class label
6 classes
i am feeling stronger recharged and excited to get back into my runs
[ -1.2197265625, 7.046875, -1.1337890625, -1.9375, -1.6005859375, -1.21484375 ]
i feel a bit stressed even though all the things i have going on are fun
[ 3.1640625, -0.9794921875, -2.28125, 3.703125, -1.8505859375, -2.244140625 ]
im feeling very peaceful about our wedding again now after having
[ -1.203125, 7.07421875, -1.1435546875, -2.068359375, -1.650390625, -1.1953125 ]
i got up saturday morning feeling like crud but determined not to let it get the best of me
[ -1.1416015625, 7.0859375, -0.57958984375, -1.72265625, -2.009765625, -1.82421875 ]
i was feeling whether it be mad sad disappointed or peaceful
[ -0.66015625, -1.9189453125, -1.443359375, 6.390625, -1.228515625, -1.515625 ]
i feel rejected and i cant find what ive left behind
[ 6.9296875, -1.486328125, -1.4736328125, -0.51806640625, -1.36328125, -1.9111328125 ]
i feel like that line is so perfect
[ -0.97412109375, 7.23046875, -0.42431640625, -2.21875, -2.244140625, -1.48828125 ]
i am feeling so reluctant and overwhelmed i try to think of the alternative abandoning that dream
[ -1.3447265625, -1.7607421875, -1.244140625, -1.123046875, 6.08203125, -0.6796875 ]
i would always have this song stuck in my head after a bombing or incident and then i would feel a bit weird about it because if you dont really pay attention to the lyrics it sounds like such a happy song not the type youre supposed to hum on difficult days
[ -1.64453125, -2.11328125, -1.2412109375, -1.9384765625, 3.62109375, 3.970703125 ]
i lost a few people which i hate because i have a really hard time letting go of people to whom i feel loyal
[ -1.8310546875, 0.865234375, 5.84765625, -1.189453125, -1.720703125, -1.81640625 ]
i come in contact on a regular basis and the sooner i can figure out how to be kind to them in all situations the sooner they will feel valued appreciated loved and the desire to learn how to pass that kindness on to others as i am learning to do
[ -1.3955078125, 6.54296875, 1.3955078125, -2.2578125, -2.375, -1.9296875 ]
i feel like i am doomed to a life of sleep obsession
[ 6.984375, -1.3505859375, -1.4697265625, -1.1298828125, -0.8896484375, -1.5078125 ]
i haven t been able to do a lot of stuff most people managed to do in various points of their lives i feel that i have missed out a lot in life and i know that my current path is my only ticket to live a live that i want to
[ 6.9453125, -1.1337890625, -1.3671875, -0.7548828125, -1.7265625, -1.603515625 ]
i usually ignore page invites that are irrelevant to me or facebook game invites because its impersonal and it feels insincere
[ -1.8134765625, -2.15625, -1.8173828125, 6.08203125, 0.30712890625, -1.7470703125 ]
im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now
[ 6.96484375, -0.9716796875, -1.5458984375, -0.88037109375, -1.6552734375, -1.515625 ]
ive tried bare minerals but it makes me feel like my face is dirty
[ 6.953125, -1.630859375, -1.6181640625, -0.55029296875, -1.1689453125, -1.5263671875 ]
i feel like now its more of sweet apple now
[ -2.443359375, 3.796875, 4.76953125, -2.224609375, -2.232421875, -1.6064453125 ]
i feel so heartbroken over paul walker s tragic disappearance the life of someone so generous beautiful and talented should not end this way as other horrible individuals keep on living torturing assaulting and killing people
[ 6.66015625, -1.02734375, -0.53369140625, -1.701171875, -1.4765625, -1.759765625 ]
i woke up feeling fine
[ -0.64013671875, 7.015625, -1.2216796875, -1.923828125, -1.7958984375, -1.474609375 ]
i feel god in my life more now than i ever have before and things are so wonderful right now
[ -1.8232421875, 7.0078125, -0.4765625, -2.484375, -2.095703125, -0.35986328125 ]
i found myself looking at the clock and starting to feel irritated
[ -1.2978515625, -2.2265625, -1.7373046875, 6.46875, -0.3154296875, -1.6220703125 ]
i think itd be easier if i had parents that argued with me about it then i could feel rebellious or something p but right now i just feel like a burden
[ -1.1201171875, -2.06640625, -1.8291015625, 6.171875, 0.1385498046875, -2.109375 ]
i feel his hand on me to stay faithful
[ -1.3603515625, 5.17578125, 2.83984375, -1.71875, -2.6171875, -2.41015625 ]
i honestly feel extremely shy to ask my friends to take pictures of me how vain must they think i am
[ -0.55322265625, -2.11328125, -1.0751953125, -1.525390625, 6.078125, -0.40966796875 ]
i often throw myself into work when i m not with them that same maxim from last week if i feel discouraged the way i move forwards is to offer encouragement to others
[ 6.91015625, -1.1396484375, -1.72265625, -0.7783203125, -1.0869140625, -1.87109375 ]
i have so much going on in my life and am constantly running like crazy i can always steal a quiet moment to acknowledge this child and the overwhelming excitement and anticipation that i feel god is truly faithful and brings everything around
[ -1.544921875, 4.4921875, 3.65625, -2.048828125, -2.453125, -2.28515625 ]
i will feel awkward about just calling up one of these people out of the blue to hang out or rather to be familiar with them on a deeper level they are not my kith and kin
[ 6.625, -1.67578125, -1.41015625, -1.9296875, 0.139404296875, -1.2900390625 ]
i must confess that im still feeling very uncertain about how god is going to work everything out
[ -1.2578125, -1.6484375, -1.498046875, -1.111328125, 6.1875, -0.68359375 ]
i wake up in morning and when i go to sleep at evening i feel that seed voice in my heart that is screaming out from my empty stitched heart
[ 6.83984375, -0.8095703125, -1.224609375, -1.1201171875, -1.357421875, -1.51953125 ]
ive never done a detox or cleanse before and i really had no desire to i feel like cleanses cycle around and become popular every couple of years and id pretty much written them off
[ -1.63671875, 7.11328125, -0.142822265625, -2.04296875, -1.9794921875, -1.396484375 ]
im making some more mood icons right now to let you see how i feel and think and of course its all charming
[ -1.6552734375, 7.1796875, -0.67724609375, -1.833984375, -2.037109375, -1.1953125 ]
i am off on wednesday to a postgraduate open day but there will be plenty to write about the rest of the week i feel sure
[ -1.24609375, 6.96875, -1.4609375, -1.701171875, -1.5419921875, -1.201171875 ]
i feel quite glamorous in this dress
[ -1.033203125, 7.171875, -1.197265625, -1.984375, -1.921875, -1.146484375 ]
im feeling a little dissatisfied
[ -1.7998046875, -2.4765625, -1.720703125, 6.40234375, -0.058746337890625, -1.181640625 ]
i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful
[ 6.80859375, -1.427734375, -1.5517578125, -1.349609375, -0.7109375, -1.0283203125 ]
i feel so very keen to leave the country atm
[ -1.462890625, 7.171875, -0.496337890625, -1.8359375, -2.1484375, -1.40234375 ]
i could empathize with tab because of raging hormones and the connection feeling like someone else gets you thinks youre smart pretty worth attention
[ -0.99853515625, 7.05078125, -1.40625, -1.6298828125, -2.04296875, -1.240234375 ]
i feel accepted and loved by a community of derby girls that i helped to create
[ -2.03515625, 3.68359375, 4.73046875, -2.283203125, -2.033203125, -1.884765625 ]
i wish him and i could go out and i could do my hair and makeup and feel cute and flirt and talk and stuff but that never occurs
[ -1.732421875, 7.0390625, -0.75732421875, -2.0625, -1.9072265625, -0.83251953125 ]
i feel underappreciated and under valued
[ -0.284912109375, 6.3359375, -1.248046875, -1.8564453125, -1.689453125, -1.6416015625 ]
i feel convinced that im going to shy away from whatever is really good for me
[ -1.484375, 6.8125, -1.390625, -2.076171875, -1.138671875, -1.185546875 ]
im happy but i feel all this pressure to do one thing or another amp it makes me unhappy
[ 6.71875, -0.66357421875, -1.70703125, -0.2174072265625, -1.8525390625, -2.009765625 ]
i was cooking my dinner feeling pretty melancholy when zane lowe gave it the first spin on his radio one show on tuesday and the song matched my mood perfectly
[ 6.81640625, -1.5419921875, -1.064453125, -1.3984375, -0.91015625, -1.591796875 ]
i feel threatened when other people do not believe that
[ -0.94580078125, -1.634765625, -1.5224609375, -0.75244140625, 6.05078125, -1.2255859375 ]
i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant
[ -1.1240234375, 6.9921875, -1.263671875, -1.8046875, -1.892578125, -1.2421875 ]
i actually was in a meeting last week where someone yelled at an older lady because her phone rang i felt terrible for her your boss treats you unfairly or in this case someone makes you feel you are not worth anything is only allowing those who offended to steal your joy
[ 1.3701171875, -1.8134765625, -1.8173828125, 5.76171875, -1.9189453125, -2.26171875 ]
im not sure how i feel about needing to exercise so as to maintain a pleasant demeanor
[ -1.2158203125, 7.1484375, -0.962890625, -2.03515625, -1.8115234375, -1.111328125 ]
i think ive just been feeling a little bothered
[ -1.833984375, -2.62109375, -1.4951171875, 6.3671875, -0.052398681640625, -1.3623046875 ]
i see all my friends posting pics and status updates of where they are going or what they are doing and i feel a bit jealous knowing it s not something i can get out and enjoy
[ -1.5986328125, -2.3984375, -0.79052734375, 6.3125, -0.53076171875, -1.638671875 ]
i pay attention it deepens into a feeling of being invaded and helpless
[ 0.93408203125, -1.9130859375, -1.728515625, -1.2265625, 5.375, -0.86669921875 ]
i think they have always been proponents of the idea and it is just slightly possible that his feelings for a particularly charming new england girl have brought him around to their way of thinking
[ -1.5859375, 7.1875, -0.76171875, -2.017578125, -2.072265625, -0.96728515625 ]
i often use disney to cheer me up when im feeling low and these past couple days have been no exception
[ 6.8984375, -1.3876953125, -1.416015625, -1.30078125, -0.6689453125, -1.482421875 ]
im feeling so damn gloomy too
[ 6.96484375, -1.3759765625, -1.5517578125, -0.8037109375, -1.2216796875, -1.751953125 ]
i wasn t sure what this gnawing feeling i was having but i was getting agitated sitting around doing nothing
[ -1.9794921875, -2.171875, -2.37890625, 3.06640625, 4.0078125, -1.47265625 ]
i feel brave today heading to amman and beirut by way of istanbul or i feel brave today a href http jessicadickinsongoodman
[ -1.2373046875, 7.1640625, -0.65673828125, -2.064453125, -1.908203125, -1.533203125 ]
im not sure if im more at peace with our situation or if im just not feeling as bitter about it but in the past five months something has changed within me
[ -1.0927734375, -2.0625, -0.82080078125, 6.33984375, -1.43359375, -1.556640625 ]
i feel so emotional today
[ 6.71484375, -1.689453125, -1.34375, -0.98779296875, -0.763671875, -1.94140625 ]
i don t feel like i should be punished to carry this burden even though i have been for four years now
[ 6.99609375, -1.33984375, -1.4443359375, -0.51171875, -1.6025390625, -1.6279296875 ]
i feel it is dangerous especially for the new believer who is not grounded in the word of god
[ -1.7998046875, -2.15234375, -1.1376953125, 6.2578125, 0.174560546875, -1.9619140625 ]
i could maybe get away with simpler folk melodies on some of the songs something fairly predictable but if its just me and a guitar it would end up feeling dull
[ 6.94140625, -0.87255859375, -1.140625, -1.1259765625, -1.7861328125, -1.2939453125 ]
i feel embarrassed that it got so bad
[ 6.83984375, -1.841796875, -1.6142578125, -1.037109375, -0.53076171875, -1.490234375 ]
i tell you that i love you and my feelings are sincere my dear
[ -1.50390625, 7.19140625, -0.2734375, -1.98828125, -2.228515625, -1.35546875 ]
i am reading about s sewing circles and i feel completely happy if you cant spit in the face of imperialism at least be a lesbian
[ -0.8818359375, 7.07421875, -0.98486328125, -1.9541015625, -2.064453125, -1.5615234375 ]
i feel and talk like a disadvantaged child and am waiting for half my face to come back to me
[ 6.5078125, -1.18359375, -2.076171875, -0.9609375, 0.022552490234375, -1.548828125 ]
i feel disgusted in any man in power who talks about electricity being a problem in his area and says even my own house has similar problems
[ -1.6689453125, -2.7265625, -1.4736328125, 6.42578125, -0.13623046875, -1.3212890625 ]
i feel alarmed
[ -1.8349609375, -1.9306640625, -1.6689453125, -0.6767578125, 6.17578125, -0.1527099609375 ]
i admit that i am jet lagged so during the daylight i feel groggy almost hung over while at night when everyone is tucked in and snoozing a light pops in my brain and i transform into the ever ready bunny
[ 6.90234375, -1.5302734375, -1.28125, -1.53515625, -0.853515625, -1.2255859375 ]
i guess no matter how much i think im feeling ok im as nervous as hell on the inside about the scan revealing something i dont want to know again
[ -1.2314453125, 6.59765625, -1.654296875, -2.1953125, -0.96533203125, -1.23046875 ]
i woke up very early this morning feeling joyful
[ -1.11328125, 7.00390625, -1.6083984375, -1.7880859375, -1.7890625, -0.8408203125 ]
i am feeling very touch deprived with all that has been happening
[ 6.7890625, -1.7939453125, -1.7216796875, -1.30078125, -0.173583984375, -1.248046875 ]
i feel the pain in my vein its oh so vain am i insane
[ 6.44140625, -1.37890625, -1.826171875, -0.98193359375, 0.242919921875, -1.8955078125 ]
i mean the idea is intoxicating of course and it feels amazing when its happening but what happens in the morning when you wake up and you have to go to work and so amp so is all up in your shit about something that is completely impractical
[ -2.181640625, 4.28515625, -2.564453125, -2.17578125, -0.71484375, 2.751953125 ]
i feel a little guilty that i am not doing the same and as i contemplate going back to get some money the prisoners begin to enter the room
[ 6.96484375, -1.2880859375, -1.4541015625, -1.240234375, -1.0908203125, -1.3701171875 ]
i feel so boring all the time
[ 6.6953125, -1.052734375, -1.4814453125, 0.11041259765625, -2.064453125, -1.6201171875 ]
i am writing and sharing here is much more about my own story and what i believe with all my heart the world needs to know the riches we have in god than me feeling angry towards or trying to bash the people and leaders and parents
[ -1.3291015625, -2.21875, -1.708984375, 6.4453125, -0.189453125, -1.6923828125 ]
i feel any better
[ -0.78515625, 6.96875, -1.1708984375, -1.84375, -2.09375, -1.2890625 ]
i was feeling comfortable in the first fight i saw things that were working for me but i m expecting a better rendall munroe because i think he might have underestimated me first time around
[ -0.99365234375, 6.39453125, -1.9208984375, -1.890625, -1.1259765625, -1.033203125 ]
i feel passionate about knitting and seeing really good films and the surprisingly awesome tv programs that are on now i cant believe i just wrote that
[ -2.140625, 5.03515625, 3.2578125, -1.673828125, -2.810546875, -1.93359375 ]
i am feeling so appreciative today
[ -1.3671875, 7.046875, -1.384765625, -1.955078125, -1.7509765625, -0.84375 ]
im feeling optimistic to finish out these last two weeks strong and probably continue with what i have been doing
[ -1.103515625, 7.1796875, -1.1328125, -1.88671875, -1.7333984375, -1.1640625 ]
i was also feeling the ole restless leg syndrome as i shifted back and forth between legs trying to do something with my excess energy that just hit me
[ -1.3857421875, -2.29296875, -1.484375, -0.77294921875, 6.08203125, -0.06658935546875 ]
i did a body scan and realized that everything was feeling amazing
[ -2.09765625, 3.10546875, -2.40625, -2.2421875, -0.462646484375, 3.884765625 ]
im pretty sure and its been about a week and a half so although im feeling kind of betrayed and disillusioned by men at the moment everythings okay
[ 5.56640625, -0.3642578125, -1.0693359375, -1.3818359375, 0.018646240234375, -2.6484375 ]
i feel all innocent now
[ -1.4140625, 7.21484375, -0.552734375, -1.912109375, -2.22265625, -1.310546875 ]
i do feel discouraged by what my supervisor said
[ 6.87890625, -1.13671875, -1.6982421875, -0.4599609375, -1.41796875, -1.9453125 ]
i hope you like this more honest amp raw blog post amp if you are feeling unhappy i hope this makes you feel less alone
[ 6.97265625, -1.2197265625, -1.3349609375, -1.044921875, -1.23046875, -1.7802734375 ]
i just feel tender
[ -1.578125, -0.74658203125, 6.08203125, -1.0673828125, -1.267578125, -1.1279296875 ]
i feel so needy latley
[ 6.91796875, -1.5556640625, -1.119140625, -1.2958984375, -0.9208984375, -1.7705078125 ]
i wont lie this week has been abit of a difficult week for me ive been feeling very stressed and anxious this week plus i think im coming down with the flu but it has definately helped me to appreciate the little things
[ 3.5703125, -1.4462890625, -2.306640625, 3.642578125, -1.6416015625, -2.32421875 ]
im gestating one and feeling pretty thrilled about that
[ -1.59375, 7.08984375, -1.0595703125, -1.8740234375, -1.8662109375, -0.91943359375 ]
i would force myself to eat my normal routine clean meals a day but then i just started feeling so awful
[ 6.75390625, -1.4306640625, -1.4873046875, -1.57421875, -0.5380859375, -0.93408203125 ]
i receive every month make me proud and feel appreciative
[ -1.33203125, 7.16015625, -1.1884765625, -1.9521484375, -1.916015625, -0.97412109375 ]
i look at others and feel jealous
[ -1.046875, -2.2109375, -1.2490234375, 6.26953125, -0.53857421875, -1.80078125 ]
i suspect much of the country feels after the tragic events of last week
[ 6.953125, -1.1259765625, -1.3056640625, -1.33984375, -1.21875, -1.47265625 ]
i feel like it s more of a mellow restive dream maker
[ -1.1640625, 7.2109375, -0.55615234375, -2.0546875, -2.119140625, -1.45703125 ]
i guess it could be described as me just not really feeling like i m a part of the popular bands the up and comers or the growing local band
[ -1.654296875, 7.2265625, -0.1370849609375, -1.953125, -2.17578125, -1.326171875 ]
im alone in this apartment i get this overwhelming feeling like im being watched and that im unwelcome
[ 6.8359375, -1.447265625, -1.3203125, -1.1953125, -0.634765625, -1.587890625 ]
i feel very honored in how much he has shared and expressed with me and that he trusts me
[ -1.546875, 7.265625, -0.32763671875, -2.248046875, -2.18359375, -1.0498046875 ]
i know some people are more fond of the treat of going and getting a pedicure because you can just sit there and enjoy the wonderful feeling of someone else massaging your tender tootsies all the while flipping the pages of a book or magazine
[ -1.6181640625, -0.5693359375, 6.08203125, -1.3251953125, -1.32421875, -0.93359375 ]
i have found that some korean men are turning to foreign women because of the freedom they feel it can be easily accounted for that dating between koreans can be a casual thing but more often than not it tends to be a serious matter
[ -1.5654296875, 7.0703125, -0.962890625, -1.7177734375, -2.048828125, -0.8828125 ]