“Every child born in Afghanistan is a child who comes into life a victim of war. And every parent too often puts those they love most to sleep with the uncertainty that one or all may not rise to the shards of peeping pink light again.”
Hollie McKay
“Somehow, we must let go of the past and remember it at the same time. We must embrace the reality that is, not the reality we want to be, and do what we can to be a helping hand.”
Hollie McKay
“We can pontificate all day about statistics and percentages and death tolls and displacement numbers, easily forgetting that numbers have names and names have faces. Each face has wrinkles that make up a map filled with tragedies to tell.”
Hollie McKay
“Little girls smile through their sadness, women weep, and hunger burns through the hollow lives of those who plead for someone, anyone, to listen to their misery.”
Hollie McKay
“Children still fly kites from high on the hilltop, shrieking in delight as the nylon floats off toward the sunshine as if it was the most magnificent thrill in the world. All I can think to say, hoping those small boys could hear me, is 'fly on.”
Hollie McKay
“The sounds of music have dimmed into a self-censored silence. We pause, we gaze for far too long at the markets from a broken window where Kabul's finest orchestras weeks ago were still learning to play. We linger, remembering what used to be.”
Hollie McKay
“In the end, it came down to tea and talking just as much as bullets and butchery.”
Hollie McKay
“Spend time with people who encourage you to grow, to explore new things, and who take joy in your successes.”
Daniel J. Levitin
“The Maker makes it possible for us to move.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“The endurance of the Moon pays the best result. The obscure moon by the cloud never stops the glory of the moon.”
Anand Kumar Yadav
“Very few people try to know themselver. And those who have been able to know themselves even a little. That peoples great. The whole world knows him.”
Vishesh Panthi
“Vengeance is mine saith my pen.”
Niedria Kenny
“If the people around us are supportive, life becomes easy. If they’re toxic, life becomes hard. Easy or hard, life can change in a moment and that moment may come anytime. Change claws its way out, anyhow. Nothing is constant here.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Drumul învingătorului e înainte! Chiar dacă ar călca pe cadavre.”
Mihail Drumeş
“When things are in order, they're easier to deal with.”
Dr.Purushothaman Kollam
“When you can leave the past behind you, the future vividly awaits”
Norah Marler
“Being free of hesitation is the greatest feeling in the world. Detach it and take a bigger step.”
Shaa Zainol
“Experiment with life by exploring and trying new things.”
Robin S. Baker
“Seeing my book mentioned in different interviews and posts is an indescribable feeling. I’ll never take this love for granted.Whatever you’re creating right now, keep going. It is never too late.”
Robin S. Baker
“It is OK not to be OK..It is ok to be tired, angry & sad..Then we reflect & decide to rise like a Phoenix!”
Sally El-Akkad
“Take the risk or lose the chance”
Cody Canterberry
“Not All Dry Woods' Fate Is A Funance”
Mike Ssendikwanawa
“Not All Dry Woods' Fate Is A Furnace”
Mike Ssendikwanawa
“Don’t be anxious to move along with your wrinkles. They just indicate that you’ve reached the next level.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Svemir neće sve sam, moraš i ti malo.”
“Ako se danas ne boriš, sutra nemoj da plačeš.”
“Justice is a criminal circuit that rapes innocents with electricity framing them as guilty... Never take part in legal procedures! You do not need laws to be ethical! Only criminals need laws! To condemn innocents & break them invisibly!”
Maria Karvouni
“Living From Your Art is POSSIBLE!!!”
Elie Castonguay
“Do you know how they make the strongest sword? They hammer it flat then hold it to the fire.”
Paula Wall
“It's funny, haha.Time consuming oil.”
I forgot the name
“If there is a winner. he cannot become a winner. Only one who was once a loser can become a winner.”
Vishesh Panthi
“Seeing my book mentioned in various interviews and posts is an indescribable feeling. I’ll never take this love for granted.Whatever you’re creating right now, keep going. It’s never too late.”
Robin S. Baker
“Your comfort zone isn't nourishing you anymore. What are you going to do about this?”
Robin S. Baker
“Refuse to let yourself succumb to the irrelevant judgment of others, and do not let the fear of standing out from the crowd paralyze you into living a monotonous and average life.”
Robin S. Baker
“If someone else can do it, why can't you?”
Narendra Singh Dhami
“They told me I can’t... They ignited my determination..”
Sally El-Akkad
“Don’t give away what you stand for.. It is who you are .. So do not lose yourself”
Sally El-Akkad
“If it makes you nervous, you’re doing it right.”
Childish Gambino
“If you fall, do not forger stay down. May you find inner strength to rise again.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“May you find inner strength to rise up whenever you fall.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“A man is created to fellowship with his Marker.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Sometimes all we need to do is simply remind ourselves of how good we have it right now and joy would naturally flow within us... Ingratitude is the result of forgetfulness.”
Paikiegha Alex
“If you have a destination in mind. Start taking minor steps everyday.Leaving too much distance to cover before the deadline will leave you grasping for breath and neither here nor there.”
Shahemshah Hafeez
“Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.”
Brajesh Kumar Singh
“The Best Way to Predict Your Future is to .....Create It”
Iman Gadzhi
“Do not be afraid to start something new and be a beginner/student again.”
Robin S. Baker
“May the Maker extend his mercies to all mankind.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Be so positive that negative people take a turn towards positivity!”
Rupa Mahanti
“Do not limit yourself to things that may lead you to successful path.The self-limiting beliefs will hinder you reaching to your goals. Think once!”
Bhawna Dehariya
“Fitness is vital for sportsperson, I never take it for granted. My fitness mantra is healthy eating and daily exercise.”
Bhawna Dehariya
“If you want success then you have to be a risk bearer in life, take that courageous step and go on until you achieve it.Go ahead!”
Bhawna Dehariya
“Stress is a consequences of negative happenings or impact in life. But important is how to overcome it.”
Bhawna Dehariya
“Success is no accident.... It is hard work, perseverance , learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all... love of what you are doing.... Tribute to the legend Pele”
Bhawna Dehariya
“The best shield a girl or a woman can have is courage.”
Bhawna Dehariya
“It's not important whether you lose or win, what is that you participate and play, one fine day your experience will make you win.”
Bhawna Dehariya
“Believe in yourself that you can and you will! As there are no limits to what we as women can achieve.”
Bhawna Dehariya
“Second chances are rare and comes with fortune.. thus use the first wisely.Think once!”
Bhawna Dehariya
“Self-confidence will give you that success which no other way can help, it is the prime key. Look into the mirror, say- Yes! you canThink once!”
Bhawna Dehariya
“Exude power when you should, not when you can !!”
Sugandha Rajpal
“The road appears with the first step !!”
Sugandha Rajpal
“Tiny changes. Remarkable results.”
James Clear
“Not everyone’s opinion matters, Not everyone’s perceptions are equal.”
Shaa Zainol
“It’s important to think of what it means to powerfully and successfully rise to challenges, and all that it requires: determination, clarity, and steering clear of victim mentality”
Emma R. Wilson
“Wrong assumptions occur from limited knowledge. A person should have a complete view before shaping an opinion about someone or something...”
Maria Karvouni
“Your worth is not measured by your income level, job status, job title, productivity, popularity, or performance ratings.”
Robin Kirby
“It is very difficult and, in many cases, ultimately hopeless, to try to be kind to people who are unkind to you. But if you give it a try, it is not impossible and it is the noblest thing to do.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We humans don't regret on what we have done, we regret of how foolish we were.”
Scared Crow
“You are the source of happiness.”
“Endings are overrated.”
Damyanti Biswas
“Do not be afraid to start something new and become a beginner/student again.”
Robin S. Baker
“Humans must be skeptics in order to find truth. Because there is always something that lies beneath...”
Maria Karvouni
“What you have now, it will have to be enough”
Ali Hazelwood
“Always believe in your dreams and never give up!”
Marlene Wohlmuth
“They make you as they are because it’s the only thing they know and then they tell you it’s your fault because they are jealous you are better than them. But the truth is it’s never your fault. It’s their fault”
Maria Karvouni
“Doing the right things at the right timewill bring the right results.”
“Master the mind with meditations.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Let us leave no effort. let us give it our all we will chase our dreamlike mad men and mad women,who have the gall.”
Avijeet Das
“Everyday when I go to bed, it's my year end and when I wake up it's my new year”
Hari krishnan Nair
“The moment today is a memory tomorrow.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Memories are more important to me.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Different kinds of people getting along can achieve wonderful things together.”
Jordan G Kobos
“Shoot your shot when it comes to your career. Don't be afraid of rejection. You have to move past that fear.”
Robin S. Baker
“Aim higher. You're thinking too small.”
Robin S. Baker
“Deepen your understanding of life, expand your knowledge, and open your mind up to the unknown. You are ready to receive the wisdom and personal growth that comes with this evolution.”
Robin S. Baker
“If you can begin to see your life as a feedbackmechanism that is reflecting who you are, with the ultimate goal to help you live better and more fully. All of a sudden you realize it was never the world standing in your way but your own mind.”
Brianna Weist
“If you can begin to see your life as a feedback mechanism that is reflecting who you are, with the ultimate goal to help you live better and more fully. All of a sudden you realize it was never the world standing in your way but your own mind.”
Brianna Weist
“You are only right when your timing is right, but you are never right when your timing is not right, no matter how hard you struggle to get your timing right.”
Srinivas Mishra
“May the mighty one be merciful to all men.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Champions are men and women who refuses to fall back even in the midst of setbacks.”
Anufa Freeborn
“People oppose you when you uncomfort them... When you don't reciprocate their actions. Or when you point their guilt. They tell bad things about you exaggerating. You can tell more bad things about them but you don't do it... to be positive”
Maria Karvouni
“I believeI can make itOn my ownThanks to my inherent tendencyTo do miraclesThe Waxing”
“You can pray wherever you are; God hears every prayer.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Seek what you cannot achieve, and you will find what you can.”
Sapho Economides
“Start believing in conspiracies, because those who have the power conspire, and they keep their power by having people not believing in conspiracies”
Maria Karvouni
“Allow yourself the grace to change your mind, goals, and perspective whenever you feel called to.”
Robin S. Baker
“Rejection is indeed projection.”
Robin S. Baker
“Extremely complex individuals are not here to be understood. They are here to be felt on a profound level. Whether that's through their existence or their creations. That is something that they will have to come to terms with in their lifetime.”
Robin S. Baker
“Between the pillars of the known and unknown, there are millions of perceptions.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Some people die today to live tomorrow.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“People who don't know driving can only blow horns.”
Sukant Ratnakar