“The real beginning of influence comes as others sense you are being influenced by them--when they feel understood by you--that you have listened deeply and sincerely, and that you are open.”
Stephen Cove
“For many, lack of achievement is more a consequence of fear of taking a chance and getting uncomfortable.”
Steve Backley
“The way forward is to stop pestering yourself for answers and let it, the creative part of your mind, come up with the solution when the time is right.”
Steve Backley
“If you decide not to take action, you are going to fail, and even if you do take action, if you can’t keep up your motivation, you will simply end up back where you started.”
Steve Backley
“These are the people who will encourage you to go after your dreams and will inspire you to succeed. Stick to them like a barnacle to a rock.”
Steve Backley
“Success is virulent. Once you get the bug then it’s in you.”
Steve Backley
“The people and successes in your life mirror your beliefs.”
Steve Backley
“Tell me your thinking, and I’ll tell you what your life looks like.”
Steve Backley
“To deliver your own personal maximum, you’ll realise there are no shortcuts; if you want to be a champion it is all about rolling your sleeves up and getting stuck in.”
Steve Backley
“Trust in your own beliefs or succumb to the influence of others’.”
Steve Backley
“We do not just go through life blindly,we create our own journey.Your faith has sculpted you into the human being you have become.”
Judie McCarty
“I can only strive for what is important”
Rosie Thomas
“Тяжело бремя жизни": не прикидывайтесь такими неженками! Все мы выносливы, как вьючьные ослы.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
“PDA untuk mengurus masa”
Ahmad Fadzli Yusof
“Jenifer always taught me that starting a job was one thing―—and admirable―—but that following through and completing―—well, that’s where the bravery is.”
Valerie Estess
“(The subjects of What Should I Do With The Rest Of My Life) "have convinced me that past failing can as easily prove preparatory as predictive. Age does not of itself limit on enable us. The choice is ours.”
Bruce Frankel
“North Carolina has a monument to [Peter Francisco], and no one knows that. That's the kind of stuff that drives me.”
Travis Scott Bowman
“It was in 2020 that I started posting my poetry online. The world was too lonely and scared then, and I wanted to see if my words could be of any help.”
Jayesh Bhaware
“You can't control how you're loved. Otherwise you will only get the control and not the love.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Dušo,me mogu bove,ograničiti more.”
Djura Kelj
“Darling, buoys can't confine the sea.”
Djura Kelj
“A Leo is not after a status. A Leo is the status.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“My passion shone through my words, captivating the reader’s attention and fostering a connection.”
Bachir Bastien
“Identifying your motivation as a writer serves as a compass, guiding the creative journey with purpose and clarity.”
Bachir Bastien
“Don't let the past determine the present moment because it has no power over it.”
Kenroy Givans
“Life calls us to where we need to be, and not where we want to be. It's that simple.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Do not be petrified while looking behind; burn all the bridges! The only correct path is always, ever forward.”
Danilo Vukovljak
“Life Is Meant To Realize Yourself as a Divine Being.”
Shiva Negi
“You doubt your value. Do not run from who you are.”
C.S. Lewis
“No one can teach you the better than adversity.”
Shiva Negi
“First, you have to push people’s boundaries and not feel bad about it. No one is going to give you anything if you don’t ask for it.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid
“What I've realised is that each event in our lives brings us closer to who we're supposed to be and to what we're supposed to do.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Understanding why things happen the way that they do makes you better prepared to face them.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“The words of the Qur’an are omnipresent—yet its spirit lies dormant.”
Mohamad Jebara
“The critics...have it backward: The Qur’an is not the source of the Muslim world’s problems, but its untapped solution.”
Mohamad Jebara
“The Qur’an was not a book per se or any other kind of physical object, but rather an unfolding experience—its own unique category of living being.”
Mohamad Jebara
“The words of the Qur’an are omnipresent—yet its spirit lies dormant,”
Mohamad Jebara
“Winter is coming! Follow these rules for a disciplined mind and positive changes.”
Jayesh Thakkar
“Success is not a food to be consumed by all, but for those who can pay the price, bear the risk, and dare the unbearable challenges; those who dare to surmount staring obstacles.”
“Question asked with a matching answer, help to light your path in life, as you light up your path, you have lightened the world; which is your contribution to humanity.”
“Every challenge in life is an opportunity to polish your skills.”
Muhammad Salman Rao
“Inside each of us is untapped potential just waiting to be discovered. But first, you need to replace those negative voices in your head with uplifting messages of self-belief.”
Pep Talk Radio
“If you’re moving forward, move on. If you’re not, make a move.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“ADHD is a challenge, not a curse. Find your strengths and let them shine.”
Jackie McShannon
“Your mind is a garden filled with beautiful ideas. Make time to nurture them.”
Jackie McShannon
“Progress, not perfection. Take small steps forward each day.”
Jackie McShannon
“You are more than your ADHD. Believe in your talents and abilities.”
Jackie McShannon
“Be patient and gentle with yourself. Some days will be tougher than others.”
Jackie McShannon
“Fear and failure are inevitable in life, but those who face them with courage and perseverance transform their lives and inspire others with their actions.”
Srinivas Mishra
“I must always write this way. I must always feel – and deeply.”
Gordon Roddick
“Your days are numbered. Change your ways before it’s too late.”
Carrie Rubin
“I never realised power of x for a function f(x) when I was in school.”
Bhupesh B. Patil
“I never realised power of x of function f(x) when I was in school.”
Bhupesh B. Patil
“Education provides the key, but it's your responsibility to unlock the door to your career”
Srinivas Mishra
“Nothing enriches our life more than the moments we share with our family. They inspire us to work harder and dream bigger every day.”
Srinivas Mishra
“But you know... This was actually fun while it lasted. Humans, Jujutsu Sorcerers, Cursed Spirits... You're not bad compared to those I fought over the last thousand years. Stand proud. You're strong.”
Gege Akutami
“To lead, you need to be equipped, to be equipped entails being passionate about a specific idea.”
“Whether they're superior or inferior, older brothers are role models for their younger brothers. If the older brother takes the wrong path, the younger brothers can avoid it. And if I take the right path, my little brothers can follow behind.”
Gege Akutami
“You asked why I'm tough. I'll tell you. It's because I didn't have someone to guide me, so I kept making mistakes. Nonetheless, I must walk ahead of my little brothers. That's why I'm strong.”
Gege Akutami
“Sorry, but you didn't love your brothers... And I can't understand that.”
Gege Akutami
“If all your weekends are the same, that means you're not collecting experiences.”
“Kadar imaš polno rit vsega, ni noben stol dovolj udoben.”
David Zupančič
“Negative and positive energy thrives; the different area we channel our energy is the issue and not the energy itself.”
“I am not happy because I have it ALL. I am happy because I have ALL that some don't have.”
Adanne Chukwudi Udejiofor
“Pay no attention to the rules – be anarchic. My definition of anarchy is 'do what you want but don't hurt anyone in the doing’.”
Gordon Roddick
“Dreams are nothing if not acted upon and turned into reality.”
Gordon Roddick
“From the ability to fail. Not a conscious fear of failure, just terror of everyday life.”
Gordon Roddick
“Search out the pretensions, the rubbish, the gloss, the whitewash, the emulsions of life covering the real feeling, real examination, real creativity”
Gordon Roddick
“So begins a new process designed to wake up your creative impulse.”
Gordon Roddick
“Don't lead a life consumed by triviality. Let others do that.”
Gordon Roddick
“Keep fixed on the important things like love, loving and being loved.”
Gordon Roddick
“Give service and meditate if you can.”
Gordon Roddick
“Only develop friendships with people you admire. I admired people who broke the rules when the rules made no sense!”
Gordon Roddick
“Above all, surround yourself with friends who make you laugh, especially if you live with them. When they no longer make you laugh, throw them out and recycle them.”
Gordon Roddick
“Contribute. Be bold!”
Gordon Roddick
“We are never fucking brave enough.”
Gordon Roddick
“If you want to be happy, try never to be negative. As a plan, it is unproductive and does not work.”
Gordon Roddick
“Life from the other end.”
Gordon Roddick
“Live by your own conventions.”
Gordon Roddick
“More symptoms of what my inner engine reveals – nothing ordered, nothing built on logic.”
Gordon Roddick
“The great beauty in the English language, innumerable ways of continuing the graphic with explosive, the lyrical, the loving with the spiritual – like dogs nuzzling, cleaning, co-piloting thoughts into the ether of creativity.”
Gordon Roddick
“The smug grin of a thought well described, the laughter as others connect with the thought well received, a light of recognition, a delight of recognition switched on, triggered by words.”
Gordon Roddick
“It is as much about input – the conversation of imaginative men (women and children not excluded) has a rhythm, a phrase that follows a thought and precedes the development of further thought ... try not to be a cunt.”
Gordon Roddick
“Dare to live completely. I dare you.”
Gordon Roddick
“Words are very good, but it is actions going forward that count!”
Gordon Roddick
“A running theme. There are no rules.”
Gordon Roddick
“There was a running theme through my friendships, and it was that of anarchy. I just loved people who were clear and definite in the proposition of life.”
Gordon Roddick
“What do you want to do with your life?”
Gordon Roddick
“Be the change, then lead the change.”
Sati Siroda
“Above all, leaders are talent coordinators. Find the talent, foster talent and fit the individual talent to create a dynamic team”
Janna Cachola
“If you’re not going to go down fighting, then you don’t deserve to be here.”
Patrick Mahomes
“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”
Alexander the Great
“The amount and the way I love myself is my superpower.”
Robin S. Baker
“When God opens that door of opportunity, run through it full speed.”
Robert Griffin III
“It is often the seemingly least significant details of each day that turn out to shape our most life-altering events.”
AY Shih
“Never write people off. Surprisingly, it could be your worst enemy that saves your life.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”
Dalai Lama
“Let's bend this voices beyond around us and choose to be brave!”
Janzzyy Boo
“I hope that your problems are fewer and less painful than mine.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“When you see something wrong happening in the world, you can do nothing about it, or you can do something about it.”
Noel Jhinku