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Electron micrographs of ultra-thin sections of potato root inoculated with Brevundimonas sp. TN37, 30 days post inoculation. RS Rhizosphere, RC root cell and B Bacterium. Brevundimonas sp. TN37 colonized over the root surface of potato. Bacterial cells form sheets in the grooves, formed by the root cells (A,B) and also closely attached to the cell wall of plant cells (C,D) and in control uninoculated plants no bacterial cells were observed (E).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. a Preoperative sagittal view showing bone marrow oedema. b Post-operative sagittal view showing reduction in the oedema signal. c Preoperative coronal view showing bone marrow oedema. d Post-operative coronal view showing reduced marrow signal
Soybean meal triggers neutrophil migration to the intestine after two days of feeding.Tg(mpx:GFP) transgenic larvae were analyzed in vivo by confocal microscopy to monitor neutrophil infiltration into the intestine at day 0 (A–C), 2 (E–G) and 4 (I–K) of feeding with control (pellet) and experimental diets (100FM diet and50SBM diet). (D, H, L) The number of intestine-infiltrated neutrophils was quantified by immunohistochemistry in the same larvae analyzed by confocal microscopy (inset). The results indicated that fish meal did not activate the immune response after 2 or 4 days of feeding. In the case of soybean meal, the number of infiltrated neutrophils was increased from day 2. Five larvae per condition in three different experiments were analyzed per time point by confocal microscopy. For immunohistochemistry analysis, at least 15 larvae per condition per time point in three different experiments were performed. Statistical analysis was conducted using one-way ANOVA. **p value < 0.01; ***pvalue < 0.001.
Optical sectioning and examination of Huh7-GFP xenografted larvae. Larvae (ache+/? and ache−/−) injected with Huh7-GFP cells were stained with GFP primary antibody and Cy3 tagged secondary antibody, and counterstained with DAPI and examined histologically by optical sectioning using a Zeiss LSM 880 confocal microscope. (a–f) At 20× magnification, z-stacks at 10 micron intervals were obtained and consecutive images were Z-projected to obtain these 2D images by maximum intensity projection in ImageJ. Tumor masses can be clearly seen in both images in red. (a’–f’) Same larvae were counterstained with DAPI for marking nuclei. (a”–f”) Merged images were presented. In the fish body schematic, the letters are abbreviations for A: anterior, P: posterior, D: dorsal, V: ventral.
Clinical appearance and successful treatment of the IRAE. a Ulcerative vulvitis six months after initial IRAE symptoms; biopsy shown in Fig. 2 was taken. b Successful management of IRAE with topical corticosteroids
CT scan showing bone loss at the left implant site one month prior to extrusion on November 23, 2013
Multivessel coronary artery aneurysmal disease. (A) This angiographic view of the left coronary system demonstrates multiple aneurysmal dilatations of the proximal and mid portions of the LAD and diagonal branch (orange arrowheads). An ulceration (irregular luminal border) is seen in the mid LAD (yellow arrow). Also, note multiple aneurysmal dilatations in the circumflex artery and obtuse marginal branches (green arrowheads). (B) This angiographic view demonstrates contrast staining at the site of the LAD vessel wall ulceration (yellow arrows) suggesting the presence of a nonobstructive intimal flap or dissection. (C, D) Proximal to mid (C) and mid to distal (D) right coronary artery showing multiple areas of aneurysmal dilatation (green arrowheads).
SEM images of the best performing hybrid material taken from the same spot at (a) the magnification of x and (b) 4x.
Radiographic and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy findingsPanel A: radiograph of an orthostatic abdomen (first hospitalization day) showing several radiopaque fragments (glass) inside the stomach and in the intestine.Panel B: metal container holding several glass shards that were removed from the patient's stomach through upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.Panel C: total abdomen tomography (without intravenous contrast) performed for control purposes (second hospitalization day) showing glass shards inside the intestine, although with no signs of pneumoperitoneum.Panels D-E: radiological control performed on the last hospitalization day showing the complete elimination of the glass shards and lack of pathological intracavitary air signs.
A 47-year old woman involved in a traffic accident. a Immediate radiograph and three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) images show transverse and posterior wall fractures of acetabulum. Dome impaction (arrow) was observed in coronal view of CT scan. b Postoperative radiographs revealed that satisfactory reduction and fixation were achieved. c However, axial and coronal CT views show a residual gap > 3 mm and poor reduction and fixation of the dome fragment. d Osteoarthritis developed and total hip arthroplasty was performed at 6 months after surgery
Gross morphology and histological images of benign radiofrequency ablation (RFA) region. The areas represented from peripherial to central ablation are as follows: normal hepatocyte (N); reaction zone (RZ); ablation region (AR). (A–C) (on day 3 after RFA): Ablation lesion was shown as well circumscribed, gray-white tissue in gross morphology observation (A), in which AR and RZ cannot be distinguished obviously. 40× H&E histology (B) showed AH was dominated by coagulation necrosis. RZ was observed at the periphery of AR, mainly consisted by injury reaction (Inj) and inflammatory (Inf). 200× H&E histology (C) showed that Inj was mainly composed of hepatocytes with pyknosis and karyorrhexis, and Inf was manifested as small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration. (D–F) (on day 7 after RFA): Gross morphology image (D): granulation tissue around the ablation lesion can be observed (white arrows); 40× (E) H&E histology showed the change of RZ, in which Inj shrank while the inflammatory (Inf) and fibrosis increase, and a fibrous rim (FR) had formed in periphery. (F) showed Inj and Inf in 200× H&E histology. (G–I) (on day 14 after RFA): Gross morphology image of day 14 after RFA (G): granulation tissue around the ablation lesion had gotten thicker and denser (white arrows); 40× (H) and 200× (I) H&E histology showed Inj and Inf were significantly reduced and even disappeared in some area, RZ was mainly composed by a further thickened FR.
Hematoxylin and eosin staining of the graft. (a), (b), (c) After 7 days, skin grafts in Groups A and B had formed microvessels, the three-dimensional morphology of the scaffold was loosely structured and cell distribution was uniform; conversely, the Group C scaffold was clear. (d), (e), (f) After 14 days, the newly formed vessels in Group A were significantly increased with relatively fewer in Group B. Scaffolds in Group A and B were full of uniformly distributed cells, with varying degrees of degradation and absorption. Subcutaneous tissue cells tended to migrate into the Group C scaffold material, but numbers remained limited. (g), (h), (i) After 21 days, new blood vessels with uniform distribution could be found within the full layer of Group A, and these vessels were large and abundant. Vascularization in Group B was different from that in Group A, with only a few blood vessels formed at the junctions between the subcutaneous tissue and scaffold in Group C. Scale bars: 100 μm. Gel-C6S-HA, gelatin–chondroitin-6-sulfate–hyaluronic acid; HFSC, hair follicle stem cell; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.
Hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed glomangiopericytoma infiltrating the paranasal sinus mucosa. The tumor consisted of oval and spindle cells forming solid sheets and whorls (a). CD34 immunohistochemical staining for CD34 showed no expression and highlighted tumor branching vasculature. Stains for CKAE1/3, EMA, S-100, desmin, SMA, HMB45 were also negative (b). Immunohistochemical reaction positivity with podoplanin (c) and cyclin-D (d)
Pattern and specificity of mSix1-8-NLSCre-mediated recombination in embryos.(A) The structure of a transgene used to generate the mSix1-8-NLSCre transgenic mouse line. mSix1-8 (538 bp) is placed upstream of the tkintron (the HSV thymidine kinase gene promoter and chimeric intron) to drive the expression of NLSCre. The polyA signal is from SV40. The entire expression unit is flanked by two tandem copies of the core region of the HS4 insulator (ins). The positions of the genotyping PCR primers (arrowheads) and the size of the PCR product (406 bp) are shown. Selected restriction sites are also indicated. (B-H) Localization of ß-Gal-positive cells in mSix1-8-NLSCre/R26R-LacZ double transgenic embryos. At E9.0 (Ba), the earliest sign of the appearance of ß-Gal-positive cells was detected in the otic pit region (white square bracket). A close-up view (Bb) shows signals in three scattered cells (black arrowheads) in the otic pit. A section through the posterior part of the otic pit confirmed the presence of ß-Gal-positive cells in the pits of both sides (Bc). At E9.5 (Ca), ß-Gal-positive cells were noted in the developing trigeminal ganglion (black square bracket) and olfactory placode (yellow square bracket) in addition to the otic pit (white square bracket). A close-up view (Cb) shows signals in scattered cells in and around the olfactory placode (white arrowheads). At E9.75 (Da), signals were detected in the developing geniculate ganglion. In a close-up view (Db) showed signals in the ventral portion of the otic vesicle (black arrow). At E10.5 (Ea), clear signals were detected in all the cranial sensory ganglia (V, VII, VIII, IX and X), cells in and around the olfactory epithelium (Eb, a close-up view) and in the DRG. At E11.0 (F), the intensity of the signals in the sensory organs became stronger. Signals were also found in the mesenchyme of forelimb bud (Ea, F-H), hindlimb bud (F-H), branchial arches (Ea, Eb, F-H), and the maxillary process (F-H). In all panels of whole mount embryos, anterior is to the left, dorsal is to the top, and all panels are lateral views. In the transverse section shown in Bc, dorsal is to the top. ba: branchial arches, drg: dorsal root ganglia, fb: forebrain, fl: forelimb bud, hb: hindbrain, hl: hindlimb bud, mp: maxillary process, oe: olfactory epithelium, op: olfactory placode, otp: otic pit, ov: otic vesicle, V: trigeminal ganglia, VII: geniculate ganglia, VII/VIII: VII/VIII ganglion complex, IX: petrosal ganglion, X: nodose ganglion. Scale bars: 2 mm (H), 1 mm (Ba, Ca, Da, Ea, F, G), 0.2 mm (Bb), 0.5 mm (Cb, Db, Eb), 0.1 mm (Bc).
Representative semithin and electron microscopy images of pancreatic cells in T2D slides.A: Semithin section (stained with a 1:1 mixture of toluidine blue, 1% in bidistilled water, and methylen blue, 1% in bidistilled water) showing a cluster of 4 cells with islet-like appearance (magnification: 1,000x), enlarged in B (N: nucleus); C and D: Electron microscopy of cells containing both zymogen-like (black arrows) and insulin-like (white arrows) granules (magnification: 10,000x). ER in D indicates the endoplasmic reticulum, looking expanded and convoluted in this specific T2D beta cell.
(a) soft tissue chondroma in T1WI coronal section; (b) soft tissue chondroma in T1WI sagittal section; (c) soft tissue chondroma in T2WI coronal section; (d) soft tissue chondroma in T2WI transverse section; (e) angioleiomyoma in T1WI coronal section; (f) angioleiomyoma in T1WI transverse section; (g) angioleiomyoma in T2WI coronal section; (h) angioleiomyoma in T2WI sagittal section; (i) angioleiomyoma in T2WI transverse section.
Coned image of a lateral thoracic spine radiograph (a) and corresponding coronal (b) and axial CT (c) images of an 80-year-old man. The images demonstrate low density interspersed by high-density vertical striations in the 10th thoracic vertebra similar to corduroy fabric (inset) consistent with a vertebral osseous hemangioma. There is a corresponding polka dot appearance on axial images, which represent the prominent trabeculae seen en face
CT scan of abdomen and pelvis. Non-contrast exam demonstrating (A, B) and contrast (C, D) 7-cm prominently solid but enhancing dorsal right mid renal lesion with no evidence of osseous, adrenal, or hepatic metastasis or renal venous invasion or retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy as demonstrated by the arrow.
Antenatal sonography of case 2 showing large hyperechoic lungs (a), dilated main bronchi (b), large hyperechoic lungs, inverted diaphragm, and ascites.
Side-view of the SEM photograph of the fabricated SiO2–PMMA composite film with a total area of 15 mm × 15 mm. (a–i) indicate the weight percent concentration of SiO2 particles gradually increased from 5 wt% to 45 wt%.
Representative MRIMRI showing representative axial images of irregular tumor shape, such as lobulated appearance (A) or mushrooming appearance (B), and heterogeneous tumor enhancement (C and D) on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging and peritumoral brain edema on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging (E) and T2-weighted imaging (F). The asterisk indicates tumor locationMRI: magnetic resonance imaging
Example of histological and FTIR spectral images of a cirrhosis biopsy from a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma. (A) Histological section stained with Masson’s trichrome stain showing fibrosis in green. (B) Digital image analysis with fibrosis area in red. (C–F) K-means clustering of FTIR spectral images of an adjacent section in 2, 3, 4 and 5 clusters respectively from a 900–1800 cm−1 infrared absorbance dataset acquired with a projected pixel size of 25 µm. Clusters are displayed using random pseudo-colors. Fibrosis is represented by the dark blue cluster in C, D and in dark blue and light blue in E and F. Other colors correspond to regeneration nodules.
Cardiac MR images ((a) to (c)) and light microscopy images ((d) and (e)) of short axis sections of rat hearts. (a) and (d) demonstrate a normoxic rat. (b), (c), and (e) demonstrate a Sugen–hypoxic rat. (b) and (c) demonstrates the same animal short axis at diastole (b) and systole (c). (f) demonstrates the correlation between RV hypertrophy assessed by weighing RV and LV + S at autopsy and by ventricular mass index by CMR in normoxic rats and Sugen–hypoxic rats. There was very good correlation between VMI measured by CMR vs autopsy (Spearmen r = 0.8328). However, CMR images demonstrate functional aspects of RV contraction including septal flattening and paradoxical septal motion during systole (c) due to RV pressure overload.LV: left ventricle; RV: right ventricle; CMR: cardiac magnetic resonance; VMI: ventricular mass index.
Intra-operative angiogram demonstrating occlusion of the right superficial femoral artery (A). Angiogram post-thrombectomy which demonstrates restored flow through the right superficial femoral artery (B).
a, b A 3-year-old girl with inflammatory pseudotumor. She had fever and weight loss for the last 3–4 months. In physical examination, a mass was detected in the abdomen. a Axial fat-saturated T2-weighted image shows hypointense tumor in the ileum (arrows). b Post-contrast T1-weighted axial image shows peripherally contrast-enhanced tumor with central necrotic parts (arrows). After biopsy, ALK and SMA positive inflammatory pseudotumor was diagnosed
Photomicrographs of sections of hindbrain and cerebellum Note the normal cytoarchitecture in all the groups, (a): Hindbrain of the control group (1 × 400 magnification), (b, c): Hindbrain of the therapeutically equivalent dose group (1 × 400 magnification), (d): Hindbrain of the therapeutically equivalent dose × 10 group (1 × 400 magnification), (e): Cerebellum of the control group (1 × 100 magnification), (f): Cerebellum of the therapeutically equivalent dose group (1 × 100 magnification), (g): Cerebellum of the therapeutically equivalent dose × 5 group (1 × 100 magnification), (h): Cerebellum of the therapeutically equivalent dose × 10 group (1 × 100 magnification)
FGF8 expression is activated in ventral neurons at the time of OPC specification. a-c Time course of fgf8 expression on transverse sections of brachial spinal cords isolated at E2.5 (a), E4 (b) and E5.5-E6 (c). d-f Immunodetection of Pax2 depicting spinal cord interneurons at E2.5 (d), E4 (c) and E5.5-E6 (d). Note that fgf8 expressing cells correspond to a subpopulation of Pax2-positive cells (circled in e, f). Scale bars = 50 μm in a, d and 100 μm in b, c, e, f
Multimodal image-guided management in a PD-1, PD-L1, TILs glioblastoma. This case illustrates the potential interest of pre-immunotherapy immuno-PET imaging biomarkers since the immune escaping environment (i.e., pathology was negative for PD-1, PD-L1 and, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes) explaining the insensitivity of this patient to immunotherapy was demonstrated only on the pathology post-resection at the end of immunotherapy. Existing imaging techniques demonstrated treatment insensitivity (a–h) but were not able to decipher the immune contexture for an early prediction of outcome. Imaging of a patient with recurrent glioblastoma in the left parietal lobe treated with combined immunotherapy (nivolumab) and re-gamma knife. MRIs were obtained at 3-month intervals. a Baseline T1 post-contrast MRI prior to immunotherapy and re-gamma knife therapy demonstrating a 6 × 5 mm enhancing lesion in the left parietal lobe. b MRI post-initiation of immunotherapy and pre-re-gamma knife therapy showing interval growth of the lesion. c MRI perfusion demonstrating growth and increased flow along the anterior margin of the tumor. d, e PET/CT demonstrating continued growth and increased FDG activity along the margin of the lesion. f Subsequent MRI demonstrating significant growth, increased peripheral nodular enhancement, and central necrosis. g Post-contrast MRI post-resection showing mild non-specific enhancement around the resection margin. h Follow-up MRI 7 months after resection demonstrating progression of disease
Albendazole-like compounds suppress Wolbachia titer in both D. melanogaster and B. malayi.Propidium iodide staining indicates host DNA as large circles and Wolbachia as small puncta. A–C) Assessment of Wolbachia titer in stage 10A D. melanogaster oocytes. Posterior pole is down. A) DMSO control. B) Doxycycline-treated. C) Average quantity of Wolbachia detected in single oocyte focal planes. D–F) Wolbachia staining in the B. malayi mitotic proliferation zone. Green arrows indicate Wolbachia puncta. D) DMSO control. E) Doxycycline-treated. F) Albendazole sulfone-treated. G) Average quantity of Wolbachia per host nucleus in the distal ovary of treated Brugia malayi. Conditions that significantly deplete Wolbachia are indicated by asterisks. Scale bars: A–B) 30 µm. D–F) 10 µm.
CAD extrahepatic bile ducts (EHBD) model and 3D printed EHBDs. (A) EHBD model in Fusion360; (B) EHBD model printed in Formlabs Durable resin with 0.5 mm duct walls; (C) EHBD model printed in Formlabs Flexible resin with 1 mm duct walls; (D) EHBD model printed in Formlabs Elastic resin with 0.75 mm duct walls.
Representative human (a, c, e) and porcine (b, d, f) SEM images of clot surfaces.Images are at 800x magnification (a, b; bar = 25 μm), 3500x magnification (c, d; bar = 5 μm), and 7000x magnification (e, f; bar = 2.5 μm)
Representative images (×20) of treated C1 sections depicting Fos and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) immunolabeling. A–E: representative photomicrographs (×20 magnification) of Fos (green) and PNMT (red) immunolabeling in the C1 medullary region of rat tissue (n = 4 animals/group). Cy3 fluorescence is pseudocolored red, and Alexa Fluor 488 is represented in green. Images represent staining in control (A), single-hypoglycemia (hypo) (B), repeated-hypo (C), hypo prevention (D), and naloxone-treated (E) animal tissue. Overlapping Fos+PNMT+ cells are indicated by arrows. F: bregma levels used for analysis. AmbC, ambiguus nucleus, compact part; Bo, Bötzinger complex; Sp5, spinal trigeminal nucleus; 4V, fourth ventricle.
Computed tomography scan at the initial diagnosis. (A) Parenchymal sequence. (B) Mediastinal sequence.
Digital images of cured samples [l × w × h: (25.0 ± 0.1) x (25.5 ± 0.1) × 3.0 mm] of (a) poly(CP), (b) poly(CP3T1), (c) poly(CP1T3) before (a, b, c) and after burning (a′, b′, c′); SEM images of poly(CP), (b) poly(CP3T1), (c) poly(CP1T3) surfaces of residual char: exterior (d, e, f) and interior (as inset) (d′, e′, f′), respectively.
SE images of bulk microstructures of: (a) AM, (b) AM + DAT, (c) AM + SAT and (d) CM + SAT samples with insets of higher magnification; etched in Nital.
Morphology of the paratype specimen (juvenile) of Xenoturbella japonica sp. nov. a Live specimen with anterior to the top. b Left-ventral view of a contracted specimen after fixation with anterior to the left. c–e MicroCT scans showing internal morphology. c Latitudinal section with anterior to the top. d Transverse section just anterior to the mouth. The epidermis (ep), intraepidermal nerve net (nn), basal lamina (bl) and muscle layer (ml) surround the intestine (int). e Longitudinal section with anterior to the left. The posterior epidermis, to the right, is curled due to contraction following fixation. White arrowheads, ring furrow; white arrows, side furrow; black arrow, statocyst; black arrowhead, mouth. Scale bars: a: 5 mm, d,e: 1 mm
Choosing an OPC for whole-cell patch clampThe top left panel shows a coronal forebrain slice imaged with a 5× IR-DIC objective. The cortex (CTX), corpus callosum (CC) and subventricular zone (SVZ) are labeled on the slice. A harp string is holding the slice in place. Using a low magnification objective to visualize the slice first is useful to choose the region of interest. The top right panel shows PdgfrαCreERT2:tdTomato cells in the cortex imaged with a 40× water immersion objective. Identifying potential tdTomato+ cells to patch is the second step to pick a cell to record. The bottom left panel shows a cortical OPC (black arrow head) under IR-DIC. This is a good cell for patch clamp, as it has smooth but clear outlines, is not too deep in the slice, and has good access. The bottom right panel shows a patched OPC filled with Lucifer Yellow (LY). Scale bar for the 5× image: 200 μm. Scale bar for the 40× images: 25 μm.
Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) scans of the cornea in nephropathic cystinosis in ascending order with age. (a–c) In children, the anterior stroma is predominantly involved in crystal deposition. In Patient 3 (C) the crystal location is deeper, but the posterior stroma is still not affected. (d–e) On the contrary, in adults the crystals are mostly located in the posterior stroma
Examples of T2* maps at a) baseline, b) during LCX infusion of 10 μg/min acetylcholine (ACh 3) and c) during infusion of 0.3 mg/min adenosine (Ade 3). The perfusion territory of the LCX after intracoronary injection of gadolinium is shown in d) and indicated with white arrows.
SEM images of (a) MgAl-CO3 LDHs and (b) LDHs@PA-Cu(II) under different magnifications.
Laser scanning confocal microscopy images of bone remodeling after different types of implantation procedures: (a) sham surgery, (b) ovariectomy, and (c) strontium coated implant insertion. Labeling performed with tetracycline hydrochloride and calcein. Registered 4 weeks post-implantation, x400 magnification. Figure adapted with permission from [112].
Herbicidal activity assessment of released metazachlor from microspheres after one month of incubation of microspheres in soil.
Ferric ammonium citrate (FAC) induces geographic atrophy with progression over time. Color fundus photographs obtained from the central retina and superior retina at 1 month and 4 months after saline and FAC injection (a). 102° ultra‐wide field infrared autofluorescence (AF) cSLO images obtained from central retina and superior retina at 1 month, 2 months, and 4 months after saline and FAC injection (b). OCT images from the same retina as in panel b in the central and peripheral retina (c). The positions of the line scans for c and d are indicated on the infrared AF cSLO images (b, green dotted lines). Toluidine blue staining conducted on plastic sections at 6 months after saline injection in the fellow eye (d) and on sections from the FAC‐injected eye (e‐i). Enlarged images from sections at 6 months after FAC injection (red boxes, e1 and e2) (f and g). Enlarged images from the superior peripheral retina (h, red box 1), central retina (h, red box 2), and inferior retina (h, red box 3) (i). Yellow pound signs indicate a geographic atrophy lesion in the superior retina in a. The yellow dotted lines demarcate a kidney bean‐shaped area geographic atrophy lesion in b; white arrowheads indicate atrophic RPEs, red arrowheads indicate residual RPEs, and asterisk indicates vortex vein. In e‐j, red arrows indicate myeloid cells, blue arrows indicate hypertrophic RPEs, white arrows indicate atrophic RPEs, red arrowheads indicate choriocapillaris, and white arrowheads indicate atrophy of choriocapillaris. ON: optic nerve; sup: superior retina; inf: inferior retina. Representative images are shown from N = 10 mice per group. Scale bar: 100 µm
Abdominal contrast-enhanced CT at the patient's first visit. (A) A polycystic tumor was identified in the pancreatic head (arrow). (B) Polycystic low-density areas in the liver (arrowheads). (C) The pancreatic tumor obstructed the common bile duct, and the proximal part of the bile duct was dilated to 20 mm (arrow). (D) A 10-mm area with lack of enhancement was identified in the superior mesenteric vein (arrow).
Brain MRI findings in MNGIE. MRI of MNGIE patient at age 16 with “typical” MNGIE phenotype. (A) T1 weighted sagital image shows cerebellar vermis atrophy (arrow) and normal gyral pattern. (B) Axial T2 with hyperintensities in the dorsal pons and mesencephalon (arrow). (C coronal flair image, D axial T2) Show extensive signal abnormalities in the cerebral white matter. The external capsule is involved as is the inner blade of the corpus callosum (arrow C,D). (E,F) Extensive white matter involvement with sparing of the U-fibers (arrow).
Chest radiograph demonstrating the final His-bundle and ICD lead positions.
Raw Particles and 3D Model Validation of Human PS1 Complex(A) CCD image of native PS1 complexes. Representative particle shapes are highlighted by white boxes; boxes 1–3, bilobed shapes; boxes 4–8, round or oval shapes; boxes 6–8 show suggestive central cavities. Scale bar, 20 nm.(B) Classums of native PS1 particles compared with 2D projections of the final model for native PS1 complexes. The classums and corresponding 2D projections are highly similar in size, shape, and internal density distribution. Bilobed, oval, and round shapes are seen that are similar to the raw particle images. Central cavities in the base domain are apparent in most classum/2D-projection pairs. Scale bar, 100 Å. Supplemental information is available, including a detailed flowchart of the complex purification algorithm (Figure S2), silver-stained SDS-PAGE gel showing the presence of all complex components and blue native PAGE showing their monodispersity and catalytic activity that can be inhibited by compound E (Figure S3), mass analysis of the complex using size exclusion chromatography with SEC-MALS (Figure S4), detailed flowchart of the model-building algorithm (Figure S5), and additional classum images (Figure S6).
(A–C) A case of Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) that presented with a tumefactive lesion. Lesion with high cellularity and infiltration of brain parenchyma by large B cells (A). Strong CD20 (B) and Multiple Myeloma Oncogene 1 (MUM1) protein expression (C) by large B cells. There is also an area of regression with perivascular cuff of macrophages (hematoxiln-eosin staining; H&E) (D). (E–H) Immunopathology features from a biopsy of a lesion derived from brain ischemic infract initially considered as Glioblastoma multiforme in a young patient. H&E (magnification x100) stained area showing a sharply demarcated macrophage rich lesion (E). Greater magnification (H&, magnification x200) reveals discohesive macrophage infiltration with loosened intercellular connections (F). There is complete absence of neuraxons (total axonal loss) in the macrophage rich area characteristic of an infarct (Neurofilaments, magnification x100) (G). There is also absence of myelin sheaths in the area of axonal loss with concominant absence of myelin granules in the cytoplasm of macrophages (absence of myelinophagia) [(H); Myelin Basic Protein, magnification x200]. (I–K) Rebound after fingolimod cessation with TDL emergence. Tightly packed histiocytes in MS after withdrawal of fingolimod [(I); H&E; manification x100]. Typical granular mitosis [(J); Creutzfeldt-Peter cells, arrows (H&E; magnification x400]. Complete preservation of underlying neuraxons [(K); Neurofilaments, magnification x200]. DLBCL, Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; H&E, hematoxiln-eosin staining; TDL, tumrfactive demyelinating lesion; MS, Multiple Sclerosis.
Pansynostosis and oxycephaly. Computed tomography images (A, B) and preoperative photos (C, D) for secondary corrective surgery showing pansynostosis and oxycephaly after inconsistent helmet therapy after endoscope-assisted strip craniectomy.
Axial unenhanced CT scan of the brain demonstrates an 8 mm sellar/suprasellar high-density lesion with mass effect on the optic chiasm (arrow)CT, computed tomography
COX-2 expression according to immunohistochemical staining of LSCC samples. a, b A laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) case demonstrating a high expression level of COX-2 (arrow) detected in the cytoplasm of carcinoma cells (magnification: a ×100; b ×400); c, d Negative expression level of COX-2 detected in LSCC (magnification: c ×100; d ×400); e, f Negative expression level of COX-2 detected in adjacent normal tissue of LSCC (magnification: e ×100; f ×400)
Trans-thoracic echocardiography demonstrating the DOMV in a modified 4-chamber view (a), a 2-dimensional short-axis (b) and two 3-dimensional images (c, d) demonstrating the two mitral orifices, and the fibrous bridge separating orifices. Zoomed images (e, f) demonstrate the separate inflow jets through the orifices.
Clipping multiple aneurysms at the P1–P2 bifurcation of posterior cerebral aneurysm via the Dolenc approach. (A) Preoperative CTA revealed an aneurysm at the left posterior cerebral P1–P2 bifurcation with irregular shape and basilar artery and bilateral posterior cerebral artery stenosis. (B) DSA revealed two aneurysms at the bifurcation of P1–P2 of the posterior cerebral artery, exhibiting a lobulated shape. (C) During surgery, the P1–P2 bifurcation aneurysm could be seen in the lateral space of the internal carotid artery, which points to the posterior and medial side, and the oculomotor nerve and posterior communicating artery could be seen. (D) The optic nerve was pulled medially to increase the exposure range, and the P1 segment of the posterior cerebral artery, posterior communicating artery, and its perforating vessels could be seen. (E) Another aneurysm at the bifurcation of P1–P2 was exposed, pointing downward, and a part of the perforating vessels and oculomotor nerve from P2 could be seen. (F) Two aneurysm clips were used to clip the aneurysm. (G) A postoperative CT scan of the head. (H) The postoperative CTA revealed that the aneurysm was completely clipped with no residue and no vascular damage.
Histopathological assessment of sex-biased hepatic lesions. Liver sections (hematoxylin and eosin stained) from male and female rats at 52, 78, and 104 weeks of age were analyzed for the presence and/or severity of basophilic foci, hyperplasia of the bile duct, and vacuolization of cytoplasm in hepatocytes. Representative images are shown of (a) female-biased basophilic focus from a 104-week-old female rat and (b) normal liver from a similar area of a 104-week-old male rat; (c) male-biased hyperplasia of the bile duct (minimal) from a 52-week-old male rat and (d) normal liver from a similar area of a 52-week-old female rat; (e) male-biased vacuolization of cytoplasm (mild) in hepatocytes from a 52-week-old male rat and (f) normal liver from a similar area of a 52-week-old female rat. Arrows point to histopathological features
(a) SEM image of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA); (b) SEM image and (c) TEM image of 3DOM ZnO; (d) SEM image of 3D ZnO; (e) HRTEM image of 3DOM ZnO; (f) FFT pattern and inverse FFT lattice image of 3DOM ZnO; (g) SAED patterns of 3DOM ZnO; (h) HAADF-STEM image of S/3DOM ZnO and corresponding Zn, O, and S mapping.
Study design. (A) Representative phase microscopic images of 2D (single cells) and 3D (spheroids) cell constructs; scale bars 100 μm. (B) Schema of study design, experimental groups and outcomes; constructs were cultured in vitro in osteogenic induction medium for 7 days prior to implantation (+7 days). (C) Representative macroscopic images of 8-weeks tissue specimens containing BMSC (a), GPC (b) or cell-free constructs (c); scale bars 2 mm.
(A–L) Cultured keloid-derived fibroblasts (KFs) characterized by confocal microscopy. The use of selective markers such as type I collagen (in red) (D) and HSP47 (in green) (J) reveals the presence of fibroblast cells in primary cultures. All the visible nuclei (in blue) (E,K) co-localize with the type I collagen (in red) (F) or with HSP47 (in green) (L) in KFs. Control experiments were performed in both cases to verify type I collagen and HSP47 antibodies selectivity (C,I), respectively. Secondary antibodies were used without primary antibodies (A,G) and cultured cells were stained by DAPI (B,H). Scale bar: 75 µm.
A) Periapical radiograph showing a large periapical radiolucency apparently involving the apices of teeth #9 and 10. Tooth #10 shows a radiopaque material extending beyond the radiographic apex by approximately 2.5mm. B) Periapical radiograph showing gutta-percha beyond the root apex which could not be retrieved and a no. 40 hand K-file that passed beyond the apical foramen. C) Periapical radiograph after 5 months showing a favorable amount of periapical healing. The weakened coronal tooth structure was removed. D) Periapical radiograph after 1 year 3 months showing considerable amount of periapical healing in spite of the overextended gutta-percha
Pathologic findings in CT-guided transthoracic needle biopsy specimens. (A) Histologically, a small number of atypical cells presented with large areas of observable necrosis (HE staining; magnification,×200). (B) Immunohistochemical staining positive for the expression of CD56 (magnification, ×200). (C) Immunohistochemical staining positive for CD3 expression (magnification, ×200). (D) Immunohistochemical staining negative for the expression of CD20 (magnification, ×200). (E) Immunohistochemical staining positive for the presence of granzyme B (magnification, ×200). (F) In situ hybridization positive for EBV-encoded RNA (magnification, ×200).
Retrograde pyelography with a filling defect in left ureter from L4-L5
3D Model from DLS synchrotron x-ray dataset showing high resolution reconstruction of a bract/scale complex constrained by overlying bracts.(A) Top view of bract/scale complex; (B) Basal view of bract/scale complex; (C) Frontal view of bract/scale complex; (D) Virtual slice through bract/scale complexes showing internal morphological relationships; (E) Right-hand side view of bract/scale complex; (F) Left-hand side view of bract/scale complex; (G) Top view of bract/scale complex with overlying bracts removed (i), ovule position and micropylar region (see arrow) seen through transparent scale (ii); (H) Tilted side view of bract/scale complex with overlying bracts removed (i), ovule position and micropylar region (see arrow) seen through transparent scale (ii); (I) View of ovule and position of micropylar region (see arrow) seen in three views: (i) top, (ii) side, and (iii) tilted side. All Scale Bars = 1 mm. Key: blue, bract of bract/scale complex; yellow, ovuliferous scale of bract/scale complex; purple/mauve, overlaying bracts; green, ovule; orange, micropylar region.
UNC-34 localizes to the leading edge of cell protrusions and to apical junctions.(A and A′) Confocal projections of dorsolateral (A) and ventrolateral (A′) surfaces (anterior is to the left) of the same embryo stained at mid-enclosure with anti-UNC-34 show broad expression throughout the embryo with enrichment at apical epidermal junctions.(B–E) Time-lapse sequence of projected confocal Z series, visualizing UNC-34::GFP in the ventral leading cell region (anterior is to the left) during enclosure. Besides apical junction enrichment, UNC-34::GFP is also present at the leading edge (arrowheads) of leading cell protrusions (C). Junctions enriched in UNC-34::GFP become apparent along the anterior and posterior borders of migrating cells ([C], arrow). Protrusions in contralateral partners meet at the ventral midline ([D], arrow), where apical junctions enriched with UNC-34::GFP eventually form ([E], arrow).(F–H) Confocal images of a wild-type 3-fold stage embryo expressing UNC-34::GFP (F) costained for AJM-1 (G). A merged image is shown in (H).(I–K) Representative wide-field images of wild-type (I), ajm-1(ok160) (J), and hmr-1(zu389) maternal and zygotic loss (K) embryos expressing UNC-34::GFP. UNC-34::GFP at apical junctions is misdistributed into puncta in ajm-1 embryos ([J], arrowheads) but is largely normal in hmr-1 embryos.(L–O) Immunostaining of UNC-34 in embryos carrying a truncated ajm-1::gfp transgene lacking a putative consensus binding site for Ena/VASP proteins (ajm-1(102-868)::gfp). (L) and (M) show a wild-type embryo expressing AJM-1(102-868)::GFP. UNC-34 localizes to junctions ([M], arrow). UNC-34 is also prominently expressed in neurons of the nerve ring (asterisk). (N) and (O) show an ajm-1(ok160) embryo rescued by ajm-1(102-868)::gfp. Although the truncated AJM-1 localizes to junctions (N), it is insufficient to localize UNC-34 there (O), despite robust expression in neurons (asterisk).Scale bars represent 10 μm.
Four axial computed tomographic (CT) images of the left stifle of the same dog in Fig. 1 (DBM mix group) made at the level of the first prong of the fork. (a) immediately postoperatively, (b) 1 month postoperatively, (c) 2 months postoperatively; (d) 3 months postoperatively. Note the progressive increase in heterogeneous mineral attenuation with near complete filling of the osteotomy gap. On image (d), there is smooth, contiguous bone at the medial aspect of the osteotomy
T2-weighted MR images and photographs (dorsal view) of experimental hind limbs repaired with collagen scaffolds after 28 days of implantation. Left MRI: scaffold is located distally as implanted and expected. Right MRI: scaffold is located proximally in the gastrocnemius muscle. Both prepared samples (for biomechanical testing) with analogues scaffold position gave no evidence about this position macroscopically. Arrows mark the position of calcaneus (C), scaffold (S), and gastrocnemius muscle (M).
The changes of calcium concentration of the P. heterophylla root tip after the infection by F.oxysporum. a The control without adding the fungal suspension, but sprayed with sterile water (CK), b the treatment infected by F.oxysporum but without spraying the blocker (F.OX), c the root tip infected by F.oxysporum and sprayed with 20 mM Trifluoroperazine Dihydrochloride (F.OX + 20 mM TFP), d the root tip infected by F.oxysporum and sprayed with 20 mM Verapamil (F.OX + 20 mM Verapamil), e the root tip infected by F.oxysporum and sprayed with 20 mM Lanthanum (III) chloride-anhydrous (F.OX + 20 mM LaCl3), f the root tip infected by F.oxysporum and sprayed with 2% HS (F.OX + 2% HS). All of the figures were taken under ten times fluorescence microscope with the white 100 μm ruler line. The deeper the intensity of the fluorescence suggests the higher concentration of the calcium ion in the root tips
Analysis of the expression of myostatin and phosphorylated Smad1-5-8. a Graph display the expression of myostatin and phosphorylated Smad1-5-8 in muscle biopsies of OA, OP and CTRL patients. b Rare myostatin positive fibers in a muscle tissue of OA patient (4×). c Muscle tissue of OP patient characterizes by numerous myostatin positive fibers (4×). d Muscle of a CTRL patient characterize by no expression of myostatin (4×). e Image shows muscle tissue of OA patient with numerous phosphorylated Smad1-5-8 positive nuclei (arrows) (40×). f Muscle of OP patient with phosphorylated Smad1-5-8 negative nuclei (arrows) (40×). g Image displays muscle biopsy of CTRL patient with numerous phosphorylated Smad1-5-8 positive nuclei (arrows)
Images obtained from a 58-year-old female diagnosed with LABC HER-2 breast cancer who presented pCR after mastectomy. The ΔADC% increase between MR1 and MR2 was 54% (true positive to early prediction of NCT). No size change (false negative at this point) was observed after the first cycle of treatment. Because of its high restriction signal in diffusion, the patient was diagnosed with partial radiological response by DCE and DWI at MR3 (both false negative at this point). (A) Axial DWI at MR1 shows an extensive area with high signal intensity, denoting diffusion restriction. (B) Axial DWI at MR2 shows high signal intensity at the same site as shown in (A). (C) Axial DWI at MR3 shows a significant reduction in the area of diffusion restriction and high signal intensity at the tumor site. (D) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of a histological section of the mastectomy product after NCT. Residual disease is absent, while stromal fibrosis and vascular neoformation are observed, compatible with response to treatment (10x magnification).
Stomata on a maize leaf. (a) shows stomata on the abaxial side; (b) shows stomata on the adaxial side; (c) magnified 1000 times of small spheres around the stomata of the adaxial leaf side; (d) magnified 1000 times of small spheres around the stomata of the adaxial leaf side.
CTA findings – case 1CTA of cervical arteries showing left vertebral artery intramural hematoma looking crescent-shaped (arrow) in the axial view (A), while it looks spiral (arrows) along (V1-V3) segments in the sagittal reconstructed view (B)CTA: computed tomography angiography
SEM images of the corncob under magnification of 1.68K× (a) and 8.81K× (b).
Classic images and their 3D reconstructions in a patient with liposarcoma. (A) MR hydrography image; (B) CT angiography image; (C) T1-weighted MRI; (D) T2-weighted MRI; (E) multimodality 3D reconstruction image with similar axial views as (A–D); (F) coronary view of MR hydrography image; (G) anterior view image of multimodality 3D reconstruction. Abbreviations: BA, brachial artery; BaV, basilic vein; BV, brachial vein; BP, brachial plexus; Tu, tumour.
Immunohistochemical PPAR-α receptor expression in renal cortical glomeruli and medullary tubules obtained from rats treated with saline (control), cisplatin (Cis, 5mg/kg, i.p.), cisplatin+pioglitazone (PIO, 2.5 mg/kg/day, orally), cisplatin+fenofibrate (Feno, 100 mg/kg/day, orally), cisplatin+pioglitazone+fenofibrate, cisplatin+pioglitazone+GW9662 (1 mg/kg/day, i.p), cisplatin+fenofibrate+GW6471 (1 mg/kg/day, i.p) and cisplatin+thalidomide (Thalid, 12.5 mg/kg/day, i.p).All drugs were administered 2 days before cisplatin injection and continued for 3 days thereafter. Values are means±S.E.M. of 8 observations.*, +, # and π denote significant difference (P<0.05) vs. control, cisplatin, cisplatin+pioglitazone and cisplatin+fenofibratevalues, respectively. Representative images of immunostained tissues are also shown (×400, A, control; B, cisplatin; C, cisplatin + pioglitazone; D, cisplatin + fenofibrate; E, cisplatin + pioglitazone + fenofibrate; F, cisplatin + pioglitazone + GW9662; G, cisplatin + fenofibrate + GW6471; H, cisplatin + thalidomide).
Initial chest X-ray (a) shows minimal right pleural effusion (arrow) with a small right upper lobe consolidation (arrowhead). Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography of the thorax (b) shows right upper lobe consolidation with surrounding tree-in-bud changes (circle). Repeated chest X-ray five months after ATT (c) shows the resolution of right lung consolidation and pleural effusion (arrow)
Images from EDX analysis with indicated area of interest. a – Top view at 30′000x magnification, area of interest on intertubular dentin. b – Top view at 30′000x magnification, area of interest on tubular plug. c – Vertical cut view at 10′000x magnification, area of interest on intertubular dentin. d – Vertical cut view at 10′000x magnification, area of interest on tubular plug
Macroscopic and microscopic appearance of the adrenal tumor. A, Normal adrenal and tumor cortex (∗); B, tumor cells in a nested arrangement and surrounded by fibrovascular stoma; C, tumor cells with basophilic glandular cytoplasm without atypia; D, chromogranin A positivity; E, S-100 positivity; F, synaptophysin positivity. Chromogranin A and synaptophysin are neuroendocrine markers, and S-100 is a marker of neural tissue.
Expression of REG Iα, β-catenin and Ki67 in SSA/P and its adjacent non-neoplastic mucosa in the colon. (A–D) Grading of REG Iα expression in SSA/P lesions and non-neoplastic colonic mucosa. (E–G) β-catenin expression pattern in SSA/P lesions and non-neoplastic colonic mucosa. Arrows indicate nuclear expression of β-catenin. (H,I) Expression of Ki67 in SSA/P lesions and non-neoplastic colonic mucosa.
MRI study.
Arrow shows the injection point on the chest wall, and there was no clear chute on indocyanine green lymphangiography.
Pre-operative lateral radiograph (A) showing anterior slip of C2 on C3 (white arrow) and inferior articular facet fracture of C2. Axial computed tomography (CT) scan (B) showing left pedicle fracture (dark arrow) and right inferior articular facet fracture (white arrow). Coronal CT scans showing fracture of the C2 body (white arrow) (C). Right parasagittal CT scans (D) showing fracture of right inferior articular facet (dark arrow). Sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (E) showing anterior slip of C2 on C3 (white arrow) and C2-3 disc injury (dark arrow). At one year after surgery, follow-up lateral radiograph (F) revealed solid fusion of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion at C2-3.
In situ legumain activity in cultured cells and subcutaneous xenografts.(A) In situ proteolytic activity (green) captured by fluorescence microscopy imaging of adjacent cryosections from a HCT116 subcutaneous xenograft incubated with (top left) and without (top right) legumain substrate, legumain substrate and E64 (lower left) or legumain substrate and recombinant cystatin E/M (lower right), demonstrating the specificity of the synthetic peptide Suc-Ala-Ala-Asn-NHNapOME utilized as legumain substrate. All pictures were taken using true colors, after the same incubation time and with identical microscope and camera settings. Scale bar represents 100 µm. Subcutaneous xenografts with SW620 cells (Fig. S3J). (B) Subcellular localization of active legumain (green) in HCT116 cells (made from cryosections after mounting in OCT-medium) with nuclei stained by DAPI (red) and analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. This showed granulated activity inside (yellow arrow) and outside (gray arrow) of the nucleus. Localization in the nucleus was confirmed by co-localization (white) of legumain activity and the nuclear counter-stain (right panel). Scale bar represents 10 µm. HCT116 cells incubated without substrate, or with substrate and cystatin E/M, showed no signals (Fig. S3H and I, respectively). (C and D) Legumain activity (green) in cryosections from subcutaneous xenografts with nuclei stained with DAPI (red) and analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Subcutaneous xenograft from HCT116 cells (C) showed similar results as in cultured cells with intense granulated activity (gray arrow) although less distinct activity in the cytoplasm (blue arrow) and within the nucleus (yellow arrow) was also observed. However, in the subcutaneous xenograft of SW620 cells (D) majorly diffuse legumain activity was observed in the cell cytoplasm (blue arrow), while in the nucleus this was more concentrated (yellow arrow). Scale bars represent 50 µm.
Representative images of immunohistochemical staining of BrdU and S-100. A: Localization of darkly brownish stained BrdU+ cells to transected tissues of rabbits having a segment of facial nerve fiber removed and implanted with NSC and HA-collagen scaffold, or NSC-embedded NT-3-supplemented HA-collagen composite scaffold, for 12 weeks (800× magnification). B: Brownish stained S-100+ facial nerve fibers in regular waves in normal tissue section of rabbits. No hyperplasia was detected (400× magnification). C: Waves of S-100+ nerve fibers in a less organized manner and hyperplasia of connective tissue were noted in tissues of rabbits after facial nerve fiber transection and implantation of NSC-embedded NT-3-supplemented HA-collagen composite scaffold for 12 weeks (400× magnification).
Selective perfusion imaging of the right coronary artery (RCA) and left coronary artery (LCA) perfusion territories in the isolated pig heart. Figure 5 show two short axis slices during first pass perfusion of gadolinium imaged at 3 Tesla after selective injection into the right and left coronary artery, respectively. A Anatomic reference plane (basal slice). B k-t SENSE selective RCA first pass perfusion. C k-t SENSE selective LCA first pass perfusion. The images have been segmented to improve visibility.
Loss of Tc-foxQ2 function in novel imaging lines confirms the midline phenotype.(A–A’’) In WT Ten-a-green embryos, three groups of cells are marked by EGFP: An anterior group (white circle), a posterior-lateral group (open arrowhead) and a posterior-median group (dashed circle). The central brain primordium is marked with Ten-a positive fascicles projecting across the midline (white arrow in A). (B–B’’) In Tc-foxQ2 RNAi, the Ten-a positive projections and the number of the marked cells is reduced (n = 4). (C–C’) In WT Tc-rx-5’-up line, the anterior median group of cells marked by DsRed project into the central brain (white circle and white arrowhead). (D–D’) In Tc-foxQ2 RNAi, the cell number in the anterior median group is strongly reduced (n = 6; white circle) and the marked brain commissures are absent (white arrowhead). The peripheral cells are reduced in number as well (n = 6; compare open arrowheads in C,D).
Panel A shows a two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiogram from the suprasternal view demonstrating a discrete narrowing just distal to the take-off of the left subclavian artery. This individual did not have a displaced left subclavian artery but instead had an aberrant right subclavian artery originating near the coarctation (not shown). Note the continuous high velocity color Doppler signal across the hypoplastic coarctation segment (Panel B).
Skin biopsy showing numerous intracellular round to oval yeast-form cells (hematoxylin and eosin, ×400).
STEM dark field images of VIP1 treated HEK cells ultrathin section. The HEK cells were treated following the same procedures as if would be expose to the magnetic field. (a) STEM ADF imaging for detailing cell mitochondria (red arrows), but saturated VIP with indistinctive ring-shape structure (blue arrows); (b) STEM HAADF for detailing VIP1 structure with distinctive ring-shape structure (blue arrow). Scale bar is 500 nm. (Additional micrographs are also shown on Figures S8 and S9).
(a) Optical micrographs of SLM-processed Al-Cu-Mg samples, (b) a higher magnification micrograph detailing the laser tracks shown in (a) [117]. Copyright 2016. Adapted with the permission from SPIE publishers (Figure 4 [117]).
Ultrasonic color Doppler image of the acardiac fetus at 16 weeks of gestation. Blood flow is observed in the navel of the acardiac fetus, which is stuck to the anterior uterine wall. Complete cessation of blood flow in the acardiac fetus was successful with a single puncture.
Volume of interest of an adrenal mass delineated using PMOD softwareVolume of interest of adrenal mass on venous-phase CT: a axial, b sagittal, and c coronal views, and d volume rendering reconstruction.
Image processing for extinction spots segmentation. The multiplicative rotational filter Murofi (to be published in a separate article) was developed to locate extinction spots in transmission images collected using a ToF beam. (a) Raw image collected studying the Fe sample. (b) a after pre-processing. (c) b after being filtered using Murofi. (d) c binarized using a threshold value. In c and d, only the sample region is shown.
(A) Cat 1 slice 7 (B) colored with pre- and parasubicular Cortex (C) MR image cat 1 brain slice 7 T2-weighted according to Rusbridge et al. (17) (D) colored.
3D virtual models of ontogenetic series of H. blanfordi, representing the samples from which raw measurements were taken from postcranial elements. Specimens represent different developmental stages: Stage 1 (a), stage 3 (b), stage 8 (c), and stage 10 (d). Stage 1 is characterised by ossification of the humerus, clavicle and ribs; stage 3 by ossification of ilium and tibia; stage 8 by ossification of manual phalanges, and stage 10 by ossification of carpals
a Axial T2-weighted FSE MR images of the neck again demonstrate a well-defined, high signal soft tissue mass (white arrowhead) within the left carotid space, with multiple punctate foci of low signal, representing vascular flow voids. Punctate areas of hyperintensity (hemorrhage) as well as these flow voids produce a classic “salt and pepper” appearance. b Axial T1 post-contrast images demonstrate avid enhancement of the mass (white arrowhead), again splaying the proximal external and internal carotid arteries (white arrows). c 3D maximum intensity projection (MIP) time of flight angiography demonstrates a highly vascular tumor situated within the carotid bifurcation, with numerous enhancing feeding vessels branching from the adjacent ICA and ECA (white arrows)
Connectivity amongst ROIs for right M1 stimulation.Arrows indicate significant connectivity between ROIs at the 54ms (left), 100ms (middle left), 164 ms (middle right), and 270 ms (right) latencies (average of 11 participants with simultaneous EMG recording). The color of the arrow indicates the strength of the connection. White circles emphasize differences in connectivity patterns amongst trials with MEPs (top) and without MEPs (bottom).
Imaging of PP2-A1:GFP in sieve elements undergoing differentiation.Fluorescent PP2-A1:GFP protein observed in leaves of pSEOR2:PP2-A1:GFP plants. Images were obtained by CLSM. GFP fluorescence is shown in false color green, propidium iodide in nuclei is shown in red and plastid autofluorescence in magenta except in (e). (a) General overview of a main vein showing mature and immature sieve elements. (b) Immature sieve element with soluble PP2-A1:GFP. In this cell, a number of subcellular compartments, including organelles and the nucleus, are still present. (c) Immature sieve element with soluble PP2-A1:GFP, in which the nucleus is no longer observed, although plastid autofluorescence is still present. Arrows indicate plastids in an immature sieve element. (d) In some cells that have begun to differentiate, PP2-A1:GFP fluorescence aggregates around small organelles. As sieve elements mature, their organelles gradually disappear. PP2-A1:GFP is present in an aggregated form around organelles, presumably mitochondria, although still present in a soluble form in the cytosol. Arrows indicate dense PP2-A1 material, presumably around mitochondria and plastids. (e) In sieve element ongoing differentiation, PP2-A1:GFP fluorescence, shown in green, aggregates around mitochondria stained with MitoTracker (shown in red). Arrows indicate mitochondria. (f) In mature sieve elements, PP2-A1:GFP is present only attached to organelles. * indicates nuclei. Se: sieve element; i-se: immature sieve element; companion cell. Scale bar = 5 μm.
Additional examples of axonal microdomain disruption are apparent immediately adjacent to microinfarcts. Elongated and irregular contactin-associated protein (caspr)-positive paranodes (green) are frequently seen (A). In tissue adjacent to, but some distance from the infarct core (300–350 µm away from infarct core), axonal microdomains remain disrupted with irregular morphology of paranodal regions [inset (B)]. In some instances, Ankyrin-G (Ank-G)-positive axon initial segments can be identified [arrowheads, insets (C,D)]. Inset: magnification ×60, scale bar = 5 µm.
(A and B) Patient 4 had adenocarcinoma of pancreatic body, as well as hepatic, peripancreatic lymph node, and osseous metastases, which demonstrated high FAP expression on maximum-intensity-projection 68Ga-FAP-2286 PET image (A) and transverse 68Ga-FAP-2286 PET/CT image (B). (C and D) Significant uptake and late retention of 177Lu-FAP-2286 were noted in liver metastases on posttherapeutic whole-body scintigraphy in anterior and posterior views at 48 h after injection (C) and on transverse SPECT/CT image (D). Because of low resolution of 177Lu for imaging, as compared with 68Ga for PET/CT, not all tumor sites seen on 68Ga-FAP-2286 PET/CT are apparent on 177Lu-FAP-2286 images.
Assessment of the x-ray features of lumbar disc degeneration—lateral x-ray of lumbar spine.Arrows—A–no disc space narrowing/anterior osteophyte (grade 0 lumbar disc degeneration), B–mild disc space narrowing and small anterior osteophyte (grade 1 lumbar disc degeneration), C–small anterior osteophyte and moderate disc space narrowing (grade 2 lumbar disc degeneration) [3].
Brain magnetic resonance imaging: axial FLAIR (first column), axial Gd -T1 (second column), sagittal T2 (third column: A, B, E), coronal FLAIR (C) or coronal Gd-T1 (D). A. March 14th, 2008 (first relapse): T2/FLAIR hyperintense non-enhancing lesions of centra semiovalia (arrow) and corpus callosum (arrow) white matter. B. April 1st, 2008 (first relapse, follow-up; diagnosis of SS): increased number and intensity of the T2/FLAIR hyperintense non-enhancing lesions of brain white matter, corpus callosum (arrow), also extending to cerebellum (not shown). C. May 15th, 2008 (third relapse): further increase of lesion number and intensity, some of the lesions are now enhancing (arrow). D. November 25th, 2008 (fourth relapse): stabilization of the supratentorial lesions, but new multiple contrast-enhancing brain (arrow) and cerebellar lesions (arrows). E. September 6th, 2012 (long-term follow-up): no evidence of disease activity with ensuing brain atrophy, as shown by dilatation of cortical sulci and loss of brain volumes, including at the corpus callosum (arrow).
Preoperative radiograph. Multiplanar, multisequential images were obtained through the left knee on a 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner. Mild patellofemoral joint osteoarthritis. A focal region of grades III-IV chondromalacia overlying the central femoral trochlear groove. exists but content is empty.
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