class label
6 classes
i read it at a time amp place where i was feeling less than perfect
[ -0.89208984375, 7.078125, -0.62109375, -2.333984375, -2.177734375, -1.36328125 ]
i was feeling distracted yesterday
[ -1.2998046875, -1.5498046875, -1.6279296875, 6.17578125, -0.9755859375, -1.482421875 ]
i feel like even though things arent quite resolved with my major i have peace about it still
[ -0.7763671875, 7.12890625, -0.95263671875, -1.853515625, -1.8876953125, -1.71875 ]
i sat up to embrace them and realised that two hours spent shaking my thang in an eighties bar celebrating the fact i am one year closer to death had left my ageing body feeling punished and my normally pink feet blackened
[ 6.8359375, -1.3583984375, -1.4052734375, -0.1927490234375, -1.6396484375, -1.931640625 ]
i can easily feel quite pressured by routines and i really noticed the difference while i was away
[ -1.0849609375, -1.7783203125, -1.3623046875, -0.8935546875, 6.1484375, -1.037109375 ]
id feel frantic
[ -1.6650390625, -1.9111328125, -1.6396484375, -0.51904296875, 6.1796875, -0.49462890625 ]
i watched the news at the tv
[ -1.45703125, 0.53857421875, -2.21875, 2.4921875, 1.2451171875, -1.3798828125 ]
i was wasting my life away going out with one person after another to find love feeling shitty and anti social about my polytechnic life i met this guy
[ 7.046875, -1.2705078125, -1.51171875, -1.0498046875, -1.40625, -1.4736328125 ]
i had a fab christmas and an amazing new year with my family and friends and against all odds i feel very optimistic about
[ -1.140625, 7.25, -0.84521484375, -2.11328125, -1.77734375, -1.2236328125 ]
i werent feeling crappy enough aunt flo decided to show up and im bloated like a balloon
[ 7.015625, -0.86328125, -1.63671875, -1.2978515625, -1.2861328125, -1.484375 ]
i dont have any photos with me because i was too excited and happy about my prejudging which i did great btw at least i feel tt i did since i felt confident and didnt stutter in front the panel of judges we had and dearest bf was around after doors opened for the public
[ -1.1748046875, 7.015625, -1.5185546875, -1.8125, -1.505859375, -1.1982421875 ]
im not quite sure how she really feels about it because im pretty sure that she realizes that she is going to miss getting to watch the parade which is something she really enjoys
[ -1.21875, 6.98046875, -1.3046875, -2.0078125, -1.32421875, -0.84912109375 ]
i feel like some of you have pains and you cannot imagine becoming passionate about the group or the idea that is causing pain
[ -2.24609375, 3.52734375, 4.36328125, -1.41015625, -2.765625, -1.9541015625 ]
i also feel the need to say thank you to the boy who helped me realize the above for showing me an absolutely splendid and hot night
[ -1.76171875, 6.94140625, 0.71630859375, -2.23046875, -2.67578125, -1.26953125 ]
i feel devastated that my art style can be copied
[ 6.94921875, -1.2958984375, -1.6240234375, -1.17578125, -1.0068359375, -1.4345703125 ]
i already feel him kicking my ribs making it harder to breath sometimes and taking over precious space where my stomach once was
[ -1.1318359375, 7.00390625, -0.53271484375, -1.53125, -2.580078125, -1.34765625 ]
i feel like i m not pretty smart interesting enough for my boyfriend and that he would feel more stimulated or happy with someone else
[ -1.099609375, 7.0078125, -1.658203125, -1.7265625, -1.8349609375, -0.73095703125 ]
im taking is allowing me to get sleep which is wonderful but its leaving me feeling very groggy and nauseated
[ 6.84765625, -1.3994140625, -1.24609375, -1.60546875, -0.84423828125, -1.328125 ]
i kind of feel a little petty about this
[ -1.1923828125, -1.8525390625, -1.4267578125, 6.44921875, -1.2177734375, -1.4833984375 ]
i feel like im at the spa getting a wonderful facial when i use them
[ -1.5078125, 7.0859375, -1.21484375, -2.30859375, -1.7451171875, -0.471435546875 ]
i feel so scared when the voices from there start to speak to me
[ -0.78466796875, -1.85546875, -1.5771484375, -0.92236328125, 6.22265625, -0.97265625 ]
i really feel like having my own space anymore is a really vain idea
[ 7.00390625, -1.470703125, -1.494140625, -1.427734375, -0.671875, -1.40625 ]
i feel devastated over things that i have lost i will remind myself to be grateful for what i still have
[ 6.9453125, -1.2958984375, -1.4716796875, -1.3955078125, -0.87939453125, -1.4912109375 ]
i might do so simply because i couldnt keep my mouth shut makes me feel terrible
[ 7.0390625, -1.3759765625, -1.4892578125, -1.05078125, -1.068359375, -1.642578125 ]
i am feeling joyful every part of me feels happy and light and whimsical
[ -1.0810546875, 7.0390625, -1.6318359375, -1.841796875, -1.681640625, -0.95751953125 ]
i feel to aid other women with infertility disorders this valuable individual guidance is offered for a restricted number of people
[ -1.33984375, 7.109375, -0.95654296875, -1.9970703125, -2.0078125, -1.2314453125 ]
i believe feeling duality suffering soul growth tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction often one associated with emotions and it offers one possible response to that decline or change moving on
[ 7, -1.3984375, -1.2705078125, -1.1513671875, -1.26171875, -1.5869140625 ]
i feel wholly inadequate to the task before me
[ 6.9921875, -1.482421875, -1.5888671875, -1.37890625, -0.74462890625, -1.396484375 ]
i need to step up my game but im just feeling like i cant be bothered
[ -1.4853515625, -2.6015625, -1.62890625, 6.34765625, -0.043853759765625, -1.541015625 ]
i do think that if a husband feels greatly respected by his wife that will draw him to her and make it much less likely that he would want to flirt with other women
[ -1.396484375, 6.70703125, -0.52783203125, -1.5283203125, -2.064453125, -1.7138671875 ]
i don t have to go around questioning broads or feeling suspicious
[ -1.876953125, -1.787109375, -1.5693359375, -0.81884765625, 6.1015625, 0.061920166015625 ]
i feel are loyal especially after all ive experienced recently but i can trust him
[ -2.126953125, 0.270751953125, 5.9765625, -1.0390625, -1.5498046875, -1.4453125 ]
i feel like i should be supporting them somehow but im not sure how
[ -1.8798828125, 6.69921875, 1.2841796875, -2.76953125, -1.818359375, -1.439453125 ]
i always end up feeling unwelcome and sad
[ 7.00390625, -1.306640625, -1.228515625, -1.443359375, -1.181640625, -1.427734375 ]
i found myself feeling inhibited and shushing her quite a lot
[ 1.8603515625, -1.765625, -1.76953125, -1.654296875, 4.9609375, -0.94091796875 ]
im starting to feel really pathetic giving the bulk of my enthusiasm these days to the kardashians us weekly and roseanne marathons and completely ignoring this blog
[ 7.01171875, -1.107421875, -1.36328125, -1.484375, -1.1884765625, -1.2724609375 ]
i feel like i am just starting to understand the blessings that come from being submissive to the will of the father
[ 6.76953125, -1.33203125, -1.328125, -1.4404296875, -0.42724609375, -1.7646484375 ]
i feel like they don t think it s sincere when it really is she told us exclusively
[ -1.4482421875, 7.140625, -0.54248046875, -1.837890625, -2.228515625, -1.29296875 ]
i managed to re learn feeling insecure again
[ -1.177734375, -1.765625, -1.5439453125, -0.9775390625, 6.19921875, -0.779296875 ]
i check you when you re sleeping feel your nose and toes to be sure you aren t too hot or cold
[ -2.34765625, 1.96875, 4.67578125, -1.87109375, -1.1865234375, -0.7666015625 ]
i feel very indecisive about it
[ -1.5703125, -2.2265625, -1.455078125, -0.9677734375, 6.1875, -0.005817413330078125 ]
i look at their situation and feel so so jealous that i almost cant bear it
[ -1.20703125, -2.25, -1.1337890625, 6.2421875, -0.4482421875, -1.78515625 ]
i would suggest volunteering to help people in need such as at the salvation army when you help others you learn to appreciate what you still have and feel worthwhile
[ -1.03125, 7.20703125, -0.802734375, -2.1171875, -2.0859375, -1.40234375 ]
i feel like im being really needy
[ 6.87890625, -1.673828125, -1.2939453125, -1.3134765625, -0.52392578125, -1.80078125 ]
when i learnt that my best friend had failed the exams
[ 4.30078125, -1.818359375, -3.078125, 2.6796875, 0.3466796875, -2.60546875 ]
i get the feeling that this could be dangerous
[ -2.29296875, -2.15625, -1.095703125, 6.05859375, 0.6171875, -1.763671875 ]
i can remember feeling that relaxed was last summer on the boat
[ -1.3046875, 6.92578125, -1.45703125, -1.80859375, -1.716796875, -0.91357421875 ]
i was however totally petrified of feeling it scared to death of giving in and releasing it and afraid i wouldnt be able to cap it again
[ -1.12109375, -1.8212890625, -1.5419921875, -0.75244140625, 6.22265625, -0.9384765625 ]
i couldnt help feeling for him and this awful predicament he lives with on a daily and nightly basis and i was just so glad that once bel started to see the light he stuck it out and stood by daniel whilst no one else did including his family who im afraid i got really disgusted with
[ 6.56640625, -2.00390625, -1.92578125, 0.47265625, -1.0126953125, -1.7353515625 ]
i enjoy about his work is the genuine feel and the pleasant message he is trying to deliver with all this
[ -1.2529296875, 7.06640625, -0.99365234375, -1.955078125, -1.990234375, -1.150390625 ]
i love the fact that i look as best i can and i feel terrific because i eat right and constantly exercise
[ -1.21875, 7.02734375, -1.408203125, -2.0390625, -1.705078125, -0.87451171875 ]
i feel so giggly reading your comment tags
[ -1.8330078125, 7.0625, -0.73974609375, -2.072265625, -1.939453125, -0.66650390625 ]
i know nothing is going to change even i feel very envious to these people but i cant stop feeling jealous to these people because its a human beings instinct to act so
[ -1.6162109375, -2.34765625, -0.99462890625, 6.48828125, -0.80908203125, -1.4169921875 ]
i do feel proud and happy and also very grateful to all who read me
[ -1.337890625, 7.19921875, -1.13671875, -1.859375, -2.0625, -0.962890625 ]
i feel satisfied that ive made the cut off you can only receive overflow money from stsm if you are over and i told myself that im just going to wait for the overflow instead of trying to hit and help my team
[ -1.1962890625, 7.140625, -1.1357421875, -1.7041015625, -1.953125, -1.3505859375 ]
i usually like sam but sometimes he gets downright whiny and i ll admit that all the mistakes he made due to sibling rivalry and pride that eventually led to the end of season kind of made me feel less tragic about the whole thing
[ 6.92578125, -1.1787109375, -1.068359375, -1.1953125, -1.4755859375, -1.5009765625 ]
i feel like i know who most of them are by now and am starting to develop my likes and dislikes though i have not been keen on the snap evictions they have seemed pretty pointless the first one to go returned and the two webmates made absolutely zero impact on me so they won t be missed
[ 0.58154296875, 5.8203125, -1.171875, -0.7294921875, -2.615234375, -2.36328125 ]
i admire her and feel like even though shes gorgeous and talented she hasnt succumbed to the hollywood pressures like a lot of a listers have
[ -1.5537109375, 7.08203125, -1.060546875, -2.080078125, -1.9345703125, -0.72900390625 ]
im enjoying my solitary confinement at home i rarely feel lonely
[ 6.6796875, -1.4306640625, -0.81982421875, -0.375732421875, -1.58984375, -2.1015625 ]
i feel depressed again
[ 6.734375, -1.2470703125, -1.9443359375, 0.1627197265625, -1.7216796875, -1.78515625 ]
i was feeling as heartbroken as im sure katniss was
[ 6.8203125, -1.322265625, -1.2978515625, -1.3203125, -1.1181640625, -1.6591796875 ]
i just notice what i am doing that is ruining my happy moment because this feelingof discontent is my resistance to receiving love in the genuine way its being delivered
[ 6.8984375, -1.125, -1.8994140625, -0.47705078125, -1.33203125, -1.794921875 ]
i feel scared anxious
[ -0.79150390625, -1.6845703125, -1.517578125, -1.109375, 6.2109375, -0.8681640625 ]
i feel elegant in a dress
[ -1.236328125, 6.8984375, -1.1279296875, -1.9482421875, -1.6640625, -0.99951171875 ]
i was feeling brave i would try to pick up running again
[ -1.2705078125, 7.13671875, -1.060546875, -1.8857421875, -1.7509765625, -1.197265625 ]
i feel your prescence a gentle touch
[ -1.572265625, -0.9892578125, 5.94140625, -1.1650390625, -0.7568359375, -1.203125 ]
i feel confident to be me again in personal life and right when my work life was going well with my boss slowly understanding why i continually ask for and demand we address the tough issues that cause problems with our various departments
[ -1.3251953125, 6.890625, -1.6484375, -1.77734375, -1.2060546875, -1.0400390625 ]
i feel so awful she said
[ 6.90234375, -1.4912109375, -1.60546875, -1.4111328125, -0.83056640625, -1.056640625 ]
i feel much more relaxed going into this race
[ -1.0791015625, 7.03125, -1.37890625, -1.822265625, -1.8232421875, -1.162109375 ]
i spend a lot of time feeling disappointed with myself for not doing a better job at attaining my goals
[ 6.9765625, -1.2919921875, -1.4365234375, -0.72021484375, -1.3876953125, -1.6455078125 ]
i feel fucking woeful looking at the other girls
[ -0.2724609375, 5.00390625, -1.0654296875, 0.046234130859375, -2.509765625, -1.51953125 ]
i feel so unloved without you next to me but when im with you
[ 7.01171875, -1.3857421875, -1.357421875, -1.3525390625, -1.1298828125, -1.498046875 ]
i am now and i still feel the aching loneliness of that quiet hospital room
[ 6.703125, -1.55078125, -0.72998046875, -1.2802734375, -1.1923828125, -1.6943359375 ]
im happy to report im still not feeling terribly stressed
[ 3.84765625, -1.0458984375, -2.201171875, 3.115234375, -1.9140625, -2.201171875 ]
i remember being appalled feeling personally insulted that they could have thought that i would listen to something as vulgar as the bee gees
[ -1.5439453125, -2.1953125, -1.2861328125, 6.41015625, -1.2001953125, -0.9658203125 ]
i was lying in bed last night after a day of making experiments from the usual suspects fabric plastic and feeling agitated that my issues with proper presentation had not made any headway over the course of a mere six hours
[ -2.1171875, -2.16015625, -2.068359375, 2.09765625, 4.69140625, -1.310546875 ]
i was still feeling so exhausted from my workouts on monday and tuesday that all i did was go for a walk at the park for about
[ 6.76171875, -1.1328125, -1.9814453125, -0.1160888671875, -1.5263671875, -1.724609375 ]
i go without a new post the more guilty i feel for leaving all my loyal readers in the dark about my progress in this crazy quest i set out on days ago
[ -1.9267578125, 0.73681640625, 5.9921875, -1.4052734375, -1.5927734375, -1.578125 ]
i feel so peaceful and happy
[ -0.9677734375, 7.00390625, -1.3310546875, -1.88671875, -1.7802734375, -1.2275390625 ]
i feel shame in a strange way
[ -1.6767578125, -2.2421875, -1.361328125, -1.693359375, 3.99609375, 3.595703125 ]
i am feeling quite distressed and dejected over my battle with insomnia
[ -1.4384765625, -1.90234375, -1.5869140625, -0.73974609375, 6.20703125, -0.65234375 ]
i feel more gentle that way wth
[ -1.8662109375, -1.0234375, 5.890625, -0.60107421875, -0.92529296875, -1.26953125 ]
i just feel that if i end our marriage he deserves a truthful explanation
[ -1.5, 7.09375, -0.68701171875, -1.8193359375, -2.0703125, -1.1123046875 ]
i feel heartless even though my heart hurts
[ -1.1025390625, -2.09375, -1.384765625, 6.5078125, -1.0107421875, -1.7109375 ]
i have not conducted a survey but it is quite likely that many of them feel as assaulted by onel s demons and other creators as i would have felt had the walls been covered only with eminent figures patriotic heroes and epic deeds
[ 0.609375, -2.421875, -1.73828125, -1.1181640625, 5.22265625, 0.060211181640625 ]
i feel more assured having made my peace with atheism
[ -1.1904296875, 7.11328125, -1.19140625, -1.9609375, -1.583984375, -1.224609375 ]
i feel so fearless in these post grieving days
[ -1.4931640625, 6.90234375, -1.1171875, -1.984375, -1.1494140625, -1.1318359375 ]
i have that feeling that spark and i am not sure where it is going or if it will ever turn into that flame
[ -2.296875, 4.8203125, -1.94140625, -2.640625, 1.0224609375, 0.5849609375 ]
i have been designing earrings for some of my customers bridesmaids which i feel honoured to do
[ -1.693359375, 7.1796875, -0.17041015625, -2.142578125, -2.234375, -0.88720703125 ]
i feel like i m defective or something for not having baby fever
[ 6.94140625, -1.4072265625, -1.947265625, -0.9267578125, -0.70703125, -1.4619140625 ]
i dont blame it all to them and im not angry at them infact i feel fairly sympathetic for them
[ -1.3603515625, -1.0224609375, 5.890625, -1.1669921875, -1.0888671875, -0.94287109375 ]
i don t feel the author s talented
[ -1.5771484375, 7.21484375, -0.7080078125, -1.8525390625, -2.1171875, -0.98681640625 ]
i feel so cold a href http irish
[ -1.544921875, -2.25390625, -0.78857421875, 6.328125, -0.984375, -1.5009765625 ]
i want to feel assured that my life will be good and i know it will be when i trust the lord
[ -1.162109375, 7.08984375, -1.0078125, -2.0859375, -1.451171875, -1.37890625 ]
im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb
[ -0.75146484375, 6.7734375, -1.296875, -2.373046875, -1.3896484375, -1.25390625 ]
im with a group of people i still feel isolated and on the outside looking in
[ 6.8203125, -1.765625, -2, -0.6025390625, -0.4228515625, -1.8095703125 ]
i feel this strange sort of liberation
[ -1.8251953125, -2.10546875, -1.572265625, -1.763671875, 3.82421875, 3.974609375 ]
i asked some girls what it meant to them to be valued and for the most part the response was that they felt valued when the people around them made them feel valued and treated them in a loving and caring manner
[ -1.2666015625, 6.83984375, 0.55224609375, -2.015625, -2.306640625, -1.8671875 ]
i kept trying to make her feel better
[ -0.34716796875, 6.890625, -0.8779296875, -2.0078125, -2.111328125, -1.7626953125 ]
i feel for this divine landmass and all the respect i bear in my heart for the greatness residing on it
[ -1.9580078125, 7.1328125, -0.1817626953125, -2.01953125, -2.2734375, -1.0322265625 ]