10 values
| Comment Text | Exit deriving(Show, Eq) tokenizeCode :: Text -> [Text] tokenizeCode = split $ \c -> c == '。' || c == '、' || c == '「' || c == '」' parseCode :: Text -> Inst parseCode str
fromJSValUnchecked) -- | < Mozilla SVGTextContentElement.lengthAdjust documentation> getLengthAdjust :: (MonadDOM m, IsSVGTextContentElement self) => self -> m SVGAnimatedEnumeration getLengthAdjust self = liftDOM (((toSVGTextContentElement self) ^. js "lengthAdjust") >>= fromJSValUnchecked)
-- -> (k -> j -> (i, i)) -> ((k -> j -> i -> e) -> k -> j -> i -> e) -- -> k -> j -> i -> e -- flexible3 bounds1 bounds2 bounds3 f = (!) flex where -- flex = A.listArray bounds1 -- [ down2 (bounds2 i) (bounds3 i) (f (flex !) i)
toBaseStmtForm (SExp a e) = do s <- toBaseExpr e addStmt $ SExp a s toBaseStmtForm (Cond a cond b) = do sCond <- toBaseExpr cond (_, inner) <- catch $ toBaseStmtForm b
forall t effs. ( Member (Embed IO) effs, Members [Error UserError, Warn UserError] effs, FromJSON t, ToJSON t, TransitionValid t ) => FilePath -> Sem (WriteGraph t ': effs) ~> Sem effs runWriteGraphIO dir = runInputConst (IsDual False) . runWriteGraphIODualizeable dir runWriteGraphIO' ::
numIncreases :: Ord a => [a] -> Int numIncreases = length . filter (LT ==) . ap (zipWith compare) tail windows :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] windows = map (sum . take 3) . tails part1 :: [Integer] -> String part1 = show . numIncreases
translateT :: Program -> Runner () translateT p = tellHead >> translateProgram p >> tellTail tellHead :: Runner () tellHead = tell "declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...)\n" >> tell "@formatString = private constant [4 x i8] c\"%d\\0A\\00\"\n" >>
repoId = let prefixLen = length section - suffixLen suffixLen = length repoSectionSuffix in take prefixLen section repoSectionSuffix :: String repoSectionSuffix = "-repo" repoRemotePathK :: String repoRemotePathK = "remote_path" repoRemoteSshKeyK :: String repoRemoteSshKeyK = "ssh_priv_key_file" repoRemoteSshHostK :: String repoRemoteSshHostK = "ssh_remote_host"
module Lib ( someFunc ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Test.TWebDriver.Commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- myS :: WD () myS = click =<< findElem $(mkXPath "//a/button/descendant::a[contains(text(), 'wow')]") {-
) where import Universum import Pos.Core (Address) -- | A class which have the method to generate a new address class Monad m => MonadAddresses m where type AddrData m :: * -- | Generate new address using given 'AddrData' (e.g. password + -- account id). getNewAddress :: AddrData m -> m Address
fibs' :: [Integer] fibs' = take 20 fibs -- Question 2 fibs'' :: [Integer] fibs'' = takeWhile (<100) fibs
AppRoles (..) ) where import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Text
import GHC.Generics data IssueIDTO = IssueIDTO { _issueIDTONumber :: Int , _issueIDTOTitle :: String , _issueIDTOBody :: String } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
-- module Kata where remove :: String -> String remove "" = "" remove "!" = "" remove (x:xs) = x:(remove xs)
bfsEval :: [Int] bfsEval = reverse r where (r, _, _) = bfs ([1], visit, graph !! 1) bfs :: BreadcrumbB -> BreadcrumbB bfs b@(_, _, []) = b
tupElemTyName :: Int -> Q Name tupElemTyName i = newName $ printf "t%d" i -- | Generate a single constructor for the 'TabTuple' type. mkTupleCons :: Name -> (Int -> Name) -> (Type -> Type) -> Int -> Q Con mkTupleCons tupTyName conName elemTyCons width = do tupElemTyNames <- mapM tupElemTyName [1..width] let tyVarBinders = map PlainTV tupElemTyNames -- (t1, ..., t<n>) tupTy = foldl' AppT (TupleT width)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as S import Data.Bits as B import Data.List as L import Data.Binary.Get as G import Data.Char import Data.Int import Data.Word import Methods import ImpossibleImports import Memory g'bool :: Get Bool
-- Unit unit :: Float -> (Float, [Char]) unit v = (v, "") -- Bind
import Clash.Prelude import GHC.TypeLits.Extra import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Proxy import Data.Singletons hiding (type (+)) data IIndex (f :: TyFun Nat Type) :: Type type instance Apply IIndex l = Index ((2^l)+1) popCountT = tdfold (Proxy :: Proxy IIndex) fromIntegral (const add)
module Formal where import Data.List newtype FPS v c = FPS { eval :: [v] -> c } fpsSum :: (Num c) => FPS v c -> FPS v c -> FPS v c
data Key = Key { next :: (Key, Integer)
data Expr = Expr { exprField :: Text , exprSelector :: SelectorExp } deriving (Show, Eq) data PageExp = PageExp { pageUrlFilter :: Text , pageExprs :: [Expr] } deriving (Show, Eq) type PageName = Text
-> Bool -> Fay CodeMirror -- ^ A new code mirror. newCodeMirror = ffi "CodeMirror(%1,{mode:%2,value:%3,autofocus:%4,indentWithTabs:false,tabSize:4})" -- | Get the current editor content. getMirrorValue :: CodeMirror -> Fay String getMirrorValue = ffi "%1['getValue']()" -- | Set the current editor content.
where numTypes = ["~int2", "~int4", "~int8", "~numeric", "~float4", "~float8"] isDbValue = T.isPrefixOf "~" isComparableType = isDbValue symInClass T.Num sym = sym `elem` numTypes
------------------------------------------------------------ import MonadIO.NamedHandle ( HEncoding( NoEncoding ), ℍ, handle ) import MonadIO.OpenFile ( FileOpenMode( FileR ), openFile ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type 𝔹𝕊 = ByteString class MkInputStream α where mkIStream ∷ ∀ ε μ .
module Language.Tiger.Expr where
import Control.Concurrent expensive = f (500 :: Int) where f 0 = stop f n = do r <- atom $ getStdRandom (randomR (0,99::Int)) r `seq` f $! n-1 main = do m <- newEmptyMVar forkIO (do runTIO $ map (\x->expensive) [1..500] putMVar m ())
let result = input --> gate putStrLn $ show input ++ " -> " ++ show result data Neuron = Neuron { weight :: Vector R, bias :: R
import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Hspec as HS import Data.List import Data.Ord import qualified Test.Fluidity.EVM.Data.BytecodeSpec as BytecodeSpec import qualified Test.Fluidity.EVM.Core.SystemSpec as SystemSpec
eAccessToken <- liftIO $ runEncryptM appEncryptionSettings $ decryptText twitchCredentialsAccessToken case eAccessToken of Left _ -> sendStatusJSON status401 ("Unable to retrieve access token" :: Text) Right accessToken -> do eResponse <- twitchRequest
describe "Part1" $ do it ("returns 67384529 for " ++ input) $ do part1 input `shouldBe` "67384529" -- describe "Part2" $ do -- it ("returns 149245887792 for " ++ input) $ do
infixr 5 :-: data List a = Empty | Cons { listHead :: a, listTail :: List a} deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) data List1 a = Empty1 | a :-: (List1 a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) infixr 5 ^++ (^++) :: List1 a -> List1 a -> List1 a Empty1 ^++ ys = ys (x :-: xs) ^++ ys = x :-: (xs ^++ ys)
-- | Full data type definition for -- CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObject. See -- 'codeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObject' for a more -- convenient constructor. data CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObject = CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObject { _codeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObjectOnPremisesTagGroup :: Maybe [CodeDeployDeploymentGroupTagFilter] } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToJSON CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObject where toJSON CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObject{..} = object $ catMaybes [ fmap (("OnPremisesTagGroup",) . toJSON) _codeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesTagSetListObjectOnPremisesTagGroup
l <- generateArray 0.0 1.0 m <- generateArray 0.0 1.0 let ls = map (\x -> (x - 0.5)*0.1) $ take 100 $ l let ms = map (\x -> (x - 0.5)*0.1) $ take 100 $ m let point = predict_point_from_sources ls ms (3.4,5.6) print point let uvgrid = sample_uv_grid 5 5.0 ls ms print uvgrid
module Data.String.Strip (strip) where import Data.Char -- | This is haddock documentation. Explain here that this function trims spaces. -- If you run stack haddock from the terminal, the docs are in .stack-work/dist/somenumber/doc/html/projectname/doc-index.html strip :: String -> String strip = dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Builder (lazyByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Enumerator (Iteratee, consume) import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Handler.Webkit
module ListsPalindrome where isPalindrome :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool isPalindrome xs = xs == (reverse xs)
module Main where import CLI main :: IO () main = do path <- getArgs runFs path
-- | Convenience function for @first@ with a @Kleisli@ arrow. firstM ∷ Monad m ⇒ (a → m c) → (a, b) → m (c, b) firstM = unkleislify first -- | Convenience function for @second@ with a @Kleisli@ arrow. secondM ∷ Monad m ⇒ (b → m c) → (a, b) → m (a, c) secondM = unkleislify second -- | Convenience function for @(***)@ on 'Kleisli' arrows.
module B (idd) where idd :: Int idd = 100000242418429
=> ThmTactic HOLThm cls thry -> thm -> Tactic cls thry _CONJUNCTS_THEN' ttac cth g = do th1 <- ruleCONJUNCT1 cth th2 <- ruleCONJUNCT2 cth (ttac th1 `_THEN` ttac th2) g ruleIMPLICATE :: BoolCtxt thry => HOLTerm -> HOL cls thry HOLThm ruleIMPLICATE (Neg t') = ruleCONV (convRAND convBETA) $ ruleAP_THM defNOT t' ruleIMPLICATE _ = throwM $! HOLExhaustiveWarning "ruleIMPLICATE" tacRIGHT_REVERSIBLE :: BoolCtxt thry => Tactic cls thry tacRIGHT_REVERSIBLE = _FIRST [ tacCONJ
import Icicle.Common.Fresh import Icicle.Core.Program.Program import Icicle.Core.Stream.Stream import qualified Icicle.Core.Exp.Simp as S import qualified Icicle.Core.Exp.Exp as C
requestLine = (,,) <$> (method <* B.skipSpace) <*> (B.takeTill B.isSpace <* B.skipSpace) <*> httpVersion where method = "GET" <|> "POST" httpVersion = "HTTP/" *> ((,) <$> (int <* B.char '.') <*> int) responseLine = (,,) <$> (httpVersion <* B.skipSpace) <*> (int <* B.skipSpace) <*> bodyLine
-- fmap a -> fa -> fb -> f f b addOne :: Num a => a -> [a] addOne x = [x, 1] func1 :: Num a => (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [[a]] func1 f l = f <$> l result = func1 addOne [1,2,3] bind' :: Monad m => ( a -> m b ) -> m a -> m b bind' f = join . fmap f -- liftA :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
print $ part1 (read timestamp) buses print $ part2 buses splitBy :: Char -> String -> [String] splitBy _ "" = [] splitBy c (',' : s) = splitBy c s splitBy c s = let (a, b) = span (/= c) s in a : splitBy c b part1 :: Int -> [String] -> Int part1 timestamp buses' = uncurry (*) $ minimum $ zip (map (\b -> b - mod timestamp b) buses) buses where buses = map read $ filter (/= "x") buses'
data Action = AttackTo Target | Iso Command deriving (Show) data Target = ToPlayer | ToEnemy deriving (Show) data CommandList = CommandList { _index :: Int, _listSize :: Int, _commandMap :: IM.IntMap Command } deriving (Show) index :: Lens' CommandList Int index = lens _index (\f x -> f { _index = x }) listSize :: Lens' CommandList Int listSize = lens _listSize (\f x -> f { _listSize = x }) commandMap :: Lens' CommandList (IM.IntMap Command) commandMap = lens _commandMap (\f x -> f { _commandMap = x })
import Data.Vinyl import GHC.Exts import GHC.Generics import GHC.TypeNats import Generics.OneLiner import Numeric.Backprop as B import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static.Backprop () import Numeric.Opto.Update hiding ((<.>)) import qualified Data.Functor.Contravariant as Co import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
(startYear, endYear) = (1901,2000) startOffset = 1 -- Jan 1 1901 was a Tuesday targetDay = 6 -- searching for Sundays monthLengths = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] monthLengthsLeap = 31:29:(drop 2 monthLengths) (yearlyOffset, yearlyOffsetLeap) = (1,2) --map ((`mod` 7) . sum) [monthLengths, monthLengthsLeap] isLeap y = y `rem` 4 == 0 && (y `rem` 100 /= 0 || y `rem` 400 == 0)
primHashMap :: M.Map Identifier (T.Text,Hash) primHashMap = M.fromList (zip allPrimNames vs) where ns = map unIdentifier allPrimNames hs = map mkHash ns vs = zip ns hs primSizeMap :: M.Map Identifier Size primSizeMap = M.fromList $ zip ns sz where ns = map primToText allPrims
{- liftIO (modifyIORef' ref (\(w',s) -> ( trace ("\nwtell " ++ show w' ++ " " ++ show w) w'<>w , s))) -} (w', s) <- readIORef ref writeIORef ref (w' <> w, s) return ((), x) {-# INLINE tell #-}
module Ch2 where triple x = x * 3 waxOn = x * 5 where x = y ^ 2 y = z + 8 z = 7
module Main where import Control.Monad import HGet.Internal.CLI (cliConfig) import HGet.Internal.UI (runUI) main :: IO () main = do config <- cliConfig void runUI
-- "Crypto.Saltine.Core.Auth" -- -- The 'auth' function authenticates a message 'ByteString' using a -- secret key. The function returns an authenticator. The 'verify' -- function checks if it's passed a correct authenticator of a message -- under the given secret key.
describe "Testing whether an example of an LCirc has coherent semantics" $ do it "compatible lgraph node composition" $ do let n1 = mkNodes [1, 2, 3 :: NodeId] n2 = mkNodes [4, 5, 6 :: NodeId] m12 = Map.fromList $ [(5, \c-> if (c == 5) then 1 else c), (4, \c-> if c == 4 then 2 else c)] compNodes n1 n2 m12 `shouldBe` (mkNodes [1, 2, 3, 6]) it "compatible lgraph edge composition" $ do let e1 = edges circuitEx
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) layoutCss :: Text layoutCss = render $ do body ? minHeight (px 2000) element ".jumbotron" ? (textAlign $ alignSide sideCenter) element "#gmail" ? (marginLeft $ px 10)
module RebindHR where import Prelude hiding ( (>>=) ) import Data.Typeable data Exp = Int Int | Plus Exp Exp | Bool Bool data TExp a where TInt :: Int -> TExp Int TPlus :: TExp Int -> TExp Int -> TExp Int TBool :: Bool -> TExp Bool (>>=) :: ((forall t. Typeable t => TExp t -> Maybe r) -> Maybe r) -> (forall t. Typeable t => TExp t -> Maybe r) -> Maybe r x >>= y = x y
import Control.Effect import Control.Effect.Monad import Prelude hiding (Monad(..)) putStrLn' = Wrap . putStrLn printer = do putStrLn' "Hello" putStrLn' "I am really regular IO monad"
) where import Prelude () import SDP.SafePrelude import SDP.Zip default () --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
do base_nm <- symName (str ++ "_base") off_nm <- symName (str ++ "_offset") base <- freshConstant sym base_nm BaseNatRepr offs <- freshConstant sym off_nm (BaseBVRepr knownNat) return (Value (LLVMPointer base offs)) isPtr ptr True return ptr -- | Generate a fresh value for a general purpose register. freshGP :: GPReg -> GPRegUse t -> Spec Pre (Value t)
firstLit (ALit l _ : _) = l firstLit (_ : as) = firstLit as k2cStringAlts b e (ALit l c : as) = (if b then text "else " else empty) <> text "if (strEq (" <> k2cExp e <> text "," <> k2cExp (ELit l) <> text ")) {" $$ nest 4 (k2cNestIfCmd c) $$ text "}" $$ k2cStringAlts True e as k2cStringAlts _ e [AWild c] = text "else {" $$ nest 4 (k2cNestIfCmd c) $$ text "}" k2cFloatAlts b e (ALit l c : as)
Portability : GHC -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Language.Fortran.Inline.Utils where import qualified Language.C.Inline as C
import Protolude import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup) import qualified Spec.Day_3 as Day_3 main :: IO () main =
html $ mconcat ["<html><body>" ,"<h1> Heading </h1>" ,"</body></html>" ]
factFromJSON :: (?q::SMTQuery) => DFSession -> J.Value -> IO Fact factFromJSON df f@(J.Object vs) = case H.toList vs of [(rname, v)] -> rowFromJSON df (unpack rname) v _ -> err $ "Invalid JSON fact: " ++ show f factFromJSON _ f = err $ "Invalid JSON fact: " ++ show f rowFromJSON :: DFSession -> String -> J.Value -> IO Fact rowFromJSON DFSession{..} rname val = do let Relation{..} = fromJust $ find ((== rname) . name) dfRels let ?q = dfQ
data Split PlutusTx.makeLift ''SplitDatum PlutusTx.unstableMakeIsData ''SplitDatum instance Scripts.ValidatorTypes Split where type RedeemerType Split = () type DatumType Split = SplitDatum splitValidator :: Scripts.TypedValidator Split splitValidator =
it "calculates the square of an arbitrary integer" $ property $ \(n :: Integer) -> square n == n * n it "calculates the square of an arbitrary double" $ property $ \(n :: Double) -> square n == n * n describe "ggT" $ do it "calculates the gcd of 15 and 10" $ ggT 15 10 `shouldBe` 5 it "calculates the gcd of two arbitrary integer" $ property $ \(a :: Integer) (b :: Integer) -> ggT a b == gcd a b
let x = xp `mod` a in let y = yp `mod` b in Divides.chineseRemainder a b x y < a * b proposition10 :: Primitive.Natural.Natural -> Primitive.Natural.Natural -> Primitive.Natural.Natural -> Primitive.Natural.Natural -> Bool
major7Chord :: Chord major7Chord = buildChord [0, 4, 7, 11] type Duration = Int data Progression = Progression { chords :: [((Chord, Int), Duration)] , key :: Double , tempo :: Double } applyProgression :: Progression -> WaveFn -> WaveFn applyProgression prog wave t | t == 0 = (applyChord pitch' wave chord') t
import Test.Tasty import qualified Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC import qualified Codec.Packstream.Coding as PSC import Test.SCInstances unitTests :: TestTree
import Data.IntMap import Yesod import Dispatch () import Foundation main :: IO () main = do tstore <- atomically $ newTVar empty tident <- atomically $ newTVar 0 warpEnv $ App tident tstore
elementFromPoint self x y = liftDOM (((toDocumentOrShadowRoot self) ^. jsf "elementFromPoint" [toJSVal x, toJSVal y]) >>= fromJSVal) -- | < Mozilla DocumentOrShadowRoot.elementFromPoint documentation> elementFromPoint_ :: (MonadDOM m, IsDocumentOrShadowRoot self) => self -> Double -> Double -> m () elementFromPoint_ self x y = liftDOM (void ((toDocumentOrShadowRoot self) ^. jsf "elementFromPoint"
} instance Default XvfbConfig where def = XvfbConfig Nothing defaultWdOptions :: FilePath -> FilePath -> WdOptions defaultWdOptions toolsRoot runRoot = WdOptions toolsRoot runRoot (const False) def OnException Normal data WdSession = WdSession { wdLabels :: [String] , wdWebDriver :: (Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe XvfbSession) , wdOptions :: WdOptions , wdSessionMap :: MVar [(Browser, W.WDSession)]
{ stCheckpoints = initCheckpoints , stSystemState = Sys.initState , stLast = Sys.initState } getCheckpoints = stCheckpoints <$> getState getSystemState = stSystemState <$> getState getLast = stLast <$> getState setCheckpoints x = updateState (\st -> st { stCheckpoints = x }) :: Control () setSystemState x = updateState (\st -> st { stSystemState = x }) :: Control ()
multM m1 m2 | l1 /= l2 = error "matrizes incompatíveis" | otherwise = [[prodInterno l c | c<-transpose m2] | l<-m1] where l1 = snd $ lengthM m1 l2 = fst $ lengthM m2
mkSubscriptionScheduleAddInvoiceItem subscriptionScheduleAddInvoiceItemPrice = SubscriptionScheduleAddInvoiceItem { subscriptionScheduleAddInvoiceItemPrice = subscriptionScheduleAddInvoiceItemPrice, subscriptionScheduleAddInvoiceItemQuantity = GHC.Maybe.Nothing, subscriptionScheduleAddInvoiceItemTaxRates = GHC.Maybe.Nothing }
dt2Str :: DataType -> String dt2Str StdLogic = "SL" dt2Str StdLogicVector = "SL Vec" dt2Str StdULogic = "SUL" dt2Str StdULogicVector = "SUL Vec"
main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "SystemF" SF.spec describe "Transformations" Tr.spec describe "FromPlutusIR" FP.spec
---------------------------------- StateT ------------------------------------ newtype StateT s m a = StateT{runStateT :: s -> m (a,s)} instance Monad m => Functor (StateT s m) where fmap f (StateT fa) = StateT $ \s -> do (xa, sx) <- fa s return (f xa, sx) instance Monad m => Applicative (StateT s m) where pure x = StateT $ \s -> return (x, s) StateT ff <*> StateT fa = StateT $ \s -> do
-- test that a failed acquire doesn't fail the other requests ref <- newIORef False env <- testEnv impl $ \st -> st { failAcquire = throwIO (DataSourceError "acquire") , failRelease = writeIORef ref True } x <- runHaxl env $ (dataFetch (FailAfter 0) + wombatsMany) `Haxl.catch` \DataSourceError{} -> wombats assertEqual "badDataSourceTest1" 3 x
(mrow :: Maybe (Double,I.Int64)) <- H.single $ [H.q|SELECT * FROM data WHERE field1=?|] num case mrow of Just (field1,field2) -> let newfield2 = field2 * 2 + 1 in H.unit $ [H.q|UPDATE data SET field2=? WHERE field1=?|] newfield2 field1
cachedIdem f i a = do s <- get case Set.member a s of True -> return i False -> do b <- f a s' <- get put (Set.insert a s') return b
, velocity = Vel (0, 0) , mass = 1 } earth :: Body
prism' SpendsPK ( \case SpendsPK o -> Just o _ -> Nothing ) -- * Picking apart 'OutConstraint's data PaysScriptConstraint where PaysScriptConstraint :: PaysScriptConstrs a => L.TypedValidator a ->
module Atom.Language.Atom ( -- * Code -- | Module: "Language.Atom.Code" Config (..), defaults, Clock (..), defaultClock, writeC, cType, RuleCoverage, -- * Compilation -- | Module: "Language.Atom.Compile" compile, reportSchedule, Schedule, -- * Common -- | Module: "Language.Atom.Common" Timer, timer, startTimer, startTimerIf, timerDone, oneShotRise, oneShotFall, debounce, lookupTable, linear, hysteresis, Channel (..), channel, writeChannel, readChannel,
module Lib ( someFunc, ) where someFunc :: IO () someFunc = putStrLn "HELLO LUKE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!"
getCategories, search, download ) where import Network.Curl import qualified Types.Category as Category import qualified Types.Torrent as Torrent import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Aeson as Json import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Servant (NoContent (NoContent)) import Cardano.BM.Data.Trace (Trace) import Cardano.Node.Follower (NodeFollowerEffect) import Cardano.Node.RandomTx import Cardano.Node.Types import Cardano.Protocol.ChainEffect as CE import Cardano.Protocol.FollowerEffect as FE import qualified Cardano.Protocol.Socket.Client as Client import qualified Cardano.Protocol.Socket.Server as Server import Ledger (Block, Slot (Slot), Tx)
shrinkCompiled :: CompiledCode a -> CompiledCode a shrinkCompiled = shrinkCompiledSp defaultShrinkParams shrinkCompiledSp :: ShrinkParams -> CompiledCode a -> CompiledCode a shrinkCompiledSp sp comped = let asScript = fromCompiledCode comped script@(Script prog') = shrinkScriptSp sp asScript prog = programMapNames fakeNameDeBruijn prog' scriptBc = toStrict $ serialise script in case comped of
import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "fun1'" $ do it "should behave just like fun1" $ property $ \xs -> (fun1' xs) == (fun1 xs) describe "fun2'" $ do it "should behave just like fun2" $ property $ forAll (arbitrary :: Gen (Positive Integer))
dissembler, hypocrite, sophist, Pharisee, Jesuit, Mawworm, Pecksniff, <NAME>, Tartuffe, Janus, serpent, snake in the grass, cockatrice, Judas, wolf in sheep's clothing, jilt, shuffler, stool pigeon *liar story-teller, perjurer, false witness, menteur a triple etage, Scapin, bunko steerer , carpetbagger , capper , faker, fraud, four flusher, horse coper, ringer, spieler, straw bidder *imposter pretender, soi-disant, humbug, adventurer, Cagliostro, <NAME>, ass in lion's skin , actor
import Safe (headMay, lastMay) import Network.Wreq (redirects) import Control.Lens import Natas.Natas import Natas.Parse solution :: Solution solution = do let req = getLevel' 22 (parentUri 22 ++ "/?revelio") (redirects .~ 0)
module Graphics.GL.SGIS.TextureLOD, module Graphics.GL.SGIS.TextureSelect ) where import Graphics.GL.SGIS.DetailTexture import Graphics.GL.SGIS.FogFunction import Graphics.GL.SGIS.GenerateMipmap
toDigits :: Integer -> [Integer] toDigits = map (toInteger . digitToInt) . show factorial :: Integer -> Integer factorial n = product [1..n]
import Lucid (Html, ToHtml (toHtml), br_, pre_) import Prettyprinter.Render.Util.SimpleDocTree (SimpleDocTree (..)) renderHtml :: SimpleDocTree (Html () -> Html ()) -> Html () renderHtml = let go = \case STEmpty -> pure ()
tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [unitTests] unitTests :: TestTree unitTests = testGroup "D22P1 Unit tests" [ testCase "gives correct answer to the original problem" $ do [0,3,6,9,2,5,8,1,4,7] @=? shuffled 10 1 [ DealWithIncrement 7, DealIntoNewStack, DealIntoNewStack ] [9,2,5,8,1,4,7,0,3,6] @=? shuffled 10 1 [ DealIntoNewStack, Cut (-2), DealWithIncrement 7, Cut 8, Cut (-4), DealWithIncrement 7, Cut 3, DealWithIncrement 9, DealWithIncrement 3, Cut (-1) ]
with :: Verified p a -> (forall s. Reifies s (Verified p a) => Lift p a s) -> a with d v = reify d (lower . asProxyOf v) where asProxyOf :: f s -> Proxy s -> f s asProxyOf x _ = x using :: forall p a b. VerifiableConstraint p => Verified p a -> (p a => b) -> b using d m = reify d $ \(_ :: Proxy s) ->
numbs = mkRegex "^:[0-9]{4}$" hgtIn = mkRegex "^[0-9]+in$" hgtCm = mkRegex "^[0-9]+cm$" hairC = mkRegex "#[0-9,[a-f]{6}"
import qualified SuperWeatherProvider import qualified SuperWeatherReporter -- | This is an actual application where we use -- our concrete implementation of `WeatherProvider`. main :: IO () main = do
-- DFT function is expressed as a multiplication of a transformation matrix with -- the input vector. The matrix is never manifested, and the resulting code is -- a doubly-nested loop where the matrix elements appear in the innermost -- calculation. dftRun = connectStdIO $ return . (dft :: DPull (Complex Double) -> _) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| otherwise = isAbba (b:c:d:rest) (found || matches && not inBraces) inBraces where matches = a == d && b == c && a /= b isAba :: String -> Bool