10 values
module Main where import qualified Advent.Day03 main :: IO () main = Advent.Day03.main
module Agda.TypeChecker ( checkDecls, checkDecl , inferExpr, checkExpr ) where import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Builtin as Rules import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Data as Rules import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Decl as Rules import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Def as Rules import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS as Rules import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Record as Rules import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term as Rules
eRoundtripText <- lift $ runEncryptM encryptionSettings $ decryptText =<< encryptText originalText -- The result should be a 'Right' and match the 'originalText'
module SuccinctDeBruijn where import Types.AssemblyGraphs import Types.DNA assembledSequence = assemblyDeBruijn deBruijnGraph dnaSequences = map DNASequence ["ATGGCGTGCA"] deBruijnGraph = fromDNASequences 3 dnaSequences
where walk c t'@(TmVar _ x) | x == j + c = shift c s | otherwise = t' walk c (TmApp ifo t1 t2) = TmApp ifo (walk c t1) (walk c t2) walk c (TmAbs ifo x t1) = TmAbs ifo x (walk (c+1) t1) isValue :: Term -> Bool isValue (TmAbs _ _ _) = True isValue (TmVar _ _) = True isValue _ = False
discordOnEvent = flip runSqlPool pool . flip runReaderT cacheMVar . eventHandler actions prefix, discordOnStart = do -- Build list of cron jobs, saving them to the mvar. -- Note that we cannot just use @runSqlPool@ here - this creates -- a single transaction which is reverted in case of exception -- (which can just happen due to databases being unavailable -- sometimes). runReaderT (mapM (runCron pool) (compiledCronJobs actions) >>= liftIO . putMVar mvar) cacheMVar liftIO $ putStrLn "Tablebot lives!", -- Kill every cron job in the mvar. discordOnEnd = takeMVar mvar >>= killCron } TIO.putStrLn userFacingError
then (bor', a) else let i = abs ia - 1 geneValue = if testBit bor' i then SndValue else FstValue in (complementBit bor' i, toEnd n $ mapGene d geneValue a) where notFixed = testBit band ia = fromIntegral a i = abs ia - 1
mkShapeEnv :: ShapeType -> Either EvalErr (Env Expr) mkShapeEnv st = Map.foldlWithKey ( \menv x e -> menv >>= extend x e ) menv0
, vbfeBlocks :: (Vector (VBFSizeUnit, VBFBlock)) } -- ^ The entry file's data blocks. deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Request to insert a file into a VBF archive. data VBFEntryRequest = VBFEntryRequest { vbferLocalPath :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the file to add in the VBF archive. , vbferEntryPath :: FilePath } -- ^ Path of the file within the VBF archive. -- | Exceptions that might be thrown during VBF file handling.
See the file libraries/GLUT/LICENSE Support for reading a file of raw RGB data: 4 bytes big-endian width 4 bytes big-endian height width * height RGB byte triples -} module ReadImage ( readImage ) where import Data.Word ( Word8, Word32 )
TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable,
-- Portability: CPP, NoImplicitPrelude module Data.NumberLength.Internal where import Prelude (error) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) import Data.Bits (FiniteBits(finiteBitSize)) #else import Data.Bits (Bits(bitSize)) #endif import Data.Function (($))
interpret f = f . runIdentityT -- | A free 'Pointed' instance Pointed f => Interpret Lift f where retract = elimLift point id interpret f x = elimLift point f x -- | A free 'Pointed' instance Pointed f => Interpret MaybeApply f where retract = either id point . runMaybeApply interpret f = either f point . runMaybeApply instance Interpret Backwards f where
import Language.C.Quote as QC -- friends import Language.C.Inline.Error -- |Annotating entities with hints. -- -- The alternatives are to provide an explicit marshalling hint with '(:>)', or to leave the marshalling -- implicitly defined by the name's type. -- data Annotated e where (:>) :: Hint hint => e -> hint -> Annotated e -- explicit marshalling hint Typed :: Name -> Annotated Name -- marshalling implicitly defined by name's type
import Templates.Footer embedInTemplate :: Bool -> [String] -> Html -> Html embedInTemplate isInteractive jsSources x = do docTypeHtml ! lang "en" $ do htmlHead isInteractive body $ do htmlHeader isInteractive x htmlFooter htmlScripts jsSources
guard = do _ <- P.string "Guard #" i <- int _ <- P.string " begins shift" return (GuardStart i) asleep x = P.string "falls asleep" >> return (FallAsleep x) wake x = P.string "wakes up" >> return (Wake x) solvePartA :: [Shift] -> Integer solvePartA shifts = sleepiestGuard * minute where bg = byGuard shifts
filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter' f lst = helper lst [] where helper [] aux = aux helper (x:xs) aux | f x = helper xs (x:aux) | otherwise = helper xs aux data InfNumber a = MinusInfinity | Number a
import Data.Era.AD import Data.Era.JpEra toJpEra :: AD -> Either String JpEra toJpEra (AD year) | year >= firstYear Heisei = makeJpEra Heisei $ year - firstYear Heisei + 1 | year >= firstYear Showa = makeJpEra Showa $ year - firstYear Showa + 1 | year >= firstYear Taisho = makeJpEra Taisho $ year - firstYear Taisho + 1 | year >= firstYear Meiji = makeJpEra Meiji $ year - firstYear Meiji + 1 fromJpEra :: JpEra -> AD fromJpEra (JpEra eraType year) = AD $ firstYear eraType + year - 1
= OutputPrefs { opUnmatchedAction :: UnmatchedAction , opOutputMode :: OutputMode } deriving Show -- | Determines what happens with unmatched input names. data UnmatchedAction = Display | DisplaySeperate | Hide deriving Show -- | Determines how a list of games is displayed.
-- | Stolen from rack-contrib: modifies the environment using the block given -- during initialization. module Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.Config (config) where import Hack2 config :: (Env -> Env) -> Middleware config alter app = \env -> app (alter env)
module Models.Vk.Wall where import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON (parseJSON), withObject ) -- TODO -- | Запись на стене data Wall = Wall {} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Wall where parseJSON = withObject "Wall" $ \ _ -> return Wall
(p, moveEnd) <- runSFState posSFState pos -< i (bsEv, bsEnd) <- runSFState bSpawnSFState NoEvent -< (i, p) (_, dEv) <- runSFState destroySFState () -< (i, p) returnA -< (Output p bsEv, moveEnd `lMerge` dEv)) enemyMove posSFState = enemy posSFState (sfstate (const $ never &&& never)) (sfstate (const $ constant () &&& never)) draw :: Output -> Picture
module EKG.A276375 (a276375, a276375_list) where import EKG.A240024 (a240024) import HelperSequences.A002808 (a002808) a276375 :: Int -> Int a276375 n = a276375_list !! (n - 1) a276375_list :: [Int] a276375_list = filter (\i -> a240024 (i + 1) == a002808 i) [1..]
import OpalFalcon.Math.Matrix import OpalFalcon.Math.Transformations import OpalFalcon.Scene.Objects.PointLight import OpalFalcon.Scene.Objects.Disc import OpalFalcon.Scene.Objects.Plane import Data.Bits data DiscLight = MkDL Disc ColorRGBf Float -- Generates points on an (sxs) square centered at the origin; TODO: use RNG generateSquarePoints :: Double -> Integer -> [Vec2d] generateSquarePoints s c = let offset = s / (fromInteger c) c2 = shiftR c 2
let ms = readState fen in case ms of Right s -> map (\n -> (length (perft s n))) depths Left _ -> [] main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "perft" $ do it "handles chess960 position #11 from wiki" $ perftLengths "qnr1bkrb/pppp2pp/3np3/5p2/8/P2P2P1/NPP1PP1P/QN1RBKRB w GDg - 3 9" [1 .. 3] `shouldBe` [33, 823, 26895] it "handles chess960 position #33 from wiki" $
symmetric_positive sqrt x y csin x y = do write y (-1...1) lift1 sin x y periodic (2*pi) asin y x ccos x y = do
import Prelude import Data.List data Graph a = Graph [a] [(a, a)] deriving (Show, Eq) k4 = Graph ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd'), ('d', 'a'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd')]
-- disallow circular references checkCyclic waif value let var = waifData waif :: PVar PropertyMap vspace = pvar_space var :: VSpace liftVTx $ modifyPVar var $ VHashMap . HM.insert name (vref vspace value) . unVHashMap return value checkCyclic :: WAIF -> Value -> MOO () checkCyclic waif = checkCyclic'
module Its.Timmys.Fault.Again where -- createList :: Int -> [Int] createList n = [1 .. n]
, decode , eitherDecode , encode ) where import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as AP (eitherResult, parse) import qualified Data.BEncode.Builder as BEBuilder (value) import qualified Data.BEncode.Parser as BEParser (value) import Data.BEncode.Types import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
putInt :: Putter Int putInt = putLazyByteString . toHex . (endFunc getSystemEndianness byteSwap32) . fromIntegral putMaybe :: Maybe a -> Putter a -> Put putMaybe mi = case mi of Just i -> ($ i) Nothing -> (\x -> return ()) -- -- getters -- getGeometry :: Get Geometry
import Control.Exception (evaluate) import qualified ScannerSpec import qualified ParserSpec import qualified InterpreterSpec main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Basic Scanner Test" ScannerSpec.spec
) where import Control.Monad.Logger (logError, logInfo) import Control.Monad.Reader (asks) import LBKiirotori.AccessToken (getAccessToken) import LBKiirotori.API.ReplyMessage
-- is not present lookupUnsafe :: Show a => M.IntMap a -> String -> Int -> a lookupUnsafe m s u = case M.lookup u m of Just p -> p
walk :: Float -> Organism -> Organism walk dt u@(Uni p) = u {particleInfo = move dt p} walk dt (Multi p a os) = Multi p' a' os' where p' = move dt p
new_var, num) where import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M data Symtab a = Symtab { symbols :: M.Map a Int, next_id :: Int }
-- | Attribute key-value pairs can be declared in diagrams, nodes, boundaries -- | and flows. type Attributes = M.Map String Value -- | The top level diagram. data Diagram = Diagram Attributes [RootNode] [Flow] deriving (Eq, Show)
RoundedSpecialConstEffort MPFR where type SpecialConstEffortIndicator MPFR = MPFRPrec specialConstDefaultEffort sample = getPrecision sample instance RoundedSpecialConst MPFR where piUpEff prec _ = withPrec prec pi piDnEff prec _ = negate $ withPrecRoundDown prec (- pi) eUpEff prec _ = withPrec prec (exp 1)
main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "RVM code:" ; putStrLn ");'u?>vD?>vRD?>vRA?>vRA?>vR:?>vR=!(:lkm!':lkv6y" ; -- RVM code that prints HELLO! return ()
interpretM :: ParserM a -> A.Parser a interpretM = interpretWithMonad interpretP data Tree f a = Node a | Tree (f (Tree f a)) deriving (Foldable, Functor) -- | Pass values with all possible outermost constructors to 'parseJSON', -- and collect the results. -- fillOut :: FromJSON a => a -> Tree [] (ParserM a) fillOut _ = Tree [ Node $ parseJSON (Array u) , Node $ parseJSON (Object u)
main :: IO () main = do [n,m] <- map read . words <$> getLine :: IO [Int] print $ f n * f m where f x = if x < 2 then x else x - 2
validate 4012888888881882 `shouldBe` False describe "hanoi" $ do it "should return an empty list for zero discs" $ do hanoi 0 "a" "b" "c" `shouldBe` [] it "should solve for 1 disc" $ do hanoi 1 "a" "b" "c" `shouldBe` [("a", "b")] it "should solve for 2 discs" $ do
-- not True = False -- not False = True ----------- Natural numbers -- data Nat = Z | S Nat -- (==) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool -- (==) a b = case (a, b) of -- (Z, Z) -> True -- (Z, _) -> False -- (_, Z) -> False
hSpwnProcess' (List (Atom func : args)) hn | Just fn <- lookup func shellOps = fn args hn hSpwnProcess' (List (Atom func : args)) hn | otherwise = spwnProcess (proc func (toString args)) $ UseHandle hn where toString = map showVal hSpwnProcess' (Atom cmd) hn = spwnProcess (proc cmd []) $ UseHandle hn hSpwnProcess' (String cmd) hn = spwnProcess (shell cmd) $ UseHandle hn spwnProcess :: CreateProcess -> StdStream -> IO Handle spwnProcess process inStream = do --(_, Just phout, _, pHandle) <- createProcess (proc cmd (map showVal args))
, _svcEndpoint = defaultEndpoint esService <&> endpointHost .~ error "ElasticSearch Service endpoint is not configured. example: 'let env2 = configure (setEndpoint True <hostname> 443 esService) env'" , _svcTimeout = _svcTimeout elasticSearch , _svcCheck = _svcCheck elasticSearch , _svcError = _svcError elasticSearch , _svcRetry = _svcRetry elasticSearch
-- -- Copyright (c) [1995..2000] <NAME> -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Library General Public License for more details. -- --- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
instance Alpha Expr instance Subst Expr Type instance Subst Expr ArithOp instance Subst Expr LogicalOp
case desc ^. GameUI.customEventHandler of Just f -> (liftIO . toIO $ packAnyHasIOUIToUIState <$> f event state) >>= continue Nothing -> continue $ packUIState state ui dispatchVtyEventGameUI :: (ToIO m, HasUI m s e) => s -> UI m s e ->
-- start: f--f--f- -- rewrite: f → f+f--f+f snowflake :: Int -> Command snowflake x = f(x) :#: angle :#: angle :#: f(x) :#: angle :#: angle :#: f(x) :#: angle :#: angle where f 0 = GrabPen white :#: Go 10 f x = f(x-1) :#: angle' :#: f(x-1) :#: angle :#: angle :#: f(x-1) :#: angle' :#: f(x-1) angle = Turn (-60) angle' = Turn (60) -- -- Peano-Gosper: -- angle: 60 -- start: f -- rewrite: f → f+g++g-f--ff-g+ g → -f+gg++g+f--f-g
truncate' :: Double -> Int -> Double truncate' x n = (fromIntegral (round (x * t))) / t where t = 10^n spec:: Spec spec = do describe "Testing Geo.Base" $ do it "Basic zero Point" $
Prelude.False -> Prelude.False} type EqDec a = a -> a -> Prelude.Bool -- singleton inductive, whose constructor was Build_eqDec eqDecide :: (EqDec a1) -> a1 -> a1 -> Prelude.Bool eqDecide eqDec = eqDec eqDecProd :: (EqDec a1) -> (EqDec a2) -> EqDec ((,) a1 a2) eqDecProd h h0 a a' = case a of { (,) a0 b ->
( -- * Reexports -- ** "Data.Function" reexports (.) , ($) , (&) , id , const , flip , fix
import AOC.Types day24 :: Solution [Int] Int Int day24 = Solution { parse = const Nothing
module Tinc.GhcInfo where import System.Process import Tinc.GhcPkg import Tinc.Types import Tinc.Fail data GhcInfo = GhcInfo { ghcInfoPlatform :: String , ghcInfoVersion :: String , ghcInfoGlobalPackageDb :: Path PackageDb } deriving (Eq, Show)
import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Backend import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Window import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.ViewState.Reshape import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Callback as Callback import Data.IORef import System.Mem interactWithBackend :: Backend a => a -- ^ Initial state of the backend. -> Display -- ^ Display config. -> Color -- ^ Background color. -> world -- ^ The initial world. -> (world -> IO Picture) -- ^ A function to produce the current picture.
sAtom :: Atom -> T.Text sAtom (Str t) = t sAtom (Atom t) = t myParser :: SExprParser Atom (SExpr Atom) myParser = mkParser pAtom
instance ToJSON LambdaFunctionTracingConfig where toJSON LambdaFunctionTracingConfig{..} = object $ catMaybes [ fmap (("Mode",) . toJSON) _lambdaFunctionTracingConfigMode ] instance FromJSON LambdaFunctionTracingConfig where parseJSON (Object obj) = LambdaFunctionTracingConfig <$>
addtbnds <- solveSubproblem prob rest_rhs (con rule) res <- case (trace ("subproblem complexity " ++ show addtbnds) addtbnds) of Just (add_bound, reach_rls) -> --FIXME pass invariant of SCC instead of true constraint case findInitCond [] (con rule) of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (x, c) -> let rexprs = map (\t -> map (arithSimp . poly2arith) (args t)) rec_calls lexprs = map (arithSimp . poly2arith) largs arg_pairs = zip lexprs rexprs in
shouldNotDecode :: forall a . (Eq a, Show a, Yaml.FromJSON a) => ByteString -> Expectation shouldNotDecode bStr = Yaml.decode bStr `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe a) shouldGenerate :: forall a . (Eq a, Show a, Yaml.ToJSON a) => a -> ByteString -> Expectation
import Shared.Api.Handler.Common import Wizard.Api.Handler.Common import Wizard.Api.Resource.Plan.AppPlanJM () import Wizard.Model.Context.BaseContext import Wizard.Model.Plan.AppPlan
module Basketball (basketball, try) where {- Basketball (difficulty 2.7) - An easy one we're doing just to put a Haskell solution on the leaderboard and see where it ranks in terms of running time compared to other languages. Result: It ranks horribly, at 1.3s
it "should do sample 4" $ do let input = "hgt:59cm ecl:zzz\neyr:2038 hcl:74454a iyr:2023\npid:3556412378 byr:2007" let expected = 0 day4b input `shouldBe` expected it "should do sample 5" $ do let input = "pid:087499704 hgt:74in ecl:grn iyr:2012 eyr:2030 byr:1980\nhcl:#623a2f" let expected = 1 day4b input `shouldBe` expected it "should do sample 6" $ do let input = "eyr:2029 ecl:blu cid:129 byr:1989\niyr:2014 pid:896056539 hcl:#a97842 hgt:165cm" let expected = 1 day4b input `shouldBe` expected it "should do sample 7" $ do let input = "hcl:#888785\nhgt:164cm byr:2001 iyr:2015 cid:88\npid:545766238 ecl:hzl\neyr:2022"
module Enigma.Rotor ( Rotor , rotorPosAsChar , inwardOutput , outwardOutput , onNotch , step , buildRotor , buildGreekRotor
import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Text as Text -- | Formats a solution as an encoded Json string. solutionToJson :: Solution -> String solutionToJson (Solution list) = (\xs -> toString $ encodePretty $ Map.fromList xs) (map (\(x,y) -> (x, show y)) list)
where positions = M.fromList $ zip xs [1 .. length xs] next :: Game -> Game next (num, cur, positions) = case M.lookup num positions of Nothing -> (0, cur + 1, M.insert num cur positions) Just old -> (cur - old, cur + 1, M.insert num cur positions) part1 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int part1 xs stop = fst3 $ go (initialize xs) where go :: Game -> Game go game =
import Data.YAML as Yaml (prettyPosWithSource) import qualified Data.YAML.Aeson as Yaml import Fregot.Builtins.Internal import qualified Fregot.Eval.Json as Json import Fregot.Names import Fregot.Types.Builtins ((🡒)) import qualified Fregot.Types.Builtins as Ty
-- capitilization of the needles. The caller should be certain that if IgnoreCase -- is passed, the needles are already lower case. setSearcherCaseSensitivity :: CaseSensitivity -> Searcher v -> Searcher v setSearcherCaseSensitivity case_ searcher = searcher{ searcherCaseSensitive = case_ } -- | Return whether the haystack contains any of the needles. -- Case sensitivity depends on the properties of the searcher
logStr :: Event t Text -> m () -- | Access current time of server getTime :: m UTCTime -- | Get event that fires every n seconds. -- -- Note: the event will tick even there are no subscriders to it. Use -- 'tickEveryUntil' if you want to free underlying thread. tickEvery :: NominalDiffTime -> m (Event t ()) -- | Generate an event after given time once
newtype Unique = Unique Int deriving (Eq, Show) uniqueSupply :: [Unique] uniqueSupply = map Unique [0..] data Type = Int | String | Record [(Symbol, Type)] Unique | Array Type Unique | Nil | Unit | Name Symbol (Maybe Type) -- this is a ref in the book deriving (Show, Eq)
import qualified Snap.Chat.Internal.API.Tests import qualified Snap.Chat.Types.Tests main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests where tests = [ testGroup "Snap.Chat.ChatRoom.Tests" Snap.Chat.ChatRoom.Tests.tests , testGroup "Snap.Chat.Internal.API.Tests" Snap.Chat.Internal.API.Tests.tests , testGroup "Snap.Chat.Types.Tests" Snap.Chat.Types.Tests.tests
import Data.Typeable import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Backend.SVG import Diagrams.Backend.PGF import Diagrams.TwoD.Size
getSetCode Set1 = 1 getSetCode Set2 = 2 getSetCode Set3 = 3 data Card = Card { set :: Set, faction :: Faction, code :: Int, count :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class Generic (a :: Type) where type Rep a :: Univ from :: a -> In (Rep a) to :: In (Rep a) -> a
MySQL.Year -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ MySQL.YearValue <$> P.string MySQL.Bit -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ MySQL.BitValue <$> P.boolean MySQL.String -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ MySQL.VarcharValue <$> P.string MySQL.VarChar -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ MySQL.VarcharValue <$> P.string MySQL.DateTime -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ MySQL.DatetimeValue <$> P.string MySQL.Blob -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ MySQL.BlobValue <$> bsParser MySQL.Timestamp -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ MySQL.TimestampValue <$> P.string
| m == 0 = convert6 n | k == 0 = convert3 m ++ " million" | otherwise = convert3 m ++ " million" ++ link k ++ convert6 k where (m, k) = (n `div` 1000000, n `mod` 1000000) -- Billions - 000,000,000,000's convert12 :: Int -> String
spec :: Spec spec = do describe "RenderNotation" $ do describe "validRenderNotes" $ do it "Should only contain lowercase characters (except for last character)" $ and [ (==) (last validRenderNotes) '.', (all isLower $ init validRenderNotes) ] `shouldBe` True
main :: IO () main = do (path:mimeType:_) <- getArgs run 3000 (app path $ encodeUtf8 mimeType) app :: Text -> ByteString -> Application app path mimeType _req sendResponse = do appianReq <- return . eitherDecode . fromStrict =<< requestBody _req :: IO (Either String AppianPage) putStrLn $ "The request is: " <> tshow appianReq print $ requestMethod _req ctnt <- readFile $ unpack path sendResponse $ responseLBS
module DeferredFolds.Unfoldl ( module Exports, ) where import DeferredFolds.Types as Exports (Unfoldl(..)) import DeferredFolds.Defs.Unfoldl as Exports
collatz :: Integer -> Maybe Integer collatz x | x <= 0 = Nothing collatz x = Just $ collatz' x 0 collatz' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer collatz' 1 r = r
usingReaderT conn $ Database.attributesForInsert (password registrant) (email registrant) (username registrant) "" Nothing user <- withExceptT (internalServerError . show) $
ts <- gets threads pubs <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTVar $ publications n let mbpub = M.lookup name' pubs mb <- liftIO $ runReaderT (mkPub' mbpub bufferSize) (r,ts) case mb of Nothing -> return () Just pub' -> do liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar (publications n) $ M.insert name' pub' --put n { publications = M.insert name' pub' pubs } RN.registerPublicationNode name' pub' -- |Advertise a 'Topic' publishing a stream of 'IO' values with a -- per-client transmit buffer of the specified size. advertiseBuffered_ :: (RosBinary a, MsgInfo a, Typeable a) =>
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import Network.Run.TCP (runTCPClient) import Network.Socket.ByteString (recv, sendAll) main :: IO () main = runTCPClient "" "3000" $ \s -> do sendAll s "Hello, world!" msg <- recv s 1024 putStr "Received: " C.putStrLn msg
import Database.HDBC (disconnect, runRaw) import Spec import SpecHelper (loadFixture, openConnection) import Test.Hspec main :: IO () main = do c <- openConnection runRaw c "drop schema if exists public cascade" runRaw c "drop schema if exists dbapi cascade" loadFixture "schema" c loadFixture "role" c disconnect c
, docConfig = defaultConfig } type Encoder a = State EncoderState a type BlockEncoder = Block -> (Encoder Doc) type EncoderForDoc a = a -> (Encoder Doc) blockEncoder :: BlockEncoder blockEncoder = selectEncoder genericBlockEncoder [ context === constS "section" --> sectionEncoder , emptyContentS --> macroEncoder
spec = do it "emtpy equals empty" $ do sublist "" "" `shouldBe` Equal it "empty is sublist of anything" $ do sublist "" "anyhting" `shouldBe` Sublist
type instance Core.EraRule "TICKN" (SophieMAEra _ma _c) = Sophie.TICKN type instance Core.EraRule "UPEC" (SophieMAEra ma c) = Sophie.UPEC (SophieMAEra ma c) -- These rules are defined anew in the SophieMA era(s)
forceLocation (EditBuffer topLine (x, lineNumber) contents) moveToLineStart :: EditBuffer -> EditBuffer moveToLineStart (EditBuffer topLine (_,y) contents) = EditBuffer topLine (0,y) contents moveToLineEnd :: EditBuffer -> EditBuffer moveToLineEnd buffer@(EditBuffer topLine (_,y) contents) =
runDDB s f = runReaderT (unDDB f) s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl :: CreateTable tbl = CreateTable "timeseries" [ AttributeDefinition "_k" AttrBinary
(Color 255 255 255 255) ,DynData (x0 + 0.25,y0 - 2) (0.25,0.25) 108 (11,11) (Color 255 255 255 255) ,DynData (x0 - 0.25,y0 - 2.5) (0.25,0.25) 108 (10,12) (Color 255 255 255 255) ,DynData (x0 + 0.25,y0 - 2.5) (0.25,0.25) 108 (11,12) (Color 255 255 255 255)] -- 0 values are a basic cast (x0,y0) = (realToFrac x, realToFrac y) -- prime values locate the outer box (x',y') = (2*x0 - w',-2*y0 - h') (w',h') = (0.5*realToFrac w, 0.5*realToFrac h) -- double prime is the location of the inner box (x'',y'') = (x' + 1.0, y' + 3.0)
forAll2 neighDu5d "This one will fail with small number of notes: use tonalTranspCan (next test) instead. tonal transposition - neighbour notes in D up a fifth and neighbouring down" $ \x y -> do (x <=> y) (tonalTranspOf ~~ 1) forAll2 neighDu5d "tonal transposition more candidates - neighbour notes in D up a fifth and neighbouring down" $ \x y -> do (x <=> y) (tonalTranspOfCan ~~ 1) forAll2 neighAd5d "tonal transposition - neighbour notes in A down a fifth and neighbouring down" $ \x y -> do
imageSize = fromIntegral $ w * h * 3 } let p' = pixelBytes (toList p) w handle <- openFile filename WriteMode writeHeader handle header B.hPut handle p' hClose handle writeHeader :: Handle -> BMPHeader -> IO () writeHeader handle header = do B.hPut handle . signature $ header
module Kantour.Core.GameResource.MagicSpec where import Test.Hspec import Kantour.Core.GameResource.Magic spec :: Spec spec = describe "magicCode" $ specify "examples" $ do magicCode 184 "ship_banner" `shouldBe` 4357 magicCode 184 "ship_card" `shouldBe` 5681 magicCode 185 "ship_banner" `shouldBe` 5755 magicCode 185 "ship_card" `shouldBe` 2050
import qualified SendMail.Types as MailTypes import Data.ByteString import SendMail.Internal.SendMailInternal import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit getEmailSenderFromFile :: Show env => env -> Manager -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe MailTypes.EmailSender) getEmailSenderFromFile = privateImplGetBackend getEmailSenderFromContent :: Show env => env -> Manager -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe MailTypes.EmailSender) getEmailSenderFromContent = privateImplGetBackendFromContent sendMail :: MailTypes.EmailSender -> MailTypes.Email -> IO (Either MailTypes.ErrorMessage MailTypes.OkMessage) sendMail (MailTypes.EmailSender sender) email = sender email
generalizeExpr (InfixAppExpr ident e1 e2 meta) = InfixAppExpr_ ident (generalizeExpr e1) (generalizeExpr e2) meta
[C.exp| TypeInfo* {new TypeInfo($(const char* s'), $(TypeInfo* ptr))} |] deleteTypeInfo :: Ptr TypeInfo -> IO () deleteTypeInfo ptr = [C.exp| void {delete $(TypeInfo* ptr)} |] instance Creatable (Ptr TypeInfo) where type CreationOptions (Ptr TypeInfo) = (String, Ptr TypeInfo) newObject = uncurry newTypeInfo deleteObject = liftIO . deleteTypeInfo class IsTypeOf a where -- | Check current type is type of specified type. typeInfoIsTypeOf :: (Parent TypeInfo t, Pointer p t, MonadIO m)
modules :: [String] modules = [ "-XOverloadedStrings" , "-XCPP" , "-XLambdaCase" , "-XPatternSynonyms" , "-i","-i.","-iinternal" , "-threaded" , "-package=dns"
import Advent (getIntcodeInput) import Intcode main :: IO () main = do pgm <- new <$> getIntcodeInput 2 print (startup 12 2 pgm) print (head [ 100 * noun + verb
onEvent st (VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc [])) = do halt $ st { appCancelled = True } onEvent st (VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter [])) = halt st onEvent st (VtyEvent e) = do list' <- handleListEvent e (appList st) continue $ st { appList = list' }
quicksort [] = [] quicksort (x:xs) = let left = quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] right = quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x] in left ++ [x] ++ right
data Expr = Lit Integer | Add Expr Expr | Mul Expr Expr deriving (Eq, Show) eval :: Expr -> Integer eval (Lit a) = a eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y