class label
6 classes
i wasn t sure what this gnawing feeling i was having but i was getting agitated sitting around doing nothing
[ -1.23046875, -1.3681640625, -1.7919921875, 3.130859375, 1.814453125, -1.1806640625 ]
i would suggest volunteering to help people in need such as at the salvation army when you help others you learn to appreciate what you still have and feel worthwhile
[ -0.87353515625, 4.89453125, -0.1884765625, -1.6943359375, -1.8056640625, -1.2294921875 ]
i am feeling so happy
[ -0.765625, 4.8828125, -0.395751953125, -1.697265625, -1.83203125, -1.0224609375 ]
i feel so honored today and i want to share the emotion and my gratitude because i received a very complimentary email from someone who reads thought provoking perspectives
[ -0.91455078125, 4.61328125, -0.046600341796875, -1.87109375, -2.0625, -0.78369140625 ]
im sure i will feel fine in the morning
[ -0.47119140625, 4.54296875, -0.80615234375, -1.544921875, -1.5185546875, -1.1357421875 ]
i did feel rather like a celebrity and widget stood and let herself be admired while she drank orange squash from my cup
[ -1.5185546875, 3.23046875, 1.86328125, -2.01953125, -1.9892578125, -0.6455078125 ]
i feel so wiggy about everything maybe ill just drop my virtuous lib stance and join georgie porgie
[ -0.90087890625, 4.48046875, -0.7001953125, -1.8359375, -1.3134765625, -0.443359375 ]
i do know that i tell some people if i feel that their question is sincere some of my sacred treasures
[ -1.046875, 4.80078125, 0.043731689453125, -1.7265625, -1.837890625, -0.99267578125 ]
i feel rejected and i cant find what ive left behind
[ 4.4765625, -1.0478515625, -1.0048828125, -0.358642578125, -1.306640625, -2.1796875 ]
i feel his gracious presence even now
[ -0.97607421875, 4.4375, 0.7216796875, -1.7216796875, -2.001953125, -1.4140625 ]
i need a break or im feeling stressed out
[ 3.3203125, -1.0693359375, -2.001953125, 1.6494140625, -0.73974609375, -2.44921875 ]
i feel extremely privileged to live in a country where a vote is legitimate and matters
[ -1.0869140625, 4.78125, -0.413330078125, -1.5458984375, -1.6650390625, -0.8798828125 ]
i can feel that they are kind friendly and can understand my feelings
[ -1.38671875, 4.18359375, 1.0966796875, -1.7705078125, -1.90234375, -1.087890625 ]
i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened
[ -1.3505859375, 4.3984375, -0.7783203125, -1.576171875, -1.474609375, 0.12548828125 ]
i feel kinda bitchy and cranky i need to try and take a nap
[ -0.67041015625, -1.0341796875, -0.76904296875, 4.30859375, -1.001953125, -1.3408203125 ]
i know what you mean about feeling agitated
[ -1.4560546875, -1.5830078125, -1.7587890625, 2.49609375, 2.521484375, -0.8955078125 ]
i wonder if im vain because i love dressing up and attempting to be fashionable but then i realized that there is nothing wrong with dressing so that you feel pretty cute smart whatever
[ -1.078125, 4.66015625, -0.537109375, -1.8603515625, -1.64453125, -0.34326171875 ]
i feel more amazed and more thankful for having e in our lives
[ -1.625, -0.491943359375, -0.87451171875, -1.0439453125, 0.149658203125, 3.091796875 ]
i feel rotten my feet still swell up and after i eat i feel bad and the more i eat i feel bad
[ 4.625, -0.85546875, -1.2783203125, -0.63427734375, -1.2373046875, -2.009765625 ]
i feel it like you target blank class di title bookmark on del
[ 4.5625, -0.86669921875, -1.79296875, -0.845703125, -0.330810546875, -1.8720703125 ]
i know the feel of her losing control against me and trusting me to catch her when she comes apart
[ -1.2041015625, 3.734375, 0.70556640625, -1.96875, -1.19140625, -1.2041015625 ]
i feel so embarrassed
[ 4.51171875, -1.150390625, -1.17578125, -1.169921875, -0.53955078125, -1.4375 ]
i didnt feel i rushed things dhawan tweet script type text javascript src http platform
[ 1.4677734375, -1.423828125, -2.076171875, 2.935546875, 0.31787109375, -2.03125 ]
i feel so relaxed and happy when im in the water
[ -0.884765625, 4.73828125, -0.59423828125, -1.5576171875, -1.5458984375, -0.90185546875 ]
i felt really bad because claudia and i have always had an amazing time in la and i could feel that she was disappointed that this trip was not turning out to be as fun and amazing as it could have been
[ 4.609375, -0.701171875, -1.0478515625, -0.8935546875, -1.359375, -1.8701171875 ]
getting sent on a company expense trip to another state to work for a week at that plan
[ 0.37255859375, -0.1798095703125, -1.6416015625, 1.4287109375, 0.8701171875, -1.5615234375 ]
i just feel that if i end our marriage he deserves a truthful explanation
[ -0.5849609375, 4.5390625, -0.1461181640625, -1.4931640625, -1.837890625, -1.4248046875 ]
i also feel it helped the newbie bloggers connect and feel welcomed immediately
[ -1.1875, 4.6328125, 0.1011962890625, -1.9248046875, -1.8974609375, -0.67431640625 ]
i feel terrified because my landlord has not changed our locks yet
[ -1.185546875, -1.50390625, -1.4462890625, -0.625, 4.046875, 0.059906005859375 ]
i say i want to be more of people person but i feel very mellow right now
[ -1.0419921875, 4.859375, -0.01143646240234375, -1.6865234375, -1.8212890625, -1.0927734375 ]
i hostage negotiator on her case has her feeling hopeful about her future
[ -0.89892578125, 4.65625, -0.84912109375, -1.6474609375, -1.3583984375, -0.75439453125 ]
im feeling depressed again
[ 4.6640625, -0.7783203125, -1.45703125, -0.6015625, -1.1396484375, -1.9375 ]
i feel embarrassed for not having lost weight again and im afraid that another week of disappointing news at the scale will cause people to give up on me and stop following the blog
[ 4.546875, -1.138671875, -1.13671875, -1.140625, -0.62158203125, -1.4091796875 ]
i am feeling crampy and cranky
[ -0.81591796875, -1.1103515625, -1.1416015625, 4.33984375, -0.57861328125, -1.337890625 ]
i feel unfortunate that i dont have a lot of time to spend with my family
[ 4.58203125, -1.0517578125, -1.2470703125, -0.9501953125, -0.8720703125, -1.685546875 ]
im feeling exponentially more useless on the farm as each day passes
[ 4.5859375, -0.6982421875, -1.5693359375, -0.73876953125, -0.8271484375, -1.9892578125 ]
i feel smart when i figure things out myself
[ -0.95068359375, 4.765625, -0.6904296875, -1.2861328125, -1.5400390625, -1.0283203125 ]
i begin to sense how these characters are feeling the heartbreaks theyre suffering or have suffered already
[ 4.60546875, -0.88818359375, -1.1298828125, -1.0146484375, -0.84228515625, -2.02734375 ]
i feel almost embarrassed to mention the single redshank and common sandpiper but there again who would not want to mention the lone wood sandpiper present at the waters edge
[ 4.38671875, -1.2978515625, -1.1484375, -1.2373046875, -0.30615234375, -1.2119140625 ]
i feel like i look like a miserable heap
[ 4.59765625, -0.67041015625, -1.2177734375, -0.7705078125, -1.2744140625, -1.9697265625 ]
i feel that an input from me will be valued as being less potent than say that of irfan pathan
[ -0.8701171875, 4.734375, -0.6259765625, -1.265625, -1.5517578125, -1.1806640625 ]
i woke up today feeling kind of strange
[ -1.6005859375, -1.4833984375, -1.1806640625, -1.337890625, 2.603515625, 2.134765625 ]
i feel about these individuals but that opening line shows how inadequate simple words can be
[ 4.62109375, -0.9658203125, -1.4150390625, -1.111328125, -0.58837890625, -1.849609375 ]
i still sit back and feel amazed by the whole thing
[ -1.626953125, -0.70849609375, -0.87841796875, -1.0673828125, 0.3466796875, 3.12890625 ]
i have not only not lost any yarn overs but am now done with my first lace project and feeling pretty pleased
[ -1.1875, 4.76953125, -0.337158203125, -1.6474609375, -1.7265625, -0.54052734375 ]
i feel like an ungrateful ass a href http thisisntcuteanymore
[ 4.66015625, -0.94970703125, -1.1142578125, -1.0263671875, -0.947265625, -1.87890625 ]
i am feeling vulnerable nervous worried anxious and a bit lost
[ -0.83837890625, -1.2783203125, -1.3759765625, -0.724609375, 3.951171875, -0.46044921875 ]
i feel heartless even though my heart hurts
[ -0.52294921875, -0.7841796875, -0.74462890625, 4.14453125, -1.0390625, -1.5537109375 ]
i feel should be determined by me and my actions and nobody or nothing else
[ -0.76953125, 4.25390625, -0.40234375, -0.86083984375, -1.3271484375, -1.5146484375 ]
i feel its sad but im okay with it im happy i had done it even though it hurts a little
[ 4.484375, -0.371337890625, -0.88671875, -1.048828125, -1.4345703125, -1.9443359375 ]
i start to feel emotional
[ 4.1640625, -1.537109375, -1.5380859375, 0.0239715576171875, -0.2425537109375, -2.1484375 ]
im feeling pretty anxious
[ -0.66845703125, -1.392578125, -1.607421875, -0.732421875, 4.0625, -0.324462890625 ]
i don t think we re to that point yet and i foresee a lot of traffic between my bed and the crib until he is old enough to no longer feel that i am the only acceptable answer in the dark
[ -0.70654296875, 4.59375, -0.035430908203125, -1.576171875, -1.7353515625, -1.529296875 ]
i dont blame it all to them and im not angry at them infact i feel fairly sympathetic for them
[ -0.857421875, -0.184814453125, 3.623046875, -1.0859375, -1.2080078125, -0.96728515625 ]
i am trying my hardest so i can get to a place where i can join you and finally feel like i have something worthwhile to say
[ -0.78173828125, 4.8671875, -0.2183837890625, -1.654296875, -1.810546875, -1.3271484375 ]
i am feeling the self hate going or when i find myself feeling hateful of someone else all i have to do to feel the power and compassion of spirit once more is by remembering i am a spiritual being
[ 1.3095703125, -1.2431640625, -0.7021484375, 3.43359375, -1.623046875, -2.0546875 ]
i start to feel a little overwhelmed knowing i have to make still
[ -1.4609375, -0.89794921875, -1.2529296875, -1.490234375, 1.6435546875, 2.765625 ]
i stole a book from one of my all time favorite authors and now i feel like a rotten person
[ 4.609375, -0.8017578125, -1.1337890625, -0.7197265625, -1.34765625, -1.888671875 ]
i kinda get real attached and excited when i feel that way and i never handle things as well as others would
[ -0.93603515625, 4.37890625, 0.68310546875, -1.6767578125, -2.02734375, -1.2421875 ]
im afraid to call the guy from yesterday because i think hell be angry because i think my boss is angry because i dont communicate with him and i feel like im doing a shitty job and i project my fears onto him
[ 4.54296875, -0.79638671875, -1.296875, -0.354248046875, -1.4169921875, -2.06640625 ]
i was feeling more and more frustrated with each session he attended
[ -0.413330078125, -1.0859375, -1.2060546875, 4.36328125, -0.84033203125, -1.4873046875 ]
i see you on the pitchers mound at our little league diamond i feel so anxious for you because it looks so isolated over there
[ -0.1539306640625, -1.6884765625, -1.6708984375, -0.4375, 4, -0.763671875 ]
i am thinking is the fact because xanax slows your system down it allows you to feel very relaxed but also it might leave you with a not enough energy and motivation
[ -0.65576171875, 4.640625, -0.57666015625, -1.5947265625, -1.5830078125, -1.0556640625 ]
i was lucky enough to feel and squeeze myself to a win in another festive challenge which involved a box full of items that we had to identify by blindly fondling through a hole
[ -0.90380859375, 4.71875, -0.0239410400390625, -1.822265625, -1.873046875, -1.0947265625 ]
i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative
[ 0.056793212890625, 4.0625, -0.343017578125, -1.365234375, -1.826171875, -1.505859375 ]
i also miss the old curious child within me i just feel that the curious child inside me is dying slowly upon the shock of knowing that the world is not as beautiful as we thought it was
[ -1.9072265625, -0.912109375, -0.0308380126953125, -1.287109375, 0.38916015625, 2.849609375 ]
i go without a new post the more guilty i feel for leaving all my loyal readers in the dark about my progress in this crazy quest i set out on days ago
[ -0.81591796875, 0.45458984375, 3.60546875, -1.0478515625, -1.6201171875, -1.4912109375 ]
i feel like these unfortunate events fit in with my thought quote i posted above
[ 4.5859375, -0.82958984375, -1.1943359375, -1.0068359375, -1.0390625, -1.75390625 ]
i start to feel lethargic about blogging
[ 4.5078125, -1.0283203125, -1.4658203125, -1.3203125, -0.2607421875, -1.5966796875 ]
i feel pissed off and angry
[ -0.95361328125, -1.025390625, -1.17578125, 4.328125, -0.580078125, -1.2705078125 ]
i am feeling stronger recharged and excited to get back into my runs
[ -0.33203125, 4.45703125, -0.9013671875, -1.53125, -1.4853515625, -1.2099609375 ]
i ran errands to buy cora a few newborn sized sleepers i had not previously made any newborn sized babies and went out to lunch to celebrate how great i was feeling i feel amazing no pain no pain meds and moving around almost completely normally at days out
[ -1.30859375, 3.58984375, -0.84423828125, -1.841796875, -1.419921875, 0.76025390625 ]
i feel that they ignored the systemic nature of a pattern of sexual abuse and mishandling of reports of sexual abuse in the service of understandably wishing to defend and protect a friend and his reputation
[ 4.57421875, -0.8515625, -1.2666015625, -0.217041015625, -1.35546875, -2.21484375 ]
i am feeling ok for my biostatistics course by my physiology course will be touchy
[ -0.828125, 4.78125, -0.72265625, -1.541015625, -1.57421875, -0.9453125 ]
i really like this person feel that the question was really asked out of a sincere place of love and concern about how to move forward in light of what the sexuality study recently a href http www
[ -1.1455078125, 4.56640625, 0.70458984375, -1.84765625, -1.9375, -1.1416015625 ]
ive never done a detox or cleanse before and i really had no desire to i feel like cleanses cycle around and become popular every couple of years and id pretty much written them off
[ -0.837890625, 4.7890625, -0.53271484375, -1.3544921875, -1.6826171875, -1.1240234375 ]
i guess it could be described as me just not really feeling like i m a part of the popular bands the up and comers or the growing local band
[ -0.92919921875, 4.77734375, -0.285888671875, -1.5, -1.765625, -1.04296875 ]
i did feel appreciative of the money that was coming in
[ -1.21875, 4.75390625, -0.482177734375, -1.5546875, -1.46484375, -0.76416015625 ]
ive been boring for few weeks and feeling a bit gloomy cause of the rainy days
[ 4.703125, -0.89111328125, -1.345703125, -0.86376953125, -0.83251953125, -1.9443359375 ]
i am starting to feel like maybe i do want a relationship im just to stubborn to admit it
[ -0.45751953125, -1.1201171875, -1.216796875, 4.2734375, -0.5234375, -1.6103515625 ]
i feel as the sleep drained from my head i sat up my dog nudging me for affection my wife too has been wanting affection
[ 4.54296875, -0.56787109375, -1.1376953125, -0.87841796875, -1.2607421875, -2.01171875 ]
i almost didnt even feel convinced by the way the book was written
[ -0.98876953125, 4.21875, -1.0126953125, -1.2724609375, -0.98486328125, -0.64599609375 ]
i feel a little virtuous doing these things but on the other hand nini s tasted better
[ -0.970703125, 4.88671875, -0.47802734375, -1.669921875, -1.5888671875, -0.93359375 ]
i can begin to see a first step and suddenly life does not feel so despairing
[ 4.5859375, -0.9013671875, -1.2919921875, -1.15625, -0.55517578125, -1.921875 ]
i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away
[ 4.58203125, -1.0126953125, -1.158203125, -0.9287109375, -0.89990234375, -1.9267578125 ]
i feel check the wonder in all that you see you ve got to get loving unconditionally
[ -0.79150390625, -0.234619140625, 3.84765625, -1.2119140625, -1.373046875, -1.1689453125 ]
i think ive just been feeling a little bothered
[ -0.853515625, -1.4599609375, -1.333984375, 4.25390625, -0.235107421875, -1.1376953125 ]
i feel so boring all the time
[ 4.24609375, -0.8212890625, -1.0791015625, 0.36669921875, -1.7216796875, -2.162109375 ]
im feeling generous so there you go with that golden nugget
[ -1.3935546875, 2.76171875, 2.515625, -1.857421875, -1.9716796875, -1.2353515625 ]
i feel uncomfortable since i have a smaller rib cage and a bigger chest either i am spilling over the top of the tank or the elastic band support is too tight or too loose
[ -1.02734375, -1.7744140625, -1.5126953125, -0.64697265625, 3.93359375, 0.2056884765625 ]
i used to be able to hang around talk with the cashier when i was putting away my money now i feel rushed and stressed if i take a second to fumble with the coins and put them in my purse
[ 0.2998046875, -1.513671875, -1.9375, 3.517578125, 0.79443359375, -1.76953125 ]
i got a great pump and halfway through the workout i started to feel fantastic
[ -0.9619140625, 4.703125, -0.66455078125, -1.6494140625, -1.6279296875, -0.57373046875 ]
i feel so totally invigorated that i completely forget what it s like to have a cold
[ -0.7265625, 4.78515625, -0.3310546875, -1.6103515625, -1.8583984375, -1.037109375 ]
i am feeling eager to start doing some work the man who works there literally says so uhm you guys want to go in back and see if we can find anything to do
[ -1.2177734375, 4.640625, -0.77734375, -1.4169921875, -1.2734375, -0.54931640625 ]
i feel more assured having made my peace with atheism
[ -0.75732421875, 4.6015625, -0.6923828125, -1.359375, -1.3388671875, -1.1953125 ]
i often feel confused as to whether i have bipolar or just a really hard core sinful nature
[ -1.2783203125, -1.7490234375, -1.6171875, -0.77734375, 3.392578125, 1.185546875 ]
i found myself being amazed at how mid s f would feel a tad cool as if perhaps a sweatshirt wouldve been a good idea
[ -1.517578125, 4.20703125, -0.6572265625, -1.6142578125, -1.560546875, 0.322998046875 ]
i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting
[ 4.55078125, -0.79736328125, -1.1708984375, -0.77490234375, -1.0771484375, -1.7998046875 ]
i feel more shy in swedish
[ -0.9521484375, -1.7177734375, -1.203125, -0.73095703125, 3.919921875, -0.01331329345703125 ]
i will burn for you feel pain for you i will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart and tear it apart i will lie for you beg and steal for you i will crawl on hands and knees until you see youre just like me
[ 4.546875, -0.92529296875, -0.85009765625, -0.791015625, -1.083984375, -2.01171875 ]