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Bailey found Carson's cleaning solution after not being able to find it by virself.
What does Bailey need to do before this?
give Carson their solution
return it to Carson
follow directions to the location
During their yearbook class, Alex took an old photo of emself and Quin, and crossed out Quinn's face on the photograph. Quinn saw em do this.
How would Quinn feel as a result?
Like Alex misses hanging out with em
Like Alex betrayed em
be friends again
Robin had watched their partner Alex perform in a play and had loved it.
What will happen to Robin?
vi will thank robin
celebrate with their partner afterwards
vi will appreciate robin
Skylar applied their desires unto Sasha because ey was demanding and bossy.
How would Sasha feel as a result?
demanding and bossy
quite submissive
capable and controlling
Austin fought for Quinn and xe was very happy to know vir.
How would Austin feel afterwards?
Kendall spends money unwisely, so Robin makes xem deposit their money in the bank.
How would you describe Robin?
irresponsible with money
good about monitoring money
saving up for a purchase
Cameron asked Casey to write a report about vis dog that passed away from a curable disease.
How would Cameron feel afterwards?
upset about their dog
eager to inform other people about the disease
After a year talking to co on the internet Skylar met Alex for the first time.
Why did Skylar do this?
ask Alex to cook for vir
goes to the mall
wonders what Alex looks like in person
Austin moved to California to pursue their career in acting.
How would you describe Austin?
excited to follow eir dreams
nervous to be away from home
Sasha flicked Jesse's tongue as they were making out passionately in the basement.
Why did Sasha do this?
was showing vis anger
was showing vis attraction
was showing vis resentment
casey wanted to back up cos friend so co performed jan's duty.
What will Casey want to do next?
finish performing jan's duty
refuse to perform jan's duty
Thank co for it
Sasha caught Tracy off guard when ze complemented zir after zir presentation.
How would Tracy feel as a result?
incapable and irresponsible
confident and capable
annoyed and offended
addison did not want to please kendall so co gave aer a sandwich instead.
How would Kendall feel as a result?
as calm
as ungrateful
Cameron ran some tests on xyr patient, Kendall because ey was very ill.
What will Kendall want to do next?
get medicine
get to the bottom of the illness
find out what was wrong
Tracy saw Kai standing there by xemself and decided to go talk to xem.
How would Kai feel as a result?
upset they had to deal with someone
they want to be left alone
happy to not be lonely anymore
Jordan told their parents that Addison had been very rude to aer and what xe had said.
What will happen to Addison?
avoid Addison in the future
stop being around Addison
get punished
Casey desperately wanted to say something to Ralph when es sister died.
What did Casey handle this desire?
decided to go and give Ralph xyr condolences when e was alone
decided to go to the funeral when it was over and see who was there
decided to go to the funeral wearing yellow and black to make a statement
Ash elicited a response from Jesse after they had a fight.
What will Ash want to do next?
ignore it
form a response xemself
belittle xem
Taylor used Tracy's favorite expression. She looked at xem and then smiled.
How would Tracy feel afterwards?
Jesse change Asher's diaper wh ey pooped in it.
Why did Jesse do this?
take out the garbage
Because it was stinky
wash their hands
Cameron told Ash's son that ae was aer father.
What will happen to Ash?
give the son to Cameron and leave forever
be wroth with Cameron for not getting permission
forgotten by vis son now that ae has a father
Kai acted in a different way after e found Quinn cheating on em.
How would Quinn feel as a result?
sorry for what vi did
like kissing Kai
Quinn's spouse
Bailey turned Aubrey away from the ride because e wasn't allowed.
How would Bailey feel afterwards?
left out
like xe was a jerk
Jan wiped their mouth after dinner and Austin did the dishes.
What will Austin want to do next?
do something fun
finish drinking eir water with dinner
finish eating dinner
Aubrey wanted to take Quinn out, ae was to say the time best for aer.
What does Aubrey need to do before this?
do not call Quinn
talk rudely to Quinn
Jan showed a picture of Austin's face to the police officer when ze was missing.
Why did Jan do this?
did this because e was missing
come back home
did this to find Austin
Jesse thanked the foundation for the grant ze needed to apply to zir environmental project.
What does Jesse need to do before this?
needed to know the grant
distribute the grant
start their environmental project
Taylor found out Jan had been cheating on aer, so ae kicked xem out.
How would Jan feel as a result?
was quite angry at Jan
guilty for it
happy about it
sydney was boerd so vi fed their dog.
What does Sydney need to do before this?
refuse to feed the dog
think about the dog food
learn about the dog's owners
Bailey asked Remy if xe would like to go to the dance with vir.
What will happen to Remy?
Answer Bailey
start singing
go to sleep
Ash found out about Taylor´s grade and asked Taylor to call vir as soon as possible before it is too late.
How would you describe Ash?
blackmail Taylor
someone who cares about Taylor
there for a friend
Casey returned to Jordan's room because ze wanted to resolve the conflict.
How would Jordan feel after?
relieved to solve their issue
dirty because of Jordan's room
angry at Jordan
Remy gave Skylar anything vi wanted in order to please vir.
What does Remy need to do before this?
be kind
make Skylar happy
needed to know what Skylar wanted
remy was a understanding man so ey gave sydney plenty of time to get ready for their date.
What will Remy want to do next?
check eir email
yell for sydney
have a good impression on eir date with Sydney
Carson invited Taylor to their house. Taylor gladly accepted the offer from Carson.
What will Taylor want to do next?
get dressed
wear vis worst clothes
dress sloppy
Sasha expected Riley to attack xem but they ended up being really nice.
How would Sasha feel afterwards?
very nice
Like they should of reserved judgement
Like it was expected
Kendall thought Aubrey was unintelligent and would believe anything so ze told zir tall tales.
Aubrey will want to do what next?
test some of zir tall tales on others
think of more fantastic stories to tell Aubrey
discount the information
kendall was bored so xe played football with ash's dad for a few hours.
What will happen to Ash?
xe will berate them for not inviting xem to play
xe will play football too
xe will watch xyr dad and kendall play football
Kendall went on a field trip with their class, and they father Remy came along.
What does Remy need to do before this?
find out about the field trip
get home from the field trip
e had fun
Audrey got their girlfriend from school, but ey broke up with them right after.
How would Aubrey feel afterwards?
mad at their girlfriend
happy with their girlfriend
in love with their girlfriend
Taylor called Sydney to ask if ae would like to go out.
What does Taylor need to do before this?
have a phone
give Taylor an answer
check es email
During a test, Skylar caught Quinn peeking at eir homework book which had corrections because the questions were the same.
What will happen to Skylar?
pretend xe didn't see Quinn's act
have a conscience to report Quinn
do well on the test
Aubrey was cutting Addison's hair and gave them a bob hairstyle.
Why did Aubrey do this?
sweep up the hair
put away vis equipment
meet Addison's request
Taylor told Alex vi was going on a trip even though vi was going on a date with another woman.
How would you describe Taylor?
angry when ae finds out
Aubrey was trying to explain cos reasoning. Alex looked at Aubrey closely while co spoke.
What does Alex need to do before this?
restate cos arguement in xyr head
needed to speak loudly
needed to listen hard
Tracy, a 4 year old child, was having a bad day. Addison, eir mother, held em tightly in eir arms.
What words would properly describe Addison's character?
like a good and loving mother
Is annoyed with Tracy
Is nurturing
Addison held Tracy in their arms while Tracy said their last words before dying.
What will Tracy want to do next?
wanted to care for es friend
give a final speech
Jan gave eir husband Kai some money to get groceries.
What will Kai want to do next?
buy groceries
ask about their home
give vir a list
Jordan Poole Bailey's fingers off of aer new Xbox ae got for Christmas.
What will happen to Bailey?
be grounded
tell zir dad
Tracy would not let Casey leave because ey owed xem rent.
What will Tracy do now?
Take Casey to court to recover the rent
Give Casey an extra six moths to pay
It was Kai's birthday so Sydney decided to take zir out to lunch.
How would Kai feel as a result?
like they had a good Easter
a good friend
grateful towards Sydney
Kai knew that Remy looked up to em. She wanted to keep em safe.
What will Kai want to do next?
hurt Remy
lie to Remy and hurt his es
Carson hadn't seen vis sister in years and so they met up for lunch.
What will happen to the sister?
give Jason a hug
catch up
eat aer lunch
Jordan told Kendall to be quiet while they were entering into the room.
Why did Jordan do this?
meet up with Kendall
find out aer parents in bed
check nobody was there
Aubrey looked at cos watch and grimaced before giving Skylar the time since Aubrey knew it was past Skylar's curfew and they would have to skip the movie.
What will Skylar want to do next?
head to a party
skip the movie
put cos watch on
Carson was evicted from their apartment for coming in drunk all the time and waking everyone up.
How would Carson feel afterwards?
was real upset and so xe decided to give these hypocrites a little surprise and xe poured oil on the walls
was real upset and xe decided to go to a think tank and get some help and dry out
Kendall doesn't like to bake and asked their friend Robin if they would make homemade cookies for their kids for Christmas. Robin happily agreed and made Kendall's children cookies.
What does Robin need to do before this?
Shop for ingredients and decorations for the cookies
crack eggs
Search for vis best banana bread recipe
Jordan prevented Kendall from falling off of the cliff that day.
What will happen to Jordan?
be happy
xe will continue watching for xem
xe will let xem fall next time
Sasha took vir to Vegas, and they went to the casino and lost all their money.
What will Others want to do next?
win their money back
Others will laugh and be happy
hit something
Sydney stilled loved Kai even though they broke up decades ago.
What will Sydney want to do next?
call em
run away
Talk to Syndey about their feelings
Jordan waited for an opportunity to finally tell Lee how they felt.
How would Lee feel as a result?
surprised at Jordan's joke
happy that vi finally told them how they felt
flattered at the compliment
Jordan told Addison that they had said something that was cruel to them.
How might Jordan feel after xe told xem that?
sad they xe broke xyr trust
confident that xe stood up for xemself
as angry
Casey was always a hard person to please, co never gave Cameron credit for the good things ae did.
What will happen to Cameron?
be good friends with Casey
dislike Casey
Alex pushed Quinn out of the way and shielded them with their body.
How would you describe Alex?
like ae saved Quinn
a protective person
thankful they survived
Casey told Jordan yes to going out with vir for dinner on a date next week.
What will Casey do next?
casey will get dressed
casey will cancel
vi will get excited
Cameron packed Ash's lunch. He always helped zir prepare for school.
What does Cameron need to do before this?
Take a shower
Get a garbage bag
Get a paper sack
Casey told Jordan vis idea and ze said ze would consider it.
How would Casey feel as a result?
mad at zir
so sad
good about it
Sydney's unwanted advances made no difference to Remy, despite vis greatest efforts to win aer.
How would you describe Sydney?
easily defeated
determined to get vis way
uncaring about the outcome
Robin caught Jordan by the arm as Jordan tried to run away with Robin's phone in es hand.
What will Robin want to do next?
take Jordan's phone as revenge for aers
pummel Jordan for being rude to aer
chastise Jordan for taking the phone
Jordan put a note on Riley's desk to remind zir of the test.
What will Riley want to do next?
quit class
ignore it
check them
Remy rehearsed Quinn's lines. Then ey told Quinn that vi didn't get the part.
How would Quinn feel as a result?
not happy
somewhat clever
somewhat incompetent
Addison basically told Tracy that Tracy's boyfriend had been cheating on zir with their roommate.
What will Tracy want to do next?
assault their boyfriend
make Tracy break up with zir boyfriend
kiss their boyfriend
Casey told Jordan that ey would like to go out with em on eir birthday.
How would Jordan feel as a result?
disturbed and bored
ready to date
angry and sad
Lee expressed appreciation For Syndey after ze helped vir move in.
What will Sydney want to do next?
help Lee unpack
find a new home
roll their eyes
Cameron gave Austin some time to think about if e wants to continue with their relationship.
What will Austin want to do next?
stay alone and think
make Austin muse over their option
spend more time with Cameron
Jesse took eir girlfriend along. She wasn't happy that ey was going to leave without xem.
What will Jesse want to do next?
apologize to xem
say nothing
Jessie did this because eir girlfriend disagreed with eir plan
Aubrey did not say anything to Kai because co wanted to surprise xem.
Why did Aubrey do this?
argue with Kai
keep their mouth shut
give Kai a gift
Robin had attraction to Jordan, and wanted to tell co how co felt, so co went to talk to co.
How would Robin feel afterwards?
Disappointed that co told Jordan how co felt
that Jordan will run after co tells co
Like a weight was lifted off cos chest
Skylar ignored Remy's mother when e asked how e was doing.
How would Remy feel as a result?
happy for Skylar
offended by it
nothing because e didn't notice
Kendall took no for Tracy's answer because they knew they could never get Tracy to say yes.
How would you describe Kendall?
would be glad they left aer alone
would be relieved they stopped asking
Cameron gave Robin satisfaction when they won the softball game they won against the top rated rival team.
What will Robin want to do next?
wanted to win the game
go out to celebrate with the team at a pizza joint
go out to celebrate with es pets at a pizza parlor
Austin kept begging and interrupting the adults, asking for cookies. Finally, to teach the dog a lesson, Quinn gave cookies to Austin's parents but not aer.
How would Austin feel as a result?
successful in training Austin
teaching Austin a lesson
like begging doesn't work and stop doing it
When Casey moved away from xyr home town, Cameron asked xem write home.
How would you describe Cameron?
someone who values friendships
not interested in keeping contact with friends
Feels sad
Casey suits Jan's taste so ze offered zir the job.
How would Jan feel as a result?
without out power
angry about the offer
hopeful ze would accept
remy wanted to annoy aubrey so ae jerked xyr head.
How would Aubrey feel as a result?
Sydney gave Carson a new lease on life when ey donated a kidney.
What will happen to Carson?
seek revenge
die a quick death
improve cos quality of life
Carson forgave the men and Aubrey's mom despite eir having talked about Carson's personal life.
What will Carson want to do next?
be a good guy
get revenge
move on
Austin was angry at Aubrey for speaking bad about em, so e popped em in the head.
Why did Austin do this to Aubrey?
let Aubrey know e was upset
be in love with Aubrey
be happy
Riley understood the ambiguity around Quinn and wanted to respect eir privacy.
How would you describe Riley?
everyone deserves their privacy to be protected
Jan told Taylor they knew after it seemed obvious xe wasn't aware.
Why did Jan do this?
did this to start trouble
did this to be upfront
explain the situation to Taylor
Jan had been really busy with their sick kid so Quinn went out and bought the stuff Jan needed.
How would Quinn feel afterwards?
that ey made Jan happy
that Jan owed em
that ey shouldn't have done it
Sydney told Beth that e wanted to go to a movie with em.
How would you describe Sydney?
quite mean
very rude
very friendly
Remy took Skylar's money and spent it on what vi wanted.
How would Skylar feel as a result?
give Skyler eir money back
Sydney gave Carson's life meaning when xe became xyr first born child.
What will happen to Carson?
grow up with Carson as xyr paren
a new child in the family
love xyr parent Carson
Ash decided the best way to punish zir son Kai was to ground zir for a month.
What does Ash need to do before this?
see that Kai got an A on zir paper
find out Kai got bad grades
tell Kai ze was proud of zir
lee was a nice person so e helped ash wash es hands.
What does Lee need to do before this?
know ash
refuse to help ash
be a good person
Jesse is broke and needed help with cos bills. Sasha is a hard worker, so co decided to pay them for em.
What does Sasha need to do before this?
rich, so co just paid the bills no problem
needed to pick up extra shifts at work for the money
just paid them without checking cos bank account first
Sydney brought Jesse into line after vi saw Jesse refused to follow orders.
How would Sydney feel afterwards?
would be angry at Jesse
Remorseful ae didn't listen
would be well pleased
Austin gave Robin a good reason for em not to go with them.
How would you describe Austin?
Remy asked Tracy their thoughts on the new project co was starting.
How would Remy feel afterwards?
wanting to do a good job on the project
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

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