class label
6 classes
i feel like i have nailed the marriage and the house parts of my life and i am happy and content as i can possibly be in those aspects
[ -1.435546875, 4.5, 0.00959014892578125, -1.2158203125, -1.5654296875, -0.935546875 ]
im feeling generous today heres one more you may have already seen but is good for a chuckle
[ -1.6640625, 2.365234375, 2.650390625, -1.515625, -1.791015625, -1.5380859375 ]
i also miss the old curious child within me i just feel that the curious child inside me is dying slowly upon the shock of knowing that the world is not as beautiful as we thought it was
[ -1.431640625, -0.220458984375, -0.418212890625, -1.0517578125, 1.076171875, 2.884765625 ]
im taking is allowing me to get sleep which is wonderful but its leaving me feeling very groggy and nauseated
[ 4.49609375, -0.78271484375, -1.0654296875, -1.01171875, -0.07513427734375, -1.345703125 ]
i said i feel ugly today
[ 4.83984375, -0.79296875, -1.11328125, -0.2685546875, -0.88525390625, -1.3564453125 ]
im feeling exponentially more useless on the farm as each day passes
[ 4.84375, -0.64697265625, -1.23828125, -0.274658203125, -0.6767578125, -1.4248046875 ]
im feeling excited about it
[ -1.60546875, 4.15625, -0.99560546875, -1.2490234375, -0.6240234375, -0.04833984375 ]
i feel as though most people will find it quite pleasant
[ -1.3037109375, 4.5234375, -0.096435546875, -1.4453125, -1.3984375, -1.16796875 ]
i hate it when i feel fearful for absolutely no reason
[ -0.43310546875, -0.85400390625, -1.1748046875, -0.369873046875, 4.16015625, -0.5576171875 ]
im looking at the stress levels im feeling and not loving how concentrated they are because of my mindset of planning a wedding in four months
[ -1.2734375, 0.4580078125, 3.60546875, -1.080078125, -1.5751953125, -1.0947265625 ]
i dont know what has been wrong with me the past few days i almost feel homesick and i havent even left for australia yet
[ 4.8984375, -1.1083984375, -0.99609375, -0.51171875, -0.57421875, -1.4287109375 ]
i never feel shy to call or send a billion text messages to and i wont be bugging her
[ -0.189453125, -1.0908203125, -0.83349609375, -0.701171875, 3.724609375, -0.380126953125 ]
i set aside that feeling and happily helped them now that every thing was been normalized and the students had liked me they change my schedule and i am just forgotten to oblivion
[ -1.3076171875, 1.84765625, 2.85546875, -1.0986328125, -1.9638671875, -1.1982421875 ]
i electrocuted my thumb and i cant type too well because i cant really you know feel some of my fingers as an acceptable excuse for a late paper
[ -0.99951171875, 4.34375, -0.312255859375, -1.1591796875, -1.07421875, -1.455078125 ]
i feel quite worthless but i hear that that is pretty normal for north americans at this point
[ 4.75, -0.50390625, -1.0439453125, -0.299560546875, -1.0556640625, -1.3974609375 ]
i feel more of numb now
[ 4.765625, -0.75244140625, -1.1845703125, -0.62744140625, -0.48193359375, -1.3671875 ]
i feel like alcoholism is something that is widely accepted as the norm in gay culture
[ 0.564453125, 1.966796875, 0.86181640625, -1.0703125, -1.10546875, -1.650390625 ]
i guess as long as the table in the above is policy discussions and not working and fighting for change within the american theater which i feel im very devoted to i can get behind it though it seems slanted
[ -1.20703125, 0.9521484375, 3.408203125, -0.982421875, -1.8076171875, -1.3515625 ]
i don t have to stiffen don t have to fight for myself or feel bad about behaving the way i naturally behave
[ 4.734375, -0.603515625, -1.0458984375, -0.12347412109375, -0.869140625, -1.75390625 ]
i feel completely burdened with my own intelligence
[ 4.8515625, -0.87109375, -1.0986328125, -0.37353515625, -0.62255859375, -1.4111328125 ]
i feel refrigerator magnets that were so popular a few years ago
[ -1.49609375, 4.51953125, -0.300537109375, -1.2421875, -1.28125, -0.9130859375 ]
i feel a bit dazed but so excited i am going to be so protective she is not going to be let out until she is
[ -1.35546875, 0.94482421875, -1.14453125, -1.234375, 0.68994140625, 2.734375 ]
im thankful because i feel somewhat energetic instead of the dead fish that i would become every time every chemo
[ -1.3662109375, 4.5703125, -0.63134765625, -1.19140625, -1.119140625, -0.87646484375 ]
i feel underappreciated and under valued
[ -0.2181396484375, 3.4375, -0.57080078125, -0.83935546875, -0.7216796875, -1.4736328125 ]
i have noticed my fingers and toes get very cold and almost feel numb
[ 4.73046875, -1.033203125, -1.267578125, 0.0033416748046875, -0.302978515625, -1.57421875 ]
i seem to share an equal passion for long distance touring and harley davidsons so i feel sure wed bore to tears every person within earshot
[ -1.5068359375, 4.609375, -0.377197265625, -1.2822265625, -1.0966796875, -0.89111328125 ]
im feeling all jolly and warm inside but i just feel empty
[ -0.86865234375, 4.4140625, -0.2108154296875, -1.236328125, -1.37109375, -1.3408203125 ]
i have faith in supreme power and i accept everything and all incidence occuring in life sometimes like today it really makes me feel very very dull and i start crying
[ 4.77734375, -0.59228515625, -1.072265625, -0.266357421875, -1.12109375, -1.3505859375 ]
i still feel nervous
[ -0.7119140625, -0.9462890625, -1.4541015625, 0.12054443359375, 4.12890625, -0.277587890625 ]
i was like should i feel sweet or feel offended
[ -0.76806640625, -0.525390625, -0.063232421875, 3.73046875, -0.87646484375, -0.77734375 ]
i feel betrayed and angry and sad at the same time dammit
[ 3.78515625, -1.5419921875, -1.0458984375, 0.21533203125, 0.72265625, -1.4580078125 ]
i remain hopeful that the feeling i have is actually excitement a long missed friend
[ 1.923828125, 2.21875, -0.68212890625, -1.3916015625, -0.7060546875, -1.5380859375 ]
i have spent of my waking hours enjoying the freedom of not owning a cellphone feeling smug about it in situations in which a phone would have been awfully convenient and fielding incredulous questions
[ -1.685546875, 4.55078125, -0.626953125, -1.0771484375, -1.0732421875, -0.62158203125 ]
im feeling envious already
[ 0.1634521484375, -0.94140625, -1.025390625, 4.44921875, -0.2412109375, -1.2822265625 ]
i lay here typing this hate blog entry that no one would read although i want the whole world to read and praise me like dickens i feel so miserable
[ 4.859375, -0.759765625, -1.0419921875, -0.261962890625, -1.080078125, -1.3701171875 ]
i feel so heartbroken over paul walker s tragic disappearance the life of someone so generous beautiful and talented should not end this way as other horrible individuals keep on living torturing assaulting and killing people
[ 4.1171875, -0.319580078125, -0.2415771484375, -0.86767578125, -1.2451171875, -1.3974609375 ]
i feel so dirty but after spending a day at the mk show me and a buddy decided we would get the two player starter between us luckily for us both i liked the everblight and he liked the circle maybe a tad to much so it all worked out well
[ 4.7890625, -0.876953125, -1.203125, 0.11395263671875, -0.7001953125, -1.6748046875 ]
i was feeling playful that day and replied with a lighthearted bit of banter unwittingly replacing her question mark with a solid check mark my voice was just right for the funny yet informational for dummies series
[ -1.8154296875, 4.3046875, -0.372314453125, -1.052734375, -1.3837890625, -0.349853515625 ]
im just feeling listless and bored or something
[ 4.6953125, -0.8154296875, -1.376953125, -0.281982421875, -0.252685546875, -1.5830078125 ]
i made some chilli oil because it s monday and i was feeling dangerous
[ -0.84716796875, -0.7138671875, -0.78857421875, 4.015625, 0.916015625, -1.283203125 ]
i feel like i entertained sd all day
[ -1.55078125, 4.53125, -0.25341796875, -1.2724609375, -1.26953125, -0.9052734375 ]
i just feel you so so dont be afraid and pray again i need you go back in time forgive my sins so so sloth
[ -0.28955078125, -0.78857421875, -1.103515625, -0.49755859375, 4.11328125, -0.7578125 ]
i cant remember exactly what made me stop using it but i have a feeling i got distracted by other hair products and just sort of forgot about this one
[ -0.2626953125, -0.87939453125, -1.234375, 4.13671875, 0.47412109375, -1.0751953125 ]
i couldn t help but feel pissed off at both sides of the debate and the unnecessary dichotomy itself
[ -0.44287109375, -0.72021484375, -0.84716796875, 4.421875, -0.32470703125, -0.9970703125 ]
i was feeling as heartbroken as im sure katniss was
[ 4.78515625, -0.9033203125, -1.0068359375, -0.69140625, -0.689453125, -1.2216796875 ]
i feel like my life has been taken over by a video game and im doomed to repeat the same set of circumstances over and over again until i collect all of the special powers knowledge and treasures to finally advance me to the next level
[ 4.7109375, -0.68359375, -1.1123046875, -0.69580078125, -0.5380859375, -1.41796875 ]
i looked at mabel this morning i named my left breast mabel my right one is hazel and i feel this weird mixture of anger and loss valerie wrote less than a month after her diagnosis
[ -0.9111328125, -0.884765625, -1.0068359375, -0.91259765625, 2.306640625, 2.314453125 ]
ive been too deep down in the swamps swimming in muddy waters tortured by fear feeling lonely and lost
[ 4.6328125, -1.1435546875, -0.90673828125, -0.467041015625, -0.1424560546875, -1.6962890625 ]
i feel so blessed and honored that we get to be its parents
[ -1.1494140625, 2.4609375, 2.205078125, -1.509765625, -1.9072265625, -1.1875 ]
i am feeling much more relaxed
[ -1.1796875, 4.4140625, -0.51611328125, -1.19921875, -0.9814453125, -1.1669921875 ]
i felt anger when at the end of a telephone call
[ -0.443115234375, -0.68115234375, -0.873046875, 4.4140625, 0.02490234375, -1.1171875 ]
i feel it is worthwhile to give you all a more in depth city sized if you will look at one of our cycle days
[ -1.2177734375, 4.55859375, -0.365234375, -1.3369140625, -1.3662109375, -1.0595703125 ]
i feel tender when i have not done anything
[ -1.03125, 0.07159423828125, 3.544921875, -1.0078125, -1.275390625, -1.1298828125 ]
i never dreamed i would be so busy so soon in the new year but i am loving it and feeling so very gracious and fortunate
[ -1.4658203125, 3.140625, 2.107421875, -1.3984375, -2.02734375, -1.5634765625 ]
i feel like the people that i myself love want and need don t talk to me and don t connect with me anymore because they have fucked up mental health and emotional problems that i can t help contribute contain understand or encompass
[ 0.11846923828125, -0.7841796875, -0.52392578125, 4.33203125, -0.59814453125, -1.3427734375 ]
i still feel too chub to wear the cute summer clothes i had dreamed of
[ -1.873046875, 4.14453125, 0.2125244140625, -1.5185546875, -1.5283203125, -0.2364501953125 ]
im trying to feel out my house style now that im living on my own and have creative carte blanche
[ -1.5390625, 4.4609375, -0.35498046875, -1.1083984375, -1.34765625, -0.662109375 ]
i like to think i present myself and the life and times of the working mum to a good standard and if i ever do miss a apostrophe or miss spell a particular word please feel free to call me on it
[ -1.22265625, 4.359375, -0.498779296875, -1.044921875, -1.1611328125, -1.1806640625 ]
i love the fact that i look as best i can and i feel terrific because i eat right and constantly exercise
[ -1.3017578125, 4.546875, -0.4384765625, -1.380859375, -1.369140625, -0.73828125 ]
i stand in front of mansoor s works i feel obviously that the artistic intention is not to raise the already raised questions of structural linguistics and the deconstructionist clamours that followed it
[ -1.3623046875, 4.0390625, -0.40380859375, -1.169921875, -1.056640625, -0.268310546875 ]
i love it but sometimes i feel exhausted
[ 4.71875, -0.51171875, -1.1669921875, -0.5791015625, -0.53125, -1.525390625 ]
i really feel like having my own space anymore is a really vain idea
[ 4.67578125, -0.72900390625, -1.2666015625, 0.59765625, -1.01953125, -1.5419921875 ]
i just say that i am not even feeling embarrassed when i pause and rewind my dvred commercials if the breaking dawn preview comes on
[ 4.56640625, -0.9833984375, -1.1953125, -0.7900390625, -0.302001953125, -1.0380859375 ]
i have been feeling regretful recently that i did not know back then that the abuse was not my fault and that it did not happen because of who i was but because of who they were
[ 4.640625, -0.6474609375, -0.78271484375, -0.274169921875, -1.2158203125, -1.455078125 ]
i am not sure how i feel i think because i felt like i already knew i have already sort of accepted it
[ -1.4599609375, 2.046875, 2.78125, -1.5322265625, -1.6865234375, -1.1123046875 ]
i feel unfortunate that i dont have a lot of time to spend with my family
[ 4.75390625, -0.9521484375, -1.2021484375, -0.485107421875, -0.61669921875, -1.2060546875 ]
i ever recognized what it was to feel passionate about something was with music
[ -1.9287109375, 2.271484375, 2.62890625, -1.3154296875, -1.595703125, -1.1064453125 ]
i feel terrific in every one of them
[ -1.423828125, 4.50390625, -0.5556640625, -1.3798828125, -1.275390625, -0.436767578125 ]
i think im making up for feeling like i missed autumn and its great colours
[ 4.7890625, -0.81494140625, -0.95166015625, -0.50048828125, -0.92041015625, -1.283203125 ]
i grab it from the air its smooth frame feels cold to the touch
[ -0.00531768798828125, -0.96044921875, -0.58935546875, 3.66796875, 0.1986083984375, -1.2021484375 ]
im feeling hopeful relieved
[ -1.2216796875, 4.52734375, -0.43115234375, -1.4990234375, -1.048828125, -1.017578125 ]
i could feel the sincere enthusiasm of all the people who got involved in this project
[ -1.5244140625, 4.2734375, 0.6591796875, -1.490234375, -1.630859375, -1.2978515625 ]
im a big guy and ive gotten into some of the rigs that weve worked with to try them out and see what they feel like and let me tell you it was less than pleasant
[ -1.23046875, 4.5, 0.06292724609375, -1.4716796875, -1.5224609375, -1.1826171875 ]
i feel that sometimes im not talented enough
[ -1.5185546875, 4.484375, -0.352294921875, -1.265625, -1.3740234375, -0.59375 ]
i decide that picking the easy route would get me nowhere and i feel like other people want me tortured so i follow the blue path
[ -0.1456298828125, -1.30859375, -1.0390625, 2.88671875, 1.95703125, -1.08203125 ]
i feel that he is so determined to steal private industries away from citizens of this nation that he has given no time to fighting the real enemies of theu
[ -1.6728515625, 4.1171875, 0.33349609375, -0.78759765625, -1.1943359375, -1.4375 ]
i did feel for him as its horrible and expensive when it happens
[ 4.5546875, -0.779296875, -0.83544921875, 0.1434326171875, -1.1923828125, -1.53125 ]
i feel heartless even though my heart hurts
[ -0.51953125, -0.56787109375, -0.2880859375, 4.1953125, -0.60107421875, -1.2119140625 ]
i feel your frustration but it s time to calm the hell down
[ -0.3115234375, 2.705078125, -0.9580078125, 0.90966796875, -0.10565185546875, -1.9326171875 ]
i feel that i need to know that i can depend on myself before i put myself in the position of supporting someone else and being supported by someone else
[ -1.041015625, 1.9970703125, 2.6015625, -1.298828125, -1.5400390625, -1.7490234375 ]
i walked near the hotel and i felt very obvious and uneasy all the warnings about petty crime i read in the guidebook and maybe some residual from years ago left me feeling threatened
[ -0.6298828125, -0.8759765625, -1.3720703125, 0.395263671875, 4.0859375, -0.646484375 ]
i feel defeated but its okay hahaha my mid term holiday was good
[ 4.625, -0.234375, -0.962890625, -0.43701171875, -1.0751953125, -1.517578125 ]
i see how it turns out i ll talk more about it right now i m feeling proud and scared and a little sick i think that s adrenaline though
[ -1.2666015625, 4.390625, -0.55908203125, -0.98779296875, -1.2841796875, -0.73388671875 ]
i could change the emphasis and say i am stella and i m noticing i m feeling impatient
[ -0.75927734375, -0.92041015625, -1.0361328125, 4.171875, 0.826171875, -1.12890625 ]
i blamed the people around me for making me feel less valued for being a stay at home mom
[ -1.42578125, 4.4921875, 0.1834716796875, -1.376953125, -1.51171875, -1.1796875 ]
i spend a lot of time feeling disappointed with myself for not doing a better job at attaining my goals
[ 4.890625, -0.88134765625, -1.1611328125, 0.055755615234375, -0.93603515625, -1.4755859375 ]
i explain why i clung to a relationship with a boy who was in many ways immature and uncommitted despite the excitement i should have been feeling for getting accepted into the masters program at the university of virginia
[ 0.31103515625, 2.591796875, 0.34912109375, -0.896484375, -1.158203125, -1.5263671875 ]
i met my ex briefly just to catch up because he was leaving for sarawak lololol it was good seeing him again and now i feel so awkward typing this
[ 4.71484375, -1.1162109375, -1.3671875, -0.701171875, 0.05072021484375, -1.2421875 ]
i get the impression that banjo was really feeling it but molly still prefers her beloved katy perry purrrr
[ -1.2431640625, 1.8212890625, 2.953125, -1.375, -1.953125, -1.3427734375 ]
i am a prolific writer in my fandom but do not feel that i am as highly respected from fellow writers as i once was because i do write so much and as often as most people cannot
[ -1.5517578125, 3.873046875, 0.9580078125, -1.291015625, -1.82421875, -1.3779296875 ]
im trying to be understanding open minded and fair but im feeling completely pissed to the max about a few things
[ -0.7021484375, -0.5458984375, -0.68359375, 4.28125, -0.387939453125, -1.0576171875 ]
im feeling pretty homesick this week but i suppose thats to be expected
[ 4.84765625, -0.97509765625, -1.0048828125, -0.62353515625, -0.537109375, -1.4521484375 ]
i feel very glad that finland s well known visual artist vesa kivinen had called me to work with him
[ -1.529296875, 4.41015625, 0.31591796875, -1.646484375, -1.6220703125, -0.9384765625 ]
i could have expected in every way and i was feeling a bit overwhelmed at that point how quickly life changed in the past weeks
[ -0.94140625, -0.76025390625, -0.876953125, -0.890625, 1.921875, 2.5390625 ]
i don t feel brave though
[ -1.3994140625, 4.4453125, 0.052947998046875, -1.17578125, -1.1142578125, -1.373046875 ]
i feel like they bring the characters to life completely and i m always kind of surprised what the actors do do together
[ -1.248046875, 0.1256103515625, -0.74560546875, -0.68212890625, 0.382568359375, 3.21484375 ]
i know their feelings are very real and not petty but neither are mine here
[ 0.0274658203125, -0.1531982421875, -0.90673828125, 4.1796875, -0.638671875, -1.2958984375 ]
i said at the beginning i have combination oily skin but i still use this around once a week because my skin feels absolutely gorgeous the morning after applying it
[ -1.5927734375, 4.03125, 0.135986328125, -1.4365234375, -1.515625, -0.319091796875 ]
i feel the pressure to be funny all the time
[ -1.462890625, 1.0615234375, -0.344482421875, -0.8486328125, -0.192626953125, 2.578125 ]
i feel enraged by the amount of people participating for the chance to break things or those who treat it as a tourist event
[ -0.927734375, -0.69189453125, -0.87255859375, 4.1484375, 0.396728515625, -0.80078125 ]