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**What is** r/BitcoinCash **?**
The [r/BitcoinCash]( subreddit is a forum dedicated to discussing the cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The aim of this subreddit is to cultivate a space for constructive discussion about Bitcoin Cash. Intentionally disruptive behaviour and heavily off-topic discussion will be moderated accordingly. Please refer to the sidebar for the subreddit rules.
**What is Bitcoin Cash?**
Bitcoin Cash is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It's a permissionless, decentralised cryptocurrency that requires no trusted third parties and no central bank. With Bitcoin Cash you can safely and securely send money anywhere in the world, nearly for free.
For more information about Bitcoin Cash, please visit[](
**Is Bitcoin Cash different from “Bitcoin”?**
Yes! In 2017, the Bitcoin project and its community split into two. Perhaps the least controversial way to refer to each side is simply by their respective ticker symbols, BTC and BCH. While exchanges commonly refer to BTC as simply “Bitcoin”, Bitcoin Cash, usually represented by the BCH ticker symbol, is considered by its supporters to be a legitimate continuation of the Bitcoin project, and the version with the best chance of creating a globally adopted peer-to-peer electronic cash system.
**Why was it necessary to create Bitcoin Cash?**
The legacy Bitcoin code had a maximum limit of 1MB of data per block, or about 4 transactions per second. There was also a common sentiment among Bitcoin Core developers that non-backwards compatible upgrades, commonly known as “hard forks”, should be avoided at all cost. This mindset severely limited the potential to introduce beneficial changes to Bitcoin, which were needed to prepare the protocol for mass adoption.
Although technically simple, the Bitcoin community could not reach a consensus on raising the block size limit, even after years of debate. In 2017, capacity hit the 1MB-imposed wall, fees skyrocketed, and Bitcoin became unreliable, with some users unable to get their transactions confirmed even after days of waiting. An average transaction fee of $50 took place in December 2017. As a result, Bitcoin stopped growing, and companies such as Steam and Microsoft began *dropping* Bitcoin, because it was no longer a cheap and reliable payment method.
In August 2017, a subset of the Bitcoin community decided to move forward with a proposed protocol upgrade, forking Bitcoin, and creating Bitcoin Cash by lifting the block size limit as a step towards massive on-chain scaling. There is now ample capacity for everyone's transactions on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain; low fees and fast confirmations are standard, and the network has been allowed to grow again.
**Isn’t** r/btc **“the Bitcoin Cash subreddit”?**
It is worth noting that the r/btc subreddit came into use before Bitcoin Cash existed. It was originally created as a forum for open discussion about Bitcoin. After August 2015, r/btc gained a large user-base when the[ r/bitcoin]( subreddit[ began censoring]( discussion about raising Bitcoin’s block size limit. After the Bitcoin community split over the Bitcoin Cash fork in August 2017, the [r/btc]( Bitcoin community naturally became the Bitcoin Cash community, as that’s where its proponents already resided, having been ousted from r/bitcoin by censorship.
To this day, [r/btc]( continues to offer a place for open and censorship-free discussion about all Bitcoin forks, with minimal interference by moderators.
**So how does** r/BitcoinCash **differ from** r/btc **?**
In July 2019, the [r/BitcoinCash]( subreddit [introduced]( a stricter moderation policy, following requests from the Bitcoin Cash community for an alternative and specific forum for discussing Bitcoin Cash. The intention is to offer a space that is more focused on specifically discussing Bitcoin Cash, as well as one that is free of the ongoing low-effort trolling that frequently takes advantage of [r/btc](’s principled commitment to free speech.
This subreddit now offers all users a choice about the kind of forum that they wish to participate in. The hope is that, without the distractions that threaten to derail discussion on [r/btc](, [r/BitcoinCash]( may be able to foster a more focused, inclusive, and involved conversation.
The moderation logs for r/BitcoinCash are public. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2019-07-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Y3MyTnE0Rng5RnIxaDl5aUdLVWh6TGxDSXdjSjhfdUlxZEk4clhtZWpaZ21wRmJNd0V1UDh2dHV1RVp2MEtjT0NBc2R4WWdFVGtQb3lyWGU1VmhLdk1ab29HZmRTRU1DRzZJekNZMGNwMHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5bFhyTjlwNnhBRmRVOFF2M29FSGFtR2lJbW1mTkVxS2x6RlVYSVFxTzF3OXRKQmtMay01aHU0cVFORW5MUW5iUWJxa3J4Y1ZrSmZWSHFzWnpLY3Z1a0NFczNxWFdYVkxTdG1mMGdIeGNQV1JGR3lKTXE1VHAyZGRVY013a1ByR1dTcF9iajRwcmJkeWJMZURYTHFhUzhyZ0tGRS1vcm9WQnB2NW00b01oY1BEdkxZQVc4SlVwWlBUTGpHSWUtQUZYZHdEbVpaRXcwTDFTampmcmhZNHFJQT09 |
\# Welcome to /r/solana \- Please Read This To Get Started
Solana is a fast, secure, and censorship-resistant blockchain providing the open infrastructure required for global adoption.
Say goodbye to high fees and slow confirmations. Solana is built for speed, without trade-offs.
🏤The Solana Foundation is based in Geneva, Switzerland and maintains the open-source project.
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⚠️ RULES ⚠️
❌ Spam
❌ Repeat posts
❌ Personal attacks
❌ Swearing
❌ Baseless claims
❌ Misleading distortion of facts or news
❌ Targeted harassment
❌ Slander
This subreddit is used for informational purposes only. Applicable laws vary by jurisdiction and may limit or prohibit you from accessing or using various platforms or products discussed in this subreddit. Discussion of any project or product ≠ endorsement.
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2019-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5eks3aUdtOGRXMnh1eTB1VHZfTWNCM2FJRWw4aXNQME5kQ1RERTlqWmdKUnk0Ukd4TndxTUl5a2pqdUlGSkNWSHR4alJELXY4WTE5NkJtNzdWRjNXUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5SWVFZnNwSDE1N1J2SDVGYU90bVdpRm50QmxmeloyZktyb3pMZGpvTlVkV0JzMzA2RU5mZG5nTFBTRDFCUUtvbmpUSHAxdXhxdnE1endlY3c0akpJYmgxNkpwTkxHOEtDRE9lRXFBYjhfSGZoYy03NjdjQnkybEpXWGgyYTRnSWJMSkg4Sl84bl9JekE0LVo5MVZlUzdDdkZkc0I1dGx4SURFVXNaWTk4SVkzTHh4YW50M21BWWkwbWhJbmdFdlA5 |
This FAQ and information thread serves to inform both new and existing users about common Bitcoin topics that readers coming to this Bitcoin subreddit may have. This is a living and breathing document, which will change over time. If you have suggestions on how to change it, please comment below or message the mods.
**What is \/r/btc?**
The \/r/btc reddit community was originally created as a community to discuss bitcoin. It quickly gained momentum in August 2015 when the bitcoin block size debate heightened. On the legacy \/r/bitcoin subreddit it was discovered that moderators were heavily censoring discussions that were not inline with their own opinions.
Once realized, the subreddit subscribers began to openly question the censorship [which led to]( thousands of redditors being banned from the \/r/bitcoin subreddit. A large number of redditors switched to other subreddits such as /r/bitcoin_uncensored and /r/btc. For a run-down on the history of censorship, please read [A (brief and incomplete) history of censorship in /r/bitcoin by John Blocke]( and [/r/Bitcoin Censorship, Revisted by John Blocke]( As yet another example, \/r/bitcoin [censored 5,683 posts and comments]( just in the month of September 2017 alone. This shows the sheer magnitude of censorship that is happening, which continues to this day. [Read a synopsis of /r/bitcoin]( to get the full story and a complete understanding of [why people are so upset]( with \/r/bitcoin's censorship. Further reading can be found [here]( and [here]( with a giant collection of information regarding these topics.
**Why is censorship bad for Bitcoin?**
As demonstrated above, censorship has become prevalent in almost all of the major Bitcoin [communication channels]( The [impacts of censorship in Bitcoin]( are very real. "Censorship can really hinder a society if it is bad enough. Because media is such a large part of people’s lives today and it is the source of basically all information, if the information is not being given in full or truthfully then the society is left uneducated [...] Censorship is probably the number one way to lower people’s right to freedom of speech." By censoring certain topics and [specific words](, people in these Bitcoin communication channels are literally being brain washed into thinking a certain way, molding the reader in a way that they desire; this has a lasting impact especially on users who are new to Bitcoin. Censoring in Bitcoin is the direct opposite of what the spirit of Bitcoin is, and should be condemned anytime it occurs. Also, it's important to [think critically]( and [independently](, and have an open mind.
**Why do some groups attempt to discredit \/r/btc?**
This subreddit has become a place to discuss everything Bitcoin-related and even other cryptocurrencies at times when the topics are relevant to the overall ecosystem. Since this subreddit is one of the few places on Reddit where users will not be censored for their opinions and people are allowed to speak freely, truth is often said here without the fear of reprisal from moderators in the form of bans and censorship. Because of this freedom, people and groups who don't want you to hear the truth with do almost anything they can to try to stop you from speaking the truth and try to manipulate readers here. You can see many cited examples of cases where special interest groups have gone out of their way to attack this subreddit and attempt to disrupt and discredit it. [See the examples here.](
**What is the goal of \/r/btc?**
This subreddit is a diverse community dedicated to the success of bitcoin. \/r/btc honors the spirit and nature of Bitcoin being a place for open and free discussion about Bitcoin without the interference of moderators. Subscribers at anytime can look at and review the [public moderator logs]( This subreddit does have [rules]( as mandated by reddit that we must follow plus a couple of rules of our own. Make sure to **[read the /r/btc wiki](** for more information and resources about this subreddit which includes information such as the benefits of Bitcoin, how to get started with Bitcoin, and more.
**What is Bitcoin?**
Bitcoin is a digital currency, also called a virtual currency, which can be transacted for a low-cost nearly instantly from anywhere in the world. Bitcoin also powers the blockchain, which is a public immutable and decentralized global ledger. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without the need for any central authority whatsoever. There is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank. Read the Bitcoin whitepaper to further understand the schematics of how Bitcoin works.
**What is Bitcoin Cash?**
Bitcoin Cash (ticker symbol: BCH) is an updated version of Bitcoin which solves the scaling problems that have been plaguing Bitcoin Core (ticker symbol: BTC) for years. Bitcoin (BCH) is just a continuation of the Bitcoin project that allows for bigger blocks which will give way to more growth and adoption. You can read more about Bitcoin on []( or read [What is Bitcoin Cash]( for additional details.
**How do I buy Bitcoin?**
You can buy Bitcoin on an exchange or with a brokerage. If you're looking to buy, you can [buy Bitcoin with your credit card]( to get started quickly and safely. There are several others places to buy Bitcoin too; please check the sidebar under brokers, exchanges, and trading for other go-to service providers to begin buying and trading Bitcoin. Make sure to [do your homework first]( before choosing an exchange to ensure you are choosing the right one for you.
**How do I store my Bitcoin securely?**
After the initial step of buying your first Bitcoin, you will need a Bitcoin wallet to secure your Bitcoin. Knowing which Bitcoin wallet to choose is the second most important step in becoming a Bitcoin user. Since you are investing funds into Bitcoin, choosing the right Bitcoin wallet for you is a critical step that shouldn’t be taken lightly. [Use this guide to help you choose the right wallet for you]( Check the sidebar under Bitcoin wallets to get started and find a wallet that you can store your Bitcoin in.
**Why is my transaction taking so long to process?**
Bitcoin transactions typically confirm in ~10 minutes. A confirmation means that the Bitcoin transaction has been verified by the network through the process known as mining. Once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed or double spent. Transactions are included in blocks.
If you have sent out a Bitcoin transaction and it’s delayed, chances are the [transaction fee]( you used wasn’t enough to out-compete others causing it to be [backlogged](,24h). The transaction won’t confirm until it clears the backlog. This typically occurs when using the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain due to poor central planning.
If you are using Bitcoin (BCH), you shouldn't encounter these problems as the block limits have been raised to accommodate a massive amount of volume freeing up space and lowering transaction costs.
**Why does my transaction cost so much, I thought Bitcoin was supposed to be cheap?**
As described above, transaction fees have spiked on the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain mainly due to a limit on transaction space. This has created what is called a fee market, which has primarily been a premature artificially induced price increase on transaction fees due to the limited amount of block space available (supply vs. demand). The original plan was for fees to help secure the network when the block reward decreased and eventually stopped, but the plan was not to reach that point until some time in the future, [around the year 2140]( This original plan was restored with Bitcoin (BCH) where fees are typically less than a single penny per transaction.
**What is the block size limit?**
The original Bitcoin client didn’t have a block size cap, however was limited to 32MB due to the Bitcoin protocol message size constraint. However, in July 2010 Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a [temporary 1MB limit]( as an anti-DDoS measure. The temporary measure from Satoshi Nakamoto was made clear three months later when Satoshi said the block size limit can be [increased again by phasing it in]( when it’s needed (when the demand arises). When introducing Bitcoin on the cryptography mailing list in 2008, Satoshi said that [scaling to Visa levels]( “would probably not seem like a big deal.”
**What is the block size debate all about anyways?**
The block size debate boils down to different sets of users who are trying to come to consensus on the best way to scale Bitcoin for growth and success. Scaling Bitcoin has actually been a topic of discussion since Bitcoin was first released in 2008; for example you can read how Satoshi Nakamoto was [asked about scaling here]( and how he thought at the time it would be addressed. Fortunately Bitcoin has seen tremendous growth and by the year 2013, scaling Bitcoin had became a hot topic. For a run down on the history of scaling and how we got to where we are today, see the [Block size limit debate history lesson post](
**What is a hard fork?**
A hard fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules which is accepted by nodes that have upgraded to support the new protocol. In this case, Bitcoin diverges from a single blockchain to two separate blockchains (a majority chain and a minority chain).
**What is a soft fork?**
A soft fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules, but the difference is that nodes don’t realize the rules have changed, and continue to accept blocks created by the newer nodes. Some argue that [soft forks are bad]( because they trick old-unupdated nodes into believing transactions are valid, when they may not actually be valid. This can also be defined as coercion, as [explained by Vitalik Buterin](
**Doesn't it hurt decentralization if we increase the block size?**
Some argue that by lifting the limit on transaction space, that the cost of validating transactions on individual nodes will increase to the point where people will not be able to run nodes individually, giving way to centralization. This is a false dilemma because at this time there is no proven metric to quantify decentralization; although it has been shown that the [current level of decentralization will remain]( with or without a block size increase. It's a logical fallacy to believe that decentralization only exists when you have people all over the world running full nodes. The reality is that only people with the income to sustain running a full node (even at 1MB) will be doing it. So whether it's 1MB, 2MB, or 32MB, the costs of doing business is negligible for the people who can already do it. If the block size limit is removed, this will also allow for more users worldwide to use and transact introducing the likelihood of having more individual node operators. [Decentralization is not a metric, it's a tool or direction]( This is a good video describing the direction of [how decentralization should look](
Additionally, the effects of increasing the block capacity beyond 1MB [has been studied]( with results showing that up to 4MB is safe and will not hurt decentralization ([Cornell paper, PDF]( Other papers also show that no block size limit is safe ([Peter Rizun, PDF]( Lastly, through an informal survey among all top Bitcoin miners, many agreed that a block size increase [between 2-4MB is acceptable](
**What now?**
Bitcoin is a fluid ever changing system. If you want to keep up with Bitcoin, we suggest that you subscribe to /r/btc and stay in the loop here, as well as other places to get a healthy dose of perspective from different sources. Also, check the sidebar for additional resources. Have more questions? [Submit a post]( and ask your peers for help!
Note: This FAQ was originally posted [here]( but was removed when [one of our moderators was falsely suspended]( by those wishing to do this sub-reddit harm. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2020-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WjZQT1dGVGwwdDBwUWEwNGFpeXprb3R4d1c0ZWtubTNGZ0ZBSHdzU3BNdWktWWpCOGlxSXJzNlBlQ2daY2NfUGVFT2tKck82S0hoOUFXY0JYT0xYRDBQQnYzOF9JenVKUUhBU0tWRFhhM1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dklPZk9YdjFSZDhyRWd0Y2hYVUN5a0RmV2NUcVBFTWwtQVV4cjFJakFtV25vTnJhTVhha1NuazJLWXhkWk1EVkltRF85NGZzRUtMZDdDbDFYSnlDNHc3ekFpM25QS2tvT0liS2t3TzAtRGIxUERBeERsS0Z6UVhPT3ZoUWVBanJXcVYySmN1VnNpbWtFNnRxZ0Q3ZnZWZUpaclo3c2lZemk5SEZGUTluNjI4M0dmLUhzR1NLak5nNWYtcmhkUm9w |
This is the official subreddit of Polkadot. Join the conversation, get answers to your questions and follow Polkadot latest news.
Polkadot is a sharded protocol that enables blockchain networks to operate together seamlessly. Polkadot is a 100% open-source project created to enable a decentralized web and better society.
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📣 **RULES**
Please make sure to accept the rules of this subreddit before posting or commenting:
* **No inappropriate behavior**: everyone on [r/polkadot]( must follow the [Reddit Content Policy]( at all times.
* **The primary topic is Polkadot**: the discussion on [r/polkadot]( should be about Polkadot and its ecosystem only.
* **No price discussion**: price, sale, referral links, investor-like and market discussions are not allowed. Please consider posting to r/dot instead.
* **No malicious content**: karma-farming with ChatGPT bots, malware, phishing, spam or scam will result in your account being banned without warning.
* **English only**: English language only. Please provide accurate translations where appropriate.
* **Be excellent to each other**: remember there is a human behind each post, each comment. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.
You are invited to follow these guidelines to maintain this subreddit qualitative, safe and relevant:
* Link to **canonical and persistent URLs** where possible.
* **Report** posts and comments not respecting the subreddit rules.
* **Search for duplicates** before posting.
* **Read over your submission** for mistakes before submitting.
* Always seek to **add value** where you can.
Read our guide: [How to Protect Yourself from Scams](
* There is **no DOT giveaway or airdrop**.
* Anybody who is willing to help will do it **publicly**.
* **Report** private messages saying that they want to help you.
* [r/polkadot]( is now a place for discussion and support. Here you can ask questions and discuss everything related to Polkadot news, announcements, and technology. Title and text are mandatory for each post.
* All posts are manually approved by moderators on working days Monday through Friday, usually twice a day around 9:00am and 6:00pm CEST. So you can comment during the weekend, but if approved, posts written during that time will be visible only from Monday.
**List from A to Z:**
* r/AcalaNetwork
* r/AstarNetwork
* r/bifrostfinance
* N/A for Bitgreen
* r/Centrifuge
* r/CloverFinance
* N/A for Coinversation
* N/A for Composable Finance
* r/[Equilibrium\_Genshiro](
* r/HydraDX
* N/A for Interlay
* r/Litentry
* r/moonbeam
* r/Nodle
* N/A for Oak Network
* r/OriginTrail
* N/A for Parallel Finance
* r/PhalaNetwork
* r/polkadex
* N/A for Totem KAPEX
* N/A for Unique Network
* r/WatrProtocol | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2021-05-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5b0NfYmtuSzItVjFYcjByb3haSDhnc2tMSHRZYlpkcXp2NHpLRWlkX3NOVWlqdURwTllqYzRKUTY3eUlQY2pWcTJfYW5FR21kYmdzbXBBOV91YnBrSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Y3FpRnNtTlpra2NUM3I0YmZKYkx4R2JvTURRRkFBWnBRWUJoYmhOMFk4eGlNWnhWSnhsV2JUM1l2c0loWWw5NkhfNFF0aTVadC1yTENfWE5GMWt6a096dGVGSUhzZ0xRbUJqRUdQc1JYdzJOTjlGT0MyNkF3amhZcnpDb2FBUlhyd3Yya25KQ25LdnhCbThidWpyaU14SkYzZ1VQemxxNGw3OGhJWkRiMWxRPQ== |
Welcome to the Weekly Discussion Thread.
With the amount of activity, I think we can go back to weekly posts.
**\*\*\* Remember that there is a** [**Resources and FAQ**]( **post \*\*\*** It is a compendium of all the articles and videos released. You would be wise to check it out if you want to explore the ecosystem and community.
Good luck and be kind out there | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2023-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5cFd4OXVMWUF3Q21waE5fTTNGZUp6bGxkdUpnRlhndnJncjhPN09qd1VOZ2Z3TnRUdFh0TDZKRFRtWHQxM0NqX2Y1a0loM1h4TzNsYWc2cjUxZ1R3b2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OTdsbi1Ecy10N0FpdER0VWE5M3Q0UXBVUnZ5RTZvQi1TMkZfRXJ6TGFLaE9MR3VvNEdwS3VwM1Y4NWZYbXFjcWpMVE9zeU52NGFzcEFENm9nWWhHSUI5NFRYVVRZQXhmZWRpSDdSU0k3czNRMHNlZDR1OWMzX2xKb2loUGhYR1Q3Q2J1RW5pNkxTRGMtQ2VVRWRidTBPMlZRQWdBRzd5cTNKeEpnRFFwdXlXZ0RlUVJscHlwU0Q4V2c5VTRtYUdhMm1hMFhPOVhDTmRiMmNjMUd5TW1rUT09 |
## Index
1. General questions
2. Wallet: CLI & GUI
3. Wallet: Ledger
4. Nodes
# 1. General questions
## **Where can I download the Monero wallet?**
There are multiple Monero wallets for a wide range of devices at your disposal. Check the table below for details and download links. **Attention:** for extra security make sure to calculate and compare the `checksum` of your downloaded files when possible.
**Please note the following usage of the labels:**
⚠️ - Relatively new and/or beta. Use wallet with caution.
☢️ - Closed source.
### Desktop wallets
| Wallet | Device | Description | Download link |
| *"Official"* GUI / CLI| Windows, macOS, Linux|Default implementation maintained by the core team. Use this wallet to run a full node and obtain maximum privacy. Integrates with hardware wallets. *Current version: /*.| [](|
|MyMonero|Windows, macOS, Linux|Lightweight wallet -- you don't need to download the blockchain and run a node. MyMonero was developed with the assistance of the core team. It also has web-based and iOS versions.|[](|
|Feather Wallet|Windows,macOS, Linux|Feather Wallet is a free, open-source Monero wallet for Linux, Tails, macOS and Windows. Supports hardware wallets (Trezor and Ledger) as well.|[](|
|Exodus|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet.|[](|
|ZelCore|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. It also has Android and iOS versions.|[](|
|Guarda|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet.|[](|
|Coin Wallet|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet.|[](|
### Mobile wallets
| Wallet | Device | Description | Download link |
|Monerujo|Android|Integrates with Ledger (hardware wallet). Website: |[Google Play]( / [F-Droid]( / [GitHub](|
|MyMonero|Android / iOS|Website:|[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|Cake Wallet|Android / iOS|Website:|[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|Edge Wallet|Android / iOS|Multi-asset wallet. Website: |[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|ZelCore|Android / iOS|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website:|[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|Coinomi|Android / iOS|⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website:|[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|Moxi / Guarda|Android / iOS|⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website:|[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|Exodus|Android / iOS| ⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website:|[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|Coin Wallet|Android / iOS|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website:|[Google Play]( / [App Store](|
|Wallet Anonero|Android|⚠️ Website: http://anonero5wmhraxqsvzq2ncgptq6gq45qoto6fnkfwughfl4gbt44swad.onion/|[Website](http://anonero5wmhraxqsvzq2ncgptq6gq45qoto6fnkfwughfl4gbt44swad.onion/)|
|Mysu|Android|⚠️ Website: http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/|[Website](http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/)|
|StackWallet|Android / iOS|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website:|[Google Play]( / [F-Droid]( / [App Store](|
### Web-based wallets
| Wallet | Description | Link |
|MyMonero|Web version of the MyMonero wallet.|[Web](|
|Guarda|Multi-asset wallet.|[Web](|
|Coin Wallet|Multi-asset wallet.|[Web](|
|RINO Wallet|Self-custody Monero multisignature web wallet.|[Web](|
## **How long does it take for my balance to unlock?**
Your balance is unlocked after 10 confirmations (which means 10 mined blocks). A block is mined approximately every two minutes on the Monero network, so that would be around 20 minutes.
## **How can I prove that I sent a payment?**
The fastest and most direct way is by using the [ExploreMonero]( blockchain explorer. You will need to recover the transaction key from your wallet ([complete guide]( for GUI / CLI).
## **How do I buy Monero (XMR) with Bitcoin (BTC)?**
There are dozens of exchanges that trade Monero against Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Check out the list on [CoinMarketCap]( and choose the option that suits you best.
## **How do I buy Monero (XMR) with fiat?**
- [Kraken]( (USD and EUR): old-school, decent exchange. They might require your documents for verification and approval of your account.
- LocalMonero (localmonero[dot]co): peer-to-peer exchange. They have pretty much everything as a payment method and they support hundreds of fiat options.
## **How can I quickly exchange my Monero (XMR) for Bitcoin (BTC)?**
There are multiple ways to exchange your Monero for Bitcoin, but first of all, I'd like to remind you that if you really want to do your part for Monero, one of the simplest ways is to **get in touch with your merchant/service provider and request for it to accept Monero directly as payment.** Ask the service provider to visit the [official website]( and our communication channels if he or she needs help with system integration.
That being said, the community has been recommending two services in particular, [ChangeNOW]( and [SideShift.AI]( These services are only recommendations (which change over time) and are operated by entities outside the control of the Monero Project. DYOR and be diligent.
## **How do I mine Monero? And other mining questions.**
The correct place to ask questions and discuss the Monero mining scene is in the dedicated subreddit r/MoneroMining. That being said, you can find a list of pools and available mining software in the []( website.
# 2. Wallet: CLI & GUI
## **Why I can't see my balance? Where is my XMR?**
Before any action there are two things to check:
1. Are you using the latest available version of the wallet? A new version is released roughly every 6 months, so make sure you're using the current release (compare the release on []( with your wallet's version on `Settings`, under `Debug info`).
2. Is your wallet fully synchronized? If it isn't, wait the sync to complete.
Because Monero is different from Bitcoin, wallet synchronization is not instant. The software needs to synchronize the blockchain and use your private keys to identify your transactions. Check in the lower left corner (GUI) if the wallet is synchronized.
**You can't send transactions and your balance might be wrong or unavailable if the wallet is not synced with the network**. So please wait.
If this is not a sufficient answer for your case and you're looking for more information, please see this answer on [StackExchange](
## **How do I upgrade my wallet to the newest version?**
This question is beautifully answered on [StackExchange](
## **Why does it take so long to sync the wallet [for the first time]?**
You have decided to use Monero's wallet and run a local node. Congratulations! You have chosen the safest and most secure option for your privacy, but unfortunately this has an initial cost. The first reason for the slowness is that you will need to download the entire blockchain, which is considerably heavy (+70 GB) and constantly growing. There are technologies being implemented in Monero to slow this growth, however it is inevitable to make this initial download to run a full node. Consider syncing to a device that has an SSD instead of an HDD, as this greatly impacts the speed of synchronization.
Now that the blockchain is on your computer, the next time you run the wallet you only need to download new blocks, which should take seconds or minutes (depending on how often you use the wallet).
## **I don't want to download the blockchain, how can I skip that?**
The way to skip downloading the blockchain is connecting your wallet to a public remote node. You can follow [this guide]( on how to set it up. You can find a list of public remote nodes on [MoneroWorld](
*Be advised that when using a public remote node you lose some of your privacy. A public remote node is able to identify your IP and opens up a range for [certain attacks]( that further diminish your privacy.* ***A remote node can't see your balance and it can't spend your XMR.***
## **How do I restore my wallet from the mnemonic seed or from the keys?**
To restore your wallet with the 25 word mnemonic seed, please see [this guide](
To restore your wallet with your keys, please see [this guide](
# 3. Wallet: Ledger
## **How do I generate a Ledger Monero Wallet with the GUI or CLI?**
This question is beautifully answered on StackExchange. Check [this page]( for the GUI instructions, and [this page]( for the CLI instructions.
# 4. Wallet: Trezor
## **How do I generate a Trezor Monero Wallet with the GUI or CLI?**
This question is beautifully answered on StackExchange. Check [this page]( for the GUI instructions, and [this page]( for the CLI instructions.
# 5. Nodes
## **How can my local node become a public remote node?**
If you want to support other Monero users by making your node public, you can [follow the instructions on MoneroWorld](, under the section *"How To Include Your Node On Moneroworld"*.
## **How can I connect my node via Tor?**
This question is beautifully answered on [StackExchange]( | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Q05CbU1OZ2NpNFY1d2haS0tDUVl1X2pjWUZ2cXVmbm5FTWYySHByWTdCTUFTelNKTTcxWERhem5talpWRnlGQnpDTUhfay1ocXpRejM4NkZpYm9WV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5d3JzRzNiTjZJUEFKVjZNcHNjS0VYSzdReE1DRmNjM05ORnMxazVRTXA5NXZKM0w1ejd5ejVxX0NhX1l2VE9hTXRwdGFXS1hFb0R6bV9qOTBLRDJncmNBNFZ2ZHhDOUt5WXJLc291YmlMVi1XOEgtczg1MExYRWtVQk1Ga3hMN3FZNnBRTTdoV3lpeXNvb1NwNk9lbGdNRGVmbmZBWTFZQzJTdkVicDVlUVB0V3kzUng4LUJybjBsOERmQTFEMmVKUHo4bWg4R0x5Nlg5bWFwdmFRTmE5QT09 |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YXVtTDhvUG1ETVp4R1k1dUtlQ1BVanNtcmtZX2VvOWpaU01IZEF4NlBNblhsYUs0eC1yaExDQklwZmczcmR4dDZXZ185dDdjdXhEM2VacWNmNERyX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5bGJiWWU2bWRQV2xLYjBMUllJWm1wUTZ5TDJiMGV3MXdHZHFaUG53X2pwRGRQd3M3WEg3T1hWdEhXRXZ4eDRyNkllZEthQlo0TWpDZTIyZzVlU2FKbFQ0blhDV1VpMHRZS0poNFNlNUYtd3ZHektHemM3UXZMaGdmamNBUEVXQ1daU2tTWTlZdXFUU0R0NVZ0ZERDVlVUcThZZEFHWnJMVFZxWW50TkhsNmtaQXpNTmtMY0V0cmlHUkw5NDhxRklFMW10NWFHckdBSFhHRm9wdFVHNXJ2QT09 |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VGQtX1Q2c0o2MVptU3cyREZSY1prOUNXUFdHRkE3dUJyT1VsRTEzSE9JTGo3VTU4Rkw2bk1sTDFaS0Y3SkdrM3QzZl9EOXhOQ2tSQ1ZveFBjNGVZMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WWdMbDYtVzZ3R1pfRkFxSkpiNk9BSlJadzBXQ3ZCUkx4VGVpZ2pUZllrcG5zeHhhSGVoemgxY3VNQjE4NU13NXdfeUxkR3FEYVZRQVo2WXRFR3kyQjdZS1h3YkFGODZ3bW5HYU1sY2p4dVhuQ2VnMzhrZzA4WXJMdVlwU0lJX001Q0pnc3k3a1lid2ZYLVBPck03YjZWTHZRSUFkZTFaNXY4NlVCUWFfa2ZBWFdDU3M1SURrQ210MXFkSG1qQ2VOb1lQZ29nSnJjYnpfVi1wc0V2aHc5Zz09 |
My transfer transaction on sending end, shows complete and the other wallet I swapped it shows nada. Anyone been amateur as me, and send this cresting a huge-heart ache with no help to recover?
Am I screwed out of the ETC floating who knows where? Or is gone for good? I’ll also give some tips to anyone who has been in my shoes or is good with this project. Thanks and Happy Easter | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5U1Y3ZW8tSHU4X3EwTzRfSDNmQ1RaVUlSU2R3a1RleG1LMUdjRzBINlkydUYyTmE4and2eV9rZF9iSFFBelZDNG1DdjFZdURIXzQ0eFlLdGdVQ0g0clFtcGd6amw5djl6aXJvbzYzTlhrVFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5V2I0TjdkQm1sLVFmOFZuQW5nSzdxTVdmTkxMZm8zUXc0Vmd6bkZESUo0b2EzNkFCQVNIVVhJU01zV0FpR3pscTRvd0lyUlVqUWRvdU82bGVtTjdUYXltdTBIbFdoMjdyanJIMFpSaUFtMzNWSncyV0JSVTd0NmdpTXNtcVNJbm9DU1pNMDVHVk9LVEZjZnVfTkJiMl9zZTRDS0Yzb3NhZURrSTNjZ1M0bHRVQ21FVTVRYXhEeTQ0YndudDY1UVlQUmlKaFZzY2QwRm50TGpOd0kwNEZXdz09 |
I am wondering if ETC reduction event has ever spurred so much regard and price volatility in the same form and fashion as BTC and BCH halving events? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5cFVSbUNKR1p6eGcyODVLajM3VmFmUTY4R3hJNFN4Q0pmZ0d2dzNZV1VSSXlGSjJFTVBfLW9oaURDVUpxblkxYTlZUTM1eXhlRVlsTnNxeVBLdWhrUUVCTkhzZmFoYTBmaEVWQUV6SGhKX289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VDR3UFRjRng4YTRvTFh5czMyMmJzdEVOb3k5UmhOcEEwNmdfa0laRlEwSVlfT2w3RERQUUZzNExKdV8tRFhkYnpSTTdIWnVyZGppcHM4OTQ3QU45OTFGcFNjQXVhbjdUR3drMk1BWmdUaHFRZWNkYkdrcEJZSEJyTWRHemxOUzdEd0c5dnc0WUx0ZHdDSk8zcU11SXNRaHVQVXhFVVNRYkRxSC1aUHZNRFpNPQ== |
Probably controversial but unless you’re holding for long term (I am and recommend it). Be prepared for a correction after the pump. Dont panic and sell in red. If you’re gonna sell, do it now and buy the dip again! Just my thoughts from the little I understand, would much rather be wrong and keep it pumping! | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5eDYxN2hnTllCS3FtZTU3VTNNck1oZ2JLR1l3aHZNV0hOMENuUlRxSDluekJOUGpxcUE2MTJoVjlsVjhPOXM3VTBXWXhmRlE1dTA2MXJJVERHeDk0R1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WDk5TUZ6cVlmSjdKNm1qaEJPQjdzaXQ4dGFfaHc5bExCaVN1c0hYOC14VUdmekpNc0tfRTVLeEtjN0Rvd29WMzJEOHVFMGY4clZ3OXE3YXREeTBmdjFQRzlyRlNJT2NTbmdtSkZqUzJhN3pyVGpnOXhySU11SnV5OG8zVWZZSlpuSVZqRnFxUEwwUjlvRGllekdCWllLUkZySDhDRjE5cUJPcXZuak1WYnhGd0pxcVlFNjJ3MkNVYUFWTWE3QmVX |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WFhlNWJEdTZuUU5QLUNybnpfbnc3WTNzNUZjU1VaSHIzRlZDcTZzeDhVbVJiZG1JNzRXdkV0d3pNd20tVlp3cVV3VFlSMVROaEtwc2tTaXAzdnozalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5NWVkSGF5VlVwMk5yMGVuZy1JYk9JV2RMaU54SU5lZlFHTGZ6VmFBZ1BMSWFLWTl6RnMxVE11ZklldGh2N2dFQ3JwVEJ1aHUtWExCOE9yYzJRY3k0cXltX2ZpQnNzRWkzbzJ3RENFQXoteGxKenZPT3Z6SEt4UVVUd2M5b1MxbjdOZnQxbklDb3NMb3doRUVuQS1NYVp6NDNFVkZvdzgzUkFuZmlIUmZZRC00c0RUeU51RnZ4ZllhMXFqUzh0YXBKSmpKRUxKOGtNTVc5ZzZvSHIwd1dPUT09 |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OS1xRDU2d2cyUGhvTUMzZkFTS1NBZnQ5UXVieFFhZVJPUXhFYW1wMUFGbFBWWWotZ2tSdlF4ajQ1LWhVR0tGSzBOOW14QTVjS1FuNElYV3F4VVk3YUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VDdrdjg5Sk1oVUVxZy1abl9CMVkzUlREN1BjR25iMnBuYzNZcVNaMWh4SndnZklSdDJuUFVGb3NkRWNOdTVLVl9OaFdjbjFVTnU2emVzd3o5UTlrSmh1ZGtHa0NVLVZQNW1HVG5STVRDUHpGb2FFZTYza3A2LWhKdmt6Y0JOVmhVZXpUQ3VFOGtlTDFpOWdDNmRHS0E5M1pRUGdBb2VyTWs3akFuN3RoVmRVWnhXbk44MnBRNjA5cEJkaDh5ZDJybG1sUnRpRVg0MmhPS2tqTGEzTFMzUT09 |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OFJSelYzTnhtQmNYajhNNkcxOEV6RHRXOXBjcGFwQ3I4RnYzcjBVRzRkNDY1N3pWX29SVncyNHhFQnVQYUtFX2dJZ29lY2FuVC1VVEEzUEVEa1JtbjY0bTh5dFdUYVMwYjg0NFlvQ2hhZkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5d3M1ZkJsUlNKaDRkTEUtSi1LT0VaTjNLWUR4RzQ2MUcwZ25ON1doWW1zLVM5R0ROclY2MmpWdXA0M3JoclcwVXFucUNuQ2hrZElkLWF3OW9VQ3c3eVZIOUdZMlZaRmppV1RlbnM5VFhOVDBseHkxaU8weV9VamJQVWFhZnU0d0NRQXRGUC1xRXNMb3AzLUFVRkJQOHNGeTNBdFpoTWd6dVF5QTRyUEs5SU52c1dXLVQzX1djXzlVNTBLN3J0OGlxd3o2ajVWSmFsbnlPSUlsaWhlS1ZiQT09 |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5LWR3TUVQbnRZX2JzekhJOHBpOW92N0dtaE9SZVJvYkYtYmtYeXZMWGdZbDVHNF9kZUxwTUx3SExEcDNPTU5LTDE0eGJzSDYzTnZ1SGdNN1ZlZXhFR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Ynhhc2lVazI2a1RMR2pFcUp0SWRVNU9qM0xkc0hhSmdZRS16S3EyRWYzMEtoTWI4NmdkVHh2OU1iVXg0WklkelNKUlFvZmpRcUZfenpEdGwwdnk5UXpZQVVLdWhobE1OSmpBY2ROeEhwV01HS1RLa0wwa2ZOWk9RVHlhWDlJWF8yT3VSMG5Eb0IteWhmSjlHQXhaWldvU2k1R3pNZ1BlTnBKMjVsVzBka2hRSDFPRHZmdFUzSGREeXltWXVoQS16 |
Can anyone explain why ETC went from 5$ to 120$ ? Still trying to figure out what happened. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YjIwcHRoOHk3WmN0aTFiSEFIc2Zaa0FlVE9TYWZ6RWJNRlBvTWRlRTVoQXdqdm5uRFd1WEYxN0EyS01HOGh3QVA3RGM5YVpBbDlWdW91RGFSTnNLYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dklySVVQOG82U3JsOWxrcGE4VC1PMEpQSXA2WmhtSF9pNG5oLWE0aVI3OXdvaWR3MGJKM3ZlcUFkcFdtbHFfbVI4amp1ejNEOFNkR3J0QjZwdWJGZmpEbmU0NFVPeEJLZ1dnckY3cnZPdTZYMEI4TUJKMGE0WUoxTDVIMnpFa0QwdzhlSDdmNVVWa2x5Snh6Wm94Y0R0bmpMc0RScXhfOC1YZEUyWFoyZjZnPQ== |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5SDQzWXR5dXplX1J3ZXJaQno4ZEFUWXhqRldSTkRHMkhQZHd4aDZGQld6R2g2QlBxaHB2LVRncUtETnR5T2lwQ1FHc3pqbjdvaUJHS1FSbzJ0Vm1QaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Rkl3VmxCZUgySXY0OHpyaVZvalMxSFViOW4tOVFjN0JTQ0l1UTJ5VHhvMFRNa09ZdnBJRHl0aVptRVhuY0hKYWtvS2dmZm10LXhKV0VyXzlteGJ0MFNSWm03c1N6eUZaaERUQ18wSnB4UndlaERjRnoyY2NVWWFUdWNXRkdqUmlCbkxJcS1XYmw3b1JRU2pNM3pLTUdzYWJrNnU3UTFQRDRwOVNTdHRwajVIT0JfM2hkRmtMTG0xMXotNm93aVM2R0I2YzBKaVAxSUNWQ2labTNuVkVhUT09 |
📅 Last week at ETC Cooperative, our blogs delved into several topics: 1. Correcting the Binance article about ETC; 2. ETC as a worldwide leading smart contracts on a proof-of-work blockchain; and 3. POW Course 21, "If It's Not Proof of Work, Then It's Not a Blockchain."
Read our blogs & watch our videos to learn more:
Correcting the Binance Article About Ethereum Classic:
Ethereum Classic (ETC) Is the Leading Smart Contracts Proof of Work Blockchain In the World:
21. If It's Not Proof of Work, Then It's Not a Blockchain: | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5bkc4enV6NFY2VHZvNFpXNWF5MXFNX0hOT25wVU1SN3ZEN3YtZUU1ZHJHQ0lmM3J6aHNzTk8xYmVOWU9DaWFjZGxXZFk4cC1OQ0s1eFMySGdpUl9mU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dTBaRjdBR3JoV2pwQU1jRzF4Um9Ib2toemQ0Nno3djNsNVJZZmtPc0k2LVA0Qlh3YUFIZXNYbmx2dkVWamtma0NHdF81MVpwbTJpcnZNRVRMMXdTX09zYjlXV0pPek5uaU40MVJsTzVLanJYaEhRS3oyM2IzWlJxOHU2SEpYTnM2cHdlQjdDOVhiMmJsQnJDRmJNdWFrNlp2b2JMdkFQTEd4Wkd5aC10ZW9rPQ== |
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[]( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5b2t2X3RydTVGR2JodGcxTDhURHFYUzE1RHBWYk82UXpKZ1NmMmFOeV9uZ0U4VXlVS2F4REdkaDUydUN1SGlxQ3hrZFZXaWZuWFFGNTFoUU1FMXdSLTRaamxNb05ydHNGOUswMWhCX1hmUms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YnBqMmNWeVZRZUxrakpkaUtQNldiNVM5TGNIaXBVVGVoT3BNRFN2WmlzVjhleEtsWUFfeHBoXzJQQkMyR08wZ05nSVdMeTlycDFfS1RUbW1vTHlxUWxyNGV2b2hiZTV3bjdkWUV2Y3JGYWFWYnNtMDQ2SUF2ZGJBdmw2QkYtOUF6NG5mYmlSQXRUY1FSUDFsNGZTMkJmeFo5TlNqb0V1NFQ5YVZBQlZNV2Z0alJpMGlUNnllWXNRaXBsN3pjeVNZWTJLcUdKWl8zTW00RC1PWWxHN2hwdz09 |
One of the most impactful discoveries when one starts to learn more about proof of work blockchains is the honesty and truth behind these systems. Discover why ETC is seen as a more honest version of Ethereum. []( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5TldKZS1nUTFubTBYWDBSZE4xeV92TlJSbWZSM0hQOHhNVlpDX2dPT1VydmxRcXRveEE3QzJQSExVMThWTVMwc3FiMEI2RHZHYmNGZ0dDdWV4NHhnZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Um1EWW9ZQXdDa2UxU2ZpMW1qZUtIT2lkZ2hMRmdhWkxJTzdWUjRlSERNOXdSbzhTUm5BTWRURmVoekM0R1QydlF3Y1JKbEVTNUtEcHZuYmVLVDQtVUpLeG0yZFZNZk9ENzQtQTY4VmpjbFZTUGZlekVqRUVmdnhLbUdNV0VUa3E4RVlQN3I4VU0xUWhOSVo5MS1BUmhJVVc5RDlLaWczZFI1dzQwTHRXa0xIWjdYVEptSlptd3JMTTFFTE9WVC03OHoya0FXMU5qaE9FQ3A5WXJUcDd3UT09 |
Welcome To The Weekly Discussion Thread !
This thread was requested by the community for weekly chats & Trading talks.
All random & trading talk should go here ONLY. Feel free to exchange news, your favourite memes, crazy ideas and random thoughts!
We experiment with grouping the conversations together by week. As this is still Solana Reddit please keep the discussions Solana related. As always we encourage you to be helpful and courteous to your fellow Redditors and keep the discussions constructive and respectful.
If this is your first time on this thread or subreddit, **please take a look to our official Rules**:
\- No personal attacks.
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Check out **general rules** that apply to all Solana Subreddit:
[\_to\_rsolana\_read\_this\_to\_get\_started]( | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-04-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RU9hX1k4NFVrLWxXXzJaM052TzlWZmpQbHVHSXZDeDlMRktSTkt5ZWlUbXhGcUZ0ckN3VVZ6eXF6WlVKSUlGUkxOVmhUanhhZ255d0I2R1I3YTFLMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5LXBLNzEzLTBXRWlQM205SzRCdXNzbHNqWHhRTTFaaXdxV0E2dEJGT0tTa2hDamR0V1BrTVQ2cExxaHA2ZERwakhKNEV1Snh6Z3p5aGRVUGYzLXlfQkxPZHlwQ2dQdU14YTZVOVU1RFVpUmV3T3Bkc09LYUw5NEdjVkszNG1IUXdGdGMwV3I1U2NSaFdoRV9ZbmRsNC15b1Jac1ZKMlJ2LWxCcGdKYjdMamM0PQ== |
What's trust minimization and what's trust minimization in $ETC? Read the blog post here: []( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5bTZBZm4wT1ctNGQ5cUY5QnVoWDg3STYyVTgzYzQtYl9YV1hWSU1aU2NkVG5yWWVZWE1vcVdRSmljRjBmSDZUaVBxc29EeTdrYlBaay1LUEs2Q3VzcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5eHdVbDZzNDBvcEpCRURUMXppMUh0eWZZcWxGRkRuMk5LZEw4cTl6SUFwUy1MWUlyNE9OVjZpalB4dW05clhhZm1TUmxlelF3LXNfak93RWxqQkRGX0RUZzlUamR6WUw4bUZZZWFJSEN5RkF6TWJMY2VIWDZzOEkyeTJNQ1dON1hNOGlmazQ5QVNDRUV0NTQ2N2psUHNoc3l3bUxZSk92RkhqcjJ3LXowY1NGSjJpbnVVYjE4N1RpTmRwSWV6WmpVS1loSmpSUVJXT0Jtakx1TVZOOHZzZz09 |
We’ve dropped quite a bit. Who’s hodling for the run up? Hoping to at least 2x. Hodling with an average of $39, gonna be averaging down during the coming accumulation phase. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5d2g3aXN3RklHaWR3MFVza2ZLeE9DeXd5SGtTRFI4d0RzODJ2Q21vZmRrTDdJSmlHY0d2WEpwVUlrbHpiM1ZodkV2OElYcDVoLTJpTHZRZnY5VEZYWjlfaklPaERaRjA4bElaOVE2VHpFYjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UGY0WmFuZlNXMWJwanJyaDkyR0xseng2d0NXdUlaWXZnWVdEME5kZ053ZGxMRWczUkJ4OFRQUTllWVJhTGZ0RDh0aUFJRDZUa0w2YzhlS1FBUjNiR0hSTWdJUVZnQVJ6YmQtdkRXcFY3c3diSkxpVkJEMkVPWTY0d3VYd29PWDQ5WEh2YWtFeW1aU1Rna19EYzNLUEx3RnBLX1JkOUVWYlZwUmZmdTVHdTlNT3htcmltbG9lSzZkSmJuT2xfUFU3TFp1SUxEUDQ3aG1MdEQta3dUYUVuZz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YnlHeG1qYTZBS1BVVnc1TUNtemRlWHp6UE8zQ1ZicXIzT180N0t4ZDBiYzhCbHg4RXZmTmpmd1lqQVVfd002SW5zWVZZRkF6Qlg4eFgxMGtQOUNuWXk4emduRk9CZUxmOTJuY0ZPaWllNTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Q1JtdzhCV3VLZlBDbUFjaDFrWE81dmxYTk9RZTVyaDRkcEY0bjVnQVhrSG9nR1FXc1ZWeHJaQ1VucWk0ZVd5QV9XbG5rR2V0cHNVQzdPTm5wRkRDR0hyVF92R2xNdnZqRXI5SUJZdV9zbFNQdnQ0RUVXOE8yUmFSdy1VQmtuQVdET1FpSjZ6dGxDYklDbzYxSDRDUjVFbW5HN2dSbEIySDRyZ21LNTRiZHJFM3JvNnpXa2MxOGlscTVYdHJDNERtS2tiZFVaQjBXRjVOcm91SjJLajBVUT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5cmZmMmNTbEZxMFJ6dEdlU3BQWjRhRi1tR0RIY3hJTm5JZGlXN1lOWTgtdkJ1cmRuWC1nSTZpckZpTmtWNHV3T0RnaVJiTXFzbjhQU0JpSXhUanhFLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dURxbFBKVHNiMFFCUl81bzZjX1FPZzhNcTI4VWpRaTM0QWhrWDRIckMyVUJhSjVnNXFqcHdHeHFaUEpkNTY2aFFsSEVaUlhLMW42bF9PUWRGcUdRdHpRT3hlNW5hdmxvVlowOEZ6QzJTS3liYWx1a1pjMkNJNDZkMTc2X3dSZjM5STFYb2RCaUswY3dGa3Q0T09wamFiNExqcTNnNkZWVFFhd0hsaG9NaW1xbk5kazItbGItYWd2Smk0QjFiRHFT |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5cnFJWDNkNlRac0hEOThJVUZTZHhrbU5MaVRSS1dVbTN5cDB6WXNVbzE0WU1TVDdyeHlPbEJ5ajVabHlBU3ZUVnIzTklJX0NCVVd6a0xPWm9RRE5mczl1eXFQbWotS3dHdzM5RmJqUVRqTE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5T3R3UHZpUjFRZFlrUXJwQWxFanhrYUg2RVF6WDJNRnJERzRxSlBYNGI1QXNPYkRtYjNCSFdtSHVaMXFOaC11a3pCM3hQMTlqS1BtUk5acjZZbVlCZTNydHF5bm1Vb2FlZ0M5dm1zWkJTZHp4SnZFaGtHdk85aEFLb19QdDJtZTU3ODIydnREZXlSQzRJTTJPQjNrWlNBNnhiVzZGTVNoOEZHQlN2T3puSzNrPQ== |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WXRoMmhvZS1PZE1ERkVDVC1uMHBpSktwRjBRX0FmR09iMUh4WFhrOXJGbTZYdnNiZmdDc2NXVktpWHZ3cGVEbTUwSDJxc0FJenNjLURjTGd5dU92Rnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YXBRcDFwWm9ZSEtwSUc3MzNMMVJRMUZUZ1d3T1hMV204UmVaNGttTGJZbUZ1Uk44RDA2WUh4Nk1Qa3NGcUZkTUZpR2hPVmprTkZmeGxYaXRna1ZmT0NobThmRnVoNHBNY3NSUS1GemljQlotNHB2cUwzLTZIUUtHUlJaMVotM3E4eDVUaGlmd25NN20xaDZSNWduaFQ5a3RYcEVXbmM2c21NTkVvSzdjVHFzPQ== |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZjMwZ1JvSkdfdWJjelhYeDctMG9BN2lHTWwzRGN0dDA3YlZjWUlLRGJGdUhjX1A3cWVINFdhbTA3eDI3TkhsRFpPWjhITG5YNm1zeGU2T245WE1ZS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5QnhKangzTjNVaUNzQWJ1eW9xMWZqWGZXUndpSkRvUjhQLWxDcDA2NEJZUENUMjUzMUg0eVRQZHZvWFFaeDJUY1BJNUgzRW5Mclk3eU1NRVQzWHp1SGlPS0hpbHdFV1VCaC1JMjdFUjNPNzJwUGFFYTlzR0xNM0M1MTdSUnBjQ1EzenN6ZUJoZ3hycm5Cb2YwRG9mMmtKZ2dSRldBbFo3TUpYOXJfcXA0YU95elFlNzJ1U1lMUEI3T09YWkgtN1ZW |
Donald Trump set to receive $1.25 billion worth of Trump Media stock in DJT earnout bonus.
Trump Media, which owns the Truth Social app, was trading at around $35 per share mid-day Monday.
April 22,2024
Former President Donald Trump is poised to receive an additional 36 million shares of Trump Media Tuesday — an “earnout” bonus worth more than $1.25 billion, at Monday’s price.
That earnout is contingent on the benchmark being hit for 20 trading days within a 30-trading day period, beginning March 25,2024.
Tuesday is the 20th day and it is very unlikely that DJT will fall below the benchmark price of $17.50 per share by the end of that day.
The 36 million additional for Trump would be added to the 78.75 million shares he already owns, as the company’s majority shareholder.
Total of 114.75 million shares.
When the earnout shares are added to his existing stock, Trump’s total stake in Trump Media would be worth more than $4 billion on paper, at $35 a share.
The merged company, whose full name is Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., began public trading under the DJT ticker on March 26,2024 at an opening price of $70.90 per share.
That price rose to a high of nearly $80 that day, briefly giving the company a market capitalization of more than $9 billion.
Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT) is now $35.50 per share.
52 week high of $79.38
was on Tuesday,March 26,2024.
First day of trading under new name and stock symbol.
52 week low $12.40
The greatest show on Earth.
So let’s look back a little to understand more.
Trump Media stock jumps as much as 50% after DJT ticker debut,
Tuesday,March 26,2024
This stock has had 4 major runs in 2024 lasting from 6 to 22 days.
Obviously,from all this recent activity,this stock is nowhere near finished for 2024.
Plan accordingly.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see at least 3 more runs before November 2024.
Trump stock and options are nowhere near finished.Not with an additional 36 million more shares for Trump.Not with an election coming up.
What are your ideas regards. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dDBpZnZ2MS1sU1JvdGNJMlpwNXRBcEtEdnFvVi1EWkh0UnoyYVdmNTJJVF85dmh6RnN4NnFzZWNBY1ktQTBwWGx4elg0c1RKa2g0ZC1kZ2ZyNlg0VUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5anpDYTd0N016cF9hdzJBWDVaWVktelo3UUEzajlTbnpTSm9XcnVySFJ0RlRhSGc4Ykh2cWFvbGN0enh0TnRMdnlOQ2tyQ21NdGpoSlRsUE5RSEFaU1Npd0FfdmhOQlQzYUVsVHVyNHdXMXZwRk1WQ3pXUEdvVHFhaVhUZ3hqUWRYRXg0TzJlNVFTNTF3amZsTHphOTZxUkxDZzJVRDFsejNqYzdlamN4aG5udzlfYlNBWXhHZnlYQ1VmS3VKM29pTHpKLVAtSmc5UTAxTmtkNm5HdHdHQT09 |
Woke up and chose fuck tsla | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5bHNOSjNfRU1memVsYnpDOXFqQ2lkaWN6S0VsenVhQ0dxLWFmOURJelNpemtSNEtNbGRfUHZ0RGJyZ3FxUkZ5YXhRaVhuQ1F4M2tCY3hkWWlkeFRxSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5MlA2ZFVrTWpOUE9ndVpSR1pidDlvSE5WRDhuOC1LYkh6V2VfNFVzRVFkTHdTN1dSb3IyVWowcGdONmczTzRWMjhoWHRMc2Z0bXNQUHZiTk9qd0I5UkNlN0RjLWlQbkVjaDAwSlo0N3owNGNmbW9LSFA4UG1QSVNQZkVsTEh4aVNqMXd1YWtFUkQ0UktjWW1wWjZRUDBaSXNYZ1RubDUzLWRPOFBNcEk3UmpNPQ== |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Zk0tZ3lGMWZVYlBLZmN3MXZtZDhpWFdSckRQUlhUX2tWcjZvTDAwT2pHX2doY2gtREhFYXB6RFFkbXhvaDE3NU5Ub3I2b2FXVW5zQ05VdmpjMlNnSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RXVWZUEtWmVCTGtPNVFuclpIWG9kMVRjZ1NQdUJGMEVGamVGVWluNUJEVUxncXl2M3BsWDZmbTFrSlpoNGpMMDBxdk1wU0JOT3ktc3I1ekgzU01RLUdXc1JENzFDUjZrQi0tUEQwd3NMTlRqU3pjNlZ6VWZTd2JBOWZzNFM3aHZjOVFuTngxTm5STXpnZW04U1U4aVNhaW1EMU90RktWc1FocDVsRENXTENiSXliNXJRbTVDX2pXQ2RGZHR0Nm81Ri1NM3drcDRNTllYZlRhdFMzakljQT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WnJqTXNmYXNCcFEyWURmNUhNNlRLS0hlY2pWWW13SHgxaWZuVm1pS2lXWmRaaEtlX2Z3cElzRmJUdk5pRjIxQi1MWk1uUG5tWUZ4Nm5wSGJ2YkpMZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5enNyZHdrbFJJa2Rya1ZuS3NEWDE1SmdhY1ppLW9oVlF6NFphX1lfTVVySXN0dnBJckpwZEJoVFUwRE1OR3hqdHhVN19vWGZWMjc0UG92aHFQRk5oQzZBWEFxeEJFdGR6MUlObXBaamdPQkZ1VnF1T2FWUkRRV3h2NFFFb3F1bDd5dWcyV0VZSTJMWHExczh6dGpfZGhhalJ2MU9XZU8wWlBaQWZYN3BkV3Y2N1N0b0ViZkJIdXFHOVBXcGV6S2FXWWJqRHVxdmxyNVF3VW52RVhlQ2xpUT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5U1ZKVi1PVlhqZS1wX0VSRzRncnZ6RW1yOVh6Mjg1ck1OZVR2Q095OWdQcTFrckJYVjBTclI2dGdYTDE2bWxHOE81ZHdfWU9qRkNxZWlwVGRBc1JVTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VUpIN0w5N0h3MGMwM1g1UVdzSEVlenJGOHFzVk0xcmtHajFrSUxic2tReTFReW54T2p3YmdOWWMzVzR0bE9jUGlid3RNaHN5ck1VMTBLaTN3VnM0MC1fM2x6UXZVQ1hiRGhuUGkwbUhCb0JpLUc5X0NDdGtpYjNIUVFjd0Z4UE5KQkJRTHZsaHlxUHJhMVFFbDlWZGQxTF9qRG14eG91MjdBUXZkQlVIbGdkaVlFM2FtVURUanFmcUhibWRBUlZy |
So I was digging around and found out that Prabhakar Raghavan, the head of Google Search, used to be the head of search at Yahoo from 2005 to 2012. And let me tell you, it's not a pretty story.
During his time at Yahoo, the company's search market share PLUMMETED from 30.4% to 13.4%. Yeah, you read that right - it was a FREE FALL. And it's not like he was just a bystander, he was in charge of research and development for Yahoo's search and ads products. But wait, it gets better. Under his leadership, Yahoo's search market share DECLINED FOR 9 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS.
And to top it all off, Yahoo had its LARGEST LAYOFFS IN CORPORATE HISTORY at the time, cutting nearly 2,000 jobs.
Is this a risk to GOOG long-term healthy growth? Have they started prioritizing short-term ad revenue over user experience, flooding search results with spam and ads to inflate earnings? Are we seeing a repeat of Yahoo's mistakes?
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5bGZZQTZ2MWNHVnc1TDJyVHh6a2xWaU96UUFuZUE1V09uYU5XWjJYNFY3Zk15V3pBU0JmQ0lPd1Nid09oaWJMa3RKbmVEakFtWXVRUlhoUk5VRWhuY0h5aGQwTHFxTDJDM3JGRDRSVF9hMHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YWdLaGl0QnVUTHVyX1pLNW5hMjBHWk52R1hMTFV3aGJMU3ZHallIeU9MMkNXdEVoYm9FWERYdi1HaERjc192bzBwTHFaRUMweUhSdzFaeTk4bWQtWm9qY0NLSlF6cUNPRkVJUGFSaU1ockFEWGpHZXlmaDlXVXBLeGlUaERXQkVGRlBSSGtKZHJCVmFvd1JTN0tDeTNLRm9WQ1FoTmd0X25ORGJ5LURzdkVLc2pRSnZ1T3dWREdXcmIzLVoxQUEyaTN3WmZoTjhFS3N5UTFpWmRudzJaZz09 |
Something fishy about this abrupt departure
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5N181cDNYckRxZHpUSDZvNVFaZE5Bclh2b2VKM3JJSHFqbE95Rng3OFNQTExYWmpIRlRSYTRsdzlHQU5qZnJjd3huTlM5WmZ2cGhPUEF0T2FCSlBBdkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YzM2b0hodS14MlR4RHMxazlSWVpnaGhrdXpVOXVHT3hGNVV3QWRFWGFKRE43R3lPc09wTWp2R3J3TjVpNE9EWTU0SU4xWnNoTzMyQjM4b1lKRU13cC1Xb2FhLWVwazk5QjdhX1ZxWjRvYjBIQ1FCOTJncS03bUNnWWZLQVlmamt0SlpEREdkY2MxQWVUemJWRUt1UnhVcHBFR2lENDlKLVBUb0NVNUFWRVk2ZGoyZlItWF9kM3YxN1B4TzRDcUFqRmZuR3VGRDNXVHZTWmg5MW52T2l5dz09 |
Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned investor, our guide provides valuable insights into the world of Ethereum. From its groundbreaking technology to its impact on the future of finance.
Learn More: | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5T0F1U29qekVfLWJ6M1E0aUI5RXQ5QXJ5c3dEMmJFV1IxNnRVMHhCNmF4aTRsbkV5dU1qZUl3aU5nbHZMVWQ4amtweHJjYmg5Ny1QYlhfZ1RmSlpPNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Z2ZlOUdkbmMtcGk0VFhYay01bEtrYzEwcnZ4Nll3dFN2djU3cXpveW5OUnZBcVFMOF9CNUw0Tmk0RWo2WXJ0NHNGNU9ObzVWLWppSzROUElfN1BwVHkxd1I1bHdSMFZDaElGbG9Xc2UwVndfNU9uZmdwYmxVM2pGNkJNRkxHdnRrTk5WNUMtT1FyenNROHFJVmcxYjFQVFdJcUdMT3pmell6clN5S2V6ZkZ3dUtod1FaWTVhV1cxM0xYTENXY2hkZGVUdUdhakg0cWhhODIydkpOdjE1QT09 |
How to use the Ledger Nano S Plus hardware wallet to send and receive $ETC? This blog serves as a detailed guide explazining the process. []( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5MkZUTkJBUjJqTllMYy1UZlhSNTIzeVNvUzM5dFplbXlaVU5PaHdPVTVjQTJIcUNTRmdwQVIxal9md01zcXg5ZUdaTXBPVjJlVkpOcHFNcXZzX21CbkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZTJ1WHhkejI2bXoyemNLcUxweF9yTE5HMzlKRGtmdUtNMWJRS21JNmpqRjd5bXFPeS1NeG5KT3RhZ2pmSUVfSGpMYXVPa1ROSXV6UkFGd0JRS3M5a1pTYkxJWm9KcU5NQXY5cE8tTzc0YjlYTmZDOV9OeHJvNGRqMldRVzZTSHA2VnhOTmpCalVxaWE4bEZuQVJCeGxZTVExR3BzVzFiZmIxTUswSFhES3RYczYzc3BkOUVlanptQjFqLWxWMlBTOUNsTkE0WUxtbk40N3BDZ1BfOFh5UT09 |
**Microsoft** - They make money and do AI things so it will drop **-20%**
* Bull Case - They lose a lot of money
* Bear Case - They make a lot of money and they're involved in AI
**Google (forgot)** - They make money and AI so it will drop **-18.75%**
* Bull Case - They lose money and search market share shrinks heavily. They have Googler's streak through Pinchia's office for a group sit-in regarding government contracts to protect America
* Bear Case - They make a lot of money, increase search and some Googler's streak through the main lobby protesting DEI budget cuts. Talks about AI.
**Roku** - They lose 30% of subscribers so it will moon **+15%**
* Bull Case - They lose a bunch of subscribers
* Bear Case - They gain a lot of subscribers and money but then say they won't report subscriber numbers. May talk about AI
**Royal Caribbean** - Moons **+15%** because only 1 person jumped off the ship
* Bull Case - Everyone on the last cruise out of Mexico got Norovirus and turkey trots but it's being contained. Has no exposure to AI.
* Bear Case - Makes a lot of money and they are full on capacity. Probably has AI on that boat.
**SNAP** - Moons **+20%** because they have 1 teenager left on the platform sharing nudes
* Bull Case - Xi Xing Ping Allows Snap China because TikTok just got banned and perhaps will be 2 teenagers on the platform. They don't know what AI is and don't mention it on their call.
* Bear Case - Reports surprise earnings and more than 2 teenagers still on the platform. Talks about AI.
**Bonus (for pro members)**
Atlassian - Nobody using it so must moon **+30%**
Dexcom - Curing people's diabetes and giving people better diabetic management - Loses **-20%** AH | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OGhWT3FCUXRUdUFlcnhJZDlqV1NfRzdzZzMtcVhCTnFTV2hSUTlOLU8zNHNjejhzRTlaamVQUzdfQmFVUkt4MVZNaUtITGNLZ1dfTHFveG53TnVHVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dmlqd3VqMTJHbkdMSVBpVEt6a0xoaHhJTWZJTXlUTkZjdk5LSGNrOUVqR3VLbWZ2M0hHalpHVDBpRmQ3ektJZ1o4QjFpbGdXY3hObmVIZ09UeVM3SUZjOW1qX2U4dG9lcFlTYWNRbVlQZ3ZvcURDR29qNGYxTks1LUtMck5BOEI4MHlGNjR4a2xDWWREUEZRRW85ZWhaSzk2R3ktRFJyUjFhMktTal9yRHlhbFNhSDJXVXZkb3FETm1seUxabjdFYmZ6WTFzNFZzNHpDNmpZQ0tOSGZSZz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WHNKS1JyUHU3VVY5YmRqZFA4NVFBUW40NDlVUnJjTTZ6Um1Wd0hKcmRzZW9jNlR6YmxBMW9IdWJFRmJGMVRRa3VxVHJrbU1JUndOUUVKa3lrNVpIbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WVVRRW9ueHZsdkV2cmk5SWk1aEd4LW5IdVlOQ0tGeXdtRTlUNWVWNjc3djY5eld6ajhEN2xESGFON2t4LTBpN3M1MkVLLWpReXV3MkdNZ3pkREdLWVV5ck54TG1LeUw4U2VGLVM0LWlveGd3MXJhQzJRMEVwYmE5cG5mNHVFckxaZDc4ejl4UXRPVFpwa2hjMThub1dQZnVyQ0UxRzZ1QUpZTkpTQXBnSV9jcU9HdTJoeXdQZjRwcnMwLTRvXzJI |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Qzc0ZkpWek1KZ3lkUHVjQ3JjeEgwcDl1OWJSeGJXMktUSmxGa0FVZm9jdkxSOVNMOWRvVWdGX2p0emFDajNzdWd1OTZPV285RmJqWVdCQzhUX1VTRDJkcmFuY2E1elJ1bFYwU3lka2hscUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5MVRTOHg0RVpqTE1BU0lBYVhLTGN3RDMxZGpCa0E2NFh5cVNmeEZwb2Q2bEZ4V2VWUXhiaGhrTExBd3Y5RkstOVlMTXRwQ3NmclZuX3N5bHZldTNqTU1ZYUh2TFlHRkZHdW5zLU1qRW5vTmhhT3pWc1ExazdpLVp4OEtoeHFDVzhJek5xaVRXelR3V29kUzRsZGNzUGF4a3lWQUdGWDJSV1JNeGdvbDFqRHlDRlU0cUlGMENYMmZDNFNPZU1lVi1XQUZDS0pGYmhubkxFQkJWdl8weWg3Zz09 |
In today's POW class, we'll explain:
Why true decentralization is enabled by the security model of POW?
How the social layer is not a risk?
Why POW ungovernance is the natural way of managing the system?
[]( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dWVEd0ZUNXdoMTVNanhxbXYzMkY1Ym1lNFFWd25neE5jRGc0ZnRqRl81YW5ZbUpyX1Y3RTdITVc4eWdNb3VaS2xqWmxWYWhjS0xHd2xsS3ItRUppWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Yzk4Y3JDQlhucllpY2piTFZqY2Z1QTVuaEY5Q0lvYjVUOWZudjZVLUpCNVhCSkxZMzlaZWdNa3UtME5fVURYbHVlNlE0cmZKYzgwYU13U241and1WjN1aUsxdDRhTlowRG1YYmxnaWRkNjRuaDl0VmthZ18zSjludkJ2NHBrMll4ZWxiQ05BM2JCX3dlN1JMblh2eE9tQllYM2tOUEh6QVhONERFY1lfYkpFVm1YamRjelZTYkJjcThmbkVMUnVGYXVQUU5xSVhJcE1kSldCLXlsdmFTQT09 |
I truly believe some of the best money made can be on a algo overreaction sell off. This only applies on good companies where it was a slight miss but at the end of the day it’s still a cash cow Meta is one of those companies.
Entered this morning on 2 different strikes once at 416 and again at 428.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OHdZTjFCbWtUbXBGNXdQVkMydm43bEstbDVqUXJmS0QySGd1RERyTW85MzJjZ1FEQ2lRdE1fUFo2M095Zm5aTVh6dFlmc21zV0E1VktOaEctZkpFRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5aHJYTzBBN2RjYUktdU5sZ0FkazlxOU5YSUFmZzhYcXFINXBiaFUwZmUzS05BZDMyblBLTFhBVkVSaFFDUmFPZkVrclpiN2ppWnVWa2dGTTRxa21BZUw4UFJTMVVUVDFObldlcHcyRjVnZ1I4dm5TbU9xRDVnZnNXdXhwbjRPZmthc3FhWDdlSXh6LTNmQWQ1NWpxTTRfN1lZWFBSbWZ2Z2I1NU5zWk0wZWRNPQ== |
Do you think this would impact the market and disincentivize people from investing as much? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5R3M3QzNyM1ZPcnpRczBaR0NndGtiT19SNGhJbWtRcWtsWFJYU2VDR0xnYUlFUXJ2dUtpUjBoVEExbmNMRG9nUTNna3JXMnQ1VVhHVnF1OUpCWmRNekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WnNUa0lFUzU5Y3lUMkhtTlM3Smp5LW9YekdaM0tobW9UZExDWDlkNDYxVDVtaWxBek9KczBlcXc2Qm1PNGw4Qm9nTFp3ZXdRODE3Y3AyQ1Y3OVBnN3JTd3o1WnlXaTBOUDFtaWRTcmd0VWZmUFNFQ1hLeDgtWWxfVzRlRC1pNGdxOGtxZWlKN2htRm1hODg2MHo2M3UtV2RManV1ZUtDdTlFVkNSSkFuWmdIYlBVbWg2QVY2czVVb1Vpb2VlTFg4 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5SDlNZldxWTNMUmhjTUxRbVVLV0puNnlYTUZ2Um9mUFc0VWVfeFJseU8wRFlQaFJPYllRd3pNOWxpR2JzaFh0eDFPUUoyZkVHWGZDMEFqdHFpQ0NvM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5c1g5OVhldnU1M3ZuX1E0N19iTVV3ZEJUTEhqYm5za284cVBJbnBRQ0Z4cVpVZDRTRUk5eFowOEsyNXNFeHYxS3F5SW5NVEluWjFvOGlURXhwYU5QZGp4LU5JNGxHMzJRYWlHcDJJTmM5cW8zNEYzYzYySi12ajhRUlp3SWtPNXhyMDJLMjE2TWVEcFlRVkZHR3hQTndNSmZJUXZBU3FSSl9BZTNiUGUzS29jPQ== |
Bought last Friday. Stock dropped 10% for the flimsiest of reasons (SMCI not doing earnings pre-release), easiest dip buy of my life.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5N0h5WElGbm5NZ1lHc2UyR1ZkTmFVN3dNZlVtWllzc3FSNFRfVTQwVE9USkFKNVJacnJqT096YjRXZHRkbE1GZlhtbHVTcEVFZG5odDNlMDh1b2FBS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Y2VNcFc2ZFJoaGRuTE1oRHZfVTluTDlONm9pT1AyQWREaE9GM2Q4Q1hjX29OTnBQaVlEUFFvNjZyd3cyVzJ1RlJEVDdzN2U4Q2FaMXdjcU4yVTA4LXZVLW9mMW9sdHB5dllQcTh6QTRwcjBKTzFuUjhLVkFDWnFscS00Q040QWRoR3dtY3QtYzNzUUpYWlB0eGQ0OE8ySFA2S2ZDY0s3aW1MTkVzTl9RMHFrPQ== |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Qnd0T2pfenhad0JxTEZQVnV2UUwxQnUwNXR5dTZrT3RmVGh0djMwZTM5aVFlVjh1b3dHUE1tNk1mNDdxZ3ZJbmZLNTRWOEpNRnBYWklOdFNLcTZBN2VLaTVtYm0yYTYxQjFobk1KcUdnNWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RVVLQjZCemtBR2Rvdkd5RVFOcVZkbjNGV3VtTmM0VkY2MjVaRF9YMnBxd25JR2taUmtGa3ZZdXJJVzVVaEU3TjRVNEVPcXItVGFFdVZ2SEVRUXBQREgyOVh6Sy1uYkY4T21kdVM0VzZjbmhqRWhqUGNVWjg3ZEZCMjZwbHRWZ19Wc3FtSXdjcVdpWmF0X0lHcHFEOXJRNlRJeTZoZE0yS1VoZUNDQVRySGhZYUp2OHE4WF9VWmwza1liZXNYRnlE |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5TjltR2FWcjhtRzZ4R3d2YS1OZlo3cTBpT24zakJkVkc2c3kzUnhBSlptdGhLSzhnZmJ5MHY5OUJZdTNaZjhfQ21FUE5iVmZyYS1NRzlxdFdnZHpsalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5MXltOFNVR0tXb1ItajYtSmU1Sk9rVFRwNXlQRmJsMlJfMkdsbEgxbDJCSElBajZ3VW1ScDQ5aElZR2pVNjZqVGhGRjdkSS1yV24tSHpMRHdkemp6eUF2clhZalo4U3dSa2t5RnN6VmRuVk9MRWU3dFdOTFNtZkg2VzlIbzA2Q1V3TTJRcjFtdzRPNWtMNFMyb3pQY1VPbTU4Z2dfSTZDX1V5T052eHItVHNIS2wtZmcxSFpYSDIyN19aaWNGUmlxcE1ObV9aR1FSU0NLMXNESDhoMER3QT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dzlKeElEaG5tSDdPaWcwRXNFU2IxTm13eFcxMEFSbXFWY0J2LUdBYXdSWTlwRjl3cEVULXJTVUd1R0NhX0V4eHFaSUZ2SHdkenBfWDVpRjlzS2pONFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5c0gwMlFoU2tjYTFTQjFrUXprR1pDNWpLTjZLTk1qemhpaThMc0dTclo4RnFuNGpGTnRyWnZtSzdCUWg2TV82VktGeGFSTlpNZ0pLbFhEMU1KQzBlQ1FwNHRTYkZkVjRDYmY3VVZkNG1mNjEzMF9YV01oTnIyMkt6UUJRRzFuWjl5ang0NE9DTWhOOWYtMTdEdHVrb2p4b3NlWVlUUzVUVVBnS2VPdmtoaWYtekJCdE5NSTBKdkxjSEhKY0RERmdD |
ETC Radio on 𝕏 / Twitter
Stable coin being deployed | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5d3NhV2V1bWdzR3hzdHJVTlhwMU1raTR4RzFkNUdJQmYtZzZmYWk5ZFpmQlNZNWE5TG52eEdoT1ZFRHlRNlEzUTMySkhfZ3BPRi1vOFhacUd4Ry1mNXhISmNfRDJ4Y1RIZFU2bW1iQzRtRVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZmNqdGpfVHFjZVFMS2I0NGpJWmV1Mm92cU9XX0hqRDJNTDNCSUNuSkxZLTZLZUExRnoyQ0NOTnR2WFVBb1Q0el96OWlOUVNPcVB4VXJZSDB3YjBBR01UbXBxU1lYbFhiRzZTNWFIa2F4YWNVblNnZWlId2dBQXdBaXpPZ2lHRGlPMXM5SnV0Tm0xcTRsSDlrRUZKbS01UWl0VU5PU0J3N3ZWTm5DU0lDYjFOSmxjZncyZ19fbWlDWHRGY2c4QXdC |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5djA2QU9ZRDJkZ2NqeGRHT2xkaGRMLTItZ0JhMDdOVEY5Y0hvbTctSFk3aG9HaVJhRC1JVjdfOHJMOEpwOTFEdXFsM2dVY2RIZzVPeXBHTlBXR1ZFMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VEEtTXZUODZMUmFFQ29LUkZqME41SW1WU3FZTFBwTzFGWl9ybm56cjV5dG5lS3RtLUxQbFpFQ1ZMSEN0Ui1YZl9xSzliUVdsM1FUUjJ6SnhxNk8tVTFkb25vRHdkcEpNcVBLTF8xdnQ0eUlRYzh5T2FpLWJzRzlKTGg2OFJPR3FtMzhnMWJjRFlDNmxDejh6R01VUVVVU0JvOTFxTTZCZFJBNjBCUzR3MTZ6a0kxN0VMVE84N2tsLVAtcDRJWGR0QzQ1WU1LYU5udTM0Nk9TYUs2M1dxdz09 |
| | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RGpVbEhnY2U3NldQUmluMnVDT3dpMWMxbVMyelJZYjd0UDlBcU4xTTlrOTVtQkpGc3JWVXlMUVE1MnRwZU9NZ2doS1lTNHRiMnlqcHNobElib0NsZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5NzNaMXlmUDd2aklXTEg0VGlWUS1xeVk0c0NNQmU1UERSU0YwRUIyZU5qdEgtYU5Ccm9EWmp3eHBiUThEaE94cF9BSjdXNHprWFBYaUhVRWpRZnRlN2ZTVl9XeGU5M2V3VXVhb25WU3l5U3Y5VzlMaDNoRlI0emo4VnFtdEluSTRuTTBGSHA0VU5oVGwzOFJjVmlzbUotMEFxMkxWTVVyRjY3RFNqeDcyYVdmZHBmaDFzMldnempxc0VNOFpUeHBfN1FFb0R0UkpDTXBBT3NHdFNJY24wZz09 |
The long term history of the stock market is not due to chance or randomness. We were not merely “lucky” in any sense. It is not true that anyone who invests in the market, especially indices, gets “lucky”. The long term trend of up is completely explainable and has a very simple cause.
The cause is that most people don’t sell. It’s just not an activity that most market participants do. More importantly, there are many people who invest into the market in stages or in a variety of different stocks. Some of them systematize this by buying a portion of their salary in regular periods. There’s even a strategy called DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) where people buy a certain amount of their favorite stock or crypto every single day. This is very common in Bitcoin for example which is another thing that continues to go up long term. There is rarely ever an equivalent of a DSA (Dollar Sell Averaging) because most people simply do not sell things day to day.
So on any given day, unless there is some sort of impending news or a sudden reason that can cause panic, most sell volume is simply bots. People are not regularly selling stocks every day. It is simply **not** a thing. Now, of course, most buy volume is also bots but it is unquestionably true that there are many, if not **exponentially**, more “real” buyers than sellers on any given day. This is why all crashes, whether they last days, weeks, months, or even years, eventually get bought up
Pointing out how a few crappy companies have always went down long term doesn’t invalidate any of this. The main reason that happens is not because people are selling that stock every day. As I mentioned, this is not a thing. It’s because there is no reason left for people to buy because the company is crappy. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5a2RmWUZIOFpnemZ4M0ZQUFhGMWhEYks4dlFNZVRnUGZVc29ud1dFNGlMY2xQM1VGb1FvNGRqcUc5SWg5cDRNRmR0VWJPd0lJQlVubjk2eEhVeWptUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RU9yWEQ0ckdVOFJNQ0FIaXVIVDNOVHh6TW1NSk5ZSXBWRmFIczBrMmVjNEFvblNjTFVVNmpVVmlYWVh6Tms3ekdFc0hXLWJzYXdnU0NsREhKc2RRNGx5VF9FeUQ3Nl9ncmZqcmU1N3l0Uk91Z3ZFQzJEMk5EenZXMzFDRDFtWmkxNFlXcGZFdTh1OG1WNmNCbVYxVk5hOUt1ejV5TnBHRjFjUTV5Ml9kY1FrNmstOW8tWU1KcE80VzRBeDI4aTVQczNuUXFLX081Q3puWGhnU1dMaTktQT09 |
Am I doing this right? November 2020 till now…. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5U3JKTWdGWjFTYU1qaEJhNHBCazlqTG93Qk5CbnRBU2JXd3lLZzJTSUVHWmY5cWVjZ29SR3NDRzE0Q0dEaG9IODNhVDRBNEJMaXFheUJLNnJLNjQxS0pUMXJDYmxneU9ZRUQ2MVE2eHBYc2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RHZOa0xObnBSM0JmZ2llaWtmWjF6Tmx1aEJQdkR4QlR3MkZlNWpMX05oY1NZeFFTZE82NG4taHBTRWE1Yml3NU9fRXhMSWNKOWRNVFJXb0NzOGxPdWc2bHFDTkZDUk1GcGNIaUh1ZEZ3MEE0UW9hcFVadzZOU2NNTHN3ejVtZXEyQ1A2MzIxcV9BdllMZ0tsSHh0MDliWXgwVUFmS1VpQXJwc3Z3aFBFSjEtWEpoVkhkZXpNMVNxREoxLWpvX1E5 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WFZGd1dXMDBjTzl4Rjd5cXR4MjNEcmU2Zkt1Zm1RdUhoaG0wclNrWDZoSF9XQ1R5NEhNeFJCUnZZSWVhUzF5X2hJaGdqakEySklMMWw0bEwyTjhHNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5b0xTUFNhLTVRamdPM3RXVTdxcXBUc3VhSHRBT3o3MUl6OWFnRGIyX05nQlB5VlNDU01ZRGsxX3R0NVhvb3gwRXE0ZDUwNURYd1c1bWNzSjlJcGR0c3FZbXdaQkNDaDlkQUZ1Q1JmQ2R1VnJ4NUJuREV2bEthZ0ZHVFYtYTNRODU4RkxlYWM3c0J4MkNRRU1nYWZROGFVS1BOMUg2UkhBQnJXZHhSSXFBVklrPQ== |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ajVsRU1MNFpMUWJvQ3FxeTFtMFNEck5sOW5lSXkyU0o4aVdSdk9oYXR4S0ViSDN1d21uYlh0ZE1JZWNfT2l6ZHptQlZ6djh4X01HbVoyMTNXUzhUdkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5M2N3Njk5RDlPczRQQWo3V1RzR2ZfS01LTHhEbXVTNHEwOXlkTTRuNWoyU1Q0N3JCUUZrek1uMEYtcGdkSkNkY2FGVmNyQlU3a25rQzl3ZE4tbXl0MGxqbk1YdHN3RE9OQlptS3g4THJScjkyckpZb25VUUIxMC0zYzNHellwelBIbVVsMWhQdkV3N3VGMkc0NC1vWm5HY2RpS01rYVJZTGU0RVFyQkRlWEd3PQ== |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5X21BS3ZEYm5XMTRwb2tCRktPTDR1V2JDcER5OXo2UVk0bWoxd2Nub1hpRHpjTHl1a2J4VTBrMDlMbVNjcndJaU5XZWVhVzJGS05rdkxJOGlLeVN1RXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dXVobjgzY0R4OTFRZWk2bVdrT0hOcThOeS1mY3IwN2pYNkpsTXZuX19MUXpJSEJzeWRWV1F3MHhpalRrek1qd3BXbC14dlFwWjlNeW15WjZ3WXJERE4tOVMzVVBJMFVNUnFYOU5jdFJhZTVqMTYxOVJJdU1aemw5RWZUempRZVRsdFNLS3ROSkt5cXFJRzgwby13U09tanc5ZnBiSzlXYVEzVEh1bURTLWt5eVR1RlZLNTRLRC1FNm41RGdrMHprMmxXS290X2d0c3RlaURIYk9sR19Ddz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VFF1UVBiNjJVQ2t3d3VsczZGUS1fT2xydUR1RE9wWEJla01XN25NbVI5TVEyYVBCdkozTGQ2ME10cVlvQnVwSEFqLUJxa3MxWW9LbzRURGxyanYzS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5S0IxOFBCMDZreDFDV3ZaOU5pWW8xV0t2eUExNXdDMXhxZWt4N2RrSU1vaGdzZzNBX3hWbVUxV0c5MXhwWFFXU01WdG5OTzR4VV9kclNrZzBIcGgxRXJZZE9id3NYNHZJT1FzdmNVX29CMk1ORkUyNU03V0hqZUhVZWV2aFdFNmhRNGE1enduNE9hbk80dHRXbEpGeFFVUVRqYnI0cGZpV3NMQ1Nkc1hyUHZPNE02dUVEU1gzNVdTX0xrem13N2tycG9ndEpmRmtrLWFfS3pCVjNmaWczZz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5T2VDbnplbFU0S1dWZ0ZxTkJEMUxMbFd1OTVqQnB6VWRadDdZVW9nTWNFbHFELTZVeU5QS2RtMmVqbGpQd0ZwZUtxZGlLUVFKTFNGSmtUcGtxTW95eHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YW5sMGFRRHA5d3lkaUJRMUFxT24yb09wS0stSXBFajVoSXJwV1ZlUTNZbkJaR3dQUkxHOU1SeUdXYVl4aFJVSHpwTVhUWmJ2cWFRUFV4YjltWFE1VHZPbUZGa2pYSzViV0RXM21iNzRrVU5RZmJ0d3RYbm5CdVdoRlF3Q2hQUUFaTndSNEhYTUxwTlV6emdkXzlwSWE3cm1wX094S3pWSU9MX1BWMTlmVVprPQ== |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5cUVmVFR1WFJEM3NtM01IRjlqSDJ2THR1ZUc4bVg3SVluai1Cd0ptVnZQdnV5c2pXTVp2cGNEb0p5VUxPYlU4bUVwTVRna0dZN1doWUhkRHBaejZEYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5enNVMWg2Y2lnX1JtUkYwYk1BOFROQ1dyQU5TRUZyR3RhVmhxRTFvQWJQNkdsa05qYjBSTzkwRGVPSE9NX3dCX2RBZ1ZSd0lFcDR0YnM3cFdIRVgxMGUwVWhxenhHT3Ffdm5PTEdGRzZUTm1Nd0xmZGlCQjMxdXVvUjJHbV9faGZWR21TNDZHQW94b3BPUnNhY2FqemxQNGM3dHdjenR2eVBJOE5nc19tV1JtSjRWMWxTNVlvNFhiTUxaalF1LS1uek9md3huYkc0eXlpbW9uTkNPLWI3dz09 |
what poor bastard can quit their job tomorrow morning | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5blpFaFpKNWc1blBZT3NfMUFoc25MUTdEZ3BKdDVDZ0hEcVJkSHByNFJTdEhXakVwbjJnQ3JoeW1mZWFwdlVjWWN0Sm1yS3R2M040N1U2Z25WeURkTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OU96VW0yUHotblpaQTVGYVh4ZTN4dHVybElaSFUtQjZ3WGVVd3BMZnBsZlVzUlplNUtINlQ1bEdFaldPcG9hTlVfZU93eHc0cXRaRzcwWFMtYkhaUTFSTUhQa3M4VFNvZF9XMTFEWWNSa2FVbnYzaDY4UmhFbWhfLTl6dUpzNU9kMFp4S05OLUU5TFJZVnl3MXdidWVidk40NDlRTEV5UGZYNGZrQlFWU1ZJPQ== |
Can someone explain this to me (like Im a 5 year old.)
Last I read, Truth Social had $5 million in revenue with over $50 million in expenses…
Who is purchasing all these shares? Where is the money coming from? How is this legal?
Serious question. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5cnZKcXU5QWRrZ2MwZ3RoYmtSQVhpU1E4VlE2WUtxcTMydjdaUDQ2SEI4V2Y5NXc2WlctOVJzczF3Wkh5LVNUS2NMeWdkZ0dONVU0WG5wal9lWE0wTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VDNfS1pfUUZRQ3pzM01hSmkzNDM2dDhEd2RwT1hmQlJkMlFGcG1NanMtY3M3SzM4TkNhdFFpa1hjekZENTROenU5Q2JfbzNWUDNib25IZnhpeVdIMW9oMDFTSGtOR1IzcmZMTnZFTDloRjZaekNTNjIwWWlMVE5oeTc3NElqai12U1VSTHktOUVvck5uT3FwWlVuQlJKZU8za1Rrd3FzckRrRDlSem1ZY1FaZkIxd0RjUDhBS1VVZTBjYnJkZTV1cHg2YjI0aUV2dklXS3o2QWd0Wl9Tdz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZC1Xaml6ZEpJVXNHNDdtOEN4WHQwMHFHNXRKYzJydG5qQjI3VXdlWGZjOFpmanpyLXI1TThpUUZMb2tGUG9oWTFlWlNRYnZGdUtYUWJVdkpiaHF5TTM5MGRWbzc5cDlxV255bzUxYW1Kb2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZGtFNmZSX3U0eW9xOWVjbXZoRW92bTBsMkt3MVlMZmVsenR5M2RCdnZzX0hDNjBnV0NaX3UzNnY3UDNBRGNYQ21BTmNOaE1QWDBWYkVIM0VCeE9tbHJrOEdFMlFRVWxsUVN3LThSQnlGLUJxdnlIY01sQ1hxMmdRa0lOQ2NMcjA2NTNQMWlXVjh1b0FKMnNjMFJpS3hial9BU2plcGdqZ21TSEdabFgyUm1hMnhMWkRLZ2xGemM5eFNMNWFITDRl |
Hello i have gotten mine hands on a small amouth of etc, i now that there is a high chache i wont use it until about 2 years from now. afther some research i found out that some say that you can't stack etc, i also saw a video that you can stack etc on bakeryswap with 713% roi wich i find kind of unrealistick so i did some reasearch on bakeryswap and found mixt opions
if any body now a way i could stack or earn someting useing mine etc perferebly without kys pls let me now
[Etc scam alert : r/EtcTrader (]( etc cant be stackt source
[How safe is staking at bakeryswap? : r/BakerySwap (](
[This is the most profitable Ethereum Classic coin STAKING ever 🚀 ETC crypto staking - YouTube](
[BakerySwap (]( link from de video
[BakerySwap]( when you look bakeryswap up (it thos not not have the earning tab instead its said its comeing soon)
i want to thank you for reading and wich you a nice day. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5a1NCVjc0TzlZSGNsZHM4Ri1qRTFmU28zNVo4RGt2V0VQV3lnSUxIMHctLUtfekp6SDNNTFNPUVAyemlZdVZIdGUydUVVSkc2ZWdFTEd4cjM5czBLN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5aW5OaXJTY19fNW5rSFFkVDJMWlBZWllBLWhQY1pERE9QYW5VYTI2ZGZ1ZjBvVG1vdm16LXpQeVlRcGtXY2hxQ0JaY2RaWGpnNjVYVENlUGlxWDVvb2cxXzRObE9LSHNLcFFVUEVZVDFLMFUyM3FOX1U2OHAyTW4zNGJTTDg0azFsa1NMaVBKcG9zTy1oQmRacjRYamJKZ2NBMktXeEo5U2x6Wm03MDJWaDNJcUtCMFVfbTl3ZWFyOU1BV0dhYmVmSzkwVVl2cGdxclpSOEpEdWtJTWdZQT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UV9LdmZQNUhhMmNvZVFFV3pXQVMxcm1YRUZGd2RvVjNlR25JN1FNcjI2QW1YYmRGdGhPLVAxQ1UzZXpWX0tMYS02azRyZlg1V2JDRXVqWTVXdUZKT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UnduRWlqaTl0VW5id0ZBWUNTZkluRXpxV3RUY3l0bUJaT0s4OUUwd1ZicVRfM2RrY2VRUzJwWXJRdEhjenVjT2wydHNLYnE3SDBlV0NrTTVsYUg1MWNoZmNkY1RkeWJ6eXVkNmdnWFREQ3J1YUx3cmI3djRKV08yNms3UWpuVG9Kb1BZUzk0dFZJMWVmT0pJS1dZaVNQY2ZoQ3VQeGVFUUVhWDRvTzFudVRQSmh2NncxS2dWVWJ0dXF1QzEtWm8z |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5WmFza0tzaUt3R05OTWY3aHZfWF9HY2I0eFhoVmkydThvRTNHbUdzRl9nT0V0RGVyVURSTXNJN09ScUNXRHp5RHlzQ1ZFeGh2UUFvUFM1eVRSSmtlUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Mnc2eFdTZHBsOXJWQ3R3WHYwMml4Yy1uTDN3c1poYnRhemNvOXlVbGx2eXFvdlJmR21yallhZlB0aHpZNzZpVnBjSVB4dzdlcVpwd1EtclNBaW9VTDBHRm84UGxtS1I0SFRwMko4RFJyUFJPOXNKek9OMjVibkE1dEdyLXlMZHA1aF9aNGZ5UW8yU1h0dHdBQy1heE92UHhHemZZUmotNkE0dFlQLU9WR3dwQVYxakNMWkVhVGVBaTRheTJ6elFJ |
Who is surprised?
Not me. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5d0MwUVFQTGlONkdpT1l3Ym93ejhKaVl3VVJIeERqeHUtOElPOWRCcjNIOEhWYTdNUUhqbjVhZUk2anZrc2Jzbm9jalc4NHdTTERMYXV4QlRmdUVOZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5N2pxbGlEVE5lN0dOcjZjV3ZOeUFIdnZ1U0c3RldZdlR2OXItOE9vWVZrVndWTlhjaHN0VEJzYklRQTFuc3pPT0dZV1QzS2txMEtnRjJVeERnc2daM3BrbDhPVmI1TXJ5WkJGaDFXVWxOcUdWdjBQVHhNdDZKRjdTX0ZmRTIwMGFnME5yN0ZKNVZZZkhVV0Z5blpLZERhS0pnbkJVR2taaGs4alJJUkFObVR0WnZsa0JrN1liNWdobVBpT2JfNjcyNjNTekVoZzk2aFA1LUx3eG9VVXpmZz09 |
I’ve been in Automotive Sales for 4+ years.
I have been in sales, finance and insurances.
2020-2023: If you work in the business then you recall during this time you could not even buy a lot of cars from auction due to getting outbid by Carvana and Carmax. They would go 1000-1500 over retail book value which already sets them back if they want to have volume based pricing.
Carvana stated they averaged $6432 per copy. Now either they are straight up committing forcible sodomy on way too many people or they are full of 💩. I’m leaning towards the 💩.
The average dealership should run 3000 a copy split between the front and back. A great dealership will run 4000-4500 a copy between the front and back. The front gross is determined by the sale of the vehicle and the back gross is your finance and insurances.
Here is the catch. Book data on cars is still rough. Buying cars from the auction is STILL rough. Dealers are still paying a fair share of money just to acquire used cars. Carmax who is the number one automotive group in the country didn’t even put those numbers up. Yet Carvana is magically the highest grossing store per unit in the entire country.
I’m considering going into a short position because this has fraud written all over it.
Update: Set 10k to the side before market close. May look at going 08/16/2024 110p
What better way to shine a light on their cooked books than price action. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OFBGbWJ2M01tdHpfR0ZUVWVMcHM1YXk2bWVrR0xCQktNVjYtY0ZMRGl4QTJRM2MwTXpORnYySHF5YzltbzZrcWQySmpVTjhLR0VQUnJwV25xRTEweGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RGRsUEstUVJqVDZ0dFZMQ2xud0JIUUFGSV9vdHJCTjJ2NHczUkphSjhNektnZzBxc3JCMDZwcGFMUmIxdTJ6YThJZFpaeXhib3FNQkJnYzFWSENsQnVseW1CMlVYNHB1NWRHX0FnYTBaNDY2U3djZ2FNdnRkdmR4elRiM015bV9NNVVCSlBzbVZrZnpuamI4Y3JnSnl1RnBteDVScVphQkNTUWlUZWp4UFZrPQ== |
Apple $177.5 200 contracts 5/3 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5X3VPYzM4bEFSQ1dNYjJmNmtnTzRPSWVUQjZrLURGWUlMb21rc2hZd3lPWXBhWVpCUVZqMklrQkFvNlU0NnBIZ2lTV0J5UFRpMTRFRkhZdVF0VjBvaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5M0dIT1huZkRRYWQ2Qm5XZDZMS2VnQWY2VDBSYi1DZS0yd0NBTEdiZFRDa1pkdWFsaF9QeW9CZWJDaVdnLUFTWkZZOWFxVktOdVo3Q3lDdkxEVmYtR3Fab0lNeUlQSFpnaFZ1Y0I3NElMVXdic3R2dW82SWc0X3dEaDRNUjRab0tYdEhYaTZkbHBRWF9vanR1V3JPbDZ6Z1BEUTFneDRKQWptXzVqaTRKUl9JPQ== |
Long time looser but having incredible month. Had 200 QQQ ITM calls and 50 ITM apple calls that I closed out today. Gonna take break and enjoy the rewards unless opportunity arises. Good luck degenerates | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5a2RScUR3WU1RRGwwZFZvanVHVWVBeXppTTRHX3BVWHhFbGJacUk5ZFg1a2tRVVhxYmRfQXIwa01YQllGWUFvbjZEMm9jT2tMRGxNdGhVeWJmR0Y0TWtpenJEQVQ0MTM2czBKVmpOdDhuNDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dW1lNzVKVTZKb1l6U0tNRGZFZGZ6VlY0R2tsOUZvbGoyOXVPZ2NOLVhOQzBzWVlYTVptRF9yR012el8tNHdIVmNULTl5RlZUN2hnTERMUmE1ZnRBUlg2WnctWnc3Zm1LTU8weEtfSUJqQmc5bHkwSlp4S3h0Sk5xZnlpbGZuNG5wYmdWdHlnNEN6WGlXOHZGN1ZPNHdXY0hJTVlweGhDbVFZTEhuV0xDXzh3PQ== |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5eHJMNXd1bm5jUTYzQUtVNjBBZl9kSi1VZTZKLU0zTUkzMVF0Ty1KdTBwQXAtd3dKNUg4UFc3ZXhxSEdXN1F6T3pDVUdyOWZPaDRUNW9wNWtrSERSQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5c0xpWnFXYmNzSWV3akFsdVgyLVFnTG5TeGFnWnhycWxGNFBMbk9OYmVhM3JCTE1rWk5SalBXaVp1bEppSEstS0NsQ181QkJGei1meERhamZGWVNIZU1uZ3N6U2VXcVhEUXd2VDIyNnU4TTJEZFFERG1nZ2plMndwMHNjSFB1YzVsMmZOLWw0ajhIVGFfTFB2WnpwcTBJYVd0TWZFOThTRjhOTnhRd3VXNkhlbkRSYzlibGp2WGF0TER2WnplWGlFX0M3b0FoZG9wMFlmNGpvbEllR1ladz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5c2Vyb2x5VVNfdFhWaVBrN3lhZjh2VEdFQkVWWnBUSFhJaEtYcGpzVTNJVWhteGlVMjJtT1l6ank2TzloeGtuSlhBVm9INkh6MEJCclJEVUVQNnVpSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Q0wyRnRWWktkSlAwdnJmdkRTMlFGSE90S01STF9EQzhfNDI3NGl0RVVKU1E2UHByRWZCUnVmYmVYRmlGcGJFR01HTDctTW9nczljaGh2UzJpUks0TFJ6SjFTUGhsa3pGY2hxSjh0cDNKUi1FTks2UGh2Z1hiQ0NWN3hoLVM0OFFkU29TMlg2WXI4MkdTYUVCVVVVdVd3X292cXp0aHBxTFdad05kOGlxTXRsdUtmejFzSTNuYkk3V1RSdHMwTnR2cDAwdHE5S1RLbXhMeDVuZXNXN29LUT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Z1M4dzk2ejZtMHZYUktLTVZpSzByOEJNNE1xMFdoM04zMFJTRGVSYnY5cEtjaHh2c0w1ekhXOEd6TVVkc1JoeVJDQzhsTlBoUmZ1VnY1SWFLYUNnMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5OU9BOWl3bTJGRkhHSW5KaXBRMlF2WWNBN05QbXpQVGdHU1JKd2tESnNadm9YZ0haejdJbTVwMGU2OTJtYnJ5WXlEZWQyWjlKSm1yYUN2MDA4SHdyYWtlVkFTYi15cGZCWlc2WlUzNW1mVnNjTGlUNGFUQ0lXMmJUdXpKQ0pjS3h2d3lYNFdmZW5LTzRzcG9mdFlaMGlBPT0= |
I feel extremely blessed.. definitely can check this off of my bucket list🙏😎 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5YTVvN3o3blVLZHl3dXZRa2FyRzNoZm5QRUs2OGhSakNBblVaeFZiQm5MVVBsaWdfWUtmNHFVMTctdmY1Nm5xR2xxcUVLcnNvWGtnRF8ta3duTG1VclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5M2piV1dPeTY5ZUlZcUk2RUZzOVNBNGxqNzZTRzBDOEZwMWxYOXEtaUtxOXhCYUpHVlNGVGlrd1ZtNHhjOFphUmJEMS1VQ29Jc0NQOVUtVEtjbXItMEY5MGZqVmVYeFdMZEtVMVJUOUtmOWhhbmpoa3FPNXFNWnNYQjVzcW5CRFlDeG14cDRmendydGlEX0J1dlRVQUNtX0xMMm9ncjMxLXE3T09KclV5TDkzd1N4WC1VV2dWTVd2Ykw0dFkwa21kaGRkZ3JMQU1vSEZWUnRJY0tDVEo0QT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RFJIRXNEWWJiRVRnM2k1Q2tkRGFjd1JDYWRsdXZmTmdjTVpPcTNJWTB0c0JVaFBuVHYyTmhLSnlCZ1E1a1d3LVZvVmFOWTEyQUp6ZDJuVEdjd3RkT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5T2ZGMThRLWNxTndLeWk0V1NBUjdwOGZGblBGX0Y2aTJlajl2OWVaaWdoaEtHNHJkWGpZM2ZLak5QRWhGNkhSTEdfUlg1QWhJZnBfem9CUjI4djdhTDFicFFVWnpsNVpITWVDQUZaN0MtdEZvamJvcThjTTl3b1FVdTJHcEtJYUc2djBzZWlibFdhTVpDSFoyMXUtUndGZWtnVS1ydkJLaDVxSTAyNTBxUERxbDBtRDd0dFpvdHZTSTFJMkhUVjVU |
Puts on Sony?
Steam is approving refunds regardless of play time if you’re unable to access the game anymore.
Is this something that could move the stock in the short term? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5NjZ0V2NwTVdVRmJKN2JOX3AyUVp5VzZTZHNEMkl1NGpxYmlsM1g5VXlsUDdKcHkyQ1QzbFBxU09qUHRKZ1JYSEJzNU1rcjlNQkRRNGVKNlJ5dHZCQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5VElIRFFCUjZ5ZGJvbjFvZFpjY3RtR0kwZVM0ckt5Zzc0WUlmUHVITUp3VjFRalZ0QjdrUDBYRTBZNElBMVNFVzBQa3FTQjZVaHdzUFM3RW9QSjJ6ZTUwajY1MnNpREVQRzBjV19ZMkd1MEY5OE51RTJ6OHp0ZDF1MVZSYkpJaFRLNFFUYlJyazVFM2hFaTI5bE5RRnJ2MmFOc1lqTk9rMENtd1BMMG1QQ2hJbl9IZUhzX0h2bERfaHVsRVR1T3EwOXpEdXBDdjJ3Y2VHT2NXQzBKOUtBUT09 |
I take out $10,000 a month to keep me from doing me things… Being too greedy.
I don’t fuck with 0dte. It’s too hard to thread the needle and outpace the theta drain. Right now, I am buying July at the money calls. I pretty much just play the big boys of Mag 7. I just made a killing with Apple and Amazon monthlies, took my $10k withdrawal for May, and now I’m sitting cash waiting for a bloody day to re-enter.
I am a Permabull. The only time I went short is that the beginning of the pandemic. Stonks usually go up.
I’m usually too optimistic and get into early but if your calls still have a couple months until expiration, there is time to recover.
I keep my account close to balanced, 50% shares and 50% calls. That way if there’s a disaster, you’ll still have your shares. I use the margin off the shares to play options.
Now that I’ve taken out $150,000 and spent it on building a bad ass guest house on my ranch there’s no way I could ever end up in the hole. The trick is finding a way to protect yourself from your own greed. It’s easy to make your account go up but most of us stay in too long and get wiped out. If you move money into a hard asset you can’t go tits up. I learned the hard way. Got wiped out a few times and recovered. But now that I stick to the plan it’s been a solid extra 6 figure income for me.
My main money is in my Fidelity retirement account and RH is my play account where I do riskier plays.
I’ve been on WSB for over 5 years. Gained a lot of insight into sentiment so I thank you all for that. I made this post to thank you guys and share my method for protect myself from my greed. We’re all greedy as fuck but if you move some chips off the table after a big win you’ll be just fine.
If you want to see more about my method you can see my earlier posts about printing stoned tendies. Good luck to us all! | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5N0F5blVkZTJYYl9FUzNBcXBFYzRyWG5ibmRmN3ZPX3MxRFlaNk5XMVRMTEhMZkJySThlRHFMdVdrZHQ5UEFNbnBwLTR4UFl4eDZDVDNEa0ExTlRfb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Y05qdk4zSGFIWkd5YVVza2l4VGV5ZjcwUDF1emlOdE04cGdBYUVsc1NDU2RXZTlDMDYxVThZbl9SWVZfS0gxWlpkWms4bV8zRldoUUJWMWtlRkdib2NDRU1XaVF1RG51cm9ITGpMd0NveTVsaUFWOFJ1U3JlcC1hY1FWVExuZ2dZZ3ZuVFpUSk1COWdaUGJ6eFJMVUFtcWdGQWNHc0tXTFhMbDktajNELURHQmtoTkRRRFZRZzUtSVZsVUZQV2JzN1hPUGd2UFRYWDVHY1BkMlFNUHlIUT09 |
ETH: high gas fees!!! - SOL: shutdowns!!! - Base: centralized!!! -
💡 Solution : Ethereum Classic⚡️🔋
⚡️🔋 Low fees
⚡️🔋 Lightning-fast transactions
⚡️🔋 No shutdowns
⚡️🔋 Truly decentralized | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5bnJEUUdPMUd5NHVMZS0zbnk1eVl5RnhTMmRNTkVtZi0zWlNCZzE5cEVtTjhPbXJObEEydlNCRk9CQmhEd1owQjFKV1RyaHJpZWlxaTd5V0s5Y29UQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZS1idV9TbjZRWFUwbmRtckIzQXBFbU9FcWpDY3o4YTVZaE5HQkU2WHA3Q21jTGRLc3dqOS1jSGpmcmlnZHFYUVZjSnRIR01xUm1YZXJOcEExbmZWTmxrMG9oYmRtbzJUUkNlVEFnb3VZYzJhTXJjOFV0czlTajhhQ2JlT1BGR3hMNFU3TkwzT3ROMkQxTWlKX3RISmU1QWdTVE1aa0RaVFF4dkFNb18yZ0FacS16TXVfMUt3WElmNFdtd3FUTXpW |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5N19yYTZROTFaX055blM2dWtkVzBOR19WOGpxS0VBaHgxZHBqb3AzX2hSS0RocHI1MFZxekMyNFh5dGdTVy1SNGRVRDJscExzTU5jOFJoVXR4RkVVa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RURneFpCZnVsT1dSaWJKYi1VMnMyRW13RHZsSXhhVEVObjROc0JkakpOelFFbEV6aTdDQmRhdmNhT2lXVFdib0tubzB1TUE1WVBVVXp1dzlycmlxOVdNZ3lLZUJMM2xYaENFVTdYVGtUVmVsY0pZVFNXUFFBOVFZLWV5N0FLbHBIVmI0bTFSVDJ4Wld1eHBkRTVxTEQ4QUJ4LWVaTnlvRGdpbjZYR2l4N3JYWFVWRXVKV19oLWhoWlBRY1plUUtPbWp5QnZmTzltUEZaTGVLWU5ac2k0UT09 |
r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5c1BRX1pBRHp5MGQyejlRMlludHBkZGtZRFdqQXVLWkZZRGNNOFNaeXBBLXp6cnh3YVZZOXpXN1BVOXNaWFBtZnh5SF9jSk5fRldOT0tmb0E5VFdmY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5clRQTHJINGRncW1KVkdYWmFpRnNtY3VRRWEyVkJUQ2FnZVlzM0Q1OFJtN2RqRDNTdWRSQ3ZXZUxrS1FiNDM2OEV6WGlCWGhiV2toSzFnOWZnMDhFM19iTVM2b3h5MVpFX0pLVnUyN3hYR3JZS3REWlRvcmluLTZKWWZyQjZRNzJvOUh0enJldVVBY0NUOXIxQlNHaER2bGo2bC0yV2tBNGJLZ0tvX2pMWjVtOVNRUy1sVkxXak5MV3ViNlpwV3I1YUtNTjJyd2lYdFo5S0FFd01mejkwZz09 |
Are you using OKX? Check out this article to discover how to trade ETC with u/OKX. :four\_leaf\_clover:
[]( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RlFBc2g2WFZIajBabXJvd3JUTTFnTmZjc29EZE0wWEFMQkhIZGphZ2pzZTl5NjFZcnZvcGZMbjFkQ1pHMVc4TFZCVkpmMnBzUlZISFpEbmxqYlpaaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Sjdib1UtRTJHSXh5eWh4WjExejhiNWhTX1JZNXpOMFNrVFVWdnpjbU1rb0U0c1dlWXRtY2xtejZJckRJV21LZThZUGlDYlY5SFdHZHp6MTZQQW1sVy1WalYtbURibENFVWJYN0ZhUDFUd1BjQ0dLRDlzUHczMm1Gay05eTNyVGVhdmNCU3FkYzVHaThNMU1yTlZVMUxIVktiUFVSMVl3WjB0clBEVnRmY3Brd3MtMGRUSFdIakdPRWhVRUNid3F1TWNhbUJrbXBWQXRtTC1aenlKMndXdz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UUtSMExfWnZ0THdsRlgyQVBrZkZLc3VnR2NFV291Zk1RRFo5eGhGbF8yTmtndDVzRjI0N2ZZcUs3V3liRjVDMjlFR2hsVTlOWHdtNjlGZ2lhYWpVSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UnMwdDI1czZ2VTdsMFZWbENhODR5TXlqQVFqdEFnelJSUnlBb0Y1Ymp4Vk5jaDFqV2JnbVNlUkhQVFhrLWpCajZvMEtTM0tEbUVhbkg4dUxEaFp0cHdIZGtYb09CUVJoYTFaZjc1U2RCZ0U3N1BuU2VYSEVFaVdYbXZrWm44cTBjMnFoMWFQUk9jYkh6bVd4M0tXUGhoYlBYbnQycEk0ZENUTnpMSVhPanRzQmJlTl9qZDlOUk9SNnE0MXR6T2ZJ |
Stupid ass auto mod won’t let me use the loss flair | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5czFsckZFaHY1bEU0UnhRUURac3BsRmJWbElPb3hGbEt1ekxyNkpnLTVUZGVLVHBTaWJSM2NRaWdHNUZibHdRcUF3MVBLa2I0T0pydmdfWDVrLW0xclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5aG02UjdwWjJENlFDVmZMYTR3MTh1QzNxS0N0cmgxbXhtak9HWHZOWUUwZWtxakxQZmRQa3BFQzd4dl9ERHdxRDlScjZjRGk1OFdzMy1pVFZ5UlctWmk4MmRnZmxEY0tfdHBaeXBlbm94ME1faGJRd1BrWG0xUXBrdWVDSGowQjYteXFJRXlaVGZEQm9HVlotc3A5YnJSMlRVbl95SU1BaG9BVXBHQ1Y0T1lRPQ== |
Elon Musk is still cutting hundreds of jobs at Tesla. The automaker went through another round of layoffs in the early morning hours of May 6. That means there have now been layoffs at Tesla for four straight weeks. Workers who spoke with Business Insider said they were notified of additional cuts to their team on Monday morning. Several also posted on LinkedIn that they’d been let go. After watching my team gradually slimmed down week after week since mid-April, I received the dreaded ‘Hello Employee’ email this Sunday afternoon,” one Tesla worker wrote on LinkedIn.
Another worker shared a screenshot of her layoff email on LinkedIn that showed her last day of work would be May 5. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5MU1UN3c2YnJJZHh6UmtXOHhlMGhySUNLUnlrTUVSaDFLZ295bk1MX1Nid1ZPSjNqbmFFemxwYzVnc0RTbE1LTHNYMDE1Y1lUalh2d2RkR0M1MW9tOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5b0tVc3JrSEJGcTRxdHB3Ujh0STg5ckQwcXJSMEM5bU9SZUQwWXZ1U1Y0alE5WmVjUE05VUhTV2p5V1JnMVZrX2JnUzk1MXgyZFBnRWx2N0JEWWlvcmZoT0JUSmhHVzhhb0VveXFvdFJIWUhhbEJqOFR0YzBxV2lqUXpJaFd5RzNPMjIwWGJrWlo4TzBLODhENU1Db1dUQjBNd0lyVnpPWGN6WlQ0QUhnVWtlSjNvaXBSNkN5MzB5RUMzcGViVVZrSGV4cTVPZzJHOWltOFVJRTRtLTQyQT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UTNJdEtFd0ZqUmtvTXVORWhlN09maTRPX19xeXF1OXNqZGdFQlcyZ21tdDIyb25HRFJKZ3FoWnc4RkpkM0tmZUNMRVhpdkNOSW9QN2VUZkdiMXpINUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5cWwyXzF5cm9wX2t2aE9JUW5lbkZTczByYlBLTGNKRUFWa0hza3k0OEhTQ0NSU1hUYUVkR1lsOVVPZnRhbUx3bVU5VjNmMVg2WGxDaHFrTF9DMHdPV0h3T2FHUUlZdERUVzBiMEc4QjhRWW45dHlsdWJXYzJhaTEzYk1icFRadW5FMF8wNFZXbUJKZ2M4eHU1ZUxmV3R1NjgwR3o5TjBkZUo5Mzhxdnh0NTBESk5kVndJYUdGUVZOTEZFRlNJSl93RzM0Sm1lTDg1ZDQycDVUUE1ra0hzdz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dGZCcHdfa2hVR2xIS2hqandlUTlvd2RRMV8tYTkzSVR4di1PU2hqeklOU2k0N2V6Ujg3S0MxVHZNSld6ekFpc0dhb0phaXdvYTJ1ai1CS3lPV0p5ZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5V3RPOVU4a3VvS2FpQWhWVFoxXzNySEdySHcyNU00bzJBdFFwZWFrdm9kQmZmNWdfWXlLVUhHWHloTEpld2tqcFBQOEd5dk9udU9QQmJTcmVPXzNFWlJwX2gwUWt4d05mdjFETG9DVnlsYy1TMUJjal9yRU1GeXhkbEF1RGVvajFEdFFTM1ktaXl6c2o5WWhNTVNxR3duV1k5TU5fczRXY1JlRmhLSmoyQ2RrSXFBVGhuZndvR3VoUFhSMGZHeDB5Ykx1VWtCczFUSWJYd2xKUDNhM1VWZz09 |
In this post, we'll talk about the essence of security and outline the 4 key elements that ensure #ETC's safety 🍀:
* Full replication
* Proof of work
* Verification functionality
* Coordination problem
[]( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Rl81dGpVMnlsMFpXNEE1RVNkcUxvLV9NN2xmSkJwQ3R5OWdWX2lTem1hb0w3dnRLMDVMOGZkUXJKeVdYZmU4bW0tclJzbW1XTmVxbExvZ2VtQ1gyMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UXpsR1ZuYU84dlhKWHJHNGtsMlJOWDRJRUpZOGl4andTckVfMFFJZGtuMVgwWEN3bDgwazBLaEFndXR1T2Mya0FhSHRmdHJ5OFJzTlhEVFlMd1ZBSVFYaWs5ckdWbmxFVzZTa2JhdnRTN3lYWlAwWGNpSC1VbEFZdVo1dnZVMXhXcTN2ZzBkSmJseHJFdFAtUFhmVFRDR2k5UDBSaVpYd1EwM1hJcHFGRzEwS0FTNkdrR2VQb2F1Q01ySFZhZmtIdUtjWXFuczdiMl9VQVUySXQ4eVVvZz09 |
OKLO and MSFT go brr? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5MXdEWTN5eHNyQVplcTNweEo4LUsxT3NNUVAtTWI2NVd6UURxcml5aXpPMkpIVUttVmlPYzIzOEVHSGNySnVuNTcwYV85RlNQdUFnS21OUExrZVRSMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5TEI4am5iQ0lHRjRxN0FuOFM5Y2tsMWQ3VzZfWnJhZWNjc3FQa0xmZDVHMVBwbWh0QmFXTHpDMHNTZVQ4MkdablJjRFZKcHcyNld3UWh1ZmxhMzV6MjgwbkRJMUJ4S3I4akZQV0JXYm5SSk5NV2ZmTHdxY2x0WDRnZWNXN2VfalprM0lEMmVVVXA4N055T3daZUUzeHp3bFJrQWh0UGh5SGtCLTFLSGhxbEJEWE1ZX1FRVVdMajRESnVYNld6dVM3eFBucWJQNXQyY1YzdlJwRG9TUFlPUT09 |
In this class, we'll discuss a fundamental benefit of Proof of Work (POW) and explore how it applies to Ethereum Classic (ETC), highlighting a key innovation: unstoppability of applications. []( | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5LVI4YVhDYWZsUmpsZXVzNGg1cG04VGZpblJMcVJ4bEZUOGpWSVZEQ2Q1LUZFckh2cDl4RXJrUm16XzRNbnppVi1Tckpld0RPemdWSGExZ3c0OFU1ZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5blJHQ3F2VVRaeG1HN1NvU1lCMlgtRkRXRUkyV1RaUm43emJGVzdrek9TRUQtRzlwZVl3WUNYbEJMV09ZV2hCR29NUVRzVmhrVDktUkJvaWlnUDM5ZjRfak4zb2NUX1lQMzIyX05iemJ1VE1YODVQVy0zeXdZSmJGaHVLZUVZN3h1bW1JblM4MWZ6c3lCdWs5TGUxVjdJWnpXVzdmeHZhZ3VKdEpPczl4ZVotdUNFYjI0N3BTb3R4YUJsX1dXNlVvcEgtdWNKc2F2U1NrUzJVbmhPdHpEdz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Z2JLVWRmNjQ4UWtfdzZ4NHp5bDBQbzFmYVRqZU9admhwLTNTQTd1OTgwOXUzelVKcVpxRVZDOFVLOWNmeUE1dDN2Q0RjV01vR2lBRW4xYmxwaGxZR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZDk2TXBQc0Z3N0tzT2VHT1RrVmNPWnFNT29POWNySEJHTm9ELTlvZFViZ1pwdkhvZC1SbEdxNUlIVlY0T0UxZ2NjVkh4WjRKM29ta1haOU1TdDRCcUdrQURSUElwRzl0Wm5BNERRUnl5dnhDY2ZWOHA4WGN0MC1SRFVGd2w2UXUtcHd2bjZza0RxS1hOR01uOUtvYkZrWEFzU1J1WnlMRkhLR2xPb2NqX0hiX1piX3pJT0l4NkJZeUZxQm1oWnZ0V3VyMkd4QkszZDNnV0ZDRndsYXZQUT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5ZDR0bElxMWdKMDE4WDdhaXFjcWU5bkZPRlMtMU1vRm1MUmxUYkV5ckt4aktWQWJLOW9WSGt4UURTVU16RHJPSFY3RGRPdHZQMU1Zd3FScmZoQnlrZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5RVJWc3VTdzhLT2tlcVd6ZzhWNHRoZ1plcTRZQkQ4RExtUk9Sd2FtQjJqUlFlekt6THNrdnRad3BKel9yVVBuT3dhOHhaZlJPZlBObW9Td0VMNERJajJfc0JxZThYaFZlTWhJd3lfMmVXeTdjWHl4Yk5abi03VUdNQ05DRUVKY29NN0p4WmtoS0lfeDRGZGg0cHRlY2w1dF8xWTllcXh4dkhzdXNfaXdaTlFVVlAzN25KRzdfR0JpMk1KSURQZ3hu |
Administration officials are planning to make the announcement Tuesday (5/14/2024), though the timing could change. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5NlBXMDRSSTYyUkpxM2tfSmhzMUxtREdneE1hemx1dU8tNkhIOHk3TXF3Wk5jYmk1Qk5qYVU1VGRBX21sRlZCX0JWLWRJSVF3MTVyc3dBWUY1MEtwcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5U1lDb2NSQ0FnX3NJZUNzLW1jMFNLNGpENF9RTEM0M25hYnBXb2lHSXhqZTlEdVJDM0ZTRm5nTmhQUVlHRlNuWVVnLVhxN2RYVzRNVXVBeHJ2a3ZiWlIwaFl3c0gwN3Fld1NhTmJadVhoNnlYQzd1VUJWWHd0ejhoVWJhMlZ0LUQ5QVcwQ2Y4UWl4eXluUUE2MGdsZGV5TmJPSUdsMmo0d2RJZnpTZjZ5S1ZMUm1PTmsyMTNzMllVSFQydlo2UV9YWUZTcWJBUUo4Vmsxa2tLaDZmQXF0UT09 |
I'm just curious. I've been away from crypto stuff for a few years and I'm really liking what I'm seeing at Ethereum Classic right now as a platform to build stuff. I was just wondering about the ever increasing size of a PoW blockchain, although I personally believe hardware will probably evolve faster and make my point a non-issue.
Is this a concern? If yes, what are the plans/algorithms that the community is thinking about? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5dG5ITlV3WG5lRDNaa1d1dUtnbmx4cFIyd1dYUlZoNF9mYmxuR0lza3NXQlRxY1VfTDM3a1dJNlZEYzg5MVQ0QmFrdXpoZnQ3RTJvMUcyNENEcVR1OEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5TFNNZm55Q0RqZTNUMkl3OVZ0Rml6M0o1MDFFSHRmTWVNWFJyYXhRWFh4S1IydXZiUEVoUFo4blNkLUVOalFSSFhDNklrZjlISTNEaFh4T0lyVDNscTdnc3NKNWlWemZGLVhVRlVkQkRHTVRsTHFtNzJsaTI2eHdzT3pFcUVKakxLcUxFNlBGT3VZdjdnczVWSUtxYXhqeTVWakkxM21CU0lDX1V6dGljbkYzZE1SdlRia1hITlF0N3otU09BRVd4S2FOUVdRb0xzb1ducXhhUTN0RVo2QT09 |
I cannot comprehend how I managed to fuck this up. I bought out of the money call options with 0-2 DTE for CAVA, UGI and PM. Managed to turn my $4,000 to $10,000, $10,000 to $40,000, then $40,000 to $80,000 and I proceeded to piss it all away with CAVA $70 put options. I am left with $59 in my account. Don’t be like me.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5UUVGaE1EN0EwYzdxZWltQ01WYTBrNXZUTzJDemhEbjQ2dXFuT1dHa1diMEZZeGJSOFlOaGNPbnFJZEVuM0NjQkp4RVk0emlsVHJnblFNa2RPWV93elE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5LV9wNDlEZ1JrV2NvZ1BzcEd1VXh2Y0JaSHpTRVZtTFFCUGRpenNqbUctdVRlQ0dpNF9ndWwxdDBnbWtkS3FwZUpJMkpqcmVrUmlxX3BRLWhIYlNwRjZlRG15UTJLRVc0Vk00eFplaU84Qk41cUJaV2ZHcFdOa01tSl8xZHJnRkVFcmtGWjR3MnhaR1NiZmtTdTZNMUZtZWFkVl85U1lvN252UFpHMzQ1cTQ5ZGMtWk5Pa0gwZVhDdHBvSmVac3dWTVRqanotSG9KdFhKdkg1MlpuaDQ3UT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5MUZXbDBheko4OFJjLW1IWjBJbkg2b0xVeVhzRmlBcVZoVUVyOE9kVVl5dWxzMmhXekYxMUZIS0pVTVVua2s0T2JlV3Jxc185c0N6b1MwX1MySXJoU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5NXpIUHB1eW9ZZlZzbTRjZXp3QllCVVk4MDE0R3E3bWJDZkhnSUlRNHRiaHFVWnhGMmVvQkg2NWN0VlVaLTZ1MWhLYWJtUVYxNjcwRGtPaTF0X2J5clpUN0s0OHVOb053Y29aTnlMRUJfQ0ROV0dmWDhzSWFkNHFHdzhqVTNhcUVWcGpwdjBIS01ON2pNQ2ZYdGc5Y0lSakJ4Q3JoSEpTS256VHB4N2NJSzV5MFlyTUpncVd4R2dweXZKV3NPcl83aFJNX0FNWUp6LUdrdGhsMlIyQzEtUT09 |
How do we get ahead of this? What do we short? Yes I am highly regarded | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5NjJDd2k3QTEzeVFZQnhHQ3hHbzhtSnd3R3h6alpxZDJVa1VMRGE4VXU4djZVS1R2Z3BkVFFUWXE4MW1CU2p4bGNYQXl5Q1pzbURjREFleEtOZjhoNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5ENnA5Y0Y3czZtcHlleDdQTFJFQU9ZS3BoRzRGNlhMOUp6X1pvbUVIU0dfdkJ5MnoyMV8wSDdlSDF1U2VHenJ2ZkUtQnhiMFR2YlQ5ZU1sMFAxakk2TXBXQndvcUJya2didFpnUDRDVk54TG56LWF4eU1rMXNZdlhVOGQxZGVUS3FCS2p3a0Znd0M4XzVGSWNhRXg5ZzN4N0hTbG5tVFhyLXpvRU1RbEpOYUVpd29wUjFSUmoxbGFWVFlxVzVrRjBraVM5 |
Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset


Dataset Summary
This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.
Supported Tasks
The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- Community Analysis
- Content Categorization
Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:
Data Fields
(string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.label
(string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.dataType
(string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.communityName
(string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.datetime
(string): The date when the content was posted or commented.username_encoded
(string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.url_encoded
(string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.
Data Splits
This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.
Dataset Creation
Source Data
Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.
Personal and Sensitive Information
All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact and Biases
Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.
- Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
- The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
- Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
- The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.
Additional Information
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},
To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.
Dataset Statistics
[This section is automatically updated]
- Total Instances: 31394
- Date Range: 2019-07-24T00:00:00Z to 2024-10-15T00:00:00Z
- Last Updated: 2024-10-16T11:58:57Z
Data Distribution
- Posts: 26.19%
- Comments: 73.81%
Top 10 Subreddits
For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json
file in the repository.
Rank | Topic | Total Count | Average Percentage |
1 | r/wallstreetbets | 7436 | 23.69% |
2 | r/ethtrader | 5180 | 16.50% |
3 | r/Bitcoin | 4695 | 14.96% |
4 | r/CryptoCurrency | 4364 | 13.90% |
5 | r/solana | 2275 | 7.25% |
6 | r/CryptoMarkets | 1697 | 5.41% |
7 | r/btc | 1382 | 4.40% |
8 | r/Polkadot | 1311 | 4.18% |
9 | r/Monero | 858 | 2.73% |
10 | r/Bitcoincash | 594 | 1.89% |
Update History
Date | New Instances | Total Instances |
2024-10-16T11:58:57Z | 31394 | 31394 |
- Downloads last month
- 29