self.inline_funcs() if self.context.optimize_llvm: self.optimize2() self.code.write(self.lfunc) # from numba.codegen.llvmcontext import LLVMContextManager # ctypes_func = ctypes_conversion.get_ctypes_func( # node, self.lfunc, LLVMContextManager().execution_engine, # self.context) # self.code.write(ctypes_func) def add_arguments(self, function): "Insert function arguments into the symtab" i = 0 for arg in function.arguments + function.scalar_arguments: if arg.used: for var in arg.variables: llvm_arg = self.lfunc.args[i] self.symtab[] = llvm_arg if var.type.is_pointer: llvm_arg.add_attribute(llvm.core.ATTR_NO_ALIAS) llvm_arg.add_attribute(llvm.core.ATTR_NO_CAPTURE) i += 1 else: for var in arg.variables: self.symtab[] = self.visit(var) def visit_PrintNode(self, node): pass def visit_Node(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_OpenMPConditionalNode(self, node): "OpenMP is not yet implemented, only process the 'else' directives." if node.else_body: self.visit(node.else_body) return node def visit_ForNode(self, node): ''' Implements simple for loops with iternode as range, xrange ''' bb_cond = self.append_basic_block('for.cond') bb_incr = self.append_basic_block('for.incr') bb_body = self.append_basic_block('for.body') bb_exit = self.append_basic_block('for.exit') # generate initializer self.visit(node.init) self.builder.branch(bb_cond) # generate condition self.builder.position_at_end(bb_cond) cond = self.visit(node.condition) self.builder.cbranch(cond, bb_body, bb_exit) # generate increment self.builder.position_at_end(bb_incr) self.visit(node.step) self.builder.branch(bb_cond) # generate body self.builder.position_at_end(bb_body) self.visit(node.body) self.builder.branch(bb_incr) # move to exit block self.builder.position_at_end(bb_exit) def visit_IfNode(self, node): cond = self.visit(node.cond) bb_true = self.append_basic_block('if.true') bb_endif = self.append_basic_block('if.end') if node.else_body: bb_false = self.append_basic_block('if.false') else: bb_false = bb_endif test = self.visit(node.cond) self.builder.cbranch(test, bb_true, bb_false) # if cond self.builder.position_at_end(bb_true) self.visit(node.body) self.builder.branch(bb_endif) if node.else_body: # else self.builder.position_at_end(bb_false) self.visit(node.else_body) self.builder.branch(bb_endif) # endif self.builder.position_at_end(bb_endif) def visit_ReturnNode(self, node): self.builder.ret(self.visit(node.operand)) def visit_CastNode(self, node): if node.type.is_pointer: result = self.visit(node.operand) dest_type = node.type.to_llvm(self.context) # print result, dest_type # node.print_tree(self.context) return self.builder.bitcast(result, dest_type) # return result.bitcast(node.type) return self.visit_PromotionNode(node) def visit_PromotionNode(self, node): """ Handle promotions as inserted by :py:class:`minivect.type_promoter.TypePromoter` """ result = self.visit(node.operand) type = node.type op_type = node.operand.type smaller = type.itemsize < op_type.itemsize if type.is_int and op_type.is_int: op = (('zext', 'sext'), ('trunc', 'trunc'))[smaller][type.signed] elif type.is_float and op_type.is_float: op = ('fpext', 'fptrunc')[smaller] elif type.is_int and op_type.is_float: op = ('fptoui', 'fptosi')[type.signed] elif type.is_float and op_type.is_int: op = ('fptoui', 'fptosi')[type.signed] else: raise NotImplementedError((type, op_type)) ltype = type.to_llvm(self.context) return getattr(self.builder, op)(result, ltype) def init_binops(self): # (float_op, unsigned_int_op, signed_int_op) self._binops = { '+': ('fadd', 'add', 'add'), '-': ('fsub', 'sub', 'sub'), '*': ('fmul', 'mul', 'mul'), '/': ('fdiv', 'udiv', 'sdiv'), '%': ('frem', 'urem', 'srem'), '&': (None, 'and_', 'and_'), '|': (None, 'or_', 'or_'), '^': (None, 'xor', 'xor'), # TODO: other ops } def init_comparisons(self): """ Define binary operation LLVM instructions. Do this in a function in case llvm-py is not installed. """ self._compare_mapping_float = { '>': llvm.core.FCMP_OGT, '<': llvm.core.FCMP_OLT, '==': llvm.core.FCMP_OEQ, '>=': llvm.core.FCMP_OGE, '<=': llvm.core.FCMP_OLE, '!=': llvm.core.FCMP_ONE, } self._compare_mapping_sint = { '>': llvm.core.ICMP_SGT, '<': llvm.core.ICMP_SLT, '==': llvm.core.ICMP_EQ, '>=': llvm.core.ICMP_SGE, '<=': llvm.core.ICMP_SLE, '!=': llvm.core.ICMP_NE, } self._compare_mapping_uint = { '>': llvm.core.ICMP_UGT, '<': llvm.core.ICMP_ULT, '==': llvm.core.ICMP_EQ, '>=': llvm.core.ICMP_UGE, '<=': llvm.core.ICMP_ULE, '!=': llvm.core.ICMP_NE, } def visit_BinopNode(self, node): lhs = self.visit(node.lhs) rhs = self.visit(node.rhs) op = node.operator if (node.type.is_int or node.type.is_float) and node.operator in self._binops: idx = 0 if node.type.is_float else node.type.is_int + node.type.signed llvm_method_name = self._binops[op][idx] meth = getattr(self.builder, llvm_method_name) if not lhs.type == rhs.type: node.print_tree(self.context) assert False, (node.lhs.type, node.rhs.type, lhs.type, rhs.type) return meth(lhs, rhs) elif node.operator in self._compare_mapping_float: return self.generate_compare(node, op, lhs, rhs) elif node.type.is_pointer: if node.rhs.type.is_pointer: lhs, rhs = rhs, lhs return self.builder.gep(lhs, [rhs]) else: raise minierror.CompileError( node, "Binop %s (type=%s) not implemented for types (%s, %s)" % ( op, node.type, lhs.type, rhs.type)) def generate_compare(self, node, op, lhs_value, rhs_value): op = node.operator lop = None if node.lhs.type.is_float and node.rhs.type.is_float: lfunc = self.builder.fcmp lop = self._compare_mapping_float[op] elif node.lhs.type.is_int and node.rhs.type.is_int: lfunc = self.builder.icmp if node.lhs.type.signed and node.rhs.type.signed: lop = self._compare_mapping_sint[op] elif not (node.lhs.type.signed or node.rhs.type.signed): lop = self._compare_mapping_uint[op] if lop is None: raise minierror.CompileError( node, "%s for types (%s, %s)" % (node.operator, node.lhs.type, node.rhs.type)) return lfunc(lop, lhs_value, rhs_value) def visit_UnopNode(self, node): result = self.visit(node.operand) if node.operator == '-': return self.builder.neg(result) elif node.operator == '+': return result else: raise NotImplementedError(node.operator) def visit_TempNode(self, node): if node not in self.declared_temps: llvm_temp = self._declare_temp(node) else: llvm_temp = self.llvm_temps[node] if self.in_lhs_expr: return llvm_temp else: return self.builder.load(llvm_temp) def _mangle_temp(self, node): name = node.repr_name or if name in self.temp_names: name = "%s%d" % (name, len(self.declared_temps)) = name self.temp_names.add(name) self.declared_temps.add(node) def _declare_temp(self, node, rhs_result=None): if node not in self.declared_temps: self._mangle_temp(node) llvm_temp = self.alloca(node.type) self.llvm_temps[node] = llvm_temp return llvm_temp def alloca(self, type, name=''): bb = self.builder.basic_block self.builder.position_at_beginning(self.entry_bb) llvm_temp = self.builder.alloca(type.to_llvm(self.context), name) self.builder.position_at_end(bb) return llvm_temp def visit_AssignmentExpr(self, node): self.in_lhs_expr += 1 lhs = self.visit(node.lhs) self.in_lhs_expr -= 1 rhs = self.visit(node.rhs) return, lhs) def visit_SingleIndexNode(self, node): in_lhs_expr = self.in_lhs_expr if in_lhs_expr: self.in_lhs_expr -= 1 lhs = self.visit(node.lhs) rhs = self.visit(node.rhs) if in_lhs_expr: self.in_lhs_expr += 1 result = self.builder.gep(lhs, [rhs]) if self.in_lhs_expr: return result else: return self.builder.load(result) def visit_DereferenceNode(self, node): node = self.astbuilder.index(node.operand, self.astbuilder.constant(0)) return self.visit_SingleIndexNode(node) def visit_SizeofNode(self, node): return self.visit(self.astbuilder.constant(node.sizeof_type.itemsize, node.type)) def visit_Variable(self, node): value = self.symtab[] return value def visit_ArrayAttribute(self, node): return self.symtab[] def visit_NoopExpr(self, node): pass def visit_ResolvedVariable(self, node): return self.visit(node.element) def visit_JumpNode(self, node): return self.builder.branch(self.visit(node.label)) def visit_JumpTargetNode(self, node): basic_block = self.visit(node.label) self.builder.branch(basic_block) self.builder.position_at_end(basic_block) def visit_LabelNode(self, node): if node not in self.labels: self.labels[node] = self.append_basic_block(node.label) return self.labels[node] def handle_string_constant(self, b, constant): # Create a global string constant, if it doesn't already # Based on code in Numba. Seems easier than creating a stack variable string_constants = self.context.string_constants = getattr( self.context, 'string_constants', {}) if constant in string_constants: lvalue = string_constants[constant] else: lstring = llvm.core.Constant.stringz(constant) lvalue = self.context.llvm_module.add_global_variable( lstring.type, "__string_%d" % len(string_constants)) lvalue.initializer = lstring lvalue.linkage = llvm.core.LINKAGE_INTERNAL lzero = self.visit(b.constant(0)) lvalue = self.builder.gep(lvalue, [lzero, lzero]) string_constants[constant] = lvalue return lvalue def visit_ConstantNode(self, node): b = self.astbuilder ltype = node.type.to_llvm(self.context) constant = node.value if node.type.is_float: lvalue = llvm.core.Constant.real(ltype, constant) elif node.type.is_int: lvalue =, constant) elif node.type.is_pointer and self.pyval == 0: lvalue = llvm.core.ConstantPointerNull elif node.type.is_c_string: lvalue = self.handle_string_constant(b, constant) else: raise NotImplementedError("Constant %s of type %s" % (constant, node.type)) return lvalue def visit_FuncCallNode(self, node): llvm_args = list(self.results(node.args)) llvm_func = self.visit(node.func_or_pointer) signature = node.func_or_pointer.type if signature.struct_by_reference: result = handle_struct_passing( self.builder, self.alloca, llvm_args, signature) llvm_call =, llvm_args) if node.inline: self.inline_calls.append(llvm_call) if (signature.struct_by_reference and minitypes.pass_by_ref(signature.return_type)): return self.builder.load(result) else: return llvm_call def visit_FuncNameNode(self, node): func_type = node.type.to_llvm(self.context) func = self.context.llvm_module.get_or_insert_function(func_type, return func def visit_FuncRefNode(self, node): raise NotImplementedError ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = miniast # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module provides the AST. Subclass :py:class:`Context` and override the various methods to allow minivect visitors over the AST, to promote and map types, etc. Subclass and override :py:class:`ASTBuilder`'s methods to provide alternative AST nodes or different implementations. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import copy import string import types from . import minitypes from . import miniutils from . import minivisitor from . import specializers from . import type_promoter from . import minicode from . import codegen from . import llvm_codegen from . import graphviz try: import llvm.core import import llvm.passes except ImportError: llvm = None class UndocClassAttribute(object): "Use this to document class attributes for Sphinx" def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.cls(*args, **kwargs) def make_cls(cls1, cls2): "Fuse two classes together." name = "%s_%s" % (cls1.__name__, cls2.__name__) return type(name, (cls1, cls2), {}) class Context(object): """ A context that knows how to map ASTs back and forth, how to wrap nodes and types, and how to instantiate a code generator for specialization. An opaque_node or foreign node is a node that is not from our AST, and a normal node is one that has a interface compatible with ours. To provide custom functionality, set the following attributes, or subclass this class. :param astbuilder: the :py:class:`ASTBuilder` or ``None`` :param typemapper: the :py:class:`minivect.minitypes.Typemapper` or ``None`` for the default. .. attribute:: codegen_cls The code generator class that is used to generate code. The default is :py:class:`minivect.codegen.CodeGen` .. attribute:: cleanup_codegen_cls The code generator that generates code to dispose of any garbage (e.g. intermediate object temporaries). The default is :py:class:`minivect.codegen.CodeGenCleanup` .. attribute:: codewriter_cls The code writer that the code generator writes its generated code to. This may be strings or arbitrary objects. The default is :py:class:`minivect.minicode.CodeWriter`, which accepts arbitrary objects. .. attribute:: codeformatter_cls A formatter to format the generated code. The default is :py:class:`minivect.minicode.CodeFormatter`, which returns a list of objects written. Set this to :py:class:`minivect.minicode.CodeStringFormatter` to have the strings joined together. .. attribute:: specializer_mixin_cls A specializer mixin class that can override or intercept functionality. This class should likely participate cooperatively in MI. .. attribute:: variable_resolving_mixin_cls A specializer mixin class that resolves wrapped miniasts in a foreign AST. This is only needed if you are using :py:class:`NodeWrapper`, which wraps a miniast somewhere at the leaves. .. attribute: graphviz_cls Visitor to generate a Graphviz graph. See the :py:module:`graphviz` module. .. attribute: minifunction The current minifunction that is being translated. Use subclass :py:class:`CContext` to get the defaults for C code generation. """ debug = False debug_elements = False use_llvm = False optimize_llvm = True optimize_broadcasting = True shape_type = minitypes.Py_ssize_t.pointer() strides_type = shape_type astbuilder_cls = None codegen_cls = UndocClassAttribute(codegen.VectorCodegen) cleanup_codegen_cls = UndocClassAttribute(codegen.CodeGenCleanup) codewriter_cls = UndocClassAttribute(minicode.CodeWriter) codeformatter_cls = UndocClassAttribute(minicode.CodeFormatter) graphviz_cls = UndocClassAttribute(graphviz.GraphvizGenerator) specializer_mixin_cls = None variable_resolving_mixin_cls = None func_counter = 0 final_specializer = specializers.FinalSpecializer def __init__(self): self.init() if self.use_llvm: if llvm is None: import llvm.core as llvm_py_not_available # llvm-py not available self.llvm_module ='default_module') # self.llvm_ee = #self.llvm_ee = self.llvm_fpm = self.llvm_fpm.initialize() if not self.debug: for llvm_pass in self.llvm_passes(): self.llvm_fpm.add(llvm_pass) else: self.llvm_ee = None self.llvm_module = None def init(self): self.astbuilder = self.astbuilder_cls(self) self.typemapper = minitypes.TypeMapper(self) def run_opaque(self, astmapper, opaque_ast, specializers): return, specializers) def run(self, ast, specializer_classes, graphviz_outfile=None, print_tree=False): """ Specialize the given AST with all given specializers and return an iterable of generated code in the form of ``(specializer, new_ast, codewriter, code_obj)`` The code_obj is the generated code (e.g. a string of C code), depending on the code formatter used. """ for specializer_class in specializer_classes: self.init() pipeline = self.pipeline(specializer_class) specialized_ast = specializers.specialize_ast(ast) self.astbuilder.minifunction = specialized_ast for transform in pipeline: specialized_ast = transform.visit(specialized_ast) if print_tree: specialized_ast.print_tree(self) if graphviz_outfile is not None: data = self.graphviz(specialized_ast) graphviz_outfile.write(data) codewriter = self.codewriter_cls(self) codegen = self.codegen_cls(self, codewriter) codegen.visit(specialized_ast) specializer = pipeline[0] yield (specializer, specialized_ast, codewriter, self.codeformatter_cls().format(codewriter)) def run_simple(self, ast, specializer): (_, _, _, code_result), =, [specializer]) return code_result def debug_c(self, ast, specializer, astbuilder_cls=None): "Generate C code (for debugging)" context = CContext() if astbuilder_cls: context.astbuilder_cls = astbuilder_cls else: context.astbuilder_cls = self.astbuilder_cls context.shape_type = self.shape_type context.strides_type = self.strides_type context.debug = self.debug result = next(, [specializer])) _, specialized_ast, _, (proto, impl) = result return impl def pipeline(self, specializer_class): # add specializer mixin and run specializer if self.specializer_mixin_cls: specializer_class = make_cls(self.specializer_mixin_cls, specializer_class) specializer = specializer_class(self) pipeline = [specializer] # Add variable resolving mixin to the final specializer and run # transform final_specializer_cls = self.final_specializer if final_specializer_cls: if self.variable_resolving_mixin_cls: final_specializer_cls = make_cls( self.variable_resolving_mixin_cls, final_specializer_cls) pipeline.append(final_specializer_cls(self, specializer)) pipeline.append(type_promoter.TypePromoter(self)) return pipeline def generate_disposal_code(self, code, node): "Run the disposal code generator on an (sub)AST" transform = self.cleanup_codegen_cls(self, code) transform.visit(node) # ### Override in subclasses where needed # def llvm_passes(self): "Returns a list of LLVM optimization passes" return [] return [ # llvm.passes.PASS_CFG_SIMPLIFICATION llvm.passes.PASS_BLOCK_PLACEMENT, llvm.passes.PASS_BASIC_ALIAS_ANALYSIS, llvm.passes.PASS_NO_AA, llvm.passes.PASS_SCALAR_EVOLUTION_ALIAS_ANALYSIS, # llvm.passes.PASS_ALIAS_ANALYSIS_COUNTER, llvm.passes.PASS_AAEVAL, llvm.passes.PASS_LOOP_DEPENDENCE_ANALYSIS, llvm.passes.PASS_BREAK_CRITICAL_EDGES, llvm.passes.PASS_LOOP_SIMPLIFY, llvm.passes.PASS_PROMOTE_MEMORY_TO_REGISTER, llvm.passes.PASS_CONSTANT_PROPAGATION, llvm.passes.PASS_LICM, # llvm.passes.PASS_CONSTANT_MERGE, llvm.passes.PASS_LOOP_STRENGTH_REDUCE, llvm.passes.PASS_LOOP_UNROLL, # llvm.passes.PASS_FUNCTION_ATTRS, # llvm.passes.PASS_GLOBAL_OPTIMIZER, # llvm.passes.PASS_GLOBAL_DCE, llvm.passes.PASS_DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION, llvm.passes.PASS_INSTRUCTION_COMBINING, llvm.passes.PASS_CODE_GEN_PREPARE, ] def mangle_function_name(self, name): name = "%s_%d" % (name, self.func_counter) self.func_counter += 1 return name def promote_types(self, type1, type2): "Promote types in an arithmetic operation" if type1 == type2: return type1 return self.typemapper.promote_types(type1, type2) def getchildren(self, node): "Implement to allow a minivisitor.Visitor over a foreign AST." return node.child_attrs def getpos(self, opaque_node): "Get the position of a foreign node" filename, line, col = opaque_node.pos return Position(filename, line, col) def gettype(self, opaque_node): "Get a type of a foreign node" return opaque_node.type def may_error(self, opaque_node): "Return whether this node may result in an exception." raise NotImplementedError def declare_type(self, type): "Return a declaration for a type" raise NotImplementedError def to_llvm(self, type): "Return an LLVM type for the given minitype" return self.typemapper.to_llvm(type) def graphviz(self, node, graphviz_name="AST"): visitor = self.graphviz_cls(self, graphviz_name) graphviz_graph = visitor.visit(node) return graphviz_graph.to_string() def is_object(self, type): return isinstance(type, minitypes.ObjectType) class CContext(Context): "Set defaults for C code generation." codegen_cls = codegen.VectorCodegen codewriter_cls = minicode.CCodeWriter codeformatter_cls = minicode.CCodeStringFormatter class LLVMContext(Context): "Context with default for LLVM code generation" use_llvm = True codegen_cls = llvm_codegen.LLVMCodeGen class ASTBuilder(object): """ This class is used to build up a minivect AST. It can be used by a user from a transform or otherwise, but the important bit is that we use it in our code to build up an AST that can be overridden by the user, and which makes it convenient to build up complex ASTs concisely. """ # the 'pos' attribute is set for each visit to each node by # the ASTMapper pos = None temp_reprname_counter = 0 def __init__(self, context): """ :param context: the :py:class:`Context` """ self.context = context def _infer_type(self, value): "Used to infer types for self.constant()" if isinstance(value, (int, long)): return minitypes.IntType() elif isinstance(value, float): return minitypes.FloatType() elif isinstance(value, str): return minitypes.CStringType() else: raise minierror.InferTypeError() def create_function_type(self, function, strides_args=True): arg_types = [] for arg in function.arguments + function.scalar_arguments: if arg.used: if arg.type and arg.type.is_array and not strides_args: arg_types.append(arg.data_pointer.type) arg.variables = [arg.data_pointer] else: for variable in arg.variables: arg_types.append(variable.type) function.type = minitypes.FunctionType( return_type=function.success_value.type, args=arg_types) def function(self, name, body, args, shapevar=None, posinfo=None, omp_size=None): """ Create a new function. :type name: str :param name: name of the function :type args: [:py:class:`FunctionArgument`] :param args: all array and scalar arguments to the function, excluding shape or position information. :param shapevar: the :py:class:`Variable` for the total broadcast shape If ``None``, a default of ``Py_ssize_t *`` is assumed. :type posinfo: :py:class:`FunctionArgument` :param posinfo: if given, this will be the second, third and fourth arguments to the function ``(filename, lineno, column)``. """ if shapevar is None: shapevar = self.variable(self.context.shape_type, 'shape') arguments, scalar_arguments = [], [] for arg in args: if arg.type.is_array: arguments.append(arg) else: scalar_arguments.append(arg) arguments.insert(0, self.funcarg(shapevar)) if posinfo: arguments.insert(1, posinfo) body = self.stats(self.nditerate(body)) error_value = self.constant(-1) success_value = self.constant(0) function = FunctionNode(self.pos, name, body, arguments, scalar_arguments, shapevar, posinfo, error_value=error_value, success_value=success_value, omp_size=omp_size or self.constant(1024)) # prepending statements, used during specialization function.prepending = self.stats() function.body = self.stats(function.prepending, function.body) self.create_function_type(function) return function def build_function(self, variables, body, name=None, shapevar=None): "Convenience method for building a minivect function" args = [] for var in variables: if var.type.is_array: args.append(self.array_funcarg(var)) else: args.append(self.funcarg(var)) name = name or 'function' return self.function(name, body, args, shapevar=shapevar) def function_from_numpy(self, name, ast, miniargs): """ Build a minivect function from the given ast and arguments. The function takes a pointer to a numpy shape (npy_intp *). """ type = minitypes.npy_intp.pointer() shape_variable = self.variable(type, 'shape') return self.function(name, ast, miniargs, shapevar=shape_variable) def funcarg(self, variable, *variables): """ Create a (compound) function argument consisting of one or multiple argument Variables. """ if variable.type is not None and variable.type.is_array: assert not variables return self.array_funcarg(variable) if not variables: variables = [variable] return FunctionArgument(self.pos, variable, list(variables)) def array_funcarg(self, variable): "Create an array function argument" return ArrayFunctionArgument( self.pos, variable.type,, variable=variable, data_pointer=self.data_pointer(variable), #shape_pointer=self.shapevar(variable), strides_pointer=self.stridesvar(variable)) def incref(self, var, funcname='Py_INCREF'): "Generate a Py_INCREF() statement" functype = minitypes.FunctionType(return_type=minitypes.void, args=[minitypes.object_]) py_incref = self.funcname(functype, funcname) return self.expr_stat(self.funccall(py_incref, [var])) def decref(self, var): "Generate a Py_DECCREF() statement" return self.incref(var, funcname='Py_DECREF') def print_(self, *args): "Print out all arguments to stdout" return PrintNode(self.pos, args=list(args)) def funccall(self, func_or_pointer, args, inline=False): """ Generate a call to the given function (a :py:class:`FuncNameNode`) of :py:class:`minivect.minitypes.function` or a pointer to a function type and the given arguments. """ type = func_or_pointer.type if type.is_pointer: type = func_or_pointer.type.base_type return FuncCallNode(self.pos, type.return_type, func_or_pointer=func_or_pointer, args=args, inline=inline) def funcname(self, type, name, is_external=True): assert type.is_function return FuncNameNode(self.pos, type, name=name, is_external=is_external) def nditerate(self, body): """ This node wraps the given AST expression in an :py:class:`NDIterate` node, which will be expanded by the specializers to one or several loops. """ return NDIterate(self.pos, body) def for_(self, body, init, condition, step, index=None): """ Create a for loop node. :param body: loop body :param init: assignment expression :param condition: boolean loop condition :param step: step clause (assignment expression) """ return ForNode(self.pos, init, condition, step, body, index=index) def for_range_upwards(self, body, upper, lower=None, step=None): """ Create a single upwards for loop, typically used from a specializer to replace an :py:class:`NDIterate` node. :param body: the loop body :param upper: expression specifying an upper bound """ index_type = upper.type.unqualify("const") if lower is None: lower = self.constant(0, index_type) if step is None: step = self.constant(1, index_type) temp = self.temp(index_type) init = self.assign_expr(temp, lower) condition = self.binop(minitypes.bool_, '<', temp, upper) step = self.assign_expr(temp, self.add(temp, step)) result = self.for_(body, init, condition, step) = temp return result def omp_for(self, for_node, if_clause): """ Annotate the for loop with an OpenMP parallel for clause. :param if_clause: the expression node that determines whether the parallel section is executed or whether it is executed sequentially (to avoid synchronization overhead) """ if isinstance(for_node, PragmaForLoopNode): for_node = for_node.for_node return OpenMPLoopNode(self.pos, for_node=for_node, if_clause=if_clause, lastprivates=[for_node.init.lhs], privates=[]) def omp_if(self, if_body, else_body=None): return OpenMPConditionalNode(self.pos, if_body=if_body, else_body=else_body) def pragma_for(self, for_node): """ Annotate the for loop with pragmas. """ return PragmaForLoopNode(self.pos, for_node=for_node) def stats(self, *statements): """ Wrap a bunch of statements in an AST node. """ return StatListNode(self.pos, list(statements)) def expr_stat(self, expr): "Turn an expression into a statement" return ExprStatNode(expr.pos, type=expr.type, expr=expr) def expr(self, stats=(), expr=None): "Evaluate a bunch of statements before evaluating an expression." return ExprNodeWithStatement(self.pos, type=expr.type, stat=self.stats(*stats), expr=expr) def if_(self, cond, body): "If statement" return self.if_else(cond, body, None) def if_else_expr(self, cond, lhs, rhs): "If/else expression, resulting in lhs if cond else rhs" type = self.context.promote_types(lhs.type, rhs.type) return IfElseExprNode(self.pos, type=type, cond=cond, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs) def if_else(self, cond, if_body, else_body): return IfNode(self.pos, cond=cond, body=if_body, else_body=else_body) def promote(self, dst_type, node): "Promote or demote the node to the given dst_type" if node.type != dst_type: if node.is_constant and node.type.kind == dst_type.kind: node.type = dst_type return node return PromotionNode(self.pos, dst_type, node) return node def binop(self, type, op, lhs, rhs): """ Binary operation on two nodes. :param type: the result type of the expression :param op: binary operator :type op: str """ return BinopNode(self.pos, type, op, lhs, rhs) def add(self, lhs, rhs, result_type=None, op='+'): """ Shorthand for the + binop. Filters out adding 0 constants. """ if lhs.is_constant and lhs.value == 0: return rhs elif rhs.is_constant and rhs.value == 0: return lhs if result_type is None: result_type = self.context.promote_types(lhs.type, rhs.type) return self.binop(result_type, op, lhs, rhs) def sub(self, lhs, rhs, result_type=None): return self.add(lhs, rhs, result_type, op='-') def mul(self, lhs, rhs, result_type=None, op='*'): """ Shorthand for the * binop. Filters out multiplication with 1 constants. """ if op == '*' and lhs.is_constant and lhs.value == 1: return rhs elif rhs.is_constant and rhs.value == 1: return lhs if result_type is None: result_type = self.context.promote_types(lhs.type, rhs.type) return self.binop(result_type, op, lhs, rhs) def div(self, lhs, rhs, result_type=None): return self.mul(lhs, rhs, result_type=result_type, op='/') def min(self, lhs, rhs): """ Returns min(lhs, rhs) expression. .. NOTE:: Make lhs and rhs temporaries if they should only be evaluated once. """ type = self.context.promote_types(lhs.type, rhs.type) cmp_node = self.binop(type, '<', lhs, rhs) return self.if_else_expr(cmp_node, lhs, rhs) def index(self, pointer, index, dest_pointer_type=None): """ Index a pointer with the given index node. :param dest_pointer_type: if given, cast the result (*after* adding the index) to the destination type and dereference. """ if dest_pointer_type: return self.index_multiple(pointer, [index], dest_pointer_type) return SingleIndexNode(self.pos, pointer.type.base_type, pointer, index) def index_multiple(self, pointer, indices, dest_pointer_type=None): """ Same as :py:meth:`index`, but accepts multiple indices. This is useful e.g. after multiplication of the indices with the strides. """ for index in indices: pointer = self.add(pointer, index) if dest_pointer_type is not None: pointer = self.cast(pointer, dest_pointer_type) return self.dereference(pointer) def assign_expr(self, node, value, may_reorder=False): "Create an assignment expression assigning ``value`` to ``node``" assert node is not None if not isinstance(value, Node): value = self.constant(value) return AssignmentExpr(self.pos, node.type, node, value, may_reorder=may_reorder) def assign(self, node, value, may_reorder=False): "Assignment statement" expr = self.assign_expr(node, value, may_reorder=may_reorder) return self.expr_stat(expr) def dereference(self, pointer): "Dereference a pointer" return DereferenceNode(self.pos, pointer.type.base_type, pointer) def unop(self, type, operator, operand): "Unary operation. ``type`` indicates the result type of the expression." return UnopNode(self.pos, type, operator, operand) def coerce_to_temp(self, expr): "Coerce the given expression to a temporary" type = expr.type if type.is_array: type = type.dtype temp = self.temp(type) return self.expr(stats=[self.assign(temp, expr)], expr=temp) def temp(self, type, name=None): "Allocate a temporary of a given type" name = name or 'temp' repr_name = '%s%d' % (name.rstrip(string.digits), self.temp_reprname_counter) self.temp_reprname_counter += 1 return TempNode(self.pos, type, name=name, repr_name=repr_name) def constant(self, value, type=None): """ Create a constant from a Python value. If type is not given, it is inferred (or it will raise a :py:class:`minivect.minierror.InferTypeError`). """ if type is None: type = self._infer_type(value) return ConstantNode(self.pos, type, value) def variable(self, type, name): """ Create a variable with a name and type. Variables may refer to function arguments, functions, etc. """ return Variable(self.pos, type, name) def resolved_variable(self, array_type, name, element): """ Creates a node that keeps the array operand information such as the original array type, but references an actual element in the array. :param type: original array type :param name: original array's name :param element: arbitrary expression that resolves some element in the array """ return ResolvedVariable(self.pos, element.type, name, element=element, array_type=array_type) def cast(self, node, dest_type): "Cast node to the given destination type" return CastNode(self.pos, dest_type, node) def return_(self, result): "Return a result" return ReturnNode(self.pos, result) def data_pointer(self, variable): "Return the data pointer of an array variable" assert variable.type.is_array return DataPointer(self.pos, variable.type.dtype.pointer(), variable) def shape_index(self, index, function): "Index the shape of the array operands with integer `index`" return self.index(function.shape, self.constant(index)) def extent(self, variable, index, function): "Index the shape of a specific variable with integer `index`" assert variable.type.is_array offset = function.ndim - variable.type.ndim return self.index(function.shape, self.constant(index + offset)) def stridesvar(self, variable): "Return the strides variable for the given array operand" return StridePointer(self.pos, self.context.strides_type, variable) def stride(self, variable, index): "Return the stride of array operand `variable` at integer `index`" return self.index(self.stridesvar(variable), self.constant(index)) def sizeof(self, type): "Return the expression sizeof(type)" return SizeofNode(self.pos, minitypes.size_t, sizeof_type=type) def jump(self, label): "Jump to a label" return JumpNode(self.pos, label) def jump_target(self, label): """ Return a target that can be jumped to given a label. The label is shared between the jumpers and the target. """ return JumpTargetNode(self.pos, label) def label(self, name): "Return a label with a name" return LabelNode(self.pos, name) def raise_exc(self, posinfo, exc_var, msg_val, fmt_args): """ Raise an exception given the positional information (see the `posinfo` method), the exception type (PyExc_*), a formatted message string and a list of values to be used for the format string. """ return RaiseNode(self.pos, posinfo, exc_var, msg_val, fmt_args) def posinfo(self, posvars): """ Return position information given a list of position variables (filename, lineno, column). This can be used for raising exceptions. """ return PositionInfoNode(self.pos, posinfo=posvars) def error_handler(self, node): """ Wrap the given node, which may raise exceptions, in an error handler. An error handler allows the code to clean up before propagating the error, and finally returning an error indicator from the function. """ return ErrorHandler(self.pos, body=node, error_label=self.label('error'), cleanup_label=self.label('cleanup')) def wrap(self, opaque_node, specialize_node_callback, **kwds): """ Wrap a node and type and return a NodeWrapper node. This node will have to be handled by the caller in a code generator. The specialize_node_callback is called when the NodeWrapper is specialized by a Specializer. """ type = minitypes.TypeWrapper(self.context.gettype(opaque_node), self.context) return NodeWrapper(self.context.getpos(opaque_node), type, opaque_node, specialize_node_callback, **kwds) # ### Vectorization Functionality # def _vector_type(self, base_type, size): return minitypes.VectorType(element_type=base_type, vector_size=size) def vector_variable(self, variable, size): "Return a vector variable for a data pointer variable" type = self._vector_type(variable.type.dtype, size) if size == 4: name = 'xmm_%s' % else: name = 'ymm_%s' % return VectorVariable(self.pos, type, name, variable=variable) def vector_load(self, data_pointer, size): "Load a SIMD vector of size `size` given an array operand variable" type = self._vector_type(data_pointer.type.base_type, size) return VectorLoadNode(self.pos, type, data_pointer, size=size) def vector_store(self, data_pointer, vector_expr): "Store a SIMD vector of size `size`" assert data_pointer.type.base_type == vector_expr.type.element_type return VectorStoreNode(self.pos, None, "=", data_pointer, vector_expr) def vector_binop(self, operator, lhs, rhs): "Perform a binary SIMD operation between two operands of the same type" assert lhs.type == rhs.type, (lhs.type, rhs.type) type = lhs.type return VectorBinopNode(self.pos, type, operator, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs) def vector_unop(self, type, operator, operand): return VectorUnopNode(self.pos, type, operator, operand) def vector_const(self, type, constant): return ConstantVectorNode(self.pos, type, constant=constant) def noop_expr(self): return NoopExpr(self.pos, type=None) class DynamicArgumentASTBuilder(ASTBuilder): """ Create a function with a dynamic number of arguments. This means the signature looks like func(int *shape, float *data[n_ops], int *strides[n_ops]) To create minivect kernels supporting this signature, set the astbuilder_cls attribute of Context to this class. """ def data_pointer(self, variable): if not hasattr(variable, 'data_pointer'): temp = self.temp(variable.type.dtype.pointer(), + "_data_temp") variable.data_pointer = temp return variable.data_pointer def _create_data_pointer(self, function, argument, i): variable = argument.variable temp = self.data_pointer(variable) p = self.index(function.data_pointers, self.constant(i)) p = self.cast(p, variable.type.dtype.pointer()) assmt = self.assign(temp, p) function.body.stats.insert(0, assmt) return temp def stridesvar(self, variable): "Return the strides variable for the given array operand" if not hasattr(variable, 'strides_pointer'): temp = self.temp(self.context.strides_type, + "_stride_temp") variable.strides_pointer = temp return variable.strides_pointer def _create_strides_pointer(self, function, argument, i): variable = argument.variable temp = self.stridesvar(variable) strides = self.index(function.strides_pointers, self.constant(i)) function.body.stats.insert(0, self.assign(temp, strides)) return temp def function(self, name, body, args, shapevar=None, posinfo=None, omp_size=None): function = super(DynamicArgumentASTBuilder, self).function( name, body, args, shapevar, posinfo, omp_size) function.data_pointers = self.variable( minitypes.void.pointer().pointer(), 'data_pointers') function.strides_pointers = self.variable( function.shape.type.pointer(), 'strides_pointer') i = len(function.arrays) - 1 for argument in function.arrays[::-1]: data_p = self._create_data_pointer(function, argument, i) strides_p = self._create_strides_pointer(function, argument, i) argument.data_pointer = data_p argument.strides_pointer = strides_p argument.used = False i -= 1 argpos = 1 if posinfo: argpos = 4 function.arguments.insert(argpos, self.funcarg(function.strides_pointers)) function.arguments.insert(argpos, self.funcarg(function.data_pointers)) self.create_function_type(function) # print function.type # print self.context.debug_c( # function, specializers.StridedSpecializer, type(self)) return function Context.astbuilder_cls = UndocClassAttribute(ASTBuilder) class Position(object): "Each node has a position which is an instance of this type." def __init__(self, filename, line, col): self.filename = filename self.line = line self.col = col def __str__(self): return "%s:%d:%d" % (self.filename, self.line, self.col) class Node(miniutils.ComparableObjectMixin): """ Base class for AST nodes. """ is_expression = False is_statlist = False is_constant = False is_assignment = False is_unop = False is_binop = False is_node_wrapper = False is_data_pointer = False is_jump = False is_label = False is_temp = False is_statement = False is_sizeof = False is_variable = False is_function = False is_funcarg = False is_array_funcarg = False is_specialized = False child_attrs = [] def __init__(self, pos, **kwds): self.pos = pos vars(self).update(kwds) def may_error(self, context): """ Return whether something may go wrong and we need to jump to an error handler. """ visitor = minivisitor.MayErrorVisitor(context) visitor.visit(self) return visitor.may_error def print_tree(self, context): visitor = minivisitor.PrintTree(context) visitor.visit(self) @property def children(self): return [getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.child_attrs if getattr(self, attr) is not None] @property def comparison_objects(self): type = getattr(self, 'type', None) if type is None: return self.children return tuple(self.children) + (type,) def __eq__(self, other): # Don't use isinstance here, compare on exact type to be consistent # with __hash__. Override where sensible return (isinstance(self, type(other)) and self.comparison_objects == other.comparison_objects) def __hash__(self): h = hash(type(self)) for obj in self.comparison_objects: h = h ^ hash(obj) return h class ExprNode(Node): "Base class for expressions. Each node has a type." is_expression = True hoistable = False need_temp = False def __init__(self, pos, type, **kwds): super(ExprNode, self).__init__(pos, **kwds) self.type = type class FunctionNode(Node): """ Function node. error_value and success_value are returned in case of exceptions and success respectively. .. attribute:: shape the broadcast shape for all operands .. attribute:: ndim the ndim of the total broadcast' shape .. attribute:: arguments all array arguments .. attribute:: scalar arguments all non-array arguments .. attribute:: posinfo the position variables we can write to in case of an exception .. attribute:: omp_size the threshold of minimum data size needed before starting a parallel section. May be overridden at any time before specialization time. """ is_function = True child_attrs = ['body', 'arguments', 'scalar_arguments'] def __init__(self, pos, name, body, arguments, scalar_arguments, shape, posinfo, error_value, success_value, omp_size): super(FunctionNode, self).__init__(pos) self.type = None # see ASTBuilder.create_function_type = name self.body = body self.arrays = [arg for arg in arguments if arg.type and arg.type.is_array] self.arguments = arguments self.scalar_arguments = scalar_arguments self.shape = shape self.posinfo = posinfo self.error_value = error_value self.success_value = success_value self.omp_size = omp_size self.args = dict((, v) for v in arguments) self.ndim = max(arg.type.ndim for arg in arguments if arg.type and arg.type.is_array) class FuncCallNode(ExprNode): """ Call a function given a pointer or its name (FuncNameNode) """ inline = False child_attrs = ['func_or_pointer', 'args'] class FuncNameNode(ExprNode): """ Load an external function by its name. """ name = None class ReturnNode(Node): "Return an operand" child_attrs = ['operand'] def __init__(self, pos, operand): super(ReturnNode, self).__init__(pos) self.operand = operand class RaiseNode(Node): "Raise a Python exception. The callee must hold the GIL." child_attrs = ['posinfo', 'exc_var', 'msg_val', 'fmt_args'] def __init__(self, pos, posinfo, exc_var, msg_val, fmt_args): super(RaiseNode, self).__init__(pos) self.posinfo = posinfo self.exc_var, self.msg_val, self.fmt_args = (exc_var, msg_val, fmt_args) class PositionInfoNode(Node): """ Node that holds a position of where an error occurred. This position needs to be returned to the callee if the callee supports it. """ class FunctionArgument(ExprNode): """ Argument to the FunctionNode. Array arguments contain multiple actual arguments, e.g. the data and stride pointer. .. attribute:: variable some argument to the function (array or otherwise) .. attribute:: variables the actual variables this operand should be unpacked into """ child_attrs = ['variables'] if_funcarg = True used = True def __init__(self, pos, variable, variables): super(FunctionArgument, self).__init__(pos, variable.type) self.variables = variables self.variable = variable = self.args = dict((, v) for v in variables) class ArrayFunctionArgument(ExprNode): "Array operand to the function" child_attrs = ['data_pointer', 'strides_pointer'] is_array_funcarg = True used = True def __init__(self, pos, type, data_pointer, strides_pointer, **kwargs): super(ArrayFunctionArgument, self).__init__(pos, type, **kwargs) self.data_pointer = data_pointer self.strides_pointer = strides_pointer self.variables = [data_pointer, strides_pointer] class PrintNode(Node): "Print node for some arguments" child_attrs = ['args'] class NDIterate(Node): """ Iterate in N dimensions. See :py:class:`ASTBuilder.nditerate` """ child_attrs = ['body'] def __init__(self, pos, body): super(NDIterate, self).__init__(pos) self.body = body class ForNode(Node): """ A for loop, see :py:class:`ASTBuilder.for_` """ child_attrs = ['init', 'condition', 'step', 'body'] is_controlling_loop = False is_tiling_loop = False should_vectorize = False is_fixup = False def __init__(self, pos, init, condition, step, body, index=None): super(ForNode, self).__init__(pos) self.init = init self.condition = condition self.step = step self.body = body self.index = index or init.lhs class IfNode(Node): "An 'if' statement, see A for loop, see :py:class:`ASTBuilder.if_`" child_attrs = ['cond', 'body', 'else_body'] should_vectorize = False is_fixup = False class StatListNode(Node): """ A node to wrap multiple statements, see :py:class:`ASTBuilder.stats` """ child_attrs = ['stats'] is_statlist = True def __init__(self, pos, statements): super(StatListNode, self).__init__(pos) self.stats = statements class ExprStatNode(Node): "Turn an expression into a statement, see :py:class:`ASTBuilder.expr_stat`" child_attrs = ['expr'] is_statement = True class ExprNodeWithStatement(Node): child_attrs = ['stat', 'expr'] class NodeWrapper(ExprNode): """ Adapt an opaque node to provide a consistent interface. This has to be handled by the user's specializer. See :py:class:`ASTBuilder.wrap` """ is_node_wrapper = True is_constant_scalar = False child_attrs = [] def __init__(self, pos, type, opaque_node, specialize_node_callback, **kwds): super(NodeWrapper, self).__init__(pos, type) self.opaque_node = opaque_node self.specialize_node_callback = specialize_node_callback vars(self).update(kwds) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.opaque_node) def __eq__(self, other): if getattr(other, 'is_node_wrapper ', False): return self.opaque_node == other.opaque_node return NotImplemented def __deepcopy__(self, memo): kwds = dict(vars(self)) kwds.pop('opaque_node') kwds.pop('specialize_node_callback') kwds = copy.deepcopy(kwds, memo) opaque_node = self.specialize_node_callback(self, memo) return type(self)(opaque_node=opaque_node, specialize_node_callback=self.specialize_node_callback, **kwds) class BinaryOperationNode(ExprNode): "Base class for binary operations" child_attrs = ['lhs', 'rhs'] def __init__(self, pos, type, lhs, rhs, **kwds): super(BinaryOperationNode, self).__init__(pos, type, **kwds) self.lhs, self.rhs = lhs, rhs class BinopNode(BinaryOperationNode): "Node for binary operations" is_binop = True def __init__(self, pos, type, operator, lhs, rhs, **kwargs): super(BinopNode, self).__init__(pos, type, lhs, rhs, **kwargs) self.operator = operator @property def comparison_objects(self): return (self.operator, self.lhs, self.rhs) class SingleOperandNode(ExprNode): "Base class for operations with one operand" child_attrs = ['operand'] def __init__(self, pos, type, operand, **kwargs): super(SingleOperandNode, self).__init__(pos, type, **kwargs) self.operand = operand class AssignmentExpr(BinaryOperationNode): is_assignment = True class IfElseExprNode(ExprNode): child_attrs = ['cond', 'lhs', 'rhs'] class PromotionNode(SingleOperandNode): pass class UnopNode(SingleOperandNode): is_unop = True def __init__(self, pos, type, operator, operand, **kwargs): super(UnopNode, self).__init__(pos, type, operand, **kwargs) self.operator = operator @property def comparison_objects(self): return (self.operator, self.operand) class CastNode(SingleOperandNode): is_cast = True class DereferenceNode(SingleOperandNode): is_dereference = True class SingleIndexNode(BinaryOperationNode): is_index = True class ConstantNode(ExprNode): is_constant = True def __init__(self, pos, type, value): super(ConstantNode, self).__init__(pos, type) self.value = value class SizeofNode(ExprNode): is_sizeof = True class Variable(ExprNode): """ Represents use of a function argument in the function. """ is_variable = True mangled_name = None hoisted = False def __init__(self, pos, type, name, **kwargs): super(Variable, self).__init__(pos, type, **kwargs) = name self.array_type = None def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Variable) and == def __hash__(self): return hash( class ResolvedVariable(Variable): child_attrs = ['element'] def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, ResolvedVariable) and self.element == other.element) class ArrayAttribute(Variable): "Denotes an attribute of array operands, e.g. the data or stride pointers" def __init__(self, pos, type, arrayvar): super(ArrayAttribute, self).__init__(pos, type, + self._name) self.arrayvar = arrayvar class DataPointer(ArrayAttribute): "Reference to the start of an array operand" _name = '_data' class StridePointer(ArrayAttribute): "Reference to the stride pointer of an array variable operand" _name = '_strides' #class ShapePointer(ArrayAttribute): # "Reference to the shape pointer of an array operand." # _name = '_shape' class TempNode(Variable): "A temporary of a certain type" is_temp = True def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __hash__(self): return hash(id(self)) class OpenMPLoopNode(Node): """ Execute a loop in parallel. """ child_attrs = ['for_node', 'if_clause', 'lastprivates', 'privates'] class OpenMPConditionalNode(Node): """ Execute if_body if _OPENMP, otherwise execute else_body. """ child_attrs = ['if_body', 'else_body'] class PragmaForLoopNode(Node): """ Generate compiler-specific pragmas to aid things like SIMDization. """ child_attrs = ['for_node'] class ErrorHandler(Node): """ A node to handle errors. If there is an error handler in the outer scope, the specializer will first make this error handler generate disposal code for the wrapped AST body, and then jump to the error label of the parent error handler. At the outermost (function) level, the error handler simply returns an error indication. .. attribute:: error_label point to jump to in case of an error .. attribute:: cleanup_label point to jump to in the normal case It generates the following: .. code-block:: c error_var = 0; ... goto cleanup; error: error_var = 1; cleanup: ... if (error_var) goto outer_error_label; """ child_attrs = ['error_var_init', 'body', 'cleanup_jump', 'error_target_label', 'error_set', 'cleanup_target_label', 'cascade'] error_var_init = None cleanup_jump = None error_target_label = None error_set = None cleanup_target_label = None cascade = None class JumpNode(Node): "A jump to a jump target" child_attrs = ['label'] def __init__(self, pos, label): Node.__init__(self, pos) self.label = label class JumpTargetNode(JumpNode): "A point to jump to" class LabelNode(ExprNode): "A goto label or memory address that we can jump to" def __init__(self, pos, name): super(LabelNode, self).__init__(pos, None) = name self.mangled_name = None class NoopExpr(ExprNode): "Do nothing expression" # ### Vectorization Functionality # class VectorVariable(Variable): child_attrs = ['variable'] class VectorLoadNode(SingleOperandNode): "Load a SIMD vector" class VectorStoreNode(BinopNode): "Store a SIMD vector" class VectorBinopNode(BinopNode): "Binary operation on SIMD vectors" class VectorUnopNode(SingleOperandNode): "Unary operation on SIMD vectors" class ConstantVectorNode(ExprNode): "Load the constant into the vector register" ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = minicode # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Code writers and formatters. Subclass CodeWriter to suit the needs of a certain code generator backend. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import try: from Cython.Compiler import Tempita as tempita except ImportError: try: import tempita except ImportError: tempita = None class CodeWriter(object): """ Write code as objects for later assembly. .. attribute:: loop_levels CodeWriter objects just before the start of each loop .. attribute:: tiled_loop_levels same as loop_levels, but takes into account tiled loop patterns .. attribute:: cleanup_levels CodeWriter objects just after the end of each loop .. attribute:: declaration_levels same as loop_levels, but a valid insertion point for C89 declarations """ error_handler = None def __init__(self, context, buffer=None): self.buffer = buffer or _CodeTree() self.context = context self.loop_levels = [] self.tiled_loop_levels = [] self.declaration_levels = [] @classmethod def clone(cls, other, context, buffer): return cls(context, buffer) def insertion_point(self): """ Create an insertion point for the code writer. Any code written to this insertion point (later on) is inserted in the output code at the point where this method was called. """ result = self.clone(self, self.context, self.buffer.insertion_point()) result.loop_levels = list(self.loop_levels) result.tiled_loop_levels = list(self.tiled_loop_levels) result.declaration_levels = list(self.declaration_levels) return result def write(self, value): self.buffer.output.append(value) def put_label(self, label): "Insert a label in the code" self.write(label) def put_goto(self, label): "Jump to a label. Implement in subclasses" class CCodeWriter(CodeWriter): """ Code writer to write C code. Has both a prototype buffer and an implementation buffer. The prototype buffer will contain the C prototypes, and the implementation buffer the actual function code. """ def __init__(self, context, buffer=None, proto_code=None): super(CCodeWriter, self).__init__(context, buffer) if proto_code is None: self.proto_code = type(self)(context, proto_code=False) self.indent = 0 def put_label(self, label): "Insert a C label" self.putln('%s:' % self.mangle( def put_goto(self, label): "Jump to (goto) a label" self.putln("goto %s;" % self.mangle( def putln(self, s): "Write a code string as a line. Also performs indentation" self.indent -= s.count('}') self.write("%s%s\n" % (self.indent * ' ', s)) self.indent += s.count('{') def mangle(self, s): "Mangle symbol names" return "__mini_mangle_%s" % s @classmethod def clone(cls, other, context, buffer): result = super(CCodeWriter, cls).clone(other, context, buffer) result.indent = other.indent return result def sub_tempita(s, context, file=None, name=None): "Run the tempita template engine on string the given string." if not s: return None if file: context['__name'] = "%s:%s" % (file, name) elif name: context['__name'] = name if tempita is None: raise RuntimeError("Tempita was not installed") return tempita.sub(s, **context) class TempitaCodeWriter(CodeWriter): """ Code writer which supports writing Tempita strings. See for documentation on Tempita. """ def putln(self, string, context_dict): self.write(sub_tempita(string) + '\n') class CodeFormatter(object): """ Default code formatting, which returns the formatted code as a list of objects (the ones written to the :py:class:`minivect.codegen.CodeWriter`) """ def format(self, codewriter): return codewriter.buffer.getvalue() class CodeStringFormatter(CodeFormatter): "Format code as strings" def format(self, codewriter): return "".join(codewriter.buffer.getvalue()) class CCodeStringFormatter(CodeStringFormatter): "Format the prototype and code implementation" def format(self, codewriter): return ("".join(codewriter.proto_code.buffer.getvalue()), "".join(codewriter.buffer.getvalue())) class _CodeTree(object): """ See Cython/StringIOTree """ def __init__(self, output=None, condition=None): self.prepended_children = [] self.output = output or [] def _getvalue(self, result): for child in self.prepended_children: child._getvalue(result) result.extend(self.output) def getvalue(self): result = [] self._getvalue(result) return result def clone(self, output=None): return type(self)(output) def commit(self): if self.output: self.prepended_children.append(self.clone(self.output)) self.output = [] def insertion_point(self): self.commit() ip = self.clone() self.prepended_children.append(ip) return ip ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = minierror # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Define some errors that may be raised by the compiler. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import class Error(Exception): "Base exception class" def __repr__(self): return '%s()' % type(self).__name__ class InferTypeError(Error): "Raised when types of values cannot be inferred" class UnmappableTypeError(Error): "Raised when a type cannot be mapped" class UnpromotableTypeError(Error): "Raised when the compiler does not know how to promote two types." class UnmappableFormatSpecifierError(Error): "Raised when a type cannot be mapped to a (printf) format specifier" class InvalidTypeSpecification(Error): "Raised when a type is sliced incorrectly." class CompileError(Error): "Raised for miscellaneous errors" def __init__(self, node, msg): self.node = node self.msg = msg def __str__(self): if self.node.pos is not None: return "%s:%s:%s: %s" % self.node.pos + self.msg return self.msg ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = minitypes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module provides a minimal type system, and ways to promote types, as well as ways to convert to an LLVM type system. A set of predefined types are defined. Types may be sliced to turn them into array types, in the same way as the memoryview syntax. >>> char char >>> int8[:, :, :] int8[:, :, :] >>> int8.signed True >>> uint8 uint8 >>> uint8.signed False >>> char.pointer() char * >>> int_[:, ::1] int[:, ::1] >>> int_[::1, :] int[::1, :] >>> double[:, ::1, :] Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidTypeSpecification: Step may only be provided once, and only in the first or last dimension. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import __all__ = ['Py_ssize_t', 'void', 'char', 'uchar', 'short', 'ushort', 'int_', 'uint', 'long_', 'ulong', 'longlong', 'ulonglong', 'size_t', 'npy_intp', 'c_string_type', 'bool_', 'object_', 'float_', 'double', 'longdouble', 'float32', 'float64', 'float128', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'complex64', 'complex128', 'complex256', 'struct', 'Py_uintptr_t'] import sys import math import copy import struct as struct_ import types import textwrap from . import miniutils from . import minierror from .miniutils import * from .miniutils import have_ctypes, ctypes _plat_bits = struct_.calcsize('@P') * 8 if struct_.pack('i', 1)[0] == '\1': nbo = '<' # little endian else: nbo = '>' # big endian class TypeMapper(object): """ Maps foreign types to minitypes. Users of minivect should implement this and pass it to :py:class:`minivect.miniast.Context`. >>> import miniast >>> context = miniast.Context() >>> miniast.typemapper = TypeMapper(context) >>> tm = context.typemapper >>> tm.promote_types(int8, double) double >>> tm.promote_types(int8, uint8) uint8 >>> tm.promote_types(int8, complex128) complex128 >>> tm.promote_types(int8, object_) PyObject * >>> tm.promote_types(int64, float32) float32 >>> tm.promote_types(int64, complex64) complex64 >>> tm.promote_types(float32, float64) float64 >>> tm.promote_types(float32, complex64) complex64 >>> tm.promote_types(complex64, complex128) complex128 >>> tm.promote_types(complex256, object_) PyObject * >>> tm.promote_types(float32.pointer(), Py_ssize_t) float32 * >>> tm.promote_types(float32.pointer(), Py_ssize_t) float32 * >>> tm.promote_types(float32.pointer(), uint8) float32 * >>> tm.promote_types(float32.pointer(), float64.pointer()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnpromotableTypeError: (float32 *, float64 *) >>> tm.promote_types(float32[:, ::1], float32[:, ::1]) float32[:, ::1] >>> tm.promote_types(float32[:, ::1], float64[:, ::1]) float64[:, ::1] >>> tm.promote_types(float32[:, ::1], float64[::1, :]) float64[:, :] >>> tm.promote_types(float32[:, :], complex128[:, :]) complex128[:, :] >>> tm.promote_types(int_[:, :], object_[:, ::1]) PyObject *[:, :] >>> tm.promote_types(npy_intp, float_) float >>> tm.promote_types(npy_intp, float32) float32 >>> float32 == float_ True >>> float64 == double True >>> float128 == longdouble True """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def map_type(self, opaque_type): "Map a foreign type to a minitype" if opaque_type.is_int: return int_ elif opaque_type.is_float: return float_ elif opaque_type.is_double: return double elif opaque_type.is_pointer: return PointerType(self.map_type(opaque_type.base_type)) elif opaque_type.is_py_ssize_t: return Py_ssize_t elif opaque_type.is_char: return char else: raise minierror.UnmappableTypeError(opaque_type) def to_llvm(self, type): "Return an LLVM type for the given type." raise NotImplementedError(type) def from_python(self, value): "Get a type from a python value" np = sys.modules.get('numpy', None) if isinstance(value, float): return double elif isinstance(value, bool): return bool_ elif isinstance(value, (int, long)): if abs(value) < 1: bits = 0 else: bits = math.ceil(math.log(abs(value), 2)) if bits < 32: return int_ elif bits < 64: return int64 else: raise ValueError("Cannot represent %s as int32 or int64", value) elif isinstance(value, complex): return complex128 elif isinstance(value, str): return c_string_type elif np and isinstance(value, np.ndarray): dtype = map_dtype(value.dtype) return ArrayType(dtype, value.ndim, is_c_contig=value.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'], is_f_contig=value.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) else: return object_ # raise minierror.UnmappableTypeError(type(value)) def promote_numeric(self, type1, type2): "Promote two numeric types" type = max([type1, type2], key=lambda type: type.rank) if type1.kind != type2.kind: def itemsize(type): return type.itemsize // 2 if type.is_complex else type.itemsize size = max(itemsize(type1), itemsize(type2)) if type.is_complex: type = find_type_of_size(size * 2, complextypes) elif type.is_float: type = find_type_of_size(size, floating) else: assert type.is_int type = find_type_of_size(size, integral) return type def promote_arrays(self, type1, type2): "Promote two array types in an expression to a new array type" equal_ndim = type1.ndim == type2.ndim return ArrayType(self.promote_types(type1.dtype, type2.dtype), ndim=max((type1.ndim, type2.ndim)), is_c_contig=(equal_ndim and type1.is_c_contig and type2.is_c_contig), is_f_contig=(equal_ndim and type1.is_f_contig and type2.is_f_contig)) def promote_types(self, type1, type2): "Promote two arbitrary types" string_types = c_string_type, char.pointer() if type1.is_pointer and type2.is_int_like: return type1 elif type2.is_pointer and type2.is_int_like: return type2 elif type1.is_object or type2.is_object: return object_ elif type1.is_numeric and type2.is_numeric: return self.promote_numeric(type1, type2) elif type1.is_array and type2.is_array: return self.promote_arrays(type1, type2) elif type1 in string_types and type2 in string_types: return c_string_type elif type1.is_bool and type2.is_bool: return bool_ else: raise minierror.UnpromotableTypeError((type1, type2)) def map_dtype(dtype): """ Map a NumPy dtype to a minitype. >>> import numpy as np >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.int32)) int32 >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.int64)) int64 >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.object)) PyObject * >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.float64)) float64 >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.complex128)) complex128 """ import numpy as np if dtype.byteorder not in ('=', nbo, '|') and dtype.kind in ('iufbc'): raise minierror.UnmappableTypeError( "Only native byteorder is supported", dtype) item_idx = int(math.log(dtype.itemsize, 2)) if dtype.kind == 'i': return [int8, int16, int32, int64][item_idx] elif dtype.kind == 'u': return [uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64][item_idx] elif dtype.kind == 'f': if dtype.itemsize == 2: pass # half floats not supported yet elif dtype.itemsize == 4: return float32 elif dtype.itemsize == 8: return float64 elif dtype.itemsize == 16: return float128 elif dtype.kind == 'b': return int8 elif dtype.kind == 'c': if dtype.itemsize == 8: return complex64 elif dtype.itemsize == 16: return complex128 elif dtype.itemsize == 32: return complex256 elif dtype.kind == 'V': fields = [(name, map_dtype(dtype.fields[name][0])) for name in dtype.names] is_aligned = dtype.alignment != 1 return struct(fields, packed=not getattr(dtype, 'isalignedstruct', is_aligned)) elif dtype.kind == 'O': return object_ def create_dtypes(): import numpy as np minitype2dtype = { int8 : np.int8, int16 : np.int16, int32 : np.int32, int64 : np.int64, uint8 : np.uint8, uint16 : np.uint16, uint32 : np.uint32, uint64 : np.uint64, longdouble: np.longdouble, double : np.float64, float_ : np.float32, short : np.dtype('h'), int_ : np.dtype('i'), long_ : np.dtype('l'), longlong : np.longlong, ushort : np.dtype('H'), uint : np.dtype('I'), ulong : np.dtype('L'), ulonglong: np.ulonglong, complex64: np.complex64, complex128: np.complex128, complex256: getattr(np, 'complex256', None), bool_ : np.bool, object_ : np.object, } return dict((k, np.dtype(v)) for k, v in minitype2dtype.iteritems()) _dtypes = None def map_minitype_to_dtype(type): global _dtypes if type.is_struct: import numpy as np fields = [(field_name, map_minitype_to_dtype(field_type)) for field_name, field_type in type.fields] return np.dtype(fields, align=not type.packed) if _dtypes is None: _dtypes = create_dtypes() if type.is_array: type = type.dtype dtype = _dtypes[type] assert dtype is not None, "dtype not supported in this numpy build" return dtype def find_type_of_size(size, typelist): for type in typelist: if type.itemsize == size: return type assert False, "Type of size %d not found: %s" % (size, typelist) NONE_KIND = 0 BOOL_KIND = 1 INT_KIND = 2 FLOAT_KIND = 3 COMPLEX_KIND = 4 class Type(miniutils.ComparableObjectMixin): """ Base class for all types. .. attribute:: subtypes The list of subtypes to allow comparing and hashing them recursively """ is_array = False is_pointer = False is_typewrapper = False is_bool = False is_numeric = False is_py_ssize_t = False is_char = False is_int = False is_float = False is_c_string = False is_object = False is_function = False is_int_like = False is_complex = False is_void = False kind = NONE_KIND subtypes = [] mutated = True _ctypes_type = None def __init__(self, **kwds): vars(self).update(kwds) self.qualifiers = kwds.get('qualifiers', frozenset()) def qualify(self, *qualifiers): "Qualify this type with a qualifier such as ``const`` or ``restrict``" qualifiers = list(qualifiers) qualifiers.extend(self.qualifiers) attribs = dict(vars(self), qualifiers=qualifiers) return type(self)(**attribs) def unqualify(self, *unqualifiers): "Remove the given qualifiers from the type" unqualifiers = set(unqualifiers) qualifiers = [q for q in self.qualifiers if q not in unqualifiers] attribs = dict(vars(self), qualifiers=qualifiers) return type(self)(**attribs) def pointer(self): "Get a pointer to this type" return PointerType(self) @property def subtype_list(self): return [getattr(self, subtype) for subtype in self.subtypes] @property def comparison_type_list(self): return self.subtype_list def _is_object(self, context): return context.is_object(self) def __eq__(self, other): # Don't use isinstance here, compare on exact type to be consistent # with __hash__. Override where sensible cmps = self.comparison_type_list if not cmps: return id(self) == id(other) return (isinstance(self, type(other)) and cmps == other.comparison_type_list) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): cmps = self.comparison_type_list if not cmps: return hash(id(self)) h = hash(type(self)) for subtype in cmps: h = h ^ hash(subtype) return h def __getitem__(self, item): """ Support array type creation by slicing, e.g. double[:, :] specifies a 2D strided array of doubles. The syntax is the same as for Cython memoryviews. """ assert isinstance(item, (tuple, slice)) def verify_slice(s): if s.start or s.stop or s.step not in (None, 1): raise minierror.InvalidTypeSpecification( "Only a step of 1 may be provided to indicate C or " "Fortran contiguity") if isinstance(item, tuple): step_idx = None for idx, s in enumerate(item): verify_slice(s) if s.step and (step_idx or idx not in (0, len(item) - 1)): raise minierror.InvalidTypeSpecification( "Step may only be provided once, and only in the " "first or last dimension.") if s.step == 1: step_idx = idx return ArrayType(self, len(item), is_c_contig=step_idx == len(item) - 1, is_f_contig=step_idx == 0) else: verify_slice(item) return ArrayType(self, 1, is_c_contig=bool(item.step)) def declare(self): return str(self) def to_llvm(self, context): "Get a corresponding llvm type from this type" return context.to_llvm(self) def to_ctypes(self): """ Convert type to ctypes. The result may be cached! """ if self._ctypes_type is None: from . import ctypes_conversion self._ctypes_type = ctypes_conversion.convert_to_ctypes(self) self.mutated = False assert not self.mutated return self._ctypes_type def get_dtype(self): return map_minitype_to_dtype(self) def is_string(self): return self.is_c_string or self == char.pointer() def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('is_'): return False return getattr(type(self), attr) def __call__(self, *args): """Return a function with return_type and args set """ if len(args) == 1 and not isinstance(args[0], Type): # Cast in Python space # TODO: Create proxy object # TODO: Fully customizable type system (do this in Numba, not # minivect) return args[0] return FunctionType(self, args) class KeyHashingType(Type): def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) def __eq__(self, other): return hasattr(other, 'key') and self.key == other.key class ArrayType(Type): """ An array type. ArrayType may be sliced to obtain a subtype: >>> double[:, :, ::1][1:] double[:, ::1] >>> double[:, :, ::1][:-1] double[:, :] >>> double[::1, :, :][:-1] double[::1, :] >>> double[::1, :, :][1:] double[:, :] """ is_array = True subtypes = ['dtype'] def __init__(self, dtype, ndim, is_c_contig=False, is_f_contig=False, inner_contig=False, broadcasting=None): super(ArrayType, self).__init__() assert dtype is not None self.dtype = dtype self.ndim = ndim self.is_c_contig = is_c_contig self.is_f_contig = is_f_contig if ndim == 1 and (is_c_contig or is_f_contig): self.is_c_contig = True self.is_f_contig = True self.inner_contig = inner_contig or is_c_contig or is_f_contig self.broadcasting = broadcasting @property def comparison_type_list(self): return [self.dtype, self.is_c_contig, self.is_f_contig, self.inner_contig, self.ndim] def pointer(self): raise Exception("You probably want a pointer type to the dtype") def to_llvm(self, context): # raise Exception("Obtain a pointer to the dtype and convert that " # "to an LLVM type") return context.to_llvm(self) def __repr__(self): axes = [":"] * self.ndim if self.is_c_contig and self.ndim > 0: axes[-1] = "::1" elif self.is_f_contig and self.ndim > 0: axes[0] = "::1" return "%s[%s]" % (self.dtype, ", ".join(axes)) def copy(self, **kwargs): if 'dtype' in kwargs: assert kwargs['dtype'] is not None array_type = copy.copy(self) vars(array_type).update(kwargs) return array_type @property def strided(self): type = self.copy() type.is_c_contig = False type.is_f_contig = False type.inner_contig = False type.broadcasting = None return type def __getitem__(self, index): assert isinstance(index, slice) assert index.step is None assert index.start is not None or index.stop is not None start = 0 stop = self.ndim if index.start is not None: start = index.start if index.stop is not None: stop = index.stop ndim = len(range(self.ndim)[start:stop]) if ndim == 0: type = self.dtype elif ndim > 0: type = self.strided type.ndim = ndim type.is_c_contig = self.is_c_contig and stop == self.ndim type.is_f_contig = self.is_f_contig and start == 0 type.inner_contig = type.is_c_contig or type.is_f_contig if type.broadcasting: type.broadcasting = self.broadcasting[start:stop] else: raise IndexError(index, ndim) return type class PointerType(Type): is_pointer = True subtypes = ['base_type'] def __init__(self, base_type, **kwds): super(PointerType, self).__init__(**kwds) self.base_type = base_type self.itemsize = struct_.calcsize("P") def __repr__(self): return "%s *%s" % (self.base_type, " ".join(self.qualifiers)) def to_llvm(self, context): if self.base_type.is_void: llvm_base_type = int_.to_llvm(context) else: llvm_base_type = self.base_type.to_llvm(context) return llvm.core.Type.pointer(llvm_base_type) class CArrayType(Type): is_carray = True subtypes = ['base_type'] def __init__(self, base_type, size, **kwds): super(CArrayType, self).__init__(**kwds) self.base_type = base_type self.size = size def __repr__(self): return "%s[%d]" % (self.base_type, self.size) def to_llvm(self, context): return llvm.core.Type.array(self.base_type.to_llvm(context), self.size) class TypeWrapper(Type): is_typewrapper = True subtypes = ['opaque_type'] def __init__(self, opaque_type, context, **kwds): super(TypeWrapper, self).__init__(**kwds) self.opaque_type = opaque_type self.context = context def __repr__(self): return self.context.declare_type(self) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self class NamedType(Type): name = None def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, NamedType) and == __hash__ = Type.__hash__ # !@#$ py3k def __repr__(self): if self.qualifiers: return "%s %s" % (, " ".join(self.qualifiers)) return str( class NumericType(NamedType): """ Base class for numeric types. .. attribute:: name name of the type .. attribute:: itemsize sizeof(type) .. attribute:: rank ordering of numeric types """ is_numeric = True class IntType(NumericType): is_int = True is_int_like = True name = "int" signed = True rank = 4 itemsize = 4 typecode = None kind = INT_KIND def __init__(self, typecode=None, **kwds): super(IntType, self).__init__(**kwds) self.typecode = typecode if typecode is not None: self.itemsize = struct_.calcsize(typecode) def to_llvm(self, context): if self.itemsize == 1: return elif self.itemsize == 2: return elif self.itemsize == 4: return else: assert self.itemsize == 8, self return def declare(self): if'16', '32', '64')): return + "_t" else: return str(self) class BoolType(IntType): is_bool = True name = "bool" kind = BOOL_KIND rank = 0 def __repr__(self): return ("int %s" % " ".join(self.qualifiers)).rstrip() def __str__(self): return ("bool %s" % " ".join(self.qualifiers)).rstrip() def to_llvm(self, context): return class FloatType(NumericType): is_float = True kind = FLOAT_KIND def declare(self): if self.itemsize == 4: return "float" elif self.itemsize == 8: return "double" else: return str(self) @property def comparison_type_list(self): return self.subtype_list + [self.itemsize] def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, FloatType) and self.itemsize == other.itemsize __hash__ = NumericType.__hash__ def to_llvm(self, context): if self.itemsize == 4: return lc.Type.float() elif self.itemsize == 8: return lc.Type.double() else: is_ppc, is_x86 = get_target_triple() if self.itemsize == 16: if is_ppc: return lc.Type.ppc_fp128() else: return lc.Type.fp128() else: assert self.itemsize == 10 and is_x86 return lc.Type.x86_fp80() class ComplexType(NumericType): is_complex = True subtypes = ['base_type'] kind = COMPLEX_KIND class Py_ssize_t_Type(IntType): is_py_ssize_t = True name = "Py_ssize_t" rank = 9 signed = True def __init__(self, **kwds): super(Py_ssize_t_Type, self).__init__(**kwds) if have_ctypes: if hasattr(ctypes, 'c_ssize_t'): self.itemsize = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ssize_t) else: self.itemsize = size_t.itemsize else: self.itemsize = _plat_bits // 8 class NPyIntp(IntType): is_numpy_intp = True name = "npy_intp" rank = 10 def __init__(self, **kwds): super(NPyIntp, self).__init__(**kwds) ctypes_array = np.empty(0).ctypes.strides self.itemsize = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes_array._type_) class CharType(IntType): is_char = True name = "char" rank = 1 signed = True def to_llvm(self, context): return class CStringType(Type): is_c_string = True def __repr__(self): return "const char *" def to_llvm(self, context): return char.pointer().to_llvm(context) class VoidType(NamedType): is_void = True name = "void" def to_llvm(self, context): return lc.Type.void() class ObjectType(Type): is_object = True itemsize = VoidType().pointer().itemsize def __repr__(self): return "PyObject *" def pass_by_ref(type): return type.is_struct or type.is_complex or type.is_datetime or type.is_timedelta class Function(object): """ Function types may be called with Python functions to create a Function object. This may be used to minivect users for their own purposes. e.g. @double(double, double) def myfunc(...): ... """ def __init__(self, signature, py_func): self.signature = signature self.py_func = py_func def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Implement this to pass the callable test for classmethod/staticmethod. E.g. @classmethod @void() def m(self): ... """ raise minierror.Error("Not a callable function") class FunctionType(Type): subtypes = ['return_type', 'args'] is_function = True is_vararg = False struct_by_reference = False def __init__(self, return_type, args, name=None, is_vararg=False, **kwds): super(FunctionType, self).__init__(**kwds) self.return_type = return_type self.args = tuple(args) = name self.is_vararg = is_vararg def to_llvm(self, context): assert self.return_type is not None self = self.actual_signature arg_types = [arg_type.pointer() if arg_type.is_function else arg_type for arg_type in self.args] return lc.Type.function(self.return_type.to_llvm(context), [arg_type.to_llvm(context) for arg_type in arg_types], self.is_vararg) def __repr__(self): args = [str(arg) for arg in self.args] if self.is_vararg: args.append("...") if namestr = else: namestr = '' return "%s (*%s)(%s)" % (self.return_type, namestr, ", ".join(args)) @property def actual_signature(self): """ Passing structs by value is not properly supported for different calling conventions in LLVM, so we take an extra argument pointing to a caller-allocated struct value. """ if self.struct_by_reference: args = [] for arg in self.args: if pass_by_ref(arg): arg = arg.pointer() args.append(arg) return_type = self.return_type if pass_by_ref(self.return_type): return_type = void args.append(self.return_type.pointer()) self = FunctionType(return_type, args) return self @property def struct_return_type(self): # Function returns a struct. return self.return_type.pointer() def __call__(self, *args): if len(args) != 1 or isinstance(args[0], Type): return super(FunctionType, self).__call__(*args) assert self.return_type is not None assert self.args is not None func, = args return Function(self, func) class VectorType(Type): subtypes = ['element_type'] is_vector = True vector_size = None def __init__(self, element_type, vector_size, **kwds): super(VectorType, self).__init__(**kwds) assert ((element_type.is_int or element_type.is_float) and element_type.itemsize in (4, 8)), element_type self.element_type = element_type self.vector_size = vector_size self.itemsize = element_type.itemsize * vector_size def to_llvm(self, context): return lc.Type.vector(self.element_type.to_llvm(context), self.vector_size) @property def comparison_type_list(self): return self.subtype_list + [self.vector_size] def __repr__(self): itemsize = self.element_type.itemsize if self.element_type.is_float: if itemsize == 4: return '__m128' else: return '__m128d' else: if itemsize == 4: return '__m128i' else: raise NotImplementedError def _sort_types_key(field_type): if field_type.is_complex: return field_type.base_type.rank * 2 elif field_type.is_numeric or field_type.is_struct: return field_type.rank elif field_type.is_vector: return _sort_types_key(field_type.element_type) * field_type.vector_size elif field_type.is_carray: return _sort_types_key(field_type.base_type) * field_type.size elif field_type.is_pointer or field_type.is_object or field_type.is_array: return 8 else: return 1 def _sort_key(keyvalue): field_name, field_type = keyvalue return _sort_types_key(field_type) def sort_types(types_dict): # reverse sort on rank, forward sort on name d = {} for field in types_dict.iteritems(): key = _sort_key(field) d.setdefault(key, []).append(field) def key(keyvalue): field_name, field_type = keyvalue return field_name fields = [] for rank in sorted(d, reverse=True): fields.extend(sorted(d[rank], key=key)) return fields class struct(Type): """ Create a struct type. Fields may be ordered or unordered. Unordered fields will be ordered from big types to small types (for better alignment). >>> struct([('a', int_), ('b', float_)], name='Foo') # ordered struct struct Foo { int a, float b } >>> struct(a=int_, b=float_, name='Foo') # unordered struct struct Foo { float b, int a } >>> struct(a=int32, b=int32, name='Foo') # unordered struct struct Foo { int32 a, int32 b } >>> S = struct(a=complex128, b=complex64, c=struct(f1=double, f2=double, f3=int32)) >>> S struct { struct { double f1, double f2, int32 f3 } c, complex128 a, complex64 b } >>> S.offsetof('a') 24 """ is_struct = True def __init__(self, fields=(), name=None, readonly=False, packed=False, **kwargs): super(struct, self).__init__() if fields and kwargs: raise minierror.InvalidTypeSpecification( "The struct must be either ordered or unordered") if kwargs: fields = sort_types(kwargs) self.fields = list(fields) = name self.readonly = readonly self.fielddict = dict(self.fields) self.packed = packed self.update_mutated() def copy(self): return struct(self.fields,, self.readonly, self.packed) def __eq__(self, other): return other.is_struct and self.fields == other.fields def __repr__(self): if name = + ' ' else: name = '' return 'struct %s{ %s }' % ( name, ", ".join("%s %s" % (field_type, field_name) for field_name, field_type in self.fields)) def to_llvm(self, context): if self.packed: lstruct = llvm.core.Type.packed_struct else: lstruct = llvm.core.Type.struct return lstruct([field_type.to_llvm(context) for field_name, field_type in self.fields]) @property def comparison_type_list(self): return self.fields @property def subtype_list(self): return [field[1] for field in self.fields] def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.fields)) def is_prefix(self, other_struct): other_fields = other_struct.fields[:len(self.fields)] return self.fields == other_fields def add_field(self, name, type): assert name not in self.fielddict self.fielddict[name] = type self.fields.append((name, type)) self.mutated = True def update_mutated(self): self.rank = sum([_sort_key(field) for field in self.fields]) self.mutated = False def offsetof(self, field_name): """ Compute the offset of a field. Must be used only after mutation has finished. """ ctype = self.to_ctypes() return getattr(ctype, field_name).offset def getsize(ctypes_name, default): try: return ctypes.sizeof(getattr(ctypes, ctypes_name)) except ImportError: return default def get_target_triple(): target_machine = is_ppc = target_machine.triple.startswith("ppc") is_x86 = target_machine.triple.startswith("x86") return is_ppc, is_x86 # ### Internal types # c_string_type = CStringType() void = VoidType() # ### Public types # try: npy_intp = NPyIntp() except ImportError: npy_intp = None size_t = IntType(name="size_t", rank=8.5, itemsize=getsize('c_size_t', _plat_bits // 8), signed=False) Py_ssize_t = Py_ssize_t_Type() Py_uintptr_t = IntType(name='Py_uintptr_t', itemsize=getsize('c_void_p', Py_ssize_t.itemsize), rank=8.5) char = CharType(name="char", typecode='b') short = IntType(name="short", rank=2, typecode='h') int_ = IntType(name="int", rank=4, typecode='i') long_ = IntType(name="long", rank=5, typecode='l') longlong = IntType(name="PY_LONG_LONG", rank=8, typecode='q') uchar = CharType(name="unsigned char", signed=False, typecode='B') ushort = IntType(name="unsigned short", rank=2.5, typecode='H', signed=False) uint = IntType(name="unsigned int", rank=4.5, typecode='I', signed=False) ulong = IntType(name="unsigned long", rank=5.5, typecode='L', signed=False) ulonglong = IntType(name="unsigned PY_LONG_LONG", rank=8.5, typecode='Q', signed=False) float_ = FloatType(name="float", rank=20, itemsize=4) double = FloatType(name="double", rank=21, itemsize=8) longdouble = FloatType(name="long double", rank=22, itemsize=ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longdouble)) bool_ = BoolType() object_ = ObjectType() int8 = IntType(name="int8", rank=1, itemsize=1) int16 = IntType(name="int16", rank=2, itemsize=2) int32 = IntType(name="int32", rank=4, itemsize=4) int64 = IntType(name="int64", rank=8, itemsize=8) uint8 = IntType(name="uint8", rank=1.5, signed=False, itemsize=1) uint16 = IntType(name="uint16", rank=2.5, signed=False, itemsize=2) uint32 = IntType(name="uint32", rank=4.5, signed=False, itemsize=4) uint64 = IntType(name="uint64", rank=8.5, signed=False, itemsize=8) float32 = FloatType(name="float32", rank=20, itemsize=4) float64 = FloatType(name="float64", rank=21, itemsize=8) float128 = FloatType(name="float128", rank=22, itemsize=16) complex64 = ComplexType(name="complex64", base_type=float32, rank=30, itemsize=8) complex128 = ComplexType(name="complex128", base_type=float64, rank=31, itemsize=16) complex256 = ComplexType(name="complex256", base_type=float128, rank=32, itemsize=32) integral = [] native_integral = [] floating = [] complextypes = [] for typename in __all__: minitype = globals()[typename] if minitype is None: continue if minitype.is_int: integral.append(minitype) elif minitype.is_float: floating.append(minitype) elif minitype.is_complex: complextypes.append(minitype) numeric = integral + floating + complextypes native_integral.extend((Py_ssize_t, size_t)) integral.sort(key=_sort_types_key) native_integral = [minitype for minitype in integral if minitype.typecode is not None] floating.sort(key=_sort_types_key) complextypes.sort(key=_sort_types_key) def get_utility(): import numpy return textwrap.dedent("""\ #include <stdint.h> #ifndef HAVE_LONGDOUBLE #define HAVE_LONGDOUBLE %d #endif typedef struct { float real; float imag; } complex64; typedef struct { double real; double imag; } complex128; #if HAVE_LONGDOUBLE typedef struct { long double real; long double imag; } complex256; #endif typedef float float32; typedef double float64; #if HAVE_LONGDOUBLE typedef long double float128; #endif """ % hasattr(numpy, 'complex256')) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = miniutils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Miscellaneous (convenience) utilities. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import __all__ = ['ctypes', 'np', 'llvm', 'lc', 'MiniFunction'] try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins class UnavailableImport(object): def __init__(self, import_name): self.import_name = import_name def __getattr__(self, attr): __import__(self.import_name) try: import ctypes have_ctypes = True except ImportError: ctypes = UnavailableImport("ctypes") have_ctypes = False try: import numpy as np except ImportError: np = UnavailableImport("np") try: import llvm.core from llvm import core as lc except ImportError: llvm = UnavailableImport("llvm") lc = UnavailableImport("llvm.core") from . import treepath # ### Convenience utilities # def build_kernel_call(func_name, signature, miniargs, builder): """ Call the kernel `lfunc` in a bunch of loops with scalar arguments. """ # Build the kernel function signature funcname = builder.funcname(signature, func_name, is_external=False) # Generate 'lhs[i, j] = kernel(A[i, j], B[i, j])' lhs = miniargs[0].variable kernel_args = [arg.variable for arg in miniargs[1:]] funccall = builder.funccall(funcname, kernel_args, inline=True) assmt = builder.assign(lhs, funccall) if lhs.type.is_object and not lhs.type.is_array: assmt = builder.stats(builder.decref(lhs), assmt) return assmt def specialize(context, specializer_cls, ast, print_tree=False): "Specialize an AST with given specializer and compile" context = context or getcontext() specializers = [specializer_cls] result = next(iter(, specializers, print_tree=print_tree))) _, specialized_ast, _, code_result = result if not context.use_llvm: prototype, code_result = code_result return specialized_ast, code_result class MiniFunction(object): """ Convenience class to compile a function using LLVM and to invoke the function with ctypes given numpy arrays as input. """ def __init__(self, context, specializer, variables, expr, name=None): self.b = context.astbuilder self.context = context self.specializer = specializer self.variables = variables self.minifunc = self.b.build_function(variables, expr, name) self.specialized_ast, (self.lfunc, self.ctypes_func) = specialize( context, specializer, self.minifunc) def get_ctypes_func_and_args(self, arrays): from .ctypes_conversion import get_data_pointer fist_array = arrays[0] shape = fist_array.shape for variable, array in zip(self.variables, arrays): for dim, extent in enumerate(array.shape): if extent != shape[dim] and extent != 1: raise ValueError("Differing extents in dim %d (%s, %s)" % (dim, extent, shape[dim])) args = [fist_array.ctypes.shape] for variable, array in zip(self.variables, arrays): if variable.type.is_array: data_pointer = get_data_pointer(array, variable.type) args.append(data_pointer) if not self.specializer.is_contig_specializer: args.append(array.ctypes.strides) else: raise NotImplementedError return args def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): import numpy as np # print self.minifunc.ndim # self.minifunc.print_tree(self.context) # print self.context.debug_c(self.minifunc, self.specializer) out = kwargs.pop('out', None) assert not kwargs, kwargs if out is None: from . import minitypes dtype = minitypes.map_minitype_to_dtype(self.variables[0].type) broadcast = np.broadcast(*args) out = np.empty(broadcast.shape, dtype=dtype) arrays = [out] arrays.extend(args) assert len(arrays) == len(self.variables) args = self.get_ctypes_func_and_args(arrays) self.ctypes_func(*args) return out def xpath(ast, expr): return treepath.find_all(ast, expr) # Compatibility with Python 2.4 def any(it): for obj in it: if obj: return True return False def all(it): for obj in it: if not obj: return False return True class ComparableObjectMixin(object): "Make sure subclasses implement comparison and hashing methods" def __hash__(self): "Implement in subclasses" raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other): "Implement in subclasses" return NotImplemented ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = minivisitor # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Adapted from Cython/Compiler/, see this module for detailed explanations. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import inspect miniast = None # avoid circular import AttributeError for sphinx-apidoc from . import treepath class TreeVisitor(object): """ Non-mutating visitor. Subclass and implement visit_MyNode methods. A user can traverse a foreign AST by implementing :py:class:`minivect.miniast.Context.getchildren` """ want_access_path = False def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.dispatch_table = {} if self.want_access_path: self.access_path = [] else: self._visitchild = self.visit def _find_handler(self, obj): # to resolve, try entire hierarchy cls = type(obj) pattern = "visit_%s" mro = inspect.getmro(cls) handler_method = None for mro_cls in mro: handler_method = getattr(self, pattern % mro_cls.__name__, None) if handler_method is not None: return handler_method raise RuntimeError("Visitor %r does not accept object: %s" % (self, obj)) def visit(self, obj, *args): "Visit a single child." try: handler_method = self.dispatch_table[type(obj)] except KeyError: handler_method = self._find_handler(obj) self.dispatch_table[type(obj)] = handler_method return handler_method(obj) def _visitchild(self, child, parent, attrname, idx): self.access_path.append((parent, attrname, idx)) result = self.visit(child) self.access_path.pop() return result def visit_childlist(self, child, parent=None, attr=None): if isinstance(child, list): childretval = [self._visitchild(child_node, parent, attr, idx) for idx, child_node in enumerate(child)] else: childretval = self._visitchild(child, parent, attr, None) if isinstance(childretval, list): raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot insert list here: %s in %r' % (attr, node)) return childretval def visitchildren(self, parent, attrs=None): "Visits the children of the given node." if parent is None: return None if attrs is None: attrs = self.context.getchildren(parent) result = {} for attr in attrs: child = getattr(parent, attr) if child is not None: result[attr] = self.visit_childlist(child, parent, attr) return result def treepath(self, node, xpath_expr): return treepath.iterfind(node, xpath_expr) def treepath_first(self, node, xpath_expr): return treepath.find_first(node, xpath_expr) def p(self, node): node.print_tree(self.context) class VisitorTransform(TreeVisitor): """ Mutating transform. Each attribute is replaced by the result of the corresponding visit_MyNode method. """ def visitchildren(self, parent, attrs=None): result = super(VisitorTransform, self).visitchildren(parent, attrs) for attr, newnode in result.iteritems(): if not isinstance(newnode, list): setattr(parent, attr, newnode) else: # Flatten the list one level and remove any None newlist = [] for x in newnode: if x is not None: if isinstance(x, list): newlist += x else: newlist.append(x) setattr(parent, attr, newlist) return result class GenericVisitor(TreeVisitor): "Generic visitor that automatically visits children" def visit_Node(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return node class GenericTransform(VisitorTransform, GenericVisitor): "Generic transform that automatically visits children" class MayErrorVisitor(TreeVisitor): """ Determine whether code generated by an AST can raise exceptions. """ may_error = False def visit_Node(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) def visit_NodeWrapper(self, node): self.may_error = (self.may_error or self.context.may_error(node.opaque_node)) def visit_ForNode(self, node): self.visit(node.init) self.visit(node.condition) self.visit(node.step) class PrintTree(TreeVisitor): """ Print an AST, see also :py:class:`minivect.miniast.Node.print_tree`. """ indent = 0 want_access_path = True def format_value(self, node): from . import miniast if node.is_temp: format_value = node.repr_name elif (isinstance(node, miniast.Variable) or isinstance(node, miniast.FuncNameNode) or node.is_funcarg): format_value = elif node.is_binop or node.is_unop: format_value = node.operator elif node.is_constant: format_value = node.value elif node.is_sizeof: format_value = str(node.type) else: return None return format_value def format_node(self, node, want_type_info=True): result = type(node).__name__ format_value = self.format_value(node) if node.is_expression and want_type_info: if format_value is not None: format_value = "%s, type=%s" % (format_value, node.type) else: format_value = "type=%s" % (node.type,) if format_value: return "%s(%s)" % (result, format_value) else: return result def visit_Node(self, node): if self.access_path: parent, attr, idx = self.access_path[-1] else: attr = "(root)" idx = None prefix = "%s%s" % (self.indent * " ", attr) if idx is not None: prefix = "%s[%d]" % (prefix, idx) print(("%s: %s" % (prefix, self.format_node(node)))) self.indent += 1 self.visitchildren(node) self.indent -= 1 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = optimize # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- from . import minivisitor from . import miniutils from . import minitypes from . import specializers def admissible(broadcasting_tuple, n_loops): """ Check for admissibility. Indicates whether partial hoisting is the most efficient thing to perform. See also partially_hoistable() """ if len(broadcasting_tuple) < n_loops: # In this this situation, we pad with leading broadcasting dimensions. # This means we have to hoist all the way return False # Filter leading False values i = 0 for i, broadcasting in enumerate(broadcasting_tuple): if broadcasting: break # Check for all trailing values (at least one) being True return broadcasting_tuple[i:] and miniutils.all(broadcasting_tuple[i:]) def partially_hoistable(broadcasting_tuple, n_loops): """ This function indicates, when admissible() returns false, whether an expression is partially hoistable. This means the caller must establish whether repeated computation or an array temporary will be more beneficial. If the expression is a variable, there is no repeaetd computation, and it should be hoisted as far as possible. """ return broadcasting_tuple[-1] def broadcasting(broadcasting_tuple1, broadcasting_tuple2): return broadcasting_tuple1 != broadcasting_tuple2 class HoistBroadcastingExpressions(specializers.BaseSpecializer): """ This transform hoists out part of sub-expressions which are broadcasting. There are two cases: 1) We can hoist out the sub-expression and store it in a scalar for broadcasting 2) We have to hoist the sub-expression out entirely and store it in a temporary array As an alternative to 2), we could swap axes to return to situation 1), i.e. reorder the element-wise traversal order. We do not choose this option, since the loop order is tailored to cache-friendliness. We determine where to hoist sub-expression to based on broadcasting information. Each type has a broadcasting tuple with a true/false value for each dimension, specifying whether it will broadcast in that dimension (i.e. broadcasting is not optional in that dimension). We make the following observations: 1) Trailing truth values mean we can hoist the sub-expression out just before the first truth value in the consecutive sequence of truth values Example ``(False, True, True)``:: A[:, None, None] * A[:, None, None] * B[:, :,ย :] becomes:: for i in shape[0]: temp = A[i, 0, 0] * A[i, 0, 0] for j in shape[1]: for k in shape[2]: temp * B[i, j, k] 2) If not all consecutive leading values are false, we have to assign to a temporary array (i.e., hoist out all the way) Example ``(True, True, False)``:: A[None, None, :] * A[None, None, :] * B[:, :,ย :] becomes:: allocate temp for k in shape[2]: temp[k] = A[0, 0, k] * A[0, 0, k] for i in shape[0]: for j in shape[1]: for k in shape[2]: temp[k] * B[i, j, k] deallocate temp More generally, if the index sequence of array A is not an admissible prefix of the total index sequence, we have situation 2). For instance, ``(True, False, True)`` would mean we could hoist out the expression one level, but we would still have repeated computation. What we could do in this case, in addition to 2), is reduce indexing overhead, i.e. generate:: for j in shape[1]: temp[j] = A[0, j, 0] * A[0, j, 0] for i in shape[0]: for j in shape[1]: temp_scalar = temp[j] for k in shape[2]: temp_scalar * B[i, j, k] This is bonus points. """ def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): self.function = node inner_loop = node.for_loops[-1] self.visitchildren(inner_loop) return node def visit_Variable(self, node): type = node.type if type.is_array and type.broadcasting is not None: n_loops = len(self.function.for_loops) if admissible(type.broadcasting, n_loops): node.hoistable = True elif partially_hoistable(type.broadcasting, n_loops): # TODO: see whether `node` should be fully (array temporary) # TODO: or partially hoisted node.hoistable = True elif miniutils.any(type.broadcasting): pass # enable when temporaries are implemented in minivect # node.need_temp = True node.broadcasting = type.broadcasting return node def visit_ArrayAtribute(self, node): return node def _hoist_binop_operands(self, b, node): # perform hoisitng. Does not handle all expressions correctly yet. if not node.lhs.hoistable or not node.rhs.hoistable: if node.lhs.hoistable: node.lhs = self.hoist(node.lhs) else: node.rhs = self.hoist(node.rhs) return node lhs_hoisting_level = self.hoisting_level(node.lhs) rhs_hoisting_level = self.hoisting_level(node.rhs) if lhs_hoisting_level == rhs_hoisting_level: node.hoistable = True node.broadcasting = node.lhs.broadcasting return node def binop(): result = b.binop(node.type, node.operator, node.lhs, node.rhs) result.broadcasting = broadcasting result.hoistable = True return result if lhs_hoisting_level < rhs_hoisting_level: broadcasting = node.rhs.broadcasting node.lhs = self.hoist(node.lhs) return self.hoist(binop()) else: # lhs_hoisting_level > rhs_hoisting_level broadcasting = node.lhs.broadcasting node.rhs = self.hoist(node.rhs) return self.hoist(binop()) def _make_temp_binop_operands(self, node): if broadcasting(node.lhs.broadcasting, node.rhs.broadcasting): node.need_temp = True else: if node.lhs.need_temp: node.lhs = self.make_temp(node.lhs) if node.rhs.need_temp: node.rhs = self.make_temp(node.rhs) def visit_BinaryOperationNode(self, node): b = self.astbuilder self.visitchildren(node) node.broadcasting = None if node.lhs.need_temp or node.rhs.need_temp: return self._make_temp_binop_operands(node) elif node.lhs.hoistable or node.rhs.hoistable: return self._hoist_binop_operands(b, node) return node def visit_ForNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) self.handle_pending_stats(node) return node def visit_BinopNode(self, node): # used in superclass, override here return self.visit_BinaryOperationNode(node) def visit_AssignmentExpr(self, node): rhs = self.visit(node.rhs) node.rhs = self.process_expr(rhs) return node def visit_UnopNode(self, node): o = node.operand = self.visit(node.operand) node.hoistable = o.hoistable node.need_temp = o.need_temp node.broadcasting = o.broadcasting return node def process_expr(self, expr): if expr.hoistable: return self.hoist(expr) elif expr.need_temp: return self.make_temp(expr) else: return expr def make_temp(self, node): "Not implemented yet" return node def hoisting_level(self, node): i = 0 for i, broadcasting in enumerate(node.broadcasting[::-1]): if not broadcasting: break return self.function.ndim - 1 - i def hoist(self, node): if not node.hoistable: return node b = self.astbuilder hoisting_level = self.hoisting_level(node) if hoisting_level < 0: for_loop = self.function else: for_loop = self.function.for_loops[hoisting_level] temp = b.temp(node.type.dtype, name='hoisted_temp') temp.broadcasting = None # TODO: keep track of the variables for variable in self.treepath(node, '//Variable'): variable.hoisted = True stat = b.assign(temp, node, may_reorder=False) for_loop.body = b.stats(stat, for_loop.body) return self.visit(temp) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = pydot # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Graphviz's dot language Python interface. This module provides with a full interface to create handle modify and process graphs in Graphviz's dot language. References: pydot Homepage: Graphviz: DOT Language: Programmed and tested with Graphviz 2.26.3 and Python 2.6 on OSX 10.6.4 Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Ero Carrera <> Distributed under MIT license []. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import __revision__ = "$LastChangedRevision: 27 $" __author__ = 'Ero Carrera' __version__ = '1.0.%d' % int( __revision__[21:-2] ) __license__ = 'MIT' import os import re import subprocess import tempfile import copy try: import dot_parser except Exception as e: # print "Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible." pass GRAPH_ATTRIBUTES = set( ['Damping', 'K', 'URL', 'aspect', 'bb', 'bgcolor', 'center', 'charset', 'clusterrank', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'compound', 'concentrate', 'defaultdist', 'dim', 'dimen', 'diredgeconstraints', 'dpi', 'epsilon', 'esep', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontnames', 'fontpath', 'fontsize', 'id', 'label', 'labeljust', 'labelloc', 'landscape', 'layers', 'layersep', 'layout', 'levels', 'levelsgap', 'lheight', 'lp', 'lwidth', 'margin', 'maxiter', 'mclimit', 'mindist', 'mode', 'model', 'mosek', 'nodesep', 'nojustify', 'normalize', 'nslimit', 'nslimit1', 'ordering', 'orientation', 'outputorder', 'overlap', 'overlap_scaling', 'pack', 'packmode', 'pad', 'page', 'pagedir', 'quadtree', 'quantum', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'ratio', 'remincross', 'repulsiveforce', 'resolution', 'root', 'rotate', 'searchsize', 'sep', 'showboxes', 'size', 'smoothing', 'sortv', 'splines', 'start', 'stylesheet', 'target', 'truecolor', 'viewport', 'voro_margin', # for subgraphs 'rank' ] ) EDGE_ATTRIBUTES = set( ['URL', 'arrowhead', 'arrowsize', 'arrowtail', 'color', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'constraint', 'decorate', 'dir', 'edgeURL', 'edgehref', 'edgetarget', 'edgetooltip', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'headURL', 'headclip', 'headhref', 'headlabel', 'headport', 'headtarget', 'headtooltip', 'href', 'id', 'label', 'labelURL', 'labelangle', 'labeldistance', 'labelfloat', 'labelfontcolor', 'labelfontname', 'labelfontsize', 'labelhref', 'labeltarget', 'labeltooltip', 'layer', 'len', 'lhead', 'lp', 'ltail', 'minlen', 'nojustify', 'penwidth', 'pos', 'samehead', 'sametail', 'showboxes', 'style', 'tailURL', 'tailclip', 'tailhref', 'taillabel', 'tailport', 'tailtarget', 'tailtooltip', 'target', 'tooltip', 'weight', 'rank' ] ) NODE_ATTRIBUTES = set( ['URL', 'color', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'distortion', 'fillcolor', 'fixedsize', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'group', 'height', 'id', 'image', 'imagescale', 'label', 'labelloc', 'layer', 'margin', 'nojustify', 'orientation', 'penwidth', 'peripheries', 'pin', 'pos', 'rects', 'regular', 'root', 'samplepoints', 'shape', 'shapefile', 'showboxes', 'sides', 'skew', 'sortv', 'style', 'target', 'tooltip', 'vertices', 'width', 'z', # The following are attributes dot2tex 'texlbl', 'texmode' ] ) CLUSTER_ATTRIBUTES = set( ['K', 'URL', 'bgcolor', 'color', 'colorscheme', 'fillcolor', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'label', 'labeljust', 'labelloc', 'lheight', 'lp', 'lwidth', 'nojustify', 'pencolor', 'penwidth', 'peripheries', 'sortv', 'style', 'target', 'tooltip'] ) # # Extented version of ASPN's Python Cookbook Recipe: # Frozen dictionaries. # # # This version freezes dictionaries used as values within dictionaries. # class frozendict(dict): def _blocked_attribute(obj): raise AttributeError("A frozendict cannot be modified.") _blocked_attribute = property(_blocked_attribute) __delitem__ = __setitem__ = clear = _blocked_attribute pop = popitem = setdefault = update = _blocked_attribute def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): new = dict.__new__(cls) args_ = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): arg = copy.copy(arg) for k, v in arg.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, frozendict): arg[k] = v elif isinstance(v, dict): arg[k] = frozendict(v) elif isinstance(v, list): v_ = list() for elm in v: if isinstance(elm, dict): v_.append( frozendict(elm) ) else: v_.append( elm ) arg[k] = tuple(v_) args_.append( arg ) else: args_.append( arg ) dict.__init__(new, *args_, **kw) return new def __init__(self, *args, **kw): pass def __hash__(self): try: return self._cached_hash except AttributeError: h = self._cached_hash = hash(tuple(sorted(self.iteritems()))) return h def __repr__(self): return "frozendict(%s)" % dict.__repr__(self) dot_keywords = ['graph', 'subgraph', 'digraph', 'node', 'edge', 'strict'] id_re_alpha_nums = re.compile('^[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_,]*$', re.UNICODE) id_re_alpha_nums_with_ports = re.compile('^[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_,:\"]*[a-zA-Z0-9_,\"]+$', re.UNICODE) id_re_num = re.compile('^[0-9,]+$', re.UNICODE) id_re_with_port = re.compile('^([^:]*):([^:]*)$', re.UNICODE) id_re_dbl_quoted = re.compile('^\".*\"$', re.S|re.UNICODE) id_re_html = re.compile('^<.*>$', re.S|re.UNICODE) def needs_quotes( s ): """Checks whether a string is a dot language ID. It will check whether the string is solely composed by the characters allowed in an ID or not. If the string is one of the reserved keywords it will need quotes too but the user will need to add them manually. """ # If the name is a reserved keyword it will need quotes but pydot # can't tell when it's being used as a keyword or when it's simply # a name. Hence the user needs to supply the quotes when an element # would use a reserved keyword as name. This function will return # false indicating that a keyword string, if provided as-is, won't # need quotes. if s in dot_keywords: return False chars = [ord(c) for c in s if ord(c)>0x7f or ord(c)==0] if chars and not id_re_dbl_quoted.match(s) and not id_re_html.match(s): return True for test_re in [id_re_alpha_nums, id_re_num, id_re_dbl_quoted, id_re_html, id_re_alpha_nums_with_ports]: if test_re.match(s): return False m = id_re_with_port.match(s) if m: return needs_quotes( or needs_quotes( return True def quote_if_necessary(s): if isinstance(s, bool): if s is True: return 'True' return 'False' if not isinstance( s, basestring ): return s if not s: return s if needs_quotes(s): replace = {'"' : r'\"', "\n" : r'\n', "\r" : r'\r'} for (a,b) in replace.items(): s = s.replace(a, b) return '"' + s + '"' return s def graph_from_dot_data(data): """Load graph as defined by data in DOT format. The data is assumed to be in DOT format. It will be parsed and a Dot class will be returned, representing the graph. """ return dot_parser.parse_dot_data(data) def graph_from_dot_file(path): """Load graph as defined by a DOT file. The file is assumed to be in DOT format. It will be loaded, parsed and a Dot class will be returned, representing the graph. """ fd = file(path, 'rb') data = fd.close() return graph_from_dot_data(data) def graph_from_edges(edge_list, node_prefix=None, directed=False): """Creates a basic graph out of an edge list. The edge list has to be a list of tuples representing the nodes connected by the edge. The values can be anything: bool, int, float, str. If the graph is undirected by default, it is only calculated from one of the symmetric halves of the matrix. """ if node_prefix is None: node_prefix = unicode('') if directed: graph = Dot(graph_type='digraph') else: graph = Dot(graph_type='graph') for edge in edge_list: if isinstance(edge[0], str): src = node_prefix + edge[0] else: src = node_prefix + str(edge[0]) if isinstance(edge[1], str): dst = node_prefix + edge[1] else: dst = node_prefix + str(edge[1]) e = Edge( src, dst ) graph.add_edge(e) return graph def graph_from_adjacency_matrix(matrix, node_prefix= '', directed=False): """Creates a basic graph out of an adjacency matrix. The matrix has to be a list of rows of values representing an adjacency matrix. The values can be anything: bool, int, float, as long as they can evaluate to True or False. """ node_orig = 1 if directed: graph = Dot(graph_type='digraph') else: graph = Dot(graph_type='graph') for row in matrix: if not directed: skip = matrix.index(row) r = row[skip:] else: skip = 0 r = row node_dest = skip+1 for e in r: if e: graph.add_edge( Edge( node_prefix + node_orig, node_prefix + node_dest) ) node_dest += 1 node_orig += 1 return graph def graph_from_incidence_matrix(matrix, node_prefix='', directed=False): """Creates a basic graph out of an incidence matrix. The matrix has to be a list of rows of values representing an incidence matrix. The values can be anything: bool, int, float, as long as they can evaluate to True or False. """ node_orig = 1 if directed: graph = Dot(graph_type='digraph') else: graph = Dot(graph_type='graph') for row in matrix: nodes = [] c = 1 for node in row: if node: nodes.append(c*node) c += 1 nodes.sort() if len(nodes) == 2: graph.add_edge( Edge( node_prefix + abs(nodes[0]), node_prefix + nodes[1] )) if not directed: graph.set_simplify(True) return graph def __find_executables(path): """Used by find_graphviz path - single directory as a string If any of the executables are found, it will return a dictionary containing the program names as keys and their paths as values. Otherwise returns None """ success = False progs = {'dot': '', 'twopi': '', 'neato': '', 'circo': '', 'fdp': '', 'sfdp': ''} was_quoted = False path = path.strip() if path.startswith('"') and path.endswith('"'): path = path[1:-1] was_quoted = True if os.path.isdir(path) : for prg in progs.iterkeys(): if progs[prg]: continue if os.path.exists( os.path.join(path, prg) ): if was_quoted: progs[prg] = '"' + os.path.join(path, prg) + '"' else: progs[prg] = os.path.join(path, prg) success = True elif os.path.exists( os.path.join(path, prg + '.exe') ): if was_quoted: progs[prg] = '"' + os.path.join(path, prg + '.exe') + '"' else: progs[prg] = os.path.join(path, prg + '.exe') success = True if success: return progs else: return None # The multi-platform version of this 'find_graphviz' function was # contributed by Peter Cock # def find_graphviz(): """Locate Graphviz's executables in the system. Tries three methods: First: Windows Registry (Windows only) This requires Mark Hammond's pywin32 is installed. Secondly: Search the path It will look for 'dot', 'twopi' and 'neato' in all the directories specified in the PATH environment variable. Thirdly: Default install location (Windows only) It will look for 'dot', 'twopi' and 'neato' in the default install location under the "Program Files" directory. It will return a dictionary containing the program names as keys and their paths as values. If this fails, it returns None. """ # Method 1 (Windows only) # if os.sys.platform == 'win32': HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002 KEY_QUERY_VALUE = 0x0001 RegOpenKeyEx = None RegQueryValueEx = None RegCloseKey = None try: import win32api, win32con RegOpenKeyEx = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx RegQueryValueEx = win32api.RegQueryValueEx RegCloseKey = win32api.RegCloseKey except ImportError: # Print a messaged suggesting they install these? # pass try: import ctypes def RegOpenKeyEx(key, subkey, opt, sam): result = ctypes.c_uint(0) ctypes.windll.advapi32.RegOpenKeyExA(key, subkey, opt, sam, ctypes.byref(result)) return result.value def RegQueryValueEx( hkey, valuename ): data_type = ctypes.c_uint(0) data_len = ctypes.c_uint(1024) data = ctypes.create_string_buffer( 1024 ) res = ctypes.windll.advapi32.RegQueryValueExA(hkey, valuename, 0, ctypes.byref(data_type), data, ctypes.byref(data_len)) return data.value RegCloseKey = ctypes.windll.advapi32.RegCloseKey except ImportError: # Print a messaged suggesting they install these? # pass if RegOpenKeyEx is not None: # Get the GraphViz install path from the registry # hkey = None potentialKeys = [ "SOFTWARE\\ATT\\Graphviz", "SOFTWARE\\AT&T Research Labs\\Graphviz", ] for potentialKey in potentialKeys: try: hkey = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, potentialKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE ) if hkey is not None: path = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, "InstallPath" ) RegCloseKey( hkey ) # The regitry variable might exist, left by old installations # but with no value, in those cases we keep searching... if not path: continue # Now append the "bin" subdirectory: # path = os.path.join(path, "bin") progs = __find_executables(path) if progs is not None : #print "Used Windows registry" return progs except Exception as excp: #raise excp pass else: break # Method 2 (Linux, Windows etc) # if 'PATH' in os.environ: for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): progs = __find_executables(path) if progs is not None : #print "Used path" return progs # Method 3 (Windows only) # if os.sys.platform == 'win32': # Try and work out the equivalent of "C:\Program Files" on this # machine (might be on drive D:, or in a different language) # if 'PROGRAMFILES' in os.environ: # Note, we could also use the win32api to get this # information, but win32api may not be installed. path = os.path.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], 'ATT', 'GraphViz', 'bin') else: #Just in case, try the default... path = r"C:\Program Files\att\Graphviz\bin" progs = __find_executables(path) if progs is not None : #print "Used default install location" return progs for path in ( '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin', '/opt/local/bin', '/opt/bin', '/sw/bin', '/usr/share', '/Applications/' ): progs = __find_executables(path) if progs is not None : #print "Used path" return progs # Failed to find GraphViz # return None class Common(object): """Common information to several classes. Should not be directly used, several classes are derived from this one. """ def __getstate__(self): dict = copy.copy(self.obj_dict) return dict def __setstate__(self, state): self.obj_dict = state def __get_attribute__(self, attr): """Look for default attributes for this node""" attr_val = self.obj_dict['attributes'].get(attr, None) if attr_val is None: # get the defaults for nodes/edges default_node_name = self.obj_dict['type'] # The defaults for graphs are set on a node named 'graph' if default_node_name in ('subgraph', 'digraph', 'cluster'): default_node_name = 'graph' g = self.get_parent_graph() if g is not None: defaults = g.get_node( default_node_name ) else: return None # Multiple defaults could be set by having repeated 'graph [...]' # 'node [...]', 'edge [...]' statements. In such case, if the # same attribute is set in different statements, only the first # will be returned. In order to get all, one would call the # get_*_defaults() methods and handle those. Or go node by node # (of the ones specifying defaults) and modify the attributes # individually. # if not isinstance(defaults, (list, tuple)): defaults = [defaults] for default in defaults: attr_val = default.obj_dict['attributes'].get(attr, None) if attr_val: return attr_val else: return attr_val return None def set_parent_graph(self, parent_graph): self.obj_dict['parent_graph'] = parent_graph def get_parent_graph(self): return self.obj_dict.get('parent_graph', None) def set(self, name, value): """Set an attribute value by name. Given an attribute 'name' it will set its value to 'value'. There's always the possibility of using the methods: set_'name'(value) which are defined for all the existing attributes. """ self.obj_dict['attributes'][name] = value def get(self, name): """Get an attribute value by name. Given an attribute 'name' it will get its value. There's always the possibility of using the methods: get_'name'() which are defined for all the existing attributes. """ return self.obj_dict['attributes'].get(name, None) def get_attributes(self): """""" return self.obj_dict['attributes'] def set_sequence(self, seq): self.obj_dict['sequence'] = seq def get_sequence(self): return self.obj_dict['sequence'] def create_attribute_methods(self, obj_attributes): #for attr in self.obj_dict['attributes']: for attr in obj_attributes: # Generate all the Setter methods. # self.__setattr__( 'set_'+attr, lambda x, a=attr : self.obj_dict['attributes'].__setitem__(a, x) ) # Generate all the Getter methods. # self.__setattr__('get_'+attr, lambda a=attr : self.__get_attribute__(a)) class Error(Exception): """General error handling class. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return self.value class InvocationException(Exception): """To indicate that a ploblem occurred while running any of the GraphViz executables. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return self.value class Node(Common): """A graph node. This class represents a graph's node with all its attributes. node(name, attribute=value, ...) name: node's name All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should be supported. """ def __init__(self, name = '', obj_dict = None, **attrs): # # Nodes will take attributes of all other types because the defaults # for any GraphViz object are dealt with as if they were Node definitions # if obj_dict is not None: self.obj_dict = obj_dict else: self.obj_dict = dict() # Copy the attributes # self.obj_dict[ 'attributes' ] = dict( attrs ) self.obj_dict[ 'type' ] = 'node' self.obj_dict[ 'parent_graph' ] = None self.obj_dict[ 'parent_node_list' ] = None self.obj_dict[ 'sequence' ] = None # Remove the compass point # port = None if isinstance(name, basestring) and not name.startswith('"'): idx = name.find(':') if idx > 0 and idx+1 < len(name): name, port = name[:idx], name[idx:] if isinstance(name, (long, int)): name = str(name) self.obj_dict['name'] = quote_if_necessary( name ) self.obj_dict['port'] = port self.create_attribute_methods(NODE_ATTRIBUTES) def set_name(self, node_name): """Set the node's name.""" self.obj_dict['name'] = node_name def get_name(self): """Get the node's name.""" return self.obj_dict['name'] def get_port(self): """Get the node's port.""" return self.obj_dict['port'] def add_style(self, style): styles = self.obj_dict['attributes'].get('style', None) if not styles and style: styles = [ style ] else: styles = styles.split(',') styles.append( style ) self.obj_dict['attributes']['style'] = ','.join( styles ) def to_string(self): """Returns a string representation of the node in dot language. """ # RMF: special case defaults for node, edge and graph properties. # node = quote_if_necessary(self.obj_dict['name']) node_attr = list() for attr, value in self.obj_dict['attributes'].iteritems(): if value is not None: node_attr.append( '%s=%s' % (attr, quote_if_necessary(value) ) ) else: node_attr.append( attr ) # No point in having nodes setting any defaults if the don't set # any attributes... # if node in ('graph', 'node', 'edge') and len(node_attr) == 0: return '' node_attr = ', '.join(node_attr) if node_attr: node += ' [' + node_attr + ']' return node + ';' class Edge(Common): """A graph edge. This class represents a graph's edge with all its attributes. edge(src, dst, attribute=value, ...) src: source node's name dst: destination node's name All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should be supported. Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods: set_[attribute name], i.e. set_label, set_fontname or directly by using the instance's special dictionary: Edge.obj_dict['attributes'][attribute name], i.e. edge_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['label'] edge_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['fontname'] """ def __init__(self, src='', dst='', obj_dict=None, **attrs): if isinstance(src, (list, tuple)) and dst == '': src, dst = src if obj_dict is not None: self.obj_dict = obj_dict else: self.obj_dict = dict() # Copy the attributes # self.obj_dict[ 'attributes' ] = dict( attrs ) self.obj_dict[ 'type' ] = 'edge' self.obj_dict[ 'parent_graph' ] = None self.obj_dict[ 'parent_edge_list' ] = None self.obj_dict[ 'sequence' ] = None if isinstance(src, Node): src = src.get_name() if isinstance(dst, Node): dst = dst.get_name() points = ( quote_if_necessary( src) , quote_if_necessary( dst) ) self.obj_dict['points'] = points self.create_attribute_methods(EDGE_ATTRIBUTES) def get_source(self): """Get the edges source node name.""" return self.obj_dict['points'][0] def get_destination(self): """Get the edge's destination node name.""" return self.obj_dict['points'][1] def __hash__(self): return hash( hash(self.get_source()) + hash(self.get_destination()) ) def __eq__(self, edge): """Compare two edges. If the parent graph is directed, arcs linking node A to B are considered equal and A->B != B->A If the parent graph is undirected, any edge connecting two nodes is equal to any other edge connecting the same nodes, A->B == B->A """ if not isinstance(edge, Edge): raise Error("Can't compare and edge to a non-edge object.") if self.get_parent_graph().get_top_graph_type() == 'graph': # If the graph is undirected, the edge has neither # source nor destination. # if ( ( self.get_source() == edge.get_source() and self.get_destination() == edge.get_destination() ) or ( edge.get_source() == self.get_destination() and edge.get_destination() == self.get_source() ) ): return True else: if self.get_source()==edge.get_source() and self.get_destination()==edge.get_destination() : return True return False def parse_node_ref(self, node_str): if not isinstance(node_str, str): return node_str if node_str.startswith('"') and node_str.endswith('"'): return node_str node_port_idx = node_str.rfind(':') if node_port_idx>0 and node_str[0]=='"' and node_str[node_port_idx-1]=='"': return node_str if node_port_idx>0: a = node_str[:node_port_idx] b = node_str[node_port_idx+1:] node = quote_if_necessary(a) node += ':'+quote_if_necessary(b) return node return node_str def to_string(self): """Returns a string representation of the edge in dot language. """ src = self.parse_node_ref( self.get_source() ) dst = self.parse_node_ref( self.get_destination() ) if isinstance(src, frozendict): edge = [ Subgraph(obj_dict=src).to_string() ] elif isinstance(src, (int, long)): edge = [ str(src) ] else: edge = [ src ] if (self.get_parent_graph() and self.get_parent_graph().get_top_graph_type() and self.get_parent_graph().get_top_graph_type() == 'digraph' ): edge.append( '->' ) else: edge.append( '--' ) if isinstance(dst, frozendict): edge.append( Subgraph(obj_dict=dst).to_string() ) elif isinstance(dst, (int, long)): edge.append( str(dst) ) else: edge.append( dst ) edge_attr = list() for attr, value in self.obj_dict['attributes'].iteritems(): if value is not None: edge_attr.append( '%s=%s' % (attr, quote_if_necessary(value) ) ) else: edge_attr.append( attr ) edge_attr = ', '.join(edge_attr) if edge_attr: edge.append( ' [' + edge_attr + ']' ) return ' '.join(edge) + ';' class Graph(Common): """Class representing a graph in Graphviz's dot language. This class implements the methods to work on a representation of a graph in Graphviz's dot language. graph( graph_name='G', graph_type='digraph', strict=False, suppress_disconnected=False, attribute=value, ...) graph_name: the graph's name graph_type: can be 'graph' or 'digraph' suppress_disconnected: defaults to False, which will remove from the graph any disconnected nodes. simplify: if True it will avoid displaying equal edges, i.e. only one edge between two nodes. removing the duplicated ones. All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should be supported. Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods: set_[attribute name], i.e. set_size, set_fontname or using the instance's attributes: Graph.obj_dict['attributes'][attribute name], i.e. graph_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['label'] graph_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['fontname'] """ def __init__(self, graph_name='G', obj_dict=None, graph_type='digraph', strict=False, suppress_disconnected=False, simplify=False, **attrs): if obj_dict is not None: self.obj_dict = obj_dict else: self.obj_dict = dict() self.obj_dict['attributes'] = dict(attrs) if graph_type not in ['graph', 'digraph']: raise Error('Invalid type "%s". Accepted graph types are: graph, digraph, subgraph' % graph_type) self.obj_dict['name'] = quote_if_necessary(graph_name) self.obj_dict['type'] = graph_type self.obj_dict['strict'] = strict self.obj_dict['suppress_disconnected'] = suppress_disconnected self.obj_dict['simplify'] = simplify self.obj_dict['current_child_sequence'] = 1 self.obj_dict['nodes'] = dict() self.obj_dict['edges'] = dict() self.obj_dict['subgraphs'] = dict() self.set_parent_graph(self) self.create_attribute_methods(GRAPH_ATTRIBUTES) def get_graph_type(self): return self.obj_dict['type'] def get_top_graph_type(self): parent = self while True: parent_ = parent.get_parent_graph() if parent_ == parent: break parent = parent_ return parent.obj_dict['type'] def set_graph_defaults(self, **attrs): self.add_node( Node('graph', **attrs) ) def get_graph_defaults(self, **attrs): graph_nodes = self.get_node('graph') if isinstance( graph_nodes, (list, tuple)): return [ node.get_attributes() for node in graph_nodes ] return graph_nodes.get_attributes() def set_node_defaults(self, **attrs): self.add_node( Node('node', **attrs) ) def get_node_defaults(self, **attrs): graph_nodes = self.get_node('node') if isinstance( graph_nodes, (list, tuple)): return [ node.get_attributes() for node in graph_nodes ] return graph_nodes.get_attributes() def set_edge_defaults(self, **attrs): self.add_node( Node('edge', **attrs) ) def get_edge_defaults(self, **attrs): graph_nodes = self.get_node('edge') if isinstance( graph_nodes, (list, tuple)): return [ node.get_attributes() for node in graph_nodes ] return graph_nodes.get_attributes() def set_simplify(self, simplify): """Set whether to simplify or not. If True it will avoid displaying equal edges, i.e. only one edge between two nodes. removing the duplicated ones. """ self.obj_dict['simplify'] = simplify def get_simplify(self): """Get whether to simplify or not. Refer to set_simplify for more information. """ return self.obj_dict['simplify'] def set_type(self, graph_type): """Set the graph's type, 'graph' or 'digraph'.""" self.obj_dict['type'] = graph_type def get_type(self): """Get the graph's type, 'graph' or 'digraph'.""" return self.obj_dict['type'] def set_name(self, graph_name): """Set the graph's name.""" self.obj_dict['name'] = graph_name def get_name(self): """Get the graph's name.""" return self.obj_dict['name'] def set_strict(self, val): """Set graph to 'strict' mode. This option is only valid for top level graphs. """ self.obj_dict['strict'] = val def get_strict(self, val): """Get graph's 'strict' mode (True, False). This option is only valid for top level graphs. """ return self.obj_dict['strict'] def set_suppress_disconnected(self, val): """Suppress disconnected nodes in the output graph. This option will skip nodes in the graph with no incoming or outgoing edges. This option works also for subgraphs and has effect only in the current graph/subgraph. """ self.obj_dict['suppress_disconnected'] = val def get_suppress_disconnected(self, val): """Get if suppress disconnected is set. Refer to set_suppress_disconnected for more information. """ return self.obj_dict['suppress_disconnected'] def get_next_sequence_number(self): seq = self.obj_dict['current_child_sequence'] self.obj_dict['current_child_sequence'] += 1 return seq def add_node(self, graph_node): """Adds a node object to the graph. It takes a node object as its only argument and returns None. """ if not isinstance(graph_node, Node): raise TypeError('add_node() received a non node class object: ' + str(graph_node)) node = self.get_node(graph_node.get_name()) if not node: self.obj_dict['nodes'][graph_node.get_name()] = [ graph_node.obj_dict ] #self.node_dict[graph_node.get_name()] = graph_node.attributes graph_node.set_parent_graph(self.get_parent_graph()) else: self.obj_dict['nodes'][graph_node.get_name()].append( graph_node.obj_dict ) graph_node.set_sequence(self.get_next_sequence_number()) def del_node(self, name, index=None): """Delete a node from the graph. Given a node's name all node(s) with that same name will be deleted if 'index' is not specified or set to None. If there are several nodes with that same name and 'index' is given, only the node in that position will be deleted. 'index' should be an integer specifying the position of the node to delete. If index is larger than the number of nodes with that name, no action is taken. If nodes are deleted it returns True. If no action is taken it returns False. """ if isinstance(name, Node): name = name.get_name() if name in self.obj_dict['nodes']: if index is not None and index < len(self.obj_dict['nodes'][name]): del self.obj_dict['nodes'][name][index] return True else: del self.obj_dict['nodes'][name] return True return False def get_node(self, name): """Retrieve a node from the graph. Given a node's name the corresponding Node instance will be returned. If one or more nodes exist with that name a list of Node instances is returned. An empty list is returned otherwise. """ match = list() if name in self.obj_dict['nodes']: match.extend( [ Node( obj_dict = obj_dict ) for obj_dict in self.obj_dict['nodes'][name] ]) return match def get_nodes(self): """Get the list of Node instances.""" return self.get_node_list() def get_node_list(self): """Get the list of Node instances. This method returns the list of Node instances composing the graph. """ node_objs = list() for node, obj_dict_list in self.obj_dict['nodes'].iteritems(): node_objs.extend( [ Node( obj_dict = obj_d ) for obj_d in obj_dict_list ] ) return node_objs def add_edge(self, graph_edge): """Adds an edge object to the graph. It takes a edge object as its only argument and returns None. """ if not isinstance(graph_edge, Edge): raise TypeError('add_edge() received a non edge class object: ' + str(graph_edge)) edge_points = ( graph_edge.get_source(), graph_edge.get_destination() ) if edge_points in self.obj_dict['edges']: edge_list = self.obj_dict['edges'][edge_points] edge_list.append(graph_edge.obj_dict) else: self.obj_dict['edges'][edge_points] = [ graph_edge.obj_dict ] graph_edge.set_sequence( self.get_next_sequence_number() ) graph_edge.set_parent_graph( self.get_parent_graph() ) def del_edge(self, src_or_list, dst=None, index=None): """Delete an edge from the graph. Given an edge's (source, destination) node names all matching edges(s) will be deleted if 'index' is not specified or set to None. If there are several matching edges and 'index' is given, only the edge in that position will be deleted. 'index' should be an integer specifying the position of the edge to delete. If index is larger than the number of matching edges, no action is taken. If edges are deleted it returns True. If no action is taken it returns False. """ if isinstance( src_or_list, (list, tuple)): if dst is not None and isinstance(dst, (int, long)): index = dst src, dst = src_or_list else: src, dst = src_or_list, dst if isinstance(src, Node): src = src.get_name() if isinstance(dst, Node): dst = dst.get_name() if (src, dst) in self.obj_dict['edges']: if index is not None and index < len(self.obj_dict['edges'][(src, dst)]): del self.obj_dict['edges'][(src, dst)][index] return True else: del self.obj_dict['edges'][(src, dst)] return True return False def get_edge(self, src_or_list, dst=None): """Retrieved an edge from the graph. Given an edge's source and destination the corresponding Edge instance(s) will be returned. If one or more edges exist with that source and destination a list of Edge instances is returned. An empty list is returned otherwise. """ if isinstance( src_or_list, (list, tuple)) and dst is None: edge_points = tuple(src_or_list) edge_points_reverse = (edge_points[1], edge_points[0]) else: edge_points = (src_or_list, dst) edge_points_reverse = (dst, src_or_list) match = list() if edge_points in self.obj_dict['edges'] or ( self.get_top_graph_type() == 'graph' and edge_points_reverse in self.obj_dict['edges']): edges_obj_dict = self.obj_dict['edges'].get( edge_points, self.obj_dict['edges'].get( edge_points_reverse, None )) for edge_obj_dict in edges_obj_dict: match.append( Edge( edge_points[0], edge_points[1], obj_dict = edge_obj_dict ) ) return match def get_edges(self): return self.get_edge_list() def get_edge_list(self): """Get the list of Edge instances. This method returns the list of Edge instances composing the graph. """ edge_objs = list() for edge, obj_dict_list in self.obj_dict['edges'].iteritems(): edge_objs.extend( [ Edge( obj_dict = obj_d ) for obj_d in obj_dict_list ] ) return edge_objs def add_subgraph(self, sgraph): """Adds an subgraph object to the graph. It takes a subgraph object as its only argument and returns None. """ if not isinstance(sgraph, Subgraph) and not isinstance(sgraph, Cluster): raise TypeError('add_subgraph() received a non subgraph class object:' + str(sgraph)) if sgraph.get_name() in self.obj_dict['subgraphs']: sgraph_list = self.obj_dict['subgraphs'][ sgraph.get_name() ] sgraph_list.append( sgraph.obj_dict ) else: self.obj_dict['subgraphs'][ sgraph.get_name() ] = [ sgraph.obj_dict ] sgraph.set_sequence( self.get_next_sequence_number() ) sgraph.set_parent_graph( self.get_parent_graph() ) def get_subgraph(self, name): """Retrieved a subgraph from the graph. Given a subgraph's name the corresponding Subgraph instance will be returned. If one or more subgraphs exist with the same name, a list of Subgraph instances is returned. An empty list is returned otherwise. """ match = list() if name in self.obj_dict['subgraphs']: sgraphs_obj_dict = self.obj_dict['subgraphs'].get( name ) for obj_dict_list in sgraphs_obj_dict: #match.extend( Subgraph( obj_dict = obj_d ) for obj_d in obj_dict_list ) match.append( Subgraph( obj_dict = obj_dict_list ) ) return match def get_subgraphs(self): return self.get_subgraph_list() def get_subgraph_list(self): """Get the list of Subgraph instances. This method returns the list of Subgraph instances in the graph. """ sgraph_objs = list() for sgraph, obj_dict_list in self.obj_dict['subgraphs'].iteritems(): sgraph_objs.extend( [ Subgraph( obj_dict = obj_d ) for obj_d in obj_dict_list ] ) return sgraph_objs def set_parent_graph(self, parent_graph): self.obj_dict['parent_graph'] = parent_graph for obj_list in self.obj_dict['nodes'].itervalues(): for obj in obj_list: obj['parent_graph'] = parent_graph for obj_list in self.obj_dict['edges'].itervalues(): for obj in obj_list: obj['parent_graph'] = parent_graph for obj_list in self.obj_dict['subgraphs'].itervalues(): for obj in obj_list: Graph(obj_dict=obj).set_parent_graph(parent_graph) def to_string(self): """Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language. It will return the graph and all its subelements in string from. """ graph = list() if self.obj_dict.get('strict', None) is not None: if self==self.get_parent_graph() and self.obj_dict['strict']: graph.append('strict ') if self.obj_dict['name'] == '': if 'show_keyword' in self.obj_dict and self.obj_dict['show_keyword']: graph.append( 'subgraph {\n' ) else: graph.append( '{\n' ) else: graph.append( '%s %s {\n' % (self.obj_dict['type'], self.obj_dict['name']) ) for attr in self.obj_dict['attributes'].iterkeys(): if self.obj_dict['attributes'].get(attr, None) is not None: val = self.obj_dict['attributes'].get(attr) if val is not None: graph.append( '%s=%s' % (attr, quote_if_necessary(val)) ) else: graph.append( attr ) graph.append( ';\n' ) edges_done = set() edge_obj_dicts = list() for e in self.obj_dict['edges'].itervalues(): edge_obj_dicts.extend(e) if edge_obj_dicts: edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = zip( *[obj['points'] for obj in edge_obj_dicts] ) edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = set(edge_src_set), set(edge_dst_set) else: edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = set(), set() node_obj_dicts = list() for e in self.obj_dict['nodes'].itervalues(): node_obj_dicts.extend(e) sgraph_obj_dicts = list() for sg in self.obj_dict['subgraphs'].itervalues(): sgraph_obj_dicts.extend(sg) obj_list = sorted([ (obj['sequence'], obj) for obj in (edge_obj_dicts + node_obj_dicts + sgraph_obj_dicts) ]) for idx, obj in obj_list: if obj['type'] == 'node': node = Node(obj_dict=obj) if self.obj_dict.get('suppress_disconnected', False): if (node.get_name() not in edge_src_set and node.get_name() not in edge_dst_set): continue graph.append( node.to_string()+'\n' ) elif obj['type'] == 'edge': edge = Edge(obj_dict=obj) if self.obj_dict.get('simplify', False) and edge in edges_done: continue graph.append( edge.to_string() + '\n' ) edges_done.add(edge) else: sgraph = Subgraph(obj_dict=obj) graph.append( sgraph.to_string()+'\n' ) graph.append( '}\n' ) return ''.join(graph) class Subgraph(Graph): """Class representing a subgraph in Graphviz's dot language. This class implements the methods to work on a representation of a subgraph in Graphviz's dot language. subgraph(graph_name='subG', suppress_disconnected=False, attribute=value, ...) graph_name: the subgraph's name suppress_disconnected: defaults to false, which will remove from the subgraph any disconnected nodes. All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should be supported. Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods: set_[attribute name], i.e. set_size, set_fontname or using the instance's attributes: Subgraph.obj_dict['attributes'][attribute name], i.e. subgraph_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['label'] subgraph_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['fontname'] """ # RMF: subgraph should have all the attributes of graph so it can be passed # as a graph to all methods # def __init__(self, graph_name='', obj_dict=None, suppress_disconnected=False, simplify=False, **attrs): Graph.__init__(self, graph_name=graph_name, obj_dict=obj_dict, suppress_disconnected=suppress_disconnected, simplify=simplify, **attrs) if obj_dict is None: self.obj_dict['type'] = 'subgraph' class Cluster(Graph): """Class representing a cluster in Graphviz's dot language. This class implements the methods to work on a representation of a cluster in Graphviz's dot language. cluster(graph_name='subG', suppress_disconnected=False, attribute=value, ...) graph_name: the cluster's name (the string 'cluster' will be always prepended) suppress_disconnected: defaults to false, which will remove from the cluster any disconnected nodes. All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should be supported. Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods: set_[attribute name], i.e. set_color, set_fontname or using the instance's attributes: Cluster.obj_dict['attributes'][attribute name], i.e. cluster_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['label'] cluster_instance.obj_dict['attributes']['fontname'] """ def __init__(self, graph_name='subG', obj_dict=None, suppress_disconnected=False, simplify=False, **attrs): Graph.__init__(self, graph_name=graph_name, obj_dict=obj_dict, suppress_disconnected=suppress_disconnected, simplify=simplify, **attrs) if obj_dict is None: self.obj_dict['type'] = 'subgraph' self.obj_dict['name'] = 'cluster_'+graph_name self.create_attribute_methods(CLUSTER_ATTRIBUTES) class Dot(Graph): """A container for handling a dot language file. This class implements methods to write and process a dot language file. It is a derived class of the base class 'Graph'. """ def __init__(self, *argsl, **argsd): Graph.__init__(self, *argsl, **argsd) self.shape_files = list() self.progs = None self.formats = ['canon', 'cmap', 'cmapx', 'cmapx_np', 'dia', 'dot', 'fig', 'gd', 'gd2', 'gif', 'hpgl', 'imap', 'imap_np', 'ismap', 'jpe', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'mif', 'mp', 'pcl', 'pdf', 'pic', 'plain', 'plain-ext', 'png', 'ps', 'ps2', 'svg', 'svgz', 'vml', 'vmlz', 'vrml', 'vtx', 'wbmp', 'xdot', 'xlib' ] self.prog = 'dot' # Automatically creates all the methods enabling the creation # of output in any of the supported formats. for frmt in self.formats: self.__setattr__( 'create_'+frmt, lambda f=frmt, prog=self.prog : self.create(format=f, prog=prog)) f = self.__dict__['create_'+frmt] f.__doc__ = '''Refer to the docstring accompanying the 'create' method for more information.''' for frmt in self.formats+['raw']: self.__setattr__( 'write_'+frmt, lambda path, f=frmt, prog=self.prog : self.write(path, format=f, prog=prog)) f = self.__dict__['write_'+frmt] f.__doc__ = '''Refer to the docstring accompanying the 'write' method for more information.''' def __getstate__(self): dict = copy.copy(self.obj_dict) return dict def __setstate__(self, state): self.obj_dict = state def set_shape_files(self, file_paths): """Add the paths of the required image files. If the graph needs graphic objects to be used as shapes or otherwise those need to be in the same folder as the graph is going to be rendered from. Alternatively the absolute path to the files can be specified when including the graphics in the graph. The files in the location pointed to by the path(s) specified as arguments to this method will be copied to the same temporary location where the graph is going to be rendered. """ if isinstance( file_paths, basestring ): self.shape_files.append( file_paths ) if isinstance( file_paths, (list, tuple) ): self.shape_files.extend( file_paths ) def set_prog(self, prog): """Sets the default program. Sets the default program in charge of processing the dot file into a graph. """ self.prog = prog def set_graphviz_executables(self, paths): """This method allows to manually specify the location of the GraphViz executables. The argument to this method should be a dictionary where the keys are as follows: {'dot': '', 'twopi': '', 'neato': '', 'circo': '', 'fdp': ''} and the values are the paths to the corresponding executable, including the name of the executable itself. """ self.progs = paths def write(self, path, prog=None, format='raw'): """Writes a graph to a file. Given a filename 'path' it will open/create and truncate such file and write on it a representation of the graph defined by the dot object and in the format specified by 'format'. The format 'raw' is used to dump the string representation of the Dot object, without further processing. The output can be processed by any of graphviz tools, defined in 'prog', which defaults to 'dot' Returns True or False according to the success of the write operation. There's also the preferred possibility of using: write_'format'(path, prog='program') which are automatically defined for all the supported formats. [write_ps(), write_gif(), write_dia(), ...] """ if prog is None: prog = self.prog dot_fd = file(path, "w+b") if format == 'raw': data = self.to_string() if isinstance(data, basestring): if not isinstance(data, unicode): try: data = unicode(data, 'utf-8') except: pass try: data = data.encode('utf-8') except: pass dot_fd.write(data) else: dot_fd.write(self.create(prog, format)) dot_fd.close() return True def create(self, prog=None, format='ps'): """Creates and returns a Postscript representation of the graph. create will write the graph to a temporary dot file and process it with the program given by 'prog' (which defaults to 'twopi'), reading the Postscript output and returning it as a string is the operation is successful. On failure None is returned. There's also the preferred possibility of using: create_'format'(prog='program') which are automatically defined for all the supported formats. [create_ps(), create_gif(), create_dia(), ...] If 'prog' is a list instead of a string the fist item is expected to be the program name, followed by any optional command-line arguments for it: [ 'twopi', '-Tdot', '-s10' ] """ if prog is None: prog = self.prog if isinstance(prog, (list, tuple)): prog, args = prog[0], prog[1:] else: args = [] if self.progs is None: self.progs = find_graphviz() if self.progs is None: raise InvocationException( 'GraphViz\'s executables not found' ) if prog not in self.progs: raise InvocationException( 'GraphViz\'s executable "%s" not found' % prog ) if not os.path.exists( self.progs[prog] ) or not os.path.isfile( self.progs[prog] ): raise InvocationException( 'GraphViz\'s executable "%s" is not a file or doesn\'t exist' % self.progs[prog] ) tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(tmp_fd) self.write(tmp_name) tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(tmp_name ) # For each of the image files... # for img in self.shape_files: # Get its data # f = file(img, 'rb') f_data = f.close() # And copy it under a file with the same name in the temporary directory # f = file( os.path.join( tmp_dir, os.path.basename(img) ), 'wb' ) f.write(f_data) f.close() cmdline = [self.progs[prog], '-T'+format, tmp_name] + args p = subprocess.Popen( cmdline, cwd=tmp_dir, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = p.stderr stdout = p.stdout stdout_output = list() while True: data = if not data: break stdout_output.append(data) stdout.close() stdout_output = ''.join(stdout_output) if not stderr.closed: stderr_output = list() while True: data = if not data: break stderr_output.append(data) stderr.close() if stderr_output: stderr_output = ''.join(stderr_output) #pid, status = os.waitpid(, 0) status = p.wait() if status != 0 : raise InvocationException( 'Program terminated with status: %d. stderr follows: %s' % ( status, stderr_output) ) elif stderr_output: print(stderr_output) # For each of the image files... # for img in self.shape_files: # remove it # os.unlink( os.path.join( tmp_dir, os.path.basename(img) ) ) os.unlink(tmp_name) return stdout_output ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = specializers # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Specializers for various sorts of data layouts and memory alignments. These specializers operate on a copy of the simplified array expression representation (i.e., one with an NDIterate node). This node is replaced with one or several ForNode nodes in a specialized order. For auto-tuning code for tile size and OpenMP size, see """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import copy from functools import reduce try: from functools import wraps except ImportError: def wraps(wrapped): def decorator(wrapper): return wrapper return decorator from . import minivisitor from . import miniutils from . import minitypes from . import minierror from . import codegen strength_reduction = True def debug(*args): sys.stderr.write(" ".join(str(arg) for arg in args) + '\n') def specialize_ast(ast): return copy.deepcopy(ast) class ASTMapper(minivisitor.VisitorTransform): """ Base class to map foreign ASTs onto a minivect AST, or vice-versa. This sets the current node's position in the astbuilder for each node that is being visited, to make it easy to build new AST nodes without passing in source position information everywhere. """ def __init__(self, context): super(ASTMapper, self).__init__(context) self.astbuilder = context.astbuilder def getpos(self, opaque_node): return self.context.getpos(opaque_node) def map_type(self, opaque_node, **kwds): "Return a mapped type for the foreign node." return self.context.typemapper.map_type( self.context.gettype(opaque_node), **kwds) def visit(self, node, *args): prev = self.astbuilder.pos self.astbuilder.pos = node.pos result = super(ASTMapper, self).visit(node) self.astbuilder.pos = prev return result class BaseSpecializer(ASTMapper): """ Base class for specialization. Does not perform any specialization itself. """ def getpos(self, node): return node.pos def get_type(self, type): "Resolve the type to the dtype of the array if an array type" if type.is_array: return type.dtype return type def visit(self, node, *args): result = super(BaseSpecializer, self).visit(node) if result is not None: result.is_specialized = True return result def visit_Node(self, node): # node = copy.copy(node) self.visitchildren(node) return node def init_pending_stats(self, node): """ Allow modifications while visiting some descendant of this node This happens especially while variables are resolved, which calls compute_inner_dim_pointer() """ b = self.astbuilder if not node.is_function: node.prepending = b.stats() node.appending = b.stats() def handle_pending_stats(self, node): """ Handle any pending statements that need to be inserted further up in the AST. """ b = self.astbuilder # self.visitchildren(node.prepending) # self.visitchildren(node.appending) if node.is_function: # prepending is a StatListNode already part of the function body # assert node.prepending in list(self.treepath(node, '//StatListNode')) node.body = b.stats(node.body, node.appending) else: node.body = b.stats(node.prepending, node.body, node.appending) if not self.context.use_llvm: node.body = self.fuse_omp_stats(node.body) def get_loop(self, loop_level): if loop_level: return self.function.for_loops[self.loop_level - 1] return self.function def fuse_omp_stats(self, node): """ Fuse consecutive OpenMPConditionalNodes. """ from . import miniast if not node.stats: return node b = self.astbuilder stats = [node.stats[0]] for next_stat in node.stats[1:]: stat = stats[-1] c1 = isinstance(stat, miniast.OpenMPConditionalNode) c2 = isinstance(next_stat, miniast.OpenMPConditionalNode) if c1 and c2: if_body = None else_body = None if stat.if_body or next_stat.if_body: if_body = b.stats(stat.if_body, next_stat.if_body) if stat.else_body or next_stat.else_body: else_body = b.stats(stat.else_body, next_stat.else_body) stats[-1] = b.omp_if(if_body, else_body) else: stats.append(next_stat) node.stats[:] = stats return node # ### Stubs for cooperative multiple inheritance # def visit_NDIterate(self, node): # Do not visit children return node visit_AssignmentExpr = visit_Node visit_ErrorHandler = visit_Node visit_BinopNode = visit_Node visit_UnopNode = visit_Node visit_IfNode = visit_Node class Specializer(BaseSpecializer): """ Base class for most specializers, provides some basic functionality for subclasses. Implement visit_* methods to specialize nodes to some pattern. Implements implementations to handle errors and cleanups, adds a return statement to the function and can insert debug print statements if context.debug is set to a true value. """ is_contig_specializer = False is_tiled_specializer = False is_vectorizing_specializer = False is_inner_contig_specializer = False is_strided_specializer = False vectorized_equivalents = None def __init__(self, context, specialization_name=None): super(Specializer, self).__init__(context) if specialization_name is not None: self.specialization_name = specialization_name self.variables = {} def _index_list(self, pointer, ndim): "Return a list of indexed pointers" return [self.astbuilder.index(pointer, self.astbuilder.constant(i)) for i in range(ndim)] def _debug_function_call(self, b, node): """ Generate debug print statements when the specialized function is called. """ stats = [ b.print_(b.constant( "Calling function %s (%s specializer)" % ( node.mangled_name, self.specialization_name))) ] if self.is_vectorizing_specializer: stats.append( b.print_(b.constant("Vectorized version size=%d" % self.vector_size))) stats.append( b.print_(b.constant("shape:"), *self._index_list(node.shape, node.ndim))) if self.is_tiled_specializer: stats.append(b.print_(b.constant("blocksize:"), self.get_blocksize())) if not self.is_contig_specializer: for idx, arg in enumerate(node.arguments): if arg.is_array_funcarg: stats.append(b.print_(b.constant("strides operand%d:" % idx), *self._index_list(arg.strides_pointer, arg.type.ndim))) stats.append(b.print_(b.constant("data pointer %d:" % idx), arg.data_pointer)) node.prepending.stats.append(b.stats(*stats)) def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): """ Handle a FunctionNode. Sets node.total_shape to the product of the shape, wraps the function's body in a :py:class:`minivect.miniast.ErrorHandler` if needed and adds a return statement. """ b = self.astbuilder self.compute_total_shape(node) node.mangled_name = self.context.mangle_function_name( # set this so bad people can specialize during code generation time node.specializer = self node.specialization_name = self.specialization_name self.function = node if self.context.debug: self._debug_function_call(b, node) if node.body.may_error(self.context): node.body = b.error_handler(node.body) node.body = b.stats(node.body, b.return_(node.success_value)) self.visitchildren(node) # if not self.is_contig_specializer: # self.compute_temp_strides(b, node) return node def visit_ForNode(self, node): if node.body.may_error(self.context): node.body = self.astbuilder.error_handler(node.body) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_Variable(self, node): if not in self.variables: self.variables[] = node return self.visit_Node(node) def get_data_pointer(self, variable, loop_level): return self.function.args[].data_pointer def omp_for(self, node): """ Insert an OpenMP for loop with an 'if' clause that checks to see whether the total data size exceeds the given OpenMP auto-tuned size. The caller needs to adjust the size, set in the FunctionNode's 'omp_size' attribute, depending on the number of computations. """ if_clause = self.astbuilder.binop(minitypes.bool_, '>', self.function.total_shape, self.function.omp_size) return self.astbuilder.omp_for(node, if_clause) class FinalSpecializer(BaseSpecializer): """ Perform any final specialization and optimizations. The initial specializer is concerned with specializing for the given data layouts, whereas this specializer is concerned with any rewriting of the AST to support fundamental operations. """ vectorized_equivalents = None in_lhs_expr = False should_vectorize = False def __init__(self, context, previous_specializer): super(FinalSpecializer, self).__init__(context) self.previous_specializer = previous_specializer self.sp = previous_specializer self.error_handlers = [] self.loop_level = 0 self.variables = {} self.strides = {} self.outer_pointers = {} self.vector_temps = {} def run_optimizations(self, node): """ Run any optimizations on the AST. Currently only loop-invariant code motion is implemented when broadcasting information is present. """ from . import optimize # TODO: support vectorized specializations if (self.context.optimize_broadcasting and not self.sp.is_contig_specializer or self.sp.is_vectorizing_specializer): optimizer = optimize.HoistBroadcastingExpressions(self.context) node = optimizer.visit(node) return node def visit_Variable(self, node): """ Process variables, which includes arrays and scalars. For arrays, this means retrieving the element from the array. Performs strength reduction for index calculation of array variables. """ if node.type.is_array: tiled = self.sp.is_tiled_specializer last_loop_level = (self.loop_level == self.function.ndim or (self.sp.is_vectorizing_specializer and not self.should_vectorize)) inner_contig = ( self.sp.is_inner_contig_specializer and (last_loop_level or node.hoisted) and (not self.sp.is_strided_specializer or self.sp.matching_contiguity(node.type))) contig = self.sp.is_contig_specializer # Get the array data pointer arg_data_pointer = self.function.args[].data_pointer if self.sp.is_contig_specializer: # Contiguous, no strength reduction needed data_pointer = arg_data_pointer else: # Compute strength reduction pointers for all dimensions leading # up the the dimension this variable occurs in. self.compute_temp_strides(node, inner_contig, tiled=tiled) data_pointer = self.compute_data_pointer( node, arg_data_pointer, inner_contig, tiled) # Get the loop level corresponding to the occurrence of the variable for_node = self.function.for_loops[self.loop_level - 1] if self.should_vectorize: return self.handle_vector_variable(node, data_pointer, for_node, inner_contig, contig) else: element = self.element_location(data_pointer, for_node, inner_contig, contig, tiled=tiled, variable=node) return self.astbuilder.resolved_variable(, node.type, element) else: return node def visit_VectorVariable(self, vector_variable): # use visit_Variable, since is does the strength reduction and such return self.visit_Variable(vector_variable.variable) def element_location(self, data_pointer, for_node, inner_contig, is_contig, tiled, variable): "Return the element in the array for the current index set" b = self.astbuilder def debug(item): if self.context.debug_elements: string = b.constant("Referenced element from %s:" % print_ = self.visit(b.print_(string, item)) for_node = self.function.for_loops[self.loop_level - 1] for_node.prepending.stats.append(print_) if not is_contig: stats = [] for i, stride in enumerate(self.strides[variable]): if stride is not None: string = b.constant("%s step[%d]:" % (, i)) stats.append(b.print_(string, stride)) print_steps = b.stats(*stats) self.function.prepending.stats.append(self.visit(print_steps)) return item if inner_contig or is_contig: # contiguous access, index the data pointer in the inner dimension return debug(b.index(data_pointer, for_node.index)) else: # strided access, this dimension is performing strength reduction, # so we just need to dereference the data pointer return debug(b.dereference(data_pointer)) def handle_vector_variable(self, variable, data_pointer, for_node, inner_contig, is_contig): "Same as `element_location`, except for Vector variables" b = self.astbuilder # For array operands, load reads into registers, and store # writes back into the data pointer. For assignment to a register # we use a vector type, for assignment to a data pointer, the # data pointer type if inner_contig or is_contig: data_pointer = b.add(data_pointer, for_node.index) if self.in_lhs_expr: return data_pointer else: variable = b.vector_variable(variable, self.sp.vector_size) if variable in self.vector_temps: return self.vector_temps[variable] rhs = b.vector_load(data_pointer, self.sp.vector_size) temp = b.temp(variable.type, 'xmm') self.vector_temps[variable] = temp for_node.prepending.stats.append(b.assign(temp, rhs)) return self.visit(temp) def compute_temp_strides(self, variable, handle_inner_dim, tiled=False): """ Compute the temporary strides needed for the strength reduction. These should be small constants, so division should be fast. We could use char * instead of element_type *, but it's nicer to avoid the casts. """ b = self.astbuilder if variable in self.strides: return self.strides[variable] start = 0 stop = variable.type.ndim if handle_inner_dim: if self.sp.order == "F": start = 1 else: stop = stop - 1 self.strides[variable] = strides = [None] * len(self.function.for_loops) for dim in range(start, stop): stride = b.stride(variable, dim) temp_stride = b.temp(stride.type.unqualify("const"), name="%s_stride%d" % (, dim)) stat = b.assign(temp_stride, b.div(stride, b.sizeof(variable.type.dtype))) self.function.prepending.stats.append(stat) strides[dim] = temp_stride return strides def compute_data_pointer(self, variable, argument_data_pointer, handle_inner_dim, tiled): """ Compute the data pointer for the dimension the variable is located in (the loop level). This involves generating a strength reduction in each outer dimension. Variables referring to the same array may be found on different loop levels. """ b = self.astbuilder assert variable.type.is_array pointer_type = argument_data_pointer.type.unqualify("const") loop_level = self.loop_level offset = self.function.ndim - variable.type.ndim stop = loop_level - handle_inner_dim if self.outer_pointers.get(variable): start = len(self.outer_pointers[variable]) if stop <= start: return self.outer_pointers[variable][stop - 1] else: self.outer_pointers[variable] = [] start = max(offset - 1, 0) outer_pointers = self.outer_pointers[variable] temp = argument_data_pointer for_loops = self.function.for_loops[start:stop] def generate_temp(): # Generate: temp_data_pointer = outer_data_pointer temp = b.temp(pointer_type) assmt = b.assign(temp, outer_pointer) outer_node.prepending.stats.append(assmt) return temp # Loop over all outer loop levels for i, for_node in zip(range(start, stop), for_loops): # Allocate a temp_data_pointer on each outer loop level if not outer_pointers: outer_pointer = self.function.args[].data_pointer else: outer_pointer = outer_pointers[-1] if i == 0: outer_node = self.function else: outer_node = self.function.for_loops[i - 1] temp = generate_temp() if for_node.dim < offset: # No stride addition needed continue dim = for_node.dim - offset stride = original_stride = self.strides[variable][dim] assert stride is not None, ('strides', self.strides[variable], 'dim', dim, 'start', start, 'stop', stop, 'offset', offset, 'specializer', self.sp) if for_node.is_controlling_loop: # controlling loop for tiled specializations, multiply by the # tiling blocksize for this dimension stride = b.mul(stride, for_node.blocksize) # Generate: temp_data_pointer += stride stat = b.assign(temp, b.add(temp, stride)) if not outer_pointers: # Outermost loop level, generate some additional OpenMP # parallel-loop-compatible code # Generate: temp_data_pointer = data_pointer + i * stride0 omp_body = b.assign(temp, b.add(outer_pointer, b.mul(original_stride, for_node.index))) for_node.prepending.stats.append(b.omp_if(omp_body)) for_node.appending.stats.append(b.omp_if(None, stat)) omp_for = self.treepath_first(self.function, '//OpenMPLoopNode') if omp_for is not None: omp_for.privates.append(temp) else: for_node.appending.stats.append(stat) self.outer_pointers[variable].append(temp) return temp def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): self.function = node self.indices = self.sp.indices node = self.run_optimizations(node) self.init_pending_stats(node) self.visitchildren(node) self.handle_pending_stats(node) return node def _visit_set_vectorizing_flag(self, node): was_vectorizing = self.should_vectorize self.should_vectorize = node.should_vectorize self.visitchildren(node) self.should_vectorize = was_vectorizing return node def visit_ForNode(self, node): is_nd_fornode = node in self.function.for_loops or node.is_fixup self.loop_level += is_nd_fornode self.init_pending_stats(node) self._visit_set_vectorizing_flag(node) self.handle_pending_stats(node) self.loop_level -= is_nd_fornode return node def visit_IfNode(self, node): self.loop_level += node.is_fixup result = self._visit_set_vectorizing_flag(node) self.loop_level -= node.is_fixup return result def visit_AssignmentExpr(self, node): # assignment expressions should not be nested self.in_lhs_expr = True node.lhs = self.visit(node.lhs) self.in_lhs_expr = False node.rhs = self.visit(node.rhs) if node.lhs.type.is_pointer and node.rhs.type.is_vector: # This expression must be a statement return self.astbuilder.vector_store(node.lhs, node.rhs) return node def visit_TempNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_BinopNode(self, node): type = self.get_type(node.type) if node.operator == '%' and type.is_float and not self.context.use_llvm: # rewrite modulo for floats to fmod() b = self.astbuilder functype = minitypes.FunctionType(return_type=type, args=[type, type]) if type.itemsize == 4: modifier = "f" elif type.itemsize == 8: modifier = "" else: modifier = "l" fmod = b.variable(functype, "fmod%s" % modifier) return self.visit(b.funccall(fmod, [node.lhs, node.rhs])) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_UnopNode(self, node): if node.type.is_vector and node.operator == '-': # rewrite unary subtract type = node.operand.type if type.is_float: constant = 0.0 else: constant = 0 lhs = self.astbuilder.vector_const(type, constant) node = self.astbuilder.binop(type, '-', lhs, node.operand) return self.visit(node) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_DereferenceNode(self, node): node.operand = self.visit(node.operand) if self.context.llvm: node = self.astbuilder.index(node, self.astbuilder.constant(0)) return node def visit_IfElseExprNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) if self.context.use_llvm: # Rewrite 'cond ? x : y' expressions to if/else statements b = self.astbuilder temp = b.temp(node.lhs.type, name='if_temp') stat = b.if_else(node.cond, b.assign(temp, node.lhs), b.assign(temp, node.rhs)) for_node = self.get_loop(self.loop_level) for_node.prepending.stats.append(stat) node = temp return node def visit_PrintNode(self, node): b = self.astbuilder printf_type = minitypes.FunctionType( return_type=minitypes.int_, args=[minitypes.CStringType()], is_vararg=True) printf = b.funcname(printf_type, 'printf') args = [] specifiers = [] for i, arg in enumerate(node.args): specifier, arg = codegen.format_specifier(arg, b) args.append(arg) specifiers.append(specifier) args.insert(0, b.constant(" ".join(specifiers) + "\n")) return b.expr_stat(b.funccall(printf, args)) def visit_PositionInfoNode(self, node): """ Replace with the setting of positional source information in case of an error. """ b = self.astbuidler posinfo = self.function.posinfo if posinfo: pos = node.posinfo return b.stats( b.assign(b.deref(posinfo.filename), b.constant(pos.filename)), b.assign(b.deref(posinfo.lineno), b.constant(pos.lineno)), b.assign(b.deref(posinfo.column), b.constant(pos.column))) def visit_RaiseNode(self, node): """ Generate a call to PyErr_Format() to set an exception. """ from .minitypes import FunctionType, object_ b = self.astbuilder args = [object_] * (2 + len(node.fmt_args)) functype = FunctionType(return_type=object_, args=args) return b.expr_stat( b.funccall(b.funcname(functype, "PyErr_Format"), [node.exc_var, node.msg_val] + node.fmt_args)) def visit_ErrorHandler(self, node): """ See miniast.ErrorHandler for an explanation of what this needs to do. """ b = self.astbuilder node.error_variable = b.temp(minitypes.bool_) node.error_var_init = b.assign(node.error_variable, 0) node.cleanup_jump = b.jump(node.cleanup_label) node.error_target_label = b.jump_target(node.error_label) node.cleanup_target_label = b.jump_target(node.cleanup_label) node.error_set = b.assign(node.error_variable, 1) if self.error_handlers: cascade_code = b.jump(self.error_handlers[-1].error_label) else: cascade_code = b.return_(self.function.error_value) node.cascade = b.if_(node.error_variable, cascade_code) self.error_handlers.append(node) self.visitchildren(node) self.error_handlers.pop() return node def visit_PragmaForLoopNode(self, node): if self.previous_specializer.is_vectorizing_specializer: return self.visit(node.for_node) else: self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_StatListNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return self.fuse_omp_stats(node) class OrderedSpecializer(Specializer): """ Specializer that understands C and Fortran data layout orders. """ vectorized_equivalents = None def compute_total_shape(self, node): """ Compute the product of the shape (entire length of array output). Sets the total shape as attribute of the function (total_shape). """ b = self.astbuilder # compute the product of the shape and insert it into the function body extents = [b.index(node.shape, b.constant(i)) for i in range(node.ndim)] node.total_shape = b.temp(node.shape.type.base_type) init_shape = b.assign(node.total_shape, reduce(b.mul, extents), may_reorder=True) node.body = b.stats(init_shape, node.body) return node.total_shape def loop_order(self, order, ndim=None): """ Returns arguments to (x)range() to process something in C or Fortran order. """ if ndim is None: ndim = self.function.ndim if order == "C": return self.c_loop_order(ndim) else: return self.f_loop_order(ndim) def c_loop_order(self, ndim): return ndim - 1, -1, -1 def f_loop_order(self, ndim): return 0, ndim, 1 def order_indices(self, indices): """ Put the indices of the for loops in the right iteration order. The loops were build backwards (Fortran order), so for C we need to reverse them. Note: the indices are always ordered on the dimension they index """ if self.order == "C": indices.reverse() def ordered_loop(self, node, result_indices, lower=None, upper=None, step=None, loop_order=None): """ Return a ForNode ordered in C or Fortran order. """ b = self.astbuilder if lower is None: lower = lambda i: None if upper is None: upper = lambda i: b.shape_index(i, self.function) if loop_order is None: loop_order = self.loop_order(self.order) indices = [] for_loops = [] for i in range(*loop_order): node = b.for_range_upwards(node, lower=lower(i), upper=upper(i), step=step) node.dim = i for_loops.append(node) indices.append( self.order_indices(indices) result_indices.extend(indices) return for_loops[::-1], node def _index_pointer(self, pointer, indices, strides): """ Return an element for an N-dimensional index into a strided array. """ b = self.astbuilder return b.index_multiple( b.cast(pointer, minitypes.char.pointer()), [b.mul(index, stride) for index, stride in zip(indices, strides)], dest_pointer_type=pointer.type) def _strided_element_location(self, node, indices=None, strides_index_offset=0, ndim=None, pointer=None): """ Like _index_pointer, but given only an array operand indices. It first needs to get the data pointer and stride nodes. """ indices = indices or self.indices b = self.astbuilder if ndim is None: ndim = node.type.ndim if pointer is None: pointer = b.data_pointer(node) indices = [index for index in indices[len(indices) - ndim:]] strides = [b.stride(node, i + strides_index_offset) for i, idx in enumerate(indices)] node = self._index_pointer(pointer, indices, strides) self.visitchildren(node) return node def get_any_array_argument(arguments): for arg in arguments: if arg.type is not None and arg.type.is_array: return arg class CanVectorizeVisitor(minivisitor.TreeVisitor): """ Determines whether we can vectorize a given expression. Currently only support arithmetic on floats and doubles. """ can_vectorize = True def _valid_type(self, type): if type.is_array: type = type.dtype return type.is_float and type.itemsize in (4, 8) def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): array_dtypes = [ arg.type.dtype for arg in node.arguments[1:] if arg.type is not None and arg.type.is_array] all_the_same = miniutils.all( dtype == array_dtypes[0] for dtype in array_dtypes) self.can_vectorize = all_the_same and self._valid_type(array_dtypes[0]) if self.can_vectorize: self.visitchildren(node) def visit_BinopNode(self, node): if node.lhs.type != node.rhs.type or not self._valid_type(node.lhs.type): self.can_vectorize = False else: self.visitchildren(node) def visit_UnopNode(self, node): if self._valid_type(node.type): self.visitchildren(node) else: self.can_vectorize = False def visit_FuncCallNode(self, node): self.can_vectorize = False def visit_NodeWrapper(self, node): # TODO: dispatch to self.context.can_vectorize self.can_vectorize = False def visit_Node(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) def visit_if_should_vectorize(func): """ Visits the given method if we are vectorizing, otherwise visit the superclass' method of :py:class:`VectorizingSpecialization` """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, node): if self.should_vectorize: return func(self, node) else: method = getattr(super(VectorizingSpecializer, self), func.__name__) return method(node) return wrapper class VectorizingSpecializer(Specializer): """ Generate explicitly vectorized code if supported. :param vector_size: number of 32-bit operands in the vector """ is_vectorizing_specializer = True can_vectorize_visitor = CanVectorizeVisitor vectorized_equivalents = None # set in subclasses vector_size = None def __init__(self, context, specialization_name=None): super(VectorizingSpecializer, self).__init__(context, specialization_name) # temporary registers self.temps = {} # Flag to vectorize expressions in a vectorized loop self.should_vectorize = True @classmethod def can_vectorize(cls, context, ast): visitor = cls.can_vectorize_visitor(context) visitor.visit(ast) # print visitor.can_vectorize, ast.pos return visitor.can_vectorize @visit_if_should_vectorize def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): self.dtype = get_any_array_argument(node.arguments).type.dtype return super(VectorizingSpecializer, self).visit_FunctionNode(node) @visit_if_should_vectorize def visit_Variable(self, variable): if variable.type.is_array: variable = self.astbuilder.vector_variable(variable, self.vector_size) return variable @visit_if_should_vectorize def visit_BinopNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) if node.lhs.type.is_vector: # TODO: promotion node = self.astbuilder.vector_binop(node.operator, node.lhs, node.rhs) return node @visit_if_should_vectorize def visit_UnopNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) if node.operand.type.is_vector: if node.operator == '+': node = node.operand else: assert node.operator == '~' raise NotImplementedError node = self.astbuilder.vector_unop(node.type, node.operator, self.visit(node.operand)) return node @visit_if_should_vectorize def visit_ForNode(self, node): node.should_vectorize = True self.visitchildren(node) return node @visit_if_should_vectorize def visit_IfNode(self, node): node.should_vectorize = True self.visitchildren(node) return node def _modify_inner_loop(self, b, elements_per_vector, node, step): """ Turn 'for (i = 0; i < N; i++)' into 'for (i = 0; i < N - 3; i += 4)' for a vector size of 4. In case the data size is not a multiple of 4, we can only SIMDize that part, and need a fixup loop for any remaining elements. Returns the upper limit and the counter (N and i). """ i = node.step.lhs N = node.condition.rhs # Adjust step step = b.mul(step, b.constant(elements_per_vector)) node.step = b.assign_expr(i, b.add(i, step)) # Adjust condition vsize_minus_one = b.constant(elements_per_vector - 1) node.condition.rhs = b.sub(N, vsize_minus_one) return N, i def fixup_loop(self, i, N, body, elements_per_vector): """ Generate a loop to fix up any remaining elements that didn't fit into our SIMD vectors. """ b = self.astbuilder cond = b.binop(minitypes.bool_, '<', i, N) if elements_per_vector - 1 == 1: fixup_loop = b.if_(cond, body) else: # fixup_loop = b.for_range_upwards(body, lower=i, upper=N) init = b.noop_expr() step = b.assign_expr(i, b.add(i, b.constant(1))) fixup_loop = b.for_(body, init, cond, step, index=i) fixup_loop.is_fixup = True self.should_vectorize = False fixup_loop = self.visit(fixup_loop) self.should_vectorize = True return fixup_loop def process_inner_forloop(self, node, original_expression, step=None): """ Process an inner loop, adjusting the step accordingly and injecting any temporary assignments where necessary. Returns the fixup loop, needed when the data size is not a multiple of the vector size. :param original_expression: original, unmodified, array expression ( the body of the NDIterate node) """ b = self.astbuilder if step is None: step = b.constant(1) elements_per_vector = self.vector_size * 4 / self.dtype.itemsize N, i = self._modify_inner_loop(b, elements_per_vector, node, step) return self.fixup_loop(i, N, original_expression, elements_per_vector) class StridedCInnerContigSpecializer(OrderedSpecializer): """ Specialize on the first or last dimension being contiguous (depending on the 'order' attribute). """ specialization_name = "inner_contig" order = "C" is_inner_contig_specializer = True vectorized_equivalents = None def __init__(self, context, specialization_name=None): super(StridedCInnerContigSpecializer, self).__init__( context, specialization_name) self.indices = [] def _generate_inner_loop(self, b, node): """ Generate innermost loop, injecting the pointer assignments in the right place """ loop = node if len(self.indices) > 1: for index in self.indices[:-2]: loop = node.body self.inner_loop = loop.body loop.body = b.pragma_for(self.inner_loop) node = self.omp_for(node) else: self.inner_loop = loop node = self.omp_for(b.pragma_for(self.inner_loop)) return loop, node def _vectorize_inner_loop(self, b, loop, node, original_expr): "Vectorize the inner loop and insert the fixup loop" if self.is_vectorizing_specializer: fixup_loop = self.process_inner_forloop(self.inner_loop, original_expr) if len(self.indices) > 1: loop.body = b.stats(loop.body, fixup_loop) else: node = b.stats(node, fixup_loop) return node def visit_NDIterate(self, node): """ Replace this node with ordered loops and a direct index into a temporary data pointer in the contiguous dimension. """ b = self.astbuilder assert not list(self.treepath(node, '//NDIterate')) original_expr = specialize_ast(node.body) # start by generating a C or Fortran ordered loop self.function.for_loops, node = self.ordered_loop(node.body, self.indices) loop, node = self._generate_inner_loop(b, node) result = self.visit(node) node = self._vectorize_inner_loop(b, loop, node, original_expr) return result def index(self, loop_level): if self.order == 'C': return self.indices[loop_level] else: return self.indices[-loop_level] def strided_indices(self): "Return the list of strided indices for this order" return self.indices[:-1] def contig_index(self): "The contiguous index" return self.indices[-1] def get_data_pointer(self, variable, loop_level): return self.compute_inner_dim_pointer(variable, loop_level) class StridedFortranInnerContigSpecializer(StridedCInnerContigSpecializer): """ Specialize on the first dimension being contiguous. """ order = "F" specialization_name = "inner_contig_fortran" vectorized_equivalents = None def strided_indices(self): return self.indices[1:] def contig_index(self): return self.indices[0] class StrengthReducingStridedSpecializer(StridedCInnerContigSpecializer): """ Specialize on strided operands. If some operands are contiguous in the dimension compatible with the order we are specializing for (the first if Fortran, the last if C), then perform a direct index into a temporary date pointer. For strided operands, perform strength reduction in the inner dimension by adding the stride to the data pointer in each iteration. """ specialization_name = "strided" order = "C" is_strided_specializer = True vectorized_equivalents = None def matching_contiguity(self, type): """ Check whether the array operand for the given type can be directly indexed. """ return ((type.is_c_contig and self.order == "C") or (type.is_f_contig and self.order == "F")) def visit_NDIterate(self, node): b = self.astbuilder outer_loop = super(StridedSpecializer, self).visit_NDIterate(node) # outer_loop = self.strength_reduce_inner_dimension(outer_loop, # self.inner_loop) return outer_loop def strength_reduce_inner_dimension(self, outer_loop, inner_loop): """ Reduce the strength of strided array operands in the inner dimension, by adding the stride to the temporary pointer. """ b = self.astbuilder outer_stats = [] stats = [] for arg in self.function.arguments: type = arg.variable.type if type is None: continue contig = self.matching_contiguity(type) if arg.variable in self.pointers and not contig: p = self.pointers[arg.variable] if self.order == "C": inner_dim = type.ndim - 1 else: inner_dim = 0 # Implement: temp_stride = strides[inner_dim] / sizeof(dtype) stride = b.stride(arg.variable, inner_dim) temp_stride = b.temp(stride.type.qualify("const"), name="temp_stride") outer_stats.append( b.assign(temp_stride, b.div(stride, b.sizeof(type.dtype)))) # Implement: temp_pointer += temp_stride stats.append(b.assign(p, b.add(p, temp_stride))) inner_loop.body = b.stats(inner_loop.body, *stats) outer_stats.append(outer_loop) return b.stats(*outer_stats) class StrengthReducingStridedFortranSpecializer( StridedFortranInnerContigSpecializer, StrengthReducingStridedSpecializer): """ Specialize on Fortran order for strided operands and apply strength reduction in the inner dimension. """ specialization_name = "strided_fortran" order = "F" vectorized_equivalents = None class StridedSpecializer(StridedCInnerContigSpecializer): """ Specialize on strided operands. If some operands are contiguous in the dimension compatible with the order we are specializing for (the first if Fortran, the last if C), then perform a direct index into a temporary date pointer. """ specialization_name = "strided" order = "C" vectorized_equivalents = None is_strided_specializer = True def matching_contiguity(self, type): """ Check whether the array operand for the given type can be directly indexed. """ return ((type.is_c_contig and self.order == "C") or (type.is_f_contig and self.order == "F")) def _element_location(self, variable, loop_level): """ Generate a strided or directly indexed load of a single element. """ #if variable in self.pointers: if self.matching_contiguity(variable.type): return super(StridedSpecializer, self)._element_location(variable, loop_level) b = self.astbuilder pointer = self.get_data_pointer(variable, loop_level) indices = [self.contig_index()] if self.order == "C": inner_dim = variable.type.ndim - 1 else: inner_dim = 0 strides = [b.stride(variable, inner_dim)] return self._index_pointer(pointer, indices, strides) class StridedFortranSpecializer(StridedFortranInnerContigSpecializer, StridedSpecializer): """ Specialize on Fortran order for strided operands. """ specialization_name = "strided_fortran" order = "F" vectorized_equivalents = None if strength_reduction: StridedSpecializer = StrengthReducingStridedSpecializer StridedFortranSpecializer = StrengthReducingStridedFortranSpecializer class ContigSpecializer(OrderedSpecializer): """ Specialize on all specializations being contiguous (all F or all C). """ specialization_name = "contig" is_contig_specializer = True def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): node = super(ContigSpecializer, self).visit_FunctionNode(node) self.astbuilder.create_function_type(node, strides_args=False) return node def visit_NDIterate(self, node): """ Generate a single ForNode over the total data size. """ b = self.astbuilder original_expr = specialize_ast(node.body) node = super(ContigSpecializer, self).visit_NDIterate(node) for_node = b.for_range_upwards(node.body, upper=self.function.total_shape) self.function.for_loops = [for_node] self.indices = [for_node.index] node = self.omp_for(b.pragma_for(for_node)) = node = self.visit(node) if self.is_vectorizing_specializer: fixup_loop = self.process_inner_forloop(for_node, original_expr) node = b.stats(node, fixup_loop) return node def visit_StridePointer(self, node): return None def _element_location(self, node, loop_level): "Directly index the data pointer" data_pointer = self.astbuilder.data_pointer(node) return self.astbuilder.index(data_pointer, def index(self, loop_level): return def contig_index(self): return class CTiledStridedSpecializer(StridedSpecializer): """ Generate tiled code for the last two (C) or first two (F) dimensions. The blocksize may be overridden through the get_blocksize method, in a specializer subclass or mixin (see miniast.Context.specializer_mixin_cls). """ specialization_name = "tiled" order = "C" is_tiled_specializer = True vectorized_equivalents = None def get_blocksize(self): """ Get the tile size. Override in subclasses to provide e.g. parametric tiling. """ return self.astbuilder.constant(64) def tiled_order(self): "Tile in the last two dimensions" return self.function.ndim - 1, self.function.ndim - 1 - 2, -1 def untiled_order(self): return self.function.ndim - 1 - 2, -1, -1 def visit_NDIterate(self, node): assert self.function.ndim >= 2 return self._tile_in_two_dimensions(node) def _tile_in_two_dimensions(self, node): """ This version generates tiling loops in the first or last two dimensions (depending on C or Fortran order). """ b = self.astbuilder self.tiled_indices = [] self.indices = [] self.blocksize = self.get_blocksize() # Generate the two outer tiling loops tiled_loop_body = b.stats(b.constant(0)) # fake empty loop body controlling_loops, body = self.ordered_loop( tiled_loop_body, self.tiled_indices, step=self.blocksize, loop_order=self.tiled_order()) del tiled_loop_body.stats[:] # Generate some temporaries to store the upper limit of the inner # tiled loops upper_limits = {} stats = [] # sort the indices in forward order, to match up with the ordered # indices tiled_order = sorted(range(*self.tiled_order())) for i, index in zip(tiled_order, self.tiled_indices): upper_limit = b.temp(index.type) tiled_loop_body.stats.append( b.assign(upper_limit, b.min(b.add(index, self.blocksize), b.shape_index(i, self.function)))) upper_limits[i] = upper_limit tiled_indices = dict(zip(tiled_order, self.tiled_indices)) def lower(i): if i in tiled_indices: return tiled_indices[i] return None def upper(i): if i in upper_limits: return upper_limits[i] return b.shape_index(i, self.function) # Generate the inner tiled loops outer_for_node = node.body inner_body = node.body tiling_loops, inner_loops = self.ordered_loop( node.body, self.indices, lower=lower, upper=upper, loop_order=self.tiled_order()) tiled_loop_body.stats.append(inner_loops) innermost_loop = inner_loops.body # Generate the outer loops (in case the array operands have more than # two dimensions) indices = [] outer_loops, body = self.ordered_loop(body, indices, loop_order=self.untiled_order()) body = self.omp_for(body) # At this point, 'self.indices' are the indices of the tiled loop # (the indices in the first two dimensions for Fortran, # the indices in the last two # dimensions for C) # 'indices' are the indices of the outer loops if self.order == "C": self.indices = indices + self.indices else: self.indices = self.indices + indices # if strength_reduction: # body = self.strength_reduce_inner_dimension(body, innermost_loop) for dim, for_node in enumerate(controlling_loops): for_node.is_controlling_loop = True for_node.blocksize = self.blocksize for dim, for_node in enumerate(tiling_loops): for_node.is_tiling_loop = True self.set_dims(controlling_loops) self.set_dims(tiling_loops) self.function.controlling_loops = controlling_loops self.function.tiling_loops = tiling_loops self.function.outer_loops = outer_loops self.function.for_loops = outer_loops + controlling_loops + tiling_loops self.function.lower_tiling_limits = tiled_indices self.function.upper_tiling_limits = upper_limits return self.visit(body) def set_dims(self, tiled_loops): "Set the 'dim' attributes of the tiling and controlling loops" # We need to reverse our tiled order, since this order is used to # build up the for nodes in reverse. We have an ordered list of for # nodes. tiled_order = reversed(range(*self.tiled_order())) for dim, for_node in zip(tiled_order, tiled_loops): for_node.dim = dim def _tile_in_all_dimensions(self, node): """ This version generates tiling loops in all dimensions. """ b = self.astbuilder self.tiled_indices = [] self.indices = [] self.blocksize = self.get_blocksize() tiled_loop_body = b.stats(b.constant(0)) # fake empty loop body controlling_loops, body = self.ordered_loop(tiled_loop_body, self.tiled_indices, step=self.blocksize) body = self.omp_for(body) del tiled_loop_body.stats[:] upper_limits = [] stats = [] for i, index in enumerate(self.tiled_indices): upper_limit = b.temp(index.type) tiled_loop_body.stats.append( b.assign(upper_limit, b.min(b.add(index, self.blocksize), b.shape_index(i, self.function)))) upper_limits.append(upper_limit) tiling_loops, inner_body = self.ordered_loop( node.body, self.indices, lower=lambda i: self.tiled_indices[i], upper=lambda i: upper_limits[i]) tiled_loop_body.stats.append(inner_body) self.function.controlling_loops = controlling_loops self.function.tiling_loops = tiling_loops self.function.outer_loops = [] self.function.for_loops = tiling_loops return self.visit(body) def strided_indices(self): return self.indices[:-1] + [self.tiled_indices[1]] def _element_location(self, variable, loop_level): """ Return data + i * strides[0] + j * strides[1] when we are not using strength reduction. Otherwise generate temp_data += strides[1]. For this to work, temp_data must be set to data + i * strides[0] + outer_j * strides[1]. This happens through _compute_inner_dim_pointers with tiled=True. """ if strength_reduction: return super(CTiledStridedSpecializer, self)._element_location( variable, loop_level) else: return self._strided_element_location(variable) def get_data_pointer(self, variable, loop_level): return self.compute_inner_dim_pointer(variable, loop_level, tiled=True) class FTiledStridedSpecializer(StridedFortranSpecializer, #StrengthReducingStridedFortranSpecializer, CTiledStridedSpecializer): "Tile in Fortran order" specialization_name = "tiled_fortran" order = "F" def tiled_order(self): "Tile in the first two dimensions" return 0, 2, 1 def untiled_order(self): return 2, self.function.ndim, 1 def strided_indices(self): return [self.tiled_indices[0]] + self.indices[1:] # ### Vectorized specializer equivalents # def create_vectorized_specializers(specializer_cls): """ Creates Vectorizing specializer classes from the given specializer for SSE and AVX. """ bases = (VectorizingSpecializer, specializer_cls) d = dict(vectorized_equivalents=None) name = 'Vectorized%%d%s' % specializer_cls.__name__ cls1 = type(name % 4, bases, dict(d, vector_size=4)) cls2 = type(name % 8, bases, dict(d, vector_size=8)) return cls1, cls2 ContigSpecializer.vectorized_equivalents = ( create_vectorized_specializers(ContigSpecializer)) StridedCInnerContigSpecializer.vectorized_equivalents = ( create_vectorized_specializers(StridedCInnerContigSpecializer)) StridedFortranInnerContigSpecializer.vectorized_equivalents = ( create_vectorized_specializers(StridedFortranInnerContigSpecializer)) # ### Create cict of all specializers # _specializer_list = [ ContigSpecializer, StridedCInnerContigSpecializer, StridedFortranInnerContigSpecializer, StridedSpecializer, StridedFortranSpecializer, CTiledStridedSpecializer, FTiledStridedSpecializer, ] specializers = {} for sp in _specializer_list: specializers[sp.specialization_name] = sp vectorizers = getattr(sp, 'vectorized_equivalents', None) if vectorizers: specializers[sp.specialization_name + '_sse'] = vectorizers[0] specializers[sp.specialization_name + '_avx'] = vectorizers[1] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvm_testutils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from . import testutils from .testutils import * llvm_context = context = get_llvm_context() b = context.astbuilder #context.debug = True # context.debug_elements = True def get_array(shape=(130, 160), dtype=np.float32, order='C'): return np.arange(, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape, order=order) def specialize(specializer_cls, ast, context=None, print_tree=False): return testutils.specialize(specializer_cls, ast, context=context or llvm_context, print_tree=print_tree) class MiniFunction(miniutils.MiniFunction): def __init__(self, sp_name, variables, expr, name=None, context=None): context = context or llvm_context specializer = sps[sp_name] super(MiniFunction, self).__init__(context, specializer, variables, expr, name) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = testutils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Module providing some test utilities. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import sys import miniast import specializers import minitypes import miniutils import codegen import treepath from minitypes import * from miniutils import * from xmldumper import * from specializers import specializers as sps from ctypes_conversion import get_data_pointer, convert_to_ctypes def getcontext(): return miniast.CContext() def get_llvm_context(): context = miniast.LLVMContext() context.shape_type = minitypes.npy_intp.pointer() context.strides_type = context.shape_type return context def build_vars(*types): return [b.variable(type, 'op%d' % i) for i, type in enumerate(types)] def build_function(variables, body, name=None): qualify = lambda type: type.qualify("const", "restrict") func = context.astbuilder.build_function(variables, body, name) func.shape.type = qualify(func.shape.type) for arg in func.arguments: if arg.type.is_array: arg.data_pointer.type = qualify(arg.data_pointer.type) arg.strides_pointer.type = qualify(arg.strides_pointer.type) return func def specialize(specializer_cls, ast, context=None, print_tree=False): context = context or getcontext() return miniutils.specialize(context, specializer_cls, ast, print_tree=print_tree) def run(specializers, ast): context = getcontext() for result in, specializers): _, specialized_ast, _, (proto, impl) = result yield specialized_ast, impl def toxml(function): return xmldumper.XMLDumper(context).visit(function) # Convenience variables context = getcontext() b = context.astbuilder ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_hoisting # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test loop-invariant code motion. Write more tests with different associations. NOTE: most of the tests are part of Cython: """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from .testutils import * import pytest cinner = sps['inner_contig'] @pytest.mark.skipif('not xmldumper.have_lxml') def test_hoist(): """ >> test_hoist() """ type1 = double[:, :] type2 = double[:, :] type1.broadcasting = (False, False) type2.broadcasting = (False, True) var1, var2 = vars = build_vars(type1, type2) expr = b.add(var1, b.add(var2, var2)) expr = b.add(var1, var2) body = b.assign(var1, expr) func = build_function(vars, body) result_ast, code_output = specialize(cinner, func) e = toxml(result_ast) assert e.xpath('not(//NDIterate)') # Check the loop level of the hoisted expression op1, op2 = e.xpath( '//FunctionNode//ArrayFunctionArgument/DataPointer/@value') broadcasting_pointer_temp, = e.xpath( '//AssignmentExpr[./rhs/DataPointer[@value="%s"]]/lhs/TempNode/@value' % op2) q = '//ForNode[.//AssignmentExpr/rhs//TempNode[@value="%s"]]/@loop_level' loop_level, = e.xpath(q % broadcasting_pointer_temp) assert loop_level == "0", loop_level def test_hoist_3d(): """ >>> test_hoist_3d() """ type1 = npy_intp[:, :, :] type2 = npy_intp[:, :, :] type3 = npy_intp[:, :, :] type1.broadcasting = (False, True, True) type2.broadcasting = (True, False, True) type3.broadcasting = (True, True, False) out_type = npy_intp[:, :, :] out, var1, var2, var3 = vars = build_vars(out_type, type1, type2, type3) #v1 = b.mul(var1, var2) #v2 = b.mul(var2, var2) #v3 = b.mul(var3, var3) expr = b.mul(b.mul(var1, var2), var3) body = b.assign(out, expr) func = build_function(vars, body) result_ast, code_output = specialize(cinner, func) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_operators # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from .llvm_testutils import * def build_expr(type, op): out, v1, v2 = vars = build_vars(type, type, type) expr = b.assign(out, b.binop(type, op, v1, v2)) return vars, expr def build_kernel(specialization_name, ndim, type, op, **kw): vars, expr = build_expr(minitypes.ArrayType(type, ndim, **kw), op) func = MiniFunction(specialization_name, vars, expr, '%s_%s_%s' % (specialization_name,, op)) return func comparison_operators = ['<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '!='] arithmetic_operators = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%'] # + ['**'] + # + comparison_operators #bitwise_operators = ['<<', '>>', '|', '^', '&'] bitwise_operators = ['|', '^', '&'] a = np.random.random_sample((10, 20)) def _impl(type, op, x, y): func = build_kernel('strided', 2, type, op) dtype = minitypes.map_minitype_to_dtype(type) x = x.astype(dtype) y = y.astype(dtype) numpy_result = eval('a %s b' % (op,), {'a': x, 'b': y}) our_result = func(x, y) assert np.all(numpy_result == our_result) @parametrize(type=[short, int32, int64, float_, double], op=arithmetic_operators) def test_arithmetic_operators(type, op): x = a y = np.arange(1, 10 * 20 + 1).reshape(10, 20) _impl(type, op, x, y) @parametrize(type=[short, int32, int64], op=bitwise_operators) def test_bitwise_operators(type, op): _impl(type, op, a * 100, a * 10) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_specializations # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from .llvm_testutils import * def build_expr(type): out, v1, v2, v3 = vars = build_vars(type, type, type, type) expr = b.assign(out, b.add(v1, b.mul(v2, v3))) return vars, expr def build_kernel(specialization_name, ndim, **kw): vars, expr = build_expr(minitypes.ArrayType(float_, ndim, **kw)) func = MiniFunction(specialization_name, vars, expr, '%s_%d' % (specialization_name, ndim)) return func def build_kernels(specialization_name, min_ndim=1, max_ndim=3, **kw): return [build_kernel(specialization_name, ndim) for ndim in range(min_ndim, max_ndim + 1)] arrays2d = [get_array(), get_array(), get_array()] arrays1d = [a[0] for a in arrays2d] arrays3d = [a[:, None, :] for a in arrays2d] arrays = [(arrays1d, arrays2d, arrays3d)] """ Generate tests, but skip vectorized versions (not supported for llvm code backend yet) """ specializations = [s for s in sps.keys() if not s.endswith(('_sse', '_avx'))] print(specializations) @parametrize(arrays=arrays, specialization_name=specializations, ndim=range(1, 4)) def test_specializations(arrays, specialization_name, ndim): if 'tiled' in specialization_name and ndim < 2: return # FIXME: these fail if specialization_name == 'inner_contig_fortran' and ndim >= 2: return if 'fortran' in specialization_name: arrays = [(x.T, y.T, z.T) for x, y, z in arrays] func = build_kernel(specialization_name, ndim) x, y, z = arrays[ndim - 1] print((x.strides, y.strides, z.strides)) assert np.all(func(x, y, z) == x + y * z) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = treepath # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Taken from Cython/Compiler/ A simple XPath-like language for tree traversal. This works by creating a filter chain of generator functions. Each function selects a part of the expression, e.g. a child node, a specific descendant or a node that holds an attribute. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import re import sys path_tokenizer = re.compile( "(" "'[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\"|" "//?|" "\(\)|" "==?|" "[/.*\[\]\(\)@])|" "([^/\[\]\(\)@=\s]+)|" "\s+" ).findall def iterchildren(node, attr_name): # returns an iterable of all child nodes of that name child = getattr(node, attr_name) if child is not None: if isinstance(child, list): return child else: return [child] else: return () def _get_first_or_none(it): try: try: _next = it.__next__ except AttributeError: return next(it) else: return _next() except StopIteration: return None def type_name(node): return node.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1] def parse_func(next, token): name = token[1] token = next() if token[0] != '(': raise ValueError("Expected '(' after function name '%s'" % name) predicate = handle_predicate(next, token) return name, predicate def handle_func_not(next, token): """ not(...) """ name, predicate = parse_func(next, token) def select(result): for node in result: if _get_first_or_none(predicate([node])) is None: yield node return select def handle_name(next, token): """ /NodeName/ or func(...) """ name = token[1] if name in functions: return functions[name](next, token) def select(result): for node in result: for attr_name in node.child_attrs: for child in iterchildren(node, attr_name): if type_name(child) == name: yield child return select def handle_star(next, token): """ /*/ """ def select(result): for node in result: for name in node.child_attrs: for child in iterchildren(node, name): yield child return select def handle_dot(next, token): """ /./ """ def select(result): return result return select def handle_descendants(next, token): """ //... """ token = next() if token[0] == "*": def iter_recursive(node): for name in node.child_attrs: for child in iterchildren(node, name): yield child for c in iter_recursive(child): yield c elif not token[0]: node_name = token[1] def iter_recursive(node): for name in node.child_attrs: for child in iterchildren(node, name): if type_name(child) == node_name: yield child for c in iter_recursive(child): yield c else: raise ValueError("Expected node name after '//'") def select(result): for node in result: for child in iter_recursive(node): yield child return select def handle_attribute(next, token): token = next() if token[0]: raise ValueError("Expected attribute name") name = token[1] value = None try: token = next() except StopIteration: pass else: if token[0] == '=': value = parse_path_value(next) if sys.version_info >= (2,6) or (sys.version_info >= (2,4) and '.' not in name): import operator readattr = operator.attrgetter(name) else: name_path = name.split('.') def readattr(node): attr_value = node for attr in name_path: attr_value = getattr(attr_value, attr) return attr_value if value is None: def select(result): for node in result: try: attr_value = readattr(node) except AttributeError: continue if attr_value is not None: yield attr_value else: def select(result): for node in result: try: attr_value = readattr(node) except AttributeError: continue if attr_value == value: yield attr_value return select def parse_path_value(next): token = next() value = token[0] if value: if value[:1] == "'" or value[:1] == '"': return value[1:-1] try: return int(value) except ValueError: pass else: name = token[1].lower() if name == 'true': return True elif name == 'false': return False raise ValueError("Invalid attribute predicate: '%s'" % value) def handle_predicate(next, token): token = next() selector = [] while token[0] != ']': selector.append( operations[token[0]](next, token) ) try: token = next() except StopIteration: break else: if token[0] == "/": token = next() if not token[0] and token[1] == 'and': return logical_and(selector, handle_predicate(next, token)) def select(result): for node in result: subresult = iter((node,)) for select in selector: subresult = select(subresult) predicate_result = _get_first_or_none(subresult) if predicate_result is not None: yield node return select def logical_and(lhs_selects, rhs_select): def select(result): for node in result: subresult = iter((node,)) for select in lhs_selects: subresult = select(subresult) predicate_result = _get_first_or_none(subresult) subresult = iter((node,)) if predicate_result is not None: for result_node in rhs_select(subresult): yield node return select operations = { "@": handle_attribute, "": handle_name, "*": handle_star, ".": handle_dot, "//": handle_descendants, "[": handle_predicate, } functions = { 'not' : handle_func_not } def _build_path_iterator(path): # parse pattern stream = iter([ (special,text) for (special,text) in path_tokenizer(path) if special or text ]) try: _next = stream.__next__ except AttributeError: # Python 3 def _next(): return next(stream) token = _next() selector = [] while True: try: selector.append(operations[token[0]](_next, token)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("invalid path") try: token = _next() if token[0] == "/": token = _next() except StopIteration: break return selector # main module API def iterfind(node, path): selector_chain = _build_path_iterator(path) result = iter((node,)) for select in selector_chain: result = select(result) return result def find_first(node, path): return _get_first_or_none(iterfind(node, path)) def find_all(node, path): return list(iterfind(node, path)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = type_promoter # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Promote and demote values of differing types in a minivect AST. This is run before code generation. In LLVM types need to be equivalent for binary operations. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import copy from . import minivisitor from . import miniutils from . import minitypes from . import minierror comparison_ops = set(['<', '>', '==', '!=', '>=', '<=',]) class TypePromoter(minivisitor.GenericTransform): """ Promote and demote values of differing types. """ def resolve_type(self, node): if node.type.is_array: node.type = node.type.dtype def promote(self, dst_type, node): return self.context.astbuilder.promote(dst_type, node) def visit_UnopNode(self, node): self.resolve_type(node) node.operand = self.promote(node.type, self.visit(node.operand)) return node def visit_BinopNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) self.resolve_type(node) if node.operator in comparison_ops: dst_type = self.context.promote_types(node.lhs.type, node.rhs.type) else: dst_type = node.type if dst_type.is_pointer: return node return self.handle_binop(dst_type, node) def visit_VectorStoreNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return node def handle_binop(self, dst_type, node): node.lhs = self.promote(dst_type, node.lhs) node.rhs = self.promote(dst_type, node.rhs) return node def visit_AssignmentExpr(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) self.resolve_type(node) return self.handle_binop(node.lhs.type, node) def visit_ResolvedVariable(self, node): return self.visit(node.element) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = xmldumper # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Convert a miniast to an XML document using ElementTree. This allows us to write XPath unit tests, or just serialize the AST. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import __all__ = ['etree', 'tostring', 'XMLDumper'] from . import miniutils try: from lxml import etree have_lxml = True except ImportError: have_lxml = False try: # Python 2.5 from xml.etree import cElementTree as etree except ImportError: try: # Python 2.5 from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree except ImportError: try: # normal cElementTree install import cElementTree as etree except ImportError: try: # normal ElementTree install import elementtree.ElementTree as etree except ImportError: etree = miniutils.UnavailableImport("elementtree") from . import minivisitor class XMLDumper(minivisitor.PrintTree): loop_level = 0 def visit_FunctionNode(self, node): self.treebuilder = etree.TreeBuilder() self.visit_Node(node) return self.treebuilder.close() def start(self, node, attrs={}): name = type(node).__name__ format_value = self.format_value(node) if format_value: attrs = dict(attrs, value=format_value, id=hex(id(node)), type=node.type) attrs = dict((k, str(v)) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()) self.treebuilder.start(name, attrs) return name def visit_BinaryOperationNode(self, node): name = self.start(node) self.treebuilder.start('lhs', {}) self.visit(node.lhs) self.treebuilder.end('lhs') self.treebuilder.start('rhs', {}) self.visit(node.rhs) self.treebuilder.end('rhs') self.treebuilder.end(name) def visit_ForNode(self, node): attrs = dict(loop_level=self.loop_level, is_fixup=node.is_fixup, is_controlling_loop=node.is_controlling_loop, is_tiling_loop=node.is_tiling_loop) self.loop_level += 1 self.visit_Node(node, attrs) self.loop_level -= 1 def visit_Node(self, node, attrs={}): name = self.start(node, attrs) self.visitchildren(node) self.treebuilder.end(name) def tostring(xml_root_element): et = etree.ElementTree(xml_root_element) kw = {} if have_lxml: kw['pretty_print'] = True return etree.tostring(et, encoding='UTF-8', **kw) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = missing import ast class FixMissingLocations(ast.NodeVisitor): """ Fix missing source position information. """ def __init__(self, lineno, col_offset, override=False): self.lineno = lineno self.col_offset = col_offset self.override = override def visit(self, node): super(FixMissingLocations, self).visit(node) if not hasattr(node, 'lineno') or self.override: node.lineno = self.lineno node.col_offset = self.col_offset else: self.lineno = node.lineno self.col_offset = node.col_offset ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = multiarray_api # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''multiarray_api Defines a utility class for generating LLVM code that retrieves values out of the Numpy array C API PyCObject/capsule. ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # ______________________________________________________________________ import ctypes import llvm.core as lc import as le from numpy.core.multiarray import _ARRAY_API from .llvm_types import _int1, _int8, _int32, _int64, _intp, \ _void_star, _void_star_star, \ _numpy_struct, _numpy_array, _pyobject_head_struct_p, _numpy_array_field_ofs from .scrape_multiarray_api import get_include, process_source from numba import PY3 if PY3: xrange = range # ______________________________________________________________________ try: PyCObject_AsVoidPtr = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCObject_AsVoidPtr except AttributeError: def PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(o): raise TypeError("Not available") else: PyCObject_AsVoidPtr.restype = ctypes.c_void_p PyCObject_AsVoidPtr.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object] PyCObject_GetDesc = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCObject_GetDesc PyCObject_GetDesc.restype = ctypes.c_void_p PyCObject_GetDesc.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object] try: PyCapsule_IsValid = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_IsValid except AttributeError: def PyCapsule_IsValid(capsule, name): raise TypeError("Not available") def PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule, name): raise TypeError("Not available") else: PyCapsule_IsValid.restype = ctypes.c_int PyCapsule_IsValid.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p] PyCapsule_GetPointer = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer PyCapsule_GetPointer.restype = ctypes.c_void_p PyCapsule_GetPointer.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p] PyCapsule_GetContext = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetContext PyCapsule_GetContext.restype = ctypes.c_void_p PyCapsule_GetContext.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object] class MultiarrayAPI (object): _type_map = { 'char' : _int8, 'int' : _int32, # Based on mixed gcc/clang experiments, # assuming sizeof(int) == 4 appears to # hold true, even on 64-bit systems. 'unsigned char' : _int8, # XXX Loses unsigneded-ness 'unsigned int' : _int32, # XXX 'void' : lc.Type.void(), 'npy_bool' : _int1, 'npy_intp' : _intp, 'npy_uint32' : _int32, # XXX 'PyArrayObject' : _numpy_struct, 'double' : lc.Type.double(), 'size_t' : _intp, # XXX 'npy_int64' : _int64, 'npy_datetime' : _int64, # npy_common.h 'npy_timedelta' : _int64, # npy_common.h } @classmethod def non_fn_ty_to_llvm (cls, c_ty_str): npointer = c_ty_str.count('*') if npointer == 0: base_ty = c_ty_str else: base_ty = c_ty_str[:-npointer].strip() if base_ty == 'void' and npointer > 0: base_ty = _int8 elif base_ty not in cls._type_map: if npointer > 0: base_ty = _int8 # Basically cast into void * else: base_ty = _int32 # Or an int. else: base_ty = cls._type_map[base_ty] ret_val = base_ty for _ in xrange(npointer): ret_val = lc.Type.pointer(ret_val) return ret_val @classmethod def c_ty_str_to_llvm (cls, c_ty_str): ty_str_fn_split = [substr.strip() for substr in c_ty_str.split('(*)')] ret_val = cls.non_fn_ty_to_llvm(ty_str_fn_split[0]) if len(ty_str_fn_split) > 1: arg_ty_strs = ty_str_fn_split[1][1:-1].split(', ') if len(arg_ty_strs) == 1 and arg_ty_strs[0].strip() == 'void': arg_ty_strs = [] arg_tys = [cls.non_fn_ty_to_llvm(arg_ty_str.strip()) for arg_ty_str in arg_ty_strs] ret_val = lc.Type.pointer(lc.Type.function(ret_val, arg_tys)) return ret_val def _add_loader (self, symbol_name, symbol_index, symbol_type): def _load_symbol (module, builder): api = module.get_global_variable_named('PyArray_API') load_val = builder.load( builder.gep( builder.load(api), [, symbol_index)])) return builder.bitcast(load_val, symbol_type, name=symbol_name) fn_name = "load_" + symbol_name _load_symbol.__name__ = fn_name setattr(self, fn_name, _load_symbol) return _load_symbol def __init__ (self, include_source_path = None): if include_source_path is None: include_source_path = get_include() self.api_map = process_source(include_source_path) for symbol_name, (symbol_index, c_ty_str) in self.api_map.items(): symbol_type = self.c_ty_str_to_llvm(c_ty_str) self._add_loader(symbol_name, symbol_index, symbol_type) setattr(self, symbol_name + '_ty', symbol_type) self.api_addr = None # Fallback for missing API self._add_missing_PyArray_SetBaseObject() def _add_missing_PyArray_SetBaseObject(self): '''Implement PyArray_SetBaseObject for old numpy API ''' if hasattr(self, 'load_PyArray_SetBaseObject'): return def impl(module, builder_unused): fty = lc.Type.function(_int32, [_numpy_array, _pyobject_head_struct_p]) fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fty, "PyArray_SetBaseObject") if fn.is_declaration: # Is a declaration? # Implement the function body fn.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR builder ='')) pyarray, pyobj = fn.args const = lambda x:, x) offset = _numpy_array_field_ofs['base'] loc = builder.gep(pyarray, [const(0), const(offset)]) val = builder.bitcast(pyobj, _void_star), loc) builder.ret(const(0)) return fn self.load_PyArray_SetBaseObject = impl def calculate_api_addr (self): typ_name = type(_ARRAY_API).__name__ if typ_name == 'PyCObject': vp = PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(_ARRAY_API) elif typ_name == 'PyCapsule': vp = PyCapsule_GetPointer(_ARRAY_API, None) else: raise TypeError("Cannot the the api address for %r, %s" % (_ARRAY_API, typ_name)) self.api_addr = vp return vp def set_PyArray_API (self, module): '''Adds PyArray_API as a global variable to the input LLVM module.''' if self.api_addr is None: self.calculate_api_addr() try: api = module.get_global_variable_named("PyArray_API") except: api = module.add_global_variable(_void_star_star, "PyArray_API") api.initializer = lc.Constant.inttoptr(, self.api_addr), _void_star_star) api.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = naming # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import re _ptx_invalid_char = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]') def _fix_naming(string): def repl(m): return '_%X_' % (ord( return _ptx_invalid_char.sub(repl, string) def type_mangle(*types): return "_".join(str(t).replace(" ", "_") for t in types) function_counter = 0 def specialized_mangle(func_name, types): global function_counter # pre = "__numba_specialized_%d_%s" % (func_name, type_mangle(*types)) pre = "__numba_specialized_%d_%s" % (function_counter, func_name) function_counter += 1 return _fix_naming(pre) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ndarray_helpers # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # For reference: # typedef struct { # PyObject_HEAD // indices (skipping the head) # char *data; // 0 # int nd; // 1 # int *dimensions, *strides; // 2, 3 # PyObject *base; // 4 # PyArray_Descr *descr; // 5 # int flags; // 6 # } PyArrayObject; import abc from numba import * from numba import typedefs from numba.typesystem import tbaa from numba.llvm_types import _head_len, _int32, _LLVMCaster, constant_int import llvm.core as lc def _const_int(X): return, X) def ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx): return builder.gep(ptr, [_const_int(idx)]) def load_at(builder, ptr, idx): return builder.load(ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx)) def store_at(builder, ptr, idx, val):, ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx)) def set_metadata(tbaa, instr, type): if type is not None: metadata = tbaa.get_metadata(type) instr.set_metadata("tbaa", metadata) def make_property(type=None, invariant=True): """ type: The type to be used for TBAA annotation """ def decorator(access_func): def load(self): instr = self.builder.load(access_func(self)) if self.tbaa: set_metadata(self.tbaa, instr, type) return instr def store(self, value): ptr = access_func(self) instr =, ptr) if self.tbaa: set_metadata(self.tbaa, instr, type) return property(load, store) return decorator class PyArrayAccessor(object): """ Convenient access to a the native fields of a NumPy array. builder: llvmpy IRBuilder pyarray_ptr: pointer to the numpy array tbaa: metadata.TBAAMetadata instance """ def __init__(self, builder, pyarray_ptr, tbaa=None, dtype=None): self.builder = builder self.pyarray_ptr = pyarray_ptr self.tbaa = tbaa # this may be None self.dtype = dtype def _get_element(self, idx): indices = [constant_int(0), constant_int(_head_len + idx)] ptr = self.builder.gep(self.pyarray_ptr, indices) return ptr def get_data(self): instr = self.builder.load(self._get_element(0)) if self.tbaa: set_metadata(self.tbaa, instr, self.dtype.pointer()) return instr def set_data(self, value): instr =, self._get_element(0)) if self.tbaa: set_metadata(self.tbaa, instr, self.dtype.pointer()) data = property(get_data, set_data, "The attribute") def typed_data(self, context): data = ltype = self.dtype.pointer().to_llvm(context) return self.builder.bitcast(data, ltype) @make_property(tbaa.numpy_ndim) def ndim(self): return self._get_element(1) @make_property(tbaa.numpy_shape.pointer().qualify("const")) def dimensions(self): return self._get_element(2) shape = dimensions @make_property(tbaa.numpy_strides.pointer().qualify("const")) def strides(self): return self._get_element(3) @make_property(tbaa.numpy_base) def base(self): return self._get_element(4) @make_property(tbaa.numpy_dtype) def descr(self): return self._get_element(5) @make_property(tbaa.numpy_flags) def flags(self): return self._get_element(6) class Array(object): """ Interface for foreign arrays, like LLArray """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def from_type(cls, llvm_dtype): """ Given an LLVM representation of the dtype, return the LLVM array type representation """ @abc.abstractproperty def data(self): """Return the data pointer of this array (for""" @abc.abstractproperty def shape_ptr(self): """Return the shape pointer of this array (for A.shape[0], etc)""" @abc.abstractproperty def strides_ptr(self): """Return the strides pointer of this array (for A.strides[0], etc)""" @abc.abstractproperty def shape(self): """Return the extents as a list of loaded LLVM values""" @abc.abstractproperty def strides(self): """Return the strides as a list of loaded LLVM values""" @abc.abstractproperty def ndim(self): """Return the dimensionality of this array as an LLVM constant""" @abc.abstractmethod def getptr(self, *indices): """Compute an element pointer given LLVM indices into the array""" class NumpyArray(Array): """ LLArray compatible inferface for NumPy's ndarray """ _strides_ptr = None _strides = None _shape_ptr = None _shape = None _data_ptr = None _freefuncs = [] _freedata = [] def __init__(self, pyarray_ptr, builder, tbaa=None, type=None): self.type = type self.nd = type.ndim self.array_type = pyarray_ptr.type.pointee # LLVM attributes self.arr = PyArrayAccessor(builder, pyarray_ptr, tbaa, type.dtype) self.builder = builder self._shape = None self._strides = None self.caster = _LLVMCaster(builder) @classmethod def from_type(cls, llvm_dtype): return typedefs.PyArray.pointer().to_llvm() @property def data(self): if not self._data_ptr: self._data_ptr = self.arr.get_data() return self._data_ptr @property def shape_ptr(self): if self._shape_ptr is None: self._shape_ptr = self.arr.shape return self._shape_ptr @property def strides_ptr(self): if self._strides_ptr is None: self._strides_ptr = self.arr.strides return self._strides_ptr @property def shape(self): if not self._shape: self._shape = self.preload(self.shape_ptr, self.nd) return self._shape @property def strides(self): if not self._strides: self._strides = self.preload(self.strides_ptr, self.nd) return self._strides @property def ndim(self): return _const_int(self.nd) def getptr(self, *indices): offset = _const_int(0) for i, (stride, index) in enumerate(zip(self.strides, indices)): index = self.caster.cast(index, stride.type, unsigned=False) offset = self.caster.cast(offset, stride.type, unsigned=False) offset = self.builder.add(offset, self.builder.mul(index, stride)) data_ty = self.type.dtype.to_llvm() data_ptr_ty = lc.Type.pointer(data_ty) dptr_plus_offset = self.builder.gep(, [offset]) ptr = self.builder.bitcast(dptr_plus_offset, data_ptr_ty) return ptr # Misc, optional methods @property def itemsize(self): raise NotImplementedError def preload(self, ptr, count=None): assert count is not None return [load_at(self.builder, ptr, i) for i in range(count)] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = basenodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * import numba.nodes def is_expr(node): if not isinstance(node, Node): return True return isinstance(node, ExprNode) class Node(ast.AST): """ Superclass for Numba AST nodes """ _fields = [] _attributes = ('lineno', 'col_offset') def __init__(self, **kwargs): vars(self).update(kwargs) class ExprNode(Node): """ Node that is an expression. """ def _variable_get(self): if not hasattr(self, '_variable'): self._variable = Variable(self.type) return self._variable def _variable_set(self, variable): self._variable = variable variable = property(_variable_get, _variable_set) def coerce(self, dst_type): return numba.nodes.CoercionNode(self, dst_type) @property def cloneable(self): if isinstance(self, (CloneNode, CloneableNode)): return self return CloneableNode(self) class Name(ast.Name, ExprNode): cf_maybe_null = False raise_unbound_node = None _fields = ast.Name._fields + ('check_unbound',) def __init__(self, id, ctx, *args, **kwargs): super(Name, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = = id self.ctx = ctx def __repr__(self): type = getattr(self, 'type', "") if type: type = ', %s' % type name = if hasattr(self, 'variable') and self.variable.renamed_name: name = self.variable.unmangled_name return "name(%s%s)" % (name, type) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): result = Name(, self.ctx) result.cf_maybe_null = self.cf_maybe_null result.raise_unbound_node = self.raise_unbound_node return result class WithPythonNode(Node): "with python: ..." _fields = ['body'] class WithNoPythonNode(WithPythonNode): "with nopython: ..." class CloneableNode(ExprNode): """ Create a node that can be cloned. This allows sub-expressions to be re-used without re-evaluating them. """ _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, node, **kwargs): super(CloneableNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.node = node self.clone_nodes = [] self.type = getattr(node, 'type', None) or node.variable.type @property def clone(self): return CloneNode(self) def __repr__(self): return "cloneable(%s)" % self.node class CloneNode(ExprNode): """ Clone a CloneableNode. This allows the node's sub-expressions to be re-used without re-evaluating them. The CloneableNode must be evaluated before the CloneNode is evaluated! """ _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, node, **kwargs): super(CloneNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert isinstance(node, CloneableNode) self.node = node self.type = node.type node.clone_nodes.append(self) self.llvm_value = None @property def clone(self): self def __repr__(self): return "clone(%s)" % self.node class ExpressionNode(ExprNode): """ Node that allows an expression to execute a bunch of statements first. """ _fields = ['stmts', 'expr'] def __init__(self, stmts, expr, **kwargs): super(ExpressionNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.stmts = stmts self.expr = expr self.type = expr.variable.type def __repr__(self): return "exprstat(..., %s)" % self.expr class FunctionWrapperNode(Node): """ This code is a wrapper function callable from Python using NumbaFunction (see numba/numbafunction.c): PyObject *(*)(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) It unpacks the tuple to native types, calls the wrapped function, and coerces the return type back to an object. """ _fields = ['body', 'return_result'] def __init__(self, wrapped_function, signature, orig_py_func, fake_pyfunc, orig_py_func_name): self.wrapped_function = wrapped_function self.signature = signature self.orig_py_func = orig_py_func self.fake_pyfunc = fake_pyfunc = orig_py_func_name ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = bitwise # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from numba.nodes import * from numba import typesystem def is_bitwise(op): return isinstance(op, (ast.BitAnd, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.Invert)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = callnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * class FunctionCallNode(ExprNode): _attributes = ['signature', 'type', 'name'] def __init__(self, signature, args, name=''): self.signature = signature self.type = signature.return_type = name self.original_args = args class NativeCallNode(FunctionCallNode): _attributes = FunctionCallNode._attributes + ['llvm_func_name'] _fields = ['args'] def __init__(self, signature, args, llvm_func, py_func=None, badval=None, goodval=None, exc_type=None, exc_msg=None, exc_args=None, skip_self=False, **kw): super(NativeCallNode, self).__init__(signature, args, **kw) self.llvm_func = llvm_func self.llvm_func_name = getattr(llvm_func, 'name', None) self.py_func = py_func self.skip_self = skip_self self.type = signature.return_type self.coerce_args() self.badval = badval self.goodval = goodval self.exc_type = exc_type self.exc_msg = exc_msg self.exc_args = exc_args def coerce_args(self): self.args = list(self.original_args) for i, dst_type in enumerate(self.signature.args[self.skip_self:]): arg = self.args[i] self.args[i] = CoercionNode(arg, dst_type, name='func_%s_arg%d' % (, i)) def __repr__(self): if self.llvm_func: name = elif name = else: name = "<unknown(%s)>" % self.signature return "%s(%s)" % (name, ", ".join(str(arg) for arg in self.args)) class NativeFunctionCallNode(NativeCallNode): """ Call a function which is given as a node """ _fields = ['function', 'args'] def __init__(self, signature, function_node, args, **kw): super(NativeFunctionCallNode, self).__init__(signature, args, None, None, **kw) self.function = function_node class LLMacroNode (NativeCallNode): ''' Inject a low-level macro in the function at the call site. Low-level macros are Python functions that take a FunctionCache instance, a LLVM builder instance, and a set of arguments, construct LLVM code, and return some kind of LLVM value result. The passed signature should reflect the Numba types of the expected input parameters, and the type of the resulting value (this does not restrict polymorphism at the LLVM type level in the macro expansion function). ''' _fields = ['macro', 'args'] def __init__(self, signature, macro, *args, **kw): super(LLMacroNode, self).__init__(signature, args, None, None, **kw) self.macro = macro class LLVMExternalFunctionNode(ExprNode): '''For calling an external llvm function where you only have the signature and the function name. ''' def __init__(self, signature, fname): super(LLVMExternalFunctionNode, self).__init__(signature=signature, fname=fname) class LLVMIntrinsicNode(NativeCallNode): "Call an llvm intrinsic function" def __init__(self, signature, args, func_name, **kw): super(LLVMIntrinsicNode, self).__init__(signature, args, None, **kw) self.func_name = func_name class MathCallNode(NativeCallNode): "Low level call a libc math function" class PointerCallNode(NativeCallNode): "Call a ctypes function" _fields = NativeCallNode._fields + ['function'] def __init__(self, signature, args, pointer, py_func=None, **kw): super(PointerCallNode, self).__init__(signature, args, None, py_func, **kw) self.pointer = pointer self.function = ConstNode(self.pointer, signature.pointer()) class ObjectCallNode(FunctionCallNode): _fields = ['function', 'args_tuple', 'kwargs_dict'] def __init__(self, signature, func, args, keywords=None, py_func=None, **kw): if py_func and not kw.get('name', None): kw['name'] = py_func.__name__ if signature is None: signature = numba.function(object_, [object_] * len(args)) if keywords: signature.args.extend([object_] * len(keywords)) super(ObjectCallNode, self).__init__(signature, args) assert func is not None self.function = func self.py_func = py_func self.args_tuple = ast.Tuple(elts=list(args), ctx=ast.Load()) self.args_tuple.variable = Variable( typesystem.tuple_(object_, size=len(args))) if keywords: keywords = [(ConstNode(k.arg), k.value) for k in keywords] keys, values = zip(*keywords) self.kwargs_dict = ast.Dict(list(keys), list(values)) self.kwargs_dict.variable = Variable(object_) else: self.kwargs_dict = NULL_obj self.type = signature.return_type def __repr__(self): return 'objcall(%s, %s)' % (self.function, self.original_args) class ComplexConjugateNode(ExprNode): "mycomplex.conjugate()" _fields = ['complex_node'] def __init__(self, complex_node, **kwargs): super(ComplexConjugateNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.complex_node = complex_node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cfnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * basic_block_fields = ['cond_block', 'if_block', 'else_block', 'exit_block'] def delete_control_blocks(flow_node, flow): """ Remove all control flow basic blocks from the CFG given a FlowNode and the CFG. Also removes Name references from cf_references. """ parent = flow_node.cond_block.idom flow_node.exit_block.reparent(parent) flow.blocks.remove(flow_node.exit_block) flow_node.exit_block = None #flow_node.cond_block.delete(flow) #flow_node.if_block.delete(flow) #if flow_node.orelse: # flow_node.else_block.delete(flow) from numba import control_flow control_flow.DeleteStatement(flow).visit(flow_node) class FlowNode(Node): """ Node that has control flow basic blocks. """ cond_block = None if_block = None else_block = None exit_block = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(FlowNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) from numba import control_flow for field_name in basic_block_fields: if not getattr(self, field_name): block = control_flow.ControlBlock(-1, is_fabricated=True) setattr(self, field_name, block) class If(ast.If, FlowNode): "An if statement node. Has the basic block attributes from FlowNode" class While(ast.While, FlowNode): "A while loop node. Has the basic block attributes from FlowNode" # Place to jump to when we see a 'continue'. The default is # 'the condition block'. For 'for' loops we set this to # 'the counter increment block' continue_block = None class For(ast.For, FlowNode): "A for loop node. Has the basic block attributes from FlowNode" def merge_cfg_in_ast(basic_block_fields, bodies, node): """ Merge CFG blocks into the AST. E.g. While(test=x, body=y) becomes While(test=ControlBlock(0, body=[x]), body=ControlBlock(1, body=[y])) """ for bb_name, body_name in zip(basic_block_fields, bodies): body = getattr(node, body_name) bb = getattr(node, bb_name) if not body: continue # Merge AST child in body list of CFG block if isinstance(body, list): bb.body = body bb = [bb] else: bb.body = [body] # Set basic block as an AST child of the node setattr(node, body_name, bb) def merge_cfg_in_while(node): bodies = ['test', 'body', 'orelse'] merge_cfg_in_ast(basic_block_fields, bodies, node) def build_if(cls=If, **kwargs): node = cls(**kwargs) merge_cfg_in_while(node) return node def build_while(**kwargs): return build_if(cls=While, **kwargs) def build_for(**kwargs): result = For(**kwargs) merge_cfg_in_ast(basic_block_fields, ['iter', 'body', 'orelse'], result) merge_cfg_in_ast(['target_block'], ['target'], result) return result def if_else(op, cond_left, cond_right, lhs, rhs): "Implements 'lhs if cond_left <op> cond_right else rhs'" test = ast.Compare(left=cond_left, ops=[op], comparators=[cond_right]) test.right = cond_right test = typednode(test, bool_) return build_if(test=test, body=[lhs], orelse=[rhs] if rhs else []) class LowLevelBasicBlockNode(Node): """ Evaluate a statement or expression in a new LLVM basic block. """ _fields = ['body'] def __init__(self, body, label='unnamed', **kwargs): super(LowLevelBasicBlockNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.body = body self.label = label self.entry_block = None def create_block(self, translator, label=None): if self.entry_block is None: self.entry_block = translator.append_basic_block(label or self.label) return self.entry_block class MaybeUnusedNode(Node): """ Wraps an ast.Name() to indicate that the result may be unused. """ _fields = ["name_node"] def __init__(self, name_node): self.name_node = name_node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = closurenodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * # not really an expression, but used in an assignment class ClosureNode(ExprNode): """ Inner functions or closures. When coerced to an object, a wrapper PyMethodDef gets created, and at call time a function is dynamically created with the closure scope. func_def: AST FunctionDef of the function closure_type: numba.typesystem.ClosureType outer_py_func: Outer Python function (or None!) """ _fields = [] def __init__(self, env, func_def, closure_type, outer_py_func, **kwargs): super(ClosureNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.func_def = func_def self.type = closure_type self.outer_py_func = outer_py_func = func_env = env.translation.get_env(func_def) self.need_numba_func = not func_env or func_env.need_closure_wrapper self.lfunc = None self.wrapper_func = None self.wrapper_lfunc = None self.lfunc_pointer = None # FunctionEnvironment after type inference self.func_env = None # self.type_inferred_ast = None # self.symtab = None from numba import pipeline self.locals = pipeline.get_locals(func_def, None) # The Python extension type that must be instantiated to hold cellvars # self.scope_type = None self.ext_type = None self.need_closure_scope = False def make_pyfunc(self): d = self.outer_py_func.__globals__ # argnames = tuple( for arg in self.func_def.args.args) # dummy_func_string = """ #def __numba_closure_func(%s): # pass # """ % ", ".join(argnames) # exec dummy_func_string in d, d # Something set a pure and original, unmodified, AST, use that # instead and reset it after the compile. This is a HACK func_body = self.func_def.body if hasattr(self.func_def, 'pure_ast_body'): self.func_def.body = self.func_def.pure_ast_body name = = '__numba_closure_func' ast_mod = ast.Module(body=[self.func_def]) numba.functions.fix_ast_lineno(ast_mod) c = compile(ast_mod, '<string>', 'exec') exec(c, d, d) = name self.py_func = d['__numba_closure_func'] self.py_func.live_objects = [] self.py_func.__module__ = self.outer_py_func.__module__ self.py_func.__name__ = name if hasattr(self.func_def, 'pure_ast_body'): self.func_def.body = func_body class InstantiateClosureScope(ExprNode): _fields = ['outer_scope'] def __init__(self, func_def, scope_ext_type, scope_type, outer_scope, **kwargs): super(InstantiateClosureScope, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.func_def = func_def self.scope_type = scope_type self.ext_type = scope_ext_type self.outer_scope = outer_scope self.type = scope_type class ClosureScopeLoadNode(ExprNode): "Load the closure scope for the function or NULL" type = void.pointer() class ClosureCallNode(NativeCallNode): """ Call to closure or inner function. """ _fields = ['func', 'args'] def __init__(self, closure_type, call_node, **kwargs): self.call_node = call_node self.func = call_node.func self.closure_type = closure_type self.argnames = [ for name in self.func_def.args.args[self.need_closure_scope:]] self.expected_nargs = len(self.argnames) args, keywords = call_node.args, call_node.keywords args = args + self._resolve_keywords(args, keywords) super(ClosureCallNode, self).__init__( closure_type.signature, args, llvm_func=None, skip_self=self.need_closure_scope, **kwargs) @property def need_closure_scope(self): return self.closure_type.closure.need_closure_scope @property def func_def(self): return self.closure_type.closure.func_def def _resolve_keywords(self, args, keywords): "Map keyword arguments to positional arguments" expected = self.expected_nargs - len(args) if len(keywords) != expected: raise error.NumbaError( self.call_node, "Expected %d arguments, got %d" % (self.expected_nargs, len(args) + len(keywords))) argpositions = dict(zip(self.argnames, range(self.expected_nargs))) positional = [None] * (self.expected_nargs - len(args)) for keyword in keywords: argname = keyword.arg pos = argpositions.get(argname, None) if pos is None: raise error.NumbaError( keyword, "Not a valid keyword argument name: %s" % argname) elif pos < len(args): raise error.NumbaError( keyword, "Got multiple values for positional " "argument %r" % argname) else: positional[pos] = keyword.value return positional ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = coercionnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * import numba.nodes class CoercionNode(ExprNode): """ Coerce a node to a different type """ _fields = ['node'] _attributes = ['type', 'name'] def __new__(cls, node, dst_type, name=''): if isinstance(node, CoercionNode) and node.type == dst_type: return node return super(CoercionNode, cls).__new__(cls, node, dst_type, name=name) def __init__(self, node, dst_type, name=''): if node is self: # We are trying to coerce a CoercionNode which already has the # right type, so __new__ returns a CoercionNode, which then results # in __init__ being called return type = getattr(node, 'type', None) or node.variable.type if dst_type.is_pointer and type.is_int: assert type == Py_uintptr_t, type self.type = dst_type self.variable = Variable(dst_type) = name self.node = self.verify_conversion(dst_type, node) if (dst_type.is_object and not node.variable.type.is_object and isinstance(node, numba.nodes.ArrayAttributeNode)): self.node = self.coerce_numpy_attribute(node) def coerce_numpy_attribute(self, node): """ Numpy array attributes, such as 'data', get rewritten to direct accesses. Since they are being coerced back to objects, use a generic attribute access instead. """ node = ast.Attribute(value=node.array, attr=node.attr_name, ctx=ast.Load()) node.variable = Variable(object_) node.type = object_ return node @property def dst_type(self): """ dst_type is always the same as type, and 'type' is kept consistent with Variable.type """ return self.type @classmethod def coerce(cls, node_or_nodes, dst_type): if isinstance(node_or_nodes, list) and isinstance(dst_type, list): return [cls(node, dst) for node, dst in zip(node_or_nodes, dst_type)] elif isinstance(node_or_nodes, list): return [cls(node, dst_type) for node in node_or_nodes] return cls(node_or_nodes, dst_type) def verify_conversion(self, dst_type, node): if ((node.variable.type.is_complex or dst_type.is_complex) and (node.variable.type.is_object or dst_type.is_object)): if dst_type.is_complex: complex_type = dst_type else: complex_type = node.variable.type if not complex_type == complex128: node = CoercionNode(node, complex128) elif ((node.variable.type.is_datetime or dst_type.is_datetime) and (node.variable.type.is_object or dst_type.is_object)): if dst_type.is_datetime: datetime_type = dst_type else: datetime_type = node.variable.type if not datetime_type.is_datetime and \ not datetime_type.is_numpy_datetime: node = CoercionNode(node, datetime) elif ((node.variable.type.is_timedelta or dst_type.is_timedelta) and (node.variable.type.is_object or dst_type.is_object)): if dst_type.is_timedelta: timedelta_type = dst_type else: timedelta_type = node.variable.type if not timedelta_type.is_timedelta and \ not timedelta_type.is_timedelta: node = CoercionNode(node, timedelta) return node def __repr__(self): return "Coerce(%s, %s)" % (self.type, self.node) class CastNode(ExprNode): """ Explicit cast by user, e.g. double(value) """ _fields = ["arg"] def __init__(self, node, type): self.arg = node self.type = type class PromotionNode(ExprNode): """ Coerces a variable of some type to another type for a phi node in a successor block. """ _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PromotionNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.variable = self.node.variable class CoerceToObject(CoercionNode): "Coerce native values to objects" class CoerceToNative(CoercionNode): "Coerce objects to native values" class DeferredCoercionNode(ExprNode): """ Coerce to the type of the given variable. The type of the variable may change in the meantime (e.g. may be promoted or demoted). """ _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, node, variable): self.node = node self.variable = variable class UntypedCoercion(ExprNode): """ Coerce a node to the destination type. The node need not yet have a type or variable. """ _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, node, type): self.node = node self.type = type ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = constnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * import numba.nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_pointer_address(value, type): if type.is_known_pointer: return type.address else: return value def is_null_constant(constant): return constant is _NULL #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Constant Nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ConstNode(ExprNode): """ Wrap a constant. """ _attributes = ['type', 'pyval'] def __init__(self, pyval, type=None): if type is None: type = numba.typeof(pyval) # if pyval is not _NULL: # assert not type.is_object self.variable = Variable(type, is_constant=True, constant_value=pyval) self.type = type self.pyval = pyval def __repr__(self): return "const(%s, %s)" % (self.pyval, self.type) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NULL Constants #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _NULL = object() NULL_obj = ConstNode(_NULL, object_) NULL = ConstNode(_NULL, void.pointer()) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = excnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * import numba.nodes class CheckErrorNode(ExprNode): """ Check for an exception. badval: if this value is returned, propagate an error goodval: if this value is not returned, propagate an error If exc_type, exc_msg and optionally exc_args are given, an error is raised instead of propagating it. See RaiseNode for the exc_* arguments. """ _fields = ['return_value', 'badval', 'raise_node'] def __init__(self, return_value, badval=None, goodval=None, exc_type=None, exc_msg=None, exc_args=None, **kwargs): super(CheckErrorNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.return_value = return_value if badval is not None and not isinstance(badval, ast.AST): badval = ConstNode(badval, return_value.type) if goodval is not None and not isinstance(goodval, ast.AST): goodval = ConstNode(goodval, return_value.type) self.badval = badval self.goodval = goodval self.raise_node = RaiseNode(exc_type, exc_msg, exc_args) class RaiseNode(ExprNode): """ Raise an exception. exception_type: The Python exception type exc_type: The Python exception as an AST node May be passed in as a Python exception type exc_msg: The message to print as an AST node May be passed in as a string exc_args: If given, must be an list of AST nodes representing the arguments to PyErr_Format (matching the format specifiers at runtime in exc_msg) """ _fields = ['exc_type', 'exc_msg', 'exc_args'] def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_msg, exc_args=None, print_on_trap=True, **kwargs): super(RaiseNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.exception_type = None if isinstance(exc_type, type) and issubclass(exc_type, BaseException): self.exception_type = exc_type exc_type = const(exc_type, object_) if isinstance(exc_msg, (str, unicode)): exc_msg = const(exc_msg, char.pointer()) self.exc_type = exc_type self.exc_msg = exc_msg self.exc_args = exc_args self.print_on_trap = print_on_trap class PropagateNode(ExprNode): """ Propagate an exception (jump to the error label). This is resolved at code generation time and can be generated at any moment. """ class PyErr_OccurredNode(ExprNode): """ Check for a set Python exception using PyErr_Occurred(). Can be set any time after type inference. This node is resolved during late specialization. """ # TODO: support checking for (value == badval && PyErr_Occurred()) for # efficiency _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.variable = node.variable self.type = node.type ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = extnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * from numba.exttypes.types import methods class ExtTypeAttribute(ExprNode): _fields = ['value'] def __init__(self, value, attr, variable, ctx, ext_type, **kwargs): super(ExtTypeAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.attr = attr self.type = variable.type self.variable = variable self.ctx = ctx self.ext_type = ext_type def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.value, self.attr) @classmethod def from_known_attribute(cls, value, attr, ctx, ext_type): """ Create an extension type attribute node if the attribute is known to exist (and isn't being inferred) """ assert attr in ext_type.attributedict import numba.symtab variable = numba.symtab.Variable(ext_type.attributedict[attr]) return cls(value, attr, variable, ctx, ext_type) class NewExtObjectNode(ExprNode): """ Instantiate an extension type. Currently unused. """ _fields = ['args'] def __init__(self, ext_type, args, **kwargs): super(NewExtObjectNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.ext_type = ext_type self.args = args class ExtensionMethod(ExprNode): _fields = ['value'] call_node = None def __init__(self, obj, attr, method, **kwargs): super(ExtensionMethod, self).__init__(**kwargs) ext_type = obj.variable.type assert ext_type.is_extension self.value = obj self.attr = attr self.ext_type = ext_type self.initialize_type(method) def initialize_type(self, method): self.type = method.signature def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.value, self.attr) class AutojitExtensionMethod(ExtensionMethod): def initialize_type(self, method): self.type = methods.AutojitMethodType() #class ExtensionMethodCall(Node): # """ # Low level call that has resolved the virtual method. # """ # # _fields = ['vmethod', 'args'] # # def __init__(self, vmethod, self_obj, args, signature, **kwargs): # super(ExtensionMethodCall, self).__init__(**kwargs) # self.vmethod = vmethod # self.args = args # self.signature = signature # self.type = signature ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvmnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * from numba import functions class LLVMValueRefNode(ExprNode): """ Wrap an LLVM value. """ _fields = [] def __init__(self, type, llvm_value): self.type = type self.llvm_value = llvm_value class BadValue(LLVMValueRefNode): def __init__(self, type): super(BadValue, self).__init__(type, None) def __repr__(self): return "bad(%s)" % self.type class LLVMCBuilderNode(UserNode): """ Instantiate an link in an LLVM cbuilder CDefinition. The CDefinition is passed the list of dependence nodes and the list of LLVM value dependencies """ _fields = ["dependencies"] def __init__(self, env, cbuilder_cdefinition, signature, dependencies=None): self.env = env self.llvm_context = env.llvm_context self.cbuilder_cdefinition = cbuilder_cdefinition self.type = signature self.dependencies = dependencies or [] def infer_types(self, type_inferer): type_inferer.visitchildren(self) return self def codegen(self, codegen): func_env = self.env.translation.crnt dependencies = codegen.visitlist(self.dependencies) cdef = self.cbuilder_cdefinition(self.dependencies, dependencies) self.lfunc = cdef.define(func_env.llvm_module) #, optimize=False) functions.keep_alive(func_env.func, self.lfunc) return self.lfunc @property def pointer(self): return self.llvm_context.get_pointer_to_function(self.lfunc) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = metadata # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Allow annotating AST nodes with some metadata, and querying for that metadata. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import weakref def create_metadata_env(): return weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def annotate(env, node, **flags): func_env = env.translation.crnt assert func_env is not None if node not in func_env.ast_metadata: metadata = {} func_env.ast_metadata[node] = metadata else: metadata = func_env.ast_metadata[node] metadata.update(flags) def query(env, node, key, default=None): func_env = env.translation.crnt assert func_env is not None node_metadata = func_env.ast_metadata.get(node, {}) return node_metadata.get(key, default) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numpynodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import collections import llvm.core from numba import typesystem from numba.typesystem import tbaa from numba.nodes import * from numba.ndarray_helpers import PyArrayAccessor, NumpyArray #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # External Utilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_constant_index(node): return (isinstance(node, ast.Index) and isinstance(node.value, ConstNode)) def is_newaxis(node): v = node.variable return (is_constant_index(node) and node.value.pyval is None) or v.type.is_newaxis or v.type.is_none def is_ellipsis(node): return is_constant_index(node) and node.value.pyval is Ellipsis #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal Utilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _const_int(X): return, X) def get_shape(builder, tbaa_metadata, shape_pointer, ndim): "Load the shape values from an ndarray" shape_metadata = tbaa_metadata.get_metadata(tbaa_metadata.numpy_shape) for i in range(ndim): shape_ptr = builder.gep(shape_pointer, [_const_int(i)]) extent = builder.load(shape_ptr) extent.set_metadata("tbaa", shape_metadata) yield extent def get_strides(builder, tbaa_metadata, strides_pointer, ndim): "Load the stride values from an ndarray" stride_metadata = tbaa_metadata.get_metadata(tbaa.numpy_strides) for i in range(ndim): stride_ptr = builder.gep(strides_pointer, [_const_int(i)]) stride = builder.load(stride_ptr) stride.set_metadata("tbaa", stride_metadata) yield stride #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NumPy Array Attributes #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DataPointerNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['node', 'slice'] def __init__(self, node, slice, ctx): self.node = node self.slice = slice self.type = node.type.dtype self.variable = Variable(self.type) self.ctx = ctx def __repr__(self): return "" % self.node class ArrayAttributeNode(ExprNode): is_read_only = True _fields = ['array'] def __init__(self, attribute_name, array): self.array = array self.attr_name = attribute_name self.array_type = array.variable.type if attribute_name == 'ndim': type = int_ elif attribute_name in ('shape', 'strides'): type = typesystem.sized_pointer(typesystem.npy_intp, size=self.array_type.ndim) elif attribute_name == 'data': type = self.array_type.dtype.pointer() else: raise error._UnknownAttribute(attribute_name) self.type = type def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.array, self.attr_name) class ShapeAttributeNode(ArrayAttributeNode): # NOTE: better do this at code generation time, and not depend on # variable.lvalue _fields = ['array'] def __init__(self, array): super(ShapeAttributeNode, self).__init__('shape', array) self.array = array self.element_type = typesystem.npy_intp self.type = typesystem.carray(self.element_type, array.variable.type.ndim) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NumPy Array Creation #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ArrayNewNode(ExprNode): """ Allocate a new array given the attributes. """ _fields = ['data', 'shape', 'strides', 'base'] def __init__(self, type, data, shape, strides, base=None, **kwargs): super(ArrayNewNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = type = data self.shape = shape self.strides = strides self.base = base class ArrayNewEmptyNode(ExprNode): """ Allocate a new array with data. """ _fields = ['shape'] def __init__(self, type, shape, is_fortran=False, **kwargs): super(ArrayNewEmptyNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = type self.shape = shape self.is_fortran = is_fortran #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Nodes for NumPy calls #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- shape_type = npy_intp.pointer() void_p = void.pointer() class MultiArrayAPINode(NativeCallNode): def __init__(self, name, signature, args): super(MultiArrayAPINode, self).__init__(signature, args, llvm_func=None) self.func_name = name def PyArray_NewFromDescr(args): """ Low-level specialized equivalent of ArrayNewNode """ signature = object_( object_, # subtype object_, # descr int_, # ndim shape_type, # shape shape_type, # strides void_p, # data int_, # flags object_, # obj ) return MultiArrayAPINode('PyArray_NewFromDescr', signature, args) def PyArray_SetBaseObject(args): signature = int_(object_, object_) return MultiArrayAPINode('PyArray_SetBaseObject', signature, args) def PyArray_UpdateFlags(args): return MultiArrayAPINode('PyArray_UpdateFlags', void(object_, int_), args) def PyArray_Empty(args, name='PyArray_Empty'): nd, shape, dtype, fortran = args return_type = typesystem.array(dtype, nd) signature = return_type( int_, # nd npy_intp.pointer(), # shape object_, # dtype int_) # fortran return MultiArrayAPINode(name, signature, args) def PyArray_Zeros(args): return PyArray_Empty(args, name='PyArray_Zeros') ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = objectnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import typesystem from numba.nodes import * class ObjectInjectNode(ExprNode): """ Refer to a Python object in the llvm code. """ _attributes = ['object', 'type'] def __init__(self, object, type=None, **kwargs): super(ObjectInjectNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.object = object self.type = type or object_ self.variable = Variable(self.type, is_constant=True, constant_value=object) def __repr__(self): return "<inject(%s)>" % self.object NoneNode = ObjectInjectNode(None, object_) class ObjectTempNode(ExprNode): """ Coerce a node to a temporary which is reference counted. """ _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, node, incref=False): assert not isinstance(node, ObjectTempNode) self.node = node self.llvm_temp = None self.type = getattr(node, 'type', node.variable.type) self.incref = incref def __repr__(self): return "objtemp(%s)" % self.node class NoneNode(ExprNode): """ Return None. """ type = typesystem.none variable = Variable(type) class ObjectTempRefNode(ExprNode): """ Reference an ObjectTempNode, without evaluating its subexpressions. The ObjectTempNode must already have been evaluated. """ _fields = [] def __init__(self, obj_temp_node, **kwargs): super(ObjectTempRefNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.obj_temp_node = obj_temp_node class IncrefNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['value'] def __init__(self, value, **kwargs): super(IncrefNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value class DecrefNode(IncrefNode): pass ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = pointernodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * import numba.nodes def pointer_add(pointer, offset): assert pointer.type == char.pointer() left = numba.nodes.ptrtoint(pointer) result = ast.BinOp(left, ast.Add(), offset) result.type = left.type result.variable = Variable(result.type) return CoercionNode(result, char.pointer()) def ptrtoint(node): return CoercionNode(node, Py_uintptr_t) def ptrfromint(intval, dst_ptr_type): return CoercionNode(ConstNode(intval, Py_uintptr_t), dst_ptr_type) def ptrfromobj(obj): return PointerFromObject(obj) def value_at_offset(obj_node, offset, dst_type): """ Perform (dst_type) (((char *) my_object) + offset) """ offset = ConstNode(offset, Py_ssize_t) pointer = PointerFromObject(obj_node) pointer = CoercionNode(pointer, char.pointer()) pointer = pointer_add(pointer, offset) value_at_offset = CoercionNode(pointer, dst_type) return value_at_offset class DereferenceNode(ExprNode): """ Dereference a pointer """ _fields = ['pointer'] def __init__(self, pointer, **kwargs): super(DereferenceNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.pointer = pointer self.type = pointer.type.base_type def __repr__(self): return "*%s" % (self.pointer,) class PointerFromObject(ExprNode): """ Bitcast objects to void * """ _fields = ['node'] type = void.pointer() variable = Variable(type) def __init__(self, node, **kwargs): super(PointerFromObject, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.node = node def __repr__(self): return "((void *) %s)" % (self.node,) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = structnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Struct and complex nodes. Structs are allocated on the stack, and not mutated as values. This is because mutations are attribute or index assignments, which are not recognized as variable assignments. Hence mutation cannot propagate new values. So we mutate what we have on the stack. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * def struct_type(type): if type.is_reference: type = type.referenced_type return type class StructAttribute(ExprNode): # expr : = StructAttribute(expr, string, expr_context, Type, metadata) # metadata := StructAttribute | ComplexAttribute _fields = ['value'] def __init__(self, value, attr, ctx, type, **kwargs): super(StructAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.attr = attr self.ctx = ctx self.struct_type = type type = struct_type(type) self.attr_type = type.fielddict[attr] self.type = self.attr_type self.variable = Variable(self.type, promotable_type=False) @property def field_idx(self): fields = struct_type(self.struct_type).fields return fields.index((self.attr, self.attr_type)) class StructVariable(ExprNode): """ Tells the type inferencer that the node is actually a valid struct that we can mutate. For instance func().a = 2 is wrong if func() returns a struct by value. So we only allow references like struct.a = 2 and array[i].a = 2. """ _fields = ['node'] def __init__(self, node, **kwargs): super(StructVariable, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.node = node self.type = node.type class ComplexNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['real', 'imag'] type = complex128 variable = Variable(type) def __init__(self, real, imag): self.real = real self.imag = imag class ComplexAttributeNode(ExprNode): _fields = ["value"] def __init__(self, value, attr): self.value = value self.attr = attr self.type = value.type.base_type self.variable = Variable(self.type) class DateTimeNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['timestamp', 'units'] type = datetime() variable = Variable(type) def __init__(self, timestamp, units): self.timestamp = timestamp self.units = units class DateTimeAttributeNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['value'] def __init__(self, value, attr): self.value = value self.attr = attr self.type = value.type self.variable = Variable(self.type) class NumpyDateTimeNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['datetime_string'] type = datetime() variable = Variable(type) def __init__(self, datetime_string): self.datetime_string = datetime_string class TimeDeltaNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['diff', 'units'] type = timedelta() variable = Variable(type) def __init__(self, diff, units): self.diff = diff self.units = units class NumpyTimeDeltaNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['diff', 'units_str'] type = timedelta() variable = Variable(type) def __init__(self, diff, units_str): self.diff = diff self.units_str = units_str class TimeDeltaAttributeNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['value'] def __init__(self, value, attr): self.value = value self.attr = attr self.type = value.type self.variable = Variable(self.type) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = tempnodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * class TempNode(ExprNode): #, ast.Name): """ Create a temporary to store values in. Does not perform reference counting. """ temp_counter = 0 def __init__(self, type, name=None, dst_variable=None): self.type = type = name self.variable = Variable(type, name='___numba_%d' % self.temp_counter, is_local=True) TempNode.temp_counter += 1 self.llvm_temp = None self.dst_variable = dst_variable self._tbaa_node = None def get_tbaa_node(self, tbaa): """ TBAA metadata node unique to this temporary. This is valid since one cannot take the address of a temporary. """ if self._tbaa_node is None: root = tbaa.get_metadata(char.pointer()) self._tbaa_node = tbaa.make_unique_metadata(root) return self._tbaa_node def load(self, invariant=False): return TempLoadNode(temp=self, invariant=invariant) def store(self): return TempStoreNode(temp=self) def __repr__(self): if name = ", %s" % else: name = "" return "temp(%s%s)" % (self.type, name) class TempLoadNode(ExprNode): _fields = ['temp'] def __init__(self, temp, invariant=False): self.temp = temp self.type = temp.type self.variable = temp.variable self.invariant = invariant def __repr__(self): return "load(%s)" % self.temp class TempStoreNode(TempLoadNode): _fields = ['temp'] def __repr__(self): return "store(%s)" % self.temp ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = usernode # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.nodes import * #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User-extensible nodes #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class UserNodeMeta(type): def __init__(cls, what, bases=None, dict=None): super(UserNodeMeta, cls).__init__(what, bases, dict) cls.actual_name = cls.__name__ cls.__name__ = "UserNode" def __repr__(cls): return "<class %s>" % cls.actual_name class UserNode(ExprNode): """ Node that users can subclass and insert in the AST without using mixins to provide user-specified functionality. """ __metaclass__ = UserNodeMeta _fields = [] def infer_types(self, type_inferer): """ Infer the type of this node and set it self.type. The return value will replace this node in the AST. """ raise NotImplementedError def specialize(self, specializer): """ Just before code generation. Useful to rewrite this node in terms of other existing fundamental operations. Implementing this method is optional. """ specializer.visitchildren(self) return self def codegen(self, codegen): """ Generate code for this node. Must return an LLVM Value. """ raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): return "<%s object>" % self.actual_name class dont_infer(UserNode): """ Support delayed type inference of the body. E.g. if you want a portion <blob> to be inferred elsewhere: print x <blob> print y If we want to infer <blob> after the last print, but evaluate it before, we can replace these statements with: [print x, dont_infer(<blob>), print y, infer_now(<blob>)] """ _fields = ["arg"] def __init__(self, arg): self.arg = arg def infer_types(self, type_inferer): return self def specialize(self, specializer): return specializer.visit(self.arg) class infer_now(UserNode): "See dont_infer above" _fields = [] def __init__(self, arg, dont_infer_node): self.arg = arg self.dont_infer_node = dont_infer_node def infer_types(self, type_inferer): self.dont_infer_node.arg = type_inferer.visit(self.arg) return None ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = normalize # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Initial AST validation and normalization. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import copy import types from numba import error from numba import nodes from numba import visitors from numba import typesystem class NormalizeAST(visitors.NumbaTransformer): "Normalize AST" function_level = 0 # TODO: Actually use ir = types.ModuleType('') vars(ir).update(vars(ast)) vars(ir).update(vars(nodes)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Normalization #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if self.function_level: return self.handle_inner_function(node) self.function_level += 1 self.visitchildren(node) self.function_level -= 1 return node def handle_inner_function(self, node): "Create assignment code for inner functions and mark the assignment" lhs = ast.Name(, ast.Store()) ast.copy_location(lhs, node) rhs = FuncDefExprNode(func_def=node) ast.copy_location(rhs, node) fields = rhs._fields rhs._fields = [] assmnt = ast.Assign(targets=[lhs], value=rhs) result = self.visit(assmnt) rhs._fields = fields return result def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): #for arg in node.args: # if arg.default: # self.visitchildren(arg) if self.function_level: return self.handle_inner_function(node) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_ListComp(self, node): """ Rewrite list comprehensions to the equivalent for loops. AST syntax: ListComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) comprehension = (expr target, expr iter, expr* ifs) 'ifs' represent a chain of ANDs """ assert len(node.generators) > 0 # Create innermost body, i.e. list.append(expr) # TODO: size hint for PyList_New list_create = ast.List(elts=[], ctx=ast.Load()) list_create.type = typesystem.object_ # typesystem.list_() list_create = nodes.CloneableNode(list_create) list_value = nodes.CloneNode(list_create) list_append = ast.Attribute(list_value, "append", ast.Load()) append_call = ast.Call(func=list_append, args=[node.elt], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) # Build up the loops from inwards to outwards body = append_call for comprehension in reversed(node.generators): # Hanlde the 'if' clause ifs = comprehension.ifs if len(ifs) > 1: make_boolop = lambda op1_op2: ast.BoolOp(op=ast.And(), values=op1_op2) if_test = reduce(make_boolop, ifs) elif len(ifs) == 1: if_test, = ifs else: if_test = None if if_test is not None: body = ast.If(test=if_test, body=[body], orelse=[]) # Wrap list.append() call or inner loops body = ast.For(, iter=comprehension.iter, body=[body], orelse=[]) expr = nodes.ExpressionNode(stmts=[list_create, body], expr=list_value) return self.visit(expr) def visit_AugAssign(self, node): """ Inplace assignment. Resolve a += b to a = a + b. Set 'inplace_op' attribute of the Assign node so later stages may recognize inplace assignment. Do this now, so that we can correctly mark the RHS reference. """ target = rhs_target = copy.deepcopy(target) rhs_target.ctx = ast.Load() ast.fix_missing_locations(rhs_target) bin_op =, node.op, node.value) assignment =[target], bin_op) assignment.inplace_op = node.op return self.visit(assignment) def DISABLED_visit_Compare(self, node): "Reduce cascaded comparisons into single comparisons" # Process children self.generic_visit(node) # TODO: We can't generate temporaries from subexpressions since # this may invalidate execution order. For now, set the type so # we can clone for c in node.comparators: c.type = None compare_nodes = [] comparators = [nodes.CloneableNode(c) for c in node.comparators] # Build comparison nodes left = node.left for op, right in zip(node.ops, comparators): node =, ops=[op], comparators=[right]) # We shouldn't need to type this... node = nodes.typednode(node, typesystem.bool_) left = right.clone compare_nodes.append(node) # AND the comparisons together boolop = lambda left, right:, [left, right]) node = reduce(boolop, reversed(compare_nodes)) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FuncDefExprNode(nodes.Node): """ Wraps an inner function node until the closure code kicks in. """ _fields = ['func_def'] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = odict # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # Copyright (c) 2009 Raymond Hettinger # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. try: from UserDict import DictMixin except: from collections import MutableMapping as DictMixin class OrderedDict(dict, DictMixin): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got %d' % len(args)) try: self.__end except AttributeError: self.clear() self.update(*args, **kwds) def clear(self): self.__end = end = [] end += [None, end, end] # sentinel node for doubly linked list self.__map = {} # key --> [key, prev, next] dict.clear(self) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self: end = self.__end curr = end[1] curr[2] = end[1] = self.__map[key] = [key, curr, end] dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): dict.__delitem__(self, key) key, prev, next = self.__map.pop(key) prev[2] = next next[1] = prev def __iter__(self): end = self.__end curr = end[2] while curr is not end: yield curr[0] curr = curr[2] def __reversed__(self): end = self.__end curr = end[1] while curr is not end: yield curr[0] curr = curr[1] def popitem(self, last=True): if not self: raise KeyError('dictionary is empty') if last: key = reversed(self).next() else: key = iter(self).next() value = self.pop(key) return key, value def __reduce__(self): items = [[k, self[k]] for k in self] tmp = self.__map, self.__end del self.__map, self.__end inst_dict = vars(self).copy() self.__map, self.__end = tmp if inst_dict: return (self.__class__, (items,), inst_dict) return self.__class__, (items,) def keys(self): return list(self) setdefault = DictMixin.setdefault update = DictMixin.update pop = DictMixin.pop values = DictMixin.values items = DictMixin.items try: iterkeys = DictMixin.iterkeys itervalues = DictMixin.itervalues iteritems = DictMixin.iteritems except AttributeError: pass def __repr__(self): if not self: return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,) return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.items()) def copy(self): return self.__class__(self) @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None): d = cls() for key in iterable: d[key] = value return d def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, OrderedDict): if len(self) != len(other): return False for p, q in zip(self.items(), other.items()): if p != q: return False return True return dict.__eq__(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = oset # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Ordered Set. See """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import collections class OrderedSet(collections.MutableSet): def __init__(self, iterable=None): self.end = end = [] end += [None, end, end] # sentinel node for doubly linked list = {} # key --> [key, prev, next] if iterable is not None: self |= iterable def __len__(self): return len( def __contains__(self, key): return key in def add(self, key): if key not in end = self.end curr = end[1] curr[2] = end[1] =[key] = [key, curr, end] def update(self, it): for x in it: self.add(x) def discard(self, key): if key in key, prev, next = prev[2] = next next[1] = prev def __iter__(self): end = self.end curr = end[2] while curr is not end: yield curr[0] curr = curr[2] def __reversed__(self): end = self.end curr = end[1] while curr is not end: yield curr[0] curr = curr[1] def pop(self, last=True): if not self: raise KeyError('set is empty') key = self.end[1][0] if last else self.end[2][0] self.discard(key) return key def __repr__(self): if not self: return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,) return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, list(self)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, OrderedSet): return len(self) == len(other) and list(self) == list(other) return set(self) == set(other) if __name__ == '__main__': s = OrderedSet('abracadaba') t = OrderedSet('simsalabim') print((s | t)) print((s & t)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = parallel # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Support for for i in numba.prange(...): ... The implementation isn't particularly good, and should be greatly simplified at some point. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import copy import warnings import multiprocessing try: NUM_THREADS = multiprocessing.cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: warnings.warn("Unable to determine cpu count, assuming 2") NUM_THREADS = 2 import llvm.core from llvm_cbuilder import * from llvm_cbuilder import shortnames as C from llvm_cbuilder import builder import numba.decorators from numba import * from numba import error, visitors, nodes, templating from numba.minivect import minitypes from numba import typesystem, pipeline from numba.type_inference import infer from numba.specialize.loops import unpack_range_args from numba import threads opmap = { # Unary ast.Invert: '~', ast.Not: None, # not supported ast.UAdd: '+', ast.USub: '-', # Binary ast.Add: '+', ast.Sub: '-', ast.Mult: '*', ast.Div: '/', ast.Mod: '%', ast.Pow: '**', ast.LShift: '<<', ast.RShift: '>>', ast.BitOr: '|', ast.BitXor: '^', ast.BitAnd: '&', ast.FloorDiv: '//', # Comparison ast.Eq: '==', ast.NotEq: '!=', ast.Lt: '<', ast.LtE: '<=', ast.Gt: '>', ast.GtE: '>=', ast.Is: None, ast.IsNot: None, ast.In: None, ast.NotIn: None, } import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_reduction_op(op): # TODO: recognize invalid operators op = type(op) reduction_op = opmap[op] reduction_ops = {'-': '+', '/': '*'} if reduction_op in reduction_ops: reduction_op = reduction_ops[reduction_op] return reduction_op def get_reduction_default(op): defaults = { '+': 0, '-': 0, '*': 1, '/': 1, } return defaults[op] class VariableFindingVisitor(visitors.VariableFindingVisitor): "Find referenced and assigned ast.Name nodes" def __init__(self): super(VariableFindingVisitor, self).__init__() self.reductions = {} def register_assignment(self, node, target, op): if isinstance(target, ast.Name): self.assigned.add( if op is None: redop = op else: redop = get_reduction_op(op) if in self.reductions: previous_op = self.reductions[] if ((previous_op is None and op is not None) or (previous_op is not None and op is None)): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Reduction variable %r may not be " "assigned to" % else: if redop != previous_op: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Incompatible reduction operators: " "(%s and %s) for variable %r" % ( op, previous_op, elif op: self.reductions[] = redop def visit_Assign(self, node): if isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name): self.register_assignment(node, node.targets[0], getattr(node, 'inplace_op', None)) def create_prange_closure(env, prange_node, body, target): # Find referenced and assigned variables v = VariableFindingVisitor() v.visitlist(body) # Determine privates and reductions. Shared variables will be handled by # the closure support. privates = set(v.assigned) - set(v.reductions) reductions = v.reductions if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and in reductions: # Remove target variable from reductions if present reductions.pop( privates.add( privates_struct_type = numba.struct([]) privates_struct = ast.Name('__numba_privates', ast.Param()) args = [privates_struct] func_def = ast.FunctionDef(name=templating.temp_name("prange_body"), args=ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=copy.deepcopy(body), decorator_list=[]) # Update outlined prange body closure func_signature = void(privates_struct_type.ref()) # func_signature.struct_by_reference = True need_closure_wrapper = False locals_dict = { '__numba_privates': privates_struct_type.ref() } func_env = env.translation.make_partial_env( func_def, func_signature=func_signature, need_closure_wrapper=need_closure_wrapper, locals=locals_dict, ) # Update prange node prange_node.func_env = func_env prange_node.privates_struct_type = privates_struct_type prange_node.privates = privates prange_node.reductions = reductions prange_node.func_def = func_def prange_template = """ {{func_def}} %s # function name; avoid warning about unused variable $pack_struct $nsteps = ({{stop}} - {{start}}) / ({{step}} * {{num_threads}}) for $i in range({{num_threads}}): $temp_struct.__numba_closure_scope = {{closure_scope}} $temp_struct.__numba_start = {{start}} + $i * {{step}} * $nsteps $temp_struct.__numba_stop = $temp_struct.__numba_start + {{step}} * $nsteps $temp_struct.__numba_step = {{step}} $contexts[$i] = $temp_struct # print "temp struct", $temp_struct.__numba_start, \ # $temp_struct.__numba_stop, {{step}}, $nsteps # Undo any truncation, don't use $i here, range() doesn't # have py semantics yet $contexts[{{num_threads}} - 1].__numba_stop = {{stop}} # print "invoking..." {{invoke_and_join_threads}} $lastprivates = $contexts[{{num_threads}} - 1] """ def kill_attribute_assignments(env, prange_node, temporaries): """ Remove attribute assignments from the list of statements that need to be resolved before type inference. """ func_env = env.translation.crnt kill_set = func_env.kill_attribute_assignments kill_set.update(temporaries) kill_set.update(prange_node.privates) kill_set.update(prange_node.reductions) def rewrite_prange(env, prange_node, target, locals_dict, closures_dict): func_def = prange_node.func_def struct_type = prange_node.privates_struct_type templ = templating.TemplateContext(env.context, prange_template % # Allocate context for each thread num_threads = NUM_THREADS contexts_array_type = minitypes.CArrayType(struct_type, num_threads) # Create variables for template substitution nsteps = templ.temp_var('nsteps') temp_i = templ.temp_var('i', int32) contexts = templ.temp_var('contexts', contexts_array_type) temp_struct = templ.temp_var('temp_struct', struct_type) lastprivates = templ.temp_var("lastprivates") pack_struct = templ.code_var('pack_struct') if isinstance(target, ast.Name): target_name = struct_type.add_field(target_name, Py_ssize_t) else: raise error.NumbaError( prange_node, "Only name target for prange is currently supported") # Create code for reductions and (last)privates for name, reduction_op in prange_node.reductions.iteritems(): default = get_reduction_default(reduction_op)"%s.%s = %s" % (temp_struct, name, default)) # Update struct type with closure scope, index variable, start, # stop and step struct_type.add_field('__numba_closure_scope', void.pointer()) struct_type.add_field('__numba_start', npy_intp) struct_type.add_field('__numba_stop', npy_intp) struct_type.add_field('__numba_step', npy_intp) # Interpolate code and variables and run type inference # TODO: UNDO monkeypatching func_def.type = prange_node.func_env.func_signature func_def.is_prange_body = True func_def.prange_node = prange_node num_threads_node = nodes.const(num_threads, Py_ssize_t) invoke = InvokeAndJoinThreads(env, contexts=contexts.node,, struct_type=struct_type, target_name=target_name, num_threads=num_threads_node, closures=closures_dict) closure_scope = nodes.ClosureScopeLoadNode() subs = dict( func_def=func_def,, closure_scope=closure_scope, invoke_and_join_threads=invoke, num_threads=num_threads_node, start=nodes.UntypedCoercion(prange_node.start, Py_ssize_t), stop=nodes.UntypedCoercion(prange_node.stop, Py_ssize_t), step=nodes.UntypedCoercion(prange_node.step, Py_ssize_t), ) tree = templ.template(subs) temporaries = {} templ.update_locals(temporaries) locals_dict.update(temporaries) kill_attribute_assignments(env, prange_node, temporaries) # TODO: Make this an SSA variable locals_dict[target_name] = Py_ssize_t = target prange_node.num_threads_node = num_threads_node #.clone prange_node.template_vars = { 'contexts': contexts, 'i': temp_i, 'lastprivates': lastprivates, 'nsteps': nsteps, } # print(templ.substituted_template) return tree def typeof(name, expr): return "__numba_typeof(%s, %s)" % (name, expr) def assign(name, expr): return "%s = %s" % (name, typeof(name, expr)) post_prange_template = """ #for $i in range({{num_threads}}): # {{invoke_thread}} #for $i in range({{num_threads}}): # {{join_thread}} # print "performing reductions" for $i in range({{num_threads}}): $reductions # print "unpacking lastprivates" $unpack_struct """ def perform_reductions(context, prange_node): templ = templating.TemplateContext(context, post_prange_template) unpack_struct, reductions = templ.code_vars('unpack_struct', 'reductions') reductions.sep = "; " getvar = prange_node.template_vars.get templ.add_variable(getvar("i")) # Create code for reductions and (last)privates for name, reduction_op in prange_node.reductions.iteritems(): # Generate: x += contexts[i].x expr = "%s %s %s[%s].%s" % (name, reduction_op, getvar("contexts"), getvar("i"), name), expr)) target_name = "" if isinstance(, ast.Name): target_name = for name in prange_node.privates: # Generate: x += contexts[num_threads - 1].x expr = "%s.%s" % (getvar("lastprivates"), name) assmnt = assign(name, expr) if name == target_name: assmnt = "if %s > 0: %s" % (getvar("nsteps"), assmnt) substitutions = { "num_threads": prange_node.num_threads_node } result = templ.template(substitutions) # print(templ.substituted_template) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # prange nodes and types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PrangeType(typesystem.NumbaType): is_prange = True is_range = True class PrangeNode(nodes.ExprNode): """ Prange node. This replaces the For loop iterator in the initial stage. After type inference and before closure type inference it replaces the entire loop. """ _fields = ['start', 'stop', 'step'] func_def = None # outlined prange closure body privates_struct_type = None # numba.struct(var_name=var_type) privates = None # set([var_name]) reductions = None # { var_name: reduction_op } target = None # Target iteration variable num_threads_node = None # num_threads CloneNode template_vars = None # { "template_var_name": $template_var } def __init__(self, start, stop, step, **kwargs): super(PrangeNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.start = start self.stop = stop self.step = step self.type = PrangeType() class InvokeAndJoinThreads(nodes.UserNode): """ contexts contexts array node (array of privates structs) num_threads num threads node func_def_name name of outlined prange body function target_name name of iteration target variable (e.g. 'i') struct_type privates struct type closures { closure_name : closure_node } """ _fields = ['contexts', 'num_threads'] def __init__(self, env, **kwargs): super(InvokeAndJoinThreads, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.env = env def infer_types(self, type_inferer): type_inferer.visitchildren(self) return self def build_wrapper(self, codegen): closure_type = self.closures[self.func_def_name].type lfunc = closure_type.closure.lfunc lfunc_pointer = closure_type.closure.lfunc_pointer KernelWrapper, RunThreadPool = get_threadpool_funcs( codegen.context, self.struct_type, self.target_name, lfunc, lfunc_pointer, closure_type.signature, self.num_threads, codegen.llvm_module) kernel_wrapper = nodes.LLVMCBuilderNode(self.env, KernelWrapper, None) run_threadpool = nodes.LLVMCBuilderNode(self.env, RunThreadPool, None, dependencies=[kernel_wrapper]) lfunc_run = codegen.visit(run_threadpool) return lfunc_run def codegen(self, codegen): contexts = codegen.visit(self.contexts) num_threads = codegen.visit(self.num_threads.coerce(int_)) lfunc_run = self.build_wrapper(codegen), [contexts, num_threads]) return None class TypeofNode(nodes.UserNode): _fields = ["name", "expr"] def __init__(self, name, expr): = name self.expr = expr def infer_types(self, type_inferer): if type_inferer.analyse: return type_inferer.visit(self.expr) = type_inferer.visit( self.type = return self def make_privates_struct_type(privates_struct_type, names): """ Update the struct of privates and reductions once we know the field types. """ fielddict = dict((, name.variable.type) for name in names) fielddict.update(privates_struct_type.fielddict) fields = numba.struct(**fielddict).fields privates_struct_type.fields[:] = fields # privates_struct_type.fielddict = fielddict privates_struct_type.update_mutated() class VariableTypeInferingNode(nodes.UserNode): _fields = ["names", "pre_prange_code"] def __init__(self, variable_names, privates_struct_type): super(VariableTypeInferingNode, self).__init__() self.privates_struct_type = privates_struct_type self.names = [] for varname in variable_names: self.names.append(ast.Name(id=varname, ctx=ast.Load())) def infer_types(self, type_inferer): type_inferer.visitchildren(self) make_privates_struct_type(self.privates_struct_type, self.names) return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # prange visitors #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PrangeExpander(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Rewrite 'for i in prange(...): ...' before the control flow pass. """ prange = 0 def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if self.func_level == 0: node = self.visit_func_children(node) return node def match_global(self, node, expected_value): if isinstance(node, ast.Name) and not in self.local_names: value = self.func_globals.get(, None) return value is expected_value return False def is_numba_prange(self, node): return (self.match_global(node, prange) or (isinstance(node, ast.Attribute) and node.attr == "prange" and self.match_global(node.value, numba))) def visit_Call(self, node): if self.is_numba_prange(node.func): infer.no_keywords(node) start, stop, step = self.visitlist(unpack_range_args(node)) node = PrangeNode(start, stop, step) self.visitchildren(node) return node def error_check_prange(self, node): if self.prange: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot nest prange") if node.orelse: raise error.NumbaError(node.orelse, "Else clause to prange not yet supported") def visit_For(self, node): node.iter = self.visit(node.iter) if not isinstance(node.iter, PrangeNode): self.visitchildren(node) return node self.error_check_prange(node) = self.visit( self.prange += 1 node.body = self.visitlist(node.body) self.prange -= 1 # Create prange closure prange_node = node.iter create_prange_closure(self.env, prange_node, node.body, # setup glue code pre_loop = rewrite_prange(self.env, prange_node,, self.locals, self.closures) post_loop = perform_reductions(self.context, prange_node) # infer glue code at the right place pre_loop_dont_infer = nodes.dont_infer(pre_loop) pre_loop_infer_now = nodes.infer_now(pre_loop, pre_loop_dont_infer) # infer the type of the struct of privates right after the loop allprivates = set(prange_node.privates) | set(prange_node.reductions) type = prange_node.privates_struct_type infer_privates_struct = VariableTypeInferingNode(allprivates, type) # Signal that we now have additional local variables self.invalidate_locals() return ast.Suite(body=[ pre_loop_dont_infer, node, infer_privates_struct, pre_loop_infer_now, post_loop]) class PrangeCleanup(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Clean up outlined prange loops after type inference (removes them entirely). """ def visit_For(self, node): if not node.iter.variable.type.is_prange: self.visitchildren(node) return node nodes.delete_control_blocks(node, self.ast.flow) return None class PrangePrivatesReplacer(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Rewrite private variables to accesses on the privates before closure type inference (closure type inference of the outer function, and type inference (and control flow analysis) of the inner function). """ in_prange_closure = 0 def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): """ Analyse immedidate prange functions (not ones in closures). Don't re-analyze prange functions when the prange function closures themselves are compiled. """ if getattr(node, 'is_prange_body', False) and self.func_level == 0: prange_node = node.prange_node self.privates_struct_type = prange_node.privates_struct_type node.body = [nodes.WithNoPythonNode(body=node.body)] self.in_prange_closure += 1 self.visit_func_children(node) self.in_prange_closure -= 1 self.invalidate_locals(node) self.invalidate_locals() else: self.visit_func_children(node) return node def visit_Name(self, node): if self.in_prange_closure: if in self.privates_struct_type.fielddict: privates_struct = ast.Name('__numba_privates', ast.Load()) #node.ctx) result = ast.Attribute(value=privates_struct,, ctx=node.ctx) return result return node def visit_Call(self, node): if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and == "__numba_typeof": return TypeofNode(node.args[0], node.args[1]) self.visitchildren(node) return node #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LLVM cbuilder prange utilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _count = 0 def get_threadpool_funcs(context, context_struct_type, target_name, lfunc, lfunc_pointer, signature, num_threads, llvm_module): """ Get functions to run the closure in separate threads. context: the Numba/Minivect context context_struct_type: the struct type holding all private and reduction variables """ global _count _count += 1 context_cbuilder_type = builder.CStruct.from_numba_struct( context, context_struct_type) context_p_ltype = context_struct_type.pointer().to_llvm(context) class KernelWrapper(CDefinition): """ Implements a prange kernel wrapper that is invoked in each thread. Implements: for i in range(start, stop, step): worker(closure_scope, privates) """ _name_ = "prange_kernel_wrapper_%d" % _count _argtys_ = [ ('context', C.void_p), ] def __init__(self, dependencies, ldependencies, **kwargs): super(KernelWrapper, self).__init__(**kwargs) def dispatch(self, context_struct_p, context_getfield, lfunc, lfunc_pointer): """ Call the closure with the closure scope and context arguments. We don't directly call the lfunc since there are linkage issues. """ if signature.args[0].is_closure_scope: llvm_object_type = object_.to_llvm(context) closure_scope = context_getfield('closure_scope') closure_scope = closure_scope.cast(llvm_object_type) args = [closure_scope, context_struct_p] else: args = [context_struct_p] # Get the LLVM arguments llargs = [arg.handle for arg in args] # Get the LLVM pointer to the function lfunc_pointer =, lfunc_pointer) lfunc_pointer = self.builder.inttoptr(lfunc_pointer, lfunc.type), llargs) def body(self, context_p): context_struct_p = context_p.cast(context_p_ltype) context_struct = context_struct_p.as_struct(context_cbuilder_type) def context_getfield(name): "Get a field named __numba_<name>" return getattr(context_struct, '__numba_' + name) start = self.var(C.npy_intp, context_getfield('start')) stop = self.var(C.npy_intp, context_getfield('stop')) step = self.var(C.npy_intp, context_getfield('step')) length = stop - start nsteps = self.var(C.npy_intp, length / step) zero = self.constant(C.npy_intp, 0) with self.ifelse(length % step != zero) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): nsteps += self.constant(C.npy_intp, 1) # self.debug("start", start, "stop", stop, "step", step) with self.for_range(nsteps) as (loop, i): getattr(context_struct, target_name).assign(start) self.dispatch(context_struct_p, context_getfield, lfunc, lfunc_pointer) start += step self.ret() def specialize(self, *args, **kwargs): self._name_ = "__numba_kernel_wrapper_%s" % class RunThreadPool(CDefinition, threads.ParallelMixin): """ Function that spawns the thread pool. """ _name_ = "invoke_prange_%d" % _count _argtys_ = [ ('contexts', context_p_ltype), ('num_threads',, ] def __init__(self, dependencies, ldependencies, **kwargs): self.kernel_wrapper, = dependencies super(RunThreadPool, self).__init__(**kwargs) def body(self, contexts, num_threads): callback = self.kernel_wrapper.pointer callback = self.constant(Py_uintptr_t.to_llvm(context), callback) callback = callback.cast(C.void_p) self._dispatch_worker(callback, contexts, num_threads) self.ret() def specialize(self, *args, **kwargs): self._name_ = "__numba_run_threadpool_%s" % return KernelWrapper, RunThreadPool #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The actual prange function #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def prange(start=0, stop=None, step=1): if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 return range(start, stop, step) # numba.prange = prange ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = pipeline # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module contains the Pipeline class which provides a pluggable way to define the transformations and the order in which they run on the AST. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import sys import ast as ast_module import logging import pprint import random import types import copy import llvm.core as lc # import numba.closures from numba import PY3 from numba import error from numba import functions from numba import transforms from numba import control_flow from numba import closures from numba import reporting from numba import normalize from numba import validate from numba.array_validation import ArrayValidator from numba.viz import cfgviz from numba import typesystem from numba.codegen import llvmwrapper from numba import ast_constant_folding as constant_folding from numba.control_flow import ssa, cfstats from numba.codegen import translate from numba import utils from numba.missing import FixMissingLocations from numba.type_inference import infer as type_inference from numba.asdl import schema from numba.prettyprint import (dump_ast, dump_cfg, dump_annotations, dump_llvm, dump_optimized) import numba.visitors from numba.specialize import comparisons from numba.specialize import loops from numba.specialize import exceptions from numba.specialize import funccalls from numba.specialize import exttypes from numba import astsix logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_locals(ast, locals_dict): # TODO: Remove this if locals_dict is None: locals_dict = getattr(ast, "locals_dict", {}) elif hasattr(ast, "locals_dict"): assert ast.locals_dict is locals_dict ast.locals_dict = locals_dict return locals_dict def module_name(func): if func is None: name = "NoneFunc" func_id = random.randrange(1000000) else: name = '%s.%s' % (func.__module__, func.__name__) func_id = id(func) return 'tmp.module.%s.%x' % (name, func_id) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Entry points #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def run_pipeline2(env, func, func_ast, func_signature, pipeline=None, **kwargs): assert pipeline is None assert kwargs.get('order', None) is None logger.debug(pprint.pformat(kwargs)) kwargs['llvm_module'] = with env.TranslationContext(env, func, func_ast, func_signature, **kwargs) as func_env: pipeline = env.get_pipeline(kwargs.get('pipeline_name', None)) post_ast = pipeline(func_ast, env) func_signature = func_env.func_signature symtab = func_env.symtab return func_env, (func_signature, symtab, post_ast) def run_env(env, func_env, **kwargs): env.translation.push_env(func_env) pipeline = env.get_pipeline(kwargs.get('pipeline_name', None)) try: pipeline(func_env.ast, env) finally: env.translation.pop() def _infer_types2(env, func, restype=None, argtypes=None, **kwargs): ast = functions._get_ast(func) func_signature = typesystem.function(restype, argtypes) return run_pipeline2(env, func, ast, func_signature, **kwargs) def infer_types2(env, func, restype=None, argtypes=None, **kwargs): """ Like run_pipeline, but takes restype and argtypes instead of a function """ pipeline, (sig, symtab, ast) = _infer_types2( env, func, restype, argtypes, pipeline_name='type_infer', **kwargs) return sig, symtab, ast def compile2(env, func, restype=None, argtypes=None, ctypes=False, compile_only=False, func_ast=None, **kwds): """ Compile a numba annotated function. - decompile function into a Python ast - run type inference using the given input types - compile the function to LLVM """ # Let the pipeline create a module for the function it is compiling # and the user will link that in. assert 'llvm_module' not in kwds kwds['llvm_module'] = logger.debug(kwds) if func_ast is None: func_ast = functions._get_ast(func) else: func_ast = copy.deepcopy(func_ast) func_signature = typesystem.function(restype, argtypes) #pipeline, (func_signature, symtab, ast) = _infer_types2( # env, func, restype, argtypes, codegen=True, **kwds) with env.TranslationContext(env, func, func_ast, func_signature, need_lfunc_wrapper=not compile_only, **kwds) as func_env: pipeline = env.get_pipeline(kwds.get('pipeline_name', None)) func_ast.pipeline = pipeline post_ast = pipeline(func_ast, env) func_signature = func_env.func_signature symtab = func_env.symtab t = func_env.translator return func_env #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Pipeline refactored code #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PipelineStage(object): is_composed = False def check_preconditions(self, ast, env): return True def check_postconditions(self, ast, env): return True def transform(self, ast, env): raise NotImplementedError('%r does not implement transform!' % type(self)) def make_specializer(self, cls, ast, env, **kws): crnt = env.translation.crnt kws = kws.copy() kws.update(func_signature=crnt.func_signature, nopython=env.translation.nopython, symtab=crnt.symtab, func_name=crnt.func_name, llvm_module=crnt.llvm_module, func_globals=crnt.function_globals, locals=crnt.locals, allow_rebind_args=env.translation.allow_rebind_args, warn=env.translation.crnt.warn, is_closure=crnt.is_closure, closures=crnt.closures, closure_scope=crnt.closure_scope, env=env) return cls(env.context, crnt.func, ast, **kws) def __call__(self, ast, env): if env.stage_checks: self.check_preconditions(ast, env) if self.is_composed: ast = self.transform(ast, env) else: try: ast = self.transform(ast, env) except error.NumbaError as e: func_env = env.translation.crnt error_env = func_env.error_env if func_env.is_closure: flags, parent_func_env = env.translation.stack[-2] error_env.merge_in(parent_func_env.error_env) elif not e.has_report:, exc=e) raise env.translation.crnt.ast = ast if env.stage_checks: self.check_postconditions(ast, env) return ast class SimplePipelineStage(PipelineStage): transformer = None def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(self.transformer, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) class AST3to2(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): if not PY3: return ast return astsix.AST3to2().visit(ast) def ast3to2(ast, env): if not PY3: return ast return astsix.AST3to2().visit(ast) def resolve_templates(ast, env): # TODO: Unify with decorators module crnt = env.translation.crnt if crnt.template_signature is not None: from numba import typesystem argnames = [ for name in ast.args.args] argtypes = list(crnt.func_signature.args) template_context, signature = typesystem.resolve_templates( crnt.locals, crnt.template_signature, argnames, argtypes) crnt.func_signature = signature return ast def validate_signature(tree, env): arg_types = env.translation.crnt.func_signature.args if (isinstance(tree, ast_module.FunctionDef) and len(arg_types) != len(tree.args.args)): raise error.NumbaError( "Incorrect number of types specified in @jit() for function %r" % env.crnt.func_name) return tree def validate_arrays(ast, env): ArrayValidator(env).visit(ast) return ast def update_signature(tree, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt func_signature = func_env.func_signature restype = func_signature.return_type if restype and (restype.is_struct or restype.is_complex or restype.is_datetime or restype.is_timedelta): # Change signatures returning complex numbers or structs to # signatures taking a pointer argument to a complex number # or struct func_signature = func_signature.return_type(*func_signature.args) func_env.func_signature = func_signature return tree def get_lfunc(env, func_env): lfunc = func_env.llvm_module.add_function( func_env.func_signature.to_llvm(env.context), func_env.mangled_name) return lfunc def create_lfunc(tree, env): """ Update the FunctionEnvironment with an LLVM function if the signature is known (try this before type inference to support recursion). """ func_env = env.translation.crnt if (not func_env.lfunc and func_env.func_signature and func_env.func_signature.return_type): assert func_env.llvm_module is not None lfunc = get_lfunc(env, func_env) func_env.lfunc = lfunc if func_env.func: env.specializations.register_specialization(func_env) return tree def create_lfunc1(tree, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt if not func_env.is_closure: create_lfunc(tree, env) return tree def create_lfunc2(tree, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt assert func_env.func_signature and func_env.func_signature.return_type return create_lfunc1(tree, env) def create_lfunc3(tree, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt create_lfunc(tree, env) return tree # ______________________________________________________________________ class ValidateASTStage(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): validate.ValidateAST().visit(ast) return ast class NormalizeASTStage(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(normalize.NormalizeAST, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) # ______________________________________________________________________ class ControlFlowAnalysis(PipelineStage): _pre_condition_schema = None @property def pre_condition_schema(self): if self._pre_condition_schema is None: self._pre_condition_schema = schema.load('Python.asdl') return self._pre_condition_schema def check_preconditions(self, ast, env): self.pre_condition_schema.verify(ast) # raises exception on error return True def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(control_flow.ControlFlowAnalysis, ast, env) ast = transform.visit(ast) env.translation.crnt.symtab = transform.symtab ast.flow = transform.flow return ast class ConstFolding(PipelineStage): def check_preconditions(self, ast, env): assert not hasattr(env.crnt, 'constvars') return super(ConstFolding, self).check_preconditions(ast, env) def check_postconditions(self, ast, env): assert hasattr(env.crnt, 'constvars') return super(ConstFolding, self).check_postconditions(ast, env) def transform(self, ast, env): const_marker = self.make_specializer(constant_folding.ConstantMarker, ast, env) const_marker.visit(ast) constvars = const_marker.get_constants() # FIXME: Make constvars a property of the FunctionEnvironment, # or nix this transformation pass. env.translation.crnt.constvars = constvars const_folder = self.make_specializer(constant_folding.ConstantFolder, ast, env, constvars=constvars) return const_folder.visit(ast) class TypeInfer(PipelineStage): def check_preconditions(self, ast, env): assert env.translation.crnt.symtab is not None return super(TypeInfer, self).check_preconditions(ast, env) def transform(self, ast, env): crnt = env.translation.crnt type_inferer = self.make_specializer(type_inference.TypeInferer, ast, env, **crnt.kwargs) type_inferer.infer_types() crnt.func_signature = type_inferer.func_signature logger.debug("signature for %s: %s", crnt.func_name, crnt.func_signature) crnt.symtab = type_inferer.symtab return ast class TypeSet(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): visitor = self.make_specializer(type_inference.TypeSettingVisitor, ast, env) visitor.visit(ast) return ast class ClosureTypeInference(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): type_inferer = self.make_specializer( numba.closures.ClosureTypeInferer, ast, env) return type_inferer.visit(ast) class TransformFor(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(loops.TransformForIterable, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) class TransformBuiltinLoops(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(loops.TransformBuiltinLoops, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prange #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def run_prange(name): def wrapper(ast, env): from numba import parallel stage = getattr(parallel, name) return PipelineStage().make_specializer(stage, ast, env).visit(ast) wrapper.__name__ = name return wrapper ExpandPrange = run_prange('PrangeExpander') RewritePrangePrivates = run_prange('PrangePrivatesReplacer') CleanupPrange = run_prange('PrangeCleanup') class UpdateAttributeStatements(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt for block in func_env.flow.blocks: stats = [] for cf_stat in block.stats: if (isinstance(cf_stat, cfstats.AttributeAssignment) and isinstance(cf_stat.lhs, ast_module.Attribute)): value = cf_stat.lhs.value if (isinstance(value, ast_module.Name) and in func_env.kill_attribute_assignments): cf_stat = None if cf_stat: stats.append(cf_stat) block.stats = stats return ast #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specializing/Lowering Transforms #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Specialize(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): return ast class RewriteArrayExpressions(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): from numba import array_expressions transformer = self.make_specializer( array_expressions.ArrayExpressionRewriteNative, ast, env) return transformer.visit(ast) class SpecializeComparisons(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(comparisons.SpecializeComparisons, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) class SpecializeSSA(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): ssa.specialize_ssa(ast) return ast class SpecializeClosures(SimplePipelineStage): transformer = closures.ClosureSpecializer class Optimize(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): return ast class SpecializeLoops(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(loops.SpecializeObjectIteration, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) class LowerRaise(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): return self.make_specializer(exceptions.LowerRaise, ast, env).visit(ast) class LateSpecializer(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): specializer = self.make_specializer(transforms.LateSpecializer, ast, env) return specializer.visit(ast) class ExtensionTypeLowerer(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): specializer = self.make_specializer(exttypes.ExtensionTypeLowerer, ast, env) return specializer.visit(ast) class SpecializeFunccalls(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(funccalls.FunctionCallSpecializer, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) class SpecializeExceptions(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): transform = self.make_specializer(exceptions.ExceptionSpecializer, ast, env) return transform.visit(ast) def cleanup_symtab(ast, env): "Pop original variables from the symtab" for var in env.translation.crnt.symtab.values(): if not var.parent_var and var.renameable: env.translation.crnt.symtab.pop(, None) return ast class FixASTLocations(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): lineno = getattr(ast, 'lineno', 1) col_offset = getattr(ast, 'col_offset', 1) FixMissingLocations(lineno, col_offset).visit(ast) return ast class CodeGen(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt func_env.translator = self.make_specializer( translate.LLVMCodeGenerator, ast, env, **func_env.kwargs) func_env.translator.translate() func_env.lfunc = func_env.translator.lfunc return ast class PostPass(PipelineStage): def transform(self, ast, env): for postpass_name, postpass in env.crnt.postpasses.iteritems(): env.crnt.lfunc = postpass(env, env.llvm_context.execution_engine, env.crnt.llvm_module, env.crnt.lfunc) return ast class LinkingStage(PipelineStage): """ Link the resulting LLVM function into the global fat module. """ def transform(self, ast, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt # Link libraries into module # lfunc_pointer = 0 if # Link function into fat LLVM module func_env.lfunc = func_env.translator.lfunc = func_env.lfunc lfunc_pointer = func_env.translator.lfunc_pointer func_env.lfunc_pointer = lfunc_pointer return ast class WrapperStage(PipelineStage): """ Build a wrapper LLVM function around the compiled numba function to call it from Python. """ def transform(self, ast, env): func_env = env.translation.crnt if func_env.is_closure: wrap = func_env.need_closure_wrapper else: wrap = func_env.wrap if wrap: numbawrapper, lfuncwrapper, _ = ( llvmwrapper.build_wrapper_function(env)) func_env.numba_wrapper_func = numbawrapper func_env.llvm_wrapper_func = lfuncwrapper # Set pointer to function for external code and numba.addressof() numbawrapper.lfunc_pointer = func_env.lfunc_pointer return ast class ErrorReporting(PipelineStage): "Sort and issue warnings and errors" def transform(self, ast, env): return ast class ComposedPipelineStage(PipelineStage): is_composed = True def __init__(self, stages=None): if stages is None: stages = [] self.stages = [self.check_stage(stage)[1] for stage in stages] @staticmethod def check_stage(stage): def _check_stage_object(stage_obj): if (isinstance(stage_obj, type) and issubclass(stage_obj, PipelineStage)): stage_obj = stage_obj() return stage_obj if isinstance(stage, str): name = stage def _stage(ast, env): stage_obj = getattr(env.pipeline_stages, name) return _check_stage_object(stage_obj)(ast, env) _stage.__name__ = name stage = _stage else: name = stage.__name__ stage = _check_stage_object(stage) return name, stage def transform(self, ast, env): logger.debug('Running composed stages: %s', self.stages) for stage in self.stages: if env.debug: stage_tuple = (stage, utils.ast2tree(ast)) logger.debug(pprint.pformat(stage_tuple)) ast = stage(ast, env) return ast @classmethod def compose(cls, stage0, stage1): if isinstance(stage0, ComposedPipelineStage): stage0s = stage0.stages else: stage0s = [check_stage(stage0)[1]] if isinstance(stage1, ComposedPipelineStage): stage1s = stage1.stages else: stage1s = [check_stage(stage1)[1]] return cls(stage0s + stage1s) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = postpasses # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Postpasses over the LLVM IR. The signature of each postpass is postpass(env, ee, lmod, lfunc) -> lfunc """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvmmath from llvmmath import linking default_postpasses = {} def register_default(name): def dec(f): default_postpasses[name] = f return f return dec # ______________________________________________________________________ # Postpasses @register_default('math') def postpass_link_math(env, ee, lmod, lfunc): "numba.math.* -> llvmmath.*" replacements = {} for lf in lmod.functions: if'numba.math.'): _, _, name ='.') replacements[] = name del lf # this is dead after linking below default_math_lib = llvmmath.get_default_math_lib() linker = linking.get_linker(default_math_lib) linking.link_llvm_math_intrinsics(ee, lmod, default_math_lib, linker, replacements) return lfunc ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = prettyprint # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Pretty printing of numba IRs. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import sys from numba.lexing import lex_source from numba.viz import cfgviz, astviz from numba.annotate import annotators from numba.annotate import render_text, render_html from numba.annotate.annotate import Source, Program, build_linemap # ______________________________________________________________________ def dumppass(option): def decorator(f): def wrapper(ast, env): if env.cmdopts.get(option): f(ast, env, env.cmdopts.get("fancy")) return ast return wrapper return decorator # ______________________________________________________________________ @dumppass("dump-ast") def dump_ast(ast, env, fancy): if fancy: astviz.render_ast(ast, os.path.expanduser("~/")) else: import ast as ast_module print(ast_module.dump(ast)) @dumppass("dump-cfg") def dump_cfg(ast, env, fancy): cfg = env.crnt.flow if fancy: cfgviz.render_cfg(cfg, os.path.expanduser("~/")) else: for block in cfg.blocks: print(block) print(" ", block.parents) print(" ", block.children) @dumppass("annotate") def dump_annotations(ast, env, fancy): llvm_intermediate, = [i for i in env.crnt.intermediates if == "llvm"] annotators.annotate_pyapi(llvm_intermediate, env.crnt.annotations) p = Program(Source(build_linemap(env.crnt.func), env.crnt.annotations), env.crnt.intermediates) if fancy: render = render_html fn, ext = os.path.splitext(env.cmdopts["filename"]) out = open(fn + '.html', 'w') print("Writing", fn + '.html') else: render = render_text out = sys.stdout # Look back through stack until we find the line of code that called our # jitted function. func_call = '' func_call_filename = env.cmdopts['filename'] func_call_lineno = '' import traceback stack = traceback.extract_stack() for i in range(len(stack)-1, -1, -1): if stack[i][0] == env.cmdopts['filename'] and stack[i][3].find(env.crnt.func_name) > -1: func_call = stack[i][3] func_call_lineno = str(stack[i][1]) break annotation = {'func_call':func_call, 'func_call_filename':func_call_filename, 'func_call_lineno':func_call_lineno, 'python_source':p.python_source, 'intermediates':p.intermediates} if fancy: env.annotation_blocks.append(annotation) else: env.annotation_blocks = [annotation] render(env.annotation_blocks, emit=out.write, intermediate_names=["llvm"]) @dumppass("dump-llvm") def dump_llvm(ast, env, fancy): print(lex_source(str(env.crnt.lfunc), "llvm", "console")) @dumppass("dump-optimized") def dump_optimized(ast, env, fancy): print(lex_source(str(env.crnt.lfunc), "llvm", "console")) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = random import ctypes as ct import numpy.random as nr import os.path from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_shared_lib_extension mtrand = ct.CDLL(nr.mtrand.__file__) # Should we parse this from randomkit.h in the numpy directory? RK_STATE_LEN = len(nr.get_state()[1]) class rk_state(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [("key", ct.c_ulong * RK_STATE_LEN), ("pos", ct.c_int), ("has_gauss", ct.c_int), ("gauss", ct.c_double), ("has_binomial", ct.c_int), ("psave", ct.c_double), ("nsave", ct.c_long), ("r", ct.c_double), ("q", ct.c_double), ("fm", ct.c_double), ("m", ct.c_long), ("p1", ct.c_double), ("xm", ct.c_double), ("xl", ct.c_double), ("xr", ct.c_double), ("c", ct.c_double), ("laml", ct.c_double), ("lamr", ct.c_double), ("p2", ct.c_double), ("p3", ct.c_double), ("p4", ct.c_double)] try: rk_randomseed = mtrand.rk_randomseed rk_seed = mtrand.rk_seed rk_interval = mtrand.rk_interval rk_gamma = mtrand.rk_gamma rk_normal = mtrand.rk_normal except AttributeError as e: raise ImportError(str(e)) rk_randomseed.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(rk_state)] rk_seed.restype = None rk_seed.argtypes = [ct.c_long, ct.POINTER(rk_state)] rk_interval.restype = ct.c_ulong rk_interval.argtypes = [ct.c_ulong, ct.POINTER(rk_state)] state = rk_state() state_p = ct.pointer(state) state_vp = ct.cast(state_p, ct.c_void_p) def seed(N): return rk_seed(N, state_p) # Returns a random unsigned long between 0 and max inclusive def interval(max): return rk_interval(max, state_p) def init(): if rk_randomseed(state_p) != 0: raise ValueError("Cannot initialize the random number generator.") def init2(n=200): if rk_seed(n, state_p) != 0: raise ValueError("Cannot initialize the random number generator.") rk_address = ct.POINTER(rk_state) rk_error = ct.c_int _thisname = os.path.abspath(__file__) _filename = os.path.dirname(_thisname) + os.path.sep + '' with open(_filename) as f: _code = compile(, _filename, 'exec') exec(_code) del _thisname del _filename del f del _code init() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = _rng_generated rk_randomseed = mtrand.rk_randomseed rk_randomseed.restype = rk_error rk_randomseed.argtypes = [rk_address] def randomseed(): return rk_randomseed(state_p) rk_random = mtrand.rk_random rk_random.restype = ct.c_ulong rk_random.argtypes = [rk_address] def random(): return rk_random(state_p) rk_long = mtrand.rk_long rk_long.restype = ct.c_long rk_long.argtypes = [rk_address] def long(): return rk_long(state_p) rk_ulong = mtrand.rk_ulong rk_ulong.restype = ct.c_ulong rk_ulong.argtypes = [rk_address] def ulong(): return rk_ulong(state_p) rk_double = mtrand.rk_double rk_double.restype = ct.c_double rk_double.argtypes = [rk_address] def double(): return rk_double(state_p) rk_gauss = mtrand.rk_gauss rk_gauss.restype = ct.c_double rk_gauss.argtypes = [rk_address] def gauss(): return rk_gauss(state_p) rk_normal = mtrand.rk_normal rk_normal.restype = ct.c_double rk_normal.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def normal(loc,scale): return rk_normal(state_p,loc,scale) rk_standard_exponential = mtrand.rk_standard_exponential rk_standard_exponential.restype = ct.c_double rk_standard_exponential.argtypes = [rk_address] def standard_exponential(): return rk_standard_exponential(state_p) rk_exponential = mtrand.rk_exponential rk_exponential.restype = ct.c_double rk_exponential.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def exponential(scale): return rk_exponential(state_p,scale) rk_uniform = mtrand.rk_uniform rk_uniform.restype = ct.c_double rk_uniform.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def uniform(loc,scale): return rk_uniform(state_p,loc,scale) rk_standard_gamma = mtrand.rk_standard_gamma rk_standard_gamma.restype = ct.c_double rk_standard_gamma.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def standard_gamma(shape): return rk_standard_gamma(state_p,shape) rk_gamma = mtrand.rk_gamma rk_gamma.restype = ct.c_double rk_gamma.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def gamma(shape,scale): return rk_gamma(state_p,shape,scale) rk_beta = mtrand.rk_beta rk_beta.restype = ct.c_double rk_beta.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def beta(a,b): return rk_beta(state_p,a,b) rk_chisquare = mtrand.rk_chisquare rk_chisquare.restype = ct.c_double rk_chisquare.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def chisquare(df): return rk_chisquare(state_p,df) rk_noncentral_chisquare = mtrand.rk_noncentral_chisquare rk_noncentral_chisquare.restype = ct.c_double rk_noncentral_chisquare.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def noncentral_chisquare(df,nonc): return rk_noncentral_chisquare(state_p,df,nonc) rk_f = mtrand.rk_f rk_f.restype = ct.c_double rk_f.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def f(dfnum,dfden): return rk_f(state_p,dfnum,dfden) rk_noncentral_f = mtrand.rk_noncentral_f rk_noncentral_f.restype = ct.c_double rk_noncentral_f.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def noncentral_f(dfnum,dfden,nonc): return rk_noncentral_f(state_p,dfnum,dfden,nonc) rk_binomial = mtrand.rk_binomial rk_binomial.restype = ct.c_long rk_binomial.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_long,ct.c_double] def binomial(n,p): return rk_binomial(state_p,n,p) rk_binomial_btpe = mtrand.rk_binomial_btpe rk_binomial_btpe.restype = ct.c_long rk_binomial_btpe.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_long,ct.c_double] def binomial_btpe(n,p): return rk_binomial_btpe(state_p,n,p) rk_binomial_inversion = mtrand.rk_binomial_inversion rk_binomial_inversion.restype = ct.c_long rk_binomial_inversion.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_long,ct.c_double] def binomial_inversion(n,p): return rk_binomial_inversion(state_p,n,p) rk_negative_binomial = mtrand.rk_negative_binomial rk_negative_binomial.restype = ct.c_long rk_negative_binomial.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def negative_binomial(n,p): return rk_negative_binomial(state_p,n,p) rk_poisson = mtrand.rk_poisson rk_poisson.restype = ct.c_long rk_poisson.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def poisson(lam): return rk_poisson(state_p,lam) rk_poisson_mult = mtrand.rk_poisson_mult rk_poisson_mult.restype = ct.c_long rk_poisson_mult.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def poisson_mult(lam): return rk_poisson_mult(state_p,lam) rk_poisson_ptrs = mtrand.rk_poisson_ptrs rk_poisson_ptrs.restype = ct.c_long rk_poisson_ptrs.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def poisson_ptrs(lam): return rk_poisson_ptrs(state_p,lam) rk_standard_cauchy = mtrand.rk_standard_cauchy rk_standard_cauchy.restype = ct.c_double rk_standard_cauchy.argtypes = [rk_address] def standard_cauchy(): return rk_standard_cauchy(state_p) rk_standard_t = mtrand.rk_standard_t rk_standard_t.restype = ct.c_double rk_standard_t.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def standard_t(df): return rk_standard_t(state_p,df) rk_vonmises = mtrand.rk_vonmises rk_vonmises.restype = ct.c_double rk_vonmises.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def vonmises(mu,kappa): return rk_vonmises(state_p,mu,kappa) rk_pareto = mtrand.rk_pareto rk_pareto.restype = ct.c_double rk_pareto.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def pareto(a): return rk_pareto(state_p,a) rk_weibull = mtrand.rk_weibull rk_weibull.restype = ct.c_double rk_weibull.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def weibull(a): return rk_weibull(state_p,a) rk_power = mtrand.rk_power rk_power.restype = ct.c_double rk_power.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def power(a): return rk_power(state_p,a) rk_laplace = mtrand.rk_laplace rk_laplace.restype = ct.c_double rk_laplace.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def laplace(loc,scale): return rk_laplace(state_p,loc,scale) rk_gumbel = mtrand.rk_gumbel rk_gumbel.restype = ct.c_double rk_gumbel.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def gumbel(loc,scale): return rk_gumbel(state_p,loc,scale) rk_logistic = mtrand.rk_logistic rk_logistic.restype = ct.c_double rk_logistic.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def logistic(loc,scale): return rk_logistic(state_p,loc,scale) rk_lognormal = mtrand.rk_lognormal rk_lognormal.restype = ct.c_double rk_lognormal.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def lognormal(mean,sigma): return rk_lognormal(state_p,mean,sigma) rk_rayleigh = mtrand.rk_rayleigh rk_rayleigh.restype = ct.c_double rk_rayleigh.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def rayleigh(mode): return rk_rayleigh(state_p,mode) rk_wald = mtrand.rk_wald rk_wald.restype = ct.c_double rk_wald.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def wald(mean,scale): return rk_wald(state_p,mean,scale) rk_zipf = mtrand.rk_zipf rk_zipf.restype = ct.c_long rk_zipf.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def zipf(a): return rk_zipf(state_p,a) rk_geometric = mtrand.rk_geometric rk_geometric.restype = ct.c_long rk_geometric.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def geometric(p): return rk_geometric(state_p,p) rk_geometric_search = mtrand.rk_geometric_search rk_geometric_search.restype = ct.c_long rk_geometric_search.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def geometric_search(p): return rk_geometric_search(state_p,p) rk_geometric_inversion = mtrand.rk_geometric_inversion rk_geometric_inversion.restype = ct.c_long rk_geometric_inversion.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def geometric_inversion(p): return rk_geometric_inversion(state_p,p) rk_hypergeometric = mtrand.rk_hypergeometric rk_hypergeometric.restype = ct.c_long rk_hypergeometric.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_long,ct.c_long,ct.c_long] def hypergeometric(good,bad,sample): return rk_hypergeometric(state_p,good,bad,sample) rk_hypergeometric_hyp = mtrand.rk_hypergeometric_hyp rk_hypergeometric_hyp.restype = ct.c_long rk_hypergeometric_hyp.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_long,ct.c_long,ct.c_long] def hypergeometric_hyp(good,bad,sample): return rk_hypergeometric_hyp(state_p,good,bad,sample) rk_hypergeometric_hrua = mtrand.rk_hypergeometric_hrua rk_hypergeometric_hrua.restype = ct.c_long rk_hypergeometric_hrua.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_long,ct.c_long,ct.c_long] def hypergeometric_hrua(good,bad,sample): return rk_hypergeometric_hrua(state_p,good,bad,sample) rk_triangular = mtrand.rk_triangular rk_triangular.restype = ct.c_double rk_triangular.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double,ct.c_double,ct.c_double] def triangular(left,mode,right): return rk_triangular(state_p,left,mode,right) rk_logseries = mtrand.rk_logseries rk_logseries.restype = ct.c_long rk_logseries.argtypes = [rk_address,ct.c_double] def logseries(p): return rk_logseries(state_p,p) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = __generate_rng def _groupn(iter, N): k = 0 ret = () for item in iter: k = k + 1 ret += (item,) if k == N: yield ret k = 0 ret = () _toreplace = [('unsigned long ', 'ct.c_ulong '), ('long ', 'ct.c_long '), ('double ', 'ct.c_double '), ('rk_state *', 'rk_address '), ('void *', 'ct.c_void_p '), ('void', 'None')] # Return [name, restype, and argtypes, argnames] def parse_header(header): mystr = '@@@_%d_@@@' for i, (old, new) in enumerate(_toreplace): header = header.replace(old, mystr % i) for i, (old, new) in enumerate(_toreplace): header = header.replace(mystr % i, new) funcs = [val.split(';')[0].strip() for indx, val in enumerate(header.split('extern')) if indx > 0] result = [] for func in funcs: temp = func.split() restype = temp[0] name, arg0type = temp[1].split('(') argtypes = [arg0type] argnames = [temp[2].strip(')')] for atype, aname in _groupn(temp[3:], 2): argnames.append(aname.strip(')')) argtypes.append(atype) result.append([name, restype, argtypes, argnames]) return result header1 = """ /* * Initialize the RNG state using the given seed. */ /* * Initialize the RNG state using a random seed. * Uses /dev/random or, when unavailable, the clock (see randomkit.c). * Returns RK_NOERR when no errors occurs. * Returns RK_ENODEV when the use of RK_DEV_RANDOM failed (for example because * there is no such device). In this case, the RNG was initialized using the * clock. */ extern rk_error rk_randomseed(rk_state *state); /* * Returns a random unsigned long between 0 and RK_MAX inclusive */ extern unsigned long rk_random(rk_state *state); /* * Returns a random long between 0 and LONG_MAX inclusive */ extern long rk_long(rk_state *state); /* * Returns a random unsigned long between 0 and ULONG_MAX inclusive */ extern unsigned long rk_ulong(rk_state *state); /* * Returns a random double between 0.0 and 1.0, 1.0 excluded. */ extern double rk_double(rk_state *state); /* * return a random gaussian deviate with variance unity and zero mean. */ extern double rk_gauss(rk_state *state); """ header2 = """ /* Normal distribution with mean=loc and standard deviation=scale. */ extern double rk_normal(rk_state *state, double loc, double scale); /* Standard exponential distribution (mean=1) computed by inversion of the * CDF. */ extern double rk_standard_exponential(rk_state *state); /* Exponential distribution with mean=scale. */ extern double rk_exponential(rk_state *state, double scale); /* Uniform distribution on interval [loc, loc+scale). */ extern double rk_uniform(rk_state *state, double loc, double scale); /* Standard gamma distribution with shape parameter. * When shape < 1, the algorithm given by (Devroye p. 304) is used. * When shape == 1, a Exponential variate is generated. * When shape > 1, the small and fast method of (Marsaglia and Tsang 2000) * is used. */ extern double rk_standard_gamma(rk_state *state, double shape); /* Gamma distribution with shape and scale. */ extern double rk_gamma(rk_state *state, double shape, double scale); /* Beta distribution computed by combining two gamma variates (Devroye p. 432). */ extern double rk_beta(rk_state *state, double a, double b); /* Chi^2 distribution computed by transforming a gamma variate (it being a * special case Gamma(df/2, 2)). */ extern double rk_chisquare(rk_state *state, double df); /* Noncentral Chi^2 distribution computed by modifying a Chi^2 variate. */ extern double rk_noncentral_chisquare(rk_state *state, double df, double nonc); /* F distribution computed by taking the ratio of two Chi^2 variates. */ extern double rk_f(rk_state *state, double dfnum, double dfden); /* Noncentral F distribution computed by taking the ratio of a noncentral Chi^2 * and a Chi^2 variate. */ extern double rk_noncentral_f(rk_state *state, double dfnum, double dfden, double nonc); /* Binomial distribution with n Bernoulli trials with success probability p. * When n*p <= 30, the "Second waiting time method" given by (Devroye p. 525) is * used. Otherwise, the BTPE algorithm of (Kachitvichyanukul and Schmeiser 1988) * is used. */ extern long rk_binomial(rk_state *state, long n, double p); /* Binomial distribution using BTPE. */ extern long rk_binomial_btpe(rk_state *state, long n, double p); /* Binomial distribution using inversion and chop-down */ extern long rk_binomial_inversion(rk_state *state, long n, double p); /* Negative binomial distribution computed by generating a Gamma(n, (1-p)/p) * variate Y and returning a Poisson(Y) variate (Devroye p. 543). */ extern long rk_negative_binomial(rk_state *state, double n, double p); /* Poisson distribution with mean=lam. * When lam < 10, a basic algorithm using repeated multiplications of uniform * variates is used (Devroye p. 504). * When lam >= 10, algorithm PTRS from (Hoermann 1992) is used. */ extern long rk_poisson(rk_state *state, double lam); /* Poisson distribution computed by repeated multiplication of uniform variates. */ extern long rk_poisson_mult(rk_state *state, double lam); /* Poisson distribution computer by the PTRS algorithm. */ extern long rk_poisson_ptrs(rk_state *state, double lam); /* Standard Cauchy distribution computed by dividing standard gaussians * (Devroye p. 451). */ extern double rk_standard_cauchy(rk_state *state); /* Standard t-distribution with df degrees of freedom (Devroye p. 445 as * corrected in the Errata). */ extern double rk_standard_t(rk_state *state, double df); /* von Mises circular distribution with center mu and shape kappa on [-pi,pi] * (Devroye p. 476 as corrected in the Errata). */ extern double rk_vonmises(rk_state *state, double mu, double kappa); /* Pareto distribution via inversion (Devroye p. 262) */ extern double rk_pareto(rk_state *state, double a); /* Weibull distribution via inversion (Devroye p. 262) */ extern double rk_weibull(rk_state *state, double a); /* Power distribution via inversion (Devroye p. 262) */ extern double rk_power(rk_state *state, double a); /* Laplace distribution */ extern double rk_laplace(rk_state *state, double loc, double scale); /* Gumbel distribution */ extern double rk_gumbel(rk_state *state, double loc, double scale); /* Logistic distribution */ extern double rk_logistic(rk_state *state, double loc, double scale); /* Log-normal distribution */ extern double rk_lognormal(rk_state *state, double mean, double sigma); /* Rayleigh distribution */ extern double rk_rayleigh(rk_state *state, double mode); /* Wald distribution */ extern double rk_wald(rk_state *state, double mean, double scale); /* Zipf distribution */ extern long rk_zipf(rk_state *state, double a); /* Geometric distribution */ extern long rk_geometric(rk_state *state, double p); extern long rk_geometric_search(rk_state *state, double p); extern long rk_geometric_inversion(rk_state *state, double p); /* Hypergeometric distribution */ extern long rk_hypergeometric(rk_state *state, long good, long bad, long sample); extern long rk_hypergeometric_hyp(rk_state *state, long good, long bad, long sample); extern long rk_hypergeometric_hrua(rk_state *state, long good, long bad, long sample); /* Triangular distribution */ extern double rk_triangular(rk_state *state, double left, double mode, double right); /* Logarithmic series distribution */ extern long rk_logseries(rk_state *state, double p); """ #Create function and name ctypes_template = """ {func_name} = mtrand.{func_name} {func_name}.restype = {restype} {func_name}.argtypes = {argtypes} """ func_template = """ def {pyfunc_name}({args}): return {func_name}({plus_args}) """ _result1 = parse_header(header1) _result2 = parse_header(header2) _result = _result1 + _result2 afile = open('','w') for func in _result: argstr = "[" + ",".join(func[2]) + "]" afile.write(ctypes_template.format(func_name = func[0], restype = func[1], argtypes = argstr)) args = [x.strip(',') for x in func[3][1:]] paramstr = ",".join(args) allparams = ",".join(['state_p']+args) afile.write(func_template.format(func_name = func[0], pyfunc_name = func[0][3:], args = paramstr, plus_args=allparams)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = reporting # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Error reporting. Used by the CFA and by each FunctionEnvironment, which can collect errors and warnings and issue them after failed or successful compilation. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import inspect from numba import error def getpos(node): try: return node.lineno, node.col_offset except: return 0, 0 # ______________________________________________________________________ class SourceDescr(object): """ Source code descriptor. """ def __init__(self, func, ast): self.func = func self.ast = ast def get_lines(self): source = None if self.func: try: source = inspect.getsource(self.func) except EnvironmentError: pass if source is None: try: from meta import asttools source = asttools.dump_python_source(self.ast) except Exception: source = "" first_lineno = getattr(self.ast, "lineno", 2) line_offset = offset(source.splitlines()) newlines = "\n" * (first_lineno - line_offset) source = newlines + source return source.splitlines() def offset(source_lines): offset = 0 for line in source_lines: if line.strip().startswith("def"): break offset += 1 return offset # ______________________________________________________________________ def sort_message(collected_message): node, is_error, message = collected_message lineno, colno = float('inf'), float('inf') if hasattr(node, 'lineno'): lineno, colno = map(float, getpos(node)) return not is_error, lineno, colno, message class MessageCollection(object): """Collect error/warnings messages first then sort""" def __init__(self, ast=None, source_lines=None, file=None): # (node, is_error, message) self.buf = [] self.file = file or sys.stdout self.ast = ast self.source_lines = source_lines self.messages = [] self.have_errors = False def error(self, node, message): self.have_errors = True self.messages.append((node, True, message)) def warning(self, node, message): self.messages.append((node, False, message)) def header(self): pass def footer(self): pass def report_message(self, message, node, type): self.buf.append(format_msg_simple(type, node, message)) def report(self, post_mortem=False): self.messages.sort(key=sort_message) if self.messages: self.header() errors = [] for node, is_error, message in self.messages: if is_error: errors.append((node, message)) type = "Error" else: type = "Warning" self.report_message(message, node, type) if self.messages: self.buf[-1] = self.buf[-1].rstrip() + '\n' self.footer() message = "".join(self.buf) # clear buffer del self.messages[:] del self.buf[:] if errors and not post_mortem: if len(message.splitlines()) == 1: raise error.NumbaError(*errors[0]) raise error.NumbaError("(see below)\n" + message.strip(), has_report=True) else: self.file.write(message) class FancyMessageCollection(MessageCollection): def header(self): self.buf.append( " Numba Encountered Errors or Warnings ".center(80, "-") + '\n') def footer(self): self.buf.append("-" * 80 + '\n') def report_message(self, message, node, type): self.buf.append(format_msg(type, self.source_lines, node, message)) # ______________________________________________________________________ def format_msg(type, source_lines, node, msg): ret = '' if node and hasattr(node, 'lineno') and source_lines: lineno, colno = getpos(node) if lineno < len(source_lines): line = source_lines[lineno] ret = line + '\n' + "%s^" % ("-" * colno) + '\n' return ret + format_msg_simple(type, node, msg) + "\n" def format_msg_simple(type, node, message): return "%s %s%s\n" % (type, error.format_pos(node), message) # ______________________________________________________________________ def report(env, exc=None): """ :param function_error_env: the FunctionErrorEnvironment :param post_mortem: whether to enable post-mortem debugging of Numba :param exc: currently propagating exception """ function_error_env = env.crnt.error_env post_mortem = function_error_env.enable_post_mortem if exc is not None: function_error_env.collection.error(exc.node, exc.msg) try: except error.NumbaError as e: exc = e if exc is not None and not post_mortem: # Shorten traceback raise exc ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = scrape_multiarray_api #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ______________________________________________________________________ '''scrape_multiarray_api Utilities for reading the __multiarray_api.h file, and scraping three things: symbolic names of API members, array indices for those members, and LLVM types for those members. ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # ______________________________________________________________________ import sys import pprint # ______________________________________________________________________ TEMPLATE_STR = '''"""Automatically generated code. Automatically generated by .../numba/ Edit at your own risk! """ import llvm.core as lc from .llvm_types import _int1, _int8, _int32, _int64, _intp, _numpy_struct, \\ _numpy_array API_INDEX_MAP = %(indexmap)s API_TYPE_MAP = %(tymap)s # End of automatically generated code. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ def joinlines (source_lines): '''Remove backslashes appearing next to line breaks in a string and strip it after doing so.''' return ''.join((ln[:-1] if ln[-1] == '\\' else ln for ln in source_lines.splitlines())).strip() # ______________________________________________________________________ TY_MAP = { 'char' : '_int8', 'int' : '_int32', # This seems to hold true, even on 64-bit systems. 'unsigned char' : '_int8', # XXX 'unsigned int' : 'u_int32', # XXX 'void' : 'lc.Type.void()', 'npy_bool' : '_int8', 'npy_intp' : '_intp', 'npy_uint32' : 'u_int32', # XXX/Note: Loses unsigned info in LLVM type. 'PyArrayObject' : '_numpy_struct', 'double' : 'lc.Type.double()', 'size_t' : 'u_intp', # XXX Loses unsigneded-ness 'npy_int64' : '_int64', 'npy_datetime' : '_int64', # npy_common.h 'npy_timedelta' : '_int64', # npy_common.h } # ______________________________________________________________________ def map_type (ty_str): npointer = ty_str.count('*') if npointer == 0: base_ty = ty_str else: base_ty = ty_str[:-npointer].strip() if base_ty == 'void' and npointer > 0: base_ty = '_int8' elif base_ty not in TY_MAP: if npointer > 0: base_ty = '_int8' # Basically cast into void * else: base_ty = '_int32' # Or an int. else: base_ty = TY_MAP[base_ty] if base_ty == '_numpy_struct' and npointer > 0: base_ty = '_numpy_array' npointer -= 1 return ''.join((npointer * 'lc.Type.pointer(', base_ty, ')' * npointer)) # ______________________________________________________________________ def c_ty_str_to_llvm (c_ty_str): ty_str_fn_split = [substr.strip() for substr in c_ty_str.split('(*)')] ret_val = map_type(ty_str_fn_split[0]) if len(ty_str_fn_split) > 1: arg_ty_strs = ty_str_fn_split[1][1:-1].split(', ') if len(arg_ty_strs) == 1 and arg_ty_strs[0].strip() == 'void': arg_ty_strs = [] ret_val = ('lc.Type.function(%s, [%s])' % (ret_val, ', '.join((map_type(arg_ty_str.strip()) for arg_ty_str in arg_ty_strs)))) return ret_val # ______________________________________________________________________ def process_type (ty_str): if ty_str.startswith('(*'): ty_str = ty_str[3:-1] else: assert ty_str[0] == '(' ty_str = ty_str[2:-1] return ty_str # ______________________________________________________________________ def process_definition (source_defn): arr_str = 'PyArray_API[' arr_str_idx = source_defn.index(arr_str) arr_str_end_idx = source_defn.index('])', arr_str_idx) return (int(source_defn[arr_str_idx + len(arr_str):arr_str_end_idx]), process_type(joinlines(source_defn[:arr_str_idx].strip()))) # ______________________________________________________________________ def process_source (source_file_path): ret_val = None with open(source_file_path) as source_file: source_text = split_by_pp_define0 = source_text.split('#define ') split_by_pp_define1 = (substr0.strip().split(None, 1) for substr0 in split_by_pp_define0) return dict(((sym_name, process_definition(sym_defn)) for sym_name, sym_defn in split_by_pp_define1 if (sym_name != 'PyArray_API' and sym_defn.find('])') != -1))) # ______________________________________________________________________ def gen_python (processed_source, template_str = None): if template_str is None: template_str = TEMPLATE_STR index_map = {} ty_map_strs = ['{'] for symbol, (index, c_ty_str) in processed_source.iteritems(): index_map[symbol] = index ty_map_strs.append(' %r : %s,' % (symbol, c_ty_str_to_llvm(c_ty_str))) ty_map_strs.append('}') return template_str % {'indexmap' : pprint.pformat(index_map), 'tymap' : '\n'.join(ty_map_strs)} # ______________________________________________________________________ def get_include (): import os, numpy return os.path.join(numpy.get_include(), 'numpy', '__multiarray_api.h') # ______________________________________________________________________ def main (*args, **kws): '''Initial prototype for automatically generating multiarray C API call information for llvm-py. Not actually used to generate any Numba modules (dynamically handled by multiarray_api).''' if len(args) == 0: args = (get_include(),) for arg in args: print((gen_python(process_source(arg)))) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": import sys main(*sys.argv[1:]) # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = special # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Special compiler-recognized numba functions and attributes. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import __all__ = ['NULL', 'typeof', 'python', 'nopython', 'addressof', 'prange'] import ctypes from numba import error #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Pointers #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class NumbaDotNULL(object): "NULL pointer" NULL = NumbaDotNULL() def addressof(obj, propagate=True): """ Take the address of a compiled jit function. :param obj: the jit function :param write_unraisable: whether to write uncaught exceptions to stderr :param propagate: whether to always propagate exceptions :return: ctypes function pointer """ from numba import numbawrapper if not propagate: raise ValueError("Writing unraisable exceptions is not yet supported") if not isinstance(obj, (numbawrapper.NumbaCompiledWrapper, numbawrapper.numbafunction_type)): raise TypeError("Object is not a jit function") if obj.lfunc_pointer is None: assert obj.lfunc is not None, obj from numba.codegen import llvmcontext llvm_context = llvmcontext.LLVMContextManager() obj.lfunc_pointer = llvm_context.get_pointer_to_function(obj.lfunc) ctypes_sig = obj.signature.to_ctypes() return ctypes.cast(obj.lfunc_pointer, ctypes_sig) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def typeof(value): """ Get the type of a variable or value. Used outside of Numba code, infers the type for the object. """ from numba import typesystem return typesystem.numba_typesystem.typeof(value) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # python/nopython context managers #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class NoopContext(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __enter__(self, *args): return None def __exit__(self, *args): return None def __repr__(self): return python = NoopContext("python") nopython = NoopContext("nopython") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # prange #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def prange(start=0, stop=None, step=1): if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 return range(start, stop, step) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = comparisons # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from functools import reduce import numba from numba import * from numba import error from numba import visitors, nodes from numba import function_util from numba.symtab import Variable from numba.typesystem import is_obj from numba import pyconsts logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) opmap = { ast.Eq : pyconsts.Py_EQ, ast.NotEq : pyconsts.Py_NE, ast.Lt : pyconsts.Py_LT, ast.LtE : pyconsts.Py_LE, ast.Gt : pyconsts.Py_GT, ast.GtE : pyconsts.Py_GE, } def build_boolop(right, left): node = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), [left, right]) return nodes.typednode(node, bool_) def extract(complex_node): complex_node = nodes.CloneableNode(complex_node) real = nodes.ComplexAttributeNode(complex_node, 'real') imag = nodes.ComplexAttributeNode(complex_node.clone, 'imag') return real, imag def compare(lhs, op, rhs): result = ast.Compare(lhs, [op], [rhs]) return nodes.typednode(result, bool_) class SpecializeComparisons(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Rewrite cascaded ast.Compare nodes to a sequence of boolean operations ANDed together: a < b < c becomes a < b and b < c """ def single_compare(self, node): rhs = node.comparators[0] if is_obj(node.left.type): node = self.single_compare_objects(node) elif node.left.type.is_pointer and rhs.type.is_pointer: # Coerce pointers to integer values before comparing node.left = nodes.CoercionNode(node.left, Py_uintptr_t) node.comparators = [nodes.CoercionNode(rhs, Py_uintptr_t)] elif node.left.type.is_complex and rhs.type.is_complex: real1, imag1 = extract(node.left) real2, imag2 = extract(rhs) op = type(node.ops[0]) if op == ast.Eq: lhs = compare(real1, ast.Eq(), real2) rhs = compare(imag1, ast.Eq(), imag2) result = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), [lhs, rhs]) elif op == ast.NotEq: lhs = compare(real1, ast.NotEq(), real2) rhs = compare(imag1, ast.NotEq(), imag2) result = ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(), [lhs, rhs]) else: raise NotImplementedError("ordered comparisons are not " "implemented for complex numbers") node = nodes.typednode(result, bool_) elif node.left.type.is_string and rhs.type.is_string: node.left = nodes.CoercionNode(node.left, object_) node.comparators = [nodes.CoercionNode(rhs, object_)] return self.single_compare(node) elif node.left.type.is_complex and rhs.type.is_datetime: raise error.NumbaError( node, "datetime comparisons not yet implemented") return node def single_compare_objects(self, node): op = type(node.ops[0]) if op not in opmap: raise error.NumbaError( node, "%s comparisons not yet implemented" % (op,)) # Build arguments for PyObject_RichCompareBool operator = nodes.const(opmap[op], int_) args = [node.left, node.comparators[0], operator] # Call PyObject_RichCompareBool compare = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyObject_RichCompare', args=args) # Coerce int result to bool return nodes.CoercionNode(compare, node.type) def visit_Compare(self, node): "Reduce cascaded comparisons into single comparisons" # Process children self.generic_visit(node) compare_nodes = [] comparators = [nodes.CloneableNode(c) for c in node.comparators] if len(node.comparators) > 1: if node.type.is_array: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot determine truth value of boolean array " "(use any or all)") # Build comparison nodes left = node.left for op, right in zip(node.ops, comparators): node = ast.Compare(left=left, ops=[op], comparators=[right]) # Set result type of comparison: # bool array of array comparison # bool otherwise if left.type.is_array or right.type.is_array: # array < x -> Array(bool_, array.ndim) result_type = self.env.crnt.typesystem.promote( left.type, right.type) else: result_type = bool_ nodes.typednode(node, result_type) # Handle comparisons specially based on their types node = self.single_compare(node) compare_nodes.append(node) left = right.clone # AND the comparisons together node = reduce(build_boolop, reversed(compare_nodes)) return node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = exceptions # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from numba import * from numba import visitors, nodes, error, function_util logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from numba.typesystem import is_obj #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'raise' #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class LowerRaise(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Resolve the 'raise' statement. """ def visit_Raise(self, node): # Create void * temporaries args = [] # Type, Value, Traceback, Cause for arg in [node.type, node.inst, node.tback, None]: if arg: arg = nodes.CoercionNode(arg, object_) arg = nodes.PointerFromObject(arg) else: arg = nodes.NULL args.append(arg) # Call numba/external/utitilies/cpyutils.c:do_raise() set_exc = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, 'Raise', args) result = self.visit(set_exc) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specialize Error Checking and Raising #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ExceptionSpecializer(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Specialize exception handling. Handle error checking and raising. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ExceptionSpecializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.visited_callnodes = set() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Error Checking #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_CheckErrorNode(self, node): if node.badval is not None: badval = node.badval eq = ast.Eq() else: assert node.goodval is not None badval = node.goodval eq = ast.NotEq() check = nodes.if_else(eq, node.return_value, badval, lhs=node.raise_node, rhs=None) return self.visit(check) def visit_PyErr_OccurredNode(self, node): check_err = nodes.CheckErrorNode( nodes.ptrtoint(function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyErr_Occurred')), goodval=nodes.ptrtoint(nodes.NULL)) result = nodes.CloneableNode(node.node) result = nodes.ExpressionNode(stmts=[result, check_err], expr=result.clone) return self.visit(result) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Error Checking for Function Calls #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_NativeCallNode(self, node): badval, goodval = node.badval, node.goodval if node not in self.visited_callnodes and (badval is not None or goodval is not None): self.visited_callnodes.add(node) result = node.cloneable body = nodes.CheckErrorNode( result, badval, goodval, node.exc_type, node.exc_msg, node.exc_args) node = nodes.ExpressionNode(stmts=[body], expr=result.clone) return self.visit(node) else: self.generic_visit(node) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check for UnboundLocalError #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Name(self, node): if (is_obj(node.type) and isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load) and getattr(node, 'cf_maybe_null', False)): # Check for unbound objects and raise UnboundLocalError if so value = nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(Py_uintptr_t, None) node.loaded_name = value exc_msg = if hasattr(node, 'lineno'): exc_msg = '%s%s' % (error.format_pos(node), exc_msg) check_unbound = nodes.CheckErrorNode( value, badval=nodes.const(0, Py_uintptr_t), exc_type=UnboundLocalError, exc_msg=exc_msg) node.check_unbound = self.visit(check_unbound) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Exception Raising #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _raise_exception(self, node): if node.exc_type: assert node.exc_msg if node.exc_args: args = [node.exc_type, node.exc_msg] + node.exc_args raise_node = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyErr_Format', args=args) else: args = [node.exc_type, node.exc_msg] raise_node = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyErr_SetString', args=args) return [raise_node] return [] def _trap(self, node): body = [] if node.exc_msg and node.print_on_trap: pos = error.format_pos(node) if node.exception_type: exc_type = '%s: ' % node.exception_type.__name__ else: exc_type = '' msg = '%s%s%%s' % (exc_type, pos) format = nodes.const(msg, c_string_type) print_msg = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'printf', args=[format, node.exc_msg]) body.append(print_msg) trap = nodes.LLVMIntrinsicNode(signature=void(), args=[], func_name='TRAP') return body + [trap] def visit_RaiseNode(self, node): if self.nopython: result = self._trap(node) else: result = self._raise_exception(node) return ast.Suite(body=result + [nodes.PropagateNode()]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = exttypes import ast import numba from numba import * from numba import error from numba import typesystem from numba import visitors from numba import nodes from numba import function_util from numba.exttypes import virtual from numba.traits import traits, Delegate class ExtensionTypeLowerer(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Lower extension type attribute accesses and method calls. """ def get_handler(self, ext_type): if ext_type.is_extension and not ext_type.is_autojit_exttype: return StaticExtensionHandler() else: assert ext_type.is_autojit_exttype, ext_type return DynamicExtensionHandler() # ______________________________________________________________________ # Attributes def visit_ExtTypeAttribute(self, node): """ Resolve an extension attribute. """ handler = self.get_handler(node.ext_type) self.visitchildren(node) return handler.handle_attribute_lookup(self.env, node) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Methods def visit_NativeFunctionCallNode(self, node): if node.signature.is_bound_method: assert isinstance(node.function, nodes.ExtensionMethod) self.visitlist(node.args) node = self.visit_ExtensionMethod(node.function, node) else: self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_ExtensionMethod(self, node, call_node=None): """ Resolve an extension method. We currently only support immediate calls of extension methods. """ if call_node is None: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Referenced extension method '%s' " "must be called" % node.attr) handler = self.get_handler(node.ext_type) return handler.handle_method_call(self.env, node, call_node) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle Static VTable Attributes and Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class StaticExtensionHandler(object): """ Handle attribute lookup and method calls for static extensions with C++/Cython-like virtual method tables and static object layouts. """ def handle_attribute_lookup(self, env, node): """ Resolve an extension attribute for a static object layout. ((attributes_struct *) (((char *) obj) + attributes_offset))->attribute :node: ExtTypeAttribute AST node """ ext_type = node.value.type offset = ext_type.attr_offset type = ext_type.attribute_table.to_struct() if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): value_type = type.ref() # Load result else: value_type = type.pointer() # Use pointer for storage struct_pointer = nodes.value_at_offset(node.value, offset, value_type) result = nodes.StructAttribute(struct_pointer, node.attr, node.ctx, type.ref()) return result def handle_method_call(self, env, node, call_node): """ Resolve an extension method of a static (C++/Cython-like) vtable: typedef { double (*method1)(double); ... } vtab_struct; vtab_struct *vtab = *(vtab_struct **) (((char *) obj) + vtab_offset) void *method = vtab[index] """ # Make the object we call the method on clone-able node.value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.value) ext_type = node.value.type offset = ext_type.vtab_offset vtable_struct = ext_type.vtab_type.to_struct() vtable_struct_type = vtable_struct.ref() vtab_struct_pointer_pointer = nodes.value_at_offset( node.value, offset,vtable_struct_type.pointer()) vtab_struct_pointer = nodes.DereferenceNode(vtab_struct_pointer_pointer) vmethod = nodes.StructAttribute(vtab_struct_pointer, node.attr, ast.Load(), vtable_struct_type) # Insert first argument 'self' in args list args = call_node.args args.insert(0, nodes.CloneNode(node.value)) result = nodes.NativeFunctionCallNode(node.type, vmethod, args) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle Dynamic VTable Attributes and Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @traits class DynamicExtensionHandler(object): """ Handle attribute lookup and method calls for autojit extensions with dynamic perfect-hash-based virtual method tables and dynamic object layouts. """ static_handler = StaticExtensionHandler() # TODO: Implement hash-based attribute lookup handle_attribute_lookup = Delegate('static_handler') def handle_method_call(self, env, node, call_node): """ Resolve an extension method of a dynamic hash-based vtable: PyCustomSlots_Table ***vtab_slot = (((char *) obj) + vtab_offset) lookup_virtual_method(*vtab_slot) We may cache (*vtab_slot), but we may not cache (**vtab_slot), since compilations may regenerate the table. However, we could *preload* (**vtab_slot), where function calls invalidate the preload, if we were so inclined. """ # Make the object we call the method on clone-able node.value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.value) ext_type = node.ext_type func_signature = node.type #typesystem.extmethod_to_function(node.type) offset = ext_type.vtab_offset # __________________________________________________________________ # Retrieve vtab vtab_ppp = nodes.value_at_offset(node.value, offset, void.pointer().pointer()) vtab_struct_pp = nodes.DereferenceNode(vtab_ppp) # __________________________________________________________________ # Calculate pre-hash prehash = virtual.hash_signature(func_signature, prehash_node = nodes.ConstNode(prehash, uint64) # __________________________________________________________________ # Retrieve method pointer # A method is always present when it was given a static signature, # e.g. @double(double) always_present = node.attr in ext_type.vtab_type.methodnames args = [vtab_struct_pp, prehash_node] # lookup_impl = NumbaVirtualLookup() lookup_impl = DebugVirtualLookup() ptr = lookup_impl.lookup(env, always_present, node, args) vmethod = ptr.coerce(func_signature.pointer()) vmethod = vmethod.cloneable # __________________________________________________________________ # Call method pointer # Insert first argument 'self' in args list args = call_node.args args.insert(0, nodes.CloneNode(node.value)) method_call = nodes.NativeFunctionCallNode(func_signature, vmethod, args) # __________________________________________________________________ # Generate fallback # TODO: Subclassing! # if not always_present: # # TODO: Enable this path and generate a phi for the result # # Generate object call # obj_args = [nodes.CoercionNode(arg, object_) for arg in args] # obj_args.append(nodes.NULL) # object_call = function_util.external_call( # env.context, env.crnt.llvm_module, # 'PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs', obj_args) # # # if vmethod != NULL: vmethod(obj, ...) # # else: obj.method(...) # method_call = nodes.if_else( # ast.NotEq(), # vmethod.clone, nodes.NULL, # lhs=method_call, rhs=object_call) return method_call #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Method lookup #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def call_jit(jit_func, args): return nodes.NativeCallNode(jit_func.signature, args, jit_func.lfunc) class NumbaVirtualLookup(object): """ Use a numba function from numba.utility.virtuallookup to look up virtual methods in a hash table. """ def lookup(self, env, always_present, node, args): """ :param node: ExtensionMethodNode :param args: [vtable_node, prehash_node] :return: The virtual method as a Node """ from numba.utility import virtuallookup if always_present and False: lookup = virtuallookup.lookup_method else: lookup = virtuallookup.lookup_and_assert_method args.append(nodes.const(node.attr, c_string_type)) vmethod = call_jit(lookup, args) return vmethod class DebugVirtualLookup(object): """ Use a C utility function from numba/utility/utilities/virtuallookup.c to look up virtual methods in a hash table. Use for debugging. """ def lookup(self, env, always_present, node, args): args.append(nodes.const(node.attr, c_string_type)) vmethod = function_util.utility_call( env.context, env.crnt.llvm_module, "lookup_method", args) return vmethod ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = funccalls # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba import * from numba import visitors, nodes, error, transforms from numba.typesystem import is_obj logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from numba.external import pyapi class FunctionCallSpecializer(visitors.NumbaTransformer, visitors.NoPythonContextMixin, ): def visit_NativeCallNode(self, node): if is_obj(node.signature.return_type): if self.nopython: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot call function returning object in " "nopython context") self.generic_visit(node) return nodes.ObjectTempNode(node) self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_NativeFunctionCallNode(self, node): return self.visit_NativeCallNode(node) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = loopimpl # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Define various loop implementations. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import numba from numba import * from numba import function_util from numba import visitors, nodes, error, functions from numba.typesystem.typematch import typematch logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) iterator_impls = [] def register_iterator_implementation(iterator_pattern, iterator_impl): iterator_impls.append((iterator_pattern, iterator_impl)) def find_iterator_impl(node): "Find a suitable iterator type for which we have an implementation" type = node.iter.type for pattern, impl in iterator_impls: if typematch(pattern, type): return impl raise error.NumbaError(node, "Unsupported iterator " "type: %s" % (type,)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Interface for Loop Implementations #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class IteratorImpl(object): "Implementation of an iterator over a value of a certain type" def getiter(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): "Set up an iterator (statement or None)" raise NotImplementedError def body(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): "Get the loop body as a list of statements" return list(for_node.body) def next(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): "Get the next iterator element (ExprNode)" raise NotImplementedError #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # External Function Iterator #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class NativeIteratorImpl(IteratorImpl): """ Implement iteration over an iterator which has externally callable functions for the `getiter` and `next` operations. """ def __init__(self, getiter_func, next_func): self.getiter_func = getiter_func self.next_func = next_func self.iterator = None def getiter(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): iterator = function_util.external_call(context, llvm_module, self.getiter_func, args=[for_node.iter]) iterator = nodes.CloneableNode(iterator) self.iterator = iterator.clone return iterator def next(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): return function_util.external_call(context, llvm_module, self.next_func, args=[self.iterator]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Indexing Iterator #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def assign(target, value): return ast.Assign(targets=target, value=value) def index(value, index): return ast.Subscript(value=value, slice=index, ctx=ast.Load()) class IndexingIteratorImpl(IteratorImpl): """ Implement iteration using indexing. """ def getiter(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): self.index = nodes.TempNode(Py_ssize_t, "iterator_index") return assign(self.index, nodes.const(0, Py_ssize_t)) def next(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): "Index element and update index" index = self.index.load value = nodes.CloneableNode(index(for_node.iter, index)) add = ast.BinOp(index, ast.Add(), nodes.const(1, Py_ssize_t)) return nodes.ExpressionNode(stmts=[value, assign(, add)], expr=value.clone) def length(self, context, for_node, llvm_module): "Length of the iterable" raise NotImplementedError #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Register Loop Implementations #------------------------------------------------------------------------ register_iterator_implementation("object", NativeIteratorImpl("PyObject_GetIter", "PyIter_Next")) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = loops # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import textwrap try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins import numba from numba import missing from numba import * from numba import error from numba import typesystem from numba import visitors, nodes from numba.typesystem import get_type from numba.specialize import loopimpl logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def unpack_range_args(node): start, stop, step = (nodes.const(0, Py_ssize_t), None, nodes.const(1, Py_ssize_t)) if len(node.args) == 0: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Expected at least one argument") elif len(node.args) == 1: stop, = node.args elif len(node.args) == 2: start, stop = node.args else: start, stop, step = node.args return [start, stop, step] def make_while_loop(flow_node): "Create a while loop from a flow node (a While or If node)" while_node = nodes.While(test=flow_node.test, body=flow_node.body, orelse=flow_node.orelse) return ast.copy_location(while_node, flow_node) def copy_basic_blocks(flow_node_src, flow_node_dst): "Copy cfg basic blocks from one flow node to another" flow_node_dst.cond_block = flow_node_src.cond_block flow_node_dst.if_block = flow_node_src.if_block flow_node_dst.else_block = flow_node_src.else_block flow_node_dst.exit_block = flow_node_src.exit_block def make_while_from_for(for_node): "Create a While from a For. The 'test' (loop condition) must still be set." while_node = nodes.While(test=None, body=for_node.body, orelse=for_node.orelse) copy_basic_blocks(for_node, while_node) while_node = nodes.build_while(**vars(while_node)) return ast.copy_location(while_node, for_node) def untypedTemp(): "Temp node with a yet unknown type" type = typesystem.DeferredType(None) temp = nodes.TempNode(type) type.variable = temp.variable return temp #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Transform for loops #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TransformForIterable(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ This transforms loops over 1D arrays and loops over range(). """ def rewrite_range_iteration(self, node): """ Handle range iteration: for i in range(start, stop, step): ... becomes nsteps = compute_nsteps(start, stop, step) temp = 0 while temp < nsteps: target = start + temp * step ... temp += 1 """ self.generic_visit(node) temp = nodes.TempNode(, 'target_temp') nsteps = nodes.TempNode(Py_ssize_t, 'nsteps') start, stop, step = unpack_range_args(node.iter) if isinstance(step, nodes.ConstNode): have_step = step.pyval != 1 else: have_step = True start, stop, step = map(nodes.CloneableNode, (start, stop, step)) if have_step: templ = textwrap.dedent(""" {{temp}} = 0 {{nsteps}} = ({{stop}} - {{start}} + {{step}} - (1 if {{step}} >= 0 else -1)) / {{step}} while {{temp_load}} < {{nsteps_load}}: {{target}} = {{start}} + {{temp_load}} * {{step}} {{temp}} = {{temp_load}} + 1 {{body}} """) else: templ = textwrap.dedent(""" {{temp}} = {{start}} {{nsteps}} = {{stop}} while {{temp_load}} < {{nsteps_load}}: {{target}} = {{temp_load}} {{temp}} = {{temp_load}} + 1 {{body}} """) if node.orelse: templ += "\nelse: {{else_body}}" # Leave the bodies empty, they are already analyzed body = ast.Suite(body=[]) else_body = ast.Suite(body=[]) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Substitute template and infer types #-------------------------------------------------------------------- result = self.run_template( templ, vars=dict(length=Py_ssize_t), start=start, stop=stop, step=step,, nsteps_load=nsteps.load(),, temp_load=temp.load(),, body=body, else_body=else_body) ast.copy_location(result, node) if hasattr(node, 'lineno'): visitor = missing.FixMissingLocations(node.lineno, node.col_offset, override=True) visitor.visit(result) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Patch the body and else clause #-------------------------------------------------------------------- body.body.extend(node.body) else_body.body.extend(node.orelse) while_node = result.body[-1] assert isinstance(while_node, ast.While) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a While with the ForNode's cfg blocks merged in #-------------------------------------------------------------------- while_node = make_while_loop(while_node) copy_basic_blocks(node, while_node) while_node = nodes.build_while(**vars(while_node)) # Create the place to jump to for 'continue' while_node.continue_block = node.cond_block # Set the new while loop in the templated Suite result.body[-1] = while_node return result def rewrite_array_iteration(self, node): """ Convert 1D array iteration to for-range and indexing: for value in my_array: ... becomes for i in my_array.shape[0]: value = my_array[i] ... """ logger.debug(ast.dump(node)) orig_target = orig_iter = node.iter #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Replace with a temporary #-------------------------------------------------------------------- target_temp = nodes.TempNode(typesystem.Py_ssize_t) = #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create range(A.shape[0]) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- call_func = ast.Name(id='range', ctx=ast.Load()) nodes.typednode(call_func, typesystem.range_) shape_index = ast.Index(nodes.ConstNode(0, typesystem.Py_ssize_t)) shape_index.type = typesystem.npy_intp stop = ast.Subscript(value=nodes.ShapeAttributeNode(orig_iter), slice=shape_index, ctx=ast.Load()) nodes.typednode(stop, npy_intp) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create range iterator and replace node.iter #-------------------------------------------------------------------- call_args = [nodes.ConstNode(0, typesystem.Py_ssize_t), nodes.CoercionNode(stop, typesystem.Py_ssize_t), nodes.ConstNode(1, typesystem.Py_ssize_t),] node.iter = ast.Call(func=call_func, args=call_args) nodes.typednode(node.iter, call_func.type) node.index = target_temp.load(invariant=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add assignment to new target variable at the start of the body #-------------------------------------------------------------------- index = ast.Index(value=node.index) index.type = target_temp.type subscript = ast.Subscript(value=orig_iter, slice=index, ctx=ast.Load()) nodes.typednode(subscript, get_type(orig_iter).dtype) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add assignment to new target variable at the start of the body #-------------------------------------------------------------------- assign = ast.Assign(targets=[orig_target], value=subscript) node.body = [assign] + node.body #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specialize new for loop through range iteration #-------------------------------------------------------------------- return self.visit(node) def visit_For(self, node): if node.iter.type.is_range: return self.rewrite_range_iteration(node) elif node.iter.type.is_array and node.iter.type.ndim == 1: return self.rewrite_array_iteration(node) else: self.visitchildren(node) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Transform for loops over builtins #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TransformBuiltinLoops(visitors.NumbaTransformer): def rewrite_enumerate(self, node): """ Rewrite a loop like for i, x in enumerate(array[, start]): ... into _arr = array [_s = start] for _i in range(len(_arr)): i = _i [+ _s] x = _arr[_i] ... """ call = node.iter if (len(call.args) not in (1, 2) or call.keywords or call.starargs or call.kwargs): self.error(call, 'expected 1 or 2 arguments to enumerate()') target = if (not isinstance(target, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)) or len(target.elts) != 2): self.error(call, 'expected 2 iteration variables') array = call.args[0] start = call.args[1] if len(call.args) > 1 else None idx = target.elts[0] var = target.elts[1] array_temp = untypedTemp() if start: start_temp = untypedTemp() # TODO: only allow integer start idx_temp = nodes.TempNode(typesystem.Py_ssize_t) # for _i in range(len(_arr)): = node.iter = ast.Call(ast.Name('range', ast.Load()), [ast.Call(ast.Name('len', ast.Load()), [array_temp.load(True)], [], None, None)], [], None, None) # i = _i [+ _s] new_idx = idx_temp.load() if start: new_idx = ast.BinOp(new_idx, ast.Add(), start_temp.load(True)) node.body.insert(0, ast.Assign([idx], new_idx)) # x = _arr[_i] value = ast.Subscript(array_temp.load(True), ast.Index(idx_temp.load()), ast.Load()) node.body.insert(1, ast.Assign([var], value)) # _arr = array; [_s = start]; ... body = [ ast.Assign([], array), node ] if start: body.insert(1, ast.Assign([], start)) return map(self.visit, body) def rewrite_zip(self, node): """ Rewrite a loop like for x, y... in zip(xs, ys...): ... into _xs = xs; _ys = ys... for _i in range(min(len(_xs), len(_ys)...)): x = _xs[_i]; y = _ys[_i]... ... """ call = node.iter if not call.args or call.keywords or call.starargs or call.kwargs: self.error(call, 'expected at least 1 argument to zip()') target = if (not isinstance(target, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)) or len(target.elts) != len(call.args)): self.error(call, 'expected %d iteration variables' % len(call.args)) temps = [untypedTemp() for _ in xrange(len(call.args))] idx_temp = nodes.TempNode(typesystem.Py_ssize_t) # min(len(_xs), len(_ys)...) len_call = ast.Call(ast.Name('min', ast.Load()), [ast.Call(ast.Name('len', ast.Load()), [tmp.load(True)], [], None, None) for tmp in temps], [], None, None) # for _i in range(...): = node.iter = ast.Call(ast.Name('range', ast.Load()), [len_call], [], None, None) # x = _xs[_i]; y = _ys[_i]... node.body = [ast.Assign([tgt], ast.Subscript(tmp.load(True), ast.Index(idx_temp.load()), ast.Load())) for tgt, tmp in zip(target.elts, temps)] + \ node.body # _xs = xs; _ys = ys... body = [ast.Assign([], arg) for tmp, arg in zip(temps, call.args)] + \ [node] return map(self.visit, body) HANDLERS = { id(enumerate): rewrite_enumerate, id(zip): rewrite_zip, } def visit_For(self, node): if (isinstance(node.iter, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.iter.func, ast.Name)): name = if name not in self.symtab: obj = (self.func_globals[name] if name in self.func_globals else getattr(builtins, name, None)) rewriter = self.HANDLERS.get(id(obj)) if rewriter: return rewriter(self, node) self.visitchildren(node) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Transform for loops over Objects #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SpecializeObjectIteration(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ This transforms for loops over objects. """ def visit_For(self, node): while_node = make_while_from_for(node) test = nodes.const(True, bool_) while_node.test = test impl = loopimpl.find_iterator_impl(node) # Get the iterator, loop body, and the item iter = impl.getiter(self.context, node, self.llvm_module) body = impl.body(self.context, node, self.llvm_module) item =, node, self.llvm_module) # Coerce item to LHS and assign item = nodes.CoercionNode(item, target_assmnt = ast.Assign(targets=[], value=item) # Update While node body body.insert(0, target_assmnt) while_node.body = body nodes.merge_cfg_in_while(while_node) return ast.Suite(body=[iter, while_node]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = stdio_util #! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ______________________________________________________________________ import ctypes import ctypes.util from numba import * # ______________________________________________________________________ c_void_pp = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p) def get_libc (): return ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c')) def get_stdio_streams (): ''' Returns file pointers (FILE *) as Python integers for the C stdio stdin, stdout, and stderr streams. ''' ret_val = None if hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'stdin'): # Linux _stdio_files = (ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(ctypes.pythonapi, sym) for sym in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr')) ret_val = tuple(c_void_pp(file_p)[0] for file_p in _stdio_files) elif hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, '__stdinp'): # OSX _stdio_files = (ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(ctypes.pythonapi, sym) for sym in ('__stdinp', '__stdoutp', '__stderrp')) ret_val = tuple(c_void_pp(file_p)[0] for file_p in _stdio_files) else: libc = get_libc() if hasattr(libc, '__getreent'): # Cygwin ret_val = tuple(ctypes.cast(libc.__getreent(), c_void_pp)[1:4]) elif hasattr(libc, '__iob_func'): # MSVC ret_val = tuple(ctypes.cast(libc.__iob_func(), c_void_pp)[0:3]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported platform, don't know how to " "find pointers to stdio streams!") return ret_val def get_stream_as_node(fp): return nodes.CoercionNode(nodes.ConstNode(fp, Py_uintptr_t), void.pointer()) # ______________________________________________________________________ def main (): _, stdout, _ = get_stdio_streams() PyObject_Print = ctypes.pythonapi.PyObject_Print PyObject_Print.restype = ctypes.c_int PyObject_Print.argtypes = ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int PyObject_Print(get_stdio_streams, stdout, 1) PyObject_Print('\n\n', stdout, 1) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ctypes_support import ctypes.util import warnings import numba # from numba.typesystem.defaults import numba_typesystem as ts from numba.typesystem import numbatypes as ts from numba.typesystem.ctypestypes import ctypes_map import numba.utils #------------------------------------------------------------------- # CTypes Types for Type Checking #------------------------------------------------------------------- _ctypes_scalar_type = type(ctypes.c_int) _ctypes_func_type = type(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int)) _ctypes_pointer_type = type(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)) _ctypes_array_type = type(ctypes.c_int * 2) CData = type(ctypes.c_int(10)).__mro__[-2] #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check Whether values are ctypes values #------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_ctypes_function(value): return isinstance(type(value), _ctypes_func_type) def is_ctypes_value(ctypes_value): return isinstance(ctypes_value, CData) def is_ctypes_struct_type(ctypes_type): return (isinstance(ctypes_type, type) and issubclass(ctypes_type, ctypes.Structure)) def is_ctypes_type(ctypes_type): return ( (isinstance(ctypes_type, _ctypes_scalar_type)) or is_ctypes_struct_type(ctypes_type) ) def is_ctypes(value): "Check whether the given value is a ctypes value" return is_ctypes_value(value) or is_ctypes_type(value) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type mapping (ctypes -> numba) #------------------------------------------------------------------- def from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type): """ Convert a ctypes type to a numba type """ if numba.utils.hashable(ctypes_type) and ctypes_type in ctypes_map: return ctypes_map[ctypes_type] elif ctypes_type is ctypes.c_void_p: return from_ctypes_type(None).pointer() elif isinstance(ctypes_type, _ctypes_pointer_type): return from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type._type_).pointer() elif isinstance(ctypes_type, _ctypes_array_type): base_type = from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type._type_) return ts.carray(base_type, ctypes_type._length_) elif issubclass(ctypes_type, ctypes.Structure): fields = [(name, from_ctypes_type(field_type)) for name, field_type in ctypes_type._fields_] return ts.struct_(fields) else: raise NotImplementedError(ctypes_type) def from_ctypes_value(value): """ Convert a ctypes value to a numba type """ if is_ctypes_type(value): # Value is a ctypes type, e.g. c_int return ts.meta(from_ctypes_type(value)) elif is_ctypes_function(value): # TODO: move this to from_ctypes_type if value.argtypes is None: warnings.warn( "ctypes function %s has no argument types set" % (value,)) return ts.object_ restype = from_ctypes_type(value.restype) argtypes = [from_ctypes_type(at) for at in value.argtypes] signature = ts.function(return_type=restype, args=argtypes) return signature elif is_ctypes_type(type(value)) or hasattr(value, '_type_'): # Value is a ctypes value, e.g. c_int(10) result_type = from_ctypes_type(type(value)) if result_type.is_pointer: # Handle ctypes pointers try: ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.c_void_p) except ctypes.ArgumentError: pass else: addr_int = ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.c_void_p).value result_type = ts.known_pointer(result_type.base_type, addr_int) return result_type else: raise NotImplementedError(value) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = slicenodes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ AST nodes for native slicing. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import numba from numba import * from numba import nodes class SliceDimNode(nodes.ExprNode): """ Array is sliced, and this dimension contains an integer index or newaxis. """ _fields = ['subslice'] def __init__(self, subslice, src_dim, dst_dim, **kwargs): super(SliceDimNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.subslice = subslice self.src_dim = src_dim self.dst_dim = dst_dim self.type = subslice.type # PyArrayAccessor wrapper of llvm fake PyArrayObject value # set by NativeSliceNode self.view_accessor = None self.view_copy_accessor = None class SliceSliceNode(SliceDimNode): """ Array is sliced, and this dimension contains a slice. """ _fields = ['start', 'stop', 'step'] def __init__(self, subslice, src_dim, dst_dim, **kwargs): super(SliceSliceNode, self).__init__(subslice, src_dim, dst_dim, **kwargs) self.start = subslice.lower and nodes.CoercionNode(subslice.lower, npy_intp) self.stop = subslice.upper and nodes.CoercionNode(subslice.upper, npy_intp) self.step = subslice.step and nodes.CoercionNode(subslice.step, npy_intp) class BroadcastNode(nodes.ExprNode): """ Broadcast a bunch of operands: - set strides of single-sized dimensions to zero - find big shape """ _fields = ['operands', 'check_errors'] def __init__(self, array_type, operands, **kwargs): super(BroadcastNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.operands = operands self.shape_type = numba.carray(npy_intp, array_type.ndim) self.array_type = array_type self.type = npy_intp.pointer() self.broadcast_retvals = {} self.check_errors = [] for op in operands: if op.type.is_array: # TODO: Put the raise code in a separate basic block and jump return_value = nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(int_, None) check_error = nodes.CheckErrorNode( return_value, 0, exc_type=ValueError, exc_msg="Shape mismatch while broadcasting") self.broadcast_retvals[op] = return_value self.check_errors.append(check_error) def create_slice_dim_node(subslice, *args): if subslice.type.is_slice: return SliceSliceNode(subslice, *args) else: return SliceDimNode(subslice, *args) class NativeSliceNode(nodes.ExprNode): """ Aggregate of slices in all dimensions. In nopython context, uses a fake stack-allocated PyArray struct. In python context, it builds an actual heap-allocated numpy array. In this case, the following attributes are patched during code generation time that sets the llvm values: dst_data, dst_shape, dst_strides """ _fields = ['value', 'subslices', 'build_array_node'] def __init__(self, type, value, subslices, nopython, **kwargs): super(NativeSliceNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) value = nodes.CloneableNode(value) self.type = type self.value = value self.subslices = subslices self.shape_type = numba.carray(npy_intp, type.ndim) self.nopython = nopython if not nopython: self.build_array_node = self.build_array() else: self.build_array_node = None def mark_nopython(self): self.nopython = True self.build_array_node = None def build_array(self): self.dst_data = nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(void.pointer(), None) self.dst_shape = nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(self.shape_type, None) self.dst_strides = nodes.LLVMValueRefNode(self.shape_type, None) array_node = nodes.ArrayNewNode( self.type, self.dst_data, self.dst_shape, self.dst_strides, base=self.value.clone) return nodes.CoercionNode(array_node, self.type) def rewrite_slice(node, nopython): """ Rewrites array slices to its native equivalent without using the Python API. node: ast.Subscript with an array type as result nopython: whether the node is encountered in a nopython context """ # assert self.nopython if isinstance(node.slice, ast.ExtSlice): dims = node.slice.dims else: assert not isinstance(node.slice, ast.Ellipsis) dims = [node.slice] slices = [] src_dim = 0 dst_dim = 0 all_slices = True for subslice in dims: slices.append(create_slice_dim_node(subslice, src_dim, dst_dim)) if subslice.type.is_slice: src_dim += 1 dst_dim += 1 elif nodes.is_newaxis(subslice): all_slices = False dst_dim += 1 else: assert subslice.type.is_int all_slices = False src_dim += 1 #if all_slices and all(empty(subslice) for subslice in slices): # return node.value # print node, node.type return NativeSliceNode(node.type, node.value, slices, nopython) class MarkNoPython(ast.NodeVisitor): """ Mark array slicing nodes as nopython, which allows them to use stack-allocated fake arrays. """ def visit_NativeSliceNode(self, node): node.mark_nopython() self.generic_visit(node) return node def mark_nopython(ast): MarkNoPython().visit(ast) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = sliceutils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from llvm_cbuilder import * from llvm_cbuilder import shortnames as C from numba.utility.cbuilder.library import register from numba.utility.cbuilder.numbacdef import NumbaCDefinition, from_numba def get_constants(cbuilder): zero = cbuilder.constant(C.npy_intp, 0) one = cbuilder.constant(C.npy_intp, 1) return one, zero # @register class SliceArray(CDefinition): _name_ = "slice" _retty_ = C.char_p _argtys_ = [ ('data', C.char_p), ('in_shape', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('in_strides', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('out_shape', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('out_strides', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('start', C.npy_intp), ('stop', C.npy_intp), ('step', C.npy_intp), ('src_dim',, ('dst_dim',, ] def _adjust_given_index(self, extent, negative_step, index, is_start): # Tranliterate the below code to llvm cbuilder # TODO: write in numba # For the start index in start:stop:step, do: # if have_start: # if start < 0: # start += shape # if start < 0: # start = 0 # elif start >= shape: # if negative_step: # start = shape - 1 # else: # start = shape # else: # if negative_step: # start = shape - 1 # else: # start = 0 # For the stop index, do: # if stop is not None: # if stop < 0: # stop += extent # if stop < 0: # stop = 0 # elif stop > extent: # stop = extent # else: # if negative_step: # stop = -1 # else: # stop = extent one, zero = get_constants(self) with self.ifelse(index < zero) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): index += extent with self.ifelse(index < zero) as ifelse_inner: with ifelse_inner.then(): index.assign(zero) with ifelse.otherwise(): with self.ifelse(index >= extent) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): if is_start: # index is 'start' index with self.ifelse(negative_step) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): index.assign(extent - one) with ifelse.otherwise(): index.assign(extent) else: # index is 'stop' index. Stop is exclusive, to # we don't care about the sign of the step index.assign(extent) def _set_default_index(self, default1, default2, negative_step, index): with self.ifelse(negative_step) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): index.assign(default1) with ifelse.otherwise(): index.assign(default2) def adjust_index(self, extent, negative_step, index, default1, default2, is_start=False, have_index=True): if have_index: self._adjust_given_index(extent, negative_step, index, is_start) else: self._set_default_index(default1, default2, negative_step, index) def body(self, data, in_shape, in_strides, out_shape, out_strides, start, stop, step, src_dim, dst_dim): stride = in_strides[src_dim] extent = in_shape[src_dim] one, zero = get_constants(self) if not self.have_step: step = one negative_step = step < zero self.adjust_index(extent, negative_step, start, default1=extent - one, default2=zero, is_start=True, have_index=self.have_start) self.adjust_index(extent, negative_step, stop, default1=-one, default2=extent, have_index=self.have_stop) # self.debug("extent", extent) # self.debug("negative_step", negative_step.cast(C.npy_intp)) # self.debug("start/stop/step", start, stop, step) new_extent = self.var(C.npy_intp) new_extent.assign((stop - start) / step) with self.ifelse((stop - start) % step != zero) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): new_extent += one with self.ifelse(new_extent < zero) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): new_extent.assign(zero) result = self.var(data.type, name='result') result.assign(data[start * stride:]) out_shape[dst_dim] = new_extent # self.debug("new_extent", new_extent) # self.debug("out stride:", dst_dim, stride * step) out_strides[dst_dim] = stride * step self.ret(result) def specialize(self, context, have_start, have_stop, have_step): self.context = context self.have_start = have_start self.have_stop = have_stop self.have_step = have_step self._name_ = "slice_%s_%s_%s" % (have_start, have_stop, have_step) @register class IndexAxis(NumbaCDefinition): _name_ = "index" _retty_ = C.char_p _argtys_ = [ ('data', C.char_p), ('in_shape', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('in_strides', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('src_dim', C.npy_intp), ('index', C.npy_intp), ] def body(self, data, in_shape, in_strides, src_dim, index): result = self.var(data.type, name='result') # self.debug("indexing...", src_dim, "stride", in_strides[src_dim]) result.assign(data[in_strides[src_dim] * index:]) self.ret(result) @register class NewAxis(NumbaCDefinition): _name_ = "newaxis" _argtys_ = [ ('out_shape', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('out_strides', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('dst_dim',, ] def body(self, out_shape, out_strides, dst_dim): one, zero = get_constants(self) out_shape[dst_dim] = one out_strides[dst_dim] = zero # self.debug("newaxis in dimension:", dst_dim) self.ret() # TODO: Transliterate the below to a numba function @register class Broadcast(NumbaCDefinition): """ Transliteration of @cname('__pyx_memoryview_broadcast') cdef bint __pyx_broadcast(Py_ssize_t *dst_shape, Py_ssize_t *input_shape, Py_ssize_t *strides, int max_ndim, int ndim, bint *p_broadcast) nogil except -1: cdef Py_ssize_t i cdef int dim_offset = max_ndim - ndim for i in range(ndim): src_extent = input_shape[i] dst_extent = dst_shape[i + dim_offset] if src_extent == 1: p_broadcast[0] = True strides[i] = 0 elif dst_extent == 1: dst_shape[i + dim_offset] = src_extent elif src_extent != dst_extent: __pyx_err_extents(i, dst_shape[i], input_shape[i]) """ _name_ = "__numba_util_broadcast" _argtys_ = [ ('dst_shape', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('src_shape', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('src_strides', C.pointer(C.npy_intp)), ('max_ndim',, ('ndim',, ] _retty_ = def body(self, dst_shape, src_shape, src_strides, max_ndim, ndim): dim_offset = max_ndim - ndim def constants(type): return self.constant(type, 0), self.constant(type, 1) zero, one = constants(C.npy_intp) zero_int, one_int = constants( with self.for_range(ndim) as (loop, i): src_extent = src_shape[i] dst_extent = dst_shape[i + dim_offset] with self.ifelse(src_extent == one) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): src_strides[i] = zero with ifelse.otherwise(): with self.ifelse(dst_extent == one) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): dst_shape[i + dim_offset] = src_extent with ifelse.otherwise(): with self.ifelse(src_extent != dst_extent) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): # Shape mismatch self.ret(zero_int) self.ret(one_int) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = slicing # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Module that deals with NumPy array slicing. - normalize ellipses - recognize newaxes - track how contiguity is affected (C or Fortran) """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from numba import * from numba import nodes, typesystem from numba.symtab import Variable def unellipsify(node, slices, subscript_node): """ Given an array node `node`, process all AST slices and create the final type: - process newaxes (None or numpy.newaxis) - replace Ellipsis with a bunch of ast.Slice objects - process integer indices - append any missing slices in trailing dimensions """ type = node.variable.type if not type.is_array: assert type.is_object return object_, node if (len(slices) == 1 and nodes.is_constant_index(slices[0]) and slices[0].value.pyval is Ellipsis): # A[...] return type, node result = [] seen_ellipsis = False # Filter out newaxes newaxes = [newaxis for newaxis in slices if nodes.is_newaxis(newaxis)] n_indices = len(slices) - len(newaxes) full_slice = ast.Slice(lower=None, upper=None, step=None) full_slice.variable = Variable(typesystem.slice_) ast.copy_location(full_slice, slices[0]) # process ellipses and count integer indices indices_seen = 0 for slice_node in slices[::-1]: slice_type = slice_node.variable.type if slice_type.is_ellipsis: if seen_ellipsis: result.append(full_slice) else: nslices = type.ndim - n_indices + 1 result.extend([full_slice] * nslices) seen_ellipsis = True elif (slice_type.is_slice or slice_type.is_int or nodes.is_newaxis(slice_node)): indices_seen += slice_type.is_int result.append(slice_node) else: # TODO: Coerce all object operands to integer indices? # TODO: (This will break indexing with the Ellipsis object or # TODO: with slice objects that we couldn't infer) return object_, nodes.CoercionNode(node, object_) # Reverse our reversed processed list of slices result.reverse() # append any missing slices (e.g. a2d[:] result_length = len(result) - len(newaxes) if result_length < type.ndim: nslices = type.ndim - result_length result.extend([full_slice] * nslices) subscript_node.slice = ast.ExtSlice(result) ast.copy_location(subscript_node.slice, slices[0]) # create the final array type and set it in value.variable result_dtype = node.variable.type.dtype result_ndim = node.variable.type.ndim + len(newaxes) - indices_seen if result_ndim > 0: result_type = result_dtype[(slice(None),) * result_ndim] elif result_ndim == 0: result_type = result_dtype else: result_type = object_ return result_type, node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ctypes_values # Example from Travis Oliphant import ctypes as ct import numpy.random as nr import os.path from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_shared_lib_extension mtrand = ct.CDLL(nr.mtrand.__file__) # Should we parse this from randomkit.h in the numpy directory? RK_STATE_LEN = len(nr.get_state()[1]) class rk_state(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [("key", ct.c_ulong * RK_STATE_LEN), ("pos", ct.c_int), ("has_gauss", ct.c_int), ("gauss", ct.c_double), ("has_binomial", ct.c_int), ("psave", ct.c_double), ("nsave", ct.c_long), ("r", ct.c_double), ("q", ct.c_double), ("fm", ct.c_double), ("m", ct.c_long), ("p1", ct.c_double), ("xm", ct.c_double), ("xl", ct.c_double), ("xr", ct.c_double), ("c", ct.c_double), ("laml", ct.c_double), ("lamr", ct.c_double), ("p2", ct.c_double), ("p3", ct.c_double), ("p4", ct.c_double)] try: rk_randomseed = mtrand.rk_randomseed rk_seed = mtrand.rk_seed rk_gamma = mtrand.rk_gamma rk_normal = mtrand.rk_normal except AttributeError as e: raise ImportError(str(e)) rk_randomseed.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(rk_state)] rk_seed.restype = None rk_seed.argtypes = [ct.c_long, ct.POINTER(rk_state)] state = rk_state() state_p = ct.pointer(state) state_vp = ct.cast(state_p, ct.c_void_p) rk_gamma.restype = ct.c_double rk_gamma.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(rk_state), ct.c_double, ct.c_double] rk_normal.restype = ct.c_double rk_normal.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(rk_state), ct.c_double, ct.c_double] def init(): if rk_randomseed(state_p) != 0: raise ValueError("Cannot initialize the random number generator.") init() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ctypes """ Test support for ctypes. See also numba.tests.foreign_call.test_ctypes_call. """ import ctypes import numba as nb from numba import * try: from import ctypes_values except ImportError: ctypes_values = None #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------- from_python = nb.typeof def get_cast_type(type): assert type.is_cast return type.dst_type def assert_signature(ctypes_func, expected=None): sig = from_python(ctypes_func) assert sig.is_pointer_to_function if expected: assert sig.signature == expected, (sig.signature, expected) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------- if ctypes_values: rk_state_t = get_cast_type(from_python(ctypes_values.rk_state)) def ctypes_func_values(): int_or_long = long_ if ctypes.c_int == ctypes.c_long else int_ long_or_longlong = (longlong if ctypes.c_long == ctypes.c_longlong else long_) signature = int_or_long(rk_state_t.pointer()) assert_signature(ctypes_values.rk_randomseed, signature) signature = void(long_or_longlong, rk_state_t.pointer()) assert_signature(ctypes_values.rk_seed, signature) signature = double(rk_state_t.pointer(), double, double) assert_signature(ctypes_values.rk_gamma, signature) def ctypes_data_values(): assert from_python(ctypes_values.state) == rk_state_t assert from_python(ctypes_values.state_p) == rk_state_t.pointer() assert from_python(ctypes_values.state_vp) == void.pointer() assert from_python(ctypes.c_void_p(10)) == void.pointer() ctypes_double_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)(ctypes.c_double(10)) assert from_python(ctypes_double_p) == double.pointer() def ctypes_c_void_p(): savethread = ctypes.pythonapi.PyEval_SaveThread savethread.argtypes = [] savethread.restype = ctypes.c_void_p restorethread = ctypes.pythonapi.PyEval_RestoreThread restorethread.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] restorethread.restype = None @autojit(nopython=True) def test_gil(): threadstate = savethread() restorethread(threadstate) test_gil() def test(): if ctypes_values is not None: ctypes_func_values() ctypes_data_values() ctypes_c_void_p() if __name__ == '__main__': test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ctypes_gibbs # Example from Travis Oliphant import math import numpy as np from numba import jit, autojit try: from import ctypes_values as rng except ImportError: rng = None #@jit('double[:,:](int64, int64)') @autojit def gibbs(rk_seed, N, thin): rk_seed(0, rng.state_p) x = 0 y = 0 samples = np.empty((N,2)) for i in range(N): for j in range(thin): #x = np.random.gamma(3,1.0/(y**2+4)) x = rng.rk_gamma(rng.state_p, 3.0, 1.0/(y**2+4)) #y = np.random.normal(1.0/(x+1), 1.0/math.sqrt(2+2*x)) y = rng.rk_normal(rng.state_p, 1.0/(x+1), 1.0/math.sqrt(2+2*x)) samples[i, 0] = x samples[i, 1] = y return samples def test(): if rng is not None: assert np.allclose(gibbs(rng.rk_seed, 10, 10), gibbs.py_func(rng.rk_seed, 10, 10)) if __name__ == '__main__': test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_random_gibbs # Example by Travis Oliphant try: from numba import jit, random except ImportError: pass else: import numpy as np import math state = random.state_p @jit('f8[:,:](int64, int32)') def gibbs(N, thin): x = 0 y = 0 samples = np.empty((N,2)) for i in range(N): for j in range(thin): x = random.rk_gamma(state, 3, 1.0/(y**2+4)) y = random.rk_normal(state, 1.0/(x+1), 1.0/math.sqrt(2+2*x)) samples[i, 0] = x samples[i, 1] = y return samples ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = symtab # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import utils try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: from .odict import OrderedDict import llvm.core class Variable(object): """ Variables placed on the stack. They allow an indirection so, that when used in an operation, the correct LLVM type can be inserted. Attributes: type: the Numba type (see numba.typesystem) is_local/is_global/is_constant name: name of local or global lvalue: LLVM Value state: state passed from one stage to the next """ _type = None warn_unused = True is_global = False is_builtin = False def __init__(self, type, is_constant=False, is_local=False, is_global=False, is_builtin=False, name=None, lvalue=None, constant_value=None, promotable_type=True, is_arg=False): self.type = type = name self.renameable = not is_constant self.renamed_name = None self.is_constant = is_constant self.constant_value = constant_value self.is_global = is_global self.is_builtin = is_builtin self.lvalue = lvalue self.promotable_type = promotable_type self.deleted = False self.uninitialized = False self.uninitialized_value = None self.killing_def = None # The definition that kills us, or None self.killed_def = None # The definition that we killed self.parent_var = None self.block = None self.is_phi = False self.is_local = is_local self.is_arg = is_arg self.is_cellvar = False self.is_freevar = False self.need_arg_copy = True # The control_flow.NameAssignment that defines this # variable (or PhiNode if a phi) self.name_assignment = None self.cf_assignments = [] self.cf_references = [] # def-use chain # position of first definition self.lineno = -1 self.col_offset = -1 # Cached value for the deferred_type attribute self._deferred_type = None self.init_array_flags() def init_array_flags(self): # For arrays. These variables indicate whether to preload data, shape # and strides. These are set during late specialization in # visit_Subscript. self.ndarray = None def perform_assignment(self, rhs_type): """ Called when an assignment is made to this variable. """ self.type = rhs_type @classmethod def make_shared_property(cls, name): def _get(self): if self.parent_var: return getattr(self.parent_var, name) return getattr(self, '_' + name) def _set(self, value): if self.parent_var: setattr(self.parent_var, name, value) else: setattr(self, '_' + name, value) setattr(cls, '_' + name, None) setattr(cls, name, property(_get, _set)) @property def deferred_type(self): if self._deferred_type: return self._deferred_type from numba import typesystem self._deferred_type = typesystem.DeferredType(self) return self._deferred_type def _type_get(self): return self._type def _type_set(self, type): assert not (self.type and type is None) from numba import typesystem if type is None: print('Setting None type!') elif not isinstance(type, typesystem.Type): print(type) self._type = type # type = property(_type_get, _type_set) @classmethod def from_variable(cls, variable, **kwds): result = cls(variable.type) vars(result).update(dict(kwds, **vars(variable))) return result # @property # def is_global(self): # return self.type and self.type.is_global @property def ltype(self): """ The LLVM type for the type of this variable or LLVM Value. """ if self.lvalue is not None: return self.lvalue.type return self.type.to_llvm(utils.context) @property def ctypes_type(self): """ The ctypes type for the type of this variable. """ @property def unmangled_name(self): if not self.renamed_name: return or "<unnamed>" name = self.renamed_name.lstrip("__numba_renamed_") counter, sep, var_name = name.partition('_') name = '%s_%s' % (var_name, counter) return name def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self def __repr__(self): args = [] if self.is_local: args.append("is_local=True") if self.is_global: args.append("is_global=True") if self.is_constant: args.append("is_constant=True") if self.is_freevar: args.append("is_freevar=True") if self.is_cellvar: args.append("is_cellvar=True") if self.is_phi: args.append("is_phi=True") if self.block: args.append("block=%d" % if self.lvalue: args.append("llvm=%s" % (self.lvalue,)) if args: extra_info = " " + ", ".join(args) else: extra_info = "" if if self.renamed_name: name = self.unmangled_name else: name = return "<Variable(name=%r, type=%s%s)>" % (name, self.type, extra_info) else: return "<Variable(type=%s%s)>" % (self.type, extra_info) Variable.make_shared_property('is_cellvar') Variable.make_shared_property('is_freevar') Variable.make_shared_property('need_arg_copy') class Symtab(object): def __init__(self, symtab_dict=None, parent=None): self.symtab = OrderedDict(symtab_dict or {}) self.parent = parent self.local_counters = {} # { (var_name, var_type) : PromotionNode } self.promotions = {} if parent: self.counters = parent.counters self.local_counters.update(parent.local_counters) else: self.counters = None def lookup(self, name): result = self.symtab.get(name, None) if result is None and self.parent is not None: result = self.parent.lookup(name) return result def lookup_most_recent(self, name): """ Look up the most recent definition of a variable in this block. """ if name in self.local_counters: last_count = self.local_counters[name] else: assert self.parent return self.parent.lookup_most_recent(name) return self.lookup_renamed(name, last_count) def lookup_promotion(self, var_name, dst_type): if (var_name, dst_type) in self.promotions: return self.promotions[var_name, dst_type] assert self.parent return self.parent.lookup_promotion(var_name, dst_type) def renamed_name(self, name, count): return '__numba_renamed_%d_%s' % (count, name) def lookup_renamed(self, name, version): renamed_name = self.renamed_name(name, version) return self[renamed_name] def rename(self, var, block, kills_previous_def=True): """ Create a new renamed variable linked to the given variable, which becomes its parent. """ new_var = Variable.from_variable(var) new_var.block = block new_var.cf_references = [] self.counters[] += 1 if self.counters[] and kills_previous_def: previous_var = self.lookup_most_recent( previous_var.killing_def = new_var new_var.killed_def = previous_var self.local_counters[] = self.counters[] new_var.renamed_name = self.renamed_name(, self.counters[]) new_var.parent_var = var self.symtab[new_var.renamed_name] = new_var # print "renaming %s to %s" % (var, new_var) return new_var def __repr__(self): return "symtab(%s)" % self.symtab def __getitem__(self, name): result = self.lookup(name) if result is None: raise KeyError(name) return result def __setitem__(self, name, variable): self.symtab[name] = variable def __iter__(self): return iter(self.symtab) def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.symtab, attr) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = templating # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ String templating support. The following syntax is supported: 1) Arbitrary Python code 2) Placeholders for AST sub-tree substitutions: {{some_node}} 3) Typed, untyped and code template variables: $some_var Typed and untyped variables are just artificial program (Python) variables. - Typed variables end up in the jit/autojit locals dict - Untyped variables are renameable/ssa variables - Code variables simply expand to arbitrary code """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import re import ast import string import textwrap import numba.decorators, numba.pipeline, numba.environment, numba.functions from numba import * from numba import nodes, symtab as symtab_module from numba.symtab import Variable import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) prefix = '__numba_template_' class TempName(object): _count = 0 def count(self): self._count += 1 return self._count def temp_name(self, name): return '__numba_temp%d_%s' % (self.count(), name) _temp_name = TempName() def temp_name(name=''): return _temp_name.temp_name(name) class TemplateVariable(Variable): """ A fake variable used in a template. The 'code' is substituted using string interpolation before the source is parsed. If the type is set, the symbol table is updated. The default 'code' is a temporary variable name. """ def __init__(self, type, name, temp_name=None, code=False, **kwargs): super(TemplateVariable, self).__init__(type, name=name, **kwargs) self.temp_name = temp_name self.code = code self.sep = "\n" if not temp_name: assert code = [] def __str__(self): if self.temp_name: return self.temp_name return self.sep.join( or "pass" @property def node(self): node = ast.Name(self.temp_name, ast.Load()) node.type = self.type node.variable = self return node class TemplateContext(object): """ The context in which a template is evaluated. Allows defining template variables and a mechanism to merge those variables back into the function being compiled. """ def __init__(self, context, template, env=None): # FIXME: Replace context with env. self.context = context self.templ = template self.variables = [] self.nodes = {} self.env = env self.substituted_template = None def temp_var(self, name, type=None, code=False): "Create and add a new template $variable" var = TemplateVariable(name=name, type=type, is_local=True, temp_name=not code and temp_name(name), code=code) self.variables.append(var) return var def add_variable(self, var): "Add an external template $variable to this context" self.variables.append(var) def code_var(self, name): "Create a template $variable that expands to generated code statements" return self.temp_var(name, code=True) def temp_vars(self, *names): "Create a number of template $variables" for name in names: yield self.temp_var(name) def code_vars(self, *names): "Create a number of code $variables" for name in names: yield self.code_var(name) def string_substitute(self, s): if self.variables: d = dict((, str(var)) for var in self.variables) s = string.Template(s).substitute(d) return s def get_vars_symtab(self): return dict((var.temp_name, Variable(name=var.temp_name, is_local=True, type=var.type)) for var in self.variables if not var.code) def update_locals(self, locals_dict): """ Update an external jit/autojit locals dict with our template $variables """ for var in self.variables: if not var.code and var.type is not None: assert not in locals_dict locals_dict[var.temp_name] = var.type def template(self, substitutions): """ Run a template and perform the given {{substitutions}} """ s = textwrap.dedent(self.templ) s = self.string_substitute(s) # print s self.substituted_template = s # template_variables = dict((, var) for var in self.variables) tree = template(s, substitutions, self.get_vars_symtab()) return tree def template_type_infer(self, substitutions, **kwargs): tree = self.template(substitutions) symtab = kwargs.get('symtab', None) if self.variables or symtab: vars = self.get_vars_symtab() symtab = dict(symtab or {}, **vars) kwargs['symtab'] = symtab_module.Symtab(symtab) return dummy_type_infer(self.context, tree, env=self.env, **kwargs) def dummy_type_infer(context, tree, order=['type_infer', 'type_set'], env=None, **kwargs): assert env is not None func_obj = kwargs.pop('func') func_env = env.translation.crnt.inherit(func=func_obj, ast=tree, func_signature=void(), **kwargs) numba.pipeline.run_env( env, func_env, pipeline_name='dummy_type_infer', function_level=1, locals=func_env.locals, **kwargs) symtab = func_env.symtab ast = func_env.ast return symtab, ast def template(s, substitutions, template_variables=None): s = textwrap.dedent(s) replaced = [0] def replace(ident): replaced[0] += 1 return '%s%s' % (prefix, source = re.sub('{{(.*?)}}', replace, s) tree = ast.parse(source) if replaced: tree = Interpolate(substitutions, template_variables).visit(tree) return ast.Suite(body=tree.body) def template_simple(s, **substitutions): return template(s, substitutions) class Interpolate(ast.NodeTransformer): """ Interpolate template substitutions. substitutions: { var_name : substitution_node } This is for {{var_name}} template syntax. This allows substituting arbitrary asts is specific places. template_variables: [TemplateVariable(...)] This is for $var syntax. This allows the introductions of typed or untyped variables, as well as code variables. """ def __init__(self, substitutions, template_variables): self.substitutions = substitutions self.template_variables = template_variables or {} self.make_substitutions_clonenodes() def make_substitutions_clonenodes(self): for name, replacement in self.substitutions.iteritems(): is_clone = isinstance(replacement, (nodes.CloneableNode, nodes.CloneNode, ast.Name, # atomic nodes.TempLoadNode)) have_type = hasattr(replacement, 'type') if not is_clone and have_type: self.substitutions[name] = nodes.CloneableNode(replacement) def visit_Name(self, node): if name =[len(prefix):] node = self.substitutions[name] if isinstance(node, nodes.CloneableNode): self.substitutions[name] = node.clone elif in self.template_variables: node.variable = self.template_variables[] node = nodes.MaybeUnusedNode(node) return node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = doctest_support """ Adpated from Use the testmod function from test_support, don't use this directly. ==================================================================== Cython-compatible wrapper for doctest.testmod(). Usage example, assuming a Cython module mymod.pyx is compiled. This is run from the command line, passing a command to Python: python -c "import cydoctest, mymod; cydoctest.testmod(mymod)" (This still won't let a Cython module run its own doctests when called with "python", but it's pretty close. Further options can be passed to testmod() as desired, e.g. verbose=True.) """ import sys import unittest import doctest import inspect import numba.decorators from numba import numbawrapper doctest_options = doctest.ELLIPSIS|doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE def from_module(module, object): """ Return true if the given object is defined in the given module. """ if module is None: return True elif inspect.getmodule(object) is not None: return module is inspect.getmodule(object) elif inspect.isfunction(object): return module.__dict__ is object.__globals__ elif inspect.isclass(object): return module.__name__ == object.__module__ elif hasattr(object, '__module__'): return module.__name__ == object.__module__ elif isinstance(object, property): return True # [XX] no way not be sure. else: raise ValueError("object must be a class or function") def fix_module_doctest(module): """ Extract docstrings from cython functions, that would be skipped by doctest otherwise. """ module.__test__ = {} for name in dir(module): value = getattr(module, name) if (isinstance(value, numbawrapper.NumbaWrapper) and from_module(module, value.py_func) and value.py_func.__doc__): module.__test__[name] = value.py_func.__doc__ elif (inspect.isbuiltin(value) and isinstance(value.__doc__, str) and from_module(module, value)): module.__test__[name] = value.__doc__ class MyDocTestFinder(doctest.DocTestFinder): def find(self, obj, **kws): res = doctest.DocTestFinder.find(self, obj, **kws) return res def testmod(m=None, run_doctests=True, optionflags=doctest_options, verbosity=2): """ Fix a Cython module's doctests, then call doctest.testmod() """ fix_module_doctest(m) if run_doctests: finder = MyDocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False) suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(m, test_finder=finder, optionflags=optionflags) result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity).run(suite) if not result.wasSuccessful(): raise Exception("Doctests failed: %s" % result) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = runner # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import sys from itertools import ifilter from functools import partial import subprocess from numba import PY3 import numba root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(numba.__file__)) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test filtering EXCLUDE_TEST_PACKAGES = [ "numba.minivect", "numba.pyextensibletype", "numba.tests.broken_issues", ] if PY3: EXCLUDE_TEST_PACKAGES.append("numba.tests.py2x") def make_path(root, predicate): "Call the predicate with a file path (e.g. numba/test/" return lambda item: predicate(os.path.join(root, item)) def qualify_path(root, predicate): "Call the predicate with a dotted name (e.g." return make_path(root, lambda item: predicate(qualify_test_name(item))) class Filter(object): def __init__(self, matcher=None): self.matcher = matcher def filter(self, root, dirs, files): matcher = make_path(root, self.matcher) return ifilter(matcher, dirs), ifilter(matcher, files) class PackageFilter(Filter): def filter(self, root, dirs, files): matcher = qualify_path(root, self.matcher) return ifilter(matcher, dirs), files class ModuleFilter(Filter): def filter(self, root, dirs, files): matcher = qualify_path(root, self.matcher) return dirs, ifilter(matcher, files) class FileFilter(Filter): def filter(self, root, dirs, files): return dirs, [fn for fn in files if fn.endswith(".py")] # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test discovery class Walker(object): def __init__(self, root, filters): self.root = root self.filters = filters def walk(self): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root): dirs[:], files[:] = apply_filters(root, dirs, files, self.filters) yield ([os.path.join(root, dir) for dir in dirs], [os.path.join(root, fn) for fn in files]) def apply_filters(root, dirs, files, filters): for filter in filters: dirs, files = list(dirs), list(files) # print(filter, list(dirs), list(files)) dirs, files = filter.filter(root, dirs, files) return dirs, files def qualify_test_name(root): root, ext = os.path.splitext(root) qname = root.replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".").replace(os.sep, ".") + "." offset = qname.rindex('numba.') return qname[offset:].rstrip(".") def match(items, modname): return any(item in modname for item in items) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Signal handling def map_returncode_to_message(retcode): if retcode < 0: retcode = -retcode return signal_to_name.get(retcode, "Signal %d" % retcode) return "" try: import signal except ImportError: signal_to_name = {} else: signal_to_name = dict((signal_code, signal_name) for signal_name, signal_code in vars(signal).items() if signal_name.startswith("SIG")) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test running def test(whitelist=None, blacklist=None, print_failures_only=False, loop=False): while True: exit_status = _test(whitelist, blacklist, print_failures_only) if exit_status != 0 or not loop: return exit_status def _test(whitelist, blacklist, print_failures_only): # FIXME # temporarily disable pycc test on win32 if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): blacklist = ['test_pycc_tresult'] # Make some test filters filters = [ PackageFilter(lambda pkg: not any( pkg.startswith(p) for p in EXCLUDE_TEST_PACKAGES)), PackageFilter(lambda pkg: not pkg.endswith(".__pycache__")), ModuleFilter(lambda modname: modname.split('.')[-1].startswith("test_")), FileFilter(), ] if whitelist: filters.append(ModuleFilter(partial(match, whitelist))) if blacklist: filters.append(ModuleFilter(lambda item: not match(blacklist, item))) # Run tests runner = TestRunner(print_failures_only) run_tests(runner, filters) sys.stdout.write("ran test files: failed: (%d/%d)\n" % (runner.failed, runner.ran)) return 0 if runner.failed == 0 else 1 def run_tests(test_runner, filters, root=root): """ Run tests: - Find tests in packages called 'tests' - Run any test files under a 'tests' package or a subpackage """ testpkg_walker = Walker(root, filters) print("Running tests in %s" % os.path.join(root, "numba")) for testpkgs, _ in testpkg_walker.walk(): for testpkg in testpkgs: if os.path.basename(testpkg) == "tests": # print("testdir:", testpkg) test_walker = Walker(testpkg, filters) for _, testfiles in test_walker.walk(): for testfile in testfiles: # print("testfile:", testfile) modname = qualify_test_name(testfile) class TestRunner(object): """ Test runner used by """ def __init__(self, print_failures_only): self.ran = 0 self.failed = 0 self.print_failures_only = print_failures_only def run(self, modname): self.ran += 1 if not self.print_failures_only: sys.stdout.write("%-70s" % (modname,)) process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-m', modname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() if process.returncode == 0: if not self.print_failures_only: sys.stdout.write(" SUCCESS\n") else: if self.print_failures_only: sys.stdout.write("%-69s" % (modname,)) sys.stdout.write(" FAILED:\n%79s\n" % map_returncode_to_message( process.returncode)) if PY3: out = str(out, encoding='UTF-8') err = str(err, encoding='UTF-8') sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.write(err) sys.stdout.write("-" * 80) sys.stdout.write('\n') self.failed += 1 # ______________________________________________________________________ # Nose test running def nose_run(module=None): import nose.config import __main__ #os.environ["NOSE_EXCLUDE"] = "(test_all|test_all_noskip|.*compile_with_pycc.*|bytecode)" #os.environ["NOSE_VERBOSE"] = "4" result = nose.main() return len(result.errors), len(result.failures) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_parametrize from numba.testing.test_support import parametrize @parametrize('foo', 'bar') def func(arg): return arg assert func_testcase.__name__ == 'func' assert hasattr(func_testcase, 'test_func_0') assert hasattr(func_testcase, 'test_func_1') assert func_testcase('test_func_0').test_func_0() == 'foo' assert func_testcase('test_func_1').test_func_1() == 'bar' ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_user_doctest import doctest import numba @numba.autojit def func(value): """ >>> func(10.0) 10.0 """ return value numba.testmod() @numba.autojit def func2(value): """ >>> raise ValueError("I am a message") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: I am a ... """ numba.testmod(verbosity=2, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_support # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import itertools import os import sys import types import unittest try: from import nottest except ImportError: def nottest(fn): def _nottest(*args, **kws): raise Exception("nose not available") return _nottest import numba from numba import * from numba.testing import doctest_support if numba.PY3: import io else: import StringIO as io jit_ = jit if numba.PY3: import re def rewrite_doc(doc): doc = re.sub(r'(\d+)L', r'\1', doc) doc = re.sub(r'([^\.])NumbaError', r'\1numba.error.NumbaError', doc) doc = re.sub(r'([^\.])InvalidTemplateError', r'\1numba.error.InvalidTemplateError', doc) doc = re.sub(r'([^\.])UnpromotableTypeError', r'\1numba.error.UnpromotableTypeError', doc) return doc def autojit_py3doc(*args, **kwargs): if kwargs: def _inner(fun): fun.__doc__ = rewrite_doc(fun.__doc__) return autojit(*args, **kwargs)(fun) return _inner else: fun = args[0] fun.__doc__ = rewrite_doc(fun.__doc__) return autojit(fun) else: def rewrite_doc(doc): return doc autojit_py3doc = autojit class ASTTestCase(unittest.TestCase): jit = staticmethod(lambda *args, **kw: jit_(*args, **dict(kw, backend='ast'))) backend = 'ast' autojit = staticmethod(autojit(backend=backend)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Support for unittest in < py2.7 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ have_unit_skip = sys.version_info[:2] > (2, 6) if have_unit_skip: from unittest import SkipTest else: class SkipTest(Exception): "Skip a test in < py27" @nottest def skip_test(reason): if have_unit_skip: raise SkipTest(reason) else: print("Skipping: " + reason, file=sys.stderr) def skip_if(should_skip, message): def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if should_skip: skip_test(message) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator def skip_unless(should_skip, message): return skip_if(not should_skip, message) def skip(message): return skip_if(True, message) def checkSkipFlag(reason): def _checkSkipFlag(fn): @nottest def _checkSkipWrapper(self, *args, **kws): skip_test(reason) return _checkSkipWrapper return _checkSkipFlag #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test running #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(): import sys, logging if '-d' in sys.argv: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sys.argv.remove('-d') if '-D' in sys.argv: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.NOTSET) sys.argv.remove('-D') unittest.main() class StdoutReplacer(object): def __enter__(self, *args): self.out = sys.stdout sys.stdout = io.StringIO() return sys.stdout def __exit__(self, *args): sys.stdout = self.out def fix_module_doctest_py3(module): """ Rewrite docs for python 3 """ if not numba.PY3: return if module.__doc__: try: module.__doc__ = rewrite_doc(module.__doc__) except: pass for name in dir(module): if name.startswith('__'): continue value = getattr(module, name) try: value.__doc__ = rewrite_doc(value.__doc__) except: pass def testmod(module=None, run=True, optionflags=None,): """ Tests a doctest modules with numba functions. When run in nosetests, only populates module.__test__, when run as main, runs the doctests. """ if module is None: mod_globals = sys._getframe(1).f_globals modname = mod_globals['__name__'] module = __import__(modname) # module = types.ModuleType(modname) # vars(module).update(mod_globals) fix_module_doctest_py3(module) doctest_support.testmod(module, run_doctests=run) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Parametrization #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def parametrize(*parameters, **named_parameters): """ @parametrize('foo', 'bar') def test_func(foo_or_bar): print foo_or_bar # prints 'foo' or 'bar' or @parametrize(x=['foo', 'bar'], y=['baz', 'quux']) def test_func(x, y): print x, y # prints all combinations Generates a unittest TestCase in the function's global scope named 'test_func_testcase' with parametrized test methods. ':return: The original function """ if parameters and named_parameters: raise TypeError('Cannot specify both parameters and named_parameters') def decorator(func): class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): pass TestCase.__name__ = func.__name__ TestCase.__module__ = func.__module__ names = named_parameters.keys() values = parameters or itertools.product(*named_parameters.values()) for i, parameter in enumerate(values): name = 'test_%s_%d' % (func.__name__, i) if names: def testfunc(self, parameter=parameter): return func(**dict(zip(names, parameter))) else: def testfunc(self, parameter=parameter): return func(parameter) testfunc.__name__ = name if func.__doc__: testfunc.__doc__ = func.__doc__.replace(func.__name__, name) setattr(TestCase, name, testfunc) func.__globals__[func.__name__ + '_testcase'] = TestCase return func return decorator ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = user_support # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Doctest support exposed to numba users. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import doctest from numba.testing import doctest_support doctest_options = doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE def testmod(module=None, run=True, optionflags=0, verbosity=2): """ Tests a doctest modules with numba functions. When run in nosetests, only populates module.__test__, when run as main, runs the doctests. module: the module to run the doctests in run: whether to run the doctests or just build a __test__ dict verbosity: verbosity level passed to unittest.TextTestRunner The defualt is 2 optionflags: doctest options (e.g. doctest.ELLIPSIS) """ if module is None: mod_globals = sys._getframe(1).f_globals modname = mod_globals['__name__'] module = __import__(modname) doctest_support.testmod( module, run_doctests=run, optionflags=optionflags, verbosity=verbosity, ) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = array_global from numba import * import numpy as np A = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float32) X = np.empty(10, dtype=np.float32) @jit(void(f4[:])) def read_global(Y): Y[1] = A[1] read_global(X) assert X[1] == 1 @jit(void(f4[:])) def write_global(Y): A[2] = Y[2] X[2] = 14 write_global(X) assert A[2] == 14 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array_expressions from numba import * import numpy as np f = float_ @autojit(backend='ast') def array_expr(a, b, c): return a + b * c @autojit(backend='ast') def func(a): return a * 2.0 @autojit(backend='ast') def array_expr2(a, b, c): return a + b + func(c) @autojit(backend='ast') def array_expr3(a, b, c): # a[1:, 1:] = a[1:, 1:] + b[1:, :-1] * c[1:, :-1] a[...] = a + b * c def test_array_expressions(): a = np.arange(120).reshape(10, 12).astype(np.float32) assert np.all(array_expr(a, a, a) == array_expr.py_func(a, a, a)) assert np.all(array_expr2(a, a, a) == array_expr2.py_func(a, a, a)) result, numpy_result = a.copy(), a.copy() array_expr3(result, result, result) array_expr3.py_func(numpy_result, numpy_result, numpy_result) assert np.all(result == numpy_result) # ### test matrix multiplication w/ array expressions # @autojit(backend='ast') def array_expr_matmul(A, B): m, n = A.shape n, p = B.shape C = np.empty((m, p), dtype=A.dtype) for i in range(m): for j in range(p): C[i, j] = (A[i, :] * B[:, j]).sum() return C def test_matmul(): a = np.arange(120).reshape(10, 12).astype(np.float32) b = a.T result = array_expr_matmul(a, b) assert np.all(result ==, b)) @autojit def vectorized_math(a): a[...] = np.cos(a) * np.sin(a) return a def test_vectorized_math(): a = vectorized_math(np.arange(100, dtype=np.float64)) b = vectorized_math.py_func(np.arange(100, dtype=np.float64)) assert np.allclose(a, b) @autojit def diffuse(iter_num): u = np.zeros((Lx, Ly), dtype=np.float64) temp_u = np.zeros_like(u) temp_u[Lx / 2, Ly / 2] = 1000.0 for i in range(iter_num): u[1:-1, 1:-1] = mu * (temp_u[2:, 1:-1] + temp_u[:-2, 1:-1] + temp_u[1:-1, 2:] + temp_u[1:-1, :-2] - 4 * temp_u[1:-1, 1:-1]) temp = u u = temp_u temp_u = temp return u mu = 0.1 Lx, Ly = 101, 101 def test_diffusion(): assert np.allclose(diffuse(100), diffuse.py_func(100)) @autojit def array_assign_scalar(A, scalar): A[...] = scalar def test_assign_scalar(): A = np.empty(10, dtype=np.float32) array_assign_scalar(A, 10.0) assert np.all(A == 10.0) if __name__ == '__main__': tests = [name for name in globals().keys() if name.startswith('test_')] for t in tests: globals()[t]() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_array_math from numba import * import numpy as np def get_functions(): def sqrt(a): return 2.7 + np.sqrt(a) + 1.6 def log(a): return 2.7 + np.log(a) + 1.6 def log10(a): return 2.7 + np.log10(a) + 1.6 def log1p(a): return 2.7 + np.log1p(a) + 1.6 def log2(a): return 2.7 + np.log2(a) + 1.6 def exp(a): return 2.7 + np.exp(a) + 1.6 # def expm1(a): # return 2.7 + np.expm1(a) + 1.6 def sin(a): return 2.7 + np.sin(a) + 1.6 def cos(a): return 2.7 + np.cos(a) + 1.6 def absolute(a): return 2.7 + np.abs(a) + 1.6 return locals() dtypes = ['i', 'l', 'f', 'd', np.complex128] def test_math_funcs(): functions = get_functions() exceptions = 0 for func_name in functions: # func_name = 'sqrt' func = functions[func_name] for dtype in dtypes: numba_func = autojit(func) x = np.arange(8 * 12, dtype=dtype).reshape(8, 12) x = ((x + 10) / 5).astype(dtype) r1 = numba_func(x) r2 = numba_func.py_func(x) assert np.allclose(r1, r2), (r1 - r2, r1.dtype, r2.dtype, func_name, x.dtype) if exceptions: raise Exception if __name__ == '__main__': test_math_funcs() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_broadcasting import numpy as np from numba import * def operands(dtype=np.double): return np.arange(10, dtype=dtype), np.arange(100, dtype=dtype).reshape(10, 10) def check_kernel(kernel, *args): new_args = [arg.copy() for arg in args] result = kernel(*new_args) new_args = [arg.copy() for arg in args] numpy_result = kernel.py_func(*new_args) assert np.allclose(result, numpy_result), numpy_result - result @autojit def get_slices(a, b): return [ (a, b), (a[:, np.newaxis], b), (a[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], b), (a[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], b[np.newaxis, :, :]), (a[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], b[:, np.newaxis, :]), (a[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], b[:, :, np.newaxis]), ] @autojit def broadcast_expr1(m1, m2): return m1 + m2 @autojit def broadcast_expr2(m1, m2): m2[...] = m1 + m2 return m2 @autojit def broadcast_expr3(m1, m2): m2[...] = m1 + m2 - 2 return m2 @autojit def broadcast_expr4(m1, m2): m2[np.newaxis, :] = m1[np.newaxis, :] + m2[np.newaxis, :] return m2 def test(dtype): """ >>> test(np.double) >>> test('l') >>> test(np.complex128) >>> test(np.complex64) >> if hasattr(np, 'complex256'): ... test(np.complex256) ... """ a, b = operands(dtype) views = get_slices(a, b) py_views = get_slices.py_func(a, b) # test slicing for (v1, v2), (v3, v4) in zip(views, py_views): assert v1.shape == v3.shape assert v2.shape == v4.shape assert v1.strides == v3.strides assert v2.strides == v4.strides assert == assert == check_kernel(broadcast_expr1, a, b) check_kernel(broadcast_expr2, a, b) check_kernel(broadcast_expr3, a, b) check_kernel(broadcast_expr4, a, b) @autojit def broadcast_expr5(m1, m2): m2[:, 0] = m1 * m1 return m2 @autojit def broadcast_expr6(m1, m2): m2[1:-1:2, 0] = m1[1:-1:2] * m1[-2:1:-2] return m2 @autojit def broadcast_expr7(m1, m2): m2[1:-1:2, 0, ..., ::2] = (m1[1:-1:2, ..., ::2] * m1[-2:1:-2, ..., ::2]) return m2 def test_index_slice_assmt(dtype): """ >>> test_index_slice_assmt(np.double) >>> test_index_slice_assmt('l') >>> test_index_slice_assmt(np.complex64) >>> test_index_slice_assmt(np.complex128) """ a, b = operands(dtype) check_kernel(broadcast_expr5, a, b) check_kernel(broadcast_expr6, a, b) b = np.arange(10000).reshape(10, 10, 10, 10) a = b[0] check_kernel(broadcast_expr7, a, b) @autojit def shape_mismatch(a, b): b[...] = a + b @autojit(nopython=True) def shape_mismatch_nopython(a, b): b[...] = a + b def test_shape_mismatch(): """ >>> a, b = operands(np.double) >>> shape_mismatch(a[:2], b) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ... # This will abort, so don't run it :) >> shape_mismatch_nopython(a[:2], b) ValueError: Shape mismatch while broadcasting """ if __name__ == "__main__": import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_slicing import time import numpy as np from numba import * from numba.decorators import autojit @autojit def slice_array_start(a, start): return a[start:] @autojit def slice_array_stop(a, stop): return a[:stop] @autojit def slice_array_step(a, step): return a[::step] @autojit def slice_array(a, start, stop, step): return a[start:stop:step] @autojit def time_slicing(a, start, stop, step): # with nopython: # should make no difference in timing! for i in range(1000000): a[start:stop:step] = a[start:stop:step] * a[start:stop:step] def test_slicing(): """ >>> test_slicing() """ a = np.arange(10) assert np.all(slice_array(a, 1, 7, 2) == a[1:7:2]) # sanity test for start in range(-5, 15): assert np.all(slice_array_start(a, start) == a[start:]) for stop in range(-5, 15): assert np.all(slice_array_stop(a, stop) == a[:stop]) for step in range(-3, 4): if step == 0: continue assert np.all(slice_array_step(a, step) == a[::step]) assert np.all(slice_array(a, start, stop, step) == a[start:stop:step]) def test_slicing_result(): """ >>> test_slicing_result() array([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ a = np.arange(10) return slice_array_start(a, 2) if __name__ == "__main__": import numba numba.testing.testmod() # a = np.arange(10) # t = time.time() # time_slicing(a, 1, 7, 2) # print((time.time() - t)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_slicing2 # Issue: #144 # Thanks to Neal Becker import numpy as np from numba import * f8_array_ty = f8[:] @jit class fir (object): @void(f8[:]) def __init__ (self, coef): self.coef = coef self.inp = np.zeros_like (coef) @void(f8_array_ty) def shift (self, u): size = self.inp.size n = len (u) for i in range (size-1-n, -1, -1): self.inp[i+n] = self.inp[i] self.inp[:n] = u @f8 () def compute1(self): s = 0 size = self.coef.size for i in range (size): s += self.inp[i] * self.coef[i] return s @f8(f8_array_ty) def shift_compute1 (self, u): self.shift (u) return self.compute1() @f8_array_ty(f8_array_ty) def compute (self, u): out = np.empty_like (u) size = u.size for i in range (size): out[i] = self.shift_compute1 (u[i:i+1]) return out @f8_array_ty(f8_array_ty) def __call__ (self, u): return self.compute (u) if __name__ == '__main__': coef = np.random.rand (16) filt = fir (coef) inp = np.random.rand (1000) x = inp[:10].copy() out = filt.compute (inp) assert np.all(x == inp[:10]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_vmdot import time import numba from numba import * import numpy as np # Bug reported by Jeremiah L. Lowin def timer(pyfunc, numbafunc, *args, **kwargs): t1 = time.time() pyresult = pyfunc(*args, **kwargs) t2 = time.time() print(('python function took: {0}'.format(t2-t1))) t3 = time.time() numbaresult = numbafunc(*args, **kwargs) t4 = time.time() print(('numba function took: {0}'.format(t4-t3))) print(('speedup: {0}x'.format(np.round((t2-t1) / (t4-t3),2)))) assert np.allclose(pyresult, numbaresult) def timer2(pyfunc, numbafunc, *args, **kwargs): t1 = time.time() pyresult = np.empty_like(args[0]) pyargs = args + (pyresult,) pyfunc(*pyargs, **kwargs) t2 = time.time() print(('python function took: {0}'.format(t2-t1))) t3 = time.time() numbaresult = np.empty_like(args[0]) nbargs = args + (numbaresult,) numbafunc(*nbargs, **kwargs) t4 = time.time() print(('numba function took: {0}'.format(t4-t3))) print(('speedup: {0}x'.format(np.round((t2-t1) / (t4-t3),2)))) assert np.allclose(pyresult, numbaresult) def vmdot(x, w): out = np.empty((x.shape[0], w.shape[1])) for i in range(x.shape[0]): dot_prod =[i], w) out[i] = np.exp(-1 * dot_prod) return out def vmdot2(x, w, out): for i in range(x.shape[0]): dot_prod =[i], w) out[i] = np.exp(-1 * dot_prod) def test_vmdot(): numba_vmdot = jit(restype=double[:,:], argtypes=[double[:,:], double[:,:]])(vmdot) x = np.random.random((1000, 1000)) w = np.random.random((1000, 1000)) / 1000. timer(vmdot, numba_vmdot, x, w) # ensure this compiles numba_vmdot2 = jit(argtypes=[double[:,:], double[:,:], double[:,:]])(vmdot2) timer2(vmdot2, numba_vmdot2, x, w) if __name__ == '__main__': test_vmdot() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = autojit_ext_method_call # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # Thanks to Neal Becker # TODO: Fix and dedup import numpy as np from numba import * f8_array_ty = f8[:] @autojit class fir (object): ## @void(f8[:]) def __init__ (self, coef): self.coef = coef self.inp = np.zeros_like (coef) ## @void(f8) def shift (self, u): size = self.inp.size for i in range (size-1-1, -1, -1): self.inp[i+1] = self.inp[i] self.inp[0] = u ## @double () def compute1(self): s = 0 size = self.coef.size for i in range (size): s += self.inp[i] * self.coef[i] return s ## @f8(f8) def shift_compute1 (self, u): self.shift (u) return self.compute1() ## @f8_array_ty(f8_array_ty) def compute (self, u): out = np.empty_like (u) size = u.size for i in range (size): out[i] = self.shift_compute1 (u[i]) return out ## @f8_array_ty(f8_array_ty) def __call__ (self, u): return self.compute (u) if __name__ == '__main__': from timeit import timeit coef = np.arange(100, dtype=np.double) filt = fir (coef) inp = np.arange(100, dtype=np.double) out = filt.compute (inp) filt (coef) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_binary_harder import unittest import numpy as np from itertools import product from numba import jit def add(a, b): return a + b def sub(a, b): return a - b def mul(a, b): return a * b def div(a, b): return a // b def boundary_range(s=0): maxint = 2**32 - 1 blimit = 10 for i in xrange(s, blimit): yield i i = blimit while i < maxint: i &= maxint yield i i = i << 1 for i in xrange(maxint - blimit, maxint): yield i def boundary_range_signed(s=0): maxint = 2**16 - 1 blimit = 10 for sign in (1, -1): for i in xrange(s, blimit): yield sign * i i = blimit while i < maxint: yield sign * i i = i << 1 for i in xrange(maxint - blimit, maxint): yield sign * i class TestBinaryOps(unittest.TestCase): def template(self, pyfn, op, s=0): msg = "%s %s %s -> %s (expect %s)" types = 'uint32', 'float64' for ty in types: signature = '%s(%s,%s)' % (ty, ty, ty) fn = jit(signature)(pyfn) for a, b in product(boundary_range(s=s), boundary_range(s=s)): if ty in ['float64']: a, b = float(a), float(b) exp = pyfn(a, b) if ty in ['uint32']: exp &= 0xffffffff try: got = fn(a, b) except: print('Exception raised at fn=%s a=%s b=%s, exp=%s ty=%s' % (pyfn, a, b, exp, ty)) raise self.assertTrue(exp == got, msg % (a, op, b, got, exp)) def template2(self, pyfn, op, s=0, w=True): msg = "%s %s %s -> %s (expect %s)" types = 'int32', 'float64' for ty in types: signature = '%s(%s,%s)' % (ty, ty, ty) fn = jit(signature)(pyfn) for a, b in product(boundary_range_signed(s=s), boundary_range_signed(s=s)): if ty in ['float64']: a, b = float(a), float(b) if w: exp = pyfn(np.asarray(a, dtype=ty), np.asarray(b, dtype=ty)) else: exp = pyfn(a, b) try: got = fn(a, b) except: print('Exception raised at fn=%s a=%s b=%s, exp=%s ty=%s' % (pyfn, a, b, exp, ty)) raise self.assertTrue(exp == got, msg % (a, op, b, got, exp)) def test_add(self): self.template(add, '+') self.template2(add, '+') def test_sub(self): self.template(sub, '-') self.template2(sub, '-') def test_mul(self): self.template(mul, '*') self.template2(mul, '*') def test_div(self): self.template(div, '//', s=1) self.template2(div, '//', s=1, w=False) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_bitwise_harder import unittest from itertools import product from numba import jit @jit('uint32(uint32, uint32)') def bitlshift(a, b): return (a << b) & 0xffffffff @jit('uint32(uint32, uint32)') def bitrshift(a, b): return (a >> b) & 0xffffffff @jit('int32(int32, int32)') def bitashift(a, b): return (a >> b) & 0xffffffff @jit('uint32(uint32, uint32)') def bitand(a, b): return a & b @jit('uint32(uint32, uint32)') def bitor(a, b): return a | b @jit('uint32(uint32)') def bitnot(a): return ~a @jit('uint32(uint32, uint32)') def bitxor(a, b): return a ^ b def boundary_range(): maxint = 2**32 - 1 blimit = 10 for i in xrange(0, blimit): yield i i = blimit while i < maxint: i &= 0xffffffff yield i i = i << 1 for i in xrange(maxint - blimit, maxint): yield i class TestBitwise(unittest.TestCase): def template(self, testfn, expfn, op): for a, b in product(boundary_range(), boundary_range()): exp = expfn(a, b) try: got = testfn(a, b) except: print('Exception raised at a=%s b=%s, exp=%s' % (a, b, exp)) raise self.assertTrue(exp == got, "%s %s %s -> %s (expect %s)" % (a, op, b, got, exp)) def test_lshift(self): self.template(bitlshift, bitlshift.py_func, '<<') def test_rshift(self): self.template(bitrshift, bitrshift.py_func, '>>') def test_ashift(self): self.template(bitashift, bitashift.py_func, '>>') def test_and(self): self.template(bitand, bitand.py_func, '&') def test_or(self): self.template(bitor, bitor.py_func, '|') def test_xor(self): self.template(bitxor, bitxor.py_func, '^') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_log1p_vectorize # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import division, absolute_import from math import log1p from numba import * from numba.vectorize import vectorize import numpy as np @jit(double(double)) def jit_log1p(x): return log1p(x) x = 3.4 assert np.allclose([jit_log1p(x)], [jit_log1p.py_func(x)]) @vectorize([double(double)]) def vec_log1p(x): return log1p(x) x = np.array([x]) assert np.allclose(vec_log1p(x), [jit_log1p.py_func(x)]) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_abs # adapted from cython/tests/run/builtin_abs.pyx """ >>> _abs = abs_as_name() >>> _abs(-5) 5 >>> py_abs(-5) 5 >>> py_abs(-5.5) 5.5 >>> int(int32_abs(-5)) 10 >>> int(int_abs(-5)) 10 >>> int(long_abs(-5)) 10 >>> int(ulong_abs(5)) 10 >>> long_long_abs(-(2**33)) == 2**34 True >>> ulong_long_abs(2**33) == 2**34 True >>> double_abs(-5) 10.0 >>> double_abs(-5.5) 11.0 >>> float_abs(-5) 10.0 >>> float_abs(-5.5) 11.0 >>> '%.2f' % round(complex64_abs(-10-2j), 2) '20.40' >>> '%.2f' % round(complex128_abs(-10-2j), 2) '20.40' """ from numba import * ### Python usage @jit(object_()) def abs_as_name(): x = abs return x @jit(argtypes=[object_]) def py_abs(a): return abs(a) ### nopython usage @autojit(nopython=True) def _abs(value): result = abs(value) with nopython: return result * 2 # test return type being non-object @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[int_]) def int_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[long_]) def long_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[ulong]) def ulong_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[int32]) def int32_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[longlong]) def long_long_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[ulonglong]) def ulong_long_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[double]) def double_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[float_]) def float_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[complex64]) def complex64_abs(a): return _abs(a) @jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[complex128]) def complex128_abs(a): return _abs(a) if __name__ == '__main__': # print long(int32_abs(-5)) import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_chr # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import autojit @autojit(nopython=True) def test_chr(x): return chr(x) assert test_chr(97) == b'a' ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_complex """ >>> empty_complex() 0j >>> new_complex(1., 5) (1+5j) >>> convert_to_complex(10) (10+0j) >>> convert_to_complex(10+2j) (10+2j) >>> convert_to_complex(10.0) (10+0j) """ import sys from numba import * @autojit(backend='ast') def empty_complex(): x = complex() return x @autojit(backend='ast') def new_complex(x, y): return complex(x, y) @autojit(backend='ast') def convert_to_complex(x): return complex(x) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_enumerate # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # Based on cython/tests/run/enumerate_T316.pyx from numba import * @autojit def go_py_enumerate(): """ >>> go_py_enumerate() 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 """ for i,k in enumerate(range(1,5)): print(i, k) @autojit def py_enumerate_list_index_target(): """ >>> py_enumerate_list_index_target() [0] 1 [1] 2 [2] 3 [3] 4 """ target = [None] for target[0],k in enumerate(range(1,5)): print(target, k) @autojit def go_py_enumerate_start(): """ >>> go_py_enumerate_start() 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 """ for i,k in enumerate(list(range(1,5)), 5): print(i, k) @autojit def go_c_enumerate(): """ >>> go_c_enumerate() 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 """ for i,k in enumerate(range(1,5)): print(i, k) @autojit def go_c_enumerate_step(): """ >>> go_c_enumerate_step() 0 1 1 3 2 5 """ for i,k in enumerate(range(1,7,2)): print(i, k) # @autojit # TODO: def py_enumerate_dict(d): """ >>> py_enumerate_dict({}) :: 55 99 >>> py_enumerate_dict(dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)) 0 True 1 True 2 True :: 2 True """ i = 55 k = 99 keys = list(d.keys()) for i,k in enumerate(d): k = keys[i] == k print(i, k) print("::", i, k) @autojit def py_enumerate_break(t): """ >>> py_enumerate_break([1,2,3,4]) 0 1 :: 0 1 """ i,k = 55,99 for i,k in enumerate(t): print(i, k) break print("::", i, k) @autojit def py_enumerate_return(t): """ >>> py_enumerate_return([]) :: 55 99 >>> py_enumerate_return([1,2,3,4]) 0 1 """ i,k = 55,99 for i,k in enumerate(t): print(i, k) return print("::", i, k) @autojit def py_enumerate_continue(t): """ >>> py_enumerate_continue([1,2,3,4]) 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 :: 3 4 """ i,k = 55,99 for i,k in enumerate(t): print(i, k) continue print("::", i, k) @autojit def empty_c_enumerate(): """ >>> empty_c_enumerate() (55, 99) """ i,k = 55,99 for i,k in enumerate(range(0)): print(i, k) return i, k # Not supported (yet) # @autojit # def single_target_enumerate(): # """ # >>> single_target_enumerate() # 0 1 # 1 2 # 2 3 # 3 4 # """ # for t in enumerate(range(1,5)): # print(t[0], t[1]) # @autojit # TODO: def multi_enumerate(): """ >>> multi_enumerate() 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 """ for a,(b,(c,d)) in enumerate(enumerate(enumerate(range(1,5)))): print(a,b,c,d) # @autojit # TODO: def multi_enumerate_start(): """ >>> multi_enumerate_start() 0 2 0 1 1 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 3 5 3 4 """ for a,(b,(c,d)) in enumerate(enumerate(enumerate(range(1,5)), 2)): print(a,b,c,d) # @autojit # TODO: def multi_c_enumerate(): """ >>> multi_c_enumerate() 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 """ for a,(b,(c,d)) in enumerate(enumerate(enumerate(range(1,5)))): print(a,b,c,d) @autojit def convert_target_enumerate(L): """ >>> convert_target_enumerate([2,3,5]) 0 2 1 3 2 5 """ for a, b in enumerate(L): print(a,b) @autojit def convert_target_enumerate_start(L, n): """ >>> convert_target_enumerate_start([2,3,5], 3) 3 2 4 3 5 5 """ for a, b in enumerate(L, n): print(a,b) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_float """ >>> empty_float() 0.0 >>> convert_float(10) 10.0 >>> float_conjugate() 1.5 """ import sys from numba import * @autojit(backend='ast') def empty_float(): return float() @autojit(backend='ast') def convert_float(y): x = float(y) return x @autojit(backend='ast') def float_conjugate(): return 1.5.conjugate() if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_int """ >>> empty_int() 0 >>> convert_int(2.5) 2 >>> convert_to_int('FF', 16) 255 """ from numba import autojit @autojit def empty_int(): return int() @autojit def convert_int(x): return int(x) @autojit def convert_to_int(s, base): return int(s, base) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_minmax from numba import autojit from numba.testing.test_support import autojit_py3doc @autojit_py3doc def max1(x): """ >>> max1([100]) 100 >>> max1([1,2.0,3]) 3 >>> max1([-1,-2,-3.0]) -1 >>> max1(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable """ return max(x) @autojit_py3doc def min1(x): """ >>> min1([100]) 100 >>> min1([1,2,3.0]) 1 >>> min1([-1,-2.0,-3]) -3 >>> min1(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable """ return min(x) @autojit_py3doc def max2(x, y): """ >>> max2(1, 2) 2 >>> max2(1, -2) 1 >>> max2(10, 10.25) 10.25 >>> max2(10, 9.9) 10.0 >>> max2(0.1, 0.25) 0.25 >>> max2(1, 'a') Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnpromotableTypeError: Cannot promote types int and string """ return max(x, y) @autojit_py3doc def min2(x, y): """ >>> min2(1, 2) 1 >>> min2(1, -2) -2 >>> min2(10, 10.1) 10.0 >>> min2(10, 9.75) 9.75 >>> min2(0.25, 0.3) 0.25 >>> min2(1, 'a') Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnpromotableTypeError: Cannot promote types int and string """ return min(x, y) @autojit def max4(x): """ >>> max4(20) 20.0 """ return max(1, 2.0, x, 14) @autojit def min4(x): """ >>> min4(-2) -2.0 """ return min(1, 2.0, x, 14) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_ord # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import autojit @autojit(nopython=True) def test_ord(s): return ord(s[1]) assert test_ord('hello') == 101 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_pow """ >>> pow3(2,3,5) 3 >>> pow3(3,3,5) 2 >>> pow3_const() 3 >>> pow2(2,3) 8 >>> pow2(3,3) 27 >>> pow2(3.0,3) 27.0 >>> pow2(3,3.0) 27.0 >>> pow2(3.0,3.0) 27.0 >>> pow2(1.5, 2) 2.25 >>> pow2(1.5, 1.5) == pow(1.5, 1.5) True >>> pow_op(3,3) 27 >>> pow_op(3.0,3) 27.0 >>> pow_op(3,3.0) 27.0 >>> pow_op(3.0,3.0) 27.0 >>> pow_op(1.5, 2) 2.25 >>> pow_op(1.5, 1.5) == pow(1.5, 1.5) True >>> pow2_const() 8 >>> c1, c2 = 1.2 + 4.1j, 0.6 + 0.5j >>> allclose(pow2(c1, c2), pow(c1, c2)) True >>> d1, d2 = 4.2, 5.1 >>> allclose(pow2(d1, d2), pow(d1, d2)) True """ from numba import autojit from numpy import allclose @autojit def pow3(a,b,c): return pow(a,b,c) @autojit def pow3_const(): return pow(2,3,5) @autojit(nopython=True) def pow2(a,b): return pow(a,b) @autojit(nopython=True) def pow_op(a,b): return a**b @autojit(nopython=True) def pow2_const(): return pow(2,3) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_range """ >>> range_ret1() [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> range_ret2() [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> range_ret3() [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4] >>> forward1() 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 done >>> forward2() 1 2 3 4 done >>> forward3() 5 8 11 14 done >>> backward1() 10 7 4 done >>> backward2() done >>> backward3() -5 -8 -11 -14 done >>> empty_assign() 14 >>> last_value() Warning 92:10: local variable 'i' might be referenced before assignment 9 """ from __future__ import print_function from numba import * @autojit def range_ret1(): return range(10) @autojit def range_ret2(): return range(1, 5) @autojit def range_ret3(): return range(10, -5, -1) @autojit def forward1(): for i in range(10): print(i, end=' ') print("done") @autojit def forward2(): for i in range(1, 5): print(i, end=' ') print("done") @autojit def forward3(): for i in range(5, 15, 3): print(i, end=' ') print("done") @autojit def backward1(): for i in range(10, 2, -3): print(i, end=' ') print("done") @autojit def backward2(): for i in range(1, 5, -1): print(i, end=' ') print("done") @autojit def backward3(): for i in range(-5, -15, -3): print(i, end=' ') print("done") @autojit def empty_assign(): i = 14 for i in range(10, 4): pass print(i) @autojit(warnstyle='simple') def last_value(): for i in range(10): pass print(i) if __name__ == '__main__': # backward3() import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_round """ >>> round_val(2.2) 2.0 >>> round_val(3.6) 4.0 >>> round_val(5) 5.0 >>> round_val(object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: a float is required >>> round2(10.497, 2) 10.5 >>> round2(497, -1) 500.0 """ import numpy as np from numba import * @autojit(backend='ast') def round_val(a): return round(a) @autojit(backend='ast') def round2(a, b): return round(a, b) if __name__ == '__main__': # round2(10.497, 2) # round_val(object()) round_val(3.6) import numba if numba.PY3: __doc__ = __doc__.replace('TypeError: a float is required', "TypeError: type object doesn't define __round__ method") numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_str """ >>> empty_str() '' >>> str_convert(12.2) '12.2' """ import sys from numba import * @autojit(backend='ast') def empty_str(): x = str() return x @autojit(backend='ast') def str_convert(x): return str(x) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_builtin_zip # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * @autojit def zip1(L1, L2): """ >>> zip1(range(2), range(5, 8)) [(0, 5), (1, 6)] """ return list(zip(L1, L2)) @autojit def zip2(L1, L2, L3): """ >>> zip2(range(2), range(5, 8), range(9, 13)) [(0, 5, 9), (1, 6, 10)] """ return list(zip(L1, L2, L3)) @autojit def ziploop1(L1, L2): """ >>> ziploop1(range(2), range(5, 8)) 0 5 1 6 """ for i, j in zip(L1, L2): print(i, j) @autojit def ziploop2(L1, L2, L3): """ >>> ziploop2(range(2), range(5, 8), range(9, 13)) 0 5 9 1 6 10 """ for i, j, k in zip(L1, L2, L3): print(i, j, k) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_object_builtins """ >>> get_globals() 20 >>> get_locals() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: locals() is not supported in numba functions >>> get_sum(3) 6 >>> eval_something("'hello'") 'hello' >>> list(enumerate_list()) [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)] >>> max_(20) == 20 True >>> min_(-2) == -2 True """ from numba import * myglobal = 20 autojit = autojit(warn=False, warnstyle="simple") @autojit def get_globals(): return globals()['myglobal'] @autojit def get_locals(): x = 2 return locals()['x'] @autojit def get_sum(x): return sum([1, 2, x]) @autojit def eval_something(s): return eval(s) @autojit def enumerate_list(): return enumerate([1, 2, 3]) @autojit def max_(x): return max(1, 2.0, x, 14) @autojit def min_(x): return min(1, 2.0, x, 14) if __name__ == '__main__': get_globals() import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_closure import numba from numba import * from numba.error import NumbaError autojit = autojit(warn=False, warnstyle='simple') @autojit def error1(): def inner(): pass @autojit def error2(): @autojit def inner(): pass @autojit def error3(): inner(10, 20, 30) @jit(restype=void, argtypes=[int_, int_, int_]) def inner(a, b, c): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b) + ' ' + str(c)) @autojit def error4(): @jit(restype=void, argtypes=[int_, int_, int_]) def inner(a, b, c): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b) + ' ' + str(c)) inner(10, a=20, b=30, c=40) @autojit def error5(): @jit(restype=void, argtypes=[int_, int_, int_]) def inner(a, b, c): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b) + ' ' + str(c)) inner(10, a=20, b=30) @autojit def closure1(): a = 10 @jit(restype=void, argtypes=[int_]) def inner(arg): print(str(arg)) return inner @autojit def closure2(): a = 10 @jit(restype=void, argtypes=[int_]) def inner(arg): print(str(arg)) inner(arg=a) @autojit def closure3(): a = 10 @jit('void()') def inner(): print(a) a = 12 inner() @autojit def closure4(): a = 10 @jit('void()') def inner(): print(a) a = 12 return inner @autojit def nested_closure(): a = 20 b = 21 @jit('object_()') def c1(): b = 10 @jit('void()') def c2(): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b)) return c2 @jit('void()') def c3(): print(b) return c1, c3 __doc__ = """ >>> error1() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Closure must be decorated with 'jit' or 'autojit' >>> error2() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Dynamic closures not yet supported, use @jit >>> error3() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: local variable 'inner' referenced before assignment >>> error4() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Expected 3 arguments, got 4 >>> error5() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Got multiple values for positional argument 'a' Test closures >>> closure1().__name__ 'inner' >>> closure1()() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: function takes exactly 1 argument (0 given) >>> closure1()(object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: an integer is required >>> closure1()(10.0) 10 >>> closure2() 10 >>> closure3() 12 >>> func = closure4() >>> print(func.__name__) inner >>> field, = func.__closure__._numba_attrs._fields_ >>> import ctypes >>> print((field[0], field[1] == ctypes.c_int)) ('a', True) >>> print(func.__closure__._numba_attrs.a) 12 >>> func() 12 >>> c1, c3 = nested_closure() >>> c1.__name__ 'c1' >>> c3.__name__ 'c3' >>> c1().__name__ 'c2' >>> c1()() 20 10 >>> c3() 21 """ @autojit def closure_arg(a): @jit('object_(object_)') def closure1(b): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b)) x = 10 + int_(b) @jit('object_(object_)') def closure2(c): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b) + ' ' + str(c) + ' ' + str(x)) y = double(x) + double(c) @jit('void(object_)') def closure3(d): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b) + ' ' + str(c) + ' ' + str(d) + ' ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y)) return closure3 return closure2 return closure1 __doc__ += \ """ >>> closure1 = closure_arg(1) >>> closure1.__name__ 'closure1' >>> closure2_1 = closure1(2) 1 2 >>> closure2_1.__name__ 'closure2' >>> closure2_2 = closure1(3) 1 3 >>> closure2_2.__name__ 'closure2' >>> closure3_1 = closure2_1(4) 1 2 4 12 >>> closure3_1.__name__ 'closure3' >>> closure3_2 = closure2_2(5) 1 3 5 13 >>> closure3_2.__name__ 'closure3' >>> closure3_1(6) 1 2 4 6 12 16.0 >>> closure3_2(7) 1 3 5 7 13 18.0 """ @autojit def closure_arg_simple(a): @jit('object_(object_)') def inner(b): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b)) @jit('void(object_)') def inner_inner(c): print(str(a) + ' ' + str(b) + ' ' + str(c)) return inner_inner return inner __doc__ += """ >>> closure_arg_simple(10)(20)(30) 10 20 10 20 30 """ @autojit def closure_skip_level(a): @jit('object_()') def inner(): @jit('void()') def inner_inner(): print(str(a)) return inner_inner return inner __doc__ += """ >>> closure_skip_level(10)()() 10 """ @autojit def objects(s): @jit('object_()') def inner(): return s.upper() return inner __doc__ += """ >>> objects("hello")() 'HELLO' """ @autojit def wrong_signature(s): @jit('object_(object_)') def inner(): return s.upper() return inner __doc__ += """ >>> try_(wrong_signature, "foo") NumbaError: ...: Expected 1 arguments type(s), got 0 """ @autojit def wrong_restype(): @jit('object_()') def inner(): pass return inner __doc__ += """ >>> try_(wrong_restype) NumbaError: ...: Function with non-void return does not return a value """ # ### Test signatures like @double(object_) # @autojit def signature_dec(): @object_() def inner(): return "hello" return inner __doc__ += """ >>> signature_dec()() 'hello' """ @autojit def wrong_signature2(s): @object_(object_) def inner(): return s.upper() return inner __doc__ += """ >>> try_(wrong_signature2, "foo") NumbaError: ...: Expected 1 arguments type(s), got 0 """ @autojit def get_closure(arg): @void() def closure(): print(arg) closure() return closure @autojit def test_call_closure(): closure = get_closure(10.0) closure() # TODO: This still goes through the object layer, amend __doc__ += """ >>> test_call_closure() 10.0 10.0 """ @autojit def test_call_closure_from_closure(): closure = get_closure(10.0) @void() def inner(): closure() return inner __doc__ += """ >>> test_call_closure_from_closure()() 10.0 10.0 """ @autojit def test_closure_loop(): """ >>> test_closure_loop() 0 3 1 3 2 3 <BLANKLINE> 0 3 1 3 2 3 """ cellvar = 3 @jit(void()) def inner(): for i in range(cellvar): print(str(i) + ' ' + str(cellvar)) print('') for i in range(cellvar): for j in range(cellvar): if i == j: print(str(i) + ' ' + str(cellvar)) inner() @numba.autojit(locals=dict(var=int_), warn=False) def test_closure_outer_locals(): """ >>> test_closure_outer_locals() """ var = 10 @jit(void()) def inner(): var = "hello" inner() #__doc__ = rewrite_doc(__doc__) def try_(func, *args): try: func(*args) except NumbaError as e: print("%s%s: %s" % ('numba.error.' if numba.PY3 else '', type(e).__name__, e)) if __name__ == '__main__': # closure1 = closure_arg(1) # print closure1.__name__ # closure1(10) # test_call_closure() # closure4() # signature_dec()() # test_closure_outer_locals() # test_closure_loop() # test_closure_outer_locals() # test_call_closure_from_closure()() # wrong_restype() import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_closure_type_inference """ >>> from numba.tests.closures import test_closure_type_inference """ import numpy as np from numba import * from numba import error from numba.testing.test_support import testmod @autojit def test_cellvar_promotion(a): """ >>> inner = test_cellvar_promotion(10) 200.0 >>> inner.__name__ 'inner' >>> inner() 1000.0 """ b = int(a) * 2 @jit(void()) def inner(): print((a * b)) inner() a = float(a) b = a * a # + 1j # Promotion issue return inner @autojit def test_cellvar_promotion_error(a): """ >>> from numba.minivect import minierror >>> try: ... test_cellvar_promotion_error(10) ... except error.UnpromotableTypeError as e: ... print(sorted(e.args, key=str)) [(int, string)] """ b = int(a) * 2 @jit(void()) def inner(): print((a * b)) inner() a = np.empty(10, dtype=np.double) b = "hello" return inner #test_cellvar_promotion(10) #test_cellvar_promotion_error(10) testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = conftest import logging logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) #def pytest_ignore_collect(path, config): # print config.option ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_callbacks import os import ctypes from numba import * import numba try: import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() except ImportError: ffi = None root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) include_dirs = [root] # ______________________________________________________________________ def test(): if ffi is not None: run_callback() # ______________________________________________________________________ # Tests @jit(int_(int_, int_)) def numba_callback(a, b): return a * b @autojit #(nopython=True) def call_cffi_func(eat_callback): return eat_callback(numba_callback) def run_callback(): # Define C function taking a callback ffi.cdef("typedef int (*callback_t)(int, int);") ffi.cdef("typedef int (*eat_callback_t)(callback_t);") ffi.cdef("eat_callback_t get_eat_callback();", override=True) ffi.cdef("int printf(char *, ...);") lib = ffi.verify(""" typedef int (*callback_t)(int, int); typedef int (*eat_callback_t)(callback_t); int eat_callback(callback_t callback) { return callback(5, 2); } eat_callback_t get_eat_callback() { return (callback_t) eat_callback; } """, include_dirs=include_dirs) # CFFI returns builtin methods instead of CData functions for # non-external functions. Get the CDATA function through an indirection. eat_callback = lib.get_eat_callback() assert call_cffi_func(eat_callback) == 10 # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cffi_call import os import ctypes import doctest from numba import * import numba try: import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() except ImportError: ffi = None # ______________________________________________________________________ def test_cffi_calls(): if ffi is not None: make_cffi_calls() # ______________________________________________________________________ # Tests @autojit(nopython=True) def call_cffi_func(func, value): return func(value) def make_cffi_calls(): # Test printf for nopython and no segfault ffi.cdef("int printf(char *, ...);", override=True) lib = ffi.dlopen(None) printf = lib.printf call_cffi_func(printf, "Hello world!\n") # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": test_cffi_calls() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ctypes_call import os import ctypes from numba import * @autojit(nopython=True) def call_ctypes_func(func, value): return func(value) def test_ctypes_calls(): # Test puts for no segfault libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c')) puts = libc.puts puts.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p] call_ctypes_func(puts, "Hello World!") # Test ceil result libm = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('m')) ceil = libm.ceil ceil.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double] ceil.restype = ctypes.c_double result = call_ctypes_func(ceil, 10.1) assert result == 11.0, result def test_str_return(): try: import errno except ImportError: return libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c')) strerror = libc.strerror strerror.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int] strerror.restype = ctypes.c_char_p expected = os.strerror(errno.EACCES) got = call_ctypes_func(strerror, errno.EACCES) assert expected == got, (expected, got) if __name__ == "__main__": test_ctypes_calls() test_str_return() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = issue_305_helper1 from numba import jit, autojit @autojit def test2(): return 0 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = issue_305_helper2 from numba import jit, autojit @autojit def test2(): return 0 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_compare import numba from numba import * tests = [] def _make_test(f): def test(): for argtype in [object_, float_, double]: # f_ = autojit(f) f_ = jit(numba.function(None, [argtype]))(f) for v in range(-10,10): assert f_(v)==f(v) assert f_(float(v))==f(float(v)) test.__name__ = f.__name__ tests.append(test) return test @_make_test def test_single_comparator(a): return a<4 @_make_test def test_single_float_comparator(a): return a<4.0 @_make_test def test_multiple_comparators(a): return 0<a<=4 @_make_test def test_multiple_comparators_mixed_types(a): return 0.0<a<=10 @_make_test def test_compare_span_basic_blocks(a): a = a + 1j if abs(a) > 2: return 0 < abs(a) < 10 return not a.real > 0 @_make_test def test_compare_while(a): while True: while True: break else: print("hello") return a * 3 break return a * 2 class Class(object): def __eq__(self, other): raise Exception("I cannot compare!") @autojit def compare_error(): return 0 == Class() def test_compare_error(): try: compare_error() except Exception as e: assert str(e) == "I cannot compare!", str(e) else: raise Exception("Expected exception!") if __name__ == "__main__": for test in tests: test() test_compare_error() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_112 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import autojit, register_callable, npy_intp, typesystem restype = typesystem.tuple_(npy_intp[:, :], 2) @register_callable(restype(npy_intp[:], npy_intp[:])) def meshgrid(x, y): return np.meshgrid(x, y) @autojit def run_meshgrid(size): x1d = np.arange(-size, size + 1) y1d = np.arange(-size, size + 1) x, y = meshgrid(x1d, y1d) return x, y if __name__ == '__main__': size = 3 nb_gauss = run_meshgrid(size) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_117 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This bug is nondeterministic. Run it a few times. ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import autojit, typeof, int32 @autojit def jenks_matrices_no_return(data): variance = 0.0 for l in range(2, len(data) + 1): sum = 0.0 sum_squares = 0.0 w = 0.0 for m in range(1, l + 1): lower_class_limit = l - m + 1 val = data[lower_class_limit - 1] w += 1 sum += val sum_squares += val * val variance = sum_squares - (sum * sum) / w @autojit def jenks_matrices_with_return(data): variance = 0.0 for l in range(2, len(data) + 1): sum = 0.0 sum_squares = 0.0 w = 0.0 for m in range(1, l + 1): lower_class_limit = l - m + 1 val = data[lower_class_limit - 1] w += 1 sum += val sum_squares += val * val variance = sum_squares - (sum * sum) / w return variance def test(): data = np.empty(10, dtype=np.float64) # File "/Users/sklam/dev/numba/numba/type_inference/", line 493, in resolve_variable_types # start_point.simplify() # File "/Users/sklam/dev/numba/numba/typesystem/", line 625, in simplify # assert False jenks_matrices_no_return(data) # File "/Users/sklam/dev/numba/numba/type_inference/", line 495, in resolve_variable_types # self.remove_resolved_type(start_point) # File "/Users/sklam/dev/numba/numba/type_inference/", line 393, in remove_resolved_type # assert not type.is_scc jenks_matrices_with_return(data) if __name__ == "__main__": test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_118 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import autojit @autojit def get_jenks_breaks(data, lower_class_limits, n_classes): k = int(len(data) - 1) for countNum in range(n_classes): # problem inferring `k` in slice k = int(lower_class_limits[k, countNum] - 1) def test(): n_classes = 5 data = np.ones(10) lower_class_limits = np.empty((data.size + 1, n_classes + 1)) # # File "/Users/sklam/dev/numba/numba/type_inference/", line 1055, in visit_Subscript # if slice_type.variable.type.is_unresolved: # File "/Users/sklam/dev/numba/numba/minivect/", line 492, in __getattr__ # return getattr(type(self), attr) #AttributeError: type object 'tuple_' has no attribute 'variable' print((get_jenks_breaks(data, lower_class_limits, n_classes))) if __name__ == '__main__': test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_125 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import autojit, jit, double, void, uint32, npy_intp, typeof def uint_int_div_ary(elts, normdist, seed): for i in xrange(elts.shape[0]): # Problem with using sext instead of zext for uint32 elt = (seed[i] // uint32(normdist.shape[0])) elts[i] = elt def test_uint_int_div_ary(): NPATHS = 10 normdist = np.empty(1000) #np.random.normal(0., 1., 1000) seed = np.arange(0x80000000, 0x80000000 + NPATHS, dtype=np.uint32) gold = np.empty(NPATHS, dtype=np.int32) got = gold.copy() uint_int_div_ary(gold, normdist, seed) print('expect %s' % gold) sig = void(uint32[:], double[:], uint32[:]) numba_func = jit(sig)(uint_int_div_ary) numba_func(got, normdist, seed) print('got %s' % got) assert all(gold == got) if __name__ == '__main__': test_uint_int_div_ary() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_126 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import autojit import math import unittest @autojit(nopython=True) def nopython_abs(x): return abs(x) @autojit(nopython=True) def nopython_sin(x): return math.sin(x) @autojit(nopython=True) def nopython_cos(x): return math.cos(x) @autojit(nopython=True) def nopython_log(x): return math.log(x) @autojit(nopython=True) def nopython_exp(x): return math.exp(x) class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_nopython_abs(self): x = -1 y = nopython_abs(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(y, abs(x)) def test_nopython_sin(self): x = -1 y = nopython_sin(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(y, math.sin(x)) def test_nopython_cos(self): x = -1 y = nopython_cos(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(y, math.cos(x)) def test_nopython_log(self): x = 10 y = nopython_log(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(y, math.log(x)) def tet_nopython_exp(self): x = 10 y = nopython_exp(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(y, math.exp(x)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_138 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import autojit, jit, double, void, int32 @autojit def limiter(x, n): if x + 1 > n: return n else: return x + 1 @jit(void(double[:,:,:], double[:,:,:], double[:,:,:], int32, int32, int32)) def gather_convolution_core(A, B, C, x, y, z): dimA = A.shape[0] bx = limiter(x, dimA) by = limiter(y, dimA) bz = limiter(z, dimA) for x1 in range(bx): for x2 in range(bx): if x1 + x2 == x: for y1 in range(by): for y2 in range(by): if y1 + y2 == y: for z1 in range(bz): for z2 in range(bz): if z1 + z2 == z: C[x, y, z] += A[x1, y1, z1] * B[x2, y2, z2] def gather_convolution(A, B, C): from itertools import product dimC = C.shape[0] for x, y, z in product(range(dimC), range(dimC), range(dimC)): gather_convolution_core(A, B, C, x, y, z) def test_convolution(): # Creating some fake data to test this problem s = 4 array_a = np.random.rand(s ** 3).reshape(s, s, s) array_b = np.random.rand(s ** 3).reshape(s, s, s) dimA = array_a.shape[0] dimB = array_b.shape[0] dimC = dimA + dimB array_c = np.zeros((dimC, dimC, dimC)) gather_convolution(array_a, array_b, array_c) if __name__ == '__main__': test_convolution() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_159 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * import numpy as np @jit(void(f8[:])) def ff(T): for j in range(100): #reduce 100 to 10 get no error T[j]=1.0 x=np.ones(100,dtype=np.double) ff(x) assert np.all(x == 1.0) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_161 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ >>> tuple_unpacking_error(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Cannot unpack value of type int """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba import * import numpy as np @autojit(warnstyle="simple") def tuple_unpacking_error(obj): a, b = obj print(a, b) if __name__ == "__main__": numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_163 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Thanks to Gaรซtan de Menten """ >>> test_valid_compare() >>> invalid_compare(np.arange(10)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 27:11: Cannot determine truth value of boolean array (use any or all) """ import numpy as np from numba import autojit, jit, double, b1 def array(a): return a > 0.1 #fails too #array_nb = jit(b1[:](double[:]))(array) def test_valid_compare(): array_nb = autojit(array) a = np.random.rand(1e6) assert np.allclose(array(a), array_nb(a)) @autojit(warnstyle="simple") def invalid_compare(a): return 1 < a < 2 if __name__ == '__main__': from numba.testing import test_support test_support.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_164 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import jit, double def expr_py(a, b, c): length = len(a) result = np.empty(length, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(length): result[i] = b[i] ** 2 if a[i] > 0.1 else c[i] ** 3 return result expr_nb = jit(double[:](double[:], double[:], double[:]))(expr_py) size = 1e6 a = np.random.rand(size) b = np.random.rand(size) c = np.random.rand(size) assert np.allclose(expr_nb(a, b, c), expr_py(a, b, c)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_165 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test using a dtype that is not an actual NumPy dtype (np.bool is the builtin bool). """ # Thanks to Gaรซtan de Menten import numpy as np from numba import autojit, jit, double, b1 def loop(a): length = len(a) result = np.empty(length, dtype=np.bool) for i in range(length): result[i] = a[i] > 0.1 return result def test_nondtype_dtype(): loop_nb = jit(b1[:](double[:]))(loop) a = np.random.rand(1e6) assert np.allclose(loop_nb(a), loop(a)) if __name__ == '__main__': test_nondtype_dtype() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_169 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test binding of autojit methods. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * class A(object): @autojit def a(self, arg): return self * arg def __mul__(self, other): return 10 * other assert A().a(10) == 100 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_172 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np import numba as nb from numba import jit, int_, void, float64 @jit class Foo(object): @void(int_) def __init__(self, size): self.arr = np.zeros(size, dtype=float) self.type = nb.typeof(self.arr) assert Foo(10).type == float64[:] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_184 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys from numba import * import numpy as np import numba @jit(object_(double[:, :])) def func2(A): L = [] n = A.shape[0] for i in range(10): for j in range(10): temp = A[i-n : i+n+1, j-2 : j+n+1] L.append(temp) return L A = np.empty(1000000, dtype=np.double).reshape(1000, 1000) refcnt = sys.getrefcount(A) func2(A) new_refcnt = sys.getrefcount(A) assert refcnt == new_refcnt normal_result = list(map(sys.getrefcount, func2.py_func(A))) numba_result = list(map(sys.getrefcount, func2(A))) assert normal_result == numba_result ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_185 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import division, absolute_import # Thanks to Neal Becker import numpy as np from numba import * from numba.vectorize import vectorize from math import exp, log1p @vectorize([f8(f8,f8)]) def log_exp_sum2 (a, b): if a >= b: return a + (exp (-(a-b))) else: return b + (exp (-(b-a))) ## return max (a, b) + log1p (exp (-abs (a - b))) #@autojit @jit(f8[:,:] (f8[:,:])) def log_exp_sum (u): s = u.shape[1] # Test wraparound when implemented! if s == 1: return u[...,0] elif s == 2: return log_exp_sum2 (u[...,0], u[...,1]) else: return log_exp_sum2 ( log_exp_sum (u[...,:s/2]), log_exp_sum (u[...,s/2:])) from timeit import timeit L = 1000 N = 100 u = np.tile (np.log (np.ones (L)/L), (N, 1)) #v = log_exp_sum (u) from timeit import timeit print(timeit( 'log_exp_sum(u)', 'from __main__ import u, log_exp_sum', number=50)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_192 import unittest from numba import jit def loop_all(begin, end, mask): hash = 0 for i in xrange(begin, end): hash ^= i | ((hash << 1) & mask) return hash def loop_all_simpler(begin, end): hash = 0 for i in xrange(begin, end): hash ^= begin + hash return hash class TestBitwiseLoop(unittest.TestCase): def test_loop_all_simpler(self): fn = jit('uint32(uint32, uint32)')(loop_all_simpler) msg = "a=%s b=%s got=%s exp=%s" a, b = 0, 2**16 - 1 exp = fn.py_func(a, b) got = fn(a, b) self.assertTrue(exp == got, msg % (a, b, got, exp)) def test_loop_all(self): fn = jit('uint32(uint32, uint32, uint32)')(loop_all) msg = "a=%s b=%s got=%s exp=%s" a, b = 0, 2**16 - 1 c = 0xffffffff exp = fn.py_func(a, b, c) got = fn(a, b, c) self.assertTrue(exp == got, msg % (a, b, got, exp)) if __name__ == '__main__': # TestBitwiseLoop('test_loop_all_simpler').debug() unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_198 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ >>> f(1, 2) (2, 1) """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba.testing import testmod @numba.autojit def f(a, b): for i in range(1): b, a = a, b return a, b testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_204 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import autojit, jit @autojit def closure_modulo(a, b): @jit('int32()') def foo(): return a % b return foo() def test_closure_modulo(): assert closure_modulo(100, 48) == 4 if __name__ == '__main__': test_closure_modulo() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_212 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba import numpy n = 50 steps = 10000 @numba.autojit() def calc(): value = numpy.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): value[i][j] += 1.0 return value def leaky(): for i in range(steps): value = calc() leaky() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_215 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ >>> unpack_loop() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Only a single target iteration variable is supported at the moment """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba.testing import testmod @numba.autojit(warnstyle="simple") def unpack_loop(): x = [(1,2),(3,4)] for (a, b) in x: print(a + b) testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_216 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ >>> with_stat("foo", "bar") Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Only 'with python' and 'with nopython' is supported at this moment """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba.testing import testmod @numba.autojit(warnstyle="simple") def with_stat(fn, msg): with open(fn, 'w') as fp: fp.write(msg) testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_249 """ Thanks to Aron Ahmadia """ from __future__ import division, print_function import sys import math import numba from numba import jit, autojit, size_t import numpy as np import numpy.testing as npt try: from skimage import img_as_float except ImportError as e: print("skimage not available, skipping") sys.exit() SCALAR_DTYPE = np.float64 # This doesn't work :( # SCALAR_TYPE = numba.typeof(SCALAR_DTYPE) SCALAR_TYPE = numba.float64 def window_floor(idx, radius): if radius > idx: return 0 else: return idx - radius def window_ceil(idx, ceil, radius): if idx + radius > ceil: return ceil else: return idx + radius def distance(image, r0, c0, r1, c1): d = image[r0, c0, 0] - image[r1, c1, 0] s = d * d for i in range(1, 3): d = image[r0, c0, i] - image[r1, c1, i] s += d * d return math.sqrt(s) def pixel_distance(pixel1, pixel2): d = pixel1[0] - pixel2[0] s = d*d for i in range(1, 3): d = pixel1[i] - pixel2[i] s += d*d return math.sqrt(s) def np_distance(pixel1, pixel2): return np.linalg.norm(pixel1-pixel2, 2) sqrt_3 = math.sqrt(3.0) def g(d): return 1.0 - d/sqrt_3 def np_g(x, y): return 1.0 - np_distance(x, y)/sqrt_3 def kernel(image, state, state_next, window_radius): changes = 0 height = image.shape[0] width = image.shape[1] for j in xrange(width): for i in xrange(height): winning_colony = state[i, j, 0] defense_strength = state[i, j, 1] for jj in xrange(window_floor(j, window_radius), window_ceil(j+1, width, window_radius)): for ii in xrange(window_floor(i, window_radius), window_ceil(i+1, height, window_radius)): if (ii == i and jj == j): continue d = image[i, j, 0] - image[ii, jj, 0] s = d * d for k in range(1, 3): d = image[i, j, k] - image[ii, jj, k] s += d * d gval = 1.0 - math.sqrt(s)/sqrt_3 attack_strength = gval * state[ii, jj, 1] if attack_strength > defense_strength: defense_strength = attack_strength winning_colony = state[ii, jj, 0] changes += 1 state_next[i, j, 0] = winning_colony state_next[i, j, 1] = defense_strength return changes def growcut(image, state, max_iter=20, window_size=3): """Grow-cut segmentation (Numba accelerated). Parameters ---------- image : (M, N) ndarray Input image. state : (M, N, 2) ndarray Initial state, which stores (foreground/background, strength) for each pixel position or automaton. The strength represents the certainty of the state (e.g., 1 is a hard seed value that remains constant throughout segmentation). max_iter : int, optional The maximum number of automata iterations to allow. The segmentation may complete earlier if the state no longer varies. window_size : int, optional Size of the neighborhood window. Returns ------- mask : ndarray Segmented image. A value of zero indicates background, one foreground. """ image = img_as_float(image) window_radius = (window_size - 1) // 2 changes = 1 n = 0 state_next = np.empty_like(state) while changes > 0 and n < max_iter: changes = 0 n += 1 changes = kernel(image, state, state_next, window_radius) state_next, state = state, state_next #print n, changes print('.', end='') print('') return state_next[:, :, 0] def create_numba_funcs(scalar_type=SCALAR_TYPE): this = sys.modules[__name__] pixel_type = scalar_type[:] image_type = scalar_type[:, :, :] state_type = scalar_type[:, :, :] this._numba_window_floor = jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[size_t, size_t], restype=size_t)(_py_window_floor) this._numba_window_ceil = jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[size_t, size_t, size_t], restype=size_t)(_py_window_ceil) this._numba_distance = jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[image_type, size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t], restype=scalar_type)(_py_distance) this._numba_np_distance = jit(nopython=False, argtypes=[pixel_type, pixel_type], restype=scalar_type)(_py_np_distance) this._numba_g = jit(nopython=True, argtypes=[scalar_type], restype=scalar_type)(_py_g) this._numba_np_g = jit(nopython=False, argtypes=[pixel_type, pixel_type], restype=scalar_type)(_py_np_g) this._numba_kernel = autojit(nopython=True)(_py_kernel) # the below code does not work # this._numba_kernel = jit(nopython=False, # argtypes=[image_type, # state_type, # state_type, # size_t], # restype=int_, # attack_strength=scalar_type, # defense_strength=scalar_type, # winning_colony=scalar_type)(_py_kernel) def debug(): this = sys.modules[__name__] this.window_floor = _py_window_floor this.window_ceil = _py_window_ceil this.distance = _py_distance this.np_distance = _py_np_distance this.g = _py_g this.np_g = _py_np_g this.kernel = _py_kernel def optimize(): this = sys.modules[__name__] this.window_floor = _numba_window_floor this.window_ceil = _numba_window_ceil this.distance = _numba_distance this.np_distance = _numba_np_distance this.g = _numba_g this.np_g = _numba_np_g this.kernel = _numba_kernel # protected Pythonic versions of code: _py_window_floor = window_floor _py_window_ceil = window_ceil _py_distance = distance _py_np_distance = np_distance _py_g = g _py_np_g = np_g _py_kernel = kernel def test_window_floor_ceil(): assert 3 == window_floor(4, 1) assert 0 == window_floor(1, 4) assert 3 == window_ceil(3, 3, 1) assert 5 == window_ceil(4, 5, 1) def test_distance(): image = np.zeros((2, 2, 3), dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) image[0, 1] = [1, 1, 1] image[1, 0] = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] assert 0.0 == distance(image, 0, 0, 0, 0) assert abs(math.sqrt(3) - distance(image, 0, 0, 0, 1)) < 1e-15 assert abs(math.sqrt(3/4) - distance(image, 0, 1, 1, 0)) < 1e-15 pixel1 = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) pixel2 = np.asarray([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) pixel3 = np.asarray([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) assert 0.0 == np_distance(pixel1, pixel1) assert abs(math.sqrt(3) - np_distance(pixel1, pixel2)) < 1e-15 assert abs(math.sqrt(3/4) - np_distance(pixel2, pixel3)) < 1e-15 def test_g(): image = np.zeros((2, 2, 3), dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) image[0, 1] = [1, 1, 1] image[1, 0] = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] assert 1.0 == g(distance(image, 0, 0, 0, 0)) assert abs(0 - g(distance(image, 0, 0, 0, 1))) < 1e-15 assert abs(0.5 - g(distance(image, 0, 1, 1, 0))) < 1e-15 pixel1 = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) pixel2 = np.asarray([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) pixel3 = np.asarray([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) assert 1.0 == np_g(pixel1, pixel1) assert abs(0 - np_g(pixel1, pixel2)) < 1e-15 assert abs(0.5 - np_g(pixel2, pixel3)) < 1e-15 def test_kernel(): image = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) state = np.zeros((3, 3, 2), dtype=SCALAR_DTYPE) state_next = np.empty_like(state) # colony 1 is strength 1 at position 0,0 # colony 0 is strength 0 at all other positions state[0, 0, 0] = 1 state[0, 0, 1] = 1 # window_size 1, colony 1 should propagate to three neighbors changes = kernel(image, state, state_next, 1) assert(3 == changes) npt.assert_array_equal(state_next[0:2, 0:2], 1) npt.assert_array_equal(state_next[2, :], 0) npt.assert_array_equal(state_next[2, :], 0) # window_size 1, colony 1 should propagate to entire image changes = kernel(image, state, state_next, 2) assert(8 == changes) npt.assert_array_equal(state_next, 1) def test(): test_window_floor_ceil() test_distance() test_g() test_kernel() # create numba versions of code create_numba_funcs() if __name__ == "__main__": # always verify pure Python code first test() # then test optimized variants optimize() test() # replace default function calls with numba calls optimize() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_252 from numba import * import numpy as np @jit(object_(object_[:, :])) def func(A): for x in xrange(2): for y in xrange(2): items = A[x,y] if items == None: continue for item in items: print(item) return A ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_256 from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import autojit def test(a, b): r = np.empty(3, dtype=bool) for i in range(len(a)): r[i] = a[i] != b[i] return r test_nb = autojit(test) a = np.arange(3, dtype=complex) b = np.arange(3, dtype=complex) b[1] += 1j assert np.array_equal(test(a, b), test_nb(a, b)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_297 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import int_, jit import numpy @jit(argtypes=(int_[:],)) def test1(arr): u = 0 for x in arr: u += len(arr) v = 0 for y in arr: v += len(arr) return u + v @jit(argtypes=(int_[:],)) def test2(arr): s = 0 for i, x in enumerate(arr): s += i*x s2 = 0 for i2, x2 in enumerate(arr, 1): s2 += i2*x2 return s+s2 if __name__ == '__main__': arr = numpy.arange(1, 4) assert test1(arr) == test1.py_func(arr) assert test2(arr) == test2.py_func(arr) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_305 from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import contextlib from numba import jit, autojit from numba.tests.issues import issue_305_helper1, issue_305_helper2 try: from imp import reload except ImportError: pass # Thanks to @bfredl env = { '__file__': __file__, '__name__': __name__ , 'jit': jit, 'autojit': autojit } root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) fn1 = os.path.join(root, '') fn2 = os.path.join(root, '') new_source1 = """ from numba import jit, autojit @jit('i8()') def test(): return 1 """ new_source2 = """ from numba import jit, autojit @autojit def test2(): return 1 """ @contextlib.contextmanager def newsource(fn, mod, reexec=True): old_source = open(fn).read() try: open(fn, 'w').write(new_source1) if reexec: reload(mod) yield finally: open(fn, 'w').write(old_source) def test_fetch_latest_source(): """ When reloading new versions of the same module into the same session (i.e. an interactive ipython session), numba sometimes gets the wrong version of the source from inspect.getsource() """ with newsource(fn1, issue_305_helper1): assert issue_305_helper1.test() == issue_305_helper1.test.py_func() def test_no_auto_reload(): """ In this case autojit 'sees' the new version of the source even if it hasn't been reloaded. This could be fixed by fetching the ast directly at declaration time rather that at first compilation (2nd commit) """ with newsource(fn2, issue_305_helper2, reexec=False): print(issue_305_helper2.test2(), issue_305_helper2.test2.py_func()) assert issue_305_helper2.test2() == issue_305_helper2.test2.py_func() test_fetch_latest_source() test_no_auto_reload() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_309 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba @numba.jit(numba.float32(numba.float32)) def trial0(x): if x > 0.0: return x * 3.0 + 5.0 else: raise IndexError try: trial0(-1.0) except IndexError: pass else: raise Exception("expected indexerror") assert trial0(2.0) == 11.0 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_313 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from numba import void, double, jit import numpy as np # thanks to @ufechner7 def multiassign(res0, res1, val0, val1): res0[:], res1[:] = val0[:], val1[:] if __name__ == "__main__": multiassign1 = jit(void(double[:], double[:], double[:], double[:]))(multiassign) res0 = np.zeros(2) res1 = np.zeros(2) val0 = np.array([0.0,0.0]) val1 = np.array([1.0,1.0]) multiassign1(res0, res1, val0, val1) assert (res0 == val0).all() assert (res1 == val1).all() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_321 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys from numba import * meta = None if sys.version_info[:2] > (2, 6): try: import meta except ImportError: pass if meta: f = autojit(lambda x: x * x) assert f(10) == 100 ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_50 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import jit from numpy import zeros import unittest @jit() def test(): foo = zeros((1,)) foo[0] = 0 @jit() def test2(): foo = [0] foo[0] = 0 class TestIssue50(unittest.TestCase): def test_1d_arr_setitem(self): self.assertEquals(test(), None) def test_list_setitem(self): self.assertEqual(test2(), None) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_56 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * from numba.testing import test_support import numpy import unittest # NOTE: See also numba.tests.ops.test_binary_ops def maxstar1d(a, b): M = a.shape[0] res = numpy.empty(M) for i in range(M): res[i] = numpy.max(a[i], b[i]) + numpy.log1p( numpy.exp(-numpy.abs(a[i] - b[i]))) return res class TestIssue56(unittest.TestCase): def test_maxstar1d(self): test_fn = jit('f8[:](f8[:],f8[:])')(maxstar1d) test_a = numpy.random.random(10) test_b = numpy.random.random(10) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(test_fn(test_a, test_b), maxstar1d(test_a, test_b))) if __name__ == "__main__": # TestIssue56("test_maxstar1d").debug() test_support.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_57 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys from numba import * from numba.testing import test_support import numpy as np import math import unittest import time import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def ra_numba(doy, lat): '''Modified from''' M, N = lat.shape ra = np.zeros_like(lat) Gsc = 0.0820 pi = math.pi dr = 1 + 0.033 * math.cos( 2 * pi / 365 * doy) decl = 0.409 * math.sin( 2 * pi / 365 * doy - 1.39 ) for i in range(M): for j in range(N): ws = math.acos(-1 * math.tan(lat[i,j]) * math.tan(decl)) ra[i,j] = 24 * 60 / pi * Gsc * dr * ( ws * math.sin(lat[i,j]) * math.sin(decl) + math.cos(lat[i,j]) * math.cos(decl) * math.sin(ws)) * 11.6 return ra def ra_numpy(doy, lat): Gsc = 0.0820 pi = math.pi dr = 1 + 0.033 * np.cos( 2 * pi / 365 * doy) decl = 0.409 * np.sin( 2 * pi / 365 * doy - 1.39 ) ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(lat) * np.tan(decl)) ra = 24 * 60 / pi * Gsc * dr * ( ws * np.sin(lat) * np.sin(decl) + np.cos(lat) * np.cos(decl) * np.sin(ws)) * 11.6 return ra class TestIssue57(unittest.TestCase): @test_support.skip_if((sys.platform == 'darwin' and sys.version_info[0] >= 3), "Skip on Darwin Py3.3 for now") def test_ra_numba(self): test_fn = jit('f4[:,:](i2,f4[:,:])')(ra_numba) lat = np.deg2rad(np.ones((5, 5), dtype=np.float32) * 45.) control_arr = ra_numpy(120, lat) test_arr = test_fn(120, lat) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(test_arr, control_arr), test_arr - control_arr) def benchmark(test_fn=None, control_fn=None): if test_fn is None: test_fn = jit('f4[:,:](i2,f4[:,:])')(ra_numba) if control_fn is None: control_fn = ra_numpy lat = np.deg2rad(np.ones((2000, 2000), dtype=np.float32) * 45.) t0 = time.time() control_arr = control_fn(120, lat) t1 = time.time() test_arr = test_fn(120, lat) t2 = time.time() dt0 = t1 - t0 dt1 = t2 - t1'Control time %0.6fs, test time %0.6fs' % (dt0, dt1)) assert np.allclose(test_arr, control_arr), (test_arr - control_arr) return dt0, dt1 if __name__ == "__main__": test_support.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issue_77 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import autojit @autojit def slicing_error(X, window_size, i): return X[max(0, i - window_size):i + 1] def test_slicing_shape(): X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (20, 2)) i = 0 gold = slicing_error.py_func(X, 10, i) ans = slicing_error(X, 10, i) assert gold.shape == ans.shape, (gold.shape, ans.shape) if __name__ == '__main__': test_slicing_shape() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_potential_gcc_error # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # This tests a potential GCC 4.1.2 miscompile of LLVM. # The problem is observed as a error in greedy register allocation pass, # which resulted as a segfault. # No such problem in GCC 4.4.6. from numba import * import numpy as np @jit(uint8[:,:](f8, f8, f8, f8, uint8[:,:], int32)) def create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters): return image ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_allmath # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test all support math functions """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import math import cmath import collections from itertools import chain import numba as nb import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal # ______________________________________________________________________ # Common def run_common(mod, x): "np, math and cmath" y0 = mod.sin(x) y1 = mod.cos(x) y2 = mod.tan(x) y3 = mod.sqrt(x) y4 = mod.sinh(x) y5 = mod.cosh(x) y6 = mod.tanh(x) y7 = mod.log(x) y8 = mod.log10(x) y9 = mod.exp(x) return (y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9) def run_np_math(mod, x): "np (floating, complex) and math (floating)" if hasattr(mod, 'expm1'): y0 = mod.expm1(x) else: y0 = 0.0 y1 = mod.log1p(x) return (y0, y1) def run_commonf(mod, x): "np and math" y0 = mod.floor(x) y1 = mod.ceil(x) y2 = mod.hypot(x, x) return (y0, y1, y2) # ______________________________________________________________________ # NumPy def run_np_arc(mod, x): "np only" y0 = mod.arccos(x) y1 = mod.arcsin(x) y2 = mod.arctan(x) y3 = mod.arcsinh(x) y4 = mod.arccosh(1.0/x) return (y0, y1, y2, y3, y4) def run_np_misc(mod, x): "np only" y0 = mod.log2(x) y1 = mod.exp2(x) y2 = mod.rint(x) y3 = mod.power(x, x) y4 = mod.absolute(x * -1) # TODO: USub for some types return (y0, y1, y2, y3, y4) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Python def run_py_arc(mod, x): "math and cmath" y0 = mod.acos(x) y1 = mod.asin(x) y2 = mod.atan(x) y3 = mod.asinh(x) y4 = mod.acosh(1.0/x) y5 = mod.atanh(x) return (y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5) def misc_floating(mod, x): "miscellaneous" # y0 = math.erfc(x) y1 = math.atan2(x, x) y2 = np.arctan2(x, x) y3 = np.logaddexp(x, x) y4 = np.logaddexp2(x, x) return (y1, y2, y3, y4) #(y0, y1) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Run tests Suite = collections.namedtuple('Suite', ['mod', 'types']) merge = lambda d1, d2: dict(chain(d1.items(), d2.items())) integral = nb.short, nb.int_, nb.uint, nb.long_, nb.ulong, nb.longlong, nb.ulonglong floating = nb.float_, nb.double, #nb.longdouble complexes = nb.complex64, nb.complex128, #nb.complex256 fdata = { integral : 6, floating: 6.0, (nb.object_,): 6.0 } cdata = { complexes: 6.0+4.0j } data = merge(fdata, cdata) arc_fdata = { floating: 0.6, (nb.object_,): 0.6 } arc_cdata = { complexes: 0.6+0.4j } arc_data = merge(arc_fdata, arc_cdata) tests = { run_common : [Suite(math, fdata), Suite(cmath, cdata)], run_np_math : [Suite(np, data), Suite(math, fdata)], run_commonf : [Suite(np, fdata), Suite(math, fdata)], run_np_arc : [Suite(np, arc_data)], run_py_arc : [Suite(math, arc_fdata), Suite(cmath, arc_cdata)], run_np_misc : [Suite(np, data)], # run_py_math : [Suite(math, fdata)], misc_floating : [Suite(math, fdata)] } def run(): for test, suites in tests.iteritems(): for suite in suites: for types, data in suite.types.iteritems(): for ty in types: print("running:", test.__name__, ty) signature = nb.object_(nb.typeof(suite.mod), ty) jitter = nb.jit(signature) jitted = jitter(test) r1 = test(suite.mod, data) r2 = jitted(suite.mod, data) # print(r1, r2) assert np.allclose(r1, r2) r3 = jitted(suite.mod, data) assert np.allclose(r1, r3) run() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_complex #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_complex Test Numba's ability to generate code that supports complex numbers. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import cmath import unittest import numba from numba import * from numba.decorators import jit from numba.utils import debugout from numba.llvm_types import _plat_bits from numba.testing import test_support import numpy import itertools # ______________________________________________________________________ def get_real_fn (in_num): return in_num.real def get_imag_fn (in_num): ret_val = in_num.imag return ret_val def get_conj_fn (in_num): return in_num.conjugate() def get_complex_constant_fn (): return (3. + 4.j).conjugate() def prod_sum_fn (coeff, inval, ofs): #debugout('prod_sum_fn(): coeff = ', coeff, ', inval = ', inval, ', ofs = ', # ofs) ret_val = (coeff * inval) + ofs #debugout('prod_sum_fn() ==> ', ret_val) return ret_val def add(a, b): return a + b def sub(a, b): return a - b def mul(a, b): return a * b def div(a, b): return a / b def floordiv(a, b): return a // b def sqrt(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.sqrt(result) + 1.6j def log(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.log(result) + 1.6j def log10(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.log10(result) + 1.6j def exp(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.exp(result) + 1.6j def sin(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.sin(result) + 1.6j def cos(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.cos(result) + 1.6j def atan(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.atan(result) + 1.6j def asinh(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.asinh(result) + 1.6j def cosh(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return cmath.cosh(result) + 1.6j def absolute(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return abs(result) + 1.6j def mandel(x, y, max_iters): i = 0 z = 0.0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z**2 + (x + y*1j) if abs(z**2) >= 4: return i return 255 # ______________________________________________________________________ m, n = 0.4 + 1.2j, 5.1 - 0.6j class TestASTComplex(test_support.ASTTestCase): def test_get_real_fn (self): num0 = 3 + 2j num1 = numpy.complex128(num0) compiled_get_real_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [complex128])(get_real_fn) self.assertEqual(compiled_get_real_fn(num0), 3.) self.assertEqual(get_real_fn(num0), compiled_get_real_fn(num0)) self.assertEqual(compiled_get_real_fn(num1), 3.) self.assertEqual(get_real_fn(num1), compiled_get_real_fn(num1)) def test_get_imag_fn (self): num0 = 0 - 2j num1 = numpy.complex128(num0) compiled_get_imag_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [complex128])(get_imag_fn) self.assertEqual(compiled_get_imag_fn(num0), -2.) self.assertEqual(get_imag_fn(num0), compiled_get_imag_fn(num0)) self.assertEqual(compiled_get_imag_fn(num1), -2.) self.assertEqual(get_imag_fn(num1), compiled_get_imag_fn(num1)) def test_get_conj_fn (self): num0 = 4 - 1.5j num1 = numpy.complex128(num0) compiled_get_conj_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [complex128], restype = complex128)(get_conj_fn) self.assertEqual(compiled_get_conj_fn(num0), 4 + 1.5j) self.assertEqual(get_conj_fn(num0), compiled_get_conj_fn(num0)) self.assertEqual(compiled_get_conj_fn(num1), 4 + 1.5j) self.assertEqual(get_conj_fn(num1), compiled_get_conj_fn(num1)) def test_get_complex_constant_fn (self): compiled_get_complex_constant_fn = self.jit( argtypes = [], restype = complex128)(get_complex_constant_fn) self.assertEqual(get_complex_constant_fn(), compiled_get_complex_constant_fn()) def test_prod_sum_fn (self): compiled_prod_sum_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [complex128, complex128, complex128], restype = complex128)(prod_sum_fn) rng = numpy.arange(-1., 1.1, 0.5) for ar, ai, xr, xi, br, bi in itertools.product(rng, rng, rng, rng, rng, rng): a = numpy.complex128(ar + ai * 1j) x = numpy.complex128(xr + xi * 1j) b = numpy.complex128(br + bi * 1j) self.assertEqual(prod_sum_fn(a, x, b), compiled_prod_sum_fn(a, x, b)) def test_arithmetic_mixed(self): m, n = 0.4 + 1.2j, 10.0 self.arithmetic(m, n) m, n = 0.4 + 1.2j, 10 self.arithmetic(m, n) def arithmetic(self, m, n): self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(add)(m, n), add(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(sub)(m, n), sub(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(mul)(m, n), mul(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(div)(m, n), div(m, n)) if not numba.PY3: self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(floordiv)(m, n), floordiv(m, n)) def test_complex_math(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(sqrt)(m, n), sqrt(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(log)(m, n), log(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(log10)(m, n), log10(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(exp)(m, n), exp(m, n), places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(sin)(m, n), sin(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(cos)(m, n), cos(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(cosh)(m, n), cosh(m, n), places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(atan)(m, n), atan(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(asinh)(m, n), asinh(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(absolute)(m, n), absolute(m, n)) def test_complex_math_float_input(self): m, n = .12, .32 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(sqrt)(m, n), sqrt(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(log)(m, n), log(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(log10)(m, n), log10(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(exp)(m, n), exp(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(sin)(m, n), sin(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(cos)(m, n), cos(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(cosh)(m, n), cosh(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(atan)(m, n), atan(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(asinh)(m, n), asinh(m, n)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.autojit(absolute)(m, n), absolute(m, n)) def test_mandel(self): self.assertEqual(self.autojit(mandel)(-1, -1, 20), 2) self.assertEqual(mandel(-1, -1, 20), 2) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # m, n = .12, .32 # print autojit(add)(m, n) # print autojit(cosh)(m, n), cosh(m, n) # print(autojit(sqrt)(m, n)) # num0 = 0 - 2j # num1 = numpy.complex128(num0) # compiled_get_imag_fn = jit(argtypes = [complex128])(get_imag_fn) # compiled_get_imag_fn(num0) unittest.main() #verbosity=3) # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_math # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * import numpy as np # ______________________________________________________________________ # NumPy def array_of_type(dtype=np.double): return np.arange(1, 10, dtype=dtype) def expected(a): return np.sum(np.log(a) * np.sqrt(a) - np.cos(a) * np.sin(a)) def expected2(a): return np.sum(np.expm1(a) + np.ceil(a + 0.5) * np.rint(a + 1.5)) @autojit(backend='ast') def numpy_math(a): sum = 0.0 for i in range(a.shape[0]): sum += np.log(a[i]) * np.sqrt(a[i]) - np.cos(a[i]) * np.sin(a[i]) return sum @autojit(backend='ast') def numpy_math2(a): sum = 0.0 for i in range(a.shape[0]): sum += np.expm1(a[i]) + np.ceil(a[i] + 0.5) * np.rint(a[i] + 1.5) return sum dtypes = np.float32, np.float64 #, np.float128 def test_numpy_math(): for dtype in dtypes: print(dtype) array = array_of_type(dtype) result = numpy_math(array) assert np.allclose(result, expected(array)), (result, expected(array)) result = numpy_math2(array) assert np.allclose(result, expected2(array)) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Pow @autojit(backend='ast') def power(x, y): return x ** y def test_power(): assert power(5.0, 2.0) == 25.0 assert power(5, 2) == 25 # ______________________________________________________________________ # Mod @autojit(backend='ast') def modulo(x, y): return x % y def test_modulo(): for lsign in (1, -1): for rsign in (1, -1): float_lhs = lsign * 22.5 float_rhs = rsign * 0.2 assert np.allclose(modulo(float_lhs, float_rhs), float_lhs % float_rhs) int_lhs = lsign * 5 int_rhs = rsign * 2 assert modulo(int_lhs, int_rhs) == (int_lhs % int_rhs) if __name__ == "__main__": test_numpy_math() test_power() test_modulo() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_nopython_math import sys import math import numpy as np import unittest #import logging; logging.getLogger().setLevel(1) from numba import * def exp_fn(a): return math.exp(a) def sqrt_fn(a): return math.sqrt(a) def log_fn(a): return math.log(a) class TestNoPythonMath(unittest.TestCase): def test_sqrt(self): self._template(sqrt_fn, np.sqrt) def test_exp(self): self._template(exp_fn, np.exp) def test_log(self): self._template(log_fn, np.log) def _template(self, func, npfunc): func_jitted = jit(argtypes=[f4], restype=f4, nopython=True)(func) A = np.array(np.random.random(10), dtype=np.float32) B = np.vectorize(func_jitted)(A) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(B, npfunc(A))) if sys.platform == 'win32': # NOTE: we're using the double implementation (e.g. 'log' instead of 'logf') # class TestNoPythonMath(unittest.TestCase): # """ # LLVM intrinsics don't work properly on Windows, and libc doesn't # have all these functions. # """ pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_numpy_math from numba import error import numba from numba import * import numpy as np def get_functions(): def sqrt(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.sqrt(result) + 1.6 def log(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.log(result) + 1.6 def log10(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.log10(result) + 1.6 def log1p(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.log1p(result) + 1.6 def log2(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.log2(result) + 1.6 def exp(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.exp(result) + 1.6 def expm1(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.expm1(result) + 1.6 def sin(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.sin(result) + 1.6 def cos(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.cos(result) + 1.6 def absolute(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.abs(result) + 1.6 return locals() dest_types = [ int_, short, Py_ssize_t, float_, double, complex128 ] def test_math_funcs(): functions = get_functions() exceptions = 0 for func_name in functions: # func_name = 'sqrt' func = functions[func_name] for dest_type in dest_types: signature = numba.function(None, [dest_type, dest_type]) print(("executing...", func_name, signature)) try: numba_func = jit(signature)(func) except error.NumbaError as e: exceptions += 1 print((func_name, dest_type, e)) continue x, y = 5.2, 6.9 if dest_type.is_int: x, y = 5, 6 r1 = numba_func(x, y) r2 = func(x, y) assert np.allclose(r1, r2), (r1, r2, signature, func_name) if exceptions: raise Exception @autojit def sin(A): return np.sin(A) def test_array_math(): # A = np.arange(10) # assert np.all(sin(A) == sin.py_func(A)) dst_types = set(dest_types) dst_types.discard(Py_ssize_t) functions = get_functions() for func_name, func in functions.iteritems(): for dst_type in dst_types: print(("array math", func_name, dst_type)) dtype = dst_type.get_dtype() a = np.arange(1, 5, dtype=dtype) b = np.arange(5, 9, dtype=dtype) r1 = autojit(func)(a, b) r2 = func(a, b) assert np.allclose(r1, r2) @autojit def expm1(a, b): print((numba.typeof(a))) print((numba.typeof(np.expm1(a)))) # result = a**2 + b**2 # print "... :)" # print np.expm1(result), "..." return np.expm1(a**2) + b @autojit def log2(a, b): result = a**2 + b**2 return np.log2(result) + 1.6 if __name__ == "__main__": # dtype = np.complex128 # a = np.arange(1, 11, dtype=dtype) # b = np.arange(5, 15, dtype=dtype) # print expm1(a, b) # print "run log" # log2(10, 10) test_math_funcs() test_array_math() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_numpy_calls import sys import numpy as np from numba import * from numba.decorators import jit, autojit #from numba.testing import test_support a = np.arange(80).reshape(8, 10) @autojit(backend='ast') def np_sum(a): return np.sum(a, axis=0) @autojit(backend='ast') def np_copy(a): return a.copy(order='F') @autojit(backend='ast') def attributes(a): return (a.T, a.T.T, a.copy(), np.array(a, dtype=np.double)) def test_numpy_attrs(): result = np_sum(a) np_result = np.sum(a, axis=0) assert np.all(result == np_result) if np.__version__ >= '1.6': assert np_copy(a).strides == a.copy(order='F').strides assert all(np.all(result1 == result2) for result1, result2 in zip(attributes(a), attributes.py_func(a))) if __name__ == "__main__": test_numpy_attrs() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_numpy_type_inference import numpy as np import numba from numba import * from numba import typesystem from numba.typesystem import tuple_ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @autojit def array(value): return numba.typeof(np.array(value)) @autojit def nonzero(value): return numba.typeof(np.nonzero(value)) @autojit def where(value): return numba.typeof(np.where(value)) @autojit def where3(value, x, y): return numba.typeof(np.where(value, x, y)) @autojit def numba_dot(A, B): result =, B) return numba.typeof(result), result @autojit def numba_vdot(A, B): result = np.vdot(A, B) return numba.typeof(result), result @autojit def numba_inner(a, b): result = np.inner(a, b) return numba.typeof(result), result @autojit def numba_outer(a, b): result = np.outer(a, b) return numba.typeof(result), result @autojit def numba_tensordot(a, b, axes): result = np.tensordot(a, b, axes) return numba.typeof(result), result @autojit def numba_tensordot2(a, b): result = np.tensordot(a, b) return numba.typeof(result), result @autojit def numba_kron(a, b): result = np.kron(a, b) return numba.typeof(result), result # ------------- Test sum ------------ @autojit def sum_(a): return numba.typeof(np.sum(a)) @autojit def sum_axis(a, axis): return numba.typeof(np.sum(a, axis=axis)) @autojit def sum_dtype(a, dtype): return numba.typeof(np.sum(a, dtype=dtype)) @autojit def sum_out(a, out): return numba.typeof(np.sum(a, out=out)) # ------------- Basic tests ------------ @autojit def array_from_list(): ids = np.array([3,4,5]) ids2 = ids < 4 return ids2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def equals(a, b): assert a == b, (a, b, type(a), type(b)) def test_array(): equals(array(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.double)), float64[:]) equals(array(np.array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.int32)), int32[:, :]) equals(array(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.int32).T), int32[:, :]) def test_nonzero(): equals(nonzero(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.double)), tuple_(npy_intp[:], 1)) equals(nonzero(np.array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.double)), tuple_(npy_intp[:], 2)) equals(nonzero(np.array((((1, 2, 3),),), dtype=np.double)), tuple_(npy_intp[:], 3)) def test_where(): equals(where(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.double)), tuple_(npy_intp[:], 1)) equals(where3(np.array([True, False, True]), np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.double), np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.complex128)), complex128[:]) equals(where3(np.array([True, False, True]), np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32), np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64)), float64[:]) def test_numba_dot(): A = np.array(1) B = np.array(2) dtype = typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(A.dtype).dtype for i in range(1, 5): for j in range(1, 5): # print i, j shape_A = (1,) * i shape_B = (1,) * j x = A.reshape(*shape_A) y = B.reshape(*shape_B) result_type, result = numba_dot(x, y) assert result ==, y) if i + j - 2 > 0: assert result.ndim == result_type.ndim else: assert result_type == dtype, (result_type, dtype) def test_numba_vdot(): for a, b in ((np.array([1+2j,3+4j]), np.array([5+6j,7+8j])), (np.array([[1, 4], [5, 6]]), np.array([[4, 1], [2, 2]]))): result_type, result = numba_vdot(a, b) assert result == np.vdot(a, b) assert result_type == typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(a.dtype).dtype result_type, result = numba_vdot(b, a) assert result == np.vdot(b, a) assert result_type == typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(b.dtype).dtype def test_numba_inner(): # Note these tests assume that the lhs' type is the same as the # promotion type for both arguments. They will fail if additional # test data doesn't adhere to this policy. for a, b in ((np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([0,1,0])), (np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,4)), np.arange(4)), (np.eye(2), 7)): result_type, result = numba_inner(a, b) if result_type.is_array: assert (result == np.inner(a, b)).all() assert (result_type.dtype == typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(result.dtype).dtype) assert (result_type.dtype == typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(a.dtype).dtype) else: assert result == np.inner(a, b) assert result_type == typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(a.dtype).dtype def test_numba_outer(): for a, b in ((np.ones((5,)), np.linspace(-2, 2, 5)), (1j * np.linspace(2, -2, 5), np.ones((5,))), (np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object), np.arange(1,4)), (np.array([1]), 1), (np.ones((2,2,2)), np.linspace(-2, 2, 5))): result_type, result = numba_outer(a, b) assert (result == np.outer(a, b)).all() assert (result_type.is_array and result_type.ndim == 2) assert result_type.dtype == typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(a.dtype).dtype def test_numba_tensordot(): for a, b, axes in ((np.arange(60.).reshape(3, 4, 5), np.arange(24.).reshape(4, 3, 2), ([1,0],[0,1])), ): result_type, result = numba_tensordot(a, b, axes) assert (result == np.tensordot(a, b, axes)).all() # See comments in the docstring for # numba.type_inference.modules.numpymodule.tensordot(). assert result_type == object_ def test_numba_tensordot2(): A = np.array(1) B = np.array(2) dtype = typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(A.dtype).dtype for i in range(2, 5): for j in range(2, 5): shape_A = (1,) * i shape_B = (1,) * j x = A.reshape(*shape_A) y = B.reshape(*shape_B) result_type, result = numba_tensordot2(x, y) control = np.tensordot(x, y) assert result == control #assert result_type == numba.typeof(control) if i + j - 4 > 0: assert result.ndim == result_type.ndim else: assert result_type == dtype def test_sum(): a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int32) b = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.int64) equals(sum_(a), int32) equals(sum_axis(a, 0), int32) equals(sum_dtype(a, np.double), double) equals(sum_out(b, a), int32[:]) # Not a valid call to sum :) def test_basic(): assert np.all(array_from_list() == np.array([True, False, False])) if __name__ == "__main__": test_array() test_nonzero() test_where() test_numba_dot() test_numba_vdot() test_numba_inner() test_numba_outer() test_numba_tensordot() test_numba_tensordot2() test_sum() test_basic() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_preloading """ >>> a = np.arange(10, dtype=np.double) >>> preload_arg(a) 4.0 >>> preload_local(a) 4.0 >>> preload_phi(a) 45.0 >>> preload_phi_cycle(a) 45.0 >>> preload_phi_cycle2(a) 45.0 """ import numpy as np from numba import * @autojit def preload_arg(A): return A[4] @autojit def preload_local(A): A = A return A[4] @autojit def preload_phi(A): sum = 0.0 for i in range(10): sum += A[i] A = A return sum @autojit def preload_phi_cycle(A): # A_0 = A # <- propagated preload sum = 0.0 for i in range(10): # A_1 = phi(A_0, A_3) # <- preload sum += A[i] if i > 5: A = A # A_2 # <- propagated preload # A_3 = phi(A_1, A_2) # <- propagated preload return sum @autojit def preload_phi_cycle2(A): # A_0 = A # <- propagated preload sum = 0.0 for i in range(10): # A_1 = phi(A_0, A_3) # <- propagated preload if i > 5: A = A # A_2 # <- propagated preload # A_3 = phi(A_1, A_2) # <- preload sum += A[i] return sum if __name__ == "__main__": a = np.arange(10, dtype=np.double) preload_arg(a) preload_phi(a) # import numba # numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ufunc_type_inference import numpy as np import numba from numba import * from numba import typesystem tup_t = typesystem.tuple_ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test data #------------------------------------------------------------------------ a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int32) b = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.int64) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ________________ unary ufuncs _______________ # ________________ binary ufuncs _______________ @autojit def binary_ufunc(ufunc, a, b): return numba.typeof(ufunc(a, b)) @autojit def binary_ufunc_dtype(ufunc, a, b, dtype): return numba.typeof(ufunc(a, b, dtype=dtype)) @autojit def binary_ufunc_dtype_positional(ufunc, a, b, dtype): return numba.typeof(ufunc(a, b, dtype=dtype)) # ________________ binary ufunc methods _______________ @autojit def add_reduce(a): return numba.typeof(np.add.reduce(a)) @autojit def add_reduce_axis(a, axis): return numba.typeof(np.add.reduce(a, axis=axis)) @autojit def accumulate(ufunc, a): return numba.typeof(ufunc.accumulate(a)) @autojit def accumulate_dtype(ufunc, a, dtype): return numba.typeof(ufunc.accumulate(a, dtype=dtype)) @autojit def reduceat(ufunc, a): return numba.typeof(ufunc.reduceat(a)) @autojit def reduceat_dtype(ufunc, a, dtype): return numba.typeof(ufunc.reduceat(a, dtype=dtype)) @autojit def outer(ufunc, a): return numba.typeof(ufunc.outer(a, a)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def equals(a, b): assert a == b, (a, b, type(a), type(b)) def test_binary_ufunc(): equals(binary_ufunc(np.add, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.subtract, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.multiply, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.true_divide, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.floor_divide, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.divide, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.bitwise_and, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.bitwise_or, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.bitwise_xor, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.left_shift, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.right_shift, a, b), int64[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.logical_and, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.logical_or, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.logical_xor, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.logical_not, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.greater, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.greater_equal, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.less, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.less_equal, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.not_equal, a, b), bool_[:, :]) equals(binary_ufunc(np.equal, a, b), bool_[:, :]) def test_ufunc_reduce(): equals(add_reduce(a), int32) equals(add_reduce_axis(b, 1), int64[:]) def test_ufunc_accumulate(): equals(accumulate(np.add, a), int32[:]) equals(accumulate(np.multiply, a), int32[:]) equals(accumulate(np.bitwise_and, a), int32[:]) equals(accumulate(np.logical_and, a), bool_[:]) # Test with dtype equals(accumulate_dtype(np.add, a, np.double), double[:]) def test_ufunc_reduceat(): equals(reduceat(np.add, a), int32[:]) equals(reduceat(np.multiply, a), int32[:]) equals(reduceat(np.bitwise_and, a), int32[:]) equals(reduceat(np.logical_and, a), bool_[:]) # Test with dtype equals(reduceat_dtype(np.add, a, np.double), double[:]) def test_ufunc_outer(): equals(outer(np.add, a), int32[:, :]) equals(outer(np.multiply, a), int32[:, :]) equals(outer(np.bitwise_and, a), int32[:, :]) equals(outer(np.logical_and, a), bool_[:, :]) if __name__ == "__main__": test_binary_ufunc() test_ufunc_reduce() test_ufunc_accumulate() test_ufunc_reduceat() test_ufunc_outer() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_binary_ops from numba import * from numba.testing import test_support import numpy import unittest def add(a, b): return a + b def sub(a, b): return a - b def mult(a, b): return a * b def div(a, b): return a / b def mod(a, b): return a % b def pow_(a, b): return a ** b def shl(a, b): return a << b def shr(a, b): return a >> b def bitor(a, b): return a | b def bitxor(a, b): return a ^ b def bitand(a, b): return a & b def floor(a, b): return a // b class TestBinops(unittest.TestCase): def _handle_bitwise_op(self, fn, *args): test_fn = jit('object_(object_,object_)')(fn) for lhs, rhs in [(5, 2), (0xdead, 0xbeef), (-5, 2)]: self.assertEquals(fn(lhs, rhs), test_fn(lhs, rhs)) for lhs, rhs in args: self.assertEquals(fn(lhs, rhs), test_fn(lhs, rhs)) def _handle_binop(self, fn, *args): return self._handle_bitwise_op(fn, (6.3, 9.2), *args) def test_add(self): self._handle_binop(add, ('egg', 'spam')) def test_sub(self): self._handle_binop(sub) def test_mult(self): self._handle_binop(mult) def test_div(self): self._handle_binop(div) def test_mod(self): self._handle_binop(mod) def test_pow(self): self._handle_binop(pow_) def test_shl(self): self._handle_bitwise_op(shl) def test_shr(self): self._handle_bitwise_op(shr) def test_bitor(self): self._handle_bitwise_op(bitor) def test_bitxor(self): self._handle_bitwise_op(bitxor) def test_bitand(self): self._handle_bitwise_op(bitand) def test_floor(self): self._handle_binop(floor) def test_stringformat(self): self.assertEqual(autojit(mod)("hello %s", "world"), "hello world") if __name__ == "__main__": test_support.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_bitwise_ops import sys import numba from numba.testing.test_support import autojit_py3doc # NOTE: See also issues/test_issue_56 autojit_py3doc = autojit_py3doc(warn=False, warnstyle='simple') @autojit_py3doc def test_bitwise_and(a, b): """ >>> test_bitwise_and(0b01, 0b10) 0 >>> test_bitwise_and(0b01, 0b11) 1 >>> test_bitwise_and(0b01, 2.0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 27:15: Expected an int, or object, or bool >>> test_bitwise_and(2.0, 0b01) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 27:11: Expected an int, or object, or bool """ return a & b @autojit_py3doc def test_bitwise_or(a, b): """ >>> test_bitwise_or(0b00, 0b00) 0 >>> test_bitwise_or(0b00, 0b01) 1 >>> test_bitwise_or(0b10, 0b00) 2 >>> test_bitwise_or(0b01, 0b10) 3 >>> test_bitwise_or(0b01, 0b11) 3 >>> test_bitwise_or(0b01, 2.0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 54:15: Expected an int, or object, or bool >>> test_bitwise_or(2.0, 0b01) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 54:11: Expected an int, or object, or bool """ return a | b @autojit_py3doc def test_bitwise_xor(a, b): """ >>> test_bitwise_xor(0b00, 0b00) 0 >>> test_bitwise_xor(0b00, 0b01) 1 >>> test_bitwise_xor(0b10, 0b00) 2 >>> test_bitwise_xor(0b01, 0b10) 3 >>> test_bitwise_xor(0b01, 0b11) 2 >>> test_bitwise_xor(0b01, 2.0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 82:15: Expected an int, or object, or bool >>> test_bitwise_xor(2.0, 0b01) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 82:11: Expected an int, or object, or bool """ return a ^ b @autojit_py3doc def test_shift_left(a, b): """ >>> test_shift_left(5, 2) 20 >>> test_shift_left(-5, 2) -20 """ return a << b @autojit_py3doc def test_shift_right(a, b): """ >>> test_shift_right(20, 2) 5 >>> test_shift_right(-20, 2) -5 """ return a >> b @autojit_py3doc def test_invert(a): """ >>> test_invert(5) -6 >>> test_invert(-5) 4 """ return ~a numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_unary_ops #! /usr/bin/env python from numba import * from numba.testing import test_support import unittest def unary_minus(x): return -x def unary_not(x): return not x def unary_not_pred(p): if not p: return 1 return 0 def unary_invert(x): return ~x class TestUnaryOps(unittest.TestCase): def test_unary_minus(self): test_fn = jit(argtypes=(double,), restype=double)(unary_minus) test_val = 3.1415 self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), -test_val) self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), unary_minus(test_val)) def test_unary_not(self): test_fn = jit(argtypes=(bool_,), restype=bool_)(unary_not) for test_val in True, False: self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), not test_val) self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), unary_not(test_val)) def test_unary_not_pred(self): test_fn = jit(argtypes=(bool_,), restype=int_)(unary_not_pred) for test_val in True, False: self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), 0 if test_val else 1) self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), unary_not(test_val)) def test_unary_invert(self): test_fn = jit(argtypes=(int_,), restype=int_)(unary_invert) test_val = 0x70f0f0f0 self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), ~test_val) self.assertEqual(test_fn(test_val), unary_invert(test_val)) if __name__ == "__main__": test_support.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_null import ctypes import numba from numba import * #intp = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int) #voidp = ctypes.c_void_p intp = int_.pointer() voidp = void.pointer() @autojit def test_compare_null(): """ >>> test_compare_null() True """ return intp(Py_uintptr_t(0)) == NULL @autojit def test_compare_null_attribute(): """ >>> test_compare_null_attribute() True """ return voidp(Py_uintptr_t(0)) == numba.NULL if __name__ == '__main__': # test_compare_null() # test_compare_null_attribute() numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_pointers import ctypes import numba from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import testmod, autojit_py3doc import numpy as np int32p = int32.pointer() voidp = void.pointer() @autojit_py3doc def test_pointer_arithmetic(): """ >>> test_pointer_arithmetic() 48 """ p = int32p(Py_uintptr_t(0)) p = p + 10 p += 2 return Py_uintptr_t(p) # 0 + 4 * 12 @autojit_py3doc(locals={"pointer_value": Py_uintptr_t}) def test_pointer_indexing(pointer_value, type_p): """ >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float32) >>> test_pointer_indexing(, float32.pointer()) (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64) >>> [int(x) for x in test_pointer_indexing(, int64.pointer())] [1, 2, 3, 4] """ p = type_p(pointer_value) return p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3] if __name__ == '__main__': # print test_pointer_arithmetic() # a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float32) # print test_pointer_indexing(, float32.pointer()) pass testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_prange # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba import autojit, double import unittest # from unittest import FunctionTestCase as testcase import numpy as np tests = [] def testcase(f): tests.append(f) return f #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Simple isolated tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @testcase def test_simple_prange_shared(): @autojit(warn=False) def simple_prange_shared(): """ >>> simple_prange_shared() 20L """ result = np.empty(1, dtype=np.int64) shared = 20 for i in numba.prange(1): result[0] = shared return result[0] assert simple_prange_shared() == 20 @testcase def test_simple_prange_private(): @autojit(warn=False) def simple_prange_private(): """ >>> simple_prange_private() 10L """ result = np.empty(1, dtype=np.int64) var = 20 for i in numba.prange(1): var = 10 result[0] = var return result[0] assert simple_prange_private() == 10 @testcase def test_simple_prange_lastprivate(): @autojit(warn=False) def simple_prange_lastprivate(): """ >>> simple_prange_lastprivate() 10 """ var = 20 for i in numba.prange(1): var = 10 return var assert simple_prange_lastprivate() == 10 @testcase def test_simple_prange_reduction(): @autojit(warn=False) def simple_prange_reduction(): """ >>> simple_prange_reduction() 15 """ var = 10 for i in numba.prange(1): var += 5 return var assert simple_prange_reduction() == 15 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Error Tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @autojit(warn=False) def prange_reduction_error(): """ DISABLED. >> prange_reduction_error() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: 32:8: Local variable 'sum' is not bound yet """ for i in numba.prange(10): sum += i sum = 0.0 return sum #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Advanced Tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @testcase def test_prange_reduction2(): @autojit(warn=False) def prange_reduction2(): """ >>> prange_reduction2() 49999995000000.0 """ sum = 0.0 for i in numba.prange(10000000): sum += i return sum assert prange_reduction2() == 49999995000000.0 @testcase def test_prange_reduction_and_privates(): @autojit(warn=False) def prange_reduction_and_privates(): """ >>> prange_reduction_and_privates() 100.0 """ sum = 10.0 for i in numba.prange(10): j = i * 2 sum += j return sum assert prange_reduction_and_privates() == 100.0 @testcase def test_prange_lastprivate(): @autojit(warn=False) def prange_lastprivate(): """ >>> prange_lastprivate() 100.0 18 """ sum = 10.0 for i in numba.prange(10): j = i * 2 sum += j print(sum) return j assert prange_lastprivate() == 18 @testcase def test_prange_shared_privates_reductions(): @autojit(warn=False) def prange_shared_privates_reductions(shared): """ >>> prange_shared_privates_reductions(2.0) 100.0 """ sum = 10.0 for i in numba.prange(10): j = i * shared sum += j shared = 3.0 return sum assert prange_shared_privates_reductions(2.0) == 100.0 @testcase def test_test_sum2d(): @autojit(warn=False) def test_sum2d(A): """ >>> a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10) >>> test_sum2d(a) 4950.0 >>> test_sum2d(a.astype(np.complex128)) (4950+0j) >>> np.sum(a) 4950 """ sum = 0.0 for i in numba.prange(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): # print(i, j) sum += A[i, j] return sum a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10) assert test_sum2d(a) == 4950.0 assert test_sum2d(a.astype(np.complex128)) == 4950+0j assert np.sum(a) == 4950 @testcase def test_test_prange_in_closure(): @autojit(warn=False) def test_prange_in_closure(x): """ >>> test_prange_in_closure(2.0)() 1000.0 """ sum = 10.0 N = 10 @double() def inner(): sum = 100.0 for i in numba.prange(N): for j in range(N): sum += i * x return sum return inner assert test_prange_in_closure(2.0)() == 1000.0 @testcase def test_test_prange_in_closure2(): @autojit(warn=False) def test_prange_in_closure2(x): """ >>> test_prange_in_closure2(2.0)() 10000.0 """ sum = 10.0 N = 10 @double() def inner(): sum = 100.0 for i in numba.prange(N): for j in range(N): sum += (i * N + j) * x return sum return inner assert test_prange_in_closure2(2.0)() == 10000.0 if __name__ == '__main__': # unittest.main() for test in tests: print("running", test.__name__) test() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_prange_issue_24 from numba import autojit, jit, prange @autojit def prange_redux(): c = 0 a = 1 for i in prange(10): c += a return c if __name__ == '__main__': prange_redux() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_prange_iteration_space # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba import autojit import numpy as np def test(func, expect): N = 10 A = np.empty(N, dtype=np.float32) A[...] = 2.5 func(A) assert np.allclose(A, expect) @autojit def forward1(A): for i in numba.prange(10): A[i] = i @autojit def forward2(A): for i in numba.prange(1, 5): A[i] = i @autojit def forward3(A): for i in numba.prange(1, 8, 3): A[i] = i @autojit def backward1(A): for i in numba.prange(9, 2, -3): A[i] = i @autojit def backward2(A): for i in numba.prange(1, 5, -1): A[i] = i @autojit def empty_assign(): i = 14 for i in numba.prange(10, 4): pass return i @autojit def last_value(): for i in numba.prange(10): pass print("after loop", i) return i def run(): test(forward1, [ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) test(forward2, [ 2.5, 1., 2., 3., 4., 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5]) test(forward3, [ 2.5, 1., 2.5, 2.5, 4., 2.5, 2.5, 7., 2.5, 2.5]) test(backward1, [ 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3., 2.5, 2.5, 6., 2.5, 2.5, 9. ]) test(backward2, [ 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5]) assert empty_assign() == 14 last = last_value() print(last, 9) if __name__ == '__main__': run() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_print ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_py2raise # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import traceback import unittest from numba import autojit # ______________________________________________________________________ # Helpers class SpecialException(Exception): pass def make_tb(): try: raise SpecialException # hee hee hee except: type, val, tb = sys.exc_info() return tb # ______________________________________________________________________ @autojit def raise1(): raise SpecialException @autojit def raise2(): raise SpecialException("hello") # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestRaise(unittest.TestCase): def _assert_raises(self, func, expected_args): try: func() except SpecialException as e: assert e.args == tuple(expected_args), (e.args, expected_args) else: raise AssertionError("Expected exception") def test_raise(self): self._assert_raises(raise1, []) self._assert_raises(raise2, ["hello"]) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_addressof # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test numba.addressof(). """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ctypes import numba from numba import * @jit(int32(int32, int32)) def func(a, b): return a * b @autojit def error_func(): pass # TODO: struct pointer support before_computed_column = struct_([ ('x', float32), ('y', float32)]) with_computed_column = struct_([ ('mean', float32), ('x', float32), ('y', float32)]) signature = void(with_computed_column.ref(), before_computed_column.ref()) # @jit(signature, nopython=True) def cc_kernel(dst, src): dst.mean = (src.x + src.y) / 2.0 dst.x = src.x dst.y = src.y #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_addressof(arg): """ >>> func = test_addressof(func) >>> assert func.restype == ctypes.c_int32 >>> assert func.argtypes == (ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32) >>> func(5, 2) 10 """ return numba.addressof(arg) def test_addressof_error(arg, **kwds): """ >>> test_addressof_error(error_func) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Object is not a jit function >>> test_addressof_error(func, propagate=False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Writing unraisable exceptions is not yet supported """ return numba.addressof(arg, **kwds) def test_address_of_struct_function(): S1 = before_computed_column.to_ctypes() S2 = with_computed_column.to_ctypes() ctypes_kernel = numba.addressof(cc_kernel) s1 = S1(10, 5) s2 = S2(0, 0, 0) ctypes_kernel(s2, s1) assert s2.x == s1.x assert s2.y == s1.y assert s2.mean == (s1.x + s1.y) / 2.0 numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ast_arrays #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_forloop Test the Numba compiler on a simple for loop over an iterable object. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import unittest import numba from numba import * from numba.decorators import autojit import numpy as np def _matmulcore(A, B, C): m, n = A.shape n, p = B.shape for i in range(m): for j in range(p): C[i, j] = 0 for k in range(n): C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j] matmulcore = autojit(backend='ast')(_matmulcore) class TestASTArrays(unittest.TestCase): def test_numba(self): A = np.arange(16, dtype=np.float32).reshape(4, 4) B = np.arange(16, dtype=np.float32).reshape(4, 4) C = np.zeros(16, dtype=np.float32).reshape(4, 4) Gold = C.copy() _matmulcore(A, B, Gold) # oracle matmulcore(A, B, C) self.assertTrue(np.all(C == Gold)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ast_forloop #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_forloop Test the Numba compiler on a simple for loop over an iterable object. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import unittest from numba import autojit import numpy as np # ______________________________________________________________________ def _for_loop_fn_0 (iterable): acc = 0. for value in iterable: acc += value return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def _for_loop_fn_1 (start, stop, inc): acc = 0 for value in range(start, stop, inc): acc += value return acc @autojit def for_loop_fn_1a (start, stop): acc = 0 for value in range(start, stop): acc += value return acc @autojit def for_loop_fn_1b (stop): acc = 0 for value in range(stop): acc += value return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def _for_loop_fn_2 (stop): acc = 0 for value_0 in range(stop): for value_1 in range(stop): acc += value_0 * value_1 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def _for_loop_fn_3 (stop): acc = 0 for i in range(stop): for j in range(stop): for k in range(stop): for l in range(stop): acc += 1 return acc for_loop_fn_0 = autojit(backend='ast')(_for_loop_fn_0) for_loop_fn_1 = autojit(backend='ast')(_for_loop_fn_1) for_loop_fn_2 = autojit(backend='ast')(_for_loop_fn_2) for_loop_fn_3 = autojit(backend='ast')(_for_loop_fn_3) # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestForLoop(unittest.TestCase): # @unittest.skipUnless(__debug__, "Requires implementation of iteration " # "over arrays.") def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_0(self): for dtype in (np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64): test_data = np.arange(10, dtype=dtype) result = for_loop_fn_0(test_data) self.assertEqual(result, 45) self.assertEqual(result, _for_loop_fn_0(test_data)) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_1(self): result = for_loop_fn_1(1, 4, 1) self.assertEqual(result, 6) self.assertEqual(result, _for_loop_fn_1(1, 4, 1)) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_2(self): result = for_loop_fn_2(4) self.assertEqual(result, 36) self.assertEqual(result, _for_loop_fn_2(4)) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_3(self): result = for_loop_fn_3(3) self.assertEqual(result, _for_loop_fn_3(3)) self.assertEqual(result, 81) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_many(self): for lo in xrange( -10, 11 ): for hi in xrange( -10, 11 ): for step in xrange( -20, 21 ): if step: self.assertEqual(for_loop_fn_1(lo, hi, step), for_loop_fn_1.py_func(lo, hi, step), 'failed for %d/%d/%d' % (lo, hi, step)) self.assertEqual(for_loop_fn_1a(lo, hi), for_loop_fn_1a.py_func(lo, hi), 'failed for %d/%d' % (lo, hi)) self.assertEqual(for_loop_fn_1b(hi), for_loop_fn_1b.py_func(hi), 'failed for %d' % hi) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": print((for_loop_fn_2(10))) # print for_loop_fn_2(10.0) unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ast_getattr #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba.decorators import autojit import numpy as np import numpy import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def _get_ndarray_ndim(ndarr): return ndarr.ndim def _get_ndarray_shape(ndarr): return ndarr.shape def _get_ndarray_data(ndarr): return def _get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_0(ndarr): dim0, _ = ndarr.shape return dim0 def _get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_1(ndarr): _, dim1 = ndarr.shape return dim1 get_ndarray_ndim = autojit(backend='ast')(_get_ndarray_ndim) get_ndarray_shape = autojit(backend='ast')(_get_ndarray_shape) get_ndarray_data = autojit(backend='ast')(_get_ndarray_data) get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_0 = autojit(backend='ast')(_get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_0) get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_1 = autojit(backend='ast')(_get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_1) # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestGetattr(unittest.TestCase): def test_getattr_ndim(self): args = [ np.empty((2,)), np.empty((2, 2)), ] for arg in args: expect = _get_ndarray_ndim(arg) got = get_ndarray_ndim(arg) self.assertEqual(got, expect) def test_getattr_shape(self): args = [ np.empty((10,)), np.empty((10, 20)), ] for arg in args: expect = _get_ndarray_shape(arg) got = get_ndarray_shape(arg) for i, _ in enumerate(expect): print(i) self.assertEqual(got[i], expect[i]) def test_getattr_shape_unpack(self): args = [ np.empty((1, 2)) ] for arg in args: expect_dim0 = get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_0(arg) expect_dim1 = get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_1(arg) got_dim0 = _get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_0(arg) got_dim1 = _get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_1(arg) expect = expect_dim0, expect_dim1 got = got_dim0, got_dim1 self.assertEqual(got, expect) def test_getattr_data_1(self): expect = [1., 2., 3.] test_data = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]) got = get_ndarray_data(test_data) # this returns a buffer object # _get_ndarray_data(test_data) for i, _ in enumerate(expect): self.assertEqual(got[i], expect[i]) def test_getattr_data_2(self): expect = [float(x) for x in range(6)] test_data = numpy.array(expect).reshape((2, 3)) got = get_ndarray_data(test_data) for i, v in enumerate(expect): self.assertEqual(got[i], v) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # TestGetattr('test_getattr_data_1').debug() unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_autojit """ >>> autojit_as_arg(autojit_arg, 0.0) 10.0 >>> jit_as_arg(jit_arg, 0.0) 10.0 """ from numba import * @autojit(nopython=True) def autojit_arg(result): return result + 1 @jit(float_(float_)) def jit_arg(result): return result + 1 @autojit(nopython=True) def autojit_as_arg(autojit_arg, value): result = value for i in range(10): result = autojit_arg(result) return result @autojit(nopython=True) def jit_as_arg(jit_arg, value): result = value for i in range(10): result = jit_arg(result) return result if __name__ == "__main__": import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_avg2d #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''Unit test for issue #30.''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import numpy from numba import f8 from numba.decorators import jit, autojit from numba.testing import test_support import unittest import __builtin__ # ______________________________________________________________________ def avg2d(arr, result): M, N = arr.shape for i in range(M): avg = 0. for j in range(N): avg += arr[i,j] result[i] = avg / N # ______________________________________________________________________ def avg2d_w_cast(arr, result): M, N = arr.shape for i in range(M): avg = 0. for j in range(N): avg += arr[i,j] result[i] = avg / float(N) # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestAvg2DAST(test_support.ASTTestCase): def _do_test(self, _avg2d, compiled_fn): test_data = numpy.random.random((5,5)) control_result = numpy.zeros((5,)) test_result = control_result[:] _avg2d(test_data, control_result) compiled_fn(test_data, test_result) self.assertTrue((control_result == test_result).all()) def test_avg2d(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [f8[:,:], f8[:]])(avg2d) self._do_test(avg2d, compiled_fn) def test_avg2d_w_cast(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [f8[:,:], f8[:]])(avg2d_w_cast) self._do_test(avg2d_w_cast, compiled_fn) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # TestAvg2DAST('test_avg2d_w_cast').debug() unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_const_folding import unittest import ast, inspect import numpy as np from numba import utils, decorators, environment, pipeline from numba import typesystem from numba import * def cf_1(): return 1 + 2 def cf_2(): return 1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5 // 6 ** 7 def cf_3(): return 0xbad & 0xbeef | 0xcafe def cf_4(): return True or False def cf_5(): return 1 != 2 and 3 < 4 and 5 > 8 / 9 M = 1 def cf_6(): return M + 2 def cf_7(): N = 1 return N + 2 def cf_8(): N = 1 N += 2 # invalidate N return N + 3 def cf_9(): i = 1 j = 2 k = 3 # the only constant for i, n in range(10): j += 0 return i + k def cf_10(): i = j = 123 return i + j def cf_11(M): return M + 2 def cf_12(a): M = a return M + 2 class TestConstFolding(unittest.TestCase): env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment() def run_pipeline(self, func): func_sig = typesystem.function(typesystem.void, []) source = inspect.getsource(func) astree = ast.parse(source) with environment.TranslationContext(self.env, func, astree, func_sig): pipeline_callable = self.env.get_or_add_pipeline( 'const_folding', pipeline.ConstFolding) astree = pipeline.AST3to2()(astree, self.env) ret_val = pipeline_callable(astree, self.env) return ret_val def iter_all(self, astree, target): for node in ast.walk(astree): if isinstance(node, target): yield node def test_cf_1(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_1) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 1) self.assertEqual(nums[0].n, (1 + 2)) def test_cf_2(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_2) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 1) self.assertEqual(nums[0].n, (1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5 // 6 ** 7)) def test_cf_3(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_3) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 1) self.assertEqual(nums[0].n, (0xbad & 0xbeef | 0xcafe)) def test_cf_4(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_4) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 1) self.assertEqual(names[0].id, 'True') def test_cf_5(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_5) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 1) self.assertEqual(names[0].id, str(1 != 2 and 3 < 4 and 5 > 8 / 9)) def test_cf_6(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_6) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 0) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 1) self.assertEqual(nums[0].n, (1 + 2)) def test_cf_7(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_7) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) # No removal of constant assignment self.assertEqual(len(names), 1) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 2) self.assertEqual(nums[1].n, (1 + 2)) def test_cf_8(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_8) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 3) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 3) for name in names: self.assertEqual(, 'N') for i, num in enumerate(nums): self.assertEqual(num.n, i + 1) def test_cf_9(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_9) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 8) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 6) def test_cf_10(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_10) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 2) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 2) def test_cf_11(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_11) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 2) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 1) self.assertEqual(nums[0].n, (2)) def test_cf_12(self): astree = self.run_pipeline(cf_12) print((utils.pformat_ast(astree))) names = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Name)) nums = list(self.iter_all(astree, ast.Num)) self.assertEqual(len(names), 4) self.assertEqual(len(nums), 1) self.assertEqual(nums[0].n, (2)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_cstring #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import * from numba import string_ as cstring, int_ from import nottest from numba.testing import test_support # ______________________________________________________________________ def convert(input_str): return int(input_str[0:5]) # ______________________________________________________________________ def fast_convert(input_str): with nopython: return int(input_str[0:5]) # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestCString(test_support.ASTTestCase): def test_convert(self, **kws): jit_convert = self.jit(argtypes = (cstring,), restype = int_, **kws)( convert) for exp in xrange(10): test_str = str(10 ** exp) self.assertEqual(jit_convert(test_str), convert(test_str)) def test_convert_nopython(self, **kws): jit_convert = self.jit(argtypes = (cstring,), restype = int_, **kws)( fast_convert) for exp in xrange(10): test_str = str(10 ** exp) self.assertEqual(jit_convert(test_str), convert(test_str)) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # TestCString('test_convert').debug() test_support.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_datetime import numpy import numba import numba.vectorize from numba.vectorize import vectorize @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def datetime_identity(datetime): return datetime @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def timedelta_identity(delta): return delta @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def create_python_datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec): return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def create_numpy_datetime(datetime_str): return numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def create_numpy_timedelta(delta, units): return numpy.timedelta64(delta, units) @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def create_python_datetime_from_string(datetime_str): year = datetime_str[0:4] month = datetime_str[5:7] day = datetime_str[8:10] hour = datetime_str[11:13] min = datetime_str[14:16] sec = datetime_str[18:20] return datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(min), int(sec)) @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def create_numpy_datetime_from_string(datetime_str): year = datetime_str[0:4] month = datetime_str[5:7] day = datetime_str[8:10] hour = datetime_str[11:13] min = datetime_str[14:16] sec = datetime_str[18:20] return numpy.datetime64('{0}-{1}-{2}T{3}:{4}:{5}Z'.format(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)) @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def extract_year(date): return date.year @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def extract_month(date): return date.month @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def extract_day(date): return @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def extract_hour(date): return date.hour @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def extract_min(date): return date.min @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def extract_sec(date): return date.sec @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def datetime_delta(d0, d1): return d1 - d0 @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def datetime_add_timedelta(d, t): return d + t @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def datetime_subtract_timedelta(d, t): return d - t # JNB: vectorize doesn't work for struct-like types right now #@vectorize([numba.datetime(units='D')(numba.datetime(units='D'))]) def ufunc_inc_day(a): return a + numpy.timedelta64(1, 'D') @numba.jit(numba.int64(numba.string_), nopython=True) def cast_datetime_to_int(datetime_str): x = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) return x @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def datetime_array_index(datetimes, index): return datetimes[index] @numba.jit(numba.datetime(units='M')(numba.datetime(units='M')[:], numba.int_), nopython=True) def datetime_array_index2(datetimes, index): return datetimes[index] @numba.autojit(nopython=True) def timedelta_array_index(timedeltas, index): return timedeltas[index] @numba.jit(numba.timedelta(units='M')(numba.timedelta(units='M')[:], numba.int_), nopython=True) def timedelta_array_index2(timedeltas, index): return timedeltas[index] def test_datetime(): datetime = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01') assert datetime_identity(datetime) == datetime delta = numpy.timedelta64(1) assert timedelta_identity(delta) == delta datetime_str = '2014' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) control = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert create_numpy_datetime(datetime_str) == control datetime_str = '2014-01' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) control = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert create_numpy_datetime(datetime_str) == control datetime_str = '2014-01-02' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) control = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert create_numpy_datetime(datetime_str) == control if numpy.version.version[0:3] != '1.6': datetime_str = '2014-01-02T03Z' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) control = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert create_numpy_datetime(datetime_str) == control datetime_str = '2014-01-02T03:04Z' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) control = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert create_numpy_datetime(datetime_str) == control datetime_str = '2014-01-02T03:04:05Z' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) control = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert create_numpy_datetime(datetime_str) == control # JNB: string concatenation doesn't work right now #assert create_numpy_datetime_from_string(datetime_str) == control if numpy.version.version[0:3] != '1.6': control = numpy.timedelta64(2014, 'Y') assert create_numpy_timedelta(2014, 'Y') == control control = numpy.timedelta64(100, 'M') assert create_numpy_timedelta(100, 'M') == control control = numpy.timedelta64(10000, 'D') assert create_numpy_timedelta(10000, 'D') == control control = numpy.timedelta64(100, 'h') assert create_numpy_timedelta(100, 'h') == control control = numpy.timedelta64(100, 'm') assert create_numpy_timedelta(100, 'm') == control control = numpy.timedelta64(100, 's') assert create_numpy_timedelta(100, 's') == control datetime_str = '2014-01-02T03:04:05Z' assert extract_year(numpy.datetime64(datetime_str)) == 2014 assert extract_month(numpy.datetime64(datetime_str)) == 1 assert extract_day(numpy.datetime64(datetime_str)) == 2 assert extract_hour(numpy.datetime64(datetime_str)) == 3 assert extract_min(numpy.datetime64(datetime_str)) == 4 assert extract_sec(numpy.datetime64(datetime_str)) == 5 datetime1 = numpy.datetime64('2014') datetime2 = numpy.datetime64('2015') control = datetime2 - datetime1 assert datetime_delta(datetime1, datetime2) == control datetime1 = numpy.datetime64('2014-01') datetime2 = numpy.datetime64('2015-01') control = datetime2 - datetime1 assert datetime_delta(datetime1, datetime2) == control datetime1 = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01') datetime2 = numpy.datetime64('2015-01-02') control = datetime2 - datetime1 assert datetime_delta(datetime1, datetime2) == control datetime1 = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01T01Z') datetime2 = numpy.datetime64('2015-01-04T02Z') control = datetime2 - datetime1 assert datetime_delta(datetime1, datetime2) == control datetime1 = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01T01:01Z') datetime2 = numpy.datetime64('2015-01-04T02:02Z') control = datetime2 - datetime1 assert datetime_delta(datetime1, datetime2) == control datetime1 = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01T01:01:01Z') datetime2 = numpy.datetime64('2015-01-04T02:02:02Z') control = datetime2 - datetime1 assert datetime_delta(datetime1, datetime2) == control datetime = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01') if numpy.version.version[0:3] != '1.6': timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(1, 'D') else: timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(1) control = datetime + timedelta assert datetime_add_timedelta(datetime, timedelta) == control datetime = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01T01:02:03Z') if numpy.version.version[0:3] != '1.6': timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(-10000, 's') else: timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(-10000) control = datetime + timedelta assert datetime_add_timedelta(datetime, timedelta) == control datetime = numpy.datetime64('2014') if numpy.version.version[0:3] != '1.6': timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(10, 'Y') else: timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(10) control = datetime - timedelta assert datetime_subtract_timedelta(datetime, timedelta) == control datetime = numpy.datetime64('2014-01-01T01:02:03Z') if numpy.version.version[0:3] != '1.6': timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(-10000, 'm') else: timedelta = numpy.timedelta64(-10000) control = datetime - timedelta assert datetime_subtract_timedelta(datetime, timedelta) == control datetime_str ='2014' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert cast_datetime_to_int(datetime_str) == \ int(numpy.array(datetime, numpy.int64)) # cast datetime to number of days since epoch datetime_str ='2014-01-01' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert cast_datetime_to_int(datetime_str) == \ int(numpy.array(datetime, numpy.int64)) # cast datetime to number of seconds since epoch datetime_str ='2014-01-02T03:04:05Z' datetime = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str) assert cast_datetime_to_int(datetime_str) == \ int(numpy.array(datetime, numpy.int64)) datetimes = numpy.array(['2014-01', '2014-02', '2014-03'], dtype=numpy.datetime64) assert datetime_array_index(datetimes, 0) == datetimes[0] assert datetime_array_index2(datetimes, 1) == datetimes[1] timedeltas = numpy.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='m8[M]') assert timedelta_array_index(timedeltas, 0) == timedeltas[0] assert timedelta_array_index2(timedeltas, 1) == timedeltas[1] # JNB: vectorize doesn't work for struct-like types right now #array = numpy.array(['2014-01-01', '2014-01-02', '2014-01-03'], # dtype=numpy.datetime64) #assert ufunc_inc_day(array) == numpy.array( # ['2014-01-02', '2014-01-03', '2014-01-04'], dtype=numpy.datetime64) if __name__ == "__main__": test_datetime() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_diffusion import unittest import numpy as np from numba import autojit mu = 0.1 Lx, Ly = 101, 101 @autojit def diffusionObstacleStep(u,tempU,iterNum): for n in range(iterNum): for i in range(1, Lx - 1): for j in range(1, Ly - 1): u[i,j] = mu * (tempU[i+1,j]-2*tempU[i,j]+tempU[i-1,j] + tempU[i,j+1]-2*tempU[i,j]+tempU[i,j-1]) # Bug in Meta?? # tempU, u = u, tempU # -> Assign(targets=[Name(id='tempU', ctx=Store()), # Name(id='u', ctx=Store())], # value=Name(id='u', ctx=Load())) temp = u u = tempU tempU = temp def get_arrays(): u = np.zeros([Lx, Ly], dtype=np.float64) tempU = np.zeros([Lx, Ly], dtype=np.float64) u[Lx / 2, Ly / 2] = 1000.0 return tempU, u def test_diffusion(): tempU, u = get_arrays() iterNum = 10 diffusionObstacleStep(u, tempU, iterNum) tempU_numpy, u_numpy = get_arrays() diffusionObstacleStep.py_func(u_numpy, tempU_numpy, iterNum) print(u) print(u_numpy) assert np.allclose(u, u_numpy) if __name__ == "__main__": test_diffusion() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_dot # issue: #33 # Thanks to Stefan van der Walt import numpy as np from numba.decorators import jit from numba import float64, int32 @jit(argtypes=[float64[:, :], float64[:, :], float64[:, :]]) def ndot(A, B, out): rows_A, cols_A = A.shape rows_B, cols_B = B.shape # Take each row in A for i in range(rows_A): # And multiply by every column in B for j in range(cols_B): s = 0.0 for k in range(cols_A): s = s + A[i, k] * B[k, j] out[i, j] = s return out def test_dot(): A = np.random.random((10, 10)) B = np.random.random((10, 10)) C = np.empty_like(A) assert np.allclose(, B), ndot(A, B, C)) if __name__ == '__main__': test_dot() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_exceptions """ >>> boom() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'boom' >>> boom2() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'object' object is not callable >>> boom3() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'object' object is not callable """ import sys import ctypes from numba import * import numpy as np @autojit(backend='ast') def boom(): return int('boom') @jit(int_()) def boom2(): return object()('boom') @jit(complex128()) def boom3(): return object()('boom') if __name__ == "__main__": import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extern_call #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_extern_call Unit tests checking on Numba's code generation for Python/Numpy C-API calls. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import sys import unittest from numba import * import numpy from numba.decorators import jit, autojit from numba.testing import test_support # ______________________________________________________________________ def call_zeros_like(arr): return numpy.zeros_like(arr) # ______________________________________________________________________ def call_len(arr): return len(arr) @autojit(backend='ast') def func1(arg): return arg * 2 @autojit(backend='ast') def func2(arg): return func1(arg + 1) # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestASTExternCall(test_support.ASTTestCase): def test_call_zeros_like(self): testarr = numpy.array([1., 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=numpy.double) testfn = self.jit(argtypes = [double[:]], restype = double[:])( call_zeros_like) print((sys.getrefcount(testarr))) result = testfn(testarr) print((sys.getrefcount(testarr))) print((sys.getrefcount(result))) self.assertTrue((result == numpy.zeros_like(testarr)).all()) def test_call_len(self): testarr = numpy.arange(10.) testfn = self.jit(argtypes = [double[:]], restype = long_)( call_len) self.assertEqual(testfn(testarr), 10) def test_numba_calls_numba(self): self.assertEqual(func2(3), 8) self.assertEqual(func2(2+3j), (3+3j)*2) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # TestASTExternCall('test_call_zeros_like').debug() unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_fbcorr #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_fbcorr Test the fbcorr() example .... ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import numpy as np import numba from numba.decorators import jit nd4type = numba.double[:,:,:,:] import sys import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def fbcorr(imgs, filters, output): n_imgs, n_rows, n_cols, n_channels = imgs.shape n_filters, height, width, n_ch2 = filters.shape for ii in range(n_imgs): for rr in range(n_rows - height + 1): for cc in range(n_cols - width + 1): for hh in xrange(height): for ww in xrange(width): for jj in range(n_channels): for ff in range(n_filters): imgval = imgs[ii, rr + hh, cc + ww, jj] filterval = filters[ff, hh, ww, jj] output[ii, ff, rr, cc] += imgval * filterval # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestFbcorr(unittest.TestCase): def test_vectorized_fbcorr(self): ufbcorr = jit(argtypes=(nd4type, nd4type, nd4type))(fbcorr) imgs = np.random.randn(10, 16, 16, 3) filt = np.random.randn(6, 5, 5, 3) old_output = np.zeros((10, 6, 15, 15)) fbcorr(imgs, filt, old_output) new_output = np.zeros((10, 6, 15, 15)) ufbcorr(imgs, filt, new_output) self.assertTrue((abs(old_output - new_output) < 1e-9).all()) def test_catch_error(self): imgs = np.random.randn(10, 64, 64, 3) filt = np.random.randn(6, 5, 5, 3) #incorrect channel-minor format? old_output = np.zeros((10, 60, 60, 6)) try: fbcorr(imgs, filt, old_output) except IndexError as e: print(('This test produced the error "' + repr(e) + '"')) else: raise Exception('This should have produced an error.') # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_filter2d #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_filter2d Test the filter2d() example from the PyCon'12 slide deck. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import numpy from numba import * from numba.decorators import jit import sys import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def filter2d(image, filt): M, N = image.shape Mf, Nf = filt.shape Mf2 = Mf // 2 Nf2 = Nf // 2 result = numpy.zeros_like(image) for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2): for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2): num = 0.0 for ii in range(Mf): for jj in range(Nf): num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj]) result[i, j] = num return result # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestFilter2d(unittest.TestCase): def test_vectorized_filter2d(self): ufilter2d = jit(argtypes=[double[:,:], double[:,:]], restype=double[:,:])(filter2d) image = numpy.random.random((50, 50)) filt = numpy.random.random((5, 5)) filt /= filt.sum() plain_old_result = filter2d(image, filt) hot_new_result = ufilter2d(image, filt) self.assertTrue((abs(plain_old_result - hot_new_result) < 1e-9).all()) # ______________________________________________________________________ @autojit def func(): return numpy.empty(10) if __name__ == "__main__": # func() # TestFilter2d('test_vectorized_filter2d').debug() unittest.main(*sys.argv[1:]) # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_forces # issue: #68 # Thanks to tpievila from numba import * import numpy as np from numpy.random import randn from numpy import zeros, double nple = 64 k_fene = 15.0 R0 = 2.0 R0_2 = R0*R0 sigma = 1.0 sigma2 = sigma*sigma sigma6 = sigma2*sigma2*sigma2 sigma12 = sigma6*sigma6 dpart = 1.12246*sigma rcut = dpart r2cut = dpart*dpart k_fene = 15.0 force = 5.0 # Constant bias force in ext_force width = 0.8775 # for ext force @autojit() def ext_force1(x, y, extx, exty): for i in xrange(nple): if abs(x[i]) > rcut: extx[i] = 0.0 elif abs(y[i]) > rcut + width: r2dist = 1.0 / (x[i] * x[i]) r6dist = r2dist * r2dist * r2dist extx[i] = (x[i] * 48.0 * r6dist * r2dist * (sigma12 * r6dist - 0.5 * sigma6)) else: ydista = y[i] - width - rcut ydistb = y[i] + width + rcut dist2a = x[i] * x[i] + ydista * ydista dist2b = x[i] * x[i] + ydistb * ydistb if dist2b < r2cut or dist2a < r2cut: if dist2b < r2cut: ydist = ydistb r2dist = 1.0 / dist2b else: ydist = ydista r2dist = 1.0 / dist2a r6dist = r2dist * r2dist * r2dist lj_factor = 48.0 * r6dist * r2dist * (sigma12 * r6dist - 0.5 * sigma6) extx[i] = x[i] * lj_factor exty[i] = ydist * lj_factor if abs(x[i]) < 0.5 and abs(y[i]) < width + rcut: extx[i] += force # constant bias force in the x-direction return extx, exty @autojit() def ext_force2(x, y): extx = object_(zeros(nple, double)) exty = object_(zeros(nple, double)) ext_force1(x, y, extx, exty) return extx, exty def test_forces(): extx = zeros(nple, double) exty = zeros(nple, double) x, y = randn(nple), randn(nple) x1, y1 = ext_force1(x, y, extx, exty) x2, y2 = ext_force2(x, y) assert np.allclose(x1, x2), x2 - x1 assert np.allclose(y1, y2), y2 - y1 if __name__ == '__main__': test_forces() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_forloop #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_forloop Test the Numba compiler on a simple for loop over an iterable object. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import * from numba.testing import test_support import numpy import unittest try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins # ______________________________________________________________________ def for_loop_fn_0 (iterable): acc = 0. for value in iterable: acc += value return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def for_loop_fn_1 (start, stop, inc): acc = 0 for value in range(start, stop, inc): acc += value return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def for_loop_fn_2 (stop): acc = 0 for value_0 in range(stop): for value_1 in range(stop): acc += value_0 * value_1 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def for_loop_fn_3 (stop): acc = 0 for i in range(stop): for j in range(stop): for k in range(stop): for l in range(stop): acc += 1 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def for_loop_w_guard_0 (test_input): '''Test case based on issue #25. See:''' acc = 0.0 for i in range(5): if i == test_input: acc += 100.0 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def for_loop_w_guard_1 (test_input): '''Test case based on issue #25. See:''' acc = 0.0 for i in range(5): if i == test_input: acc += 100.0 else: acc += i return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def for_loop_fn_4(i, u, p, U): '''Test case for issue #48. See:''' s = 0 t = 0 for j in range(-p, p+2): if U[i+j] == u: t = t + 1 if u == U[i+j]: s = s + 1 if t != s: s = -1 return s # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestForLoop(unittest.TestCase): @test_support.skip_unless(hasattr(builtins, '__noskip__'), "Requires implementation of iteration " "over arrays.") def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_0(self): test_data = numpy.array([1, 2, 3], dtype = 'l') compiled_for_loop_fn = jit(restype=f4, argtypes = [i8[:]],backend='ast')(for_loop_fn_0) result = compiled_for_loop_fn(test_data) self.assertEqual(result, 6) self.assertEqual(result, for_loop_fn_0(test_data)) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_1(self): compiled_for_loop_fn = jit(argtypes = [i4, i4, i4], restype = i4, backend='ast')(for_loop_fn_1) result = compiled_for_loop_fn(1, 4, 1) self.assertEqual(result, 6) self.assertEqual(result, for_loop_fn_1(1, 4, 1)) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_2(self): compiled_for_loop_fn = jit(argtypes = [i4], restype = i4, backend='ast')(for_loop_fn_2) result = compiled_for_loop_fn(4) self.assertEqual(result, 36) self.assertEqual(result, for_loop_fn_2(4)) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_3(self): compiled_for_loop_fn = jit(argtypes = [i4], restype = i4, backend='ast')(for_loop_fn_3) result = compiled_for_loop_fn(3) self.assertEqual(result, for_loop_fn_3(3)) self.assertEqual(result, 81) def test_compiled_for_loop_w_guard_0(self): compiled_for_loop_w_guard = autojit(backend='ast')(for_loop_w_guard_0) self.assertEqual(compiled_for_loop_w_guard(5.), for_loop_w_guard_0(5.)) self.assertEqual(compiled_for_loop_w_guard(4.), for_loop_w_guard_0(4.)) def test_compiled_for_loop_w_guard_1(self): compiled_for_loop_w_guard = autojit(backend='ast')(for_loop_w_guard_1) self.assertEqual(compiled_for_loop_w_guard(5.), for_loop_w_guard_1(5.)) self.assertEqual(compiled_for_loop_w_guard(4.), for_loop_w_guard_1(4.)) def test_compiled_for_loop_fn_4(self): compiled = jit('i4(i4,f8,i4,f8[:])')(for_loop_fn_4) args0 = 5, 1.0, 2, numpy.ones(10) self.assertEqual(compiled(*args0), for_loop_fn_4(*args0)) args1 = 5, 1.0, 2, numpy.zeros(10) self.assertEqual(compiled(*args1), for_loop_fn_4(*args1)) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # compiled_for_loop_fn = jit(argtypes = [i4, i4, i4], # restype = i4, backend='ast', nopython=True)(for_loop_fn_1) # result = compiled_for_loop_fn(1, 4, 1) # compiled_for_loop_fn = jit(argtypes = [i4], # restype = i4, backend='ast')(for_loop_fn_3) # result = compiled_for_loop_fn(3) # compiled = jit('i4(i4,f8,i4,f8[:])')(for_loop_fn_4) # args0 = 5, 1.0, 2, numpy.ones(10) # print compiled(*args0) # print for_loop_fn_4(*args0) unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_for_in_range # Adapted from cython/tests/run/for_in_range.pyx from numba.testing.test_support import * @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_modify(): """ >>> test_modify() 0 1 2 3 4 <BLANKLINE> (4, 0) """ n = 5 for i in range(n): print(i) n = 0 print('') return i,n @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_negindex(): """ >>> test_negindex() 6 5 4 3 2 (2, 0) """ n = 5 for i in range(n+1, 1, -1): print(i) n = 0 return i,n @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_negindex_inferred(): """ >>> test_negindex_inferred() 5 4 3 2 (2, 0) """ n = 5 for i in range(n, 1, -1): print(i) n = 0 return i,n @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_fix(): """ >>> test_fix() 0 1 2 3 4 <BLANKLINE> 4 """ for i in range(5): print(i) print('') return i @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_break(): """ >>> test_break() 0 1 2 <BLANKLINE> (2, 0) """ n = 5 for i in range(n): print(i) n = 0 if i == 2: break else: print("FAILED!") print('') return i, n @autojit_py3doc def test_else_clause1(): """ >>> test_else_clause1() 0 1 2 """ for i in range(10): if i > 2: break print(i) else: print("else clause") @autojit_py3doc def test_else_clause2(): """ >>> test_else_clause2() 0 1 2 else clause """ for i in range(10): if i > 2: continue print(i) else: print("else clause") @autojit_py3doc def test_else_clause3(): """ >>> test_else_clause3() 0 1 2 else clause """ for i in range(3): if i > 2 and i < 2: continue print(i) else: print("else clause") @autojit_py3doc(warn=False) def test_else_clause4(): """ >>> test_else_clause4() inner 0 i 0 else clause 1 0 9 i 1 else clause 2 0 9 i 2 else clause 3 0 9 i 3 else clause 4 0 9 i 4 else clause 5 0 9 i 5 else clause 6 0 9 i 6 else clause 7 0 9 i 7 else clause 8 0 9 i 8 else clause 9 0 9 i 9 else clause """ for i in range(10): for j in range(10): for k in range(10): if i == j and j == k: print("inner " + str(i)) break else: continue else: print("else clause " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + ' ' + str(k)) break else: print("else clause " + str(i) + ' ' + str(j)) print("i " + str(i)) else: print("else clause") @autojit_py3doc def test_return(): """ >>> test_return() 0 1 2 (2, 0) """ n = 5 for i in range(n): print(i) n = 0 if i == 2: return i,n print('') return "FAILED!" @autojit_py3doc def test_return2(): """ >>> test_return2() 0 1 2 2 """ n = 5 for i in range(n): print(i) n = 0 for j in range(n): return 0 else: if i < 2: continue elif i == 2: for j in range(i): return i print("FAILED!") print("FAILED!") print("FAILED!") return -1 #print test_negindex() #test_else_clause2() #test_else_clause3() #test_else_clause4() #test_return2() testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_getattr #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ ''' Duplicated test for ''' from numba.llvm_types import _plat_bits from numba.decorators import jit import numpy import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def get_ndarray_ndim(ndarr): return ndarr.ndim def get_ndarray_shape(ndarr): return ndarr.shape def get_ndarray_data(ndarr): return def get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_0(ndarr): dim0, _ = ndarr.shape return dim0 def get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_1(ndarr): _, dim1 = ndarr.shape return dim1 # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestGetattr(unittest.TestCase): def test_getattr_ndim_1(self): test_data1 = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]) compiled_fn1 = jit('i(double[:])')(get_ndarray_ndim) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn1(test_data1), 1) def test_getattr_ndim_2(self): test_data2 = numpy.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) compiled_fn2 = jit('i(double[:,:])')(get_ndarray_ndim) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn2(test_data2), 2) def test_getattr_shape_1(self): test_data = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]) compiled_fn = jit('i%d*(f8[:])' % (_plat_bits // 8))(get_ndarray_shape) result = compiled_fn(test_data) self.assertEqual(result[0], 3) def test_getattr_shape_2(self): test_data2 = numpy.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) compiled_fn2 = jit('i%d*(f8[:])' % (_plat_bits // 8))(get_ndarray_shape) result = compiled_fn2(test_data2) self.assertEqual(result[0], 2) self.assertEqual(result[1], 3) def test_getattr_shape_2_unpack(self): compiler_fn = jit('i%d(d[:,:])' % (_plat_bits // 8)) dim0_fn, dim1_fn = (compiler_fn(fn) for fn in (get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_0, get_ndarray_2_shape_unpack_1)) test_data2 = numpy.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) self.assertEqual(dim0_fn(test_data2), 2) self.assertEqual(dim1_fn(test_data2), 3) def test_getattr_data_1(self): test_data = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]) compiled_fn = jit('d*(d[:])')(get_ndarray_data) result = compiled_fn(test_data) self.assertEqual(result[0], 1.) self.assertEqual(result[1], 2.) self.assertEqual(result[2], 3.) def test_getattr_data_2(self): test_data = numpy.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) compiled_fn = jit('d*(d[:,:])')(get_ndarray_data) result = compiled_fn(test_data) self.assertEqual(result[0], 1.) self.assertEqual(result[1], 2.) self.assertEqual(result[2], 3.) self.assertEqual(result[3], 4.) self.assertEqual(result[4], 5.) self.assertEqual(result[5], 6.) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_globals_builtins import unittest from numba import * some_global = "hello" @autojit(backend='ast') def access_global(): return some_global @autojit(backend='ast') def call_abs(num): return abs(num) class TestConversion(unittest.TestCase): def test_globals(self): result = access_global() assert result == some_global, result def test_builtins(self): result = call_abs(-10) assert result == 10, result if __name__ == "__main__": # TestConversion('test_globals').debug() unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_if #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_if Test phi node (or similar) generation for CFG joins beyond if-then-else statements. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ from __future__ import print_function import sys from numba import * import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def if_fn_1(arg): if arg > 0.: result = 22. else: result = 42. return result def if_fn_2(i, j): n = 5 m = 5 if j >= 1 and j < n - 1 and i >= 1 and i < m - 1: return i + j return 0xcafe def if_fn_3(i, j): n = 5 m = 5 if j >= 1: if j < n - 1: if i >= 1: if i < m - 1: return i + j return 0xbeef def if_fn_4(i, j): if i < 0 or j < 0: return i + j return 0xdead def if_fn_5(i, j): if i < 0: return i + j if j < 0: return i + j return 0xdefaced def if_fn_6(i, j): if i < j: return # i += j def if_fn_7(i): if i: return i + 1 return i def if_fn_8(i, j): if i > j: return 1 return 0 def if_fn_9(i, j, k): if i or (j and k): return 1 return 0 @autojit def if_bool(b): if b: return 1 else: return 2 @autojit def if_bool_constant_true(): if True: return 1 else: return 2 @autojit def if_bool_constant_false(): if False: return 1 else: return 2 # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestIf(unittest.TestCase): def test_if_fn_1(self): if_fn_1c = jit(restype=f4, argtypes=[f4], backend='ast')(if_fn_1) oracle = if_fn_1 self.assertEqual(if_fn_1c(-1.), if_fn_1(-1.)) self.assertEqual(if_fn_1c(1.), if_fn_1(1.)) def test_if_fn_2(self): if_fn_2c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_2) oracle = if_fn_2 for i in range(6): for j in range(6): self.assertEqual(if_fn_2c(i, j), oracle(i, j)) def test_if_fn_3(self): if_fn_3c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_3) oracle = if_fn_3 for i in range(6): for j in range(6): self.assertEqual(if_fn_3c(i, j), oracle(i, j)) def test_if_fn_4(self): try: if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7): raise ImportError from meta.decompiler import decompile_func except ImportError: print("Skipping if test, meta not available", file=sys.stderr) else: import ast, inspect if_fn_4c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_4) oracle = if_fn_4 for i in range(-3, 3): for j in range(-3, 3): self.assertEqual(if_fn_4c(i, j), oracle(i, j)) def test_if_fn_5(self): if_fn_5c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_5) oracle = if_fn_5 for i in range(-3, 3): for j in range(-3, 3): self.assertEqual(if_fn_5c(i, j), oracle(i, j)) def test_if_fn_6(self): if_fn_6c = jit(restype=void, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_6) def test_if_fn_7(self): # if_fn_7c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_7) if_fn_7c = autojit(if_fn_7) oracle = if_fn_7 for i in range(-3, 3): self.assertEqual(if_fn_7c(i), oracle(i)) self.assertEqual(if_fn_7c(float(i)), oracle(float(i))) # self.assertEqual(if_fn_7c(i+1j), oracle(i+1j)) def test_if_fn_8(self): if_fn_5c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_8) oracle = if_fn_8 for i in range(-3, 3): for j in range(-3, 3): self.assertEqual(if_fn_5c(i, j), oracle(i, j)) def test_if_fn_9(self): if_fn_5c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4, i4], backend='ast')( if_fn_9) oracle = if_fn_9 for i in range(-2, 2): for j in range(-2, 2): for k in range(-2, 2): self.assertEqual(if_fn_5c(i, j, k), oracle(i, j, k)) def test_if_bool(self): self.assertEqual(if_bool(True), 1) self.assertEqual(if_bool(False), 2) self.assertEqual(if_bool_constant_true(), 1) self.assertEqual(if_bool_constant_false(), 2) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # if_fn_1c = jit(restype=f4, argtypes=[f4], backend='ast')(if_fn_1) # if_fn_4c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_4) # if_fn_5c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_5) # if_fn_6c = jit(restype=void, argtypes=[i4, i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_6) # if_fn_7c = jit(restype=i4, argtypes=[i4], backend='ast')(if_fn_7) # print if_fn_7c(-2), if_fn_7(-2) # print if_bool_constant_true() unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_ifexp from itertools import product from numba import autojit def _make_test(f): def test_ifexp(): f_ = autojit(f) for args in product(range(3), range(3)): assert f_(*args)==f(*args) test_ifexp.__name__ = f.__name__ return test_ifexp @_make_test def test_as_return_value(a,b): return a if a>b else b @_make_test def test_assign_and_return(a,b): c = a if a>b else b return c @_make_test def test_in_expression(a,b): c = 5 + (a if a>b else b)/2.0 return c @_make_test def test_expr_as_then_clause(a,b): return (a+1) if a>b else b @_make_test def test_expr_as_else_clause(a,b): return a if a>b else (b+1) @autojit def _f1(a,b): return a if a>b else b def test_type_promotion(): assert isinstance(_f1(1, 1), (int, long)) assert isinstance(_f1(1.0, 1), float) assert isinstance(_f1(1, 1.0), float) if __name__ == '__main__': test_type_promotion() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_indexing #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_indexing Unit tests for checking Numba's indexing into Numpy arrays. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import double, int_ from numba.decorators import jit import numpy import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def get_index_fn_0 (inarr): return inarr[1,2,3] def set_index_fn_0 (ioarr): ioarr[1,2,3] = 0. def set_index_fn_1 (min_x, max_x, min_y, out_arr): '''Thinly veiled (and simplified) version of the Mandelbrot driver...though this is very similar to just doing a zip of arange(min_x,max_x + epsilon,delta)[mgrid[:width,:height][0]] (and the corresponding y values).''' width = out_arr.shape[0] height = out_arr.shape[1] delta = (max_x - min_x) / width for x in range(width): x_val = x * delta + min_x for y in range(height): y_val = y * delta + min_y out_arr[x,y,0] = x_val out_arr[x,y,1] = y_val def set_index_fn_2(arr): width = arr.shape[0] height = arr.shape[1] for x in range(width): for y in range(height): arr[x, y] = x*width+y def get_shape_fn_0 (arr): width = arr.shape[0] return width def get_shape_fn_1 (arr): height = arr.shape[1] return height def get_shape_fn_2 (arr): height = arr.shape[2] return height # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestIndexing (unittest.TestCase): def test_get_index_fn_0 (self): arr = numpy.ones((4,4,4), dtype=numpy.double) arr[1,2,3] = 0. compiled_fn = jit(restype=double, argtypes=[double[:, :, ::1]])(get_index_fn_0) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(arr), 0.) def test_set_index_fn_0 (self): arr = numpy.ones((4,4,4)) compiled_fn = jit(argtypes=[double[:,:,::1]])(set_index_fn_0) self.assertEqual(arr[1,2,3], 1.) compiled_fn(arr) self.assertEqual(arr[1,2,3], 0.) def test_set_index_fn_1 (self): control_arr = numpy.zeros((50, 50, 2), dtype=numpy.double) test_arr = numpy.zeros_like(control_arr) set_index_fn_1(-1., 1., -1., control_arr) argtypes = double, double, double, double[:,:,:] compiled_fn = jit(argtypes=argtypes)(set_index_fn_1) compiled_fn(-1., 1., -1., test_arr) self.assertTrue((numpy.abs(control_arr - test_arr) < 1e9).all()) def test_get_shape_fn_0(self): arr = numpy.zeros((5,6,7), dtype=numpy.double) compiled_fn = jit(restype=int_, argtypes=[double[:, :, ::1]])(get_shape_fn_0) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(arr), 5) def test_get_shape_fn_1(self): arr = numpy.zeros((5,6,7), dtype=numpy.double) compiled_fn = jit(restype=int_, argtypes=[double[:, :, ::1]])(get_shape_fn_1) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(arr), 6) def test_get_shape_fn_2(self): arr = numpy.zeros((5,6,7), dtype=numpy.double) compiled_fn = jit(restype=int_, argtypes=[double[:, :, ::1]])(get_shape_fn_2) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(arr), 7) def test_set_index_fn_2 (self): control_arr = numpy.zeros((10, 10), dtype=numpy.double) test_arr = numpy.zeros_like(control_arr) set_index_fn_2(control_arr) argtypes = double[:, :], compiled_fn = jit(argtypes=argtypes)(set_index_fn_2) compiled_fn(test_arr) self.assertTrue((numpy.abs(control_arr - test_arr) < 1e9).all()) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_intrinsic from numba import * from numba import declare_intrinsic, declare_instruction def test_intrinsics(): intrin = declare_instruction(int32(int32, int32), 'srem') assert intrin(5, 3) == 2 if __name__ == "__main__": test_intrinsics() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_issues #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import int32 from numba.decorators import jit import unittest import __builtin__ # ______________________________________________________________________ def int_pow_fn (val, exp): return val ** exp # ______________________________________________________________________ def _int_pow (val, exp): x = 1 temp = val w = exp while w > 0: if (w & 1) != 0: x = x * temp # TODO: Overflow check on x w >>= 1 if w == 0: break temp = temp * temp # TODO: Overflow check on temp return x # ______________________________________________________________________ def bad_return_fn (arg0, arg1): arg0 + arg1 # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestIssues (unittest.TestCase): def test_int_pow_fn (self): compiled_fn = jit(argtypes = (int32, int32), restype = int32)( int_pow_fn) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(2, 3), 8) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(3, 4), int_pow_fn(3, 4)) def test_bad_return_fn (self): jit(argtypes = (int32, int32), restype = int32)(bad_return_fn)(0, 0) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_listcomp # Based on cython/tests/run/listcomp.pyx from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import testmod, autojit_py3doc @autojit_py3doc def smoketest(): """ >>> smoketest() ([0, 4, 8], 4) """ x = -10 # 'abc' result = [x*2 for x in range(5) if x % 2 == 0] # assert x != -10 # 'abc' return result, x @autojit_py3doc(warnstyle="simple") def list_genexp(): """ >>> list_genexp() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: Generator comprehensions are not yet supported """ x = -10 # 'abc' result = list(x*2 for x in range(5) if x % 2 == 0) # assert x == 'abc' return result, x @autojit_py3doc(locals={"x": int_}) def int_runvar(): """ >>> int_runvar() [0, 4, 8] """ print([x*2 for x in range(5) if x % 2 == 0]) #@jit #class A(object): # @object_() # def __repr__(self): # return u"A" #@autojit #def typed(): # """ # >>> typed() # [A, A, A] # """ # cdef A obj # print [obj for obj in [A(), A(), A()]] #@autojit #def iterdict(): # """ # >>> iterdict() # [1, 2, 3] # """ # d = dict(a=1,b=2,c=3) # l = [d[key] for key in d] # l.sort() # print l @autojit_py3doc def nested_result(): """ >>> nested_result() [[], [-1], [-1, 0], [-1, 0, 1]] """ result = [[a-1 for a in range(b)] for b in range(4)] return result # TODO: object and string iteration #@autojit_py3doc #def listcomp_as_condition(sequence): # """ # >>> listcomp_as_condition(['a', 'b', '+']) # True # >>> listcomp_as_condition('ab+') # True # >>> listcomp_as_condition('abc') # False # """ # if [1 for c in sequence if c in '+-*/<=>!%&|([^~,']: # return True # return False #@autojit_py3doc #def sorted_listcomp(sequence): # """ # >>> sorted_listcomp([3,2,4]) # [3, 4, 5] # """ # return sorted([ n+1 for n in sequence ]) @autojit_py3doc def listcomp_const_condition_false(): """ >>> listcomp_const_condition_false() [] """ return [x*2 for x in range(3) if 0] @autojit_py3doc def listcomp_const_condition_true(): """ >>> listcomp_const_condition_true() [0, 2, 4] """ return [x*2 for x in range(3) if 1] if __name__ == '__main__': # print test_pointer_arithmetic() # a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float32) # print test_pointer_indexing(, float32.pointer()) pass #int_runvar() #smoketest() #list_genexp() #test_listcomp() # smoketest() testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_llarray import ctypes import unittest from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial import numba from numba import * from numba import ndarray_helpers import llvm.core as lc # ______________________________________________________________________ ArrayType = numba.struct([('data', double.pointer()), ('shape', int64.pointer()), ('strides', int64.pointer())]) Int32 = const = partial(, Int32) zero = const(0) one = const(1) two = const(2) def ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx): return builder.gep(ptr, [const(idx)]) def load_at(builder, ptr, idx): return builder.load(ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx)) def store_at(builder, ptr, idx, val):, ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx)) class MyArray(object): """ Internal array class for a double(:, 10) array. """ def __init__(self, array_ptr, builder): self.array_ptr = array_ptr self.builder = builder self.nd = 2 @classmethod def from_type(cls, llvm_dtype): return ArrayType.pointer().to_llvm() @property def data(self): dptr = self.builder.gep(self.array_ptr, [zero, zero]) return self.builder.load(dptr) @property def shape_ptr(self): result = self.builder.gep(self.array_ptr, [zero, one]) result = self.builder.load(result) return result @property def strides_ptr(self): result = self.builder.gep(self.array_ptr, [zero, two]) return self.builder.load(result) @property def shape(self): return self.preload(self.shape_ptr, self.nd) @property def strides(self): return self.preload(self.strides_ptr, self.nd) @property def ndim(self): return const(self.nd) @property def itemsize(self): raise NotImplementedError def preload(self, ptr, count=None): assert count is not None return [load_at(self.builder, ptr, i) for i in range(count)] def getptr(self, *indices): const = partial(, indices[0].type) offset = self.builder.add( self.builder.mul(indices[0], const(10)), indices[1]) data_ptr_ty = lc.Type.pointer(lc.Type.double()) dptr_plus_offset = self.builder.gep(, [offset]) return self.builder.bitcast(dptr_plus_offset, data_ptr_ty) ndarray_helpers.Array.register(MyArray) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test functions CtypesArray = ArrayType.to_ctypes() @jit(void(double[:, :]), array=MyArray, wrap=False, nopython=True) def use_array(A): """simple test function""" for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): A[i, j] = i * A.shape[1] + j @jit(object_(double[:, :]), array=MyArray, wrap=False) def get_attributes(A): return A.shape[0], A.shape[1], A.strides[0], A.strides[1] # ______________________________________________________________________ # Ctypes functions c_use_array = numba.addressof(use_array) c_get_attributes = numba.addressof(get_attributes) c_use_array.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(CtypesArray)] c_get_attributes.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(CtypesArray)] # ______________________________________________________________________ # Utils Array = namedtuple('Array', ['handle', 'array', 'data', 'shape', 'strides']) def make_array(): """Make a double[*, 10] ctypes-allocated array""" empty = lambda c_type, args: ctypes.cast( (c_type * len(args))(*args), ctypes.POINTER(c_type)) data = empty(ctypes.c_double, [0] * 50) shape = empty(ctypes.c_int64, [5, 10]) strides = empty(ctypes.c_int64, [10 * 8, 8]) # doubles! array = CtypesArray(data, shape, strides) return Array(ctypes.pointer(array), array, data, shape, strides) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Tests... class TestArray(unittest.TestCase): def test_indexing(self): arr = make_array() c_use_array(arr.handle) for i in range(50): assert[i] == float(i), ([i], i) def test_attributes(self): arr = make_array() result = c_get_attributes(arr.handle) assert result == (5, 10, 80, 8), result if __name__ == "__main__": # TestArray('test_attributes').debug() # TestArray('test_indexing').debug() unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_locals_override import os from numba import * from numba import error @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=double)) def locals_override(obj): value = obj.method() with nopython: return value * value class Class(object): def method(self): return 20.0 def test_locals_override(): assert locals_override(Class()) == 400.0 if __name__ == "__main__": test_locals_override() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_mandelbrot """ >>> image = np.zeros((50, 75), dtype=np.uint8) >>> numpy_image = image.copy() >>> image = create_fractal(-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, image, 20) >>> numpy_image = create_fractal.py_func(-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, numpy_image, 20) >>> assert np.allclose(image, numpy_image) """ from numba import * import numpy as np @autojit(nopython=True) def mandel(x, y, max_iters): """ Given the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, determine if it is a candidate for membership in the Mandelbrot set given a fixed number of iterations. """ i = 0 c = complex(x,y) z = 0.0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z*z + c if (z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag) >= 4: return i return 255 @autojit def create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters): with nopython: height = image.shape[0] width = image.shape[1] pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for x in range(width): real = min_x + x * pixel_size_x for y in range(height): imag = min_y + y * pixel_size_y color = mandel(real, imag, iters) image[y, x] = color return image if __name__ == "__main__": import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_mandelbrot_2 #! /usr/bin/env python '''test_mandelbrot_2 Test the Numba compiler on several variants of Mandelbrot set membership computations. ''' from numba import * import unittest import numpy as np from numba.testing import test_support def mandel_1(real_coord, imag_coord, max_iters): '''Given a the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, determine if it is a candidate for membership in the Mandelbrot set given a fixed number of iterations. Inspired by code at ''' # Ideally we'd want to use a for loop, but we'll need to be able # to detect and desugar for loops over range/xrange/arange first. i = 0 z_real = 0. z_imag = 0. while i < max_iters: z_real_n = z_real * z_real - z_imag * z_imag + real_coord z_imag = 2. * z_real * z_imag + imag_coord z_real = z_real_n if (z_real * z_real + z_imag * z_imag) >= 4: return i i += 1 return -1 mandel_1c = jit('i4(f8,f8,i4)')(mandel_1) def mandel_driver_1(min_x, max_x, min_y, nb_iterations, colors, image): nb_colors = len(colors) width = image.shape[0] height = image.shape[1] pixel_size = (max_x - min_x) / width for x in range(width): real = min_x + x * pixel_size for y in range(height): imag = min_y + y * pixel_size # For the following to actually compile, mandel_1 must # have already been compiled. color = mandel_1(real, imag, nb_iterations) # Would prefer the following, just to show off: # image[x, y, :] = colors[color % nb_colors] # But that'd require Numba to handle slicing (it doesn't # at the time this version was writen), and it wouldn't # have the type information about the shape. col_index = color % nb_colors # Ohh for wont of CSE... image[x, y, 0] = colors[col_index, 0] image[x, y, 1] = colors[col_index, 1] image[x, y, 2] = colors[col_index, 2] mandel_driver_1c = jit('void(f8,f8,f8,i4,u1[:,:],u1[:,:,:])')( mandel_driver_1) def make_palette(): '''Shamefully stolen from, though we did correct their spelling mistakes (*smirk*).''' colors = [] for i in range(0, 25): colors.append( (i*10, i*8, 50 + i*8), ) for i in range(25, 5, -1): colors.append( (50 + i*8, 150+i*2, i*10), ) for i in range(10, 2, -1): colors.append( (0, i*15, 48), ) return np.array(colors, dtype=np.uint8) def mandel_2(x, max_iterations): z = complex(0) for i in range(max_iterations): z = z**2 + x if abs(z) >= 2: return i return -1 mandel_2c = jit(i4(c16,i4))(mandel_2) def mandel_driver_2(min_x, max_x, min_y, nb_iterations, colors, image): nb_colors = len(colors) width = image.shape[0] height = image.shape[1] pixel_size = (max_x - min_x) / width dy = pixel_size * 1j for x in range(width): coord = complex(min_x + x * pixel_size, min_y) for y in range(height): color = mandel_2(coord, nb_iterations) image[x,y,:] = colors[color % nb_colors,:] coord += dy mandel_driver_2c = jit(void(f8,f8,f8,i4,u1[:,:],u1[:,:,:]))(mandel_driver_2) def benchmark(dx = 500, dy = 500): import time min_x = -1.5 max_x = 0 min_y = -1.5 colors = make_palette() nb_iterations = colors.shape[0] img0 = np.zeros((dx, dy, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 125 start = time.time() mandel_driver_1(min_x, max_x, min_y, nb_iterations, colors, img0) dt0 = time.time() - start img1 = np.zeros((dx, dy, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 125 start = time.time() mandel_driver_1c(min_x, max_x, min_y, nb_iterations, colors, img1) dt1 = time.time() - start img2 = np.zeros((dx, dy, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 125 start = time.time() mandel_driver_2(min_x, max_x, min_y, nb_iterations, colors, img2) dt2 = time.time() - start img3 = np.zeros((dx, dy, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 125 start = time.time() mandel_driver_2c(min_x, max_x, min_y, nb_iterations, colors, img3) dt3 = time.time() - start return (dt0, dt1, dt2, dt3), (img0, img1, img2, img3) class TestMandelbrot(unittest.TestCase): def test_mandel_1_sanity(self): self.assertEqual(mandel_1c(0., 0., 20), -1) def test_mandel_1(self): vals = np.arange(-1., 1.000001, 0.1) for real in vals: for imag in vals: self.assertEqual(mandel_1(real, imag, 20), mandel_1c(real, imag, 20)) def test_mandel_driver_1(self): palette = make_palette() control_image = np.zeros((50, 50, 3), dtype = np.uint8) mandel_driver_1(-1., 1., -1., len(palette), palette, control_image) test_image = np.zeros_like(control_image) self.assertTrue((control_image - test_image == control_image).all()) mandel_driver_1c(-1., 1., -1., len(palette), palette, test_image) image_diff = control_image - test_image self.assertTrue((image_diff == 0).all()) def test_mandel_driver_2(self): palette = make_palette() control_image = np.zeros((50, 50, 3), dtype = np.uint8) mandel_driver_2(-1., 1., -1., len(palette), palette, control_image) test_image = np.zeros_like(control_image) self.assertTrue((control_image - test_image == control_image).all()) mandel_driver_2c(-1., 1., -1., len(palette), palette, test_image) image_diff = control_image - test_image self.assertTrue((image_diff == 0).all()) if __name__ == "__main__": test_support.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_modulo #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import uint32, int16 from numba.decorators import jit, autojit import unittest import __builtin__ # ______________________________________________________________________ def modulo (a, b): return a % b # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestModulo (unittest.TestCase): #Test for issue #143 def test_modulo_uint32 (self): compiled_modulo = jit(argtypes = (uint32, uint32), restype = uint32)(modulo) self.assertEqual(modulo(0, 0x80000000), compiled_modulo(0, 0x80000000)) #Test for issue #151 def test_modulo_int16 (self): compiled_modulo = jit(argtypes = (int16, int16), restype = int16)(modulo) self.assertEqual(modulo(-3584, -512), compiled_modulo(-3584, -512)) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_multiarray_api #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_multiarray_api Test the code generation utility class numba.multiarray_api.MultiarrayAPI. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import ctypes import llvm.core as lc import as le from numba.llvm_types import _int32, _intp, _intp_star, _void_star, _numpy_array, _head_len import numba.multiarray_api as ma import numpy as np import unittest import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # ______________________________________________________________________ _pyobj_to_pyobj = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.py_object, ctypes.py_object) _void_star = lc.Type.pointer( _make_const_int = lambda X:, X) def _numpy_array_element(ndarray_ptr, idx, builder): ptr_to_element = builder.gep(ndarray_ptr, map(_make_const_int, [0, _head_len + idx])) return builder.load(ptr_to_element) def _get_pyarray_getptr(module): ''' For reference: void * PyArray_GetPtr(PyArrayObject *obj, npy_intp* ind) { int n = PyArray_NDIM(obj); npy_intp *strides = PyArray_STRIDES(obj); char *dptr = PyArray_DATA(obj); while (n--) { dptr += (*strides++) * (*ind++); } return (void *)dptr; } ''' function_type = lc.Type.function(_void_star, [_numpy_array, _intp_star]) function = module.get_or_insert_function(function_type, 'PyArray_GetPtr_inline') if function.basic_block_count!=0: # Already implemented in the module return function # set linkage and attributes function.add_attribute(lc.ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE) # force inline # function.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL print(function) # implement the function bb_entry = function.append_basic_block('entry') bb_while_cond = function.append_basic_block('while.cond') bb_while_body = function.append_basic_block('while.body') bb_ret = function.append_basic_block('return') # initialize builder = ndarray_element = lambda X: _numpy_array_element(ndarray_ptr, X, builder) ndarray_ptr = function.args[0] dptr, nd, strides = map(ndarray_element, [0, 1, 3]) = 'dptr' = 'nd' = 'strides' builder.branch(bb_while_cond) # branch to while cond # while (n--) builder.position_at_end(bb_while_cond) nd_phi = builder.phi(nd.type, name='nd_phi') strides_phi = builder.phi(strides.type, name='strides_phi') ind_phi = builder.phi(function.args[1].type, name='ind_phi') dptr_phi = builder.phi(dptr.type, name='dptr_phi') nd_phi.add_incoming(nd, bb_entry) nd_minus_one = builder.sub(nd_phi, _make_const_int(1), name='nd_minus_one') nd_phi.add_incoming(nd_minus_one, bb_while_body) pred = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, nd_phi, _make_const_int(0)) strides_phi.add_incoming(strides, bb_entry) ind_phi.add_incoming(function.args[1], bb_entry) dptr_phi.add_incoming(dptr, bb_entry) builder.cbranch(pred, bb_while_body, bb_ret) # dptr += (*strides++) * (*ind++); builder.position_at_end(bb_while_body) strides_next = builder.gep(strides_phi, [_make_const_int(1)], name='strides_next') strides_phi.add_incoming(strides_next, bb_while_body) ind_next = builder.gep(ind_phi, [_make_const_int(1)], name='ind_next') ind_phi.add_incoming(ind_next, bb_while_body) stride_value = builder.load(strides_phi) ind_value = builder.load(builder.bitcast(ind_phi, strides_phi.type)) dptr_next = builder.gep(dptr_phi, [builder.mul(stride_value, ind_value)], name='dptr_next') dptr_phi.add_incoming(dptr_next, bb_while_body) builder.branch(bb_while_cond) # return (void *) dptr; builder.position_at_end(bb_ret) builder.ret(dptr_phi) # check generated code function.verify() return function # ______________________________________________________________________ # For reference: # typedef struct { # PyObject_HEAD // indices (skipping the head) # char *data; // 0 # int nd; // 1 # int *dimensions, *strides; // 2, 3 # PyObject *base; // 4 # PyArray_Descr *descr; // 5 # int flags; // 6 # } PyArrayObject; class TestMultiarrayAPI(unittest.TestCase): def test_call_PyArray_Zeros(self): ma_obj = ma.MultiarrayAPI() module ='test_module') ma_obj.set_PyArray_API(module) test_fn = module.add_function(lc.Type.function(_numpy_array, [_numpy_array]), 'test_fn') bb = test_fn.append_basic_block('entry') builder = pyarray_zeros = ma_obj.load_PyArray_Zeros(module, builder) arg = test_fn.args[0] largs = [ builder.load( builder.gep(arg, [, 0),, _head_len + ofs)])) for ofs in (1, 2, 5)] # nd, dimensions, descr largs.append(, 0)) ret_void_ptr =, largs) builder.ret(builder.bitcast(ret_void_ptr, _numpy_array)) logging.debug(module) module.verify() ee ='-avx').create() test_fn_addr = ee.get_pointer_to_function(test_fn) py_test_fn = _pyobj_to_pyobj(test_fn_addr) test_arr = np.array([1.,2.,3.]) result = py_test_fn(test_arr) self.assertEqual(result.shape, test_arr.shape) self.assertTrue((result == 0.).all()) def test_call_PyArray_AsCArray(self): ''' A test to check PyArray_AsCArray for accessing the C-array in ndarray. This is not the recommended way to access elements in ndarray. ''' ma_obj = ma.MultiarrayAPI() module ='test_module_PyArray_AsCArray') ma_obj.set_PyArray_API(module) test_fn = module.add_function(lc.Type.function(lc.Type.double(), #_numpy_array, [_numpy_array]), 'test_fn') bb = test_fn.append_basic_block('entry') builder = pyarray_ascarray = ma_obj.load_PyArray_AsCArray(module, builder) pyarray_ascarray_fnty = pyarray_ascarray.type.pointee arg_pyobj = test_fn.args[0] # prepare arg 1 PyObject** op pyobj_ptr = builder.alloca(arg_pyobj.type), pyobj_ptr) arg_pyobj_ptr = builder.bitcast(pyobj_ptr, lc.Type.pointer(_void_star)) # prepare arg 2 void* ptr data_ptr = builder.alloca(lc.Type.pointer(lc.Type.double())) arg_data_ptr = builder.bitcast(data_ptr, _void_star) # prepare arg 3, 4, 5 ndarray_element = lambda X: _numpy_array_element(arg_pyobj, X, builder) nd, dimensions, descr = map(ndarray_element, [1, 2, 5]) descr_as_void_ptr = builder.bitcast(descr, _void_star) # call largs = [arg_pyobj_ptr, arg_data_ptr, dimensions, nd, descr_as_void_ptr] status =, largs) # check errors? # builder.ret(status) data_array = builder.load(data_ptr) data = [] for i in xrange(3): # The count is fixed for this simple test. elem_ptr = builder.gep(data_array, map(_make_const_int, [i])) data.append(builder.load(elem_ptr)) sum_data = builder.fadd(builder.fadd(data[0], data[1]), data[2]) builder.ret(sum_data) # NOTE: The arg_data_ptr is never freed. This is okay only for test here. logging.debug(module) test_fn.verify() module.verify() ee ='-avx').create() test_fn_addr = ee.get_pointer_to_function(test_fn) c_func_type = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_double, ctypes.py_object) py_test_fn = c_func_type(test_fn_addr) test_arr = np.array([1.234, 2.345, 3.567]) result = py_test_fn(test_arr) self.assertEqual(sum(test_arr), result) def test_call_PyArray_GetPtr(self): ''' Using PyArray_GetPtr should be the preferred method to access the element. The only thing I am concerning is we will miss optimization opportunity since LLVM has no information of PyArray_GetPtr. Perhaps, It is better to put the definition inside the LLVM module. ''' ma_obj = ma.MultiarrayAPI() module ='test_module_PyArray_GetPtr') ma_obj.set_PyArray_API(module) test_fn = module.add_function(lc.Type.function(lc.Type.double(), [_numpy_array, _int32]), 'test_fn') bb = test_fn.append_basic_block('entry') builder = pyarray_getptr = ma_obj.load_PyArray_GetPtr(module, builder) pyarray_getptr_fnty = pyarray_getptr.type.pointee # prepare arg 1 PyObject * arg_pyobj = test_fn.args[0] npy_intp_ty = pyarray_getptr_fnty.args[1].pointee # prepare arg 2 npy_intp * arg_index = builder.alloca(npy_intp_ty) index_as_npy_intp = builder.sext(test_fn.args[1], npy_intp_ty), arg_index) # call largs = [arg_pyobj, arg_index] elemptr =, largs) # return the loaded element at the index specified elemptr_as_double_ptr = builder.bitcast(elemptr, lc.Type.pointer(lc.Type.double())) builder.ret(builder.load(elemptr_as_double_ptr)) logging.debug(module) test_fn.verify() module.verify() ee ='-avx').create() test_fn_addr = ee.get_pointer_to_function(test_fn) c_func_type = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_double, ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_int) py_test_fn = c_func_type(test_fn_addr) test_arr = np.array([1.234, 2.345, 3.567]) for idx, val in enumerate(test_arr): result = py_test_fn(test_arr, idx) self.assertEqual(val, result) def test_call_PyArray_GetPtr_inline(self): ''' Let's try implementing PyArray_GetPtr inside LLVM and allow inlining. ''' module ='test_module_PyArray_GetPtr_inline') test_fn = module.add_function(lc.Type.function(lc.Type.double(), [_numpy_array, _int32]), 'test_fn') bb = test_fn.append_basic_block('entry') builder = pyarray_getptr = _get_pyarray_getptr(module) pyarray_getptr_fnty = pyarray_getptr.type.pointee # prepare arg 1 PyObject * arg_pyobj = test_fn.args[0] npy_intp_ty = pyarray_getptr_fnty.args[1].pointee # prepare arg 2 npy_intp * arg_index = builder.alloca(npy_intp_ty) index_as_npy_intp = builder.sext(test_fn.args[1], npy_intp_ty), arg_index) # call largs = [arg_pyobj, arg_index] elemptr =, largs) # return the loaded element at the index specified elemptr_as_double_ptr = builder.bitcast(elemptr, lc.Type.pointer(lc.Type.double())) builder.ret(builder.load(elemptr_as_double_ptr)) logging.debug(module) test_fn.verify() module.verify() ee ='-avx').create() test_fn_addr = ee.get_pointer_to_function(test_fn) c_func_type = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_double, ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_int) py_test_fn = c_func_type(test_fn_addr) test_arr = np.array([1.234, 2.345, 3.567]) for idx, val in enumerate(test_arr): result = py_test_fn(test_arr, idx) self.assertEqual(val, result) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_nan # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * @jit(bool_(float64)) def isnan(x): return x != x @jit(bool_(float64)) def equal(x): return x == x assert isnan(float('nan')) assert not isnan(10.0) assert not equal(float('nan')) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_nosource import sys import numba def test_nosource(): source = ''' @numba.autojit def foo (): return 99 ''' new_locals = {} exec(source, globals(), new_locals) foo = new_locals['foo'] assert foo() == 99 if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7): del test_nosource elif __name__ == "__main__": test_nosource() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_numbafunction from numba import * @jit(void()) def func1(): "I am a docstring!" @autojit def func2(): "I am a docstring!" if __name__ == '__main__': assert func1.__name__ == func1.py_func.__name__ assert func1.__doc__ == "I am a docstring!" assert func1.__module__ == func1.py_func.__module__ assert func2.__name__ == func2.py_func.__name__ assert func2.__doc__ == "I am a docstring!", func2.__doc__ # This does not yet work for some reason (maybe overridden by PyType_Ready()?) # assert func2.__module__ == func2.py_func.__module__ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_object_conversion """ See also numba.tests.test_overflow. """ import ctypes import unittest import numpy as np from numba import * @autojit(backend='ast') def convert(obj_var, native_var): obj_var = native_var native_var = obj_var return native_var @autojit(locals=dict(obj=object_)) def convert_float(obj): var = float_(obj) return object_(var) @autojit(locals=dict(obj=object_)) def convert_numeric(obj, dst_type): var = dst_type(obj) return object_(var) @autojit def convert_to_pointer(array): p = return object_(p) class TestConversion(unittest.TestCase): def test_conversion(self): assert convert(object(), 10.2) == 10.2 assert convert(object(), 10) == 10 assert convert(object(), "foo") == "foo" obj = object() assert convert(object(), obj) == obj assert convert(object(), 10.2 + 5j) == 10.2 + 5j assert convert_float(10.5) == 10.5 def test_numeric_conversion(self): types = [ char, uchar, short, ushort, int_, uint, long_, ulong, longlong, ulonglong, Py_ssize_t, size_t, float_, double, # longdouble, complex64, complex128, ] value = 2.5 for dst_type in types: # print dst_type if dst_type.is_int: if dst_type.typename == 'char': expected = b'\x02' else: expected = 2 else: expected = 2.5 result = convert_numeric(value, dst_type) assert result == expected, (result, expected, dst_type) def test_pointer_conversion(self): type = double.pointer() array = np.arange(10, dtype=np.double) # p = array.ctypes.data_as(type.to_ctypes()) result = convert_to_pointer(array) assert ctypes.cast(result, ctypes.c_void_p).value == if __name__ == "__main__": from numba.testing import test_support test_support.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_object_counting """ >>> test_refcounting() [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] >>> sys.getrefcount(object()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj2()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj3()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj4()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj5()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj6()) 1 Test list/dict/tuple literals >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj7()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj7()[0]) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj8()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj8()["value"]) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj9()) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj9()[0]) 1 >>> sys.getrefcount(index_count([object()])) 1 >>> class C(object): ... def __init__(self, value): ... self.value = value ... def __del__(self): ... print('deleting...') ... >>> sys.getrefcount(attr_count(C(object()))) deleting... 1 >>> obj = object() >>> sys.getrefcount(obj) 2 >>> exc(obj) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'object' object is not callable >>> sys.getrefcount(obj) 2 >>> obj1, obj2 = object(), np.arange(10) >>> sys.getrefcount(obj1), sys.getrefcount(obj2) (2, 2) >>> x, y = count_arguments(obj1, obj2) >>> assert x is y is obj2 >>> sys.getrefcount(x) 4 >>> def test_count_arguments(f, obj): ... print(sys.getrefcount(obj)) ... f(obj) ... print(sys.getrefcount(obj)) ... >>> test_count_arguments(count_arguments2, object()) 3 3 >>> test_count_arguments(count_arguments2, np.arange(10)) 3 3 >>> test_count_arguments(count_arguments3, object()) 3 3 >>> test_count_arguments(count_arguments3, np.arange(10)) 3 3 """ import sys import ctypes from numba import * import numpy as np from numba.testing import test_support class Unique(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return "Unique(%d)" % self.value @autojit(backend='ast') def use_objects(obj_array): for i in range(10): var = obj_array[i] print(var) def test_refcounting(): L = np.array([Unique(i) for i in range(10)], dtype=np.object) assert all(sys.getrefcount(obj) == 3 for obj in L) with test_support.StdoutReplacer() as out: use_objects(L) # print out.getvalue() # This fails in nose #expected = "\n".join("Unique(%d)" % i for i in range(10)) + '\n' #print out.getvalue() == expected print([sys.getrefcount(obj) for obj in L]) @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj(): x = object() return x @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj2(): return object() @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj3(): x = object() y = x return y @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj4(): x = np.ones(1, dtype=np.double) y = x return y @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj5(): return np.ones(1, dtype=np.double) @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj6(): x = np.ones(1, dtype=np.double) y = x return x @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj7(): x = np.ones(1, dtype=np.double) return [x] @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj8(): x = np.ones(1, dtype=np.double) return {"value": x} @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def fresh_obj9(): x = np.ones(1, dtype=np.double) return (x,) @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def index_count(L): x = L[0] return x @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def attr_count(obj): x = obj.value return x @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def exc(obj): x = obj return object()('boom') @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def count_arguments(x, y): x = y y = x a = x b = y return x, y @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def count_arguments2(obj): pass @autojit(backend='ast', warn=False) def count_arguments3(obj): x = obj if __name__ == "__main__": # print sys.getrefcount(fresh_obj()) # exc(object()) import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_object_iteration import numba from numba import * @autojit def test_object_iteration(obj): """ >>> test_object_iteration([1, 2, 3]) 1 2 3 """ for x in obj: print(x) if __name__ == '__main__': # test_object_iteration([1, 2, 3]) numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_object_literals """ >>> get_list('world') [1, 'hello', 2.0, 'world'] >>> get_tuple('world') (1, 'hello', 2.0, 'world') >>> get_dict('world') == {"hello": 1, 2.0: 'world'} True """ import sys from numba import * myglobal = 20 @autojit(backend='ast') def get_list(x): return [1, "hello", 2.0, x] @autojit(backend='ast') def get_tuple(x): return (1, "hello", 2.0, x) @autojit(backend='ast') def get_dict(x): return {"hello": 1, 2.0: x} if __name__ == '__main__': import numba from numba.testing.test_support import rewrite_doc __doc__ = rewrite_doc(__doc__) numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_overflow """ >>> native_convert(char, -10) -10 >>> native_convert(char, 10) 10 >>> native_convert(char, 127) 127 This doesn't work yet, we should get an error here. We don't get one because autojit detects the int type which is natively truncated to a char. TODO:::::::::: >> native_convert(char, 128) => need exception! >>> object_convert(char, 128) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OverflowError: value too large to convert to signed char >>> object_convert(char, -128) -128 >>> object_convert(char, -129) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OverflowError: value too large to convert to signed char >>> object_convert(char, 2.9) 2 TODO::::::::::: Test all numeric types for overflows! TODO::::::::::: Test typedef types (npy_intp, Py_uintptr_t, etc) """ import unittest from numba import * @autojit def native_convert(dst_type, value): return dst_type(value) @autojit(locals=dict(obj=object_)) def object_convert(dst_type, obj): return dst_type(obj) class TestConversion(unittest.TestCase): def test_native_conversion(self): assert native_convert(char, -10) == b'\xf6' assert native_convert(char, 10) == b'\n' assert native_convert(char, 127) == b'\x7f' # TODO: the below should raise an exception # We don't get one because autojit detects the int type which is # simply truncated to a char # native_convert(char, 128) def test_object_conversion(self): assert object_convert(char, -128) == b'\x80' assert object_convert(char, 2.9) == b'\x02' def test_overflow(self): self._convert_overflow(128 , char, 'signed char') self._convert_overflow(-129, char, 'signed char') self._convert_overflow(2**31, int32, 'signed int') def _convert_overflow(self, value, type, typename): self.assertRaises(OverflowError, object_convert, type, value) # self.assertEqual(captured.exception.args[0], # "value too large to convert to %s" % typename) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_print_function from __future__ import print_function import sys import unittest import StringIO from numba import * @autojit(backend='ast') def print_(value): print(value) @autojit(backend='ast', nopython=True) def print_nopython(value): print("value", end=" ") print(value) @autojit(backend='ast') def print_to_stream(stream, value): print(value, file=stream) @autojit(backend='ast') def print_no_newline(stream, value): print(value, end=' ', file=stream) class TestPrint(unittest.TestCase): def test_print(self): out = sys.stdout sys.stdout = temp_out = StringIO.StringIO() try: print_(10) print_(10.0) print_("hello!") finally: sys.stdout = out data = temp_out.getvalue() assert data == "10\n10.0\nhello!\n", repr(data) def test_print_stream(self): temp_out = StringIO.StringIO() print_to_stream(temp_out, 13.2) data = temp_out.getvalue() assert data == "13.2\n", repr(data) def test_print_no_newline(self): temp_out = StringIO.StringIO() print_no_newline(temp_out, 14.1) data = temp_out.getvalue() assert data == "14.1 ", repr(data) if __name__ == "__main__": # The following isn't currently supported. See issue #147 #( #print_nopython(10) TestPrint('test_print_stream').debug() unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_raise # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import unittest from numba import autojit # ______________________________________________________________________ # Helpers class SpecialException(Exception): pass # ______________________________________________________________________ @autojit def raise1(): raise SpecialException @autojit def raise2(): raise SpecialException("hello") # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestRaise(unittest.TestCase): def _assert_raises(self, func, expected_args): try: func() except SpecialException as e: assert e.args == tuple(expected_args), (e.args, expected_args) else: raise AssertionError("Expected exception") def test_raise(self): self._assert_raises(raise1, []) self._assert_raises(raise2, ["hello"]) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_recursion from numba import * import numba as nb #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Jit function recursion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @jit(int_(int_)) def fac(arg): if arg == 1: return 1 else: return arg * fac(arg - 1) assert fac(10) == fac.py_func(10) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Autojit recursion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TODO: support recursion for autojit @autojit def fac2(arg): if arg == 1: return 1 else: return arg * fac2(arg - 1) #assert fac2(10) == fac2.py_func(10) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extension type recursion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @jit class SimpleClass(object): @void(int_) def __init__(self, value): self.value = value @int_(int_) def fac(self, value): if value == 1: return self.value else: return value * self.fac(value - 1) obj = SimpleClass(1) assert obj.fac(10) == fac.py_func(10) # ______________________________________________________________________ @jit class ToughClass(object): @void(int_) def __init__(self, value): self.value = value @int_(int_) def func1(self, value): return self.func2(value + self.value) @int_(int_) def func2(self, value): return self.func3(value + self.value) @int_(int_) def func3(self, value): if value < 5: return self.func1(value + self.value) return value obj = ToughClass(1) assert obj.func1(1) == 6 # ______________________________________________________________________ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_redefine from numba import * import unittest class TestRedefine(unittest.TestCase): def test_redefine(self): def foo(x): return x + 1 jfoo = jit(int32(int32))(foo) # Test original function self.assertTrue(jfoo(1), 2) jfoo = jit(int32(int32))(foo) # Test re-compiliation self.assertTrue(jfoo(2), 3) def foo(x): return x + 2 jfoo = jit(int32(int32))(foo) # Test redefinition self.assertTrue(jfoo(1), 3) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_reporting from numba import * from numba import error #@autojit def func(): if x: print("hello") else: print("world") def compile_func1(): try: jit(void())(func) except error.NumbaError as e: print("exception: %s" % e) __doc__ = """ >>> compile_func1() exception: (see below) --------------------- Numba Encountered Errors or Warnings --------------------- if x: -------^ Error ...: No global named 'x' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ #@autojit def func2(): print(10[20]) def compile_func2(): try: jit(void())(func2) except error.NumbaError as e: print("exception: %s" % e) __doc__ += """>>> compile_func2() exception: (see below) --------------------- Numba Encountered Errors or Warnings --------------------- print(10[20]) ----------^ Error ...: object of type int cannot be indexed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ @autojit # this often messes up line numbers def func_decorated(): print(10[20]) def compile_func3(): try: func_decorated() except error.NumbaError as e: print("exception: %s" % e) __doc__ += """ >>> compile_func3() exception: (see below) --------------------- Numba Encountered Errors or Warnings --------------------- print(10[20]) ----------^ Error ...: object of type int cannot be indexed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def warn_and_error(a, b): print(a) 1[2] __doc__ += """ >>> autojit(warn=False)(warn_and_error)(1, 2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: (see below) --------------------- Numba Encountered Errors or Warnings --------------------- 1[2] ----^ Error 68:4: object of type int cannot be indexed <BLANKLINE> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> autojit(warnstyle='simple')(warn_and_error)(1, 2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: (see below) Error ...: object of type int cannot be indexed Warning ...: Unused argument 'b' >>> autojit(func_decorated.py_func, warnstyle='simple')() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NumbaError: ...: object of type int cannot be indexed """ if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_rshift #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import uint16 from numba.decorators import jit import unittest import __builtin__ # ______________________________________________________________________ def rshift (a, b): return a >> b # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestRshift (unittest.TestCase): #Test for issue #152 def test_rshift_uint16 (self): compiled_rshift = jit(argtypes = (uint16, uint16), restype = uint16)(rshift) self.assertEqual(rshift(65535, 2), compiled_rshift(65535, 2)) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_slicing import time import numpy as np from numba import * from numba.decorators import autojit @autojit def slice_array(a, start, stop, step): return a[start:stop:step] @autojit def time_slicing(a, start, stop, step): # with nopython: for i in range(1000000): a[start:stop:step] def test_slicing(): a = np.arange(10) assert np.all(slice_array(a, 1, 7, 2) == a[1:7:2]) # sanity test for start in range(-5, 15): for stop in range(-5, 15): for step in range(-3, 4): if step == 0: continue assert np.all(slice_array(a, start, stop, step) == a[start:stop:step]) if __name__ == "__main__": test_slicing() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_strings """ >>> temp_string_var() hellohello0 >>> temp_string() hellohello0 >>> temp_string2() hellohello0 >>> temp_string3() hellohello0 hellohello1 hellohello2 >>> eq("foo", "foo") True >>> eq("foo", "bar") False >>> ne("foo", "foo") False >>> ne("foo", "bar") True >>> lt("foo", "foo") False >>> lt("foo", "bar") False >>> lt("bar", "foo") True >>> interpolate("%s and %s", "ham", "eggs") 'ham and eggs' >>> autojit(string_len)("hello") 5 >>> autojit(nopython=True)(string_len)("hello") 5 """ import sys from numba import * def get_string(i=0): s = "hello" return s * 2 + str(i) @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(s=c_string_type)) def temp_string_var(): s = get_string() print(s) @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(s=c_string_type)) def temp_string(): s = c_string_type(get_string()) print(s) @autojit(backend='ast') def temp_string2(): print((c_string_type(get_string()))) @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(s=c_string_type)) def temp_string3(): for i in range(3): s = c_string_type(get_string(i)) print(s) @autojit(backend='ast') def test(): return object() @jit(void()) def string_constant(): print("hello world") @jit(bool_(c_string_type, c_string_type)) def eq(s1, s2): return s1 == s2 @jit(bool_(c_string_type, c_string_type)) def ne(s1, s2): return s1 != s2 @jit(bool_(c_string_type, c_string_type)) def lt(s1, s2): return s1 < s2 @jit(c_string_type(c_string_type, c_string_type)) def concat(s1, s2): return s1 + s2 @jit(c_string_type(c_string_type, c_string_type, c_string_type)) def interpolate(s, s1, s2): return s % (s1, s2) def string_len(s): return len(s) if __name__ == '__main__': import numba numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_struct import os from numba import * from numba import error import numpy as np #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Structs as locals #------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct_type = struct_([('a', char.pointer()), ('b', int_)]) @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=struct_type)) def struct_local(): value.a = "foo" value.b = 10 return value.a, value.b @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=struct_type)) def struct_local_inplace(): value.a = "foo" value.b = 10 value.b += 10.0 return value.a, value.b # TODO: structs from objects #@autojit #def struct_as_arg(arg): # arg.a = "foo" # return arg.a # #@autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=struct_type)) #def call_struct_as_arg(): # return struct_as_arg(value) @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=struct_type)) def struct_local_copy(): value.a = "foo" value.b = 10 value2 = value return value2.a, value2.b def test_struct_locals(): result = struct_local() assert result == ("foo", 10), result result = struct_local_inplace() assert result == ("foo", 20), result # result = call_struct_as_arg() # assert result == "foo", result result = struct_local_copy() assert result == ("foo", 10), result #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Struct indexing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=struct_type)) def struct_indexing_strings(): value['a'] = "foo" value['b'] = 10 return value['a'], value['b'] @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=struct_type)) def struct_indexing_ints(): value[0] = "foo" value[1] = 10 return value[0], value[1] def test_struct_indexing(): assert struct_indexing_strings() == ("foo", 10) assert struct_indexing_ints() == ("foo", 10) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Record arrays #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @autojit(backend='ast') def record_array(array): array[0].a = 4 array[0].b = 5.0 def test_record_array(): struct_type = struct_([('a', int32), ('b', double)]) struct_dtype = struct_type.get_dtype() array = np.empty((1,), dtype=struct_dtype) record_array(array) assert array[0]['a'] == 4, array[0] assert array[0]['b'] == 5.0, array[0] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Object Coercion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct_type = struct_([('a', int_), ('b', double)]) @autojit(backend='ast', locals=dict(value=struct_type)) def coerce_to_obj(): value.a = 10 value.b = 20.2 return object_(value) def test_coerce_to_obj(): print((coerce_to_obj())) if __name__ == "__main__": print((struct_local_copy())) # print call_struct_as_arg() test_struct_locals() test_record_array() test_coerce_to_obj() test_struct_indexing() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_sum #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_sum Test the sum2d() example. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import numpy from numba import * from numba.decorators import jit from numba.testing import test_support import sys import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def sum2d(arr): M, N = arr.shape result = 0.0 for i in range(M): for j in range(N): result += arr[i,j] return result # ______________________________________________________________________ def bad_sum2d(arr): '''Unit test code for issue #34:''' M, N = arr.shape result = 0.0 for i in range(M): for j in range(N): result += arr[i,j] return result # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestASTSum2d(test_support.ASTTestCase): def test_vectorized_sum2d(self): usum2d = self.jit(argtypes=[double[:,:]], restype=double)(sum2d) image = numpy.random.rand(10, 10) plain_old_result = sum2d(image) hot_new_result = usum2d(image) self.assertTrue((abs(plain_old_result - hot_new_result) < 1e-9).all()) def test_vectorized_sum2d(self): pass def test_vectorized_sum2d(self): usum2d = self.jit(argtypes=[double[:,:]], restype=double)(sum2d) image = numpy.random.rand(10, 10) plain_old_result = sum2d(image) hot_new_result = usum2d(image) self.assertTrue((abs(plain_old_result - hot_new_result) < 1e-9).all()) def _bad_sum2d(self): compiled_bad_sum2d = self.jit(argtypes = [double[:,:]], restype = double)(bad_sum2d) image = numpy.random.rand(10, 10) self.assertEqual(bad_sum2d(image), compiled_bad_sum2d(image)) @test_support.checkSkipFlag("Test fails due to problem in Meta.") def test_bad_sum2d(self): self._bad_sum2d() if __name__ == "__main__": #TestASTSum2d('test_vectorized_sum2d').debug() unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_tuple #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_tuple Unit test aimed at testing symbolic execution of the BUILD_TUPLE opcode. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import numpy from numba import * from numba.decorators import jit from numba.testing import test_support import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def tuple_fn_0 (inarr): i = 1 j = 2 k = 3 internal_tuple = (i, j, k) return inarr[internal_tuple] # return inarr[1,2,3] # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestASTTuple(test_support.ASTTestCase): def test_tuple_fn_0 (self): test_arr = numpy.zeros((4,4,4)) compiled_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [double[:,:,:]])(tuple_fn_0) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(test_arr), 0.) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_types #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ ''' Test type mapping. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ import numba from numba import * from numba.decorators import jit from numba.testing import test_support import unittest # ______________________________________________________________________ def if1(arg): # stupid nosetests if arg > 0: result = 22 else: result = 42 return result def if2(arg): if arg > 0: result = 22 else: result = 42 return result # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestASTIf(test_support.ASTTestCase): def test_int(self): func = self.jit(restype=numba.int_, argtypes=[numba.int_])(if1) self.assertEqual(func(-1), 42) self.assertEqual(func(1), 22) def test_long(self): func = self.jit(restype=numba.long_, argtypes=[numba.long_])(if2) self.assertEqual(func(-1), 42) self.assertEqual(func(1), 22) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_unbound_variables from numba import * a = 10 b = 11 c = 12 def jitter(): a = 20 b = 21 c = 22 @jit(object_()) def func(): return a, c return func func = jitter() assert func() == (20, 22) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_unpacking # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ctypes import unittest import numba as nb from numba import jit, list_, tuple_, object_, int_, sized_pointer, npy_intp import numpy as np A = np.empty((5, 6)) shape_t = sized_pointer(npy_intp, 2) # ______________________________________________________________________ def unpack(x): x, y = x return x * y # ______________________________________________________________________ class Iterable(object): """I don't work yet""" def __iter__(self): return iter((5, 6)) class Sequence(object): """I work""" def __getitem__(self, idx): return [5, 6][idx] # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestUnpacking(unittest.TestCase): def test_unpacking(self): lunpack = jit(int_(list_(int_, 2)))(unpack) tunpack = jit(int_(tuple_(int_, 2)))(unpack) tounpack = jit(int_(tuple_(object_, 2)))(unpack) iunpack = jit(int_(object_))(unpack) sunpack = jit(int_(object_))(unpack) punpack = jit(int_(shape_t), wrap=False)(unpack) self.assertEqual(lunpack([5, 6]), 30) self.assertEqual(tunpack((5, 6)), 30) self.assertEqual(tounpack((5, 6)), 30) # self.assertEqual(iunpack(Iterable()), 30) self.assertEqual(sunpack(Sequence()), 30) c_punpack = nb.addressof(punpack) self.assertEqual(c_punpack(A.ctypes.shape), 30) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_unsigned_arith import numpy as np import unittest from numba import void, int32, uint32, jit, int64 @jit(void(uint32[:], uint32, uint32)) def prng(X, A, C): for i in range(X.shape[0]): for j in range(100): v = (A * X[i] + C) X[i] = v & 0xffffffff @jit(uint32()) def unsigned_literal(): return abs(0xFFFFFFFF) @jit(int64()) def unsigned_literal_64(): return 0x100000000 @jit(int64(int32)) def constant_int_add(a): return 0xffffffff + a class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_prng(self): N = 100 A = 1664525 C = 1013904223 X0 = np.arange(N, dtype=np.uint32) X1 = X0.copy() prng.py_func(X0, A, C) prng(X1, A, C) self.assertTrue(np.all(X1 >= 0)) self.assertTrue(np.all(X0 == X1)) def test_unsigned_literal(self): got = unsigned_literal() expect = abs(0xFFFFFFFF) self.assertEqual(expect, got) def test_unsigned_literal_64(self): got = unsigned_literal_64() expect = 0x100000000 self.assertEqual(expect, got) def test_constant_int_add(self): got = constant_int_add(1) expect = 0xffffffff + 1 self.assertEqual(expect, got) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_while #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import * import numpy from import nottest from numba.testing import test_support from numba.utils import debugout # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_0(max_index, indexable): i = 0 acc = 0. while i < max_index: acc += indexable[i] i += 1 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_1(indexable): i = 0 acc = 0. while i < len(indexable): acc += indexable[i] i += 1 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_2(ndarr): i = 0 acc = 0. while i < ndarr.shape[0]: acc += ndarr[i] i += 1 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_3(count): i = 0 acc = 1. while i < count: acc *= 2 i += 1 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_4(start, stop, inc): '''Intended to parallel desired translation target for test_forloop.for_loop_fn_1.''' acc = 0 i = start while i != stop: acc += i i += inc return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_5(i_max, j_max): j = 1. acc = 0. while j < j_max: i = 1. while i < i_max: acc += i * j i += 1. j += 1. return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_6(test_input): '''While-loop version of for-loop tests for issue #25.''' acc = 0.0 i = 0.0 while i < 5.0: if i == test_input: acc += 100.0 else: acc += i i += 1.0 return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_7(test_input): '''While-loop version of for-loop tests for issue #25.''' acc = 0.0 i = 0.0 while i < 5.0: tmp = i acc += i i += 1.0 if tmp == test_input: return acc return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ def while_loop_fn_8(test_input): acc = 0.0 i = 0.0 while i < 5.0: acc += i if i == test_input: i += 0.5 continue elif i > test_input: break i += 1. return acc # ______________________________________________________________________ class TestASTWhile(test_support.ASTTestCase): def _do_test(self, function, argtypes, *args, **kws): _jit = (self.jit(argtypes = argtypes) if argtypes is not None else self.jit()) compiled_fn = _jit(function) self.assertEqual(compiled_fn(*args, **kws), function(*args, **kws)) def test_while_loop_fn_0(self): test_data = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]) self._do_test(while_loop_fn_0, [long_, double[:]], len(test_data), test_data) def test_while_loop_fn_1(self): self._do_test(while_loop_fn_1, [double[:]], numpy.array([1., 2., 3.])) def test_while_loop_fn_2(self): self._do_test(while_loop_fn_2, [double[:]], numpy.array([1., 2., 3.])) def test_while_loop_fn_3(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [long_])(while_loop_fn_3) compiled_result = compiled_fn(3) self.assertEqual(compiled_result, while_loop_fn_3(3)) self.assertEqual(compiled_result, 8.) def test_while_loop_fn_4(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(argtypes = (long_, long_, long_), restype = long_)(while_loop_fn_4) compiled_result = compiled_fn(1, 4, 1) self.assertEqual(compiled_result, while_loop_fn_4(1, 4, 1)) self.assertEqual(compiled_result, 6) def test_while_loop_fn_5(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [double, double])(while_loop_fn_5) compiled_result = compiled_fn(3, 4) self.assertEqual(compiled_result, while_loop_fn_5(3, 4)) self.assertEqual(compiled_result, 18.) def test_while_loop_fn_6(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(restype=double, argtypes=[double])(while_loop_fn_6) self.assertEqual(while_loop_fn_6(4.), compiled_fn(4.)) self.assertEqual(while_loop_fn_6(5.), compiled_fn(5.)) def test_while_loop_fn_7(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(restype=double, argtypes=[double])(while_loop_fn_7) self.assertEqual(while_loop_fn_7(4.), compiled_fn(4.)) self.assertEqual(while_loop_fn_7(5.), compiled_fn(5.)) def test_while_loop_fn_8(self): compiled_fn = self.jit(restype=double, argtypes=[double])(while_loop_fn_8) self.assertEqual(while_loop_fn_8(3.), compiled_fn(3.)) self.assertEqual(while_loop_fn_8(4.), compiled_fn(4.)) self.assertEqual(while_loop_fn_8(5.), compiled_fn(5.)) @test_support.checkSkipFlag("Test fails due to problem in Meta.") def test_while_loop_fn_7(self, *args, **kws): return super(TestASTWhile, self).test_while_loop_fn_7(*args, **kws) # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": TestASTWhile("test_while_loop_fn_8").debug() # autojit(while_loop_fn_2)(numpy.array([1., 2., 3.])) # jit(argtypes = [long_])(while_loop_fn_3) # jit(argtypes = (long_, long_, long_), # restype = long_)(while_loop_fn_4) # jit(argtypes = [double, double])(while_loop_fn_5) # jit(restype=double, argtypes=[double])(while_loop_fn_6) # jit(restype=double, argtypes=[double])(while_loop_fn_7) # jit(restype=double, argtypes=[double])(while_loop_fn_8) test_support.main() # ______________________________________________________________________ # End of ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_withpython import os import ctypes from numba import * from numba import error from import * @autojit(backend='ast') def withnopython(): val = 0.0 with nopython: val += 1.0 return val @autojit(backend='ast') def withnopython_nested(obj): result = 0.0 with nopython: with python: obj_result = obj.method() with nopython: result += 1.0 return obj_result, result @autojit(backend='ast', nopython=True) def nopython(obj): with python: return obj.method() class Class(object): def method(self): return 20.0 def test_with_no_python(): assert withnopython() == 1.0 assert withnopython_nested(Class()) == (20.0, 1.0) assert nopython(Class()) == 20.0 # ### Test errors # @autojit(backend='ast') def withnopython_error(obj): with nopython: return obj.method() @autojit(backend='ast', nopython=True) def withnopython_error2(obj): return obj.method() @raises(error.NumbaError) def test_errors1(): withnopython_error(Class()) @raises(error.NumbaError) def test_errors2(): withnopython_error2(Class()) if __name__ == "__main__": test_with_no_python() test_errors1() test_errors2() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = threads """ Implements threads using llvm cbuilder. Taken from numbapro/vectorizers/ """ from llvm.core import * from llvm_cbuilder import * import llvm_cbuilder.shortnames as C import sys class PThreadAPI(CExternal): '''external declaration of pthread API ''' pthread_t = C.void_p pthread_create = Type.function(, [C.pointer(pthread_t), # thread_t C.void_p, # thread attr C.void_p, # function C.void_p]) # arg pthread_join = Type.function(, [C.void_p, C.void_p]) class WinThreadAPI(CExternal): '''external declaration of pthread API ''' _calling_convention_ = CC_X86_STDCALL handle_t = C.void_p # lpStartAddress is an LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, with the form # DWORD ThreadProc (LPVOID lpdwThreadParam ) CreateThread = Type.function(handle_t, [C.void_p, # lpThreadAttributes (NULL for default) C.intp, # dwStackSize (0 for default) C.void_p, # lpStartAddress C.void_p, # lpParameter C.int32, # dwCreationFlags (0 for default) C.pointer(C.int32)]) # lpThreadId (NULL if not required) # Return is WAIT_OBJECT_0 (0x00000000) to indicate the thread exited, # or WAIT_ABANDONED, WAIT_TIMEOUT, WAIT_FAILED for other conditions. WaitForSingleObject = Type.function(C.int32, [handle_t, # hHandle C.int32]) # dwMilliseconds (INFINITE == 0xFFFFFFFF means wait forever) CloseHandle = Type.function(C.int32, [handle_t]) class ParallelUFuncPosixMixin(object): '''ParallelUFunc mixin that implements _dispatch_worker to use pthread. ''' def _dispatch_worker(self, worker, contexts, num_thread): api = PThreadAPI(self) NULL = self.constant_null(C.void_p) threads = self.array(api.pthread_t, num_thread, name='threads') # self.debug("launch threads") with self.for_range(num_thread) as (loop, i): status = api.pthread_create(threads[i].reference(), NULL, worker, contexts[i].reference().cast(C.void_p)) with self.ifelse(status != self.constant_null(status.type)) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): # self.debug("Error at pthread_create: ", status) self.unreachable() with self.for_range(num_thread) as (loop, i): status = api.pthread_join(threads[i], NULL) with self.ifelse(status != self.constant_null(status.type)) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): # self.debug("Error at pthread_join: ", status) self.unreachable() class ParallelUFuncWindowsMixin(object): '''ParallelUFunc mixin that implements _dispatch_worker to use Windows threading. ''' def _dispatch_worker(self, worker, contexts, num_thread): api = WinThreadAPI(self) NULL = self.constant_null(C.void_p) lpdword_NULL = self.constant_null(C.pointer(C.int32)) zero = self.constant(C.int32, 0) intp_zero = self.constant(C.intp, 0) INFINITE = self.constant(C.int32, 0xFFFFFFFF) threads = self.array(api.handle_t, num_thread, name='threads') # self.debug("launch threads") # TODO error handling with self.for_range(num_thread) as (loop, i): threads[i] = api.CreateThread(NULL, intp_zero, worker, contexts[i].reference().cast(C.void_p), zero, lpdword_NULL) with self.for_range(num_thread) as (loop, i): api.WaitForSingleObject(threads[i], INFINITE) api.CloseHandle(threads[i]) if sys.platform == 'win32': ParallelMixin = ParallelUFuncWindowsMixin else: ParallelMixin = ParallelUFuncPosixMixin ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = astformat # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast, sys def prettyprint(node, stream=sys.stdout): text = ast.dump(node) depth = 0 last = '' for i in text: if i == ' ': continue # ignore space indent = ' ' * 4 * depth if last in ['(', '[', ','] and i not in [')', ']']: stream.write('\n' + indent) if i in ['(', '[']: depth += 1 elif i in [')', ']']: # if last not in ['(', '[']: # stream.write('\n' + indent) depth -= 1 stream.write(i) last = i stream.write('\n') ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = traits """ Minimal traits implementation: @traits class MyClass(object): attr = Instance(SomeClass) my_delegation = Delegate('attr') """ import inspect # from numba.utils import TypedProperty def traits(cls): "@traits class decorator" for name, py_func in vars(cls).items(): if isinstance(py_func, TraitBase): py_func.set_attr_name(name) return cls class TraitBase(object): "Base class for traits" def __init__(self, value, doc=None): self.value = value self.doc = doc def set_attr_name(self, name): self.attr_name = name class Delegate(TraitBase): """ Delegate to some other object. """ def __init__(self, value, delegate_attr_name=None, doc=None): super(Delegate, self).__init__(value, doc=doc) self.delegate_attr_name = delegate_attr_name def obj(self, instance): return getattr(instance, self.value) @property def attr(self): return self.delegate_attr_name or self.attr_name def __get__(self, instance, owner): return getattr(self.obj(instance), self.attr) def __set__(self, instance, value): return setattr(self.obj(instance), self.attr, value) def __delete__(self, instance): delattr(self.obj(instance), self.attr) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = transforms # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module provides a variety of transforms that transform the AST into a final form ready for code generation. Below follows an explanation and justification of the design of the main compilation stages in numba. We start with a Python AST, compiled from source code or decompiled from bytecode using meta. We run the following transformations: 1) Type inference Infer types of all expressions, and fix the types of all local variables. Local variable types are promoted (for instance float to double), but cannot change (e.g. string cannot be assigned to float). When the type inferencer cannot determine a type, such as when it calls a Python function or method that is not a Numba function, it assumes type object. Object variables may be coerced to and from most native types. The type inferencer inserts CoercionNode nodes that perform such coercions, as well as coercions between promotable native types. It also resolves the return type of many math functions called in the numpy, math and cmath modules. Each AST expression node has a Variable that holds the type of the expression, as well as any meta-data such as constant values that have been determined. 2) Transform for loops Provides some transformations of for loops over arrays to loops over a range. Iteration over range/xrange is resolved at compilation time. What I would like to see is the generation of a RangeNode holding a ast.Compare and an iteration variable incrementing ast.BinOp. 3) Low level specializations (LateSpecializer) This stage performs low-level specializations. For instance it resolves coercions to and from object into calls such as PyFloat_FromDouble, with a fallback to Py_BuildValue/PyArg_ParseTuple. This specializer also has the responsibility to ensure that new references are accounted for by refcounting ObjectTempNode nodes. This node absorbs the references and lets parent nodes borrow the reference. At function cleanup, it decrefs its value. In loops, it also decrefs any previous value, if set. Hence, these temporaries must be initialized to NULL. An object temporary is specific to one specific sub-expression, and they are not reused (like in Cython). It also rewrites object attribute access and method calls into PyObject_GetAttrString etc. 4) Code generation Generate LLVM code from the transformed AST. This should be as minimal as possible, and should *not* contain blobs of code performing complex operations. Instead, complex operations should be broken down by AST transformers into fundamental operations that are already supported by the AST. This way we maximize code reuse, and make potential future additions of different code generation backends easier. This can be taken only so far, since low-level transformations must also tailor to limitations of the code generation backend, such as intrinsic LLVM calls or calls into libc. However, code reuse is especially convenient in the face of type coercions, which LLVM does not provide any leniency for. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import ast import ctypes import warnings if __debug__: import pprint import numba from numba import * from numba import error from .minivect import codegen from numba import macros, utils, typesystem from numba import visitors, nodes from numba import function_util from numba.typesystem import is_obj, promote_to_native from numba.type_inference.modules import mathmodule from numba.nodes import constnodes from numba.external import utility from numba.utils import dump import llvm.core import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from numba.external import pyapi # ______________________________________________________________________ def get_funcname(py_func): if py_func in (abs, np.abs): return 'abs' elif py_func is np.round: return 'round' return mathmodule.ufunc2math.get(py_func.__name__, py_func.__name__) def resolve_pow(env, restype, args): promote = env.crnt.typesystem.promote if restype.is_numeric: type = reduce(promote, [double, restype] + [a.type for a in args]) signature = type(*[type] * len(args)) result = nodes.MathCallNode(signature, args, None, name='pow') else: result = nodes.call_pyfunc(pow, args) return nodes.CoercionNode(result, restype) def math_call(env, name, args, dst_type): signature = dst_type(*[a.type for a in args]) return nodes.MathCallNode(signature, args, None, name=name) def math_call2(env, name, call_node): return math_call(env, name, [call_node.args[0]], call_node.type) # ______________________________________________________________________ class BuiltinResolver(object): """ Perform final low-level transformations such as abs(value) -> fabs(value) """ def __init__(self, env): self.env = env self.external_call = partial(function_util.external_call, self.env.context, self.env.crnt.llvm_module) def resolve_builtin_call(self, node, func): """ Resolve an ast.Call() of a built-in function. Returns None if no specific transformation is applied. """ resolver = getattr(self, '_resolve_' + func.__name__, None) if resolver is not None: # Pass in the first argument type argtype = None if len(node.args) >= 1: argtype = node.args[0].variable.type return resolver(func, node, argtype) return None def resolve_builtin_call_or_object(self, node, func): """ Resolve an ast.Call() of a built-in function, or call the built-in through the object layer otherwise. """ result = self.resolve_builtin_call(node, func) if result is None: result = nodes.call_pyfunc(func, node.args) return nodes.CoercionNode(result, node.type) def _resolve_abs(self, func, node, argtype): if argtype.is_int and not argtype.signed: # abs() on unsigned integral value return node.args[0] elif not node.type.is_numeric: result = nodes.call_pyfunc(func, node.args) else: return math_call2(self.env, 'abs', node) def _resolve_round(self, func, node, argtype): return nodes.call_pyfunc(round, node.args) def _resolve_pow(self, func, node, argtype): return resolve_pow(self.env, node.type, node.args) def _resolve_int_number(self, func, node, argtype, dst_type, ext_name): assert len(node.args) == 2 arg1, arg2 = node.args if arg1.variable.type.is_string: return nodes.CoercionNode( nodes.ObjectTempNode( self.external_call(ext_name, args=[arg1, nodes.NULL, arg2])), dst_type=dst_type) def _resolve_int(self, func, node, argtype, dst_type=int_): if PY3: return self._resolve_int_number(func, node, argtype, long_, 'PyLong_FromString') return self._resolve_int_number(func, node, argtype, int_, 'PyInt_FromString') def _resolve_long(self, func, node, argtype, dst_type=int_): return self._resolve_int_number(func, node, argtype, long_, 'PyLong_FromString') def _resolve_len(self, func, node, argtype): if argtype.is_string: call = self.external_call('strlen', node.args) return call # nodes.CoercionNode(call, Py_ssize_t) class ResolveCoercions(visitors.NumbaTransformer): def visit_CoercionNode(self, node): if not isinstance(node, nodes.CoercionNode): # CoercionNode.__new__ returns the node to be coerced if it doesn't # need coercion return node node_type = node.node.type dst_type = node.dst_type if __debug__ and self.env and self.env.debug_coercions: logger.debug('coercion: %s --> %s\n%s', node_type, dst_type, utils.pformat_ast(node)) # TODO: the below is a problem due to implicit string <-> int coercions! if (node_type.is_string and dst_type.is_numeric and not (node_type.is_pointer or node_type.is_null)): if dst_type.typename in ('char', 'uchar'): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Conversion from string to (u)char not yet supported") result = self.str_to_int(dst_type, node) elif self.nopython and (is_obj(node_type) ^ is_obj(dst_type)): raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot coerce to or from object in " "nopython context") elif is_obj(node.dst_type) and not is_obj(node_type): node = nodes.ObjectTempNode(nodes.CoerceToObject( node.node, node.dst_type, result = self.visit(node) elif is_obj(node_type) and not is_obj(node.dst_type): node = nodes.CoerceToNative(node.node, node.dst_type, result = self.visit(node) elif node_type.is_null: if not dst_type.is_pointer: raise error.NumbaError(node.node, "NULL must be cast or implicitly " "coerced to a pointer type") result = self.visit(nodes.NULL.coerce(dst_type)) elif node_type.is_numeric and dst_type.is_bool: to_bool = ast.Compare(node.node, [ast.NotEq()], [nodes.const(0, node_type)]) to_bool = nodes.typednode(to_bool, bool_) result = self.visit(to_bool) else: self.generic_visit(node) if dst_type == node.node.type: result = node.node else: result = node if __debug__ and self.env and self.env.debug_coercions: logger.debug('result = %s', utils.pformat_ast(result)) return result def str_to_int(self, dst_type, node): # TODO: int <-> string conversions are explicit, this should not # TODO: be a coercion if self.nopython: node = nodes.CoercionNode( function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, ('atol' if dst_type.is_int else 'atof'), args=[node.node]), dst_type,, ) else: if dst_type.is_int: cvtobj = function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyInt_FromString' if not PY3 else 'PyLong_FromString', args=[node.node, nodes.NULL, nodes.const(10, int_)]) else: cvtobj = function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyFloat_FromString', args=[node.node, nodes.const(0, Py_ssize_t)]) node = nodes.CoerceToNative(nodes.ObjectTempNode(cvtobj), dst_type, result = self.visit(node) return result def convert_int_to_object(self, arg): funcs = ["__Numba_PyInt_FromLongLong", "__Numba_PyInt_FromUnsignedLongLong"] func = funcs[arg.type.signed] return function_util.utility_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, func, [arg]) def visit_CoerceToObject(self, node): new_node = node node_type = node.node.type if node_type.is_bool: new_node = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, "PyBool_FromLong", args=[node.node]) elif node_type.is_numeric and node_type.typename not in ('char', 'uchar'): cls = None args = node.node, if node_type.is_int: new_node = self.convert_int_to_object(node.node) elif node_type.is_float: cls = pyapi.PyFloat_FromDouble elif node_type.is_complex: cls = pyapi.PyComplex_FromDoubles complex_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.node) args = [ nodes.ComplexAttributeNode(complex_value, "real"), nodes.ComplexAttributeNode(complex_value.clone, "imag") ] elif node_type.is_numpy_datetime: datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.node) args = [ nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value, 'timestamp'), nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value.clone, 'units'), nodes.ConstNode(np.datetime64(), object_), ] new_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "create_numpy_datetime", args=args) elif node_type.is_datetime: datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.node) args = [ nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value, 'timestamp'), nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value.clone, 'units'), ] new_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "create_python_datetime", args=args) elif node_type.is_timedelta: timedelta_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.node) args = [ nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode(timedelta_value, 'diff'), nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode(timedelta_value.clone, 'units'), nodes.ConstNode(np.timedelta64(), object_), ] new_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "create_numpy_timedelta", args=args) else: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Don't know how to coerce type %r to PyObject" % node_type) if cls: new_node = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, cls.__name__, args=args) elif node_type.is_pointer and not node_type in (char.pointer(), string_): # Create ctypes pointer object ctypes_pointer_type = node_type.to_ctypes() args = [nodes.CoercionNode(node.node, int64), nodes.ObjectInjectNode(ctypes_pointer_type, object_)] new_node = nodes.call_pyfunc(ctypes.cast, args) self.generic_visit(new_node) return new_node def object_to_int(self, node, dst_type): """ Return node that converts the given node to the dst_type. This also performs overflow/underflow checking, and conversion to a Python int or long if necessary. PyLong_AsLong and friends do not do this (overflow/underflow checking is only for longs, and conversion to int|long depends on the Python version). """ dst_type = promote_to_native(dst_type) assert dst_type in utility.object_to_numeric, (dst_type, utility.object_to_numeric) utility_func = utility.object_to_numeric[dst_type] result = function_util.external_call_func(self.context, self.llvm_module, utility_func, args=[node]) return result def coerce_to_function_pointer(self, node, jit_func_type, func_pointer_type): jit_func = jit_func_type.jit_func if jit_func.signature != func_pointer_type.base_type: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot coerce jit funcion %s to function of type %s" % ( jit_func, func_pointer_type)) pointer = self.env.llvm_context.get_pointer_to_function(jit_func.lfunc) new_node = nodes.const(pointer, func_pointer_type) return new_node def visit_CoerceToNative(self, node): """ Try to perform fast coercion using e.g. PyLong_AsLong(), with a fallback to PyArg_ParseTuple(). """ new_node = None from_type = node.node.type node_type = node.type if node_type.is_numeric: cls = None if node_type == size_t: node_type = ulonglong if node_type.is_int: # and not new_node = self.object_to_int(node.node, node_type) elif node_type.is_float: cls = pyapi.PyFloat_AsDouble elif node_type.is_complex: # FIXME: This conversion has to be pretty slow. We # need to move towards being ABI-savvy enough to just # call PyComplex_AsCComplex(). cloneable = nodes.CloneableNode(node.node) new_node = nodes.ComplexNode( real=function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "PyComplex_RealAsDouble", args=[cloneable]), imag=function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "PyComplex_ImagAsDouble", args=[cloneable.clone])) elif node_type.is_numpy_datetime: timestamp_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "convert_numpy_datetime_to_timestamp", args=[node.node]) units_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "convert_numpy_datetime_to_units", args=[node.node]) new_node = nodes.DateTimeNode(timestamp_func, units_func) elif node_type.is_datetime: timestamp_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "pydatetime2timestamp", args=[node.node]) units_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "pydatetime2units", args=[node.node]) new_node = nodes.DateTimeNode(timestamp_func, units_func) elif node_type.is_numpy_timedelta: diff_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "convert_numpy_timedelta_to_diff", args=[node.node]) units_func = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "convert_numpy_timedelta_to_units", args=[node.node]) new_node = nodes.DateTimeNode(diff_func, units_func) elif node_type.is_timedelta: raise NotImplementedError else: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Don't know how to coerce a Python object to a %r" % node_type) if cls: # TODO: error checking! new_node = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, cls.__name__, args=[node.node]) elif node_type.is_pointer and not node_type.is_string: if from_type.is_jit_function and node_type.base_type.is_function: new_node = self.coerce_to_function_pointer( node, from_type, node_type) else: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Obtaining pointers from objects " "is not yet supported (%s)" % node_type) elif node_type.is_void: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot coerce %s to void" % (from_type,)) if new_node is None: # Create a tuple for PyArg_ParseTuple new_node = node new_node.node = ast.Tuple(elts=[node.node], ctx=ast.Load()) self.generic_visit(node) return node if new_node.type != node.type: # Fast native coercion. E.g. coercing an object to an int_ # will use PyLong_AsLong, but that will return a long_. We # need to coerce the long_ to an int_ new_node = nodes.CoercionNode(new_node, node.type) # Specialize replacement node new_node = self.visit(new_node) return new_node class LateSpecializer(ResolveCoercions, visitors.NoPythonContextMixin): def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.builtin_resolver = BuiltinResolver(self.env) node.decorator_list = self.visitlist(node.decorator_list) # Make sure to visit the entry block (not part of the CFG) and the # first actual code block which may have synthetically # inserted promotions self.visit_ControlBlock(node.flow.blocks[0]) self.visit_ControlBlock(node.flow.blocks[1]) node.body = self.visitlist(node.body) ret_type = self.func_signature.return_type self.verify_context(ret_type) self.setup_error_return(node, ret_type) return node def verify_context(self, ret_type): if ret_type.is_object or ret_type.is_array: # This will require some increfs, but allow it if people # use 'with python' later on. If 'with python' isn't used, a # return will issue the error #if self.nopython: # raise error.NumbaError( # node, "Function cannot return object in " # "nopython context") pass def setup_error_return(self, node, ret_type): """ Set FunctionDef.error_return to the AST statement that returns a "bad value" that can be used as error indicator. """ value = nodes.badval(ret_type) if value is not None: value = nodes.CoercionNode(value, dst_type=ret_type).cloneable error_return = ast.Return(value=value) if self.nopython and is_obj(self.func_signature.return_type): error_return = nodes.WithPythonNode(body=[error_return]) error_return = self.visit(error_return) node.error_return = error_return def visit_ControlBlock(self, node): # print node self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_While(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) return node def check_context(self, node): if self.nopython: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot construct object in " "nopython context") def _print_nopython(self, value, dest=None): if dest is not None: raise error.NumbaError(dest, "No file may be given in nopython mode") # stdin, stdout, stderr = stdio_util.get_stdio_streams() # stdout = stdio_util.get_stream_as_node(stdout) format = codegen.get_printf_specifier(value.type) if format is None: raise error.NumbaError( value, "Printing values of type '%s' is not supported " "in nopython mode" % (value.type,)) return function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, 'printf', args=[nodes.const(format, c_string_type), value]) def _print(self, value, dest=None): signature, lfunc = self.context.external_library.declare( self.llvm_module, 'PyObject_CallMethod') if dest is None: dest = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(sys.stdout) value = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, "PyObject_Str", args=[value]) args = [dest, nodes.ConstNode("write"), nodes.ConstNode("O"), value] return nodes.NativeCallNode(signature, args, lfunc) def visit_Print(self, node): if self.nopython: printfunc = self._print_nopython dst_type = string_ else: printfunc = self._print dst_type = object_ result = [] if node.values: print_space = printfunc(nodes.const(" ", dst_type), node.dest) for value in node.values: result.append(printfunc(value, node.dest)) result.append(print_space) if result.pop() # pop last space if result.append(printfunc(nodes.const("\n", dst_type), node.dest)) return ast.Suite(body=self.visitlist(result)) def visit_Tuple(self, node): self.check_context(node) sig, lfunc = self.context.external_library.declare(self.llvm_module, 'PyTuple_Pack') objs = self.visitlist(nodes.CoercionNode.coerce(node.elts, object_)) n = nodes.ConstNode(len(node.elts), Py_ssize_t) args = [n] + objs new_node = nodes.NativeCallNode(sig, args, lfunc, name='tuple') # TODO: determine element type of node.elts new_node.type = typesystem.tuple_(object_, size=len(node.elts)) return nodes.ObjectTempNode(new_node) def visit_List(self, node): self.check_context(node) self.generic_visit(node) return nodes.ObjectTempNode(node) def visit_Dict(self, node): self.check_context(node) self.generic_visit(node) return nodes.ObjectTempNode(node) def visit_ObjectCallNode(self, node): # self.generic_visit(node) assert node.function if self.nopython: meth_name = and ' (%r)' % raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot use object call in " "nopython context" + meth_name) node.function = self.visit(node.function) node.args_tuple = self.visit(node.args_tuple) node.kwargs_dict = self.visit(node.kwargs_dict) return nodes.ObjectTempNode(node) def visit_Call(self, node): func_type = node.func.type if self.query(node, "is_math") and node.type.is_numeric: assert node.func.type.is_known_value name = get_funcname(node.func.type.value) result = math_call(self.env, name, node.args, node.type) elif func_type.is_builtin: result = self.builtin_resolver.resolve_builtin_call_or_object( node, func_type.func) else: result = nodes.call_obj(node) return self.visit(result) def _c_string_slice(self, node): ret_val = node logger.debug(node.slice) node_slice = node.slice if isinstance(node_slice, nodes.ObjectInjectNode): node_slice = node.slice.object lower, upper, step = ( value if value is None else nodes.const(value, size_t) for value in (node_slice.start, node_slice.stop, node_slice.step)) else: lower, upper, step = (node_slice.lower, node_slice.upper, node_slice.step) if step is None: node_value = self.visit(node.value) if lower is None: lower = nodes.const(0, size_t) if upper is None: ret_val = nodes.LLMacroNode( macros.c_string_slice_1.__signature__, macros.c_string_slice_1, self.visit(node.value), self.visit(lower)) else: ret_val = nodes.LLMacroNode( macros.c_string_slice_2.__signature__, macros.c_string_slice_2, self.visit(node.value), self.visit(lower), self.visit(upper)) logger.debug(ret_val) else: raise NotImplementedError('String slices where step != None.') return ret_val def visit_Subscript(self, node): if isinstance(node.value, nodes.ArrayAttributeNode): if node.value.is_read_only and isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store): raise error.NumbaError("Attempt to load read-only attribute") # Short-circuit visiting a Slice child if this is a nopython # string slice. if (self.nopython and node.value.type.is_string and node.type.is_string): return self.visit(self._c_string_slice(node)) # logging.debug(ast.dump(node)) # TODO: do this in the respective cases below when needed self.generic_visit(node) node_type = node.value.type if ((node_type.is_object and not node_type.is_array) or (node_type.is_array and node.slice.type.is_object)): # Array or object slicing if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): result = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyObject_GetItem', args=[node.value, node.slice]) node = nodes.CoercionNode(result, dst_type=node.type) node = self.visit(node) else: # This is handled in visit_Assign pass elif (node.value.type.is_array and node.type.is_numpy_datetime and node.slice.type.is_int): # JNB: ugly hack to make array of datetimes look like array of # int64, since numba datetime type doesn't match numpy datetime type. node.value.type = array_(int64, node.value.type.ndim, node.value.type.is_c_contig, node.value.type.is_f_contig, node.value.type.inner_contig) node.value.variable.type = node.value.type data_node = nodes.DataPointerNode(node.value, node.slice, node.ctx) units_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "get_units_num", args=[nodes.ConstNode(node_type.dtype.units_char, string_)]) node = nodes.DateTimeNode(data_node, units_node) elif (node.value.type.is_array and node.type.is_numpy_timedelta and node.slice.type.is_int): # JNB: ugly hack to make array of timedeltas look like array of # int64, since numba timedelta type doesn't match numpy timedelta type. node.value.type = array_(int64, node.value.type.ndim, node.value.type.is_c_contig, node.value.type.is_f_contig, node.value.type.inner_contig) node.value.variable.type = node.value.type data_node = nodes.DataPointerNode(node.value, node.slice, node.ctx) units_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "get_units_num", args=[nodes.ConstNode(node_type.dtype.units_char, string_)]) node = nodes.TimeDeltaNode(data_node, units_node) elif (node.value.type.is_array and not node.type.is_array and node.slice.type.is_int): # Array index with integer indices node = nodes.DataPointerNode(node.value, node.slice, node.ctx) elif node.value.type.is_string and node.type.is_string: node.value = nodes.CoercionNode(node.value, dst_type = object_) node.type = object_ node = nodes.CoercionNode(nodes.ObjectTempNode(node), dst_type = c_string_type) node = self.visit(node) return node def visit_ExtSlice(self, node): if node.type.is_object: return self.visit(ast.Tuple(elts=node.dims, ctx=ast.Load())) else: if node.type.is_float: self.warn(node, "Using a float for indexing") self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_Index(self, node): return self.visit(node.value) def allocate_struct_on_stack(self, assmnt_node, target): # Allocate struct on stack temp = nodes.TempNode(target.type) assmnt_node.targets[0] = assmnt_node.value = self.visit(assmnt_node.value) # Expose LLVM value through SSA (patch the Variable or the # LHS). We need to store the pointer to the struct (the alloca) ssa_assmnt = ast.Assign(targets=[target], return ast.Suite(body=[assmnt_node, ssa_assmnt]) def visit_Assign(self, node): target = node.targets[0] target_is_subscript = (len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(target, ast.Subscript)) if target_is_subscript and is_obj(target.type): # Slice assignment / index assignment w/ objects # TODO: discount array indexing with dtype object target = self.visit(target) obj = target.value key = target.slice value = self.visit(node.value) call = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyObject_SetItem', args=[obj, key, value]) return self.visit(call) elif target.type.is_struct and nodes.is_name(target): node = self.allocate_struct_on_stack(node, target) return node self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_Slice(self, node): """ Rewrite slice objects. Do this late in the pipeline so that other code can still recognize the code structure. """ slice_values = [node.lower, node.upper, node.step] if self.nopython: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Cannot slice in nopython context") if node.variable.is_constant: return self.visit(nodes.ObjectInjectNode(node.variable.constant_value)) bounds = [] for node in slice_values: if node is None: bounds.append(nodes.NULL_obj) else: bounds.append(node) new_slice = function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PySlice_New', args=bounds, temp_name='slice') return self.visit(new_slice) # return nodes.ObjectTempNode(new_slice) def visit_Attribute(self, node): if (self.nopython and not node.value.type.is_module and not node.value.type.is_complex and not node.value.type.is_datetime and not node.value.type.is_timedelta): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot access Python attribute in nopython context (%s)" % node.attr) if node.value.type.is_complex: value = self.visit(node.value) return nodes.ComplexAttributeNode(value, node.attr) elif node.value.type.is_numpy_datetime: value = self.visit(node.value) if node.attr in ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec']: func_dict = {'year' : 'extract_datetime_year', 'month' : 'extract_datetime_month', 'day' : 'extract_datetime_day', 'hour' : 'extract_datetime_hour', 'min' : 'extract_datetime_min', 'sec' : 'extract_datetime_sec',} value = nodes.CloneableNode(value) timestamp_node = nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(value, 'timestamp') unit_node = nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(value.clone, 'units') new_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, func_dict[node.attr], args=[timestamp_node, unit_node]) return new_node else: return nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(value, node.attr) elif node.value.type.is_datetime: value = self.visit(node.value) return nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(value, node.attr) elif node.value.type.is_timedelta: value = self.visit(node.value) return nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode(value, node.attr) elif node.type.is_numpy_attribute: return nodes.ObjectInjectNode(node.type.value) elif node.type.is_numpy_dtype: dtype_type = node.type.dtype return nodes.ObjectInjectNode(dtype_type.get_dtype()) elif is_obj(node.value.type): if node.value.type.is_module: # Resolve module attributes as constants if node.type.is_module_attribute: new_node = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(node.type.value) else: new_node = nodes.ConstNode(getattr(node.value.type.module, node.attr)) else: new_node = function_util.external_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyObject_GetAttrString', args=[node.value, nodes.ConstNode(node.attr)]) return self.visit(new_node) self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_ArrayNewNode(self, node): if self.nopython: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot yet allocate new array in nopython context") PyArray_Type = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(np.ndarray) descr = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(node.type.dtype.get_dtype()).cloneable ndim = nodes.const(node.type.ndim, int_) flags = nodes.const(0, int_) args = [PyArray_Type, descr.clone, ndim, node.shape, node.strides,, flags] incref_descr = nodes.IncrefNode(descr) incref_base = None setbase = None if node.base is None: args.append(nodes.NULL_obj) else: base = nodes.CloneableNode(node.base) incref_base = nodes.IncrefNode(base) args.append(base.clone) array = nodes.PyArray_NewFromDescr(args) array = nodes.ObjectTempNode(array).cloneable body = [incref_descr, incref_base, array, setbase] if node.base is not None: body.append(nodes.PyArray_SetBaseObject([array.clone, base.clone])) # TODO: PyArray_UpdateFlags() result = nodes.ExpressionNode(filter(None, body), array.clone) return self.visit(result) def visit_ArrayNewEmptyNode(self, node): if self.nopython: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot yet allocate new empty array in nopython context") ndim = nodes.const(node.type.ndim, int_) dtype = nodes.const(node.type.dtype.get_dtype(), object_).cloneable is_fortran = nodes.const(node.is_fortran, int_) result = nodes.PyArray_Empty([ndim, node.shape, dtype, is_fortran]) result = nodes.ObjectTempNode(result) incref_descr = nodes.IncrefNode(dtype) return self.visit(nodes.ExpressionNode([incref_descr], result)) def visit_Name(self, node): if node.variable.is_constant: obj = node.variable.constant_value return self.visit(nodes.const(obj, node.type)) return node def visit_Return(self, node): return_type = self.func_signature.return_type if node.value is not None: node.value = self.visit(nodes.CoercionNode(node.value, return_type)) return node def visit_For(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) return node def _object_binop(self, node, api_name): return self.visit( function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, api_name, args=[node.left, node.right])) def _object_Add(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Add') def _object_Sub(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Subtract') def _object_Mult(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Multiply') def _object_Div(self, node): if PY3: return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_TrueDivide') else: return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Divide') def _object_Mod(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Remainder') def _object_Pow(self, node): args = [node.left, node.right, nodes.ObjectInjectNode(None)] return self.visit(function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, 'PyNumber_Power', args=args), llvm_module=self.llvm_module) def _object_LShift(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Lshift') def _object_RShift(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Rshift') def _object_BitOr(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Or') def _object_BitXor(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_Xor') def _object_BitAnd(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_And') def _object_FloorDiv(self, node): return self._object_binop(node, 'PyNumber_FloorDivide') def visit_BinOp(self, node): if isinstance(node.op, ast.Pow): return self.visit(resolve_pow(self.env, node.type, [node.left, node.right])) self.generic_visit(node) if is_obj(node.left.type) or is_obj(node.right.type): op_name = type(node.op).__name__ op_method = getattr(self, '_object_%s' % op_name, None) if op_method: node = op_method(node) else: raise error.NumbaError( node, 'Unsupported binary operation for object: %s' % op_name) elif node.left.type.is_datetime and node.right.type.is_datetime: if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.left) units1_node = nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'units') datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.right) units2_node = nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'units') unit_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "get_target_unit_for_datetime_datetime", args=[units1_node, units2_node]) datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.left) args1 = [ nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value, 'timestamp'), nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value.clone, 'units'), ] datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.right) args2 = [ nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value, 'timestamp'), nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode(datetime_value.clone, 'units'), ] diff_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "sub_datetime_datetime", args=args1+args2+[unit_node]) node = nodes.TimeDeltaNode(diff_node, unit_node) else: raise NotImplementedError elif (node.left.type.is_datetime and node.right.type.is_timedelta) or \ (node.left.type.is_timedelta and node.right.type.is_datetime): if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add) or isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.left) if node.left.type.is_datetime: units1_node = nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'units') else: units1_node = nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'units') datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.right) if node.right.type.is_datetime: units2_node = nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'units') else: units2_node = nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'units') unit_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "get_target_unit_for_datetime_timedelta", args=[units1_node, units2_node]) datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.left) if node.left.type.is_datetime: args1 = [ nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'timestamp'), nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value.clone, 'units'),] else: args1 = [ nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'diff'), nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode( datetime_value.clone, 'units'),] datetime_value = nodes.CloneableNode(node.right) if node.right.type.is_datetime: args2 = [ nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'timestamp'), nodes.DateTimeAttributeNode( datetime_value.clone, 'units'),] else: args2 = [ nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode( datetime_value, 'diff'), nodes.TimeDeltaAttributeNode( datetime_value.clone, 'units'),] if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add): diff_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "add_datetime_timedelta", args=args1+args2+[unit_node]) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): diff_node = function_util.utility_call( self.context, self.llvm_module, "sub_datetime_timedelta", args=args1+args2+[unit_node]) node = nodes.DateTimeNode(diff_node, unit_node) else: raise NotImplementedError elif node.left.type.is_string and node.right.type.is_string: node.left = nodes.CoercionNode(node.left, object_) node.right = nodes.CoercionNode(node.right, object_) return nodes.CoercionNode(self.visit_BinOp(node), c_string_type) return node def _object_unaryop(self, node, api_name): return self.visit( function_util.external_call(self.context, self.llvm_module, api_name, args=[node.operand])) def _object_Invert(self, node): return self._object_unaryop(node, 'PyNumber_Invert') def _object_Not(self, node): callnode = function_util.external_call(self.function_cache, self.llvm_module, 'PyObject_IsTrue', args=[node.operand]) cmpnode = ast.Compare(callnode, [nodes.Eq()], [nodes.ConstNode(0)]) return self.visit(nodes.IfExp(cmpnode, nodes.ObjectInjectNode(True), nodes.ObjectInjectNode(False))) def _object_UAdd(self, node): return self._object_unaryop(node, 'PyNumber_Positive') def _object_USub(self, node): return self._object_unaryop(node, 'PyNumber_Negative') def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) if is_obj(node.type): op_name = type(node.op).__name__ op_method = getattr(self, '_object_%s' % op_name, None) if op_method: node = op_method(node) else: raise error.NumbaError( node, 'Unsupported unary operation for objects: %s' % op_name) return node def visit_ConstNode(self, node): constant = node.pyval if node.type.is_known_value: node.type = object_ # TODO: Get rid of known_value if node.type.is_complex: real = nodes.ConstNode(constant.real, node.type.base_type) imag = nodes.ConstNode(constant.imag, node.type.base_type) node = nodes.ComplexNode(real, imag) elif node.type.is_numpy_datetime: datetime_str = nodes.ConstNode('', c_string_type) node = nodes.NumpyDateTimeNode(datetime_str) elif node.type.is_datetime: # JNB: not sure what to do here for datetime value timestamp = nodes.ConstNode(0, int64) units = nodes.ConstNode(0, int32) node = nodes.DateTimeNode(timestamp, units) elif node.type.is_timedelta: diff = nodes.ConstNode(0, int64) units = nodes.ConstNode(0, int32) node = nodes.TimeDeltaNode(diff, units) elif node.type.is_pointer and not node.type.is_string: addr_int = constnodes.get_pointer_address(constant, node.type) node = nodes.ptrfromint(addr_int, node.type) elif node.type.is_object and not nodes.is_null_constant(constant): node = nodes.ObjectInjectNode(constant, node.type) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # User nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_UserNode(self, node): return node.specialize(self) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typedefs # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * from numba.typesystem import defaults _trace_refs_ = hasattr(sys, 'getobjects') def define(u): void_star = u.pointer(u.void) intp_star = u.pointer(u.npy_intp) if _trace_refs_: pyobject_head_extra_fields = [ ('ob_next', void_star), ('ob_prev', void_star), ] else: pyobject_head_extra_fields = [] pyobject_head_fields = pyobject_head_extra_fields + [ ('ob_refcnt', u.Py_ssize_t), ('ob_type', void_star), ] PyObject_HEAD = u.struct_(pyobject_head_fields, 'PyObject_HEAD') PyArray = u.struct_(pyobject_head_fields + [ ("data", void_star), ("nd", u.int32), ("dimensions", intp_star), ("strides", intp_star), ("base", void_star), ("descr", void_star), ("flags", u.int32), ("weakreflist", void_star), ]) PyCFunctionObject = u.struct_([ ('head', PyObject_HEAD), ('m_ml', void_star), ('m_self', u.object_), ('m_module', u.object_), ]) # TODO: Parse C and Cython header files... NumbaFunctionObject = u.struct_([ ('pycfunction', PyCFunctionObject), ('flags', u.int_), ('func_dict', u.object_), ('func_weakreflist', u.object_), ('func_name', u.object_), ('func_doc', u.object_), ('func_code', u.object_), ('func_closure', u.object_), ]) return locals() globals().update(define(defaults.numba_typesystem)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = closuretypes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Types for closures and inner functions. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.typesystem import NumbaType from numba.exttypes.types.extensiontype import ExtensionType class ClosureType(NumbaType): """ Type of closures and inner functions. """ typename = "closure" argnames = ["signature", ("closure", None)] flags = ["object"] def add_scope_arg(self, scope_type): self.signature = self.signature.add_arg(0, scope_type) def __repr__(self): return "<closure(%s)>" % self.signature class ClosureScopeType(ExtensionType): """ Type of the enclosing scope for closures. This is always passed in as first argument to the function. """ typename = "closure_scope" is_final = True def __init__(self, py_class, parent_scope): super(ClosureScopeType, self).__init__(py_class) self.parent_scope = parent_scope self.unmangled_symtab = None if self.parent_scope is None: self.scope_prefix = "" else: self.scope_prefix = self.parent_scope.scope_prefix + "0" ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = constants # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Default rules for the typing of constants. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import math import types import ctypes from functools import partial import numba.typesystem from numba.typesystem import itypesystem, numpy_support from numba import numbawrapper from import is_ctypes, from_ctypes_value from import cffi_support import numpy as np import datetime #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class -> Type #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_typing_defaults(u): """ Get a simple table mapping Python classes to types. :param u: The type universe """ typing_defaults = { float: u.double, bool: u.bool_, complex: u.complex128, str: u.string_, #datetime.datetime: u.datetime, np.datetime64: u.datetime(), np.timedelta64: u.timedelta(), } return typing_defaults #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class -> pyval -> Type #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_default_typing_rules(u, typeof, promote): """ Get a table mapping Python classes to handlers (value -> type) :param u: The type universe """ table = {} def register(*classes): def dec(func): for cls in classes: table[cls] = lambda u, value: func(value) return func return dec @register(int, long) def type_int(value): if abs(value) < 1: bits = 0 else: bits = math.ceil(math.log(abs(value), 2)) if bits < 32: return u.int_ elif bits < 64: return u.int64 else: raise ValueError("Cannot represent %s as int32 or int64", value) @register(np.ndarray) def type_ndarray(value): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): dtype = numpy_support.map_dtype(value.dtype) return u.array(dtype, value.ndim) #is_c_contig=value.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'], #is_f_contig=value.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) @register(tuple, list, dict) def type_container(value): assert isinstance(value, (tuple, list, dict)) if isinstance(value, dict): key_type = type_container(value.keys()) value_type = type_container(value.values()) return u.dict_(key_type, value_type, size=len(value)) if isinstance(value, tuple): container_type = u.tuple_ else: container_type = u.list_ if 0 < len(value) < 30: # Figure out base type if the container is not too large # base_type = reduce(promote, (typeof(child) for child in value)) ty = typeof(value[0]) if all(typeof(child) == ty for child in value): base_type = ty else: base_type = u.object_ else: base_type = u.object_ return container_type(base_type, size=len(value)) register(np.dtype)(lambda value: u.numpy_dtype(numpy_support.map_dtype(value))) register(types.ModuleType)(lambda value: u.module(value)) register(itypesystem.Type)(lambda value: u.meta(value)) return table def get_constant_typer(universe, typeof, promote): """ Get a function mapping values to types, which returns None if unsuccessful. """ typetable = get_typing_defaults(universe) handler_table = get_default_typing_rules(universe, typeof, promote) return itypesystem.ConstantTyper(universe, typetable, handler_table).typeof #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Constant matching ({ pyval -> bool : pyval -> Type }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TODO: Make this a well-defined (easily overridable) matching table # E.g. { "numpy" : { is_numpy : get_type } } def is_dtype_constructor(value): return isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, np.generic) def is_numpy_scalar(value): return isinstance(value, np.generic) def is_registered(value): from numba.type_inference import module_type_inference return module_type_inference.is_registered(value) def from_ctypes(value, u): result = from_ctypes_value(value) if result.is_function: pointer = ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.c_void_p).value return u.pointer_to_function(value, pointer, result) else: return result def from_cffi(value, u): signature = cffi_support.get_signature(value) pointer = cffi_support.get_pointer(value) return u.pointer_to_function(value, pointer, signature) def from_typefunc(value, u): from numba.type_inference import module_type_inference result = module_type_inference.module_attribute_type(value) if result is not None: return result else: return u.known_value(value) is_numba_exttype = lambda value: hasattr(type(value), '__numba_ext_type') is_NULL = lambda value: value is numba.NULL is_autojit_func = lambda value: isinstance( value, numbawrapper.NumbaSpecializingWrapper) def get_default_match_table(u): """ Get a matcher table: { (type -> bool) : (value -> type) } """ table = { is_NULL: lambda value: numba.typesystem.null, is_dtype_constructor: lambda value: numba.typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(np.dtype(value)), is_numpy_scalar: lambda value: numpy_support.map_dtype(value.dtype), is_ctypes: lambda value: from_ctypes(value, u), cffi_support.is_cffi_func: lambda value: from_cffi(value, u), is_numba_exttype: lambda value: getattr(type(value), '__numba_ext_type'), numbawrapper.is_numba_wrapper: lambda value: u.jit_function(value), is_autojit_func: lambda value: u.autojit_function(value), is_registered: lambda value: from_typefunc(value, u), } return table def find_match(matchtable, value): for matcher, typefunc in matchtable.iteritems(): if matcher(value): result = typefunc(value) assert result is not None return result return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Typeof #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def object_typer(universe, value): return universe.object_ def find_first(callables, value): for callable in callables: result = callable(value) if result is not None: return result assert False, (callables, value) def get_default_typeof(universe, promote): typeof1 = get_constant_typer(universe, lambda value: typeof(value), promote) typeof2 = partial(find_match, get_default_match_table(universe)) typeof3 = partial(object_typer, universe) typeof = partial(find_first, [typeof1, typeof2, typeof3]) return typeof ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ctypestypes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ctypes type universe. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ctypes from numba.typesystem.itypesystem import consing, tyname from numba.typesystem import universe from numba.typesystem import numbatypes as ts domain_name = "ctypes" # ______________________________________________________________________ nb2ctypes = { ts.float32: ctypes.c_float, ts.float64: ctypes.c_double, # ts.float128: ctypes.c_longdouble, ts.object_: ctypes.py_object, ts.void: None, ts.string_: ctypes.c_char_p, } def cint(name): ty = getattr(ts, name) cname = "c_int" if ty.signed else "c_uint" nb2ctypes[ty] = getattr(ctypes, cname + str(ty.itemsize * 8)) for name in map(tyname, universe.int_typenames): cint(name) globals().update((tyname(ty.typename), cty) for ty, cty in nb2ctypes.iteritems()) # float_, double, longdouble = float32, float64, float128 float_, double = float32, float64 ctypes_map = dict((cty, ty) for ty, cty in nb2ctypes.iteritems()) if ctypes.c_double == ctypes.c_longdouble: # Ctypes and numpy can disagree on longdouble. If ctypes assume # double == longdouble, make sure we don't assume longdouble, and then # later use the numpy representation ctypes_map[ctypes.c_double] = ts.float64 # ______________________________________________________________________ @consing def struct_(fields, name=None, readonly=False, packed=False): class Struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = fields if packed: _pack_ = 1 return Struct @consing def function(rettype, argtypes, name=None, is_vararg=False): assert not is_vararg return ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(rettype, *argtypes) @consing def pointer(base_type): if base_type in (ctypes.c_char, ctypes.c_byte): return string_ return ctypes.POINTER(base_type) carray = consing(lambda base_type, size: base_type * size) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = defaults # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Type defaults """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from . itypesystem import TypeConverter, TypeSystem from . import promotion, constants, lowering from . import numbatypes as numba_domain from . import llvmtypes as llvm_domain from . import ctypestypes as ctypes_domain #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Defaults initialization #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def compose(f, g): return lambda x: f(g(x)) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Converters def lowerer(table): return lowering.create_type_lowerer(table, numba_domain, numba_domain) # Lowerers lower = lowerer(lowering.default_numba_lowering_table).convert ctypes_lower = lowerer(lowering.ctypes_lowering_table).convert # Converters to_llvm_converter = TypeConverter(numba_domain, llvm_domain) to_ctypes_converter = TypeConverter(numba_domain, ctypes_domain) # ... to_llvm = to_llvm_converter.convert to_ctypes = to_ctypes_converter.convert converters = { "llvm": compose(to_llvm, lower), "ctypes": compose(to_ctypes, ctypes_lower), } # ______________________________________________________________________ # Typesystems promote = promotion.get_default_promoter(numba_domain) typeof = constants.get_default_typeof(numba_domain, promote) numba_typesystem = TypeSystem(numba_domain, promote, typeof, converters) llvm_typesystem = TypeSystem(llvm_domain, typeof=compose(to_llvm, typeof)) ctypes_typesystem = TypeSystem(ctypes_domain, typeof=compose(to_ctypes, typeof)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = itypesystem # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Inferface for our typesystems. Some requirements: * The typesystem must allow us to switch between low-level representations. For instance, we may want to represent an array as a NumPy ndarray, a Py_buffer, or some other representation. * The sizes of atom types (e.g. int) must be easily customizable. This allows an interpreter to switch sizes to simulate different platforms. * Type representations and sizes, must be overridable without reimplementing the type. E.g. an atom type can be sliced to create an array type, which should be separate from its low-level representation. * Types should map easily between type domains of the same level, e.g. between the low-level numba and llvm types. Ideally this forms an isomorphism, which is precluded by ctypes and numpy type systems:: >>> ctypes.c_longlong <class 'ctypes.c_long'> * No type system but our own should be entrenched in any part of the codebase, including the code generator. * Sets of type constructors (type universes) must be composable. For instance, we may want to extend a low-level type systems of ints and pointers with objects to yield a type universe supporting both constructs. * Universes must be re-usable across type-systems. Types of universes represent abstract type concepts, and the type-systems give meaning and representation to values of those types. * Types must be immutable and consed, i.e. ts.pointer(base) is ts.pointer(base) must always be True * The use of a certain typesystem must suggest at which level the corresponding terms operate. * Conversion code should be written with minimal effort: - unit types should map immediately between domains of the same level - parametric types should naturally re-construct in domains of the same level * Converting a type to a lower-level domain constitutes a one-way conversion. This should, where possible, constitute a lowering in the same domain followed by a conversion. E.g.: def numba_complex_to_llvm(type): return to_llvm(lower_complex(type)) * Type constructors must be substitutable. E.g. an external user may want to construct a universe where type construction is logged, or where special type checking is performed, disallowing certain compositions. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ctypes import struct as struct_ import weakref import keyword from functools import partial import numba from numba.utils import is_builtin reserved = set(['bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'complex', 'string', 'struct', 'array']).__contains__ def tyname(name): return name + "_" if reserved(name) else name __all__ = [ "TypeSystem", "Type", "ConstantTyper", "Conser", "TypeConser", "get_conser", "consing", ] native_pointer_size = struct_.calcsize('@P') if struct_.pack('i', 1)[0] == '\1': nbo = '<' # little endian else: nbo = '>' # big endian if numba.PY3: map = lambda f, xs, map=map: list(map(f, xs)) class TypeSystem(object): def __init__(self, universe, promote=None, typeof=None, converters=None): self.universe = universe # Find the least general type that subsumes both given types # t1 -> t2 -> t3 self.promote = promote # Assign types to Python constants (arbitrary python values) self.typeof = typeof self.from_python = typeof # TODO: Remove # Convert between type domains self.converters = converters or {} def convert(self, codomain_name, type): convert = self.converters[codomain_name] return convert(type) def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.universe, attr) def __repr__(self): return "TypeSystem(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.universe.domain_name, self.promote, self.typeof, self.converters) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Typing of Constants #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ConstantTyper(object): def __init__(self, universe, typetable, handler_table): "Initialize to the given type universe" self.universe = universe self.typetable = typetable # type(constant) -> type self.handler_table = handler_table # type(constant) -> handler def typeof(self, value): """ Get a concrete type given a python value. Return None f this ConstantTyper cannot type the constant """ if type(value) in self.typetable: return self.typetable[type(value)] elif type(value) in self.handler_table: return self.handler_table[type(value)](self.universe, value) else: for cls in self.handler_table: if isinstance(value, cls): return self.handler_table[cls](self.universe, value) return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Conversion between type domains #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_ctor(codomain, kind): name = tyname(kind) if not hasattr(codomain, name): raise AttributeError( "Codomain '%s' has no attribute '%s'" % (codomain, name)) return getattr(codomain, name) def convert_unit(domain, codomain, type): return get_ctor(codomain, type.typename) def convert_para(domain, codomain, type, coparams): return get_ctor(codomain, type.kind)(*coparams) # Construct type in codomain # ______________________________________________________________________ class TypeConverter(object): """ Map types between type universes. """ def __init__(self, domain, codomain, convert_unit=convert_unit, convert_para=convert_para): self.domain, self.codomain = domain, codomain self.convert_unit = partial(convert_unit, domain, codomain) self.convert_para = partial(convert_para, domain, codomain) self.partypes = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def convert(self, type): "Return an LLVM type for the given type." if isinstance(type, (tuple, list)): return tuple(map(self.convert, type)) elif not isinstance(type, Type): return type elif type.is_unit: return self.convert_unit(type) else: return self.convert_parametrized(type) def convert_parametrized(self, type): # if type in self.partypes: # TODO: Check for type mutability # return self.partypes[type] # Construct parametrized type in codomain result = self.convert_para(type, map(self.convert, type.params)) # self.partypes[type] = result return result def __repr__(self): return "TypeConverter(%s -> %s)" % (self.domain.domain_name, self.codomain.domain_name) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Classes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def add_flags(obj, flags): for flag in flags: setattr(obj, "is_" + flag, True) class Type(object): """ Base of all types. """ metadata = None def __init__(self, kind, *params, **kwds): self.kind = kind # Type kind # don't call this 'args' since we already use that in function self.params = list(params) self.is_unit = kwds.get("is_unit", False) if self.is_unit: self.typename = params[0] else: self.typename = kind # Immutable metadata self.metadata = kwds.get("metadata", frozenset()) self._metadata = self.metadata and dict(self.metadata) @classmethod def unit(cls, kind, name, flags=(), **kwds): """ Nullary type constructor creating the most elementary of types. Does not compose any other type. """ type = cls(kind, name, is_unit=True, metadata=frozenset(kwds.items())) add_flags(type, flags) type.flags = flags return type @classmethod def default_args(cls, args, kwargs): "Add defaults to a given args tuple for type construction" return args def __repr__(self): if self.is_unit: return self.params[0].rstrip("_") else: return "%s(%s)" % (self.kind, ", ".join(map(str, self.params))) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("is_"): return self.kind == attr[3:] elif self.metadata and attr in self._metadata: return self._metadata[attr] raise AttributeError( attr) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Memoization #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Conser(object): """ Conser: constructs new objects only when not already available. Objects are weakreffed to sanitize memory consumption. This allows the objects to be compared by and hashed on identity. """ __slots__ = ("constructor", "_entries") def __init__(self, constructor): self._entries = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self.constructor = constructor def get(self, *args): args = tuple(tuple(arg) if isinstance(arg, list) else arg for arg in args) try: result = self._entries.get(args) if result is None: result = self.constructor(*args) self._entries[args] = result except: result = self.constructor(*args) return result class TypeConser(object): def __init__(self, type): assert isinstance(type, type), type assert issubclass(type, Type), type.__mro__ self.type = type self.conser = Conser(type) def get(self, *args, **kwargs): # Add defaults to the arguments to ensure consing correctness args = self.type.default_args(args, kwargs) return self.conser.get(*args) def get_conser(ctor): if isinstance(ctor, type) and issubclass(ctor, Type): return TypeConser(ctor) # Use a conser that tracks defaults else: return Conser(ctor) def consing(ctor): return get_conser(ctor).get ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = kinds # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Kinds for numba types. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Kinds #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Low level kinds KIND_VOID = "void" KIND_INT = "int" KIND_FLOAT = "float" KIND_COMPLEX = "complex" KIND_FUNCTION = "function" KIND_ARRAY = "array" KIND_POINTER = "pointer" KIND_NULL = "null" KIND_CARRAY = "carray" KIND_STRUCT = "struct" # High-level Numba kinds KIND_BOOL = "bool" KIND_OBJECT = "object" KIND_EXTTYPE = "exttype" KIND_NONE = "none" ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = llvmtypes import llvm.core from numba.typesystem.itypesystem import consing, tyname from numba.typesystem import universe # from llvmmath.ltypes import l_longdouble domain_name = "llvm" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_target_triple(): target_machine = is_ppc = target_machine.triple.startswith("ppc") is_x86 = target_machine.triple.startswith("x86") return is_ppc, is_x86 def lbool(): return def lint(name, itemsize): if name == "bool": return lbool() return * 8) def lfloat(name, itemsize): if itemsize == 4: return llvm.core.Type.float() elif itemsize == 8: return llvm.core.Type.double() else: assert False, "long double is not supported" # return l_longdouble size = universe.default_type_sizes.__getitem__ unittypes = {} for typename in universe.int_typenames: unittypes[typename] = lint(typename, size(typename)) for typename in universe.float_typenames: unittypes[typename] = lfloat(typename, size(typename)) unittypes["void"] = llvm.core.Type.void() globals().update((tyname(name), ty) for name, ty in unittypes.iteritems()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Exposed types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # @consing # llvm types don't hash in python 3 in llvmpy 0.11.2 def struct_(fields, name=None, readonly=False, packed=False): if packed: struct = llvm.core.Type.packed_struct else: struct = llvm.core.Type.struct return struct([field_type for field_name, field_type in fields]) # @consing def pointer(base_type): if base_type.kind == llvm.core.TYPE_VOID: base_type = return llvm.core.Type.pointer(base_type) def sized_pointer(base_type, size): return pointer(base_type) # @consing def function(rettype, argtypes, name=None, is_vararg=False): return llvm.core.Type.function(rettype, argtypes, is_vararg) def array_(dtype, ndim, *args): from numba import environment, ndarray_helpers # TODO: this is gross, we need to pass in 'env' env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment() if env.crnt: return env.crnt.array.from_type(dtype) return ndarray_helpers.NumpyArray.from_type(dtype) carray = llvm.core.Type.array ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = lowering # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Type lowering from a higher-level domain to a lower-level domain. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.typesystem import itypesystem def find_matches(table, flags): "Find a lowering function from the flags of the type" matches = [] for flag in flags: if flag in table: matches.append(flag) if len(matches) > 1: raise ValueError("Multiple matching flags: %s" % flags) elif matches: return matches[0] else: return None def find_func(table, kind, flags, default=None): "Get a function form the table by resolving any indirections" if kind in table: flag = kind else: flag = find_matches(table, flags) if flag is None: return default while flag in table: if isinstance(table[flag], basestring): flag = table[flag] else: return table[flag] return default def create_type_lowerer(table, domain, codomain): """ Create a type lowerer from a domain to a codomain given a lowering table. """ def convert_unit(domain, codomain, type): func = find_func(table, type.typename, type.flags) if func: return func(domain, codomain, type, ()) else: return itypesystem.convert_unit(domain, codomain, type) def convert_para(domain, codomain, type, params): ctor = find_func(table, type.kind, type.flags, itypesystem.convert_para) # print("lowering...", type, ctor) return ctor(domain, codomain, type, params) return itypesystem.TypeConverter(domain, codomain, convert_unit, convert_para) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Lowering functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ______________________________________________________________________ # unit types def lower_object(domain, codomain, type, params): from numba import typedefs # hurr if type.is_array: return codomain.array_(*params) return codomain.pointer(typedefs.PyObject_HEAD) def lower_string(domain, codomain, type, params): return codomain.pointer(codomain.char) # ______________________________________________________________________ # parametrized types def lower_function(domain, codomain, type, params): restype, args, name, is_vararg = params newargs = [] for arg in args: if arg.is_struct or arg.is_function: arg = codomain.pointer(arg) newargs.append(arg) if restype.is_struct: newargs.append(codomain.pointer(restype)) restype = codomain.void result = codomain.function(restype, newargs, name, is_vararg) # print("lowered", type, result, params) return result def lower_extmethod(domain, codomain, type, params): return lower_function(domain, codomain, type, params[:4]) def lower_complex(domain, codomain, type, params): base_type, = params return codomain.struct_([('real', base_type), ('imag', base_type)]) def lower_datetime(domain, codomain, type, params): timestamp, units = params[0:2] return codomain.struct_([('timestamp', timestamp), ('units', units)]) def lower_to_pointer(domain, codomain, type, params): return codomain.pointer(params[0]) def lower_timedelta(domain, codomain, type, params): diff, units = params[0:2] return codomain.struct_([('diff', diff), ('units', units)]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default Lowering Table #------------------------------------------------------------------------ default_numba_lowering_table = { "object": lower_object, # parametrized types "function": lower_function, "complex": lower_complex, "datetime": lower_datetime, "timedelta": lower_timedelta, # "array": lower_array, "string": lower_string, # "carray": lower_to_pointer, "sized_pointer": lower_to_pointer, "reference": lower_to_pointer, "extmethod": lower_extmethod, "known_pointer": lower_to_pointer, } ctypes_lowering_table = { "object": lambda dom, cod, type, params: cod.object_, "complex": lower_complex, "array": "object", # "string": lambda dom, cod, type, params: ctypes.c_char_p, "sized_pointer": lower_to_pointer, "reference": lower_to_pointer, "extmethod": lower_extmethod, } ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numbatypes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Shorthands for type constructing, promotions, etc. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import __future__ import inspect from numba.typesystem import types, universe from numba.typesystem.types import * __all__ = [] # set below integral = [] unsigned_integral = [] floating = [] complextypes = [] numeric = [] native_integral = [] datetimetypes = [] domain_name = "numba" ranking = ["bool", "int", "float", "complex", "object"] def rank(type): return ranking.index(type.kind) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # All unit types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def unit(*args, **kwargs): ty = types.unit(*args, **kwargs) if ty.is_int: ty.signed = ty.typename in universe.signed if ty.is_int or ty.is_float: ty.itemsize = universe.default_type_sizes[ty.typename] # Add types to categories numeric, integral, floating, etc... if ty.is_int: integral.append(ty) if not ty.signed: unsigned_integral.append(ty) if universe.is_native_int(ty.typename): native_integral.append(ty) elif ty.is_float: floating.append(ty) if ty.is_numeric: numeric.append(ty) return ty # Numeric types char = unit("int", "char", flags=["numeric"]) uchar = unit("int", "uchar", flags=["numeric"]) short = unit("int", "short", flags=["numeric"]) ushort = unit("int", "ushort", flags=["numeric"]) int_ = unit("int", "int", flags=["numeric"]) uint = unit("int", "uint", flags=["numeric"]) long_ = unit("int", "long", flags=["numeric"]) ulong = unit("int", "ulong", flags=["numeric"]) longlong = unit("int", "longlong", flags=["numeric"]) ulonglong = unit("int", "ulonglong", flags=["numeric"]) int8 = unit("int", "int8", flags=["numeric"]) int16 = unit("int", "int16", flags=["numeric"]) int32 = unit("int", "int32", flags=["numeric"]) int64 = unit("int", "int64", flags=["numeric"]) uint8 = unit("int", "uint8", flags=["numeric"]) uint16 = unit("int", "uint16", flags=["numeric"]) uint32 = unit("int", "uint32", flags=["numeric"]) uint64 = unit("int", "uint64", flags=["numeric"]) size_t = unit("int", "size_t", flags=["numeric"]) npy_intp = unit("int", "npy_intp", flags=["numeric"]) Py_ssize_t = unit("int", "Py_ssize_t", flags=["numeric"]) Py_uintptr_t = unit("int", "Py_uintptr_t", flags=["numeric"]) float32 = unit("float", "float32", flags=["numeric"]) float64 = unit("float", "float64", flags=["numeric"]) # float128 = unit("float", "float128", flags=["numeric"]) # float_, double, longdouble = float32, float64, float128 float_, double = float32, float64 complex64 = complex_(float32) complex128 = complex_(float64) # complex256 = complex_(float128) bool_ = unit("bool", "bool", flags=["int", "numeric"]) null = unit("null", "null", flags=["pointer"]) void = unit("void", "void") obj_type = lambda name: unit(name, name, flags=["object"]) # Add some unit types... (objects) object_ = obj_type("object") unicode_ = obj_type("unicode") none = obj_type("none") ellipsis = obj_type("ellipsis") slice_ = obj_type("slice") newaxis = obj_type("newaxis") range_ = obj_type("range") string_ = unit("string", "string", flags=[#"object", "c_string"]) c_string_type = string_ complextypes.extend([complex64, complex128]) #, complex256]) tuple_of_obj = tuple_(object_, -1) list_of_obj = list_(object_, -1) dict_of_obj = dict_(object_, object_, -1) def datetime(units=None, numpy=True): if units not in ['Y', 'M', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's']: units = None datetime_type = datetime_(int64, int32, units) datetime_type.is_numpy_datetime = numpy return datetime_type def timedelta(units=None, numpy=True): if units not in ['Y', 'M', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's']: units = None timedelta_type = timedelta_(int64, int32, units) timedelta_type.is_numpy_timedelta = numpy return timedelta_type # ______________________________________________________________________ O = object_ b1 = bool_ i1 = int8 i2 = int16 i4 = int32 i8 = int64 u1 = uint8 u2 = uint16 u4 = uint32 u8 = uint64 f4 = float32 f8 = float64 # f16 = float128 c8 = complex64 c16 = complex128 # c32 = complex256 for name, value in list(globals().iteritems()): # TODO: Do this better if (not isinstance(value, __future__ ._Feature) and not inspect.ismodule(value) and not name.startswith("_")): __all__.append(name) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numpy_support # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import math from numba.typesystem import * from numba.typesystem.itypesystem import nbo import numpy as np def map_dtype(dtype): """ Map a NumPy dtype to a minitype. >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.int32)) int32 >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.int64)) int64 >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.object)) PyObject * >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.float64)) float64 >>> map_dtype(np.dtype(np.complex128)) complex128 """ if dtype.byteorder not in ('=', nbo, '|') and dtype.kind in ('iufbc'): raise minierror.UnmappableTypeError( "Only native byteorder is supported", dtype) item_idx = int(math.log(dtype.itemsize, 2)) if dtype.kind == 'i': return [int8, int16, int32, int64][item_idx] elif dtype.kind == 'u': return [uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64][item_idx] elif dtype.kind == 'f': if dtype.itemsize == 2: pass # half floats not supported yet elif dtype.itemsize == 4: return float32 elif dtype.itemsize == 8: return float64 elif dtype.itemsize == 16: raise TypeError("long double is not support") # return float128 elif dtype.kind == 'b': return int8 elif dtype.kind == 'c': if dtype.itemsize == 8: return complex64 elif dtype.itemsize == 16: return complex128 elif dtype.itemsize == 32: raise TypeError("long double is not support") # return complex256 elif dtype.kind == 'V': fields = [(name, map_dtype(dtype.fields[name][0])) for name in dtype.names] is_aligned = dtype.alignment != 1 return struct_(fields, packed=not getattr(dtype, 'isalignedstruct', is_aligned)) elif dtype.kind == 'O': return object_ elif dtype.kind == 'M': # Get datetime units from 2nd to last character in dtype string # Example dtype string: '<M8[D]', where D is datetime units return datetime(units=dtype.str[-2]) elif dtype.kind == 'm': # Get timedelta units from 2nd to last character in dtype string # Example dtype string: '<m8[D]', where D is timedelta units return timedelta(units=dtype.str[-2]) typemap = { int8 : np.int8, int16 : np.int16, int32 : np.int32, int64 : np.int64, uint8 : np.uint8, uint16 : np.uint16, uint32 : np.uint32, uint64 : np.uint64, float_ : np.float32, double : np.float64, # longdouble: np.longdouble, short : np.dtype('h'), int_ : np.dtype('i'), long_ : np.dtype('l'), longlong : np.longlong, ushort : np.dtype('H'), uint : np.dtype('I'), ulong : np.dtype('L'), ulonglong: np.ulonglong, complex64: np.complex64, complex128: np.complex128, # complex256: getattr(np, 'complex256', None), bool_ : np.bool, object_ : np.object, } typemap = dict((k, np.dtype(v)) for k, v in typemap.iteritems()) def to_dtype(type): if type.is_struct: fields = [(field_name, to_dtype(field_type)) for field_name, field_type in type.fields] return np.dtype(fields, align=not type.packed) elif type.is_array and type.ndim == 1: return to_dtype(type.dtype) elif type in typemap: return typemap[type] elif type.is_int: name = 'int' if type.signed else 'uint' return np.dtype(getattr(np, name + str(type.itemsize * 8))) elif type.is_numpy_datetime: return np.dtype('M8[{0}]'.format(type.units_char)) elif type.is_numpy_timedelta: return np.dtype('m8[{0}]'.format(type.units_char)) else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' to numpy type" % (type,)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = promotion # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import error from numba.typesystem import numpy_support from numba.typesystem import integral, floating, complextypes, unsigned_integral from numba.typesystem.kinds import * import numpy as np #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Promotion on kind #------------------------------------------------------------------------ table = { (KIND_POINTER, KIND_INT): KIND_POINTER, (KIND_INT, KIND_POINTER): KIND_POINTER, (KIND_POINTER, KIND_NULL): KIND_POINTER, (KIND_NULL, KIND_POINTER): KIND_POINTER, (KIND_OBJECT, KIND_OBJECT): KIND_OBJECT, (KIND_BOOL, KIND_BOOL): KIND_BOOL, } def promote_from_table(table, u, promote, type1, type2): result = table.get((type1.kind, type2.kind)) if result is not None: return { type1.kind: type1, type2.kind: type2}[result] return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Numeric promotion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def find_type_of_size(size, typelist): for type in typelist: if type.itemsize == size: return type assert False, "Type of size %d not found: %s" % (size, typelist) def promote_int(u, promote, type1, type2): """ Promote two integer types. We have to remain portable at this point, e.g. promote_int(Py_ssize_t, int) should be Py_ssize_t, and not int64 or int32. """ t1, t2 = type1.get_dtype(), type2.get_dtype() return numpy_support.map_dtype(np.result_type(t1, t2)) # size = max(type1.itemsize, type2.itemsize) # if type1.signed and type2.signed: # return find_type_of_size(size, integral) # # if type1.signed: # unsigned = type1 # other = type2 # else: # unsigned = type2 # other = type1 # # if (type1.itemsize == size == type2.itemsize or not other.signed or # other.itemsize <= size): # return find_type_of_size(size, unsigned_integral) # else: # return find_type_of_size(size, integral) def promote_numeric(u, promote, type1, type2): "Promote two numeric types" ranks = ["bool", "int", "float", "complex"] type = max([type1, type2], key=lambda type: ranks.index(type.kind)) size = max(type1.itemsize, type2.itemsize) if type.is_complex: return find_type_of_size(size, complextypes) elif type.is_float: return find_type_of_size(size, floating) else: assert type.is_int return promote_int(u, promote, type1, type2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Array promotion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def promote_arrays(u, promote, type1, type2): "Promote two array types in an expression to a new array type" equal_ndim = type1.ndim == type2.ndim return u.array(promote(type1.dtype, type2.dtype), ndim=max((type1.ndim, type2.ndim)), is_c_contig=(equal_ndim and type1.is_c_contig and type2.is_c_contig), is_f_contig=(equal_ndim and type1.is_f_contig and type2.is_f_contig)) def promote_array_and_other(u, promote, type1, type2): if type1.is_array: array_type = type1 other_type = type2 else: array_type = type2 other_type = type1 if other_type.is_object and not array_type.dtype.is_object: # Make sure that (double[:], object_) -> object_ return u.object_ dtype = promote(array_type.dtype, other_type) return u.array(dtype, array_type.ndim) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default type promotion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DefaultPromoter(object): def __init__(self, universe, promotion_table): self.universe = universe self.promotion_table = promotion_table def promote(self, type1, type2): "Promote two arbitrary types" if type1 == type2: return type1 u = self.universe args = u, self.promote, type1, type2 result = promote_from_table(self.promotion_table, *args) if result is not None: return result elif type1.is_numeric and type2.is_numeric: return promote_numeric(*args) elif type1.is_array and type2.is_array: return promote_arrays(*args) elif type1.is_array or type2.is_array: return promote_array_and_other(*args) elif (type1, type2) in [(u.string_, u.char.pointer()), (u.char.pointer(), u.string_)]: return u.string_ elif type1.is_object or type2.is_object: return u.object_ else: raise error.UnpromotableTypeError((type1, type2)) def have_properties(type1, type2, property1, property2): """ Return whether the two types satisfy the two properties: >>> have_properties(int32, int32.pointer(), "is_pointer", "is_int") True """ type1_p1 = getattr(type1, property1) type1_p2 = getattr(type1, property2) type2_p1 = getattr(type2, property1) type2_p2 = getattr(type2, property2) if (type1_p1 and type2_p2) or (type1_p2 and type2_p1): if type1_p1: return type1 else: return type2 else: return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Promote #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_default_promoter(universe): return DefaultPromoter(universe, table).promote ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ssatypes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module provides deferred types used for type dependences that haven't been processed yet, or circular dependences. 1) Types participating in statements that are deferred until later: x = 0 # x_0 for i in range(10): # x_1 = phi(x_0, x_2) print x x = i # x_2 Here x_2 is not resolved yet when we encounter the print statement. 2) Types participating in type graph cycles: x = 0 # x_0 for i in range(10): # x_1 = phi(x_0, x_2) print x x = x + i # x_2 Here we have: type(x_1) = promote(type(x_0) = int, type(x_2)) type(x_2) = promote(type(x_1), type(i) = Py_ssize_t) This is a simple cycle that will constitute the following graph: x_0 (int) \ x_1 __ \ \ X_2 \ i_0 (Py_ssize_t) """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from functools import partial from numba import oset from numba.minivect import minierror from numba.typesystem import * class UninitializedType(NumbaType): is_uninitialized = True subtypes = ['base_type'] def __init__(self, base_type, **kwds): super(UninitializedType, self).__init__(**kwds) self.base_type = base_type def to_llvm(self, context): ltype = self.base_type.to_llvm(context) return ltype def __repr__(self): return "<uninitialized>" class UnresolvedType(NumbaType): """ The directed type graph works as follows: 1) if type x depends on type y, then y is a parent of x. 2) we construct a condensation graph by contracting strongly connected components to single nodes 3) we resolve types in topological order -> types in SCCs are handled specially """ is_unresolved = True rank = 1 def __init__(self, variable, **kwds): super(UnresolvedType, self).__init__(**kwds) self.variable = variable self.assertions = [] self.parents = oset.OrderedSet() self.children = oset.OrderedSet() def add_children(self, children): for child in children: if child.is_unresolved: self.children.add(child) child.parents.add(self) def add_parents(self, parents): for parent in parents: if parent.is_unresolved: self.parents.add(parent) parent.children.add(self) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.variable) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, UnresolvedType) and self.variable == other.variable and self.is_deferred == other.is_deferred and self.is_promotion == other.is_promotion and self.is_unanalyzable == other.is_unanalyzable) def simplify(self): return not (self.resolve() is self) def make_assertion(self, assertion_attr, node, msg): def assertion(result_type): if not getattr(result_type, assertion_attr): raise error.NumbaError(node, msg) self.assertions.append(assertion) def process_assertions(self, result_type): for assertion in self.assertions: assertion(result_type) del self.assertions[:] def resolve(self): if not self.variable.type: self.variable.type = self result = self.variable.type if not result.is_unresolved: self.process_assertions(result) return result class PromotionType(UnresolvedType): is_promotion = True resolved_type = None count = 0 # for debugging def __init__(self, variable, promote, types, assignment=False, **kwds): super(PromotionType, self).__init__(variable, **kwds) self.promote = promote self.types = oset.OrderedSet(types) self.assignment = assignment variable.type = self self.add_parents(type for type in types if type.is_unresolved) self.count = PromotionType.count PromotionType.count += 1 @property def t(self): # for debugging only return list(self.types) def add_type(self, seen, type, types): if type not in seen: if type.is_unresolved: seen.add(type) new_type = type.resolve() if new_type is not type: seen.add(new_type) self.add_type(seen, new_type, types) type = new_type else: types.add(type) else: types.add(type) return type def dfs(self, types, seen): for type in self.types: if type not in seen: seen.add(type) type = resolve_type_chain(type) seen.add(type) if type.is_promotion: type.dfs(types, seen) elif not type.is_uninitialized: types.add(type) def find_types(self, seen): types = oset.OrderedSet([self]) seen.add(self) seen.add(self.variable.deferred_type) self.dfs(types, seen) types.remove(self) return types def find_simple(self, seen): types = oset.OrderedSet() for type in self.types: if type.is_promotion: types.add(type.types) else: type.add(type) return types def get_partial_types(self, unresolved_types): for unresolved_type in unresolved_types: if (unresolved_type.is_reanalyse_circular and unresolved_type.resolved_type): unresolved_types.append(unresolved_type) def _simplify(self, seen=None): """ Simplify a promotion type tree: promote(int_, float_) -> float_ promote(deferred(x), promote(float_, double), int_, promote(<self>)) -> promote(deferred(x), double) promote(deferred(x), deferred(y)) -> promote(deferred(x), deferred(y)) """ if seen is None: seen = set() # Find all types in the type graph and eliminate nested promotion types types = self.find_types(seen) # types = self.find_simple(seen) resolved_types = [type for type in types if not type.is_unresolved] unresolved_types = [type for type in types if type.is_unresolved] self.get_partial_types(unresolved_types) self.variable.type = self if not resolved_types: # Everything is deferred self.resolved_type = None return False else: # Simplify as much as possible if self.assignment: result_type, unresolved_types = promote_for_assignment( self.promote, resolved_types, unresolved_types, else: result_type = promote_for_arithmetic(self.promote, resolved_types) self.resolved_type = result_type if len(resolved_types) == len(types) or not unresolved_types: self.variable.type = result_type return True else: old_types = self.types self.types = oset.OrderedSet([result_type] + unresolved_types) return old_types != self.types def simplify(self, seen=None): try: return self._simplify(seen) except minierror.UnpromotableTypeError as e: if name = "variable %s" % else: name = "subexpression" types = sorted(e.args[0], key=str) types = tuple(types) raise error.NumbaError("Cannot promote types %s for %s" % (types, name)) @classmethod def promote(cls, *types): var = Variable(None) type = PromotionType(var, types) type.resolve() return type.variable.type repr_seen = None repr_count = 0 def __repr__(self): if not self.repr_seen: self.repr_seen = set() self.repr_seen.add(self) self.repr_count += 1 types = [] for type in self.types: if type not in self.repr_seen: types.append(type) self.repr_seen.add(type) else: types.append("...") result = "promote%d(%s)" % (self.count, ", ".join(map(str, types))) self.repr_count -= 1 if not self.repr_count: self.repr_seen = None return result class DeferredType(UnresolvedType): """ We don't know what the type is at the point we need a type, so we create a deferred type. Depends on: self.variable.type Example: def func(): for i in range(10): # type(x) = phi(undef, deferred(x_1)) = phi(deferred(x_1)) if i > 1: print x # type is deferred(x_1) x = ... # resolve deferred(x_1) to type(...) """ is_deferred = True updated = False def update(self): assert self.variable.type is not self self.updated = True type = self.variable.type if not type.is_unresolved: # Type is a scalar or otherwise resolved type tree, and doesn't # need to participate in the graph return for parent in self.parents: if self in parent.children: parent.children.remove(self) parent.children.add(type) for child in self.children: if self in child.parents: child.parents.remove(self) child.parents.add(type) type.parents.update(self.parents) type.children.update(self.children) # def resolve(self): # result_type = super(DeferredType, self).resolve() # if result_type is not self and result_type.is_unresolved: # result_type = result_type.resolve() # self.variable.type = result_type # return result_type def __repr__(self): if self.variable.type is self: return "<deferred(%s)>" % (self.variable.unmangled_name,) return "<deferred(%s)>" % self.variable.type # def to_llvm(self, context): # assert self.resolved_type, self # return self.resolved_type.to_llvm(context) class ReanalyzeCircularType(UnresolvedType): """ This is useful when there is a circular dependence on yourself. e.g. s = "hello" for i in range(5): s = s[1:] The type of 's' depends on the result of the slice, and on the input to the loop. But to determine the output, we need to assume the input, and unify the output with the input, and see the result for a subsequent slice. e.g. a = np.empty((10, 10, 10)) for i in range(3): a = a[0] Here the type would change on each iteration. Arrays do not demote to object, but other types do. The same goes for a call: error_circular(result_type.variable) for i in range(n): f = f(i) but also x = 0 for i in range(n): x = f(x) or linked-list traversal current = ... while current: current = """ is_reanalyze_circular = True resolved_type = None converged = False def __init__(self, variable, type_inferer, **kwds): super(ReanalyzeCircularType, self).__init__(variable, **kwds) self.type_inferer = type_inferer self.dependences = [] def update(self): "Update the graph after having updated the dependences" self.add_parents(node.variable.type for node in self.dependences if node.variable.type.is_unresolved) def _reinfer(self): result_type = self.retry_infer() if not result_type.is_unresolved: self.resolved_type = result_type self.variable.type = result_type return result_type is not self def substitute_and_reinfer(self): """ Try substituting resolved parts of promotions and reinfer the types. """ from numba import symtab if not self.variable.type.is_unresolved: return False # Find substitutions and save original variables old_vars = [] for node in self.dependences: sub_type = self.substitution_candidate(node.variable) if sub_type: old_vars.append((node, node.variable)) node.variable = symtab.Variable(sub_type, name='<substitute>') if old_vars: # We have some substitutions, retry type inference result = self._reinfer() # Reset our original variables! for node, old_var in old_vars: node.variable = old_var return result # We cannot substitute any promotion candidates, see if we can resolve # anyhow (this should be a cheap operation anyway if it fails) new_type = self.retry_infer() if not new_type.is_unresolved: self.variable.type = new_type return True return False def substitution_candidate(self, variable): if variable.type.is_unresolved: variable.type = variable.type.resolve() if variable.type.is_promotion: p = resolve_var(variable) if p.is_promotion and p.resolved_type: return p.resolved_type return None def simplify(self): """ Resolve the reanalyzable statement by setting the already resolved dependences for the type inference code. """ if self.resolved_type is not None: return False # nothing changed for dep in self.dependences: if dep.variable.type.is_unresolved: dep.variable.type = dep.variable.type.resolve() assert not dep.variable.type.is_unresolved return self._reinfer() def retry_infer(self): "Retry inferring the type with the new type set" def substitute_variables(self, substitutions): "Try to set the new variables and retry type inference" class DeferredIndexType(ReanalyzeCircularType): """ Used when we don't know the type of the variable being indexed. """ def __init__(self, variable, type_inferer, index_node, **kwds): super(DeferredIndexType, self).__init__(variable, type_inferer, **kwds) self.type_inferer = type_inferer self.index_node = index_node def retry_infer(self): node = self.type_inferer.visit_Subscript(self.index_node, visitchildren=False) return node.variable.type def __repr__(self): return "<deferred_index(%s, %s)" % (self.index_node, ", ".join(map(str, self.parents))) class DeferredAttrType(ReanalyzeCircularType): """ Used when we don't know the type of the object of which we access an attribute. """ def __init__(self, variable, type_inferer, node, **kwds): super(DeferredAttrType, self).__init__(variable, type_inferer, **kwds) self.type_inferer = type_inferer self.node = node def retry_infer(self): node = self.type_inferer.visit_Attribute(self.node, visitchildren=False) return node.variable.type def __repr__(self): return "<deferred_attr(%s, %s)" % (self.node, ", ".join(map(str, self.parents))) class DeferredCallType(ReanalyzeCircularType): """ Used when we don't know the type of the expression being called, or when we have an autojitting function and don't know all the argument types. """ def __init__(self, variable, type_inferer, call_node, **kwds): super(DeferredCallType, self).__init__(variable, type_inferer, **kwds) self.type_inferer = type_inferer self.call_node = call_node def retry_infer(self): node = self.type_inferer.visit_Call(self.call_node), # visitchildren=False) return node[0].variable.type def __repr__(self): return "<deferred_call(%s, %s)" % (self.call_node, ", ".join(map(str, self.parents))) def resolve_type_chain(type): if not type.is_unresolved: return type while type.is_unresolved: old_type = type type = old_type.resolve() if type is old_type or not type.is_unresolved: break return type def error_circular(var): raise error.NumbaError( var.name_assignment and var.name_assignment.assignment_node, "Unable to infer type for assignment to %r," " insert a cast or initialize the variable." % class StronglyConnectedCircularType(UnresolvedType): """ Circular type dependence. This can be a strongly connected component of just promotions, or a mixture of promotions and re-inferable statements. If we have only re-inferable statements, but no promotions, we have nothing to feed into the re-inference process, so we issue an error. """ is_resolved = False is_scc = True def __init__(self, scc, **kwds): super(StronglyConnectedCircularType, self).__init__(None, **kwds) self.scc = scc types = oset.OrderedSet(scc) for type in scc: self.add_children(type.children - types) self.add_parents(type.parents - types) self.types = scc self.promotions = oset.OrderedSet( type for type in scc if type.is_promotion) self.reanalyzeable = oset.OrderedSet( type for type in scc if type.is_reanalyze_circular) def retry_infer_reanalyzable(self): for reanalyzeable in self.reanalyzeable: if reanalyzeable.resolve().is_unresolved: reanalyzeable.substitute_and_reinfer() def err_no_input(self): raise error.NumbaError(self.variable and self.variable.assignment_node, "No input types for this assignment were " "found, a cast is needed") def retry_infer(self): candidates = [] no_input = [] for promotion in self.promotions: p = resolve_var(promotion.variable) if p.is_promotion: if p.resolved_type: candidates.append(p) else: no_input.append(p) if not candidates: if no_input: self.err_no_input() # All types are resolved, resolve all delayed types self.retry_infer_reanalyzable() return # Re-infer re-analyzable statements until we converge changed = True while changed: self.retry_infer_reanalyzable() changed = False for p in list(self.promotions): if p.resolve() is not p: self.promotions.remove(p) else: changed |= p.simplify() for promotion in self.promotions: promotion.variable.type = promotion.resolved_type def resolve_promotion_cycles(self): p = self.promotions.pop() self.promotions.add(p) p.simplify() result_type = p.resolve() if result_type.is_unresolved: # Note: There are no concrete input types and it is impossible to # infer anything but 'object'. Usually this indicates an # invalid program error_circular(result_type.variable) for p in self.promotions: p.variable.type = result_type def simplify(self): if self.reanalyzeable: self.retry_infer() elif self.promotions: self.resolve_promotion_cycles() else: # All dependencies are resolved, we are done pass self.is_resolved = True def resolve(self): # We don't have a type, we are only an aggregation of circular types raise TypeError def __hash__(self): return hash(id(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return id(self) == id(other) def dfs(start_type, stack, seen, graph=None, parents=False): seen.add(start_type) if parents: children = start_type.parents else: children = start_type.children for child_type in children: if child_type not in seen and child_type.is_unresolved: if graph is None or child_type in graph: dfs(child_type, stack, seen, graph, parents=parents) stack.append(start_type) class UnanalyzableType(UnresolvedType): """ A type that indicates the statement cannot be analyzed without first analysing its dependencies. """ is_unanalyzable = True def resolve_var(var): if var.type.is_unresolved: var.type.simplify() if var.type.is_unresolved: var.type = var.type.resolve() return var.type def kosaraju_strongly_connected(start_type, strongly_connected, seen): """ Find the strongly connected components in the connected graph starting at start_type. """ stack = [] dfs(start_type, stack, set(seen)) seen = set(seen) graph = oset.OrderedSet(stack) while stack: start = stack[-1] scc = [] dfs(start, scc, seen, graph, parents=True) if len(scc) > 1: scc_type = StronglyConnectedCircularType(scc) for type in scc_type.types: strongly_connected[type] = scc_type stack.pop() else: strongly_connected[scc[0]] = scc[0] stack.pop() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type promotion and validation #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _validate_array_types(array_types): first_array_type = array_types[0] for array_type in array_types[1:]: if array_type.ndim != first_array_type.ndim: raise TypeError( "Cannot unify arrays with distinct dimensionality: " "%d and %d" % (first_array_type.ndim, array_type.ndim)) elif array_type.dtype != first_array_type.dtype: raise TypeError("Cannot unify arrays with distinct dtypes: " "%s and %s" % (first_array_type.dtype, array_type.dtype)) def promote_for_arithmetic(promote, types, assignment=False): result_type = types[0] for type in types[1:]: result_type = promote(result_type, type, assignment) return result_type def promote_arrays(array_types, non_array_types, types, unresolved_types, var_name): """ This promotes arrays for assignments. Arrays must have a single consistent type in an assignment (phi). Any promotion of delayed types are immediately resolved. """ _validate_array_types(array_types) # TODO: figure out whether result is C/F/inner contig result_type = array_types[0].strided def assert_equal(other_type): if result_type != other_type: raise TypeError( "Arrays must have consistent types in assignment " "for variable %r: '%s' and '%s'" % ( var_name, result_type, other_type)) if len(array_types) < len(types): assert_equal(non_array_types[0]) # Add delayed assertion that triggers when the delayed types are resolved for unresolved_type in unresolved_types: unresolved_type.assertions.append(assert_equal) return result_type, [] def promote_for_assignment(promote, types, unresolved_types, var_name): """ Promote a list of types for assignment (e.g. in a phi node). - if there are any objects, the result will always be an object - if there is an array, all types must be of that array type (minus any contiguity constraints) """ obj_types = [type for type in types if type == object_ or type.is_array] if obj_types: array_types = [obj_type for obj_type in obj_types if obj_type.is_array] non_array_types = [type for type in types if not type.is_array] if array_types: return promote_arrays(array_types, non_array_types, types, unresolved_types, var_name) else: # resolved_types = obj_types return object_, [] partial_result_type = promote_for_arithmetic(promote, types, assignment=True) return partial_result_type, unresolved_types def promote(typesystem, type1, type2, assignment=False): promote_ = partial(promote, typesystem) if type1.is_unresolved or type2.is_unresolved: if type1.is_unresolved: type1 = type1.resolve() if type2.is_unresolved: type2 = type2.resolve() if type1.is_unresolved or type2.is_unresolved: # The Variable is really only important for ast.Name, fabricate # one from numba import symtab var = symtab.Variable(None) return PromotionType(var, promote_, [type1, type2]) else: return typesystem.promote(type1, type2) return typesystem.promote(type1, type2) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = tbaa # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Some types to aid in type-based alias analysis. See numba/ """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.typesystem.types import NumbaType from numba.typesystem import object_, npy_intp class TBAAType(NumbaType): is_tbaa = True typename = "tbaa_type" argnames = ["name", "root"] numpy_array = TBAAType("numpy array", object_) numpy_shape = TBAAType("numpy shape", npy_intp.pointer()) numpy_strides = TBAAType("numpy strides", npy_intp.pointer()) numpy_ndim = TBAAType("numpy flags", npy_intp.pointer()) numpy_dtype = TBAAType("numpy dtype", object_) numpy_base = TBAAType("numpy base", object_) numpy_flags = TBAAType("numpy flags", npy_intp.pointer()) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = templatetypes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Autojit template types. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba as nb from numba import error from numba.typesystem import Type, NumbaType # type_attribute => [type_assertions] VALID_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES = { "dtype": ["is_array"], "base_type": ["is_pointer", "is_carray", "is_complex", "is_list", "is_tuple"], "args": ["is_function"], "return_type": ["is_function"], # "fields": ["is_struct"], "fielddict": ["is_struct"], } class _TemplateType(NumbaType): def resolve_template(self, template_context): if self not in template_context: raise error.InvalidTemplateError("Unknown template type: %s" % self) return template_context[self] def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, (tuple, slice)): return super(_TemplateType, self).__getitem__(index) return TemplateIndexType(self, index) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in VALID_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES: return TemplateAttributeType(self, attr) return super(_TemplateType, self).__getattr__(attr) def __repr__(self): return "template(%s)" % def __str__(self): return class template(_TemplateType): argnames = [("name", None)] flags = ["object"] template_count = 0 def __init__(self, name): super(template, self).__init__(name) if name is None: name = "T%d" % self.template_count template.template_count += 1 = name class TemplateAttributeType(_TemplateType): typename = "template_attribute" argnames = ["template_type", "attribute_name"] flags = ["object", "template"] def __init__(self, template_type, attribute_name, **kwds): super(TemplateAttributeType, self).__init__(template_type, attribute_name) assert attribute_name in VALID_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES def resolve_template(self, template_context): resolved_type = self.template_type.resolve_template(template_context) assertions = VALID_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES[self.attribute_name] valid_attribute = any(getattr(resolved_type, a) for a in assertions) if not valid_attribute: raise error.InvalidTemplateError( "%s has no attribute %s" % (self.template_type, self.attribute_name)) return getattr(resolved_type, self.attribute_name) def __repr__(self): return "%r.%s" % (self.template_type, self.attribute_name) def __str__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.template_type, self.attribute_name) class TemplateIndexType(_TemplateType): typename = "template_index" argnames = ["template_type", "index"] flags = ["object", "template"] def resolve_template(self, template_context): attrib = self.template_type.resolve_template(template_context) assert isinstance(attrib, (list, tuple, dict)) return attrib[self.index] def __repr__(self): return "%r[%r]" % (self.template_type, self.index) def __str__(self): return "%s[%r]" % (self.template_type, self.index) def validate_template(concrete_type, template_type): if not isinstance(template_type, type(concrete_type)): raise error.InvalidTemplateError( "Type argument does not match template type: %s and %s" % ( concrete_type, template_type)) if concrete_type.is_array: if template_type.ndim != concrete_type.ndim: raise error.InvalidTemplateError( "Template expects %d dimensions, got %d" % (template_type.ndim, concrete_type.ndim)) def match_template(template_type, concrete_type, template_context): """ This function matches up T in the example below with a concrete type like double when a double pointer is passed in as argument: def f(T.pointer() pointer): scalar = T(...) We can go two ways with this, e.g. def f(T.base_type scalar): pointer = T(...) Which could work for things like pointers, though not for things like arrays, since we can't infer the dimensionality. We mandate that each Template type be resolved through a concrete type, i.e.: def f(T scalar): pointer = T.pointer(...) template_context: Dict mapping template types to concrete types: T1 -> double * T2 -> float[:] """ if template_type.is_template_attribute: # As noted in the description, we don't handle this pass elif template_type.is_template: if template_type in template_context: prev_type = template_context[template_type] if prev_type != concrete_type: raise error.InvalidTemplateError( "Inconsistent types found for template: %s and %s" % ( prev_type, concrete_type)) else: template_context[template_type] = concrete_type else: validate_template(concrete_type, template_type) for t1, t2 in zip(subtype_list(template_type), subtype_list(concrete_type)): if not isinstance(t1, (list, tuple)): t1, t2 = [t1], [t2] for t1, t2 in zip(t1, t2): match_template(t1, t2, template_context) def resolve_template_type(ty, template_context): """ After the template context is known, resolve functions on template types E.g. T[:] -> array_(dtype=T) void(T) -> function(args=[T]) Struct { T arg } -> struct(fields={'arg': T}) T * -> pointer(base_type=T) Any other compound types? """ r = lambda t: resolve_template_type(t, template_context) if ty.is_template: ty = ty.resolve_template(template_context) elif ty.is_array: ty = nb.array(r(ty.dtype), ty.ndim) elif ty.is_function: ty = r(ty.return_type)(*map(r, ty.args)) elif ty.is_struct: S = ty fields = [] for field_name, field_type in S.fields: fields.append((field_name, r(field_type))) ty = nb.struct_(fields,, readonly=S.readonly, packed=S.packed) elif ty.is_pointer: ty = r(ty.base_type).pointer() return ty def is_template_list(types): return any(is_template(type) for type in types) def subtype_list(T): return T.subtypes def is_template(T): if isinstance(T, (list, tuple)): return is_template_list(T) return T.is_template or is_template_list(subtype_list(T)) def resolve_templates(locals, template_signature, arg_names, arg_types): """ Resolve template types given a signature with concrete types. """ template_context = {} locals = locals or {} # Resolve the template context with the types we have for i, (arg_name, arg_type) in enumerate(zip(arg_names, arg_types)): T = template_signature.args[i] if is_template(T): # Resolve template type if arg_name in locals: # Locals trump inferred argument types arg_type = locals[arg_name] match_template(T, arg_type, template_context) else: # Concrete type, patch argtypes. This is valid since templates # are only supported for autojit functions arg_types[i] = T # Resolve types of local variables and functions on templates # (T.dtype, T.pointer(), etc) for local_name, local_type in locals.iteritems(): locals[local_name] = resolve_template_type(local_type, template_context) return_type = resolve_template_type(template_signature.return_type, template_context) signature = return_type(*arg_types) return template_context, signature ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_casting import sys import os import numpy as np import ctypes from numba import * import numba @autojit(backend='ast') def cast_int(): value = 1.7 return int32(value) @autojit(backend='ast') def cast_complex(): value = 1.2 return complex128(value) @autojit(backend='ast') def cast_float(): value = 5 return float_(value) @autojit(backend='ast') def cast_object(dst_type): value = np.arange(10, dtype=np.double) return dst_type(value) @autojit(backend='ast') def cast_as_numba_type_attribute(): value = 4.4 return numba.int32(value) def cast_in_python(): return int_(10) == 10 def test_casts(): assert cast_int() == 1 assert cast_complex() == 1.2 + 0j assert cast_float() == 5.0 value = cast_object(double[:]) # print sys.getrefcount(value), value, np.arange(10, dtype=np.double) assert np.all(value == np.arange(10, dtype=np.double)), value assert cast_as_numba_type_attribute() == 4 assert cast_in_python() if __name__ == "__main__": test_casts() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_consing # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.typesystem import numba_typesystem as ts # ______________________________________________________________________ def test_mutability(): ty = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,)) ty.args try: ty.args = [1, 2] except AttributeError as e: pass else: raise Exception( "Expected: AttributeError: Cannot set attribute 'args' of type ...") # ______________________________________________________________________ def test_pointers(): assert ts.pointer(ts.int_) is ts.pointer(ts.int_) def test_functions(): functype1 = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,)) functype2 = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,)) functype3 = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,), is_vararg=False) functype4 = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,), name="hello") functype5 = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,), name="hello", is_vararg=False) functype6 = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,), name="hello", is_vararg=True) assert functype1 is functype2 assert functype1 is functype3 assert functype1 is not functype4 assert functype1 is not functype5 assert functype1 is not functype6 assert functype4 is functype5 assert functype4 is not functype6 # def test_struct(): # s1 = ts.struct_([('a', ts.int_), ('b', ts.float_)]) # s2 = ts.struct_([('a', ts.int_), ('b', ts.float_)]) # assert s1 is not s2 def test_arrays(): A = ts.array(ts.double, 1) B = ts.array(ts.double, 1) C = ts.array(ts.float_, 1) D = ts.array(ts.double, 2) assert A is B assert A is not C assert A is not D def test_complex(): assert ts.complex_(ts.float_) is ts.complex64 assert ts.complex_(ts.double) is ts.complex128 # assert ts.complex_(ts.longdouble) is ts.complex256 if __name__ == "__main__": test_mutability() test_pointers() test_functions() # test_struct() test_arrays() test_complex() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_conversion # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ctypes import inspect from functools import partial # from numba import llvm_types from numba.typesystem.itypesystem import tyname from numba import llvm_types from numba.typesystem import itypesystem, universe from numba.typesystem import (numba_typesystem as ts, llvm_typesystem as lts, ctypes_typesystem as cts) typenames = universe.int_typenames + universe.float_typenames + ["void"] def convert(ts1, ts2, conversion_type, typenames): for typename in typenames: t1 = getattr(ts1, tyname(typename)) t2 = getattr(ts2, tyname(typename)) converted = ts1.convert(conversion_type, t1) assert converted == t2, (str(t1), str(converted), str(t2)) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Numba -> LLVM #------------------------------------------------------------------- llvmt = partial(ts.convert, "llvm") def test_llvm_numeric_conversion(): convert(ts, lts, "llvm", typenames) def test_llvm_pointers(): # Test pointer conversion for typename in typenames: ty = getattr(ts, tyname(typename)) lty = getattr(lts, tyname(typename)) assert llvmt(ts.pointer(ty)) == lts.pointer(lty) p = ts.pointer(ts.pointer(ts.int_)) lp = lts.pointer(lts.pointer(lts.int_)) # See if the conversion works assert llvmt(p) == lp # See if the consing works # assert llvmt(p) is lp def test_llvm_functions(): functype = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,)) lfunctype = lts.function(lts.int_, (lts.float_,)) assert llvmt(functype) == lfunctype def test_llvm_complex(): c1 = llvmt(ts.complex128) c2 = lts.struct_([('real', lts.double), ('imag', lts.double)]) c3 = lts.struct_([('real', lts.double), ('imag', lts.double)]) assert c1 == c2 # assert c1 is c2 # assert c2 is c3 # enable after upgrading llvmpy to include type hash fix def test_llvm_object(): assert llvmt(ts.object_) == llvm_types._pyobject_head_struct_p def test_llvm_array(): assert llvmt(ts.array(ts.double, 1)) == llvm_types._numpy_array assert llvmt(ts.array(ts.int_, 2)) == llvm_types._numpy_array assert llvmt(ts.array(ts.object_, 3)) == llvm_types._numpy_array def test_llvm_range(): assert llvmt(ts.range_) == llvm_types._pyobject_head_struct_p #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Numba -> ctypes #------------------------------------------------------------------- ct = partial(ts.convert, "ctypes") def test_ctypes_numeric_conversion(): convert(ts, cts, "ctypes", typenames) def test_ctypes_pointers(): # TODO: unifiy with test_llvm_pointers # Test pointer conversion for typename in typenames: ty = getattr(ts, tyname(typename)) cty = getattr(cts, tyname(typename)) assert ct(ts.pointer(ty)) == cts.pointer(cty) p = ts.pointer(ts.pointer(ts.int_)) cp = cts.pointer(cts.pointer(cts.int_)) # See if the conversion works assert ct(p) == cp # See if the consing works # assert ct(p) is cp def test_ctypes_functions(): # TODO: unifiy with test_llvm_functions functype = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,)) cfunctype = cts.function(cts.int_, (cts.float_,)) assert ct(functype) == cfunctype def test_ctypes_complex(): c1 = ct(ts.complex128) c2 = cts.struct_([('real', cts.double), ('imag', cts.double)]) c3 = cts.struct_([('real', cts.double), ('imag', cts.double)]) assert c1._fields_ == c2._fields_, (c1._fields_, c2._fields_) def test_ctypes_object(): assert ct(ts.object_) == ctypes.py_object def test_ctypes_array(): assert ct(ts.array(ts.double, 1)) == ctypes.py_object assert ct(ts.array(ts.int_, 2)) == ctypes.py_object assert ct(ts.array(ts.object_, 3)) == ctypes.py_object def test_ctypes_string(): assert ct(ts.string_) == ctypes.c_char_p assert ct(ts.char.pointer()) == ctypes.c_char_p if __name__ == "__main__": # print(ct(ts.array(ts.double, 1))) for name, f in globals().items(): if name.startswith("test_") and inspect.isfunction(f): f() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_template_types from pprint import pprint import numpy as np import numba from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import * from numba.control_flow.tests.test_cfg_type_infer import infer as _infer from numba import typesystem T = numba.template() @autojit_py3doc(T(T[:, :]), warn=False, locals=dict(scalar=T)) def test_simple_template(array): """ >>> test_simple_template(np.arange(10, 12, dtype=np.float32)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidTemplateError: Template expects 2 dimensions, got 1 >>> test_simple_template(np.arange(10, 12, dtype=np.float32).reshape(2, 1)) 10.0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test type resolving #------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> infer(test_simple_template.py_func, float64(float64[:, :]), T(T[:, :]), ... locals=dict(scalar=T)) [('array', float64[:, :]), ('scalar', float64)] >>> infer(test_simple_template.py_func, float64(float64[:, :]), T(T[:, :]), ... locals=dict(scalar=T.pointer())) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnpromotableTypeError: Cannot promote types float64 * and float64 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test type attributes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> infer(test_simple_template.py_func, float64(float64[:, :]), T.dtype(T), ... locals=dict(scalar=T.dtype)) [('array', float64[:, :]), ('scalar', float64)] """ scalar = array[0, 0] return scalar #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test type matching #------------------------------------------------------------------------ T1 = numba.template("T1") T2 = numba.template("T2") T3 = numba.template("T3") T4 = numba.template("T4") A = T1[:, :] F = void(T1) S = numba.struct([('a', T1), ('b', T2.pointer()), ('c', T3[:]), ('d', void(T4))]) P = T2.pointer() type_context1 = { T1: int_, T2: float_, T3: float64, T4: short, } type_context2 = { T1: int_[:, :], T2: void(float32), T3: numba.struct(a=float64, b=float_), T4: short.pointer(), } def test_type_matching(array, func, struct, pointer): """ >>> infer(test_type_matching, template_signature=void(A, F, S, P), ... type_context=type_context1) [('array', int[:, :]), ('func', void (*)(int)), ('pointer', float32 *), ('struct', struct { int a, float32 * b, float64[:] c, void (*)(short) d })] """ func(array[0, 0]) struct.b = pointer def test_type_attributes(array, func, struct, pointer): """ >>> locals = dict(dtype=T1.dtype, arg=T2.args[0], field_a=T3.fielddict['a'], ... field_b=T3.fielddict['b'], scalar=T4.base_type) >>> pprint(infer(test_type_attributes, template_signature=void(T1, T2, T3, T4), ... type_context=type_context2, locals=locals)) [('array', int[:, :]), ('func', void (*)(float32)), ('pointer', short *), ('struct', struct { float64 a, float32 b }), ('arg', float32), ('dtype', int), ('field_a', float64), ('field_b', float32), ('scalar', short)] """ dtype = array[0, 0] arg = 0 field_a = 0 field_b = 0 scalar = 0 @autojit_py3doc(T(T, float64), locals=None) def test_template_with_concretes(a, b): """ >>> test_template_with_concretes(1, 2) 3 """ return a + b @autojit(complex128(T, float64), locals=None) def test_template_with_concretes2(a, b): """ >>> test_template_with_concretes2(1, 2) (3+0j) >>> test_template_with_concretes2(1.0, 2.0) (3+0j) >>> test_template_with_concretes2(1+0j, 2) (3+0j) >>> test_template_with_concretes2(1+0j, 2+0j) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can't convert complex to float """ return a + b @autojit_py3doc(T2(T1, float64), locals=None) def test_unknown_template_error(a, b): """ >>> test_unknown_template_error(1, 2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidTemplateError: Unknown template type: T2 """ return a + b @autojit_py3doc(T(T, T), locals=None) def test_template_inconsistent_types_error(a, b): """ >>> test_template_inconsistent_types_error(1, 2) 3 >>> test_template_inconsistent_types_error(1, 2.0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidTemplateError: Inconsistent types found for template: int and float64 """ return a + b #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def infer(func, signature=None, template_signature=None, locals=None, type_context=None): if signature is None: signature = specialize(template_signature, type_context) if locals is not None: locals = dict(locals) sig, symbols = _infer(func, signature, template_signature=template_signature, locals=locals, warn=False) if locals is not None: local_vars = sorted(locals.iteritems()) else: local_vars = [] vars = sorted((name, var.type) for name, var in symbols.iteritems()) return vars + local_vars def specialize(T, context): return typesystem.resolve_template_type(T, context) if __name__ == '__main__': testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typeof import numpy as np import numba from numba import * from numba.testing.test_support import autojit_py3doc @jit class Foo(object): def __init__(self, arg): self.arg = double(arg) def test_typeof_pure(arg): """ >>> test_typeof_pure(10) int >>> test_typeof_pure(10.0) float64 >>> print(test_typeof_pure(Foo(10))) <JitExtension Foo({'arg': float64})> """ return numba.typeof(arg) @autojit_py3doc def test_typeof_numba(a, b): """ >>> test_typeof_numba(10, 11.0) 21 >>> test_typeof_numba(11.0, 10) 21.0 >>> test_typeof_numba(np.arange(10), 1) array([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) """ return numba.typeof(a)(a + b) @autojit def test_typeof_numba2(arg): """ >>> test_typeof_numba2(10) (10+0j) """ x = 1 + 2j arg = numba.typeof(x)(arg) return numba.typeof(arg)(arg) @autojit def test_typeof_numba3(arg): """ >>> print(test_typeof_numba3(10)) int >>> print(test_typeof_numba3(Foo(10))) <JitExtension Foo({'arg': float64})> """ return numba.typeof(arg) @autojit def test_typeof_type(arg): """ >>> test_typeof_type(int_) meta(int) """ return numba.typeof(arg) numba.testing.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_type_constructors # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba.typesystem import numba_typesystem as ts def test_pointers(): p = ts.pointer(ts.pointer(ts.int_)) assert str(p) == "int **", str(p) def test_arrays(): A = ts.array(ts.double, 1) B = ts.array(ts.double, 2) assert str(A) == "float64[:]" assert str(A[1:]) == "float64" assert str(B[1:]) == "float64[:]" assert str(B[-1:10]) == "float64[:]" assert str(B[0:]) == "float64[:, :]" assert str(B[0:10]) == "float64[:, :]" assert str(B[-2:10]) == "float64[:, :]" def test_functions(): functype = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,)) assert str(functype) == "int (*)(float32)", functype functype = ts.function(ts.int_, (ts.float_,), "hello") assert str(functype) == "int (*hello)(float32)", functype if __name__ == "__main__": test_pointers() test_arrays() test_functions() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_type_properties from numba.typesystem import * assert int_.is_int assert int_.is_numeric assert long_.is_int assert long_.is_numeric assert not long_.is_long assert float_.is_float assert float_.is_numeric assert double.is_float assert double.is_numeric assert not double.is_double assert object_.is_object assert list_(int_, 2).is_list assert list_(int_, 2).is_object assert function(void, [double]).is_function ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typematch # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import fnmatch def _typematch(pattern, typerepr): return fnmatch.fnmatch(typerepr, pattern) def typematch(pattern, ty): """ Match a type pattern to a type. >>> type = list_(object_, 2) >>> typematch("list(*, 2)", type) True >>> typematch("list(*)", type) True >>> typematch("list(*)", type) True >>> typematch("tuple(*)", type) False >>> typematch("object_", type) True """ return (_typematch(pattern, repr(ty)) or any(_typematch(pattern, flag) for flag in ty.flags)) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = types # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ User-facing numba types. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba import ctypes from itertools import imap from functools import partial from numba import odict from numba.typesystem.itypesystem import Type, Conser, add_flags, tyname import numpy as np #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type metaclass #------------------------------------------------------------------------ numba_type_registry = odict.OrderedDict() register = numba_type_registry.__setitem__ class Accessor(object): def __init__(self, idx): self.idx = idx def __get__(self, obj, type=None): return obj.params[self.idx] def __set__(self, obj, value): if not obj.mutable: raise AttributeError("Cannot set attribute '%s' of type '%s'" % (obj.argnames[self.idx], type(obj))) obj.params[self.idx] = value class TypeMetaClass(type): "Metaclass for numba types, conses immutable types." def __init__(self, name, bases, dict): if dict.get('typename') is None and name[0].islower(): self.typename = name.rstrip("_") if self.typename is not None: register(self.typename, self) _update_class(self) self.conser = Conser(partial(type.__call__, self)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): args = self.default_args(args, kwds) if not self.mutable: return self.conser.get(*args) return type.__call__(self, *args) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Decorators #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _update_class(cls): # Build defaults dict { argname : default_value } if 'defaults' not in vars(cls): cls.defaults = {} for i, argname in enumerate(cls.argnames): if isinstance(argname, (list, tuple)): name, default = argname cls.argnames[i] = name cls.defaults[name] = default # Create accessors for i, arg in enumerate(vars(cls).get("argnames", ())): assert not getattr(cls, arg, False), (cls, arg) setattr(cls, arg, Accessor(i)) # Process flags flags = list(cls.flags) if cls.typename: flags.append(cls.typename.strip("_")) add_flags(cls, flags) def consing(cls): """ Cons calls to the constructor. """ cls.mutable = False return cls def notconsing(cls): cls.mutable = True return cls #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Implementations #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class _NumbaType(Type): """ MonoType with user-facing methods: call: create a function type slice: create an array type conversion: to_llvm/to_ctypes/get_dtype """ argnames = [] flags = [] defaults = {} qualifiers = frozenset() # ______________________________________________________________________ # Internal def add(self, attr, value): "Construct new type with attr=value (e.g. functype.add('args', []))" assert not self.mutable params = list(self.params) params[self.argnames.index(attr)] = value return type(self)(*params) @property def subtypes(self): subtypes = [] for p in self.params: if isinstance(p, (Type, list, tuple)): subtypes.append(p) return subtypes # ______________________________________________________________________ # User functionality def pointer(self): return pointer(self) def ref(self): return reference(self) def qualify(self, *qualifiers): return self # TODO: implement def unqualify(self, *qualifiers): return self # TODO: implement # TODO: Remove context argument in favour of typesystem argument def to_llvm(self, context=None): from . import defaults return defaults.numba_typesystem.convert("llvm", self) def to_ctypes(self): from . import defaults return defaults.numba_typesystem.convert("ctypes", self) def to_numpy(self): from numba.typesystem import numpy_support return numpy_support.to_dtype(self) get_dtype = to_numpy # ______________________________________________________________________ # Special methods (user functionality) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Support array type creation by slicing, e.g. double[:, :] specifies a 2D strided array of doubles. The syntax is the same as for Cython memoryviews. """ assert isinstance(item, (tuple, slice)), item def verify_slice(s): if s.start or s.stop or s.step not in (None, 1): raise ValueError( "Only a step of 1 may be provided to indicate C or " "Fortran contiguity") if isinstance(item, tuple): step_idx = None for idx, s in enumerate(item): verify_slice(s) if s.step and (step_idx or idx not in (0, len(item) - 1)): raise ValueError( "Step may only be provided once, and only in the " "first or last dimension.") if s.step == 1: step_idx = idx return array_(self, len(item), is_c_contig=step_idx == len(item) - 1, is_f_contig=step_idx == 0) else: verify_slice(item) return array_(self, 1, is_c_contig=bool(item.step)) def __call__(self, *args): """ Return a new function type when called with type arguments. """ if len(args) == 1 and not isinstance(args[0], Type): # Cast in Python space # TODO: Create proxy object # TODO: Fully customizable type system (do this in Numba, not # minivect) return args[0] return function(self, args) @notconsing class NumbaType(_NumbaType): """ Base for numba types. """ __metaclass__ = TypeMetaClass # __slots__ = Type.slots typename = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(NumbaType, self).__init__(self.typename, *args, **kwds) assert len(args) == len(self.argnames), (self.typename, args) for name in kwds: assert name in self.argnames, (self.typename, kwds, self.argnames) @classmethod def default_args(cls, args, kwargs): names = cls.argnames if len(args) == len(names): return args # Insert defaults in args tuple args = list(args) for name in names[len(args):]: if name in kwargs: args.append(kwargs[name]) elif name in cls.defaults: args.append(cls.defaults[name]) else: raise TypeError("Constructor '%s' requires %d arguments " "(got %d)" % (cls.typename, len(names), len(args))) return tuple(args) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Low-level parametrized types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def pass_by_ref(type): # TODO: Get rid of this return type.is_struct or type.is_complex or type.is_datetime or type.is_timedelta class Function(object): """ Function types may be called with Python functions to create a Function object. This may be used to minivect users for their own purposes. e.g. @double(double, double) def myfunc(...): ... """ def __init__(self, signature, py_func): self.signature = signature self.py_func = py_func def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Implement this to pass the callable test for classmethod/staticmethod. E.g. @classmethod @void() def m(self): ... """ raise TypeError("Not a callable function") @consing class function(NumbaType): typename = "function" argnames = ['return_type', 'args', ('name', None), ('is_vararg', False)] def add_arg(self, i, arg): args = list(self.args) args.insert(i, arg) return self.add('args', args) # ______________________________________________________________________ @property def struct_by_reference(self): rt = self.return_type byref = lambda t: t.is_struct or t.is_complex or t.is_datetime or t.is_timedelta return rt and byref(rt) or any(imap(byref, self.args)) @property def actual_signature(self): """ Passing structs by value is not properly supported for different calling conventions in LLVM, so we take an extra argument pointing to a caller-allocated struct value. """ from numba import typesystem as ts if self.struct_by_reference: args = [] for arg in self.args: if pass_by_ref(arg): arg = arg.pointer() args.append(arg) return_type = self.return_type if pass_by_ref(self.return_type): return_type = ts.void args.append(self.return_type.pointer()) self = function(return_type, args) return self @property def struct_return_type(self): # Function returns a struct. return self.return_type.pointer() # ______________________________________________________________________ def __repr__(self): args = [str(arg) for arg in self.args] if self.is_vararg: args.append("...") if namestr = else: namestr = '' return "%s (*%s)(%s)" % (self.return_type, namestr, ", ".join(args)) def __call__(self, *args): if len(args) != 1 or isinstance(args[0], Type): return super(function, self).__call__(*args) assert self.return_type is not None assert self.argnames is not None func, = args return Function(self, func) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Pointers @consing class pointer(NumbaType): argnames = ['base_type'] @property def is_string(self): # HACK import numba return self.base_type == numba.char def __repr__(self): space = " " * (not self.base_type.is_pointer) return "%s%s*" % (self.base_type, space) @consing class sized_pointer(NumbaType): """ A pointer with knowledge of its range. E.g. an array's 'shape' or 'strides' attribute. This also allow tuple unpacking. """ typename = "sized_pointer" argnames = ["base_type", "size"] flags = ["pointer"] # def __eq__(self, other): # if other.is_sized_pointer: # return (self.base_type == other.base_type and # self.size == other.size) # return other.is_pointer and self.base_type == other.base_type # # def __hash__(self): # return hash(self.base_type.pointer()) @consing class carray(NumbaType): argnames = ["base_type", "size"] # ______________________________________________________________________ # Structs @consing class istruct(NumbaType): argnames = ["fields", ("name", None), ("readonly", False), ("packed", False)] @property def subtypes(self): return [f[1] for f in self.fields] @property def fielddict(self): return dict(self.fields) def __repr__(self): if name = + ' ' else: name = '' return 'struct %s{ %s }' % ( name, ", ".join(["%s %s" % (field_type, field_name) for field_name, field_type in self.fields])) def is_prefix(self, other_struct): other_fields = other_struct.fields[:len(self.fields)] return self.fields == other_fields def offsetof(self, field_name): """ Compute the offset of a field. Must be used only after mutation has finished. """ ctype = self.to_ctypes() return getattr(ctype, field_name).offset @notconsing class struct_(istruct): """ Create a struct type. Fields may be ordered or unordered. Unordered fields will be ordered from big types to small types (for better alignment). """ mutable = True def __eq__(self, other): return other.is_struct and self.fields == other.fields def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.fields)) def copy(self): return type(self)(self.fields,, self.readonly, self.packed) def add_field(self, name, type): assert name not in self.fielddict self.fields.append((name, type)) self.mutated = True def update_mutated(self): self.rank = sum([sort_key(field) for field in self.fields]) self.mutated = False #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # High-level types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @consing class array_(NumbaType): """ An array type. array_ may be sliced to obtain a subtype: >>> double[:, :, ::1][1:] double[:, ::1] >>> double[:, :, ::1][:-1] double[:, :] >>> double[::1, :, :][:-1] double[::1, :] >>> double[::1, :, :][1:] double[:, :] """ argnames = ["dtype", "ndim", "is_c_contig", "is_f_contig", "inner_contig"] defaults = dict.fromkeys(argnames[-3:], False) flags = ["object"] def pointer(self): raise Exception("You probably want a pointer type to the dtype") @property def strided(self): return array_(self.dtype, self.ndim) def __repr__(self): axes = [":"] * self.ndim if self.is_c_contig and self.ndim > 0: axes[-1] = "::1" elif self.is_f_contig and self.ndim > 0: axes[0] = "::1" return "%s[%s]" % (self.dtype, ", ".join(axes)) def __getitem__(self, index): "Slicing an array slices the dimensions" assert isinstance(index, slice) assert index.step is None assert index.start is not None or index.stop is not None start = 0 stop = self.ndim if index.start is not None: start = index.start if index.stop is not None: stop = index.stop ndim = len(range(self.ndim)[start:stop]) if ndim == 0: return self.dtype elif ndim > 0: return type(self)(self.dtype, ndim) else: raise IndexError(index, ndim) @consing class autojit_function(NumbaType): "Type for autojit functions" argnames = ["autojit_func"] flags = ["object"] @consing class jit_function(NumbaType): "Type for jit functions" argnames = ["jit_func"] flags = ["object"] @consing class numpy_dtype(NumbaType): "Type of numpy dtypes" argnames = ["dtype"] flags = ["object"] @consing class complex_(NumbaType): argnames = ["base_type"] flags = ["numeric"] @property def itemsize(self): return self.base_type.itemsize * 2 def __repr__(self): return "complex%d" % (self.itemsize * 8,) @consing class datetime_(NumbaType): argnames = ["timestamp", "units", "units_char"] flags = ["numeric"] is_numpy_datetime = True @property def itemsize(self): return self.timestamp.itemsize + self.units.itemsize def __repr__(self): if self.units_char: return "datetime_" + self.units_char else: return "datetime" @consing class timedelta_(NumbaType): argnames = ["diff", "units", "units_char"] flags = ["numeric"] is_numpy_timedelta = True @property def itemsize(self): return self.diff.itemsize + self.units.itemsize def __repr__(self): if self.units_char: return "timedelta_" + self.units_char else: return "timedelta" @consing class meta(NumbaType): """ A type instance in user code. e.g. double(value). The Name node will have a cast-type with dst_type 'double'. """ argnames = ["dst_type"] flags = [ "object", "cast", # backwards compat ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Container Types #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @consing class ContainerListType(NumbaType): """ :param base_type: the element type of the tuple :param size: set to a value >= 0 is the size is known :return: a tuple type representation """ argnames = ["base_type", "size"] flags = ["object", "container"] def is_sized(self): return self.size >= 0 @consing class tuple_(ContainerListType): "tuple(base_type, size)" @consing class list_(ContainerListType): "list(base_type, size)" @consing class MapContainerType(NumbaType): argnames = ["key_type", "value_type", "size"] flags = ["object"] @consing class dict_(MapContainerType): "dict(key, value, size)" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Types to be removed #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class numpy_attribute(NumbaType): # TODO: remove argnames = ["module", "attr"] flags = ["object", "known_value"] @property def value(self): return getattr(self.module, self.attr) class module_attribute(NumbaType): # TODO: remove argnames = ["module", "attr"] flags = ["object", "known_value"] @property def value(self): return getattr(self.module, self.attr) @consing class reference(NumbaType): # TODO: remove ? """ A reference to an (primitive or Python) object. This is passed as a pointer and dereferences automatically. Currently only supported for structs. """ argnames = ["referenced_type"] @consing class method(NumbaType): # TODO: remove """ Method of something. base_type: the object type the attribute was accessed on """ argnames = ["base_type", "attr_name"] flags = ["object"] class pointer_to_function(NumbaType): # TODO: remove """ Pointer to a function at a known address represented by some Python object (e.g. a ctypes or CFFI function). """ typename = "pointer_to_function" argnames = ["obj", "ptr", "signature"] flags = ["object"] @consing class known_value(NumbaType): # TODO: remove """ Type which is associated with a known value or well-defined symbolic expression: np.add => np.add np.add.reduce => (np.add, "reduce") (Remember that unbound methods like np.add.reduce are transient, i.e. np.add.reduce is not np.add.reduce). """ argnames = ["value"] @consing class known_pointer(pointer): # TODO: remove argnames = ["base_type", "address"] @notconsing class global_(known_value): # TODO: Remove "Global type" @consing class builtin_(known_value): # TODO: remove argnames = ["name", "value"] flags = ["object"] @property def func(self): return self.value @consing class module(known_value): # TODO: remove """ Represents a type for modules. Attributes: is_numpy_module: whether the module is the numpy module module: in case of numpy, the numpy module or a submodule """ flags = ["object"] # TODO: Get rid of these is_numpy_module = property(lambda self: self.module is np) is_numba_module = property(lambda self: self.module is np) is_math_module = property(lambda self: self.module is np) @property def module(self): return self.value #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convenience functions... #------------------------------------------------------------------------ unit = _NumbaType.unit _array = array_ _struct = struct_ def from_numpy_dtype(np_dtype): """ :param np_dtype: the NumPy dtype (e.g. np.dtype(np.double)) :return: a dtype type representation """ from numba.typesystem import numpy_support return numpy_dtype(numpy_support.map_dtype(np_dtype)) def array(dtype, ndim, is_c_contig=False, is_f_contig=False, inner_contig=False): """ :param dtype: the Numba dtype type (e.g. double) :param ndim: the array dimensionality (int) :return: an array type representation """ if ndim == 0: return dtype return _array(dtype, ndim, is_c_contig, is_f_contig, inner_contig) # ______________________________________________________________________ def sort_key(t): n, ty = t return ctypes.sizeof(ty.to_ctypes()) def struct_(fields=(), name=None, readonly=False, packed=False, **kwargs): "Create a mutable struct type" if fields and kwargs: raise TypeError("The struct must be either ordered or unordered") elif kwargs: import ctypes fields = sorted(kwargs.iteritems(), key=sort_key, reverse=True) # fields = sort_types(kwargs) # fields = list(kwargs.iteritems()) return _struct(fields, name, readonly, packed) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typeset # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Defines the typeset class and a number of builtin type sets. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import collections from functools import reduce from itertools import starmap from itertools import izip from numba import typesystem from numba.typesystem import types __all__ = [ 'typeset', 'numeric', 'integral', 'floating', 'complextypes' ] #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Signature matching #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _match_argtype(type1, type2): return (type1.is_typeset and type2 in type1.types) or type1 == type2 def _build_position_table(signature): table = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, argtype in enumerate(signature.args): if argtype.is_typeset: table[argtype].append(i) return table def get_effective_argtypes(promote, signature, argtypes): """ Get promoted argtypes for typeset arguments, e.g. signature = floating(floating, floating) argtypes = [float, double] => [double, double] """ args = list(argtypes) position_table = _build_position_table(signature) promotion_table = {} for poslist in position_table.values(): if len(poslist) > 1: # Find all argument types corresponding to a type set types = [args[i] for i in poslist] # Promote corresponding argument types result_type = reduce(promote, types) # Update promotion table type_set = signature.args[poslist[-1]] promotion_table[type_set] = result_type # Build coherent argument type list for i in poslist: args[i] = result_type return promotion_table, args def match(promote, signature, argtypes): """ See whether a specialization matches the given function signature. """ if len(signature.args) == len(argtypes): promotion_table, args = get_effective_argtypes( promote, signature, argtypes) if all(starmap(_match_argtype, izip(signature.args, args))): restype = signature.return_type restype = promotion_table.get(restype, restype) return restype(*args) return None #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type sets #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class typeset(types.NumbaType): """ Holds a set of types that can be used to specify signatures for type inference. """ typename = "typeset" argnames = ["types", "name"] defaults = {"name": None} flags = ["object"] def __init__(self, types, name): super(typeset, self).__init__(frozenset(types), name) self.first_type = types[0] self._from_argtypes = {} for type in types: if type.is_function: self._from_argtypes[type.args] = type def find_match(self, promote, argtypes): argtypes = tuple(argtypes) if argtypes in self._from_argtypes: return self._from_argtypes[argtypes] for type in self.types: signature = match(promote, type, argtypes) if signature: return signature return None def __iter__(self): return iter(self.types) def __repr__(self): return "typeset(%s, ...)" % (self.first_type,) def __hash__(self): return hash(id(self)) numeric = typeset(typesystem.numeric) integral = typeset(typesystem.integral) floating = typeset(typesystem.floating) complextypes = typeset(typesystem.complextypes) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = typeutils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import error from numba.typesystem import * #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ ts = numba_typesystem def is_obj(type): return type.is_object or type.is_array native_type_dict = {} for native_type in native_integral: if native_type not in (Py_ssize_t, npy_intp, Py_uintptr_t, size_t): # TODO: do this better native_type_dict[(native_type.itemsize, native_type.signed)] = native_type def promote_to_native(int_type): return native_type_dict[int_type.itemsize, int_type.signed] def promote_closest(ts, int_type, candidates): """ promote_closest(Py_ssize_t, [int_, long_, longlong]) -> longlong """ for candidate in candidates: promoted = ts.promote(int_type, candidate) if promoted.itemsize == candidate.itemsize and promoted.signed == candidate.signed: return candidate return candidates[-1] def get_type(ast_node): """ :param ast_node: a Numba or Python AST expression node :return: the type of the expression node """ return ast_node.variable.type def error_index(type): raise error.NumbaError("Type %s can not be indexed or " "iterated over" % (type,)) def index_type(type): "Result of indexing a value of the given type with an integer index" if type.is_array: result = array(type.dtype, type.ndim - 1) elif type.is_container or type.is_pointer or type.is_carray: result = type.base_type elif type.is_dict: result = type.value_type elif type.is_range: result = Py_ssize_t elif type.is_object: result = object_ else: error_index(type) return result def element_type(type): "Result type of iterating over something" if type.is_dict: return type.key_type elif type.is_pointer and not type.is_sized_pointer: error_index(type) else: return index_type(type) def require(ast_nodes, properties): "Assert that the types of the given nodes meets a certain requirement" for ast_node in ast_nodes: if not any(getattr(get_type(ast_node), p) for p in properties): typenames = ", or ".join(p[3:] for p in properties) # remove 'is_' prefix raise error.NumbaError(ast_node, "Expected an %s" % (typenames,)) def pyfunc_signature(nargs): "Signature of a python function with N arguments" return function(args=(object_,) * nargs, return_type=object_) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = universe # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Universes of type constructors for numba. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import struct as struct_module import ctypes import numpy as np names = lambda *names: list(names) #list(map(tyname, names)) int_typenames = names( 'char', 'uchar', 'short', 'ushort', 'int', 'uint', 'long', 'ulong', 'longlong', 'ulonglong', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'size_t', 'npy_intp', 'Py_ssize_t', 'Py_uintptr_t', 'bool', # hmm ) signed = frozenset(names( 'char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'longlong', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'Py_ssize_t', 'npy_intp', )) float_typenames = names( 'float', 'double', 'float32', 'float64', #'longdouble', 'float128', ) complex_typenames = names( 'complex64', 'complex128', #'complex256', ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default type sizes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _plat_bits = struct_module.calcsize('@P') * 8 def getsize(ctypes_name, default): try: return ctypes.sizeof(getattr(ctypes, ctypes_name)) except ImportError: return default # Type sizes in bytes type_sizes = { "bool": 1, # Int "char": 1, "int8": 1, "int16": 2, "int32": 4, "int64": 8, # Unsigned int "uchar": 1, "uint8": 1, "uint16": 2, "uint32": 4, "uint64": 8, # Float # "float16": 2, "float32": 4, "float64": 8, # "float128": 16, "float": 4, "double": 8, # Complex "complex64": 8, "complex128": 16, # "complex256": 32, } ctypes_npy_intp = np.empty(0).ctypes.strides._type_ sizeof_longdouble = np.dtype(np.longdouble).itemsize # Use numpy's opinion here native_sizes = { "char": 1, "uchar": 1, # Int "short": struct_module.calcsize("h"), "int": struct_module.calcsize("i"), "long": struct_module.calcsize("l"), "longlong": struct_module.calcsize("Q"), "Py_ssize_t": getsize('c_size_t', _plat_bits // 8), "npy_intp": ctypes.sizeof(ctypes_npy_intp), # Unsigned int "ushort": struct_module.calcsize("H"), "uint": struct_module.calcsize("I"), "ulong": struct_module.calcsize("L"), "ulonglong": struct_module.calcsize("Q"), "size_t": getsize('c_size_t', _plat_bits // 8), "Py_uintptr_t": ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p), # Float # ctypes and numpy may disagree on longdouble # "longdouble": sizeof_longdouble, # "float128": sizeof_longdouble, # Complex # "complex256": sizeof_longdouble * 2, # Pointer "pointer": ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p), } default_type_sizes = dict(type_sizes, **native_sizes) is_native_int = native_sizes.__contains__ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = deferred # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import translate, utils, typesystem from numba.symtab import Variable def create_deferred(type_inferer, node, deferred_cls): "Create a deferred type for an AST node" variable = Variable(None) deferred_type = deferred_cls(variable, type_inferer, node) variable.type = deferred_type node.variable = variable return deferred_type def create_deferred_call(type_inferer, arg_types, call_node): "Set the ast.Call as uninferable for now" deferred_type = create_deferred(type_inferer, call_node, typesystem.DeferredCallType) for arg, arg_type in zip(call_node.args, arg_types): if arg_type.is_unresolved: deferred_type.dependences.append(arg) deferred_type.update() return call_node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = infer # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import cmath import types import logging try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins from functools import reduce, partial import numba from numba import * from numba import error, control_flow, visitors, nodes from numba import oset, odict from numba.type_inference.modules import mathmodule from numba.type_inference import module_type_inference, infer_call, deferred from numba import utils, typesystem from numba.control_flow import ssa from numba.typesystem import ssatypes from numba.typesystem.ssatypes import kosaraju_strongly_connected from numba.symtab import Variable from numba import closures as closures import numba.wrapping.compiler from import numpy_support from numba.exttypes.variable import ExtensionAttributeVariable from numba.typesystem import get_type import llvm.core import numpy debug = False #debug = True logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def lookup_global(env, name, position_node): func_env = env.translation.crnt func = func_env.func if (func is not None and name in func.__code__.co_freevars and func.__closure__): cell_idx = func.__code__.co_freevars.index(name) cell = func.__closure__[cell_idx] value = cell.cell_contents elif name in func_env.function_globals: value = func_env.function_globals[name] elif func and name == func.__name__: # Assume recursive function, grab function from cache value = numba.jit(func_env.func_signature)(func) else: raise error.NumbaError(position_node, "No global named '%s'" % (name,)) return value def no_keywords(node): if node.keywords or node.starargs or node.kwargs: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Function call does not support keyword or star arguments") class TypeInferer(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Type inference. Initialize with a minivect context, a Python ast, and a function type with a given or absent, return type. Infers and checks types and inserts type coercion nodes. See for an overview of AST transformations. """ # Whether to analyse everything (True), or whether to only analyse # the result type of the statement (False) analyse = True def __init__(self, context, func, ast, closure_scope=None, **kwds): super(TypeInferer, self).__init__(context, func, ast, **kwds) self.given_return_type = self.func_signature.return_type self.return_type = None ast.symtab = self.symtab self.closure_scope = closure_scope ast.closure_scope = closure_scope ast.closures = [] self.function_level = kwds.get('function_level', 0) self.init_locals() ast.have_return = False def infer_types(self): """ Infer types for the function. """ self.return_variable = Variable(self.given_return_type) self.ast = self.visit(self.ast) self.return_type = self.return_variable.type or void ret_type = self.func_signature.return_type if ret_type and ret_type != self.return_type: self.assert_assignable(ret_type, self.return_type) self.return_type = self.promote_types(ret_type, self.return_type) restype, argtypes = self.return_type, self.func_signature.args self.func_signature = typesystem.function(return_type=restype, args=argtypes) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Symbol Table Type Population and Argument Processing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def initialize_constants(self): self.symtab['None'] = Variable(typesystem.none, name='None', is_constant=True, constant_value=None) self.symtab['True'] = Variable(bool_, name='True', is_constant=True, constant_value=True) self.symtab['False'] = Variable(bool_, name='False', is_constant=True, constant_value=False) def handle_locals(self, arg_types): "Process entries in the locals={...} dict" for local_name, local_type in self.locals.iteritems(): if local_name not in self.symtab: self.symtab[local_name] = Variable(local_type, is_local=True, name=local_name) variable = self.symtab[local_name] variable.type = local_type variable.promotable_type = False if local_name in self.argnames: idx = self.argnames.index(local_name) arg_types[idx] = local_type def initialize_argtypes(self, arg_types): "Initialize argument types" for var_name, arg_type in zip(self.local_names, arg_types): self.symtab[var_name].type = arg_type def initialize_ssa(self): "Propagate argument types to first rename of the variable in the block" for var in self.symtab.values(): if var.parent_var and not var.parent_var.parent_var: var.type = var.parent_var.type if not var.type: var.type = typesystem.UninitializedType(None) def init_locals(self): "Populate symbol table for local variables and constants." arg_types = list(self.func_signature.args) self.initialize_constants() self.handle_locals(arg_types) self.initialize_argtypes(arg_types) self.initialize_ssa() self.func_signature = self.func_signature.add('args', arg_types) self.have_cfg = hasattr(self.ast, 'flow') if self.have_cfg: self.deferred_types = [] self.resolve_variable_types() if debug and self.have_cfg: for block in self.ast.flow.blocks: for var in block.symtab.values(): if var.type and var.cf_references: assert not var.type.is_unresolved print(("Variable after analysis: %s" % var)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def is_object(self, type): return type.is_object or type.is_array def promote_types(self, type1, type2): return ssatypes.promote(self.env.crnt.typesystem, type1, type2) def promote_types_numeric(self, t1, t2): "Type promotion but demote objects to numeric types" if (t1.is_numeric or t2.is_numeric) and (self.is_object(t1) or self.is_object(t2)): if t1.is_numeric: return t1 else: return t2 else: return self.promote_types(t1, t2) def promote(self, v1, v2): return self.promote_types(v1.type, v2.type) def assert_assignable(self, dst_type, src_type): self.promote_types(dst_type, src_type) def type_from_pyval(self, pyval): return self.env.crnt.typesystem.typeof(pyval) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SSA-based type inference #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def handle_NameAssignment(self, assignment_node): if assignment_node is None: # ast.Name parameter to the function return if isinstance(assignment_node, ast.For): # Analyse target variable assignment return self.visit_For(assignment_node) else: return self.visit(assignment_node) def handle_phi(self, node): # Merge point for different definitions incoming = [v for v in node.incoming if not v.type or not v.type.is_uninitialized] assert incoming for v in incoming: if v.type is None: # We have not analyzed this definition yet, delay the type # resolution v.type = v.deferred_type self.deferred_types.append(v.type) incoming_types = [v.type for v in incoming] if len(incoming_types) > 1: promoted_type = typesystem.PromotionType( node.variable, partial(ssatypes.promote, self.env.crnt.typesystem), incoming_types, True) promoted_type.simplify() node.variable.type = promoted_type.resolve() else: node.variable.type = incoming_types[0] #print "handled", node.variable return node def analyse_assignments(self): """ Analyze all variable assignments and phis. """ cfg = self.ast.flow ssa.kill_unused_phis(cfg) self.analyse = False self.function_level += 1 for block in cfg.blocks: # print block phis = [] for phi in block.phi_nodes: phi = self.handle_phi(phi) if phi is not None: phis.append(phi) block.phi_nodes = phis for stat in block.stats: # TODO: inject back in AST... if isinstance(stat, control_flow.AttributeAssignment): stat.assignment_node = self.visit(stat.assignment_node) elif isinstance(stat, control_flow.NameAssignment): # print "analysing", stat.lhs assmnt = self.handle_NameAssignment(stat.assignment_node) stat.assignment_node = assmnt self.analyse = True self.function_level -= 1 def candidates(self, unvisited): "Types with in-degree zero" return [type for type in unvisited if len(type.parents) == 0] def add_resolved_parents(self, unvisited, start_points, strongly_connected): "Check for immediate resolved parents" for type in unvisited: for parent in type.parents: parent = strongly_connected.get(parent, parent) if self.is_resolved(parent) or len(parent.parents) == 0: start_points.append(parent) def is_resolved(self, t): return not t.is_unresolved or (t.is_unresolved and not t.is_scc and not t.resolve().is_unresolved) def is_trivial_cycle(self, type): "Return whether the type directly refers to itself" return type in type.parents def _debug_type(self, start_point): if start_point.is_scc: print(("scc", start_point, start_point.types)) else: print(start_point) def remove_resolved_type(self, start_point): "Remove a resolved type from the type graph" self.assert_resolved(start_point) for child in start_point.children: if start_point in child.parents: child.parents.remove(start_point) if start_point.is_scc: for type in start_point.types: assert not type.is_scc self.remove_resolved_type(type) def assert_resolveable(self, start_point): "Assert a type in the type graph can be resolved" assert (len(start_point.parents) == 0 or self.is_trivial_cycle(start_point) or self.is_resolved(start_point)) def assert_resolved(self, start_point): "Assert a type in the type graph is resolved somewhere down the line" if not (start_point.is_scc or start_point.is_deferred): r = start_point while r.is_unresolved: resolved = r.resolve() if resolved is r: break r = resolved assert not r.is_unresolved def process_unvisited(self, unvisited): """ Find and resolve any final reduced self-referential portions in the graph """ for u in list(unvisited): u.simplify() if u.is_resolved or not u.resolve().is_unresolved: unvisited.remove(u) def update_visited(self, start_point, visited, unvisited): visited.add(start_point) if start_point in unvisited: unvisited.remove(start_point) if start_point.is_scc: visited.update(start_point.types) for type in start_point.types: if type in unvisited: unvisited.remove(type) def resolve_variable_types(self): """ Resolve the types for all variable assignments. We run type inference on each assignment which builds a type graph in case of dependencies. The dependencies are resolved after type inference completes. """ self.analyse_assignments() for deferred_type in self.deferred_types: deferred_type.update() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find all unresolved variables #------------------------------------------------------------------- unresolved = oset.OrderedSet() for block in self.ast.flow.blocks: for variable in block.symtab.itervalues(): if variable.parent_var: # renamed variable if variable.type.is_unresolved: variable.type.resolve() if variable.type.is_unresolved: unresolved.add(variable.type) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find the strongly connected components (build a condensation graph) #------------------------------------------------------------------- unvisited = oset.OrderedSet(unresolved) strongly_connected = odict.OrderedDict() while unresolved: start_type = unresolved.pop() sccs = {} kosaraju_strongly_connected(start_type, sccs, strongly_connected) unresolved -= set(sccs) strongly_connected.update(sccs) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process type dependencies in topological order. Handle strongly # connected components specially. #------------------------------------------------------------------- if unvisited: unvisited = oset.OrderedSet(strongly_connected.itervalues()) visited = oset.OrderedSet() # sccs = dict((k, v) for k, v in strongly_connected.iteritems() # if k is not v) # unvisited = set([strongly_connected[type] for type in unvisited]) # original_unvisited = set(unvisited) while unvisited: L = list(unvisited) start_points = self.candidates(unvisited) self.add_resolved_parents(unvisited, start_points, strongly_connected) if not start_points: self.process_unvisited(unvisited) break while start_points: start_point = start_points.pop() self.assert_resolveable(start_point) self.update_visited(start_point, visited, unvisited) # self._debug_type(start_point) if not self.is_resolved(start_point): start_point.simplify() self.remove_resolved_type(start_point) children = (strongly_connected.get(c, c) for c in start_point.children if c not in visited) start_points.extend(self.candidates(children)) if unvisited: t = list(unvisited)[0] # for debugging self.error_unresolved_types(unvisited) def error_unresolved_types(self, unvisited): "Raise an exception for a circular dependence we can't resolve" def getvar(type): if type.is_scc: candidates = [type for type in type.scc if not type.is_scc] return type.scc[0].variable else: return type.variable def pos(type): assmnt = getvar(type).name_assignment if assmnt: assmnt_node = assmnt.assignment_node return error.format_pos(assmnt_node) or 'na' else: return 'na' type = sorted(unvisited, key=pos)[0] typesystem.error_circular(getvar(type)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Visit methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit(self, node): if node is Ellipsis: node = ast.Ellipsis() result = super(TypeInferer, self).visit(node) return result def visit_PhiNode(self, node): # Already handled return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Closures #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if self.function_level == 0: return self.visit_func_children(node) signature = closures.process_decorators(self.env, self.visit, node) type = typesystem.ClosureType(signature) self.symtab[] = Variable(type, is_local=True) # Generates ClosureNodes that hold inner functions. When visited, they # do not recurse into the inner functions themselves! closure = nodes.ClosureNode(self.env, node, type, self.func) type.closure = closure self.ast.closures.append(closure) self.closures[] = closure return closure #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Assignments #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _handle_unpacking(self, node): """ Handle tuple unpacking """ value_type = node.value.variable.type if len(node.targets) == 1: # tuple or list constant targets = node.targets[0].elts else: targets = node.targets # Do some validation valid_type = (value_type.is_carray or value_type.is_sized_pointer or value_type.is_list or value_type.is_tuple or value_type.is_object) if not valid_type: self.error(node.value, 'Cannot unpack value of type %s' % (value_type,)) elif value_type != object_ and value_type.size != len(targets): self.error(node.value, "Too many/few arguments for tuple unpacking, " "got (%d, %d)" % (value_type.size, len(targets))) if isinstance(node.value, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)): stats = self._unpack_literal(node.targets, node.value.elts) else: # TODO: general iterables and iterators stats = self._unpack_sequence(node.targets, node.value) return ast.Suite(stats) def _unpack_literal(self, lhss, rhss): """Unpack a literal given the lhs and rhs values as lists""" rhss = list(map(nodes.CloneableNode, rhss)) # Evaluate RHS first, then generate assignments return rhss + self._gen_assignments(lhss, [nodes.CloneNode(n) for n in rhss]) def _unpack_sequence(self, targets, obj): """Unpack a sequence given the lhs targets as a list""" # TODO: Verify length! obj = nodes.CloneableNode(obj) # evaluate only once! clone = nodes.CloneNode(obj) rhss = [nodes.index(clone, i) for i in range(len(targets))] # Evaluate RHS obj before assignment return [obj] + self._gen_assignments(targets, rhss) def _gen_assignments(self, lhss, rhss): """ Generate assignments from a list of RHS values to a list of LHS values """ for lhs, rhs in zip(lhss, rhss): lhs.variable.type = rhs.variable.type return [ast.Assign(targets=[lhs], value=rhs) for lhs, rhs in zip(lhss, rhss)] def visit_Assign(self, node): # Initialize inplace operator node.inplace_op = getattr(node, 'inplace_op', None) node.value = self.visit(node.value) for i in range(len(node.targets)): node.targets[i] = self.visit(node.targets[i]) if len(node.targets) != 1 or isinstance(node.targets[0], (ast.List, ast.Tuple)): return self._handle_unpacking(node) target = node.targets[0] self.assign(target, node.value) lhs_var = target.variable rhs_var = node.value.variable if isinstance(target, ast.Name): node.value = nodes.CoercionNode(node.value, lhs_var.type) elif lhs_var.type != rhs_var.type: if lhs_var.type.is_array: # and rhs_var.type.is_array: # Let other code handle array coercions pass else: node.value = nodes.CoercionNode(node.value, lhs_var.type) return node def assign(self, lhs_node, rhs_node, rhs_var=None): lhs_var = lhs_node.variable if rhs_var is None: rhs_var = rhs_node.variable if lhs_var.type is None: lhs_var.perform_assignment(rhs_var.type) elif lhs_var.type != rhs_var.type: if in self.locals: # Type must be consistent self.assert_assignable(lhs_var.type, rhs_var.type) if rhs_node: rhs_node = nodes.CoercionNode(rhs_node, lhs_var.type) elif lhs_var.type.is_deferred: # Override type with new assignment of a deferred LHS and # update the type graph to link it together correctly assert lhs_var is lhs_var.type.variable deferred_type = lhs_var.type lhs_var.perform_assignment(rhs_var.type) deferred_type.update() elif isinstance(lhs_node, ast.Name): if lhs_var.renameable: # Override type with new assignment lhs_var.perform_assignment(rhs_var.type) else: # Promote type for cellvar or freevar self.assert_assignable(lhs_var.type, rhs_var.type) if (lhs_var.type.is_numeric and rhs_var.type.is_numeric and lhs_var.promotable_type): lhs_var.perform_assignment( self.promote_types(lhs_var.type, rhs_var.type)) return rhs_node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Loops and Control Flow #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_iterator_type(self, node, iterator_type, target_type): "Get the type of an iterator Variable" if iterator_type.is_iterator: base_type = iterator_type.base_type elif iterator_type.is_range: base_type = Py_ssize_t else: base_type = typesystem.index_type(iterator_type) return base_type def visit_For(self, node): target = #if not isinstance(target, ast.Name): # self.error(, # "Only assignment to target names is supported.") = self.visit( node.iter = self.visit(node.iter) base_type = typesystem.element_type(node.iter.variable.type) self.assign(, None, rhs_var=Variable(base_type)) if self.analyse: self.visitlist(node.body) if self.analyse and node.orelse: self.visitlist(node.orelse) return node def visit_booltest(self, node): if isinstance(node.test, control_flow.ControlBlock): node.test.body[0] = nodes.CoercionNode( node.test.body[0], typesystem.bool_) else: node.test = nodes.CoercionNode(node.test, typesystem.bool_) def visit_While(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) self.visit_booltest(node) return node visit_If = visit_While def visit_IfExp(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) type_ = self.promote(node.body.variable, node.orelse.variable) node.variable = Variable(type_) node.test = nodes.CoercionNode(node.test, typesystem.bool_) node.orelse = nodes.CoercionNode(node.orelse, type_) node.body = nodes.CoercionNode(node.body, type_) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Return #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Return(self, node): if node.value is not None: # 'return value' self.ast.have_return = True value = self.visit(node.value) type = get_type(value) assert type is not None else: # 'return' value = None if value is None or type.is_none: # When returning None, set the return type to void. # That way, we don't have to deal with the PyObject reference. if self.return_variable.type is None: self.return_variable.type = typesystem.void value = None elif self.return_variable.type is None: self.return_variable.type = type elif self.return_variable.type != type: # TODO: in case of unpromotable types, return object? if self.given_return_type is None: self.return_variable.type = self.promote_types_numeric( self.return_variable.type, type) value = nodes.DeferredCoercionNode(value, self.return_variable) node.value = value return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'with' statement #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_With(self, node): assert isinstance(node.context_expr, ast.Name), node.context_expr if == 'nopython': node = self.visit(nodes.WithNoPythonNode( body=node.body, lineno=node.lineno, col_offset=node.col_offset)) else: node = self.visit(nodes.WithPythonNode( body=node.body, lineno=node.lineno, col_offset=node.col_offset)) if (node.body and isinstance(node.body[0], ast.Expr) and node.body[0].value == 'WITH_BLOCK'): node.body = node.body[1:] return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Variable Assignments and References #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def init_global(self, name_node): global_name = globals = self.func_globals is_builtin = (global_name not in globals and getattr(builtins, global_name, None)) is_global = not is_builtin # Determine the type of the global, i.e. a builtin, global # or (numpy) module if is_builtin: type = typesystem.builtin_(global_name, getattr(builtins, global_name)) else: # FIXME: analyse the bytecode of the entire module, to determine # overriding of builtins if isinstance(globals.get(global_name), types.ModuleType): type = typesystem.module(globals.get(global_name)) else: value = lookup_global(self.env, global_name, name_node) type = typesystem.global_(value) # do away with this variable = Variable(type, name=global_name, is_constant=True, is_global=is_global, is_builtin=is_builtin, constant_value=type.value) self.symtab[global_name] = variable return variable def getvar(self, name_node): local_variable = self.symtab[] if not local_variable.renameable: variable = local_variable else: variable = name_node.variable return variable def visit_Name(self, node): = var = self.current_scope.lookup( is_none = var and in ('None', 'True', 'False') in_closure_scope = self.closure_scope and in self.closure_scope if var and (var.is_local or is_none): if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Param) or is_none: variable = self.symtab[] else: # Local variable variable = self.getvar(node) elif in_closure_scope and not self.is_store(node.ctx): # Free variable # print, node.ctx, closure_var = self.closure_scope[] variable = Variable.from_variable(closure_var) variable.is_local = False variable.is_cellvar = False variable.is_freevar = True variable.promotable_type = False self.symtab[] = variable else: # Global or builtin variable = self.init_global(node) if variable.type and not variable.type.is_deferred: if variable.type.is_global: # or variable.type.is_module: # TODO: look up globals in dict at call time if not obj = variable.type.value # if not self.function_cache.is_registered(obj): variable.type = self.type_from_pyval(obj) elif variable.type.is_builtin: # Rewrite builtin-ins later on, give other code the chance # to handle them first pass node.variable = variable if variable.type and variable.type.is_unresolved: variable.type = variable.type.resolve() return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Binary and Unary operations #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_BoolOp(self, node): "and/or expression" # NOTE: BoolOp.values can have as many items as possible. # Only meta is doing 2 items. # if len(node.values) != 2: # raise AssertionError assert len(node.values) >= 2 node.values = self.visitlist(node.values) node.values[:] = nodes.CoercionNode.coerce(node.values, typesystem.bool_) node.variable = Variable(typesystem.bool_) return node def _handle_floordiv(self, node): dst_type = self.promote(node.left.variable, node.right.variable) if dst_type.is_float or dst_type.is_int: node.op = ast.Div() node = nodes.CoercionNode(node, long_) node = nodes.CoercionNode(node, dst_type) return node def _verify_pointer_type(self, node, v1, v2): pointer_type = self.have_types(v1, v2, "is_pointer", "is_int") if pointer_type is None: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Expected pointer and int types, got (%s, %s)" % (v1.type, v2.type)) if not isinstance(node.op, ast.Add): # ast.Sub)): # TODO: pointer subtraction raise error.NumbaError( node, "Can only perform pointer arithmetic with +") if pointer_type.base_type.is_void: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot perform pointer arithmetic on void *") def visit_BinOp(self, node): node.left = self.visit(node.left) node.right = self.visit(node.right) if nodes.is_bitwise(node.op): # TODO: Do this better typesystem.require( [n for n in [node.left, node.right] if self.is_resolved(n.variable.type)], ["is_int", 'is_object', 'is_bool']) v1, v2 = node.left.variable, node.right.variable coerce_operands = True # Handle string formatting with % if isinstance(node.op, ast.Mod) and v1.type.is_c_string: promoted_type = object_ elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub) and \ v1.type.is_numpy_datetime and \ v2.type.is_numpy_datetime: promoted_type = timedelta() coerce_operands = False elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Add) and \ ((v1.type.is_numpy_datetime and v2.type.is_numpy_timedelta) or (v2.type.is_numpy_datetime and v1.type.is_numpy_timedelta)): promoted_type = datetime() coerce_operands = False elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub) and \ ((v1.type.is_numpy_datetime and v2.type.is_numpy_timedelta) or (v2.type.is_numpy_datetime and v1.type.is_numpy_timedelta)): promoted_type = datetime() coerce_operands = False else: promoted_type = self.promote(v1, v2) if promoted_type.is_pointer: self._verify_pointer_type(node, v1, v2) elif coerce_operands and not ((v1.type.is_array and v2.type.is_array) or (v1.type.is_unresolved or v2.type.is_unresolved)): # Don't coerce arrays to lesser or higher dimensionality # Broadcasting transforms should take care of this node.left, node.right = nodes.CoercionNode.coerce( [node.left, node.right], promoted_type) node.variable = Variable(promoted_type) if isinstance(node.op, ast.FloorDiv): node = self._handle_floordiv(node) return node def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): node.operand = self.visit(node.operand) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Not): node.operand = nodes.CoercionNode(node.operand, typesystem.bool_) node.variable = Variable(typesystem.bool_) else: node.variable = Variable(node.operand.variable.type) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Invert): typesystem.require([node], ["is_int", "is_object"]) return node def visit_Compare(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) lhs = node.left comparators = node.comparators types = [lhs.variable.type] + [c.variable.type for c in comparators] result_type = bool_ if len(set(types)) != 1: type = reduce(self.promote_types, types) if type.is_array: result_type = typesystem.array(bool_, type.ndim) else: node.left = nodes.CoercionNode(lhs, type) node.comparators = [nodes.CoercionNode(c, type) for c in comparators] node.variable = Variable(result_type) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Indexing and Slicing #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _handle_struct_index(self, node, value_type): slice_type = node.slice.variable.type if not isinstance(node.slice, ast.Index) or not ( slice_type.is_int or slice_type.is_string): raise error.NumbaError(node.slice, "Struct index must be a single string " "or integer") if not isinstance(node.slice.value, nodes.ConstNode): raise error.NumbaError(node.slice, "Struct index must be constant") field_idx = node.slice.value.pyval if slice_type.is_int: if field_idx > len(value_type.fields): raise error.NumbaError(node.slice, "Struct field index too large") field_name, field_type = value_type.fields[field_idx] else: field_name = field_idx return ast.Attribute(value=node.value, attr=field_name, ctx=node.ctx) def assert_index(self, type, node): if type.is_unresolved: type.make_assertion('is_int', node, "Expected an integer") elif not type.is_int: self.error(node, "Excepted an integer") def get_resolved_type(self, type): if type.is_unresolved: type.simplify() type = type.resolve() if type.is_promotion and len(type.types) == 2: type1, type2 = type.types if type1.is_deferred and type2.is_deferred: return type elif type1.is_deferred: return type2, type1 elif type2.is_deferred: return type1, type2 else: return None, type else: return type, None def visit_Subscript(self, node, visitchildren=True): if visitchildren: node.value = self.visit(node.value) node.slice = self.visit(node.slice) value = node.value value_type = node.value.variable.type deferred_type = deferred.create_deferred(self, node, typesystem.DeferredIndexType) if value_type and value_type.is_unresolved: deferred_type.dependences.append(node.value) deferred_type.update() return node slice_variable = node.slice.variable slice_type = slice_variable.type if value_type.is_array: # Handle array indexing if (slice_type.is_tuple and isinstance(node.slice, ast.Index)): node.slice = node.slice.value slices = None if (isinstance(node.slice, ast.Index) or slice_type.is_ellipsis or slice_type.is_slice): slices = [node.slice] elif isinstance(node.slice, ast.ExtSlice): slices = list(node.slice.dims) elif isinstance(node.slice, ast.Tuple): slices = list(node.slice.elts) if slices is None: if slice_type.is_tuple: # result_type = value_type[slice_type.size:] # TODO: use slice_variable.constant_value if available result_type = typesystem.object_ else: result_type = typesystem.object_ elif any(slice_node.variable.type.is_unresolved for slice_node in slices): for slice_node in slices: if slice_node.variable.type.is_unresolved: deferred_type.dependences.append(slice_node) deferred_type.update() result_type = deferred_type else: result = numpy_support.unellipsify(node.value, slices, node) result_type, node.value = result elif value_type.is_carray: # Handle C array indexing if (not slice_variable.type.is_int and not slice_variable.type.is_unresolved): self.error(node.slice, "Can only index with an int") if not isinstance(node.slice, ast.Index): self.error(node.slice, "Expected index") # node.slice = node.slice.value result_type = value_type.base_type elif value_type.is_struct: node = self._handle_struct_index(node, value_type) return self.visit(node) elif value_type.is_pointer: self.assert_index(slice_variable.type, node.slice) result_type = value_type.base_type elif value_type.is_object: result_type = object_ elif value_type.is_string: # Handle string indexing if slice_type.is_int: result_type = char elif slice_type.is_slice: result_type = c_string_type elif slice_type.is_unresolved: deferred_type.dependences.append(node.slice) deferred_type.update() result_type = deferred_type else: # TODO: check for insanity node.value = nodes.CoercionNode(node.value, object_) node.slice = nodes.CoercionNode(node.slice, object_) result_type = object_ else: op = ('sliced', 'indexed')[slice_variable.type.is_int] raise error.NumbaError(node, "object of type %s cannot be %s" % (value_type, op)) node.variable.type = result_type return node def visit_Index(self, node): "Normal index" node.value = self.visit(node.value) variable = node.value.variable type = variable.type if (type.is_object and variable.is_constant and variable.constant_value is None): type = typesystem.newaxis node.variable = Variable(type) return node def visit_Ellipsis(self, node): return nodes.ConstNode(Ellipsis, typesystem.ellipsis) def visit_Slice(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) type = typesystem.slice_ is_constant = False const = None values = [node.lower, node.upper, node.step] constants = [] for value in values: if value is None: constants.append(None) elif value.variable.is_constant: constants.append(value.variable.constant_value) else: break else: is_constant = True const = slice(*constants) node.variable = Variable(type, is_constant=is_constant, constant_value=const) return node def visit_ExtSlice(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) node.variable = Variable(typesystem.object_) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Constants #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Num(self, node): return nodes.ConstNode(node.n) def visit_Str(self, node): return nodes.ConstNode(node.s) def visit_long(self, value): return nodes.ConstNode(value, long_) def _get_constants(self, constants): items = [] constant_value = None for i, item_node in enumerate(constants): # long constants like 5L are direct values, not Nums! if isinstance(item_node, long): constants[i] = nodes.ConstNode(item_node, long_) items.append(item_node) elif item_node.variable.is_constant: items.append(item_node.variable.constant_value) else: return None return items def _get_constant_list(self, node): if not isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): return None return self._get_constants(node.elts) def visit_Tuple(self, node): self.visitlist(node.elts) constant_value = self._get_constant_list(node) if constant_value is not None: constant_value = tuple(constant_value) type = numba.typeof(constant_value) else: type = typesystem.tuple_(object_, size=len(node.elts)) node.variable = Variable(type, is_constant=constant_value is not None, constant_value=constant_value) return node def visit_List(self, node): node.elts = self.visitlist(node.elts) constant_value = self._get_constant_list(node) if constant_value: type = numba.typeof(constant_value) else: type = typesystem.list_(object_, size=len(node.elts)) node.variable = Variable(type, is_constant=constant_value is not None, constant_value=constant_value) return node def visit_Dict(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) constant_keys = self._get_constants(node.keys) constant_values = self._get_constants(node.values) if constant_keys and constant_values: unify = self.promote_types key_type = reduce(unify, (self.type_from_pyval(key) for key in constant_keys)) value_type = reduce(unify, (self.type_from_pyval(key) for key in constant_keys)) type = typesystem.dict_(key_type, value_type, size=len(node.keys)) variable = Variable(type, is_constant=True, constant_value=dict(zip(constant_keys, constant_values))) else: type = typesystem.dict_(object_, object_, size=len(node.keys)) variable = Variable(type) node.variable = variable return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function and Method Calls #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _resolve_external_call(self, call_node, func_type, py_func, arg_types): """ Resolve a call to a function. If we know about the function, generate a native call, otherwise go through PyObject_Call(). """ if __debug__ and logger.getEffectiveLevel() < logging.DEBUG: logger.debug('func_type = %r, py_func = %r, call_node = %s' % (func_type, py_func, utils.pformat_ast(call_node))) if not func_type.is_object and not func_type.is_known_value: raise error.NumbaError( call_node, "Cannot call object of type %s" % (func_type,)) flags = None # TODO: stub signature = None llvm_func = None new_node = nodes.call_obj(call_node, py_func) have_unresolved_argtypes = any(arg_type.is_unresolved for arg_type in arg_types) if func_type.is_jit_function: llvm_func = func_type.jit_func.lfunc signature = func_type.jit_func.signature elif have_unresolved_argtypes and not func_type == object_: result = self.function_cache.get_function(py_func, arg_types, flags) if result is not None: signature, llvm_func, _ = result else: new_node = deferred.create_deferred_call( self, arg_types, call_node) if (module_type_inference.is_registered(py_func) and module_type_inference.can_handle_deferred(py_func)): new_node = infer_call.infer_typefunc(self.context, call_node, func_type, new_node) elif self.function_cache.is_registered(py_func): py_func = py_func.py_func signature = typesystem.function(None, arg_types) jitted_func = numba.jit(signature)(py_func) signature = jitted_func.signature llvm_func = jitted_func.lfunc else: # This should not be a function-cache method # signature = self.function_cache.get_signature(arg_types) new_node = self._resolve_return_type(func_type, new_node, call_node, arg_types) if llvm_func is not None: # Generate a native call instead of an object call assert signature is not None new_node = nodes.NativeCallNode(signature, call_node.args, llvm_func, py_func) return new_node def _resolve_method_calls(self, func_type, new_node, node): "Resolve special method calls" if ((func_type.base_type.is_complex or func_type.base_type.is_float) and func_type.attr_name == 'conjugate'): assert isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute) if node.args or node.keywords: raise error.NumbaError( "conjugate method of complex number does not " "take arguments") if func_type.base_type.is_float: return node.func.value new_node = nodes.ComplexConjugateNode(node.func.value) new_node.variable = Variable(func_type.base_type) return new_node def _infer_complex_math(self, func_type, new_node, node, argtype): "Infer types for cmath.somefunc()" # Check for cmath.{sqrt,sin,etc} if (len(node.args) == 1 and func_type.value.__name__ in mathmodule.mathsyms): new_node = nodes.CoercionNode(new_node, complex128) return new_node def _resolve_return_type(self, func_type, new_node, node, argtypes): """ We are performing a call through PyObject_Call, but we may be able to infer a more specific return value than 'object'. """ if ((func_type.is_module_attribute and func_type.module is cmath) or (func_type.is_numpy_attribute and len(argtypes) == 1)): new_node = self._infer_complex_math( func_type, new_node, node, argtypes[0]) return infer_call.infer_typefunc(self.context, node, func_type, new_node) def _resolve_autojit_method_call(self, call_node, ext_type, attr): from numba.exttypes import signatures argtypes = tuple(a.variable.type for a in call_node.args) argtypes = (ext_type,) + argtypes if (attr, argtypes) not in ext_type.specialized_methods: if ext_type.extclass is None: raise error.NumbaError( call_node, "Cannot yet call autojit methods from jit " "methods (which includes the constructor).") # Compile the autojit method # TODO: Compile for the base class ext_type (the class owning # TODO: the method) untyped_method = ext_type.untyped_methods[attr] method = untyped_method.clone() method.signature = typesystem.function(None, argtypes) compiler_impl = numba.wrapping.compiler.MethodCompiler( self.env, ext_type.extclass, method) compiler_impl.compile(method.signature) # Retrieve specialized method method = ext_type.specialized_methods[attr, argtypes] # Update method signature method_maker = signatures.MethodMaker() method.signature = method_maker.make_method_type(method) else: method = ext_type.specialized_methods[attr, argtypes] # Generate method access extension_method_node = call_node.func obj_node = extension_method_node.value methodnode = nodes.ExtensionMethod(obj_node, attr, method) # Generate method call new_node = nodes.NativeFunctionCallNode( method.signature, methodnode, call_node.args, skip_self=True) return new_node def visit_Call(self, node, visitchildren=True): if node.starargs or node.kwargs: raise error.NumbaError("star or keyword arguments not implemented") node.func = self.visit(node.func) func_variable = node.func.variable func_type = func_variable.type func = infer_call.resolve_function(func_variable) #if not self.analyse and func_type.is_cast and len(node.args) == 1: # # Short-circuit casts # no_keywords(node) # return nodes.CastNode(node.args[0], func_type.dst_type) if visitchildren: self.visitlist(node.args) self.visitlist(node.keywords) # TODO: Resolve variable types based on how they are used as arguments # TODO: in calls with known signatures new_node = None if func_type.is_autojit_extmethod: assert isinstance(node.func, nodes.ExtensionMethod) new_node = self._resolve_autojit_method_call( node, node.func.ext_type, node.func.attr) if func_type.is_function or func_type.is_extmethod: # Native function call no_keywords(node) new_node = nodes.NativeFunctionCallNode( func_variable.type, node.func, node.args, skip_self=True) elif func_type.is_method: # Call to special object method no_keywords(node) new_node = self._resolve_method_calls(func_type, new_node, node) elif func_type.is_closure: assert node.func # TODO: what if node.func is not an ast.Name? # Call to closure/inner function return nodes.ClosureCallNode(func_type, node) elif func_type.is_pointer_to_function: # Call to ctypes function no_keywords(node) new_node = nodes.PointerCallNode( func_type.signature, node.args, func_type.ptr) elif func_type.is_cast: # Call of a numba type # 1) double(value) -> cast value to double # 2) double() or double(object_, double), -> # this specifies a function signature no_keywords(node) if len(node.args) != 1 or node.args[0].variable.type.is_cast: new_node = infer_call.parse_signature(node, func_type) else: new_node = nodes.CoercionNode(node.args[0], func_type.dst_type) if new_node is None: # All other type of calls: # 1) call to compiled/autojitting numba function # 2) call to some math or numpy math function (np.sin, etc) # 3) call to special numpy functions (np.empty, etc) # 4) generic call using PyObject_Call if func_type.is_jit_function: func = func_type.jit_func.py_func arg_types = func_type.jit_func.signature.args else: arg_types = [a.variable.type for a in node.args] new_node = self._resolve_external_call(node, func_type, func, arg_types) return new_node def visit_CastNode(self, node): if self.analyse: arg = self.visit(node.arg) return nodes.CoercionNode(arg, node.type) else: return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Attributes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _resolve_module_attribute(self, node, type): "Resolve attributes of the numpy module or a submodule" attribute = getattr(type.module, node.attr) # TODO: Do this better result_type = None if attribute is numpy.newaxis: result_type = typesystem.newaxis elif attribute is numba.NULL: return typesystem.null elif type.is_numpy_module or type.is_numpy_attribute: result_type = typesystem.numpy_attribute(module=type.module, attr=node.attr) elif type.is_numba_module or type.is_math_module: result_type = self.context.typemapper.from_python(attribute) if result_type == object_: result_type = None if result_type is None: if hasattr(type.module, node.attr): result_type = self.type_from_pyval(getattr(type.module, node.attr)) if result_type != object_: return result_type result_type = typesystem.module_attribute(module=type.module, attr=node.attr) return result_type def _resolve_ndarray_attribute(self, array_node, array_attr): "Resolve attributes of numpy arrays" return def is_store(self, ctx): return isinstance(ctx, ast.Store) def extattr_mangle(self, attr_name, type): if attr_name.startswith("__") and not attr_name.endswith("__"): attr_name = "_%s%s" % (, attr_name) return attr_name def _resolve_extension_attribute(self, node, ext_type): attr = self.extattr_mangle(node.attr, ext_type) if attr in ext_type.methoddict: method = ext_type.methoddict[attr] return nodes.ExtensionMethod(node.value, attr, method) if attr in ext_type.untyped_methods: method = ext_type.untyped_methods[attr] return nodes.AutojitExtensionMethod(node.value, attr, method) if attr not in ext_type.attributedict: if ext_type.is_resolved or not self.is_store(node.ctx): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Cannot access attribute %s of ext_type %s" % ( node.attr, # Infer the type for this extension attribute using a # special Variable variable = ExtensionAttributeVariable(ext_type, attr, type=None) else: variable = Variable(ext_type.attributedict[attr]) return nodes.ExtTypeAttribute(node.value, attr, variable, node.ctx, ext_type) def _resolve_struct_attribute(self, node, type): type = nodes.struct_type(type) if not node.attr in type.fielddict: raise error.NumbaError( node, "Struct %s has no field %r" % (type, node.attr)) if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store): if not isinstance(node.value, (ast.Name, ast.Subscript, nodes.StructVariable)): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Can only assign to struct attributes of " "variables or array indices") node.value.ctx = ast.Store() return nodes.StructAttribute(node.value, node.attr, node.ctx, node.value.variable.type) def _resolve_complex_attribute(self, node, type): # TODO: make conplex a struct type if node.attr in ('real', 'imag'): if self.is_store(node.ctx): raise TypeError("Cannot assign to the %s attribute of " "complex numbers" % node.attr) result_type = type.base_type else: raise AttributeError("'%s' of complex type" % node.attr) return result_type def _resolve_datetime_attribute(self, node, type): if node.attr in ('timestamp', 'units'): if self.is_store(node.ctx): raise TypeError("Cannot assign to the %s attribute of " "datetime numbers" % node.attr) result_type = getattr(type, node.attr) elif node.attr == 'year': result_type = int64 elif node.attr in ['month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec']: result_type = int32 else: raise AttributeError("'%s' of datetime type" % node.attr) return result_type def _resolve_timedelta_attribute(self, node, type): if node.attr in ('diff', 'units'): if self.is_store(node.ctx): raise TypeError("Cannot assign to the %s attribute of " "timedelta numbers" % node.attr) result_type = getattr(type, node.attr) else: raise AttributeError("'%s' of timedelta type" % node.attr) return result_type def visit_Attribute(self, node, visitchildren=True): if visitchildren: node.value = self.visit(node.value) type = node.value.variable.type if type.is_unresolved: result_type = deferred.create_deferred(self, node, typesystem.DeferredAttrType) elif node.attr == 'conjugate' and (type.is_complex or type.is_float): result_type = typesystem.method(type, 'conjugate') elif type.is_complex: result_type = self._resolve_complex_attribute(node, type) elif type.is_datetime: result_type = self._resolve_datetime_attribute(node, type) elif type.is_timedelta: result_type = self._resolve_timedelta_attribute(node, type) elif type.is_struct or (type.is_reference and type.referenced_type.is_struct): return self._resolve_struct_attribute(node, type) elif type.is_module and hasattr(type.module, node.attr): result_type = self._resolve_module_attribute(node, type) elif (type.is_known_value and module_type_inference.is_registered((type.value, node.attr))): # Unbound method call, e.g. np.add.reduce result_type = typesystem.known_value((type.value, node.attr), is_object=True) elif type.is_array and node.attr in ('data', 'shape', 'strides', 'ndim'): # handle shape/strides/ndim etc return nodes.ArrayAttributeNode(node.attr, node.value) elif type.is_array and node.attr == "dtype": # TODO: resolve as constant at compile time? result_type = typesystem.numpy_dtype(type.dtype) elif type.is_extension: return self._resolve_extension_attribute(node, type) else: # use PyObject_GetAttrString node.value = nodes.CoercionNode(node.value, object_) result_type = object_ node.variable = Variable(result_type) node.type = result_type return node def visit_ClosureScopeLoadNode(self, node): return node def visit_FuncDefExprNode(self, node): return self.visit(node.func_def) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Unsupported nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_Global(self, node): raise error.NumbaError(node, "Global keyword") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Coercions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_UntypedCoercion(self, node): if self.analyse: value = self.visit(node.node) return nodes.CoercionNode(value, node.type) return node #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # User nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_UserNode(self, node): return node.infer_types(self) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Nodes that should be deleted after type inference #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_MaybeUnusedNode(self, node): return self.visit(node.name_node) class TypeSettingVisitor(visitors.NumbaTransformer): """ Set node.type for all AST nodes after type inference from node.variable. Allows for deferred coercions (may be removed in the future). """ def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) if node.flow: for block in node.flow.blocks: for phi in block.phi_nodes: self.handle_phi(phi) rettype = self.func_signature.return_type if rettype.is_unresolved: rettype = rettype.resolve() assert not rettype.is_unresolved self.func_signature.return_type = rettype return node def resolve(self, variable): """ Resolve any resolved types, and resolve any final disconnected type graphs that haven't been simplified. This can be the case if the type of a variable does not depend on the type of a sub-expression which may be unresolved, e.g.: y = 0 for i in range(...): x = int(y + 4) # y is unresolved here, so we have # promote(deferred(y), int) y += 1 """ if variable.type.is_unresolved: variable.type = variable.type.resolve() if variable.type.is_unresolved: variable.type = typesystem.resolve_var(variable) assert not variable.type.is_unresolved def visit(self, node): if hasattr(node, 'variable'): self.resolve(node.variable) node.type = node.variable.type return super(TypeSettingVisitor, self).visit(node) def handle_phi(self, node): for incoming_var in node.incoming: self.resolve(incoming_var) self.resolve(node.variable) node.type = node.variable.type return node def visit_Name(self, node): return node def visit_ExtSlice(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) types = [n.type for n in node.dims] if all(type.is_numeric for type in types): node.type = reduce(self.env.crnt.typesystem.promote, types) if not node.type.is_int: self.warn(node, "Truncating result index type %s " "to Py_ssize_t" % node.type) node.type = Py_ssize_t else: node.type = object_ return node def visit_DeferredCoercionNode(self, node): "Resolve deferred coercions" self.generic_visit(node) return nodes.CoercionNode(node.node, node.variable.type) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = infer_call # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba import * from numba import error, nodes from numba.type_inference import module_type_inference from numba import typesystem if PY3: import builtins else: import __builtin__ as builtins debug = False #debug = True def resolve_function(func_variable): "Get a function object given a function name" func = None func_type = func_variable.type if func_type.is_builtin: func = getattr(builtins, elif func_type.is_global: func = func_type.value elif func_type.is_module_attribute: func = getattr(func_type.module, func_type.attr) elif func_type.is_autojit_function: func = func_type.autojit_func elif func_type.is_jit_function: func = func_type.jit_func return func def infer_typefunc(context, call_node, func_type, default_node): func_var = call_node.func.variable if func_var.is_constant: func_type = typesystem.known_value(func_var.constant_value) if (func_type.is_known_value and module_type_inference.is_registered(func_type.value)): # Try the module type inferers result_node = module_type_inference.resolve_call_or_none( context, call_node, func_type) if result_node: return result_node return default_node def parse_signature(node, func_type): types = [] for arg in node.args: if not arg.variable.type.is_cast: raise error.NumbaError(arg, "Expected a numba type") else: types.append(arg.variable.type) signature = func_type.dst_type(*types) new_node = nodes.const(signature, typesystem.meta(signature)) return new_node ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = builtinmodule # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Type functions for Python builtins. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import warnings import ast from numba import * from numba import nodes from numba import error # from numba import function_util from numba.symtab import Variable from numba import typesystem from numba.typesystem import get_type from numba.type_inference.modules import utils #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- register_builtin = utils.register_with_argchecking def cast(node, dst_type): if len(node.args) == 0: return nodes.ConstNode(0, dst_type) else: return nodes.CoercionNode(node.args[0], dst_type=dst_type) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type Functions for Builtins #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: add specializer functions to insert coercions before late specialization # TODO: don't rewrite AST here @register_builtin((1, 2, 3), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def range_(typesystem, node, start, stop, step): node.variable = Variable(typesystem.range_) node.args = nodes.CoercionNode.coerce(node.args, dst_type=Py_ssize_t) return node if not PY3: @register_builtin((1, 2, 3), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def xrange_(typesystem, node, start, stop, step): return range_(typesystem, node, start, stop, step) @register_builtin(1) def len_(typesystem, node, obj): # Simplify len(array) to ndarray.shape[0] argtype = get_type(obj) if argtype.is_array: shape_attr = nodes.ArrayAttributeNode('shape', node.args[0]) new_node = nodes.index(shape_attr, 0) return new_node elif argtype.is_string: return nodes.CoercionNode(nodes.typednode(node, size_t), Py_ssize_t) return Py_ssize_t # Object call @register_builtin((0, 1, 2), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def _int(typesystem, node, x, base, dst_type=int_): # Resolve int(x) and float(x) to an equivalent cast if len(node.args) < 2: return cast(node, dst_type) node.variable = Variable(dst_type) return node if not PY3: @register_builtin((0, 1, 2), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def _long(typesystem, node, x, base): return _int(typesystem, node, x, base) @register_builtin((0, 1), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def _float(typesystem, node, x): return cast(node, double) @register_builtin((0, 1), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def _bool(context, node, x): return cast(node, bool_) @register_builtin((0, 1, 2), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def complex_(typesystem, node, a, b): if len(node.args) == 2: args = nodes.CoercionNode.coerce(node.args, double) return nodes.ComplexNode(real=args[0], imag=args[1]) else: return cast(node, complex128) '''@register_builtin((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), can_handle_deferred_types=True) def datetime_(typesystem, node, a, b, c, d, e, f): if len(node.args) == 6: typelist = [int64, int32, int32, int32, int32, int32] args = nodes.CoercionNode.coerce(node.args, typelist) return nodes.DateTimeNode(year=args[0], month=args[1], day=args[2], hour=args[3], min=args[4], sec=args[5]) else: return cast(node, datetime)''' def abstype(argtype): if argtype.is_complex: result_type = argtype.base_type elif argtype.is_float or argtype.is_int: result_type = argtype else: result_type = object_ return result_type @register_builtin(1) def abs_(typesystem, node, x): argtype = typesystem.promote(long_, get_type(x)) dst_type = abstype(argtype) node.variable = Variable(dst_type) node.args = [nodes.CoercionNode(x, argtype)] return node @register_builtin((2, 3)) def pow_(typesystem, node, base, exponent, mod=None): if mod: warnings.warn( "pow() with modulo (third) argument not natively supported") return nodes.call_pyfunc(pow, [base, exponent, mod]) from . import mathmodule dst_type = mathmodule.binop_type(typesystem, base, exponent) result = mathmodule.infer_math_call(typesystem, node, base, exponent, mod) if dst_type.is_int: # TODO: Implement pow(int) in llvmmath return nodes.CoercionNode(result, dst_type) return result @register_builtin((1, 2)) def round_(typesystem, node, number, ndigits): argtype = get_type(number) if len(node.args) == 1 and argtype.is_int: # round(myint) -> float(myint) return nodes.CoercionNode(node.args[0], double) if argtype.is_float or argtype.is_int: dst_type = double else: dst_type = object_ node.args[0] = nodes.CoercionNode(node.args[0], object_) node.variable = Variable(dst_type) return node # nodes.CoercionNode(node, double) def minmax(typesystem, args, op): if len(args) < 2: return res = args[0] for arg in args[1:]: lhs_type = get_type(res) rhs_type = get_type(arg) res_type = typesystem.promote(lhs_type, rhs_type) if lhs_type != res_type: res = nodes.CoercionNode(res, res_type) if rhs_type != res_type: arg = nodes.CoercionNode(arg, res_type) lhs_temp = nodes.TempNode(res_type) rhs_temp = nodes.TempNode(res_type) res_temp = nodes.TempNode(res_type) lhs = lhs_temp.load(invariant=True) rhs = rhs_temp.load(invariant=True) expr = ast.IfExp(ast.Compare(lhs, [op], [rhs]), lhs, rhs) body = [ ast.Assign([], res), ast.Assign([], arg), ast.Assign([], expr), ] res = nodes.ExpressionNode(body, res_temp.load(invariant=True)) return res @register_builtin(None) def min_(typesystem, node, *args): return minmax(typesystem, args, ast.Lt()) @register_builtin(None) def max_(typesystem, node, *args): return minmax(typesystem, args, ast.Gt()) @register_builtin(0) def globals_(typesystem, node): return typesystem.dict_of_obj # return nodes.ObjectInjectNode(func.__globals__) @register_builtin(0) def locals_(typesystem, node): raise error.NumbaError("locals() is not supported in numba functions") @register_builtin(1) def ord_(typesystem, node, expr): type = get_type(expr) if type.is_int and type.typename in ("char", "uchar"): return nodes.CoercionNode(expr, int_) elif type.is_string: # TODO: pass @register_builtin(1) def chr_(typesystem, node, expr): type = get_type(expr) if type.is_int: return nodes.CoercionNode(expr, char) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = mathmodule # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Resolve calls to math functions. During type inference this annotates math calls, and during final specialization it produces LLVMIntrinsicNode and MathCallNode nodes. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import math import cmath import collections try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins import numpy as np from numba import * from numba import nodes from numba.symtab import Variable from numba.typesystem import get_type, rank from numba.type_inference.modules import utils #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- register_math_typefunc = utils.register_with_argchecking def binop_type(typesystem, x, y): "Binary result type for math operations" x_type = get_type(x) y_type = get_type(y) return typesystem.promote(x_type, y_type) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine math functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sin(double), sinf(float), sinl(long double) mathsyms = [ 'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'sqrt', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh', 'log', 'log2', 'log10', 'erfc', 'floor', 'ceil', 'exp', 'exp2', 'expm1', 'rint', 'log1p', ] n_ary_mathsyms = { 'hypot' : 2, 'atan2' : 2, 'logaddexp' : 2, 'logaddexp2': 2, 'pow' : (2, 3), } math2ufunc = { 'asin' : 'arcsin', 'acos' : 'arccos', 'atan' : 'arctan', 'asinh': 'arcsinh', 'acosh': 'arccosh', 'atanh': 'arctanh', 'atan2': 'arctan2', 'pow' : 'power', } ufunc2math = dict((v, k) for k, v in math2ufunc.items()) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Math Type Inferers #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: Move any rewriting parts to lowering phases def mk_infer_math_call(default_result_type): def infer(typesystem, call_node, *args): "Resolve calls to llvmmath math calls" # signature is a generic signature, build a correct one type = reduce(typesystem.promote, map(get_type, call_node.args)) if type.is_numeric and rank(type) < rank(default_result_type): type = default_result_type elif type.is_array and type.dtype.is_int: type = typesystem.array(double, type.ndim) call_node.args[:] = nodes.CoercionNode.coerce(call_node.args, type) # TODO: Remove the abuse below nodes.annotate(typesystem.env, call_node, is_math=True) call_node.variable = Variable(type) return call_node return infer infer_math_call = mk_infer_math_call(double) infer_cmath_call = mk_infer_math_call(complex128) # ______________________________________________________________________ # abs() def abs_(typesystem, node, x): from . import builtinmodule argtype = get_type(x) nodes.annotate(typesystem.env, node, is_math=True) if argtype.is_array and argtype.dtype.is_numeric: # Handle np.abs() on arrays dtype = builtinmodule.abstype(argtype.dtype) result_type = argtype.add('dtype', dtype) node.variable = Variable(result_type) else: node = builtinmodule.abs_(typesystem, node, x) return node register_math_typefunc(1)(abs_, np.abs) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register Type Functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def register_math(infer_math_call, nargs, value): register = register_math_typefunc(nargs) register(infer_math_call, value) def npy_name(name): return math2ufunc.get(name, name) id_name = lambda x: x # ______________________________________________________________________ def reg(mod, register, getname): """Register all functions listed in mathsyms and n_ary_mathsyms""" nargs = lambda f: n_ary_mathsyms.get(f, 1) for symname in mathsyms + list(n_ary_mathsyms): if hasattr(mod, getname(symname)): register(nargs(symname), getattr(mod, getname(symname))) reg(math, partial(register_math, infer_math_call), id_name) reg(cmath, partial(register_math, infer_cmath_call), id_name) reg(np, partial(register_math, infer_math_call), npy_name) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numbamodule # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numba from numba import typesystem from numba.type_inference.module_type_inference import register @register(numba) def typeof(expr_type): from numba import nodes type = typesystem.meta(expr_type) return nodes.const(expr_type, type) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numpymodule # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Infer types for NumPy functionality. This includes: 1) Figuring out dtypes e.g. np.double -> double np.dtype('d') -> double 2) Function calls such as np.empty/np.empty_like/np.arange/etc """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import warnings from functools import reduce import numpy as np from numba import * from numba import typesystem, error from numba.type_inference.module_type_inference import (register, register_inferer, register_unbound) from numba.typesystem import get_type #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Type Definitions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ index_array_t = npy_intp[:] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Some utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def promote(typesystem, *types): return reduce(typesystem.promote, map(array_from_type, types)) def resolve_attribute_dtype(dtype, default=None): "Resolve the type for numpy dtype attributes" if dtype.is_numpy_dtype: return dtype if dtype.is_known_value: numpy_attr = dtype.value if isinstance(numpy_attr, np.dtype): return typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(numpy_attr) elif issubclass(numpy_attr, np.generic): return typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(np.dtype(numpy_attr)) elif numpy_attr is not None: try: dtype = np.dtype(numpy_attr) except TypeError: warnings.warn("Unable to infer dtype for '%s'" % numpy_attr) else: return typesystem.from_numpy_dtype(dtype) return None def get_dtype(dtype_arg, default_dtype=None): """ Simple helper function to map an AST node dtype keyword argument => NumPy dtype. '""" if dtype_arg is None: if default_dtype is None: return None return typesystem.numpy_dtype(default_dtype) else: return resolve_attribute_dtype(dtype_arg) def promote_to_array(dtype): "Promote scalar to 0d array type" if not dtype.is_array: dtype = typesystem.array_(dtype, 0) return dtype def demote_to_scalar(type): "Demote 0d arrays to scalars" if type and type.is_array and type.ndim == 0: return type.dtype return type def array_from_object(a): """ object -> array type: array_from_object(ASTNode([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) => int64[:, :] """ return array_from_type(get_type(a)) def array_from_type(type): if type.is_array: return type elif type.is_tuple or type.is_list: dtype = array_from_type(type.base_type) if dtype.is_array: return dtype.add('ndim', dtype.ndim + 1) elif not type.is_object: return typesystem.array_(dtype=type, ndim=0) return object_ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Resolution of NumPy calls #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @register(np) def dtype(obj, align): "Parse np.dtype(...) calls" if obj is None: return None return get_dtype(obj) def empty_like(a, dtype, order): "Parse the result type for np.empty_like calls" if a is None: return None if a.is_array: if dtype: dtype_type = get_dtype(dtype) if dtype_type is None: return a dtype = dtype_type.dtype else: dtype = a.dtype return typesystem.array(dtype, a.ndim) register_inferer(np, 'empty_like', empty_like) register_inferer(np, 'zeros_like', empty_like) register_inferer(np, 'ones_like', empty_like) def empty(shape, dtype, order): if shape is None: return None dtype = get_dtype(dtype, float64) if dtype is None: return object_ if shape.is_int: ndim = 1 elif shape.is_tuple or shape.is_list: ndim = shape.size else: return None return typesystem.array(dtype.dtype, ndim) register_inferer(np, 'empty', empty) register_inferer(np, 'zeros', empty) register_inferer(np, 'ones', empty) @register(np) def arange(start, stop, step, dtype): "Resolve a call to np.arange()" # NOTE: dtype must be passed as a keyword argument, or as the fourth # parameter dtype_type = get_dtype(dtype, npy_intp) if dtype_type is not None: # return a 1D array type of the given dtype return dtype_type.dtype[:] @register(np) def dot(typesystem, a, b, out): "Resolve a call to" if out is not None: return out lhs_type = promote_to_array(a) rhs_type = promote_to_array(b) dtype = typesystem.promote(lhs_type.dtype, rhs_type.dtype) dst_ndim = lhs_type.ndim + rhs_type.ndim - 2 result_type = typesystem.array(dtype, dst_ndim) return result_type @register(np) def array(object, dtype, order, subok): type = array_from_type(object) if type.is_array and dtype is not None: type = type.add('dtype', dtype) elif dtype is not None: return dtype else: return type @register(np, pass_in_types=False) def datetime64(datetime_string): return nodes.NumpyDateTimeNode(datetime_string) @register(np, pass_in_types=False) def timedelta64(delta, units): return nodes.NumpyTimeDeltaNode(delta, units) @register(np) def nonzero(a): return _nonzero(array_from_type(a)) def _nonzero(type): if type.is_array: return typesystem.tuple_(index_array_t, type.ndim) else: return typesystem.tuple_(index_array_t) @register(np) def where(typesystem, condition, x, y): if x is None and y is None: return nonzero(condition) return promote(typesystem, x, y) @register(np) def vdot(typesystem, a, b): lhs_type = promote_to_array(a) rhs_type = promote_to_array(b) dtype = typesystem.promote(lhs_type.dtype, rhs_type.dtype) return dtype @register(np) def inner(typesystem, a, b): lhs_type = promote_to_array(a) rhs_type = promote_to_array(b) dtype = typesystem.promote(lhs_type.dtype, rhs_type.dtype) if lhs_type.ndim == 0: result_ndim = rhs_type.ndim elif rhs_type.ndim == 0: result_ndim = lhs_type.ndim else: result_ndim = lhs_type.ndim + rhs_type.ndim - 2 if result_ndim == 0: result_type = dtype else: result_type = typesystem.array(dtype, result_ndim) return result_type @register(np) def outer(typesystem, a, b): result_type = promote(typesystem, a, b) # promote() converts scalar types to 0-dim arrays, so it should # always return an array type. Ensure this continues to hold... assert result_type.is_array return result_type.dtype[:, :] @register(np, pass_in_types=False) def tensordot(typesystem, a, b, axes): '''Typing function for numpy.tensordot(). Defaults to Python object for any caller that isn't using the default argument to axes. Otherwise, it is similar to inner(), but subtracts four dimensions from the result instead of two. Without symbolic execution of the actual axes argument, this can't determine the number of axes to sum over, so it punts. This typing function could use an array type of unknown dimensionality, were one available. See: ''' lhs_type = array_from_object(a) rhs_type = array_from_object(b) if lhs_type.ndim < 1: raise error.NumbaError(a, 'First argument to numpy.tensordot() ' 'requires array of dimensionality >= 1.') elif rhs_type.ndim < 1: raise error.NumbaError(b, 'First argument to numpy.tensordot() ' 'requires array of dimensionality >= 1.') dtype = typesystem.promote(lhs_type.dtype, rhs_type.dtype) if axes is None: result_ndim = lhs_type.ndim + rhs_type.ndim - 4 if result_ndim < 0: raise error.NumbaError(a, 'Arguments to numpy.tensordot() should ' 'have combined dimensionality >= 4 (when ' 'axes argument is not specified).') result_type = typesystem.array(dtype, result_ndim) else: # XXX Issue warning to user? result_type = object_ return result_type @register(np) def einsum(typesystem, subs, operands, kws): # XXX Issue warning to user? # XXX Attempt type inference in case where subs is a string? return object_ @register(np) def kron(typesystem, a, b): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np) def trace(typesystem, a, offset, axis1, axis2, dtype, out): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # numpy.linalg #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @register(np.linalg) def cholesky(typesystem, a): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def cond(typesystem, x, p): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def det(typesystem, a): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def eig(typesystem, a): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def eigh(typesystem, a, UPLO): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def eigvals(typesystem, a): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def eigvalsh(typesystem, a, UPLO): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def inv(typesystem, a): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def lstsq(typesystem, a, b, rcond): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def matrix_power(typesystem, M, n): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def matrix_rank(typesystem, M, tol): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def norm(typesystem, x, ord): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def pinv(typesystem, a, rcond): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def qr(typesystem, a, mode): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def slogdet(typesystem, a): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def solve(typesystem, a, b): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def svd(typesystem, a, full_matrices, compute_uv): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def tensorinv(typesystem, a, ind): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ @register(np.linalg) def tensorsolve(typesystem, a, b, axes): #raise NotImplementedError("XXX") return object_ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numpyufuncs # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Type inference for NumPy binary ufuncs and their methods. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np from numba import * from numba import typesystem from numba.typesystem import numpy_support from numba.type_inference.module_type_inference import (module_registry, register, register_inferer, register_unbound) from numba.typesystem import get_type from numba.type_inference.modules.numpymodule import (get_dtype, array_from_type, promote, promote_to_array, demote_to_scalar) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def array_of_dtype(a, dtype, static_dtype, out): if out is not None: return out a = array_from_type(a) if a.is_array: dtype = _dtype(a, dtype, static_dtype) if dtype is not None: return a.add('dtype', dtype) def _dtype(a, dtype, static_dtype): if static_dtype: return static_dtype elif dtype: return dtype.dtype elif a.is_array: return a.dtype elif not a.is_object: return a else: return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Ufunc Type Strings #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def numba_type_from_sig(ufunc_signature): """ Convert ufunc type signature string (e.g. 'dd->d') to a function """ args, ret = ufunc_signature.split('->') to_numba = lambda c: numpy_support.map_dtype(np.dtype(c)) signature = to_numba(ret)(*map(to_numba, args)) return signature def find_signature(args, signatures): for signature in signatures: if signature.args == args: return signature def find_ufunc_signature(typesystem, argtypes, signatures): """ Map (float_, double) and [double(double, double), int_(int_, int_), ...] to double(double, double) """ signature = find_signature(tuple(argtypes), signatures) if signature is not None: return signature argtype = reduce(typesystem.promote, argtypes) if not argtype.is_object: args = (argtype,) * len(argtypes) return find_signature(args, signatures) return None class UfuncTypeInferer(object): "Infer types for arbitrary ufunc" def __init__(self, ufunc): self.ufunc = ufunc self.signatures = set(map(numba_type_from_sig, ufunc.types)) def infer(self, typesystem, argtypes): signature = find_ufunc_signature(typesystem, argtypes, self.signatures) if signature is None: return None else: return signature.return_type def register_arbitrary_ufunc(ufunc): "Type inference for arbitrary ufuncs" ufunc_infer = UfuncTypeInferer(ufunc) def infer(typesystem, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) != ufunc.nin: return object_ # Find the right ufunc signature argtypes = [type.dtype if type.is_array else type for type in args] result_type = ufunc_infer.infer(typesystem, argtypes) if result_type is None: return object_ # Determine output ndim ndim = 0 for argtype in args: if argtype.is_array: ndim = max(argtype.ndim, ndim) return typesystem.array(result_type, ndim) module_registry.register_value(ufunc, infer) # module_registry.register_unbound_dotted_value #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ufunc type inference #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def binary_map(typesystem, a, b, out): if out is not None: return out return promote(typesystem, a, b) def binary_map_bool(typesystem, a, b, out): type = binary_map(typesystem, a, b, out) if type.is_array: return type.add('dtype', bool_) elif type.is_numeric: return bool_ else: return object_ def reduce_(a, axis, dtype, out, static_dtype=None): if out is not None: return out dtype_type = _dtype(a, dtype, static_dtype) if axis is None: # Return the scalar type return dtype_type if dtype_type: # Handle the axis parameter if axis.is_tuple and axis.is_sized: # axis=(tuple with a constant size) return typesystem.array(dtype_type, a.ndim - axis.size) elif axis.is_int: # axis=1 return typesystem.array(dtype_type, a.ndim - 1) else: # axis=(something unknown) return object_ def reduce_bool(a, axis, dtype, out): return reduce_(a, axis, dtype, out, bool_) def accumulate(a, axis, dtype, out, static_dtype=None): return demote_to_scalar(array_of_dtype(a, dtype, static_dtype, out)) def accumulate_bool(a, axis, dtype, out): return accumulate(a, axis, dtype, out, bool_) def reduceat(a, indices, axis, dtype, out, static_dtype=None): return accumulate(a, axis, dtype, out, static_dtype) def reduceat_bool(a, indices, axis, dtype, out): return reduceat(a, indices, axis, dtype, out, bool_) def outer(typesystem, a, b, static_dtype=None): a = array_of_dtype(a, None, static_dtype, out=None) if a and a.is_array: return a.dtype[:, :] def outer_bool(typesystem, a, b): return outer(typesystem, a, b, bool_) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Binary Ufuncs #------------------------------------------------------------------------ binary_ufuncs_compare = ( # Comparisons 'greater', 'greater_equal', 'less', 'less_equal', 'not_equal', 'equal', ) binary_ufuncs_logical = ( # Logical ufuncs 'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'logical_xor', 'logical_not', ) binary_ufuncs_bitwise = ( # Bitwise ufuncs 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'left_shift', 'right_shift', ) binary_ufuncs_arithmetic = ( # Arithmetic ufuncs 'add', 'subtract', 'multiply', 'true_divide', 'floor_divide', ) if not PY3: binary_ufuncs_arithmetic = binary_ufuncs_arithmetic + ('divide', ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Register our type functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ register_inferer(np, 'sum', reduce_) register_inferer(np, 'prod', reduce_) def register_arithmetic_ufunc(register_inferer, register_unbound, binary_ufunc): register_inferer(np, binary_ufunc, binary_map) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "reduce", reduce_) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "accumulate", accumulate) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "reduceat", reduceat) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "outer", outer) def register_bool_ufunc(register_inferer, register_unbound, binary_ufunc): register_inferer(np, binary_ufunc, binary_map_bool) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "reduce", reduce_bool) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "accumulate", accumulate_bool) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "reduceat", reduceat_bool) register_unbound(np, binary_ufunc, "outer", outer_bool) for binary_ufunc in binary_ufuncs_bitwise + binary_ufuncs_arithmetic: register_arithmetic_ufunc(register_inferer, register_unbound, binary_ufunc) for binary_ufunc in binary_ufuncs_compare + binary_ufuncs_logical: register_bool_ufunc(register_inferer, register_unbound, binary_ufunc) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = utils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import functools try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins from numba import error from numba.type_inference.module_type_inference import (register, register_inferer, register_unbound, register_value) def expect_n_args(node, name, nargs): if not isinstance(nargs, tuple): nargs = (nargs,) if len(node.args) not in nargs: expected = " or ".join(map(str, nargs)) raise error.NumbaError( node, "builtin %s expects %s arguments" % (name, expected)) def register_with_argchecking(nargs, can_handle_deferred_types=False): if nargs is not None and not isinstance(nargs, tuple): nargs = (nargs,) def decorator(func, value=None): @functools.wraps(func) def infer(context, node, *args): if nargs is not None: expect_n_args(node, name, nargs) need_nones = max(nargs) - len(args) args += (None,) * need_nones return func(context, node, *args) if value is None: name = infer.__name__.strip("_") if name == 'datetime': import datetime value = datetime.datetime else: value = getattr(builtins, name) else: name = getattr(value, "__name__", "<unknown>") register_value(value, infer, pass_in_types=False, pass_in_callnode=True, can_handle_deferred_types=can_handle_deferred_types) return func # wrapper return decorator ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = module_type_inference # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Support for type functions for external code. See modules/numpy*.py for type inference for NumPy. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import inspect import numba from numba import * from numba import typesystem, error, nodes from numba.typesystem import get_type, typeset, Type import logging debug = False #debug = True logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Exceptions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ValueAlreadyRegistered(error.NumbaError): """ Raised when a type inferer is registered multiple times for the same value. """ class UnmatchedTypeError(error.NumbaError): """ Raised when no matching specialization is found for a registered signature (`register_callable`). """ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Registry for Type Functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ModuleTypeInfererRegistry(object): "Builds the module type inferers for the modules we can handle" def __init__(self): super(ModuleTypeInfererRegistry, self).__init__() # value := (typefunc, pass_in_types, pass_in_callnode) # function calls: (np.add) # { value : value } # unbound methods: (np.add.reduce) # { (value, unbound_dotted_path, False) : value } # bound methods: (obj.method where type(obj) is registered) # { (type, bound_dotted_path, True) : value } self.value_to_inferer = {} # { value : (module, 'attribute') } (e.g. {np.add : (np, 'add')}) self.value_to_module = {} def is_registered(self, value, func_type=None): try: hash(value) except TypeError: return False # unhashable object else: return value in self.value_to_inferer def register_inferer(self, module, attr, inferer, **kwds): """ Register an type function (a type inferer) for a known function value. E.g. np.add() can be mapped as follows: module=np, attr='add', inferrer=my_inferer """ value = getattr(module, attr) if self.is_registered(value): raise ValueAlreadyRegistered((value, module, inferer)) self.value_to_module[value] = (module, attr) self.register_value(value, inferer, **kwds) def register_value(self, value, inferer, pass_in_types=True, pass_in_callnode=False, can_handle_deferred_types=False): flags = dict( pass_in_types=pass_in_types, pass_in_callnode=pass_in_callnode, can_handle_deferred_types=can_handle_deferred_types, ) self.value_to_inferer[value] = (inferer, flags) def register_unbound_method(self, module, attr, method_name, inferer, **kwds): """ Register an unbound method or dotted attribute path (allow for transience). E.g. np.add.reduce() can be mapped as follows: module=np, attr='add', method_name='reduce', inferrer=my_inferer """ self.register_unbound_dotted(module, attr, method_name, inferer, **kwds) def register_unbound_dotted(self, module, attr, dotted_path, inferer, **kwds): """ Register an type function for a dotted attribute path of a value, E.g. can be mapped as follows: module=my_module, attr='my_obj', dotted_path='', inferrer=my_inferer """ value = getattr(module, attr) self.register_unbound_dotted_value(value, dotted_path, inferer, **kwds) def register_unbound_dotted_value(self, value, dotted_path, inferer, **kwds): if self.is_registered((value, dotted_path)): raise ValueAlreadyRegistered((value, inferer)) self.register_value((value, dotted_path), inferer, **kwds) def get_inferer(self, value, func_type=None): return self.value_to_inferer[value] def lookup_module_attribute(self, value): "Return the module (or None) to which a registered value belongs" if self.is_registered(value) and value in self.value_to_module: return self.value_to_module[value] module_registry = ModuleTypeInfererRegistry() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dispatch Functions for the Type Inferencer #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def module_attribute_type(obj): """ See if the object is registered to any module which might handle type inference on the object. """ result = module_registry.lookup_module_attribute(obj) if result is not None: module, attr = result return typesystem.module_attribute(module=module, attr=attr) return None def parse_args(call_node, arg_names): """ Parse positional and keyword arguments. """ result = dict.fromkeys(arg_names) # parse positional arguments i = 0 for i, (arg_name, arg) in enumerate(zip(arg_names, call_node.args)): result[arg_name] = arg arg_names = arg_names[i:] if arg_names: # parse keyword arguments for keyword in call_node.keywords: if keyword.arg in result: result[keyword.arg] = keyword.value return result def _build_arg(pass_in_types, node): if pass_in_types: return get_type(node) return node def dispatch_on_value(context, call_node, func_type): # TODO: Pass in typesystem here """ Dispatch a call of a module attribute by value. For instance, a method def empty(shape, dtype, order): ... would be called with those arguments. Parameters not present as arguments in user code are None. Returns the result type, or None """ inferer, flags = get_inferer(func_type.value) # Detect needed arguments argspec = inspect.getargspec(inferer) # Pass in additional arguments (context and call_node) argnames = argspec.args if argnames and argnames[0] in ("context", "typesystem"): argnames.pop(0) # TODO: Remove this and reference in mathmodule.infer_unary_math_call context.env.crnt.typesystem.env = context.env args = [context.env.crnt.typesystem] else: args = [] if flags['pass_in_callnode']: argnames.pop(0) args.append(call_node) # Parse argument names from introspection method_kwargs = parse_args(call_node, argnames) # Build keyword arguments for argname, node in method_kwargs.iteritems(): if node is not None: method_kwargs[argname] = _build_arg(flags['pass_in_types'], node) if argspec.varargs and len(argnames) < len(call_node.args): # In the case of *args, build positional list and pass any additional # arguments as keywords extra_args = call_node.args[len(argnames):] args.extend(method_kwargs.pop(argname) for argname in argnames) args.extend(_build_arg(flags['pass_in_types'], arg) for arg in extra_args) if argspec.keywords: # Handle **kwargs for keyword in call_node.keywords: if keyword.arg not in argnames: method_kwargs[keyword.arg] = keyword.value return inferer(*args, **method_kwargs) def resolve_call(context, call_node, obj_call_node, func_type): """ Find the right type inferrer function for a call to an attribute of a certain module. call_node: the original ast.Call node that we need to resolve the type for obj_call_node: the nodes.ObjectCallNode that would replace the ast.Call unless we override that with another node. func_type: module_attribute |__________> module: Python module |__________> attr: Attribute name |__________> value: Attribute value Returns a new AST node that should replace the ast.Call node. """ result = dispatch_on_value(context, call_node, func_type) if result is not None and not isinstance(result, ast.AST): assert isinstance(result, Type), (Type, result) type = result result = obj_call_node # result.variable = symtab.Variable(type) result = nodes.CoercionNode(result, type) return result def resolve_call_or_none(context, call_node, func_type): if (func_type.is_known_value and is_registered(func_type.value)): # Try the module type inferers new_node = nodes.call_obj(call_node, None) return resolve_call(context, call_node, new_node, func_type) def can_handle_deferred(py_func): "Return whether the type function can handle deferred argument types" inferer, flags = get_inferer(py_func) return flags['can_handle_deferred_types'] #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User-exposed functions to register type functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_registered = module_registry.is_registered register_inferer = module_registry.register_inferer register_value = module_registry.register_value get_inferer = module_registry.get_inferer register_unbound = module_registry.register_unbound_method def register(module, **kws): """ @register(module) def my_type_function(arg1, ..., argN): ... """ def decorator(inferer): register_inferer(module, inferer.__name__, inferer, **kws) return inferer return decorator def register_callable(signature): """ signature := function | typeset(signature *) @register_callable(signature) def my_function(...): ... """ assert isinstance(signature, (typeset.typeset, Type)) # convert void return type to object_ (None) def convert_void_to_object(sig): if sig.return_type == void: sig = sig.add('return_type', object_) return sig if isinstance(signature, typeset.typeset): signature = typeset.typeset([convert_void_to_object(x) for x in signature.types], else: assert isinstance(signature, Type) signature = convert_void_to_object(signature) def decorator(function): def infer(typesystem, *args): if signature.is_typeset: specialization = signature.find_match(typesystem.promote, args) else: specialization = typeset.match(typesystem.promote, signature, args) if specialization is None: raise UnmatchedTypeError( "Unmatched argument types for function '%s': %s" % (function.__name__, args)) assert specialization.is_function return specialization.return_type register_value(function, infer) return function return decorator #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Registry of internal Type Functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register type inferrer functions from numba.type_inference.modules import (numbamodule, numpymodule, numpyufuncs, builtinmodule, mathmodule) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_extension_type_inference from numba import * @jit # Test compiling this class class Test(object): @void(double,double) def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b for i in range(self.a, self.b): pass self.i = i if __name__ == "__main__": pass ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_typesets import numba from numba import * from numba.typesystem import typeset, promote from numba.environment import NumbaEnvironment def s(type): return type(type, type) def typeset_matching(): numeric = typeset.typeset([int_, longlong]) n = numeric(numeric, numeric) f = numba.floating(numba.floating, numba.floating) signatures = [n, f, object_(object_, object_)] ts = typeset.typeset(signatures) assert ts.find_match(promote, [float_, float_]) == s(float_) assert ts.find_match(promote, [float_, double]) == s(double) # assert ts.find_match(promote, [longdouble, float_]) == s(longdouble) assert ts.find_match(promote, [int_, int_]) == s(int_) # assert ts.find_match(promote, [int_, longlong]) == s(longlong) # assert ts.find_match(promote, [short, int_]) == s(int_) # np.result_type(np.short, np.ulonglong) -> np.float64 # assert ts.find_match(promote, [short, ulonglong]) is None if __name__ == '__main__': typeset_matching() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_type_inference #! /usr/bin/env python # ______________________________________________________________________ '''test_type_inference Test type inference. ''' # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba import * from numba import typesystem from numba import decorators import unittest import numpy import numpy as np import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # ______________________________________________________________________ def _simple_func(arg): if arg > 0.: result = 22. else: result = 42. return result simple_func = decorators.autojit(backend='ast')(_simple_func) def _for_loop(start, stop, inc): acc = 0 for value in range(start, stop, inc): acc += value print(value) return acc for_loop = decorators.autojit(backend='ast')(_for_loop) def arange(): a = numpy.arange(10) b = numpy.arange(10, dtype=numpy.double) return a, b def empty_like(a): b = numpy.empty_like(a) c = numpy.zeros_like(a, dtype=numpy.int32) d = numpy.ones_like(a) dtype = np.float32 def _empty(N): # default dtype a1 = numpy.empty(N) a2 = numpy.empty((N,)) a3 = numpy.empty([N]) # Given dtype a4 = numpy.empty(N, dtype) a5 = numpy.empty(N, dtype=dtype) a6 = numpy.empty(N, np.float32) a7 = numpy.empty(N, dtype=np.float32) # Test dimensionality a8 = np.empty((N, N), dtype=np.int64) def _empty_arg(N, empty, zeros, ones): a1 = empty([N]) a2 = zeros([N]) a3 = ones([N]) @autojit def assert_array_dtype(A, value, empty, zeros, ones): if value < 2: A = empty([A.shape[0], A.shape[1]], dtype=A.dtype) elif value < 4: A = zeros([A.shape[0], A.shape[1]], dtype=A.dtype) elif value < 6: A = ones([A.shape[0], A.shape[1]], dtype=A.dtype) else: pass # 'A' must have a consistent array type here return A def slicing(a): n = numpy.newaxis # 0D b = a[0] c = a[9] # 1D d = a[:] e = a[...] # 2D f = a[n, ...] g = a[numpy.newaxis, :] h = a[..., numpy.newaxis] i = a[:, n] j = a[n, numpy.newaxis, 0] k = a[numpy.newaxis, 0, n] l = a[0, n, n] def none_newaxis(a): n = None # 2D f = a[None, ...] #g = a[n, :] h = a[..., None] #i = a[:, n] #j = a[n, None, 0] k = a[None, 0, numpy.newaxis] l = a[0, n, numpy.newaxis] def func_with_signature(a): if a > 1: return float(a) elif a < 5: return int(a) elif a > 10: return object() return a + 1j def arg_rebind(a): a = 0 a = 0.0 a = "hello" # ______________________________________________________________________ from numba.control_flow.tests.test_cfg_type_infer import infer, functype class TestTypeInference(unittest.TestCase): def test_simple_func(self): self.assertEqual(simple_func(-1.), 42.) self.assertEqual(simple_func(1.), 22.) def test_simple_for(self): self.assertEqual(for_loop(0, 10, 1), 45) def test_type_infer_simple_func(self): sig, symtab = infer(_simple_func, functype(None, [double])) self.assertEqual(sig.return_type, double) # TODO: Re-enable once we flesh out the exact type promotion rules # def test_type_infer_for_loop(self): # sig, symtab = infer(_for_loop, functype(None, [int_, int_, int_])) # self.assertTrue(symtab['acc'].type.is_int) # self.assertEqual(symtab['value'].type, Py_ssize_t) # self.assertEqual(sig.return_type, Py_ssize_t) def test_type_infer_arange(self): sig, symtab = infer(arange, functype()) self.assertEqual(symtab['a'].type, npy_intp[:]) self.assertEqual(symtab['b'].type, double[:]) def test_empty_like(self): sig, symtab = infer(empty_like, functype(None, [double[:]])) self.assertEqual(symtab['b'].type, double[:]) self.assertEqual(symtab['c'].type, int32[:]) self.assertEqual(symtab['d'].type, double[:]) def test_empty(self): sig, symtab = infer(_empty, functype(None, [int_])) for i in range(1, 4): self.assertEqual(symtab['a%d' % i].type, double[:]) for i in range(4, 8): self.assertEqual(symtab['a%d' % i].type, float_[:]) self.assertEqual(symtab['a8'].type, int64[:, :]) def test_empty_arg(self): from numba import typesystem as nt empty_t = nt.module_attribute(module=np, attr='empty') zeros_t = nt.module_attribute(module=np, attr='zeros') ones_t = nt.module_attribute(module=np, attr='ones') sig, symtab = infer(_empty_arg, functype(None, [int_, empty_t, zeros_t, ones_t])) for i in range(1, 4): self.assertEqual(symtab['a%d' % i].type, double[:]) def test_dtype_attribute(self): A = np.empty((10, 10), dtype=np.float32) A_result = assert_array_dtype(A, 3, np.empty, np.zeros, np.ones) assert np.all(A_result == 0) A_result = assert_array_dtype(A, 5, np.empty, np.zeros, np.ones) assert np.all(A_result == 1) def test_slicing(self): sig, symtab = infer(slicing, functype(None, [double[:]])) self.assertEqual(symtab['n'].type, typesystem.newaxis) self.assertEqual(symtab['b'].type, double) self.assertEqual(symtab['c'].type, double) self.assertEqual(symtab['d'].type, double[:]) self.assertEqual(symtab['e'].type, double[:]) self.assertEqual(symtab['f'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['g'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['h'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['i'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['j'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['k'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['l'].type, double[:, :]) def test_none_newaxis(self): sig, symtab = infer(none_newaxis, functype(None, [double[:]])) self.assertEqual(symtab['f'].type, double[:, :]) #self.assertEqual(symtab['g'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['h'].type, double[:, :]) #self.assertEqual(symtab['i'].type, double[:, :]) #self.assertEqual(symtab['j'].type, double[:, :, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['k'].type, double[:, :]) self.assertEqual(symtab['l'].type, double[:, :]) def test_return_type(self): sig, symtab = infer(func_with_signature, functype(int_, [int_])) assert sig == int_(int_) sig, symtab = infer(func_with_signature, functype(int_, [float_])) assert sig == int_(float_) sig, symtab = infer(func_with_signature, functype(float_, [int_])) assert sig == float_(int_) def test_rebind_arg(self): sig, symtab = infer(arg_rebind, functype(int_, [int_]), allow_rebind_args=True) assert sig == int_(int_) assert symtab['a'].type == c_string_type # try: # sig, symtab = infer(arg_rebind, functype(int_, [int_]), # allow_rebind_args=False) # except minierror.UnpromotableTypeError as e: # msg = str(sorted(e.args, key=str)) # self.assertEqual("[(double, const char *)]", msg) # else: # raise Exception("Expected an unpromotable type error") # ______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # TestTypeInference('test_dtype_attribute').debug() unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_user_type_inference from numba import * from numba import register, register_callable, typeof, typeset #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register_callable(int32(double)) def func(arg): return int(arg) @register_callable(typeset([int16(float_), int32(double), numeric(numeric)])) def func_typeset_simple(arg): return int(arg) @register_callable(numeric(numeric, numeric)) def func_typeset_binding(arg1, arg2): return int(arg1) + int(arg2) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use of type functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @autojit def use_user_type_function(): return typeof(func(10.0)) @autojit def use_typeset_function_simple(): return typeof(func_typeset_simple(10.0)) @autojit def use_typeset_function_binding(type1, type2): return typeof(func_typeset_binding(type1(10.0), type2(12.0))) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_register_callable(): assert use_user_type_function() == int32 assert use_typeset_function_simple() == int32 assert use_typeset_function_binding(double, double) == double assert use_typeset_function_binding(float_, double) == double assert use_typeset_function_binding(int_, float_) == float_ assert use_typeset_function_binding(int_, long_).itemsize == long_.itemsize if __name__ == '__main__': test_register_callable() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ufunc_builder # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import types from numba import visitors, nodes, error, functions, traits class UFuncBuilder(object): """ Create a Python ufunc AST function. Demote the types of arrays to scalars in the ufunc and generate a return. """ ufunc_counter = 0 def __init__(self): self.operands = [] def register_operand(self, node): """ Register a sub-expression as something that will be evaluated outside the kernel, and the result of which will be passed into the kernel. This can be a variable name: a + b -> f(arg1, arg2): return arg1 + arg2 For which 'a' and 'b' are the operands. """ result = ast.Name(id='op%d' % len(self.operands), ctx=ast.Load()) self.operands.append(node) return result def build_ufunc_ast(self, tree): args = [ast.Name(id='op%d' % i, ctx=ast.Param()) for i, op in enumerate(self.operands)] arguments = ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[], ) body = ast.Return(value=tree) func = ast.FunctionDef(name='ufunc%d' % self.ufunc_counter, args=arguments, body=[body], decorator_list=[]) UFuncBuilder.ufunc_counter += 1 # print ast.dump(func) return func def compile_to_pyfunc(self, ufunc_ast, globals=()): "Compile the ufunc ast to a function" # Build ufunc AST module module = ast.Module(body=[ufunc_ast]) functions.fix_ast_lineno(module) # Create Python ufunc function d = dict(globals) exec(compile(module, '<ast>', 'exec'), d, d) d.pop('__builtins__') py_ufunc = d[] assert isinstance(py_ufunc, types.FunctionType), py_ufunc return py_ufunc def save(self): """ Save the state of the builder to allow processing other parts of the tree. """ state = self.operands self.operands = [] return state def restore(self, state): "Restore saved state" self.operands = state @traits.traits class UFuncConverter(ast.NodeTransformer): """ Convert a Python array expression AST to a scalar ufunc kernel by demoting array types to scalar types. """ build_ufunc_ast = traits.Delegate('ufunc_builder') operands = traits.Delegate('ufunc_builder') def __init__(self, env): self.ufunc_builder = UFuncBuilder() self.env = env def demote_type(self, node): node.type = self.demote(node.type) if hasattr(node, 'variable'): node.variable.type = node.type def demote(self, type): if type.is_array: return type.dtype return type def visit_BinOp(self, node): if node.type.is_array: self.demote_type(node) node.left = self.visit(node.left) node.right = self.visit(node.right) else: node = self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): self.demote_type(node) node.operand = self.visit(node.operand) return node def visit_Call(self, node): if nodes.query(self.env, node, "is_math") and node.type.is_array: self.demote_type(node) node.args = list(map(self.visit_scalar_or_array, node.args)) else: node = self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_CoercionNode(self, node): return self.visit(node.node) def _generic_visit(self, node): super(UFuncBuilder, self).generic_visit(node) def visit_scalar_or_array(self, node): if node.type.is_array: node = self.visit(node) self.demote_type(node) return node else: return self.generic_visit(node) def generic_visit(self, node): """ Register Name etc as operands to the ufunc """ result = self.ufunc_builder.register_operand(node) result.type = node.type self.demote_type(result) return result ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = library # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core def declare(numba_cdef, env, global_module): """ Declare a NumbaCDefinition in the current translation environment. """ # print numba_cdef specialized_cdef = numba_cdef(env, global_module) lfunc = specialized_cdef.define(global_module) #, optimize=False) assert lfunc.module is global_module return specialized_cdef, lfunc registered_utilities = [] def register(utility): registered_utilities.append(utility) return utility def load_utilities(): from . import library from . import numbacdef from . import refcounting class CBuilderLibrary(object): """ Library of cbuilder functions. """ def __init__(self): self.module ="cbuilderlib") self.funcs = {} def declare_registered(self, env): "Declare all utilities in our module" load_utilities() for registered_utility in registered_utilities: self.declare(registered_utility, env, self.module) def declare(self, numba_cdef, env, llvm_module): if numba_cdef not in self.funcs: specialized_cdef, lfunc = declare(numba_cdef, env, self.module) self.funcs[numba_cdef] = specialized_cdef, lfunc else: specialized_cdef, lfunc = self.funcs[numba_cdef] name = numba_cdef._name_ lfunc_type = specialized_cdef.signature() lfunc = llvm_module.get_or_insert_function(lfunc_type, name) return lfunc def link(self, llvm_module): """ Link the CBuilder library into the target module. """ llvm_module.link_in(self.module, preserve=True) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = numbacdef # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import llvm.core from llvm_cbuilder import builder from_numba = builder.CStruct.from_numba_struct class NumbaCDefinition(builder.CDefinition): """ Numba utility simplifying dealing with llvm_cbuilder. """ def __init__(self, env, llvm_module): # Environments self.env = env self.func_env = env.translation.crnt self.context = env.context self.llvm_module = llvm_module self.set_signature(self.env, self.context) type(self)._name_ = type(self).__name__ super(NumbaCDefinition, self).__init__() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convenience Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def external_cfunc(self, func_name): "Get a CFunc from an external function" signature, lfunc = self.env.context.external_library.declare( self.llvm_module, func_name) assert lfunc.module is self.llvm_module return builder.CFunc(self, lfunc) def cbuilder_cfunc(self, numba_cdef): "Get a CFunc from a NumbaCDefinition" lfunc = self.env.context.cbuilder_library.declare(numba_cdef, self.env, self.llvm_module) assert lfunc.module is self.llvm_module return builder.CFunc(self, lfunc) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CDefinition stuff #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def signature(self): argtypes = [type for name, type in self._argtys_] return llvm.core.Type.function(self._retty_, argtypes) def __call__(self, module): lfunc = super(NumbaCDefinition, self).__call__(module) # lfunc.linkage = llvm.core.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR return lfunc def set_signature(self, env, context): """ Set the cbuilder signature through _argtys_ and optionally the _retty_ attributes. """ ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = refcounting # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from numba import * from numba import llvm_types from numba import typedefs from numba.utility.cbuilder.library import register from numba.utility.cbuilder.numbacdef import NumbaCDefinition, from_numba from llvm_cbuilder import shortnames #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ p_py_ssize_t = shortnames.pointer(shortnames.py_ssize_t) def ob_refcnt(obj_p): return deref(p_refcnt(obj_p)) def p_refcnt(obj_p): return obj_p.cast(p_py_ssize_t) def deref(obj_p): return obj_p[0] def const(ctemp, val): return ctemp.parent.constant(shortnames.py_ssize_t, val) def add_refcnt(obj_p, refcnt): refcnt = const(obj_p, refcnt) refs = ob_refcnt(obj_p) refs += refcnt def not_null(ptr): return ptr.cast(shortnames.py_ssize_t) != const(ptr, 0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Base Refcount Class #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TODO: Support tracing refcount operations (debug mode) # TODO: Support refcount error checking (testing/debug mode) class Refcounter(NumbaCDefinition): def set_signature(self, env, context): PyObject = typedefs.PyObject_HEAD self._argtys_ = [ ('obj', PyObject.pointer().to_llvm(context)), ] self._retty_ = shortnames.void #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Refcount Implementations #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @register class Py_INCREF(Refcounter): "LLVM inline version of Py_INCREF" def body(self, obj): add_refcnt(obj, 1) self.ret() @register class Py_DECREF(Refcounter): "LLVM inline version of Py_DECREF" def body(self, obj): refcnt = ob_refcnt(obj) one = self.constant(refcnt.type, 1) Py_DecRef = self.external_cfunc('Py_DecRef') with self.ifelse(refcnt > one) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): # ob_refcnt > 1, just decrement add_refcnt(obj, -1) with ifelse.otherwise(): # ob_refcnt == 1, dealloc Py_DecRef(obj) self.ret() @register class Py_XINCREF(Refcounter): "LLVM inline version of Py_XINCREF" def body(self, obj): with self.ifelse(not_null(obj)) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): add_refcnt(obj, 1) self.ret() @register class Py_XDECREF(Refcounter): "LLVM inline version of Py_XDECREF" def body(self, obj): py_decref = self.cbuilder_cfunc(Py_DECREF) with self.ifelse(not_null(obj)) as ifelse: with ifelse.then(): py_decref(obj) self.ret() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = math_utilities import numba as nb def py_modulo(restype, argtypes): if restype.is_float: def py_modulo(a, n): r = rem(a, n) if (r != 0) and (r < 0) ^ (n < 0): r += n return r instr = 'frem' else: assert restype.is_int def py_modulo(a, n): r = rem(a, n) if r != 0 and (r ^ n) < 0: r += n return r if restype.is_unsigned: instr = 'urem' else: instr = 'srem' rem = nb.declare_instruction(restype(restype, restype), instr) return nb.jit(restype(*argtypes))(py_modulo) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = virtuallookup # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Virtual method lookup written in Numba. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import import ctypes.util import numba from numba import * from numba.exttypes import virtual table_t = virtual.PyCustomSlots_Table table_t_pp = table_t.pointer().pointer() char_p = char.pointer() void_p = void.pointer() uint16_p = uint16.pointer() # This is a bad idea! # displacements_offset = table_t.offsetof('d') displacements_offset = ctypes.sizeof(table_t.to_ctypes()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Some libc functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------ libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c')) abort = libc.abort abort.restype = None abort.argtypes = [] printf = libc.printf printf.restype = ctypes.c_int printf.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p] @jit(void_p(table_t_pp, uint64), wrap=False, nopython=True) def lookup_method(table_pp, prehash): """ Look up a method in a PyCustomSlots_Table ** given a prehash. PyCustomSlots *vtab = atomic_load(table_pp) f = (prehash >> vtab->r) & vtab->m_f g = vtab->d[prehash & vtab->m_g] PyCustomSlot_Entry *entry = vtab->entries[f ^ g] if (entry->id == prehash) { void *vmethod = entry.ptr call vmethod(obj, ...) } else { PyObject_Call(obj, "method", ...) } Note how the object stores a vtable **, instead of a vtable *. This indirection allows producers of the table to generate a new table (e.g. after adding a specialization) and replace the table for all live objects. We then atomically load the table, to allow using the table without the GIL (and having the GIL holding thread update the table and rewrite the pointer). Hence the table pointer should *not* be cached by callers, since the first table miss can trigger a compilation you will want to find the second time around. """ table_p = table_pp[0] table = table_p[0] displacements = uint16_p(char_p(table_p) + displacements_offset) # Compute f f = (prehash >> table.r) & table.m_f # Compute g # g = table.d[prehash & table.m_g] g = displacements[prehash & table.m_g] entry = table.entries[f ^ g] if == prehash: return entry.ptr else: return numba.NULL @jit(void_p(table_t_pp, uint64, char_p), wrap=False, nopython=True) def lookup_and_assert_method(table_pp, prehash, method_name): result = lookup_method(table_pp, prehash) if result == numba.NULL: # printf("Error: expected method %s to be available\n", method_name) # print "Error: expected method", method_name, "to be available" printf("NumbaError: expected method ") printf(method_name) printf(" to be available\n") abort() return result ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = utils # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import opcode import ast import pprint try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins import numba from .minivect.complex_support import Complex64, Complex128, Complex256 from .minivect import miniast, minitypes def is_builtin(name): return hasattr(builtins, name) def itercode(code): """Return a generator of byte-offset, opcode, and argument from a byte-code-string """ i = 0 extended_arg = 0 n = len(code) while i < n: c = code[i] num = i op = ord(c) i = i + 1 oparg = None if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i + 1]) * 256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i = i + 2 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg * 65536 delta = yield num, op, oparg if delta is not None: abs_rel, dst = delta assert abs_rel == 'abs' or abs_rel == 'rel' i = dst if abs_rel == 'abs' else i + dst def debugout(*args): '''This is a magic function. If you use it in compiled functions, Numba should generate code for displaying the received value.''' if __debug__: print(("debugout (non-translated): %s" % (''.join((str(arg) for arg in args)),))) def process_signature(sigstr, name=None): ''' Given a signature string consisting of a return type, argument types, and possibly a function name, return a signature object. ''' sigstr = sigstr.replace('*', '.pointer()') parts = sigstr.split() types_dict = dict(numba.__dict__, d=numba.double, i=numba.int_) loc = {} # FIXME: Need something more robust to differentiate between # name ret(arg1,arg2) # and ret(arg1, arg2) or ret ( arg1, arg2 ) if len(parts) < 2 or '(' in parts[0] or '[' in parts[0] or '('==parts[1][0]: signature = eval(sigstr, loc, types_dict) else: # Signature has a name signature = eval(' '.join(parts[1:]), loc, types_dict) signature = signature.add('name', parts[0]) if name is not None: signature = signature.add('name', name) return signature def process_sig(sigstr, name=None): signature = process_signature(sigstr, name) return, signature.return_type, signature.args class NumbaContext(miniast.LLVMContext): # debug = True # debug_elements = True # Accept dynamic arguments astbuilder_cls = miniast.DynamicArgumentASTBuilder shape_type = minitypes.npy_intp.pointer() strides_type = shape_type optimize_broadcasting = False def init(self): self.astbuilder = self.astbuilder_cls(self) self.typemapper = None def is_object(self, type): return super(NumbaContext, self).is_object(type) or type.is_array # def promote_types(self, *args, **kwargs): # return self.typemapper.promote_types(*args, **kwargs) def get_minivect_context(): return NumbaContext() context = get_minivect_context() def ast2tree (node, include_attrs = True): '''Transform a Python AST object into nested tuples and lists.''' def _transform(node): if isinstance(node, ast.AST): fields = ((a, _transform(b)) for a, b in ast.iter_fields(node)) if include_attrs: attrs = ((a, _transform(getattr(node, a))) for a in node._attributes if hasattr(node, a)) return (node.__class__.__name__, dict(fields), dict(attrs)) return (node.__class__.__name__, dict(fields)) elif isinstance(node, list): return [_transform(x) for x in node] return node if not isinstance(node, ast.AST): raise TypeError('expected AST, got %r' % node.__class__.__name__) return _transform(node) def tree2ast(node, namespace): '''Given an AST represented as tuples and lists, attempt to reconstruct the AST object, given a namespace that defines the node constructors.''' def _construct(node): if isinstance(node, tuple): node_len = len(node) if node_len in (2, 3) and hasattr(namespace, node[0]): ctor = getattr(namespace, node[0]) assert dict == type(node[1]) kwargs = dict((k, _construct(v)) for k, v in node[1].items()) if node_len == 3: kwargs.update((k, _construct(v)) for k, v in node[2].items()) try: node = ctor(**kwargs) except Exception as exn: raise Exception('Could not construct %s given %r: %r' % (node[0], kwargs, exn)) else: node = tuple(_construct(x) for x in node) elif isinstance(node, list): node = [_construct(x) for x in node] return node return _construct(node) def pformat_ast (node, include_attrs = True, **kws): '''Transform a Python AST object into nested tuples and lists, and return as a string formatted using pprint.pformat().''' return pprint.pformat(ast2tree(node, include_attrs), **kws) def dump(node, *args, **kws): '''Transform a Python AST object into nested tuples and lists, and pretty-print the result.''' print((pformat_ast(node, *args, **kws))) class TypedProperty(object): '''Defines a class property that does a type check in the setter.''' def __new__(cls, ty, doc, default=None): rv = super(TypedProperty, cls).__new__(cls) cls.__init__(rv, ty, doc, default) return property(rv.getter, rv.setter, rv.deleter, doc) def __init__(self, ty, doc, default=None): self.propname = '_numba_property_%d' % (id(self),) self.default = default self.ty = ty self.doc = doc def getter(self, obj): return getattr(obj, self.propname, self.default) def setter(self, obj, new_val): if not isinstance(new_val, self.ty): raise ValueError( 'Invalid property setting, expected instance of type(s) %r ' '(got %r).' % (self.ty, type(new_val))) setattr(obj, self.propname, new_val) def deleter(self, obj): delattr(obj, self.propname) class WriteOnceTypedProperty(TypedProperty): def __init__(self, ty, doc, default=None): super(WriteOnceTypedProperty, self).__init__(ty, doc, default) def setter(self, obj, *args, **kws): assert not hasattr(obj, self.propname) return super(WriteOnceTypedProperty, self).setter(obj, *args, **kws) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File Utilities #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # file name encodings (function copied from Cython) def decode_filename(filename): if isinstance(filename, unicode): return filename try: filename_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if filename_encoding is None: filename_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() filename = filename.decode(filename_encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return filename #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # General Purpose #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def hashable(x): try: hash(x) except TypeError: return False else: return True ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = validate # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Initial AST validation and normalization. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast from numba import error, nodes class ValidateAST(ast.NodeVisitor): "Validate AST" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Validation #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def visit_GeneratorExp(self, node): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Generator comprehensions are not yet supported") def visit_SetComp(self, node): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Set comprehensions are not yet supported") def visit_DictComp(self, node): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Dict comprehensions are not yet supported") # def visit_Raise(self, node): # if node.tback: # raise error.NumbaError( # node, "Traceback argument to raise not supported") def visit_For(self, node): if not isinstance(, (ast.Name, ast.Attribute, nodes.TempStoreNode)): raise error.NumbaError(, "Only a single target iteration variable is " "supported at the moment") self.generic_visit(node) def visit_With(self, node): self.visit(node.context_expr) if node.optional_vars: raise error.NumbaError( node.context_expr, "Only 'with python' and 'with nopython' is " "supported at this moment") self.generic_visit(node) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = visitors # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import ast import ast as ast_module try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins import types from numba import functions, PY3 from numba import nodes from numba.nodes.metadata import annotate, query from numba.typesystem.promotion import have_properties try: import numbers except ImportError: # pre-2.6 numbers = None from numba import error, PY3 import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CooperativeBase(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def _flatmap(func, sequence): result = [] for elem in sequence: res = func(elem) if res is not None: if isinstance(res, list): result.extend(res) else: result.append(res) return result class NumbaVisitorMixin(CooperativeBase): _overloads = None func_level = 0 def __init__(self, context, func, ast, locals=None, func_signature=None, nopython=0, symtab=None, **kwargs): assert locals is not None super(NumbaVisitorMixin, self).__init__( context, func, ast, func_signature=func_signature, nopython=nopython, symtab=symtab, **kwargs) self.env = kwargs.get('env', None) self.context = context self.ast = ast self.function_cache = context.function_cache self.symtab = symtab self.func_signature = func_signature self.nopython = nopython self.llvm_module = kwargs.pop('llvm_module', None) self.locals = locals #self.local_scopes = [self.symtab] self.current_scope = symtab self.have_cfg = getattr(self.ast, 'flow', False) self.closures = kwargs.get('closures') self.is_closure = kwargs.get('is_closure', False) self.kwargs = kwargs if self.have_cfg: self.flow_block = self.ast.flow.blocks[1] else: self.flow_block = None self.func = func if not self.valid_locals(func): assert isinstance(ast, ast_module.FunctionDef) locals, cellvars, freevars = determine_variable_status(self.env, ast, self.locals) self.names = self.global_names = freevars self.argnames = tuple( for name in ast.args.args) argnames = set(self.argnames) local_names = [local_name for local_name in locals if local_name not in argnames] self.varnames = self.local_names = list(self.argnames) + local_names self.cellvars = cellvars self.freevars = freevars else: f_code = self.func.__code__ self.names = self.global_names = f_code.co_names self.varnames = self.local_names = list(f_code.co_varnames) if PY3: def recurse_co_consts(fco): for _var in fco.co_consts: if not isinstance(_var, types.CodeType): continue self.varnames.extend((_name for _name in _var.co_varnames if not _name.startswith('.'))) recurse_co_consts(_var) recurse_co_consts(f_code) self.argnames = tuple(self.varnames[:f_code.co_argcount]) if f_code.co_cellvars: self.varnames.extend( cellvar for cellvar in f_code.co_cellvars if cellvar not in self.varnames) self.cellvars = set(f_code.co_cellvars) self.freevars = set(f_code.co_freevars) if func is None: self.func_globals = kwargs.get('func_globals', None) or {} self.module_name = self.func_globals.get("__name__", "") else: self.func_globals = func.__globals__ self.module_name = self.func.__module__ # Add variables declared in locals=dict(...) self.local_names.extend( local_name for local_name in self.locals if local_name not in self.local_names) if self.is_closure_signature(func_signature) and func is not None: # If a closure is backed up by an actual Python function, the # closure scope argument is absent from numba import closures self.argnames = (closures.CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME,) + self.argnames self.varnames.append(closures.CLOSURE_SCOPE_ARG_NAME) # Just the globals we will use self._myglobals = {} for name in self.names: try: self._myglobals[name] = self.func_globals[name] except KeyError: # Assumption here is that any name not in globals or # builtins is an attribtue. self._myglobals[name] = getattr(builtins, name, None) if self._overloads: self.visit = self._visit_overload self.visitchildren = self.generic_visit @property def func_name(self): if "func_name" in self.kwargs: return self.kwargs["func_name"] return @property def qualified_name(self): qname = self.kwargs.get("qualified_name", None) if qname is None: qname = "%s.%s" % (self.module_name, self.func_name) return qname @property def current_env(self): return self.env.translation.crnt def annotate(self, node, key, value): annotate(self.env, node, key, value) def query(self, node, key): return query(self.env, node, key) def error(self, node, msg): "Issue a terminating error" raise error.NumbaError(node, msg) def deferred_error(self, node, msg): "Issue a deferred-terminating error" self.current_env.error_env.collection.error(node, msg) def warn(self, node, msg): "Issue a warning" self.current_env.error_env.collection.warning(node, msg) def visit_func_children(self, node): self.func_level += 1 self.generic_visit(node) self.func_level -= 1 return node def valid_locals(self, func): if self.ast is None or self.env is None: return True return (func is not None and query(self.env, self.ast, "__numba_valid_code_object", default=True)) def invalidate_locals(self, ast=None): ast = ast or self.ast if query(self.env, ast, "variable_status_tuple"): # Delete variable status of the function (local/free/cell status) annotate(self.env, ast, variable_status_tuple=None) if self.func and ast is self.ast: # Invalidate validity of code object annotate(self.env, ast, __numba_valid_code_object=False) def _visit_overload(self, node): assert self._overloads try: return super(NumbaVisitorMixin, self).visit(node) except error.NumbaError as e: # Try one of the overloads cls_name = type(node).__name__ for i, cls_name in enumerate(self._overloads): for overload_name, func in self._overloads[cls_name]: try: return func(self, node) except error.NumbaError as e: if i == len(self._overloads) - 1: raise assert False, "unreachable" def add_overload(self, visit_name, func): assert visit_name.startswith("visit_") if not self._overloads: self._overloads = {} self._overloads.setdefault(visit_name, []).append(func) def is_closure_signature(self, func_signature): from numba import closures return closures.is_closure_signature(func_signature) def run_template(self, s, vars=None, **substitutions): from numba import templating func = self.func if func is None: d = dict(self.func_globals) exec('def __numba_func(): pass', d, d) func = d['__numba_func'] templ = templating.TemplateContext(self.context, s, env=self.env) if vars: for name, type in vars.iteritems(): templ.temp_var(name, type) symtab, tree = templ.template_type_infer( substitutions, symtab=self.symtab, closure_scope=getattr(self.ast, "closure_scope", None), func=func) self.symtab.update(templ.get_vars_symtab()) return tree def keep_alive(self, obj): """ Keep an object alive for the lifetime of the translated unit. This is a HACK. Make live objects part of the function-cache """ functions.keep_alive(self.func, obj) def have(self, t1, t2, p1, p2): """ Return whether the two variables have the indicated properties: >>> have(int_, float_, "is_float", "is_int") float_ If true, returns the type indicated by the first property. """ return have_properties(t1, t2, p1, p2) def have_types(self, v1, v2, p1, p2): return self.have(v1.type, v2.type, p1, p2) def visitlist(self, list): list[:] = _flatmap(self.visit, list) return list def is_complex(self, n): if numbers: return isinstance(n, numbers.Complex) return isinstance(n, complex) def is_real(self, n): if numbers: return isinstance(n, numbers.Real) return isinstance(n, float) def is_int(self, n): if numbers: return isinstance(n, numbers.Int) return isinstance(n, (int, long)) def visit_CloneNode(self, node): return node def visit_ControlBlock(self, node): #self.local_scopes.append(node.symtab) self.setblock(node) self.visitlist(node.phi_nodes) self.visitlist(node.body) #self.local_scopes.pop() return node def setblock(self, cfg_basic_block): if cfg_basic_block.is_fabricated: return old = self.flow_block self.flow_block = cfg_basic_block if old is not cfg_basic_block: self.current_scope = cfg_basic_block.symtab self.changed_block(old, cfg_basic_block) def changed_block(self, old_block, new_block): """ Callback for when a new cfg block is encountered. """ def handle_phis(self, reversed=False): blocks = self.ast.flow.blocks if reversed: blocks = blocks[::-1] for block in blocks: for phi_node in block.phi_nodes: self.handle_phi(phi_node) class NumbaVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor, NumbaVisitorMixin): "Non-mutating visitor" def visitlist(self, list): return _flatmap(self.visit, list) class NumbaTransformer(NumbaVisitorMixin, ast.NodeTransformer): "Mutating visitor" class NoPythonContextMixin(object): def visit_WithPythonNode(self, node, errorcheck=True): if not self.nopython and errorcheck: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Not in 'with nopython' context") self.nopython -= 1 self.visitlist(node.body) self.nopython += 1 return node def visit_WithNoPythonNode(self, node, errorcheck=True): if self.nopython and errorcheck: raise error.NumbaError(node, "Not in 'with python' context") self.nopython += 1 self.visitlist(node.body) self.nopython -= 1 return node class VariableFindingVisitor(NumbaVisitor): "Find referenced and assigned ast.Name nodes" function_level = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.params = set() self.assigned = set() self.referenced = set() self.globals = set() self.func_defs = [] def visit_Name(self, node): if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): add_to = self.referenced elif isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Param): add_to = self.params else: add_to = self.assigned add_to.add( def visit_Global(self, node): self.globals.update(node.names) def visit_Import(self, node): self.assigned.update((alias.asname or'.', 1)[0]) for alias in node.names if != '*') visit_ImportFrom = visit_Import def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if self.function_level == 0: if node.args.vararg: self.params.add(node.args.vararg) if node.args.kwarg: self.params.add(node.args.kwarg) self.function_level += 1 self.generic_visit(node) self.function_level -= 1 else: if hasattr(node, 'name'): self.assigned.add( self.func_defs.append(node) visit_Lambda = visit_FunctionDef def visit_ClassDef(self, node): self.assigned.add( self.generic_visit(node) def visit_ClosureNode(self, node): self.assigned.add( self.func_defs.append(node) def determine_variable_status(env, ast, locals_dict): """ Determine what category referenced and assignment variables fall in: - local variables - free variables - cell variables """ variable_status = query(env, ast, 'variable_status_tuple') if variable_status: return variable_status v = VariableFindingVisitor() v.visit(ast) if not v.params.isdisjoint(v.globals): raise error.NumbaError( node, "Parameters cannot be declared global") locals = v.params.union(v.assigned, locals_dict) - v.globals freevars = v.referenced - locals cellvars = set() # Compute cell variables for func_def in v.func_defs: func_env = env.translation.make_partial_env(func_def, locals={}) inner_locals_dict = func_env.locals inner_locals, inner_cellvars, inner_freevars = \ determine_variable_status(env, func_def, inner_locals_dict) cellvars.update(locals.intersection(inner_freevars)) # from pprint import pformat # print(, "locals", pformat(locals), # "cellvars", pformat(cellvars), # "freevars", pformat(freevars), # "locals_dict", pformat(locals_dict)) # print(, "locals", pformat(locals)) # Cache state annotate(env, ast, variable_status_tuple=(locals, cellvars, freevars)) return locals, cellvars, freevars ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = astviz # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Visualize an AST. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import ast import textwrap from itertools import chain, imap, ifilter from numba.viz.graphviz import render # ______________________________________________________________________ # AST Constants ast_constant_classes = ( ast.expr_context, ast.operator, ast.unaryop, ast.cmpop, ) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Utilities is_ast = lambda node: (isinstance(node, (ast.AST, list)) and not isinstance(node, ast_constant_classes)) class SomeConstant(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def make_list(node): if isinstance(node, list): return node elif isinstance(node, ast.AST): return [node] else: return [SomeConstant(node)] def nodes(node): return [getattr(node, attr, None) for attr in node._fields] def fields(node): return zip(node._fields, nodes(node)) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Adaptor class ASTGraphAdaptor(object): def children(self, node): return list(chain(*imap(make_list, ifilter(is_ast, nodes(node))))) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Renderer def strval(val): if isinstance(val, ast_constant_classes): return type(val).__name__ # Load, Store, Param else: return repr(val) class ASTGraphRenderer(object): def render(self, node): all_fields = fields(node) for attr in getattr(node, '_attributes', []): if attr not in node._fields and hasattr(node, attr): all_fields.append((attr, getattr(node, attr))) all_fields = [(attr, v) for attr, v in all_fields if not is_ast(v)] args = ",\n".join('%s=%s' % (a, strval(v)) for a, v in all_fields) if args: args = '\n' + args return "%s(%s)" % (type(node).__name__, args) def render_edge(self, source, dest): # See which attribute of the source node matches the destination node for attr_name, attr in fields(source): if attr is dest or (isinstance(attr, list) and dest in attr): # node.attr == dst_node or dest_node in node.attr return attr_name # ______________________________________________________________________ # Entry Point def render_ast(ast, output_file): render([ast], output_file, ASTGraphAdaptor(), ASTGraphRenderer()) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test if __name__ == '__main__': source = textwrap.dedent(""" def func(a, b): for i in range(10): if i < 5: print "hello" """) mod = ast.parse(source) print(mod) render_ast(mod, os.path.expanduser("~/")) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = cfgviz # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Visualize a CFG. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import ast import textwrap from numba import void from numba import utils from numba.viz import graphviz # ______________________________________________________________________ # Utilities def cf_from_source(source, func_globals): "Render the SSA graph given python source code" from numba import pipeline from numba import environment mod = ast.parse(source) func_ast = mod.body[0] env = environment.NumbaEnvironment.get_environment() func_env, _ = pipeline.run_pipeline2(env, None, func_ast, void(), pipeline_name='cf', function_globals=dict(func_globals)) return func_env.symtab, func_env.flow #func_env.cfg # ______________________________________________________________________ # Adaptor class CFGGraphAdaptor(graphviz.GraphAdaptor): def children(self, node): return node.children # ______________________________________________________________________ # Renderer def fmtnode(node): if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): return "%s = %s" % (node.targets, node.value) else: return str(node) fmtnode = utils.pformat_ast # ast.dump # str class CFGGraphRenderer(graphviz.GraphRenderer): def render(self, node): return "%s\n%s" % (node, "; ".join(map(fmtnode, node.body))) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Entry Points def render_cfg(cfflow, output_file): "Render the SSA graph given the flow.CFGFlow and the symbol table" graphviz.render(cfflow.blocks, output_file, CFGGraphAdaptor(), CFGGraphRenderer()) def render_cfg_from_source(source, output_file, func_globals=()): "Render the SSA graph given python source code" symtab, cfflow = cf_from_source(source, func_globals) render_cfg(cfflow, output_file) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test if __name__ == '__main__': source = textwrap.dedent(""" def func(): # x_0 x = 0 # x_1 # x_2 for i in range(10): if i < 5: x = i # x_3 # x_4 x = x + i # x_5 y = x x = i # x_6 """) render_cfg_from_source(source, os.path.expanduser("~/")) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = graphviz # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Graph visualization for abitrary graphs. An attempt to unify all the many different graphs we want to visualize (numba.control_flow.graphviz, numba.minivect.graphviz, etc). """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import ast import logging import textwrap import subprocess from itertools import chain from numba.minivect.pydot import pydot logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Graphviz Mapper #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GraphvizGenerator(object): """ Render an arbitrary graph as a graphviz tree. Nodes must be hashable. """ counter = 0 def __init__(self, graph_adaptor, graph_renderer, graph_name, graph_type): self.graph_adaptor = graph_adaptor self.graph_renderer = graph_renderer self.graph = pydot.Dot(graph_name, graph_type=graph_type) # Graph Node -> PyDot Node self.seen = {} # { (source, dest) } self.seen_edges = set() # ______________________________________________________________________ # Add to pydot graph def add_edge(self, source, dest): "Add an edge between two pydot nodes and set the colors" if (source, dest) in self.seen_edges: return self.seen_edges.add((source, dest)) edge = pydot.Edge(self.seen[source], self.seen[dest]) edge_label = self.graph_renderer.render_edge(source, dest) if edge_label is not None: edge.set_label(edge_label) self.graph.add_edge(edge) def create_node(self, node): "Create a graphviz node from the miniast node" label = self.graph_renderer.render(node) self.counter += 1 pydot_node = pydot.Node(str(self.counter), label=label, shape='box') self.graph.add_node(pydot_node) return pydot_node # ______________________________________________________________________ # Traverse Graph def dfs(self, node): "Visit children and add edges to their Graphviz nodes." if node in self.seen: return pydot_node = self.create_node(node) self.seen[node] = pydot_node for child in self.graph_adaptor.children(node): self.dfs(child) self.add_edge(node, child) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Graph Adaptors #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GraphAdaptor(object): """ Allow traversal of a foreign AST. """ def children(self, node): "Return the children for this graph node" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Graph Rendering #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GraphRenderer(object): """ Allow traversal of a foreign AST. """ def render(self, node): "Return the label for this graph node" def render_edge(self, source, dest): "Return the label for this edge or None" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create image from dot #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def write_image(dot_output): prefix, ext = os.path.splitext(dot_output) png_output = prefix + '.png' fp = open(png_output, 'wb') try: p = subprocess.Popen(['dot', '-Tpng', dot_output], stdout=fp.fileno(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.wait() except EnvironmentError as e: logger.warn("Unable to write png: %s (did you install the " "'dot' program?). Wrote %s" % (e, dot_output)) else: logger.warn("Wrote %s" % png_output) finally: fp.close() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Entry points #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def render(G, output_file, adaptor, renderer, graph_name="G", graph_type="digraph"): """ G: The graph: [node] output_file: output dot file name adaptor: GraphAdaptor renderer: GraphRenderer """ gen = GraphvizGenerator(adaptor, renderer, graph_name, graph_type) for root in G: gen.dfs(root) dotgraph = gen.graph # output_file, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file) # dotgraph.write(output_file + '.png', format='png') dotgraph.write(output_file) write_image(output_file) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = ssaviz # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Visualize an SSA graph (the def/use chains). """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import textwrap from numba.viz.graphviz import render from numba.viz.cfgviz import cf_from_source from numba.control_flow.cfstats import NameAssignment # ______________________________________________________________________ # Adaptor class SSAGraphAdaptor(object): def children(self, node): return [nameref.variable for nameref in node.cf_references] # ______________________________________________________________________ # Renderer class SSAGraphRenderer(object): def render(self, node): if node.renamed_name: return node.unmangled_name return def render_edge(self, source, dest): return "use" # ______________________________________________________________________ # Entry Points def render_ssa(cfflow, symtab, output_file): "Render the SSA graph given the flow.CFGFlow and the symbol table" cfstats = [stat for b in cfflow.blocks for stat in b.stats] defs = [stat.lhs.variable for stat in cfstats if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment)] nodes = symtab.values() + defs render(nodes, output_file, SSAGraphAdaptor(), SSAGraphRenderer()) def render_ssa_from_source(source, output_file, func_globals=()): "Render the SSA graph given python source code" symtab, cfflow = cf_from_source(source, func_globals) render_ssa(cfflow, symtab, output_file) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Test if __name__ == '__main__': source = textwrap.dedent(""" def func(): # x_0 x = 0 # x_1 # x_2 for i in range(10): if i < 5: x = i # x_3 # x_4 # x = x + i # x_5 y = x x = i # x_6 """) render_ssa_from_source(source, os.path.expanduser("~/")) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = compiler import inspect from numba import typesystem import numba.pipeline from numba.exttypes import virtual import numba.exttypes.entrypoints import numba.decorators from numba import functions def resolve_argtypes(env, py_func, template_signature, args, kwargs, translator_kwargs): """ Given an autojitting numba function, return the argument types. These need to be resolved in order for the function cache to work. TODO: have a single entry point that resolves the argument types! """ assert not kwargs, "Keyword arguments are not supported yet" locals_dict = translator_kwargs.get("locals", None) argcount = py_func.__code__.co_argcount if argcount != len(args): if argcount == 1: arguments = 'argument' else: arguments = 'arguments' raise TypeError("%s() takes exactly %d %s (%d given)" % ( py_func.__name__, argcount, arguments, len(args))) return_type = None argnames = inspect.getargspec(py_func).args argtypes = [typesystem.numba_typesystem.typeof(x) for x in args] if template_signature is not None: template_context, signature = typesystem.resolve_templates( locals_dict, template_signature, argnames, argtypes) return_type = signature.return_type argtypes = list(signature.args) if locals_dict is not None: for i, argname in enumerate(argnames): if argname in locals_dict: new_type = locals_dict[argname] argtypes[i] = new_type return typesystem.function(return_type, tuple(argtypes)) class Compiler(object): def __init__(self, env, py_func, nopython, flags, template_signature): self.env = env self.py_func = py_func self.nopython = nopython self.flags = flags = flags.pop('target', 'cpu') self.template_signature = template_signature def resolve_argtypes(self, args, kwargs): signature = resolve_argtypes(self.env, self.py_func, self.template_signature, args, kwargs, self.flags) return signature def compile_from_args(self, args, kwargs): signature = self.resolve_argtypes(args, kwargs) return self.compile(signature) def compile(self, signature): "Compile the Python function with the given signature" class FunctionCompiler(Compiler): def __init__(self, env, py_func, nopython, flags, template_signature): super(FunctionCompiler,self).__init__(env, py_func, nopython, flags, template_signature) self.ast = functions._get_ast(py_func) def compile(self, signature): jitter = numba.decorators.jit_targets[(, 'ast')] dec = jitter(restype=signature.return_type, argtypes=signature.args,, nopython=self.nopython, env=self.env, func_ast=self.ast, **self.flags) compiled_function = dec(self.py_func) return compiled_function class ClassCompiler(Compiler): def resolve_argtypes(self, args, kwargs): assert not kwargs # argtypes = map(self.env.crnt.typesystem.typeof, args) argtypes = map(numba.typeof, args) # TODO: allow registering a type system and using it here signature = typesystem.function(None, argtypes) return signature def compile(self, signature): py_class = self.py_func return numba.exttypes.entrypoints.autojit_extension_class( self.env, py_class, self.flags, signature.args) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Autojit Method Compiler #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class MethodCompiler(Compiler): def __init__(self, env, extclass, method, flags=None): super(MethodCompiler, self).__init__(env, method.py_func, method.nopython, flags or {}, method.template_signature) self.extclass = extclass self.method = method def compile(self, signature): from numba.exttypes.autojitclass import autojit_method_compiler return autojit_method_compiler( self.env, self.extclass, self.method, signature) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = runtests #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import numba.testing as testing if '-m' in sys.argv: result = testing.multitest() else: result = testing.test() sys.exit(0 if result else 1) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = test_user_exc from numba.compiler import compile_isolated from numba import types from numba import unittest_support as unittest from numba.targets.cpu import NativeError import numpy as np class TestUserExc(unittest.TestCase): def test_unituple_index_error(self): def pyfunc(a, i): return a.shape[i] cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'A'), types.int32)) cfunc = cres.entry_point a = np.empty(2) self.assertEqual(cfunc(a, 0), pyfunc(a, 0)) with self.assertRaises(NativeError): cfunc(a, 2) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = versioneer #! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ (like a rocketeer, but for versions) * * Brian Warner * License: Public Domain * Version: 0.7+ This file helps distutils-based projects manage their version number by just creating version-control tags. For developers who work from a VCS-generated tree (e.g. 'git clone' etc), each ' version', ' build', ' sdist' will compute a version number by asking your version-control tool about the current checkout. The version number will be written into a generated file of your choosing, where it can be included by your For users who work from a VCS-generated tarball (e.g. 'git archive'), it will compute a version number by looking at the name of the directory created when te tarball is unpacked. This conventionally includes both the name of the project and a version number. For users who work from a tarball built by ' sdist', it will get a version number from a previously-generated file. As a result, loading code directly from the source tree will not result in a real version. If you want real versions from VCS trees (where you frequently update from the upstream repository, or do new development), you will need to do a ' version' after each update, and load code from the build/ directory. You need to provide this code with a few configuration values: versionfile_source: A project-relative pathname into which the generated version strings should be written. This is usually a next to your project's main file. If your project uses src/myproject/, this should be 'src/myproject/'. This file should be checked in to your VCS as usual: the copy created below by ' update_files' will include code that parses expanded VCS keywords in generated tarballs. The 'build' and 'sdist' commands will replace it with a copy that has just the calculated version string. versionfile_build: Like versionfile_source, but relative to the build directory instead of the source directory. These will differ when your uses 'package_dir='. If you have package_dir={'myproject': 'src/myproject'}, then you will probably have versionfile_build='myproject/' and versionfile_source='src/myproject/'. tag_prefix: a string, like 'PROJECTNAME-', which appears at the start of all VCS tags. If your tags look like 'myproject-1.2.0', then you should use tag_prefix='myproject-'. If you use unprefixed tags like '1.2.0', this should be an empty string. parentdir_prefix: a string, frequently the same as tag_prefix, which appears at the start of all unpacked tarball filenames. If your tarball unpacks into 'myproject-1.2.0', this should be 'myproject-'. To use it: 1: include this file in the top level of your project 2: make the following changes to the top of your import versioneer versioneer.versionfile_source = 'src/myproject/' versioneer.versionfile_build = 'myproject/' versioneer.tag_prefix = '' # tags are like 1.2.0 versioneer.parentdir_prefix = 'myproject-' # dirname like 'myproject-1.2.0' 3: add the following arguments to the setup() call in your version=versioneer.get_version(), cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(), 4: run ' update_files', which will create, and will append the following to your from _version import __version__ 5: modify your to include 6: add both and the generated to your VCS """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import sys import re import subprocess from distutils.core import Command from distutils.command.sdist import sdist as _sdist from import build as _build versionfile_source = None versionfile_build = None tag_prefix = None parentdir_prefix = None VCS = "git" IN_LONG_VERSION_PY = False GIT = "git" LONG_VERSION_PY = ''' IN_LONG_VERSION_PY = True # This file helps to compute a version number in source trees obtained from # git-archive tarball (such as those provided by github's download-from-tag # feature). Distribution tarballs (build by sdist) and build # directories (produced by build) will contain a much shorter file # that just contains the computed version number. # This file is released into the public domain. Generated by # versioneer-0.7+ ( # these strings will be replaced by git during git-archive git_refnames = "%(DOLLAR)sFormat:%%d%(DOLLAR)s" git_full = "%(DOLLAR)sFormat:%%H%(DOLLAR)s" import subprocess import sys def run_command(args, cwd=None, verbose=False): try: # remember shell=False, so use git.cmd on windows, not just git p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd) except EnvironmentError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if verbose: print("unable to run %%s" %% args[0]) print(e) return None stdout = p.communicate()[0].strip() if sys.version >= '3': stdout = stdout.decode() if p.returncode != 0: if verbose: print("unable to run %%s (error)" %% args[0]) return None return stdout import sys import re import os.path def get_expanded_variables(versionfile_source): # the code embedded in can just fetch the value of these # variables. When used from, we don't want to import #, so we do it with a regexp instead. This function is not # used from variables = {} try: for line in open(versionfile_source,"r").readlines(): if line.strip().startswith("git_refnames ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: variables["refnames"] = if line.strip().startswith("git_full ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: variables["full"] = except EnvironmentError: pass return variables def versions_from_expanded_variables(variables, tag_prefix, verbose=False): refnames = variables["refnames"].strip() if refnames.startswith("$Format"): if verbose: print("variables are unexpanded, not using") return {} # unexpanded, so not in an unpacked git-archive tarball refs = set([r.strip() for r in refnames.strip("()").split(",")]) for ref in list(refs): if not'\d', ref): if verbose: print("discarding '%%s', no digits" %% ref) refs.discard(ref) # Assume all version tags have a digit. git's %%d expansion # behaves like git log --decorate=short and strips out the # refs/heads/ and refs/tags/ prefixes that would let us # distinguish between branches and tags. By ignoring refnames # without digits, we filter out many common branch names like # "release" and "stabilization", as well as "HEAD" and "master". if verbose: print("remaining refs: %%s" %% ",".join(sorted(refs))) for ref in sorted(refs): # sorting will prefer e.g. "2.0" over "2.0rc1" if ref.startswith(tag_prefix): r = ref[len(tag_prefix):] if verbose: print("picking %%s" %% r) return { "version": r, "full": variables["full"].strip() } # no suitable tags, so we use the full revision id if verbose: print("no suitable tags, using full revision id") return { "version": variables["full"].strip(), "full": variables["full"].strip() } def versions_from_vcs(tag_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose=False): # this runs 'git' from the root of the source tree. That either means # someone ran a command (and this code is in, so # IN_LONG_VERSION_PY=False, thus the containing directory is the root of # the source tree), or someone ran a project-specific entry point (and # this code is in, so IN_LONG_VERSION_PY=True, thus the # containing directory is somewhere deeper in the source tree). This only # gets called if the git-archive 'subst' variables were *not* expanded, # and hasn't already been rewritten with a short version # string, meaning we're inside a checked out source tree. try: here = os.path.abspath(__file__) except NameError: # some py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython implementations don't do __file__ return {} # not always correct # versionfile_source is the relative path from the top of the source tree # (where the .git directory might live) to this file. Invert this to find # the root from __file__. root = here if IN_LONG_VERSION_PY: for i in range(len(versionfile_source.split("/"))): root = os.path.dirname(root) else: root = os.path.dirname(here) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, ".git")): if verbose: print("no .git in %%s" %% root) return {} stdout = run_command([GIT, "describe", "--tags", "--dirty", "--always"], cwd=root) if stdout is None: return {} if not stdout.startswith(tag_prefix): if verbose: print("tag '%%s' doesn't start with prefix '%%s'" %% (stdout, tag_prefix)) return {} tag = stdout[len(tag_prefix):] stdout = run_command([GIT, "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=root) if stdout is None: return {} full = stdout.strip() if tag.endswith("-dirty"): full += "-dirty" return {"version": tag, "full": full} def versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose=False): if IN_LONG_VERSION_PY: # We're running from If it's from a source tree # (execute-in-place), we can work upwards to find the root of the # tree, and then check the parent directory for a version string. If # it's in an installed application, there's no hope. try: here = os.path.abspath(__file__) except NameError: # py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython don't have __file__ return {} # without __file__, we have no hope # versionfile_source is the relative path from the top of the source # tree to Invert this to find the root from __file__. root = here for i in range(len(versionfile_source.split("/"))): root = os.path.dirname(root) else: # we're running from, which means we're running from # the in a source tree. sys.argv[0] is in the root. here = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) root = os.path.dirname(here) # Source tarballs conventionally unpack into a directory that includes # both the project name and a version string. dirname = os.path.basename(root) if not dirname.startswith(parentdir_prefix): if verbose: print("guessing rootdir is '%%s', but '%%s' doesn't start with prefix '%%s'" %% (root, dirname, parentdir_prefix)) return None return {"version": dirname[len(parentdir_prefix):], "full": ""} tag_prefix = "%(TAG_PREFIX)s" parentdir_prefix = "%(PARENTDIR_PREFIX)s" versionfile_source = "%(VERSIONFILE_SOURCE)s" def get_versions(default={"version": "unknown", "full": ""}, verbose=False): variables = { "refnames": git_refnames, "full": git_full } ver = versions_from_expanded_variables(variables, tag_prefix, verbose) if not ver: ver = versions_from_vcs(tag_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose) if not ver: ver = versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose) if not ver: ver = default return ver ''' def run_command(args, cwd=None, verbose=False): try: # remember shell=False, so use git.cmd on windows, not just git p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd) except EnvironmentError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if verbose: print("unable to run %s" % args[0]) print(e) return None stdout = p.communicate()[0].strip() if sys.version >= '3': stdout = stdout.decode() if p.returncode != 0: if verbose: print("unable to run %s (error)" % args[0]) return None return stdout def get_expanded_variables(versionfile_source): # the code embedded in can just fetch the value of these # variables. When used from, we don't want to import #, so we do it with a regexp instead. This function is not # used from variables = {} try: for line in open(versionfile_source,"r").readlines(): if line.strip().startswith("git_refnames ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: variables["refnames"] = if line.strip().startswith("git_full ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: variables["full"] = except EnvironmentError: pass return variables def versions_from_expanded_variables(variables, tag_prefix, verbose=False): refnames = variables["refnames"].strip() if refnames.startswith("$Format"): if verbose: print("variables are unexpanded, not using") return {} # unexpanded, so not in an unpacked git-archive tarball refs = set([r.strip() for r in refnames.strip("()").split(",")]) for ref in list(refs): if not'\d', ref): if verbose: print("discarding '%s', no digits" % ref) refs.discard(ref) # Assume all version tags have a digit. git's %d expansion # behaves like git log --decorate=short and strips out the # refs/heads/ and refs/tags/ prefixes that would let us # distinguish between branches and tags. By ignoring refnames # without digits, we filter out many common branch names like # "release" and "stabilization", as well as "HEAD" and "master". if verbose: print("remaining refs: %s" % ",".join(sorted(refs))) for ref in sorted(refs): # sorting will prefer e.g. "2.0" over "2.0rc1" if ref.startswith(tag_prefix): r = ref[len(tag_prefix):] if verbose: print("picking %s" % r) return { "version": r, "full": variables["full"].strip() } # no suitable tags, so we use the full revision id if verbose: print("no suitable tags, using full revision id") return { "version": variables["full"].strip(), "full": variables["full"].strip() } def versions_from_vcs(tag_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose=False): # this runs 'git' from the root of the source tree. That either means # someone ran a command (and this code is in, so # IN_LONG_VERSION_PY=False, thus the containing directory is the root of # the source tree), or someone ran a project-specific entry point (and # this code is in, so IN_LONG_VERSION_PY=True, thus the # containing directory is somewhere deeper in the source tree). This only # gets called if the git-archive 'subst' variables were *not* expanded, # and hasn't already been rewritten with a short version # string, meaning we're inside a checked out source tree. try: here = os.path.abspath(__file__) except NameError: # some py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython implementations don't do __file__ return {} # not always correct # versionfile_source is the relative path from the top of the source tree # (where the .git directory might live) to this file. Invert this to find # the root from __file__. root = here if IN_LONG_VERSION_PY: for i in range(len(versionfile_source.split("/"))): root = os.path.dirname(root) else: root = os.path.dirname(here) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, ".git")): if verbose: print("no .git in %s" % root) return {} stdout = run_command([GIT, "describe", "--tags", "--dirty", "--always"], cwd=root) if stdout is None: return {} if not stdout.startswith(tag_prefix): if verbose: print("tag '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'" % (stdout, tag_prefix)) return {} tag = stdout[len(tag_prefix):] stdout = run_command([GIT, "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=root) if stdout is None: return {} full = stdout.strip() if tag.endswith("-dirty"): full += "-dirty" return {"version": tag, "full": full} def versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose=False): if IN_LONG_VERSION_PY: # We're running from If it's from a source tree # (execute-in-place), we can work upwards to find the root of the # tree, and then check the parent directory for a version string. If # it's in an installed application, there's no hope. try: here = os.path.abspath(__file__) except NameError: # py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython don't have __file__ return {} # without __file__, we have no hope # versionfile_source is the relative path from the top of the source # tree to Invert this to find the root from __file__. root = here for i in range(len(versionfile_source.split("/"))): root = os.path.dirname(root) else: # we're running from, which means we're running from # the in a source tree. sys.argv[0] is in the root. here = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) root = os.path.dirname(here) # Source tarballs conventionally unpack into a directory that includes # both the project name and a version string. dirname = os.path.basename(root) if not dirname.startswith(parentdir_prefix): if verbose: print("guessing rootdir is '%s', but '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'" % (root, dirname, parentdir_prefix)) return None return {"version": dirname[len(parentdir_prefix):], "full": ""} def do_vcs_install(versionfile_source, ipy): run_command([GIT, "add", ""]) run_command([GIT, "add", versionfile_source]) run_command([GIT, "add", ipy]) present = False try: f = open(".gitattributes", "r") for line in f.readlines(): if line.strip().startswith(versionfile_source): if "export-subst" in line.strip().split()[1:]: present = True f.close() except EnvironmentError: pass if not present: f = open(".gitattributes", "a+") f.write("%s export-subst\n" % versionfile_source) f.close() run_command([GIT, "add", ".gitattributes"]) SHORT_VERSION_PY = """ # This file was generated by '' (0.7+) from # revision-control system data, or from the parent directory name of an # unpacked source archive. Distribution tarballs contain a pre-generated copy # of this file. version_version = '%(version)s' version_full = '%(full)s' def get_versions(default={}, verbose=False): return {'version': version_version, 'full': version_full} """ DEFAULT = {"version": "unknown", "full": "unknown"} def versions_from_file(filename): versions = {} try: f = open(filename) except EnvironmentError: return versions for line in f.readlines(): mo = re.match("version_version = '([^']+)'", line) if mo: versions["version"] = mo = re.match("version_full = '([^']+)'", line) if mo: versions["full"] = return versions def write_to_version_file(filename, versions): f = open(filename, "w") f.write(SHORT_VERSION_PY % versions) f.close() print("set %s to '%s'" % (filename, versions["version"])) def get_best_versions(versionfile, tag_prefix, parentdir_prefix, default=DEFAULT, verbose=False): # returns dict with two keys: 'version' and 'full' # # extract version from first of, 'git describe', parentdir. # This is meant to work for developers using a source checkout, for users # of a tarball created by ' sdist', and for users of a # tarball/zipball created by 'git archive' or github's download-from-tag # feature. variables = get_expanded_variables(versionfile_source) if variables: ver = versions_from_expanded_variables(variables, tag_prefix) if ver: if verbose: print("got version from expanded variable %s" % ver) return ver ver = versions_from_file(versionfile) if ver: if verbose: print("got version from file %s %s" % (versionfile, ver)) return ver ver = versions_from_vcs(tag_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose) if ver: if verbose: print("got version from git %s" % ver) return ver ver = versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, versionfile_source, verbose) if ver: if verbose: print("got version from parentdir %s" % ver) return ver if verbose: print("got version from default %s" % ver) return default def get_versions(default=DEFAULT, verbose=False): assert versionfile_source is not None, "please set versioneer.versionfile_source" assert tag_prefix is not None, "please set versioneer.tag_prefix" assert parentdir_prefix is not None, "please set versioneer.parentdir_prefix" return get_best_versions(versionfile_source, tag_prefix, parentdir_prefix, default=default, verbose=verbose) def get_version(verbose=False): return get_versions(verbose=verbose)["version"] class cmd_version(Command): description = "report generated version string" user_options = [] boolean_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): ver = get_version(verbose=True) print("Version is currently: %s" % ver) class cmd_build(_build): def run(self): versions = get_versions(verbose=True) # now locate in the new build/ directory and replace it # with an updated value target_versionfile = os.path.join(self.build_lib, versionfile_build) print("UPDATING %s" % target_versionfile) os.unlink(target_versionfile) f = open(target_versionfile, "w") f.write(SHORT_VERSION_PY % versions) f.close() class cmd_sdist(_sdist): def run(self): versions = get_versions(verbose=True) self._versioneer_generated_versions = versions # unless we update this, the command will keep using the old version self.distribution.metadata.version = versions["version"] return def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files): _sdist.make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files) # now locate in the new base_dir directory (remembering # that it may be a hardlink) and replace it with an updated value target_versionfile = os.path.join(base_dir, versionfile_source) print("UPDATING %s" % target_versionfile) os.unlink(target_versionfile) f = open(target_versionfile, "w") f.write(SHORT_VERSION_PY % self._versioneer_generated_versions) f.close() INIT_PY_SNIPPET = """ from ._version import get_versions __version__ = get_versions()['version'] del get_versions """ class cmd_update_files(Command): description = "modify and create" user_options = [] boolean_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): ipy = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(versionfile_source), "") print(" creating %s" % versionfile_source) f = open(versionfile_source, "w") f.write(LONG_VERSION_PY % {"DOLLAR": "$", "TAG_PREFIX": tag_prefix, "PARENTDIR_PREFIX": parentdir_prefix, "VERSIONFILE_SOURCE": versionfile_source, }) f.close() try: old = open(ipy, "r").read() except EnvironmentError: old = "" if INIT_PY_SNIPPET not in old: print(" appending to %s" % ipy) f = open(ipy, "a") f.write(INIT_PY_SNIPPET) f.close() else: print(" %s unmodified" % ipy) do_vcs_install(versionfile_source, ipy) def get_cmdclass(): return {'version': cmd_version, 'update_files': cmd_update_files, 'build': cmd_build, 'sdist': cmd_sdist, } ########NEW FILE########
import socket class Client: def __init__(self) -> None: self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.server.connect(("", 20213)) def send_msg(self): msg = b"This is a test from python client" self.server.send(msg) def run(self): self.send_msg() while True: server = self.server message, addr = server.recvfrom(1024) print(message, addr) break client = Client()
from flask import Flask, request, Response import os import imghdr from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO app = Flask(__name__) app.config['ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS'] = set(['png', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif']) def isnum(num): try: if(float(num) > 0): return True else: return False except ValueError: return False @app.route('/resize', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def resize(): upload_file = request.files['media'] scale = request.args.get('scale') if (scale == "" or scale == None): scale = "1" elif (isnum(scale)): scale = scale else: scale = "fail" if (isnum(scale)): scale = float(scale) if scale!=0 and upload_file: try: im = except OSError: return Response(status=400) (width, height) = im.size imageType = im.format print(width*scale, height*scale) out = im.resize((int(width*scale), int(height*scale)), Image.ANTIALIAS) #im.thumbnail((int(width*scale), int(height*scale))) byte_io = BytesIO(), imageType) return Response(byte_io, mimetype="image/"+imageType) else: return Response(status=400) else : return Response(status=400) if __name__ == '__main__':"", port=8889)
import matplotlib as mpl, numpy as np, pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load data and filter data = pd.read_csv('data/form-5-1-20.csv', delimiter='\t', names=['addr', 'wlv', 'blv', 'rf', 'success']) data = data[data['wlv'] == 2] data = data[data['blv'] >= 2.5] data = data[data['blv'] <= 4] data = data[data['rf'] < 15e3] print data # LaTEX quality figures mpl.rcParams.update( { 'text.usetex': True, 'pgf.texsystem': 'lualatex', 'pgf.rcfonts': True, } ) plt.rc('font', family='serif', serif='Times', size=13) # Means of final resistance rf = data['rf']/1000 rf.hist(figsize=(4,3)) plt.title('Post-FORMing Resistance Distribution') plt.xlabel('Post-FORMing Resistance (k$\\Omega$)') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('figs/form-rf-hist.eps') # Means of final resistance blv = data['blv'] blv.hist(figsize=(4,3)) plt.title('FORMing BL Voltage Distribution') plt.xlabel('BL Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('figs/form-bl-hist.eps')
[ "MIT" ]
"""empty message Revision ID: 95eb3cae9e68 Revises: aacfc1555e57 Create Date: 2016-12-30 20:43:41.455000 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '95eb3cae9e68' down_revision = 'aacfc1555e57' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table('role_history', sa.Column('entryID', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('accountID', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('byAccountID', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('note', mysql.TEXT(), nullable=True), sa.Column('time', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['accountID'], [''], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['byAccountID'], [''], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('entryID') ) op.create_index(op.f('ix_role_history_time'), 'role_history', ['time'], unique=False) op.create_table('role_changes', sa.Column('roleChangeID', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('entryID', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('roleID', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('added', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['entryID'], ['role_history.entryID'], onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['roleID'], [''], onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('roleChangeID') ) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ## op.drop_table('role_changes') op.drop_index(op.f('ix_role_history_time'), table_name='role_history') op.drop_table('role_history') ### end Alembic commands ###
import os import sys import optparse import config # ./ __IS_DEBUG_MODE = False # global flag used when calling debug() ############################### # Import sumolib_and_traci and TracI ############################### try: sys.path.append(config.s_sumo_tools_dir) # Path to SUMO python modules from sumolib import checkBinary print("sumolib sucessfully imported.") except ImportError: sys.exit("Could not locate sumolib in " + config.s_sumo_tools_dir + ".") import traci ############################### # Uses optparse to add a --nogui option to run without using the gui. ############################### def get_options(): opt_parser = optparse.OptionParser() opt_parser.add_option("--nogui",action="store_true",default=False, help="run the commandline version of sumo") opt_parser.add_option("--debug",action="store_true",default=False, help="Adds additional print statements for debugging.") options, args = opt_parser.parse_args() # Set our debug global so we only check once global __IS_DEBUG_MODE __IS_DEBUG_MODE = options.debug return options # end get_options() ############################### # @param s_msg = message to be printed to console. # Check if options.debug=true, then print to console. ############################### def debug(s_msg): global __IS_DEBUG_MODE if __IS_DEBUG_MODE: print(s_msg) # end debug(s_msg) ############################### # A quick pause ############################### def pause(): input("Press return to continue...") # end def pause() ############################### # Generates a routefile ############################### def generate_routefile(): debug("Starting to generate routefile...") with open(config.s_route_file,"w") as routes: print("<routes>", file=routes) s_elements = generate_elements() print(s_elements, file=routes) print("</routes>", file=routes) debug("Routefile created.") # end generate_routefile ############################### # Execute the TraCI control loop ############################### def run(): n_step = 0 initialize() while (n_step < config.n_time_steps): traci.simulationStep() timestep(n_step) n_step += 1 # end while traci.close() # end run() ############################### # Load in the neccesary libraries and launch SUMO + TraCI ############################### def main(): if __name__ == "__main__": debug("The main script is running.") options = get_options() debug("options.nogui=" + str(options.nogui)) # This script has been called from the command line. # It will start sumo as a server, then connect and run. if options.nogui: s_sumo_binary = checkBinary('sumo') else: s_sumo_binary = checkBinary('sumo-gui') debug("s_sumo_binary=" + s_sumo_binary) # We need to generate a routefile for this simulation generate_routefile() # Have TraCI start sumo as a subprocess, then the python script # can connect and run debug("config.s_sumocfg_file="+config.s_sumocfg_file) sumo_cmd = [s_sumo_binary, "-c", config.s_sumocfg_file] traci.start(sumo_cmd) run() # End main ################################################################### ################################################################### # START EDITING HERE ################################################################### # Add imports here import random random.seed(config.n_seed) ############################### # Global Variables ############################### N_VEHICLES = 0 LLS_VEH_DATA = [] #[s_veh_id,s_exit_dest_edge,s_next_dest_edge] ############################### # Add element(s) to routefiles # # @return string = The elements that will be added to the # routefile. ############################### def generate_elements(): s_elements = "\t" + config.s_vtype + "\n" return s_elements # End def generate_elements() ############################### # Initilize anything that needs to happen at step 0 here. ############################### def initialize(): # Most of the vehicles are going to travel along the 4-lane highway # so we'll create two starting points, one at either end. traci.route.add("eastbound",["gneE52"]) traci.route.add("westbound",["-gneE50"]) debug("routes sucessfully added.") return # end def intialize ############################### # Anything that happens within the TraCI control loop goes here. # One pass of the loop == 1 timestep. ############################### def timestep(n_step): create_vehicles(n_step) go_downtown(n_step) # If the vehicles that went downtown have reached their destination. # they will head towards their original exit. for ls_row in LLS_VEH_DATA: # 0 is the vehicle ID and 2 is the next destination try: if (traci.vehicle.getRoadID(ls_row[0]) == ls_row[2]): # The vehicle has arived, send it on it's way. The exit destination # 1 is the exit edge traci.vehicle.changeTarget(ls_row[0],ls_row[1]) # Change the color to blue so we can recognize accomplished cars traci.vehicle.setColor(ls_row[0],(0,0,255,0)) # remove the vehicle from the list since we no longer have a LLS_VEH_DATA.remove(ls_row) # end if # This exception is called when a vehicle teleports beyond the ending # destination and doesn't get properly removed from this list. I need # to find some way to recognize when something teleports and remove # it, or find handle it some other way. except: LLS_VEH_DATA.remove(ls_row) #debug("\n" + ls_row[0] + " >> " + ls_row[2]) #debug(LLS_VEH_DATA) #pause() # for (ls_row in LLS_EXIT_DEST): return # end timestep ############################### # Creates a vehicle ############################### def create_vehicles(n_step): # Check if the maximum amount of vehicles are in the simulation if (config.n_vehicles_max <= len(traci.vehicle.getIDList())): return # Vehicle Creation if (n_step % config.n_vehicle_spawn_rate == 0): global N_VEHICLES s_vehicle_id = "veh" + str(N_VEHICLES) # vehX s_dest_edge = "" # We want half of the vehicles to travel eastbound and half # To travel westbound. if (random.uniform(0.0,1.0) > 0.5): traci.vehicle.add(s_vehicle_id, "eastbound", depart=n_step+1, pos=-4, speed=-3, lane=-6, typeID="chevy_s10") s_dest_edge = "gneE50" else: traci.vehicle.add(s_vehicle_id, "westbound", depart=n_step+1, pos=-4, speed=-3, lane=-6, typeID="chevy_s10") s_dest_edge = "-gneE52" N_VEHICLES += 1 # Assign them a route. traci.vehicle.changeTarget(s_vehicle_id,s_dest_edge) # end if (n_step % N_VEHICLE_SPAWN_RATE == 0): # end def create_vehicle ############################### # Go downtown # Sends a vehicle downtown and then reroutes to it's exit destination. ############################### def go_downtown(n_step): # Every x timesteps we're going to reroute a vehicle at random to # some point in town. if (n_step % config.n_go_downtown_rate == 0 and n_step != 0): # Pick a vehicle at random to reroute. ls_veh_ids = traci.vehicle.getIDList() n_random_int = random.randint(0,len(ls_veh_ids)-1) s_veh_id = ls_veh_ids[n_random_int] # We'll makes going downtown red. traci.vehicle.setColor(s_veh_id,(255,0,0,0)) # Store the exit destination edge before we change it's route. s_exit_edge = traci.vehicle.getRoute(s_veh_id)[-1] # Send it someplace downtown. s_dest_edge = "-gneE35" traci.vehicle.changeTarget(s_veh_id,s_dest_edge) # Add it to LLS_VEH_DATA to be tracked. global LLS_VEH_DATA is_found = False for ls_row in LLS_VEH_DATA: if (s_veh_id == ls_row[0]): is_found = True if (not is_found): LLS_VEH_DATA.append([s_veh_id,s_exit_edge,s_dest_edge]) #end if (n_step % n_reroute_rate == 0): # end deg go_downtown() ############################### # The main entry point of the script. ############################### main()
[ "MIT" ]
"""Init the package of spikefuel. Author: Yuhuang Hu Email : """
[ "MIT" ]
# Generated by Django 2.0.2 on 2018-08-04 09:13 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('translation', '0005_add_translation_item_status'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='TranslationBetaLinkSendToVK', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('vk_group_id', models.CharField(default='', max_length=255, verbose_name='ID ะณั€ัƒะฟะฟั‹ ะ’ะš')), ('post_date', models.DateField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name='ะ”ะฐั‚ะฐ')), ('link', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='translation.TranslationBetaLink', verbose_name='ะกัั‹ะปะบะฐ ะฝะฐ ะฟะฐั‚ั‡')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'ะ‘ะตั‚ะฐััั‹ะปะบะฐ, ะพั‚ะฟั€ะฐะฒะปะตะฝะฝะฐั ะฒ ะณั€ัƒะฟะฟัƒ ะ’ะš', 'verbose_name_plural': 'ะ‘ะตั‚ะฐััั‹ะปะบะธ, ะพั‚ะฟั€ะฐะฒะปะตะฝะฝั‹ะต ะฒ ะณั€ัƒะฟะฟั‹ ะ’ะš', 'db_table': 'translation_betalink_send_to_vk', }, ), ]
# accept number from user and display its factors # input : 6 # output : 1 2 3 def DisplayFactors(no): iCnt = 1 for i in range(1,int(no/2)+1): # no = 6 if no%iCnt == 0: print (iCnt) iCnt = iCnt +1 #while(iCnt <= no/2): # if((no % iCnt) == 0): # print(iCnt) # iCnt = iCnt + 1 def main(): print("Enter the number") value = int(input()) print("**************************") DisplayFactors(value) print("**************************") if __name__=="__main__": main()
# # Paranoid Pirate worker # # Author: Daniel Lundin <dln(at)eintr(dot)org> # # restart DEALER socket when queue restarts (timeout to receive queue heartbeat) # heartbeat to queue so queue unregisters this worker when unresponsive # import time import sys from random import randint from datetime import datetime import ctypes import struct from threading import Thread from multiprocessing import Process import zmq Container = Thread identities = [b'A', b'B', b'C'] HEARTBEAT = b'' cycle = 0 port = sys.argv[1] load_duration = float(sys.argv[2]) bind_endpoint = ("tcp://*:" + port).encode() connect_endpoint = ("tcp://" + port).encode() def p(msg): pass print('%s %s' % ('%M:%S:%f')[:-3], msg)) def on_request(request, identity): address, control = request[:2] reply = [address, control] if control == HEARTBEAT: reply[1] = HEARTBEAT #p("I: RETURN PONG: %s" % reply) else: reply.append(b"ACK" + control + b"-" + str(port).encode() + b"-" + identity.encode()) # global cycle # cycle += 1 # p("I: %s RETURN REPLY: %s, CYCLE=%d" % (identity, reply, cycle)) # time.sleep(load_duration) # Do some heavy work return reply def worker_socket(worker_identity, context): worker = context.socket(zmq.REP) worker.connect("inproc://routing.ipc") worker.hwm = 100_000 time.sleep(.2) # Wait for threads to stabilize while 1: try: while 1: request = worker.recv_multipart(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) # reply = on_request(request, worker_identity) worker.send_multipart(request, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.Again: time.sleep(.001) def create_server_socket(context, bind, connect): server = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) server.sndhwm = 600_000 server.rcvhwm = 600_000 server.identity = connect server.probe_router = 1 server.router_mandatory = 1 server.bind(bind) p("I: worker is ready at %s" % connect.decode()) return server context = zmq.Context(1) server_socket = create_server_socket(context, bind_endpoint, connect_endpoint) # router_socket = context.socket(zmq.DEALER) # router_socket.bind("inproc://routing.ipc") # for identity in identities: # Container(target=worker_socket, args=(identity.decode(), context)).start() # time.sleep(1) # Wait for threads to stabilize # poller = zmq.Poller() # poller.register(router_socket, zmq.POLLIN) # max = randint(90, 500) counter = tmp = 0 not_yet_started = True start = 0 timeit = 0 request = None # try: # while 1: # try: # while 1: # # copy=True seems better for small messages # request = server_socket.recv_multipart(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK, copy=True) # if len(request) > 2: # # print(request) # counter += 1 # if not_yet_started: # not_yet_started = False # start = time.time() # elif counter % 50_000 == 0: # timeit = time.time() # router_socket.send_multipart([b''] + request, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) # else: # # return PONG # server_socket.send_multipart(request, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK, copy=True) # except zmq.Again: # pass # try: # while 1: # reply = router_socket.recv_multipart(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) # server_socket.send_multipart(reply[1:], flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) # except zmq.Again: # time.sleep(.002) # except KeyboardInterrupt: # duration = timeit - start # print("%d requests, %ds duration, Average round trip cost: %d req/s " % (counter, duration, counter / duration)) # fmt = struct.Struct('I 9s') # buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(fmt.size) while 1: try: while 1: hostname = server_socket.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK|zmq.SNDMORE, copy=True) request = server_socket.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK, copy=True) # copy=True seems better for small messages if not_yet_started: not_yet_started = False start = time.time() if request: # fmt.pack_into(buffer, 0, ) # request_id, msg = fmt.unpack_from(request[1], 0) counter += 1 server_socket.send(hostname, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK | zmq.SNDMORE) server_socket.send(request, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) if counter % 100_000 == 0: print("Average round trip cost: %d requests %d, req/s " % (counter, counter / (time.time() - start))) except zmq.Again: hostname = server_socket.recv(zmq.SNDMORE) # blocking call request = server_socket.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) if not_yet_started: not_yet_started = False start = time.time() if request: counter += 1 server_socket.send(hostname, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK | zmq.SNDMORE) server_socket.send(request, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) # except KeyboardInterrupt: # duration = timeit - start # print("%d requests, %ds duration, Average round trip cost: %d req/s " % (counter, duration, counter / duration)) # while 1: # try: # events = dict(poller.poll()) # if events.get(server) == zmq.POLLIN: # p("I: RECEIVE REQUEST: %s" % request) # router.send_multipart([b''] + request) # if events.get(router) == zmq.POLLIN: # reply = router.recv_multipart() # server.send_multipart(reply[1:]) # p("I: RETURN REPLY: %s" % reply) # if cycle > max and port in ['5555','5556'] and randint(0, 50000000) == 0: # p("I: Simulating CPU overload ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") # time.sleep(randint(2, 6)) # if cycle > max and randint(0, 5950000) == 0: # p("I: Simulating a crash") # import _thread # _thread.interrupt_main() # break # except: # p("I: Interrupted!!!!!!!!!!") # break
import os import time import random import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf def position_encoding(sentence_size, embedding_size): encoding = np.ones((embedding_size, sentence_size), dtype=np.float32) ls = sentence_size+1 le = embedding_size+1 for i in range(1, le): for j in range(1, ls): encoding[i-1, j-1] = (i - (embedding_size+1)/2) * (j - (sentence_size+1)/2) encoding = 1 + 4 * encoding / embedding_size / sentence_size encoding[:, -1] = 1.0 return np.transpose(encoding) class MemNet(object): def __init__(self, emb_map, input_size, embed_size=100, n_hop=6, memory_size=20, sentence_size=216, option_size=10, sentence_encoding = position_encoding, proj_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1), default_w2v_value=0, decode_map=None): self.dec_map = decode_map self.input_size = input_size self.embed_size = embed_size self.n_hop = n_hop self.memory_size = memory_size self.sentence_size = sentence_size self.option_size = option_size self.sent_encoding = sentence_encoding self.proj_initializer = proj_initializer self._encoding = tf.constant(self.sent_encoding(self.sentence_size, self.embed_size), name='encoding') # [sentence_size, embed_size] self.embedding = tf.constant(emb_map) def word2vec_lookup(self, inputs): return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.embedding, inputs) def _inputs_projection(self, inputs, hop=0, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): with tf.variable_scope('embedding', reuse=reuse): if hop==0: A = tf.get_variable('A', [self.input_size, self.embed_size], initializer=self.proj_initializer) else: # use adjacent weight tying A^{k+1} = C^k A = tf.get_variable('C_{}'.format(hop-1), [self.input_size, self.embed_size], initializer=self.proj_initializer) #x = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(A, inputs, name='input_vector') A = tf.transpose(A, [1, 0]) shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list() shape[0] = -1 shape[-1] = self.embed_size x = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, self.input_size]) x = tf.matmul(x, A, name='input_proj') x = tf.reshape(x, shape) return x def _outputs_projection(self, outputs, hop=0, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): with tf.variable_scope('embedding', reuse=reuse): C = tf.get_variable('C_{}'.format(hop), [self.input_size, self.embed_size], initializer=self.proj_initializer) #x = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(C, outputs, name='output_vector') #return x C = tf.transpose(C, [1, 0]) shape = outputs.get_shape().as_list() shape[0] = -1 shape[-1] = self.embed_size x = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, self.input_size]) x = tf.matmul(x, C, name='output_proj') x = tf.reshape(x, shape) return x def _query_projection(self, query, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): with tf.variable_scope('embedding', reuse=reuse): # use adjacent weight tying B = A B = tf.get_variable('A', [self.input_size, self.embed_size], initializer=self.proj_initializer) #x = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(B, query, name='query_vector') #return x B = tf.transpose(B, [1, 0]) shape = query.get_shape().as_list() shape[0] = -1 shape[-1] = self.embed_size x = tf.reshape(query, [-1, self.input_size]) x = tf.matmul(x, B, name='query_proj') x = tf.reshape(x, shape) return x def _unprojection(self, pred, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): with tf.variable_scope('embedding', reuse=reuse): W = tf.get_variable('C_{}'.format(self.n_hop-1), [self.input_size, self.embed_size], initializer=self.proj_initializer) WT = tf.transpose(W, [1, 0]) return tf.matmul(pred, WT) def _fc(self, inputs, num_out, name): with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): input_shape = inputs.get_shape() feed_in = input_shape[-1].value weights = tf.get_variable('weights', [feed_in, num_out], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=5e-2)) biases = tf.get_variable('biases', [num_out], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0)) x = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(inputs, weights, biases, name=name) return x def build_model(self, sentences=None, query=None, options=None, answer=None): if sentences == None: sentences = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, self.memory_size, self.sentence_size], name='sentences') if query == None: query = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, self.sentence_size], name='query') if answer == None: answer = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name='answer') if options == None: options = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, self.option_size], name='option') e_sentences = self.word2vec_lookup(sentences) e_query = self.word2vec_lookup(query) e_answer = self.word2vec_lookup(answer) e_options = self.word2vec_lookup(options) with tf.variable_scope('MemN2N'): emb_q = self._query_projection(e_query) # [batch_size, sentence_size, embed_size] u = tf.reduce_sum(emb_q * self._encoding, 1) # [batch_size, embed_size] for hop in range(self.n_hop): emb_i = self._inputs_projection(e_sentences, hop) # [batch_size, memory_size, sentence_size, embed_size] mem_i = tf.reduce_sum(emb_i*self._encoding, 2) # [batch_size, memory_size, embed_size] emb_o = self._outputs_projection(e_sentences, hop) # same as emb_i mem_o = tf.reduce_sum(emb_o*self._encoding, 2) # same as mem_i uT = tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(u, -1), [0, 2, 1]) # [batch_size, embed_size, 1] -> [batch_size, 1, embed_size] p = tf.nn.softmax(tf.reduce_sum(mem_i*uT, 2)) # inner product [batch_size, memory_size] p = tf.expand_dims(p, -1) # [batch_size, memory_size, 1] o = tf.reduce_sum(mem_o*p, 1) # [batch_size, embed_size] u = o + u # [batch_size, embed_size] logits = self._unprojection(u) # [batch_size, embed_size] e_answer = tf.reshape(e_answer, [-1, self.embed_size]) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(logits-e_answer)) logt = tf.expand_dims(logits, 1) # mean square sel_p = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(logt-e_options), 2) mse_select = tf.argmin(sel_p, 1) # cosine similarity sel_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(logt, 1) opt_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(e_options, 2) sel_p = tf.reduce_sum(sel_norm * opt_norm, 2) cos_select = tf.argmax(sel_p, 1) #loss = tf.reduce_mean(1 - tf.reduce_sum(logits*ans_norm, 1)) #logits = tf.nn.softmax(self._unembedding(u)) #a_hat [batch_size * option_size, vocab_size] #cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=onehot, logits=logits) #loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy) class Handle(object): pass handle = Handle() handle.sentences = sentences handle.options = options handle.query = query handle.answer = answer handle.selection = cos_select handle.cos_select = cos_select handle.mse_select = mse_select handle.debug = loss return handle, loss def build_sampler(self, sentences=None, query=None, options=None): if sentences == None: sentences = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, self.memory_size, self.sentence_size], name='sentences') if query == None: query = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, self.sentence_size], name='query') if options == None: options = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, self.option_size], name='option') e_sentences = self.word2vec_lookup(sentences) e_query = self.word2vec_lookup(query) e_options = self.word2vec_lookup(options) with tf.variable_scope('MemN2N'): emb_q = self._query_projection(e_query) # [batch_size, sentence_size, embed_size] u = tf.reduce_sum(emb_q * self._encoding, 1) # [batch_size, embed_size] for hop in range(self.n_hop): emb_i = self._inputs_projection(e_sentences, hop) # [batch_size, memory_size, sentence_size, embed_size] mem_i = tf.reduce_sum(emb_i*self._encoding, 2) # [batch_size, memory_size, embed_size] emb_o = self._outputs_projection(e_sentences, hop) # same as emb_i mem_o = tf.reduce_sum(emb_o*self._encoding, 2) # same as mem_i uT = tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(u, -1), [0, 2, 1]) # [batch_size, embed_size, 1] -> [batch_size, 1, embed_size] p = tf.nn.softmax(tf.reduce_sum(mem_i*uT, 2)) # inner product [batch_size, memory_size] p = tf.expand_dims(p, -1) # [batch_size, memory_size, 1] o = tf.reduce_sum(mem_o*p, 1) # [batch_size, embed_size] u = o + u # [batch_size, embed_size] logits = self._unprojection(u) # [batch_size, embed_size] logt = tf.expand_dims(logits, 1) # mean square sel_p = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(logt-e_options), 2) mse_select = tf.argmin(sel_p, 1) # cosine similarity sel_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(logt, 1) opt_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(e_options, 2) sel_p = tf.reduce_sum(sel_norm * opt_norm, 2) cos_select = tf.argmax(sel_p, 1) #logits = tf.nn.softmax(self._unembedding(u)) #a_hat [batch_size * option_size, vocab_size] #cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=onehot, logits=logits) #loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy) class Handle(object): pass handle = Handle() handle.sentences = sentences handle.query = query handle.options = options handle.selection = cos_select handle.cos_select = cos_select handle.mse_select = mse_select return handle, cos_select
#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Return true if object is an instance of a class """ class BaseGeometry: """ class base geometry """ def area(self): """ def area""" raise Exception("area() is not implemented")
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
""" Project Related Request Handlers """ from tornado import web from imbi import common from . import (dependencies, dependency, inventory, link, links, options, project) URLS = [ web.url(r'^/project/$', project.RequestHandler), web.url(r'^/project/(?P<id>{})$'.format(common.UUID_PATTERN), project.RequestHandler, name='project'), web.url(r'^/project/(?P<project_id>{})/link'.format(common.UUID_PATTERN), link.RequestHandler), web.url(r'^/project/(?P<project_id>{})/link/' r'(?P<link_type>[\w_-]+)$'.format(common.UUID_PATTERN), link.RequestHandler, name='project-link'), web.url(r'^/project/(?P<project_id>{})/links'.format(common.UUID_PATTERN), links.RequestHandler, name='project-links'), web.url(r'^/project/(?P<project_id>{})/dependency'.format( common.UUID_PATTERN), dependency.RequestHandler), web.url(r'^/project/(?P<project_id>{})/dependency/' r'(?P<dependency_id>{})$'.format( common.UUID_PATTERN, common.UUID_PATTERN), dependency.RequestHandler, name='project-dependency'), web.url(r'^/project/(?P<project_id>{})/dependencies'.format( common.UUID_PATTERN), dependencies.RequestHandler, name='project-dependencies'), web.url(r'^/project/options$', options.RequestHandler, name='project-options'), web.url(r'^/projects/$', inventory.RequestHandler, name='projects') ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #import av # This module is only needed if processing the video data. # It can be a pain in the ass to get its dependencies working. # For the analysis, just use the data/*.npy files, no av needed! import os import sys import scipy import argparse import scipy.stats import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class load_data: def __init__(self): self.times = np.load('data/times.npy') self.light1_data = np.load('data/Light1_data.npy') self.light2_data = np.load('data/Light2_data.npy') def input_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=" is a program to analyze the frequency of two blinking lights on the Boston skyline as viewed from Mission Hill.\ To run, use 'python3'. For further options, try 'python3 -h', or '--help'.") parser.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='Supress graphics, display no plots') parser.add_argument('-t', action='store', type=float, help='How many seconds to analyze') args = parser.parse_args() return args def process_video(): ''' Process the video file into managable data arrays. Takes in a .mp4 and then extracts the time of each frame, and the normalized R(GB) pixel value for each of the two lights. These data arrays are saved as .npy files because the processing is somewhat time consuming, so this way it can be done just once. This is the only section that requires the 'av' library, which can be difficult to install due to dependancy issues, so if you have the data files (IE from git) don't bother installing 'av' unless you really want to. ''' print('Processing video...') intensity_L1 = [] # Light 1 data array intensity_L2 = [] # Light 2 data array times = [] vid_file = 'video_data.mp4' vid = for frame in vid.decode(video=0): print('\tCurrent time being processed: %02d:%05.2f:'% (int(frame.time//60), frame.time%60), end='\r') times.append(frame.time) arr = np.asarray(frame.to_image()) # Generate an RGB array for each pixel in the frame pix_val_L1 = arr[420,713][0]/255. # Pixel RGB value (only take R, it's a red light) of light 1, and normalize to max RGB value (255) pix_val_L2 = arr[360,473][0]/255. # Pixel RGB value (only take R, it's a red light) of light 2, and normalize to max RGB value (255) intensity_L1.append(pix_val_L1) intensity_L2.append(pix_val_L2) ### Save data files under ./data as .npy files if not os.path.exists('./data'): os.mkdir('./data')'data/times',times)'data/Light1_data',intensity_L1)'data/Light2_data',intensity_L2) def FFT(x, y): ''' Perform the Fast Fourier Transform ''' ft = np.abs(np.fft.fft(y)) # Perform the FFT freqs = np.linspace(0, 1/(x[1]-x[0]), len(x)) # Generate the frequency data (transformed x-values) ## This is a rather subtle point related to fourier transforms ## Since the input is real-valued, only half of the output is actual info. ft = ft[ :len(freqs)//2] freqs = freqs[:len(freqs)//2] return freqs, ft def find_fundamental_frequency(freqs,amps,args): ''' This function finds the fundamental frequency (first harmonic) of a transform. We could just use the first non-trivial peak's frequency, but because the lights are so close in frequency this isn't the best we can do. Indeed we care more about the higher harmonics because they are more sensitive. To find the fund. freq. we first identify all peaks corresponding to a square wave. A useful piece of information is that a pure square wave has only odd harmonics. The even harmonics in our distrbution are ignored (but maybe I'll use them later).*** (not quite true!) Since the peaks should come in integer multiples of the fundamental frequency, a linear fitting of the frequency value vs. harmonic number is what we want. The slope of the linear fit is a better estimate of the fundamental frequency. ''' print('\tAnalyzing light data...') peaks = find_peaks(freqs, amps) # Function defined below try: peak_fs, peak_as = zip(*peaks) # Unzip [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...] -> [x1, x2, ...], [y1, y2, ...] except ValueError: sys.exit("\nNot enough data given, no peaks found :( \nTry a longer -t\nBye bye!\n") harmonics = [i/peak_fs[0] for i in peak_fs] # Harmonics are integer multiples of your fundamental frequency slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = scipy.stats.linregress(harmonics, peak_fs) # Apply a linear fit (maybe unnecessary? To be investigated...) line = slope*np.array(harmonics)+intercept print('\t\tPlotting frequency spectrum with "found" peaks') plt.plot(freqs, amps) # Plot spectrum plt.plot(peak_fs, peak_as, 'ro') # Plot peaks as points if not args.b : print('\t\tPlotting frequency vs harmonic number\n') plt.plot(harmonics, peak_fs, 'o', harmonics, line) if not args.b : return peaks, slope def find_peaks(x,y): ''' A basic peak-finding algorithm. Search for samples with amplitude above some threshold which are the largest sample in some range ''' peaks = [] for i, d in enumerate(zip(x, y)): ### These two parameters help define the peak search. ### They're manually tuned, but auto-tuning is TBD in the future buf = 50 # A given y must be the largest in +-(buf) samples to be a "peak" threshold = 100 # It also must be above a threshold value if i<buf or i>(len(x)-buf): continue # Avoid index out of bound errors, we don't mind ignoring these regions in the peak hunt if d[1] == max(y[i-buf:i+buf]) and d[1]>threshold: # Peak-finding logic peaks.append([d[0], d[1]]) # Add the point as a peak return peaks def main(): args = input_args() print('Beginning analysis...\n') ### Load the data produced in process_video() try: data = load_data() except FileNotFoundError: print('\tData files not found. Running process_video()') process_video() # Process the video file to obtain pixel data, times, etc... data = load_data() # Load the data ### As a fun way to play with time-frequency uncertainty, the -t <int> flag shortens the amount of data transformed (and gives worse results!) if args.t: data.times = [ti for ti in data.times if ti<args.t] data.light1_data = data.light1_data[:len(data.times)] data.light2_data = data.light2_data[:len(data.times)] ### Plot 10 seconds of light1's waveform for reference. print('\tPlotting 10 seconds of light1 waveform\n') plt.plot(data.times, data.light1_data) # Plot the waveform in the time domain plt.gca().set_xlim([0,10]) # Set an axis range for 0,10 seconds on the x-axis if not args.b: ### Perform the fourier transform freqs_1, ft_1 = FFT(data.times, data.light1_data) freqs_2, ft_2 = FFT(data.times, data.light2_data) ### Analyze the data to find the fundamental frequency peaks_1, f0_1 = find_fundamental_frequency(freqs_1, ft_1, args) peaks_2, f0_2 = find_fundamental_frequency(freqs_2, ft_2, args) #print(f0_1, f0_2) period = 1. / abs(f0_1 - f0_2) / 60. # Beat period (in minutes) print('Analysis complete\n') print('\tLight 1 was found to have a frequency of {0:.4f} Hz and Light 2 had a frequency of {1:.4f} Hz'.format(f0_1,f0_2)) print('\tThe beat period (time for a full phase-cycle) is {0:2.2f} minutes.\n'.format(period)) return if __name__=="__main__": main()
/ressource python/
from scipy.cluster.vq import vq,kmeans,whiten import numpy as np import distance def applyKMeans(seg,k): lV=[] for ii, v in enumerate(seg['velocity']): lV.append([float(ii),v]) features = np.array(lV) whitened = whiten(features) k=kmeans(whitened,k) lK=[] for ii in range(len(k[0])): lK.append(k[0][ii][0]) return (sorted(lK),whitened) def getBoundiaries(lK): lBoundiaries=[0] for ii in range (len(lK)-1): lBoundiaries.append((lK[ii]+lK[ii+1])/2) lBoundiaries.append(1000) return lBoundiaries def calcFirstSegmentation(lBoundiaries,whitened,bPadd): lFirstSpeedSegmentation=[[] for ii in range (len(lBoundiaries)-1)] for ii in range(len(whitened)): for jj in range(len(lBoundiaries)-1): if whitened[ii][0]>=lBoundiaries[jj] and whitened[ii][0]<lBoundiaries[jj+1]: lFirstSpeedSegmentation[jj].append(whitened[ii][1]) if bPadd: for kk in range(jj+1,len(lFirstSpeedSegmentation)): lFirstSpeedSegmentation[kk].append(-1.0) return lFirstSpeedSegmentation def calcSpeedTrend(i,lowThreshold=0.2,highThreshold=1.2): if i < lowThreshold: return 0 elif i>highThreshold: return 2 else: return 1 def setToZero(i): if i<=0: return 0 else: return i def concacatenateLists(speedTrend,lS): lSf=[lS[0]] a=[speedTrend[0]] for ii in range(0,len(speedTrend)-1): if speedTrend[ii]==speedTrend[ii+1]: lSf[-1]=lSf[-1]+list(filter(lambda x : x>=0 ,lS[ii+1])) else: lSf.append(list(map(setToZero,lS[ii+1]))) a.append(speedTrend[ii+1]) return lSf,a def calcMean(lFirstSpeedSegmentation): return([np.mean(list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, segment))) for segment in lFirstSpeedSegmentation]) def calcMedian(lFirstSpeedSegmentation): return([np.median(list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, segment))) for segment in lFirstSpeedSegmentation]) def agglomerateSpeedSegments(lFirstSpeedSegmentation,lowThreshold,highThreshold,bMedian): if bMedian: lMeans=calcMedian(lFirstSpeedSegmentation) else: lMeans=calcMean(lFirstSpeedSegmentation) speedTrend=[calcSpeedTrend(meanSpeed,lowThreshold,highThreshold) for meanSpeed in lMeans ] (l,a)=(concacatenateLists(speedTrend,lFirstSpeedSegmentation)) return (l,a) def initSpeedClass(df) : size = df['velocity'].size accelerations = [] for i in range(size - 1): accelerations.append(-1) accelerations.append(-1) return accelerations def cancelWhithen(lFirstSpeedSegmentation,segment_mouvement): nwSeg=[] c=0 for wSeg in lFirstSpeedSegmentation: nwSeg.append([]) for ele in wSeg: nwSeg[-1].append(segment_mouvement.velocity[c]) c+=1 return nwSeg
from flask import Flask, request from flask_restful import Resource, Api from flask_restful import reqparse from AlphaBot import AlphaBot import sys #import pyhsm debug = True app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) #to awoid CORS problems @app.after_request def after_request(response): response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type,Authorization') response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS') return response Ab = AlphaBot() ## ## CLASS RESTlet ## class AlphaBot_Motor(Resource): def post(self): print "POST_ENCODING" parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('left' , required=True, type=int, help='Left speed motor missing!!!') parser.add_argument('right', required=True, type=int, help='Right speed motor missing!!!') args = parser.parse_args() left = args['left'] right = args['right'] if(left > 100): left=100 elif (left < -100): left= -100 if(right > 100): right=100 elif (right < -100): right= -100 print "Left motor speed::" + str(left) print "Right motor speed::" + str(right) Ab.setMotor(left,right) return {"ret": "OK"} class AlphaBot_InfraRed(Resource): def post(self): dl,dr = Ab.getInfrared() return {"ret": "OK", "left":dl, "right":dr} class AlphaBot_lt_calibrate(Resource): def post(self): print "Start Calibrate" for i in range(0,50): Ab.LT_calibrate() print "Finish Calibrate" return {"ret": "OK"} class AlphaBot_lt_read(Resource): def post(self): ret_val = Ab.LT_readLine() return {"ret": "OK", "value":ret_val} class AlphaBot_motorcount(Resource): def post(self): cleft,cright = Ab.USD_GetSpeedCounter() return {"ret": "OK", "left":cleft, "right":cright} api.add_resource(AlphaBot_Motor, '/AlphaBot/motor') api.add_resource(AlphaBot_InfraRed, '/AlphaBot/infrared') api.add_resource(AlphaBot_lt_calibrate, '/AlphaBot/lt_calibrate') api.add_resource(AlphaBot_lt_read, '/AlphaBot/lt_read') api.add_resource(AlphaBot_motorcount, '/AlphaBot/motorcount') if __name__ == '__main__': Ab.stop()"",port=9999, debug=debug)
/COMETPY (Computational Methods in Physics)/Project/
import numpy as np import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Initialize values m_init = 100 # initial wealth num_agent = 500 # number of agents num_transact = 10000 # number of transactions num_sim = 1000 # number of Monte Carlo simulations save_rate_list = [0.25, 0.50, 0.9] # NOTE: So that the program runs decently quickly, num_sim = 1000 and num_transact = 10000, which # will only approximate the equilibrium distribution. Larger values will make the curve smoother, but # will result in the same shape. # Define function that runs each simulation def all_simulate(m_init, num_agent, num_transact, num_sim, save_rate): agent_money = np.zeros(num_agent) # amount of money per agent wealth_distrib = np.zeros(num_agent) # wealth distribution for i in range(num_sim): agent_money.fill(m_init) # same amount of initial wealth m_init per agent agent_money = simulate_trade(num_agent, num_transact, agent_money, save_rate) wealth_distrib += np.sort(agent_money) # cumulative wealth distribution after simulation average_wealth_distrib = wealth_distrib / num_sim # compute average wealth distribution return average_wealth_distrib # Define function simulating trading between agents def simulate_trade(num_agent, num_transact, agent_money, save_rate): for i in range(num_transact): agent_i = 1 agent_j = 1 while agent_i == agent_j: # Prevent agent from trading with himself agent_i = random.randint(0, num_agent - 1) agent_j = random.randint(0, num_agent - 1) m_i = agent_money[agent_i] m_j = agent_money[agent_j] epsilon = random.random() # Choose from uniform (0, 1) distribution # The following three are based on formulas in the problem delta_m = (1 - save_rate) * (epsilon * m_j - (1 - epsilon) * m_i) agent_money[agent_i] = m_i + delta_m agent_money[agent_j] = m_j - delta_m return agent_money # Plot histogram and semilog plot when lambda = 0 result = all_simulate(m_init, num_agent, num_transact, num_sim, 0) result = [money if money > 0.01 else 0.01 for money in result] # Replace all small values with 0.01 to smooth out log function bin_size = 20 # Set bin size num_bins = int(max(result) / bin_size) # Compute for number of bins result_hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(result, bins = num_bins) # Get bin edges of histogram bin_centers = 0.5 * (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) # Center each bin fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax1.plot(bin_centers, result_hist / num_agent) ax1.set_title("Wealth Distribution, $\\lambda = 0$") ax1.set_xlabel("wealth") ax1.set_ylabel("number of agents") mean_wealth = np.mean(result) beta = 1 / mean_wealth fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax2.semilogy(bin_centers, result_hist / num_agent, label = "log of wealth distribution") ax2.semilogy(bin_centers, beta * np.exp(-beta * bin_centers), label = "Gibbs distribution") ax2.set_title("Log of Wealth Distribution, $\\lambda = 0$ and Gibbs Distribution") ax2.set_xlabel("wealth") ax2.set_ylabel("log of number of agents") ax2.set_xlim(0, 300) # Limit x-values to part where plot is linear ax2.legend() for rate in save_rate_list: result = all_simulate(m_init, num_agent, num_transact, num_sim, rate) result = [money if money > 0.01 else 0.01 for money in result] # Replace all small values with 0.01 to smooth out log function bin_size = 20 # Set bin size num_bins = int(max(result) / bin_size) # Compute for number of bins result_hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(result, bins = num_bins) # Get bin edges of histogram bin_centers = 0.5 * (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) # Center each bin fig = plt.figure(3, figsize=(10,7)) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax3.plot(bin_centers, result_hist / num_agent, label = "$\lambda = %s$" % rate) ax3.set_title("Wealth Distribution") ax3.set_xlabel("wealth") ax3.set_ylabel("number of agents") mean_wealth = np.mean(result) beta = 1 / mean_wealth fig = plt.figure(4, figsize=(10,7)) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax4.semilogy(bin_centers, result_hist / num_agent, label = "log of wealth distribution, $\lambda = %s$" % rate) ax4.semilogy(bin_centers, beta * np.exp(-beta * bin_centers), label = "Gibbs distribution, $\lambda = %s$" % rate) ax4.set_title("Log of Wealth Distribution and Gibbs Distribution") ax4.set_xlabel("wealth") ax4.set_ylabel("log of number of agents") ax4.set_xlim(0, 300) # Limit x-values to part where plot is linear ax3.legend() ax4.legend() """ COMMENTS: 1) When we do not factor in saving (lambda = 0), the linear part of the semilog plot resembles that of a Gibbs distribution with some constant added to it. 2) More income equality associated with a higher saving parameter lambda 3) When we factor in saving, the equilibrium income distributions do not resemble a Gibbs distribution anymore. Perhaps a more conventional distribution for income distribution (e.g., Pareto) may be more appropriate? """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Type' db.create_table(u'sorter_type', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('date_created','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)), ('date_updated','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now=True, blank=True)), ('code','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=100)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sorter', ['Type']) # Adding model 'Status' db.create_table(u'sorter_status', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('date_created','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)), ('date_updated','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now=True, blank=True)), ('code','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=100)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sorter', ['Status']) # Adding model 'MediaFile' db.create_table(u'sorter_mediafile', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('date_created','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)), ('date_updated','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now=True, blank=True)), ('type','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['sorter.Type'])), ('status','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['sorter.Status'])), ('filepath','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=255)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sorter', ['MediaFile']) # Adding model 'Action' db.create_table(u'sorter_action', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('date_created','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)), ('date_updated','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now=True, blank=True)), ('date_started','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(null=True)), ('date_completed','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(null=True)), ('mediafile','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['sorter.MediaFile'])), ('command','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=255)), ('completion','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')()), ('description','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=255)), ('failed','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), ('acknowledged','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sorter', ['Action']) # Adding model 'MediaFolder' db.create_table(u'sorter_mediafolder', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('date_created','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)), ('date_updated','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now=True, blank=True)), ('folder','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=255)), ('parent','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['sorter.MediaFolder'], null=True)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sorter', ['MediaFolder']) # Adding model 'Configuration' db.create_table(u'sorter_configuration', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('date_created','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)), ('date_updated','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now=True, blank=True)), ('key','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=255)), ('value','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=255)), ('type','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['sorter.Type'])), ('locked','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sorter', ['Configuration']) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'Type' db.delete_table(u'sorter_type') # Deleting model 'Status' db.delete_table(u'sorter_status') # Deleting model 'MediaFile' db.delete_table(u'sorter_mediafile') # Deleting model 'Action' db.delete_table(u'sorter_action') # Deleting model 'MediaFolder' db.delete_table(u'sorter_mediafolder') # Deleting model 'Configuration' db.delete_table(u'sorter_configuration') models = { u'sorter.action': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Action'}, 'acknowledged': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'command': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'completion': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {}), 'date_completed': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True'}), 'date_created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_started': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True'}), 'date_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'failed': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'mediafile': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['sorter.MediaFile']"}) }, u'sorter.configuration': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Configuration'}, 'date_created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'}), 'locked': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['sorter.Type']"}), 'value': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) }, u'sorter.mediafile': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'MediaFile'}, 'date_created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'filepath': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['sorter.Status']"}), 'type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['sorter.Type']"}) }, u'sorter.mediafolder': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'MediaFolder'}, 'date_created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'folder': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['sorter.MediaFolder']", 'null': 'True'}) }, u'sorter.status': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Status'}, 'code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'date_created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}) }, u'sorter.type': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Type'}, 'code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'date_created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['sorter']
def exercicio11(): s = 750 if (700 < s < 1500): a = s*1/10 print (a) print ("10%") print ("750") print ("825")
[ "MIT" ]
""" Implementation of a Perceptron Learning Algorithm, that can be abstracted to various input sizes (NUM) or dimensions (DIM). Displays using pyplot. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np def f(x): # Target Function return 0.5 * x + 1.25 NUM = 20 DIM = 3 PLOT = True if DIM == 3 else PLOT = False w = np.random.rand(DIM) * 5 matrix = np.random.rand(NUM, DIM) * 5 y = [1] * NUM for i in range(NUM): matrix[i][0] = 1 if (f(matrix[i][1])) > matrix[i][2]: y[i] = -1 if PLOT: for x in range(NUM): if y[x] == 1: plt.plot(matrix[x][1], matrix[x][2], 'Dg') else: plt.plot(matrix[x][1], matrix[x][2], 'ro') plt.plot([0,5], [f(0), f(5)], label='F') # plot Target function f(x) plt.ylabel('Y Axis') plt.xlabel('X Axis') def next_w(w, y, x): r = [] for i in range(DIM): r.append(w[i] + y*x[i]) return r def sign(k): return 1 if float(k) > 0 else -1 def perceptron(w, x): return sign(sum(w[i] * x[i] for i in range(DIM))) def check(y=y, m=matrix): for n in range(NUM): if y[n] != perceptron(w, m[n]): return n return -1 t = 0 c = True while c: n = check() c = False if n == -1 else w = next_w(w, y[n], matrix[n]) t += 1 print("t: {0}, w: {1}".format(t,w)) def g(x): return ((-w[1]/w[2]) * x) + (-w[0]/w[2]) if PLOT: plt.plot([0, 5], [g(0), g(5)])
import allure from allure_commons.types import AttachmentType from selenium import webdriver from Pages.table_filter_search import TableSearch from Utils.Logger import Logging from Utils.locators import TableSearchLocators from Utils.test_data import TableSearchData import time @allure.severity(allure.severity_level.NORMAL) class TestTableSearch: logger = Logging.loggen() driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\\selenium\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe") obj = TableSearch(driver) @allure.severity(allure.severity_level.BLOCKER) def test_table_search(self):"*************** Test_001_Table_Search *****************")"*************** Test Table Search Started *****************") time.sleep(3) # test form self.obj.filter_table(TableSearchData.get_task()) time.sleep(2) self.obj.clear_text_field() self.obj.filter_table(TableSearchData.get_assignee()) time.sleep(2) self.obj.clear_text_field() self.obj.filter_table(TableSearchData.get_status()) time.sleep(2) self.obj.clear_text_field() time.sleep(3)"*************** Test Table Search Finished *****************") self.driver.save_screenshot(".\\screenshots\\" + "table_search.png") allure.attach(self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), name="table_search", attachment_type=AttachmentType.PNG) @allure.severity(allure.severity_level.BLOCKER) def test_table_filter(self):"*************** Test_002_Table_Filter *****************")"*************** Test Table Filter Activation Started *****************") time.sleep(3) # check filter icon activation disabled_value = self.obj.is_enabled_filter() self.obj.click_filter_button() enabled_value = self.obj.is_enabled_filter() time.sleep(2) # filter table should be disabled before clicking on filter icon if disabled_value is False:"Passed, Filter Icon Is Disabled") else: self.logger.error("Test Failed, The field should be disabled") # filter table should be enabled after clicking on filter icon if enabled_value is True:"Passed, Filter Icon Is Enabled") else: self.logger.error("Test Failed, The field should be enabled") # close browser"*************** Test Table Filter Activation Buttons Finished *****************") self.driver.save_screenshot(".\\screenshots\\" + "table_filter.png") allure.attach(self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), name="table_filter", attachment_type=AttachmentType.PNG) self.driver.close() # pytest -v -s --alluredir=".\AllureReports\TableSearch" Tests\ # pytest -v --html=PytestReports\table_search.html Tests\
[ "MIT" ]
# average of sum of lists m = [1,43,656,8,54,908,4,5,23,78,435,89,45,476,89] n = [234,56,90,675,56,786,90,564,8,657,87,64,354,2,75] q = [34,76,76,564,34,32,16,67,25,98,90,345,235,64,134,76] def avgSums(a,b,c): summingUp = sum(a) + sum(b) + sum(c) summed = summingUp / 3 return(summed) print(avgSums(m,n,q)) # [Running] python -u "c:\0-a-A-October\00-weeks\08-my-website\Stable\Public\2-content\Data-Structures\DS-and-Algorithms-Prac\DS-n-Algos\Arrays\python\sum-avg\" # 2892.6666666666665 # # [Done] exited with code=0 in 0.186 seconds
[ "MIT" ]
from classes.bizhawkClient import BizHawkClient from gym import error, spaces import numpy as np from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical class punchUtils(): def __init__(self): # We have an output space of 60 possible actions (moves) # we map each one to a controller action # First digit = timin 0-Low 1-Medium 2-High # second digit = buttons 0-None 1-A 2-B 3-Start # third digit = direction 0-None 1-Up 2-Right 3-Down 4-Left self.actionMap={} self.actionMap[0] = '000' self.actionMap[1] = '001' self.actionMap[2] = '002' self.actionMap[3] = '003' self.actionMap[4] = '004' self.actionMap[5] = '010' self.actionMap[6] = '011' self.actionMap[7] = '012' self.actionMap[8] = '013' self.actionMap[9] = '014' self.actionMap[10] = '020' self.actionMap[11] = '021' self.actionMap[12] = '022' self.actionMap[13] = '023' self.actionMap[14] = '024' self.actionMap[15] = '030' self.actionMap[16] = '031' self.actionMap[17] = '032' self.actionMap[18] = '033' self.actionMap[19] = '034' self.actionMap[20] = '100' self.actionMap[21] = '101' self.actionMap[22] = '102' self.actionMap[23] = '103' self.actionMap[24] = '104' self.actionMap[25] = '110' self.actionMap[26] = '111' self.actionMap[27] = '112' self.actionMap[28] = '113' self.actionMap[29] = '114' self.actionMap[30] = '120' self.actionMap[31] = '121' self.actionMap[32] = '122' self.actionMap[33] = '123' self.actionMap[34] = '124' self.actionMap[35] = '130' self.actionMap[36] = '131' self.actionMap[37] = '132' self.actionMap[38] = '133' self.actionMap[39] = '134' self.actionMap[40] = '200' self.actionMap[41] = '201' self.actionMap[42] = '202' self.actionMap[43] = '203' self.actionMap[44] = '204' self.actionMap[45] = '210' self.actionMap[46] = '211' self.actionMap[47] = '212' self.actionMap[48] = '213' self.actionMap[49] = '214' self.actionMap[50] = '220' self.actionMap[51] = '221' self.actionMap[52] = '222' self.actionMap[53] = '223' self.actionMap[54] = '224' self.actionMap[55] = '230' self.actionMap[56] = '231' self.actionMap[57] = '232' self.actionMap[58] = '233' self.actionMap[59] = '234' def sendCommand(self, command: str, buttons=None): client = BizHawkClient() if(buttons == None): client.buttons = self.SetButtons( False, False, False, False, False, False, False,'Low') else: client.buttons = buttons client.Send(command) def SetButtons(self, up, down, left, right, a, b, start, timing): buttons = {'Up': up, 'Down': down, 'Left': left, 'Right': right, 'A': a, 'B': b, 'Start': start, 'Timing': timing} return buttons def castAgentActionToEmuAction(self, agentAction): tempCommands = self.SetButtons(False,False,False,False,False,False,False,'Low') if(agentAction[0] == 1): tempCommands['Timing'] = 'Medium' elif(agentAction[0] == 2): tempCommands['Timing'] = 'High' if(agentAction[1] == 1): tempCommands['A'] = True elif(agentAction[1] == 2): tempCommands['B'] = True elif(agentAction[1] == 3): tempCommands['Start'] = True if(agentAction[2] == 1): tempCommands['Up'] = True elif(agentAction[2] == 2): tempCommands['Right'] = True elif(agentAction[2] == 3): tempCommands['Down'] = True elif(agentAction[2] == 4): tempCommands['Left'] = True return tempCommands def castEmuStateToObservation(self, state, state_shape): castedSpaces = spaces.Dict({ 'opponent_id': state.p2['character'], 'opponent_action': state.p2['action'], 'opponentTimer': state.p2['actionTimer'], 'hearts': state.p1['hearts'], 'stars': state.p1['stars'], 'blinkingPink': state.p1['blinkingPink'], 'bersekerAction': state.p1['bersekerAction'] }) # Each observation will be represented as a keras categorical value: a n # bits number with a single "1" that represents the category, where n is # the length of the dimension as specified in the spaces. We then flatten # the result array to get a single binary string that represents the full # state. result_array = [] for item in castedSpaces.spaces.keys(): classes = state_shape.spaces[item] result_array.append(to_categorical(np.unique(castedSpaces.spaces[item])[0], num_classes = np.unique(classes)[0].n, dtype ="int32")) flattened_spaces = [item for sublist in result_array for item in sublist] return flattened_spaces def calculateActionFromIndex(self, index): result ={} semiAction=self.actionMap[index] result[0]=int(semiAction[0]) result[1]=int(semiAction[1]) result[2]=int(semiAction[2]) return result
# ๆŒ–้‡‘็คฆๅ•้กŒ ๅ‹•ๆ…‹่ฆๅŠƒๆผ”็ฎ—ๆณ• def gold(W, wt, val): '''ๅ‹•ๆ…‹่ฆๅŠƒๆผ”็ฎ—ๆณ•''' n = len(val) table = [[0 for x in range(W + 1)] for x in range(n + 1)] # ๆœ€ๅˆๅŒ–่กจๆ ผ for r in range(n + 1): # ๅกซๅ…ฅ่กจๆ ผrow for c in range(W + 1): # ๅกซๅ…ฅ่กจๆ ผcolumn if r == 0 or c == 0: table[r][c] = 0 elif wt[r - 1] <= c: table[r][c] = max(val[r - 1] + table[r - 1][c - wt[r - 1]], table[r - 1][c]) else: table[r][c] = table[r - 1][c] return table[n][W] value = [10, 16, 20, 22, 25] # ้‡‘็คฆ็”ขๅ€ผ weight = [3, 4, 3, 5, 5] # ๅ–ฎ้ …้‡‘็คฆๆ‰€้œ€ไบบๅŠ› gold_weight = 10 # ็ธฝไบบๅŠ› print('ๆœ€ๅคง็”ขๅ€ผ = {}ๅ…ฌๆ–ค'.format(gold(gold_weight, weight, value)))
[ "MIT" ]
def resolve(): ''' code here ''' N = int(input()) A_list = [int(item) for item in input().split()] dp = [0 for _ in range(N+1)] if __name__ == "__main__": resolve()
from django.contrib import admin # Register your models here. from .models import Video from .models import News from .models import Static from .models import Recalls
from time import time t=time() ans = 1 for i in range(21,41): ans *= i for i in range(1,21): ans /= i print(ans) print("Time: %s"%(time()-t))
go = 1 while go == 1: a = str(input()) alist = list(a) if a == "0": go = 0 exit sum = 0 for i in alist: i = int(i) sum += i if go == 1: print(sum)
[ "MIT" ]
import pandas as pd def EMA(df, n, column='Close'): """ Exponential Moving Average """ result=pd.Series(df[column].ewm(span=n,min_periods=n - 1,adjust=True,ignore_na=False).mean(), name='EMA_' + str(n)) return df.join(result)
import random print('H A N G M A N\n') user_type = input(f'Type "play" to play the game, "exit" to quit: ') print() while user_type == 'exit': break words_list = ['python', 'java', 'kotlin', 'javascript'] word = list(random.choice(words_list)) guesses = list('-' * len(word)) print(''.join(guesses)) count = 8 tried_letter = [] while count > 0: print() print(''.join(guesses)) user_letter = input('Input a letter: ') if len(user_letter) != 1: print("You should input a single letter") tried_letter.append(user_letter) continue elif not user_letter.islower() or not user_letter.isalpha(): print("Please enter a lowercase English letter") tried_letter.append(user_letter) continue elif user_letter in guesses or user_letter in tried_letter: print("You've already guessed this letter") continue elif user_letter in word and user_letter not in guesses: for i in range(len(word)): if user_letter == word[i]: guesses[i] = user_letter if "-" not in guesses: print("You guessed the word!") print("You survived!") exit() else: print("That letter doesn't appear in the word") tried_letter.append(user_letter) count -= 1 if count == 0: print("You lost!")
# Chinese is noted by talor, eric import random import math import os.path import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf import collections from pysc2.agents import base_agent from pysc2.lib import actions from pysc2.lib import features _NO_OP = _SELECT_POINT = _BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT = _BUILD_BARRACKS = _TRAIN_MARINE = _SELECT_ARMY = _ATTACK_MINIMAP = _HARVEST_GATHER = _TRAIN_SCV = _PLAYER_RELATIVE = features.SCREEN_FEATURES.player_relative.index _UNIT_TYPE = features.SCREEN_FEATURES.unit_type.index _PLAYER_ID = features.SCREEN_FEATURES.player_id.index _PLAYER_SELF = 1 _PLAYER_HOSTILE = 4 _ARMY_SUPPLY = 5 _SCV_SUPPLY = 6 _PLAYER_BACKGROUND = 0 # added by taylor _COLLECTED_MINERALS = 8 # ๅฝ“ๅ‰ๆ”ถ้›†ๅˆฐ็š„ๆฐดๆ™ถๆ•ฐ้‡ _FOOD_USED = 3 # ๅฝ“ๅ‰ไบบๅฃ _FOOD_CAP = 4 # ๅฝ“ๅ‰ไบบๅฃไธŠ้™ _TERRAN_COMMANDCENTER = 18 _TERRAN_SCV = 45 _TERRAN_SUPPLY_DEPOT = 19 _TERRAN_BARRACKS = 21 _NEUTRAL_MINERAL_FIELD = 341 # for detecting the location of mineral patches _NOT_QUEUED = [0] # ็Žฐๅœจๆ‰ง่กŒ _QUEUED = [1] # ๅปถ่ฟŸๆ‰ง่กŒ _SELECT_ALL = [2] DATA_FILE = 'sparse_agent_data_dqn_v3' LOG_DIR = 'logs/' WEIGHT_DIR = 'weights/' ACTION_DO_NOTHING = 0 # 'donothing' ACTION_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT = 1 # 'buildsupplydepot' ACTION_BUILD_BARRACKS = 2 # 'buildbarracks' ACTION_BUILD_MARINE = 3 # 'buildmarine' ACTION_BUILD_SCV = 4 # 'buildscv' smart_actions = [ ACTION_DO_NOTHING, ACTION_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT, ACTION_BUILD_BARRACKS, ACTION_BUILD_MARINE, ACTION_BUILD_SCV, ] MAX_SCV_NUM = 17 # ๆœ€ๅคง็š„SCVๆ•ฐ้‡ POPULATION_THRESHOLD_ENABLE_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT = 15 # ๅฝ“ๅฏ็”จไบบๅฃๆ•ฐไฝŽไบŽ้˜ˆๅ€ผๆ—ถ๏ผŒๅปบ็ซ‹่กฅ็ป™็ซ™็š„ๅŠจไฝœๆœ‰ๆ•ˆ # added by eric STATE = np.zeros(7) # ็Šถๆ€ๆ˜ฏ7็ปด MEMORY_SIZE = 10000 # ่ฎฐๅฟ†ๅบ“ BATCH_SIZE = 32 UPDATE_PERIOD = 200 # ๆ›ดๆ–ฐ้ข‘็Ž‡ DECAY_EPS = 200 # epsilon decay้ข‘็Ž‡ class DeepQNetwork(): def __init__(self, sess=None, gamma = 0.8, epsilon=0.9): self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.action_dim = len(smart_actions) self.state_dim = len(STATE) self.step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) self.sess = sess self.saver = tf.train.Saver() if os.path.isdir(DATA_FILE+'/'+WEIGHT_DIR): self.saver.restore(self.sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(DATA_FILE+'/'+WEIGHT_DIR)) self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() self.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(DATA_FILE+'/'+LOG_DIR, graph=sess.graph) self.summary_writer.add_session_log(tf.SessionLog(status=tf.SessionLog.START), def net_frame(self, scope, collections_name, num_actions, inputs): "basic net frame" weights_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(0, 0.3) bias_init = tf.constant_initializer(0.1) with tf.variable_scope(scope): with tf.variable_scope("layer1"): weights1 = tf.get_variable(name = "weights", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[self.state_dim, 64], initializer=weights_init, collections=collections_name) bias1 = tf.get_variable(name = "bias", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[64], initializer=bias_init, collections=collections_name) wx_b = tf.matmul(inputs, weights1) + bias1 h1 = tf.nn.relu(wx_b) with tf.variable_scope("layer2"): weights2 = tf.get_variable(name = "weights", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[64, 64], initializer=weights_init, collections=collections_name) bias2 = tf.get_variable(name = "bias", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[64], initializer=bias_init, collections=collections_name) wx_b = tf.matmul(h1, weights2) + bias2 h2 = tf.nn.relu(wx_b) with tf.variable_scope("layer3"): weights3 = tf.get_variable(name = "weights", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[64, num_actions], initializer=weights_init, collections=collections_name) bias3 = tf.get_variable(name = "bias", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[num_actions], initializer=bias_init, collections=collections_name) q_out = tf.matmul(h2, weights3) + bias3 return q_out def network(self): "networks" # q_network self.inputs_q = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = [None, self.state_dim], name = "inputs_q") scope_var = "q_network" clt_name_var = ["q_net_prmt", tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES] # ๅฎšไน‰ไบ†collections self.q_value = self.net_frame(scope_var, clt_name_var, self.action_dim, self.inputs_q) # target_network self.inputs_target = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = [None, self.state_dim], name = "inputs_target") scope_var = "target_network" clt_name_var = ["target_net_prmt", tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES] # ๅฎšไน‰ไบ†collections self.q_target = self.net_frame(scope_var, clt_name_var, self.action_dim, self.inputs_target) with tf.variable_scope("loss"): = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = [None, self.action_dim], name="target") self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.q_value - with tf.variable_scope("train"): self.train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.01).minimize(self.loss) def learn(self, state, action, reward, state_next, done, step): "train process" if step % 500 == 0:, DATA_FILE+'/'+WEIGHT_DIR, global_step=self.step) q, q_target =[self.q_value, self.q_target], feed_dict={self.inputs_q: state, self.inputs_target: state_next}) target = reward + self.gamma * np.max(q_target, axis=1) self.reform_target = q.copy() batch_index = np.arange(BATCH_SIZE, dtype = np.int32) self.reform_target[batch_index, action] = target loss, _ =[self.loss, self.train_op], feed_dict={self.inputs_q:state,}) def update_prmt(self): "update target network parameters" q_prmts = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, "q_network") target_prmts = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, "target_network")[tf.assign(t, q) for t,q in zip(target_prmts, q_prmts)]) #ๅฐ†Q็ฝ‘็ปœๅ‚ๆ•ฐ่ต‹ๅ€ผ็ป™target print("updating target-network parameters...") def choose_action(self, current_state): current_state = current_state[np.newaxis, :] # array dim : (xx, ) --> (1, xx) q =, feed_dict={self.inputs_q: current_state}) # e-greedy if np.random.random() < self.epsilon: action_chosen = np.random.randint(0, self.action_dim) else: action_chosen = np.argmax(q) return action_chosen def decay_epsilon(self): pass # if self.epsilon > 0.03: # self.epsilon -= 0.02 Transition = collections.namedtuple("Transition", ["state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "done"]) class SparseAgent(base_agent.BaseAgent): def __init__(self): super(SparseAgent, self).__init__() self.memory = []#memory for memory replay self.global_step = 0 self.sess = tf.Session() self.DQN = DeepQNetwork(self.sess) self.previous_action = None self.previous_state = None # keep track of the command centre location self.cc_y = None self.cc_x = None # track the sequence position within a multi-step action self.move_number = 0 def __del__(self): self.sess.close() def transformDistance(self, x, x_distance, y, y_distance): if not self.base_top_left: return [x - x_distance, y - y_distance] return [x + x_distance, y + y_distance] def transformLocation(self, x, y): if not self.base_top_left: return [64 - x, 64 - y] return [x, y] def splitAction(self, action_id): smart_action = smart_actions[action_id] x = 0 y = 0 if '_' in smart_action: smart_action, x, y = smart_action.split('_') return (smart_action, x, y) def step(self, obs): super(SparseAgent, self).step(obs) if obs.last(): # done reward = obs.reward ''' #--------train if len(self.memory) > MEMORY_SIZE: self.memory.pop(0) self.memory.append(Transition(self.previous_state, self.previous_action, reward, [-1], float(obs.last()))) if len(self.memory) > BATCH_SIZE * 4: batch_trasition = random.sample(self.memory, BATCH_SIZE) batch_state, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_next_state, batch_done = map(np.array, zip(*batch_trasition)) self.DQN.learn(batch_state, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_next_state, batch_done, self.global_step) self.global_step += 1 print("trained",self.global_step) if self.global_step % UPDATE_PERIOD == 0: self.DQN.update_prmt() if self.global_step % DECAY_EPS == 0: self.DQN.decay_epsilon() #--------train ''' self.previous_action = None self.previous_state = None self.move_number = 0 return actions.FunctionCall(_NO_OP, []) unit_type = obs.observation['screen'][_UNIT_TYPE] if obs.first(): # first state = reset player_y, player_x = (obs.observation['minimap'][_PLAYER_RELATIVE] == _PLAYER_SELF).nonzero() self.base_top_left = 1 if player_y.any() and player_y.mean() <= 31 else 0 # ๆœ‰ๅทฑๆ–นๅ•ไฝไธ”ๅœจๅœฐๅ›พไธŠๆ–น self.cc_y, self.cc_x = (unit_type == _TERRAN_COMMANDCENTER).nonzero() # ไบบๆ—ๅŸบๅœฐ cc_y, cc_x = (unit_type == _TERRAN_COMMANDCENTER).nonzero() cc_count = 1 if cc_y.any() else 0 depot_y, depot_x = (unit_type == _TERRAN_SUPPLY_DEPOT).nonzero() # ไบบๆ—ไพ›็ป™็ซ™ supply_depot_count = int(round(len(depot_y) / 69)) # 69ๅบ”่ฏฅๆ˜ฏๅปบ็ญ‘ๅฎฝๅบฆ barracks_y, barracks_x = (unit_type == _TERRAN_BARRACKS).nonzero() # ไบบๆ—ๅ…ต่ฅ barracks_count = int(round(len(barracks_y) / 137)) # 137ไนŸๆ˜ฏๅปบ็ญ‘ๅฎฝๅบฆ # move_number ่กจ็คบ่ฟž็ปญๅฎž็Žฐ็š„ๅŠจไฝœๅบๅˆ—็š„index if self.move_number == 0: # ่ฏฅๅš็ฌฌไธ€ไธชๅŠจไฝœไบ† self.move_number += 1 # current_state = np.zeros(8) current_state = STATE current_state[0] = cc_count current_state[1] = supply_depot_count current_state[2] = barracks_count current_state[3] = obs.observation['player'][_ARMY_SUPPLY] # TODO(by taylor) - ็Šถๆ€ๆทปๅŠ ๏ผšๅฝ“ๅ‰ไบบๅฃๆ•ฐ/ไบบๅฃๅฎน้‡๏ผŒ็Ÿฟ็‰ฉ็š„ๆ•ฐ้‡ current_state[4] = obs.observation['score_cumulative'][_COLLECTED_MINERALS] # ๅฝ“ๅ‰ๆ”ถ้›†ๅˆฐ็š„ๆฐดๆ™ถๆ•ฐ้‡ # print("minerals:",current_state[4]) current_state[5] = obs.observation['player'][_FOOD_USED] # ๅฝ“ๅ‰ไบบๅฃ current_state[6] = obs.observation['player'][_FOOD_CAP] # ๅฝ“ๅ‰ไบบๅฃไธŠ้™ if self.previous_action is not None: #--------train if len(self.memory) > MEMORY_SIZE: self.memory.pop(0) self.memory.append(Transition(self.previous_state, self.previous_action, 0, current_state, float(obs.last()))) if len(self.memory) > BATCH_SIZE * 4: batch_trasition = random.sample(self.memory, BATCH_SIZE) batch_state, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_next_state, batch_done = map(np.array, zip(*batch_trasition)) self.DQN.learn(batch_state, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_next_state, batch_done, self.global_step) self.global_step += 1 if self.global_step and self.global_step % UPDATE_PERIOD == 0: self.DQN.update_prmt() if self.global_step and self.global_step % DECAY_EPS == 0: self.DQN.decay_epsilon() #--------train rl_action = self.DQN.choose_action(current_state) # ้€‰ๆ‹ฉๅŠจไฝœ self.previous_state = current_state self.previous_action = rl_action # smart_action, x, y = self.splitAction(self.previous_action) smart_action = rl_action # print("action:", smart_action) if smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_BARRACKS: # ้€ ๅ…ต่ฅ๏ผŒ ็ฌฌไธ€ๆญฅๅ…ˆ้€‰ไธญSCV unit_y, unit_x = (unit_type == _TERRAN_SCV).nonzero() if unit_y.any(): i = random.randint(0, len(unit_y) - 1) target = [unit_x[i], unit_y[i]] return actions.FunctionCall(_SELECT_POINT, [_NOT_QUEUED, target]) # ้€‰ไธญSCV elif smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT and obs.observation['player'][_FOOD_CAP] - obs.observation['player'][_FOOD_USED] < POPULATION_THRESHOLD_ENABLE_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT: # ้€ ่กฅ็ป™็ซ™๏ผŒ็ฌฌไธ€ๆญฅๅ…ˆ้€‰ไธญSCV unit_y, unit_x = (unit_type == _TERRAN_SCV).nonzero() if unit_y.any(): # ๆœ‰SCV i = random.randint(0, len(unit_y) - 1) # ้šๆœบ้€‰ๆ‹ฉSCV target = [unit_x[i], unit_y[i]] return actions.FunctionCall(_SELECT_POINT, [_NOT_QUEUED, target]) elif smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_MARINE: # ้€ marine๏ผŒ็ฌฌไธ€ๆญฅๅ…ˆ้€‰ไธญๅ…ต่ฅ if barracks_y.any(): i = random.randint(0, len(barracks_y) - 1) # ๅ…ต่ฅไฝ็ฝฎ๏ผŒๅ–ไธญๅฟƒ target = [barracks_x[i], barracks_y[i]] return actions.FunctionCall(_SELECT_POINT, [_SELECT_ALL, target]) elif smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_SCV and obs.observation['player'][_SCV_SUPPLY] < MAX_SCV_NUM: # ้€ SCV๏ผŒๆœ€ๅคงSCVๆ•ฐไธ่ถ…่ฟ‡17ไธช target = [round(self.cc_x.mean()), round(self.cc_y.mean())] # ๆŒ‡ๆŒฅไธญๅฟƒ็š„ไฝ็ฝฎ return actions.FunctionCall(_SELECT_POINT, [_NOT_QUEUED, target]) elif self.move_number == 1: # ่ฏฅๅš็ฌฌไบŒไธชๅŠจไฝœ๏ผŒๅฐฑไธ็”จ้‡ๆ–ฐ้€‰ๆ‹ฉๅŠจไฝœไบ† self.move_number += 1 # smart_action, x, y = self.splitAction(self.previous_action) smart_action = self.previous_action if smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT and obs.observation['player'][_FOOD_CAP] - obs.observation['player'][_FOOD_USED] < POPULATION_THRESHOLD_ENABLE_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT: # ้€ ่กฅ็ป™็ซ™๏ผŒ็ฌฌไบŒๆญฅๅผ€ๅง‹้€ ๅ…ต่ฅ if _BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT in obs.observation['available_actions']: blank_y, blank_x = (obs.observation['minimap'][_PLAYER_RELATIVE] == _PLAYER_BACKGROUND).nonzero() # ้šๆœบ้€‰ๆ‹ฉ้›†ๅˆ็‚น if blank_y.any(): i = random.randint(0, len(blank_y) - 1) m_x = blank_x[i] m_y = blank_y[i] target = [int(m_x), int(m_y)] return actions.FunctionCall(_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT, [_NOT_QUEUED, target]) elif smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_BARRACKS: # ้€ ๅ…ต่ฅ๏ผŒ็ฌฌไบŒๆญฅๅผ€ๅง‹้€ ๅ…ต่ฅ if _BUILD_BARRACKS in obs.observation['available_actions']: blank_y, blank_x = (obs.observation['minimap'][_PLAYER_RELATIVE] == _PLAYER_BACKGROUND).nonzero() if blank_y.any(): i = random.randint(0, len(blank_y) - 1) m_x = blank_x[i] m_y = blank_y[i] target = [int(m_x), int(m_y)] return actions.FunctionCall(_BUILD_BARRACKS, [_NOT_QUEUED, target]) elif smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_MARINE: # ้€ marine๏ผŒ็ฌฌไบŒๆญฅๅผ€ๅง‹้€ marine if _TRAIN_MARINE in obs.observation['available_actions']: return actions.FunctionCall(_TRAIN_MARINE, [_QUEUED]) elif smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_SCV and obs.observation['player'][_SCV_SUPPLY] < MAX_SCV_NUM: # ้€ SCV๏ผŒ็ฌฌไบŒๆญฅๅผ€ๅง‹้€ SCV if _TRAIN_SCV in obs.observation['available_actions']: return actions.FunctionCall(_TRAIN_SCV, [_QUEUED]) elif self.move_number == 2: # ่ฏฅๅš็ฌฌไธ‰ไธชๅŠจไฝœ๏ผŒไธ็”จ้‡ๅค้€‰ๅŠจไฝœ self.move_number = 0 # ๅ…ˆๆธ…้›ถ # smart_action, x, y = self.splitAction(self.previous_action) smart_action = self.previous_action if smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_BARRACKS or smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_SUPPLY_DEPOT or (smart_action == ACTION_BUILD_SCV and obs.observation['player'][_SCV_SUPPLY] < MAX_SCV_NUM): # ้€ ๅ…ต่ฅๅ’Œ้€ ่กฅ็ป™็ซ™๏ผŒ็ฌฌไธ‰ๆญฅๅ‘ฝไปคSCV้‡‡็Ÿฟ if _HARVEST_GATHER in obs.observation['available_actions']: unit_y, unit_x = (unit_type == _NEUTRAL_MINERAL_FIELD).nonzero() if unit_y.any(): i = random.randint(0, len(unit_y) - 1) m_x = unit_x[i] m_y = unit_y[i] target = [int(m_x), int(m_y)] return actions.FunctionCall(_HARVEST_GATHER, [_QUEUED, target]) return actions.FunctionCall(_NO_OP, []) # ๅ…ถไป–้ƒฝไธๅš
[ "MIT" ]
# -- coding:utf8 -- from test.coveragepy.coveragetest import CoverageTest import pytest from testmon.process_code import Block, Module, checksum_coverage, read_file_with_checksum, process_encoding try: from StringIO import StringIO as MemFile except ImportError: from io import BytesIO as MemFile def parse(source_code, file_name=''): return Module(source_code=source_code, file_name=file_name).blocks def test_detect_encoding1(): lines = [] output = MemFile(b'#first comment\n# -- coding: abcd --') assert process_encoding(lines, output) == None assert lines == [b'#first comment\n'] assert process_encoding(lines, output) == 'abcd' assert lines == [b'#first comment\n'] def test_detect_encoding2(): lines = [] output = MemFile(b'1\n2\n') assert process_encoding(lines, output) == None assert lines == [b'1\n'] assert process_encoding(lines, output) == None assert lines == [b'1\n', b'2\n'] def test_detect_encoding2(): with open('test/samples/', 'rb') as f: lines = [] process_encoding(lines, f) == 'cp1250' assert lines == [] def test_read_file_with_checksum(): assert u'ลก' in read_file_with_checksum('test/samples/')[0] def test_read_empty_file_with_checksum(): assert read_file_with_checksum('test/samples/')[0] == '' def test_read_2lines_file_with_checksum(): assert read_file_with_checksum('test/samples/')[0] == '#2ndline' def test_module_with_1250(): code_repr = Module(None, 'test/samples/').blocks[0].code assert "Str('\\xc5\\xa1')" in code_repr or "Str('ลก')" in Module(None, 'test/samples/').blocks[0].code class TestSourceIntoBlocks(object): def test_empty(self): assert parse(source_code="") == [] def test_syntax_error(self): parse(source_code="(") def test_simple(self): blocks = parse("""print('high')\nprint('low')""") assert len(blocks) == 1 assert blocks[0].start == 1 assert blocks[0].end == 2 def test_2_blocks(self): blocks = parse( """ print('left') def a(): print('right') """ ) assert len(blocks) == 2 assert blocks[0].start == 4 assert blocks[0].end == 4 assert blocks[1].start == 2 assert blocks[1].end == 4 def test_change_one(self): orig = parse(""" print('left') def a(): print('right') """) changed = parse(""" print('left') def a(): print('left') """) assert (orig[0].start, orig[0].end, orig[0].checksum) != (changed[0].start, changed[0].end, changed[0].checksum) assert (orig[1].start, orig[1].end, orig[1].checksum) == (changed[1].start, changed[1].end, changed[1].checksum) def test_same_even_names_but_different_blocks(self): blocks = parse(""" print('left') def a(): print(1) def a(): print(1) """) assert len(set([block.checksum for block in blocks])) == len(blocks) def test_same_but_different_blocks(self): blocks = parse(""" print('left') def a(): print(1) def b(): print(1) """) assert len(set([block.checksum for block in blocks])) == len(blocks) GLOBAL_BLOCK = Block(1, 8, 1000) class TestchecksumCoverage(object): def test_miss_before(self): assert checksum_coverage([Block(2, 3, 101), GLOBAL_BLOCK, ], [1]) == [1000, ] def test_hit_first(self): assert checksum_coverage([Block(2, 3, 102), GLOBAL_BLOCK], [2]) == [1000, 102] def test_hit_first2(self): assert checksum_coverage([Block(2, 3, 102), Block(6, 7, 103), GLOBAL_BLOCK], [2]) == [1000, 102] def test_hit_first3(self): assert checksum_coverage([Block(2, 3, 102), Block(6, 7, 103), GLOBAL_BLOCK], [6]) == [1000, 103] def test_miss_after(self): assert checksum_coverage([GLOBAL_BLOCK, Block(1, 2, 103)], [3]) == [1000, ] def test_hit_second(self): assert checksum_coverage([GLOBAL_BLOCK, Block(2, 3, 101), Block(5, 6, 102)], [5]) == [1000, 102] def test_hit_second_twice(self): assert checksum_coverage([GLOBAL_BLOCK, Block(2, 3, 101), Block(4, 7, 102)], [5, 6]) == [1000, 102] @pytest.mark.parametrize("lines", [[3, 5], [5, 3]]) def test_hit_both(self, lines): assert checksum_coverage([GLOBAL_BLOCK, Block(2, 3, 101), Block(5, 6, 102)], lines) == [1000, 101, 102] @pytest.mark.parametrize("lines", [[4, 7], [7, 4]]) def test_miss_both(self, lines): assert checksum_coverage([GLOBAL_BLOCK, Block(2, 3, 101), Block(5, 6, 102)], lines) == [1000, ] class CodeSample(): def __init__(self, source_code, expected_coverage=None, possible_lines=None): self.source_code = source_code self.expected_coverage = expected_coverage or {} self.possible_lines = possible_lines or [] code_samples = { 1: CodeSample("""\ def add(a, b): return a + b assert add(1, 2) == 3 """, [1, 2, 4]), 2: CodeSample("""\ def add(a, b): return a + b def subtract(a, b): return a - b assert add(1, 2) == 3 """, [1, 2, 4, 7]), '3': CodeSample("""\ class A(object): def add(self, a, b): return a + b """, [1, 2]), '3b': CodeSample("""\ class A(object): def add(self, a, b): return a - b """, [1, 2]), 'classes': CodeSample("""\ class A(object): def add(self, a, b): return a + b def subtract(self, a, b): return a - b """, [1, 2, 4]), 'classes_b': CodeSample("""\ class A(object): def add(self, a, b): return a + b def subtract(self, a, b): return a - b - 1 """, [1, 2, 4]), 'classes_c': CodeSample("""\ class A(object): def add1(self, a, b): return a + b def subtract(self, a, b): return a - b """, [1, 2, 4]), } class TestModule(object): def test_base_diff(self): blocks1 = parse("""\ a = 1 def identity(ob): return ob @identity def method(st): return 1 class Klass(object): pass for i in range(1): pass """) blocks2 = parse("""\ a = 1 def identity(ob): return ob @identity def method(st): return 5 class Klass(object): pass for i in range(1): pass """) assert blocks1[0] == blocks2[0] assert blocks1[2] == blocks2[2] assert blocks1[1] != blocks2[1] def test_covdata_intersects_deps(self): def checksum(code_sample): module = Module(code_sample.source_code, '') covdata = code_sample.expected_coverage return checksum_coverage(module.blocks, covdata) assert checksum(code_samples[1])[1] == checksum(code_samples[2])[1] def test_3(self): module1 = Module(code_samples['3'].source_code) module2 = Module(code_samples['3b'].source_code) assert len(module1.blocks) == len(module2.blocks) == 2 assert module1.blocks[0] != module2.blocks[0] assert module1.blocks[1] == module2.blocks[1] def test_classes(self): module1 = Module(code_samples['classes'].source_code) module2 = Module(code_samples['classes_b'].source_code) assert len(module1.blocks) == len(module2.blocks) == 3 assert module1.blocks[0] == module2.blocks[0] assert module1.blocks[1] != module2.blocks[1] assert module1.blocks[2] == module2.blocks[2] def test_classes_header(self): module1 = Module(code_samples['classes'].source_code) module2 = Module(code_samples['classes_c'].source_code) assert len(module1.blocks) == len(module2.blocks) == 3 b1 = module1.blocks[0] b2 = module2.blocks[0] assert (b1.start, b1.end, b1.checksum) == (b2.start, b2.end, b2.checksum) assert ( != ( assert module1.blocks[1] == module2.blocks[1] assert module1.blocks[2] != module2.blocks[2] class TestCoverageAssumptions(CoverageTest): def test_easy(self): for name, mod_cov in code_samples.items(): if mod_cov.expected_coverage: self.check_coverage(mod_cov.source_code, cov_data=mod_cov.expected_coverage, msg="This is for code_sample['{}']".format(name))
import numpy as np from torchvision.transforms import Compose class Scale2OrigCloud(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.do_rescale = kwargs['cloud_rescale2orig'] self.do_recenter = kwargs['cloud_recenter2orig'] def __call__(self, sample): if self.do_rescale: sample['cloud'] = sample['orig_s'] * sample['cloud'] if 'eval_cloud' in sample: sample['eval_cloud'] = sample['orig_s'] * sample['eval_cloud'] if self.do_recenter: sample['cloud'] = sample['cloud'] + sample['orig_c'].reshape(-1, 1) if 'eval_cloud' in sample: sample['eval_cloud'] = sample['eval_cloud'] + sample['orig_c'].reshape(-1, 1) return sample class TranslateCloud(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.shift = np.array(kwargs['cloud_translate_shift'], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 1) def __call__(self, sample): sample['cloud'] -= self.shift if 'eval_cloud' in sample: sample['eval_cloud'] -= self.shift return sample class ScaleCloud(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.scale = np.float32(kwargs.get('cloud_scale_scale')) def __call__(self, sample): sample['cloud'] /= self.scale if 'eval_cloud' in sample: sample['eval_cloud'] /= self.scale return sample class AddNoise2Cloud(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.scale = np.float32(kwargs.get('cloud_noise_scale')) def __call__(self, sample): sample['cloud'] += np.random.normal(scale=self.scale, size=sample['cloud'].shape).astype(np.float32) if 'eval_cloud' in sample: sample['eval_cloud'] += np.random.normal(scale=self.scale, size=sample['eval_cloud'].shape).astype(np.float32) return sample class CenterCloud(object): def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, sample): sample['cloud'] -= sample['cloud'].mean(axis=1, keepdims=True) if 'eval_cloud' in sample: sample['eval_cloud'] -= sample['eval_cloud'].mean(axis=1, keepdims=True) return sample def ComposeCloudTransformation(**kwargs): cloud_transformation = [] if kwargs.get('cloud_rescale2orig') or kwargs.get('cloud_recenter2orig'): cloud_transformation.append(Scale2OrigCloud(**kwargs)) if kwargs.get('cloud_translate'): cloud_transformation.append(TranslateCloud(**kwargs)) if kwargs.get('cloud_scale'): cloud_transformation.append(ScaleCloud(**kwargs)) if kwargs.get('cloud_noise'): cloud_transformation.append(AddNoise2Cloud(**kwargs)) if kwargs.get('cloud_center'): cloud_transformation.append(CenterCloud()) if len(cloud_transformation) == 0: return None else: return Compose(cloud_transformation)
from tqdm import tqdm from storing_tools import PatternTool from pattern_extraction import Pattern import os dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' class PatternCleaner(PatternTool): def __init__(self, least_threshold_types, least_threshold_words, patterns_input_path=dir_path + '../data/patterns_raw.pkl', patterns_output_path=dir_path + '../data/patterns_cleaned.pkl'): super(PatternCleaner, self).__init__(patterns_input_path, patterns_output_path) self.least_threshold_types = least_threshold_types self.least_threshold_words = least_threshold_words @classmethod def from_config_file(cls): config_parser = cls.get_config_parser() section = 'pattern_cleaner' least_threshold_types = config_parser.getfloat(section, 'least_threshold_types') least_threshold_words = config_parser.getfloat(section, 'least_threshold_words') return cls(least_threshold_types, least_threshold_words) def clean_patterns(self): self.logger.print_info('Pattern cleaning...') for relation, pattern in tqdm(self.relation_type_patterns.iteritems()): self.relation_type_patterns[relation] = Pattern.clean_pattern(pattern, self.least_threshold_words, self.least_threshold_types) self.relation_type_patterns = dict( filter(lambda (rel, pat): pat is not None, self.relation_type_patterns.iteritems())) self.logger.print_done('Pattern cleaning completed.') if __name__ == '__main__': pattern_cleaner = PatternCleaner.from_config_file() pattern_cleaner.clean_patterns() pattern_cleaner.save_patterns()
import os import sys from Bio import Alphabet from Bio.Phylo.Applications import PhymlCommandline from io import StringIO from Bio import AlignIO, SeqIO from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC class MlTreeConstructor: '''def formatConversion(self, data_type, file): temp = "{}.phylip".format(os.path.splitext(file)[0]) # file_Handler = open(temp, "wb") # file_Handler.write( # file_Handler.close() if data_type == 'DNA': AlignIO.convert(file, "fasta", temp, "phylip", alphabet=Alphabet.generic_nucleotide) else: AlignIO.convert(file, "fasta", temp, "phylip", alphabet=Alphabet.generic_protein) return temp ''' def converter(self, file, data_type): base = os.path.splitext(file)[0] if data_type == 'DNA': return SeqIO.convert(file, "fasta", base + ".phylip", "phylip", alphabet=IUPAC.ambiguous_dna) else: return SeqIO.convert(file, "fasta", base + ".phylip", "phylip", alphabet=Alphabet.generic_protein) def ml(self, data_type, input_file): self.converter(input_file, data_type) base = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] data_file = base + '.phylip' if data_type == 'DNA': phyml_cline = PhymlCommandline(input=data_file) else: phyml_cline = PhymlCommandline(input=data_file, datatype='aa') stdout, stderr = phyml_cline() os.rename(base + '.phylip_phyml_tree', base + '_ml.nw') # tree file is generated stat_file = base + '.phylip_phyml_stats' os.remove(data_file) os.remove(stat_file)
import datetime def get_birthyear(): cur_year = return [(year, year) for year in range(cur_year-100, cur_year + 1)] def get_gender(): GENDER = ( ( 0,'female' ), ( 1,'male' ) ) return GENDER def get_race(): RACE = ( ( 0, 'Other' ), ( 1, 'African American' ) ) return RACE
''' 10990๋ฒˆ ๋ณ„ ์ฐ๊ธฐ - 15 ''' n=int(input()) print(" "*(n-1)+"*") if n>1: for i in range(2,n+1): print(" "*(n-i)+"*"+" "*((i-1)*2-1)+"*")
#Local Dependencies import config #Package Dependencies from pymongo import MongoClient def remove_alerts(alerts): #Establish DB Connection connection = MongoClient(config.mongoURI) #Set Up DB for Alerts alertDB = connection["alerts"] alertCollection = alertDB["alerts"] if alerts: for alert in alerts: alertCollection.remove({'_id': alert.get('_id')}) def retrieve_alerts(): alerts = [] # Establish DB Connection connection = MongoClient(config.mongoURI) # Retrieve names of all databases dbNames = connection.list_database_names() if 'alerts' in dbNames: # Set Up DB for Alerts alertDB = connection["alerts"] alertCollection = alertDB["alerts"] #Retrieve all alerts db_alerts = alertCollection.find() #Generate list of alerts for alert in db_alerts: alerts.append(alert) return alerts #Returns list of dictionaries that contained registered device information def retrieve_regDevices(): regDevices = [] #Establish DB Connection connection = MongoClient(config.mongoURI) # Retrieve names of all databases dbNames = connection.list_database_names() if 'netmap' in dbNames: #Set up DB for NetMap Devices netmapDB = connection["netmap"] netmapCollection = netmapDB["netmaps"] #Retrieve all registered devices devices = netmapCollection.find() #Generate list of registered devices for device in devices: regDevices.append(device) #Export the list of dictonaries return regDevices
/Exp 4/
import copy str1 = input("String 1: ") str2 = input("String 2: ") set1 = set(list(str1)) set1.discard(' ') set2 = set(list(str2)) set2.discard(' ') print("Set1: {}".format(set1)) print("Set2: {}".format(set2)) print("Common letters: {}".format(set1 & set2)) print("letters in str1 not in str2: {}".format(set1 - set2)) print("set of letters in both strings: {}".format(set1 | set2)) print("letters in str1 and str2 but not common in both: {}".format(set1 ^ set2)) copyshallow = copy.copy(set1) copyasn = set1 print("Set1: {}".format(set1)) print("SetCopyShallow: {}".format(copyshallow)) print("SetAssgn: {}".format(copyasn)) print("adding Python to set1") set1.add("Python") print("Set1: {}".format(set1)) print("SetCopyShallow: {}".format(copyshallow)) print("SetAssgn: {}".format(copyasn)) print("") print("ID of Set1: {}".format(id(set1))) print("ID of SetCopyShallow: {}".format(id(copyshallow))) print("ID of SetAssgn: {}".format(id(copyasn)))
import unittest from f1 import kiem class tc1(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def test_f1(self): self.assertEqual(kiem(['<key>Track ID</key>'],['<integer>369</integer>']), 369) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#!/opt/local/bin/python import getpass import os # from jim import JIM_DIR, JIM_DB, JIM_WORKING, JIM_CONFIG, COL_NUM import re import sys import yaml ARGV = sys.argv NUM_ARGV = len(ARGV) HOME = os.path.expanduser("~") JIM_DIR = os.path.join(HOME, ".jim") PROJECT_DB = os.path.join(JIM_DIR, "projects.db") JIM_DB = os.path.join(JIM_DIR, "jim.db") JIM_WORKING = JIM_DB + ".wk" JIM_CONFIG = os.path.join(JIM_DIR, "config.yml") COL_NUM = 11 DEFAULT_USER = getpass.getuser() def createConfig(): f = open(JIM_CONFIG, 'w+') file_text = '''default_project: projects: {} anchors: {} Users: josh: Demerits: 0 Citations: 0 Violations: 0 Verbal Warnings: 0 Written Warnings: 0 Dessaggelations: 0 kyson: Demerits: 0 Citations: 0 Violations: 0 Verbal Warnings: 0 Written Warnings: 0 Dessaggelations: 0 jon: Demerits: 0 Citations: 0 Violations: 0 Verbal Warnings: 0 Written Warnings: 0 Dessaggelations: 0 Remote:''' file_text = re.sub(r'DEFAULT_USER', DEFAULT_USER, file_text) f.write(file_text) f.close() def readYML(): #jadkins - just assume that the file exists for now f = open(JIM_CONFIG, 'r') y = yaml.load(f) f.close() return y def writeYML(y): f = open(JIM_CONFIG, 'w') yaml.dump(y, f) f.close() # this is super ghetto def setRemote(hostname): f = open(JIM_CONFIG, 'r') y = yaml.load(f) f.close() y['Remote'] = hostname f = open(JIM_CONFIG, 'w') yaml.dump(y, f) f.close() initConfig() def createUser(name): pass def deleteUser(name): pass def printUserInfo(users): f = open(JIM_CONFIG, 'r') y = yaml.load(f) f.close() # determine the longest user name max_name = 0 for u in users: if len(str(u)) > max_name: max_name = len(str(u)) + 1 top = [" "*max_name, "Demerits", "Violations", "Citations", "Verbal Warnings", "Written Warnings", "Dessaggelations"] # set array of character values to center to maxes = [0]*len(top) for i in range(len(top)): maxes[i] = len(top[i]) maxes[0] = max_name table = [[]]*len(users) for i in range(len(users)): row = [0]*len(top) row[0] = users[i] for w in range(1, len(top) - 1): row[w] = y['Users'][users[i]][top[w]] table[i] = row s1 = "" for t in top: s1 += t + "\t" s2 = "" for t in table: for i in range(len(t)): if i == 0: s2 += str(t[i]).ljust(maxes[i]) + "\t" else: s2 += str(t[i]).center(maxes[i]) + "\t" s2 += "\n" print s1 print s2 def addWhack(user): f = open(JIM_CONFIG, 'r') y = yaml.load(f) f.close() cur = y['Users'][user] cur['Demerits'] += 1 if cur['Demerits'] == 3: cur['Demerits'] = 0 cur['Violations'] += 1 if cur['Violations'] == 5: cur['Violations'] = 0 cur['Citations'] += 1 if cur['Citations'] == 4: cur['Citations'] = 0 cur['Verbal Warnings'] += 1 if cur['Verbal Warnings'] == 2: cur['Verbal Warnings'] = 0 cur['Written Warnings'] += 1 if cur['Written Warnings'] == 2: cur['Written Warnings'] = 0 cur['Dessaggelations'] += 1 writeYML(y)
class Role(): #ๆž„้€ ๅ‡ฝๆ•ฐ n=123 #็ฑปๅ˜้‡๏ผŒๆฒกๆœ‰ๅฎžไพ‹ๅŒ–ไนŸๅฏไปฅ่ฐƒ็”จ็ฑปๅ˜้‡(ๅฅฝๅค„ๅ…ฑ็”จๅฑžๆ€ง๏ผŒ่Š‚็œๅ†…ๅญ˜๏ผ‰ def __init__(self,name,role,have_gun,live_value=100,money=1000):#็ฑป็š„ๅˆๅง‹ๅŒ–ๆ–นๆณ• #ๅฎžไพ‹ๅ˜้‡๏ผˆไฝœ็”จๅŸŸๅฎžไพ‹ๆœฌ่บซ๏ผ‰๏ผˆ้™ๆ€ๅฑžๆ€ง๏ผ‰ self.role=role self.have_gun=have_gun self.live_value=live_value def buy_gun(self,gun): #็ฑป็š„ๆ–นๆณ• ๏ผˆๅŠจๆ€ๅฑžๆ€ง๏ผ‰ print('%s buy %s'%(,gun)) def shoot(self): print('%s shoot'%( def got_shoot(self): print('%s got_shoot'%( def __del__(self):#ๆžๆž„ๅ‡ฝๆ•ฐ๏ผŒๅœจๅฎžไพ‹็ป“ๆŸๅŽ่ฐƒ็”จ pass r1=Role('xiaoming','police','AK74') #ๅฎžไพ‹ๅŒ–็ฑป r1.buy_gun('AWM') #่ฐƒ็”จ็ฑป็š„ๆ–นๆณ• r1.body_armor='body_armor'#ๆทปๅŠ ๅฎžไพ‹ๅ˜้‡ Role.test='test'#ๆทปๅŠ ็ฑปๅ˜้‡ #็ฑปๅ˜้‡(ๅฅฝๅค„:ๅ…ฑๆœ‰,่Š‚็œๅ†…ๅญ˜) #ๅฎžไพ‹ๅ˜้‡(้™ๆ€ๅฑžๆ€ง) #็ฑปๆ–นๆณ•(ๅŠจๆ€ๅฑžๆ€ง) #ๆž„้€ ๅ‡ฝๆ•ฐ๏ผšๅˆๅง‹ๅŒ–ๅฎžไพ‹๏ผŒ #ๆžๆž„ๅ‡ฝๆ•ฐ๏ผšๅšไธ€ไบ›ๆ”ถๅฐพๅทฅไฝœ๏ผŒๅ…ณ้—ญๆ•ฐๆฎๅบ“่ฟžๆŽฅๅ’Œไธดๆ—ถๆ‰“ๅผ€็š„ๆ–‡ไปถ #็งๆœ‰ๅฑžๆ€ง:self.__life_value=100 (ๅชๆœ‰ๅ†…้ƒจ่ฎฟ้—ฎ๏ผ‰ #็งๆœ‰ๆ–นๆณ•:def __got_shot() (ไนŸๅชๆœ‰ๅ†…้ƒจๅฏไปฅ่ฎฟ้—ฎ) # ๅฐ่ฃ… ็”จๆˆทๆ— ๆณ•่ฎฟ้—ฎ็š„ๅ†…้ƒจ็งๆœ‰ๆ–นๆณ• (้š่—ๅฎž็Žฐ็ป†่Š‚) # ็ปงๆ‰ฟ ๅ‡ๅฐ‘ไปฃ็ ้‡็”จ็Ž‡(ๅฏไปฅๆ‰ฉๅฑ•ๅทฒๅญ˜ๅœจ็š„ไปฃ็ ๆจกๅ—) ไปฃ็ ้‡็”จ # ๅคšๆ€ (ไธ€็งๆŽฅๅฃๅคš็งๅฎž็Žฐ) ๆŽฅๅฃ้‡็”จ
class Solution: def nextGreaterElement(self, nums1, nums2): """ :type nums1: List[int] :type nums2: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """ ans = [-1] * len(nums1) dic= {} for i,num in enumerate(nums1): dic[num] = i stack = [] for num in nums2: while stack and stack[-1] < num: top = stack.pop() if top in dic: ans[dic[top]] = num stack.append(num) return ans
t = int(input()) for tt in range(t): a, n = map(int, input().split()) if a & 1: print(['wzt', 'lsq'][n & 1], 'Win') else: n %= a + 1 print(['wzt', 'lsq'][n & 1 or n == a], 'Win')
#!/usr/bin/python ''' Purpose: @author:Pramod S ''' def main(): f1,f2,sum=1,2,2 while(f2<=4000000): f1,f2 = f2,f1+f2 if(f2%2==0): sum+=f2 print("result {0}".format(sum)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import tkinter window1 = tkinter.Tk() window1.geometry("100x100") window1.configure(background="white") window2 = tkinter.Tk() window2.geometry("100x100") window2.configure(background="black") def changecolor(): print("button1") def changecolor2(): print("button2") btn = tkinter.Button(window1, text="Random color!", command=changecolor) btn.pack() btn2 = tkinter.Button(window2, text="Random color!", command=changecolor2) btn2.pack() window2.mainloop()
[ "BSD-2-Clause", "LicenseRef-scancode-unknown-license-reference" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############ # Standard # ############ import logging logger=logging.getLogger(__name__) def collector(field, output): """ Reimplement bluesky.callbacks.collector to not raise exception when field is missing. Instead, log a warning. """ def f(name, event): try: output.append(event['data'][field]) logger.debug("%s collector has collected, all output: %s", field, output) except KeyError: logger.warning("did not find %s in event doc, skipping", field) return f
"""An abstract base class to define the interface for all units.""" from units.compatibility import compatible from units.exception import IncompatibleUnitsError from units.quantity import Quantity class AbstractUnit(object): """Parent class/interface for units.""" def __init__(self, is_si): self._si = is_si def __call__(self, quantity): """Overload the function call operator to convert units.""" if not hasattr(quantity, 'unit'): return Quantity(quantity, self) elif compatible(self, quantity.unit): return Quantity(quantity.num * quantity.unit.squeeze() / self.squeeze(), self) else: raise IncompatibleUnitsError() def canonical(self): """Return an immutable, comparable derivative of this unit""" raise NotImplementedError def invert(self): """Return (this unit)^-1.""" raise NotImplementedError def is_si(self): """Whether it makes sense to give this unit an SI prefix.""" return self._si def squeeze(self): """Return this unit's implicit quantity multiplier.""" raise NotImplementedError def str_includes_multiplier(self): """Whether the string name of the unit already encapsulates the unit's multiplier.""" raise NotImplementedError
import psycopg2 import PsqlProduct from config import config, TABLES, ELLIE_TESTING_TABLES def get_products(): """ Connect to the PostgreSQL database server """ conn = None try: # read connection parameters params = config('ellie_testing') # connect to the PostgreSQL server print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL database...') conn = psycopg2.connect(**params) # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement print('PostgreSQL database version:') cur.execute('SELECT version()') # display the PostgreSQL database server version db_version = cur.fetchone() print(db_version) cur.execute('select * from alternate_products where product_id = \'%s\'' % 1644903628851) alt_prods = cur.fetchall() for prod in alt_prods: print('id: %s, product_title: %s, product_id: %s, variant_id: %s, sku: %s, product_collection: %s' % (prod[0], prod[1], prod[2], prod[3], prod[4], prod[5])) cur.execute('select * from products;') database_products = [] all_products = cur.fetchall() for prod in all_products: new_product = PsqlProduct(prod[0], prod[1], prod[2], prod[3], prod[4], prod[5], prod[6], prod[7], prod[8], prod[9], prod[10], prod[11], prod[12], prod[13], prod[14], prod[15], prod[16], prod[17], prod[18]) database_products.append(new_product) for prod in database_products: exists = False if prod.metafields_global_description_tag is not None or '': exists = True if prod.metafields_global_title_tag is not None or '': exists = True if exists: print(prod.to_string()) # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() print('Database connection closed.') def save_products(products_list): conn = None try: params = config('ellie_testing') print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL database...') conn = psycopg2.connect(**params) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE %s' % ELLIE_TESTING_TABLES['products']) for product in products_list: sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + TABLES['ellie_testing_products'] \ + ' (body_html, shopify_id, handle, images, options, product_type, published_at, image, ' \ 'published_scope, tags, template_suffix, title, metafields_global_title_tag, ' \ 'metafields_global_description_tag, variants, vendor, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ' \ '(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' values = (product.body_html, product.shopify_id, product.handle, product.images, product.options, product.product_type, product.published_at, product.image, product.published_scope, product.tags, product.template_suffix, product.title, product.metafields_global_title_tag, product.metafields_global_description_tag, product.variants, product.vendor, product.created_at, product.updated_at) cur.execute(sql, values) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() print('Database connection closed.') def save_alternate_products(alternate_products_list): conn = None try: params = config('ellie_testing') print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL database...') conn = psycopg2.connect(**params) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE %s' % ELLIE_TESTING_TABLES['alt_prods']) for alt_prod in alternate_products_list: sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + ELLIE_TESTING_TABLES['alt_prods'] + ' (product_title, product_id, variant_id, ' \ 'sku, product_collection) ' \ 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' values = (alt_prod.product_title, alt_prod.product_id, alt_prod.variant_id, alt_prod.sku, alt_prod.product_collection) cur.execute(sql, values) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() print('Database connection closed.') def save_product_tags(product_tags_list): conn = None try: params = config('ellie_testing') print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL database...') conn = psycopg2.connect(**params) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE %s' % ELLIE_TESTING_TABLES['prod_tags']) for prod_tag in product_tags_list: sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + ELLIE_TESTING_TABLES['prod_tags'] + ' (product_id, tag, active_start, active_end,' \ 'theme_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' values = (prod_tag.product_id, prod_tag.tag, prod_tag.active_start, prod_tag.active_end, prod_tag.theme_id) cur.execute(sql, values) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() print('Database connection closed.')
/Aufgabe 2/
import mraa, time class EdisonCar(): def __init__(self): self.pwm_ina = mraa.Pwm(0) self.pwm_inb = mraa.Pwm(14) self.pin_stby = mraa.Gpio(15) # 0 = motor off self.pin_ina1 = mraa.Gpio(45) # 0/1 -> go forward/backward self.pin_ina2 = mraa.Gpio(46) self.pin_inb1 = mraa.Gpio(47) # 0/1 -> go left/right self.pin_inb2 = mraa.Gpio(48) self.period = 1 def enable_pins(self): if self.pwm_ina is None: raise RuntimeError('pwm_ina could not be initialized') if self.pwm_ina.enable(True) is not mraa.SUCCESS: raise RuntimeError('error while enabling pwm_ina') if self.pwm_inb is None: raise RuntimeError('pwm_inb could not be initialized') if self.pwm_inb.enable(True) is not mraa.SUCCESS: raise RuntimeError('error while enabling pwm_inb') if self.pin_stby.dir(mraa.DIR_OUT) is not mraa.SUCCESS: raise RuntimeError("Can't set digital pin stdby as output, exiting") if self.pin_ina1.dir(mraa.DIR_OUT) is not mraa.SUCCESS: raise RuntimeError("Can't set digital pin a1 as output, exiting") if self.pin_ina2.dir(mraa.DIR_OUT) is not mraa.SUCCESS: raise RuntimeError("Can't set digital pin a2 as output, exiting") if self.pin_inb1.dir(mraa.DIR_OUT) is not mraa.SUCCESS: raise RuntimeError("Can't set digital pin b1 as output, exiting") if self.pin_inb2.dir(mraa.DIR_OUT) is not mraa.SUCCESS: raise RuntimeError("Can't set digital pin b2 as output, exiting") def enable_motors(self): self.pin_stby.write(1) def disable_motors(self): self.pin_stby.write(0) def drive(self, duty_cycle): self.pwm_ina.write(duty_cycle) def brake(self): print("breaking!!!") i = 0 while (i < 1000): self.pin_ina1.write(1) self.pin_ina2.write(0) self.pwm_ina.period(self.period) self.pwm_ina.write(1.0) self.pin_ina1.write(0) self.pin_ina2.write(1) self.pwm_ina.period(self.period) self.pwm_ina.write(1.0) i += 1 self.pin_ina1.write(0) self.pin_ina2.write(0) self.pwm_ina.write(1.0) def steer(self, dir): ''' :param dir: string "left" or "write" :return: ''' if (dir == "left"): self.pin_inb1.write(1) self.pin_inb2.write(0) elif (dir == "right"): self.pin_inb1.write(0) self.pin_inb2.write(1) def steeringAngle(self, duty_cycle): self.pwm_inb.period(self.period) self.pwm_inb.write(duty_cycle) def setForward(self): self.pin_ina1.write(1) self.pin_ina2.write(0) def setbBackward(self): self.pin_ina1.write(0) self.pin_ina2.write(1) def main(): granTurino = EdisonCar() granTurino.enable_pins() granTurino.disable_motors() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints from calendar import calendar import datetime class YearPage(Resource): def __init__(self, year): Resource.__init__(self) self.year = year def render_GET(self, request): cal = calendar(self.year) return (b"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='utf-8'>" b"<title></title></head><body><pre>" + cal.encode('utf-8') + b"</pre>") class Calendar(Resource): def getChild(self, name, request): if not name: name = # fix empty year (set it to current) return YearPage(int(name)) root = Calendar() factory = Site(root) endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 8880) endpoint.listen(factory)
# coding=utf-8 __version__ = "1.5.8" # If True, additional checks are done at runtime development = False # Does extra checks to make sure things are ok. # These are now redundant, but it was useful while debugging. # Reactivate if some strange bug is suspected. GEOMETRY_DO_EXTRA_CHECKS = False def create_logger(): import logging logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return logger logger = create_logger() def in_circle(): import os return "CIRCLE" in os.environ def set_numpy_errors_to_raise(): import numpy as np np.seterr(all="raise") if in_circle():"Activating extra checks.") development = True GEOMETRY_DO_EXTRA_CHECKS = True set_numpy_errors_to_raise() try: from scipy.linalg import logm, expm, eigh scipy_found = True except ImportError: msg = "Scipy not found -- needed for functions logm, expm, eigh. " msg += "I will go on without it, but later an error will be thrown " msg += "if those functions are used." logger.warn(msg) def make_warning(s): def f(*args, **kwargs): raise Exception("Scipy not installed --- function %r not found." % s) return f logm = make_warning("logm") expm = make_warning("expm") eigh = make_warning("eigh") scipy_found = False development = False from .types import * from .basic_utils import * from .constants import * from .distances import * from .formatting import * from .manifolds import * from .mds_algos import * from .poses import * from .poses_embedding import * from .procrustes import * from .rotations import * from .rotations_embedding import * from .spheres import * from .spheres_embedding import *
[ "MIT" ]
Jupyter Notebook
class SlidingWindow: def __init__(self, data, size): = data self.size = size self.index = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __len__(self): return[0] - self.size + 1 def __next__(self): if self.index < len( - self.size + 1: self.index += 1 return[(self.index - 1):(self.index - 1) + self.size] else: raise StopIteration
S = list(input().split()) N = len(S) def is_int(str): try: int(str) return True except ValueError: return False class Stack: def __init__(self, max): self.size = max = 0 self.stack = [None] * self.size def is_empty(self): return == 0 def push(self, arg_object): += 1 self.stack[] = arg_object def pop(self): -= 1 return self.stack[] NUM = Stack(N) for i in range(N): ch = S[i] if ch in ['+', '-', '*']: num_2 = NUM.pop() num_1 = NUM.pop() if ch == '+': num = num_1 + num_2 elif ch == '-': num = num_1 - num_2 else: num = num_1 * num_2 NUM.push(num) else: NUM.push(int(ch)) print("%d" %(NUM.pop()))
from datetime import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger from django.db.models import Q from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, reverse, get_object_or_404 from document_management.apps.documents.models import Document, DocumentFile from document_management.core.decorators import legal_required from .forms import (CompanyRegulationForm, ChangeRecordStatusForm, UploadForm, ChangeStatusForm, DeleteForm, RemoveForm) @login_required def index(request): query = request.GET.get('query', '') effective_date = request.GET.get('effective_date', '') category = int(request.GET.get('category', 0)) documents = Document.objects.select_related('partner')\ .filter(group=settings.GROUP_COMPANY_REGULATION) if effective_date: effective_date = datetime.strptime(effective_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() documents = documents.filter(effective_date=effective_date) effective_date = effective_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if query: documents = documents.filter(Q(number__icontains=query) | Q(subject__icontains=query)) if category > 0: documents = documents.filter(category=category) documents = documents.order_by('-id') page = request.GET.get('page', 1) paginator = Paginator(documents, 25) try: page = except PageNotAnInteger: page = except EmptyPage: page = context = { 'title': 'Company Regulations', 'document': Document, 'page': page, 'total_data': paginator.count, 'total_pages': paginator.num_pages, 'query': query, 'category': category, 'effective_date': effective_date } return render(request, 'company_regulations/index.html', context) @legal_required def add(request): form = CompanyRegulationForm(data=request.POST or None, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): document = messages.success(request, f'{document.number} has been added') return redirect('backoffice:company_regulations:index') else: if form.has_error('__all__'): messages.error(request, form.non_field_errors()[0]) context = { 'title': 'Add Company Regulation', 'form': form } return render(request, 'company_regulations/add.html', context) @legal_required def edit(request, id): document = get_object_or_404( Document.objects.filter(is_active=True), id=id ) if document.status == Document.STATUS.done: messages.error(request, "Document # %s status has already done" % (document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) initial = { 'number': document.number, 'subject': document.subject, 'category': document.category, 'description': document.description, 'effective_date': document.effective_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") } form = CompanyRegulationForm(data=request.POST or None, initial=initial, user=request.user, is_update=True) if form.is_valid(): messages.success(request, f'{document.number} has been updated') return redirect(reverse('backoffice:company_regulations:details', args=[])) context = { 'title': 'Edit Company Regulation', 'document': document, 'form': form } return render(request, 'company_regulations/edit.html', context) @legal_required def delete(request, id): document = get_object_or_404( Document.objects.filter(is_active=True), id=id ) if document.status == Document.STATUS.done: messages.error(request, "Document # %s status has already done" % (document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) form = DeleteForm(data=request.POST or None, document=document, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): messages.success(request, "Document # %s has been deleted" % document.number) return redirect("backoffice:company_regulations:index") context = { 'title': 'Delete Company Regulation', 'document': document, 'form': form } return render(request, 'company_regulations/delete.html', context) @login_required def details(request, id): document = get_object_or_404( Document.objects.filter(group=settings.GROUP_COMPANY_REGULATION), id=id ) if request.user.get_role_id() == settings.ROLE_USER_ID and \ document.type == Document.TYPE.private: messages.error(request, "You do not have an access, but you can request an access.") return redirect(reverse("backoffice:permission_requests:requests", args=[,])) if document.is_active: document.record_status_class = "badge badge-success p-1 ml-1" else: document.record_status_class = "badge badge-danger p-1 ml-1" context = { 'title': 'Details Company Regulation', 'document': document } return render(request, 'company_regulations/details.html', context) @legal_required def upload(request, id): document = get_object_or_404( Document.objects.filter(is_active=True), id=id ) if document.status == Document.STATUS.done: messages.error(request, "Document # %s status has already done" % (document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) form = UploadForm(data=request.POST or None, files=request.FILES or None, document=document, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): messages.success(request, "Document # %s files has already uploaded" % (document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) context = { 'title': 'Upload Company Regulation', 'document': document, 'form': form } return render(request, 'company_regulations/upload.html', context) @legal_required def change_status(request, id): document = get_object_or_404( Document.objects.filter(is_active=True), id=id ) if document.status == Document.STATUS.done: messages.error(request, "Document # %s status has already done" % (document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) initial = { 'status': document.status } form = ChangeStatusForm(data=request.POST or None, initial=initial, document=document, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): messages.success(request, "Document # %s status has been changed into %s" % (document.number, document.get_status_display().upper())) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) context = { 'title': 'Change Status Company Regulation', 'form': form, 'document': document } return render(request, 'company_regulations/change_status.html', context) @legal_required def change_record_status(request, id): document = get_object_or_404(Document, id=id) if document.status == Document.STATUS.done: messages.error(request, "Document # %s status has already done" % (document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) form = ChangeRecordStatusForm(document=document, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): document = if document.is_active: string_status = "activated" else: string_status = "deactivated" messages.success(request, "Document # %s has been %s" % (document.number, string_status)) return redirect("backoffice:company_regulations:index") return redirect("backoffice:company_regulations:index") @login_required def preview(request, id): document_file = get_object_or_404(DocumentFile, id=id) context = { 'title': 'Preview Contract', 'document_file': document_file } return render(request, 'company_regulations/preview.html', context) @legal_required def remove(request, id): document_file = get_object_or_404( DocumentFile.objects.select_related('document', 'document__partner').filter(is_active=True), id=id ) if document_file.document.status == Document.STATUS.done: messages.error(request, "Document # %s status has already done" % (document_file.document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) form = RemoveForm(data=request.POST or None, document_file=document_file, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): form.remove() messages.success(request, "Company Regulation File of # %s has been deleted" % str(document_file.document.number)) return redirect(reverse("backoffice:company_regulations:details", args=[])) else: if form.has_error('__all__'): messages.error(request, form.non_field_errors()[0]) context = { 'title': 'Remove File Company Regulations', 'document_file': document_file, 'form': form } return render(request, 'company_regulations/remove.html', context)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012 Raytheon BBN Technologies # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and/or hardware specification (the "Work") to # deal in the Work without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Work, and to permit persons to whom the Work # is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Work. # # THE WORK IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE WORK. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import stat import os.path import uuid import config import graphUtils from graphUtils import GraphNode sliceURN = "" sliceName = "" class VMNode(GraphNode) : """ This class holds information about a VM (compute node) requested by an experimenter. Some information held by this class comes from the request Rspec. E.g. the experimenter specified name of the node. Other information held by this class is provide by this script. E.g. the OpenVZ container name that corresponds to this node. """ numVMs = 6 # max number of Virtual Machines available from this aggregate def __init__(self, nodeNumber) : self.containerName = 100 + nodeNumber # OpenVZ container name (e.g. 101) self.controlNetAddr = '' # IP address of node on control network self.nodeName = '' # Experimenter supplied name (client_id) self.NICs = [] # List of NICs for this node self.installList = [] # List of files to be installed in VM during setup self.executeList = [] # List of commands to be executed on startup self.componentID = '' # component ID for the resource self.sliverURN = '' # sliver urn def getNeighbors(self) : return self.NICs def getNodeName(self) : return self.nodeName; class NIC(GraphNode) : """ This class holds information about a NIC. NICs are assoicated with a compute node (VMNode class). The VMNode class keeps track of the NICs associated with a given VM. Some of the information held by this class comes from the request Rspec. E.g. the interface name used by the experimenter. Other information held by this class comes form this script. E.g. the IP address associated with the NIC. """ def __init__(self) : self.nicName = '' # Experimenter specified name for this NIC self.deviceNumber = '' # Device num: 1 = eth1, 2 = eth2, 3 = eth3 self.macAddress = '' # MAC address for this NIC self.ipAddress = '' # IP address associated with this NIC self.myHost = None; # The host (VMNode) associated with this NIC self.virtualEthName = '' # Name of corresponding VETH in the host OS = None # The link object associated with this NIC self.componentID = '' # component ID for the resource self.sliverURN = '' # sliver urn def getNeighbors(self) : return [, self.myHost] def getNodeName(self) : return self.nicName; class Link(GraphNode) : """ This class holds information about a link in the experimenter specified network topology. The NIC class keeps track of the link to which it is connected. Some of the information held by this class comes from the request Rspec. E.g. the link name used by the experimenter. Other information held by this class comes form this script. E.g. the name of the host ethernet bridge associated with the NIC. """ def __init__(self) : self.linkName = '' # Experimenter specified name for this link self.subnetNumber = 0 # if subnetNumber is x, link is 10.0.x.0/24 self.bridgeID = '' # Name of the host ethernet bridge associated # w/ the link (e.g. br3 for subnet self.endPoints = [] # NICs at the end points of this link self.sliverURN = '' # sliver urn def getNeighbors(self) : return self.endPoints def getNodeName(self) : return self.linkName; class installItem : """ VMNode maintains a list of files to be installed when the VM starts up. Items in this list belong this class. """ def __init__(self) : self.sourceURL = '' # Location of file to be installed self.destination = '' # Location in file system where file goes self.fileType = '' # Type of file to be installed class executeItem : """ VMNode maintains a list of commands to be executed when the VM starts up. Items in this list belong this class. """ def __init__(self) : self.command = '' # Command to be executed at VM startup = 'sh' # Shell used to execute command experimentHosts = {} # Map of container names (e.g. 101) to corresponding # VMNode objects experimentLinks = [] # List of links specified by the experimenter experimentNICs = {} # Map of client supplied network interface names to # corresponding NIC objects def _annotateGraph() : """ This function walks through the VMNode, NIC and LINK objects created by parsing the request Rspec and fills in the missing information (e.g. MAC and IP addresses for interfaces, bridge names for links, etc). """ # Walk though all NICs and assign them MAC addresses MACAddresses = [ # Table of MAC addresses for assignment to NICs "00:0C:29:B4:DF:A7", "00:0C:29:69:1D:AB", "00:0C:29:C8:76:FD", "00:0C:29:71:BA:ED", "00:0C:29:B8:81:05", "00:0C:29:9B:6E:5A", "00:0C:29:87:F0:5E", "00:0C:29:E8:77:47", "00:0C:29:7D:99:5C", "00:0C:29:3B:CF:F8", "00:0C:29:3E:76:6B", "00:0C:29:D5:B2:C3", "00:0C:29:D8:CB:38", "00:0C:29:D5:B2:13", "00:0C:29:DA:3E:91", "00:0C:29:15:97:46", "00:0C:29:AF:FC:08", "00:0C:29:05:DF:8C" ] macAddressesIndex = 0; nicNames = experimentNICs.keys() for i in range(len(nicNames)) : nicObject = experimentNICs[nicNames[i]] nicObject.macAddress = MACAddresses[macAddressesIndex]; macAddressesIndex += 1 # For every host, give its NICs numbers: 1 (= eth1), 2 or 3 # Also give the NICs the names of the corresponding veth device in the # host. OpenVZ convention: veth101.1 is virtual ethernet on host that # corresponds to eth1 on container 101; veth103.2 is virtual ethernet # on host that corresponds to eth2 on container 103. hostNames = experimentHosts.keys() for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] interfaceCount = 1 for nicObject in hostObject.NICs : nicObject.deviceNumber = interfaceCount nicObject.virtualEthName = 'veth%d.%d' % \ (nicObject.myHost.containerName, interfaceCount) interfaceCount += 1 # Give each link a subnet address and bridge name networkNumber = 3; # Subnet number to assign to link. Starts with 3 # since subnet 1 is for control network and # subnet 2 is used by VirtualBox for i in range(len(experimentLinks)) : linkObject = experimentLinks[i] linkObject.subnetNumber = networkNumber linkObject.bridgeID = 'br%d' % networkNumber # Assign IP address to endpoints associated with the link # IP address is of the form 10.0.networkNumber.VMNodeContainerName # E.g. net num 3 attached to NIC on container 101 would be for j in range(0, len(linkObject.endPoints)) : nicObject = linkObject.endPoints[j] nicObject.ipAddress = "10.0.%d.%d" % (networkNumber, \ nicObject.myHost.containerName) networkNumber += 1 # Assign URNs to the VM resources for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] hostObject.componentID = ('' % hostObject.containerName) hostObject.sliverURN = ('' % hostObject.containerName) # Assign URNs to the NICs for i in range(len(nicNames)) : nicObject = experimentNICs[nicNames[i]] nicObject.componentID = \ ('' % (nicObject.myHost.containerName, nicObject.deviceNumber)) nicObject.sliverURN = ('' % (nicObject.myHost.containerName, nicObject.deviceNumber)) # Assign URNs to the links for i in range(len(experimentLinks)) : linkObject = experimentLinks[i] linkObject.sliverURN = \ '' % linkObject.bridgeID def _generateBashScript(users) : ''' Generate the Bash script that is run to actually create and set up the Virtual Machines and networks used in the experiment. ''' # Create the file into which the script will be written pathToFile = config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir + '/' + config.shellScriptFile try: scriptFile = open(pathToFile, 'w') except IOError: config.logger.error("Failed to open file that creates sliver: %s" % pathToFile) return None # Make this file executable os.chmod(pathToFile, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) # Start creating the script scriptFile.write('#!/bin/bash \n\n') scriptFile.write('# This script is auto-generated by the aggregate\n') scriptFile.write('# manager in response to a createSliver call \n\n') scriptFile.write('## Function definitions\n') scriptFile.write('pingNode () { # pings specified PC to check if it is alive \n') scriptFile.write(' pingAttempts=0 \n') scriptFile.write(' echo \"Pinging VM 10.0.1.$1...\" \n') scriptFile.write(' ping -c2 10.0.1.$1 \n') scriptFile.write(' while [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ $pingAttempts -le 50 ] \n') scriptFile.write(' do \n') scriptFile.write(' sleep 10 # sleep for 10 more seconds \n') scriptFile.write(' let \"pingAttempts += 1\" \n') scriptFile.write(' echo \"Pinging VM 10.0.1.$1...\" \n') scriptFile.write(' ping -c2 10.0.1.$1 \n') scriptFile.write(' done \n') scriptFile.write(' if [ $pingAttempts -gt 20 ] \n') scriptFile.write(' then \n') scriptFile.write(' return 1 # failed to ping PC \n') scriptFile.write(' else \n') scriptFile.write(' return 0 # success \n') scriptFile.write(' fi \n') scriptFile.write('} \n') scriptFile.write('\n## Delete any existing sliver. \n') scriptFile.write('%s/%s %s %s\n' % (config.standardScriptsDir, config.deleteSliver, config.homeDirectory, config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir)) hostNames = experimentHosts.keys() # Set the sliver status for each host to "unknown" scriptFile.write('\n# Setting sliver status of hosts to unknown \n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] statusFileName = '%s/pc%s.status' % (config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir, hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('echo \"unknown\" > %s \n' % statusFileName) # Create container templates scriptFile.write('\n## Define containers for each of the hosts in the experiment.\n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] if config.distro == 'UBUNTU10-STD' : scriptFile.write('vzctl create %s --ostemplate ubuntu-10.04-x86\n' % hostObject.containerName) else : scriptFile.write('vzctl create %s --ostemplate fedora-15-x86 --config basic\n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('\n## Set up host names and control network IP addresses for the containers. \n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] scriptFile.write('vzctl set %s --hostname %s --save \n' % (hostObject.containerName, hostObject.nodeName)) scriptFile.write('vzctl set %s --ipadd 10.0.1.%s --save\n' % (hostObject.containerName, hostObject.containerName)) scriptFile.write('\n# Turn off firewall on host \n') scriptFile.write('/etc/init.d/iptables stop \n') scriptFile.write('\n## Set up interfaces on the hosts and connect them to the appropriate bridges \n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] scriptFile.write('# Set up interfaces for host %s \n' % hostObject.nodeName) # for each NIC on host set up the interface for j in range(0, len(hostObject.NICs)) : nicObject = hostObject.NICs[j] scriptFile.write('vzctl set %d --netif_add eth%d,%s,%s,FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF,%s --save \n' % (hostObject.containerName, nicObject.deviceNumber, nicObject.macAddress, nicObject.virtualEthName, scriptFile.write('\n') scriptFile.write('\n## Start up the hosts (containers) \n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] scriptFile.write('vzctl start %s \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('\n## Configure bridges on host \n') for i in range(len(experimentLinks)) : linkObject = experimentLinks[i] scriptFile.write('brctl addbr %s \n' % linkObject.bridgeID) # Add the virtual eth devices corresponding to the end-points of the # link to the bridge for j in range(len(linkObject.endPoints)) : scriptFile.write('brctl addif %s %s \n' % (linkObject.bridgeID, \ linkObject.endPoints[j].virtualEthName)) scriptFile.write('ifconfig %s 0 \n\n' % linkObject.bridgeID) scriptFile.write('\n## Give the hosts 30 seconds to start up \n') scriptFile.write('sleep 30 \n\n') scriptFile.write('# Ping hosts to make sure they are up. Give them more time if necessary.\n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] scriptFile.write('pingNode %d \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('if [ $? -ne 0 ] \n') scriptFile.write('then \n') scriptFile.write(' echo \"Container %d failed to start up.\" \n' % hostObject.containerName) statusFileName = '%s/pc%s.status' % (config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir, hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write(' echo \"failed\" > %s \n' % statusFileName) scriptFile.write('else \n') statusFileName = '%s/pc%s.status' % (config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir, hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write(' echo \"configuring\" > %s \n' % statusFileName) scriptFile.write('fi \n') scriptFile.write('\n## Set up interfaces on each host (container) \n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] scriptFile.write('# Set up interfaces on PC %s\n' % hostObject.nodeName) # Set up ethernet devices on the container for j in range(len(hostObject.NICs)) : scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %d \"/sbin/ifconfig eth%d 0\" \n' % \ (hostObject.containerName, \ hostObject.NICs[j].deviceNumber)) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %d \"/sbin/ip addr add %s dev eth%d\"\n' % \ (hostObject.containerName, \ hostObject.NICs[j].ipAddress, \ hostObject.NICs[j].deviceNumber)) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %d \"echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth%d/rp_filter\" \n' \ % (hostObject.containerName, \ hostObject.NICs[j].deviceNumber)) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %d \"/sbin/ifconfig eth%d up\" \n' % \ (hostObject.containerName, \ hostObject.NICs[j].deviceNumber)) scriptFile.write('\n') # Now we are ready to set up the IP routing tables on each container scriptFile.write('\n## Set up IP routing tables on each host \n'); for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] scriptFile.write('# Set up IP routing table for %s\n' % \ hostObject.nodeName) # Turn on IP forwarding so host (container) can forward IP packets scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %d \"/sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1\" \n' \ % hostObject.containerName) ## Now set up routing tables. Create routing table entries so we # can get to any reachable link (subnet) from this host. # We first set up routes to links that are directly connected to # to this host. Then we set up routes to links that can be # reached through a gateway. # Make two lists: One of directly connected links and the other # that are not directly connected # directlyConnectedLinks = [] notDirectlyConnectedLinks = [] for j in range(len(experimentLinks)) : directlyConnected = False linkObject = experimentLinks[j] for k in range(len(linkObject.endPoints)) : if linkObject.endPoints[k].myHost == hostObject : # This host is directly connected to the link (subnet) # because one of the endPoints (NICs) on this link # belong to this host. directlyConnected = True if directlyConnected : directlyConnectedLinks.append(linkObject) else : notDirectlyConnectedLinks.append(linkObject) # Now set up routing table entries for directly connected links. # For these links we simply route packets to the NIC on this # host that is conneted to this link (subnet) for j in range(len(directlyConnectedLinks)) : linkObject = directlyConnectedLinks[j] # Find the endpoint on this link that is connected to this host for k in range(len(linkObject.endPoints)) : if linkObject.endPoints[k].myHost == hostObject : # Found the endPoint (NIC) connects this host to the link endPointToLink = linkObject.endPoints[k] scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %d \"/sbin/ip route add 10.0.%d.0/24 dev eth%d\" \n' \ % (hostObject.containerName, \ linkObject.subnetNumber, \ endPointToLink.deviceNumber)) break # Break out of the 'for k in...' loop # Now set up routing table entries for links that are not directly # connected. For these links find the shortes path to the link # (subnet) and route packes in that direction (first host in that # direction acts as a gateway) for j in range(len(notDirectlyConnectedLinks)) : linkObject = notDirectlyConnectedLinks[j] # Find the shortest path from this host to this subnet (linkObject) path = graphUtils.findShortestPath(hostObject, linkObject) if path != None : # We found a path from this host to the subnet (link) # Path is a NIC -> Link -> NIC -> Host (gateway) -> ... # We care about the NIC on the gateway i.e. the 3rd # item on this path scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %d \"/sbin/ip route add 10.0.%d.0/24 via %s\" \n' \ % (hostObject.containerName, \ linkObject.subnetNumber, \ path[3].ipAddress)) scriptFile.write('\n') # Turn on forwarding and arp proxing on the virtual eth devices created # in the host OS (container 0) scriptFile.write('\n# Turn on forwarding and arp proxing on the virtual eth devices created on the host OS \n') nicNames = experimentNICs.keys() for i in range(len(nicNames)) : nicObject = experimentNICs[nicNames[i]] scriptFile.write('ifconfig %s 0 \n' % nicObject.virtualEthName) scriptFile.write('echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/%s/forwarding \n' \ % nicObject.virtualEthName) scriptFile.write('echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/%s/proxy_arp \n' \ % nicObject.virtualEthName) scriptFile.write('\n') # Set up DNS entries on the containers so they can reference one another # by name and can also reference hosts on the external network by name scriptFile.write('\n# Set up DNS on the hosts. Use Google DNS.\n') scriptFile.write('PRIMARYDNS=\"nameserver\" \n') scriptFile.write('SECONDARYDNS=\"nameserver\" \n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"echo order host,bind >> /etc/host.conf\" \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"echo $PRIMARYDNS >> /etc/resolv.conf\" \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"echo $SECONDARYDNS >> /etc/resolv.conf\" \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('\n') # Add hostname and IP addresses to /etc/hosts. For each host we pick # IP address to add to this file. We arbitrarily pick the IP address # associated with the first eth device in the list of NICs associated # with the host. Examples of how hosts can be addressed: client_id, # pc101, or # scriptFile.write('# Add host names and IP addresses to /etc/hosts \n') for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] # In the /etc/hosts for this host add an entry for every host for j in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject2 = experimentHosts[hostNames[j]] if len(hostObject2.NICs) != 0 : scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"echo %s %s pc%s >> /etc/hosts\" \n' \ % (hostObject.containerName, hostObject2.NICs[0].ipAddress, hostObject2.nodeName, hostObject2.containerName, hostObject2.nodeName, sliceName, hostObject2.containerName)) # /etc/hosts has an entry for this host that is automatically # put in there by OpenVZ. The entry looks like: # hostName # We don't want this entry because is uses the control network. To # delete this entry we copy /etc/hosts to /tmp/etc.hosts, delete # the offending line, and write to /etc/hosts. The offending # line will always start with 10.0.1. (control network) scriptFile.write('# Deleting entry for %s that was inserted by OpenVz\n' % hostObject.nodeName) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"cp /etc/hosts /tmp/etc.hosts\"\n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"cat /tmp/etc.hosts | sed \'/^10.0.1./d\' > /etc/hosts\" \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"rm /tmp/etc.hosts\" \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('\n') # Download and install experimenter specified files into the VMs # Go through each host and find out what needs to be installed for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] installList = hostObject.installList if len(installList) != 0 : scriptFile.write('# Install experimenter specified software on host %s \n' % hostObject.nodeName) for item in installList : # Download the file from the specified URL scriptFile.write('# Download file %s\n' % item.sourceURL) scriptFile.write('wget -P /tmp %s \n' % item.sourceURL) scriptFile.write('if [ $? -eq 0 ] \n') scriptFile.write('then \n') scriptFile.write(' # Download successful \n') downloadedFile = '/tmp/%s' % os.path.basename(item.sourceURL) # Now generate commands to move the file to its proper location. # If the file is of type .tgz or .tar.gz, we untar it to # the location specified by the experimenter. # If the file is of type .gz, we copy the file to the # location specified by the experimenter and gunzip it there # If the file is of some other type, we simply copy it to the # location specified by the experimenter # First figure out file type if item.fileType == "" : # File type not specified; guess based on file extension if item.sourceURL.endswith("tgz") or \ item.sourceURL.endswith("tar.gz") : # This is a tarball item.fileType = "tar.gz" elif item.sourceURL.endswith("gz") : # This is a gzip compressed file item.fileType = "gz" else : # Unknown or unsupported file type. We simply copy # such a file to its install location item.fileType = "unknown" # Now make sure destination path does not end with a / (unless it # is the directory /) dest = item.destination if dest.endswith("/") and len(dest) > 1 : dest = dest[:-1] # The downloaded file is to be installed in the file system of # the appropriate container. For e.g. file system for # container 101 is at /vz/root/101/... dest = ("/vz/root/%s" % hostObject.containerName) + dest # Create destination directory (and any necessary parent/ancestor # directories in path) if it does not exist if not os.path.isdir(dest) : scriptFile.write(' mkdir -p %s \n' % dest) if item.fileType == 'tar.gz': # File to be installed is of type tar.gz: Uncompress and # untar to destination scriptFile.write(' tar -C %s -zxvf %s \n' % (dest, downloadedFile)) elif item.fileType == 'gz' : # File to be installed is of type gz: Copy to destination # and then gunzip in place scriptFile.write(' cp %s %s \n' % (downloadedFile, dest)) # Get the name of the zipped file zipFile = dest + '/' + os.path.basename(downloadedFile) scriptFile.write(' gunzip %s \n' % zipFile) else : # Some other file type. Simply copy file to destination scriptFile.write(' cp %s %s \n' % (downloadedFile, dest)) # Make file accessible to experimenter scriptFile.write(' chmod -R 777 %s \n' % dest) # Delete the downloaded file scriptFile.write(' rm %s \n' % downloadedFile) scriptFile.write('fi \n') # Now handle scripts to be executed on host (container) startup execList = hostObject.executeList if len(execList) != 0 : scriptFile.write('\n# Set up experimenter specified startup scripts on host %s \n' % hostObject.nodeName) for item in execList : if == 'sh' or 'bash' : pathToScript = '/vz/root/%s/%s' % (hostObject.containerName, item.command) scriptFile.write('vzctl runscript %s %s \n' % \ (hostObject.containerName, pathToScript)) else : # Not a script type we recognize. Log error config.logger.error("Execute script %s is of unsuported type" \ % item.command) scriptFile.write('\n') # set up an account for root scriptFile.write('# Create root account in container %i \n' % hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('vzctl set %i --userpasswd root:%s \n' % (hostObject.containerName, config.rootPwd)) # set up the user accounts and ssh public keys for user in users : userName = "" # the current user the public key is installed for publicKeys = [] # the public keys for the current user, these are not files # go through every user and get the user's name and ssh public key for key in user.keys() : # found a user, there should only be one of these per key in 'user' if key == "urn" : userName = user[key] userName = userName.split("+")[-1] # found a new public key list, store all the public keys elif key == "keys" : for value in user[key] : publicKeys.append(value) # only install the user account if there is a user to install if userName != "": scriptFile.write("# Create user %s for container %i and install public keys\n" % (userName, hostObject.containerName)) scriptFile.write("echo \"Creating user %s for container %s and installing public keys...\"\n" % (userName, hostObject.nodeName)) scriptFile.write("vzctl set %i --userpasswd %s:%s \n" % (hostObject.containerName, userName, config.rootPwd)) # install all of the public keys for this user for publicKey in publicKeys : scriptFile.write("mkdir -p /vz/root/%i/home/%s/.ssh\n" % (hostObject.containerName, userName)) scriptFile.write("chmod 755 /vz/root/%i/home/%s/.ssh\n" % (hostObject.containerName, userName)) scriptFile.write("touch /vz/root/%i/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" % (hostObject.containerName, userName)) scriptFile.write("chmod 744 /vz/root/%i/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" % (hostObject.containerName, userName)) scriptFile.write("echo \"%s\">>/vz/root/%i/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" % (publicKey[:-1], hostObject.containerName, userName)) # add this user to group wheel or root depending on OS groupName = "" if config.distro == 'UBUNTU10-STD' : groupName = "root" else : groupName = "wheel" scriptFile.write('vzctl exec %s \"usermod -a -G %s %s" \n' % (hostObject.containerName, groupName, userName)) scriptFile.write('\n') scriptFile.write('\n') scriptFile.close() def specialFiles() : # Re-open the file containing the bash script in append mode pathToFile = config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir + '/' + config.shellScriptFile try: scriptFile = open(pathToFile, 'a') except IOError: config.logger.error("Failed to re-open file that creates sliver: %s" % pathToFile) return None scriptFile.write('\n# Set up special files that contain slice info. \n') hostNames = experimentHosts.keys() for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] # Put the slice manifest in the VMs # Figure out name of destination directory for manifest. Create that # directory (and any necessary parent/ancestor directories in path) # if it does not exist scriptFile.write('# Put slice manifest in /proj/<siteName>/exp/<sliceName>/tbdata/geni_manifest \n') dest = '/vz/root/%s/proj/' % (hostObject.containerName, sliceName) scriptFile.write('mkdir -p %s \n' % dest) # Copy the manifest to this directory src = config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir + '/' + config.manifestFile scriptFile.write('cp %s %s \n' % (src, dest)) # Put slice information in /var/emulab/boot/nickname # This file has the fully qualified name of the host in the form # <experimenterSpecifiedHostName>.<sliceName> scriptFile.write('# Create nickname file \n') dest = '/vz/root/%s/var/emulab/boot' % \ hostObject.containerName scriptFile.write('mkdir -p %s \n' % dest) fileContents = '' % (hostObject.nodeName, sliceName) scriptFile.write('echo \"%s\" > %s/nickname \n' % (fileContents, dest)) # Set status of the node to ready scriptFile.write('# Set node status to ready \n') statusFileName = '%s/pc%s.status' % (config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir, hostObject.containerName) scriptFile.write('echo \"ready\" > %s \n' % statusFileName) scriptFile.write('\n') scriptFile.close() def freeResources() : """ Free up resources. """ experimentHosts.clear() del experimentLinks[:] experimentNICs.clear() def getResourceStatus() : """ Return a list with the status of all VM resources. Each item in the list is a dictionary with resource URN, resource status and error code. This is what the list looks like: [ { geni_urn: <resource URN> geni_status: <status: configuring, ready, failed or unknown> geni_error: <error code> } { geni_urn: <resource URN> geni_status: <status: configuring, ready, failed or unknown> geni_error: <error code> } ] """ resStatus = list() hostNames = experimentHosts.keys() for i in range(len(hostNames)) : hostObject = experimentHosts[hostNames[i]] resStatusFile = '%s/pc%s.status' % (config.sliceSpecificScriptsDir, hostObject.containerName) try : f = open(resStatusFile, 'r') resStatus.append(dict(geni_urn = hostObject.sliverURN, geni_status = f.readline().strip('\n'), geni_error = '')) f.close() except : resStatus.append(dict(geni_urn = hostObject.sliverURN, geni_status = "unknown", geni_error = '')) return resStatus def provisionSliver(users) : """ Provision the sliver. First fill in missing information in the VMNode, NIC and Link objects created when parsing the request rspec. Then generate the bash script that, when run, will create and configure the OpenVZ containers. """ # Fill in missing information in VMNode, NIC and Link objects _annotateGraph() # Generate the bash script _generateBashScript(users)
[ "BSD-3-Clause-LBNL" ]
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from xfel.ui import settings_dir from xfel.ui.db import db_proxy, get_run_path, write_xtc_locator, get_image_mode import os, shutil, copy known_job_statuses = ["DONE", "ERR", "PEND", "RUN", "SUSP", "PSUSP", "SSUSP", "UNKWN", "EXIT", "DONE", "ZOMBI", "DELETED", "SUBMIT_FAIL", "SUBMITTED", "HOLD", "TIMEOUT"] finished_job_statuses = ["DONE", "EXIT", "DELETED", "UNKWN", "ERR", "SUBMIT_FAIL", "TIMEOUT"] class JobFactory(object): @staticmethod def from_job(job, task_type = None): if job.task_id is None: return IndexingJob(,, **job._db_dict) if task_type is None: task_type = if task_type == "indexing": return IndexingJob(,, **job._db_dict) if task_type == "ensemble_refinement": return EnsembleRefinementJob(,, **job._db_dict) if task_type == "scaling": return ScalingJob(,, **job._db_dict) if task_type == "merging": return MergingJob(,, **job._db_dict) if task_type == "phenix": return PhenixJob(,, **job._db_dict) @staticmethod def from_args(app, job_id = None, **kwargs): if 'task_type' in kwargs: task_type = kwargs.pop('task_type') else: task_type = None return JobFactory.from_job(Job(app, job_id, **kwargs), task_type=task_type) class Job(db_proxy): def __init__(self, app, job_id = None, **kwargs): db_proxy.__init__(self, app, "%s_job" % app.params.experiment_tag, id = job_id, **kwargs) self.job_id = self._run = None self._rungroup = None self._trial = None self._task = None self._dataset = None self._dataset_version = None def __getattr__(self, name): # Called only if the property cannot be found if name in ["run", "rungroup", "trial", "task", "dataset", "dataset_version"]: _name = "_" + name name_id = name + "_id" if getattr(self, _name) is None: if name == "dataset_version": if self.dataset_id is not None: self._dataset_version = elif getattr(self, name_id) is not None: setattr(self, _name, getattr(, "get_" + name)(**{name_id:self.trial_id})) return getattr(self, _name) elif name == "scope": return task_scope[task_types.index(self.type)] else: return super(Job, self).__getattr__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ["run", "rungroup", "trial", "task", "dataset", "dataset_version"]: setattr(self, "_"+name, value) else: super(Job, self).__setattr__(name, value) def get_log_path(self): run_path = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup, return os.path.join(run_path, "stdout", "log.out") def submit(self, previous_job = None): raise NotImplementedError("Override me!") def delete(self, output_only=False): raise NotImplementedError("Override me!") def get_output_files(self): # Retrun folder and experiment and reflection table suffixes raise NotImplementedError("Override me!") def remove_from_db(self): assert self.status == "DELETED" print("Removing job %d from the db", end=' ') tag = query = """DELETE job FROM `%s_job` job WHERE = %d""" % ( tag, cursor =, commit=True) print("(%d)"%cursor.rowcount) def get_identifier_string(self): if == 'lcls': s = "%s_%s_r%04d_t%03d_rg%03d"% \ (,, int(, self.trial.trial, else: s = "%s_%s_t%03d_rg%03d"% \ (,, self.trial.trial, if self.task is not None: s += "_task%03d" return s class AveragingJob(Job): def get_identifier_string(self): # Override this function because rungroups are not used for averaging if == 'lcls': s = "%s_%s_r%04d"% \ (,, int( else: s = "%s_%s"% \ (, return s def submit(self, previous_job=None): from xfel.command_line.cxi_mpi_submit import Script as submit_script params = copy.deepcopy( params.dispatcher = 'dxtbx.image_average' configs_dir = os.path.join(settings_dir, "cfgs") if not os.path.exists(configs_dir): os.makedirs(configs_dir) identifier_string = self.get_identifier_string() # Make an argument list that can be submitted to cxi_mpi_submit. # dxtbx.image_average does not use phil files. extra_args = "-a <output_dir>/avg.cbf -m <output_dir>/max.cbf -s <output_dir>/std.cbf" if self.skip_images > 0: extra_args += f' --skip-images={self.skip_images}' if self.num_images > 0: extra_args += f' --num-images={self.num_images}' self.args = [ f'input.run_num = {}', 'input.dispatcher = dxtbx.image_average', 'output.output_dir = {0}'.format(os.path.join(params.output_folder, 'averages')), 'output.split_logs = False', 'output.add_output_dir_option = False', f'mp.extra_args = {extra_args}', f'mp.method = {}', ] if != 'local' or ( == 'local' and == 'lcls'): mp_args = [ f'mp.use_mpi = {}', f'mp.mpi_command = {}', f'mp.mpi_option = "--mpi=True"', f'mp.nnodes = {}', f'mp.nproc = {}', f'mp.nproc_per_node = {}', f'mp.queue = {}', f'mp.env_script = {[0]}', f'mp.wall_time = {}', f'mp.htcondor.executable_path = {}', ] for arg in mp_args: self.args.append(arg) if is not None: shifter_args = [ f'mp.shifter.nersc_shifter_image = {}', f'mp.shifter.sbatch_script_template = {}', f'mp.shifter.srun_script_template = {}', f'mp.shifter.nersc_partition = {}', f'mp.shifter.nersc_jobname = {}', f'mp.shifter.nersc_project = {}', f'mp.shifter.nersc_constraint = {}', f'mp.shifter.nersc_reservation = {}', f'mp.shifter.staging = {}', ] for arg in shifter_args: self.args.append(arg) if == 'lcls': locator_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + ".loc") self.args.append(f'input.locator = {locator_path}') write_xtc_locator(locator_path, params,, self.rungroup) result = submit_script().run(self.args) return result class IndexingJob(Job): def get_output_files(self): run_path = str(get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup, return os.path.join(run_path, 'out'), '_integrated.expt', '_integrated.refl', None, None def submit(self, previous_job = None): import libtbx.load_env configs_dir = os.path.join(settings_dir, "cfgs") if not os.path.exists(configs_dir): os.makedirs(configs_dir) identifier_string = self.get_identifier_string() target_phil_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + "_params.phil") dispatcher = phil_str = self.trial.target_phil_str if phil_str is None: phil_str = "" if self.rungroup.extra_phil_str is not None: phil_str += "\n" + self.rungroup.extra_phil_str from xfel.ui import load_phil_scope_from_dispatcher if dispatcher == "cxi.xtc_process": image_format = 'pickle' else: orig_phil_scope = load_phil_scope_from_dispatcher(dispatcher) if os.path.isfile(dispatcher): dispatcher = 'libtbx.python ' + dispatcher from iotbx.phil import parse if self.rungroup.two_theta_low is not None or self.rungroup.two_theta_high is not None: override_str = """ radial_average { enable = True show_plots = False verbose = False output_bins = False mask = %s } """%(self.rungroup.untrusted_pixel_mask_path) phil_scope = orig_phil_scope.fetch(parse(override_str)) else: phil_scope = orig_phil_scope trial_params = phil_scope.fetch(parse(phil_str)).extract() image_format = self.rungroup.format mode = get_image_mode(self.rungroup) if hasattr(trial_params, 'format'): trial_params.format.file_format = image_format trial_params.format.cbf.mode = mode if hasattr(trial_params.indexing.stills, 'known_orientations') and \ len(trial_params.indexing.stills.known_orientations) == 1: try: ko_trial, ko_rungroup = trial_params.indexing.stills.known_orientations[0].split('_') ko_trial = ko_rungroup ='rg'))) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass else: ko_run_path = get_run_path(, ko_trial, ko_rungroup, ko_wildcard = trial_params.output.refined_experiments_filename.replace('%s', '*') trial_params.indexing.stills.known_orientations[0] = os.path.join(ko_run_path, 'out', ko_wildcard) if self.rungroup.calib_dir is not None or self.rungroup.config_str is not None or dispatcher == 'cxi.xtc_process' or image_format == 'pickle': config_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + ".cfg") else: config_path = None if hasattr(trial_params.dispatch, 'process_percent'): trial_params.dispatch.process_percent = self.trial.process_percent # Dictionary for formating the submit phil and, if used, the labelit cfg file d = dict( # Generally for the LABELIT backend or image pickles address = self.rungroup.detector_address, default_calib_dir = libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/metrology/CSPad/run4/CxiDs1.0_Cspad.0"), dark_avg_path = self.rungroup.dark_avg_path, dark_stddev_path = self.rungroup.dark_stddev_path, untrusted_pixel_mask_path = self.rungroup.untrusted_pixel_mask_path, detz_parameter = self.rungroup.detz_parameter, gain_map_path = self.rungroup.gain_map_path, gain_mask_level = self.rungroup.gain_mask_level, beamx = self.rungroup.beamx, beamy = self.rungroup.beamy, energy =, binning = self.rungroup.binning, two_theta_low = self.rungroup.two_theta_low, two_theta_high = self.rungroup.two_theta_high, # Generally for job submission dry_run =, dispatcher = dispatcher, cfg = config_path, experiment =, # LCLS specific parameter run_num =, output_dir =, use_ffb =, # LCLS specific parameter # Generally for both trial = self.trial.trial, rungroup = self.rungroup.rungroup_id, experiment_tag =, calib_dir = self.rungroup.calib_dir, nproc =, nnodes = or, nproc_per_node =, queue = or None, env_script =[0] if is not None and len( > 0 and len([0]) > 0 else None, phenix_script =[0] if is not None and len( > 0 and len([0]) > 0 else None, method =, wall_time =, htcondor_executable_path =, nersc_shifter_image =, sbatch_script_template =, srun_script_template =, nersc_partition =, nersc_jobname =, nersc_project =, nersc_constraint =, nersc_reservation =, nersc_staging =, target = target_phil_path, host =, dbname =, user =, port =, # always use mpi for 'lcls' use_mpi = != 'local' or ( == 'local' and == 'lcls'), mpi_command =, extra_options = "\n".join(["extra_options = %s"%opt for opt in]), ) if == 'sge': d['use_mpi'] = False if is not None and len( == 0: d['password'] = None else: d['password'] = phil = open(target_phil_path, "w") if dispatcher == 'cxi.xtc_process': phil.write(phil_str) else: extra_scope = None if hasattr(trial_params, 'format'): if image_format == "cbf": trial_params.input.address = self.rungroup.detector_address trial_params.format.cbf.detz_offset = self.rungroup.detz_parameter trial_params.format.cbf.override_energy = trial_params.format.cbf.invalid_pixel_mask = self.rungroup.untrusted_pixel_mask_path if mode == 'cspad': trial_params.format.cbf.cspad.gain_mask_value = self.rungroup.gain_mask_level elif mode == 'rayonix': trial_params.format.cbf.rayonix.bin_size = self.rungroup.binning trial_params.format.cbf.rayonix.override_beam_x = self.rungroup.beamx trial_params.format.cbf.rayonix.override_beam_y = self.rungroup.beamy if trial_params.input.known_orientations_folder is not None: trial_params.input.known_orientations_folder = trial_params.input.known_orientations_folder.format( else: if trial_params.spotfinder.lookup.mask is None: trial_params.spotfinder.lookup.mask = self.rungroup.untrusted_pixel_mask_path if trial_params.integration.lookup.mask is None: trial_params.integration.lookup.mask = self.rungroup.untrusted_pixel_mask_path if == 'lcls': locator_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + ".loc") write_xtc_locator(locator_path,,, self.rungroup) if mode == 'rayonix': from xfel.cxi.cspad_ana import rayonix_tbx pixel_size = rayonix_tbx.get_rayonix_pixel_size(self.rungroup.binning) extra_scope = parse("geometry { detector { panel { origin = (%f, %f, %f) } } }"%(-self.rungroup.beamx * pixel_size, self.rungroup.beamy * pixel_size, -self.rungroup.detz_parameter)) d['locator'] = locator_path else: d['locator'] = None if self.rungroup.two_theta_low is not None or self.rungroup.two_theta_high is not None: try: trial_params.radial_average.two_theta_low = self.rungroup.two_theta_low trial_params.radial_average.two_theta_high = self.rungroup.two_theta_high except AttributeError: pass # not all dispatchers support radial averaging working_phil = phil_scope.format(python_object=trial_params) if extra_scope: working_phil = working_phil.fetch(extra_scope) diff_phil = orig_phil_scope.fetch_diff(source=working_phil) phil.write(diff_phil.as_str()) phil.close() if config_path is not None: if dispatcher != 'cxi.xtc_process': d['untrusted_pixel_mask_path'] = None # Don't pass a pixel mask to mod_image_dict as it will # will be used during dials processing directly config_str = "[psana]\n" if self.rungroup.calib_dir is not None: config_str += "calib-dir=%s\n"%self.rungroup.calib_dir modules = [] if self.rungroup.config_str is not None: for line in self.rungroup.config_str.split("\n"): if line.startswith('['): modules.append(line.lstrip('[').rstrip(']')) if dispatcher == 'cxi.xtc_process': modules.insert(0, 'my_ana_pkg.mod_radial_average') modules.extend(['my_ana_pkg.mod_hitfind:index','my_ana_pkg.mod_dump:index']) elif image_format == 'pickle': modules.insert(0, 'my_ana_pkg.mod_radial_average') modules.extend(['my_ana_pkg.mod_image_dict']) if modules.insert(0, 'my_ana_pkg.mod_dump:shot') if len(modules) > 0: config_str += "modules = %s\n"%(" ".join(modules)) if self.rungroup.config_str is not None: config_str += self.rungroup.config_str + "\n" if dispatcher == 'cxi.xtc_process' or image_format == 'pickle': d['address'] = d['address'].replace('.','-').replace(':','|') # old style address if dispatcher == 'cxi.xtc_process': template = open(os.path.join(libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/ui/db/cfgs"), "index_all.cfg")) elif image_format == 'pickle': template = open(os.path.join(libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/ui/db/cfgs"), "image_dict.cfg")) for line in template.readlines(): config_str += line.format(**d) template.close() d['address'] = self.rungroup.detector_address cfg = open(config_path, 'w') cfg.write(config_str) cfg.close() if dispatcher != 'cxi.xtc_process': d['untrusted_pixel_mask_path'] = self.rungroup.untrusted_pixel_mask_path submit_phil_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + "_submit.phil") submit_root = libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/ui/db/cfgs") if dispatcher in ['cxi.xtc_process', 'cctbx.xfel.xtc_process']: template = open(os.path.join(submit_root, "submit_xtc_process.phil")) else: test_root = os.path.join(submit_root, "submit_" + dispatcher + ".phil") if os.path.exists(test_root): template = open(test_root) else: if hasattr(trial_params, 'format'): template = open(os.path.join(submit_root, "submit_xtc_process.phil")) else: template = open(os.path.join(submit_root, "submit_xfel_process.phil")) phil = open(submit_phil_path, "w") if dispatcher == 'cxi.xtc_process': d['target'] = None # any target phil will be in mod_hitfind for line in template.readlines(): phil.write(line.format(**d)) d['target'] = target_phil_path template.close() phil.close() from xfel.command_line.cxi_mpi_submit import Script as submit_script args = [submit_phil_path] if not in ['lcls']: args.append( return submit_script().run(args) def delete(self, output_only=False): if self.status not in finished_job_statuses: print("Job is not finished (status = %s)"%self.status) return if self.status == "DELETED": return job_folder = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup, if os.path.exists(job_folder): print("Deleting job folder for job", shutil.rmtree(job_folder) else: print("Cannot find job folder (%s)"%job_folder) # Have to be careful to delete from the tables in the right order tag = def delete_and_commit(query): cursor =, commit=True) print("(%d)"%cursor.rowcount) print("Deleting cell_bin entries", end=' ') query = """DELETE cell_bin FROM `%s_cell_bin` cell_bin JOIN `%s_crystal` crystal ON = cell_bin.crystal_id JOIN `%s_experiment` expr ON expr.crystal_id = JOIN `%s_imageset` imgset ON = expr.imageset_id JOIN `%s_imageset_event` ie_e ON ie_e.imageset_id = JOIN `%s_event` evt ON = ie_e.event_id WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d""" % ( tag, tag, tag, tag, tag, tag,,, delete_and_commit(query) ids = {} for item in "crystal", "beam", "detector": print("Listing %s ids"%item, end=' ') query = """SELECT FROM `%s_%s` %s JOIN `%s_experiment` expr ON expr.%s_id = JOIN `%s_imageset` imgset ON = expr.imageset_id JOIN `%s_imageset_event` ie_e ON ie_e.imageset_id = JOIN `%s_event` evt ON = ie_e.event_id WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d""" % ( item, tag, item, item, tag, item, item, tag, tag, tag,,, cursor = item_ids = ["%d"%i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()] print("(%d)"%len(item_ids)) ids[item] = ",".join(item_ids) if len(self.trial.isoforms) == 0: print("Listing bin entries", end=' ') query = """SELECT FROM `%s_bin` bin JOIN `%s_cell` cell ON bin.cell_id = JOIN `%s_crystal` crystal ON crystal.cell_id = JOIN `%s_experiment` expr ON expr.crystal_id = JOIN `%s_imageset` imgset ON = expr.imageset_id JOIN `%s_imageset_event` ie_e ON ie_e.imageset_id = JOIN `%s_event` evt ON = ie_e.event_id WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d AND cell.trial_id is NULL""" % ( tag, tag, tag, tag, tag, tag, tag,,, cursor = item_ids = ["%d"%i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()] print("(%d)"%len(item_ids)) bin_ids = ",".join(item_ids) print("Listing cell entries", end=' ') query = """SELECT FROM `%s_cell` cell JOIN `%s_crystal` crystal ON crystal.cell_id = JOIN `%s_experiment` expr ON expr.crystal_id = JOIN `%s_imageset` imgset ON = expr.imageset_id JOIN `%s_imageset_event` ie_e ON ie_e.imageset_id = JOIN `%s_event` evt ON = ie_e.event_id WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d AND cell.trial_id IS NULL""" % ( tag, tag, tag, tag, tag, tag,,, cursor = item_ids = ["%d"%i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()] print("(%d)"%len(item_ids)) cell_ids = ",".join(item_ids) print("Deleting experiment entries", end=' ') query = """DELETE expr FROM `%s_experiment` expr JOIN `%s_imageset` imgset ON = expr.imageset_id JOIN `%s_imageset_event` ie_e ON ie_e.imageset_id = JOIN `%s_event` evt ON = ie_e.event_id WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d""" % ( tag, tag, tag, tag,,, delete_and_commit(query) for item in "crystal", "beam", "detector": if len(ids[item]) > 0: print("Deleting %s entries"%item, end=' ') query = """DELETE %s FROM `%s_%s` %s WHERE IN (%s)""" % ( item, tag, item, item, item, ids[item]) delete_and_commit(query) if len(self.trial.isoforms) == 0 and len(bin_ids) > 0: print("Deleting bin entries", end=' ') query = """DELETE bin FROM `%s_bin` bin WHERE IN (%s)""" % ( tag, bin_ids) delete_and_commit(query) if len(self.trial.isoforms) == 0 and len(cell_ids) > 0: print("Deleting cell entries", end=' ') query = """DELETE cell FROM `%s_cell` cell WHERE IN (%s)""" % ( tag, cell_ids) delete_and_commit(query) print("Listing imageset entries", end=' ') query = """SELECT FROM `%s_imageset` imgset JOIN `%s_imageset_event` ie_e ON ie_e.imageset_id = JOIN `%s_event` evt ON = ie_e.event_id WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d""" % ( tag, tag, tag,,, cursor = item_ids = ["%d"%i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()] print("(%d)"%len(item_ids)) imageset_ids = ",".join(item_ids) print("Deleting imageset_event entries", end=' ') query = """DELETE is_e FROM `%s_imageset_event` is_e JOIN `%s_event` evt ON = is_e.event_id WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d""" % ( tag, tag,,, delete_and_commit(query) if len(imageset_ids) > 0: print("Deleting imageset entries", end=' ') query = """DELETE imgset FROM `%s_imageset` imgset WHERE IN (%s)""" % ( tag, imageset_ids) delete_and_commit(query) print("Deleting event entries", end=' ') query = """DELETE evt FROM `%s_event` evt WHERE evt.run_id = %d AND evt.trial_id = %d AND evt.rungroup_id = %d""" % ( tag,,, delete_and_commit(query) self.status = "DELETED" class EnsembleRefinementJob(Job): def delete(self, output_only=False): job_folder = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup,, self.task) if os.path.exists(job_folder): print("Deleting job folder for job", shutil.rmtree(job_folder) else: print("Cannot find job folder (%s)"%job_folder) self.status = "DELETED" def get_output_files(self): run_path = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup,, self.task) return os.path.join(run_path, 'combine_experiments_t%03d'%self.trial.trial, 'intermediates', "*reintegrated*"), '.expt', '.refl', None, None def get_log_path(self): run_path = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup,, self.task) return os.path.join(run_path, 'combine_experiments_t%03d'%self.trial.trial, 'intermediates', "combine_t%03d_rg%03d_chunk000.out"%(self.trial.trial, # XXX there can be multiple chunks or multiple clusters def submit(self, previous_job = None): from xfel.command_line.striping import Script from xfel.command_line.cxi_mpi_submit import get_submission_id from libtbx import easy_run configs_dir = os.path.join(settings_dir, "cfgs") identifier_string = self.get_identifier_string() target_phil_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + "_params.phil") with open(target_phil_path, 'w') as f: if self.task.parameters: f.write(self.task.parameters) path = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup,, self.task) os.mkdir(path) arguments = """ mp.queue={} mp.nnodes={} mp.nproc_per_node={} mp.method={} {} {} mp.wall_time={} mp.use_mpi=False mp.mpi_command={} {} mp.shifter.submit_command={} mp.shifter.shifter_image={} mp.shifter.sbatch_script_template={} mp.shifter.srun_script_template={} mp.shifter.partition={} mp.shifter.jobname={} mp.shifter.project={} mp.shifter.reservation={} mp.shifter.constraint={} mp.shifter.staging={} striping.results_dir={} striping.trial={} striping.rungroup={}{} {} striping.chunk_size=256 striping.stripe=False striping.dry_run=True striping.output_folder={} reintegration.integration.lookup.mask={} mp.local.include_mp_in_command=False """.format( if len( > 0 else None, 1,,,, '\n'.join(['mp.env_script={}'.format(p) for p in if p]), '\n'.join(['mp.phenix_script={}'.format(p) for p in if p]),,, "\n".join(["extra_options={}".format(opt) for opt in]),,,,,,,,,,,, self.trial.trial,,, target_phil_path, path, self.rungroup.untrusted_pixel_mask_path, ).split() try: commands = Script(arguments).run() except Exception as e: if 'no DIALS integration results found' in str(e): print("No DIALS integration results found") self.status = "EXIT" return else: raise submission_ids = [] if == 'local': self.status = "RUNNING" for command in commands: try: result = easy_run.fully_buffered(command=command) result.raise_if_errors() except Exception as e: if not "Warning: job being submitted without an AFS token." in str(e): raise e submission_ids.append(get_submission_id(result, if == 'local': self.status = "DONE" else: return ",".join(submission_ids) class ScalingJob(Job): def delete(self, output_only=False): job_folder = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup,, self.task) if os.path.exists(job_folder): print("Deleting job folder for job", shutil.rmtree(job_folder) else: print("Cannot find job folder (%s)"%job_folder) self.status = "DELETED" def get_output_files(self): run_path = get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup,, self.task) return os.path.join(run_path, 'out'), ".expt", ".refl", None, None def write_submit_phil(self, submit_phil_path, target_phil_path): import libtbx.load_env from xfel.ui.db.task import task_types, task_dispatchers submit_root = libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/ui/db/cfgs") d = dict( dry_run =, dispatcher = task_dispatchers[task_types.index(self.task.type)], run_num =, output_dir =, trial = self.trial.trial, rungroup = self.rungroup.rungroup_id, task =, nproc =, nproc_per_node =, queue = or None, env_script =[0] if len( > 0 and len([0]) > 0 else None, phenix_script =[0] if len( > 0 and len([0]) > 0 else None, method =, htcondor_executable_path =, nersc_shifter_image =, sbatch_script_template =, srun_script_template =, nersc_partition =, nersc_jobname =, nersc_project =, nersc_constraint =, nersc_reservation =, nersc_staging =, target = target_phil_path, # always use mpi for 'lcls' use_mpi = != 'local' or ( == 'local' and == 'lcls'), mpi_command =, nnodes = or, wall_time =, extra_options = "\n".join(["extra_options = %s"%opt for opt in]), ) with open(submit_phil_path, "w") as phil: for line in open(os.path.join(submit_root, "submit_xfel_merge.phil")).readlines(): phil.write(line.format(**d)) def submit(self, previous_job = None): from xfel.command_line.cxi_mpi_submit import Script as submit_script output_path = os.path.join(get_run_path(, self.trial, self.rungroup,, self.task), 'out') configs_dir = os.path.join(settings_dir, "cfgs") if not os.path.exists(configs_dir): os.makedirs(configs_dir) identifier_string = self.get_identifier_string() submit_phil_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + "_submit.phil") target_phil_path = os.path.join(configs_dir, identifier_string + "_params.phil") input_folder, expt_suffix, refl_suffix, _, _ = previous_job.get_output_files() with open(target_phil_path, 'w') as f: f.write("input.path=%s\n"%input_folder) f.write("input.experiments_suffix=%s\n"%expt_suffix) f.write("input.reflections_suffix=%s\n"%refl_suffix) f.write("output.output_dir=%s\n"%output_path) f.write("output.prefix=%s_%d\n"%(self.task.type, f.write(self.task.parameters) self.write_submit_phil(submit_phil_path, target_phil_path) args = [submit_phil_path] return submit_script().run(args) class MergingJob(Job): def get_global_path(self): if self.dataset_version is None: return None return self.dataset_version.output_path() def get_log_path(self): return self.get_global_path() def get_identifier_string(self): return "%s_%s%03d_v%03d"%(, self.task.type,, self.dataset_version.version) def delete(self, output_only=False): job_folder = self.get_global_path() if job_folder and os.path.exists(job_folder): print("Deleting job folder for job", shutil.rmtree(job_folder) else: print("Cannot find job folder (%s)"%job_folder) self.status = "DELETED" def get_output_files(self): path = self.get_global_path() return path, None, None, "%s_v%03d_all.mtz"%(, self.dataset_version.version), None def submit(self, previous_job = None): from xfel.command_line.cxi_mpi_submit import do_submit output_path = self.get_global_path() if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) identifier_string = self.get_identifier_string() target_phil_path = os.path.join(output_path, identifier_string + "_params.phil") with open(target_phil_path, 'w') as f: expt_suffix = refl_suffix = None for job in input_folder, _expt_suffix, _refl_suffix, _, _ = job.get_output_files() if expt_suffix is None: expt_suffix = _expt_suffix else: assert expt_suffix == _expt_suffix if refl_suffix is None: refl_suffix = _refl_suffix else: assert refl_suffix == _refl_suffix f.write("input.path=%s\n"%input_folder) f.write("input.experiments_suffix=%s\n"%expt_suffix) f.write("input.reflections_suffix=%s\n"%refl_suffix) f.write("output.output_dir=%s\n"%output_path) f.write("output.prefix=%s_v%03d\n"%(, self.dataset_version.version)) f.write(self.task.parameters) command = "cctbx.xfel.merge %s"%target_phil_path submit_path = os.path.join(output_path, identifier_string + "") params = if params.nnodes_merge: params = copy.deepcopy(params) params.nnodes = params.nnodes_merge return do_submit(command, submit_path, output_path, params, log_name="log.out", err_name="err.out", job_name=identifier_string) class PhenixJob(Job): def get_global_path(self): return os.path.join(self.dataset_version.output_path(), self.get_identifier_string()) def get_log_path(self): return self.get_global_path() def get_identifier_string(self): return "%s_%s%03d_v%03d"%(, self.task.type,, self.dataset_version.version) def delete(self, output_only=False): job_folder = self.get_global_path() if os.path.exists(job_folder): print("Deleting job folder for job", shutil.rmtree(job_folder) else: print("Cannot find job folder (%s)"%job_folder) self.status = "DELETED" def get_output_files(self): path = self.get_global_path() return path, None, None, ".mtz", ".pdb" def submit(self, previous_job = None): from xfel.command_line.cxi_mpi_submit import do_submit output_path = self.get_global_path() if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) identifier_string = self.get_identifier_string() target_phil_path = os.path.join(output_path, identifier_string + "_params.phil") input_folder, _, _, input_mtz, _ = previous_job.get_output_files() command = self.task.parameters.split('\n')[0] phil_params = '\n'.join(self.task.parameters.split('\n')[1:]) phil_params = phil_params.replace('<PREVIOUS_TASK_MTZ>', os.path.join(input_folder, input_mtz)) phil_params = phil_params.replace('<PREVIOUS_TASK_FOLDER>', input_folder) phil_params = phil_params.replace('<DATASET_NAME>', phil_params = phil_params.replace('<DATASET_VERSION>', str(self.dataset_version.version)) with open(target_phil_path, 'w') as f: f.write(phil_params) command = "%s %s"%(command, target_phil_path) submit_path = os.path.join(output_path, identifier_string + "") params = copy.deepcopy( if params.nnodes_merge: params.nnodes = params.nnodes_merge params.use_mpi = False params.shifter.staging = None if 'upload' in command: params.nnodes = 1 params.nproc_per_node = 1 #params.queue = 'shared' else: params.env_script = params.phenix_script if params.method == 'shifter' and 'upload' not in command: import libtbx.load_env params.shifter.sbatch_script_template = os.path.join( \ libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/ui/db/cfgs"), "") params.shifter.srun_script_template = os.path.join( \ libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/ui/db/cfgs"), "") return do_submit(command, submit_path, output_path, params, log_name="log.out", err_name="err.out", job_name=identifier_string) # Support classes and functions for job submission class _job(object): """Used to represent a job that may not have been submitted into the cluster or database yet""" def __init__(self, trial, rungroup, run, task=None, dataset=None): self.trial = trial self.rungroup = rungroup = run self.task = task self.dataset = dataset def __str__(self): s = "Job: Trial %d, rg %d, run %s"%(self.trial.trial,, if self.task: s += ", task %d %s"%(, self.task.type) if self.dataset: s += ", dataset %d %s"%(, return s @staticmethod def job_hash(job): ret = [] check = ['trial', 'rungroup', 'run', 'task', 'dataset'] for subitem_name in check: subitem = getattr(job, subitem_name) if subitem is None: ret.append(None) else: ret.append( return tuple(ret) def __eq__(self, other): return job_hash(self) == job_hash(other) def submit_all_jobs(app): submitted_jobs = {_job.job_hash(j):j for j in app.get_all_jobs()} if == 'local': # only run one job at a time for job in submitted_jobs.values(): if job.status in ['RUN', 'UNKWN', 'SUBMITTED']: return runs = app.get_all_runs() trials = app.get_all_trials(only_active = True) needed_jobs = [] for trial in trials: for rungroup in trial.rungroups: assert for run in rungroup.runs: needed_jobs.append(_job(trial, rungroup, run)) for job in needed_jobs: if _job.job_hash(job) in submitted_jobs: continue print("Submitting job: trial %d, rungroup %d, run %s"%(job.trial.trial,, j = JobFactory.from_args(app, trial_id =, rungroup_id =, run_id =, status = "SUBMITTED") j.trial = job.trial; j.rungroup = job.rungroup; = try: j.submission_id = j.submit() except Exception as e: print("Couldn't submit job:", str(e)) j.status = "SUBMIT_FAIL" raise if == 'local': # only run one job at a time return datasets = app.get_all_datasets() for dataset_idx, dataset in enumerate(datasets): if not continue # one of the tasks will have a trial, otherwise we don't know where to save the data trial = None tasks = dataset.tasks for task in tasks: if task.trial is not None: if trial is None: trial = task.trial else: assert ==, "Found multiple trials, don't know where to save the results" assert trial, "No trial found in task list, don't know where to save the results" trial_tags_ids = [ for t in trial.tags] dataset_tags = [t for t in dataset.tags if in trial_tags_ids] if not dataset_tags or len(dataset_tags) < len(dataset.tags): continue runs_rungroups = [] for rungroup in trial.rungroups: runs_rungroups.extend([(run, rungroup) for run in app.get_rungroup_runs_by_tags(rungroup, dataset_tags, dataset.tag_operator)]) # Datasets always start with indexing global_tasks = {} for run, rungroup in runs_rungroups: submit_next_task = False last_task_status = "" previous_job = None for task_idx, task in enumerate(tasks): if task.scope == 'global': if previous_job.status in ["DONE", "EXIT"]: key = (dataset_idx, task_idx) if key not in global_tasks: global_tasks[key] = [] global_tasks[key].append(previous_job) continue if task.type == 'indexing': job = _job(trial, rungroup, run) else: job = _job(trial, rungroup, run, task) try: submitted_job = submitted_jobs[_job.job_hash(job)] except KeyError: if not submit_next_task: print("Warning, expected to find submitted %s job: trial %d, rungroup %d, run %s, task %d"% \ (task.type, trial.trial,,, break else: if not task_idx+1 < len(tasks): break # no more tasks to do after this one next_task = tasks[task_idx+1] if submitted_job.status not in finished_job_statuses or submitted_job.status == "UNKWN": print ("Task %s waiting on job %d (%s) for trial %d, rungroup %d, run %s, task %d" % \ (next_task.type,, submitted_job.status, trial.trial,,, break if submitted_job.status not in ["DONE", "EXIT"]: print ("Task %s cannot start due to unexpected status for job %d (%s) for trial %d, rungroup %d, run %s, task %d" % \ (next_task.type,, submitted_job.status, trial.trial,,, break submit_next_task = True previous_job = submitted_job continue print("Submitting %s job: trial %d, rungroup %d, run %s, task %d"% \ (task.type, trial.trial,,, j = JobFactory.from_args(app, trial_id =, rungroup_id =, run_id =, task_id =, status = "SUBMITTED") j.trial = job.trial; j.rungroup = job.rungroup; =; j.task = job.task try: j.submission_id = j.submit(previous_job) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't submit job:", str(e)) j.status = "SUBMIT_FAIL" raise previous_job = j if == 'local': # only run one job at a time return break # job submitted so don't look for more in this run for this dataset versions = dataset.versions for task_idx, task in enumerate(tasks): if task.scope == 'local': # only global tasks follow global tasks if task_idx: assert tasks[task_idx-1].scope != 'global' continue assert task.scope == 'global' # only two task scopes assert task_idx # first task cannot be global prev_task = tasks[task_idx-1] if prev_task.scope == 'global': # Submit a job for this task for any versions where it has not been prev_j = _job(None, None, None, prev_task, dataset) test_j = _job(None, None, None, task, dataset) for version in versions: prev_job = this_job = None for j in if prev_j == j: prev_job = j continue elif test_j == j: this_job = j continue if prev_job and this_job: break if not this_job and prev_job and prev_job.status == 'DONE': j = JobFactory.from_args(app, task_id =, dataset_id =, status = "SUBMITTED") j.task = task; j.dataset = dataset; j.dataset_version = version try: j.submission_id = j.submit(prev_job) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't submit job:", str(e)) j.status = "SUBMIT_FAIL" raise version.add_job(j) if == 'local': # only run one job at a time return key = dataset_idx, task_idx if key not in global_tasks: continue # no jobs ready yet latest_version = dataset.latest_version next_version = None if latest_version is None: next_version = 0 else: latest_version_local_jobs = [ for j in if j.task.scope == 'local'] new_jobs = [j for j in global_tasks[key] if not in latest_version_local_jobs] if new_jobs: next_version = latest_version.version + 1 if next_version is not None: latest_version = app.create_dataset_version(dataset_id =, version=next_version) for job in global_tasks[key]: latest_version.add_job(job) j = JobFactory.from_args(app, task_id =, dataset_id =, status = "SUBMITTED") j.task = task; j.dataset = dataset; j.dataset_version = latest_version try: j.submission_id = j.submit() except Exception as e: print("Couldn't submit job:", str(e)) j.status = "SUBMIT_FAIL" raise latest_version.add_job(j) if == 'local': # only run one job at a time return
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect #from django.shortcuts import redirect # Address ํด๋ž˜์Šค import from address.models import Address from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt def home(request): # address ํ…Œ์ด๋ธ”์˜ ๋ชจ๋“  ๋ ˆ์ฝ”๋“œ๋ฅผ name ์˜ค๋ฆ„์ฐจ์ˆœ์œผ๋กœ ์ €์žฅ, ๋‚ด๋ฆผ์ฐจ์ˆœ์€ -name items = Address.objects.order_by('name') # address ํ…Œ์ด๋ธ”์˜ ๋ ˆ์ฝ”๋“œ ๊ฐฏ์ˆ˜๋ฅผ ์ €์žฅ address_count = Address.objects.all().count() # list.html๋กœ ์ด๋™ (๋ฐ์ดํ„ฐ๋„ ๊ฐ™์ด ์ „๋‹ฌ๋จ) return render(request, 'address/list.html', {'items':items,'address_count':address_count}) # http://localhost/address/write def write(request): # address/templates/address/write.html ํŽ˜์ด์ง€๋กœ ์ด๋™ return render(request, 'address/write.html') #ํฌ๋กœ์Šค ์‚ฌ์ดํŠธ ์Šคํฌ๋ฆฝํŒ… ๊ณต๊ฒฉ์„ ๋ฐฉ์ง€ํ•˜๊ธฐ ์œ„ํ•œ ์ฝ”๋“œ @csrf_exempt # request : ์‚ฌ์šฉ์ž๊ฐ€ ์ž…๋ ฅํ•œ ๋‚ด์šฉ๋“ค์ด ์ €์žฅ๋œ ๋ณ€์ˆ˜ def insert(request): # post ๋ฐฉ์‹์œผ๋กœ ์ „๋‹ฌ๋œ ๊ฐ’๋“ค์„ Address ํด๋ž˜์Šค์— ์ €์žฅ addr = Address(name=request.POST['name'], tel=request.POST['tel'], email=request.POST['email'], address=request.POST['address']) # ๋ ˆ์ฝ”๋“œ๊ฐ€ ์ถ”๊ฐ€๋จ # ๋ฆฌ๋‹ค์ด๋ ‰ํŠธ http://localhost/address ๋กœ ์ด๋™ return redirect('/address') # http://localhost/address/detail ํšŒ์›์ƒ์„ธ ํ™”๋ฉด def detail(request): #์ฟผ๋ฆฌ์ŠคํŠธ๋ง์œผ๋กœ ์ „๋‹ฌ๋œ ๋ณ€์ˆ˜ (get ๋ฐฉ์‹) id=request.GET['idx'] # address ํ…Œ์ด๋ธ”์˜ ๋ ˆ์ฝ”๋“œ ์ค‘์—์„œ idx ๊ฐ’์œผ๋กœ ์กฐํšŒ addr=Address.objects.get(idx=id) # detail.html๋กœ ๋„˜์–ด๊ฐ€์„œ ์ถœ๋ ฅ๋จ return render(request, 'address/detail.html', {'addr':addr}) #ํฌ๋กœ์Šค ์‚ฌ์ดํŠธ ์Šคํฌ๋ฆฝํŒ… ๊ณต๊ฒฉ ๋ฐฉ์ง€ ์ฝ”๋“œ @csrf_exempt def update(request): id=request.POST['idx'] # hidden์œผ๋กœ ์ „๋‹ฌ๋œ ๊ธ€๋ฒˆํ˜ธ # ์ˆ˜์ •ํ•  ๋‚ด์šฉ์„ ํŽธ์ง‘ addr = Address(idx=id, name=request.POST['name'], tel=request.POST['tel'], email=request.POST['email'], address=request.POST['address']) #๋ ˆ์ฝ”๋“œ๊ฐ€ ์ˆ˜์ •๋จ # http://localhost/address๋กœ ์ด๋™(๋ชฉ๋ก์ด ๊ฐฑ์‹ ๋จ) return redirect("/address") #ํฌ๋กœ์Šค ์‚ฌ์ดํŠธ ์Šคํฌ๋ฆฝํŒ… ๊ณต๊ฒฉ ๋ฐฉ์ง€ ์ฝ”๋“œ @csrf_exempt def delete(request): #์‚ญ์ œํ•  ์ฃผ์†Œ๋ก ๋ฒˆํ˜ธ id=request.POST['idx'] #๋ ˆ์ฝ”๋“œ๊ฐ€ ์‚ญ์ œ๋จ Address.objects.get(idx=id).delete() #๋ชฉ๋ก์œผ๋กœ ์ด๋™ http://localhost/address return redirect("/address")
[ "MIT" ]
class Solution: def findAnagrams(self, s, p): ''' :param s: str :param p: str :return: List[int] ''' from collections import Counter ls, lp = len(s), len(p) cp = Counter(p) cs = Counter() res = [] for i in range(ls): cs[s[i]] += 1 if i >= lp: # when add a new element # in cs, the leftmost key value minus 1 cs[s[i - lp]] -= 1 # delete the leftmost key if cs[s[i - lp]] == 0: del cs[s[i - lp]] if cs == cp: res.append(i - lp + 1) return res # test s = "cbaebabacd" p = "abc" print(Solution().findAnagrams(s,p))
from pyspark.sql.functions import col from utils import Utils, schemas class TopSpeedingVehicles: """ Analysis 8: Determine the Top 5 Vehicle Makes where drivers are charged with speeding related offences, has licensed Drivers, uses top 10 used vehicle colours and has car licensed with the Top 25 states with highest number of offences (to be deduced from the data) """ def __process(self, session, files): """ process the top 5 vehicles with speeding related offences has licensed drivers :param session: SparkSession : `~pyspark.sql.SparkSession` :param files: Yaml config['files'] :return: Returns a : Dataframe `~spark.sql.SparkSession` Sample output: |VEH_MAKE_ID| +-----------+ | FORD| | HONDA| | SUBARU| | HYUNDAI| ------------ """ # Input files path source_path = files['inputpath'] charges_use_csv_path = source_path + "/" + files["charges"] person_use_csv_path = source_path + "/" + files["person"] units_use_csv_path = source_path + "/" + files["units"] # Reading from the CSV files charges_df = Utils.load_csv(session=session, path=charges_use_csv_path, header=True, schema=schemas.charges_schema) person_df = Utils.load_csv(session=session, path=person_use_csv_path, header=True, schema=schemas.primary_person_schema) units_df = Utils.load_csv(session=session, path=units_use_csv_path, header=True, schema=schemas.units_schema) # Joining on charges data with person data on crash_id join_condition = charges_df.CRASH_ID == person_df.CRASH_ID join_type = "inner" # charges with speed related offences with driver licences speeding_with_licences = charges_df.join(person_df, join_condition, join_type)\ .where((col("CHARGE").like("%SPEED%")) & (col("DRVR_LIC_TYPE_ID") == "DRIVER LICENSE")) \ .select(charges_df.CRASH_ID, charges_df.CHARGE, charges_df.UNIT_NBR, person_df.DRVR_LIC_TYPE_ID, person_df.DRVR_LIC_STATE_ID, person_df.DRVR_LIC_CLS_ID ) # Top states with highest number of offences top_states_offences = person_df\ .groupBy("DRVR_LIC_STATE_ID")\ .count()\ .orderBy(col("count").desc()).take(25) # Top used vehicles colours with licenced top_licensed_vehicle_colors = units_df.\ join(person_df, units_df.CRASH_ID == person_df.CRASH_ID, "inner") \ .where((col("DRVR_LIC_TYPE_ID") == "DRIVER LICENSE") & (col("DRVR_LIC_CLS_ID").like("CLASS C%"))) \ .groupBy("VEH_COLOR_ID")\ .count()\ .orderBy(col("count").desc()).take(10) top_colors = [i["VEH_COLOR_ID"] for i in top_licensed_vehicle_colors] top_states = [i['DRVR_LIC_STATE_ID'] for i in top_states_offences] top_vehicles_made = speeding_with_licences\ .join(units_df, speeding_with_licences.CRASH_ID == units_df.CRASH_ID, "inner") \ .where((col("VEH_COLOR_ID").isin(top_colors)) & (col("DRVR_LIC_STATE_ID").isin(top_states))) \ .select("VEH_MAKE_ID") return top_vehicles_made @staticmethod def execute(session, files): """ Invokes the process methods to get tha analysis report :param session: SparkSession : `~pyspark.sql.SparkSession` :param files: Yaml config['files'] :return: Dataset `~pyspark.sql.dataframe` -> Top Vehicles colors """ return TopSpeedingVehicles.__process(TopSpeedingVehicles, session, files)
#implement a hashtable with chaining in python #initialize Node class ListNode: def __init__(self,key, value): self.pair = (key,value) = None class HashTable: def __init__(self): self.m = 100 #number size of table self.table = [None] * self.m def is_empty(self, hashvalue): return self.table[hashvalue] == None def hash_function(self, key): hashvalue = key % len(self.table) return hashvalue def insert(self, key, value): new = ListNode(key,value) hashvalue = self.hash_function(key) if self.is_empty(hashvalue): self.table[hashvalue] = new else: = self.table[hashvalue] self.table[hashvalue] = new #def print_table(self): #driver code if __name__=='__main__': hashtable = HashTable() hashtable.insert(5,"Terje") hashtable.insert(5,"Finn") print(hashtable.table)
def mayor_edad(n): if n >= 18: return True else: return False n = 15 print mayor_edad(n)
str="How Is It Going?" print(str.lower())
Jupyter Notebook
from tensorflow.keras.layers import ( Conv2D, BatchNormalization, Input, LeakyReLU, ZeroPadding2D ) from tensorflow.keras.models import Model class Discriminator: def __init__(self, n_filters, max_layers, image_size, image_channels): self.image_size = image_size self.image_channels = image_channels self.n_filters = n_filters self.max_layers = max_layers self.build_model() def build_model(self): input_placeholder = Input( shape = ( self.image_size, self.image_size, self.image_channels ), name = 'Discriminator_Input_Layer' ) x = Conv2D( self.n_filters, kernel_size = 4, strides = 2, padding = 'same', name = 'First_Layer' )(input_placeholder) x = LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.2)(x) for layer in range(1, self.max_layers): output_features = self.n_filters * min(2 ** layer, 8) x = Conv2D( output_features, kernel_size = 4, strides = 2, padding = 'same', use_bias = False, name = 'Branch_{0}'.format(layer) )(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x, training = 1) x = LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.2)(x) output_features = self.n_filters * min(2 ** layer, 8) x = ZeroPadding2D(1)(x) x = Conv2D( output_features, kernel_size = 4, use_bias = False, name = 'Branch_last' )(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x, training = 1) x = LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.2)(x) x = ZeroPadding2D(1)(x) output = Conv2D( 1, kernel_size = 4, activation = 'sigmoid', name = 'Discriminator_Output_Layer' )(x) self.discrimator = Model([input_placeholder], output) print(output.get_shape) def display(self): self.discrimator.summary() def save(self, model_path):