You deserve it.
I am hoping that you get a really good result
kantmenna tjib chi no9Ta mberr3a
You were right to take the car
kan 3ndk l7e99 fach khditi Tomobil
Anyway, how did you do with your homework last night?
mohim, kikhdmti ttamarin lbar7 fllil?
I came in by car today to avoid the buses.
jit f Tomobil lyoma bach ntfada Tobisat.
Besides, you were late yesterday, too.
zid 3liha annak knti m3TTel lbare7 tahoa.
I missed my bus today
mcha 3lia Tobis
You're late again. What is your excuse today?
t3TTelti lyom tani. chno l3odr dyalk lyom?
Yes, goodbye
wayeh, Thlla
Thank you, ma'am, can I sign the presence sheet first?
chokran a madame, wakha nsini wr9a tl7oDor hia lowla?
Just go away and think about your priorities and what you want to achieve
wa hir sir o fkker fl awlawiat dyalk o ach bghiti t7e99e9
get to bed early
sir tn3s bkri
Oh, I'm sorry, I was wrong with you.
Oh, sm7 lia, drt m3ak lghalaT.
You know, I really liked today's lecture
3rfti chno, ollah asidi ila 3jbni dders tlyouma
Anyway, the equations are useless.
mohim, lmo3adalat malay9in lwalo.
Are you parents encouraging?
wach walidik kaychjj3ouk?
I have principles, I told you
3ndi mabadi2, gltha lik
How do you think we can resolve this?
kifach kaybbalik imken n7ello hadchi?
You are not a toddler!!
nta machi brhouch!!
I missed a lot of your classes cause it was nap time
tgyyebt 3la bzaf tl7iSaS dyalk 7it jaw fo9itt l9ayloula
Do you go to bed late?
wach katn3es m3TTel?
That's true.
fair enough.
Even though I'm getting up late
wakha hakkak kanfi9 m3TTel
Oh, but I'm learning a lot
Oh, walakin rah tant3ellem bzzaf
I am not lucky
ma3ndi zher
do you think it is for my benefit?
wach tayballik annaha mzyana lia?
it's fun
hadchi komik
I have the same principles as the whole class
3ndi nfs lmabadi2 b7al l9ism kaml
Well I think your principles are flawed
mohim ana tayballia lmabadi2 dyalk m3owwja
that's correct.
hia hadik.
that's not correct.
ma8ia hadikch.
But you're lucky I was able to do my homework last Thursday
walakin 3ndk zzher gddit nSawb ttamarin dyali lkhmis lli fat
I'll do it next week
daba ndirha ssimana jjaya
But I don't work much on weekends
walakin makankhdmch mzyan flkher t simana
You should put Facebook and any other diverting social media sites away
khssek tb33ed 3lik Facebook o ga3 mawa9i3 tawaSol ljtima3i lkhrin
What's going to happen on the exam?
ach ghayo93 flmti7an?
The instructions weren't clear.
twji8at makanoch waD7in.
You seem to have had difficulty with the equations
kayban b7alla kan 3ndk mochkil m3a l as2ila
Not easy, but I think I did it
masa8lach, walakin laho3lem ila drtha
So how did you find your maths homework?
ewa kijawk ttamarin tl maths?
Well, it's done now.
mohim, salina daba.
Then sit down quickly and we will look at your homework
ewa gles bzzerba o ghanchoufo lik ttamarin dyalk
Spit out your chewing gum! you know the school rules
dfel dik lmska! rah 3rfti l9awanin tlmdrasa!
I couldn't find any on the way
mal9it tta wahd fTTri9
Yes, of course.
ah, darouri.
Hello, ma'am.
salam madame.
Could you please put that gum in the bin
wakha 3afak tlou7 dik lmska f zzbel
Hurry up
a tl9na
Just in the right hand drawer, I'll get the glasses
hir flmjerr lli 3la iddik limen, daba njib nnDader
All this work for nothing.
had lkhdma kolha 3la walo.
That's too bad.
hadchi mamzyanch.
I had a simple objective
kan 3ndi 8adaf bsiT
There is no point being grumpy at home
makayna tta m3na tb9a tnguer f ddar
Being late was unavoidable, so just play the music
makanch momkin ntfadaw tt3Tal, idan hi tl9 lmousi9a
And I had to explain the rest of the day.
o kan khssni nfsser lkmala t nnhar.
They thought I'd make myself rich
kan kays7ablihoum ghanredd rassi ghany
I think we should just make some tea and you should forget about work
kayballia khssna ngaddo chi brrad t atay o nsa 3lia lkhdma
just forget about it
nsa 3lia hadchi
The meeting was canceled
ljtima3 ttlgha
Was it really so bad?
wach kan dakchi khayb bSSe7?
The results of the year
nnata2ij dyal l3am
And I was the one who presented
w knt ana hoa lli 9ddem
What could you do?
ach momkin ddir?
And there was this important meeting
w kan had ljtima3 lmohimm
I was late for work because of the strikes.
t3TTlt 3la lkhdma bsbab l iDrabat.
It's all right.
kolchi hoa hadak.
do you want to tell me about it
wach bghiti thder lia 3lih
Would it not be better if we think about something positive and fun?
wach machi 7ssen annana nfkkro fchi haja ijabia o katnchcheT
I had a really bad day.
dowezt wahd nhar mafih maytchaf.
Excuse me?
Can you just leave work at work?
wach wakha tkhelli lkhdma flkhdma?
I will see you later and you can tell me what you've found
anchofk mn b3d o gollia ach l9iti
I'll contact the team immediately.
ghdi ntwaSl m3ahom daba.
No problem.
I hope we can get out quickly!
tantmenna ngueddo nkhrjo dghya!
And then I took the elevator to eat
o dikssa3 khdit ssansour bach n9essi
It is very hot...
skhon bzzaf...
I've got some water if you want.
3ndi chwia tlma ala biti.
It's getting hot in here and we probably have another 15 minutes to wait
l7al kayskhon 8naya o ghaliban ba9i khssna tsnnaw chi 15 d9i9a khra
Are you feeling OK?
wach nta hania?
I think they know it's stuck and will start winching it down to the floor below soon
kanDenn annho mbloki o ghaybdaw ijerroh llte7t mn daba chwia
I think i can hear someone calling from above us
imken kansme3 chi 7edd kay3iyyeT mn lfou9
Let's hope that works.
ntmennaw hadchi ikhdm.
I'm trying to text the co-worker at the desk.
hani kan7awel nsift message l dak lli khddam m3aya fl biro.
But, I'm not sure that's enough
walakin mamti99ench anna hadchi kafi
You're a singer aren't you?
nta moghnni, lla?
fair enough
maglti 3ib
How about we say that tomorrow we go on an excursion
ach ballik ngolo ga3 ghdda nmchiw lchi tfjija
then we can eat somewhere in town
mn b3d nmchiw naklo fchi blaSa flmdina
Does that sound good?
ach ballik, mzyan?
Yes, with pleasure!
ayeh, mr7ba!
I'd love to.
And you're right.
o 3ndek SSe7
today you can show me how to do nothing but sit by the pool the whole day
lyoma ghatwerrini kifach maddir tta haja mnghir annak tgles 7da la piscine nnhar kaml
It works!
Let's stay here by the pool, then.
khllina galsin 8na 7da lapisin