Tomas: Has anybody received the grant yet? Sierra: no, not yet Jeremy: I haven't checked even Tomas: I'm completely broke Tomas: checking my bank account every hour Tomas: but nothing's happening there Sierra: lol Sierra: be patient. If you need money I can lend you some, don't worry Tomas: Thanks, I hope they'll arrive any minute
Tomas, Sierra and Jeremy have still not received the grant. Tomas is broke and is checking his bank account every hour. Sierra offers to lend him some money.
[ 2, 0, 104, 37511, 2282, 75, 829, 5, 4470, 648, 4, 5653, 2282, 75, 7869, 39, 827, 1316, 648, 2 ]
Megan: Are we going to take a taxi to the opera? Joseph: No, I'll take my car. Megan: Great, more convenient Joseph: ;)
Megan and Joseph will take Joseph's car to the opera.
[ 2, 0, 36744, 40, 185, 11266, 18, 512, 7, 5, 15382, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Isabella: Hi Betty! Isabella: It was very nice to listen about your work yesterday. Thank you for sharing that! Isabella: If you wanted to do sth together, let me know. Betty: Thank you!
Isabella is grateful to Betty for sharing the information about her work yesterday. Isabella offers Betty her company, should Betty want to do something together.
[ 2, 0, 33603, 2553, 1373, 69, 173, 2350, 4, 1534, 24738, 40, 905, 16666, 216, 114, 51, 236, 7, 2 ]
Lisa: Hello Peter. What have you been doing off late? Peter: Bit busy with work. Lisa: Too much of work, huh? Peter: Not really, I’ve been working out Lisa: Ohh, trying to get in shape? Peter: Nah, I don’t have much of weight to lose, just want to improve my health. Lisa: That’s a good thought. I was also thinking of working out a bit. What do you do? Do you go to a Gym? Peter: Yes, I hold a membership with the one near our office. Lisa: Which exercises do you do regularly? Peter: I do weights and run on the treadmill. Lisa: Besides exercises, I think I need to eat better to help me keep in shape. Peter: Another major requirement for good health is sleep. On an average one requires at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Lisa: There are a lot of things we can do to stay healthy. Peter: Yes. One needs to maintain a regime to stay healthy for a long term.
Peter has been working out at the gym near their office lately to improve his health. Lisa is considering working out and eating better to be healthier.
[ 2, 0, 22611, 34, 57, 3610, 19, 173, 4, 91, 34, 57, 447, 66, 10, 828, 4, 91, 473, 2 ]
Adrian: Did you get your grades yet? Bart: Yeah. My whole semester is screwed up now. Adrian: Wait whaaat? Why? Bart: Well, I bombed my economy final and ended up with a bad score.. Adrian: Ouch. That must hurt :/ Bart: Well, it's my fault because I didn't study as much as I should have. Adrian: Why don't you re-take the class next year? Bart: That's what I plan on doing unless I keep screwing up. How did you do this semester? Adrian: I didn't do that bad. I ended up with a reasonable grade. Bart: Well someone did his homework :p Adrian: I just pay attention during class, I don't study that much actually. Bart: Classes are boring, can't pay attention for too long... Adrian: Anyway, why didn't you study for the economy final? Bart: Let's just say I screwed up more than my econ class. Adrian: What happened? Bart: I started playing StarCraft and ended up wasting a lot of time. Adrian: Oooohh I know that game but you better stop slacking off. Bart: You're right. I'm not going to play games during school anymore. Adrian: You can play them, just don't loose focus and study for the exams :p Bart: Let's see how it goes xD
Bart didn't do well this semester because he didn't study much. He played a lot fo StarCraft. Adrian did well thanks to paying attention in class
[ 2, 0, 387, 2013, 399, 75, 120, 39, 11165, 648, 142, 37, 399, 75, 892, 25, 203, 25, 37, 2 ]
Eric: Yo yo Dan: Yo man Eric: Have you watched Punisher season 2? Dan: Yeah, it was cool Eric: I think the first one was better but the second one did some things better Dan: Like what? Eric: Like showing Frank as the actual Punisher and not just a guy seeking vengeance for his family Dan: Yep, season 1 was kinda weird Eric: Anyway I think they should have given Jigsaw more scars Dan: Yeah Eric: Anyway it's a shame they discontinued Daredevil Dan: I know... shame shame shame Eric: Netflix's walk of shame Dan: They're as blind as Matt Murdock but without the radar XD
Dan has watched Punisher season 2 and Eric finds the first one better than the second one. They both think it's a shame they discontinued Daredevil.
[ 2, 0, 25887, 8, 2954, 33, 3996, 14687, 13761, 191, 132, 4, 252, 206, 5, 78, 65, 21, 357, 2 ]
Charlotte: Hello Paula, a funny question: how do you pronounce 'Natal lily', the name of the plant? It refers to the region of ZA and not to the word 'natal' as in 'his natal day', right? Paula: Hi Charlotte, 'nu tell', 'nu' as in 'number'. Charlotte: And the stress on the second syllable? Or the first? Paula: 2nd Charlotte: Thank you dear. Paula: <file_other> Charlotte: Lovely to hear your voice!! Paula: :$ Paula: <file_other> Charlotte: :X
Paula helped Charlotte with correct pronunciation of "Natal lily".
[ 2, 0, 12083, 102, 6990, 5420, 141, 7, 25967, 128, 487, 14720, 784, 5846, 3934, 5, 766, 9, 5, 2 ]
Mia: Could anybody help me to buy a flight ticket? Rebecca: Sure, but what's the problem? Mia: I don't have a credit card at the moment Mia: I've always used Peter's card, but now you know... I'd prefer not to Tom: you can use mine! Mia: Should I send you the link? Tom: Just send me the flight, company and your personal data that I may need Mia: great, so nice of you, thanks!
Tom will help Mia buy a flight ticket as she doesn't have a credit card and doesn’t want to use Peter's now. Tom needs the flight, company and your personal data.
[ 2, 0, 448, 493, 630, 75, 33, 10, 1361, 1886, 23, 5, 1151, 4, 1560, 40, 2142, 19156, 5, 2 ]
Ryan: You're going to the casting? Ryan: So you think you can dance 🤩 Jack: I am! Jack: this time im going Ryan: U should go really Jack: I know, wanna come with me? Ryan: I thought about it! Jack: Nice well! I will meet you there! 😝😝😝
Ryan and Jack are going to the casting for a dance show.
[ 2, 0, 23287, 8, 2722, 32, 164, 7, 5, 11177, 4, 2722, 40, 283, 19, 1774, 4, 2, 1, 1 ]
Adrian: Can you talk? Simon: Not really, anything important? Adrian: Not that much. Simon: I'll be free at 5 Adrian: i'll you then
Simon will talk to Adrian in 5 minutes.
[ 2, 0, 37422, 40, 28, 481, 23, 195, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Larry: "old heads" will hear insurance and their ears will prick up. This vote isn't about converting people we already have onboard :) Kirsten: Agreed. And I am more than happy and willing to chat with 'old heads' on the matter. Can talk about 'risk mitigation' and what not. Larry: Let me take a look at that email and get back to u Kirsten: Ok. sounds good. And let me know what you think and I will pull the trigger and post. Larry: Nailed it. God damn it. Post it. It's a Sunday Kirsten: Ok. Now I got to get my husband to sign off on it since we are referencing him. Oh the married life! Larry: Mate. They're lucky to have you. Let alone him. Don't forget you're doing them all a gravious favor... Let that be clear. Kirsten: Lol. Thank you. I appreciate the confidence. I like to stay busy and I love to learn. So I think this will take care of both :) Larry: I hear that! Kirsten: Besides. To be transparent. I honestl don't intend on doing this by myself. I would be a fool not to take input fro Jamie and John. They all have a lot of experience and knowledge in the role. Larry: I hear that too. No argument from me. The current BoD has ignored them both. It's insulting. Kirsten: Legal action seems to be the only thing they understand. Larry: Sadly yes. On a different note. I want to see a menorah in the lobby next year Kirsten: Yes let's try to! I will See if Sara has an extra we can out in the lobby
Larry has to read the E-mail again and make a decision with Kirsten afterwards. Kirsten has to convince her husband. Kirsten wants to include Jamie and John. Larry and Kirsten are going to arrange menorah in the lobby.
[ 2, 0, 38544, 8, 16071, 225, 236, 7, 192, 10, 604, 35030, 11, 5, 10181, 220, 76, 4, 6045, 2 ]
Debbie: Help, I don't know which dress to buy! <file_photo> or <file_photo>? Kelly: The red one! It's beautiful. Denise: It is, but the green one will suit you better. Kelly: Why? Debbie looks good in red. Denise: She does, but in my opinion that dress would look better on someone taller. Deb needs a shorter one. Kelly: Right, I haven't thought about it. Debbie: So the green one? Denise: Definitely! Kelly: Yeah. But can you send me the link to the store? I'm considering buying the red one for myself :D Debbie: LOL, okay. Here's the link: <file_other>
Debbie can't decide between buying a red dress and a green one. On Kelly and Denise's advice she will buy the green one. Kelly is considering buying the red one for herself.
[ 2, 0, 33402, 12750, 630, 75, 216, 61, 3588, 7, 907, 4, 18869, 3649, 5, 1275, 65, 13, 69, 2 ]
Frank: Son, will you come home this weekend? Son: not sure yet. Something happened? Frank: Of course not. Your mother miss you. Son: I miss her too. Frank: So will you com? Son: I will try. Frank: Good, I will tell your mother that you will come Son: oh, dad.. ok I will come.
Son is coming to see his parents' this weekend.
[ 2, 0, 29111, 16, 45, 686, 114, 37, 40, 283, 184, 42, 983, 4, 832, 985, 2649, 123, 4, 2 ]
Natalie: can you send me the recipe for your famous cheesecake, please? Monica: Sure, just a sec Monica: <file_photo> Natalie: Thank you, yummmmmmie <3
Natalie wants Monica's cheesecake recipe.
[ 2, 0, 17312, 2426, 40, 2142, 14523, 5, 10324, 13, 69, 3395, 21629, 35427, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Lindsey: Sup? Sage: Nothing just having a beer. You? Lindsey: I have just finished my class Sage: Cool Lindsey: I mean I should go for another class also Sage: Oh really Lindsey: But earlier I asked one girl to put my name on the attendance list instead of me :) Sage: Hahaha. Naughty naughty! Lindsey: Last week I did the same. I just hope that those signatures ( since last week I asked another girl) will be enough similar to mine. Because I gave them a piece of paper with my name written on it Sage: Good luck haha
Sage is having a beer. Lindsey has just finished her class but is not going to the next one. Just like last week, Lindsey has asked a classmate to fake her signature on the attendance list.
[ 2, 0, 38429, 4169, 34, 95, 1550, 69, 1380, 8, 1072, 7, 213, 13, 277, 1380, 4, 264, 553, 2 ]
Sharon: My mum knows Ahmed: Aaaand? Sharon: She’s angry, I’m grounded Ahmed: For fuck’s sake you’re 19 Sharon: But I still live with my parents, let me remind you -_- Ahmed: So move out Sharon: It’s not that easy, hello Ahmed: Move in with me, we would be together all the time :* Sharon: I’d have to go to work, I’m still a student Ahmed: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you Sharon: My parents will stop talking to me at all Ahmed: So what Sharon: I care about my parents, cmon! Ahmed: But they’re stupid Sharon: Don’t talk about them like that!! They’re just… old and manipulated Ahmed: How can you manipulated into being an asshole -_- Sharon: Ok, I know you fell hurt by their behavior but stop it Ahmed: You don’t care about me Sharon: I do! But my family is important to me, you should understand that Ahmed: OK, whatever
Ahmed wants Sharon to move in with him but she's afraid of her parents' reaction. Ahmed is angry.
[ 2, 0, 3609, 9303, 18, 8562, 16, 5800, 6, 79, 18, 16335, 8, 79, 18, 202, 10, 1294, 4, 2 ]
Bobby: U know what annoys me the most? Mickey: Not being able to watch TV or listen to music without pesky interruptions? Bobby: That too, but the thing that annoys me the most is pharmaceuticals, medicine and drugs. Mickey: Y? Aren't they good 4 ur health? Bobby: They may well be, but not for my wallet! Mickey: What do u mean? Bobby: I was watching a film last night and suddenly there's a bunch of commercial of different medical products and so on. Mickey: And what of it? Bobby: Imagine that pharmaceutical companies invent illnesses! Mickey: What? Are u sure? Bobby: No, I'm not, but in the commercial they mentioned a name of an illness I have never heard of. Mickey: So what? There are many illnesses and diseases I've never heard of. Bobby: So I did some research. Turns out such a thing does not exist. No medical journal writes about it, no medical forum suggests caution. Mickey: That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Bobby: I even found a youtube video of a doctor explaining y it's not an illness. Mickey: All right, this is quite serious. Bobby: So I put my mind to it and do u know what I came up with? Mickey: What? Bobby: That in this particular case they're selling mints as medical products! Mickey: Srsly?! Bobby: Absolutely! Mickey: How long do u think they've been lying to us? Bobby: Can't be sure, but probably 4ever. Imagine every illness, disease and so on. Where do these come from? Why do they spread so fast? Mickey: That is kinda puzzling. Bobby: Right? Mickey: So why is no one doing anything about it? Bobby: Do u know how much the pharmaceutical industry is worth today? Mickey: No. Bobby: At least $1.2 bln! Mickey: Explains a lot.
Bobby's most annoyed by pharmaceutical companies. He believes they invent diseases to make money. He discovered that one company is selling mints as medicine for an illness that doesn't exist.
[ 2, 0, 387, 27825, 16, 26678, 19, 5, 9016, 539, 13, 45, 145, 441, 7, 1183, 1012, 50, 4161, 2 ]
Michelle: OMG! OMG! OMG! Got news! Rachel: C'mon! Spit it out! Michelle: You won't believe it! Rachel: But what? Michelle: I can't believe it! So excited! Rachel: Don't leave me hanging! Tell me. Michelle: You remember Monica? Rachel: Yeah. The ugly one? Michelle: That's the one! Rachel: What about her? Michelle: Well, we had an office party two months ago... Rachel: So? Michelle: She got drunk and became really friendly with Ross... Rachel: How friendly? :) Michelle: Like really friendly. Touching, kissing and so on... Rachel: So? C'mon! Michelle: It turns out she's pregnant! Rachel: You don't say! Michelle: Yeah! I know! Rachel: She told him yet? Michelle: I don't think so. But there's more! Rachel: More? This is going to be good! Michelle: Good? That's delicious! Rachel: So? Michelle: Ross is "happily" married ;) Rachel: I just spilt some water! Michelle: I know! Rachel: Keep me posted! Michelle: Oh, I will. I will. Need to find out more. :)
Monica had sex with Ross at an office party two months ago. She's pregnant, but didn't tell Ross about it, who's married.
[ 2, 0, 38268, 8, 7423, 56, 41, 558, 537, 80, 377, 536, 4, 12811, 300, 10789, 8, 1059, 5192, 2 ]
Tobi: Have you been to the new club? Nicholas: Cork? Tobi: yes, this one Serena: waste of time Ella: yes, huge disappointment Serena: we went there with Ella last weekend Ella: because they had such a cool ad campaign Serena: you won't believe Ella: it was empty Ella: nobody there Tobi: oh, shit Ella: yes, that's the proper word Nicholas: they need some time maybe? Ella: maybe, but I won't risk again
Ella and Serena went to Cork club last weekend. The club was empty and they did not like it.
[ 2, 0, 565, 15919, 6, 10730, 6, 11306, 2133, 8, 8961, 102, 439, 7, 19232, 94, 983, 4, 8961, 2 ]
Clara: Did you notice that weird smell at Kasia's place last night? Ron: YES!!!!!! I didn't want to say anything about it, though. I didn't want to be rude. Clara: I think it was her 21 cats roaming around lol Ron: lol don't say that, those cats were cute. Clara: so what? they can still smell Ron: i think it was her sleazy boyfriend Clara: lol you're bad Ron: jk Clara: in all honesty I don't know what it was. Ron: i guess we'll never know
Clara and Ron are wondering what that weird smell at Kasia's place last night was.
[ 2, 0, 11428, 1742, 5324, 10, 7735, 11362, 23, 10124, 493, 18, 317, 94, 363, 4, 5529, 399, 75, 2 ]
Kelly: Should I put on the red dress? Meghan: oh yes!!!! Mary: I'll wear a red dress too, and bright, red lipstick Kelly: bloody Mary! Mary: hahahaha
Kelly and Mary will wear red dresses. Mary will wear a red lipstick too.
[ 2, 0, 34313, 6, 1464, 5158, 8, 2708, 40, 3568, 1275, 14442, 8, 4520, 1275, 24184, 4, 2, 1, 1 ]
Biwott: Did you watch the series I told you Chloe: No not yet. Chloe: I have been busy this week but I will watch it during the weekend Biwott: 👍
Chloe will watch the serious recommended by Biwott at the weekend.
[ 2, 0, 4771, 15290, 34, 57, 3610, 42, 186, 53, 79, 40, 1183, 5, 651, 148, 5, 983, 4, 2 ]
Kayla: what time are you going to bring her? Kayla: was it 11am? Katherine: hey, i guess so. Katherine: i'll have to ask dad and get back to you later ok? Kayla: ok Katherine: why, is there a problem? Kayla: noooo Kayla: i'm just making sure:) Kayla: it turned out i finish at 11 Kayla: so it will be even less problematic ;) Katherine: ok :) Katherine: yeah dad just texted me Katherine: it's around 11 Kayla: ok
Katherine will bring her to Kayla around 11.
[ 2, 0, 28421, 2560, 8, 16786, 32, 164, 7, 972, 23, 365, 4, 7120, 2560, 40, 33, 7, 1394, 2 ]
Mike: dude, wendy has grown prettier Dave:😂😂👍 Mike:😍😍 Dave: i know right? Mike: yeah, since she came from Houston, she looks like an angel Dave: i'll have to hit on her soon Mike: haha, stay off, i hear Jerry is her lover Dave: really😕 Mike: yeah Dave: since when Mike: haha, i dont know, but you can push your luck Dave: haha, i will Mike:😉 good luck Dave: yeah, ill need it
Mike and Dave notice Wendy got prettier. Dave wants to hit on her, but she's with Jerry. He'll try anyway.
[ 2, 0, 771, 1397, 219, 34, 3831, 39083, 906, 187, 79, 376, 31, 2499, 4, 4475, 40, 478, 15, 2 ]
Malik: have you heard of that paleo diet? Malik: i need to lose some weight and i really want to try it Samantha: i've heard of it but i've also heard about the keto diet Samantha: AAAAANNNDDDD... i also need to lose weight lol Malik: what are you talking about?!? lol Malik: you're so skinny Samantha: whatever :-) Malik: should we try one of those together? Malik: it's always easier when someone's doing it with you Samantha: YES!!!! Malik: we can also go for runs together like we used to :-D Samantha: let's do it!! i'm so pumped! Malik: so paleo or keto? Samantha: what's the difference? Malik: i think they're practically the same, but you can't have dairy on paleo Samantha: can you have dairy on keto? Malik: i think you can, i'm no sure though Samantha: ok let me go online and read more about this Samantha: and i'll text you back later with more info Malik: ok Malik: are you excited?? Samantha: i really am!!!!!!!!! :-D
Malik and Samanta want to lose weight. They will try to keep a diet, keto or paleo, and go for runs together.
[ 2, 0, 18764, 967, 1072, 7, 860, 5, 18100, 139, 5626, 4, 14155, 34, 1317, 59, 5, 21095, 139, 2 ]
Inez: My dears, our evening inspired me to create this group conversation to plan further Food Evenings :) Inez: This is my proposal for the next one: <file_photo> Alicja: Wow, I will actually feel happy going to work thanks to this :D Gosia: Happy going to work and even happier leaving it haha Alicja: Just too bad that the time between 9 and 17 will be wasted :P Patrycja: I really liked our evening, even the pizza was delicious :) How did you girls like it? Inez: I loved it, Gosia really chose a great place :) Gosia: I am an expert at eating :D Alicja: Have you been to this restaurant Inez sent? Gosia: No, it is quite new. But I heard good opinions! :D Patrycja: And it fits with our theme of exploring world cuisines :) Alicja: First Italy, now Korea! :D Inez: So when could we do this again? Gosia: I am not sure, but we have to before the holidays! Patrycja: We should have less work in two weeks, we could go again on Wednesday? Alicja: Sounds good to me! Inez: Me too :D
Patrycja and Inez enjoyed the Italian evening. Gosia chose a great place. Alicja hasn't been to the new restaurant. They all want a Korean evening on Wednesday in two weeks time.
[ 2, 0, 100, 858, 329, 6, 3769, 1506, 438, 1910, 8, 15723, 493, 3776, 49, 1559, 4, 252, 40, 2 ]
Kristian: Adidas Or Nike?😃 Tabora: Adidas(^v^) Kristian: Watermelon or orange?😃😃 Tabora: Orange(^v^) Kristian: Superman or batman?😃😃😃 Tabora: Batman(^v^) Tabora: What are we doing now? Kristian: Just playing games😃😃😃😃 Kristian: Wanna keep going?😃 Tabora: Sure! It is kinda fun!(*^0^*) Kristian: Films or books?😃😃😀😀😀😀😀😀 Tabora: Films!(^v^) Tabora: When is my turn?
Kristian and Tabora are playing a game about what they like best.
[ 2, 0, 565, 15313, 102, 8, 8051, 811, 32, 816, 426, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Noah: Hi there! The quince we talked about the other day... Are you still interested? Sophie: Hello Noah, but of course I am.Thank you. Noah: Actually William went to collect the rest of them for you immediately. They're in a basket on our terrace, so you call collect them any time. Sophie: That's very very kind of him! He's really a darling. Sophie: We won't be going your direction any time soon I'm afraid. How long will they keep? Is it windfall? Noah: Both really but they all look very healthy. No bruises afa one can see. Or only odd small ones. They' be alright for a couple of days I guess. The weather's cool. Sophie: It would be a shame if they rotted. I'll talk to Frank and maybe to the twins too and go back to you asap. Noah: OK. Sophie: Hey Noah, the twins will be on their way from Notts tomorrow afternoon and passing Windfield. Is it alright if they pop in and collect the quince? Noah: Absolutely! In fact anyone can come any time and just take them from our terrace. Of course it would be great to see your twins again. Haven't seen them for ages! Sophie: Well we don't see that much of them either :( They'll be coming home this weekend only because of Alexa's ceremony. Noah: Notts is 3 hours' drive away so small wonder they don't fancy it so much. Sophie: I don't blame them! We're both happy they've been doing fine at college. Everything's absolutely fine. You don't have William at home all that often either, do you? Noah: He gets 5 days at Xmas by way of "family care" and 2 weeks off spread over the whole year but never longer that 5 days. They have a strict regime at the academy. But after all these years we've learned to cope with it. What worries me is that he seems to have no time to even think about getting married and start a family of his own. Sophie: The fate of most military I guess. Hugely unfair I'd say. Like being married to your regiment! Noah: That's what it sounds like when he talks about himself! I never hear a girl's name! And when I ask, he gets brusque. Sophie: Oh dear! What could it mean? Noah: No, not what you think! We know from Capt. Broomsberg about their common escapades. Plenty of women but only that sort of women. No strings. Sophie: I never even imagined he might be gay! Surely not. But there must be sth else. Noah: We think he's just so obsessively career-minded. Nothing else counts for him. Sophie: He's always been very strong-willed. And he knows what he wants. Well if I were you I wouldn't worry at all. Noah: You're probably right. But you know I'd love it so much to have plenty of grandchildren around me. Sophie: They'll come, don't you worry! Look the twins will contact you about the quince. Alright? Noah: Sure. Thank you Sophie for a nice chat! Sophie: Thank you for the quince!
Sophie accepts some quince from Noah. Noah has left the quince in a basket on his terrace and the twins can pick it up any time. The twins are in college. Noah's son is in the military. He is still single but reportedly not gay.
[ 2, 0, 104, 6673, 324, 8, 2897, 40, 5555, 5, 2677, 15062, 31, 10629, 18, 17420, 4450, 3859, 1390, 2 ]
Claire: Check this out :))) Claire: <file_other> Maria: !! Nicole: Absolutely perfect for you!! Claire: I guess so Claire: But it could be a bit darker, cause this color is not very vivid Nicole: Noooooo, I think this color is perfectly good for the bride Maria: And it's no that expensive :))) Claire: Yes, the price appeals to me xD Nicole: You should order that dress Nicole: I think you won't regret Maria: Don't hesitate, it's incredibly beauty!! Claire: Ok, if you say so :))
Claire is ordering her wedding dress, adviced by Maria and Nicole.
[ 2, 0, 11428, 9556, 1072, 7, 645, 10, 3588, 13, 5, 15429, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Mike: Can anybody do the washing up? Mike: I did it last time Mike: So now its your turn Sara: I'll do it Mike: Ok Sara: But when I get back Sara: From the cinema Sam: You're going to the cinema?? With whom?? Sara: With Jack Sam: Ahhhh Sam: I thought that maybe I'll join you Sara: Not this time ;-))) Sam: <file_gif> Sara: xDD
Mike wants someone else to do the washing up this time. Sara agrees, but when she returns from the cinema she is at with Jack.
[ 2, 0, 15827, 40, 109, 5, 14784, 62, 77, 11686, 1516, 124, 31, 5, 11605, 4, 1960, 40, 1962, 2 ]
Anne: I hate that bitch! Catherine: What did she do again??? Nora: Who's the bitch? Nora: Sorry I missed something Catherine: Miranda!!! Catherine: We all hate her Anne: Yesterday she called Tom, was all sweet with him you know how she can be.... Catherine: No way she did it!! How dare she!! She knows you guys are dating. Anne: I think that's why she did it. She wants to take Tom away from me. Nora: Oh, come on! She's not his type!
Miranda called Tom yesterday and spoke to him in a sweet way. Anne is angry with her because Anne is dating Tom.
[ 2, 0, 32686, 5219, 373, 1560, 2350, 4, 10530, 8, 31801, 4157, 16002, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Dominique: what's for the test tomorro? Denise: units 2 and 3 Dominique: ok tx Denise: np
Denise and Dominique has a test tomorrow on units 2 and 3.
[ 2, 0, 34826, 5150, 8, 18869, 32, 4568, 13, 5, 1296, 7, 15188, 1001, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Poppy: Yeah. I definitely prefer Lisbon Harry: Yeah me too, principally the night Poppy: To party? Harry: Yup Poppy: I don't like parties. They make me tired Harry: Really?! Poppy: I don't like crowd, drunk people Harry: Oh OK. It makes sense. That's the worst part of it. What you like to do for having fun? Poppy: Travelling. Sightseeing Harry: For sure that's on the top of my list too 😁
Poppy and Harry like Lisbon. Poppy doesn't like parties, but she likes traveling and sightseeing. Harry likes parties, traveling and sightseeing.
[ 2, 0, 510, 45307, 630, 75, 101, 1799, 142, 51, 146, 69, 7428, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Linda: Hi Helen, was Jamie at school today? Helen: Yes, he was, but I've heard that Jack is sick again? Poor baby. Linda: I'm afraid so :( High fever and a terible cough Helen: Jamie had it all the time last year Linda: how did you get rid of it? Helen: I have this wonderful perdiatrician, doctor Tornez, he is great with kids and treats every case individually Linda: that's rare in these days - sometimes I think all doctors do is prescribe antibiotics :/ Helen: I know! But doctor Torez i quite different. You can find him at the City Medical Centre Linda: The one next to the mall? Helen: exactly Linda: Thanks! anyway, I just wanted to ask if there was any importans news concerning the school trip Helen: You haven't heard? It's off! Linda: What, why? Helen: Half of the class is sick... Linda: Oh no :/
Jack had to miss school because he is sick. Jamie was sick a lot last year but he got better thanks to doctor Tornez at City Medical Centre, next to the mall. Linda learns the school trip has been cancelled as many students are sick.
[ 2, 0, 39633, 56, 10, 239, 11696, 8, 10, 8470, 4748, 21768, 94, 76, 4, 11668, 34, 10, 228, 2 ]
Alan: <file_photo> Alan: look what I just found :) Robert: dude, that's just nasty and you know it :) Robert: it has no sugar, no taste, and additional cinnamon flavoring Alan: yeah, I know - that's awesome :) Robert: you sir have a very strange tastes :P Alan: well, and I found a perfect company for it <file_photo> Robert: oh, that's more like it! Robert: but does the whiskey go well with the cinnamon? flavored whiskey is the worst... Alan: Actually it does taste surprisingly well. The cinnamon is not overpowering. If you put enough whiskey that is :) Rob: Lol, thought so :) Rob: I just wish the brought the old cherry flavor back... Rob: not the useless no-sugar stuff Alan: Ah, that is true :)
Alan has found some cinnamon whiskey and sends Robert photos of it.
[ 2, 0, 41540, 303, 10, 25325, 19, 117, 4696, 6, 117, 5840, 6, 8, 943, 27053, 37564, 5137, 4, 2 ]
Martha: how do you feel about minimalism? Jake: I used to think it's total bullshit Jake: like, it's still about spending Jake: but it's about shifting the paradigm from buying cheap to buying expensive stuff Martha: if expensive lives longer, ofc Jake: right Martha: I'm asking because I just saw this documentary about minimalism gurus Martha: and I felt mixed about it Jake: I think it's a good idea to buy things that will serve you longer Jake: but it's so difficult to be mindful about everything you buy Martha: I feel there are so many conflicting priorities when it comes to shopping Martha: if you want to buy durable stuff you usually pick brands you know, big brands Martha: and then it might not be fair trade product Jake: take leather for example Jake: if it's ecological it's cruelty free but it has higher carbon footprint than leather Martha: huh Jake: so your values clash all the time when you shop Martha: :(
Martha saw a documentary about minimalism.
[ 2, 0, 10169, 12037, 8, 6469, 32, 7345, 9865, 1809, 4, 6469, 4265, 24, 18, 10, 205, 1114, 7, 2 ]
Betty: What's on at the cinema tonight? Phil: I don't know. I haven't checked it either. Betty: I'm looking at the website. There are two comedies and one thriller which seem interesting. Phil: Choose. I'm fine with whatever. Betty: What if you get bored? Phil: I won't. Don't worry. Just choose. Betty: Ok. So the thriller. We watch lots of comedies at home. Phil: Fine :-) Could you book the tickets if you're already on the site? Betty: Sure. Betty: Done :-) Phil: When and where would you like to meet? Betty: How about 6pm near the theatre? Phil: It may be a little difficult for me. 6.30? Betty: Ok. I was thinking about a short walk before the movie but we can have a stroll afterwards as well :-) Phil: Thanks :-) Betty: Shall I prepare dinner or do you fancy eating out tonight? Phil: Dinner with you at home. Betty: Ok. I have a few ideas for our menu :-) Phil: Won't it be a big problem for you? Betty: Not at all. Pleasure. Phil: :-D Thanks and see you :-) Betty: :-*
Betty and Phil are meeting at 6.30 to watch a thriller at the movies. They will have dinner at Phil's afterwards.
[ 2, 0, 33603, 2553, 8, 4720, 32, 164, 7, 1183, 10, 14481, 23, 5, 11605, 3422, 4, 252, 40, 2 ]
Emely: Hey. Could u help me with one task? I have to fill in the gaps and I find it a little bit strange task Titus: How is that strange ? Emely: I have problems to so it haha. Can I send a photo of this task and then I will wrote u my answers? There are 10 sentences Titus: Ok I'm doing something now but I can look at it quickly if it won't take up a lot of my time Emely: Ok Emely: <file_photo> Titus: Can't really see that Emely: A) a cash cow b) hoes down the drain c) nepotism d) a golden opportunity e) a sweetheart deal f) win-win g) grease sb's palm h) a license to print money i) in full swing j) implementation Titus: But I cannot read it Emely: Really? I can see it very well on my phone Titus: That sounds about right Emely: So u can see it? Titus: Barely Emely: Oh ok
Titus agrees to help Emely with a language exercise. Emely sends Titus a photo of the filled out exercise, but he has trouble reading it.
[ 2, 0, 717, 1794, 352, 34, 7, 3300, 11, 5, 10778, 11, 10, 3685, 4, 33697, 40, 2142, 10, 2 ]
Barry: I'm gonna go march in Women's strike, anyone interested? Jake: I am, already made plans with some friends, wanna join? Dave: I am down too, Kelly is coming with me Barry: Let's just meet around the campus at noon
Barry, Dave, Kelly, and Jake will meet around the campus at 12 to join Women's strike.
[ 2, 0, 387, 12795, 6, 6469, 8, 2826, 32, 164, 7, 6674, 11, 2691, 18, 24044, 23, 5996, 4, 2 ]
Mia: God, he keeps talking about the stupid wall Jennifer: I think he's just senile Karine: unfortunately it's much more Karine: this populist strategy to scare people with a minority Karine: and then present himself as the only savior Peter: Karine is right, I think he's not as senile and stupid as we would like to believe Mia: so it's even worse - he's pure evil Peter: possibly yes Karine: I really think so, because it's not only about politics anymore Karine: he is destroying the Earth Karine: trying to shake the world's order Jennifer: but he's also quite stupid Jennifer: and the dangerous thing is his self confidence Jennifer: he's persistence Jennifer: and ignorance Karine: but we have a chance to change it Karine: maybe Trump will be over soon? Mia: we will see Mia: but we should do anything to win the next elections Karine: everything!
Mia, Jennifer, Karine and Peter do not like Trump.
[ 2, 0, 19195, 140, 4719, 1686, 59, 5, 12103, 2204, 4, 19156, 6, 2155, 8, 5583, 206, 24, 18, 2 ]
Maddie: What's the story with Claire? Ian: Claire? Ian: I don't know any Claire... Maddie: Really? Maddie: I spoke with Leah and she told me that you dumped her years ago Ian: are you sure she was talking about me? Ian: I tend to forget things but I do remember my past girlfriends Ian: and believe me none was named Claire Maddie: Weird Maddie: Maybe she was thinking about someone else? Ian: most likely Ian: I barely know her Ian: I think we met for the first time like 1,5 years ago Maddie: I'll ask her next time Maddie: Sorry about the confusion Ian: don't worry Ian: take care!
Maddie is confused, because Leah told her that Ian was dating a girl named Claire. Ian met Claire about 1,5 years ago, but they barely knew each other.
[ 2, 0, 37733, 630, 75, 216, 143, 10399, 4, 16184, 174, 12188, 324, 14, 37, 12961, 69, 107, 536, 2 ]
Zoe: <file_video> Frank: Love you! Zoe: :-* Frank: Have a good day, babe :-*
Franks tells Zoe he loves her.
[ 2, 0, 1301, 3540, 11210, 3848, 10, 569, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Sarah: omg Laura! sorry you didn't get any replies!!! Did you manage? Laura: hahaha! Awksssss... no worries, I solved it Sarah: awkward silence <crickets> Laura: hahaha no it's all good really!! Raf: Laura, I'm so sorry!!! been so swamped, totally forgot to text you back! where are you?? Sarah: Exotic little island called Linate :D Laura: Sarah which hotel are you at??? I'm here too!!!
Neither Raf nor Sarah remembered to reply to Laura but she managed anyway. Both Sarah and Laura are in Linate.
[ 2, 0, 40330, 399, 75, 120, 143, 21390, 4, 264, 18, 23, 41, 19265, 2946, 373, 226, 13014, 4, 2 ]
Tim: I'm running late Gary: when will you be here? Tim: About twenty past. You go in and just make some small talk, try and delay the main presentation Gary: I'm on it.
Tim is running late and will arrive around twenty past. He asked Gary to do some small talk and try to delay the main presentation.
[ 2, 0, 23031, 16, 878, 628, 4, 4587, 40, 28, 259, 59, 10328, 375, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Nathan: i want to buy myself a bike in spring Aubrey: that's great but where are you gonna keep it? Your apartment is so small Nathan: i was thinking of hanging it on the wall, there are some special hooks Aubrey: you can always keep it in the hallway Nathan: i don't want to, people who do that annoy me, it's hard to walk around with all these bikes striped to the handrails Aubrey: i agree... didn't think about that Nathan: yeah, well I also got a stationary bike so I can be in shape during winter :D Aubrey: really? I am so proud of you!! Nathan: ye, I do like 25 kilometers everyday Aubrey: that's a lot! Nathan: my goal for the summer is 100 kilometers Aubrey: fingers crossed!
Nathan is planning on buying a bike in spring. He will probably store the bike on some special hooks because his apartment is small. Nathan has also bought a stationary bike to keep fit.
[ 2, 0, 487, 15322, 1072, 7, 907, 10, 4806, 11, 2428, 4, 91, 1072, 7, 6713, 24, 15, 5, 2 ]
Sam: hi, i need a help Sarah fashion: hello how can i help? Sam: Actually i was looking for a nice black dress for my wife, i mean i dont want the in-store product.. Sarah fashion: Yes sir, we make dresses on order as per customer requirements. Sam: yeah i saw that option on the web page, actually its a surprise gift for her, but i have no idea what should be the requirements of the dress. Sarah fashion: oh in that case why dont you choose something ready made sir Sam: Actually i want something different for her something she has not seen before Sarah fashion: that nice, do you have any sketch in your mind it would be easier to help Sam: yes that it should be a dress, black in color decent and elegant, and.... thats it :( Sarah fashion: :) dont worry Sir we will try to help you as much as we can but you have to choose between the choices we give you Sam: Sure. Sarah fashion: Would you mind coming to the store? or you want to place order here only? Sam: i was wondering if i could get help and decide i would place order right here... Sarah fashion: Sure sir i am sending you few pictures you can mix and match the designs and that way we would be able to create a new design? Sam: that sounds like a good idea.. Sarah fashion: <file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo> Sam: wow! they are all so good but they are available for every one right? Sarah fashion: yes sir! Sam: ok so i want the cut that is in <file_photo> sleeves like this<file_photo> length and buttons <file_photo> Sarah fashion: Nice choice sir, your product number is 898998 now you can order on the website with this product number and the same procedure would be applied to your order. Sam: Thank you so much, i didnt know it was so easy. Sarah fashion: Your welcome sir, We are glad your liked the service and we hope you like the dress too. Sam: :)
Sam wants to buy a custom dress as a surprise for his wife. It should be black and elegant. The store employee sent him some pictures for reference. Sam decided on the features he likes. His product number is 898998 and he will place the order on the company's website.
[ 2, 0, 21169, 16, 546, 13, 10, 909, 3588, 13, 39, 1141, 4, 4143, 2734, 817, 14442, 15, 645, 2 ]
Kate: Hey, do you know if our medical insurance covers hospital costs? Greg: Hm, it depends Mel: What happened dear? Kate: I broke my arm and they're sending me to the hospital :/ Greg: Call Linda or ask someone at the reception, they should be able to tell you what kind of package you have Kate: thnx
Kate broke her arm and she's going to the hospital. She'd like to know whether her medical insurance covers hospital costs. Greg suggests her to call Linda or ask someone at the reception about it.
[ 2, 0, 34079, 2263, 69, 3124, 8, 51, 214, 3981, 69, 7, 5, 1098, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Beatrice: I am in town, shopping. They have nice scarfs in the shop next to the church. Do you want one? Leo: No, thanks Beatrice: But you don't have a scarf. Leo: Because I don't need it. Beatrice: Last winter you had a cold all the time. A scarf could help. Leo: I don't like them. Beatrice: Actually, I don't care. You will get a scarf. Leo: How understanding of you! Beatrice: You were complaining the whole winter that you're going to die. I've had enough. Leo: Eh.
Beatrice wants to buy Leo a scarf, but he doesn't like scarves. She cares about his health and will buy him a scarf no matter his opinion.
[ 2, 0, 5522, 15474, 16, 11, 1139, 6, 3482, 4, 12520, 630, 75, 33, 10, 29055, 4, 10841, 15474, 2 ]
Ken: Fuck you, you pimp Greg: What? Ken: Fuck you man, I want my money back Greg: Was your account hacked by some prankster? Ken: No, I'm the prankster, just having a laugh at your expense Greg: Well, fuck you too then XD
Ken is trying to play a prank on Greg.
[ 2, 0, 28524, 1072, 39, 418, 124, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Mike: Do u have new John's number? Ann: No, u should ask Mary. Mike: Ok, thank u :*
Mike will ask Mary for John's new number.
[ 2, 0, 20767, 40, 1394, 2708, 114, 79, 34, 610, 18, 346, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Pet shop: Hi Breann&Dianne!👋 🐶😻 Here is a 10% coupon code (pawesome10) for new customers when you checkout! -> <link_other> Breann: oh thank you!!!! Pet shop: Breann, our pleasure! 🐶 Dianne: Thank you! Now, to pick the colors! Pet shop: Red and Gray our the most popular!! :) Breann: I wish there was cheetah. 😔 Pet shop: Breann, Do you mean cheetah print? Breann: yes. Pet shop: We do have them! Check out this pet hut! --> <link_other> Breann: omg thank you!!!!!! Pet shop: Our pleasure!! :) :) :) Dianne: Thank you! Bye!
Breann and Dianne are going to buy a cheetah print pet hut with a 10% coupon code.
[ 2, 0, 28970, 2792, 1523, 10, 158, 207, 22939, 3260, 13, 92, 916, 77, 47, 28429, 4, 5811, 2279, 2 ]
Mike: will call u back in 2 hrs, ok? Mike: can't talk right now, sry Mike: *sorry Dale: cool, no problem Dale: until then
Mike will call Dale back in 2 hours.
[ 2, 0, 15827, 40, 486, 11302, 11, 132, 722, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Allison: You talked to Ethan about the function? Evan: Yeah I did Allison: What did he say? Evan: He might not come Allison: Can you do something about that? Evan: I will try to make him come Allison: K
Evan will try to make Ethan come.
[ 2, 0, 717, 9965, 3244, 7, 15926, 59, 5, 5043, 4, 15926, 429, 45, 283, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
Pat: Hi, it's Pat here. I have a slight delay, a couple of hours, so I will come in the evening, around 9pm. I hope it is not a problem... Bart: Hi, no, not at all :) you didn't catch the train? Pat: hehe, no. I thought today i was free from work, but i got another project to finish. So i will be tomorrow morning. Im sorry for those changes, i myself am surprise. Bart: hahaha a tiny regret. Will you manage to get here on your own? Pat: yeah, its ok. what would you suggest? if you could come and unlock the door, it would be great, but i can walk around the city as well. Bart: of course I will open it for you. I can work in the morning from home. No problem. So we see each other tomorrow? Pat: Thank you so much! haha Bart: Are you a painter? Pat: I hope I will eventually get in that train. Nope. Bart: I thought you were. Pat: this project is a stage project :) Bart: Ah alright, youll tell all about it tomorrow :)) Pat: OK,, later
Pat will arrive at around 9 pm. Bart will open the door and work in the morning from home.
[ 2, 0, 18276, 34, 10, 7019, 4646, 6, 10, 891, 9, 722, 6, 98, 79, 40, 283, 11, 5, 2 ]
Mary: Are you going by car or train? Tom: Ella rented a car Ella: this makes all of this much faster Mary: good decision
Ella rented a car, this makes things much faster for her and Tom.
[ 2, 0, 15691, 16425, 10, 512, 8, 8961, 102, 16425, 10, 2341, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Patrick: Any plans for tonight? Camille: Nothing. We could go out. Amanda: I'm going to a concert. Camille: Cool. Amanda: In the city park. It's a free event. You can join us! Camille: What time are you guys going? Amanda: Around 9 p.m. Camille: I'll come. Patrick: Me too. Later we can go party.
They will meet around 9 pm tonight to attend a free concert in the City Park.
[ 2, 0, 28542, 4061, 6, 10641, 8, 3499, 32, 164, 7, 10, 4192, 11, 5, 343, 2221, 4, 252, 2 ]
Henry: Good to see you back :-) How is the baby? Mary: Good to be back :-) Susie is great. I'm so happy :-) Henry: Have you got any photo? Mary: <file_photo> Henry: She's sweet! Congratulations :-) Mary: Thank you :-)
Mary is back. Mary's baby, Susie, is doing great.
[ 2, 0, 24877, 16, 124, 19, 10471, 324, 4, 10471, 324, 16, 372, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Julius: Yoh, today its derby day⚽ Titus:⚽⚽ yeah, finally man Julius: which team are you supporting today Titus: Manchester united anytime, any day Julius: city will win Titus: haha, united will win Julius: lets see then Titus: cool
It's derby day today. Titus supports Manchester United. Julius supports City.
[ 2, 0, 565, 20818, 16, 3117, 2361, 10409, 452, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Kirsten: Youth group this Friday, don't be late. Alex: What time? Kirsten: 7 pm. We're going bowling, so we'll meet up and then all go together. Alex: Cool. See you. Kirsten: Bye
Kirsten reminds Alex that the youth group meets this Friday at 7 pm and go bowling.
[ 2, 0, 530, 17698, 225, 8, 2618, 32, 164, 11448, 42, 273, 23, 262, 4751, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
Mark: Heading out in a sec. You coming along? Sally: No. Mark: ? Sally: Don't feel well. Mark: Oh. Can I do anything? Sally: No. Girl stuff. Mark: TMI! Sally: LOL! Mark: Let me know if you change your mind. I can pick you up. Sally: Okay. Mark: We will miss you. Should I just have your character sit out? Sally: Yes! Don't want her killed off! Mark: Mwahaha! Sally: Not funny! Mark: Could be funny! Sally: Please don't! I just got all her spells and stuff! Mark: I won't, I'm j/k. Sally: You better be. Mark: I swear!
Sally is not going out because she doesn't feel well.
[ 2, 0, 10006, 40, 1339, 15282, 62, 31, 334, 11, 10, 15636, 4, 15282, 630, 75, 619, 157, 4, 2 ]
Bella: Will you be home tonight? Clara: Wanna pop in? Bella: I'd love to. But first have to see how dad's doing. Clara: I won't be back before 7 though. Am at the gym. Bella: No pro. Is 7:30 ok then? Clara: Why don't we go and have a drink? It's Friday evening after all. Eh? Bella: In actual fact I want to have a talk with you. I sort of need your advice. Clara: Something happened?! Bella: Not yet. I mean it's nothing dramatic. Just need to talk to you. Clara: What about? Bella: Myself I would say. Clara: I've guessed so much! Very well. Come anytime after 7:30 and I'll fix us a snack. Beer? Wine? Bella: Oh dear... I'd appreciate a snack but let me bring the wine. Clara: OK CU. Clara: But you'll have to park somewhere along the road as my drive's taken by my camper at the moment. Bella: No pro.
Bella wants to talk with Clara and she will come to her place after 7:30.
[ 2, 0, 387, 8461, 40, 28, 184, 23, 262, 35, 541, 3422, 4, 264, 1072, 7, 1067, 7, 13606, 2 ]
John: Ela i am coming in 10 mins please give me my walle outside t i forgot it Ela: yes just saw it when you are here call me John: but your phone is busy thats why i messaged keep it free please i am getting late Ela: oh yes was talking to mom ... its free now John: ok
John forgot his wallet. He wants Ela to give it to him outside in 10 minutes.
[ 2, 0, 10567, 1072, 1448, 102, 7, 492, 123, 39, 21788, 459, 751, 4, 1448, 102, 7319, 4628, 123, 2 ]
Mel: Hi, is Adam going to Multisports, Xander really wants to go this week. Mair: Adam is moaning about going, but if Xand is going, he might be a bit keener. Do you want me to take them this week? Mel: Would you? The house is a complete pigsty. Work has been full-on this week, pre sales and all that! Mair: Yeah, I remember that. Glad to be out of it and the bitching and bullying, of course! Mel: Yes, you had a nasty little bunch on your section. Most have left now, thank God! I'll bring him round at half 10, is that ok? I do appreciate this! Mair: What are mates for! See you both tomorrow!
Adam is complaining about going to the gym. Mair will take Adam and Xander to the gym this week. Mel will bring Xander to Mair at half 10.
[ 2, 0, 1000, 6072, 1072, 7, 213, 7, 14910, 354, 8303, 42, 186, 4, 256, 2456, 40, 836, 1577, 2 ]
Harley: You should see this divorce filing. OMG... Ruby: Bad? Harley: The guy was a serial cheater! Ruby: OMG! Harley: She's taking him to the cleaners. Monthly settlement, half his pension, you name it. Ruby: He deserves it! Harley: There are always two sides... Ruby: Maybe she was a piss poor wife? Harley: Never cooked. Never cleaned. He paid for everything yet still managed to buy her mom a house and take extravagant vacays. Ruby: Geez, down boy! Harley: Voice of experience, sorry! Ruby: Well, people do crazy things. Harley: Yes, and some times theres karma, but... Ruby: You're right, two sides.
Harley and Ruby are discussing the divorce filing. Harley and Ruby agree there are always two sides.
[ 2, 0, 17488, 607, 18, 1931, 12, 12295, 1658, 10, 7402, 3386, 4, 264, 18, 602, 123, 7, 5, 2 ]
Jair: Still busy? Callum: Yes a little sorry Jair: ok
Callum is still busy.
[ 2, 0, 20653, 783, 16, 3610, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Sybille: Hello, i'm trying to make my online registration for the flight AF3581 from Minneapolis to Paris the 29th, but i only get an error message. Here is my file number NRTTU and my flying blue number XXXX. Thanks for you help Air France: Hello Sybille, we acknowledge receipt of your message and return to you as soon as possible. Air France: After checking your flight is operated by Delta Airlines for departure from the United States. Online registration works from the Delta site. Sybille: Hello again , i still have trouble for my son' s online registration. I'm really angry as it cost me more than 40 euros for 20 minutes on your short number 3654, and still i don't have any answer. He couldn't get his flight yesterday, so i asked for it to be postpone. I twice gave my credit number but still the ticket is not delivered. Air France: Of course, i give the file to an agent. Air France: Please, be awared it could take 24 hours Sybille: I can't wait so long. My son is only 16 year old and he has to sleep in the airport, with no mean to leave his luggage as he has no ticket. Air France: Hello Sybille, we're very sorry . We could offer you a departure on flight DL140 from Minneapolis to Paris. We'll return to you. Sybille: My phone number is XXXX, please call me back as soon as possible Sybille: Hello, i was again on line with people from the short number. They told me that they've done everything possible but my payment can't be accepted because the flight is operated by Delta. Please consider a young stuck in US with no possibilites for coming back just because of Delta and Air France sharing code, can't share payment. Shame on you. Air France: We'll get in touch with Delta US and return to you quickly Sybille: thanks a lot Air France: We just send you by email the new ticket for you son. We remain at your disposal. Sybille: Thanks a lot, you're more efficient than the hotline.
Sybille is angry, because she cannot make a reservation for the flight from Minneapolis to Paris. Air France managed to solve the issue.
[ 2, 0, 35615, 428, 4061, 34, 3605, 19, 69, 804, 5770, 13, 5, 2524, 17491, 2022, 6668, 31, 11435, 2 ]
Mariana: Hi, just a quick question. Do you know if the readings for the next session of Stephen’s seminar are in the print shop? Rita: No idea, sorry Chae-yeong: The only thing I know is that they were not yet there on Monday Arthur: Yer, I’ve made the mistake of going on Monday as well and I can confirm the texts were not there and the staff was as rude as always Mariana: Sounds familiar Rita: I’ll go tomorrow morning and let you know if the texts are available Rita: I can’t buy the copies for you because they never have enough at hand but I’ll just ask them to print more for later Chae-yeong: No worries Arthur: Yeah, just let us know if they’re ready, that’s a huge favour already Rita: Cool. Will do! xx
Chae-yeong and Arthur inform Mariana that the readings for the next session of Stephen's seminar weren't available in the print shop on Monday. Rita decides to go and chcek if the situation's changed tomorrow and she'll let everyone know.
[ 2, 0, 500, 3119, 40, 1649, 114, 5, 16569, 13, 5, 220, 1852, 9, 3259, 18, 21412, 32, 577, 2 ]
Pam: Hey I lost my phone so if you need something message me here Dot: Oh now how?? Pam: I went shopping and when I was paying I must have left my phone on the counter Dot: Did you come back to check if they found it? Pam: I talked to every single store I visited and nothing :( Dot: It was an iphone right? Pam: Yeah, I've only had it for half a year Dot: But there's an option where you can display something on the screen Pam: How? Dot: You have to log into your apple account and there is an instruction Pam: Cool!! I have to check it out Dot: You could promise a reward and post someone's phone number Pam: I'll do that!! Thanks!! Dot: I hope you find it :*
Pam has probably left her phone when she was shopping. Dot suggests there is a way to get it back.
[ 2, 0, 510, 424, 685, 69, 1028, 77, 79, 21, 3482, 8, 79, 314, 24, 15, 5, 3231, 4, 2 ]
Abigail: Why didn't you attend the part last night? :/ Ethan: I am currently in Los Angeles dat's why it was impossible for me Abigail: When did you leave for LA? :o You didnt even tell me Ethan: Why did you wanted know about it ? Abigail: Well! you are my friend and I dont even know that you are outta town. Dont seems good Ethan: Don't worry. I would be back after 3 or 2 days Abigail: Let me know when you reach back Ethan: Sure. Will meet soon
Ethan didn't come to the party last night because he is in Los Angeles. Abigail didn't know about it. Ethan will be back in a couple of days, the he will reach out to Abigail.
[ 2, 0, 717, 5652, 399, 75, 2725, 5, 233, 94, 363, 142, 37, 21, 11, 1287, 1422, 4, 91, 2 ]
Betty: so where did you go after? Kelly: we wander around and met more people from school Betty: anyone i know Kelly: well, yeah Betty: tell me!!!!! Kelly: guess... Betty: oh c'mon!! Kelly: guess who could pass THE pub at 2 am...? Betty: oh no!!! Kelly: oh yes!!! Betty: damned bastard Kelly: haha but we didnt talk almost, just hi-hi hows it goin Betty: tell me everything Kelly: he looked nice, standard Betty: was he with someone?.. Kelly: yes.... Betty: :/ Kelly: I'm sorry sweetie, i told him a few words, he heard from me a bit. Bastard Betty: thanks, babes, youre the best, youre my bestie Kelly: not at all love, he is such an ass!
Afterwards, Kelly wandered around and met some people from school. She also met him. They almost didn't talk and he was with someone.
[ 2, 0, 33603, 2553, 8, 2826, 439, 7, 5, 8881, 23, 132, 524, 8, 1145, 55, 82, 31, 334, 2 ]
Rob: <file_photo> Rob: Not sure if I'm getting dumber, or this is how it feels like to get older Tom: What? Rob: I'm looking at today's memes and they mostly refer to things that are either completely stupid, or have no humour value. Tom: Rob, get yourself a girlfriend please. You're talking bullshit :D Rob: Ehh. Fuck you.
Rob is disappointed with memes he watches. Tom suggests he should get a girlfriend instead of complaining about the memes.
[ 2, 0, 18776, 16, 546, 23, 452, 18, 26995, 8, 51, 2260, 9115, 7, 383, 14, 32, 1169, 2198, 2 ]
Louis: hey mum Louis: mum? Sara: yep, what's going on? Sara: I'm on a pretty boring meeting right now :P Louis: I was wondering what I could buy Lilly and Stephen Louis: I mean for the wedding Louis: I don't have any idea :( Sara: Don't they have a list somewhere? Sara: so that everyone can check what they actually need?
Louis doesn't know what he should give Lilly and Stephen as their wedding gift. Sara advises him to check if they have a gift list.
[ 2, 0, 29923, 1072, 7, 907, 20938, 8, 3259, 13, 5, 3312, 4, 11686, 630, 75, 33, 10, 889, 2 ]
Ryan: Merry Christmas everybody! Nick: Merry Xmas! Chris: Merry Xmas to you! Chris: Where are you btw? Ryan: visiting family in Manchester Ryan: white a disaster hahhaha Chris: We stayed home with Ann, first time on our own! Chris: and I've liked it so far very much
Ryan is visiting family in Manchester for Christmas. Chris stayed home with Ann.
[ 2, 0, 23287, 8, 2651, 32, 3918, 284, 11, 2361, 4, 252, 4711, 184, 19, 3921, 78, 86, 15, 2 ]
Augustine: Guys, remember it's Wharton's bday next week? Darlene: yay, a party! Heather: yay! crap we need to buy him a present Walker: he mentioned paper shredder once Augustine: wtf?!? Walker: he did really. for no reason at all. Heather: whatever that make him happy Darlene: cool with me. we can shred some papers at the party Augustine: so much fun Heather: srsly guys, you mean we should really get office equipment??? Darlene: Walk, ask him if he really wnts it and if he yes then we get it Walker: i heard him say that. wasn;t drunk. me neither. Darlene: but better ask him twice Walker: will do Augustine: 2moro ok? Darlene: and sure ask ab the party!
Next week is Wharton's birthday. Augustine, Darlene, Heather and Walker want to buy him a paper shredder. Walker will make sure if Wharton really wants it.
[ 2, 0, 495, 11278, 2552, 6, 4461, 8, 211, 11278, 2552, 32, 164, 7, 3990, 24735, 18, 4115, 537, 2 ]
Corbin: Is this the department in charge of school violence? Dimitri: Yes, it is. Corbin: I want to report school violence in our school. Dimitri: Okay. What school are you in? Corbin: Jungang high school. The student who is victim of the violence is my friend. Corbin: They are not hitting him any more. But you should help my friend. Corbin: If they notice I was the one who reported, they will hit me as well. Dimitri: First, calm down. Give us your phone number. You will be safe. Corbin: 486-984-324 It is. Dimitri: Don’t worry. I will call you now, ok?
Corbin reported to the department in charge of school violence that his friend has been beaten.
[ 2, 0, 15228, 9413, 1072, 7, 266, 334, 1476, 11, 24652, 1097, 239, 334, 4, 20, 1294, 54, 21, 2 ]
Agatha: My presentation is ready as we speak :) Adam: oh cool, what course? Agatha: Economics. Adam: Is it interesting? I mean... your presentation. Agatha: Definitely, I used recent research. Adam: Sounds like you know what you're doing :P Agatha: I'm just really into economics :) Adam: no doubt about that
Agatha is proud of herself because she has finished her presentation in Economics. She is very interested in Economics.
[ 2, 0, 19897, 20647, 18, 5209, 16, 1227, 25, 52, 1994, 4, 264, 341, 485, 557, 4, 2, 1, 1 ]
Antonio: Is everything okay? You've been quiet lately Alivia: Oh, hi, yeah, I've just been working on my thesis Alivia: Or rather trying to work, it's not going too well Antonio: Oh :( Problems finding research materials? Alivia: Well Alivia: That isn't really as big a problem, the worst part is actually sitting down and writing Alivia: I find the topic interesting and all, I don't mind reading articles and books Alivia: But when I'm supposed to write, it's like I blank out and can't type a single word w/o thinking I sound stupid... Antonio: I know the feeling... Antonio: You should probably stop thinking about it so seriously, just write and you can edit it later Antonio: Once you get past the initial difficulty, it'll get better, at least that's what it was like for me Alivia: I'd like to think so... Thanks... I'll try. And thanks for your concern <3
Alivia has been taciturn lately. She was trying to write her thesis. She can't focus on writing. She'll try to follow Antonio's advice to start writing without overthinking.
[ 2, 0, 7083, 40978, 34, 57, 447, 15, 69, 24149, 4, 264, 34, 1272, 2609, 557, 3183, 4, 264, 2 ]
Mazie: Me and mah girls are having a drink tonight. Lee: Oh really? Where? Mazie: Wouldn't you like to know... Lee: Yes! So I can stay away! Mazie: That's cold. Lee: True, can't stand some of your friends. Mazie: OIC...who? Lee: Sheryl for one. She's a b-word that rhymes with witch. Mazie: You just saw her on a bad day. Lee: Don't think so! Mazie: You did spill a drink on her. Lee: Well... Mazie: You did! Lee: I said sorry! Mazie: LOL
Mazie and her girlfriends are having a drink tonight. Lee doesn't like some of her friends, for example Sheryl. Lee had spilt a drink on her.
[ 2, 0, 448, 1222, 324, 8, 2094, 32, 519, 10, 4076, 3422, 4, 2094, 19932, 10, 4076, 15, 6542, 2 ]
Eve: Where are we meeting? Charlie: at the entrance Nicole: yes, it's the best place. We would't find each other inside, it'll be too crowded Eve: ok!
Eve, Charlie and Nicole are meeting at the entrance.
[ 2, 0, 717, 548, 8, 6127, 32, 529, 23, 5, 7266, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Yvonne: How's uncle Sam? Lucy: He's OK, just came back from work. Chiara: We were worried about him. Dad told us he was in hospital. Lucy: It's nothing serious, don't worry! How kind of you to write to us! Yvonne: Auntie, you're like our second parents! Lucy: <3 Chiara: <file_photo> Chiara: It's us in Chicago 2 weeks ago. Lucy: Wow, you looked stunning! Yvonne: Thanks, it was at our cousins wedding. Lucy: And how are you girls? Any nice boys in sight? Chiara: Yvonne is dating a hot Argentinian! Yvonne: Chiara, stop it! Lucy: Oh, come on! Tell me the details!
Uncle Sam was in hospital, but it was nothing serious. He and Lucy are like second parents to Chiara and Yvonne. Chiara and Yvonne were in Chicago 2 weeks ago at their cousin's wedding. Yvonne is dating an Argentinian.
[ 2, 0, 975, 20482, 858, 18, 11992, 1960, 95, 376, 124, 31, 173, 4, 91, 21, 11, 1098, 4, 2 ]
Martha: Hey, can I ask you a question? Ophelia: Do we know each other? Martha: We don't, but do you mind if I ask you about the lenses from your profile picture? they are awesome and I would like to buy the similar ones Ophelia: it's from Crazy Lenses. They have quite reasonable prices and very fast shipping. Martha: Thanks!!! I'll check them :) Ophelia: No problem :)
Martha likes Ophelia's lenses and wants to buy similar ones. Ophelia got them from Crazy Lenses.
[ 2, 0, 10169, 12037, 8, 7286, 4393, 493, 32, 164, 7, 907, 1122, 19560, 31, 24605, 226, 21526, 4, 2 ]
Ellie: hey, are you at the university? Aaliyah: yep Camille: I'm sick :/ Ellie: shiet....that's bad Ellie: Aali, where are we having our classes now? Aaliyah: 342 on the second floor
Ellie's class is in 342 on the second floor.
[ 2, 0, 250, 3644, 31785, 8, 4536, 4061, 32, 23, 5, 2737, 4, 83, 3644, 31785, 16, 4736, 4, 2 ]
Henny: <file_gif> Henny: Dear Frances, something beautiful and funny for a good New Year! Frances: It is so wonderful!!!! Thank you. Frances: For you too - all the best in 2019! Frances: <file_photo> Henny: Thanks, a lovely view. Is it near you? Frances: Am just back from the Vosges. It was a view we had from our sitting room. The farm house (turned into a holiday flat) was just superb. Here a few pics: Frances: <file_photo> Henny: That looks superb. Far from maddening crowd? Frances: That's it. Absolutely quiet, no banging on the New Year's Eve, no busy roads. Henny: So Aiden was a happy dog. Frances: Totally. Ferdinand too. We, the tree of us, had a great week there. And didn't even spend much money. Henny: Did you cook? Frances: Partly. Ferdinand. But we also had meals in a local. Was exceptionally tasty! Henny: Duce France! Frances: C'est ca!
Frances just got back from Vosges. She stayed a week in a farm house with Ferdinand and her dog Aiden.
[ 2, 0, 725, 11867, 1051, 11442, 10, 1345, 9, 5, 3380, 790, 147, 51, 1240, 5, 188, 2041, 4, 2 ]
Nestor: I'm thinking of buying a new laptop Nestor: And it seems that now is a perfect time for it as Black Friday is coming Olaf: Hahaha Nestor: I haven't said anything funny, what's wrong with you Olaf: Everything's fine with me, you're just being silly Nestor: Why, cuz I want to save some money buying what I need when it's cheaper? Nestor: Do you actually know what Blak Friday is about? Olaf: Of course I know Olaf: It's a cunningly contrived sales pitch Olaf: Prices are thought to be reduced but in fact they're the same or even higher... Nestor: You're just repeating a stupid theory some people made up and try to convince others that it's based on facts Olaf: You're really naive... Olaf: <file_other> Olaf: Click on this link and see for yourself Olaf: This is one of the sites where people upload photos of the same product and its price 2 weeks before Black Friday and during the promotion Nestor: And how do I know whether it's a reliable source or not? Olaf: Carry out your own investigation Olaf: Go and check prices of the chosen products when the promotion is still on and check them again when the promotion is over Olaf: Simple Nestor: What if the laptop I want has been really cheaper and I'll miss a perfect deal? Olaf: Then I'll help you Olaf: I know a dude who sells almost new computers at very reasonable prices Nestor: So ask him to send the offer of what he has in stock to me first Nestor: If he can offer me a good deal, I'm going to the mall and starting investigation tomorrow Nestor: Deal? Olaf: Deal! Olaf: I'll call or text him and ask to contact you. Olaf: I'm sure he'll help you and you'll appreciate my advice :-) Nestor: We'll see about that
Nestor wanted to buy a laptop on Black Friday sales, but Olaf advise against it, as the prices in reality are not reduced. Nestor will check it if Olaf helps him to get a good deal from a guy he knows.
[ 2, 0, 487, 990, 368, 16, 2053, 9, 2159, 10, 92, 9972, 25, 1378, 273, 16, 567, 4, 12786, 2 ]
Tom: Ben. We've decided. 2pm in the Oval Room. Ben: Ok, I'll be there Tom: Take all your papers, it's going to be a fight! And remember: take no prisoners, shoot to kill! Ben: hahaha, we have to win this battle. Tom: We will, the justice is on our side.
Tom will meet Ben in the Oval Room at 2pm and tells him to bring the papers.
[ 2, 0, 15691, 8, 1664, 32, 529, 23, 132, 4751, 11, 5, 12077, 8499, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Mike: How did Chicago do last nite? Pat: Chicago what? Mike: Fire man! Pat: dunno. Mike: How come? Pat: Its soccer right? Mike: you not a soccer fan? Pat: nah. baseball and hockey is wot i luv. Mike: it's bears and white sox right? Pat: bears is football. white sox is baseball. Mike: and hockey? Pat: blackhawks. but not doing well right now. Mike: and bulls used to be better too i guess Pat: true enough. Jordan times long gone Mike: u fancy hoops at all? Pat: not really, not now Mike: u play tho? Pat: yeah, I still hit 3 points well enough Mike: I like to play sometime Pat: good idea. we need to do meet up one day Mike: yeah always good to hit the ball
Pat is interested in baseball and hockey, he doesn't know much about basketball anymore. He plans to play basketball with Mike one day.
[ 2, 0, 15827, 8, 3769, 32, 164, 7, 972, 62, 65, 183, 7, 310, 2613, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
Nathan: <file_video> Aaron: OMG!!! Aaron: 😂😂😂😂 Aaron: looool Aaron: do you know her mate? 🤣🤣 Aaron: my cat's face looks like that when he's taking a dump..🤣🤣🤣 Aaron: <file_gif> Aaron: the angels must be weeping 🤭🤭🤭 Aaron: <file_gif> Aaron: <file_gif> Nathan: Hahahaha Nathan: She's having a spiritual moment 😉 Nathan: No clue mate, Dan sent it over Nathan: A tragedy to say the least 😂😂 Aaron: <file_gif> Aaron: looking for Jesus Nathan: 😂😂😂 Aaron: hilarious..hahahaha
Nathan and Aaron are discussing a video which Nathan sent.
[ 2, 0, 487, 15322, 11210, 4802, 10, 569, 9, 39, 4758, 602, 10, 12371, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Ally: how many did you do so far? Jill: like 20 or 30 Jill: I can't do more than 3-4 per day Ally: how many hours? Jill: 40? maybe 35... Ally: ok, same here
Jill did 20 or 30 so far, 3-4 per day, 40 or 35 hours, so the same as Ally.
[ 2, 0, 863, 1873, 64, 75, 109, 55, 87, 155, 12, 306, 228, 183, 228, 183, 4, 404, 219, 2 ]
Jim: Hello, welcome to the store, how can I help you Finn: Hello could you help me track my shippment? Jim: yes, can you please tell me your order number Finn: It's 45678 Jim: Thank you, from what I can see your package has left the warehouse and will be delivered to you tommorrow
Jim tracks Finn's package number 45678 which will be delivered to him tomorrow.
[ 2, 0, 597, 5246, 18, 3737, 34, 314, 5, 12283, 8, 40, 28, 2781, 7, 2488, 7, 5471, 24805, 2 ]
Daniel: I'm packing for the trip, are you done with it? Michael: Mostly done, don't forget your passport! Matt: is an ID not enough? Michael: sure not! Brian: why? Michael: Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the EU, so we will have a proper border control Michael: no passport, no entry Daniel: good you wrote us this I think :P Matt: yes, we're morons Daniel: haha, yes, a bit Brian: I didn't even know we're going to enter Bosnia, I though we're going to stay in Croatia only Michael: we planned to go to Mostar and the mountains, so Bosnia it is Brian: anyway, I'll pack my passport Michael: very good
Daniel, Michael, Matt and Brian are going to Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are packing. Michael reminds them to take their passports, because Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the EU. They will go to Mostar and the mountains in Bosnia.
[ 2, 0, 28915, 8, 988, 32, 164, 7, 25305, 8, 26288, 3733, 1417, 1243, 4, 252, 40, 33, 10, 2 ]
Georgia: Hey girls Georgia: What do you think Georgia: <photo_file> Roxana: Buy it! Summer: You look great Georgia: I like it Georgia: But where will I wear it? Summer: Parties
Georgia sent a photo. Roxana and Summer advise Georgia to buy it.
[ 2, 0, 39331, 8, 22756, 1113, 32, 164, 7, 1799, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Lola: hey girlfriend, what's up? Adele: Oh, hi Lols, not much. Adele: got a new dog. Lola: another one? Adele: Yup. a pup biscuit lab. 4 months. Chewy. Lola: how did the others react? Adele: the cats keep their distance, Poppy and Lulu seem to mother him. Speedy wants to play. Lola: no fighting? that's new. Adele: they say puppies are accepted by other animals more easily than older dogs Lola: especially girl dogs, probably Adele: with the other ones I had to wean them because I took them in as adult dogs. And girls like to fight. like crazy. Lola: doggies, right/. Adele: that too :P Lola: haha. true though. Adele: I know, right. Anyway, called him Bones. He's so plump it kinda fit. Lola: cute. can't wait to see him.
Adele got a new biscuit Labrador Chewy that is 4 months. Her cats keep their distance, and Poppy and Lulu seem to mother Chewy and Speedy wants to play.
[ 2, 0, 9167, 6902, 300, 10, 92, 2335, 6, 10, 30566, 39315, 6439, 6348, 4, 204, 377, 793, 4, 2 ]
Anthony: Hi Rob, wanna grab a beer? Robert: I’m with my kids now Robert: Maybe later Robert: Around 9? Anthony: It’s ok Anthony: I’ll go with Andrew Anthony: In the evening I can’t Anthony: I’m taking my lady for a date :P Robert: Enjoy!
Anthony can't meet up with Robert at 9 as he has a date then.
[ 2, 0, 25244, 8, 3173, 40, 213, 13, 10, 4437, 198, 361, 4, 3173, 16, 602, 39, 6429, 13, 2 ]
Piper: When is the payment expected? Bryan: I have asked my manager to send the payment Piper: When would he send it to me? Bryan: He will send you tonight Piper: I would be waiting Bryan: Sure, Client liked your work Piper: Hope to work with you long term
Piper will get paid tonight. Client liked Piper's work and wants to work with her on a long-term basis.
[ 2, 0, 387, 29022, 34, 553, 39, 1044, 7, 2142, 5, 3207, 7, 123, 3422, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
Rory: Hey Mitch, how are you? I hope you're doing ok. We are thinking of signing up Bill for that International camp. Sammy will be going too. Do you think it would be possible for you to take Bill and Sammy if you go down? Mitch: I'm doing well - pretty tired. Yes, I do think that's possible :) Rory: Great, that would mean a lot to us. Thanks a lot. Mitch: That'd be wonderful! July, I'll be at a few camps ;) Rory: Of course, we'll chip in for gas. Ok, no problem :) Mitch: Thx, no worries. I hope you're all doing well. Time is flying by ;) Rory: Ok, great. I know, it's crazy. Rory: Do you know exactly which date you'll be leaving? Mitch: Sunday, the 29th Rory: Ok, cool. It's such a long drive. Mitch: Yeah, around 1000 km, but I'll try to get there early Mon morning. Rory: That's a pretty ambitious undertaking :) Mitch: I have to, camp starts Mon 9. Rory: Just be careful, and take lots of breaks, don't fall asleep at the wheel, etc. Mitch: I'll have the boys to keep me awake, and lots of snacks :) Rory: Ok. We will probably put Bill on a Flixbus, so he'll arrive around 10 am Sun Mitch: Cool, just make sure he has his phone on him. Rory: Ok, no problem. We'll give him your number, but most likely Joanna will be picking him up. Mitch: Oh, ok. That makes things easier. I'll meet him after. Rory: Great, thanks a lot for doing this, I don't know how else we would get him down to Croatia. Mitch: No problem. Talk to you later. Rory: Ok, bye.
Rory wants Mitch to take Bill and Sammy and they'll chip in for gas. Mitch will be leaving Sunday, the 29th to get there by 9 am on Monday. Bill will arrive around 10 am Sunday and Joanna will be picking him. Mitch will meet Bill after.
[ 2, 0, 500, 4405, 8, 8703, 32, 2053, 9, 3442, 62, 1585, 8, 24540, 13, 5, 1016, 2205, 4, 2 ]
Nova: Do know that people are photoshoping Timothée Chalamet into artworks? :D Nova: It's hilarious, check it out: <file_other> Dominic: lol XD Dominic: it kinda looks good Nova: Right? :D Dominic: he looks like a typical young man from a 19th-century portrait Nova: omg you're so right! :D he looks as if he read Rimbaud's poems and drank absinthe on a daily basis Dominic: hahaha XD it's so accurate
People are photoshopping Timothée Chalamet into artworks. Dominic and Nova agree that he looks like a 19th century man.
[ 2, 0, 487, 3900, 11210, 14036, 10, 1345, 9, 2668, 6157, 9703, 20623, 424, 594, 17190, 5212, 35575, 88, 2 ]
Alexander: Personal request to send me message when you will be in taxi Alexander: If any problem, call me Tom: ;) Tom: Thank You, I appreciate it Alexander: Taxi confirmation below Alexander: <file_photo> Tom: Thank you for the transport, we arrived safely, although without luggages :/ Alexander: Good but bad Tom: Yeeees
Tom arrived safely, but without his luggage.
[ 2, 0, 33409, 11210, 1560, 10, 1579, 77, 37, 40, 28, 11, 9955, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Alex: Hon, could you buy some milk? Martin: You kiddin me, I just bought two yesterday Alex: Well, I have nothing for my defense, I'm just craving milk lately:D Martin: You're lucky that I love you, two milks coming up in couple of hours, I gotta finish the project Alex: You are my hero!
Martin will get Alex two bottles of milk after he finishes the project.
[ 2, 0, 26690, 2162, 80, 9209, 2258, 2350, 4, 2618, 782, 7, 2073, 5, 695, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
Patricia: Hello, here's the fair-trade brand I've been talking about <file_other> Elle: Oh, thanks! Florence: Looks great! Patricia: I'm glad, I hope you enjoy it. The quality's really great and knowing where it came from makes it easier to spend the extra dollar ;) Elle: I'll look into it :) Florence: Thx
Patricia is recommending a fair-trade brand to Elle and Florence.
[ 2, 0, 18276, 45127, 1051, 1448, 459, 10, 2105, 12, 18582, 1518, 79, 18, 57, 1686, 59, 4, 2, 1 ]
Elliot: i can't talk rn, i'm rly busy Elliot: can i call u back in about 2 hours? Jordan: Not really, I'm going to a funeral. Jordan: I'll call you tonight, ok? Elliot: sure Elliot: whose funeral is it? Jordan: My colleague's, Brad. Jordan: I told you about him, he had a liver cancer. Elliot: i'm so sorry man, i hope u're ok Elliot: i'll call u at 8 pm
Elliot can't talk to Jordan now, he's busy. He'll call him back at 8 pm. Jordan is going to Brad's funeral. He had liver cancer.
[ 2, 0, 34057, 40, 486, 20388, 11, 59, 132, 722, 7, 1137, 123, 59, 4770, 18, 12581, 1668, 4, 2 ]