You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Wow, Amy, look at that number. #Person2#: What's so great about it? #Person1#: What do you mean? It's a scrim. #Person2#: Not to me, I wouldn't be caught dead in that. #Person1#: I love that kind of stuff. #Person2#: Yeah, you seem to like those styles. #Person1#: Sure do. I get a kick out of looking punk. #Person2#: This one looks really expensive though. #Person1#: I don't care how much it costs. I'm rolling in it. #Person2#: Lucky you! I can't buy anything else. I'm flat broke. #Person1#: I got a replace my party outfit, I trashed it last week. #Person2#: Why did you drag me into this? I've spent a week salary. #Person1#: Are you on the level? You're the one who called me, remember? #Person2#: Just joking, T. I've got some wonderful clothes. Let's go and have a close look at your outfit.
#Person1# trashed the party outfit so #Person1# needs a replacement. Amy jokes that she is broke. They then go to see the outfit.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Is the environment a big issues in your country? It is in mine. #Person2#: It is in mine too. The biggest issue is water. The climate is dry and so water conservation is very important. #Person1#: What methods do you use to conserve water? #Person2#: Water is rationed. We can only use a certain amount each month. It means that we cannot use some modern household items, like washing machines. They use too much water. #Person1#: I see. I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution. #Person2#: Yes, I agree. The air here is much more polluted than in my country. Of course, my country is more agricultural and has much less industry. #Person1#: We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them. Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced. #Person2#: The problem is now on a truly global scale. I don't believe that any single country can do anything about it. #Person1#: I think you're right. There needs to be an international response to this problem.
The biggest issue in #Person2#'s country is water so their water is used in ration. The biggest environmental problem in #Person1#'s country is air pollution. They think there needs to be an international response to this problem.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Did you watch the movie program on Channel 6 last night? #Person2#: Yes, I did. It is a horrible movie. #Person1#: I wonder why TV programs often show much violence. #Person2#: Actually, more and more people have realized that violence on TV may lead to the increase of crime rates among teenagers. #Person1#: They are especially harmful to teenagers. #Person2#: But anyhow there are many worthwhile programs.
#Person1# notices TV programs often show much violence and #Person2# says it increases teenage crime rates.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I ' m forming a music band. #Person2#: Do you already know how to play an instrument? #Person1#: Uh... Yeah! I ' Ve told you a thousand times that I ' m learning to play the drums. Now that I know how to play well, I would like to form a rock band. #Person2#: Aside from yourself, who are the other members of the band? #Person1#: We have a guy who plays guitar, and another who plays bass. Although we still haven ' t found anyone to be our singer. You told me that you had some musical talent, right? #Person2#: Yes, I ' m a singer. #Person1#: Perfect. So you can audition this weekend here at my house. #Person2#: Great! Wait here? You don ' t have enough room for the amplifiers, microphones or even your drums! By the way where do you keep them or practice?
#Person1#'s forming a band. #Person1# can play drums and has got a guitar man and a bass man. #Person1# invites #Person2# to audition as a singer.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Do you know anyone who's had plastic surgery? #Person2#: You mean like a breast enlargement? I don't think that's really necessary. That's not the way a woman should stay attractive. #Person1#: Why not? Why can't we go back to the way things were? #Person2#: Because. . . I don't know. But, Connie, you wouldn't do that, would you? #Person1#: Darned right I would! #Person2#: Maybe make-up would be enough? #Person1#: Come on, Liz. Be open-minded! Look at my eyes, they are puffy. And my eye bags, they are dark and loose and full of lines and circles. I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired feelings. #Person2#: But what would other people think? #Person1#: I don't care what other people think. I am ready for a lift.
Connie wants to have plastic surgery. Liz tries to persuade her to give it up but Connie has made up her mind.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: How may I help you? #Person2#: I ' m having a problem. #Person1#: What problem are you having? #Person2#: There have been charges made on my debit card that I didn ' t make. #Person1#: Do you have the statement for your card? #Person2#: Here it is. #Person1#: What are the charges you ' re referring to? #Person2#: The last four charges on the page. #Person1#: I ' m afraid we ' re going to have to investigate these charges. #Person2#: How long will an investigation take? #Person1#: I honestly don ' t know, but we will freeze payment on these charges. #Person2#: That sounds absolutely fantastic.
There have four charges made on #Person2#'s debit card that #Person2# didn't make. #Person2# will freeze payment on those charges.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Mr. Ludlow, hello. It's good to see you again. What can we do for you today? #Person2#: Hello, I'm sorry it's been such a long time. I've been away on business. I'd like to discount this. #Person1#: No problem. Could I please see the bill and all of the other documents? #Person2#: Yeah, sure. Here they are. Take your time going through them, I'm in no hurry. #Person1#: There's no problem here, everything's in order. I can transact that for you now. #Person2#: Do I need to pay anything? Like a handling fee, or something? #Person1#: No, you don't need to pay anything on top. We just simply deduct the discounting interest.
Mr. Ludlow gives #Person1# documents to have a discounting and #Person1# transacts it without a fee.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: May I help you? #Person2#: I would like to find this book. #Person1#: Is there a problem? #Person2#: I don't think you guys have it. #Person1#: You should look it up on our computer. #Person2#: I did that. #Person1#: What came up? #Person2#: It should be on the shelf, but I didn't see it. #Person1#: I can try to get the book from a different library. #Person2#: I didn't know you could do that. #Person1#: I will call you when I find it. #Person2#: I appreciate your help.
#Person2# didn't find the book that should be on the shelf. #Person1#'ll get it from another library.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: i saw lily for the first time. and fell like i'v been struck by lightening. she is a girl of my dreams. i have a date with her on Friday, but i really can't decide what to do. #Person2#: what about taking her for a dinner or a movie? #Person1#: not bad, any other ideas? #Person2#: well, there is a play on campus this weekend. #Person1#: good idea. that's why i think i have culture. you have any other suggestions? #Person2#: what's the matter with these ideas? #Person1#: They are good, but i still need a few more. #Person2#: what about going on a picnic? #Person1#: Cool, but what if the weather is not ideal? #Person2#: you can also take her to the art museum or a cafe. Certainly, i must come up with something you can use. how do you like the ideas i am giving you? #Person1#: they are all good.
#Person1# likes Lily very much and will have a date with Lily on Friday. #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions about the activities for the date.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Do you know that John isn't going to come back to our school? #Person2#: Really? Why? #Person1#: He had moved and held a party on July 1st. #Person2#: It's a pity that I was traveling around Europe at that time. #Person1#: Even he's not coming back to school anymore, you still can call him and meet him on weekends. #Person2#: You're right! I will call him this weekend and meet him.
#Person1# tells #Person2# John had moved and won't come back to their school. #Person2# missed his goodbye party but will call John this weekend and meet him.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hi, I'd like to get my haircut. #Person2#: Well, can we interest you in today's special? We'll shampoo cut and style your hair for one unbelievable low price of $12.00. #Person1#: OK, but I just want to get my haircut a little bit. A little off the top and sides. That's all. #Person2#: No problem. OK, here we go. So what do you do for a living? #Person1#: I'm a lawyer and I'm in town for a job interview and... #Person2#: Oops! #Person1#: What do you mean'oops'? Hey, can I see a mirror? #Person2#: Nothing to worry about, sir. Relax! #Person1#: Ouch! That really hurt. What are you doing, anyway? Oh, look at all my hair on the floor. How much are you really cutting off? #Person2#: Relax. Time for the shampoo. #Person1#: Hey, you got shampoo in my eyes. Where's the towel? Oh, gosh, you cut my hair too short. I want to talk to the manager now. #Person2#: I'm sorry, but he's on vacation. #Person1#: Uh.
#Person1# comes to get his haircut. #Person2# cuts #Person1#'s hair too short and gets shampoo in his eyes. #Person1# wants to talk to the manager but the manager is on vacation.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I find it really hard to express myself in class. I have lots of ideas, but they never seem to come out of my mouth. #Person2#: let me give you a little advice. You know what the topics are going to be, so prepares what you would like to say in advance. #Person1#: I often do, but I'm worried about the responses from other people. #Person2#: you have to be realistic. Not everyone is going to agree with you, but people will respect your opinion and they will respect the fact that you have contributed something to the discussion. #Person1#: I'm worried that what I say will not make sense. #Person2#: we could chat about the topic before class. I could check that what you want to say is logical and it would also give you a chance to practice speaking. #Person1#: that's a good idea. What should I do if I am in two minds about a topic? #Person2#: that's easy. Express possibilities. People will think that you are pretty smart to be able to look at the topic from more than one angle. #Person1#: I didn't realize that speaking in class could be so easy. #Person2#: the most difficult thing is being able to predict what other people will say. They will reply to your statements, but you can't be sure how.
#Person1# finds it hard to speak in class. #Person2# advises #Person1# to prepare what #Person1# would like to say in advance and express possibilities if #Person1# is in two minds about a topic.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Did you call me? #Person2#: Thank you for returning my call. #Person1#: What was your call about? #Person2#: I wanted to have a talk with you about your son. #Person1#: What did he do? #Person2#: He was messing around last week in class. #Person1#: Exactly what did he do? #Person2#: Even though I asked him not to, he kept speaking out in class. #Person1#: I don't know what his problem is. #Person2#: I need you to talk to him, if you don't mind. #Person1#: That won't happen again, I'm sorry. #Person2#: Thank you. Hopefully I won't have to call about him again.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1#'s son was messing around in class and #Person2# needs #Person1# to talk to him.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hello, China Travel Agency. Can I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like to travel to London. So I want to make a reservation for me on May fourth. #Person1#: Just a moment, please. I'm sorry, but the flights are fully booked on that day. The next available flight is on May fifth. They have 2 flights: one at 9:30 AM and the other at 2:00 PM. Both flights have seats available. #Person2#: That's great. I'd like to take the first available flight. What's the fair, please? #Person1#: 2250 yuan. #Person2#: Here is 2300 yuan. #Person1#: Thank you. Here's the change for you and here are the ticket and receipt. Have a good time!
#Person2# reserves a ticket to London on May fifth at 9:30 AM and pays 2250 yuan for it with #Person1#'s help.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hi, Dave. Good to see you could come a long way. Come in. #Person2#: Wow. Looks like the party is at a high point. #Person1#: Yeah. And they're eating all of my food. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister, Carol. She's visiting on the weekend. #Person2#: Oh. Which one is she? #Person1#: She's sitting on the sofa over there. #Person2#: You mean the woman with long black hair? #Person1#: That's right. Let me introduce her to you. You're both so friendly and adventurous. #Person2#: And who's the man sitting next to her? Uh, the man wearing the suit jacket? #Person1#: Oh, that's Bob, my ballet teacher. #Person2#: Ballet teacher! I never knew you could do ballet. #Person1#: I started about two months ago. Come on. I'd like you to meet them. #Person2#: I'm coming.
Dave comes to #Person1#'s party and is introduced to his sister Carol and his ballet teacher Bob.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: hi, Emally, do you know that guy over there? #Person2#: The tall one? Sure, that's Daive, he works with Lily. #Person1#: He is cute. What dose he do? #Person2#: I'm not sure, he is a manager I think. #Person1#: Really? Are you going to introduce us? #Person2#: Well, he has already taken you know, that's his wife right there.
Emally tells #Person1# the tall guy over there is Daive. #Person1# wants her to introduce them, but he's already married.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Are you interested in mountaineering? #Person2#: Yes. in some sense. I should say I like mountain climbing, you know, because I'm not so professional. How about you? #Person1#: I'm the same with you, an amateur mountain climber. 1 went climbing in the Rocky Mountains with my friends last summer vacation. We spent two days in the mountains. #Person2#: How did you spend the night there? #Person1#: We pitched a tent in the night, waiting for the sunrise. Wow! It was too beautiful. #Person2#: I had a similar experience, but that was on the top of Tasha Mountain in my country. #Person1#: Tasha Mountain? It's very famous in China, isn't it? #Person2#: Yes. It IS one of the Five Mountains. #Person1#: I want to climb Tasha Mountain this summer vacation. Would you be my guide? #Person2#: I'd love to.
Both #Person1# and #Person2# are amateur mountain climbers and they share their experiences of climbing the mountains.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Oh, it's already 10:30 now. I haven't finished my homework yet. #Person2#: Don't worry. The clock on the wall is 20 minutes fast. #Person1#: Great. Please tell Alice to wait for me till 11 o'clock. #Person2#: Where are you going? #Person1#: We're going to Sally's birthday party. #Person2#: When will it be? #Person1#: It will be at about 12 o'clock in the rose restaurant.
#Person1# thinks it's 10:30, but #Person2# says the clock is 20 minutes fast.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hi, Mark. Are you in town for another job interview? #Person2#: Yes, I'm pretty hopeful this time. I've just finished my second interview with this company. #Person1#: That sounds great. I hope it works out for you. But wasn't it expensive just getting here? #Person2#: No, in fact the company is paying all my expenses. They've put me up in a hotel downtown. #Person1#: How nice! How many people are they interviewing? #Person2#: They interviewed 16 the first time, and now four of us were chosen to go back for this interview. #Person1#: Well, I hope it goes well. John and I would love it if you came to this area to work. #Person2#: I would too. But my girlfriend doesn't want to leave her family. She hopes I find a job close to home. #Person1#: Oh, What a decision. Good luck.
Mark is in town for another job interview. He tells #Person1# that this time he's pretty hopeful but his girlfriend hopes he works close to home.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Amy, so, how are you doing? #Person2#: Oh, hi, Sam. School is so crazy these days, and when I'm not at school, I'm at work. #Person1#: Hey, listen. I'm getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of other friends are going to join us. And we're going out to eat and then watch a movie. Why not come with us? #Person2#: I'd love to, but I have to study for a test tomorrow. #Person1#: Ah, come on. We're planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at 7:30. We should be home by 10:30...11:30 at the latest. #Person2#: I... I don't think I'd better. I haven't been feeling well lately. #Person1#: Yeah, because you study too much. Well, we'll have a fun time. And it's Sara's birthday, too. And we're throwing her a small birthday party after the movie. Come on. Best friends always stick together. #Person2#: Oh. Okay. #Person1#: Great. I'll pick you up about 6:00. #Person2#: Okay. See you then, but I have to be back by 10:30. #Person1#: Ah, 10:30... Midnight. It's all the same. See you at 6:00.
Sam invites Amy to eat and watch a movie with some friends but Amy has to study for a test. Sam persuades Amy to join because it's Sara's birthday.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: how do you feel about wearing name logos or slogans on your clothing? #Person2#: I've never really thought about it before. I guess it doesn't bother me. #Person1#: do you think advertising has an influence on the choices you make when you're shopping? #Person2#: I guess so. I usually buy name-brand clothing, shoes, and electronic goods. How about you? #Person1#: I actually try to avoid name-brand items. I can't stand it when big companies advertise their products all over the place!
#Person2# usually buys name-brand things while #Person1# tries to avoid name-brand items.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What good sunshine! Let's go and get a suntan on the balcony. #Person2#: I've had enough of it while working under the sun in the day. I don't need any more sun-tan. #Person1#: It's different in my case. I work in the office, so only rarely do I get the chance to get any sun. #Person2#: It might be good to you. But please keep in mind that too much tanning damages the skin rather than does any good to you. You might end up with skin cancer.
#Person1# wants a suntan. #Person2# doesn't need it anymore and reminds #Person1# not to have too much tanning.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: So here are your four ticket sir, is there anything else I can do for you? #Person2#: Yes, I was wondering if I could get regular information about what's on? #Person1#: Certainly, I can add your name to our mailing list. Would that be ok? #Person2#: That would be very good. Yes, please. Oh, and there is something else, sorry one of our group is hard of hearing and I heard that you can supply special headphones? #Person1#: That's right, as long as you tell us in advance, we can always do that. I'll book those for you now, and you can just collect them here tomorrow before the show. #Person2#: Thanks very much for your help. #Person1#: No problem.
#Person1# helps #Person2# get regular information by adding #Person2#'s name to the mailing list, and will book special headphones for someone who is hard of hearing.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you? #Person2#: Good afternoon, I want to pick up a new shaver since the old one has retired. #Person1#: Which brand are you interested in? #Person2#: I'm still not sure. The type with top quality, I guess. Well, which one do you recommend? #Person1#: Do you prefer imported ones or domestic ones? #Person2#: It doesn't matter much. If it has high quality and reasonable price, it will be OK. #Person1#: How about Flymo? It's selling well. #Person2#: Do you have a warranty on it? #Person1#: Of course. The warranty period is one year. #Person2#: If there's something wrong with it in a week, can I come back to change it? #Person1#: Sure. But you must show us the receipt. If something comes up, we'll change it for you. #Person2#: OK. I'll take one.
#Person2# wants a new shaver with high quality and reasonable price. #Person1# recommends Flymo and offers a warranty. #Person2#'ll take one.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Happy birthday, Jimmy. Are you ready for the next present? #Person2#: You mean there's more besides the watch? #Person1#: Come with us. It's in the car. Now, here we are. You've been talking about this for months. #Person2#: Oh, it's a new computer. It's just what I want. I'm so happy about it. Thank you so much, Mum and Dad.
#Person1# sends Jimmy a computer for his birthday and Jimmy is happy.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: May I help you, sir? #Person2#: Yes, I want to buy a VCR. #Person1#: Well, we have many models to choose from here. Do you have a particular brand you want? #Person2#: No. I only want it to be a very good one. The best. It's a graduation gift for my son. #Person1#: I see. And does your son have a VCR now? #Person2#: Well, he uses our VCR at home. But he's going to university in the Fall, so he needs his own VCR. #Person1#: Does he watch a lot of movies? #Person2#: Yes, he sure does. In fact, he wants to become a movie producer himself. He wants to study film at the university. #Person1#: I would like to make a suggestion then, sir. #Person2#: Please do. #Person1#: If your son wants to study film, probably he will start to collect movies himself. #Person2#: Yes, I know that. So I want him to have a good VCR to use. #Person1#: May I suggest you consider buying him a DVD player instead? #Person2#: DVD? Isn't that like a CD? #Person1#: It is very similar. The technology is the same. #Person2#: Why is a DVD better than a VCR? #Person1#: For one thing, sir, the quality of the image is usually better. That's because it's digital. #Person2#: But isn't it more expensive? #Person1#: It is a little more expensive, sir. But there is one important advantage which your son might appreciate. #Person2#: What's that? #Person1#: If your son starts to buy video tapes, he can't keep them very long. #Person2#: And why not? #Person1#: Video tape breaks down after fifteen years. So if he collects a lot of tapes, after fifteen years they will all start to rot. #Person2#: Hmm. Is that true? #Person1#: Yes, it is, sir. #Person2#: Well. And what about DVDs? #Person1#: This is the excellent thing about DVDs. If your son starts to collect DVDs, they will last forever. They will never rot. #Person2#: Hmm. He might really appreciate that. I know he will start to collect movies at school. Especially if he studies film. #Person1#: So let me show you some of our DVD players. In my opinion, DVD is the wave of the future. #Person2#: Alright, please show me what you have.
#Person2# wants to buy a VCR as a graduation gift for his son who wants to become a movie producer. Then #Person1# recommends him to buy a DVD player instead because DVDs will last forever.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What time is it? #Person2#: Ten to nine. #Person1#: Your watch is ten minutes slow. So it's should be nine sharp. I'm gonna be late again. What will be my excuse this time? It shoule be set the alarm for seven thirty. #Person2#: Don't cry over spilled milk, Fred? Could you stay with me a few minutes? #Person1#: What? Why? What's wrong wih you? #Person2#: I just hate being alone at home with nothing to do about listen to the clock ticking. It's so lonely and boring. My sickness makes it worse. When will I recover? #Person1#: You will be fine in the couple of month, just be patient. I've got to woke now , I'll be late. #Person2#: You only care about your work. #Person1#: Sorry, baby, you are everything to me. all I do just for our family. #Person2#: Stay just a few minutes longer , OK? #Person1#: OK, I'll leave at 9:15, Is that all right? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: I'll spent more time with you in the future, Dina. #Person2#: Thank you.
It's nine, and Fred is about to be late again. Dina asks him to accompany her for a few minutes, but he has to go to work. Finally, he agrees to stay until 9:15.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Would you mind giving me a hand? #Person2#: Okay, Bob, What is it? #Person1#: Help me hang up this picture, please. Would you hold it straight while I put in the nail? #Person2#: All right. #Person1#: Now, hand me the hammer and those nails, please. #Person2#: Yes, here you are. #Person1#: There! How does it look? Tell me if I've got it straight. #Person2#: Well, it's straight, but it's upside down I'm afraid.
#Person2# helps Bob to hang up the picture, but it's upside down.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Good afternoon doctor. #Person2#: Good afternoon, Mrs. Brown. Wow, what's wrong with this little boy? #Person1#: He is my son Jim. He's gotta cough. #Person2#: How long has he been like this? #Person1#: Ever since last night. #Person2#: Has he had anything to eat today? #Person1#: Yes, he had a little milk and an egg this morning. #Person2#: Well, Mrs. Brown. I think he's caught a cold. #Person1#: Is it serious? #Person2#: No, it's nothing serious, but he better stay at home and rest. #Person1#: Thank you very much. #Person2#: You're welcome.
Mrs. Brown's son coughs. #Person1# diagnoses him to have a cold and suggests he rest.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Tomorrow will be my first day at work, what do you think I should be wearing? #Person2#: Well, if you want to look professional, serious and more conservative, a blue dress, white shirt and not-too-high shoes would be the best choice. But sometimes, very formal clothes will keep you at a distance from your colleagues. It depends on the company's dress code. #Person1#: Indeed, I found most of the employees dress casually when I went to the interview. Only the manager was in suit and tie and he just came back from a ceremony. It seems that their dress code is not that formal. Probably, I should put on car key and simple shirt. #Person2#: Whatever you choose, make sure they are neat and clean.
#Person2# gives #Person1# suggestions about what to wear on #Person1#'s first day at work.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Julia, I have good news for you. #Person2#: What's up? #Person1#: I have earned a lot of money this week, more than I do in a fortnight. #Person2#: It is really good news. How much do you earn a week now? #Person1#: My wages are six hundred dollars a week. But I find a part-time job to supplement my income. #Person2#: Darling, I know you are a good husband. You don't have to work so hard. After all your health is the most important. #Person1#: I know, darling. I must earn enough money to buy a car. I do a part-time job to increase my income. Don't worry, I will take care of myself. #Person2#: I see. You must have more rest.
#Person1# tells Julia he finds a part-time job to supplement his income and earned a lot this week. Julia hopes him to take care of his health.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Here is my boarding pass. Can you tell me where my seat is? #Person2#: Follow me and I will lead you to your seat. #Person1#: Thank you. Can you please put my luggage in the overhead bin for me? #Person2#: Of course. #Person1#: Thanks so much.
#Person1# boards and asks #Person2# to help with luggage.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: My wife is in labor! #Person2#: Here, Ma'am please get on the stretcher. #Person1#: Is Doctor Hawkins here? She's our doctor. We called her from the car. #Person2#: Calm down, sir. We'll call her to make sure she's on the way. #Person1#: Thanks. Sorry. It just came as such a surprise. The baby isn't due for another two weeks. #Person2#: How long has she been in labor? #Person1#: About fifteen minutes. #Person2#: O. K. Are you planning on being in the delivery room, sir? #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: Please follow the nurse. She'll get you ready.
#Person1# sends his wife who's in labor to the hospital in an emergency. #Person2# asks for more details and arranges the delivery for him.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hello, what can I do for you today? #Person2#: Well, I'Ve got a terrible stomach-ache and I keep needing the toilet. #Person1#: I see. Well, with those symptoms maybe you'Ve got food poisoning. What have you eaten recently? #Person2#: Well, I went to a seafood restaurant last night and I ate lots of oysters. #Person1#: Hmm. It may be those then, especially if they were raw. Well, I'll give you these tablets and you should feel fine by tomorrow. #Person2#: Ok. Thank you very much.
#Person2# has a terrible stomach-ache and frequently goes to the toilet. #Person1# thinks #Person2# has got food poisoning and gives #Person2# some tablets.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Excuse me, is there a Post Office around here? #Person2#: Yes. There's one on the corner of 23th street. #Person1#: How do I get there from here? #Person2#: Just walk north for 3 blocks. It's next to the Mexico restaurant. #Person1#: How far is that? #Person2#: Oh, very close. Maybe 5 minutes walk.
#Person1# asks #Person2# for directions to the Post Office.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Can I help you, sir? #Person2#: I wish to buy a diamond ring. #Person1#: How many carats would you like it to be? #Person2#: I want five carats. #Person1#: Is this one suitable for you? #Person2#: No, it seems too old-fashioned to my fiancee. #Person1#: What about this? #Person2#: It seems too small for me, haven't you got any larger ones? #Person1#: Then you can buy this one. It's very nice and latest in style. #Person2#: Oh, this one is perfect.
#Person2# wants to buy a fashionable diamond ring for his fiancee. #Person1# gives him recommendations.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Can I try this dress on? #Person2#: Sure. the fitting room is right behind you. #Person1#: Well, I like the styte, but I don't think the color fits me. Could you bring me a green one? #Person2#: Sure, wait a moment.
#Person2# serves #Person1# to try the dress on.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Good afternoon. Have a seat, please. #Person2#: Thank you. I'm interested in the sales manager position you advertised yesterday. #Person1#: Well, have you been in the sales department for a long time? #Person2#: Yes, for 10 years. #Person1#: Then, why do you want to come to my company? #Person2#: I am in a small company and chances of my future development are small. Also I enjoy working at different places and meeting new friends. #Person1#: That sounds nice but your future depends on your performance not your age. #Person2#: I understand. #Person1#: Now, please fill out this form. #Person2#: OK, thanks.
#Person2# wants to apply for the sales manager position. #Person1# asks #Person2# questions and asks #Person2# to fill the form.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Mom, happy Mother's Day! A necklace for you. #Person2#: What a surprise! This is the best present I've ever received. #Person1#: Thank you for your love and care over the years. I love you so much. #Person2#: I love you, too. #Person1#: How about a dinner tonight? My treat. #Person2#: Actually, I prefer to eat at home, and then we'll have more time to have a chat. #Person1#: All right. Let me prepare the supper.
#Person1# sends a necklace to Mom on Mother's Day and they'll have dinner at home.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hello, Jim. Looking forward to seeing you. It's not a bad journey, really. #Person2#: But what do I do when there? How can I get to your place? #Person1#: Don't worry. When you get to Waterloo, take the underground to Regents Park. I'll meet you there at the gate, which will be obvious when you get there. You can't miss it. By the way, when are you leaving? #Person2#: I am ready now. I'll get the... the 1138, a southern train, I think it is. That's non-stop to Waterloo and do I get the underground there? #Person1#: That's it. You will go straight there on the underground. You want the Bakerloo line to Regents Park. It's only about 4 stops. Make sure you get a northern underground though. You want northern Bakerloo, OK? #Person2#: OK, I'll be there soon. #Person1#: Oh, by the way, I'll be with Tom. We're going to play badminton later at the college badminton club. Hey, would you like to join the club? Its gym is modern and quite bright and it has some great special services for members. Oh, if you want to catch your train, you'd better go now. It must be nearly 11:30 already. #Person2#: Wow, you're right and it's just after half past. I didn't realize it was so late. I have less than 10 minutes. I better take my bag right now and run. See you around 12:30. Bye. #Person1#: Bye.
#Person1# will meet #Person2# at the gate in Waterloo and tells #Person2# to make sure to get a northern underground. #Person1# will play badminton with Tom and invites #Person2# to join the club. #Person2# finds it's so late that #Person2# has to hurry up.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Why are you up so early, Mary? #Person2#: I'm still suffering from a little jetlag. #Person1#: What are you watching? #Person2#: Saturday morning cartoons. #Person1#: At least five channels have morning cartoons on Saturdays. #Person2#: I think watching them is a great way to learn English. #Person1#: I agree. And some cartoons are entertaining even for adults. #Person2#: Yeah. Is Cindy up? #Person1#: Are you kidding? It's too early for her.
Mary gets up early due to jet lag and she's watching cartoons. Both #Person1# and Mary agree it's a great way to learn English.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What are you doing this weekend? #Person2#: I'm going to the movies with a friend. How about you? #Person1#: I'm not sure yet. #Person2#: Well, did you want to go see a movie with me? #Person1#: What movie are you going to see? #Person2#: I'm not sure yet. Is there something you want to see? #Person1#: There's nothing I can think of. #Person2#: So, did you want to go? #Person1#: No, thanks, maybe another time. #Person2#: Okay, sounds good.
#Person2#'ll watch a movie and invites #Person1# to come but #Person1# refuses.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Of course! Of course! Here you are. Thank you so much. #Person2#: Are you looking for anything else? #Person1#: Um, let me see. Hmm. This antique tea set here is gorgeous. #Person2#: That was a thirtieth birthday present. You can have it if you want. #Person1#: Really? No, no, I couldn't! You're too nice! #Person2#: And these old Dutch candle holders would go nicely with the tea set. Have them. #Person1#: Gee! I don't know what to say! Thanks so much.
Gee gives #Person1# a tea set and the old Dutch candle holders as thirtieth birthday presents.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Whoa! This is a massive flea market! #Person2#: You're telling me! There are thousands of people here. #Person1#: And hundreds of booths-all filled with different kinds of stuff. #Person2#: This is almost like a Taiwanese night market! I can't believe it! #Person1#: You can't buy much more, Wei! You already have enough to fill two boxes to send back to Taiwan. #Person2#: Oh, yeah. OK. I'll just buy smallthings!
#Person1# and Wei are hanging around the flea market, and Wei buys a lot.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hi, Nicole. Did you have a good weekend? #Person2#: Yes, I did. But I feel tired today. #Person1#: Really? Why? #Person2#: Well, on Saturday I cleaned the house and played tennis. Then on Sunday I hiked in the country. #Person1#: And I bet you studied, too. #Person2#: Yeah. I studied on Sunday evening. What about you? #Person1#: Well, I didn't clean the house and I didn't study. I stayed in bed and watched TV. #Person2#: That sounds like fun, but did you exercise? #Person1#: Sort of. I played golf on my computer!
Nicole and #Person1# talk about how they spent their last weekends.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hi, I'd like a single room. #Person2#: Do you have a reservation? #Person1#: No, I'm afraid not. #Person2#: Let me check if we have any vacancies. . . You're in luck. We have one single room available. #Person1#: How much is it? #Person2#: $ 60 a night. No charge for local calls on the phone or for the TV, unless you decide to watch the pay-per-view channels. #Person1#: Okay, I'll take it. #Person2#: Here's your key. Check out time is 12 noon. If you want to stay until 6 p. m. , it's another half day. After that you have to pay for another night. #Person1#: Okay. When is your restaurant open? #Person2#: It's open from 6:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. every day. #Person1#: Okay, thank you. Which way to the room? #Person2#: It's that way, on the second floor. #Person1#: Thanks.
#Person1# wants a single room and #Person2#, the hotel receptionist, tells #Person1# the charge of the room and when is the restaurant open.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Good morning, Swim Shop, Kevin speaking. How can I help you? #Person2#: Hello, I'd like some information. I have got your order brochure here. Can you give me some prices? #Person1#: Of course, please tell me the page number you're looking at. #Person2#: OK. The first thing is on page 14. It the maru swimming cap. The red and blue one. #Person1#: OK. The small and medium sizes are 22 pounds 65, and the large one is 26 pounds 40. #Person2#: Right, I'd like to order that, please. Size small. #Person1#: Fine, have you got any more things to order? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like some pool shoes and swimming suits for water sports. They're on page 77. How much are the blue shoes and yellow suits? #Person1#: Well, the suits have been sold out. But we do have some blue shoes left in stock. They were 16 pounds 50, but they're on sale now for only 9 pounds 50. We don't have any left in small sizes though. What shoe size are you? #Person2#: I'm a 39. #Person1#: Let me check. Yes, we've got a pair in that size. #Person2#: Great.
#Person2# calls #Person1# to inquiry about the price of a maru swimming cap, the blue shoes and yellow suits. #Person1# orders the small-cap and the shoes in 39.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What's the problem, Nada? You look down in the dumps. #Person2#: I don't know. My life is a big mess. Everything is so compliceted. #Person1#: come on, nothing can be that bad. #Person2#: but promise me, you'll keep it a secret. #Person1#: ok, I promise. So what's troubling you so much? #Person2#: I've fallen in love with my boss. #Person1#: really? Is he married? #Person2#: no, of course not. He is still single. #Person1#: then what's your problem? #Person2#: I try to keep it to myself. But there is a lot of gossip about us. #Person1#: oh, I see. Office romance tends to be the subject of gossip. #Person2#: worse still, he is trying to avoid me these days. #Person1#: office romance is very tricky. #Person2#: it gives me a lot of pressure and I feel depressed. #Person1#: cheer up, Nada. You'll be fine.
Nada's depressed because she's fallen in love with her boss, which arouses lots of gossip about them in the office, and her boss's avoiding her. #Person1# cheers her up.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Now, if I look here I see that you completed a BA in English? #Person2#: Yes, that ' s right. After graduating from high school in New York I attended York University in the UK. My major was English, and my minor was business studies. I completed my BA in 2004. #Person1#: Yes, I ' m pleased to see that you also got a distinction. #Person2#: Yes that ' s right. I ' Ve always enjoyed studying. My friends say I ' m a bit of a bookworm, but my father always pushed us to succeed academically. #Person1#: Well, it looks like his encouragement paid off Rebecca. So how about extracurricular activities at University? #Person2#: Well I ' Ve always been keen on writing, so I became the editor for the University student magazine, which I really loved. Also I volunteered for a group called Shelter, to help the homeless in York. #Person1#: What did that involve? #Person2#: Providing warm meals and shelter, especially in the winter months. I found it really fulfilling to be part of that group. #Person1#: I ' m sure. Okay, now let ' s move on to your work experience, shall we? #Person2#: Yes, okay.
Rebecca shares her study experience and extracurricular activities at university with #Person1#.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Good morning, sir. I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may. #Person2#: Well, I'm waiting to catch my flight. So I guess I can answer a few questions. #Person1#: Thank you, sir. First of all how often do you travel? #Person2#: I travel twice a month. #Person1#: Where are you flying to on this trip? #Person2#: I'm flying to Austin Texas. #Person1#: And where did you fly on your last trip? #Person2#: I flew to Portland Oregon. I've already been there 3 times. #Person1#: Really? Do you enjoy traveling for business? #Person2#: Yes, although I prefer staying in the office. #Person1#: What do you like most about traveling? #Person2#: I like visiting new cities and trying out new food. #Person1#: Thank you very much for your time today. #Person2#: You're welcome.
#Person1# asks #Person2# a few questions about traveling, including the frequency, the destination of this trip and last trip, and the favorite thing about traveling.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Laura, what are you going to do today? #Person2#: I'm going shopping. #Person1#: What time are you leaving? #Person2#: I'm going to leave around 4 O'clock. #Person1#: Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store? #Person2#: OK. #Person1#: Do you have enough money? #Person2#: I'm not sure. #Person1#: How much do you have? #Person2#: 25 dollars. Do you think that's enough? #Person1#: That's not very much. #Person2#: I think it's OK. I also have two credit cards. #Person1#: Let me give you another ten dollars. #Person2#: Thanks. See you later. #Person1#: Bye.
Laura is going shopping today. #Person1# asks her to buy a ham sandwich for #Person1# at the store.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: James, you have a large collection of stamps, haven't you? #Person2#: Yes, I'm really proud of it. I have thousands of stamps from most countries of the world. #Person1#: Wow, that's great. How did you get all of them? #Person2#: Sometimes I took used stamps off envelopes, but mostly my dad brought them back from his travels. Some of the stamps in my collection are of great value. Drop over sometime and I'll show you my collection. #Person1#: Thanks, I will.
James tells #Person1# about his stamp collection and how he got these stamps.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Everything is now. I'm kind of sick of it. #Person2#: Each ring has 3 small diamonds inside the band. #Person1#: Oooh! One for each of the zeros in 2000! Wow! #Person2#: Stop making fun of me. #Person1#: So find a guy to marry and you can get one! #Person2#: I don't need a guy to buy a wedding ring! #Person1#: Oh, I see. You're going to wear one and pretend you're married to try to attract guys.
#Person1#'s making fun of #Person2# about a wedding ring.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Have you had any kind of punishment in your college? #Person2#: Yes, but it was many years ago. #Person1#: What was it for? #Person2#: I was a naughty boy and I played hooky. So the school gave me a punishment to clear the classroom for a week.
#Person2# shares #Person2#'s experience of being punished in college.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Wow! They've got everything here. All the world's famous brands. Aunt Cindy, what is your favorite brand? #Person2#: I love all the fashionable things. But my favorite brand is Chanel. #Person1#: Oh, that's a very expensive brand, but with good reason. #Person2#: Yeah. Each style is specially designed by world's top designers. So they can always make you look amazing. #Person1#: I see. Come here. The high heels here look really attractive. But I wonder whether it's comfortable to wear any of them? #Person2#: Not really, especially at the beginning, if you wear high heels all day long, your feet would hurt. But, no big deal. Women can always get used to that. #Person1#: It's not a simple thing to be beautiful. #Person2#: Sure. But everyone loves to be beautiful. Hey, do you think this pair of sunglasses matches the handbag well? #Person1#: Yeah, very tasteful. And with them, you look even more fashionable. Oh, there are so many French perfumers. Oops, perfumes for guys? So strange! #Person2#: Come on. Fashion is not only for women. Men also share the equal right to chase fashion. It's the new fashion for men to wear perfumes, which is called cologne. #Person1#: Oh, really, that's really something new. I'm afraid not everyone can accept it. #Person2#: It takes time for that. But people's consuming attitudes are changing quickly. #Person1#: That's true. Well, it's obvious that fashion is not a cheap thing. So, do you spend all your money on it? #Person2#: No. Fashion is just part of my life, which improves its quality. But also, I'm good at financing. I have a credit card, but I never overdraft. #Person1#: How is it that you are my mom's sis? You two are so different. She always picks up bargains and spends more than she earns. You do so much better than her. #Person2#: I have to say that's just the result of difference of our consumptive habits.
#Person2# likes Channel best because each style is designed by top designers. #Person1# sees attractive high heels, and #Person2# says even though it hurts to wear them, women get used to it. #Person1# finds some perfumes for guys, and #Person2# explains it's a new fashion. #Person2# uses fashion to improve life quality and knows about financing, which is different from #Person1#'s mom.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hello, thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking, How may I help you? #Person2#: Hello. I would like to speak to your director of human resources, Ms. Jenkins, Please. #Person1#: Just a moment. I'll check to see if she is at her desk. May I tell her who is calling? #Person2#: This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday. #Person1#: Thank you, Mr. Burton. Can you please hold for a moment? I'll check to see if she is available. #Person2#: No problem. #Person1#: I'm sorry, Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for her?
Bill Burton calls Tracy and wants to talk with Ms. Jenkins in regard to the meeting next Tuesday. But Ms. Jenkins is not available.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Excuse me. I'm looking for an old music box. #Person2#: Any particular decade? #Person1#: Something made in the'20s would be nice. #Person2#: We had seven, but we sold one this morning. #Person1#: Are dancing figures a part of any of the boxes? #Person2#: You're in luck. Two of them have dancing figures. #Person1#: Oh, these are great. I think I'll take this one. #Person2#: Yes, that one is very nice. #Person1#: Now, does this come with a warranty? #Person2#: I'm sorry, but you just have to take your chances. #Person1#: That doesn't surprise me. #Person2#: Even if it doesn't work, it's a beautiful collectible.
#Person1# is looking for an old music box with dancing figures. #Person1# is not surprised that there's no warranty.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I have been very busy this year, working late, often taking work home and taking no vacation. I feel exhausted. #Person2#: You should ask for a holiday and relax yourself for a little bit. You worked so hard. #Person1#: You are right. For the past few weeks, I had no appetite and couldn't sleep well. What's worse my back started aching this Monday. It is time for me to take a vacation.
#Person1# feels exhausted from work lately. #Person2# suggests asking for a holiday.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: You're new here, right? #Person2#: Yes, I am new. #Person1#: Is this your first semester? #Person2#: I just transferred from another school. #Person1#: What school did you transfer from? #Person2#: I came here from PCC. #Person1#: Do you like it here so far? #Person2#: I am really enjoying it here so far. #Person1#: Which is better, here or PCC? #Person2#: I think PCC is a lot better than here. #Person1#: Why didn't you just stay at PCC? #Person2#: I graduated and now want to get a BA.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# transferred from PCC because #Person2# graduated, but #Person2# still thinks PCC is better.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: So did you get in touch with your brother? #Person2#: No, not yet. I'm really worried. #Person1#: Well, it'd be foolish to call the police. He probably just went away overnight. #Person2#: Maybe you're right. But I'm still worried.
#Person2# is worried about #Person2#'s brother. #Person1# comforts #Person2#.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What can I do for you? #Person2#: I am trying to find this book. #Person1#: What's the problem? #Person2#: It doesn't seem like this library has it. #Person1#: Have you checked the computer? #Person2#: I have already. #Person1#: What did it say? #Person2#: It says the book is on the shelf, but I didn't find it there. #Person1#: I can always borrow the book from another library. #Person2#: You can do that? #Person1#: I'll make the call and contact you when it gets in. #Person2#: That's fantastic. Thank you.
#Person2# couldn't find this book in the library. #Person1# will borrow the book from another library for #Person2#.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Adam, I heard you want to get in shape. Why not join the club I am in? #Person2#: Is it far from our neighborhood? #Person1#: No, it's just 10 minutes away from here by bike. #Person2#: What do you do there? #Person1#: Well, I often start out running for about half an hour and then I get in the swimming pool for an hour. #Person2#: I really like swimming. It's a good way to lose weight, isn't it? #Person1#: Oh, it certainly is. I was 135 pounds when I joined the club. Now I weigh just 120 pounds, and I'm sure I'll manage to lose another 10 pounds by the end of July. #Person2#: That's amazing. Perhaps I'll go and have a look at your club tonight.
#Person1# invites Adam to join the club #Person1#'s in. #Person1# often runs and swims there and lost 15 pounds. Adam decides to have a look.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Excuse me, do you know where the visa office is? #Person2#: Yes, I do. I'll walk you there. #Person1#: Thanks! #Person2#: Are you applying to study or work abroad? #Person1#: I want to study abroad. #Person2#: What do you want to study? #Person1#: I hope to study English literature. #Person2#: Have you got your visa yet? #Person1#: Not yet. I have an interview with the visa official today. #Person2#: I see. Is it your first interview? #Person1#: No, I've already been to here for three interviews. #Person2#: What happened? #Person1#: I was denied a visa? #Person2#: Why? #Person1#: Like most students. I want to work in America after graduation. #Person2#: I see. Well, good luck!
#Person2# walks #Person1# to the visa office. #Person1# tells #Person2# about #Person1#'s application and #Person1#'s failure of getting the visa.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hi, there. Look at these. I have collected some ads here. There is a special promotion for Mother's Day this weekend. #Person2#: Oh, yes. Mother's Day is coming. Do you plan to buy anything? #Person1#: Of course. I want to buy some night cream for my mom, and some masques for myself. #Person2#: Hmm. In Carrefour, Clinique will be promoting their visible skin renewed cream. #Person1#: How much is it? #Person2#: 180 yuan, and you can get a free 8 piece gift package. #Person1#: What's included in the gift package? #Person2#: Some black mascara, moisturizing orion, eye cream crystal lipstick, a two color eye shadow pack, styling hairspray, and a cosmetics bag. #Person1#: Sounds not bad.
#Person2# tells #Person1# about Clinique's promotion of their visible skin cream with a free gift package for Mother's Day.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What course did you like best? #Person2#: Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it's very useful for my present work. #Person1#: Do you feel that you have received a good general training? #Person2#: Yes, I have studied in an English training program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.
#Person2# likes project management best and #Person2# thinks #Person2#'s received a good general training.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Jenny, Can you come and help me? #Person2#: Mom, what should I do? #Person1#: It's dusty everywhere in the house. Can you help me do the housecleaning? #Person2#: OK. I will call Peter to clean it together. #Person1#: That's my good girl. The clothes need washing. I'll do the laundry.
Jenny's mom asks Jenny to help her do the housecleaning.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Can I help you, Madam? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like to exchange some US dollars into RIB. #Person1#: How much would you like to exchange? #Person2#: What's the exchange rate for RIB? #Person1#: It's US 100 for RMB 802 today. #Person2#: I'd like to exchange 3, 000. #Person1#: Fill out this exchange memo, please. #Person2#: Yes. Here you are. #Person1#: Wait a second, please. . . These are 24, 060 RMB and the receipt, please check them. #Person2#: All right, thank you so much, good-bye. #Person1#: Good-bye.
#Person1# tells #Person2# the exchange rate and helps her to exchange some money.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I'm looking for a string of pearls for my wife. #Person2#: Yes, sir. What price range do you have in mind? #Person1#: I'm not sure. I don't know very much about the price of pearls. #Person2#: I see. Let me show you some samples of various qualities. This one is very nice. It's three hundred and fifty dollars. #Person1#: Is there a price reduction? #Person2#: We are having a sale now. The price has already gone down. #Person1#: How much is that one? #Person2#: It's two hundred and eighty dollars. #Person1#: OK. I'll take it. Thank you.
#Person2# shows #Person1# some pearls of different qualities. #Person1# buys the $280 one rather than the $350 one.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Which service offered by your bank do you use most? #Person2#: I use several services. Of course, I deposit and withdraw money quite often. I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account. I use my bank to exchange money from once currency to another. I often travel abroad, you see. #Person1#: Do you ever ask you bank for traveller's cheques? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around. #Person2#: I sometimes use traveller's cheques, but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash. #Person1#: Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills? I use direct debit. #Person2#: Yes, I do. It save me a lot of time. I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines. #Person1#: That's good idea. You don't need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that. I suppose you have a mortgage too. #Person2#: Yes. My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgage. There's a lot of competition between banks nowadays. Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others. #Person1#: I have a deposit account with my bank. There are some restrictions on withdrawing money, but the interest rate is much higher. #Person2#: I don't have one. I prefer to buy shares. My bank also provides a share trading service. It's cheap and easy to use. #Person1#: That's great. But I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain.
#Person2# talks about the bank services #Person2# usually uses. Then #Person1# and #Person2# discuss the usages of direct debit in their life. #Person1# also has a deposit account but #Person2# prefers to buy shares.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I hear you just got back from Brazil. Did you enjoy yourself? #Person2#: Yes, I had a wonderful time. #Person1#: Really? Well, speaking of time, actually, I had a time problem here in the US. I was invited to my professor's house. He said to come at 7:00. I arrived at about 7:10 but I guess it was a little early. #Person2#: Why? What did your professor say? #Person1#: He didn't say anything. He was still in the shower. His wife opened the door. #Person2#: So they were still getting ready? Well, Americans usually show up at a party about 20 or 30 minutes late. But you weren't too early.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# has a time problem in the US because Americans usually show up about 20 or 30 minutes later than the appointed time.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What are your weekend arrangements? #Person2#: There are many things I can do on weekends. #Person1#: What sort of things are you interested in? #Person2#: I'm keen on taking short trips to nearby scenic spots with friends. #Person1#: Good, I love swimming and cycling. #Person2#: That's great. I think they do you a lot of good. Where do you swim? #Person1#: Mostly in the city swimming pool. Sometimes I go to the beach with friends. #Person2#: I know you like nature best. #Person1#: Well, what do you do at your spare time? #Person2#: I'm fond of dancing. #Person1#: Good, you really know how to enjoy yourself.
#Person1# asks about #Person2#'s weekend arrangements and they talk about their hobbies. #Person2# likes short trips and dancing. #Person1# loves swimming, cycling, and going to the beach.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I think he won't remember White Day . #Person2#: Silly , you should make sure he does . #Person1#: Uh-huh. How about you ? #Person2#: He's buying me a handbag, and then dinner at a gorgeous restaurant. #Person1#: You got a big return for a small gift.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about White Day and their boyfriends.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Many children nowadays can play some musical instruments. In my daughter's class, some can play the piano and some can play the violin. #Person2#: I think these children are too tired. They have to do too much homework after class and find time to learn to play a musical instrument. #Person1#: But music gives people enjoyment. Learning to play the piano or the violin can help children develop their ability of understanding music. #Person2#: I agree, but I still don't think it's a good idea to force children to learn too much when they're young. Can your daughter play the piano or the violin? #Person1#: She can play the violin.
#Person1# thinks playing musical instruments is good for children. #Person2# agrees but thinks it's not a good idea to force children to learn.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Michael, what time is it? We are going to be late for the party. #Person2#: It's a quarter past six. Don't worry, Rebecca. We will be fine. #Person1#: But we have to be at Sarah's house by 6:30 for her surprise birthday party. The traffic is getting heavier. #Person2#: Relax. The party starts at 7:00 o'clock. We are not far from her house now. But I do need help with finding a place to park the car, so Sarah doesn't see it. Can you phone her husband and ask him where it is best to park our car? #Person1#: OK. I'm calling him now.
Michael and Rebecca are going to Sarah's surprise birthday party. Rebecca will phone Sarah's husband for a hidden parking place.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hey, taxi. #Person2#: Where to, sir? #Person1#: Beijing Library. #Person2#: Hop in, please. #Person1#: Is it a long ride to Beijing Library? #Person2#: It will take about thirty minutes because it is the rush hour. #Person1#: Thirty minutes, that will be all right. There are still fifty minutes to go before the library is open. Look, what are they doing on the square? #Person2#: It is an exhibition of Chinese jades. It is held each year. A nice collection jades of are on display and sold. #Person1#: Sounds great! Can you stop somewhere here for a minute? I will get some souvenirs for my friends. #Person2#: No problem.
#Person2# drives #Person1# to Beijing Library. #Person1# wants to stop temporarily to buy some souvenirs in the exhibition of Chinese jades.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hi, I am afraid that the fax machine in my room won't be working till tomorrow. A technician has just come and checked it. He will bring me a new one tomorrow. It seems there is a big problem with mine and it will take some days for repairing. Can I use the one in your office? #Person2#: Of course you can. I am sure this one works very well. I just sent dozens of pages. How many pages are you sending? Are you familiar with my fax machine? #Person1#: Yes, I think you have the same model as I have. Does your fax machine print out immediately a transmission protocol? #Person2#: Yes, it will print immediately.
#Person1#'s fax machine stops working, so #Person1# asks to use #Person2#'s. #Person2#'s fax machine can print out immediately.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hey, Ben. . . did you catch the game last night? #Person2#: Uh. . . what game? #Person1#: Baltimore defeated Texas by 17 points! #Person2#: Um. . . and what sport are we talking about here? #Person1#: Football of course! #Person2#: Oh. . . football. Football is cool. I usually try to catch the World Cup finals. #Person1#: No, I'm talking about American football. The World Cup is soccer. #Person2#: Oh, I understand. I can't say I'm a big fan. I'm from China, and football doesn't have a really big following over there. #Person1#: So Chinese people prefer soccer or basketball? #Person2#: Yes, I think so. But to be perfectly honest, I'm not really a sports nut. When I was in high school I played on the school volleyball team. Are you a diehard football fan? #Person1#: Oh, certainly. I wouldn't miss a game for the world. My girlfriend says I have an addiction. And actually, if I had to choose between her and my games. . . I'd probably pick football. #Person2#: It seems Americans are very passionate about sports. Is this just a part of your culture? #Person1#: Oh, yeah! I think the love of sports starts when kids are very young. Americans come from many different backgrounds so I guess sports are something we can all enjoy together.
#Person1# talks with Ben about American football but Ben doesn't know much because football isn't very popular in China. Ben's not a sports nut while #Person1#'s a diehard football fan.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Welcome to China, Mr. Martin. #Person2#: Thank you so much. I have been expecting to come to China. #Person1#: I am very glad that you say so. We have prepared a typical Chinese dinner this evening. #Person2#: Oh, you needn't do that. #Person1#: My pleasure.
#Person1# welcomes Mr. Martin to China with a typical Chinese dinner.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I want to say. . . #Person2#: Say it! What is it? #Person1#: That I can't go on any longer without you. #Person2#: You know you shouldn't say that at a time like this. #Person1#: Nancy, I made up my mind you were the only woman for me at the first sight. #Person2#: Too sudden! I'm not ready for it. #Person1#: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments. #Person2#: Stop it. No more of that talk. #Person1#: I really love you. #Person2#: No, I shall faint. #Person1#: And I hope so. This is what you were meant for. Say you love me, say yes, say yes. #Person2#: Yes.
#Person1# confesses his love for Nancy suddenly and Nancy accepts his love at his urging.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Don't you feel a little strange taking the place of your old boss after he was demoted? #Person2#: Yes, at first I felt very awkward. After Bill was demoted and then resigned, it was kind of like somebody died! I mean the atmosphere in the office was like a funeral parlor or something. And then I was afraid people would look at me as a traitor for filling in his spot when the management asked me to. . . #Person1#: Did they mutiny? #Person2#: Thankful, no. I guess everyone understands the opportunity I had to step into a leadership role is so great for my career. I'm really moving up the ladder now that I'm considered a supervisor. After a couple weeks, it was like nothing happened. #Person1#: It is a really good chance for you to get more exposure at work. supervisors get to take the credit for all the hard work of the people under them. #Person2#: Yeah, and they also take the blame, that's what happened to my old boss. . .
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# felt awkward when taking the place of the old boss after he was demoted. But now everything is fine and people consider #Person2# as a supervisor.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Mr. Dick. Does the recommendation of the university play an important role? #Person2#: Yes. In fact, the recommendation letter written by the university is an indirect self-recommendation. In the long period of cooperation, the university has established good relationship with the companies or organizations, they trust each other well. If your university recommends you, you can be approved more easily. #Person1#: But I find that most of the recommendation letters written by universities are the same. So I doubt its authority. #Person2#: More and more persons have the same discoveries since most universities do that in order to save energy. If your university also does like this, you can look for other methods, because such kinds of recommendations say nothing for you. #Person1#: Could you tell me whether or not I send out my resume with it? #Person2#: It depends. If it has something special or useful, I suggest you send it out.
Mr. Dick thinks the recommendation letters written by universities play an important role, but if #Person1#'s university gives students the same recommendation letters, it might be useless. He suggests #Person1# send out #Person1#'s resume with it if it is useful.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: What are your plans for this weekend? #Person2#: I'd like to hire a bike. I think it would be a good idea to do some cycling on Sunday. #Person1#: If the weather's fine. #Person2#: I am sure it will be. It's been good so far this weekend. #Person1#: I know a good place to hire bikes if you want. #Person2#: Thanks. That would be really helpful. #Person1#: But remember, be careful when you ride a bike. The traffic in Beijing can be dangerous.
#Person2# is planning to do some cycling on Sunday. #Person1# recommends a place to hire bikes and reminds #Person2# to be cautious.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Excuse me, do you have a vacancy? #Person2#: Let me see. Yes, we still have four left. #Person1#: Well, I would like to book a single room. #Person2#: How long would you stay? #Person1#: 5 days. From Feb. 13 to 18.
#Person2# helps #Person1# book a single room.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: In my country, we go to school from 8 o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon. #Person2#: Five days a week, too? #Person1#: Actually, five and a half. On Saturday, we have classes only in the morning. #Person2#: Gosh! #Person1#: That's too much for us really. #Person2#: Where are you going now? #Person1#: I'm going to try to find out where the school is located. #Person2#: When do you start school? #Person1#: I'm going to register right now. #Person2#: That's good.
#Person1# tells #Person2# the school hours in #Person1#'s country. #Person2# is surprised. #Person1# is going to register now.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Who's that tall guy over there? #Person2#: Oh, that's George. He looks very drunk. #Person1#: What's he like normally? #Person2#: Oh, he's really reserved, normally. But, from what I hear, he's got lots of problems. #Person1#: Really? What kind of problems? #Person2#: Well, off the record, of course, but I hear that he's got terrible debts. He has his own company, and it's not going very well. #Person1#: Really? Well, I hate to say this, but I'm not surprised. #Person2#: Really? What makes you say that? #Person1#: Well, he doesn't look very honest. #Person2#: I know, that's the problem. He can't find any customers. It's a pity, really, because his products are very good. Oh, that reminds me. Did I tell you about my new laptop? #Person1#: Oh, don't talk to me about laptops. Mine crashed on Friday and I lost everything. I hate them. #Person2#: Oh, really? #Person1#: Look, I need another drink. Do you want one? #Person2#: Yes, I'll have another cocktail. #Person1#: Vodka martini? #Person2#: Absolutely. #Person1#: I'll be back in a sec. #Person2#: OK. I'll wait here for you.
#Person2# tells #Person1# George's reserved but he's got terrible debts. #Person1#'s not surprised because #Person1# thinks George doesn't look honest. #Person2# and #Person1# then talk about their laptops. They'll have another drink.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: I failed my exam. #Person2#: What did you get? #Person1#: B. #Person2#: That's not bad. #Person1#: But I should have done better. I mean, I finished the paper so quickly thinking it's a piece of cake, but when I knew my result, I was like, what? That can't be true! #Person2#: Listen, John, I understand you are such an excellent student and I know you must have lots of stress. Forget about school and exams, then go to bed and have a good sleep. #Person1#: I guess that's what I need.
#Person1# thinks #Person1# deserves a good grade, but #Person1# only got a B. #Person2# suggests #Person1# have a good rest.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Friday is a public holiday. Shall we spend our weekend in New York? We could leave Thursday night. #Person2#: I'd rather go on Friday. My uncle will drop in on Thursday evening. I haven't met him for several years, you know.
#Person1# and #Person2# discuss when to leave for New York.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes. I'd like to book a room, please. #Person1#: Certainly. When for, madam? #Person2#: March the 23rd. #Person1#: How long will you be staying? #Person2#: Three nights. #Person1#: What kind of room would you like, madam? #Person2#: Er. . . double with bath. I'd appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake. #Person1#: Certainly, madam. I'll just check what we have available. . . Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view. #Person2#: Fine. How much is the charge per night? #Person1#: Would you like breakfast? #Person2#: No, thanks. #Person1#: It's eighty four euro per night excluding VAT. #Person2#: That's fine. #Person1#: Who's the booking for, please, madam? #Person2#: Mr. and Mrs. Ryefield, that's R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D. #Person1#: Okay, let me make sure I got that #Person2#: Yes it is. Thank you. #Person1#: Let me give you your confirmation number. It's 7576385. I'll repeat that, 7576385. Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye. #Person2#: Goodbye.
Mrs Ryefield wants to book a room for three nights and #Person1# from the San Felice Hotel helps her.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: My son is alway complaining that I dump on him. He was very rude and told me to mind my own business. I cannot put up with that. #Person2#: What does his dad say? #Person1#: John is a peacemaker. He simply doesn't bother. He says he should give him a free hand.
#Person1# can't stand her rude son but her husband doesn't bother.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: We heard that when you are a kid, you submitted a story to Reader's Digest. #Person2#: Well, I don't remember this story exactly, but my idea of a great time then was a pad of lined paper and a new blue pen. I thought myself as a Reader's Digest member at the age of six.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s early experience of submitting a story to Reader's Digest.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Mary, have you ever wondered why some cultures have more proverbs than others? For example, the Mayans, the Incas, and the North American Indian tribes seem to have fewer proverbs than cultures like, the Arabians, and the Chinese. I wonder why this is. #Person2#: What would you say about our ... our own culture? Would you say we're a culture that's rich in proverbs or one that lacks proverbs? #Person1#: I think we, we have a rich heritage of proverbs - the Benjamin Franklin maxims, proverbs, wise sayings have been handed down to us. #Person2#: Well, I think the fact that we're no longer creating proverbs today maybe says something ... maybe perhaps explains to some extent why proverbs in certain cultures were not as extended or extensive as in other cultures. #Person1#: Mm, hmm. That's true. I wonder why we are not creating as many proverbs as we did in 1700s and 1800s. I agree with you. I don't think there are nearly as many. I can't think of any. I'm sure there are some, but I wonder why this is so. #Person2#: Yeah, well, I think we all know a great many proverbs. If we sit down, we can think of some that we can ... we can list. But we don't seem to use them to explain things. We find many times that they're used too much and too simple - too general. Today we're much more sophisticated, you might say, and analytical, and therefore we don't use proverbs to explain things the way, say, our grandfathers and parents did. #Person1#: Life is too complicated now to just quote a simple proverb to take care of things. #Person2#: Right, and maybe to some extent that's why the North American Indians and the Mayans among others don't have as many proverbs. At least there's no record of as many proverbs. Since their own culture ... their traditions were highly eroded and they were wiped out during this era of change. #Person1#: Well, that's interesting.
#Person1# and Mary discuss that some cultures are rich in proverbs while others not. They think their culture has many proverbs but people don't create and use proverbs today because life is too complicated to be quoted by simple proverbs, perhaps that's why some cultures lack proverbs. In addition, some cultures' traditions were highly eroded.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Let's start the interview with some questions. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. #Person2#: I have 10 years financial industry experience, working for several companies. For the past two years, I have been working in an investment banking. In addition to my analytical mindset, I have a background of solid accounting principles. I am a team player and have great communication and interpersonal skills. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. #Person1#: What finance experience have you had that qualifies you for this position? #Person2#: My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry. Most of my experience has been behind the scenes, doing the calculations. I want to work with clients and continue to grow and be challenged. #Person1#: Why did you leave your last position? #Person2#: I'm not finding the work as challenging as I used to. I want to find a job that is stimulating, where I can grow. #Person1#: What are your strengths and weaknesses? #Person2#: One of my strengths is my ability to be flexible. I've seen companies go through many changes in structure and management philosophy. I've had to adjust my style to the new environment several times. As far as weaknesses, I really enjoy my work, and sometimes I put in too much time. But by being aware of my tendency to overwork, I have learned to pace myself more and work less overtime. #Person1#: How would your boss describe you and your work style? #Person2#: She'd say I have a lot of initiative, I see the big picture and I do what has to be done. Second, I always meet deadlines. If I say I'm going to do something, I do it. Lastly, I have the ability to focus on what I'm working on I am not easily distracted. #Person1#: What are your salary expectations? #Person2#: I'm sure whatever you offer will be a fair amount for a person with my qualifications. Salary is not the most important factor to me. I'm looking for opportunity. #Person1#: Do you have any questions? #Person2#: Yes, I do. What do you see as the future trends for the industry?
#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s past working experience. #Person2# leaves #Person2#'s last position to find a stimulating job. Then, #Person2# talks about #Person2#'s strengths and weaknesses, work style, and salary expectations.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: How do you like Korea? #Person2#: I like it. It's a beautiful country. #Person1#: What part of the visit excited you most? #Person2#: The best island of Korea-Jizhou island. #Person1#: Why? #Person2#: Attractive scenery, pleasant climate, these make it charming. #Person1#: Yes, I think so. But there is also something terrible. #Person2#: What do you mean? #Person1#: Sometimes the traffic is too busy. #Person2#: Yes, you are right.
#Person2# likes the attractive scenery and pleasant climate of Korea-Jizhou island, but #Person1# thinks the traffic there is busy.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hello, I'm here to see Mr. Corleone. #Person2#: Right this way, sir. #Person3#: Charlie! What can I do for you? #Person2#: Mr. Corlone, I'm really sorry to trouble you, but I need your help. #Person3#: Anything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a brother to me. #Person2#: Well, sir, you see, this recession has hit me pretty hard. I lost my job and I'm in a lot of debt. #Person3#: I see. . . . . . #Person2#: Yeah, you know, I've got credit card bills, car payments, I've got to pay my mortgage and on top of all that, I have to pay my son's college tuition. #Person3#: So you're asking for a loan. #Person2#: Well, I just thought maybe you could help me out. #Person3#: What? At a time like this? I'm broke too, you know! You're not the only one who has been hit by the recession! I lost half my money in the stock market crash! Go on! Get outa here!
#Person2# takes #Person1# to see #Person3#. #Person3#'s passionate at first but not when #Person2# asks for a loan. #Person3# says he's broke too and asks #Person2# to get out.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Excuse me, miss. I don't think we need the MP4 any more. We would like to refund it. #Person2#: May I see your receipt? #Person1#: Here you are. #Person2#: I am sorry, sir. You bought it 2 weeks ago, and you can only refund it in one week.
#Person1# wants to refund the MP4 but #Person2# refuses.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hello, Mike. I hear you were doing some part time work. #Person2#: Yes, I am working 4 nights a week at a restaurant. #Person1#: What are you doing there? #Person2#: Doing some dishwashing in dusting tables. #Person1#: Do they give you decent wages. #Person2#: Not too bad. #Person1#: Well, I've been accepted for a part time job in a library. I will be working there only on weekends. #Person2#: Really? That's good. So you'll be earning some extra money, too. #Person1#: Yeah, I don't want to ask my parents for spending money anymore. Well, may I ask a personal question? #Person2#: It depends. What do you want to know. #Person1#: What do you do with the money you earn? #Person2#: Well, I spend some of it on books and movies, and I also save some for short trips. #Person1#: Good idea. What I want to get is a sports bicycle.
Mike tells #Person1# that he is doing some dishwashing in dusting tables as a part-time job because he doesn't want to ask his parents for money anymore.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Gordon, you're ever so late. #Person2#: Yes, I am sorry. I missed the bus. #Person1#: But there's a bus every ten minutes, and you are over an hour late. #Person2#: Well, I missed several buses. #Person1#: How on earth can you miss several buses? #Person2#: I, ah. . . , I got up late. #Person1#: Oh, come on, Gordon, it's the afternoon now. Why were you late really? #Person2#: Well, I. . . I lost my wallet, and I. . . #Person1#: Have you got it now? #Person2#: Yes, I found it again. #Person1#: When? #Person2#: This morning. I mean. . . #Person1#: I am not convinced by your explanation.
Gordon's over an hour late and tries to make excuses, but #Person1# doesn't believe him at all.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Come in and sit down, Jack. Now, what's the trouble? #Person2#: I've got a terrible pain in my stomach, Doctor. #Person1#: I see. When did it start? #Person2#: It started yesterday. I didn't eat any supper. #Person1#: Have you got a temperature? #Person2#: I think so. I feel very hot. #Person1#: Let's see. Yes. You'Ve got quite a high temperature. #Person2#: I've got an awful headache, too, and my throat hurts. #Person1#: Hm. . I think you'Ve got the flu. #Person2#: Is it serious? #Person1#: No, not at all, but you must stay in bed for three days and take this medicine. #Person2#: How often must I take it? #Person1#: Three times a day after meals. #Person2#: Thank you, Doctor.
Jack feels sick so he goes to the doctor. After examining, the doctor thinks he's got the flu and gives him medicine.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Alright, Sara, we know that you're planning something big for John's birthday. Could you tell us just what you have in your mind? #Person2#: I wanted to make his birthday a very special event. John has a sister living in France and I'll send her a plane ticket so that she can be here for his birthday. #Person1#: Boy, what an excellent plan! That's something special. I kind of guessed you had some secret plan and we're waiting for the right time to tell me. #Person2#: Well, I didn't want to say anything until I was sure she could come.
#Person1# asks Sara about the surprise for John's birthday. Sara plans to send a plane ticket to John's sister so his sister can be there for John's birthday.
You are an expert at summarizing long articles. Proceed to summarize the following text: #Person1#: Hey, Emily. I think I left my grammar book in the class today. I think one of the students took it. Uh, do you have some of their phone numbers? #Person2#: Yeah. Um, who do you want to call? #Person1#: Well, Brittany was sitting next to me, so I'll call her first. What is her number? #Person2#: Hm, um. Hang on a minute. [ Okay. ] Oh, here it is. It's, um, eight eight-seven-zero zero-zero-one-nine (870-0019). #Person1#: ... okay, zero-zero-one-nine (0019). Got it. I'll call her first. And, uh, what about James? #Person2#: Yeah. Um, okay. It's six-one-four one-four-eight-zero (614-1480). #Person1#: Okay, six-one-four fourteen eighteen (614-1418), right? #Person2#: No, it's fourteen eighty (1480). #Person1#: Oh, okay. And, um, yeah, um, uh ... What's her name? You know, the girl, um ... You know. #Person2#: Which one? [ Embarrashed laugh ... ] You mean Audrey? The girl you really like? #Person1#: What? #Person2#: I can tell you like her. #Person1#: Come on. Are you kidding? No, no. I mean, we're like brother and sister. #Person2#: Ah, yeah, right, right. Well, uh, if you want, here's your SISTER's phone number. It's five-five-eight six-zero-one-six (558-6016). #Person1#: Yeah, six-zero-one-zero (6010). Got it. Bye. #Person2#: No. #Person1#: What? #Person2#: Six-zero-one-six (6016). #Person1#: Six-zero-one-six (6016). #Person2#: Alright. I hope your sister's not mad that you called. #Person1#: No problem. #Person2#: Bye. #Person1#: Bye.
#Person1# asks Emily about students' phone numbers because #Person1# thinks his grammar book was taken by someone. Emily tells #Person1# Brittany's and James's numbers. #Person1# also asks Audrey's number. Emily makes fun of #Person1#.